IF= ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS._ aelau II 11W 0.. ISTELUCTT. ~ 1 1 : et. 170i1N 1.: , AND COUNSKLIAItitt A r LAW, • Fourth .treet., between Steammid anti ....a., insburgb, a.itta . - - .1011/1 IOF MIL C. 7.21,1[1. LARUE 6 FHIS.NO, A TroßSk.l, AT I.A W, Fourth street,c., Grant. julOnf - A . iti1r.e.C(40744 i i. Clad EXCOO - anlesion Aeicht;eis i la and 11. ler. in rroduee, No. .......4 harke d ! street riiielere, • elecki n im. Lb Lilies 1....4. - 0 'Y.. BliSial Li.) tr. I.KADF:R, Whole.. dealer. in my . a. Grocene., Boot. ' , hoes. rntsbargtt nottonaciared article, ne., No. rou Laberty •areet, Pnasb.rga. IYY 114r,.1:11.1:111.:It., holctaie Onsa ot Me} and Kt Gast amen, Lana, mayl4 rt, 11. 11,.. IR. IL 11601111. Rtith I t t'eLfiERTSOCi t Witnic.. l . Urb , - 0 .7 , J) and s a tanntinth Merchants, No. lib, Liberty IL, .thsntateh Iht.dent ly . _ Ito 'iltlNP:nPOCh & Wholesale and Lail Druggists, eonacr Wood and Otk sta._ jyl & Wholcaale bracers, lb and J.,1 9l Woal pntshurgh.. (1 A. bIeANULTY 6 Co.. Fersuanfing — and Cos, %.,1 1 , suasion Mereltsole, P.• Logue.. epring, Axle, Steel and iron Wort.. 1161.EMAN, HAILMAIs a Co, numolhenirere of U Couch and Eno. Senna., Ilarueoeird &ales, Spline and Plough Steel, Iron, %Vorehonse on Water mod Front 011 . 000, neeee , ge• Al., dealers ett,C.ooChTmundogi and Malleable ocll2 /11ARaii.e. NUh ant iaistatTY bT. UrrunlTE THE Li UP Wool) mrsticaitai. EDMUND WILKINS, _ . C ° 4 ‘ a T u i l .‘ us, (3 7 . rs,flTa7 " ;e4 " : s, ran Tet'ea, R = Ire and Aar Tops of corette and domestic teartle, a regular and Carr pm , . _ lfraiffoo fur monuments, vatau, rtukt fo ed, of tap or deur/peon. Ile *elites a SGr le Of pun.. MEN NtiLlll , ll 6 L , FINNETT, (laic EalgOath (Jellagher co.) Whoicen. lirocerek, Columeatua and Yor mu4l;o6 Dlrcciwits, Rid tlesaer• to Ihroduee , atml Plus botch Mauttfactvrc.., Nu. u 7 Wood ey, belarecti ii e.nd 3, street, octl NIMIIII - 4111 . 011 haui wairthu Alnrchant, No. Co Woo.lstrcel. Pima.sunrh. tnytif _ • LEAGUR, PACVOILY. 1 ,1011 .0111.1 UN STEWART, manufActarer of Lorry JUL likuunga, Omsk s, Ors, Rzbeeast arm, stly of Aitsiclay. savls•4ll•. • L rVel "" t •f er co mleu "o n t lron M arrlntl, fir; O T ADICtiDDII Wouleta, I.tberty, opinnelte fenl7 vex. Ilultauore. sec.:run, rDwA.stu ne-47.14 2 D. D. leD.L.110:1, WWI, SPLADDII, S IEALD 111:C11171011,1onecou Ca/mission Mee ..wunnslits, 41 North Water at, le 14 Nerrth Whneirel, nov:434f - HARM JONES & CO., (successors tO .fil , Vood; Jones & CO.) ColtOrkmololl MA Forwarding 31er- Chants, Oculars to rit.bargtt elanufantatell Comb, htneartM, ea. - =W27 LULA LOCK.In, tanner OICSKT, 13ALtli DICICKY it Co., Vat:dune, Grocers ; Com , trasaton aterchnots, and dealers In Produce, Nos. :o Met ; and 107 Pena MOMS, Yltub o•O_ a U tro. 4 4 iln l rre ' l V at.. "12 9: ; ZZatre Ilfra P tt "'" barge ; trnt bust coumaetly on tame a *Oll seleclettas: aoilamnt of dm bctt mad treobesl eledtcmcsonlach tut mlll.Oll au the most reasonable tonne nymetattut {ending orders, ortll by promptly atamd3 to, and amp. piled ante articles they may rely aeon as geoutne. am th e best wet be accurately and neatly proparal from the best =tem* auy emu of Ate slay or ntsta. Also for tam, shims ilea offer! am! rood ?erns, mrry. . ;nl3 . 1 /I. CANFIELD, late o f iNiiiiic,Citito,rDiiirerris: galetT:We 'a r F° V, r e ' ,V tT,T, N 4°`i.V.,l:l".°l kcari Ass, tang Wsstsra Produce gulterally, Water stoat, between Deere/told and Wood, entsbargh. ap3 lOHM W (.eic;ssorul - 7 - Kvnut fr. (lormal s ) Who:et - ale Grocer ruld Courmiairm Manhunt, da its Produce aid Pittsburgh Mataucturea, cor der of Ldbrirry eat Ilandstrects. PitruhurchN.„)EM 1 ATMEh a Mar EIRE, pato of the firm u 1 el;eo and hicloure,) Merchant Tailor, Pt. Chairs Bruldsuga, UMW au Lai, near Wood. Pituatnth.. 2ditE ar 11 lt CO.—erucaotaita to Lana ilubibtoon t t 0., Cumorticidort Merchants, uuttl Agouraol Ito Pt. Loots Placa iiingta tlefincry. u avatar sad at haat Pittabtargn. ar) J [l . . Co., Wholebnlb Glocirs, rrllle h nrrO d P C o=ll ' Ofti.l.:l4t. !..4 4 l%t g oorat, ' jol JOll 1/. MOM:AN, 1; laolculte. aui U or ill 11yr Studr,Pr...ora, u i., Veralshrt s .l.—; No. sdl Wood vire., ogd dour 11dIrJr or Diarlitul utcy Joul . . 1: ER r. ( . .n, I/ Drivird gb.lp :la Water FICATL 4..11 . _ . 01.1 N 11., Wbo...xla nod Bowl dralot 11 /ti hliwo.orsd Lund:al 1;3.u - tundras, School BOLA., Pgp0i r ..111Nd0.,.144..1 Pea", I.IIiIUS. Priware Cawls,reaul Swwwary gewerWly, N u. o. owl W.., Pstlabluiri. irr Vag. 000gli or lcrn trader. IVPIS ELMN.lltrd.d.E.Elt d. CA, wuole.we Druggbd., U. No. ,11 Wood arc., Pduburgh. I 0/1N D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, earlier NI *Ad Wood fy meets, Pittsburgh. odl,l JotiNert}N STOCKTUN, Ifootaellers, Prwtcra and Paper Namur...Entre., N 0.14 Markel 44, Pill.- burgh. jcd J non, • .11.1011• All A. FLOYD, ‘Whol.ale Grote., Curl...ion J • ,Merewuu., and I.aldra U. Produce kound I.:2l:rek Ku frouttng oa Lane! 11/ nod ' and tilh Weeta: PiLlstraTe it, Pa. al, I AMS . 3./ALZELL, Wholesale Deuce, 'l,cmm...l,un 2, MeiClaantould denier in Produce nod Pluaborgh Manuracturet. tio. 21 Wmar at, Fituburgla. inure Drelirt WPKVVIEL, nna ler an For. -/1 Wm. and Laquora, had old Monet. gahela Are Wuddcry,, corner Fer 4 and Markel au. JrJ JONE_.. Forwarding und — Coantnitmon Mer. chant., Dealer. an Produce and Plualsurgit stn.. Muted ardele., Canal loan, Lamar:lb at. 421 PENN MULL, INVI'TSIIII - 111,4111, lA. Tr F.1 . 1:11-1.1)1, euiLiknr Y CO., Manufacture. o! eery 11 mapenur 4.1 211,ccunge, Carpel. Cbaia Cotton 'Pergrid amd Baltang. Veozrolns Iron Works DA 12.E1A, tt Co, tnanatetne . terere of ell Vat, leon rtalle of the oest Quality. Lt ea eltuese, W era ter exid IU fro. .. WATERMAN, WholvseAs lireecr, Yorono.l- L, JAR Alerchant, Ikalet lo Wash Mlumiamulzen naol Pratuce, reoll 21 Water said From A - - r-17 tUO*&4 [IMMO, 7. Nue )1. Saw 111 KEE\ DiEGDY dt. SAWYER, OOKEYS (iL.Y6 Manumeturars, aml Wholesale .1.4 dealers iu foreign and domestic Variety hoods. guile. merchants, Pedlars yd'otitem ye turned Y.ll and examine die pnees nil nuality Yew riack, ors with our present increased facilities In mmathimar- Yd purrewing, we Mink we cog oder as prat Intleetlliett4 to totycn on coy other Yaws ween(the MoOltteios ose-ly total WOOL tee. o. WLLttt V. aut Btan../.4.b.D.t.1.E., holt:este Unmet) and Como.- siatt blertelowts., Ne. /1 , 1 Liberty st., FltUbltills. NkIJRPIII", WILSON & CO., Own Jour., Murphy & Co.) Who:csaie Donlon. to Dry ,Doods, No. OP Wood watt, Phoburph. wet! K. ALL., umuu, Wbf. r ALLEN h Co„ Cotannasion and Fotarardlng jay s Merchant., Wale; ~d Eeutd CM, be.WCZ4 Wood and Martel rte. Jane ViVttlfin;VWll:SKCe, inertraTnitdiatauoturePatn. Lyi tee Room., corner id Pont the Alley 114111 rodethlilfCM, entrance Cl. en, near Monet dee6.ld. PITTBDURGLI .5fEll. WORKS AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTUD.Y. nuc nom, JOSEB L 411311510.,'" f. yctaa. ' 1111/ANI7FACTURESS of spring and blister ste plough strel, steel plough snags, nr uns ,, s h p el, 11 Ut ,119g11, Yammered Iron axles ' end 4aslcrs oral ltalalc6•l4/Iso, fin, ariguSel laaipO s atul cowl Sri/innings ganirily, corner silicas and Front sts, Pittsburg., !vb../ lb Dank Nut, and s :spetne. iirsr Collenuon mad on all doe prinsipal taruttgliont ins Enke.] Sta., deal, Al R I.AWARTER. ALuaaosair—Oßlee Roan'. ea.. AA, Rani dooeiUove Ramafield, south side. • Coatleynneiug of all kmd, do. enth the pewee* dare add legal a... T. Welk Real Fiala acamined t Jt4. oeoo-17 GEORGE 31(0000E. OFFICE:, Foomb street, near Grout, m the room lately occupied by Alderrawi imutedleto ly opposite Air, trokowelry. Ito omy be bound at Wed la Po. 71, Sr. Cheri. lintel Jul I td6or U. Ilobet Iris, TIC. D.r • • • • • 81/IWELIid, will atteml to the mu w.„/ mem of Diseases of tire Gym De- o...tondtreen engaged O. tios brume o( the medi: cal Ornlnsuon tot num.. yoorY, and h. ...Woolf on estehillatonent ter Um treatment of aseasey of the eye Code tor srmuil lemy. ornitai trod toudenee, econey litodenky to and Allegheny coy. , .113 ".' IaPEKIN TEA STOKE.-No. 77 Founb oder Wood—All qutnOues of Groan and - Woolf Toss, done op rn varier, ball, nod ma poem joking., foor,ing from CO CU. - per pound 111:d4. ry/ A. .1 al NV.S. AV., for Pato rug CA. RROBISON k CO. having wisorfkwil THOMAS LITTLE, St., Wsal Ow at in Inutile., the Vir bole. sistol ,, ..TY, Traduce nod Comnissain Winne. will Le amuvnea situsazi toner rbe Otte Of Robison, LSI. tle & Co. a011190N; LITTLE & CO , No. 104 Idberly street, 110 PaUnclip, Whotrunk Grurerai Produce and r...mrcustlon dierchanta, and dnalerk S Pittaturga al.ullretneet. 117 ' one. anal.. 'mon trrri.a. ,Calf. a. town. E l 4 4."......W.1' 11qtuKETWItolezuTo-67-.ocii,—Reearylici planner, dealer In Produce Pinthurgh hlanufnc. ' And .11 trade or Foreign 'sod bonlesue Wines 4 1.7 . h:T11T Liberty . street. Q. bend a eery Vetil ' he .014t,T(.,%tr0 - ° ,, , ,, b - nip °. 1101/IN:n/N t on o,Wholeae Grocts,Yro= #and Insulnasst Merchants alnklacalesslll Pd. 1;t1 M1L111 0 1. 4 .....Z5e. Lou 1.41.eny . es, P/usbursh. 11. ..L.......___Laalu 147 - RVI/ I P•lhalaglal. IC ' ' , Wholesale Grocers, ' ~,,,,,,011 had Sumac/114 hlstehauta dealers 1 . - id' s a e lend Pinsburgh Slamsfsetates, Liberty st ristsbnreh. l'a.felcl4 ])U A. A. el.ANNltilalAhl". wpt,"," 0 n ,.., lio Deader in Produc e and Pi*.o, m.a.t., !co. 141.1.ansty sS __ dl2 . -L. a azahatha, s . 3 L wan k. Pacararductaad ' R E /1 -N e ars in Lidnacried , hlanntactares bad Morale Luna Taelashadt pnces, as cash paid t rill a Prnlr and tram as 3.133a3 c tmc fafIACyLLIT tq rard+ta and DOM.. D , Y Noss Nc-‘,tr" hilstrugl. oud at WWI( THE PITTSBURGH D S - • • - • ts.nt.ALliV Kt.;.. 1, finln.licl-Mities Pratt Oc ttc.craiNo.",...llll art ct isect. ttctstreen iW and tktt. Funk sitle.pittletlelpltt• net," & W. liARBilA;11, Wool Merthmn, Dealers I. In Flour and Purdue.. Kenrritily, , gold Forwarding Comati.slon 1114reits.n., \u. 53 Water At., Pau. Nurf snam:g . rii - Tsil:wilT rout. numota, S ELL} ,& Caro_la tea...mu Merei blu, No 17 Liberty at., Pittsburgh. iverin. Linseed andr;Laril Oils IsoNNltonxr. &Co., w ~, ~ k o , e ,ku, O. ten, Fortrarlfin. and COMM... MC rehaldl, lore, in Pittsburg Manufaure.. and Wearcrn Pro- ioce, bare removedl h o their ne ct m warelsoune.lold stand) Nu. 35, comer of rri,llll st and Chancery Lane. T*Al4- 4 EN3 ifil-ST.,; Wholesale ...raven arid twauaa.- sies Merehaat.; and dealer. Yu IN . .Wee. No as ad w, Fir...beret veal MOTU. 7 f W an weer ' in TROTH SCOrtl, hele:e and Reßeimdew, Roots, Shoes. Trunk a. Carpet Hap., s ° eerier el 4th and SrtlnldSeld ate, Pa Jai yiT A. AL AHTCHELTREE, NVlelcatae Creeere • Reciefying Dunne', an d Wine and 1....14.7. h erebanta, Also, Hoparters of rink A.l. and Blench Powder, No. IGO Liberty street, Patoburgh, to <eel Wlllipc ti•vto aresmosai; WholMiale 'ocitst'ii J. COMMi.3IOO Merebestas, dealers ni Iron. Nails. (;Inss, r ota , Yarn, and 15ttsburgh Manufacture. generally, rtas , of Wood souPWn, WW. WALLGek.,' Mtn stone and %lin . lug eatabliatilltrin, No. 444 Lit.crty . •,.. near the canal. tnat - z 3 WW. WI W asr be... Jewelry Sit •er Ware, • and NAAFI Inv., earner of Nlarkrt am,ll .101 Meets, Pittsburgh, 'ls N. II —Ware Sc. and F'ne • catefully rapalrut. 6,1 6yirEST ItatinVII:111---Cosomia•ion and Fors:rattling Merchant, NoNeu Front as between Wood and artet y 6e024 itlUltl'i!? • lNholesvie alai Itrtful devlerin W • teirctgn an Don:wane Dry Des, north cast _ corner of Narket Fourth. sus atirtt . TOONO, rno IV 9 ..r i t , l —ILI 1 I I e ' ~- Wa IL hItFT(IIIFA)N, IVlndesaln lovit l' er,i ICII . dea l. - lers In Prolice, Irnii, Nnit•, Glens, and Pitsi. burgh . blanttfacturesoentirally, 151 I.lberty .t, burgh. Jeri W WILSOt. Dealer In Wan , hes. Jesseiry Urr . Silver WareiNlilflary Good.. Le., No. 51 Slur .Ot•L ov; MIES wrt. YOUNG t CO:, TtEALERS IN HIDES AND LEATHER. Nloroetto, Hhon Fttnitnaotket. No. 143 I.therty street, Here Just received then SPRINO STIX;Y: . a 00,1,1. corn pristag a lame assortment of antcleo In Weir line. to which Me anennon 0 - purchasers I , Inv ttrti. oschtf, k•ETTIGELICW - t CO., VrtAM lIOAT At. F:NTS fiTricu.ovi M ALLvi tr. Co. ooen No 4.1 Water atreet • • INS.URINCE. OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL $300,000. J. Fisamr,:l r.. Seel. I It Ma.... lr., Will insure puns“ ell kind., ol r,.1 FIE. 4, AND NLARINI,.. A • -•-. Lt. losses will Itherally amosted nod promptly pool A home instaction,moiracenl by Directors who are Well knows in the cgounuarty, and who arc deterunh• eel by promptneAs and ht.-runty , tonmtant c. acler selrett they ittpA ha:rued. os otlertr, the , protection to those who desire 1n..", thash - ro.-11. Miller, Jr.. Co Mack, J %V Ihnlrr. N. Holm., Jr., Wee U Holum, C Ihroo, Geo. \ /oakum. Wm. M. ( . .,yon. J.. I..loguneott, Th.. K. lately lames 9l'Aultu, Alex. Ninack, Thos. h‘eat. Ohne; No. 39 Water street, (warehouse of Spanr Co., up stalss,l rttti.hurgh. y FAS VILA NCH.. - • - - TIMM DEI.AIV.I% 4 AFF7Vi INSU- EkNCE ECOMr 'l' —Mace. North Room of the ttkeltaiage, Tbrrd street Philaalelobt a. • Fox Issassaca.—gailthugs. Merchandise and other progeny nromm arickcorma.thaurmt egg... :04P OT damage by fire at th ellovrest r.,te ot prenttum Manisa laserisrma.,-They al.o loss re V la Car nes mud Freights, fo(ign or. comm./Ise, ender o l .en or apeeial pobeics, as the assured may desire. lrs.mtraumeorsitos.—Tar) M. insure mesettott. di. transported by :Wage., Railroad Cars. est.& Ponta and menus Lioais, on risers sod lakes, als the blast Liberal terms. D1RF=M1... 4 .--losajah H. Seni, Edmond A. Soo,ler, Jaen 0 Deals. Robert Horton. John R. Penrose, Sarno e Ealaaortl•, Oro O Laipar, Edward Dar:ragton Isaac R Davis, Vt, ann. FoLarll. John Newlin. Dr R M Hus ton, James C Aland, , Theophilos l'aulaltng, Ii JOH,. Brook., Henry Sloot, Hugh liar.ge Prancerltilmain. L„. arra J G Jo Geo hnson, n -bum Hay, Dr s Thome, Joon Sailers, Wm. L:n re. Jr DIRECTORLI AT 'PITT:4I3U T. :Morgan. Wm. Rag airy, Jno.rilargan. WILLIAM MARTIN, Pres..lon, ..•• ' Riceaan S. Nanlout t heeretary Err OM., of the topmpany. No. 42 Water street, Yinshurrt. Jul.h.dff I'. A. NIADF3tLA, A g,T. 0 ASIAJLA it AAI G.k. " 41111 S tNSUIOANCF CO. et . Norttr Muerte* win make permanent and homed Insolence on pro- perty in mi.cagy and Emeinny, and t n shipments by Canal, Rivers, Lakesilstul by Sea The properties ot th any e well invests/I, and formah m emul a is Com m te feml for the ample mdernany of all persons who 'desire to be proteeteray insurance. myfß WM. Pi JONESO gent. 44 Water of I.IfTWEIfiNUTY. Do. Frousidin Fdo trunrance Co. of Phila./rip& us. TkIRECTOR.S.—CherIes N. Bancker. Thom. Ilan, Tobtas Wagner,amttel Grant, ..Itwou R. Peon!, Geo. W lin-herds, hilirdceat D. hemr. ,tdolptto li Moore, And B. Brerwis Morns Patterson. eget.. N. 1111.., President Charles G. Itanekentteeretary. Continue to make tf-surrince, perpetual or Icited, Olt every desertome 41 property to or emintry. al rates as low as ore Rooms:tem with secant) . To Company hove r4served a large countment Fund, which 1.1 , 1 th their Capifal and Precool., ....sly invest ed tt afford ample protetott to the usuryd. The moms et the temproty. an January lot. 1049. a. pablished agreeably to rot net yf Assembly, were or fellows, Mortgages 111.017.12 , 11 Real Palate 40,0'4 tsl Temporary Loans 75.1 sit Moral . 51.5a1 Cash, Az. 0,001 ~A 1515 - ^,401 71 &nee Mate inempoklusin a period of 19 years, they have prod upwards o million toot hundred thous and dollars., losses bylire, thereby accents evidence of me advantages at Asuman, us well a. the ability and Ataposaluts to moil with promptness all uslolmea. J. GARDINER. t-OPP/N, Agent, a:m(l4ly 0/teB N E cor• or Wood and 3,1 JI. lila W A Itl6 ital 7 l . l,7Als - 111n 11.A.fi ca. Go . . A. aLts.,DEIRA,Age nt at Pittstnirsh for the Dem. s ware Mntaal Safety Insurance Company of Pitlal• adelphia Fun Itisks , timon buildings and merchandise of every dderiptlon4arld Marine Risks upon helm or ertrgon of vessel; takea upon the most lasorahie ti. 11.111. Office h, the Wrirehoose of W. IL llohnes A 11,0 Pio.= Wm., near htarket street, Pinsherah. N./1--The success 'abf.this Company nave the canal,- /ishment of the Age4y - in 11111 city, with the prompt ness and lioemlity orliteh every claim a upon them for leas has been as/Pistest. fully warrant the seem th innutz thecorthdene4imd patronage ef lam friend• and the coatattuttry at lePte to the Delaware. Al. 8. lore. tined Company, while It has the tuldiunnal advents,. amass the most flourishing in Philaa..l- phia—es hnving Wiliplepal/1.111 capital ? winch by the opration of 111 eha4er m constantly incasing, a ple e b:hag to each paths colored hot doe sho re re or the • pMfna of Weeompany, without Involving Wm u, any responsibility whatever, and diCr.lbrc no potty , **me the Mutual prtnenne diverted of every ohnoatent. ;en title, and in to mon afunrove ferny FIRE AND TA te INE lIISSUILANC , frllEfi l •OrRIVE CO any of North menra, roh,h 11.11 duly avihorix Agent, the suiweriber, oilers to Inake,perntaneakand Gratted Insurance on properly, {V. ..e its vienticy, and en shipment.by the c nal and Rivera o,tur:crorts AroTt9 Como, Tazter, ILA W. Jones, Aram° hite, r‘liward Smith .ol, .. .. .. .. Jobe A. Drove'', ; /elm R. Neff. John White, Richard a Wood, m. Tho P. Cope, t Wm. Welea, Samuel F. Small, , Franks llookens, Samoa! Stooks, ' S. Allllllll Milblllte, -ARTIIIUR G. COFFIN, 14e•1 This is the oldest Insurance Company in goo United ffstet, have, boon uttered in 17:04.Sebarn.1 . rpetnni, and free its high standing. lons exp.-m.oe , , Unpin means, and avoNing alt n.Y. of a etra line , artiosil ebarneter, it ntAy connider , d od. x m., pie security is theauntie. IV I' Aldo Counting floolia of Atwood, Join.• , tt a. Wised Pnani Vitudiursh innvs HK iiIJILSCRILSEktnaa Lana appointed AKen‘ pro tem. of Che Insaranee Company of North Ainerwa. and wiJI :anon Pollmen;and attend to the other Lunmeng of the Agency, St thojwarthouse Atwood, Juno. 1 Co. oplO . W.%1 P JUNE., n'n,nr FORWARDING COMMISSION C. a. tthaannowas. 1. .U101.6.1.1m.0011. CIIMELLES H. OlLNE.Nnowsr.ta dr. co. TOBACCO 1:011321t8SCI1 E )1 TS, N. GO South 1111aarvtut...1 Na. 117 South IVatcr rt Pll s to tufo= CM town uW dcalen generally, of B pjuthitagh, that tkey nava madech among.- Or,. Iva the Vtr&lnta manatacturent and su the liruivera ul the Weal, %%oat lades, tow o . 7ol placer at veal inure a large ail eomtamC•e3~ of the follintrjeg descry. thooo o f tr,tha t ero, winch Voln let aonl upon as accom toodallng terms as thy other haus, in this car or eke where, and all goal* 'Ordered Irma theta will Lc taar. retard mitial to repel:ctn.. , llwrana; St. Pedientiot Cana.; Yam; Perm 5100 Prot', iseed Loaf to- Cub& t o,* & Elands; uporo; Al4o—Branch'* 4debruin4 A 10111 M. Stag Caven dish. wi th • large tallix . rttoent Pthrt popular brand.. and goal:idea arpotthalai 5.,. 0a R.. , I ` . Ivutelt- Un i 8,.11s ad 1D• Plug: Ladies I woe; lioruna Tono. pwpyt pyd plaint whole and hair twat, wand 1.3 toge th er wittr. avant v ariet y wtteht belong ing tope rude. kindly SUAW, PACKLII 4)1" POLLS AND MU'S, C0MM414141)0 linjrchant and Forwarder, zia 4 CANAL. ST ,CINCINNAT I , OIIIO OLl4lloois paid to the pormastuß rot of any orucie of Praeolee in dn.s nooran4 al+. In forwadiolf or (,Dods genenaly. Rotor to Messrs. John Swoory a. CO. hlerdOß stock a. C..PulautroS Lippinnott"& Kier h. /Goes, rtusborga Pa Salad% a tien_,4lx. mon:tarn . 1.13401414114 Commlosloa and Forwarding Merehani. No. 93 loboo na-rsatritisu TIONTINVES to tratpfact • general Cenaraimriena burJ• NJ nags, cycelalhp irVba purchase and male of Amer. e.M.111.2G/UTCI an Produce, and in reaming mut forwarding Goode con.mgned to his care. As Agent fat lAa Alanatacture•, 'swat be cot oily sapplfsd with Me principal articles Or 111t...burgh Manufacture at Ute loupeat wholesale price. Orders told tenurial:lml. are rea_pcedally sayEated. no; ”A L attitiar•a. a. nrratAlt. •LO Itoplx•••1 YMATBIAN, PITTMAN & CU., 00111118810 to SIBILCIIANTS, N. 159-Second rl rev , Niskfttbal• s'r Louts, mu CURDS Ia THIS establiahment long and widely known so Leung one of M 03111 e 0041 eoolll.l. in the city o( haa recently andemone very eaten tae alterations and unprovemeaus. An enure new wale has been added. containing numerous and airy sleeping apartments. and eatensive bathing mama The Luilseri department has also boon cpletely reorganized and fined op in • moat unique and m beauti ful , Lyle. In fact the whole arrangement of the I loose Las been remodeled. with a single eye on the part of the proprietors, tawanls the comfoct and pleasure of heir Guests. and which they confidently assert %nil, etutllenge comparison with any Hotel in the Unia.n. Their table will always he supplied with ever, sub mantel and luxury which the market alforda. served theytat a supcoor style, while in the way of Wines, Ike.. they will not be surpamed. Isi conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that conning will be left undone on their part and on die part oltheir ustvtains, to render this Hotel worthy the ued patronage of their friends and the public generally The pricea for hoard have also been reduced to the following rates: Lathes , Ordinary, 51,75 per day. Gentlemen's - N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the Ilmaso will al way. be bound at the Car and Steamboat Landings, winch will convey baggage m and from the Hotel, free of e. maythi EXCIIANGE TIOTELT enamor or Ta n a rr. mate sm., ',erste/too, rats The subscriber having assumed Me manure ..„.‘ of this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully Lllllolll2Cell in Travellers and the Public generally. that he will be at all tunes prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The House is now being thoroughly repaired throughout and new Furniture added, and no pates will he spared to mote the Exchange one or the Very 6,1 llomls in the country. The mulersigned respectfully solicits • continuance of the very liberal patron., Um House has berumfore received. THU:IIAS owsToN, MILT. n• rotrent •151,511.1 T aT 1.1,11011.11. ••THE anbscriber reimectfully • •nnooncee that he bail now opened hie near awl excellent Hotel for the accommodation of traveler.. !warder, al the public generally. The home and loran, Me entirely new, and no pains or expense have been Iparcd to reader 0 one of the oat comfortable and ' , Lemma Hotels m the city. The subscribers detennoned is deserve, and there fare sobetts, a share of public patronage. 0ct1.1.4117 JACOB 110U1:11 Yroprteior OPPOSITE late Bank of the United Stair, delphLl M POPE MITCHELL, marts r Proprietor LAW OFFICES. u. R. CAIiN AHAB, A TTOHNIEr A r LAW Utfiee on Fourth areal, betweom Cherry alley and (trent at myl fly Whl ATTORNEY AT LAW, i'a WILL also norm/ to miler hot. and all oMer loos, oar. entrußed to hoar La Butler and to Chu fawn, Pa. /ten, to J. It IL Floyd. Lrberty W. W Wallace, do James hlarshall do / dly Kay A Co., %Votat . J oast . / 7 A StVEITZF.R. A...my at Loma. otter If . s .±t Charles Hole!. PAmt.urot, v0.C.1 alto attend promptly to Vol iertiona. on Wimhinroon. Fayette arid Green P. RI-:FF.R TO Black .rock, Bell & Co, ) Church it Carothers, }.Poltsburgh D T Morgan, E 7. HENRY. atourney moot CatIIIOOMPOr at Lam. a eIIICIIIII.I. Ohms. Collections on Southern Ulm, and in balsama, and on limanalry. prompuy and rare. Cully am...led to COII.III.IOOEf for the State of Peon /Pram, ha taking Doposmons, aeamvrledgmeata, &c toe. Hamra mt—Hon. Won. nen do Son. Cur... Charon tc Carothers. Wm. Days, F.aq . ty Work A Dams. • a 3 1/4.• NATl.lllsll 7 ) L UN LOP A SEWFI.I., attorney at Laar, Offices on South Geld. hetvreen nd and Rh sis JOHN T. COCHRAN. A TTORNEY AT LAW, Fuerth street, between Mmultfield and Ora o. Jal2-ddm _ . 1 8 ... ) n " ;(k .5 c; tr N olle A } l .s °r e ' l7lm n e o mr •I . nest 000 al Alderman Jowls. upl7ly • HATS. CAPS ANI) BONNETS. WCOILD t CO., Pet A (s.c. un.” neord ahtable 11King) a ' fin COT]?" Of Wnod and Fifa Steeds. "rIIII.A.RTICI:LA.II ancnuon pant to our Retail Trade. jr Goatlemeo c WI rely upon cettiag their Hats and Cape from our establtslunerd of Ilre wart manortata and ItIal“.1510, or the tan= ern.. and at the totem Country Alorehante, purchasing by wholesale, Are reipeedully rn•ited to *anoint ea t our Stock; a. we m o te l y won confidence that as regards ucat.m and it will not trufer In a corupansou until :my house in PhiLadelptua- kW: - CALIFORNIA HATS—te 1100 water proof LPf Cedars... Hats, just remelted and for sale by 111'0 ,RD t Co, tehtri earner:lth and Wood sat raSPICING PA81110.1121 POLL 11149. ItI'CORD A. Co oral nitroduce oa thlet ifilLday, March Id. the Sorrel style of HATS. Those m n....nt of a neat and superior hat, are 10•110 toead at corner of o th and Wood streets meta §PKING lIONNEr RtußoNe. —w R Murphy III" now open a rawly Cl spring Hormel Madrona Lew and hew:aurae soes_ Also. new sty, feed Netts; lade Laces and Ede. Edetng•. Yount, do. plaid ilindot. and laconet, re...entered Sons* 711Y•1111, . user. , a large asaurnuent of nano{ hoods generally, at north mat earner id. anal Maract street.. Wootesute Roorzt• op stet" apd .1 , 11 and. r•sornrO have .•Ja) amseriated wtat them I In ...cal. JACOIII. ICI Z.and .11 eon lime Lhe hu•Jac.• as harahvolore. ender the one of 1 11 , 11 F. purioces . 1p hersui(o.e eawund ander the film ••A.de C. IIRADLF.r, 4hasoLved by Mr deeci.e oh kir. C. I...wiry The bustuom sash be carried ... by A. /3/11,k, . who sa.ll wt.. We Unwires. of the lute lam Hi:hit/VAL RIIULDIS7 has removed his Fmsndr• m...finnan rrwa No. rd Scenod wren.. to N. la Wood sae,. between Forst and Serood "teem, toe warekou......e.y occupied by 0. A. Berry, where he will keep nonairmtly on hand a getierar assortment of Bastme• Grates Stoves. Idionros, AO 11 DISSOGLUTION• /1111 E partitershm heretofore earaung betwocn Sam ]. act 11.....fie1d and Wllll .II U flays tra.1..3 under the hrm ..1 III:Slit I BLIJ k. I/A VS,l.ns Wt. Jay I e it by 11'111.am B. Haya sellmg hI roure interest to the firm to S. 11. Busfifichl. All secounw due tne lino ..111 a.e coneeted by aB. lloottfierd, and iall del.. doe by the late brm to be paid by the ••nse S. B. 1.11,8/11 , 11 . :1.11, Potabur,.., Jone L 10108. V.' B. HAYS RTNERS'IIP If tit surumn bay.. Ibit Aay nuocoved ..UL 111.4•1 LIAO.. formerly M Bedford, Po .atul recently of the Nxtiontal II °Lel, vrtil you l.nae !Le 1..i11014.4 under il.e firm LI:fIIFIti,LA LEADER., at am cot , No T. I.ll.erty 'tree. K. II ILCSIIFIF:1.11 Jima 02. I.I.IADER llartnr retired Pam the tormer bunny., I to k plnnsto errotettn. td.ng [ay oueresopro to the pa !toupee ot rooloptero opal the yobbo , Fetrplly. tr.l7 1 t11212 Dissolution. • • • • • • irH et,-pamernicp heretalore ezrettreg between the sebserthero. en the nerne lone le. Ilatke Ch.. Otte day dtsnolved by myths] eottreht. Mee.* LtOrke & Barite. whl settle the b•111111V.4 of the fOll. hem for wrth puryto.c they nre nutberonhl toe s , the hater ic thc cotteern. NAM NIKL.'ONSTA ISLE, FILSIUND BURKE. THOLIAtt 11A aril*. Thn andrrngond hay. dux day arowortotod thentrowl yew In On narrow or RI. gkEk HA tor the porpowe ortwourontowton Fare Proot Safrw. Vault lan.rs. . At the 'land ~11h, late Orin oi roonable. Itarte k . when. they www.ll hr plottord to toner, tor pa. trOnage ultlr... uwtornwrw radon holm, •nd thnir friontlx F.11•11',41) THOMAS BARN HS. In tromp.: tram tile brm of Constalde, Hart< k . Vs.oocere plert•ut, rreommend Messrs Burke b. Barnes tl.t. confide... , of my fru.nde and the pol , lo. Mr. 9, I-19 N ATII A NIEL ODNSTAHLI . :. trbl3-tltf DISSOLUTION. partsogolop of AIL;KPII A. LEE. lilol L diarolord Hy mutual conwent. The Luroter•of I•le 41-01 will loe sealed II Lea J ft AI 1:1t1•111 . . hataburea, H LEE. NOTICE—The andeta.ocd w4l coottove the Wool Wat er. and attend the .Ic of Wa.an bowls et Hat old stand II LEAL /nretirtng from the firm of Alurphy hes, I tine gleat pleasure. 11 rtmtmendlng Mr H bee OttnGdance al my frien ec ds and the public. 'Pittsburgh, Jan. N. I>lll.. J. IL NIURPIIY mbacrthers have Mu day associated them selves together fur the purpose of triansarung a alesala and remsl Dry Goods and Gro , rry basiness. al No ..4-,11.0.0rty, opposite Seventh street. under the style and 1110101 II Utill FIELD .t. 11A VI, Pittsburgh. Jatioary 1, ISM N. II —Oar old ettaturners Uhl thu public art msithd to give as • call. gas _ 00.PAIITNEREMIIP. Ur II Ii StIAIFE and Capt. JANIES ATKINSON TV have entered 11,10 partner.esp. ender the firm of SCAIFE is ATKINSN. and will carry en the Tim 1;0 .pat, and Sheet Iron O %Vete manufactory. Also. Illacisnottung In brausbes, a% Ma aid stand of Wat It Meet otrect, near Wood. Parucular 01000000 gtven m aleamboal work. 000.1 _ - 1 . 1 !JAPE this dry aswlciaied with me to Me whole. sale Grocery, Produce sod Commission bustness, my Loother Joseph, under the hrm of / S DI to.vwni *.c.. J. S. DILWO oRTH. ..lootaary 1. 1f49 cio-r . ItT Pi KUSH P— 1 °wig havit,g Gay ...noted 1.11 han,John Ild'Ctute. the let, ter ,1 1 , 111,,• will beTCatEr eatttluened UMW the Atm or Wo.. ro.ng C o cwil.i.l4l 6 l OL fan; mu. )....,37‘Cliti • BENNETT 4 BROTHER, MTEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, . Binalngham, [mane Plttatimmikkis] Pm Victselsouse, No. 137, Wood Steed, Pittsburgh. IFW ILL calm/telly keep on bend a good assort meat ot Ware of our omn manufacture, mot supertorqualny. Wholesale and country Me, nasals are rerpeetfully waned to earl and CO• .h.t. 10 , , hdsuntaes, as ore are determined to tell ettesper Ikon Mayan, notate been offered to the put lin icr Orders sent by 61.11. aE. coat panted by Wee ast. art ny referene- smil be tonne:tit, attended te an Id WOOl,-4 eke Wool, I tie !iambs's, landing !rant LEA Al Latin and roe sale hy nil /ARIES VA L 2 ELL PITTSBURGH. WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 15,-180. HOTELS FOUNTAIN 110 TEL. LIGHT sTRF.ET BALTIMORE feh94d LABIXTIVINE HOUSE. UIfITED STATES HOTICL, COPARTNERSHIP. B A PAHNESIIICR & C /TO BOOK TRADE. 1' EW BOOKS.—Soothery's Comrttou Pl•ce Bout. rahted by km son-bil-likw, Jot., Huai Ilanco, I) 1) Abbou's Hi.lory of Jigs. Cesar. mit engravlngy. Just rsceivea LL JOHNSTON . 1 / 4 STOCKTON'S, car 1 / 4 tutket and Thsttl st A GRICULTURE s.e.—American Farmers Envy Momedon Lindley's Vegetable Kingdom. mn I=l ====ll2l 11=1 MIM=It2=MIZI Webster H Part's Doosnuot Coo my, hint evo. For .ale by //YAWS Ii LtretKWOOLI, !TM att Wood st M t no Trrm.n .1' bV . o . go or p a t l i y . 0 1 I .; Elation, by Cowan. llooper's Medical lheitourtryt Itungleson's do do, Cooper's Surgical do, Cbelius . St em oi Surgery, trtlsen's do ,In. Abernethy, Works, 3 yob, An on the Eterns Hope on the Heart; ....roseishier's Anatomy; Wilson on thorax. at the Salm Pcreaa's Marmot Med., and Therapeutics: ehroman on grupure Foyers; do on the floral,. aad Abdo...mat Viscera; 1 .11 . 00(ns Prattle° 01 Methane; bunglesont• do 441 Elterbe . • do do. Also. 4 large and irem s.applr of Maw. S. S. Llaton Books, en band and tor .ale 1/11 ELLRITE & OH Wood E IHE MOST REMARKABLE. WORK OF THE Att lliPervan.—Nineveh end at Re mount, Can ¢account o(. 01.11 to the Chaldean Chrisuans o( Kurdo.tun. and Vegjdis, or Bevil War. ' , hipper,. and an inquiry Inio the lltallunti and arts of the ancient Assyrians; by Anat. Honey LA) ard, E•di, I) C. Is, in two volume., With numerous litordrations - Them I. a remarkable aul dclocht(ol egulthinatton the work before us, 0' Vol ;rude dwcovery and up tcre•ting personal narration, met, as we rember In no •i wort of marl or discovrry • •m 310 Lay. ard pt not surpassed by to old travelers. In the won der. 4(104 LOA', I, has to tell. Ito vrry murL surpaw. c• them u.l -We repeal Mai me, Let bees, no •itrh manure In arty modern hook or user:ls, I . braver or more adventurous. Dorkbardt id cot ~ut,h(!t. Fotben not more gay or partureupic, :ban the hero p 1 the hook before us - -.l.ounon Claming, "One of he MOM re•rkable work* of the nto .' London Thu , . /um referred d sod for .elf hy V' 11 JAMES 131..0vKW1V.M.63 Wood V Brlt/LAI, periodical Llteliature... I The LooJon qaap6:i 'kyle, 1 6 Th • Filoil.uroh Review., I LouoVr :I The Wecon.nvrt fierwo 4 Tito NOVA Ilr6mh Hryloo., 3 Blest wood'a Edtoburirh Mamma — 3ittah/r Tu. above Peru,lteal• 30 - reprinted in New l'Ork, immediately n Irma stiles.: 10, Me Orpu'i neat:a.m. reo berwitful o ort vpr, on atte wt..- paper. and are !outdo' copies of lb- or‘goiale—Mark wood's btalrapue iirtna as exert Me•sonite of Itv Faltoborga rota. TLe prirea et the 'tr.. ore le.. than min tided of itiar of the foreign roma ad white tory ors squally well eaveitted, th-y adord all Met ad vanlage to bo A• nteriern over the 1-41111.6 reader Tiotao—ire, mat to be made in advent, ) Far eve one et die tour Rev, s. • 83 VI per sa F., my' two dv. 5 111 For any Mr.° do • 700 Fut ail tfar of the Law e Fur Mae wood's Massa., , !I l'or Mar k svo.4 and Ihe row 11,...,1... to A, The ahoy e prom,. v ruppl.rd !,) JAMKS D LOCKWOOD, Booknednr and liapurn. of Forrt,n Book, /1 1 . - J CO Wood a. kl.gawle. an July. 151... ra.l l.een ructuucd. undsut vc• 40 bf,l 4 auy, , „.. 01 tt. L. 01611. 004, :For many ycart toom.mmi w$M , diem. 14 . ,my Pulnam, nod mic /ohm Wl.cy, 1 ort tml 1-mittion.) - - . ANL/01..1111AS 13001i8 :So CO Wool, !TUC., ,Nearly °pp.*. Ibe SL Charlet 11016,1 NT NUL:FLU/I {Er F. 0.4 Prretch, and German flew,. mul Nl.grauries, and No orapopara mayor,. in order. ;oo* OF Whiril Mot , be sr..a.riorned on opplreavon to At r L. Catalogue* gran. my2l NCYCLOPEDIAS AND DieTIONA RIES, 10114- .L.a . operlal ust4 uldep....Jrnt worts. rd%trcl try Pa. ♦ tr I.l...ingstsbeW in the •Rnoos department... Itt,rll-'• thetronary o(Sc.encre. 1. trru.ore..cl Art Copland': sr, of Prneue lilcdrrre, Farmer'. Lor), •dlCJis Ixoution , Irneyetopredla OP I..ardtrts o( ?tants: Low. on, F.tie yclo Al l ices. j) , :trottary A. Commerce. NI en.looll'• Dr....unary Gewg.apa.yr L re • Lk or A, and .flanur boo,er . • Dirt.onary. %Carr... Eon, evrrlopards. of Colu mn...-. I awry.. % , et.slor nod F.. , , , .0parti1. Dolor. la 1. - orkotery, Author, Inc..onary t are of oiforrhatioli m die boil zoo!, arrange, awl prasevorii ine t lilastOff For - am ~Y A.. 2% JA LOCK\\ia ,II 41 Wood al Df/..1 thr Hoar. \ N r .l l., ,A L e tt . ? s ., toLy „ nt..i.,l Farm Dogs, with ihrrction• Co that, manage want. eiog, rro.oung, warlaS. PoTya• 1 4 41311 101 a prolit•Ole toarsat Akio. their Kw...ea esial Itamiaics. to‘rincr oath on dtraroona for tio nsarnissi 01141 Lary K IWao.welh uusnerova t,la..ratto.a. Far um /Y. J D 1 , 71i1., 11.1...:AU1.E1 ANEW \lollR—Tbe Adtroubsol, Of 1../1 . 0 la 14f WooJa, Headley, ...bur oi -Waighsstigura and his Graerals," etc '[l:e Il,r .0.1 nun[[. of De IS ut 1...11et00, by IV, W Camphor,. Arthur c7 . `lionlat Warfan • inn reed 1111INSTiiN a Nna F: 114.11. i, or Woodstfol In rcuuou., illaalrated 'rata Emmert.. rniirs. , ogy 0. wood; I vol. ca. .1.. Tao I:mar - nano, or picture,of 14,,e Yuen and bey Non, by Chart. !Acrobat, fort Wayue, Intbapa, a,441 ma Lotrodnetory ~.say, by Mrs Harrlng I.krebrq ato9t. Just reed by JOIINDX , N a oCIOCKTOII,I, tat corner ..61 and Marke%.ta Vnltlablo Books. LLL.IOI7 KN1.1.1.011, \ Von, street beivreem 414 sad Ihutrettle ailey. Imre re...re, s mrg, wyply of The...lies. an, other vrorL, among sr Inch e the tuilowing. etc 3Merl.sneoti• I.sda). and Lls roar., uy I'msslent blopk,m, Chrt, ts All, lave sod ,m•pet, 1, II l'yng, , of De Art, Club., Lying Ur.wu al AUK' Ma. Reputollean Ch.ettlantly 3lagoon, Alost ennseval Pltrenologywd Nlemserios, Key 41. 1101. Li 11. Sumas, as Import oh , Updr.uy Beecher, Nb.rerh so, ..Ro rouns; Slountsms of the Mote, toy NI For noe. Korot., Alimstry and Charm, ot I,,srpert. J JAmeo. F.I. wag,. work, 4 vols,.er .ssuoni 44 hleterh ' ht eruct, eamplate. Cusrper I.se as..l Work• Qmrper. Flo ats, on RI, awl l's.ll of Pap.) Torretlano's egy, Cyciopetha of Mots, awl St , ,,ous /tn.:doses, Lagar • Slarraltves of Popery, 001.1 ars.viug Sm. nor., I..rideuees f r the Yeop.e. by J. lAteastilit, ,14sIrse Somet) Modem Aermummlno.a., on Ramon.. I , r.saslihoagb‘s oft Se m., 1., now hrstimhOshed, Lm of polio]. 0.10101 llubory oi htethettytte, Sl.Jdoe Samgemas, Lectures on Pulp uns l'rogres*, lieset,e;. By FAPK,s-Ib.d cntgc. , if y. std uvile r...ce.i 1..t0, 1.1.• 41 pti,er A h. , sorte., by urge t.h. , D. wt. Porn; a.. nil rc.• cop • • eft, 21.4 lur .stle by Inv 19 1,1.1./Urro. 1bMJ1.1,04, TY Wood .1 I B tit ~g . ,4 . 4 ; ,,, ta ,.. X . Ti , Th n e dr , n , lw li e Amcor/. ardel.r, 'lb. Nrar niiilrllClLll orchardist by .Wm. KnUtirk. Tb, libruplcbr. Farmer .4 Rilftli ',1 . ..M0{1110, by Fr 4- a, .dery t'unliery, by Wou A Ilsntlesubn Just rye, by JUIZZ:trUN h M I`OCK mytlsussucr and 3.1 st• • H5.1.11.1u1,‘ WlJßN.sTbuttglats ou Publtr Yrs) yr, L., `...unuel Mulct 1) I/ 1..1. D. uttu f Wotshlib by Jsuts• W A14,- 111.11.1 Just test,. rd by -- • in)1: JOHNSTON d. SITOCKTON Nyat'ao, ie. of toe Heroine of Lknnem , 1.0 I e. ne the Seeond, of Fag ,(1 Jrt.eoL, oign Jam rec. tl Iq JOIINL(TUN A NIOGE mylJ rorner 3(1 and Mart rt ens ENGLISII AND A 41111.1144.:4 BOOKIN AMES 1,111•ASV001J, (for many year. c.j.4leei le. mrrth ney and Putramn and file Sob * , 01107. New 1 ors end London., bar emal(holled e, llontoelltne (foams at No. (JJ tV0 , ..1.t.ert,• between 3d vial 4th sinew, where outy be bubo( at (...buble cone.- tan( of e(TANIJA F.:SOLI:411 and AMERICAN A UTHOILS, at pores Al lOW XI :he Eastern eitIOS. IrrEiNIiLISII and CONTINEN Al. (3004(..5, al Nl•gazlor t.Newttpapers, Sr iterwied to order irrizv.rrrt TmNs mud INCot(PORATI. 11 Str• el EEIM On clastled (n receive their hoot. July free Lu- I.ng-11.11 Otto A reterwan t'atalogues turns.he(l Sayto rill who de.tre diem or aent per rn.ii Say• wo , I ...PPY to es hi , . on and genii. inc.. in• Luottg, ain , minan w theq. any t. 1.V,11,1 be may po recutifipittltent. iff g.,,V AND otele •...1 I.lua Remain., with an account of a V 161 t 10 the ClaeuiJan• of iturdiataii. •0! tile Veg...., or lA, it Worth inter., and an inquiryinto manner. and aof We anc.eni A..) elan, Autten 1,..) art!. ct• 1,4 , Cli Just ere end lor talc by .1011.,V1VX.1 8 tilVit7l(TON J Alaidt Itegg2hg'Cligli; in porter of Fognietti 1.3 sq.-, oil 1111.1 valuable COIICCIIO/1 alit i too.Le4l. Ihoca. in the different depurimen, or tries nure, witch he ig prepaird to gel: ag lour at they can uc ulna. tied in be Eastern cities. English ILIA 4 Continenwl Book, ittYl(lol,, Mega ttnen and Nc w•paperti, intportrd to order. The price oi •iiy Bavlaw t Sla Sna r Navrlpaper, /nay Itc a•ccrtioned on application to Mr h.j.114, and A.rriell. Cd6.IIJOKYr• 11.1111/stord goon.. 31e I,iniend• to Itta•te cm. • in .•••• d.iy und .Lll lin hap visit py to CZe•al• any order• Ltooks, tdigrtiviiig• or minuoncry, at a .mall advattco 011 the CO. my, EIV I.lo444,—..ayurd's Pstare•cs tom ilcalaina, .01 Wail (141 . 01141 Ul a VI/04 id OW t'loo.l rt. og. r_hgo um. 011(.01, too, Me s.r Ims tI• sN'orngto. Pere, am! an Immirs non We Manny!. •,,41 Arts of Me Ap.ormil A:ors:mos, watt an introductory Omer Lo , firrionsom 001., gmtavo. walr suom etreever's Gm. torts 0. the Prlgrou's Progresu. I vol, 12m0. Petro reduced to SI,DO Crutlett • 4uotordoocc,rotlen••• I. reduced to 8140 blur outs) 'I Moto,: Pi It.itpland Hoye/ • pew rd. twp toot, u i WI e4.l tat rge yru,r mod Lite paper, pt z :5 Pew. belonning Hebrew and Engi.nh I,egienn; new ell Improved. Fot ank by 11‘)1•1(1N,i. _44?'" Chat, ;lees wrotni_ DooKs. Hiilli.:l , —Unton of l , lsurgn god lniat , fly Hcv H W Noel. The Chore!! on Karnes, by Peg I Angel /nu,. A tiv.re to Yowl; Alen. h 9 'r s Arthur, grit ourtg Lattheg flggay• of Lim—Charles Lamb. I.y Pro( Coventry. Cyalopedie or Moral and itelavo. A hectlotek Ceutpleu Worts a CharloUr Ehrett.,th, rLth me. molt by Ler la.band. I vuir, •. with owe' plaits. Oregon end Calt(ortua in le-15, by Judge nonniaa The hoe kapensnon to the head tieer rroverb% tut the reaplc, or Iltu.hats.. of Practical Godliness drawn Hum the Hook of Woalunt, by E 1. &llngovoon. eresty Sell:mm..l.y Dr Wayland. Element. of aleteurolugy, It) .1 Moe k lestty, A. al l'of tale by R IlttelONS, jay, • .4pono Nodding, altt 0 All YHIAtEVA, or roe COOttlituLtdo Printy .e condition Cl Oda Human tieing. A eentretto• bon to Theologlcal Setenee. by John Horn., H. It. Lsetuten to 1 oung Men on •artous important nob. Peet.: by W Ileeeher. Chanuntg's Wort., nompleto, 6 vole, Igloo. The worse nl r 5 Arthur, 01111 . 011114 ed. la vole iv,, reed by otyll . K 1104i1:115, 4th et, near wood To PRIM F . AY—{•rot lug, from them anatee to 11 ry of J U 4 , 'reary, hew - tort. to catt• kego, looml lb towentdit. nod If Oat 25 cr. to 61 per tb Al. red, blue; greet. and ',Hoer Ink eatt• of J ,tt , br , rt....m..0y tor oast braving al`Creat• r • ink in our whet. tor itil ninntiot erenut II cqUal to lane tnat to mad , .t Illy oter tnattulteury Tams eaata JOHNSTON ,WOICTON tau cornet Thud aml Afartsb et. - , 1 7 , • . . ~. ,s_, 4 ' '.l 1. 1 e‘. 4 ' 0 IT ' ' '''''' ..d Z Vir •,; t .i' .. , - i'-' , . .i . . ~.. . • 1-, ..4...th,,e.T1f...1 1: . ......,.. MISCELLANEOUS. JAMES W. WOODWELL, Modern and Antique Furniture, EC, Tin. Sam. PITTIMM. A lame e x•-• • 11, u.nalept of Furniture. 2, 2 • suitable fur So...aeam, hotels and priest, dwel. Item, resistantly en hand and made to order. the present book on Land canton hr ex.:ceded any manufaroory In the soestiru country Per... wishing to purchase would do wail tcygis• call, as I coo determined my pnees shag please. Part ol the moat consists in— - Tete a Tete; Bader P3anere; lours XIV (-their, queen Elisabeth chair, Tea Pope; Fran Table, Turret Table, Loma XV Commode, French hlahogany Bedsteads; Plano Stool, Su sofas with lVo.h and flair-cloth coven: SD Mahogany Hocking Charm lb Ate Parlor do 3U - Pitney ao r 5 centre Tablas; 81.1 1 pair pier Tables; II m ar l top Trre.hong Bureaus, el Wardrobe, 8 Secretaries and Book clams YU marble lOp Wash Stands, 1 pair Woman, B pair fancy Work BMA,* A very large assortment of common than and other tarn.lre too numerous to monition nS nu me men nnonahle term.. dents Choeolista s Contra, to. W Baker's Amer.:an and French Chocolate, Prepar ed Cocoa, Cocoa ben, Brousa Comte Shells. Ac . rtlrre ' a li t ' rt:d "d ir " rae ' LL ' fr w ee 4 7, — ma .V.P.T. ' “77., Mare nutritio l us lion ma or coach, and in marbly uniur. pasted, th e mhseriber recommends th e above articles, utanufuernred by himself. and stumped with Ins name Ilia Brogue turd Cocoa Paste,. delscate. Palamhto, and salutary drinks fur invalids, convaleseents. and °Men, •re pronounced by the most eminent ithrarommi superior to any other preparations. lib marrumetures are a/vrays on sale, in •ny groanuty, lry the most re spectable grocer. In the eastern eines, arid try thers Ism flame, Gray !moil Homo. dories 11,1 Dunce it no, Bamford, Coon, Murray, New liorki emort Teem. V Brundtge, Bal- Rmorei and Kellogg*. Brinnett,lieiitau tihro W AL PER BAKER, Dorebes;pr Mara. Pot sale by aug3l RACIALEV A SMITH, Asps Wrought and Cast Iron Ratting. THE subscribers beg leave to "Vona the public that I they have obtained than, Oe East all the late and fashionable dello. nor Iron Radon, both for boom. too centererres Persons wh u ng to procure hand mime patterns will phi”e call and ea - mauve, and judge lor themselves Reding w ill be furnished al the short est noire*, and in ilia beat manner, at the corner of Orma sod Firbetea street, AlleghottY 91T jpr.p-411 A. MONT I KNOX nonullictured Tobacco. -- A 'SO NYS 6entry t Enystv's aaperlor sweet 5 Ips, `1 1 .3 VA do Al Llotler's IV bfdo Prirc & Ilanwood`r ^ - y - SI do do du 21 do do Pearl & Iforwood r " 50 :to am do J Flolonum 37 hf do do Yid." do Wm DIMIIOI. 3 33 do T WrKM's 37 do 0 Anderson V do 1. T 5 do N. 31sconS g5;11,14 Jut landing tram steamer .14 pulcets, and fur sale by 111.101. D. lIL CKNOO & 41 north water st sod la /meth urbane, 1.54 Philsde•lphia AANL rot - n Rl.lll .rofiAcco h Mon, rope nor syn.et lb lamps 75 soli b 2. LVeloster old aoper, o r 414;4,1 sda " I.lVeMlice Louse r •• • y 4, 1(4e 13 140" Eyre 3 ' 4 " " " M 1 cLeod ' Lowrance L.ntOor Sa tea plc( /gut laud., ftum steamer. aod for sale by 11F—LLIS, 11U1 1 1LNUR & Co, 41 N water at /hod N wharves, 11411sdelptua. W. it .1. GLYNN, Book Binders. IXTE are still engaged se the above bustnea, corner TY oh Wool and Thrtl str.-e, , s here we ale prepamd to dosny wort in our .tne with der. patch. IV eo n to r Wort personally. an Naans faction lull be given nriard to as nes.neaod du. B4nl Book. relni It any pattern and bound seb maul/111y Hook, in number. or old book. bound rare. faligrrepaired. Nunes pot on books in gilt Inters Tam] that hose York in our tine are invited to ran r 'l'.'sA. rnyttryl NOTICE. LI AVLINII sold oar enure noel to C 0,4 p, and. g near in elating our old busineas. .crony to het Br huni the paironage ut all nut Mends sod rut. tome to. HO IS". KRIS DEXTI:II., The. rutminialimt. PittOorgh, Avg 4th. WIR (1111. GRANT. WhoJetabe Grace'', Comomatunn and V • Forwarding Merchant, No 41 Want, in. nal/ ' NELL AN!) ULLAIIN YOUNDIik. a• A FULTON, Nell and Bra. Founder, bats fe l:milt •nd commenced bounces sat kis old stand, where he will be pleuett to gee tug old Cllllone II t t n..l ~,•cu.;.i.. (dtad ' L, fitealldal, cad Bette °rayon' sue, doto 10 totOtt fertla, cant from patterns of tde moat appio, s -4 .4=4Xi'nktfa r s,"Actmt e .f rs''',R.ka lin g , d .7 " 4.- Ilte wild every eartery a Brage - Cattlingg, il r e runtred, turned and tundted tit tba neategt manner. A. F. is tee tole proprietor of Namara Awn-A rm. cos jOee.s, eo to celebrated Sr the redneuon of ca n in seeselbery. The Nodes and Curaposmon can he tad orb= al all (does. pal I y la k Atittf g W:t ff. l \ , l CVti` ' ZIT c * ;ph, ix& comer Ltberty and ' G tras, manumetarn and afar for .ale Platform. Floor s and Counter Kettle, ot tee most mprovellcissldy, Venting Amer.. for wood and Coal, hed diner. of vicious eae•, ratio, nod euumou Cycles, /follow %Vase, Sr ie. They al, manaleclors me [oche° Mange, whien e.civet, sad ifenttl , ral mnsfaenon to bony Ifercfe ft in um, to all J 1 wtort they would respectfully df • tie me atieutton +I lee etueeus stol Mt nubile genernny 0et17,11/ Dlaplar•gm Filler, for Ilydraest Water. 44iTigii. fills , es to cerofy that bore no: Minted Lloorston. Roggen A Co, Side A:Nreets for the sale O aeutteng4 ' • Le r''. l ' VllitZrant F l ' Zl ' , ' r"' T` ''' .1011:4 I.lltrfrral, A b g e e ' tet, for Wallyr N tilt..., dip ttio,ulsra y N. V, • Oel la, 04th.. Wc have been song one of the shove Melee at the n I Lee 01 be Novelty Works ler three months, on trial. and leo pertecoy steeled that li is • foetal enventson. tl d are take pleasure la recommending them ae • use, fun artier'e la all who love pure water Order. 101 l he thankfully received and promptly noon:tied ionic I.lVlNGerroo. trisfill.V.N A raw li.V."S Viti r itttrlVl P lKli ' l7kitte. , er , , r e Wro oL ' a l i .:l i "...tl e ls t n o b t i e de .717„f.:L b .,„ e „,:lro:.gla clear mud pure to the 07e,T!1 1, h . 1 y ...4 Witte it passes an hour throutb Alter Altering cock, shoves a larger deport, ing substances, worms, Le. Tht• es the elms more or ie.. with all hydrant outer. The Re•eroblttterer Is neat and durable, and Is not attended tit the inconvestomme Incident to other Flacon/i.e.. II it cleansed without being detached (tor. the • th ,e, rthe, by eserely laming the s :y or head!. from one ank b, the °Md.. fly Una et please, the course of wogs Is changed, and dll alledMalanona lc tmpure substances are Britten off alnnatt instantly, without unscrewing the Miter. It also Conroe; Ihs esd•antsga of bet:listens? nook, and as snob In many geed, ode he very convenient end economical. It sari lo eat 0,...4., alter. theme is any previa.e high or low to a cask, Iti4. nip, fle• ir ..w . . , 1 Er 1.1 !old of the Wit Agent. .. W . '/90:4, ' Belly comer of Fetich 'and Miner so N1 4 ,: ::.. , 1 . : , 1 .: "ACT1:V1 , D ,,, " , 1; , ( , r 0 bt ,, k , f:i1 ti t ne -Tle tn e y I r t i n...- r1 . 1... ,, r , dealer. goielZl i v....r. eLk fuleuvrtng One Is To•,leC ,I, in 'tore old no arose. whirt ICU, bankrgieeffouts ',Ti tre. from onoeumelurers. be Is enabled to tall of east. ern prices: • - 1:10 I 01s II W Crenalayr St, to I hum , . 1114,38k4n 0. 81 LanioniB. 011 tilintbrau 07 # • Putman. 54 and 14; 15 Itooert• Sta4on 8 1 0 , 81, Hurl sa, I I Jnl.. 8. I wi• la, 3 I War 4.1814 *Oll 1 r 48 I floury Inideo So: I. 484 84 ferfl I. tI ATI:IMAM Pltt.Flochino Work• and Foundry. T MIN WRIGHT it Co., are prepared to hold Conon 'fl and Woolen Alnehinery olevers dlesertpuan, such ,110 as Carding Alnehined, Spurning Framer, Speeders r, mt., Railway Heads, Warps., spool., Drusang Fronws, Loom., Canl he Wrought i Iron Shattnig turned; all uses of Cast Iron. Ifullrea and Ruos•ers ot the lute. paheros. ••Ildi• add It hod I.allara 1 ar.a tools Gir] iiinda (11..tiovi It c.a.,' Woof trpoon furnished on short noon,. Patterns made to order le r Alrll rieurrosg, Iron Railing. he. Stearn Prise tor hoot Ing Futon, Cut Iron Window Suit nod fauert'a, nue generally Orders led at Warehoute.. J. Pllll., A. Co., laborly .toter, will U..' prompt 111.11 I Hon Refer to Rlaelsteek. 1101 1 & tae. J IC Moorehead A Co , li. li. NV:atter. John Irwin A 0.01, frAsaiorrgli , t. C &J. 11. Warner, Steubenville Penn Slnettlue Shop. WIGIITAIAN not —Alaaeturcr ot krod• rot • a ton and woollenroar miler,. Allegheny t The above works being now lb furl and suseesslw op. efol.loll, pre:pa:ea In rAr.htlf: orders fa oh dishltie fur all Studs of notonowry ~ my Ikno, ugh as wlllowa pickers, spreaders. rvd.,g r”011.1f/ otdone., rauwal dravelog frames. speeders. thrso.•ll, loom, woolen erisl All knot. of alrailong made to order, or plans a.v 01110, grantor ineforees for reasonolde rho,. 11.1.0 Tw—Kennedy, Childs & karma, Heil litCo . Kotg, l'snuor. kit Jos A. lorny. NE.W COACH FACTORY, 41.1-LOLIANT If A WIIITE re•peetfully worth the pah. t e ihet they hove erected a taop ott Lnrork between reddr,l e. d Sotoltivty Wert. 1h , nre how mak., and lIIC prepared to receive order, for ever devenpttoit of •atuale., Coaches, Charon', Ita. cr y •• B.Sl(tev. I•turtuos, Br.. An, wlttele tarn lon g r to the manufacture of the above wort,. •Illi the i.e.iisttes they hare, they feel confident they ere canted to do work on the In reatomable term. with thu,te vvaidolg aniele• to thesr oat lose. raThig particular otteinsuit to the selection of mate. nal., and having none but competent workmen, they hare no hasitettea in warranting their work. \\'e Mei...fors ask the atteittiou of the polilso to this metier. N. a litrpullll4l,s in the hest taminer, On the most reimotualita terta• ystautf Monongahela Ll••ey Stable, gotaarr 11. PATTNRSON ho opened jog the large stable on Finn at, running through to Second st, between Wood end tintithhela in the rear of the llonnriganela liooe, VMIIII an entirely 1.0 sr stook or Horses and Churls/go al We beet quality yea latest style. Hones kept at live ry in the best manner. 1)-1511Y. plan, have some PUMPS, made on en Improved glr plan, sou not to freere ths coldest weather Persons sermon; such arbelee, ere tooled to call and see them at 51:5.11 , 11.5 ATKINSON'S, ute2s let. taltereee Wood Market sta COTtON AND Ma iLteN MANUPWir. 111.113.—Harm{ wade artatitements for a con stant supply of FACTORY FINDINGS, no MR sell l itir p !iLt , e , e m s Calf Lii , d s t u b t e t e k ri ., RllLe . r Safas, Lace Los. No to IS Belt Punches, Wrenches, Strlpping Cott e a, Id w 10101 Patent Onsoor Itrohes, Weavers' BISIAil• • le. atc 1.011A51, WILSON it NJ, my 4 120 , Wet) "(Ileac Plttaburgh. MIBCE4LANEOUS. CAumg.T,fi. OIL CLOT Fl3l Lo ECKiViD,I'IIiA DAV,.(;4ryeuag awl Ol violas • lA. aru, iste r ltand mon approvkl panrn., 6,,,J at pncea lomat plarchamm-a1,3 elaap con, 1m par , chn.,1411 at ar,tita &latent Cl{Les,,asupro.ne 1.4 e LA rarietleS, liatra Itay;l Velvct Pilo Critrpel, .I.ol.`l,Curprts, any olt :Jona. or yeti Thorst.y Jo 111,oler. Sup 11,,, 13ruasol• ,10 Topelou etait Corot.: Et 1,4 SUP 3 pl y tin Dra.ar la do do SapJf fin. do Jo Chorni.e. Rags - F..ru -up 111,raan do Tuned do superAne do It. Ihruseln Prim do du du C.Ontolle Door oLocm; Common do do Toned do do 4-4, 3.4 ft 4 Tope.ry Adrlaid do do Dodaaak do Sheep ko3 do do 4-4, 3-4# 0•I'd Ve. 12.4 Ertaito.l Plano cover. - • .. ... • netion do 6-1 Jo TAW," do 4-4,3.4 & I plain do Jo 6-4 Wool Jo Jo do Cotto6 I Veile ngram do 6-1 worsted and lineal dodo d. do Brim Stair Hada couoo Drun et; 164 wooleta;b c/otlt 12-1 woolen do ;Rau Linea 0-1 do do G-4 table do Engltsh Tablet/It cloths; (paper do German do do do do beak +A Floor 041 cloth.; linow-ntop Napkins; 7 , 1 do uo do Cricosua 0-1 do do do Potpie do 5-4 do du do Maroon do 4-4 do do do Ca.rpoi Binding; Sheet rid Cloths, of nessTrattsp'nt lriaulosr Shsdes Tapo•tty pattern.. out to Et To the Crave w e ere =instantly receoring our Somas , Stock of Carpet., Cloths and Swami..it Trltontiogs Ia srbiel. we Lavin, the anent/n/101.11 who stri.ol to far nish their houses or stentaboau s• sre will he a4Le to offer good. as low tbry 0110 Ito purr hard in Be East, and of the Behest and late. styles Call and minim our atnek beton, purehosit e:sewhrre ‘l , art• huois. N 075 Fourth .t. meh2) %V. SI'CLINTOCK. PAPER HANGINGS MESSRS. JAS. HOWARD Ai CO., o. 82 %oud MTh, - WOULD call the attention o( the public to thew present stock of Paper Hangings, which for rek Rely, beauty of thush,duraltility ettetiPneet, 14 un- Stliraseted by any estaldlattment In the Untna. Besides • largo and full motormen, or paper of their own manufacture, tney are now receinug a direct on ponation or French and Logi,sh style. of l'aper Hang ing.. purchased by Mr. Lori llowa,d, one of the firm, now in Europe, e onsistmg of Parnimt uranarneture, 1n.040 pieces. • London do (, taXI do Of their own manufacture they have 100,000 pieces Wall Paper, and IP,OUO PICCGO satin glazed Window Blinds, kn. Nlegara. Jame. Howard & Co. have spared neither expeo. nor labor In their enduavor• . meal the vat ern troll paper oaughlishenenta. both in quality or man utueturc and nriely of pattern; and they art evn rrant ad in aasurtnir the pulthe that the) have aucceetled The whole assortment, foreign ea.l home nu , u(l, tura, ardl Le ofrertd on term.. low ag Chore maitoraetarera and rmporters. orrh27 eltl ZESULON NIA". , doe very lush Lack Libel] Tuck Combo; 1 - low. 2f " plain hlFb e I narrow beaded inp SU " limey trqb Buffalo " plan Iv gm. cam lion., In dor .hell .ide, 13.nrud s‘• dof Eno. ],Oro;Jo $ Ivory, am* 10 Jo 5.. , do du, bolcai /1 s fine Jud.; Ido ,omb Cleaners. vla nuelea.WN. il• UT PALAIIM. 11AN3A A. 00., (S,V.C•SOr. 1107 . 45 . cy, & CO.) I~Aix KratS, LIRUKEnti, end dealen , ;n Foreign end DOMICSLIC Ktottlinvi Cortiheates Of Lootkeito, Bonk Note, atiartpeeie—P,,u et h e r ree r, nearly opposite tho Bank of Plthdrurelt. Current nut ne) received an depdalte—thght Cline, tor oa aid! collections wade on rmarly all Ile prtneipal noon. al the United ritate• IMMlig;1=:1 Advane. made an eunsignmente of I.:rat-art...hip ped Eat, on liberal tetras. arl GRKAT IN YEN riori!—VALUABLE IkiSCoVERV P•rviar Sacaso Jam,cr In. 1,12 . Pan. ertu.s.lenrr even-rim Tabl ,sofa, Dureaus, Book Cnara,lVrtting Des.h. I.}:VER OF WIIOI,WIT • . Tula TABLES far suridnaann, erre, other tn ve op Inc kind nn nr eatani '4lr y ran nn r - t,nted front it to tvrentedf:ve reeL a'nd vele, elo.ed enn .cmyes are 1I eontanonrtanle : tey a now. to nnZi add for 9ten:lllwatt. Iluwia. ond :arid pc.enta 1411101, non, and mi ben etneed a danyirta oentre tab:, et/FAS Anib BURY:AL S—Tbeae after:, arr ot•ol uablr, paetteular!y to Ocoee 'aria, Na nth to drono. amp< room and convert -1 .Irennte ennFton-nt •nn , parlor or .ittig room, ns the taean I, opellell 43:4 .not nne and when abt, tbr Innhttde t. cn-krt-n ed. It ve .Ctil, 1.1 room atm: rent An tn. - - foraelo It , • lerovienel r. •ce of e • part, or mem.; 1...e0f cASES—A neat •n 4 orrefo! article La pother or dre..oloo morn WRITING , OS Fur ;am , rQccL•aunt,,,,t ton., Wl..c..poned a Mast cow veu.eo. L.* •cal, Whet t Inz:e4 a perT.ect 1.1e.k ar.4 I Ls~T 14t tbrsr um/ co bea...ty ortio• orbote 1., they Ire whertoord not to get oto tot pa.r It w•Il be kw your Inlet,. ID ,011 and (01.141L1.0 41, the tuantstartoret, storr, No Vs:Wm:POI. adJoion to the abovlt IJOAD'aI Paten, Graduated Gahume Battery sui Paters l s hated Pqr.f. APeiieeti trraiatier.puttyresar. Tula ice tetterr e only iareal or the bud th at hu ewer been preoentrd in this country or Europe for meth teal purposes, and is the only one even known to 111/111, by whaela the salstutte thud can be conveyed the men eye .thee ar, the brun, or to any parlor the body, either externally or intensally, in a definite gentle and omwithout shocks or patn—wrilli perfect gaiety— en with the happiest effects. Tie.. /muerte., top...nuts :• now bight y app. wed pi by many of the most dome.. physic..t. 5133.1.,- .7 mid Endo, to whom the adbeted *tune tt rrotY roue , . vvo r^re”,.., kererenee will also he ridn emlegte, who have Leek erred by radius or doe most vatualde •priatos al some of we mod meek.. iirrVOY• Maude. witch could not be removed 1..) an, other known mean. Among ••ramtit others, it hos beet. prov,., id he ad ml adopted for ,h ul lolloVeidg dtsessea v. 11Ct•Gull Scaraats othyr daesays at 140 Waal. h I. with Ch. sprawlua alose that the operator can to the magnetic thud with du. and safety to the eye, to restore tight, or cure nonzero..., to Me ear. restore hearing; to the tong.. •...1 other organs, to to more speech; and to the trona. parts of Me body, rot the cure of chronic rheumatism , asthma , ricers..., or tic d010ur..., pa my via, or palsy, veui ea lLLba St Vita's ;lans, epilepsy, ertigodi trap spil, Clnte dtamtaya sot...tette. ksOltivr, tirF our • -- .Wets for opyroundlthg gdlitates Weitd" i'a . and at e l , hie lnahuiliast, rsy lic pus ets•Wti,ml attatatialt rat the Cala of Yell instruct... wilt tic 'given for the vs ru. chem.. Galata lie used for rand. diseues, sod the Lem mato nor for operuung for We cure of those diseases will al. so be fully exptdoed to the purchaser, and • pat...Piet put Into ho hoods expressly for these purposes.. care caret fully prepared by the patentee. Engel., of oetl3-dly S , Pti It Utt4R.sa , Tkal the ht. S. Eastas- - 11adrg tolled a quantity of Gold weighed by your tittataClOl find the result of your Ind correct; aoal recommend Um use lt to Won going to Canfornia. as dm best method tor of. muting the teal vade of hold. Ildp. yours, J. IICI I •LEV hahl Pat/burgh, March 9.1,4 U • `-• ttrsvev4ort, Marrs 7 1819. Ali KratOo—Dear S.: Ramo extr.bol for.Aten meter," oarmut.leturcrl at (0,1111, ta, j 1,4 lo euname,ul it to Om totr p thole jc...te.t oLa art . h° 3llin4 n vli..4 It invot a No. opprozunauon to Ole nt cadre gTa•I ty ottnotal. and .11erruoy ertabla the a.lvet.turet to aseerlaut wbou los percentr yielthoo ( old mutt lour., re.roLv R .114 :LIN•rot , K. I NDIA RUIIDc.R t,Lt .1 . 111N1.—/tot reor.vra ito tar E1.1.4,11i011, a compete rot•oltilo.“ to Dora lartie Clothotg, at pr, or. raopog l're m P. 7 :XI 5t1,30 for run of rout. pow! rod hat For rap t, India Rubber Depot. No I Wool • deem 4 4 11,0 4k.C.1,1V14,11— , twee ,nune oi inioe oo tr eolebrwind Hamby. .1, ivied ewastuntiy Iq Liat,Thalemrig and grrat prriormer, together with • lame oi rim:wood aud inatu s igno), of my own monoletelt • the nbove looiruments are warranted tie ',Tie. in every re.ww.,, and will be sold low tar cut. 1 , ULU '4 E. Www.l w. frwm SW For Collfortalq. 'I L •![1: celpl.rll,l tinzaril I . .Mrq. tec,,, ball ieh'l7'l"n"f4",,MM,W;:i?i, Illnspratt's Paseni Sods Ash - - ;)n.) CASKS Just temyed per mteetuerti Ivanhoe awl tAt Cloud. and (or utly by tl' At Al All mehl3 MI I,lw :1y et Dal GOODS. SHACK LETT & WHITE Dry Good• Jobbers, VO W .Vflt)D faritEer— Would cal! a;:en,on II of Morrhanta to Melt large stork. tfdraC.tle aftd Forefg. DRY DDDDR f lot Tr, , ,1t1.r ow [La porte. •EnlManofm nperi, o,ad sgfarti they ,t .I .ell al • . ry Itt yi,tes I. approvedfl.Lt (Mr stack oin, And rowl.leln, and we worth tLr altenfion of new nuyer• ere are determined to 'en at ...frt. e.emrty lova. I,,rep Ito ranee: 101 l t, make it autanometi r afereLaal. ir ent e a bill wroth 1'.4 DES, SHOVELS. b.c.-4.4"4 deo 5r.,,d..• nr, S.- ~ v6• ' 40 do Manor, Foro4, 4 , 6.1..1. ter :Al do Sur el 41, Axed, Hatch.. t 44, 141nHorts Hdlows, V,cc.,lc., Iter 414 1 e 1111Iiill1 1 .4111r,• by ”44 4., "1,41 I,4 • liit A., RF: MO V AL. THE oubamber remo4p4s tine , ty S•ore to ple or• rThillaucor k gtirt t • g nen y W., unit door to Um lorry flow. meta: rf JIM:s I•ERH VOn•iapa and Das. ttttt Lt.,lasara. 4 laid./ ansorttuant a. /1. guar, •on mal far nuaainda nets W..k Ai \\ITCH h:LTIIEk: kvere..(2 heat., than Everi TT ()GAN, \ et CO . Importer. end 11' holesale L th.elers In 11".....0re, Sed , llery. No (S Woad etre... übove (hid, hat, 110." In etoree very !heap 1..4 Sell ae.acted .lo.: Ilar.lwere.lll\ ported re o the ...me ot etel erhteh ihe err detertmed lb Red ell! free ...11,i ) tow. Merchantsy who he, Leen to the 1.1. a oi going F., are parties. arty reque....11.1 roll and lonk t• rowel. oar clock. ae heoeve they e.'." hhelr eipenees ,14 (ALE he;1NZ.....1.A due reueote Feu.. 15.1 LAW, 4 ve.y hhe emele. A few daunt Inalalaii.lll.. afrue. toe enamaketory of II )1 Crawford, vehlel. the 01 maker. I. 111 Vile, reerivou sod for W YOUNG& Co, : h.r PATENT 60LA RLARD LA MP:4—A .rth+i4i u/ & Co • , I.rmetl crunil furldre. to •11 other. u, adv.pred to chur. •leurme.t., arton, puLlte sod cud 4•114 • .1 other ',lmre • ehesp, sat .11,1111 t• detir.l.le. • Mee Laatoruo,Oandelatwar,(4lobaa, 41 wko. I.l4ut.ttes, laahTrtatmers,.ke. Al.e. C..aedeutro, tromn. to lour .takta dees IV 46 market sr - 67L10XE.." Ynnk Chre•*, of ofang .t7.;;;;;;;;.1 aol forwe Ley Wh 0. MI.:UTC 112 13 No. US Lunn, suet DRY GOOD& &c • GO A T RIANCF.I).PELICta—W. Ft, Murphy ha , h. IV hand a fear artily." and reaped qallta iyhte Vl/%11 alma out al lair Olen. IY23 VEll 1r ft. trattla Will sell the toll Dee.w kng summer G.tda t at minced pneac •tr.: Ging haat:, Bungee, Thanes, Greta dig., BO( anew, SOIIIIIIILtSh Sark Bonnet 3 bbon., B..tnng.. Ilene' and Boys Boatmen War. er.on• vranti.g any alottee Or OLaY "a , " a "" i i' V. of Dry lioods, snil do Weil to eall at northeast COM, of Stb and Market wt. - - - to II h ITE tra , IPS F? „ I . O4SSSSEtW. EL , Allsab i ; retetyrd:LrE ;lam ma . .. Mills, from Ma rd op Lo se+y Au, pima Sada. do; barred flaiss , do; ma : brosicred do; smut bossed histogram; .11 fiorshod, do; do; and- avagral assortment of S% lute Good, sash. as plata ea ignsed Netts; ~,,,,, Ed UtZt. assraarallt bud Al eeee WLulesalo Roman .p stain. rosy D 60 PKV8D.--4. A.. 114.3 A. Co . . Dry ' it , tabbalovard reaopeeed %et Friday. July etn. All of their atoe2 haeterlybeto marked doWu. offered al the tortilla barroom Porehaaer. may de pend opon aeserieg geode et LOWER RATtqi than ever before_ DRUM3RI.B CARP67II--Tho tars/eta aaaortment o .1) firms:ale Carpels ever offered this city. (hr va.e at the New earpet Ware/ton. el W. Orelintoek, No 73 Fourth et_ enenpriain the late. end Mahe. style, and at prices lower lb.ever offered la the mark... Alllel. want Drassels Crpets, should rail briore purehaving Macey/tem jets W WtILINTWIC AH l e FLOWERS—Main:um lot ruticial Flowers, vim Pleb, 1.11.211 paper, limited do, Car. mine paper for coloring, Fmk dancers, Lemives of eve ry iorm, bad up, nod C llll . l l, c 141 4 Alo-1 1,04 H KATUN Q. Co'. wo g T Store, •pl 4 Venn .1 _ 'VAIBEIGIDERV—Worated parsers,' for Ottoman, j2i Piano Stools, Table C 0.,,., Traveling Bags, with allreat variety &small pattern. Also, Worsteds of a eolort a.nd shades, Li) die palmist, ounce, or skein fur sale by ard4 F EATON h. Co, 621 Pouch s 1 SECOND - BUSPITY=W R Murphy, u uorthessteor: nor of adi nail Market mama, has rum open to Sla=ol, supply of spring and summer Onods, stet has a large assortment of Dress Good. of moves. styles, sod staple I.soals of every kind, all of which will lie sold low. NEW GOODS, IM9. ENNEDY h. SAWYER, comer Woad and Fhtteth %, street, are now receiving direct from lest hands,. l arge stock of Fancy and Variety Goa inc.uding Clocks of every •anety, gold asid silver Watches, Jewelry, French ?roils, Combs, Hooks and Eyes, Waves and litutiery, Suspenders, Ciao Caps, and ell other articles in th eir line—all of which having seen purchased personally of the inanutneturers cut. da ring the last wittier, eitpiessly for the Spring trade, will he sold wholesale at • small advance on cosi. Coast.", yon hand, all deseriponot of Looking oilois. ea. of oar own manufacturing. at eamern inh7.3 ViarF.W FA "iCV AND UAW - F.7Y 1...000s —AI ZEB .1.11 YI,ON KINAKV'S, 67 Market street 100 pee hoe China Vase, ast'd; 173 sets twist and rut velvet coat Button, 40 line velvet Carpet Bass; da do do gent, travel,ng; fancy Wk Battens, dre.,•, la tin Nail Brushes, a..'d; IUO gro fine Ve , t Buttons, te-'di ZU do do gilt and pitied, do, dos ro , ewooll Hair Brushes: t%'.llSogiott do: do Barb, • do, :taro Fish Lines: Fish Hooka, Lima. rle 1. he k:W —5O gold lever Watches; 50 do do. ta,ned ;ever %Vote 30.11 i 111 do Lepine do,• 10 Inc ' mood Fusser Rings; 1 do , an. ~.14 yea itOd Fob Chains, Jo du littorals: Pus, Finger Rings, Ear Ring. di 1,1.0 V , --/On don Ladies Conon Gloves. ass'd: Za , ti do do 1,1810 Thrrad. 6t e, top, So.. 10 do gents' siAt Gloves; 12 do do kid do, In do ladies It.d, n. J, i 0 B , P do (see,' op silk. VAIIII,II' lit 011/3-73 pkg.; Antersean Ptns; 300 tsgt Cotton Cords; 75 p. Paper 51catin; 500,00.1 ribbed prrc.asl..n raps; 2laigoa circus IVhatebone do; NO den Ivory Comb., Dressing Combs, Back C 0.., hr O P O 14' EA'PON el,. am nosy opening their Spring . stock of Tnnunoupt, constning au part of Ilan ulla and Dress Fringes, °imp, block and col'd Silk Lac., blank Flounce. Lace, Rnuona,-Ilrid., klonnet Trimmings, gents, ladies and ckiidtens plain and Inn• cy 11.1ery. Shirts ior nun and bo. s, Combs, Ivory and other Fans, Yam, Spout Curzon, Needles, Tapes, Dot, bin., Pm., So. ete, which they otter (or sals-, both wbolcisole and retad. at lk.r Trimming Store, 64 Fourth street. betays, Wood and Alarket. Par.Bll BP 4.1[ 1 ? PLIODS. Sikasklati bite, 4 , 1: ,,, C 4 =a9 nr 4 cia ,ro ticas, Wo.l Jute., emt the 4,0 volo l N ltirta . to . tietr +melt of adlk:ltl. LIIIL.OI , DS, oow roan,sl4 dtrect fruft: Y, 4 Imitti. . . Hector in • regtdxr •opplies of first rods during the ions.on nnd devonng • huge .bore ot then. anennon Kantcrn Au coon •10e*, they non rourntrtnly buyers 1t.07 roll find 0 to glen onercrit to cAarenno On, .toek. Just weeared, large in rotees a( neer se Dress Gowl, revs, Prions. Ca.stmwr, :50mmer !nib L&nens, rnmnunt ,. 4,1 ~,,, Mud Licoaled .YLeetagge of 2r-t -tnuel • Notice to Dag nerieolype retstil. T sT roved, • .n.st: Vet, vtuca RN el DIM Zt: QUICK WOll JUNI i AII.:NT.4 - neer con•tractow. Tu-e. I.rett.tmenta powoo• grdat wlrmwar,..ittio• se! war, eve, .soda, coverang a y ie 1 - `ww, ',h.., the owe of ...tuna ene•hall and prwistetna a Pnw - per, utratee 4.1 be-tier ..I.,livvr4 lure They, therwore. dr-serve We attention of 01 Ar tists Prter fo rngsle4 es &817 mewling to engage 111 th e inionees. r the 'rube li. A g..n , t+l a.aorubeut VolgtleenderA ittottr orated I ii•ttutacitts, of all sizes, as vetit ttiepeterreye type Materials, at the Towel, yeAa... R PETER SMITII, Cioutuniati, Ohio, II our (cagy km the *Ala algre Inatltmenta. A 1... t übt•aue-1 by addreaeieg• P O .- - ?auk, NV I F. LANGENHEISI. . . Exchan,,,, rinjodelphis, Inaporlr• of Dagvertrotype Sl•teriala. and Urneral Ag.nt• for the mile of Voirlaendoes Optiral Inatrv nllnlm cum rtken...1.,..., ILIS. 110 V A la •)ITN Tailor, has removed I No :II street, one door from Second, Tooni, MI for moat favors. he respectfully solicit. eonimulner w Ibe ostroonge of ins former eq,....ser, and lit ars, the patronage of as n 33:;., Ease, oat, as are ck , lite right strum rirders in Me Tec.4.,ag ipso executed in the roost nitd with diepateh Aaaa It Gadilonable asimrtment of randy mode CI, im.3 of all kinds. Cheap for cork. of coon, • • .. , (Venlien,nt' runn.hing Ganda in all their vArtztl,.. alway. on nand, a. SO,Ol. Baton., Cloil.trk. at. vine. 9t.. t.. Seed', tloa.rv , !?asperndern, Peekd vc., Un.wrn , lhahvnno,,4,c he. my:n.4E4o li . itildfrif&O i wa\ -ei.1.,%•• ,• . ...p7.1;,1*9 i.„..,.... , 0 -d-.2..„:„..... ÷1t p,.. :;4 „ Ni kg! t . INqPIII'DIF IL' . ~, .! , , 1.L.,,,, t t,,,.. 5 t. ; , ..:-, . . . A N v , o l lVt , i ...!exixfiencta Playnieran from the :ft Vickie NatZO " ar ' lth pr t Am e l e e7s t°' d no: H y ''' . kiln sauce. In Bulfalo and other large cil.ien btu been proverbial Ills charges are Moderato, and hi, cures permanent Old cues of ()lent, Stricrort, Sera loin, Floor Altn, Ilhoomattsm, 4sno.rtyidot4, ter any chrontc or mvemrate onion solitiAa,k. A core warran ted, o gloom afundod. Orman. St. c".... ate, , t.OVIVIII OW Wag,. , - 1 - -V , ....... - Z I .lf.kh.d,l'.;:orlt' ClLlC:cstPal.ra• • in (taboret to calk apl4.dly I papropieu•se In 'Planes. Ilyiyill TIM, aulniermer tr junt reoes•ing an nonortment of Ytanos from the factorn of Num. ilt Clara, N. \, svhsch ror el. egance of - exterior, beanie of 6tikh and •noenort.y °Clone and to enrpays any thing brnueut to Mtn coy. ?dr. Clark, of tria abwe. tirm, int, and mon favorably known ea the formex t. , • , ..iin,. in the ectel•rated lhano emato,hmott. nt, Itroutterood. London, htia recently imp s art nod Por ferted tun rianos ui Nunna ak Olark. N. V.. ~... , ."' s " . ' . ' u ,,,, ...—eAb1y. rhael them to the rept, tiomn of L.,,,i, ,es rery I,ont at Inc{l ea the cheapest Kano, ti 6.; ,u1 tO l4l. country. ltee lot now open- Ink. cthne• ...eh the adthoonaf recommendation o an imptu oement in these style andwatch omit., them at node noat elegant and tasty Ming ever brought nut. There litorionentn, Moodier with the stock on hand, f ,rm tne inout a 1.1111,VC. vaned and 4,:- ..ralee aveonment cv , r ntt , reO here; all of toilet .r , U I,c 0,141 nt in trtufae•u rent ~, r ,cea, and qn acuMarriodo tong torIVIS- . 11. ki,friiiKa. „ 110 4. W0,...1" , 11'5. <I 'Mad .1 vrtll tat found al Itt• tt04,0 groat It to 12 A. ,•od to 51•. M. rrillF. lobar fiber ofret• tor %ale lor,e and liplendid J.. pin nmewood and inahetany grand A. non Ptnitoe, with and without Co/entail, teloii,ateel Nona. Att•ehniont. The above aneiruinen. we war• ranted to he equal to any inaiiivactutad Oka aou,a. try. and will Lc roll lower th . o- any fr.% the ""f q:r4l - ,,rt ‘' h ria ‘ !: ‘ iitt N vela La taken M par Or • tow of ho clo.. oaf' F. II 'maga, Manufacturer al Mineral Water Apparittnr, No. 21.1 Nor in n.econd hi. alion•e Vine I'HILADKI.PIIIn,. A - •• • . N ~.penenee of .nore than twelve yenta in tha mandtarionng of Mineral Water Ap0t...... and Mtnorat %Vote,. Ron , . and Fettc. nun, on• ellenatao teak, with a aclentitie a. Mao. knowtedgo nf of both branottel of Wor th, ^rid. rocent latprOvolrietllk ute conationoon t the A pp...a. and the ...t041.144 Of Ile %Valor, whir It he ha. aneeeed,..l •talt to Pant, an , r Inn.. of rinse ...V lot p.aln. •pplte... :11. U0)0 , 41 tot. arts ta MooSaatea and Chelan. Vie, enables the to name before th e fnahlte web manta A pp not, and oder that tho bc.it and 0001 Cu nt AppAruto4, :or the N o , dint of Min. tel Wider io Bottle. and l'ountura, e. ho fut. nished tnihe Lotted Mate.. Ile el.n iluver• Merit that the enlareed utecess he has inn with, and bw prrsent est.:neve and dully !D -em-name amount al hie besincee in both the above dr. par •. furni•the• the mom convincing proof of lue eto .1, •uperierity App rata. over the,e of all other, end 04 the purity sad ealohnty et the %Vele; preneryd torrefrete. Pe nto. ssbn osder tho Apparatus a dia1... 0 , may be assured 4.1 these as 1N Non e 44.1 faatisful ly romp l ed oat, and so psckest to carry safely robot by land of seat, to 414% part of the U. Mal.. To and a4,opp.t.hitaryl tt reeoaustauled to those Iobt ta.e,d ,upotyt,„, Ihemsaly. Lt. opproaetung se soo.to forward the; oak. at am early a day . eon. eette-ut. allneral Water Appararas, Generattrts, Pumps and Foantants. Ornament. I Ilnas and PodesLls for duands, Counters dal Warr. 01 Halals, for drawing Hydrant Water, tuvulaer with Corking and Tyins Machines, and every on appenaintog to the above banners. tonstsatly on band. mod (or rale on the lowest terms • apthdrodrtm uiluss - 117EitTlEti7l - • . . . ADDLE. HARNESS, TRUNK AND WHIP MAN Q DEACTORY.—nte subsetibee .U.e Ws method lAtl'^hold Atendt end the public in general that he hee the InTeKt abet of the following named ang el. of i.te crianufecture in Mot eity—Saddies, newt, Wu." all of which he veill Inerrant to he made rat the twet material and by the bum met*. A ltexecny county. Ileing determined to sell his rtmotifueibre• eometelitir lower thou has been beg. oboe wbl by any etitle, mtablishment b the airy. 11.• /II pagan.. in need of the above aataad to bpi wartime., Nu Cll When, aft e1,..0pp. „title. Alan, band. mad. to Oa. Riaebllol • 17 0m.31.1Y 6. HERVY. VOL XVII. NO. 6. MEDICAL 131J/lETACIENTIIdnics edinie rennin Mhuge to the Ileitis un very apt to braise and injure (barnacle. to man may. They a calm disabled so uto be Rufus f ora bong tim e s It imatedisie could be mode (tl. A. Fahoestock & Co.`. Robot.. eMni, .ad the tramed put well MUMMA and the remedy robbed in, it would give relief and ease the pato No farmer should be wi th out this rielebrated medicine, as it is able bedlog to MAO or beast Pic. pared and sold by II A FAIINTWITtet & comer of Wood and lot tie; also, comer oth and MYI7 MORGA.N'S WORM KU OD —Aootbet p,00( a rite triomphaol success or Morgan's YeMedusa Tanzman, May ID, 1640. Mr. John D. Morgam—lf my name Is of any ass to the irefferityg cemmualty, in regard to Ma anieie of Pall " a n dlgeTVi i tt "ColTm"ri to lt, came alarmed, and very Justly so, when I toted your renowned Yenutfuge Sad aalol2l.aag telh ow of them was delivered o ' f about SAT omit. token inches Wag, of thoLmost frisbee' kmd, terembltes more the appearance o ~e el The other ebild vas delivered of about 01 T children are now clang finely You na, well ba proud of your Worm Killer. Y tooly Done Slams, Virgin atley PleP•red and roll wholesale and :mail by 101 IN D ood Multi/A affe N, 1/rucgist. Wood street, one doer below In my. y DITH COUGH - la - A riIII.:LULL/ ClTTpril, Wa,a4 A I Mr. IL E. hollow llcino afflicted for some at, m e te tenth cough, wbelt wan 4o ...tin as 10 tuLGI Ina tor nay Unify ealp , uprient. Freoichtly after erregbing,i bore Unify ot meet, m to be all/igeil 10 /11 dawn and reels Ileavng Me geed creels prodeewl hl your Lough cyron. I /wadi:Wed to gyve jt a trial, •ntl ant happy In say n produced the aftsare.l .'tact /or cave Altar smug it one night, the .cough ran aborts , and I ion how perreelly /Ansa Jonas. Thu pia.. mid lownlar , Cosigh Syrup Is prepared and salt by it E ric.I.LERS. 57 Weal street Sold ulw by Untegu. generagy to the to o o d d tufty. SAYED HER LlFE—Y.4llcm' Vermeil, ,• he 811 U. ale Lattawroa. Va. Jon At, 'MD Mr. J. M. Wilson—Dear Mr, The wal el . . 11e.,' VelTlNTageboaght from you some time son, Mauch. handikirl 6 years old. the astotathing t i r ed df 5 Yonne I beim •e she would WIT. • very short rime, toot far this nued.cine W• Sto•Ar, Jr Predated land sold by F. !SELLERS, 57 Wood sold also by Drugging generally in the dose oght •._ _ IMPORTANT TO THE AIPPLICTED. Dr. Rose's Celebrated Remedlee. rk R. JACOB S. ROSE, die discoverer and role pro. Ifpraetor of these most popular and Li...fiend mod icum; and afro the inventor of the celebrated instru sum> or inflating We Longs, in effecting a mo i throttle diseases. was a student of that eminent ge physt. man. Doctor Physic, and is • 'readouts of the Univerm ty of Pennsylvania, and for thirty year. since t roa ba re engaged in tbe investigation of disease, and the mop!, canon of remedies thereto. Through the use of Lus inflating tube, in connection with hi. Prophylactic Sp rap rod other orbs* remethes, he tau gained an tine:oaf cited eminence in miring those dreadful and Mill tnalndles, Tubercular Wm. prtan, Lancer., Serofula, Rheumatism, Asthma, ro ' r and Agae , revers of all kind, Chrome Ervaipe Ins, and all those obstinate discaseapeeohar to (soaks Indeed every form of disease cadet the are alas remedies, to whirl} burnacilly la heir—not by the use of on. compound only, for Wat is theoutpaublls iamb Ph rsiniogmal Law, but by the aro of his reme dies, adapted to and New:gibed for roots peculiar from of disease Dr. ose's Tonic Alterative Pills, whea.nsed err in. ly arkiloa,dged to be superior to ell other, as a purgative or firer pdl, inasmuch usWW a ns - Th.. bowels perfectly tree from costive:mm.4 also hi• fielded Pills is admitted i t the faculty M passeaspens. Isar properties adapted to female else..., .111167,1 OM • bare trial bi sufficient to ratabliels what has been said to the minds of the moat biteptical. The adhered aremvirod Woad epee the agent, and procure igradst one of the Dottsr's givhts a detailed account °teach roused, Wei Mt .01. 1 == , .. - Per sale by the folaroring agents, thaavell as by moat Draggists throughoUt the rountiT: / Setiroidnilkar P Co ; 7i Wood telltlefiEttshongh; .1 SI Townsend. droggist. 4 .> Le, A Beelthunt, - near the P.O. Allegheny cry; Lea Berkley, Oarlingmt, Seaver roomy, P.. /tin Elliott, Eileen - 1 . Adams. Reaves, . -- -- -- - Jaycees' I - C.l.4otOrnuit. 80,Lb., I • oluntlatsito en.,0., Apr. 24, I e 44,. 1 a . Le. JAI NES: 0.. 4dr-1 feel bound to tab 1 / n and the ailhen.d pantie, to read myself mthi. f lyp• ,riutin, ut ei,hg pu,onity to the extraordinary effect. in ynor al tEr - ocelot..toy se er Haying been melltetrA ror tevaral yenti tool a se re cough, beetle loser lam! ts wt ta dt•voses. and teemed only doomed to ....1 .oot t hut numerable exitsente, until the i ( ..., „ meini when leo, to ore seawall,. attacked, md Onetug rtes in all my forayer rernedir., nod lite toe ..t.itttlont. ol two ~. Ute au. tettiotetanle pby•letanA In On. nese hboridnal wtthoui 4.-ttvnig any henerit, or the eat...adman of 'act... hat a few days or weeia at inethest—at,..a tete last gleam of hope arm - Moat to v....e1:64 So ItA . .itbettdetl 10 trie your Expecte:treat-, t,..1 bie,..cd by that Being wbe does all things in the m... ot the mean.- n. ealturary to We few of In, phystetert. and fnend., I wat in a few day s In andy bed, had Wms eau, .I by IL e wee a a horde, to tmn to elf pu , iness, r injOylng ..are better bealtlitlnut I bad too ten year. preetoa• 1, ..P.r151i.Y Lowl6)10, J....W.F...., Foe tole en nuabargh, at the Prima Tea Siete, il Kw.trth •etrnal. roar., fir. /21e.ta.ne In Tents eeeee . 111115 is to ecru() that I purchatued one vial of Dr. 1, McLane'. Worse Specifhy, ...no MO tbotilloi itg. sad fel., to • son el aline, ...roe neve. irate old, ewe uuy.toosta fall, and although the O.OCIII Inay appear nolo, yin f Lore no dwaht but there was upward., col ewo WIC.UYa aromaparsed tenth be., a...twine ''remoar Pent.. m teen t two inches tong. ll W Itt/LLILIAY. flmial. Ceara, Carrel pa. Tenn. bee . .17, 1 , 47 inl4 S ELLKfrts' to EIt.MII Lt.k. IA t.WI4I:IA. • vents Jan. me n d ,412. tie It E. Sellers,—Your Vote/doge haa .ed well, and bit. hero b•th y spoken of by all who hays used a From tilt .eeeess atteadeng the administration of year V...natiotte in every case I have heard of, I an re...44mi I can tell snore dortcor tire coat season than lOW last I will be glad to reenter another nap ply el 4or I gents. Nears, respectfully, (Extraet from lat.,' R. CARTER. Prepared stest.old by R. F. fir.LLERS, :A Wood at, and sold to orogetsts act...tally, in Pilletnargb and Al '. legit:lY lathl '... tSEIVI . IFICATI."Iii DI( NIRJ A ' ltN i t- A l ' i reb ' t Afii..'‘ t eefdrca, that unotediately valet ha el.,g attended ray brother, who died id ernocutoptaies os Morel., Ist!. I woe tat., tiebtwith the Consuinpoor, or LAIOI Cataplunt, and was reduced .o low with In. disease that lot four ye•rs 1 eras 11/12LIC 14 ad:cad a. 4.y hominess, either at home or abroad, being far the Rost ono: col:doted to soy bed. Donna tier ieasve port• od of te I had ai expended for edical attendmec o "'"'" P " am: " i ''''` .'`' ~ ,.w...7.....V...e.x.,,ar-mo.irtaluatwa IMO, without ‘reiwing July. te,ls, I roomette cinch and have tatert wins atul believe tie, It was Waal etpat. truly uyiLv twelitt. I believe t =ISM I mud., in , tpcauff.old, On onrry on tu•naro and am non norrennoi iLOY L— abors no.olictnev..o.lnuir tlaia eMiln.fig efit of thou- ELLJ All EATON, SpOngt.i. NI V Ft:, DORT WIN ES—OiPe y, Webber a Forreater:l,:ll• Nue Mb And my r u4L Camp/.•u & dry tuna tt•bnuro • 1-31, Pure le4u. Pure lo.ce pat: tteu/ar Pon. !hurt. & Son, rurr imee. the-eh], duet' we and •orale Or +nes. Theo. wine. are all eelot•s te I for their tneclteal nroprrue•, auJ can be 1.4 t•mle •tle or retall al the Wine More of JACCID WILL VER. lc wx. • WATT, JAY= ATLl:cum SC AIFE A TKINSON, Fax, n. errwar, Worm Aro NlAluter. PnTssmtatt, IONTIN L to nianu...4•r , ! of COTII:a. ll TIN AND SUERT IID)N WA Rl.l Also, Illack• mnob Work. $ 4 .. Items tuaAlt to order. Sprzahi WurLo.inn ttv-a atrqua haat work C0.,,1 to bona* n hoe assuotar•t of Copper manta,. Kets4es are, c. at StotAboal CosA.pg•Storis, wPortabl rat vaious , c ry g o . tsele for anatniwau, I 414fornat earagra.a, at tail toed totaptnies. W. would respectfully invite. wren boat men abd others to call and see on) &Antes and Pads. Oen.* purchasing obearlottn IT WANTED, 4 1 - 1,14i.v at We BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA. UP NEW YRK 11(1SroN ANDREW ORLEANS OR /MAL O ESCY AND Cl)))111181/105507710E, Young MEN ht Wholesale and retell story and ether respectable butiants, to net a. acash-bcapore, Salts o,on. Rat.keepers, Witswrs, Formers, Coach men, Cat Apts., Book and Ma n Attend, Collectors, Overseers in all bradawl of twei..esa. Re. IN c has,. at all times n large ••••••,1 of gond situation. on hand. othtch pay from dinAW 511.51.10 pas annum. Thaw in Wan t ofsitytoupa titty itnvi wouhl d.. well to give • • C 44 •• Iwo.. atoms In rash of tha a ton cs. Bo n 'Ow% will ...altos us to Neon csory applntwi in ogdtabba m 5.601011 rots shortest :tone.. ha vg a ' tante acsnlaintnnue in all the above named which era Gun will enable us to par entre what. tine to .11 who nosy favor as with u call. TAYLOR & TAN - MAN. No. 59 Second.. • Imm - sten Booth cos: Garg... N.ll —Persons In any part of tbg and wishing to obtain [lMenn.loll it. Waltimore, no to bet of the mho., caws, woll Inc. thole waost Ignale dime ry stitendnd to hy sold row., vs • line, t00..1-,,aidt Irs don, they 1010 +small both vv.,. and as. wtoch ollsarartol thi meat by r n eowne lo OW. agol t.gettost ctuployn,ent for thern.elvc• 'rA 10,011 h TAYMAN, N0..50 Stoned Inlet, nlindknd: htd timidity roa.l - 1711t1PFI. tA7 F. II A Vh: mbar iron Vthe tin.‘ nopcioh.l oattorit, and reeornino4Eed by Thou.. tint ...vett. and number of eminent 1..k.g a tom enerca, ent soporatus for On bpprination of worm in Loa bob , ter to We bowel, In come of vounios in ent A, nr•ry per.ott •al9ce, 10 ItUrdefl attbubb. b. :b.. , " should he without ot Wbat one. ATKINSO:: Virit it. between Woo.l ii.ewer INSTVPU•tIf. `secondnee.. fig' this Inoue:mon, under ilia 0 , Mr. alai Ali, Liosnith for the resent eeadetilic car, er enwinetwe in, lb. Er , t trl.ma t, ner,i. in Jun lame beldame, No. X' Liberty meet flC..thg , 'theoin hove Leon mode by ernieh they Will be tieh , faruiili young lathes facittuei in the We for owsowng a thorough English, ti nge.al eel, rind Ornamentai [4l.lrliilo4l A fur l course fFlu lisophical and Chesnwei Greta,. vrilf ddi..", during We winter, thowisted try flame,. Tim de partment,. of Voeel 111/11 I nitrinnental Mu s k em Lting•aei, 11,, 01, Pamung, be ithder We rare g of cowrie., Proterear. 107 rime alleuthin to the moral and into:leritthi iwprcrermeni of their pa. 11, the Prtheilthth holm IA maul a continuation of th e r. ruieenage they Lion hittrirto etuoyed. For term, AinaY die Principal, jaZi-41t/ —• —•— TAX 011IDALIP OIL- • 400 Il t r re lANNE ß ' OIL, se handuame 01 1---.Go.tontly . hand, bleached uul amblesch; ed Wlol aid apnea Klwrm . ElepPeaq,And Whale Oils. Mae, lied eololod selected • N. W.Coate Whale thl, sellable for wail... PATENT OIL l'oß ii APIIMETIV—The sohaeco hense two , prepared in orpoly 'llualeaco Racal OiP au sa e y quuouty; Inachtekkals, mans, tiaras: ke., Add reynsica to cull sod cannune amen:4'oo. "Getillieilea of i. earkekkey add sktperkusily one( ik.luttetiPtitaliennk oral of our alenuve knnnkaCtiklVra, lOW Naaaesaann. ALLEN h. NEEL,LI,I4.,Ai•!. Y! and >V awn vharvn, Dear I .ll= l l 1 4i . 2 2 171( IPAJAIIIII.EIEMI4e-00 trs ' laiS`
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers