- •• , 11 1 , Packet.. , •••••••••••0= _ - --- • rrirriKeiitsl37ltVEß,Sthmloyorill.ifseel Bather , eesttholy sot, Ateeday, .Weesnesdarthreth Pre.thrsthethierl se GP: M. fuel susivesti Yeemptistenr nen gumming es S rethiset—eetsenings oethieti tooth Tthetelar, orsdeth Satethisy aMmlaaVai 4 P. AL, axe sesels.Beever .ist time the the oscrthingthoeq ALLKGPIIitir - CLIPPEU, arrirmir es Pmebisio ae LI o'ethek. Taw paairIA , MELSLAWAY. Cara. Daarnineveilfi IVa Beaver Taeiday . ,,,. Taaredap rid Satutdar k*Y": al p..lll,Temnuag, 1.... Pieta Caalle,,MallAari , e4trtfarti. tutu Friday evealloo.ny 0 AL - 014C., voting with toe morning .01 for Pturborg,h, Theta O. tat* are, &led op eernyNeutranriAtaa . . fiOM , s00000:00000nbs•lor pittbeeges... and rtupare y 161yof :mare. ry &aeial:fly end ‘grealef asiffnleg than bas betirettenayakined entliastrropift +.4 trill. PITCH &Co., Proprietor - if ;. • • J.C.*l.Roral; Agent, PittattergEt. F.: uu,lWrU Bro, " Beaver. 't C n o t hauytit4r.Cn4 n. .e, The Ammer; Al. E9W-N1 CLlPPtikarat, lese fiteirece, daily , ay Fr aqd Paulrargh all IV: Al., ..... 00000CtiO• • th ttal abate linessat. julf.F , • • • ••.-. ,J..-• - , , ''i* ..:r i 9 ' . lEWfflit w.,0„.„,,, Cis ieksxml PA.Set.l o r . unet c?.. : , . , 4q*, -. AvALLow. ~ l,. it :f i rf ' , i i 1a.4..e rd'il leive tleavii . •‘'.eirid.e.f: tif _ sexsciie )sad ache nel i attorebet a. a , - .1. en.they e net t with. die Ii .-guittn tog. Akron and Cleveland, ".tea at eta eft tea p, before night. the or the packets leave Wlareen! . 4 l . std P. l‘ end arrive al Heaver in lirtlo to .4 111. Maar; heat for Pinsiqua h. C 9.LEFFINGWELL & Co, Womb; / ' E , MIITAYLO& du.... Joimt-i CAUGHEY, Asr.6l, 4 ,13 .' earn. Water and tanuthueld PI:, REAM 1849. UNION LINF, ON ism:DAN:VA AND auto CA nrlL94 Cwwwral & Cruauguma,Ciettetaad,O. / IL O. PA.% • Beaver. Par KIR Line will be preps ed oit Um opening ot :weft inn. to Inutaport freight tied Pasaengern (oool BURGH and CLKYKLAntii, to any point el the Callen/id Lake.. • . Too faeiluie• of the Lino we wistupassedlunbta . ' . 4=zr tc f y lsa A llyof Dow. , elpemetie or quaint (Me gmbarghand Cleveland tiatig, rnF Wert in emmeedon with me warmers tiAKIIERtIi AND WWI lIDAN, Ekaween-Pirtaba_mh and Mayor, end 4 Upe p e e at elees Steamers, propellers trod demote on die intliear , Awarganii 0 P. Beam, .7w= Baldwin, Yoaagatownruitiot,i. all Toying Warren 7 1, Cyrua Pren ' ona, tt • ,•• I Wheeler & Co,Co Akron, u t " rarirCit era* ° JOHN A. CiAilldllitigeni. Ogle& air Wale, and SMithfield Plnaltaggh Damay ' • • •*. 1/301.1YRIT — AG=T11 ,, Steasafir MIDRIB AN. N. d—Ca Can..; • LAO:EMIR, tiottkm., MILK abOtrat oph. knoWo Beentei as, bud tonazertectf orating their tinRY niPada and from:ideasat, and will continuo ni 504 dewier& Pitubargh and Beaves regularly during thersestath,Pt fillloera,- W 10641173 No. 3 leaves Pittabandt tlaillAt 9 o' d. M., tuid'Boatez at e. decoct, P.M. -Lake 121 e lama Bei* daily eig o'clock, A. dd, andrittalup at 3 Veloak, P. 11- , Thesia Wertmess will ran 1p waneetion . witit 80 Pattairspreagerteket Line, Ate Erie; Taylor' & Liinßingtoellia Worm Pneketil ; • Union Lino ofFreight Kowa for Cleveland; • CLarks &Cats Pitteourgh and CtnvelmidLlwiFustaht 'Nowa II 0 Pailtadally New Castle Packets. CLAIINN, PARKS & Co, detter, - Agent& Ann A. CAIIGIU:V. Agent. Pittabnegb, e MAUI ow Water and Sinithfad eta 1849. einsunen AND um Elol2lo. . . , - • _ - ON THE . .PViNSY LINE LVANIA D onto cirtra.s. THE Peptieton of Ono old estuchthed and popt4es duly bad, consisting nIXTEEN diet clogs Otani. Boats, owned by Lbc.elycs and running in Canon.- tton with thOweam boats BEAVER A-ND CALEB COPE, an, enabled to offer unequal:a iseiltiondee the transportation of freight ond passengero,, on the Opening et Canal nn station, to all potato on I•e4in sylvan. and COW and N.k ork caucts..wd tbeLnkcsi F. Ti.FITCH it lb, ClevblortJ. • BIDWELL & LIRDTUP.p., . • AgtlttS, 11,vcr: J. C. BIDWELL, Meng • cwt. Water One!, Pitedltanpi ....624 i.w . e. sumrit.2-1 Punbargh, Itea BIDWELL A BROTHER. BEAVER, PA.: AiNwrsjlrr eke PithalurgAarulCiereLand /snit, Pius burg & and Brie Lew via Erie, clad stihre feats Boserr wed Caleb Cope. Bacnigperchused the lama and trobstanusi Whe', Boat juat built Coe the Monongahela racist, hi, with the addition Mn Wfireinase, the most ' cornertwisliMPS Or remising and &Kerwin:in, ;and Pictidc Derr almost attention, prow.pthersitnlperprits ID 111121101/121111i• to then ewe, end onIy...RAP (ands for a Idol. .• ainadly t B. & Itlat PITTBDUI3.OII AND earaW. dittLE;l: • Mal 1849. - - a ggo . —r'' Old Estalillibed Line; ON iliranuE i n CANAL. T HE P e, of this well knows Dee Ad Same Boats, is now prepared to irawilmo POssent en and Pitilsht to I paints on the sne Extent:loo, Novs York Canal* wad the Lakes, upon the. twat (avonlie woos and with despetch. Thai Line runs in commenon with the melon heato BEAVER and CALEB COPE, between Pittstiorgb and Betthet,.o hillecd's Line of mans boats and gee sea ea the Lakes, and th e Troy and /Id LebiAan I.ake Boat Wm Witte New Yon. innal, C. M. BETA Prepricnn, Bidwell& Minter, Annus; Iteager. • • W T.Mether, Agent at 1 Meskithen , pfissiger Mee MoneetWield. Bosse ; coksIGNEk... , 44-wm Malan, Sancti' .1 E A SP ul fßompstmalfi Bmhti Downing, dic hi planting, West Greeleillm Wick. Acute A Curcio' 111 .•7i 111641.1114 DW/11126 &Atm, Cce Sande:CM Jae A Arnestrong, Betroth Elniond NeWberry,Bheboygto.; PhoNem & him Snap, Mindy re Dutton, Oscine; Jobn,ll Odense, A Wheeler & Co, Few Ye*. sp,) 101ttaisieth azisMl 1849.:„fikit• Cling pupae arc yaspeatfully informed Wk.: J. el, MAR t. A 9IIALCO. have Grind o w nett and endid Brehm Boats to Ten dering, the Wilson,. be tween 131.alrerlde and Pittsburgh—An betas I.lllllor ed by three Mance, and every eafirt Made 1O Japans .. ..... Dottabspanengen. Dres.WW—Bouts will leave rintheryo Oriel Donley, Ttmsdity, Thursday and Friday, alts o'clock, P. II- Yrotiglithlragille every Monithy„ Wciraciddy, neredey and Saturday. at Wei. k, te., and wino at Pinsbugghtlie' same dey. A two hone BiteMfrom IntlianewsWhieet the Diet fit Saltshorgh, both ega op• ward tad doWnwurd trigsf-pniumr pai.adyda. tl.tuagi r p, !km thas plead in one day. Fret forth° Ming. , Doe will fie receiged et the hlllllOl n ( the Somme' , Line, by PriolTeirea &Co whe Do earatitherised Agents. All &eight ree&iged treettititmandetiona 11l MARSHALL & ISO PA Rftlfni & Co, Agews, • Cant] Rosie, Liberty st, Pimbergb A Meek Images Illitorwile for Youngstown op the arrival Mate now—returns to-bent to =rang !Fare Dr.llltsbt,tntocl;bo,on.glown 6:—thceilertfig&tee ,menISIITTSUIV/I.ollPOUTdaalskl Wasiari • 774l‘ Biaggi 1849.ratft Fordo Tessasponsturn of rugin to , and jr,.. ernsutrapti, PHILALICI.PIIf A. BALTISIOSIII, N. • YORK, BOSTON., &n. ' ' Twang 11.thstnoa Phlinde)pliia; TaaregAt DCossroa, • Pittsburgh. . 'MIS old manabliebed Line being now In foil Mitte l; tine, the proprietors are prepared velLe tbe, weal grummet ansniements to forward Merchendne, pro deco, &A. to and (rem the above peols,oo with the malarltr, despatch and safety , peculier to their erode of intosponsilon no °below, wird tran shipment on the way is avoided. All consigummits by and for Minna, reeeivedi char ges paid, trod forwarded in wry reenlred directions free of enlarge far emit:anion; advwennir Or stinger No 1.11/6101, /heal ortnduecty,ltlstawaboais. Ail earanamdectionspromptly encoded to on applica tion to the followtag Want • ' TllOl5. 13011111PRDITth Market es Philailelphla • TAAkTE to O'CONNOR, Canal Basin, ihtubil b. O'CONNOR & Co, piewth a m t . filaltititons. 1849. Danuimaiw TBANSPO • Atrio as ' rnerairoo,_l Delnilthastani Taos. ensomme, Wst. Buren., Mier Owls l• • Contacted ea stnet Sabbtatriteeping prise Mos. 4UNPreprimon of this old established Line have pet their week in the moth complete onler,end •re .211 terpa han t iLd t r e . f . o . r•rard . Jerre *nil hicteltan.. We tout that our lon experience lb the Writhe business, and sealnasallation to the intern:, of mu mmers, will secure to at a confinoonee end icier Mille patronage willldtherextended Bineharals Line. 061 Wrelljtettletai i wuble as . 1a carry Freight With the as derprileh, and our prices shall elves,. be es low as the loweneturged by other responsible Unto We have opened an afGee to No 151 Market .met. between bib end LW era, 111411.12., (Op the e.nyeratatee of shippers. Produce twat Merchandise will he rendred and rot- East and West, without any, cbay . ge for for. wading, advutteing freight. storage or "snoop:don. Bills of Aniline forwarded, sod every direction promptly wiendvd to. Addren, or apply to • WM, BeN(iil,i3l, Canal Beaus, coo Laborty Wayne' en, Pinsithrgh BINtiIIAMS & LtOt7K, No 18) wid De Market sweet, Mosul. LAMM WILSOIY, &Pent, No 113 North Bernard street, Baltimore WILLIAM TYSON, ADM, Nn to West - street New lert natal 1849.. ilorollarate, Trataspiritaalori Lb". VIA PENzisirtNANIA imrim,:a FLAIL WADS, SO TrudadhnoTa. LAP enterroen. TME Canals and Roil &ands 1444 no. open, end 10 MA order, wearo prepared to :foward 80 IMO/ mditimenlise and produce to Ptalattelphi• nod althisore,liii erasion.* and despite*, nod on good unman any oilier Line. 0 A Dick:VI:MTV. A On., Canal feria, Penn eh hOlsinnieli. mrirrro,Clll.lll,ltl railed dont. tatil7 ;ROSE atORKILL. a. Co, lialdniore. i " r s T. - ails - I — di - if 871 :.. .praao.Fast Packet Lin!. : ea= 1849. FRO][-prrnowini To PIIIIMULLPiIIA net :•- nuortn, . . frzetiairely for Faineancy) • TEljrablie are respee!fally info rmed shat this lime Lome= running' on the .1911, liteth non ,. Amu throaghopt me. Season. The Wociaare now; =dor a nuperior elinnyerith ern - hired eabientorhich mill give greater ermine.. The camera the latest rtrarananard. - • Aboa alwaka he la Om arid erseeter• are re quested In tall mad 'examine then, Wore en,gaging pan santseerhera oadtaixen dollars througlogion'orthe bnon.„ 4111; Ilia erlii learn-las lapdog (opposite U. &Hotel, armor ofPonst moot eini 0..1. teary night at nine to ado& MOOG/ dapa For inScataanan,nprdy 01 the Ogee, Malicing"ela !Iwo, or to.D Can .. al Ma Cp ni lisoAT'xiena, .-Far dmTrarupot qt t to OHMADE4gdirII.,IIAIO,II4OIiEt. NEW YOUR • OSINKSS-puAil.onal,ltind vow .tusuuddr we - V pmvituarl dm. üboyo 1dq..1-erpeerfally inform the Rabbi . i•rd. . prepared to receise mut two foristL.l rt.Putc4 and itlowest nma TW• wwlidalso .11 the attend. or-WippenEmu umrt:i-ba Cut surim dcruri Umpuised lbws in rtidorujureowrially rbedt ar4corornarukri by =- Is Ca drrifraL k trx Bulk. will rid It advarduiruord b• ship Oat Jaye; addle 4111.24ber,...ave lux. or , ••••tmead crilumblii to havoirdlorrukb , for Bul. orisom tkrus4vddituody dour troulacatu, Udreby ung w.ehouw Irandtng. Froldtd io Puiludelphra goer 'relerts through to the bons, -.lgo chirp, made for receiving iLippilig orAdWureiug MR joit:s Iroprtetars, Cwaid frwto,*.reuth street. AGENTS—Iobo d BhuuirCheir 94 Patindd-- Jur , hU- Corbotalb Is Co. Ebduraorw . d Oda; • muds A Thomas, Coluodd. ; kric•di pusairsireirptim ttiJAIJS, i iioE§M /849 . ftla Exearss: FAST PACO.ETLIN4 - Pstughlo,elphi;anttßaltirsare. . (Fisciaortaly for Pagano Ora.) THE polio me. stapeesfa.iy ierisolan slaas Wu U. Will eottomaceroamng on fiionday, tpta Myth. Tbes boats of at L 111.3.0. of 4, aopa.clor class, lona enlarged cabina,, "raga atilt dfie grgaier collator, to pule:agora. A. bow will algal. be porl.,?and travelers am,- gueskid to call and ergininc *lean:car. eaSairg PL. uge by o th er routes. Toot orligleang th e Lau 'og, op. pout. size U A yotel, eunacergailllllFeet atal Lanai, ever,' delnek. PARF,—LIIHEDOLL/6 Ift TO:ROUGH. Thos-31 For InOnnatron, apply at the": °fru*, Monongettela 'lmam 4it D. I.V.CCIVit. C 4, Canal Hain. N. 8.-Toe proprietors Of tha'abone line ore now brdldlog as additional Lino of Packeti, to run aa above on Of 400,4.0.6 111, In coot:net/a n atilt the Pennsyl. vain. Batt thous:lllam Let.istmel. to Phll24otpLta- Al OW Owe • Wicket will leave arty warning end even. jog. Time Oiroitil.,4 days t r tartan 173C/71.04t 1 e etialrAntik - lraKT For portiolon otnocrinonome.. BETWEEN h ;1411.101it.F . 411A lAN 11 P ITOOILIRG H. 1:1001P3 eaniel on I. Lure arei,net transtapped' %Jr theorem , Ploalawah and Philaaelphlas Coms. ear. Med In Coom rococo thimble lloa , soaler Moot and wm mrt—to stopper,. oi MarrehoodUe. ffoalnos rota handlong;thos Is ofticaporowne-i Noalliartre made roe reheivhia.oralupplng. or for dam...clog eliarges. Alt bode forwarded wait dleparebosod CI.. reasonable terms to by boy Minn . /Oho. • - JOHN 111'F.ADFIN O. Co, . . Canal Buhl, Plan st. Yotsint yb /Ail 11l DAVIS Co, toral • 1117 literict Sililoormeree at, hula. JOAN NeFADEN s Co; Ettiwwwittop end Co n• don hiefeluna, Canal Basin, Dana it, Pluaburga. ilthtE3 M DAM er. Co; Flotja PO.. ono Cotootio dos IStetebstal, ca Next. anC sl , botomereo erect, mar. rp4dvaneas made. by ei Mei of tilt oboo‘'oo Floor, Atod scatter roOrokokoamo :ctinolgood them-tot • t. 9 morla 184% Inat KELIALUAIT id" Far DiL LA VIIIer laburnum diollidayaburgb, and tuertudiateplatina trims Line add: eaminstet to ban* all Way Goods jj with thelrnedal - despate4anClat bur rues of Frei hl. d' Aoldest-C. S. BPANULTV Or. Cofritrstrmh D It Wakekeld,./abotsur„*. John Mi 11... f 101114,40. , ilistenturats--Jnan lardomia Stadia, Dr F Shoetirterger, talk SY Von 13onnt boat di Co, Win Lammas Zs CEy JutiltDectu MOO, Plasliurghs Job. I rory, Swamp:Wl. Ray, kw Dna& Co, BlairsoUlA 4 settirg _ airs" PAUKS & Co , si 184$. nrSvta AND CLEVELAN4WiEM. WA1 111 1 1 N• Canal Priebe WALIAOW, Cipl. Ford. - OCEAN, CoP l 'w.iw'.. QuNEU ate atrover ratekart bum :Fleaccrestary day. rpurarays Eneeptrtl) and torten next morumg at rted, ethen thoy connect With the met Stages for Adam l yd Cieveland,uncing, °web dilute places oedwe night. 'Dna blthe F.nolthts takeo'WUrea at 5 E. BL,,and arr. at Healer so unto to take We oto. c tmotabasti IS, l'insb*h. dr.LEFFLNOWE W 00,... t AI TAYLOR, " 1 itHAVER AND ERIE ,7 - P.trqFib.lT LANS macron to srta ulets ruler Area% a;ratcal rulten-Pexttrlegillat Cnolt „ tt Tautrtuni, Panned; Lau Dui, • TraDTi PITTON.„ Drown, " FA/L . 1110754 i .Sayer. The above near emd sptendidiPanstrasue Fula. hue connuared muting Wade. DFIA VFAI tad anD run regularly dorm§ the' scuron-one trout , lecortig Fine every morning Otrilorth,and one lea, • tat Beaver every eunlng,rtobsertiasaW atter th e zea -1 rot di tbe steamboat bliatumatt hug Prtubugh. Iti.,,Dotes art new and conitortality to bee, and am inn throtagh in lorry bobs, •Pusengera to any pobrt en the Lathes, or to Nioritans,Valla, wall E.d.a. room lie most euntormble and erpodriana. Tickets inmost or all porta on the Late via be procured by syrtrytag to the prtyrtetenra, • IIIiCSIVVAIII:St. Co, Heuer. JOILN fr. CAUGtIGF, Prtrtoordh, • j, astritiViktes and Anthadletd sta. Maximo, Defolo i tfi 0 AS Reed,Ents,l2*. •O C Wlok i Greenyble, Pa; I brFartand and long. Bend s t Fa. Bay. I. Filuspeurgh, Fat ; W C bialtiniStutatm, DC !ilathases,Yedasbl,kto • I W C111.121.1b/". New Castle. hr. ryl Buirecr.'& COps VAST lIMPILVMS FOR cInaIa4LLANI2,LUKE, .4.21112 TUB. EASTIoItIVCITJE. 2141 E pmpsietors of this Lice hale put on Nov Slott, sold an moored to forironl.loookages of all do• seriptlenr natty, n ~.c lowed ravi. : J. 21 BID >Mal!, Agent, 1TX,711811172, L .r 3) . V 2 cep Co:: I.a,ouoto. . . . Pamengar ' and RV:tattoo:tee • um... AstIANIWEN & CO. e4tAtite to bring person, from my pan of klaCandrlt amid Statism' or Weis, Mai the terms. mat item pmetnelity and itteptket I* the MUM mad can. tact of 412121:04111.11. ‘VO do ffot &Lan/root pessestgert be robbed by am sededling &motifs tim Weald. sea ports, ah we take Marge of (*.medic Moment that re port themeidyea cod me to - lain:rid' well being, cod de epatett dm...Mout my delbstateu by the Mat snipe.— ' We my I.4it'rearlesaly, as vOlit degit one of roe pas/mi ners b Mow Mai they were lietudon 4PI hones by to in Ltmrpool, *bast dinnand &of &ben nom detained wombs, mat they meld be fent en tome old man, aa e n; p oase, - afttlahmo ftegulefttly Armed the. codas. Wammul to. *form eamatanneete.honorablyt root whit it teM, cod Dal coo timi breve list ammo, will,' Mt= anicersy—Selto eitb,er Oetforittal mt. 0.11,01 trm; it sada at mar ettiOnce, Drafts Orison ilittaboxgh o stly =from .t 1 to Llt=al . 4e s : o ll% d y ol ir ttrzt . anetal Danko J 051114 RObilhitiOnl, Emropeklo. •44 Genend flf* ogrfte.,onk Jour below V. vEan 1t1.t.31 BLUED, AND CABINLT dk.llOAl . r J. UffatiVß would respect rally Worn the pahltc, that he z teens!. bond at his stand on the n <4 the Lhateond, ,- n Way, can a eom ,stun catuan Blunt.:also V c olden., hatters ate matte to or der lona blest style, wearrsoted equal la nab lathe United States Has akels ran be tensed erne - oet this add of a utresr Anne,. - Beennjt pusolgesed the .wet, - tools, lOC *ood of the cabled no taaltsamentof if attx.y a. AI I.- 1..1, prepared ire tarnish their fed en .sell as well aa the public targe,enth eavy' none ke [bete itne o Wood .. - 01 Pdtanargh masa r A BROWN DP.PERVANOLCuir-13,, riaai.mg , dl,en r itool thosaaaaf.teretis to ;Vow Sort, railed. ittitaand Kam= re, a lame. and well seleeted 40, meat of all the latest and amei roved*N o,le. of sa tin, glazed and coalmen PAPiX HAN Si UINs eon tosdiat of— ;" • le,ooo pieces of Pastor And Pteseet Itt,WOtt Hall an'd Goma; in,fan " Ihnuns-rnom,:eeansber and od.es Paper—which I tone. paatolety thsne the attenuen of those Laving bosses to paper, to call and eanterne, at the Paper Wenebonse of d. C 'I'LL, add 87 wood st ARDUTHNUT has 'Coutroceeed to receive a S.J• large .4acrunent of Fancy VARIETY GOODS. .coltaisting In part of ArtißWAW,Rlbbowi, Laces, Gn at< ry. Gloves, Crape, Leiffac. Cattabrirs. Netting, Lace Toes, ftbayel‘rouyee Murat adottlefa, gents Cravat., Ifingbam and cotton Hartdkerribiefe, corded Skirts, Cawing Silk, Threads, lionOtia, 'Combs, Jewelry, Cal le/T.. we. AC Country slal etty Wareham; are rev peelfolly United to of and tam stack, No ei Wood Wane, corner alley. toe h EXTRACT OP COFFIRS-5A niliCir welch a ra pidly coating utot. uo it. • irbalerome, mutating tted de , ittitioa beveragc betas Wore plowant and "alable thaa wanton Cdr....Afar cheaper, al a rowll paper tostwa only ten celow,levill So a, far na four polled, of Collee. alanufaioarell by Ji ,to: tr..,ALILERA. Ptlndoweb, Pa. toldat whoksale by H RwilrakfrucK k. turner of First and Wood laud data and Woad wrest., Phot:rah&put DODD 1 6 1' 43135c3—J05t received, j 351Catrip Waukee; LllibEfeils wawa; It pr. Pants; LA*. nett hoed alintaullooß; 13 lathiavy Mgr, 3 water Tank., b and 03 Wrltois awls; 50 canteens, gut on sada; I dal IlackaLLa sLoney Rene I do oiled carolnic do do. The alevve.godala for rale at the Cali fornia tlatfitata Fetablutt3s.cht4lYo 5 Wood Ft. mad.% L. J aII PHILLIPS A hsoittf.iiseteEs-L - ii,. tip for Goody no, to un Z. cow, oneJoaed Inn aljdnec lid boa, cornatno, Mown!, looser, . Cinnamon, a Ganger, Cloaca, Wammind pore Foe ..14 or 'toe now lep and :Hymned Fantory, eomv pr Firry & lairany 1.17 5 4 19 • JOHN U IsELI. - W w r o oo rk i n bi nrcln Anvils, from Me' 'rainy,: tahand aind k aappliedZ n aldr .' 4 w"j min& Ma)zu Woo/. at • re VIJILNACE If EAFtTIIS' mansTMacerc7l - trom • superior Wei. of }loci All Ore Back Clay. m ;more and for isle by •; KIEK et. JONES Mr. W. W, Wallace !main listed a Health of same • vielityvad ILIZULLISOIRSO /Pr psmairmaes no , . ZLNE COGNAC LIELANUIF4-17 bad pipet vars., vintage., anal maul trojmnauran par Catamarca Go DONsauX, just resettasid ?or we by Jo ta RICKKIVON qtrairitralitliZderaprecii;eillT a baim Val avian. bunt or ladies 4 a 'cattlemen.' Gadd Guar d atm, from NW ta lSu OLeha eastern prices. Alia, %Pecillug KINN WV carpi gao, gold Pencils, .Vinger king, ! r uining., Ltreaa2rin4: Bracaleta, Gold Pans, Walabia, ae. W W WILtioN, - rivarilitlith and Market am ITELytrgilifforiAnsti7accived at Zeamion Ma sera, 67 Market stree 20 pa colored Velvet 71.Th t, litr, assumed cabbie; . " "-. . • 8 osobtoidery main • lip* labia Plain, ka. • _•d.43 tame V L r.'b MOOS PUST ()MU.* con !LI mining an alphabeneal Maar Post Whets through :ottl the Vence buncs: 4iitsueis from Washington. D. Alt Staus . and temintniareppltscla tespectively; also ea• itlhltlog the florrOtficete enhh Ettateous”lias IT ,wash as appendix ortlte Oiled Katenand tallish! Tiatftht. !hat mettle, .11$11140TON & STOCKTON. " imenkr,3tendioatlurtsta 0_ MUMS , FAMILY IMEDICIEMEZI-oThey are idi Diediciat of • . ,„, nneansr, Ohlo. MITA IBM &liar, I think , it vigkeforene bane& of dory moue mmaTacut in relation vo year ernallant Fen& ly Medicine. I have 'veal your Vennitaga largely in any Wee ram- - fly, .ne •Sal ittenently annoterna ForespeLtinly lame q.t011381, itirirte 2CO) wean bounces children. 1 . h.• men emit your Liver nag and alone ByrasPin • mY family. and Way have in every loon inototeed Me effect &aced. ILI Ilan% thrattnd in merehandistor, i -ant able to tram that I have yea la beard-Ma finitailais eater, year mediate.e have becerasel la nay section of dm . o, on To in.lnellenn, I nue aura Mat they era median.. airte'day. and We alrfliUla to have a very emapelva.pertarity. Yams, rtepecnil 6.; W. 11. . . _ Prepared and sold by IL P. SELLERS, No al Wood street, and sold by Druggists generally or the war cl ues and vicinity. urea Or LiVii/L - COMPLATNT trilre origitud, Only true, and soutane Ltar PILL Baocr Caps, Ohio canary, V.. March SAUL H 149. Mr. R. F- Penal: Deer Sir—l wink it a duty I ewe to you and oi the public goners to awe that I have been attlicie4 withate Liver replant tar a long time, and so badly that an amass formed and broke, which lett um Ina very tow mate. Havlug beard of your celebrabol Liver Pills being for sae by A IL gbarp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by me phystelart, pr. Heath, I concluded to rove dram a tar trial. I toareinwed one ben, and fated them m be just whairbar aro recommended, TILE BEST LI VER nu. EVER usEtp , ,l after taking four bates I find Ito didease has warmly left me, and I ant now perfectly 'ROIL Respealaly yours, D COLEMAN. West Liberty, March 46, It4B. I certify that lam personally amparnied WWI Mr Colernaa, and can I.wisr testesialty so therinaW of the above arthicate. te SHARP Ton genera Liver PHU are prepared and sold by E eII.LLH/tPoNo 67 Wood street, and by arrigitsts • an the two atria TO THE PUBLIC..--The arfginalonly Ilse and get. slue Liver Pills at. prepared by Rbleaters.sred have his name tamped In black wan apatite fid,of each bon, and hie cornatare on the outside Wrapper—all others ere enuawrfeita, or basennitatioes. •oW H E diELLER# PleprieUir I. L , kohl the Rev Aga SHINN, • well known and pop The Clortamsolof the PadestalliAlethodisiCiraclr .The undamped ha vnlj been alliated d firing droplet ranter with %died,. orate Montath,eometifoes pro doting greaptda in the itomath for Muer Paled area wither:lt Inter:Haim and after =Mit Various, r eed at egeey walla with a bent. of Dr Diane's Canuitiative Ulan. Thle he WWI.- cording to the libations, sad found invariably that this medieme retried the pain Wuhan in three or fear me. area, and le-fifteen atawatT mleatesdalatT natal .sensation Wan entirely quieted. The Pato We was. terwardwat whenever indications of the approach or pain were panaved, and the paw autarchy prevent. ed He continued ro use the -medicine every evening and wometitnes in the earniellr and la a re wwetev health wasp far stored, that the Wagerer VP relics ed from a latge amount of oppressive paln. From el patience, late he can eordldontlY reentacterg _Playa , ' Carminative Elalsany . al a alder; nachrin for &teasel ofthe mamach and boatels. SHINED Allegheny ey.ll - 31 For ale Infrittsbargir at the PEKIN TEA eTtrlt 7V Pounk mart, near Wood, gad greet: . shelled; Prow °fill P £H.IIIW•RTZ. Proleral Albs' -r V UAJRIAR DIBCOVRIELY I 'CONSUMPTIV D ES R. PWA YN , BE ON. YOUR GUARD. • E 713 COMPOUND BYAOP OP WILD OBERIIY. Consumption, Coashs, Colds, and!ass, Uneneh ß /liets. " I C° 7 l'W' slo to S llst 'u tlele 'l B al " td se rdi2 est: d Parp " liall f on r" of oh 11w', lanes., Creep, token Con e .5001105 Bore Thrust, Nervous Deblb ell Ihseutee !l ireltt end Lamm th r e esonei teems! endspeedy owe over known, Fejey of the tan.; distill es, Is DR. SWATHE'S' 01thapatemp Syrup of Wild Obeireßl This mediethe Is no longer Mon those of doolnfal .rrahry. lt his Passed away from tho thassands daily lattoehed Span the tide 01 carmine., and now mods higher 00 Kparstion, gold I. bocci:dog MOre•Steatlre ly seed thert .47 other preparation of medium ever prodnealtar the mitered coffering aim Ins bean introduced very generetly thro he Booed Males and Earope, and th ere aut a ught of importance Lot what contain somelmmu re table deem or Ats good offense. For roof rd. fogoing mertments. and os the erne and recs. of Mir user erne, the prpeketor will insertba ker.( the mini shoo. earl testisodonts willch have twen present. to Mosby urn of Ms g. rvspeetabiliry—men yr. bave nigher views of mond reepotthibdity mod notice, non to cer tify to fleuti because it MU do another a favor. and atemsehont m inirturn.tomato. proves mop levively, elevively, diet as 'arriving ernelleiwe ethabliabed biettilltainalinvi and the ramestionable author. by to Ay at poblia *m on tostantemons tell. It af- Owds, and the socahmg loam:nee Missed through the relsla triode by its ose, readers It • most weer. remedy 1.1. "Miami REMEMBER! vtiChen inert, =Wig from scumeieendus impulse" voluntarily be. testiamy the Owns of a Mtg., at pernenthe fact, ea. terizatoiy, being coats., to their oremlaty idlermas and purposes, tam. earivietwa of os tro th , Sod ammo. itself to a eyworel nano. or amen. eredeo.."—.o•llecron's Most Alssima. BEAD THE HOME CERTIFSCATIM. Sem Morns. Cone 01 PMMONntt thiinenwessam-- Them rm. or.. remedy air has been ILO sae.tsfol in deeper= est. of Conempalle, is DC dorayari". Compri. Rya. of to Cherry, It moorhens the those., sod appears to heel the Moen Mt Um how, mating ,storvm an{ Mob blood; pm. pastas. by no other medicine. Cm.. Co., April SO4y. Dr. tthealiso—Dear Sin I verily beimve lour pomtd :Snap of Wild Chen) hss been the moos 00 writs, sorUfe. I eurthr • ivevem eotd,ve*. girt, Loy grew wane, attended with ...severe cough., thot resisted Lathe sewer. Mi. I Y. rt..ua tel, inereeelog vont my ease exhibited ad the, Poloornomr Cothinespoon. Reeey I== to ban do eden, and my's:snobs:mu...sod *anoma ly Om friends as well as 0070 t, ga.comm up all deal. of reeinon• At Ms lino Veins reentry em y u iro Muhl , medtriorn I did ea with Rot moat malts. The first bore had Om .feet so loosen als. cough, morn ate ta mcputerate freetr, and by the time I bad rued all WM.,' win entirely well., a. am maw es hearty son . I even yeas In ary and sroald be Nar , ti="atry ledbrz r ar o n . == , Mien ore gratefal. Ed . the trail of this 1400 Z • Matemersi t l refer yoato 70000 . Ri o t Grocer, West Cheerer, of wham I Chee porn M. Strip 'ally rm., Jam.as Nnsaut. Wortiterfed Cow if .21.14)..fi5t Mirtista. lb Sway rie- Dr. the I feel • debt (Agra:km/a dee • yonand a. duty so tbc aiSietzd gar.eratly, to oder say hectiole testimony in favor of your Comgoand By. rap of VITA Cherry. Wm* three yearn sloe. was violently Attacked with cold Lad e=r o6 et the Lungs, skip war actompassied with a diyirestiog ecmgh, Palo m the breast .4 bead a' very rui e .. threharge of offensive Mucus 110111 Irmga, sop, S 7 upon change ot weather, licnorever .h g h t , At Ersti reit go Mann shout wy condition. WYWas pew, won convinced that I seas rapidly going inteconrans. non. I grew dally weaker, and at levigds was scarce. ty able to tooth atm., et *Omsk sbwre ...widener snob was die.teeedung weeknessatraylonga ..111.11jr pus, as I had bled rations prepare. and goe.oor, fonufti tto relier—grovna all the time wasp. Jess bar anti persuaded by a dear fnend in here 1 wd at Wilmintrin to snake trial orywarSyrapor Wild Char. y. I num cora. that prevunwly I had been pwra. head against patent creeheince, and I am mill &guest these earning oat of the hands of etapetica bat ander. atarelins your clots , . to the profesotoe and p.n.:a Or medledise,Sind having Implicit faith in the raying of my friends, I forthwith parshared of Dr. Shaw, one ray.ar agents, .'few bottles, and commenced its ase, IHy dm. wise t that cit. 049)01 a morn. rtanding,con• refeently ll It was deeply mated. .1 found, homaver, consideroble relief from the sae at. tow fosty or Aso romped to being a . public tpeaker, I frequently tempted to preach yr. teereaV4 eigth. and thereby rapnwed Worm vessels that had already ecru, tri he In this way, doubtless, my care woo wan, retarded. in consequence of soling th.lambrdently, I hadm aw tWei•e Or. 64.56 WA. before./ "'up.. bo"nerbr restored. w ho .% o tilie uc is= 'as = the above inthadretomsThe limp allayed the (sees tohabit; took away th edistressing cough, put • 4011( the discharge of water hem the Wags ; nab gave diem and the entire ayatem good heal t h. have defer. red offering tins urtiticate rail now, for the vary... of being perfectly ontaGed with the permanency ot the pleatnd I.OW thou( feel perfectly well I oder it with pleamre. Rxr. P. J 0... Dublin taunt'', N. C in:pr.:ant Cantsorp—lidage Reea , There Is but oue ;ermine preparauon of , Ylld andthat Is Dr. Sorhtrlvea, rho SnoteVer offered 11, lb. which has been sold largely through/al the United Sthtes and moue pen. of Earopei and all pro. parenting called by the same of Wad Cherry bass been pat oat *thee this under CCM, of sometheir sole, deceptive Wean:it-awes, In order to gave currency to By a lithe observation, no -poem , need mistake the gestates from the false. Each bottle of the madams Se enveloped with • beautiful steel cog Fermi, with the keenest of Witham Penn Sharer.; elsO, , Dr. Sertylto'S upsets.; nod as further security, Ow portrait. of Dr. Sweyne 'will be added beranner, no al 10 .11.104111110 tus prepegauen from all others. Now, dit We not tor the greateuratthe proportion end known *mass of Dr. deraye's Loathound Syrup of Wild Cherry, persona would net be endeavoring to give mammy to their "Seutioad noinnons" by stealing the rums of Wild Cherry, Reurthatthr, alsmaya bear to with the slams of Dr. Swayer, and be not deceived. Prtnlipbl US., comer of rAdblb nod-Mine ...du. Phdadelpbt•- For We wholesale and retail by OGDEN & SNOW DEN, the Al and Wood mg, LI A VAIINEtatICK Co, ear Inlaid Wood, mud Gilt and Wood ats, rittittN, - .53 Market., .11.,Nk.9, thin Liberty st,__• JAS JONE, ear Deed and Fenn An JOON MITCH . FYI., Allegheny ear, and by all respectaide dealers le medieitth. octl.l A STROM) EVIVF.NCY. that Dr 1n YNE'sl LI• I'Es..IOIIANT is superior to MI ether months far „with" eensionptlon, Breedings, Asthew,thd mbar Pole. wry sEMlthes, is that tin some prom, wiaothesewoord the ,finer of it its than hashes tab yews ago Mall refer st to all rthtedies of ths kind, thd whims. thy Mrs bath to try ether pthparatimis they bath alumst nwartsbly beim , t, lwaproistad tiring nu 10041 *llO5 was reasenabiy ..sealed foie the high prow butowed by the revenant, sod tisraymunise to the of baths' Lose-raster, ea thinady - that has orth, 4,1.4 to nin th s them sad prubeily mi., had 110..eml fib wresting pinumwary M ecum Fostered only' by D, U. Jayne Fiuladstplua,thd toldth idandy ALE-1. JAttaii deenidthetf 70 Foe rib M Muta i. - R. Y. INLAND, cattle Medical College bf Phil. Ditielphte, now offer.. the public hls lodine Veg etable _Premium Flamm. the qualities 60( watch, after l ' a T i ft s tr '7 4 " ar n we ' oa7e " ls ' w . 6o ho m e :y .',, L i‘a. . , ; ,` . ° V- 11 Prothpths Uteri& or Fallen Womb, be recommend* his core gearanteeing a sthe and *city cure to the n Mug of froth two to all week., If applied with tued rest—discarding all the thantlesi uninoncota boil asp/teeter, bandages so long in ow. Thu he feel. g0ng ,,,,,k, c , L e m e ting, inathanch as he has not failed in OM . 0.0 0.1 1/1 data hundred and filly•three pa swot.. Also for Itherunatthat and Weak Breast or at tended will, pain, there i. nothing to excel this 1 . 11•101 111 alfordln, relief or edieting a cure For sere try Wikok, corner of Diamond and Market at BrehmFlatter, LJberty and Mt Clair st• IS, J diairnt Federal at and Diamond, Alto bet ;1.7e, Deinintha and Diamond Illnale g. boot. len r)SEL ERR, Drugs., Nom Wooa airra, Lt.. !pale Agant for the ..le Towusend's lane Ssrnspirrilia. h. ;um received Vl.O dom.o or thu lire. , Spring Cod %ambit bled lemo. w P en o t s oe a u rs b ab aoguhldo fwomD les t s l Owt R , F. Selles s Dols " irs ktv PI C tfirfieraiknreu. GPS—Dopler Watcher, made by the celebrated Cooper of London M. J. Toby. of Lt eer , a et ; and a largo araortment of detached gold and eiiver Levers, trade by nie be.: trone•a maaafaerrirera fipeetteles of all kind., Communion Were in Itenri Geld Penn Jewelry to large variety; slim, Spoons, E V tub repairing eiecated in die beet manner. • , coma nayi9 Market and lib ate 10AULAY'S ENGLAND—Harper* Arie IY.L Heo, with ponraUqcloth-7S cents 1... volume. For We by 10/LISTON & BTUCKTON, 97 ' 00113.114111kel and 30 ate XX RD 00 it '• PAT f NT.,DASHER CHURN r. aas raocsarsk la sor Igtararroa nmi 1 rn astention of Ow pithHiS In halved to this. vil valuable Clzseithish. has tee adventure or ` .11 o' , ere La ca0h10.46 the *la and new invenCtons jest eg. .13e p of this. invention Is apparent, as hp annul tilo proses* lee est is 'Parent/ beneath the dash, nod' doe. soray with tee reetwashp of put-enures. .n o d Chum. ae it can be applied to any eh... Poe one do ll ar can have all the tworovennsnts of Use age eanntuned with thow of sethening the Batter to the canal war. The Wan. aro Invited irs con and pads.e for them selves before pattbningrlskwbere at tT r corner of Maiet and nee siseele, or sa 03 Donnond alley, W- I %emu Wood and Market streets, Pittsbursh. msvat streets, KKORFIN TEM andertatreed having been appointed ¬ ed the Lect.awaaa hicrsra. tt•errt in• cue.. lbant. rare, in the place Of John Finney. Jr_ refloat, re. speelfully intimate the peddle and the friends and etn. omen of the Company, that he Is prepared to take Marine. Intaed and Fire mate on liberal terms, at their ones, N.. 27 Water *met. P. A. hi ADEIR.A. Arent girrik3 Hinilk!-IWltntY kr 3 ply India Robber reeeired for the I3nrourbof irloca will be bold In owes for • Mo. days. The Boren Belting Company' esprem mono desire fee Me fire deparonsotoof enure or Pittsburgh and Al legheny to call ontiorsomine and make • trial of them. The mistook, u milling to poi them to any teat 'Amy Rank prover w eontitide upon. • 0710 J & H PHILLIPS, 5 weal .1 r.. 11318 rtatt TIIRTATTISCHIPTION - GP757Ot - li hi the Citizens , Immune Company of Pittsburgh. will be opened Intim" a like litnard of Trade, on the first Idonday olimn, f November itest;at 10 o'clock, v st. Wet Latimer. Jr. Robust Woo 4, WOl. U. liVelare, Joseph Summer, H. Kier. Josiah land, John Shedd; Alex. Bastian, nod H. D. Vas, aolgaittenttftrowtssionera. iJOLD w AsuraCs. HPARRY hits luvented- • machine for washing . Gold, for which be has made guncotton for patent_ They are nowoffered for Cole ;it the wan boas., of Pam & , seen Co., No, 103 Wood street, Pittsburg& Adventurers to Culllbrnin are Invited weal] and ex. amino these laborsaving mactiloca Theyaresimpla hi them coalmen., easily transported on the bark of. mole. or horses, arelghtuiterghty pounds each, and area be pm in operation In half ari hoar. They can be Ai N whirprowsions It la the opirdast f those who knave seen the Wal Mono °Ohne machines of smallest she, that two men wilt amen the mineral from ISt ti.hels of gaud or eeith in a day, wilhont the loss of a particle of the mineral. They can be thawed In sins sod warted by water or male power, I,l' expedienb TheLoperaton work without going Into the wateS or being exposed to wet, sad conseguentlr without ea- dancenne their health. They will require hot a .mall stream of water, and can be used the whole season, and can be put into operation where there is out ma el water to Teeth to the usual way. Pnee of smallest site god. Orden from abroad, as -tpanissil by rash, will be promptly filled- N. PARRY, at Pam, Scott fa Co's, No tm W. 24111, Pittsburgh. ...amspgass rke gone lime. Asks. Lsubserthicrsare now receiving their Pall monk of the above article, three Teasels, the /sonata, allion and Lydia, having arrived en Philadelphia and Ithlumore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and Leila. shortly expected/1 they ate, therefore. prepared to receive orders. They will receive daring the wlo tee" spring mtaler supplies eta New Olean.. nil lC k /11 MITCNELTREN 111 A OUNT F.AtiLlt TRIPOLI—Far cleaning win = dons ea lamp ylas=a, ails= plate, bras., lin tannin, and other vim It rapidly takes out all rpoh anl soma, a= reproduces the beakulhl tad datable Ins. of =a ware. Jam reserved and acute, whole sale and retail, by JOHN I) MORHAN, jakil Drage= NOTICE.. MIL BAMIali. IiARTAIARI banng =ld his inter est tu the co-partnership of Coleman, Hallman Co., to the remaining pannem, has this Any =Rod from the firm. February 19, 1.840-tf re. =der rigned, Area for the manufacmora, hes on hand atil it tah•MotlY teeelvall a fall enmity of tn., exualea mode on Panburgh And mom. which be nears for axle at maoutarturers prices. um COCHRAN, fat= kfi Wood at INOLA ILULIttEIt PASTE-1 p.m battiest India MA.- leer Pave, an excellent MVO* tor rendering boots and ahem. pedantry water proof, and sort as 14 piece of clots. One applieatimi ot toe paste I. eaffiment, to make three, unpennoin to water for err 3 months, end a perfect Litemmintive from the leather e reeking. Recid am! for We .t the India Robber Depot, No 5 Wood st, febt3 It ILl=TacTrall OP LCOITOL AND FUER NPIIIITS Comer Front and Vine mama, Cinciw•d, coa to tt lowest amrt. pnee. Y 75 drcteh'enee— • ' Led a,Rd.: ,- - Rich embossid Mho coven Plain Tof key red Clio,: do do Thbin ' do Fird do do do Warned do do ' do do Itorderior, Rhos Damask; Carpel Bdidlop; Omen toorccn d.4.9.o—Cdrops Garble* Tympana Rdhdod, Scllpture do h do do Tartich do do a. Clancdc do do do Om,' Outletsdo do Idoordlida Moved do do Ida:Acetyl, do do do • 'r GrAbles do CO Cord and Tumid, IlLoiere arid Sul. Rata Pallier. Bair, Endo. The *bore Goos ire of the richest and neWest WWI, lo *Wet, d olnelteihe attention of oar (nen& and 001osoefs, ard those wtatung to WPM Of TO pleeish steam toau and house. mar 7 W. 3fELINTOCE VEW LiAllPerd- - koceired — as day Saw fn. ill the sanfacturer— Near do Tapestry ply Carpet, team ntpar; do do do e -o taper, do do Enamels Carpets. do Brawl., vary asap, do dupe de rich colont Ingrain do 1-1, 3-4 and 343 heavy Venenan do .___ 44, 3-4 4124 5-4,1 mom. do do All of wlooki will be mkt at p mail tdroneo, and .111 - roarnotes az low 44 ran be A. the not .e 493 TV N'CLI:MIX/473 f north 0 COACH MAKING MUM the se. Unarm entourage Mt:Derail. sabaenber has received sin. too ...wed himself In Allogrosay, kas lad.. him. Lake a 1.., for a term a years, dm property he wire pompon, In Beaver meet, immediately bead. the Sr.byterianCharek. From tha t experionee to Me agora bagmen end • desire us prase, he hope. to mer it cid MECII4, *hare. pirblio Worm ga. Na. on head .4 finishing to coder, Hoene., Bug g.. open .d tkirpri..d a re. description of ilanizirm made to ord., from seamark. don.. to imeiftno, , ang. laarePdtfl JOHN SOUTH TB. AnscalZmmitery. A T the anneal awe of the C0rp...., held on flt the Ns met. % the Mt p ersona mere um. mocely menoetedittefor lie CSISISiIIg year: THUm es M. HOWE, Fremoent. JOHN BlBlllil4, irzsti CAROTI.I2:IIB., _ NATHANIEL HOLMES W I 4.BAM M•CANIALOstika. }Pdenagem JOHN H. SHOLIERG JAMES It. SPEE EN R, J. Fen, Jr., Beentemy and Treastv The umnal statement remitted the oontimay no • very preeperom condi. the city is No. 27 WM. street --- - - TUE STAII OP TIIIC WEST 3f. YENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTORY Ertel tole of Me !Almond, trherfe I/mutton Bloods of all the different saes and talon are kept oa hand or made to order afte the latest end mon approved Emeern fnehe mas, at the shorten none, and oa the mos reasonable tetMk. Alao, the °hoop Poston roll or split Iliad Tranapa rangy and Paper Curtains of ell the different pies and p•Mdiras, on hand and (or mile lea for cut, Old Verd u. Blind. panned over and monied, or taken to part "471 ! tar l ‘ l:3l. do g ue ß v ‘ r:flt l late V stin t tL!:t r tn .Pr end erottmanshlp, and warranted to please the MOM b.- tiduna. auglt , dry Allegheny coy, Aar 10, 1043. lIICJIIO A lifT ELEORR.PII 00RIP ANY at, PITTB11.1•11 kalD 1•1124.1N.A. tY ESTERN LINK Ocoee at the Et r ehasige. Baltimore. Ti EDICED RA TEN.—Tbe charges beet been redu ced on otl hleaseeel to or from Baltimore. Pitts burgh or Wheehorg, i.nd • corresponding redurnon mode on ell telegraphic deeputettes farersedrel front innate Wear of Pittsburgh, Po littm—The enure for • telegraph demeteb to or from thelternore, Pittsburgh end \ Lading, Is 41 cents for the first ten wu,,ls, lied 3 cent. for etch oddimosi mod. [Er No charge la made for We mldreat and ..qua Mini tips completion of tbs Etouth Western lane or Telegraph from !neural., Tenn , to New Orleans, des patches can be for to blenranis by TOUIC, one •or .11.nyr 11,1e.n• el I ACIIF]sUN V. it/DIDJUSE 3 JlifiN WOODROUSE, LjAVINii this day aliociated themselves tedether to partnerslo and. r the firm and my le of A. J Woliothicsa. for themmialsetare of TIN. COPPER AND 3111*.F.IRUN WARE, oo Ae corner rif Rubin son itreel and the Canstidn the lon Werth A u-.1111N7 mrv, where dies are prepared to furnish do order wholnale and relaa, all article. to Weir Hue with proraplaess Foundry frinimuldis,•nd Carpenters' orders are ro. Betted, wined) will ...drive immediate aithodiost. City of Allegheny, Fob. 1, 1040.—..11 I ANDSCAI•E sot, • view of the Bantle of Mon tr,ey. i • Cer.o t.ooto, .• leta de Fan., Cbase de Lyn, • L. Genie FranCin2; vsal Atoreigne, T e tboro 1. suitable or papering large robin. rooms. Just roc direct front Ilaru, and for wale at the ewswelsoued 01 Mt.!. _ . fru I K . e.--Chemieal Liquid tor viuho.g dog., earoeta. silk., yeiset alnt fide furtuture— *eying half the laten and dispensing entirely anth the wuhuoard. The finest Wilton carpets, atter heron' been In nee eleven yin, have bete perfectly restor ed, without the slightest ninny to the (albeit', and with. pui yampeing , n.m the floor. It will not 111).0 the Oita. Direcomot aroomp.ying each bottle. Price g 5 eant... For tale Im p SChOUNALLKEIt K Ca, VMS g 1 wow/ D RUOS—Cbionto Naas& in lb. bottom Ctrn Acid do Hypo. llialph. Soda do 15otto Nit !turmoil do °Mame do Granville Lotioo do Chloroformdo hut revoived and for e A bt /Ala H layLi ay sel..Es-4 , 13 VON LIONNIWRST &CO • - 11.A3a1t.613-4 I from stem.' Ca balmd and for We MINEISTOCK R CQ TIOLPIrri/W - 667111, • • ilitak•rs, lErbitoge-13ro*eri, 'NOYIT...OIjAFTRACF.PTAN CgS, GOLD, siLxg.ft - - --- • ' A.I9IIIIANII Norm COLKRCTIONS.—DraIo. N. and Accept - viers payable in any part of the Union, collected on We room favorable term.. PACILANOK an Neer York, Philadelphia old Ba?- Nrese ; aleriXinelnnati, Lotherille, Saint Loath end Orleans, eanthantly for we. BANK NOTESNotes on all solvent_ book* is the United Stork dlsethinted at the Limes' rale, All kinds . .. . .. . . ... .. of ttorotge sod Ammo...to Gold a nd Haver COM bought mot *old. Office No. 53 Market street, between ad and 4th, httotuarglo r bi. ._. i eer3 FOREIGN SCXOTIA.NGE. • - - E ILL:g El;ll 4 awf, henna, and Septhand bought any amnunt at tbe Current Rate. ut E.O'aug , , Drat'. paynhin in any part of the ad Conmties. front LI to Elfdlat, at rho rate of Ild.to the !darling, Without &demon or &mount. by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, Europe. KIM General Lanni, odee fhb et ane door west oC wood. octindf a..I(II..IOLumJCIt. & R 11 -1 117 '; " 0.4 Ax i , V.,CH.ll. u t 11 . ..• of Arai., Boor Notes and of Coin. rtnier or ad and Wood directly opponte di. Charts* nmy I y W giptr.iLt FT EV DB Otuo 6u. n'i lLentnek7, ?aslant', liana Ploteal • pzerehuord 04 the km.: rues, by N. HuL.SIF. & SONO, sepl3 :13 Stark. .bent. BILLS o EXI3/1,114010- 2 Slgkictiiiii 'OE - New York, - Modelpkik. out(' Collimate, N. MIMI'S 4 CONS. 35 Market st ennnandy for vale by beptll llbit, do BUUIO. NEW 11(1111(:1Ftlft SUMMER , Prose Poe—Eureka. a Poem; re, the slisySierii and Aletaphy•teal Universe, by Polear A. PE. oe. , 4 handsomely printed, lihno cloth. 73 eta. 'We shall Eon greatly minim. If this work does not recall a prolututd iterisattost among the literary and smentifie cinema all river the Union, dwplityine s• it dung a reasoctog prism: Mal green of th.ight which rumor pomital, fail to excite be meetsl wotidet . of eve the utod cureless mialer.—Fxpress. Ni neveh and its Remains with an account of a ...it to the Clitildaewi Chriman a of Kura..., sod the Ve rmin, or Devil Worshippers: and as irquiry into the manners and area of the Aiming* Amyt tats, by Salton Dewy Loran`, Esq., D. C. L., in a eel., with miner ma illustration. Vile et the most remarkithle wish. of the age:—The Metes, (London.) Feb h The Oalamannor, a Levee of the Iron FLIT.. of Rocklaud county, N'. V .,by F.. Unitesemitb, with d. Irwin lons of Darter, ed. 13no. cloth, 75 eta J. Femumore Cooper: Spy; withew and Nelson. MI edition, revt.ed uy the author. new preface, he w to lw followed by the Pilot, In the same • yle. The Works of Washing ton {rime; revised •nd en larged by lie author, in Li elegant duodecimo volumes; Imainillthy primed In nest tnie, and on superior parer made expressly ter the po rpm.. For eby JAhPFL 9./ I.OCXWOOD. (for teeny yearn connected whit m.s.r. Wiley is Putnam. and late John Whey, N. V.L11.1 Wood at. 10111 Ale L has jail retirees from the FArtern ewes. 91 . 1 - Ift.ill.llN9Kli—livink' —The ('rayon comprwma 'The Pen or,' Abbotsford, Newstend Abbey Complete In ont voluierw—elcgoutly prpated. Comon—The Manner. aof the Levant Post beat Hasansted. A volume of more than ardanary ;merest, relating • aeries of moat canons amt ahem &among adventure • • • field occupini by the volume is almost i entirely new —Pomineretit I Advertiser. A honk of gentlemanly, !Mani, anbeilarly harmer. which remind* ea not a Mil m u 1 Ikeklunla Spnomb I ke minion., Or the vivid mutat n ronduseences of Eothon Literary World Cooper--(New edition Of ear.) , works 1.-7hwiapy, rtvimd. hr . with new tate dovion end eines. Com plete I eel. Umtarne wit a Irving , works 15195 book.p •nd the sketeh.l, oat were the firat Ameri ca +bleb mere aril versed? ocknowiedked contain a perinrmance 11.6 Well MI • PMansie• We well remember itic embus. oim with watch theywere received, and the proud experthtion. which ihe) awakened among the 'mend minded abroad hod the pat noue at h at lrving was woe chewed a mat by the aide of Gadinatith and Amino., and Cooper was translated in every coin. reap" ea o( connect. where tiny was felt In a to ren ll:ture —I aterary World For .ale by J D LOC ICW(104. lull we \\'n-d at t.W 111. A lAA -.Cot ,plete ores all Joan Al Allmon. .1.11 DD,In 4 volt Maeda and a ynyagai Hithez, by Nervosa Melville. Render Wallace of N ark, by W W Campbell. lien • Link and There a Uric, lay the anther of “Lire moat Inane, and Pierer. span Preempt" Memoir. of my Yot di. by A be Lantartme. Dlostramil Lke or Frank:in, port Mi. tealrereverd and for asie by .11.1rINSTON A STOCK Flirt. apJlcorner ?hard and Atarket pv HIX)Ks— Dt Coventry t Wert on Epidemte 0, Cholera, an History. Canoes. Pathology and Leal -11.114 Phtlowephy or Retie ion, by I 13hInrell. A NT DeturneN Catechism a the Slaait Ermine. Chamber's Pycmpodit of Knelt so Literature, vols. oemeo, fiee. edinan, erect plates Clmentrers• Alimelkany of Ilweint and.Eutertaining Knowledge—i 9 Nr. - Is. la too. I Matrated Advice to Voting Men, fay T S Arthur. rdt • e• Voting Woman, !Elements of hletcorMogy, by DrockleMy. hl A, 'n /g7.l=Mr Me People 1.• ldagoon Drilverdtv twereton,by ' Err Vat load. Preech i e lialsenn Income,. tot 1,107.--erhe of Doty eepptures tar ad ea me a men' I vt. :ern. No. I Frtudt Mai Lyle. illeatramo. Received Lbw day I, ti 1101 . W.1V14, ar.Jl Apollo Satan,. ot NEW' PIITILICATHINS. Finny on :he the L'nion of Chorea and limb be Haim , . ( v. Noel, hi. A. 1 eel. 19u0.-191.4. An entire edition ci this work ant/ gold In one siity, on IM pahllcation In Leiroton , Lei•es from Atargaret Smith a Japnai, an No vine of three heart. Day-1t7M.0. I eel. 13no. IJ , Itgyt Pcieris.—Skeirlom of Llfs sal Landscape. bye Rev. Ralph Iloyt—new ed. ettlarged—with inuarra , none. Itme. srpo A Cateettam of Cm Stearn &woe. Illustrative of the setentifit principle. upon which to depends. and the practical detail. of hs struertire. In ha applies. non In mass, man., mem, osetenuon. and mitirog, WIC/ In.rtOtlsur L.f C. I - 1. aol 1e...0 Cbeever'• Lectures on the Pe:rte.—ma ed. Immo free reduced to SI,. The Caxton.. I Family Houma Paw I Ire. Prank pa'. Pare, IV sad V Eau Thimpt , Ilattncnpvyl by PoCrrlo h l n nNTi sale u TY4Va ^:-g...<.- ~,. . t ,, 4 , - . e .-_ . i: _, -.,t1 . - :4 -, " Yer-- - 4" i : 4. 4 4 ,- , 0 j , ,_, ' 'ezj ` 4 r RR :1, I i O %i- , -L, - CIIICIEERING'S PIANO POOLT/53.. TOWN H. leliLLUft, \0. , 11 Wood avec, Luta Om pleaasr. annoonetag the arny al of a 'mew and viderudid fLaaortment of from•il,e- manufactory cent Jona. Chiellenng, 11 loston--among lbezo a 11.41116 . c Roiearood full Grand Sian. Forte. 7 0...vv. Al.. a superb square Mane Vona. 7 oetave, carard rosewood, ol the stile ot Louts XIV, nail • lately oi 7, di sad 6 oeuves, veloeb %m. 0.,. of poreoa.. ors La respecHulty JOHN H. btE1..1..0R. Sole Ale,. for Chiekrrlnes Piano Fort. ior Vt,:al arn Pron., i•anoa ay. === JUST RECEI V VI) and openum. a flffillyi new lot of etre ant 'Pinos, from the celebrated factory of NIIDO k Ciark, N V., comprising rol and 7 octave., "with import., imprevertreent, both m Meehan.. an d w pow.,•sc,l I,y no °them ALPO -A tux seircuon of Chickertitg's Planes, trona' @ 10 ; 0t1.1,11. IL KLEOCK. Mole Agent, at I. W. %V podytlM.S) Third rt . N. It. The whose will be sold at manufacturer. pri: <es, 'without any Miellkon for freight or expanse , ' manta Journal and i..11,:,ic1e copy • . :fair. o• •u. Then odic* jolt A SPLENDID ewer - Orient • Amy and Itoanwrood Plano, jaw fi. ishett These mammon" aro med.. et the latest pattern and be•t materiel and will be aold low for eutt by F. IILUAIE,III Wood creel. door above Fifth. N. IL—Thase who are In leant of o good instrument, •re reapectlotly matted toexamine these before Per enwoug elw: where, as they cannot be excelled by any In the rountry, and will he told lower than set) brought from the FAst Alool net reerived, two pinto. of Dem burgh manuMetare, warranted to be .uper,or to uny ever sold.. this country, nett) — SaVV I h STALUIMILAT. • • . ;INPAIItiNrIt manmartucesi and and rim. feeard by MOOT, Matra Winte, of i emal coinpasio and elm ril being Imi (oar octavo's. Mew, M. A. V. acesadanee with the general nacre nod demand, bars extended be se•le of thee. s.iiiments to 41 and escis octave., ilum mlt: g mil:manic to perform upon them •uy music wntten (or to. man of Organ. "I we este-nor, also, Inas been much t.tir toyed by placing the body of the instrument upoh oratttraan Itarne beaultnaly brained, and ornamented, rentlanna it at *hoe a moat elegant and catrentely desirable amme. Tim prier pot so lo lo bring aerial/It 1110 reacts of cwt one to obtain a perfect raosioal twarament, and, at am mine ante, • men elegant {neer of torn t• tthat ler u antnpayaure vide. Al W Woody...ll's (lIREAT MUSICAL NOVM,TY. , :Iite. - has mst received Irons Eurcpe, aml :or an eatirely new irmrabois of 1,00 Forte, entlha tue 0.411- h:T PIANO FIJIITE, which po .. .. tag more t.attet , r ond Immo.. than Me mawsr. Piano, occupies bat one !mirth as intieb room. mid m much noire Mow.. and handsome piece:of (armoire It t• particularly hta ata., the haval(, 01 apnea Is net olarch Lelny ez. <medium]) Taunt .1:14 cbutpael, mid occup) mg po more toms than • small ode uthio The sia,,er.ber has .0 hand • ...mental of its superb: nit) Imint 1110 cemota mtl pianist, Alm...clic, ,n his own band wraing,mbirb may be ampected. 11. IMELIE.II, ssetiZ7 All W %%oenivircii.s 11;ra . rt . cetvv,l urrd tor stsin at M9II. effililyi austere. twee, IL,/ arm, new l'lnnu i °rte., it, ei and ; oclavre, el We most Octant patterns gr . Walt., Euttl woh tue late itstptured twat, AWo on hood and for gale low, 3 second bond P/1.- 04 JUIIN It 3111.I. , I(:, Solo Agcnt for ClocActingls for Wcilern Wood .Iced. wow, isMUSIC RI HENRI Lam of Summer, math an inizeriluedim aii4 1,, illidin vu. readmit lot the I'mao lone, as pertiinutd 1 MI Lis coder rts the United Staler by Ilebri Ilea Military Potli,a, by Hours Her; biool. Polk, tter Bell Sulk, " Joel rrectved td . . r tochl.l JOIN II NIELLOII,,I wood E:•rnl••• ANDSOLFEtiI.IIO:‘, wnb Yllurcompanement for Ibt. run-forte, adapted to the wows of pravale pup.; or classes in vocal musk. Selected from 'tenon, French and Urnoan composer, oy Lowell blepon, C o r s e pyresloof closely printed mum, ea...ming Ind progreesPrely arranged. Price 75 cent.. Jeer recuyed, • .apply a 1 the above. direct front the pobitahore, by /011 N /I 151 F L.L.LI itY.ANS-0 boi. mt., past mem smi yy sole by 3u13 W R At'CL'TCIII.T.NI jjERKINGS-9311 bia Tie I !aia rour. ed, se atop and for gale low to close consigns Coeur by J AMEN DisLZKLL. Woe, a g Clark. As's It CRali Lleoc.—W kj roe ball received a supply of wane and colored CM.. and Crape Lase—Molt, the lover green mud oiler clearable color.. Also, Mute, pink, and blue Sat and Warb Blonde. jell ( - WININE—SW el Fires, fees seela and tar sale by Icog 107 E A FAIINEBTOCK k CO - - titral: - .: , ...1 .--* -..— 7,0. 1 " nra.,..4.704:41,1 t : .; ... - ".. - i 4r 4 C ;.."3/40.Pilnr35!siti=r' :••.; tiV ‘ ;t9 ' r 7. t S " S 8 1 Atill f '-'a t: ' ':4 . f # V f.a •,N1 ; ii eati 2 2: -ice :ii v..iiv.i,tvE4.:..re. 5 .a.ii.T2 0 : it,:ftt gt ~ , , iin i • 12) I ti: 4 :3l , Er *:4 - 7 . a tiftlZiTini I# S,ltittZi'-,5 41 -, I ?`' a b'Ett, .1 • al to i al qi eit e l g 6. if iaz get...llEog 1.1. g 1.- 'le .t, ' 5 riEvsA s a,;ri,,,F,,,sf, i• i 4l. 2 . ICC 3 V 4'; '. ii El iriP lll : - 2!. -.2:.8,.11,3 ~.7e. . 5 ...; .i• ..! . :: il - . 4 -a ! ; I. g e;-21..iititi ...- i ii. : : : - ii 1.- ...: —.. -,t.Ee--.-•51.....b 2..,=. - ,meil er n. i 3 ;?, ?,4:1,111. e. 1 ,1 7 - tf.nt5..415,.; &V , 1 - 2 S-:;734 4 % e f1 ' i gl. =SU I!: 1i....4;4 • z °::-° IlL':t..V.I-ln .. -22 V. • *6 t ° .-S• 2 - - - '•= 9B I.g Itz ~..? - -- -- _...g ....a.•.g.a.. - zi.-,...„..,....,_ .....„ ,_...i i lE ,.. ..... i t-0.„.._;,..)..;;.11"11.;.,,, .. *1- El O :-. • t 2. q:;.11V - ;- ,, -1..4 4 5':i7.-123 i-, t ! ' 5.,;-•:- . zett 4-7, %1 1* Ei ca K , ,_ 62 1 c 224 _l gig 2'. i. r- .. . ex L i t E g e g pn as lgi , .. .1.2_ 1 5.0 , E I . i e, 5 el. Vif .i: Vied r,;:zsaargir El r. g I CD i: i -- t mft t:',2, = '4 -0 r%itg::i7:o.4sg Ei b 6 4. - g :11.015ti1..;' 3 .1146't ' a :t { c' 2 1 `O l4l- t/ al q •ir r ' l fi l ; 1 1 .21t1 lilt! &li s t a t a ta gi 1 S; . . 0 it I egr 1 ... II 3 i s e ti it ' •A15..f1, , ,; tt: g 1 14 I*. 10 t : 3 * Eit-Si.girlt.:iltl. 0 t ai, c..) z ... 1 l;7 -,3 0 . 7 7,,elP 2,2- }Cg i ei- , ...?. :7 e * n ai-z cc _1 rrvi4 4 7, % 4 : E - t i.i'4!=rs.ci-Vitinzt,;:_t. ~=l.t.tt {....• 5 - P 4 .=“g. 'i:'• .q....ii,4 2, -ii 1 :;.' 1. 3. • •:? . '4 11-- ,?, I I _ .5 . :%C. re mi.in s , .„.....,.....1., _ .„,„ -,.„ A -: ~ .: - K-g,P.e.V....•i•19:1ee =. ... 0 .zt•--'::::::....isrzt.l;,..atz:r-!4,2:zt. 7 5--) 1;...F-, ..,,..c,. , __=,..... I. 2.=.:t'''',:d.0.tf,41.gAr,7.i.. .g 6 a E L. 7. .- 4, e-1, ,-z: . E. ..= •:. ;,-,'41-zILIrs-",...tr.r..8.,!vaz:., • - t , .`• a,t1.1. : c.,;cie..:.„.fg,z....2a.i10g-ti-20,5;,-„P fg-'l5 '' I , -) ..7.1`.-.7.;=1.:.,,z: t,g . :“,.::;:„.P . .4 (e* a ...f 2,-1.7,-..if6=Elr.2P°.-ielE'-i.-.lz:izi -.• ~-; 1 - 49 , 4%z 7 . , 5q - -±. - .Y,1f . ,; , ;pf,.. -- 3's r; a p gz. ,. .,“:-.--.21,..i: i t -j-tre.;1.:2E. , ...mat - 1 ' •:5 ',..f,3.31, ilk - I'Si/ 3' 'i - _, - r --r sl. 13 '''.iill'lll;:-'!"..2,11'..f.t..t?vi11 - .1.: -'f . f I.t.gfri;-.-.7.(1.0.1M: 1,.‘ 1 5 ' e .1- .4 ...r23751i .1:3 ;i 2": n 1 4 .:4 4 °5: .i. .i.o. .4,---.: C 'r- , -!^.. - ! - - ?." '" ,, 12, ...... 7. "'.i . a E. --L . l;. - -: a ,_,- -- g. F •it ICC snl 1.- F.;',1.-7i*i.s.sliSll3:''':2s'l-:-._l iiiil.t.; . ; ? ti..l,tE= ..--;. -' t ,' 0 a CZ .Z--y.,;-_,-,;••=q2.,..--*ti;;f--"iZ.::g4'..,:, - ...t .,1 !.i . ="1 -. • .1-7 ...... ~ , , e -- 4 6 ! •er -: - -5' , •" 3 ' R. =- ..i , ?St,f. - (F.r.= , - -- ii:;: _ :6C ;a i. 1,41.:-.ZgA;I44:-;, -,- gril=n= - -1...J.,i- '=. ..-.1.'4“—,,;_- cq e .!.;: , i . . -7 :f.: : ,.: ., ..,.1-1_ - 3 ” - 7. - AmeNTl4.-WM JACKFIOII, JOHN D. brOBGAN, Pittsburgh. D M. C1.711114 - 7illegheny City, A PATTERSO:ii, Birmingham MEDICAL. asierstva . 3INBENG PANACEA! • tr TTIOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED unprecedented modem arida lin, mended the me of the IGINItiniG PANACEA ell the •artous ferns which ntdon of thrill/111Mo tnicii, hat induced the ptoprietor again to MIL anon' boa to ins WONDERFUL PREP ARATICIN, rho ,t..4.4.,Nfaita• .•-••••• • •e/itotsthil 'Miner mtmthitr, is arrant helltilliTiintaliT COLDS AND COUGHS. • Mete, If neglected, are bat the pectentera of Mu 611 leather., coo rho otterlon, then, how obtall'We of the death:ovate the hod? how .hall we get t he o fear ocatghs and std., is of vital Itaportance to the public. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be found to the (Amens Panacea- hi proof aftlia we have from mon to tune published the °natant' of imam . of our her known enithos, one Inn 'inert' thsred no euratt an power, Thane IN tea newsy from 4.11 parts of We contry,from MEDICAL MEN OP THE FIRST EfFANDINGs.„,, Remmers of thafjospel, /Re., neither withreoplocceuoi tem from the JOURNALS. OF TILE IIAY, ore have embodi ed m paraphlm form, ape ma/ he 1.10." of toy lg.TWII/13 4 1 1 ° 4 °. °°°°"- • have been used In this city. THOUSANDS AND' TWIS OP THOUSANDS tbroushout the Coned States and Commis, tood am." tense any man le point out a EINGLE'INTSTANCE a welch, when taken aseenlileg tedlretaloni MID* , hire the limn had become fatally. thaorstmondt. IS luta over fafieLl to EFFECT A PERFECT CURS Why r then, need the alflicted hesitate NAY nothotte the emovrable nestritichiy VIA= e ler the assumed name of soon ce orrand phr. Liman, and puffed taco notoriety by certification Cl pitr• runs equally unknown! Molar • thedietn - Of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY to be had, win. vomiters UV it hithresonne 144 01i ptha—otauy of whom it has SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE In order that iltuirmainabie medians's:My be plaited within the reach of the poor no Intl* rich, en hone I pat the Prec ' For. fit , Steal:an, a/ as sann-, —•— I ONLY FIFTY CENTS, PJv oo ld ynt. cnop, at Drake* Breali, nog rat one half the mall mina enaltartedleinthl. • Dior droo in the Fit. /a r. tor sale by our Kann. in newly Loam Lod rims cow, FEF:r—l.ever Comnlamt, pain in the Chest over the seat, Who me preened Rs, ,oss and Stnalmis o donne ham or the ether oecompm Warne to IL 1, SALM Preprfoto_ . , met con fret. into t o th o f true remedy.' it Cloadoesatincomatothinthet Le waysre elan oleos,. to hot told feet. , S. Y. \ N.Hizolis EIN coo of 'the Ointment wtll Jif dozen of Dv Towaseniro Genuine Sarsaparilla, riado krop ninth tram Mew Nth Fer Viv reed never toot ried and for rile try R I? SELLERS, Itotioalr'ed with them If ther hoe it Terquetilly. AY Wood in. only Alen% for:Pittobursh. • ' DJ - 'tin. Othunent th Vled . 40 00 5 WIG t? , the bed/ too Hy UII CURRY. Agem fier Allegheny or lizob• ashen tudamed. lo en.* .000. " - 11Y - DROPATIIIO ESTAXOLLSINULYNNAC• upon. oft.. mt:tilttaClett. ten.ei_ r , - 1.:1.1111:4-140 tAnnnent . 011 1. , re.... "" L n . the 1)R. FLAY AHD ACRIKII, takiat lair mewls Ole , ' name of /AMES Me ALLOWER wont. with • psu , -No on every 12..1 for tbe e ateatc torw nair ge ho haa reccind,.anfoff For sate. hy Lay Apo. to all the KnltthFe' 004 e. cod thrones them tht ho Lon lately erceled ,large and Worm in the United Mama 'nil commend. building, for the . exelitsice putposes JAInD3 AIeALLISTER, of Mn WATER CURE ESTAIILLSILMENT, et Ins /old Sole P.M..? th4theth „, , • locomn, at Phillipthursh, Fa, on the Ohio TIVe t i Lipp, Prtnesput lane. No.'Notta b0.r....‘ . .• rub' ante the steamboat landing at Seaver h wbemticismady adeinhva. to receive pawn. m hearten, sonircat them ito Ily. P RICE CENTS YEE dmitathte princoplm. In addition to hi aspe Ae me. t.nioun — Ht 4 th, once, aril t o stem nem, • watch hm heretofore at -I...thm, and St than . ~ 0 00. • tendsd Ina treatment of pattento nominated ta bazaar., , t to ," also corrteccl A. 4 •• he Me now the midland fatilitles Mforted try an all.• Santifirld Lth. II Comel• ceruct. o4 .^ d temive trolang erected exprecoly ntschanaepAc, tea- Son wari, and wed at Ike hooastege tnastallehl y co iv rah „ , n. ~„„, pr=oud tu Alnenny etty by HY , mny neeenrary omparauth bithing, and d die xrav•rth . it J soneenh bY th 4 thtlut Dthenoth /Dr - teries the treatteent to anaemia. beneht And emblem It Nsnie ,berty, II Rocrorod, them.: Phillimbursh to most de/Rental end 1 tsset. !ill Clay; N 1. o aath on a he, and J T tweets, thownthathi Jotm faido eui .haestane.*Ater. Dr. Acker , mouths 1.41101, 1., Aft, agietit.t. tnes.e .0,,.1 , pnrautta who may plane them:elves an- bOl . deodby der hot care, that every attentlon than bovoid comfort; and cc emanate ofthesubstantiodbenelin to be denvod, panto with cOnfidence to the hon . deeds ten Immobeempermaeonthy etteefi 'ay hif cant. lisitineet... Wittet CO.. leallea le. Wilde. eilketh behtud, l• Olte. the ....,Fi4,ilwoo,vdm twee been treater t o the old tryinein . .. mmovca the dia. ease, invigorate. the system, protects froorthe /Langan maiden tu hinnies of dm *ember, etymon a natural and acme apnutet andnmartonlgor tatmlistetion powers. Terme of tteittinellt For forth.. panic:Ware ingaire at th ecatantonMMl, ar cadre. the proprietor at rhlllipabargh.. attrAd • M'ALLISTEII'S OINTMENT . CONTAINING N 0 - .- ‘ ,47 .f01e.,. MERCURY, or oilier Mu sZ,\ ~. 7, - ~,-• nest -It he. power tn ..,:„ ,c. ..„, canoe all V.XTERNAL ~ A...,..• I,V# 50101 , ,, SCROFULOUS .. • I. g . r. InTitOELS, OF WS ce,... ..., NF. Ali If et. POISONOUS . r -7-1 , i..,:'• WOUNTO to due-boric t . ...,,,.., :!... ~., t,ll7,lLulida.m.amitets, Ana '....„.. li ' ~ .......;4 . l tAA.ifftt li -1 .11A 1 71k - 4".-(....:. 4".- ( ....:. i . --' tern i 6 se L ale ' :l N° i die -1 ~,t -- $ . 5...5 p If i' s. I' t.ne .11,11.11 of Lutrtattf, a. - thut it was benefit. • 'i .. , 1:'...1. , - I Laic used In let fer the last el./teem years for all duthases of the °hest, involving the tanto.l danger end-responsibility, and I de h clare. before heaven runt man, thet north one cam a. It (Sled to hutch! when the pastern was snthin the reach of math! we.... I have Ind physic-ma learned irt the peofemuon. I base rnmoncr. of the gospel, 'lodges of the bench, ai de= ea, Intryer.. nerakn of the highs , . ernd... , and I.l . l.turle. of Inc poor no it bt roar} ....11 . 1 way, Etna 1.1,cc hAa hcen Lot one voice-one univenel 01 thiting-nfiI'ALLISTER, YOUR OINTAIMST lb 0001) . " 1111PUMATISAI-It removes thifost thinviedirtely the ptilamtnalltte Itt.t! railing, vibe n the grain ceases lE$ ail the do cruone around tbahall . AU10:11E-The salve has athedPe... , ef the hes ..c ho of twelv• peers standing, and who had It trio s , -, ry week so that vomiting reek plow. EAR- A.C.I, YouTISACIIR and AGUE IN THE FACE, aro oe.,,ed with •it e .uceesit. Y. Ai ,D HO, D.- w e have noted cvsei that ...FRr deh server) thing known, tine well as the al.lity of LI. I 0 at Its ChAlltrett strlthOtt any benefit, when a few eaves of lantreent eurel them. I ETrElt-lliete is nottissig better for We cute el iOninr SI'S:SY-It .• one of the best things St the world for !toms PILE-Tnousarsts art yearly cered by this Oinp Mutt- It trat,ol Mt. pert.i relief the the Ptles. YD . Around the tax directions Inc using ITV list.rOs 01..sentfec separates Isere Complaies, &rips. /as roue, C/tobloos, Stelst Bead, dose Eva. Qeseql, SOI4 Tfooat. 1i.....i.u0r, Nercow Affecteowt, Pains. Ca. .....fthe Solna Head mete, asthma. Ithohosi Ear ads, Sams, Cores. all Llamas. of sh( Sess. Ears Lips Sur sus ,fe . Paoli., 0 the lsells ths, /thessm s" - ' W A TILIf. GOTT id:liff ATBIaIBI.I.III/0 Wl 4 , PlllLii^ettli NU, I . A. runt; rapid modes shack Illydropethy his made g. once Its .ntriatuction torn Ohio asitintrr-the brit- Loot and L.:a:lndian; cc:reeve effects or coal water In thrdhie and acute eimases, whim employed after the eiedirel r. , 'he role mated Perrettr, have removed fr0m ,,,,, ,1 0 , an .A ...,. e • et welt di.certistior public every particle oi lot s. ir. de efficacy, end to n ant rfle la VOr COo4,dertrlK Ile unsausfactory reeults .1 rerard ee beretoforr seed In the treatment of chrome aten:amts. ttomplunta too, winch are inervesing ev ery yeat,) it soot be a natural wish to see the thee.* of a mewed by Wharsh so many unfolumate mfferets will be (mod loom 11,4 pains and In fi rm:dues. Tre sub.nner easing prectimd .sic fill) this method ma rural years at hie tlydrepathth establish. event. a li.it sea beau emasiderality eniured and im proved In all et prts, awl ta rye espect,. I. WOW ~ ready to retort and accommodate Faucets who may a r e choose to plate themselves wider hie care; skill end ..r tar ' lctGrp7ors. rite and apen tbil left bank of the Ohio, art opposite the mouth Mitts Dm Deaver, is well tn..o f.. 1 for no refreshing and salubrious ...ashler., its do- a t e behind quietness and churning natant scenery, coat- : fit bolter every tespucse to render the tomato of, the in. an •alid agrceritia, and contributing not a tale to set. b e thaluti impaired health slid physical strength. The establishment, the het startvi in the United i sr lltaies. con a:ono every thing, both for pia aeure .4 1 , evimien, calculated to insure a speedy lad happy the- 1 a uen of die ailments of th e Patient. .ti l'esons withieg to sand thereselees of the advent.- , I got here offered, will please address the subscriber .. e by .ttcr. (rmst-pald,l sorting asnear at hateable the .otturn of tbeir complainte, in order to decade end ed.. vise on their fitness and curability by thq llydropottue treatment, and else what will be oeccesary for them to take Cana, (or their Cfpedal 11114 . 1011101111 Yoe. Ellt% AHD AilliEg, It. D. Proprietor. Pitlithebur„, Deaver county, Pe. j Rirrentecie —Hoed. Hillikelle, Atmetrong - , I'. D. Clerk. Es q. do. floe. Thomas Henry, Deaver, P. Dr. hark, r. ~.n ; Prot. ch Ono, Pittsburgh, Its; Is. C. Pet Ito., h.q. Uhio, Rev. es 11. Sated, New' AibertY i Nor. .11 Al en. Princeton, N. 1., T. L. Steno., Fret, 'Sr w Perk, Dr. tai. t': inter, Pbilipobarg, W H u, . Me- Ostinel. flat. r u.:'.titiglt. A:Did...ell, Elm, do. I'liCl AL SYSIPTfrilt3 OP CONSUMPTION.— ° gab, hocking cough, general wralistess, rn, sassy steep. variable appetite, Irregular bowels, pains twtween the shoulder blades behind laraw-ilma ~ T oirrafra or CoNealiPaina—Conghing algal and day, fl abby onwele*, cenerul de Inlity, great ettortne•l of brtth Or. goinn .P stair mwendMg • hill,, or s a lt ine bat a Wile fast, . pulse always inlays one handed, tor yetis together, drenching cold .vre•ts towards morning. Catarrhal ihinsumputto carnal on like a common ea.ntt or cold. but abash the penotradirn' that dis• ease . expeetedlo subside, wine of the symp toms are aggravated. The eoaah la more trouble some, e nwe,ally when lyteg down. There uno Axed pain ln chess., but dam.; breathing. which is woman lyine dawn. The , aptenee of - the cope t u r a non, which is copious Is changed from a thick yeHow inres, to • thinner substance. It is vory ttlittc patient, and emits an onpleunnt smell when Intined II Is of an'unlflarra appearance, and l• probably • mixture of pus and mucus, as On trdaingla with water part maks and part swims, This elteeue may rear in any ur at e, and is <hen.- ..sed I.y the 'wash:wave( the canals. The flotsam of Liverwort agree. the slue alibis in sidious disease by expectoration, soot!. and heals the elected lanes. It never foils. Wherever this Medi. onto b. br. awl, we hear of its success Fur thir teen ) ears it has.b•vn before lika public, and has been thornochlv i t for all complain. of the Lungs, and has roved itself •Spenor in merit 10 any thing in au. Mot wain rive hundreds of testimonials from ph the pers., clergy. end those who have an ru• ed but an we dovire ts to cell the attention of the al untied, and for then owe good they will try it. Loaf rat (or counterfeits: Always observe the sig. Tay tor, M D.,. on the 1.411.Ved eil at lae Wholesale Depot, 73 Beekman s ' iree ' t! Yew York. nend in Pittsburgh by D Morgan 93 Wood J Townsend, t 5 Mullet et, II Itmyser, ear Market and us 3d s, Henderson kCo, 3 Liberty in Price minced eldth Per , onic^ mrtll • n t," l 7 fur, i s to e 7 o, Pik. Mr Jelin LI Morce,, —This is to cern'''. that I have I.e,e your Vrtmliner foracme time. say olmin nne eur-- m' in 11111114 Mo have never known it to to full in bringing worms away, when the symptoms indicated presence. had occasion to give it to tw o gr o an op members of my family; Igave each of 111010 one and on. of them paned thel.mid the oth er eve r we rats. U is the beat Vervintage that any man ran aso in los family. Prepared and sold by /NO. D. MORGAN, I)raggrat, t l.,nr below. Diamond alley, on Wood et. job I) ll l i otl T :F'o r tat::it l r .n y: " ti a n / n e e d , Thfo ' inFo ld l ' ld ' , 7. t .Pr e e r ; r x pbui-. NVhite Preemitate, Cyanuret Potash, host re ruined end for sale by 1112 IL E SELLER, I - IRUrie! DRUUS. , — ll Chinoidine, Chloroform, El, Bart Precip (Mid, Iron, Nitrate rtilver, Oil Carmine, James I'oseder, Citric Sold, Chlocide Pnda. Chlorie Ether, Etirtiet name, Extract QUILS.I... Jit•t reed and for sale by Ft E SELLERS, lull 57 Wood at itniNF.C. I I:sts Is" L/F DA.—lt decomposes the pros or ;toccata prtnet pie of all ...Popo. diseases. It removes the danger .. sille•.s at pelt rooms, Lc By its cleansing one, gy relieves ulcers, turd intercepts all oormantsidable d‘....es.whether in man o animals. bre. Jost mold and for sale by 1111 11.r r SELLIIIRS . A T tbo sips ol Kane and Sat., 75 Wood stoma a a complete amortotont Cmcionati Ceopom Tools. for sale by rap. HUBER 8 LAUPAIAN MACIAULAT'S lIISTORTOF let's sdamo, easttaining all the molter, TroThafire ct Mentor, of Vols. I and 9 of the London edition, am brllished with a portrait of the aother-1 Vole. In one. P„ ‘ ., ea pieta. 60e. A large j zadt ophe abronatte , eeived and for sale by I 11 hltid..lZZ ., teeing TINIISOLo Ttt, COCOA AND LlROMA—ltahrth lj Drama. No t Chocolate anti Coca; also, Schmitz meet rowed Clow:tome, ton toed and Our Ws at the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth at. mrAl n—torcnuy.l ,y crKstioa 11.14 Y pave:l.l zugars,jzim nee'd by um bbt w the Nowrai Bum, 711 Fr...lb gar 02y1t4 MEDICA.L. UMMZMT the have been inhumed by Dre:llhee 'aveen per krrevedmrher by Dr. Jayaze , a Altarertlyrerortieh proves rupvr,opty over every other remedy of the kirpt atm bea been afflicted tor the lastsitteen years vrph Nlc trDf, or W/DTE tsw oraa Nos, attended :rem ulcerate. and enfolleilon of warbilieed;ate,dez ring welch ureereariny pieces Itevebeendbreberged (rote ice .runtal Item of the cranium, froze boPrhdr ems, mt% awe hands. acil hien botb.lega,auld from the heft Gone, and Irma the right anee,beetlavaltsinita leen, on ether parts of her p 0 ton, whteh !mac 6401041 the sir of a asciber or the moat s iaed plrysierabaof oar v.—derma most of the dat bet earlbrthlte have bora eternmeng and deplorable. .SlSell Agee meddle 1 tame the wit Induced LO try Di. Liartes I which big had an astordtbnigly happy effect apes hot,. by reainvinj all pate sad sarclfiegv, tuadVaniutS the elects la heal, conch al th e tame Ilene at erre eo.pletely filLlStrAl,go that the mw *digits ILt more then she did before she commented thetsel of the , truly valuable prrepaboevit. Eve. Post. Fm forthrr ink/ma/lon, impure of bin. Rose, No. IRS Filbert at, Phliadelplea. Far estate Paraldirgb, at the PEKIN TER STOVE, Foarth near Woad. jyd mo }vat 5 4 .1 1, 1 7, 8AR5A WlLLAVlter it eli mow entrmidinsry nostlicine lbw in the millet Th Ex. pact is pat ef: 14 quart bottles. It is teatimes cheaper, plemeater, nod warranted superior to my sold. cures dmesso without routhlng, paging, elckarninr • debilimitte the ponent_ . Lout rcal barrAnoNs—lloptinciptsd persons bare copied out labe:e mg put by me...theme in the sante tamped bottle. Se.; that each bottle has the mitten ulf• naltue w(& P 'Townsend . - 8. • • - . EL E. SELLERS, Ih4grat,67 Wood sweet, betweori and .o Fourth, is IRCloursisend's only whdowlsto d remit agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine riles con Le had. •. D. 61 . Curry has boon appointed the solo sigma for I rallogmeny city, of whomdb. geoulne ankle mambo had. an a A, - A. U.ltdti, tv:i7t.T.i U. I. Fauirawice, U. %V. Faligion W belesal• Drag Store to the City at N. Ifierit. UE andaralgad .n ealansluly limn* b {b.' T holesele Drag boelneis al NA U Jobs meet, in UM guy of New bort,and are pruners,/ to eupp/y lime mars end emintsp JblorchanUi WO Drugs, Puma, Ole, Nye-M.le, TOwligtl and Amierieu Perfumery, denet, A overiali alMtier'• Cbemmkals, fort/Leh' urn ml m 'Anon)lnbar aka gm their Unser bads •ens. of • supstio h.aa ll ty low ow they Moe be pans ititsel In skis or any aaateva et). New rork. FAUNFIPTOCIC r • Dr. Wicker. Col aaaaa ed ' CHOLERA AND I.lLikeoo3.l REDICINES. TIJ . F. politic re remoulded to read the following err. beat. Thie medicine extensively aged to an the tiodihern and Euteni . • • We do certify Marl), Loan Wicsvc.'of Tack, rank under hu care and nranagromd, on or about lbe'. flat of October lost, a young man laboring nl.der a anarh of .AMatie Chol" That we exam- Item the and portent, and found hint to be is the Col lapsed state, of Mat dire U!, with Ccequentead copes. nea water discharge. Th al are praceadced slasccen ol gebtsdne Cholera, and declared moreover tarn we behoved the said pourer woo beyond Wallops elated, teal red. In fact ace thorght she haircut would ree, and se declared at the time • We further certify that e sat a a 'Marie . per soca hie It mode of treetment, aa4 adeurdatered at. Cholera Remedy, effected a etleo at the paUent. We jllll/{ . four dale theecaller the Ista yowl MP we. at work, ad perfectly erelL • Joaer C. Dmurr, AL IP. T. 11. DOP:lrer, AL A • certify that I ei•hed it owe of Modified Cholera an. der the care of Do. Loots Wiekey, and that I believe b. medicine relieved hica, nste of Maryland. Wetahmyton Cram, to wit t I ‘'entlY lbw 1 am men am/calmed teak the gentle. awe who have Wglbed I/10 entklrs certificate. ,01 , Dr. Loins Ditchey, and they are men of rv.pee•abtuty. • In testimony whereof !hereunto vetwenbe my t. a name. and 0140 the teal of my *Zoe, this bat. went* day of Nowitober 2 vlklimeis bandied and thirty-Dace. O.W. NVILLIAMS, Clerk Weshington Comity Coen. Maryland. I witnessed the adoslnistranon a Dr. Leah Witt y's preparalas for Cholera, in the ease or u appren tice to the plasterms burns. in Ode Web (Ibsen. learn.) NZ seas a well marked case of Asiseee Voss Ic-a, with dee seater smossauens, 'cold elatmelahni mnd tongne, small tremulous palaca-1 considered hi. anunort traly critics/ and rtUrrnintr. I saw him pro morn to Dr. Wlekey, and wan present at the Sehhletiee tendon sla n g hint sou of medicine, and um him re peatedly oaring the attendance of Dr. Wlckeyi he re coyemd so as to be abbi to =mho and aunt at hla trade In a rem days. i us sore be Wok none other bin the leteditina heminised by Dt. Wicker. Rte.. Darer, A.t. D. and rentdee Do. Wreurili Cinders, and Diarrhoea Medicine la prepared sad seld'whOle- Ale and retail, by JOIDIII MORGN, Des:tight jedicimst cru door below Illassend envy. IVened a =;U GIIaTBFUL for the sary'llbaral erseentragamara 1 have recessed fordo many years. 1 hays alma, synod to contrite my baslnass sonstderably. Ilayttsc vgzsglibad • competent FOTIMS., 1 will be enabled to all orders prourpda, and do the work In or anal style and as fat: prices, and ask lbw attention of mer- Bchants and citizens to my /and rusk OBBPIIOLBTE. Y BC*ll9 nod Bela i Malnues ud Bedding, Clt r'l M. :rh'it= u rurP , aver? arddle lnrept la an lLanen or t h e kiwi Orden ronlectfulry solecitedind.ptotemße tended to. N. B Carpel made gad '"" d '"""wli. NORLR L ARDI-lo tie 1 fe , Vi mus am .JU )4 6 • APPLAB-4011 busk In te r tat, s. 7 ., • _ . lIISCELLANEOUS, before—m.l.on the , dnasloPrwel , ed ESA= WWI= anost fashionable Easternostterne =dewlap. 11W THE CLIEAP - 80144"ei 6MIUN MIND, aq, kind or made ordet ell elsettotaded altonalsi • Unitary March.. lute others are a Thad to earl sod eds.aie the above for theesselves,ae all will be sold wholesl. or mall, anti • liberal- dealudeas mule So 5e11:444e purchasers. • inldl7 ' S WFSTRIIVELir Nollso terttse Publics • VVE hereby walla oat [um& and doctespcnadeeol at Lorna and abroad, that we Null not, ago= Faceive fresgat from .7 Boat aaa ulpet J. Newton JOll.O. ba6eat.. - apll ftIIODF.9 & ALCORN. ITHIN KELLY & Oa, (W;ensers 111 . Hehb,yraw , t, • brener Co, late Jdarehant nanny) No., Iteil CHESTNUT Street,. above Third, Thiladelplda, bet Leave w Inform thew. Mottle sad purees that they hoe foie:Stud the lawn SPRING AND SUM.M.M YASMONS, -with • large anortrohtt of NeurEmts GOODS; eamptistog Clothe, Caraimeres, Voodoo, ka oToty doomplion—ail of oftdeti are of diet:omelet vitn. having bean carefully eetoeue4 Pants, Aunadoto trisitinft.? bilottelh fus despond*. ty nod to call and CIO/Ili= thew oatenalve, atoeh. ItUDBER PASTE--Just reeeivin4 grow, bard. of /lubber Dow, a topenor _up MAO topilnant to porton., That wish to-keep their ((ens dry . It rsvesta the lorher. freateroldtv, Lek tWATZ it E, "°'; ,l 3 th " r In'47l.r.lerr Gown 4301a131113010310 004131111 i.0..0/bV.villnolVialoplaunfacturat of JEW. ; T PA. Y, ,nvlkea viholeardo dealers and pedlars tea ., fikash 'Cotlntry stareiteepeff to oall sad am.. hula*. of Jewelry, syllah aria Is• 401410 thettldreit pflees cash or approved scoop. Um. Conatantly . liana and manafactoring, a Lange 1.414,11.1.11 t suitable (OrCp , at tognirry 11.115. • 0. A. LASER, vOrlhe.of.Fentoll d Ilnwals ars, op =try a • aplealiva Pholaaaloilla Elapspaskss. .1114VING purchase he n of Ow largest Facto. 'Wu Its the had; (Now York, rtat.d.elphla mad • lien toone,), a large amortment of the 0500.1 and most =mated stplcil Or PAPEU flANtil:st.S, DOSIDEII9., tl% LO prob aad rio allIT: Pattgo7 4 •l ' o 4 tlzO w tril e'll.' ereappessoteln t he F.az.ent market, I would lo- wee the oitoo d ood of those dewntag to Love Thou papered *oh the of 'apes of paper, to °Mni ' et.litto my .10ck,balgra purelmelug clewed/twee ' 1 have mow on the way !rem the but., :AWL pieces,- of Oold,came Glazed, and common Paper ITuogi_exti, 'whols I cam WI bk pure. TlLOgtoj ftOm 126 got to Oa Tiede. =mita d C 111,1,1.,,b7 wood. et . .- - n.i.,rsii.i.kirig. ETAVPIO lut casuptesedma rebectinsgefees smoker atultgre Nl7l e th o e n nsrst ' us g e ' rl so " ftl i b'o ". ilOrn l e7. ''''''' The house, are food web all Oto modern improve ments, mud we capable of commuted MO,IJULI lbs. each. 61F.fl &JONES, Canal Basin, of , . neueSsecuth at joßnirrAtuPAPirrO-Ilitririftlt;otelosive.4lo4 L foe Ma sale orthe Mid liens Principe Paper, IS. If. 'a G P. Markle, leroprwowo we era, be conausotty wpsusee slush all, the MK - creel smelt of esperturtid!detrt erluch we offer at the lowest replar prima. AM NOLOA &3111 FE, tel.M comer Peon and Introutur ..-- ---- InfQ,CESNE - NVO/Mils --. . PACILF.XAN, 11.Aft,bleald le CO. eontistoe to emu. kc-At.tt1f..,%,7.7-,g.,-.1,71, ...tie,* FM ma, all tad*. toghlhar with Coach turd Ehipuet donne, hi( Pa; Tapet auslcommon at zkra. Maytag reduced too prim:tot Wrought Iwo Nuts, tmgine builders and others using sbe ankle, Still dud lima to Weir mocrestWo gwo tirtmororvoramorolPtrulortzglt usturea Mort attention. Coach inmemnp and makable iron aulibenj rem& Wastamsa Watu and Fouth feNa-a .• SAM'L. -GRAY, MERCHANT. TAILOR, • " CEIMIGIZ 3OILLFIIp . 11T. CLAUS. /1291.6.6 T. PITTSBURGH/I. row avortranto 'lean NSW TOILS AND YEILADELPLII,A, 'Ardis now - receiving , * tote wtommem of • CLOTHS, CABBIEIOII33 AND VEBTIIV6I, • OFTUE SkST 911ALITY AND LATEST STYLES, Which he Is ' prepanti to oUlto utopia MIS aFga ALANNER *A ip the kitten& Faehlons. mattO Quay' ..4.!1 Met Ileitil.,,_.-etems tor boots mom ...ACidso Forma Or Fourth 'old :Smithfield streets, • . Prmostaton,PA. • i rnatit k P.COTT harm-commenced • ilLthe rirsiteml• - - Boot and tiliee qintioesalk _. Ssbolemie mid serail, *now nr,,, c d • g r luesiAthe alletaionaf latir ilisada and theitublit goon 11414, to their splebtild tiCw insekitomslitung-of mons,. 'esoniene, boys,' ambms' and °Wargo', wear ott.evegy - variety, imitable Tor the 1.1163011. and at picas to suit the not e.. A- splendid article kg home - lam:a "-work, such oo --ipmiteuten'w gine Boots, ladies, mime. 1.4 children/ fine tibrk. Please call and examine iht , yourscietra - • TIBITH ds d0.:04 - 1 , , • corny 4th toot kinahheld,sts 1 N. 11.—Ittreling Torinks,'Carpet 1 1 / 4 1,'&c. &a , al ways as baxo/ aim itnir Cr Oast, . • . , Country merchants .sold had it to their interest to gm .si a cull tehinivirthle the hitt-. ' ' th -lil4 ' LOGAN, Willosolll da 'Ws.. ' • 1:1 . PORTgIES sod Ilitolcottla Beaton in and i .I. M Domestie • Ilittleitife, Cullen-, Satlalacj" Ari., - IAIO, Woodstrest, Pittsburgh, are do u folly petpared with ' a nrcently unportodotook of Ilaniaracc, Control dn'i' dlary, Carpenters' tOolo, de, to Otter very great ih dseemenuros Western blernhatunom to &Miltm in thomany adnottagm hod by oar ptaaacescara, Ater ma Logob'ec Kencledy, we hare panty incivasad 000 facllices, awl porekaseoll ono goodi from firm intods ,au the eery best ;coos. • Triejaniar - merttbere or the Am deems 'their whole i mention tiossica, ard.teoltog confidcot of.ssetag sat- I allactloo, =spew-fully soltott • call trots oil at.° caky riot this manic! - - - - - ••'l3inclarJ. • • • 1_•_ ... : . BRICK F OR BALK. . . . onderugned OgreTV tor tatb •• umeriorartser• or enm, owd.t ....d.kg..t“. rg, .ueg.4,fet tri eh he hit obtiined • pawn, end ammo to gmaporebarters • vrtinentruarauora that they am stropger, and .vna .it trust and wet weatb nr and Isabitteless ougunte or &Mumma than any oth er brink, pomeonag greater body and tope rtmo wag., and mach more durable 111 CV.] [WIWI., Oath lblek, bring sobjeered 16 pietism seVeral tout, and boa sauung a handsome ustooth sadness and must tragft, they make a front arnagto the lust tront brink- They Intro (!hen tile greaten aktitfaction lb 10100 ; hare parermsed. A Mtn ean bo men armyani eperiaten at the Gazette ofttee, Thom , ka , rnig Iruppliett thtmselyea byl6dr gm ~i.Waa, handAme front brick, or saperia, and onlia pavillir brick, can obl.in tbem ISAAC GREOCC tf , wo . cn.-1%; ..h.., pose Inca., ,peat tor chlretrtst glitch, of eleam whettid *OA mr ,n , H 142.1 I.4twit 10PARTN4tatIlitt-1 have thay hj with me in the whole..< Grocery, VT .:laced Commm<Multasinswh W. Jahn Wtlaott, wider* At •n m of JOHN 1V Arr & CU. RAIN %V Ali ' .. :Ptwzbaritt April la, 1F49. • S m lllOciamre- pr orll./,rywa l lti mi, tYJ tIX., -.vl:- - "5Ct1arrc,,,,,&i.7.4:,' 4 or-'4.11 k !leery enbanßad thy sat e y .. /Y 3 , - • PITTSBURGH. CiAZETTE,, pußlasiitlD DAILY, TRI-W EKKLY WEERLY as de Oa ens 34 nouns Pax Offisa • tr,o'rirat .onlitravrisiNo... One insertion ill 12lines or less,,, _,.. Tem imer t iOn s i eltioutelterations,..........lo 7S Three " 7 00 ' One Week " " I 80, T'iro Weeks Three 0 ... .. OnialkiontS. 4 Tlko " 6:00, ?Mee " 11 v. . 7 Pit 03• Linter advertisement. in mune propo;1••• One aciare months, without ea ea 12 ' 1 .111. • Bach additlettlel square (or months, 6 ; • 12 " . One are 5 siontlui,retieSnibltitit SO AI 112 .1 14 •11 • tri 10 00 ramiswiditiosalrquara for 12 ,m0nth5........" s o off" ' Two squares, 6 month., re'wable at Osumi., I &eh additional sonarei6 months, ... • o" Wisiame 'ow iraz.WIIIILY IN DLIST' " t i oo One aquare.3 insertions, ..... ...4 each additionalinsertion,vvi•••'"' • anenaas c,11:16. - 6 00 no unto arias, one year, 00 • is " six monthe,i..•••••_..,„Ths " one year, &say 00 00 " su months " IDVIIRIWSIIII7I/ J 2 7231110. /1171. for 121isto, or lea, One insertion ..... ,-..10 Three, 'Pwo • 4 I am. al • d. .6 T6,0"7664".re55•
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