MISCELLANEOUS. BOONS! 210011:11t . r NI iiiißT reed atilt, PREBBITERIAN 6001( ROOM, J No. 7I Wood street, and for sale at Eason prices amie* , Odour Lexicon, Townsend's Amender:ma of Ow Bible, Meander's Thum of the Christian Reli gion and Chuck, Mittoes Treatise on Cefittian Doe, wine, Lim of Jeremiah Emote, Erin Rohlnacints Greek llosimany of the Gospels, do Endll. do do, So. Br Gm{ yob, Boston cams; Paroles BibCluettest, Meditursfts Chi. and its Prague; Dr. W ood'. Let tuce on Beredenbergianiam, 11011's Missionary Ante oun and many ahem Warmth., works, in Mallen 10 the oboes, all at Lan= MUM. nov2s MAP tor privintriunc — ram T I MILENP, AND VICBUTY, still be reedy for t engraver in 10 days. Persons who may wish to have views of their country seats Paton the k.,ive zma eal; 'dos. by soaking appileation to me lima bete. the PM last. To defray the. ealten*! the Tines we -, GI be required. In ad& to the plies of the moo. novlll _RR MeI:IOWAN • . TO TIM PtrOLIO. 0. &11 . 0 U- fon pears itine r es Iwe cravenot ' Me State of ,Ohlo; while speeding a few dem 1 drscovered a Raabe substance sad eabeequentl teamed Walt had been knows ( end asp to be of . see or val., but from Wu of testers and annular appeanmee, I was led to 11 vs it might be made rueful, bat (Or wen perpoee ad demo least Itko. I commenced of' allpenstents y ing it, boiling it, and salver. i oong la, arid co studies s t *UN eanatts substances; 'and ea strong sty confidence Mat there was value ' tat it., Oat 1 law en my entire tune and means in the promemon of experiments; and from that time o **l he dal to no other business; at the ex . by of Mau tem yule, I finally discoveled, that, by reducing It a fine wieder and mixing It with lin t seed .41 to she t Oe congruency of Wel paint, and - twiner' dits e d with a brash, that it. coaling n a ale neon s in become a perfect stone or ..;late; 'what Ore 'Wotan. when applied was ectually elate M a liquid , end the large mom% of Ole s, elatorria, emu an d black oxide of iron that It con tented, rendered it both weather md ire prooq as the Londe• exposed, dm harder and more pets:went It seem to baccara t and as the coming Woo it turns to - Wm) isr of Itself andestmetible by firs, consequently it protects the 11:g covered with it from the Gs, and ham there is air, there Ls no blue or combastiom therctore the will acmady char, before the date conaing will give way, 1 eooakdered the discovery of the greatest Import oace,,aiut applied to Government fora Daunt for Sty . swim' or discovery, fondly hoping that I Mould now be reamerat.l for all my outlay in time and mo ney.. The government, without my hesitation, gram ea to me Letters Patent for the sole right to mane. , tore, sell and use my Improvement in the ses ufmtue of. !`Weather and Fire. Proof Composi or Arti ficial Slate.. fir fourteen years. Augusta, IMIP. , Wfd. BLARE WE, the Inhabitants of Sham, be' cad the shot dilemma of Mr.-Blake, and believe ho be =Mau Ugly correct, as we are knowthig to mast of the Maio. menu therein contained; and we wfll farther maie, th at • we do not believe that there ever was a patent more • honestly and laborlonsly canted, or more deservedly crude& e.s he pursued his experiments with the most .oW:tit:dile perseverance under the mast dimottraglng r ireamsamors, as tber public had rot the least con& deuce that them could be any thing valuable made limn the übstahee: Ile therefore bad %oatmeal:der fot years the leers and seeds awed) the whole comm. 'ldly. Notwithstanding all We, he was indefatigable .• In the prosecution of Me expetiments, and we do net believe th at th ere Is one man to a thousandwbowould have persevered ander all the eireantsthemea. B. be Melt at last triumphed over all obstacles ; and we be lle. them Is now but one opinion in awarding biro ' the Minit'ef this veleable discovery. • • . CEO. W. CRAMP, Justices of HORACE() t he •,• 'JONATtIAN E EBIiA EB ,Peace. LEWIS C. CLIATSTELIN, Trastees • IL. W. M 11.4 of • PENJAMIN JONE, nstdp. WM. WTEREIT To, To p Clerk. w • - • ALLEN IlOWE,Trsasansr. wws. • 'CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. . I hays aseertali:md that there are individuals engeged In dlaing, grindnig, and.pteparing for este, the alarm =maned Idio., Ott be carpi mth oil,and used pre. , well me Ime my patented ertiele. I have been to those persons and shown them my pais.. They say 'the, de not Intend le tamp or rand , en d tom my Mate; that, they have a tight to dig, grind, end sell the boWder, if they eau End puretmerm that they.are not bolted to know what limy are to do with in that it is , no Infringement Mail Il is mixed with the ell to mike the co=td; and that those who Imp t trilz. andes t el, .:= 4 lnglare tatth p -b ate i lls good :taair2th s ge that mix and use the compound, end some have awl that what they wanes to use they should certainly parch. as of me, .o they did not Intend to make themselves • liable In any way. Now I Gm' myself in ditty hound to expose this barefaced Irani upon th e pubite, as I can call It by att milder name, where • man sells and re. crises pay for en, snide,the use .1 which he well knows eubjecte the puntmet end user to a women - tion and nee. Nome of those who are ensued in this Alamein/ MOW, will unquestionably...end to the • Othlie that MY relent will net stand, and that I dam eat prosecute. Now, to take dalliers - erne:a away from west to some of those who were proethireing that my patent wag of no value, and made the follow ing pa:megaton: dad they might eel.% sludge and two ',write who hare had some amnesia patent cases, "end We would admit the patent to them, sod if they • decided that the patent wee coed, that they should map ell farther pmeeedings in the' busiodm bet if they should decide that it weed not, In their ppidoo. hold I would agree to let them go on and sell all they could: , without saying any thong to the public, alio. them. This propeettion they would not accede to. So far as. , the validity of my patent is concerted. I do not de pend entirely upon my onin judgment, . 111 ..2b I have fullest contidenee ib howl have sub seed it to anany of the ledges. and setter. of the most eminent ' relent thwrem. who have, without excepdon, &Mead that In thetratenion it wee good, and would protect and to my ,illscovery. ••••• I gruld the ankle to a fine power, and put it lilt in , barrel., the which am marked: .1"315i.a% Paretta Fmth son Wears. Pao. AZWILLAI. Siam. s / therefore give notice to all who buy and nse the above Mentioned mineral for the purpose set Guth In my patent, except faun me or my Inuthormd Wen 1. that I skull bold them to • wiz. a... debility, no shall enamels. mite at law Leathn those who the.Wangs upon m,y right. WM. IMAIW:. Brame, Medtha Co., 0., Aug. lath. ItirTWO TONS of the shove Fite and Weldor Proof Arnica. • Slate int hands and foi sale: The •Oove we can recommend, for we have been using it for some tt veers, and know it to be what it is set fork in every particular. J. PHILLI PS. EXCEbSIOR! E. H. EATON & CO., N.. 02 Pomrth Bireot; Pletsburign, • 410,0 now In Store ,hair fall •mrmeot of Trimmiagsi Cloves, Hosiery and Lace Goods . A DLA d . PT D u ir: 416 . 1 /1 . 4 . 11 O p rj ,.. • I . l . C w i II I Of u ti . t e t tj1: 4 1O . resent the nitereet and most fashionable style of Goode int:hair hm. Their stoeb emulate to itartof the following: • DRESS TRIMMINGS. Fringes and Gimps, or.vierg. varier near cries Enured Galloonte Algerine and Imperial Braids; vrido and nanow Silk and Worsted Embroidering &rads; linaredand Velret Ribbons ; plain do drn Corded Al mums and plain Sado Ribbons, for trimming; blank, walla and .ftf.oned Silk Lacer, extra widen do do, fur Ammar, .milk a fell assortment of Dress Banana; Dresses ?Inked, Stamped or Embroidered to order. LACE GOODS. • Embroidered Lace mad Man Capes, Chendsettes, - Breakfast and Retiring Caps and Half Sleeves, French Worked Collars and Cefs t iagreat varietr, Lams Veils, Lappets and °warier, Mourning Chnll7.ola4l, /1124 Cads and Mg Sleeves; Linen Lawn. Mikis, plain embroidered and hemstitched do, plain Linen do; reV thread Lamm and Edgirorm Int. do dm Bobbin, •Lialo.Law hisslin and Cation Wgings and Insert/ars BONNET TRIMMINGS. ' Rich new aria Bonnet Ribbons, Preach Plea Flow ers, Bonnet Tabs, Velvets, Bathe, and florences, Silk Illusions and Tarletans, Bonnet Frames and Tips. EMI GLOVES. Bold manahiemre, with most approved farlerdnis, and choicest colon: An eXteilllre assortment always on hand. HOSIERY. 'A great variety of Silk, Wool, Cotten, Merino and Cashmere, for Ladies and Ulnas,. Tartan Plaids, and a tall assortment other styles Panel ea plain Child ...Ws Rom; newest styles Infante Dmt. and Pocky, Gents' Creamiest, Visords r Alerino, Cotten end fine Wool Dalt Wise. GLOVES. -.A &II anorunant for men; women and children, smolt( which are Derby Ribbed, Foloselle and plain •-• Sat ribbed arM plain Cantromm Chamois Lined 13m. Ilni Casdutere, Merino, Fhz.lined Deaver; heavy and dine Dretakin, Talitsty and Lisle Thread and Cotton. WOOLEN GOODS, Such as Ladies' ami Chlidren's Hoods, Children's Woolen Sacks, Knit Scarfs and Hoar. Chtldran'e Gait er. and Lang Mn,is Wonted Cella Knitting-Worsteds • • and Woolen Ynrna, aditerein C.ntrortM ram, Am Cashmere death, for Ladies. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Zepkyr and Tapestry Worsteds, Caesars Patterns, noes and Einto'g Silk, Bristol nod Peed Boards, Pa per Plower Materrals, Lomp Maly Tulles, and En brokkred Work, Abso—LadelPSilk ant Marino Vests and Drawors,Entbreidered Back,' rtatlllannels, Preach Worked Caps and War; tarlatans', and Swan's...lawn Do". GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Vasa Shirts, Cravats and Collars; Merino, Bilk and Cogan an d and Drawers, Suspenders, Shoulder Maces and Dressing Downs, Silk and LineHdkis; ' Glover and Basica. COMBS, BRUSHES AND PBRIMMERE, ~Fyepch pattern. cured andplaln Paoli Book Coate; o.6.Wesond M Shell &de and Long Combs; loi. dit; Illogato,Buln and Haewood Bair Brushing Sigel, Berea and Eng. Ilom Droaslog surd Sae Ivory Combs; an assonaern of Nail and - Ttela Ilrosaca . WetkarttPs W./old awe* Porfornery. VARIETY GOODS. ;;. • No'sdion, pins, Topes, !Mel limas and Pones, Beams and Psool fkeds, Berlin Woe Baskets, Purse Twist and Sowings Sloe Rosewood Desks nod Coat Bindiso.o Calms, Pansy Work Basket. Cloak Cord and Tassels, Portfohos, Paplontes and - Blind k. Rhode Trimmings, Lwee r.dpu a. Banner Towels, French Cork Soles, Upholsterer,* Fringoa, allot Mosta Umbrellas, Bag Limo used widths, Paper Idowlnst ktollands, _ Cloths, &acne Bands t Webbing, Bladtl ^-wset Std Oboe Libels sk P, Fs ill . ss isst , pep.' ~!:—ltee.d this day, at W. at , 4,j Clinroek's Carpet Warehouse, No. n Foarth et, your supply of Carpets, of the latest and most sp. proved • styles, to 'which we I[llll{E the attention of 8,,...mb0gg men, sad those wishing to runtish Hones. - so call and oramt. the bargee! assortment In tita eity, which we will . m 01l Clump. Mao ever boons offered in Le waste - ts weskit. no W AMU NTOC/I IN alarmism Lose shawls. R. MURPHY ••• reed • supply of the shore. IT l ng ei tlat° :I . Vic VII= ticou=l - I k .• playas, Penton Cloth, black Coburg., Parmenas, C•shotera.,llLoas Lain. and French Merino., black • ' • -Cravat. and Moaning Collars, Mrntrahor Bonnet Rib. •-• Amu, neck do, mai • tall assortment of Moarnang 00 , 6 generally. Also: PLAIN BLACK. SILKS, ' A lam wortacol, inelodlng • fory piece. very Inge • and surior. Bayer. are invitsd to look at them, at North East comer of Foarth and Market sm. Room up gain, whet. • large snort . went of New Goal. b•• lately benrueelveu lova° JAYBEICALTERAT/VE. have been Informed by !dm Rose of • can p pe eh • females her by Dr. Jaymete Sitoratiwie,whieb jite s ra n rallatteted Wr i tt==e l e l o y M e !t e e with HOW'S I*l or WHITE SWELLINGS, mimosa witch atemehotis ant ea Ottawa of waiters bones, d no; rklett T o e tovlys.l„er,o,s.hiaLetrogouwelvd from wrist. adhaned.s.end loomrmem,fmmbothherarms, both kin, and from r uins . fu lessor tons. sad from the right lune, bmotes polars' • Oats es 121.6ar parts of her penal', lorluch have bow ea Of a D emo[f the atom eminent physician el • ";' easel-41Inti of the time her sabenags have been eteratatias amt deplorable. About three months ;••• • vises she was mdseed k try Dr.Jayse'e Alterative, width has had an astostaltiodlY hang effect epos her s .:• ' rtmowg all pato and 'meal's's, aod eattemg the : rlawe se heal, 'stole lathe same time krot mend hvelth • Les became complete/a estored,so *as ehe,amaweislts • IS hi 010,11tkaa she dot Mint Wm PMmIMWW tie ass spf way valaible prepetwwOst. nt.Port. .teit.c. Vas feather infer impure cit Mafiosi, No. lib Pslben st,Pednitta. for mde ks web, Ft the POATZA 11170118, SLOAN'S COLUMN. C 7 ; SL the Meihdres advertised by W. S. SLOAN ere seld E • BOTZERA Wood ausetoadJOHN.P. SCOTT Liberty at, Piusb.a. 2 i.. l .llheSh by loter a. warm Allegheny Lay, by HENRY P. squweaTz an D. hi. CUSHY. The Bess sad Cheapme memo Medicine IN TIIR WORLD. SLOWni OINTIDINT AND CONDITION Hem sersed• rem a mis. Rairy,Milham,&ll. mend Themaghaso, SLOAN'S OINTMENT An d 1,. r ola'' , superseding all other Ointments and Lbalments now In am for the care of the following dls eases: Fresh amends, galls of all kinds, sprains, losses :zek o s . d u4 lssom, 7 4 ,1 • ;r4lfta il = 1 . lanteness, earoreri7cturered. feet mratches Of grease e m or b o rico distemper. Ilse Powder will remove ell inflammation ant rev ar msrifY th e blood, loosen the skin, cleanie the water and OTIOOVOOO e ve r y pan of the body- and has moral a mayereign remedy for Me following disease= Distemper, hide bound, loss of appetite. inseam strain, yellow wares, Ingsmnation of the eyes, fatigue from hard exercise; also, rheumadsm. (commonly cel led compltum,) which proves so fatal to many oat. sable horses In this country. It is also a safe and car min remedy for esughs and colds which generate so many fatal diseases. - W. B. SLOAN, . Grand Depot, 40 Lake at, Chicago; Illinois =ll Extract nom the "Galena North Weetem Oteette.', By the use of Moan'. Ointment and Condition Pow der, I have entirely cored a Swale on ay horse and otherwise bantered hi. condition more shan 3pD pe cent- on the copal the medicine And a cos, which was to feeble as to be cOnaidated wankleas by Wenn and neighbors,aral restored in good health and mreW.h by the ase of less than half a package of the powder, and is now doing totter than any other cow I have. Small Pon, Mayl3,lE4B. WM. VINCENT. THE SIIFFPitING rhereby cenifi that one of my chilift:en. when na ted, fall into a large fire of live coals, end was burned severely from head to fact The hula, medical aid attention wu given to the child for four or five da without any relleP-each day's sufferings Increas ed till his groans could be heard at a gull &some, at which unical period one of my neighbors recommen• ded and presented to me a hot of Sloan's', Ointment and in less than Mean adults after the application of the ointment to the aggravated sores of the suffering child, the pain ceased entirely, and ho speedily began to recover. My residence Is to Hell township, Ver. millloncoury, and State of Indisine • .• THEODORE L TAYLOR. Chicago, August 94,11348. April I. 181.4. Fonr . n . dies . nonh eiChicago (on the mad to Milvrankiej Cook colony, llUntil. Mr. Sloan—Don Sin One of my horses had a large bony tumor on his brcrott bone, immediately ander the collar, which lamed him and rendered his services of very little value. I faultfally applied several boulm of Dr. Taylor's Nerve and Bone Idniment,milhoul the least' benefit. I then procured Wader's Celebrated Hose Ointment, and used that until I been= folly satisfied that It would never rellove the animal. Ft natty I obtained a box ot year uuly valuable Com ment, and la less than 110 days from the fast appbca- Lion the tumor entirely disappeamd, AR MSTRON G the boom as I well. Coln,. EDWAR M POPULAR OPINION. If popalu opinion le any criterion of the worth elan ankle, we Invite the Incratelons to read at least a few °Alto many voluntary eartiacates that appear in our columns respecting the great variety of remarkable cures effected by the we of .ElLoenia Celebrated Oint ment and Condition Powdera. Them remedies no longer remain among time of doubtful guilty, they have pawed tram the Ude of at. :imam, mid now stand higher in reputation and are more egtenalvely awd thaw all other arg elm dale kind—billeh. City Name. THE HALF HAS NOT DEM TOLD. Fox &vie, J.lll 19, INS. Dear Sloan--Bit. Please mod by the hearse a um randy of your Hone Medicine. They ass the best articles of the kind that i have eau used, novas hay. Log been aleappolmed la 1111:11 dem, ma I have hear to the lee of Ohms, avers the most celebrated .oMo:tants, isintnuntle, an" of the day. I like very. muck tide fn. to., In theta, etc that they do all that la promised, and awn a thormagh trial mot la contralto:A to add . that ukalf km not been told.. - 11asyeettlely, M. DUDLEY. THE DIFFERENCE. The ordinary ointments and liniments it is mil known are severe and partial in their °parade.— Sloan's (Hutment la mild yet thalmeSi. 4, (nub,. and remoras the cam; hence it gives ml and permanent relief. Per parity, mildness, attely certainty, and Mennen:teas, Smut% Ointment exec and Is rapidly serpereeding all ether Ointments ea ultnents now In rm. WE CANT GET ALONG virrnotrr IT. • . Itaxix.• Glom 11., Oct Pt 1643. Mr. Swa n-Sim I have tested the virme of year Chnestent in the cute of rattlesnake bites, sons throat, burns, and many other Wen., and in ever/ ease it has surnamed our expectstione. As • Moly Oust. went, I have never seen its msal, and for. bents we can't get along without it. Tenn, tb., ' MUM N. JOHNSON. Mr. Sloan—Dear Sir: Fora considerable length et line I was seriously alined Inth the rheumatic com plaint, and applied freely the callous liniments, palm killers, Wlelolll. °brainingy relief. After which .yenz am, et at this prate infl uenced me to try your Ointment, and within two weeks from - the time I at merited main( it, the pain ceased, and I was effectually eared, and 'shall tomeamend all who are similarly at. dieted with the dirt:rasing complaint, to procure yam excellent drament without delay. Scary yours, OSCAR F. MOT.. Princeville, Peoria co., May 1,1848. (17' From the Hon. FL V. S. Bracts, Agent of the Zia Michigan Canal. rocket Heat Centpany., Cantsee,lrous 94,16 , 6 Dr: W. B. Slosm—Dear Sir. For the lam 20 years have bad occasion to use many hones, and have used the gent variety of liniments and ointments in use, but - have .never fond any thing your eh. ment for Wolin on hems. Within the last twe months I have Rolled your etnnrient to some BO horses, foe. versus Wines, and In every Instance lt has pro. ved a soyeniva remedy. A FINGER =MK ENITEIELY Two miles south of Chicago, Sept le, 1844 Dr..Slottn—ftire On the Bth Instant say son had a fin ger Inner entirety rig by a hem.. We tenniediaudy lap plied your celebrated ointment, which relieved Imo at pant In a - few minutes, and prevented the Anger from swelling the least particle, and the waned is he tepidly. Raspy yours, S. BROCWAY. DOCTOMNO IN GALENA Ifir.Bloaa—Deat Slrt About three yew"us I sr. severely injured In ono army legs by the falling of pfle - ef wood which oecamoned large rumen ulcers. Neoely every dodo In Galena tried to cure them; bat tried In vain, noel Croce: sympathy and Improper t.u mye W of o m u y d oedrl l e dep be a e ir a e m d e o e ver b e e s i nlgb .w oenlel aunts— but ln order that I might neglect no means within my reach, .I purr-based of you agerd In Galena some or Tom o intment, and you can Judge of my surpnse . I gratitude better than I can express it, to fad myself entirely vrelibefore I had finished using the second tot s These facts 1 make known that labels aillieted may believe and not delay using so valuable an ointment ss yours hes proved to be. Reel EV A Nrateu fed, Galena, Dec.l9, Ibid. DAVIS. ONLYSO DAYS. Before the following order, Me:wrs. Yaeghts 1 Co. potelossed a Wye supply of Sloan • preps/mimic Jarmo; Wick. Feb. 04,1544. S. H. Hibbard—Dear Sim I ant oat of Sloan's Coodt. Lion Powder and Horse Ointment .The sale far ex. MIA, my expectation If TM eon manage to send me 4 damn Outtment 1 will pay for them the lest Limo thu yba Sr. here, and rpm. I shall be able to sell a Imp quality in the comae of the year. It will be an object to you,sta well as to myself, to keep nos con. steady supplied. Very rasp') & yours, • S. VAIIGID7 CO. fiILSSL,S.SIPPI SIVES . Dr. Lotus, Feb. 22,1349. Dr. Sloan—Str: About two years ago, while ratting on the Mississippi river, In passing over the rapids, I was plunged into the water, and by the raft dashing spawn a reek, crushing my left leg and otherwise se. nously to me, PO much that I lost LI sensibility. When , consciousness returned I .found myself in Et Louis, surrounded by my weeping family. Good nen. ingand modiesl old, enabled me in alma two swaths to hobble ascend with the assistance of a crutch: The wounds m oney parliallY headed, 'Carina . lain nlillurt sores .he knee, which for many maths discharged bleed and matter of the most °rendre character. My pan:maser. inexpreuible, at times !ay lingering was so great that death would have received a helm , wet. come. Foruinately Mr. Wilson, (one of my neighbors). advised ate to to your Cardniern. I obtained a boo applied accoWng to direction-Abe sores soon began sssome s ly ealhy appearance, and In three months 1 woo entire cute, end enabled to do bud labor. You obedient servant, HIRAM W. THOMAS. We, .the undersigned, neighbors of H. W. Thomae, weR acquainted enth the case above stated, mad know ing the eimmutances, must cheerfullyecalma said 'Tboutsa , Autcolent. REV. J. DOUGLASS, GOOD NEWS. - Cmcs., Jan. Bth, 1849. ' W. D. Sloan-.41m One of my horses was hoof bond and also weended In the stile, In which he took .Id, and bemuses to crippled that he eonld scarcely travel.. By the treespplicanon of your sellable olnuoent, to. hoofs were Won mdseed and the elide permanently toted. 1 have also used the Ointment In the ease or Poe-Evil and on severe falls with equal sateen. • On • stashedwas hed Ante? that very pelitAll, It opera ted like ",Yours, kr. A. VAN WIDEN. dr TESTIMONY PROM LIT LE FORT. Sloan , . Ointment and Condition Powder are ac knowledged by all who have used them to be the let remedy Re home and caul@ that Ina been discovered. Fresh would., galls, swine, braims, ringbane, poll cell, and In short OUT) outward di•0111111 . or Wary cam be owed by this wonderful remedy. The Powder I. &dried for leeward mains, distemper, hide bound, fatigue from hard exercise, dimmed eye., ke.—Late County Chronicle. 'RATHER DOUBTINGLY . BUT I THOUGHT • , •• —• C o. Wmaz.nrys,,Cook A Feb.13,1134fi Mr. 131.0111—Sir I have fi ne years horse thst wee taken widathe ecratches last fall. I paid dot about thin dollars' for medicine At cure him, but he grew worn—linen bomb , . a box of your ointment at your °thee when in Memo last, rather doubtingly, but limit o ed I wuld try it. Judge of my earprote and my uptown of Ito beneficial qualities, when I found my hone's lap smooth and well Jaipur days from the time keonunenced applying li. Your obedient, E. F. COLBY. FACTS FOR TOE PEOPLE. More than fifteen years of imnvalled metes, in the more of rem variety of enema) difeases and liveries such as ryra.ns, Wellies, cuts, barns, cumneoria eru tions, sore lips, sore breasts, chapped hands, chill. Wiles, biles, %leers, cores, pates In the back, aides, or other pans of system, rattlesnake bites, he., beam simple test tawny th at Sloan's Oieursent is last the thing for th e hoes. Certificates Iritbout number have been received hy the horn disinterested Individui all, giving &tads of remarkable torts by its use. Granville, Mlleraukle co. Wi., Oct. 12, 1649. Mr. lidoan. , Dear Sir. Recently my horses ran rosy -with ehaln attached, which eat and otherwise injured thou eerieusly, so much so that I considered my toam . nuned for business. Fortunately a blend re commended the use of your Comment. I wen' us lomate and purchased a box. It soon removed the Ip ucuutu timt, sod in • few day. the wounds healed Moe great benelltderlyed from the nor of your OW. MOM, On iny horses, MOMM4I Ms to nemmint you with theSsety.believing IL publicity would Malt{ yOu mid the public. itupsettely your., GEORGE COMSTOtt Is A pcisTlvE pAct And tun lama= nadasion aaying, that Sloan , . Oisament nod Caniaina Po wdar are Madly 'upend tag . ~a ll oast romedica el Amman of Imbue and .Tha beau, of Yeanealleinds mains In tad" platy and safety, to win Oat way. be and aver so Katy wldar a at m any dander eluting cola, or any Mar Loa aday from Inor frmann s, ant nava eall so owe it abAromni tonoww, Ammo MISCFLLANEOUS• IstsMa , Raailw! 1111.1• Lat Dry Gleadiss al ran 051 nate nose op A.' A. MASON & CO, LL ceruntence on New Yeses Day, ;BA and w ca contintie thmtwh Manionlb of January, oaring time the whole of their lumen. establishment, GE/chiding alktheir Wholesale Roomita will be thrown open for Retail Trade. sod rhea emirs Wholesale Sleek will be offered at . Retail, on this occasion, at fully on rococo tan than an prices. Their Shawl Saloon contains more thau3oooShawls, comprising every Omni/Min of Long and Square Wool Shawl/s, Cashmere, 7 Stocks, die. Alm, Yawn, Cloaks, Mamillasßacka, &a., at an Immense =dea th"' tn''' DI . IWIN ' D CLOAK GOODS. Their Moak comprises more Wan as, pieces Thibet Cloths, Meriuos, Penmen/as, Alpaceas, Lyonese, Op era and Pellaw Clottm,. will be sold from Yu to ea per cent. less than usuakprices. Alwi—Xel pieces rich plain and Gg'd SILKS, redo.. ceui 30 pet cent._ cams Cashmere" and ler Lains, entire new styles. Also—Wlute Co o, Mounting do., Embroideries, Laces, Ribbon., Gloves and Hoelery, Trimmings, Ac. Xi eases Flannels, V/ eases mar style Calicoes. 60 ea ses Bleached M u t es, 100 bales Drown do, 70 bales Candnieres, Jeans, Cassinems, Sm., at extremely low prises. Together whiz an isomer= variety eof other Goods, making no-all ment one of the most extemstra the country—all of which knee been marked down ooh lower prices than their tilen.lll, annual sale In January huh They Invite an early eel, as many of their choicest Gooda will be sold. LEl—The lowest prim named at first. um. A. A. MASON A Co., W Ma'am st. I , Nortivay Wlt. DUMPILY, at North Fist corner of Fourth and Market streets, has lately received a %rip ply of the above superior mule of Illimkets,- and in vites these in want of the ankle to look at them be• fore buying. Ile has also on hand 11. me Mole Alan• kola, a good heavy article, which be is selling low. kAlso—home Made FLANNELS, brown, barred and white, of a superior qnallty. Also—Twilled Scarlet PLANNF.LS, to which he Invites the attention of buyers. re ugily u o p f . l/ w ts m reertly opened in the r s %ortinent very full and worthy the attention ' denier ' s ' . nOvl7 • SELLERS . 'LIVER PILLS Witit Pa, Sept CS, I x 49. Mr. R. E. Sellers—Deis Sin I feel it M • dem 1 owe to the public, as well as to the credit of your Laver Pills, to state the good elects produced by their gee In my own case. Daring the mouth of June, iota, I took 1 keryenwell, my appetite failed, and my in strength was entirely prostrated, with severe pun my side aod shoulders. I was told by medical moo Mateo disease was a severo attack of liver complaint. I took wife eel boxes of hPLana's Liver Pills, and some syrups, which I was told was good for that disease, bet after sill was getting worse. I finally concluded to place myself ander the care of a physician for better or verse, but, fortunately, lest at this time, I was told by the Wm. L Niblock, of this place, that • friend had sent him a box of Sellers' Liver Pills from Pittsburgh, which bad beneficed him WTI . much. I forthwith sent fora box of year Liver Pills, and by the time I was done using them, I was satisfied that it was Most the medicine that muted my cue. I gent for more, and took five or nix boxes, sod found myself almost entirely eared; but in Much last I caught • severs cold, which brought back the disease, and in a short time I was as bad as ever. I Ryan had recourse to your Liver Pins, and took them every other night for six weeks, end occasionally skies, arid I eat now au, that I can now say, that I feel little if any Bytoptgam of the LiTer Complaint,moiety general health it am good now as It has been for the last IU years. My neighbors ask me who was .toy dotter. I tell them that fellers' Liver PUN mu my doctor, and by the blessing of Divine Providence the means *tearing me. lam confident that when the public become ac quainted with the value of your Liver Pills, the de mood for theml•lnillOrearo. ?duty of my neighbors, to whom I have mecca:mended the pills, can testify to their valise, as well es to the facts above stated. Respeetfully loony ligogoa Moues. ear To ru thrum—The Original, only true and gene. ulna Lim Pills am prepared by R. E. Seller. and have his name stamped in blank wax upon the lii of each Box, and his sugnnuire on the onside wrapper. uzrAll tamers are counterfeits, or base imitation. spill R. E. SELLERS, Proprietor, 57 Wood at Jayaur Capita lomat. Baum, Columbiana .4,0., Apr. 94, ITh6. D. JAYNE& Dem Sne—l kel bound to you and the elibend public, to avail myself of Mk op. pornmitlp . vingpeblichy to the extraordinary erects (your s rant emmyselL Ilaviriren ardkted for seeyears with severe coug h, hectic fever and its concomitant diseases, and some only doomed to linger out a Mort but miserable existence,- an it the fall of Itate, when, being atom severelylsom:Med, 4 having resented to all my former remedies, and the . pre. scapula's Moro of the most respectable physicians In the neighborhood without deriving any benctih or die constilatioti of sullying hut • few dale or tea, " to farthest—when the ten gleam of hope •IlL• .0121 ta vanish, I had recommended to me your Expectorant— and blessed by that Being who doe all (lunge la the use of the means—aad contrary to the expcmatione Of my phyoviem and friends, I was in a few days raked from my bed, and was enabled by the use of • bottle, to attend to mybusiness, cairn. , " stn. , W." ". 1 """ I had for ten years previoua. Keepectfully yowl, le., JeraiV. Erma. For sale In Pntaburgh, at the Pekin Tea Btore,7o Fourth motet mer3l IX R. JAY N E EAN'S CERTIFICATE TO D IL JAYNE. ' This certifies, dent immediately alter haying attended my brother, who died of consumption in March, IR:, l was taken skit with the Consumption er Liver Complaint, and was,educed wit low with the disease, that for four year. I was enable to attend to my blames:, either at home or abroad, being for the ost dine confined to my bed. Dating the above peri od of tuna, I had expended for medical attendance o regale:Physicians . and medicines, to the amount of enthoat recmving • any benefit therefrom. In July, IRS, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne's Medi cine% and have taken them mote or Iv. ever since, end believe that it wen penevenng in their use, er red at I can now Duly ray I have completely tee erred my health. believe the that Jayste's Sanative Pi ll. and Expectorent are the beet family medicines now In I :aide In Springfield, Otsego board), N. V., Life , carry.. a (Unice and machine Mop in that place, and am not Interested In any manner In the sale of the ahoy, medicines, and make this certificate for the ben. eft of Mose a&teted. ELLIAH EATON. Springfield, N. Y., Sept. If 1843. M 4 ALF.X.ANDER DAY, comer of the Diamond and Market street, notify their [beats and the public that they have t e l their stock of Fill and Win ter GOODS, due. tel= the importers, mannfactarrra .0 auctions at the east. Them macho( new style and fashionable Goods is large, Lod presents strong attrac t.. to porelauers. Is Ladies Drew floods and Shawls, the most splendid and fashionable Goods of lb , season are now offered, at remarkably low pores . • . . . coansting inport of the following LADIES' DRESS GOODS. New style Brae. bg'd Canadian Silk.' Cold and Black Satin Do Cheaes and Tare Saline; Cel'd Camen.Groderhince of the best via h uts, Illaek glo sy Carotenena of the celebrated Eagle manufacture. 'the above ad Black Silks are warranted not to cut In the , for emuu and manualu illy rue the best isape si ir . el f far C SatinD"..Ctiene,the hazilsomen New style ha Silk figured Ftereh Mennos, • tiand sake d article for wallung dresses. lt Era k;au en d ed French De Lames, for dress. and l is k " ly azTes, s'i tiVe e L t rims, Alps.. and Par WLS AND SCARFS! Seethe Long and Square Shawls. of the best qua. ties Plaid Long S awls, of the newest dengro, remark• ably cheap i . endid Ter n Shawls, at greatly reduced prices. Camelion B Is AO Silk Saone lti mu variety. Eiffrlis"7Z , ` raMtkrriliPvlSlLiTg.'• Sot Sonia re French Twilled Cloths, all one.; best Sedan egol nab Cann:ter.; new style Alner• LenaCasairnerea; mper Satin Ver... LAD ' CLOAKING CLOTHS! French and lan Black' and Olive Clothe, for La dies? Cloaks. BLANKETS! A splendid as =eat of American and imported Blankets, al rem kably low prices. DObiESZ. as AND STAPLE GOODS! A large and amplete assortment now oa hand.— Muly of oar p t stack of Smalls Goode were bought from the knanufacturers previous to the present advance US p tie GS. A principal part of oar stock of French and Eriglish goods have been Purciellud et the great Loewe Sales to Philadelphia and New Fork, which enables aidto otter decided bargains in almost every desert of goods in oar line of business. Countryletihatils, Merchant Tutors, and all wholesale and Mil buyers, are invited to . early examination of ur stock and prices. AL' DER tr. DAY, 75 Market sl. peen north wen comer of the Diamond. • mot o • DALY 000010 WR. hiU FHY, at north eat corner of Fourth . and km sta, Is now r«eiving his second apply for tho o, and can offer inducements to buyers rare! to be met with. His assortment of IFS' DRESS GOODS I. very full, co • Ong of Preach bletioca, Cashmeres, Coburg., L.yones Cloths, super Printed French Cash meres, at prices cariderably rimer than they could be bought early i the !mean. His stock of .ONO SHAWLS Is large, and embraces many of the bautifel style. now on exhibition at Fru:Mlle Institute, Phtlarra. BONN AND NECK RIBBONS, Of new and Ire handsome styles, Velvet TTIM. mings, Se. SA G FLANNELS, 01 rarities styles nd qualities, plain and embroidered Slat SIM Laces, Needle Worked Collars and Cuffs, Bonnet Satins sod elver Flowers, Caps and Feathers. HAN E DRESS SILKS, Of the newest styles, dal lower prices than usual; and rich chageable Silk. sod Seam, for Ac; and • large stock of STAPLE - AND HOUSEKEEPIN GOODS, at lowest prices. And in the gentlemen , . department will be road Ina . - . . FRENCH BLACK AND FANCY COL'D CLOTHS, Black Domkins,Winter Vesting., Fancy Chissimeas, Undershirts and Drawers, Silk Cravats, Pocket Iland kerchiefs, A.. (gjp.bleichants are invited o visit the Whnleale Rooms, up stela. VERY WONDERFUL Clinkl— EL r. E h a a A VERMIFUOI7 Messrs, Mercer eo., Pa., Sept. M, I C4O. E. Sellers: Dear Sir, I bought one bottle of your Vermifege at the Iron City Furnace stare, at this pl.ce, and it bas performed what we consider out here. won derful mire. on one of my boys eight year. old; he had been unwell for some years, ea moth so that I had giv en op all bop" of his recovery. I was advised by oce of my neighbarg to try a battle of your Ifermidige— and 1 am happy an inform you of It ha ink the desired effect of relieving mlle passed, in the short space of Si boa., l et wormy mote of them measur ing no much se 11 sad inches long, I feel bound in j a nkogloo you the above gatemen; so as you may make any use of my name that you think proper. Yours, very respectfall s Jonsvnan S. Lams. 02. Prepared and sold by R. F. SELLERS, 57 Wood amen and 'old by Druggists generally In the two eines. novl3 I—sSELLEIts' 1;I/U011 SY -11 K.' &den, Esq., Cloth of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Beaver Coonty: Ate. H. E. Sellers, Sir, Some time in the winter ray wife was afflicted with Laevere and distreasbm cough, . n d b e aring of lone invaluable Cough Syrup, I par. chased a bottle from S. T. nimble, of Bridgewater, and offer taking a portion of it two or three evenings no going to bed, Oa found immediate relief; as aloft several friend. have been relleve.l to severe caret I am thercßwe satisfied that itis it and valuable toe. thelne and would recommend it to thou who may be xiilicuk with severe coughs and cold.. klatch "M,1547. IV. It. BODF.N. corPold by R. E SELLERS, 07 Mod Street, and b Widoi generally in the two eine. and 'Minim. tad Drab URP;IY, e bI WILSON k CO, novl3 ' 48 Wood ar SCARLE/ . MOUS. DE.1.2.11115--W. IL Murphy h Put reel a lot of high colored Maus de Lain• such as Chary, Scarlet, fte,at the love price of lee. per yard. A 1.., Plain Drab, Brown. at Ili to Idi esats per Yard, and • large essordtteat of mitt style Ilsrared Mass. de Lai., at miss. prices. bireiee Ind, • choice, assurboeul of Drees floods dr tietatly rub so Fancy. 8415., Freud, !dermas, Castanets& comp 644krOnese Cloths at the S. Gamer of Fourth and Mute) els. iiilo/01111141 ROO= Ip Man, eosl.l NOME TRANSPORTATION LINES. HASID , PEN & co. Passenger sum Realllama* 01Raft' AirefIAZIRDEN co. continue to bring persons ron any p.m of Enid... 4 Ireland. Scotland or Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with their usual panctuality and.attentban tothe wants and coma fort of emigrants We do not allow our passengersto be robbed by the needling scamps that Infest the flea puns, ea we take renege of them the moment they re port themselves, and see to their well being, and do spnteh them without any detention by the first ships.— We uuy this feelenle, no we defy one of on gars to show that they were detained Id baatok by to in Liverpool, whilst thousands of others • oto detained months, until they could be sent in some s.d -raft, at a chit p ram, which too frequently prove.: dleie . 0 1ras: We 'attend to perform our contract, aonenally, best het It rely, and not net Ina the ease lan mean, 'with ether officers,—tarho either performed not all, or when It united their convenience. -. • • • . Drafts drawn at Pitobargb for any auto from .111. gnu., payable at any of the ptoviactal Banks in Ix, land, IBlghold, Scotland and Wales, ROBINSON, Earopean gut General Agent, feta streaLoba door Labor ` ood: V I ViCli PACKUTS. Steamer lIGAN N. a--blapt. Gilson. "k: EMIL; " Gordon. TITS above regular and well known Heaver Pll.ok. els, have eounnooned making them daily trips to and loom Beater, Odd will continuo torn between Pittsburgh and 'leaver regularly Miring the season,. tallowy:— . Michigan No. 2 leaves Pittsburgh daily at ti o'clock, A. N., and Beaver at R o'clock, P.M. Lake Burr leaves Beaver daily at 8 o'clock, A. M„ and Plitabargh -at 3 o'clock, P. M. Tien steamers will run In counection with • It C Parke' Express Parket Lino, for Mid; Taylor & Lettings/roll.. Warren Packets; Union Lino of Freight Boots (or Cleveluoli Clarke & Pittsburgh and Cleat:lambi,. Frig& Boats. M=ZlVl===2 CLARKE, PARKS & Co, Heaver, Agents. JOIDPA. CAUIiIiFX, Agent, Pinsborh, hal cur Water and Smithfield ate Aa 1849. PITTSBURG!! IND CLEVELAND LINE, ON THE.PENNSYLVANIA AND 01110 CANALS. fill I Proprietors of this old establielied and popular daily lane, consisting of SIXTEEN fast clue Canal Boats, berned by themselves and running in 1.001100• uon witk the steam boats BEAVER AND CALEB COPP., am enabled to offer unequalled facilities for the transportation of freight and passengers, on the opening of Canal navigation, to all points on the Penn. sylvanla and Ohio and N. York canals and the Lakes E. M. FITCH & Co, Cleveland. BIDWELL & BROTHER, Agents, Beaver. 3. C. BIDWELL, Agent, lowa Water street, Piusbargh. It. w. c. trowni, wburgh. Gleam. BIDWELL 4 BROTHER. Forwarding Merchants, HEAVER. PA., • Arras fur the Pittsburgh cede/cede tad lame, PittP Inargi - and Erwr Lim via Erie, and for a.m. teals BOW/ ana•Crileh Cape. • Having Perchased the large and antiontarlal Wharf Boat just built for the Monongahela Parham, have with We addition of a Warehouse, the most ample ac commodatioos for receiving and forwarding, and pledge their utmost attention, pmmUmn" and deapueh to consignments to their cart, and rely on their fnende for • vial. • mare-dly B. Cs BRO. rrrTrç. rT. ._Jrrl,r'l O N I E scrod !tad Piro, 11oetajes, pl . " St I 4 " I " " 3 For sale for cult at tha above prier., Ly dole JOHN H MELLOR, id Wood TO VIOLIN PLAN. G. 1111) Val:sl &nom., altered and connected from the lass Eng lish edition, to correspond with Spolas Original School.of Violin playing, by his pupil U. C. 11W. .If any arguments are required to reeornmend this work, It may be observed that ripohr himself adheres strictl May to the system laid down in the above work, and t be has by the mime mode of Instruction produced a greater number of &gunge/A/tea pupils than any other molter in Europe A supply of the above loot reed, (price 117,) and for cola by doi7 J H MELLOR. 81 Wood st R`11" II P.C*;;111!:,\ -- - N EMINENT end urprtieseed Plyectan trots ta. gar, of to 7cnn E.l2ldilag, offers to tilmt gal town a belicate Natme molt promptness and secrecy. Ills success In Buffalo and other largo cities haa been proverbial. His charges are moderate, and his curer permanent. Old eases of Gloet, Stricture, Scro fula, fluor Albaa, Rhonmatigni, Agee, Syphilis, or any chronic or Inveterate eases soltottfd.. A care warranted, or charge refunded. Omen, SC Clair street, !doors from the Bridget. Teeth Irstraeted. Advice to the poor gnu.. N.ll-Ih. A. toilette the wont taxes of any &masa • PtusLargli to call. aplentlY PETROLEUM. 131CitocK There are mare thin s in heaven and earth Than are dlttilipt of in philosophy." TW VIRTUES of remarkole remedy, and the lell•l.1 apecaticus lee It. to the proprietor, Os induced him to ye it at op In bottles with la bels and directions for the benefit of the public. The PETROLEUM Is procured from • well in thte cooly, at • depth of font hundred feet, ts • pare ona dultersied article, without any chemical change, bat lot as flows them NueroleGnist Labratory!! Zatit emu.. propenna reaching &number of alb. aja no longer a muter of uncertainty. Them are many things in the arcane or nu .10,/cb,tf known,might be at east usefoluos alloviatimg sursinng, and re fswung the Moot of health and vigor to many a. suf erer. Long Utfore the proprietor thought of put/14 it up in bodes, n had • reputation for the core of da ease. The constant sod duly inereoutg calls for it, and several remarkable cures It Wis performed, Ls • s . o . re . r . d p ic p tio n n . o . f ., :u tho fo t t a u r r e adtlalarity and wide P We do not wlakt to make • long parade of earth eaten, as we are conseloos thnt the medne can won work us way into the favor of those who ender and wish to be healed. Moist we do not claim!. It universal application in every disease, .e a sed nleana- • tingly say, that m • number of Chrome Disea it is vaned. Among thew may be enumerated—all diseases of the mucous noses, each as CHRONIC lIRONCIIITIS, CONSUMPTION (an early non) Asthma, arid all dise ases of the air passages, LIVER COMPLAINT, DISPEPSIA ; /Ando.* Dtecoe• the Bladder and litdneys. Pune at the BOX or Sklar NeniousDiscoo,Ncuralcts, Pauly. lithetuotic Pains, tiout, Erysipelas, Teller, Yanyworme, 800, Scalds, Brumes, Old Soma, An., an. le rocs ro ofe d bility le. sulung from exposure, or long and ptracte elms a! Moose ; this medicine brutg relief. It will act its • general TONIC and ALTERATIVE Is sseh oms, unpartmg too zed cnorgy th. whole frame, remo unt obstmetuuts, opmung the sluggish fuectione,whieti canoe thseate and a broken constitution, end giving Increasesl and renewed enemy to all the organs at WM The proprotor knows of oven al mares of Mal, that restated emu other et well under the ow of the PETItOLEUM for a . h a rt time. The proof can be given to any person who desires it. None sesame without the signature of the proprietor. Sold by the propnetor, S. hi. KIER, Canal Damn near Seventh at. Also by It. EL SELLERS, 57 Wood et; end—KEYSEIt sM' WELL, comer Wood rt and Virgin alley; who are hi. novt-dly ',gamey appointed Agents TUBS AND CHUBB/ PINE. AND CEDAR WARE MANUFACTORY No. UT, caner Markel and Pillk—or 49 Munoz, tureen Thad and Founh THE antwertber beeps ancantly on hold, who sale and mall, the followull ;Males, Wu: Wah Tubs, Plod Chasm, Nest Tubs, Barrel Cholas, Ban, Tots, }lag Bushels, Wooderalowls, Pecks mud Half Pecks, Wash Boards, Brass Benuot Buckets, Clothes Plc., Towel Boilers, Wooden Ladles, Bread Rollers Clothes Baskets, Market Boatels, &e., he SAMUEL KROEBEN, norl4 No 63 Diamond alley, Pitsablugh J. Illistpra,t 4!K lons' Patent Soda Ash. 3as CASKS Wave tea Soap makers , Sate Asb, 4,0 imparted from ed direct the above celebrated mannfac orrery e 9 per cent American tem, arnvlng for sale by no v 6 W& M MITCtIELTREE pOWDEIL—RyO kep Bluunr, dYO" Deer Rine; " . 250 Ky do; f " do do; jut recolving and for We h fohdl DILWORTH tr. CO I.IFRIVES—O4 bbl. Ist store sod for sale by fetal WM It JOIINSPON EO6-1 Ude rde'd sad for sale by febll IVIII H JOHNSTON let ''''' fait li".101INSTON NFAMC4 bias di fetal 411 kegs far sale by febgl WM 11 JOHNSTON JUAR—IC Wide prime new, reed and tor we by fable ABIdSTRUNO & CROZER 3LITE DRILLS-6 bile . ben berry Buffett aid 3 Stark Blue Drills, opened and for sale by DWG BiIACKLETT & WIRTH 3 AL SODA-4 mks for .le by febW JOHN D MOROAN bids double rake,, toi tale lour by A febl4 BUROPIDOE, WILSON lb CO ALOES -515 W. prone DrY Cdr.; DO do Snout.; far dale by ebb R E SELLERS OFFEK-73bago BROWN tr. KIRKPATRICK, 1411 Liberty feblS MU A 40 jest reed, for solo by rebls BROWN & KIRKPATRICK SUrill—ldd hhd. NO, for yaly by febls - • BROWN & KIRKPATRICK WPo—dd tte — tra BR reila r , - i — aridiorti y OWN k KIRKPATRICK, 144 Isttortv ot FLOUR—Rai barrels Extra; PM broads Saperfine; 83 barmier floe, on hand and for sale by fabla BROWN & KIRKPATRICK rlOßNElYlarinTelaYeiloriifor aaTsny fabla BROWN t KIRKPATRICK elpll.ll-40 - ittekeilving Per sty Nelson, and or %..Psale by lebls JAMES DALZEL:..._ fgrtfliartiriii b. Win'4sl - i stern and for Vl' sale by labls JAMI f S DALZEI,Is cly & Bloom., le sale by febLi JAM ES S DALZELL y BUTTER, tee—to bbl. and Mkep Bartell a Lard; 4 ends reathafin for male by &GIS JAMES DALZELL L A" . 11. ; 73."395 g" 1." ." J b O g liN 1110 - 80 . A-N MetPINK-2 .upenor~ laAlb2;r4olotiri G u ine r (r--.4°Q1171.611V001:fg. CLARKS ale by SOAP=RoIm, rr . 37r2 ... t febl4 d by gbfeCliCtlL" p ore rE. 1 .71 , 7 Wlffrn, 3EiliN 9 Zlrbble idstereand 'for tale by febl4 ENII1.1911& BFIPlpf FLPIL nroe9-1 bale In More and for sale by febl4 ENGLISH it BENNETT Long D ÜBLIER 600D2-12 pair Logging.; Llo 12 pair !Shirred Leggier.; iiirCurhions, round and plasm 12 Pea Coats; 1 proms No t Itiov; 1 do Noe do: do Nu 2 dot just Teed and for sale at the Rubber Depot, Nob Wood st fetll9 tJan PHILLIPS EBiaiNE==l hi 1111 CAL. SELLERS FAMILY M EDICINES —"They are the Medicine. of the day!' Oaaticathi ft.:to:basin, May Is 1849, R.- E. Sellers: I think it right fur the of others to state sows facts in relation to Seer excellent Rama. ty Medicines. I have wed your Retrainee larem7 in my own fain lly, one vim freqwntly answering for expellinp to cumulties May Ito Mai worms from two chili.* I &me also wed your Liver Pills and Dough Syne in my family'. and they have in every instance produced tbe edect desired. As I am engaged. Le memimadising, 1 am able M your medicates have been used in my rs secime failure .of the taunter. in conclesion, I may state that they are At methane , el the day, and are destined to have a very extensive popularity Yours, red tactfully, . 11. act_ Preparedand sal by R. a 1 I.ItS,No 57 Wood areet, and told by Drugetta c enmity In the two el- We and vicinity.mv3l a - uviaictostp - L - AINT, - by 4a I.W Original, only true, and genuine Liver Pill. • Snort Caws 'Ohio county, Va. March tiGth, 1849. Mr. R. E. Sellers: Dear Ste-1 think it a duty I owe to yen and to she public vows ly, to state that I have been atEleted With. the Liver Complaint for a Long time, and so badly that en abets formed and broke, which left me in • very low state. Having heard of your celebrated Liver Pills being for sae by A H Sharp, In West Liberty, and recommended to sue by my Optician, concluded to mve them In fair trial. I purchwed o ne box, and found them to ',e Jun what thep_are recommended, TIIE BEST LI. VER PILL ERSE USED; and after taking four bocce I find the disease has entirely left me, and I ani now perfectly well. Respectfully yours, 1) II COLEMAN. Wes7Liberty, March 76,1849. I certify that I em personally acquainted with Mr velem and eon bear testimony to the truth of the above cerutleate. A it SHARP The genuine Liner Pills are prepared and sold by R E d a LLERS, No S 7 Wood street, and by &ageism in the wo dues. TO THE PUBLIC .—The original, only true and gen uine Liver Pill. are prepared by R E Salem, and have Ms mune stamped in black wax upon the lid of each tor, and his signaler° on the outside wrapper—all Calera are counterfeim, or Wm imitations. 6 0 3 1n Ay Es umuti ß E is SE A L T L I ER vic S, zs Pr A oiti s e ma tor to gum the Rev ASA SIIINN, a well known and pop r War Cleo{ 'man of the ProwatantMethodist Church The underagned living been afflicieddering thanes% .11 , 41 e I walls .10-ewe onhe 11t061•41,30113eleale• pia due , n great pa,fn in the stomach for tenor twelve beam without.ntermwoon,and after having tried cations remedies wlth, • t 'effect, was furnished with a bottle alit DJ aytuataG t mauve Balsam: This he used ac cording to the diretibens, as d found iroariab I y that thi• medicine caused tl,e o r to awe in three or four Ilia etas, and In fifteen or twenty Onutesevery uneasy sensation *wend rely quieted. The medicine wee a terstardeused whenever indica...owed the apptosat of p anwe re perceived, and tho pun was thereby prevent. ed. Ile *entwined to use the medicine every eveniog and sometimes. , •he morning, end to a few weeks heath W. 50 (erre SUMO, that the sude re wan telle• editor,. a large mama roan ppressive pain. From us patience, thetefore• e can 00efielaltly eepEalllella ll 11layncieCarunnativ• Salaam, at a salutary medlein for doom. of lima:Mach and bowels. A SION ND Allegheny city Jp.tl For sale Inset,aal at as stEKI pi pg. OR 79 Fourdi street near Wu L and also at the Ilrug Sweet H P V. oral street. Alteetwat R•ILUAIBLIC liniguArt CONSUMPTIVES, BE ON YOUR GUARD. DR. SWAVN MS • CONPOURD SYRUP 01 1 WILD CHEESY. Tel ensue W. , Vol Oouromption, COnghb, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitia, Liv er Complaint,BOtons Bl ood, Minh) of Breath ing, Plitt in the Bide d Breast, Palpitation Cl the Heart. Induct.; Croup, Broken Can alisation, Bore Throat, Nano. Debili ty, and all Mance of the Throat, lineal and Lungs, the most 11. faecal and speedy 01115 Girl known lot eny o f the abrpre duce ea. in DR. BR A ' 9 Cloiapeting Ityrup of Wild Oliorryl TM. mrdle is no longer among those of doubtful stility. It has paused away from the thounads daily annolsed upon the tide m experiment, and now stands higher to reputation, and is becoming intere entertittee er ly awl than any other prevention of medicine ev prodneed for %berated at watering man. It bee been tatrodueed eery generally through the United Hume Lad Duey., and there we few towns of Importance but what corium some remarkable eel od=oeftn,ilieVtlfel'eTle szytif;Erloynotrlvf,tr. lzthe propietor unit Invert few of tbe Many thou testimonials which have been presented to bun by inn of the Arm respeetability--men who have higher Olen of more: responsibility and illittee, than Le err. tify 10 Mots, beeline awn do &nether a favor, and theenaelves lie miustice. Poch testimony prove, con euttuvely, that its surgrising excellence is eetntabthne by its Latinate merits, and Me enguesuoneble aattiori. tv of public opinion The instantaneous relief it af fords, and the seething Whence Mused through whole her. by its nbe, netters It • meet agreeable remedy for the efliteted , REMEMBER! "When men, acting fromconscientious ottrnees, voluntarily beer testimony to the truth of a thing, or partici:der feet, such testimony, being etannwee b thou evoridly interests and purposes, enerccs convictian of its meth, and commends itself in a spvcial Inenner to universal erisionee.”--011ogan's Moral Maims. READ THE HOME CERTIFICATES. &ILL Arena Cell Olihriatentele ConeelElTlon I bare never was a remedy Dist ha been as mccessful ui desperate cues of Consumption, st re n g thens ee's Cooknoinsd Syrup of Wan Cherry, Ii the enema, appears to heal the wren on the hinge, maw gne w end rich blood; power possessed by ho ether aims. Cworran Co., April Clth, 1819. M. R. erne—Dear Bin I eerily 'where your Com pound Sirup of Wild Cherry has been the meas. at urine my lon. I caught a wrrere cold, which urge s.) grew/ won., weeded with a severe roust, that rearmed all rho remedies which I had reemerge to, cull brews...rug and:lacy cue exhilesed all the .7.Ft... of t o enurers.. Event ..47 rui.d seemed Id ly have no effect, snd my complaint...taw. .0 rapid ly that friendS as well as myself, nave ny all hop. of my recovery. At this time I wns recommended to try your invaluable medic.. I did with the most hap py moults., Theirs% bottle had the effect to loon.. the yardyernreur expecturste freely; 'awl by 'the dote I had need au bottles,' eras entirely wall, and am now as hcarry a man as I ewer was in my life and won. too happy to glee any tfomtationeespee4 nay ease, that other sufferers oney derive the benefit for which lam mi grateful. For the truth of Rua above audemen 9 l s l , l refer you la Peter Rosh, Grocer, Heat Comer, of whom I pat-chased the medicine. Be. .117 you*, Juin/domes. Wonderful Co" o f • bi,•kai• Masa.. Ire. Swayne—Dem Sir. I feel a debt of gratitude dee to yen—and a ditty to the allilebed generidly, afr., barabla tindthiony in favor of your COMPOOOJ Sy r, of wild Chrry. BOUM three years since I ma. violently snacked with cold and inflammation of of the coo h, pain in tre.bre.as"t*andTeld,Waithvorya delonsid'ng ble discharge of offensive maim from the latigii,e ' spq m . Lit I f u eree cats..nral%ur meay'beeortidlimix7vbelartmeshagshP. At re non convinced Jail was rapidly going into egnaninp tion. I grew daily wester, and at length was scarce ly able to walk aboot, or meek above a whisper, such was the exceeding weakness of my langs. During this, nom I bad tried various preparations and premnpUtins but Mend no Asher—growing all the tune worse. Jam here I was advs.cd and persuaded by • dear friend in Wilmington to make mai of yea SYruil of CAM Cher ry. mast eons.* that prevtously I hail been prem. dlcod against patent 01[4.1fItteh Bad I I. WEI &pd., those coming oat of the hands of emporia, but under standing your eisims to the przfesslon and practice of medicine, and luVing implicit faith in the one of f my friends, I forthwith purchmed of Dr.'Shaw, one y o m agents, a few betties, and commenced nit use. Itly time eras at 111 Va thne of 20month& standing,eon. eminently It wee deeply seated. I found, however, considerable relief from the s a me of the first four or five bottles Bt being a public speaker, I • uently at tempted to o preach with my i ncreasing •• ngtb, and therebyruputrel those vessels that had al ad, begun to heal; in due way, doubtless, my sure la 'ready retardee• In ...Lance of acting ,•pnident! I bad to use [waive or fifteen both. brie Iwm pa, • fatly restored I have no quesuon, a in •oh small number otborths would have made me so •d, the above indisoreurra The Syrup allayed the fee, habit, took sway the distressing cough put an •, to the discharge of matter (um die lung and gay them and the ea system good health. I ace defet red offering this certificate until now, for t parpom of being ruffle..raddled with the german my ai tho core, and now snail lee perfectly well I o'er it with pleasure. Ray. J. P Dahlia county. haportiuts Coulson—Read , • . There is bat u e genuine preparation of t lid Cherry, and Mat le Dr. Remise% the Ent 0. red to the pabaewlinth sirs been sold Imply .Goal ,he Vaned States and some parts of knoope . • all pre parations calico by the name of Wild • crry have baan pat oat shoe this, under Corer of sow • decepuve circumstances, ...Letter is give earreney to their W ea By aattle,obWeaLon, no person need stake the genuine from Di. false. Each bottleengravin , lI of the gaMlle is enveloped Wt. • beaotifni steel with the likeness of Witham Penn thereon, also, Dr Swayne's Ormond: and va farther wearier, the per sit of Dr. Swarm will id added herealtnr, so as to s it has preparatiob Nom all ethers. Now, it it not lot the great curative properties and known Tit oes at Dr. Swayne's Ceravoand Syrup of Wild Chen. • coons wield not be wileavoging to sire clitivney to their .fictiumis now ems" by stealing the , name of Wild Cherry. Relocation, always bear in Mind the 115L115 of Dr. Sway. ad be not deceived. Principal Otbst, corner of &With and Race stereo., Philadelphia. Far sale whwoode and retail by OGDEN k. SNOW DEN, nor 24 on Wood eun D A FAHNESTOCR & Co, car tat taw Wood, and 6th end Wood so.; WM T110RN,63 Mooket 54 8 JONES, 160 Libeny cf; JAS A JONES, not liend and Penn ill; JOHN ktITCII- Allegherm city, and by all 'respectable dealers in medicine. amid Dr. W. P. Islandh Proortirsa Plaster. IlEt. W. P. INLAND, of the Medical College bf new omen thethe puhlic . which, g table Pronnun Flamm, qualities of after long and pled experience, ha. been antisfactonly es tablished. To all women who - may be afflicted 'nth Prolapstis Uteri. or Fallen Vom h , he recommends Ms plaster, guaranteeing • tore short space of from two to thee rusks, if applied with care and rest—disearding all the countless instruments Doneead expensive bandages art long in usa Thls he feel. ie:Mot:sin stating, inasmush as be has not failed In one case ont of three hundred and fllly,three pa tients. Also for Rheum y.= and Weak Breast or Deck, at tended with pain, there Is nothing to creel this Plaster Ln affortling relfef or effecting • cure. For sale by 1. Wilcox, comer of Diamond and Market at Braun k Beata, Libeny and Bt. Clair sts Pr J Sorpat " Federal st and Diamond, All. hegt% k co, o Denman Land Diamond Bumutigi lex EXTRACT OP COFFEE—An article winch is ra pidly earning 11110 use as • 'shalt...me, riourisnum and delleicom beverage, being more pleasant and par citable than common Coffee,mid far cheaper, as a small P °P.zuu"P" cr"L'lrd .lo Yrd trN l S l""C . e fil u L 4 l.. dwil E b tt, yl Pt 7 ttsb on u for iar:,P fo" Bold at wholesale by B A PAIINFSTOCIE in Co, corner of Fast mad Wood and Bath and Woad stream, Pittsburgh. area (1.51.3F0RN1A RUBBER 'GOODS—lust received, kj 35 Calltlp Bl.kers. 20 °Meer coats; Wpm Pasts in pairs nett hoed !Smog Boots; 11 Isthmus limas; 1 sad la"gallon•n s elleht W e teens, I gallon each; 1 dos Buckshot Money Belts; I do oded ..bnc do do. The stage goods fur sale at the Cali fornia Untstiorg Estabbetment. Nu 5 Wood ea Meall & N PHILLIPS N mg—Wrought Iron Awnla, (tow the Temper anceoillo watt., warrnte; will be constantly on band and W ?N a et, by y.e vs Wood In LIQUOiIt9-- 1 ) Al OP. , litkollY—hard, Dopuy, tie; tl pipes &Aland Gut; 5 est. N E Runt; 4140 bbis Whisk ey; lot ITC HE by W hl 51LTRRE LSA 11011 Some brlbuir • r•PmMf mtkirb for sale by bort ' V & M MITCMELTFIEM , soes Ash, snd ca.. 76 liwsshing amiss, armed per ship Ozenbrldge, and sow sown on by sei, thr sale by W hi NITCHELTREE N. 11.—Tbsy rective,doring the srttnes, lugs._ appliss via rillW Want. noe3o BOOK TRADE. -- SPECIAL NOTICE: TO TZALCILERII. DROFE,SOR CHARLES DAVIES has last which will be presented te each and every Teacher In the United Mates, wrthout charge, upon their application to A. H. English & Co., 79 Wood street, Pittsburgh, (post pea) The work Is entitled, GRAMMAR OF ARITHMETIC; Or, An Analysis of the Language ef figures and Sci ence of umber. The following notice s. copied from the New York Tribune of Jan. Wd, 1•50: "GllArtnal OF Ammar c, ST CIISS. 0,010, L. L. D. (temp., pp. 144)—Iri this work the !engage ol figures, and eoistraction of number. are csrofnlly analyzed. The alphabet, composed or ten bocce—the ward. de rived tront the alphabet, end the lavas by which tie figures are connected with each othernure clearly explained. "The an shows that there are but four h.- dred and eighty eight elementary combluation• in Arithmetic, each correeporidinig word Mom coin mon latiguege; and that these combinations are so connected together ae to be all expressed by only sixty three different words. The spawn proposes to commit these words to memory, and then read the results instead of et:telling them, as now practised. "In mother reenact the eyelets proposes an import. eat c a..ge, nmely: IO es aside, and 0010allfactons es entire things, hewing a given relation to the unite., from which they were derived.' "We scarcely need say that the liWo work evince• the ingenuity and Orilla' analysis, for whine Professor Davits' writing an this .abject are justlycelebrated. We e onimand.it to the attention of pracucal teacher. behoving that May will And lt crowded with new and valuable euggertions" From ths Praftaaas at Mist Paint. "Munn]. AnnOwar or U. S. 'Wm Ponce, Jan.l7. “The (hammer of Arithmetic, by Professor Dawes, present* the subject In a new light. It so analyse. Antbmetic as to impress the mind of the learner with the Linn principles of mathematical science lit Weir right order and ronnec bon, and the new roles for the reading at Lem. see of great cortical value. Signed, W. H. C. Bartlett, Prof. of Natal: Es. Phil. A. P.. Church, Prof of Mathematies. 11. 11. Mahan Prof. er•Englneering." I. Pram A.S. BARNES &Co. would reepectfully announce to teacher., and to all interested in mathetuatrtml sweetie°, that they will publish, on or before the let or August, 1050, the following work:— THE LOGIC AND UTILITY OF MATHEMATICS; Or, an Analyses of the Principles of the tkience—of the Nature of the reasoning—and of the boot Methods at Imparting Instruction. By Chas. Davie. L. L. LX, Author of "A Complete S 7 rem or Mathemattes." N. U.—A. S. Barnes S. Co, are the publishers of Davies' System of Mathematics. For sale in this city by A. IL ENGLISH A NO. 77; Wood street. &LW Poitor , a Maw Ethiopian iliolodlot WINE to Run all Night; Dolly Day; lT Do:cy Jon.; Go down to do Cotton field; Nally waa a Lad), an. ALSO: Be Kind toile Loved Once at Home; How thy boat lightly; Tree Love, by T. Hood; Our way amps!, the .ea, deco; A new medley mug, by B. Covert; Jenny Gray, musk Ay Muller; Joys that were crowning, Wedding March; tiod blem the body marine,• F.chaylklll Walls; Conserige Departure, by W..C. Glover, Sound. nom Home; Wallace, Ineyermarktache Co; Lan Rom of Summer, emy vartauons by Hew. /Jotted Stales Polka; Ladies , Souvenir Polka; Cote Cracker Quadrdle; Lonleville quadrille; Beaune. of Italy; Dunne, Tripe, he. A large astonment of New Mane on hand. to whieb additions are made weekly For sale b y fowl J.ll. MELLOR, 01 Wood et.' . 1333=11 f FRE WAR WIT/1 MEXICO, by Q. S. Riplayi.2 J. vols. El menu of Rhatonci comprising an Analyeta el the Laws W Moral Evidence andof Itereasatoth by Richard Whately, La O. Essay on Chriauan liaptaletto by Baran W. Noel, 21 The °vivito, • NoveL Fairy Tale., from 12 Nationg by Anthony R. Mon 'alba; with illosonolons by Wyk. Jon reed by JOIINETON & STOCKTON, dell comer Tema and Market streets New wad killagnaat OM HoeRAI SACHED SCENES AND CHARACTERS; by J. T Headley, wnh eleven original design by Dokter,. Poems and Prase Wnuags, by Richard H. Dana; 9 volt, marlin illartanawd Gems of Sacred Poety, with aix illuatra bons engraved on owl, by John Sartain. Jaw teemed by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, deW comer Third and Market as PHYSICIAN AND PATILIST; are Practical View of the mutual ditties, relation. and Interests alike Medical 1 . 101.4i021 Sad the Cominunny; by Wait. ion Hooker Toe Worts 'oMichael De Montaigne; comprlabig his Essays, Lewis, d.e. By Wet Hallett. Nineveh and Its Remains. fry Marten Henry Lay are, , D. C L. Glimpses of Spain; or Notes of an Unfinished Tear in leil. BY S.?. Wallis. Tappers Proverbial Philosophy, new ediunn; War reared. Jest received by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, navel corner Market and Third met ti IX= OCKWOODS ILLUSTRATED WORKS—Diu- L/ minuted Rocha—Books in richly cll2•6llbindibd, illurnmated and illustrated—Booze euperbly bound to Velvet, Silt, Morocco, and Com, motion, in imitation .f the Middle ALrea—lbbles and Prayer Doak., beau t.fully bound to Velvet and Morocco, magnificently or namented and illamilmted. For elle by JAM ES D. LOCKWOOD, deg Daoloollar & Importer, Wood eL Christmas siti Now Year Approaching! ELEGANT AND SUBSTANTIAL BOOKS, • Nagnificrat Antiirus Itindiesg, for 1.6 TAME /3. LOCKWOOD. &mantle , and imPnrioto si 63 Wood leant, has received a beautiful collection of Illustrated Books, bound in mho most splendid man ner b 7 the beet London and American binder—among them may be found. Peels of Amon Veen; magnificently illumine. need. Lars of the Wee ern World; illuminaind in gold find colon. Wordewonli`s Greece. richly Lliteratml. The reacher tlldated by Oven Jones, iad bound • carded wood. The Song of Songs; illuminated by Jones. Flowers and Mee Kindred Thodints. illuminated by /once. !Paranoid of Shakapeare; indented. Mrs. /amnion's Characterisucs of Women; Innen tn. For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD. dell 47 Wood street L=l:l=22l R • • • EDBURNi)Iie FIN( Voyage, bY Ilentarn author of .Typee," "Ovum," de. History of lihng Alfred of Eaglao4,lry Jacob Abbot with bee migrartage• Marne. the Sorcerer; by Wm. MetaIIoid .JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, 6041 comer Third sod !Limbo streets • Ose of the Mail Revria•EaMe Wort. of the Age." YirINEVEII AND rra REMAIN% with le =want of • visit to the ilhaintamn Christians of Kann. ma, and die - Yerldis, or Doil-Worshlpporai and an Inquiry into the Mottos and Alta of the Allelellt AO- Wrian. By Atom Item Layard, Esq., D. C. L. ith Introductory Note by Prof. E. Rotation, D. D., LL. Illustrated ith 12 plates and roam, and DO mood cuts. 2 vela 8 00. cloth, VAC. "The book has • ore usenet of graphic, taco. narrative "—Tribune. "The work of Layard is the mast math:lent ootri- Lution to the eutdy of antiquity, that has appeared for mot] Yean.o—Christ Inq. "Not one excels In interest the account of Nineveh and Its Ruins, riven by bf.r.Lnyard."—Warthington Intelligenesr. .As we follaw 010 dialers with bniathless interest in their excavation., Ina suddenly find ounielves fore a massive figure earned with ottinew smarmy, ow battle its gigantic head trona the dust of 30M ear., we are ready 1411 cry out with the astonished Arab., it is wonderful, but It la true!' n—lrn deendent. For sale by JAMF.II D. LOCKIVOOD, novl6 61 Wood at ear lIMIE WOMEN of ate Old and New Tenement. I Edited by E. D. Spregue, D. D. 1 vol. Imp. hum, elegantly bound; 19 exquisitely finished engravings; loth desenptionstry celebrated American Clergymen. POEMS BY AMELIA, (Mrs. %Veiny, of Ky.,) a new and enlarged edition; Illustrated by engravings from l;'gins! design sby Wier. I vol. square Pro. elegant bound and gilt. Also—A variety of splendid Arum • als and Olft THE MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted tbr the Ara of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, HaW yen, Lumbermen, Students, and Artisans geoerally: beteg a thorough and practical Treatise on Measure. lion and the Sliding Rule. By U. Id. Raper, A. M. Boise'. Treatise on Greek Prose Composition. 011endord'• Elementary Breech Grammar. By Prof Greene, of Brown University. I vol. Moo. Hoediger's Gesenius' Hebrew Gramma; by Conant Gesetuus' Hebrew Lesicen. Loomis' Trlgontonetry and Logarithmic Table. I.otheep4 The Elogltahroan's Groat Concordance. I vol. jam in A .) nthon'. Cluelcal Series. • .• _ Webster's Dictionary, revised ed. I vol. Ovo. do do unabridged. I vol. Co. Barnes Notes and Questions on New Tesuunent. Wha.ly's Logic. Mosbeines Sect...steal History. 3 vols. and 9 vt. 'cheep.) Vestiges of Creation. 1 vol. 181.. blornings among the Jesuits al Roma I vol. (cloth and paper.) Scenes where the Tempter has Triumphed. I vol. (cloth and g p". ) , vol. tiVo. (cloth.) Boyers Prep ng Boyer'. French Dictionary. Smart's Horace. For tale by R HOPKINS, novla Apollo BaUdings, Fourth el IigiirIICHIILS JUST EII9CAIVMD.— rho worts o Montaigne, edited by 11. Harlin, moprising his 'mays, Letters, and Jonsney through Gann., and Italy, with note. from all the commentaton, Bios - nap& Id Vh c e a c d ry ß art 'b =tlc ' e Ll or T u e c ac e l% . or, the Motives and Methods of Good School•Keepirig, by David nage, A. Itt,Paincipal of the State Normal School, Albany, N. Y. Frank Foreater's Fish and Fishing at the U. States and British. Provinces of North Amen.. by Henry War. Herbert. JOHNSTON & HTON, noes carafe Third and Market as The Oldest The. • 'FAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer, ef No. Al Wood street, h. for sale a few comedown. Mete, Oho remainder of the edition,) of thin valuable work, devoted to the Preservation of Document., and other nothentos Information relating to the early on. plot-anon., aeulement and improvement of the country around the head of the Ohio. Ity Neville IL Craig, Kee., of Pittsburgh, in 2 vole Ben. novlo J. D. LOCKSVOOD. ITONIAirLISTITITT: A History, win a view of the n, Liberty of oent elatlone. By Samu el Esq. Illustr theated r Anci with twelve engravings, ego. cuted at Room 2 vals.,Svo., uniform with Prescott', Historical Watts. Just published and for sale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and oovlo Import,. GII Wood sr " LIAN — NT KEHBLE IN ITALY; authorizeredilictit, I:Asso. 75 eta BIBS. FANNY KEMBLE9 YEAR OF CONSOLATION. "The reading of this book has Impressed us with • theel, higher opinion of its *odor then'sa hest formed from perusing her other settlings. It distplaye edam tone of thought, united so more pore strostealy gm of feeling then Loy Other prodnedon of the (*math e mind ToOtt *Oak we are nednabued.”--Eve. Mums. _ . •• • • . "It is a very Nrreeattle and teadable book, writteote Fanny Kathie silolll style—bold, spotted and enter taming. We recommend It to oar reatlen as the bast publication of the wagon."—goading Gay. "It contains the Journal of • travel through Europe, and residence in Italy; and is one of the pleaminest and mom interesting books of the sessan."--Cour. and Enquirer. A very characteristic book. We have read It from title page to Colophon with unabated interest. A To mil plenum of life in Rome, In all respects eminently readable."—Knickerhocker. For sale by JAMES D LOCK WOOD, nova Bookseller k Importer, d 7 Woad st 11.111Lo9raphlo Establlshmmt OF Wlll. SCHIJCIDIANAL Third st, .W 0" the Yost. Office, Pc taborer —lamps, Landsca Bill. Leads, Shoarbtlik Labels, Architectural and &Lacpes, hine Dr/mm/I'l4 nitwits... and VasiAng Cards, Lu b ac i rd or dray t 1 CM stone, and pnnted colon, oe Blici,Lo the mast app.o.td all% .0 4 I , 60 " ssuonablapnoes. osStly I_Aal.zimuams mi Ann DULY= is AND BANENO NOTES,DRAFTS,ACCEPTAN T CE.I3, Fte. GOLD,SILVER COLLFXIIONSL—DradIa Notes and Acceptance. payable laany part of the 1/110n.b01.1Cctefl on UM Man favorablenn. EXCHANGE on New York, .Philadelpida stad Dal. Galore; also, anclanall„ Lwaism ll e, Saint 'Led. and New Orleans, constantly for sale. DA.NEN—Notes on all solvent bank. to the United States discounted at IM lowest rates. All kinds of Forage arid American Gold and Silver Coln bought and mil& Office Na 63 Markin moat, batsmen 3d • sad 411, Ploahargh, Pa. awed • POILIIIOIII ZIXOBA6 • B INS on Float Ireland, and Scotland Doubt - the Current Bales of e c y n = Itt: Ln Draffpn Ws In an part of tba Old Bola At to 2EI, at thirato at SS to the A Sterlim., *Wont deduction or dues.; by 308110 A ROBIN SON, European and Oantrosi Agent, ogles Rh at one door west of wood. octlaLf Wang mama LaDlfsto RABA ~tmWP its BAleliaj BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROOMS. danlant -EPW ForrAirn and Domed* Rills of Exchange.' Car. Banat. of Deposits, Bank Notes and Coin, comer of 91 and Wood attests, directly opposite St Chatlts Ho- _ JIM . SY— "lndiana,. &Wacky, Naomi, Boat Not•N Forehand at tho town. nom by N. HOLMES & SONS, 0ep1325 Minket street: BILL - 11 - 01,12SOMENdig — Eks — i. New York, Philadolpbla, and Bedlam, Cindantly ror solo by N. HOLKEB & SONS. sepld 25 Mutant. MISCELLANEOUS, llostitortm oar•A. From the New York Tribme AFRIEND, whose word in 1110.1 reliable, and who has no possible Interest in the matter, ut one al gratitude, dem. us to say, that ha ham been cured et invetente deabiem,by Meaner oficarpa'sßOMMlnil ACOnatle Oil." Philadelphia medicine, which is oat for sale la this city, but which He think. Ought to be, for the good of the allele& He has a inter who has also been eared by it. He urgently advises all who ate milferlng tram deafness, to to this remedy, with an illatinialne that, unless the case be extleardinary, the ri''n e will prove abundantly suocessful. • 'x grsaloat THE PERIN TEA STORE, tabu TO vaunt, in. FitsbarSh Combat Combat ' 20 GRoss Polka; IV do do eery lino; as " axed Redding; " " It ouper Engl4ll itomitedding; 6 Pocket Combo; 50u " Wood WOO dox axed Roe Ivory; 3d Sball Side Comte ' , to " super buge Baguio; - .26u afOLI 11.1111 . 4 Combo; EAGree'd aad tor ER, UR Marlisale by let 4 C Yerot Batt' flatland' Buff thallastell rrAgE Noncz—ma w. hfeCJintoek has dab day. I renewed savetal cams of th e finest and best Bair Holland, to which he would slam respectfully call that tention of his easineants and the pablla in tenant. CR - Carpet Ware Rooms, 75 Routh et. Jana A FEW yea Sue GUITARS, just reed from A celebrat mutufactosy of C. F. Marlin and (o wile by Itaß J. H. bIEJ. , LOS. St Wood •L Books Jan aeoelvad: T EIS Complete WOrts of John B; vols, 890, In 1 yol, illustrated; sattelin gilt satilt edges. Mitchell's Biblical and Sabbath School Geography; a new work; 1 sof, :tn. Town's Analysis and Spam. Lob of John Q. Aims; by vv. El. Smartt 1 vol, Mao; mashn Poems by Mn. Hamann; 1.01,12=5 muslin; gilt. Saab'. Sonnom.Somums preached upon several by Robort Soca, P. Dl a new edition, 4 vols; inclading Posthiunous Discourse. Same-4 voles In t, slump, ezin; Seo -- For sale by R. HOPKINS, total Apollo Datkling. Poor* et. RAOLD FOUNDRY. VOSS =SOU. e. Iv. a. UM- Tilr. undersigned, successors to Anharres Michel eon, beg leave to Inform the citizensof Pittsburgh endpubitegenerally, that they have rebuilt the :EA GLE. FOUNDRY and are now In WI operation,, and have part of their patterns ready for the marten- , Amongst which are Cookint f Stoves, Coal and Wood to Sves, with a splendid ht Coal Steve, which is Sumo.supereeding in other c ties the common round Sumo. Also, a Cheep cool Cooking Stave, well adap ted for small families, with a fall assortment elem. mon and mantel Gmtes We would particularly to. coo the sttentton of persons building to call at our warehonse beforepurehssing, and examine a splendid article of enammelled Grates, finished In fine style— entirely new is this market. Warehouse, No. lbl Liberty at, reirmelte Wood st angtleht NICHOLSON & PAYNE. PITTIIIIIIHOH lISPOUTA.TIONIL YEAGER, Importer r and Wholeant Dealer be ~J. FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS: Mgn of the Gilt Comb. 110 Market n., Pittsburgh, Pa. Western blerehants, Pedlars, an! Woos rutting Pittsburgh to purehase Goods, am respectfully insp./ to call and ISIZIIIIIIM the extensive assortment of Eng lish, American, French and Gomm Fancy Goods. All Foreign Goods at this establishment are import ed direct by myself, and purchasers mop rely on gat. 'log goods from first hands. I ham the Ingest amort , 10001 of ankles, id the satiety line, in the city of Piusburgb—all of which will be old lore for can or city accepisnees. 'The Meek COUSIMAIIII part, of Lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloms, Ribbons Silk CravautShee and Patent7lireads, Sewing Silk, tdifnol and J4spel, Suspenders, Donous, nes, Nee- Goti n and Bnron3Vaiches, Gold Jewelry, all kinds of Dreams, Corns sod Rasura Percussion Caps, Revolven, Pistols, Clocks, Silk k Cotton Purees, Spectacles, Steel Peas, Mans Hates, Carpet Rags and Baskets. Bold/cgs, Vtadings and Trbamings. Tole and Fancy amain together with a large rade ty of Frncy and Staple DRY GOODS. C. YF.AGER is also ammt for the celebrated Lan.. caster Combs.. .only ughs Colds, Wrest Masil F ab liAmody. Co, Asthma and tiose GREAT AND ONLY REIIdE Consumpmu DY for the n! of the e above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Rub. of London, and Introduced taw the United Bates ander the immediate euperinumdence of the inventor. The exuaordinmy enema of this - medicine, in tlu. ease of Pulmonary diseases, warrens the Amadeu Agent in witching for treatment the wont poseible ea. as tam can be found lathe community--easee that seek relief In vain from any of the common remedies of the day, end have been given up by the aunt diminguished physicians as coofinned and nacenble. The Gunguri. an Balsam has cured, and will cure,the mail desperate of cases. It is no quack cosines, beta standard Eng. LLsh medleine,of known end esteblithed elfioney. Leroy family in the United State. should be supplied with Buchan's Ramadan Balum of Life, not only to norenunratre tendencies of the climate, bal. to be used sea preventive medicine is ail eues ot colds, coughs, tinning of blood, path in the side and ahem, =tenon and narantnaof the liege, brochltle eh nenl de , e fe ver, n asthma,ab= e.mplen. snub &a ahem and rum*. Bold in lute bottles, at In per bolds, with dell dins. ,lobe for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, containing a mess of English and Amer. eon certificates, and other evidences showing equalled merits of this greet kbagilels Remedy, may be absented of the Agents. nstaitously._ Far wile by A FAIINWTOCK Co w came o stand Wood and Wood and 6th se . !Radler.; befors—Ma - Ae on the =t pat tered EaataroPam— and mon fashionable Eastern nand color. Alm THE CHEAP ROLL, or SCAMPI BLIND, on hand or mutate Merchants iaises, and at all plies*. Country Merchants and others are insitad to call and saandne the abase for •lib e r a l , ell will be sold wholesale or retuLand a liberal dedandon made tr wholesale y archway. avidly ♦ WEETERVELT _ TUE STAB OF TUE WOST Ad*.l. TAMAN BLINDKANDFACTORY East ade atlas Diamond. where Verunan Minds or all the different dreg and colon are kept on hand or made to order ado the later and Meet approved Eastern Cash. lens, at the Monett notice and en the mos reasonable terms. Law. the cheap Boston roil or split Blind Tampa realty and Paper Canal= of all the different aim and paterne, on hand and for gale low formula Old Veld. Pan Bill& painted over andrepalred, or taken In part igment for new. Pi TgaVELT Pro'pt. N. El —All wet. done with the heat =Lintel awl wettmanahlp, and warranted to please the wed tea -1 chow. aagtOdly Allegheny elly, Ang. 10, IBM SELLERS' IMPERIAL COUOU SYRUP—Tax:WI NI/MUM Luca IT! • Panama, March m,1817. Mr. It. E. Sellers—ln Janie* to yenned year inimob p arable Cough Syrup, Ibeg leave to state, for the ben efit of the community, that toy wife has been several times allbeied with a most distressing cough. I per. chased, In January lost, a bottle of year symp, which cured a conga of two months' standing. About one month stoney the cough returned, and was ao that she could hardly reeve, from weakness In the breast; I sent for one bottle of year Cough Pyres, and pan of one bottle cured the coals h 1 Satre the other to a Journeyman who was oevetely enlisted, who had, to use his own words, .eaten emmgh abash candy to core ell the people to Pittsburgh,” if the candy awl bean as good as represented. Yours, respectfully, Atrtran B. Kern, Prepared and mild by R. E. 81.3.1..E88, 57 Woad street, and mold by Druggist, generally in the two esti. dela ALLIC C ARNET AIII BLIND, AND WAstERIJOhI. J. A. DROWN would reepeet lrelpsWon*Tm2:ttibab'' that ho welt side of the Atmend, on Alle gheny city, a complete asaort thent of Venitlan Blunts; also Ve , ulnae Shutter. are made to ob. der in the best style warranted equal to soy lathe United Suttee. Wa Minal tall be removed with • est the aid of • seem arise, ttbllejawld oftiechaebineteks! te.lisbment °Mammy Bl'Clel. land, I £m PhePared to tarnish their old 'customers • well as the public atalaMlelilt,o,LaZßato Ag ... mtkn , • ooe J . A. . A BRIM INT reed, an elegant plain ilasewoOd 6 act. cl from the celebrated maaufactory of Munoz at sale onruperior tUrie,ll.llaveartioderate peke. For by H. ALEBEK, dela at J. W. Wool well, - - - • - VWILLIMAS . IVORY PEARL TOWER POWDER, for rentoensg. TanaNlScurry, aulker, and ad sabstanCes dellracilVll to the Teeth. It is dollen:las in the Vor We. slum cleansing the pan* health' had ette 'isms, hnle and sale parlfand ying retail the reads. •. , bg dew R SFr uqp Woods VVATOUZII 1 4.CRZAPER THAN EVER!— Just re eid, an insoles of fad jewelled Patent le- Ter Watches, 18 carets fine eases, isldea I can eery as tow as Witty and Way Ise dollars, and *warded to keep good ums. Also—k splendid asurinnent of JEWELRY, cow prising the vesicant and luau styles; and best petunia. W. W. WILSON, Waleitaikar aallevealu, ' paw loto sad hilek !Vie% MEDICAL. =DMZ Darattat • tt.e.ary , TED to new ditto story brier on Smithfield street, one door below Sixth street. Teeth mated - from ono b am 0 ,1 0 0 the 'Wen principle, with • bean represettlatietta of thenantral t h, original shape of the face t N. B. — Teeth exwacted with hula oe no paint': Teeth perenancA aaved by plow's% pro% vaenng the both eche, w is conch better than eu rittt tt, though it sheald to done in fire Wastes' er even Inman • Jar SALTER'S GINSENG PANACEA! ISO THOSE SUMMING WITH DISEASED LUNGS.—Tbo noposoalaued nevus villa hos tuaw*l W ye of the GINSENG PANACEA a all U. • aaioaalar - la h irstalion of the lull aa tamely haa induced th e proprietor oetalo 10 call anon don to ha - • " WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The chanoble weather which =luta our f.ll and winter months, itId"MI 11 (Mitre Settee Of ' COLDS AND COCCUS. These, It neelset44 ase but the preearaoT. et that fell destroyer, COSUMPTION. • - - - • - The gam/lots thee, how we nip the destroyer,tu the bud? how shall we get Mess of. nor soughs and olds? Is of vital impormace to toe public. THE GREAT AND lINLY REMEDY will be found In the Ginseng Panacea. to proof adds we have from note to been me:4BlmA the certifier... of dozen. of oar, best known e.usens, who have experi enced Its earative power.. These, with et mass of tee timosty from all parts of the country.—from MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, Ministers of the Good, agt., together with “pioes eel Wu from the • JOURNALS OF THE DAY, wa have embodied in pamphlet form, and may - he bad grade of any of ortvegens OF the CUIMUY. HUNDFIr OF DOLMAS' tams bets weed in this oily. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS thmaghout the Muted States and Caned., and Ime ca • lenge arty nun to point out • SINGLE INSTANCE • a widen, when taken unontlaa to ditto:done, and be fore the lunge had become fatally disorganised, it hoe aver failed to EFFECT A PERFECT CUSE2 • Why, then, need the aldictedkesitatel not to the mmorable nostrems, gotten op by non own indtvii. tale e lee the mooted name of 1.111? n.shrated phy sician, and pored into notoriety by cerni . ,eatee at per sons equally unknown? Whilst a medicine et UNPARALLELED EFFICACY late lw had, whose sonehera aro at home,—oar o'lol Istny—inany of whom it has iNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE, loonier that this iaralualde medicine may bo Tolima within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we has. pat the price at ONLY PIYTY CUTS, . . OSII hall the usual coat of cough medicines. at Is for lade hy oar agents nearlrevery . town Lod 'Maga fater the west, who axe prepared to me full infanta. des relative to It. T. SALTER, ProPriclort Broadway. Cincinnati, Ohio. MiALLISTERIS OINTMENT CONTAINING N 0 .• '.. .... • '...,,.... ItIERCURY, °Tether Min Jilt s' . .! ' ..tn• ? ...; :V. — II, k aI t rIINAT, . -. \ "...;%2......7., SOII:al, SCROFULOUS • -..'-',- 2111319, P RS, t6ISONOU4 . . . • •: 7 - WOUNDS. to discharge tk .... their petriem mars, end •• ,r then hrals the • ''' it ----;.;* A ln t l,!Htiliirttl •,. there Is scarcely a e,- -, •,. ~...r.7. 0 .. cane external or Inte rn al, . - that it will not bencfn. • . I barn uned it for the last ilnleen Teats for all diseases of the chest, inVolvlng the an danger and • reneousibility, and I declare before heaven and man, that walla one case has it felled to benefit when the - patientwav within the reach of nantelnurenn I ha; - ; had phye/clans learned in the profession. Ws ministers of the gospel, judges of the bench, al• dermal, lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition, and Muldtudes of the poor us it in every variety of way, and there bas been bat one voice—One universal i oleo uying—.ICALLISTEII, YOUR OINTMENT U 3 GOODIn RLIESUBIATIBBI—It removes almost immediately the Ingammation and swelling, when the pain doss:.. the Aireetions around the boor) • • D•AClll3—The salvo has cured persons of the head4ehe of twelve year. funding, and who bad it a_v_astureek so that vomiting took Flame: Eft . R. MOW, TOmIIukCIIE, and AGUE IN THE PALE, I ani Ifolped with like stmcees. WALL LtEkill—Wa have !sled cases that actually 41.4diteverY this n known, as well an the ability of fa. mono twenty doctors. Om man told us be had eye= if an his children whims any benefit, when a few j setae of Ointment cured the. TETTER—There is nothing better for the cure of f Totter. DURNtl—It le one of the but things In the world for Sa m -midi areyearly cured by this 01114 -i/LES—Thousandi are pearl, meat. It larkufaila In gloms relief for the Plies Irr 'Around the box are directions for using ANI MA/el Ortstwortfor Serefida, Lica Cosmslitisa, Evert.. few Muer, Caßblain, Seats fiend, SOU Eger, timing, Sod Throat, Brooddar, Namur Affitaiall., Ps,v. Do. asseqfrtie Spins, Hunt echo, artarrio. Deafness, Ear ads, Burns, Corns, ell Dianne eche Skin, Sort Lir, Pim. pie, le., Swel/ing al dr LWihe, Born, RkenensLinn, Pilot, cold Fret, Croup, Sundial or Bruhn Budd, Tooth arks, Jew in LW rues, COLD FEETr-Liver Complaint, pain In the Chest end Bide, falling . °Seen bale, or the other accompa nies cold feel. aids Ointment Ls the true remedy.) It is a sure sign of dirtate to have cold feet. CORNS—Occavional nee of the Ointment will 0- .I,om keep corns from growing. People need never be troubled with them if they use it frequently. uretb ni s w ' lgta l'"'" e l' in d so f" turiss i :fit 'i sll b od b fti Y e applied often. ;JAI:MON—No Ointment will be genuine mike; the mane ofJAMTS Mont 'DOTER in anima with a pen on every label. For sale byzny Agents In all the principal cities end towns in the Muted States. M,,ALLISTER, Bole Proprietor of the above medicine. ‘d gZ ad... Prmeipal Office,No.23NorthThird street, Phtl- PRICE .CENTII PER BOX. Mims I.ll7lll7.ll—Brann k Reiter, toner of Liberty and St Clair ma; and L Jr, corner ol Market st and the Dianiqed, sloe corner of lth and Smithfield as; J li Cassel, corner of Walnut and Penn sts, fish ward; and wild at the bookstore in Smithfield t, 3d door frt. Second at; in Allegheny city by II P Schwartz and .1 Sargent; by J ei Smith, Proggist,Bir. tabigham; I) Negley; Fart Liberty; II Rowland, Me. ReespOrs J Alexender & Son, Monongahela City; N II Bowman & Co, and J T Rimers. Brownsville; John Barkley, Beaver, Pa; are wholesale agents. fetal-deadly Facto for the Prablle. In relation to that unrivalled family Salve, DALLRI'I BIAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. rPICSTIMONY of •• respectable Physicimx—Rea - L the followleg, addressed to my Agent,fil.r. F. Mer ryweather, Cinannati - Crosamanit, lob. 11,1519. Sir Ames pf duty compels me to give my tribute to Dailey'. Fuel Ettrootay. Being opposed to quack ery and all nostrums haying for their object soluiter mouvev—tail realising much good from the "King of Pain Killen'-1 em induced to tender you this cent& rate. I have used it in my family, Pt toy practice, and with all the happy and wonderful effects that could possibly be imagined. ' 11. J. Hoot., AL D. Dr. Brodie is the. Venter partner , of Brodie & Levi, Druggist.. ' , livinatikaeory iffientosarisos. The following testimonial comes from a learnt fa, wilier to many of those traveling on our Westeru we pas Mr. Clime,' the well add favorably known pro lrietor of the Parkersburg Hotel, is husband to the ady whose letter I annex Puotsantrao, Va April % IfilAt To 'Henry Dailey. Chemist. rep.—Sin flaying for , merly been long sillicied with violent inflammatory Rheumatism, which appeared so Grady seated no to defy all ordinary appliances to allay the torero pain ottolutirot it, woe tuittlood to try your Magical Pain &muter. and it having effected, almost as if by ma gic, ar Immediate relief, and ulsc, to all appearances ° an entire and ;affect care I am induced for the hen, fit of others who may be aklicted with pain, caused by . my kind of ingammation, to straw to you, deelartux that In my opinion, founded on extant experiettee your Alsglcal Pain Extractor is the most valuable da tavery of the present age One the immedatie eloascann of boMly pain. It is au almost immediate and ape • feet core for Ruins and bcalds, and all external dammation. flaviog many acquaintances formed by their v.,. at my bustard's hotel in Oils place, I bar supposed by your showing them thuue few knee, it may posslbly Ins of benefit hot' to them and yourself. tkamerre Gusts \ entertain the hope that Mrs. Clone will pardon the publietty I give to her learn a. Wed on the score of Immunity as of its being the surest male of bringing it to the notice of her friends—ll. Dat.Lsr.] • Fden Cured. Extract of a letter, dated ' IlstbuW, Ey. No,. 29,1911 Mr. H. Dailey: "I have tried Your /". 1 . FiXtrbeuir in •case of felon, in my own family, which it relieved and coxed in s very short tin." haste yours re spectfully, Jiv.h l. Yon.. rs• Beady, Kee, 801. Nipples, Broken Eqr ee , Emp4 „„, Con, Wounds, and nil Ihmunalion, pride readily to die wonderful properties of this un ri valled bandy salve. Bot, in the same pro- portion that you will receive liencbt from the genuine, yea will be towed by the deleterious effect• of the counterfeit salves. oaHrION—Be sax trod •pply only to the inventor, H. OW= 415 Bros ; New York or to his... thenised aientx. JOHN D idORGAN, General Depot, Pittsbergb. Henry P: s t awar,e, Allegheny, Agent; J. Hake; h e einig, V.• James W Johnston, ayvill, Ky.; F . id er nweadier, Cincinnati, 0, General Depot. N. H—ln the severest Bunts and Scalds it extreme ;he pain is a few minutes—it never fails. 1014 CURE FOR WORM& B. A. VaIIISIMSTOOWS . . Mistrtai ea senses iniarera. lIN order to afford at posaible security to the public, d a: Weilas to themselves, %mina frand end Mem,- mann Moen couoterfeiting, the proprietors lave mad* ...hale in the exterior wrapper of fable of their Ver. ,utfege. The new label, which is a steel engraving of the most exuded° design and workmanship, has been. ittoodddmi at every Meat expense, and is from the brain of an artist of the first talent: The design Is new, and the - cleention elaborate. Several (pm. and a portrait are moat prominent, but the word "Vann. eras," printed m while letters on a red aid knelt en graved ground, should be prtieularly examined.— When held no to Me light th e letters, shading of the lows and every line, however Intrune, throughout the whole of thin pan of **engraving match es exacey as it the improselort bad been made upon one aide on ly, although it is sexually printed on bvtit sides of the paper. apart iamb should in all caws be observed. It In. belUP.L.atflt damn In also printed In red upon both utosti sail eboald Iro examined in the !tame Manner. - This preparation has now stood the teat of Man, IMO noel, and la confidently recommended as u safe and eireetnal medicine for erpe [ling worms from the system. • the unexampled SUCCORS that has attended Its administration Mover) case where the patient was really 'filleted with lemma, en tail:ly renders it woe' thQs alttentuna of plume tans. prMienor has made It a point to enceinte dm result gilts um in imeh eases as came within foe knovrimige and observation—sad ho lavariettly Anne it Soproditee the most salutary edema—not nnfehls , tt l " I ly after nearly allthe ordinary preparations- rgedtt mimded for wonms had been premously mon.. L . Miami any permanent' LIVILLOOfre. Thi, Met td a t ' tented by the cent/Scam. and smut:tents of liandreme Of rarpeciable t t penes in digeteut parts of k try and iva • operstton, mid may be administered with ps ty to the mom delicate infant. • The only genuine I. prepared by • sprit B A PANNE:MOCK, _ Handl Readr • SS SYRUK—Vreat.W. b.. 7 Esq., Cter men Coon of Quarter Sealtone. 0 Beaver Com Mr. R. Y. &Zs • —lt Some liege in the winter MY wife was idled war. a severe end distressing trait! and hearing of pour .na shrahle Cough Synalt, It!? chum! abottle teen itt. T. Trimble, of Radler and ltr, alter takenm • portion of it two or three evetottSt several to e, Ma found immedsale rellen Mends have been relieved In i.vee eases. am therefore satisfied that it is a sate and valeablo medicine, and would recommend it to Mom Su may ha &Meted with were Coughs and Cold.. • . March*, ISO. • -W. ILBOUM Prepared and bylL BELLEILS,S7 Wood gli4 !gag by trogens generally, in finkruth_...„... 4 Maligrt ?%"!. •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers