' , ' , '.' ;- . 4 ‘i; 5 : - .::.' ,. :',": . *-•;':l'''''':c4',i',.i ::",•;-,r!.:?.;..':n,:-:',:•--;t:I';':::::r.-3. • ESTAB.LISIM'IN 1786. p e ß,in.: 1 &LLANE oUS. wHikE , 4, co. easeror ans_as liaez 11W?, ircrr DlOl xo Pally r. pa *swum „ • • .Weekty,, la advszes).—... •••• 2AP3.. - . 7 " • Do. 1 . Clabs, at • ratateed CM. 191.1 CI OF CIDITIBILTIALINO: " AORDEIi UPON- • - pv TI C P/TTISIIIIIM ?far (to lint. of Nonpareil crr len)" One Sint re, cath idditlaual ufwttoni • OA • two 1,00 • mi. three weeks.-- ata SAY, Do. : two nionthe--,,+—•••• 7 , 001 Do. lour mamba --•• 10.00 1 , -1)0. " air 1.2,a0 • 18,00 I Sundial; Card (lt anal or less.) Par arelats • DWG One Square, assignable atplearara (per aro - num) exclusive of the paper•—••••••• ,- *" - 5 5 .09 For each additloaal equate, Juana over Doe mos* and for rate additional Kure Instorood 'Martha yew- IT 09)00, Adrertlreateats exceediag a Pp m" and not 00 00 firma Imre, to be envied as • burro and a pill'. rablirlers not actountablo far legal WIT•111/e0(tiltil bayou!! the mown clamed for their publication. Announcing - .candidate, kr ofilte, to be charged the tame as other adrerusuaente., Adverthernentinot masked on the copy for a sped fief pg,b,., of jmnlum, will be tont/need WI forbid, and payment eratted mem& • . The pwrilegenof yearlyadrenlsers will be .111firted rigidly U. airy. meta businea, and all other adYer. tiara...is nape:tatting to Melt regular , bustnesa,! as *greed for, to be paid car. All adrenhements.foneharilable InsUlations, ire roan anise, ward. townaldp and other public meetings, and such like, la be charged ItnifPlinr,PnYnbla •tnntlY la Wegner . . . 'Mantua nod eau to be chanted 60 eenti. Dealt ounces evened without ebarips, valeta accent. pani..J by (anneal luaus lone ar obltaary makes, and arbeu to accompanied tone paid for. - CARDS. so. a. assuun razes r. Eni GUSH SIT; flare English, Gallagher .1:4 co Wholesale Grocers, Gontronvon and For am dulls Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pins large ilausfarnares,tara37 .Wood et, bemoan B.d add •-• streets. - .„ , r . ? I HENRY, sno t. ita Coancebor •41.16, Cin nomad, Ohio. actions to Bentham Ohio, 111,1 m Wm*, and in Kentackr, womptly and nap,- tally attended to. Piataamiouer for the /Raz of Pen. sylvania, for taking IlevtosiOona, acknowledgnients, Rana Bell darda t Ckatelt ea.tanm, /UM Eaq,Willock (IMMOE COCHRAN, Onaccalssitim 11Md Forwarding' Merchant, No. 0:i Wood areet.. Pitisbagh; nayl.7. 1101112. LZAGUNA .P.II.OTORY. HAMILTON STEWART. pannfnetnm Iten•Y :shirting., Meek* io n litobeeea street, city o Allegheny. noYIS-dI7• • LIE, ( 11 recesagr hialpht &Le e:) {Vaal Deal leiieg LlW,oppoYte . dfh " st. febl7° 11!ALIN 11a1=0111. irocsiSoi,.loWAlL6 ZW.D, D. c: istAttwort, WWI a. D.MUS., LAW) a UUCIZNOR,Tobaceo Comminlon chatits, 41, North Waist it, 16 Nonh Wharves, ' . notltt.tf 1/1211. P. JOU.. AAMOY, JONFS & _Go-, Gammon. w Atwood, doped & Co.) Commassauon and Forwarding ider angina,. delderk Pin:abut/I Usaufastared Goods, rinsbarab, Pa. • Wm. 11. B. McVay IL WILLIAM/ £ co., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North Ent connt'of Wood sod Tkird sweet., W. Pi ./SAILIFIALLIq .• Uncommon am animal: ot. nrca4. • ISdPoatat. D.W. in French and American Pa per Hangings and Borders.. Windom Shuts. Flip c.aard kn. *lam, Writuag, Printing and Wrap tle7y,tri t rt tro " r acli 1." ?'" robin :W • - 11:._2.1Ert twin, I smmi DICKEY • ea, Wholesale Omen, Co.. minion Merchants, anfhtlesdas In Prodnee,Nos.S. Water, and 107 Front streets. Pfthibargh. hood • NO. A.CAUGHEY, Agent Om the Late Etie and ON Miellig en Line to llestrer aml ihe Lakes , -Ocoee on the comer e( Water and Smithfield sth :WA John B. Ddsvona•--•---• • --J mph. DA woad J DlLWOHTlll.oo.,_Wholesale Uroeirs and t ie / tilt :gents Li for asssd Powder Co., No. Y 7 Wood a., Ileby /01014. DLIMOrtII. _ DILWO/TB. — ' S. DILWORTH Wkalwale Grocers, Pro le date' and Commies= liereherns, and .gems for the Hazard Powder co. or N. Y., No. 27 Wood a, !R_ übogh. sorb TORN IL TOWNSEND, Dagen seA ApoCheia U No. 46 Mute et, throe downbeat:are Third at PI.. • burgh, Will him western!) tut kind • well ealakted aortheetn of Ow hothead freshest Mandate, wrack lei wttf sell on the wont retainable terms. Tkysleistis *ending orders, will be promptly attended to, and aup2 plied with articles they nay rely van as ganathe. _UM ?bia th lons Presstiptions will be wearatnly and De.u4v-pr i th e best =tends, at any Wu of "Al da y or sofa, L a tarp stook of fresh and good Perth: 10FIN WATT, ( censor to Esnit Gebbart. a! Wholesale Gr• er aud Comaitsslos Merriam. deafer to Produce and Pittsburgh hlanufacians, sot our of Liberty sad Rand meets, Pittsburgh Pa. Ladd AMES A. HUTCHISON, A. Ce.—Sueeessors to Y ',Mi. lilnali3oll I OW,' Cantlaissiou Merehants, and Agents of the Ht. Loots !Sasso Sow Santry. No. el tram and tl front arms, Pitobargh. last JOHN H. MELLOR, Wholesale andWder in Mein and Misdeal Itisttarnents, School Beau, Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, Quills, Printer. , Cards, and floulonsrp genendly,No. 81 Wood el-plusbaugh. [l:7- Bass bought or taker, In trade. meplS MILTOOIIO, WbL YOUNG it Co.—Dealer. In Leather hides, era. • Ax. .4:15.4y TAT R. RPCUTCHEON, Wholesi. Owen, dart V V . lery in Product, Iron N Olass, aut brg • It WM 3 . ATTOmY AT LAW, Butter, Pa WLL oho attend to collections and all cam, b art ness entrusted to him to Bailor sad Armstrong doontino, Pa. Enter to - , J. tc. H.Floyd,l,lberti a ' W. W. Weise., do James Shinholl - do Plasbonth. all . toy & Co., Wood at . isn7 PIiTTIGIACW i CO, 87eeM BOAT AGENTS On= Aims AL Aux= A-Co, otal N. ITWailar suret. W. dr. 11. lIITOIDELTEMZ. , . • 110LISALE GROOMS, ascneyint; TILI.ERS, sad WINE mid LIQUOR MERCH ANTS. Also—lmposters of Soda Ash and Bleaching Powder, N. tee LMetty sh, (opposite Sixth se.ii Ptim• burgh. NOM ouBll ' DAM I< L ^• NITICK WCANDIO33, Naecessors to Li J. D. vy Meta Wholesale Grocems, Forisattling and Commission Merchants, &Wass hams, Nails, Glass, wiser of .oddttdmm hilkliaftantin craly, tonw• of Wood Water street% Phlsbnl2ol ir W. WALLACE, Mill Sto. • Mal Furwsh. w Log esublishmexu, No. .114,41 Liberty .t, 'Neu tie cane. W -I". ,u i tmiliturE ll4l" ' Wsw ttronitre ' lltt Exert Pittsburgh, DN.—Wadies and Mete earetilly repaired. ! duel rtF — BOlVEN—Commusion • and Fo Morelia., N. 90 Front At between 47,1' M urket aa ty, cda. reb94 22 1 iDey °reign e met of bbubet and Fourth 'mbar V. 1161.1311 G 111113171611. JOHN 111.1=11.14 111.0fIrL/LND. ELLERS & NICOL% Precise., and General Cm .° 01531.1011 Merchants, No. 17 Liberty et, Pit:Libya& Sperm, Linseed and Lard Oil& . • LO r .ri di NltO . r,T &, •ls . r h "Vr , ol p rtie ( g Le:lers ' i ' n'•Fais . rrgh " ffanafnctares and Western Br. dace. hare removed wrath . new orarebose,(old nand) tinl3.eornor of Front an end Chancery Lane. A. H. JCACILIIII.6 CO., rEOLOGICAL, and Bar S.W. igooksellen, end dealenrin all blade ol Writing N isde. lad Wrapping c*r, No. 79 Weed urea, be torus Patna and Diamo ader,Pinsbargn, • TA8...1V it Wholessla Grocers and Cornea 403 Idenams. ea deafen In frodsoo. No. -33 and ....Pinsbonrh. • P.Ot3 U. W o ol , DEALER Commiseion Merchant for the .aleof Antenean W ooten. Goode.LlW,W."''' 114.1A1.1t1 logs I. [VOLVO. ' U &rowan* ' wars lusmt.ri. 11.10ALEY & CO, Go gh. Mow*. a TT and UP Woodareei Piust&lgh. .0.27 J HARRISON SEWELL, Counsellor al Gw.—Of• Les on Paunh at, above SmartsAL nov&ly T C AMELDI orlirsms, obio oP • ion Bed !tankard, ano Wh01. 1 . 10 dealer is Victim Berms Cheese, Hader, re_i pearl Ash, sad Weesstir Peados* Cheese, ATE" . 00ree! disi_ehlield sad Wood, Pittsborili. Vile - is Drumm*, kJ. .r4d794 Wood um; rizobortii. • • etir% VMlGAtoto7rlVlgito. Wood meet, coo door Bowl of fOomeaut ;ro . l , ll — t h s. . , Ascoosocz, eoforrabliad of' wro —1 TO . Bootle (1, Primers a) and Paper Manafaeroten, No. 44 Market 4t, Pita. Jags Volta • ' •• • RLIZIL.II) rLOTO. T & K FLOYD, Wholesale Orneere, Coniallsaion • hlerebanta, and DCOVI in peog,,,, e ; Ro un d rlantelt !bolding., fronting an Merit., Wood - and eth sorts, Pittsburg!", Pa. - • AM FS DALZFIT., Molt:tale Grocer, estarnission ' chant, and: dealee In, Predate and Pittsburgh Iditudentetee._No.2l Water et,, Pittsburgh'. Awe J"iiSW RITTER., Aisosur sr lass, oaks 3i al, • *PP. S . I a M. Mader Rael, Pintabarrli, will also mead P..PtIY us Westerns, ia Wealth:goon, Pay cue .4 Gram counties, Pa. RBPER TO Illaskssoels, Dell k Co., • . fr. eszothers, inst. • D T. Wore.; pencils . wool Blerahmits, Dealer. to Flout and 01 , 1 CoMmaifika Ilcrel4 fri ° ," F "' " ' dk ' S . aios et, PII. • . ~,,..*^VV-.Tie.,47peZIVI" Alipi • •,--, ~,,,,...tjr:.,:%4Z..,;1+7,...,. I,%,,.....!'^iez.'‘el;eML '1,"'.1,-f,..'-'7,^V.:l‘.9' ... , '''' . Z .-", ;.'' ' ''''' '.' '''' , - Yl '4 , -,',,,,,-/.', • • - . / ..- • '.-., -‘ - ..6. , Z.Z .- ' ..- , , ,,.... . ~r, - ......, ...... Z'*-?. -... ;rf'''' , •"" jl .- 14 . Z ,- Vi - ': l ' .'• ' ...,... 1.-.4...-.Z:-.:.: • . 1" - " , " , "' - '''' . ' .- rh:„ .,,, -,.:•.',1--1..f..*'%Wif..Z.'.1"..`;`..^-,-V,Zr,..z,..;,7.; , ,-,if;,,,..,?-:iel4-Nf-741(.44.''''''r.:471-.7-`t ''''''''S'4'.'":' '''''''''''.‘" f -1'2.-:''' T--Z-t..:-. ' ' •... a1::.....:...:;.:4.Z.2.44::-' . ..-....-C.. , --- "-^"'-"......_ '''' , . Z • ,• • 1,:',7.:,::,3-1".!.,T;,-,1'.=;:•1,.!-,-.17; ,---.',...4.?,, ..:!*- - .:.-.,....-.7-.::,;:ci1 5 i:::,;.. ,, ,--, .7. :•-•,,:-:.'-'......•.:.-..,,,-.:.;:.:`;-;----': - '.•-•,,;,--,,, ;z...' -..-‘-‘,. , - - 1 - -1 - .:_____,..;...2...5.:...._.__—___ ----:.------ - ---- . . - 1 e .., - . • . -.. T.-, , _... ) ".. .. 7 . ... LIT , .' 1.. • , P 3 ; r i• •:: • . , , • . .., ~ , t t , , f t Neridle'SlSOLl62l/15, Beek Bileadlisile , wp ar ler s im i Ln i thie abore i ba ; e4::: -owe an pispenot nedissoy orb* oot line wilier. patch: - er atm* lo In work pet s col onus. 7llbio*n odll be given In regard to its neatness ondelni Man Books *lad to any wens =I lowed solie stainially. Spoke* numbers *old basks bowed earn tally or numbed. - Mows pot on books to Oblate* Those that hawse* in sot llne are isthiol on till. Reba • ...salsa, Cooking Staves, Ilrates, Lo. HARSRALL, WALLACE & CO., Rowed Maxi, eonser Marty and Wood streets, utanafaettus offer for sea Platform; Floor and Cofinter Scales; of the coostimprourlquallty; CookingStoica for Ina and cool; Rgg posei of verities sissy Parlor and postman Grates, Hollow Ware, &o. to. 'Phil also ounalactare the Ihthen Range, which hutivert such general utiefaction to those, having it in use, m mist which they would respectfully invite tha ZUEIIIIOII of the cittietts and the public generally. • ocal.dif WATIMMILII PAL . JORIRM. /WM.. WIC lg. ZWIT • reziega, 1111.1IIIA. Ai CO., (Sunceesors Haneey,j _Hanna .k)en..) DANNEES, EXCHANGE BEIDEEES, and <lcahn Potelo add Dosnestlc Exchange Cortlicatea of Deposita, Bank Not* ax! Specie-- new. nearly opposite the Bantof Ptnabazgh.' tei Onnent oe. ni tzed on derai Cheeks for nude the United Swim Advane.ea made on consignments of Produce., ship• peel F.at.e on liberal term. aP2 The Pawanylwassla'Comapalny • Fon Inestouncson Luc. Aso Gkurroto Annerrms. 'THE first life Insarance Company lo the U.l3tates. Ineorporatedidareh tO,lBl.2.—chaster perpetual. apital 4.500,003—a1l paid tn. limn, awl:wised the sindersigimd w rectum appli cations for Insurance, on which policies win...issued, according to their proposals sod rates, Width will be /nada known to appiicanta at his ounce, No. 24 Wood street. - spfl • E/EO. COCHRAN. Mol.4t.NtNti PRlNTel—Handsome blacciThr and black and dove colored Priors, for Mourning he found at Om Dry Goads House of Wilt • W @MURPHY i glAr . iff ' t742 fi' re:=, $1 toire.l riee, at the Nonh .E.aucanker m ef Fourth and Market sta feat 1ega,7"1 8 „.11L,1 1 ,t,1 - PAsT, tz'a Wrought Caper, Callan, and Cuffs. Alan black Collars and Cuffs, and 160 plead rick blaek Bilk Lanny', all widtbe. fete% I MEN HDKPI3-330 don Ladles' mad Gana - Loon La Cambric Flatfa wall lot of Ladies' Choke Entb , d do, reed per express at • (abed A A MASON & CMS Tha Franklin Fria bargain= Ca of Pkikrialintia. Th[RECTIMIEL—CharIes N. Dancker, Minim Ilan, ill 'Tobias Wagner, Sultan] Grant, /aeon IL Smith, Uoe. W Itichards Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolpho E. Fama, David 8. lemma, Morris Patterson. . . Cut= N. BASITIZI, President. Charles i:Ellaneker, Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, 011 every description or property to town or etountry, at rates as low aa are consistent with stearin.; To Company base maenad a large conunse strand, which with their Capital sad Premiums, safely invest edintinford arap coma n l o or reti n a . % ntr y, the nn reared. 100, o no, no Ushed agreeably to an let of Assca " lty, wars as folio v a le, , rt t at 111 04,744 lo 41 Te=oFll.l7 Loans 98,00( 83 Cash, 33,804 61,313 3723 a.c. ,329, 71 Some theLe bmotporatien • period of Sl 19 yea 499 rs, th ey have paid towards of one Anima folubundralthou. and dollars, losses by Bee, thereby adarding evidense of the advantages of Insurance, es well as the ability and dlspeuntionie ace/with proutpmese Agen liabilities. L GARDINER COFFIN, . starl- 17 ' °Zee N E comer Wood and-nd t, ate ' Life Sad LIMO. lairwramee.; THE Mataal Life and Health Inmence Company. of Phil lvanos.adelphia, Incorponund by the Legislature. Permay h; MR Charter erpetnaL Capital lIIIIMA KO. ! Ram town man ass p PlotusrL. ?sane .:Nast, anil Oill PO per cent lower than the meal iales of Life Insurance; as the following cm piriarm will shown Thus, a person of the age of 3O alums. for RICO for life, mustpay in the Girard 1:2,36. 'Pe onsylvania. MLA Penn Mental. *KA W_L ,,, t4 . 1 111,04; New Fsgland, ect.,N4 New York 100. 1 1 .1. 35 i Al. Mon, 110,4 R Life and Realm, Philadelphia, 'LPL - Dratemaa—Sareact D. Orrick, Charles IL Hell. W. F. Hoene,' Reheat P. King, CharM P. Hayes, ;M. W. Baldwin,' AL M. Reeve, M. D., -Chas. 0. B. Campbell, Lewis Cooper , L Rodman Barker, F.:H. Limier, Edwin FL Cora. Primident—Samel D. Orrick; Vice Petal dent—Bobs P. riipE Secretary—Francis ti/ackbense." • applicatione veal boreceived, and every inhumation given by SAM: FA/INF:STOCK, am, ORM, Commercial Roma corner of or nl7.dly Wood and Third sta, Pitta barer WIELD AND MAILIAIIaNALIBANICE. rpm INSURANCE CO. of North America will snake permanent and limited Insannenoti pro perry La this city and Siektlty, and no shipments by Canal, Risers, Lakes, and by Bea. TO propsnies of this Company are well invested, and tarnish ale dadafend for tho maple 'edema. of all Perinswbo .dosire to be protected by um scylY• WALT. JON. EZAJLAYII-INSVIAAN ICs At The Spring etidup c in $ OP _PHILADELPHIA AIWA JOAO°, TNBIIItE9 Moles wid creates agates be ItApense j. and Loss occasioned by &am,. Acrid cut, by an Immediate allowance of imps IS al per week, for one, two. dyed, or thof 'The method of erecting tlils 'Nan en, and me roamer of awarding The sick allowance, will be folly explained by the Agent A person tan insure aiainat Sickneas or Accident Inca trill detain him from his ordinary basin.% as .11ovra,irin • • ror one year, by paying f 4,20, and receive 53 ir week. For Iwo " 60), " " 4 " For three " • 7,93, • • 3 • For roar • • 19.93, • Or, fora period of roar yang, the sum of 111440 paid arantally, will secure 99par week fiddle seek. Every necessary Information will be *fronted on the subject of Luanne," generally, by JAXI23 DURDIO & CO, Agents, &LUC. Odeon llatlcht. BELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY. AA. FULTON, Bell and Brass Founder, has lei built and eounneneed badness otitis old stand where he will be pleased to sea his old custom. era and friends. . . Chareb,Steamboajand Bells of every .to, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, out from pal:fermi of the most appro.. ed models, and warranted to be of the best materials. blinend Water Pumps, Counters, Railing kn., tpge. therewith every variety of Braes Castings, if required, tamed and bushed in the eratnt manner. A.F. is the role proprietor of Basarra Awn-Arm/- nos Una; so justly nelebmted for the redgetton of friction In mathinery. The Boles and Composition Call ballad of blm at all times. • bad, — iwts. A Wiwi. MM. Lnitsoz. - - - IiOATTE i ATKINSON Tat Pr, firlallaal WOOD AND MAWS 1 . 1171181M0M, CaaISTINUE to manalietare all kinds ' of COPPER, %.." TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE— Also, Insea m:nth Work. Steam Boats built to order. raead au m enu glen to steam boas work. re on bands aloe monomania( Copper and Bran Kettles, Tin Ware,keAte. Steamboat Cooing Stoves, Portable Forges, various dues—a very eormanient at ails for steamboats, California emigrants, or nil mad companies. We mearld rewmfally Mane stem: boat men and others to call and ma oar articles and prima MGM pareharing el amber. rrl7 • SHAIDELLNITT NO. 92 WOOD STREET, HAYR now to store a large antigeneral assortment et DRY 0001.1 d, which they offer to CRY and Crump Merchants at relined prices: and which they 5111 sell sage jt indneeracrs so. cash Were. or roe qprored ere • 1519 - Palm .111sollma Shp. WlGHTMAN—hirmalhentur o arf lle a llnten Mode oeityf coo Son and woollen inaohloory,Ar, Ps. above works bolognolr in . fall and saeetasts/ eration,l am prepued to exertatiatritars with dispatch for all kinds. of machinery in cyltns nth as "willows, prekers,apreaderr, cards, miming routines, nilyways, drawing frames, [speeders, thread* bona, woo n or rangle,for monk.' or annoy . work, stales,jaiekko4 Bide and hand lathes and tools in gen. eraL All kW& arab...Ain roads to order, or plans gie. an for gearing faelones or mills at reasonable charm Roza so—Kennedy, ChM. & Co., Blaelutoek, Bell k Moe, Pennock k. Co, /as. A. Gray. INEW TICILIEOIII.APH OPPIOX. . nnue citizens and banners men or Piusbergh ant respectfolly Informed that the Morse Telegraph Lines see new to nomplete operation between Mi. elty and Baltimore, Wasinagten, and other Eastern Clue., conneming at Wasitinnon City with the Monet Line, the only one Bomb to Richmoad, Raleigh, Charlenon, Angasta, finannish, Mobile sod. New Orleens—end clineenieg W Bd city with hoe.. running West and Xenia to the prittpipal soma and edict lathe valley of the hllssistippl, sad on the Lake.. These Line. will meant and send menage. as cheap a. any ether Line, and the e i ar a =re and clerks will be foiled gee ilemanly and ace ting. r e•• hewer nary of the BT. CIILRLEB . Wood street. Jan 9.210 CO-pARTAZIEISIIIP. C. BREYFOOLE, having emaciated strith him O. A. IL CLARKE, for the purpose of transacting the Forwarding and Commiesion business, .111 eon. Ouse that bissiecei al the old statul of .Cope A Be.y• gotta? and rcepectfully ants a contintrance of the formeriattimuge of to friends and the pablic genet. aX.. 4, 7" w it0 0 t;7 3 = 44 w&1 t a m condoned under the name J. C. BRESTOCLE,' A. CLARKE. Pittsbargh, Jan, 7, 1834-171114 --- DlSselatlos of OwPutaaru6lp. — BE itPaeiv§...braotek- d c: r r; uusolved by mutual consent, Jan. loth. V. st. &up., arming purchased the Mira Interest of. W P. id w h,o4.l. m.. i, will amend to the settlement of the.basions of the into firm, at the old 0004, No 6i 12Ni . 'a. H. WALTON: pv:IMEg m Oldies and Jdoeiery, Truamings, Fancy Goode, Ribbons, I acre and Embroideries. Zephyr owed,' Patterns and CanTBAS. No C 2 Fourth We.. PlUbbagle. 'A fold . supply of Film Mute Ge aed nt s' Girder Ow:saw - (a.44.3 . . . . . . ' • ' . toILMAIITINZI lIIOOIIIE, XOllllll . O/ 'roasts ACM sabserbber rameettally mumences that be has now opened kis near and exeellent Hotel the seeammodarion of. travelers, boarders, and the pablie renerally. The Mane and lernitere are entiraiy new, and no or 0Z1.1.1 have ben glared to geodes It one die most comfortable and plessesu Muds in the airy. The mibianiber I. detenitimed to Alesernt, and tiers. fore Whim; asbams of pallilio_Pstomff. /MOOD HOUGH. Proprietor,. LEAD a SHOT-700 pig. Galena Leal . . CO keis oval Shca tor gala by fetal .1 A HUTCHISON LCO • WiEZ•7S as Cana.% 12 twos sad Gar - C* 0r `!-'- I° J HUTCHISON t. CO DRIED FRUIT-60 bu prim. F.o",:_ go. II IA do Appl_sn • , tuba J D WILLIAMD•DO Wood Pri-n, tads N Corollas, f.o.b. bi 40:13 J iIIITCULSON iCO IMUMOIIB. lynx at the RALTIMORA,IIIIEADELP/HAt NEW YORK. BOSTON AND NEW ORLEANS. MERU, AGENCY ANDOMESISKIN OFFICE Wang KEN is Wholearde sad retail Ma me and other. mutable • bulbul. be act a Book-koepers, Saler am, Patter% Barkee —pen, Waken, Yu= men, Cu Aseole,•Book and Ea. Avant, rma la ail kranches of bashmee, ko: we dr. at time a large number of good situations °ahead, winch pay from VO RAMO per annum Thou M want of eimations of soy kind would doWell to give as a eel; as we haul agents In auk or the&Sore el deo, Mich will enable u to place every opplimat ie • enfeeble situation at tha shortest node. • We have a Impe acquintance in all the.above named eine. winch we tram will enable its to give entire entiefactt non to ail who nury favor na with a TAYLOR & TAIWAN, N 0.59 Second ' - • ' fu • .N.R.,Persons he any between South part of the U.S Sta." te. teed elite to obtain. Mutation in Ralthaore, or M. thec elite Oovecitlen will have their wont anmied to by addrovents Os a 11..lpott.poidl Immo as by ea tains they. will mulaiMoth trouble and ext. pew, which they Menefee would Mew by coming to the city, and se employment for themselves Addrom, - • -....T.A.11.011 I TAIWAN, . • • • No.SO Second mreett Mitindtf Balkolore, Ed • InGllllolloi We public of tespeeuuny called i. the followieg MUftntili Eemoso—lbming waled a quantity 'a Gold weighed by your Ammeter, I Ind the result prom yoarliummard comer, mid recommend the utter it w those noWs to Callfainia. es as beat milted for oh talithai the real 'M L ae of Gold. Maw, yomL B. DUNLEVY, Gold Beater. Pinabargh, Marsh O,IBUI. Prrmitrien March 7,1812. • tda.Esanse—DearBlrt Having ex amined the "Arid. mew: "'manufactured at year rooms, I do net hectare to commend it to the use of those gentlemen who are about removing to California in search of Gold. It gives a claw appromunationto the speclge greet t 7 of metals, and will emend) enable the edeentmer to ascertain when his placer Is rekitgr Gold. male RUBT7ER '' CarI.ING—J . ust received fordo, J. California Expedition, a complete immanent er Gum Eleatic Clothing, at prices ranging from ISM ur SAW for suit of coat, towns and hat. For side at the India Rubber Depot, No 2 Wood St. dec.,/ it. H PHILLIPS Sanaa Brick er • r S. 711%aalmerlber offers for .co,l the STEAM ERICK OREI3, above Lawrenceville, comprising a team Misuse, a Healers, !Mould Machine, capable of manafachumg 20,0,0 Tressed Brick. (art or dry clay, as Laken from the back,( per day; with three arms of land on the Allegbenj river, on which are! labia and sheds, eutchlne and play sheds, wheelbarrows, true., shovels, spades, tel, every thing r.nisito cam. =ace operations at . hours notice. Price, including the patent right to um said machine, 67,01*—Imoss of payment Madeettly. Without the land, SUM For particulars, address HENRY MERRITT, • .Itt No US Monongahela House. Wrotaight sad Cast.llsg. Lsabserthers beg leave to Inform the pub be that . they have obutheed nom the East all the late and iable. designs 'for Iron Retire*, both ouses and eentetulea Parse. within to proems for h hand some ;karma!, will please call and eganuste, and lodge .for thennelves. Railing mill be (=Med at the short. en nodes, and laths beat manner, at the earner et Craig and Rebecca auveta,Alleghooy city. aug2a-dtr A. L.utohrr & lINOZ. "PURGE fr. CO's Daily Express Is now .LIP d limit.; Can and Shell OYSTERS, ;Tr o e f: fared to .1 "Jars and _families at the lowed price.. Quality w•curated equal to any brought to this mu km, and tor sale by T. C. BIDPirELL, Ant, Water at. Alto—At the following dopolm—Rele fr. Berger roc. ner Smithfield and Second suu E. licaeleton, Diamond; Mercer R Roblund. Poderul sr Alla luny, cud 6 E have some MUM, do , nude on air prera W plan, so ea not to free= 121 the ebldest weather: Persona wanting inch actislee,•exe invited to call and see th em at • SCA.IFE t ATKINSON'S, mutt let. between Wood Varket at. NZW BOOKII NEW BOOKIN TniE Coamitution and Standvd of the Amoebae Reformed Chareh in North America: lino, bound I"eap eher Side, or Notes for the Maury of the War battireen Marko and thojinited Butes, written in Mexico. and translated from the Spanish, with notes; By A. C. Ramsey. Altetshes of Reforms and Reformers of Great Britain and Ireland: By H. Stanton. The. orts of President Edwards, In I vol.; • • re print of the Worcester edition, with addition., and a copimusenetal index. The Mo s netal. of Egypt, or Egypt KWh... for the Bible: By F. L. Hawks, D.A. L. L. la Memoirs of David Hale, Into editor of Journal Of Coadnorce, with eclectic= boot his himcellaneous By Res.). P. Thomp.on. W =ritan and His Danghtor: by J. K. Lou ankling. .• (Online, or an Hondo View of Mexico and Cal ifornia: By Law. Wipe, O.S. Navy. Familiar Letters to Voting Men, or, various subjects; deahyned as a Companion to the Young Men's Guide: Etym. A. and .A The Poems Prom Writin RA. Dana: vs Nineveh and its Remains: S i Layer& For INN by ELLI ENGLISH, jaall No 79 Wood .1 A - Pramual tot Year Moally. . - MORRIS A. WILLIS , 110111 R JOURNAL Pruners. Wrazze—lll 112 W.. ‘the beat paper In the Union." [Evening Star. .Raibor got Os tool than in wittiest*" Pomo Pon. Nes rabscribera can be applied from Jam 1,18:0, if immediate application be made (either penonally or by IrZa at the Ilia 441' • ;tt, I:ejtd, =UZM SACRF.D SCENES AND CIikiACTE.RS, by 3. T. Madly, whit original dsadins by Darby. • The Poona sad Pro. Wei.. of It. H. Dana. Physician a. Patient, or • Practical View el the Mond Doti., ReadOlL .d inures& of the ht.:Leal Ytlll.llll. alfd Che Oneramity; by W. Hooker, M. The Peril. and His Dana.. by K. Paidding, and. of the Ditelisant's Fireside. Los Oriel* or on Irnide Viers of Meslco and Cal ifornia; with WanderiForngs sale In Pena, Chili and Polynesia; by Unit Wise, by dell ELLIOTT A ESIGLISIL 79 Wood st MU3ELLANEOUS LITERATURE, AT LOOKWOOD , I6, 63 WOODITVLICET "DROWN`d Amerleau Augtees Golds; 101 l of Nos various, limo. Paaldingts Puritan and His Dsaghteri IRreo. Dr. Hooker% Physiei& a and Parte. Moo. Mr& Hearts and Home; Bra. Neandees Life of Christy Elso. Neander's History of Christi. Char.; 3 eels, 800. Hey. Dr. Spring's Memoir" of Miss Murray two. &mem. Alaraaso, lhatk, Bro. JAMES D. LACEWOOD, 1.00 Bookseller & Imports; €l3 Wood to. Sow is the time to Subseribe. CIFFICE of Seat'. Reprints of the Four Quarter. • lies end Blackwood; $lO per year. orris lc Willis' Home Journal, published in New Turk weekly; St per annum. Downing's Borneokarats% monthly; $3 per year. lovaluablu The CIIII4,MOT. monthly; SI per amem. The Agriculturalist, monthly; el per year. The Democratic Review, monthly; $3 per annum. The Bankers' Magazine do 03 do JiLMER D LOCKWOOD, lank Bookseller k. Importer, S 3 Wood at Pitt liaeldine Warta mad Wimisdry TOON WRICIIIT k Co., are prepared to boild Cotton aP and Woolen Machinery of rem description, such as Carding Machin. Bpi= ;Fr v amen, Eyelets, = 4 , 4 =l,,,,m7s7%ardOri'ndenr te ' t.VgadTt nein / weed; all sista of Casilron, Ponies and Hangers of tie latest pattern', slide and band Lathes, and mole aril! kinds. Camino of every description famished on abort nonee. Panama made to order (or MW Clearing, Iron Boding Ike. Bit= Pipe for heat ing Factories, Cut loan Window Sash and fancy Cae. tinge 'generally. Orders left at the Warehonse of J. Palmer k Co., Liberty street, will have prompt atten tion. Beer to Elookstoek, Bob k. Co, IL Moorehead ft Co., 0. E. Warner, John Irwin I Boos. Pittsburgh ; G. C. kJ. li. Warner, Stoubooirilit.. iarito 1 sabaeriber offers for sale a large and splendid assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand ee- Pisnosorith and withont Coleman'. eelebnued Attaihment. The above instraments see wax. ranted le be equal to any tommOsetaind In this coun try, and will be sold lower thlv. any broaght from the Eart. P. BLUME, No 112 wood st Id door above nth N. 13.—City Berm will be taken at par fora row of he above assortment mfl P. IL WR. kIURFHT corolnees to keep on bend a full • amassment of the Welsh Uushrinkable Flan. nal., and has receatly received a supply of the doer qualities. Also Swansdown Flannels, a scarce &mi rth, and well adapted (or the wear of invalids, and others wanting seettetblng warmer than itsula. Also, Persian and Gent. Flannels for Infants wear; to. 'ether with • fall supply of American manufactured Flannels, of diFerent quAlitlas. Abe, SHROUDINO FLANNELS, of all the different widths, at the Non!, East coronet 4th and Market as. 117•Wholesslo Ronmenp main, where dealers will always And a good assortment of new style goods. _ lea Diaphragm — Paten tor — ardraloaDrtor. THIS le to cetulr that I have apr: M i t /trete for tll ' s'e l l g rlen i nin7; Patent Diapragm et, fur Lica of Pittsburgh and M Alleghenythe cif JOHN OLEDON, Agent, fur Walter NI Olbsen,3l9 Broadway N. TI Oct. 10,1134 A We bans beenosing one dais above articles at the office of the Novelty Works for three maths, on trial, and feel perfeetly rowelled that it Ls a useful inventwo, and we take pleasare In recommending them es a use fel timbale to all who love pare water. Orders will be thankfully received and promptly executed. ocUll LIVINONTON. ItOtita7.l & Ca film Just nee ived,one elegant Rosewood 6k octave Piano Forte, from dm cele brated factory or T. Gilbert & Co., Fenton. This Instrument is remarks bleier brilliancy and eweetnews of IOW& and charter* , of Mock. The abort firm is considered one of the very find In Roston, and hair Plano& fee elegance o exterior, beauty of unte, and Mullion, arc set macaw ed by those of any other make. For sale on reason. blOlOll.O by .. ii. 'CLERCS& ianfig at J. W. Wood milt._ la-ermiiTS.Tosottag—A—CiF.,- MZE==I RAWL TOM /MA FROM PAYEITEMANUVACTURINO COMPANY, ?Deems eaperiot Family Blaufelt, 10 by 111 on; 100 d o evsamboat do 5 t 7 0 OM do do 4by y 7 lll 150 do red and addle Horne do 100 do eolored Calatorola do . . 60 Pieces 64 White Fleniwl, wartainedjall woot; IVO do 44 do - do do do ld0• do 34 do do do do IM do 34 'red do do do 75 do 34 yellow do do do A Satinetts, Tweeds, Jeans a me nd Woolen TOM at ond• ern =enurement'. prices. TTWatTam., No 127 Wood at, eta door from Fifth um • obi ierui^a-4 a. : • ult., fora i it. th r•srs • fob= _ BUCKWHEAT pans — a - nick , kw sale by DIM 1D WILLIAMS WUTE r llankNa WlNa—ta ar cans iast ree'd Li and hi sala b 7 tdILLGit 111C1I6TnaK. 17'S and 174 Mullin • PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNIDIG, ...141ABOH 14, 1850. Ia4mA.LM.Ud.II fOIMOIXII • Towassissi 11A - 112.111•AllitsLile Old Dr. ?assumed is now abaft II Testi Imre. and he, long been k mown as the AUTHOR an DISCO. VEBER of the OENUINEORIGINAL'TO NSEND SARSAPARJLIsk." Being poor, he :I:: to to hunt its mannfamare, by wldele means it as been kept out of market, and the gales a to thou only who had proved its worth and Iniown Its value. This Oman urn Utneensumi Pecraksmos is manaCattmed on the lemma, male, and is ailed for threnghom the length and breadth of the land. VoTeve young Id. Y. Townsend's, it improyes with age, and never chums, bat for the bete 3 Istenue it Is prepared on scientific, pdaelples by a sewnelie men. The highest knowledge of . - Iternistry, and the latest discoveries of the Art, have all been brought into ro adside:nut the mama tare of the Old Ws Sump. all. The Sarsaparilla root, It is well tumult to med. teal men, contd. medicinal OmPenies,Aed dome pro penees which are been or useless, nod otheM, which, if retained in preparing it for no., prodsee lbnuenta non and add, whisk Is inStrioas to the system. Some of the properties of SaisaparUla are Ira at that they entirely evaponste_and are lost in the;prepara- Min, if they Se not preserved lz a se:entitle proems, known only to those expert.° In its marlnfaemre. Moreover these volatile principles, which fly of in per, ar exhalation, ander beet, 11120 ell very es sential medical a:l*mile' ails, root, whirl glee, to it all Its value. The OLD DR. JACOB TOWNS ENTPS SARSAPARILLA Is so prepared; thur all the teen properties of the Sar saparilla root are first removed, every thing capable of becoming acid or of fernyeribulon, is extracted and Riecatd; then every particle of m.Rleal virtue Is area red ie • pure and concentrated Ilona; and thus It Is rendered Incapable of losing any of its valuable an healing Properties. Prepared In We way, It is mans the most powerful agent at the CUIIE OF INNUMERABLE DISEASES. Hence the reason. why we bear rotorne s ndZUns on eve side in its favor by men, women and children. We find it doing wonders in the cure of Consumption, Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint, and in Rheumatism, Bendel. and Pile., Coativenees, Cutancolie E on Pmp I I M B U I R ot I c T h YO F d T a U ll Eaff BLOOD w . g ham It works wonders In cases of Boor alb° or widths, Falling of the Womb, Obstraelcd, Sappremed,or Peo ria Menses Dregeleolry of the menstrual ported& and the III& and la effeental in =dog all fortes of the Kid ney Dimes°. By removrtur *Warm: kw, and regula ting the general eystran, it gives tone and strength to the whole body, and emus all forme el • NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY, and thus prevents or relieves . green variety of other diseases, as Spinal hrltallori, Neuralgia, SL Vitae Dance Swooning, Epilepdo Flts, Coeval/nine, &e. It not tbill i then,ren blerianths coo Pa*Elmaraurtv Neva cen tor of thew thing's be sold of S. P. no interior article? This young man's lipoid is not to be COMPARED WITH TIIE OLD DIL'S. because of the Grand Feet, that the one Is incapable of Detertoration and NEVLIt SPOILS, while the oth er DOES; It tours, ferments and blows the" bottles containing it into fragments; the sou& acid Inlaid ex ploding and damaging other goothd Mast not tub hop elide compound be poirtmcaul to the syrtenat What! pot acid Into • °stem alreadyy diseased with acid! What cantles Dyspepsia but acid Do we not ell know, that when food some In our etomachs, what mischiefs lt prodncee?—flandence, heartburn, palpitation of the heart, Byer complaint, °asthma, drsentery, cholla and corruption oldie blood? What is Scrofulabm en acid homer In the body? What produces all th e humors which bring oo Eruptions of the Skin. Scald Heed, Salt Rherna,Eryeipelas,WhiteSwelllngsFever-Sores, and all °cannons Internal and mortal? It la note. log under hearten bet an acid nubsunice, which sous and thus spoils ail the fields of the body, more or lees. What emu° Rheumatism bat a sour acid fluid, which totinmatos itself between the/ohne and elsewhere, Ir. rinsing and Itilbsoatog the tender and delicate thence upon which It am? Co of nervous diseases, of imps. my of the blood, of deranged circulatione, and emir!) , all the ailments whlen afflict Immaifitatura Now, is it not horrible to make and sell, and infinite ly worse to am Win °SURING, FEB nENTIND, ACID ' , COMPOUND , OF 8. P. TOWNSEND! and yet he would fain have It understood that Old J ot cob Tow.eud's Genuine °Seth° rissepanlln.l. an imitation of Ms Inferior preparation!! Heaven turbot thou we should deal In an article which would hear the must distant romintilauce to S. P Townsend's article! and whirl, shield bring down upon the Old Dr. such a mouitalo load of complaint. and crtminations from agents who have sold, and per. chasers who have need B. P. Townseud's Fermenting Compound! We wish it understood, because It le the absolute truth, that S. P. Townsend's article and Old - Dr. Jacob Townseeds Sareaparilla are heaven-wide apart, and Minutely dlemmilari that they are unlike In every par. cicalas, h”ing not one °ogle dung In common. to arrest Bands upon the unfortunate, to pont balm low wounded humanity to kindle hope ha the despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi gor Into the erushed and broken and to banish Mitre:d or—that old DR. JACOB TOWNSkIND has SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunity and meant to bring his Ut43l) UNIVERSAL CONCENTRATED REMEDY. within the reach, and to the knowledge of allwho need It, that they may learn and know, by Joyfu l ex. perience, lac rumicaspoir row. to oast For dale by J. gum & co Wholesale Agent for Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Birodunham, Dr. J. SARGEANT,SdIegheny; Dr. J. CASShLL, Filth ward. G. W. GARDNEILitth ward. Plusbonth. spa T mare performed oy "nd Vie anginal, only tine and gamine Liver Fill. Armament, Drown to., 0., March 4q tart Mr. R. E. Sellars—lA April last my wife was enact ed with Liver Complaints, and hod the advice or two physicians, who tiled various rennedles without pro. °acing say good elect. Ilavies• heartd of you cet btated'Llver Pills, I concluded to ewe them a bur trial. I purchased nee box of Mr. Seen ; of Aberdeen, and gave them according to the dlreetlons, by which she was/featly relleved. I procured • seemd box, which entirely cured her, and ehenoW.enic=l; lent health: I have used them soyeell, and them the best Fundy =Melee I ever tried. I Yon°, As • -MUM Runty. Prepated and sold by S. E SELLER/ g 7 Wood s& .tai also by Dreginste general, its th• two pities 01410 FIrVTIT 7I MEDICAL. jtCARD TOIADIES AND PHIMICIAND—No reeemansodarkes is ao completely sellsfactory,as ezeellenee and complete nems pf any Mean. as the inked buthoooy askant mho have esp.:, neocallts bone! ta Dating the last Moen yea's, sa W Nuts of the UnDed States, oar. most Aslant:4 tabtirid7eae7llhielneolintl'tflire"'lETTlTZ dons for as , eelbstlag. Thy do pot contort. by suet preame,erbleh Isaseeprored to be attended by bad edema, eamdagraore dlftaltybefore exist ed. Nor long Mending in Philadelphia, led lame and .inereadny besinese both Wholesale and Sterol; la guarantee ado commas" of the aboye. • To moms bee Genius Seaports; apply only to Wu. THORN, Threat. 6I Market st, -Pitteberab— all others are counterfette. i• JAMES 1161111,Wholuel• Arleal,Phaloicktbil • febiaansed , . !.OVER SEED—It recd ' and felt eat, by la MB • JAMIDVDALZELL- FWD PEIIBOII. SAIIJWIS Twoornza... •ovivon. JIMDICATZD CODILIVIIMA TIOALLIBLE for meowing, invigorating, and besav tyfying the B.lr , removing Semi; Dendisif, and all erection of the Scalp, and 'owing EmpUons an the Elkin, Diseases of the Glenn, Mentes and Intern- Minn, and- relieving litlega, Cuts, Braise., Sprethe, ,•&c,. With Vida preparation, ethers is no nein weed as W' Theirst /camels le America, medical men of the highest eminence, prominent einsene of all pr academe, and ladles Wks have nod It for year. in their droning rooms and electriee, admit with ". " 2 cord, that, for battening vigor, gion,_ luxuriance and curl to the hair, eradicating seed and dandrer, heal. and wounds, curing conmsina epodes, minds. he. and rellevin diseases of the a bl e , the Finn, end the: =nein it has no ogled among the multitude of com pounds advertised.* the public prints, or used in_pri.; • a1.,2 tattle°. In enneess as well ha Olean, Har ry's Trlcaphenrtla IS onnvalled. The affinity between: the membranes which coned. sone the skin, and the htirwhich draws int studenance from lain triple enclave le on elm. All disease. of the : hair originate" In the akin of the hoed. If the pores of the alp are clogged, or rouge blood and other golds do n not circulate - freely through the .melt vessels which feed the toots with moisture and bspert lite to the fibre., the result is scarf, dandroff, shedding of the hair, grayneut, drynesa, and humans of the ligamenu, and ender baldness as the ease ma be.— Stimulate the akin to healthful action with th e Trion-- henna and the torpid vessels, recovering their nth lip, will annlate the disease. In all ageettoe. of the skin, and of the substreta of see th en end lateguments,the process and the creel are the tame. It L. awn the skin, the masoula4Rbn B , add . Inds, that the Trtenohorous has ha epoxide, sedan, . a i n et affixtioos and la.l.ria.•( *W.% it is saverelya remedy. Sol, in large bottles, inlet, SS teats, at the pribelpal e 0,137 Broadway, N.Y. ir'For sale by R. E. SELLERS, oat , Pio:shunt, PRCH7LANIATION V , NOW all men who are sick and abated with .11 ease of the bladder and kidneys, with rbeamatio, pains In back or limbs, stifjoints, old sores, rmnicg ulcers. are„ that they ean be cured by Want the Pe. torleum! Too =walk about Its being • nostrum as ranch as you please, but this does not snake It so, for we p ro claim In the face of an honest commonly, that it has Timms which 're not contained in any other remedy. The man who Is racked with pain and saf tenng from disease. can for fitly cents. get relief from soy tithe ills ennumsraurd above. Bender I It eosin wry little to make atrial. This- Petroleum I. no mix. tore—no commend, put up for the parome of imposing tn the commonly ton It is a remedy elaborated by he master hand of nature, and babblm up from the bo som of our mother earth in its original • purity, and of fers to anforlng humanl y • ready remedy, a certain and cheap can,. It has cured Piles after other medicines have failed to reader any relief. It has oared Mummatbria of long standing, and of the worst and most pommel character. It has cured Cholera !Sorboa by one or two dows,• It bas ended old caeca of Diarrhea, in which emery other remedy be. been of no avail. As • local remedy to borne and scalds, it Is boner than any medical com und or ointment that we know of. It will cure eltd- M po aine or frosted feet, in a few application, undoubt ed testimony can be furnished of the truth contained in the above statement by calling ott Rommel Id. Kier, Canal Darin 7th wren or either of the agnow- ' Keyser ' McDowell, corner of WOO4l street and Virgin Alley; ILA K.getters, 67 Wood meet, D. A:Bi lled & D. M. Carty, Allegheny city, are the agents. Mat • CAUTION EXTRA A man by the name of BUEL CLAYP hoe' with a young nun of the name of El, P.TeenweXrud uses his name to pm which they call Dr. Tovalsend's GENUINE, Onginal, et ' o7 - Firir=fit i o n tom ler and never wee, bat wait formerly • worker on rail roads, eanals, mid the like. Yet he unmet the tide of Um, for the purpooe of gaining credit for what he is not. Ile Is sending out cards headed "'Dicks of Omsk.," in which be toys, I have sold Me use of my name for 17 a week. I wiliest,' S. P.Tovrtuend like will erode. one aligns solitary proof of Wa— llis ls Guidon the public not to be deceived, and Dr . To bet the GENUINE ORIGINAL 01.11 Dr. Jacob Townsend'. Sarsaparilla, baying on it Dm Old Dr.'s likenesm bis family mat ammo, and Ida Big , taltllle MUMS the coat ef arm. . JACOB TOWNSENLI. Fri. cipsl Oft% IC Hassan a, Now York CO , OLD . DCiOTOD. JACOB t ". TO IT HON THE ORJOIN4, - ‘ l •‘'/ pla00 . 0" o/ iffi ,• It.posroiron a marvellous enemy In all complain. arrows from Indiration, from Acidity of Mir Stontub; from tammaal circulation, denaminatton of blood to the head; palottation of the heart, toll feet sad cold,handa cold chills and hot dmltes over the body. It ha. not had it. equal in cough. arid colds; and prortiotm ea .0 capectoration, and male paramnulon, relaxing tum my of the loop, throat, and every other put Bat In nothing la ha excellence more manifestly aeon and acknowledgeti . than to all kind. and stagm of FP al V, COMPLAINTS. ; ffEDICItt, . /VALLI! TXR , II IliHtligli s 4' • • Iderein fait i .in i lailed Dr. oaster gloab .wsilit theastlea rl"a r bY 11 :1 i g: ta Mical mar audited a American !'rectilcs M M -Itte and Vitally Physician! , • _..- ; --.. `Having been aticla &emanated with Mitagradmits Istdok mama Mealtimes Altattsling r timalent; end Main practlbed and tasted It imam eltMle la m 7 tau at I base na Remed y , beguile io guig ea. Mat it l s a Vegetable ' tiontstault iiirraff . 1 substance Maumee, that Its lagredleala i combined' maul. /um sad used as directed by tbs Proprietor. are not only haulms, hat of great an bateig• unlyseleatide limed, of gnat Pd.,'" audi don s recomend' Was a mamma d 'stank Ma dons mach good, and - widen is Idliptied la the toner aOM vinUtt of eases. Though 1 ham soldier ste ,.., recOinzienied or engaged in dm seta of se ret magi clam regard for the alio boom, Co ne= jus• a nd character of the Vroprieter of this mad, and Me value of his dixecenry, oblige ma Mg Ms mgt . 4 omit ii • llsloB4s. IV. B&W! D. D.. . . HUSNS.—It is one of the best things in • e world for Boma. PtLEht—Thoussnds are yearly eared by his 0/nt. lawn. It never Rita in Riming relieC Poo Tasters, Ulcers, Lad all kind, of So It has no meal. If Mothoraiand .Nantes knew its value 1 eases of Swollen or Sere Breast, they world alway wool] fa seek eases, if used aecor&ng to +limed° • it owes rellof in a awry few holm • around the box are directions for Wag id Allister's Ointment for Scrofula. Liver Complaint, hryalpelas, Totten .Chtlb.lain, Bead Heed, Sore Eyes,' Qiiney, Stataroat, Hronetutes, Nervous Affections, Pains, of the Spine, Head deb; iitninsia. Deafness, Ear Alba, Borns, Comsiell Diseues of Mani:la, Pons Lim Pimples. &u s Swelling of the Limbs, Sorea Rhemeatisos,Pilen Cold Feet, Crony, Swelled or Bro. ken Bream, Tooth Aches AP. tho Fenn, So. • : floor t"thg=.re lZ' t peris'ih b rlate be be pabi thatls i nso Mort a dna won each it Wpotation no rtrier's Albliaaline or ' World Same. Almon cry person tbat has made trial of it Maki warmly its praise. Ow has been cured by It of the most pantol rheumatism, amber of Ike piles, a third of a troublesome plan in the side, a booth of a swelling in the limbs, he. If It does not give Mime diet relief, in every case, it can do no Injury, being appUed outwardly As anothar evidence of the wonderroi heeling pow. er possessed by his veva, we sul,Wn the following eardleate, from a respectable elttren of blaldrineresk township, in anatomic - hialdsnervek, Berko co., lamb 90,1817. Mears. Bitter Ceo—l Mire to inform you that I was enarell e Of a wren, panto the tetek,by the tree of hle nista All•Reallng Wye, Which I par, chased from you. 1 I sadfated with ft for &hornet' years, and at night was enable to sleep. During that ume I tried various remedies, which were prescribee lan me p .. t i. by phyaelaneand ther persone,mhout receiving any relief, and at lest do trial of this Satire, with a ro. nit favorable toy st d expectation. I ant now entire ly free from Me and tulip at Mgla a yeawftr and 'wet Loop. 1 se also used the Salvo mos for tooth echo and War emplalats, with euraiar b•PYY resulta Tourft p td, /mot Houma.= JAMES MeALLISTF.a, • Sole rietor of tea shore medicine. Prinalpal Otlice, No 28 North Third street, Philadel. AM. PRIDE se CENTS PER BOX. An2lll rA Prrilartart—Drano I Reiter, COM. of Liberty and St. CAB eusetm and L. Meas. Jr., cor ner et/Market Street Ina the Diamond, else comer of Feank and ealjaliald ilinkatr. J. U. Cassel,. comer of Wabant and Penn streets, Mat Ward; mad sold at the Bookstore In Smithfield street, 3d deor hant Second. In Allaghenyeity by B. e.Selorartsand J. Barisal. • By J. O. Rai* Dmigist,_Birenhothann D.Blegley, Bast Libeny; B.Rowland, MeKeespon; J. Alexander & Son, M krL Citr, N. B. Bowman I Co., and J. T. Roger., Brownsville; John Barkhry,'Beaver, P. John Walker, Jr, Elisabeth. feblkodly. • .112.14.• Modlosts4 Liquid Cattle's. THIS o aridnebtedly the beat preparation ever dis• covered. , tor dreming Berns, Scalds. Cats, Cid!. . blebs, anima or any tied of fmalsweends, mho far eon Nipples a remedy eaequied. lilt amide It Wended for fatally toe, and sioald be found in the parietal= of every hmily la the land. Blealtaasee wbo, am la consurra daaner of injury to their. peraorostbroiali aceident. and like improper or eanalne ase'of tools. WW1:tall& article to be invalu able 'to them, Ind tam a fair trial will consider It In dimmale. • Itle so excellent eobaliots for adhesive plater of an binds. with/sat any of Lis ineonvenieueea led le se medicated 1010 alley . all pain 'lmmediately and MC perfectly. • ! . k very littbs applied anywhere on the surface of Om Inmed. dim " lar to tie"" firm, ca tmm. l e o' onth ater.krzAverj be freely erubed with water and seep, 'natant any in• joy 10 the wound. The a NSles freely and sad highly oteolemended by the met mama phyriethas of New Borland, atul other puts of the ettatitu For &abloom by 8 E BELLF.IIB, 67 Wood et 474.8 7.7 —The yule.applied tithe atanufarris 7 Seller*. 1 fermata*. 1 T HAS NEVER, Ina Milo instance, failed to er pal Worms. — Calm Cm= Hawn Va., July M.. 067. Hr. EL H. Bellow Yen will recollect that when we wen la Pitisbeigk, in Noyernber tut, you prevailed on as to try to year Venaifage, to Mal its vinices. We <VIA which M. and throtgh t e a fair MP= w i h n ' Naye pan-t t. te we .. Or more, whie ta w " =ri d '' fl 'ro . n . um mama p ay, wa Se their t oniro illeut Li rtatea We Mi rai nable a medicine, that every person of a Weil wish as to ham It in their possmalon. no.e who have 'timbered it maid bey rfeetly Mita to give corMeates of Ito excelleticy. Oat of the guntity we bona vended. ft has never, in single instance, (JIM to eXpel weans. Tom Mend, We. C. Mama h. Co. Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, 67 Wood in, Wised YS by Maggie, generally In the two tines. PA WATER CURE ESTABLISHMENT. DE EDWARD ACKEE, PA D., Phiillosbarg, oppo .Dl she the town of Deaver, on the Ohio river, Bea ver county: PA sonnwlyB LAND AND KILL FOR SALL. IHE aubsetibei offers, a private sale, PEWS ACRES OP LAND, about Harty See or erWah is imed and twenty Ave !mod bottom meadow, and on which 6 erected a Pleasing 3141, winch can be tan either by meam or water power. There is on the said Farm, TWO DWRLLINO HOOKER, the necessary Tht hotness, and an ORCHARD °rimming Fruit Tree.. e mill gearing V mado of east iron, with three ran of manes. The above premises are altered in • dead farming aettlement in Hopewell tosenzhip, Beaver county, three miles final Economy, eight miles from Beaver, on the sonth side of the Ohio neer, wain three miles of said river, and twenty miles from Pitubargb. Tide Indisputable. ' For farther information and conditions of sale, on. qatre the rabrenber, on Abe premises, or of E Ita• :elm. Grocer, in the Diamond, Pinebufeb. noriSl-ortfelp WALTER JOHNSTON. HAW GOODS at P. DICLANT , I9, 49 LIBERTY EITRP.ET, UST RECEIVED, fin eMOLISITO and varied assort J meet of goods, - adapted to the present sad ap mreaching mama such as black, brown, and drab reined Palmerston Beaver Cloths, for badness, frock and over coma a imperil. article Also, a great variety of Blankets sad Fittinge, cm ;Ammo all the above mentioned niers; *epergne French black. brown, olive, claret,and all other desi rable colored Cliche; Erases , English and American plain and fans) Comintern, of entire new patterns and very desirable colon, to which we wink partite. larly to call the attention of those in want of a hand. come pair Opens.. VESITNOS—The. assortment of Vesting. Is unusually handsome, comprising the new est and most approved .tyke for fall and meter wear W of which will be made border, at Mattoon. end to nameable terms. A few COATS on hand, of tmtlre new style, le which me yrould invite.the attention of than who de nse to unite can, elegance; comfort and convenleace in their garments. To each we mould panlcalarly recommend these to then and,,, den they combine all the beauty of the over coat, with the comfortrd convenience Of the sack coat. A general amortment of READY MADE GLOT t i ING on hand, made In the premed Fall fanten, mill be sold wholesale or retail. at the lowest e dneee. MIS P. DI2.AN INIFLAINBIATORY 1111111111111ATIZE.1 THE AMERICAN RHEUMATIC BALSA ANEW remedy !Maly discovered in the Vege e Kingdom—a ma and permanent core for 11 Shawano Complaints, tech as Intlannutery, Chronic, Acute and Mereurba Rheurnallam; Gout, Lumbago, Spinal Agestione, Tide medielne low long been unit for. It has n said that Rheumatism could not be eared; but there • remedy designed by natant for the came:every di ease the the human owe= lasubieet to. At lout a seedy but been hand that cures Rheumatism of worst form—one of the most uluable vegetable p duction• of the earth—the greatest and mom impute t discovery of the age, and • wonder: el blueing tot 1 human family. It rams without niekeeleg or debit tins, and renewssue4 and rigor to the whole • tem. It hes eared, d the put three moths, to r 60) eases the. were eonadered Wearable.. Carlifiellel of the dentin properties of Ws - eine pm be seen by calling on the Agents. None realm unless pet up with as CIEIVIIVed lab I pots -he °Wide wrapper, aligned by the proprietor, . TURNER, 801fa10,14. Y. Sold by SMYSER, earner Third and Mute' st,ylttslargh. Sold also by C. P. niOnlAti., Nola) Mein et, febUltwilmS FREEPORT ACADEMY , rimiE undersigned Committee. w oul d the an . n e e r : 07 . to the public that th. have pr dk the Her. M. RYERSON, a grademe of Princeton (allege, as Principal of an ACademy, to be loented In Free port, Armstrong county. The Principal will use every means in his perverse establish a repstantut for the Sabcol,;lT it44.0:71:`,.T.V=1311:1 the 1 "MT C 0..,. at ' bandy soul be lathe Itranch ' e. o - al no l , ==t e r L lr o itts=tr. 7 may be tEeeellearLenrer College. „41.011,0 her 'branches of an lish - Rdneation, ouch as Natural Philosophy , Cho , Astronotoy, Re. The above atrolles will be arrang e d under two charges, Rd and Ile per Session of II weeks . The School will commence on the Is * o Allay, 1850. lIRFRRENCRS. run. e. Aiensmdm, aj Profuse/1 Prilteetoo Banutel Mille. 0. Thriological Rentintry. J. Cantabab, D . Plait ?Morten College, Jan, Melmoni r.• • Joed Ploneroad.,Fkrrenee, P. W. A, Breed, Buntbermill. 0. • Georg* Clordo. Fnuskfort Springs, P. Coanonvan—A. W. Lan_,e A. Ralston Bee) Weever. IVestley gammas, Won Idooredirad, Ws. Mu. phy, Robert Mort* John Trimble. FREDERI C SCALER, heal.' 0.0. PtlOnrOrt, IletFy.—jdelelomlley IS T/LBLEI DIAPERS. NR. lisapreonstaatly on hand an a. Silllll2oll/ of Ma iteW Linen Table Diapers' of reist widths and quell:tee. Also—Table Cloths and Napkins, Toorellog Diapers and Tweets, and a rot aseartioest of how biraiabloa [obit 0, MiIIITVIIIO9 ,LAll li. .fr ing rt . tamixt iv hwa Tu ai± jir Eme r ma , ab aad u : 114tes the motion V' muck; DRINTING PAPER—A fa apply a all ins air y kient stay On had sal msds to order. iraloßs eau MMUAn()I3B , ..' ' Axtfitaetitorttliu.e, . Bs, ihrrairraw: ' - " Bespectfsßy informs eta_ utak th at he Las Tom ." emelt ..FifliffiTllßE. the ; gent 1.4 =0:V000d MColo3ent eocoffered fur 4,30 m 'this city, consorts:hit semen/ Jos - eat...l . km; hialta4Bl: lot 11, -Au.• yiebhPf . 'e lrerb 4 l2 4 , ,n rsa 'm rto: 4l , :4121.111eb.. , =; 2 4 thitewrit •., .Persentagesirthg,Flimittre . of any 'deseriptiinfi apicithily invited 10 call and climate his stock s whigh , embraces smotyleseriptioni• from rho cheapest UM ppllainoa.to the most elegant and .only; of which the 'following cemPrfses spare • • !rasa pg,ts Safes; Tate eTeto piaster, • Conversation Chairs; lairshethlan Churl;, • geteption .do • ,Louirr.XPP , do , Extension do , llairet . knitSnei r . What Non;• "Toilet Tribles; - , • Loeis ElVCounnador4Bukete Tolk's Cone , , , 60 Sofas with Matt, and Nair-cloth covers; • CO'Divana de •do • • - do; • as doe Mahogany - Pa:foe Chairq' • , 1U " Rosewood do do; 12 o BEI Walnut do' ••,o• - ad " Cams Seat 4 " Mahogany Rocking do; 2 o do Piano Bthols; • 80 ?amble Top CeninsTables;,. . 20 do db Wash Stands; 20 Mahogany Bedstends. ' .• • : . 12 do Wardrobes; • 18 1114 Walnut do; •. 8 Cherry de. A, very large assortment of COOllOOO wd oth er Furniture too tedious to mention. Uheem Boats furnished on the shortest notice. All orders promptly, attended to. P. B—Cabinet ' Ma ken can be supplied with all Torts of Mahogany, Walnut, and Veneers, at considerably reduced priers. (AO 111 0 0011.11 - 4 - eto, (Buceessors to brCord A King) .. GIL A Pa•bloaable Qattara, airmen of Wood ma Fifa Sings. PARTICULAR attention paid to oar Retail Trade. ' Gentlemen eau rely upon getting their Ilets and ~Capsfrom ow establishment of the was nassurans and wommtastisms, of the I.411121,1"21101, and at the Limas = r l.l h e i rgis: t o , t 4 i . n u ire . hri=er . h u b , le s tl4 . a . ns we San 1.../ with oogence that as rewnis quaint, rmcs, it win not er ins . Consperlson wok any house in " ""- febl7 min Wl~delpWF~ TO PRINTERS TOIIN D. M'CREARY, Printing Ink kinnufacturar, op Noe. 331 and =Banton anew, NEW . YORK—De pot NO. 7 Spruce greet—Would all the attention o Printers to Ids Improved Printing Ink/ of various kinds and order., at the following pones: Extra inn Jet Black, for Card and Woad Cats- - - $2OO end 9 fa per lb. Floe Book Ink 075 " 100 - Boos nk . . U 411 o 030 o News Ink - • 0 18 0 20 " 0 23 Ftne Red Ink -73 e 1 00 1 SD . Y W Bine, Yellow, Green -and White 73c 1001 50 . Gold size at at per lb, and Browse at 50,73 eta and it pato. A specimen of Ne s Ink can be seen an ibis paper. For sale by OHNBTO:g & STOCKTON, Pittsburgh, Pa- C. Morgan &C 4 Cetnnatl, Ohio. Morton it Grimm Ky. ocentdsm BMW C ROE FACTOR:It, • COlig A. Wine CO., would reopectfully inform AL. Me public id they here erected. oholi on Lasock,lMEF end enditandunky otreeta..• They meow and are prepared to receive erten for orrery desetip ol=a, Coaches, Chariot's,Be eman., lc., &e., which from their Lonrptle, thap hs. m ., uf au lt&tot a re e f. c. f ra n i E utre work, thew va enabled co do work on the moot reasonable terms with deem diug Waal.% in their line. Pa yinT particular Intention to the wieetten of mate- Male, and baring mine but competent workmen they have no hydration In warranting their work? We therefore ask the attendee callus public to this matter. N. B. Repairing done in the best manner, end on the most reasonable teems. .1•2031 Thrnisiaa Parkinson, MAOLIINISIT AND MANUFACTURED—Lathes, Tethaeco, H0.11:1 mull large Screws of all kind; an and Bra. Work. generally. Corner, of Fen, and llrst streets. o„, THE subscriber , h vine purchased the Finlay. of hums •Panemon, J ~ located so the above stand, would respectfully 10 orm hts friends and me public that he is prepared to it nny omen to his Loc,sm the most reasonable to s and with dispatch, and Will FOCI 'mold for their patronage. THOMAS PARKIN S ON. Pittsburgh, Jan.l, IMO. HAVING disposed) of my establishment m M. Thomas Pifkitl2oll, I take the liberty to solicit for him the pantomime of my friends and tim feeling confident Mat 'any rams conferred. ~ill be duly appreciated and promptly attended to. JAMES PATTERZON, Jr.. Pittsburgh, Jan. I,lBso.—GanT•ddin PITTSBI7BOII SPIMISALM INISTITIMM ITIMF. Beeond Session of We Institution. trader the we of Mr. and Mrs. (kutroaa, for the: present sew:Lemke year, will commence on , this dey, Mond, February leth:ln the same buildini ay e. No. &A 'Liberty street Alrangements have been made by which th ey will boahle to fataloh ymmgladlostaitilltiewounal say in the Wan, for obtaming a thorough Eaghsh, Clam eat, and thwatneutal education. A hill comae of Ph. lsophlesd and Chemical Leetures will bo delivered daring the winter, Illustrated by maharishis. The de =en.. o , f Voe , ; i tl . - an g a d n in E irring c n , tal wi llf . rt i n, h roje d. rt; the etunofa competent Profemor. close attention to the moral and Intellectual Improvement of thew pu lipils, the Prineipals hope to merit • continuation of ths beral patronage they have hahene enjoyed. For terms, see &cam or apply to the Principals. feblßviu 1117111 TE DEANS—eO bris White Beane in store, TY nod Cot wt e by L S WA:FERMAN. IFlTtrelli AND Tt18.9-00 don - bucket' 9 do: Tubs, for tale by feb RS L 9 WATEILMAN. BROOMS -43 Liao Fancy Handtpd Broom. 60 doa good common do. for We by fob 23 L 8 WATERMAN. LARD --- - t ‘fl". ;Lg DA,...„ )E . TECo r x? kessticaes I and for sale by ' feb"4 JAMES DAKZELL. ---- niseiSWirilikiiickiaie 2PIECES super Olive French Cloin; 6 do do Black do; 2 do, do Fancy Cassimeree; el do Fancy Silk Ventass, entirely new'styles; MI of which I will make to order to the latest style. at low prices. \VAL DIGUY, 136 Liberty O. The Spring Fashions jmt received. folio B' ..int COMA WA-130 lbs for sale by t ' ' ll El SELLERS, feb2s .., 67•115.. -v. ..2tl rt A • MLF -4 ----- PLA.NTifiGS-410 -- dox for ale bt" - C Nip.A . FLLPAIS • SOAP -94 boxes CIOCIIIII•U Soap. for sarintr., feb'D - WALLINGFORD & at kgRIITIIS-110ytha :Meanie co nest and . N common qualines, for eel& at manufacturer's prices. by I.S WATEI(OION, feb27 N 0.31 Water and 43 Front., DRObrCE-14 - fie6s Futter, 2t6 biiOrinesetMena. I. Beeswax and Tunny Seed, an conenanmenl and fon aide by MILLER tz RICKEMON, fab2 . l R 1 . .tars — ia - foTlTalby &bra MILLER & RIC RETSON SUOMI t 6101..ASSFA-160 600 N p 1 0 .12% ; me. Isas%Las sale by lAbla: A HUTCHISON & CO ir p i N oZ N-150 prime Cured Hart flolrritkLeillis ROLL BUTTER-8 bbl. fnlsh, In cloth., linseed and for sale BREYFOOLE CLARKE, febM WS Second' at bbls No I, for sale by L,feb= BREVROC LE fa CLARKE 'ricoriardo. Weaver, la atoro and for ludo by robei BREVFOGLK it CLARKE =ilrratSrzraagralliiO4 - . . . ... ._ . ' ' " • IRE BRICK & CLAY—We eau &apply all orders for Flre Brick and Clay, al Witham &b2O BREYFOGLE & CLARKE NEW BRIGHTON SASH-40 bdle azahl, for sale by kb= BREYFOGLE& CLARKE MOLIBRTHI—arIiEtri - Plaaladon: 40 `• &James 8H: Jan reed and for axle by . MILLER & RICKETBON, reb2l 171 and 174'Llberty at COTrON rA FIN-1000 lb. On hand and for tale l feb23 J & R FLOYD VIV RAPPING PAPER-50 roams Large; 73 Small; no hand and for Well! fob'n J k R FLOYD MoLesSk.3-4117 able new crop F.aniauab, Just ree'd per Martha Wastangton, for sale by feball J & R FLOYD • OIL CLOTHS—Th e hugest assortment of Oil Cloths, In sheets, to cut to any site required, is to he found a IITsCLINTOCK's3, MCI 75 Fourth .t nUFFIELD'S WKSTPIIALIA. HADL9—VI tierces et tbis celebrated brand, jest reed and female by feb.9 . lt - DRIED APPLfilfl7o bn in emre for 41;, by febP2• n .l R FLOYD DRIED PEACHES-60 ten m wore mud for sale by febti JA R FIAWD O HAD b. lIEBRINGR—For sale by fabld 'R DAUM', A CO, LTheny et Dr. Drown woibil Inform those Meted with prttnii -.stases which have become chronic by time or ea rammed by the us of any of the common nom:mesa of the day, that their complunts can be mdicallyAnd thee mighty eared; he having givers his cereal ittentom to • the mai:meat of Bachelors, and eaceeeded in hundreds of Instance. in coring persona of Indastunauon at the beet of the bisulder,anil kindred diseases whiels eftch malt from those eases when, other, have consigned them to hopeless detyair. Ile panicalarly invites each an have been long and antaceeitafally treated by others to canstdt him, when every satimfaction wall begivee them and their eases treated in a earefoloboroarli and Intelligent Manner,patated Out by a tang expeinaerr, study,and investigatioNwhichilaimpossible int btu. engaggeed la Doe cites of 4 ceral peaches o fmedic' . to give to ID . Bernia or Rapala—Dr. DrowaiDo mynas par ities aflheted with Henna ID tall, ae he bat aid pants- alar Miami= thm disease. CANCEILS also cared. Skin dines.; also U 111. Palsy, eta, ensedilY eared Charges very low. r. N. EL—Patients of either sex living at a 6411..44 by Mating their disease in writing, giving ail than symp toms, Cab ablaut militia. WWI lillemll.3 617 soc „ , by . addrelsiag DROWN.. D. Pot , Nod. and en ".• th fac k e s ido. AS Diamond ah• Warerly Noose. • dy irr ith ats.r . rmi... th —gr u .D o ro sp, vons y n a c .l edl, d r i , a to l r i e o re m d ed 7 t teal ppunfvi Unable. It nests fain.' - bo.tv.d ee r az d Co, aala by feldti JAMES DALIELL... ' CIRO. W. Mr ITU S . _ LARC% CHRESR--Ri by. voperier, on baud end for •aba by R DALZY.LL R CO, _febn Liberyi meet DRIED• PEACHES-10 We In more and Cu r sale by fetal . LIREYFOGLE tr. CLARKE GLNNY BAOB-40 In store and for ule by RAU BARYFOGLF: A CLARKE r oAcco_io htlda gr. Lea, in.t reed./be sale by A CULUESITSCIN, 4644 . 1451.Jberty street HEM' —Aote ric Baru• and • ann., ways on band and for see by febsd /AS A HUTCHISON & CO FVANCY CASSINIERES—a cues new spring styles of Greens, Often Mix, Brown, and Brawn and Orem Mixed, end other varieties, jest reed by SHAC MATT k WHITE, O Wood st SSLATELINENS—Ione 44 cololed Latent. Jut reo'd by SIIACKLEIT & WHITE, (b 2 Wood . SUOAR—.I2 bbd. New Orleans: 30 bbl. Nor 4 wed 7 Loaf; 4U Loverlogi embed; It " do (C] Pulverized; In non led for ode by ULM MILLER & RICKETSON L 011,-11bbis Na I, Nahl and for -ale by L labN JANES DaI.ZEILL ItjA Ith • just .4'4 • tor sale by • Mat JAMES DAIZELL LINSEED OIL-16bl. lailitivi'd Dis c ale Co. OBISON, ur CO, feb2l . IYi Llbeny st Y6ACHES-141 be prism unlAAAjva., I.A refs% for 11110 by • A CUZAERRION, atia, Mbett? a. !','.:..':. ,- .)nscELLAtikouK , RAC! LOG WOOD.-30eaaeatm aala 47_ .11:• feta:. . J FIDD. al ,licp.".coN-30 cuts prime bacon rivred . J r " 00t0rognatom, .43 far - • ' f:l7 B ier. ant Lit latr9Au...d muLetgi..sll4llN - TiFfir Wa b 7: " ' 411 t ;315,11,6 j 13 ." (no . SEED—.q Nis Ohio Cri e cea , alts , • . AVIS BAGALEY4I. 33 . : prxrpt=io SAGAMI' Co./ • , I'J RblS o .bl s i r or t orzd sa for .al COt - 471TiAriaTZ - 31.1015.We'd - aZ ' Aiiiili E b" frb23 viler r..l.r.cAriintuss Vp.V7C,ORD.9 —BO pima, of various stytef md t rhueßlut iso•4l.bY.. • 1. I ' ' SRA CYLETT WRITE , Mow Styr. paeiiritui j TUST received, some hoods/woe neW otyleiVetre Pile and Tepeotryfturpeou direct from Epp gland: ,nod will be role an /ow as the some quality*. be pantie:led:ln the Ail.tie Cider. - ' I 7tIeGIJNTOCIC, rebTl . ~ 73 Fourth _Pat ittotimli WADDL'iIt,-.10 bales &seed, eopedor; 13 Oto r onna.; ' Y do white. The ndemic:led havin• eep.appoined goras, by the manufserortrg, lntmM keeping a.large •supply of their Wadding consist:illy on hands, and will he pre pared to 11l orders to uly extent. Dealers we oftpar ticlarly inaltedin ekamine•dre and!aneed the shove amply. which we Mink will compare favorably with those of any other market. WICK 't hteCANDLESS, : fedi Corner of Wood and Water street% SLlPailiMS—i sack Fad. 3U dog Woolen foekee 30 cuts do — Faro; r Fl pee White flannel; ' 2e 10 , Zine,Washboardr; lon sale by fob D WILLIAMS OTASII-15 euk• on hand ant far ms by fbt2l JWit•FLOYD QALERATU-25' cash Main', forme 1:3 feL;2.JfR FLOYD :OUTTER-10 b. prime Family, to .r . / C ral ß by FLOYD • , • El feb23 Cinflfttir.4o:l:lo bran In Imo an for sate by IL,/ fel= I A UUTCHISON it Cul M ACKFRPr,-1 2 Cri. Largo 1 1 1:3, blgs..siguao; feh23 J A HARMON t rn BACON- :% k - s 4ht7 m. • for Wetly I le o l;Z SI"1. 1t/VEMPO P EVig i g s' bllAJust rellararoZty li ret uiiVoßK—VOutilbs Ald feed and for saleb ARMSTRONG & CROZA: 61NhATI1*-Iti ilos nicht Scythe I. •W fe' JAR A SIUTeIIISION kCO nEkb Rf a NG-W bbLs la slam and for sal , ARMSTRONG &;ROZER 4 , m T,c„ . 4 2 1 . Es —4 , s 07 ---- “thrbr - • .1011. N D -MORGAN •Ta b, 'JOHN D MORGAN 'DEMO:kW-23 do: Corn, to Ml* end for ilaso oy robe] ' : A COLBESTSON rif for sale by, febn o.WILLIAIdS, 110 Wood a • . IDnapratti Stlll2S , Patast sada /Loh. 3 :)&) CASKS will sli ti rlly arrive, direet:from the manufaelnrery, via' New Orienste; per ships Am* Beadle* Jessica, and Austria, which will be sold, an arrival, at the loweit market Nice, by Wit MIPOHELTREE, kb2o • • . 160 Liberty at. IrrTbey will also receive large supplies daring the spring Ha Pudbilelphia and klalumens. Property ha ailegheray City flerfialoi THE inibienbers oder' ferule • sander o choice Leah items to the Second. Ward,froritin • oath Common grouted, on ealSsy tores. require of W. 1 3 ,11. ROBIIMN,Atry at Law, St C air at or oLIABIWItINBON.ort theareada-• %HIE SPLENDID ENGRAVING of the Death Bed Scene of REV SOHN AVESLIgh; published by sabreriptlon, endear.' b Wm. Overand Geller, of London, fro the original painting by blinked: Clax ton, haejust been received, and it now Gm solo bY R. HOPKINS, • &bet 'Aoolkr Ituildlnes. Fourth • ' 11 ARD-64 bbls, ten, 11. toads No 1, to arnre on 1.4 reamer Eophnues, for sale. tare ' ISAIAH DIORMV & ro 'rasa:manor. sum Banta ts not mere remit /IVO Um bad, putrid breath, or dark, gelloar discus_ d teed If personstayo these it is their OITA Wall— asey. cwt. for two shillings,. bug. ao snide that will woke their breath pate and sweet as S 'prep air • Arabia 'lt coxes diseases of the Cams, stintegym. ulcerated, and tbr the Teeth it is'unequa ll ed, remov ing the tartar. fester - tins the teeth in the ester, find. clean them is white on the sneer sp./resew Nor... . . Such, reader, are the properties of lones's Ambe Tooth Pate, and, without prabdriff. d ourselves, her r what one of our most respectable and scientific Do • Oats, Mr. E. Field, of New Tort, says • • hare both need and • ' , rod this beautiful and in • palpable article, (Jones , limber .Teetb Paste,' and as morrownd it as possessing all the tinalitieseiale • nil. it. Reader, wean say no mere to confine ,, only that If you try We once you will be well pleowl, It I, pot op in beautiful Ffiglish China Pets, for cents. Sold by the Agenr,.WlL. JACKSON , IN Lib,. SlTOG4Piwbareb. 110115WCWT ALL 00. 111 ti MIMI/ to WO/. I ihe li Tilowtog axe the aetahl qualities at 38. battle a Jotteel Cara Hair Ilatorativa If they doubt e a word, they cermet thew Wetly respectable eltisettr who hare tried it— Mr. Goo. Groin; 41 Elm at, New York: Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle ay, Brooklyn. Mr. Wm. Tompkins, 92 King at, New York: Mr. Thos. Jackson, hlontoun lehmd, near Pittabot gh H. E. Callen, late barber ateambom S. America. And more then a hnedred other. mate, though ; his must tastes, that it will three the hale to grow on dm bead or face, stop It falling off, strengthen the or to, removing scurf and deed mdfrom the MU,' mat tog g e ligh t, bole wiry " hair fiat al4 ei"bean n nok, ' , f o d ben em n t o atitni. A very, very long time. " :Fold by the Ayent, WM. JACKSON, 89Liberty at Ciusbargh. Price 37g, SO manta, and non dollar. auesdAloT ICY haurnows Ann gang pawn—JONlEd. lan Chemical Soap mugs a tree perspiration Pnd s the sham tune malifies, softens, and whitens tits skin giving it the texture and beauty of an Want's. iiseass, SALT Ramat AND Seim, am soon not only healed, but cured by its use, ae at lees! awes 1 by e . c.ps in New York know, who-nee it in each caeca, and find it unfailing—as aim in iaa'sr..n., or any other sk i n The reader is assured that this is ne o,eless ended noltrum, as one trial sod! prove. I could CIlla• Went et least 60 persons cared of Laos sdrio Seas uy aml lase lt, end the reader is arain asserted 7 would net cruelly sell it for the above enleaa I knew i to be all 1 stele. Those who are liable to Casson, Curntn, - on Clunco Puna, will find ale care. Aa7 ono alllietealeritlreny of theebore. nein • filar diseases, will find dos all and even more (admira ble in tee properdealthan I state. But, reader, the stores are flooded with bait Woos, and be sure you ask for JONES'S Italian cp entleal Soap. Sold by W ht. JACKSON, SO Liberty meet Pittsburgh stagerdaraT RRIW 11 ARDIAVAIA-14 IT Rir. SIGN OF TOR PLANE ANF SAW. Ro. 78 Wood street, PlO Aura h. OBER AND LAUFMAN,' yromie • and - emeters in Foreign end Domestic U.A. WASIK, in 1 its varieties, are now prepared to sell as low end on as reuonable totem wean be parekeendelignirlas* We solicit our friends, and the publie generally, to Call and examine our stork, which cows,. to pen of KNIVFM and FORIO3, POCKET sad I , IRN KNIVES, SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, Holum Trimmings, suet, es Looks, Letches,ltingee en d . Sere... together with every article usually kept in Hardens-or Stores We invite the attention of Carpenters and Zl: echanies generally to our assortment of Tools,vmdch e•ve oeen mimed with great care, and which we ens A mrmin. ed to sell so es to give eatisfeetion. sax orT U7' LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST U. SING COMMON PREPARED CHALK. They are re:tinware how frightfally filiation& it te to the skin! how coarse, how rough,' hoer ,al. low, yellow, and unhealthy the skin ap pears after ualngprepared chalk!: De. aide, it Is injurious, containleg a ' • large quantity of Lead We have prepared a beautiful vegetable an icle; which we call JONES' SPANISH LILY WHIM. It Is perfectly innocent, being - purified of ail deleenl ova outlines; and it imparts to the skut a namtal,Lear hy alabester, clear, living whim; at the same Woo eel as *cosmetic on the skin,' making It Soh and smoo% . Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, FM Lib trig H, Pittsburgh. Pneell cents. ang7alA.T !MEDICAL SkinD SURGICAL OFFIOE, No. as, DIAMOND ALLEY, a • a.- De doors below Wood street, to. wads market. ' DR. 11111.01 W is herby been regelarlyedneated to thel medical rofession, and been for semo - • in general practlet;norri confines • •. • -hb attention to the thisment of thew enema and delicate eons plaists for which his opportunities • and experience peenliaely quality him 14 years aasideously devoted to study & treatment ofthoso complainta(daring 'thick time he has had more practice and has cared more pas lent. than can ever fall to the lot or any private pan.' titioner) amply qualifies him to offer assurance. Of speedy.~ permanent, and satisfactory cam to an afflicted wi,j, &Aiwa. diseases, and ell diseases arising there from. ' rNFORM weir Mende el.r:beratilie 111 - they bay 110 err Jr. went in Penn saw , knew. aft OA Parburp • Or,. hevi renreve(*re entLe 011143LVIS la the P 01.14 Yr la nr grast, . = rift n X VII. Na--186. TRANRORTATION, RZWAIME IP I'M Alt rya Tax 1 , 0314ra.;. or risciinniss l2lD iiaiaa _1 MIL iIIiItDAICO CIZTAIXT; UTPIIR • • • PHILADELVIIIA:kND-PrrTSBURGIL OOPS forwarded:bY Xlne et'tr.atTind in the l.)1" mall login to Chambershorgh, and are hbleedtate I A loaded In. Wagons going night and day though to The' bdrsis are 'arationeil 'eirery IS •tellea, which in roe the prompt 'delivery' of gouda 'within the time ilTe'Was will leave our wateheasedally, (sea.. septed 1 at t! o'clock. P. ' Shippers aosAtttered Lt/largo' mom-gouda will be taken each day than eau .imetually, carried through.: , • JAIIEB M DATISI CO. *IT Market sure. Pluladelehm. JOHN APPADEN de CO, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. IePADF.N & CO, Toialarnis k foam. Basin Pen* stien,filubtaltr... lA24s at:Davis r.to.: . noil FACTORS ltm Ca va= ?Janua*: ga7 hlarket; and 454,Catinena et., P it a* V dn,nniroad,alk . nonaa tom for . . - "vittnr•ramr... wnrrEa Iltuturomilarr.i • 1850; THE anbaeriben.naw , having to atagehistal opera antionan Expreas Wagon Lianbetween.Pg.caborgh d Philadelphia are prepared to receipt tor V000:1ba freight daily.: Boob Neav I,tacrolpx in .viinays, Handaylexeepted. . ITET.I.I , GRAFF kto , n earl' Huh.. Piusbargh_ DUTILL . E. iipAPHREYS k O. 'lanagita ' • • 107hlarket at. Phil's.. mONOSG&fIKI ► AOUTP, MS , Mh.44&`.iM. .• • Via Brawarrilla and ttuilberlaild to BaltiMore and mug monde! boat braves the wharf, - borea the .1. bridge, daily, at o'clock precisely. Time co Baltimore, 34 houcq limos. Philadelphia, 40 home. Tho eyerdag boat forme daily. (except Sunday ea: a[4l o'clock. Ponergers by' lam a on' th e • 1 1 = bewail!. tho stiountalos stages text da t k s,. and r , iftl i ta th r:L Boom, or Si. Charles - octl3-17 I.llBegibikl...4acat vviorrzn.Alibi.k.suiansorr. 1850 * EXPRESS. WAGON LINE ..,TIIROUG riONE Subscribe/a, having of sjded their cute (T- A entices until the opening the Spring Naviga tiens, bare eatablished an Express Loeby Railroad and Wagon between Philadelphia md Ettisherah, by which they are prepared to fonrard MOO armada each day, and receipt for the delivery , of, the acne in 5 day, 'racy beg leave to assure their !bend. and the pub lie that their arrangemettut regarding rat., regularity raand despat ch, rewith their cannot comm an fall to girds:o satisfaction to all "rho ver the . • - T.&,!,FFE& O'CONNOR, corner palm and Waym sis, Patet,l2l. . . . THOMAS BERMDG de , ' , 274MraketAttqc% ridl.a4lph . GEM WOI GEE, WO , miiwrozeaugurr. Mill 05,o: fit SINGHAM co SEXPRa aasTau. WAGON LINE • SO &VD FOX . • Pittsburgh wad Pblladelptila. ik 8 the .bastness on the canal la about being ekned A for the season, we would Inform tbe'publie that we km win brought the ConestogalVegoas Into re quieition, and will be prepared to forward pound! daily, (eournsenelng Monday , the Mb .a Car leaving. Philadeiplue daily by the wait trabl.fin Chem. bersburg, and the Wagons traveling day and night, comes the delivery of ends ill five days. - -Apply to - . WNL Plusberge, nov4o BINCILifiI &DOCK, No. Ittl Market street, • • EXPRESS 'Tr' AG6.ly,i...rzits PITTSBURGH AND ••PHLLADELPHIA. Tian Free Days, /Sundays ezeepted,) running Day and Night. f VHF publie /I,respoetielly informed that this Line, 1. which ban been in meeessfut operation the two previona'orinten, .will again commence mooing on Monday, the Oath of November, A Car will leave 'Philadelphia add Cliamliernbargh daily each way With the Mail Trilin.,.ana from Chan/. tremborgh with relaye of horses mauling day and night. We am prepared to for/ward GOOII lbatreig,to„ daily by the /Move Lim. Apply to D. LTD.:CH& alo,Fittabirgh, Or to—IIARRIS &LIalC No /9 Sou Third mreetyPhiladelphia &my Odd Follow should Substribe Volumes Xll,—.lall, 1550. GAZETTE OF THE UNION AND GOLDEN RULE. The Gaulle and Rale has now the support of the Order to an extent that makes as determined not only to deserve this appmbation, butte add largely to ear list of readers, and therefore wo propose the-following TERRIS, • ' witieb am more HkeW then have ever bent offered by any newspaper or magneto. in the e e r y lates. 171, , e aloe m the Gazette and Role i at MGM' HUNDRED PAGES OF CHOICE io a style that mut be bet:adobes firrnarg a book which each year Makes mem valuable. The character of the Gazette and Rota in too well known to need explanation here, and it is emu& to remark that it contains, from time to lime, the proceedings of rho Grand Lodges of the New York, and also of other Stalest accounts of Cclebratuumanstltutious of New Lodger, and occasionally, a Complete Directory of all the lodges in the Union. its - - L y Department • is filled with Original Tales of the *hen creellenee, by the most eminent writers in our country; Popoler Tees; Choice A/Wee/I.pr the rarest Gems of Poetry from the English Poets; Sketches of Travel ; Ante dotes, mo., tte ;'and occasionally illustrated with Hosssalitsd Wood Essgroologo, Being coati M its Literary character to any Weekly In the sonny, end being dm perfect in its Odd Yel lowed:4 department, it to worthy of a place on the table °revery brother of the Order, end indeed io in dispensible to all who wish to keep folly Informed of the work of our now glorious Order: Ono copy, onoyear, Two copies, one 3 .10 Seven cope; roe year, each---... Ito Twenty 00 Than reducing it so that every lodge can get a first elan paper cheaper than the cheapest local paper. Read, else IToClewing: The pan:Molar ud especial attention of the brother hood is dented to the following extract from a letter from that dinlnguished brother; James L. Ridgely, Esq., Grand Car. and Rec. Secretary of the R. W. thud Lodge of the United States, L 0. 0. F. The GOLDEN RULE to Ins a moat welcome and valued visitor, and time it his fallen into your hands. I have groomed Its pedant - and steady im provement with great pleasure. It ts now become, in my judgment, Zr Pal THZ sore ogatontun us TEX onset and I do trust, that a discerning and gent Broth:limod will, by a liberality worthy of your great exertions,cuble you still mom to augment its asethluen to the Order at huge. With great respect your Mend and brother, JAS. L. RIDGELY." Opals*. et Bambara of 11.1.. of 11. States. Hallooing that the /111.LTLIM of the L O. of 0. F. an well anof society at large, will be most effectually promoted by the publication of a paper ducted to the pmmalgatien of its principles, eve ,would earnestly recommend teour brethren the GAXISTS or ens times um Gomm Mao, as now conducted by Crampton t Clarke, as a valuable medium for .the exposition of the designs ef Odd-Fellowship, and as worthy the cordial eoPPort of the Order. P. G. Blror , John A. Kennedy, P. O.Sire. P G 11 James L Ridgety of Md, R W G S. P M Rev. MP We of Mau , R W Ch. 11 P G John Johnson,of a, RIF G;Mar. PG Peter Frito, POM I W Stokes, P (I W Id len, PG Wm A Well., Grand Repo:mucus of Pa. Wra Carns,O Beaotc Lof Penn. ' . Smith Skinner, P blue Ci L D • P 0 Di John W Anderson, Pof U Solomon ,Cohen, Grand Representatives of ()corgis. • P G 'leery L Webster, Grand Rep aft I. PG F P Theoloald, P G W R Pouth, Grand Rep. Of Maio. P G E O Robinson, P G Rep of Virginia. P G .11.1FrOst, Ir., Grand /kV Of Masa G Geo D Dickson, • P G Br John Grand Representative. of Delaware. PG DI Runnel Rood, PG Wood, G 1„. rwarnatfwa of New Jamey. _ Gam P G Taleou Berrr B LGal On u n.jerenrstativ es of N . P t.O O f 0 010a .5 13,11 44 .b um.. y, P Al Shaw, thud 17"- PO . ... . ... . . POMWW Moore, POIII John T Tewent, Grand Representativea of District of Gohonhis- I' a P Stephan Brown, Grand Rep of N Damp. P 0 fl Nonen Andrews, P 0 la la 448.'41044;a Omni ileeresenuneres of Louisiana. • PG DN Barrows, Renal liollitississipni.7 P G Dolan Forbes P 0 Win A Moffett, Grand Rep• mentalities of Missouri. • , P G M Geo W Wilann, PG Elijah Menitoo, P G J Peacock, Reps 0 Ledge of Tennessee. ,I. G Fred Bwartio, Grand Imp of Ark. P ea John W Iltmt, PO UP St=aennan, Grand Repreacnoulves of Matyland, inteon S Post, Grand Muter of N T. - Thaddeus °wrens, RG Muter of N Y. Ranjentin .1 Fettle, el Secretary of NY. , • P Gleam J Davis, P 0 ]amen{( Hale, P G W W Dibblee, Grand Representatives of Ji Yi_2• Geo If Andrews. PG Muter of N.Y. . Postmasters are andunized to remit 'money topoh. 1i0,..”, .4 all money mailed m pitmen., of Me Post. matter, and duly forwarded by lurn,•ls atom, rut. to all caws where postage oa sitlwarapoon is not M p ow Iwho will nd 8. 118dre” deducted from' the =Mint credited to se - • RAM CPTON & CLARKF,' &b.ll-412.41.1Ap1al • No. 44 Amr, Myr Yor AIELLIIIG OPP, AT i:praiimaa rAzoir.s: Al.ExASpe,i(k•-DAy, nethe Diatnnad and Market; street, are now seUlna off, at reddeed 23hawLs the and tatihes. Dress [f ood ror-ivia i etaissing of Al so—Dlank eta and flannels, Cloth; s, in gre rn at variety. 01 , 1111[1111%, 84114• ns, and a WI ass ortasevertheavy,coltom Goods. Confident that better - bar as 'canned hd had also wants, Ivo invite We anen notintyest • ALhAvIDEB.IO, DAY, • • • 75 Market street. . enZrAreutt=cVng HL r, 1 .. Atuourznisorro,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers