BY MAGNETIC TRW, aEPOIITED B TELZGIWOP FOR-THE PITTSBURGH DAILY OpETTE - . ADDITIONAL Vousaari Slims HUNGARY. :ir, . • Paau, FtidayAl/.11:1g. 2.lPresse tante" s that the capitutritiolf;i# ticorgey 'is!" he attributed to the . intervectio:eflthe Eng tishatgentisomd that terra. of warrendei4ere die- Cttssed and ananeed at - Warsaw durgt the lam imattey PADM;Swartzetbarg made u4list city. Two aubmoraion, says'lln. Pratt, igy,4ll}eqp.m. ly aeithcr Mai &tar, nor an met of detoEn bet the ' , mil ofnegotiotioa iddllfally condo cd4 by Great Mite., to asstit Hungary from the citixequenecs ut an unequal coatem,.and m the satrkVine to de to dlistria of thp occupation ankitrolonged slay beyond her owl frontier. Vtsargiog. 20. The Emperor retuned yemerday, *9 it waa expected that more details of Georgeiammoder would transpire Two proclamations were looked kirt4d to with ledientst al Vienna, vie: Kossuth'. rCCt anion in favor of Georany, end the lauer's addeem to the Hancptnaus, id which ho cnueau :OM to lay dorm their once, as it was useless tnAght In a bat cause. ;E; Oommonicatlon between Hon. Moravia, anti Gallacla Ismael open. The Z.Ltuag states that a large 0 . 4 of Gem amishst Mee enlisted in the 41:1'41inn ear. ht that 6,E00 al (S lbal4L (ppai. 7 efficient troops mill be added to the Austrian It lona again stated that Kos= ittit ihiessatos RAiL*ROAD Cm. , " __ NAM,. pt. 8. I:takareilß Coming down -last 14, nn off Milford; by which tfitgengineer'a , a,-.laiwalibroken. None o past era mete - I . • . • •-'3' ~,i. l lo ,: iirealdtee nee is cold, and Meal : let remain. . 4" 2 ket; am gpchaoged . W} MEETING Cmccetkrt: Sept 8. . , to night to tantalite eandi astreisthe LeghWittre, to be eleeig under the Itiw of 1817, which 41: ' Odes Him it toecioatay foto taro ditariete The Vineicrati ad here to the tingle &silica, Two sets at etuallitatei will be ' leis Wetted end the scenes of log winter re-eowhiled. NSW YORK MAR, minim 11.0.12. Near Yti , , Sept, 8. Roar—Conimon State and VirMilera bmad ham. declined 12e, with a fen mdt*demand. Cori is .ith a downward tWeacy. ' Oottem—The steamer's nears had*renled th market, andOe tratianctoos are Miltrate. Wets Vier= to Vstruoirr.—YOtnient is still theWiitig SW that never NM." IF9be unnatural =Sam between Detnecrats and 14+, %den htut mat aelUoved its objeht. The eouiXon has been defeated and rebuked by the Greealtountain here who bum that the, only saki etoNhl Imrrirr to the exteasien of Slavery is fourcdVn the Whig party.. The New York Tribune, Voommeuting tanks telegidphie despatches annotOris the result, upo— • liViastoorr.We give sofficießi returns this morning to Orienotee the policcaVikeraver of the State. 11 is Whig all over—junClike Vermont. We presume all tbeWhig State 0114lirs ore acorn by _ the people. and that both Hotirdire decidedly Whig: • We Lwow the Senate W.nis the Whigs have emanaly clewed , four &-nati4n to Windsor County, three to 'Windham, three ii:Chintland.teree in Addison, two in Bennington. 10itwo in Chit tender-11 in all out of 30, with 5.6 i, a... foe! • One or Corr more. •••• Prof. Meacham of course an Hon. Hon. Geo. PI lamb In Congress, though the Caliiry which has given Ida 1,332 majortry - le tial•Oldneeden but Addiion Of cairn. ChittendeuManklin, ao • Greed lain WC sourly 1:1111.1.11gotiotice, and Prof. M's Addition ritually will },about that of the District. Butlandignewbut 371 instead ckat Whig votes and then are, of comae, some vindifor Needham In Clarendon, -where oar .:rood , daipatch • reports wee. Wd think the Whig electhitfrom Claren don is not •fl goo, as the Telegraph^leports. Pint reports from overjoyed victors erpettally subject ho_woms discount. but the genet:4lfeet that the State boa jards decidedly - Whig *Ober enocsgh." - • Hon. HI Cur arrived in taw city early yes tetd.VAnntnifiV,en ateamr*lranpire Sale, • Captain Canatock. During the cfr.Nnitig, ha visit ed parts of this magnificent veatel, occomparti . &fly the aintmender, CoL Bordefaind Dr. Dar ' 'be,her_pntelDel owners. The ' , ARID valoon, pre peresi. try Mama; with a ropperitOle for between -foot and five hundred personsegfreeted general ":admiration. The Empire Stare brought on3itis trip upwards fivelundred plaseogera twerfrilhorrea, • large number of carriages, and about Pre hundred del. lars worth of _general height, lolSibg probably, the largest Wad ever ,earrled by e, Sound creamer, ,yndravrilall employment to MT the active aid , 'itticomplisted9Cterk. .; . L Mr. (flay weotirm the Emplfe.q , ate a the Al haitboSl,, andPeirfor that aty aLidSen o'elock, ex. Presairnistigvarmul that he wiiiinwlte to make a short gay hem ro ear. some Pt his numerous frient's. Be intended to make Oiall on Mr. Van Karen, at' Linden weld, and weld then precaell itimediaMly to Kentucky via ISO Lakes. Hia hellathlsmgch impinged by hitt , ii*it to Newport. .Y.rt Courier, sqx. S. Cattatitio baucrsativica.—Tbaiiiortment la be half of Canadian independeaceZhas become axon marked and open. Mr. H. B. Wlikan, who has been for some years promicernly corbiticted with psi,. vincial politics, has issued the pr.lebectus of • new serai-sseeklppapertobe csllcatriiii"Cs.adian lade. pendent.° which he proposes to liable at Hamilton and Torreno—chietly designetirto promote, by peacedile .means, separation ;trait tier Mother Country." In Lower Canada timid fes4ig ib favor of independence Is almost unaiiiiiitins, and the poblie peso has take the leadjis its advocacy.— la Tippet Canada a large propotele.n of the inhabi tants are said to entertain ialmilk sentiments; al &Waugh, linut_their subserviencYto parts purposes the journals avoid the subject ;•Vho opinion Is al• ie expressed that the EngliWpovernment Teal •••• • -independence wheriesti It alien be asked, by a maojrity of the peopiellito. Aims: Calton P4fiddelphin " Notth Atitetieda" publmhes the fano authentic mate meat Atm the United -State. bidet: The depositea of Cidifonde Od to the 31. t of Awns were :4,11 At the Philadelphia Mint. .1 51,740 620 07 At the New Ontling Mint, 175,916 53 -;;,1: 1,916,533 SO Add the depoodo of 1 . 640, t , ll 44,111 00 • t Total dOproites from Californigr i , 1,950,715 BO The rtotaago of gold dollars:Oho . Mint to' Philadelphia, to dtli . 462539 oti Aide Brooch Idiots to Itily 5 - g 133.226 00 Mail (Outgo of gold dollans,:ii 3545 167 00 a' MCCORD k sill itti&itiett thf. dayik !itflitertil*, Aux Zsb,) the fall 2 , I .4 /Wei eltter of Flllb Re tart+ ' • PALL PASII4)PB. ee. NVIFT 179 Liberty . EP; the bead 411 o f \flood, VTgbdr.73t",:3.; Oesmy of Eusisb tasurnt be seupierod. (ano.lll.dlna Q,UNDRIEs--100 Windoir33lel.9 " UV tads N 0 91191,45e0, (hr onik;) 19 do 911 . 101136 . els dried Peaches; lo sol9loocul for mac by abielo JOHN WATS* Cll, Utiorty 11 .5 SHARED HAND ST. DNHiOID STOC by HOLOSON scnoyee, Ito %eto.d HIT!, EleH—l6 tads Wtd.&) Tub; ID hi' do dui—. W TT 'Jo& received and rat Ibiran ISA ' !DICKEY kCO . • COTTEK-150 bat Coes& m++ss .& andinn and for sale _ans. 1'1414611 DICKEY & CO frt:4o LCehwl Yll and k Tea, just reed .& &yin &sof York and for sato Dy IMO - WALT& DICKEY & CO UT 7 CLIEESE-4D baxes.llll a, R Cheese, landing e tram L E and 11 Lineoll for .ale Dyy . adg'M Dif,ZELL,..:4 Water n M . . ACICEREL.4O W Y 13rgeltb 3 idaeletel, I. init by tyirtai and lot snippy' 2.11 .3 ' ', .1 SAO DALZELL TIOTASII-3.1 eats Potash, its te ard for wale by ..E .3t3b '• JAS CALZI3.I . , ( - 111.E.331CIIRESE--iCtWo;O" 34 arid fot tyte by 311330 IfEt % HAROACOII . .i .--- i1776 W. Lcitll - ly I , ! . :0 .. , ,. .le .. t . yas to w o ebtLorent by 81.3111811)41, , WILSON ft CO ' ,ate 1 wyi.te ildit3lTO—Yti bop me..l:g . for rule by 1 _.... ;4 7 ... vile); &14e1idD1.1 , 9 ''. A A FM-;---11;elils".311-. si b . Ir9iTheil-Zia-IPFIVsIiI!FCy:II"'S .. 6 - - . 7, 1 ) _ _A:t&II . a nte ; t:.&NDLEn5 A od - o 4 relttr., 76 grb ,:%M)" ! '' WOIK & aIeCANDLESS NOTICIC TO 111.00tHOLDLms. - - ' ' 01.110 Atit/ PENNSYLVAOS RAIL ROAD co. HS Eloothohlers of rhel&lio sod Pennsylvants . .. • . E . manna& Company aps hereby nodywd o pay r Second Instalment of Prnt. , rilars per share on or ' ' bonito ttio.Rsl4rkemb' 4 `. " aTtli&StftalrleqgtVTTolvri'e dos.4:nj, ~ ..,,beironwpsallri:e'lsereet.^,Phrlntan. Ity order ro J. lanoKs, itc..... ..We Direalornr: .., ow ~.4030.4 -95 1, -.' - r '-- ----- " 1 " lrhfantorecfor &for ogle bra' ROHN WATT & CO 1! joa Joo'd is .ptl CO MiaICIAL RECORD. PlTigitolsooll 110AiL130IP TRADE 'F.O3LMOTES FOR SEPTEMBER. rc 11/. Lii[l.l.i W. W. WALLACE. It I. Torte. orrrcc ?mammon GAZA,. j Mondci Mooting. selneinticr In, LAY. Tna hj A aan- t ai4rJoihing intetcat unwired in the t he, Qn S t otadiiy. Everything was qaiel, and nun- Lunn icrierally,imniented no mFrked change nom the tegriani day', reign. Tie deather ettnunaes COl3l and dry. and We firer till fallilkg Tax %Vases on ens IdATTLOWISL—We etched the wreck 01 , this tll fhted steamer no Saturday last, and were tr y utoniihed that such • terrible explosion could odour at mid day, when the captain end crew were ;i on dotr,hreund, end in the Immediate vicinity or the Wiles, yei not one was low and none to co vertly iljured ask.] endanger their lives. two hr three Incidents connected with the expltettin of the Mayflower, which ire troly Mau- Whin, sod wheel{ it appears to on that nothing short rf Provideinitil undrfereocecould have meted life. At the dm'Of the ohydosion, Captain Flakier and tdrilFlen ., so.. 001 of th e pilots, Were mandieg on the hurricane deck, i erlime , ov boilers, er the boile, and were thrown at a distance of me siety feet from the boat,into the river! . apt. Facher states that the first eircummince of whin ho waliteoriseitous, after he was blown from the boa`, wes, diet he found Meisel( under the water and it Was not vital some minutes after he raised to the surface, that[he could se (or recover from the shock as to bfing to hi wild the eause which placed him in his perilous sitchtion. The Captain received no fur ther truhr) iambi slight Lameness in the nght arm and shouldwr.rthe pilot received like • rough handling, but came ,op t unscathed and unuttered. The Adler exiloded near Its centre, one end being throvenforwaril l eget., a pile of dry goods bores, which Were mord immediately behind the stair este leadipg to the et hits, and the other end, being eight or [-ten feeti JO length. the, blown thelaugh the (tom door of the cabin, nod. itriking the tap of one of the state room doors, fell in th breaking the hour lic• neatti.! The eihnitoies were thrown up to a considera ble height, but ill ag•in upon the heap of ruins below A eOltilidelltbleleranber of dry goods paekages which we Wowed Kinund, in front, and to the hull, inunctli. tely finder thh boilers, were more or teen totaled The Whole simian of damage done Id the twit will •vbehly not eheeed IFLOiXt "rho bull. umniared. TheWreek alas towed down to Freedom, on Satur day evening, atm whence, after the rubbish end the loading see rachavad, it will - Le - towed to des city to be repeiied. As bite motics which led to the eiplosion. we ven ture no cOntec;te. A legal examination and cwt.., was held oaf. aday everatig, and nothing, se for ac onieWild lea was elicited attaching any blame to any cue. Every atm. 'on L. beetowed by Captain Fisher upon those whit, were scalded, eleven to number, and we ate pleezeto be= Out they are oil oat of deer end dOing we t, the nee{ V Come. - mint - Advertiser. St.p sth. BURNING OF THE HENRY MAY This no - Th4r:Cke — 4n, at about half pest to o'cloCt ddsrinM Mtge lithe at bee - wharf en On south aide of es 12, at dm foot of bleiden Laue Gi of men c oese at work on booed, • towing her ell' 0 coupe, boil near 12 o'clock leo ought. nest So othe being h.4r appointed day for selling The second woolens! the nepenter dept on board. amt the fire kid epreeid solar^late it was discovered. test they had berety time td escape; nee of them. Lod red. had hit hair Manly singed. It la supposed that at to ad been itmonld ering • eoupli of hours loran it brokaout It origin ated lo the hold, about mthaesps. When the alarm outpace, a Menlo forte from the ire Seeman:tett wen speeddy at the scat te, hot then cf. forts mete untrulling to save the veneL At about half pest three O'n nob ber masts fell, one • ner the o th er, ithth onne does crash, and m thus socentent the seen , was terrific whittler; while great fear was foot 'e t the enrroundibg shipping would elm catch fire. The mastit fell upale the dock and across the slop Peter Int trick. which Om on.the north side of the rier It is othllerful hole that vessel escaped co adsirranon Tim Llenrylelay at nose had pee oiled le eighteen or tsooty fla i l water, having been scuttled. Her deek• rned po are buet from sten to stern.. The hell doer not rinturvrilt appear to be much damaged. See had onlyi• Fortiori. her cargo on hoard.. It was print, pallY cotton, Smut thaw turpentine or wain. and other treigith together nighty ntimated at igICLOUO. flenrytelvy was one of the l'irgem and been ship In the ound, She was beat in 1545. 10 this coy. gio i` .ll, - mi u .r. " . " & `' C ' t'Th - c; ro a st ' l l =et s r o p ', L e ll e r . .e . ot packets. Line was of 1= tons hurdler_ custom b i oAt m measervinent flee value in ay Le 0.1 dow.l a: . Ethel was hound, with fr tight and mop, In Z tea - I offiem A to the, Well street, amount of atssot SEC , C. Lyons. the foreman of .migine company No sins bunk/ abet:dile face and teeth and one of the meakbera of )arco company No. 4 was slightly binged by the falling ef the MM. The Botrato 'lsms* furnishes. the following compar ann ...coin, of some of the mule opal articles of pot so thy p o rt for the month of Aug.., t e 1,/s. sod - C, 05.1 -4131 N/ Flew, bide • i'- 12t, a bu 0 4 tat • Potk, bad , e Asle4k..2' Whiskery, els The folloitsta Is a conversed:re mama:teat of six at the leadtnearuclea received at that pen SIOCO the opening, fo4two rears— 18413. -•- • - • 1.533-194 t1M197 1071.13.5 • -• • 754.355 Lf.d.t•ra ....... •- • • & UAL 411.975 II.4AVAS. =AM 21.:?..1•1 Wimmt, bEt4 iv, ba • •••r• Flitrstr, bbl.l - bbisi bblsl ..... • lilgharines cwt.- Comdiao regal and Haney Hatboro. Hr. Year, September 5, thee. A sale Of SHWA of City of Pitt ltergb n p Bonds, had Loren made to Wee Wall street bowies In comectiong with Irmo Philadelphia eapttali.m. The bonds wed in payment of the City See. The wen WV... 711 e lielsece . the Sult-Tot G ory Ls eel Incensing. bastes ruched 53442.537 f ,The Je d Insonince ithe declared a sermon. ndat divid nit of 9 cent. The Satmere and Wash• inktne Hoist a disideed of 3 de cent. Ms. Colieetor 711 a s -well has ordered' that baggage of P"etMl ring from beyond sea, wO 7,17' g irt I extaranauon, she e to .In enrolee to inquiries made at the 53.1, tom have bltha femthhed with the follovirig statement This deposits o ' California Gold to the 310 And. cadre. et tho•PhiLadelplas MI.. • • •SI,74ACH at. a N e•—• • - 175,91 , 73 411.1 dee dOpoe a of Pell Toud ikons. of Colifonva Gold. The eataire of Gold Dollars lithe Moo to Philaderphu . to the 3101 Aug., wros• • • • 1462=0 At the ®ranch Mints, to Joly 31• •• • • • 133417 Totalleotosge of Gold Dollars. ---• • 97/5.764 ' The Dig Goods &osiers ere now exceedingly busy, slot the ut. of hammers closing boxes up, far into the Ingin of early In t un orning. gives to of t o active ba rte.i. We it will prove a este ono. 'rhos far Dm both... of We season him been large, and every etifig pr•nume. • prosperous sewn, - Ribbon. 01 all kiwis have advanced in price can blerably since Ditty, and den - able soles of bonnet and cep radio:is, 1 , am gout to ne.earce Black slits halve also MCI, and are w bruising some 10 to 15 ge tent more 11.11 in lane o July. Nearly every kind ofd. roo.gii, Ger man a halt. good. have advanoed. Lome to goods dorot advance so rapidly, but the continued rue mime aod wool MU litre It 1.01211.6 Y tfl p e t pike ap• Alcor. Ansterm k.Spieer ban a Itule vin of ato• pie good* yet tenlay that was well atoning, and the prices geherally were good. A hoe of 0 eases plot and fignied Alt.leAll t little nod er Iu week' prices, bilt they were of inferior quahty Other gond brought ull pricer, and goose wont a tithe l shove lb - Market- LOOK AT Tills I 1' RA LE OF.E;OTS Will utke plime . in Lockport, Ala. biers occatly.laid out on the farm of the sttb =rib= to Washington coutny, FA, close to Lock No. Con thelitiouoaphela river. For minntecuirtng, coerce:dile a= mech.:deal pax &olio, go =nation le admirably adapted—from = limenty,lbentaffel .00dnitsautle sto It is ten mina hy wateg from Mu she. any town on Um =me side *intense', and Deady the same distance to the near est townim it, rear. The river bottom, on which the 1 Mere is aid out, Is about.TlO yards wide, sod a beano. fel level above high water mark. It is Intended that a good I igh school or Academy shall be no existent with ilsertown-s• house wends on the p reunites which will weillas a min= house and place ot worship until a more gullible bonding can be erected. Coal Granrteellent quality, Lime won, Free stone, and Moil. which we pre... , will suit for 'immanent , Mrig slab., obeyed, mom the rear of the town. Add Se this, Ito town la choir to the great vomit power in Lout Nh. 4, which we prelim= will sodn'be employ ed by die emerge-ming Navigation Cu. in arivlng ms chlianyi for trameaceurine pi:opines To auy individual bileOmpany"Wilting to (tort Class Worked Foto dry, Como or Woollen Factory, Saw Mill or Post Yard, we will take picsmtro In offering =err lAdneentent within the =nods of 'moon. Shedd • us ye moray be formed, the corrationencrs may and probably will seta Mk as a coot rag Inca lino furls county seat. In that ease ere would gladly tender taultable site for the public buildings. Sale corpulency =THURSDAY, the 13th day of SEETEXBERsond comic= from day to slay' . Tcl d wlll he micoutmodattity. aid land. krilWO On day of eby JAMES MILLS, Proprietor. _ larAolf E_ _ I Nollloo 10 COSIIT•Ol0;41; TIRO 0.3,W.: will be re tared at Johnuto ern, Com , i be ceouty, Peou'a, from the Let h. the GU ot to the Graduation and Me• , ury of anti po (k rn 4 l ' ,l, 7 s tlt'llF r estein Division of the I'EtiNsTI.V A. NIA RAILROAD east of Seatonopposite tu Illsirs•Ylle, a dountee of It sullee-wrobrueing a con. enterable amount of heavy Hock Excavation and P. 0.. bankmero Plane sod Profiles Of the work may be Atl!, at tin Olbee Within the Buie alone spectbret. For liurther information, apply to EDW. MILLER. CdrAgliteer antic Welters DOnnsa, Surto= r U • comity. P. J. lIDGAR THOMSON, Chief FAginver.- FAfibleer Drportnecni, P. R. It- en , t , t , .... 1,0 6. /WPM, ROM, ISO $ opt3.dAvaninT _ ...... _ NiEW ARRANGEMENT'. SPEED INCREASED. IC X' /LESS PAST PACKET Aa LINE, , —.Ealnav lEXelnsively for Pasougenbi Tits THE GWEAT crsrrn AI. NAlb ROAD, _ TO PNILADI3LPILIA AND DAW 111101 In• vli gnt publin aro tnfowned that on soda/Or Sounder 1. We tat of Sonnember, , the passengets by Lbw Li:. Obisl " rit i ll . rt7b7l.lgP e t L' an7fVons K tn G eVto " iti lte I- Obis by the ihMibbllfCo trod . .... , .. t ., . P.. , 8.. d.— By thin new oemegenteut posiiengsre will go through to trios, Lam TIMM than heretofore il T Pankow of this lane sue sow and piths best clam This, now for safety, speed sod contrl, to Us+ll MP." refent.• now in use to the Kuonru times. R I Honda nye all pawed In any light. Time, el doYal Pare, Ten Dolor. For odormolon opply to W sirrol, Moucentalicia House avitg) or D to LEECH le CO, Canal Basin. W Obl ,,El ßArill iled j ege c ir ti =l Lk i - , - ,: c , kr co I Wm T sik-tt X0T.17. -- 0e,Civ . : , 11. , by l i l .vOl J SCHOONSRAJUIR i. CO PORT. OF PITTSRUmm. .:~:,. Louis McLarie,Bennett., Brownsville. 13 . Wigßtman, -,Elizabeth: Peytorni,Hendricklon, McKeesport. Star, Stead., Wellsolllc. Camden, Hendrickson. Beaver. Tuscarora, Par Cm. Friendship, Davis, Cie. DEPARTED. Loma McLane, Binneir,Brcinsville. Wightman, -. Elizabeth. Peyton, M'Ecesport. Elite, Wearer., Beaver Camden; Hendrickson. Beaver. Cindrella, Poe, Glacintiall. Ariadne, Grabill. Ilrownaville. Hudson, Poe, Cincinnati Lomeli, Dexter, do Star, *roam Beaver. Tan laticL—There arete --- 2(1 Inches in the channel, to , metal mark, last evening at dusk, and fallings: firS LEAVINCITI6DAY. Louis , eLane, Browneville, 6 P. M. Cummilet—Frientlaktp. Ringgold.• FOR D. Leech Sr. c 0 .., packet lino. 9 P 21.1.6.—Pmillaeli by J. W. Bang Nltliam attert. N. V., and for solo by A. Jayne., No. 70 Fourth greet Tina mull be found a delightful tutu els of bavetage in tanuliea, and particularly tar welt Bamot's kIIOOO.—An improved Chocolate peplos. glow betng n <ambulant,. of Corea nob innoeerl, in •tporanneferid palatable, highly reeommended palm, ultaly for thvalida. Prepared by W. Intkee, Dorches ter, Matis.,,itml for sale by A. JAYNES, at the Patna Tea Stare No :a Fourth at , . meht4 1110•Ddid Large lifssaggavlnfg, 9 , 11 E sunE.ibers are now publishing an elegant En of gravirl4 the DEATH OF THE REV JOHN WE:q.t.:Vs engraved m the highest style of art. by JohnSertlfila, Esq., after Me celebrated punting of Marshall *alum. The FAgravlng in of a large rise stumble big Inmate, and will be pnnted on the beet quality of k.eav plat paper, ha • very *ri beapener mate per. each sropre y soon e presenting all the uties of • first clue pool; and will be furtUshed at the following an.ualty tole pricer teeny, S . $2 50 I '7 copies ; p 3 cotes; . 6 LSI 13 * 3) copies for Thirty Dollars! So that members co congregatOns and othera ; by Melting together and for ming child, can obtain thin mest unfresatve picture at only one Dollar and a Half a copy" dun actuator Me Ledo( the dying pat:HlP:hare nine teen figuits, represenang the hallowing persomk, iof many of orAtem accurate portraits ars given, from one lards of erlint rarity.) Rev. Pefird Dirk/aeon; Rev. Joseph Bradfonl; Mrs. Charles Wesley: Miss Saran Wesley; flea Thomas Rankin. St,. Esther Ann Roger, Ills. Ritchie, atter. wards NT,:Morumer; Rev. James Rogers, Master James Reflex,. a child seven years or age, the only person nerh living who was then present; Rev. James Creighton` Rev Alexander Mather; Roben C Brack <abut y; her. John Broadbent; Res. Thomas Broad bent; Rev - LC:et:lire Whnefield; Roe. Jonathan Edmon son; Jolthltunon. Lao , one of the, Execomes of Mr. Wrshy`siwill; Dr. John Whitchcal, Mr. Wesley . . Physitare and Biographer; A Medical Juststant to Dr. Whitehead . _ . trf - Agent, for the sale of Ilya Ina work of art, arc wanted to every part of the Vatted Stales N U. /Woofers should specify Sartain's &graytog For fortber porucalars. address GLADDING A UIGUINS. Vabhaber, Nlethojist Book Slam No. le North Fourth sweet. noladelf , nia. ID— The. engravo, can be placed on a patent let end sod rot by mall enthont I ryurr, .st • ye''' . tothnll eve:nodal cam:mm= 'DINE IS Si lIC:EIIAtt Mr e;, corner of Msrket sod Filth streets, Pats• burgh. The s lbsenber keeps constantly on hand wtmosso.tie and retul, v.q low for essic . . . HtthVbs, Hof,. wk.. All wk . . Aim, of Ware s_sni.v)vo lT mu.,. en t lin CeNtll.l ' wt. keep cousttuatly on hand the shave F*.TR.A FLOUR. which he warrants Nam the hest Fronds to the market. Film/ties are ?IVA., earn greee lta mad. fC KELL), aeg2tAaw cornet Fltlh it link :111.1w alley a 6 ITTION EXTRA A rasjiby theame ut DUEL. CLAPP has engaged with a ikon e wan of the name of S. P Townsend. and °ace huOrtarne T., pot up a Par , uportlla, which they ealt Dri , Towl.arod'• Sar•anunl.a. denommallog GENVE7SK. gloat, ote 'PI. Tossnomod It no noe• tor asoPi...grer yrs, at formerly worker on rod. rads, 4.isna .1.1 the hire let he i 1.1•13,.. rtl4! of Dr. fill,. the •f eg.ose ourunu credit for what be t a not. tle t t. mime uot cards headed ...Trent. of QuaelteP in winch he says, I have sold the use of my name Icd 27 a week. 1 ',nil give it P. Ttrornsend $.500 if he ang produce one stne4- soltharY Pm* , This leM caution the pubite out lo drretved, and purchase no , D hut the UK. IN 06U6INAL OLD Dr. habit Townsend , Saraoparilla. haring on ft the Ohl De istlltroess. his Manly coat of arms, and tua ..0- nature 4erox , r Or coot of arum ArAIIITOW.NSIIND Prukgpal 13,ce, Del Nam. sc. Neu York Qty : .... i fILD 4 , ~,, DOCT OR 4COB $ . :4; 1 TOINNSIM, TIIgioRIGINAL li. ~... 01 THI r : • 3,19, 24. 4 10 1 . 147 3.8 - ta 5.5,5 8. 9 al 11.1,109 41.415 ILVWSIIEND ISAREAPAAILLA. Old De. Tewnend t. now aboat 70 years elm, sad bee t 055 been kisenei n the AUTHOR - and LUNN/. VERBS of the IiENUEVE ORIGINAL `TOR NSEND SA lit-I4PA.RII Being poor. he was compelled to It manufacture, by which mean n has been beat end - of intim, and the ules turememnbed those laity who had proved sts worth and knoll% , velne.t:l his Go,. Aar Unrs,tcal,tin t i llereilLeaten . in mannienved on the largest seal, and is dished roe throcemoin the length and breadth of the land. Unliye Tonne s P. Tenn.:rod', It unpretps age, Rod nev, changes. hat Inc the Letteri ispreWtred on +Glenna< prenetples b 7 a resentliteladtp. , The 14hest snoseledee of Chemistry, and the latest; disetr!...nes of the Art, have all been brought into re, tysislOn in the manntsentre of the Old Dr.'. Sarsapt, trot- It la well known to med. teal tun, rentates medteual properties, and same pm nertioi vehteh ale Merl or tt.e:eas, and oUevs. sehtett, i..tetafnled prenanng It for use. prod.. fermente• mid old act, ',deb ...ounces to the ay.wat. nee, .r e 'properues ni tsarsaperdia are so volatile that they entirely evaporate and ire ha" to the. prepare. ono , tr }hey or. not preserved by a Aletealthe prnera+, kooreiOniy a 110.0 erectile need In tut mattutsettne. gl o eeotfe. - there voluble tmrselples stub By off kis 09. pot. ore. exbitlanon, under heal. are the very medial med, nl plroperues of the rut, which gives to It all' , Otte Theoicar B& ol,Dink yApgt o TOWNrENDS SARA PA RILLA is so k epared that all the tun propenues of the Sar men la toot art first removed, every Mtn; capable of Les'lnntng ar Id or of fermerantinn. se extracted and , rmenydd; then every punele of,oed,cal virtu to Lein. ' red In a pure and coneentrated form; and dm. u iii resdnyed thee-table of lowing any of tm valtrable and bealMy properties. Prepared In this any, it is maim the taut powerful agent to tho CURE OF INDURF.IIABLE DISEASES. lichee the raison why we hear commendation on Weside in on Maori , too, winnen and children. We End it doing wonder. sn the core of Coustennnon, Dypei, sod (Aver Complaint, and to Rheumatism, Scroll:ale man PllO, Desavenss, all Cutaneous Er-ten don:Dimples, Illenchee, and all a cr, moons from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD It Peamerm moveless efficacy in rill complaint. ening from Indir.stion, from Acidity of the Stoma., frorrewnvqual eterolatw. dateranuation of bind lathe nad, palpitation of the bean. cold fool and cold hand., cold:Mon an.! hot antic. over the body It bas not had Its equal in cough+!nal coin; and pronone. easy Gipenionnirill. and gentle pent . ..den,relaitng <lrk. turemf the. lung, throat, and every other Pao Bet iu noting len excel.. .acre rnanifemly teen anditeknovrirdeed than In all Undo and steps of FEMALE CO3IPIAINTS. ll. Works wonder* In ewes of fluor Mew or white, p oo ping of the Wore, Obstroethd, Supprmed.or Pate. fal gleamy Irregalsrity of the rnenornal periods. end theOtte; In °reveal in easing all fem. of the Rid. ncy,ildisevers. Dr rethoving elm.rontions, and regal a• tinglim general synced, 1.1 glue tette and strength to the Whore linalv, and core. ell Firms of NERVOUS irtsrasto AND DEBILITY, antkentini preterite or relinvey a gram variety dottier doi6oms, as Spinal Irritation, Neandat, St. Vito. Daetne, Stemming, Epileptic FM, Convulown, he I. uotf,hit, the, miaihrmareuto PmEatioarrhy Moan , Ent can any of them thine. be and of S. P. Town-. Iblerito article This young man', Rood to not to h 0 COMPARED WITH THE 01.1:a beeline of the Grand Fact, !het the one It inearielda of bbienoratiou and NEVER SPOILS. while tba oth er- DOES; it sours. fermenw, and blows the bottle. coMaining It into (memento, the son, acid tumid es pied:rig and domar,inßahn goon! Meat not dd. bor. nblnecuPonnd be poisotteas to the system' What; set, acid into a aysteln already diseased tooth aci W d! d caus Dyspepla but acid! Do we noun know, that when ft oil sours in our ...nen, .otril mischief. Rpysidcees'—flattalerree. heartburn, palpitation of the heeds, liver complaint, dlarrhers,dmientemr, eholle and enetoption dale blood! Whet ts Scrofula hut an said iieriter to the body! What prodnoes till the humor. which bring on F.rmations of the Skin. Scald !taint, StiDiitheoin,Frysipeltis,Whitio Swellings. Fever-Sores, .4 ill ulceretions internal end external' II not, iniminder bra ven bet an acid !monn tae, which sours, nd lb.. geniis all the Milds of the body, more or 1e... Who! causes Ithmitnetian but a mar acid find, which inedisnams itself between the joints tend elmwhe re, ',- Mating and inflaming the tender and delicate damn inien winch it am.' So of nervous Meese, of Impu. eru aty,sif We blood, of dud circulation, and nearly allelic aliments *Met huinsu nature. Mir, 11 it not Inaribte to make and sell, and infiadio. ly Worm to um thi. SOURING, EERUENTING, ACID "COMPOUND' 84. 1 4 bt , • 44 00 UP P ;a yet be would feta hare it understood that Old Ia• ar inartssend , Genuine Orig non Sarsaparilla, is an Mutation of Mr inferior preporation!! [leaven tort.' dint we should deal in an article which would bear the Mort Matsui reaemblanee to S. artiebr . end which Mould bring down lean Me 01 , 1 Ur such am ountain lead of complaints oaf eruntitanons form agents who have .old, and put charters who hare used S. P. Tow:Ie.:oil , Fermenting Compound tobth It Understood, beeitere It t• Me obsolete trie r b, but S. P. Torantrettd*a artlele and (Ad Dr Jacob Itternitendhl paella ere heaven...ride apart, bed rtflittmly dtrounelar; that Iney nee aulik"l/ in every par. uchit a ar, L.Vilk( not one single totng knro commonat Ittn arrert fraud, upon the unune, to pour l•klm into wounded humanity, to kindle hype 01 um dtrapotrolg bosom, to remote liettith and bloote nod G ang trim tbr rresited and broken and to bant.M othrod• y—that •14 Olt. AOOl3 'IX/Willett:ND • hat SOUGHT the opportunity and means to bring bra Hearin UNIVERSAL CONCEN PRATED IIEkIF.DY, tribut the reach, and to dm knowledge of all who aced it. dint they may learn and allow, by jayral ee. fment!, Its rsumwomicar towns In lIIAL 'Por sale by J. ItlltU fa GO.. ‘Vbeleitale Agent for ilk , Goorre Penorylventsu J. tOttl ilioningba m 4P.oItrtGANT. Allegheny, Dr. J. CASSKI.I., rlnh tall. II W is A 111/NKR, nth ward. Pittshor•6 •nta Nit Oo.oskmarto nue rer..treu mut in day anetl,er lei of thew , ban troine Freneh Vatisparrnt Shades, which It, trnint ti beauty istal Itcuttitert sarmaa any thing doer brutight MO ma, angT3 /aux a. cams. 1•In or N ',anon 0. w • .11ama. I 011.Alti 6 SKINNER. AGENCY, Commlagion and Foaanard. m March.... No. &I' Market .t, , Ernaburgh, : °awl artantiou green to the pucka.. arrd aerie g of all kind. of Pradueo. Ear= To.--/ohn Watt A. Co. Murphy. Wilron k Co. Law**. a 11111, Mahlon Martin, l'hil;AelpAro. "n la. " W lin ; " :4 k a at Ell iott laee, hew Liabon, U.; Fr. akintrer, lion. lacOratra; P. Kallar, Yormaraurrro, G. %Y .I. Stan. artrCrevalaftd, U. aorta 4,l—A-gtrark;.4 Akki — EFUTS - O - ai orrairierf Far.. Casathteres. for Name. rechl opened Loy .4'll SilitarKLETT & WU= LOCAL MATTERS, •170221 D 1/01. iaa rrrnwDaaa DAILY GAZICETI Wartunin Prardwit.vama llosrirst.—On Friday sr. terms., rag took s Walk to the site of rho Western Pennsylvania. Hospital, mutated on the aid, of the bill above Cmighansallle, and found that we had no idea, print boot..stab. of the sloe of the intended buspital, or of the wialitity of ground around it, and belonging to the Ceribtation. The basement story of a building t rn hundred and seventy feet in length, ts already al. mod the licmpital is intended, when mithment funds are Omitted, and necessity requires 11. to be much larger. The pl.a have been prepared by Mr J. W. Kerr, one of our most element architect-, and reflect great credit upon tdm, both as 'wards the convenience and beauty of tbe building. Upwards of fifty men are now .tively employed on this gigantic andettaking, and we .ilerstand that one of the wing , wi.l be completed nod roiled in or by the firm of October, and the remenninig portion some dine during the rowing fall. Our eideens bane Contributed very liberal'' , towards the erection of this Hospital. Harmer Denny and lo de. and Capt. Sehenly not his vitro, gave twenty-four scree and a belief very valuable amen don whteh • • • • bald for this charitable parposeAnd the esuseruof Pitts , argil and Allegheny contributed upwards of thirty tour thousand dol'ars money to ib but we feel tons' fird that the con of the by at present in progress. will Amount to about thirty thousand Thor there swill be a wide held for the charity of the the benevolent, and see hope that they will be :thentl In their girls. A part of the Hospital will Ise reserved 'lutielles. and thus.. lash the stain which has so long meted on our good name will be wnsbed away A mom beauttful lemman for a hospital than the On e We c present describing. could not be eon. dewed. It dan emenamo mew of-the clues of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, and the air is pure end healthy Ilus work tie• been delayed for seine roe. bur a Intle redaction will convince our render. that in an undertaking of such magromde et could not be orb eroriso. must be premixed, skilful workmen selected and engaged, and proper mattrral• gathered together. Alma erected. this building will be an ornament t• Pittsburgh, end those benevolent gentlemen who hay been Instrumental in getting st u➢• ileum" the Munk of the communiiy. • Where ea many have labored exedauely, it =Mitt be perhaps Invidious to mention names, but ven vrauld merely say that hlr. George Breed desery ex credit for the puma he bee taken in this nutter . Two. Vinare or Prrrantraom—The adverwee meet of Mr.Smillt,in another column, bringa in formation that two views of Pittsburgh will con tend for public patronage. Of the merit. of tho work of "Hudson and Smith" we know nothing —it will speak for itself when it comes—of that of G. Warren Smith, we can any from an etatai. nation of no original sketen,that it it • enteed ingly correct view, end a very beautiful picture. The two views may possibly be from different points, and not nectwawily come into competition. The subscribers to G. W. Smith's view will of course be on their guard. Rwmtos AND Reurravions.—We would remind our readers that Professor Kennedy will lecture to night to the Fourth Ward School House, Penn Street. We need not urge those who have al. ready heard him to go, its they have beard, and eau judge lot themselves, but to those who were not present et his former Shakspenzian entertain ment, we would merely say that Prole ewe K is man of undoubted abilities, and well deserves the attention of all !oven either of natural evading or speakutg. t•had Churns. Ilalf Bustle s, kc. II his Intl< mode o ord• !“ , Irl , l. KIiOFSEN Snare Paiwoutaw—We read with great interest an article In one of the daily palters of Fnday law, written by the Mayor of Pittsburgh., on this Import. net subject, and cordially coincide in bin 'Went to ' relation to it. That it is a great aril, every one will admit, and the hest and surest menus of reme dying a, is (or the Councils to take action on It. and pass an ordinance prohibiting it. The miserable wretches et ho et present abuse every respectable chose—in the market house and other nubilc places—whew only nun weals to be logo as much berm so possible, should be made to fsel the crew. of their tent ways, by being severely ponisbed (or their misconduct, We ull the attention of the City Coyoriis this usetter,ood he/e that at their next ateenag they tettl pats the ordinance et blob they .tmald have done burg no, but stuck arta be 'Archer lett EST= WIT." . Au.saa.s.r.—We endemism.' 112111 the meter mil be let tom the pipes to Allegheny, to day or to or arrow, when the citizens of oar sis ter sty will be blessed auth an abundant supply .'of the limpid waters of the Allegheny rivet. DLsCOVEREII KKTILIRO • G•Xr.4.130 Hoots—lsaac Grror Ira assented on Fraley last and taken beton, A;Jarrans Backwater. rimmed on oath Of A. 0. Frsinclitas. with keeping a gambling table He ;nu held to bail us the ram of two thousand dollars. Caeurtmo.-21 colared man named Crawford lodged a complaum last week before Alderman ilockmarscr modest three other colored persona' riled :McKnight, Curtis, end Hagan., c barging I*l . :Lerutt gambLog. Tae y were held lo ball in *Wit of free hundred dollar. each. A man named Warner then charged the cams plaluant, Crawford, with the same offenc e, and he gave bai Ito a lake amount. COWS.. —On Saturday Mr. Abexaacirr New- wan, Democratic member of Congress r4m rum, died of cholera on board the steamboat Com: pan lon, now lying at our wharf. Every mention wu paid to tale gentians. by Dr. Wiltantl, on. of our moat /MVO physicians, but all lb Into. Coco Wear nut.—The west ti so mild on For! ery and Sato rd ay, that ilia &WA 'rte Ire was I quite encokutsble, and fires Were illilianny Otp1:11 ewes and offices Msrort's Orme, Ausousur, September Sthr One man only was brought before the Mayor thin morning, charged with drunkenness. We were sorry to see him in this situation, an he has long time been a decent member of sociery,havini eschewed altogether his farmer habits of debauch.. cry. Fla was muunitieJ 1., Jul for twenty bar hours StAron'. Orrice, Pinautusu,SCPtember sth.— Six penman appeared at the warning : watch re turns to day, all accused of drankemsees. Two were commuted to jail for twenty four hours, and the remainder paid their fines. One, who had been behaving m a disorderly manner was compell ed to pay fire dollars—the rest only one dollar and twenty Bre cents each. Viotbarrr,--Thia company paraded on Saturday, and their reel and engine, which had,beeo newly painted, presented a very floe' apietwalse, as wea the ease with the members of the comPany whose dresses were very neat. The Engine was drawn by ml grey harass, end the reel by four. The members of the company. rode in carriages twenty in number, and their of genre on horseback. Taken altogether, this was the meat magnificent parade we have ever seen. Aocarenv.—A WO/11111 and ter child, whose names we did not learn, pus/engem on the steam er Cumberland, cell into the bold last week. The mother eras unbolt, but her child area vary lever 's injured, though he is now out of danger. Sranz ilretr.—The Ohio Stage was upset fit the curter. of Federal sad letrersoa street, on Saturday dieting. It Was NH of nyysengery of the time, enntainiag nine gentlemen and ladies, and Iwo children, who elk eficaped unhurt, with twit exceptions, and their ioPrries were very trilling. Mr. and Mr". Patter, of Pittsburgh, were in the lunge of the time. Mairoa's Una, Allegheny, September chh Seven persona word hmught before the Mayor to day, ell arc.ived of getting drunk no Saturday night, a limo on which too moor of nor eitirmie think themselves privileged to become nu oxiceted. With Iwo exceptions they-all paid their rams. Coaonca's Intmairr.—The coroner hold an tn. quest yomoriley on . the lady of a man, c moo um. known, who had teen round flowing in t be Moo °eyehole river, at the point. Ile hod beta . tedg mg from 1,. drew, a deck hand on a gimlet boat. A verdict of . ..accidentally drowned" was rendered. linage lin.a.xn.—A carter who Was hackie g his rt, for the pumase of emptying a load ol' dirt nto the gully near the corner of Franklin !reel ad Sixth street, 013 Saturday, peaked the h one so far bear that the cart went over the ban Ic, and the horse wag killed. • 1.;1.11130 large number of workman are •e • y Ikt.• rely engagmi in grading Penn streel, towards th• t up per end of Itayardskown. When et/roping...4 Ihk. nitre, %oral preeekik a much neater appoaramie ilkan4f di d for merly. - 11.11:11 . 09 TIM TWIZIMMITOL. Date. Sax rise. 9 A. x. 3at tt. 9lt a. Da. IT @Mks t. 1 51 tie 71 70 60 Sep t.l 50 6S 70 70 05 3 51 60 OS 70 65 1 56 66 79 70 6. • 5 • 69 69 41 94 70 tt 6 61 7$ SO 74 74 3 • 5S 65 69 . 63' MAYOI2II Ornol, Patahargh. September Oth.— Fire perms mete brought beam the Mayor to day,tabo had all beta drunkon thoproviona night, and bad retained money enough at the oboe of drunken °Mies to pay their firm, arida they did, 0111.11 mm died:arra. Bova,Bcaotanv.—On Sunday morning, between the hours at seven and eight o'clock, Mr. Sergeant, of the Ara of Boon do Sergeant, Fachcage Brokers, called at his offt.c, at the corner of Wood and Sixth streets, and opening the door, heard a noise which at once convinced him that some thieves had gained admittance. With great presence of mind he berried mound, and closed the door, with the design of calling some person to hie assistance; het they, two in somber, becoming alarmed, rush• ed not of n hole which they had made In a par. tition at the back of the office, where they had en• tared, crying .Are, Are," and as the watchmen were off dirty, and no persons happened to be pastieg by at the time, they made their escape. On again entering the cdftee,Mr,S.fmand several bags of silver, which had been taken out of the strong iron sale, lying on the floor, together with a cant, which one of the scoundrels laving taken off to work witli more ea., had left behind in his berry, nod several tools need by burglars, each as cold chisels, bits, braees,,ke., nod a very ingenious instrument by which they had effected their ea. entrance into the safe, and which we have never seen described. to the first place the burglars bored a mall hole into the safe, in which they inserted n screw, corresponding with a nut in the centre of a round piece of brine over half o foot in circumfet• ence, and about a half inch In thicknesa Around this circular piece 01 brass was fixed a floe saw, nod a powerful lever was fastened to the back or the brass plate, se that after they had screwed the plate close enough to the iron of which the safe was composed, for the saw to cot,they commenced using the levers, and inn few remotes had made ■ hole sotficiently large to admit an arm. Bare however the rogues were battled, for there was an inner safe on which they were obliged to corn "'".perations, and which contained aver tea dollars is hank odes. Still the outer Rate contained some silver which they took out, and began to work at the ioner one, bat before they had made touch prognms ia r ,their labors, they were interrupted by the arrival of Mr. Sergeant, and sad I.n. mg the wirer behind. The coat and tools are now at the Mayor's Of fice. There is no doubt that the burglars are very •Ihlijll from the manner in which they effected their ce rmee into a safe which would seem to be strong enough to set thieve. at defiance; bat which was entered with almost as much ease as though tie burglars had had the keys, oran it iron were paper. Oat police will require to redouble emir care, and our men :Mums should keep but hula ready money in their mks. Ausou.i Cm Scair.—Toe davit of defence was filed in Um ease on Friday in the Dist Act Cart of Allegheny marity. . Samuel licClutlum,l George St. Bleeping, I and Ica. Kirkpatrick. No. 110 of November term, partners, du., coder ? 1049. me tirm of MeClerk an Sr C A/Leg:troy County, a, Personally appeared before Hiram Halto. Pro- th.Otary, 10 and F,r said county, Henry Camp bell, the above defendant, who, being duly sworn according to lam, depomth and sayeth that he has a good legal deicen to the plan:llora cause of action in the above case, on he verily believes. H. CAMPBELL. Sworn and subscribed this wreathed September, ISO. HIRAM HL LTZ. ..... Tabi. FRAM. as 1.1 a tho 7dl. o/ N. mu UL EDUCATION Eeirtiah end Clusieal Mehoel. PROV/ta.1.014 CHARLES ELLIOTT uvula today • germ ete•ool (us )oungge.nden•cp. lo•••••.. 4 door• clove tdo Bee. Ds. Rodgers' C.hareb. tlreqg b.. Fl'eatrAleas' Bow, Randesky areal, Alice.- ay Uty art3Al•• GRA !MAR .CllOOl. 111.1...1411M1 Rooms—. M0..1.11, 3d door below IL V A...worts. pnagl.t , Vuotio . o . f i nt i. C } ..ots . ;„ Mo., 34. Irntroroon wfu bogiven tn L. and Greet lonsoso., ond brenetwo its aro odoPmd we purrs ons, of aoonorenle ,, t. per ,Plraloll of vo months. 11A. oosobt r ofpuptlo•l. homed, end opplAtnato eon h. re u totervirW 'nth the waetter u ht• lodging. so How," Ltherty ot, ['Mono* licruzsAcza—R.r. Posonsont, Peel. Thom p• gon PITTSBURG/II VEZULLE LINSTITIPI9II. mis Inotione. ander the ears of Rev 1 hi..Goit- T lIORN A.ND LADY, vent re-orntrt en Maeda ' , the lith of Innoteraher;ltithe tante rooms, N. street, flaring limited the number of their petals, tho Principal, hope to meet a roan/m.lton of that lawn,' patronage they have We hello ealoyed. Parente nay feel assured that every advantage mill be atronted Thee depittertr. tf Waned tinder their ethane, for oh Mining a thortnqh Englndt, etauLeal, and ntraaineutal etincation. extrAndif • - cDlirtB siabliketer 1614.111.111. V VoisWIL - Yr TIIF, N1P4 , 4107n of this Innutniton dl tonnownee on the Orel Monday in September Rom. on Federal wen, in -Col.:made Row," 24 door from the bridal,. Barn or Camps - ran sermon or rive Noma Faellsb Depliftment. sncladinvir iteedor. 0rd4.22.- phy and DrdlaiwWrates, F.ngtish Uran ,s. 124eno lic,Lopt, 101212•12 Componinon mw Crinlelsto, (leo trophy, Iliatory, Aritholeun and the Maher I.r4ncbes of 11{14sionti21, Salami rtio.ophy. Chenortry, Lovelty,-frionany,' Phyviotogy, Geoioey. Intelbetoal Iderall‘etanee, mei all other brunette. f4l2gtl.4l2=rit'll the Ln;ln ant " Gr a :et Laammemorash , • • - • 11 660 Frame, 1110 On Gllllll4/1, 616 110 Tbe gentles a:competent tearbers are ...need for, suet la &tire instractian in French and Um:man, and WOO In Dmreing, Paiattng curd Mani. I,4olisple tbaryntyila enter tends commence • 4i . terOlon, yet they ate meelved at say dro, mut ' fried. , elat the .oore „rates from the tmoo of - ,TreVdednetiona are ramie felt absences, 4 /- tot Mate er peat aeted 11Inesa. .Forthai Lefonnation may be Obtained. and appliott• dues made by ealllme opon thei•Ptineilatlott bin 4041 444 C ops Federal street : oral hie lodgings let"lneth'e Rot tr, , LlberrY'cic.t, Pdabnrgh,brcw..i..aikau lth streaLts: th In eeareerrol, *tough Pltrabwah, Pelt (Mee, the P 6 . 21 1" 4 . ' L. S4..W.A=CALP. WILLIAMPAIRTAACTSOIIOO L. env net of Fourth and Fairy . streeto;bribi b. o' en al_ Ti 18 1 - 141111n1114 ISIS TIT 17.14-4 Itonsuu rr, F 19120,1.16. xano sn., -Atitottraofern: Alt COM:LAND ireapornlfally =urine. that the dun,. of thle establishment will ha resented ttl. en Monday, Septentbee ad, and that young gen tlemen have now'. oppenneity of being thonnahly and es pedniously qnahled ior the done. and require , memo of aCtIVII life. That the Principal is do . merely • sound scholar, hat also a judicious undo. successfal inetructor," mom he apparent to any intelligent sod mtleaseed from the mordier of Honors sod pr h e obtained by him la Trinity Callege.Dubllat freal the Testimo nial. received irovossernral of its molt eminent Pet law. eod Profeseors; and, fintilly, from the wad e by pu p il,. esremed hy parents at the proficiency made by his POT addonal Wormn as to the pecaliar matures and c athraetnee. of this I.titatlon, sea Pros froisito 1.6 e at theV i so ' lta c tr, or h e in P I tire% ercet, opposite toCokinuade Rove N It —A fete hoarder* anti ha leceived, whose health, comfort and Intellectual edvattcceteut will be earefullyentended to aug113:1111 PROF. tazalmv nonnooff.; - nr..olerratx r, between Wsyna and (land, has P ENN eromed in. prolcuional duties, giving biome dons on thin Puma, linger, and in Vocal Mamie, aartlidif VIICIILOII.I.NTEi .?1.1881111.011 eche in an. desirous of extending their hinnies. in ihe °codes of l'eyeite., Omen*, demenoo. and elm in Weetern Virginia!Nrill find the •NA V LTTE WHIG puidiihed et UniOnteern, • deeirfthle med c 011.,. hugely In the pieces specified above: Teruo tnadersta ettetted.Ree. - --irldiiiiiitairithrerm gang Tennessee hlsnainethring Cotructhy, al Lehr I non, 'Penn. eclat m empmy • first rue °Terser . of a rigid Htiimil a bore Weaver, - And a good COMM tad Wool Dyer. AtililY cli • W BUTLIMI P. ORO, 'go, Pittsburgh, . or to ANDREW ALLISON,, Agnut. othiAtAl* a Lebanon, Tenn SaaaralieTfk-"Wrotkspn, Rale. -- rfl ii g antiseptic r °Won for anit4lllii 'ATEA Id BRICE I WoRILS, &bore Lithrometiallfra.,eompalslog • Swint Engine, V Diadem 6 Mould raeldoes at of monoteeturing Al,ooo [kerma lideka (out of dry ee lss al, token Irons lAA bank.) yet ilmyt. Willi three erne of lend on the Allegheny river, on Which Aro 4' kilns oral shed, machine and clay shodi Nbaciburons, Intake, abort°, spode, de, every Aking.yetiultlth to corm nth.. °Nimmons At on bouts celled. /lie., inoludlts! Me °Mem rtgbt to Lire nodmachine, 67,66A—teruct Of pay atria made eery. Wi th out th e' lend, 35,006 For ii•ri mut .o, edifier.. MOW IWERRTIT, Aug - Valli No Ilk Mangle - 4n la Booed, AEW if A li li - W M d ik - tr; SIGN OF TUE PLAANIVARM RAW, No. hR Wood street, VittabasNta. • ITr 11FM AND LAITAI AN. Impartora and dealora fl. In Foreign and Dnutodui WAILDWAAR,.Ia. All al °mimics, ore now prepared to WU Mt row tinil on as rerumnahle terms nem% be patchatcdohowbem We notch our friehdr, nail the pabno anionally, to rail end erminema stock, which carman di pan of KNI VCS and FORKS, POCKET andLPEN•KNIPER,. SCISSORS, SHPARS, RAZORS, Mann Tnn=lalge, sLich as Locks, Latches, Hinges and Roman., toge th er with every artlele earthily - kept In Hardware Bloom We invite the auction of Carpenters and Meeloados generally to our assortment of 'OPAL ' , blab hi...J ..a Mieeted with great can, and wkleh we ant determin ed Lo sell .0 m to glee onborannbn. notd!!..._ It lit — PlEMJlrlitffir. - 9 - 1 tt E und e maned have erected Meeks In the oily of J. New Yorli.,or tho more., of Ontrenliing all arti cles at loon, which it la destrablot6FßOTßCT FROM RUST, meth as 'Telepprph Wire, Vol* Spite*, be Wan for Foie., mil any other ankle which may be , mulled. For Iluoyx for Casks, as • aubmtufe Whale ca, pa; lor Clothe. it Roil., and a boot of cab , ' cliallemlon., it roll ho (mind cheap and durable. Tb., A would parttcalarly call attention tO ctro OstAanb Lid L'inre for fences; it recruit,. , t he aint, and will not Mat .llro to sok,. oral Rohs promote.. at which it of m moth lreportaimm that It will commend Itself to the nonce of all those interested. OVAL 11. MOREWOOD & CO„ Faience, n•vaAdArAnAT 14 end In Roamer aI.N. York. N. Yl'UN'erty - e - s, --- threic Mien- lion to s very lerye wed carefelly selected meet. e . . York trnd Ihltimnea Seth Lcilib..• M...-eee feelicti tilt Skins, tec., vithieb they km,. Jun ...Viso IM the'falt trade. heed ' riale46.llll* IMMO k!supf Pi , ...10.5 . p.i5t received and foe said by .i.- ingli4 'PM yotaiglOT,.`. MISCELLANEOUS JOUN U......, A donor for the Co of Peee. T i. 000, stc:°r:::,, tio. (late of Pirtsburgh4 Rkekkam..—Plusbunrk Hon. W. Poranad. l3 "W' ten it Miller, M'Condles. tr. ISUClure, !oho F... 'Parke, Swil. k Semple, M'Cord k Ktne. ougiCrlly Enemas for Sale. NE PAIR SECOND HAND ENGINat 10 tech cylinden, 4 feet stroke; 2 Boiler*, At feet long, incites in diameter. all in good order, will be told et a bargain, if application be made won. They have only been m ash about It mouths. For particulars, inquire of ry•ltidtf R. Gazette mare KOCNT F.ACLF. TRIPOLI, for Polishtng. • nnsioy -111. discovered substitute for Crocus, Rouen Mona, Rouge. kb. Fannhes hays found it invaluable for t thee silver and coarser wares—un short, as rernaed by the 'Scientific Amencan," In an article opon It, -of all the substances which hive been applied to polish Glam and Metal. none eon egual that substance known by the name of is,supetior artisle to that first brought from Italy by th e Ilene-UAW, sad owl by them in their palmy days ot glass making. to give it that peenliar psilsh so much admred by other nations. It should be In every family and every mark shop. For sale by R E SELLERS, as tf Du_s7 Wood et 01 . Ala. anon =Mai. are honorably assured that the folic/meg ace the actual qualities as 3s. bottle of Coral Hair Restorative. If they doubt our word, they cannot these highly reispeetahle Mimes who time tried W M:. Roo. Recent, 41 fAm st New York. Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle av, Brooklyn. Mr. Wm. Tompkins, 90 King s 4 New York. Mr. Th., Jackson, Montoars Island, near Pnthburgh IL E. Cullen, late barber steamboat S..II3OIIfiCIL And more than a hundred others state, though this must suffice, that it will three the hair to grow on the head or thee, stop it falling all. strengthen the roots, rummies scarf and Madrid!" front the mots making light, red, or pay hair anima a fine dark look, and keeping dry, hank or wiry hair moist, soft, clam and beautiful. very lo very, ngtime. • Sold by the Agent, WM. JACIMON, Libetry et, Pittsburgh- Ptfee 371, 50 math, and ono dollar. atillWAvrT (I:r Tao st.tonfre• rt. Karma Is not more repel- ! sloe than a bed, putrid breath ' exit dark, yellow dare,- ed tEdll. If persons have thes is Star own faith— they ean, for two shillings, buy en article that will make'their bream pure and meet no Ida Spicy dir • datbia It ewes Mamas of the Came, mangy or ulcerated, and for the Tecarit Is unequalled, remarac the tarter, f"ml‘ill11 the meth in the cams, and nano them as wines as the rem of at froun Nara. Such, reader, are the proem. of moners Amber Tooth Parte, nisi, IIII(11001pnileing 0 ourselves., bear label one of nor most respectable and scientific , nea t/ate, Mr. E. Meld, al New York. gays "I have both aged and enalixed tha beautiful and im palpable article, (lanes . Anther Tooth P.m,' nod can reeommead it as possessing all the qualitieselltlVl . led fat IL" Reader, we can say no more to con.nre. an that if you try this one. you will he well pleased. It a pat up in beautiful Frlghsh China Pas, far On cent. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, P 3 LAN,- ty street, Pittsburgh. artgeallr.wT tEr LADIES ARK CAUTIONED AGAINST U SING COMMON PREPARED CHALK. They are not aware bow fogbdully injurious to the skin: how coarse, how rough, hew ',S low, yellow, and anhealthy the Akre ap pears prepared <hang! De. aid. it is handraner, aal..ibmll • large qumnty of Lead! We have prepared a beautiful vegetable nrtiele, which we call SPANISFI LILT WHITE. It Le perfectly innocent, being punned of all deleten. goallbee; and [limps., to the slim a mature, Itenk thy, alab.ter, clear, living whom at the same drne iletalg as It tOillatatio Oa the slain, making it sod and smooth. Sold by the Arent, WAL JACKSON, 25 Lib erty st, Pittsburgh. Price 25 cent. onelidtrieT Mr . Reesman mo Rm. Dinars—JONFS'S Ital- Cba®ral Soap causer a free percptrauon. and at the same tame mold., soften; and whalens the skin, gin. at the armee and Manly of an Infant's. Scorn, Sane Ronan, Leo Soo., are soon not only healed, but cored by its am, ns at lens, seven Pbvea mans in New York know, ado, use in ode, , and bed mailing—. a lso in i'neruck 1340112116, Flizoibizo. or oily other Ate dn. mime, The reader is inured that thin. no uheleoti peded nostrum, as one trial will prove I could enu merate at Mast EC persons cured of So. Ilens Son Leos son Sons in and .e and Me reader as sewn aiesure l o noud not enmity sell it for the shove unless I knew it m be all I sidle- Timm Me ore amble to Chmssin, as Cor can FLon, wdl find this CalC. Any one ntliered odd+ any of the above. or stn- Her diseases, will Sod Ws all nod Co. more lalmare• tale an its miseries, Man I toss. Dm reader, the smn are deo-Iml web imatationn and bas ore y art for lONICS'S Dalton Clam:oral Soap. Sold by ou WE. JACKSON. 23 LacarrtY Clem. Pittsburgh. .26.dikdaT TIFIEIi tela7T — a BATHING IGT&UL181 - 1 le /.1 518 NT—open from 6 A NI. 10 P 11 1 t lamb Ms cents, or 6 for I dollar Ladles deparnuesta op. from 9to A. M. and from 2to 5 P.M. 'The Refrealmtont Sal.ns are unequalled in stile anemranee. Recherelm lee Creams. .tin T. M•l= ALI- Proprietor I' OW. WANT - I:D-0MA° lbs Wool Wanted. bie wmeb the hankies cash price will be phut by ausl6 Sd W HAD:int:GPI NOTICE. DISELF.A.4, John P. iloperonli, of the city at Drtun 1 , 1 burgh, fifer chant Tailor, by bts deed, Inwood date Ma OM day of Mny, A D.. lain, and recorded in the Dm-elder . % OITOe of Allegheny countr). to deed book Yoi.b6, page Ino, assarnal and transferred to ma all hos roams, rani and personal, in trust far Ma rred, mos NOTICE hereby oxen to all persona indetotnl uklal estate to m o b payment to Ms anderatcoe.l. sad th rho.* haling Glailitraf at to presont Mena for act nameot BENJAMIN ti DE. A.ottroon. audit Pntanarnh VIItiLN. FOUNTIfIi. lona coc7set=reot ir in: undershrned, roc...son, ID :Irthars n !stet:Lol -1 son. her leave to inuerin the citizens of liniehorait —d r .blie Reneeder , that tart have rebuilt the P.A• GU. FOUNDRY and are tea In (nit operation. end bare port of then patterns ready for the tarmirti— Amongst which arc Crooking . Stover Coat and Vinod Stoves, mutt a splendid airhalit Coal Stove, winch is now supercedlog to other eines the Common round Shay, elltio, a cheap cosi Cooking Stove, oral! adap tedni for molt. faanUes, artfis }!allassartownt of rom d mantel Grates We 'mold parientarly in tl.-1h liheollort we. }.woos banding to call at our wareh nee before purchariag, and exacaihe a splendid article of onarsonaliesl Grum, finished In fiat sty lo— caWtirrell new to ttus mukeL archonae. No. Cal Litiettp sr ontiesite Wood at. zorheidn r. , 'ln fits Liquorice Root, snot reed and for art.c be UIL GJ wive: . W;frr r. .GOODS —A. A NlAson & ,So GO Mar. e..test. an•ne Inc particular anon: , ... of pot' to then ezronsivo avnortment of Warr Goods, vir Jaen net. Svnsa nod Mull Menthol., Ilarrnd. nmped an d C. 0,4,44; Mahon and Victoria Lawn., inn. Sr. tltll eArl• at the only cnetp one 7000 store, on ?Oar are,. •ng2.5 pIIICFA ILEnociap. hlll.l. STONES. manatee,' A WI in !Yam , . compolte,l Got few -Docks mud solni evna—a Isrge naval, • Weal, the beat of tae kind, alwayv on and at greatly 'winced prieve 6.LASO—Fleneb Caw 6141 of of I/ 1 .y wadi asanufaidure , mad. of a era. eirgenar quolny of Winks. new - are made under my own ouperur tendance, and as g.mat earn la taken to mute the }obits claw, and to ha to an the,hlocka corn wane of .uniform temper , e warranted to be of dm very beet qatility, ear trier to those =warted from p yynce , .„„d lam rre , t maw ci Mare made it, this courtry, and 'el priers lower than have ever before beet edema in llde Market gavel Mill Mill SUMO*, 0.1 =es. Bolting Cloths, all neintiers; of the hart quelily, war rented to give mulefaetiou itle puntimaer, and •t greatly reduced pricer. Mill Spindle, Mill Inane, lbe,ista and 11..4, Mul let= Seale, Core and Cob Grinder , : leriet and yaw MIS Castings of all Lads, and Mill Yana/Mine en gen eral. All'orders promptly attended to at 6, 1 4 and ate Lib en) MOM. near the Canal, Pntabutah. myhthdam W. W. We IeI.ACF- Bads for the Public. In rislation b that utuivalled family Salvo. DALLIIT'S NAGICAL PAIN ENTRACTOIL melsTiesoNv 01 rosorotabio rtiyaiolon.—fl thellowing, aadddre••ed to toy Agsto. Mr. F. Mar rywaar, Ciactrinall • ernenotarb reb. 1n.1b49. A sense of duty compel. me to mar iny tribute ally Pain bletraetnr. Ming hPPored quart , and all nostrums having for their ohrert sonstnr rea—buirealiainig ISI.II good from the 'lfinn of a olink:nes—l am induced to tender you tbs. certif. .. I have asal it in ray leanly, ut mf prueurr, and b. all Inn happy and aronch.ful effects that could possibly be imajtnerl. H. J. Wow.,S. D. Dr. Arad. in Ma senior partner of /koala a, irmril Deng.. inflammatory Rheumatism. The' minor followi4 tesdinonfal cornea from a yourre fa r to many dile:lse traveling on oar Western we- Mr. Glipte, the welt and fay...1361y known pea :We of the Parkersburg Hotel, et husband to the ty whose letter I annex : PLIUMSOI/10, Va., Aped t 3, ISO. To liken Dalley,.Chernlal. lec..--Pin flaying for merly been long *Meted with abbot billaininatory Ilbeantanon , which epricarett so firmly seated as to defy all ordinary appliances to allay tbe severe !kale attending 141 was induced to - try your klenicel Extractor; and it having alum. es if by run g*. immediate relief, awl alto, to all Wigwam:lees en entire and perfect ram. l am induced Stir the se beene- tof ethereairbo may be ollietei I enth ain, cau by ny kind ef ingeniunafinn, to wine to yln, dOClaring '1 70% 1 t aa ' g r i y eallat ' il' f l o r u rint e r d isTtle “' nl oisltrafriYitriFie cover) a the present age for do Immediate extrocuon fbodil pain. Jr le an HIO,Ost immediate and a pct. feet core Burns and rwalds, and all external in flammation. Germs many acquaintances formed by their visits at my husband's hO4l to WI/ place, t haws sao by your abownit them about few knee, it may possibly be of benefit bo to the= and Yintniefil V3.lzaarni Gone [lentertain the hope that 'Ars. Glfine end pablioly I give a kerletter. In Well on the score It haatialty us of its being the carrel mode of brinying to the notice of her hieutle--.1 - i, • Fetun Cunt& Ramat of a letter, dated Mr. 11. Defier . a ease of felon, to err own faraV, " "‘ c. end cured In • very short Woe. , in been, yur; re apeetrully, /An. H. ma. Sco,lda, Sooe Nina , . 4, Woken sJor. ea., VI nand, slut ail to fiannowle asy o, yields iresAtily to We w.toderfui a this wwistalled i t sal se. tu no .ano pro portion that ynn toicrive nom guanine, You will be nqured by ,?he deoturror eilec , of the cawrierfeit salves. CAUTION—Be sure us. , applV cols , m 11. rhu.,..1, 415 Ilruadwa Y, Vor , i. Or be to his so thorlsed agents JOHN h. , "liti-AN, 6'clinrariustnargh. Henry Pehrearrs, Atirgbetty, Agest I; J. Peke, mq „,, l i ng; sh ; ti 7 Johnston, Ms rtate, jiy., filervyweadte,-, Cinounat,, It., General it Depot eittnnti N. a —ln the -severrat hoofs nod Scalds We pain In a far/ minutes: -ft neveer fai/s' jui4 floolitsg:e.earisssafFed Tim erfs T Idßat'tf frd°,3,o,%‘-``do'ilf¢flrl" "Uhl"Id"1; nc tot_ Wan., wt deb these piste, pOrsteasminer o th er Osetatha subss.nees bithmtei used for rwofina, ,as they pelmet. once thei hettneth of iron, swlbout I. 11.thihty having no r been terCd for several I years in thin Intrnettlir, both in this errantry and WE.. Topno.t.,ZeLare ter „ linbtetnrpnnitlt ar.t . onLrtle.. • won tin Iron, vac, cram,. ottrei•r=l now usetl fer rofing, at td consequently tura • numb better and ughterrosfileginnilfr . thr thin oneqUent thratell, whilst Pas first coal is but trifle wore. 41,1,101:11,0ariseit, from 16 t 035 w. a.“..- 13£0".B * .IVORES000111. I 14 and 10 ihrtoet st not, NtwSL. Tha pate eight forvhli art• •ele braving been secured for Ito lb -13bstieS, • Mactatng thereon, oniter Mfportatlen or otherwise, will no peewee- PANNE•• . lageanatantl Yen head and lui luta Inp,gl youpicr 4 C 0,141 Lit. , , , yv Sas, tutIVIVTINI4OI7O; rrtid andiorin 114,de alma] /311/4441:4 RitlTF,,kr „DOM . rii4Etlll—Bas4_l4n.jity,zl.4o3l.l 44_or A 1 . .. 4.4 "go , / MELtAMOTTS: PI titalimiStillteass.llltalila W e ilam 12TO. 44 LIBERTY, opposite Smith fi eld rtreak-... 11 Mettle Mendes, MenamentMTastbaTithle Tel" tai a large variety of Outmost be armful Mad, made Of the MlMl:Matte sit forma and domestic marble, always on hand or made to order, By Bo aid of rear abinery,oo the shortest amaze anklet the lowest prim. N. a—me Country Trade franishet with all kinds of Marble at the lowest Mee. AU ordereptartipall at tended to at 244 Liberty, opposite ihnithbeld at . trry3kdern W W WALLACE 81111:T MACHINES: T ELL'S Parent &nue or French Burr 921.17 MA; LCIILNE—the best article of the kind In ase; they run Esau, Mean fart,. do the work well, and will last a Me amt. About WO of them are in me, in the bean rani. in the coarirty, and we nave the stromost matt. many of competent persona to their imperfectly over ail other Smut Mack nee. Far further particulars, ad dle.. the oubseriber M 244 Liberty al, Pittsburgh _ my: mama W W WALLACE SYE4M ENBiNtI.S ANDDOILL rder Wir nod other mills, always an hand, or made to o on very Alton notice. and at the lowest prima All o der. promptly attended m at 144 Meer] at the Cone. my:10 W W WALLACE 10111)LASTER PARIS—Far WO, and other Pariatarrt ‘""'"°'" L'''" arll7 W W 2 ALLtha 121 1100 DKAULIL i,`ESEE'F'lrtia on Ja Liberty at. [nth() W W WALLA= G _ RINDSTONIML—AII etas and grits, a/walk on hand at 244 Liberty street. my= W WAt.LACE TUASI TB Sri TlCAllitr -- 7 , rr is with pleasure that the witutertheri infierm the cage. of Pittsburgh and vi , ~„ eintor that they have completed mans, , menus yeah Messrs. J. C. Jenkins A Co., . 4 of Philadelphia, to reenive their superior PACKED TEAS, 11 And will hereafter be kept constantly on i band. They are neatly and securely pat op to ...Me Punk. of o,g and 1 lb. each, with their prated earn—snowing the kind of Tea, prim name of the concern and depot in hilailelpleth, with . invitation to return the Tee, afoot liked. ASSAIL rale.: 1 . Gunpowder •••.- • • 440 73 LAO 1,25 1,50 1,50 olmperial 50 73 1,00 1.& .51 620 75 1,40 los o I. Y. 50 600 73 1,00 itod Black 370 IA Ducat. Mae and ext. Fine• •7b 1,1101 tp IA 0 1 We seamen all the TEAS we sell to be eithal to, if not SCIIIIMOS to soy sold in this city, and phould any not prove acceptable to the lute, they Can be it. tamed, and the money will be refunded, as it le only with that undeestanding tell. We ask a fair trial, that the , ple . b . lie may be able to edge between oar Teas ant other companies in this city. All lovers of rich, deliciposand good flavored TEAS, gbould glee us a call. • Foe sale by JOS. S M. YOUNG A CO., N W corner 40,1 and Ferry F._ Greets, and YOUNG it - a, W corner 3d and Ross einem coyfugunrid - NOP - TagGRgATSALFsiiT — ' A. A. !RAISON & COM ONE PRICE STORE,' 11.1 WO erecter Reduced Priem. A A. Ili 2tCO., desirous of reducing and closing out . th eir Stack preparatory to reducing their New Fall Goode, will oder greater inducements deac, ever. Their recent large purchases at the New York Sales, made at such immense therifices from coehwill all be closed out the same ruinous Wet Amongst me articles recently opened, they mention: 0 eases fast colored Lawns at 7 cut o And blasting, 0 and Sc A large stock Silk . s, ShwL al ls andnes, T ints, very low. " 10 d a e lot Beteg. at one half+rice " ce Gingham, at 1 " Fenbroidenca very c eap " 0 Bonnets, half pnee " Hostel), Glares Laces, Trimmings, to 7 eases Merrimack Calico., at fia •• 124 et Calicoes at Ode " and bales brown and Ideaelted m. cheek , Insh Linens at Inei Linen Gingha loin • 'Sonnet Ribbon 8 and 10e; Glove.. re With an immense variety of other floods, all of winch will prove a saving to paroles:Leers of them Y 3 mail The store the closed one day for mocking down and preparing the stock for the sale_ .2T- AAA ;MASON & CO PEKIN TAM 111.0886 FrIlE subscriber hos just received at the Pekin Tea Store. 7u Foureb swim!, a very Imp and well se lected stork of pare (REEK AND BLACK TEAS, from New rook, all of which boo been received in this untry . since the first of February lam. consisting el l the diderent Erodes grown In the Celestial Empire. Our stock being among the largest in the Welt, we are prepared to wholesale, on better term. that may other house in the city. N' invite retail generate Call and examine our stock and poses. Thn can have speck. on and Ith packages, 5 Sit eannisters, or by OM( chews. to suit their couveruenee. Our letuil vary for Oolong, Black Teas (ram 50 eta. to 61.00 per lb; Ning Venlig Beechen, 00 en Congo 50, and English Itreakfmt 50, Wong llyme, utuipooder and Imperial, from 33 els. to /11.4.5 per lb. F . SMIRC. ore reqoested to send and get samples of of our Tee., and WY them Went purchasing. tityl9d&w9 A. JAYNF.S. 7tt Fourth street AND lIATIIING 91 .11cFAI.i., begs to tnform the inhabitantsof Paw burgh and vicinity, that he Mu opened the :Move establishment, where every aSention will he paid to Mk comfort farther. who may lacer dot with a cll. Lawny street, between Seventh and Wood. lee Cream. and all other delicacies of the season. CLINTON PA.P.MIL =ILL. THC annertagned have this day associated under the name of Thompson Mona &Sou, (,r the par r"' manufactartug paver, th e Clinthit Paper NW.. where they will be pleaued to receive the patron- use of the public, and the forams customers of the se timrp.lne, They and at all tunes keep on hand • genera) as. entresent of writing, Ai - rapping. tea` and wril pepsin. bonnet bands, blank books, ere. etc., bleb they sill cueliange roe dean hoed and canon raga. Printers and Book Publishers ran be supplied 11415 b every deserthoon of printing _paper . snort rthtiee, and at reduced prtees. THOMPSON HANNA • Ann' EDMUND S. IIAN••••• 6huTtPIICOITICAI k - LTc El Jun. D. Lon:moot!, IR) Wood j‘ , .. teamed coma .bunntifutly unlamented ti RATE L APRONS. crass:nal of VOW= ;mai rob.. .3 AN., picture 'Dame Paper' Rir ennosumungliooking len:uses, picture rianlexar lump*. IWO BEM! 1 . 849 . natal G end. ii./110. Express Packet Llae. ... IL U. PARKS,Betteer.-Propmeteu, • _ T"FA •IL n i el au d elegant. Paemeger Packets, Cam II II lathier, PENNSYL t .YANIA, JII Haman: LAKE ERIE, " M QUEEN CITY, " 1 Melltal; Forenug a daily Line between Beaver and Erie, hare commenced running, .d mill continue daring the ma inn to make their regular trips, leaving Beaver lalur the arrival al the morning boat from Pluaburgh, (1 oL cloak, r. r land smite at likie in time Sr pameagera to take dm miming boom In Buffalo or up the Leta Tickets through to Erie and all Lake porta, ran be bad by applioakton to JOSS A CAUGHEY, AA; corner of Water and Smithfield sm of GEORGE EECIL wollna sutler the Pt Charlet, Hold °MOROI:. ARDIO/1, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 Market Arcot, HAVING purchased an extensive and Carefully see . leeted stock of Spring and Summer Goods, the subscriber reirpectfully informs his friends and the public. that he is now preparing to receive and ere mite their orders with dispatch, and in the neaten, moo atthatantial, and huhionabte [Muter. A. he Is tictertvneti to do b.iness en the cash system, he tat ters himself dial be e st abli shme ntb le to 'mark as eheap eta it min be done at may in the csitunry. Ills mock ts varied, consisting of Cusimeres,Rniid cloths, Vesting', An, which biz friends am vespeafal ly matted to examine for themselves.. myttidif GEORGE ARMOR. oLD PENS—M. S. Pil` , 4Peonotilionnoud Pointe/ kj Gold Poor, with sod &Shoot muck but ree'd and (or - . by JOHNSTON &STOCKTON, 4 corner Third biod.hlbiliel was G. W. BIDDLE:. Denglst.. REMOVEDltsanewiltrein story bunk ~diii ia sur e l street, on* door below street. Teeth tanned from one to en enure an.. on the section prirtelpie, with a bean. tifulrepraventotten of she ontinel gon,irestortng the ne ort,vt shape of the Ince. U. —Teeth extracted loth-IWe on to pain. Decayed 'Perth perrsontently towed erptugvns, pry ve oung the tooth ache. which ism:Leh hotter than es runrit, thoezh It should be done- get utmost., Or even instantly . 'we nowlvra.ley —The euttenv7v has now on hand a one assortment of best Ear. bah sod tieneva bold and Silver Daunt Lever Watch es. at in low prices as are otitis:din the Eastern enter all la good order and warranted. W W WILSON, iyll earner 4111 and Market frLATlP23—.STilitteerited, a ritEasso of gold and eilver Teresa, Cord and. Braid; Isler Spangles nod Bunion, for embroidering tutd be usmental work. Also, gold and silver Tamelssrjn o ge n r. tad ',me. Jewelry of the term fashions to .at variety. NVatehes of superior quality and bestride' patterns and for sale at F.astern prices. W W WILSON, augL rm. Shaanslon of theßo thelelmore and 01210 Hall od. 100ROPOS11-4 ARE INVITED FOR THEGRADUs I ATION Anil/ MASONRY of the pert of this road not alrendy under contract between Cumberland end the Tyres's Valley near —a. distance of about t he mile. The number of seetierts new Who let will he e b b e, oh; of wrath V 3 meet between Cumberland and the mount of the Savage river—in in the glades, and the remainder on Raecomt and Three Forts creek.— The moth will generally be moderate, altheagh there are a number of seethe. worth the attention of tau Mutest accost mud to heavy Jabs. Specifications and pleas will be reedy at CuMbeb land, on and after.the 07th of !tame earner. The eAlressell to the =densities!, will be re eenied et Cumberland, Maryland,up to Saturday the 13th ef Renumber . Further . informalloti ettly be had at the. Compartrs °true in Camberlend. Fah tesunatensit will be required from thase unknown te the undersigned. By order or the Freselentand renters. BEM. H. LATROBE, atiglibild—Hall Am] Chet lbsghteer. . Light. Light It LightiSl TIIF. pally relehrated homing field can now be had at the &warn Lamp dune, No.bri Third sweet; bow,. Wood and (dowser. Fm a porublo !mate li bt it has the preference to all of the engem cities,belll perfectly, safe and ohodt void of morke, veal!, of any of the di/agreeable air °mho... to 110 E, OD.lirt comune. elm, abeani e! oto.Vocitt of lamps el the haw pumafin blimp a the 'erne. .19:131dmo DAVID. . _ • -- A M BON & CO. offer their entire stock or tie ik at klatem wholenno rates. for s tertia) Our stock comprises - rich..Tnro Satitia,Chmoollso scary Broesuloi satin suipe,-ettansesble, - Velma ti• Ottoman, tiros de Mine, ke../Se.• • ' Cheap Oat Price ntonc,No 60 Market M. ate ilifinswrs caznitex, ilarrima utZBERT'S SUPERIOR RED INR. ' - MACIIINE-COPY INK. • A,A, LI, thON differ frets ordinary Ink, as dreg are all h.'trnical solutiens Containing no ;viscid muter, doer freely from any kind of pea—the color deep, Welt and datable. Ulla. heartbeat' be tte r articles Made, I have neither seen nor hattri , of them. Sam ple nettles can to obvtined gratts, the merchants generally, from 11. A.. Fehnestoet r< co, Henry Pt Vetterans,:Allechetty,'er of the maratfatterer, THOS. K. 111 Ihngstat and . Cheintst,earner of Libel , y and ht , nahttela streeta,,Piushorgh, N. W.—any bottle not vein( complete satisfaction, van be retuned and , the price mill be refunded.. jettnatent TO PRINTERS. lIP. sabscribef has on hand and for axis, as Arc T & Co,, Philadelphia, dm follow b 825 pair at Ceara; 43 foams Fancy Letter, different riaar, arri PirtaiiParr wa In. Laa.U, cat la olden • - to com tea• Tvgir Ink. I' 7 Gllaip, Catalan kalercii late, dell deeenplion.., & r e. • • AL JAYPiklit, Petite ?0 Stoq, 70 F.,* xt N. 13.-!thders roevimakika'new T 7 j. ..4 ,4 " 5 • a: rs, laiNT—Tle inination.anac now litienspied by Mot M OM, attaslaist °ottani, with en nom of locoed ationlaat. Mar avant:cm and eonvenient and the ground well un proved. OM to lidfiDle, JONES aOp edgal V 7 • r rim ondereiperd den fur sale, he mu w m re dunce on Goal ; tilt, with ihe terimtgiacres et ground Emceed thereto. The 'House Is iu food order, and the ground tumid eroh!)* improved, lathe:flag a large garden and due mimed i He wll else sell, Ir cleared, Wa wtioleor aViyerthis of hie household Panetta., Roots, F E rpg i r m No SI Market area • [Werth , IN THE TIM SIXTH WARD TOR DALE— .I2IA Lo of Ground having • Gooier U feet oa Falzon arm, by 100 feet deep to On 11 on which iv erected two good Giro Gory brick House. The above properry loth Impro . V4 . o Weas e l: slcumed. and ...DI be eold very reaninably, ahogelher or part an.) U.P01..11r0. soon Id HENRY B. MAGILL, on the premises. • •• •• eagle:dtf PoB—tra.P;4itrick Item, that ood .W;)..d Lot, on Rostoson street, Allegheny, tear old Bridge. Price kesdend.terose .m 17.- 11111018) or 1731, 8 SCIIOVER,IIOB. von RENT, FOUR [IOW VI. story Mick DwaWag Haig.% Swell (trashed and in completwonter, Centro Avenue, or Mit 14 n),lllitVntd, Mo ses.= given laintedlateiy. Rent tow. lEntrottli JOHN wATT LIN), Llbenytni Hand eta 111 1 1 A VERY desirable...Han= In the be mash of blanehmter, adinbaing John DOW they, Fth. The Lest is a comer one, fry feat Aunt by one =sand and ninety feet deep—watt a two , story Brick House, twenty-five teat from, two Maws, =slug mom, and kitchen on firm floor A cabinet bathe, stable and grapery, athl the lot fall Of eholca Emit trees, HI to good order. Enquire 01.1 he thbthrli her, Lumber ribrchwit, Allegheny city julPulkwaT JNO. FATTED-WON. OR RENT.—lice three story Britt Dwelling X- House, on Liberty, hewn.. and-klArbary streets, now =copied by W. Grahams, Posaassion gavonimmediately. 'Enquire oriVtivllltilliarth'or the Bookstore of • JOHNSTON k wroorrox, Iyalteltf comer Harlot end Third streets. voNA.LF., At IV A THREE storied DerellintiLm.r. the house from Penn street, to Snyder's! Row, eTga i y street. Immediate ipossessjon will be given. Enquire of DAVID Baal% Attorney et Law—othee on Fourth street, between Cherry Miry bad Gnualstreet. blip ,f Vcin. FOUR now two story 11000 Dwelling /rouses, 11 bombed and in Complete order, en Center Avenue, 7th Ward. Fostered= pven J4l( is , Rent low. Enquire of JOHN WA rr _irr6 comer of Liberty and LW , ToWiffiiiErts - xratiri - riplutArstrue.doorereelifelser lirrob.l:lNr stn elm excellent Saw Hill nearly now; and two new Frame *uses, one 01 foci front by beet; the other foot front ny al back. Also, good neWleurne Barn. thirty by booty feet. The =II and load am situated four miles from. the Allegheny river. Avre,„ at deal of PINE TUBBER of the best pinty, and also a vast quantity of the very best hemlock. Also, one serene the bank Hike Allegheny, near • cove, mon =notably adapt ed for =Vag, where !amber can he rafted on the lee in winter, and be perfectly wife (ma all freshets.— Price 60,000, or OA art sere. Terms easy. Wan lath • well cleared =MI (arm, with geed. boa= and or chard upon it, SS ;Salt pelmets% 1(101M1DIOSS and the balance It lumber, of as maybe eared or- This le so excellent opportunity for Illudrelsag, and Ills gab MT IS great that in two or thottoymith this property will double it. value Inc conrconethe of Ito proximity to be New York an d Erb Railroad. Tim ber b i n to wear out several sawmills—and sev end mill sites on th e stream winch runs neatly through the centre or the =H. About afteestartes in grass No hill to rise io healing lumber from MBE to 0000 . Trout and game m Rhonda.. For farther immen• iddrem, lPew-Poid,l P. IL TEMPLETON, airaiidkortili Gazer. dace. Pittsburgh. Property la Allegheny Olty Row Sales subscrthers'offir foes:He need= of choose 'Lots, situate in the Second Werd,,fronong on the on peeled, on envy tenth. Inqtrimed W. 041. ROBINSON. Airy at Lrth StClalt so or of /AS ROBINSON. on thebrengees .17nIkionfT • Toro Lots orsµ.- 1 ... - - rritrEsubxertbeni roll sell at p pratWoalinlrtiose two villoaMe Low of Ground, sulants4 on Tomato et., In the Third Mod of Allegheny City, each basing • Non .100 feet, miming back 100 feet is depth to a 16 feet alley, upon which la hunt a stone wall, s 3 by 100 Met, which mintalos some enoagh to bond collars for two comfortable dwelling houses, sod Its lli e w there era three Made trees, of year. gmerth, as the aide oo.k 1. paved brick, all of woiebswill sold as 1000. Pittsburgh and Allegheny, or Couuty Scrip, will he taken in payment. ,GA. 11 PIIILLIPS,No Worst at— or to \VAL BLLNSON, numednuelY Meposiw said lobs. _ L79It.SALF.LFive lo u eligibly mutated in the floor ": tsidng town of Birmingham. 'the Int, ewe attes ted on Deimmostreet,numbereo in P Deogroan's plan 70, 70, 60, 01 end $3-Ikt No 73 herding km feeton Ma ry Ann sheet. 70 feet deep; the other - Warm rem hoot each, by 00 feet drop. Terror-theater part of parches!, money may re brain ler eis years, secured 4yr:tang/gm tar panic . Wars, Impue of73CIIOIR, style ILO second st Coil Land goe - Sikies ---- ABOUT four miles above Lock Ne. 2, lathe mouth of Pine Run, Monongahela [fiver. The Cost is ofdle wry beat qaalny, and end . of note... Any number et acres, from lonely-five to a haltered, might be obtained. Persons de of :purchasing, con gall cm WALKFM REED, on prphrekep, or Wm Beat opixrdie the Posts age, .0110 Wllt, pre stay In tormation concerning the property. Twat/ore or • ' bo sold at a great bargain. amfit,lom /[sopLET-A good briek Dwelling Hoe.. wtaate ea Itobinson 010001. Allegheny. Fordslot of • myth .60G433111:1 SCIIDVER ;.F . 8 "g ° 44 4 ; • 03feet fro ' rit t o o n wenste ' F° r, by evfeerlif Ifiverwei . alley close to new courthouse. Price 89317 Tern., IMO cash is hand; in one ; two, three and fear years from the first of April last - County sod Coy &rip Wien fir emit p4iseet. in. solos of m 7 la ASCHOVSEL Ito serene o • erlVlLores Coat i•luset.sesr-Masa, Ca ITUATMD on the Moaongshnla (Grades 1,7 from PW4Perigit arid 3 =teethes. , Third Look, In the lame l ug detithbortmod Of idenfigLport k Shrub, and Johirlierrott l s ;anthem .fine body ef Coal will be sold at the low prise of VD perms ro--eue thin! in hand:bahmee in five equal anarral'paymenta, without - interest Title indisputable. L 012.11 very good--cannot be serp_assed. For farther partite.n noire of S. DALALEY who has adrafi of Enid pro perty. Itelideneethl Perry,filr, Adams` Row. N. It. There ts another seam of cox/ on oh met? about MI feet above the lower, of erten= qaality. YyZgitf saT6oa .. lie - a - tilliiiiig - Las — air . 4 4-17, .: fllliti•setleteribers are authorized se odhr pt risme 1 sale, ead upon lastly favorable :pa number of very rakish. , Boildtng Ekdak n larla porCpa of the Lot) numbered 07, 70, in Troods'Oentral Plan of the City slum. ted at the wrath esstasoitygoluer of Penn and Wayne ewe., fronting IMO feet annhAfOrt.lMPLlALeatend l p along the latter about 6COrdatierlakellosilcuty over, and being it pen of the Real &wee& toe lase /mum S. SIMC.OII, EN; de100 . 14101 , A plan or mtbdivision of the shove Lots. to motor. mity with which Ills pruposed meal!, tosy: be seen et the odlee of the undersigned,mfirMberwom, Mar ket .o 4 Ferry - my 3 TWO UOUSICS AND LOTS POO. etAulf. TWO LOTS on Benver'stiget, lathe any • XiAllegheny, above the upper thumr.oris, on which ut erected a frame building; two stenos hfgh, towable for two small Pmetneum The tow am.. twenty feed to front by one hundred Teel deep, anti ran back to a street forty fact wide. 'The bail cot on the pre, raises will pay very handset. Intern. an the tosestj mash and 110 propertg will be sold cheap tor cash. Applynto Il.v.tproal, Clerk's OM.; U. EL or to moat •ICAY &G_ Barman HOtiOW Cis . ttirtiltss VACRES OF LAND,situated Feebler... tip, on the hlonongabeld, tat. miles from Pins. horgh—m lota to mit purchasers.:.Foe farther name. dara apply to Hoary Z" , itirMnivigainlafteld st inkwAaatarss•rolo3. - 1141,...1.1tesubscribc , offers for sole thattarwatorvititolcWorehouso Wood street,nectiplndld — FLPfenner is Co. apt') WM: WILSON, Jr. VALUABLE BER 1...T.,1.TE0N , 1 STRET L FOR SALE --A Int of (lionndPb7.4l chine on Pen E n meet, newton tiny mud tilartioryov nhoinlng ihe baste and lotuon ocetiptcd by Richard en, Etwaritt, totting a front of a feet, mut in depth IS4 fon, nal In told on favorable terms. Title uneyeepifonnhte. En quire of -t. O. LOOMIS, 4di tcrldsr ~ID . . . A DESIRABLE Onllding Lot in AlleAbenT city, t vorably ineurn, in sue Wont half au nen", nail will be sold 1111 e calamndnung team Inistire or (eb( D %VILLIAAIR, Lik. FOR RENT—A room ite.llenol 2tl Wood arret U9ITIGU bl`ATs§' WILOLESALB CLOTIURQ WIIBUOUSU: LEWTSL nariveio?) Nes. 2= QS& e.ll end 9W - JhojikCitilt. ~ Ibstssrotn - Fallon st. and Ilm - rti44slßo. NEWVORIC, Ilitvo on hunt dm InigeilitssoitriistitiO 13740.1 . 11101 G IN THE UNI'rEDStAtES, 40/111:DT6121,714.7112174 tlp mrtiele or EltiliVra DreiLSVEag, km, att endles.s.yariOr,, Abc the mete ezumeive iosiotthequere of Oil Clothing and: ateitd.lials In the*Fla.` ". , • PLAIN AND Pee.4IIIONAIII.E OLDTMNat Of • Calalogur of twee tent Chlon promptly AAMIB*.)IANI'UItP, jiad 16'0 titl'eart sL. li. V. • P vy embed Wool, by augl2 Moitumwi % , Gb Afidu.ka . Virriattaan. fene awe .. 111. John D. Blorgra..—lbiar Nin I gArc.c uniprson (all of yoar Worm taller to ace of Gay cltildren, m the snort lane of one bail' agar i r . gaiwell twenty taro worm?. 1 feel safe to reroute...lute your Veratifug• as the beat Medici.. teat can be este* fur expelling D: m w tu m.. Ifoxtuts, ace, Nobleto P wn. tcpared and sold by texurnener..loll.4 on- AN, mussi., one door below Leawood alley. XVOOd StVEGL. • /JAI - CM — LINO. 1-Vrt OriE,ool.4otß, or a dust* 11.111, fur fifteen-wars.' adirs Department opera frets ftfp It o'clock, A. M., mid 2to o'clock, P. - Atben.utst Saloon god saihin6 gristiliallmen . _ ;TO•P. IWFAlA..rzesar.rf!. --- 111.11.CKIrliTT 'di Will DRY • GOODS'4ORBERS, - ‘vova ABE ligt inset of fret! Good; of tr.east paths.. and inapopslionosblett dory .10 smillo*s trsfo;s3 osSlalnemess canon Is give entire salistsction. , City and Comusy Alembists . sit'lnvlbsl call and exaraine , oat sock before pusetitalag kW:yr= re. /113312. ... "'Urn• DestiuCerner *frau* • • ‘ - astl. rDoyeatar, beta'eta Market and GkO. W. locum ,a.,co lINFORM d.a fikraCtind ItwiluNto an ' itheyhass x loascruty canneAion rtutptis Law eaablbh awn in Pear mem, known as the fttsbarek ltrcerer• ttvits,l, re.cavcd thole aitir.:bsaytess to Ills IVOIK 13214wERV. in Arra. , Awom 1,1 rd., No.oo Alasket..stres bate ka - erteited: urmahlhaper., Nua reens. col%, btu, inal clangs Palm, Ble.rnalotelr, - Ceakicrk fra/Y s Feasiantr dr. 44 bar talwas..lAsaVliolikred., Wag hams, Mall N(n.lob:9viba da:ruratmak. slap% , -.PaR 1111014i0.4!1 • A 4d/04 aujila , . !!!!!!!!= 11 i , , . . 4. t'f . f 1:. ..., Liberty o
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers