THE PlTlVitfitti-ftfrzAFF.l puTiusiri6 13,145, - PiT1.8111:111,0Els SATURDAY MORNING, SEPT. 15,..1549 - - Me — Tek Frommla al liavireve Is Pahtubed pollTi To-Weekly, nod Weekly.—The Daily ik Seven Dollars per armee - tittle TVi-Weekly is Five Whirs pre annum, the Weekly is Two Dollars per annsookloisoll skeet... V - Antirirriarra are eamesrly requeced tits:lmnd in .heir favors before 5 v. st., and as wily In tbedarst praeneable. Advertisements not insuted for a; spa.o fled untie sill invariably be chanced and' ordered our PAIL A DELPUIA :NORTH AIILEILYCAIL Adaettisemenni imdantiscrlptloril to Are }intik Amer ean and United &axe. Unarm. Istdiadelphia,,teeeive and forwarded from lbw iairme. AJfTIIILABOIVIC AND WlllO TIC LET. vox cam, C1.1311”14MILl. HENRY M. FELLER of Luxtroe Conti .• 11131ATT., WILLIAM HASLTT, of Butler Cositay. HOHT. C. WALREI llogoigh. JOHN MILLER, of imrpaborg.S. CALEB LEK. n( Yitlsburel ot r. WM. ESPY, of Lo er St ‘Selo. 11 Tr, CARTER CURTIS, IPleebergb MITI,(11471,11T. EO. S. HATS, or rpper ac C:o1T JOIIN MORRISON, of AReesesti. W6l M. ARTIIMi I.lllNburl6. JOHN BIERS of Findlay Vor Local =attars zee next pate. Ma next page for Telegraphic Sn. Ausnamint Memos° Pitescerr.- . -Siaiishe de cbion of Judge Ilepbun. granting an loilnetion, nothing has been done is regard to 1.11.1 ?abbe square, A Ilegbeny—the coulomb quietly 14.15bitibrig to the mandate orate Court. Arrangements have been made, however, to pcoc-tre a demstiti of the Supreme Court, end the S.ti ot Oci,ber lain been fined on, when the while subject will blars-lied and considered on tm icariatic ments, Witting all mere twohnice..nee The decision of this Court will set the whole iineation of title at reallar ever. mod we have been told by one who has well con. sidered tat subject, that there eaauot *a doubt bat what the title of the city will be : affirmed. Should this be the ea,. the Los mill be placed :a market, and the City Scrip redeemed. Sressau or rat Next Members elect to the next Congress. both bvisoctNa, have been removed by death. As there con bsi'r,ho eler 1100 to supply Isom placer, previous to qie meet ing of Congress, the Whigs will kayo pnlotity, and be able to elect the Speaker. The death of Mr. Newman, 01 the Whigling dis tricts, gives the Whip n chance of carrying a: Mr. Russell. the Whig candidata, lost bis election by only one or two hundred. Naw Doc-rathw..—The Alerenry, of this;ity, pro fesses to be a zealous opposer of the ruigeme tar iff of '4 6 , whale at the same Cane it supriOns Mr. Gamble, and el the other Lemifoce miminee_s, whose election will be regarded se a dgrdiet in favor of that destructive tart. This ineOrsistent and anon:taloa, position annoys the editor, who would doubtless like to hose it ronsidera that ne is pursuing very erinethient course, 114 be law bit upon a plan watch he sagely songsee will remove the manifest absurdities of its mismon.— it Is couched to the tAuhrtug pontgrepitt,L "What has evhlggery o de. morrow .0 'fresh, in do with the art y. of Cana! ll.inntrussiortfr r :Veit tag e.• Imierer. It requires aman of Tifton coin. mon sense. of practical czperimice. and s familiar tty with the improvements o: tile Sono to fW fit as dunes. Sorb a man we believe Mr. Gamble to be, and therefore heartily commend Mtn to the support of all those who pro'cr the Mderests of their country to those of their party. - Thin Is very cunning, but it is a bale 'pm ridic ulous for any sensible into coolly to proinulge If party has nothing to do with the °Mee of Ca nal Comminioucr, what did the Loccinco •cation meet for in that city, and whyTdces the Mercury kacpvDrenicroor iforehhorra Tithe over Mr. Gamble's name Why did the ',Mercury place Mr. Gamble's name at an bead of its cal. tunas as roan as he was nominated byihe Loco. taco moven:ant Pang had nothing to do with a, we suppose. If Mr. Gamble is prevrt to toter that the Mercury will not catl W - s Lemo nt le Victory - , Want has Wniggery and Deetocracyto do with the office of Governor, more thou willichat of Ca nal Commissioner t MerminTlittopirri our ez4llent Chief M2Z14,1,.. iklii6;i;llf). We never had a O F /I, ti ,nor t the Site 6, and yet few tyguko rico, the Mercury rove p a sort o. ball and half isdimmoti ni the Maims otOrii. Mock Dana sky had nothing in do with What has Deitmervey on .1 Wiligvery to do with the office of Sorra'', Prothunipary. ComMismoner, Catooer, and Audtior —end yet the Mire/try out.- pans all the Loco:ono continues fur those offices. Toe tenth M. the Mercury ought to tot ashamed of such a purr excuse_ It °arm to tette manly ground, and acknowledge the truth, wblcy, is, Mai it prefers the success of the Locoexe puny to the success , f any of the measures ne t t principles which It prof ewer to support against 1110 opinions of its pominsl nines. So for from jlta support helping to contain the principle of :protection to htpue labor. It does the cause a posißve Injury. While it supports a ticket pledged to this Tardi e st' '46 by the Convections whodo :lama:well them. iia inconsistencies Ore to glaring as to deotrpy all the force of in argaments--ocil for it to lilare the election on no-party grounds, aid to sodloopport for Mr. Gamble on such grounds. is to add iesult to in- Jury. Etattroml iron—Foreign and American. At !evr one eundrea Inumiand tons of English railroad ran have either been -enierd fir uttered Ler tb6 country within the tart twelve Mauna—al a coat cleant five millions al ',to mono . facture Ibis quantity of iron, wouid relit!lre about vicroa workmen—and maLtvg tbe usualid:moan.ce of live persona so dependent aeon each one, we have a total population of OM.OOO peradna who have been directly eopponed by the production oi life enormous quantity of loin Throe $5,00 per ,. .02 in their turn give support ton Writ ninny thousand farmer, inechatirn, and plideasional men, who Cr, again enabled to fmntribtlii to each other'. subsistence —American Ratinntiouroot All this enormous loss to the labonai interests of the country is owing In the Turf of'l6 Dar ing the existence ditto Tang . of 1512, liens were a sufficient ',rubes of Iron Works,i for i3te manu facture of Radroad Iron, erected 14 0 Iraried Staten, to supply all the r_il• which :would be needed. The Tariff ef'46 has closed thins all but One, and that one will atop as soon on ils present contract I* concluded. Hem is the labor of 11,000 persons, rekiesecitio44 ..,population of 85,000, loaf to the comitry by the deuraMive etfecM of the Tiviff of '46 14:"Ves sta- Issiar of dollars are sent abroad to pornttase Won which could be as easily made at horne,4in' d which would then be distributed to support ou'own far mers, mechanics, shop keeper., and -11 borer— s could make all this iron, all atm I. rot permitted. The Tariff of '46, by 11# ruinous effects optn home labor, has detrred` that this Iron shall he mode in EaMsoir This Britist.Tantr. triveh thus prote ct s forngo labar against Awm'caro, haw (Maly rini; . e: red the sanction of the Lunatic° party in Peinicatilvania, and they are nom sopport•ng their candidate, Mr. Gamble, on that issue. Wei they he min - tamed by the people of this great manufactat iag 73tate , It eacnot ba pnatible. Pennsylvania caniudt commit such a num dela suicide. • t We have been informed by a gentlemen from Broolrville,Jefferann CountV, that the BOA. Joseph Buffington, recently appolnted by Gave*" John aton as President _lodge of the 15th Jcigteial Wet, is nom bolding ha anu learn of C.:Art is tbat place. Judge Buffington al a mond lawyo, a dear thinker, and possessed of a remarkably tine de livery. His charges me said to he vertplete and forcible. Hin courteous umatmeni of tki member. of the bar, end his willingness to hear :itrgurnent, even when agar s h:s preconceived:!opiniona, have already gained hint f4vor mob the grekasion. We are glad to hear of tech pid:mousOleCtiODS Cd . individuals to nil important offices. Trilk appoint mentsof Gun. Johnston gee general skiisfaction. Front all accounts, we presume the nacii of Judge Briffiegton will meet opposi43n in the nest Seance, settee rest to for eootitfaapon. - Tinertate,ticept 11 The Election In Ilalota. The reruns of the vote for Governor i4l9tossna, cm:spared With the vote cam m the e4ine towns last yeax,,te as Calews. 1519 1948 stihig...... —3,291 Hamlin, selag. .3.42 t Hishbuil, d,, mecca:.. 3 750 Dmsa, deuMarat tans:osec Volit, • • ... 690 Festaden,lien, soil 1,057 As far es heard tram the Whigs have j uiced two paeattcre in the Houle. ii Prom the Flgrrietrargb Telegraph. THE NEXT LTEOIIILATIVII APPOB- =3:i7 U According to our psesent Constitution, the State is no bnapportioned 091:17 seven years into Setup torial and Representative Districts, upon the bests of taxables in each county. The present appor tionment, dividing tho State into 100 Representa tive, and 33 Senatorial Districts, (the constitutional limiLj tons made in 1843, and based upon a ratio of 3676 for each Representative, and 11,682 for each Senator—the whole number of taxable. in the State, at that time, being estimated Cl 387600. It will he the duty of the Legislature to be chos en in October next, to make a new appowinzument, upon the basis of the tasablm returned at said election. The following table, constructed from the returns of 1575, it not entirely ereurate, of course, bet is suffleienny so f.r all practical par poses, and mdl enable the reader to form a pretty correct estimate of the number of texables in each distrfm at the present time. This return shows the number of taxable. In the whole State to be 400,131:28, making a Representative ratio of 1,609, and a Senatorial ratio of 14,1127. The dishlols to the following table are arranged according to the apporttonment of 18.33,—the number of tax ables, and the taxes paid, are accenting to the m oans of 1545: Cannons. Ramses. Tsanblet Tate• pd. 1.441 to fists In Itt-ts Adams... I 5.967 $13,719 63 Allegheny.. 4 21,111 73.026 19 Armstrong.. ..... 1 6.442 1,323 73 Beaver (part Lawrence) 2 7,308 13179 90 ' • 2 6.62.5 7977 11 4 16 615 66 6'76 57 1 4 - 109 12 811 94 2 8,339 10,069 63 3 12.:ASJ (all el 07 1 6 791 7805 21 1 3406 9720 C 9 t 2 /:; 6 319 ~ 7 1 257 , ;1 IE r2MG 15 blti 57 571 2622 2;', RI 1r... Rradfurd Ruche.. rabr a CArtron C rule 3 13,505 05 210 1 , r 4.009 5,00 . 1 00 J 2 309 1.61 9 09:: 1050 3e. 3.914 3 974 77 .1 2 300 5 9 . 20 h 9 . l l J 5. 7 21 11. i 917 f•I 93 9 714, 1.102 1991 93 1 6.711 12 31i 3,, onango II °ton.- Ip:outing Mutt von Potter.. Itolurobta. 2 1 526 7: h 067 30.114 11 2 13291 211 321 (to 1 1951 21.319 27 2 7053 10.605 913 2 7,373 14 951 9f, 5 4 13 3i.169 21 1 4.31.1 2.291 90 1 2.357 1 , 1,277 03 5,7,5 7 711 10 Crawford . Cumberland Deopble. Delaware... Fne . Fayet e Free Greene..... Huoregdon Indiana . 2,950 +9210 71 3,299 I'2 916 19 6,195 1909 S 03 20.051 99.133 9C 1 6 690 22.797 79 2 10,936 10099 07 Jon am.. Mifflin . Cr00n.... L nonoler Lebanon. Lucerne . I 1.109 t.w 6n 2.. - ti:. 300. .... 1 1 . ' - ' Mercer tone Lawrence) 2 9 ,4 20 1 2943 10 Morukomery 3 13.043 49 019 77 Northampton 1 3 5 5 '15 . 39900 45 Monroe 1 2,._05 4 934 15. Northumberland 1 4,496 13165 1, Philndelplua otty o 1949 5 20.6111 40.153 3 . 7 Phdadelphia county „ 9 40.03! Pike ...... ...... .... 15 1 1.169 2192 70 Wayne 1 3755 39:19 2n Schuylkill .. 2 12 690 25.373 99 Somcmet. fi2o7 9055 .2., 53715 13545 4157 2.740 01 1 4.20) 4.91, 29 2 9,32. 24.975 tr. 3 10 1 . 7,79 7. 3 14 0 , 3 30 433 9" Susquehanna . Wyous ug Mort Wesstrqsou • • Westosereland ' 114.1 1,44 Dwr.c44 al ptelent. $•, , Tate , ... !. Pbtladelphia c4ty •' 19'54 II Philadelphia county 3 4s ol.e. 111 Montgomery i 13.04 - • - IV Chewer lad Delaware I" Berke I 161 V VI Backs 1 125;2 VII Lancaster and Lebtmon 2 VIII Schuylkill. Carb,n, Mors and Pt. IX Nerthampton and Lehigh I X Suronehanna:Wayne and WYPaddg. I II di X I Braclforttancl flog, 1 I XII Lynototop,Clmton,Cetare and Stillman, 1 13712 XIII Luserce and Gdumbra I 17 6$ X IV Dauphin and Northumbld I 10.749 XV Utklon, Main & humus 1 12 333 XVI ... Co . m , berielad arid Perry I 1:3 201 , XVII Fraakda and Adams I 11,10 XVIII York I 11,t.m3 NUN Bedford, Blur, and Huat• Ingdon I 18,838 XX Armstrong, Clearfield, • Cambria & Indiana I 19.38ei XXI Westmoreland and S nosy rat 1 1:),9I2 NMI Fayette and Greene : I l o bs' X KID Allegheny and Butler 2 2190:1 x XIV Washing-ma . 1 9,1532 XXV.,_ Beaver god Mercer (wall . Lawrence) I I ti , ,3. , - 2 2 ~. \ XVI Crawford and Ve amigo I 1,, XXVII Warren,lefferson. Elk. Pot ' ter, MeKeum & Cialloll I 1 2 59 - I XXVIII Erie 1 7 '353 Our Whig friends will Dow see how unpurtani it ci to have • Whig majority in the Dent Legisia lure. The apportionment of the Legrtiature is matter Ditty utmost importance, Lr it viol deciJe the political complexion of the Legislaiare for seven years to come. Should the next Les - Islas owe pass intorthe hands of oar opponents, all pas, experiengeleyfirtes In that otaher justwe. decency jelfp Wspgigt, MI% prevent them from t7e r Ststtesio wow secure • mainnty of Local., rmin the Taste of • clear Whig majority in . more than thirteen tbousiind rots, Lot every Whig, then, rally to the support of our vltniilldiecti , at the coming election, wit h more own ordinary set in the good rause, and more than ordinary de rrninatlon to achieve a glorious nod triumphant victory. Nara BY EIIITOIL Or GAZCITC—By the shove table. our readers will see that Allegheny County, in 1514. had 23,111 tazabtes, whet, Si the Repre sentative ratio of 4 809, will give o. are Repre sentatives. It is altogether probable, however, that we shall have 25,000 or 30.000 taxable. thrs year, our population baying very largely increased of late. This would give us ma Represectati vr s and two Senators. Taem. will he very considerable changes ii.• by the nest apportionment, and the po4tiesl corn plczion of the Legislature will much depend upo the manner in which it is done. Those Wings if any such there be, which we can hardly believe who design to give their votes to Jonas It. Me Clintock, and thus assist in wading him to th. Legislature, to unite with his Locofnco brethre, in gerrymandering the State so as to keep a Lone face majority m that body against the will of th people, must have queer nob°ns of political duty. Their Whigiem hardly deserves the name. Ton Aterw—The Pennsylvmia Academy of Fine Ana has leaned a circular in which that to lumen odes three prizes: one of $750,e of S5OO, and one of 5250, to be awarded to the ar tist who shall produce the find, second, and third beet pictures on a Aiatoricnl , Scriptural, or Dra matic subject; the painting to be not lean than 40 by 50 inches in size, and to be delivered at the Amdmy on or before the 10th of April. 1550 The Academy also &rem two other pro sea, one of 5500 and one of 5200 for Land scape or Marine views, to be St by 40 inch. es. The Judaea or a majority of them having proommed in favor of a picture, and the prize having been paid to the artist, the picture is to become the property of the Academy. One of the Imes. to to he a resident of Boston, one of New York. one of Philadelphia, and one of Peignoi rs ., nail these four to choose a fifth. The expense of transportation of all pictures to and from the Academy will be defrayed by the institution. Taxga FMeartort —The latest accounts from Texas confirm oar previous report., that P. Hansa broogh Bell bas been elected Governor of that State, and David S. Kaufman and Votary E. How. and tta Repre.entattyca In the next Congress. The two laUer gentlemen are Dernocrrita,ofeourrie, but many of our reader. mill be runirised to learn that Tex. has elected a Wb,g Governor, as apt. pear, by the renOttong paragraph from the Rich. woad Whig. vCe3wea.non or Texaa—Wout, Dona:—A letter from Henderson, dated the 25th of last month, ware. that P. H. 8011, Beg.. s Vaglmmo by blob, I. unquestionably elected Governor or Texas— The load wan dot so much a political one, bat Mr. Bell is n Whig. and that will do very well for Texas. The Loh°.are greatly annoyed and air piised at his election." La - re max nix Punta —ln a letter dated at Fort Laramie, received by Mr. De Mier, of On cay, from his sob , who accompanied Turner dr Allen'e law train, the account of the death of Moo Fanny Whiten contradicted. He states that she had married a Mr. McAllen at !-COle• BIoiL, He mentions also that the had 'clamed from the Soma Pam, and that they had le! the C 1015114013 in a healthy coadlttoa, and only one had died before they reached Fort Luanne_ He mate, in addition, that they had encountered the Sioux In man., lads: waiting through ore of their village., la which they lost one usaa.—St. Loan /Limb& 91101/1 NEW YORK. Corr••w:ideoce on . he Pituburgb Gazelle. New Ton, Sept. II The news from Europe has been well digested, end the appeatance of Dung. abroad indicates a calm alb, the severe storm which has been smth- out effect, except to sow the seeds of republican liberty ea thickly and ao thoroughly that, the next attempt will sweep away all tho 'old harriers that now oppose the people. The Enghib journals and magazines think time see •igna of a speedy war between Russia and England, In consequence of Austria's giving the former a seaport on the Med iterranean, from which the fleets of Russia are now excluded, except by way of Gibraltar. By the treaty of Vienna, in 1815, Russia was prohibit. ed from paarag, with an rosined force, the Darda nelles, but the acqvoitort of this new port, would enable her to violate the treaty, and place a squad ron in the classic watera of the Mediterranean, ready to cope with England. This speck of war is very artall, and no battle will coma out of it— Since the peace o(1515, England hat had no corn. petitora but Indian. in battle, and her energies have been devoted to the extension of her coma mein which has grown to the bond of peace for the world. A change has come over the spins of her stateameo, and we shall not bare another war for the "balance of power." Ni I.rack flow more popular than the five per cents of Pennaylvania, which are in active de mand for permanent teveameat at Sit per cent.— rtn is higher by three per real than some of the beat stocks of New York (which are assure to pay 7 per cent as Pennsylvania is to 5. The Judi- MOUS haancioi policy of tne Key Stone State for the past law years has helped her credit wonder and could the Whig Executive be secured for ton year', any hundred debars worth of bonds would talie mdre then a hundred dollars in coin to pnrchaw • The is nyu - oh. Soh Treasury has now in In UOO, the largest amount ever &mown. eutises no alarmwith hanks ar our mer chant.. Ti'.. excess ml echo in our Lange, and the a.our yarn' VelV cOatracted [Mali:lase of Las country. un,te hcep the, ruarkut cozy, and luaus are read .my made ni Inc legal rate, and often much under. I Ear L. walu.-u brethren bane at last made an at tempi at l'a.on wittch promotes to succeed. The old Hunt., nommatians lull be completed ha mo, row, a: L . :ida. by 'he horn hurter., woo. on the day in'Lwiog, untie wail the ilookera in a mans raltb cOthet. conventual. Toe pr., fellowa hese got re. nartiotcy boners , fa. the nod swallow their - .principles, with the meat amusing lanhty, This untoo et Pio elaas calls for erne wed efforts on the yarn of the Whig., and it will tie made. The battle will be warmly aoatetited but the result will be Wats. tortst decaledly. Yo.tetgay we tad a famous parade, and a grand sword preasolatum 'to Gee A Yezzans, the Italian ..:nie:tain. The tiongasaan, Ilea. and German .ioldters paraded in his. ton,. and the town lookea silicone indeed. The 12In regiment alao paraded rece,se • stand of color*, nod gave Gen. A ves. sane a paraancr salute BM oar robber will not go to the Italian, German, or Hungarian wars. Torre to n good humor. duals to produce.— Ashes are firm at 15.4 9) for Pearls, and $7 for Pots. which Is another Caltonis very MIST, and holders want en advance.- Flour Is cheaper—prime Get IC2GC and Westeru Wheat ts cheaper,as ,th nderahle Gaul Stale at tdl. Corn and .. ats are cheaper, and buyers can make their own terms cheaper, sell at old prt ca for reted Io t. Oils are firm, and Linseed it up in 75c per milion. 'Whiskey cheaper, with sales of Oh.o at uCii[7 and dull. Tobacco ie firm. oral ago.] rpeeMaLve demand tor kind, of IJrc OEM= Klllbork Smok•y Irland. The mice in the nettle of yesterday, OR the sultiect of s...ntnerged Island does, not enseny relate. nil the ?I:story apposite to toe ease :a goes- Now. d my mem-try a not greatly at fault on the vulueet, there Wes a grunt at an early petood in the .111.13 of our Colantionwealto to Captain tso call ed, KALl:tat:, the Cue( of the Island, limit. ing its tenure to his the t:me, who had on agent here to melee hal rent, wtt rh were paid over to that agent hr hi. use. It was no unusai act on the pat of several of the States 1., make nil, Coast to the Umettates we, proved themselves fterolty to the ear'y neaten, and kept the borders roe tram sat age into ,on or pee tone.y s nonee of the approach of dancer. It'uch was the fact to eetereare to li.dbeek. he way weed area thee eallei "htend'y lathe, - and rernuterated by the ot the Weed., watt e., deck. reverted to the State. NOW, in nada= to the mformation communi cated by -0," we Worn that toe Island was hr sense error obsessed as toe (amiable property Cl mom person rending on it, 'valet; tend no. be le. gaily done, a ti my property misted therein, belonged to the State, and was of coarse not taxa ble at al'. Vanes thus wrong view was sold dr taarn, and Inn. a sernolaner nu idle created. Butt un Stit. tuum t -c rrurroat.on then lay -0 - it rp per rut ',it the apt......:ut.curt for a wart. , and aarvev Wou ounut , for ra i. 11.1.1 conr.tutoturr, nod unrtend n: confining the survey to upornelthort tut e true conteut• Sue Intend, wy I .5 or 'to nitre. eleuntar :a entuurace m 3 , 0 acre, of Inn barn lit broomt I tne r:ver. cerych to low water is bar. ant! we °try wumdrr that the m.rdesty of the par suer ennfioud thrtns, even elan!) , acret—then naught ;air as well hare laien one hundred or so mom. Na‘a. ter ate yet lo learn Env far atahon.v,enen rteWitil y g:ren wou:d iuntay each • entarge n,nt bf a irry anited tor n rinentin numb , of ac , e.nn On c00t... of an lal.rui ennta.tung but turenly Bert,'P. Tor Coon 14 OHIO —The editor or the Ohio Cultteator ha. re. eut, •emed lea ecunt,e, me I=l an.] we crops. Tn.. clews.oo embraced vnmo Li .imit• most pene:paJ wheat region cii Um, and tne editor satssfind himself, by inqu:ri .h•reetion. that :be Wheat harvest Was every war,. la his rnme quite b.d a tal:ure as it bad been reprn.ente,l In his c , ,;uir.n.P. "Uoly .a a few oanistm, in the .nhern Part 131 me he says 14 Inert any th•ng a in, peht; wan /a the great wheat dJntrlctp, the crop to very detielent yield sad goal., sad many de , ds Were not hurveryd at alt.' other mops he riven an ac- count nitogetne: rneottrottung 'nit hay an ahanda . at crop ha. been secured in most part, fowl gnaersily .n good order. Oats are a tar crop. Inman the growtn of straw has been to heavy 4,r the twin goalny of the grain. Clos verse,' throughout Kientand and t • raw:ord mon tie., where the greatest quantities are annuailv rained. promise. lo be a (sir crop. Waugh it Is lOU soon to be sure yet. Buckwheat is finely in trio.- ..v. and the prevalence ofd cloudy weather is very vinible for a. Potatoes every where promise an abundant and healthy crop The corn crop. our greatest staple, every where gives glorious promise of an abundant yield, and thitnnusnber of acres 0, we thing, greater than ever before. Three weeks ego we took a delve Wrought the counties of Pleawav, Row, Faufteld, and Perry.— The prospects there agree with what is stated above. Toe corn crop in the Smote valley never was better—so says - the oldest inhabitant" The cattle feeders of coat noted region are beginning to mershel thew forces for the winters campaigoi and we have never before seen such spleadld herd. of steers as are now on the farms of Mc Messrs fieniek and Adatos,of Ptraway, and others of like name and stamp el Koss Wish Cotwkia. —The Horne Immo: VeS the gehowing extract from an addreme of the venerable Dr. No - 17, President of Union College, New York -I have beeo young. and om now old, and in review of the paw, and the prospect of the future, declare unto you, beloved puede,were aper mitted me to live my tile over °gam, I wuld, by the help of God, from the very outtet, live better. Yen, from the outset I would frown opqu vide, I would favor virtue, and lend my Influence to a& vence whatever would exalt and adorn human ea tore, alle•late human misery, and contrtbute to render the world I lined in, like the Heaven to which 1 aspire, the abode of innocence and felicity Yen, though I were to exist no longer thou the ephemera That sport away their hour in the mum beams of the morning, even during that bitter pan ed I would rather soar w th the eagle, and leave the 'choral of my flight and my tell among the stars, than creep the earth and lick the dust with toe reptile, end having d me so, bed my body mob my memory in the gutter." The life of 11,. Nary has been n daily 'Hugon lion of the value of the oenumenuo he so handsome ly expresses. Ile 13 now a parnarch of seventy six years, and Las presided over Union College fur forty five years. preserving in his old age that fire of genius and that k:ndliners of heart which have made troa the idol of all wh,., have ever eoloyed Eta nstruction =!!!=! An election wnn bell on Monday, In the Fourth Congreeraonatlhtt MCI of Maesselin.ette, ft a a Mew- ber in plane of 1. 0. Palfrey, whose term expires At the last elciion, it will be remembered, there wan no choice. We have returns by Telegraph, received last nicht. from 21 towns--8110.1111g the Felic - R.3g aggregate an compared with the last trial.— !all !nal. Palfrey (Pr.-. So^ 30:19 2.13 Tbompaan Wa , al . .26f.9 2311 Robtown PAL , IMV, It WO oe meo. has roue❑ off hugely Mime the tomer The❑ the majority again.' biro to these 24 towns was {V7—now it la 678 These is, clf muss, tuo The Right of Aolf G • .11.01 ov eat Gaoled Tee People of California, finding themselves without a government, ore naturally and very pen, perly taking measure. to•eatahBeh one after the well known American plan for doing such things. Their right to do so is stoutly denied by jour nals which claim to be democratic in feeling and principle. The Montgomery Flag and Advertiser has the following remarks: 'We look to Congress to reject any constitution that may emanate from the •naked usurpation of power' under which Georra: ELM,/ a proceeding. He is acting w:thoot any Constuctiotra/ authority, and the proceedings of ally Convention aquaa may originate with him will be void aid No Constitution will be adopted in California and forwarded to Congress hat such as the people, who are to live under said Constitution, approve. Case Democracy Mut reached a strange pear, whin it insists that ter citizens of the Coned Stale+ in California shall be forbidden to form - airy Caminito ,i,,,,^that Cons:ass map decline or refuse to organ lie a territorial government indefinnelv, and Yet iirmect any form of government that may emanate from the neople Cahn:mom' H•w many yam will the Hag and Adver.iser have the people of California wait before they may begin to exercise the right of aeligovernment! The inconsistency of what real itself Democracy is beneath nritiziant. Aeguaa Chrontd, Legislature of Illluel• Gov. Fax.on, of lihnom, has called an extra seestne of the LeTslaittre of that State, to fleet on the 72d day of October next. to take ,o oration the fidloteing o`leet2:— I. To till the existing vacancy in the office of the 1 oiled States Senstor from the State of Illi nois. 2. To take such action as lb. tie rat Assem bly may deem Pest for the 'Amite interest, pen the Gilt section tit the lOth ortiele of the tionstitus lion of the Stele. uthlett provides !het -the (is:tem! Assembly anal el 'Y enlaine ncnorace tnierna! linprovemeta b.., general lows f Ineorportmon for that purpose." 3. To ~no thy Governor the neeesaary author!. ty to order the tiling of vacancies in eounty offi cer, now unprovided ho by lam, and to provide some suitable agent for doeharg:ng the dot to heretofore incumbent upon the Attorney General, who.e office in abolished by the eouttitution 0: the State. 4. To an amend our revenue law as Lo give force end vandav to the same. • . 5 To provide for the artilement of clainta against the State and rt.', to make proe.hton tar the redernminn of hypothecated bond.. 6. To grant much re l ief to the Comn to of the State as 'nay afford the proper famitira for the pruseetftton el the e . v.l nod criminal business within the, Iffnile, by enlarging the priohlichon of certain Uouniy limn. the establt.hnient of local courts, or by attaching certain imutit.en lithanging to one circuit to those of another so as more com pletely to equalize the taloa:el., *.:/foul Eternaa. trig the If OfflOem of elem., i. To mat, aut.!, ntnendment,o an tict.rntifie,l "Act to 4trpct (Nara. in the S 11111104. - approved Febrnary :a). 1.47.. may tate Sc found ocer.,y to carry out the object bad in tent ni said act. S To egatoiab on orphan nay.= and Lake boaltioti at or arta Chicago. 9. To pea, necea.tary lairs for the relief of county. 10. To meet a law providing fora homea,ead eZempt,on from eXt-cOOn m rertma - . I:. To nott.nn the :ant .n ft:tenon to lan.tation of a,t,ona and toe taking of tcat.anony in chance• ry cases. ro en a. a law to enable the State of nets to ~ r:ence autts i❑ her own behalf, and ma', thenever•ary apprepnat on to defray the expenw, nod opeera, lowan of the Leuula• late. Faolt Mtn:saw:7a —The Chnendele and iCeawter two ably conducted paper., hove become ut,ted. The new rarer a neutral in imbues. The to . 'etc r-Itirns of the ;ate e]e••lwn are au In. Na ph , tv strehgln attemped.— Oa wh.clk rein irL• ... The r ci m,. To-r•, ..rr art a': .1. H. 11. S are-e!, , rd o$,•• • Ison. Wa ..o n the re•u..,a•ao.i/an) Wn.,l od rn t..• 1,11. , , rata t Ihe p Art y d•d rat, unto the rontc-st. We bop, that 3 w.i.; 110 d on fn . ', In the Terrlt - r.a . tore, hot that that 1,01. g., wort 11l came.. do op the•• of toe Termory, end leave in affairs al the to ttipoe to whom It lel,- malen, belong. The ottoat, , , of votea plied a near '714 " Legi.lntnre of Mtuneenta ttonveced on 1=11111!IIIIIIII!I =l=Elll Irttc.t. ttrig. 10. IV). lienry Clay 'Arrived 11 this el! on Same. day evening. 'tie Wit Albany on Saturday atter noon and bit isorney natter was triumphal beyond a parithel. Not a station did be pawis tout he met vast assetnltlstr to at ardent friend, and admirer. eagerto bent.ld hw beloved countenance nail bonus. In many instances Where, we biodkd. sod the • daepqnsuthed cannon" pro.ils. er iii• ed aia welcome. Unbor:Atli enitustosm eel sa every glare thre: WI which he passed. An licaLmer, so great was the "nemonstrahan," that Mr. Clay appeared upon the platform of the ear and addreolied It, crowd in his moat eLrytent and I.llcitinly mariner !Ins Col, wet 'notice and cleat as erg:, sod "H•. w , kra , :1••• That pwreed th,r end each Ingo wand And gaze ,n vr. , nd, en h n-';.bor'• face, Tn n l mah hi, .loins wonder , Ittnyrerrd S4TI • • • • You conlil hare heard The beeung vour et:l.e. vs LI, he vpoke.. When M. CI., btd ererlud , d. cheer Nun cheer reut the ha u111:1 the care had eteappealv4 .a the dim dl.tanee Ile arr red here ,Orrort seromi , anlecl be Frederel. Ilalclater. Earl and udrucerma other (fiends front till. mit% who bad gone on to meet Ab or. 4 000 peraona had asucohled nt the 11-pot, and when the great klalConlaa sh,T,hterl tram the ear , . a mclute .annon and the stout.or the nanciclade Leveled 11, ears. Betmg corn plete'y worn ,rot, ne proceeded immediately Loth< residence of Jar F Holllater, Esq. who. ouest he ta wrote he remain. I nor city, sad reured for the night. A tare. crowd filled the atreet nod com pletely aureoun,l-11 the hooae, made tllthrtnotta by his prraenee net., a late hour at ntrtril. Bonfire, were It end to- whole city seemed abet.. Arn,cleo Band •ereea ded the drattnammed victor, dlacoura. tog. rta orunl, "moat elatoent move." Mr. Cny attended 1 - 11.7 Church yesterday `t,mJ•y aril 'ietened In an ex,:lont &swank. Isom Ite, De ?mat. Today he viola tne ellen• tnrarilarturtn4 eatahil•hrhenta la our vitiany. If ~ T to u. tharvitle, a rnactoinetontig aillafe founded by Mr 11er:inter, and named after Mr. as. cannot but be an ourasion deep Interest to both par.,. Mr. Clay will leave 1.4 the State lair on To.tsdav m , rninr, previona to which It to expected that An will address the citmeasol Utica. T6l..Zu.rzt Line room NastIVILIA TO Sr. hoe iv—The public will be ...died to learn that the 'felegraph line from Nashville, Tentiessca, via Clarkeviqe, Pedncah, Cairo, Cape Girard:ea, to th z city, is rapidly progressing to completion line from Paducah to Nashrtile has been corn , ;dried SrVeral mintha, and we learn that at each of the others a larger business has been done than the builder. booed tor, and entirely inettlyiog its coostraction From Paducah to Cairo, the posts ere up, and as soon as the mama for crossing the Vivo are erected, the wire will be stretched on that part of the loin. From Cairn to Ste. Genevieve, the Kitts are up and the w're stretched along most of the line. It aea petted by Mr. Shellac', the builder and principal proprietor, that the whole line will he completed during the month of No vember —St. L 0441 Rip. We learned 10.1 evening that the family Word, furniture dealer, et the corner of Welter. Row and Grime tomer were rimmed! The familyotue o.n.o.—viz Mr. Ward, wife, mother and hi: others, all of whom were under ihe influence of the drug, whatever h may be. appeart that they all eta dinner together yes• friday, at their reedence on Elizabeth street, near Cutter, and that. a *non tone afterwards, bur of nem were sel, d wow vomiting, and, in the eoune of the afternoon. me other live Were also taken smks Physician% were sent tor, and Dr Marring arrived, and immediately pronounced the else potion The proper nut/dotes were applied, and had the expected r ge,t—plee el( ali except Mr Ward, not and mother out of danger. They, up to S o'clock lest ay.:Plug, lay in u precarious ewe, and Were not expected to servsve till morn ing, too suit hooes mete entertained The young er members •,t me 6111,4 were staggering Rime( the house ut a sun til stupor, like per-ona under the es wring odlnenee of liquor. How the p.iivon came is it nutter of apeculation, and it is not known whether it urn. intenkonallif o w r; s ec s i o il s eivi m t c a t l e lv d %rib vut „ t n e r . e n d a . y ~t iv n it. 0 m t 117,w woooter round, and and When We left last evening, Dr. Murphy had taken n part of the colt which was aft at dinner, to i.e.!, to it We did out ascertain the riving of his Ito r.t.em ,•. Some permu. ultri'mlrd tha patron to the toilch, wasicli mirknen, at I hla ncattou GI the year, has been beret. ;.•re. lithown in that part of the atty. No one, we. litidernmad, has been suspected of admuuslermd the ;yam°. Ina, up to the time of writing the whole edam was enveloped In opens .7. We will endeavor to dive oar reader. the partionlara to detail to morrow.—On. Gm. Ayesterday and eple N e "' sure s ‘;( 7' e rr s.aca r'iA' tn ' in ' g — attbe 'e V War Department, a very beautiful gold medal, which was voted to General Scott by natgress, on the 9th of March, IMb. It is (tithe same size as that soled to Gen. Taylor, (recently aouced in:has paper) the value of the gold oi which it Is mad.. amounting to about four hundred and fifty dollars. It was designed, as we understand, by a gentleman connected with the Engineer Departinent,and *truck at the Petted Stales Mini at Pin(adelphin. The portrait of Gen. I Scott is engraved in the highest style of the art. and Is deemed:an admirable likeness of that damns ;hushed soldier an tie now appears. Rot the moo striking keittire of the menial consists hi the tact, that on the reverse side is portrayed no than43•e t•ltt.e -cone, vin those of the City of (Sex gOuplas the centre—Cbapultepte, Vern Crop 'erre ri , MO, Contreras, San Antonio, Chertihns. , , and ' dot Ray.—Naxmml ln- WhernMr. LIST OP LETTKRS Pa er Ilth: ,e r i ttabs7h ,„ Pr i ?Zea fgaL ,...o tt n : mama for them wall plea. ° say Li aro .ad•sracd Ladle's List. A Adam. Ann Amble Julia abaritte Alters Rath M A.melop Julia A Anbp Ann Alward Kit. A nder.oeslanryktishl•T Anna Andwnn 14410 B B.'', Martha E Be.wl,l‘ MI") A Drown Gbarlotte Ita6ewm Cch'e Tiltr.rtt J Y Brown Bonnard Mona !noblagn I , 3tratt Bunung Lucy Barren Mary Routh Mr. Burroent Krt.. Barter Mary A B.yd Mr. 1.),,,d Burke Burnet A ) M‘ln . Rrt ant PJ,n Hums Mn Bor, Be , : Jul ettn A Bum. I.3naboth Bennett Meru I anon Mr. Benton Char'. Byrne Oln ie S C (lan., Hamel rail a car . . . Car,iNlary cthis. Nancy Crats. C-art Mary Co•gruk - A Cr., Mr. Tn. Brwart Coiter Man II Ciome M•rY t...onuale or. Cox Cataarma Cuntaaqbara N't 111 rnla-le Mat, 13L, I. Mary 11 IT4nnm M •ri• Lease It Der!,, Martha lay, Hannah I,•araa Drvann, Awl Down Ann Lae•er. Mary A Ann Finery Mary Ever.: Carolina Farrel II A F Fr•trnore Sarah Fl,lllng Men. I' Fa. Mary F•rgq.on Saran JFlrsgrrrold Roble Fos IT. ale iiehecr• Fltzps , nrt Fratalln Jane S ['lnch Martha Fo.inrJ Ser•th Fredertelo Mn G Gen.h•tan Mrs Goens SU•11/1111 Grox•3l F.h,s I.:.ett Gordolsl..mla ~r st Stray Unroaret Grerr Sir. Gramm Munn 1.,11.ert Mr. H I.rtalam Poll, A HeanettallennearY Ihrphniloop , Metrarel He r ,atirsh Ilenauahan tiancyHorn,h FJirn Haruet Healy Mary Hagan i:Jullanne H Henna F:Lrelocth Hush Mrs widow H.• ert Huloup Ja Hutchuuton M. H.+ r., Mar) Hulk, hlarg Hulton rath Hay Jaee Hu, a. M A Hays E'itabath IluM Mary Hoover Harriet J .en P Jern..On AZTICI Jones Elizabeth , 11 , 11• ienkm• Mnry Keir Mr. Kelly 1.1.1 y Kemp Margaret Ke,heott C am C K•'iy Nut.ey Kerr ,11••11 ltearnt lel.uu kelty Sureh Xentn Atm 11!1112=1•1!1:113===111 erah ttl I.ey Nfory Marl r et ,a we Malt, I,ealte Nlary A Lomax Mary A I.ltlte Mary I.ottg lt , terett I.outou I: Lowe Ja I.won !tlar+tta Maven Mr•ttlt Mepinn Moorhead 11,1 Itlalatt lathe Met , 4 Mr. wiloorMorrt• Mrs II Miry t Merettrh Mary NlNltgonterOlary Ala 1.1. SI e• Mar, Mn)..,, Mars Siantu I.trzte Motion Slaty Md.° Aye , . titan Mr. 1 M'Ad.sns Mlry A M Elvoy h M I.stighim M C., V IWO M Kor Sist,i ) 4 4,kni 31.rgt NI . 1.0(111 .\ ". 14,en Mit frFnet•••• 311.14 n Jut: Nl'Nortou rnsea 3,41,:1ame Neck ILLzabeth Non. Julia 0 Waal,' LI ns.tun Jmno “tivcr Mrs II W 111, nu M. lifer Lucy Porter Ann mtlnVon I.uurea Ray Mrs Res En eh Ross Mary Hnen V. Re 1.11 . .11 12/oh, Hoch Fe'en Heed jrsores ReHen• c Honor Kill It RoSen•oo Ann M Mary J Rend ',lse, linhettnon Jane M Hutu:son Ann. Benin Mary !Ina%sheo• SI arKI ,innh 1.:41116eth ienalder , Mere W,nnier S,l•eeter ll•nuan ',neer Ilemet Strom* Fanny Ntere A'ende ,•n J. e eth Mary J W Aueenne lelniqb Mary Sleleart Lue) U I,aonos. l'uneta Anuth Anne T:aanymn Mnrs 1 Thornpwm Jan.. Thomas Vary T.n0w.0.. rnomps .n I ,oh a Togany Turn, Ann A.. leer, Marl AD,I 1141,e W,lsor NS, rl •10%',..4,,, 1 ..a W., Mr* b tYI Aon Mar : y 11 Sl J. la Veal.e. Mary l.I;ld. A 24 2 ,1! A!.! A!!3•71.R D Ar0p10,23.1 fl at Au!lnvon 14m2 dA.1.1,!2 WrnA. , 2•Autz Hem, Am• es! Ax.. 1.2 2 A 2212 TiMfa • Adams J•sne • Al'.nJ d J A•1111• 1 11,:l V ~,,, ler C Aral•trlmg 1,2.0 =II Red, 1 E.,. r • 1 1 ,11,.111:1 A Prow,. PI,. \V HAnker 1111....,,...11.01r, Prow., WEn, H 14... r m.. Ite.,ord H•t W.,. lan, :Wm Ft -.1 y Brown 0.1 He. T tiraort, H Brow,. Mb J..h• 1.1:, , a R I: id,. 11'm tirea.ry Il,tr• A 1 m 11,0n,s Iluttop JI•oly Lama ILlabely W m Wadley W H Harm. r Blythe D Witte W S Darner NV I, Ini , • AN'm Brun F 4 ,r 1 Henkrr I'' lord Simeon Bridge Henry Barron lebn IY , Arey A Krun'on H•rt..o 'Am r Hrennen.l•• Ma, , 11. ‘• • 1r..): 4 Das la l• itrirm , r Rl.l. I T Itract.nrelte H It a ,1•r. , The. liteditml Mt o, 1. now,. FJlorord 14 , 8, Sic Min Heokor Boorman linu3ess nroot, Sheroos j•ow. 3 no , o 1-03310 y 1/33 . 1 1033 Inro )13n4 11,e33 or, John .1.1• Iltonta Wtg It: I C .I. HS • 4 rll•TrilU• 'Hants Jlt It: Jam.. Reber 1111roha1 Henry Hugh II ash.— It•a Harm lases!. H. H...••:* H. It MaJa 11s1ou Hrs.. Jolla •L I • rt* . 1. a • Hu arormar .1m Hy nor Dante' He , ..,. Jame. S Hot: .5 m i Wm Ittlf f1.0.1(111 li 1/ Itsr e, 1.• laan . Harrow. (loon, BaartAnclrear 11,slen Frau...* Ikrae ,Vag Heusi. l•nya. Brake Itersoru 5. I:urton Jag.. I. 111:,••• Jahn 111 Haws Joe, Balla) ...same 11'111 BMW, V. al Dorm Tlormaa W , 114(1,1 . au urn t. Ur. 1ty.,11. • Juu rt. iloratlake tiro +Yu no. t. Uy,d %Vat IMIiMMMiii IMMIMMM 11= Varhey C PCromear ('saran \V 2 nah•rn rnew ohmmt..r. larars C 0.... AERAppanlihamn M ormwt, Jam •nnn Nwhur, t , ann Jo.eph Jam., rothen Th. I Clark Kilwarrl T C.“ II I CarnaLan Jane. Cirliand John Coa J ,rime lef ln-ha We'erl J•onn PI, no Wm Cede r....10nn I.' Clark P rait Curtmran Ilartm rodeo Poi l Cm. lord Rnimr ors !Loma °ear!. John Crwo !mop I' 1.11 , ..0za , ,nran H D Crow mtd./oha Pmarroo AP, MotMeaa:rmpoo rho. Cram, r . ho. °oho Wm m oeb, atinuM CopaMi Joon s'uosr r Join Hey eroncOlo•epti I Compaq, ,mnsl,4 Mem Crow!) , Job. rmaptash 14. ? cope Patric!. Co Merl Hll CsIOP..a.I Jahn IMone;ly Me min i' m klomo 1.. 4 JoJam octt Tloo. Corm James =ll Dame: Jame. 0 Donn Bernard J Donaany Jot , eat DtnOe , Win Darragh It Dickson•rd IJ noon Delteil Semi Mont. Michael Dulf (too J Dor,t Joh., II Motto, Jet Duane V, / Nett it. lhoston Thu... Duhatry Eli D 0... Hugh Dohton Jot Gti.n•p Berl. Stint Gonen) Jet Duidavy it. A D I Yl. 111 2 (toll, 'rhos Dunker Dolton D.nonson. kt'or d• Donau Jae Dunn Geo . . hum n •••hel • LhtnneP, John Duroso John Clark. othl Ponnachy .101 D.llOlll John Jr othroo Moran Wan Ihhflop S 11 Cortnpor) 1.. Ihnirrily Poet Ilurnnog Jo. Dear•lo is I h01e... Thoo Ihstot John V Ikon John Dolton, Pen Ig Duncan John S !knot.. •n - r Lk‘o le J..Dutton &Iwo!, Dee ter J W Edgar John FlPion Tho• Ev•sa Geo Eherman Henn El,. Ahln T Evans Ree•c Eromn, Roll% F:::inn lnhot F Eva C S IMIMM=6I Farrel %Via Fir• Daniel Fowler &MO, Fercuson Theis Hole) Chu M Forsythe I. F Fen wick Sarni Fitch Spoil Fow.or Sanil Ferro Edward Finnigan Tr. 1 Folgamb IT Fitzgibbon John Y Flanniga^ C 2 French W I FitrontrickDennis Float John French David Fll remmonsOwen Flynn 'rhos French C P Flamm:tons Ed I Ford John IF Jr Friel James Fowlier Jnines Fox Weber.] Frazer Duncan Foils; Wm Forsyth Wilt Francis David Findley Wm Force Dont Fredericks 1 21 I W Fox Janie* Findillon las F.shel loco', Foster David in I,er Seai CtEesme nu. .mat ilemV ,aahm Jack I,lerm Wm ~rey T•Jm Ont NlErhaM lirvy honer, Oa, Ihram .1 t.len I,m, 0 limy num" U•Hagitm Ilwen Lflosanp Nathan I:ray/Wm lirtamgm rmactrifitml ktm :ray Wm A leamy And,* Go•horn Sichola,irnimm Jamm F lieu d ,ritnuel lirahcm RM.erl (city Wm Wm , :..ham latavrn• MA I.glwrkl,chaalGormiry Charles liraham Hara ., n hirtimer & G•md Flubmt lirahmA GravAill A,Altm !mac II t.rmcory Abner Wlintbn Slim end nm “rome GniTtlha Slim til.tmme Sam I 6,ml Simon ..rmon vr,mma I,,be le o rt IlmaLal lir., Gramm N . : us l an. GA , gory Ihinthen Ilemj 6.1.5 Wm Ganumg Henry RI-Manna /04111 W if ausaan Yk 1 thutSn James Edar 4 liamison Re vWmilms Ihfilile lame. Hamoroaratrtek Hine John Hagar, John Haughey VAlrtartlH.flainu w n , II Haeue loan W Hawk'. R H HolNot Wm Harnes J T Harwell Geo W Holm,. Rohr Hague Jame Hatch W B Holmes Jem.. !Won Wm Hausa !sone Holdall loPenh Ilan. Cunt John !lay Geo 11 B Ho' , monk John A Hainon Huah Hay, I Hogeßar I/ Harm, Samuel Hewn %%oar Hoyll Rowl an d Mapper James Ilrrron SmphenW Horn Dr Wm CO moron Wm Herman James Hoover Joorplt W Hammond Wm fillenderson Andy, Hopkins Jbhn Henry Bernard Herring lieelry Ailloward John F Hannan 111ren H•rr•on Jame. How all Thomas Heany lb m Henry Al, Norte,' Joon Hann lb Henry Herbert Cant jivrthe. Rlchard Hannen Alex 11e..., John Bunter Mr Wm II•rle, Met D Hendrrson Rohl Iliaberstone Saml Hamann I. II Henry James Hurehinaon John Man Aaron Henthorn Thus E Iltglann John Harkin John llrehbo r Matthew Heimphreys Jos Harper 25 D Hnl A. C ilaphe. Rrr /as Ift.ner Tiros Hatentaon Re. no. 01 Ram Joseph Ingraham Joseph Jae ben T C Jebn DaVid Jones Oliver J•monnn John Johnson W H JonesJonsh James John 9 Johnson Th. Jones Gem, /mute, Johneon Wm Jones Evan W /ovens Harrison Joknssa HenJono•Jses J '''obs 9.9 Jones John Dan) Jones Mr Jenningn &bird tones Wm Jones Jae /olive Dan! Jones Q. Jena James Kane Til Kelly Miehl Ki,„. J. nn Keeler Jame. Nem euy John IC,Ie Junes Kl.e^ A. , .1 Kt?, John 13 Kral pen Chas Kehne Iltehl Kerr T K Klee D Ken, Chas Y Kerr Mirk! klnealry hl G K. ^. " l " G -0 Kelly Eliehl K oam Ibehe Kellemp Pwtip K. tr Van! r .non K.teer 1)K Kelly Frew,. Kate John /rearm. John Kerr Dan! Klee John la. / Kelly WM K../ Jo. Kennedy Went Kerr Miles KM( enrol NI Kerr.? P•erterd Kerr Peter Kate Ltecr4k Kneel,. F. 1 1 ,4, Kelly Jame. Know?, 11.c..1 )(erg, hu. Kerr Wrn Moe 1 Kelly Edrod K run. Ii L Lahr Ja, tl Lateen John lane Joseph W Lana. Lawrence 1.-orb J..1n0 Jr I.earry I.lhen Lay. Joh.. Leen. Joh IJ:xc.:lle. John lAn.• ?pew?, C In I'hr-Iw:ober I.orery John Lauebbn• IV 1.e.w.• Tines Lynch Berney Lawer Mich Lester J+nn , * Lyon Arthur M Law.on Ale r ',ter ILtrn.on Lowman I,mo Law , c?e , 1 .??I•er 'rho , LYnn Jo , Ii Lawmen I.eoh l.tater J.ttn Lytle Chas .5 Legman I.m.e Wm Lowry Jae Leeper le J erne? Lowry Pta/hp Jr Leonard Mehl Lonloo Wen Lea, Hem Lemmo.. Ynee I.lnroln J H lined Her.. Lew,. A W Lute Thome. 1.t0,“ Lee .Lamea Love James 31 Mahan Reehard Manholes Shad. \lemon Rohl ..:on Mod y roe, Z Moore ? Ma..nms HJ , 11 . 11 M 01 :Mgr( Memo Moore Wm Nlebangan J. MornsonThoe Mallen Thos Mersdnh W M Morrienn Je. Meghon Pt.. Mere) II G Morr'sv hba Mel., Peek Mellen Wm hlornsou M R Marshy Wm MermliM jag Morrow Jon Mahamt John Melon) . 'Moe Moons Rohr W Nlsn'ey Jo. Melvin Wm Morrow Ins K MreeLwt Maeholl Jos MordoekeD I. Nonni Jns %tacit John Sul 'oon Nernard Memel hlllehell /Rent, Mullen Pal k Marna John M:ller John I. Mosgrovr Joe Marlin I msl.rey Morengn 1.. H Morn henry Moron Peter Moloney PeCk Mamie). roil Moron hV J Moon Ins 9 Mull., Andrew Matthews Wm ?tin:my IV n Y Murtha Mr Mune, I C on E Mullen Mowry .5/ Cr Morgen Jem6 mornork Manhnn Wn ter Monroe Allan Nlnrphll nCm Mimon Joseph Morm Albert II Mornay Juno Mn.r. Small llo• ton Jas Murphy Mr k Mrs Morons Wm Slams Beni IV Murphy W D Make , I Jns Morn. John Murray Arthur Mason ,Innll More. Wm Murray Jahn Memo J U Morph, IMleetl hine4 E NrOnne John D McKee Feeler! Ce, I. , 11:.ute Gendly MrKot n Y J NlCllar,v The M Camey heartMeßFecer Thu 7,1* Elnde Wes NI kleo.e.k Joan. Me Key R Doe t McKee John )I'llr, M , karnn'h Jae !If cKnv ',Jun! T4F.• II M Mr gminnews %Alm Itel(mmel3r,ard 11•47dhor ./.0, Rbiwn thr. t l tl uy Ibsen Meßrnon r M`fla•lLl J•• M reray Wen Mel.orualtans Da- NUCaI, Jun: M','“nuninskey mel • 311Jlora M.. S NIA: Oily Row I. Alclion,,le SALM WCAn%A. , MeGusCrezi Jetn, Jun,. M'Cuar 1 , 16 Ale:ear, llotha M'Clam I.urk, M Donn! E Me , iewnn Ct. A Arran!, MArellt WI, • Day Ld McGuire Pettnek iod TA°, Alc,oven John Al'OottgAll Alex Meliitkley Yomrk M'Clrn,A JAI." M Met,on4n Wln ArElrath 1,7111 Ale•Lrodlte• Alex y Allem AlTeelei J•a Mel.nughlim Jotta M Fathle., AlcLausblut E A 1 'Clara 5: .1 ArKre•rt A ex APCan AllietLAA Jobs 111,11‘,. John Nlehola I. II Nlrhelma J. More. Nlellols Gro W N•ruot.sL It II Ne a.. J It Nortnll . not Alet:Sitht,n Ulat W D Join Nom. J Nulung Sam . Noon, Pan N choiron ins M si • .0 nal.. \ <lu+,. !lull Ott WLllien II[I•)' Leary rer oS Oaborne 1,11 fleonner Tloot Oe.orno In lon O'Nral F•l.t 01t1, , ,..1.) (YRatry Jonn CrElonaelt J. rr Ecorse Oento Vt'ut O'Connor John O. Dared Parr Rea ion Penral rho. Patter London C Pirincr Beej II Pairsan John ft Porter U W••n P•tain John P.trat rnaodra. Pilaw Geo hi Pariden John Plakerratil LVm Pratt:arra John l'sitirrson hia•hbrPhillqi• Sam; Eno, R Patterson & F..- Fri , . Prrscoa Jcilrdiah Piiikrrtriii And.. Pugh rho. Rev Pattorrarin 1, LI Poland Jain., Prieir a John Petri , John Pollard John Prirr Jame. Port.a. Crha Por,r Eraa. i• RPalk Priarelon in rr , Praire I tier,. lirteliatit Jahn PraiteriTast Ja, Parts Patrick Roy Tho/ lirr.l Roy J. 11nLion Mr Ar. Co RanLoorti lodah Wltred Gooree Rant rreLl'ir Rankin I.oLot Wed 110, Hoorrann A F: It., oLorol l'uo Need Ch•r.c• Nor., Petnrk Roa•Ln 1.. Ruiz/Ora 1., Ron/'.,L to-o NV Ray Jo.Loh R. ~. JoiLn I. llooLoA JoLo 1 RauL.letr Geo R4o/3.t0 R., Dont Ilos,ro loSta H ILam.ey Roe: RA/1,. Joon Ito .. Lmon law.. Ravovy 1 Richr, ALL:.:LLor R 00.," Thomoa Rol i NI RLooly :LI Rootooon Mo./ Rea/Korth/. Welton!. rn,• Rolon•nn Roevos /leo Wm Rsot.ardoo.t I ta.Le /ILL...v.l°n Ih.our IlooLor Lfia•td 11.ckor , L'ILLLs N ot. John Reimer Protll/ 11, tr". ~ Not. taornq S N 11,,, 0 ,./. ‘...L0 II R., toy 1/stro, Moto r. I: II Road Fel*, 1 It i1ien,r11..... 31 Itooo. o .ILLoL•/ Ro/ Rohl K.Lot RL rr inullis 11,1 Fl-rd :oho /C 0..) Jo•ora Rot/mann Roo. Joo./p/ Ryan Jorto, Ilomon lIILLI, Rusb John Sheerer Than :Simonton 0.8 Starrett las Barber John H Smirk h Stanley Joe Seem Alex 2 Smith %Vat H Swart Chas Soon John E.' Smith Joseph U Stout Henry II Seou Adams Smith Petit J as sMven.n The. P Seat! George Jr Smyth Win 2 Steward John Sent John Sinus FWlmS:evenson ins tiesL:pf Wash . too !Yeah Mr Drarpreftewart k Sill Sept. him Smith Koh! Stete• I.nac G Seam. Mr Sang!, George ;trodden! Mr eteaw S W Snelerlancph Slone Geo W Shaer Wm hl Sank, teneard Stoat Rola S•.e Vow Jan Seeder John StruchfirH hint D Stara. Franck. Sneerier J Sweeney Rodger anrorie..snl .ey I'a:\ S.eeeidna Am d Por South Waa - s'm ttle I etinmek Speore Sweedo Amp, 1 , 4,g, Jahn 11 Spooner Wra A SsrrfAir Jona eeeforae Syen-tr. Sam , 0 01 ton R It sleenni Than Sotnier Join Seltiena Joh, .10. I let,lty Morons Nfn• Mere Salo, John Smpe. , ord Ef Sterren II F ,tantun FN C Rim Wiluam 'Darrell Marta Teller 301V1 Toed CO P Thylor John Teatoar Pao Todd AC Farlor XVI. II 1h mss Geo Toner Rheas T., lot Jeoepa Thomson las Tobtn Mart, Tao Manhese Thompson Joh Tampions Satul Thomas Reese Thorp italenek Trelapeu R 1 Thoosp.o , n Airl Y Thorno.on / 0 . 111 MI. /Leary C Pt...peon I.eo t"hornne Jae ti Tuns Cunt A Tboeupeon Jos Tiernan Arthur Tune] John Ni Tea,. Ph•l‘p Ttnlter N. alter Turner Enos Tbomason JosephT.l , l , r John T.hle J,se & Wu, Toner Adam Terlti John =ISM linbelra C V Maw ve Van Vlccli Cee Vaneman Geo Van •c lrtri Vendergrati JCL J It oit F•sluoi WhLY John Wilson Duo Wo Irrsysg \ Whet no !do:hoot %TxDross ',Cy./ rho. Wilton:Lim. Wiclacc Wm Who.. E uris John Watson/oho—OS Witham, John —. WO., John Er , rt wo, NI IS .In.ot lie,. D sy /oh r Wdlosin. Moron Wt.te.osi Wu: W.... A NI Witham:l nNr W•ol Jo. Dr IV:II:sop Cop , II D "Dun A Word Moo,. Williams Salsa Woodniall r W W•Don Mort Sr WiDon E It Woyloli Jo. John F WiDoo Joe II Woods Clio. Ft Wool Jo.—or I. Witson Jos - r Wood John Woover Adam Wll.ll John C Wood John II %Turn:nun Andy Wilson Andy Wynne John Si rimer li W Wilson J• 311, Wright Wen Wrsribo John Wilson J F Wr:ohl Who.pie Ileuo Wil.on !Duct WI gh , tI•o fl Wilson Thu. Wright Johu Yew, lamer N'pward tarrlCJ Vounc M I'makurgh Iron Work. W 0 U ,It Cl., Lodge No Tw l'onripal 11/1 Sow Fartory Agent of molts Ins•• \Wort• Tvsta Ctly Lodge No :41 'rano City Loan= No 1 , / ut Tempe/Anne PlOstairgh OLvlnon No 4 Land Melt:Moos SAMUEL ROSEBURG, P. 14 Pr...tic . Sept 15th, lag I UAF SI,. AR-230 MA. \o.' .lital M Lf gar, tor /A .660 by BURISItI I)(ir, WILSON CO. •pIIA Watry +1 W HITE FISH—to • b0,1, 4 • ,,, th , ( 1 ler : Yale by yt_ I irt,N-235 tont Iron, ...led. for .0(0 by 1. sml3 I. 0 WATERMAN. •p 13 3I Witter and 61 F'tont st \ TA1 . 1...3 AND FF1KV , ..9.—. 5 . 0, d 7 1.. WATERMAN Proposals for Iron EA I,ED • • sthlrossed to the Pre.o S tictoof Inc l'ltts•turf h tot* C..1..ny." cottoned o.ale for NV courto Iron.' I+ol ton rccerrett at the othttlttop of toe \\"nrv . e , unrrl Thursday. too 11001. oot., st 1 o'clock, IP , for forittflong fo/loortn, quanto o t ot ot °mall, - of Joni Iron. viz- Itoci rr of hy Hoc, Iron, Ott Ito. prr toot. 310 t. 11 c floond • • • O • 1- r :dtes a ft. 9 Inch. long, llt 6 tn. land, I thtek 1 . 6 bars ern ft. long. 6 ,n. ',rule, I Inch llor 1. Rheet• 6 A. I tn. long, V It I La .4 , 1,4•, 4 lbs. per A. Yew super., tot A rut to pattern. atgl gr , in at one end. feet I inch long, 6 pound. Pr , foot :Agg. pounds Ml.Cellancous bat and Bar. To be psld for in rash, nn moats after doltvery.— Bidders plea, Oct the difference in price be tween Annuls and Paddled Iron. rp , l3 . ggt TIIOS. nAIIV WR1.1.. Pro, P. 0.11. NEW GOODS at P. DELAN Y'B, 40 LIBERTY sTREET, PITTSBURGH. J LSl' RECEIV KB, an extensive and varied assort ment of goods, adapte to Me presen t and op. pronctong season. snob as slack, brown. and drab 101101 ',merman leaver Clnth... a suponor article for ',mous, frock and over costs. Me,. great variety of ICanketa and Fittings, ens. brutr g the above mentioned colors superfine Funs., black, brown, olive, claret, and all other Jest rah colored Cap.: French. English end Amecteen aid nt and (alley el...mete, of entire new We'll. and very it cOllll4, 10 Wllll we t wh panic. Varlr to evil the ...on of thou I n n wan of • hand. Fame pair of pants. VF..ATINIiS—The assortment of V e en a ss Is vionsualiy handsome, comprising the new and an d m om approved style for fall ond winter rue, all of whteh De made. to order, at Mort notice aod on r•Lasoisehle terms. ,p few er'ATH on hand, of MUM new rt-fle to rah we would mane the mtemtmli of those who ' d, .mre to mote ease, elegance, comfort and convenience weir garments euch ere , eouid particularly recommend Mose to shale “GliCe, they conanne ni i t n, n and ty al the over coat., with the comfort and convenien cc of the uck coal A general assortment of READY MA Dr. CLOTH ING on band, wade In the prermt 11./•100t1, end portee sold wholesale or remtl, at the lowest teak eptli P DF.LANY. AMUSEMFJT& THEATRE BLUM Manager Clrt:e end Torquer, :0 ets. ' , cone Tr r • -- .(zr ALI". —l)o,.re open ct 7—cortate wrt:l rt.. at pag.l - prrei 1,141 tv,ulor,s, o. th , meltrosed 11E, Ilt FAN; ILI' 1 ewe'', 11:11. SP.,CAPA I. , reez eteea IS—The perialmanee will 11[1.7-.11 AI'I4,I:NEV l'nure •- • •1.4“.• {rem, j ' c ' h " )..` • ...... •• • ...... Mr. Archer. Air WI,. To he o iLlo. by Ir.e fictou F.r. THE t, 11)0W. %has Heron. Lonle Ague* ha. Fanny . ii F. J 01111. E. it IL her i 1411• fatlye Mr Reynalts 'Cr Rolnawn. Nu. era. .r. arnern: a.ortantat of Ca., BLear, Ger . Eaaii, at.i-er, a. LI and Spring u. for a WA.4 ERMAN IZ LOUR—, Lb! , inn tanding and far sale by i nil. _ J S LoILW i ;BTU h. Ci, MC 11I:74 In ,;ore anti for sale by sztis J S IJII,, OR I'll tr, co ‘i .I I:CiAK iiitiljeli - Mvls.,“biS-4., nn, •o- sa e by 1,... .015 1 S DILWONTII Je. CO DK; NturAL-,x, tons limping Rock Mem!, for j_ aaic Imy 11,0:g lc Ct., .01.5 Water st TAVA COFFEE - 15 bgs very sdr;c;l7a; iiicrt3;rern -1 meat: , for raJe by optl.l C II GRANT ',LACE TEA-49 Hos extra fine Oo:ong, lude C H CiRANT L A v R N4 OII.--10 tails for sale lor T. v i !o i l. k ROE • LI A VA NA ~ E GA kluvana Sep., vari• &lora and for axle by eptl4 1111;ILLS'i ROE iorroN YARN, Sc —SOW lb. Cotton Yarn; *5O halo, tinning. :MY du Untton 'ramie: for .alr try .pll4 NPUILLS & ROE 0. ;L1 bbd. N U Sugar, prime. spll ISFOILLLS & ROE bb:. N 0 Mo'naars: 100 bt bbls M'SSILL.9 & ROE. ,'LOI; R I.l.l..JLlLtlec'd and !tr . r sale bs i!. !.. I sL.N.Isz Market n_ TWILLED liAts,i—A few dozen in Igo, mod for sal. 16P1i4 CRA ID A :SKINNER I',--,10 1,u.11 Oa, In • L., and for sale by kJ sr. I CRAM. & SKINNk:R (111 L.ELD.L.- 150 his ;ost reeeirc.l at the Dauer and Dspot. and (or _sp,l4 J D CANFIELD, 110 Front st CY . osks for Yale by 1.71 ,tlll J 12 CANFIELD IN ; CU:I Pint. , hinf'e. on hand and for j"l " ..k. ap:II A 101 i 1 fiCKST(i CROZER ENCII of the denra•de color*, ourn n• 4.arnel, obtrry, gesrlet. dillerent .hatir• of e rern dr •t• ntni blank. liNk ETNA , .of atl thr rthove in eve ry 'rat rty of qua wy, awl cLuTais, .11,3 of ad llie des:cable colors, now open •1 Dry'lloods Hoooe of W R MURPHY' oURNINt: (.0(1/DS—W. R. Maud, now 21 open .1 nxtrn,ve n.ortment o( Black Good., including French Merinoco, PormoDos, Mod. do Loin, Mourning Alpaca., nod older Mourning Gowl. .p(l4 r 'j jo ". I) , IINIztrRA NOTICE—The robsenber havlng takrn out I,rtzers of Artouniatration on the F.ot , tte of AS,N THORN,Inie of ... 4 odth Faye , . towerinp &ceased-2e , person.. Caning deans agaln•t are herehy ttot:sed to present them, duly aulhentocatr•d.tur esetilement; and all indebtrd to said ell., ear reqvcsted to make immedmte payment to the .übr-rtbc• JOHN THORN, Admr. wat• =MI! PA very d,stralne thr, awry I/gentling House, fier,hrd Me modern gib-, and in complete or. haTin, repa.nmd cad papered. It it • ima'ed on Venn ;we ct, thr••• dm3re above /la,,trcet, e, be had netnedselrly. Fumy tn . . I.amber °tare. corner . of Itherty and Ilay •t:eet, o; aubaorsbcr, at Ma °Mee. p•• W. LI. PCSIVi. =0:121 f1 , 11f: , opkrtnerehJp heretofore cztolmx between the •Lomettsor, 4144df I the firm of 1012E4 NIXO , I & I.JR, ti eau the A - rat they of A11ey..., 1±.49. \V York pay all debt, doe by the Lath, except the steamer Ringer and three Flats. W. YOB E.. NI xori, A5lO. I'oRK S Alcreary eontalns an •Ivertie• roe. aMr Joh a n l Atelier s, whe tete he amens tLat covetlng the Piano uarnasers with f.-It isoat a :ort. hare,a i. acli .old,soeh for the last tear sears 11. re t, , , doubt. Lathe ordieary artl• e!e at wr,•,:a bring eg tor:ter than tert:hel, teas •: e•ars. The lest cloth n•ed raw. by ..5 . 4u.1.1.. 1242:, IA • ucw , •nrettion ? hawin g inn tau, is traduced In England; and it Isas au. p•ller enuort al beet-tin is to sale leath er fhe to It olntn a raM:Mr. toyed especially, ILLY for risen, and ha, been adopted by Ine 1,, 4 Ptsno Inllttmrs In London end Pnets, to the en. - . n. xch.:c, of ,NormClark' an: the aptly firm who ay,.14,1 icoproaemeSt to all their Piauos. even to ma vet e r be ripest (I.ber Good Piano deb iy• Cbieker,r, ?r. Stodard, N. V , rte., n.laot-sykt th.y to, luaibnr for 'kick cheaper .d anwirr Plaao, meknovcredge 'opt [mir]. by making of it for tbetr DCSI en d eoltthat butZataarna, Weir Orval Plancia. The rabaeriber has on band'. etscrillitat 516:011 qua re Puma, and one of Norma & Clark* which wets tested by ono of the best performers. this Mil, by a ;arse-months Mel; alba molt a discusainatiog public naav pulse by catirne and erasuning for them. e: L•oi aster m, at J. W. Woodorell's. bt KLEMM, roll I bt.e As-nt for Nouns & Clark. near lot of Mar loured Pianos au tha road. C",n,„',3 8 CKIT,ANUTUFIO doe Deaver livekets; L) to en rd:.f. Ix .le s F VON BCINNHORST k CO 1)1P14-1 , 1,1 far rale by .1. , 14 a F VON BUNNHORST Jr CO Ptq r s in rale t'y F VON ISONNIIORAT It CO =EI=IN 7 )V ;hw or t.,11. !or en.e I, F. HART, corner of D F• . 1.1 2, anr Robinson ~tr, Al , ..gbenr. Lueb,reilb reanine n...ortmcl.l of the r.opcesi !Sleek and Green TFAS, and Foropy Grocer.. gen( Mill', he offer. or (AU spzithrlzh! iq h.• exln, fr Horrors . * brand. 3D do 10.19 LO do 719 - - • t 7l y , 0012, 10.1, L 8 WA.TRR MAN 4:10.1.h 10.18, ltrld end 12118; or It OSIN-1571: ReAt, Jost reed h. C II GRANT BA YEt'T6 31ANUFACTUEU3G CO., 1,1" ANUFACruRE and 1•111 keep on hand Family :1 , 1 and Steam Boat Blanket., Doineaue FlanncLa Mu, brown ant drab Bunker Conon' I , tatinate and Woolen Yarn. which they I...asTern pnces. Ware.hou.te No. 112 Second at. Pittabargla, Pa. l'ac wry. New Haven. Faye"! co. Pa. 'aptl3 bbis largo No 3 a now landing caoa!, tor 4ale by aoi irom 13 UnAl A II DICKEY it Co. Front at 101 , F1s11-10.1.1 ihg - Grand Imax,” loarrive; lit .4.1 r ray /SAIAII DICKEY XTt. I MACKEREL-21 qr. Uhl.. I arrprei for 1.41. j 1., ,In.; ISAIAH DICkFA DRY GOODS. SIURPIIY, WILSON C 0. ,& No. 40 Woon Sr., rrtasclem, Ait Enos" receiving Mere usual supplies of Good. mr the Fol. seuaort, whtett they wall be happy to exut , ri m their to:d custr.rners. and as many now onCe a, may feet Inclined to present themselves. Always taking groat puns in lay in such goods as are adopted to the wants or the Western trade, whirl, mug experienc enable. them in do, they can say with mug, e e. mahout cabling into adetail or their stock. 0,•1 we it retail merchant wilt and wall .h.nt all teal h.s customer, require. Those who base formed the enproinalue habit or repalrtax to the Ea•tern cm, tor their storks of Dry Litiotla, woe n do wail to c•II, as a cond.! eonaparmon of pri ces wouul in many canes recoil in the convictma that Me expen•.. of going tartar, may be obviated by May mg an Pittsburgh rptl3 GILEENWOOD GIALLDEN WILE, remain open for rtatters until the tot Jenne rT, Ulster" and other RefreshMents rat, ed in the season will be lieut. The Ortenhoute, eon t,..ntng a large callectou of rare and choice Plants, Intl be ore., to •I•iters. itottuets neatly pat up at short notice throughout the season, An Omnibus he Allegheny end of Me tr't.. Clair Street Iteld,re. every bolt hour dat , ng the day, running to the Garden. and the ferry boat, Captain Walker, Mal ir to the i•ndlog a short distance shore Riefler den Parnes arlehing to spend the evening. will he P r Venn a return Omnibus at ohtlee. P Kept on Temperance pnnetples, lad olosed on 30.13. y. .013 J. hi'g AIN I ; INF. OLD PEACH and Vreneh Brandy, uncolored, o , preecret 1g ['cache% trod other Fruit., for aala br the gallon or wholesale, at the Wine Store or ins subser , irer JACOB WRAVER, Jr rptll anther Market and Front MO • • justarru•etri and or oTh:sr :qua To Jut ilonoroAlr tM Jtatigra of the Court of Gene ral quarrrr Sr.utorts of the raw, in and fur the 'ou onto of Allegbeity.•tion of it/AIM' TiriNNS, of them Ward. coy l'itohargh, to the county aforesaid, humble 111,..veth. that roue pcdtioner bath provided blolsolf with materials for the accommodation of traacters•nd others. at hut dweiltng how.o, in the Ward afore- • • and Prnla Nnt Tont Itomlrs wzll ha pleased to grant Aim a license to keep "a Public House ot" Fumr ent. And your petitioner, as to dory bound, will pray. We. the eal.scribett.cittver• or the sioressal Ward, doc•rtny. tost the above peutioner .• of geed raps!e for honesty mperance. and is well provided with noose rNsm end conveniences thr the sceonamo drthon and lodglng of •tras!gers and travelers, and that th•ern is necessarV It. S limteoet. Joseph Keeilvr. `.amvel Ben. Wm- Whttalter, Jamey liteharda. Ins 1 !!!'. thu. nett, Citrorgo !Alutfield, John foung, blatant Rogers, Wtlson, Thom. Methstrn. aptlld:A• JAMES B. KERII, ATTORNEY AT I,AIV -06ve removed mFor th .ll. str eet. beiwceo ernabbeld and On 11, Nil.- imr.h sralthellA -.- - 0 11l tii 11,:t—Ai bid* 1-.13.,1, (hi. ,ctvi recelytogi 10 do and I nil. No ILo Oil, a an No: L do do , rvtv 1,0201/ed enoter Wlmie Oil; 1 Lo Tanner , * do I:. vp:s ...miry ; , roan 0(9 la •Meo nod for .„I, hy .ratt _ SELLERS at NICOL.r, . t, R.' Itogl, 4 1) II 4 r.' w Boards, 3f4 ara; MEM tw "30 " 4807; Each SO lb. Jun retched and for ,ale by spUl G H(HUNT 'AUCTION SALES By John D. Dasta. Aucn ***** wko v swe, - Vtivr. of FaUsbetr A onsob.4 of oppie., , bo• gro. , will be mid this .2.04' t , t , C00m0,,,y1 sine Ronan, a: S. n , eLeek. Tlnsha. naaa tasculted by the TIM'S and tubers a t On. work and g r,,.llesti ratorearntillin of nn.11,03. which r. ;wall r..r.. ,••• attention dell aOsmr , rn of aka fia a arn,. JOIIN D DA VIS, deer cod Fcrrey Thy Gco , ..N. On Monday morning, Sept. 17th, et 10 o'clock, .1 the Countless-nal Sales Rooms, corner at Wood sad Fall streets, soil be An extensive assortment ol seasonal Is staple sod (Racy Pry Goods, among which are superfine stalks, eastimere, b sattinets,„iearm. vemseds, whit, 1.1 and rolow oom's. blankets, eosUugs, clunktogs, dress tulks, black serer, tabby velvet, super prints. rinds hams, de Mins. merinos, fancy field slued.% bit bom bazine. bleached and breram modmt chseks, Backlogs, damask linen table elodb hooerf• (1000', &0. Al evaiock, Groctrier, Queenserare, At 7 o'clock. Variety good,, ready made cloth:mg, boots sad soova, lull., caps. fine cutlery, go' , on ,. e nv " 1 kept tingle. violins, aceordeont, autos. Sons , . books, &e. spll4 Landon Books, rare, carom. omi what& 1,11 Saturday and Alonday evenmge, Seat. 2.'d and 11th, at the Commercial Salmi Room.. earner Wood aml Finn at, will be uald, eataloevu, a large and ehmee eafleetron dr rare. valuable aarl, torn hlngllal. hooks, authors an arclatectam ecelealas ical. ornament, Gee am, Alston,. botany, hartieularre aud airricuhare. methetee, hiography, rayed* and tra vel, the drama meoloey, crns and .eremite. tee antique rouble, poetry. !Le. Alva, a varketty nr ramorml and U , lu. totted works, embelltrhed Amid Etna <Oared engra vings and illurmaattons. Cataloguer are now ready (or dehrer-y. Gentlemen unable in Mend atteraule may have diva orders anon ded to be the aubsariber. =ll Salo of V 4,111464 Boob. Oil Sa turday rectung, Sept 15, at 7 Weloglr, by eon'. logo..; among them am, Aiken •nd Panel, Brunet Po • 0b.3 gobs Ruby and Opences Natural Ifittorp Inana's Waterloo Cempaignel Vinery or the Mtn.; Life of Morrie. Verptignag Waverlr Neivnl, 5 vole Thiness French Revo'ution, Tong Day's Math-rag. nag Tfedgold . • Catztoorl, plate.; ~ , , l 'airlrea. r t's dlat.L ' co °' ::' ,P a i n ' tnieroWo ' l s l . : * e ln' t e giean " listr 6 nt Una, Pornew work. of I.lyron, Moore, Coleridge' Keats, Mary Hovritt, Jr.a. Cals . .ogue• can be ob.. Ealaed at Ike suction aptl2. ICIELY D DAVIS, Anet JOHN ILYLIVI SPOOL SILK., EXYRIM.SLY FOR TU avoid th, rangy tneoneenter cos saeodlng th e use of the customary Skein. the above nruclo baa been uch, sod for n long moo wonted. It !madam. been • matter of ustomshment, that sotalst the contemn &M -elo of Oadton, was reerrntrotly rpooled far general o.e--Silk so muck more s valuable, should have bean supplted or Skeins, from srtuch so touch trouble, rel. anon and loss b. lamest 1h duliuntly has at last bean oeeseu(ce. the Pahlie Is uttered a ecod artiala, hasulaunsety put up in colt ventent (nrw (or domestic use. The only educed. urged ago net Mtn article Is the apparent small quudity on each spool. Thee as easily explained. Flea spool li warranted to contain 23 yds of Stlk, while the ordinary Skein, at Mesanto__pnce, has but en uncertain quanuty varying IMM"S to 18 yards. The Spool Silk le ready for use at t h e tame of .d it only needs a wtd, us convince the most skeptical vaperionty m gnalny. Independeneof the mint and convenient term an wtoch it It furnmhed, II ban mat navennages over the Mein.. n does nesay wltn tbe.tediom of winding, the Vern:4°ll oC tangling, and the loss of time in preparing it for use. For sale by Me rear, by NV. 11. lIIIRSTMANN & SONS, St North nd et. l'hdade 'nem. 110S.STALSNN, SONS it spllOidiw No. 8 Maiden Loon, • ore C. M. DAN. it, M. D., HONICCOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. unites—On Smithfield ot., between 34 and 491. Office hoom—From 12 M. ni 3 e. 31.—From 6 tog, P. Rscosxr—.Mr. Bauder's, corner Smithfield and mod Third sm. s, r,. FITIr an e Xtr felella C self rand upon to . natims 1. an advertisement reepectintr an improvelnead in covering the Lammers of Pianos, winch pretenses to announce "Felt coveted Fianna^ a new Invention. Piano Fortes with fell covered hammers have been Fold by me, from diErreat coanuracturen for Ave years pan, and dime who may consider it an imptovemom, van be supplied with Plan. with /MT MIMEO AM. mnrs at any tune. and the en mporatten Meth, of Fell aid headier tested, by caning at the wmaroontsot the endiscriber 301114 It. AIb:LLCM ft Wood .4 Sole Arent for Chickerubes Pianos for Western Pennsylvania spat NEW FALL GOODS mr. R. MURPHY L now reeetvtait hie Sul NI tamely of Fotemvu and Donteatie GOODP, mei has already opened an assortment of mew and beauti ful sty). dark fah PRINTS, vrarranto.l fast color.; anti nem new Hy. Fall Meant de Lain.; AipIaCCIYI cod Mohair Lams.; Damask filed and griped do Plantain. nod Lyoause Cloths; Of lb., most detsirahla colors: and a full supply of bleached and unbleached Mastitis. Irish Linens, Mun ches., Gingham., ho., at .rilioast courier Pour. and Market sta Bayed are invited and see. HuM TEACEIEDA WANTED. C 1 IX TEEN +TALE TEACHERS wanted for the 0 Sol:mots of Looser At. Clair township. Applies,- Don may be made in wincing or of to any of the undersigned, onul bloadsy, Oct. Isl. at to o'clock, A. NI., when the Hoard of Dlrectarewlll proceed to amine the app'ieimis at the frame &shoo! House to Temperancein Sal^ 6113 per mouth. PHILIP 1. ASHTIL Lower 131. Que. . . . . . FL 11AMERTON KELLY, Temperimeeville A. AMBLER, 4d4 Smithfield rt. epritdlve NEW Stleat.—A. Treatise nu Rafttng, pining three to ay MVOS Of o a th 111111Oel Of going tit drarring the face muddy Of CO. menical, elliptical and spiral Mod nails; ntm, an tohrinal Meech of applyiey the tips etthe would m the edge orthe pleat, em ortgnotitheory alerting paints, attended with an introdnetory ermine of geometry, ra tio. end proportions. ecat:ph/red by MI comphtte detormarations, and llhnorated by twenty plates. 111 L. Es Reynolds, Architect. No. St Camp at. N. Oaten. Jest went by JOIINSTON d. STOCKTON, rpol corner Third and Market as L - 761 . 7—inii ova Amin Soap; bda .nrirkond do; 9 dos U h bu o aperior Shaving Soap; for vale by L S TV: MAN NYTTON VARNB AND DVI7ING-3 , Cotton C Yarn, by:sorted;bnles No 1 41441 4 Batting; far sale by sptlo L 8 WATERBLLN rrll3 lIIIIVTCCIIICKF7II6 .-- Tu Lox b% . 45 do Docket; j 4 do Keeler's; fur me by STARCH soboy ForbericVriney Shovel.: . !orals by oplBl L 8 WATERMAN INOLASS.FB7-5: 71bbis1:40 blolsasy., 5 do mob; 131 house do; for bah, by spBo L S WATERMAN CLOVER REED-- R5O boob bombe Clever Peed: far ...le by o:pt10 1 : . 3 WATERMAN POZWIt FOR IS e11614.--A....1 uuak 4, Pour', en.y gait, w•rnutted sound; for We -\ Inq tero at It II PAlTllllB.flrfl _ppl tar tt_ DM W. 11.. 1:1/18.16. elelialr (1.42:11 . 71 .) -• • - Cisems.—Smitbfaeld alma, between Seventh and threwbeny: MSl==!M;i I. S WATERMAN, .p , lO 3l Water euld (11 From st ETS-3133 half chests awl - ra/ -1 :11e0iTlyou,Oila T Puorder, impend 131. k Tea., foe .ale by spat 0 L WATERMAN PPR 'E ArECoßt— , ‘bgs Etppm 10 10 I . Ernand d 0; P n'." do; '. 1 7,;.'"-"N` S WATERMAN . Ic7 by bl 'Nadler, for •01e bb MA~DF:4—'I * • 1. &WATERMAN r ARD 011,-,Xll7bts z.;;;Tia.nd far FINGLISH & BE:NNTETT, apt:4 37 Wood si NA AnTia:fiu:sl , lo nirla I, — r ------ '' l-2--"4 24 r ''' fi T n c . PrE . A .„ -- , 10 iffelternatiTlTurd - Biin•t ' r n a l : : :;eVfo 4._ _. 5.1 , y 2pt/3 'SALMI DI . CXES tCO r S . SALTS-Jo bblg in no and ISAIAH LICK} 1' Jr CO - - CHE*W ,-173 h. Jun recd at du! Were.", RAMBITO Butter and Ctmare Lex., ... 1 17e 0 3.,, D ere WOOLS! TOOLS!' Ilober R I..vfmao, No 7el Wool have ja•t received a splendid cook of Carper, ten' and Joiner.' Tact, lot ACKEREL--IGOlrbs — lin 7 nos. , Mack.r.l. Ul I""'''' BIER aJONFA .[Et C. 21 Dasi, near 7th n I INCA I'A BLOOMn--5a to. on nonnwernent: In J note and for oste b. •p•S FlbH a JONES 111 - 01mr*Fi nitrideWA Nlolamor, In pruno of /IL der, m sutra and for rain by FIFA k JONES Oen 011.50 - 6itie, very pure, in nrore and for Ws 407 KIER k JONII4 bLI VAR FIRE U'ilTC - li=riiiCE It EDUCED.— (Le T y24% " l b i ;:ylkrY" are Prepared ' Ter i l Orden k ; in rtiarorPi a ,) by the boat toga, at Ort , n dolla ul Ts ‘a p., Vicusand. KIER &JUNES , Ac oN Pl Dm—su,bßu IY. prime. in smote Muse, or "le by TIER &_ /ONES REW BOOK DIXONB TOUR THROUGH AMERICA. J./ Personal narrauva or tour throuon a part of U S and etnads With nottrea'of the history and inantutron of Mettiodiaro in America: by Jamas Diann, D D. with v portrait of thr author. Tbe Harmonlsl. a callceaon of 9acm.l Music, paltal round notes. a. Alettoths: Almanac for le3o—prior 6 reot,.--( 0 , who wale •nd retail by R. HOPKINS, rya_ Arrl!o Roll!lanetlr!onh st bzs . pritate]relin-ac. ,an r•fid lJ by nu: tlk NV lIARLIAUGIi DRiE D rE A ciI E , , , - _.. r6L;i i gh Dried Peainis, rinniti bal.eo. in store nun for gala by .07 tc NV lIARBAUGH ElLtrUIL—.lO obit loaf ree'il •110 for salett; rroli CRAIG & SIGNWER ill v. WV b..'W H G=ol% , S. lamp 'tobteo.oi 10 do 'Harr.° IS. 21 1 do •Lnyton'o. 69 14 do . .l itsperl — . 5 1, 4 Baltimore Plop; r it ecing and ror vide by 1411 RANT ttiCire,s" te . In rtore and 1 " ; 1.111,\ ' 4 7 ORTII Ca.) S004 , 11 1 0 , 441:(CS-10 mks rposecco—,n f bu Pombotun's simorior Vs To boeco, receiving .4 for sale by spi7 C H GRANT VC/COL—The highest =Ant pneo io nub paldbvt YV die different geodes of Wool by tut lIARBAUGH LAID . ? y (L-3 bb . lgi o Coal Gu, In igif" lITANTED--;Re) bhtb Wesley: so. d o Coto; 10:0 TV de Rye,fat which the highest muter Vt.° k° Intl nab In be mid by ept? 8 7t W RAMMER/hi_ ISID GLOVES—F. H. Futon k G. bay< received • ftesh oupplp of 1010Inve• al all ',lam *.i.Sb'• PIMIIIII an want, Alvo,taillt. CAI/are". and ma- im Gloves, "with d far ams. For sale a' OJ Foofth apt 7 I,TARNS—Cloaded .varlet and hize, 6fte, blaec, blue anti black oozed, orange, grel." °°- toted Vona of all ats,a,jost reed anal for tale by , H EATON t co, es Pcnuth
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers