THE PITTSBURGH GOETTE PURLISIIFLI RV WHITE k, PlTTeDvaontnl MONDAY MORNING, SEPT. 1( 1849 abllsbut ARM I W P = "2 /0041 t i ally Wj r f Bev= Olean; ler , =lsar, the Tzi•W may Aft pre tumor, the Woeldi Ls Two Do e t e lan Ramo, grid', 4110‘11011P1. ;:i .137'AXITtemas an swimmer Vie and fa Asir Givers befon d• . and as n the day at =la Advertisements not In • for • sed, Will Invariably be charged natili ordered ont RIIILADRIIMINIA NOILTEI AROCHICAN. Arteettitemords and subscriptions to U. North Amer cart end Coiled Sodas Gazette, IP hiladHohia, receive ..d forwarded from this odice. W Lama nt.tars sow sn*go. Roo lust ;rag . Mom Toloirra e Row. ,-, • -*II , pea KM. Ea1t11211.1.411.1 wi , 1 ', uD WM° iwivairr. HENRY H. LER, of Laser. 't:oemY. exam.. lf WILLIAM LETT, of 840 l C.... 1 1, A t ez I.IIIZNIPA, .1 ROB?. C. W or EAzabeta romeah. JOHN of dhsrprouipl.j CALEB LEE, of :Pittsburgh. ! .' Ii WIC ESPY, or Lower St. cti;ii ., z,,. wears, i ; ;.Fr; ii CASTER CURTIS, of Pirtsbaliap , it raorarmovarvi A i DA &jun, or Upper St. 1* - R. i JOHN MORRISON, of Allog4; ' , crocarectoozak i,..1 i, JAS. MITCHELL, of PeobleA`,..::: :j comm. t .. H . 7 . '.V,', WriL M. AMINES, of Fitts**o:; Ammo.,':s• JOHN RYERS of Findlay. , !I , , ' , I r: =33112 TES ILiamots Ratiatoart.-13 Mated by the Qniney (UM Whig, on good attl)tiWy, that Goa. Pectuth intends cal li ng an extraitAitti of the Le- gialature of that dnue . can tlnte, (M o h o , to consider the rail road at:mai:l,oolra bo been agitating the people ant only o iharlan nanny oth er States. This rail toad is tlq 1t hoe io the chain of the great central road rfrdni Philadelphia to BL Loud. ' Tem.Haute end atekseekliMift Liettroads The Indiana Stale Journal loilifiShes an abstract of the Report of the Presidenoo Engineer of the Company. From this it applairei that the location of Me reed has been finishedtabd the enure line made ready for the operationit'd the contraetora The einumue made by the Epgl4 dr, of the cost of the road, ready for the supeihtl*Mre, from Indi anapolis to Terre-Haute, 121531 : 7359, being St: 393,18 per mile. The total eci k k , qf the road con, plated with T really r .. o ' 44anotive power, le estimated to be, 5556,555mq;:;4 511,66165 per mile. The total cost of thertia and equipment , ready for transportation be.' .ingsl4,ll9*o per mile. Wittiii Nit bar track the east will be 521,0+31:10 leas '46 'With the T rail. The Journsl save *That part of the hoe beteriegTerre-Hame arid . Greeneantle, embracing a diitittik,e of 32 miles, woo lotto contractors in Deem:n*l3l,4nr ao aggregate iolm of gear 5145.000, beinir,abhdt 6 per cent be im the estimate of the Enxteitint &nee that time the work has been prosecuted With much energy the ertare division beteg eleghly more than hall completed toil will probablit#ready for the sops enameture early next metritr.l. tveral prop:m ho. have been made by erketan responsible ma t:actors, to take the work: Mi. the line between Greearastle and lediaospa:*ht the Engineer'e eltheate, and to receive inAosingent. 40 per cent. in stock of the Company, aMljl59 per cent. cash." This road forms one hob Wikekrreat central has float Philadelphia 1.3 SL to every sectioc of this great Bee surveys are going ea. except between fene-HOS , .inhd St. Louts. - - , A great Whig was held in Philadelphia, lett week addresaea were delivered by Caw,. Gilpino4ilph IL Chandler, Henry M. Pellet, the mtniittl ' ialli Vor Canal Commis, sinner, Hon. Jae. Coot et: Morris, F. Joy Morris, W. S. Price, and 0 et The following, =non other serolutions, We4lMlopted . Rantoul, That the adrOiniiitinion of Win. F. Johnston, as Governor of {iii#SAine, hos,. 1 .. ben rectal Operation, ZOOM SM . ; Oilmen the highest humid those who pros:444 kiis election; and that Lbei "eat tno.P.stY taosi Commonwealth, and the prompt restoration*" gold and Over in the payment of the intert rifi tte Male debt, roll the, thanks of every ,4 L h3Loplranum who hoe pride to the prosperity arid " it of the good old Commonwealth. Resolved, Toot those whet tired heart and hand to the tasterstroo of DV? and our State to wand pith:loloGS of gsv at,, have every muse for fOUOiletiOn 15 psi tro*,,;:Mp : end Mat therein no augtn.tuterd, F l e.o, l L,r trance of thew ample in0k.444 that the reiterated vote of Pennsylvania In fri, Of sound principles may 'Lengthen the huidit ithf , the State Ad...- MOM for good, lied critiOhe appeal of this Coossonowealth to th e fOonl Covers me ril for • restoration of the prOt Stj:i Ounctroon. QM- Vent i Roodoni, That Mose n'i]titili Mote who assist . ea by their votes and ibp.R , : fidprit to secure thi e 111411013 a Taylor, Filliberef, ;am! Johnston, ar, etgeetelY cabs?. ob. by 4:oi:colter exigencies o the times, to 1000% , th4Prft.llo9l. to behalf c the State Issislature, Sh ilierticularly to sedan the eleetiett of noun , 1 POitir no Coal Commit apnea—the only officer iliebtetEtbis year, by gene Tel ticket, throughout thi...Silitet. 'Has RI2IIIT Div, oti*airrval at Near Vora, on Tuesday, pot up at inadi Oriviste house- The Joamsl of Commerce atriallOtat he soon alter left in the Lame Newton, 14 Stay. He told a gen tleman that be designed eWi4ag Mr. Van llama, molding that the latter aralOilltriost agreeable nod interesting companion,. :141:ipeoms that he had trouble with a servant let oat from home with him. The Newport-_*,g Nacre, of Mender gam— `Three or four color4:3adisons, probably insti gated by the abohnonnasiindur-ed Mr. Clays body servant, Levi, to run aninCirein him. on Satur din It Is !supposed thai titthits gone to Itaston.— We shall speak morn patlititltarly of ibis matter to mcnow." The Now York CotiOn4fitioever, says that the servant returned to keyirt, after reoovenng from intozienuon, ince irallibh he had been Wd, and going as far as Bos4M;4here, bwng required to Alp as a sailor, at Stp*kdbuth, sod refund cut of his wages 4300 whte4d been advanced to him, he demurred and !!idnee paid back the money. iii : The National Intell,pitil manonnees as follows the Whig Victory in VelO r it:— .Tus area rust e44,riElhrs.—The noble State of Vermont 14 SO trop itA herself. She has Jul given a fresh proof of heag4elity to the Comb and to her cherished rennlifiCan principles. Vote &wed and centred bytaktile wpm comprehended in the term fenaticisoi.-401gtee. polnieel — alie how come oat of her re:Oats - limn - pie with her Whig banner notarnished add, trihmptiant At her an nual election, on Ttneld,it, last, notwithstanding the Coalition which t 1 1t 6,1 '°°°' " at the iota election in Rhode Island . jiyih are proud to be able to Wale that the Whig; iimitteeded to electing their expellent candidate, Ponfeetkir lamer Meacham, to Congress, In succeed !hdr, , hlarst, to the third dis trict of te State; and !the the whole State has gone for the Whin* by'CaPr,rimajoritiels. What say our frienda in plaryitutd to this, Wtsaasem Lostemi..--The town of Manitowoc, in Wisconsin, on the Shored of Lake Michigan, is probably the greatest • toother place in that Sate. The Given Bey AdvOcite ihniks there la estima ted to 10,000 lone irdtl;hdifferent booms in the river and its mein brani,h, which, allowing 333 Oast each, woohi give .1,000,000 feet of lumber. There are some 600,0t0t1hingles already menu- Soared. The earnings of tfid:.kelierrence Manufacturing Company of Lowell.l.4he leer six months, era stated to be five andriti ter per cent., but the dive., deed him not yet bed! 1 04ared. F, two semi. ' annual periods prevkalt the one which has j.t! expired the behmee *ita of the Lawrence Conri Piny, which has • i.;00, of 141.50 0,000, thaw ai low The multiage i t o Company, to New., InarYPOrt, toe the lastri4X7eloothe, are stated to he kw per cent., hot rod liend hoe been made, eat there wee • lass of siAt-ri4mount the frrevioun " ', six mouthy. 4l Ca. earning . . of the last hall, year are mot ',vita! of the eeimpouy. der the di !he, ord.j manes elk.l, ts • - rj say this by improventeONTly mule in the cedneued by that akikcal ofkoiVeto !others, a thuty.keio ewe! VAIP of the lllino ii Chinni hi and For trade JOll canatry Irma of the lIN the Newt . Mews brought zr'e 4ehked ex over Wave% Bank. R 4 45 a" hke fialgtt alma, alwn fast. Ihe- iteto aesmen broded riu rr 4l o 4 .*ZA . Vtr e "326.. . w ,2O4 L' 14111 ace..—Ciavelwa • IT[ q , ..,,: : .f.:,,,;. , ~,s7l of the Pittsburgh 0 . 00 . De.Usseet C""4" dt i an Om Bishop of Ilesetor. Mn. Eurros.. l — i I chanced to observe, the N Y. Observer, a[paragniph Waling that Dr. Upfidd, of cone city, hiving been appointed Bishop of In diana, was e coring to retain also the Pluton. ship of his in Pittsburgh. It is not, per t ps, generally known, that there ex, ists a precedet for a similar—bit, an unsoccen. hal attempt. ha Lhe present Bishop of Exeter, Dr. Philpots, emu is in all the dou u ches; the champion bigotry and intolerance, was per seated to the bishopric as a reward kri haviog written a palmed prosphlst Ide was, RI the nose of the presoaks., Rector of the Parish of Stsm hope, In the cbonty of Essex, one of the richest briny in Ettgl.d, the emoluments of which amounted to dole's than six thousand pounds per ammo, atoure thousand more than the see of Exeter, whi t does not rank amongst the "fat bishoprics," was said to produ.. The greedy shepherd • e hard to keep the deeee of the Stanhope I4isc 4 and at the same time orearthe miter of ateter;!but this was too much even for "Church and wale " to the palming church m., spite of his in with the peat, failed in his attempt, and could o ty obtain to choose between thirty thousand 'dollen a year, as a perish parson, and twenty-flu tiMusandocith the vans pomp and glory of the wised attached to it. Pride triumphed over niarnmonj amt Dr. Phnom. in the stunt of a Land, sways the trt,n rod of intolerance over the dmeese M Exetet. I .B. C. Cuvatarre, 0, Sept. 4, gab. NOT crl i ttr. Eorroa —Our correspondent is doubtless ellen.° that the parrallel between Dr i Bpfold and the Bishop of Exeter does not lie, es• Cept in the leer* fact of his wohirg to retnai his pastoral chalice, as well as the E t ...repel otben.- 11 the diacise of Exeter ranks moon the small Sees in E4land, the diocese of !adman rank. among the cry arnallcat to this country, and we Ore informeil is wholly unable to support a Iltshors if We hive hot been tot...formed, it coution, only Some set/elk; hundred eotrinatiOleatits, and only two eoogreglittobs which ran support settled pastors. DT Upbtld IS Willing to take charge of Inese few sheep in the Wilderness, but naturally stun h wishes to secure a listing for his farailr, and tinn , in ins desire To retain bin relation of pastor to the 1 . ...Ni1:eh con. gregsnon. I Of the eeclosissucal propriety cf the two relations existing in one person, we offer nn opinion. in the ease of his Lordship of Er. rter. the enures Wei phtirt enough. If twenty awe thous and dollari was not enough to satisfy his cupidity, 1 we dare silty there were plenty of curates, every only his strperior, who would be glad to exchange twenty poled. a year for nee thottertail. For the Pittsiengsh G ,rll, I Jeanit Illepiablicasalarn. I have intely been rending, with some surprise and emisillerable amusement, the Pittsburgh Cu. Plastic, et planiectsrebgtous paper of this city. Ido not prate d to be an much of a philosopher as to be able, 'To see what is not to be seen bat I discover some thongs to that paper whieh, I Ala cenliiient, Were never meant to be seen. ie. fer pertiettlarly to the evidences of alum among the Jet+. That precious Brotherhood were inter, in this cluntry, so prodigiously frightened as they are at 64 present time; end they are %chiding with all their (night, .ta keep their courage up. - When the puliqal press begirt, to speak out, it makes no differenc6 to which party the unions:led print be longs, te l tsur overwhelms the Jesuits, and they. moat nat i .undly, endeavor at once to disguise their (ma inntlusidate their oppoyents, by petting on the ,hoboof bristly sages, and verung words 01 rage no 4 denunciation. Bishop Hughes and the Nem k Tribune, end the editor of the Catholic hod the k3nsete ore examples otttys. -- , The grand occasion of their thar, in this mows. is, that {heir antbrepublicauvan will be discovered lip the people. The Imamate which A merles ti Jesuits, Pr rather Jesuits to America have bosom, estelv adopted from the celebrated • allixuiore' of their Iten Prince, has betrayed their' reel ecnte ttle me the subject of liberty and government. 1 and • uin them • predilectfou tar despotism, More nantmoos and inteoce lt,. a their we chem . ever imputed to them. Their canerlmense is iustaltin to republics, and low, centre avage toistird republicans; not only See and gromous Protest nts, bat Catholics. ettrostuvlied by Jesuits. have n outraged by the abuts, ve and ationtitothle lamp applied, by these Jesues, to the brave end no le babel. stmggimg for fieedoen. civil fore , darn, dom from the political timpottem of • cots clams f moans . Home. Na,yd if the Editor of the Pittsburgh Catholic. who made each dolorous appeals toe sympathy m hi. lasi paper. Moho to keep his character far re publiclniem above water, he most not (might h. paper So heavily with extract. tram the vellocution" of the Pope, or from those foreign publications which have net the same reason for caution that be Mat I will now show, from the Pittsburgh Catholic of lost Sdturday, that the Pape . no friend to mob lim, add that more who take der opinions and their tone from him menet be. An emote to that b i nd speaking of thathog members of the Council paper speak: which the Pope gave to the people. in the days o• his li ity.ssaysi "Thhy entelred his (this Pope's) ,thlace and pro poted to him, that he should abdicate h. soverignty; fall the proposal that he ehetild prods., a reptlltc tail snornyoshand short of ikas. That night is fresh to out recollection, says the allocution, nod ceased persons are present before our eye., who miserably deludcdmd deceived by the artificers of fraud, beith toted hot to propose to as, to proclaim a republic" Again, "It was at this time, at the end of April, propolsed to the pound', that he should maks' bun self the Prandent of the Itcpublic of holy." Agmn. "Layhten made themselves ministers at State, con trary to his, (the Pope's) views and pnaciplos, and to detogntion of the rights of the Holy See" AM:on:ling to this, it Is admitted by them that a reMebliesla goVeriareesit will never do for Horne or the Pope a republic locludee no civil erivereqpitg for proclaiming a republic means "nothing short or abdtdating the Pope's sovereignty." Even to pre side beer such a government will act answer hie porn* the President of a Ilepublic is not "prelim" enough for him. So say the Jute.; eo rime the Tablet a foreign paper, rabidly Jesuitical in its pilitlca, and so eaya,ther editor pf the Put:burgh ()Athol., by quoting largely from that Paper. BM what lays the Pope himeell! If it .he that *cake from Gaeta in the uallocumn" these are Ma telt ntimenta "exactly." "And at the =me time ( i i.nAl . '45) we repathated and rrieutJa most deeply test loos proffer which was ramie to as, both in ern o :lng end by word of month, a potter not only m injorioue to our person, but also anon peen).- Übe to Italy, paMely, that we moll coo, entry resat/. over the government ofa f r ertaan republor - af Italy." A. m.olo republic of Italy: And the Jesuits, our muntry through, reiterate the cootemptuone words Ethcm. September 7. IMO. To tA. Editor, of As Pittsburgh Gussets., Sept. 4. 1949. Drat Sar—in the Daily American, of your city, of the 75th August, I notice an fditortal arucle to. ferring to the appointment of Frederick Kant. Eq., as Consul to Bordeaux, in which are em- bodied allusions of such objectionable features, leave no room to doubt but that a censure is --- - - tended, as well as the statement of a rumored ap• pointment Seelog such a notice, and haling some jealousy fur the reputation of ibis adesinistratiou, to its ap. poll:Maseru* as well iss in every thing else it un dertakes, and having slightly known Vol. Kahl, whO has sailed for Europe. I have been induced lo examine the papers on file, recommendatory of thij gentleman and am extremely gratified in hue lei done at, I can annum you that if the admin. talkative has erred! it is not the result of careless. neje or inattenti..a. The appointment has been mane own such representattoris as Will not only jellify it, Mu compel the acknowledgment that the proSper decision was made from the date upon 1 sir ouch action was one of necessity based. The re ommeadatien. of Col. Kahl are of the very h; heat character, and include the names of your of est, most respectable and influential citizen., sod include a nonaiderble number of the "many G mans' who are represented by the American's article to have met with such 'serious has" by hi.. adore' Should there have existed justifiable grounds I fu such objection to this appointment, how does it I:taritiezt that no opposition was ever manifested td el It was certainly known that the •pplication Was before the Department, as of the imp letters on file, many ore dated m March and ApriL There Was , indeed, one remonstrant, but the igennernalt On Only withdrew all opposition, but jhuicd in to hettlog for Kahl the appointment. There lit sal. cleat fault finding by those whose Interest if er iiiii discredit the •dramistration, and I do think that nh good Whig would be godly of these barmuol ' ing CoMplainta, especially where nn objection has teen made to an appointment, and the subject of them without an opportunity of defence. The (holt, if soy, which I am ido sr to believe, lies with elicit, and not with the admtalstration. which had , before It tesumounds in behalf of Col. Kahl which . sire seldom surpassed as to authorship or strength dl tmairnandation. • Very respectfully, your friend. D. N. Worrx, Eski , Pilltibilicyll. -se.— - . .. Happy tbe, man who can control The deep emotion. of his soul IVhose reason holds theinulament And points the pathway of hi. fßet Pension ban oft to rain...rept The noblest awn while reesen slept— ' lin , reason marks the polar star. Descrying ctutnges from afar, ' And bids the moral power. hewsw. To shalt the charm. the temple:'. snare. Conscience end reason. bend in hand, In proud debance nobly Wand. W hen passion. wild to ruin eige, And lash them owe. with passing surge, Veithful, then, they cannot sleep, They Mast theireeuelevs ♦igth keep. . u o. Item cud Inber of round! The Demeanslie press la mill clamoring about removals, mid charging that General Taylor is violating bitO.pledge" by taming Democrats ant of ° ( a"- Wedo not expect that this outcry can be eftencal by Say argument or explanation, however Jost or conaTeciag. It is • pan of the present pol icy of the Drunocrals, and it will be meintsined so long se it soya their purposes, in Vim of common sense and lit violation of common decency. We shall not coaMed against such pre-determined un fairness. Buy we wish to say, once for all, that so far as we are mancerned. it to one deliberate conviction that any pledge against a general system of re moval, annals might have been inkrred from any thing written by General Taylor before the eketion, has been made impracticable by the conduct of the Densocraue party since the election, even if ft were not, as wee think it was, hinted beck unappreci ated during the moves. Ever since the ioaugur anon of °Sterol Taylor, the Democratic press ties been laboring earnestly to force hint to make re movalr; and the mesa has succeeded so well in hillammg the mind of every Democrat arrainst the Administration, that it Is now actually unsafe to permit any considerable number of Democrats to remain in office. The spirit of those who have been removed proves plainly that. as a general rule, it would not be urmst to infer that note who are yet retained would be bet too glad to seize opportunities to balk the Administrator , ' or at least to eve their official influence in creating ammo , ranted prejudices agree LL The organised op. pontoon of the Democrats to the Admintstretion, and the fierce and vindictive warfare which they have waged against it from the very first moment a its existence, have forced it to remove Demo. craw from Office Upon the bead of the Democratic patty, therefore, must rest the responsibility or pre ventinc an memo to loosen the martial of party lines, awns( chnorng a disposition to tour oil upon the beavihg waves of political strife into a stern determination to meet and overcome the storm which would not be allayod. So far as natlonal politics arc concerned, the Democratic voice is ow tor war. ;That pony has sworn that the biuer contests- 1 i! party shall not be ended, that the sword of partaSo warfare stiall not be sheathed. that the nom orauniending 'parties shall not cease. The Democrita hove sounded the clarion of war, and n•ited:the Whale to the fray; and they shall dear-. evothrooleMeL . The Whim will not shrink from tae melee.: They have never done so, and they Can. act now disbonor the memory of other conflicts when the drilled cohorts of the Detooeratry„"gleam log with the purple and gold" of official patroaage, trembled and turned pale at their charge. They have never been dwheartened by defeat, nor in• unmated by sucrose; they have proudly sustained the sinitat calamity that ran befall a party—that deadly , neason" which blasts the strongest coun sels "in their hour of might," and being thus schooled to any fide, and revaluing the utmost (Ml fideneo in the troth of their principles, they Can never *nerttioe their own honor and independence by importithawly seeking any sort of compromise with than which bar no taste for any tiling nobler!ban the strife and omens of the political • Ifol.fluts Teatime' et Igis bon. —The penmen connettjd with this awful murder are as followi The gliee.ed, Patrick O'Connor. an Irishman. bet remtudrative office in the Customs Department, nod ;eta brattier to Rev. Mr. O'Connor. P. P., Tip perark.. In addition to Ms situation, he was also, rt profidased money lender, end had smartod, by penurranil railway spreulabon, some it 000 or h.s,thiad.He bad been nn ten. of the rimiest trineverith supposoil murderess and her bus bane. The parties are Mr. ar d Mrs Manning. whogA, tames an, muted on is the robbery of the hallwaly Mini Train at Exeter, mine time ago, and who yrere arrested fir alleged complicity in the tramitetion..but ncquitted for want of evidence astemtat them The lam place dei'enred war seen nlivearas in the neighborhood of them home at Ming , . place. Germondcey. on the Surrey side of the ThallacS, and it Los teen since known that ha •pent the evening tit the nth inst. ' in their house. Nc 111.stber bd... of him could be had all the eveiang of the i 7th. when, aher aost immunising sear4i, his body W3S discovered m in the following atriiMie inantter On deoensed being mimed. in goimta'were made at Manning's regarding him, but drily (the husband and war/ denied all know. leileteof hint, and teemed greatly concerned about his file. A few days following, a call war again modest tbe hon.. when it was diarevered the mint. had left. Thc premises Were then search. <A.G. froitleesly, °not, as they were about vvina it Peale., one of the constables thought he diarcyertrd a flag cone in the kitchen appearing as if it had been newly raised, and on inserting his katkbetween the punts. the earth seemed waft Ttin":ll. now rimed and some earth removed. ushir a female's sincting wee diseovered, and deetter null a ford prviecied itself. In A little more titheybey discovered the body of O'Connor. the faceidownward. and the knee. broocht tip to his haucabes. to which they were tied. The whole waikkeveloped is staked Imre, which had eaten asuga portion of the body and face, and in a few wed:..7, at most, al traces would have been oldttnn melt' The body wets quite naked. and was Mane •ariarn to . that of deceased on the arc of tiro inquest unite lath imam' i The deceased haiElt full set Wales teeth which fully torresponded witEihe body found Febm the Melia which transpired on the inquest, end be observations of the police, lt appeart thst-"ithe murderowt net' arse premeditated some bat tirpW ainee. The deceased wan a teengsler, an'xfiveterate smoker, and it teem.' carried on d b....intercourse with the woman Manumit, who is a &Ms. and said to be a relative of Courvouner, thelnunierer oilseed William Russell. gilt. wan fimfilerty in the service of the Duchess of &Ober larvA a bow I r fist now his The intie entlese was ism. tesl oil wiib the lira I nos :edge, it is Capp:and, fit Manning. On the nigh: trio n• titre minter Ire 14,t1 berm at Meaning's in company with a friend (_r an hmur and • hot, and mnotred with Manning: but cc/rapine:led of beteg weak and faint after he pet aside the pipe. It is hence sop poSed that drugs had been mixed with the tobacco, witch is confirmed by the fact teal n bottle of lan dahum sat diets:meted by the police on nearching 14i1.4•Xne; that after drutgieg him, which it is sup p•-11,A they performed 10 no upper runic, or that eferemrd they removed him there, they shot him with an air gun and smashed his skull, as no re port of fire arms was heard. oar any ones se tilloiont tottireet the attention of the nett door neighbors The bad! was Men removed to a hole in the back kitchen, dog for the purpose, and then covered with gag atone, on which very stone the woman Man nit. Wood while she mgwered the pollee man's Myelin. regarding him few day. after. The clothes of deceased are suppaied to have been bdreied, the copper in the kitchen bearing traces odthem. A check for -0500, belonging to deceased, nits found ma the dust hole. :To bring the murder home to the partin impli cated rental circumstances have traospired mace tile deed became known, and no doubt elle. as to their guilt_ :Steps are helot taken of the moat rigorous kind, Or the discovery and capture of the murderers, w%o it is supposed, have tone either to France or Atneri.. A eonsulerable pontos of the efleeta of deceased was a French Railway Security, which the female murderer had abstracted from his twig. igts two days after the murder, and it is mpposed that to tarn them to account they have gone to Fr.., and Lord Nonnanby received instructions by demand their persona If found In the Republic_ ! On the other hand, it is believed that be has left Portamouth for America in a sailing vessel, alter *limb seamen have been tent. A large reward lies been offered. Too whole affair has created a moat intense sere fauna in London. I=l Th. Origin of Hasson Ili D. I, , Id. D. admoossar Irrtamowice—The intelligence from the Missions of the American Board. as moments dated at the regular monthly meeting, may be ',summed up as follows Ad vice. from the Sanghtnek latanzig confirm the cent statements of the ravages of disease there. At least 10,000 persons bad died, or more than one loath of the whole population, during the year, of whom 2,300 were member of the churches. The majority of the infants born during the year IfitS .are among the vtetime. The present native popu lation is only about b 0 000. This great mortality 1s attributed to excessive indulgence in onwholo tin diet. Four of the missionaries' children had b died. Messrs. Chamberlain and lees were still inondeed from illness,(May oth.) The latter was not expected to resume his labors. The additions to the church during the year were 59t Dr. King writes from Mans uuder date of July 20. He still remained undisturbed in his labors.— Two or three of the students of the university were attending his service. Mr. Thompson, recently returned from the Sy rian missions at Beirut, Ilmade some very contour aging statements respecting the religions condition of that emtotry. Where but eternity the mission ary could not venture without the risk of being stoned, urgent ra:testa are now made for his Is- Lebanon. Damascus, Hastieiya, and from IHoutst Hermon to Palestine, there Is a very gene ' eel dedoand for the preaching of the Gospel ; also in Nazareth. Bethany. andJerusaleta A large se. ,cession had taken place from the Greek Church. Mr Wood, writing from Constantinople, July Stb, • rtessribes the ordination of Amela, a native prea,her of much promise. The natives enter the miwionaty enterprise with much success, and it is ;believed the necessity for other laborers will not long exist. The purchase of tba necessary ground .2d building. for a serninarY had been effected, and ,gave encouragement to make new efforts sod to hope for new rend._ About four hundred house. L ind been destroyed by her in Pero. Mr. Goodell, Noah his affects, narrowly escaped Mr. Steel, of the Borneo mission, ts .apposed to be on his stray to thin country, mainly for the pur , pose of procuring the accessary apparatus for pub lishing the Scriptures there. Messrs Conn nad Breath, who sailed in the b arq ue R.,, on the 18th Jane, arrived at Matta July 2.1 d; after passage of only thiriystive days from Boston.—.fawn Dien —At the residence of her eon-in-law, Solent, 11. S. A., at West Point, Friday, the Slat -dome, at half past six o'clock. p. m s rdre. A NNA R CLARKE, consort of hisiTnew St. Ct.att CUM., mg, of this coy. This sad information will he a erosible shock to the large circle of the friends of thin lady in the 'dace of her resldence and elsewhere, who will first learn the news of her death front thie notice. To those who compose that circle, there ts no need to dwell upon the excellence of the character and conduct of the deceased to all the relations °rifle. As wife, mother, and friend; as no example of in flexible integnty, joined to poems piety and all socialvirtnes, her death will long be lamented in our city, not by those only who stood to her in the nearer and dearer relations of life, bet by the hum• blesOnembera of society, who beat knew the ex tent imd deytdedne es of her active and untiring benevolence. —National lobelia's:lw. Adv.e, from Independence to the 25th ult., owe that a detachment or trove had arrived there, heocug in charge iwo Indians, who are charged math halms a Mn. Colima on the plaint DRUNKABIYB GOOD ANGELS. DT T. IL AILTHUR. "Come, Ady and Jane, it is time you were in bed," raid Mrs. Freeman to her two little girls, about nine o'clock one even ing. Ady aeu nine years old and Jane was a year and a half younger. The two chil dren had been sitting at the work table with their mother, one of them 'Undying her lee, son, and the other engaged on a piece of fancy needle work. "Papa hasn't come yet," answered Ady. "No, dear; but it's getting late, and it time you were in bed. He may net be at home for an hour." Ady laid aside her work and loft the ta ble, and Jane closed her books and put them sway in tier school satchel. You can light the lamp on the mantel pieec," said Mrs. Freeman, after a few mo ments, looking around as she spoke, when she saw that the children had both put on their bonnets. and were tying their warm capes close about their necks. She under stood very well the meaning of this; and, therefore, did not ask a question, although the tears came to her eyes and her voice trembled as she said— "lt is very cold out to-night, children." "But we won't feel it, mother," replied Ady. "We'll run along very quick." And the two little ones went out, before their mother, whose feelings were choking her, could say one word more. As they closed the door after them, and left her alone, ~ h e raised her eyes upwards and murmured, "God bless and reward the dear children " • It was a bleak winter night; and, as the little adventurers stepped into the street, the wind swept fiercely along, and almost drove , them back against the door. But they caught each other firmly by the hands, and bending their Mlle forms to meet the pres sure of the cold rushing air, hurried on the way they were going, as fast as their feet could move. The streets were dark and deserted; but the children were not afraid. Love filled their hearts, and left no room for fear. They did not speaa a word to each other as they hastened along. After going for a distance of several blocks, they stopped be (ore a house, over the door of which was a handsome gas lamp, bearing the words, "Oysters and Refreshments.. It was a strange place for two little girls like them to enter, and at such an hour; but after stand ing for a moment, they pushed against the green door, which turned lightly on its r hinges, and stepped into a large and brit ! , Handy lighted bar-room. "Bless us!" exclaimed a man who eat reading at a table, "here sire those babes again' Arty and Jane stood atilt near the door, and looked all around the room. But not seeing the object of their search, they went up to the bar, and said timidly to. a man who stood behind it, pouring liquor into glasses,— " Had Papa been here to night 1" The man leaned over the bar until his face was rinse to the children, when he said, in an angry way, `. I don't know anything about your father. Arid see here, don't yon come here any more. If you do, I'd call my big dog out of the yard, and make him bite you." Ady and Jane felt frightened, an well by the harsh manner as the angry words of the man, and they craned bank from him, and were turning toward the dam with sad fares, when the person rho had first remarked their entrance, called out loud enough for them to hear him,— Come hare, my little girls." The children stopped and looked at him, when he twkoned lot them to approach. and they did so. "Are you looking for your lather , " ti asked. " Yes, sir, replied Ady. "What dot that man at the bar say In your" "He mid Papa was not here , and that it I we came any more he mould set his big dog i on us." "He did!" " Y., sir." The ma,, knit his brows for an instant. Then he sa i d,— "Who sent you here'!" "Nobody," answered Ady. " Don't your mother know you have come?" "Yes, sir. She told us to go to bed, but we couldn't until papa was at home. And so we C.lllll for him first." "He is here." .1s MO" and the children's laces - Yes, he is at the other end of the room, asleep. I'll wake him op for you." Half intoxicated and sound asleep, it was with some difficulty that Mr. Freeman could be aroused. As soon, however, as his eyes were fairly opened, and he found that Ady and Jane hail each grasped tightly one of his hands, he arose up, and yielding passively to their di rection, suffered them to lead him away. "0 dear!" exclaimed a man who had looked on with wonder and deep interest. "That's a temperance lecture that I cannot stand. God bless the-little ones," he added, with deep emotion, " and give them a sober father.' 'I guess you never saw then' before!" said one of the har-keepers, heftily. "No, and I never wish to agaM•, at least in this place. Who is their father ! " " Freeman, the lawyer." ' " Not tho one who, a few years ago, con ducted with so much ability, the ease against the Marine Insurance Company P' "The same." "Is it possible!" A little grotto now formed around the Iman, and a good deal was said about Free man, and his fall from sobriety. One who had several times seen Ady and Jane come in and lead him home as they had just done, said it was a most touching case. "To see," said one, "how passively he yields himself to the little thinge when they came after him. I feel, • emanates, when I see them, almost weak enough to shed tears." "They are his good angels," remarked another; "but I am afraid they are not I strong enough to lead him back to the paths be bas forsaken." " You can think whiryou please about it gentlemen," spoke up the landlord, •" but I can tell you my opinion on the subject. I wouldn't give much for a mother who would let two little things like them go wandering about the street, alone, at this time of night." One of those who had expressed interest in the children, felt angry at this remark, and he retorted with some bitterness,— "And I would give lees for the man who would make their father drunk 1" " Ditto to that," responded one of the com lrd y. " here's my hand to that," said so mber. The landlord, finding that the majority of his company were likely to be against him, smothered his angry feelings, and kept si lenee. A. few minutes afterwards, two or three inmates of the bar room went away. About ten o'clock on the mat morning, ' while Mr. Freeman, who was generally so ber in the fore part of the day, was in his office, a ttranger entered, and, after sitting down, said,— "I must crave your pardon, befoiehand, for what I am going to say. Will you promise not to be offended!" "If you offer me an insult, I will resent it," said the lawyer. "So far from that, I come with the design to do you a great service." " Very well. Say on." " I was at Lawson's refectory last night." "Weill" " And I saw something there that touched my heart. Ii I slept at all last night, it was only to dream of it. I am s father, sir! I have two little girls, and I love them tender ly. Oh, sir! the thought of their coming oat, in the cold winter night, in search of me, in such a polluted place, makes the ! blood run cold in my veins." Words so unexpected coming upon Mr. Freeman when ho was comparatively sober, disturbed hint deeply. In spite of all his endeavors to remain calm, he trembled all over. He made an effort to say something In reply, but could not utter a word. "My dear sir," pursued the stranger, "you have fallen by the hand of the moo stet intemperance ' and I feel that you are in great peril. You have not, however, fallen hopelesisly. Yon may yet rise if you will. Let me, then, in the name of the sweet babes, who have shown in so wonderful a manner, their love for you, conjure you to rise superior to this deadly foe. Reward these dear children with the highest blessing their hearts can desire. Come with me, and sign the pledge o! fre,dom. Let ua, though strangers to earn c.a. r, unite in this one act. Come!" • Half bewildered, yet with a new holm in I his heart , Freeman arose, and su ff ered the man, who drew his arm within his, to lead him away. Before they separated, both had signed the pledge. That evening, unexpectedly, and to the joy of his family, Mr. Freeman was perfect ly sober when he came home. After tea, while Ady and Jane were standing on either side of him, as he sat near their mother, an arm around each of them, he said in a low whisper, as he bent his head down and drew them closer,— " You will never have to come for me again." The children lifted their eyes quickly to his face, but half understanding what he meant. "I will never go there again " he added, "I will always stay at home with you." Ady and Jane, now comprehending what their father meant, overcome with joy, hid their laces in his lap, and wept tot very gladness. Low as all this had been said, every word reached the mother's ear; and while her heart yet stood trembling between hope and fear, Mr. Freeman drew a paper from his pocket and threw it on the table by which she was sitting. She opened it hastily. It was a pledge, with his well known signature subscribed at the bottom. With a cry of joy she sprang to his side, and his arms encircled his wife as well as her little ones, in a fonder embrace than they had known for years. The children's love had saved their father. They were indeed his good angels. MMML= . . . DILL HEADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, Manifest•, Bilis Lading, Contracts, .Laro Araks, SLIM 'WA Lana, clartrmsraq., tummy ?rotted at the ehortest notice, at lot prlces, at the der: , Go..crrn 0,nce.TII1112.1.11.1" W. id.. Wright, at. D., Dentist, Ocssca and residence on Fourth et. opposite ate Potsburgh Bank. (Asa ,iciorsafLog,,,,Pkolocillsc P. It .)11.1e,nd Inapravainent• to Destil•try. Mt. 0. 0. STE:MINS, late of Boston, le prepared to nufactore and set Bums Tierra 01 whole and ports lsets, upon SuctionorAmwspberte Suetaso T.X.TUAC. CotiD Nrty. wtsnrna, where the nerve is exposed. Office and restdence next door to the May ere oMee Foonh sweat, Pstmhurgh. Rkru ft. MlFadden,•F. H. Eaton_ 101 l PIE* wad Martn• Inanraskoe.—T.Prns -o'4lll NAV7O4II. FL. I,aouncc Cal•PiTeT— bartered IKlll—contlatles to 1111 upou every dn. enpllou prOperty, al Mt lames a te, , .aln. Om.- No 11 Mortet street. SAAIUM G0R111.1% Roane torfrdliat l'n,t.Lressuaott, Hearer , Ya, Sept 4, loll] 'Leyte, learned that the late widow of your larnelnr ed townsman, Chas I. Vol; deceased, is believed by Many to hove died at rny house, and radar my care and treatment, and that our town had been • Ml ed by the Cholera, I desire to contradict both minors as unfounded in feet The said lady we. neither et the rune ef her dere.< nor during her illness here an Liman. of toy establishment,nor ander Ilydroperlile treannent; and the proverbtal 111:alo to health of town leaves ng drat, We neither " had' nor "hove" here any ASIIIIC Cholera spt7:di F:DW AR() A 7,Et•ft 1l 13 4.211.10 , Sll.ks“ SILKS" —The me..., larges t end 0 ehra assc , rtruent evcr offered .ey at ape house tothe ti'estern country. A A MASON A CO. •rale M main at lANIINIEIiF.2 , AND M [YE I.AIN Va.—Many case Oda day uy , nsag at A A. NIA- 4 UN Un• rur- Stre. 60 Mara. It ajl O I IAI.ICOFX-' Ller)l , — , , CALICODr! .. More %,_J than 40.0h0 yards or the above aimed gocril• haw. heeu recel ye.) darrpg dm past vreels,ar the only cheap erre price •Inte ___ , .ptlU__ — A A Si Avr rV k CO 1 43 ranee. Lae.... oi every dry,rehir , tern. prters vaults' , from I te 50 el. err voted. .0(10 A A MASON t CO ri`li:KlN(iS' TICKING?" TICKINGS!!!--A. A Ma i 0011 it. CO, NO hu larkrt st. have to store the ler •‘...or.roonl. at once, ourtvalie.d. Ca:l at the only erre•torn .010 MEMIIIMENEMI AMASON & CO 40 Mattel •1, 'oral open tht orn,s4 • le.. plecc• ncn and °bo, nation 1 ren m ch lant2 ,—ake like cannot be found elsenrbe AND BROWN ,111.7 1 311,1N5—0f twat all axe wc.ll known brawls, Dam D et. Per' `Do , 1,4 sole A A MAStON AO, L e" 41 ' ilVO: y & CO, s9llO ts Water st !-- Lee prime Hui and Jaye Care 1. b S Y W ATERMA L.ll rlrcrl. mnd raA..l4ea (i roardet. Imperial as.l Watt Tess, ter sale h opt' U LSWATEILIJAN P, ... . `. .tOl . PrKEI A 0 LlCl O ,—.lO tOOO POOO., toe 1-. .00.01 1:10. A bO. Alsptee, 10 hay Orwand d. raie by .{OlO L+ WATKRIO AN MADDER—it cah•tuAbrealsadet, Ow tale b! •ptso L WATERMAN I..ksBlA—So ma. Cant, for sate by ,pIIO L S.VATT.RNIAN cc OAP-100 la. RD." n Soap; 3 do Almond do; 2d , C) bor •rtivernor Anving nap: lir do by S WATFRMAw fl'1) Y FINS AN I) BATTLNI,-5 , 49 lbs Conan , 11.1.1 es two I and b Batting; for R WATERMAN A I/ BUCKETS-3 do Tabs; 7 do Baotou., do lilen, for ts b sp.° ev. WATFIBLIIN TA S\ll—'A b. capon.", nuiliSlnvrh: R.. We by *N , LS WATERMAN ArtaTE,7n 'bf V l L! Jo oalebl qn CL . 4 ., , ntt y SEED— „Tobnat ptirs 4 9 %7 , 7, SelNfor ("I LASS--100 hos 8310. smith & Herron . . brood; 30 do 10312 1.0 do 739 &Ivo. 0010. 10214. lootq tOOl4. 12[16 40415:310 . 12, ..• 0 by rptlo L werEameN - -- TEM It.sim or A NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC geIWARREN 8 VITH 010 thlt method of Werra trog the aabseribera to his View of Pittsburgh, seethe abeam gemoratly, that Mt is to lier wait with all poarabla &spa/eh. rod peoa to have 0 ready Aar delivery comae limo Olt Pan. He also boo leave to tabum all waterbed, that s "View of Pittahorght" 0 about to make 10 114416.111.11, gobbet re by ...Hodson * South." 0 Wean*, itallTa 11 to W any cortneeted moth the putatteation Oda gloom, and thaw veto aabsentred to his wort, will roulity Noat : the one which they entmed to ulte. ew Volt, Sept. 4, 14 4 40 aptlOnidt POll RUNT, lit.,===t; (oeol hod I ~rorte o f iluket at, being • good stand for Dry Goods. ALSU—Several rums suitable for olle_ce or drtund room. large_public Parlor, amirably tialenla d Cot • Lath.' Heft . ..cunt and t oo ammo Saloon From its.l., elegant finish, and central locution, be. lug to the =mediate nelghlarhood of the fashionable dry goods .torus, and admin.( Philo Halt, this Moro id afford a parturient stand every way deGrahle; andin the hands of a person qualified to conduct the above bound. m Finalero style, would sopply a weld much felt by strangers vidang Pittsburgh nod ladles residing to the vicinity of the city. To such no into pant. would secant • luxe, genteel sod profitable mummy bu Ttie 'p.m. .4 well lighted hutment of the dding war he rented with the Saloon, which at is coavenieutly connected For terms,wluch are moderate, apply to 'polo E. D OAZZAM Pam and Mercury rdeaaa copy. WA69IHOTOn OBIVKft ITY OF ...111110ZO. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. pill.: annual waren Mr lato will commence, war. lurrodoetory Lemon, on Oa last Monday in October neat. The daily Lee Ina therealler will Le temporally delivered lo the commodious buildlor Peony lined up lot the purpose, on Liberty street, one door north of BalUennro MEDICAL FACULTY: Jou" C. S. Moats. D and Practice sf limwa Medicine: Mad. Juisptudence and Menial DMen..... C Roams, M —o.,sie nes and Do me. of Women and Calldren. WWI.. N. Witmer, M D —Chemistry. A. Nocrarour Roam, A. M. M. L.—Anatomy end Phyatologi. It N. Witmr, M. lit D.—Surger7. Prinnor, A. M. M. D.—Therapeutics, Mat. Med lee, end Hyiene. The dad. of the Devairmatrator will be perlormad by the/ Prof.:or of Lomorny. The Faculty have at their nonarriand the Moat ample metes, epperams, models, to, for • coulee thorough and compieta to is delivered io the Mat regulatad la atitaijang ia the c 0911117. The Obatetrical models am thegrt mid best afar imported, !kW weed mow rued In a, al gloat coat. Th•Faisolly atsoan pUsible. to SD the va,Lat chairs with gentlemen thoroughly otrelined to meerthe reeptelende dolled thereof. They plMliinthentaelma to invnaarind devotion to the Mimesis Mall wit, .47 divP.vd ro pat therit• wive. under their widow Ticket. 111 each; Diploma 112 it, Dmnoostrater 51% Manicolailon attmlants arriving the city air ruemad to call on moo member of the Faculty, whe will giro advice with regard to the mt./none' • boar ding ho &a. Ay. For furth me, er iuformalion, address the than ofthe Fa. misty. ItErtaNALL IV W RlElll'. No. 101 Weal Faye. at, one doer Wow of lability .1. Ilerionew. mtlo:dtawn.-4 Ilan to, JOUS LITLIVS SPOOL SILK, EXPRFSSIS FbR BEWINo smut the many inconveniences attending the use of the o . s .mary Stein. the above article Else wen inueli, and for • long .line wanted. It h. elves) been a m e atier of ardordshment, that whilst the ennui ores. ele Conn.'s,. eonveniently simoled tor genre. a non so much mom valuehle, should have halo supplied Skeins, from which so, much trouble, val. anon and 10. has •nmn. The &Smutty has at last been overcome, the Puldie is offered a rood •rtiele, h.dsoinely put tip In a eo. semen, form for denies.: use. The ably objection urged against this smote is the app..nt small quantity on e . a , c , b . =ol. Th,s I s sassy e o n, ;I.l%?'whil=o.rdinairsy'Striiii, gi!rede., b. but an parent.. quaintly varying Item lb to PA yards. The Spool Slit is ready for use at dm hale of pot. chases, and it only needs • trial, to ...lime the most akeptieal alit. superiority to quality. lud e p s ..i o „, the neat and convenient tom to which II I. furidshed, it has peat sesantages Otter the elem. as does wet at an. Ma tedium of Vultiline. Ms vexation of and the to. of time in preparing it for use. Par sale by the ease, by W. II lIAS/Ild ANN • SONS Nonh et, Philadelphia II ASIIMA NN, lIWNS 1/ILUCIILII, sptlO.dter Na it Yd... Lane New Vorg PONY FOR 11414.14.—A Weak Panay. cagy gait, w tttttt ell auutat, 1,4 sale ts too, tuyan at II II I'M' rEa6o ..1.11, 1....,y h& ..... ,14._:11_. DIL. W. IL DAK/itl, DEN'F Tao ll.sta of Naar 11NT,°,1.1 Unle.—SmishLica An., bony.. Sovatitti uid Btrawbtrty allay. N a —Maws of lie mark gums aat v irtth mated klasuMatlgoally, tlitttat THEATRE E. stager .k o , mt e rn ,,--Ones Circle and Parquet.. .50 et.. Second Tier Apartment for people of color • • • • .45 at- ncon open past Tel toe --Cartatn tin me at 9 o'clock. 'SENNETT' OP MSS tIF.RON AND FANNY. Menus, Semen= lOW—will he presented the NERVOUS MAN. • H.:thane ... .. Miss Heron. After which, a MUSICAL OLIO, by. Little Agnes and Sisters. . . To he followed by the beauttlkil Farce called WHO SPEAKS FIRST Capt. Charles Mr. Reynolds. Mies ISIBILmt bliss Cruise. The whole to conclude GRETW oil GORIE S th the Musical Barletta of TLIE O Mr. Gregory Rise Heron. Gregory Little Agnes. Fauchette Mies Fumy. C. M. DANE, M. 13, TTONCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND DUDGEON. uencs—On Smithfield at, between 3d mad Ch. GMee hours—Frain 13 M. to 3 P. M.—from d to 3, P. M. Dastnerma—Mr. Bandar% corner Smithfield and and Third au. rpiSaDim Planes with Pat 0 ***** d Elammors. I - 11HE subscriber feels himself called upon to notice I an advertisement reapmting an improvement in covering the hammers of Pianos, which profes.s LO announce -Pelt covered Pianos" as • new itiv.tion. Pia. Forms with felt covered hammers have been sold by me, from different manufacture...for five years Pnvt , and those who may consider it an improvement, can be eupplied with Pianos with V.T coven. ham mers at any time, .4 the conparative merits MP. and Leather tested, by calling at the rearcroonesot the ...ember JOHN H. SM.. LOB, ft Wood at, Pole Ag.t for Cblekering's Pianos for Westeen Penmylv.ia. Ptd NEW FALL GOONS. W . R. MURPHY la now receiving Ms first Pall sootily of Foreign and Domestic GOODS. and ban already aliened on usortment of new and beauti ful style. new fall PRINTS, warranted fast colors; and neat new style Fall Muslin de Laine4 A 'puce.. and Mohair Lusters; Dimwit fied and striped do Parmattos and Lyonese Cloth.; Of the nsost deslratile colors; and a full imPPIT of bleached and unbiesched Mastitis, Irish UMW, Man chester Ginghoms,tr.a., at northeast corner Fecolk and Market ats. Buyers are invited m call and see. Readings and Idasitsaleins. R. ALEX.RENNEDV, formerly Prof. of Moen , IV./ fion in the Royal BeHam College (Ireland,) and uow in Me W. IL Col!axe, U, respectfully announces th at Le has resumed his Hasten. His second Hbakepeerien end afiseelhaeoes solar tainment, Mosmoned ton, illness,/ will begiven in the Fourth Ward School Rending . , Perm meet, on Monday wynine. the 10th instant, it 8 o'clock. The /nest .ad mos( cdeutive passages will be wleeted. Ticket. Cent. Particulars may be known at the office of this pep., mid a, Herb. bookstore. eptElaint TEACHERS WANTED. C„ IX TEEN SALE TEACHERS wonted for the 1,1 Schools of Lower ftt Clair township. Applica tarn may be made in asthma or othentrim to artY of the anderw goad. nail lloadar,Oct DU at IV o'clock, A Al., wfien Me Board of Dtreotors will proceed to es• &mom the anp temts at the frame School 'lov e to Temperanrcvslle Salary 4125 per month. PIIILIP J. S3lllll. Lower St. Clam IL II AM ERTON KELLY, Temperanceville A AMBLE& 34 Smithfield at. sptStd tw Dispatch ropy. _ BB' BOOK .—A Treatise on Hand Railing, enta il prng three original selizi. of applying Me tremor. or airing in drawing lie face toods of geo meters!, rllipucniand spiral Head Rails; also. au ennuisi system of applying Me ups of the mould no the edgy 01 the plank. unoriginal theory of resting points, deem milk an itartniurtory rotine:of geometry. rs• nos am! proportions. rcemplificul by full and complete deem...alums. end lUiwrated oy twenty plates. BY L. F. lie) told., Architect, No. :11 Camp At N. Orleans. Just reed by JOHNSTON &STOCKTON. •te corner Third and Market es WHALEW • 01L-1 rak I , leatbed ',utter Whale 011, reeeLved and lor • see by • •ei 10fIrd D NIORGAN ENITIAN 11.60-1 u bbly fur owle by JOHN D MOW:AN V spil • de, Int We by O:4F. PINE—.I3O ."4' 1041.1' D MORGAN EPI4OM SALT'S— bbl. 5 D MORGAN _ PUMICE STONE-1 esk reed and for .ale by ,p l y JOHN D MORGAN Ff,,"l . E`"" B-4 mo.N ACICEREL—SU LLD No 1, large, 1100011 iorp't 10 11( do 1 do do do Jost lan,Lng and for sate by 411){, J d DILWORTH /r. CO. L 7 Wood $ 11 , ANN DRS OIL.-13/ MD for %ale by J 3 DILWORTH It CA QC , : AR-3I blabs N U. for sale by ,ry,b, 1 S DILWORTH & CU SUGAR HOUSE MoLASNES---13 MM. Am ..we _sr l P DILWORTH & CO Q UMAIG—RO bbd. or boor! quality, for sal• by Ma 4 ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, From st HOPS -14 bales old, la more end for sale b 7 sob ISAIAH =KEN k CO 'FACER lIAIK--3abs Cor sale by MU' ISAIAH DICKEY dr CO V IRGINIA MANUFACTURED TOBACCO—Oa .pd and for sale by opts ISAIAH DICKEY &CO , SUGAR HOUSE .SR/L.A.N.6 0 .-For sale by ar.9 ISAJJJ/ DICKEY & CO . • H OGS NEADS•4IbbIs In more and far tale by ISAIAH DICKEY & CO I'No I loaf. IA a bad Igo. far family for sale by sySII bbI ISAIAII DICKEY ACO IrF.A-40 la chests Y Maud Nast, loot arrived.: fa , able by spr9 ISAIAH DICKEY & CO S • SALTS-30 bbl, in rune and tbr .ate by ISAIAH DICMY &CO (IHME.-17.3bza ins% need ai the Wesism Recent thmn , ennss.,oepo4 and 11/I,mb by a•rt) J D CA.NfIELO 111100LER TOOLV—tieber & Laufmen,NeTS *rood s‘lieve bus received • gpleadid ctoete( Orme.. zenisti.lolners , "rocis, falcate locr. ACICHAEL:IBO lAN No 1 flame 7X4kaTel, • • • KR dk: JONFS. Csnal Rule, moo 7zit at J UNIAr& OLOOMS-40 um conoignmenn In onnentni for lola by 'FAS KISS & JONES ILKOLASSao--Unebla N 0 Molasses, la matt oo at der, in non mod for .ant Ly •m SIRE & TONES TI OCK 011,--30 pills, very we, le sten net foeatle gel KIER & JONIN 101IOLIVAR FIRE MUCK—PRICE RE/WC/M D The subscribers am prepared to fill embers far (Rover's Bolivar Ent Brick, tartan/3.d egad 10 any in tuarseta by the bom toad, at siztaso dollus per thouund. spel KIF.E JONER ACON 81Dh9-- M 6O 0 0 0 Ms prime, in smoke house, Bfor Jule by spsB KIER dri EEMI _ FOR CINCINNATI. Tim tplenilld RINCOOLD, Wdl leave tot We above And all in tertstectute ports Ras tlav, at 4 Welerlt Pot freight or panne, • :AVits-Eillagto= MRS SARAH IL HANNA. Principal. TlllB Institution has been in weemsful operation 1, for thirteen years, the lan nine, under the diree• non oldie present Prineipal. The year is divided Into two sessions of Ave months each. The winter term begins on the first Monday of November—the summer term on the fires Monday of M T heye c e ndesee for 1/49, shows an of 000 pupas, law wit m h eight elletent teachers. The present see sion nubers di When payment is made In advance, the charges for board and tuition In We Hagfish breaches are PM per term. or 113 d per annum. For board and tuition to. goober with Mame, Drawing. Penning, and the Fr ench lan 1110 per terns, or Still per unentn, Nottrabstandlng the low by fire, °tow of the build. Wits, the Trauma take pleasure in sunny that it hae been replaced by another affording impmved accom modation. for an increased number of pupils. Young ladles educated ae Teachers, are sent to dif ferent sections of the Union. lipOn nppliention to the Prlsicipa By order of the Trustees. D. AIICONAUGHEY, Prest. apt7t43o R. DIXON'S TOUR Tatitoucit AMERICA— Personal narrative of a tour through • part or Ito O. 6 .. 0 d c.odo, with notices of the history mid usmotion of Methodism in America by Jamo• Dixon, O D., ivitha portrait of the author. The liarmonist, • collection or Sacred Haste, patent and mead notes. Method'. Alm.. for 1650—pence 6 cents—for sale wholesale and retail by FL HOPKINS, spin _ Apollo Ilttlldlngs,Fouriti st Jos lliitecTigaiecii . . --- THE submriber ides t completed "his stock of PIANOS, compoxd of 6, Cliand 7 octaves of every variety of style and price, with and withootiCole man'acelchented /Callan Attachment, from the reit.- bratetl factory of Nunn. a Clerk, Now YD.*. They arc all provided with the above import:tut improve ment All other Piano makers In this country cover the hemmers Welch strike the string and prodoce dm term) with leather. Tins, as they all adnut, wears in lily, the i“Sere growing hard and, harsh and them costume. after the Pie. has been used • while, a most disagreeable, harsh and wiry tone. Nona. A Clark ' have within the Inalens mantra covered the hammers withistt rloiA, an entirely now invention. producing•• mast orrelodions nod volnuencem tone, which still ma primes by see. nutted of growiag harsh and hard, as lead.' necessarily does. This mop mfly he pie nouneed the gentlest improvement in Pianos yet to i ven ted The Memo , of these Piano* is magniteent.y gilded end embelleabe4, ell ether the Helmet finish imaginable. Keeping an assortment of Cams, and er PI•11.•, the public, can convinee themselves of hrsuperiority of felt to teethe', by calline and vs nos tit i Instrotnente R. KLEBP.R. Sole Agent for Nano. tr. Clark At J. W. Woodweil's 01 II —Tim above will be sold at manufacturers pewee. and the money renamed it feline In the least ristootte• , • ge v emosa — Ste i nseir eßi — r - Fl — Planata ' r AT ORF:ENWOOD HARDEN.—Hissits Parse r the p ~,,,, .. OW, glO6 tree hundred. Victoria and liovey's Seedlings, 50 eras per hundred call th.dity plants warrmited. Orders hare a distance carefully put up and forwarded. Also, • large colLeedpirp, t.ireenhocas PlanPastolph and Taylor's Seedling avvaitt,E, leaver the Allegheny City and of the : St Cloir.Street Madge, for the Ganlen, every half hoar ~,„,,,, thss day. The *team host will oommencer its reenter for as soon as Om river rises. augSl JAMMI WI( AIN. ICIPDX;sTs - IM'.Wjal - Lfiffg; FOR PHII.ADELPHIA AIM) DALTIMORE, geltraraltly tot Paradigm.. —The Boras otalleLlne mill leave as tallow. at V o'clock ot ltorsoy, Saundra, 8 4 , 41 . Ohm—A Craig, Sunday, vs. lborattans—/ I' Thompson, Mango), MI. Kenteety—H ?ruby, Tuesday, IM iodlum—P Harkey, Wedonaday, ooh dobs—Capt. A Craig, Tlioraday, Ilk Lonloians—J P Thompson, Mara, Ith Kentucky—Cara H PatardsY, Ilk Indiana —P Hockey, Runiay, Otno—Caps A Civiig, Monday, 10th. Loelsiann—J P Thompson Traoray, lite Konioray—Capt Fruby,', loth Indiana—P I:turkey, Thamday, 13th. Otti.--A Craig. Friday, led. Looralras—J P Teemprara, FmoollVjft, c „ , Par yummy, apply to Monongahela Hoorah sr P LRCM'S k Hone ala by ang3l gp bilis No I s nnrChs, sn Wm wird .0f ENGLISH & BENNETT, MAilll.R uun—to v., urn azw RI Oort OP I,'WSOlh 1-t . :., 1 ~ - 6,--, -- -R,- , s g, u . g4.,,V41.11i,AK 7 ..,_,. 7:lz ,;:-..: Ck; . - 7,k,.,, --. --,-\ 31 .q . , ' ,?..: ,,--, - ,I_ • _.: 4,. ; - - Q..- --- 51. , -.•±-, , _ z ..;,,;,;* t : I' - ' ..- , ..., r-,...Li.-.,:i1• , -- , -, 0,, , ' __ . JOHN H. MELLOR, NO. 61 Wood atreet,itsa lmr eived a new stock of ViartoFortee from the fo6 lowiaa celebrated menufacturersi — One Romweed 7 oct. carved in the .171 e of malt Etl7. Oue do 7do - do do One do 7 do round corners. plain carving. One do 7 do plain round corner. One do al de elegantly carved. One do 01 do plain round earners. One do 61 do do do One do 6 do carved furniture. One do 6 do plain mond comet Ore do a do do do One do a do oloin moue. All the ahove are from the eclebruted manufeedidl of Chickerina. Berton, and are warranted In all eases, nod Om purchese money refunded, if foand defeetive in any particular, the priers are the same MI charged at the manufactory. and are em low as Mom of inferi or quality Imo other makers. atm 1{2.13•19 Steen Rosewood 6 ant . , from Racon Raven, N. V. One do 6 de do IL Worceafet, N. Y. Two do at do do Roman IC Raven, N. X. One do 0 do do Gales & Co, N. Y. 11 the above Piano Fortes warranted tnevall .pw., being mode expressly to order sod are mob as eon be relied on for dorabititr even , tooth, and of JOHN H. MELLOR. reNe m4° o Amt "o ot o tor sale of Chlekertngqi Piano Forte , . am? for Weatem.Peneaylvania. DT. JOHN FICIII&LED COLCMGM. ItIARIETTA. OHIO. Rt. Rear Chau.. P Dtahop of 74.1.0 pal Church in Ohio, Werra Rev. D. W. Touroan, U. D. Rector of St.Luk.O. FAS. copal Church. Mariam, Mammal- Mrs Passau -a M. Totram, Awmciate Principal. Aided by an efficient and experienced Board of Teachers. no NEXT SESSION of this lbstltuilito eo nes the tit of Ocromm. and cm:tette* five Calen dar months. Number of Boarding Pupil.awn. ro ram, A. full course occupies three peen. Tb. sun deed of graduation Is high. This low hatters is Wasted on the south orewern bor der. of the beautiful plain La the rear ofdariea near the well known rite of the Compius M.A.. The !D -eaden Is redred, hMhimdbealtol. The ground. cover ahem five of The quietness of the plade—theys sociatiorts of the lorality—tbe characters ..r roundmg scenery—the fine old town It -as barge sod apaciceas balding-4e ample groneda end ahale, intim to contemplatiou and study. It v. m abort, a quiet pleasant rarest, awaY fr om the tempts ' rictus and noise. of ets. The large airy apartment. occupied by the Toon Lattice are comfortably fanushed. carpeted, tomphed with r e not and other convenicutes oat MBILMJ 'so to rb retools. The oldest is to noire, a ;show q .molt side', with the covetri dad sdetestegn of • well ma-elated Citrittionfooss/p. Tolard hos maadirtrs charge of the boarding Peak The govenrment ts firm, but Mod. NT...Ix one MI!10 adVance. - TERMS, PER St ION: For Hoard and Tuition., leluding room rent, far. niture, bedding. fire an n d Issas—with instrue hen ,al.2tabtaidery. U.ofot and Fancy Needle work, and, the Al3OlOOO LATICIRgOS• •-• • • • .$l4 Od Maass, hicidern Lassmages, Piloting and Draw ing ............ • • • ........ • ••• • • • •Extra elssrse. Refer Is P r ltillbStreS to Rae. George DPfoldh UssimP elect of Indiana; or to Dr. Sylvester Day, A egheOl Amami. Marietta. it As indicative clam health of Marietta. it Mar to ft , marked, that through the Ideating of a kind Providence daring the nekty ...lon, them bee been no ease of cholera in the Institution, or the town; and the keno. rel health of the town has been good. spt7,33to balk prime Cheese. 1L111.1.1117011 sale b .on PEACOI"3-4.0 but& Dried Pesch. L halves, in store son for .aleby i. 7 & W sp FEES EI:MLLES. EDITOUB at the tier-roan neteariapir, "W PST PA. SPAM'S ZbUTUNG," taco oppoeite the Poet etice. Third street, Pittsburgh, gronldreepectielly an once in the public In general. that their paper, tithieli bee alreaily a lar4e circulation, otters the hest tmtiu (or 6dVertlliee in German et ensue:nary And reasonable rates. Also, all bads of JOIPPRINTING dorieinGersoun. opir.ith S - - -- CORCIIING9-10 oaks Scorchiuga, for ode by apt? H GRANT TOBACCO --al 1 bo.e. Pocaberwo's raped.. 5 , a TOI baaco, receiving laud for side by apt: C 11 GRANT T1T006,-The higbell market prise 111 cash paid for V V the Moroni grader of Wool by ire 9 kN HABBAUGH LARD OIL--3 bids No 1 Lard Od. in Mora and for sale by 4pr7 44 kW HA AUGII ANTED-5000 bo.h Barley; WM do Corn; 4000 W do Ric, for 4,rnieb the bithut market once in elan vrll be paid by spa Sk W RARDAUtiII KID GLOVES—F. 11. Felon k Cu have reserved fresh vepply of Kul Move* of ell color, &amt.! ho auttimo sod wilder. S ilk. Csausere 'red 13 (14evee, with fer wrists. For mete at 63 Foarth Dloe and = i tttwzn ax gr blue, 7 , 1ne,. 1. 1 c 1ae lore& VIMI of all reed 8117 r tale by H. C 7 F H EATON & CO, di Poonh .1 E TIIIIIIRLLAS-A small of Ladies Ellk Urnbrel ii Isis, both black and coined, for ale at BATON'S Trimming *me, Fourth sr. spa QL:thift— , 4 , l Lards N 0 Sugar, atrietly. prime, just 0 received and fat aide by spa Ld W. •the 101tAT rnew, ItER$ —x fo u r sale lb. prime Feathers, re anise•td and by • ,p BIWHABOAIIOH ACSKILVA.--177 hi:as No Vargo Etlackerti,ln attire sad for tale by spa t ts. w Anal:foil - • - • lITE, th e undersigned, base received Leiters of Pa tent gg' tent for the Concrete Safe, (or .ale wish to Iron Boxfusida in plaeog.f • wooden One aeon:tally glade() also Lunen Patent far the no of Hydtaolie Celgents for Oiling the vaenom ind sofea—aud understood. sai tug Hat others bare been Infruning on the impinge. rent (for which LetterS rweett (Hie been ranted) *lnce our application (or said patent, we now give no. -tine dust all such itzfrlngentent either to onsnufacturing, belling or no ng shah be prosecuted oceording to low, E t 7.1.. HALL, Clammed... _ Alias. . J1:13.1 . 11 11L14 , 8. DILWORTH & Co, Wholesale Greco" P.. . dace and Comaiaslon Hercbards, and Agents for the Huard reorder Co. of N. V., No. 77 Wood ar o gad • lICIAR-16 Idols. N. O. Barer m acre ood for sale la by sodid or. a. GORDON. rfREALM CIIF.ME.--.3)b.t. reed and for sole by vt6 mot & liIVANDIA33 R. CIIKI39E-13 , 2 R Cheese, far ode by W19_11.... , 1RTA...Y piss's_ FMI =NCH BRANDY—A imperial , snide tar xed!. einal &mows, ° s:' an and Ibr rale by .10 JOHN D MORGAN, Irraggiat 0/1T WlNE—Warranted pana Ms medicinal pn P pence, Pam received amd sale hy spin JOILN 13 MORGAN SP. G-' • al WIIMIN bbls for ral6 17 JOIINDIJORDAN SP. TURPENTINE-12 Obis jam reed &ad for .1 by spal ants D !lOWAN 011DOMD GREEN-2 cues aura. Dr safe by_ TB JOAN D MDDDAN ==Nl lITEki*OODE-30 bbla just reel and for sale by spol NEW BOOKS--Adtronbeindounfe to the Woods, by. J. T. Headley. Life of De WM Mom Italy, Alps and the Rhine, by Headley. Arthur's Tales, for Rich sad Poor. Holidays Abroad, by Mrs. Kirkland. ELLIILI loners, b N. V. Willis. Received and for sale by R. HOPKINK, sat Apollo Oniklings,Fotoilt st OF NBW dOODB FOB TDB Pill, TUBB. A A. hIABON CO, No. 60 Market Omit, have .116.. Just theeived same:Lease stack of NSW.FALL GOODS, to.whiela they Invite the ancieuen or their friends and the putille.--assoing he Stet every aro. ele will be sold at their lanai low prices—eo low as to defy competithin. are SIGHT and short time BILLS OF EXCHANGS,pay abIe in Cincinnati, Looterdle and Bt. Loath, par chased on the most favorable terms. spt.6 16..HOLUES A SONS. MITT CHEMS on Near Vort, Philadelphia and S Baltimore for 'ale. N- HOLMES /t. SONS WILL ODA ASll—al to.. hlutpras & Soar, /3 do fluseo & So.; for sale by &HEY, MAT/WRNS ir. co, 1.16 VI Water is Q CORR II INGB—e6 cal. bast gantitv, for .ate eT 0 pal RUBY MATTHEWS d. CO POT ts" -12 agagTlo _ l p kgllyst b x C 0714-453 bapptmrtaMa,twrinjo TA—l9.o bf chwta YE, Imperial and P Tea; 18 do do Poaehong Tem e 8 caddy blt V 11, o P and Imperial Tea, of Meal importation; for role & by !rota HUEY, MATTHEWS CO 1911-112 bbl.large No 3 Mackerel; 33 do Gibbed FHerring; OD Fre etookat dO. for sole by seta MONA& 33 —OS bra Gs frairi - dTb., — orbell brands, for se by •us rinEr, stvrnmws k C/3 RICE -10 tes huh beo 4 for uteby !PL.. _ OHM% 111,&711111WS if 91 It — LUM—lirbble fit rid; by .' sod RIMY, 24.1:L7MM1t ACO AR—lid bbl. North Caporno,Porlisie by_ .VI RUE ' S', —MATTHE_WS. k. CO —--- 1/04A8AIERa114 bids prime N 0 hiatuses; ID do An sugar boom do, ferule by Solo HIM AIAITH' NEW GOODS. W. AFCLINTOCK la opus constantly racelainsho . Fall Smelt of CARPETING OIL CLOTHS, ac. among mi s sals may he Mond Me faikruring . warm:lm Ameßamer Came.; d ' POO Chenille Rum Vaunt o do Tufted do apestry- do Common do Jo rama's Jo :sheepskin Mats, Emra stop. 3 ply do Manilla do c o do Tufted do So peedoo,,, e i n , do Ade.laid do Fine do do b-4, 74,114,34, 44 and 34 COIZIIIOO do do lamin OR Cloths; g do Table [Ansa, do lllnekebrielt Diaper, -- . u t , and)Top Teo do Linen rnult; Toeld do do Ottottok Linen Ste /b + 4 . -4 , %1 4 , co, I, 1 a 2.4 wool do do Pitt., Oil Cloth do do we 'o, 4o .ratbf!t'Llttttyko ever befo O re ouered COT. We 11112140 all wishuis to Cornett , Hottses nod Meant /Us% to codl and clue toe our stook before purettaning olumhoro. otrpet %Yardarm, Net. 76 Fourth at. riq W. eVOLINTOCK. nid METAL— 00 tono Hotline i6 o - iiilfoiil; -- ft7, r 0010 b, ISCROSIIDOL, WILSON 4 Ctly, ettev Warm iOrPalt t Tcopartnership or HENRY IIANNDI 4 CO.' J formerly Ilannen„ !dollar a. Co., in the Window a d Colored Olga borinem, 44 Orb dip diumlue4 hy tho withdrawal or Idr, Roderick The business will be connected by {{he enderattra4 asst I. dm of lIANNEN C 4.1. Waso. holm No. 104 Pemba o,srbers we win have eotataot eoppties of euperar Witl4ol, Gig.% IIN lIMSNEN, 30 ItYYBY, ILANNF.N, 110IISIIT4ON, Po." , lbt A " oo ki ti l° YINEGAI" doS f llr iVZLERS it,ll OL,LBSE.-17o14 , 11NWIttilo.iiei, to sto . in atul AL for lase by sup ENGIAII kISENNETT •!..., ; :g T.ff 1, .ty Jetta D. Darvia. ♦acuapap ~ . 41 asset 21.104*5. or 0 41 0 ", ' . 6.4604 t p. o r traction. On Wednesday momlhK. t2th inst. n, to o . eladt, tha Coransensin) Sales Itionss, somas al Wand Mid ash sti,NeTtl,,,Veld ay eatienslha - hn IC e'en -nyik, dkk ., on tan, t , tt , t te-41eateallecas, Itraf ant , B a bb", att shaiptistay tents tmPer 144 Ain. nsniP veal anti thick boats; youths calf and kip 4a; rams atst4py, bn d and bawd and thlek.hrispans; awns antishad alt sent p/tAer Itaotenk :ansainnatnedaeso hasp, k kp kw. =omens and bronzed shoes; men. and tantatanpasant sad rot..pilf JOHN D DAVA.9, Assignee , : Sake of ftrp Gcod , „ On ltfolidij trst:Sohm. HePete-1 0 db id 10 o'clock, at die Commercial Hale. Roma% 0 0 . 110 " . ". Wool sad Filth moms, wilt be sold, by ordar of Amitive-- A large assormsentof AsPlaaad 40.7 GM Goals, among :atria:aro anperfunk .10th., cacntme, inne,f,., satinets. yeas. flardiols, blanket. bandit ilanam q bleached and bravo modus, tiokbig.3 (mg. haos, weer PHOts, T0ert00...11...9.4 lases, hosiery, • At 2 O'clock, Groceries, Queencarara, Font. intro, ha Young Hyson and Impetial Va. menillamored tobacco, toonser scales and weights, •pasrad talancos, axes, tchet. shovel *siting laid .erainday pate , . vriodo ha vr mame . l olocks, ;Mae. da , Poikk, alum..., hr. A large an d gonerd assortmond dam sad second hand household (min., he. 3 . At o'clock,.. A quantity of fashionable mad) made crougaz, boom and shock, hats, caps, Ana =gem gold and silver watches. 0.01 gang, pkoola, soabrekas,mutdal loam men., as. 7 —opt7 A°ZUNIS TR.& NOTIOS . scriber having taken eta Legere of gdontoistra win on the Fauna of PAUL MILLER, late of the oily of Allegheny, accented., hereby gives notice to all per sons having clam stralgst avid Water to ?resent them, duly authenticated, for settlement and all per sons indebted are required to ntaldninnatvttate per meat to the sobredber, to the 0111,0 r Alkitillai• trolthdfll• ANN. MASS hIIII I ER,Adon. 7: .. .. . ORM° a SKUPNERForgrardlag und'r..:9mission i... 1 Aletehaat, N". 26 Markc!st„ . litt#MAL :. _ sptrp -- - F . .. LAUR......101?1ts hurt Ned mt. airsaln br NitS -• .., .-, , CRAIG a SKINNER I\4 ANUPAr:rIJRED VOLIACCO—tr Oire.blee IU. eases •Barroirhe fires CbeerOr Tobaft* re bf. brm , Nif II Criore liptlp 'fob. , cog J o do 'Herr.' • laratkV .5"4 14- do 'Jura's , Vs DalCilD6re PJui. end for sale br 015 to to store and lbr male Of .03 8 DILWORTII k. CO BAITING -200 balesNOl ind 2 : iynni and kw sale by sptS .1 9 DILW 11TH &CO nOTTONILLM-10,OXIItu in Murn !Ltd far .ale by ayu. 3 ti - nIi,AVOR:III s CO KY APIWW-400 built brood condition, for cote br bp a• . SDRAVORTII k. CO 0FV11 , ..-100 bate; a 'wpcilo sntcle“ daily by 44 J smumoniti aco 1 8 m 'Ego LIK*I-21:0 to. ,011. )(emir - Pleraft kn. c 0. 91 - ixoirrn & c MEd kuperior quail of Orem nod Bl'k Tom 11111 on bmd and for kale by spl.s DIGNVOIITH Ar. CO 1 - JEESEI DaUOS--Ene. Calmat; Cidrefereci, rie Ether, Leg. rcni. ibljerber,..lo 4 bde Pe wee, Tannin, Stryehrile., °plant, Pawl Ithabasd, lust reed and for sale by J ECHOONDJAKKILA Co, spa 14 Vow! at UNDRIFS-3 tibhrpalratiyed Slam bibis 0 file bon.; bbts Cream Tana, boi troeSS awl tot bin by . 91.5 J•SCOOOKMAKTAit CO OVLIVER 011.1toz Orsorribt qualuy, last r• cebred umi for isle irr rtiCtIOONAL&KER & CO - - FiIANNERS , ..OI eats lumortml •y We by P 1 „ ISCROONNAKER & Cu OLIVE OIL-1.&&& (oink by ' J SCHOONMAKER & CO 'YE& PElltal 0 . 11-4 cake Jam ree'ilaial for sale by apts 7 BCHOUbibIk.KE6 k. CO 0.,......d . • 600 s.u.G.llffEr.Dtn ' - ema a. Ad3t JAS.P. HANNA. Second at firtAlll is Clißk9B-11Hta Wet reed It • B e utter and Cheese' Depot,.No Front .t. and far sale by • .1 BCANFIE.I.I) 11131 V --8 bbls reed and for sale by .1)p15 WIC&& bI'CANDIZ.OI LSPICF,—;I , S las on ben — ditod for ask, by 1.11.wt5 was & !CLAN BLEBS FIGIBON-112 na on brin - d - a - nd for sale by spbs WICK & bIeCANDLESP F:NIIIITT -nt 3LETaII let ffetedFoundry Mg. tal, for sale by spls WlCltaltrCliNDLlfttq3 COkFFX-214skiprisie aki - CoAbe, rued end for We by 'C iJ GRANT TEA -1u ttf cheats opte . - ii7 -.., tx's Soda Ash; SODA ADID = M t:il s ' i ,...i. A By-. soda Ash; SO tibia A a foroala low Do arrtee).by C II GUST, II 41 Water at ras, ASSELtr, FRINGES, LACE, .d Velsms:and White evia kept fee She vv,ou or : den. Also, Resaliasnitade.npnoreplete. aptl W v 7 wnsori IARL ASIA—LI cake (Ad m& sopetior Pearl MO eceived Ails day per Ilinion Line, and tor sale by spa ts 11 FLOYD IDPI.OU 8-100 bbla extra Fann Flow IsaiteNdand klt de bT obi 8 6 W HABUAUCII BUTTER.:-.lo — k rata egs )3466, rat lay aale by •54 sk„ : :BAUM" MIEM=I V.t.vszp•=l.rrirt, , T.M.ll '''r'lr.tT VA 3;ls l . UGH (111E+1.31 °LIEF...3E-401mo reo'd irdd (hi sal by yyti ICAUBIUGii !E 4YMuir in atoretandfor sale ij 8 it.CILtkARBAUOR ill-erl, iliat ARY thatet, Lace, Botiona, gay'and all the triannuts* osesesary marquis , . anti:raper normal:nes. • t5l . Wanto c . r a n .n equipper' ;a Orapplete andr cheap as done in the Ean, mina Military Blom, cor ner Market and Mirth sts. W n W WILSON • P.ll—Tne Veen Ilass Tebor Drum., of GcrmanwArn make, !viva.: and wainbted by VIA -NP. W N. W. Niorinsitri—A link Milan nu Mat t it• TAM rust r. Pos. esalorigiven innsiedlatolp Engnire of _ sytkidOt WALTER BRYANT, iikkLiberty and for ardO ,WICK h WCANDLESS 4.l•43:*.kt‘i I=l=l ~l rey'd by C ILLIFLANT NiEEiEE!69!Z2iMii Th Pommylrmaja Company Val lttaausaoao lavaim GLextritatotornes. THB am Life Insane., Omperty in aU. Amer Incorporated Month Ig 1812—chats kW perpetual. Cannot WV o,ooo—all paid , - Haring authorised the undersigned to melee appli cationslneutanet, on whin!, politica Will be Word, accontinglo propolebt rind M.A . -which will bee made known to applicants nt his otAco; No. en Wood aptli"GEO COCHRAN . . HOF.ANTIION'S SERIES Ctdkri .—Firot 103 t LedfriLeesdos. Loan Weal GloadopetilorL. Gear's Comenordoriewoollte QaifiO War. The 2Eneid orVirga. SolOet Orodoos Salloaft logarthinelirar, add lhoGodeßysey of Oat •fi no. The Werke Of Horace: Find Greek Lease= Greek Praia CedrpOSHIPP. Grammar of the Greek lAboogo. • " The Anabosia of Zenopboa. - Cicero do Sonootote, do Amiadd, Poxidoza, For ado al reduced rice* attbro Wok 01016 of - JOHNSTON &STOCKTON, apd • Immure Tidrd oad2dorked eta 0111.NOLf-S—Aiot ofS • re-'vor vTlSort,at. arirZlir4 ' scam Os 11 0 a Fast et, behreed.Wood , and Merest STOlR, 7 4l3o r res, totd./ N.Dittedd7Niii Halo, ra cedar N Ewer, Pid.obrirtb,” roo'd par S B Esehatige. GEO BAULTBISIMETES, : • 87 From Got 11017 Mho. d hf bble,gir We by YY opti • S VVGIWPIONN HORST s. CO ACILKIllib—.2O bblo Moo Nog - 611'We by pd • 13 PVON BONN/1099T & Co du 14 -- `q70r br. :16 61 14 14." M . 12' i* :.r l 7:o 2° BP VON3ONNHOR A.BII-3= lights.osaorcer, fbr ale by' ntt.3 S . P.ITUN BONN/lORST tr. CO 0111310 lotto Cutao, for .010 ,8913 atitiVhs CAN iieSBo , . ! , + .l.l, llllrlij e k. b ak) opt 3 • • 31i1DD & CO d fed: , tot; we by , .1 KIDD & CO QA - 111. - KWATIV , PO 131 4 STOL BalaDs lingtilb—For We by spt 3 • - - ACO:1-13RA Ma prim Sider MU dodo Siiini- B 'dm; 1,10111e1., Jut .4 01 " a 14 ' Md. by spt3 DAL2ELI. k. CO -13LANICETS—lipalr ot larso alro leary 1) kers, of o iIIIC/113•11ionknorar.overreed and for rale .$3 COCHVAN. 2 0 Wood sr hs ufi . V atd Wriwaaa amtalt , gton; 1.4 oats, royal 800 Sport V_Lifo`aad Writings Of notably 10 tors, roy• al ovo. Satz - ctn.:els doserlearts, vola,Svo. Com prehendro CO.dmodolr- volr,royal ar. Maas' United Sore. FaploreryEarioluoa, rola, rovai a ra . Strickland,. OM.. of Voylaild,l9 rot , Mo. to 6.1 ritoory of Friglaral, , Urola, royal Oro. Shako. peon Illastorted, nye) doo. For gale by JAN. IL LMKWOOD.I3 Wood at. F o r r oo oy yea s orronatted oda Mann. Wylie & Yanairr. Kim •.. ibreinrilCBl l . l —tiod mlyete Moon; heny vrx• • 11 Lady, • new end paperer Elhleohmi melody by 8 Eater; Be bled to the laved abeam home; Speak Gently, u tint by Empire, billemzelm•llow thy Beat le , Kt 14111gala b t . iii e ;, , , ....a , ,A=Nat , v4 wer mut thy BORle . lO liaelk LI demo well; 'Wolk Into de Pattori,•!.Bo6Ml,l,•Je,,,,,Weia.., ma." little tantalize from - illAtie ecdelimted end met h, Open, we:noosed el i'MaJleyer- , lb 21 numbem of 7 pave mob; puce *lO per umber. The ahem, wuk huger Collectionof Nahum, diarrhea, Polka., 80.4 reptilitnd sale by en 2 JOHN 11.311iLallt, el We es ==Z CI ELLING OFF AT COST.—Usirrtalthat so deatio• k:7 lower% GOO D / OeII off my book atm.. Timm VII ithirojg DRY S or GROCERIES.A.4. Ao, lAA Ord th rir advocate to ea/I beforerthe tar day of OclabOr, as I co doom:anti to Ull u roil log pnee-1 for CAM • HDIL 11121511—The etteininatier doable Stole Room which lamen t tabatt.s n eomPoUWo derellier boom. 7he stead la etas ernaossiedirts .d . Tuataras in $ trtulaess tuna es reset Lego)" Ln the el* I will sell m 7 entire stack, etuusting at Dry Go" G,„ce,b,., Shoo, An., well admen toe Lb* ex the lowest paibln Maas, to any porton to onto Into. oosOftlioblA bl.lllAdia, don et anytime. smtiun. ORO mo Fedetel meet, Alleghtay, %bog e eralc:i ate gtth VartMM - 14 — arirroort Pei!, eeTille. Chula French tbsads...."' thipeatAbi Obis, DNA le Zeolagy; 44.1'0.1 ta ea. in common schools nail seadentles nitanr cia L ., a mkinud Kingdom by Prat. issiTLA.m.e. lot Cause, prevention and ewe, by clise.s.• la paper D. D. Southey's Common Mee IMka undue!. Ist in amts. ' Maur U.S a I story of neierielnatbia ty„,..w seWoUr t• a yelia_2l•V i .metary of tin ion of GDoretigs, in+ stP . ,' DA), by Coaatasnt Atersibly or 1 . 15yn.1, 1 , , J F emtrku, F 4 5, P&P. , to whiab tM Is lot Onion "4'loo[wkolamlokaP IIOPKIN9, For sato by • gyildttly, Faarth eaci ' 44 " the Ihttil , 0 4 20Voe r e t r i ppl;tll*tg te'greelt end eat elk 6 7 - ` . a c_ p ). natio. int b aaa oralra .apalkato u t E orm a geod R:76.35r*"' W (" tt: ' .3 W Woodwelt", 7hlfdo Vtaikaillatbb(istie* 67 4001
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