---- -_ -- to be rt pretext - , VRO3I NEW 11-0X1.11.. , Kossuth ee seen tottehte leers t rilißti it t iii ui t y,Krt mbii-z."+.. 0 .inr . 1.- 4 i ,0,4 4 ,,..„,,—,... et It, Po....loMoL'thatuz. - 1_ ~ a lrilaY o, lo•VabaneXe laillee cl(tintiehr . Margate matted*/ ebew battled i • -, t e New y 0n. ,, , An ~, i si9 s , Extra mi : ~...I,ol ' silihneg o knee deed . Deemer 1, Jcus, • Peel tette 0 lIN It WTI iOn ' I 00.11144 ins The moitatboa eliciepean Polfdxf . a as etleteutthemed Ito ea Save and .h,, , , s ," . c 0.. ., 0 ", n ,.-461 , I No m •te gratifying newt elute communietted • .7 • rate TO.. P ITT eh 1.1110111 '' . - . sn e stn . , st yses to the liejit than the loot that the great mown( Se DO. Went Aaleticert WEDNMDAT MORNING AUGUST IS, ledri b faP°•ar * a,iminkh m er $3 ' at "' °°°'''' °'"--' N sir TorVelistemers is poonej into thereaty,ind An am y _ gib nliendy twat, at the very Imams -- - ----. . paid since Int at Which rats the whole would 1 „ a,.. the leading hotels number one hundred erne nand of the Illangnalm revolution . revetal ..a.••ta n.. ...”ghanxinnoli-U•aa" la W Patdmhad iWs estiogurtsbeil urtureney theeterand s od two hun , , me. mein oppointed to Kosstifdee Cabinet, one' ... l g:. rt- erte um weekly —The Daily la eee e n . _ vale a day, which ta th e ultimatum of - M..1114 of them oodortoyanditityy no , Donets {att y . - We their- -alif/wet, i s F i e, vpliater, I Brett years, about Leven hundied and hity getter iin, another Croa t° accommodate strangers . Already goods !mete tan, another Italian apother French and German enema, thee eekly lit Two Lkdixtz per metre, invite i n o on , si edema. • . Ito encumber the sures, and the curia). that have an d all o h ja f tiller understanding Magyar Among a placeof tsansiater hem th e French' ' t The experts 01 the baited fpngdoeu f or me five -- reopened to Lind In a , , , t h ree I tata long keptthe due from good; have been rol'ed I t hem .. ~,,,y . ~, L i n . mons°. he Tape sth, . earn ur the P n Xmgyar. Wale we wens clot in Penh I up for the autumn trade Only tarty-seven fatal worked in the Chancery al Bida, n od had only a g e d seled tot • epee, teary have been an followe ' aged anal ordered oat .t...10,01fi,1-2 ~ayes .1 Cholera have been reported 10-day, mil non aad then the opportunity of seeing our Kos. Ihi 7 i i now feel that health has really retorted. auth. But lance the Chancery was removed to Al-' Lebreeeen I here been ehn.t every day at his I. will 101 Inc uninteresting to the people of . 1 ode--or ra th er, 1 night .y„day and night kir ~ray County to mow that the editor of the Tri ' hardly a night in the week pesse, ewer. eche h it 111C•1•1 la retain the services of the Ron. lure are not compelled to be busy. I soy Pe (or' ,rii ' , noon in the on ., cininnnnn . ~.,,trod of thc greet I manwill utarays ording emp lv loy eudeator, a s mom theD s owe as et time mr it' t . the Court of Bread The arguments oft ,word sottl i ohow a toe, to thuodhee you tot . iin, I Tr Itettit are tart without tome, nor will they 1 wort room and to let you behold with poor 01•11 to , 0 ,,,,,,,, f 1,., It urge d , ..a sai d, mont h I eye.. ae en observer, the Liberator at whom in Amerce there is no psi °Gumption Who . even ' " "" d °II a• aalia ll hut the strong ra•°°°l MP- boknown in ue ghboriog countries and whom tee I my of the member from Allegheny county se- of your eurreapoodents can describe, for there iar, are I t, er:r red 0 1 i e'e so triumphantly , as post of not manY mho have had the oPlimientlY of l so f Vial be .mad in the Hails or 0. - ingress, folly golly.. a Koweth. I I Nattily know how to begin as there is hardly are ban 01e. , " and ehlicrielit'h .P. -I'' the Pee ' ever . .. panes in the coarse of ors ricerrity• to start 01 "moml policy will hod full scope-- frieufbut, for example, I will writ.) down for you egbetry moldy us capable of retiname a I the d ingsof yesteriley . I 1 esterday morning, afire I had breakfasted I the core it •n, w,O only .an heretohastened to the Can:eery—that is to nay,to K osaid *la he deer.'" of Oa services ca h•r euth s Lome, which comm. lour apartenta, his gent able member she will Intl of her dell) , sleeping chainber, a parlor, the Chancery where inl.l a Lsocokso be neutered. we lour correspondents hare nor places, end a 1 lets. Three meters wall ha I , Eplecepal pope, of this region are deter- . pitches 'l were t i e '. in the room as I entered, .11 Km ,. i that "I - nity IMa h shall not nave the set- suth eat in lie usual place, with a pea to too right ,• of the Rev. Dr. I peed II sloy elect of Ind, hand e ond el the left the dispruches met brought ir hi ts stno . d yoith int ., worititht that the t h. I had carne rather too late, tor it was al -1 ready a quarter past 5 o clock, and another See rater or t:,,' moresc should reside with los charge, i net" hal prepared is my place two despetchea —ea—i d tad ' , Doted chat i mT h0u5 tr,,,,,,,,,i and not'hat eWm depend upon Mime< non toter- welter , were sent ell before a As I ere.. be en, and oilier 1., °too o •. --- ' '` W ` LMI nU the ver y r.r.thranah. ..111'.1' bane 'l .. ' •° P •• daa or ;tows los rank as a member 0(1'1c - eon...ions wriung, his mooch was &retiree. his eye glanced at of the 1.. hoed ‘-",./I'. it al""aalY.n • • am'Xith' sin ' Ire,La ia. or de U t rerdepal Church, aortae the double right at sod read the opened despatches, and hie mind , i . r n oitr , nn , s , Ino looney to the Trearmo, t lite e Iml Kant, 0 warn; as 11 preMyler in the Lover hoe. as well three. and loliowed the whole. 1 " sn , t ono, d a , osodior , [ hoot t • the ruernbershm in the Bench of Bishops. The He tanked paler nett more ileffering than usual I -- ecePttne a '''''''' 'a" '''''a —°°''' " ' Molder of Rhode Island has declined to give the I A glom of niedreine stood at Me aide, from which 1 \ ',r o e trites that or a bear gnrden.. ,' A loolish paragraph mu teehop tee assent hemmer . / to enable him to l i he tasted from lime In nine, a. if it were the 'nag been much "mutated 6tile paper.. • the Ca i ord the positions of Rector of Penucylverea and I ram. of keeping up his physical eat...li— the It chop id In th, and the consequence isell be [ Indeed, though I have often worked at his side I. •...ii States, that the expedite of mionwining or 0 oe COl, al Lor,,& wean not( oat tishi ni the ;nil at due venom the people of Pittsburgh with from carry in the morning tilt late at night, I do net t 'Y.. re e-on ea lac highly, It the people of leder". I remember haring seen him atop lin take any noire-' iced ( o r a. , ,applt ill the paler of Nev.• Vi ol „,,,ept him as a Mramonary Bohm. he may be ,aliment except taw mixture, and though he dims I nip ol L e titilo!l proper is a sinew die - trimmed but not otherwise, as the ca m nons of the , sometimes eat, I eau .sure you teat the amount rime greet m eiropt , ~.. dot ~ o . ame It stand in direct controvention of hod which he toomes is hardly ctiodgle to In the hue.. el pan at the ray there is a good keep a young child from atereing •e. ha N ew i, t the papulamer or —e , .rotht , t 1, of ectivay men the der aor mosey good, , hie might almost any that the pore. pert othim se puree tine. ci L - itiem. Al n "tee h.glier rue. Within a ahem time, a good hos no longer an metehre or its own I the than is so Sleet Otro a Vine m aany O , Roilßoad Mods have been eon od In nothing but spintved energy, for. if it were not so, yti riots m i h Mai , • mend. , cruelly those Issued by the city of the penshing, sickly hul lwould long m a ce have ' o be rvd Its C, imam. and the main) of Fraukun. The gene- been dissolved in spite of all the wisdom of the n' 'roe On- been 32 tie the six per cent bead., physic... But he to perhaps the only living be., sail this t r ewash in some eases more has neon paid Thesetog whosewhoseal mighty will in one oath° ent by its own 1 w„, \ rlo • nes wi show whet the Pennsylvania and Ohio farce to urge forward the wheels et physical r. ammo l.a : blood Weds are worth in open Market, as and keep them constantly In movement. He will I I vie security In ac mom, viz the whole property not be i prek and he iii not Great as are his hourly I ai the 111% sad county. Some of the Michigan infatuates and walteringa he re strong end tndefriti Cr taral 'Lied bond*, eight per cents, have been gable. Ibis cpultual rearnirtres.hts wdl, hie entho .. ...., , imy it h,,,, it no , t very gratifying rate, all a ...., endow Olin With the powers of a giant al- e eonstriered The desire to hold govern - i limners his physical strength is not more than that I 1 in s mg .. has Abated and holden, weep lower ,of a buy rot a x years. Ho bld• defiance to death , e• sad a. the kirrien deinmd dii.reeses so I that threatens lorn to so many different ;naiad,. I , e I the price Tai' beaks have added 4600,000 his spirit keeps the body alive. That a store I/II II ruin, to their ...mat this week, nod are !reels I still young and vigorous. and Can only came to be erw un onnt lag all g of paper, and still are not full 1 so when the too greet tendon WWI have imitated u their die-at line the nereee to such a degree that they refuse m obey 1 A good deal of tl ler ie now gulag forward to coo- the wet, and that the organism destroys itself I emuence of the low :might. to Liverpool, only do not express memlt r learly , but words, unil.ree I re , ney 111 e cents a barrel , or doable the rate from me no further —But to our labors. ere to Boston, aril ought cents a bushel for grate I had scarcely taken my place when he beean to At these prate es t will not he the fault of the Butted dictate • leiter , In ite for me to wee, and so we ..- ates it England does net nave cheap brans. l he were cum! , yed som m e four hours, during wtoch I en bustness has opened by . sermon sale of a wrote two lettere and rash of my three colleagues I amine Green teas told higher than the spring three, el by has actatton , be himself hail in the , sa es, and lull rates were paid for bier., et maeh meantime prepared two dmpambea, one for Peroxer toe etoel ,:t choice Is not large, la cotton, sines the other tor Corriere 1 this Steamer, pm.. are unchanged Floor is firm, i Alter nine ochre* he kft us work' abundance Ind to,, Lewd. it tell. dearer. Wheat and eon) I for the whole day, and went wnh the Minwtere are tu rrqusal at In., rates. For all hinds of sorted I Simmer* and law eel, who came for him to the roVisions there in a dad market at Mauer quo-House of liepreseutenves, tatter! along with him Cu ons The tr..... n groceries era large I some papers , on which he hod made Several mem o: toll peen In sugar the stock orvery large, as I °read. well as le aro s .es, nut 1. soon as the northern I He Came beck about t oclockba the afferooon, I ru rpean ports are opened it will go there as the I eccompan.ed by several Representatives, with niettirel marten , and will give freights a start C. whom he had • conlerence of two hours, mateer _ mg their questions and smite...hoes, this did not llunint Ai rata sir it seerrowee—We received ' Proven , him 60= examining the documents we had prepare) dunng tea &bemire.. learn Melee. inchigehee 'act nigh. of a dreadful re-ewe:me at Inc. lettere Wale hewag thus dictum( to us iiittleown, the part s mars ot which are about three On four letter, wile Weal y &Mervin content., these I being given off together by the name lips, we h. It. booms wisuide o noting lawyer , that ; to be etreedinOy mretul in taking then, dos., hare been I At ea o'clock came mote Map:Oche. and yea 4,e end IV. I' , :r“r , e , tArk,untb, , ~,,, ~,,, cn , , ~,,,,•,,, fu „ so ., y ,„,, , ,,,,,a i„,,„ hal itiquittea, all of which were aretwered without lod nor Se cede) ni soy hind for tong „ i . e. — any delay. My Milner consorted of a glees ai ,ray lair Secede) let a i tentleman have one of Ms anion , a pees of ham , and some bread, wt... I I had no the table hes , . me, and disposed ol With her,. t . o n to me emintry and as the gentleman who nake d the the beat appetite as I we• writing The Rxpre 1. {I3IIICII he me. R. I. WnL`efle sentatmes, trek one exceptiOn, wecif away, Inc ime Olin in. h itae to go to a religious meeting a ime Aides .1 , i •nt The ',morel. let hoc have the t one tam... cal down et the aide re Away. Aire, and no-queett ed Dray f yarn,' with the , nod begun to help us This made five secretes.. ,col,. no remarked that Mr Wreklale should not rod to nice out eve , ' - nn , Mem. of the labors of ti.• 10. Plolvet I a uords .... that emu.%) .d 1 t,lne,,,fleitaiLgblh,wide.,,te,,i,rey,intuotn.s,o .17 , he . 1nt ...,, 11 , pa ti a1 . : non ,t el , in, at ,i another I, WV. and iero , ...cede d ~cod a fr ri 1 n quest tei W tiL, de Whey he or- n'a amtare, eh of dalcrem et - Meow . One id vest At inn in..; house, limy bound his home i 11,010 . I .' 11l pcmlllosli , 000 to Bete the third hreele-d to e tree. .11 unmedrately took him in to Pans, the fourth to Vienna, and the high to Gys Mudge and retnreed with him to town 1111 End ong.s" •° ,. wean'. German, tote la French, and no words with Wrckliffe on the ground, and did °fa° an malatia.n . a g reedy en see him. Wicklttie is stet to hove been la n • man *l,O ens I E II II O f g inemted when he mused the horse .d After this he wen get some time engaged with understood who had taken a wane, and made 64Parma which be reckoned end reckoned a • wail- bent thream agamat Gray The Bite. astam Ca . " el . ch.O.P , fe , t ataltrantiOn While Isel Ir. nos oconrsiihy ...neon, and eorainteour d o i yoo thus occupied, hie (need and Merrily phyticum. the to livradeury red ell who knew Wlckfiffe and Be. and Professor Begat Pal mew in and iniermap- i Gray,, y h - t d a drffreelly a 1 scree them. Nolte fed , Min. He grecami do lr ere,,, belly rminted ,ego h ,w, im .r,a-hor. , d lichee. , mem until yew Welton chart, and ?clamed 10 Ins om °penile ha 1 .....} , 0 .., 0 0 ,. 0 „,„ 0 , iu 0 crook, •,,,,,,,. on t i n , before. The p•ktor trot al hand, at inch he yadd- , ~ d ran d ed willing:ly, veil it .1 il hot mime to leo, and ' 0,.. a I _. • iII • reel toward, tttt e, an 0 ~,,, , ...,, ~,L , „ ~,,,,,, o f ~, yar d toot , held it for ....,tne tifxrn reroutes, 1.1,14 the bed ci I Ws• I, , iirr e rnne nu, ill tee afire (nearly opposite i 11, Pol.e, ante whs, h he withdrew without any I ‘l..ni .. boo. , ) ern ed wah a double barrel shot I 1."..'1.1A1.11k 1i, Ka...lb .:, 1 oy t... t tot, root ottystert s 'net., tree, and ~„d_ I At II o cheek the Lead of one or toy colleogato I Gray was •Iready neddmg, and both rayseii end the one , the nos harge taking effeet in ireiy's aide to en, and as he mit no Wlcktare deretiarged the t °Pillar' , " "re moll hardly keep oar eyed Men IA eml bore reek tor hat Clll<f MI 'be back Of Th. nkall •otteX tat end the mime of Ike de breAst lie umuedrately fell, was earned idto toe P.a." of the eollals from th e nealagall'ig Ranh it " .n on eysys easinot „.„. a h ,,,,,,...d ‘ it .,,. roused ban from hr. reflections -What - 3.10h a gentlemen a he asked us and when NCO told him p 4••• .111 prunieeneed them nicatal Warn the siege lell at II o cloek, Gray w. [ a was pant alter Id, he Wean. °ovum, and a tip, but In a very precarmer. conelmot cloud soddenly spread ever km Imre He ram wo int.t , noroi roittniyed the gtsdewtotty dianaye y, t from buS sent raving -Has no express arrived Irani Perth 1 " "No" wan the sneerer, and ye begen I f '', w k;° F , fj u . "77; i :., p . 1. ,„ , hot ~,3 „ ,,,, tsaaat hl y te walk up and down the room- He Jul DM seem 1. , , ,ong ,Tho.„„ retar d this toorh ,„ a and to tank that it was ash time In ace'. rear, and el has nut I ten heard ci , mice —Lorimer& C.ntrtn th lo prevent us from bevies tech an idea, he wind 'There Is wort babe done pet: . :9 1 Finely, after emoting Yearly the another hour he a s 1 term is Pm-or aa---The follosseng a fro m mod ha us "Let us take a little rest,isentleanse, the , Loan New Ere of Saturday , while we are wetung - , I will call lan vb. I need your help. Ile went Into Wished town, and we We are Informed of the particulars of the mur- arranged ourselves on Ilse hatadies and shot with der of Mr. T. B. Hee, at Palmyra, Mn, who fell 1 ems (dig.. 0 . • ~,,,,0 4 4,. me the „ o d es , hed list ly the hands of Mr. lobe Wise, • clerk rn the , our rest was image long derattou Between 3 and pons m this coy . The Oir.Mtmstaneel which I 4 o'clock the expected dispatches arrived. Mel half asleep, we look our places, and Kossuth, tie tail to this taut! and much regretted affill are brief lir these Some weeds trice end derrog the pre- Watchman of has country, dictated to OS ilabefrallit valet, eof the I•feelers Mr Wrce--who or a Mar. At il in the remising we received page ,,,,,,,, n y o k o rind man—sent his wde to Palmyra, and eon nag away while he weal the a bath .bough with Ow ter her departure his ampleions were aroused request to be them •Vreo by 8 o'clock- We are mvdat hi t dairy aro..oa in the etilm, e seeing you.; and strong, and mats night's matching now her hanthenting Orion letters addremed to me viol the Will not tepee os; but a is not ISO with Bert In thin city One or more of these lettere, Imo Hoar long Can this Hero of the Nineteeitth we ere manned weie opened, but, an if ho avoid Century—this guide of our Fatherland amid the dem , Inn, a hail). name was titled Wise and toes th•t•prntand it—how long can lima spirit Me. Hari were at taw time , and in tam Inc • long pen- thin th e coolest that u ever .rnes`en with the bo nd previou•, upon lerm• of the etnet.t inumaey Re ( physical often, tau IS assaulted 10 mc 01 Wedneaday lasi, Hart left the city on the —My friend, 11 beyond the ocean, in the free and . 0 , 00 ,„ 0 , Wrypiu, ni,i, o Inch agami aroused Me happy America, there are mm who reel synipathe WieL s su.u,co us, who luiloWeil hum the day of, for nor good cause, who desire the soceetur of our ler on thr bate Kearney. As soon es Wise ere , - ethane do not ask their prayers so mach be the solo he went to the post tare and brood hva letters trtumph re the Maven) as for the life of Kossuth. from Mr. Hort add to his wife which min- for Hurgary cannot be ceset.red so long as Iltia lamed his worst snap ions. He urgently armed on o npreheoutle beere whose same is linnet/la 1.1,n...1' wall n knife and pistol and .eat In the epered, though Bemoans mid Austrians eater tbe N. mr .1 'Pitt-1u i,ere Heart was temples. Haug country by onytinda, and thoogh thousands of our In through the herb wet he met with lied on the I brethern fon as sacrifices of Freedom, lie ta the •Ide walk. me bent of the house, and without were- i image of Lfierty, Equally and Fmtererty he lathe the drew a mint and meal, the ball taking erect I incernate spirit of lmum, he IS the Washiagtou of In the left shoulder producing a limb wooed, itg Humeral, and so Etjr,, Komuth tee bang fired al, Hart started to run through the ----- funeral. was °lrene.° by W[sewho lheu diem JOB POINTING. the kWe and indicted a severe wound on the aata BILL BRADS, CARDS, ....... 4 shoulder nelrle .evering the arm from the bldy, I Mestafwars, Bs& Larag, CaaltsztA law 4 8, ann., rin the pea arm, seemed In the stile. and I Kano gagnr - IWllanih couttaxako,aute ~,, room= tic se., the km, and ... '."''' . 11. b‘..' '..V.'"lr the I Peered at the shortest notice at tow e o t the rmht hem of the loog• By the tone the last blow I de , e , sein „ ii „ tirayi l yitiny ones., n. • wen thtlretrd the parties had method the back I yard, and Han fell upon the pavement, laterally ' W. M. Wright, B. D., Deastlat, • at to lucre* and emigre d to a pew moment. tonca mid re...Ocoee en Fourth et WI. gave lonwelt tip its the Mend, and when I 4 ••,..."---. era' ,. the Pethibareh Bank, Late our informant Icli was st 'I in custody, awaiting the IfilliesLe• 'a n ' . f aa• • la'a bra in Ix Aht sad (Mining of wateesee from Ole city for no ennailft•- ' 111.01 I 0 eirre lue3 P Xi welaty 11,71cernnott -bet? ravor2 1,0 practienble. Af led lime *ill Ifni". ADEL _ ..... : ,, i .• • . 1.„014 OH !a. Adeertittemeni tech and Vetted; ''''''' •• • • ........ ••-4. • • • '11.144 933 , I tad forersided fra The report foe vita 0 101110 eadlog• du! t.h. ! '`g' ANTI/11ASONIG ND WHIG TICK EIT• ' vhowa an exce. of 59,0111:El100 of export- , over '''''' / 111 .Al 2, . the same mouth of Ist , . ondlor the pert .d of the i , M'"' ore tuentione4 ILrf.: i• ,I 1 I ',l a I g"" WILLIAM HA LETT. a Buthts county. : Ate ... ' 4 ' Cl ' ItIWINISLT tato of !10.01X1,000 over Inivt, and aI SI '0019)0 1 th 7 . ROUT. C. WALKIIt. nt letset•ett , :o,•up.h over 1.41. bent who'll vhovc ihe extreme drew' a.' fall ' /OHN MILLER, at •Atterwhartt. ' , to, of trade in ISIS, the y'nv 11: r eV,r;tll.ol,..liti .”' CAL LIT., of Iht wha cm , that ohm derrestizott has Ivrendttor , thin reee,vered ./.. 00)1. ESPif„ of Lower Bt. Chet ' 'hula 1849. ia 1,11( The Duo do Melton hat tvin outlawedl . . I-lttv,. , " '. end tot debt. But the Gut!! aat good company . I. . Ott Sir Wu, Stanley, and •,a number of other qt ,o i Knigtos and Entintres, with ii.ry ar storette name, 'l' , W w - ere outlawed ti the Slltdiea . lll.C. IV•r the tame ui A3IYORIOAN. on% to the North It., Plulatlelphta, vr, MI MT/ CARTER CURTIS, of rts.l.argA ritornoson... GEV. S. HAYS, of Upper St. Clair JOHN MORItirtON. of mare, or at the oustocioo err. Poor Jenny ',ad. , he rughlinaa r 1. 0a,,1 to have P' tube home to her cold auckdrearY Siverico with ':". a broken heart, on sibitoun4f her disappointment it, the adatr with hit. liar 4. M n Mr Bars, the "' lover, "la broke . also, ls • far Loess platters See vent page. Parliament has outhorisei the Imitator, pi I.: 00U I 'to I•• Wont page for Telegraphic ill•ree. miles of rail road in the linilerl K nod , . at as rs• P . ' -.sip- - - The Wes/mutton P.m e nd ~,,,,, 1,, ~,,.„.,„ untitled cwt id Sl,:tabt./00 tAltr. Thom a thimarmil papers are now engaged in the eery serpreroub , radhs'ins hay', beet, eklkendP, . ~, boldness of holdias the President of the United s-Itsi.sil is doubly, ask' I.:PUY 'di!' red, mitt I 's . ' s id State. up to ridicule, by publuilling carrleatures of I, oo Monet' tr. the "tree's!?, it hue s Mid limil, Cl his remarks at the differeot 'doers of reception redder... l d teriPMYttienti kit!! a Chamber dr txp• '', along the roan. of hls Noithern visit limi. T a yl o r sties that hi a hear gnrilen... A toadish paragraph ~, does not profess to be a pej,i,,, ~..1,,, ~,,,i, hag been much circulated 6 . tete papers of the Cal- , Mee an eater. Hie hie has b een i .p t ei In raff,p, led States, that the expeefie or miootaintott the II and military cations, and al; his as...mimes hare 1 pm. , of the city of Lontl l ife .. .l arsc aide one half or unfitted him far puhlic speaking Some men. am, shirt required (or u, ,,,, pp1‘ 0 , the P.'s' eh r'''''' s who ate able writers, profound ['Makers, and pop- Vi'llii• The car ol i LesadOli Prot.' is s sen ' i '''''' .....d or IMPlenea stores of knowledge, its salmi- trait in the heart of the are . ..b.! Mr...op° is, awl c. a • .' ly unable to express thenuclves gracefully for I later probaltly not our haft the papulstion ot New even Iltelligiblv ,t, public. Ileac uernat end ram.; York. Th. exp e nse of the Isor'r finrn set i' liii.i• • Men, to take advantage 01 the old soldier, and Milo has been art down at monk than S2O Otto. it wog I him tip to ridicule, Great:se he by oat the natural la fret for Middles' '•lsla!Yi wh.crt oi.liiirses I', and acquired graces oeoratory. If he cannot make leadi elll i ." ' lqlll ' l ' L3a , '''' 'nun '' be n" l° • public speee.h, he can defend the Co , of his comprise. in the year Indb i , ;5: - :ii..'.3 003, sail Iles country, either in the field or cabinet, and Mr. ...sm... sum was '''" l ' d Sl ' ll i ‘V i l " ° l'lli' ,.. ll' Emerctary Maney found rim more theta a m• n- Ptss - sl.rhag ar .th ' s l ' iu “ . 4 °' ' . G ' v '''''," ll. ..,..'' in the war of letters carried on donne the Men- system is tar.'`'i r "‘ Ti P l ' i ?'" l °I. no '''''''''' bur eta campaign. • The ability to s,meli in pulilic, desSeme. , gracefully and clorgrenCly, is a tamilty to be highly I The remoter. , of •Alg4ris ta at a very .ow mil. P r.. " , bus lt is by it , memos the highest a mao :piked; but it is a little hither than in it , i-. can peaces, nor necessary to mircess in urn or Vitiate, near the head &the Adria°, is ilo• .to.o a twenty time thous of the proper discharge of executive ileums. Many •eaport of Hangars. It i cou•ains a Is., IIIIMIOII have the faculty of public speaking who etioni and, and cured 0(1 v persona ery ponewi scarcely any other. and are of little nee beck commerce, Ye" .°4 . ``-' ISIS to themselves or the community. The German immtg(litnts awe ! l otted State, are lansigtea; over coup:cf..aloe quarititieg at United States' stocks Nolth thrm; They sell them on their arrival to order ta :acrid the proceeds to loads.— T.Ce knowledge of this!fact has slightly depressed the price fix govarnisiesin seta We will conclude to day. with the .011onbug it torestiug account of a Jiatedi Boni r artey. far o.oteti ere are Indebted to the )lesion traveller • .11fYIANIIIK61 1 . 31ITC11 KLL, ot 0,09.0,1711.. WM. M. AFITIIrR 4 of I'ind•etth • vorrta4 /OM BYERS of Fatd:oy Two C 011.24 Actors!—The two small Wire, volt Wm of the Wheeling Suopeast. hedge have been stretched memo the river, between the southern towers, end temporarily anchored on broth oide• of the river. During Fnday and Saturday. the workmen were engaged in consuneues the tem porary foot bridge, compared of planks ouripeud• ed from the cables by mean s Of wire stirrups. At the time of ventog this, the fait bridge is intr:y completed, and held, this number of our paper goes to press, a crooner will be elected over. sad high above the broad exposer of the o.nu over, by meant ot the tangelo spun il 010 feet, ever pra iecled in the world' The operation of stretching the conics, as well as alt the previous Opirat.onit upon' dam dons lutecium, ore of Lae nrust pouderairs and Homeliest, magnitude; but the shall and new. of the supetinteedioc Eugmeer. Chin. Eder, 1h0w,,, well a. the akin sod retitle.p of he. sent:mew have rendered thorn mmtpurat. telt easy, and thus fat entirely. weeerful. mid unattended by arty 800 cadent.— Wheolirte Guutte, All C. 13. The Ohio is lads now actually °bort-tidied —the chaln Is thrown a..iaus, cal tf wo shoran! be Ca. eared with a our/den nse or' Cie river. to the amount of fifteen fest...woe of our thoctunan eta could not rue pass Wheeling. Prompt meow ore., however, have been taken so abate it, o, mace: an Madridoo having liecu sired out in the Supreme Court of the laded Limn, by the Stoic of Pennsylvatila. egalnst the Wheelie% and Bel. moot Bridge (..niaiiinly aud . citherr, and the cow wet be heard trotter the Han Justice Glatt, in Philadelphia, un next Theradast., \Fe feel a.stir ed., front as exaciaosainin altire litircaltd the e‘q ' ei fitikSn thiTrasi, that the ini . tluctiot wallas crani a The people of Wheeling wilt find they have a serious emitter no hand, and that they hail better atiettd to it, attend of westing thelroute sod tot etittin comparing squibs and lame doggerel slava Pittsburgh. I , OBIIION 51 1 at: tint,L & Reported sap eastly 1..1 .iie paisury.. I..re. The English are not, any taste than roe are Unblessed with expenence of the ways at official financiers, when not looked after With pioort no- Beilude. Eii Moore, 1:colty. Gdhns. ant their companions in detrequeney ' , lnk to the level of mere"prlgl when their short etoplags rue com pared with the magniGelent peculatrom of some of the British cobinial dicia:s As au elarnple, we man elle the ea.< 01 the soil:urn by the della:- calico of Sir Thomas Turtou, bile 'Regular at the Supremo Court of Beayal it , n recent _. of lbpy yyre .F p 1 7 oy t aunt:rut London, it war _ - h -'von deficient his or 1.1 •-• r. • : ". 4 5,- P ,: l* . tkieln he had porkotcd. of 'lcotras in the revel. Thay :-'•"` •• • jp(4 in make scarf the di the Boil: of Eattland i 11.501.1000 and there was m Panama.. in Celifortita and •""igiter d gold SI,UnhOUO, from Mexico • 11,200,000 in tiler, and 13.000.01:00, in sold, or. Runts, linking u total addition dl $3,71.J0.01.0. which mould increase the nenumuntiona of ire bank to over 650..70,00n, n Burn about equal to the large amount held previously to the greet drain ci , specie anted by the =venial° 0i lora:ism tin, cometpaent upon the fanstoes of 15'16 '47. Then has lately been a singular cane of alpine. Lien tried to the court of gneeres Beach. which brought out some exceedingly interesting particU tars. tliustrating the eccentricitiel Ideal - none the middle clasas in England. A Mica NoUldge sued' bet brother-in-law Ripley in no notion for trespass bq Imprisonment is a private mad house for Mor ten months. The Plaintiff was a woman, appa rently of freak nand, possessed 0116 000 In her own right. Three of her sister. had, en the same day, been marred to persona belonging to a social intently. labia appeared tuba conducted, oil a principle not very different from Fourierism. They called their estaldatonent "Anapestic.," the "Abode of Jere.' They Inept a nag flying over it with the motto "Al! hail, holy Lave!" The hater xhity cooslated of some twenty Ate or thirty pernons, eigleeth sexes, alt parserolog some property. The .eoohligh‘Pee Was chief among them, a certain • Kr. Prises. who bad been a =Welter. The lady, the plaintiff in the cam svent.to lira with her sis tweet this terresurnit paradise; and Num became • infattated with their axiom., looking Wren Prince as thaDrity, end indeed calling bon God. Al the lequestof her mother-the dofendirat, Ripley, came ead violently mob her away,and placed her to an iguana asylum titer • yestessenteh the dweller. in the °Abode of Lyre' (cued can her place of asalineasani, and procured her di•charge and her return to their song lane -Agapemonc. - Tier deta act Intel bee retina was 10 troonier her sit thatitind pautairio the care, rouuly, and use of brother Prtnoe,for such she believed was the of God." end the next wee to 'briza the 'action above alluded to. The jury gene the plaintiff only fifty pounds, the judge instructing them that " her perversity and infatuation of mind did not amount to inanity. Hen d appears was Four lariats in practical operation with plenty of mimes to support the pattern for a season. It appeared that the members did partials but take Choir ease and pleasure. The principality of "Brother Prince" will continue until the funds give out, mid then it will blow up and fade away. Fourierism Ws system for people of Curtner • who ran afford to , ludttlge in foolish freska. - • ,aulterin Loadzo. a was Parks Markey, outtiorof n wutl: on America. .4dity mode an elCcetlent speech on the public debt of Eagland The Krona tevenne et the Brit lah Government, Inc:ludic.; the root of ralleccion; to Dearly .00,000.CHaker SIga,:500,000 per annum, of this annual revenue, the cat of colleettoriond app Wriest orate debt 'wallows up three fifth,— The capital of the debt is about $3,900.000,110 0 , thirty elan hundred millions of donors, ot which ape Gowmmega never reeeised urn two thousand and lire hundred mations. 'The notion boo paid ince the peace of 1915 upwardsof sipou,oooaceo In interest. Every indtvidnel in the Kingdom_ oweslll3o, or each baud of a family owe* about $BOO es his share of this debt. 13coidea the Ration id gases, tare are levied kneel taxes,,ecnounile, In the whole, to $97,500,000. mattog aggregate Waist of taxation each year $359,500, 000 . And At a time woes, kings sail nobles nre at a di.- mutat on the °Mc, siderkit the A tante, it tea hap. petted moat moppeutut . iely kir the artaloreary at England, Met our of ailpnaudest amnia net soak beeleath the weight of :kelpies. bankruptcy. /low it tole happened: eihy rlitem a averse, with sorh a pt./nicely estate, shouldiiilhave habit tutu !Dead da• Me endaarraeiaaent, thd?publw nave yet to learn A thousand rumors he? . .e Leen alliont. hut tiotim.e is known "by autholtlfr The Duke al Bout:ft:wham a nceeetted to ha (ether In 1 sy.•. The Yibiue id the wittily mope riy was 01 .11001 a year. 4 Ibis huinunt the liockine ham property ywlded i,ll 0001, the Chandus lir, i • env 170001, and the yetsettled estates Mallet In - ow,/ Thin certainly flunks very' fiction! V, Greet; but there was on turumbran , c amour:ant to 900.000/. And yeti Mad he pursued a yrytey worse, he might at Iciest have prevented day ac cumulation of bit. unclench. der, hi..., i• it i a ii.tety-st at lli par air itt. at. the te P:r ,0 PA, 1... it, _'d have had a yearly hilicale tr I.: Cunt W.. .. ,, .1 however, that the itiOtanes , had reaebed IA Mt.- VOA!, In 161.1;i:tad in .1,1 it lita ripen to t.ie tip- nailing sat mof i ,haltldo.ll. It would it nii-mbtettly intermit n• Yankee. titibeilet It, the were , nl ...eh teatime prodigality e. But tau bony' in tilt, threw .I.lew-Wat to the tow le Iliii at ruhinrarerty .5 )et la be tOld. But light and shad ti are mingled to every pir. I tare and the Bucking m ruin ta not without tut nnniente of romaneeb In 191, they D thr hi d become 1.100,1X103 . the so ' of Am uty stir Hagen M Chatidutwattatned to his major-ay It 0111 , a time of rate festivity out ouly to tits tiritee's honsetiold Mid inn di sit hissis G f r a s a n uel y a . T e 6 h . r . e , n . e "los , hot among thetmaso f otem at alt won sawea trout w i tare it urs at ti.e day; oboe wa• toe , rr.ny sound 01 maraiel rouwc. theroZtvere glit:r.im .....:roar d Mita tugalicplait an 47yesitite ra cy atl I' ! a there woe a enuiplottentary addre.• mini tie: rail Amkttott of Buekimilla in, toe Lord Chance-Poe I. • ii i tag prevent na the • tee' in a wort. 7,0,1,1U1d were spent, 1.4 i. an . eei.l. .11 do :..g youth 1.. tat ' ' L even then .1 was .....1 Ili I, the yoong iildtquiit thlghtwiaa lain. al I h.. 1• ,,, :. - gal eXpentiaturee. need might Yoh iii vain tor i - stanual internal of refuti a runt. as -an inraane al '''',lll7rilibell'S•Va.dUe'il of ay this d..apiur ol on: ward J., ~,. Iteorever, the blaulss signed a deed by which lie assumed the Wattic al I:te I bite Otto! Ott] due hole his father, end Fled in the 01,..01 . • up Ai Me 'ear - Add In ISll,shen he wua three years o:.1- irit, heiCXersited neeipor.d deed, Wheeehy he charg ed/111 hia estates ',rah tne habibbesef the INthe, et lhai dine sterlunime to about 1.h00,000/ Ail - that he now remise?: is an income of 1,500/ u . Yedr;pald by the eteddors for managing the es tuteovinii,llo keepsinoly one thud al this; another -third being granted,to the father who has inside .hash sitichan letter bitinkrapt. What a prospect o b.niire this fallen (aridly! The toter , st of 1,400, IMO/, exceeds the whole inordne of a;1 its estates by oats 24,000 i ;41d hatter the debt of the nous,. of Backusgtrarn my be considered shout as htrely to be paid it, full Os the national debt ut Urea: Britain. .. t It hat been nilegrid that the Lhthe made a frau dulent eouveyarieetor rim property to his son; mitt we publtshert a rOtement to this effect (rat the Net York Evetildg Poet, ta.t Saturday. We gad. however, that thiv , ,dy a oustake. The imesa on ha. he mt tested oils I,llrl nt law; aud the eds. MAY of the hbsoldje of Chandos Rao prom :nerd. not only unexemdkUnable. but as id the algae, de• gree diaintermuctltiand honorably It was very clearly proved that he had made himself it noble pauper. merely tosausly the creditors al hi, fa ther to the full vaunt of his atubly. --- - - leomtrro —Thie4rem Hungarian !.coder, who condor. the alai r 2 of the atragglinsi nation. le tile coo.; remarkable Sym of the age. In aauttter co logne, the reader will and a deiscnpuou of ms her culean labors, b34one of his mender/vs, which as read by. us thrilling tuteretit ?day Heaven' anem i a Ms useful life, lot the salvation of Lis nlerdinmennutn . . An anrcdom, iSuw alive not only cit Hossuld h'givierousbi rierrerbditv rind devotion to bis Country, ban also of the :01en.15 rudriotam of the Ri angarran we dud la the toreigo eorreehoutleoee of the Tribune. Here it in: ss, ci- - c liteittlw Airlifts this entice( I must tell you an anecdote which. beard, on gond authority, or the Hungarian wartirasd which preireoly ma out p. peered to yoor Opera. it was canny the retreat 'WiMatettgratasetate ton, ninth. art. when the iluegaehana, ethOer Gulley were ptlr*iitee that the two hots came near krytether , the Ara trine anther/ t4s g pouted upon .thrd hilt. ha which al their sOgrp-shooter. were cone redbird in greet ;Members General Grater, was sarare of ttmi donco of the enemy, and rid na op tO a bad, a il. beware whoth woe sta tioned Is attmoris, be Inquired aloud, woo icas the commanding o4cer. A gray-beaded eh] man mtrwered to tbd.o..oda , sad when imerrogated about the other Cancers, sard.the they bed heels killed. Gorgeyrtaddrewirte tote, pointing St the hill, `You most far that position," rid cost you half Our moo. but you most t a ke it at all events. The old tom heard hi* miter, and lit ' his tore .poke hi his hussars. - !be rismend my• we most.take that hill; will mast us nor-Innif Of our managers, brit It must be done at all evenlt'l. Raising his hands :a Heaven, and addreming Grid soder the old Hungarian style. be continued ins words sa uyi.t I "I will not ask thee in kelp its raid I know (bog will not help the Austroors, bhp if !boo will go teed sit upon that hill. Mon shell be estAfted with 4 erithlrert." Then they nil Maned their heads rlowln over the saddle-hews sail [nude the onslaught, 'Ankrog the hill, but :oolong two. third:of their force. Kossuth was on the field nod rail it alt. god kit upon ltorgey's arid. and wept. It may Cie ,that the Ceara U3OVCUIeIIt in a good thing, bort surely ever furnwhee ti• is yei with the most fplendid ideal of devotion and hero n and rt willie a long time before Mercantile Par...Castors Mitt provide our west fit the .antic girth such glcanpas trail/as Mar." Coat as APraz Satax . .—We learn that even the irate bealt s hy region of the Sault Marie is not exempt Ata the ravages of the rayateripam eptdemie. It l{role out sarong a party .froth , ;:fi• Louis who hs. packed their tents at the heati of the portage. .ir% mon the sietirns ts Moses *e vens, tandlortrpuf the Algoma Hon., and Ora:tw ig bar keeper la the Areeriean of this eity. The cholera ha. alma appeared among the lodtaaa. ' Tke dcal . l4l,llt Chicago For the mouth of lily essmber 392, mioeh .420 'rem of el.lers., V. Bird's triiedy seem, to have hatted ea a ape• eide. Paean , . La. ,, . seo•la.—Yrepured by J. W. Reny Hut the wen killed, o. • ...Idle , byt".k. 1• I wdm,.m ac a;V V . nod lor aide by A Jaya., No. e!I k now nin dad at the lime of his death CU Fourth tree[ will be found n delightful artk wo. otolk,h2 tuedleme. He d wit. credit I e , e beverage ." Paruealarly •iek Uontptma capedmon to GAthu•hua. and had _An wold., He n mon of reot•rk•blY Pr , tin. being a ro.no.o,aona coena ak. lnaocent. ln ,nd In ~,,,einence WOO •nil • 1,11.3110.1, I,lglaly re,omnseutled pante generally known by the auulortquet of Lord By- uotrty inirn Vrep.irtid by W I.)ortitteii . ter , sod 10, .ale by A AY NES, at the Pekin roa i t'e• Smote. No ;n I'ourili •t mend The Sul:l4loo.in sums up the mortthit tloot To July nd t%oin I , llt. 21d to Aug u.t 7th I=l The stroalest number 01 1 isle 'lt rnts n Our day WWI July '4.9.h. fkr rtv •rren. Thut paper add+ • Inaprovem•nts to Dentistry. Mt ti. ti. SI'LARNS. lute or Itmoon, I. Fn - 1. ,, d te 014111i0e11.11, 011 art hid Term oi whom m i d psi. , . o. se., upon Sin iimi Of A 11110,01.110 Scrim. Mors - ~t lit the th , rd of J o in, Mr. lenniny's report Of T 001,1•01111 1, 100 111 r, 1 )111:11,4,hrie ti, is We cent.. of Sneile.Yy was ptiblodied, by o Mein •...ed. ~a , . ..- -$0 ,•.,,,,, ~, t .., ~. May 01 . 01nC1t, FOWL , . sllco 1,1•0,1141. 0 ,1 0 ,,,n1 tlost the Impel/111. of the city u- a fi,. H.. ",,.,,,....,. 0. 0 .,•.„,,„, F. 0. E „ w „ . .. 0 ,, Th. shown hit one eighteenth port oe the - _.,.._ - -..-_ _ p notimmu has been cut oil. Bot when it is eon- I , h,, , , ,... -A. um I. th..... ..., ~._ ..... ....___. Aileie,l i bat this reurtaltry woo te a imputation re- ' ... nah ..„ , h , j ,,,, , c , r .,,,i,,,,,, ..., ~,,,irea feat when duced . ertsioly one loilf, we have been worse than amrs of hIlmoo'• Versant.. beg 11.211, 10 r all innro dominated. p ese ,tmene their attention to its tinges Id 1101 Ti till,e what ter /skews to Ira • fair estimate of err:::"..,,1 d e test th eir nod ar phy /...1 —...... Of y *lrian ot great , the patent population upon which the peettleoce : ' ...,cv .punt ii. larc< l . .. ~. thini. or IMan. it , e„7„"i„1,'L.',j,,,V.7.1',.,", a„:llfh,!.."A'Oar T:,..7'.." r a l , I ..,,,t 1 ....Intl'. This alinost equlls the mot tiii,ersal. he has been induced et last to wise Ito the *Ably 111 Ille Ohio Peogentisry. Many think oar p . o ,L idie es a cheep but cermin and excellent nredicioe. estmare of the preteet population too high . and ! U 11.7 7 ": . =.' w° . 'al' Urns `alma' al . Ko j i) k co. 11. ' '''"' l " ".'"gati mpresent it as only bre or aa hundred, bit they ere cradled to on credit. ' 0 .. A ~,,,,a , ,,, hi p „ haaa A who bad (huhu, into - --- -.sm.- . open cellar later 010"tircµl'ire," tpralued lamas I G/1.1. Worsen 51 - 0. Esotsz.--Mr. Tippet, the cle so aeverly tbet he WWI u.bte LO (00010 cr... y : ing oat with the pain ili frtead who hail 11000 tar e 011,1,, i geotteman Who has heat enlightening oar citizens It. A. Fahnestock a Co's Rubefarient nod beet ended en the subject or eh, lec. or canon. hind., has ma de 7,,f,,filtilla...;:la,inglamabbtitlabga,;;;;hai arjoll,ii:‘,,l,..hetaawlli,..; I the uses-sore e , raiiitement for comn",tenrtrig im- completely restored to health to twelve hears bad rurthtely the minicatietion of • rootlet rend Water treed from pato Thts it but one of a great number of steam engine. and 1.0•111, io demonstrate the troth D.^. wild Lade aa a ' , , , nlrl m at De ahal-"TatiliT rho i or hut principles It ta to Ise. i out stock concern, P' a r rfra ' aa l' ra. P . " - ,,, n ,, L 0- F",,,j,, 1 .:,,,,, T 00, A c., the nee 11stry funds hate Peen mused. sod the ~,,,,,,,,, toted wo a d; .1,,,,,, Corner ern nod w u a u t u I projector in .onoine in the seeress of het *Uteri- I * I men! I , no des geed to do sway wah accidents , - aria" r'n. teat a i.a. • an d if v t'au bse put into wOOL WANTED -Wawa° w. Wool Wanted, (or .c,....iel opereinion it will be one the moat lm- , TV which the tugboat cash prier will tut p•itt by pottaut Isivent , ur .dthe day.— Danflabergis Heraid I ...eh SS. W FlthlttlikUOß ad na•tli• /WM P . NA, o. A.:IIJ I'l. INSCLANCII CoxraNl -4 dowered - 00,111144.4 to m. 0., upon ever, de poun riy ck. , .les Nil Malt , wool g ANIUKL llo•kori Pm.ov. _ mtA ,0,,n 4 , LIST OP LIPIIMPIOL* . - , Jettkilo wow ,tlm..Ohlaxast loartacthOaal, T3EstiiiiiNG kik P .:viltOitriO Post Cdicarfams the. 11 4 1 00 , .d." ,j..• Joao Owicll tY.lolMott 0..- IV lllof Alta hi. Or i *dial( Ahrast, 1479 ... Peift 47,*tri . 19. 0 e :4aritallartfalke halliNtfor Lettert,wO Watteau) they ar , -. a4ThrUP , I • ........ .." C .... J....n* 4 .. . . _ A. • .tyzemrem Kean Wln telly Lac key A A v ga n r , NLarf . ater . A .,.. a d de mo rro , n , ti g, a b. ne , T ,: t. elit . / I:: n yi 1:...:' ,..... .... n Ed Edn : r., :, ly 1 , ,r,..0, , : n 1 0 5 .. 7 ., : : ::: Agnew Martha Archer Maria , .ealley John Keifer Ferdinand ht. G W Agne. Etta, AY.' '''''' 1 Kennedy Renal veer Mich] 1:).. I) B . Kennedy lin'. I. Kerr Wln Kirk Webs. , Kennedy %Intim Kerr II W li,nTrle. The Bac, Mary Boyd Cothenne Bezel EvAla. i ~,,,, i, Holt 11,,,....,....., iy Ar , ~,,,. ~,,,,,A . , m.,..T. it . : ~.... Kelly It if linuley Chas A Barter M ary Wet Margaret Ileseket Margaret ,_;.',..... e'lY maws Vineland Trio.. Barnard Nlary t' Bating. Laois* 13 Brlgham Efta'bth ttr , , - ' .. s ! , m [ell) . Mal 6.rl vld SI I ilar...t laabe,la Black Hemet A Brown Ann ..`''' r ~ ', . ., a a Kalb Jahn Krasner Wm II 8...ne.. Herr - len& Wain Ann Buckley Fdlen Hu .... Lydor. F Irlately findget Burnes. , Mazy aro... Adel Bloomer Frances Burt Harriet F. Boarder M r. J Berrrean e4rah Harlin Mary Be J otr Eli. i 11...5rt Margaret Banco Ettrabetb 11l Ca.benne Boarroan Laura Butler Marc A Lk...lord Mary A Mark Barr.et B)tne t athel.ne A A A Axa back Mary t•.,ttit Nl•t,utttt Eitt ox Meltot.l.l Al trx 1 Coll.^ Llttarttratt t..ratvott•ti Mary M Cu.° I.4.tratt Nlao trio. Mar, CAtoper Lucy A Vtottiti Mary t ..tttcttt It Cocltran Atilt Coterlf E.ll D 410 44011 AlAr) r. w g Anne F. Dri•coil Dn,s• Elii. but,. Klasuetti Dunout Nlaritt Firly ,nn IrJerard. MI) P.llt. Nancy Edmune Knee Margaret Ilvarls Jane Fe... , rsusal Foster Mrs F . 'ortunLrlarah Puler' Idury Furl). \Lary Fuller M. C. GA miter Saran Gluart Susan Grant Mllly t.a lankier Fill Is t.o.lAni•odrt lira l h 1410 . 1.1 li•Illbte Hanna C limey llatharinn Gr.enonah Ears 'ardn•r Ann Urney C A liner Jane E Leto. Alm • Grant ales Brave Entelt. E Ci,ita Mrs Ills Ortull Jooepruna Gray Meryl A lines. Mar:suer Harr Ellzstreth Hill Ressnn• Hatteren midget Harunan M A Hoag Franc. A Mary Harvey Adeline HoleyroodUridger Hnu t ,s M u s, rinse Mss lko Hoptins Puna. 114 , 1 PhoeLa Heenan Ann Hough Ronerc• i Harris E A Heiman Mary Honyunan ti Hurre• Mrs Henderson E Hassell Marra , Hart,son Mrs H Herron Plary MA. Mary H.rt Anna }WI Clara ITITEME Jar Air. Jo. Judgr Sarah Jon.. Mertha(i Jaeltan Saran Juoge Oat Johnston Ilelleriil Nlttret Jom-s Ann 111 C Johnston Ddstft ►nue M.ry A Kerney K A Mts• Kincaid Mary A Crams, Rachel Karr A.m.. King Marva,' C I,llv Mart. Ke.ler Elitaboh Kinnry /tante E Kc,os Ellen L.. 141314 t, Franc., I otopee Maur t Jane Lute Muly Sr Cs ills Ludwig Ilenru L.l.lvar Jane A Lt.us Martha E Lyons Stery Lee Elrea Maloney Nara -r Nlrron ranee Mitchell 'r Many Ahae Mel% • Ca•harine Mnler Sai , v :n.L. hen Saran Aligner Sarah •• N:cAies Ann Meera earn Mar, Mcietosh laabella Itrlde Met'reath Mrs Mehra Alta SI Fall Mar, J McDermott 13 A Alcharma Alice lellartott Fran- bicDottald solmn.Vel.tutellitaJoatm pet Mel.auglm Nle , alot NlarattrelMeEro, \allo Melia., E'en ,jet'abe Ann Metitle,M A Maalliclsna) Istmella McClesr. E,lest MrEmtlataJUUf McCoy E I sabatit Nueno Mrs' 'sub, A 144•61 Norma, Ertrubenl Margate Not.* Nuovy Nun KotaLana 0 Pairiek Pktueord Ann Ptesalry Mary Per., Ann rotten Alm :t a u of , Quaar .srah B .. . Hamer l'utharme Reed Sopha Ithper A.1•I me I. Ka. Marl RUOUICit ithiSblhßO•ri, , I•ry I. Heed Eivro 11...m•nn M.l.l•Rutherfor.l hinter Urea Mary P.• Mary Ros•ell ,o•azt Flo-) nold• OLzst Neb. noon Mary Ryon 4 ray Barlett Mar. llolter.l.k"‘T nn). Eliza c Shittrarr Frorwe• Santl. Marget. , • n an Shad •r killzabeth So4nerr rile lane N.A . eyer• SI NI Slm-r EltxabcthASpert M• , l Scoop vier Cllr...lattarbonabarg ElLgaltTurneresza nornpaos,t 6 •rshOTtrumu N NI 1 urucr Au. I pdegre , litsel.rll Warsoa Mar . Aou, , b.re Mairlda ll Woolf /Lona , &Iva C Winrcur Mated trra Sarah naar.aCataa rioeWll.. Wanoer JJ %%.i.h SWAM Na.r.raarson Cart. Won., Jana c ,omen adanWarr..a M.n Jane • • . . . . . . . Ao,ns Kota V Albre> (2[•Tre Appleton E rul...sr Itot,t Mica J•tue• Armstrung & U. Agoosr Lint 11 Ato•ley A•ron r•I. ~IIVVII Audrey Ands.rsou! D W Ao.hur AAA.. A. ue-00, Div,. Aootersue rho. ./ A. 1.1., II IMMEMEiMMI S.sal Blau .1.01. Drama J M . lin!dam .:ren I.3n* Wm Brown John Baggy N$ lilogbaas Was Move Fre4l Da.laers Semi hinge Vent: Brown Janus Besmear Nu W Blau Jae U Brown All 6Qa Burp Wm Blast Illexu7 Brown F N Darnell /scab Black Banal Brownlee Was Ike nett li Dr Bow lieorge limper Donn. / 1 / 1 1(1.G• Unser W Boyle Hugh brosten Nor/. Ban., Jobe Be, er• Tuve NI Brunton 'Wm /Me oar. riemer W no.; re o. t i a ..I , h opt,, Mist Don I 1/4044 . 1 Edmond 110, le Dann Buchanan Row I nerve. , bee W Boueeura Jobn Bork Wm Lloughe7 into. Burn Edw.. I ' ..e f 1 . ~ ' 7 . 1 . ' Boole James H.ell 'roe. Bernhard Lett Brianabao Davi marl Petrick lien Moses r 110100 John Bork %Wes \v.. 0., John /Irani Wm Burford V l De..neu V 1 Bradley /ohm Butler Jamea Barr John Brag ktartms Bash Nattenl Benraster II m Brlalme Wm LhArber ear E Beadle Wm Branagan M Mar-Berke, John I Hera{ John OT Berkey 1' Banal it t! Brady :Stiehl Burns Fatal I Brunßeecher J ahn lineman 71011* Burns .1 u, re w Oler e Brennen Heroer.l I Bluth/. lieu Brown J. I. Ca•eis Jame. Chambom WoM Como.. If Carorrignt We Cle•r Jame. Coulier hone or P CMra I.ave mum- Cowan Ann CuonaMma Cimmt r•ylvm•tr Crepp•laaml Cm`el Ldme•enee ORME tmo W era word o llr Carpenter V s : Meollina ...ugh.* Ju lt . C.t.uoo Colima m Cmca /moo Larnsle Ilmtel Colima Jame. Crawford Men, Camy C...mon ?Ise Crag Waht 11/ Co., Penne IL , oamel•ranem Coaxer Sara Caton Lew. ‘'oama Join evoveley 10h1 Cognate L. 1/ Coop.. Joahas Crotsby Clop Cavanaugh lobo Cooper IV.. CumorangiJa. C. M rn A 1 Connell John Coma - magi Huai W WConner llernnites Curamomii JoAn Campbell And Cooaly Tho. Opt:M..OlOW inlet Campbell J. ,•• •Mnoo• John Cotten P. Comhpboil Tho• Cook Thud Colbert /olln Chaij John CmD2 1 P Callen Yetnet Chvtsty John Cool Feu,•one Pete, llmmicrlam .1 Golly w,. t•.111• 11511 r y Coulter Loudon Coyle Patmck tlodd) Jazons Chapman Tho. Coyle N.' C.(11[10, t• Courtver•ght 101100 natant*on JAM., Dexter Henry L.llll Rohe , Daly Wen Aco lAttan George Dutterry Dal Dean. Dexter tt Haleton , inatff npi. Ca Dart Writ Denny Won Duffy Wrn Dolre• John D moral John lanehane Freon attin• Daton Prier Dann Harbert/ Dan Tittnnan Dtson or D Datalllg Jame, Dr... henryDouagberty Ho Dunn Hear) DI,. sin Dotttaty John A Dun. John Duvin Samuel bah/ Wm noon Arehthalt Davy Cr." Downes Hll Duncan Gee Ni Dna. Jahn 13 Dowfing Derail Duncan Samoa. Du , . David Doyle John M nonfat', Jaman Deer. Sautes Doren Ealettl Donlep 4 Wret Devon %Fie Dool Thomas Duvall David I' Dete van Wm A Dola an n I.ltn D. ty. Amer Win A Drip. Nlattbeer F, 1•. Hon w rn 1,. Fkroundono John Elltnct John }.roe. Hrooph Freon linoro Hi& r rromuol H Ryon% Tnn,rl I , n and. FArnort Thomas Evan. John ilroome Jon.. El to Wm Ev•.no t:rst.to. Adorn Emu. V. A Fr.egier Thom; Flute y: Joan I o.h. Tnom•• Farley Jame. J•nws ,zlirorp/e Fow.ett John Field. A I' For4yth John F•rn-11 Jntr, Finniele Jean Farce H A Ferrell Mtehnel Fink Fran to• Fu: .m Jahn 'T Ferrell Too. hitlirlham Leal I oreman Fled Il Fl non , T Z Freedly John FlOrfinef An rn . .l Flesuang John Freeman Wm Fergaton Jan Ilynn Andrew Frew Jererno.h Von S flerning *and Fr's.. Fran,. re•nspn 1 . Vlnnulgan Nal French 1,1,14 Ft/norm... Jo. Facer Jo•oph C Fulton John F hr “eorge Funk Sow. G Hathigher Hugh Girt) , Jan. Gonne I. F Hansel, Jame. thltincire /owes Borden 'namem flab etcher Hui en Hinson lb on Umber Cho rie• Hose 11,rom Ifirsinner .1 R Greer Alex, II Oulif 1' R Gilmore Cries timer Namur. A V•luabls Property for Bole. Ost.M, 1 C tittitw.flugh Gregg Eilwent Hems Win Oilman John 1 f i r e gory Alv rpo be sold hy prombi enzonct—A valuab. prop.. ilce ..hen Uilboy Thotoss ms. Henry gti ...led opoo .he waters of Slippery Rock Hooverve jet. bibusti Theme. Hrogan p,,,„,., Towneh.p. Heaver enemy, four r 1102„ from Patio? to tfavey 'rhos W Hisser Alaelosel 110141 y i 4441 1410 9 eit.leelrom New title Sale pronerty eantata• Horror Wm tileway Hartet Ground John I les eses of hood, upon which ~ ewe ted a good Pinar Heaulneer Jark limns Joaeph Onifth Job,. Mil. 10 feet stonre three stories high. with two pair Oamtiol Thus T lio.born 81 ache.. l,rogan John , 1 01, and on , 11010 of chopping stones ready to ley l,e.litil lint 8 Goo. John firtholey James t. d.,.. 'thin ~ .... ^,,.... eardtne .sebt". built ifs,. Henry tioottworth John (.041. James lout seq... On ita.l moperty I. rected a rood vivo riarlink Wm (human Henry firnham John . huta•c -0.• house to built In , the very best and Hale• Jacob Goodrich Jos 11 ....hem Rah. 4.101114.41141a,rwr. 0142 e 1..1.0 A2FIICIA in ••ul hon.. limning Ileury t.orth. A W ...ham Wei J 411,1 t Ina coning i.th , end et. ter sled wagon fen „ s h n. h ,i thuover Selman tirahain Tit 011 of ie..h goo rebuilt last Ye., With he. of metal 1..1 in lietuge ...non Patrice Hrs.= James wheel.' 11,050 .... •f° ....., .. • never (opting ti. Wan It lsonrilay Jdichael Huh. 1.... stream of ewer, stud can grind in any kind of wn.- 1110) Thomas tiort Alclauder tory. 811 er A good Hwelline Hoe. la eho erected on the premases, ...odes a gond /10001 for the miller. This H 1 proper., .. well wntered with the best of throngs sod I. H ...I W. r thlrd..".' John ' l°l.Ani J°...". I ts a benulital piece to bre our Al.o. I . or a acre. Il an Washington Heide,. J. 11 Ifo.n.erk fi T a:, ~,,,,i,..,. I need net add more to the ebore,,,,, Hull John Ilazlep larch Holmes Edvid E , „,.- the place. a• the pore lieu,. win ei. bant.if Hof. John Ilsorklit. Rll Holmes Itebt : TI.o property woutil not bane been odared Mr tale Huhn Jane. Hautlng• f....1e l linithe• J 8 hot the owner bus lost his health, and no. been aide to 11... a. Joy ph Hairs lsi II Houwritin F. P attend to i. Any cute anal." , . porchowi will please 11.1 0 . 9 '.. H•l'lHr"ry (tow. Iil " " W.. call wt. the °mbar. Sam,' Wr.ght. on the premise.: 11.10ead Joseph Hey. Joseph o Cady 1. o r won Mr gush Heel., D.emond oil, b,,,_ 'Ng... , W. H• 1 C 1,,. A Ho ' he, Henri ten , . IVood 14114 SIAOAII 'ld ....... Pinsbargh. Heel,. Wm Heap lon. Room teethe. .1,05 wiliT Ie.hAIL`F.L WltilThis, Rader.. 10010 eath! FM Ito are• Rev John Ili. ~,,, t Rob. Motley EJeanotts Howell A A 1)... Pt .5 CINCINNATI. Haney Wm Pkrmeort Henry ger ~.... The splendid light draught eleanter Hanaughir Pact Hear Ali r. 11 Hugo* Daniel PILOT No 2, ty.ms.i. NH ' Henry '1 homes Huhht Alasalem H. O " . ...), O ' II N.I. for olance Wahine Ph.. H•rinSteptien Hughes Ewen .1 al Intermediate poste ou 1 burs- Hamill Philip Itenthern Adam Hoer John day, th lath ,n et. al Hi oic.ck, A. (4, Haretwon J Henderson:Rau lielebtasoia V.. yor e , rtigm a , hoomle, coyly re , boA . or lo Icool Bouramtn Handernot Mini 11411.c1...0n W., aegts NHH W • • R,Aerta. _ ernson John Hill Bamuel Huila John PLLOPILIIBOI I I.CIII/HLYI ZisIIvIOTT , u T Hoglany Vet. 11 ...• W. Hln A ' l.° 1,..,„,. p NTEND! , Million an English and Cleesteal •Febool Hats.) H 11 /Jill 11'00 {tart Name'. Illegaabortom 1 Ilan Melton Thi on the first Monday of September next. Po." , Haired Idiepben Hickey Alielisel Hughes J•me. ..'• "..... Sandusky .. 81 , Allegheny Call. four !tarn. John Ilintota John doors store the Roo. Dr. Rodgers' CAPIt h / I Prof hi h. iestimentals Hem • onenber of 4 ... 7 tenth men to our comm-y; .1. 0 , f ro . .5o) of the us I , Inge.. AO.. Isbell Beery Trustees 01 she Western University. sag l "7_ lore Tits W laciest Planets -._______ JOHN 11.11.ANIILIBI• .1 k TP /1/NYCY and Counsellor at Law mad COMMIS- Jame. Evan Jeffrey Wm loom Pertd .A. 14011.54 in, the Norma( Penuayteattal, .31 urea., Jonah. Imes100110• Jar,. loom 11 Alm lisle of Pittsburgh.)l RC44•4ACl2l.—Pllt.bargh Ho , 11'' Forward, 11.1 - Jogottb C P leanett Nimrod 1 Jan, Joh., /Ones Wm t our . ~,,,, ~, , hot tr.All.lc., AUCandles. & M'Clure John E Parke. J.mb John J.,...,.. 0 .,,, ~,,,,„ i b1a.e. , 10 & Semple, /Moot Ss king augl4 ay Jackson Henty /oars B 0 I..treL JAW'. 1.. 3erninenle Lo, Sanegel LawrnunAll Lew r. Antet•tni one, Laweunn into!. I.ee H C LungtunraJ• 4 Lae, Delved I..evris John Lundy Hugh Larry Fn nres Le•als 'Henning Lunon II Le -on tllovh Lana hairs I.Ttle . A. ^l Lamm. AhchaNLinr Wnn Lynn Charte• bark°. Jen,. Ungrnan Fdwd Lyon A‘l Leol , haar Jane.. ItLootnia R LYnehll 1,1110 , 1 Owe, F Long A I. ona Hezek tab I, ay Frnir.Ark Long Jaw,. Lyue-h Henry 1.-•ter Mr:ender Lung R 0 Inlr•nign /num. Rnbe Logan firch rJ orLoughery Edward 1.-wol A CY Joarph Luttnnek C • Mer.h David Alp,. 11 W Morrison Win II Mallon Assamos Meegan Pinrlrk Morrow Wm 0 Mahon Irvine Mnehell Jame•lornson Rohl Ma i 11.... limit Miller Unommen Morrison J & Masson John II hlitehall Wm Moore John II Maypole llenfVo Miller Byers Moore John 11 Maekey Rol. Y Metrheli John Nlordeelr Anger Mahoney John T Mellon Patrletllland Polk Marts Ihrmd H Miller Thomas John Mu x well John \ long Jl3 Mullin Jame. Monkey Hugh \ lootooth Wm 'Mudge J T Macklin Arriol Moo. Henry C Malloy John Marini Theodore Mowery Jacob Mulligan Jar.. Maitland litaml Morgan The. hleinu Thomas Moreh Ilavul F. MOTT. John Munn David Charles Mooney Thos Mullmrry Rolm SamneJ Norris WAF \lamina Solomon him/ay Pat \Sow...meg Thorhlurmy Mohor Alarm Moon James Nltirphy Cornelius Marshall And. , Mom./ Hugh Murray James Martin John Mowry J I: Murphy Mord Marshall Rohl normal: TV 111urray Dant Martin James \lobo. PoFk Murray 0 J Marshall Hugh Morland Than Murphy John Marshall Win Morgan John A Murray Barad 13 INesatels Wm Morgan David hlornson Joseph Menklein Morrow Joseph KiMallott la SF Slelittle James McConmeT John MeD main Hobert !McClelland Wm JAlrCool John Met...nos R J McClelland J. Mc Gomm iltlit• McKenna Charles Me nelleml. Mick-McCready HoberateKune Rohl el McCully Henry lichee John McCuro h Vnt MoCurnmon John Nick:l , lle). Wm MeCuho,gh RoutMeCany Jam. MolihtglatE McCoy John McKean T McClure to A AleCcole Ftancts McLean , Vat I. , Sad! McDonald Lam hieLanghhet Dct• McClure Jame. C Jwo nom I,otge McDonald Thom McLanghln DlllO HOU' McDermott Jos bleGovent &Skin Mventittwlt McDermott John net . • dau DiclNaa Jahn McHenty• Jeutt Alr ',ash M;clD'l Maga,. t•nu Me ' tfi • aa Lannon JohnPMellaukuasa Fe az W Nl< Le, m.dal C (Jaarlioulgast Hain Heury McDettual Jule PaLlip ,cCalleay McFadden John NleNealyiarge Mr Cut, JOlti, I/ McFadden Fadden ' Job: 4 It AtaCraohert Maritima,' Wm Minute asa MeCorno • k 111 3.3eValtulga J I. NltSwee,iaatFrau m,•Ct otarn Mahal, Jolla cis Mrtach , ll JrailMelnly re Dental Mr "laths M aleCr.etta )..aau Lrtlhrrrwt lipat h.:Vega:at Hugh NeWISIWL 01001 l Wen Nohbs Isamh Ne 11011\ ornian rn N nah hga., NI.At !sumo' N Nu. hois 'rhos NOWT J01:111 :lorl rtlatit i t ne.rtlrrrk - Owens LF.1•1.1 II blterlarl r+ultir l'ho• Danl l'Nertl ti i rye). IrIN•I Owen /rr Owe,/ loar.plr I Pll)rue Mtehmel Ir'Nell/ John •.rr.nr..rh ,Dontrell Nettl IYhwill'lts ['aft 0 . 131,1/ Suriiuct Partner NatLan Nathan A Flout- Plerce Wm A Po•Lisof , Itobtmtuan Provost %Vats,. Pmkenr, LI 11 Peace °corm: PurtmiiLLu Parry 11,etel Pantry Edward v.. Jonah ',lmmo:. A 11 Poen Joan 7 Pomy Israel Patterson 'rhos LI l'eatelollsslLl Possell Parr., Pattemon rm. W Perry James Perm/betel-1 Patterson He. V. Plowman W Potter lobo Patterson las Plsillm•Thos Porrerheld R 1. PrmY Ins PAM •lllrornor Porterfield AV Peters Zachartah Phelan .1. footman Hugh W Hi, Tboniss V 13. c hatilson .I..liii Rose Thomas Rs,. I.iosSert K/C/aafda Ho. Howland Evan Rey siarniini Riniinnis John Rowley 13 Haiterly Henri R.ctiroinsliiso K Ross F iiii•ins W Rtiferly He 11017 l% in R 0. 1 .14 'FIIOII Ray ii in Ilniniiii Mr Itst,erisnii C P Risings, Rises Rolood Vivin itoliinstin Istinn Hens 310 , 01 F R-ilsiris M Roger. Win H Reddini. li•iii. Roil% Iniiis Rinser. Hun Hstil Chas 11 Ras. $ I' Rimmit 'Mounts Kilns iiisinu Roca Ainsuniler Russ John Rognei Ilnyli lisibilcii Lino Ili sin $1 F Sass., Juno tOtuth Clot F A Sseyd Redd sago.. Jolts Agatth Jut", Sproul Charles Stoup.. Cuss It outh t.t to \V Spcnoce JO. II S.it Ilcsi sm. Jacob NI S•un.ficy J•mos SoeSattcven South %Vaned Steele W Sam , . Chu. South It (:stud Stevens A Syszatt Seostourr Moto. Smits S. Ilurons .41.efOP Tho, II add., Slit Y Stn,th Hcv Jot 'dauber, A II Seymour .n iv Smolt Jos 11 Sults Jams,. 11 s Smith /slurs Ft Strware J.. NI Swnott 1 . 11012.4 Slllllll 011:141e1, Stessvn Jolla J dlotner 1,01 , Churl.. V stevenson J. Shahs? Fslitutud Smul. atulou L.:Stuns Job. It Studer Itrultun Smolt It V Vrit•Ogl uh.der Parudn Stash Dnt 11 It ',oder A 511..0 situp.on .I,,Jr et, Itetij3lllol Shore John stoon• 11.011 Stubrulru Turner .be Sdnp-on Stoter Showttcr Itobt 510, be s llstout Subtit titteridan J as boom. Andrew mop Wm 500,011090 Sima/lPred't If 0101. II N rn/LIMs Walter Stsopston 00 II Swats &moon Th. Si.aderf 11001 j 510e0uy Simon o 51.09000 Stspheli 0.10, A Wm Melmman Sam' Smetarr 1 1 Sallhrus Staab : 1 / 4 1mIrts 1.0019 e SAmema .14A-11 TP) lot Jo rob Tit , np•on N D Toro , frtnets T.• lot John Motor. /1i J."... Tonto, Way Thy. , tittoryt. A Tom Auqu•. Tonto, J S ru.ge F. It rw.Tni,urs J T Throttle Thom. Tothon Chao Temple Roht (wadi Mos Toskor John Temple. , t Trock• &M 1. ., I Thompoon John Trod John Treloy II Thomph*ott Mot- Mouths It 'I vet mg 11 M .1 ,, rs TA tower YplatthoorTha . It 111 JIM , . Thootttoot It II ATotht Ismatt Ttoy Yalta Thompfon Jo•rpn fight Uttcrlot nasty .lAcott Tlntetty too t.t I' Ttcittot AI. n V...0n No-holtut Vhnee That Vattorman Cs. Weaver Leal Ji Wllil/11111 /oho Wk.." James D euwr Fruus Willson Ism.. Wade loaves Ws, ilk ClipperWilison John W D en- /11111, 1k 1:I•ou , leosge Wee., AlorsheJnWitlson .1 ‘‘ ris We I. J.-wee Wins .ii Rowley IX era rho. \V ebb Rohl Willson MOS kierhoo.e lus While Wm Willson Re. II It Wutirsn. The. NM Sole Jrhn Wtener G W Watling D Wen., Rug nd Wickert...ma V. stess Purnell N 1 Mi. Juno P Wis.-on John Wheeler Rich , . "1111 WITIISM• Jolt. C " I R esver D CI Wilham• Wilkstison IN illismeon Teo. Woodin A F Obese doll e Jot,. Wright Tiros .• W 1111442.12. Capuun of Ate. orut Au./ AuJen. No 24. Any Mole/non It $ lxa re.wertile ll,vsloot, Muni ul Tempe/aura. R M Lreorgui U tl of T It VI A A flectleAt A nIT 1 . . t 1•31 . 3 1 . u. Aun IAI A.M R.L.E.BURG. P. M THEM IEV Al BAIIIIING CTABLiIiI `I %IF:NV-01mo from 6A. M. to II Y. M. magic Path 9 error. o? 0 tor I Jollar• Lsdierq deparoucut spe,t (ono oto I A. NI .d .rom 2to P. %I. H-Im•louent , rOoon , r ore orteroalled In %tile too ocl.osc Itre3r,tre lee Cr.rtn• • M'FAI.L. Prooriertor (Yi,',',,i 3 .5" L'"'"d O" . ''''''''T.t'Ar;,`Fi7. l .`i , " _ , IRKANI r:lll'.F.nl...—You his to Imre ono dsy, and LI foe sole lay arals J II CANFIFILD MA9i3:ftl7ljrbt Is No 3 losrnh i lerT . , t .„,,.:eby kiia,t,.g:o snalsCanal Ilasin - JC NI ATa 11L00113-11 0 tons for sale by 0,1,13 • KIF:R dr JONEa V . UNI,RIKI? Ant,ushel..per,or old (141., IV do 0 pnrne Fite. WO do Jo Flazscad. lost landmg from ! lest Loaf Rough and Ready, and for sale by 1. A WATEII3I AN, 3 31 Water and 11:, From st CIiAR AND SIOLASSKS- 3 bAd. N U suger, iau ouzar Poore Nfolax.e..,u.t landm, from keel boat Mac Wmg, anti oo tonstanmea , tor rate suttS S WATFR SI AN , (2111,,AwIttry—IIKI,U00 Cum thg , , , arz , v ; t t0 ,,, 7 0 1. A m1 i. 411 1. 5a1c 1 u,13 53 W•tor st ~ ‘V'Z',','„`,s.:,`,';'" - :. -- TV h".`1,";.`,1r;R,`,7,..' , 'G;"' i ,Aros ,10,-3 oaks juV mob! and for sale by 1) y 00.5 ste. bb. HARII4I'II ti re ed an, 1 0 , & \V IIAgIJAUGH • S l* . e t. Aß—v! , I,nd , N A. agar. r, mime artirle, ii rrand & NU lIARBA UGH u 8 '7l.°(D‘ Fr q •-, iii. ,; .. •• • kodAt • itatimuat -% "A. a ...13; OFFICE - 61,iilUtAGT08Y DIL.TOWN %END'S • irrsAci MIOM.U=I - - A% °neer n. J 61. +.isp of She Ape. r sp,Ost; AND .41'11111 , 11. /I EDICL'ir- • I. ,1•1 tl, 01. go•rt Ilottio• •tot wad eeeee 11.4 orttortor to Roy • doootte +Wood torotoO, rt.i .14k- ••. • • ...paralrlta of *h '....p all ta iw it ....•• at Ore wary Wt. 'aYitlNr: ITEDMINES • .•r r. a •% raw t add. , pawn,..tire rabcd• sardad aad t•—dt Iry radwr re• ,rue.l rrel L.. •..arletron •Irer , ra. It Fa• arr . a - ro dea •••••da lb. lard taro Y...f LIU.. more lb.. dna rar.a•ded wernr• cue. . at cl••••.ler...l,acur•lllo la a sated I. . I. ..11,11,iren !h. I:arre pa. aaaarras I 33.000 tivorryl Dlaa iiiii mod wool of Air.r•oam Energy. th e.met•J 1.•1 a l, t r• u , r u. • u c ~ t l r e,to we an Ibat s n rpa c 1 aa e . kcal lu e p r d • i t o n saa , r tlr i : n f ir• a a a la,dlaandtnart e aagd• •trdr tt eo •,e „+E.rUw. .ol[( bekd I.Vot 1 plea i unt re 1 wnlyvnTh• Saxsabp•nli ad • (sr.,. A• in.nere. and .... zuratt. "...teak, atwat anuatty to n. limb, and ttrcosth to the onnanular•Fai•su in • es.L rattoordbisty oustboapticto Clarod. flonntr and Strenathen. Cuynamptton can be cured. Broacli:td Cdo•expenta, Learn Conaptaitsb Cold, Catarrh. Cough.. Spun., of Moot 9oresr. ChM, IPrtiz Ft.; ri•rke swap.. Dgji.dr or I,ofmt. E,prtons.r, P... tie Sldt. !Ares bora are ea. bt read. Olpisuag 1314•41. 1,41. To,retru•—.l verde Mb )ourSaroaparilla %h. Iseett the noatts. thrsugh Providoona of aavtog ot, tun 1 bea• for several 'am. bad • bad Cough. bo. aorta and norm A. 11 •41 1 /mood largo quotation. ot bad argil, •od tom rthaily dabaltated mod reduenl. aod dal ant capoot ta !kayo molt Wed ..dr Sere apmitia • thort tun, and there tut. naudotfut ce.to.h. e • rourlo to me. lam onto able to walk .11 toe rot I rat.. oo blood, and my month haa left tat. Ye., tan well maven that ant thankful foe ohs. onsulta. Vett obedient sanest. WII. ItUSSICI• 65 Cathari•••• T.,J• u , ur muuu than font thooaand caner of n awl. that Dr Toeosenrs Sarsaparilla Was carrel he moo -eters stel hronie can. are weekly eradicated 1 • eel...ordinary virtues. JMM• CuMffilif, ona alba usistasts llsh I.u. es, Alt on.. Blackwell , Islatut 'the gentlemen Apo. lee ... f•elitt•Ml letter BlarJrnrirs Ida. Sops. la 184 - 1. fte Teweseadeeal Bit I hare refinved terrlble for alto tbe likaurnateen, rorunderable of the nute I could ....at. Beep or walk. I had dm non. doe rem, mrd tav lunar V/M, terribly swollen. I used cwt. buttimh .4 your Sareaparitta. and they m M., me in, then oue thonseal dollars worth of :nal I GM so mock better—etodeed. I ant entirely re. ered 100 aro at I.berty to V. IMS OP' the lament of tat. naleued. Yours. respectfully. /AMES COMENCtii. Vit.l 171W.:{ 1,, ear hags. leueJ ill. is • Fa, nt espouse. sorer recoadoergles l at. end len sus ,n•••••• to Sedum the following from au latelligent sod •essongtnlis Sedum sa We...hooter C•w•sty Ford/saw Ingraet 13, IhST. /sr Torsagend—user Bb bars a WU.. pd. .0 •tvo has b•e• 'wrong seers allYt•tett • nit ••• r.. 1 al•nnst overythlo; for her, bat 0.113.1 •sv et lest elthunnh r• could Bon ost regnoutotedn• . n• n• • old rirroters for muss bite hare, vre though.... • ••• •••• ,n very 4.lleste heelth• so• would gin her smog nes vlsrsapervllu and ere rgri fled •• did. for It not her strength. but eh hes had no return of , • F•i• tn nor great pleasure am, surprree. She to fast •••,••••; rug,' Nan ersithg.fbr Ihestgrerefol. Your., rypertfully , JOH% BUTLER, Jr. Female :rirdiciers. Dr. T 0.. ., rter.apwilla o • sotonoro and apealy to. for lot. enuoteption, Barret.... Protein,. e.t, er Felling of the •Weer.b. Ptl4., I....aeorrteee. 33r WM.. nestrectad or dllteell Unworn 33sene Urine. or ievolueUry divolverge • 3 reof eed fer the neutral provotonn of 'Le eTe -3.333—e0 wetter whether Ore moat of snherent tau. or • • 3.ey pro-lured by trreettlerity. en Muer or 'erode.. N34•330r 13e MOTT enryontet th to inetnotstoof .mar, In Per. ell ...eels eed .3 3 , 33.4 doer t, 33 eure tee-nue retool and full of not. e • r It -Ir as...wrens • rt • nr .... It .11 me espeeted of tre .1•11 r••• • won., in •bbltot OP.lflc•tes ~,o;med. but we ran s-turr tb• selirted. ib bo Monts of o•••• have Oren Import...l to Is. Thou•ao4s of car.. ....re famille• troy* bee. mahout 1511.11.1. •1111 • • fe• holtle• of Ibis sot •loable Übaldo, hare boon b1e.0.1 • all hue. bebtltty off•proq. Great Illesniog to Mothers. and Cbillirro. II o Oro a•lb, woo most effectual Mediator. for pan() so, she .eateta a t ul relies tog me lufreskop A.M.1410; opoo crold-hoth ..... hammered. It Preugtheos bulb the mo ther a...alba 151., prevents pato .ad iIKIT•I4 4 I AY I enriches the somt ; dme who have used It. tht.k ouliareo•oblo It I. lus6l, useful both betas. Masi outme....t. as st pre•tom diamme• ...isms um. L r 41.11 V VOV.S. Pales. 01 . •{1100. S•11i/111, .• Fool. Heartburn Paha tho • L Itosos Ilesuserbate. and so maul.. 1.11. •t, I It. , • .1,1 eyoatmorg the et msLatiou. It has ~..1. The ;rem l...ety or, hot otedscane IS. It Y.l. as • safe Y. 4301.1 il•ideole Yr' It Post success • •kor• rt. , * motor, stay seher tu lott• I'm tor std.. r llngoeses 1. amfut. Cremes. tue ammo at. mut llf ht food .Ish this suedkrae. lilt slems meuro .ata •eal raycondoms... Beauty cod Health. sohl • I.iety, of ITLT•••• , ••• rail.... v...at,. applied to tba face. very saon .Ali it of Po beau s. Tee. clo•• lb e para. otthe skid ahebeck dateseculo . ou •Itiel‘ when pato. aot thou.!' by doe. or poetise.. the Apt Indamed by the alkalies' ued of ova production in ltua , que ao. tau Do tae,t . o oto lb. valders rich mod r.lsartersted flowers. IL free. asti.a 4151 co eul apt of the duals. or i s counom• of Pm so. melt so O. extrealltas. ts sisseh peost• she <smoert. to th• moat outosatta beauty. It to that . t• ...email's.. .5.11.1 zed Lisboa of heels.... ,he all ado., b. nat. sax stmessibm Thu sii the saistotall mttunt—amt of pacd.r MP. :Lithr.l nol. ',re kaal.y cacalatank there ano :moats If no hely .1 for m dm.. wow, if she palt.P. to d commits.. aml the 1..1 la Mack. cold asal see tA pa he ...fel It she ba brown or mot she... pure 41.4 ark,. Wood. a otos • mil hhmos us the ms.f. • Idaho.% to Matt *yrs that m Th. •Ity IL* ...awn.. and •••••mally the Fru..lt • muck adnur.d. !oodles to eve north t 0... Lo 111, ...mt. , . strvmonitmed c 10.• moss, ..• ;Lon ztle appbeatton Jai. torn... mix.", it tn... to almallemy .1 00000 r.ho ~es and I....stitiful om m ..... they use Dr. T....monad's So...manila. TLos.and• • to. Lav• ...I U. ..• men. tttaa .1.1.044. Ladies of arory •tabus crowd our om 0• Nodes .• she L•dirs. Three Cost mese lb Tertreeentre linsispantie Rev trtshe rail.. their stuff serest Revels for results. to • ter are hto etpre tsar bills AU recut..., nutria tete... to the cottag... stfleetteat ved for ovreettAlsor nes tt te put up tredve., We, since the great succor t" Dr Tosestestr• Sareapttits. compile.. teeniest]. remake. rernatvlesl them. Althoutilstrrertoroly Wry 41 set A ease at thew Rixturv. Kith au-. aro thion tot. to .13 ain• they Ai:refute dere., and notices... SCROFULA CORED. IMIIEMO2 . - . rt.. erru ronclsrM pom Owl Otis Saupu• Ord over i h. r mut ebvmste dues...* t..• Three p.m°. cured In cm !Imes us • • ..... -• Lh• Taor•st.rt—near 11, I base the pleasure to la rni you that Mr, of my [bads*. ham been mred Of I.v• the um of your smarm( =Wads. nos were .eluted mserely with had Soros: ham loOs oral' , 1 ,,, tonne.. ix took them sway, for .bleb I el no orlf under great obligation. Very respertfonv ISAAC W CP-AC.11.106 Wooster M. tit 11.0. lei than, Dis. died In thi• ell, Lot maws& trornobl have been mead to tole: Dr. Tooaaeorre gar e.t.a .', mat an , arr thousands o lmmorm-othron f chrldonewho arrae mlbroso from bad mote sad a OM, rod • raki,—. b, vol.. mooed, volt male erSates ate moo and a, ono, II thew . do our die, arlitelt la Irliatly obbaisie Dr Tow mend' • then will rectify. thie. 3• adapted to etoldron of deader contactor m word • • hes. dtbstwl .Ith armor, ta a deltdhtfut . verage, awl childrea boa demi!. It .111 torment url cam Me lharrima, Comm., and Ctsolort Moths, Iron mere is oo father or mother .ho Is ao pea som or rah•man as to ,f nos donn a . t i heir • calt ot an fnory dollar. roaluabe ren tams t OPINIONS Or PHYSICIANS . Toventena to almost daily receiving owlen from different parts att. Coto.. T o ♦ Candy , that •es undensigmd,Physjelam th y t sty of Albairy, Saco is eumeromeams preactibell Ur Townemor• Smaaparilla , and helms. ntobe on of Ow moot valuable prep...atom la dm market . 11. P. ruLING. J. WILSON. M. It IL a BEINOS. M. is Albany. Axon I. Ir.-C P. E. ELMENDOE.P. IJ. D of firrauf —A Dar thskirst of Septamhor s /W O r. P Town-soul, (A Turk re von Om in the South lbonot .bank. No e 9 Nasaap a.m, which is Mew awiersmag • 11...."..(11 Ch•131,...Lii will ha fitted for the ow. a moomonatron MIS' proptamore awl the public. Tater ramerodar Autme.—fialgaisapardlaM lbw goono awl orsOttor To•amore SanaparSlo ualew scomsl by P • To.mewl lins, err—Rs:l , lms & Ca . No S FILM street. and am. S. haulm So Intl Corm etre., S o w., Jr 1...5we11 . Homy Pratt.Selmo. laws IL SW.. W.'" An ows „ h, Cont. CouronlJ Ibleb Skra. Pow r. mace and I.v Montanan mid Mcmhante gwarrel'l , t at Varied Soo, West lealmes msd DE far Piti, For sale by R E SELLERS, ROD AID' burgh; D. M ESREY, Allegheny; A. PATTERS () Ditininghain. nazi rMN STREET, between Wißyne end resumed hw prole-84.81 donee. Ring lNwc• ns on the Plano, °mime, end in Voce! 3. awe. autltdif Platwis ar. ascartwom. 1.1.b111101. I M & SUCIMTIYON t n'h""' •• '; (4° ` .. "t t r d ,17Vii71::`asac"r4o7i.idVAysalannsalta a ata M ZPiu:. -•"-- - • lean, Cow. Yarn., &a. as. coat saintly oa hstnd. D. W. DIDDLE, Datialataw 81.1.110VED to a neer three story bria lli. a a tattbli .Ve tc,lC 4..secie rus e w. heam t,: to as satin, sat. on thirsucaon principle, with a beau tad yezresestaturhtoof. the asairal o ll'",2'.l.V.,calis ' ted with little m ails no —rc ptirt. e•rayed Teeth psraxanstaly sawed by p WW latal, pm trepans the loath ache which is awach better than cu. ~,,thgh it should be done in five minces, al • t'att Pill - PEiCIN TEL STOWE.. the . lr w in ,H T ., es stoet of psre up... AV/MACK TEAS, front New York, sill of w lieem,rierf red to this coon Once the List al Febiaary lase &anemias ol all the dulerent grados gm , . In the Catosual Empire. Our stock bein h g o are= l„ l.lo t, t I . ln the We 'hero ant Kem '' se tlTeTity l . " We Invite ;tad groe eins tebrns'to"eyall'lsal evil:nine our stock and prier. 'They can have ttpaok din S. 11, and 15 packages, tt tha etonloters, or by handiest. to net their constmeno. Oar retail prices vary for Oolong, Week Tom hems em, t 0 ,61,50 per Ning Young Saaahang. de my Congo 50 nod English Ehenkfaa Wong Hymn, ilunpoor and Imperial, Rom Si its. to Ile per 14 Fileadies are rodteMed do send rill ifeb of our Teas. and try' them befons_Parehmand. toy IladdisrB A J.LYN Es. 70 Fourth weer !.it chetts, a 064 by C n GRANT, 41 Watai 41 By J.An B: Davis, Ase—tl =SOW= Thursday moi nom. Ana Ict •‘ 10 o'eloek, al tlit.Vorornerclal Yale" frowns, earner Wood and Fa •tree will be 90 , 0, 00100. rc4o.o— —101 V forewn and Jamieson Dry to 0000 rite. cLolkis. 'assort...ea. I,au.,rdturdadea. AVlA:ars, lietuelr, ebeeasi. rtirer neitn, . . dins slits. I.learhed And hru,a4 sbuseir. tidtf, molt rollaa, purr, t 0 . 0 , 0 et, o Grreerirs. Queen:ware. Pannone. Ae Young Hylton ie. V a nosnnfac,urra Innacen, I.: 0 3 n.n.-terri.No palm scrap, pepper. -rote., uniting and wtappint pun. , 4 w.T1 . . *l'lules. tarts, axes. hate bels , tr.ins parent window lb I•tds, • tuaniei clock, look/nu a' eatrwnog A large stso,lolent 0( now .010 ae m ,„„p Land itoowlioW furniture, At. Ale o'clock, . , . A ,danuty co hardware. fine Inble and packet entle.- T Owy, quid , vw and w , ree watch, •hot gun.. pgwrils, .r, en, amoleal ?trainent, 1 r .04 Do), WANTEU.woo office. no erg, and fold P. J3181 4 _ _ . WRSTKI22I RIINSTELKLIS. T A FAVI.77 - n: A R.FItII3LV R 1 ,01119 inept/ eLor of the I.nreyrlte atald *e• speettutly announer to the • public that no Mee torkged . - Mat copular LAM of k?hinputo Lodi., known a., the WESTFAIN to. •nnrate. , abe vdl sppapses is some of their Levi wur taker, Cho tWlCe,notl Uurie.ors He has also eneaaml the ‘wo celebrated dancer, the Nlo•lers •la an! nine year. who far sures.. any arin•tes who h‘ve ever appeared in tat.borelk. r,riormanee La commence on Ous rrunula7)evetuor, Door. noun at 71, o'clock—performancas ehet , mem, ett Entraneuu on Fourth and Woad cloul,th Ttekm. or .nl,-of rho Engin :Want and the doer— M3!tM pne< 25 cent, a12;14 rktillNlNE-7102 (of tele ET bj i augl4 IHCHOON3IA KKR .4 CU A Erm-20 bids for sole by ace{ J SCHOONMAKER &CO BORAX, RE:FINED—Rezone mon reed end for seta by anti I SCHOONM AK! Rd. CU - t).A rEst—ma, Ton Wtapptng Paiser. ass'd; 60P du Cap and Post Po: for sale I , y ' • • J SC4IOONMAKE.R & CO OIL lIERGAMOTTE,pure-1 can; Oil I:inflamer, " 1 Oil Lemon," 1 u . Oil Wintergreen, " 1 " Cod tirer Oil, prepared; for tale by eagll l SCIIOONSIAIfIOI ft CO, 14 Wood tr frill , : partnership heretofore existing befitted the underrigned. in lb. Grocery Wont on the COMM' Of Fab street end Market alley, yeller tba mem at Henry q Kelly. hu thin der lien dimwitted by raaib• al consern. Henry 0 Kelly in fully authorized 10 001- tle up tee [minces order concern. F. R. DRIVO, • HENRY Lb KELLY, 1 hereby recommend Henry C Kelly to all darter cuainotara ard matelot of the cstatt.islpolent. DRAY°. EXECCTOIIII , X OTICE.--All pursed.. isidebt ad la the },,late of JAME'S V ERNFR. late of . the cay o f Pittsburgh, deeeued, adl Mi.e immediate pa) ment to t he uudersigned. tied 116,114 alums airmut aid mate, wall 'mama them properl) authenticated for settlement. in the uuderuigued. SAM t. NIOR RISC IN, J AMES VERY ER, I.Eleautore nu.l4 ddt M. SIMPSON, . 11,,TEAV 11001.1 d, PUBLlSllED.—ikaskaan's IN Cantor - ma end Oregon 7rml, Itaao Frentont's Caanima and Oregon. lanno. Rnskin's Eileen ILamps of arehittein re, lama Irving's Work., new uniform ed lame Livirdit's Earth and ?Ilan, Idmo fiansusiell's History of Motions, ignio. Moore , POCIICII.I Works, new ed. Itao. Life and Ileaunes of Saakspeare. 'bun Cooly's British l'oels. larno. For sale hY vultl9 .1 A S 1) LOCKWOOD, 0 Wood or Extension of the Baltimore Min Ohio Bail Woad. DAO S 4.1.3 ARE INVITED FOR TIM GRADU• ATION AND MANONRY of the part of Poo woad not alrewly wider centmet between Cumberland and the Tyirait , a Valley—a distance of about 101 mace Mu/number of merive r dium now to be let will be about Sri of which St moor between Cornberlaml and too mouth of the Swear, deer—le in the kladeo, and the remainder on Raccoon and Three Path. creek...— The work unit generally Ito madman.. ...mph there are n numbera: sections .o-h the munition of con tract°. ocenstuned to heavy yobs. lutWa ' an ' t.t ' l n r i thir a x;ll "" oP Zmu " ti 'j t i ) .uVre e n ' t. ' The ab"- proposal., addressed to Me And...nutted. will be re. °elven at Cumberland, ,wpb Maryland Ifith of September niclusive. Fenner tufarmatton may be had at the Fen:tunny's Olive 111 Coraberland Poll tesornonial s will le required from Iltom unknown to Me ondemigned. lly order of the President and Di. meters.. UENJ. II I.ATROliti. Anti Click Engineer. Rai ELAN BROWNSVILLE PACKET. The mleadid fast etag steamer . BEVEILLF- Steen, master, will lea +e for above Ild'all miermediate pens this day. Tim Reveille from. tf.ll 12 tnel , es arsier For freight ur pamage, apply on Imafd at to stnel 4 1) W BOSS, Alma. —___._—_ _ gEVENTII WEEK OF THE EMPIRE MINSTRELS . cffli E E.AIP:RE MINATIIFILS beg leaf, M antsenoce tbut fu conarynence ofLerner - von:rt. attending theft Cf.oneettr clones the peal rig lIICaP, afey are if:al.:eft fp announce their *EVENTII SE 11l YS, oft SEI Monday eurnlng, Aug 13th, conuenung every evening dating the week Ilr IL H. Sitter ingbtly Introduce hie weal admired • ch lKitrr,7;°,7..`"`q`' —th 's' IWDoers opeu-al 7I o'clock: Couer 00111121.. kiCi lar f,..IEWELNV•; - ' - 4,11,.a orl - 3.41r0 - T - Vi - Mil ge Taney, of tl.c finest qualities and best par wino Weer Spoons, made of otandor4 coos and war Mated; Ildihnsey Goods; a WI rlPSOT.ClllPatentfrolas Land Lamps, now in universal use. surd riVIIIR tilt tem and eheapest light; Table Cutlery, Tea Ware, COZII.I9IIIIIM. Ware, Spectacles. Gold Pena to V. WILSON. aorta 'corner Market and Foutsh W BITE lIRANDY—U. pipo 411, st Wake Lha.ndy '''.e""‘g ' on:PEIVai T. int it-M? engV3 Nos 112 and 171 Lineal] st AGRI:HM-1:g bbl. No 3 Alact;orth GO tlf .bbis do do, for No by aniO3 MIL.T.F.Et a.lticiairsuN RICE -3 trerres Riot, i; a l,or< E litr . v : 7lA v oagi3 SOa bzs bro.. Chi Hie.. Pooy ; CO b. 140 I do do, 4o yellow do dcr, N worownd I. solo by .113 . hi/LUX al IIICIIETSUN UCKETS—aI dos Maecl llocacts, just received and for sate by torl3 MILLE R id a ICIiCraSON LT—lOo Ws No I Selz 200 s. Dozy do; jaw re 0 cei red and for ash by .03 5111.14:11. 1111.1.14ETSOri WANTED A YOUNG MAN, well qualine.4 as a Salesman hi • Pry Goods Slam arishes sitnatlen in that elt parity, t • wholesale at retail astatanshanenn— Can pre ammeptimiable seeemananunens. N. haa eoundersble tundeme writ b ea arty Imola .Persans ad/moms .ti." (Imam *Mee. win Meet w i th PMmPt ••••:U M. tact lllo r r isai P eV/4'11:36011'6h M====l2l F 1711 FLO-51bbls is core; fatale by _augJ.3_ J S DILWORTH S CO, V/ Wool la VITOOL—Tbe highest pore in cub paid ter elle. Vlr washed Wool, by H LIM migl3 Liberty ea 15ACON-6u resits sagar coins! eStilisetillas I) prime order; no lbs rim Ham.; 15 rocks prima Shoulders, 'strived and tor in, by wigl4 ROBISON. LIVTLE a CO. !al Liberttst P. ANSI VALUABLE :SERIES OF, SCHOOL Puttees Natural nod Experimental Elolosophy. do_ lint lewous in do Cbombers Tre.pul , or Knowl.dg.: do Elements of' Zoology, do do Chemistry stud Eleutzleityi do do Otogy; do do Vego lo ulale not Animal Phytiolattr. do do Natural Philosophy; do da Drowmg, Felton and Egstuoure e Bt la ga,giy Rook Beeping; Teachers, Boren's, owl al otOrte lineterdvd to IM ca et wire bon, ate reqoested tit Cali nod examum Me u . Lora on the boot SWIM a JOHNSTON Xi STOCCION, augur corner Thio and Market sit --• UNIVERSITY OP BIAJELYLAND. FACULTY OF Pll VMS:. . Qa.KMON OF IMP- W.—The Lector, +di rem. 0 0110 E oo MONDAY„ Mb October, nod CO(3.11.10 until l.l the 13th uf Maroth eataitieß. Cbcomidri and Phananey-11' 111 E. A. AIKEN, : I..Wiry—NATHAN R Thenmennac. hinteros Medina nod, num.—SAAR/ EL CREW, M. IX Anatomy imd Pbratlogy—JOSEPll RORy,.ay, Theory and Practice of Medicine-tWILLIAM POW. FR, NI. a . sho e ,,ery and Ihsanses %Vonam and Children - RICO A RD II TIO,RMAIS, M. D. Lecturer on Pathology end Ocemnotrator of Anato• y_Geortral AfIETENLIFALUEIt Instruction in Clunead Medieme and C; r . Siert, , c aery day at the Ilaltmore dm hledmal Coll-Cc 'Fha rooms far practical mmtemY antllA roam odnit,er Ist, meter the e/mrac of the demownrator. rm. ow the mingle COM"! C 1.1.• (enable hoard mey obtained of the Medfcanece lege. for IItIM to 6344 pet meek WILLIAM F. A. AIRES, DMA of the Fimmlty. TO PILINTEMS 8 trubserrhoe has on hand a nd tor sales, as Age n 1 of L. Johnston &Co., of Philadelphia the follow• Ins 13 per of Cues; 4 founts Fancy Letter, dlgerent %Iles, 3to Newspaper Co,. PUO lbs. Loads, rut to order, to Composting Pocks; Pal kegs root Nava inkt 1 Wass Galley, Column Haler, Bra., Rules of an description, he. A. JAYNES.. Pekin Tea RIOT, Fourth 11 N. 11.—Oidere reertved for trew Type. outtalk...3 Noll., to Goa•trwtoro. OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA BAIL ROAD, T_)SOPOSA LIS will be received ea tee Whoa of the r ohm and Pena., tsania Railmail Company, in ate an of filassollon, Stark county, Ohio, yard sruiset of Friday, the "IS f Septenabsr, 1,19, for the Beading end hlaronry of the hue between Canton and Wooer, • dirtance or about thlny-two miler Pfoposets tax 7 be addretred to Wes Robiniion, I, President, or 80.1 - outran W. Babete, Chief Easieree of the Crialiq Drawings and rpeciacetions of the work 1>.10. W . I be exhibited at the Wilke Or 11.0 0, 1110 for a week' he fore the leases, by Jerre It trissughan, the 18 04. 7 . Engineer of the We tern By order of the Doan, of Directors - WA!. ROBINSON. Jr, Porridees Pittsbiali r fruLyb_l9l9. dho 431 as wasitr. --- ra 0 wir MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 Markel street, u AV IN° purchased au crtrusere and carchtflyr By (ceded snack of Senna and Saralin' l ,, G ' 4 . r h: eibscober respectfully adorer hie .•."" that he 0 now preparing tom... and exe cute dell erdins eta diapraeh, sod aeon subalantial, and ferh.uubla e. detcrened to do business on the cash ryes.. er himself that he von be able ta do work as cheep as It can be dorm at any estabarkosuar in the crtrj : His sleek ts vsecchrourisanSnar l.. ',T7 o . elaths, Vesting, /le, vetch hal Metals Alf spe 1 crantiae ler auraisofeen orylifiate riBOIAR ARMOR._ rzOLD PENS-44 4. Fa.. l'evo Ihatuaed Pcmited trold Brno, or k ,o - or 4 wow. , rove, Or.r o'o'S roor for role by JOHNSTON O. STOCKTON, .414 corner Thud luld Martel au
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers