By MAGNETin TREGOEI REPORTED & TELEGRAPHED FOR. THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZOTE SUPPOSED MURDER.. --WIFE AND POIdONED BY A HUSBAND AND : 11 FATHER.: Sr. Loc., Lept4l. Oa Wednerday lest, Mrs. Maltem, a c4i7n" wosout, dwappeare.l naysterionaly. Yesterday ani- Le: " of her eimbthe were found near the *Vocal college, which gave rire to the supposition Onion her deist*ca that the hod been lisaird. iuircob aeon pattered around the college thtr o,o o to destroy it. In the mean time, a search '°°'.' t se " °flied ' d the college crammed, but nothing fan nd,l . The mob cot:dinned dorMg th 9 night, but were prireat es, from any acts of vtoleinee. The missing woman is Oct yet found. Bernard Seller poisoned his wife and child yes. tetchy by mecum, and their recovery to extremely doubtful. Seller was ',tested yesterday. Them were two alLecoits to b'ow up Shlith's flouring mill yerterdny. both of which failed. Several acts of ineerthartsm, bad one m4der Were committed bon nqht. The weather is cool, anti the health of Oniony is good- Pllll.llnl,lllA, Mr. Clay le Syracuse yesterday, for home HEALTH OF THE CITY. CLYCLIA•Sept. 1, Sept 3 i 4. The interments for the two weeks endiagies tirdey, amounted to 27 lion, Cholera, and tatirom atter climatic,. 41! &r. Lows, Sept f 2.4. Howard, who who shot by Lowdown, dihittast abght,a post mottew (-5603i12111100 was held his remains this morning, and a ball found ematdee IL the spine. • Verdict of the Carcases Joy, wilful natirdli. CLNUNNATI MAItEET. Sept;4ll Floor—Sales 30D tittle old ge, 65,45 per blai4l Whodoey—Sales of 20e per gal. • • The river opftatile this City is falling 0040. NEW YORK, MARKET. rose, Sepik{. Floor—ThJ 'market is doll. with a dovirit ,' :vard natcleticy. Grain at ioaeive. Cotton In favor 51' the buyer. Provutior,—halo of Maas Pork at 5100, and prime at 555.2 per bla. 7;1 NEW YORK MARKET. ;7.1 (TIMING IMPORT. Now Yana, Sept 11, b 919. Cotton—Sales of 8.10 bales were rem* on ':hangs, at a dealiao of to ie. Sales of NEW Or leans and Mobile middling lair at 91691. Flour—The demand is modeiste, althong4here has been more purchasers in the market. t, cs of Common Western Canal brands at S-5,00 titt l i bbl tiales of good Western brands at $5,12 Grain—There is tut httle doing in grailiV'l and quotations axe without change. Provisions—There is no movement In Dalt is quiet, with sales io bbls at 61(461 Whiskes—We nottee sales of 250 bbit@st, for Ohio, at 25/025 per gal. Lead—The market is bare of Ansericen.l9 3 . l os of English at 61,35 per 100. UST MECEIVED—From the Pitillip.v alio Oar — 'Cloth ql Factory. an n.±.orttnent al Floor Furniture l.l.Nyactt alttaiq and t.:over Oil Cloth, artnch . loher no arhoLeaalo rut , haler. at Evil.. once.. Tilly.4ltoek conatsts'of the folio.. arnelva: HAY .lrt OIL CLOTH. 27./0 yard. h yd wide heavy Sheet; " &J medium do - III 00" " " do Eli, " Z.l do 13.1 a 4-7 do X. GUI " 3-4 FERN' TI: BE. Ono " del Counter Oaths: IICO " 5-1 Greed do. fir winder.. blintk4 attoottilds, - and dLo)dormeverted ones Table Cove p rs, Weald ualay. COACII CURTAINS. 1... r 1 4s) ye. 4-1 Polished surface: 5" yds Wagon mo , Constantly mnufacturing and reenvirg, Asia fur stale at the lit! Cloth and Inch. Rubber Denblil No 5 Wood an eptli J A Ii PHILLIPS ... 7 CMIITION EXTRA. -- i,: A man by oho roma of RUEL CLAPP has with a yang man of the name of S. P. Towne and In ged la wi uses his name to put op a Saenparilla, oaf they eel! Dr. Townsend , Sarsaparilla den/alai; ng a GENUINE, our rat, etc.' Thu Townsend rolacom- Mr Waal Dena Was, but was formerly a workeOrni ra ffle roads, canals, and the like. 'TM he aasaMearthe title srf Dr. kr Gm harps:. erraitCng credit fot orksilhe is Lno Ile ho bonding cat card. headed "ITU s of Quake," in artileh beans, I have sold the alt - , f my ame for eta amok. I will give IC P. Townsend $5OO if he will produce one singlet solitary proof oFihtv.— •Phis Is to caution the public, not to a deceit d, arid purchase are bra the GENUINE ORIGINAI i OLD Dr. Jacob Townser.d's Sarsapairla, bo.iong alt the Old Dr.'s likeness, his family coat Mama and_la sig nature across the coat of arms. JACOB TOWNTD Principal Mee. lel Nassau at, New Yorki.r. ley OLD ...1. h '•. DOCTO . a. ..4 11C0 ti S:',. •- . TOWNSIO .....,A ~ TIE ORIGINAL tl - - , ' DISCOVISTIER ~ • , Or rev. , 17, - OWnlri TOWNVRSII 8 fIEiSAPABIII...I6L Old Dr. Townsend is nom whoa( 50 yam /lige, and bra long been a nowt, a the A.UTLIOR an DISCO. VEREti of the GENUINE ORIGINAL “TOVJNSEND SA RSAPA BILL I.'' Being poor. he emu epkbpelled to ma asmeauferture, by whirh means a tsis been kept out of morsel. end the mice eamonsetthed to , how °n ig aho bed ',roved it. worth and kiturn its aloe. Thu Gone say Marata Parrakirta iv termafactured en the largoil reale, and is ailed for the length and breadth of tie landibl t. a ria young S. 1 . ..T0t0wa:W . 5, it improSlitl silk age, and neve, changes. but for de better, balsam it prenared on •cheaUfte principles by a amentilie man. The tugboat I now ledge of i heruirtry. ad 141 latest ducovenes of the An. have all been broughtllnto re ... Won in la nusunfactere of the Old Dr.'s Sanaa . rile. The Sarananlia rook It Iv well kortookto med• real men. contains tordsetnal proper . .., ad Mete peo n panes which are inert or .ale.; end otheniZiehich, - if retained in prepartog it for use, prod.ree reflaente -lion and serd. which Is injorinns to we oymed:„ Some o f the p o operties of Samapoolla are so solaria that they entirely evaporate and are Intl in the Wm oa n, if they one no. preserved try •sereatilic*.ocers, known only to Inca experienced to Its 1.1111.131J(lelaTe. .Moreover these volatile principl•s which fly affin va por. or no an er helatloo, under beat. are the Pay es sential medteal prepernes of the root, which.Oves to a all it. valee. The GENUINE ... OLD DR. JACOB TO S SARSAPARILLA 44 so prepared: that a the inert Torreon. o(the Sat separilla mot are fi rm removed, every thintimpable of beam:nog gal or of kromatatlon. Is extrOula and omocted; then creel parocle of admit; virtugde semi. red to a and concentrated fume and Was a m pore a tendered incapable of losing any of a vablable nod heeling properties. Prepared iu ILL way, ~ ~.. the moot powerful etat m the (AISLE OF INNUMERABLE DISEASO. Hence the reams wore we her commend o n oven out LI Its tenor Lot men, women and g i ld we find it Ne d wonders to the cure of Conenaption. Dyspepsia, ad Liver Llomplolut, and in Ethelklastion, Serofala and Pilea,Catveuese, all Mammal; Erap. noes, Pimples, Blotches, and all effecter. mili.leg from IMPURITY OF THE moor). r ._, It . pesoessett a marvellous efficacy in all earlier. aristng fermi Indigestion, from Amt., of the gbas, to from aestnal eirostrution,determinatron 01 bilked tome head, palpitatn ord.: heart, cold ta ct and calif hands. cold Milks no dhot tlashee over We body Was at had iu equal in coughs tied cold.; and pronießes easy utPernautiou, ad gentle pemptration,relagint lane. tore of the lases, threw, and every other plak? llat In norklug Ulu excellerme tare maaltiOly seen mot aeknowirreeeel 'ban In a ll toads and stages of ' MULE COMPLAINTS. It worts wonders to cases of door albuietrahnes. Puling arta Womb, Obstructed, Suaresondia Fa fa! Menses, Irregularity of the menstrual peereda and the like; and Li effectual in coin. all forms utile id er,/ Disawk. By romotong ohometions, arrogate. nog the general system. a gives tone and siyength to the whole adv, and aims Mt forms of '• NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILM, and dare proveros or maser a crest varietFof other thseases. no Spinal !motet, Neuralgia, S. Emu Tara, Sweating, Epileptic Fits, Conveloonggfre. Is k m dos, then;rer Maicra Inc Pae-Esonenity Naar But can any of these things be told of S. et Tom..- .4.4.1..4n , anwe! Tine yang man, UOO is not to be COMPARED T IT THE OLD DCVO. beau. of the Grad Fa, •hei the one is rocarrat. 01 Imtenorauon ad NEVI In SPOILS, whilelbe oth er DOM; it moos, ferments, and blows tlarat.bottles contsuumg ll Imo fragment, am sour, acid iledd et• plodteg and &mamas et her goods! Moot nok is bor. riba compound be pawn.. to too spate i. whey pot asl4 Into a ammo already diseased Wilb eat V/ bat ean•ts Dyspepsia bet arid! Do we not rill know, Iron when 10.0,1 sours in oar coutechs. what niisehtefs It tier! -datultroce. beset:mon, palptlaori of the em, tiler o f mar them, dysentery, calk and o ormpoon of th e blood! What so Scrofula het an nett! ..01 . 11, Cie b. 17! What produces all thitqatarrar whiell 1.1114 ori Eruptions ot the Sian. Kcal Head, S ithettni.Easmelas,Wbire Swellings. Fear-Sors, ad ell Maras. Internal and external! I, Ls now , tog under heaven tan an acid substance, whiih tours, and than :petit ell the fluids of the body, moils mu tt ten. What exams Rheautanstu out • sour acid hi mainume• it. ell t o mints nod elrovetiere, a. , n ,o no end leCnaklisg ti the tender end del/erase tun , voll.ei., a awe oof ar.rvouir ducases,Of Mimi nVoy o e Woad., of deraad eireol..os, sad nearly all the ant/au whir+ millet barna nature. t. _plow, a it not horrible to make nod sell, adlnfinitc. se me to UJUNG u this , FERMENTING. ACID r•COMibtr•o - OP IS P. TOWNEND. .. ' D. . and yet he would fun base It UnJerstoad thriiiTld la cob 'founsend's Games nonmed liarsaparitte, is an ',Monti.. a his loran. preporean, .. Gooe r, 1 oda that we samild deal In en eructs L o a would bear the moot dam, reserablakee p.T .,,,,.d article! and which should Wide down 4.. ,h erl a D r. uunh • nUntothln load of ersomi nn ,,, and emanations froar .7...rh0 he , . mid,Und par. came woe hare gad re P. Tomasend's Fep00,,,,,,, • ...- Canna.' ' We ash it andersterod, beans< it it thils:absolear ~,,,b, ,h,„ ..I ,...r oo nsweel . , ,, Vel . e . nd , Old . Dr. Jacob Tor:warred, r .. lib 4 5 r0r ., , , CLU , T ,.. d .,. ..." ,,,g, ~,...‘,.r.,,,','.,:,‘,th,,,g.;;Yethrtae.g tiro :t 0 n r. c0 , :::, ,, :e . '1 . :::, 1"." °."*".- nd d hananty, to kindle ape in the tea. G. ''''''' ' o mere health and blodea ad I gord''''''''t incoo t " a - si broken and to banish W.I. TOWNSF.ND hati .. .So , UGHT y—eba o' t rid e 'I/1715 Adatt4l and FOUND %be or portanalla d _ ntee7 toAn:, Guns UNIVERSAL, CONk , MAT D within the a, and to the knowledge eFolt w h o :end a mat they mil. Meru ad know, byleyfel e g Narr , 1... a To H... r, p‘......, i.... , ...... a . CO Wholeesleigem roe For mile by 1 kW!) 7_ _ . . Westin% Pentoqlvertla J STtr. Mailed _am, DI. J-SABEANT. Allegheny; Dr. J. crAssaA., Flilh wan; O. W. (Ma/Mgt/In k .I.4rPOUbtalet. *a ... COMMERCiA 1, RECORD PITTSBITELOII DOLAD OP TELADIZ COMMITTEg FOR SEPTEMBER. %v. Nr..a.t.acs. D. Term". rrytrtca Prmaradu r..:rm. Saturday Plorurng. Sep'. 15. Nothing ttaasptted to Jae market ye.uM.r wly change in once.. Dustneva aenere l, Y .”:' ' ers dull, end must continues* notil we nee favored vr•th • net to the neer which., in the orklina:7 01 na tole. cant:Oa:tow be arty far damp", FLOUR—From atorefsraostly held at 84:7, but we bees of as et la a naoderiate extent at 81..13 , 1,5'; and Ly retail for good brands at 85,25 P I.ld. farst band ad. eve confined to Wilted lots iron] wagon at 111.-1, 34,55. SUGAR—N. O. Sugar rosusues Grm. with soles in lota of 5 to 10 hhdasst 6200.i0, and In bbi• et 6yc if . b• Further sale of It hhdsat 61c. COFFEE Is firm at fulls . quoted rnt.s say for • proue article of RAP mtd for common to Mtt tt e 5) eie. Sire 13 hogs kw at Se. .RIOI.dBSEI-m--We note sties of V b 1.14 (111 two lord N O. at 1782.4 e• SEEDS—SaI. of 10 bu Thom at 62,50. .4 of 2._ bu Clover at Ma BAGGED HAMS—Se:es of 8 tee et lee p B FEATHERS--Sales of tS seeks at aGe p Da y and of 4 deal Ste. WOOL—Snie of 1.5001134 lob washed nt EAD—?des of pig at ile, and of ben. at 5c to 5 IlaprevemeiSta In Dentr DR- G.G . O. STEARNS" late of Hoopla. ti I s s pre yp pared to manufacture and set Bhoca Trrru whole and parts of teta upon SuetronorlAuncomherie Surhon Plater. — TOOSILIXII2 cram In snia swarm., wherr the near to :ft'a(l"rireneee7t to the hi" te Prdreetttsburb Rana B. M'Enddrn. t En., lots ilEr A gentleman of Pittsnorgh, Imo bud (alien Imo an open cellar after thei"tireat Fire ematned hts Me to sererly that he teas dn.,. w 1,1,111 from err ing out with the pain. (mend oho had Oren U `ln it IL A. Frahnemeet t Cu Rubefament and beet eared of 61:00.0ism, nee WIID what mulainml in the botde, and although htv limb Otto greatly swollen, he to• completely restored M health ot twelve boors and freed (torn pp to Thal but one of a great number of eases which have coma under the observenon of the proprietors. Preparedlund veld by M e FAHNESTOCK A. Co. Wonms.—As l$ the 'mason of the year when worm. are most formidable among auldten.the prop, etors of DI Lane. Veritufage beg leave to,call upon parerts, soliciting that* attention to ha virtue., f, the expelling of thew anneytng and often fatal enemies of eduldrett. Their it is by a Oil - steam of great orpanence to Vironia, and after sung u for wveral jean in his o praettee, and finding s eucecas MU be ha. been Induced at last to oder it to the btu !us cheap bat h o an exce ll ent szedletne !lad purr_haso at tilt Lhog store of !aye :441.T. J. KIDD h CO. Pemetrie Loo, Somme—Prepared by J. W. Kelly William street, N. Y. and for ,a/o by A. Jaynes, No. 10 Fourth street. nue vfill be found ■ delightitil artL cle beverage in Wailes, and paruculmly for rick rooms, ii•esel• Beona,—A improved Chocolate prepara tion, Wing a can:Minutest of Cocoa nu; innoccrtb Iti vigotsting and pa:m.4610. highly recom m end ed pactle. olaciy for invol.d.. retpareil by W Bator, Docchca. mr, Moon, and Mr eali.4 by A. JLYNES, the Pekoe So-a Story, No. 70 Fourth .1 Piro and leltertrie Intournetser—Tare Ara oxou Nevutenon arte Ft. lacutexce CO.ll/•2IT— . b sawed lede—eontruitee to tussle, upon every de .iruton of Pmoeny, At N. iswar Orrlea, No. el Market street. SANOIF.L GORMLY. Pre•t. Roane ACM. seep. aty.kaaa JOB PIIINTING, BILL HEADS,;CARD*, CIECULARft, Manifests, BalLt Lading, Coransess, Lee., .1341a14, HAND MIA. Lawitia, eastnetcaras, =was, tiutt dc.Asc., Printed at ale shonelt neure , at low prices, at Ilia der.) Garter, Orem, 1 , 11111. warm W. 11. Wrier., El. D., Dentist, op ° poTrce " L 'd f' ''" tujo c r ',. : X 1 11 hours lhom o'olook h ‘o It . /b M.. Rod 1(0111 4 O'olork WS P. M.. seN4-t1 Prrrsimmon. Jone II 1649. Mr. Tholes, K. lillllllrAT—Dear !lir: Your Wroine Mud we find to be • Met rate article in ell rerpe,ts its color is a beautiful block —flows free from We pen We have reed &mold% bat prefer ynnn oo . merits, apart from orrabeing • foreign and th e other a Pitts:Rush manufactinied article. h ours. respectfully, STEVILYSON & REED. For aide (logather venle Ribbon's and Mitchua. Copy inks.) by IL A. Flianemock & Co. Pittsberati, H. P Selman., Allegheny city, and by the manufacturer, Thomas K. Ribbon, Dreamt and Chemist, comer o Liberty sod Smithfield enacts, Potsbergb, Pa sp atllahtw IaPALL FAIIIIION BOIL FIATS. MeCORD & CO. will Introduce doe day Al. tAstueday, Au{ 2 - hj the :all style of Gentlemen's Rats, corner of Ftrth and Wood s Tee. , _suc4 wr.trr. 171) herty s.Toet, opponte the h•od of Wood, •will Introduce the fall e of HA . N. on this day, iha Ott, ton, winch, On beauty of fans. cannot Le surprised. I•.r. llm SOB! cakl Karts's Soda A.h. LC) t I Finnic, dr. Solis Soda Ash, CH GRANT, 11 tVavor 3 tb* row , , ) by _apt_2 PeClNtir,. Vehem, smd Ss., kept f r n i h± eariutts uJ den. Athos Dade up complete. PA3II-13 llrell Adam.' ILOr Pearl Ash I. received t . darper Umon Lute. and mr .Mc rpl,./1.1R—.01.601s ettr. Fanoly Floa r."'d 1.7 for ree br 441 & %V II A RBA CI, II I)UTTER-1 toga tlatter, reed lan4 for I.v epti S V/ W. 6 so LA gllo -"- r rta ry 'e :p11 " :1:11 1 A . SODA A 514-17 ettlo Soda A.b, Tee, gm: :nr ..le by apt 4 &NV iILIJACI.II REAM CHEF: W.-W bo. reed lt , r Zl 6:114 e & II D ILIg Pt:ACM - 8.1-40 bo,bsuol —9 1 .6 a Company Fos Issaossea Urn SOD Gls rens. es tem!, T11fi 1 : rst Lae Insurance Ca 1131,11,1 in the E s•s, loci:protested March 10. 101:1—cea ter peroetss Capital—15il ootd in. Having aothonael undero.gomi m receive app . ., canons for lb...amen watch pallet. Im I.•urd. according to them propotalY and rays, erbma rri‘i be made known t. apploganta at Ms oftee. No bt Wood atracb optl. GEO COY:11 RA s. DL ANN 1.7 r, —3O pair of myna ~aa 00010 0.0... 0 tens. of American mannfantorr. reed and for m'..! by pot GEO. COCHRAN. 20 Wood si VOUNDRY MY:TAL-73ma1l bet - goad Found:, Me. r .1, for %ale by 5,A5 WIC1& At'CA-NDI.E,4 tit wfrEE-014 ati - pnma Rio Coerce. "eat sod for apt/_ C 11 t:QAYT EA-10 Of cheats rovrchong Tea. idol uy opt 4 C H GRANT 01301 Aftbl-21 tofu bluvrart b. sow 15 do Weals S & Son.; for .01a by RHEY,MATTHENCS & CO, • 24 Watt, ot SCOR.CHINI.II 4 -110 csks beta &us It, for vat. by 'ma RIIF.Y, NATTLIEWs & - 'pour A:311-12 Wiz first sorts, for male by spnl AITHEA's CCapprfine Green Elio, far vie by opt. RHEA. AI ATTIIEWS & Tr..t —l2o cheaa In/penal and P I , do do Powebong Too, % caddy Lx• ILO land Impe nal 'Fre, Ca ccoult tmportat , on; for Kale by aprti gliEl. NIAITIfEWS Co 1.,11-111 btu. large No J Mar kore4 3t., no (Jibbed F fiernog, :al boa smoked do. (or .ale apt 6 RIMY. MATTHF:WS CO TOBACCO—Ys bx.s Va. , . and lb . of hest trandn. for inn;e by .p 1.6 RIMY, MAI - MEWS Aor UPIK-11.1 re. treidaeat. for ea, by % .pre RIMY, MArrHFIVS h. CO ALUM -10 bbl• for sale by spa , RIIEV, MATTIIEWS it CO T AR-21 •p)( DLL* North CO 0LA5..".44 - bbla pnme , A , a. . sugar house do, for sale by .prif EPICS, NIATTFIRWS h C.) UWI - 111 , i13-luo Mks No I gaml kmre and fur LP oak by spLl I b. DILWORTH Lc CO (11ITTON Aft-Tii-10,0011 IL. in store and for •alo by opts 1 5 DII.WORTII a ,O MY APPLES-1M barkb tn ',nod ronclutan,fin . ..c L by rptS J S DILWORTH & CO toy , s, a aupermy %owl, exproled lj duly by s DII.WURTII R_ CO PIU IRON—We Rods ooR Mercer Mem!. (or male by spO J B DILWORTH t Co I'Etita—A tutionorboality of Green and bet Teas, I starrys on bond and lot vale by qts J S DILWORTH dr. CO _ 4 Calierret. Chinn...rob Lbw' E tie Met, Liq lodide Fern , Piperinv. Yo' , Tannin, vitt attar., Opium. Poved Rflunard. lust reed and for tale by J SCHOONNIAKER h Co, spur dl Wood xi Lblv pulverized fiingen N ozs Co. 1.71 tila Soap; d tibia Cream Tartar. pist reed and for •le by spts 1 SCHOON Al AK ER It Ct I (10H civcrt 016 . - - 4 - ai. of voperior queo). re tinted lot Wale by apts SCHOONMAR ER h. CO MACK a F.1,-1 77blibi No 3 later Nlveterel.ln vrntC and 6•r sale by sot; SAW 14 A RRAt'6ll S trOAR-16 [dad. N. 0. tiugar, atore land for •alr by Iptia.: A G. lIlDaaN. WILI.WICKd ..d M'',l"A;ltabtLila W - c.F.Esi-+' 3 ";,, - ...7„:1" . eskliejd and forsal; 1., WICK & N1.0.1!,01.17.,9 FRENCH LlRAN?l: — „A o du r n77 . o 7. .:n: : .l , , ,rer metli ocuri P''''''''' ' JOHN D MORGAN. I . Jrugrost iioErr i‘;INF..----Warranted pure. for.nledi,in.l ~.. 1 pu.e.,Just reeezvert and fort s, .9 ON I) MOGGAN SP. .pre "4 '''' "',Vil.., D NiORG A N giv."TIMCPENTIFIE-4'2DIA•M. r''' ' '' . " d (te r ” ;t by .pA JOHN DIM/Mak'. (IHROMEUREKN—R ea.& cora.. or v.. 1.,. lj We JOHN_ 1/ MoRr•A. DYE WOODS-411 bids ,JO re 'd and for 5 . • , ... ,. 1.ry • @JOHN 0 MOR4A.• UV ABW dOOUIS' FOB TIIE FALL TRADE A A. MASON tetCO.., Mark-t stre- bay tl MC received stock nr • t:N% FALI CAMP?, to which !ley invite the aitent.oo or Oiel friends maid the publir•—switiring Thera lbw every sit, ele will he sold at their usual low pr,coß—so low s to defy eompellno,, i,;;TGIiT mind aborttime HI Ito OF E X c!I A Pe Y L., able In Cineumsb. LAralavillo and Lou.. pur chased on the m ost avorisbls term, virdi - HOLNEX & So&& MBRELLAS—A mall lee of Late. Stitt Umbel , bath haiel Ind catered, for me et EA Tnmmin Finns QUGAIL-146 bilds N 0 Su ga r_ gar, strtttuy rritne received and farteale by LS WATERMAN. Vr•ttt• •t EATITERS—• ..• lb. puma Pr. art, to F•lnve morrow, sad In sale by .pl 7 d t W RARRADfiH PORT OF ITT7SRTITtm-t. AR BEI V F.D. Look McLane, Elcoorn, Brownsville, Wightman, Disabeth. Peyttsna, Hendrickson, McKeesport. Star, Strudels, Wellsville. Camden, Hendrick's:in. Beaver. James Jackson, Wilkins. -, Exchange. anowdeo, Cincinnati. Pilot No. 2, Shank, Cm. San Francisco, -, Cin. DEPARTED. Louis McLane, Bennett. Brownsv,ll4 R Wightinan, -. Elisabeth. Peytona, 2.lRdeaport. Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver . Star, Strode', Beaver. Ariadne, Grabill, Brownsville. Shipper.-, Cinw ann. James Jacknon, -, Tat }Lieut.—There were 17 inches la Ile channel. tit - metal mark, Inst evening at dank, and Mika:. iATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Lanni McLane. Brow/0ov:Ile, 6 P. M. P. Leech St co'., packet line. 9 P M. 101 R, S Co , . Canal Packet, 7j o'c:cek, r RATES OF DISCOUNT RAirlLli OF DIeCOUNT—CUItftE.:TED BY 9. 110L351E$ R SONS, Eirrheng• Brosen Pio. 65 Minkel meal, near 1. It Pennsylvania. Indiana. • rgh • —Par Sine Wit h liraneues• • I PDF inateacrep • • -• • Nlrreh Nino. Lank • Porl VI, ginia. iti..o• Ph laktpn a • • •por:Ezehangt Ilk. of Va. , I 1... 4 ., lion • • ...... • par i'Lnuerp. kik .+( Va• —• " man •per, OIL. of Lin• " .• eiter • ouLiy• • •par:Li of ihrra.a " eO.• • • Per:M. R )I i•21%11,1•10 ry ta.• • p ttl do Al 01,•111.0•111• •• •. 1 NlVlJUnittilazd••pariN. ii••• V• • tlrtd.p . p.ld Wcilsbarg••—• tladt Var do 1 . 1lr•CrObIllp Farincre fik T. Fkrne, Co. par Hk.of Trnneaaa,• •• • 5 H Lan •11...'r•par'nkr Allercti'La I.:1 a,, 132.• • • •par Mame"' 13k.• •• • • Lauca.ttr IA • •-•••— par Umon Ht...... ita • • 30 Missouri . Browny..., 141.. per Su. 13k of Nlis.Loort— 1 Hk • .—. •y north Corolla... Geny k ijur f , 1..—. 1 llk .of Cape Fe. 2 ...... itlerett, Ltk.,Ncw.rn• Co. 111 3 S;ate Bank •• • ..... South Corollas... Nl:dd.:own I Camden Elk Ilk of Charleston 01U Ilk.. Ml= Farm n and Droner•' ,• • I 'llk.ot ll•mc•rt•••• •• • D• V -• I TPiLIItC &Meen• • Itt• ayLezboll • .Lebonon part!. of Sono • PomoviDo- •••—• •• • "1 Liar ylamtl• Wyoming ....... -•••— itialumorn hke.••-•• -• • par y_grk At... illaitin'e kl RSt•rio •ID Wkllrtrapeb Bk.••••• • I , Cmolkrlandg or AI te- Head times 1 / Oka) , • ...... • /1k H at. " 'far. DA of Maryland • Sc Ip—Pinglio1 p—Pinglio Conlnytt•Farmero' Ale.enamcs Allot/0:1y, IS 'llk. Fredetrielg •• • “ auto. •Fredemek Co Oa —• • " Smog. Bk. ind Draneboo 1 alagervionml Dn.. ..... " MountPliistap-- •• • ill:semi ilk •—•— I 15nnbtSs4Is•••••.•••• It'istapn, Ilk • ..... • IWubtspnn •• MlAs= vium•••••• • • ••••• " 181.of , A• eserninstez • • • • " Newl4abon• I Melsigass. IXOSlsuilttEitliks--•••• of Eh. Cumr Colsanbas üßk."! /LIM( Raisen--- 5745k5i11e.... • •• • • u Siteltigan Ins Co. • • • • 5 Zaarsr/Ile ••••••---. u Fax. NlceS's Lt ••• • • • 5 p u mys • • u Wisconsin Terries. I • V m s,,, • 7501ar..5_F‘rnIn.Co-5111o's k Masslllnn —•— • I I Cinnemlas. TO, All solvent flanks Rant of Lagload Notes 70' • • ---14 OO to ins Ml=E:=l=V:ol MM2212 •' 1/0001.5 Y 150 2 01 " 1;961, old - •• • .. 10 60 Frankha Erk rAemboßs •• 4:991e. ne . • 10 CO Doubloon. Spw,call. 10 CO Lake Eris• • • ..... • • " Patn.ct• -- • 15 50 debts.- • " , o4ereacns 4 63 •I; , Frevenctscrors • 77 70 =MI Fe.raol.l irk Canirn•-50 :en 13eilde re Urtuazz t......P0ni• • - • - LLantatelty. ' Exohaage... Elk or Ker...kY I Yew York 4prm fh.of Locurvi e .... •• ^ 'Phllutelph , a • Iprm Noritern Ilk .. tieluzcorn •—• • • • Sew York—C. lit.r.irs par Inter.or Irta•— m rI , I,7LPENTINE-29 blots Tarpcuun.. Jul. reed and 1 .ale by sptl2 SFJ,LER! , a. NICOL:3 (1 1 .FFEF. -1.5 I , ry. tllo Ca &r. last recelyina and for rysle by yp:11 SbII.I,EIRI I /b. 141001.11 ICE—IS scs orrah beat Mee, or loon, and for sale .1.1, by r o •i.j - D CON —.lO 'lsit Haat.. Si:lca and Shouldnr• • prtme BA article. for s,‘Je by .1,112 NICUI.S TURACrU-30 Us. s'. Ittid 7 pound, of ban brand .k_kor •al, .ptl2 7.+1:L1,ER5 Nlr.Pl.. s n., rt•....❑ a eoom+on s .roe.rco earls itrnsr,s T 00,11.1 ree'd and for by •,•Lil BROWN tr. cia,uniersos s TA Rcii—tm k Wood I. Pear: Surch: • L. :411,0, Starch. 'op. see, and lor sale by opt Ell USW k. IAiIdIEETSON 00 do No 3 •p:l2 CrI.RERT+ON OLAS:11-1S•--11.0 I,lor. S II , Io:a•seo; 100 do N o dn,*ln, and for Inv •5112 111{0\‘'N a cULIIVATI‘o'S 1‘11. , E1.;-91, ..q. RI., CoJr... In no,, and for I.y r!tt.4 13101 VN :S .n• t.rut. I 1:,.!,11. I.EKSIAN AND 51.A.N1211 rea.g pe•fer:.• f•na'Lf, w,•11 lantana, • a re,: . aradelnen al. e to .orn• arrect atorm,..l a, .1 aos eomp,,t,y. aopes iu •lera •ha, Wile rastroaate !a•tructaa • risen ..t ,eruatarke, are7i as Lo lart• ale latniar•, s• tar ma. , ren•oo.aa, (1•11,14. hoot wt., wort.. M, thavotartvor. of Ins ••rviroa, nett., ottorpr,ter or Irs.o, tor. •Ilt er,,• leave:boo mato, at tiro boot 'tote • oi /II a, at rptlt Jlw L' \ N 1.14, —Brow u. blrred nd rf iFomealle to] •-ona.,men.. Mr mit 1.7 CmCIIR AN. M Wood a 1 . Coler., rcr'd and for mute :.y II liftA`iT 1 4 , Al KITE I;I,ANIaKTA rcerived from I. I Fst e lor.... sot of stfor,or Fam.l7 Mantels, tor salt at Eaftcraomm, at war7hno. of Me FA) . Ern'. M Co_ aptit \n 1!2 se, up a.m. I . ll.bareh 1.0,111 FOR 10'0111, 1.... - i.7 - artta; mot ro,mots Wool. ;or whtch trio Ingheat pore ,or FA) FITE ANUF - 0 Co. Mtra-c. Nn PVtahurch 3*C(!\—l. nu I',. ~houl,kn ~d U ~. hy nu:rr ue LZELt. a rn, Alf 'etrranntn III:nr• on ertnrcnsnnt ki for tele by •pll I trblD RA N. tt , W•o I•t C — Ir • tptt landin g rt/id i r , o , r „, :rte p lo' LD 1:1-1 0 rn ATIIEII , -2,20/ rtound• t i r•t u rz . l and I r•a rpll I t %IS-10 et k• cantrarsed 11217111, • good I) • (tele. fu •1 Jr.ndmg from .tor Koptiralerb for sale by I S W I' AS (IF Finn:qrs.—A span or yrourlß gAIreN b'aek match Honor, rnund end perfectly zero , Fct•nno wan•ln, • one pan' ol ' Fa - r sue Ilnrrem. ce.a oinani them al • rea m, .4 C 10 %NH ,nn WV.Mr.R. Jr. ILK,! t , 1L.10 , —1 eeisenevt. mrierr clrerrpovr ervonerent ever oSered try any one hoirre in Ore Vcev:erit coax A A MA.SON &CO, eplio Grr Market sr f - t 1 AS l o4:fir, AND M I.A Ms. —Mat, ttet.ft Thor rtly rtp.r.ittg r.t A A. MAAUN & CO.'S Orr. M.ariett rt. rrrtitt . . th .A ttl L 4 L o C Pll: ' r Vbo ' r.: ‘L n i v " m V e .. ;;; More N;sltara Lee reerterd duttng the oast sweet. at the only cheap one Otte , . •lore votltt A A slAllt 4 tti -LA A.72 , -15 manna Laeee, r very des/tattle pat. len.prtrett vary tog from I to Su els oar yard. rot r ltt A A NI ASON /It ('0 TI ~lKri" TICICINUS" •—A A Ma' ron & h,e GO Nlurtat rt. neve in Wort the lora P• 01. naror mow• unmanned. Cell the only eptiO lirrn le. FLA NIN cold d and sr..— A ails • NJ maof 'nal treolveal by er! A A MA-SON &CO A A F.O Ni AFri.663il;rk.l •i. well /3. • mornine few wens neh a,d shove na n nern ' French ITIrs clamant be fonnd elsewhere. I,JILEACII CI, ANDtato 5V Si Mt AU 5 . ,..-17/in•r l 5 an Or well known brand, tram set. par year , i. 19 A A MA !al , : /le it L' lllik ' :V, ra hl * A " 7T7l;: ‘,., ;S ' h CO, ,110 sa W.ln SI -- - NEW ARRANGEMi.N r. ertic , INCREASED EXPRESS FAST PACKET LINE IF-selostveli for Paesengera.l VIA THE GREAT CENTR L RAIL ROAD, TO PIIILADELPIIIA AND BALTIMORE. nubile Me Informed that Co and after Saturday g the let of Seidember, the pawsengers by this Line •ati:horned over the Central Rail Road front Leur• tato an to Harris...rah. and from thence to Phtladol phta by the linri,burdit and eniuniloa Rail Roads.— Ily this new arrangement pa. enders will go through ui •,111.17, vtata than heretofore Tan Per,anta of UM Line are votV and of the best lonia for safety. .peril and comfort. is the vrateraide no,/ 111 use to the Vas.", cities. liu. Itonanare all pawed in nght. Tone. Pi do, • r , Ten Dotter*. For infornovion apply to Alnoudgithels Rouse enc, or D io LEECH k CO. Canal Huta Peen:sinew strawberry P 10..., AT Litts, Wit ril) LIAM/EN --Iluoit sVora, the prenoum plant, Sid. per hundred. Vietorts end ea ,redintas. vent. per hundred—nil thrifty wairelted Orders from distance carefully top ap sad turearded A 1,,,. a 'time co non of Htee,cionsa Faeutiph and Taylor's Seedling uP •rry, Ae An ledges the All/ . Clirtrly end of the ur 'kola, for the Garden, every haif hoot At ittia me tin no alum boat will commence its regular trios as soon as the 'tact rises JAME'S M'KAIN %,4" ILI r 111 • - f Mame. Swords. Sie. l, - en. Epadit.tes, lane. Bunco., Flag., and all the mamma.. y to equip volunteer tionipamee Vo outer , ' ` natriart equipped as oompleta and as t , Otte in the Eut. at Ina ,ilintary Sint, min der Market and fourth sta. IV I.V wiLsoN I', A States Boss and Tenor Drumm, of Germantown make. for sale *id warvaated by arta • A ISPH7K--1. , tots on hanA anal l or WICK & NrCA N (MASS on han7l anti (nr sOe br p••. ~t, WICK a. 51 . CANDIAIAS Catty...CA kroier... 600 11,15:trit JA.'3. P. HANNA, eleand st Dir-L4 *sitlatit i• a and for sale by .1.5 J t/CHOONMAKEI k CO LOCAL MATTER& aIItPORTIOD rot rift FTITIMI/ROR DRILY 13/SCITS HOlBlll.ll. ACCIDICCT.-0 Tuesday afternoon tome workenea were emptied to opening up a Lew road la Peebles Township, and felled a tree, which lodged on a projecting branott of another tree. While exertion, were being made to re• move it, a young gentleman, a son of Mr. Joseph Burchfield, incautiously went under the bront h, when the tree fell, croaking him to the earth and naanglmg him horribly. Hu e houldars were preen ad together, tot hewuj so frightfully vurtintled that he lived hot • few momenta, and ctiared withest speaking, never having shown any sign of consciousness, but by 'awing Ws kind 1., his bead. and that was probably an I nvoluoLury move Thu. mournful event w.ll he deep!v throughout l'er!-ges twa-ushlp, where he was unt- venally known and eeleneed I.II}ILOMIIVIT iv THE C.VLTrU NV AR -T Seventh ward a situated at n greater distance Imm the centre of the town then the Sixth. but though , not equalling that Ward in the actual number of new houses erected this year, null it a increastng lb great rapidity, and perbapa, inking all Hunan to consideration, n it; improving in an equal to with any ward a the tidy After a careful examination, we find that luny a new houses are going up within the counties .1 this ward, tho names of the owners of which re as follows J Johneon three glory bock building. Wm Gdmore do I Will ten. do do I MlDokwd do do Thomas Farrel do do Name unknown do do N,me unknown do do' I Burt do do Wm M Arthurs ' oo do A Irwin do do I O'Bnen do [do J Morehead two do I Chesnut do do Wm Austm Ito do I L Kerr do do Name unknown du do Mn Brooks do do Mrs Duncan do do Name unknown do do Mr Norris do do Mr flidont do do Name unknown do Mr Weaver do do Mn Jones do do Name unknown do do I Watt do do Fox du do I McFall do do Hanes CORPUS Cast--Several young colored lads were brought before Judge Jones so a wr it of Habeas Corpus, yesterday. They had been arrested, .d committed to Jail by the Mayor of Allegheny, charged wtth stealing gropesfroui the garde° of Hr. Freely. The com mitment specified "larceny," sod it was contended on the part of the prisoners that they had not been guilty of lateen), straws on vines were a part of the freehold, and as larceny could only be com mitted by a leionioos taking of Ossifies, that there fore they could not be acoosed of larceny. Had the grapes been on the ground it would have been • different matter, but as it wit the offence was mere trespass. His honor admitted the justice of this reasoning in a technical point of view, I bough of course, too, ally, tha offence was 115 great as if personal pro pen), had beta stoke. yell bin duty Val to ad minister, not to make the lam. The prisarten re tberetore disebareed Wain In Ausousty.—We understand that the water stoll be let into the rupee in Allegheny on Monday, If no nal - ore/re-en acculent occurs. It mat &maned to commemorate flue event by a publna process:on, opeeebea, acc., but thut Idea btat been abandoned. Smonsta COURT, September 14 ltsl9.—County of Allegheny vs Gibson. Error to the Court of Common Plea. Argued by Mr Satoh fit,. pamber in error, by Mr Woods for defendant in error. Amsborgh vs Gearhart et of. litstsct Court. Argued by Mr. Mageeban for plaintat m error—by C. G. Lapous for defendrint in error. McClure et of vs. McClure et al District Court. Argued by Mr. McClure rind Mr 11 , gbato or plain tiff, to error—by Mr. lVdl. for daendan.s in error. Verner et al vs. Cooper. Datrdo Goon. A rgurd by Mr. Metcal: and Mr. MeCandlets tor pat.utta an error—by Mr. Forward end Mr. Dtr.:up tzr gt- fat:taws in error. Sratear Ncmasctes—Pretesirra.—fits Honor, Mayor Herron. )eatcrJay bleed eotnootrot ttenre AldermenllueLmaster, spa ct. and Sharp. the notortous street preachers. The adiaartt is-as as Whose,— Rbtagh . 14 Whereas, by the informat 011 et venous persons, John Herron, Mayor of said coy, have reason to believe, and do heiress, hot certain d sdneed persons, viz—Joseph Barker, Hugh lirkland. and Joon Sharp, do codedtogether Uil IV. so the Canal Brrogc, on Penn Street, to 3.4 case, days of the week, terrors crowds ci persona, who obstruct the puiddr li.qhway, nod that the shove named Barker, Kirkland, nod Sharp, do use language pusdely on the streets winch onuses.. der.enev,and depraves the minds of youth mere attending. That they, moreover, preach resistance to the laws, and threaten riot and bloodshed. and mat by the concourse of penan, to drawn to gether, they obstruct the busmen" of the com munity, and have by these means become a corn• mon nuisance, deponent dear therefore rn view of these facts, ask that warrant, may issue iar Inn apprelmnsron of mud Barker, Nrkland. and Sharp, in order to answer for the tame at the cent Court of Quarter Seamans. John Herron.' Sworn to and subscribed before me. an alder man corsair! city. N. Buckaaaater. Barker brought for ward a gentleman named Jim. Collingwood, but Mr. C. related to bail him ari soon as tho Alderman informed him that he must give meanly not only for Barker's appearance, but for his good behavior. A Mr. Sam. McCiorkan, a merchant on Liberty Street, next came forward, and on being told the condition of the but, he backed not, but at last rained bail, although Barker declared that ..if his Maker came down in human form to stop him, he would not quit !pea:log." n.c.orodopeal Table. From eh. 7‘A eo the I la of au month. lILI.r ov Slft nicellomeren. Da:e. :tun rise. 9Am 3ru. 9 e o‘. Daily meer: Sept. S 30 03 70 50 7 U 10 04 74 01 02 ' 10 15 111 71 6302 " 11 1.0 06 70 7U 00 12 :0 5:1 77 71 01 13 40 113 77 70 01 '• 11 47 66 02 70 37 Moron's Orrice, Pittsburgh, septcmber I ith Free persona, accused of drunkenness and duo, derly conduct, tenanted Me lonat fart night. Two were discharged, and the rest were either commitud, or paid their linen. Those who were discharged were Germans who had been at a wet:• ding, and drank rather freely of Rhenish wine.— Towards the close of the night, one of them set out to return home with his dole:nen, but as vibe had another lover, a parr& arose between them, nod our hero wail knocked down, whereup. , n be fired a pistol, loaded with powder only, which he had brought to salute the happy bridegroom, et his as sailant, who °tenant. weaned with the fright. Moron's UerICIE, ALLEGULlll",gcptember t 4th— Three persona, two men and o woman were brought before the Mayor to day , though, though, pulging from first impressions, we should have mud that they were all of the masculine gender. es the wee man was dressed in the habilineeno belougitg to the sterner sea. She was committed to jail, the only Amos her vices have left her, for thirty days One of the men paid the neon! bee Or drunLecs neat, and the other was rent to Jail for twenty four hour.. I . 6Annitc—A yawl; inn way boon/ before the Mover of Alenbooy yelleolny tnmi lag, charged whh roeultorr punnheb nom ono IZ tot country weg ran. and let a lnoying none ii the personsatlenthog the LnarLet. Ile woo dtsch,:- et! on poylng a., non MR. &ATOM—Allow ow .10 ..or ...• • Sys!eon of," vh, If you LEEI4 Et give it et earner to your paper. Take rune num., The ye t t ott lake tn.. :better Mtx It win ge et an ten, Than you'll have It bier. Drink a 'wan every day, TJI von reel a anti. ruing Than it ycu GU,O, drok A galtuu ut vuung aye,. deietorn go to Stun With their eitioteet nod I VOietellen are II vote, for the wide! of 1111111. Lt you'll only try our, Wh,ch you ertruinly ought to, You'll not want top To humbug water doctors. rittsbatib, Sept. 13tn. Da. gluca GOV. JOHNSTON•t SISILINO FUND Flora or a Wmo Aontrawrax . nott.—The La onto ropers heVe twee chernartorerstue thin ',Smit ing Fond"r v,r more Ito paa,ase,a• a wont ;mum leo. god outrageous Wh.g weeedre wirce was to do c..eri temp nut remand er.olale the State.— No entanutir t mod be imagined by the deepens.: look ri( L eolhodolern, who occupy the editorial ...Imre of the Locoloco pre..ea tarot:ahem the that to oht not. according to then, be appre hended roam toe simple operettunn of the S.:utter Food. Time weld !lace made the pelple believe it, was a great liaqi,ear—a sort of p,:0,11 ninth bream, wh , eh. wateed IS hiring the Public Debt, for witteh it Woo dented nv Ito dittaarthahed an. ther, would awa:law tt, and engulph the whole Stale. property, pope: and eIL Well, the P..111.,,ng Fund rt . deen in existence now ;:tile mute won lour mon th s, and these ale th w enderful of ,•ne;.-noon Amount r.f Sim Stub 'eudgir Amount rend tur n n - -ate l'; Arana, ...... 95.1371, t .7 .1 . Kry..(nni. I.) I , 5W:11,1,1,4 ,}0 .r :1 ghto A ANL, TIIIKTF:EN :SAND ..."Iti F. MATE DEBr.— Llar. nr. ==! For years past cots s, rithle emu. of money re - nutted ihrougn the uoula f:-,19 Cleveland to Pitts, burgh have boolost, and the Love Faun too. we , - vat., ha v., allots cd the mitt seem, n . to pass un detects, :too,. spx. beets some the Whig Port ers General instructed our Postmaster, L , M. Ha•RILL.,II.I, to adop. ram-gene memaurra lor Ibr dc'ect.on of the,. nden, and was done. A pa, t. age enclosing stone slit), nearly oh in combertett 190000, was prs.t.s•ro by Mr. Haskell Ina Lied at Pittsburgh, &reeled to Use. Vssum,, Esc], at Hudson, but tb , . fort Offi .e envelope purposely nosmreetecl to Fretmlug, county, it be ing suspected that money packages were abstract ed at that On Tuesday, tine package was mailed at Villa burgh, and Mr. lloakel , accompanied by officer Miianistry, yr-eroded to tram- as ocurse by ex amination dote made and inquiries along the mute. It was found to have passed ihroligb the i Ace at Ellsworth, the one next south of Frederick, and ant to have reached the o'3eo at Pattnyra, the one cent north —This muds the matter a certainty, but the thing was to prove IL at descent was made upon tae otElb at Frederick, and Mr. John [chill, the roatananter, dents d that the packages bad corns to the office, but a search was made, and the money, swains the envelope and way too, discovered In the haymow, which being neither a proper place for the mails, nor one of the sates prescribed by the Sob-Treasury law to be used for publlo deposites, the Pogo:meter was brought to this city for examb natino. Mr. Deis wan arrested by Pont Office Agent Medlin:on, under Mr. Tyler's Adounts,raliou, on a charge of embezzlement, but wen acquitted for want or evidence. The testimony was sufficient however to prove him a good Democrat, and he W3P re-appointed to office by Mr. Polk. Much cmdit is doe to Mr. Haskell and officer McKinistry, for the manner in which t h e trap wan laid nod sprung. and in Mil arrent wn bare sooth er minimum. ut the effi. teat action of Admin. titration in detecting dcf.sluSlJous or embezzlement. Clew llcrald Fnrrrs CF A WHIG V Imoil T. —SI ore the election ni a Whig Garen:tor and State Treasurer, the Pub lic Works have not only been kept in excellent re. pair, but more than a million of dollars hare been expended to paying old debts, contracted by the Locofacue years ago, the credit of the State has been entirely redeemed by the payment of the Fob. be Debt in specie, upward. of two hundred thou.. and dollars have been wrested m a S.tiklng Fund f r the gradual end ultrmate reduction of the whole Debt, and there it now a balance in the Treasery of 5161.000 applicable to the completun of the North Drench canal' These simple facts speak volume.' Tex payers, can you any longer doubt /.s to your outlet to yourselves and the Common wealth, Do not these alonous results of a glorious vceory ora. us to m o the proud posrtioa we nave askomed.—Harrobertra EDUCATION GELAJIDIAB. SCHOOL Fetie . r.l at. Id door lelovlr 11 Room•—• I.ltriOt P : 4 rhwral., R F •rtadualr ”1" V. r enheTr. open ttga 6elkool Icr iW. nn Monday, Sep tenaber In•truottan aw be ryes, in the Lill111'•nd Greek :irtsrunfres. end fttch branches 31. ore •.larted m the punt; • •ta,. ad" net-meal. I:sot-1M per tegatost of five month. Toe !minuet nt punt!. ttmiteJ, anti applicant• can ve WiUl LI, teacher •t lot toVng• tn lea . .nt gear,' I.,erty st, Ptttat.utata —}io • \V a Pantarant. Pro( Tlanntp• attal • rd.l.e . PI I'TS BUNN II ISE ALE INSTITUTE n ' l7l vW^Rope, nu Vaul.v.r he 17:11 Srske. ,,, r Os , rata.' Mars, No 1.-Cuerly f4roci .smos.d 01 their pap:, Inc MS•ll ,, i n .e-ti:nyner w. I he afforded ~.~ ,;; =SIM YOU $.4 1...A1)143.9 SEMINAR V , ,g. K.{ 1•11 dim. ',lin La ins 1.• , •}. • • 5 t iqi ' • 51 , 154 . ~ M~~~~r .K, .~~.~ ~.a,.~..., a::a ‘,.1 gt a rg m h =l= nou 4:h oireeth. l%tueg4 the Ihtt.hurell I nfire, N W . MKTCALI. be Ar: ei , :ol. Au{ WILLI Ans . SELECT RCHOOL, eor Icrr, et, will h.. o , i eC Ihl• 1110 , 11:/i, slnnasy. "r. ^4U m!urr PORTORA INSTITUTE. I=l Y CITY CAPP.I...P‘P:I3 rtoionntalir nn uou that 0 . 1 . rtrt estatni.mont rteet tortnned Ili V I oii Niondirt ;non., 34. und tiort gen. tirtnon n•vo bow an opportunity of I,ing thoronuUly mild 0ur...443.1,16 , y nualtfin4 tor the dunes nun require- P.M* a soave life . Thm the Principal is - trot merely s mound scholar, but elans judicious sod most surcesafhl Instructor," u.t be apparent to any intelligent and unbiassed mind tram the number of Honors and prises °bunted by h in in Trinity College. Dublin; from the Teeth.- mit • rermsed from several of its most eminent Eel. a... 1 Profewors; and, finally, from the mitisfaction esuicssed I,tp erents et the prokiency made by his pup. For additional informs.. so to the peculiar feature , arid &damn/art of this liisigation, see Nov i...ems whirr, with festimonials, can be procured from the 11(1 NCI VAL, 01 the Inatitute, or in Federal sireet, °ono,. to colatmede Row. in bounders will - lie teceived, whoa henan. ,•orrilort and inte,metutodruncement will be nr,ncended n sugl , Jif PrOOF. HENRY IMOHDOCK, V.,"1 sTßfrxr. tii-tween Wayne and Hand. ha• rnad Li. prni,sional dun., caing mauve inn• reauOw Pll.llO. and in Vocal Music nos,oovontly recol,n,lom V •r , Sto,l l'AltrETINt, 1.11. ci.orti,. wt , lrtk mo) (could lite ;oorouing ca rello. Vorpet, • Pup Illionole Huts, V, vr do Tyfied a" T•pocry do llontomon do do B I ll,v.ntop \4u. Kxtro 'op 3 plydo ,I•tpolle 441 ti Vop , tot do do rrtlinod do Pmporfior log r An Oltoimd do EMMMEOMI IMES 441. and I Tan Von do 11,ten Crash, 3- 1.3.1 d . INetltt do do Damask 'anon Ste. Cover; 44 4 4 h. 2.4 dool do do I rat. (Al Cloth do do 4.1 4. 4 et 2-4 ttoin do do tS Rods. llindlog, de Goods winch 'do ore vow able to sell lower than ever helot red In elf We mvse vesstring to furt.t,b llouse• laud SI , MI Ronde. to roll and h me out tidtclt olora porctt•tt , tte r •evrhere caryt Warehouge,Ntt Ia Four: tt . t, 503 51•CLINTOCK. Dissolution of Partnership. TIIE copanneuhip of 111 NHY iIANNE..`i & CO. mussily Ilan, •111 , er d Co. in ihe lVindoer d Gold:teed Ono...uoton. r• ihn dry clioolved by we sntlidisun or Mr l'uuerieli The lmweree wilt I.e..neuntle.l by theundarned. under the firmfirmof HE EN NRY lIANN It CO ei, Were• hove No 1011.4.c0nil at. where we will have conahaut eupplies eupertor Window files, . . . =el • HUGH RORERT:i(IN Pittsb.rth. AOC V. ' l9 HMNRY msTrA ELLING i WI , A r CIOST —lle log oboot a dochno liu.,ars., 101.1 .ell off My Coc um k at cost. Mo., wc..110.r; Dar (;01,111 or ',m de de.. ring,ll-t to their n.lventlge lo seirat v lraryrr Ow 111 flay of ,C. I um dcternuned to ery lore prnref tor i Aril FOR KINNT—'II, commothoto doutoln Storn Nunn. nn.n I north r %rah ¢ COnaortuL... 'I hp , a , nlonn el.rnmacnln, ....1-tln• n ....tent non n• tnol •to En .be I er tooting nf Do . limn, Gr.- ',1.e . , 'll,r• , ryr.ilselerterl'ir r lovertkv ".• ."^' 1 P^ , ^•• art; .11.1.4rrnt •ros3,lr,rlable 1:3•• GrIrIV". rue.u, Orr,. Aliegher.y, alrr.rn N.rrtb l'o , n- Br .cWarr . ki for STEAM IV,V.‘ ....`r,r '"""." t m • • ° A L, ‘. enrruln r,t ntu.(.1. , ,u• um: , ••,l, t•• k , pet u s llll tOrea ft.l . • • • t• 1 .n.s , • ',J.. &e 11(111. ( . 0111• el, (1,10 , 11, •Ii• 111111,. Yr^. 111,1u51..r 11 , P 022112 1$ ;Id tr.lll liilte, 67 to.—tt , E, ic/tow Om $5.1•41 Yu, '• MER Parr . V, 11. Ma onvah.ok Hauge k IST AND PENN 4 YLVANI4 RAII. KIIAI) r' rI , IIF. ,tt•elthtpiders ni the l thtt, anti Per1..1 1, ".. , 5 , 1t...1 .toutl Coninarty are hereby' nottft,t pay the Seeprill Ix t.: A Dallas. per share ot , or Itetare the Ath St.pient r. The Mtn, itholders rt,totlt nit to Ponrmylvanta, will pay th. ontd I...taltaent to tilt. Pm.: dent ol 01a Cosapat, at thew other tit 11011 Went. PtuAttorrh. Dr nraer 9f tt, LH/vetoes: / J 111t04)1C4, Tmmurce. Matta. 00. Aar. YMI. I.l* .1112,3,01.501,24 • CIONT CHOCKS w Ne;o — Viii7 Philarliolpbta arta 1.7 Baldu . for oalirl N. 110LAIE.6 i BONO APO MISCELLANEOUS 14MNIrlITOOK - 17P - PIANO - 9. Jon, 11. ASELIJ , II. NV.atl street. has 'um e , ' Piano Fortes (rem the rt..- lovnug celt.tbrett,tl ttianu•ve wers 11=22111121=1=9 113 50. 04) lar 001 12 Ooc do 7 An f'^:"', 000 Or, do t.l rcod,y 4 , r7t-d. (Jim du do paon roukol corio.r. Otte do , 4 do du dv 0 , 0 t, 11== • AI: the r,,0. • r• , ..hroted ..IY owl ue noregoo• tnorr . o wood detoonve Loy 0 ,ruou'or, or oe, 7 • 11,, or ehorr , J •ne oo.ortirolory. an.larr or. rs woo, of mkt, or o ow other cooker , • .7', fr 4r. :t. k R•arn. N.Y do do Wtoro•../,. N V. r l ./'' /do do 811,n k Ruven. N. w, 0 /In do Gal , / k N A titer rtnatove nnartn..l, overy re. sloe, net, mane tz t of notr to ord., at.a aro noolt n• Croy rotottt on for rittratoql•f. even in tourh. and oi •uportor tor /611 N If MEL! OR. ',le Age], for •alo or Ch.clieting's Fort. MEEHIMEI . . • - - • • .. ff i tigri Tilt.; stoiscriber has mar comp:co-el has stock of PIANOS. ced ompos M I. ..-1 and 7 oetaves of every varie-y o slyte and price. al th and without i me mon'. celebrated -Cohan Atmenment. ;coin the cele brated rectory or Minns A Cart, New lark They sire all provided with the nb on important improve- All other Piano maker. in this ream, mover the hammers (which • , rke the string and mod., the tone.) with leather. This, as they all 1011, wears badly, the leather growtrig hard end harsh, and thus caustng. eller the Piano has been used a while, a most disegrecobl, harab and wirytone. Nunes ..a. Clark have within the lestfete months covered the hemmers with falt.elesA. an entirely new ventthn. produeihe a utast enelodione and voluminous ) tone. whir h .11 Im p t by age, instead 0(g - rowing harsh and herd, at leather necessarily does. Tht. may safely herd, pre• nounced the greatest improvement no Pianos yet vented. The /1141101 of these Pianos is magnificently gilded and en:droll/shed, altogether the richest finish Imaginable. Keeping an•ssortment of Borten and other Pianos. the public CIII2 convince themselves of the superiority of felt in leather, by calling and trying the Instruments. H. KL.EBER. Sole Agent for Noon. & Clark, At W N 11.—Tbe at.ore will be .old at manufacturer. nem*, and We money returned It found 111 the trust defective. spt7 nritE lidderslgned, imereasora to Arthars A Nichol. .on.bec lea to inform the muzen• of Pittsburgh and public generall ve y. that they have rebuilt the EA GLF. F 01 , :i•DR1' and are now in full operation. and have part or their proems ready Mr the in•rket— Amonost which err Cooktne Stoves, Coal and Wood Stoves, with a splendid arrAight Coal Stove. avbieh now supereeding in other clues the common round Stove. A 1... neap enal Cooking Shove, well adap ted tor small fun:llea with a full •••ortment of com mon and manml Grates We would particularly in vite the attention of persons building to call at oar warebowe before purchasing. and examine a splendid article of enemy...led Orate. finlahed In fine styli:— entirely new in this market. Warehouse. W. la( Laberty an. Dpi it. Wood sugriAtt NICHOLSON t PAYNR. PRICES REDVCED BURR MILL sTo7srm nannufae n• A red in Franca composed of but few Blocks and solid eyes- a large 1.1.11 . , • meat, the hest of the kind, always on pne hand at greatly reduced es. ' ALSG—Preneh Burr Mill Bronco of! !le. !I I ray two manufacture, made of a new -n, gnalitl , a Blocks. These Runs ore matte ander my own sepertn tendance, and aa ;teat ean is taken to mak: the mini...les, and to ha e all the blocs, m c.en stone of a aniterm wooer. they are warranted to of the very net nualay. superior to those Imported from Frer ~ and at.° ',perm( to the pre t mar. of those made in this country, and at var., lower than hove ever b,/ore , otered this market. I.nore. 11111 ?dal mane, all sues. a., norMerr. or the boot ortn.lty, nor. ronted to roe ...moon to we rumba., and at grea• recta... MJ d prme l, Speedo. Irene. Scream and Pmka. Plat form Sen Ma. Corn and CM Groulem"mot F.aer Caslmp of iondo, .01 ma) Fa no• Jung In gen era! All cadent promptly attended to a. 1114 and erty smert, n-or C.a., Pittalmmr!, myakdron IV. IV WA1,1,4C Ff. . • Au. 901. corm.. arc Itostorol..) socorra the o':ovrvel no- toe ormaJ guar.,. or a 3. Fro•tlr or Jos., Corol Muff Rerocrarryc thry tioar., our word. thr, conont thou Logh . y re J?4,<1.,< elt:TO i. mod lc— Mr Ircti k,r . r e1...1 Elm Nrw York Mr. NI.Ati.A, Re...res.:l4n e.., Brooklyn_ Mr. Mr W., T0..,tte... •t, srvr Yor:. Th.i. .11...i•n0i. Moir nun. ir,orrir Pin•Lunrh •I[IITOPOII, Arrinr•rn Aml more Iu hundred °in.,- o rinior rii.• 121/n. .1.: I , •rry tri..nor in E/t11.6 01 Ole ,!`, I" Iffel MME= f, A• IMMiI Iwny, I' tr. NVAI iA.Car , ON, , r LT 1..1 l'- " RED 111.11.4. w‘r.. LOIN out. IS Um • I.:pa •prarr.it4kill' ounou" rom ill 5 31 rge yuantay a t.! nl I.• r' NV, ,uvir ptep,e4 aiarltele JOVE' SPANISH 1.I..1" WIII 1. l• ,erfeel,y toe P1.1716ed of nadelrter, a• .+.l ...Wert ,ue to thc •rte a naturai. heal thy, ~,,•••• can,. !tame whit, at •azat• tm , &cane a• rearneet on the atm, soft !lad 1.11100. elrte by Ole WNI JACK`art:. ea erty Ptitebut.e rase an eent, aegYmt&w'r 1:5" - Eerrreth 71: 1 S. 11 Chtemicx; ,3sr; enuae•s free perthlrauth. 4/, .1 We •ttrur ume thethhee. coo .ten, the Am, guru. a ;he ;either an, 'raw, on ;,-.l,lthlit Poe am SAI Onnea. toco n, healed. lon torrart 1.7 ore, nv at iono r. ran era. or New Vot t know, who age 11 In 614 CU rue., and ISmln uoiatitng--a• alvo Pair c. . iit.o.lllo, Yawata.; or any other tn ease. Tao r.,der to avaared twat troy ot tor oroleaa poled et:ram:tn. e.v one mei will prove I could enu merate at Lem. 41 person. cured of fbaa Hun. SO. Laos •No So. ll•ann —Buy It. and a., It. a... 1 1110 reader Ia rtsratri .ouved wou:d not cluely •••.! it for the above unical tor.. it Wbe all I ma, The.e who are table to Cit.trt.D. Ca.recn, oa CT.,. kl.iay. WI:I find tha, care Any ono dlaard with any or the al.", or ILIM- Oar disek.d. a I tald aa. all and e7on word Ward., ble to at prnp.racia than I .1.1,. But reader the atares aro flooded with matatatnt. and oc our. t ref a.. for .11/KS ellem.esi Soap. Sold by ‘VNI. JACKSON. .0 lolter, et re:. Pittsburgh 1013.1 • tYAW, Ale 01 A 1w:140A 1 W • Wk. •.•-/.. r , V.R AI. . C0mm...0n0r22222 ,^L•tu.. No 26 Moak. ot. • l'inabur2b. • MMIMUM=I nick tit to—Jolin Watt h. Co, Nltirptiy, Wilson h. Co Pitta.mrei. Pa . Lawson & 1111.. Ala,flon N‘. .:4•1.1r. rr. John li. Blow. J. Co., Grirg. Eaton I'hllltde.,ll . l, 5tM4)51... d 10. Greet & Nave, ;New 11obon, ii•Pr rlkinties, 11cm. C.. D. Coffin, Cincinnati; J P Keller, louLiscoloorn. 0 ; W. L. Man dart. Cleveland. 0 autrli Nitta. 41e?. A. ..! •V o; 3 c?:e i ndtt i g i l i r: L t i nt U n kt tle U all in the of P.ycito, Greene, St:mints.. "1:d .1. 111 Western Vti.Kinoi. wig Lind We PAY ErrE pu . ;ltme , l at ...ntontnyrn, dewar•le medium, as it cir.. rites largo. y ru the places .pceitied T.rsa• moderate. E=IEM 1)1301 1 0: 1 :ALS he re (Cheat el Johnelorrre. Cam iota erol:y. he 111 lo 1:to 1.4111 of I.P:oer IP e for the Gra:lonoon and Me• /Icy ol I 1 at ootoon of Om Wr 'tern Dor oleo ra rho I'h:NNoI'I.VA NIA 11411.1111A1/ tero of Seetoot I. aI, opposite to 1.:.,,•. an, ce of ..1 , 1 nole•--erobrecsne a eon ...rel.', ansoloo or heavy Kook F:ieavnoon and Eta too. • ment Pol* and Proli!ea of the ..or met he at co at the Omer WWI/Slum too, noectriro P., forth.- r 1111,7111.1 , 11, 31:.V• 111)W NfILLF.R. co, . koaLorar o(ow tern Daimon, t , ununit P couhty. I KUGARTHONION. Ch.( Englncer. Eoatneer U.partmeol. P H It Co , Ilarrtatotra. Annual snth, ISIP 5 w3mi.tort ter K W II A W AIL 011 . =tl===lEUM Wei. TN Wood @tree 1, Pll.burich. AND I.A FMA N. linportoru omf doulert IA n Foreign and Dome., LIA RAM AILIE., in all its vurieuca. are now prop•red no -<.;l o• :ow rind ou renoonalvie torm• au coil b., purr iiiwintio...vel.eio. uoi.eit our friends. told the put,., eoneroily. in call nude...mine oui meet, wairh rim.... L., pull of 10.1 and FORKS, PUCK Er KNIVES, SHEARS, RAZORS, lino-. Trommoet. ...oh a. lino. ? ',who, timer. boot waneeery atlar:o ouoitli l.l , ei I o u'..u'..the i• NI• p 3,11, vltera,ly to our teal 1,111 ,•rerti 11 , SW' 1a• I.r 1 V.. Nut, • n". 7 Mp , tor l:14.1,11•. a hoot •t it, •tt •ot.: trot.t.. rltr• 1t aT Tlortkl. oroto:c1 p•rt.T• orr no.enuon to t, Cfalvatto rte.: ,ot 1.-,a, IiTT t.Tt ••••ortmt, ..t of totointatl ...• 1,1 T roteftleOet .„..,-, , .. - s , .., , 1, - , -.—arctgs and 5J La. prena..l Pk , ~,, ti •, I, •we by ,4" Il\ GALVY !..., , 111111 Ici.lNrE n.:. hill, oniACCO— ..,tt oi , b. Henry& Jaw. Alumr, iOu Flo S S \llcrr'rupr I's. r.nn.l: for vale eug"+ lIAGAt.EI SNLrrti Comm" to, lIAGALEY & SM,II • 174 , Own. sur., GLABis ant 1.111,....,Jua1rec 4 a. EN :4 ETC_ for al* by ...s'll L •W-A.l ••1i MISCELLANEOIJS. — Pletaboteggh SteassiAlistiblo - Wiarka *Taws ?V, appeals ../kailltfiald.. llmarble Mantles. Mononcentc TombaTable Top., k., • large vanety of the MOM neautifal kind, made of the finer. qua , tts torman and domestic marble, a•ways ott h tod or made to order. by the aid of mn cautery, Co tbr obortest ocuea and attke lowest rice, \'o—The Country Trade furgusbect w . . 11 all kinaft o , llfatht, at the .arrat rottea. .1110rdenaplly tend,1 %ct at 444 Liberty, OppOalte vadtbnad at roy,ftarifint WWRALLACS SMUT MACEIIEMiCet L'LL , Patent titans to French Harr SMUT MA' A /II N E—Lhn-bcn antele orate kind in um; they run k, c , etn No.. tin the vrerk well, anti writ lest a UTZ, Ahout Sato o them are in oth in the best Trkt:.• tn nte ran ctr y and are nee the rrroccest tern mcny et romp -tent venom. so t heir eanerinnq 0000 al amut Nl.ainn.a. For (anther Intruenhars, tulq. •:“.• • the . Ltherty Ptitsbnrigh. m y. . .n i t W W WALLACE_ . - N♦l) tIOILERS—Fer grist, a. o.a-r nolo, .doe ty , on Land, of 'mole tv order tt.c. !nreerr prlteg All or :•-• t I y r W WALLACE: 1.,; V. WA! LACE 1:!.,..1,.-1„1„ G" , .'..',,'";',','.i'::-;':,'.::.4..`,.. tttiV WAI,LACF. IT h . tt n , e,rnee that the antteenbers •,e of rittnlntrat and el fil elm int “Iny e ennipn.ted arrange e NteeLnrn C Jenkins*. Co., Philailetpth, in reeetve their nopenor PACKED TEAS, And wi,l hereafter b& kept nonntootljr on hood They are newly and neeurely put hp “. tnet.the and I At. each, with their pooled card—nhowtng their./ of Ten, Imre, tome of the eorteem and dep.n 'hilter!ptna, alto en ,11•11/1104 to return the Tea, if not bked 1161,11. ".nrovth ., • ••• • • -nJi I,no 1. 5 0 50 75 LOU 1,50 g youl . Ot/i 75 Ll* LA y. 11r5nn..... ....5o Otk 75p0 1,,25 1,50 111..teca Wz`k ,r 7 50 Fine end extra Fine.7s IA I,Z 1,50 We will warrant all the TEAS we .11m be equal 10, if not scraaro• to any told in this. city, and should they not prove acceptable to the taste, they can be re turned. and the money will be refunded, as It is only with 11151. anderstatofing we sell. We. as n fair mai, that the putthe may be able to edge between oar Teas and those heretofore sold by other comp:lnv , In this Oily. MI lovers of nets. delicious and good flavored TEAS, should give no a call. For sale by JON. S. AL VoCrgo h co, N W °°"'" sod lorry 707;0 ' L ' V o d mylOtddrtus S W corner 3d and Roos cereals se bsenner bel justnecetved at the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth street. a very lame and well se lected ansch of pore GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, from New Vora, all of wioch has been received in this country moon the first of rebruary last, consisting of ell the diderent grades grown In the Celestial Empire. Our stock betue among the largest in the Wen, we me prepared to wholesale, on better tonna than my other house In the city. We invite retell tracers to eall and examne our cock and price.. They eon have apnea. ed and I lb pee hay, 5 8 tin cantriaters, cm by half chests, to nun their convenience. Our retail paces vary (or Oolong, Mack Teas from Cr.. 5 0 to $1. 50 N,ng Young Soochong, Me: Congo 50. and E:neltah Breakfast .50, Young Hywn. Gunpowder and 'moons!, from 53 eta. to 51.20 per lb. Families are to send and get samples ol of our Teo, and try them before parches... mylo:dkw3 A. JAYNES. 70 Fourth street ?IL:0110E /Larson, MEROHANT TAILOR, No. 46 Market street, HAVING purchased •n extellsite and carefully ZS leeted stock of FtThule end Sommer Goods, the suhser,n, respeettutly Informs hi, friends UPI the public at he Is now prepartna , oreceive and exe cute melt. ord-rs with dtspatch, and m the neatest, most su,stanutd. and fasnionahle manner. As he is determmed to do business On the cosh system, he flat ., Mmes II that he will be able to do work as cheap as it can tie done at arty mata'ilishment to the country. Ills I/12ried, coos tall no of Casennerts. Broad cloths,}..c . winch his fnends are respectful ly invited to ex...tulne for Met:melees my2l:dtf GthtRGE ARMOR. MDT. it, Liii4ll - 7 -- *. RFAIOYFD to a new three tt tort' nttn3ithfield rime,. door below ' tn street Teeth inserted from one to an enure set, nit th• •neuon pnrviple. with a bean ful repre•nitaunn of the natural gurn--restoring the origrel shape of the Nee. N. Lt.—Teeth extracted with little or no Nun. l'ecayed Teeth permanently saved by plugging, pre venting tbe, toot,t ache. wlneit much bolter than co ring it thourh i 1 should be dams w ire rmortes, or e•ell Extension of the Li...limose want l/11..11 Heil Reed. PaoPos 11. S A RI. IN V 'TED FUR TUE GRA DU. ATIIIN AND MASONRY of the part of tine road itot aiready under contract between i2umberiond and me Tien'. Val., river—a di•ttnce of about MI ante, The min.•r of teem,. now IC he let mitt be .irons of winch ICI occurnutter,. eamticrtand and mouth 0(.0 emvage rtser—t• init Oat., and remainder on Rar and Three Fork, ereeks.— Fbc onli nn ly he moderate. aithoueb there aro a numlier 01 eecuard , wont.. the Audubon of con• IfIC , Or• accuez armil to heavy paha. • :opee:ficauo., and plane will he ready at Comber aner to •hh of A agn•l current The dno,mia, udd :n the underotentol. unit Fe re ae... cd M.nrylmad. L.l, to Saairday the I , !‘ 0' 0,11.11n101 incM•i re. Further informs:ton rote I, mpeo7`. 0 . a Vtonoorlond r-.o:fml from Om.. mrm. LS:.N.) I.lglkt: Light ::'ll.loti llt 4 F r. , ~ 11. e. flgly (210 e.l, olio yr,/ PRINTSSJ RS. a• 4,:y BMWEEM3 of Jorre••• rtroori ve, trPor • 1., • i:sty Rta:, of a .I • AVNIIS, 1• ,, i1, Tea ..1. - rrn. 7 . 9 Fourth st It =l= - W riiE nub, row r. wrio 1103 0001 in businern wain. huridaag , I . OT MA lust toy.< n yearn. o!sar vnr 6 e ' r \V ' ss " re, d 'Pah. at .hr rrry lowest prwes. Gold 'nal nun., Lnngltsh ratent lervrr •tehen. t.o.d end Slyer De. El Laver and Lemur Wath. 4-old an.l m.lner Ito and verge Watehen boal and err Indrprooleilt SaeonJ Watchea for honor, hors., Cola tot ard nod vrst Chun.. Gold Spertirles bow end 71 . 0, Crer On. Gold roos. lardier'l,llll and Stone Iletterleur. tonol Loeser.. bald end Silver IlareLles Ertinottd R 1.,; anti rum I.adot.' and to-nar Brea-opine. Sterlone tnponan, Cans. Fora*, e field ,% at. or• as ow as 52-5 each \ ar..l Jrwelry exelotnred Sr( 1 .011, and Ports paled 011 ro rrnan Sileer finr arttere nvololl, warrantrd to (rap prod time or ate ruoory .---,nrord Jewelry mowed, and Wa ehrs nleatohl aont retoorrd uht otanner. at much less .nct IL- ~,rea. GrOe C. ALIeaKN. Importer o; ate to, and Jewel . who and mtntl. 41 0..111 ores, tap sours.l NEW 110/10. am dtou• XPILSIsIes a , FOR t'IIILAULLPHIA AND BALT/SIORS, Faclusively for Pa.aanireta. zn; —The iheew or this Luna will lewre follows, at a o'clock at sight: uuraey, Saturday, Sept In. Ohna—A Cra , g, Sunday, Yd. Iduumana-1 Y l'hompron, Monday, NI. in=custa 11=1:0211=12%ffite (lh.r..—Copt.A Cr.,. Thumtei, Gth Igut•lanK—J 'rhognpeou, Frtdav, 7th , Kollueity—Capt 'Nab, tirauniay, 10.14-Ina PnrirT, i nnJny. 9th. ,1(1,--Cp, A 1 . 1 - enft, Mooduy, I.oul.tuau.—J P Tuonap.ou, Tue.dny, Ilth. Aruler t) —Cart It I ruby,, 12111 lo.lltuLa—P y,T;,I /rseay, otan—A FruhLy. 14:h L0t...10n-1 rThoorpron, Smarttoy, 15111. For r'"n,tn vitt) , to W Monongahela 'louse, apt) nr 11 I.EF.CII & Co. Canal Basta - n1c0.,1.1.. a stIitOICAL OVVICe - „...,,,,,-..,,, No 66, DIAMOND ALLEN' s V A „. .., fear doors below Wood street, to e::., , . . market. ' ' . ' s ‘ .. ' ?. ~.• .' t DS. BELOWW, karma hee , 'tr.!. -.1., ~, .: regularly educated to the merim ....,:.. ,_ .); „ „. ixne c a n s , to r n ai and been f. , , , r o : r o:: n tt o m m t ~,„",.,::::"..'‘ ... , h t 'antral to thc; treatment n ''..,,,,,::,?,/,' Mose pnrate and dettente coat 'it -_'U plan.. for whlca tos orportantuca ~ :JA,)• . .;-,r....A. , and expertenee peealtarly qualth ","..'"........ •` Wm II yeqrs assiduously devotes to study ts Ireatunkot of m n ac he h had re p tho se com pd . m us t cured more nta tha a can ever fall t rc t u e e t a t n of any pmettte ors.: ttunner) amply quaLfte• hut to offer assurances o speedy, portaanent, and al clAinctory rare to all little.. .eno dekeaw u.seas:e. and all dlarases ar.ausg then rorn Dr. Brown woo . .d.nfortn Maga 15101C.4.1 with privau arh,est 0001 orenme chrome 07 UM! at a, II armed by the 11.0 of ary of the common lostromr co eue dk) that the. , co,opta.nts can he radteally •ndthor. •nelly urs,l. M.. vole es yen los careful attenttna Le t le treamten• of ',sr 0 males, and succeeded in hundreds of tasta.oo o in earns lr.r.on• of itinaIIMIIMMI of the neck 01 me bladder, act kindred diseesev which oft. sult :rem ,o, cur's where other. have consigned mem to 10pe!.:.. acapata Ile particularly tnsates seat VI hat C been long wtd u.tsuccosatolly treated by other. Mon,..t Una. 7,11.. a every mansfaerma god-lb. pact at.l them role. treated in a e aretal, thorough and 11,1 o. t manor-, potote d ~rt b, a ion ~rrenc• 5.t. , . n. , tl .I, eaugadou, ',smash It Is on,4.salme for then as..l M precut, of metherne to 110 a. o ,e r•a. , et a/cafte U:rolertna t.r il,pla re —Dr Proven alma tames pet. son• mi.. u.: v...1t tient. to , t . a. k..• utu pad patina a •, a • • non t.. I ~.1 ,ltsrase. el••• . • ...t• 11, . ecri. e urn ran, r• u,• Clin ;API, *: N. / erui I, t».; euao• :11" si:A a . :ey evert) MIME= it ont . ..g.....Atikt•enelt , tl ain •00e.:A0,r... to e c....u0n Buildnr I A,. t. c.v.:it-, Cl 1it...t0g% to the men . •• I.totes p.o.e.+ over all alb. !. • Iterto used tor roofing, de, ..T5 pen ,. rr ni "face the llghtneus of trott, ttr to 111., htlYll3( new ...en tasted for levers` oars In the perueater, both at Ors country and to F.o• They my less ruble to expatteton sad eentrae• tat, teem t utitten eh...roof the atmosphere, than cot/t -alon on plates, 111311. sum, or any other mew now used roofing.sa4 consequently form • much better and name, root; ,qutrute fur lees frequent repairs, whilst tee trot coot la but s Utile more. • .1 . Cud •upply, of •,1 s ue., from 14 WA W. G., eat stadt:y on Lard atte for We by GEO. B AIOREWOOD re CO., 11 and 10 Braver street, New York. The paten! nrhu for thir. article belying bees secured for to , G.l. , ed L.1111C4, all pareestafnosteg by importation or otherwise) aril/ he erowl.s. Md. INISO4tIVITT 2 1 1RA= cosn 'r p l ereq . forrtinhed I kArta ll. Marlow in. being a good stand for Day Good. Ai Sti- Several rooms saleable for *dices or Artiste * O—A lose noblic Parlor, adadvabil da rrd fore Ladies , Refreshment and Ice errant From its vine, elegant filah. and regnant bead joe , leg in the homed.te neighborhood of the la= m ie ar d' lui r d alfo;t oal ri lic '" rient ate% P ew h i c"l ia , a n y . deelreb. and in the hands of • person qualified to conduct the Wince tommese to Ragman style, would supply • Rant much 101 l by Strangers visng Pitisbargh and ladies residing in Me mennty of Me city. To such an oboe pant it would cream • large, genteel and Frolldible onion The SPX-111.. and wall lighted basemedv of the building w.II be rented with the Paloon, which It conveniently connected. For tag - 06,14mA ate moderam, apply to 7tlo E. D. GAZZAM. ONE PAIR SIXOND lIANP ENGIIIFS 101.1 cylinder, 1 Met stream [toners, IN Met lobg, 3 inches in diameter, all in food order, min De .ofd at • Argais, if appdication be made man. They have only been In ale about 1.9 months. For paminatant Inquire or Jyrtiltr R. RAN 9, GRIMM offitee 't -i',4 o.~cr yLLryoacq aPOE. RENT—The semen Mara sew oreepled by Mr Atwood, sitaated at Oakland, with 20 acres of greeted smelt The te.paeirrtre and eonVerliCrit, lIJId the aroun ed. d WS- P ,O V.d. Apply to HARDY, JONES A.OO. _ mega Water et • — e. ITen PO r Salo. THE offers tor Bala, hos prom resi dence Coal HA wigt W. tyren.r.... ground atuehed thereto. Tho House is to good order, Gad the gro.d coned luproved, unlacing a Inv garden and H. lna orchard. e Whol householdll. if cleared, die ;Awl. or ann.. of hi. Furniture, Bents, Pictures, ka. ROSENT FINNEY, IN THE THE SIXTH W -'RD FOR BALE— ALA Lot of Ground having • front of 49 feet on Fallon omit, y 6 feet deep to an alloy, oa which erected two ood two story brink Dore:ling Houses. Th e abort propert y is well improved and pleasantly situated and will be told very reasoned). (either altogether or part of al,) If application be wads soon Io HENRY IL ELAGILL, on the premisoa. angle:Ad ECIRB - ALAFtrieli — Roase, but one year badij and Lot, On Robinson wive!, Allegheny, new Al Bridge. Price low and terms easy.— Inquire of .jy2l id SC HOVER. 111 Second st RENT. F" three story Beek Burcelog House; on Liberty, between Hay ood ?timbers , streets, nos occupied by W. (indium, Jr. Poseessiou hoimmediately. Enquire of Wm. Ursham, or at Mc Bookstore of _ a A THREE waned Dwelling House, Iwing tbe second bonze from Penn meet, Di Snyder's Row, Hay area. 'lmmediate possession will be g:en. oa Ftaf DAV omW ~ 1 1tULC, H IF., Attorney e at and Gram s • t. C ita l 7 .. . .. . Trott tariti - Vr, aFOUTLOWW tart. story lima Dwelling Houses, well fin had and Ineomplete order, on Goober Avenue, 7th Want Poesessiotegiven July im. Heat tow. Enquire of JOHN WAIT & CO, ._ ...t . ;4 o,ctu i icE.ii ;rozr D eof LA b u e i win . d u ll i r a d r . MHE undersigned carers for ple d n ITaitati eounry J. Pe nt 4eres of well tirabero LAND, with nu excellent anwitbli nearly n and two new Prams Houses, out 41 foot front bp d back; the other 33feet front by di badk. Also, goowfre Barn. thirty by forty feel, , The mill and Will ue Mutated four miles from the pillegheny river. . A g - reat deal of PINE TifillitEflof the best quality, mail also • vast quantity of rho very belt hemlock. 'Also, one Lemon the book of Eke Alleghedy, lir., . coati. mos: admirably adapt- Jo cd for rafting, here limber e. ho rafted on the toe in isomer. and be perfectly. sate from all freshets.— Prior elym, r it an acre. Twalawasy. Will take a well ciao swan farm, with good noose and or. chain woe It, es part payment. if location is mutable, and the balance in lumber, or as may bir agreed on. This m . excellent opportunity for lumbering; and the probability le great that in two so three years nib property wilt no value, In eonsequence of its proximity tu :he Now York mid Erie Railroad. Tim ber sutfimeut to wear oat several raw mills—and wat er.' mill suns on the stream which runs nearly throttfila the centre of the land. About fifteen acres in {fees. No hilt to file 14 herding lumber from milt to nyer. Trout and game In abundance. For !amber particu m~(post-paid,( P. II T.,IPLKTON, nikardS. Gazette Mlle. Pittsburgh. it I t or-fecen:e Ir al, h a- r • ~,xneo, p att ryttt bl HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, ko 12M2=EI JOHNSTON fr. STOCKTON, tamer Market and Third streets Prop.ty m Allagtmay tiny nu eats. 11: ...Mem oder for la amber of aorta; Lots, mom. in the &hood W. fronting oh thh pp ground, oo e. 7 terms. Impure of ROMNSON. Puy at Lam, St Oak at Or of JAS ROBLeISIJN. ea they've:Pa. torrhdkrotfT -- tio - r• Lot. for e.g. MILE subscroben will .11 at prove. este, loose two valuable Lots of Ground, eitanted ou'fireasto (fdoe Tbord Ward of Alleelocuy Coy, each herons • ont of . .n/ feet, rionamg back 'ld) tato In depth to a:1 feet ency. upon which It bath a 'lons WOO. 1* by WO feet, oohs rob contents alone cnoca.h m biold collars for two comfortable domain.; Enamor, and on from then. are Mras shade trees. oil y ears growth, ring me odo walk no paved with Genoa. all of avboch will bo said ut Ponsbunclo and A.Zegtienr, or County hoop. wool be taken on payment. n II ritiLLirs, 5^ 5 Vi . cood .t. , or to ‘%'\l ommeihate:y rart/ 'DOR `‘.l.l..F.—Ftvo 10, rL¢ Ip simaled the flour. If LintM . ,/ of Iltrtmoguam. lon arc •+tu tnl on .trod, ,:amnere.l In P Bausman, plan 75, 7v, cu, 'I and No 75 fromtme f,ra nn Ma ry A ta rtoe^tlert deep: the othar ioa.7 I/ feet &vat eaeh. +I wet drop. 're rm•" ;a, a em oney_ (11•7' " u, rr S . in; Iv Ito sernml st r 13 !M!!1!11121!1 BM i,c4 No at tin mouth 7.lo , loafetm!a trver. Tht t;allil is . . , 41.1ity, of acct.. An Irons barbital, Might rv,ned. err.... of purrltoslaw, D ai as WALKER . t,.. pre , al,4, or Vete the Yost einve. vrol .r,,1.1 snpc. any to, coacar.tiaz thd prop.rty. Tot above l i ...14 at a gr. it • ,21,14 0 ' TO LET —A gaul bhck ihveltm.; liousa spunin on Rouixson Alloghenir. Einiokre 01 N/LONI/S :4:110r ER Et=lLfl=!!l=ElM situate on Webstereur,-..t. s'eel from 11 sceet; iJ frnt Ifont on lVetstcr, by -0 feel to .1 MO/ *Hey close w new cowl house. Nice Solo. Tram, ¶230 r.a4o no Asnd: baton, In one. two. thus and loot yrlrtliona ton 6,1 n( Cu'.ly aud C., Scrlp taten for rub p•rmenl m yo S SCHrrl' KR. I tO•peond ==== C . ITUR l'eAto on the bloanngattela ricer, abedlG miles 0 from , thlogh and 3 holes above used Lea, la losnad.nte netgrthorbood of Messrs. Lyon Ss Short, utel Mr. John Herron's parchue. fine body of Coal will be sold at the loth pnce of ILA per some—one thud to hand, balance. m live equal annul payments. without Interest. Tule nitthspurathe. Lacer:ton 0007 nod—cannot be 00qm:see. For further pantaloon coqathe of S. RALSLEY, who by a draft or oaken. poop. Residence 111 st. bathes Ferry, Mr. Arlan& Raw; N. B. There ts another seam of ens! on Rua that; althea GO fen above the losses, of or.celthat quality, inZnitf Valizo7bliFillatiaTrag Lola for THE ant...Mery are aumormed odhrprimara tale, and upon biattly favorable lams, a number ot very valuable Budding Lora, vompnung • Isar, potion of we Lobo limbered 67, 6d, 67 and 70, la Wood: General Plan of the COT of Pnmbargh, situa ted at the south easmardly earner of Penn and Navas strecu, froutuw 040 mat on - Me former, and are:Wang lion; the atone about ow feet m. me Allegheny river, lad ovum . a part of Um Real Kbtalt of tan 14110 James S.Steve,mon, Fw., deeet.ed A plan or aubdivistoo of the store Lou. in meter :lefty IN. oboe. it LS proposed to soli, may be watt the oiliee of the understguee, ou Foertl, balers., Mare tot and Ferry OA WILLJAMS & KUWI. my 3 TWO ItTOWiei A.lO AMTWO LAIF3 on 'Seaver street, to Me city • . All a:tote upper ementon-on whit In onecLe a frame barld,n two stone. bign, uttabt Oar tvro d small tenet:amt. g, The lots are eLva wavy a (eel In :Font by one hundred feet deep, au ks.k is a street forty feet tante. The buildtags on the pug mists will pay • very hendeotr.• 'raven on the loverg 5001, and the property wlll be sold cheap let euh, Apply to Sproul, Clerk's °dived U. S. or to nOte,S) KAY JUMP — ilesoOtati - ents — st 7 l — ror Sates Tm ACHES OF LANO,smaitan in Peebles ttAss .hlp, on the Itlononrallobt, three miles ftent hargh—tn lots to Buil pi, fchtmers. For further psmis• Harsapply to Henry Wbetts..ld F.. or to A WASHINGTON, nova Smithfield to FUR SAL sub.nbef . glarers sfar sale 1.110 three nary back Warelien,* 12 Wood area, OGetlpled by fL hexer Apr; I'M WII.Sud,Jr. VAM:MILE REAL fi-ITA CEOS 1 . E.7•14 aTfther FOR SALA —A loot of biroaud situate street, between flay and Marburg meets, adloiyang o ammo mud ion mve ocoupted by Riclutrd FolYrnods, urolog a fru of . frrt, 1114 In depth t.lo foot, will {AI .olden favoruOlo trtnlol. "1“lo uncx.rt.fou.thle. /on , of C. O. LOOMIS, 4fb st, neat Woe& ottf..l.ottf A DESIRABL:E iltnidut; wt io AEegterty city, no vorobly Located, oa 612.0 about kml(.l acre, ad eittl Iw so,d ..oalz:71tnlailoo; Vents. 11 , 01,re of inn FUR RENT—A rod3n7llt.itut ITenntd unti, N•. Mtn Wand anon. su p.. tat y wasned ‘Vo.I, Py !marl.] Er= LOLLAR, or • Stogie from 9 to It o'elott, A. M. $ 10uun >ml ris , Sing SanLliflaevL 7;•• '41 " 161 10 0 1 De i ntlt: CTrn a er U ef2 , l7:rtli and Dee.= bemen •- . _ Harker and Fern •intents. - 4011 CO. W. B.II[TIR & tith, INFORM their friends and the pantie "mutiny lave no inoner any nonsineuortinta toms ta. mein 'l , l rinse wee', known as me Pinions,* dream. nnaina_ reineYed 11141 enure beanie tolna Pis. i3Rififars'R Y. in Pa' era., 1549. agsa3 sfurla Expresa PaoScot a... - B. U. PAWLS, Urn ter, Propneter. risliE new owd closam Passenger Paste., J. NIAOSII.A, Copt It II JelIna;"7„:MII PF:ISNoV LOA NIA. 111 Ilolcuo;= "tl fro . , (jUKEN CITY, " J AtelltlN; Foram% a dal!) L done, asJ r:ne, has ,anaroetwed ... onde ddrwg the 5,41- .on to crake thrdr resto•+r nno,,eosuos twine Beeper &flee oe arrival of Wehasivargu. dock, F. al l and am ung ~ I n, towe far passenger& take Ws do,l to ..s.s4 d. to Ilodoo. or e late. o,l so Lot -pons, elan too tad b) a a , p Li .1 1:1 '1 CAUI:IIIEY, Agt, erde.L d/ t,r add 'dmllbbeld ots oy GOMIS:Id KECK., nod., V. r <t enwoins Hood 17 4 011,10 , --atu nalwd 1 . ../a Kip mcya, A.l am! rer sale •.'N nu YOUNB k. CO riCYLD Pt:NB—M. a. r mt.'s rate. LArandod r"..17Q 1,3 Ut,ld Prod, WAIL and ...Loot cad., just mord.," for sole by .JOIINS roN a SIOUKTON, aud4 % cord. Third and Mattel std i.Tt , 6717iRTIENE-34 B. reed and for bal • by durd3 BRAUN tr, REITM ;ka r ma:C. 4 i r A N 0 VBILB A.:ELLJ--20 bid MR= ldnecaroni• Id/ do do Bensucedd, WA iced Keld tot We by 1a...d MILLER & RICKP.TdrIN h. 2 Ea 4 E.• —b•,0•• impeder BAIL.. r.f...1 •Nr..... la HJIMIIII• der, carious brands 1.1 Re ~nd , yd, by 101112,1 WILLEM. a ILI UKETSON RICE -0 ." - E - SCCiTiian ra,,, , a and sor •iliir by - I.E.S - C a GRANT 0 a•ENCETT A WL217.4 Dry lidadd .10/10.5, 1.0 01 Woad at, Pittibangb, Iwo demi' %boys Di....trui *Bey.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers