- ‘ l c===, It • I',U:NINESS CARI►S. - Si i a • ......... n t! . , n d Coma.- x Tl - 11517 1 .11...1 aird 6 1 .ut.1.: , ;0r 5 . 1 3. 7; . ... , , 1 ...., (I. 1,.. ICI ILIf tbc. '...ka..., ot low .r.l, illaMP Mo. Diu • .. I I . .t.g.ttrgh c orn., „. ~,,,, L., p.rk,, 't". ''L" —l.'"''' "'C'". John „lily 15 5 111 J 1-r, Si Catr4ll.zo K K, aug • erUssiT. I _ li A IRO 4 r. 67 g,...8,,L.U0t4, TrA r I.AVV. n ' nn 4N nn "d el; -,Daitaft Id 3.55 6 1 1 1 554 AliT,! - .'„,",'L ~„.. be— ru 5 -"to t.I. r. 0., 4.. - x c. ~..... ''"'n n " VALIG E. -t FRIE S r l . n otrA.... '''' , N., \ Y AT LA -..•- ° julOrtf N TTOI . ."... 1. Rte. a t:ltlar,a,C.anatut onble.rejya.te I...;ent rrodaca, NO. r, Market Street deer uCial a a .• • L etFlCl.li & LEAUF.R, Wl:miasma dealers in JUll Dr, tao , r, tiroeivica, facts. Shoe., Malaga manufactured stemma. am, No. tleti Liberty street., 13tatiurch mcs, iesoisoa somas DKAL , I & BUYER, Wholesale and Raoul Drug- JO gas, e acme pi Liberty and K. Clan sure., Pita DRO%%. '6CULLICRTSON, VVholcale UrvitiemayH ns, wed smectssum *embalms, No. 140, Laetty st.„ rammed L I B. A., L;.";`„,E''...' l "„&:°. - . 1. , '.`:° 4t` , . — ..`.so d ly } t v......m.....,,,tat':„1::../1..S gb ot . ale ilfOCell, lb and ood CLAIG• atm.& & Forwarding sod Commas= sMeech.,. No. 26 Miaelat Si, Pt... •pe; fi A. NeANCiI..TY & Co-, Forman/nig and Com inesmon tele(ciampai Calm! Bum, Pettsburgh Pa. Inch% Dag moons rimst raril• ' • &Ma Steel P (10 IfAILUAN & Ca, mantifacturall of lad Leman lied :Nana Spezia., ileanmemc jay, Spring and Plough 'Steel, Irom he. Warehouse on Water and Vona airceni, Pittsburgh. Also, deafen- tu g Coach Tnnetaings and Malleable Castags oath! LeN balbsery THE "LAD U. W WI) P 1TC6111.1 31 nu wa.k.Kins, CONTINUt to manufacture Monuments, Batted v n ue., omies, Head Sion m Mantel Paces, Con ic itou Pier Top( of toreign ere ' d domestic marble, at N. and fair pritc. a N. 11 ar Inavrags for monuments, vaults, km (untied, ad, co any description. lie sonens a share:f palm patronmee ge-dl WY. UN4-.1.1,11 11ENNI.11T, (lawfish. Gallagher. JDCo) 11 bottom., Groctra Coutordruon and For-. wartime Memnon.. and Sean,. m I . roduce and Pips burgh. Alautasetures, Na.= Wood st-, nemeen nd and Al wee.. oerl MT:t h ou., li l l !. R ....V ‘ : ,. .'=.rre . e . nt ' usto k. rh .'" h " .. l ".X f 111.111.. E. Ul4 FACTORY. 1,11 ART, mannlactorcr of Ileav7 Jy Starlings, Checks, Ac., Ilettncea meet., coy or y. n0,10..11y. teuneessor tc7irlutpuy Wm! Ibd . 0.0 lnurnits.out 11000011111, for the sale of, A.11.71C0U tt oolnu., Unerty, opposite nth fe1.17 ors. Listuntore. •. r0t . .." arson BALLA I D. ,NI . CAMMON, Nun L. utaartaa, jj KALI)DUCK:NOR, 'tobacco COMMDOMM Moo- JI.I. ensuing, )1 Nona Willer sr, AI) North harves,. tWos.3D-If k. •.aaaaT. W.IL RDA', JONES b. Co, Inaccessor• At L. Jones to Co.) Commaswon and Forerszdanthler ) , chants, debar, rlttelowah Mmanlatnared 'oords, thttAnarl) h. rash= inkinal bloat!, aUalinnn MU*, AlAll DICKEY Co„ Wholmalo 6roccee, COUP rMcrohnnts, and dealers to reoduce,Nos.ek star, tt.ol lta Front streets, rEtejlursh. tley'd oos DILWORTH meant sal.airszetir) JJ t tl IJILW ONTO & Co, Whote.als timbers, t'toti (luso and Commnwon Merchants, and &pang; for the hazard l'Ownler Co. of N. b., No. 27 Wood st,) VOrsharga. eate LOON 'COWNSENI ) , Dragatel *MI apancearY , gf No. la Market St, tore< dean at/I:Mantra e, Mint barge, will have constantly on hand a well weleered add garotte. co the bcel and trestle. Medmittes,warett artll sell on tan Most reow o nabw. mune. ntyiuonnag . sending ordern, sorb proirifilly ...WACO to, sup: Pent arucler Hwy may rely alien an genutne. Vrc,Cript.ol2llertll accara.ly art4' Man) po-otret) from the he.t melons* at any ham al as da) or la Ini t oe, t o Hirt* stock of (Mee and good Parldt) marl_ lota 'I MAY, ,Islc of - Warren, Otno,) • CotruSuler num sou ForokrLing Merchant, and wholesale dealer , ti W ^stern Row". Cheese, Batter, Yin RAO Pearl A.h. and Ws.:teru Produce generally, Watee, Into, bet - , c,. rtra,44co and Wood, Plustarah. app OLIN NV ATI, Inoevennor & twoositil J -ma:c Orocer /LW CarrinalstOli Morella.ll{l dealer in l'oßiti , r anti l'ittiapaysil nilanulantlares, cos. Her of I.)t), t'y nod liana succor, Illtsbarge Pa- pet .M:).) 1 Artlk-la 6' flare of Me nrin of Argco and u Mobaria,) Marva.). Tailor, St. Charles I.lathhthee, Mord e,rt.st,s-oer C. Ja- LIUTCHIWON, to Co.- 00 ccessont lb Low.. eutchomo to co, Cazononaiou edercanntS and Ageau of Me It. Lome MeaM &Lg. Ron , ctja Nags vontra and be trout mean, Plusbotgla JUor tIN D. e 6turlo, A.C tt orLotrar., vent:de Drogstst,asel wire, in lryalat., Oda, ws Vans..., U., N 0.14 Wood wool, 0110 door South of Lbw:mond allay, YttiO. ttorgo. :OLEO KERB, /T., Wrote/toot to Jortoittt 4,4 DorU.l Nutt (.hertollers, 80 Water .treeL oll.\ IL Arr.L.l.oB, Wholesale soul Retort dookit d o Alume o 0100,0001 Lastimilents, ethool boor*, eaper, Slates, bleuPt. 1.0.1115, Proscrot Cords, LW Summar) gortcrotly,Nofdl Woody Putoburst. rtor• ortugto or taken oa trade. - - r.:LIIOONAIAS.EII tr. Woolottato Ltrogg 4 J . 21 Wood tome, Potratorgh. 101LN D. DAVlS, Amcoostrer, corner MA GadWcOtttil .trrrt., itittott . or,LO,_ e j OHNsTON iTUC/411.1N - ittO.ttizettors, rrtstr,ro, 004 Par, Manutiteloren, NO. 44 hlorket Pttlitt• req. JUua FLO It k.5.,01-D, Wholesale Grocer. asoromusslhil JMarcum/sr', d Dealers m Prs:dnee 11.1110 COILICU oundlags. fronung on Wherty, Wood ' 'and Oh. JI IlLeUtti,o, Pa. LIAI.ZE.LI, Wholesale Ureter, GMlntleaWl . tffi Mei chant, and dealer In Produce and PlustoureL hlanutactura. Nushargts SlutpLe r U tl 6 . u lei ; i n ' e.' " tut a11 " 47:5. and and aol'd'Aletfal ,ahein p).s 114.1/Loy.. sumer Vltit .4 Markel auk, / IiLET at JONES,ortsardiol ood Otsiots.ct Nat. cuoott, Dealers in Produce aotiPlLtsburgh rolilES mn erne lc, CillZil 11a.m., user :tts 11l 114 Pk.kdi DULA, errrentitura, PA..! :, I'( .. kNNI . :I)I, CHILL'S & CO, Manufacturers of 4Py sopenor 4-4 Ptiectlnga, Carpet ,tosoi Cotten tunic and Batons. 1. 4° _ Vesn•tos Iron Works. I‘ , L E" PO, DAlaktLli It Ca, niancoacnircra of RS* les Pox, Pllcet, 15011. Iron and Notts of the rsrat snottily. Pr arehouse, bl "mist sad MS front as wail/ ti:. -----Cttt. eirtalci.tl4, W OUlewe (100000, roma , tuld ClnUalL•alan Dealer m 114- bursts luanutacturea and Produce, Nos. 31 Water , Lat., androut a, PY, 111UNIAII 1..11.1, /OEN Y. won't IL/C..6.1/ADY i BAWYEIL, IOlJ4.lNtr lrl...Abt. Manufacturers., and Wholaile j dentin to (Drama k.d domestic V &nary uatt. caterek merchant. Pedlars and others are kutriled to of; and esturane itospncassndqualm cat." a 4i4.11., prrrent k..ctrased (Kudrna , tu colkunta4.4o . .. ifra and purcusan4, any ere can offer a. gy4at lritlLlCCMenla to boars as any other house wear otple hlonntams. P .6-1 11 .. 1 c:w uctirson, P.abifth. nnicsaleUrocerOnd AIL manorial . . oi „Vino and ftgass,g6s. and 474, COT. , 01 ...Petty aud irenrk sue.., ran, Pa !run, Nam., Cotton Cana, Sc. ac. 4410- _ ar 4l4 on hand. aukt.E._ urna-f _ iSI waht.a. c-Inta Xie6i L.L.S. BUY', W tuners ie Grocer* and CogiOri• siou Nctchanta, No. 194 Labatt) EL, Ptt..440. 1i,11.12.1 . 1r W 'LaON tr. 013., tilde /one.; hltyrOy 11.1. Co.; Whotmste Dwarvra. uk Dry orrods, Wuxi suns, ritubargb. nv9tl MAI2I k'crimit %Dual, cuuWtCo r ou lW next Una.. deed-dd. PTITSBOSEI.I . STEEL WORKS SiF4NO AND &ALE FACTORY. IMO Junta, Jon, 1. JOS & 41:711:40, A-NUFACTI., spruig and blisur , ilnet, A.U. 0.40 wm.for comb m4ONP Josprings, hammered iron azies, and dealers dt.pnal table eaeungs„ cli. amps, and cameo uninaings generally, earner of lidos and Front sts., Fittedozgh, AT itOLAII,.!a ttlIN, no. m hirre - rrird NI. dour from comer of Fohnh, dueder• to ediergn hod thameare Wlb of Exch.ge, Cerohestes el ;heron r Bur. thous wad Speem. lUX Cot:coup. mud 1.11 11121 proterpoLieAtie• throughout the Untied :hate, deer] beeIf.ALASTV.Ii, hohhor.ra—Othee, Forldth st., .1.1 • thlnl doer Oros, Sourbheld, oath ode. Couvey.ehrj ul art lauds dime With the irate* we arid lewd accuracy. Titres in treat tarot eehmtned, ke. oeoo-17 tlNlLletelfe illoGOOK.• j\FFICE, 'round outer, near I+rult, in thiti" room I ,_,F ie.,euylel uy Alderman hitlier, imoOdium oppetate Ur. lia.evvel/ .. He may be:ound ai night I• 71, BY. Chart., 11-701 t:Otu I IPTIJAWC St. KU MIN, will attend to tly i ty Len ceen tof thennee• the Lye. Lt ILltas been engage. in Wta beeneh of AP roed o ett , arolemon for cat, t cut 0 , Lod bo o c°" 4 ' 3 ` d ax cYnnaltettnyeat fot We crentaneut 01 essettec• otAtte Cyl ai lar 5,111.1.1, yars. ltrynyt and reattlene«orner of s.4lLay .11 Allegheny etty. TIMM TEA 13T01LF6.--No. 4.lFourth ": 1 1tMllr Wood—All mannOuro. of GiOpo oral Blatt Tcas, docta op ut quarter, WI; and one {wan, paws, ranhong from 54. tor. ptr round 1111.ko__ IYr A. JA Nk.o. A.IS- for rd.. , ern 0. "Pgitt.C,L) . .^•.:m.',. - .'.7z..,°,Titr14 1 2 *ale liroccry, ergluee und Commlemon unadee , onttoocu anuer tae Won of Robb" , ilc &to Cenurnimuou LteJaux , .., and ' a m oL e o ' re ' Pitilloorgb Man Ufa -lartil. . 1010000. gils tem. antueou. 6 r t 10.ullrr doakl is Wet. and .10 lunds of Foreign ' and Dosneellt. Wool* and ~,eors, No. It LAArty sin-rt. On 1)39/0 0007 .ock of euponor old Mononeabeleelehietay, whorl. will be roll low fur cut, 011ERt 1 . 1 . Comm/seam end Pororluding Alorrhante.deeJers l'reeluct and Pillaboret Manufacture, 1.4.010, . Pitilll,lllo, Po- L o. .1[234.11.131., EYIVOLDS. 9FIE.E, Foreranlam and tibOloomuon 11, Mereltals, foe the Allethony (liver Tti ikar, deal en in Grocertee, Produce, P,tlabnrgh and Chlonde of yme. Toe. klgheit price. In eagh, nem! ot tlll2O tor coon MO. 'COM. o( Penn and liwuk Paii.ALN...' 2. 1 -0 .4- 4 , .77 MMMEIMIE TUE. PITTNIIVRGai :DA CARDA uvr C Ia P 1,4 I 1 uct aul g ( 13 . - z ic ,„ : 4 1 I.iberty . /Yl2 R. e. stueaurrr, In.& IL WHIT. .SIIACKLETT k WHITT" Uth01 , ../ ,, Deklers In . Foreten and Domestic Dry GO.. N 0.99 Wood a .Igovash fellGtf Airrii, SidiDALEY tr. Co, Wholesale(Smears and '.Produce decors, Na 2 . 51 starker street, between 6th malMa. . at North ode, I.l..delph, floe,. •8 . . W. 11AKSAUGH, W. an 1 Merchants , Dealer. a us Flour and Produce generally, and Forwarding yti Conmilsoan Merchants, Nit. 53 Water et., Pos. .EKE. Motturato remota:tom ststA. vicaota, Yk1ti1...7113. SELLERS hNICOLS, Prothate and General Com a Merchants, No 17 Whe'lly at, t.. Pit.res. er. Unwed and Lard 0-111._,_ _, "kl F. VON BONNEIGISSTTVC — o., Wholesale Gro errs, Forvosolme and Cognmmoon tderehants; nlen in Potaltergh Manahaelsircs at Wealerts Pro t:Ste, have removed to these new Ntrareheaserolrl stand) No. 35, earner of Pronto 5t...5 Chaneery Lane. 32tetv7 - - riNic . llEST,AVlolesaleZ;rocers and Cont=ns. f ' skin Merchant ., and dealer) in Traduce. No. 35 nod st , Sinsburgh., P. 2, .t...i. rani. - _ . v. aeon trROTLI I SCOTT, Wholesale and Retail dealers in 4. Liaa, Shoe. Trunks, Carpet Busty, he., S. W. faro.. of Oh and Scrtilblerd .. l . utaburgk, ra _.j.3_ Ul : 6 D. WWI, ICY & hfIGANDLESE, Dlueeeesnes to L. & J. D Jy Wiek,) Wholesale Guiders, For...anti' and esion Merelars, dealerl tn Iran, Nails, Glass, hontnn Yarn& and Pittsburg& hiannfisenares generally. of Word and Wmet -trees, PituhunAn____ WW. WALLACE, Mill stone sin' Mill Foru; s ing intabliabrtient, N0..441 • Liberty s•L• be rt.• Wirt • mart Warr, 7 :li • aadlidai • Dais, corner of market and 4th . 41treeu, riaahaag , . N. 11.4.-Watche• lual Clocks pairetalle repaired. dec4 Firr DOWLIT--Cemmanlon and orwardinf Merchant, N. Front m between Wood and :Market me w. ' febk4 . ti. MURPiII , i& lea*. and Rrtad denier in a Foreign and Domestic , Dry Cicada, nortb ma Tomer ad Market md Fourth 4 . . •Trid ,' , UI ld. YOUNG & Co.—Dealers In lea Mar l'odes, kw ak IT ICI Liberty ,arbi-ty .:IFATed - rickm - -- ,c, lam. arms-cnaos W . 7 . .11 ,n rf7 4 ' r CREON.IS I 7Io . I , Qe Grocers, dea l/sigh l'ilmeaetures " gene l nay, 174 2' lll., d Pm drell fx4riiTin Wateaes; jewelry . Ty Silver Warn, Military tioods, ke.. No 57 Mn leet nor WIC It611:113[0 - .1 CO., DE:Lia n ts ,, E.i ne H fl/FSeiILI 4 E6LH ER, MororeJ him received 11.r . V.11IN ' a STOCK 'O7 rod.. can • - - :liming • large eleaorunent of Wide. in i elf Weh the attention or parehanlra PETTIOURVIICO., l STEAM GOAT AGENTS Coult accovx M. Allan h. CO, Otal No. 4! Wager nree, INSURANCE VIIBTEKA 1118U8ANCE OF PITTSOURGH. CAPITAL 13110,000. J. Firm.. i ns u re bey. I R kitik.ata, Jr Freak. Will manna all kinds of rbikk: FIRE A-ND ktARIN LL tomes will ke liberally amnamo and p ro mptly A paid. A home uortnittion—Mannged by Directors who are well known in the e0111111{113it , :', end who are dementia ed by promptness and liberality to maintain Mee har- Deter wtrek they have aassinitd, us offering ltem protean= to those who desird'to be Insured Daimmtm--R. Miller, Jr., Geo. Black, 1 W Butler. N. diolmm, Jr, Wm. R. Balm., C. Iltrasen. tiro. W Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon, it.. lap m eow, 'rhos h. -Lnett, James M'Aoley , Nianck, Thos. Scott. limey, No. 39 Water !rime; mart:hoax of Span, A Co., up state. IPatsbargh. mitdlY . . . . lIE DELAWARK MUTUAL. SAFETY INSU- RericE cord rmcv —althea, North Room of tee Exchange, Third Street, Philadelphia. Max Irons.anca—Unildinga, Merchandise and other ro pperty in lowa and coonfri insured against lo.s or e. damage by her at the lam hie of premium. aliarcs lescaucca—.They also insure Vess, ar go. aelFresains, foreign oricoastwrce, unde roep or specturgalietes, us the uscoad may desire. IntsauTataseamrsraa — Tlkey also insure merchan dise trommorsed by Wagona, Railroad Cars, Canal Boats and Steam Boats, on ;riven and lakes, on die most imeral term*. DIREcTORP--Joseph B. Boat Edmund Souder, John C Dorm, Robert BarEift, John R P00r..., Salmi el Edwards. lien CI Lciper, , Rdward Daritegton. Isaac R Deem. IA Oh= Enlwell, John...Newlin. Dr R Hus ton, James C Hand, Theraphoue Paulding, II Brooks, Henry Sloan, Hugh Crag, Geroge S'ernit Spencer Nlelivatn, Charnels Kelly. J Li Johnson. Wit Ram liar, Dr S Thomas, Johu Seller, Wm. Eyre, Jr. DIRE:i.. - TuRS AT PITTSBURGII—D. T. Morgan, Wor Bugaley, Jno. T. Logah. WILLIAM MARTIN, President Wm - I,m S. Nitaani.ii,Skerrt•ry mr Office of tha Company. No. 4 . 2 Water street, Pinsburr,h, JulS:dtt P. A. MADPAItA. Agent. FUZE ADD AIAJAIDAC INAVILAACE. INSURANCE CO. ol North America will 1. make perromirat and homed Insurance on pm perty in this city nod vicinity, and n shipments by Canal, iireCti, Lakes, and by. Sea. The proJentes of die Company ire well invented, and famish vio avail able fund for the ample indtimang k of all person. who destre no be promoted by instirae. myle Wiffi P. JONES. Aaem, 44 Water A. IDIDITAXITY• The Franklin Fara isuratitskoe Co. of Philasiolphio- TNIRECTOIII3.--Charles. Ni Rancher Thomas Hart, Tobias Wsirner. Samitel Grant,Jacob R. South, Gm. W Richard., Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolphe E. Done, Dand It. Brown, Monis Patterson. Cumbes N. B•accur, President Charles G. Danker, Secretary. Continue to make mastrance, perpetusl or limited, ea every description of property to town or country, at rates. as low as are cemaistent with seranty. To Company tome reserved • large contingent Fund, which will their Capital and Prescomm mfely invest al, afford ample protection to the awared. The n.eu of Me company, an Jane.). tat, chit, Pi 4 halitinj threrablY to am wit of Assembly, weiv. Real kin. Temporary Loan. Stoat. • • •• • • Casa ta 51.191491 71 Smee their Incorporation, • period of 19 years, they have pant upwards of one million four handfed thous d dollsm, losses by fire, thereby affording evidonee andh advantages of trmartinee, as well as the abthry dtsposnion to meet with promptness all liaialtuiss. J. GARDINER WHIN, Agent, marl-41y Office N E eor er Wood and 3,1 sts 6TELew.omtier ibiaagit am% 6e. Cu.f NIADEURA, Agent at Plusburch for the Dela. c wore Mumma Safety Insurance Company of Phlsi• adelphia. Fire Rasks upon builthap and merchandise or every description, Yid Marine Rasta upon bolls en cargoes of vessels, taken open the most favorable MP .— Office in the Warabourm of W Holmes & Bro., !CO.= Warn, near &larked slew, Pittsburgh N. o.—The Aeneas of this Comp., smee the Cobb.n listunent of the Agency In this city, with the prompt neu and liberality with *lnch every claim upon them for loss has been adjusted, fully watt.nt the e'en , in inviting thnoconfffenee andpatroe De la w are hls friends and the controciluty at largo to the M. S. luso. ranee Company, while et has the addnlonal advantages as on msnmuou among the most nourtshing Philailel. phia—cs having an ample pead.in capital, which by the Opera:non of Its chuter constantly increasing, as yieldtng to each person Insured his due share oi the profits of the eampany, without involving him In any restvansibility whatever, and therefore em possessing I the Allaval principle divested of every obnoxious fen. Are, Ad in to most attractive forth nov4 -'-$411.15 AND DANINIC Cl/LANCE. - pins lnsurance Company of North Amenea, mroogh Its duly authorised Agent, the snosenher, oder. us make permanent smd limbed Irmuninee on property on this city and les sterna, and A Alpine]nu by the Ch. tai and Rivera. DlREcroßs. Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, Jacob 111.Thomu, John R. Net, Rtchard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Frames Horsens, ff. Austin AJlllsone, ARTHUR U. COFFIN, Pres't D. Snattaxac,,ffee . y. Min ts the oldest Insaranee Comp., in the United elates, haung,been chartered m Off& Its charter it etual, o fuel standing, its fu standing, long a - aperient. per { ample nsrana msd avutffing all risks of ws extra hs ardeas character, it may eoustdered offering a a to pit • :curtly to the public. W. P. 10)NES• At the Counung Room of Arwood, /ones A Co.. Wa ter Ad Front We. n it arm. aW4lant. Pre 1 tem. arum Insurance Com v pany of North Americ•, and will issue Policies and attend to the Miler business of the ffifencY, tit the warehouse of Atwood, Jones A. Co. .912 Whl P JONES. water st Arther 0 &API W. Cam,Jones, FAerud 61e.h JOba A. E0 O .'AI 30h111 re Mae, Thesa P Coe, eentnei Y Samuel litoota, WARDING & COMRISSION tor, / floal an Gc COPS AP BRE V you Lic, FOIIWAFILINO A CON roISSION MERCHANTS , And 0,1/en In White Lend, Windo w Idam, de , ltio Second street, Pittsburgh , Will attend promptly to the sale os articles entrusted IA their care RDIAI . 3InneT , W. Hisrbangh,Murphy, o [loon a. Co , Pamburan. Hannah, Grahma a. Co, and trier elan. generally, New Lisbon, G. D & U al'llonald & Geo. Verts, %Vets. silo. 0 Jovaph it J Digger & Co Farther A aVaillled, sin, °— Bennett, :fronds & CO., Weaver, Taylor it Co John IC Drown & Co., Philadelphia. A. 0. Richardson m en, toot, HolmesA Co. Clnetnuutt. 0 Joan Howard, Locusville,F.y. John .3inith, New Orleans Handy Havasu, Clveland,O. A. J. Knthey . Mans. field, U. Clara, Parits &Ca, BOWS, Po anolatil CINORGE COCIIIIAN• Commission and Forwarding Merchant. as in ikooo ST., rirtsecau, CO to transact a general Commission 100n %...1 neiw, especially in the purchase and sale of Ameri. ean Matoduetmes and Produc e, and to reeerong and forwarding Gooda consigned s rare. As Agent fur the Alanufactures, hd wsll he constantly supplied with The princspal ` rte. of Pittaburgh Manufaeinre at the loweal wholeaale roes. Orders ae~ and constgoments I.c.,apeeti_olly winkled. . 11.0!. , :. IA YMIATBIL2FPITTMAN 6 10 FORVIARDIIiti ii,t1011111830119 MERCHANTS, No. 161 Second alrect, LAIIJIB, 1410. 'r er ' sil - it weirs /Ann scamp& SCAM& & ATKINSON, floor orrwago WOOO •on Isl•mtwr, Prreszoton, fliJitTlNlJE menufsetwe all kind. of DUFFER. TIN AND sitEL'ET IRON WARP- A 1.., In.! , smut, Work. Stoma lOnts blAlt to order. Blree'lon.a'insd's*r.a amo"rrmrnt boat ?and Brass n Kettles, Tin h Ware, &e. he. Ste arnboll Cook ing Stoves, Portable Forges, vinous ores- a very roovonseso a, g Ude for steamboats, California ertnar anis, at rtu: road ICOAlp•nlett. We woold respedtfully inane steam boat men and other. so gall lova eans out gruel. and prices taam paxstaung ei.e.dorts. tY 17 MOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREET lIALTINIORE Palm AND rararrou, runrnta-nea RTIIIS establishment Mug and widely known as being cum of the most comnindious m the city of Halt:more, kw reeently undergone vary eaten ive alterations and improvements. An enure new wing has been added. contruning nemencus and airl sleeping apertmenta and extensive bathing MOM, The Ladle& department Itim also been completely reorgatunedquid filled UP utn MO. unique and heatiu. Int style. In fact the witolt arrangement of the ?louse tim been remodeled. with a tingle eyeon the part of the proprietors. towards the comfort and pleasure at their Hews, and which they confidently war, will challenge comparison with any Hotel In the Union. Their table will always he supp lied with every sat al end luxury which the arket agorda weed oP Ina superior style; while in the way of Wine, See., they erill not be surpassed. In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that netting will he left undone on their part, and al the prof their Wi.1.1M., to render? this Howl worthy Om eontmeed patronage of Mtfeods and the public generally. The prices for hoard have also been reduced to the follooang nat.: Ladies' Ordinary, r 51,75 pet day. Gerilielittn . . . • IAO N. B.—The Baggage Wagon af the flange will al- Ts be tomd as the Car and Stewarbow handings, tuch w il l eenvey baggage to and from the fet e ...M., EXCHANGE HOTEL. . . . corm. or ,an son R. mar. son s rn - rsarnon, es. lei Th e subscriber having assumed the manage ment of Mk long establtelted and popular Planet, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally, that be will be at all times prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable to • well regulated Hotel. roc House is now being thoroughly paired throughout, sod new Furniture added, and no pains well be spared to matte the Exehange one of the very best lintels in the country. The undersigned respectfully soltelts a contluoutee of the very liberal pansanarethe House has heretofore received. T110:1LAS OWHTON, rehash! Frontlet°, LAETKATIFIC 14008 E. • • • CO..ar IroCITH •ND oigART svarami, AusTHE submnber respectfully ann... Mat be b nous opened his neve and exeellent Hotel for the accommod.on of travelers, boarders, and the public generallis The berme and furniture am entirely new . non pains or erpense have been spared to render itf the most comfortable and W pm Hotels in the city. Tim subscriber m determined to deserve, and there fore medic., a share of public patronage oct.l4-dly JACOB HOUGH. Propneuir. ----IFAIT/GD STATES HOTEL, • • - - C.MMOIT rt, smirk.. 701x2•11 VID M2•l PPOSITE hoe Bank of the Cloned Bunco, Phil /A dolphin. M. POPE MITCHELL inarinf Proprietor. LAW OFFICES. TIMIII.IN, A.TTOILNICY AT LAW, Bathe, Po WILL also attend to collecuens and oil other bold neat entrusted to tom in Butler and Armsvona counties, Po. Meter to J. tr. R. Floyd. Liberty at W W Wallace, do James Marshall do , Ray k Co.. Wood at. j )lan T 7 ad .. attend promptly to Collection, in Waslonalon, Faye( and Green cattail°. Fa RE . FER TO Black . ..ct. Bell tr. CO., Church b. Carothers, I.Ptetsburatt. D T. ?dorm., EJ. HENRY, Attorney and Coancellor at I di Cinetnnau. Ohio Collections in Southern (Y 1 anJ in Iniltaua and in Kentucky. promptly and re. fully attended to. Commtsmoner (at the promptly of 1 . 0 sylventa, for talms Depouttons, neknoveledgments, de de. Rem to—Bon Wm. Bell d son, Curds, Churrh Carothers, Wm, Rays, Esq.. V% inert k Dari., 5.2.5 HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS iII'CORD & CO., it(Successors to STCord A King) e i gi s Faablonabl• Corner of Wood dad Pei PARTICULAR h opemammo id to mar Rein. ude. Gmidemen can rely n Fretting-Eric /la p s arid Caps from oor establishment of the 111.1 i MATO. lw and wooisamone, of the urmrc r the LOW , . Country Merchants, purchoing by wholeuie. are reoectfully wetted to soli and czar:rune our Stock, as we eon say with confidence that o records ...All, and swot, it will not sutler In a cutout - man win any house Philadelph i a. t 1,17 CALIFORNIA HAT.a.-11 oos water brew!' California Hata, Mid received and for obi by :WC. 'RD a: Co. left corner sth and Wood .111 rtaSPB.ING FASHIONS FOIL 1 R4t/.4 MCORD A. Co. strtil ltatOthlre on et atur• saliday. March 3d. the style of lIAT , in want of a neat and obpertor bat, are Lorne to call at corner of SO and Wood streets. moll 1 1 PRINtI BONNET RIBBONS. Bo .-W R,flarphy 0 has now open a wordy of spring Unmet FLbtrons, of new and handsome styles. Also, near style fied Noma 1-ts:e Laces ud Edg ings; Ltnen Ifdgtog.; Vietons do; plaid Moil is mad Jaconos. embroidered Soria, hlstslina buides large osortment of Bono Goods generally, at north cut corner 4th and Market streets. %V helltiltile ROOM. up slum, .pd COPARTNERSHIPS. - Copaiivaerahlp. T HE onnelvagne4 have Una day •••OClAlelivrtin theta bonne.. JACOB vCIINV RTZ. and vlll con tunic the bum HWY .1.1 he l retofore. haler the firm of 1 .1. FAUN ESTUC K A CGS JOY '41419. JIM NOTICE. I , IIE partnership heretofore existing under the Coln or A. R C BRADLEY, to dissolved by the deceue of Mr. C. Bradley. The buttress will be cart ,ed on by A. Bradley, who will settle the business o f the late firm : house b oot BRAM. has removed hi •• Found rY Warehouse tram No. I Second tttrt . ., to No. 1 0 Wood street. between First and Second sire eta o the will lately occupied by &Zero . , where he will keep constantly an hand a general ay. eminent of Casung• Sloane. Crooking Stoves, c• IT DISSOLUTI ex ON• rH F. pa r ', °rah' heretofore ng bets even Sem .l LI foothold and Wiiliam 11. Hay 0, trsdistg under the firm of OUSHFIELD R HAYS, hr to this day r n dissolved try William B. II ays softng his entire. interest in the firm to it D. Iloshheld. Al accounts d. torfirm writ cr tbe ollorried hy PB. Bat ,field, and dents doe by the late find to S . B. be paidULl S IFI the E same. SI LD, W B. HA CO.I' •$1,047,439 41 047_4 e 3 00108 51,5= .5 39,804 37 Pittsburgh, June DI 164 g. H HMI - IMM. lISVIng tilts day a...negated wttla himself iiVIIET Laatta formerly e( ledford. l'a., and recently of tar Neu tmal How, PAts Int rig h. nal contmue the Imstneas on ler tit, firm of BUSSIFIELD I..EADF.H. at the oldetand. No. t.tt.o Liberty treet. H. H. 11CV FIELJJ. Potsburgh, Jana P1.1E49. 11. LKA-DER. Hartng mum/ from the former bosoms., I take leamre to rerommendlng my socreesoro to toe pa onne of my customers and the public Fancr lor y. IC K 1A VS. • • - TliF co-partnembtp herr-retort. exarting berrreen the subscribers.. in dm name of Constable. Burke Co. le this day drkaoiyed by of teal corment. Mesa.. Burke tk Barnes artll %elite the tarmac. of the eon. cent, for yr luch purpose they arc authorised to 11. e the name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, F.DIVIUND BURKE. THWOAS BARNRS. The et odersurned have thi,lay aametated them...lves I n the name of BURKE Pc BA /Mt:B, tor the purpose ormanufacturtne nre Proof Safes, Vault boom Ate. h c., at the stand of the fate firm of Constable. flume & Co.. where they will be pleased to receive the pa. trottaeo of the cuatomcra of that house and their frentla. 1.201.111 ND BURK F TI1Oh1&S BA aNF.I3. In retiring from the firm of Constaltle, Burke I wish sincere pleuare recommend Messrs Burke & Barnes to Me confidence of rny (nand. and the pabbc. Vett 0,1-49. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. rebll.4l( DIBISOLOTIOX• HE partnarshm of MISRPIIT tr. LEE id Mid day T dissolved by mutual convent The busloads of tho lam firm will he waled 11. Lae. J. H. MC RPIIY, Pomborgh, Jam 3U, 1840 11. LEE. NOTICE—TIm undersigned wEll e.tinue ine Wool Dud.... and attend the sole of Woolen tioods., at we old stand. II LEE. 'ln retlnna from the 6,11 a Murphy it Lee, I taaa greet pleasore to recommandmg Mr. IL Lee to the confuJenea of my (Grads and the publlc. J. R. M URPHY. Pittsburgh, J.n aced the:Ll- TZs ' t " it . ' W a d e th p " d t a pele 71 . 7 r :11 ' s acung orhole e elle and Wadi Dry (koala and Grocery bonne, at No 2N Liberty, opposite te c o . J i tgLilld i t=h e .tyre and Ural of Pittsburgh. January 1,149. Yi It --Our old edema.. and the pubh jaSe are wanted' to rye us a call. COP An d r C sans ILIP• P. O E. wr..d AlFl 6. & ATKINtia. a n d r. tell i l ' e ' arry on the T., Copper, nod Shoe' Iron Ware eta...factory. o. UlaCkl,inkalliab in all ill branches, at the old stand of Wm B. Flrst street. near Wood Particular allentlail glVen to ottuallrour Work oct2 . • . .• I HAVE thill dal masoctated soul cue In the whole . - 1 oale I.rocery, Produce and Cornrow/nu booluroa, .7 In other 10.0.., under tuc brat of 1 ii IJILW UNTIL tr. Go . J. A 1./11..WUKTII. January 1.1P19. f* iOP MELVA NILS 111 I tb m. 7 ming having law l_r d•y noonenaed u , ah Id, John It ?WC:one. Ow Iva n., uldeso will homultor he conducted under the firm of Was. Young tc Co WILI.IAM 1 11, N 0,133 ,133 JNO. IL .. .. _ BEN N ETT 4 BROTHER, 411:ENSWARE NI MS UF ACTURERs, Dletwesagbana,(neer Pltteburgh,, Pee. Worehowc, No. 197, Wood sired, rillsburrh W ILL. conauntly veep on hand a Food aavon• alert of War% of our ownroanolacture, and Waaloupectorom. nl country Met chants reapeetfolly .n•ited lo call and ex ..... 11 for .eloselues, ee we Oct detennnord to .1 cheaper than bat/over before been offered to the pub • CL , Orders tern by mail, thecoMpaniod by the cash or ferenee set , l he pratingly aoended in tit V'& vt• Woof; I as Feathers, landing from " .. 1 ;V Ina A F.S D A LX 6fn~ retie WIGIMAN—NIaits facture" ofall kind* of w 0 it s ion and wool]. martincry. AllegnenY olrYt as The above works being now in ball and success - re. , op. erarlmb I .PornaSed eresato tests with digpateli for all kinds of maehinery tn icy !ma, ratA as willows, pickers, wkrewirs, cards crinting math:nes. railways, drawihfl sPeCders, thvessils, looms, woolen ~ ,rds, double or single, for me 6000 or conarvy work, mn i e s i ok i s i4 b.c...slole and band !sews and tools In con. c n ab. ids of shafting made to order, or pions gre for gealllls factories or mills so reasonable choir. TO—Kertiltan Childs tr. Co., Macksiock, 1. Co 10. g, Ponzunkk Co.. Jas. A. Ginty. 44." RGH. MONDAY M BOOK TRADE. 1(7 - ALI:ABLE STANDARD worms. —Sparks. Ltie ✓ and Writings of Washington. 1.3 vote. royal deo. Spare's Life and Writings of Fr.. n, vol. roy• el Rack . ..samba American. 14 vol. tom Conn prebeosive Commentary, 6 vol., toy. 400 %Vac. United States V.r.plortog Fop alition, I vo's, royal avo Strlck lands kmeenv of Fag' vole, vol., Ilsno. Pluto nal Hinory Fogiand, 4 vo/s, royal nvn peat e Illustrated, 3 vol♦ royal nvo. For sale by .110 , D. LOCKWOOD. to Wood at. For many year. connected with Messrs. Wylie tc Putnam. New York. spt3 EkV -14OOKS--tteadt4ana 'deathly, by Prof • devAle Classic Frenekt Heade.. by DeFir.. Class Book in Zoology. designed to e.rd o Ferule M in comm. schools and seadanomi a knowledge of the Animal Kinedom: by Prof. 11. Jaeger. Cholera, its cause, presenuou and rare, by Ches. Rtchard.on, M D. Southey's Common Place Book: part 131 in paper and vol. 1.1 m carob. Hiskory U. S, by IL blildretb. • VOL llistory of generic. Bible Society, by Stnekland mcond vont to the U. 8, 3 sols paper and muslin Loomis' Tngonometry, and Loge enamor table. tec., 1 vol. large info. Lemmatise'. Ht. tory of Girondists. 3 vol. cambnc. History of the Co,witeent A•sembly of France front May, 1949,14 J F Corer., EN paper and eambnc. Moo, a Mt of mean excellent Steel Pen., to which the at of wholesale purchasers is invited. For sale by R. HOPKINS, sp3l Apollo Building. Fourth at NEW HOOKS—Achronbac hri . ( .--. luniains, or LA. in the Woo,. by if T. Headley. lan, of De Witt Mutton. Italy, Alp. and the Rhine, by J T Headley. Arthur's Tales. for Rich and Poor. Holidays Abroad, by Mrs. Kirkland Rural Letters, by N. P. Willis Received and for snie by R. HOPKINS, apt Apollo Rudd Inge, F..orth Of AGRICULTURE, die.—American Farmer's Rimy clopedis. evo Lutdley's Uegetable Kingdom, Bee. Deere Discoursed , on Agriculture, to, Itmo M==I2IMCI - - Lhabight Agrtoultural Chemistry, limo. Miner's American Bee Book, Co too. Alleit's American Farm Boot. Moo. Anee's Dom Mic Animals, ITrno. Webster d Park's Dornessre. Economy, Mica Oeo. For sale by JAMES D lAX;KWOOD, /111 G 3 Wood at Nl ' , " .l ' 4i L en ß res; i lO T l' re . at rt se '" on r tr .' : fa, ' " I I7.. i deu M s .d o ' n Phth b Cowan, Hooper's Medical Dictionary; Dungleson's do do; Cooper's Sunoco! do, Cholla* . Oyu , Mm of Surgery; o n do do; At, Works, 2 role; Ihipareqas on the Vim., Hope on the Haarq eelshier's Anatoray, Wllson on Diseases of the Skin; Pereira's Mater. Medic* and Therapeutics; Chapman on Er Fevers; do on the Thorsice and Abdominal Viscera, Wood , * Practice or aledleine; thangie.m's do do; Florin , * do do Also, large and fresh supply of Maas. S. S. Union Roots, on band and for lisle by JTU ELLIOTT tr. ENGLISH. 79 Wood sr HE...MOST REMARKABLE. WORK OF THE T AUK —1,1,1 w, Ntx.v..—Nlnevch and ita Re mains, wtilt MI account of s elan to me Chaldean C hi hrinuans o( Kurdistan. and VOOrritrt. annOr l pper.; •11 , 1 sn intintry into th e mersand mu of the anctent A.. plan, hl Austen Henry Layard, Esq. D. C. L.. to •wo amulet.. unit numerous il.ustratiosta tt'There is a remursahle at.d dellebtfod comlatnallon in the work before us, of valuable d scovery and reetinsto personal narration...lt as we remember in no similar work of travel or din-over,. • • Mr. Lay. ard t.not surpassed by the old travelers. In rho won dere of the story he has to tell. he very much sarpaat ea them all -We repeat that there hoe been no such pture a ny modern book or travel.. Park is not braver mote adventurous, Burkhardt is not more truth( Berber not more ray or picturesque, than the hero the book before us '—loodon Elarniner. -One of lie molt remarkable worts of the age. London Tones. Jost recolved and for sale b _art I /AMEN D LOCKWOOD, G3Wood The London tjuarterly Edinburck Re•levr. 3 The Wc•untnster Revtew. 4 The Nonh lirstlnh Reese, G. Nlalrwood , Edinburgh Nlasaasne—Monthly , Tie &novo Pertodleal. one reprinted in New York, In a on weir arrival 1, , y she Drstss I simmers. In a beeoltrul elear type. on Enna .retie paper. and art falshfol cop,. ofthe °pa...ale—Block wood , Nlafaisne being an exec! fae•a,cnne of the Echnbonlil The rot tee• of the reprints are I, to than one bid of those of the foreign eoptea, and *brie they are equal, well exerued, sae y afford all that advantage to the A mer.-I, over she F , iensh reader Takm.—, Puy.... so he [rode sn advent , I For nov one of tor tour K•ocool, For on , too do For do For lour of the Review, 1,?.00 Fur ForloooooL4 toosz..oc. For D accorood a., toe loor wll' " frIF ! .S LOCKWOOD. 110.0...011er aad lotponer of F.,,,re,‘vn,K00.,k.• MAKtktle, fat July, LZVI. N. Deco rerriv, sAVI 111,y Ile had a. above MISCELLANEOUS. JJLEES W. WOODWELL, Modern and Antique Furniture, • • -3, Tat. Smarr, Prersocutt. I, A luxe nod splendid •ssorhoect seeable Gee Steamboats, ~,,,-...'"---- .-: Hotels and pdante dwe lings, eonstantly on hand end made to adv. The present 41.0ek on land cannot be exceeded by I uy ma,tufactory In the wreztcro country. Persons 'risking to purettme would do well to etre me • call, .I am deternened my pruos shall pleas. Part of the mock consult* to— Tete a Tete; Buffet F.taneret Louis XVI Chaim: 4u , '. Elttob o ttl alatM • Tea Po tor To . , La.: Pratt Tablet; Louis XV Cornmoderl Feeneh Mahogany BorLaostia; Piano Stools; 5h aoCas ante Plasit .4 !talc-cloth uutta* ' 5. Mahogany Backus Chairs; 40 dm Puler do 30 - Fancy do 25 centre Tables; YU pair LArass; 4 pair pier Tables, 12 marble or Nessuag Bereave c Wardrobes. Stows.. and Book moos 20 marble lop Wash Stands; 4 pur Ottomans, ta, 6 pal, fanoy Work Studs; A'Nery large assortment o( common choirs sod other lurneure too nusterouato mention. D' . Steam Boats funtothed on the shortest rodeo, and on the moot remortable terms. dee l 5 Diaphragm Filter, for Hyena., Wats,. to TII/S o to cenify that I have as: pointed ngston, Roggen A Co. 'Sole Agents for the sale of lemnine's Patent U, Filter, Filter, for no c 1 ties of Mutsu and Allegheny. 111111111. JOHN RIB-SON, Agent. for Walter M Gibson,. MP Broadway ~. N.Y. Oct_ 14 Igth. wr e h.„ been e .•tty one of the above useless at the o rb,. o f i t.,, Novelty Works for three months, on hrtal, ..„4 /,, p „,.‘„, ..,.,„,;1/1 Mat it is • useful mention, 1•14 we take pleasure in I 'coma Orders the. l . l • ...e. fin article mall who lose p.'" ''..r thrl e r . `" , t'. thankfully received and prom, -.0 ,7 11 .• n... actin LIVINGS,. 11 1 1 RCK - ,CFN A CO . .. Reiveralible IT s ‘ C. , k FOR PC RIFYIn .3 WA FER, Which renden tarboi water part by removed el abstancea 90 1.8188. 111 Uel k k z r , .. ,, ,...,.. j 1: y.:::: watet e N iy Yort i 1/4(p- when it paters an P rotr:ro ' n' h lII' al , bloomy cock, throes • large dt 5''......_‘ impure semantic., womm, arr. O the ease more or less with all hydrant water. The Reintrehle Fillarer is neat and doable, and is not encoded with the inconvenience incident to othet Ffitcrem. a it ie cleaned without being detached from the water pipe, by merely 111 Illintr the key or handle from one side to the other. By that easy procea i the rile of water la eheged, and all aceamentions to tonere satertances are drawl off almost tostantly, ethout p r erng the Filar. It also possesses the td•ILI.IF of being • stop cock, and as sack in many 21/0011 will be very consented and econornicaL It ears b attached whom wi t hy preemie high or low to . cask, tank, tob, bease. To be had of the sole Agent, W. W. WILSON, octl 7 cornea Fourth and Melon so SELL AND sakes FOUNDRY. AL ee en A FULTON, Bell and Brea Founder, has m- t d commenced bele. al hie old .tend, when he well he pleased to sec his old elastom ers and friends. Church, Steantbost, and Bells of .very sire. from 10 to 14101 pounds, eat from patterne of thetnost approv ed Models, and warraderd to be of the hest metenals Unwire Water Pumps,Cotinters, Railing, An., UM , Baer with every var.ety of Brass Castings, a moored, turnsal nod butsbel to the ...tat melee. A. F is Me sole proprietor of BAIIIIIT'i Awn.Arrat non hare, so iustly celebrated for the reduction of frt... 10 machinery. The Boxes and Composition eon h, hod him 01 all times. pnithl y iLlonotagattela Llre•ry 'lfs ea - Ili. k. ROBERT IL PATI'MRSON has opened the large stable on First at, running through to Second et, between Wood and Smithfield sts, in the rear of the Monongahela House, 0001 an courtly new stock of Floras and Carriages o f the hest quality and latest styles. !fortes kept lore rl in the hest manner. Irbil at t' • -- Eir - frK 'Mr 1 A N EMINENT and nal:redeemed PhOgleran from tie Fa•Laf,slo gram standing, oters to treat Idler.. at a Delicate Nunre with promptness and secrecy. His soccer.. flutfalo and other large cities his bar been prover Mal. charges om madam. , a nd corer pt_ Old 65.8 of (Dem, groomer, gem. Fluorermanen Albuc, Rherunauun, Ague, Syptulls, or ury chronic or tnveicrute co.en soliertml. A cure wrirrarnerl, or chart.. refunded. Urricsul, "R. Chu, street, 2 door from the Bodo Teeth Extracted. doze to the poorgratis. N il —Dr A .matt. the worst cues or any dtsear• in Pit.burgh to cull. cr14,117 .-, Icaproyetal•nt In Piano. _ fiffipil 'Mk, subscraber is Just receiving an aasortment of Poinuo from the factory ofNunno h. Clark. N. Y , whice tor e. colones of eater., beauty or humb and superiority of tone end touch. auras , . too' Mull( ever brought to thm coy. Mr Clark. of the above firm, long and rent favorably Immure as Me forgoer foreman In the celebrated 1 . 2.0 ,stabliolanent el llroadomod. London, has recerall improved and per. !acted We riatios of Nam. A Clark. h Y , ton n es; Wel ertzte h, unquestionably , mimics them to the rem, tenon of being toe very beat it. well as the chempen Piano,. be gm in Wu country 'the lot s.o.* open- um, comes with th• addinanal finish endmion o an imptovement in the style and which maker Mem at once the most elegant and tasty thing ever brought out. Thu* inotnonents, tOgetbei with the mock on band, form the man este/twee. vaned and de. tumble somnolent ever offered bere,• all of which anti be sold at manufacturers price., rid e ° °‘'°°'°..&°- ung tonna KI,KIIKR, all. W. Wm:dwell . * tel Third at - N. Et —The sohmrther will be f.und at the ware- Or. VaLasta In Tao U ill 4444 . beam from ll to PI A. Id , and 4 to 5 Y. M. S as to certify that I purchased one •tal of Hr. pi 4 IL K., min Agent for Nunn. & Clark coj. I,laLana's Worm Specific, sortie two °mar:lollm two WEhave none NMI'S, mane on au improved cod pee to • son of mune, some seven ye o l d. e TV plan. so CO not to frecse in tie coldest wather. oaapoon• ful/, and althoagh the amount stay pima? Persona wanung ouch .rtielet. are invited to tall and lattllth Yet I "no uo doubt but Wont '....P ! . .!,f1 sae them at SCAII , R. A- ATKINSON'S, eatto Mame. worms ousted „,„. n -- ocirls I et. berweee Wow' Movie, es Oman ami wort. of an such to two MO en_a t atE. _ LI NV HOLLIDAY. __. • 500 2 " U4° " .° B''' i u " 0..,11„-gr , ,;, ,,, , a...e. anek, Canal Go. Test, Dot V, 1.917. AA augt7 E=IIIII i St,Aai WING. SEPTE VIBE MISCELLANEOUS Chocolate, Cocoas &PC. W. Baker's American and French C o coa S hells. ate, Prep.,. eil Cocoa Cocoa Peat, Brom. Coeoa Shell. At.. O men:Munn and commmers, who would Parma.. who the heat pro:bleu of Cocoa. free from adulteration, nutritious than tea or codes and le qoality unsay. pd, the ruloerther recottirnends the above articles. .ertanufactored Lc himself. and stamped with his name. His Drums and Cocoa Parte, a. delicate, palathble, sod salutary emits for invalids, convalescents, mist nthen, arepronounced by the most eminent physicians superior to any other preparetion. fits numuiactures see always on gale, in any quantity, by th e most es grocer. In the eastern cities, and by thee agents, Hawn., tiny & co., of Roston, Jame. M Hance & no, Hartford, Conn; Rummy & Murray, New , York; Grant & Stone. Philadelphia; Tolima. V Drundige, Bal timore; and Kellogg & lkwiett,Cinctunau, Ohte. WALTER BAKER. Dorchester Men. Por sale by aag3l BAGALEY & SMITH, Itigts - - Wrought and Coat Iron nailing. T 1: subscribers be leave in Inform the public than they have obtained from the East all the late and fashonabie designs for Iron Railing, both for booms and cometerin Peron. wmtang to procure hand. mine pattern* will please call and examine, and Judge for themselves Railing will be furnished at the short. at notice and In the best manner, at the corner of Craig and aebecca streets ; Allegheny city. ames3-dif A. LA6IOIIIT & KNOX. Jlatangactored Tobacco. A Q DlSMentry & Royater's superior sweet 6 Ipm `YU tl5 do 11l A Mater.. le lir Price & Harwood , . " " ri dodo do 16 Ste dodo Pearl & Harwood " s&lb ° °Vito do I R doobinson lb" 57 5 0t dodo Wm Dawson 6 t do T Wright 27 do 0 Anderson t do L T Dade's tl I do It Macon's " • • 9 do Rateliff " " lb Jam banditti fawn ...met and packets, and for oath by HEALD, 111,CICNOR It Co, 41 mirth ...oar stuld 16 north wharves, 1.59 Philadelphia dfaidUF7SCallEtED TOBACCu-163 bZ hf 5..1.e. 5004 superior sweet lb lump.. 75 half bss Webster Old superior swee ss ti lamps " LA's-ren " Cionth7 ew Lamer floVs , et as k 54 " Is Il i u=dc la Enrol 95 Lawrence lAdtier " tla &Gs plug Jest landing from steamer, and for sale by BUCKNOR k Co, • N water st and 16N wharves, Philadelphia. W. i J. GhroNN, Book BiadOr. WE are suit dogsled to the above bustness, corner of Wood and Thad streets, l'athburgh, where we ere prepared to do any work in our line with deo patch. We attend L.' our work personally, and thus factton sell De peen in mgaml newness and du rability Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound eat, annually. [lookout number. or old books bound care fully or repaired. Names put on book.n glll Immr*. Those that !woe work to oar law are invited to ca/1. Pores low. my2UM NOTICE• HAVING meld oar cluire not, G H Duet, irrth • .m 0 o clo.mg our old hesewss, we hereby w hen for h. the pwrouarre of all our friendr end cos omen. RO. TUE POW POINDEXTER, INDEXTER Plusbergh, Aug. 4di, 1849. CIL GRANT, Wholesale Gracer, Corn... and V. Par...me Marche., :to. 41 Waeer se. null _ _ - - Seale., Cooking Stoves, Grates, ilur A MA., WALLACE re CO., Round Church, AL corm, Liberty and Woad street, martufacture and oder fur gale Platfooh, Flour and Counter Scale*, of We most todproved quality; Cooking Store, for wood and coal; Egg Stoves of various suer, Parlor and common Unita, /follow Ware. ke. az. 'racy alto manufacture the Kitchen Range, watch L. given such gonceal ...faction to those baying it in uw, to all ul which they would reapectfully invite the Ittletlllloll nl We churns and the public gynerally octr-dtf ltr A NLIFACIIRED TO BA Ce.o--The subaeriber i would call the attention of the city trade J r deal n ers geosnalty, In the following I,rando Tobaccos, in store and to &11i..., which Living constininents di rect from enahofectorera, Is enabled to wit at eat ern price. , bin W Crania:taw 5., 701 ° James Mautson e I la I...ann.:if ss, al 1 rabeatt 51 I Putnam 54. n! Is, 15 1 0 Roberts & thisson . I o thew Roll ss, 1 , I Jahn. 3 ° .` Warwtels, sop, Is, 4. . Henry & James &A, Is and I'.l febil Llti WATEILSIAN Eff,==2= • . Tr)/IN WRIGIIT Co., are prepared h . .. build Cotton and Woolen Macau ntry cil ever, desenpurrn, suet, es Cardir.a Muctenes. Spilhiln; Franca. Speeder. Drawing gamer ftrulara) lk ads, Warpt:s, spooks, DecaotneWile., Leone, Card Lirtnder.. irs Wrought Iron Shaeong tamed, ail ewe or Cast Iron. Pelisse and Hangers o the latest patoerta, suds a.t,d hand lAill,ea, and loot, of all ktrilia. Coating's of every deacrtphon lurcoshed on shortttouce. Putter,. made to order tot Mtli GeartnK, kern Railtng,, , ke Stearn Pipe for bent. ing Ynctortea„Mst Iron Wtndow Sash and fancy Cas tiny generally, Oiders lett al the Warebouac of J. treet, .11 kg. prompt user. Lion. Refer to Blacksteek, Bell & Co., I. K. Moorehead a Co, u. L.:. Waincr. John Irwin & Sons, Pauburah G. C 11. W...iler. Steubenville. lump HMV/CO/LOU !AOTOAY, •L120117/1”. M../%IV,InEc wonid respect:llllly Inform arry they have ereciad a shop on Laeoelt. between Federal d tiandetkY at... They reeelee orders for every ere doseription of sentries. Coarlies, Chariot's, Eta moat.. Bowes. Phziona, b.e, whieh from their long experience le th e mama...tare of the above work. and the facilities they hare. they tecl confident they are enabled to do work on we tonal reasomblo terms with Mow kkelkeettg aructr. its their title. rey/llg piuncialar •ttention to the seleetme of mate. slat, and having none bu t competent workmen, they bore no hesitation in Warrelltiter their work. We therefore eat die attention of the public to dos matter. I Et. Repag done in like lkett manner, and on the most terms. 2a:k.r.tf . . 9X/ COTTON AND WOOLEN NIANCFACTC• REll.b.Harmade art special-els tor a con stant supply of PI.O FURY FINDINGS, we will seil at low prices Calf acid Sharp Refer :Ain, Lace Lea ther, ten. ktrods, :Photo!, Hemp Twine Treadles . No. 5 to 15 Kelt Punches. Wrenches, ee,pplug Cards. IV to 13 lu. Patent Dresser Brushes, Weave's , brush he ate LOGAN. i.Vll...ttu.S CO., nave 12a Wen street. Pliisherah. pOPu RT /lacy. Webber ir — Forrester. re rich ssad dry Gould. Campbell & Cu'. old d r y halo Osbourn's 1011. PUre 1040. Pure Juice par llelitaf Port, Hams & Sous, Pure Juice. threble. dou• toe and single lir .pes Th.o winos arc all calatira ' ted for then medical properties, and can be had whole sale or retell al the Wiue Stoic of I - 2 JACOB WK.& vER, Jr. . - • PIAIIOIII 1 r1 , 107. subscriber fifers fur sale a large and splendid ncsortment of rosewood and frllnhogrally grand Am. boo Fumes, with and snthout Coleman's eelebnted dirallan Atlaehatent. The abate Instrwaellu are war muted to be equal to any mmtalsentred in dor room try, awl will be sold lower tha - arty 0,0401 nom the Earl- F. BLUME, No d Old wood m, td our above Sth N. —City Soup will be taken an par fJe a few of be above ammrustent. env! F. IL —Riaidarare..Craoapati limaVeva/I T UrIA.N, WILSON U CO., Lnpurtera and Wholesal e 4,4 Dealers to Hardware, Lottery and Saddlery, No i v Wood greet, above Fifth have now in store a very oho . , and well selecuur .tock of Hardware, laported deelme prices to Europe, and vetunb they nc o „ d own mood to red enmenpouthogly low. blernhcons who ho „ ~Nm to the balm of going East, are pa rtiou• roooowo _c to call and look through oar monk, as we tonfidtod7 Nebr. they will cave their export.. Feu CALF - y .. - es Oar Sk a1.„..fi'L`ru.0.'1(......, 01 lo " r i tc which the latteution of boot waken is invited. ust received cod for sale by W YOUNG & Co, Oar 143 libeny et DATC:S' , I" gOLKII Li-MR—AO extens—ore 1_ assortment of CO M,llllll s CO, celebroted manu facture. and supenor to all o en in use; adapted to churches. steamboats, tauten to ; dwellings, blic and private and to all other s whose a c h eeP, sae and brilliant light ts dourable Also,Oirandoles, Hatt Lant-rOs.Candelasss , Olobe s, Shades. Wicks, Motown, Cans Truman, to. Alen. tins Chandelier, from one to four lights. dei.s W W WILSON. 40 matkot st WANTS:MI, DAILV at the BALTIMORE, PLIILADF.LPIIIA, NEW YORK. DOS FUN AND Nti,W LULLI.:ANL , ueNERAL. AuliNcv AND COMMISSION OFFICE 1 Mug MEN m wholesale and retail store; and ethos respectable business, to act as lloot-teepers, Sales melt. Porters. Beekeepers, %Vane, F.ewrn. Coach men, Car Agents, Rook and Nina Agents, Griliouluo, Overseers its all brunches of hustru.s. An. We have at ail woes a largo number of good situations on haml, which pa, from :Mu to tri4airl per annum. Those In wont al l. Ma of any kind 'scald do well to weenie a. • cas we have nein. in each of the • e nes. winch will enable us to place every applicant In inable situauon at um shortest uOUCC. We have • large acquaintance In ail the above midnn Coale, which we trust all l enable or to give enu asinine , nun to all who may fuss... with a vial. -TAYLOR it TA t M IlallY AN, No. ll Sout DX Carotid sr-, eah n o tsay. N: LI —Persona living la any port oi ti e 1. Staten, and wmastig In obtain a sisuanon in Dalmore. Cher of the above cities, will have their wants name- Maim y attended to by addressing us • line, loost.paull as by so donna they wtil curtail both trouble and en. b.... which they othe r ase would lacer by coming he city, and sccitang employment for themselves ' Address, TAILXML. it TAYMAN, No. 59 Second great, inrUsilif Dahlmort. hld ItIELIEP VOIDCOILAMPtio I;TF. DAVE ABDOMINAL W ARhIERS mmLe from Y Y the most approved English pattern, furnished and recommeaded it Thotnu Ilakewelt, Esq., endern- s ~ number 01 f Mlllelli phystetaass being a most cons 1 apparatus fur the application of warm or hot wa rto the bowels, in, ease of cramps in Cholera. As every person lii ealleet to sudden attacks, no fatuity etould oe without at least one, esCAIFE tr. ATKINILON, la! First at. between Wood writ Market PllggiltUß - 011 Fl3Ol/1.1.11. tnrerr us" ul it ritllE ~nd Session of this Instants., ander No 1 . e.r, o, hlr. sod Mrs. linandas‘ Nr the P'.. seadettllG year, sant commence on the first of I- chrism ry next, to um aloe buildings, No. s,ll.therty street Arrangements have been made by which they will be ants to furinsh 'young ladies facilities equal . any to she West. for obtaining a thorough English, C 1. 51 CAI, and Urnanienml education. A full course of l'al• Imapiocal and Chemical Lectures will Le deliv‘rred daring the setiner, illawrated by apparels.. The de part...ma of Vocal and Inauummital Nlimie, ,Mod do ' Luguages, Drawmg and Painting, will each be under the eua of • competent Professor. By close attention to the coral rind intellectual improvement of thus pw chi, the Principals hope to rural • conuonation of the beral patronage they have hitherto emoyeil. Fot , • -terms, see circular or apply to the Prnampals maltt.lll • r' :~~ .. ~... -._- -----.., , - -r 3 , , • . ‘- C, , _ . t 11: _ . - i I ...._ ___....t.„... . ~ ~„ „ ..:.„..„,„ : ,_ _ __ 3 ' •,.• --' , -1-4 1 - . ..:.,--- ---- ' - r. - 7 - i" -±-- VOL -,X1 7 11. No. t 1.............--- 01kfiER H A 1413),NX3,_St`"' n or. a 00, - 34. R • sow *SEM I ffe2llo ' 4' I No. Wowl . Arta, :" (the imbllit ko..thrife Vrgfese li n; sloe ' I l L ' of Papas W.Lghigs,Whicli'forsi e • • rirty. bandy of &dish, darablEry and chapnets.ll-ill. surcease:l by any estabilatuucat Id rho ' UnOmbl Bewdea a large and•foll usortasanzef male thelz Imanufaeutro. they are inthr recelgiggrk the irlw portation of French and English stylerrofo2, 2/ 1 d 0 " Inas. purchased by Mr. Lees Howard, ode of th e 11.3 k now in Europe, consisting of ' ' Parthian manufacture, x &CM London do 000 do • Of their own manufnemse they hays I,oo,olXlpieces Wall Paper, and 12,u00 pieces sada glace" Wrmlow Blinds, de. Messed James Howard & Co have apired neither expense nor labor in their endeavors to rival th e mut er,: wall paper establishments, both in quality of man ufactory and variety of pattern; and they are ororront ed assuriog the public that they have succeeded. The whole assortment. foreign and home roanafats tore, will be offered on ton. as low as those of mot el.. lomat/Imre. and uoponers. tar se ..d tf W CO24l:3—dt ZFJ3I,ILOti KIN 3 ETM, tl7 Mos- Nka sue.- • dos very high back Shell Toni Combs; 3 " medium 2 " low " fancy top Buffalo " 10 " plain " 20 gross own Horn; 30 dos shell side, escorted ni nes; 30 crow con: hoes Side; 3 do: shell deenotug do; It dos Buffalo do do, 4 do Inutanon do do, 50 1.. English Horn; 6 do S fine Ivory, extra rile; IS do S S do do, an boxes, l 2 gross 8 fine do do; I do tooth Cleaners. Joollo• WO. I. Hats co.; (Scheeuora to Homey. Hanna A Co.) MOIANKERS, EXCHANGE LIROKERS, and dealers 11 in Foretirti Ind Domestic F.mehange, Certificates of Deposate, Hank Notes ' Ind Specie—Fourth street, nearly apposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current crics. ney received on deposite—Sight Checks for sale, and U made on nearly all th e pentelpal pants in the United Wale. The highest premium paid for Foreign and American Gold. AdVance• made on eonsigummitts of Priebee, .hip ped EAU' an Itheral terms.ared . rtia— VALUAB LE PAM., Samara 1000130 Ist, 1849. Patent crosatener extennon Bureenet, Boat- Caws, TV rouge . LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. T raj n A o l f I tte g lft d foe n • r " : r g •g7; l , .. *6 t7: e m s; tended Hopi ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed the leaves are all contained Inside; they are made to all .ices and shapes, and are admirably adapted for Steamboat. Hotels, and large private :amities, farm ing adieu clomd a complete centre table. SOFAS AND BUREAVS--Those articles ere inval uable, particularly to th om who wish to econo mise room ? and convert a sleeping arommient into parlor or clung room. ris they can be opened mid shat at convenience, and when shui, the bedding is enclos ed. A great oestrus in room and rent. All the bed steads when domed form a aeanutai piece of fundtura for • parlor or sitting room. BOOK CA 84.-'B--A neat and 0,0(01 article for parlor or drawler room WRITING , DESKS--For lawolfices, counting moms, d other office, when opened • mon d e niet steadbed ? when closed a perfect opene d' Library alone visible. All them articles need no recommendation: the beauty of the whom is„ they are warranted not to get out of repair. It will be for your interests to cull and comuna the article. at the manufacturers store, No. 93 Thrti street, Putaborah. In addition to the above advantage. they are proof again. bug. mcblo JANFS W WOODWELL -•- • • Patens G-nulueeted Galvanse Bauer, and Pesos' insulated Pam for Itsdual am:loan ever Tle the only mstmment of Me kmd that h. ever T been presented in Ma country or Europe tut sped teal purposes, and a the onl hen enown to man, by wtoch the gait.. Codbe conyeyed to the ha- Man ays ti.o roe, the brain, or to any Pert of tare body, either externally or uttemally, M o definite gentle strum. without Soaks or pern—with perfect piety— end often with the happiest accts. This nuportant appartuus eau hi,Ftely approved at by runny of the most eminent physimarie of this coun try and iltrope, to whom the eillacted and others whom tt may concern can be referred. Reference will al. be given u many highly respeemblomusene, who have been cored by means of Mulattos valuable soonest. of tome of the most tracteram nervosa Sward.. which could not be removed by any other knownmean. Amon.; various others, it has oven proved to be ad- rottenly adapted for the cureof are following diseases , vas nervous hemleche and other diseases at UK brain Ita wale this apparatus alone that the overate," can coneey the magnelle told with ease and suety to the eye, to restore eight., or eine anteurormt to the ear to restore kennel to the tongue and other organs, ore, more .pew h; antl to the various parts of the body, or the cure of chronic rheumatism, asthma, neuralgia, or uc doloureus pemlyu., ur pets?, gout, chorea or St. V.'s dames, epilepsy, aretastoo .10 II,(4111. *OTC diseateee pectltioe to Whales, contract:an of lit Labe, I ockjaw ,CO2 etc et,lo. or surrounding counties of Wester, Pa, and nrleaelb . si witli the nal:whew- me} be P 2 reltwed , ot. , also tested for io n s cut d ot ' nysistatio wi he given for the canoes cheml ! cal. to be used for venous diseases and the be. mau -1 ner for opt-masa for the cure of those disease, tent ai -1 so be fully expteened to the perch Mes a pad a patutallen pat *whin bsa,to expreuly for Mesa pas - poses caro -1 tally Prepared by Wep t ntente. P.:Noire of ‘ ,l3.dir $ WLLIAMS, rt.. , Pt”.bnt'le , -" - THY; totolear:Tiai HE lltellltnn of the public is reapootnury caned to T the following earuficatow Mo. el. Faro.--Inlaaiory meteda garanny of Gold weighed by poor AM/MEW, 1 find too moult proves your ..rwrient eortetti awl rocomand the use of o mono going to Content'. or the boar method for oh tanner' the real •aloo of 613/e- Rasp. yours, .1.11 DuriLEA, Vold Illearsr. Pinaboygtr, Hugh 9, 1549. Prrtasvaes, Myth 7, lea. M. E.t.a—Dear to,, lia.rtng examined the -.m.0• metor,” wadmanufac at yam room. I do not Itesordr to rommead it to uof taw. goutlemen axe about r‘movtog to Conniff. 111 se.ch of Gold. It piers • close avprosicoation to the rpecific grafri ty of metal., and wtll cc rtarnly ruattla tho advenntrer useeftaut when his placer to yiciding Gold marts Your. rest, 1 EL APOLINTOCK. I 1 Nl/1/. RUBBER CLAY' MCC. ell tor the er,uonsta Ezpvlitroa, a coruptcte autortionnt of Gam Nunn° Clothing, at pr,cas ratigunt from f X to d BOllO id atilt of tom, pant. and hat For sale at for [ mho Ruffner Depot. No 0 Wood st. Jeob 1 & /I MILIAN Par California. rr. lir. celebrated !Inv.! Rllic Powder, in keg, hall R., q_arter. land cans. for ulle by 1 b UIL WORTH h Co, Vernnd st __ • . -- p - ktv GOODS. SHACKLETT 4 WHITE, Dry Doodo bto•r, No. P ,VtiOD ...,TREKr—Would cad the attention of Merchant* to their large stook of Do me.tic end Foreigo Jot mewing from Me Im pour* od Manafaeturent, and which they will red at very low roles tor cash or approved credo_ Our stock ie tow fall and complete, and well worth the attention of huyers, a. we .re determsned to pall at such extremely low pace. o cannot rail to make a • et.ensi subownyeni r liurre.A..lll.o I. Intake a 1 , 011 with ILIL3IOVALs TllEsubscriber has removell his Wholesale Give, ry biota its the comer of lianc.ll street sod Aba gueoy Wharf, usit door to the Perry House. - -ns7atf JOHN F. PERRY. _, Manufacturer of Mineral. %tater Apparatus, won og int:otnce Yo d el •ll lettneiN, . No. CI Nett PHILADELPHI A Pecan st. . above Vltia, A N expenence of more than twelve years in the /11.. manuf.turtng of Mineral Water Apparatus, and the preparation of Mineral Water in Betties and Foun tains, on an extensive scale, with • scientific imdprat. oral knowledge of of both branches of business, tog e• ther with recent im m provements in Hie construction of the Apparatus and e preparing of the Water, which he has succeeded In adopting since his Tint to Fong, and alter years of close study and manumit apple.- uons as applied to the nisi in Mechanics and Cheat. t , rj a, en . a n bje r : othoezb,,,,se,n,,bc.r and c c gn „ e th tiLforLth b e e f t ublic most complete Apparan., for ton of Mut e and r. Water in Dollies and Fountains, that ran be fur rushed to the Ututed Matsu Ile aim tlatters himself that the enlarged success he has met woo. and •he prisent egtensive and daily in. creasing amount of his business In both the above de partments. furnishes the most convincing petal of his claim to the superionty of Apparatus over Moss Mall others, and of Mt panty and.yrslabrity of the Watei prepared therefrom. Persons who order the Apparatus from a distance, may he assured that their i.trUctions shall be Mit-biol. l ay complied wttia, and so packed as to carry safely either by land or water to any pan of the U. :MA... To avoid disappointment, It is recommended to those who intend supplying ibenmelvea the appro.tung sea son, to forward their orders alas early a day se con e...W. !amoral Wand/ Apparama, Ocueratom, Pumps and Fountains, Drumm. I Hr. and Pedestals for 'Hoods, Counters and Ilan ol Hotels, for drawing Hydrant Water, together with Corking and Tying Machines. anti everything •ppertielning to the shove bonnets constantly on hand, and for sale on the lowest terms 1..!'11". aottetdrodnot — O - 101MKTWEBTICRN t§ADDLE HAFLINESS,THLINK AND WHIP MAN 13 FACToRY.—The soliscnr takes this method infortning his friends and the pu blic an general Mai he has the largest smelt or the fo p llowing named ant. eles of his owe manufacture to this city—S.lHrs. Ila. neat, 'hunks mod Whip., all of which he will warrant Lo he male of Me best Maternti and by the best mech ics in Allegheny county. tieing determined to .11 his manufactures eignething lower than has been hem. tofore sold by any 'Miler astahliabinentth e city, he would invite perso ns to need of the ab o ve named argot.. to hi. warehouse, No. Y{l Liberty street, oppo the 01:1 1 / 1 3131h. Also, bands mode to order for machine ,.lti-ly G. KF.IIIIY. POLL GEISCEINWOOD GIMALOWII. The steam boat A. una, root M W/N*l , now runt Hoot Me P of Liberty . etre.. to th e Ger len—leestng .9 o'clock. A. A 7, and at the begmmua of each hour 111111 i J P. 91. Vttitera may rely on finding the toost at the lour. She lest. the Darden, the la. up trip, et to o Hoch. . The aealem la fa. advancing, A mese unslong to vied tine delightful retreat, now m the time to opend a few hours, not Iti Me e end duet el the pity, bull. • pore atmosphere, pe rm uted with the f(14111131eC of flaw/tr. All Loan of refreahrilient,, except ittlexicaling &mike, Are kept On du premises. lireenhouse Planta, and Doug aem of choice flowers for sale. Closed on gun day. WW JAMES SPKAIN. (p-Ginnie of landing made on account of low was _ Histllll,lb. ' Irkk . cur,o n. iff fLTENBEIIGH.II ~ -1... - E7far - S. 1.1. MAINT, Forwarding slut Communion Met chant. hu removed to Na. tr 7 Front, between Wood and Snotbßeld tweet. •rnt lIER FAS. John P Hopewell, alba city of Paw \pi hunch, Merchant Tailor, by his deed, bearing day aridly, 11.,_1040, and recorded to a th a, rll . .e h e ' .9'h . 0000'. (Mhos of Allegheny col:da i ry, to deed Vol . 00, page . 42, Ismail: i ll i g o r t i r rll m L , [T b e l d to me I e . ll'''. o..t.:Tri.;l7l o . o tieret. l 7v..o to oil persons indebted w r ood mum to make payment to tbe undersigned, and I tbow basing claims against it, to L prownt theroLo , r set BF% , AMIN YDE, Amp lleruLat gii Ptusburga.__ 145A11:44—Prg.I;H;O:Terre CO, I *llO Wow. i 1 M.•_....7.•-_ _________________ "1. 1 , ' SR4Aistaerr r. wurre, . 1-,. DRY . GOODS JOBBERS, Ir) WOOD STELEET, A 9 z: " ...;:fir . t& :,' Fi t,F,l7.---..4:-(i:1 wel.,mtielsatiatitetion. City ~, e-k.c.ri burawas are Invited to esti sad exasoote ow Kook behiteporetotovot eloe•to•or. _ mr , . • • • _ CONTiNGATLON 9➢ THE 0 ILFAT BALE AT a r tA.,lllA.sote tr. CO ONEjPRICE STORE:, Arra rec i rr Roduent Prim. A. M. &CO., deur.s of reilacing andel:otos I.l4thiStoek prep...pry to receiving rhea Ar Fah Gaud , . wllloffer greater itoluesraemailhaa ever. Their-versus large parchases at the New York Sale*, made at sash immenee sacrifices from emusvill .11 be <loamd out the mime comma rate.. Amongst the articles recently opened. Wei mend.. 1• • 6 care. Um colored Lawns, at 7 au to " " and Sluelis., 2 and Ito A large stook Mks, Shawls and Visit., very low. 25 et Al do Leine., • lot fiereges n 1 one half flee ES et Gingham' at l 9 " Ernbroldostos, very e Cap • • flonneu, half , price • Masi. y, Gloves Laces, Ttemnrihilie 7 cases Marna:lank CaLicomi, at eci 6. 101 ct Calicoes ea Mo 11)."'11)."'l, and balsa brown and bleached Mnalin, cheap. MaLinens at Clef Linen Gingham. 121.3 Bonnet Rebhan 6 loan 10e; Gloves al Se With an immenve variety of other Goads, anof which will prove a saving to purchaser* of from to fitt per cent. The store Anil be clotted mos day. for meriting down and preparing the mock for the stele. fr./A A MASON & CO _ SVATICII WIIOLBSALS CLOTEIIIia VIHRUOUSB! LEWIS is FLASPOLIps ••• Nos. lea 251 Pr.s.ag Drama, (bey • Fulton a. arid Unrlsng 65p,) NEW YORK, , Have on baud this largest usortateat of CLOTHING IN TILE UNITED STATES, AD/OTIO TO M. MAIM. In Ise article oTS — HIIIT . I.3 and DRAWERS, In keep. an endless vat.y Also the most orteosive oshouthrtorers of 011 Clothing and Covered Hats to the world. PLAIN AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, Of WI kind. Cataloge's of static sent by 611111. Order! peeetALY LEWIS & HANFORD, 'mat No.. '&1, 0 E t Lo A n i rti .. aSS ., PeEt N a:`7. sl Yz z. W i l l e r t t !tre a rt. t;:rit; . p ' ar A uMtar 4 - t e ll ' entaon w of pa; chasers to their extenatv tent of wen. Good•, Jaennet. Swum and limoMashas,. Barred. Striped .d Corded: Bishop and Victor's Lawns, &c., Call early et the oo!y cheap one pose stole, CO Mar• ket street. ana3 - A T RED - C - CEIT PRICEd—V r iildanity fan on band a few white and colored quills, whit& he will close out at low prices. i Ytri RUSSELS CARPETS—Toe large.i assonmeat o Bruwels Carpets ever offered et thto city, for .10 of the New Carpet Won... of W. kl'Cliotnek, No 73 Fourth at. comprising the lawst and richest styles, .d at prams lower Man ever offered In the market. All who amat Brussels Corp., should etal before porehostor eisewhere, 41116 W STCLINTOCK I,,6IBROIDEItY—Worsted patterns for Ottfotorts, Li Piano Stools, Table Cove., Troveltng Bop, grub o r rear •oriety of 111111 Lil pat.ros. Al., Worsteds of all color. sod shades, by the pound, ounce, or skein for sole by opt{ F EATON & Co, Mt Ilvounh - - - NEW - 8 - 01148, 1849. 17ENNEJYY S. SAWYER, comer Wood nod ' , earth street, are now reeelvaug threat from first Om* large stock of Fancy and Variety Goods, itiepding Clock, of every vertety, gold and silver Walt:Ales, Jewelry. French PTlllt. Combs. Hooks and Ers. Glove• wol Mowery, saspcnders, Otto Cop., sad" other articles in they line--all of which having neon purchased persoecilly of the mannfartnrers cast. do nne the last wuner, exprearly for the Spring pude, will be sold wbolesale of a small advance on cost. Constantly on hand, all deseriptions of Looking Glass es, of oar awn thanufsetartng, &lea/cern once. intal EW FANCY AND VARIET V 0001.10—At ZEB eLON KINSEret, 07 !Becket Wen. ICO prat fine Chula Vase., asald; 173. n. twin and velvet coat Batton.; 40 fine velvet Carpet Bata 20 dodo Kent.. traveltng, 100 groan fancy talk Etattorts„ for &caves 10 dot Nall .01; WO go fn. It. Vest Buttons, asald; 'O5O do do Kilt and plated, dot 05 dot rosewood Haar Brushes; 4 do Wastungtoa dot do Barbera do, 3 Km Ftsh Loot. Rua Books, Larne, fcc EWFI.IIII gold lever Watelses, 50 do do. tocbed lever Waukee, 10 do Leptlic do' 10 floe tha; mond Ftliger Ranee I dot fine ;old Vast atld Fob Chant; I do do Ganzda; Brea..t Ptlas, ringer tbniN Ear woor.oC . 61.0 V Ice.-200 doz Lathes Cotton Glove. au • dh :700 /a do 1.4.10 Thread, ftu.nytop. trac ; 10 do gents' i Bile Gloves; 12 du do kel do; do la.lies Ittd, tred; 10 dal do aeoey aillt Alalki'Vop p•Ks Arr.enron Ras; 34111 1 I.ze Canton Cords: 75 pa roper Meal,. 000.1X10 ribbed Ittreotaion CaparAtO Kan drers Wtta,cloone do; lit dos ivory Combs, Orcesang Canal's, Bac, Comb., ka. 00. ape 'l,l EAyoN At CO are Ito opetastig otesf stock of Twametiogs, cosialatlna in pukka Moo all. and Dress Fnneyes, limply black and collet Silk lAces. black flounce Lace. Cottons, Orkla, Deane{ Trot - mods, gems, ladies and children , plate and tan cy Hosiery, Skirts for men and hors, Combs, Ivory auk' other Fans, Fun, Spool Conon, Needlea, Tape, Bob -4., PI., lee. to y tuch they eater for sale, both wholesale and retail, et bate Trimming Stem m Fearth sweet, between Wood and Market. able FILIGI9 11 SPHIfIlli GOODS. Shaekkit White, • D RY GOODS JOIItIERS, PO Woad street, tab attention of Merchants to thole stock of ANEERII CAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, mar receiving • Street from boA bands. Receisime regular %applies of first goods dartteing the season. awl degmng largo share of thete antion Eastero Auction sales, they can confidently usura buyer. they was hod In thew baterest to elation° these stock Just ireeived, large invoices of new wile Dread, Good, Fancy Pont, Caumeres, Cloths, Sumner Goods. Lore, White Goods, Irish Linea, Tailors , ' Triumw.ge and brown end bleached Show:tugs Gigues brsods. mt, • moos CUVLLN!. DINE AND CEDAtt WARE MANUFACTORY' L N. tt7, corner of Market and Path streets. ritts• hurgh. Thu so r b e mbertee -, c0n...4 on hand woolesnm rout rcuul, eery tog , CO , gt. Wash Taw. Darrel Chan., Bath Tab, ettatf Cttnnas, • ttorue Bunkum iialf Ltutako.s, &a. All other Itlndu of Wotre to hie lute muds to order au SAMUEL KROFSKI4. SELLERS' VER-R1PC4M771,1-Ci-EORILILS. . Cotnatsrs, Jan. Mb, 1649. Mr A. RPenn—Your Vernatfuge Mu *old well, and him been htgh spoken of by all who have aud it. ream the rooters attending the adininimration of your Verimfuge in every ease I have heard o 4 I am confident I can tell more dunng the coming .a.son than I did lant. I will he glad to receive another sop. ply of 4 orb mom Your, respeettlitly, irstract from lettexl R. CARTER. Prepared and cold by R. R SRLLERS. 57 Wood W., and cold by druggists generally, to Palsburgh and Al Mealy ishal I - IFICATE73:O DR hat , having attended my brother, who died of consumption to March, Ink% I was taken sick with the Consumption I or laver Complaint. and was reduced so lour with tlitt thatme. that (or loot years I was unable to attend to my businem, either at home or broad, being tut th e most tone confined to my bed. Dudag the above Pettit al of note, I had expended for medical anennanee regular Physmiane and mediemes, to the Mount of *Mk wohout receiving any benefit Mentor. In Idly, lats, I commenced taking Dr. iaTooki strdL CM, mad have taken them mom or lea ever striqp, and behove that it was by persevering In their a 4, that I can now truly say that I have completely red, vered my health. I bebeve that Jaytte's donative ROL and Ihpectorant are the beet family medicine. WIPP In I reside in Springfield, Otsego aranty, N.Y.. and and ou • farnace and machine shop in that pl&e, and ani not interested In my manner on um sale alike above medicines. and mete this certifmats tor Me bur chi of ohoo tabooed. ELIJAH EATON. Springfield, N. Y., Sept. le, IGTA ISM jell TIIENAIIIII BATHING BLISII. 9. MEN T--upen from 6A.ALtoJI Y. M ekarie o cents, or o for I dollar. Lad". deparssont open from I to l A. SI. and from 2to S P. V. The Reiman:ma Samos are unequalled le style aumulaisce. Recherche Ice Crams'. 11.3 T. M'EALL; MOUNT EAGLE TRIPOLI. foe Polishing, a newly (NI di.covered substitute for Cr.., Rotten Sumo, Houle, tro. Families have found it invaluable Sot their silver snd coarser ware.—in aeon, 511 temaried by the -Scientific American," to snide upon "elan th e SIta3III , IICCS which hare been applied to lin Olga and Natal., none can equal too BIIMILMPee lame by the name of TTIpOIIIILIS is a Superior Srli3lo to that &rat brought. from Italy by dal Vermiform, and used by open, oe "belt palmy days of that outking, to give it that peculiar estisn so muck admired by abet ration. It should Le 10 every Mealy and every week shop. For sale by R E SELLERS ; .OglU Noculst INLPOILT ANT TO - THIN ABYABOTIND. Dr. Dose's Celebrated Remedies. s-NR. JA COB S. ausE, the discoverer and veledyra 1) (newt of them mot popular and beneficial Med ium" and also the Inventor of the celebrated insure. Meal Mr Inflating the Lange, edecting • ewe of. Chronic diseame. was • student of that coitoont pitysis ept, Ibelar Physic, and LS agreduatoolge or et In t h e and for thirty years s Co has been . mama In the investmatioo-of disease., and the "ppli cauou of reenedio thereto. Through the um of as mdating tithe, colateittiou woj., h. - propylaea° elpettp Sttli OLLICZ 01b.13 IMlSattkee t be ho gained an unparslelled eminence ageing tai se dreadful md fatal midadoes, Tubereslar Core veneer., Scrofula, Itheautatimog dialmas• F ever and Ague. Fevers of all kinds, Cavan Ed7aPe las, and all ,boa ramose asoasespeculoar o fempties. Indeed every faun of disease vanishes =do the Oa of lo remedies, to which humanity is f a c er by the am of onedres, compound only, for et is faconspatibie phystelogocal Law, bat hy tee tea of hie reme dies, adapted to sod pre for each peeubarlorso of disco." ROSe . II Toole Alterative PIN, whets nsed aft In. vanably . acknowledged to be niperior to all atom, to a purgative or liver pill inasmuch as they Icons the uo,c. perfectly free from couscous; no alao his Golden Pills admitted by the faculty to possess (me.- liat properties adoopmil to , female discocs, but belay satisfied that • hare trial is sufffecur toh what too been said to the minds of the most s=l/ The aglleted are tooted to call upon the ageri, and pro , lgratia one of the DOelai'S pamphlets, Octal v detailed moot of each remedy and its application. For sate by the following agents, •• well an by mom Druggists throughout the country: J Sehmomeiker & Co, CO %Yo meet, ?tuber& Lea'Townsend, druggtst, 42 Market a Beckham, " oat the P.O. Allegkeng city; Jos Barkley, Daramt.on, Rower corny, Pa. • • !no bilitottrfrionon " Adsms, Lies"ei T Ad•mt,.. navi.-dtv q THE LA DI 11/0F.5.11-.Jas-t rece COtvd, dil, 4111:1 a d geld and attiref rl .1 gn au, I~r em ' rp m . asto' yowl, AI., gold oadadyn k esse.*Fti , 3o, newel ' s;of do latrst fuhlotes, IL ,1 1,6 Li 'MUM. : Viotebo• ag F." n Wgrs:Alasksl aedrinetai 3 6 e • ,•- MEMCkL. . . . , OAIITIOA- EXTRA. A mits toy $ awes of.113:11a. CLAPP boo wool with • younganaa of Om MIN sfEL P-Towtosea, , Sasa uses his on to pas ap s. onas srdeh *AI & la rir io od' i s m 1.0., == ~ Cos and pave bat Iris [manly a wader is 1141' . roads, e sod the lik .Yot /so . . . ilitlih of/Sr-Alt Two° of itataingwedw tat w 41,_ , .9t. no is .n.g , `ma &ids biked.v.Trie dr gomeles,.lo hick ho um/ lasso sob/ Lamm of of frtarwtllrOdnine ;ne l allo gi"fikr- pt!us Tw ArttE e Thfr isti . easaloo dm pub oat so /so Rol M rs a lb p m s . . .10 4 a:= C h l a t i g i s: O i t4 P , Old 1,101 li , sus madly cour..riesouit wile' • .. aslop ao . ate ems emu. • .-- • ~, q 1,, JAMITOWNEIV.. ~.. relseigisd ;:nfiest, IN ri SUM st,NoW,OII; -' ' - . . . • og4 i 1:104176111' carne linings • TDB onlv i NAL . I .,'Dr4coauni. ar rat e ,TOWals11111:o1/41V6PAILIk.. AA. +. out Dr. T....a Is ow lo akar I . lelftteggi,: has long been It want Ala thll-AuTHOR MIKA oftIMORNUINEORIOINALe e TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA." Being pceib head etemathd. to lona to manufacture, .*hied hem „kepi out of market, and the 'Mee obreenratnesto w t who hod proved de worth the entern . Oh. awm tr.smusa lS suntatement on the 151xe..1.• Pak Rm. 411= 4. 77:. , age, end nem changes, led for thribanen breaglis is prepared en o w ls prim:Was Iry a-Weenie O n Tka highest knowledge of Chemist*, and *sienna Ws/Temente of the An, have ail been ilarskt iota othe Inane of OldDti t sibrelli. M i ftke daresmilla root, h le well known to sunt, Madeira canileinalampertbasuld yeF kale* whir* me teen arelnen - and oth= o,.. stY If ratelnedin preparing it t oe use, madam, n ee and acid, *bleb a hdarbsee to the Imam" Imo tf the properties of flassposillo .01odisskos hey emindySyspOnthe and ant len In the prepare, uon, not preserved by a ectanttle proems, '• Mown only to these mtputem In ha monafeettme Moreover themyelaidle iniar-tplce which Ay at In so pot, or M eal eart=on,rader hear, me the may se mini peopernce Mr- rma, whien Mee a it all its valeta The OLD DR. JACOB Towlo , Britn3 BAlSEdrajnyelh is to premed; duu ad the (non meanies of root olefins removed, every ildreg ef becoming acid or of brrainnallop, la PERC=II hootod; then every particle of anotneal virtual is sem " red io • pm and unmentreled brim and then gels rendered Incapable of loving any of its veluable and healing properties. Prepared Is this oral, It is seen Oemost powerful agent In the CURE OP INNUMERABLE MEADER Hence the noses why we hen emmulme on 'CirnYtl.tin " ro"ndr • piney.* ariLlru Cludalas, end Ellreamadmk Been de and Pilmt, Ocetivenese thettemete Ere?. .neus, ramp.% Illombesonal all affections arising tame IMPURITY OP THE BIAIOD. • 'lt pw m • arralloas efficacy In ell' moMPlelleto ,arising from lodi p retlon, from heady:lM. Brewed; 'from anemtal cit.:041106, detanaiasiias of blootiatlN hoed, pap:teem of the heart, cold feet end add hands, old malls and hot nutn me the body. U bnoet had It. equal In coughs end ;side, and promotee easy rapectorldon, and male perdon, Waging Ude aura of the tang., Wray and every other pert. e• Mu nodung Is ha cacellense meomalteml ogee and acknowledged then In all [lnds n and 1 and stage of FEMALE COMPLAINTd. - . It Walk. warden to uses of duos aßres or white*, • let of the Womb., Obstructed, SaPpluand. er PSIS' fat Muses, Irregolmity of the cocoanut patoda. and the like; and is effectoal to caring all forms aihe ltd. otry Diseams. By remounts animus ton., tad regelt ting the general system, it goes to straight tts the whore/rod., and earns all fortes of NERVOUBDIALLVIES AND DEBILITV, and thus monite or relieves • great unary limonite aide, • diseases, as Sputa Irritation, Natoragia, Bt. Von Banco, Sweoeing, Epileptic Flu, Conathurou bo• L • not thisohations hlsionwaTou Pas-EwOrsaith Mae rote any of there Wag be aid of S. P. Tome. ntleskir anklet yang asn's livid isnot to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD DEL'S, because of the Oreod Fact, that the one to incapable of Deunoutlon and NEVEM SPOLLS, ladle the oth er BOBS; it mare, ferment, and blurs the boar woman it into fragment% the soar, acid hold ex ploding and damaging other goods! Mot nos chic hew le be poiecoons to the mune What n pu b t:el " d ' Tet a system slued' diseased withurthil What mums Dupepala bat acid! Do we that when Bed wens in our Momente, what produessi—ileunance, heartburn, papitatioe of the bean, liver complant, Carta., dhanuT, cholla and corruption of the blood! What u Serofalaliat an seid humor to the body! What produce. all the human. whieti bring on groper,. of the Skin. Scald Head, bait Slbeem,Flryngela.White Swelling. Fever-Som. aad all ulcerations Ititernal nod canned? It Is noth ing under heaven but an weld so/ounce, wog, and thus spoils all the flaids of the tad, tear or lea. Whatcauses Sheathed= but a sour sad And, whisk Loan usus Ina If between the Bute end elsewhere. iv . Outing and ioriaming the lender and delicate tissues upon which it acre! 0. of nervous diseases, of bow nth of the bleat, of detuad eireaLsnons, and neatly .11 the aliments which 2/541W...i0n mare. Boar, Is It at horrible to make andall, andiathile 1117inti,rErIEEPTINCACED 4 00ithEI1 ` JNIF • OF S. P. TOWNSEND: and yet ho woad fan have it embalmed that Old Jr cob Townsend's Oran= (Withal Sartapatilla, I. as Bata.* of his inferiet crepitated! Heaven foritd that we should deal In an article which woad beat the most disoun nuenthlatute to& P. Tottruocid'a article and which should bring dawn upon the Old Dr. salt • mountain load of complaient and crinunanons fromtt who hare sold, ad par chasers who bare ued S. mu P. lowneend's Ferotanitu Compound! We stub WIIMItifirtIMI, because El Is the athlohne tam, that S. P. Tow:rand% uncle and Old Dr. /sub • Townsend's Sarupatilla are beau-wine spat, cod intoner 7 disseatlan that they au unlike to every par. nada, haring not one angle thing in roamer. it is to area Creeds op= the nefersuale to pour balm Into woureled hamsalti, to kindle lair IA du despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and st ger Iwo the crashed and Woken and to banish ty—that old DEL. JAOO/1 TOWNSEND beSOUGHT d FOUND the bases UNIVERSAL CONC E NTRATED ItEassur. withal the reach, and to the knowledge .o( al who need n. that they may learn nod know, by }eyfal eit• patience, its nunocamormr awes so ;nat.! For sae by J. KIDD A CO. Wholesale Aga Ar Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Birmingham; Dr. I. SAILGRANT, Allechart; Dr. J. CASSELL, Pin ward. O. W. 0 ABM KR. ell V/11.14,Sintlilines. amblaoa TB_ D. J S AItA3 Cei r 811....tttil A tftlil to yen 1.1 and the afflicted publicoo avail walla *Lep poromit4giving pablietry to the extrarnimary drags (your conga onmyselL Eliabeat alined for aver years with • seven e hectic faro sad Its coneotatant diseasea, and only doomed to linger cm • shanties miserable eglantine. Mal do fall of ISA, aieu, being more severely attacked, cal basins resorted to all my former receedthe, auditors anemias e( two of the most tequetable Outdate St the neighborhood without denying any baud; or do farthest—when of turriring bet a fur day. or snake 4 fathest—when the last gleam of hope was amass result, I had recommended me yaitt and biassed by th at Being who does all=r — t the em of the reesins—eadnontrury to the aspentakootat my physic: us and friends, 1 web in a few days rained from be bed, end leas enabled by the tumor a hmis, to annul to my humus. conning dn. berier habit diaa I bed Ibr ten years pudca. Reareetfolly yaws, U., JAL W. Dram .010FoeFor Mohongt, tho Pekin Tea ffarn&A. Fmattv street s, marlAr MISDICA.L ROBOZOLL oral_ Ne. 65, DIAMOND •' =3sus Wow Wood Snag 111 . DU. lIIILOWN, hosier boos ss,„ aggularnedocuad to 1$ steam • , and been lb: sam a t= aractios, tans • , attentlea to shs army WNW pante and . vplaintalor Mach kis omionadtias • • - o. and iiPerMasto pecaliady gaalin • • him. Il yaws asidnotmlytdatotbl to 01112016111.0fth 0 0 0 OallaraliAtootif IMO time . Meted:moss Engles tan cored RN 3911 i gems • • mai nu WI to the let o prim* posts eltbuitt imply tea blao to int 1. 211 ' All/ret e grl Cish.' 7 lsoo o l d s...W= tinsel DtAltossi mould lama thom satiated ilea sin* dlssiM•rtdeb hen Meets shindy by We or all rated by Ma us t=f the comma mainsail can be radmally ual th an, ..ATentrcd;* V i e Wring glom eanfll eusgals . iho UgetMent ditch isms and neceededta hanicoas of imams to coring pars. of logammation of Os " meet o f t aa Madder, sad Modred discus solink elm malt from those mon Mama schen hue cosalgooll tlestato hopeless dewily. Flo partlcanon Myths men • 100 4 . e been bag and antsoccoMay stand blotbast. 1. 0 ..10 him, when every stifostea M ism and their mom treated a eareld,tagh and 1z 4t= l mambos, _tAtehb .. nr , In a = psalm of mod=se tit en Ai nrrHaroka Its. Mows Sao non* pal someMleted with Rasta to call, as he has pall rune atm auemion to MIS diocase. CANCERS also cured. into imams Mao Pt! s, Pal:mote., speedily SSA Moues .17 1... N, to.—Podents of 113th is Using at a eartans4z sums their Mane In sottish Thing all Ma toga cog obtata =diets= ortal dusellose got T. BROWN, M Mid, =Age O . ! NO. as, Edmund ell, minim OM: igorllt . Ho iriomMati—Dr. 13a . ostsVs Mosonnd I 0 dy q t rßheamstim It a speedy and cart= mouslot fir thaSyanfal molly It nom Ouls. - • • Oars .assi,. Pivots Consalthi cooed grey, Pittobargh, Po. Tim =it W. ....Ns tan is Po, - 7 --- 7iress. sagloask Itinnosiy. rt Coughs, Colds,Ambnie end Crimardridhe The • , 0 /EAT AHD ONLY iIIiMEDY for theme Of 04. ire diseases, .1. the HUNGABLIN BALSAM OF LOT, dlecerered by die celebrated Dr. Ilerdwas London, Bali ...a iat.d...a law the United 81:12te ander the e.d.iese superintendence of the laVadar: The ertraordinury wee. Of thi.. Enedietoo, to Om ...ro . 1 p.,,,,,,,., &pup, , ovralas theAmedicAS. , Agent in Folic lend ter trerdiemat the swat plasalbUr ah.• we that eau be Arend Babe ermusenity—osseirMiilsele • relinf us cane e =rya( Illn common remedies of the ; dry, end here tag m i d V . the &lost din= I p24erernne ee e E , ow. bee ...do.' .ill C." 0. 5- ;_iiafrata of uses. It Id rh quack noting, bat a unmans Sof- ' dab wedrelne, of known mid errabliskied elliessy.'_ every feT ht the Dithlth MOP ateradd be wide Beau.% Burerarrah Bats= of Lifis =TM, ceenterractlhe amenalpliTe mideselor of UM &ma* • ; b .o rd re be=superiraNr,..... irothX.C,,, chest, rritation sad Ms ILION' WOK; dill. ll l or ft...tin, P.Cd. ih.CC1..... 44Wil . Y,, . tii..r.l . detail, Mipdre.Lattlelth. all . t hit OC' esti Pa te n ,and ". llereellsreer f ' 1, alilli:I ' llnW ca:, Orlllit sada of ddsgrest MYPT,..• !. for aby El 41. . - -... ..• , 0 Sad Wood sad Wood sod Mb los. .:,:t 'Cb4 —)dliitirg ' ‘"la it i gnowourmr.,44la.. 7 : t o.l2 s l.___ft. i . rpm uiLisAw . . .. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers