BY MAGNETIC TELICHAPEE LIZPORTiiti t,.TiLZGIIA WILD FOR 'hit: PITTSBUROINAILY GAZETTE cosonssziosAL Wasseamott s Muck / 1 HOlll/..—Atl unsuccessful attempt was made in the House, to day, to intsoduce the medentials o *right and' Gahm, representatives hem .Calie Wale, together with the comuimtion of that tali -1017, and a memorial tubing admission had . the Ulnae. ...i . Mr. Preston Kin offered a resolution that all debate on the Cid,' tnia Memo cease on Wed. nenday pent. [ai d ou the table. • The House then called for reports of commit. tees. The comm . me on Patents repotted a bill °rube Woodworth Patent, which was referred to the committee oft whole. Mr. COM' presents ed a minority repo . Mr. Hayman d, but did not obtain content, tO present a rem° *trance from the people of Wheeling, agemet the renewal of the Woodworth Patent. Mr. McLane, from the committee on commerce, reported a hill the erection of a Qum= Home at Chtrannati. which wu referred to the commit tee of the whole. Mr. Disney entered into a close, constitutional argument, to show that the Constitution gave pow• er respecting the government of new territories— that the people have a right to establish. their own lawn and government, independent of the echos of Generate. Or motion, the Ham then adjourned SIMUIL-Mr. Douglass presented the areden. Oats of Col. Fremont, and 0. Owynne, &Won from Caliornia ; memorials asking for On ad• taissipon of that State into the Union which were laid on the table, and ordered to be printed. A number of petitions were presented agihist the extension of slavery, 'and the admission of slava Swat.. Quite, an ezoitilg debate ensued. but finally a motlon to lay on the table prevailed. The Sett re then renamed the conaideration of Mr. Foate's pratathition, to Infer all lixethieg gnat 'llona to a a. feet coo:Malta" of ibincea. Several amendments were proposed. Mr. Bee. ton yenned to modify ao as to provide that the select committee shill sot consider to question oldie adtniatlon of California. Mr. Bald win accepted the Mr. We ,!ter thought nn practical team{ could be had liour any aeries of retioluthini, and _was satisfied that tko only . proper , Course would . be to beep tho 4ctecion of the adsniasiOn'ot Clallfornie, distinct aid eeparate. He. wail prepared to:eote 'for her admlasioojat an she came: Mr. Cass coincided with Mr. Clay's opinion of • *elect committee , and looked upon It as one more chance fur the settlemeal of this moostnitw question, though be had but tulle hope of such. a result. Hs complimented Mr. Foots, and said that ha Lad given an exhibition of moral coxinge, almost ucirtmalled, whoa ha disarmed the posia Lion taken by Mr. Calhoun la hislimeacti. Mr. Cass mid it was well ascertained that tici Wihuot Provies could pass the Senate. He thought that the fugitive slave bill ought to betaken up, and ad justed so as to be satisfactory to the majority, and pawed. Tee pumas,' of that 6111 wolald do - more towards eccuring a better Meting on the_part of the South. Mr. Calhoun, In reply to Mr. Cau; wild that the only way to seas the matter would be to amend the COUSCIUIIIOI3 as be bad *lndicated. He held himself prepared, if the'Union ebould be din. solved, to chow that Mr. Coss had a fall share in producing that result. After some farther canoe:nation, the subject was postponed till to morrow. The Ceneas Bill is made the order of the day for Friday. The Senate thou resumed tbe ociasideration of the California message. Mr. Douglaes spoke cc. lii the adjournment. . STEAM BOAT ACCIDENT, Zitc. ST. Lome, March 13. The steamer Rotten', in denendieg the 11111111011/ yesterday, stink a snag at St. Charles Point, and Dunk in sixteen feet water. She was heavily freighted with produce. . . The steamer Gnuid Turk arrived from Nab °damn, this moming<basing lost a number of passengers en the way btes disease pronounced ship aver. Many were sick on booed. ME AT 'WESTON, MO M=EM A dm broke out at Weston, on the Sth of March, which molted in the dewructioa of • whole square an Main weet:with the exception of two building.. Further pude:tun not mind. NEW HAMPSHIRE ELECTION. Boma, March 13 The Neer Hampshire Eketiou has resulted in fooreued,Drutoerstic =mint ier for ell the Suue officers. CINCINNATI MARKEF. • Monawn. March IA The river has fallen th ee feet m the 1141 twenty four hour. It btu mint d most of the day. Floor—The market is firm at $4 90 8 4 fO. Whiskey la heavy at `Am:. Sugar has advanced, with saes of IS) Midi at 5 - . r. fur prime. Molassee—Sale. 150 brie al Zr per gall Nothing doing in' Provision*. NEW YORK MARKEY Naw You, filiiretil3. Flour and Grain—The market Le drm with fair demand. Grata is morn active. Provisions—There is no apeettlative movement in Pork. Sales ate mostly.by_ratail. Cotree--Sales were made to day so a deelioe lc per pound. Butter and Cheese are active. Cotton—The .market continua doll, at a de. cline of WI per lb. Nrvr You, hiareh 13. rvcauto molt . Flour—We have no important change to notice In the market. The demand is mostly limited to the wants Mato home trade. Yesterday's ono. tenons may be resumed for tie visions deserip. lions. Grain—Wheat is held tlrmly. with +ales of ben. sate si St 25 OSI 30 per bushel. Yellow Cora is selling al 50e ;'mixed at 53a per bushel. ProvisioeW-6 fait bustaeu Is doing Ls lbe war. krt. Bales Mew Pork at $lO 43 0 510 50 peibtl. Sales Prima at $9 per brl. Ls dis astbre,Will sales at 011 • Whiskey—Sake at 24 0 251 pet plbw NEW ( ORLEANS MARKET. Raw Ousarm, March 10. The Canads'aineari had calmed decline of a hall cent on Cotion. Sales of middling at 101 loic. Vicar au adaitocad, with Was of Ohio at 115 34 per WI. Rio Conic—Saes at 13ic. -- ICONOCID44IIIO IMICYCLOPMDIA OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE, ,t ART; STSTEMATICALLY swagged by O. LIECE., with five hundred gnaw noel plates, by the owlets. anguished waste ef Germany. The Ten translated •nd &lewd b r /WOMEN P. BAIRD, .41. AL, AL D, PrOklloo, of Neural Selene. la Thekin.o9 Colleg, Csrli.le. Pa. • The leanorraplile Encyclopedia will he published 1n 1.5 parts, each cooteltues :Palates and he pwr, .r letter press, listed to aconvenent pert'oliei an to..h subscribe. oan beep their cools. In perfect order uo• ~, ~s,opicted, when they min be bound. rt,te part iii pabl it bed every month, at the very low price of St Co, t. bleb will enable all tomer* of Meanie• loon in the man W.W.I and {inimical tons, home, or ants ry their aleasul,.to become ethertberat to the work. Estscnptions taken far the whole work only. From the Batton Pat. The welt 'lnlaid not be templed for • game= with soy of the trash .or pepolaely eticutilerthlicarione ay of the d. . • From he New York Tribune.- . . The exceedin( beauty of the plate. ~,:so , s si ,,,e,, anent, fto the anent, of the lomat net F the literary Wed& A well execs so lid work, sr 55 b,,,,,,,,4, . i.,. The totrodectlon this work Loki grocral titanium!, mono our wheel other librads, p•hit s su a . n. vale, cannel fat l be predestine or) g... From the rothieltme W. C.) Iten,i,.' We eanooi to o hi hty recommend the work.. Tao e.onesvitlav are in e highest Mire of •14, •No.WOrk. has ever Were b en pabliehed in We calmer ab splendidly Mena , end the printed masse ta or an coaelly bleb ivder It n jest Me work for te rathe. ,ay.T Witt. of this rateable Encycloped coo goer put Intted . and read fo i rs i b i neat icKwoop. creed Importer, 63 Wood st, April—Fourth sr, W. Wood.) Ikwktell nail (Atler Ist i - - ac id:no Xlawataatory s Ames his friends and the pabdc. sire egabtishMent, (capable' er • three handral workmen, and es • large umber or the ben he la prepared to eaceete, lathe h meat derpatch. all orders for t • N and WOOLEN Ala. description. For the workman !,. &chines, he mined refer to the em lathe Western non Boatkevn Riddle States, who me pewee.' recently made meat. improve le end plans lir Ms liaahlnetT. r • ed se relaserisela prices by sp., I ' 'ALFRED TElnr,_ I - . , -^' ,' Wal.b)rtr r....: • lirldosbarg. T i Tat . :l " rt i rtles i N aiploying from Iwo ',Yew de always k b e s " h ann s e re.n gaadte wdi rty.t, WORK • and cfilYlClire. of eve shin and style of his cumeroas rasnaketal States, N. wed a. lb - crating thel.. He h meat., baths. the 5 .. • ble. will be .1;ily_llg A m , I COMMERCIAL RECORD. PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADL contiffvrEk. FOR metecti. raana K• 114. • - •11., r. rua 1011211103121 , •• • ar. Airwavesle wad De11im34..."'" Itat'. Purer.. Mail, via Philadelphia, doe 3e. at. elate. 19 at. W. 1 .. Moil, ei.Cillll. and L. 001.1110, doe 8 e.., doses 3 a. at. South, via Baltimore land Witahington, doe web,. North Wean:mein Cleveland, due l eer. Erie and Weatem New York, d ue a. Clove. ti a. or Bittartolog.Boe o : ao : oloeev Pittsburgh Illiteelm, mad Mousy Market 11•11.1 12, 19 50. Par val. Of. Ask . cm. fed. ed. Bank or Pittebargb—Capital , 111,20 1 . 000 Dividend, (M.y aed Nov.)4 41. cent. • • 11120 ex en Raeliange Bank—leital,Sl,l2.4 l ,o l2 4 irday and Nov.)4 11 , • • Merchants' and MaaafactamMEtank— Capital, 12111:40:4 Dividend, tillay 24,M1111r • 20 21 55 Pinsbareh Gas Co.—Dividend, (Jan. and • M2)4♦eent•—•—•—•— 50 50 501 - eaten..TEloga Company..--. es 25 32 a t• .na •-- 25 20 21 N. Libortlee ..... Western Invarance Co—.— 50 51 50 Ohio & Penneylvanis Railroad, 115 paid 5 0 Pennatilvalds ..... 50 Pitts . urgh City loin,— iittsbirgh City lea. Allegheny County loan •WO 41 102 606 - 6/1607 (617.10. —.—.... go 04 Pomo./ & Beaton Copper htin.Co, off 40 WO lug. North AMeriean u ID Pittsbargh& We ROyal (last 612 00) , Pinsbargh.Misionsil & Louisville I g r C Z), I , 9l 4l l arete D be vl rtst, .4 , mom Wives, W Y O. 60 &Sant& & Ohio Telegraph Co—, - IMMO& Dividend, 50e • share for only, AP./..4 October; Daum, WO • • .• • Sales of itshires, Pittabargh, Clueinnaii and Lou. isville Telegraph Co., at &DO p sham. Sale of 10 ebares Putsbargh Gas Company, p share. Orme. Plenum. Causerie Tinshargh, Much 11 , 1, IBM j -Tha market yeaterday, manifested no change in quo tstlons from Onerous days impend review. The rant Which fell during the afternorm, massed a check in ho ok.. oPermions. FLOUR—We heard of no sales to any extent. 'The usual holding Oates from not hands, are 131,45051,30, and 04,4208403 hum acre an dray load lota. GRAIN—With mall miles, we may continue oar quotations as foliose.. Wheat 5f.090; Rye 65050 ; Corn 43043 Barley SO. and Oats at 33034 b bushel Of earn and oats supplie• aro full. Other grain. are Inane. GROCERIES—Ws have no alteration m quotations --say, (or N 0 Sugar 4105 e; Molasses 270»t; So: gar house do, 40041 v; Rio Coffee; 1601e1e; Rte. 4i; .I.vaf Sugar 80100 ♦ b. PROVISIOYESEvery thing under dim head remains tally fitswedratew—aalew have twee to a fair extent, at the following figures: Boost hams tides 384 shoe den Iliffilltextra sugar eared hatosOs V lb; Lard entAittues firm at GOO for lirls arid tier, We have no sails of halt meat Sales of defied beef a, 00 ♦ lb, io Were., A. A. MASON A. CO., IC. 1.. ANTHONY a CO. Etrer 1014 WROLLINALE DRY GOODS, Na A..A. MASON & CO., o. 60 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, TXTOULD respectfully cull the attention of City and WY Country Merchante in their exte.ive STOCK, compriaittg probanly the largest and most varied am .rtment of Foreign and Domenic, Goods ever exhib ited Malts market Possessing the most ample feat- Lies (at the transaction of their Latinos, and one of the partners being constantly in the eastern markets, thus presenting Seery advantage enjoyed by eastern Houses- They believe that they have clearly estab hatted the rack Alit they oder renter inducements to Merchants generally, in styles, Qa.liuu, and pnees, than any eastern market. Their Gota.ties, having been purchased previau to the eds.., can be afforded at the low rates of last _ . • New Goods constantly arriving. M"."..sAllAulditlirporehesing out, are partieslor ly solicited to exam= their assortment. A. A. MASON A CO. Pittsbehrt, March ESN, ISSO..—imrB-tlkerdreS IM=lZ=== WiI()MULE DRUGGISTS, comes of First and Wood streets, olfor for Isle, on favorable terms: IMO bbls Vildsing; .540 lee Cab. Ammonia; 00 do Alum; , 520 do Assakeilds; MO do Dye Woods; MO do Crude Tarlac .25 do Lampblack; 500 do liquorice Root; 20 do Van. Red; 300 do Risk Mom; 8 do Camphor; 150 do Red Precipitate; 10 do Spas Brown; 150 do Calomel Amer.; 20 do Yellow Ochre; M do do Ens; 10 do Isrinsgone; 200 do Bucker Lesvos; 8 do Chireg • SO do Rhubarb Rom: 3 do • Chun. flnercts; 406 do Sorsa. do; 14 cases ReL Borax; BO do Gem,. dO; 25 do Castlelgoap. ON do Sal Rocheeter; 15-do Prussia 200 do Beldam armor.; 10 do Cala. Mragatma; 500 do Pow'd Rhubarb; 13 do Chrome Oreon; 650 'do do Slip. film; 6do do Yellow; 100 do do G. Arob.c; do. Am. Vermilion; PC do do 1../q. Root; 60 reams Sand Paper, 100 do do /amp; 35 bags Sicily Sumac; MO do do AiCaymne; 05 bale/Bottle Corks; 200 do &doh.' Zinc; 250 z &doh. Morphia; 31:0 do Bar 11n; 1240 lb. Cape Alms; OM do Tamarindi; 1200 do Bl.Chrota Potasb;l6o do Qack &leer; MI do Flub Boot; 250 do Orange Pool; 1611114.1 Torkey Umber -ds do - Oodiodook; - • 1000 do Cream Tartar; 80 do Hid Potnsbu .500 do Taitaric Arid; 40 do Mace; 100 do V. Una; IS do Onossillo Lotion. teblB-WkielhaT • Pram= far Year Family. MOI=4.MIII.LIS9;pII.9...F4nE...IOI.TRNAL—Pot•- .Th. be.' papa m the Union "—Efaruog Star. .-Italher get m coal than go vnthoutitn—Best Pest New sobwribers eau be urippluirl from January 1•t. ICUS, if biesediue -applleatiou be mane irither per sonally or by lever) to Unreal. of publication. J D LOCKWOODeiII Woo] .t J. D L.'has also reersved— Blackwood , * gagulne, for Febronty; Ediaborgh Havlaw; far Jenuar7; Loudon Quarterly Review, tor January Weetmineter do do; JAMES D LOCI WOOD, DookeeEar and Importer, 03 Wood et, rood (After let April la Fourth SI. ta. of Wood.) BEN N ETT & B ROTH ERi QUEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, Itlrlataighasa,Dmar Pllttaburglia Wee, No. 31 Water a &nem Mold: and Wood, Polfargir. IFWILL consteMly keep on bend a geed wen. Mein of Ware; of our own manuteelnre,snd saperiorqualny. Witelesale and country Men ohnnts are respectfully invited to call and es stele. (or themselves, es we are determined to sell cheaper than Wessel:m.lm been effendi-rubs pub lic. 111:rOrders sent by mail,seeompsnled by the real or Bond refer...m.ll be promptly suended M. turd ____,— SPRING PAIMION TRW beantilel style et FIATS is new 4 . melee ,d and will be intr.:lased on Rat tday, blush Od, by IdeCORD k CO, torrid Career sth k Weed sc. KLPOAIH-3011 do, WC Corn Bream, NI We by BUI m,2 JOHN WATT' tr. CO, LiborrY rr VUt6—W hbds prime N 0, on bud an LYI It d fa, tale by AIaGILtRD F. 'Di EMoVED—WALLiNGFoRD& Collars removed IA No Li Water at. bannun Wood and Market. B AT ILAB3-20 hh/hd GuleLgcay hCQ A.L bJ — MINTFLPEft-11 1 casks on band uldfiiiire by .113 cal ' I DICKEY lk CO, Front at fin• 'ale by I tart • ILIIEY, MATTHEWS &CO 11011/ICe(if 0 bi• S's, ...a lb Imp y ; . .. . I. by 141" a ';:f1N1111 ;V 8 CO WO LEAD-147D pip eat (Mono, torte of mrl RHEY, BIATTH W 8 ROLM XZW GOODS L!0 FrECFH Teases le t' ouT t irlsaT ri" gt/ F Xre c s h • Fein"' Also—Near an Goods. "' Luems, Fennell Wrought Capes. Collars and Cuffs, Dress Bilk 14/11antillas, Ale. orders' Rid Gloves. Fine French -and Seaton G ham% all of which Dave boon selected will great ewe, and mil be found az low piers al A. mesem cov, tebtl • 60 Market st ULK HAMS is SHOULDERS-60,000 lb. very B Imam. eat, peeked in new Won bade, imitable far gapping eau, to arrive and for rale by mu I DICKEY k CO, Front at Pretlisn PAIIL4-16 bbla Plaster Paris; do Stun° Plaster; On hand and for sale br • tl F VON DONNIIOIIST & CO, febts 35 Front et - • LNRENCII lifflooo COLLAIIBas low a• Ilia at V Aka A A MASON & C 0,60 Market la L - 7A t - Illbble Leif - a - 74i 6 " • Grease Lard; reed and for sale fet,2o C II GRANT ODPISII-90 tes • • an• for solo by C febtl ISAIAH DICKEY k CO nnALSAM PERU —Wavranted genuine, for sale by .US SAO . R E SELI.ERS. IA o•LISTER'S OLNiIdENT—Ou doirdWircsicp 0.1. Csb2s R. E SELLERS. Bi bt rgpr .. SS.-75 los for sabifiy R E SELLERS. DILL &XES-210 papers chip; • 400 do pape, .1. 15 do &Oa willow; tomb fab2s II E SELLERS. _ roaKs—so dos bon Cast Steel Hay Fork.: ado: . do Manare Forks. 23dod do 3 Tined Posh: for irMoby fc627 L 8 WATERMAN. • Cfr274Eg-454" Grain " L H errAstrAHAVLbY S ° VKL.S." 3 7 O To: I n ed "" t i hr i'i lle i r l i I;1 0 41: 15das grain sturrals,in .Unr.,*, n rby @SI = L WATHIIMAN. C_IOLREN OfRUP—.6 InlsuareeM,Afteilor sale by fW.7 • •'. JAMES DALZELL. HoEB—veo dos best qupthry Cam Steel. nie by kW L 8 WATERMAN. 8,40 BXB IIL&NUFACITEEO TODA.C.IXI— Rooker s'; P L Dudley prima= lbr ,. .P L Dudley s's; Josln Flare Ib% A 1'60=445'r kLewieb% Home & Araer Sr RobertlllOrrillbs; Tao. Metcalf Pc Oscar Dues lb.; amivalled tjr, 'll - King Plskyriek ti•a; Lamartl. lb.; Was geoid, Ws; Rid/Lard limner Ibr, W ti va D Rr eti, e , lbq /season Ps; • itHs.nal:sCs7ifeT Wm 7.0.1 • lb. ,* Lynchburg and Ilishrao g nd br:n:l ' s Tobacco on con tignmant film mannfsentrers, too fur ..le 14. L 5 WATER febti-tf 51 Water and 61 Front cs - A. A. MASON it CO., I\TO. Market mut, am deny receiving 111 OR and desirable Goods Gore the leading inunfactones or hi. teontty, ma of the latest inheatatiooe. The /acilitiu rebid. they enjoy, In be ng connected wish • hinge In the cut, enable% th em to purchase goad. at the lowest vales/ion, and keep their mink roll and dr. arable at all eeasone. They have e ono aseartmeat of Haan Xeepins Gudh.lo widish they •olleil tha early ablenrion of .44;4414111d$ thepablio. aril • PORT OPPITTSBUROR. tern.—Sbeiievere i reet 6 Lieges m We channel tut evening, and falling. , Caleb Cope, Mordock,ARRIVED Beave. Michigan, Liries, Beaver- Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Viroqua, Galloway, hlononsabelo City. Faatuon, Peebles, Elisabeth. Porticon, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Camden. Hendrickson. McKeesport Lake Erie, Clark, Beaver. Peru, Bane, Louisville. James Nelson. Mora Meeting. Clipper No. 2, [tarot, Cincinuao. Empress, Cos, Zanesville. Shipper, Zanesville. DEPARTED. Caleb Cori, Mitniwk, Beaver. Beaver, tiordon, Wellsville. Mlehican, Brim Beaver. Camde n , Ilenldriekwnl~Mel: e la City Fubion, Peebles, Elizabeth. "9°' Balite, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parlonson, Brownsville. Lake Erie. Clark, Beaver. Zachary Taylor. Lucas, Louisville. New England N 0.% Dean, Cincinnan Loafs NelAsteiConnel.lVhaelink OEM BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY NASHVILLE—LoyaI Hanna, lu a. u LOUISVILLE—Kentucky, 4 r. ss. ST. LOUIS—Mt Vernon, IU a. sk NASHVILLE—Geneykr ZANESVILLE—Empress, 4 r. st, t/ALLIAPOLIS—ReirmiIe, 4 r. r. ST. LOUIS—Jas Mill incur. IU a. u. IS - ABASH-OMo, 4 r. . Clraelossall—Pra Banrdsor—G9 bat oranges, 93 aka p nuts, 31 Bown,• 92 201 s hams, II boa [two, Clark & Thawl 2 ha. 20 blots pork, Hernolds Sr. Sheet 49 bbl, pork, 10 do lard ail, 23 do horns. 9 do beef, Sellers & Nteols;2l/ do molasses, G & J Ai 15hoenberger; ID 19.11 s Parer, 41 Miner, SO bbl, whiskey, J thrall; 24 do do, Miller & litcketron; 19 bbds baron, J °nor; 72 tree Loma, Grad& co; r lad. lard, 2 do 100 wed, 1 rk feath er., la furs, McCord; 111 head cattle. Al Downing. Wheeling —P. Lam AlrLstur-762 bagged hunk Lake Twee; 12 eta Inds. Malrany & 11 do do, Wallace, Lron & 131 tons pl. atrial. 11. 1 1 & 6pecr; 21 leas butler, do lard, brown & Kirkpatrick, 49 ps pork, 2 kg. lard, I bo gun barrele,lll Mason; 1 kr abbe, Jowl rr co, bdls pastor, W P klarahalt,s bbls butter, 3 ak rags, 2 do peaches, 24 bbls dour, owners. Zanesville-I'Ra bstraxa*-1 box Calm ware, Bacewell & ream 1 do do, 1 bbd collet, Carling. Rol, ert•on & Co; 2 box, glass ware, Idamgralon, Rogan & Co; I bin 17 bbd. tobacco, I seek• wool, Wm Rog. halo; 4 brie butler, 1 keg lard, Wn, BaraulaYi 413 ho bran, & Carotheis, 3X brie sweet polaloca, 574 ho en , II d o eau, (1 W Cox; 193 bat oats, Ido corn, 1 brl egg, bit brl do, 1 keg, 1 boa do,S Co1;1 bhds ha - Rh. R Dalxelb era bhda bacon; brie e seed ,1,15 bra corn. odes & Alcorn; 3 blob. hair, 92 bra oats, 19 do cur., .1 Barber. RATES OF DISCOUNT TES or• 111MCUU NT— cox tnxTED or N. LIOL2tIF.B 6 SUNS. Exchaage Brokers, No. 51 Market street, near Its l'ausasylVetzalc• Ilan. of Patsburgh ----Pax Sate WI 1 Branette.• • 1 Exchange. Dan. • •• • • •PattS•stetcrip • • .• Mend.. S Ma.. Bout •Par V I r Oman. Elke.ofPhandelphta••••Par,Exeloslge Ilk oh V. 1 Cu,.,.! 11.. t Pse,Furtnere 8k.., V. .• Buda. of liernt.ntattro• •parildt. sit, V " Chest. , Coondt• ••Parilik. or .•'Co.•• •par.M. 31. Bk., Whrrattg tl • Montgomery Zo...pat do Mori...ten, • • / • Nontwethrtland••par N. W. Bank Vs -Culutubt.Ltrldte Co.• • par Jo• 1 floylesu3w. Bank. •—•par do Par... Wt., Formers' Bt. Rettdto.•P., Fame's' Ilk. Books Co pulDt•O‘ •• • • 3 Fanners Irt Ittnearrr.p.r, , Far. blerchl. I...erste; Co. Bt.• • • •putPlantets' • • Lancuter B 3 • —•••— P. Unto,, tr...rates Bank SlLlssourl par*te ol ..1 Nort.l2 Caro I flit. of enpr Fear.— .2 .1 'Nte:ch'n Lik..riesw,ern I liftnk . South Carolina. Bruirnmila lit Washinglon Pt • CcGyittir oill— • Chttralocr:bori 9atqueh-ins c. In Mi IMO= OZS2MMI=E • F.1[1.3` .ad Proven' Bk. of licuiteinwil •• Wayneabarg— 1 4.111-o1 Bomb.: ri• •• • . Elant4Lufg :Nlcrchauts . 1 ylarnert &Mocker tth Lebanon • •••• ........ •parllk. of !iota Caroltc• • • 1 tt fl arylaad. Wyou,:ng ....... .. IBaltimore Like.. •• •• .• pa. Y0rk....... 'Daltria'e 4IIBBSe rtp •10 Wert Branch Bk 1 ienarrlacd Bk. of .1.11 c• Rohe( 1 1 totir -- •• • 1 . ChaoT 1 • . • Ma kl Bk. Pats do. " irm• 11 k•"( 3 / , "1"1::::4 • •• Serip—Parth. 1: Coe:lqt .Fennere' A 74r dames " AllegLenT, Vii . Bk. Pp:der:et •• •• 0 bro. Frederick Co. Bk. dean Bk. sae Brartebta l liteemoten Bk. NauruPleautnt• " !Al:nert: 3 Otrehentelle ---• • •• • " .Pinaprce Bk ..... Chartv:l4. —•—•• ilVer la erne Bk-- II talent ----• • crown ffi lc Itig”. .11k. of St. Clue •-•- .. . !Bk. of Itnrer • Nair I.lsUon• •• • Cmc•nnati Drub; Cuhunbu. do. • INEIZZO 11211021:1 -ti 1112=12=121 1!!!!!5E111•1 EZI=E fi MI solvent Csnks-•-•-j I , Ehml: Eatinmt 7 U. — "Si 7. .f +tr. :golltSpael•Valn• MESS iDueGte 2 158 2 20 IGAmem lEasle,old • •• • - ..lo mo FramkL•m Vt.lombos lEGgle, or .. . cl o th wL h e .flenbloortG, Spamob. 10 00 Lake Eli•-• • • ••••• • • rDo.Yairtot-- • 15 . .:4/ %Wm ==l Lal/e.aat...,,;—.--•-• ,Guirc.,-. 7. -• —l3 ,Fiedes. iisd'or.—• SS !AI Gflusv •...... • • -•• SU IT. Thaler. • • • _. 7M ivxC rnr—U n . 4: Idcrs Urbana —•6O 'itronicrors• • •• • • 4 50 Kanttacky. 10a• !image. Elk'of Kentucky BLAB' L.:tarsallle• •-•• • • " iPhilarlelphla •• • prin Norbern ok . Pentn'lty • 'Baltimore •• • i 61,1 t .6W Y--k—Citir Panic., Interior Inn -- IiZSINESEEI Reranla or King's Soil, Rheumatism, OnMinato Cola• nem. Cranium's, Pimples or Pu'tines on the Pace. Moieties, Dile., Chronic Sore 'Eyes. Ring 'Morin or Triter, Staid Dead, Cniargement and Pain of itio Boars and Joinia, Stubborn Stpliiltic Synratonn, &lades or Lriminigo c —iand diseases rigging from an iniudicious tice of Mercury, Aci- Dies or Prom, Entiosure or Imprudence in Life, Also—Chronic Consthutiousl Disorders, &c. In this preparation are strongly roncentrated •Il the Medicine properties of Sem.. combined with the meet effectual aid., the 14104/ ulutery productions. the most potent simples ofthe vegetable kingdom; and it ban been so of tested,. dot s, nly by pain:. the. selves, tot alma hy physthien that it be. received their uqualifted recomendations and the approba Lion of the public; and hue eaublinhed, on its own merits, a reputation for canto and emu.' far impe rial: to the Cleatil Compounds luring the name ot Sarsaparilla. Diseases have been cured, such as are not furnished In the records of time Pasts and Una it has already done rot the who have used it. it is capable of doing for the millions stiff tottering and struggling with disease- It purifies, cleanses, and attengtherni the fountain spring. of life, and Infuse. new erg. throughout the whole mimal frame. P ANOTHER CURE OP SCROF LILA. The fohowing striking. and—as will be wen—per manent cure of an 111 , CLerlit0 cue of Sn-tofula, eo m . mends itself to al similarly efflictad: KJUTUPOIrI, Coon., Jan. I. Isith Messrs. Suds: Gentlemen, Sympathy for the alniet. ed induces me you ot the reit:a-tale cure effect. by JO. Sarseperille, in the rate of to y ante She wan severely mimed with the o f on differ- I cot peas of the body; the glands of the neck were greatly emerged, and bee limbs much swollen. Met suffering otter a year, and finding no relief from the remedies used, the dlvewe attacked one leg, and be. low the knee suppurated. Her physician adrined it should be laid open, which was done, but without any perm Induce d efi In this pin:aims we beard of. end were to ow, Sends' Sutheneffila- The fir. bottle produced • decided and favorable effect. rettert lag her more then any prenription she bad ever taken and before she used ax bottica—to the astoninhmen, and delight of liar friends—she found her health Otte rentored. It I. now over • Veer since the ewe wan of .d bee heath remains good, showlng that the diacese wan thorough ly ad eradicate d from the system Our neighbors are all knowing to these facts,•nd think very highly of Sand.' Sersapnrilla Yours with respect, 7111135 PIKE. Extract from a letter received from Mr. N. W. lint no, • well known in houleiana ea,. Vat "Gentlemen, I have cured a negro boy amine wit] you Sarsaparilla, who man attacked With Serofula. nod of a scrofulou. "Yours, tails, N. W. HAR Ills. "Fredericks Hall, Va., July 17, beta n Sean& SOnteciatt...—lt seem. almost ounce.. we ry to direct attention to en article so welt known, end so deservedly popular, risible preparation, bat paneno often who wish to use the extract of Sersapantle, are Induced to try worthress compound. buena the nom, but containing little or none of the virtue of thin Onto able Ma; and we think we cannot confer • greater I benefiton our reader, than In direcung thew attention to the of the blew.. ;thuds, In another column. The bottle has recently been enlarged to held • quart, end those who wish • really good article will find concenuated In thin all die medicinal value of the toot, The experience of thnus.d. has proved etic•Cl in curing the the e . varous diseases for which it is recommended; and et ..eel time mote [h. any other, perhaps, is thin medlcine useful, in prepa ring the s ystem fora chugs, of aeason.— [ dome Jour na,Sept. Prepared end sold, wholesale and retail. by A. B. D. ANlSl:lnagglnt ad Chenust, Felton street, COITICI of Witham, Ne w : York. Sold alto by Do:g ents generally thcongbout the United States and Can. ad', Price St per bottle; etZ bottle. for SS For sale by L. WILCOX, Jr., D. A- FAIINESTOCK Se CO., end EDWARD FENDERICIL Pittsburgh. Al aby Dr. R. SMITH. Reidutratre (delft-derskstT The Brownsville Water Cure Establishment, UNDER THE CARE OF DR. C. DAELRi CONTINUES to be open for the reception of lova fide. Many improvements have been added (or the comfort and ammodation of patients. This, to. getter with the succors during nix Tense experience, enables Dr. Baal: to give the assorenee to the P.M. that his establishment etisll still continue to merit me patronage of those who may place themselves ander hie cue. The daily Intercource between rattsboryh and Brownsinbc„ with boats, afford. eery accese from the Hooch and %est. Hla towel}, m two cotton sheets. three eornfons, and linen far b Lege., arc necessary undergo the trce.non , 'Zeruks—Sis Dollar. per week, payable weekly. mitt .dtioaricerainT LAN reed, clues Clan Alpena , Camimeres, • new , smell', for spong Wee. 11LEE, Liberty si - LOCAL MATTES& 11.101.1 MD FOIL 211 Prrrannaom tdounwil—Dr. Morris has cons• pleted the anangements for Ids new Museun,and will open it for exhibition to day. We paid a dion vita' to u , yesterday, but bad not leisure to exam. ine the multifarious curiosities of nature and art which the Doctor's indeddigable exeitions have collected. We saw epough, however, to arum no that they would well repay a succession of • SMZ W•llo.—We call the attenuon of the proper authorities to the miserable state of the sidel-walks in various parts of the city. There are portions of Smithfield street that have no paved walks, and which, in wet weather are rendered nearly impu table. Other portions of the city are in • like con• dition. Them are also other reforms" needed. such as clearing the side walha of incumbrences of various sorts. On the corner of Second and Wocd Streets, the side walks are obstructed by bricks and stones that have remained there ever since the Great Fire. Snob thing. are disgraceful to the chi, and should not be tolerated. By a re• cent Municipal law in New York and litrooklim, ell vacant lots in ail city are ordered to be fen• ced up. under a very heavy penalty—a similar law here would prove very natatory, and hide a grant many nuisances. • Cot- Forums, of the Dispatch,tiesStrived at New York, from Calibrgim , mid is expected home by the last of this week, He will be welcomed beck by a huge circle of friends. TRUTILL—The favorite play of the Hostchbaohi is announced for to night, Mr. H. Johnston 'sus, tinning the part of Master Walter, and Mts. Nicholls that of Jolla.. The laughable farce of Mr. and Mrs. Peter White., In which the perform. Knee of Mr. Smith and Moo Peary was so &earl ably received night before last, will also he rat prated. Tee lam Mime.—The Mills of gdeists. Spans Co., went into operation again yesterday, with a full supply of men. Ail the works which stop. pod on account of the suite, aro now in fall nod succewful operation, with the exception of the ew tablishment of Jas. Wood & Co, opposite the Paint- There ore about men enough in the city to fill thew works also, and they intend commenc ing to morrow, or by next Monday at farthest. Thelron Mainers appear to be highly pleued with tKeir new hands; and are unanimous in saying that their work surpasses that of the old onto. HO/IM/ ULen or iNILIVTICIOZIII ALL/06LN,— Yesterday morning, about day break,. a color ed woman and a botcher boy mere palming the old graveyard, on the 'second bank in AMeghent, their attention win attracted by some thing white lying under the fence. On examining it, they found It to be the dead body of a Ilse looking in fant, wrapped up in a abet. They left information of the circumstance at the Mayor's Office, sad Officer Scott immediately summoned the coroner and • physician. The physicim,D. McCracken, gave it so ►is opinion, that the child most have lived about forty eight hours; also, that it had been killed by . inhaling the lime from a candle, as its lips were brunt black with flee. The coroner held an inquela over the body, and the jury returned a verdict in accordance with the fact. A Goan Exaarts.—The propnetors of towel the iron Works In this city, hove established a temperance society &moor their workmen, which already numbers teem twenty to thirty member., though. scarcely tiro weeks old. The moat of these are men who have hitherto been 'madam ed to ape=d the principal portion of their bird catalogs, in dissipate= and dmekenness. • fund has also been established, lit commence with the society, for the purchasing of a library, is order to give the member. such agreeable arousemeet Eir their leisure boon as will prevent them from to. setting to the grog shop. If all oar large menu facturera exhibited an equal solicitude for ibe welfare ashes.. in their employ, It would be • bleasing to a large pottier, of the community. lOW= ALT-MUM Poucir.—There waa only one ease before toe Marx, yesterday—a frail daughter Cl Ere, who vu without home, friends, and means, and begged to be sear to jail aa a refuge. Her request was complied with. Tan Paddlers and Boiler, held their metal meet• log yesterday situ:ninon at Defeo Tavern, bet Mate vu no baseteu transacted worthy of porting. Pouca.—There wen Mee mom brought before thehliyor, from the webs yenterday morning. Three were discharged, two paid Ames, and four sent to the Nmsnottar. TII2 Houass.—The nueshesing of the, house. of our city is proveating rapidly under the .0 per. ioloo of Samuel Fahnestoek,E4q. This will prove a great convenience to the citizens. Anctoorr.—Yeaterday, Mont node, a hems at. garbed to a cut became frightened at the work men engaged is quarrying the atone from the old Buie lot, and ran off down Fifth at. The driver was thrown out tithe earl, and dragged a short &stance. The horse, very. fortunately, fell,m the man would In all probabllttr bare been kilted. lio was seriously bruised by the cart falling upon him. Tim Au.sautensres.—Weran. unable to AN lend the Concert of the Alleghenian. last night, perioually, bet we ale informed that they had a good house notwithstanding the ihclemency of the wither. and that their performance wee most eethutiastically received. They will give one more concert at Within Hall, on Friday night. To night they perform at Quincy Hall, Alle* gheny. Jouti B.COMMI, the celebrated lecturer on tem perance is making a tour through the western mt • ice We with he would give ni a call. A tavern keeper from the Fifth Warn, was fined tee dollars and costs, yesterday, by the Mayor, for selling liquor to miner. Served him right. J. HARRISON SMINICILIA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, n lllO STATE COMMISSIONER for eking D pr whom. Acknowledgment* or Deeds, Ac. Offiee—Fourth awcot, Oruro Smhblield. mM.dkwT .101131 MoVAD/081 FORWARDING I COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Caßill Buhl, Penn street, Pittsburgh. mr6 JAMES II• DAVIS f. 00, PRODUCE AND FLOUR. FACTORS, Na T.l7lllatket, and 64 C061190..14 st., Plidadelphle. Adrenal"e wade, by either of the above, or constant muse of Produce to either Home. mr6 EXCHARIOR AND BANKING /10IISZ of A. WILKINS & CO., s. E CORNER OF MAIIHETk THIRD STREETS •Pittabargb. oafs JOHN grALLowitti. S sots. FORWARDING tr. COMMISSION hIRROLIANTS miIItsZUZGIN, IVOULD respectfully mitten the contignmect of TV Ilartuthurgh freight, from Western Merchants. they are prepared to receive soy anthem. Line and Smitten Boats analog night and day, the freight real not be detained, as they will unload such boats at ell hours feb23.thit Harrisbargh, Feb. 110,1650. • L. S. Watennen • • R. N. Watennan• -W. B. Waterman. WATER/NAN & BONS, glace t sburgh blannfacturod Article_ tool Agents 6.e ode of Richmond and Lynchburg flinnufactured 'tobacco. tort ARD=l.o — bhis prune no I Leaf; =3 keg. do do des for sato by mrg L 8 WATERMAN A NON? bbl. N C, far able nal L 8 WATERMANk KONS 0 11 1 .1 W.:" a Lard Otl, (Barkbardi &ON) 13 I"Vannera 4 ; for dab" bT Linseed; mr2 RIIEY, MAITIIEWS k. CO BACON- 5 903 Ib. an'd liams,Siles, and Slionlders, or sale by mr2 pIIEY MATTHEWS CO " LARD—P 6 bbl* No 14d; . 48 kegs do do; for sale by mfl PINEY MATTHEWS A CO • - X4l 44 8 1111NOLE13-11:14 M. Itlatlrrlicl.4lVON, :174 444 114 L 1 1 ,4419 11 (or ALmUld-2' bbl .I.I b ILLER k RIO:MON CRUSHED SUGAR bbl, ro c r i ln i c y l .b . jb by mM 17 KILLER & atcgsrsoN BUL[ SHOULDERS-40M Om. now hAding nod for tale by mr2 HARDY, J014E5 & DO, W.I. .1 MOULD CANDLES-300 biz now landing Ind fox Bale b~ imal HARDY. JONES A. CO CLARIFIED DURAIL—IU bblo for sale. by lar2 G II GRANT B ACON -1 eau. Bidet; t do Hams; 2 do tbodlderr, to day reed, for we by mN WALLINGFORD & CO VT OLAIMES-75 bbis N 0, teed and for sale by RI, enet 0 H GRANT DIILIC PORK-15.4001i.. Hog Brnd, rsorivinfAnd LI for tale by . ROBERT DALZELL, Rua Libeny rl TIA4IB-10 tea 'John T. llartio's superior Sugar ja Cured Runs, landing and for sale by BROWN L KIRK I PA 44 l TRICK. iburry it , DACOJi-10 land. Cincinnati area Hczo; - • ' • do , '",,dirlitioaldenn 5 do do do Sidesi lan = P"."'"' " r7. llßOW 4 N ar it ." 61A le bL iNkralq_ kM. N BROWN /5 KIBEPATRICI, isi OLASS ES-40 N ' 30 Hanle Ground Sugar Hinny Land= and for elle by _mriBROWN & tORKPATA • • • • • -R7:ICOTI,Tikre tr. KIRKPATRICK UK mil an ß d ror WI BROWN tAßDLtrik a riga NETITri more and ftrrorilo trt .mrtr BROWN tr. KIRKPATRICK SUGARD hEd. N 0, in Prom and for sale by W HARBAUGH LK PO RK—Iti,OOO los recd Imd far WO W lIARRAUCH Wlure BEANS—A few.bbLs m .ora and far vie by [1392] 9kW lIARBAUEIH Dissoktillos. Tiuk:Law Partnership of Magraw & McKnight was finY ilhowlved by mutual consent. The un• finished boldness of Wo firm will receive the united al• tenuon of Dour of We =lmbrued HENRY 8. MAGRAW, Fob. !M. 1850— R. IifeKNUMIT. MOLASSF.9I2 Ph a n Win; 60 " Sow House; 30 hf bas „ th do Golden Syrup; 6 bids do do; inn 11" e d and for sale he feb•&l RIMY, 61/177HK0 , 8 & CO SUOA-212 new ne en;r7,,juo re . Jd and to t ;ale Rby RBEY, 11.1A1THEWS& CO, &LIN 27 and 29 Mao o 1471 , NZW GLASS-aNts s wi r E i f i n F r ., ego i ty co SODA ASII-31 casks best quality Rio. make.`: II " hunt> Seorehlogs; in More and for sale by febV RIMY, MATTHEWS & CO 1850. ISAO. SPRING DRY GOODS! vr.".are now reiving rular supplies of Do.. .receiving and Feign our DRY eg GIX/Dli, which we ae prepared m cell at the lowan market prices to cash buyers and mops business men. We would ask the attention of City and Western Merchants in curet , ek, believing we can offer runny inducements to purchase Prom as. SILACKLETT k W II ITFa fob% Dry (foods Jobber', wi Wood at IVOUISID--A runt of !Honey wu found, wince, upon proof of orrnersbip, can be bed by applying to o H fdILTHNBERGER, (child No 87 Front rt /IASSISIFIRES--5 morn Fancy Cnranneres, Jam re kidented from manufacturers, on mmigantem, and lot sMo hy LEE, Liberty mrerL oppo..te Mob • -• • WEED!-4 ecws Tweed., olive, brow., ..d p, old I :nixed, Just reed on coadogrncot, for Bale by . feb2d El LEE:, L.berty Sr 13 LA NKETI4-e eaves Gray Colifornis; d do Drab do; 1 de Blue do; s 'r do sapecior Bed; far sale by feb . N II I.EF, Lawny .‘ • FyitbTEß -- "'""ZivggivAt'zst,`,7,Eß 8k(22 -I °.'" ' A a ll ' 3 . lrlqo7o, L'U.,;6°""`-'7Zill'ilerrtf;Yol'cirozeit Great Spring and Summer alettleta• Dr. P. P. Totormesurs &mope:rata. 150 .D 0.7,1% ",..`t7,11:Z. 76 :,.".'7. F.. &ellen, , Nn. 57 Wenn rue., Auld by D. M. Carry, Alletbeny city. S ALEILATUS--7 oasts Polestar, 20 14 . ea do podvorised; do WICH Pe 11IeCHNOLFIS8, corner Weal and Water ata ryUITER-3bbls Fresh Roll. lust roe's. for we by robYO _ WICK k hIeCANDLESEI . - TB HEREBY GIVEN that the following named per ,. porta have filed, in the Reamer's Orme of Alleghe ny count' s -accounts ..f their scion as Administrators. Executor, nod Guardians, and that said accounts grill be presented to the Orphans' Court of said Coun ty, for confirmation and allowance, on Monday, the ERA of Nadi !text.' Andrew Gilleland, Adm . " cam testaments annex°, of th e Estate of Hugh Crawford, deed; :George deed; E. Peebles, AdoCr of the Estate of William Peebles, Adorn Wilson, Adm'r of the Endue of Patrick Quinn, deebt William O. Foster, Adner of the FdlAla of Anton Ileeve‘deed; Thomas Davison and Joseph Peacock, Admit of ilta Estate of Abram Halbach, deed; Joseph Netball°, Adm." of the Estate of Mary Ne. Corklo. det,hl; D. J. Amman, &Let of the Ertl. of Nathaniel Wheeler. dated; Matasset hlcConhay, Advez of Estate et Janel Va l and John Ca n n ingitam. Admen of nDaniel Graham, deed; M. D. Gamble and John Pollork,'Atlners cum mots m. ton snooze of the nos. of Rob,. J. %Vilton, deed: Ottotd Doff; Ex'r of the Estak, of John Moor. deCd; Alezoodelt JI.nL , and)agoes Gn7 , Ex'. or John 0007, deed; EraiaL Stewart, Fir or the Estate of Jas. Mellor, dee'd. Margaret Past. Err or tfie Estate of Ell.. Ann Pork.doesd; Zacheue Patterson, Adm . , or the Palate of Thomas White, deed, George ilietdrteh and Elizabeth Reidneh, Atlngra of &taw of Noon thednee, dee'd, Henry Chalfant, Ke'r of the Estate of Jos. Ragbag, /sled; /aleph Winders. F.E'r or Fatale! South, deed; sup plementary and final aneeard; o. to Cooper - oral hamteifototetatt, Sets of Jetta Comedy, deed; fieet meet; Deed 8. Alert., Adze', of the Emote of heat, Mark. deed; final aree. William and Charle* Garotteis, Eels do bona moo of /oho Hell, deed, Thom. Wynne, Acting Ex'y of the Estate of Wm. O'Neil, &e V; , bane 'Milder. Min , " of Mafia g. Dennison. deed: 'Thornily McCoy and John Unekly, Adyn'm or David ZiDias , deed; Erouorel Stotler, ito'r of the Estate of tivtaro Bnghl, bee'd; - , SamaeLkiel(elv,y, AJea'r of Emu.< of Georre Uulel dte,d; T Andres 0. Want, 40. .4 an 4 G. Csnososhans, Adser• of homas ; Jason. Pones, Adm's of F.stale of Naafy Ports', .tes'al; Alexander Carnahan, AdoCr of Estate of Henry Baranser.dee'd. C C. Seely, Adro'r of Estate of John Means. dre'd: Joseph II McCabe, Adair of Pilate of Jacob Brea meozn. dee'd; Alomder V. Verner, Fi'r of the Fehns of James Verner, deed; G C. Carothers and C Benny, Adrn're of Estate. of Thome hl. Carothers, treed; • John 11 Garrard, /Wang Ex . e. of Dice of Wan. Gar rnad. deed; James A. Gibson, Guardian of minor heir or Dr. Wm. Carlisle. aced; Ihmid R. Marks. Adaer of the Ramie of loam Marks, deed; NIMMI=M;M Saismiel Stewart and John Borland, Errs of Mathew Borland, deed; George T. Gilliam, Ex'r of The Estate of James Ba• volmm, deed, Wm. Rodgers and Jam. Thom, Adcem of Eankte of elnuM Thorn, dee'd; Parade] thewart, aurvivlat, r. at Moles Middle mart deed; F. NtehoHon and Hugh Cacao., I':'r. of W. J. Nleholnon, deed; , AcCount of Wm. Magill and Henry B. Magill, Ka'rs of the Haute of Robert MKS!, deed. 10111 , 1 SCOTT, Register. Hegistie's Office, rittebtoth,Feb. 4i.1850. Hilca ALLEGILENY COUNTY. 85, At en Orphans' Coen, held it NlP burgh, In and for roe County, on the Ir? lath day of February, ISW—the petition of John indiennletentOr de ho rels non, and with thd will minezed, of the Estate of Enoch Nanking, late of Jefferson township. Allegheny County aforesaid, deceased, seas presented to the Court, shearing, That the said kinoeb Hankins, on the 19th day of November, A. D. Bei, died seized In his demesne. as of fer (inter all.) of and in a torten tract of land - called •Blenheim," numb in Jedersou township aforesaid, on the waters at Peters Creek, bounded and described as follows, to we Beginning at • white oak stamp, thence by lands of J. Steam north 21/ degre west 214 perches to a white oat, thence north 111 de es, g wen Saidrc pehes to a post, thence by lands of Woodford, north 01k degrees. east 111 perches to • post, thence south en degrees, east 21 perches toe pen, thence south 791 degrees, cast UP perishes to a white oak, thence by lands of !dowry south 6.1} degrees, ens! 17a perches to ahite oak, thence along lands of Patterson south 00 4 degree., east IP perches to a walnut, thence by tandem( the hers of lienklia south 641 degree, to • post at a white oak. thence south TB degrees, east 19 perches to • post, then. by lands cif IC &lee math 40 degrees, west GIS pembee to the place of rie. andcontaining One Hundred and Baty Acre and Fifteen Perches, strict masons, more or less, Wainer certain heirs named In said petition—And thereforepraying the Court to make etc order for the Isle of said tract of land, with the appurtenances, that We proceed. thereof may be distributed among the heirs of the e.i4 Enoch Ilwkins, agreeably to the provisions of the lest will and testament of slue said tWoch Hankins: _ Whereupon. It In ordered, by the Pon., spot , tine proof and consideration had of the premitee, that the said John GlMien do, on the 20th day of Mardi, A. D 1810,01 10 o'clock A. M. of that del expose the afore said described messume or tract Gelato!, with the •p• purienances, to sale, by public vendue or eatery, at the Court tloose, in the City of Pittsburgh, and tell the same for the purposes in said petition mentioned. One half of the purchase money to be paid in hand, and the residue one year froth eel, to be teemed by bondand mortgage: with the emitter. of adjourntnit said sale from time In time, If necemam; and that nue public and timely notion of the time and plane of tale be given according to law— Ana that he make report of his procerdient• herein, to the next Orphans' Court, to be held for .sad Poway, slier each sale. uy the Court. • DANIEL. bIeCIIRDV, Oe k. Pittsburgh, Feb. 21, PASO —lfebTl V ALVAELIe FARM FOR SALE, QITUATE la Mein torrnahip, Ikevet County, eon. I.3nug übout 180 AfIRBB, 73 of which 4(1:L0w,, ea, and the residue wall timbered. There Is n large ()relined of Apple. Death, and Cherry Truer, of geed timidly on it; iLso, a comfortable Dwelling 110/01e and Barn. The land in in good order, well watered, nod but 28 miles below Pittsburgh; l miles frets Phillip. burgh, on the Ohio river, and only I miles from Me d e p ot , acmhemer, of the Pemsylsmin and Ohio llali Road. The tide is indisputaideould the land will be sold on remittable terms. Possession given, if no. refer', on the Is, of April next. This tract of land, from ns convenience to Junket, and situation in a part of the country where real es tate is rapidly tiring in value, makes it desirable for the Investment of capital , and (or gardening and Agri cultural purposes. For farther particalars enquire of N. P. G. L. B. FETTERMAN i feb23 Anomie. at Law, 4th st, Pittsburgh. DIPSOLIITION . , trim 6 rut of J.J. Gataisrin & Co. was dlsiolved on me 3d inst. The business will 60-settled by ethith , of the undersigned, st 7; Wood meet. • J. J. GILLESPIE, A. FINKUINE The aubseriber wilt continue the LOOKING GLASS and VARIETY BUSINESS, in 74 Wood street. and nags, by wtreenitung personal attention, to render sat isfaction to hie CUILLOMCIII. tenZarno49 J.J.GILLESPM GILEATBAILOiIIf!: ATAVERN STAND FOR BALE, sitnOwl In the Town ofJefferron, Greene°, Pa. The buildints are • largo Promo Rouse and a Store Boron attached. Stabling to accommodate seventy horses. Abandon., of water convenient. I will exchange raid property. for a small Farm, sitnitc d not more than fifteen miles from Pittsburgh. For Sinker parteolers enquire of JAS. P. JACK, Jack's Ran, on the Beavarßoad; or CHARLES MEG (MN, ou.the presains. „ -MIBE-EU,ANEOUB. T HAVE Wails) mamma with ine, in the Whole. 1. sale Grocery. Commission, and Forwsrdl", ho.l. nem, my two, Sons, R. N..and W. 8...Wi5t0re,,,, bosincis ham will be condocted Maier the cp... L. S. Waterman &Pons, at the old stand No ni Wa ter and dil Front street. wkirniutt. Pinshor Starch let. ISSO FURS! FURS! FORS:— n o Baba:Men toll pax for Coon, Mink. Mask Rat, Orly and Rod Fox, .d all kinds of skipping Furs,liti bighest McCORD a. CO, prizes. cornet Fifth and Wood eta: THE Partnership heretofore existing between lames Puny and John Bea, m the Grocery, Prodeee and Oommlasion business, wrn annolsed by. mount consent, on the 11th inst. Mr. John Bert basin par• chased the entire lateral of James Tammy, In th e Arm, the business will be settled by him, et t heir old mend, No. 311 Wood st. JAMBS TAISSEY, feb22 11141.11110 AIIHAACIZNIVIIT. 18 o. PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE! Two Dairy Lines Express Pathe Boras, and Rail Read Can, •- - - TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Via the Great central Rail Road and Perul'a Causl. Tiria--Sisty Bows. F•u—Ten Dollars through. 930 miles Roll Road. 150 do Canal. LICLItaIVILT FOR FASSZYNOELL THE PROPRIETORS have Dothan additional Lisa of superior new and comfortable Packets, to connect with the new Central Rail Road. On the opening of na•nyation, • packet will leave every morning at six o'clock, and every. evening at MOO W 010414 O.Wing the Portage Rail Road in daylight: at Jackstown take the splendid Can of the Central Ralf Road, 200 mites to Philape/pLla. A fionind number of passengers only will be 0.61 on these packetEso m in imam em/en. This MAC, for safety, speed, and comfort, la not equallee by any now in use to the Eastern Cities. Fur passage or Wm:anon apply to W. FLITCH, litononitahela House; Or to D. LEECH& CO., Canal Basin. N. It —On the lot May neat the Central Ita/lßoad tot be open to Hantlegdon, vddek will shorten the t ime through several hours. _ward alatak 1850.1 M Merchants , Transportation Line. For the Transportation of INIA/CUANIAS• AND PRODUr. /1021 PITTBEIONAN TO MI, ADZIAMIA AND VILTIJIOI VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL &i, RAIL ROAD, Whams re -shipping. TIME-10 Days. Rams of Frei& always as low as any other responsible Lino. C A bIeANULTY & Co., Proprietors, Canal Basin, Penn st, Pinsbargit Atm.—ROSE RIORRILL & Co, Baltimore. CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia. INICRCHANTEP WAR PILISIGHT LIMA, li:ele.hell (or the aceoeseiodalloo alba WAN PREIOHT BUSINESS . . -- Between Pitteburgh, Blan,'lle, /chaste.. Belli. dny.burgis, and all intermediate Maces. Shippers by Mie Lane esn shiny. depend upon ban. leg their goods prtiniptly forwarded and delivered at an, point an the Canal or Rail Road, at fair rates for freight. JOHN MILLER, Proprietor. A ossin—R H CA NAN, Johnstown, JOHN 'SUMER, Holliday•burg, mrb C A APANULTY 6 CO Phial. RZLIAINCE PORTABLE{ BOAT LIRE MagiVllBso.lllllllll COO TILZ ILAWOMIILIS OP erusmumnise Sairwsel • PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. MINE PROPRIETORS of this old established and T. start Portable Boat Line, are now folly prepared to receive goods for shipment on aye ning o( Canal.— Having mach inerented their fatikties, their roam for swinge la amp:e and complete. Sc transhipment takes place on that line; the goods being put into section portable boars, are not disturbed einul arrival at their destination,—Ois avoiding hand• ling at the three paints of Johnstown, Hollidaysburg, and Columbia. No charge made for reuttiving or forwarding, or ad vancing charges. All goods forwarded promptly, and opoo as fair terms as by say otbar Line. Oar neighbor lines Ater as to their responsibility. We have, for He lass layears, been “The Reliance Line," an I have never for feited ow title; and we think we have earned He privilege al pow changing one lime to the .TIRCIRMI of "Tres aIiPMS72I.2 Lam' JOHN bIePADEN A CO, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. JAMES Id DAVIS &CO, mre No en Mutat st-Philade/plus. MS. JAMES BAILIE would rerponfully inform the leen. and easterners of her Imo bullhead, that the eenthmes the WINE and LIQUOR bueinese, at the old moo, EA, Chestnut meet, Philadelphia—. tubers curt be found, a great variety of Wines and Liquors, of varies. grades and vintage., eowieliag la part at sherry, Port, Madeira, Claret, Hock, &o. Croixrandy, R Monongahela, and Irish y„ St Com, and mama:lea Splnts; Brown Stout and &sorb Aht. Also, • very "superior" lot of Muumuu. from 'Mir vinytrde, put up by epecial order ull of valets will be sold tri kw pricer. M. L BAILIE. . . ea. Chennat at, Ails. fetiln-d tin Neil door to Congress Hail Howl Salient'lmperial Omagh Syrup. THI3 inns. be a preparation of much merit, when so lunar of our own eitimes willingly and volumes• ily tering to LiA curative properties. Au aged and highly respected citizen, after using it, expressed his opinion of nen very papule: cough rented,' binlitide it worth us weight In gold. , An editor of one ot oar daily papers MAGs in a neto—.l always keep it in my hones , and avoutd not, on any accent, be without it ^ AO old country man zaye—.l am "eallarted, after a trial of throe or fear yeast,. that it Is the beat eong h Weieinn I have ewer tried, either In the Old or New Wnd... If you have a cough, get a balk nod wy lq it costa but 23 cents. mr2 TEPOILTLIRT TO TIM PUBLIC. WOULD most came.) eolith all to read I the pLain, mornished dement made by Mr. T. N. Ringo, of the most temuteble cue on record This wondering ease was cured alone by the use of BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, and the cure was produ. ced by the blood belegeffectaally peened. Thu one instance aloes .11 establish the reputed. of Bull's Sanapatilla beyond coutpetition, as the 6.1 purifier of the bles t the world ever produced. The °nolo. certifies , with the Clerk of Gra.. coenry other. seal atta ed, eo be seen at my abet,. Fourth it. JOHN BULL. I, Thermo A. Ringo, of Gnus county, Hourek7, for the benefit of mank ind generally, do hereby ecru. , ly, that qn or about the day of October, 1817,1 kwo anaelted with a Very genera path in the lower IPan of the abdomen, which lasted but a few minutes, ! end moved into the left tip, and continued eseeedier by . carol for •tmut Ls. deys,during whkth th us I had q ry blob fever; at the ended that time the fever icased and di. pain abated for a day or two, eller which it againretained and was much wet. than be !fore. Donor all theme I was under medical deal relent nom a abort time after I was taken ill. I was unable to walk or sit up; the hip hternich the Cairn was so bad, commenced rising until some time In /u -nary, when it burst, and a lumber of pion of bone out—as many as twenty at least. Some of the pieces were three fourths of an look Wog. Some this alter this a hard knot appeared en my right hip,lth one on my right wrist and one on my leg, below e knee. I continued to get wok and worse, and a in made Its appearance In my nest thealder, and wattle mote in my breast and stomach. At nail Linn all per. ...gave me op to die. A phyot i. thee told me that, as a last remedy, I had better aso Mr. Bull , . Mo. id Reuse of Soroparills. After the use of the we : and bottle, the knot on my wrist commenced getting son. I opened It, and a day or two after a puree of bone came out. My wrist soon got well and I contin ued to gain strength. Arm I sad th e third pestle, I mild get no niore for some foot weeks, a ft . which time I eacceeded in getting three more bottles. Ater usig the three last bottles. the knot on my hip became soft; it was opened, and some eone/kion ran cut, to. settler with a small piece of bone, and the sore soon On wall, and the toot entirety disappeared. The sore on .my leg sloe opened, end a piece of bens came out I continued toe orie of the Sarsaparilla.. ttl I had used tyre's,' bend. and I new am entirely well and able to do daily lab or.i It may seem strange to some. Out I will here state that, eluting the Mentes or leo, I coughed op thee. pieces of brine, which co now be osen at the residence of my mete, Thomas Neal, where 1 now lire, and if any pawn doubts th is statement, I will he happy to cooersa with them If they cell on me. [Signed] THOMAS N RINGO. Suez or Koran., Orton 00, Set. This day personally came before ...the andersign ed, an aeung Juotice of the Peat. in and:for old county, Thomas N. Ringo, and mode oath in doe then of law that the shore statement Is net flutordrilied and swot n to this 13th day of Fahroary, B.P.MORSE, J. P. for O. C. I, Erwin Anderson, Clerk of the County Court of Graves county, State of Kentucky, do - certify Mal S. F. Morse, whom name Is signed to the above aortal'. ewe, Is now, and woe at the time of oigning the tame, Justice of the Peace In and for said Graves county, duly commissioned and qualified no such, and that faith and credit are doe all his racial acts as sock. , In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my arm calmed the Auld. of the County COllll of said twantylo be hereunto arsaed, lltds Wet day of Fehroary,lBso. ERWIN ANDERSON. All payers peblishing ray sobreniseate eta will please insert this to the amount or DI each, sad pre sent their bills trimly agents in their towns (or paymelo. tara.vrAT 3011 N DULL E - DMUND WILMS% No. 1M Mang at, heed d Wood, Pittsburgh. hiagameets, Burial l'aults,Toolbs, Mead giones,2t. Mantel Pieces, Ceram and Pier Tope always °stand and made to order. N. 111.--. A ettalee selection of Drawling* on band. augalimlgB CM= AAe`deay City and Perrynnils MAE Rata. riIHE Stockholders of Allegheny Clry and Perry. efile Plank Road Company, are required to pay Pt. Dollars, on each allure of stock held by them, on the Idtb d.Y. of J.... 7, February, March and April next. The work la now progressing. and the instal meats are expected to he paid prompt:v. By order of the Board: . THOMAS 11. STEWART, d lab Tremont. ADHINISTO.A.TOILiII NOTICE. LETTEES of Administration de bona non. having LA been granted to the undersigned, on the Estate of Joh Darts, late of Birmingham, deseased; all persons indebted to said Estate are required to snake imam& we payment. and those having claims will proem them, doly nuthenneated, either to the eubseriber, or to P. C. Flanegin, his attorney. ' JOHN DAVIS, Adm'r, • mtrl wets Birminenare. To the Piahlio WOE Annual Contest between the Philo and Frank ). in therm. Societies of Jefferson Caliege, will be held In Providence Hall, on the evening et . Thurs day, glth of Much next. to which the friends of Ilia. nacre and the public generally ere respectfully Invi ted. THOS. ARMSTRONG, A. D. HAIDONS, GEORGE HAYWARD, J. P. SCOTT, Committee. Carenaborg, Feb. ?nth, 1101).--(teb2 -d&W3t ws von. DALE. 60PRWEI In Temperance 110,on 40:1111e4 arreeL A u • • • • pniot and p W la good order, gmll be sold low for earkibmpliagl WUhlon r pa. or GILL a LIPPINOTON. • npLt-enlB Smithikeld mem Pinabondi, Pa ADMINISTRATOR'S NOT/011. is _pen lye VW latite of ' Wm. E... 0 ICrletern. late Or &theta townahip, dee , d, have this day been granted to then. dr:Malted, residing Le said township, all persons hal , ' ins claim. against said Estate are regaeredtopreaent them without delay, properly eadtendeatedS to the subscriber, for payment, and all -magas tainfr the:imam indebted to said j Es Et tal N a, p arlt mu a 'lnun t s4e , hAnent. Near a PtICIA TEA 11701/74 t No. ID Peon I, mom mow Theft [Er AD qualities or Green and Blatt team doze op Mmtarorr, hal, and tote_ pond packstos.mra giorr from 50cli pee panel to Irt•a. • JANIOI94I . Ata•fat Palls Tea Oa _ ~ ~;:-~- wtsrzei IN6OII/NCE durahr , OF , PITTSBURGH. $1 00 A 0 0." • • J. Faul t Jr., Seel. alitruse, Jr, Pres , . Will Moore against all kind. of risks, PINE AND BURINS A 1.. L loses will bis liberally adjusted and promptly Pahl- A home *tint tion—eitaimpd 'by Directors who ate areal known in theconmand who are dementia ed by promptness and ' to main tain the char aeter which they have ,u offer* the beat protection to those who desire to be Insured- Dram - onts--R. Mil*, Jr., Geo. Blag u k . , , L4V. Irmesiifr„ 19:0.1 ae nom . yon,. peineolt, os. cr, Utah, Jam. hPAaley,Alcz. Mimic Tboa i t /eon- OM., N0.3E1 Water street, (wa.rouse f Sputa A Co, on emir%) Pittaburgh. .1t I.IIY Oily Omok•bouses. • TILE aubscribers, having tom. large Seeekehoeseh are prepared , r alt *et , to wun, hang and awoke Pork on ressonable um. •' lOER & /ONES, Proprietors,' lan3l Cartel Basin, near TM trt aTBE subscriber, having been appointed agents for the sale of Balt, by several of the very best man aentrers, have now on hand and will continue to keep a constant ripply. Orden tell at oar warehouse, or with Peter Peter soo, will be promptly filled at all times. JOHN IdePADEN & ,00, Penn at, fehla-if . Canal Saida Pittsburgh. Ohle:and Paamsy/Irassla Hall Soot& 91116 Stockholders of the Ohio .d Rail Read Company are hereby notlAml to pay the tooth instalment of Fleet Dollars oo each .hero of net, on or before the 20th day of March next, at the ofiLee of the Company, in Third et. as heretofore. loblEPid WM. LARIMER, /byres. PITTSBURGH TEL WORKS ANB SPICING AND AXLE FACTORY. MLA. :Mk. 10X111 7. Qllll.l. JONES ETTIOO, VirANITFACIUREILS of sprtog and blister steel LTJ. pknigh meal, Meet plane minas, coach and 4:12 . 1• blo serrnda, hammered iron axles, and dealers in !canto eastings,dre angina lanms, and coach trimmings generally, comer of Ron and Front sts., Pitubemb, Pa. feb:ls AtairClON—About too oNLlrrititiANAL AND GENUINE WISTAIOS BALSAM OF WILD C/IVARY, the krem remedy for CONSIIIIPTIONI And the best medmine known IS sous fat Asthma of esery Mgr, 'Liver Complaints, Bronchitis, Infhtertaa,l3ortatts, Colds, Bleeding of the Lanes, Bltonneas of - Breath, PEns and Weakness in the ihde, Bream, Az., and all other diseases of the PULMONARY GROANS. . . . . A very important disease over which thialtaistm ex erts . A verypowerful Dalliance, is that of a DISEASED LIVER. In this complaint - Lt nes - tmdeubtedly proved more alcaeloustbut any remedy hitherto employed, and to eamerous Instances when patients had endured long and severe suffering from the disease. without mem, le the lean benefit from various remediee, and when Mercury has been resorted to In yam, the use of MI, Balsam hae rammed the Liver to a healthy action, and In many Instances armed permanent cores, after every well barren remedy hod tailed to produce thus desired erect. . . Besides Its astonishing e®easy in the &mescal:aye mentioned, we also find it a very effectual remedy io Asthma, a camplahtt in which/ has been ex tencively used with devided meccas, area in eases of years. standing. Withsha Increase of intelligencelate grown op • knowledge of the elemental of health, mid a re gard for them, and commensurately with the guides of selence have we acquired the means of *nesting dba ease, and averting Its ravage& Notwithstanding thit magmas we have made, ltelletiee stow that even now; one sitth of the whole population the annually of eaaoamptloa. One of the most Importatit diseaveries of th& age, in ameliorating thtye, cohMtion of the large class of suf. knee humani is LI& WISTAIVS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY.= Wider% Deism of Wild. Cherry is a fine Herbal Medicine, composed chiefly of Wild Cherry Hatt and the imam Iceiand klas, (the lanes Imported arms& ly tor this perpose,) the nye medicinal virtues of which are also combine ! by anew chemical process, with the cruets of Tar, that rendering the whole tompannd the mom certain and el/eat-tons remedy rem discovered for CONSUMPTION OF Tnr. LUNG& Still farther evident. of the remarkable curative properties of this inestimable preparation: RemittvoLas, Brown co., 0., Aug. 21, IBM Messrs. Sandford de Park: Gentlemen, About ail entekeam, I received the agency of Wistas's Balsam of Wild Cherry, bat with some reluctance on my part. for the reason that I had been the agent of so many pills and other nostrums, which were tracked be something wonderful, but which mooed out in the end to be of no accent whatever, except to the man oacturer. Bat I candidly admit that thm timer have been deceived, fbr the extraordinary acres effected by Wistar's Belem have convinced me that "good can come oat of Natateth." Tone agent left me one don ee tattles, which are all ne---hansts be. the =am of eating sever= obstinate go cases of Consumption— and no mistake; for what I see and know I ash bound to believe. One case in partied= A young gentld. matt in Winchester. Adorn. connty, 0,10 =lee from this plazo, was cared of Consaccpuon when the doe ton has peen him up, or at least could do nothing (or him, and It woo the intention of his friends to convey him to your city, and place lam ander the ease °Nene eminent phyalman there. But a (deed told him of Wistart Relearn, and that he could obtain ft of ma. Be sent for it, end before the =and bottle was gone he was sound and well., and attending to his everyday business. As them ate several Menai. for the meth. eine, It =old bun well to forward an additional supply without delay. Very respeetfullv, yen • LAMBERT NEW \4' I The above, from L. Newland, Esq., a highly respect. able country merchant, eonuttecde itself forcibly to the candid attention of oil thaw who have dumb= the greet merit of Wlmare Wild Cherry Balsam. Remember the original and only gentine Wistee's Balsam of WOW C6ezry was introdneed in the year 1513, and has been well tested In all complatuts for ask= the reeemmanded. Far 17 =anis has peeved mare *Ramie= as • mutedy km Coughs, Ouldsilnde rata, Brunel:dna, Asthma, and Cousumptiou In its in cipient etagla, thanarriother medicine- LOST VOLC ke., RESTORED! • i rer IhunreakAng.lo,lo4B.: Mr. B. W. Fowlm Having seen. man , . cerateat. pablished in relation to Dr. Wirer'. Balsam of Wild Cherry, I take this oppormedty of offering * word In its favor, =nth yea are also at /betty to publish. A few mouths air= my with'. longs Deemme so eauch Of. feeted with a sodden cold, that she lost het voice, and offend namely from pams in the bwitet. lice ague non erased her friends mock alum. Having heard yew Balsam =only recommended by those wbo =el ft, purchased a bottle Imm your ent in Obis place. She to It according to directions, ag end it pro- dueed a wooded= effect Before =the one bottle elm had completely recovered her voice, the pai. eubeid ed, and her health was soon (Idly re-established. Tom, truly, HENRI G. BRIGMFMAN. To Dacoutass ken Duman ta filatomra—Thi cel ebrated and infallible remedy far the core of Consamr, don, AaStusla and Liver Complaint, has by Its own me rits, been rapidly, min aid steely Working It. way giVa t in c' e andor goacka e ' VerigeT, ! Pig: gained too Itself. most enviable pepularity, L inq estab liaitml itself in the confidence of an latetlicent aml =- lightened public, from one mot of the continent Ut the other. The testimony of thou.. who have Emma, Homed and cured by this •val table article, will show that It . for un ri valled—at the head of all other to. diet.. for the core of =et for which it pi =oft- Mended. The genuine Dr. Wiatars Balsam of Wild Cherry i• now for sale by duly appointed Agents, and all respectable dealer medicines, in =Marge cities and aft important town throughout the UtMed Mmes. room at posßonle 1811 Battles for IA Bold by J. D. PARK, Onotessome Battened &Pant ' ) Routh and Walnut streets, Citieinnati, Ohio, General Agent for the South and West, to whom all mean moat be addressed. • • L Jr, lames A. lone; J. Kidd & Co; B. A. Fatuiestoek & Co, Pittsburgh. L T. Rinuell, Wash ington; W. H. Lambenon, Franklin; 1.. B. Bowie, Uniontown; H. Welty, Greensburg* B.Kount.s.floiner oeu Scott & Gilmore, Bedford; Revd & BON Booutta , don; Mrs. Orr, Hollidaysburg; Hildebran I& Co, Indi ana; J. K. Wright, Klusatung; Evans o: Co, Brook. villa; A. Wilson & Bon, Waynesburg* hPFerland & Co, N. Calleeder, Meadville; Barton & Co, Eric. J. Heenan, Mercer Jamey Kelly & Co, Boller; a Baia, Beaver J. D. Batinerton, Warren; IP. L. & S.Juniss, Conderipore P. Croaker, Jr, Brovnuvillo. feb44lFmtylislT °ties to Shippers, team oat Cimers, sad others. - - . . CIAPTAIN SAMUEL U. !WITHERS, having Demo : t U i =ted I ce n=o p r of Ihr hi l3o . Ala n for theßor a = don of Boats aril' be mad ,e and rate. of premium charged accordingly, All shipments under open Pelt. nice subsequent to this date, will bo subjected to such rates and regalations as mop be adopted under such Inspection. Every information will be given at the re spective offices. J. FLIVNEY, Jr., Secretory Western Insurance Company. P. A. MADEIRA, Agent Del. M.S. to e. Co , Philadelphia. WM. P. JONES, Agent Ins. Co. of Nonh America. A. W. MARKS, Secretary Citizens' Ins. Co. Pittsburgh, March Si, IBSo.s.fmr4 NOVICE • . T . wi the heirs and legal represenres of William man, deed, v Stanton, im tete of the Coanty of La wre n ce, gent l e- To William Sunnite dun Ella, intermarried with James J. Binning; glary _Jane, Intermarried with Wil liam Watson; thmnah Maria Stanton; Matilda, Inter • married with JosephCritic' Remy Stanton; and Ed. win Agolphin Stanton— net the nig WllJam Stanton dled !wised in blade- Teirft.rit:lik`F'.ll4l,',:irAttilbtihte= k a" . gt . of Lot N 0.1651, lying we s t of the Shenango Crean - . Mut ated to the Comely of Lawrence, and State of Poe sylvanite, sot second district of donedon lands, end bounded follows, vim Beginning at • stump and post the moth west canter of tbe sale trace and thence by Let No DO, to a steno in the saddle of 0.111310 Coeek; thence north a to ne, tdecrs; we st,, by the mid. die et threk to a to tinny one perches; theme° north forty depots, wem, by the middle of laid Creek, thirty ftre perches to a Monet . thence north forty erten degrees. welt, by the middle of said Creek. thirty perchee ' to a storm; thence Creek , SATO. decree.; west, by the middle of said Creek twenty free s; erchs to by te tone; thence north forty nlmt de. Free west, the middle of said Creek,lll.nn perch. es to • some; thence north rimy three decreer, west, by the middle of sold Creek, ninety one and seven tenth. rattle, to • atone; domes tenth three decrees; cam, by land of Jo hnllabinson, one hundred andsin: . ty nine perches to the place of beginning —containing serente right ems, sod Otte hundred and tenrthes to the male, more or less, being part of Lot N pe o. fan, . And that' by vines of a Writ of partition • Of valeta• Pon, Wane out et the Coln of Lawrence County, to we directed, for waking partake of said Met of Wed, to and oolong the heirs and legal reprewsktativefl of the geld WNiam Stanton, deceased, I; David Emery, high Pherill of the cold Canto,. of Lawrence; vill hold ad Inquest on the premises, for the appraiserneat and par. Peon of the Real Ewalt, of William Stanton, deceased, on Friday, Mb day of March, 1830, at 10 delock, - A. ny, when 700 fled cook of you mar *nand, if yon think proper. • • DAVIT? EMERY. High Sherif of Lawrence (loamy, P., . Ascrwra Owww, New Cam* Pcb. T 7, /ba • PaooLeitsTioar. • • BY a precept under the hands of Hon. Wm. R. Meice, Probleet of the Court of Com• mon rielts, bit and' Get the 'felt Judicial District of Permaylvaaht, and Julies of the Coot of Oyer and Terminer, end General Jell Delivery la and far said Dishier, end Some Jean and William KGR, Eteirn, AmoelateJltdifee of the sane Courts, he and for tee Comity of ARrgbear. dalha,tha LIMO) , or inb.""d in the_ year or oar Lord dm thousand eight hand's mid. bremdirected, far holding • Coe. of Oyer and Tensdner, and General Jall lery; at the CoonHous De e. in the City of Pittsburgh, on the Emoih hicexherlrk !Ranh next, at 10 o'clock A. hr. Peleliu node. .is hereby given to alt./entices of the Pease, Corms and Coenobite, of Lao Cooly of Al. legheny, that they be then and them, m their proper Moo, with their rolls, records, lounisitions, nations, and other minembroeee, to do Mom thine. witiehoo their renitence offices in their behalf, op, Pear to be done—add ehm, tho.o th.t will In frOle9Fr. the " 1"'" d'" 005 bltef r "r i Aro e re" Jail re! said Coanw of (Were:tor, ocean agidest them in abau Given ender my hand, at Pita! h, this 11th day of en ow year of oar, L0,1.939,_and of ther Oonnoonweehli the 74th. CARTER C G $ T 00194A - wan' Wa . . -:_i~;v L_i-uousEs, tArrs. FAILS% 4?. + To Let. THE D uelling Hauka,Tbird, shire; Eteeithisid, now ocengini by Rea. Mr. BakeartlL Abe— or one or:cabta yenta, rams lane Lease Groand, the :Chub Ward, cm and near tha hart:, pairablo tor' Lumbar Yards. Engnier of JOHN AL DARLINGTON, or a • - - • R. DA El tiscrToN. Fourth se. Teo Lett VROMII.I AprO nery theIVAAHHOUSEIE ' sIy oc,upied by 'rump a. Best, No 35 Weal s 4 la quire of porij . I JOHN BET. • Per Stale.' y AIME Safe, Plagona Scale, Countsr,Traitt.iatl otherna . caaaary is Leltholsiats:Or cory boainctra. Damara at 351V01a1l Art , JOHN tater., ••- - • • THE undersigned offers for sale the ewioe stoat of Groceries of the Imo firm of TASSEY < Mat with the gore fixtures and every thing anitabigte ac ommodate the transaction of a heavylomincea vehicle bna been b nib up by.fine years-axe attention, and a tone column obtained;the good will of which Will be transferred to the purchaser. and possession of the warehouse ginn on the first day of April num, et sooner If required. The met Intl be redeem% gm owed, end payments made easy for geed . pepes. }3,0 good an opportunity of an emablishea busmen Is Nal. dots offered, and but for other engagemems negating my nitration, would not be given ap. Satisfactory information can be obtained maths, pre mien, No. 25 Wood meet. feb2d JOHN BEST.. TO LILT. • • .. IHE House at present occupied by E3a,p l ls Moor head, corner of Diamond arid Diamond also, a second house from corner of Diamond aid sJley. For terms, apply to • 'BOYLE LEWIN. fehr7.llm riIIIAT hive and esennsodions DWELLING ROUSE on Webster strees, near Senn., premescossup pl. by Mr. A. Van krrk. Poeseuien is wbe run. the tat AprlL Inquire on the prelate., es et M. II LOW=, Wylie sa, - near Clutha= VOII. RALE, ALOT OF GROUND. 50 feet front on EPP lArve, running beck to Rebecca et, 2EO feel; a Co. Rouse and Carriage Houus in good repair. TIP po erty is beast:fully situated the Rank of the •LW ebony river, and it eonsHeeed one of the nown dub% ble ardidessua !situations in the City of ApopPY- For pie., pa trove apply to &SCROTA% • eb2l No 110 Reeond ____• you. smiz, frIIREE ACRES OP LAND, situate abaci=dins Dom thcCity, now the residence of Rsor. I..ea L on the Oreensbungh Turnpike, statahlo krt Coant• try Residence. • • . Alsa-168 Acres of Land, .4taued in Franklin lowa %hip, abßoad. out 16 miles from Pmsbazgh, near the Frank lin Abo—A Lot of Oround, near the new Basin, ist the Seventh 'Ward, being 100 Het square, on whiehis • two story t riot Dwelling House. For parttulars and terms of sale, enquire of DAVID D. DELUDE, Axiom. et Law re123.11n Path st, bet'n Wood antiSmindslg. „ ate mp ..WE odor kr.t ' l e at f3 :f round Panagyivania !le on, near Cowen at, being ab:t U 2 fast in dap* by about 22 feet Yi ineben in width, ,2/1. That Let on Pennsylvania Avenue, Just beyond Mr. Wanton's property— being 112 feet dnep by 1” feat 71 inches laveldtb. 3d. A Lot on the Hill, jest behind the id• Lot abase owned—being 130 finet feet deep by 23 ket 71 inches *tie, extending from Gibbon to Locust st . • D. W. &A. 8. BELL, • feb2l.3W • Attorocynat Law, °Zee to Fourth • HE large three awry Brick Wareham, on Water, T below Ferry creel, nmaleg from Warm t VOSS arca, on reasonable tans. Pomessbna given imme diately. Hof fablllbtf V. Lomita. THAT beautiful situation for a Prirato ltableue*,. on th e bank of the Ohio river, ut. th e bormk or ltionebestor. For terms apply to GEO COCUILAN, 23 Wood N A LEG RIMY, within a square of the mutat, a I number of three awry Bock Dwellutes t with back building*. There are eteht mums in each hM.IIq tad the yards are paved, with hydrants In the Baum BA= FOR SALP—Tbree Pomp. in good order; weldanswer for walls from 83 to 70 feet deaf. Enquire of JAMES RAY, Sandusky es, febl3.lot ' our Bap= Morel For Bola WM will sell at a bargain. one. of NAVSMITHS I'►' DIRECT ACTING STEAM HAMMER, with Merrick & Tonne's improvement smelted. It-Is In good order, and can be seen at our works. It la Mt adrably adapted to drawing Iron, and shingling. blooms. For (enter, informanon apply to vlebtl SINGER. HARTMAN & CO. Par Most. Tir SECOND AND THIRD STORIES of Wan. boom No 5 Market street. next dm. to Mole.? & Glass Store. Ettoriire of feta JOHNSTON & snocerom A Parsn far 6•16, CONTALYING 160 ACRES, about war of vddek is cleared, situated in Washington county, Ohio, about five tulles from the Ohio Rivet. Passau= given insmeMmely. E, Its of ROBERT DALZELL A. CO, feb7 • Liberty street TILE subscriber wld sell or rent his very desi rable 'ConntrT Residence, *Allegheny elrVolt, rated on Ohm Le andllheny Avenue, west or the Common T h e hon e ic e a large doable brick building, In complete order. Theme it a Car riage flouse,btable, and good 'water on thArgvounds, whteneomprise two neree, well improved, eo every dereeptlon of Feud. Also —a spring:lW= smoke hone. Pomession given daring toe month of MareE • • 1eb1.4 • JOHN EIZEHANT. rViSTGE TO ELENT,On second goiy, No MI Wo/ox in. Possession given IM Apr": • . ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, nont st TORE TO MieNT-01 On front by 40 drop— No DO Front in Pantestion trivet* istApOL Jam?? ISAIAH DICKEY it CO, Fran si To Lot, • A desirable Residence, altnated on t h e Ewer Butt. /Ink Ward, Allegheny City. Enquire at Oda Mee, or of tdra.•hleAlorayn. on the •FOR SALE, on very liberal teni—PM, Nth L eta of Ground, Mutated on Penn, Wayne,and Pike ith aid tko puritan. Way, areardlngra aphis lobe's. at this ofEtte, wheat terms and eandaionalri4 be end. kriown. Por Mum, .:. . FROM rho first day of April neal— o no storied 11111CFCDSTELLING HOUSE, ly situated on tho Ohio Hives, aijoistinti.Lborwashor Manchester, with shoot font: or of .d . a asta= o o f t l';a o l . t 1 1= 3 itszo t b y tell . am . .jaaZ JANLI £ HUTCHISON I CO. • .11., A. SAUL', =TAOS /LOUSE, in AlletianrAßY. oft Eophsoada atreet.. Beet low. beware of hang TASSBY &BEST. ad WOOd INt. Brick Tosidi Air Haat. ALOT OF ORMINO, suitable fora Britt Yard, and situated LlCar the eittlitte, in the vieluity of Soho Bridge, will be rested tor a term or Team Ap ply toF.. D. GAZZ &AL Third street, Janie Oidee o'er the Post Mx. • Pcb, Rent. AROOM on the mooedLry of the Wereheaso No. dd Wood street. lugs az= • 41, , TIIREE STORY . BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, en Liberty street, between 011araaad Walustrersins, Fifth Ward, at present o.4Pied bqe subscriber. Posausiou given. the st ApriL mire of .1.1e4r . TVX YOUNG. Libe st. For dont. TIE BASEMENT. 'comer of the Diamond cod Union streethwell adspted to any pahlle bestasme. It has been ocennied,al a Coffee, or Eadng Establish ment, fora number of years. ALSO,Serend Mete and Althlll Uwe; well lighted, with entranea from the Diamond, over Um store of the subscribers north west earner ciao DM. mond and Market street. Apple to lugs • . ALEXANDER 4 DAY. LI - oft 11/1 1. N.D t two pleasualy Clawed Think Dwelling Mara, with Let rands adjoining, at Oakland. Poweeatton ,eatt be yen oa lbe gra of April arm. Jame Y, JONES & CO. Plarltent. rpHE But Fart ot the Wareham now maga by mplelf, um frond:won Fran amt. janS 0 II GRANT 41 Won st To tot. AGOOD TRIEE STOUT. BRIM DWELLING, an Eadedeld street, four doors t, 84orsatt, sweats/A. Inquire of.-. O. SCOOTER, An? Bootted DOR FIEDIT...A STORE, well glued ep for 1: Ooede, on Market et, off tween nail o o Fens*. Posen:an given on the o April next • Alaa—Sarenl ROOMS and OFFICES. .Fasreisioa even immediate) del) y O. Ol G le A e Z h irdOM. averthe Po rt - /IL*OR lIZEIT,'-- . The WAILEITOOBE at pre sent occupied by Hem. Bailey, Brom' 7k Oe., .o Watar strut, front Arst of Awn next. •, • 'armee • • JAMES A HUTCHISON 4 . CO &MR B.ALE—A Brink Roane; fhati an gees • boil 4) and Le; on Robinson street, Allegheny, r old Bridge. Brien low and terms easy,- Innate of 101 BSC/WYE/LIM &woad a FOR 3ALR—Fias lots2bly snag= an AM 0...5. ishlng town of thrmin ant. The lots am altar. I red on Denman street, n red In F Bateman, plaa 77,10; 80, St and 81 -' .Lo[ No 73 fronting 30 feet oa Ma. xy Asn street. 717 feet deep; the min font %Ref frost rash, by SU feet deep.' , . . _ • Tonna—Orme? 'pah of purchase none! may rigl Main for six years, ' 'se of . 0 Y Menterd ' V:Edel, IeWIT,O, Of ' BOHO myl6 . ' ' . ' 'VALUABLE REAL BETATRON VERN STREEM V FOR BALE-.A Lot of Cicoluid SWIMS en Peas um; between Hoy. and Aferbucy_ wee% odielniag Who bowie osuflot now occupied by Richeni Rawer% liaviog.a from of feel, end deptlelbil feet, moth be aid on favorable. terms. Title aucyceptionablo. quire of O. LOOMIS, eiti nm Wood. •• • A HEW AIIa.AZIGLIAME2M. • I!.IITRPHV ' TIM Retail Thy _Goods bnineka hereteford conduct -IL by W. IthwPkii eS Plonk Edsteeliter Pearl .acd Market etsainohnegh, wtll hereatlet beamed on by the now fine of MURPHY ft. BURCHFIELD, Who redpeodady ea& a ectudnuartes of the calla of the old ens emcee of the establlohntent, and Oa pahUe In general. A Iwke and...really wetted soak of Giwds oralalerlye be kept on bank sad fool Wl' doer dltdd offered 111 the way of low prices N. IL—W. R. 311/11P1f if will isenlinne 125 Wholo• '.0 , 11 basin.", as heretofore, in.lhe rooms , Up . Utter— eerflentrarme from ' , earth $l. ; • • MAW SPAILEIG 4100D21. ALEXANDER & DAY, 75 Market st, North West /1 con trof the Diamond, have eamectrated reiseiv• Ind their dock of Spring Dry Goods: Turf hove oect , Lcd a etteira aceortrateAbco—Reaustnt of Silks, Lima, Leslie% and other Dress Goods. s and Boum Ribbons, a bandcons assortment of French Worked Conan, do . , • Niiil==l lime Famishing Goode--a complete issortmeat at the lowest market price. ALEXANDER & DAY, Misketst, my% W carrier of** Diamael. zarie , . - 0..t. steel games &flora ircisr.•• . E _ ARLes C.. steel Stamm *twat._ and Sam - Iva Inurnment4 1•21 aruate.PPOk. is coy dank of the kind'offered to the pablip, botlktar re. acting and going it ftr.l cad ;mega edge, An .6n ra kts daballty. . . . The above eao be had, and pawns minima ie aglr reeeatable geaectity, al*. Bletlexlne Bonk Degemeary, Feirne el.. be:gram Weal mut Marta - • - It 1101.13101.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers