ESTABLISHXD IN 1786. BUSINESS CAIiDS. CIM=7 ATIORIVEIt and Compeller at Lakt., and Ccrounta. Ander for Ike Mate of PennsylvaXra, M Lira* Ma (latent Vinsbargh., Raregarana—Pnanktgk: Lin , W. Ypiward, limp. tea &Miner, ICCandlena S hildere Sohn E. Parke, Basalts smrpt., APCknd & Kink. aeglann -titan P T. 11: BAIRD& ITICILTLICtic CvtgONEYS AND COUNSELLOM Ai. LAW, lotted. arcet, be.rween SmitbEold mut Orval, b, J 01.3 - • L , & 5 . 11X1L111), ATTORNEYS . T LAW, Foam attet, tw*lea at Grata. • " 0 14560110 N U CRi6H, Coletthik.. hurrch..m. end amiets ftod,=, . uket stn. lnalturEl. zattoir.p._ Wl: i cgit: t en J oin 40.4 unities. de., Na 0) libert y ortos, riusl=ll._ van= ti rutta, 4ssaas =an. 'UAW , a REFIMR, Wholesale Orgy] - .au, - tomer of Ltbcrty and FR.Eit watts, Pius - _ lIIRPI lEVI I. MM. • __ ___ IL IL MOA I • CULBERTSON, Molesale Grocers, W. B and Lesselerson Mombassa, Na 14, Liberty mu, Pillabotell P. .;` dc3Ey. BA I . 4.I:II7ESTUCK & Co., Wiwi : Odle and w tai,..Draprias, cam, Wood ood Mt J7I t tIJIITII, Wkorondo /Ancor*, lo.ond Weedstreet Yule t. rout a. cuw. W. S. own& .• I 'MARI & SKINNER, Forwarding Mid Commission nitathanta So. Cn Markin in, Piusinagha spi.S CA. AIcANULTY t Co., Rom:lading and Coro- mission kleachuns, Canal Basin, tittsborgb Pa. motif MaSgZ= riLILFALAN,' MAILMAN t Co, mihnfaetastre of kJ WO, toad llasaluered Axles, Bp,ing. and-Plonk SWl,l=4 Sm. Warehouse on Walesa/A Frout streets, Yinabotais. • Also, nailer. 14Coash - hamming. Mid Malleable. Cuddy . _ oeui • VtoHttsc tiAI•LIISEUTY urPtysVg Tim Itl Al)Ur WOOD,PI =MUSD W1L11312110, ArlOsnistuEs to manufacture Menntees•Tharlal Vaalts,-Tosabs, Head Stones, Magid ' ea, Con te and Pteefees of foreign and daunt - 1)1.e vble, a molar and fattrine. Sl. Upswings for tnenutnessub vara* at, farolsb• Ad,. of any description. He sabots • agateof publie "stoney ango.,ll/ 1003 1. 1001311,1. vrica.len& BENNETT, ilnlelllkr., l / 2 ty liallsgbar .vnitcpj.Wholcsale Orconn,,Conuntouon and Por idernhano, and dealers m Prolneo and M.- MOO Idainifootares, No. Tl Wood nt, %Moon Id 3dOstoln. 43.1 inonnussnon aid to blerchnnt, No. 20 Wood area. Pitt.Onoglinyl tiO MG Liallit. Y. mi APIWIOI.I rITEAV ART, tanaufseLfger of limy .U. Ski : 1 4 1 N Maas, &e, Itolsocenrotrogilty of Allegtueoy. . Wool thol. , 11 -17 . rirgrolaw ".' srOnTert at stli tit., we ot AISICACIIII NYOolons, Libany,opposito bik.l fob t 7. , mt. inlatZ,Jitaltuatore. D C... N= , I. Krmy fr. nUCKNOR, Tobacco uon M' .don . Alec . ' caszna, 41 Nona \ Vans n, & la taba.tl3 Wlncau, . ' n0v304 I 7 • • • . • ARM", JONE 3 Oa, (=maw* Avir• • ••- 11. Jane. a.• Co.) Camoussurn wad Fotioardinat , - ebams, deaLeratn Pitubargh Manufatiared Pill.lsbumk,L. atetl.27 [LUAU =UST, 11[0.123rt =II DIC/C5ll & Co, Wholesale ateneres, Com mMerehams, zed dealers In ?Waco, N 0.56 suer; Ind kV Front streets. Plush : wee roans 111/.IICOITU. 0. DILAVOILTII h Co, Wholesale farmers, Poo t) .' duce and C011101i631013 titercharasi and Aleuts rot the Hazard Powder Co. of N. Y., Nth= Wood st, Pittsburgh.' ; sptil JWIN bL — T4IWPTS3Z.ND, Druggist Jut 4m/weary No. 45 Altatiet st. three doom altos a Pohl 111. bmgh, haini oattirmady carload • wen kolooted 44. ahrtuterat of We berm and ftrolut IdettuDids,4odeb Os Will sell an dui moat opuombla totem 11114141A1 muting milers, wilt be promptly armada toi and, mup. Maid With articles they may rely von aligetulpe. Ll7' Physicians a4eacata mid moldy prepared &a= the bat atiumials,l ii 1 lusai al as day or aught- Woo for safe, a hap stock of &cabana ecaslYelfai, • caN • lattarres: t/h;h:IMMOM - . dale tVe'd Fww Taaerwl (Iltratalber YCd 7lt a ka nd rearl r dah, and Western Proftea gentrify, Water trot, binween - Snatlttleld and'Wood, Pl. ha)tb. apt _ 101 IN WATT iscecessor NoStICIt. Aiebban,l Lf • Wkolesola Grocer and Cotroolsdid„llleschant, dealer fa Presiocersod llatsburghAlsatefocores, cor ner of hinny on Hasid streets, Plosb • TAME 4 8' BleGtlllW - o del - of Aliceo ,and 18/ tdraillti) , lderetiont Tolior,St.9¢4* Goblins, &bud sues, WoodiPiemboorh: TASES I I.II,IT=SON, & Co.—/SOnesoors to Lessisllutehisses• & P• • • Ulildranrits, sod Agents Of In St Loots Stemst Bniis Seamen. Ns. IS fad 92 from streets, SUZIMufb, Lath D. 11101It1Imaln Mughz • CZ lisknratars,ll.ol , ll2., Vandstiell; No.C3 cod stite, om doer s=h of Diametui;Jilley, • I Ant KT , cso yr .Dssis,).6l4 Lassaatals,3ll Walorstrest oe.ll OWN EL tdial.ol; WholeSsio and :Renal dealer 11/ in Mask sod aissual lestrimenfs, &hoot Boor; Per Saucy Steel rePs, Wits; PristenrCards, and Inationisy tronerally,llo. ES Woodsy Pisaststrif,S. jr.r_lisgs.tslagla or taken invade. ser r S_ ; u scoluoNaLucal SCu Waole.aFa pro w ., Pits S 4 Wood arts; Piusbasp. MN D. DAVIS, lussunneer,.rnor, o=4 Wood .• °col 7 6 1.14, IC.SWCWAlll,Bookitclitrs, Yxuucra dyer 31.1.iializtarers,kin..44,110„at a, Pim , • jell J4llll not. T & IL FLOYD, Wholesale Gmeess, , ,Domnuaslen ,lictcnnaus,. and. &alma An Fro/cone, hound Ch4trCh rhub thahnivs..•ftwbs c.LlA.ll,l6lrad - n , i-Oh sumo. eals bja s era a Wholesale Grocer,:Cmcen.sio. Meacham, and dealer In Pledate ana Pitaabargh term. No. Water at; litLb !Lactle AGM WEAN Y. 14 Js., Wholeade its all Dea. fl lava Foreign alma end Litmors. asitiald Blom, ga/mla aye W lusterk comer Fast and asaketsa. NlEil Forsranllag wad CorsaWawa M. chases, Dealers fa Produce sa/VPillatwati iansl ardeles„ Graaf Dui uear7/1 54, . dal — i — eAliMs 'Wad. YATTAHULLOLII PAT— FENNEDY, CPU IN "7 superior 44 tillosOAM CAR e eauo n wine am/ 11.µ. WiwiSue Iron WorkM T MM. Ddl , F3d. & Ca, manufacturcra of a 0 ai- JU ses Raz, &test, Emler I. awl Nalleot the eve. qu►ttty. Weschouse,sl Irasekax4 ICG (met v.. Ault rW ,, .T . P.rd44,lrsVl!olesaie Upe9t, Pone.* h=rume u'u nrl=4l l'" , 1521,r0nt 2110 L. 22.202. it-mitt 12. 2ovrr NEetildEDld & IIAWYEU, oormuuLtas ALamae.iem, tour Wboleaale dealans in foreiin dad &merlin Vabbery Goods %System merchants, Pedlars aad othersiwro molted of &II Val =Mina the prices soil qualityfvfimr stock, as with our preseat laarcased Iselloleeldillistolsotor /my, lad - parebaslog, we tblak wa earl oPer im peat iltdowateLts to ton,. se say other boossgswestof the bWainin:!Uab•il ars — crilasirte c la i iNe erso T v aotrscoVitibatilr. importers a( Brandies, AVM ' : Li 'L .r =NiOs 72 arid 174, comer of 'jowly ar.stitileeia,Vltts argh; Po Iron, Nails, Cotton Yams, dresare. eon. ',wilily on bald. ;lwasrld alusit•Tui. 10. D. arrow.. 111,4k10{ CI. .0, AUmus &WE, Whole:tale Grocers apd Csimads sbitt licrehasus, No. LH liberty siV !beams& URFOY,, WILSON & CO., (late Jonchahlcrphy & AV& 'CO.llYtioLeartia Dealer+ in Dry Qlod, ag woad urw.t, Pinaborgh. 1 1 01 ATTREWAVlLSOld;Faitiiiiiin - ALL' ter. 'Rooms, corner or Fest OIIIWAIIay ami Finuth Moot, entrance on lth near hlarks, -ATlNDvazil - grat — Wiiliitrliirkpitilio • - 'AND AXLE FACTORY. A . saoi v. or.. JONES & - ILIANUFACTURERa of spriAL and. tarter met, Aga; 10.10 , Site, Steel plough wurra, =Oh and elip. ..00C.MbattUaered bran axles, and &Alen in mat manta cantata, fire engine larnphaml coach tronaunp Ikuellty, corner of Ran and Front r...qtttlhntins "'Abu 21.0LA1L.1 & SUN, No. 5.5 Mark sm.! door Nom <eruct a Fourth, denleri to Foto*. • • •. cow MIN of Eir.livite,Gont4e4esofDepoo• It.,iStat Notes "and Sperlo. tar Calleetiom mod on on the eaten how the United twos. . Ls,. 4=17 11.1 BUCK...ASTER, It, WI 1.1.1. d door ahoy° Smithfield, south iide. • .antepanclag of WI kind. dour with =air proem cm mid Irked socurary. Vides... Kcal &taw azondurd, DR. titalitteit AIDOOLP . . CE, Fourth street, Deer Great, ih the room occupied by Alderman fdallerintittodiatic ly coyotes Atr. ltakewelPs. fie may be aTerat at night fia Charles lot 1. AgGdlica_ Varibieiii Tr"' DTTBAL3III.I SURGEON rill atualugo the treat meat el liscases of the tit ; /h. la has been engaged M hatch of the medi c./ pmfauten for sixteen. years, and has :Gooducted emablisancai for Motreannerd of ,llseaseeof the eye Wool lor etyma years. 04714. end nmemuce,comer of BareahOt7 .t and Earasrbarry alkaheuy city. ei r MWN TVA STORE. 46. 72 Fourth iattuitnio• of Olsen and Blatt?Tens, thninnp in owlet, half, And aaa t1) 2 ;2, riinOg from Ai atilt 7per pound 47/ 6. - JAI MA' far rela Teat:o. ROBIBO3 I co. having s•••••". TliomAs 14 :PrLigAir.,ara Meade bniontlithe Whole sale Grocery, produce sod Commisalen kyinw vial •be cantinas stoma enderam firm of Robeson, Lis. & Co, .1,1 , 01 1 48 a r. LITTLE & co, Na. isu Igrj e. eire n ad Comodselonler ' rATIV I3 and (i deal "' re in iblleenra Nannleturea • • • e 177 son. Roams; not inns en0....e. sown. I.,P , *!""Uitke, WFolanie Weak noi leo irnallins, dna.; Predace, Patteb“4o Menefee torah loot au Won of Foretip, and Do do Wine. and Lionon, goal /teeny WWI. On and a any Imp swell of. entanin- old Siouan/Ana( "Wen'', pt Intl be 101 low fey deal, - • spa - 7 _ Irmacu, Coonrunton and Fonranhas Mornams,dealere In I ',odada and riqx_bajsk Pittsburgh, Pa. fedi itELN=LPS. —ion 1. 1 4 3 , U- r , i m et arr e re. 4•,o oi&a. tsbull mufritu end Mr lama • The hilltiffrlrrifrs, L. mit, paid at all rtilrf for cam Co me of Ran raf /ruin or .5, to' CARDS infetei - % - lrodUT4aNciNeenGid"Pmat,' IVrgti'''Tehllan'ufretres So. 144 Liberty at /Vl4 1111.11.117, 10.1.12 Z. 11/LCPW wurre, Wildlesole Dealer. I §O7 Good. No. Wu Wood . feiwNl Li MITI& Itd.O.6.LEY & Ca& Wholesale diateerTind gigg i Produce dearer& Ne.2..ellarkei Striet.berateen and am. Nora aide Philade lphia nave • Darer. b, Flour lad Produce generally, and Forwarding W Cemailalion Merchant& No. G. 3 wiser Pin& parr h. r MUSICK er•i' ij K e i a e st. Q OILERS r/ S Produce and (termini Cam. Sp Kamen Merchinta, No. 17 Liberty sr., Piushirgh. Sperm, Linseed sod Loot Oita • I S C.. 1 F. VON DONNINIRST --- , & Co, Wholesale Oro- O s an, Forsirazding and Commission hleernsics, Dealers in Pinshanen Manufactures and Western PTO &re. tiara removed to their new vicarehnose,(old nand( 11, corner of Front st. and Chaneery Lane. v 7 -ft: 4IT E . I ritiWWErtie Grocers ewd Commis eon Merchant., sad dealers m Produce. No. 33 Wood .t, Pittsburgh. pait! - I. TROTH & SCOTT, Wholesale sad n deaden in 800 Shoes, Truulni, Carpel Bogs, to., W eonter of 4th Mid Stnithlfeld as, Putsbutgh, o ,e 3 ow a DAVID ~ITCK 'CAN - Di/EBB, lance - L. dr D I Wiek&Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Coomdsslan, dealers In Iron, Nada, Mars, Lad. Yards, and Pittsburgh Alanufastares gcneral:y, cocas. , nf Woad and Wnrnr stcsaia, Pinot/v*la. ur W. % LL&CE,blill mono and Mill Furnahl mural . ingaUadilitonev, N 0.214 Liberty st., near the /11V. Jiir — cl — ry, - 51 iwe r . and hillljary Goods, corner of p arka and 4dl atroolkPittandrgh, Fa. N. LL—Watehra and Clocks ...vair .P 4211 : doe 4 Forarardi g , Mercian/it, N 0.20 Front at. between Wood ILIA ' . Mock Wows, fet£4 NI( • r ,„,,Tbltztr°, :Is, ' ro a nh ik e T' as i t corner of Marken and Fourth stt ang2l tocrig:T 31.0. . UM. YOUNG & CO.—Dealtni to klub., lode. ter. TV 143 st• Wit at'crecttidli. W &R. APOUTCHEON, Wholesale Grocers, o dea baYgelers im Produce. Iron, Nana cod Sine. Mattutaatures generally, Llbeny sr, Pitts burgh. deed vur W WiLSON, Dealer in Winches, Jewelry yy . Silver Ware, Military Goods, Ac., No Ala r act at 101711. TOITSO & CO., e ns : ItEALERS IN HIDES AND LEACHER. Morocco, Shoe Eluding*, &a., No. tad Liberty +trent. have received their SPRING STOCK o goods. com prising a iIITO assortment of cirucle• lAL hue, to which the allottiun Or Ininchriseni u in.llCd • atehls PBTTIOILYZAV CO., STEAM BOAT (; F:INTS Onrics Aura N. ALLIEN fr. Co, oot No. 42 Water creel - ,-' 7 ,::: - ..-ESIJIIAIICE. wssyssit 9ABUBAIICQ 13021 PAS V OF! PITTSBURGH. Until 000,001 L Furs., Jr, Eeaty. I B. ?Hasa. Jr., Pre.% Will briar., against oil kinds of nabs, • ',FIRE AND MARINE. ALL h.... till htliborally liillorted rind promptly pid. Aborne batilktion—nartnagod by Directors who ore well known I. the oiummutity, 'and who are dr tete:tin ed by prosuprzons, and kberafity to maintain zw cher. nem? wbicti May boot easomed, as oleans the hest proteeman toebbterwrio desire to be Insured Demterona—sa. Mlllor, Jr., Roo. Bleck, W Butler, N. Holmes, Jr.,: Wm. B. Holmes, C. Itunsen, Geo. W. Jackson, -Wrxr-JBL Lyon, Ins. Lippincott Thos, K. U Jotter APAnloy, A 1.... Nimmk, Thor. Scott DlNktt.,NcaM Waxer Crecy (wareboase of Stant sndks',/ Pitsabnrgh. -- 2111 E DELAWARE MUTUAL EIA.k cif,' INSU RANCE COXYANY.—Dtkee, North Room of the • ego, Tbild MAO, Pbihrde_ !Ma. 'V= Inkteaset. klerthandise and other =in taut, anettroorerse, insored.e.g tuns. loss or by fire In the oven Mtn oLorfrmittre UM. Insellankti—They also insure Vespels. Car. goes and IPreiglria, foreign or co...rise, under opener sPldifit Jo:lckes: merles Rewind may desire. licrakfilltaledroMetemn.—They also Insure merchan dise Itttneputted by Wegons, -Rallitoad Car., Canal Boast land Swam Boats, on neer. hum Inlet, an the Mewl liberal term. DIRECTLIRS—Hmeph 11. Hest, Edmund A. yonder, John C Dam, Robert Berton, John a Penrose, Same el Edwards, Gear 0 Leper, Edward Dmrhertolt. Inane 21. Danis, Willlaln Falwell, John Nevem, Dr a NI lin. ton, Duna C Hand, Theaphllor Pataldmr, H Jose. Brooks, Homy Strum, Web Craw, Geo're. Serra, Speneen Mello3n, Chanel; J Henson, Wit Rem Hay, Dr 8 Thomas, John Sellers, Wm. Myra, Jr. DIRECTORS, AT PITTSBURGH—D. T. Morgnn, MARTIN, President Rests. S. iisernorty Secretary. JD" of bo, No. 42 Water steer Pmsbarett. Jblßdir P. A. 11/020RA, tu_. Play Aar, Ictuanm. iselarANCE. TOM INSURANCE CO. et lama Arattle• make permanent sad 1.1 •ted Insurarree on pro . errrlfirt thissityliiviebrity7mt pro;erne. d en shipments by Canal, Riven, I '.. a and by Sea Thers or this Company are nt lop tad, and famish an avail nide fot for tlm emple Indemntry of all persons who desire to Da-protected by insaranee. toils WAL P. JONES, Agent, N Weer st • - • • • 24. Frarsktim Fort innornyete Co. of .1" rhIRECIORII—CharIes N. Baneker Thomas Him, _La Tama Win e:0%4[1.1 Gram, Jacob N. Smith, Geo. W Richard., Mordecai D. Leans, Adolph. E. Some, David S. prowls. Morris Pommel. , Ctuataa,N. Emmau s Charles O. Balleker, fkeretary. President Condo. to snake insurance, perpetual or limited, OA VIM di:seri*oa of property In town or country, rateoos low 0 are eons/shin% with sectinty. To Company hive reserved largo contingent Pond, which with, deli Capital and Penatnn,s, sokay invest ampletotectionto tho unwed. assesof temipany, on J tiou.yr 1., IN9, f uttals3.4ogroMsbly to an .‘ of isooembly, Were Ib nortangessl,lll7,474l 41 Read Estate 94,7d4 to Temporary Loans WWI ni Stotts C. Casty kn. 33,-%4 37 • 61,33nd9a 71 Suitt then Incorporation a penod of ID years, Wed have paid vow& of one million (mu hnudred Anna ad dollars, lamas ny firm truant., affording eviderme cf the advantages of insrance, as well an the mining and dirpontion co meet nun proammes• all Hannn._ J. GAR DINECOFFIN, Agent, • marl- d ) Mae N K Marc er Wood and 3d sts INSILIKANOM CO. 1_) A. SLADSUIA. A, Pittsburgh for We Dna. e anus Mutual Eatery Inerrancy Gunplay VI Phan. adelphia. Fire Kinks upon bandrcp an d merchandise of every description, and Marine Sinks upon bolleor cargoes of names, MAIM upon the swan fa ratable WELL _ • _ 0- OM. in the Warehouse of W. B ilnirnes d Bro., N 0.37 Water, Amu Market street, Pittsburgh. N. It.—The nectar of thia Company ante tbe estab lishment Of the Agency in this any, with the prompt and liberality with width every chum upou them for lon Sias been aribustrid, hilly warrant the trent in (toiling the confilkamis and patrontge aids (timid, mid the mardnunity at large to the Beiaitum M. B. insu rance Company, while u has the additional adirtnucos PP. tatunatinu =mug the mow dourishing In Pro bidet- Ada—. having an amplepaid-ht mantal, which by the operation of las Abner St eOrlittandi inero•sing, . yielding's* ead=lllo4 tastiest in. rus atm. id the - PrOf l th Of th e , ni77, wlthout involving to any .resporaMiliry . Wbalerer, sod thievery pa...aging the a n d panciple &vetted of every obnoxious rev. tart, and in tie mess enracdre form. root OficirfallitildeAtetilltrillsioa - katar.. - 1. map. Itisaranct Company of North Anent, tarough na duly sallibrised Agent, the siabeeriber, 00e. 10 make permartratand Umimd thttittatte. an property, to this cry sad its vicinity, and on shipments by the (la nai sad Rivera. CBMSZEI Charles Taylor, Ambrose Whim, J.eeb hl.Thounts, John IL Ned Richard Richard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Prudes ihmkons, S Annul Allibono, ARTHUR U. COFFIN, Preet. am, D. ParCanan, This irohn olden insurance Company in the United States, baying dean chartered in 1704. ha enancr perpetual, and its high standung,long experience, ampla means, and avoiding allrinks of as extra haz ardous diameter, It may be constilerezl as offering am ple occority to the imam. W. P. JONES. At the Coasting Won/ of Atwood, Jones & Co.. Wc tar and Plum itmem Pittsinurch. Anhor 0 CoAin, Saxon N. Jones, Moroni Smith • John A. Bums, John Whte, Thomas P. Coro, Samuel P. South, Simnel Brooks, riutE SLIMSCiIiFJEK ho been appointed Aaeni pre tern. af or e laktrance Company of North America, arid .111 name ?abed. rind attend to the other botdoesa ofthe AM.Y, RI the Wiry-hon. of Atwood, Jon., k Co. aptly WM. P. JUNN`.3. iniier .1 FORWA_RDING k COLIIISSION L, c. cormc voace. • COP& & BILE POOLE, FORWARDINGCOMAASSION MERCHAN TS, in And McLa xm Walla Lass. Windo to Woes, m.e. • 111 e &Coed weal, Yittabarge , P. Win attend PostatodY to the tale of articles cuts teed 14 lade care. Earn To—BagaNty smith, 12. Tama. ACo , & W. Harbangh, Kay & Co, Murphy, ea lison & Ca. Pinstnno. ilannalx, (Nahum ACo , and ale me r .Lants gm:tonally', New Llenon, 0. 0 a NI 'Do J & Co., WCIN, Well.ine, O. Joeepa Wan. a, U. jx, )4,, a Co . , FC.II. Alasetilo. Cm, Weaver, Taylor Aco Jet , . 11, grows &Oa., Philadepina. ts. nachanlsou & bnp, Omar, Halm. & Co., Cineinoeu, u. John Howard Louitejile,Kr• Joh. Satan, Near One.", Handy Matzlinx, aPnveland, O. A.l. Eualay, m an ._ g e m . 0. Clark„ Flak* Co., Heaver, Pa. alairo.4ll ---"-'77lriacatot. cocnue.a. Caramissiaa;amdlfarw s.Nala s Merchant. No:0 anon rt., errreseasua, CriONTIPIUDO to =newt a Moral Oonunimajm, hma mess, espeeitligict the purchase and sate of Amen ms hlanufeeturds and Produce, nod to receiving and Goo& nsA . ed Ms core. As Amen% for :7, = ea mires, ha will be eortsmuttly supplied web the principal ankles at Pittsburgh litanclaetnne at the. as Ipor“t holtamlo price& Orders and consignments am reapecifolly whetted. ,97 W. Irlalltan.. 11.111-rnan. zenumsoi YEATILARI, PITTRIAX co, POBWMIDIffe,Ii 00111188103 11113RCIIAliTS, No.AAR Ras on d street, mr.1227:4&:. ST. LOUIS, MO. end es BO .4. AR ; - IFIRI a ATICINSONL PIDDT ,ST litarn. WOOD •no liTressusen, fIONTINUE tosonnufsetnro Wefts alb Eg, V TIN AND SLIEST IRON Block- Lana Wort , Baas Baste bkilt m adios Rgeelel attention given to stew best went. yarn on ewhols. s D. assortment of Copper end RM. Reads, Tin Won, de. ad. •Alammboat Cooling 310DoD, Pemba Forgedivatioas sisa—s eve, converDeol of Delo (or stenalosits,;Calarate minimal, or neil rzmi eatpzened. ; We would aveetfullg invite new,: Loot Mrrl von oilcan LO sod SOO Mt sole. sod prlces bent< perelresing elsevants. 4,7 L G 13 FOUNTAIN ET 13 AI.T 1 M R E _t /on aro vrtemeron. rooraterom WHIS establtahrtmat long and wunny known •v ;being one of the mom comotadmas m the city of has recently undergone very exten sive OJterations soul unpronernentt An ennre new wing 'lam been added. containing ttenterna• nod atrY sleeping apertomunt. and extove Latium, roomy The; Ladies' department co o. to been romy reerOantled and hued up nt a mane and boson. ful style. In fact the whole arreogemeat of the noun. has Wen remodeled. wall single eve on the part of Ne t oniter lawman the comfort anti pleasure of chatguests, and which they confidently 50000' vent challenge compartann with any Hotel le the Haien. Their table will always be mooned with every soh staniai and luxury which the martet afford., aerved op tt supenot style; while In the way of WlllO.l, to., they Will not be mirptamed. In Mmehision the propneton beg to my. that nothing will be left undone their pan, anti on thc pen of then earisnats, to vender thw Hotel worthy the continued patroliage of their (non& wed the public generally. The e Mr boast have also been reduced to the following rates: Lebow' Ordinary, 111.7 c per day. G.ntlemenht tt• 1,2 t N. I , —The Baggage Wagon of the Hoene will al !,e found at the Car and Steamboat Landing., which will convey baggage to and ream the Hotel. :roe of charge. tea ythf . EXCHANGE HOTE L. ...Cm or rm. ago err. era, arxrsaxinitt. rs• 's - Toearthaenber having assumed the tonnage- Ment of thu long rill3b/IShed per.lar reapeetfully anomie,. to Travellers and the fubbe:gettera/ly, that he will be at all nonce prepared to acct.:nodule them in all Minds nn in a well reguhtled Hotel. The House ta now being thoroughly tok.atotA throughout, and new Furniture added, nod no puns SIDI he spored to make We Exchange ono of the very 'Aid Ewell; to the country. The mideougorsi respectfully solicit. conunaerse of the itory !literal patronage the House has heretofore received. THOMAS O\VIOTON. foWtf Ft ore ,tor taitTLitt - Iglt itottir; MIMSOI Porno AND onael . Frltiers, nrramillunt a.. THE subscriber respectfully nominees, that he has now opened bra over and excellent Hotel or the accommodation of travelers, hoarders, and the puldte generally. The boon, and furniture are entirely new, all /I no pains exmitte have been spored to render ft one of the moot comfortable and pleas= Hotels to the coy. • - The thbserther a dethrautied to deserve, and there fore ...Ilea., o share at putdie patronage. JACOB Proprtetor --- 1 -- matriEro STATES BOTICL. cream rr., soma. room, .ao rnn on. OrvpsrrE lute Bank of the Butted Ira,. dripl... M POPE MITCHELL. Propfloor. LAW OFFICES. WM. TIll HUN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ilath , Pa WIAL also attend o rollertiorta and an other Goa , y Qrag entruated to min Butler and Armatrung count:a*, Pa. Rater to J. & R Floyd. t.d.orty W. FY 11'11111o, do Inmes I'lloothan do Potato, tE dly Kay A C0...W00d rt. JAnorory at lootr. otlo , 34 rt., oopoatte aL Cloak. Ho. Votstotrh, o Alan attend promptly to Collemont. in WostOrpon, Faye. tuttl Grion ommties. P. Bineksteek. Dell tk CSitic..h &Caro Alter, it PlUstmrlth. D Aiol;nl4 El, lIItiRY, .attortter and Cottacellor at, . C:itelmtntt, Ohm C.littyttons ta tiamtbent Ohm. • and in Inchunn, and in Xentuelry, prompt!y and enm fully elfuuded to. Conmsmon, for thr State r./ lbno eyl~antly lot inkutg Dep.v.iun, aclnoaled•,menta, Rerril „—non. Wm. Bell & Son, CUM, Ceareh & Carothers, Wm. Ilaye, Leg., & 1%71*. HATS, CAPS AN BONNETS Pr'COILD & CO, OIL titlSarressers to ATCord /a King) ra.altionable Corner of Mod and Fifib ores,:. PRtIrtrLAR auctinon paid to oar Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely epee greune therr Hata a.a eripa fr.a our establishment of tee am K&TIr.III•1.1 and womeeLeaTanr, of che I.s.n:rr on Las, and et (1, 'arca. Cannily Merchants, purchasing by v.holeaate, are yr...peed - ay !netted to ash &Ad exam.« OW Stock, as we can Nay with confide.« that as regardr r, atITT and .111 not safer in a compariaon a - le, any house Lit ehilaeleiploa.lehtt LI OutlN I doa warm proof Cidifornia Gat., Jam reeeFeed end for .ale by big M'C , 'RD & leb# corner it. and Wood are ri smuso FAARIONs Volt 1141. 44 IeoRD a cra a ti: ,Ittraclaca on 4.11da r ,. %Web :id. tar otoag style of ILOTS. Taos., tq,:arant of v neat and superior Eat, am oot. to no ll naorner afar. and Wood streets. enact SQRRE‘Iit IIONNET RIBIRRVII. —W Murphy has a..yo open o tlapply of tonna Bonnet Radon. of [WO h 2114101.! ti plet. Alm, op» myte ftg'd Neva Ltsle Laces and Eds. alga: Liam, Rd suss; Vinton do, plaid Martins and Jazonotat eattnoldered Bans.. Nadi., Re, b , rsukts a large assiorment of erring Goods graeratly, aorta eau eorter 4111 and Matte streets. Wholesale Rooms op sums. ap6 COPARTNERSHIPS T'm aridexaencd have tat. day tuoetat..l a .'J. thorn roa untie the bovines, us brtertniore- noJer the Mei of IS A. FAIINESSICK .11117 . 2:16411. /5. 1 NOTICE. mar: Otirenersttlp hersturote existiog under she him o' Afk C. dissolved by the decease of Mr. It-Bradley The Gumbos. will he CSITIC , I on by A. Bradley, who 1011 settle the business of t,c hale firm REMOVAL —A. Baxothair removed hie !Months Warehottve trent No 111 Second street, to N 0.19 Wood wittel, between new mid Second str«:, ewe wore.... lovely occupied by 0. A. Berry, where he wUI limo constantly On Lana • rVArtAI 450{tnsrni of I.tostor,Ortrea, tstoves. Conln,. Stoves. he it LI - • • DISSOLUTION. Tens gttMeralop heretofore ex tattoo between Sam uel jl. /31.11E1.31d ood Wohnot U. Hey, Inuftne under the firm of 111/Skint:Ll) k US VS, iamb iba day o dtuplyrd by Walton, U. Hay. aelitoe h.. entire tutereto Os the firm toc IL Bo•htteld. Ali oonto doe the Ifem .111 be reflected Ly B. cco cod all debts - doe by the lam firm to Le pool by tor ...toe. S. U. LIUSIIFIFILD, Potsborgb, June 2:e. 019 W U. IIAY:+ co.pArrNEßsiiir.—S B DvLuiruLL Ewrmg thm day suarikinied with lumar.ll La+ oat. formerly of liedfoiLl, , end reczruly of the Nauorml Dote'. Plusl,eryDi, will ea.noc The InktigLeax under firm of BURDFIELD h LEADER. at the old mod. No tt...V 1.11 , .ery titre-t.B. B IRD3tIrl EU/ l'itiLibiLrgh, bum 12.1649 11. LENDER Ilentla retinA from Me former Lu.ine... I nal, plea 7v recommcmlivq my • iv the pe tronag, of m 7 eu.ioinet• and the pobllc rneraL., v/7 Dissolution. THE ch-parmendup heretofore exult' s( between the sub,rtbero, en thename of emooobte s uncle A. Co, to this day elttaolved by mutual consent. Meseca Barka elt,ihneoo mall stole the ballroom of the con ecru, for .I•tacte pa rpo.e Moir are autbonoel.l In nee Um name of the outworn. NATHANIEL Ct tNSTAIILE, EHMI:ND III•FIKE, THOMAS lIARNES. The ut.dervicnegi hayed. day ommetathill ch. ..Ives n th e rarae m BURKE & IIARNES, for the purpoxe _ of manarileguring Fire Proof Safes Vault Doors, a. ke.. at the stand of the late firm of Conttahte. Bar, & Co., artiare Mei will fie pleased to recent. the pa- Ire nave at the C.Lomcr• of that *lb and their friends RBSILi~I/BL'ligF. .• 'FLIOMAS BAKNE In rebfrog from the firm of Constalole, Barhe & Co, I with .otterte menovre 'recommend Messrs. Burke & Dante. to..the coofolence of my friends nod the pohlte Feb. Ono4O. NATHANIEL CONSTAULE. relit CAI( . . Hirtnenhip of fiIURPIIV & LEE Ls do. dny I di.. [dyed by motoal consent. The haunt...of the late be willed H. Lea 3.1 L MURPH . . . Pinalter!gh, Jan. un, let. H LEE NOTICE The undersigned tea tin Wool business land attend to the sale or Woolen Coeds al the old rand. It LE/I to retiring from the Eno of Murphy & Ler, I take 'rest pldisuro to IIIC 01.1.11 d mg Mr. If. Lee to the Eddied ef nty Moods and the public. Pitts IL 511;11DIIY. rs have Thu day mounted them veva together for the purpose of tru.scong wholesale and recoil Dry Ennuis .d Grocery buster:sr, 00 No ndraclberty, oppostts Serrentir sue. andsr the stylo and ram .r BUSH FIELD & lin I'S. Pittsburgh. Jarmo. I, 1917 . 1 . 1.11.--Dur red easromera and the pub. are Marled to jas__ ICO.PARTITERSIIIP. WM, 4/. SCAIFE and Capt_ JA:111.1$ ATKINSON hail entered into enmerslop, uoder hhh. hrm 01 EkdelFhtiA ATKINSON. end wi ll cum' cm the 110. Coppr,rad ethert Imo Ware manufactory. Al.a l l.ltmr.mrtL,n ia all ste. branches at the old stand of V•m 11 Stade, lirst street, nee.r Wood PortlrOinr attention given to 5he.t0.1.4.01 wort Iday not;et/ated wltts thr sale 4rocery, Produce mid Conumonn n,btother Jtmeph, undo, tbc t4rua atJ S Di( A . , & w J I,ll.Wolt'l II I,wirl I. 11,19 10-P r im)tWitli.l4llll" Wm . 1 . "4.4;“ , :u , doy tt:.l.oelta.d v.:01 Inm, John It h 1 ,1,1,.. !her Inotme. will lit-rem/1c( he condut.l,l uoilrr ^l. % Vtq. You.{ & Co. WI /NO. ft • BEN N ETT & BROTHER, LIMENSWAILE HAS UFA CTL REIN, Illestidnigimat, /mane Platabar glad Po. Vettrehotbe, No. 137, Wood sired, Pill,buTgh. op, WILL constantly hero on bend it gwwl %wort. ntedtt 01 W art, of our two manutueturr, .4 anpertorquallt) Wholesale ~I muntry He, toot• sae reapeetfully Invlvd In roll and ea matert foe themselves. •s we •rc deter - named to tell cheaper. than base•er before been offered to the pub- Mr Orden tent by mall, se tompanied hy the cash or 1 W" , w__,,.. , ten...11 he ,raroptly attended to. aryl° Wasomf,, s a a areml, Ido F'eathers, land r tg trosn tl a. II Line, and for sole by , JANIE 4 n... 1.ZE1.1. , , call lit.C. - MS• Shop. wooIIen.,,.WASIIT lecturer of. kinds of cot ton:mod macry, Allegheny ! Pa Ibluntworka being no it full 0.1 meeemta. op. e mine, lAm propott.“l to ransom otters asttb &latch for all clods of m.htnery 111 XI ~,... t'ee , ... "" I° ''' pikers, 4 - trade., cards, Krt. r. 41 =lt L....railways, 4inmnlt P...ti apecdera, threamls, i<10.., ..." ~A., dooLle w Woolf, for merchant or country wwrk , ma1ea,,514.10 and hand lathes and tools in gen ee•L Allgiinda of aballeng made to order, or piotllle-lo- Co f o e gea r :mug Melones or mills at reamnable charge, gun go—Kennedy, Childs k Co, Blackatock, hell A op, 114, Pep/melt k Co, Ju. A. limy. M7=MI 1 '• A • cd ~' ; . 7 . P • 4 4:11c , • PITTSBURGH. TUESDAY MORNINp, SEPTEMBrit 11, 1849; MOTELS VALUABLE STANDARD Won Ks.—SRarks' Ufa and Wmings of Wm.bington. 10 vol., royal Poo. teparrs Life and Icnungs 01 Front! n. 10 Vole, roy • al ovo. Enevelopo.dta Anterie.a. 14 vals,6lso Com prehensive eionimentary. 6 vol., roya: 000. Wilkes' United Stems E.Tplonng F.yredition. 6 rols, royal evo. Buick lanrce Queens of Ragland. 18 vol., IMOD. 'lOl,O theory of Fn ,. and, 4 vol.. reytd evo. Shako pen- e Illualmied, 8 vo:r roy.l eve. For min by • JAS I) LOCKWO OD. di Wood rt. For molly Tram non.nvrrd with aletars.-Wrlte & Plltllola. Sew York. .043853 - VEW BlK)KS—Reeling .d Oritory ' by Prof Mon deville. Classic Frrn-h Reader. by pa Fors. Class Boot in Zoology, designed to afford to pupils in in common .ebovls and academic. a knowledge of the Animal Kingdom: by Prof. 11. Jaeger. Cholera, It. cause, prevenuon .d num, by Chris Richard.on, gl D. 5...11CY . 11 Common Place Book: an lid .in palter and rel. Ist in carob Illslot7 11 .by R. liildreth. ,001. dd. illuory of American Bible Society, by drnekland. Lynn'smcond 01011 no the Li 8., rola , paper and muslin. Loomis' Trigonometry, nod Lora remade tab.., Se., I vol. lunge Pro. L. :tine Itir. tory of liusondsms, 3 v01.,` cambric. Ilistory 0 1 ,he C.onatiment Assembly of France, from !tiny, 1; 48, by J F Corkran, : paper and cambric. Alm, o lot of morn eacellemtitteel Pen., to Winch l b . attention of wholesale purchamers is invited For .ale by em. 3 Apollo Ruildmg, . Founi..o BOOK'S—AdironbacWmbiani., or Life in lv the Wood., by J. T Ileadley. Life of De Wol Clinton. Ital, Alp. and Me Rhin, by J T I..tley. Artbor's Tale y ., for Rich •nd Poor e I modals Abroad, by airs. Kirtland. Rural 1,010,., by '4 WI,IOI Received and forme by R. lIOPKINA, ern Apollo Pond F,.nnh AGRICULTURE, —Amenesa Farmer'. Euey eloivedla, eye I.uelley'a Vegetable King.lvre, eve. I.4seoursee an Aencaltnre, l'emo Sehletden—The Plant, MVO. AVehnor Park's liomeette I:economy Hutt Poo. For sale by J AMES I) WOOD, .171 Y R. 3 Wood at _ M E e p a i l e 4s L on n e ( e X3 r K do T ' et . mt n i " ... ".' ost e4 Ve r t . re 'Y llt; M l: d o ' t; Phthttik, by Cowan; Hooper'. Alodleal Dictionary; Dungleson'a do do; Cooper'. Salvo& do, Chahar' Syr .. M - Sitsk.'sY; Gibsou's do do; Ahernothy's Works, 11 volt' Duparcyos on she limn.: Hope on the linnet. r:rovetahier'a Anatomy; Wilson on of the Skin; Peretra's Alatorm Medico and Therapoune.; Chapman on Emotive Fever.; do on the T111:1YaleG and Abdominal Viacom: Wood's Proonee bletherne, Dougleson'a do do; ntorlio's do do. A 1.,, • large rod fresh supply of Mesa. S. S. Union Hooks, on hood and for sale by Jell ELLIOTT A 1:,\1; I.lsll, 70 %Vocal at rintlE A10:41 .. REMARKABLE WrHIA OP THE Atil , --Larames Initnceen.—Nineveh and tts maw, Re with so &crowd of n rtost tit de, Chaldean Chriationa of Kurdistan, nod Yesidts, or Devil Wor sionerrs; rod au myth ry tnto the manners and est. of aneiont Awyrtnusj by Aunut Henry Layard, Esq. D C. in Iwo volume., with numcrous tliustranons. "11 ore I. n remarkable aid delightful ot the work before or, of valuable dtsecrver) and m ien-otos personal narroon, .1100 or we resnombee to no .bntlar work of travel or in...ovary. • • 111,, Lay• red I. not •srpoaanal by tho travo'rrs In the won der. of the stun' he has to uSi, he very taunt, forma.- , them , - We too., that Were has L 130 such plcrare In any modern book or travels, en P ark t• not braver or utiventannot, Burkhardt is not moor truthful. Enthell not own any or pieturextue, than the hero of the book before ur "—l.outtott Examiner. MIMED . "(hie of .he most remarkable works of the are ^— London Timea. Jost received and for we by Iyl I .TANI 3 DI.triCKWOUR. td Wood at British Pertodi..l Literature. I The Gondon quarter:) , Review, 1. Th. Fdint , urqh Review, It The Wesmatnner Review. 4 , ... , 7. 4 11.4. NOlth Linti..l. Review, I Blackwood's Edinburgh Alagattne-15Iontitly. Tire shove Periodical. a, reprinted in New York, immediately on their arrival l•y the BMW s steamers, in a bcaitunal eiear type. on fine white paper. and are funb:o: r , mies oral< nrsgowds—Dlueltweard's Nlagulne twine at exert fatc-.uns, of the Edirdtargh e4 l / 1 1011. The prieen of the tear.. are lets than one third of tbow, of the foreign come, and while rimy ane equally well executed, thel afford all Mat advaldam to the 11. mericrti ove r 1 . • If English reader. Tritais.—tt'ayment to be madeits advance ) For an, one of dic four Reviews, - N 110 per an For any two do For any three .• 00 Von a') lour of the Rf TtflX, • . . 11 • Fur F.. aek wood 711 1,0 au, Jun Fm }.luck .1,01 a+d w.. fn. DO . „. 11e ~ o re promptl7 wupphr.l J AUKS b I,I , CKWOOD, flonkstaer .11. Importer of Forea, Book,. IT= 5 t 3 !D . Mac ktroo.r. M.garsar. far lu!y. has met been recetved. 4.1 In p Le bLo a• JAM CB W. WOODWICLL.. Modern and A ntiq_nt Fitrniturr, P 3, TUTMTI 11.2112,rrmar Za. A .ortnn :PFiat h t d , suitable for Steno:hus" Hotels and precut sel- Logs, constantly on hand and toads In Order. ; Tte preseptAbokaz hand...ea • „• any manufactory In tha arsetern country. Persons orLdung porcbauss mould do sell to give ate • call, as lam dateranned My pncca shall pleas*. Put of the Mock canasta 111— Tete a Tete, Etagete; Lou, XIV Chairs, ttoccn l'ltabedt tottn; Teo Poe). P rate Tables; Toilet Tables; loot. XV Commoder; French Nlalustrany itcdmeeds. Piano Smola Sit sofas aqtk Pluck end Ilsit.cloth roverm bi blalloesny ROV Chairs, to dot Pee.or do Paory do Xi centre Table, YU!Ablate 4 put, pier Tables 13 mart. bp Omuta, Homo.: W sear., `ter Lane. and Book caeca, At marble top Wasl, Stand.. 4 put Ottomans: e pair fancy Wodt Stand ® A very were mg./01610111 0 0111 M oocher. and other furniture too omnerous to mention. 117• Stara 801111 Na nlOlll, on the shortest motto, Ace II aia on the um- tessoeuLle Diaphragm Piller, for Ilydrawt Water. TIIIS 11 , In ready that I have ap; Prettied Idvanewon, Itoggen k. Co. ebb Agents for the sale of Jenedng , tent lhortrattgro Filter, for the cti hello( Pdtaborgh tutd Allegheny. JORN 01111.40 N, Agent, for Walter Al tithuon, 319 Broadway N. Y. Oct. 10, 154.9. We Lave been ester one albs above •rttele al the nth, of the No Worts thr three months, on mai. awl fee/ perfectly sattsfied that It to .1 venial sal:cotton. 014 we take pleasure to recolontendieg Ittool as a a.a. hll sruelr In all who ore pore water. Orders will be thankfully received and promptly excreted oetrt Livivi:KroN.llll.Go:RN A Co -- fLev•raltt.• Pilt•riag , C , Cook. FOR PURIFYI NG W Winen render. turbid water pore by , :a ru tr 's r y 117! e ' r ' o b uT itirr 1 boys not lintel:lc in (....„,.... water in N. York, (....j).,,,,, 4 although clear rind purl, to the trey TM 1h k...// - V . rnWe r nc .. " ilrir:7ll ‘ r ' ;:lo h m 'b4 l impure subertanco., worm k.e. kars ' ts the rare room or a.... with ull hydrant water. The lieveraddc pine rer peat and dorahle, and la not •ttendad nob the tocongsmence incident m Mims hlteter, as it oelennard without betng detached (ran fho venter pipe, bT merely tarrnag the key or handl. rom one side to the other lir this cagy process, the consae o( water ta changed, and al/ accgunalations fo impure substance. are driven of almost inentatly, anthem unscrewing Um Flier. It also pouesses tha advantage of being a stop cock, end aa each in many cakes will ha very convergent and economical. will he attached wham there t. lay• high or Inn too cask, tank, Mb, de. with ease. To he had • ' • .• , • - , - - of the Me Agent, IV, IS WIL-40N, oetl7 eerner ter Feartle and Market . DELL AND UKASE{ FOUNDRY. A FULTON, Bell and Brawl Pounder. lea. re built and comm.-need bu•enes. a he. geld .tnied u herr he well he pleneeero .. - e he. aid resum er. stul (net.. • Caw e l i .stontobtent, nod Bella of every .'t from 10 to 10,000 pound.. ennt from pattern. Mil, mo.eipprov ed models, and uearranmd to be al Me best material.. Mineral Water Pump, Counters, Raißoe. die., 011 re• Met Web every of Iknes Castiims; it required, Wrn.d nuJ Einethed ta the neatest manlier. .. • • • . - A. I' sa the oule propne of aLSKIT'S Ann.Arral rio, lits”.l., so justly I,lebra tor tell far the rnluenon of Menem In machinery. Th. Hoses and Comp...on can he had of lam at all itmee JANO I V - DEOI.OI34IPATOTICETVatiIiII.fIiO; :c ROBERT 11. PATMISON h. opened the large stable on rirat at, running through to Seeond at. between Wood and Smithfield a... in the roar of the Monongela House, with an entirely new monk of !loran an an d Carnage* thn 1p... quality and !alert tat) lea. 'moires kept at nee r), in tiof hest mono,. IY-d,7 A N I...MINENT and rspert , eed rhYme.u , rr".. Kept. of 20 year. ~tnnding, oder, to trent a.leS. , of n teen, atr Natoro mlll prominncos and octet Itan!o and other barge mnc.. 1,00 been preerrhenl. II charzra a moderate. and 1,), cure+ prFtnntioni. OH elk,. of re .strerture, :erre foie. tall" AOw Rheumultam, Agar. tierd,:%, Of one elarontr or tnveterate em• 4 0011.1t1i. • • A , a-`r wmanind or ril2l2t (Irmcm., HI (lair mrret, 2 door, from the 11,12 e Treth Heu aamd Adv.• m tl•r• pour Arto.•• . . Improvement In Piatios. fiiiipifll Till: •.1,4,, , ,, 1 , Jilsi feCe1,1111( fte am Wall, tit of Pottiov Insm the cie tory of Num. 5. Cloth. N 1' . which Mt .1. o f ol exterior. beauty of latitalt and torper,on.y ot tone and touch. annum. ally thmx ever brought to lb. cat'.Alr Clair, of the :Move firm, long nod most favorably known tta the former Mretnan itt the celebrated Marto eatablevlanem ot Ilmedwood. London, haa recently improved and [Or reeled the hottaa of Num. it Clark. N. Y . to en ex• tent arbleh, unquestionably , enttnev them to the repo /11cm of being the eery beet lee Well /A Els cheapest Piano. to he eel in thecountry The lot Jwen , tsver, my, coute• with the addttoottal recommendation o att Improvement in the style nod lieteh, which maks, them at once. the most elenlll 1 and tasty thtim err, twooehl (WI Three illstreireletl , , tpeelher W l/le rtot it on hand, form theeost extensive, varied and Wl de. wool.. assortment fryer °Cored hem; all of:Which wall Im solvi at manumeth rem prices, and on necommoda wg lean, 11. KLEIIHK. at J Cr' Woral well', KJ Third It N II —The 5uf....., ect'l be Mend at the ware. hoom from II to 11l A. M , ami 4 to 5 I . NI. ;it I II K.. vole nemit for Nunn. kClatt WF: have Mine PI'M 1.4+, toUM on no IMpeOVed phyla, m e• not to Orem to the enblest weather Persons otenung sorb nniri es, tyre masted In call and he. at scntri: a. ATKINSONNI, Ist. Roo, recl snd for rale Li •LTIFI7 J KIDD CO BOOK TRADE. • •. LmbiA'a Acme Aural Clermiarre, Niue r 4 American 13re Ittak ,to. RlZEZl2l22ffiltil Allen,. Domestic Anonal MISCELLANEOUS stiscELLANEOlig Olithoolate, CooCsay a. . W. Flak.r..o. American cad )'tenth floaeoleik:raipur. ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Brame, Cocoa. Rena, ha. rjriO amerehvas and goosenters, who 1001=ase 1. the beat prsalitela elem.°, free Roth ' twa t more uvulae. than ten or coffees eudhis s istransuks passed, its subeeritrer recommends the; arßeles, manuttLetered by lunisrlf, and ...taped Wl* Woe, tine Drumm and Cocoa Paste. ea delleahr s littateble, and ronoemsalutary drinks (or Invalids, cnnyaleseenter and ethers are peed by the meet ernaleat plryaickaae otpenor to any other prepamcfaea Flta manafaelaree are always on sale, in any quantity, by the meet re spectable grocers la the eutern cams, end_b_y theft R Rawest/ray &ca., of Roston; lames M thmea & en, Hartford, Conn; Haney h kluniay, Nes York; Grant & Stone. Philadelphia: Truarank V Brendle:dal uncora mot Kellogg h Ilennetsancinnau, Ohio. WAL OM BAKER, Dorchester Haw For title by augH BAGALEY h SMITH, Agts • Wrought and Cast Iron Raiding. THE suble ober. beg leave to inform the public that they bare obtained from the E." all the late end Atabionable decal's (or Iron Railmg, both for heases nob cemeteries Persons stashing to procure hand oame pattern. will please call mid examine, and judge forth em...lse. Railing artll be furnished at the gam est hOtice, ands= the beet manzer, at the corner of Craig and Rebecca streets Allegheny city. nugoi9-dif A. LAMONT& ZNOI. m T.b..3,30. 48 .I.`M.G..&";Piht.}.`g'''''"Pv°"7"te idAldo Nue & Ilerwood's " 3 " 21 do do do u u )8 . 43 do do Pearl A Ihmesmod " & IL" II do J RobaLsoct • " " 37 d o do do u " MI d do Wm Dawson " 33 do T Wnglo, 37 do 0 Anderson " I Ito L T Dash's 5 do R blneon's V do Ratehlf Joel Imding from steamer and packets, emd or gala by HEALD, itucKr4oa & Cq 41 north water st and 16 north wharves, 1471 Philadelphia IVIANIJFACTURED TOllAUco_ 6hi hISJona & non's superior sweet lb hasps. 75 half I. Webster Old supe nor sweet 64 lumps 16 " Lawrence Leaner ss Gnmrysinovwer " a, a. " Damn/IMo la titre) " 10 " McLeod' es " " Lawrence Cotner "6s 66. ping Jaw. landmg from steamer , and Co male by HEALD, 1111CK4OR & Co, 41 N water st and 16 N whosves, rural Philadelphia' W.& J. GLENN, Book Moder., un- are prepared iu do any work tu our tine witi des. patch. We attend to our work personally, and sous (art= will be given record to Its neatness and du rability Blank hoots ruled to any pattern and bound sub normally liaoks m number. or old books bound care fully or repaired. Names, put on books to gilt letters. 'llbose teat hare work in our tine are tovneil W call. Priers low. untiOnf NOTICE:. HAVING mold oar ea woek to C H. Oaara, with a view to ciao ag oar old homesa, we hereby w hen (or hurt the pa.ronate of all oar (mods and ca.. taw ra. SD. W. POINDEXTER, TUE YOINDEiTER: ft IL GRANT. Wholesale Grocer, COMIIIi.6IOO Forwarding Merchant, N. 41 Water sl salt 8ea1.., Cooking Rtowaa , Clinton, Le. ARSIIAL,L,I.VALLACE d In, Round Church, 111 corner Liberty and Wood arena, manufacture and odes for .1c Platform, Moor and Counter Peale., of the most imposed qualtty; Cooking Rule, for wood sad coal; Egg Stoves of varloo. o,re,, Parlor and 0019.011 Grams, 1101101 r Ware, &v. tit They also nuanufacture the Xneben Range, which has given such general mush.... to those having n in use, to all of whidh they would respectfully my,u the attention of We morons and the public generally. oc<27.dtf M t;A C CZ itirT ue. TlJ um ß A o Crri b - o - , n e :; . ' tr y:3;l:lE; do..rr. generally, to Iton Gallowlng brand. Tot:dicer, in .tore and to arrivr • which being conseingnenir di rect from ninnuinetarrrs, ir enabled In re!! at ea.- ern 13% IA. R Orenshaw Sai :11 James Pladisoa ,1 1 ^ lAnalartme 23 al I - is and la, 1 Roberts d. Fis.on - Oscar Mut ss; Job. /r. Lew:. 1m 3 Warwick. aupr 111; .1•+ 1 " 11c.lry i Jeme. 3%, la and .s. febri L WATEIINIAN Nit Iliac hl no :I* 01IN WRIGHT& Co.. ore prepared to holm Colton 0 ouum Machinery of ears deseopoon. sorb pC.hotiag . Nlactoues. Spronoig Prunes. Speeder. rowo, Frame.. 11.olarli) Heads, Warpers.Spaaler, Drranns Frame, Laanas. Cool trnaders, Lc. Wrought !roil t.hailtug turned. a:I ores a; Coat Iron, Pun a...01d lleuFen of ille 1.0.. parterns, slide a n d hood Lathes. •04 owl.. of Li kinds. enamors of every deatenpuon furnished on abort nonce. Pouerna pads to ardor Ito Mill Geartrig, Iron R.../ing fro. Arcata Pipe for her irrE Foetonrs. Cast Iran Wmdrorr Soo and fancy Coo. torus pew-roily Orders left 01 the Worchauoe of J. PalmerLiherly *moat, will hive prompt Amen- 'Rear m Irsa - ssi,ek, bells Co., 1. IL Moorehead G I . W.rner, john SOIL, Pattbafirtl Ci. C. & J H Warner. Strobenvale NEW COACEI FACTORY, ill. r pobl,e test they Anse a tie Lare.ek, hetween Federal a, dtlandttaky street ' . They an- now metro!, and are prepared m e receive orders for every deserporlon of cebsell, Coachs, Charters, Lta roaches. nano., th e de , , whirl. from their lout exponent, In the to...torture of the above work, end the Menthe. they hare, they feel eonhdent the, art enabled to do work ou the most reasonable term. with Ute, wonting articles lb their Inn, Paying pvueoler attention to the sclecuon of mate na.u. and having none pat corona-lent workmen, they have no hesaanon warranung the.. work We therefore ..k the ...on of the pohlle to thte molter. N II Repotrlng done m the beat menus, and on the most eo.oNahleterm, laSetf To CI) I TTON AND (((COLON SIANUFACM: matt , —llc,ne med.. arthogemoma for •c on. •tont supply of PACTORY FINniNGS, ‘Are arlll sell et low prtce. OW end Sheep flair, Atom, Lace Lea ther, Ftekere. 'Leeds, Shuttles, Hemp Torow Treadles. No 5 'aft Itch Pto, he., Wrenches, Stnplang Cards, Id to 15 in; Patent Dresser Brushes, Weavers" Itrush • de de. 1.116 AN, %NILSON I co. MYR ITO Wen atr,R, Pniabargh. DORT WINES--thuoy. Wtht, Fottccor, 1 eure rick and 4r9 Ooold, Coropbr•ll k Co'. 0,1 In IRP: URbooru, Vona leek Pule Jume . pa, Una' Pen, IlArn• k. tons, Yore Juice. Ihroble, don- Pie •,.l .iogie Qr epc, n010M... aro all eelebro ,o,f RR thaw coodiral oropenka. and <an Do hod WhOlo •sde or Tema at the Wine S.. of Jy .JAC9_II %VT-AVER' , Jr. sabsertber Orem for wen a large and We ndid awentneet torero-nod and maherany grand Ae two Pianos, wah and ..,bow Co..'*lem celebrated /Foltan At The above mstrammam are war ranted to be eyed to any manottetand in this moan. try, and wtIA be Fold loner thae any broaght from the Fa.. - P. Intetkril, No la wood at, • • , NI doer eboreSte N. FI —City Seep will be taken at par (Jr a brat of be alatre masertment. meg - F. IL • - OOAN, WILNUN4 CO., Iraporteraand Wholesale Dealers In Hardware, Cutlery and !Saddlery, No IN Wald street. above FIM, have now In lama vary cheap and, will wheeled week of Hardware, Imported acs-the decline caprices to Europe, •nil which they R 11.1,1/1111..1i to Sell fOrre.P.lthagrY Mercbanta who hove been In On beta organs Cash arepanne larly requested in mill and look through oar stock , as wic confidently bolteve they will save their expellees nett ccc/ONO—Aides genutnelsrenel; OcarAc - as, • ray kiln article. A fear dozens PhOadelpain Skins, train the manufactory of H 11 (Steward, to which the attentiona boot makers to mted. Just received and for sale by VI YOUNG At Co, 147 liberty w PATENT 001.011 I.Allli LASWg-Atcatensme rocionment of Cornelia A Cols celebrated mane. lecture. and senator to all o ers In no; adapted to churches, steamboats., (scants .dwalllngs, public and private halls, and to all other a a where • cheap, safe and album) bight is desirable AlsoaSinindoles, (fall Lenterna,(MndelabraihOlobes, Shades, Wicks, (Mutinies, Cant. Taman, he. Aloe. lias Chandeliers, from one to Ina lights. ders tV W WILSON. VI market at WABITRIO, jAILY at the BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, :\KW YOKE, MIS rON AND NEWORLKANO tIENER Al. AtiENC VAN() COMMISSION OFACE hem, MEN In Wholevale and retail Mores, and other reapeetable baldness, to net ow Ilook-Icepen, Sales tacit, Porters, Bad-keepers, Wnitors, Farmers, Coach u, Car Agents, Llook owl Map , Agents, Colleettent, Oven,. to all brniteheti of business, to. 'We have at all tne. a Invite tmtit, appeal aitualloto an hoed, whoth pay from Am to 5:,190 per mann= Those in want of winatioto of any kind would do well to give , a call, sts we haveagent. to emelt of the widee ura. nduch will coat.° ua to place every applicant in a iiudatile situation at the shortest nonce. We haat a large acquaintance 111 all the above named rams, which we trust will enable as to give enure s.lllfile. oats to ell who may favor us with a call. TAYLOR A. 'TA YYS Second aciercen South .d Say. N. II —Pretoria living in any pan of the U.:Same, and vemhlne to °Mag. mtoation in tialumore, or ca. tOcIIII the oho,' cam., will hove their want. ome dtottty attended to by eddreawne or • Mir, to a. y tot dnitt; Ihe) wall curtail both trouble, ...a et. pen,. }.lnch they rake rwlm would Incur by COrtittil to Mr dity, and arching employMent (or thinneolvez Acldrets, TA tArit &TATNIAN, No. 59 Second street, Baltimore, Mir IL RUES' WOR CRAMP!. F: HA VE A HHOMINAI. WARMS:IES made imm I' V Me most anprov . ed hnoluto portera . formatted owl re-volume tdcol by llama, llateweil, Laq.. and a oomlorr ph). Moog a moat conemtt• rut arparalti. Car the tlpplicAtHut of warm or Aol w to me bowel.. no es. of tramps in Cholera. .As y .4ieel 'outdo% atmekti, ho , faMity 41. aid bc without as least one. • - • • - SCAIFF, & ATKINSON, Inc Piro et. between Wood and Martel , PITTSBURGH VIABIALIK ianornruTpa seenudgeraton of 05 Institution, under the carc of Mr. mot MM. Guinan.% for Inn present academic yodr, will commence on the &M al Maras " ""' in ibo s ame"lldn&O, No. &I Liberty meet. Arrangement. have been made by which, they oflo be able m larnlvh young Indies feniallos ciptal to any u. the West. int obtaining thorough Knglleh, Claaj, nal, and 0.10/LIMIIIII neueolloo. A fell room of PK,- ii•ophical and chemical Lecture. will be deltvered durom the vroocr, dlostrated by apparatus. The a partment. of Vocal and Instrumental Mimic Modern Long-anger, Ikavoing and Ilainung, enat ' be ender the eve Ma competent Protea.. Sy m close attended to tan mend and misname. improveent of their pl. pd., the Pit/torpors hope to met a continued= of the hoeral patronage they have hitherto enjoyed, Far termr. see theater or apply to the Principal jaosdtr Or. 11110/Garate In frotaanteasere. THIS i. to certify that I purchased one vial of I. Delos.. Worn. Specific. some taro mond. ago and lave to 11. an of mule sane &oven Tenn old, two aurora. and oldest the toroant stay appear 'aro*, pat I have no doe hot there eras upwards Of met rauctlann wordy pasted Dm SI.,, Soto oaa quasar of au inch to Poo inokos loud. W IitoLLIDAY. Proarro Crealr, 10/01 eo. Tenn., Den 117, 1817. j 094 '• angenWtils. ..9P0 T 0. 141 1011tdudivhdpTIARAKX, - CUp' siair and on Cloths tha 141141tdostipproved Nelms, ma sr palm to =aphids:get:4W cheap m Is. rdaw eland in my oftherdatatdeldes, comprising tho Gal= lomog ' Ears Barad Velvet Pas Carpals; • A Ivrediqltai Carpets any mu hall Comm! ar yeti • Tapestry de Wade,. Sep Royal Drawl. de Tapestry emir soaped; Extra sap aOr do Ihussrs do do 13aperfwe .do do Chesil,. Rum Ell. sop [wad do . Tared do goperide do Itramela do ' Pine • rdlo= do Cheadle Doer reas; Comma do do Tuna do do 4-4, 24 D4Tapams) Adataid -do do Damask - do Shedd skits dd 44 ,34 k tarrd 124Vadat'md av ers . rs Piano avian da 6-4 do 14.10 . 44,64 I ptsin do do 64 wool do db Caton lograid •do 64 wonted end linen do do do Venetian do BrtuuStair . . 164 wool crumb elmbe Blair Linen 64 .ble do P-4 cotton - do 12-4 woolen 6-4 do do • Engliab Table Oil elothai Diaper do German do do do do Cr.), . 8-4 Flow Oil 41..4 lititour- Drop liapkinc 7-4 do do do Criauon 8-4 do do do Purple do 7.4 do do do Maroon do . 4-4 do db do Carpet Bindles; Sheet Oil Cloths, of tsestllnssrPra Window Shades Taliestry est boyeeems, eel Le rit To the is we We constantly IbeeiVieg out SP 7 i 5 5 Stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths and Steateboat Tree mines to which we wee the attention Mall Who wish to W elsh their housed or stetneboaw as wtrwtll lx ahle to oder goods as low as they cast be kieretiased in the East, and of the rtehest and latea, styles. Cell and ex amine oar stock before porehasitg elsewhere Were !levee No 75 Fourth .t. inett23 W. 51•CLINTOCK. PAPER HANGINGS. nr.beas.JAll. How AftD a. CO, No. NI Wood Bred, WOULD mill the attention of the publie to their TS present mock of Paper Hangings, which for mt nety, Leanly of (ouch, duraMlsty and cheaper., a on nurptusted by arty establishment in the Union. Illetldes • large wid fall assortment of paper of 6th own motonfacolon, they axe now reeeivityr a direct tr. periation ei Preach and English styles of Paper Hang ings, purchased by Mr. UV, Howard, one of the Arm, now F.:crape, constating of .1 menreture, 10.000 mecca. London 5.000 do Of their own mannfrtabre they hem! 100.015/ eeet ' Well Paper, mid 15,000 pieces satin glared Window 1114*,ke. rti'; Warn. o r Howard tc Co. hare spared neither orOcosO nor labor in their endeavors to rival the east ern wall paper ectabllsheneute, both te quality M man cincture ant/ mammy of pattern 1,0 they are w e r ran i. ed asseting the public that they have succeeded. The whole assortment, foremn and Lome tuanufor. tare, will he offered on terms Co low as boor of east ern mannfaeterept sod importers. ineltgrittf N C0N1.114--AIZEBUI.A.KS KINSEY'S, 17 Mar- M. very high beet Shell Tuck Combs; . low " It l• plain w L hist, • narro.nOrd top " " 50 fancy top Beagle " 10 u plate 2. alma eonm. Horn; dot nhcll oak, agaorte,l ~ 7,114 ° E1.°:17,17:41 do F:ogloth Ilona; odo 8 I fine Ivory. extra aloe; 18 do 8 ESdodo, to boxes; grass S fine do do; Ido comb Cattnera apla 0•2.1,1A3 Yawata. matto• Imam, WIC K.. HAW PALIIKR. 00., iSmeetzsar. to 'Hassey, Hamm dr. tiIIANKERS, tIROKERS, and deaden I)in Po, and Domeeme Fachanye, Certificates of Dimon., Malik Notes, and Spsecie—Fourth swat. nearly opposite the Dank of Pittsnurgit. Cortenat ney received on deposits—Stain Citecks for sale, and collections made on nearly all the principal mints in the U2131‘11 M=11;i1=0;M:11:11 Advances made on consLunments of Produce, ship. pod Eats on liberal terms. spy fill EAT ftiV no.NE- VaEl: A BLP; ELT=I2I === Pun. crlosslever =rano. Table. Sofas, Burnt., Bask Can., IVrettng Drak, LEVER OF W/UIVOIIT IRON. . . . . . . . TIIIQ TALILES far •urpameng every other an y veution of the kind don, OSIIIII- be ex ended train ten to twenty-five fent, and when rimed Mr leave. are all contained aode; theyaro mo.le to all axes mod .hap... and are admtrablv adapted for Steimboats, Hotels, and large private faradic*, form ing 1511,13 <laved a complete Centre midi, StWAS ANIJIIVREArS—Ttieve article,. nee inval uable, particularly theme abo weep to con mine room, and convert • sleeptog apartment into par.. 01 moot, no they can hen ncised Lind that COlTVrnanne, anal when abut. Om betides< ar I.nclov. nit A great e n riog id room and A., .lie beJ tvade wheat elo•vd form n avuonfal int., of furutter< Int . i•ariur Of' Nallia, anon 1100 K t or dr^..1,4, room. and a•etul aruclr for rutor WRITING DUSKA—For lera ntlverbeosatin,onms, and other ealers: arh•n reword •mom enevrerrat bed ratter. cloavd • prricet U-.! irmrl !dinar s aloec tseuhla All these •rUelea need no reeommentlat.on: the beauty or the erhO, a, taey are warrnou , ..l ea: to got not o( repair It svt! , he wr nor 111,, •I/. :01 ned examine dm armee., or them attut.,:nre,s gore, No. na Third orreet. rettbureb. In Iv:WM. to We above advantage d , they are pnwl'agareet huge. ruehl L'Odlr-q WOODWF:I.I.. Peace, Gnatusted Otthaernst L'aitery and Paten. Insrarned Poles for Me.dical rend other pompon T es. .m tlfsthe only instrument of the [lnd that oar ere, been presented in two country or Europa for med ical purpose., and to the only oun over known to 61.111, ,y which too gallant° geld can too conveyed to the ha. an eye, the ear, the bra., or In any parlor Sc .rody, either externally or internally, in • definite cantle cream. without ...meta or pani—vetth perfect siiety and often with the happiest caret. Thislmportant apparatus is now Wetly approved of by many of Me me. eminent ohywerano of dna coon try and Europe. to whom the attneted arid others whom it may eoltaern ran be referred. Reference will mica be given many highly roepeetahloeiti .ens Stint hove been cured by means or tht • zoo. vctiatile apparatus of acme of the must invewcute nervous disorders which meld not be removed by any other Imo wu meana Amon; surto. ottws, it has been proved to he ad mirably adapted for the eure of the following &settees, v. orisons headache and other dmeasco or the Main lt t• with this apparent., alone that the operator can convey the magnet.< Mod with mum sere *Wet, In zhe eye, to restore eight„ or cure struturmos., la me. ear. in r.tore heannr, to Me 43.1(nn nod n ib , i n in . atom speeea,the yen.. parts rtl the tor the cum or chrome rheumatism, asthma, ra bicneo, tic doloureui, paralysis, or palsy, gout, chorea or tn.. Vent's dance,eptlepay, weakness (into sprat, oorne Macaw.* pecaßat to bloat., contraction of I.le wait, lockjaw, eta. eta . - Rights for surrounding counties of Western Pa, red privileges, with Me imitrument., may he purr bmwel, and also tested for the cure of instructrons will be given for th e ohem cals to be used tar venous disease, r and best 'nail. was for o,eraung for the cure of those disease. will a,- • ohr oh y eiplsoted to the purchaser, and a painohlei pat into his hands expressly fur these purposes, case. fully prepare,' by the patentee, ' , alumna at or,,,flye 5 WILLIAMS. Vine at. Puisinireh Tick na.140 - 111)0e1Cat KIIE attention dam publle is rm.:runny called to the hallowing dam a S. Eatto•--Ilaeing tested • quantity of Gold weighed by poor Areomuter, find result proves your instrument correct; and reeommend Mau. of It to those rung to Catifornia. as the but method for ob taining the teal value of Rohl. Reap "aura, J. B. DUNLEVI, Gold Beater. Pittsburgh, March 0, 1e49. Prrtestaau, March 7,194 D. Ma. Famine— Dear Sir, Ilarmg e.,21.1ned ...iron meter," manufactured at your room, I do not Itratta In Commend tt tn.. um of mo.e cent:eaten wk., I re re about removtaa Caltfornart to scare!. ot Gold, It OW. • elOor to the speciE,c gruel ty or metals, and will eel - tautly ebable• tae adventurer to asceruam when Ids placer la yieldlng murl. Your.. rear , a!' , LINTIICIC. INDIA /IVIIIIERCGOYMING—Just recetv,-.t fo , the Canforma Kane:Munn, a complete a..orttneot of Gum Stamm Clothing, at pro,. ralleltkg :few a.S.:M ro 1111.50 for mat of coat, Fettle and bat. For sole at rho Index Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood deeW JA 111 . 1111.1.1 FR I UST li.g:GrilVED—' area mom ol thove .0 Justly vcelebrated Italrnba,ll Prone, used constantly by List. Thalberg and 0•,..zr great performer., together With a large assortme, of romwm)d and mahogany, of my own monisfacts. • The above Imurumenta are warranted Is be patio. , mevery respect, and win he sold love for cash. F DUVALL de•ot_ o No 111 Wood w, r.o m aN _ T - celrbrotrd Ilatardlle Pow,le .1 1.b k t er, qoarler. and Calla. tor ntle 11; . k.", bolt 1 $ & Co, "7- wood at DAY GOODS. SHACKLETT 4 WHITE, Dry Good• Jobber•, NO. I/9 WOOD STREET— Would call the attention of Merchants to their largo aloelt of Domestic and Foreign DRY GOOLIN, just receiving iloot tho Im porters and NlColliOlUler, and which We) , v.I sell al very low retell for cash or approved credit. Our stock la now full and complete. nnd well worth the attention of buyers, as we gre determined to sell •ucli extremely low priers al cannot fail LO make it n.spv-ig lidseemen 4 r more:mi. to snake n 1,01 with tool 31 SFAbg , t,...OiIOVELS,/kc —.ol . tloa end Al.,- vets; 40 do Matt., Fart, mOO do Urals Ftnrsc!t. 5/0 do tktell ' et dn, Axes, hatchets, :11a0ock• nod Pitt" hellowa, 0100,1, , for male at ntsoofite tote r• pro.c• try 'aorta I:Rit 1 0011111 a tO. vo ro.ol at RIRIMOVAL. ritilE enlist:Dior he. removed 11.1 Wholesale Hence ry teem to the corner of I laineuck wee° suit Alno gineey Wharf, next door to the Perry House tochenedif JOHN P. PERIL`, WZIALLADI Manufacturer of Illnerat %Voter Apparulas, 0000 0/ cosh011011:. ASED sec scam N.. 913 N tiosoond et., above Vine, PILADELPHIA. A N experience of more then twelve tea°, 1.1 UlO manufantating_ef Mineral Woof Apparatus. one the preparvion of Alencral Water in Winos and Penn. Waken flaxeneest nubs, with. ecenstude and peat. Hod knowledge of of both ncanchos of bonne, loge. Thee with tem./motet...lo in the constraentne el 'the Appleton. and the preparing of the Water, whirl ho has Ineteaded in adopting enter hie visit to Parte, mad attar opera of close steely end patented cipplicos dons as applied to the arts in kietbeniee and Christie tzpheneate,,,L,t e n r o c o o b a: li b , e m fo c t e t,„ lla . f l a bloc mod Complete Apparatus, for the m s, angle. cool Water in Hooka and Potentiates, that eon be far. nishedin the United Sum. He else flamers himself that the enlarged success he him met with, and be present extensive and dad, km creasing atauent of tocriuess in .both the above de cartments, furnish. the most renaincing ppm( of hos laim mo ho supertorny of Apparatus ester there of all ethers, and of the panty and Ssinbcrty of the Water prepared therefrom. ?<MOM Who order the ApPerates from ft distance, may be assured that their Instrucdettr'sholl be Milani. ly with, and so racked' a. lo carry •afrly either by land of wooer. any port of the U. Mate. To druid disappoonmem o n is recommended to those who i.e. suPPilo int: themselves the OgprOitletling Fon, ta forward their of.Jers el as ...flys day es con venient. hlmeral Water Apparatus, Gesermars, ramps .or Fouotame, Orommetos um. and Pedestals 11* :hands. CMIOICI• Lars 01 Hotels, for drawled Hyde.. Water, ol together ds Cwilog and Trope Alarbows. and overyitan appertalmmr to dm above Losmess. constantly' On Itutd, aml for sale ea the lowest terms for cash, stpt3sleaddre • DRY GOODS, &c (P . -REDUCEII PRICES—W. R. Murphy has slllLAttntrl *km - velum and ea.. quzits, Whoch he anll cloio out at las priors. ITV 3 .VItY 1.1./W—W. H.. Maar. ono sell tan tallow .46.o,ooter Goorlar at tattooed Frio., vat esaLs si , Ginshanis, Buragus, _din* Eaasrinea, Suotuner Shawls, Scarfs, Bonnet ...Want Retina, Men.' and Hoye Summer Wear, Re. Persona vrantiag y above, or any other devcrip th'lt 01 Dry Good; an will do well meal) at northeast eornce and Markel sta. 1 • 1.0 wurraiioqips FOR DRESSES—W. R- einmhs boa 'area usertment of above Goods, lately received, .tell al pile arida, Malls, from laic pet yd op haver . tine, piton ;Swiss do; hatred Swims do; ero i broldered do; .1111 barred /eekonetv sett finielted do; Rodin striped do; and general usonetera of White Goods, well a. plain and ligared Netts_ j Laces, Edg ings, fee —at northeast corner Ith and Malta sta. Wholesale Roolas op stair. t in td E-OPENED.--A. Memos •. Dry as... es L will be tatipenetton Friday,J illy eth. All admit amok haviog been masked dove, mil ho Dieted at the greatest bargaina. Purehamert may d, Twad upon sacnring goods at LOWER FLATICS than ever before. D RUSSELS CARPETS—no Large. aueruneal .D Brussels Carpets ever offered in this eiry, for sale ' , the Near Carpel Warehouse of W. al'Clintoels, No 75 Fourth at. eoraprislas the in•est and richest style., and al prices lower Wan ever offered In the marker. MI who moat Brussel. Catuets, should cant b•f purchasingeisetabore. lain W PIPCIANTOCX ARTIFICIAL FLOWERB—Matcrials tor Arnim:al Flowers, vim Plain tissue paper, spotted do., Car• mine paper for coloring, ria Saucers, Leaves et eve ry torm, buds, tips, said cana can tn, obtained at P EATON & Co ma 's Trim:it:n(l4l3min, apl4 _ Fnorlit EIIVIBROIDERT—Worsted patterns tor mama., Ptooo Stooks, Table Covers, Traveling Eggs, attar great variety of small pasterns, Also, Wormed* of all colors and shades, by the gourd, stance,. laths for sale by .914 tll SAWN Bl Poen!, st SECOND SUPPLY—W K klarphy, at nonheast co r ner of 4b and Market streets, boa now open his moan supply of spring and summer Goods, mid has a large assortment of Dress Goods of newest Mkt, and ample Goals of every kind, all of which will he .old low. apl'7 NSW GOODS, 1849. TT lINNEDY tic SA, comer Wood and Fourth street, are nolo receiving direct from first bands, Imee stoe.k of Fanc mid Variety Heads, it - mauling Clocks of every ar y lvty, gold and silver Watches, Jewelry, French Prints, Combs, Hooksand Eyes. Gloves and Hosiery, 'lavenders, Chan Cap!, and oil other articles m their line—ell of which having neon Porehmed personally of the mastafactarers east, do.. rota the last winter, expressly for the Spring made, will be raid wholesale at a .mil adgance on cost. Conalantly,on hand, all descriptions of Looking GI.. es. of our own Marmfattorinr, no onStelll Wires mho NEY( FANCY AND VARIETY GOODO—At ZED 111.07.1 EINDErd, 67 Marto/ store: 103 pro fine China Vases, :wed; 175 ire. terror and mit velvet emit Bouon 40 ILve velvet Carpet Bags, ti do do gent'a warding; 100 greto fancy silk Banana, (or dresoes; 10 die Nail Brushes,aes4l; 100 gro tine Oil Vest Dorton., aookl; Wori do do gilt and plated, do; e 5 do: rosewood. Hair Crushes; 4 do Washington do I do Barbers do, 3 gro Fob Lirteue RA Hooka, Lim. 00:, am JEWELRY, ike.- 50 gold lever Walelimo 50 do de tached lover Worcheg 10 do [opine do-, 10 film dia mond Phiget Ring.: 1 dor fine gold Vest rind Fob Co.n, I do , do Ouardr, Brent Puts, Finger Bangs, Ear lmas, (MOVES, fee..-2133 dal Ladies Conn. (Roves, ated; 300 4o do Lisle Thread, thoey top, So• 10 do gents' silt Gloves; 12 do do kid do; 50 do l adle ikld, used; 10 dodo moot top silk. VARIETY 4300D5-75 plan Ametlenn Pine; a/0 biz Canon Cords; 75 ps Paper Muslin: 3 0 0030 ribbc' Perenssion Cap.; 200 gro death Whalebonn do; 1143 icor Ivory Comb.; Dressing bombs, Bock Combo, Sc. As. ireo FH. EATON t CO. are no opeolug their Sprimg rFHock of Trimmings, cousielng in pan of Nor Lila and Ore. frames, tirmpa, black and cord Silk Lacer. black Flounce Logo, BOUM" •Brids, Bonnet Trimmings, gents, ladies and chtldrans plain and fan , ay Hosiery, Shirts for men and be* s, Comb., Ivory nod other Fano, Yarn, Spool Conan, Nordics. hpo., Bob bin, Pins, So. ree., which they offer for sale, bath wholesale and recoil, at thirTommitoFF.tore, 61 Pqmeth stmei, between W oo d and Market. •pl 4 • SPIAING 00008. Shaeklett k White, • RY GOODS JOBBERS, IN Wood Mem, ask the auorition of Merchant. to their rook of AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, now rot-mirk direct fromflriit bond.. Reeel nog regular supghes of first goods daring the season. and deroung a large share of lbw anentlon to Eastern Allelloll sales, they run confidently assure thew buyers orkthey Neal find It to Um, fothrest to czednine st Jost recerrrd, large Invoices of nes, srykt Press Goods, Fancy Pfinss, Cassimerea, ClotLs, bummer good,. Laces. Wane Goods, IrLai I.3nens. Taders' Tnmranta• and brown and bleached SlieetLlgaraf earl• one marl Notice ta , llagllerreetype Artl.cs. IT ST rec., yr.! a small Invoice n( YOU; it.t 0 DER S: QUICK WORKINI: I'S near cong:ruction Therm !num.:tants 1101.4e,i great advanae* over ell others ever made. a 2 :I . stre Plate, reducing the time or aintne one ha f. and producing a "harper, clearer and better defined pan e,. They. theremre. deserve the attention 01.11 Ar -1,0• engaged or intending to engage in the tnisineu. rare for the Tube 6175. A gnmsral aunts/meet et 17e1gdaender's justly cele brated Instruments, of all Uses, sw well as Etalfaerren typo. Material, at the lowew nuns. Ma. t.E. - rER SMITH, Cincinnati, Ohio, in, eel au thorised agent for the sale of the above Innfroments. ft Liat of Pores ran be obtained by addressing. pont. paid, NV t. P. LANIGY-bal , Exchange, Philadelphia, Importers of Daguerreotype Materials, and General Agents for the ails of Vaignswitderla Optical Insure mente Eantlbrdrun 13.10E50 VAL . . . TOHN FORSYTH. Mere hoot hos removed t) to No H Vfrict crect, ono door .room Second, Far% rid- 'rlismatal past favors. he reaper:dolly whet. contiu.., Di the patronage of has former cltatollleT, and ham:else the pat ronuo of as malty new ones as are of the rig. stripe. Or,lrr. an the l'ailor iig line executed su the mos, fa•hmiiable manner, and with dispatch. Alec, a in...table sakortment of ready made Clo thing. of all kinds. Cheap for man, of evone. lientleomns' Farnianteg , Goods in all Oscar varieties always re hand. cleft a, Shins, Dogmas, Collar, Cm. •nts. Stneks. timamm. Sualminlers, Pocket Mk a, (: Mee., Drawers. Umbrellas, & ke. inyin .d".lm ==33=l . , SADDI.I ' E ; F' he '..r atl i e N „ k e - The N ta l :ea W P r!c l tt N od of inforoung hi• fnettela and the publte trt general Men he has the laccest athrk of the folloanng nettled arti cles of hoe OWII manufacture nt tam etty—Sathiles, II•r• newt. Trunk• And W all of which he .5111 warrant to be made of the tmat matertal and hy the heft meet,. James in Allegheny county. liettat determined to aell manalaettarra *olllme lower than Itax been hem t o anitl by any altruist aathhttatatnent th tho coy, Int wow,: . persona to need 01 the &tore named antra, to Ins tranthoutte, Nod e Utterly etre., onpo site a , evanala. Lands made to orator far rnachtm embla- I y Cf. Kt.:HUY. Cr FOR GILLIC6I9 woof, 4 1 ALL11 1 .1121. The anent boat A. MASON now ma front the Putnt, foot of I...tberty meet. to the Gar en—leavlng at 0 o'clock, A. AI.. and at the beginaing of each hour until 9 P.lll. K 1 Mere may rely on tindtng the boat at the boar. she Mavea the Garden. the lent up trip. at 10 o'clock. The eeanon in fat adranetag, and Mu. wialting to annt det,e,tfut retreat, now the ume to spend fear boor, no: In the smoke and dual or the coy, but 10 z pure ouno.pbere, perfumed with the fragrance of dowel, A II kitl•i, of rerre.blollP., tiCept ill.iitatin, drink% ere kept on the premises. Greenhouse Mann, and nougat.. of choice flower* for wale. Clotted on Aun• day /Ton JAMFZ M'KAIN. (Q-Change of lendtme made on account of tow sea lIIMOVAL. igigg OICOD.RILTENEIRIIOELL ' S. B. AGENT, Forwarding and Commusion Mer citron, has removed to No. 87 Front, between Wood and Southfield street. a. SELLERS` VEITMIFUGE IN urxmtuLe— Cohere., i.e. Itthlktb. Mr. It. Etellent—Your Vermlfuge bas sold well, and has been high y spoken of by all who has.. used It. From the sneers. attending the administration of your Yernitfuge In every !We 1 have heard of I not confident I eon sell more daring the coming on than I did lout. mitt be glad to receive anotherseas sup ply ors ors gross. Yours, respectfully, [Extract from letter.] R. CARTER. Prepared and sold by IL F- SELLERS, 57 Wood 01, and sold by drumnsts generally, m Pin.burgh and Al leslroy 1042 NJ IL g Li) A in r- LATON `ts t; Elm FtenTE lin ai r . JAYNE—This cerufies, that onmediately after having attended my brother, who died of consumption in March, 104" I was taken sink with the Consumption or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so low with the disease that for four years I was enable to attend to my business, either at home or •tinoad, betng for the 140111.11e1e confuted to my bed. Do mg the above port ml of time, I had expended for medical attendance o regular Phyoleians and medicines, to the amount of 14:1110, witout commenced any benefit therefrom. In July, 1044. I o taking Dr. Jayne`• eines, and have taken them more or less ever wince, and Lettere a. n was by pitrrovenng to thou use, that I can now truly my Mat I have completefy rem, vered my health. I believe that JaynesSanative Pills and Expectorant are the best family medicines now to I reside in Springfield, Otsego eenuty, N. V, and carry on • termite and maclune &Imp 111 that pace, and am not interested In any manner in the sale of die above, medicines. aid make ilds cerii6eue tor ttre till at dins,. ELLIAI.I EATON. Seringlield, N. V., Semi& I.IOPORTAXT TO TUE all/PLICTED • Dr. ROAC'S Celebrated liemedles. th „o lo p t i az i oLeT , e r m lft and alao the tuventor of the celebrnted !or nat... the I.lings, effeetbir,, , a cure of tlitotsio dieeabes. toa • atathtnt af IL•r eminent physi• elan Doctor l'brate, and is groduti.of the Ilnarrnn. rye: Pennoylvinia, and for thirty years since tins been th e ieveatreation of diacase, •ed the •ppl6 of rented., thereto. Through the use a( but inflating .tuba, In conheetion u „ t a his prophylecue Ayrup wid other arms remeda-it, lir hos gasorti anunpartielled ernirmice in curing Mute dreadful and kcalmaleilik, Tubercular Con. tamp:ton, CA.!" Renelalu, Rheumatism, Asthma, Purer and Ague; Fciera of all kiwis, CAITIOIG Erystpq n,cveal,,Tyozmobl.liftt,tcerriseuvsestihecuultar to , Cogi . al o e . s of hi, remeates, to which Immu ease nity is heir—not by . ite use of one eumpeaml only, far that Is o f btu vy& Physiological Law, bat by the case! btu ram. dis, adapted Mid prescribed for ouch peculiar Aim of disc.,. - - Dr. Hon's Totue Alterably. Pills, then used are b. enrothly -.acknowledged to be saperior to all other, as a puVa or User pi; Inasmuch is they tense the bows fleetly ben Dom oostism bi asat us also n ; Golde OD is admitted by the faculty to possess gems. Lu propentes adopted us female diseases, but being . sand 0•1 • Law trial is sufficient to establish Iraq haalsects said In the muds of the most skeptics]. The afflicted are united um..all upon the agent, and procruce WV:is( one of the Meterttampblets, giving adetutlat account oleseth tersely and Its Optima:on. Foe tile by the 3.lllowmg agenni s as well Us matt. Druggists throughout the troantry• Deboomitoker h Cts, et Wood street s Pitotnright T".'" 4 • 4 • d i &tells , . 43 Muket at • Les A Beetham, near the P. 0: Allegheny city; Jost/4.140,, Datlaugtoo,Baweentratuty, Ps. Jou Elliott, Hamm • u T Adams. lleasect austo4ll VOL. XVII. .NO. 29. MEDICAL. cozratnro i:Xe]uer BARS 41,P- 49.2 I Zs L A. Wonder wad Ellosolnir of tbi Age. GREAT SPRING AND SUMMER =MUM Tim Extract ill pat up in Quirt Betitari tt bids theta cheape, plemater, und 'apnea to asi rola: It ems Recast without bar Ong, porta& dn. ening, en debilitating the Patient Tto .11 b iioriti itt scliintte of Ws fl s areapartlhi lla it body.. It bona otabiOrcry baitammo, il . . . _ - SPRING AND 817)1/1811. ItED ewer know.; nut only paylEm the IrtitM mod mmertherte the parson. bet It ammete r litem,.pere aed tielt band:• power ptmeteed by De pieta. Itedkir . /z1 b. Mo. Itm the paed• secret pf 14a voidatfll lt het performed er'bin the tut MO ran, More ammo Immtrad tbommtd cures et mime came pt ammo; U 311000 mete eoruide red Lemmettl. -it bat samd Mmuf mem tem MON) cbiettla the dap put mom •, 100,000 eases of rianiiii'lD , OHNlty snot' inun.f Non'atio.Racray. • • Or,TOtOrtts litravollm .thriormo lONO. • mop- mat , nntly. Volt.. who hop telltherions., 'iilareantr;tlrOtreffeciate toselliOaTarOdiscrolea eseetattlediwymetth.erthemzessetmeleaidaMet ter the tweets., md' 911 _by phyl6mt, .:ptcamit .taw systeew emal trammtmamtdmy *Mom, premmtre May U. day.llwiterbatieg Omni, that tmal diteme; tommtoptatt. 441 Ntisiticirreak: by tbh ploitot eemedy.. Th o lloOpate, tkospe.. rt.? , P.. 7 i• INVIGORATING CORIDILAL. • Mittman. and itstirmetes the ate' It. Matt, stategte le Me tiettestmaymmt to a mma estmonlimpy ei ea Coanuepatrai aimed. Camas sad Strseriiss. Cslassiptial cgs lamed. iltsukiti, Coruptioss,. Lift"Clod4 CsM4 Ceara, Ceara, Arabia, Sputa, of God jkon, in as GI.; MIN* FismArirwltzESmas. 11(ffieste Prof.! Eassaratios, rata b W Sidi, 4i, ha. cmlr cord OpMing Blew& Dt Tt . steatecono-1d bonen. yoa libentaparilla her been the must, through Prorhtence. of tutu Wry We. I have for wren!) ewe hod • bnd Coottb. It be come worm and worm At /art I reload li mn qttentitten of blunt, hut night sweets. atut wu greatly debilitated wad reduced. end tad notupect to L.. Have ..I curt Tour don opuilla • glom datth and *mhos, rrenderghl Usage bun wrought to um lum now able to watt ail ott.e ton I retro on blow; andug emelt= tette. lee oo•.ocity. =au. Uri I un thankfullbg thus math. You obedient semen, tt WU. au98e1.63.16.0.th0w. Th. u only on, of more than Aar . 'thousand emee ast Ricumunam tat Barminisilleasemed. The moat severe end ohne., eau aromas* mediated ky . eetraceelsnery emote. Jest. Cemmune. Fan, ono of the =data/ski the Le. nate Aeylum, Mackwell's Isla& 6 the- paeans ofee kau Min the folloertno letter BbAelsell svt• 14 uka. A. Znoteentn—Heatillr ; iteneeefienedtextiblylbr_ sent y with the Rheumatism; coesittwehle et the • Limo I coulee., est. deep arena. I bed tie amen die. novice peon, av 4 Inaba were ertnibly melba. 1 • - Ann bodpp of t our Sessaparills, end dry have dose 11. more rhea Dee dimmed dal m wet% of good. 1 AD,. te.h bettee—lonsed. ene entirely on lieved. Tit see et liberty le use Ole tot the benentet the ,Bitted. Yours, Hits: F 11.14 plow • 1,, Toofneci, not haring tiges lierseparlala 1. ere** of-1/ IY, of coarse, oeverneetel it. and IRO ....erne,' to teen. On (openly: (rem aplUallgOßPold respect:Me Pentegn Innifenntiennerettell; 49.VANEWS AWL A. Teemed—Dear f I l', taro .4 t[W. 044 Ma •>wcra of .0. .ho has bee& *newel yuil alletot with Ire mod idea*, howyou iwt +drove. ;et last ulthoutb we could end nwithiowids hosi•itt your circuit/star as= Illgo ben,gni daunt, an .hr wea .12 very drlicam hoe" wit r etto hsw woo ,f riut finnan...rilli save unjead wi did, for it as as., restored her strongd.,, hog 40,kal hodlto rattan of the Pp to o. great 'plantar. end suzirr Biro is fast becoming. round and healily:tbr whith we Nei viola. respeetfolly;• • •••• • • JOHN BIITLER, J.. .• Farrah, DierJelser • ' -•- Dr. Tow eiend's darsaparithels • arid speedy Utre for 1./pleat Conseaaption. Berratiowts , Prolapses eri, or FaMoe of the Wodb. Co.tlrevm, Pileis. I..corrhire. co Whites chetrocted or 110.11 lienetra. awn, locononet. of Una, or 10.1.1cleej dincherew thereof, and for the general prat... •of the .y. teni—oo wetter whether the molt of We.t cat. or eau., produced by heap lathy, Mee. or acids.. can be more auryrialod tb. Im Invigorating of- Act. on the hon. !rune. Pe.. all waxbill. and lu anode, from taktoe it, at since become ...Weed full of merry nod. a todoonen. It immediratallf th. of too fr toile fresna s ieblib Jit the viecs ren , , hf 11, Mille., It will ad be exprated of as la cures leticale • nature, io celtibit artifice.. of cures perrormed, Cut we coo enure the elklicted. ant howdre.l. of cu. hate hero reported tirita._Thottessola of eve. where fatellie. here beta Ma ui children. alt. a ss a few bottles of tins le ittlueble Ilestiebni. have beat blessed with fine, healthy ofernol. Groat Lteaalm to 3iothers and Chlgdmett. It it the safest imam. effectual mmljeine for porifyiroy the system, sod rellecumi the differing. attendant sport thebtrth ever discovered. It etteumbeets bash the mo ther and the cliaid precept. pain and dim M ei hareem. tat ranches the food: those who hare used it, think a Is indispenabl. It le highly tisedd both Whoa and after confinement.. it prevent. diseases anendant upon child.hirtb—in Convene., Pilo, eremite, Swelling of C e Fe. Dopondenty, Northam, Vaniting, Pain Indio Bank and Loins, False PAM; Hem.rrhagn..4 is male tote the accretions and emiabeing the </matadon. It bee ea ego. The greet besot) of tide medicine In 11 4 a/- way. of, and the moat delicate use It modonceesa bay, very few cams require any caber medicine, in ogees lade Carter Oil, or blemiesia 4 uaelld. la the open au, and light 'hod with this medicine, will sissy. Secure a.afe and easy conlisement. Beauty and Health. • Co.autiu. Chalk sad • rand yof ptepa eta.. gay rally to we, when applied to die foe, very pee oat! It of lie beauty. Thew close the pores of the skin. .gad cheek the emulation, winch, when nature h not thearted by iliac.. or powder, er the akin indented by the alkaline mop, bromides Its own prodnetion I. tbe ho dtline face Dime," ae well me hi the garden of rich Red delicately tutted variegated Boon. A free, active sad healthy circulation of the fluids. or the conning of tbe pure. rah blood. ta the ...mita, 4 thl.whieb point. the countenance an the most aaqtaelmbeaniy. Il Is that which poverty the indescribable shades and daahee of /4.01131.1. lbat all admire, but woe on desoibe. Tido licanty O the otimmag of mtherr--will yoreder et. atop. Ifthere I% toe a free and healthy circulation. there la no twenty. It the lady te hires dear. snow, if she paints, and a.. comfort., and the blood is thick. cold and im pure. the aof beentifol. If she be brow, or yellow. and there a pure and active blood, It Biros • rielt bloom the cheek, and a brillteney to their eyes dui le fatt- Tins t. why the southern, andespecially the Spanieh ladles. tor so roach admiral. Ladies in the meth. Who, take bat bole exerelea. oramconfihod in close rooaxa or have spoiled their complexion by the application of deleterious souttioss, u they wish to regala-elastkity of step. buoyant spirit; sparkling eyes ass' bealstifhl coop Weals., they should me D. rowasetura Sersapirilla rho...ands who have tried It. an more than sashed, are delighted. Ladies of every nation crowd oar Aka daily. Notice to the Ludic.. • Ttsoess test mane/ Dr. Towneod'e Batsattamilloatice tnerosety called thou. waif • great Ruddy for Paul.. ond bey,' copied our bate ouvulartortake seines. to ten coot platets of eon., end for word—other 1.011 who put up mentsue, boLL sion the von otsnote of Dr. Town fl eud'e artaPasillii in cos:tiptoe. Ineideut to (relate. osoomoseadeel thoeuelthoughponeresty they did not. A anent of these Malone, Pate, dtee ose teeto fend.. as they ancarate dictate, and ondicrodos consuestiou. ' .• scaanne CITEISD. Thy. estrulleate eontlntively proves that We Sareapa.. MI, has p.rfeet cootrol,pret the meet obstinate &senses of the Ititext Three pct.= cared in cute holegtia .► precede...l TmenJend—Dear Sir I hale J. pleasure 1 to. form roe that threw of my children hare bey eyed of the Scrofula by the use of you excellent medicine. They were adhered very tsaverely with bed Sores; have taken only four tondos it took them away, forertileh I feel myself antler treat otillyation. ry Ve respoctrldly, ISAAC W. C 14111,106 Dealt let them Of,. Several thomand children died In this city last ie.*s, eke coold hare been saved by wing Dr. Torrtmerfa Sur tapsrillo. and there are thasnetals of children who are Dew recline from bad sans and kgratieweeothers pot t y and weekly—who, unless assisted, will make strewn ..< uten and women, if they do not die, width Is highly probable. Dr. Town.eud's Sarsaparilla will rectify dila. t, peculiarly adapted to children of shred e consene. um, and whoa diluted whit water, it le a. dellshtful beieraee, end children lore It dearly. D. will peer.ot and mire the Dtarrhses Dysentery end Cholera Dorton Weonus the,. is no Lstler or miller who is 'so p. reins or inhuman sato diptive their ebildreafor • dollar. of tht. invaluable remedy, which will certainly - reittore them to health. - OPINIONS OP nx wIJIAISS. Dr. Townsend I. almost daily receiving orders from Physician. in different parts of tha Uploa T. I. to Certify theist, the untlysitigned.Phydolany of the city of Albany. hare in not:moon CUBS pieseritnid Ur Toirn.ond'a tlargaperilla. nod imillere It to be one of the most valuable preparations. the Market IL P. PULING. IL D. 1. WILSON, M. D. DILIGGS, eltirmy. April L 1E47. P. E. ELMENDOILP, Q D lvorieg of Deneeet.—Aller the ant of SoPieinhaL Dr. S. P. rownett.P. New York °Nes will to m Iho South Daptist Chunk, No. Ee Naar. Won, hien Ia now undereoing • tlearouptt ritioego, and lOU he fitted (or the L nor arconimeLtuoti of the proprietor. sod Uto yobbo TeLe portion/or Sratire,—No Samparthe is the gent lee see entrieel Dr. Townover• Sarsaparilla. win. hy 2{ P. Towtoonl. An speree—lttehlre A Cet, No 19 Stela etreet. and lan. E 8.1.1rh No. lOU Coarr street, Poems; tionmoLfieldeo. Lovell . Unary Pratt, Salem: Jae. /Laren; Woo. ooetor; Alloook. Gantt Ceeemel , J.tylicta L Noa. Pro. thlooet, awl I. Dreeton ea.l Morohnot• ,eaerally oulholit Mu Centel Stew. W.. laihrened the Ca. . . For rate by R F. SF:I.LERR, Foie Arent for Pitta hrh. M. M. Ch R RV, Aihrghenr; A. PATTERSON B 111101,,..1171 • A.iti4.l L dst 50. Columbiana .41, Ay= Lill. too TA R_ D. Li Data Prati-1. feed and tbn ottlicted yob., to avail myself of th,, ofgning PdidicitY to the otatraordmary riftela of awn LopKinnnt aemypple Hann; been •fflirted .reel years - .with a severe coo., bee. raver andati noneetunant atone@ and seemed only doomed faj og , oat @ @two miserable elanonno,. Wail the ll of Ikl9, alien, being more ...lel attacaeal..a m y ha 745 renannt to nil fonaer -Cade-rpm rerlynons of two of the most nwPd.U.l.ditit.ltrileiana la the Ovighbovhaani Mithom deriving soy bprtatit, or, the cornalsoon of carvonno hat a. flnwrisygtOr *Silts at yarthetW—erben the hut gleam . 4 tepo Insist:4,w to Tersab, I hibi recommended to ms Yon( • pectornas.— A nn btened by that &wog who tinesnitUresst'irst the taw bribe nmans—aad contrary to tho. aryeemuoa. of friest . 2tl arts in lewdly, talsed 1 =1 .1 14 sti l l% tarns, < 0 „44 V c l , ,, t e a r AT . F . l ., to tyaa t 1,01 far tea ydarstprevians. Relpeetrsilit tOw.t&P, For sale ta' I t tasitsugh, this PetietTuelStoryot , Peva Ewa. - • sow '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers