RE TORTE!, R. ILL Staliif Pn ER FOR. THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZEtTE INCENDIARISbi AT ST. LOULS S. Loos, Aag. 13. Five lik.sndlary attempts Were made to bum the 6iy.Yesterday. o ne seas by drifts the steam er Whiriarind—thebed clothing in three Watt 'Goma being 3GI on fire. Ttmely discovery saved the boat. The other ,attempts were In the northern part of the city, too of which were in lumber yard.. The city is mach infested with thieves, wh, have thretuesed to destroy it. An ettra poh. twee is tatted oL LATE PROM SANTA FE ANL) THE PLAINS. ST. Louts, August 13. Mr. Angus 'Boggr, st ladepeadence, who .hos ately arrived from Saran Fe, writes that three hundred" Indians hot died from Cholera, on.the Arkansas, and thin the rest had' dispensed hod gone south. These are the Indiana from whom rs trouble was (ear n by the trade. The St. JO.tpil smette puSlishes a letter from Dr Edgar,of the y, written from Fon Laramie. There hod been fo y five cases of Cholera among the soldiers, and re en deaths. The health of the emigrants was improving. They bad thrown away much property to facilitate their march. Wagons which mat SIZ have been sold for five. an emigrant from Wueomin, w. murdered aqui., hunting an the Plait, KENTUCKY ELECTION ciactimet,Aug. 13. It is noir certain that Marshall, Whig, is denied in the Lonlarille Navies. An error in the return, from Henry county thawed n4argee majority br Lane than ha net,. ally received.. LATE FROM CHIHUAHUA. • • Sr. Loots, July 13:1 Intelligence from Chihuahua to eth of !tine, status that the Indians were very hostile in that region—murdering the Mexicans and Americana wheneveithey Could find an opportunity. The Governor had raised and rent out & party to meet the enemy—A[oring 850 An every adp t &ten. The lod•ans have entirely laid waste Mae Kale of Sonora, but the GOVernlneal It doing oath ing.. They have enure!), desolated the region around El ilasno—dnving otf the stock and kiltuag the inhabitants. This arrival came by way of Santa Fe, hot brings nothing later from that place. Some U., crops were met on the Gammon, among whom there was tome Cholera. The . Cholera had scourged the Indians on de Arkansas dmadfully, and many hundred. hsuldMd- 8, Lama, Aug. 13, Intelligence from Palmyra, mama that much feel ing existed naiad WU., Irtia roMe time since *hot Hut, on tospicion of his havidg seduced his wife. He was tinder examination on Saturday. but the result And ma yet transpired, sixteen lever: were to be rend, as having passed between Htirt and Mn. Wise. There to a rumor, however, that some of the letters to Ham are from Mn. Poster fie/d, of Ned Buntline notoriety. and am said to be rich. Mrs. Wise's mitinainre was found In:Harl's trunk. The Woughter of lien woo loot is a most terri ble manner. He was lneratiy eat to pieces, sad when dying woo derided sod canoed by Wise TENNESSEE ELECTION. Nutaulus, Aug. 13 Official, and reponed returns from all the' en,. tie hot eight, give Trueadale, the Democmtic can. &date for Governor, 1858 majority. In the coo.. ties to her from, if no change minim place, his ma.. jonty will be smelled to 1979. The Democrats, so far, have gained eleven members of the Legislature, and the hair, maned three members of the Legislature, and one Senator, eying the Democrats five majority in the bosom, and the Whigs throne majority in the Senate. Late returns from Hamilton county,Mat itt,almva a Whig gala of 215; the Whig Representative is elected. Additional returns from East Tennessee, {ears ths first Senatorial District, and Representatives nom Bledsoe, and Morgan, in danbb It is tleaught that the Whigs will carry both, Which Would snake ade on joint bilk& lithe Democrawr„earcy one, they will bate two onjotiry be join Ndllot. INDLANA ELECTION. in the Evansville District, Embree, the Whig camdidate for Congress, bas been defeated. la this district, Cant had Cr, majority over Gen. Taylor. BANK DEFALCATION AT ST. LOUIS. Er. Lome, Mtg. 13 A discovery was made on Saturday tut, of a deficit of gold in the Bank of MiSllol3li, of $126,- The discovery has =loci! great'excitemen4 e ll:tough it is beliured that the solvency of the. Bank ts not affected. Oo Friday evening • heavy draft was present. ed by Page & Bacon, in paying which, the paylim Teller resorted to some hoses containing foreign coin. These boxes together with some other. had been laid aside for recoinsge of their contents; bet the key. to the vault containing the Anterimin gold, having been temporarily;dLsplaced, them went resorted to. Oa opening the first bm, a bag of Tee Thaler piece. was missed; from anotimay a bag of f3oviszeigns was gone, and so on. The Teller gave information to the President, land the Directors were nnerabled on Smorday, when it wee discovered that from thlrty-three box es of coin, which had all been counted and sealed op lay March. 6120.708 hod been abstracted Only the fomign gold has been counted. ap bat • thorough examination will be had tothiy,bint it Is thought tae defalcation will sot Materially .4f. ter from the given above. sundaes immediately netted upon the tate psi , - tug Teller, Nathaniel Childs, Ir. He wu lame. diately arrested, and held to bail In the sum of $30,000, until Wednesday. when further insestie gallon wilt be =elle. The required bail was ful, niched; but the accused as not permitted micas° his residence. Ito has heretogire been univenmlly esteemed; was at the head of a Sabbath School and bad been an Officer of the Bank since itsfette. dation. WRECK OF THE STEAMER EMPIRE, STATE, ON LAKE MICHIGAN. Drraarr, August 13. The men Empire State le Chicago at her thrall hour, and after teaching at 11121waoltio mid Shat o TP l l, bavu g on beard 100 petseeng.^. 5 Oa Wednesday night, the mind , commenced blearing from thin north west, and before mideigOt it bad increased to a gale. The waves beat - eih great (my apeman, meatier's larboardattarte and at Marren imr,ehe was discovered toilette sprung a leak. The putsps were set to work, hat the 1.1- 0 = PI dually pined, antll the larboard lire win put not, and the firemen ath.s.l to their knees in At tees time, when 2 miles thatant ham land,lt was determined to abandon the vessel, and ea desvor to ream the Mailitol3 Wanda, and obi wail headed for the beach no the only atternstlie to prevent her from talkies. Bet notwithstanding the at most CIZA10(1/1 of the priamingera and 4rew, tatters= with the bilge pampa, which dirchiargiid ISM gallons per minute, the water connected to gem, until one diet another of het fires wee e 1 tingetished, and the engine was able to make only shoat ate renolutlens—barely enough to pals the me, henrrer, mu fast nearing the and whoa c gunner of a mile distant, all but two of the files being submerged, the engine waif atop} pod m its *tom , The jib was still raised, and about me w Mantes put 12 o'clock, abe sunk ren the hfieltigan 'Shore, 'boat three miles below the Sleeping n. Bane toady tilled with water. ,60 remauuuf twenty four aours on the Wreck, the woo taten of by, the propeller rtI.VZ, C apta i n and brought to Lila thy this miming , The gmpire State km in ahem nine feet Water. Her guards Were bae.`ly broken, end her npper work. materia4 Jaw. god. The holm which se, care the melee to the h 011, we dtieelt eB, nod pro, lent above mme six or right imehn—giving tse Idea that her hull ,s .1110 wrenctiedubd twhiwd. The mate has est..." the oPitntia that abe o wn.' be got elf. STEAM BOAT SUNK ST. Lahq A 4,13. The steamer Lommit Woa d 1.4 Winne `nvei, soak opposite the month ai Wood river s fom dose/nee. • i k CHOLERA IN PO,II4PELPHIA. Polll.4a.ruls, Actg. 13. Aspens give 24 eases aid lb:lesths is this city dubs the 48 hours azdiai at a'acsa to-Jay. CHOLERA IN - NE* YORK. You. Aug. 13. Them were 16! cases of chdera and 92 deals La thia city daring the 49 !kturi ceding at 11000 to day. r DEATH OF ALBET4ALLATIN tied Yalta, Aug. 13. The venerable Albert•Gillatip died in ties city Ws Morning. CINCLNNATI!..6I4IOET qteutiIam, August 13. The river is stationary, itsitb Ise mid a kalf feet from this point to Lanisvile. he weather Imo cloudy, accompanied by same ibin. Floor-Sales at 115 65 pe'r ba4reL Whiskey Ileelliag at 184 periral. Sugar—Sales aro effeeteil at 0108 c per lb. NEW YORK fitAEKET Noon ■v&r. New 'l4.t, Augatt—There Is • good 4..4 the taming. Trutt an advance of foil 4.1 cents oo ho v•rl at. grad... Whfi. V ttt fur `irith salon, of Ohio sr Ilk Om aro firm ati3c. COM 6 1311611 to nopply, with ar,Pe• around Yellow at fik, of NWhtte at cue, and q nuint Western at Gla P.atraaaa—Tho market te Awl , ignth talc. of Mese Pork at 61473, and of Prune ,ht rje bbl Collott Ia to active demand, tted • Oilers as high as Le fon s. the erne' of the otesaier The market dotes hero, With mdtrattotut Sia fatther itdv aoce. lible lon., Aug. 13. Fleur—The market On. - morning exhibited no change We dote sales of ebmidin :bate and mired Weitern brands at 11.5.1eg pee' E bbl,Elind of good Wei ti eat and straight brands at "3, , i.50.t31 p iii. Grata—There I. rather morg inggeb - y for Wheat, nod prices hare slightly advanced,: vrtta t ales of Ohio at Ma per bu. PrOrtalons—Pork is unchanged loth as treards pri ers mad demand. Thera is no particular clump, 2n any of the articles usually quoted. commbuulAt It 1149 .&/•1111AM.ILt AL3II.IST. 1 1* dun7sy, ..... 1d Monay • • •—•-•••.) 11 Tueday, ...• •• ..... 15 Wedne•dny, la Thursday. 17 Friday :• 5 1L: • 5 12 PITTBI3I.THAII BOOLDAW TRADE COMMI7TEE FI),R AtitiUST. luus MAY. 00. WZlll..t. YLZSItALL Or MI, Pt.,Amon Garrem. Meade). Alumina', Atignat 1a49. 1 Tke mark. generally comMueafeuite dull, and me runtarrno marked camp In gamete.. FLOVR—lialas yemerday acme Morllmed to Innued intern:ma mom at 113,75 V LW. (Wegouced no 11mm:dr either by over or wagon, and an ryon no mole* fmni grei hands. Storks are light. gad Mles ronfinrd io the regular home demand. a .1 eve mota--see. ta we„ etEleted mßs4bhl. GRAIN—Tbe supplies of /alio +mope eery habt, *adore can report Co We. to '47 Irge anent Os t. are more abundant, vrialeh hs eria.,l • Jerboa ./ Salea area, reported kneagast hands at 1-1., • - and from uore W 35e U. b. Wrbeoi . ...l' bnu0.... 11 Y quoted ut No; Rye at 50e; Harl4y a€:.5.5e. and Corn al 3.240 c bu. GROCERIPS—The [market Itoutties steady .0 for met quotations, gay, for prime 61.1N . ..31431r .5J.35:. and for itttuatlel• • Rule below priria SW:pi e, !tut buoyant Salt. ef Alolanes at gßet&e,,keedtding to quality of lyartsligltarignwe to add at 40.14, Sales tf: bags Rio Coffee a: lode. Mee i eafie, and on fair re• qoM at fiaNe n Iftrees. Regllls., flalea of 1001 ztu. g ar at a nage ofd to 10e IR? PROVISIONg--Whlt the exe;etni4n of BICOII. very litt/u Is doing in the market '2l'e tpote plain bacon bunt. city eared, at ttitß9e, of prime bagged and sugar cored bayou at 101 c Y tb. Saloo of *boulders at 5.11, sfot and of Sidra al Ito p b. L. 04 lo dull to Littliiie. Sales of W. IL Cheese at diabie, and of Crean:tat:lo 7ie FEATHERS—We heat of io liryge operanons [...ahem sale. being confined to fiefifite l d lots at Malin IP' lb. - FllolT—Laiall foot* are dull; toot moderate sales of peach. at 111,18ff/1,43, amd or at w,2)3& ga bo. I'D.CH...-Salca of No. 3 .11.0;0...1i:end or lierttag Yd or Doi Of Other.kintla aft pp:aes apre light, and are can rapon no sal.. 15111.96 EV—Palm of Raw ae 2 . 40" Zr. and of Ren- San• SOLE LEATHER—SaIes of _latilnots 410=e, and of Near Vora mile at 18019 e pjt, CANDLES—SaIes of Star &ales at 210 ete, of o.oobi W 1... u Igll, tmd of coreiaooNprod at oe ♦ ID. SOAP—Salerof common Roaiii at DI k, of variega ted st 101310 in V in. E Commero• of Clii.otaatat I. CMciassam, Attgass9.—Among shelter/on* this week, are 7 uses blooms, I.s*bashels 601.4170 bosh...corn. 402 boXes cheese... 737 sacks crews. eado barrel. flour. CO barrels fieh, I , s:tad'et and bal. hemp. 41 barrels molasses, MIN bushels oats, 7.lbushhis rye. I i l nem. Hem 1057 htida and 272 Marcia wok. 4064 sacks, ter; bartele salt, 22 We tab.., Si* baSnels wheal, 0601 barrell whiskey. - Among egporta this 'reek, ere 4. barrels beef. 21 kegs bane; 36.1 boxeschetaa, 492-boxes candles. 7 burets egg., 277 barrels doer, 12:14 liana], SSW kegs lard. 5074 barrels lard all. 6 bamilt'apse. oil, 117 Obis pots on.. 64 time., 8 . -M hamms perk and bacon, 21. ba.zes asap, 72./ kegs white leate 142 g barrels wlnskey. The following are the exporti.and!mports 01 acme of the principal articles of trade fr; t Ist of September to theta. of August. in 1549 am; Intl co., near satas.saklb. Pork and Lacer', Ithda• • • - 1,1r3 Ibis -2 "11.347 Port and baron, was. 4440 1511 end bacon, Pork 1 061 . - 7'. IsS 11 , 0%5.11 193495 *,7W I• 58 'JY4 1":,6' 14,:14 12.1. j).614 9: 4 14 IV Pork ~J booon, 14s. See, bbla• Deaf. trc• Lard, bbl. Faki: K.; ' v:Pii - x; 1ii,743 .clis.g., •nwsiii, 4. It.S4 1e4,11. !‘i!!'W. •:,2111 V.tltti ID '76 riar. bbla ;;:: .114 e, Ltd. 6ie Calree,bag. Oerees i 0214 7,am 9.144 400 1 9 51-379 74. u. aars SS4:4: 1945-9. '.'30,1 1=733 4 SOS &I 5t.10 , 1 4 t 4 U 7 Import., troxes• Imports, ea.k.. ta-pons. bole. Exports, cooks . 434 i&4-9. Xeu.-4:13 13'.94ea.5,45e Invorta, bbls Expon•, bbl. --Ils.cub. • Urfa] Wttaar, Crecumam..4 o 4W4s undetamod that, ort yesterday Alterman, Wharf Newer John W. Reiliy, la the name of the thy, 'took terwestdoe of m much of the Wharf Decocted by Jortathad litteraas embraced within lite width of Ludlow strfet—pome sixty feel 10. [Cut Coat, Mar 10. 4t Itehrouths., :August ID. 1t149 Punts !win - toss—The inetteet.thne et the t r ot ending on 7110.4/1 eventrtg, Orsteretse the follorter kinds inadquanutiee : tt• • f.filo s;'+d9 llowszd ousel City Mills ••• Elnaqunhlanna• TOlal ...... . • Besides tn) bble Rye Flour, sift 10 Ulla Corn Meal —4 Amerman. Ahooov,Alogoof P. hag Moelum - ro el Bora nrroors.--kbeioaatia M F.., Wheal, COT and CIMIST, let O. Side .water dorm' th e Ant week to Moron, la the Teats ICAO and IdIT a se follorn . bbl.. Wheat bni oat:, 300311 46,37*, •• • • •48.7 u, 0,00. (12-101 3WO Xke 1;•ou lot 13471 111.110 010 Inc. OM Tha • simple soars ty of th§ mar. • racier left at lid...ream , from the commesessiont Ilalfigatiun 10 CM 7th August inclusms, tr a filaJwil;• • 'Floor. Wheat. :.Coro. Barley. two ; •. • .1,00',91q 02a,02 IPOt,OOl lan 081 i.leverJ 7161431 3.!1,3t1,015 014,11 !aeration • • 153,311 Dee. 334t4 Y0.d,r1941 De. al— atid , ji , , ,,,1 tt0tth , , , the Wheat to Flodr, UAI quantity of the latuer led n uds enter do. year, ctunpared with the peOodef teat yeti radars an loerease of I!o,l3:ybarrefa. . Etion of Breadatoffe lam the IS/their a tom . to Great Alain apd Ireland, tante let eepadatie t 161 Floo• hay , •Coro, Front— bola : bash. b oo t, Near York, Aura.; 7••• .r3.5,7x5 0,407,190 Naar Orleans, July thi• • •15.5 13%031 2,040070 Philadelptoa, *utast Y 1311,53,1 . , 90 0 . 45 1 1 akoso daltiolore, dual+. •• • =IOU MA". 514.713 Mato, Augusta 14,381: - 3.129 247.dit3 Other Yon., July 31• •• • ei.193, ?LOW re•ral 1,021.431;.1F0S 15.d.4.75s 109 , 436 . x. ,017 d.c65.104 ros Wen." Bose.. —Aned is bolos made in EBtLMos and elsewhere, to est the a 03.,ffl for Me oso of Boatmen on the wester* writer. IB ate 0d, , 0 0 Of them urea employed on iiiii.rescuboatk nod BOW More, It is .mesa, upon the loth and flatboats at the Mississippi and Its trdustariei More then 8 4 000 are novelly connected with the wide Of St. Loots alO m, and; on an average, some lAA mg on *bore at one lime. To pacts them within the pits of good Mai, enc..; is the object of • raw Airsoedation, !Lavine its bead quarters et Bt. Lemsoindsethellils of Ms ,IVest ern. limatmen's TOG brionnen themselves am mid id be mamas that Mis work . shirisid on.crefernig be Mid th isrespoollh for the saVss7 Mf their mud."' The character of as enterprisols sigh as milt seem , it maul , friends and supporteoh mid 11 m he hoped Movrotit may be perfeeted.-04. 0. Pullstin. Twirl ........ Lao year to August) Tarataanors Rata rO Ahaeasia IttOon.—The Mobile Herald eves the fallowing extrObt from o lever of tho huh oh . wrineta u Tate's:heal": "The Alabama river Nee ri•On al this plate .bowl dote ld"ndeY IP4 .hd 4.1111 rmlept rapid. 17. All me plantations in tins ateiony atm., ett• Ural! under water. end Me Itsa fa th e are plissnattons ‘l4ll be alum,. toveleurelate. 1 m gentleman. Mt. merawd, litho Ina @dna yes, L i asoriviin—he nays all the ~..rattlattoris from hero ' are more or lees mutat 'I ••..e, hpd the fit. doing al Selma when he lett Ile ,ho fahawba firer rs ingher tban it aver was known to be before." Liaxoglroca Coonraararr.—We mem 'beam Yoatire. day a i•orimerfeit five dollar note of the Franklin Bank of Baltimore. which Wes taken at one of oar Banks TeMerdar. The plate I. • slime imitation of the gen sne mue, rthd a. the lettering thin the same bold style as the original, It ir Very likely to donates the ocean.. The eattiVang of the rounterfeit is badly done, mid the aluminum tire unlike the engine!: hut its general ap.. peathithe if well calculated M deceive The counter k'n we• 'Mimed C, under the figure .3 o.t the left hand side flak Amer. CattSa itlark•U BALT - IMO.. August 10. 1341* • Cattle—The ollenngs at the scales on Monday reach ed 830 head., of which Sat were sold to city butchers. SW ware +/worm to Phtladelphtu and 00 were left over unsold. Pners ranged (rote g1ia.5.3 00 .n the hoot, equal to 81.3003,73 net. and avenging 52.001 gross. 'The quality generally wee not consoderrl Hoge—We quote (too. I4.3oo4,72—tArnenean. Pun-Apr.13,11, Attstast 0, 1649. Tue alreiings this week comprnte 1100 brad or Reef Cattle, or sikarh near .250 wets driven to New York: 2710 Cows and Calves, 400 liva. and *twat lsOu gh<ep and Lamtna. Pnere—gerf Cattle are In moderate de mead et 116.1.3e37,50 • 100 lba. Dry Cott. command to lath; firm nrers $l2 to 111.1. a d Web C.tara sl , to 83v <arh. Ho. were neatly all thsensrd of at 41.600 4.7.5 S> IVO lb% Shrep and Lambe aro .0 good demand et SIAS .0 $5.50, . In qoallty.—(lnquirer . Lomx., aurday. July 5 , —We have receivede by steamer. from gamtiorgh, leiter from our prieath correspondent to tlim eity. dated July N. from velure we estract the following commercial ivalh OUT entinef Market is very active; money as abundant; discounts 12; per cent. the railway sham market pret ty animated. Ad r•eet from Malaga smoe Mat all vessel. (rampart. infected by eitolrra. and reported t, the Npaol.ll Cw.n• •01, well bast to perform quarantine at Vigo and Port Mahon. The 'PiMeg says that the dd6calty in the Trayof the dteposal of slr . Hudson's nnerest in the York, New. castle and Beranek shares haa been removed In 111ealcan and Peruvian cocks a good bottn“• ars, dome In Amsterdam. The money market has he-en prally ateady to day. Console for account aelltng at 91f and 10 for money, 9' f, Of percents were qualm] at 05 . ,; Etegattere Bills 51, 50, 49. The market foe shares steady There la ens any milt:my for Atnencon xecuTt•ies In the city this mot num. following. up to thie date. are th e repor,d gnotallona: Unteed Su/ogs per rent, 1,20••• •• . •• • 9149 91 6 ii.: • .104011124 New York s's. 1•53 0.5 95 do Mt. 1,5.4 ....... ...... •95 06 do s's. 1.00 ..... •95 0 fal p,oasyl vamp S., ~ .0 v .1 0 000 d's 1.00 ...... ..... . .... avn do 1..01 0100 Nlassachugetnt.s per rent% 1557 • traigice Maryland 04. sterling Wads ••••• • • • • N 0 900 Al saisstppi 6 per rents 50 0 Si do 5 do sterling bonds 20 Alabama 5 per cents 56 do starling bonds• •• . 411 OGI New Vett City 5 per eents• • • 9.1 0 94 PORT OF' PLITSBURGH. ARREUVED. Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. If Wightmen, -.Meßemy', Peptone,-, McKeesport. DEPARTED. Louis McLane, Bennett. Brownsville Wightmsn, - McKeesport. Peyton. IlAkeesport. Tn. 13.nrca.—There mere 14 inches in the channel, by metal mark, last evening at dusk. BOATS LEAVING THIS BAY. Louts McLane, Brownsville, c P. M. etnetnnstl, Sam. Francis. Brownsville, Reveal., NleKeespon, B. Wishunan. I=l U. Leech & co's, packet line. 9 I' M Fo IlittßT R, 9 IlsiLs dCo's Canal Pac rO ket, 71 o'e!oele, r The Ravattta vat'l be .e n, try adverusatneut. that the att.. Itght draught vtrarner Revralle, Stone Master. vrttl run as regular druly packet to Brow-In v/Ile. 1(0111 the wharf boat at the upper whart . The Reveille haaa draught of only IV onchea, and 14 well adapted to ibi present low UMW, SS 'reel; as ha•lng neat and well Gutstred rabtrts for the accommodation at travellers. . OR RENT —The three story Rrtelt Delling FHaase. on Loam. betareen - Hay and Marbury atreeta. nevi breveted by W. Graham, Jr Po.fiesaton elven Immediately. Enquire. of Wm. Graham. or at the Booltatote ui JOHNSTON a. FTOCICTONI. corner Mart. and Tturl streets. 1, , VERY .FURCIIASER OF DRY GOOFS; !should r, cull on Martel at BL strdet, A SOtorS C b fr. argains. O'S cheep One Fneo Store, 'Cary sell rood fast c lored Linens fors cents. Omuta., do for loe, Sessels Ging boost We; (ow col , C..... die: fine filemmaels do It, Lest sista:lty do 10e, rich 4-1 do. ISie: Brown bleached Mu,! ~. 41r; G10.e.1 cents alwcin and lace Colors OS COW,. elegant Muslin Casco irons It eta to loget4ct srlth the grratesg variety of other ewer, good* to be round in the IVratern conntry Rem mbar the number, b. Markin at spit A A MAYON A CO 6 - 141),1111:21,, JILW.GIatIr LI MIL Vita W Alta. .- • • laTilt sobarriber, who hae been in besmear In tilll same building for the lest thieen yes ro. in selling all deitennoong of Fine Gold sod nil ver Wear. heal Je yrelry. and Silver W•re, as mind, a: therrerr lowest pore. tick' and Silver English Patent Lever Watches. Gold and Silver LG. hd Lever and Lewin. Watches. Gold and Silver florirontal •11 , 1 vcrie Waicties. Gold and Silver Independent Second Watches for timing horses. Gold Geard. lab and vest Chains. Gota Spettacles. Gold and Hil•rr Pencils. Gold Pend. Ladies' Gold and Stone Beacetets. Gold Lockets. Gold and Silver Thnoblea Diamond Wog. and Pins. Ladies' ant treinicateng' I:hessian.. Sterl:err Si ger rinonns, Cup, Fora, kr . Gold IVnichcii as low a. Si Watehe. and Jewetry exchanged. Sp.. land Fore ylavaCM Ott (1131.. gdve, . fine article. All aiialcbc.• warranted lieep time or the 'none, returned. Jewelry repMfod. and IV. ehes cleaned and rcpaired m the twat manner, as roach lei.a than the usual prices GFAI. C. ALLEN, !toff..., °Matches and Jewelry, whoicaale and rautl. 51 \fall .creel, lan stairalNElV Atra.dimis JUDAH OF THK ?lAMB INKTITETH, tiyina SIATI Of VIMNIMV,II.O., FOR VIE PROMOTION or 'sae MECHANIC ARTS T HE oldest Nlrebanteal Periodical extant an Amen. of pabla•lfed on the brst of reel mond/ in the of oily Phrladelpeta It has been regularly mooed for upwards of twenty three years. and is eerefuloy edited by a eomontlee of tetenufie appointed for the purpose, tfy the Pranit Inn Institute Tee deserved') high repamoon. both at borne and abroad, whisk thos Journal has ...mitred and satatn ed, has gest:ALl eirealsionn and esehmme bet of the best ebaraeier, enal.le• the CAustanthe on Pal.. locations to unthe the heat seleenons from Foreign Journals, and to .tea circulation to ongoing' common.. canons on ineebsuical and self:e t / he s u tu re :s. and en tire* of peer inventions, nonce. of all the Patents novo. ed at tee Patent f /thee. Wasetagton City, are malaise. ea to the ioa.ltlf logellter ante a large amount of on. forusanou Meelmitirs, Chemistry, and Coed Eup pccring, derieed from te e latest and !Nest authorities • • , nits Journal 1. puhltatical ot, :he firs: of each month. each uumber containing et Mast seventy.two peers, and forms two volumes annually of ahem 4T3 pages each, illustrated with enera•ttige on copper and on wood of thaw 1111 , 10. which require them. Tne subseryM on once is Five Dollars per nnum. payable on the completton of the .Lath number. and .1 wtil be forwarded tree of pos , agr when f re are remitted loth° Actuary jrnastsge pan', in advance for one year'. eubnerlpnon. Conamunieetions Mad letters on business lllo.lllw di rected to 'the Aentary of me Fruulslin Institute, Phil adelphia, l'cuoiry,ranA," the postage paid . WILLIA.IIItAXILTON. .d I na_ ._ Actuary F I UNIT/CD STATES WILIOLBRILE OMIT WA121101313: LELIV IS it RANPOh.D, • flea. WA end 23. Pee. gram, (between Sitp,l :SEW YORK. Have on Innid the largest usortroent of CLOTHING IN THE UNITED STATES, AturriO TO ALL 111AILICCIL le tle article of SIIIIITIP and DRAW Eng, ore Ite , p an endless vanoty. Also the most extenarre msoufartorers of Oil Clothing and Cosered Bats le the world. PLAIN AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, Of ell kinds, Catalogue. a stoat seal Ly II Orden promptly filled & HANK/LLD, prat Na t an. 1M. 23& and US , Pears on. N V SCHOOL. NOTION THR Roartte School Directors of Rob i nson learn stup dtstitet. anll meet az the house of Alm Sarah Arnenad, id Mud toarnelnp, on SATURDAY, the Z.Sth WM. at 10 o'elnelt, A. M rot the purpose of cumin • tag aid enteeing tote silicA With such approved teachers 114 May apply for schools in said Jutriet. she ugh dietnen are enrotned to be rignast In pro curing teachers, and have the • present at the Iliac specified; and also inland and hear the eeautlnetion. WI LI.I AM MARKS, President of the lin,d augaalldivrAT C. COM . rusts COPE & BEIXYPOULE, FORWArtllltsrt A COAIMIAPION hllditerlANTS, And dealeff in Mute Lead, Wm,low Glass, 103 &coed street, PittrberaU Pa. Wdl attend promptly to the sale of struck.. entrusted tit their care Rush yo-ellagaley & Poilth, R. Toner & Co, B. & W. Darbackli t Kay & Co, Murphy, vvilcon & Co, Pittsburgh. Hannah, Graham & Co., and tic nice chants generally. Near Luton, 0. D. &D. APDonald & Co., lien. Wails, Wellsville, U. Joeeph W.taon, U J.liigker if CO, Fenno, k AP.II Wen, Alassillon, 0 co., Weaver, Taylor A Co., John Drown & . Philadelphia- A. U. Riobardson & Dro Grof, Helmets & Co, Cincinnati. 0. John F. !toward. Loalilrilic. Ky. John Smith, Yew Orleans. Randy & Hannan, Cleveland, 0. A. J. I.:Ridley, Mans. held, LI Clark, Parks & Co., 'leaver, Pa. atilriEdif IMITETEI TT A NVF.9 OttAIIIAM aro pleased to inform their cuwomen and Ms public at large. that they have on baud • verfeatensive stock of 111 A MX:ANY, of other usually kept by the irstl,, 'settle.. they offer at the 14110svingunusual lose prices, no 371. um ft of,Croel2 Veneers, from I lo 31 eta Pet f , 190,11, &mills and Plonk of all thickness, mall seasoned. per Skt 6, 6 .811 need Wood Veneers, from 6 tool et• foot. ' 3.6n0 ft of too mor, , no• ovriel Urtilari SO y • IV/ offerre N.. Market r , Mot...rood Vensets, from 2 to 6 els. • • MAW ft Wl Hotly, of all tbsehttea.• • We feel eantild•-nt (tont our Inn( ornortrnee, the ad wo linve In unmoving and sawing. that aro shall olvray• tie enabled to keep on hand a Flock of the moat snootier quota', .4 finely figured wood, lot t h e vary towed market orteeo,) oat ed to the Mete of moat faltidloo., that toot be plemod to favor m midi their pal pot All anlnn p tee .1 y 6 c i . il ., Vltele r 2 = l :d 176 a 178 Centre et. two noon Norns of en naJ at NKW YORK. POWC1i0:1-CITE11--,a-k II nTli enema, / in rapers, an UR ANT, 41 Wete.r et K 8110111. IatGISO Bs lIILTICISUEBOEB S. If. Am, Forwarding and Como:inion hie, chant, has ramove.l to No Sr From!, brtwoess Wood sod Southfield lappels. 11.11 LOCAL MATT• _ ar-PORTID FOR rr rn ittramt Ana axxxrin RAMBLES ABOUT PITTSBURGH Ao. THE. ALLEGHENY CEAIETERY We paid a vial, on Saturday, to the Allegheny Cemetery. a charming spot which nature and art have equally combined to embellish. The petaci pal gateway is a beautiful structure of stone, in the Gothic style, and redacts great credit upon its talented archetect, John Chalon, Esq. Passing through it, the signer strolls along roads and paths several mile. in length, surrounded on all sides by some of the 111.1 t picturesque scenery ra the neighborhood of Pittsburgh. Within it. bounda ries a to be found almost every varier, of carfare —hill end valley, shaded by the noble oaks and forest trees planted here by the hand of nature, as well as by the rarer, though not more beautiful natives of distant oenntries. Through the grounds rum a brook, the 'ascent! murmuring of which adds tranquillity to the natural solemnity attending 'a place of groves." Twesty yeara ago, no cry in the trotted States hod a cemetery. The crowded church yards, in the midst of the noise and bustle of towns received daily additions, until the miasma arising from them became exceedtogly unpleasant to those who dwelt around, and the dead brought death to the living; but ' , even from the tomb the voice of Nature ones," and oar citizens began to feel In their full forrce those beautiful lines of Kies Laodon:— prep thee, lay me rem to rest Among thee, mouldering hottest Too heavily the earth is west. By all thew crowded atoneett Eighteen years ago, Mount Auburn, within • few rode• of Bostoo,•w•s convened late • rural cemetery, and the example of the Bono•ien• aro prickly followed by the mtitea• of New York, who laid MI the charming cemetery of Greenwood. while the an habits nts of Philadel ',hie, besides their pnectpal cemetery, Laurel Hill, have upwards 01 twenty other.. In 19t4, severe! citizen. of Pittsburgh and Al leghen r applied to the Mouse of Representatives, and obtained a charter of tueurporation for the "Al. legheny Cemetery," but it was not until the 19th 01 Juee,of the next year, that the present site was purchased. Oa the IkUiti of September, the grounds were dedicated by appropriate religious ceremo montee—sixteen days before which time Mn. Brigs., daughter of George A. floyard, the origi nal proprietor of the croonda,was Interred beneath the and which had been the scene of her youthful happinello. la the month of Oetolier,trees began to be plant ed, and tee ground, unprovrd under the direction of Mr. Mullett. and his good taste is every whore visible. &nee that time upwards of two thousand evergreens, consisting apiece, yews, together with an equal number of deciduous trees, and thousands of shrubs of carton, k,nds have been planted. We are pleased to sea that the cemetery is vu fled every day by s large number of our citizens, while few strati.n pa. through Pittsburgh with inat loin, to see it. It supple a s desideratum, which, to the absence 1.11 s public garden, has long been needed, and will. we are sun, be of great use in raising the tone or public taste, through the beauty Sits sylvan features, which c- gamma its chief charm. None elm visit it, without tenting a degree of cheerful solemnity stealing over the,; minds, well calculated to improve the doer teeltnp of the human heart. Many fine monuments hare been already erected, one althea most beautiful of which covers the remota, cf the late lamented Professor Daniel Siotie. It was erected to hie memory by his pupils, nutty of whom, under hi. kind and judicious enhongenvent grew up into man hood, wive, good, and useful member. of society. and with greet good taste they sent trobis native State, Malsachusetta, fit, a Nock ofgranite to guard the ashes of one of the "old bay State's" noblest sons. The monument erected over the remains of Dr . Bruce, farmer President of the Western University, but more recently Duquesne College is a neat ury pretending iuructure of marble, and covers es the wnter of this article, one of him student., veil knows. one of thew isest and moat kind hearted men that ever lived. His whole life was cledt rated to religion and eiocation,antl he mingled one with the other, to that many e benehted soul caught the nest gleams of heavenly light from La touching appeala to their religious feelings. James [tons, and Ettebard Biddle, two of Pitts burgh's greatest lawyers!, sleep here, while on a charming hillock, appropriately termed Mount Barney, repose the ashes °rm.° naval heroes,Cont. nimble Joshua Varney, and Lietrenatit Jame. L Parker. The hand of death has been busy amongst us since the 'led:cation of the cemetery to OA solemn purpases, sail ni try of the wise, and good, who lived to Pittsburgh, now peacefully slumber be neath the sacred roil of the Almgheny Cemetery . The monuments generally evince great good taste but we are sorry to see aormany con railings Witch always stems out of place in • scene o' en id beauty. Thin is probably owing to the preratls ing rage for obelieks. in thern.lves • very beau• tiful species of monument, but one which ca not be ernamenled without detracting Isom its angi nal nevem and simple beauty. As, then, them is no variety areormt them, and every one seeks to he original, the public expend Mint care upon the surrounding railings which they ('annul upon the abehaka themselve• The family vaults, though few, as yet, to number, are tti much better taste, and will, we hope. leo more generally imitated Here geed taste bas Mr ample range, and Ibis (arm of monumental arch:lecture t.rueceptible of unlimited variety, which commend* it to the at tention of every true lover of the beautiful. We hope that the rothle•• hand. .r Munro. may never be placed on Ibis peaceful arty of the deed, and that it may remain for age., a touching lesson in the living of the fend tenure by wbteh they ere bound to life. Canotrrm. 11,..,3 or rite enemy:. in MOOING PIAIIL—fIearen. yesterday. that Me Choices wets raging i n foetal] e xtent n Birniumbara, weerossed over ro the ferry, and, arriving at Ora main watt, the heal rat , :act which suet our eyes two • a hearse dashing on rap• Idly to the undestaker, We tollowed 0, •nd after Carefully inquiring Crum the drover, and many other. what Meirue mete of the er.e wen, found o worst fears verified The undertaker ...... d us r that LI. hearse Lad been b•pi to constant motion for the past and altoge•lier. after iming up all perso who have fallen •/C1111r• in the Choler nstn a. we found th at seventeen bad died in South and liirmint• hang lland•y mammy of them taws oreurred along tie brow of Mr hill above Birmingham. ..deaths hewing taken place to Blmougnam proper. The under taker referred to Lamed seven perm"ns yerteralny—all from a email OJOS., of dwelling houses 4ir here this pm- Uremia rages with learial virowirce. la one Louse Wee dastaha occurred—the lather el the Insert y. Air Davis. Uw mother. and miry cluid It 0 a sinful.' feet that almost all to e case• have occurred an Ow hilt order, where would imagine the air in Le purest. and while th e ew. wart any Cholera vi Ilitirlorrdh, we all know that try imr the IWO st proportion of de.s look place in the Eighth. and other wards ...led on the tell. The strove istibrmatisu can Le tel ref rd on as being authentic. seine isad e•ery rreroon • artl•C at the truth. TLooe who have Lean enacted. die in short roma, trequentry becoming e gaped al and...with out any of the premonitory 'yammer. of purging err Manama SELECT SCitouL.— WE call toe eiteettott of one Citizen. to 'the advertisement of Professor Charles Elliott, late untie %Velment University, which ap• pears .0 oor advertising columns this corning.— Professor E. to well known te our townsmen as a gentleman of rare clement and mathematical at moments, and af One or the most sucecosful teach en who has over emoted Pittsburgh. We hope that he may meet with that succeso which his merits no well deserve. His school will open on the first Monday at September, of his resideoce in Sando,ky otrert, three doors above the ,FLer. Dr. Bodge.' Church in Allegheny. flag Csentioa—Wo paid a Sere, yesterday, to the Foundry Warehouse of Mennen. Nicholson & Payne, on Liberty streei, and were very much pleased with a new atria of fancy enamelled Man tel grotto, which thin enterprising Arm has intro duced. The enamelling is of a jet blank color, and brilliant penal), and the heat which it is intended to soon., only renders the color and the, polmh more permanent. The pattern of the grate and its accompanying fender is very chaste and beat - tiful, and in the centre m a frame designed in the summer to surround a neat nod highly colored en graving, which in the water the frame is remov ed. and the grate take, it place. Those which we sow have been purchased by Mr. !Lamm for his new and beautiful monition in Birmingham, and we advise oar eitirens to rail and examine them prior to their removaL Messrs. Nicholson dc Payne will be happy to fill orders for similar grate. Maroa's Orrice. Prreratmon, A t . Ol/11T 13 One man and . woman wee brought before the Mayor at the morning watch Moe. to d.y, charg ed with vagrancy and disorderly conduct The man wan committed to jail kJ,' thirty day., the wo man paid her lice, nod Was discharged. " l'otothsvukfithe Unics.4 • 45tatah and tar Geserisor 7 ranoTutillia T The mittary companies of Allegheny and the adttuning count" are requested to parade, to full dress, at the parade ground, on Libenv Street, CO the city of Putsborgh, on Saturday, the Ibth inst., at It o mock, • o. It 6 , desired that ottlcers c Ito mmding eompan tea, and who intend to Pun the parade. shall report the woe tie or before Thursday, the 18th snot By order of Col. 8. W. Buck commanding. CIIABLE3 GLENN. Jr, Adjutant. RECEPTION MEETING. A meeting of the citmens of Allegheny county, to make arrangements for ,he reception of the President of the United States, and Governor of the Commonwealth. who are to arrive here on the Mat MN, will be held at the New avert House, in the eity of Patsborgh, on Theaday, the I ith at 4 o'clock P. M. ( - motor Aline< Evan Eva. Geo Fortino. Wet Alva S it Fouler N Buck mai en W Bur. John Intchamit Jame• Creation D Lloyd Fehdrmli kV C JLI Dell C L Armstrong Rob, Monkey Simal Burn. Jahn Urine, Ed Arthur. Jas 811.011 Runt Bracey Vol Markey George Beal las Lracey David 11'elolland Eh,. Black Wei Com. Jas It Murree Barkliaminer Adams Getty J.. W Woodarell James Calderon Henry Hay. 10in Artostrong Alien Cordell Jacob Robley Geo I. Reis Cherie. Craig Alex liana Joshua Rhode. %gash. Coffin Jon 0 111Tadden John Matthews Harmer Denny Sam) APAlasher 'Tho.Steel MI It Denny Wm Al'eutchin ILO>. Hague Thor Garage James Nelson John Herring II Darlington A Smock Thos Bakeavell Juno 11.,' 8 cpnee Northam Henry Wood. Datil Iltughey W H hihnick I Meld Cross. Geo !lumbers John Owns Wm Wilson And Humbert Bawl Roseburg S itichardwn WM Hall WU] Resetting Jame. Scott Morgan It.)) Jacob Rhap II F Hamilton W Herrington Philip Rhodes Geo Mullen Rem Hutchlinsa Caleb Russel %V. Porter W Il Hunter R NI Riddle J. Kel obreck D Hunt Chas Gregory Jao Parker WI , Irwin it, Wm Simpson Leonard Larder tl R /oboist. FA Simpson John PI Witty Robert Knot B C Sawyer Wm 111 Smell J T Kmc aid. sr Josi-ph Parson Valentine Smith J T hioce• Stephens George H C Craighead John Kercber James Sharp John Lupton Jo. Whelan John Soetin Jos Robinson Jos Long Win Townsend John Davis The. Lieth Joreph Ron Sarni Bunn Reba, Lee lame. Fitton Suet Graham Nelson Lee A A Anderson Joan Graham J. Mackerel James Kelly J. Arenne A Moron D M'Cardy Sansl Paisley II Mown Jos Lowry. Jr Rich Hughes Andrew Miller Win M'Candless Stettin litchards ti R Mosey JPIIICI Lemon David McKee S Murray Siren Palmer N !we nn . Thos Arriulden John Harr Thos John Da vidron John Herron James Pollock 'teeny Fine J S Richardson Pirtninn APCargo Henry Erre° S C 11,11 D Solomon F II Eaton J II 11111 Parker R Hinds Win Evans Al lionenwn NI in Alcorn Fl, edmnioon Reuben Miller Jos {Vert* /no M'Craer en Wm Preser IrWin Job,. Idgbiner Daniel Kelly Chit. Stahl Joseph Lewis David Edwards C Park. win Lyiwli Wm Warren T.. 041 Willson 011•er II nt hew tOt wird , Thor G:ny no. DAY. [)none' Agnew Peter Keurtek James Min., Chao Spence Jo, U Matthew A NlcKee N Siemer LI Ward. Joseph WocelwellS Weber Robert tVienna. Jared Si Itru.h H P Mueller JlllllO6 L B Ectaiman John Hanna Robert Volker C 0 Loomis Win Lehmann John Whtte CFl...teem Dr Del enbaci, Win Milltown David V Drums John Voegn) Jacob t Rohr Morrow Cornrow 8e,,, hos R tt bite Ale .rnein 9 Ball C Lieber W S Havana James Reed Con Frei s egel 111 tVoidon Jif Swells,' I. Wal io r John 000ite E lash her loaepti Smol t W W Wilson David Edward. T L NP.Mtilen James Woodburn lobo Fens Sleeken':tiger J.epit Winer. Le.. 11014 Stahl II Nixon Jar. Whitmore Nicholas Voett't NV Brown John Met Join RI.. H :trop 111 Coffin Chime. Whin. A Washington SI tVeititner.. Iseerg• W Biddle Jo,n Row Joiopli Ann.. A, W i.e..,. Jacob Saddler Edo. Sebum), Joke McFadden John S !loan Ilene. Geri..., Rote NleCuiencon 1 hos sera.. Cutiviler W M lrim4O/I John Fol G ,Ley NI S Janins Henry Met:eery II Linthelien John Alehliehitel Jame. McCall. S Riern In D !dell, an Wm F Rend Zion, Zineytipil James Mart el John Gilchrist X Burkhs . nt TI•CIA Clark R. 0 Glenn ii Fed onsoce Abrnt Patterson John Speer S ire Way R NINO/veto I. if Wad tSm Nerb Rohl Wright C Metiowoi John Fieetner Saint Leseallait Jame. tolchrtst Jams. Deliebech 'Aaron Brig,. Joseph Kiaer A D Satoh Alex McCurdy lam LI Irwm lame. McGrew Doeld Spencer Jes Alackerel David Smith John Shipton Jacob Young Reuben Painter li 1 Clisnilserliti Geblisrt, Jnieprfte Wenenor Vas Boston John thekson N %leant:. WED AO Imre Cho. 0 Scully lame. Ermineer Jam. Arline,. I Won Fpritton W B Alowry D Badger. George w flyers Roldnoon Morrill, P.Tp John A.Len Rl. llobliene AI) Curling John W B Erskine John Laughlin Tho. Don A B Bell Jame* Momooth Samuel Ciwkey Hen', Irwin Jun MeMasMrs Jr ' nolo, Sens N Cardtreh Wm Cinch Rohs, Rodgers In FiGninmooli Geo nom. Dawson w Char - toe Dr Cochran Ltd tp DII NVI tams II .1 Sinop,. John Cowen Ull Fruitch Joseph Reich Pete Fleeter Che. Rowe,. Allenee. 11,0. Hill Dee: Arastrong Al Klaneller Joe Cop ma Seen Jame. tihneein Jos treaty. J W Ludwig - Fanner) Muse lasso King 10111 Rutherford %Vet Shaw ,Liam links Cu.. Ream John J Mum Aaron-Rnionlv Henri Long Dann/ Atelice George 8 Ha.. Jo. AleConoch John Teener Wm Dee I osh Ale %testers David Coon Wm Ninon too Seism 1. S Johns John Morrow I,Vin Lichtionen J Mcliwans Thom Perkin. Rein f . a.nser Harrison Parry Jistailian gem John Herron Smipson Horner I .s The. F now Rob, Greer Wm Byes Meer. Jones OF,, J Lbws d John Vont, John D Mahon Th. Jones Alex McKee Devil Irwin Jr,, Mayor Marna Clover David Heeler Ades Frehl,'ln J. Brooke John I.tler Ttio. A Rowley Wm Mark. %yin Creighton Al Don AlageelmaAndw ling. Ro-e.tury AII Meth- wan IVnt AleC.noint H o sK. I. John Nlet.niewan se°, G s,,' John rror 'l" . her. ru•IIPt Jar°, A tter John Stoner 11'1u Wide-Et A ed.,- Pierce lies Wm IVool erd tt m Ringer. Hen. , Channel Vet Ale Kiehl J•n,d. NtcLw insatina. Con, Fob, Inn .1. , 11 IV C Loren. Is• .1-wart Wnt Friar Juhn MeErue Joan Nt'n-o.bal. Jas 11,0 9 NV. Llano AVin Alt , A S Rs , 11.1 Phtllin. John sin •,1 Jas !Helga,. Isaac Jones Samuel Welloce Rota It ,snit,,,( s POll/I, \ If 00110 'rhos Morehe.l Donna F•an. Cul II Cunene,. Wm ehepown Pre.ton N Jones N 41411111 Jr. Megan. Neno • J 0... 11 ~,1 ir•••11.,..4, Meg.. Frees Ries R Porter. Reht Mourc la. Jones 11 Ilaraterger John WDorican John Jones 11 P Ingersoll Geo Fortune Stile Semmes Jo. OS . Lew,. John Nleeeeltry John S David Hunter loon Meeker At.. Che.. Ales tiny John .11'ths,e John Moran rer John NV low U W tilsogour Wm Grace 1 Thompson John D Dawn F Neversould JII AlVielland I) Ktakeed 1.00 Harker li Adams J S Moo head Thera Richard. 00in Atlanta 1 II Knikeed Philip James Men Thoomeon Ja. Femme Wm Chess Homes Raab, Geo Dante Samuel Hall Th. M'Coy And NI Master. 1 'Towles." Tema Planet John Al Gill Stephen Smith A Ilan, Mitre tp. A rely M.Cend Richert Perry F Roost's Matn'w Hadduk IN M'Gunsigle Jobe German Wm Baker Eph L Brook. W U Nelson Win Barnes Richard Eran John Hancock Irn),, Grant Robt Park Aleatinek J. WGunnigle J. Anderson %lows Curry Ander WK. Sarin Robinson John Ataastade ales Al' Kee Job. Rolston:in Itobt (*echo. Janseilltdille John M•Kae John Einerieli l'neh 'Applegste John llroNen Wm II [Jenny II Annie , . is' , Ikreid cheat. Jae Wilson /ogre.) Snorter J D whine John Speer I NV Duncan Oliver Omni. , J. Sinop Wm II Ill'eture 0 0 Gregg J. O'Hara lame. II Irwin J H Pose Jag Lew. Aln , endless R Cuuningbam Jo. NI n'nel and Jacob Aber James Hays A U Lyod James Keby Daniel Roher Rob, Stewart David Leslie irony Herrn. A Rechle John Dickey J a Henry Laree Al, and. P nom s I.orreure Peter Savage Maid Calhona J Walker Wm Anderson /no Brown [Roes] John 00,1)0,4 Leclicy David Witt...rt. Wen WEllieny Andy Rayne Jame. Halstead James Peorre John It sy Peter Bale. fleo Sickman Win Woods Th.. !WK. Wm APCenillesis Win Dotty C Inmarn John Gott A 1 ALAI A It T White Edward Rtehanti 'Wm Courtney Jelto Sheeran Lewis Fellbach Robt Pre-bran %slat Force De yid Irene John Sampson 1 Da, Henry Herber Senn Ark• 1 leas * I.:, ant Janie. Vincent Le, eicieer bond Steel...on James %Citron lien, K.Py Ruben Glee, R Jonn ender Vou secs, • A HAT 111/RAE, tin. 'ears old. parr e clir , KiNfectly gouge ttt hareem,- is an expellent and ,de family home He may be. leen at MR. CIIAHLRSt Llvery Pooh!, %underlay saes , homer term .1. Allegheny. Print 8100. sucTglar . TOUSIA LADIEN r viim AUTUMN SRs•ION of thm Instinnon I. remorse, on the be,, Mottel•3 in September Rooms on Pedeng street. in - tloloosda Rost," thl dour from 'O. bent's, Ranot fie Peru no Ina armor or rye Mown. English Department. include." Heading. (behoove. phy and aebeine, Writing, lbtgl,.b Grammer, Haelo. ne. I ave. English olomposlttott and Critiemen. Geo . ;trophy. lbston • Arithmetic end the higher brunches of Mutlavmsucs. Natural Philo.opny. Chemistry, As llomey, Floor:leery, Geoloiy. intellectual and hloral Serene, and sill other bruit,. non ttttt to the Marti English Inlueattne • - • gbAt Clante•l Ik.partmeso, melodies the La ut and Greek I-Beetter s each • • - • • 8• on Frettrh, IGO en inntano. BIG 00 Toe service. of compete. masher, err secured for such e. dente tionocenn et French and German. and also Matron, Patriotic and Mune. It 34 It. rohle unit popds enter at tho commence ment of ,II they a• 0 received at any tone, sod ore charged at Me alone rate. from the t ore of signors No dedoettnne •re made for ahem..., ex• 0 1 Monocled illness. Further informatien may be obtained nod made by [idiom opoothe Psncipal, a, hm memo on Federal eb or In hi. lodates. it .. lrorte's Row: . Ldberty street. Pittsburgh. between 3d to,, lab st r rrr or by addrerstue, through the Piestm rah Poet Orbs, the Prtncipal. N METCALF Allegheny Ave 7, IEIB ' dr/ Ptrintentuo. June teat loin Ma 8 K llosamer—•tr . I take drew pleasuic in re. , ornmending your INKS, to the notice et the public In toy buiness. I hove used peat quantity of Ina. and I gore your. the nrefsrenee over ail other. have tried H 104140314 110 0 gooth so ts Arooll's. tog I prefer yoars. ea it does not mould, nor tot Om yher log exposed. and becomes black In a law minote• after 'oar hashe paint Wishing you every success ot nes. arc strt your. very resectfully, /10IN arm , City Accountant For .ale by H Pahnestock Cis. Pm...burgh; P. Reborn., Allegheny cep and by h . manalucturer, 'Moines K Inhl,an, Dragon • n 1 l'henstat, caresser el Lanny owl Smithfield enema, Pttlaburgh, Pa. I ytr7-dew Ita Trimmings Chimp for Cube ng adve fuser now opening. at lii Winer shin,. I New York. a ,o.pleie assortment of iIATTFAS' Till ilhl I il.t, sleeted by himself from the manufae• tones le Fra imp and Herman., aloch wily be sold low for cash P,ase and cIIIOIN4 'mince purchasing cleewurre p! dip Naw Yon, /sty. 1,19. 10 TIIE I. A 1.4,5--letst rreeentl,.ll till signetto — ant of anld and silver 'Thread, Ce.rd and Braid; also. Spangles and Bullion. for elohrendenine and other or nameatal wort. Also, Fold owl 'river Tassels. Fringe, and Lae,. Jewelry of Ui I 1111 l f shinns`ld great variety. IVidelies of superior nastily and Wantsful patterns, and f.r rate al Eastern prices W W WILSL/N. sar: vorner hlitriret and Fourth sto QA1.1.61A1 . 1A - ~..I .7T— y kJ as,: 1 D C&NFIELD Jk:)111,1 1 -! tr:44PlatirlflanitstollifelaktiliantirlYU l 4B:3 l s2 l / a l: I gr Cnerateal an cause. • LAI ternewarmasohk acaditortawiend whiteni.lbe giving it the texture and beauty of an infani.w...; Sernve. SAMBanta snack ate won not only beaded, but eared by its use. ea at least seven Phi.- Liens in New Yost know, who ate it in such caws, and find it anfailirig—as also in !Taints, BLorcara FIRSCII.II, or any other skin dia. ease. The render I. tu tored .11 tuts It no useless pared aortic... one trial will prove I total eau. mere. at least Si person. ear, d of Swan Nun. soria Lana asp Seat BZASD —Buy it. and use IL and the leader Is ex.. assured I arrodial net eruolly sell for h areb unless knew ti to be all I atalrl a Those who liable to Canto. C 2.111111 01 CHAPao PLca. wdl find this • rule. Any one afflicted with any of the abeyant diseases. will had this alt sad even more (.I.lnurs• ble iu tl. prove rlie•l than I et.ste. But, reader, the singes are 11.neled watt inionnons. and be sure you •.1 tor JONF.rt'S Its to Chem e.l frOlp mold by 'll JACKSON. 2.9 I..c , erty tireet, Yl.beirgb. au,o3l,kseT Abe, door,•rea honorably Assured 01. i the following •le the •einsi qua . lo. , /0 a I. ul 10013'1 Coral Ilulr Ile•tsrative ,loolat our wont the eannoi these lognly respeela r !tire .s. wise have tried it :lir seen. bee Cl. :I Elm sl. New York . • Mrs Alinitthi Reeve.. Mtn, ay. !knotlyn Mr. Win Tompkins in King u, New Vora. Mr. Tlzo• Jackmon. M. ;tours Land. near Pittsburgh 11. 1.:. Colic, Ia borher steamboat S. Aliments And mom than a hundred other, suite, thoug h taunt suffice, that it • ill force the heir to grove un the bead or face. stop it fishing ,It. strengthen the roots. removing sr uri and clandristr from the roma. meting light, red, or gray hair ot..tathe tine dark look. its) keeping Jr). harsh or y hair inuist, son, dean cad beautiful eery. very long tone. Sold by the Agent, WNI JACKSON. e 9 Liberty n. Pittsburgh. Prier VI, 50 rent% and one dollar . aunale.avT irr Tna norm or • •ma IiZPITS.II ul nal more repul sive than a bad, putrl , l breath. or d•rs, yellow theca.. ed meta. liners°os have thew it it their own [Ault— they can, for two shtlnngs. buy an antele that will mae them breath pure and sweet as Mr Spry An o Avolna. It eons di watts ord. Ginns, sonneY or e'ecre'" , and for the Teeth It is unequalled, minoring the tartar, fastening the teeth in the ewes and clew 04.1 as white as the snare a/the /eases Noe. Poch, reader, are the properties of Jones's Amber Tooth Pude, and, without praising it ourselves, bear what one of one 121041 respectable and scientific Den t.", Mr. F.. Field, of New York. says -I,havc bath wed and anal/zed this beautiful and im palpable article, (Jones' Amber Tooth Paste 4 and elll recommend it sa po le till the unaltlica oaf r it" Reader, r ant ray no mom to convince. only that if you try this on, you will he well p:cosed. It is put up in beautilin Foginli Chinn p, is, for cents. Sold by the Agent WM. JACKSON, Cl Liber ty street, Pittsburgh. augfkdArsT LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST U. SIN( COMMON PREPARED cflA LK. They are not aware how frighifu ly intone.. it it to M eakin' how emir., bow rough hew • il low, yellow, and nitheahhy the Octet sp• pear. aller luting prepared chalk' Re • sides it ts utierioas, containing a large quantity of Lead ! We hare prepared a healthful vegetaide article, which we call JONES' SPANISH I I LY in is perfectly mune., being purified of afl deleteri ous gestate.; an imparts to the akin a natural. bra - thyi alabaster, clear, living white; at the same tune acting a...emetic on the Om, mating It soil and :told by the Agent. WSI. JACKSON. et , Lih . only Plusher:h. Price 15 rents. aug7:dhwT (Amp rsiss—ls s. 11.. Pewit Diamo-td You.H4 VI (1014 Pent. vk ate and wiltinm cares. Hi. reed and for Bala 11 JOHNSTON & STOL:KTON. Burl corner Third and Market FOR GELEENWOOD GARDENS. The swam boat A. MASCIA now runs from the POllll. foot of Istheris suet, to ills Gar co—leaving at o'clock. A . and at the beronetie. of each hour Wail U P M is,ters may rale ou hotting the boat at the hour. She leaves the GMOlen, We hut uti top, at 10 o'clock. The season s fast ads•ocug. and those wishing to sisal this delightful retreat, now is the bee to pelPi a few boors, no, in the smoke and duo of Ms c.iy. bat lo • d purrsure atmosphere , perfumed with the fragrance of All kinds of roireshments, totoklellSOl drinks, are kept other pmises. Isreonhonse ri/11111, and Bouquets of chose, wers los sale Closed on .n day 17 LOWS WKAIN (0-Chvzie of lusllng tussle on mocha.: of low n• er • ItIiVNOLLPS A !IRO'S Insprorrol Safety You , —3 tnpply lost reed and for ado by BROWN A CUI,BERTS4. rk• rOttArth t-40 boxes It Grant's and nm.r 1 choice brands, on hand and to ttratar.. tor Cate by BROWN CU/ po . N2li:Fl o,T F , l .4 ll7 . on:ut r i e .y oortle rt. try: c.., ORO ,VS & C L. BERTSON iV IA :-.1) e }:RzTCr—te'd 1/ 17 DROONIa-2,aaa. Jot lAltuit.g. ..T. 1-> :1 - 17 S F VON I ONINIIORbT &Co rce'd pr 1y 57 A RAISTRUNG 1CR(.7.1M. NEAV NOVEL —The Wootthaan ARo U 1110 e Ce 01 Le Imp. R.charil 111. toy U. P. R /mars, I..;ry. Just repot era by JOIINSrON t RTOCKTON ear PthErirrn awl TI. Ifiont. 000 r L e r. :at!, :r. en Ilar hoote, for mr Lr jy24 IV A R Nrl - rctinoN IX/ llUrrp S110C11)1.3_ , --100o or• Shrdderv. o •rnolg• note and for stOr 1 .7_ IT2I NY .1. It st , u - refi , :US ylt A FAMILY FLOUR-1U Inds prrt red'.l anJ 11.1 far •• .a ..y ,xl.l A RMATRONI: ♦ C., ER f 11/IR iXtr: SECOND 11 •.\ U PI A NI, col., go, ..lo I or rent —One of iha Plano Forno• oa exchanged Idol,. ongsnolly 14Lt1.1 ;or • lot of ground. or morelh•osllte .1 • lair calaanOn. • .. /AIM Weal •3 hirrr-w Alurphy tots yeret• r w yed • lege pieces fur rummer bed quips, at the b. price o(121et• per y 24. 1r23 SIIOULDF.RS--4 casts la.t med and ho .1 0 1 0 1.. ,,.1 .) . Ira t k W lIARBAUGH bbl. Ott. tiny ',rat yeti horn lalli polo, and for mit. It, A RNISTRONI.: 1/ Fn IhTEW LIGHT—We Lave recetveh • tot et Lao., 11 of •anotts soars tad kanda,o, • ?taw ronstrarnon. that la quite elnktir and nuutpleir —.cone orttntnentel Alto. the &rude to butt, nt noon canna - thonton. Flonl. nitnnal 011.' has ram httattne• wtorit rreonnenend 11 to the attennon of *want no, men. howl traera. tool boaae Iteepor.. .or eroomy at d er a . lane, •o n< roc mnr an. Potsona who nttonte IJ In, On OS 6•111 be Ottostrtt the pet, tonne • cf tht. o topound. A w.-met suppll et tNe Fuld •tid kept by 5.2A11 , 1-: A rI(I ,, SON den in, wee o Wood tool - • -- Cheap Dry Goods. _ IA 110 WANTS llr mom Bar. for 00$ rm... Vl' Ilaavy Brown Modo“ 'or 4$ I Bleached Yupenor Yartsoletts qt Calmat, t.ond qualtty. Mous de I.mor• Gloghamt Alpacal. Extra u. Sdk and Wool Scrag-es Cotum k " It/ Bonnet RibbOr.• Good qualsty Knit/lore." ;1 Customs Broad Cloth. " A. A MASON .k CO. have Good. to pr mna named strove mmu al Me only 000.0 One ',nee afore, Moak. We.. 1.21 DD.. D. RUNT, ',• Deno.. Comer ofPoortll and Deeamr, tkoween larloo and Ferry atmeta woriOlytu -- /Ct .I F.: CVI:T.IIV - Tilemhaerklojr Ty h.. now on A•nd • talc as•oriment of Iwo F.oe hob, Auld Geneva Gold and ver Fuego Lever Woo,- ••, at •• low prier. ar •r• offer,' the Eastern W „ u e. m good order sod wurr...oed W v ‘VII.`4IN. corn, ith and SI Irlw DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE. W. R. 1.1 eba ilny se arge :" the anennon of wee. opened in his wholesale Flonon3 P e. P c7illd n si7r.untlel::: corner 4th and ...het streets, l'lsburge Doe ',mg his second supply for this spring. he has man/ kind s of tow!. at reduced peters, and sone uyles nol W. found elnewhern. nlvetd.l-ser Lliht I Llgtlt!! Light 111 celebrated horning Mod ran now be bad at toe tern Lamp State, No rd Thad street, between Wood and Market. For • portable botuto hebt it ha. the preference to all of the eastern me, h perfnetl eafe ailli r word of make, grease orem a , ny of the y ancorreeablehea a., tendants to hemnow in common e'en .1.0. a beauti ful usortnaent of Lamps of the latest patents for burn ing the sante. ,y:l.chlroo VJ. DAVID. _ WANTED, A BLACKSMTII rap ablo of rasktncsa , t pars, for vc, and fornishrog sort, wort as Is requard a'sont Work, ancl 11 Work slesin snons• and heolers A co al 011131111i011 4. nor orlared to ouch a pereon, to errablaati hpaaelrauroler• where no oat employ Oro re three band, Apply to KIRI{ F JONES. or the a...bomber., near 'lNrealain, for to -cher 1.1'0,1%111110n TIII INI Eft. LEVY IS PKTERPI/N Saline Sall Work. July le, I>IP VI:A 11-011 blt/ht strictly prune, fur .ol.• by C. 11 1:11AN r, No It Water o. I OAF i51:611.11 -.4.- ,, I , isWrtrd No. for .0. by 11 S. F. VON BON:VP - IRn a (a). ‘VIAR AIUSLINS—W. It Murphy httstertveda C) .apply for Jr....., v.,/ end", A 1.,, r I , radcred Stuslina, plan, Mall Marko, and I , arrrd Jar ~ In priced and hue; at nor lima. rd.., 40‘ and Startled .ta /321 W ANT3:11000 per k ,a a Co. )3 W 2 tXFILIESS PA 4.- 1 " 11KE FI T r" 4 LIII " 33,, FOR PHILADMPIDA AND BALTIMORE, Exehodrely for Yaasengata. —The Boats a( dd. Line trava fallems, at 9 a'cloo It at tustd: lilts—Caps A entig, Wodneaday. Aug I, Rantacky--Capt hubyrrhusrday. boutsAnna—J I' Th•dtpaun. FediaT, 3. ladialla—P Burger, Salunlar, 1. 11. Io—A Craig, Sunda,. Kentucky—ll Nloaclar, 4. Louluarea—J P Thorup•ol.,'rue.Jay Burtcy, s. Ohin--Capt. A ems, Thursday, U. N , A,tur ky—ll Truly• Friday, 10. Louisiana-1 P Thunapson, Saturday, II Indiana—P Bud.), Sunday, I. Craig, Monday, 13. Kentucky—Coot 11 Truly, Tue• Jay, 11 Lommonh-1 P Thou...on. Wethtesahy,..l,l ws.tL, I CII, hi.P!r I. blonongobolh Itooto, ",, or & tb. Camel damn 1549. and Nr.• 6..xpresa Pannell Llne. PA Ito S. Seaver, Propnoter. I' l E new and elegant eametmer Pockets, NIAOAHA, Com II H Jedrter, PENNSYLVANIA J fl llodeham " ; n lit.: Knit:, titJEKs CITY, " air 11011); Forming • .10,17 Low I. m, ..even Heaver and,Er tome commenced rom,ln,, end rotalnue doting the .ea- Lb to matte Mmr mmalm trips, kmvinf Beaver after the mremnt 0111, 1..111113g Small from Patstmret, it o'. Moot, r. a i Ana emelt Kt Env In time for pamongers to take Mu trtornmh Immo in lattfolo or Op the Lake Itchoto throuhtt to Este and oil Late pone, eon bo b y a by awdieouott to JOHN A CAUCHIEY, corner of Water had Smithfield stat HWIROE KWH, n~d.r tae Haarlem Hot, L , lSil—Su 20 bf I , bla large pear No 3 Met k„,,. r b Jo No Y, 0.11.,4 get fer nit by age SELLERS k NICOLS. I.OITII,TIPYWI , iIT I .;'VI ' :Y•1.17-:;.,,rt..-;(,L;iT V irrS tind IFlR " Attaterar r , Nos. 514 and Liberty Greek tear the tanal. French Burt Mill Stones, of my own W•OO , OO.We. Olatiets( • new and aspens nudity of Bliseka partic ular carets taken to have the joint. made Mow, and all the block. in each none of a uniform quality. They are warranted to be curial to any in the country, arid topcoat to the great mars of Burrs, whether of foreign or domestic tianofarture, and sold at the lowest pri des. Mal Stones. manufactured in Prance--a pra m! .soillneni, et reduced prieea always no hand. Laurel Hill Mill Stories, all nee.. Bohm, Cloths, Anchor Snoop, warranted best qual ity. and w greatly redoes:l pnces. Alin Spindles, Mill Irons. Screws and ricks, Plat. form Sew., Corn and Con Grinders; Grist and Saw 011!1 castings 01.11 klads, mad Mill Furnishing in sea. en2l An order• prnmpOy an ended to al 241 and 244 Lib eny pm., pear the Clan* Vinahnnaa. triv.,lran W, IV. WALLACR. Pt esbearg b Masons Marble Work.. . 4 1.1 bi.:RT uppowe Smithfield street.— Niarlol.. Mande., MoustneutiTurebeashie Tope, Occ, e large vatie , y of the moat beautiful kind, made of the finest quoin, .1 forrtpl and domestic marble, y, on lived or made to order. by th e aid Or Olth chine,. he ohorto‘t atom, and at the Merest prices. !i U.—The Country Trade fermshed wen. all kinds of Slartble In the newest rates All ohlers promptly at tended to at 11l Ltheny, opposite Srurdsfiold nt on3l,:dern W W WALLACT Bat UT 211AC11INIC8. T ULU,. Patent Stone or Fretteb Barr StNIVT UA 4:111N E—the beat article of the kind in um, they run light, elean fast, do the work well, and will last a Isle nate About 'itso of them are in um, in the best mills its the country, and we hare the strongest mati• many of romper:it persona as thetr taperiorny ores •11 other equal Machines. For furiber oarocufars, ad dress the subscriber at 244 Utters it. Pittsburgh. my3o:dem 4%' W WA 1.1. ACE 8 . 11,M FL'iti INES AND ISUILEKts—Vor grist-. Air and other intlla, always on hand, or made to order nil very short notiee. and at the lowest price, All 'r der promptly attended to at 214 Liberty street, near the Cana , . tuy3ll W W WALLACE 13 LASTER PAKI2—For land, and other purposes. always on hand at 244 Liberty st. inyan W W WALLACE HDRAL , LIC - MiOreLlrtways on Wand, et 214 Liberty it. my3o W W WALLACE G R , lMST: , : 4 lllL..7 } ;A y ll .t age ., .. and grits, always en iny3n Liberty e \V IV WALLACE =lE= IT IS with pleasure that the subsenbera • inform the mune. of Pawl °rah tmd sunny that they have completed arranse mums with Meas. C. Jenkins Ss Co of PhiladelphiA to receive their superior PACKED TEAS, I F And will hereafter b kept constandy on bwd. They are neat y and severely pm mu . 1 ) in metallic packs of I end lb each, hiatrA .* with limit pruned card—obowtng the knii of Pea pncie name of the cancans and depot in Ptilladelt Ina, with in iarneaon to retain the Tea if not liked Gunpowder Iropertal 02/, 73 1.110 1.25 1,00 50 74 I.tat I.Zs 1,50 F 1 yaon 511 62{ 75 LW 1.23 o IF. Ilyson 00 60i 75 1,00 I,Z 1,50 / Meek ri 30 Flue and extra Fine .7o 1,00 1.50 We will warrant all the TEAS we sett to he equal to, 11 not sureate• to any sold in this city'. and should to, not prove acceptable to the testa they can be se• turned, and the money will be refunded, to it to only with that under.tanding we aelL We a fair trial. that the public [nay he able to edge between oar Tees and time heretofore sold by other ecoupanie• rat this etty. All love rs net, del/caw:LA.lld good flavored TEAS., shou,d glee us et roll. For sate 1,7 JOY. 8. 01. 'YOUNG & CO., N W conic, Iw and Fr rrs streets. and 1.1 VOL/NC: a Co, rtirla•darnia S V earner Id and litc.a. stream DEL W. D. DANE, 13212111 111111 r., It..sta D :7NeW • Orrel--Smahhese street, betweea Saventa Strawberry• alley. N. 11.—Lasetwes orate mouth, gums and teeth treated lionwropaibueally. m9tstke DINTINUATION OF THE GREAT S.aLF. AT A. A. MASON & CO'S ONE PRICE STORE, Al .111 grown Endured !''ices. A A NI A Cr) de.nrous of reduentg and eirslng oat 'brit Stock preparatory to tecelving their New Fall Good.. will oder greater • rnducemems Woo ever. Their ,ceent urge purchases at the New York Sole., made at sae, I mmen-c .nernSees from cost,wol. all be closed out theriot. tentacle Alcune. the article. recent], rpeortl. they Mellllols 6 mires fast colored Lawns, at 7 ets - and Marlins, and Oc A large Mork Silk.. Shawla ntVt.iti very low. 25 et Al de Isliea Itle " Int Boreges . one nal f pore et Gingham.. Ink Embrordenes very entrap !Sonnets, hid I once " Model y r Gloves. Laces. Tnmmmsa, Ac 7 rears Merrimack Calicoes, .s ec • S - 121 et Calicoes at 62e and bales brown steal bleached Meal., cheap. In., Linens at lee; Warn Goachama 121 c Itoonet Ribbon b and lOC Gloves •t 4e %Yob an nutria.° variety of Mott, all of watch wall prove • sastal to purehawers ol Item 1.1 to 50 per rent. Toe store will Ire dared one Inc tor rking down ...I prepanng the •tort :we _ A A MASON k PICKLES, PRESEUVES, &c WELLS, MILLER & PROVOST .1 . 17 140111 . 1(11d, Nrw York, AI A;I ,.. I7 O I;A „, CTU J RJ , : ,,. 11..S cre7::ttetyLf Pt .s ekl;.. tap, Vinegar.: Ict.ttar.l tInte:%.I.:KeL P L 4°. y. VTE,N PRF_Kitve.l) PICOVI!511.11i\ k.u., Oyuers, Sulmon, hiackr-rel. Stasd, Vegatabie, amicemse. W Olin., Caper, Salad Casa, r.artlanea, Fiat and West Indio Condiments, etc. Tfin qf stork more antennae, eminprires • greater arietr and it put op In beuer s - yle that of any other House t t their business in Me United Sums— Their rood. are packed in all the various packages, and in so safe a manner a. to bear transportation to any part o r eoentry N. I/ Catalpa.... may be teen at the atEre of Ibis pones to Ittoion :Was Peirce. Co. Ptolsdelph,o. Jo. It 800..., Ilo&mom A Ilan& Son SI. I.soo. Goo . 11.0.1500 n I.ouisollio. Jolt. Foto & Co. Ci ..... or /loon Ilrorluan. il:F1' , CIII/ok-kEEPING-131•11k. for Inaelolig 1 to word. rob the mutton's direct... to %coca en. pri n t J :Ile covers A lit." supply just (<l.4i• ved tram Nem York. awl (insole by Told .101 IN II MELLOR, al good CI 4111E1CA B.ILOOS, AND BATHING !ESTABLISHMENT. 91 Alt - FA IA hods to Isalorna the mholasMatvol I . ~ loargat vtetenty. Met he km. , opened the above catablodammit. wham evom attmoion won he p. 1.1 to Om comfort of Mom who may favor atm ands all Utterly ottmot. Imo:room L4annth •ad Wood. le. Cream. and ad otaer delmadte• of the mama m la 111 FREE II SUBIBIEII. GOODS. AT REDUCKD PRICFS. LEX ANDER A L/A . 03 \l ark.l.Uatl , northwest /1. cornet or site I h nnond, mte now °pentad a choice ..znelt Of fresh S1'11,11;11 tin)S. A . port,.. of go.dit. base reeenily .1000 plArCh•,.ll • peat •b o. 1,t,11111,. AUt,Oll :caws at OW Ko and from the cape r ~, coatitunsewrer, NVe nave decided apron odeting wt. stove of anode at prices an railaced as to meet We approli m Wove of nove who do banners on the rhrnp e..e prinetnie. The St.t lietwnittent is very extensive, ennirceittr Wa ddlere.,l dress wid to Stlk.. Sat. de Chenes. Centel..., Urn do Staines. The Shawl INepartieent nrohnices a splendid us., meat of Indts C. ape Shawls. nom the lowest limas to the finest au elegantir erol , rontered. Derage, Nlottior, Ncti a,id splentlid figured Silk Shawls. SC KFI , --13.actl ...rage anal Granediner Scarfs. HER At: F. arid other uun tattli , S GLlODS—Klegant and novel .rvlos tleragez. Stilt Tisanes. aod tabor unit wet • Good., worthy of tiro saturation of the ladles. LAAVNS: LA tV NS: —ln the Lawn department, oat addinont from the Kiintern auctions oregano latga, onabractne elegant st)le• at reniaritably tote price. Imported and Domeisue Ginahartas. Prone and Chintzes, Brown and Bleached 'Meal/as, Cheek.. Tick usir Flaranks. Superior I.:mirt s, h a id French NothzutCazaitnerea, 9attiiiets and leans, Pantaloon Salina and Drilling.. All of which is offered at south a redanuon of praii. that purchasers cannot fan to hie pleased. _ . /Y4 A LF.XANIDRiI .• v CLINTON re.r.ti Pife ho :nd7.:yrbdo,,tap.v.a.ll4.d.n.y2:tzztrauLed, pose of tosnefseturoot palm, et the eltntort Paper Nita. where tee y .•111 olemaed to rec.', pitron ap of the pahite, eel the former Castle:lnn of tee 11101 . pastor, - . They will in all timer keep on hand n•gencral .as ee rrlyeept of writing, writePett, no and ril PePor, bonnet board*, blank book.i, etc etc., whirl. they will - tsehange for clean dnen and cotton reit.. fouler. .4 Book PuLitu.hers can be sapplted web every dew...mond printing Doper at snort Oat4Ce, and at reduced prteet. THOMPSON lIA NN A Ad. I. '4O--trorrhdace MOhIIIND S. HAN eloollog...ZirOviWilioii Tin Plato. MHO subsenberal*g to call the attention of/tandem /trettitoc,i and gYruers of no:l4ings, to the wall onsey advantages which 4tcse possltir over all t metalllti substances hitherto tutel lur rouG.: On , they 1E..... once the llgteous of don. wide:eat its liability to ru. nat., now been tvqtrd fur 'event' years to this particular. both In dos country and In Viti. rope. They am ifl.l liable In expansunt and contr. , Lion front Ousidets rtkange 01 We atwwphere, l•••• ems- MOllll/I plebe, iron. saw, or any other tumid now used for moons, and coneel,colly form • numb Ironar &nil udder roof, teo.drins Ir,, frequent repaus, whilst the first reel ta but a inge atom A lull .00ly, of Ith SilL, (nun 16 I 0 20 W. G, eon inantly on [von] ansl .ale by • • - art. U MORRWOOD Id e and Id Beaver. sweet, New York. The paten re t lit for Lid. tutiele harms Won secured tor ltatea all panics isngioki thereon, either by imporwtion or otherwise, will be proseew ted. oed.lo.4lWwleT 12:153=21123 • • • WHEREAS. Urinal:nut South and lir-cry. A John. rot, Merrhanis of the city ot Pantm,h, tradin under U.. hrot of South ft Johnson Imre made to too subscriber. an naangnment of all Mom Ertaie for the benefi of ail Met, oreditora, as shall yr:then tCo months from the dam thereof execute and ri,illref to theauil San. & Johnson a full and absolute release of ail thrn respeonve elaims and demands. I. herel.l even that the autrament and re ...a., t• now at the a.k , a. al the suhsertaer. Fourth .trert, in the en y thtuhurett. for inspection eau .1g- I' re wlth rut whom it may concerti. lys' ma W.ll. ‘I..CANDI.I.SS. Auirnee. !kJ USW; I YU • N rre'. at Dry lioode Doh.. of W R MEANIE, jylo N E corner Adt and Martel sin tiLACICHEIIitif ltaiNDYl) — ettles. I dra eter, IT al/ - Maui° • Superior," nar Lkarrtatra, &a Lb Std.!. cosnreenard aoriziperit cordial raJli ad rotted upon with caoadro, Person s w,•bing to buy bad better .11 000, Fur Raln by Iylo..{At 114 WEAVER, jr 1,01(11)F UI L.IAI 6—Un awns and for sale . J. NAJD la CO. L Iv; on bead and for *Xi, by 1." iv 3 J. KIDD t co. 13 EA ORNASIENTn 1 . 2k.Z31757= inner D Lac . ..groom, CO Woad Steel, has Jost naretred wino beaoulally ornamented (A H TN ANIONS, or a annoy of pattern. and colors; also, nut Masao - Paper for ornamenUng looking glee..., picture frame., or lamps. joßt LAND FOR SALK VALAI.7III.I? FARM Or LAND, otlnelrd ji. er St. Clan township. Allegheny coonsy, now Mining ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY ONE ACRES, Vinth Dweilitas Deese, Darn, At Tbo gooloty 0l toe land ts excellent, awl its COli.elLi• taco to tow city renders it a desirable lewoliOn. got said pwv.nn, to fh, Doh steptenaber, 1612. It will that day Int 011 - wad at Yobliet Sate do the preutira, ad 9 o'clock. Y. Al. . Po, terms on sosErli BOYD, 111.91010 . 0, Moots to. tothip ale ffberty county, or Tni”i M A RSIIAI.L, AllOßlty ttt Law, iTlo,llswis O, Biltaborigh. 50n4 c7,. 1.50 La. Nu I SimPe:a l4s 7 4 l .' r..w co . . • °USES, the r r e m q e . gla The L O i ry' ondred udn t ey o e er deep-woh lmwl *o ry “l Brink House, twenty-6.e net front, wale, mow oarlore, dining roam, end kitchen on firm towA carnage house, stable and grepary. mod the lot gall of clown fruit tree., all In good order. Rowe al the,mtbser.. her, Lumber Meratme, Ailvigh.r4 In 111:dhertf T J 1 co. PATrEBsON. FO SALE—A Brick House. (b one reir both,) R and Lot, on Robinson stre et ut, Allegheny, neer old Bridge, Price low and terra easy , inquire ofryel SCHOYER, 110 fecund et FOR RENT. _ ja.FOUR new two story Brick Dwelling Boner., well finished end in coaptous order, on Crllllls Avenue, or Rt'emrille reed, 7rll Ward. g 0... mutter given intenednue.y. Rent low. Enquire of titrElN WATT & Ain' corner Liberty UM H.nd Valuable Real Eatable for Sere. Ilk y TOE subscriber offers . for sale bee flume 4d d Lot io Alleghen City, , pleasar , l eituamd en Beek Lane, and frostbite' Me Allegheny demi near y opposite the porn: n: Pomourgh. The lan mea feet wide , and caesium ade mane Lane en the South . to Rebecca street ne :be North, bounded also by Nek.. ''...... lobe son unser:on tho WesL It ts one of We bend ' and most desirable lots no. °R IM for sale limy lobe in then eborhood of Allegheny City. It is Is enough lone subdivided advantageously int n lo b big lois of th e meal sine. It is very suitable for • f .4 ily residence-1i mocked with a variety of chef. Pta I Trees in full bearing The dwelling is convenient and nandortablo, and IV in nom , - cnain ~ i WAS tined Inn , he . men, and possession a: any lune 10 sat Wanot.:..aser - For lernxn. apply on the nremi.eo :a I(l3.iin. 014E414 SAVORY. POll BENT RtA Imre attire on Market at. between 3rd and 41.11 sta. welt fint•bed and haedannely fitted up for good, betna a g..,0d matal for that besineaa. • • • GAZZA.V Orrice, 3rd over Philo 11.11—Olee loon hho rn 9 . ro 19 • Property le Aneitheny City lethe How. THE robthnbers Mkt for safe a number of choice. Lou, timers In the &end Wyrd, horning on th e Common ground, on easy terms. {Again. at IV. Oil RIthrINP4CrIe, Any et c ,tt Char el or of/ Ale 11.0111NthtIN. on the MUM. 111,17SidkwIrT FOR SALE, .1:511 . A TIIRF.F. atoned Dwelling Howe, being the second house from Fenn street, m buyderht Row, an Ilan atm.. tnuncallte po.seaye,, .j 111.,,, • , given. Enquire of DAVID ItITCIHE. Attorney at Law—office un Fourth SU CherrY alloy and Great street. hallbshf • ' Fon ific&t, FOUR new two story Illnck Dwelling 'louses, ' • well finished and in complete order, 'on CA3.11111 . Avenue. 7th Ward. 1 . ..5a10n given July In Rem low Ennorre of JOIIN WA rr2 CO, corner of Inbenv a'sl !Inns at. TO PALLAIIICIAS AND L.D3llle.latMO:al• TUE undermatted oilers tor sate tit Pl'if-to cow. Pa., INA/ acre.. of *ell tonhered I. k N w excellent bow Nllll nearly new, and two :nab. ;Fume lhouse.,oue 41 feet front by hack; the ether I! feet , free, by 21 beck. A 1.,,, quo I new frame Dant. Mine by forty (Oct. The mill and land are situated four miles from the Allegheny b•er. A great deal or PINE TIMBER of the best q entity, and also a rut quantity of the very bat hemlock. Also, (Me ems op the bank (the Allegheny, nen. neve, most adrotrahly adapt ed fon rafting, where lumber elm lee ,coed on that Ice in winter. aed be perfectly safe from all freshets.— el Price 152.00:1, or SP an acre. Terms cuty. Will take wedl cleared entail farm, with. good house aniOr- • chard epee 1,, a. parkpayment, If location N suitable, Or chard the balance lumber, or as may be agyeed Tele Id an excellent opprolanity for ,urehering-, and the prolmbilny Werra, out in two or three ream this primeny will double its value, in conscgnenec proximtly to the New York SIM env Railroad. •rim . her sofilelent to wear otnarveral raw m:ll. and sev eral mill /Melton the stream which rues nearly through the centre of the land About fifteen acres in gran .. Pio htl, to nee . hairline leather from milt to byes. ' Trout and game in shondahce. For funkier particu lars, address, Ipost.paid.) TP.NIPLKION. mratdkartlbt Gowns otter. Pitisburrh. • Two Vat. foe t.. THE subsenbers sent sell at p orate wile, 'nom IWO valuable Lots oiCirounil .ituateil on Tontalo *Li fit the 'rblnt %Yard r 4 Alloehea Coin lock haring a front bi've feet. running Lott Ina feel m dopth to et 10 fart alley. upon wblalt bailta c one wan, it, Itto Bret, which t`01,11112 onotath hofkl radars WI we on derallms bou.e., and to from dodo are fluee shade tree, at roar. eout.. and ite.toll • arallt is paved with Init... all In wan, will mo ..aftl at 59001 Pond/art:4 4.111 Abash,„ y. or (',:n.ny rs•nr, sew ba taken In payment J h. II YIIIT.LIPS, No Wood .0, or to IVSI. LIENSON, immediate, y oppottir satJhot. myL L 2 ME Dwelling :bea d on Third straat. I Smithfield. oeoupied by family gl Si 1110 A.. Ju y n ett Dr. l A. N Volotesiausa sctt thr 'd of AI.. mune ..rye Int. of ground in the Ninth Wand. between the Path \l'ari and Crauhansedle, for lumber yards. %VII. 11. I/ARLIN, 01 rN, nirY:aftf At I:. Dsrltnetor , :s. Fourth al LI(7EI SALL—Mee has ...hen, ainukial to the flour. ialuns town oi IStrannettam. Uhl lota are anda. toil on Dousiatt .troot. ndittia•red Bowmen's plan 75, N, AI, II sod 4- -Lo. No 73 :rondo; IOS forbon It o , ry Asti nn 7i: toot deep, the other four f act front eautt. 1 .7 In et feet deep. Trrano--lirrater part of purr:lose money may: eel math for us yoort, @yearn:Al atorigaue. For partici afar, 881481 01 8 ea 111.1114.4, snyla [III sooniht or - rr Cosa lssittAtro7h,iiio; -- ft. nil tad, moo. suave Look No` , at the mouth hos Ito, Aloonoraluna fluor 'rbe Cant I. of the Tr, 1,1.1 f o al, nd neon. Aas number of sere.. (n on on t w e n ty , Eve to e and rod. aught be .0 , dasifou• parns• L nt, eon ..:t %VA , . sltt RED h E . tot Ws4 tt-cd. opputra me Yost ot-e. mho (t.rn 18112141.08 .............. rn, I'o. , sad be sold a, n , :at Irt, am. toy:i.e... _ rf LUT—A good brick II:y-taser ioam sodas., Roinasort strati, Alacgandy. of sof In SOUSA ON 'Arllnt,,ir VOI: A 0.1.: 111“ F. 7010 At`Rl -slot of 01 1 .,..1 F feettante no Wohcor street-73feet frnin llnfs . 1 ; 01 4 : 1 I feet 18,8 CP I Webster, by ell (kat to a tier toe envy --quite close to now roar, itnu.r. Prue S.A. Torus. oath in hold; balance in our, two, three and font years front Me Brat of April lau_ County and City Sony takon for nosh paysteld. l.,. op., 0 , main S SCIII/Vh:ll.. I Id second.. • ' 466 Acres, Got. roe Med, 0 ITU .1. Er.b on the .%lotioudattet a river, alum Meddle* 0 !rem eaor,th 3 miles above bard Lock, to .ridmmiate nmalatorhowl of Messrs. Lyon &Sheri, .11r. /oho Herron'. porches:. This Sae body o/ Cool will he sold at the low once of tai per nerd—one Mare an ham), balance in five ennui anneal payments, gwithout tomma. a s Title indisputable. Boeotian very ood—enttnot be sorpuL Fot further particuisra enquire of 14 I.IALSI.KY, who has a chart ol WW Via perty. ISt...fence xt,belcw Ferry,.llr. Adorns' How, N. It There le her Aram of east Cl, lOU tract, about CA/feet adeette the lower, of excellent myolity Jr 26 . 1, ‘ Irl Val sutteennera are nothended to oder at prlvnte axle, and upon highly rattOtalat lean., anumber of Vas y atatinUla Lltulti,ed Low, roe:mewing large porueo of tee I, y. numbered 67. 64, CO and 70, le Wcwala' Getter:Ll Plan of the Chr of l'ittAltoryh, istlut ted at the tooth entrwnellyn t e- o: re. sod Wart. woe., fronting tiJO teat on the fonuer, alit extredzeg diem the miter *hour GOO fr. to the Allegheny 5. and be pan of the Heal tWtete of the la tome. 8 hudecusoo, Y s., de:eased. A plan or ottont•icon of the 4144 re Lots, In confer. mho , *all which it r; ropot.ed 5., gel!, may be lento al lb, of the unde.ted. on Few ra h , between brea k. and Ferry sta Pc KUILY. my) Valsiaide lie:{ kat-446 - r iwis: -- rrnE following property In the arty of l'ittaborp,h, 1, and near the borough of Alartette, t, on the Oho river, La Waned for salt, on aceoftonodatiog term, 8 Lois tbetna sult.thrtaton or Lan No 40 in the plan of the arty of l'ittatourgh4 illllll,c feet front ou Se• venth street, by Mr feet to Stravioetry alley rear 0.1•111 west 10 ono acre 140 fronting on an Avenue, Wtoo{ wide, runtuoxfrow Hoover road lotto Otuo over. 10. lowing 1 . 1411W* 01. Cloth Factory. For tams, 2ngmm of CILARLFS 0. OCULLY, 07 AirlE3 OMAHA., nitrite. Bothlinv. Ith yt. • Valiatai - Property tor 21146, N TRH. NI VTR WA RD OF rarsatraou oral Lou on Ilaldivir, and 1..:b0rt2 streols, in Ma II Word, 24 frei , luO, and adoirent pravosed doped of the Canto • Railroad. For mama Nave of .CII A It LEZ U . SCULLY, or J .4.514 Z LLAMA, ilarke's 11a11dleR, tak oartrlttl TWO IIOU86tl7;r. TWO Lairs o .tearer otroet, an the one LA A' , , Khea Y. 'a..." the oetter Common. On ao Writ to erneted ft one tetalealtg, toto .011.1 lugh, settabea for tato ontae tenement,. The tots •re each tweet, feet in (roe, le. ono {lt:wired reci deep, and rest bael to a creel tent' Feet undo. The buolttiuga oat tao pre, ottal pay a eery hat.nlvlnto uttereat an the teeth toe, and the pro,erty art:l he veld cheap for cook Apply to !I. Sproul, CletiO• odic, U. S. or tat od or: , RAY & Co - ACREs OF LAIN U,mooted In Peebles tow, tiop, on the Monoateahola, tree tattoo front Poo., burgh—iit loLe lo sett rattnntuere. For farther intrue.. wax. apply to ll em att. A ASII/NOV)N, no•Zidtf ‘V 4th, 0m.," fn-rd at 4 W cta A RCITOLTSR.FIitt sulnicr7tcr Int sale itic tbrcr story brick Warrhouno in Wood Ilantnt,occapied 'homer k Acrdy WII,UN, Jr. VLLIALILE KNN STREET RJR 5A1.1.: —A Lot or Ground •11.121.3 un street, between any an 4 Nl:abut-3r streci., adioitling We beau, and lot now Itgrhard Edannit, havingu fromof feel, 1.50 fret, hooid o n furar.lsle terms. Title ant rceppcnialdo. En • quirt. at LI. L.041.1/1.6, 411 .h tWood. ort11•.Irl For Sale. A DRYIRAIII.F, nun,Onut L.: in , VleKhcruay eny, A ••en. and MW be .31 , 1,...,0u:1111°421. S fr,l4 1 D µ • 11.1.!A!14, Ilu w0.,1 Jo, FOR Itt:Nit- - -,k ma. • Daess ilustc J. G. 4 G. W. CARR, W lIA 'VI , . r11.:R..1 , .' ANO .tl.kSt:PA , 'rt"- kYtttl4 01 , CM KI.L.A, CANE, Witte, BONNET AND W E rovect fulls call the otitikatititg r Ntt•retiont• ard Lbtx , rvt . to Opt latgt4t altwirot arutle,u thts <my, 3.1410.514.441pnen. nw No, 115 N. 111 1 rdix , 5,,1L5160.4(44,-adm. : the Eattle !fowl. PM DKLP 11114: OZO. W. ti2l/Tacte., TNeußm their friends arid the nubile lbalrbey n.. • on lancer anf carinaerron Wan than err.Bll.l. errant In Penn sire? , , known aa Ore l'iliatre mit Brower. havin• these entire nos:near to the POINT lIILEVirIiRV. in l'lr arnr..l ravl/4,1 irrt a 4 K I LL. a l'fr - r•lmaaa. lone Mr. Jobp D Nor; .—Den O. lOurro.rl opg.' fall of your Wcara iilLer to on , of my etaktren, awl a, the abort Woe of eoe 401 hoar It pi..41.,[1.,,j,ty Imam. I feel .M• 1.4 recornnarml:n, poor V crA diA, aa the bast Mt...hell, 1,4 , ~.10 be laced for etrellnlg ROM, .I.ou Momsal. near Nobles:9am Prrpared and so.d h r the pcornetor, MAIN IL MOH dour Ire:oorlhainutO alley. WO.M ' .4yet. ti MAL.iii — hb,c. f e l,4 .112( braud, in flora and for sale LT 179 SF:LLERS k MCOI. SpACHLETT & DRY GOODS JOBBERS,' yr) tirouo STREF.T, A ItE now reeetviag very lame stack of ( ma , Uood., or resent purchase and uaYartatina,whie► they will 6.11 la ate trarsa at mach frleea s ita mural fall try:Ftve entire cat•mfactian. " ...I c 0.., ora iterll4s mead 1114 ex re no out act before parebeobort ea.. or k en ,, e ica rr BILTILS,FOR astg DOLLAR, E a rm uy ste l Bow for Wee r,ear o . Lort Deporawg epee from 7 to 11 orekret,d, and 2 to 5 Webber, 1 0 . Li A.beelbowit &Pram oral, Basheno IFltrablisbraent. 1 \ • 1% 61'FALL, I.roplito;
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