ESTABLISHED IN 1786 PUBLMIED BY WHITE £ n. wurtt I RAmiter. lis.l.ClTi Rut anttat, THEW MM. MT DD➢l 70 --VIM per annam. ...... " In aavanee)—;—. ••••. o Clans, at a reduced" `ale. • ftAl CS OF - AIDIMITIONO AGREED UkON • UY TI PITTSBURGH" PILIMIN: Doe SO. ic, (I 0 tines of Nonpareil or lea) DnaSpatn a, atebutlidinonai tlnatilnl• • • adD Do one week Dv. two 'recta.— . Z Ito. three weeks-- 440 Do. one month•--• •-- •• • • 0.00 Ito. two anontba•••••••••--- 7,0 0 Do. logy 111011 1 / 1 11 • ••• ..... ••••-••• • 10,1 Z Dn. PD' monal•••• • Da. Poeta. month. • • • --- • • DOD Sanding Card a Loa or loud Per t.ner. 10 A: 0 OW Suare, changeable atplestan (per as exeltaire of ta• paper— ~ 0 0 For each addinotal equate, /maned over one month, and for cocb additional Klan Dtearledetoldr too Year (y rata, kalf.prioe. Advertisement.' caceedlog masa, and not over Efteetraner, to becbargad as a Kaye and a ball Pabllaben non accountable for legit( advertises:tants beroodtbe e1a011.121 charged for their publication. Annoaeclog candidata for aft., to be craned du . MUM as inner advertisements. . Ad.!,lifeltetlita ma masked ea the copy for • speci fied number of insertions, will be continued till • lethal, 0114'par:wet crater/ accord: . . The'pnallegvi of yearly advertisers will be confined fl our to tbe,r sepias business. _and ill otHe adver tisements norpenabang to Mar regular business, as agreed Int, to be pald calm. - MI adrentsemente for charitable instituUons, fire COILNOliell, ward. township .d other public meetings, and bitch like., to be charged balfprice, payable strictly in ...franca. . . Marriage nod en to be charged 50 cents. ilteth notices insened without charge.untess secam• psnu_.l by (anent inettations or obitnary natters. anti When 22/ SCOOSO paused to be NO for. CARDS. WY. S. 100.121 1•113131 . .1. 1131BITI. etilellwk.holtratitTT, ta moan~c=mk, aW her war Inat iderehanla, aid dealers in Prod's., and Pata- YYigi illanufactures, No. sVoad al, between ad and, J. HENRY.. Attorligy and Coanoallor at Lam, L''; Cioeiuusd, Ohlo. Collection, to ekndltern Ohio, fud m banana, and In Kentucky; promptly and care lly aoudad w. Cormumainnar the Mate(Tem. 'Vann*, (dr taking Dap:onions, ankaaarlegirtnents, to. Os. .. • . lt2ssa vo—Hon. Wm. Dell & Sae, Canis, Charah & Ca maim's, lif sa. Hays, Eq., Witioelt & Davis. a2S IA EOM: E COCllRANO3ommisaion and Forwarding a.J Mach.% No. VII 'Wood arreeL Itimbarak. :1417 HOAR LEAGUE FACTORY. AAIII.ION STEWART, manufat ALAI of Resoy Shinotp, Cheek., tty 'Rebecca strecz, thy o kilrghroy. tkovIAOIO. 11 LEE, Oaten.. to Murphy U. et 1311460 a M I.°° ' ) Wool po°l ,U. et . . and Coo Wool Li io e" an 4 the °°l° - - be.nnnx.ito ath WA. naafi; Baltimore. s. r. socznon, - moms= sissin, c.Jogral magna,) EALD It. LUCENOR, Tobacco Commission Um , . eliants, 41 North Watar Zs 16 North Vilma yes, " nor'Jo-tt fl. P. JON. MIAIIDY, JONES it. O. tsuctimors to !kV... .1.1. Jones & Co 4 Comansuou .4 3 , ervir.t.4 thAmt, Pittsburgh blaaafactara4 tads, Plitsba It, Pa. =kV W. U. --•• .1. B. McVay UI WILVUMI s CO., BANISERA AND EXCIIANNE BROKERS, North F.ut come: of Wood end Third stmeto. Joni ' " • Prrroasraso. PA. W. P. ruuusuAla.. • ( Jr. 11,31111 S C. 111.1.0 IMPORTER tr. Dealer in Pmuch and American Pa per Hangings and Diadem Widelew Shade& not, ..mard Ptini& ac.•Alao—Writing, Main' and Wrap lma Pepe', No. 87 Woodstreet,netereen Fourth street 'And Almond alley,mem aide, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mil. =CRT. ' 1011111. =CM, CI - & Co, Wltclinnh7Grocers, Cont. minion March.% and dealers to Preduca, Nomad water, and 107 Front ulnas, Pittahntet. acme NO. A. CAUGHEY, Agent for .tha Laka Edad Michigan Line to Hence and the Laken.—Ocoee on the earner of Watir and 'Smithfield am *A Jr _Jen tlAhlertnelt-•-•••--Jotteptt n.o JIL DILWORTH & CO, Wbolesolo Grocery, good • Agents for Hosayd Powder Co., No. f/7 Wood .t, Piusborgh. deS y InlAroflO. 7 A DLLAVORTII d Co, Otocan, Pro, r ef u. tt pre and r Com:cloaca Merchants, and Agento plug, °order CO. of .N. Wood a. avid . NJTuHN /TOWNSEND, Demist *ad Ariothera t i rA Market st. three doors above Third Pi bank, will have conetactlyOa land well selected eartotont of the. best arid freshest Idedteines.which ha will ma on the most Tessonshle tent. Phyeiciaes needle/ orders, will be perangly attended to, and up plied with articles they my rely tiro ee Physicians Prescript ons 'mike accurately and irsay prtpsrod green the best materials, st herr of he dry or nista. Also for sale, a largo stock of fresh sod good Perk; - Tom WAIT. Ottodcasor to Ewalt & Gebbszt Vißtolesala Grocer .W Cordwiastort Merchant dealer in Prodnuo aud Pittsburgh blanufaatares, dor nee orLiben and Iland Brett•, Pittubargh Pa. ja26 IAM 6:3 A. HUTCHISON, & C0..-Raneeasora to Y Lewis ktutebison & Co., Conastuuton Metehants. Nnd &gents of th e St. Louts Swam Sodas Refinery. o. 45 wsite and PI front streets, Pittsburgh. lent 1 OHM IL fdELLOR, Whalesale and Retail - Tice!. In Marie and Musical Insusuaents, Selonol Boon, Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, Quilts, Printers' Cards, ea Stalkmery gedendly,No. %Wood at.Pinsbargb. 117" Ra,rs bottebt or takon la trade. bold WM. 00000 .1310. 1:1111 . 67311. Irrit. YOUNG &Co.—Dealars In leadser hides, &a. TTto Lawny se. Amity IV IL hreUTCHEON ee, , Wholesale Grocess,dea- V . less Prodo Iron, Nalls,Aless, and Ena I,orgh ilanafactatte general', 1./2 Lthenl el, Pill. burgh • deep t.ll..sit', ATTOB.NZY AT LAW, Bade, Pa • WILL also aimed to collections and-all cuter bas 4 nem antrastad to him in Itadst and Ara/avant coanilah VI- it°l°' to . j H. Floj i t Marty et. W. W. W a do 1 June. Marshall' do / rittanatati. dly KO , is Co.. Wood at. 1 jan7 - - METTIOBJCW i 430_ STEAM BOAT AGENTS Om= nun M. Maxi& Co, oval No. 41 Water street. & EITOKILLTIIMID,• WHOLESALE GROCERS, RECFIFYING DIEL TILLERS, nod WINE and LlQUORldhliCkl- ANTEI. Also-Importers of Soda .Ash and Bleaching Powder, Net.lll.llLtberty st.,(opposita Bildt .14 Pitt. burgh. • • DOM Gralrfr. l iFCANDLl63.9 (snece ' sora 'nb t:Li rd. 1.1 yy I Wiekd 'Wholesal droccrs, ' Forwarding and Corornision - Merchants, a dealers in Iroo,Nalla, Glass, iotteu.Yarns, and Pittsburgh hLannfitentres -generally, of Wood and Water stnrets. Pinsburcb. Wes`. N, otot, yy and Military Goods, corner of Martetand 4ta worts, Pi repaired. dee4ttsburgh, Pa. N. B.—Watehos .4 Clocks eardhlty, L' t ,_i • • ml. • • a. I • rrn n. itireldd and Dorstastie Dry Good% north cut rraer of Market and Fourth sta. Run .att. 10101 10010("11WII7LAXI> CULLUM i NICOLS, Prod.., and Genial Com -1.71ab udon Merchants, No. 17 Lq.arl7 Pit 4 . 0 . 10. Vella' owed acid Lard MAC • 8 -- t. V 13 1 ,1 ttONTr ----. MAT, it C 0.,. Wends tiro. Ittgn e tit friiT 'd riturt ctve and d•ce. krroll realovea Tim notr waretion"tot= tio 3 s, comet et Front it. and Olmecry Loos, A. H. ZEIGILISII:i COn • - • . . . ._ . ITHEOLOGICAL, Classical, and Sunday , Bebool .Bokkakik ,,, n, and dealers la all kinds of Writing, indoor IndWrapplng Paper, No. 71/Wood sunny be. 1...11 . Fonnl and Diamond alley, Piusborgh, pa. 1e413 • --.:..-- TAOkW $I T, Who!sada Grocers awl Corentl mos Merehasts, and dealers La Fredonia No. 3 eral at, rinsbscsh. pa • ''" It. LBW, • "llX7l.nat.' DEALER Commission Merehael for Oa V *Me al Antenna Woolen Goods,Liberly street, iicr t IV) - wg. qua t. caw IC a 111110IIIV•19 aacrr SAGAIIT. VITAL 11.1.0ALILY CO., Wholosals Grater,. 113 20 Woad NOW Plttabo rgh. .C• 27 JHARRIHON BEW ELL, Conanllor uLaw...6of. Leo on £oonl q., aboTo Ihnialield. no , 41-1 y T .CANF.I.7D: Mu of 0114 Commi.• i s==g wwg Z r i liteert Ash, and Western Produce re.solry, Water ~.c t , between thandleld and Wood, Pittshntfh• • 011 N 11.1140RO4N,Whoymealo Drught.nod deal. pr. 8.6,1%1nts OilS Vanatalica, Aa, N 0.13 Wood wool, ow doonr Sack olDiammd Allay, Pl 3. WI& - laza 1011tfD. DAVIS, Au mouse:, comm. at. and Wood • vein, Pittsburgh. ! TX t TON,Boutse Patters and Faper bbnoolaerni, No. 4 4 1•Iarkoz a., pity. horel• JOON %WM • iyD, Whotells Grocers, Cosainisalon mei,aants, and Pea a., in Produce Mound r: arch Buiklings, fmnung on Wrenn Wed and Ws, sureet, Piusbargh,yll n Lr T k r .P & e ichsr, and a.. Pro a aiPn ne spa ah VA Water sL, Piusbargis, laaic . . :41—ICSWElTZEIL, Ationsiy at Law, sae* arm, .uppoalte bt. Charles howl, Pittsburgh, min e. I attend promptly to Oolleethmts, la Warhirtembtraysue and Crsea camber, P REa- ; . FER To Ellsek.toek, Bell &Co., C.d.. a camber.. lrlusbe no6 • • 0 T. MOI.U. S t.l°,;."."="chf.'..u h rerpt taamtmeuest biereheata, Water sa,Pata bare, . IT , . .. . . _ . . . „, ... • ..... • liE .. . .. . . • _., . . ~ ~,, t . , . , . ... . , .'111:111 DOilili W. £ J. &LBWS, Book 11Madam WEan •dl la the atom Intrineas, coma ef Woad and Third atnstaa, Pinata:lp, tithera we are prepared to do any work Ls ow Una with des patch We amend to oar work pononally, and nos factiotyn wkl be given in regard to its names and di :abili: Blank Boon waled to say pawn and boaad ant. nondairy , . Ikon in ambers orold books bandana !buy or repaired. Nunn pos on hooks in gilt Insult Thon:Brat ban !ink hoar 14U37ttlited 10 CO. Seale.. Cooklag Stoves; Oraitwa, lact. IfVan r a WALLACE & Soma Church, corner linerty and Woad aroma, manafactare oder for sale Platform, *Floor and Cooler Beale., of the mon improved maalim Cooking Stoves, for wood and coal; Egg Storm of various Mee% Parlor and common Grates, Hollow Want, tc.e. te. They elm numulactare the Kitchen EAT, which hat siren each general saciafaetionia th ose awing it In use, to all of which they vroahl reapeettally Maim the attention of the animus sod the palate generally. corl7-dtf PLIMIX•II7.a.IIXL 101XtIA KUM. 'lam Lamer PA.LIII:I4 HAUL i CO., B A n Ei teen u tsore EX A A Ji m umglanna fc . Citt a.. in Foreign and a n Exchaage„ Certificates of Depoolto, Rank Notes, and lipmie—Fourth Week nearly ompreite the Dank of Pinabargh. Current mo ney mama on on Checks for sale, and collections madden neatly all the principal mine be the United States. The highest pramitanpaid fox Foreign and Amens,. od. 'Advances mad. ore consignments Of Predict, sldp. Rabe Aca liberal mama. The Peaasylvaals Company Poe Issuance an Lives MD HAMMON AnnIIITIM. THE brat We Joo3lll.lComney In the U. Stales. J. Incarcerated Idarch 10,18111—elei ter perpetual. Copilot 41300,00P—01l paid In. Ha anthonaedihe mulersigesd to mem appli cation& for insurance, on which policies will be issued, according to their propossds and ruse, which will be made known to applicants at his office, No. H Wood street. apt' UEO. COCHRAN. MOURNINO PR l NTS—Handsome black & white and black and dove colored Prints, for Mounting be fomd at the Dry Goods Ho Imo of febll W R MURPHY R. MURPHY lies rec eivei.l 1e Author sunply e " of Totted ItedTwil led Oil Canis, for curium, at lowea price, at the North YAM corner of Fount, and Market ern fabll ly RCP-IN - M - I'3 HIS DAY, lune A. mei - O Co 's fl mother lane Invoice of these desirable French M7rotteln Capes, Collars, and Culla. Also—kleamtng Collate and Cafe, and 100 pieces rick black Silt Lams, all widths- WAS Li'NEN lI O XFB-300 dos Ladies , and Gentli - Linen Cambric Hdkfa. Aleo—A small lot of Ladice , Choice Eng,/ do, reel per express at feh96 • • A MASON h. CWS LiWbllllll4lTif Th• Franklin Fen Jevons= Co. of Pkikarilphia. D IREG T OR&—CharIes N.Baneker Thema Ilan, Tobias Wegner, Samuel Great, J at, acob IL Smith, Om. W Richards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolpho E. Done, David 8. Drown, Morris Nauman. Camas N. Batsman President. Charles O. Banker, Secretary. Continue to meta imaranee, perpetual or limited, on every description of property in twin or country, at rate. as low as are consistent with security. • To Company have reserved large'contingent Fund, Which with their Capital and Premiums, merely invest edarford ample protection to Me mamma. Th e assets of the emptily, on Janaary lot, 1849, as published egreeably m m sot of Assembly, were as fallen vi Es °ne m 51,017,438 41 -- .4,3114 83 Temporary Loans Stacks • 96,001 SS Cash, 83 ,6d3 ' Ch, An 51 33,91.4 37 $1,323,492 71 Setae their Ineorporsiten, • period of 19 years, they have paid upwards of Gab wllEon fear Iturefred thous and dollars, losses by am thereby affording evklesse of the advantages of Insurance, as well as Ow ability and disposition to most with postmen all liabilities. I. GARDINER COFFIN, Mont, mortally Mee N N tenser Wood sts Ll. wad llaaBtk Imantraterso. ff P HE M hi u l o m iut s e l Life iae h and Hear atthe d I mam= L Cgomp u any : o ' l t.i mp 1048. h ter "ns'az Caaltal_Blo,6% rowsa tzar airPinsrn the corn. Costrana, and fall SO pm tent lower than imolai rates of life losannee,so the followiag com parison will ahem ThaL a Promo of the NM 0170 io nswin for SIOD for Ida, must pay In the Girard 82,36 Poulas s9 n tmusia, 526 , , Penn bluzitt ;o r i lt Eatzabi ‘ e l: blot,, Li ew let and Ileslib, N Pl ' aladelphia,il7l , 7 • Dtancroza—Samuel D. Orrick, Merles D. Ball. W. P. Boone, Rebut' P. limn, Mules P. Hayes, M. W. Baldwin. OLM. Ream, M. D., Chas. G. B Campbell, Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Barker, &IL Bader, Edens B. Cope. Prwridant—Sannel D. Order, Vice Presi dmit—Robt. P. Saar, Bectotary—Franeis Blackburn, applications will - be recebrod.and every information given by • BAKE.. PAHNIMITOCIr, Age, Ole., Commercia Rom; corner of oct27-dl7 Wood and Third sts. Piusbursk — Amur. £5O sfAaz L ntstruascs. trULB INSURANCE CO. of North America will mats permanent and limited Insane" on pro perry la this city and viebllty, and on aldpmeme by Canal, Riven, a, and by Bea. Mum properties or this Company an wen lammed,. and tarnish an avail able fund Or the ample indemnity of all persons who desire to be rammed by lasaranne. milli WM. P. JON r, At= CI Water at. EIELLTEI ZaIIUILILNOE, au Pattabargit. The dprlng garden health lainranee CO, OP PHILADELPHLO---OAPITAL $lOO,OOO, NBURES Males Lad Fenian what the Expense I and loss oeasloned by Starner or Accident, by as ittosedlaut Mlowonee of front 53 to 1 , 8 per week, for one, two, three, or foot yams. The method of efectiorr this Imeraneo, and the manner of awanling the met allowance, will be folly explained by the Agent- A pence no wore Misiriet Mekong or Accident which will detain him lima his ordinal,' bombes., n follows, em For Four ode year, bypaying KW. and receive to ir ...k. For three o 7,03, o " • d For four 1143, o Or, tor &mod of four yams, .the rum of. $14,40 said moully, will swore Weiler week while sock. Every necessary Information will be alorded on We subject of truer.. generally, 07 /MARS IMMO CO. Agents, de17•213m °deem &oldie,. BRILL 'AND BRAIN VOVIIIIIET. A FULTON,BeII andßram Founder, has rey built and commenced Madames at Ede old mend when, he will be plearekto me hi. old custom- A' ers and friend.. .Charalt,Bteasobom,and Balla of entry else, from 10 to 111,000 poande, cut from patterns of the man aeprov. rid models, and warranted to be of the best OVILIVIISit. hliaeral Water Pampa Gramm, Bailing, tre., toge ther with every variety of Bram 0111.11111:11p, LI regaLrod,,, tamed and finished in the manna manner. A. P. Is the wile modem of Hamm% Men-Arm. von idsma, so jeatty celebrated for the redaction of (nation tri machinery. The Boxes ad Compatelon c_ui Ea had of him at all Moe. 1.20:ty IX. IL SWIM _ _ .._JAYLTS.I32.OIII. SOATPII i ATKINSON o ha pr., ammo Woos 4.161 Maws, Tema a ° ; eviNTINUE to aranatarme all kinds f COPPER, V TIN AND BRE= IRON WARE. Also, Black- Blank Work. . . 81.1112 Boats Wit to order. ire i tg:Ps Dress Settles, Tin Ware, &a. at. Steamboat tiookuOtoves, Pomba, 'gorges, ••1109.11114.11.-. anti convenient Sr. uric for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road companies. We would re*ceitally inane steam boot man red other, to call and we oar articles and prier, before parr:basins at sembere. O:17 SLIA OK 1. ZI T T NO. PI WOOD STREET, H nr',lnogv-txy Coanty Merchants at redaead pricer, and tol wu they Wilt sell 54 ft indaeemerns dt cads bayarc or for approved ere tanl9 Patna Ilseidiao /Lem. Hwunivamt—gamammera kWh *feaa e ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city la. The above won s being now in fail andasecessfai oP• eration, I an premised w exciate Ware with dispatch for all kn. simnel: nary In ay tun, rash es tinkers, s—rmatien, cards, grinding !mistime, nanny., ameeieg?moms, - .cedars, thresuls, looms, wool. cu., double ore ngle, for merchant. eo.try work, malesjecks,..; elide .4 land lathes m.o.* in gen end. All kinds of flatting ma. to order, ea pl., giv en for gearing factories or mills at re.. Able CAMe. Hari vo—Kennedy, Childs Co., Illacksteek, Hell i Co., inng. Pennock A, k Cm, las. /NNW TSILMOILAPEI OFITIOI4. MUIR ensens asa bonnets men of Pittsburgh ans J. reneetfelly informed that the Morn Telegraph knee aro now la complete Mennen between Ma' dry and animate, Washingto and onto Eastern Clues, connecting at Washington n, City . witk dm Morn Lin, the only one Soon to Richmond, Raleigh, Cluitionan, Annus, Santanak, Mobil* and Nevi n thies—and„ connecting in. this city with noes n es no us We an& Noah to the principal towns and cities intn valley of the Mississippi, and on the Lakes. 'These Lines will - metre and sand menages to cheap as any ether Line, and the operator and elute will be fond pm, tiemaLtd . and aneonnanng. - e in the lower sum of the ST. CHARLES B Woad stnet. *28401 T C. IitHETIFOGLE, having associated with bim of A. IL CLARKE. for the Impose of traesecting the'Penierding and Commismon badness, will con tinue that basieneat the old stand of e-Cope & Prey , (ogle and respectfully ask. a continuance of the formes patronage of hos .ftiende.a tho public goner. ally, The badness will be condoned under the came and style o( llartiotne & Cum. BREYFOGLE, A. IL CLAIELKP. Plusbush,hs.; tosis.„o.lne Dissolution et Oe.Partnershlp. THE Co.Pertzurnalp aslatutfbersreen the under• sred, ender mewls of P. It Eaton & C 0.," was seared by metual consent, lan. nth. F. H. Eaton, laving purchased the entire interest of W P. m jn ann, who retires, will uwad to the senlement of the business of the late firm, no the old mend, No V/ Yawl. meet. F. H. EATON, iota W. P. MARSHALL. Ir. H. EATON VOALER Gloves awl floslery, inny"" o „a., Lscesand Embruiaslisi sphyr muted; rauenas and CRAWL N. 0 Passib suest, Pittsbarit. A hal supply of Fine Shim and Gents , Ceder Garments - feb4los • • : TIMIS 1101:111111, NMI 0/ /00111 IND 0114X1 RUMS, 121/01191. iikTIES übeeriber reeputlay annommis bu e bee now opened de am and mama Howl r the aceomerodetion of travelers, boarders, ma Um patine generally. The base and faunae ma candy new, and p3O lane or hue bee. epara to render it one o MIA eardenable and pseud Houle In the dry The sabariber le determined te deserve, cad thaw fare sandal, a ahem of pane unougir, /*owl HOUGH. Proprietor. LEAD.% 8 tips Oat: an febEl H , . 01. '34 'l 3 A UTCHISON k by littl i3 C"'".. W irtIVICUISON & CO DRlEDincurs—so ea prima Parmami sea do A .m.y. by lanelir.ll:Wooa ru (ib om , n cuo„n y i m~rm"HnwN rao PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAT , MORNING, MARCH 13, 1850. MMMUEOIIB, WANTED, DDAILY at the BALTIMORE, FIDLADELPIIIA. NEW YORE. BOSTON DNEW ORLEANS GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE Young MEN in wholesale and retail mores, and other revocable babies% to act as Duk.keepore, Sale. men, Porters, Bar.heepets, Walters, Future. Cush men, Car Agents, Book and May Agents, Collectors, ()veneers in all branches of basleess;&o. We hue at all thus • lugs surseherof groodeitnatione on hemp, wittel, pay from .100 to 112,000 per annum. Those to want of situallons army kind would do well to give us a eel, u we have agents in each of the above ci ties, which will enable us to place every epplieut in a nimble situation at the shone.; notice. We hue a I taeli %raintanee ; will . en i' obt l e u zj il o n g b i ' vl ad re'eda titles,i ne lion to all who may favor as with • aall• TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No. 59 Second et., between South and (lay. N. R—Persou living In any put of the O. Sutra, and wishing to obtain a shanties In Bshirnote, er o ther of Om above cities, will have tiles wants Irnme. diately attended to by addresamg us a line, t post. paid) as by so doing ship will cattail both trouble and es. pease, which they otherwise would incur by coming to the etty, and seekley_em_ployment for themselves Address, ' TAYLOR &TA IthIAN , No. 30 Second str etc mythdtf Baltimore, 114 12=1 . .. LB ationtion of Ow pub li c to respeetralty Girdled to e following earnest.: , S. Eocato—Haring tooted a quality of Vold welshed by y.r Areometer, I aa.l tho rosult pores yoor instnonont eorreeti. FA roczonnend thou. of It to CI those going to rm fa s,. the best method ob. tablas Ute read welo of Gold. Ite..yours a , . B. DUNLEVY, Gold B4lioar. Ytttsborgb, March , lall. • i .. Ferromatt, March 7, INC Ma Eakurti—LWir Hsiang examined the unit.. Meter? malaise at your roams, I do not !mama us command it to the Ma of thou gentlemen who are Omit ramoving to Cifornis ie search of hold. la It gags close 4 Mead. to the specific grad Ty animals, and w ensaily enable the adventurer to ascertain when his placer isyielding Gold. marl! Yours ; repel, J. R. SPCLINTOtIX., PIDIM.N. - 11/111KIL CLAYRIUN tifi remain! forme /. California Kapeddion, a complete essinumut at Gum Elmira Clothingt prices ranging from 14.00 to 1111,04, for van of coat mu and hat. For sale Kt the India Rubber Depot, o 0 Waal st. deceit [ J &II kHILI.II.B , it i iiiiiirii of Witiliili — se eilWlis.. - MBE manicraser off for wigs the STEAM BRICK g. WORKS, . . hour Lawreuemille, comprising • /Imam Engine, i Boil rs, 6-Mould Machine, capable of manufacturing MMIOO Pressed Brisk. (oat ord., day, In taken from the b • k",) per day; with three acres of land on the Alaghen ram; on which am 4 eilns and sheds, machine and e y sheds, wheelbarrows, trucks, cameo/e, spades, Ike every 'thing tinplate to ciaw• men. operations Id If &lon maim. Price, halo the patent right to use said omehine, 87,000— ovens payment made easy. Without the land, 113,M0. For pans address HENRY MERRITT, autreMdtf No 118 Monongahela Nouse. Wrought an Cut Irou Walling. . frIHE subscribers beg leave to inform the public the A they have obodned from the East all the Into sod fashionable designs for Iron Railing, both for homes an. cemeteries. Persons wishing to pruner hand some patterns will please tell and examine, and ledge for titenssetses. Bailing will be furnished et the short est antic and in Me best . manner ; at the corner et Craig sod Rebecca etreets,Alegh.y it. .1140dlf li. LAMONT t 111:01. Oysteral Oysterst Twang & CON Daily Express la now regularly de l/ layering Coo and Snell OYSTERS, 'which are of fered to dealers and families at the lowest prices. Quality v vented equal to any brought to this mar. ker., and tt.r We by J. d BIDWELL, Agt, Water at. Also—At the following depots—Reis & Beager,cor. nee Solithield and Second atm 6 Heasletott,Dannemli Merger lc Robinson, Federal at Allegheny. 6419 - VOifilicitiiilit - insT an imPro.e' - 3 V • pith, so aa not to frethe In the golden weather. Person. wanting snob articl are insited to gall end that them at SCAI FE& ATKINSON'S, tend 'lat. Warm. Wood Mather. us NIOOKSI EICW BOOKSt E.HE Coundusion and Standard of the Asa/7nm Reformed Church in Nonht America: Ott, Donn inaheepp. The sr Sid*, or Notes Cow the History of the War between Medias and the United States, written to A sad oasts Wed from the 8p1461.0, wnh motes: Brtltt. Ramsey. Sketches of Reform and Reformats of Oren Britain and Ireland: By IL B. Stantcm. The Work, of Ps:olden Edwards, In d ens; a ns. print of the Warranter edition, with &dal:tons and a V_ jethral index. inloantsins of Knot . or Egypt alVisitha for th e Min By Hawks D. L. L. D. Memoirs of David line, Ism editor of Journal or Commerce, with selections from Me Massa...a Wsiungs BlBn. J. P. Thompson. The Puritan and is, Daughter: by J. K. Paulding. lan Gneiss, or an Inside View of Medico net Cal- Hontim By Lima. Wise, U. 8. Nary. Pamdiar Loam to Young Olen. on various athirst.; denged as a Companion to rho Yoang Mani Guide: , B Chetatil l and eu l . rooe Writings of IL A. Duna: vs Nineveh and it. Remains: By Layer& For sale by ELuorr & ENGLISH, lanto No 79 Wood at • • rorrat. or ar t , • 'MORRIS &WILLIS , HOME JOURNAL Pruaßzo Naas—f9 ra spas. "The bees paper to the Union." (Evening Ste. "Rather get la coat than go without ire Ulashse ron. Nam cabac fibers can be aappliad from Jan. 1, 19. 7 0, if immediate application be made (cider personally or by lona') at Ma Mc* of Ptiblication. CU Wood ac last* J. D . locgtl/0110. ;==P • ACEED SCENES AND CHARACTLES, by J. T. original designs by Darkly. The Poems sod Prom Wfltings of IL H. Dana. Phyocian Fallout, or a Pramleal View of the Moral Darin, Delano. and Intermits of Me Medical Ptelyzadan and the Commuchy; by W. ll.k cr, 01 . U. The Parlor and His Dasolnon by J. IL Paulding, WWI= .1 Um Dutchman's Enraide. Los Oringoa. or an Diable of Mexico and Cal ifornia; will Wanderings in Pent, Mils and Polytissm; by Lion. Wise. For sale by &SI ELLIOTT & ENGLISH. 7111 Wood si 14LSELLANEOUEI LITERATURE, • AT LOCKWOOD'S, 63 WOOD 'TRYST. LSILOWYPS amencan angler , . Guide; full of nisi. nations, Ifinu. Paulding's Puritan and the bausitiosi Moo. D. Hooker% Physician mod Pansui; Wow. Kia. Ellis' Hearts sad Hama; Svo. NoacitcPs Lire or Quist; Sao. Neoadues Illstoty of Quinlan Church; 3 vols. uvo. Rev. Dr. Spring's hlessoirs of MW Manny, ovu. Moorman Lhasa., lat; Soo. iA.KES D. LOCKWOOD, isalo Bookseller& Importer, ea Wood vi. Nam I. Oho alsow•S• Subscribe,. OFFICE of &o gee Reprints of the Four gutter. Boa and Blackwood; IRO pou year. blonds de Willie from Joornal, published is New York Weekly; Ilk per =sum. • Dowalnes Borucalturaliss, monthly; t 3 par year. Invalaable. TIM Cultivator, monthly; II poises's. The Agtieultatatiat, monthly; St per year. The Delllo.4lllC Review, useably; YJ per annum. Tae Ilankent klatratine do tri do Ames 1) Lucewoov. Bookseller it Importer, a 3 Wood a - E7l:3== ermsatraan, to. JTWIN WRIGHT & Co., sea prepared to build Cotton and Woolen Machinery of every deuriptiest, each as Carding ftlackine*, Spinn4 , Framea, live Wen, Drawing Frames, Hallway I Warpers,r4poolars, Dressing Frames, Looms, Card 0 dens, &a. Wroaght Iran Shaftiag tamed; all aloes of Can Iron, Patties and Bangers of the laical patterna, slide and hand Lathes, mid tool. of all kinds. Casting. Of every domrilndoa famished on short nodee. Putnam made to order for Mill Geartag, Iron Raillog . ,./ce. Steam Pipe far heat- I l ltipp r" pra C" ;_jr " : W :ft die i dow Seek rdaret=t. Pamir & Co., i adoeny " street, will have Prom9l. arm.: dun. Refer 10'auks:oak, Bella Ca, J. K. Moorehead & Co s 0. F.. Warner, John Irwin it Sorts. Ptusburgb ; 0. C. H. Warner, Stenbenville. gTIC/101ir- )ants _ T HE saburiber lifers for mile a large and splendid stuntman off rosewood and mahogany grand Ac- WM Pismo, with and without Coleman's celebrated Soli= attankraenL The atom Instruments are war ranted to be meal lo any usandatratred In this coun try, and will Int sold lower than any brought tram. We Fist F. BLUME; No 111 wood sr, gdoloor abase sub N. EL—City Soap will be taken at par for • Pew of ha above assortment mlfd F. II sued, n. AAT K. MURPHY continues to keep on hand • full . .6011611111{ of Ike Welsh g able Unshrin Flan. no* and limtvmently received • supply th atter qualltMa Also Swansdown Flannels, • scarce arti cle and van adapted fot the weer of invalids, and ethers wanting monething wanner than usual. Also, Fenian .and Gause Flannels far lamas wear ; to gether With a fall supply of American manufectored Flannels, of different ;patinas. Abe, SHROUDING FLANNELS, of all the diffentut widths, at the North But comer of lth and Market sts. 117 Wholesale Room. op main, where dealers will al waya inn a god assortment of new style ;pods. . . Jana Diaphragm PlltoW,.teseAllitilactwe. Ws air; 4. TILLS le to sanity that I have Cpl ' =ga l e ; I V the . m i st g eff7c a l in C r% Patent Diapribpn Filter, far tha ell Besot' Pittabargh and Alleglieuty. JOHN GIBSON, agent, for Walter M Gilman, 345 Broadway. N. Irl Get wise. Wa have been nting_ono of the above articles at 1.1.0 race of theNoveity Works far three months, on trial, and feel petfeetly satisfied that it is a useful trivet:Don, asid We take pleasure in recommending theta am a at. fat ankh , to all who love pure water. Orders will l • thank fall y received and_promptlY ezecated.. octlO • LIMNOSTON. ROGGEN &Co Mow Plums. j.. t ....ind,0m elegant Rolewood 61 octave Plano Form from the cele brated (sor,. ot T. thlbert a Co., BOStOn. Thu attainment Ls remarks. bin for brilliancy and sweemess of tone, and elasticity of ;Dock. The above farm le considered one of the very farm in Boston, mad their ?Lams, for elegance o beaory of tone, end duration, grout earpass ed by those of auy other make. For sale on reason& Me terms by H. NI.F.DER, Inn 34 J. W. WooderciPs. _ atw A. Cri44 NAV/ rob BALT, PROM PAYRTTRMANUFACTURING COMPANY, ID eases ..o Pmlly BlLnkals,l o by la ors; =put Sloan:Moat do sby 7 at; 100 do do do 4by 7 it, 150 do madam' wbita Horse do 100 do colored Calder one do ALISO: GA pieces 0-4 white Plmancl, warrantedlall wool; 103 do 44 do do do do MO do 3-4 do do do do 150 do 34 trd do du do 73 do 34 yellow do do do ALSO , Satinetts, Tweeds, Juana aud Woolen Yarn, at e eta unmade rum , ' 'paces. ocrw-0...... No 107 Wood et, 40t door from Fifth. 'ft - WT . l'c+ ) - 1:2 - ReT.irkkaii; febt3 J D WII.LIAbIB NEST PIAtJR - w e uncle fm .ni I. p tabl3 J D WILLIAM daTDRIM-WINTS-10 or motorail toed jl. nod for wale by MLLES a litlerenSON, tonal 174 and 174 Llberlyet MEDICAL. AL CARD TO LADIES AND PHYSICIANS; to, recommendatiqn is so completely sensfactsrty, as to audience end complete needs of any ioda tion, es the united testimony of those who hare rapt. fleeced ita benefit. During the last fifteen ye 's,- to all Mum of the United Mates, one most talented and .mined phygielans, have dada born wattmeter to the superiority, _cue, and comfort of Mrs. BET PS bird. thms for Ladies' suffering. They do not empress by steel pressure, whkh a now moved to be attended by bad effect. ceding Mom difficulty then before cello ed. Her long mending in Philadelphia, and lemte end increasing bedtime both Wholesale and Retail, Is a gearantee of the correctned of, the above. To procaine beg Genuine Helmand, opAp only to WM. THORN, Premeist, 13 Market rt, tsbergh— all others are counterfeit. JAME:9'BE7TM Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia. nibltamod CLOVER Obi i SHED-1l "n YAMES DALZ bbls d for sale b PIIODYISIIOI3. DALLIITsi THICOPIIEB , 01711 'Olt NEDICATIIID COSIPOHMD. TNFALLI HUI for reties:Mug, invirorwing end Wan- Wiring the Hair, removing Scarf, Mandrill'', and all &Dation of the Scalp, and curing D'option. On the Skin, Dlwase. of the Oland., Mweles and lateen mentaaand relievibg Stings, Cuts, Beaten, Speaks, Ic. &a. With this preparation. "them ls no snit ward as fwd.' The brationrnals in Amerien, mediae' men of the highest entimence, prominent cid:Anse( all Dr othasiona and ladles who have used It (or 'years in their dreaming room. and nurseries, admit with one Re cord, than roe IMpartii4 vigor, glom, Inindaneo and con to the hair, arad•cating send and . dendWithd/d• tog wounds, eatihig contusions, sprains, sengit, and relieving disc of the skin, the i ti ! o; end•eles It has no equal among the munnand'sai com pounds advertised in the peddle prints, or wed n OH •ste practice. In cheapens as well as cfbeacy.itar tr. Trieopherona winvalled. The affinity between; the membrane , which Monad atom the akin, and ihe hair which &awe Its hunenance from this triple envelope la veva. dime. All disease. of the ;hale ori ginates in the skin of the head. ' th e Pore. Of the ale are. clogged , or if the Japed, end other Dials do not circulate freely through • the...all vessels which feed the roots with :moisture and Potion lite to the fibres, the result is warn dandled', WM d_niv, of do, hair, Val.", dryness, and harms.. or lighalelll.o, and entire imhinen as the ease:nay he.-- Stlantlata the akin to healthful action with the Tricop herous. nod - the torpid vessels, rewnrcting their .env my, will annihilate the disease. , in ail affection. of the din, and of the aubsimis of muscles and internments, the -proeess and the effect are the mama. It isaeon the thio, the masealarjfibre,-Wid the gland., that the Trieopherous Pm Its .phonic action, and in all affections end in:pries of these; organs, it Is a hOthardgh remedy. Sold, in large hottleindriee 3-5 cows, al dm Pr/n.4. 1 . Ofllea,l3T Broadway, .Id. . InePor sale by R. E. SELLERS,' t Pitmliorg. PLLOOLA/NAT/ON. INOW MI men who aramek and adlieled With dn.. use oftho blsilder and kidneys, with rintunick pales In barb or limbs, stilTjoints, old tares, atoning hers, &e, that they can be eared by tabby are Pc indent/ You =yogi& about Its betn&st nostramle much in you Metre, bet this dines not make It so, for we proclaim in the face elan honest en:mutt/M. 6 M It has virtues which •te not contained In any other remedy. 'The man who is rucked with pain and sun tenng from disease, can for fifty cent. get relief from any arum Ills annumerated,above. Baader. It costs very little to mate &ankh 'This Petroleum is no compoed, put art for the purpose of imposing on the community; but it Is a remedy elabentied by the mister hand creature, and bobbles ap Beal the bo som of ea r mother earth in its origami purity, and on fon to suffering hamani y a ready remedy, • 'certain IJ cheap cure. t has cured Piles after other tnefficines bane failed to render any relief. It has Cured Rheumatbasiof long standing, and or the went and most patent character. It ha. eared Choler. Monies by ow or two dome; It has eared o/d canes of/hurtles, in which every other remedy bas been of no avail. As • local meetly In burns and scalds, It Is bitter than pny medical" com pound or ointment Oist we know aC It will min attn. Mains or linseed feet. In • few applleatioato madman od testattony can bir furneshed of the verb ecaminal la the above statement by calling on Samuel M. Kier, Canal Basin, nth street; o, either oldie agents. geyser & McDowell, corner of Wood *nett and Nairn Alley; It. F. Sellers, 5? Wood street, D. A. gh Rot & D. M. Corm Allegheny city, an the Wats Anal - . • CAUTION Nati , A man by the name of HURL VP btu rimmed wall a meg ami Oahe name oft TownseM, arid wee his earners pat up a Sorsa+ a, which they call Dr. Towasend's Sarsaparilla, troonatrarang rt GENUINE. anginal, me. Mae To std Telma doc tor and never was, bat seas formerly workeyon rail roads, canals, sad the like. Yet he macs the tale of Dr., for the purpose of gaining crel for what he i. t. Ure is sending out canto hes ed .what of uack.," in which he soya! have so! the um of my name Mr 1/7 a week. I will give S. S.lToernakul IMO Rite will produce one sines proof or thia— This , is to caution the nubile not to deceited, and 'smarms none bud the GENUINE 0 (ANAL OLD oalltart t. Dr. Jacob Townsend'. Samaparilla, aviary On It the Old Dr. , s likeness, his family coat of ..0 hie sin. nature toren: the coat of mum I JACOIVFOWNSEND. Principal Daze, tOrt Nissan W N. Truk city. OLD .4. . i CTOIL JACOB OWfilfllD, ..,..- , TILE ORIGINAL !" . 9 D vtatit og gal . growrissisit iIARRIAPII.; Old Dr. Toarnaend Is now reboot 70 ye °fame, and has long been known as the AUTI OR and DISCO TER= of the GENUINEOILIGLYAL., TOWNSEND SARBAPARILLA-" Being poor, be 'wm compelled to limn its Mlninfacture by whim, Mans It bar been kept out of market, arid the Wm etreamscribed to arose only who had proved to wonh and aileron it. 'aloe. This insure Argo UtinQUaLLED Sasealtanon as roannfamarmi on the largest male, and Is called La throughout the length and breadth of the land. Vallee young S. P. Townsend's, It improves with ode, maduelree °header, hat for the better, beasts. at In prepared on semantic principbor by a a:44am man. The highest knowledge of Amami, and the Imes' diaconate. of the An, bare MI been brought into re. quisithan In the manufactare or the Old Dr§ &imps. dila. The Sarsapanlla root, It is well knowa to rued. Ical men, contains medicinal properties. and Mom plo t/mum which are Inert or makes; and oaten, winch, if retained in preparing it for ass, produce fermeam. don and acid, which Is inbiriona to the oyouto. Some of Me propylaea of Baumann. ere to volatile that May entirely evaporate and me tort in the 'prepare. rum, if they are ma preserved by a :cicadae process, known only to those auperteneed in Its manafaetary. Moreover these volatile pruamplee. which By'offin va por, or a: an exhallitlon, under heat, are tho Very es. ventral medical propertie, of the r 0.4 orb-lei eras to it all as value. The . _ 01S31111Nift OLD DR. JAOOI3 TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA' 1..0 ptapared; than all the inert properties of the Sir. thing eapab;. t=o l tl 'a ng ' AN/ or of le n nTen " ta d iloVii traeted rejected; Ikea every particle of atedstal virtue morn tad in • pave and concentrated form; and MIS it Is tendered ivable of lotting any of, W. rentable ant nettling {down.. Prepared in this "rap, It le mate the moutponeerfal nicent In the CCHEM" IItOIUEERABLE DISEASES. Renee the won why are hey commendanons on W o dad it i LirgAr " ottl b enTrin w o o ara on ral t nt ' c h ildren.p[on Llymeinia and Lam Complaint, and In notinatatlam: timofala and Ries, Colima.% all Cutaneous &ap noea, rimpl.s, Ulatabaa, and all alientions arming Rom IMPURITY OF TIIII ULUILILL It possesses • marvellous eficeey in all complalum arising from Indigestion, from Acidity fibs Stomaeh; from onequal circulation, determination of blood to the head, palpusuon of the leas, cold foot and cohldurnde cold clans and bat dashes over the body. It has ma had Its equal iu coughs and colds; :and pronanet easy expectoration, and gently perefilladoo, relating aute• tare of the lane, throat, sad every other pars Bat In nothing is Its excellence more manifestly man and acknowl ln a kinds IT:ange. of II works wanders In cases of Auer Chas or white., Failing of the Wond , ,Obstructed,Suppreased,or Pain ts! Menthe Irregalluity of the menstrual pentode, and the line; and is effectual in caring all forma of the Rid my Disereacs. Ey removsngebeatietions, and repain ting the pmend system, it gmes tone and strength to the withh,body, and cures elisions of NERVOUS DISEASES AND Denturi, and thee prevents or relieves a great varimpefocher diseases, es Spinal InitatloN Nearalgia, St. Vitas Dunce, Swooning, Epileptic FM, Convulsions, &a Is not this, then, rnabbnitmen TOO PareFatathOLY Nand But can any of loran dap be said of S. P. Town. send's hamster article? This 'manly maul ts net to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD DEL'S, became of the Wand Plat, that. the one u Incapable of Detenoration and NEVER SPOILS, while the oth er DOES; it seers, ferments, andn blowy the bottles containing It into fragments;tho eour, acid Heald cu. PimltAS and dmsisffiet ether leads! /dust natAi g be,. tible complinnd be poisonous to the eyelets? he put gelid into queen aready as with acidi What eatteeaDyspepsia but acid? Do we not all know, that when food soars in our stomachs, what mischiefs it prodoccat—flatulence, benttburn, palpitation of th e heart, liver complaint, ?Who a,ieee dysentery, ebony and I nearroptio of the blood tm Scrofula but acid homer n the body? What produces all the humors which bring _on Eruptions of the Skin, Scold Head, Salt filmomXtdTlipelas,WhitdElwellings, Fever-Bores, and all ulcerations internal and esthrital? It Is nab ing under heaven bet an acid substance, which exam, and them mills all the golds of the taalr, more or iess. What ceases Rhennmussu bat a sour ac rd thud, a then imumates itself between thejoints and elsewhere, ir ritating andinilaming the tender and delicate mines upon which it ant,? SO of nervous Mae awe, of Dept,- city of the blood, of deranged circulations, and measly W the ailments which to human notate. Now, is It not horribleto make and tell, and Infinite ly worse to use this uSURING, FERuENTING, ACID “COMPOUNIP OF S. F. TOWNSEND! and yet he woad fain have it enderwood that Old JA cob Townsend's Genuine Original Samatiantit, 16 an imitation of Ms hare nor preparation!! Heaven fortnd th at we should dent In On millet, which wohld bear the roost distant reithinbtance to S. P Townsend'a article! and which should bring uvWll upon the Old Dr. such a minnualn load of coilipl.iints and criminations from agents who have sold, and put. ehuers who b”e aced S. P. 'Pownsend's Ecrusenting Compound! We wish ittindermood, becalm it is the absolute truth, that S. P. Townwnint ani ale and Old Dr. Jacob Townsends Sanaparilla are heeveniwide apart, and Infinitely dissimilan that they are onlike in every par. tie War, having not one single thing in common. • It Is to twrest hands upon the unfortunate, to pour balm into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the despairing besonyto restore health and bloom and vi gor Into . the crushed and broken and to banish inhumn a . —tha old DL JACOB NSBND has S nd FOUNDrhe opportu TOW nity and means tor IaOUGHT ing his Ow C' ns UNIVERSAL CONEN riteTtp RIMILEDV. within thatreac and learns e knowledge or who needs t, they may led know, by hiMal en perlenea, ItskitOmonnenr row.. so usat.l For sale by J. KIDD & CO, Wholesale Agent for Western Pennsylrama; J. SMITH, Birmingham; It,. J. SAIUJEAIiT, Allegherry, Dr. J. CASSELL, 'PIM weld. U. W. GAILDNER. oth ward. Kuehl:nth- sent_ Lictat COIIPLAINT.—Another ettripeteinned by Leaving the original, only true and genuine Liner Pill. ASIODUN, Brown on., 0.; March 2D, pigy. Mn. it B. deitcm—in April lastnly' wife was Motet a with Lives Complaints, and Lad the advice of two physicians, who tried winos. remedies withoot pro. Cueing any good elect. Hosing head of yogi eels. brawl' Liver -Pills, I rociebided in give Mem a fair trial. I puMbased 000 boo of Hr. geOtt, sd Aherdeco, and gsva them according to dm itirevioni, by which she WWI grimily rellovoui trocared a UMW/ box, which entirely cored licrvan noW sot.) , sisal- Ism health. I have stied them myself, and windows me best family Owdleine 1 evot itintV • Yea* be, ' Masai guars. pr~p.oo and aold 470. tstly 184 :s tw0.1701W"4 MEDICAL. OINTXMRPTs Contairiing no ilfercury. no other ittinerei. TIIR following testimonia l .nn given by the cele• bitted Dr. Wooster Beach. the author of the great medical work entitled "Ito American Practice of Medicine and Family Physician." 'Devittg been made acquainted with the intredtenth which compose AleAlluterls All.ltealing Otnucent, and having prescribed and tested It in several remain My private pricrlool have no huitation in saying or certifying tket Ms a Vegetable Remedy, cootwrong 'hp mamma sabmance winueven.that its ingted tenth, combined as theyare, and asod no directed by th e Proprietor, are not only hamlets, hot of great value, being • traly scientific Remedy of rent power: nndl cheerfully recommend it as a compoond which has • one mark good, and whieh is adopted to the care of • great verMty of coma Though I have never either recommended or engaged in the sale of worst medi cines, regard fog the truly honest, einscientlau• ha. mane character of the Proprietor of this Ointment, and the value of hit ducovary,•oldige me to say thus mach regarding It.: W. BEACH, D. D. , ' New York, Apritfild, RUINS..--11 it oue of the best things in the world for Dorm •• • o PlLMl.—'honornd. are lowly cured by this Oint ment. letterer regain 'mien relief. Foe Th.... ellegni, and all kind. of Sorer, it has noequal. If Atotbani and Name knew IL. value in care, of 'Swollen or gore Brew, they would timera apply le In seek cams. If tided according to direcuons, n giver /relief In a Vof) . (0* been. - Mound the boo ars directions for sting Ale-Allister'. Ointment or Strafe*. Liver Complaint Kry.ipelatt, Tetter: Cbelblain, Scald ,ffead, gore Eie.. Quincy, Sore Throat, Ltronchnes, None.. Atennonst. 'Dioeme of the Opine, Head Ache, Azehma ' Dealgess, .ac Ache, Horns. Corot , all Disease. of the Skin, rot. lefrot Pimples. Ike., Swelling of the Limb, Sure., Rheumatism. Piles, Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled or Bro ken Uteast,Tooth Ache. Ague In Ike Fare, an. Flom the Reading Eagle. Then was never, perhaps, bledicine brought be. tore the public, that has in so Mori a time won sach a reputation as McAllisterr All-Dealing or World Salve. Almost every tenon that hue made trial of I: speak. warmly In Ito psalm. Ova has been cored by Ito( the most painful Mennionam, another of the inlet, da third Si • troubleoranepain in the aide, a 10111115 of s ..welling'n the limbs. Ae. If it does not givemuno• "dicta relief, In every ease,* can do no Injury, [mord applied outwardly. Al another evidence of the wonderful healing pow. et possemied by this "too, we 'pinata the following certificatefrain a respectable citizen of Maldenorcek township, itt Miscount,: Maldencteck, Reek. eo, March 3tb . 1.3t7. • Mears. Ritter k Co:-1 derira to inform you that I Lavas entirely cared of a seven paiaidthe buellibll the use. of McAliianrs Allillealing Salve, which l pur chased from you. I suffered with it for about PO years, And at night waarthablo to sleep. During that nose tried canons remedies, which were prescribed tor me by phyolciatunind otherperaono without receiving soy relief, and at last made teal of this Dane, with a to. sult favorable beyond egoectauon. lam now main ly free from the pain, and enjoy at night a peaceful and sweet sleep. I bate also used the Saleralnee for tooth ache and other complaiau, with maniac happy mulls. Year friend, /011/1 JAMES McALLISTER, Bole Prepricior . of toe above medicine. Principal Office, No MiNortli Tbird phi. PRICE 23 CENTS PER BOX. AGMs to Ptirtlollol4—Braun it Reiter, earner of Liberty and St. Clair streets; and L. Wilcox, Jr., cot , nor of Market street and the Diamond, also corner of north and Sinithfidtd streets; J. 11. Came, corner of Walnut and Penn streets, Fifth Ward; and sold at the Bookstore In Smithfield street, 3d door from Second. to Allegheny City by. M.P. Schwmts and J. Sargent. By J. 0. Druggist, Birmingham: D. Nrgiyy, BM: Liberty; IL Rowland, hlcKeesport; J. A'exander, & lion. Monongahela City; N. B. Bowman & Co., and J. T. Rogers, Brownsmlle; John Barkley, Beaver, Pe: John Walker, It, Elisabeth. febtleodly MUM n . andobledly the but preparation ever dis• coseredr tor dreaung Bums, Scalds. Cuts, Chit. bitten, Bruises, or .ay kind of fresh wooed., also for sem Nipples awn:Ludy unequaled This *Mole is tolerated for family ow, and should be found 14 the - possession of every family in the land. Medial:urn who are in constant danger of injury to their persons through accident and the Improper or careless WE of tools, will find th is ankle to be lualo • able to them, And after •MB tnal will consider in. dispense/AA - It is an emaelleut intbststote for adhettlyn plaster of all Winds, without any of its incoeveniances, and la ao otediented as to allay all pain immediately and mot yorfutly. A very little applied any whereon the enclave of the *kin, itontedmtely tonna a firm, smooth coatieg, very similar to the natural cuticle or outer skim which may be freely smutted withwattr and soap, without any to Jury to the wound. The *Mole to freely used and highly recommended by the most eanstent pluaierus at Nur England, and other puts of the co.try. For sale °Ma by R E SELLERS, 57 Wood at B —The trade supplied tube tuanufaeturres goo reb4 Sellars , Verna Wag. & ILLS NEVEM, to • ample issuance, failed to ee. Worms. CA.. Comm Maas, Va., July sN. ZS. F.. &diens You will recollect that When we in Pittabarah, In November lit, you prevailed • Is to UV stymie Vermifuge, to test its vulg.. We par Irsl7:l7, h r ` ha S•prchaaad mom, which mu divposed of ItameJi• • We. Shen ordered moor, which ranched no on . kkatalras nrowsu mewl. and on yesterday we send thai Want two down bottles. We and it so val uable a medicine, Wu every person of a feebly wish es to hove It in their poasesuon. 'now who bravepatehesed erwild be perfectly wlllmg to rive cenificates of Its excellency Out of the quantity we have vended. it has never, In a single wslenee. (tiled to expel worms. Eger friend, Ww. C. Musa k Co. Prepared sod sold by E. E. sp,LLEss. 37 Wood st, and sold by Druggists generally to them. fines. febll/ WATY'II. (Mall lIIIITABLISLIMENT, BV EDWARD ACKER, M. D., rtitillpebetig. oppo, lute th : e town OIC BOW.. allthe C m ohm et, Ele vet eotwty, la. spvtarlyt. 12E1= suloteriber offers, at private .of., SIXTY ACRER OF LAND, about tinny Iwo of which is eloarsd, and twenty Ave good bosom meadow, &M on which is erected a Flmtring Mill. which can be Am t►ar by steam' or water power. There Is on be mud Farm, TWO DWFILLING HOUSER, the necessary Tuthouses, and an ORCHARD of besot. Fruit Treas. hu mill gearing I. made of east iron, nub t►rae run of worms.' . The above premises are situated in a good (arming retatiment in liopewell township, Beaver county, three mites from Economy, eight miles from Beaver, on the loath side of the Ohio neer, within three miles emote nve, sad twenty mile. from Pittsburgh. Titleundispotatil, for bathe infonnation and condition. of sale, m eta* of the subsctilier, on the premise., or nit E action, Grocer, in the Diamond, Pthisburch. novtivrthillp WALTER .1011NSTIDN. HSW 00001 at P. DELA.III , II. • 4.VIJIIEETY STREET, PITTSBUROII. 1 UST RECEIVED, an extensive and varied assort J meat of goods, adapt ed to the present and ap preaching season. ma black, brown, and drab mixed Palmerston Beaver Cloths, a sapener article for Maine., frock find over coats. Also, a great variety of Blankets sad Fittings, lamming all all the above mentioned colors; superfine French black, brown olive claret, uld all other desi rable colored Chola; French, English and American plain and fancy Cusinterea, of entire new . patterns and very deed:able colors, to whieh we with partite. lady to call I,he attention of these in want of a hand some pale of pants. VIRTINGS—The ....meat of Vesting. is unusually liandsomeoomprising the new est .omost approved style for rut and winter wear; all of which will be made to order, at abort notice and masonable terms, A few COATS on hand, of entire new rtyle, to which we would invite the attention of those who de sire to unite ease, elegance, comfort and convenience in their garment.. To such we would particularly recommend these m their notice, since they combine all thnbeardy of Oa over coat, with the comfort and convenience of the sack coat. • • A genen4 armament a READY MADE CLOTH ING on hand, made in the present Fall fashion, and will tra sold wholuale or retail, at the lowut cash *wee. Nitta P. DIILATAf INFLAMMATORY lIIIIIUMATIIIII. THE AMERICAN It II EU MA TIC lilA, Ls A hIC A NEW remedy lately discovered in the Vegetable /t Kingdom—a sure and permanent cure for all Rhoomatte Complaints, each as InAtimutatory, Chronic, Acute and Mercurial RicuMatism; Gout, Lumbago, BMW Affections, Se. This medicine has lug been sought for. It has been said that Rheumatism could not be cored; but there Is remedy designed by nature for the core of every du ease that the human system Is subject to. At MA a re medy has been bond mostnrceßheurnatiam of the want form —one or the valuable vegetable pen. ductions of the earth—the greaten and most inipartant discovery of the are, ant/ a wonderful Memnon no the human funky. It cares without sickening or debilita ting, and renews itnitglb and vigor to the whole aye ten. It hu eared, dureigibe put three muths, over UM cues that were cooLLdered Inearablo Certificates of the ettrative properties of this medi cine ens be seen by eallthron the agents, None genuine unless pat op with an erteravetl label tqwn the outside TURNFIR„ Buffalo, N wra . It pper, signed by the proprietor, IL Pete by lEEE corner Third and Mark at at I t mo - orrk. Sold also by U. F. No 100 Mato at, Cincinnati. 0. ME= FREEPORT ACADE - IWY , undersigned Committee would announce to the public that they have procured the serviery of the Rev. M. RYERSON. a graduate of Princeton au Principe/ of as ACOACIIII, to be located 0, Feet pory A m m e ,,g enemy. The Principal will um ever,' means in bli power to CAI/bll4l u reputation for Ma School, by paving 111 strict IMEIII.I. 10 the 1111GliCCIORi and moral training of the yr atil committed to hie care. The Coarse of heady will he all the Breaches usu ally taught In Mettler inetitutions, including we Cheek and Lana Languages, and the Mathematres, to far as may be aecemasym enter College. Also the higher an Engliah Fklecation, each as Natural Philosophy, Chembitry, Astronomy, he. The above Om will be arranged under two charges, 113 and OM per Heasiou of al weeks. The &hoof will, inommeace on the let of May, ISM. A F.FERF2SiCIBI. Rev. A. Aligandor, D. D., t in • saemel Miller. D. D.l Theological Peinui try. • Carnahan, D. a, Pres'. Princeton College. JnaiMeLean, MD,Y. P. " Joel Steneroad, Florence, P. s W, Breed, Etteabeevllle, 0. • avnll Gorden, Fmetlert Springs, P. Catrairmao—A. W.'Larie, A. Ralston, Drill Weaver, Woodsy Bowmen, Wm. Moorehead,: W. MLLe. phy, Robert ;demi. John Trimble. FREDERIC BALER, Pnteit. O. O. ammo" Stel.--Idetil-vrtidaylS TILEILM DLIPZEIS 6. MUKPRY keeps constantly an hand ao as oininient of litene had Linen Table Diapers' al ' emit widths ind qualities.. Also—Table Cloths ond Nopkini, Toweling Diapers and Towels, and acionmeot holm famishing goods. Witt Cs ARBUTHNOT fl AS lien taloned foam tae Rasura Clines, and is .la. meowing a lute variety of seuonabla Geed, to welch be respeetfully invitee toe attor.tiao of merely .sou sad Podia., No al Mod ' fetal DRINTINO PAPER—s. mule of .11 the au AL /mut BUCllollllluind and mule to order. 4141 REYNOLDS & !HEE I 41 101614'.J. -V ) MISCELLANEOUS. 111.00ILD 400.,fA ti (Ktrecesaora to M'Cord t King) 11 11 % ,IP•ohloata.bla II att•lra, Corner of Wood and Fifa Strectr. PdaTICULAR attention paid to oar Retail Trade. Gemtlemen can rely upon getting their Hats and Caps from our establishment of Km Cur MaIIIALIN and wouxamoitr, of the Lae= muss, and at the tower fesCp=lyllitele"ller:O%PalYCLlD'Zieig kyneWot(Vlo4:kit we eon gag with coialidence that as regards yoacrrs and rates, it will mot gaffer la a Comparison with any house in Philadel Grata _ FZEZEIZECE TOllOl D. 9PCREARY, Printing Ink Manufacturer , 4.1 Nog 331 and 333 Wanton - sweet, NIHY YORK—De pot N 0.3 Spruce sweet—Woold call the attention o Printers to hio impeoeed Printing Into of +/arson. kinds and ord.., at the following prices t EX.• hue Jet Black, for Card awl Wood Cu, • • - 111. OD and 3CO per lb. Pine Book Ink • - u 75 " 1 Ou Boon at - - 040 " OGo " Now. Ink - • 019 0 111 " 023 Fine Red Ink -75 e 100 130 2 Olt Blue Yellow, Green end WItDC W " UOld 111. at 1 per lb, an BM.. at 10, 73 cis and al per oz. A specimen of News Ink:can be seen on thin acne'. For sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. Pitteburgh, . . C. Morgan 8. Co. Cineionati, Ohio. liorian mgirwo hi, Louisville, Ky. . . XZW COA CH VACTORY, C. 0. , M A. WHITE k 0., woold respectfully inform ii . the utile that they have erected a shop on Lacoek, he a Federal nod Sandusky streets. They are uoim m and are.prepared to receive orders for every demrip of swamies, Coach., Chariot',, Be• Touches, Ruggles, Mauna, Ite., ,te.. which from their long experionee in the menufecture of the above work, and the facilines they have,they feetconGilent they are enabled to do work oil the atom remonsble terms with thew wanting articles in their line. Paying particular attention to the selection of mate rials, and having none but competent workmen, thvy hese ho - iimatetlou In wirrontiHs ‘1 ,,,, r v..k• We thereto/a ask rho summon of Um patine to and matter. N. It. Renewing dune In the best manner, and on the most reasonehle tern.. InMiltf =1:11 MACIIINIST AND MANUFACTURER—Lathe., Talmo., lioultin and larre :Jere.. of all hogs, Cell .P . 0 4 MAP Worts r=t m lly Horner of Perry aaJ not street.. THE subscriber, LavinA purchased the Factory of Jam. Pattersan, Jr., located at the above stand, would respectfully tannic hts friends and the public that be t•ptepsred till any oWers hia line, on the mow reacunothle terms and wall dispatch, and Aria feel gratehal for their pattonuge FIIONIAS PARKINSON. Mt ttsbarich „fan. 1,1850. lIAVINti disposed of my estabbahment to Mr. Thomas Parkinson, I take the liberty to solicit for him the patronage of my friends and the politic, feeling confident that any favors conferred wdl be duly appreciated and promptly attended ID. J A Alt: PATTIIIIZON, Jr Pitubunth./.. 1 . 14 i.° 7.43 "' VfI2IALIL INSTITUTiI 'IIIIE alecood aesstost of tlas Institudon, under the I.rare of fir. hire. tiosnolos, for the preseul academie year, will commence ou this day, blooday, February lath, in the we bath:lugs, a:O.W Liberty street Arrangements have been made by which they will livable to furnish young lad/es famlities equal to 11217 In the West, for obtaining • thorough English, Clam , cal, and Ornamental education. A fall costae of Fin isophicsd and Chemical Lectures will be delivered during the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The de partments of Vocal and Instrumental Mario,Modern Languages, Drawing anJ Fanning, will eachbe under the ease of a competent Professor. Fly close attention to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pu pils, the Deincipals hope to merit &continuation of the htxral pavonsare they have hitherto enjoyed. For tote , ' aye cilatilar or apply to the Principe& W H AVA B r EA sa eTyl .2) '45 ICE-rs AND rui.l6-40 d l Og I Pel, 23 5 t5;r11451.711V1V. B ROOSIS---15 dot Fancy 621 Handled 1t0 . 030. 33 due rood eUMMOD do. for vole feb 23 L 3 WATEFLNIAN. Id141)-9 brim ar.d 4 krgt for sale by 1.4 frbdO /AMY'S DALZELL frOBACCO—V7 kegs Gscce's N 01.6 twist, received j end ger sale by tetat JASIES DA LZELL. ==a=l 0 PIECES sayer Niro French Cloth, 0 do do Mock do, 3 dt do Fancy CIniIIIETCS; 0 do Fanny Slit Vestints, entirely rear styles; all al srtkrell 1 will make to order ro the lased style. 04 low twee, WM.. INGBY, 130 Liberty 01. 'the Spiny Fashions just received. (etd4 BALSAM GUPAIVA-130 lbs R lOr sale bp i, i qn .6I 4 P.F RR 01123 Lsod CA PSULSN PLANTINGS-30 d=s - Mr, Is br-ar ttrei lystsiqr.E.RA. BAF O -05 boxes Cineleinaa Soap. for ail, by reb23 WALLL:YGMRD & QNELTHS-420 dos Seyika encash* 01 Leal end 1.3 common qualoset, lot sale, at monufaclurcr's prices, by febT/ No. L. S IVATER3ION, 31 Water and 62 From st paILU C fo d kg m . o ß t : y it e s r k le o bf ... Clll . lc A n t e ll/ c . o n j for sale by MILLER& RICKITBIA, Wen 17d and 1.74 Libetty st RICE-1".1 tierce. In store amnia, gale EL (env MILLER d RICKETSON SUEAR t MOLASSES—InO !anis N 0 Sugar, bbla Ylamanon lEMMI!MMII TENISUN-1.10 Immo Curcd Ilaw., tar wile by V (alai J I) WILLIAM'! LIUTTEA-6 1,1112 (mak, In cicala, duct reed and fur sale by lIREY FOOL& d. CLARKE, • ==l 1 - A RD—a bbli No 1. for *ale by L _ feblil DREW:Of:I.h k CLARKF. USTitia itexier,in More aidiolarilerr liVre C bkl MEV/NH/LE CLARKF Y URN BLIUO3IS—ISLI des far sale by C (kW LINEYFOOLE &CLARKE FIRE MUCK k CLAY— We eau aupply ail order, for Fire Brick *lel Clayat all deice. fetal BRAvroixe.cLARKT 11tIV138-11 8/ - tUNI.BII-40 Rug,W for aide 1.5 (b DRIWFOULE ra CLARKE MOLASSES -34Y Ulla ?lantana,. 41.1 HI James 8 H; And reed nbrl for We by MILLER it RICO:NUN, feted] 171 and 171 Many .1 ' U ga Oyr w W ON YARN—O lb. hand and for sale by R FLOYD W R4l PPIM/ TAPER—SU reams Larret 75 " nn hand and (or sale by febt.3 J _ d R FLOVD • _ *MOLASSES-4u7 Obis new crop I'm:tuition, rust 13J i. r t e et s'd per Nlartha Wash:wan, tri i tlat rebiy.oyn eh IL CL UT H el—T he assortment Oil Cloths, an sheets, to eat lamest to any else reqmrod, of Is to he found at W 31eCLINTOCIPS, fetal 73 !sunhat DUFFIE.LD'S WEYSPHALIA 11A519-1:6 tierces of tens celebrated brand. Jost • told anbfor able by feb.4. SELLERS b. NIOOLS AIED APPLES—au ba ,n atm ald i, for V allt.) D ' D it r n, PEAClipa. —SO bu in rit f g:A s D by S "E"INI7VAILTaI by co, Liberty LARGE CHEESE-20 las superior, on band and for We by It DALZELL lb CU, tobtl Llbety went DRIED PEACHES-10 bbl. In store and for aide by fob!! BRE:II , O6LE fr.. MARNE GIoNNY BAUdi-:Ain /in morn and for sale by feb2/ BREYFfNILE & CLARKE TOBACCO -10 h 11.14 Ky. 1.41 jat i legg i ... s brale by felM 143 Liberty .greet EMP—Aatermaa new Rotted uld bland's, al ALL. ways on baud sod for sale by febs2 JAS A HUTCLIMON A CO VAIICY CASHMERES-3 caws new opting styles ..I.: a s o d Brown, awl Mown and Ureen laced,other varieties, Jew r ee d by febtl 1311ACKLETT k 92 Wood .t O LATH LINHNS—I case 4-4 colored Linen., pior ree'd by SNACKLLTTA WHITE, re 1.21 SW Wood w • Q . I.IOAR—SY hbd. New Orleans; 30 bbl. Noe 4 and 7 Lahr, 40 Levering's Crushed; II ° do ICI Pulreriud; to more and for ode by febli MILLER & FLICKETSON AND OIL-0 bbls No 1 !he'd .d for ehle by 14 feb2l JAMES DOLZ ELL coed .4 for !ale by IJ rebel JAMES DALZELL bri. brewed per slennteriouWhirLin — e rand for snle by febe) JAIUM L . 4.1.1. lINSEED M ee agian e'd hod for ep)h .y A ROBISON, LI ITI.E & CO, fhb)) lle LAberly rt I,OBACsir.s-142 nt poe CO,. baleen, Jun reedree L and for rale by A CULBERTSON, kb)) ILS Liberty rt INDIA OOENNA—I ba:o for .10 re. feblll JOHN I/hit/ROAN E role by 121 1.- " r""' for OrILY D MoROAN . SPONOE-1 bale. hnr atieoarse, (or rule by rebel I /0117 i D NBA ()AN NIOURNING AL.PACCAD- 7 11ohther ha Finished Moamar, for deeming, o be towel at the Dry Grata /lOW. of W R hillltYllY, kO2l earner Fourth and Marko ~ INBRED IA Okra RORY, MATTIIES%B kr. CO 1111: bbls' tore and for .a.le by W 1621 RIIEY, WATCH EWS d. gi';`;',°,t.,°-,4----;f4-044. , (10 . PrMft-47iViis awl 5 pipes old Goo rysr."To - e7ate by rebel RH EY, MATTIIRWS & CO AC- lb. City Cured, in store, for sale by B CMG J 8 DILWORTI I & CO LA RD I.bls and W loge, in store and for Rale by retell J S DILWORTH h. CO DuTrErt-30 kegs to store and lar Jan, by 17 Jebel J A DILWORTII .k CO_ JIINIPER UERRIES:-L bale for sale by fedi JOAN D MORGAN 731100118— . 81 dos Com. in store and for tale by febns ARMSTRONG A CROZIGit f i /I WIN NUTS—tadohriegar f C ;r o •ll , ! R by 11 UG AR - OlTiltTillialr from smoke, bright and dry, ter We by • feb2s EILLLERS NICOLeI. L OIL-7 brlizit p v Ma t ; c l l tztl . 2 ‘. 1.1 Dot W001)5. 1 =425 51.4 111 itoriTaid7OliaTalry— fab 25 J MD p k. Co TA1.R;2 . 11: t y : f215102414—Z 'lbilap a v 7, 16, .... 3 po f. lnEß I.I4IJORICE-15216-2,12kg,t, 6 Co. MISCELLAN VNTRA&TLOGWOOD-31tases for rata h 7 ..124 fette.s *-- J MOD' i t ;CO. rIACON—M cask e prim., beton eittuarde - ia,rretriva ou coossument, and fur ante by • _ ; .1.. 8 WATERA. fel. 25 SI Water, and.ol£ intact._ ~ ,_ WM& awl 1 , 101.:/r22F15--49 bhdiß :" 217 tweet. MoleWo• CO We by febts IWM BAqAttnr ie OM ._ CLOVES sEED-larribhio fltoveiTied, lecenle. feb2s Wlll .73.1GALEY &CO. BIYITER-10 [lambi 801 l Butter far esderEF" feb2s WU BAI7.4.LINee CO. LII.M..EF - -D OIL-5 tads norreesl andlor 'sale; br (625 - RCIIIISON, LITTLE: CO CODVlSH.7.lsols•jostive'd teb29 WICK dr. IhIaCANIII.ySS Irst,v7 = " 1 "' i " "" q r uikerc.r:rr & WHITS: JLIST received, some liandeome new sryle 'Velvet rale and Tamp.). Farpeta. direct from FnMarta, and will be sold as low as the same quality can bi parehmed in the Atlantic Cite. "b. JIeCLINTOCH, fetal . tb Fourth at Pittslm rah W AIWINO-I , obtes :111224.14uporiori 2 do white. Ile undersigned having been appointed agents. by the tllllol.ll , .ttlfeTli, Intend keeping a Large. .apply of their Wadding constantly on hand., and will ha pre. pared to Gil orders to any extent. Dealers are par. tieularly invited In examine the qualities and prices of the above supply, which ore think will compare favorably with those of any other market. , WICK & AIcCANULICLII, &RA_ Comer of Wood and Watov UN llitaS=isaili - fLisiferiq;dYdol - TOw Yarn; SU dos {Voolen Pocks; Mr cuts do Yarn; Ipiece White Flannel; Mr dos Bags; IQ " IMO Waabboaple for sale by febtl d D Mr—ls maks on hand and 11 sale M ov QALEdIATIJS-05 casks Mayne, for crate 1.3 fetal. J 'fIUTTER-1.0 bJa prima. Family, for Kale bY l'etotj J a 8 FLOVID blavrhlA HU store intTCHISON ! for sAle by J A- NIA CICEITEL-100 1..!• Large izot.,!l! d ar. tospzuoui frt.23 .1 A UTel I DkVil k 4'o W"iaik -. 4 Std.: . • I do Shoulders, S very superior article, far sale by (anti WALLINGFORD A CO. LAKO-Igt kegs No I, pi.; reedancl for sti7Cy - (.23 ARMSTRONG GRAZER LGTELI - XiEnclffili - sit meld and focal. lay C feLd ARSISTRONG A CROZER 11313 , APVIIK-UOUU .d for R INV A CROZER ‘,2NEATIIS--.40 doe Patent Scythe alumnaq ifor sera 01 by febild JAS A HUTCHISON h CO 11. i t "-73""" / MlTlrdifiTAttalat ,Vl.l:Ve "au .4 3t/TIN D TIOROAN Mclbclatil TADTAR-O Ws (or este by feblo . JOHN D MORGAN do! Cuni, in etons A agtgr . M s _UP tetra CHEESE —MI bas Cream; TS u English Dairr, for Web ; febD • J D WILLIAMS, 110 Woad itt tiliiiiiiii - i - s - iCiVriiiiiiiiiikaiiiiiti. 328 m e. z. s cl . k. ll n elo v ally st rti vr in o%l ir g t iL io , m b tp p e , Atala, Boadicia, ;mole's, awl Austria. wine& will be win, on arrival, •L tho lowest mattat nried, r ho W& M MlfelfEl. REF.. (AA ' IGO Liberty et Errhoy .811 Om ren rise'stir supplies duri the spring via PanDelphia and Dalumor ng s. • Property In allegholky City roe Yid.— subscribers odor foi sales humbled ohm. L Low, Matto' in tho Seeon4 Wankfrontit m the Common ground, on olittenne. !move of - W.O H. 8011INAON, An at Law,* C stu n ar (/AS ROBINSON: on. Wm , roma ovl7:4lhlnlT . . miw. SPLENDID ENGRAVING of the Death LIMI I Steno of REV. JOHN WESLEV, published by subscription, engraved by Wm. OVemnd Geller,. of London, from theoriginal planting by Marshal: Clax ton, has hest been received, ono Is now far sale by , 8. HOPIONS. fehlt Apollo Buildlasa Posph • littt a, bb ph int r lte , :t 6 t , l , l .l strd.rto it:rtvn on ISAAII DICHEN & rn THSaLlallt Or • VMS R.STIGie Is ao t mm sepal alas than a bad, pnuid brehrh, or dui - , Talk* Mae. ed teeth. 11i:tenon. hays there it lo thou troti tugs— Wey can, for taro shakings, bay an article that wit make emir igoant pare and sweet as go *its JO v rbaans. ft cures ill teases cribs Gums, spongy or uleerstsil, and for the Teeth It ii unequalled, removing Me tarts,. fastening the teeth in the runs, iun clean them chute as the sues. qf As fremos Nora. Such, reader, are the properties of Jones'i Arab. Tooth Paste, mid, without praising t ourmlves, here what our of one most respectable and • selentale bet. tin, Mr. li. Field, of Now York, bays t • • .1 have both used scut walired Om beautiful and mr• palpable article, (donee Amber Tooth PaSts,) ni .1 can for it as possessing all the qualities chain • ed for It." Sender, we ern WWI., were lo waylaid, only that Upon try Oda ones yea Will be well plea si 1. It is put up In beaniful English China Puts, fur .S cents. Boblby the Agent, Wbt. JACKSON, SSI Lib,r ty street. Pittsburgh. ”eifidkw7 Ur • ALL $0,41,1112.• SA, otoooratly aNkilrh. 10l thefollowang are the ac gialltios of a to-tot/lc of Jobses We Hair Itrotoratra If that drain oa wood, they eannet thou highly respeFtahla:clUsoo,. who have triad It— • . • - Mr. Geo. !leek., 0 Elm at, New York.' lam Algaelda Reeves, hlynleav, Brooklyn; Mr. Wm. Tompkins, 02 King et, New Yeah.' Mr. Thal. Joelmee, Manteca talked, mar raulmigh IL L.: Cullen, Late barber atcallUboat S. A►erie a. And more than a hoodred otters say, mvegh /elk, um. II melee, Mot a veal force the bole to grow un Me b ea d er taro, nap It falling od, elningthen the kr 'iv, retouv tog wla I sod dminartroto the mote, mul mg hgla, red, - or gray heir 10.1i11113 a hoe dark look, sod kneolog arY, Mash or way hair melee, eat, aeon and beautitiaTo very, very long Woe. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, hi Llberig at G4e Mufti/lye,. P ace 371, !Kowa% .I,lmr dollar. au t Ea.. Maw tlant Ustausst—JUNE.o. bat I. Qtatateal Soap ea.. • (roe perspitititots, •ud a the .111. tnee mohfies,. euMnti ud wnit.ut giving tt the texture and beauty of an infant's. Iktravl, Salt Rnron sau Bono, are apart not only healed, but eared by It. use, as at least seven I ay.. eians iu New York knov, who tom it in sub rases, and find it unfailing— ta also in • PrieLlM, LILOIVIMS, Exacuss,or any oilier aka o dia. carp. The reader Is &sawed that this ia me , elan puffed nostrum, use one trial Will prove. I could atta. wen. at lean Mt persona eared of _ . So. Uren,Saax Lige VID yaaa Ilaaan.—l ay it, and aee it, and We readet la again assured I tumid can cruelly. .11 it for lie edam l tun.; ta Da all / state. Thal. Who am liaDle to • Caa.l44. Cll.r.r Ikaast, will awl tits sure. Any one aftlietedwith gay att.. stare. Jr sus. Ilar diseases, will find thla el .4 even more (a .laLlta• ble in Its propardeshhert But, reader, the stores we doodad with loth Own, Lod be sure gun slit for JONES'S Italian IC erring Soap. Sold b 7 W IS. JACKSON, OP Libel%) meet, Pittsburgh soge:gg, ..T NSW AeaOVY &WS ST A SION OP THE PLAIMANr SAW. No. 7Y Wood 1, , PISS ~knerg h. ItDOER AND LARFISAN, !myosin • shiletaleni in Foreign end Domestic EMILIA oritax. in s varieties, an now prepared to sell se low and on u swimmable tenms suns be pnrchusJelsewhom We solicit our friends, and the public renerally, to call and examine oar stock, which count to put of KNIVES and FORKS, POCKET and YEN. KNIV ES, SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, Rouen:U=lmm such as Locks,Latches, Hinges and etteen. , .. together with every ardele usually kept to liandwit w Stores Wit lune the attention of Ouventers and Altilienics generally to oar assortment of Tools, winch' elesi seen selected with great cue, and which we we' u: :crude. ed to sell so u to glee satisfaction. aelbit wT LADII,II ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST SING COMMON PREPARED CHAE. They are net aware how frightfully Injurious it is to the skin! how coarse, how rosgh, how low, yearns, and unhealthy the akin ap• pears after using prepared chalk! *- sides it is Injurious, contaanbag I large of Lead! We have pre a beautiful vegetable article; which we call NEW SPANISH LILY WHIT), It Is perfectly hutment, being purified or ell &lc rnj au gelatines; and it impart. tothe skin a natural,Lial. thy, alabaider, clear, living white; at the atom Sew swung se COVMOne On the skin, making It 90n and smooth. Sold by the Agent, Whi. JAC .11604, hp Lib erty at, Pittsburgh. Fn., cents. aug7nll,T MEDICAL AND a 111101041.1. ON/WICK, No. 6s, DIADIOPM PiLLEYos ilk few doors below Wood street, wants make. DR. 011017171, having been gegelarlyedacated to the medical profession, and been for come time A in general practice, nob. confines his attention to the treatment , those pnvate and delicate - cont. ! , t 'n plaints for which his - opportaintle sr • and experience peculiarly co airy • him. H years assiduously devoted to study & treatment of these camplalros,thurinc which time he hos had moreprutice and has rural more pa. tenth than can ever NI to the lot of any Maine V... titiorter) amply caafifies him to offer, eestinumes of speedy, permanent, and satisfaeltity mare to all an hied with ueiseete di's...4 and all ...SIC" 2.111.111 eel"- from. Dr. Drown world inform dime aMicted with pitting diseases which have become chronic by t eg graveled by the we of any of the commontrams of the d a y, suet theiseomplainute. be redicaly hod thor mighty cured; he having given his easeful . Kneen. to the treatment of mach coos, and succeeded hundreds of instances in eating manns of inflammatirin of the neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases Which often result from those tuts where others have 2 consigned them to hopeless despair. He partleulatly invites such as have been long and unmecessfully treated by others to consult him, when every satisfaction will he given them, and their came treated in u earaful,thbrough and Intelligent meatier, pointed oat by,.• long expertene•, study, End invutigation,which It Is imposts:We tor throe soicaoed .general prattles of =Mollie -to giv• tie o elan of ilium. Irr Hernia or lupins.—Dr. Brown Alen Invitee per. min afflicted with Hernia to call, as ha has paid b arm alar Mtentton tit tlus disease. CANCERS also cored. • Skin disease; also Al v, Palsy, etc, siw4lid7 oared Charges very law. N. R.--Pallenuo( either sex bring at a ...loupe., by sualog their disease in weeny, goody nil die symp tom, Clll% obtain medicines withiliiretionn ins us, by addressing T. BROWN, U. 0., posh pool and In a fee. Oates No. GS Dimond anal. nageslid ik• Wanerly House. n-wly distowred rem. Rieneitsrint.—Dr. lirown se. dy for linesainatim w a oyef:ly sod oo‘ooo ...coy ten that painful tenable. It on Vsn, ,z Mint and Perris Cooed g modality, rittshaigh, 11. tame. - orr am on per. OYU. MN IA 1.711 1 Co.. INFORM tad Mends lout Ina Public tn. Maya., wngat any connect , . a Au. • yet snaanlit. awns La Yana atrces, nasburg. Mama, Imv to w . elva their anti7a tuanyesa to tLa POINI bligsvbai,to Vir saw, c.laa v . • • VOL._ XVII. NO 85. ...11151,1tAXCW, WW DAY &P IM* aoa ram POZIPPT.P.V. OP 3.11CapP1.15 /SD oad s ad." Wad PPP. LTD CUPPLIPIT: sorer& " PHILADELPHIA. AND PITTSBURGH. CA MODS forwarded try this Line Ola tattled in the Ur EP. tralh ra CALL.Prsbopil, aadasaixasathare• ty loaded in Wazons &alas nig h t and dafthroagh tv Pitt:Marsh. • • o Thp horses art ...laced every 15 ,miles, winch imams Me prompt deltvery of goods Walla dm lima The Wagonavv,ll . leave ear marehonsa dalty„ (dun. days excepted.) at h. o'elock, P. N. - Shippers are assured than no more moode will be takeneach dal. IP. P., be Ipancra r ally caniad through.; JASIBS N DAVIS a co, 2/: Market atreet,Yhdadelphla. JOIIN SPFADBICISX), Cattal Baaia, ri,no.ret. JOHN IIdePAMEN & CO., Foiraohacoi &Vona. sox Mumbler& Canal *ashy Pe. Weal,&than& JAM U. DAVIS & CO., From Faeroes am Coal ma. hbacacen, Pe: :Chap:, a.; Si l em Philadelphia. __ mada by alther °Me alPork,on Wool, and other alerchandize, cc:quip/o& ankeoe for We!. Jart4 UAIOA L/A/C.' WINTER ARRANGE- . • 1850. • . between ge ' ea. " 11 4 :1•I P L I :1; Eadadelpaia are prepared to receipt for 4000.1 be fialabt daily. Each woo deliverable amnia, to via day,. Sundays excepted. 1111NRY GRAFF & CO, Cvnal Basin. Pittsburgh. lIUMI'UREYO A CO., 107 Marketvi,koill'a. BIOBIONOAUW.LA BOUT.. =Atka Mfr. 0n1y,71 Alias Staging. _ Via Brownsville and Cumberland. to Baltimore and Philadelpidit rpilk . morning boat leaven tan wharf; obey.. the Wein...did/. al o'clock precisely. Time to Baltimore, 32 hours; time to Philadelphia, 40 beam The evening boat leave. daily, (except Sudsy eel =tinge.) at 4 o creek. Passengers by leaning on the evening boat, will creeethe mountains is stages neat day, and Was avoid night traveL Secure your ticket Ho the Orme, Illowingslial House, or St. Charlesl. J. MESICIAIFANArt at WitiTna •11.114%..11tar1Itliprr. 4850. .ffiltig ik EXPRESS WAGON LINE THROUGH IN FIVE DAYS I ' HE inibwribers, having suspended Weir canal op oration.. until the opening of We Spring Naviga tion, have established an Express Line by Railroad and Wagon between Philwielehla and Putsbarnh, by wLich they are prepared to forward 4000 pounds each day, and receipt Inc the deliver y . orthe sense in days. They beg /cave to rotate them friends and the pub lic that their arrangements regarding rites, regularity and &segue 6, cannot fail waive satiefartion to all who favor Wemerith their commands. - TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, earner Pe. and Wayne nu Pittsburgh. THOMAS LIEHDLINGH. VS Market stmt.; Philadelphia. GEE, WO! GEE, WO.! WINTER KRILINOZIWINT. MAR 1850. fidig ILIDS COXES TOO OLD costuroaa. 13 IN GH AM'S ;EXPRESS WAGON LINE. TO LED PROM • ' , ' Pittsburgh and Prilladelptina Ser have limaght the voo, the ' conestoga Wagons into re (maiden, and will be prepared to forward WO pounds daiy, (commencing on Monday, the th in l May A ear 'camas ladelphm d by the mall tra for Chant hamburg, and !lieWvons travalitty day and Wahl. engines the delivery of' Gonda in fire day.. Apply to Ifitlaburgh, BLN(III ,Vc IX.ICK, No. llikt Market street, rtomal , Philadelphia. ARILLIIIGEBININV • /Oa TlB5O. fikak EXPRESS WAGON LINE. 11 . AND azam • PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. ' -}-1" Days, (s a .4 l ,ldt e x . “Pted,) conning Day frig yablic respeettlill ' y informed that this Line, witieh has /Well rn soceesarol operatban the two previou veinier., will again commence forming on Monday, the :Nib of November. • A Car will leave Philadelphia and Chombersburgh deny each way with the Rail Train, nod from Cliani tie:shush with relaysof horses miming day and men. We are prepared to forward 8000 lb. freight daily . by the above Line. Apply to LEI CL15.430, - Pfetsbargh, o r to—IIARILIS &LEECH, No 13 Solna Thinl street, Philadelphia. noraoold Bray Oddltow doold Subtaribc. Volumes XIL—XIII., 1850 GAZETTE OF THE UNION AND GOLDEN RULE _no Omen. and Role baa now the support of iris Order to an event that makes WI determined not eery to dewing this approbation, but to add , largely to ear list of testers, mid therefore we propose the following NZW which are more liberal than have over been offered by an e y gown or magaurre in the United Plates. El7lll4 " AriDian ua PTlVtiMareil:l2 INC, in style Mat eau be bound, thus forming book which ark year make more saleableos character of the Gazette and Reis ii toe well known to need explanation here, and it la enough to remark that It =Mains, (root tune othee, the prooeedinge of the Grand Lodges of the New York, and also of other Saws; amounts of Celebrenons, readmit:mut of New Lodges, and occasionally, a Complete Directory of all aka .Igm In the Union. Its • , Literary Department ia filled with (Manual Tales of the lughen excellence, hy th e most eminent writers in our comtry , Popular Taloa; Choice Miscellany; the wen Ousts of Poetry host the English Poets • Sketches of Travel ; anee dates, te-, tex and occ asionally illuntated with • Beautiful Wood. Sagraoluge. Being equal in Its Literary character to any Weekly in du century, and being dna perfect in Its Odd•Fel- Warship department, It le worthy of a place an the 'table of every brother of the Orlin, and Indeed to tn• diapenalble to all who wish to keep folly Informed of the work of our now glorious Orden. - One copy, one year, Two copies, one year,•—•----• —•---• Seven copea one year, each— —• _ Twenty mpies•—•---.•-• Thar reducing it so that every lodge can get a first clan pager cheaper than the cheapest local paper. 30 3 30 1 SO /teed the Following: The punt:emend especial aumelou 0(Mo - brother. hood is d es ired to the following extract' from a letter from that distinguished brother, Jason L. Rid ply, Esq., Grand Cur. and Roe. &utter,. of the IL W. Grand Lodi° of the Volta States, I. O. O. Y. "The GOLDEN RULE is to me a most welcome . . and valued either and dime it has fallen into your hands, I have vritliesacd Its gradnal and steady im provement with peat pleasure. It !snow become in mY indgmen d all /la eta am rimae... ni Sn a gro=boo o d t h A o litterallty - g and worthy e i f ' 7o l u b ; peat exertions, c ruble yen still more to. swim.. im usefulness to the Onler at large. With rat respect your Mend and brother, JAS. RID OELY Oplitleas et !Climbers arf CI L. DM. Mutes. BelLeving that the Interests of the I. 0. of O. F. as well as of society at large, will be moat effectually promoted by the publication of a paper devoted to the promulgation of its principles, we would eantently urn Cosa. Rose, as now emanated by Crampton & Clarke, Its a valuable medium for the exposition of the designs of Odd-Pallovrship, and u wonky tho cordial supon of the Order. • ' 'num Wilde'', P.O. Sire. John Kennedy, P. a. Sim P vSO Ch. P John R Johnmn, of Oa RW O. Men. PO Peter Fsitr,P OM / W lidohes, P G WM AI. too, Ca P Won A Wok,, Grand Representatives or Pa. Wm nis, G Sun ot 0L of Penn. Smith Skinner, PG Mar 0 L'of II hi John W Anderson,P *lemon Cotten, limed Representatives oflJeorgia. It 0 I+l /leery L Webster. Grand Reno( R I. PG FP 'Machold, PGMWR Snob, Onnd Rep. of Diable. • • r E c Rep of Vircirds. PU 3 13 freer, Jr., Grand Rep organ. P 0 - Coo •13 •Diekson PG M John Fairfax Smith, ...entativenorriess Jersey. PTnt 6 ed KIM le, P nt Sohnlllionley, Grand ReoresentatM U aa N Carolina.. • . • . ... .. .. . . P (3 John /Many, P 0 tor H 0 Shaw, Orton litopni• Wino of Alabama. P G 81. W IV Moms, P G M Jolla ?Torero, Omni ' • pronnntadves arDiandot of Colombia- , P 0 P EneThan Drown, Omni Ito lON !Imp P G G Norton Andrews, P G Jtmen Strawbridio and Represontohro• of I..ounthum. .•..i. ~ .. YU DN Barron, Rap UL of idisali4Pi.: YU I.aiW Foamy YU Wa M.,Att,prand Rep antatises of blisacorri. • . II CS 11 Gen W Weenie, P Blijahlidartne, P 0 .1 Peacock. Rekst3 Lode., Teanemee. jar U Fred S L.arritt,Orand - Itspof Ark. P c John W num, P G 1.1 P Zimmerman, Grand Represcaualvee of Maryland. Post Gratialdasier of NY. r " 'Thaddeus David*, G LI Blaster ell Y. • Benjamin J (1 Secretary of N Y.- G John 1 Dan., P G lame. %V Bale,' PG WW Dibblee, Grand Ilepremntatives of NY. ' Geo II Andreess, P U Flamer of Pi' Postmasters ere authorized to remit money tither., end sit mosey Stoned to pletette the Poet muster, and May fotwarded by tam, is Mar, rah. all casts where postage on aubsenption is nor paid. it ortil be deducted (root the amens credited to demo who send it. Address CaAhIYTON & CLARICF,, feb4-d9.twtApISTI No. 44 Ano M., New York. sieLLino ow, AT MAD DORM PILIOEII LEXANDER It DAY, earner onkel Diamond and A Market Street, arenot calling redhead price, their stork of Mawr Goods ' eonahning of !shawls and Ladles' DeekinGoods. In giant vanity. Aloo—Ulankete stud Flannela,Cdothe,Casaikkna, Rad.- e tto, and a full waortaient of heavy Cotton Good.; Chtdalkm thot better kW..O cannon be had else- where, we lima. the attention of balm.. ALEXANDER &DAY, ) . ekl.l •• • 75Mmtet meek 4.2 ault tuna HILLS Ult47CClLllNtiy,pay -171 abbe In Cmcninsti, Losleellle 91,Loate, per chumd on the num favinnblO , • rum N 110.1.JUar" !Keay .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers