_mNeoßibN ' Touswitow..a4 joAr CAMIe cast.l • adlc' P et6M ~. r. PaCtel REAYEA, oab "- E Stanley, will Wive Beaver mgulorly on Miteday, Wellnendiry and ay evenings. 6 P. M.., itri arrive 82 Youngstown Min men.% at 9 o'clock—ridartlng, leaves N onnfe• loans Tuesday, Tharodny a&il Saturday evenings. 4 P. M., and manta Deaver indium for We morning brad, &LLEGIIMEY CLEPPER,'ltairtng at Pittsburgh . Ifieelock. i i That_Prmtm fIACKAWAY, Capt. Dooming, will kave Dewier Ittcoday, Tudffiday awl tisrued. even .4tra at 8 P. 11I.,yeturraror,14bie New Comte. Monday, Wedndaday lend Friday evanings. 8 P. 31. amo con healing wit/site mamma 01 rot Pittetrurgh. ' Tb plc ems are toed ara, 4.1 in complere order. ba, em lag fine , enonlineelerneua ro pusengc.gr, mu: slappere May tel on more renew:Wily and greater detpateh Man b baleen bee.' l6l Mieid ." i'''‘'. . 9.0 ' 1..- NI.FiIfCIII &Mo., PrYprictin , J. C. bulbgrill. Agrnl., Plitabore4. 8id5...012/BM, " leaner. A. I) Jamb.. ` Youngstown. B. W CM itiogimm,"New Caste. 'Pla elegant steamer. ALI:11;111 4 .NY CIA • MIC.H.NaiII levee 'Beaver, dady nt o 3# Id., aol l'lttebUrgh at' I'. M., minting in connection as., the at.eve boars al.l 184. k ): afio/ •Warren and Clevetird renmisocee 1.1310. • Carnal Packet—blif &UMW. o o —MCCN• go oral., aboMPackarri icon. , Beaver 000.9 tiny ..- li e n , ecpte). rind arrive eext 044:m0095 et alien, IN ben they eouneayerith the Mall 828009 tor Almon and Cleveland, reating' ot4 ,B Yb a ,1. , .. Owe. 'tenet nEght. thre of tho.paekots lesve . lturren dolly 'bid P. M. and :olive nWkavev. In lima to take tee 'ineening &Mt for PlturbeeM. , CE S I.F,IFFINGW.I.d. Is Co, Warren, .ro. 111 B TAYLOR,do 1 JOllOl/3 CAliffillEY, Ate., • 803 coma Water and ttcnitheicla s. • - , yiliti - 44.i.PIC*NUEE4ililk. unto .c A N ELLs• • , 1.... - Camper. & Cummildrin,ClevamiL 0. 4 -,,,,,,,,,, fr. 11,Tim.g ..il I Button, Pn. l Inns t.k...-nit.., , pre.Ort on dm opeolog of natl edict, ro Inumpori 236oent and Paemieeo moat . ' rrt - -Buttute rend Cl ~I_l3l-11..010, m my punt an 'ffie Canal ord Lake, • ie I The-facilums allot jai' , " Ow. uusurptuwed di nomam, quality evnl impacirrof alga., catorlcoce .1 saps.... Oneeffielency of A,enti, One Boot leave. Pius/W.:9 .'d o,l'elolotaid.Y. run ningin cOnne LA etion with:l:d , ' , ....4 ,4, ,-•_ KE E.8.1gL11.4,411 AUCIIIB.:Ati, • Canteen Pinaburgh onsaMenver and a unit of nriar.l , ..., Meamerk 'kopek. nuel Yemen on , 9.6 laam. AAANnr—R li Park a;lilenver, Pi Some 11*Idtgal, Vcatnes:OPM , 0140. • • MD Toying', %I:arena, Cm.= Plitqhile, 11.1,00 88 , Vnereler telfo,2tkront, Onward 4f amber:lc, C 'and, trr & dears U I. Dna.. 1 . MN A. C.6110111X, Agent, o.=ear Water .48 bleuirldield me, Plimburgh. itlY -' 3071N.1 12 - g. T 8 l . Meaner MICIOAN ol—Cupt. Gol ..n.. .LARY. malt, I nd i k fm c m 501 'uot'ttrll7l co :,n'T . known u r7 r ::;:t a el :,g , IIi; <1 , , , 111 "Ilittdrutarb wad Detamergagularly deatiet the mown, as fallOwit— • lalledipM No. 9 lei Ti. Pinstru rah d tali' al. 9 e't4ock., A. M., and Dimmer ilt.l &clock . , P 31. Lam I Mc., leaves WARM daily affielrelock, A. XI., and Pdtsi , ..6l , ' . mStvelock, P. M. :- • • Tous Memers will ran in cocineetiou nits II (I Parks' Expreser,eacket Line, for Frei Taylor & Imalingwelfs Women PaelmtO , . thorn u. of Fm At 11... fro 6,0 08 16281 1 Clulre & Co's Pttlabyish and ClevehmelLitte Pre‘..gbl 110.13 A 0 Padre daily Ntql, Castle I'm anti. ILICE, Pia CLAlatte. & Co, Maven /teem. JOHN.A. t.:40.101 3 ' , A gra; Pitt- ho re .. n 7.4_.4.!.._,-.--,:- ,n4er_oo•4l_l•,,nit,-,f4,-te Pl% waitl49, 7. - --.. , .. r . -, :-....,. PITTSBORGft AND ChIiVELINII TANE, ON THE PICINVW.VANIA AND 01110 CAN Al P. Piorrnto ers oleos chi estutiiidird 04,1 porn.* rilfay km, consisling or DI ~. ri.EN fir, eta s 'wird Boos, owned by that:Molar , ott4 ohm in o r urci. two rub Me mown Dream BEA Vllll ANvig. D tALltrl COPE, are enablerr-to oßar unritua.:ed CAC MCP for tba tmnaporuttort ori Bright and hxiirrneer. .on Bc op ardnyof Canal amalgam., to alt ponds on the Peen- sylvan's and Ohio ttAil 'i t ark .n Al. and !sakes. BEAVER AND ERB: rACKET Li ill ..' 1:. M ri rc,., & , o, Oh vidsniL Tllll/Cl2ll SO yur.r.iaahri. FORTY HOC Z 3. ,,, CM DWELL . BROTH F ft, ...anal Parke!-k'....iLv ..,,.., Cain J <doers A.R3/11.11 !,arse o ~ TwAmears, • Poo.>l. - Leas Lam, ^ Yrs. - . mad r Walt, rtri , t, l'ii•••,..irali " " P.rt,r,a, . Ilrovg . ., r a stelnal, t /1 M. C PICVII1 1 1-1„ . . Fl.lllOl, 111 "ayri Plusitergit. ik.,,c,„., Thralmve nos and splendid PX......1:1Cr ihrebsts hart roman-need mentor, bctoren IIt.:AVINI AND,V.IIIP. BIDWEEL it. BROTHER. and yr II run repaint!) donee lir, ne .-ion -pile twin ~ U. Forw3rding Merchiots, I...nig Erre sver) uKitnitig at o ens. Land ohe It us, BBAY ER, FA, ~ /sr 11 , aver every evening, antoedistrly after the arrt stew:about Atichigno (rum Ihitsuureir Agavatf.: tu*rgc...t0.,4....i 1.,.,-. r1.._—"...,.. ~ ,•ri., bon are near •Int conaloriar 7 utrati4s , l 2./1.3 . 5 . , g* ." d Erg- 1... .. Lou, ~ ,4 1 fi , +. O . ' vein •ti throogh in terry mar.. l'a+sienyvn 1, .41111 &W. BCCverana CoLri Copt. pot. on ter Lakes, or to Ntegars tali, wilstfiril this Hawn/ perehaseil the large and .astrattel WArt rower the aloe rortortvd< and espedworm Cl'let. m Boat haat tot the lilonwienhcla Puna,- Inli.r •, ttrouvh to all porta on the Labe eon he. i•rmlinrcd hy WIC a addluon of p Warehouu , 11, most ample yr apptPcir to the Prolivirinr. -". gosensodtalons fotc.receinng aril torioriard.r.g, 6..3 111:119. 4 4111 , ;1 4 C 9, l'aver plc,* thew otrirostaltention, promptness unl 4i-pit.i I. /MIN A. CAUtillI.It , Act Pauli:Vv.. totecomers 111,3tetr ear, and rely on the iT/MC.II cur Warr r arid r.utitldr• hi sts t a trial 7 , muesli y /1 T. 11130 PT -Jae C ItarrPon, Botaio.:` , l 1 --FITTS 8111.1 Abu —2YraLILIS 1.1 ti ha. i , t• hl Brea, Fain, Pa. '. I I' t• Wiet,Greetiville. Po. EitaMal 1849. , 1ii.1:,,,:;,'" bl•Frand and King, 111, Ike , Po ilay. It Pluoin, Phorpiorrira, 9 w C htslamßruaram. Ts. tElli Establish.. lane , D C AlatliesraPtdastl, Ta, • ON TIM Milli: EXTEN,tu• r, 't% Canotnithern. New Carn.l27,,ta ill rrHE Pro Is this wril lo,oria 1.. , 04 Ctionl ' LE & COIS FAST ISIP ii;lt'.eS 1,. Casty Is owe prepared to transport P11....C1,-, ila Ffelbtle CarAIIIIIII4I DU dip th e Firteiiiin, N.,' York-Canals and thl taint, upon the nor; resort, • . iNgiV=ftilarti misused wtth n e st. -• Lai. ts out, AA, I TI I' Thm laas TlO:Oria co merhorlYrri. trii ••• rivi4a, ' ' l , J ",!.. - ',f:Z ; ...1, h•as ~, i . ,..„, '' ' BEAVER and 0411.1. a Well, tso osro I . o .7 l w'en Ta r p I i- h . • iiii. , and et 11l ears Ltaa al no ~,, r i n.ii. cni7,.. .. toPcriont 0 , nt. so os pa. on .ot to. sets on Ma Lake4.and thc Troy and Alic.or I , Lot. ."'' `-‘` 1“ .-1 ^ . ‘" . 30war " I• 0 '"." . ' l ' , °l' ter 0001 Litman thei , rear Yor I. canal .... rtoron• duly, at Or Ica ~, t ras, • ii U. ItECD Proprlviar, !als o l', J C 1,3211 , ,1 . ....1,,A.,•c0n, • Blillvell a. A alba*, Ager,,, 1:4,00e. NV WC, ...tr•rt Pirl , iioi iii. W T Malaise, Agma at J Meek learn , Pivot est n..„,, Twirl . ... IN a I.CD DM __,.._____ _ tir solllli Char le, .1.,, ()Bee, Mononhdaltila Irrioi.e, rittabargh CONSIGNEWT.C•V C idelm, Tow., J 4' Ps trllut ' uTrahurai 9.4)11 A DOVIIIIIIIL tin, 4 II Planiine , eyeal GreettvilleWtek, A ehre a. Cu, dik , Nni Ilr•nr , . liartatereng Darla& Talton, Buff.), Borne , , Gibliii A COS 8...1.4; J A Artfl:lol,',. Deiced, T. tratemt r. Newberry, SkIC saw Miaorr re Wililam• Niihau... Mar heap, No - A datum, Ttartire. uhai Fl Sloe., A 0.1.404 A W , rt. a Co. Neer 1 ark cog rilltaiblargb d Blairsville P Let Lir. ' a11.V1111,111 1849. 41 - 41A4g 'PUB Irnalill• el ompertfully infornred taw 1 AI, I BA.B EIISHA A CO. have hrte4 - nr., new and splendid Pszkelliotata to ran donna the v -.on. he .d by fl ora borilri, and every ninny taade to apron< erotism passoorlela • Dreavrtims..allom will leave ['the:torch len.) gooday,Teemii4,,Tlondey sod Friday, at 7 oti.lock, 1/.11. }1001.111 . 0A vitro reery hlnitdaY, V , ecirtl rrti), 1 .. a Tlmtmlay &natal ay. 7 o • tine It, ore anti nrrive at Pitubere c h ' *me day . A two ht Flock frorrl icialabaarill the boat at Paltshorgh. both . ou up. wood la .ard trip-pnotng pesirngt re ~.rough g h frt. that d pi 1 one day Freight for halal... Li. scan Ls. Morin i at ‘I. i s hone of lice ' ;• it.en's lame, D 7 J.. I , ten L,/i.. 0010 araew • honsed Agent'. Ad freight ree.iiireii) Era of wawa ts lelit A lißli ALL ACA. l: JNO VAR It.SN a nal astitlaert A Ceto, , I A 'I ns . i 6 m . m , h A Math les -llllarrßvalf for t Yo y ngl ,, n 0, the antral crib i , ,AI „,,...,..r,z=; , !rje of BoutowCa .s.l e Direash scet.ditan *lT'filbt -1 0 ii einertati.PCATO-Alii-ablio 1849. E 11.47::4--.....1 Forte' of brag it to co inms iT/TBDUiIniIfgAzADEI.PIIIA. DAI.TIMURE. N. ITu ' U ll ex NlLl'lntaileplma • L 'Team & °Cowan, Ptmintrelt Irlel old milled Line bang uaw ,la toll opera. thii , tkra, milled era Prepared* te Bets astral extensile • sermon; ao forward tuerebnh4ow, pro deer, Ac. toile* limn the ;above peva. on loafer tem., with .be toylanty, despurli and vafriy pm utter to that, toplo ll tmotponatton so /vrtou when tram shlpsnLittVay . arrodmi• . . , Jau c nol by and ior this hoe revered , cher pa* nogartrarded VI any rectrand thmetront free off frrYxYuntrassiououlvoneintr or Outage. No bal.4ltrocßi or mahrectly,fn sic Oats All c ementeanne, promptly attended to on appnce- Das co the .ege : THOS. 114,11WEYrtl h M artel et, ehaisdclphia 'TAAFFII3 CONNOR, Canal 13,,,,,,,, pute,,,,, Izocceo b A Cc, North st, lishboore 3 , swill - Iw -1--- , - --- 1849. Aga •sum .-:rs , %qui. Ns ro .A y.to ~. , TEUTILIETOICa, Mos Ofbob, To,. Rms..; j r. V 721, ism. , Doi, Bond on stet Sabbath-It re mng prat ri old, BEPHN tons of this old e inaLlishedi Line hare llncr:lll.,•.k . the ma. cosapkte Ord-r, and a•-e Peoghl lieptard An faravrtl Troducc.and Bataan , atlesto tat the. Eastern clues We ulstg4 our long exprrterre I'l tar <.”7‘ l 'g tosoboosoi salami a location la the tnt.tebt• Of Cur laltao4l4loCare la as a rananaanre . r , Increase slam p=ille hnherto estentded to Ett.• ham ..lalle. Mr Ifiza• Trlll Ealitlla. OD . rsal'y Freight Ines the atitpst daapatch, dour pow. Cali alermyr bo so lent.illit e lowest charged by veer, impotterble We 1 Its4t.l•Pe, Mee In No MA alarket moo, " bemeee4tpassr& d 15T.74111.10, for the .nrentsttee a a ~,, LT . Pt aid Berri:and.. colt hr tmststri arid far ...• Jiliit sod West, <swoon aal rtiorc. ri d tar ....‘thrnviallititilii., g Dwelt t., sinragr or cortnutosion. Bata eflilladolg forwracdcd, and every direction ";=";• e 'r ars'ydl';';or, WDS DIfiI,DAN, ....L.-7 - L.— 4.';',.. - -,TAlrgl:uv.br 1.„ No Dila. 27dhisarketztrerd, Phil* . i 9 I JANIE: , WILSON, Agenr, I ii i No= North Iltmard sorely Baltimore • S ; WILLIAM. TlllstiN, Agent, I i • W N • York aatiggi.' 1849,;- . vir, 'mv,`,t,',LT,TA c1Pt."11..T=1: 1 1..7.km., I Ina Ylirthaushritta r ‘ Sti jr4l.l,llllT ta THE , • and Hail Rood. ben,. ioiir open, and itt . r L :r4ta. we are pra-psvol to Itniiira•il A/ ksobt rehandliter and Nan.< to l'ltiladrlplan awl Bethel/WA h prompt.. well 4espatrit, and oc ihit ' pad to poloi ..! soy other Lose. I II ! A MYANWITI, &Co, DI • le.'''. Canal Bann: Perin st, Patstaorgh, 'Alitobl-CIURIA) , FLAY•NtiIt, Phtledetploa I scrY7 ~. li DOSE DB 'SKILL Co. Bettiniont. cr. - i - ir. --iii — Lid. - c...i It ft-k.: - .- ....)..... Paella' Lk. Lines alatt a i ll ...- - . 1849. i - . Float Wrsatuou rtz i riteDADLLPtitA & DAL ; -li , TI. DEB, t ;il Warlostrely for Pamenrert ) T}Tillil':ennrc' I otioll'ingll'ool'tnrcTrir. t n. :lTt, ' Us ' ' d L e "e ". :. Yana rititigkolit Os' Beeson. The Olio are new, and or a aspertnt r .as., yeah el, , Isagedilikhl,. los *knell will give *mater einulOrt 'The I eani ale : 4bn latest roe:nowt:oil • A *ill alwaya be In pall, and L. ,r are I, r'.. dill mad axo.mino them bane exv414300 pa* ' liErielAtly sum dollar. Cranial , ) lent Wu. boats or ...sitilati,,Wlll Mare Do lOadulx 11011.310 U, S. Omer, tiereali tirPotto +Vert and Canal rvery night at der ,` clear i .ZO Ji dale iPI ettarmanoo, mpply w the ONAS, sgitioria f10c00404 to D44ll4'cit a 1:4 . ' liAllqll %SEMI Boob , TRANSPORTATION. 11.112111 POILTABLIG.BOAT:LIAIi, For Trjallll/14a.xportatiott o rmg t TO eraLkuraxinA, BALTIMORE to NEW YORK BUSINESS mule Canal being neis reshOtedi Proprietors of the aline Line r.peetfolly inGann the petbile that they are prepared to receive and for- I ward Freight onth donate, •nd lowest T at.. They Wo.ld call the attention a< shippers hi., mr.pi to the fact that the Boat, employed by them in bye trwarportation, aro owned by them zed eorninarided experienced captains. 4,o9ers a Meet in Bulk find it ad tO ship by Woe Line, Ore subscribers hate mad rangenrents at 001260 , 11 to have snob freight for Bak, timer* handed directly front boats tc cars, thereby an, `,/,4 liandlieg Freight to Philadelphia goes clear through to the twat,. No <barge made for reemving 'lapping or adlimetnr Charger. KIER d.././N la* gthrtal Baran, Sovenilt street. AGENTS --John A. Shay, Cinculnan, Jno Calloneh A Co. Ilalttmore; Jar Steel id Co., Philndel: Oda, Franca. A Thom., Cotutrthta. Inehltl FkrifigYi.v:t rale C A 111 AL i ft. litlaboll . glhaa 1849...ft1ga • F.X.YRESS PAST PACKA - T LINE, rant Plitobstrgh tp Firtilarielphas BA/time/ea tlretuvively for ',,vender. irl:E public are respectfu•ly info. riled that thth Lod will commence Rummy, on Mord ay. 10th :dart:R. tau. of R. Line sae of a mpertor eras. wtth ealarged cubt., which ail! give greater comfort 11l pa.recera A boat vrill alvenyr he In port. Ind traveler , ere el. quested to enli and carom. them before engaging pO7- rage by whet 'in. , . They prig leave the bandit', 0.,?- posith the U. S. n 0.4, eorner Trott •Innet and c"" nl.ll'.liVl:c;i7kl,ol,t. tt , . , Titßol36ll. T Day,. For toformtutost, applyat the Monong ahela lion., at to I. F.llll A Co, Canal !Luau: N U..-elite proprietor. of the ahoy.. Line are In& wilding an :Admen. line et Taeliet• to run no, abcf:va an or about Jute 1.4 in eonnertith, reob the PenaVY vama And Road from I.eat.inwo to Ithdad•iolia. •AI thM tune a packet will leave every room:. a/1 , 1 , m0- Mg. Tone through, 21 day, tor ulo ' RELIANCE POVITJUILk ILANIPt 1849, For the tranervorthnon of divrchantth, 11 FTW'I:F'.NTIILLAI/ AND I'll - TRU RGII., t nal rn, On nl,nL Lion ary not Irmorldt.ed kT I n l'ltuktutgl , nod rodadelpida. being r. r , n to ....coos, l'artible Itra, ovv: .mod rod le —to 'dapper" n 1 fonf,lo , nl.: • r,,,alrn.; ea riful • pututhrtg, the o. imporLanrc. Nd db. MaJavlor veee.ving or thipptog, or of al. a ovule vb., ponds tortoottleo kn•nnich, ou a. rcn•On.:,' It • COL as by ant other Loth. J 0111 TA DEN A Co, • Canal Loam. Yvon er I•dt.d.usgh Ma, J %1 DAVIS a Tall ~ rket S SI Toomey , .4 Chart JOIIN F Ora, a - rWng •nd Conat • an Merobadtd, Cana , Men, Tenn .t. Rtithburzti. JAMI.SM DAVI: 4 S co.'lour Dartury and Sion Merril... 41,1 Marl. and 54 COMIIIC e Vialadelyna. • marl, Yr./M..4c. made by eDtter of inn aboor on V no! and other nicretundar eortrlned to m thz for 184_ aliatiNt 9, XlieEtCllll.2STOi) WAY kat.N . M. For BluravOlo, Johnstown. 11ollida)./bergh. ifitcomediate 111111 S Loye contamo to curry nil 'Way CO.& I, with taco . 1.10.11 liCipt.ld.l, 611 a al I.r roto• treogld.c Aarots--C. A. V.I,NULTY A Co, Pttohari..l.t 1) 11 Wakefield, Joloteorre Jolla I , llller Holliday)lergh. ri kozaascs-,--Javaeo Jonloa, k Slurl.l4.l ) * F Skoentrerter. R. Moore, John Faxicer, _S F VarlAlo.•. bor. k W. Wooer A. C., Jo.) 11 - P,Atz CHrat, l'ittoborgA John Ivory, Semi), Ida *ll4, J.. Wall b. Co. 111a,oceille. orrola: BAWD, PAILKEI b oo , a. PACILET IS4B. BEAVER AND CLEVEILANT. I 1..7111.rtl WARILLN. .Cattal racket—sW ALLOW, C. Ford. • '" ••• OC , Eak V," of the above Packet. leave Q.V..cr every day, .buodaya exceptrd) laud arttve rest mammy; at Walre.u,lato - re toe) coottect wat, Shut r ta Akron and Cleveland, etng etch of tht , 4 .04;e ntglat. Otto of the racket, leave Wairrft at S and arrive at Rea ver 1,, tune to take th• aso.otags.y.oamhoat,forr.it l .t ur a ti. arri,l4 L}.l , MO% ELL, At IrrAll.olt, 117LFINDEN P•2l6ltag[i and Ilacialttalaea ,m... 11t...N11111.1.`4 it CO couttnao ta.l.rtea Oen.. from ...y par Or Logi-end, I r^latw und .r %Va., ayo.t 'lre mon oi teriossa , to puoctua;...y awl kr...re:oat to the 'Nana and coo, fo, ‘ 4 4 nor ni:ow ot.l pi .. . angers to ha robbed II the satlctlluta artreap. ink.: the tea punt, as wit take ehAriye of term the monetast elatataelCra, 11141 1,1 to 0.... tr well . both;. and de them walkout any detrotton oy the ;.rt.t We lay 'lna leuriesaly, tlet, ow . °tau r pao.si ger , yo sharv, that Lacy were 4,-aine.l 4, hall. e. to rave:flap', thotriartda of inner. reeky downed moaths, mild dra y could i.e s.,ot -ono. ehl emit. Ina eh p rate, wineA Inn frequently row., tudir cuttuta Wo intend to perform oar onr‘ro. boOroaLo . , wkiat it army, toot not act as was the caoti r laat with ether offinera,—vetto ear, pertorme4 a.t, or wltott emilet.l [bete eon...l:lent , . Dralta drawn at ri11.6110 tttt)..' t 1 lint tat tl? o t 3.= ' e l a , S : 1 0jfalt d R` nlct 7tAIIIIA Flormsswg Ettropeau and lien,iy Agent., Fifth men. net door ALLILGIVENY ANIS CA ti1..11 . :T %V A ,• Euteljea 1. A. nnt.w.t.l 0•,1 tea P art. a„ • y .0 oral the w q tn, Loon on . wan .10r D 111114 1 41, 14' ghcrty atty. ~ ..plate ”a•or.• Locul ol V enumn Fity}al, attian Shutter. nro!ni.olr to E., 111 to tool warrar , ...l equatl. IlisaJ• to goy ot rSemeved out we aid of [ a race driv, Hoeing purehetl. e cur t, Sod w V 11.011411 atanet et, tabligthertent of Itatratay i=d, 1 sun prepafed furnt , ii their old coootrictS, ea well the onteie at large. won c•ery ttamg in their nee A ra No* Wood ...cat, l'atanuet ROWN. TjAPHECIIANONtih-1 ant new - iet7eiving, dir re from the manufactur. :11e , t , Irtt - th, Olt:ark!. kin .21 lhalmora, 'arse and well 0 . 1114/1 4 1 ae.rt ment efall the latest nod moat 111,4100 1 . .aly lea ot to tat, .ghascil and common l'Arktlt ILAgt.sIINGS, con ttaticat wow rue... of Parlor and Fresco, 101010 Ilall and Colas.; and oCke top. Ditona•roont, Lou; Puper—aloall I would particularly 111•01 the reconon of th ose booing hotioecto paper, to cal/ and caisnOno, I at the Pop. Wlll/104111 of C, z. al: wood at 74.-Cr—TUNO has aO-0aar4:143 TaTalve a V. largr asaafillacnt of Fancy VAI/114:1 - i GOOD P, consisting to pall of /olies., alid,orra . , Laces 1104 wery, Cleves, Crape, Letsse, C •t obries,:settiods Lace Phawls, Pongee Handkerchiefs... Vol l , : 0440 . gingham and notion Ilandkereesels, 4onled iiktrts, Nearing siik, Threads, Deno.. Coen: Jewelry, Cut. lery, ree. Country nod can me4.wats we ms g.:Wally Wetted to toll and extant...h. erust, No el 1144.2 strew, corset . of Inamond altepe mck/04 VXTBACT 0P artilite which to e -1"/ pidl2 <Mang irao ova a erhaa4alo, nourishing ace deg.°. torwerwe, hems mart p! Banat and pal. WWl° than cowman Coges,,and tar 00071414 4 04 tr• • . 0 " pxper costing only ten 0.00, wall w far or four pounds of Call.. Ilansfactured by JOHN U. nasi.Lblet, Pi,iteburcht Pa- Sold at wholesale by 11 J. FAH NESTLICX re Co, ...of First and Wood and WON alid Wood strechr, Pittsburgh i - C - R if received, 20 Como Blankets, Ai officer was* In pis Pants; 10 pat. nett lined Slintnir llootr, v twin,. Bags; a voice Tanks, 6 and 12 satir. escre 00 endive., gal:on oath; 1 dor Buckskin Money 'aces; Ido oiled cambric do do. The above Roods ion iwe at the Cali fornia Untfiting Ilstabluildueus No 0 Weed st metal 15.1 P11111.1P21 A PSORTP:D SPICES—Pot up for Bendy use, u 1 - I. n ca., enclosed in a sliding Ltd hos. swamiang Mastard, -A 'spec, Cinnamon, 60104 Cloves, P'12 40, Warranted pare. For sale at tr 9 new SE.r and Musts. Fu-tort, cora, 01 Ferry &4*-idoerrY . o . e _•! . .9 • HV 11 BELL A Prlallroiirld Irort out the Tempe ecvilb works, yturrantesi; .031 be consinutly an band and supplied to order, atby ' wrrs rain erebi R RN. t2l Weed si g Int/ILIMA4g. midbilacurcil trmu ll *Wate article of Poll arthick Clay. time and for sale by stio. & J0r4&,4 SFr. W. W. Wallace havin g • osid al Ile ardi of mme, a ger/ saidruanufaetere for Ma pamitimireeo imam. pronounces it superior to the hearitir mit in. id general use CaMiN tANDl7.iteq• pipm venom vicinage. of oar awn imporlarra. per Commerce BOrrtertul, Mot reed WI sale • jO4 3ilLuatt,iticKg.rtiox • uso.t. 1.3 ..¢t or lannica said ,code, rte Mold (naiad Chaim, from $lO to 65ttraeb,ettstcrit Flee. Alm. Wetidtug Hulce u( ears , Ito , d. gold P.wninn• }loge, Triad. rear Rings, tnremt Brkeelets. Wamhes, ko_ nib W • Ma corner Ith toll Martel .t• _ my% "Vrin.l..VEP It Marke i id-Ldoet, streemiedai dertalia7K - 17 V 3- dr , . pa en:bred Ve lvet swe Ilitavon, Msorund calory; 30 black " " n t. 4 embroidery Gimp: 10 pa lade Plain, Avvs rsat:MA% k7o ra LIU.. art YICIO, eon wino* an atpaniwooo: lot of Po•I (Are Omagh out ton United St., do.unnea aotn IV euldnfonn. • , este and ...amid oopifall re:drytooroiyi ueoan- I ride,. dltk ha n moll o y itAINsToN STOOIVIIN, corner *and xarketsla MEDICAL. • . ELLERS' FAMILY LIEDLCINE:9-'Hey are hie [S Medicines of the day.. Gammon Braxton, Ohio, May 25;1819. ft. E. Sellers: I think it nth:trot the ban& of others to .tau some lama In manors se your excellent Fambi Ty Medicines. I have used your Verndfoge largely is my mini fan ny. one cal frequently answering for impelling large ourns May I to 900) worms Nom tern ehildna. lima also wed year Liver Pills and tkinit Synth in my family, and they have in even butane produced We effect dented. As not engaged In marehanditing, I ara able to slam that I have yoi kr hear ef the first failure where year medlcines have been and in my seetion of the country. In cduchuna, I met state that they are the medicines of Weiay, and are destined to have a eery emensive populnty. Yams, reopectfullT, W. It. Plenty- Prepared and sold by SELES,No 57 Wood nem, mud sold by Diuggiau generally in the two co tics and vicinity. BI REAT CURE OF LIVER. atLIPL:IaNI, by he • IJI original, only true, and yenutne Liver Sao= Cava, Ohio county, Va. t Mare h 0110949. S Mr. It F.. Sellers: Dear Sir—l Think it n duty 1 ewe to Soo and to the publie nacre ly, Mate that I been been afllimed with We Liner Complaint tar a king woe, n id se badly that an atmeas formed and brote whom raft me in a very low slots. Rimini hear do your relebrand Liner Pills being for Oby A R Sway, in %Tem LOberty, end recommended le roe by on physician. Dr. E. Sena, I concluded an seer theta fur Inn. I pa/named one ben, and foond them to he ,rot what Way are recommeuded, TIIE HEST LI VER PILL EVER USED, mil eller taking four bons I find the donut , has entinly left me, and I am grow parnetly IdennetlWlT 111.1, West Liberty, March dO. 0W I rerufy dim I am personally acqaminted with Mr Coleman, sod out bear throning le the truth of the above earttheatc. A It SIIARP The etymo. Live, Pals are, ptepared arid sold by it F. SELLERS, No 97 Wood neet, and by dtuggtam in the twitenc. TO TUE PLIDLIC.—The original, only true end gen uine Liver house prepared by hu E defiers, and bane tame stamped in blmk wax ulna the lid of each boo, end his 11tH sore on the mune wrapper—all others are cormarnits, Or base imitative. splo R E Propricter .1.111.JA.Y FLIPS EXILLIHWIELLTIVE BALSL/111 UROM the tine ABA *MUNN, a weltkeown and pop ales Clemormsa of the ProteatantMethedllt Church The undersigned bamng been afflictedduring the past nuter with a disease ofthe stemactoommones pro dating enatpsin in the stomach far len er twelTe nes without notounsion, mid after havita tried Mamas remedies with littlaelfuL was fttrulatted with • battle of Dr Diane , Carminatne Balsam; Thislic seadOC rordiog to the direction, tad fortatevariably *LILO in. medicine caused the palate Milne In three or tent M ones, and in 6114.11 Ott,r6Oly ile.er , 7 senmasoo .5.5 entirely quieted. T he medic ine won • tertiontansed whairevenadfcationaof the hgpreadh of anaemic perceived, mdthe pun was thereby Fomengt ed Ito eonunnod to am the medicinery weed". ent et•enn and sometimes lathe Morning , k and k * s cello' health was so far rewired. that the suoc ter wa ed from a large ameant at oppressive pain. Fran es nonuce,therefon, he an COLlfidelalf recoparm oil It Jayne,C.rrat agave Balsam, as • salntar mediate t foe diseases of thentoramb milbowels. y A SINNTT4I NI/ Al . loglienery , For sal . in Pittsburgh at the rEta rt Tb..A .tryt Id F.orth sue.,nem Wood, and else m theltrug 'AMC of W P OCR •RTE. Federal Meet. Alleucel V ALLO A 1111.16 DlliCo Vft ail I CONSUMPTIVEDR S, B WAY-NV R ON YOUR G UARD. 5 .3 COSPOUTID 111111 R OF WILD 06000 aeitmerug Cowman., Cough. Colds, Anthem, Drondbitt. Lin er Comp...tn., Bpilittng Cifftenlty of (Deck ing, Pun In the Sidle end Breast. Palpit.stion of the Heart, leanest., Croup, ldroken Con. stotion, Sore Throat, Nerve. Dahill. ty, led lel Ditenamt of the Throat, Dienalmtd. Lang. the most ef fectual., ate itt . edy y e o uve °Tel:bowt dlsefta' il• ISAT''..I.'Y NT: 'B' TX= ine amontalliDombel.d.rintil.l IS Etilltv. It has paseed away from thonsmffs daisy Mont:bed smtn don tide of effperatient, and now stah,l• higher m reputed°. anti it becoming more extensive- Iv used than any other prepo-ratton becoming medicine ever producnd for r relief of 'uttering man. the It tuns been etroduceetten• generally tkroanh I.ln,tod States and Foray. and them ere few towns ot immortal., but what co nuain scree Ten...table evi• denee of good effect. Foe proof of the foregeum statement. awl of the value and efficacy of do. Inc.it- Min, the proprietor will insert a few of the mu r Moo. sand leek winch have been prevOted him by of of the first resPectability—Men who have loshcr ...I reapolulkatil and Menem than to cer• vierar of In Mew, beenuse It will ed. 2010111.01 . la Aver, and themselves at Injustice. Duch teettommy prove. eon. elotemely,ffiat its surprising excellence is establmited Lay Da Amnesic utri...an the anquestmeable authori ty of piddle eviction 'rho inatentaneetia relief n of. M dm sootinng indoeme dnlnsed Waugh the whole Mame by use, renders it a most agreeable named,' the the eictol. REIII-211.1Eiff "When men, meting of eenaelutttouit impu l.n, voluntarily boar leadmony tome troth of a done. or parocular Met. snob Drumeny, beteg contrary to ahem e . rldly interests at , al prn. erre: .cor , :lftio it truth. and cornet uti In pe I 111 11.0 anivinaal credence "—O'llogares Mon i RE-ADVIL; HOME CERTIVICICtIiS, Drd.r. A/101,111.1l Cols PLIII.I.IT COMLIIPTIOS -- There never was weedy Met hoe been sueeeasfe in despenite ea.es of Consumption, as Dr. Son.) ne . , Ca:Wound Dynan of Wild Cherry, It strengthens ml spites., and appears to heal the elem. on the lungs mean. new and rich blood, power potasseed by ether medicine. Cpser. Co.. April 25sh. laiA. Dr. Sorsyne—Desr )td". 1 omlly l•elsere yeer Coo doom' ey sop of %NMI Chests boo Men Use mesas sastag my lsfe. I t aught • revere send, winch erlet t o ..---.,1-:..";,T,d.."-T.t Z ::,;`,."—r—" , t, ~;, m ere ' s:d i ng until my rue estabitea all Me .T 0(1 of rulmonsr7 01.16,11nr1i.. E 000 ), 10 .00 . 11,4 seemed to hatee no effect; Ma say somplmot Ineressma so rept& 4:l",s''''''..:ll"ll4.'" - Tr' Love tlat'7:,e` rota t'o=isle dleateine: I aid m with the these hap py msalts. The fast bents had the eff r ateAtfte.letryn tthe he ', 000 Z.Z l ' ; ' e ls., ttos enfrtinj•rellAna am I "d i. my • Inert I ever vas In ath lith. and ...-* " -0, •- - - hs. " sec thforotadonteneeen-vg thY . ••••el.l to isil.l f , O (... --, d. 1 Ad . ' • ode. Soe7 m 11110 e m amr oracle la. re reared kor dee,truth du s ‘ re mmosmas, 1 iefcr via to le Isat hmeer, smt ~U.:710T, ta.,,,,i*10,..11.b...4 th1.„.........-..... kthrepelfMally (them . Thonderfui Cerro of 4.14144.40 Mix.", Dr. Sarayac—llleal flirt I toil • deth.e: de dee ta pee—end a Allay to the offuetad ic lithly, w ~,sfr, s. bumble teslimeni In fewer of Pao eeft.thPewfle Or T v f wild Cherry. Wane dd. Tam once I was cso,i4edy udeched wide cold ad Inikenretalien of the waO comp el with a &hamming r is A rTrh: ;It the breast aml trade s veer) enewidrea. • to discharge of of:fermi. ye moms from the , 1%..10, espe ' I ‘P'''' IblfrrateZerr'U't my -•'thA7l,.. c at wt p ' es . A : too "' ctstiTscred that I was rtspeeDl rig l n. "mmal. ti": l7 . MA: tidg"Zalr. Sjo"Zkoa.,:‘,74": 114111LV1V.r..64'.., such mm thee..." l " '''' - ' 1"." I. :...lA — preeenptiona, -thew Thad trod. earths. ~.,,f m., ,,AL.,,, ludo 04' the Woe worse. Jost tr--- selothed ..1 v.... .W hy .7- p-- 1 in vf - ,,,lTrotot , to lathe dial of your ?Synth o WM Cher ' Teal '''ae" rafctrat'esreer7'4d t Plao " stare= th'om w alnut oat ' of the bared% of catherlea bet safer ethodeng year Oaths.. dithnirifewe tA ie.to zo.d.roo.l7,l,l:reme u '''' ." h"."' " I ' Mord r m Ida.. •.. a I; (newt. I fortborab pore o • . , . ~,,,. a ' few hours, and commence:fins e.e. My des. 7ere:eoWO at that use of d. or g 3 menthe Funding, eon. sew:teal-1r a mrs deeply steed. I feehd. however, eareththabth mite( from the tor of , Ste_ferf fou . Ler It n er ,, 00 a ut o '0 ' 0 r tth' le r a.ife l l a: ' enj4e7t.bd wmpted to pch wit my c c _ thereby raptured those vessels hat olre v MCl's to Mal; 0111 w may, doubtless, my cure wit. greedy re larded. In conateptence of actin; treat ntrodantly, I had to use teeelec bo ot thews bottl Oe. on.befOre „ l b w.. me; fr:ll47'ort'Z'itkAl :d 0 1:2r the ' de IL me ad, boo for the above endethrettort. The Syrup alMyed the fever este habit, toot new.y the dutresmng cough, pot • Mop to the discharge of matter hero thee Wogs, and gave t and the entire erten% good Wald. I have defer. redodoring Otte certificate tt , o l ol now, frer them:L(7olo of being perfectly ...defied w e. ' h the perecesnthery el tbe .ono, tool now .0011 feel pee catty wad i oder it with plcaaare. Rae. J.P. lOthaft. Mean coeval, N. C. ------ Important Coutton--Reme Rea! There is bat une genuine prep...two ef Wild Cherry, tot that Ls Dr nu Ore fir. veer &feud to the public, which nu been weld larger) , throughout the Called :Sums and some puts o f Kar t npet_ and all pre fr, oo nca o ti o n o ns „ o c r.1 . 1 , 0 0 d , o bl ., the o o n d am or e co ro f r %r o f t d .o olir mo ea o h p o ut o . crcumstances, on order to glee currency to their Wu. tip a Ince observation, no pers. need =cud. the go from the faire. Ruh bottle of the genniu is enveloped with a beautiful steel engraung, with Ms Dieu. of and as Penn thereon; also, Dr. Rwayners signature: and as further seucteD the Fortran of Dr. Foray. will be gilded iterrafter,su ea to CltstingUish his prepararron (nem L all ahem. Now, LI it Wee inn lor the rent eitrattee properties and known cloaca of Dr. - 9wayne l s I:compound Syrup orYh'ild Cherry, unto. would net he endeavoring le give currenay to their .heinioris fleece:tits" by Delimit the Lao. of Wi'd Cherry. RCllll36lbllf, Sllllll6 bear In snarl the name of De. turmyne, and loc not deceived. rrtneipal ORce, corner •f Eighth and Race {WOO% PhdadelPhat. Fat sale wholcaalc and retail by OGDEN & ERYOW DKN, cur hi and Wood slat ill A FAIINgaTOOR k Co, ear Ist and Wood, and 6th and Wood as; WM THORN,43Market st, S JONI3B, lee Idlonty st, JAR A JONES, ear Hand and Penn trut; JOIIN kIITCII - Allegheny city, and by all respeemble denims in medicine octl3 AYE ROYSO EVIDENCY. tow ltoUtot,ts gr. CTIMINT b teier to all other wand.. for Dro rr odi,Msbliosa, an d other ?Wu. .ffotuo, out the wheedcwomesd the eisi of it In thsig Dentin tea yawstill 14-efer it le all othcr rrewlics Or the kind; end what say Ws hew ladowl to try ether pre they We almost InSarishly how imprint. to rewiring thslwilt Wadi w 4 rearwohly p n ceigwell from the high pralarbesterw el. int proprietors, end harm Wowed to the it. of ...... 'lfoirWrisaarr as • roway that her awn WWl* relnymthssit. sad wihgh probably WM bbi :41•Ipal arias.. Wow.. M .0.. PoEttott WI by Dr D. Jaw FlLLGAGlplaiß,ug•old ALEX. 1/. OILYI ne'llsortf 7.! goer. st • r”ZO - n - s yg W. P. INLAND, of the Medical College Of jadelptlia, tow olio to the pehlie his Didion Ter Wade Preiniom Pluto, the qualities of Which, after IoW On gdtried experience, has been eastrfactoril d x cm eiblisli To a ll women who real be Milicte with Igo/opal. Uteri* or Valle. Womb, Le recommends hie Outer, georantecing sere tad speedy we In the rhortepace of from two lattice weeks, if Rooked with core and rw--disesoling all the cocotte. instrorseots and expensive bond so long In we. Thu he consciennow in stating, inasmuch . he bre not foiled i n on . nnn n o ns of three hundred and bilty-three pm Al. for fliteussaussaand Weak Breast of Ruh, M psitioherols nothing to sue) this M e ter hi offortbny =ham el:resting in funn. Fos sale by L Wilooa cornet of Dismood-soil Market irt Drsou tr,11,6u34 tilbeny saul 81 Vali sts Di J Sargent" Federal st and D'utmond, beny elt7 /seq. g . Lo, " Decian.ll and Diamond Leming. ham ima - 13 E. 8E1.1.33110, Drogand, No 07 Wood men, . non , eaaeja for the solo of Dr. Toonalood'albleu doe Sarsapardra, bar ion{ received son dean of dila Great frpeing andSionEcr Medicine. Porch... should Tronnea Ala RE Ulan is sole noes!. rioaborgh, and D e 11 Cam Allegheny OLD GAND SILVEttPr a fVkIl. WATCH. F2.—copiox Wonollea, made bp oelebranel Coopoi of Latran, U. I .Totoos of Lirerpool, and a ta;roZ=‘,:f dollehLtguoLdag m all, [ A vg., apooroolea Comrennl:a Ware in ear; Gold pen; Jewelry in largo varketr; Spootin, Forth ikd , • lir Wadi. revolting exasted W fa Jet ti 'he a l mum.. W sri, toner bluket sod eth laseAuLarts t2eai.o6-fterpOok e 1re.w1414 portntingvtoti—M evis par lens rat sleet :. J,onmeavrik. adilQ ill • ,',11;;Woi A Kid OM v 886 H eiritngll GOODS', AT REDUCED PRIM. A LExArtosa 4 DAY, vi Market swept, northwest Ad& corner of the Diamond. now °petit. • ebelee mock of freed SUMMER DS. A tarp portion a these goo. hove recently been purchased st a great antriGne, from the AsoNlon Sties attic Pat, and from the atone. and mattofnemvers. We have decided upon offering this snick of Va. of prices . mdse. to mat the approbanost of neap wbo do b.ines. op the cheap cash principle. The SO Department is Tell el...,embracing the different tread. of dre w and mantilla Silks, Satin de Cbenes, and Csmaiim pro de Rhin. The ShawlDepanosent ambracel a aplendid sae. ore. of India Crayiertzhavela. from the lowest price. to the finerqualities, ode d 7 embroidered. Also, 0 re ondine, Ileruge, Mohair, Nett and ...id figured filth Shawls_ SCARFS—BIack silk, herage and Gtonedine Seals. BERAGE and other thin DRF.SS BOODS—. Magna and novel styles of Idanges, SIR T13‘35, and outer min lltelo G . s, worthy of the attention of the laidez. LAWNS' LAWN/Pt—ln the Lavin department. nor n jdnratia from the Eastern auctions are quite latffe, embracing elegant styles atria...ly lose prices. Imported and Cameatic Gingham" Phu. and Chintzes, 11101 , 11 nod Bleached Nlaalles, Checks, Ticking', Flannels. Sopmior I - nth. and Fan. Cloths and Cashmeres, Sawn.. and Irian, Pantaloon Stripes and Drillings. All of Which 3 offered at such a Strip es of prices that pnrchariers marmot fail to be pleased. !pa AL PANDER & DAY Cheap Dry goods. WIIO WANTS Mesquite Bar. rot 0/1 earls Heavy Brows Mutants for } - " Faun ; Bleached " " Superior Varaseleus " CaSeveo “ood yttehly, do Mo. de Latin. L . :lngham, Alpacas, Extr• 130. • Silk and Woal Borafrea Conon A. Rshbont flood quality Kld Glove Casalnaa .......-- IA - Broad Cloths " E1..23 A. A. MASON & C, have G00d..1 awes named Oa.. Call soon at the null cheap atm, price store. iID Market tart, ly' - • — Mira D 0 PATE NT DASHER CHURN insr ~,,, rstomszln IN 5 ot IQ iturrsa mow NSW 111.: I vitentLon of the publte is Invited to w..e1l slosh , ' Churn, which Lae the edvetttAge of aII in combining the old sod new inveotietna to • tether. Tbe utility of this taventlon la apparent, as by a elm? plc proces• the air is forced beneath the dash,. and does away 'still necessuy al ratrebasing a new Churn, as it can be spoked to any churn in use, and lot our dollar can have all the unnrorrenents of the age C0011.1..1.1 Wad. LAO. of gothartng We Mille, In Wet usual nay 'rye public are Melted to call and Pad, for them ' *elves liefore,parchasva r lsewliere. at ti 7, corner of Markelstreets. ar al Diamond alley, be tween lVuod and Marlat street.. Pittsburgh. SAAI L. WR(/&‘101. fu ll F, endemfigned hiTt:leiTlCen appointed Agent . the lialattettall MUTUAL Stotril, laaalaaull 00 . 11- at the place of John 'Finney. Jr., maigned, re - speetfully 'nines the public an/ the Mende and coo ler.o of the Company, that be Is prepared to take Marine. Inland and Fire risks on liberal term, al tketr olboe, r 10.37 Water street P. A. MADEIRA, T tr " (2: - IIIik . LIOUU teat 2 n. 3 ply Inlifit ' b ' ber jj Ilede--met reeelved for the Romer& of Mooches ter. which will Ike hcld so More for • law dept. The Roston Belling Cowpony express a Wrong demos tot lite fire departments , Of the clues of Pittsburgh sad Al legheny In call and enmine and make • trial atheist 'rite company is willing to rUt them to any test Day dant prover le conclude upon. meta' 1e II PI/MUMS snabd Cl latiiskit Ptri: Tlll 9tiVC - RIPTII7NTIP - it7 3 tlt flno the Chi taus' Insurance CetUratly of Plttsbargh, smll he .maned in tilt Room, ef the Rmrd of Trade, on the hi, klonday ol Nueetillantleit., mloo . eleet, • IL \\ m Leta:ter, J r Robert Woods, , no. 11. 3l'Llere, Jeorph Phase:nee, it NI gb[f. alk King, John She rid. Al Alto. Royeburg, and IL 11. Kiel, onludbowl Comrsittroets ' POLY/ WA6112 , 116. H. rt.,',Varha.::;::.-I,:lnes-"h7,,,—frat7en ttint patent. Tboy are uow deed ,fur sale at iho ware boom ot Parry, Seen h. Co., No. 103 Wood street, , Pthsharelt. Adrenterers to Cenforma are Inched to can and wx• Femme these labor -seem' modicums They arbstrePlo to thele (.011.1.1 0 .10. atratly trarpportad on the toteli of mules or horses, weighing etchty pounds ear, and Cat be pot 11l operation to half an hour They can he , bled with postme. It is the opinion of Mow woo I hose seen tire trial Mon,. of tbetee machines. of stoollew lex., that two lieetiteral we.the otnearai. from ISO bushels of rand Of .841. to 111.dtar. althorn the loss of • 1 particle of the la nteral. 'they can he increawed to um and worked by seater or Mule posser, if expedient. The operators work whitens% swing t ar t the water or heillic exposed to wet, and eonmerietet•s o Ithout en. %Palmettos thew health They will ream , but • sinall stream of water, and eah he used the Whet. tate., laid can be pat Into operatton where there is not suf. et ect we/I.r to wash se the eaual any. Pew, of s mailast site 613 Or abroad. at col:amnia& by eltat will be promptly ftll o rd 1., I I letd-dtt 1 * ARR l a l ' ertelt . et, ‘ Pt iL tt:bur .. ih. I - Niti - s - pial - aTto Rosa.' Nada Kai. T".7.zb:c—L - . - ,..2,°° - -:-- p..,,, theirbtll" - ‘..k I Medallion .rod 14 dm., haring armed at Philadelphia and Ha Intoore, •nst to more, Ma Stephan Ltaiderin Auld Letle..utortly expected; linty ar, therefore, prepared Ito teem , . e orders They will receive during the wow ter and *p.m, regular aerobes am New firliane. ela W • id M1TC.111.3...T6.FX I Dit'lNT we ~!;Af,t',..7.t",( 1 - I — ' ;,Ll:Vg V.: taratist, mid other mar. It rapidly take. out all spots nod wain, and re rroducea the heaahfut and derable loth of new wore. ism yotaiTed uk Go sate, wino.• sate and retail, by TORN D MORGAN, ._a______ leteeiss iteStivette. XXII. SJOIL 11. IL..llThlejt Iteeenueobl Me inure 4.11. met the eepertweam of Coleman, Hallman Go • . , hr IF 0.,1ut.t pttrltter%. hail eft. Jay 'cured lobe Use bros. Feb:awl it, le.* .1 1317fialii.114WMANCiA1:ri:bi0- 'rt. ...k,- , I. atigur4, Arent tor We yrtartaktotottro, ban on hand and i• eonstantty 1.-velum, • lull /amply aunt articles made la Ptuotturek mid witaalta, 0416 iyo oder* for *ale. maoofac tato ts ptice• CFO COCHRAN, (ciao • 2O wood st N DrA RUBREJI IM - rA --- ME.-1 pots be:lli - 4,1.11.n.- Iher Payte, soehcellenteettichl foe senderinis boat. and .4:escaper/petty orator, proof . , and Intl ti • peat et elenh. tete eppheatiost of Ws pee* leentaeient. to make there tomernentalst water key Tar 3 Moat* and a statical porrentellre f ro m the leother einecklng • teed 12.0 d tat .1.3 at the ladle Dubber Deem, No 5 (ebsl3 J LH EBILLIPS Wood to, - ehcoireh ettnitt:llll l7 B , Corner Front and Vine =an, anrntittr, MCITIVT".IIIIiIt. BAR, at Me orar - Carpet Wan IL Mose, N 0.73 to o mac-l— atch embossed Plano covers Plain Terkel red Chine do do Table do Vied do do Worsted do do do d 0 Bordering, Bine Damask; Carpet Ittraings; Orson maroon AL,9O--eartste °Whim Traraparcot Mtetles; Pot .. .plate Views. do do Trails!, do do do Chinese do do do Drapery Chmess do do Moonlight Wawa Jo du Landscape do do do T Bothlre do do Cord and Tassels, Robert and Blau, Rook Panics, Rolm Rada The above Geode ate of Me rattiest and rawest mica to which wedono the anyntion of oor homde sad those wiahlng to furnra or re plenish steam beau and brans.. mar 7 3PCLINTOCR - Ties 41111agha10fa - inetary. A T t e rarast artetira of MAI Corporator., held on itta o t4 Inet‘nret following persons were imam. made ." tea i t l ittlM.Tlf . =ast. 'I Mt I =FI WNAITLEVIN 14".1.r. 10115 11. S lENDERG /AMY'S SP IES., 3. Prtmrt, Jr., Bocrttary and Treartrar. The =motel statement preranod the stein of dre Companyvery mamma tradition. 'rhea office • the t_AtilLNa 33 Water Meet_ lets TJI STAB. OP THE WEST A* V ENTTl.ffht WOW BIAN °FACTORY East Ode °Me Diamond, where Votnuot Winds °Fall the different NO and colors are kept on hand or made to order albs ' the tweet lilltioloA approved Peewee Nab • • km,. the altorteet notice and on the mos reaattable term. Atha, th e cheap Boston roll or rplo Mind Transpa rently and Paper Curtains of all the different on s sad patteeng, op hand and for math low for east anent .. Minds painted over del repaired, or taken In part palate.' for new IL id WERTRRYELT, Pro`pr N. ._B —All Irma tute with the best material a . nd work...hip, and werrholed to please the most me- Whoa. auglodly Allegheny my, Aug. 10,18 M • 3C - K - N - YACTGICTITI CI WI PAN It MiZEEMM Delos at Om Exchange, Uatalaworao EDUCEJS RATES.-- rho eanrges have Leen redo. . cad on all Messages to or from Belot - pore, Pnw orgh or Wheeling,. ood a cartaspondina rodoettett made on all telegraphic deyptortmo furor artledrtuno Orono , West of Pittolough, Pa. Ilaraa—'Fhe charge (or *telegraph despatch to of from Baltimore, Pluentollt and Wheehng. to aa cents far tba Ana ton words, and 3 cents tor each addroonol word. Ur No abuse Is mach for the addraos .nd stator Until Bre complrstam 0( 111, Booth Western LOLe of i l=t on fr bon:roh=.Teltdm., et eSphu , :s p tlrlMua, der Mild Toe Now srittans. tat • " - 1 - InfirSXPV: tel., vow o fd Battle of Monterey; " " " Cerro tirade; Buena VI., ". Pets de P.Os; Cltue de 1400; " Garde Preemie; " Col C Auvergne, The above is suitable (or pacenng large public rooms. Just reed direct Brun Pans, •:341 lot ,Weal the if arelterisd of • .0 URA. VAhlt L 1 K d—Clletaleal Liqusd for washing I. clothes, carpets, silks, paint and fine tasintore— slated half the Lars rod dispensing entirely with the oruhusard. The doestWilWo easpeta after basins bees 01 line Walton years, hue been perfectlyrester edellnlhottat the latightal 1.0 the (oboe, and witti est famovuti mow theleof. It will not rejoin the iteti. Wefts. aewootpanying "sob bottle. Pm,. BS Matt Ifiyalle by 1 solloONlCillia 00, 96 1r0w1.19 --- -7- EXCHANGE BROICEM Ilf.lloL2lntal 4fo VM. • Basalv•r•, Jewebeasig• Elreex•t•• NOTES,DILIXTHD }JA CCE NE NOY PTA NCES. GOLD,EILTER AN COLLECTIONEL—Drafts, Neves lead Areeplatz...; payable in onrpart of Ike Uolon, collected on Ow favorable Wrens. EXCHANGE or New York, filliadelphut and HUl tire ore: •Iso, Clneinnot, Lecnsvllle, Sa. Loam end New Oriealll, eanacanlty for sale. BANK NOTES.—Nows or, all •ea,col. banks I the Called Sun. di...anted at dm loweVeraws. All Inds of - Foreign and Aroenean Gold Rod Silver Carnet , ueln arid wild. Mee No. 35 Market Greet, Maureen 3dn , l lah, riusbargh, P.. oat.% POELIGION EXCHANGE.. pirl.lJ3 on Enstand.lrel.d, nd Seotland beaght soy amount at the Curren a t Rain of Erehangs. Also, Mono payable isi any port of the Old ectunres, from it to .Eltsk, an the rate of SS to the low toot. wit Lou t dedueuon or discount, by JOSIIVA UN SON, ratrepeau arta General Agent, otriee tme dew west of mood. AL. alur.76 lAmian On RAHN. BAN' 1 . AND EXCHANGE BRO/1111N, drydr in Foreign and Domenic Bills of Etrbongc. C. fi°... of ikTnti., Dank Note a and Coin. cut* , • 7d and Wood Aroma., directly oppoute Nt. Chock, II mar 1.41.. Keutnety Ma none, Bank Notes; purchased at die lowest rates, hy N. IIuLAIF33 & I 4 ONS. serl3 32 Market strCet. WILLA 131id7t1VITAN25n--elgat &east of New York, rhiladelplata h r i lt mom Constantly for Bala by N. 110LAI & PONS. sera 25 bra Cz4=lC, acs TOSTPLIBLISHW . —The History of the Paritans !I m Eneant .0 the lirtm. Fathers, complete 1 vol. LOYOI• and Jesuitistn-m os Itudonents, y lea. Taylor The Urn"lug of Scotland, or St etch, of Soo slab scenery, 11,1tereture and Rat irton. by Robert 'Turnbull; 411 Call.loll. The 11,atory of Ow Church of E.nghLud, by U stop Short; Erakor , t pel Soto:mit. florder Worfirc of Nrur Varl The Mountains of the Bible. Last Dayngal Xrb- Cou.olV /A0...6,9r Ito Pligutu'A ProircPc ra:initedly Kirlained, publitbed br Am. 3.1+. Lilccct. The Wonder. of . Vegetuuon, 1 übliAbed lly Am . N. Unton. For solo by V.LLIOrr a KNOLI, • .1 14/ MEDIC - o I. WORK! , JUST itEc6uvriii .,,-, 71 ,,, tite.ll, !Acores- 4 vol.. Donglirors, Medical Diello.ry. tor's Nirgircal Jartsprodoner. Taylor on rorsons. riatlon'a Cycloptcdra of PrantrFal erlodicroc, 4 vole . Iloopor's Modica! Dictionary. 1111rouou's Practiccof.Alndrcum . • Smith and lio4nor's Auatoonsl , Atlas Anatomical Atlas. 'Far !Jr I.• J LOS I) LOCKWOOII.,i4 IVood IUFF's BUOK-KTXPING-111maks fer m001,,0t jJ all 4 wort. with the author's corcetiono to tom, ors prioted oil the ronot A oew tupply just owl from Now York sad (or ralo.by luW JOHN It AIELL — OR, M Wood •t iik:Vi HOOKA FOR hlt.lbLitEß READING.— Pos—Kureka, Prose Poem,' or, the Phyvicat pod blemplayweal Oustrarse. by Edgar A. Poe, Pay., handsomely printed, Mao. cloth. 75 eta •Ple shallive e real r surprised if this work does not creell a profound sensaWon &Mona the literary and smedutie r lasses all over the Umon, display ,ny as it doe. ...anew/ming power apd gaup of thouglt which canoe. prisalidy foal to cacao the 'special wonder. of even the most estreleas reader..--Esper.s. Nineveh had to Remains; with no adeoasii of a vont re the Chaldaran Christian. of Kuril...xi. and the Ve stals, or Dead Wershlppers; and an into the amorists and WO We Ancient 'Lev) tuna. Amnon Henry L.ayard. rack!). C. L.; no a vole, with numer ous 111..60r11 1 . ci the moat remarkable works of the age.'•-The Timce, (Lend... Fel, 9. The halsnander; o Logan of the Iron Forneres o Rocaland county, Y . try K Unites Sm., with lustratous Thule, ad et Moo. cloth, 75 I' J. Fen re Cooper 'The Spy,' a nee. and bean, fal edition, revised by the nether. with new them,. to he tallow/ad by the 1 . 1104 to the •onte s'y , e The Worts of Washington re•leed and en. target' or the author, in Id elegant daudeemio ratan:es; beauttfahl pion J in nese type,ond on euperior paper, • do expressly for M. purpose For 15 +We by 1.Y.A11. LAICKWO.Ob, (tr avr.ny ears eutinected srldt Messrs. W,ley spd Jolo S 1' ) 0 Woe.) ).). AD. L ban mat returned from the Eastern Mu,. NEW BOOKS--Irvlng—Thu Crayon .theeellar y— enraprtring The Prairie, ttlottorcinett, Nertvv , end AhOey Complete in one va:note--elegantly pnnted., Carron—The Mastastertes of the Levant. Yost r , tr, tilmarated. A 'WIMP of more than ordinary met rem. I flaring a .nea of Merl rerleels Wed often amastrig mtventare. • • • The field occupied by the volume is nhartst entirely ssere.—Commeretal Adrertmer. • A book of gentleman!), liberal, scholarly interect, wheel reminds no net • belle of Beelrfrrrd's h Fa • cameos, or the etyul.easient remm mmr meeneec o Wo f 14.11.r1d .a. Lly Cooper—Crew edition of Carty taverks.l--The revised. an, erteh bew mernchmaten and air n. Corr. piece ir I vol. Cr trona wink Ire seer worts. e 2115 The :nyC and else atketeb.llook were the firitt Amer , can books winch were antentrateDY eettne•t!edlled ‘r• cantata a pertarmance as wen a pronnse We rem In the anthem.= t a rt ans grhich , bey seem reeemed. and the peened eapeet suck they awakened rovornt Mre hheral minded sbrun2l end Im Immo. at Orme krt.: wes .atton enc.'s" , a `Leh , the shin of Gokleratett anti Addtmn.t , tper was translated In every foolery or the M 0... or ell , ' el any Interest on. fen in a tofeidli hlr manure. - Inertly World For ale by l D I.In..KWOr tic told rot Wo-e a: I ST .ille n tkaty . 4 rtcomplete Worts at loanDasan• Mardi and a Voysre Hither. to, Herm:us Nleivi , le. Banter Warta. of 711 Year, by W by Campbell Item a Lortle and There a I.lld, by t h e author or "Jo.. arms Line, mod Dreeept aeonDrerUkne.."• talemednalmy viuntl.lty . A he terabit:MA. Illustrated Lem of rank part elk, ton rreterci and for eel.. hr JOHNIFTON ts tISKTUN. optnorn.l Thad sled ht p".`ta.,"", aL Philosophy 0( Flrligion, by 3. D. Morin!, A gr.. linuenes OneObilreu of the citrate rngere. • . tdrambetl Cy olophatto of Engle. LAKIVCIth, •0115- octavo, hoe entesou, ere' plod.. Charribels' Mi•e•ltany of Ilscfal egetatenenhtd vols. bt Illostrathd.,..,l Ad•tco Voting Men, by xrthar, . Veen, Wooten, - Klernents or Meteorology, by 3. Brocklestry, 14 encloing.. Procerb. for the People, hy Et. Mococch Ilattorefy [...lowa* by Dr. 'or yield. Freocithl Illoboan Lotman, tor 1206-.1. —'The Gwen.. of poly Acerbates for teethed", the spinival a Coen.' I hid, &co. Alo4 Facklinildfo,lnoerhou Iteterved this Jai by It 110PKIAIS, jirigl Apollb Baddlnca, st 1%7 Knot, oe the tbe l'ordn 1.1 of Chased, had Staten by Cohost W. Noc , , M. A 'soh Ltao.—sl,l4l. An entire edinou of 'dn. ,hurl indt•Old In one day, co it* pabikeauon m Inedoll! Le• The Coot Margarinihnntet Journal. in the Cho ler." et Mamaobarottol ey-174-0.1 hut. Into, tab. Itttyta Poems.—Akelebes of Life and Landscape. by Itch. Ralph lloTt—rile , ed. enlarged—with illanto nom. Cello. SVC A Cathehnoet of ens Steam Filen, illustrgtivr of the •etottede principlesKroh orhinh en cps /soon drpeods. aud the Nl:ledge details of its siphon", 10 its ap,hr .- 1100 le mldo malt, steam' vtlivigalltlrt, rad , s.sly wnb 'rate". nergehliton upprovel3looo .7 J Couto< C. K 1 col. limo. :be. Chethet's Leeteres on the Pilgern's Cbditcoh — oen Idoto, Pnee redoced to SAW. The Cocoons, • Family Clete, Part I tdr. Problem'. Late, llonneelL Pans IV and V. Phlll Taeitu.' Ly Prot Tyer—llmo. FY.r sale by m,014 Ii kIOPKIY:t3,4II. a. Agency feitkains s Clark . • PI .3.2 i. . NM Jr.:ST MCKITED end opening, • Dow lot of elegant Piano, frcon the ottiebratod (eau, ty of Nano. k liar - N. V., earoprielne G. 0 and 7 oei,, ye, won importaat impmeentonuc both to meeLatusin and exiertor• ge*.ageoa by no other, ALffli--a fine eelectlon of Chiral:cags Ma num, Irmo 6 to 7 octaves. fi. IiL6BER. gale Avn4 at J. W. Woodwell`s, SI T 13.44 et. 'N. It. The &boat, artll be solfl atruannfoeuctcfc pti: cec woheat any fuldinon for freight or expense,/ marlll Journal and Chronicle eon _ PULNOIL— fttia lifi A SPLENDID fumy-Mont 1 gamy and Rosewood Pianos, lad f n .,., i tatted. These inittritaiOnlo urn madotof , the latest panern and best meter.' I end will be said low for resit by F. iILUNLE,IIO Wood street, 2,1 door above Fink. N IL—Those who are in wont of n good litatrunntitt, aro mar...rally invited to examine these betora par e brume s ',when., m they eannoi 1,, else ilea try any in the country, and will be sold lower than anytttrought from th e Last Atooptsi received, two manes et Haan burgh manufacture, warranted to he mperier to any ever mid hi this coantry. oorll -_-- -----'fVE,lTV"ftdtl.i'iT.t;ltiv4hr. oVig.tharrawreubeen appalnled nolo Agent for the sale of CAILLIARI'S 111114(W/14) hILLOUII, B.'es manufachered and and perfected by Messrs. Minch A White, of Cincinnati. rho muel compass and extent being but four octaves. Messrs. M. ft W , tu as...dance with the general ammo nod donimio, bare extended the tune af theacleatrornoins to 41 nod even 5 octaves, mu maktng it prastetable to perform upon them any music onacn forma hallo or Organ. The elle/10V, also, hee been much tmerroved by placing the body or the mailmen* ame upon • east iron truant beautifully Inensed soil ornnted, !Under:nit it al once a most elegant and extremely desirable article. The pay u put .4 lees as to brill wet - Wan th e reach Of every one to obtain a perfect musical Instrument, and, at the Lame time, a meat . !cgset piers. of (anti rule foe • comparative trite. IL 1ii.5:115:1t, At I W Wm:dwell'. GBEAT 15117141cAL NoVVl.Tlr=l . l‘'. , .. - 0,;,T,,L,j, hm pm recnared from ILsirope, and for sale, art milady new novena.) of Plano Porte, ,-ailed the CA A ll. INK! PIANO FORTE, which posaessmn more p o w, and aWltallnati than rho square Paine, rieeumea but 0110 fourth as much room, and is • • reneh more showy mid handsome lacce:af turnaure. 11 Is particularly desira ble where the saving of spaceis an Moe., befog ex ceedingly seal pod compact, and occupying no mote room 01.1 a =all aide, table- The subsonber he. in bend a Waialeale' of its superiority from the celebra ted piarnst,Moschelles, in it. own hand orroins,which may be inspected. 11. K1.F.111,11, °ern At I MI Woodw e ina NEW hlUille 11 - ' it EINTRI 115.t12—'Fhe Last Kos. ot Sionnter,with an introduction and brilliant ye mations for the nano Forte, MS performed in ell his contorts to the United Rums by /leen Mere. Military Polk., by nano Hers, Comic Polka, . Haver Roll Polka., . " Just received and for sale by inchlll MAIN II 1111:LI.CiR„ Sr wood Cr -- Vocal Exeritsii AND SOLFFIGGIOS, ortth acrompatornout for the Pian-forte, attaptcfl tu the WS irrtyntc pu., or don.. in vocal made selectr nom ItAtann, Freneb and tioenan composela 1.7 Lowell 7,3 ,or7c page. of cl.u.oly prtuted ornate, rontanung exermee progratetvely arranged l`rice crow. Jon roovivvd, a .upply of don above dicier Qom ILO publudgcn, by . /OLIN 11. AIELI,CIR, local eFI vood ft om Waid b !, likleiN.,7 4 o 4u. ~out ju‘f 'co TT . al , y ‘t. b. brCIJITIII.I7I4 11te RIBNBS — BeII bre No I Befirtles, Ito an r:AT II ed, m sums and to r sale low to rinse runnel, cut by lull JAMES , DALZKI.L, WAter I.lrit,—NV IL Al el -I,T POT hitt received • supply ne whew and colored tempo. and Cusps Use—among the Mum green ne other &suable Also, whole, pude, and b lur Mk and WWII Blood•. alt Brandy, llSLAPliettle---A few dozen old Numb ABroody, bowed la INA ri bbls 1,47 Poach Brandy, made from the tepe and nut me dry (Mt. Old Apple Brandy tobbla raid Assertema Dnukly, pips* Ato dor Own Brand 7, boalei in Icy Blaekb•n7 Drawly by the Ursa. WWl*. /AMR WEIVIER, Jr -- w:f_ttk-astgz,,pit.k.li--.':..-=i---;-g-.---r-=iw— -4:-dtViel-0.41,14ti ii . . - . 1 -2 ii . 41! iEI ii I ail 4 - 4 -- 7_ '-' 'ittr•-51:--'11.4re.-..-vz 3.01-00,,, = • 5 :'''' eti. T.. Al ' ;` e - q 'a if-g-lii}`'.l 0 ktEsrl 2 = 8 tirifiii7grii-lIT if, it, - ff,, i Co a; .% 11, 9 Vf) IF. - I 1 .1 ',.;. r tz . .1. 113 ill i11 ,..„.4 1: i . 1 . . g ;przilig Evz i s Sira"! l ox t i 0-1 ad 'NS; 1114;14'.-. ,„ 2,-.9-.1-Zi. Fill ; .10 : ... '2 - 1f.ifj47,19t.f.11.4-0111. q.:, Ida 1_ .m ~. ..0.v.f......! v„,11.0-1.5.:--iti.s.1•:. ,r). 2.2. `l4-1:2'4Ea.,a..&:‘, i. El:0 t 2,2 .....1 w . 4 iitr-.:...2.2,=.=.;-___..=p-t,...t,,,,...5. ~ ~..611.1.,:rra4g.ervv.4. .4. •ec ; . z.7.-:'•=g•....-11=..-z-5t:,...,ie,e•q..L'itg..2'51,-.2 ,c. >e.:6g-,-A7,19„;-..21,,, ,Vi 1-1',` 4 ; 1 4 -, . EI.F6-eefeilt: 11' F.: '±:'PaZiello It ';.`.l P. Z . i " =-I Z., ail Eti ge.a2,„!.•.21,°=: c't.:,.;••#11;11.11 ea '- .-..21.2tr,t,g4 z-v: - - -...Ligls".';•tnifil r; :: ZIS 1; 1 1g, .10.: 114 % Za 0 .„.., E - . A .•'''' fpg' 2 '''-'1 l'.'l:?.S '''3.. g'P '6. ';*2.:22.131::11-gagi L''..,' 811.9.4' 8 1F.,;..-,:gglq.q‹:a.it. .'?: e'l 9e. nigage:' t; .1 fe.rtr 'at •al.'s ...... w 5 4 v .0..,. ic tu B „, Ht. •P T,.lt . v . , .I,E. :2.11 = 4 0 r i t• : 2 d c b 111 vr,o2c. - 3E'reC.it tg LI. ' c l o • q i =., ,E . rilf- 1-241,1!if:i!1:511 I A 1 1 ta ~.;, t,- , ' 1 41 2 ,i. - . TE,11 , 7,,:; . :! i, 's ~. , ---...-, Int_gEnsttzt:ri .- --,;-;•:4.- ,. ? 7.. t- : ,; i- }- .. . ~.; 2- -,....2,..-16,,.:32--ie,”..•..i.,_-: G g z . z 14 c., z. rw.i. tf: - ..,•,. % II .Z. 4 l '-t ;." . g 6 . 7 : - ..-ZALZ:.t. ' -.• 2 ;,. f• a. - ~, e ,f ,: t', . t.' - ',: itn, , 2- 4 ,;"„,i:±1 7, g.E§:!fl.V. • , - . 14 114 - , O. CC 9® ' l O . - ..p. c..- ~.,..§..,,,.-_,.•-e a :S -1 o 7", .' - 46.a;tora.r.'Ss11,- .-17..t. t .t.ir! )14 c Z E P. 4 ° L.z . :. -i...',....i1zt•-... ..C1 2 := 5 1.4.`0.zaza,;„•,.;..17';-“#.4 t Pi . - ='' .- r, -,2 ?! - -- Mgo - - ! ,,h11 ,2 ' --- a tH.• :i 4 c.‘;•.zz..z.i..,----?..:-.7.!,..1-1,,,,,,1n.;P.'-°-;-,...4',1 14.' of) a.< .7 E ..,;-.1•745: 5 t,V- . .'1..5.'1=- 0 . - a.? , -;- , t1.11.1711.Ez -- i.?:?ta::. , : -7 ,1"; 0 E!, wzt..i:l-1•:;:tit-.. TzlOis;V".. - t.?. '' - ::•"-37.-; , -a4-1 - •,..; , ...?.... ,, i ='-- ;.s.. --t..-'..3. —, ,' mII ''... :, M Zilli:4loi. = .P:g.ll , e-"....I:!; 1 :i - 0 ! -:!. 73.2 .1,-sh'l •9 l . _; * .7.T.th^: 4 !- q -.4 ~..1.• 5 71 .i.E. , 2 1 "2 .- - 2 .' - ..." . ;'-' 2I P. ' „:4:1ic.. - `=I4Z:Z 4 - _ tll 9.il'F - ?. - i ~ ,? aet 0 oar .. .i.-.. , -E - ~ ,a.,-, -7t - . n ot , -.....Y - , I`z,,, ~..1,,.. „:4,,,e- ---,,,;7 . .. C.. '7,rit"!,:-ti 41}7z4,1 , L....:.2‘,4-; , ...•5..7 ,,,-, C .- ` 7-,, •&' ,,- 0:1 -'z'3.; ::•:" ef. : :!--; ,7=. 0 , t , eit!..,„..5 `...,vvE=..,....: 1 :4 - ;_lf 'l5-,, - _- ,-- '7 l t 44,, , - - ._- - - - -..- . ;_,,... ..,,-,,..., 3 ,•,-3-4.!,•L'Is4E--:,14-P.,--a,-.7-_,=-7,rt, ..i..••••=0i.c.1 ,-..2......,-c,t,,at.....z“ . , e tyPiAnsi TU . AORNTID—V7hI JACICSON.JOII ,I D MORGAN,Pittendegte D 111' mauve, Allegheny City; A. PATTERSON, timunglann. MEDICAL. M'ALLISTER.IS OINTMENT I NAAYNAWN, CONTAINING N 0 OiNSENCI. RANACEAI - 1 4 15 ,-,--",.. MIMCURY oilier NE t '''...° ; ' --,- I .i.r„,_, ~., . IV O THOSE SUFFERMO, ,WITH DISEASED; $ ": .. . s . 'it ( ' " " •mini. all £ll'grlik ' sk I. i LIINGS,--The nopree"goted mute. which has; -- ' • g ill, " •77F0 - a - SORES. sCROFtfLOuff trended the use of Inc •- , ~.. ierdioßde sFipr is- GINSkNO PANACEA '''.; „A/M.4 EA n Ei: In n all th e varkno forms whichirtithuon of the lougasthl e- .••••. 1- ~ .." i l l' WOUNDS In diededhed ed. 7, ikthr in'.." ghSiPr?Pfinr abut to Mt , !'"" - -".1". .i'' ll ‘ • o - „,„,.... -- p then putrid:Matters, and bon no thie . 44.... 1• . ...,., wan beds them. WONDERFUL PREPARATION. I „Un •.7 it 4 th th f inty t er med Tim gable. weather orfiigh, marks our fall 'and . : • •••:.pr ,• , ..„ , Al, L. EIf, A LINE, f o , ch inleths, lt always • (maul Pour. a - 4.7.31: - :":5, 1 , ~ : there Is scarcely • ohs- COLDS AND COUGHS. " -•:- , ' •"'",- ' cue esmntal or townie!, rb.., If neglected, ate botitteorus of that thel ...Jib v2.Y...,•••!yi, - 7" - „ ~. ~ o. —Lg. that A will not benefit. desool'orr , '' - I hate wed h tde . h. Id.o ~,. coSIJMYTION. ~ airteen years for all dime.. of the chest, involving •no tlowthen, Caen, boot shall' we . th e uutroyer m the Monist ;Sumer and- supoubility. nod I de-clare ol ds ! id? boor shell- we. guide.. .1.00 nouns and ol! Is of tel Importance to the public.. lodere hcovu and mu, Wet oat in one osse bat ft failed to benefit when dm Patient was within ton reach TILE GREAT A zirt ONLY REMEDY of moan! means will be found in the Ginseng Mugu. In reef of this I hove hod physicist. leveed in the profession. I we have from nom to MOO published the dettifeedds. of have rtilidocr. of the gospels judges of th e beneln el- dawns of one. est known cifirOork who Page °Sped guru, 1,,,,,,,,, gc ,,,t,,,ngn o f the highest erinbuon, enced int ear uttyc poseera These ; with a mist of tea ud maim.. of th e poor nu it In own, saes ei umnny froth I" porta of the eounr7 . 4 - flrn, ___, way, and them Law been bat ens YOUR OINTMENT hiLDICAL WIT OF VIE Pi FlTAivene•Ge sk.. suytoir--,III•ALLL9TER, YOUR OINTMENT Maarten of th e tamped, km, toge th er lea cepinee not ~e ~rh thee from the • RIIEUAIATISMIt rooms. almost immediately JOURNALS .Oct TEE DAY, the ittnamunlon and swelling, wbonthe pain ceases. Ise Imre embodied In pamPtdet myna, en d nuty ho had alum the dircetima amend the boo,) • gnaw of any of oat ogentxthrof Iseamoitry. it t AD-ACHE.-Tbo Estee has con f of hhe HUNDREDS OF besoembe of twelve 0.000 standiog, and who had it have beet used in th is coy; ' • - togmarevery ;souk se that you:king took glean. 14AR- THOUSANDS - AND TENS OF THOUSANDS AC II I- • TOOTH-ACHE and AGUE E - 4 THE FACE, throaghout the United States and Curada, and we oho am twined With like anecass, - lenge any man to pointina it SCALD ILEAD—We bele tuna} ea.. that actually SEIGLE INSTANCE ~,,,,., minx 0„ 0 „, g ,,,, ~11.. the emit of El- ri which, when taken necordlhg to directions, cod b. Mango twenty glownos ~,tritemon told us he had dent fore the longs had beconierfkle!y disorganised, It h. %J. on his clfilaren soften any Lenin!, when a few ever failed to 001 as of Ointment cored them • EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. TETTIE—There is nothing better for the care of Why, then, need the Mille& hesitated Why mu.; to .1,,,,„ the miserable stenrums, gotten bp brans event:WNW DU RES.- It is oat afire ben dugs in the world fct salt n ler the natunid name of drone eestiroul phy. Lid rau noon, and miffed told notoriety by certifier:is an par Pll..&.—Thoutusla are yearly mifed by this Lhat- sons equally unknown? Witilm a medicine of ment. It urea Mils in,fismeg mt. ( for the Piles. ; UNPARALLELED EFFICACY Irr Around the nits ore Moocene. fier u.ibe ITAL. ; lam be had, whom wrstefferk are 0 1 home,—eat loldeti hues bonuses/. Seraftdo,l-fere Complaint, &wipe. 1 bors,--Mony of whim it has Tom, Chilblain, Sec" Hod, Sorg RIO, Quiry, SNATCHES/ FROM - TIIE GRAVE Sort Theval, A m entioss, Nouto Affutions, Pam, D.. 1 lry order that this invaldstile otedleirtethey to pheadd otts ef sir Spins, Hied ethic asthma Drefust, Este aia. wattin the reach of the poor ae wilt thi rich, •th bane Buns, C'T.ll, ell of Os &Sit, Seer Lips, 7 )0,- 1 pot the price at • plot gre, Suiting of lA. Lends, Sow, Rlosinumon, . ONLY 11 , 107 TY MINN'S, cold - Pot C roar Subel w brolan Boma, Tooth tort one belt the natal host of enugb medlothen to IA sear, Ages ..o.ka Foot ,, ds dr. tor tale 141 our agents in nearly eVerr Mara and •Illsgo ihiLD FFYIT—Lhee, Codepheent. polo tn the Chest , over the west, wild ere prson. , " te_giye fell infOrMa and Side, bating nO of the boo, or the other nehompa- I add middy. he it• ' 'O. ddi,ma, reopeeeeen, Mee col , feet ll , m °tonne. w the one retnedy.) It 1 . ' • Broadway; Cincinnati. Ohio ut it sow nen of down o to he cold Mob cs - It. S. P.'efr\t"Z:Etrie , d se itAXYARICLat— . 2 O : I t•ORN.P-Occaatenei ese of the otutinent will al- ; jJ dozen of Dr. Townsend . , Genuine Satuparilla, Lekeep urns trom csoown. People need ocver • 1 ,.., , ge n 0. ,,p f, tie 1,- It E SELLERS, Le troubled uth them A tory use a fregacntly. ..• , X/ Wood et.' only Agent for Plukbargh Kt. Tilts ...nem ,• ao , e l for any poet o f the booty ; joft Ey D M CURRY, Agent for Allegheny any or blob. worn Lellame , i. in wens cm. LL O." "• . --1.1-TIIHODA.II•Ifid RS'rABLIBITIIIENT,T applied often. runumetru it. `carte co, es. CAL:I-WSNo Ointment will be genuine lute. the 1:30 , L ~...„w mu , ~„,,,,„,....„..th. ."s a r.... eaJA kl En MeALLISTER la written wall a pen 0 ,,,„,,, ht. ,b,,,,,k, .I;i s f r iend, OM xb n pptic, neeevery label.for the utenowepatrotuige he has teemed, and of I F o r tab, by my et,e.nteed all the YU." , omo• 0111 touting them that* has lately erected A lure and , Fur at the Cannel Suet. well conarected buthring,_for the eleidiNe porpoicit I JAMES ide ALI/ n en:Ft , of bit WATER CURE EnTABLISIIMF-NT, Ulna old Sole Prepeie , ere , the .0,000 "'don" - ' tocatiou,al Phillipsbargb, Pa e an the Ohio river, ettpo, '-'. l•ruleipal li th e, rot M North Thin , *or.; Phn - • site Um stasinturatlonsitog atileavor.witerene thready' adelphia. l to receive mamas Wt.:MA.4 and treat them On liy- PRICE MCENTS PER DOT dropothic rummies- In 'addition fit. hii long eritorl- Aulaers IN Pirraarawn—Flraun d. Reiter, rerlrer a ,„, ..,„ t , 1 ,, r .,.„.,,,, e . ~,,,u , h .,,,. b .,,...., ; . .. Leurty and Sr Clair Ott and I. Wt.... • r comer ni 6: oiled Ins treatment orpiment. committed to hiseoeo, Markrt ..1 and the Leemnil, elm comet tot 4th cad he has new rte additionat facilities oddrdad Ey an ex antalthd its; •.1 It thaswb ewe , of WO.. on , Po ne Moo,* bail.. erected eipreerly th rthe Morose, can et nth w•nit •nil sold in the bookstore tu • SouthfieM ~,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,i,,,,,, ~,,,, ;;,,,,. ~, mme, ..a6,... .. p ..,ah s ad dwit own ;Second sn in filleithonY oltr ,T ii P <yeti necessary apparatus for bathing, not ddistinfs- Seherarta and I eargouti lO I o co.'', t o t 05•°- tering the treatment to the tam benefit and IDs unseen, 0 NegtaLN. ,, tAt.e , ei ii rin.'Oold. 1d;..., - ot the patient. Pwitipeburgh A rt a math dehghtful ud k w -yen. J Alexaner . A Son, Moenugabele CAT. , healtleftlage , easy of muesli iry stoingthous, oath al l; udreoehd dr. C.:en / T Rdddre , Bronoolvill o i in" fords inn WhMesento watece-Huleher mourn Imelftej. Rare r . Fe , are •whoieuto agents. . TitOte - 11 Idled pima,. who may place themselves one Mind-ER. - Vilf ATER.- CGlLfirs NS T AMLISIIIINN Y . , . amnion; not uan IthseratiCe of the subakaspial benefit , einunouno, rA. LO be dented, be points with confidence to the „bon cow rapid strides which Icy has mode died.. who have been perunmently eared it' Ms estnik. 1 „tiro no tun emu.° tu tunu country-Arc lon , . , hobo - mai The We ter Ctirelenversno"inirniou t t 'effects boast and etatoeullies eorul.vet elfects of eO.l ~...ler yit I.elaral; no is too often the cue with those to 0 - hilltd ear.,Tur ..yd ae4l.oteeeeca, ve.o..k elapLoyed •euter the Leen treated 00 the old system. 10 soicpcas =l..' method of the celebrated Proult, hare rermived rue. incinerates toe system. protects From'the the mind of an intellthut snit &scenting, pulthe very_' in changes at the weather, +aunts ilWitiftral panicle of •lsobt 119 IV its toot n it opt- a n and appetite, and imparts vigor ot the, digest:Me mom! Covey inendenng the onsaissfacthry resdlti powers. Terms et treauneut and boarding m4ottrible. of mu,ites twonathic laved la the treatment et rtituir Far Oarth4.7o urnentais ierscaro el gm establiththent, Or entente-lu, lcuthinun, nu, widen are (heroines en- iiddrees the proprietor sa-Ptdßipsdnargh. . ery year,bitesum be a namml wilds to ace the success . um..l of si b e hy WhiCiA 1•0 many anforttillale, aUfFeres• • , DK. J.0.)(Z1V.."6 ealikkieLA ri VE. . will be freed Ab er puo• soil infirmities, We hare Veen infOrmed by ISIn. Rose of a =epee- The adtacerlber having prunui soccemfully this I Minted on bek'hy.Dos'Jareeos Allothertioeuirbieb method for debt earn 00,60 Hydrepalltio establ- ; proves its superteriwOver every other resitedy of the th em, winch has been esinsidnmbik eolug" '0" fit - ; hind 'She been afflicted foram thot Mimed yekre r eady 0 dh .d. Pm. , e , e 3 in e•eel teeeed , to note ' with N ECHO:HOS nr WHITE SWELINGS, in ready. reeelve Oad eeee.e.e .h. Fmk" . ''',, ,o nor ! Veillt which and enroll:Won of venous LOU., du. e hp et s th pi n ee themselves ender bin mare, soli mid b ang which tithe othorptueshavebeeediechatged from. exponenee. the annul bone nt the erartiom, froOrtmili="artes, Philipsburg. sitnated upon the left bank of the Ohio, 1 *llts amtlitions andfrom both *mend f the left opposite the mouth of the Sig Seaver, is wall known femoral 'bone, and frit= the right knee, hesiddie7dineal fur h. mfreshing ud salnbuos •thoesPbctki tin de; , ulcer* on other pans of her penal, which have baffled hghtful real erMoung manor! seen-111i moo - Into Skill of a =User of retie meeteennent phyglicionaof "nog ereol rogn ... I°, i" ../Ollf° o f the In- our tar --drinng tract of Me time bee whereof,. bare ~,,,,,, g „,,,,,tn e , e nd e antoloning not ninth; to re , ..er helm ekeramong andelepkirahle. Abut thrch Menthe tatoltsO irepallNal bunt and physteal strength. nue the ws.o induced to try Orelayriers Alterathke, The emablielnaced, th e first started in the United I which had Midst astoolohingty Ithopiefeet Upon her ; 0 ,,,,,,,, , ,„,,,,,,, every thing, loth fee pleasure and !by trimming all polo 11100 owellingsand &Wong the on, Bo lt to insure a speedy' mud happy ter- ' eaters to hestloohtle atthesimatiote Um genes.' health minallen of the ailments of tho Patienb hes foresee isotopic tell , restored, that ske now weight persons %visions , . to avail themselees of the adminta. is Me more. 1 / 1 211she did before Sbe cematwthed the one gm bore offered, 101 l pleowe edam. the mieuttar a( this only ;minable preponon.--iSat. Eve. - Pert. ' by letter, (peal-p..IJ sluing as nen, at peuible the For iarthor infonsirmen,thquireof Mrs Ruth Ne.-126 ours; of Our complairtte, its order to des r and nth Ea.., it, pbthgdg,,,,,,,,g, Ts, on their fitness aml curabitity by the It dittowlite Fore am in Pone ugh, at the rEaciri TEA STORk, t ak e r onth and Wu what snit be necessary or auto ! to rt Furth sr teas Wood.. / 7 , te alemir, per thou especial ud personal Am. EDWARD ACKER, hl. It Promomor. •Plontithurg, Beaver gouty, Pa. Rers,thatu—Revkl. Killtimily, Armstrong; Y. 0 cl e rk, I ret. dr, Promo.n Tbesnaa Remy, Ikuves, Pu.; La Woke, die Ch. Elliot, Pinsbergb, Poi LC. p,k to ., I'm, oltiok flu. S. II Surd, Neer Albany; Ltoe M. At g a s. Princeton, N. J.; rL. Station, Fut, New Yet, 10. CIL Wittier, Ithilipstmrx, Arm. 11. hie ,en", Er. hthilatikh, A. Bidwell, Esq., do, meir2o —.-. PfiVIAL etYMPTIOIS OF CONSUMPTIDN L3al..poltre, !tactile cough, general weakites, mshees ."loop, vohable appetite, Irregular trowels, paws between the shoulder blades behind . Irmatsieutt Cram. ° r Commairmorse-Cnughhig night awl dny, thabby muscles, general debility, great shortness of breath 00 going up maim, akeeeding bill., or walkiag hut a little (net, paha always above ona bunched, (or weeks together; drenehing .Id wamats towards morning. Catarrhal Consonaptice comet on like a common oo , or ro o r cold, but about the period when that &se rd.. email) , is expected to subside, fome ad thaeyrop toots are aggravated. The cough I. mote trouble setae, espeounly when lyingown. Tomei to no hued pain in the chub bat di eh breathing, eerlefelsio worm on lying down. The appearance or she exp°. tornuon, which is copious, is Itom a tin. yellow manse, to a thinner substance.. arty no. pleasant to the panful, and emits an wwlelwant smell when burned his of an todforat matureappearance,. and:. probably a of pus and annum, anon mixing lit we. water part woks and port Irwin. Ia Owease may occur us any habit or at any age, an dsa egasg,.. tensed by the pecali.ity of the cough The Balsam of LiVerTroll effects the rare of this in stew. &snow by 11. expectorMum, Booths add heal s the affected longs. never fails. Wherevel this medi. cane Las beau need, we hear of Its Reece. For thir teen pared has Leen before the pub., ottti has Leen Wunaeghly tested for all complaints of the Lungs, and i b. moved naelf superior to merit to any fag 10 One. Wo intght give hundred. of testimonials tom phyd. Wan& the press, clergy, and those who h e been ea red. hot WI we datum to to call the 'Darman of We of. glutted, and for them own good they will try it. Look out for counterfeit.: /damps obsf:ve the tie . - necare, "Geo. Taylor, At. D.,s on dm eng ved label, one -sm. rod as the Wholesale Depot, Beekman street, New York. Soid in Ibusburgh by .1 D Morgan, 23 wool at; J Toaster., Id Ma rk et b µ IJ Smywr, car /Sextet and ad 000 tioodonoo A. Oa, 6 Liberty at r ace reduced o 61,60 per bottle. ...1 meld IMI IIG AN'S WORM KILLER lithe twit Vermin:me IV/. tA that any an min give or ow in ills family. W•antweirots Tp., Westmoreland Mr. John 1). Motaanr—This is to certify t h at I hove Leen selling your VertiliftErr for some 1/1111, Say •hoin one year—tmd In that time I have never known it to to fan so brtoging wow. away, when the 510 t... iodic...Ono. presence. I hod occasion tan we it to two grown up members of my family; I paeach ol Wean one dote, and ace of t there passed tumand We nth , ev er usti loin II to he best Verinifige thus luty 111. eon u his family. J. W . Torso. Prepared Lod fold by 1(40. D. MOROI, Drain. : orte door below M. u. alley, an Wood t_ it IjcifC", , <7ll;:a Dark , C one Ether, lodide Potash, Snychnine, Chldnde tlolit ' Liver L ive r a n wher, WI.. Precipitate, Cyarturet potash, , just re &cod and for sale by_ jolt _ R. E SELLER: , lf IRI/Ork DRUGS!!— 1,./ Clintototne, Chloroform, Rm. liort Precip. lislide Iron, . Niunte thlver, DO Copaibn, Jam. Powder, ratite Astd,. Chloode Soda, Cblone Falt4r, ralToot Hbotany, Eillart West.. Jew rec'd and (or sale Ly It EP %ERZ, toll 'Wood in retINT-I;t3FINt) e•oLutionl ott I tlig — o - ,5, y D ,,,.._..i t deeonzposes the virus or t tote pr om pie or all contagious diseases. It tomes •Xsorrer. our elllll,la of act moms, t ree I3v 4.0 gy it rellovee OlCort, and ineepts till , tr. sole Otwases, whether In man or animals,/_fer rte and for cote by Pill It 3: BE LLER.% ..se { Veal in t' - - ' -- • • - - ---- I , ATA 7' the sign ot the Plane and Saw, 78 Wood street a ea nipicto assortment 'of Finale LI .Coopen Tools, for sale Ly myld RUDER & U FMAN NA Atitta\ --.8 iffsixTVoVe.V.3 tio--Mi'. Oa less edition, coattail/ea OD the mat r, vernal. e11...L0t, of Vela. I anal of the Lando edition, ein hellish. with shortfall of the nether --13 ola In One Prtee, eemplete, so. A large supetr of e above re new. and for gale by metaq iOilNll td,".L.Lo ~n. 5. C' r."11.,E1 ccue?.."'T sweet itpiartt Chocolate, Joarmo , d!Lnd Priar, Tat Start, 70 Tomb Bt. rrr. mai •'n • M"',' P gin ' i=4 - .011 Founl gs. bbl P. Mr, MEDICAL Dw 'I OWN SECiIEPS. SAIteat.PAIIILLAk , A O dot. pon received of lar. Towseirod`sliarsaparilla, the most extraordinary medicine In thoyoond! !ThisMx o.t Le put op an gnarl bottles. It is atx dmeachenper, pleasnter, *lad orarr.ind auperiax or any discus., without vomiting, pulsing, incirening GI debaiwing the patient. Lena oar son la=artorta—Tluprincrpled persona hare corned oar labels, and put ay Mullein.: InAtte• warn shaped battle, See that each Ironic bat the Witten in. .1.3 of S. P. Townsend. IL E. SlaiLElLS,lkaglylat, Pr Wood Meet, beta , . Thad Wad Pcortli in Dr. Tovensend'a only ,Oholosnie Lod retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whose the •genuine arne/e can he had. D. ht. Carry. hur been appointed the sole agent far Allegheny city, of . whom gelatine article San bur had. a p t • A. handriorrocai••Pntibargh. • arils c, WbolDrag Starr in ilia en s Oi I • New York. Inn inuicralgand are asseasinnily engaged !Athol W heleaala Dreg balances at No. 0 John green, in e ray of Now" York, .d are prepared to- supply ,• On. anst_agarday /dualisms with nxik_ga. Mly e..assak,,Ponsign and .totarienn Porflustery, atani.er. Alwiar ladlindaes Chemical., lof n'ara copottaitoni add oft either &aides in theii bona lanai. teau of a explain rotary as korai they•ein impart the:dile ibis or gay eastern slit. Nevi York, Fable B. A. PAIPERIMX3C Celebrate* . . cup', kg& 4511 011511111E1.-lIEDICINSS. oreru q u,,ted to read the fallowing . ger,, tillentaa nth Piedmine ettertsmely nand to all the Soulhetn oat Eastern Ne do pg,tify Mat Dr. Loan Wmtar, of Yfirt,'Pe-, teak ander Ms rem and manegetnemy ottOriatann. the 4rst of October • ledu, oyoung man laboring gnat! a Ser.ro attack of -*Mimic Chotera.n• Thu ver, einab bled the •aid patient, and found him to be to ill. col lapsed slam, of that dleesae, with fremtentuad lens nee water diselottigeu That we pronouneeel it ease of water Ctelera, • and declared Mareleeer that we believed the said patient was beyond the hope of wed Wei sad. In fact we thought the patient , typal dm, sad so declared at the time. We farther certify that the said Louie Wittily pm emed Ms own mode oftreatment, and adnunlinerod Cholera Remedy, and effeeted a Bare of the patient., We Mick in four dayathereatter the said. yoeng Man was at work, and perfectly well, Joan C. Duns., 01. D. T. D. Ducacm, M. D. I certify' that [`visited II Cf. amodalled4olera tin der the case of be Louis Wiokey, and Moll believe his med... }aliened him. Rtald of Maryland, Wuhincton County, to wit t I reertity that rum welt acquainted with the /prink- t man who have signed the within certificates of Dr. I Loam Wiokey, and Mel are men ofsespee ability. I In Matinanny whereof' hem... subscribe sty I s. saute, and affix the sea: of my other, this roar • teenth day of Norctabcr, eighteen inindmil and thirtyttbree. it. WILLI/d:4, Clerk Wtedurton (Wanly Coast, Maoism& I witnessed the administration .1 Dr. Lank Wirk • eys its'7l, lr4ten:7.gittlinTasi"r•thirt to'nr:1"."( well marked ruse of Awaun Lho. lows.) Ins wes. with nee water evacuations, cold clammy skin, cold tougae, to eonatdemd ids: t o I t aly eddeal and alarrnlng. saw lain pee. slims to Dr Wier..., and was pr i se ,[ at the admit.. "-shoo of the tint dose or medicine, and taw Nita °e mu the attendance of Dr. Wielisi; he fVI - re- VOreti al to be able to attend to and woes Zrada In .fear days. - l am rare he took nun other bat the medietneattnunmed by Dr. Wickey. Ri6tite W. 11,1), M . D. The only dd.: JdtdDa t . aW jecit's Cholera and Diarritrea Medicine - to rem bind wad whok sod read, by JUIIN D. MORGAN, Itruiajn oue doodhelow DLantOrtrialley„ Gloms at • Var I •• • I G . RATEFLIL tor Ma very eneougagenstent. t new reoeindlor scr maof.years, I hare doter. mood to enlarge tel burrows wonsalerabli. ertgeee.l neorepetern Forman, I wilt • tth enabled. to fill all orders prowl and do the work in our - orkel mi. nee enthe: on e .+l ask Ws nnentiOn of mei, chants and close. large north of (10011(4 and fled., Orellenesteth and Megan, Cur. two Materials, Latranaksand Morgans, Coraieea, Fria no,dorinscrawata, Spilt and Roller Minds, and every article *wally kept in an eatehliebthetil Of the Ida& Orden reepeethethe sollelteA and Wonky at tended to. M—Carpew wade and pat derma,. ' . I . WICMCMII.Ir. Lord, foi sato: 10 - te6ILLS . & ROE Tossaarrim—Th' 1 1, 421 .1p L f0r .ably JJ *AM Min MEI, TneWrc I.l;'`driLViegilt,"=ornrltl)°,}l ail-Land . order of a, indat allprleaac Comm Merchants sad others are melted le hall tad amain. the above for th erasetewses ertUrbe wholesale or a Ithaca) dedrialiell WO. artualeaaleparelmera. solely: Netleola thit Pubis. WE hereby. glorify osi friends and, corryndeats at hoias and abroad, thtt we wilt not axon ANT asctrhlswcss, metro. (rosin from. any !pat far which I. Neyrum Yes. Is soul- RBUDFS & ALOJEN. s • . Vi , • TORN KELLY A CO, (satcessori to Robe, Wlc.• LS tam. A Co, late Merchant Tallors,) Na. lba CHESTNUT Street, above Thinl, Ilila&lphis , be/ leave salaam:l their friend. led rateno• itat o,gi have received the Wess..SYRING..A.ND BONER FASHIONS, with a 'las aasonment of NEW Style GOODS.; comprising Por to' . Caucinierns,Vaminge, ka. of every. averiptien—all owhich ton okrs-Yw ini. portatir, having boon eamellly selected at Faris, . . • odo • !TrSt r anger. visiting Philaaelpkia, are rerp.l l . 1 1 Py med to call sad .worm. their ateenlape; monk. m m ctalellm Triariiun Bra PAsTr.-.1. ..huti- 1 IP,„ . 1„ ponies of ilabber Page, •selettot MO .4,1 4. '" ) Important to persons th in Ibl, to keep thew t dry It trevents the leather from orecizt .o elll yak,: . 41 " 6 1 W ? oo . 7 stem!" !"''a m at 'l's 1 4 ) A EMMA ' COLD!! GrOgstritt 1101, tnf GE subscriber,smolealemanefaccana at Jirshh TGLIt Y, tnvites wholesale dealers and phdlarittra ding South ami West—Wen, country htitore all and chamine ha stock of Jewelry, mhith. lritl m sold at the lowest price. for cult or approved ace-, trauma Constantly on band and tournsfurisamp large assortment suitable fat cgy i t3!ri i r lade canner ofFearth and Brimati aplthdom PriperliaisaigLogss , 'PI AXING purchimedm dace of Mu foresee J F. Jl.l ries in the Eut, (Now York, Philadelphia ahs Briursore,) a large assortment of Me =wen 'glad luau Improved styles of PAPER. HANGING , lICIIIDI3B, and made arrangement. by which 1 will be cit.- bled to proem.: all new Pariessm, sisalillansul. with their appearance in the Eacem market, 1. would In , site the attention °Niue desiring to have tb,l how.. papered crab the latest styles of piper, to gall and eny stock, bother piureharinrc elstabersh oa Mama, from the Pica, :NM Moe. of Gold, Suns Glued, aDd common . tit Blantlinslls which can sell at priers ranging from Milo 62 • tochls 8 U 1111:14, 7litooll • . _ l anon Smoking. - , .., ERVING lost eompleted the rebuilding - 14M Mote ~, tomes, we are now prepared to rind* meal, ..11. and mike it in the most tantehontablemarmer.- , ' 1. The houses me toed with all Me modtmloimme- , meats, and are eapuole of c.ceining allyboll Rs. each. • •I l , al yal A iorik,.i. .. , 1 kw., . 04 twarSeventh st : 4.,. - oRERCi flsPEßLYirring Milliclesdaililia 7 7 '+- r for the wile of the min Orom Pointing Pam,' (5. gr 13. k C P - . Alarkle.Tropnatort,) wa will he tonslanily . , ... moaned with all the 411funin mane Of ayllhinatallmlill , h o ffer al)* lowest regular pners. __..... moaned we REYNOLDS Sr Slikar ' Itbrla earner Penn Milmin an —77 - - DvartmEncE wonsaiwzr -- .t.... rIOLEMAN, IMILflinN ft CU madam tt, .. , ha facture Small /roar, Siltion md - .5 5 1n,1a11 4 .'1ri •, , ' Floagh, Fork and into Meet, fit,C11 , 41,09940 We •'- . ' loon Nuts, nil mires, together with . Coach and MAJ. , ...-., Springa,AMPat,Taper and eenntann•dgins. liming reduced the prieeltli Wtotglfr lieu Nan, meats builders and others using the wacky will hod : ..,.,, • mchar interest I. give shim new Month Of ggiantolill it oranuraemtew theiv mention. la C...i , Coach trim muleable inm MUM& term. .} re - Warehouse on Water and Fourth ii.r._ ., ........_____63b204.f 1- 4 -. c. ... .. SAWL. GRAVE H lIIERCRANT TAILOR, • Txo S•Scle 11 011.1>tiodi, ST. °ism sTaira.r„ e4Tantruon. NEW Yonit AND PHILADtLPHIA, • And is now meaning c fine nnshplit4l of • ' CLOTHS, CASEINEM IND VSITING6, OF TILE BEST GAUL= AND STYLES, Whielt he in prepared I nuthalsorde • •?..; IN TDEBEST &TANN)* tt And in the latest 1:•elti site. worth U..d quarters for Boots • *hoes. ir• COT.I of FOl,llll and flinilhfighfigusees, 6 turnoff, Pa. nitti T e Boot ai h arrligl=rn, d gvlioleude and real,' would rdirgertilly none Ina anemia:l of their friends Loathe peel.: gen. their splendid nem gloek r oozatainglif gyenegir, 40),41111lEtte .1111.1eltadre6vvro of every , trietY. gettable for the SCIMON d (tt price. to . art the diner. A splendid article of Otte 'ere& wok, ~y facia ea gentleman's fine - UN:m.4 lafitairtieer. fittfi ehildreng fine goon. Cease can. itemise for yourselgee TELOTIP escarr, 4014, w. • N.ll.travoltng TrifilZi r ligYped WA - ft atO Li- ; roue On hand and low for cash . • Gummy merchants go ode find It trifteir Water give Lan call aloe amain the city.' VO S• VSPORTRUS and Wholewile Dean . . [nib! ' Man and Lktomale Hardt/rens, limlery,e3M/Ilerydce, 17m, Wood. ..et, Pittsburgh, an tuns fully prepared wun ;P_ a recently imported melt of ifarderd*Csalery, Bed , dlery, Carpenters' Tools, he., to entdinary great :34 dimmer.. to t 1 eater{ Unthaws, - is is addiuon the many ads:tong= had by our pridadep, on, Mew en. began k derotedy, we have greatly thenme.d ton &alt.., .04 purchase all orr god,..fnm Evan h andle. the very best nom, Teo (onion member. of the firm dome then whole 7;" to Bales, and trolled contißnt ages - log sat. nfect/um, respcmfally gotten a cell (rime lei w ho may t .. r - 1! viol thia curia. - meal - • T"f 'tl aer7 7 17iVZi 72. — Znperor mu* , e 0,.. :1 bellthagotat= Ur dig Pres! ,e,,i =prevail lascaine, tee =Deb= hat =tagged a patent.tjil - •-ambegrees to give purchasers a written guarantee= iti:•-: they ere using.", anti-will resist frost moot vreata.ib Ler sediathibe ices moisture ar dlielislags Ciao say odbitc eg hybily,laimessing - grecur body sod, oripetod ma.,.{, . and mach more durable ba evaryaksgAaA each bnliet p.m; . bioe tsd Ma psessma or myeratitnis, met pasc4 . .' g sestemy a handmaid smcvnia sergice,sindeven . Mmsie .; they makes eq.= la Ill,,kait neat. ',Ma. . , Y., They Ittave gig Um greatest oibilbstio'd to eh *MO h.„,, mv ammg, A MIA aget be seem at my work., ....g , 1 specimen Mate oAtenc. MU. . • ' si; ei Those =Mug tropplimi tiltgatelves for lbw teatit.FAi , . „ A c getsaieg handsome front Mick, neggpertor =.- sad sulig paving brick, Out obtain teem. ; t". - t I . 3AACtlttke i; - gC Rime ugham, Jena 12. Ibis. ,' if ., : I.rt ~........... . W Ol Mire re l ti h t Tyrns h e 1%. P ei:a Ta o a7.l-tt ' i I m ' fivi d 1, 4 4 '. f - ,7 F.. !torA . , ! ; I Ittyntl;;;poset......-CV I ibiM.riTlV.P.it-SIIII I LI lime tint ' day 'sem. 4, 5 I kJ anat me la the wholesale tiro. ry, erpdoce a ~..,,. Otenhaistait Business, Me. iohn Wilson,andernie licili '. of JOHN WATP & CO. ibtalharli, Apra ~ ..13, tat!, . . . nnrroao Urf.lr4 Wontoo, Moto uf wed MlA o ‘ Iron Carbonate 0f , 1'0t.6, Nitro 11.14 Aovof, Calomel:Zodiac , of Load, Cl,ToTido of Sods 4011 COtorlo &her, on haat and lot Wetly • ly.l J. JUDD & 7. "' .o?? PETTSBUROH Puni.isimu panx, TELI•WEISKLY SEEMLYS As cloithrkusrarsillkom3stsk., war 1.14-Nre QiW fkiksisischl• OW AIVVELkOIsIBIIIO. One toseillors of Ir.hoee, or ... rweinAlertionvithontat,enai O yi v... 4' Three " " . Ono Week Two Weeks " Three " One Month. ' .. " 1 ''''' 6 22. Two " .. .. 7 kg Theme " [Ce Langur iwteruserhe wises Pro' . 10 Olin square,6 mouths, without ahanuene• 12 " - • " a ea. • 5 , 86 Each odditionasl square for b .. 10-0 e 44 it - ... 1642 One iscplasa,6 wrintbsonnewablestpr -- ,, to .l [ .0 dI 12. 41 . - 41 " •.. • "• 10 I Bach add itlOnalseparn for 12 s o r Ah [ Two ncliaren,2 months, reWa12.1 66 50 . " 1 ? . 64th additional square, 6 montl-4 ..... 16 , alLtt wit-ortnatir I, FI T 5. • One square. 3 insertions, ... [i [ w each additionalirurrq"'" ,... " . ausumas 66.10' . 060 rive nosy or Icor, 00. 'VW . , sooothl 4 ,* ..... * one yoor,l 2 lf oce l /4, lOW " " " Clatthe" ADTIMTUIRIUriIi n 14111 - 311 - 11AM Alie , for it User, or Lao, Oas 1.21 ••••• • •••••-.% " "Una, 4- t • TWO gegikrtio• It, • 4 '.:s I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers