ESTABLISHED IN 1756. BUSINESS CARDS. >s 1.11% A TjtIRSKY and Counannor at Law, and Csniest.- .11. one, tg.e the Stain of Pennsylvania . St. linntr, Kasburgli I Raea rr h. W Forward, (tamp, N'Candlea. APClttre. John K rarte. Boasclls, ~, npl....llrrrd King angl4l4ly tt 7-17rnu*". BAIRD £ EITNULItIiTT, AITORNM'S AND CUL:NeELLORS er CAW, Your. gore., .nroulo Eswakeld and (barn Pt..burgh, t 133 /011:1 LA. 66. - 4° ' L Allan 6 MEND, A TTORNIAb AT LOS Fourth •Intct, near 4rant $014:4 ,t tviSt: A CRUZ,ft. Cuto.muslon Au uid U: elm Pro.duk., &o. Alarket jr4ret . _ - ue.vas htskilth 1F11...0 A I.I.:eDItL Wholesale dcalets in,l,ruceric.., 'oats. l•lhoes, rittangtlll roano:artarro tuvce... Ito_ No. OU Ltherty Wee; ifjt pis:,A 61... 7 11t..11416 ()RAU( A 111,11 I. lialesale and Ret=g j :met of Libetty and lit. Cu. sirceArdi burgh, /-• cC. I no.. 11. L miystg. BROW, CTLBERTSON, Wbokmale Waters, Merelm., N., 143, Ltheryy at, Peltsbursrh. P. de4.1..11. co Wholn 74 -7' Re- . X.ll. " ' Drugs Ists, camel Wood ca mul oth ‘l , bolorale Wooers, 11 and JJ ".d) Woad .acct rutsburgh. WWI • CIAIO. W. s. ( IRAIG is SKINNER., Forwarding non Comintimon Merrhaou No. WI Market a, Ponanurgh. agitn el A. AIcANULTY L Co, Forwarding and ;om lJ ronalou Merchants, Canal Basin, Pittsburg& P.. ongle2 Eliosussno bpaing, kris, !noel soad Iron Works. • 001 . ..ENIAN, MAILMAN & manufacturers of loach and Mantle Smog., Rwrimared Ailey Sprin sod Plotrgb Stool, Iron, &c. Warehonaia on %V Kier g Front r ira o ta, [...burg& Also, dealers tub Coach Try:mu:ma and MOO bb Cuenngs 4 D U 1 I..l X l li tl , aY tuT. LP i PrEITE TBEiF Wt YITPSDUIIti EDMOND WILKINS, U UNTISIik euttnutneture Monument, }Awl lJ Vault., lambs, Heed Stour. Mumel rtece4„.i.kee r regularer felts co foreign and ' domestic outdate, al s and (tar pnee. ,rt N. ll. Lrrastu,e, In' nionument,•ataltik.t.fighi.ik ed, of any dea‘tiptum. Ile poUelts a enure at itt;intle outer:nage nngitalf Wald I. stUuttlt, UNGII6II h ikINNOrf, Unte Ez t oysh, uthgk e , £4 ¢ 1.:a.) Wbolerate btocera. Cotonnagion szut•Vor• yrnnlittic Merchou,, and den, r. to Produce sod-tilts bOrpirt Aloatubciotea, %%'oo.l betwe. Id ma 3d stn-rut. dittl ILA 0., t.ookolo..olois nod ionoialliTg Alcrobont., No. m ~ono creel. Pautimrigh- '141.7 HUMS UIC 1:1 ANI11:1UN STEW ALIT, 1111111.1111ClUILI &13 , Startiop, Checks, Ito, Katrocca Wool, Oity of Auegl.ay. otool.1.11.10! H. LEE. tsuceve.or io Mundt] Lee 4 Wool cr and Contutteeent !Northam, tor the Oda of American \lootrua, oppoettc Oth fable ttae,e, L:olutuare. DECT.N011.,nu.11.611.14 t 0,:.,.. WA..., EALD 116 La.C.K:N OR, Tobitcro Commisnon ustas, 41 Not, V attox At, & North Vaufves, cov9l.*tf . . — lrra:r. Yottla li A FAA", JONTQ3 ..d. Co., (successors to Ateitiod, 1,..1, Jon, S. Cod Comintision and Forws.rthog 'Mer chants, Ocalsro an Pittsburgh binnufactured Goods, Plu,ourgh, Ps. corC2) , 1.8•14. r. DICAttl, mast DIMMY.-,A. thAl.e. It DICKEY 4 Co., Wholesale grocers, Ceti, anseiun Metrbtrra, sad de‘lers m Pribduce,Nlo.4o 81cd,““4 107 Front tart", Pittsburgh. tidyn )011.3 .5 141,0 \III ..., icon,. titio.roifii. _ o_ ro J N. /41.. Wt /liTll co, licers, rro. . duce tutil Contutomon Merchants, and Agents for the liararl Powder Co. of N. V., No,hll Wood st, Pittsburg!, .pur JDUN Al. TOWNPCND, [hatpin sad Apollielialy No. 4.5 Alarkm et, thranlloors above Tina, el u-1 burgh, .1, i have constantly on hand a welt selected as. sorunent ‘,. Cho bent .11 trustiest Alm/mines, wtuelt win it on the MOM rsyonable terms. Pays/Pima ambling oramr, wolf be promptly mended no. and,pup ploxl itrueles they may /my upon as gensuudC Physiotans Preunpuous will be acourataly , and prveared From the best mammals, Many hair of no day or night. Also ior lam. stock of freah mad gootrt i dtn. mory. ptl3 _ . . I /J. ~ ...o.Nk• tE L, tode ofiCarreO7l.lhicsi Qp it Yea tum Pearl Ash, nod Wet. 711 Produce g t o ral Vitlider deer, tduacen :dor Wood, Pdtubarish.'..lu3 • 011;V! W.Vll', tadeceasor to e,:zart i lietottart,) Who/canto (tracer and Connortatom Ale/rainy dealer ot Prods:me am l'atOrr,ga . Pdahettoetarea, Bor • ter of Laberty end limo atrecu, Poutomen Pd. OM JHELL Z 8 NtetiUtlLE, tluo of the tumor Atterallnd Mcbutre,) Ilereat.t Tiller, 81. Charles Itudotitga, /hard aoret new tookylttabdrsh. J AItiEN. IlliTCltlBoN, 8. Ca.,Boeccasoear to Lew,e lima on lc Co., Contsciaaion hlcrendho, add Agent, ot toe MI. Lotus tateant Bagnr Retuddry. :co, 43 water amulet front strecta, Pittsburgh. J VIIN D. pantriallt, Whalers.. lormwtsl, dear er la Dye Butf.r.,l" 0.0 u ., V e, de, Palr3 Wood Meet. ono Coot 4.15 of lhaiiioud PM. burgl. Ammhalua,.lr a Go, Doem_osor Joss*G. rrs,) Yasp Char ' Akre, 31 , 1 \ Voter street .41 1 Uliti 31EL.J..011, LVlorduale • la &Wale olAhlootual lostromeaD, Muml Dot 00, em,...c, :1.2,4, Simi Poru Mute.' Cardrouol Suuouar y generally,No. ' Ol Wood It, Dlarborgb_ Roo bought or Laken ha trade. nO.l _ I e‘CDOCHNDAKI. — :II. err. Co., WhoLmalo Drvgiam, • . No. 31 Wood ....ea, Drusborm.. WO. L. DAL IS, Amur/neer, comer Stik cod Wood ✓ elrcr, 1,115t.3514. ocl Joll:•STON L ...STCreIiTUN, Become Hers, rnirtorra ma Pryor almalmturcr, No. 44 Marcel at, I.2_e DIG U. Fiord. klacnahniquO. I R. FL,OYD, Wholesale Grocers, Cornmeal,. tl • Aereetreu, hard Dealers in Produce. Roane Church truriraegra 1.011/4 011 Lincrty, ood streets. I insheran, Va. JAla E. DAL:SELL, Wtulle.nla Mete:rue; and dealer re Produce and l'arslarigh Nlerneereluzea N 0.24 W UZI !IL i'atsburgh. reale JCtril WEAVI* Jrr, Wealesare andßawl Do-i -ler IL Foruge Wines and Layeers, and old Motion gaheiu aye W treaty., corner Vim and Matter Ida, 17 - ILA Zs JONM,Forieurdrog and Combusaiora gen J UL cornito, Idea Jena in Produce and Pito:burp roPo teetered arocies, Canal Bann, near Mu- an v. Etta' 11111. IL, V k;:%'...ELY, CHILDS. tr. (11.).,Nisastastarers 4 , 1'41417 ja, opener 4-4 Ohceungs, Carpet Chime Cation 'Io. laid lhousg. 4vjjti . Vesuvius Iron Works. r EN% IS. DALZELL 4. CO, OlOollticuaters of .1F..1. acs uar, oho., Model Itou and Nast. of the Vest qu alt). Warehouse, Si wa:cr 344.1114 hoot sl S V. ATER-LAN, Wholcuale Urocer, Forward .' J. tag and Commo.ctun Merchant, Leal. in Pi.- borgb Nianulacturcs .Tud Produce, No. Jl Watec-sO, and UV Front KENNEDY & SAWYER, )o Intl 3tutinfacturess.,,and WholaWide dealer. In km w ara .d domestic Vartety Odas. lestern merchants, l'odiars amt others are ins.ited to cal, and exam.. the inlets and quality odour st.W6k, as wan our present worettsen lamlittes usandissaiir ti4 and pusehawnr, sue thuds wa can odor . et-al inducements to buyers a top other house west orAlte Itlountanta ~.`I 4:. arr. ataat-Rao, Phi w. atcarraoa, Po tialmfgh.. .1 RICK KrsuN, NV aolcaale Grocers,kod traporteu 01 1110.011104., Wow. aud Saga's, NO. 2 and .71. corner of Larerty Irwto aateets, rat, Pa Iroo, Nana, 1.701100 Cho. only of baud' 1 000 'rata. is. D. .0 11,14. C 1.70 .- X I [GILLS & RuE, comigts -4,1 aunt Merchant. tao. 1714 Lebeny .L, Ntleudsdh. CHPIII.7iVIL.4Oia flaw JOl.O, b10,7ei6 holesaft Dealcra ta Dry 1.0.0112, 114,40 WwJ..rcat.Pltuburl, 4 ;Kal AA ArniEw wiLsoN, hfintatoreP;Oh.• ILL ter. Roma, corner ol Post (Kee Alley Ipand Fourth .tact, mamma on 4th new Mask.. 4,......a. ~ earn:mai ,TELL WQRX.S - AtiL) kiPlaiNG AN.I.. AXLE FM:1'0BI. ... z....c Jam, 108.1 r. ytteoe. jONF:S & 4.1.1100, • - - Vl/11YUFACrt;111 of sprung mid [dodos 4el, ALL Mough stem plough 'clogs coach and Mr? to •pruc,;., basun. red won talta, wall denten, in mai eat, casatog., bra enggsc lamps, Bald coach trionthints generally, cornet of it-. and ?root ma., nocustgo, ?a fetid & 50N, N o . bI Markel st., acCßod • door Iron, ~crcrr team, dealers to hcleltgo axe hbo,csue 11, of F.Xchaagc, Cero-hcamoof Depot. A, Waal, Notes and opeete. .1.1.:r Co.c.. mad an all She prihcipal eplu 103g/it:Mt the t.clice, ehmes. deut7 NULTUKAIA., rut,—Office, Fotardim-, • toad door above Ounthimid, loath axle. • Xctuveyarming of an atotta dotte tatla Inc grdhleat taro ono tent accuracy. Tales 4 Eatote exained, k.e. tiltrol)c/.9kG ale 00 ki.. CIFFICF, Mount, etre., new Grant, to the Yeietst latety oceoyead try Alderman Metter, iretztea f tlete ly oppaute pit. Liteltewell4. Ire may be towed let Fllght ;t, y t , ta.rk. ). 11,464, j , - - 11; T. lagnaar., IrrliALmic eI:RC:F.4PN, will atUnd to the thaw 1.1 meet of De.easee of the klye. ri LL. hes been cuteged mis brooch of the dire,di eel professton for sweet., clue, stellate unelected. ...eiteheuest tor the tree:meet of diseases of theitye ter several years. Uret. and de uce, comer of Bendetelry sCitetel Alle&iteny etty. • ,41 E i rcius TEA STOVE .— Nee ta FlAin quetatties of Orcen."(etell Black Tees, ditto op in quener, 64141 ,WlBl one p.m! packages, reegittg &eel cts. 'pee poeM Pf 4 A. JAN EPS, Agt. for Pekin Ina ItCHASUN k CO. having associate/ Lirrl./..tle,aratl4 therein bumble" tha T 110349 b. Oroe.crYi rte./ate soil Coteatitueo bustnesa gilt/ coutiovea u warm ~ ,o the taw of liouisoo.3lll. tie 1 .. p MOON, LI TT LE & W., No. Ng Liberty atfdet, jt, () Pittsburgh, Wholeaahr Grocer., Produce ?groi I.otormseion ilereuruns., and dealers in Pattabatti N anulaeturea 117 nos, soalss.. giro, htorta 5. aoaoldth roeei Rectdpng thsuber, deal. Produce, Pittsburgh Alairolho tures, nod all kinds of Foreign and Mouresuo Whges and I.Nuors, No. It I..rberig shook 013 hand a Om' ~;.. ~,ocx of supenor old Monongahela whodirig, sr.noh o Fold low for cash. aid:4y 14, " 4. 1 lTo i :O r tas n iou riZo}di L lorarAng—Clrerehantstedeitira Productand Psnahargh Mazufaeiro o s, La be nyht. Phoia re h, febrir .It l ;:i . : ' r ° <l%.. th4-- /ts, ' Vr il tUiril=Nig vet 7 9 = ', ..,1t17- ors m Groernes, Protlaer-, rittebumh btatsulacisi;te• and Chionde of Lame. • h e., ertLr c tr o a i gLash, paid at WI time* fur cilin Irwin .1. wig) HE PITTSRL 'G 1, AILY GA,ZFATTE• CARDS RUITi = AI GUN Nll‘i 411 A-1 - Dealer in Prods., and Pz.burgb Manufnezur . .. ,a 1111_1,,,)• iY/2 S LIIACIELICIT,ILITI In HACKLETT Foremo and Domes. Dry Goals. Na. Wood P.osoor,l, f:l,l7tf n. Co_ Wholesale Grocers sod Produce newer, No _'Cl Market street, belwenn Chh sml nth. North side. Philadelphm. novo S - & W. lIMIBAUdII, Wool Merchants. Dealers to Floor suni Produce goo...rally, and Forwarding an/ Commission Merchant., No. na Water si., • ELLE - 0. prrUlm-Rolt.un irl an aRMAIIP. SELLER'S & NICOLAS, ?nehmen d (: corral Cam blerohanta, No. 17 Liberty el, Pl.bargh. t <Mt, Linseed .4 LW (RR L - F — F7l6P,i IItigNIIORST, & Co., Wholenele, Gm , O ear. Feneardier .d Conerammon hlercheing fßalen iv Einehureh bleinufacierei and tVestem hr. have removed to their new emrehou.dold stand) Y 0.25, earner of Front t and Chancery Lime. nnvl r it.ASSEV - tr...1111', - Moreaal e Grocer. Auld COMM., SIOn hi knits, any deafen Fred/ace. No 31 Wood rt,rithitrargh. I. r ._i_ pical w. itorii. TROTH eVOTT, Wltolesate and Rena dea r. lers in Boots, 81wies Trafika Carpet !burg, &o W comer of 4th and itirtaqipeld Pattburgh, Pa Jo tr•VID yv r laneceuors &J. D Wink,) Wlsoleae Grocers., Forwarding and Commission Merehnitas. dealers in loon, Nails, Glass, Lotion Yarns, and Pittabarge Ikl.tifactures gertoreJly, resew. of Wood and Wits Plasiturth. gu .. . 2 Tr u r , d r, ;tl:: , l La . rn , c t s , /i ; neue.s Ir. ll FlLisON;Ntatenes.Jeweiry,rer are, TT and Military Gporlo, corner of :Market and 4th meets, Pittabargh, Pa. N. B.—Waiehes and Clock, earefully Erpaired. dee4 T W BOWEN--C.owaia and Forwurding 7derelttant, N 0.20 F onn ront between Wood and Markel sweets. fettN W . IL te food.,at llt .n I ,, dteeL ein eternal; of lament siEl Fourth sta. autrel ~ era. yo.umg, Mi. ICCUIVIL urn. YOUNG & Co.—Dealers in leather hide*, &r. TY 143 Utterer at. .Cr - 1,11[0:1- ‘)(7 it R. 111'CLITCIIEON, W1301r5 6 01 ,11 Gr Y ocer., deo- YY Icrs in Produce, Iron, :4:blip, GI:1 , , ant: P n'. blurb htenafacteres generally. 1.52 Ltl•crly Plus. dApry! r w WILSON, - healer in We:cher,. .I..wriry • ,f.dver Ware. ! , lilintry Good, &e 57 NI r eel • wm.Vdtsc. a• co.. DEALF.RS IN HI DE.i. AND I.EA fln ER, Mornoro, Shoe n0du1e...4,i No i.e, •Iro, bore jos) reeceved their SPRING STOCK n pri c‘wo'.. .on, iting a latrCe wowrtoicht of nrocle. tri Li.ror tot, to w hich ale tuentson orparch3.ers L. olvocd menu 10E0TT11212.11171. 6 Cu, STEAM BOAT At.F'ATS 022228 • 2.222 M ALLEN A 02, 02211 . No. 42 NVAtrt istrn, INSHWCE „ IItIEM I#iYlliCE COMPAMY OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL LiCILCUO, J FINN., Jr., Sec'', MULE, Jr., Preet Will insure araihst all kinds of ri4t, FIRE AND MARINE. ALL losses will be nherally nojconed and promptly ptstd. A home inatituttoo—managed by Director, who are ell known in the conuniuty, and who are detemno• ad ley prorninneso and h*raitty to mm u tett, th• char shier which they have rammed, na °Pernik me best protection to those who dew., to be Insured Lnane-roer—lt. Miller. Jr., "co. Black. J Duzler. N. Holmes. Jo, Wm. H. iltrictiC.. C. Jackson. 11in 11. Lyoa, Jas. Lippincott, I no. K. Liles, domes bl'Auley, Alen. Nitnick. no.. S. a: Dyrieln No. 32 I Water Gres, twannhoo.h SPantr Co.. up stair..)Pittsburgh. mil dl INS I:fiLA NCB. - • - • rilut:. DELAWARE i/Ifit: 1.. SA 1-II'Y IN , RANCE COMPANE.—ORme. North Room m the Lichens,. Third street. Phdad-lphia. FM! I)anaaaee.—Roildtogr, Mercbandise end ether P roperly iu TOW" end losurml agauvl nr damage by fire at the lowest rub, of premium Mamon loscuncr—They also insure Car goes .d Pretalns, foreign or coastwise, under open or special policies, . the oakumd may desire. T1111.1.1.0./.171371. —The}} also timire entre him. illse transported by VVagona, Railroad Vars. Canal Boats and Steam Boats, pas nvers anti lakes, on the most itherol terms. DIRI.X.:TORS—Josephii. Meal, Edmund A. Sander, John C Gavot, BobertAtotton, John R. Penrose, bamo el Edwards, Gee G Leipe r inwardDarlington. ion. R Day. Fotweß, John then ltu. Dr R M Har lon, James C Sand. Theoplul. Puuldnig, SI Jones Brooks, Henry Slone, Flta;b Craig Gro , ge Spencer M . ello; Charles Kelly. Johnson., WO ham Dr S Thomas, botin re trrti ‘VITI Very. Jr DIRA,TOBS AT PITTSBURGH—D. T. Morgan. Wm. lik;aley, Jno. T Logan WILLIAM MARTIN, President Riot,. S. Naunn., Secretary . IL , Glee of the Comps y. No 1 . 2 Water strret, Pittsburgh. Julfedt/ P. A MAJJF.IIL., Agent FIRE. AND RIALI.II% IfifiStlitiANClk. THE INsuicAlicE North America will 01.00 permanent and Hauled Insorsoce oa pre. perry in tba, etty and vicinity, apd shlpmer4s by cuw, ft:rera, Lake., and by See- Too Pr om ot thirCoutorrny are arill miesual, and ferntsl2 .1 VW:- able foal for the maple hisieetairty of ail persona who daaLre lb be praneated by Insarmice. aryl.. 'WM. P. JONES, Arent, 44 Water al. ME=M no Fran His Fr. /arierastec Co. of ' , Wade/plan. TAIRECTOILS.--Charlea N. Danaher, Thomas Han, Told. Wagner, Salitual Grant, Jacob It. South, Geo. NV 11/chards Alordecal Lean, Adolphe E. Done, David 8. imam, Morns Patterson. Clue.. N. lisac[Sa, Presidetzt. Charles G. Banker, Secretary. Cootie. Do make toretance, pdnients I or hunted, on e•ery descliption Of property m town or country - , at (ales as low es an conOnstent enth .cunty. To Compuiy have resetsed o large conhorent Pend. wWeb yeah their Capital and Pretratims, safely invest ed , admit ample protactiob to We assured. The assets or the company, on Jar.uary Ist, ICUS.. published agreeably to nit act of Asecmbly, were as fellows, r 33 hl o n,Snadn 01,047,11:34 41 Real Estate 94.134 ,3 Tcroporanw Loans Stoc. • • 514•41 Cash, dm. 3,404 33 81,11,02 71 Sutee :hell incorporation, a peeled of 10 years, they have pool apwards alone Lannon four Loathed thous and dons.. losaes by foe, thereby afordlng evidence cf the ad rantages of innttance, well 6.1 the ebony and dopostdon to meet *nit promptness all Inannucc. I. liAltniNEß WFFIY , Arcot, marl-Aly Office fig ear.,or Wood vnj 3d et. rigid A Wam liVTUAL Ili ifetiA c II A. bIADF.IfLA, Agent at Comp on the De - A. • war< Mutual Safetylnsuranee Company of Phial tuielptna, Fire finks upon buildings and rocrehondtee of every deseripnon, add Menne goats o7un hull. or cargo. of vestals, token upon the most favorable tenns._ Uen Oftwe in the Warehouse of NV. B. totem tr. Bro., No. 37 Water, near Starker street, Parsburgh. N. 13 —The sneer. of thy Company since the eatatt. Liehment of the Agency In tbm cry, with the protnpt nem and liberality with which every Me. upon to-el for lota one been attested. fully overturn th- eur inviting the confidence and pamanage of his limn. nod Ine commentty allargs to the DllitlPran: lanes Company, whiled ho. the additional tin num... pOS all immune:ln among the mem noriontong rat.. havey . asepl/pmd.m raped. hi Nc r. °pa,' of tin chaser m conatandyere. ere a• 'Acidity to ea. pin 011 suf. lon dee i m mam et , ne preens ef tho inom , Jun in vii trepoennotly whatever, laud therelore an pette••ier the a:lintel principt titveated of every shunt ,eta nte tare, and in its most altra4tve lona rood - Flit& A,ND mAnnvic INSUELANCE.. TZr. - .l7„r c , ° . ' aai the make pertn.ent and Imain innureece on property, In My city and vicinity, and on etaproent. by the Ca• cad and Rivers. DIRECTORS. Arthar G Code; Cherie. Taylor, Semi W. Jose,, Ambrose W to, Et'lward Smith Jacob 51 Thorn., John A. - John N. Ned:, atehard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Ffl.llle4 John Whim, Thom. P. Cor, tJason , l F.Snalth, Samocl Drooka, Y. aIIAIIR A Illbone, ARTHUR U. CUFFIN, 11. s, D. Sasruumu,l4.ey. Tld. a. the omeat Inaurinee company In the Voted Smt., havins been chattered an t eft. It. .hares a. perpetual, and from us hiita Itandang, long expert•ne , , ample rocana, and avoid:ng all flk. of an extra lm. anions character, at may be ron.ide red a. aa.nn,am ple ..Canty to the public., r fa PNES At the Coo. -g goon; or Atwood, /ono. h a o , Va. tar ./: Fmut area .e,rot pro tcol Wait InzutenctoCompany of North Ao,neu. amt u-,11 u e POitC/C•aell niteiitt to the °LP,. of the A;cocy. toe vraselpou.r of Alwa. J • & Co. apl2 FOR WilliblNG7k C 031.411,6 lON C Cora COPE et 114 E VuouLic, rogwARDLNG k Cu.Nl.ltlioN 31.1,11.CJIANTe, end dealer. n White Lem. Wtedo Wo'SCCOO.II ru t, ritto.urgh . Pc. Wal attend promptly' to the mile 01 emelt. entro“ed COMM Bata To—Baguley tc Pro., IL Toone, A. Co , 0. A. W. Ilarbaupe. Kay & Co, Murphy. oisou aCo , Patsborgh. Hannah, Glsassu and am met ehuaa generally, Naw 1.4.b0u, 0. D. aL. \ K Co.. lie°. Woils, Wellssule, 0. Joseph %Vs.., LA J. thgger K Co. PCO/20( K .11 . ../I:co, & '‘Veaver, Tx y lov a U. , John H. Wawa Co Philtd*lplua. A. Oral!,ltallae• Co, Clnctnuati., 0 John Howard, Louisville, Ky Johu ru.. New "clean,. Heady a flagman, Cleveland, 0. J. Knolicy . held, U. ClatX, rusks & Co., Bourse, ns. sovErula CIEOIIOO . • Caromlesion sold liforwardlng Blare hoot. so. W 0091.7" raysiins, k/ONTINVFg tO wasisaet a generill Casemanou bun new, especially in thiS perste** and axle of Atlllr Can Masinfacteres utd Pyodace, and in reeemias .„ a forwarding Goods eettel is his care. A. Ate° , the Manufactures, he will be constantly suypited with the principal articles of Pittsburgh 111.afticutra at the lowest wholesalepriced. Orders and sonsir,s,,,,„„ see respnedelly setieitoll 14 5. 141111•11. 'E.r.ibrivare are. 5. v0ft13.03 VECATDIAN,rITTBIAN a. co., FORIVIBUIPW k CummissiuN MERCHANTS, Ml=Ml= SOAIITE & ATKINSON, Plaar sr., sa - rwan Woob AND biascrl, Pi - mar - non. ( . IUNTINUE to ananalatture all kinds or CUPPED, ll TIN AND SHEET IDUN WAKE. Al.?, Mack _ h Work. Bteena Wats built tv oraer. 14/LCIV OOP o.'ll1 0 ateani boat work. Have on band.. • bne asaorunen.dCopfrer and WWI ilteltleA, Tin Ware, Ac. &a. abeurnboat eont "IK:boy. Portable Forges, •nriovev ailev— a very COOVCII,III sr. bele for steamboats, Caddo.. road COSEII.I. III . WO woaid respectfully Invite steam boat Mr :1 and other" *all and sea oar &Melee and prica• Lvtore perebaalai elmowlu.s. ,rl7 PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEVIBER 15, 1849 HOTELS FOUNTAIN ROTEL. LIG FIT STREET BALTIMORE Inea sloe OneUW.l. reorinaropi RTHIS eethblistunent long and ...lolly known as being one of the Most eammotliona in the city al Badimore, ha. recently undergone very ellen etre afternoons and improvements An entire now Wang has been added. conmining numerous and nary sleeping apartments and extensive bathing rooms The l-adies* department ha. also been completely reorgnarwal and fitted up in a ino. moque and beam,- ful style In (act the whol. a rri,gement the floe, b"-s been remodeled, with a single eye on the pan of the propneunrs. wiwarda the comfort and pleasure of Or, Guest, and which they confidently as wail ch,tl:enire comparison with any lintel in the Union Their tatne a ill always be supplied with ever) sob mantel and luxury which the market aderds, served up in a superior style; Whale In the way Of Wines, ke., they will no be *Atrium/rd. In conethiuon the pmprietora beg to nay, that nothmg wall be left undom on their part, and on th e pan nf their uatortants, to render this Howl worthy the continued patronage of their (nand, and the public generally. The prices for Ward have also been reduced to the following ran.: Lathes' t/rdinary, 61.75 per day. Gend 1,50 N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al ways he found at the Car and Steamboat Lending, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of charge. may:lV - - IEXCIIANGE =M. 01 lirCi A. BT. CLAIN Sri, P1TT5.4613. The autmerther having assumed the mono,- ment of thin long email:dulled and popular I lotel, revert/ally 111110UMV* to Travellers and the Public generally, thiM he will be at el ttfnell prepuriol re accommodate than in all thimes desirable m well regulated Hotel.Ttlee floe. i• rots being thoroughly Implored tbroughouC and nem Furniture added,.tad no puns won 1 , 0 spared to mole the Exchange one of the very beat Hotels to the country. The undersigned respectfully solicits • contitin.‘oce of the very liberal patronage the lboom has hereto. ore received. TiIUMAS OWMTOPI. febldtf rropr emir 07 000.11. ND SLANT ISTILIMIT., THE subsenbet respectfully announces that he hunt's, °lamed tus new and excellent noel forohe neeornmodation of travelers, boarder, and th e public. generally. The 11..4. end furnoure arc and no p ain. or expense have been spared to r ende r it one of the most comfortable and plea•rot Hotels in the city. The Polmerther is Jeternuned to deserve, and there fore solicit, a share of polder neurones, oc:14.‘111, JACuti 1101 , (41. Propnctor uiviTsrilmOrms noTEL, (112,7( 'IT IR.. !I CrIVIIMN 0011111 •.vn nr - ry 61 . 3. P d ' e r . ; VIE hte "I'll 7 the ' AI Ph".- marhf Proprtutor. LAW OFFICES. M TII:1.1N, ATTOJINEY AT LAW, Patin, Pa IpgrlLL also lattnd m collecuort, nil other hoc- T T er.tromrd to Luc in IWO.' and Armstrong Coonue, ra. Rrler . J. & Floyd, Lrber st W. W. Wallace, do limes Marattn:l do Putaborgh. dly key & Co., Wood on.. ;an:. • , I 1, ,WEITTER. Attorney at Law Ogrim 4,, .0.1 npporne St Cartrlcs P.mtruiett. will also attend promptly to eolleettoaa, In W. 61141111,1.3. Fayette. and Wren count:es. Pa Bh.PED TO Black •toek, Bell tr. Co., ) Clt tett 4. Carothers., 'sl'l:taboret D T Morran. .cll,lll Elll. -CRY, AWarney and Coancellor at LA, Ctretrtnat.t. Ohm Col tact lona to Soothe. Ohio. and IA lath:v.4 and to tit•nttn,ky. promptly and er , 1131!y 1111-ndeci la Conlo...ion, tat the Pe a tt na ty:va 11%. lot taking Depotaor, at.lenovarle-algmeot•t, Rn ca ro—llon Wm. Ikl: k t , on, Curt., Chureb & C. :owe rN, Hey, Eq.. \l rlwk & Davy. et2.l HAT& i_AE'S AND BONNETS lII'COIU3 a. CO., It 4 aeccusorm to Pl'Cord d King) .4 , -. Fashlonablo ttttt 's,' torusr4T - 4.1 a:a MafiA &nets. PIR'fICULAR auentron paid to oar Rosati Trade. ors lumen ran rely upon urtteng Wet, Huts and Caps from our establlshodent al the Nur IIATERIA I-, and LAXLM.III., of the Luta sierra, and at Ibr LOW rST Cl2l. I;ountry Merehants, purchasing by whole/wale, are re-rpeetfo.'y .nettedgall and examine our Stool; u r4ll , uy mob ronfidenee that as regards or. t.rry ,o 1 gate, it am! not suffer in a compan.on 'run any I /use in 1 4 hiladelplua. NITA/111/ d C CALIFORNIA HATS-11. dos grater pr of Cadturnta just received and for sale Ls a. • ,b:7 corner 5:11 and Woad sae pp SPRING FASIIIONS FOIL/ .49. 31 CI I. dCo esti: Introduce on Si: .r• .111111. day. March "d Scrota sty, of IA Th... in want of nuat mul repent,: hat, ars Int ite to nall nt corner of Mb and Wood •treuts I. PIUS tt II PS:st -W it flu ratty Oas ..uts open a supply of torlug Kennet 14.ttbons, of rev and h .ndsome styles. Alan. rear atyle Nett.: Lisle Lace,. and Ifilg. tug, Ltuen Edungu; Victonst do, plaid Mann.. and lanenattroutered Sans. Musluts. de Insoles a large aa.ortrunt of Spring Good. generally, at aorta cut corner 4th and Market streets. Womeaate ROOM. up atoms. apt] 4 ! .. .! • •• C(WARTN Copartnership. T tiEend.r„pnnita•e tht• ds y ass.ssted with them J ACOLI L. e•CIi , VARTZ.snd - will con tinue the bun/Ices n berett.torr. under lb. orTs of s. , HSESTOCX a 01) NOTICE. OREM I'llF.,artn•r, 1p heretolo•e e.usttoK ord.. the firm o. A. c 131tA01.}:1. to CI owolved •Ireeve or Ms. C. liradiry The outtl.ess +III be earr.r.l an by A UndleF, who will .ettle the basines• of the late hrzn KFAIt r V AL I) hag removed ht. Foundry NVsrath,..t.e Irnm No t Second %tree, to No 19 Woo.' str , ttet,reen Fi-•t and Second ettecii o the 14.! y occupied 1., (1. A. It.rm. ay nem he trri:. keep con•wryly on hand a general assort meal of enat.oc• Btore.. Cooking Store, he ,)I3 DIIiiSOLVTION. Tranne , ,hlp heretofore emattng betarem Stoo -1 net Ii Itumfield •nd B Hay., coding undrt Erna 0( 111:9lIFIELD A BAYS, ha. 1.1 t• day disonlved by Winston U. liay• ht. entire ittletc•i in thenrm to 14 B. Bustitteld. At act man. due thr farm mill rollet.ted S B. Itu.nfirdcl, .00 dent. dim Ity the lam firm to Lo paid by I tte totottc. 11. H. UUSUFLI:LII, Pittahurgh, hoe ?4. IMO. W. B. H A Ytti CO-PARTNF.IDMID—. 11 Dusnrm.o 10t , ,0 diir dny 0r.00000 , 11.0000,39,1 iiGNNT Lo uu, la .4 Ito,oo. n41re0r , 0.7 0! ts, :11,10 - 000 1100.1. ConlJl,url.o.4oe.y. ot.dre II.• firm of Fl ELL, J. LEA DEA. on 'O. old N $lllll. ED. II I.I..ALIEH / 12 v ••P ragra.l P.nm ate forme, Lu.ina.a, I teh plea., mcommeadiPq ,auP—P•aors Inc p. trona, of ra, 0 40/11CM am! piattlia rnaral Tneco-partnereip heretofore ea le nat between the •a...orthere. In the t. el ea...tile. alorke t 0 te• Jay dieenlved mutuel Mesa •a Hurl, le Harnett will settle inc but, newt of the ace,. which iterate.. they art mut horterd to uw the nano. the couvern. N ATHA NIEI .CONSTA.I3I.E., 111/SILN It KAI:, Tlll/51AS 11A lINF-S The v./J.:reign...l hayed:ll4day themeelvee la the :tante oi 111111 AV A 11ARSE.S. tor the perpow of ntanulltetunne Fire Front Safes, Vault Olin, he et the stand 011 he late firth of Cametable, Burke 1 C, ahem they will be Weaved to reeelve the pa tronage o 1 the courting, of that 130.341 maul the, 'bends. ell/aII:NDI I I . RI , K, .1110111 Ail 11AkINF-a. In rennog from the firm of Canutnble, Burke A Co , I withonneere pie reeo comehd Memo, Burke A. Borne. to the confidence ence of m y fnende and the public. Feu 9 1.49. NATIIA KIEL CONSTABLE. 01111190 L 111710 N. 21111.; partncroaup of M 'IIY tr. LEE is this day d0...11.Ni by mutual ran.- Id- Tac hasiucss of the late Linn will be •ruled 11. axe- It MERI . III', Pi.uburgh, Jan. 311, Iciv. 11 LEE. NOTICE The untie-maned will c onUtote the Wool Lotataratt sot, attt,od to the solo of Woolen Goods, at tne soil .laud H. I.liE. reurtng horn the hrtu of Mar thy tr. tal Rt” , pthasur, in recornmehthroc r H to le • coahoenec of my frsenda hod the put. he. Pittat.uthlt, /an :91 1.49. ) IL MURPHY. rI , IIE 1 - thaeribera have the dayrotthetated them -1 ..Ire. together tor the purr.. of traoaaetlng • canc.:pale and Teter' Dry I 'trod. and •Grocery !mantes, at No ...V I.atthrty, °throat. Seventh. street., ender the atyle and firm of 4t. IIA VS. P.R.Ohrgh, January I, !SIP N II —Our uol oushunera and the pablie are :tented tog:reu.acall. / CO.PAIITNICHJS W 1 , 1 ,. 1 v 1 ; Cat , n 1 . 481.1 . 1 . SCAIFFI & ATlClNSa, ' 7nd " one, 'ear n ry ' rot the TO, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware MEM factory Block.rzw,lung i.l,s, al vile old strold of Win B Sta, First wee!, near Wo/ Parucalar attonuon grroo to mos nlwar wort. I HAVE dtts day assotialvd wit a Inc lit thc whale• tale, Laoerry, Produce sod Co stunsclos, toy I.,otLet Jouepl.l,tittder 4.ral In MM=ild • Jur:miry I. I/110. IO.PAILTNERNIIIP—SI u 1 oa.glllllllllllll dny ininorintrd wan Mot, Jol u H nia ' irair.. 1 417 inmost,* will imrnitiorr Lecooduriell undor t U ut /11 of Win Young hCo. 4'11.1.1),11 iNo H M'CI BEN N ETT ROTH ER, C4FEP:NSW A RF. NIA Birmingham:m.lra... Pittabortala r ; Warehouse, No. 1:17, % Ind dyed, P atiburg h. - WILL conttanaly rep an hand a good scam e 7 mem ot Ware, of . JUI own anotartatte, and • aupertoroptaidy Nholer,e-und count') Met chants are reaper dully tor:red to call and et aMme for tbrnsel•es. a. are &drummed to ac a eheaper than beacon to fore been offered to the pate. rar Ori.”.rs seat by i, by the earn ea os rare - rear.. wilt neoreme!ly atroaded to ro . yle . /1101.—.3 •t Feathers, laad7.l re aaa 11 I' E Lute, snit for sale by lee J A NlKet DA Llt.:l /Mr WIOIPTMAN—D lane facturer o all kinds cot .l.X. ton end woollen mac.. Allegheny cry, P•. The above works being now nery, Let full sal sneers, h. og eranen,l tin prepared to eteea crei are with d oligarch (or all kinds of mrtehtnery y Una, gaol: as •ftallowa, makers, spreaders, rams, gruldtzte matt.mee, cairn ys, drawma frames, speeders, tltrosals, loom, women cards, Souble or tanle, for merchant or country work, malMieras. he.: slide 1,14 hand lathes and tools in gen eral. All kinds ot •balung mode to order, or Mesa giv en for panne faetortes or rmlls at reasonable charge, Raran en—Kennedy, chalda Co, allackotost, Co., gialg, Pennock &Co., las. A. (trot BOOK TRADF, - - 1 7- ALV4IIII.I.STANDA-R1) WORKS.—Spark.' Life V and Writtngs or Washington. 10 v... royal -ea. Spark•• Ltie end Wntarne• et Fraen. 10 vvot. roy • . 41 ovo. Retielop.vdm Adoenental, II ••nt., boo Coto. peenensive Commentary, 0 00.4 rot IC -ro , United State. Explore{ Expetlttion, vo re-, al .tvt• Striokland's queen. of Enema'. II 001 , 10m o. P.ent nal Itt.tory of rng:and, 4 Ink. teen: st tn ,,.. {vete Illustrated-1 vol., toys! - vo. Nor rule by JAS. I/ LOCKIr tl(tD. fo Wood •0 For many year. <Queened wah Nlcrqs. 11'7,, a l'untam. New Volk. EV, F.OO 1104.-fteadtag end I tntiory, by Prof Mon. 1010.010 Enoch Ite•tler. by Dr Pv.. Masa Book in Zootogy, dee/geed to afford to pure, tit ( . 011.1.011 .11Fools um ...lame., a antowl-dee nnbr Annual litnedenr by Prof. 11 Jeeger. Olto,ra. . preeettmet end earn, by Om Riehtted•ott, M Soutl,y't COIIIIIIOII l'lnee Rook: pert 51 rat paper and vol. tat te rum, Ivory S. by R. I lodreth hag, vote 24. Ilmory 0(A mertenu lilble Sento y, by Stnekland. Lvell's imeond to the C. S.. 2 vol. paper end amain, Leanne Trl,llo molly. and Lots. retnano table.. Ac., I voI larpt ewe. Lama rune, Ilis tory of Girond , . . 3 4014 eambete. Ilt.tory or the Con.tveut attsembly o( France from May, 10-1 0 , by J F Cortran, Et at : paper and eembric. . A;so, • lot of moo eacellent tztel Pen.. to which the anent/on of wholesale purchasers t• 11,1.1 For ••lo by R. FIt,PKIN9, . , •pW Apollo Bolldmaa, Fourth ta_ th. ar4.174t",""' Clinton. Italy. Alp. and the Rhtne. Pp J T Ilead.ey Arthor'a T.tlea. for Rich and Poor Ilolidny• by Mrs Kirkland. Rural Lotter, by N I. It'll,. Recrtred •od for •ale by R 110PKIN apt Apollo Roildtnqa.F•torili Atillit'ULTUßP. —Amrrtean rarmer . • iTatey r lolrrdta, ,vo landley • Ve,trthla Kinolom. +yr, Dury's Dwoune• nn A4,raculturr. Ar, ==== Lieber, AVlee/rural Chemistry. Moo. ?rimer's American Hee Hook. 12 Amerresn Farm Loot. 12mtr Allen's Oomeaue Jurnals. lUran • Webster Doult,le F.ennorny, Om-% For rose ur JAMES I) LOcK,lt..l). /Yl 2 M F[II AI. Dr . Pdthlats by Cowan. Ilooper'• on' Ihnlutuart Dangle...on'. do I. Cooper'. aorginal do. Ch 0,:,,. t• tent of S t sr t tert . lint•ob, do t•o. Abernetbt , ta or, 2 Taiga Donawyo• tbe Eterna Dope on no 11 , tr, .rovntlner • Anatomy; M'b ton of Ins•o•••• •n• Chapmanrt,ra's Itttert-k and Therourobes Chapman on Fruntrso Yuan, do on OK. Thorax r and Abdontinni Votnern. n'o'. Dracut, ul )I,tltrlbe. Dungle•on, do do: FJ•erue's on, no Ale. a,.. too and (real. supply of Masa. S Urlon Dont. on bend and for wale nv m.Lturrl F:N(.LISH. 7S Wood •1 THE MIUT REsMA SKA ILK w.RK "i"riir: AliS. —•auS —Ntnevrn and a. Ile maws: arlth an arroun: of Yon to tnY I'han , •••; l'ltri•ttan• of Koc.loolo. ;LTA I • •ih• a; 14 , .. SI. or. •Lb.oort.. and •o Inquiry uno ale uta,net • ntol rt. of A••• rims.;y AII•t•o DC. 1.. in IWO TO POO,. tan:. nuo.rron• ucruttons • There I. •rmarkaine aid do,Duno comtnnanon in The soma beton. u• of •al out, •ootyty nntt llt irre•un• iwr.critai rottra.loty •of a• •••• r<ll/061611,11 Anniar work of Ira., or .horuverf • • 11, Lel • 111.14 ta out map..., by tbe .1 travnler• • In ate won der. of tbe story be bus to tot:. be TOT). tourb e• tb rot •;I -We rem. that Mem tom beer no miett retum in any neutern root nr t•av•.•. Putt I. not braver or more adventure., Liu. ha-dr 4e um more natin:. Ymeiett not morn ray or mmurrome Mud Me limn of t ito book bloom mi . —luau,: Kiamtoer "floe or be moot remarkable cork. of the O.Ce -- London Imo, /um rreer•crl lard formate I, WW===l - British Parl - o•ileal Littiatakt&e. I The London hiusinerry Review. Kflinharai Review. A. The We•tm o•hir Reyfehr 4 The North lir.if•h Review, 5 War k wad'. Milan hory h marine— Month ,y The M.:me Periodical. ere reprinieff New York. immediately on thermrrival ny the Brum, ficerniern, in a L•mtutol e• nr type, on hne wan- paper nnd are faillital eopfe• r ormin•'.—Nlnetwachl • llagaline being a• exael hiee of the Eanutoirrrii edofon. 'Mr prier-. .ne repiinf• u m afi one fffial of m, 0110,00 . 1, 0 1 /Cll roil whilr thek are •yun , t' are:l y . afford ail thiii advantage io f meriere over the F!rial.stri reader To tu iY mad,- IT , For RIO ni.e or .r lour firrt-wt. 1 flu For att. two . d 141 For tire Jo - 7 no MEMEMII =MI %M EN L LoCKW , I4II), Bo , 1“4-11, aad hopontr of Ft.,lcn Wrwol r:77 , ll:rrkwooll, NlNgaune, for Jury, horrorrs n receperti 'r hod or Dlr.., MISCELLANEOUS. JAMES W. WOODWELL, Indent and Antique Furniture, ,3, 111,1, ~.1411. e:rttnt t•ill. M. ',l 7:l r rl :i ' F;f r l: ' l7f j •- d , IF:a/Ft ott/tobit lot tOclorito4., L... Howls and priv•o• Oure:• hags, conotant:y on hand itni made lo Griot .. • Tat bream. .took oto tend c. 0.. be exceeded by easy mounter tany to the weaterb country Persoca unakeox parehue woold do well to give me a call, a" , . 4 . liel 4 ll ll lneel my Preece pleme. Part of the mock roost in— Tele a Team Barrel Elaneto: Lembo XIV . Chaim; Quern Eltmthellt chalet, Tea Voyse, Tole,Tablele 4 cwt Table, Lout. XV Commode,: French Mahogany Bedoteado, Porno Stoeue, SO .of.. with Plush and covem 50 MahoglonT Roeking Chair, do dos Parlor do Fancy do centre Tal4eo ' . L 1 put Mynas; 4 pan. per Toluca, IS morble top Dreo.nne liareaux. c Wardrobes. c bee retanro and Uont c awe, mance sop Waati Stount•, 4 pair t/Uounan, 4 pair fancy Work Stand, A very large aole.ri meat of common chair. and other lort.ituro we numeral,' to Irmo:ion fCT'' flouts (ormolu:4 on the ebony. notice. and ,no the roost mum..., lean. der la Dlaplaragna filter, for Hydrae' Water. 4 TIII.I roto tr t o t/7 that I nay, al, Alter or:t. Bourn tr. Co. Setle. for Ore pale of lee: or'. Patant Eriaprahm Filter, for Or c 4 or. of Patsburch .4 Allegl,,, /4 MN GIBSON-oqt,, for Walter NI ritbaon, 340 Broadest Oct 10, 1041 We hove been ••Ing one of the above article... et Wu OM - re of nn. Novelly Work, no there :Ilona., Oil mai, nd re..l ,tll•ctly ennvfool ir • pon, lIIVOMIOII, end we lake plea•ure 1.1 re. ommen.nue ..rn •• ure 1)• :n tvh, 10, vow, Irder. th•llk No, re r ii nal erui prionnny ru• I.IVINI.PriINt P argr•rsible /1/11.rIng Cock, Putt Pl' RI P 1 INC W ATER, Much runlet• reeled venter ere It renrownn at au wanner. not suable to • s , The erettnn tuner tn N York alrturrh ex m ud and pore to the e7e, yet putout ut boar titrough tnip therm, roelt, thovre depoen iropPrei .11,1.1Lte, worn, ate The. t• epee more or Me, ht, &Int urs, r. 1 he Neve/rano Felt err to gr., nest durettle, end tr Dot one itted truth the O:Oil/11/CPC( incident to othe• titre ire it filen:mm.l Prithont tint, dense rte.: tom the yet pme. by Overly the key or liarith. from•irri in the other ree true Dory prom,. Ut. eon', of termer I. changed, pod anct.miniati in•• Impure taboo:men. pre driven og almo, tostaraliy. imam, unscrew:or the fitter It sru pnerePres art ptieni t ti n re aiming asum cook, rod De eve h a am, rue , lull be terry ror ventent entl • • It ene he awerhed where there t• any pree•ara Ltte or to a oak. tank, tub. he. with ou.e Te be La. ME= - corner or Peer. end Meek, ••t. DELL AND tmAss VOUNDRI. as,A vuuroN, Bell and (Iran. Founder, Una re. buitt nod commenced let.lnes. .11.. old •iand, w pert. he .viii Pt nte•ued to gee tn. old ent.tom ert land Mend, Churrt,Steaathoat,•nd Nell. °revery •tr.e. , rom 10 to I O.IOAI pound, east tmm patsern. of the nloel dppro, ed m0de1...n.1 warranted , t, he ol 11,. tke.l Ina ter.als Mineral Water rump.,4,unter, Rallind. Ide • 'ode the. Wittl errry •arlety of Itrnon. en.tinps. It required, turl..., and runtated in the nettle. summer A F 14 the tole proprietor a 1.1... res Am - I -AI-nu n", MIT. T., so 'flatly erarbratod for the re...le:fon a irtehon in marhutery The Boxer! and' .7rnnotzn ran ifir had of bon ni time. - ftionaiiiiikollaCleii liiabl a. - . k ROUKIIT II rnrr..ftsoN tod• opened the lo,e muddy on r.r.d ni. rum, o.rnudh to ~ 0 11 d to. betty eon %% nod and .rndnornt Am. in the re., of the hionongatar, lino ..c. yeah no ennrely la E. Hof,. nod l'arna,re of , y.n Ow he, no c* d Into. Ist) lot. 110r.r.. hop; ni t ie r 5 .'hr Pont wanner atil/ ii,' ,D)R , - ~ r u _ - c ,-.-i Nt s ~, , --fl ..--It.„ , ~,c:0,:,, 1/ 4 ? 4 -z ta.,,, ,, ( CFIFrODNI' Ti ll'avolbnol, __... A N MILIENT and experienced ". O from the Ear, of xn years gundtug. oilers m trtmt ',leaser of a Delicate Naturn until prompt...a end secrecy If wee,ss in lluda . o and other large ruP , hnr been proverbial. Ills clacae. are moderate, • and hip auras permanent. Old c. 0.., of Sleet, tartriti re, ro Ails. }lcor Albua. Riteamottant, Aga, =4Tithtit•• ur chrome or Inveterate cures aoLeard • • • A core warranted, or elms r - e rcturded Orrmat. Al Clair rue., 2 doors from the nmic, 'arth Fatrorted. A d•ice to 1:o• poor le ra, Improvement In Plan!. fintiFT Tllh..sto•crtiter tr :too Free, me an nhl7•7 7:f'oPrir.";',l7"%lohtt(" nl 1::71 ..m.f ~,,, , , oy of tone and touch. roma. nny thine eve, ttmog ht to Oil. etty. Mr (lark. ol the above hun, lone tn.' most favorably konwn ..• the former 'ore.. In Ow celebrated hoon estaioi•ltmeto 0. Ilroadwood. '...ur. don. han recently onprto r 0 uml per. tretrd the Pia nos of Nuu. k t hark . N 1 , to on et. lent willed. Lingoes uottably, cronies them to the repo tsotort al het, the very be. n• well a• he chropeo Ptah. to be ~ to tIo• country. The lot 1100 . open. me, ctn.., with the oddly.. recommendation ts as. Improvement in the ny le and fo.h. wt... 'oak, them •1 ooce the most elegant mitt ta•tY thong ever brought out. Theme nottrutnet., together with Olt %weir on hand. form the in°. extensive. vatted and de ur...merriment over offered here; ma of which will be wrid at numulatturcet pricor, and on accomonoda. 1., Ulm. II KIrEBY:R, at J. W WoodarellN. el 'flora It N 6—The ...oher will be found at am war, ttnuae from II to la A 11, and a to 5 I . M. lot HAL . 0 1, Agent far Nurl• h (lark WE have wont rum rs, ~.. on an onproard ot plan. on a• not to freeze Me e.o.m. weather Perrten• want., ouch urorles. are malted to cal/ and ••••• them at .7AIM dc ATKINSIJN , I. between We.. Anrir et at. 500 Be Laporte* Root, not need •.. wee Ity •ttge7 J KIDD A CO MISCELLANEOUS firs ItakerU. American nod French Chocolate, Prepar ed Cocoa. Cocoa Paste, Brown, Cocoa &e. TO mem:moils and consumers. who would porches: thr bo•I products of Comm . . free from adulterauen, 11 more SUIIIIIOII% l. tea or eagle, and mortality unmir• purred. the subscriber recommends the above emelt.. manufactured by himseif 41:d stomped with his nome. H. 8r... and Corea Parte. ns delicate, palatable, and salutary drinks for invalids, Convalescents, and other, ere pronounced by the roost eminent physic tans supenor to oily other preparrmorm. Im manufactures me morays on ..Jr, th nay armoury, by the most re wettable vetoers in the cartern and by their agent, It awe, Gray ken.. of Boston: lame. NI Bunco & to. Ito/Wool t`ozoi, Hansen It Murray. Herr Vora; Grant &Phowlelphim 'room. V Brundige, Bob. swore, tuld Kellosg & C111( . 11111., Ohio . WAI,rER BAKER. Dorchester Marc For rsb , by auctll BAt; otI.EY & Aga • Wrought and Cast Iron Railing. THE sulmenbers Lea leave to inform rho public that .L Met hove columned from the East ail the Iris and Umhiotiable des.gur (or Iron both for lonises ZHU C[111 , 1“1. Porsons stottuog to parro re Lana. miss natirrns will please roil nod ex rum., nod lodge for thmosMver wol be formatted at the shot, est notice, and in the beer counter, at the corner of Craig mid Rebecca e,rets, Allegheny city. auma.rtrf A LASIONT & KNOX. Itlamnfactured Tobsoeo. 48 j !t , ortcr's supejlor sweet 5 lox; " n IV IA do l'nee & 5 0 t+.l do do do YS do do Pearl & ll‘r - orooo SS. 14 do J Kobto.on " " 111 57 old° do V do do Wm Dowaon Al on T Wdgbt T do 1.; Aader•on do I. T Dado's 5 do R hlstoon's do ItatelaT Ib /oat lan , Ung Irem ..comer and 'sockets, and for solo by 111.:11.D. CI(NOR & Co, 41 north water Id north whorywa, 302.1 Yhtlodrlph:a bz 111 •Jorno 75 en.',4 Webster superlo-- - 4,otet 10nipa 313 14naelonee I.nto r 25 (4ectry & R 4,0 vacs "1e& 54 " 20 Dupont tee le Kartl " ••- 4.1c1.00 25 0 Literrroce , lower 5. S 4. plug Jo, !ea.lLng hum lot •a 44. Co, 41 ti w 4.04 44041 16 N whnrre4, mr3 - 1 1•101e11&1014/44: W. A. J. OLEN:V. 13grola Cliradero. E nrr st.;l engaged tt. the n..0.r hue/nem, earner o( Wood and TL 01 creel, I'd... Lurch. where err nre torpored tr. do at, odtrt td our hoe wort don roorh V. e attend to our work h. r`otta• turd .attto lattion wilt g tern to regard to a. orator.. nod du flood, 11.:sog o hn... pa,r, and brounJ oal•- ol> or \n:e•+ rut of, :e The, :11.. tlave wort .n our .1, ere norll,l mylartf HAV INO soldoor en are stork C COurr, mith r...w clo.toz oar n! :•ttune•s. itcrony sm Luc p.m., of a. our fro. nd• n.nd ems -1.00/crS. RO ot . RE.R. TRE POINDEXTFIII. Aug 41/1.141M R GRANT. Who•etturt Goo., si Commtaon and kJ • Forsranling Mr, Iv, No 41 Wall, at .11 Sealog s Cooking G La. ARSII.ALL, WALLACE & 1 0., Round Chun* 1.71 trontrr inttertn end Wood Gomm. manufacture and oars (or sale Piallorm. Flow •tut Ossoater rtralra, m Otte moo improved, . CA:kaki ,toves. for vrmryl and coot. Egg Ptenrc• ol varmus ure, Parlor and rommon Grataa. liss.ow Ware, kr Ary• Tucy also manullmtort• Ktitmen Rant, let har m„ it has <mon sorh gettern mtarytiron to Mose harms it um. to ail of *inch Mrry sroton rts•pertost4 myna Me attention al Me atm ns andthr r•-nern, tmott,sftf It ANI FACTUIGAi It /11Aellts--Thestitsteratr• -It Ca. Itt, n,ont or tr•ds- and astater• gen:tatty 0100 a foiloarmg bra tt•s Tottarens, in store and ltem, t.rmome di. re, tom. manuter umrry be is ri111.11,11.0 kl • I IskS R,V rensbess Ss. 1 , I James ,11.11 sort s I I - Inszisr,se 1:1 I Pul.sum 1u.,1 1.. s Sason s s "Ira/ llsrl 1.1 1 Jkts• k Lewis 1... s Wangle, ssisr I. .1- I " Henry h James :se Is and I. S IVA . ] ERMAN liaohLoo Work. - sod Vollodry• -- Irt,•tiall. T WRIGHT& Co. are preparod to toittl Canon tiO Nluton•ryot tt.rry desortrn.ort, atitb • Capotst V.c An. Nolan:to: rtnatt, Sit•trder• Draw., Fn ftat,wat Ifratt, Warport.ttpoo.,,, amount, Fromm, Inettu.. 'too tiontler, to ‘Corogitt Iron ,Otarlot•of Ca.l 1,0, rut .•• and Ho.-;.,. of inc •:.d• and nand Itata••• and t00t.C1.., •• C.otl •• nf rrrry (urn 4..., s.hort nat•ee. Patterns tond• uart•dt, tem eau li•t•rotg, Iron Kat.tnotattstam l',pr for next. „o, Cut Iran IVlntitto y0.411.:ry 1. a.. c•tte,flyt 01,1,1 :PO at th , Warri•Ow, , l'adorra. CO, Litany Won, oto tot, prompt att,tt. Refer to Blackswrt, Fle.ll Er. f , 1. K k Co, ti.E.Waruer, John Irmo k Soo.. P.l.burKb C. k 1.11. Wh.rner, ',tenor Inol9 iroW COAC FACTORY, arasaaartY M. Ad.lripuir2 wt & ; ..r i oa , A . d , :es e pecntll: . Vbraa latenex. berwyen Ferrer, at 4 thanolust y 'tree.. 1 1 1:Y7 are hove ramming anal me prepared to rneetve roister. tor <very thmer.ption vehieles. Conches. Charter', Ha- Itclgr,a. Murton., de.. . which from then . to g rpyrte nee to we marmlactury of liar .Trove wort, and lbe rhythm's they ph•e, met sonhtlynt they are ea:opted In do wroth tra worn reartOtrabee. terms n th wo.r wAuurkg article. Lt. them :um l'a, tug paructuur attenunn le tat ..lemon of mat, and having none 0%1 tosortetent workmen, tory Itavc tic.ttatn learrattuttc sttetr trorL c U.a aws the n .t, -hue W. poi.te In tat. noutel 11 15 , 90170 c dour te Utc heat anaunct....l on the nettat traaunatUe term, ta.51,11_ . . iIYTTON AND WtlllLEhti NIANCI'.II7I.'• 1.. R1:11S-1/•5,09 mat. 91 , 907,19,u ft, a cot, st•nt .09517 01 EA•• 1-1: 5 1111:si.n. sec e. 511 at tote t•-•. 1 nittl Sheep It. 01 9•111*. lavelF lb,. I P ,. tam Kara.. Sealtte.. 1191117 lance. Ercrultes. No 5t5 19, rucchcs. 55 'rchehea,9Inppute Cara.. 111 n I, lit, Patent Wu., Itrusla. • de he 5511, 1 .7,. h CO., 91'4 1..51 USI. •tr.rt. 1111.lutrrit. Ytfltt V.INF-tt.-4,01..,. ~,err n porn -rot, 1,11. Prot nett toolClompt.e.l S Co, tod dry 1 , 1- th.l.ottro . 4 rr tr , lll Purr Jotre per ttrolDr Port. Sott•. dtorr, threttir. ant.. rite trtir Ur tor. 'fury. trot,. aro all ertrore• tr tor abr., tord.rel orwerur.. and r att It nil woo ..- .Nor or u r of J Atloll WEAVER. Jr GEEEM 111 tabaer.l.r.A.. r na Large a... 1 •p:rnd.d ..• 40glincell row . , oo.s ntlai VA. .r.out Co!eas.w .. , •iruror.ll. are na.• tararg lr Itt 8), rrintitualc,leit lan .0 ttout, tr), Mr, De SU. “vorrt any btu,. item t t isr t.+l.ot e LILL .11k . .. t wund •t. • 141 dm, com re SW --City %mho frell: los lakeu rat par for a rew of he above •4fortment 011 V. 11 ifornivrnre—Che•par than Ere. •.‘N. IN ft GM, In • tem •rl Ir% tor I.4.fiers liardorae, I'mrer f herd Saddler., No r, m Mho, Frt.. Imer oo o fri •tor 4 vertedy rhelp mue dl wel o Ito It oted 4or Ilenlyare. Impor the doelole or ,rror•a Eueope. arof whtrfr they for tirtersn."od to mil earrefoorrrlorgl4hle reboot* woo Mier hes, ro me maw 01 room homt. are part. 4• hr.) m 00.0 4.4 roof or rough •tork. of r rrehderaly Moe re Wry silt .are Mem en,. act.. .ser I nl 7rutu the wiNlmfactnry al /1 NI Crarrfo.. wntchot ilivord Jt rect./v(41.1J for um. by NOVN6 Pc u. en, I)..,TENT R I:11 I,A aa•tartnten: of Car.te Cr, fllllllu. prelow. ezol •voertor to a/i . r• ow. xdapted caureloe t. 4u-run/rout, factor/ Is Awe/I:ea, er,pi pet r ate hails, toei: e./11,/r a r • where a cheap, 'tale tad Iwillerritt /s rle,rat.le,Littatlolea, 11, l.aut rocCoodelattro,(tioltes Shad.,lc • ihonote, Coot Tronmero, Se. AI., (tot Chodoben, from nue to !nor Ugh. 1.1..M.:11, I. AItI:NCI . AND CU o II mo ts.l .NI t..S zn wittart.alc lad retatt rtis. nad ettlart ...tutrt.tent to act ne Itoot•teatn. , ,,t Portarn Liar-trepan. Walter, Partner, Cne, man. .tr Aget, Boos avid Map Mn..t. 12.1:eror, OVrf• •art ta at. ttran. 11••• .•1:11,, de Nt to at , unit , a lap t.! prod 0.tha,.1. ..v,ttelt pay trout tttt. per attnata. Tnow .n want of .ttuatantt• ....131 • kild wo:d do wet: to awe at n call. La we n• • . in each al It, .ore at• whin h sill coal, a.• to placer•co atop—rant IA A SYN:II . I, A 1134 .1' tho rtent 110., %Yr l a later oe,unaiaoola c a I gal the alaorre oatocal wort, whieh tru•l w coablr u• to gloat canto sattalac• Poll la Pali who tom, 11,or Il• with a call rAI 1,m,, lAV IN, Nu :an .nrcand n }oath uibl ably. N 11 —Perrons living in Jab) part of ,1.31ra, 11.1 wbatnug to Mama •.not, to Ilannnorn. nt Orr of to r above e.t.a.. will have their want. Inbar tbstely •tnntded Addrce.abq ua al4ne.(noat•publs us by an Janus they curtail bean trouble nod ea. na witlcl4 luny othorn,te van ald incur by cnnting to tbe cny, und ananuon 'meta ytnrnt tor thrtnaelves Addrena, TAN 1.011 & TAY MAN, No. 551 Second otercb my2Saltf Bahama,. Ydd ItZLIEF FORCR:AMPS; . . VAT f; II VE A lIIHJAI nI.tVAR.LERS made rroto Y I trio nto.t opproard k.uglinh pot:ern, formatted nod rreor:”.rteldrd rry Thom. rlokrrw , d, • Ul C/11111ent 1 hys,ctsota, Irrlng oerrant ronvettr. rat noparatoa for the upplmotoon of warm or but wo. r:r tar toe trowels, m ease of cramp.. in t tr. As every per%on sa r.A.rerrt to no.lareu attacks, LE, rurally boom warrout nt I<vLL one. ATIIINAON. Jo; ['trot at, between Wore) and PITTSDURGII VI3.IIIALIC INSTI•r(Prx trIlE I , eentel !Iron.) uT Ono Inoutumn. under the rareol NIL and Mr.. liannum, inr the present ...drone year, WAlnonostenco no the fan of lebrua rT neat, in the some 1.0,d10g0, No. 31 Laberty erect. Arrangement. hove bre!l onside by rehire They vlll be 11 , 00 to furnish young ladle. :erditoe. equal to nay I a :he W e for °roaming a thorough Enghod!, rat. and educanun. A full rout., of l'i.- tuusprucal and Caeumal Lecture. sod; alrh•ered dartog the ormter, !nonrated by apparatus. The de pantos,.uf Vocal and In•trusnental Mune. air/der:. Draselng •nd Pemba, leach be under the or or e competent I.rttliolllol. flne. y Ouse co,ntion Ine snot. and toteileeion mime/er of met r ru the Prltirepals hope to mesa • CU u: the Abend patronage they have hitherto eum,ed. For term.. see circular or apply to the Pribenpule Itgla4ltl Ur. °Lane In Tennessee. Is to eerufy that I puerile...ll One MI of Ds. MoLane's Worm Speetfie, some two 111f111.1 ago and rm. ton lOW of once, some seven ea. twO nests:one full, and annotsel. Ho amount nosy nt,kores ”se, yet I bast no doubt but there was upw•rds IWO TbOantan patosed from hun, measunns RAYli n U "' lrtt ' l!l . Renal LTsak, Casnd so Tenn, Dee VI W 47, ea 4 MISCELLANEOUS, PAPER HANGINGS 1101117 /LUX fr- a O., ho. 83 Wood - Ike:4 : . . , iv OULD calf the atientioll Of the public In their 1r 10.1...4 of Pepsi' Ifehgings,netnich for 'ra wly. br anti - of finith.derebillty !rah cheaß=t6 is en " a. by nu y catabliehment in the Unton. Mettles a huge end fell itesortment of paper Of Wei, own man ufncture. they are now roceteing_a direct inn purianon of French and Enclish wiener Fettoelit o 6 - ins-. purcha•ed by My Levi }foment, one of the firm, now ,r. Europe , . consisting of illinwinn manufacture, loAca pincer. London en 5.01 X) I do • . Oi own manufactory they have 101,t,00 pietea Wall IN ti per, and 12,10 n pieces satin glazed Window d.c. M.gra James Howard & Co. have spared wither exp.-nne nor labor in their endeavors to nvol the awn* orn wall paper establishmenO, both in quality annul ufaeinre and vartety of pattern, and they are warrant. ed assunne the pahlir that they hay. succeeded. 'rho wholeassortment, formen and home manufac ture, mil be offered on trrnts so low as thane of east ern manufacturers and importers. meh27,dtf E k W COM , 11:--At ZEHULt/N KINS N + dot very high hack Simi: Turk Combs; medium " " " low 2i " Mem loch " " If " narrow howled top " Sa " homy mp 13ulfalo plum " 20 ,ons cam lion, 30 dos shell side, usrrorted ter; 30 gr o . cam hont 7,de, :1 or shell, do; dodo; y Il do best Engltsh Horn, do II 04 t; 7oe Ivory, extra , tad; 17 do S do do, in booze, 12 40001 ti fine do do, 1 do comb Cleaner.. sold M=MIZUZIMMI (Sanatoryo liattan)). Ilanna ic ro DANKERS, far/1A . .11;E BROKERS, aini dealers Foreign and Domestic Etteltangt. Certificates of Benoit:le, Bank Nov., and iiiterie—Fourth arrrei, nearly ontnatte Bin Bank of Pulttorralt Current Ivo 'try rerttived on dep.:Br—Sight merit tor •altt, anti made on nearly all tit.; principal • pot.. in the United elittictit lagbem provinuopead for Forcigr. and A.morcan Gold. Ad vane, made nn rorvapiments of Produee..L.? ped Ent.. on beral 1,1.1 tiREAT I NVEN rl ,, v—vm u AIME P1:44,)%, 6RI Prrear Ser. lANVAIIT 1.41. i Patent a ... , +erer Tod4r4, Sc . *, .B.,ealle, licok De•A:. I.EVF:I; RU C 1.1 1 .1 1307 i. THE TADLES :"er evrry nf toe ~a 1 now ~ z • 1,14, 111.1tI Ir.. •fi, *tr.!, • the leay s er a ere all eohtahte•tt•tialr. they ut Alt nixend rtnttre. um' /re thlittrrstttly / Steal... Lt.. Ikon', anti LING pravair tarmiLL Lag Lghrti egmaggelr orotry LaiLlo WAS ANL, liCREAU,d—Ttie, art:r le. pre in•al• pad, port.tdular'y Mood wo • ./.4 io enreo mo, room. id , ‘,l Ponvert a •lerpidr. apartm-r.L run parlor or room. a • Ire 11, .lell /111 .dut al ropfe,•lice. •pd svltcn shut. ate heddlog ea•lo.. ed. A Krc. sa•m• rood. and rt... A Om 1..4- 6,1d1 Wll,l clom.d toms • trosoutul pirec natl.:re for • parlor or ..ung room BOON , ASE-.—A nrsl end tlfefut artele (or par:or or dra,P; round EII riNti DESKS—Far law othres,rououng rooms, and caner tome. 4. urban arened most couvani.. la bed rte.& when cio.rd partret Da.k sod Library alma. La viable All torte •ritrloo no reronsmendwnon. the beauty of the whole tlxv nre wnrrtuned not in aid out ot reps, It wtll lw tor youz lowntots en.l and eantrte 11/31,1,41, orris ' , tore, No Yi Thud l'itwhoret nthlltlon to the attove ulvatstogra. they are proof 44001,, wztt tncht6 JAlll , .$ O. O 4IDWEI.L. CO AD'S • . roar= Gr . /vim/land Galrentu Boa." and Pam' In..darted Polar for Afteinnttl /and other purpose... Ttnd 1.1 the only tnarrookent ot tho k/nd th It IL. Leon preartoltd ho th/J countr) or Europe for rr.rd- It/ al purpose/a, and tk the on/y or.c ever Ino am to man, wt o rh the rolvntnte Mod on , //e ear/tried. e t e the ear / the brean, or to any port ofthe oy, either extern/thy or .:/k/runhy, In s dehruto g co ol da rirrnm, tvo,/out ahockm or pun—with perfect Ati.:e:7 oat/ the ttapplest olleeks. This famorwal app.. atav Is now highly approved of by man, ot fife amid eminent physimost• of tins 0f...m -iry find Europe, to whom We afflicted evid otheri whom tifs) concern can he reicrend. Heaven,' vit.] also been'Min, nighly reapeciabloramena irtio cured by mea.• of Oils con valuable apron... of some of era niow inveleme netwousdreorileiv which could net tie removed by any other known means Amer r various omen, It ham been preyed to be ed mirabiy adapted far the care at the follosirtrig diseases, eat nervous headache nod other etresses of the brawn Its vide this tippers.• irone that the operator can cyesay the eller/aria., thud with ease and safety to the , to restore seht„ or core amour..., to tbo ear in restore hearten; to the tougue ant d o orxans, to re stare specco, .4 to the 'MU., parts of the body, iOl ttle core al chronic rlicasit•tism, armhole, neuralgia, or ne thaodreeni Par•drsisi or Pittrr, pan lor-e or 13t. Vtla • caeca, epacpsy, trusts ire. from triton, sortai d 11.1..• pen 4,04,6C110,1 oi tt- atlas. torki•ers•te eta lurroundtral Wearrn erd,a. wlla otatrum,st, ma) be pur,..-41, 111.4 al.° tratod for tit , curt. dlsem.ea I....L.Kivrn wr USG 'rano.. :he MJ.• Laid to he for arto• S<vi nrr oprroUng for Ow cure of uto-41 dlea..e. , NA. a,- ta. we pun. o pvt .040 expre.....y rot .eve purpouz, rare vr-parr.l toy Ne patentee. Eng...< ai 1t.4,14 NIS, VDte , =ll BMiailMa=l the I-um:l.-111,sta mead a qu s antgr of weigh -1 by Jour Arnonetet, If:LW the result your utotrusnout correCU and r co t = in to trio.. gulag to Cautorn , lu. s. au flu a. o . , c.u vo rue ... ttuad for ot.- L."" tht coL ''''' 7 l lCLW:tiLE , FV,tmld Deter. ?arab urgh, March e, 1,49 Threstrafit, Marra 7. F 49. Mt F.A.V.P—rtil Su. ertnured ate `.t fen ov.ter.- runt.Lteturtd • Toti/ ram., 130 ta: Ikesits, Cotomettut it to Me ew or :how. Kezal,men vto ere rcruovlt‘ u, Ca..a:orrun m starch of It 51:r. •elme lap - p - r . ailmt.o• on to toe qs•ett, r IT tt rays ' •d w• vervat...) c• - •.stsl4. tte •thc...urs, • ,Hain w•Ks. tat pmeer Vostrm. AIVLINTOCK 1 N RI LINER Cl.(' THIN , .-111. re•criv.:“ 1Kam...1 , 0.1 • FF.PssS loam F.l •u.; r.l L f.••:• nnol Itat For Ha, awe 1.1,21.. No 5 5V.0,1 .t tc II PHILLIPS Fur California. TllKerleArnte.l Ilatnn.l IULt I'ov4arr. lcgr, has trgs, q4nr at/ 4.1C1 rt OILY GOODtI SH D ACKLETT 4 WHI TE. ry Goodss Jobber r dir ' nl,n;lnr 1, tur , r. aod .-men"l'.l.7 rm. , . ~a r • r co - ^ " %",5,7„ , =MUM WILLIAM unts,:, Ltuatattur.r at limrral hater Aprfirains •• .1 OP' 1,7 001:11, nl.‘ ,v,nn41.1. n n,,•c ‘ V e ”I• 11 tlvrle. xi, “ft ten st - te etvr ...ate. rat”. rtutte and Pt. ,T rt• npn l thrt won rre Pt , the, nt th:rott atruczat. ni ArFpurst ...I lb. prepare, are, wilt( he has eurrceded sn adopt., artree ht, •Isll 10 l'att - , and. lter tea,. of elahre •tadj Lull p.a. Ur a/ Srli;lre• haat ue anrsited So the arta 111 Met - huhu, and Chem:t it,. enables the rtut.letteer to come hetort. the public writr rotrEetenre. had ..eter they rite and mtar rornrletr. Artivararao, Por Me enturatrelare or Mr.- V. air: et Itorile• marl Fourths...e t :hal ean he fur. israharl err thr Ursa,' States. Ile hied dente, Ittrettelt that the enhir,,tl 41,,,11/1 he hes ntrt with at.d h< pm ttent citetterre it, eletathe noanuot ist• hustle...lH both thr uttove dr- pal-poems. rmehe• m. moot coovinctop pawl of Li, to ‘ll.l o Apparatus over thoso of ad others, and of the partly and saluhrtly of the Water prepared therefrom l'emoni whoo.der the Arp 4 th•" ,,, ‘ , en may be motored mat their ructfrow .hall be tattuful• ly compoed with•and xo packed n• tomarry cadoly cotter by toul.t or water to part of thn U Stator To avoid II I. rt ,ol lll7l[llliPdll3 Marc who iota nd mmpl mg , Itemar,. the approing nee arm. to fu,w trd their ordert atearly ada yach aa euh cement. 31wrrai Water Apparatuv,ldentraturs, l'urnpft and FOU1112“.. t ,naftwnt.. Urn,. and l'ede.tal. for nd, and M ,r. o! limed for Jrnwtne Ily Sta drdnt with Oorlf aft, Tvlnd hlnclonna and ev , ryllitn, aprwrtainine to toe alcove lowntovs. ronAt.“,:, onis n and for ..a:c on tho lowest tfsrm. not- deddfiof SADDLE, 11.kItNEalik.TIII:Nlr AND IMIIII` MA N I:F.kCT. tltY.—Thr subsenber takes thk ntrtlw.l of mourn dog 40friends and the pith,. grneg, pu tt , Ar but cue larkett cork of the ...owed urn ele• of h. owu manufacture I/1 the. eay—Saddirg, liar nets, Trunks and Wtdps, all of widen be r. arrant to tm made m the brat dtatenal and by the Iwo meet.- •ouro ut Allegheny county. Iletng deternutted to arll hts mortufseturrt awn-nit:he lower that, ha. bee,, here.- tofort told by ally •mular e•Mbliattment 10 tit< ray, he would owl. per on nerd of the a:wor named &Metes to h. warettodte. No till l a dterry. tyre, , alto kr..wenth. Ala, buratto muds to order for marlunr• rya net3o-1k 0 POR GEMENWOOD GARDIKNS. The steam boat A \ I A4t/N 4/1 , now furl. from (uot of Idberts ore, on .ite (tar len—leavtug wo o tot k. A Al told at We tredinattng ut carta hour utto o W :' Vlrders may rely on Muhl, the twat nt r toe, rote lesves We Garden, the !no an mop, nt I 0 .• te. t The watort tt feat advastettle. and ete wortong to vied trove deltghtlul retwom. now ot the um , to attend few hours, out in tho •ottoir and du, tsi ut any, t•od to purr atmosphere. petitioned woh thy wag:store of dowers AU mode of rnfrrlainiconf.oscrin onnlits.onannts, aro kept on Lto• in . ..0n..., lar,lion.e l'ufno. ond Ikniqut It of chop, non-,. for f..flc C10.e.1 on b der. IV , O JANIF, NI'K.IIN (73-Clinne of landso, made, on account of low of.- itts.llol,ll,. - - ❖.~ _ _jO KO B. MILT EIVIIHILGER Forwlrdlng and Contmlownn M.l - No -7 Front, Intsvera awl Iv ll7ll , ll ., V v Ano zi; , 0 , f . th d e , r , 3 , 7 &tin to 'ljaa day ai July. A D., In4O, mat ihe Rrf. kb, of A Ileoheny roun , ry, decal book Vni pogo 11 , 4 k osqgned ant Irsonte, red to mo t., and,la, trun, (of lit, eredl two. NI) 1 . 1. • 0..• korobr to n n, ocreong “..lobtnd n•min ktn ,n,otns, uutier•touo4. an .) n Acton:, clai An W.f....11l them lot set llFNJnlaot AMIN 1r L.h LI . Aknquu.c. 11 uni. NVA NTEIr —2OlOOO lb. %Vora Wanted, far 'DRY - GOODS, OINIMITT wurre, •. DRIt GOODB JOBBERS, 09.WOCW snix.Kr, AHE now teretnAg • very Intire *took e hes% Ocean, of retain porehnioand anpoitation,Yrtdch they viii null to the nada II nnen pieta as cannot Inn nr ellUlr notufnelo' n. Coy nna Country illorctinntm aro ionised to coil and t mnn o , n suet be purohnnind CONTIii CAT/ON OF THE GREAT HALE AT A. A. MASON do COM ONE PRICE STORE, At ail! greater Raitsmi Prices.- - A. A- M. 6 CO, drawn. of redncing and eltiviNt • out their Brook preparatory to receiving then. ew Pali Good.. will offer greater indricmnenta Ikea Bver. Their meant large the New York ales, mode to each iO - 1131e o sae ri Gees from easyrill , all be closed out the name ruin tea roma. .Astastnist. the unielea recently opened, they teentton: 0 cues fast colored Lan; at 7 cu 6 " " and MusD., eut4o A large mock Shawle and Thins, very haw. It a3 ct 51 do Lain., Mc lot forego, at one half prmo I "15 et Gingham, at 1240 " Enahroiderwa Veer cheap “ Bonnets, banana, " Homely, Gloves, Lae., Trimrornati Ike cases Merrimack Calico., at lie 5 " 121 ct Calicoes at 1 4 , 1 " and bale* brown and bleached 010.110, cheap. Irish Linens at Ida; Linen Ganglier. Dle Bonnet Ribbon b and 10o; Moe. it 4/i With an mim e variety of other tioodo..all of which will prove a saving to purchasers of Damn 23 to 50 per cent. The more will be cloned one day for marking down and preparing the stock for the sale. A A. MASON k CO • WHOLESALE CLOTIIIII6 WAREHOUSE! LE W IS i HANOI:CAD, Plea. 221. 254. 253 and 219 Beam. Srlan. (between' Fulton et. and Burling Blip,) NEW YORK, Have an head the largest usonnient of CLOTHING • IN THE. UNITED STATES, In tie nruc, or NII HITS and DRAWERS, we Alm rl.e m m*nafncturer• cf Oil Clothint and Carrred his Id me world PLAIN AND 1'...:1110NA FILE CLOTHING 01 sII troth Cltalople. of stock Iwo!. Order promptly file-1 m I.E‘t 1•• h 11A.NFOR D. lull Nos 0:2. 0M VA. and 23- Fran st. N ViiltE GOOLS.--A A Nlssee & Co.. No 60./Mar r •trert. vt, parneular Duration or per. talaarrs to the, ertces,ve hot%Orlnl,ll of Warm Goods, rtr Jaeoom, •so,es ami Nlssons, darrol. Sloped and C , nled: M•tinp and I-IWEts. he.. Ac ti Call early at 144 0.1 y cesp on on, c pore cul Nlar kei moms. au/2.5 A T ItEDVCED K. Murphy h. ott it. Land aicor sr h.te end colored quilts, which be veil: cloy ou. !oar pores. tyl.n D RI: SA ,S CAILFETS—Tur large, assonment o Nrussols Carpet. rye r offered La this sw, for sale al the Sew Carpet Warehouse cf W M . Clintock, No 73 Fourth at. comprising the latest and richest stylea, ard at pores lower than reser offered in the marltol. II who want Brussels Carpets, should rail before parthaaing elsewhere. la le NV M'CLINTOCK EIBRUIDE.:IIIC—Nrorsted pattern. lot ()mg= ns, PlO3lO 101001., Table Corer, Treveltrig semb rent variety of small patterns. Also. Worsteds of al colors and shades, by the Nand. ounce, or skein ler tale by apl.4 111 EATON A Co, (0 Fourth tit NEW GOODS, 18-49 It.ENNEDY fr. SAWYER, comer Wood and Fourth wee. nre nnw ret earinc threet from Mat hands, rcs etoek or Fa. and Varlet). tioods, ine.ading l' even' se mis., gold ase .leer Watches, iterrlry, Freer, {loose and F.yes. I•lnve. mud Hosiery,, Con Capt. and all outer tuthc.r.n tlectr !toe —all of which devote Peen nurehased personally of the manufacturers cut. da nt, the Inc winter. expriply sur the Spring trade, eet.i Ito roll whotesalo &I amatl advance pet cost rowenntly ou hand. au deecrutilloas hoottne Glass , of oar `tin nehuarturiner. at ...were prneett nanarl ANCV ANC) VARIF:TY Ul.uN m.rkt, • . ter* fine China avid; 1.5 ft. Mgt and rut velvet coat Bonn.; In hue velvet Carpet Haan, 20 do do gent • travel..., WO gm.. fa , iey villt Donlon., lot drev otos. 11.. dlr. Noll Brushes, es,d; lan Km fine blk Vest flu., avid; 251 do do RR i:t and plated. do, 55 duo rnsctvoed lin,r Brunttea, 4 do Washing. dn. Ido Itarber• do, gro Ftsh Fish Ho., Lime rmk. Occ /EIV ELRY, gold lever Watehec 00 do de tehed .over Watt,e, 10 Lepine do; 10 fine dia mond Flnger Kota, 1 dos fine Fold Feel and Fob ttainv, 2do do GilardJ; Brea,. Pins, Finger Rings, Ear 00 1.1.,1VV.3‘. 3. , —2OO dot Caine, Cotton Clorox, nan'd, Ten dodo 1.,. 'o,ry •op. . lont , , , 1::(1 do. Ai:, ;Aloe. 3 o cen d, CO VAIIICI7I'S i 4 - i our A.1,11C11111 1 . 1.; 300 • r• Co on Co .1. no,d Vc , rolcour. oro 3Ou.t coo. do, I.dc. .o oto Dic , •o.; ioun., kr. a.c. . _ FCI I .•rr rt,rintg Ut•tr prlg . •tock Truurn.ngs. ran.uina pnrt MA,. •.tu and 0r.... ,nnaps. Inack and coL'd 81, LaccA, F1,K1:1,.. Lace. tinnons, Bind, bonnet &der, and raddrreas pit. and la, ry htinn, .or men and bo• s Conan. It orT and other rm., Yarn. Spoo , Conn. Needle.. Tap,. Bon ' Inn.. Pots, ice 1e which tuey offer for sale, both wholosa:c and retad. ar tint Tnntuting etorc,42 Fourth street. Litwin wood and Miszket. .nl4 I 11. /.1511 Britliiti 000D3: Abacklett oh Whitt, —•-- - • - TA R V GOODS JOBRF.RS, 29 Wood street, ask the of Merchants to Wen. u.k. of AMERI. CAN AND FOattenuott RFIIIIN DRY GOODS, now reeetvtrcr direct Irmo fir-t hoods. 11,cers tog regular suppbes of firat rood. daring the sesr.on. andsderoung large share of their attenuon to Lastera Aurbon sales, they can confidently assure buggto they will find it to thou Interest to [1.6/3110,5 tbef*atoet.. Just recarred, large !tooter. of new style illy .. rig9d.. Fancy Prlnla C”smeres. Cloth., Sorriner I.a-rs, Waste Corr], Irish Linen.. 1 . 11.1101 r Tr,runtocs and brown and bleached titteeungs of wart -011,1 br.r,b• otsit T[. , 1118 AID C NUMMI P . - I.: AND CF.DAH WARE MAL NFACTORY No corner ot Market and Finn aircrin,Plll• ret rtte ou, , teri . ,er ken •• condnntly on hand whnleart • and tniat!, very law for cunt Wnth Tait., Itarml Churn., Ran rot., I dust Char., H 0..., Rackets, IlaH 13u4teln,&e. All other klinta of W•re to ht. line rn•de to order ,411 NA 911:F.L. K1101.1.19:2I. SI-I.LERS' I:RNII FCGE IN (4X)lttilAil. -- Cdt-eHara, Jartygth - 9. 11r H Sellem—Your Venntrumbnitl. •TIII 10, . o boe nigh y +pelt en oh by all . who an. • .••• it l'7,nt ttt. anoedon atintnltng the atlntilln tratlon 0.1 til evrry r 4,4 4, I have bean! of i Livil tr . ! ne4r4 4 , 44 , A, the ~ ...a 1 ".., I,t I w 011.4, t:ad to rtceivr attaiff., surt o Or 5 (fO•4 r 0•11, re•pretl y, ..rttr, 1 CARTEL y H Fs. Hr , .l..r.Rs 5 wood ..,., ~..... .rt,,,,, , , -.110. , I . .m.burgh Al • II l'tl ATE Tt uft - r•rt:tie, :I..i.nni , :d.tely after • . • ..•. r tvuo died consuitiptlen it. I 1.... I u tukgn •.e, wl4 the Con.uMption r nu.l we,. reduced so low with the ',Mt .or .uur your. I ar1.1.11.,1, 55, ,(trod to Al I'm. o rs abroad, being lot the nu, , fi.,cd to my 1.. d. Dunne the above peri d . ex,,iided :Or medical attendance a ••. • • •-ctiinellirine• to the amount of 11-1 ta e w.inmit ticnefit therefrom. In 110, 1-1:1. I CO OVIIGIICI, taking Dr. Jayne's Ziled.i ei nol mar:, them more or• leas ever inner, ..1 ,nut it wim by pvering in their use, Mel I i tru'y my that I bore completely recd-. ed iiia . th I beiirve that Jayne, Sanative• l.specioruit am the hest (wally mech./ma not. in u. I remle t. Springfield. Otsego county, N. V.. 0111 rrl oit n !mance...l machine .hop in that place, sed noi !mere... 1/I any manner in the sale of the imern medicines. and make tins certificate tor the ben hi or me... ELIJAII F:ATON. N Sept 16 ISIA• - - k TrI . ILNACUM BATHING IGTABLIaII. r--11pen trona 4 A M. to 11 P AI Stogie !lah sa erns n t'ar I &hie, Ladies depot - intent tpan front n II A S 1 and from 2 to 5 P M flit Iteirrshtnent S.ltotion aro unequal/en in style attencl.tors. Recttiirctic lee Crean, ansls M ooLf. rroortetor. N r TR I POLL for Polishing, o newly [VI dfrc,vered soloostose jar Crocus, Rotten Stone, Rouge. se. Idetrolce. have found it invefro•lde for their •od coarser weres—in shnct. re:soused by the Arner.eno..• 111 RI) nrile!e ocoot IL bf ell the substnesees Welt b.', been appited to polish "Wes and Metals. lie. It eau et,oel cum tubstance known by 016 tl lures:l —db.. Is e superior Sill -le to chit Gr. brought from lusty by one V./from...tot used by their. ILI lone peisny der •ot cies. watt., to e t , It that per uher po'frh so touch coloured by other neatens. It sone a t.e In ever, tensity Saul every work shop. tor sz tr, It E SELLERS. Nr IMPORTANT TO TIIM APPL/OTRIK Dr. tioic's Celebrated Remedies. DR./At:ol3 d. RUSE, t. he dt.eoserer add sole pro. one tor Id these most ooputur and bettrictal wed e.thes, e,,al roe° the inventor of the celebrated instru- Mein tor :aliens, the Lunge, in effeetmq • entre of dt•ettees. se. a student of that eminent physn c.a. Ihrlor Vttystoothd is n graduate tet the Untversn tyat Penner:roma, and for thirty ears nor, h. been ennareed 111 the Invest:nation of disease, and the appli ea son ot renetnites theredo. Turaugu 114 G altos tn.lattne tube, in connection with In. Prophylneate Syrup and other of lay regnind.ll, ha has (mined an unparalellott eminence to curing those &et Jai, and l'atal inaladles. Tuherrular Gil. sumptinti, Loncers, Itheumaasnt, Asthma, Fever and Aue. Fe: ^,r. •I goo., Chrome n las. snd (thoses niedoiate .11. eases peculiar to :moles' Indeed every tore) o. di.rdsee vaatahossundor the use ot rrt/1,1,•••• 10 nmr stub, re heir—not I,y the ,neued no,. to, that , s iseoutpattote way Pay s,o , c, teal Lew. ..cooed the ono ot his tem, atlaptcJ to aod pr.—wooed tor earn peeudar form Iw H..€ TOIIIC Alto !WIVE P. 116, when end are it. acknovrt,lgrd 4 upcmor to all other. a I.uctatl44 . or I:vertnnotnuett uthey le., we perfect:) . tree horn ensurr,,,,,,, . 4 .1., I, J . 1•,,14 ..11not.,1hy let in•u•ty to p 04,4,4 pert, 1,4 r plot‘, tem., ‘1,4,..e.. 1 , 41 i ice , na i4c,l mat a hoer tr., J., to ....With ha. Leen •atel In he of toe most •Itepue•l. The elllteted e tnrred call upon the agent, and prncure larat..j rr of the Lbeter • pamphlet, prng ,tailed net,u oreiich remedy •nd It, appherion. r foi aerzt., as well as by meat throughout the rotterry: ler k CC, 11 %Vann! artret. PutAbanch: J MTreuorttl, drum. , 4d Nl•rkea at . • • Itea A Heath:ten, bear the 1 , 0 Allegheny etty, Jos Bartley, Darllngtott, Heaver counry, Pa. /no Elliott, Ea:ton V.slley. t. . Enna= • • N / rrci LA DI orr I of rrool o 00l • r 1 dr . Sio.r.clo• rroil iillo/1. tor onorordoong and oilier or• monaural work. A....p..1 orad -o'er rawc. , •,fr nngo, soil Irate. /r- moott..s' "tho taloo f , avntoor n groat variety. V te. orprnor 1.:3t. on.l lrerantiful jrattern., anJ ror nt Eastrr• prrooo. . W W I VILSON, mug, cur., Marto& and Foarth sts VOL. XVII. NQ. 33. MEDICAL. SARSAPARILLA. Wonder need Meaning Of dm Age. • GREAT SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINE. Tbis Extract es pot op in Quart Minim; It ta Ala time cheaper, pleuanter, and warranted Impala, to any sold. It co,* dimes. • shout vomiting, purging, sick ening, or debilitating the renew- The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla erer all other Medicines is, while it medicates disease, k turopmetee the body. It u one of the very NM STRING AND SUMMER lIIEDIMES eser known It not only purifies the whole system and strengthens the prison. het it cremes, new, pare and rich lama; a power poesesmd by no other Medicine. And in thu low the grand secret of tea wonderfal name. It hes performed ...thin the last two year, more thee one huNired thousand cures of severe cases of dleease; at 50.000 were considered incureble. It has owed the hoes of amre than ISAMU children the three peat seaman 100,000 CI:Mb of General Debility sag tweet of Nervous Energy.' Dr. Tosemmters flarupmilla invigorates the whale system permanently. To thou. .ho hare lost Moir mus cular energy. by the effects of medicine, on indlseriition committed youth, or the excessive indahrenee of the pessmas and bronght on by physical prostration of eh. ...von lusters. lassitude, want ofambithro,,famtingliOf Winos, premature decay and decline, huratong unread ilt. fetal Manua. Comemption, can be eatindy restated by qua pleasant remedy. This Sarsaparilla is far sap. 1101 'CO WV INVIGORATING CORDIAL, As It renews and ineigoretes the system, pm activity t o the limbs. Lad strength tO , eta nroseular pa II Mt. extraordinary degree. Ceamstaptlea Cared. Clovers and Eluvngthen Corpumptios can be r.t Breve/tie, Cornmooptio,a, Liver Corriviv, 044 CaLerrk Ca Ark6 /okras, Spit:iv of glooor. Perron. 6 Ne Cho.; Hrstic Flu!, AVA 6 5e6666. 1346.01 er E 6,666,606, Peis u Ou Sidr . bose Ilvor sad ca Ito card. lipitling Bleed. D. Topratararo—l verily believe your Sanaparilla lane boa* the mous, through Prondeueo. of eavurg my Itfe. I have for ...I yea. had • bad Cough. It be come worse and worm At lam I raired large quarititio• of blond. bad night Incas, mod Ina greedy &AS/Sated arid reduced. and dui pot expect to Lica. I ha. may [mad roar Serrapartlha • ahnre ume, and there bus SI arouderfhl abuse been crvouht in ma lam Deo able to walk a ev.v .re city. I raise on blood, Lod my ugh h. left me. f ea ...a +ell maxis. that I am thmkAll for the meas. your obedient servara. WM. RUSSEL. CS C•tberlarcs. Rbeguntollamt. Tint It only one, of =se also fear thooomt4 es.. of Rheumatism that Dr. Towneen.llBarsaparills has stu , hi The moat severs and chirouis gases gra weekly eradicated by us extrunimary otrmea James Curnmus., of the essistants In Om Le ast. Asylum Blackwell , . Island. le the (stalemate .po. ken of in the folio...tug letter: Blativelte Ibod, Stpl. 14. 1617. Dr. Transeemf--Drar Ihr have suffered turibly Co. of tb. fr =11.". b k trrsaang puns, =4 my limb* were terribly salt. ullet d I hue owal four bodies of you Seruparilla, sad they base done me more than us doomed dollar. werdi of good I am to much better—indeed, I am entirely re. bowed. Yoo are at hberty two am for die heo•St of the afflicted. Toon, reapectfully JAMES CULLIEINOS. od Flu! F 1..!! Fit• !!! Dr. Towuund. having tested lua ilereeparlfla ru cues of - Fita of coulee, Dever recommended in sad was amprited to receive IS. following from au intelligent and rupectable Farmer in Wembuter County; lerao, Atwood L 3,11347. Or. Turusaii—Dear Str: I have . lidlemnri, *even yenra of are, who has beau several years afflicted with Flu we tried AhlMlgt everything for her, bet trillions uncut at last. although wo could bud no rocommeeda. tion to your circulars for use like here, we thissed, es • dm' was to v., delicate health, ve• would give hew masa of your Scrupordla end au very glad we did, bud nos <Nay restored her strength, hut .he has bad no return of the Mu. to oar great plummy and surprise She to bed becoming rugged and healthy, for which we feel gratefuL Tome, rupectflill, JOHN BUTLER, Jr. I=l Dr. Townsend. Se/upend* Is • avenue° ad speedy ror laipient Contumption, Barranoas, Preawn. Uteri or rdu, of the Womb. CoMivecea, Prla Lomcorrhota, or White, onstracterd or defflcalt Mecuru lawhiaciace of Urine. or involuntary disci:urge thereof. ad for the genital peradation or the lye, tern—no matter whether the result of Inherent eaase or awe, produced by mrealitrity. illness or acctdeot. !imbrue can be more eaterising door kta Monorails,/ et foet. an the bums frame. Pam all weakness ad la . tthider from Mkt,' d at trace heroine ~banand full of re•rci under ire influent-, It in counteracts es• .uf detserre u•lore. to ',Odin coruarrads 01 ure. performed. but Ire can arture the afflicted. clut eau .r .d. urea*. have twee reported to as. Thousands of, mules where families here bean without children. Mier wrier • fere bold.. of thia in 'Maniple Medicine, hare been hie., I with ban. hcalthy olrapnue. G rent 131eseing to Mothers sand Children. It tt the eat.. ad most effectual medicine for parttime tI e ii•stem. and rolll,lo. 11.1 Lofferians meadow emin add-birth ever die d. Its trimethens both the nhe the, mid the chtld, preventa pain ad, dimmer, inereasers ad enriches the ; those who have used M. think thelowasobie. his kiddy medal bosh 'alba and after rounnemen, a it pre. rota attendant own cOthl Lorth—io Costiveness, Pile, Cramp, Se elliw of C. Cal Dospondeocy, Heartburn, Vona... Pm. in tlio Beek ad Loin., Pala Now. Ilemorrhare, ad in arida ung the aerrtions and souslirdrd the circalann, it he tio The great barmy of this medicine Is, i .l. ways safe. and the mint dolma. ass It moat fully, very vary fee can require any mbar medielee. in en. • lade Canoe Od, or Mean. I. "teeth'. jeerer. In the owe am ad light food rich this modlidne, eleraya eeeera a We and ...y condemn:nee a Beauty and Health. Covatetia Chalk, ad •variety of preparetioa awn rsily use. when applied to the Pao very ante spoil 11 of . beau•y. Thee close the ported' the ski, ad check the eirculabon, which, when atore . not thwar.l by 11..... or powder, or the elein inflamed by the alkalies used in sone., beautifies its - wen producboo hi the •' ha. ma use." well as in the garden of rich sad folic rely toned venerated dowers. A ine, novo ad healthy circulatson of the dual, or the coalmine of the pore. rich blood, to the annelid, I. that which paints the auntenance in the most nardilaite beauty. It a dim • bah imparts the indescribable shades .ad embers of 111 Mina. that .11 adow, hat ootle can daertbe. Tidy Manly lb. offspring of amore—.el of poed.. or sod,. If there I. not • free and bealtha . eirculation. them is a beauty. If the body Is fair Ls dr iven ea, if abe peats, met use coetnetas, ad the blood b Oda, odd ad too purv. .be tot beautiful. IP ad be breve or yellow. and there apore ad aunt blood. It eves a or bloom to du cheek, and • brilliancy to their eyes that le fa his is why Ifko sootherq ad especially the Spanish laden. gee to much siltranwl. Ladia in the north. who I.Y. bet little card., or are coollood la clime room, oejure 'roiled their complexion by th e apolicaloof of lOT.lerious rniilkare, .(they okah to tarmin elasticity of asap.. ), ont eparkling eyesrad beacdful corm ?Irak they shoal.' a. Dr. Townsend's Samson - Me rtmeneda whet have tried it. are room that atedth r ed, sap iletichted Ladle. of every 5111104 crowd ow alas . - - - Those that mutate Dr. Townsend', Sarsopartlls. h.. :.•nahly calletl their stuff • great Remedy for 7.w.. 4ro 4w.. sod hare copied our bills and circular:n.6l. relates to the romplarsa of women...owl Slo ow-o who put up merholue_. h., sin. the mat sucee. or Dr_ Town:coon Sarsaparilla in compLaims incident to females_ moo:mm.l6nd them : althourth previously they dad ont A somber of the. Mister. pelts, ke. e on Nun av• to (emote,. they au... disco, sad andmems the constitottow This certifiers re:elusively proves that this Herne, rdis has swrrscs comas' over dm most abaft., diseases of the Blood Three pencils cared I. one boor is ele. pre. vacated. . . De. Teem...l—Dar Sir I Ilsee the pleevere OD lr form you thm three of , children hare been cured of ihr Serena., by the uee of your ales/Ism medicine. I'4, erre afflicted very oeverely with had Sore*: here ieArn only four bemire It took them away, for which I feel myself under treat obldratiott. Very respectflilly. ISAAC W. C/IAIN,IOfI Wooera. Don't tet them Die. . . . &vend thousand cliddree died in tha city 1.1..0, •ho entail here been ....d by using Dr. Townsend'. Bar. sspenlle. end there ace thou....leaf children who ere new suffering from lad oar. hurnora—othen ere puny and weakly—ertics unteesusistud, will make cereal -0.0 end no., daisy do not dig which is haady to der none, etia when diluted watt water, it is delightful end childrea love it day*. It will pre.ot end cure lb. Diarrhiien, Dysentery mud Cholera !aortic, W. tr.., there fustier or mother her hn es pane riint.or taboo ien to doorivo thitir children a... eon., Utt. inia/nutide remedy, obkh «tunitly restore lice to health. OPINIONS OP PHYSICIANS. Tueru.nti almost deny receiving °reign Ike= rhvuonths tu ISt/vent parte of the Polon. Th.. t. to Cern!) , that we, the undervigneAPhyviettin of the C. of Albany, Wv. le numerous caves pausenSed I , r Tow tuutls. Serupartlia, and toutere tt to be one of the moot valuable preperauonsn the market. 11. P PULING, Z. D. J. WILSON. P. 11. BRIGGS, U. D. Nan,. 1 brit I, 1847. P. E. ELSIENDORF, Y. D e aJ ReneeiV.—Afar the ant et Sep.-abet, 1881. N.tu Dr r TeasarrblN New York OP. be la the 50... Dept. Church, Na 87 Na..en unto. • bah ta yea taa ,ortoont • tborouph change. area vat be fatal for the to Po o-aueconoalatioo of Gm parr:Homo arid the peblir. ratt parltrytar ea—No Saraapartba the goo , In• asol itrlgin al 11, Townsend . . Sarsaparilla tleleav st,eal In S P Transeed. Acaorra—Re.l.tter de. Ca. No. 8 State anat. azol E K bider. No 108 en•rt arta, Dame Samuel Kololor, Jr I, Deno Pratt Sabana Jae.. II War . r...t0, ,t II aolt. Concord J 3.1,1 & Sant Pra tate... fool 1.. ',errata awl bler•tatas reeeraalr o, , P oa atte ... Slat, lief tali. a,,1G0. Ca F,. V It I, Scio Ar , ri far Pitts loll,: I/ \ C , I'A rrERS.CON 0 , e ,, e • eo„ 0 . Apr. a, IStl. .4/1 SUC-1 feel nound to yea \ et.% ' -' ‘p p ? uhhe.. to avail mysee.f of thia op po leas ne e,vine pub:woe to the esfraoratreery effer 111 yof r Kau, 10r5..1 et, myself. Having been ',inlets ee,„ yeses ev,th et severe coug6 . hertie far, 11.04 It. cotWornu.nn &was,. and seemed only doomed ee ', us er nut se •hort imscrabln exiceoce, until the fait of I,fo. when. teems more f,evere , y oemeted. and h s v in e mooned toall my former reemedo, and the per ern... of too of Me moat respectable ph y•icians the neichborhood without denying any beater, or the rotwolation of surviving bat • few days or week" at farthest—when the last gleam of hope was about no anish, I had recommended to me your Rapecunant— and blessed by that Beale who doe. all thin g in dna ase of the newant--aad contrary m the expectations of my physicians mid Intends. I was in a few Mays raised from my bed, and was enabled by the use of a Louie, to attend to my business, enjoying since better health than I had for ten year. preasous. Respectfully yours, do., Jas. W. FAT... For Fourth str sCeeet Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store,7l mare 4 (3, ac: ,,,, ul;i i, c, Fllii;=--ariui/ItVratttaants
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