ESTABLISHED EN - 1786. BUSINESS CARDS.; - K. SAUD :nAMDr oricaulmr, ; A""TTOIRNEY.,4 ANO• CMINSELLORS A LAW; Vo.rth .I,ee4 littPea. fp:anted ea Grant, ".'.O! .c. Jo. L. 1.4%... , 1.2111.01: • FtusairD, A ; - -- Th.,82,.AT ~.,,,v,F....,,..c„„ c i , w.d_ , -. .. illk%i - A - kid ffifiNsii-N-driii-titinr, Cdausnigum LiireitZGl la. and akalens iv Produce., No. oti Muni %met .... naildito. 0.21 MILL. - 13 La uk-umr , & ,F4DER, Whole/oda dialer% IN Lo 1, 17 tietexis, Cir inter, Doom Sion; ridding* iieniPlicipto slOc ks. iIL, No. 0 Laboril strael, P.a.*. 1_ ... i1. _ ,_____ - ___..____. __ Li_V___ , re../....1 , Li 4.......,1 •.Voltd. LW.. ' 0 lU.tAt a V till ...d.,' Wholemloeiod,fieraft pru• juP rim, inner cd only add gt. Clau MOLL Vol. ine4 r.,: , ....1...... a. . 05. w... (IRCOL 4-4-• k CULIIMITSON, Witolesale Grocer* I, Bra c ommtuur Iderrtunts;Nc.l43,. Liirrir .t.., rii.siL.o4... , . . Al,llly, D ..A. CAtiAbbluCk &Ail, Wliolosno iand - j - lt - re .1). durbroggista mon Woodnd Mk st... :171, uewtti as brdrilly ikokaale lmen, ,O 0 salgaid creel Pittiburyttc - . MOSTIULTY tc 1../..tunidallerettants, C. , tl r , agmTh Vg• . . .. - Duquosus .11potag, Asia, Ogee/ alka [ran Work.. C 0 c,.. 1,, ~ F,f. , ,V,N,,. 11 . 4.11411 t....C.•,=3:1101 inning sad . Ylo=“4 9 11m1014. loliorekonse on ' Woo. ead Vront,stoofs, Siw.bsflOL A 4O l d, 14- 1 IT4 cossh Triss and IfilSoobl• Comngl. ;' . hisil.SLa W Wills uN LooLtalt ST., urrusflt ' Tor, limo op WOOD PrrISISUROLL _ ZDJIIVXD witiErse, -_,- • umrroloto:t..auumetal.. /1101160a* /WWI .j V alas, Tombs, Held Stontz s idastotplutes, Calt us snd•pitejvps'ertotelga atf dome.. ontrbia ns • regolortfld furphee. . .. ~., ~\ 6 N. Lt.—Dataifte fur mornsents,•foulls,dgf)srobti al, of bay' ifestspon .He •olitS• •a•To Or publit •ra.Ta.x•ealan, .. ' _. ~ I J. ..Sunns. UNGLISH - 11 DOINETT, Own Engl . (Who., Ei t codWltoireAde Grocers, Coutaumi Poo:, suSstf *fuf , ....; ful dation lIS Frah pi.: burgh 41Ssit . tscuurs, ho. TI Votot a., be rm aol ad sued, • rt - ,o7l,,rtieV;iii,sl., Coutmulmoli mt. Fotegask atOrsa meet. Vsuoulgt, fnyl7 HODS LAG.AI3I.IIa Airtlarlf7 --- ' yi ANIVZON &a:WART, asanufat we, 44 Helm .D.. Stuftkags, Cheek., do., flobices oue.ti oily .07 soo:SWAY.' u0r15.4174. Li..f.,k3Sosueoamor to Mumby /0.00 Wool Heck .UI .• et liii4Conusio•los Mombasa, fur Ste sae off OT!Luflu•s nusks., Libor il, opposite bal al 151..17 ' w51.14.1.11303.11/iMie. . .. , ; al. =anon, ...ram mussy n. secaoccooo Joao A. , poo r HEALVioIIIItACCIOR., cc Tobacco Corm:dation bler6 cum* 41 North Waver at, A. 1.6 tioribAnar• co, acollAbil • 11.63211. YL )401U1. LI £ILLY,. JONICS & Ca. saccessars ;DAV:rood, JUL lbutt & Ca.) Comausaadlnd FormaChg Alp*. etucs, Pwatough trzaraaeoux& 6 . 4 4 Cinsimpck, fek. meat. .sasFat map ) 14 14A111 - IrDICkEY & i n Groce4e7eOpe mewl/ whip:chants, and dealnra in Praia., Nos.*, Weer, and NO Front strata PiliebargL novel Jon .41. TOWNSEND, Diverts:aid ni.hrearr No. 44 Ilashet M., Mace doors above Thu. aL Pius; bar., will boo opium., on band a ortil ls olected etc, orthe beat and kenbesllledieute&Whir_O ho Idl sell oil Clo most reasonable teria4 rah•simaus se.'.beg bider& wdl bd promptly attended pned evith . artleles they may tely&poti anew.. • 1.0- Physicians Wesmdpuans wlUoa somutoely anb neiWy prepared Gum the best otatemials,at u.y hoar el dwy or ld. &Me for W y e, a buy Moe& enroll todpoid Park, n. " slnd FOrwa mta nlng a n, and wholesali dealer .I.n.Westion User. Charm, Boner, • rot and Pearl AWOL. We.. reedoes,generallyi Wat. tre. between Smithfield and Wood, Ylusbusgh. spa IjURN WATT, Nseceesoe m Eablit b ihebbaN Wholesale •tirocer and Cblbbb.lol2 eater W Produce and I%ustiorglildanufnetaies, cor ner of Liberly and Ilium etreem,Finsbarph Pa .N...%• orldgeo and Aletiallaj Rtertliant Ta&oe, IIL Chad. llaildings, dliirde.moWN Pitt: harsh. -•- A.A.11.f0 A- .uvrcifistgr, a...l.3.—Nnecsolou liotolizOo £ Co., C.ormituarou Alorcesuus, and Agouu or the AL • Locus mean. Bu-or arktery. No. 43 worn osal.r. front strocu, PluzZgo. J S. 1LA11)11.111 & batexals limecs it, tlho 'fi rr po Ynd c ="%r' d i: t ,h ., - Nt , . ttr.`t em.b • . , lax 1 OHN 11 10L , 111.4,N, 'tromp. and tr, Int Stuffs, Polon, Oils, Vairuiglze,,,.4e., No. 03 Wood moo; Ow. door Soul', Xiornenol FOI4- buret. )6.1a1., 6Malilla s it.:i isubuessor to !bowie, - 4. Day addle 'SG Valor writ. owl . " °RN: tUblb, Wholesale J to BWSII, ntul Musical lbsirunzents, Fir_hool bow% eabor,tibbuit. Steel Ye., Quills, Mute. , Canis, and butuounzy Wubd Piusbusgb. , r 1 11%,:bodtld or inked Ea trade_ agitS , JSCilillitibaltucia 6 Co., Who/6WD bragip.ii.4 • fio.b.l Wood moo., /I.lwii • .h. I OILS D. DAVKACC..Cri eornerbth and W • • • 0 areow,Pitisburgtt.• oet9 JONNSTO:4 tr. BIWA - TON, 711o9kzetlers, uod Yugo,. Illanufeeturert, N 0.4% blotkoi ot., Put* Joitz,Funn. I'M FLOYD, Wholesale Oars, CoMiglaslan 1 Alerebardh and Dealers in Trolled. liOund Church liaildlags, irontoig on Llnerry, matand sW mreess, Pittahnotbs Pa. •e__ JAbIEM IIiLLZP.L, Wholesale Sinteer, Cemsumi gime/milt, ilutd dealer in ?War. alanufactarba. 1i0.21 Water et, Paulasigla Janie • TiZrig - WMIP , I4 - 3.7Wle . nryryklimsd if ler m ren-lsn Wm. zed Lamas, and old Almon: gahela Bye'S% hiskeys. corner Prystand Magnet mu KIERI4 - 710i,ForTv;Lritairand Commission Iter- , chant's, Dealers in Produce Und Pittsburgh ammo is:taced arbeles, Quail limns, oda ;lb oh MU , , upe OIIIL,TTTOBUKOU. PA. ( "NkY'" elt " o ' 77sandBtr;:VOur=1 lane aing, J.I7 Peak - win. Irak , Work.. . r DALZ.ELL & Co.omenuneurera a el eez liar, nicer, Boner Ironcod \u1. of the beh gooloy. Werchouro, 04 weCT ICG from er. WAYIIIOIAN, Wholeso3o tirooor, Yams • LA. ing and esinunission larroloun, Dealer.. Pll4. botgb Itionursonstel said Prodare, Not. 31 %Valor st, and of Fronts:. r 27 • manes ILIOnt. JO.: , 101111t1t..1111,11 hLENNICEIY & B&W - YE-as 00817a0 GLAna naeunnensress, and Wholesale 1.4 denten (hm and toulanie Yacht) , 1,/oode. csisni merchants, Pedlar, and other, are Meilen to eall and examine Mapndesandaualny of onr mach, as with our present increased Manic. in maßcifemult wleg and purchasing, are UsinkNxiCcinforer us &rein tinkle emculan/ banns as cur DM& house wen of nic Mauna.. /g... If Gill.l/k. D. C. LOS. II efiILLS 110.E.,' Wholesale Omer.. and Comm.. .ion 119r64940.9, Na 194 L.11..ny n, Pmabnrich. 190 trIEPLIY, WILSON - a. CO.,(l)ae Jones, 81arphy 4). Ca.) Wbalesaie Ikaters /try Band., Na. 48 Wcod Straal, hasbarga. apart, 44.4.91, aux. ALLEN kCo Conlariialaa and forwasliag , Megrim., Water .11 - Frtalt sul, cod and Market as. Jena : M.8,41'111;14` 'WILSON, 1118a)4.18 ataira7e . 111 . Rasps, cornea of Pam Mica allay and Faasa street, a: amass on 404 neat Market rrrrsnuncil STEEL WOWS /Liao SPRING AND AXLE PACINIRV. 4 • ISAAC /011:4 • PM. •. . JONES 11 , 0100, li-ANUFACTUHEILS of sprung yr,d Miner .reds, Jl_ plough oriel, steel plotter vemgo, coach' and dig ut springs, flartuflered iron axle., and dealers hi nd feeble, casungs,bro ensure sloop argleviels nimbi* rraily,GOrnet of RAM and now mug. tette - kr 1101. AMI Str:V, fro di Mulct 61, 11. door tram corner of Foot% dealers in Partite end Itemektle Bina ofeExegange Vertiftearee of Depoo It, hank Nines dad Specie. tli.7" Genet:think mud on all the principal sides tbrookttout the - Untied Stater, cleat NAtasuratkar—Ortea, Ferrolok, _ bruil.tluor above SdrithfieW, math Ado Conveyancing of all kind, dons wart the greaten calog kial ocean...v. Ties. Mear 0.3147 Dll. U6Oll,Q$ 210 GOOK. rIFFICEi Fourth skew, near Limn" the room t/ lately occupied Aldermen /diger, ienuieddite, ly oppoenc ItakeirelP Bumpe. be i. No. 71, Si- pestles iluicL jolt:tided 11. T. Iltebereer dArreAuttcltt3FMN, erkh wand to We stool kJ neater Disease. of the Nye: Dr. B. he. been engaged m Ode htersett of the m6d4' cal profession for sixteen peony 'and has eondoetedm establishment for the mammal et diseases of the eye alone tor amoral Tears. Ormos end residence ' recant of Sandeaky at end Strawberry allmAllegbenT city aetta 1110E.E.IE TEA STORE.—No. W nerd.' at, near Wood—Ml quandrics of Green tuld Wad! Tea., done op La hoarser,. half, and one pout pull:Nee, marina from 60 era. per pound 111,01 A.. JAI Ntm, forTekin Tea CO._ 0 CO - ba;rtr or . associated TllOlll4B e l at"G roci ;:11,:ro th ~::2,,TZ a W as h fiel I be condoned am noted oodee the lifen of Illetalson, Wk de Se Co. 100BL".9051, LITTbr. I so k No. It 2 Litiarcr urn., Pittaninigh, Whoiesala Product as cr ..;00.11:1111Iii0k1 at. Merchant., 1.4 dealers in Pitunrifer Marndiet 11t....110/1210*. 'MEM lama tam. IL .11. KM. °xSEAT rduroul Whigfue _ , Diatilicr, dealer in Prodacc, Pittsburgh hl•nufaci Mr., and Ida Muds or Foreign gad bow.. 1% 0100. ,utd Light.", U Lincrry Aunt On hood • re.y wig snaeg of caperinr •14 ganarhanhela ofhigkey, AWch_alllM.eldlow for cash. eipt.tly auwnsaa g. - etnll. MOO&NdOc. Co, Whidesale Ortiec acd Plo at duca, #.04 CVIII. 11 14. iferchantiorniDenieurlis Vida. 6 , Birniniactares, Nall, Liberty .1,, -- & - jarr Vuoicsate GrocerA fitic o ginas.ion arid Foratintifig MenlinnU,dcalen t.,educe anti Pitt -burgh litintlacrutes, Meng st. ritt.burgh.p i. 0321 A- CC /lAA. boiesale Gnxer Prodare ftad Tiqatnugh I.l. 2 ua L ch,n, so. 144 1119. a 1:(L NO i:s.'l .44t :M r th i l e , e 11 .0i, .. — . = .. .. , ..- ..K. 14 . I.VGLOCatu, (o lmso, p i ,"6..Ttle , dey . n lonCa ••".W..fre enlChde Winer Tele kigheirt p...,,,. .13,p,i1d...,,,,._.,,, ins. Comer or Penn and gn.i. .......!..of elm. '.. , Anti &C. SHACUJErr, SWITIV EAcILE.-rr wilrr_e, romir pssoesuc ucl Goods. Ido.V2Wodd MITS. THE CARDS. n.lnat •a, nentnel4l . 004 Wennetaile.7rocer• la Penci.. 4thniern.llo.3=o4rket erect, between nth and %b. North Ind, Phithdelfhia • noun p w — /E ,,, lIARI3AUG . FI, 4"eoi 3f . aie n it, butlers com r :faioo aktalTro.l4VZ.77 i i ' ... " v: hty 11. • • r MYER. rimmicaniti." M. 0.. 1.1r71.117 , .. E1.1.P.R? NlCOLarPrOdoee end General 0.- 0 miwien Alercbants, No 17 Labeity n, Pineburgh. ,ryvrinl,inseal awl Lard Oita. 40N nONNHOiet, & Wholesale Gro 0. co oniisCommiision blenebonts, Ortilem in Pittsburgh Planiamares fist Western no tote, have removed to limit tryw wa*booswfold stood) :do. 23, corner of Front st as@ Chorryery Lams. ovT Swots - Lc& 111237, Wholesitie_-en. lova tem..- coo Nernhamn, and MO en so Trodueo. No 31, ood at . rittsburgh_ parl . fI'SROTII Jr PCO77, Wiroleblie Remit deters in Boon., a. , Tomei, "Carpet 31sgs, P.SV. mei of IMAM! Potittteldlios • 1111.4.20., Pe. & 31_41171211FIAT1Mr. - . • 14-olitsuis Duoillersi, adWine and Lieu*, erebardt Also, Imponertof Roth Ash Lod fillearh dog Powder, 1..140 Libort3.stoso4owboroh, Pa. 0002 —"— WWI D. y ICK t SPCAN ELM.% folaeodporrs on & E enramicin o n 'i ld W eroh l"th' de G o!ora 711 it ' n,Tbula,Gla a. .ll, 1,11160 VArnroand Pinabanotahlanntimaros morally, • of Wood and Wooer 014., eolab4lll , lir W. WALLACE, Mill' am. nod hlill Awash: hr comatAilhment,iNit N Li),erty oL„ year the ihanaL , naarZ 3ina tr'oaldVP-iaryl:"'i..l"7:llllatte'r-ialntdlit wooers, Putaborgia, r a.. 1. I.—W and Mocha Moron,' ropainaL dro4 FFS:r 80WJ , 24--Comlnloston ,otnd Forward/no hterehont, No. 90 Flout IL bdtlaten Wood ml ask. mem Nut yt • Emion and Dement. Dry (hods, torib enamor of Motherland FourdOm .1.1 Qr. roc.: M. , t At. YOU.NO IS Co —Delilerts to either hide W ' . N IT . 1 I L 3lTh "'Y'_---.- ' - , istsi. beCtTCIII.3. —.- ion. r`crecitoon -Tx7 & rt. ?.PCUTcfrEONlWhulcia, . ,Je Groceni„dea. I'l' . leas in Produce. Iron, Noll., p 1.., and Pm.. tV.oV .P_. IIArI h• .: Moot o.dise_ . tuve s go - osr oN'..y , 191P '- m - ry Fdt. 'P''' re .. W VIABAN, Deed it 11/rotebes. ie - eAy &lier Ware, Mili4Godl c., No. A Mar . ! . 3 . reef . _ WIS. TOIrNb & CNA, VALENS IN HIDES AND LEAIrh ER, Sloroceey Shoe Priding,. &r.. Ne.t; All Liar, r 1 street, have y*tt received their EIPNIMESTOCA of geode cool pfuting a lame usortmeen ortarieles in their lino. to strisieh the anent/on of parcht,SAers is invited. 1 inch IS e • PitTTiOII.I4"O/ 6 CO; IN . STEABI JICAT AOENTB Orrox oars &C & Co, octal No. 62 Water meet. INSU.RANCEI; ,IVEITTFOI COMP/1 4 1Y OF PfTTS)3UR I G'H. tAPIIII 55110,000. '1: FUN.. Jr, Heel.. I C R MILL.; Jr. , reel Will insure agolust. kladriar FIRE AND Ma 111,NH. ALL louts mill libotolbr nopam4 and promptly paid. 'Simon wt. aro 4" int th o oa ro dr; r non . tal by promptness and hbera yto viaillain Om,. ;peter arivell tlity . prirtni v,. p bru oomoon to Mole lobo deur*. la lonored. ; tharemsoi—R. Loa. J 11 . 1 =4 , 1t.11.1... • Jr-, c.71,b...Ge-o. W. Jatiptott, Via. ILL Lyati t .lt. Upgincott, Tbos. Lima Jame* WHoloy, Als..V:imsol4Tho.ircrn. Orypon, No. - 49 Wirer slesei, lannybonse,.of Spoof Co., up_Mal..,lPittaburHas, au .11 y IHlsuaeSvs. . _ rsuE DELAwera: i§aFF.TV INSU RANCE COM entio.--645ca, X . orth Room of Me change, Third Meet, Philtdrionti: ' Fuck bomunce.—Budditigik Merchandise and other liromny to 'Oen and cocartg, ...nen mie. me. or by fire 24 the lowest Om of pennant_ iniurren—llley inoctre Ves•els. Cal. Shea Frelgma, foreign or fionsteine, bi rder oven or special poncies, ex the nucann may 4csire INtiNDTIIa-Tarorrais.s.—They 2141 insert much.- • else transponed ny Wagons, ItarliPad Can, Canal Doan and nteam Bonn, on mere Wad WIT., no the libeen terms. ... . . .. . DIRECTORS--Joiteph 11. Seat. Erhound A. Sonder, John CFA.,., Robert Boman, John a renrou, Same etEdwarda. Geo G laiper, Edward Darttrgion. Nave &Dana at' Ob.. Folweil, Jahn Nwsolin. Dr Ft hI Ho.- WO, Junes C /lona Theoplonoto Paaddttra II Jot". ••Drealca Meaty Shm. lloglo CrararrGoo , ge Perolll, Spencer hleatrain. Ch.,' Hotly. J-Gt inhuman, Wit Ilan Mar, Dr S Thomas, John nail,* N,r Eyre. Jr. Imud.:TOn,s AT Pt PTAIIIMIGM—D. T. Morgan, .Wort. Landry, Jno. T. Logan. WILLIAM NIAIIiIN, President RICIL•AD 5. NXIVIaI.D, Seciattyg 1 ' My - °theca( the Cowpony. No. 4J Water wren iorptoborgh. ' IttlAdlf PA. !lIEIRA . Agent ' • plias. AND atALLIAIC SNOWMAN - CEL T,. ,r.,,,,...5eE CO. el Nora, America will make pernatment and hanted tartoranee on pro. rty In Poo coy and weinity, and on storroento by anal, ithefd, Laser, and by toea tee prttovrotes oi Ihia Cootapasoy aro wr.Mitaretded, radAtrowb no avast .able fund for the ample indetnouty 0t" . , A.11 persona who desire to be protected by /manual, '. noylB Wht P. JONEI.I. o . Agora, K Wa . ter at . _ U== - - The Franklin Fm huartraca Ca. cf Philesehiphis. rhERECTOR9s—Chatio• N.Baneker Thomas Hart, er II Tobias Warn, Hammel Goan' f J acob FL Smith, lima NV harlsards, aloolema D. Leton, Adotabo Arid H. Drama, rsforria Panetaon. Cwasa N. assmala President_ Charles G. Banat., Beeretarr- • - _ , (..,aura. to make Lroinrance, permual or named, *noses] dewoription of propertyindown or country, at taloa as loss as are omniscient srunseourity. To Cotippouty have reserved a intsenotionsent Fond, or.. Capital and Pir021 ,1 ...i.1y ntveM afford ample printoetioa to the 'sawed. 'AM assets of the company, on Jariyary 10, len, as • published agrecolily to an act of issecnitily, were ea blonslg . o % :11.047,4ne 41 R0a104,7e1 c 3 Ton:Rorer, Loa. 9a,wt 115 . 01,0 C.. 14 ..... .... 7 irr '4l,3abt.Crt 71 Sore their incorporatiora, a perirrint in year.. they Lace pail upward. en one =Mob lone hiuntrcal thous- And delays, losses by fire, thereby ogiareitig evidence ef the advantages of thannince, to the ability and disposition to meet With prompthess ail Labializes. ' 3. GAMINE:II Agb marlaally Mee N hoar .er Wocarl goad ut, ri. iliitVA — W AIL& HOT V Ail. /atrial:LA.ll,a, cr... P. ALOADFILLA, Agent at Pittshurgtt for the Uncia- Wait alleit.itiabity Insurance Company of Phial eAol.platkrt. Tire Hicks upon buildingi ith Of every deseription, end Ithaincirsand merchand upon hulls ar eargoeis of vessels, token upon most favorable tEr Mee In the Warehonse of Will. Holmes 1 Den, N0..74 Miter. near blather strum, rhmsbargh. N. thanes, of this Company since the estab iialth.nt of the Agency in this city, with the ;unapt non and liberality with which every othun upon them foe loss has been exhorted, (idly warrant the agent Intl:Lig the confidence oralpsaronaa otitis friends mad the community at largo to the Delaware M. S. luso. ea Company, while It he the addinonal advantages o.laninmudaio anuang the moss fltrionshuth In Philodel phln—ns having an ample panbin eery:nod, which by the Operation of as earth: is coastal:Myinerensirtri. as yielding to each person utthred hap doe share oi profit, of the comparo , without msolhang ham in .y .ferpennibility whatever, end nun - acre ma poaannung 'the Alumni principle divested of every obnoxious Feu. tun, and in ate mom altraerive foal • : 7 171kur. Amu - meats= iff.suaLscE.' rpliP.. Invariance Company of North, America, turough j its duly authorized Agent, the ahaboenber, oder. to Mad. pannment end limited thaura)the on property, in .thie cit end Its vicinity, and on othipments by toe Ca had and y Risers. sl,Ael W. inns, FAvnard SAWA ~lobo A. Brook* ,lobe iiii.w„ • iiiaa;d D. Wood, Thom. P. CopeNifah Welsh, Samuel P. Smlth', Fradicx ilosken, Somml D7ook s, R. Austin Allilsooe, AISTIICI I tid.COPFIN, Pt csh, • i Um, D. Prtramintoi doe) , : This is the oldest lnattrance Comb arty 111 the United , &stet, hosiog been chartered to DVS. Its charter is ,V.Slietnal, Rua cram it• high Hautilti3, icing( eipefienee, ample means, and throldiug all riaqa of on extra has .ardatis character, It may he considared as Otrartug as. Pb security to tar plabile. W. P. JONES. • A.*. Coonung Room of Amrcat4/o.t it Co, Wa ter and Front Arra.. PMoburzo... , masa 1115 h has bath appointed Agent pro 1~ tent..6f and Will hubs Policies and ithend it the other basilic. 01Agenhy, al the level:Louse of Atwood, Jones apla W hi. p..htiril.S. haler st Sik4ARDINd &C6XIMION, C.ll. 1.3.10111www., J. /11541.4 t, 1.4.. CHARLIE' U. DAMESIIdWEIede CO. TUBACao aulatai6aBN No. GO South Monona, :So. Hi South Water at PHIL), ILPIIIA. BEGS to tufo= the il4alers generally, of Pittabe&b , Onat the itch arrangements with th e Virginia mannissinr e r. had the Grower. of the w o nt, West Indira, an , . ,:tior Fifteen, as will insure late and c0n... , aatitay of followingstenerigs. dons 01' Tobacco, whirl., ntld opal Res e w. mododo% terms aaany oleo howl, to thl• oily Or clot , sybcrel., end ell gawks ordageofronottona sloth he war , Mad equal a repreaunta llow ifikesine, et- .-44 M Ccan na Yen, • Ptiol M o'fb..; F.Gufiki }Send Leaf ta co.. !gala; aFt Imre°, tr,6o—lhnuenVeelahreted 'X wade Ptrag Caves, &eh. *Ws a bargeastkornatetr and qualities el potinda, Ii•&. Ito i o n s :del lxmpt Gs, 4 flu awl CA Inoti lariXbk. /*bin Volosia Twi n &e, meet and plain, in whole 44 half lion, and tla, tageiner an& every varbitty of &mew tiaiong. i lei Wll lolls suA:tv, "PACKER OF PORK MVP •IJPEP, Catanilision Berating add Yorwarder, N 0.4 OAN AL ST., CLNCISN ATI, 0111 U. Partleutar tmuon paid,. the burciniatang of 1 aur article of Product in this harks , Anse to we forwarding of (too& generally. allies to Glows. John Wausey & Cq Martin tr. Sunk well. CinCitillan, 0. S. C. Parkhurst, Fly. Lippincott & Co: u& /mica, Rennes}Pittsburgh, Pt Rennes olOot COCkiftea. Compassion and Fox-mottling nmobinit. no. 40 annoy sr., rrrrthosion, CIONTINUFS in alma= a genets.] Cea.saisslou Des, cspeiially in the pure).* and we ed Mate,• e. bilieredket.. and Prostate, and in receiving and lorwanti g etlicioda enneigned to 61a l eare. is Agent fat .tha allirtifacturea hesqll,be....illatallr ppned ."‘tb the priumpal articles of rtneborgy itlanafamnie at tho limns glatileaato prise*. Wilma and consignments sen esspotally solicited! r: 197 LAIL Li1111.41311/01• g. InlTX•ht 4 aso. zoIiILIWS. co, FORW1111)11111 b COMMISSION NBIII.3IIATS, 'No. DOD So eandist toes, mahrithillas WM% HO. PITTSIW' _ - PO INTAI3 MOTRL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE . •• • g.THlS,:catal;l4ha;ent long a n d "ridely known es Wing one of the nest crammed.. in the my of 11Whothane has recently rareiregone 'rosy "stew sive elece.low wid improvement. An enure tle•P SRC hasticen added, cramming maniere. end Wry iie geri.Nres , ed'e'pt and rtenei7ta n' L ' ea b' 22." ' e t m0nk...4 and fitted op te • mow unique and Iwasa ki style. le fact the whole ansr.semeni of the House has be. remodeled, with a wrigis err on the pew of the propripters. towards the comfort and Merrier" of them G . o-s r met whew they ecutfidently ti I challenge comparison with my Hotel iu the U r n.nio Thew Wife will always be .weilied with even suer martial end looms, winch the market affords, carved pp in aeoperior style while in the way of they will net be 'whizzed couclation the proprietors beg. as Ow nothing will be loh M.oor ore u their_parymd on the pert of Mete imstkors,lo render OW floral worthy the cond.. pommeled of their friends end the public genet-Why The pow.. for board hew also been reduced to the folloineg }Adm.' Orditteyy, 1i1,73 per day. Geod.:pee% e lene N. H.—fTtm Banat. Wagon of the HMSO will lb way. be (egad et the rim and Steen.... Landings, ofwill convoy beams to and from the Hotel, free of charge. =Tar (4.{.0r1tF) , 11:D'44". 0 1 =NM CV !MINA. e V Meiners, Vvrarlenteet, Pa- Tits subscriber heyinte summed the manage- It merit Of this long itsubllithed end popular Hotel, eninatoces to Trischets and the Publls generally, that he will be at all thous prepared to scootionodeue them in all delay. duslrablets • .fen 'collated Hotel. This I ;owe Is not, be ilionntgWY repaired throughout, awl new Ann.:are added, and no prune will he spared to woke the Exch•rtge one of the very best Hotel, in the ilountry. The ba t respectfully Nollelts . contlituanew of the vary liberal pun, the Haute has heretofore received. . THOMAS OWSTON, fettlthf racinf+Emr. um' s*. corm nr tom= ma, floor mart, rrrnarran. TRH subsetiber reapectfolly anemoneee has now ox.tsld his new and excellent limed for the at/comsat datum of travelers l boarders. and the ittblte general/1. The 11011.5 WA Amstar° Or e / n.sw, n I pains or &wows have been spared to render It one the most comfortable and pleasant notch In the oily. The saw - ether is dent turned to deserve, axed there fore sollelle, a share of pebliapatronsto, . octli-d I y JACOB 11011(41. Proprietor ontirED sTATics HOTiCL, aysrmirirt.,•erwrml roams SOD VITT 1111. . ... • • • • • • OPPOSITE Ilue Dank of oho United Soso*, PEP.. elphm =red Of, POPE MITCHELL, Propriptor LAW OFFICES, VAANAIFIAN, AITORtaT AT LAW. OA on Toorth between Chen, ell, And Grant G. royltlly _ . _ WIU ATTOB.NAIT AT LAW, BOWS'', Ps • WILL Also stMAil to milsonons and MI other Dom newt entrusted to hiss in Butler and Armstrong romans., PA Refer to - • • - • - J. & Ployd, Lltiony .t W. W. Wall. I, do i James hlarshali do t Piti.sharah. . 11 7 UT it co., w.utt j u,7 . _ y eilTZtat. Aticil hey at Lou, *Mee 3il . polo:mitt ad. Chnoles 111 I. Piar.basigh, We attend promiala to Oollecuora,ua Washhortan, Fare. and Grcen *auntie., Ya Illnekntnek, Boil & Co, fitareli & Oare/ens, lfttobwrgin. D. T. Iddrgem, nel.3dll E./. HENRY, Auorney and Onannellor at Law, . Cincinnati , Ohio. Cannumns in Boadrara Ohl*. and ni indium nut .n Kentddiny. NeuPdY and urc &D7 uunded to. COOlll3/ 410 trtr 1. dm dude el rend. vylvanm for, taking Depou non*, driudmindlstents, Fl;e4a ro—lion. Wm. Bell & Sox, Curls Chareh & Carothers, W. Hays, Eeq.. 'Wll , oek & Davy , 03 I.IEPs ortmen, I • FarLIM:RI - WWI:I3. TVINLOP & SMELL, sonme7 .1 Law, (Mono on LI 511.14.1141. beaste.en 3d •nd 41b eu 4oEt6 icittax, A TTORNL V AT LAW. You'll street, betwoco Smithfield nod 11/ 0. 11. ROLIINSON, P.rvey La,,,hz... re, TV . moVod his office to th.trarhonge.ldoott.S. nett door lo Aldermcu .lolam apl"Py HATS; CAPS AND BONNETS RIVORD a. co., ro b 111 4 Com$ tit tang) Psehionabls Ilatt•r•,, Comer of Wiwgi Ftftit Sorsa, PRTICtiI.AIt uncuuon pa'al to out. ItetaslTlatle. GentJanata reyvy u. ,tetunn and Caplet.= out esuahhaument 'l,e u.r marutu•La :tad uausikaunatty, of the Laren ma., and la the Lowest Mr". Country bleroltants perchnel Ig by lettole.nle. are respectfully wetted to tall and c Iswrne 9,1( SIOC , ; a. we ran Lay with confidence 12 at as regard- and morn. it will not ruder In • a calvary-on with any house in Philadelphia_ feet, - . Li CALIFORNIA fIATR_-131 den water proof ClL...tints Hat, jolt meets ed and for sale by .lil`Culll).S. C.e. tebl7 corner 6th and Woolf sts na IIPELING STA9IIIO2III 1H49. It'COILLI &Ca lettl Intro- lace on &atm,. 14,day, 11•Inh Um Spring • Lyle of BATS, Those to want of • neat and cape race hot, ore to call et cornot of and Woo I strarts marl! 0 . PR r: ISDN NET lag /NM he. AV Nt roh Ce• now open a supplf of apt inc. BOW.. LW...oh of new and ltandnorac at lens Also. nevi rog,a gird Nato. L ale Lane. and F:dE• L.-en P.. 17.111.4 Victor. do; plaid Munn. and /*cone,. rarbtontered grass Itlvaltnra, de., , naa. ,, nn a huge asn.risortit of Spring Good. generally, at t.orth runt corer 4. and .arker atran.,•. Waoir n •ale Runen• op suirs. r .P 6 COTAIITNERSLUPS. Oopau-t.nerel tip. THF. un4Pr.sll. here thirdc, uuoemtertwlth them utmtpeo• J ACIAI L SCLLI FART:L.4mi wal con umc the bail... 31. a hcrttribrr.. ender the tiro ni D. A. FA FINKS - TUCK a "IY 41,61 parinershlp Ixretofort eairtnc under the titre 1 0 , A /r.t: BMA DI.E is etwoleedls, Ihe d.,.-a.• Of NT:. fr Chantey. The ouottws• will be cam.] en by A. Bradley, who ortll settle Las business of the tow firm. Kr.movAt. —A. liumri has reruns.] ht• round, %A - firehouse from No, 111 1.4a.0ntl s to No. ID Wood Wert. netareen First and Seeeend str treet. eam, o tbv vra re hope oocupteit by Berry, whore be will Veep noisstantly on hand a jeneral uomartment of Castings Gruel. thorea:Cooltiog [hove., DO. ;)1.1 DISSOLITTION• THE purtnetubip heretofore esisung beten.e S•nt uel LL Buebfield and William LI Hay, tradtng under the inn of LLGSHVIICLL. & H has tat , . tlay n dnctoleted by { to 11. Hoye selling his rot. interest In the fine to S. IL Midfield Al semi... due the . a seal collet-led by SIL liteshottd, tid all debt duo by the lain Gnu to be paid Ire slur Imam. R. LL Pauburgb, June 21. IL HAYS. CO.PARTNERBBIP --B. 13 Ileserref-n travioe day earoela , ed omit hua.ell HICIZT Leeroda, formerly of Bedford, Pa.. and reeenily of the fdarlonel lloa . I'dt•horg alit continue the borinese ander The Erin BUSH FIELD & LBA.DEII, at las old as M. No. tin Wl,erly at tut. S. D. 13LIES/IFIE.I.D. Yit,burgb, lam 9L 1b49. flaring retired from the former business. I twice plemsare in recormendmg my sereessore to the pa• trolls, or my erostomert and the public Fr nerally. _ CV _1...i Dntim:4 ts. 0. 11A 1"t . _ .. • . . . TifF. co-partnership heretofore eindirg oetrecen the toibeertbera, in the name of ConatstJ. Burke & Co .1• Ole day diem:dyed by ntoloal coned Cf. Nle,sere. Burke & Barnes yell! cattle the httainesa of the con cern, for winch pu mote they are anthorteed to etre the name of the concerts. NATIIANIKI. CObI,STAHLE, EDMUND KIRKE, THOMAS BABNE.4. The andersiened have due dayaseoctete to d them...ter. In the stereo of BURKE & liN ES, lot t porno., of rnenufartortne Fire Proof Saks, Battle Door", Br . no., at the atand of the late firm of Conate.ble. Surto & eo., erber'e they will be oftener m receive the pa. tronage of the c axiom.. of that boase and their friende. EDMUND 111113.b:P., THOM Art B.aRNES. ChAUtut TN. I}or AMAruse Jacob ALT hotana, JoIA IL No In reining Boni the firm of Constatile, Do tire & Co , I entp sincere pleasure recommend Mesiip I. Burke & Barnes to the as Of my friends and be penile. Feb u 1,40. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE roblilealtf • DISSOLUTION• RE partnership of MURPHY & LEf: laths. deg T dissolved by maw. noose.. The boon ...of the lute firm wili be settled If. Lea. 1. EL RPIIY, Pittsbutr, Jan. JO, 1n49. H. LEE. NOTICE—The etidersignod yob canonise the Weol basin.. nod attend to the oak of We.. :Soria* the old stns. L.ka! In retiring fee& the Arm of Murphy & I 1 lake areal piin recomm .. ending Mr. II tete to the confidence of my frtendit and the p.n. Pittsburgh, Jan 91, left.. J. It. MU RPM'. sitllo.. sotisertbeisTtive Th. fey asegimemd Mont i. selves lotrether for the poiptise of transacting a o tiolesate and retail Dry Goods and Grocery boons at No You Liberty, opposite 000.10.1. street, ander th , e style and firm of 1111.011 FIELD & SAYS Putaborgb, Ja,vvr7 1,10.19. B --Our old ',stamen, and the public one invited to gibe no • 0.1. „ co-rAvont.asztxr. WOl. SCAIFE and Copt. /AMES ATKINSON have entered ono partnership, under the firm of & ATKINSON, end will curry ou the Tin, Copper. and Sheet Is. Warn monufactory. Also. Illnollomiltung In all tin brusothes„ et the old stand of Wrn Sc.., hist street, nnee Wood run.cals. intention given to &combo. wort. nevi fine Wit;;,iiy I Cieb,ry, Crudaea and Camntiosion baolne.mi ). blether Joreph, limier the firm of 5. .1. CIIa.W WURTH J.URTU. JR/M.117i, 1P49. irlr N ed withß. 11l IL lib LI / MI M. 1 clang oven,g 01.1 day ow. fli b o u, Jahn 'Cuue, tn , lea. bupitite, swill hems?... ba Un3daeted and, the hee l of Wm. v a&uft k Ca. VVILLJAM YOUNG. JNO. 0. ACCURE. BENNETT 4 BROTHER, t 1 E:Y PWARE tit UPAt . TUKEILB Rarcionsoo, No. 137, Wood street, riadosrei. • r 4 WlLi......rety temp em trod • wood &evert- Ment Ware, of our own tosnufacture, and • mapenorqualue. Wholesale d ol country Met bent. ere respectfail y cell and el. =WA feff.theeoebres, at ore detllll3/1110d KO ulteaperlben Moister before been offered to the put • FirXt d. eVe: :Alt= 0.71,d WOCili- 3, Ek. Wool; I do Foothen, landing from Let It and lot vale by JA.M.ES DALZELL PITTSBURGH. -TUESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 1849:;„; HOTELS N FM ULM" .--15cralleay'. Coalman Plato .Boot. carted by bJe /obit Howl Hanes, D. D Abbott'. History of Jolla. lttaar, arith eagralinga. Joel retched at A IDGRULTUEE, ,147—Amancen Farmer .tangy. elopedia, Nvo Lin,l4rsgetabis Kingdom, Nvn IX•coor.e. on ANneuhare, dd. Una, tithicadem—The Flani. N.A. Allen'', Domestic stmerals, temp Webartr A Port, Do:nestle Peon/way Oster tvo. For sale ter JstrilDe DLO:it - WOOD, /111 eel Wood in of Mcdi• 'l. g e l artes AL en B°° /•es; K Z 7 i d .".t " .. P l . . "' .l, " Lod• on Maws, by Couriun Hoopes't Medical Limo:wry; Moslem's'. do dm Cooper's &settee! do; MOM.. d 7.• eon Su,g,r; tawn's do do; Abernathy'. Worts, VOIN Ltuparegy. ountse. Uttelvt; Hope on the Heart istusesishierh Anatomy; Wilson on [Meows of the Skins Pererro's Mown% Medico and Themuti Abdominal Fray - Hee Perms; do oo the Te Medicine vied..., Wood's Practice o Dangler:lWl do doe Flicrite's do do. Mew a large and crush .apply of Mass. S. Unica Poets, on hand and ler role oy 011 tiLLIItTT A P/tGLISIL 70 Wood at THE MOST RAMARKABLE WORE OF THE J. Al/E.—LA.ln', Nussysta—Ninevet and it. Re. Calum with 'au aCrl.uttl of a visit to the Chaldean hristian* of Kant:Wm. mei Versals, or Devil Wee. .hippers; and en latotry into the usurers and rota of the ancient A.. yrnstuog by stamen Howl Lormd, KM. b. Ld in two volumes, 'with numerous illustratlous. "There is • remarkable acd delighltol combination in the work before us, of valeishle dsrovery and in teresting personal eon anon, each as we remember us no similar work of travel or dumovery. • • Mr. Lay. ard as net surpassed by the old traceless. lo the wan ders of the nor, he btu , to tell, ha very much mutest. e. Meta an alVe repent that theta has been no such picture in any modem book Or travels, Pork Is not braver Or more achrentnaoss, Itolthaialt le not more truthful. &sib., rot more pay or. picturesque, than the hero of the book before un."--lanitou Examiner. "Ono °file noel rem okable works of IFo age."— London Times. /not rep elved and for role by all JAME'S I J LA..;KWOOD.,eO Wood 91 I. The landon Quarrvrly Review. . . Blackwood'. Edinburgh Manavoiv—Mcmilly. The above Periodical. are reprinted irk Nee. York, 1 1 - 11medistry en their arrival by ihe ttralorre, la a besot al eivar trp. • on fin , - old , - P.P., and .te fasihtel color. of tOeori.inalv—dlock wood'• naval. being on lac-41011 e of the Folardoargh coition. The price: of the reptini• are le en then oue bed of those of the foreign eond es, and whole they are equally well eleetauvl. the,. ado rd &nth.t advantage, to the A osertorn over the Englah nailer 117 . 131ackw.d, Aingsatzte, fat July. hasp. been received. and mw• be had as above. . . . . . Tar many year+ nonnteted with Mews. NVday & Putnam, and hale Jniti• Wiley, N. Tort and Lanni:l4,i BETE& TO 110.13 WC., Sill.. 0 4 ./7 oPPosito We St. Chutes Homy PITTSI3LHC.H. mr. English, French, sand German Barrows and Magazines, and Newspapers Imported warder, price. of winch may be aoseruuned on applteation to Mr. L. Catalogues gran.. nartl titrICYCLON-IDIAii ANDDIC . IIONA ATI;I4, fon.- .Ed uy aretal and olcependner wort, odor by wri ter. di-ttngains , .o so tae rattan. departments. Lbands`e Inertonary of Setenee, Itienarare, and An; Copland, II et,onaryol Practises! Medicine; Joirwson't Fanner'. Eneyetopsel,a, Loudon'. Encyclopedia of bardltring, Laudon • ilaityelopa.dt• of Plants, Lon. of• Encyr loyadsu of i rre.. Collo-Ws Dictionary ornoterr.., ihrsionary of Cxoge.phy; Cr.. Utotossarr of An, and Manuf•clerco; Hoopoes hlrd,oai thetionat); ,Vp.tervlon'a Cvelopeedia of Coos. inert, llocuortary. onl. ova, We 1.... and Pars • einpedt sc ).70110114y, Antbosea ••,acat Ll.cliossary. flee bn to ore 101 l of lorormatr• of We I,e, Mod, an-angert 001 prevnien 01 we G.., wanner For •f4 Ly 1.,.1/ F:l,l.l>CliWilttl) al Wood 00 , A Nl.l,L. Q La.lanle.enpusal b.,;,e.. = r ;! ,0.t.,, try. and Fans DO , O, won aireer,oo. Weir wanna,..l mean, brre,ll,l, rro...s.aa, /raring, f dug and wo-. :ALI. for • pro Stable warrot. 1.,,./.•,e4 . uareiner lona fbi, dirt...lions for time masages:nem or Dairy. By HI. ',ilea, rhao.will4 ousucrou• tattOzolloot. For solo by Ire I AS ti .011.113 Woad al LAUl.t:l \% • • -- ntlaonael. /1. Lae /4/ We Woods, ty j, T 11eadtr), uowor .th tap Itr land !IL& Ornern',. of elsoionily W amour or,rder sitar, Iwong , by JOILNIs ST001(111.M. NEW fltalhe.—A lisnin) at lVost,,rnal laterrao -11 tiinsinued oath numaroas et:graying, un er col ha Tarp inearoanon, or please. of the Virgin 130 , 1 I.y Chanel Beecher, Fort ,Vayt,e lositarm. nos an ioirodactory agony, by Mrs. harrier Beecher Swan,. /oat nen Ly JOitriaTuri A STOCKTON, fa> corder and :docket •U VI.LIOTT & FN61..15H, A `ona •trant, brin,u lth •.A1 lhuruund nary. base rr• ired a Ari, of 'tbnologaall and nib., work.. aua,a; art, ine rola/win,. ..iiiserannena‘ un.l Ur Ivy I , ,nwdent Hnpain, Chrad r. Al!., by 5.11 1 or, D. Li, De 11 L,•,..g Kepnbacan Ch.tortaba, tr) Magoon, Jla., rrinte,C, by Ilarna. labtebulany and Meauterlsm, b Ne L. Ito,. D D. Dann... na Impala and Moon. by Benrber, Ntaa.rnb add at Re. mains, Moun , aras of urn Lab., by ArFarlaad. Earneal Alinvary and Churia .14 F sin", Ly J A. Jun.., Li. wan!, wurs•, 4 v.., ova n,hanb, J Maso's Puri.. complete: Co apnea Lae and %Vont, of Lowpgt, ming on lia.n and Fall of Papacy, TarrythuberTanta on}, Cyclopedia of Moral sod ttnan.ona Andedotta, Edgar • Narrabras of raper,. Cbran uers, 11bl. k.tainote. I r tae Poop-. by J. CUEULalogy Nlo4.leni Scarlrif, Modrin Acnompbablunta, lialdarte pa flionaht. "nriplure, Coon; o ar ~ya i ~,,bnaned; Litt of Plaint, Natural lhatoryol Entaaaa.m. Maid., Kingdoms, Lactorr• un PYligrmas l•rogresa, Deceiver. Ky KX1•11f,..5--Tba Ilul D.lGeulty, and nabsClF.- ne,oecs u/ Lae iaatna 01 naar., en. oinar Abe . Rove, u, George 11 etienv•r. fl D. arlitt rortrall al Outn, Akw rnp..e• roe ti and Int vale by NOTICE. um is rr k E.V.aLIMII, iv Wood d IU , LIK.:Y:-71s Nam AlSbriellO Gardener, L.l by 71 homu• u FessemMn. The :sea A. 1.. 1.11 Mrcbsrtha, by Wm. Kennet. 7 be Co.mtle, V.., r nod Rural Lemma., by Fm.- .m.d,^. ..iodern Dou•suir (Saolgry. by Wo2 A H•Mrr.oa Ju.t ter'u by JOIINSIIJA ♦ NI oC FUN. royl4 (_ol . ll</' r.i lel •nJ IJ ft. o , I bought., n haway Worshy, Dy itailleS 71" Alcx •gu.,r. Just meti I.y . _ • • •9 . . . _ . . BOOK TRADE -JOHNSTON K STOCKTON'S, cur. Atatice, and Thad no. • - - Ltel,,si's Agricultural Chemins?, Lt., Nliniies Amuses. tins Americni Flinn BOOK, 15no Thn'Falinborra Re" new. :1 The iVes.lounstet kervlevr. Mff==CIEIC/ Tmo•—) Yayoteul to Do made is adv•nee. ) For any OPOof do (oar Revuvrt, • $ OU par an . Pot toty two do - 5 uo For any three do . 7 CO rot ad tato of We Review, e , 00 3 CO IZE= For illactwood wod We fear Reviews, 10 OD The abort promptly supplied by JAMES D LOCKWOOD, Itookrelter and Importer of Poremn Book 13 , 23 53 Wood.. !aims D., o. An , 11413 . 111 ENGLISH, FltkiNCll AN U GKR N BOOKS =l2 ttGLD.IOI, Wll4'—ThougllD on Pubiw t.)t, 4,flavel Mulct. DOI L U. aryl: JOHNSTON h. STOCKTON I\TF.W BOOKS:-Agnta Monis, or the Heroin< of Doznesuo.l.l% u 1 Knig amt.les Ula Second, of England, by 4... at, moat, WWI copse - Lug, Just roe'd uy JolllinfON A. 9 rock lON, m 719 cern., 3J and M ENULIBII AND AMERICAN BOOK* lA.IE V LOCKWOOD, t for =any year. eonnert ed wril, Messrs Vibe, soil Yotonen, nod late John iley, New Volk •int London,' 6.. etnebbarted • Hon. •1 N 0.63 %%owl .treat, between 11 end 1W streew, where clay be bond a yarn/tow cobec non of rff ANDAILD ENISI,I3II end AMERICAN Avrifotts, at price. ni low tw to the Eastern eines. If7-16.GL.1e91. and t.:UNTINENTAL HOOKS, Re. v 1 Pinguctsies., Newspaper., linporwnl to order. lc:pi:CS ft I L nod INCUKPORA FED et, ClealEt, are entitled to receive tne,r book. dot? free I.LrEngllsh laud Acme:Wan Catalogues turn/abed gr.,. all those who &wire 11. , Ln, or ars° per mall to y 1 U. L. will always be ham to eitithil to ladies and genii. own Ins bouts, anti nunart to Mein any uve wince he isitt A y , no , A esessrninrdanit them. It! N sod 1 3 c1 "L C '' ...1 ° 11 4 l 7t ". 1 . 0 1.0/241000 Chr,lan• of Kunnas., and the Yetetits. or Ileyto Worshippers. seal Si? inquiry too Ole avwitter. see acts of ilse ancient Ass) nen. by Austen Henry leiy ord. ,U. LI. Just sec sod tor sale by .mitArac.N NW): EON J Alibi t:re b i . g 6'rK k " ; ' te 'f : ' „70 " 1, oii h s rentable colierunii of Eriirits4 nrwl Allirrican Maui, a um ,par etipartinents of Literature, stitch be I. plepasea se as ices as Lacy can oc 01,1••11./.1w We Laster. cities. • . Ertghth bud Coutineutal Books, lirvievr, Maga. ttned. Newspupen, traflltft , ll to order. Trre price of any lieviovr, limp... or Nevrotpuper, Dray 4e ucert.ined on aP1P , ...." ID Mr L . I . ..n.gnan and Amerman Catalogue. intloobed grata.. 31r. L. Lntends taut ihe ribus In a .0 w, da,' und szdll be happy to rieeala any order• for Idooka, Engrg., Ingo or Stationery, at • usual' ...anus on Me coat. olyl.l N EW IllarKS-3001• Nan-von aaa n• Items." .1 with an account or a wish to Jre 1-3101400.111 La. 01 honk Lan, and Ilte Daril.Worotop par, and tiny into the manner. men aria of nae A,.1111,1 As.) nun, wnli nanatluelnrY la.' by LI Itoinisaon 2 vela,octa vo. with oh Intidluoirntions. Corey, r'. Leourr• oa tne Pilgrim'. Prove... I vial, ' 12010. Prier. 'almond it.ll.,Oti Crude.. Cueeoroaacc candour rd: reduerd to Si Nlacaul.3) 111..iary of /..1,,1an4. nergi, IWO yak. octavo—large prud oral hoe paper, penal ;5 cell.. t.raeislue Hebrew and Eo u.k le,ieorn 04••• rA. unproved. For •11/e by Il 1101'KINS 0411 410.0 Ile k wool ItUOKS::--taidia of Church slid Stair, by He. U 0, Noel. me Criorcit m I:arnest, by /tee J Angel lamas Advice, to Young Men, by T Y A tn.: a. ph Young Lath.. Essay. of Kim—Charlet Idinib. E{Malrtnle CLuler.. by Prof Coy•any Cl eloped/a et Moral at. Heligtod- Ana's,,,. , sangnene Works n/ Charlotte Fiheut,e,a. anu ine soon by :Ler hivdnanu. v.., vo I •14,11 Inca.. and California in led., by iddirr'Thoodon. 'i he letel.lpedi.pli 10 a bend Sea. Proverb. tar Wr Peop,e, or I.llo.tration• at Practlcal f.adite". drawn from the Hook of NVisdion, by L Magoon. Lai•eraity I.y Ur Wu, land Klement. al Nianoro,ogy, by .1 llioetleaby, A. NI For Sale LT It nor &t:..." wy7 Apollo llo,idlug, Ail:sr 1 ki AN rtIiM.VAL... or Ile, tkinanuitiosi ono risrio- LVA nye ennOnson of the Bunsen lining. A contr., dna to Theologieal Valence, by John ll•rris, U. D Lectures tb Young Alen on vuunia important inito ice... by II IV Hoeener. Clianaing`• Works, complete: 1 vol., 1 2 mo. The wort. of Tb Arthur, formed.°w lb Col" Jig. ree'elby myll H HOPKINS, at, near wood ero PRINTERS—PrintIog lak, (raw tuanufaelo 1 ry w Al'Creary, Naar to II ork, cum and keg., TI Ib onards, End from 23 ela I per lb Al. red, blue, rem and yellow Inks, In Can. of J lb. to 1 lb.. cionsianily tor awe. Having toad Mr. Weres. ylllOll4 oar oldies for nine =cans past, wa warrant Iqual to any dial to made 54014onier ionoofaeoYY Term. easo JOHNSTON tr STOCCTON la* oomer TbiAl .ah Blanta, rt• HISCELLANOUS. &ELMS w. WOODW ELL, Modern and Antigen. furnitura, Tnnet kiracer , Prerntlsokia ' essormoent of Pornistana lb:licit and t . ir d sts . ... i ttarei; a " Vds ' pr '" eito ' nt Loe o l on hood e m exeLed by any =en f an t :my ttre VFOAMIEM coottui. ;Yuen= stiettiog puredonse tenant vrell to glee use • ealb nal am determined my once* Wall pion., Part the stock r4lll{l. In-- Tete a Tel, Start &nine; ' Louis XIV r Chairs, theca tliasibsob chains Tea Prsys Toilet Tebice. trail Tktirs; /Anna XV Commoner French Mahogany I3edeicadn Phiio stoolsi 60 colts with Nose and Ilislr-troth cistern W Iloelnog Miring 40 dor. Parlor de d " Pinny do cestre Tablet; IV pair Divan.; 4 pair pier Table., It marble top Drening Lioreaor Wardrobe., n Seereianm not Soot carer CU marble top W.ob Standin 4 pair Ottomanis II pair fairy Wort Stands A very large assortment of cannon chain - and claret' furniture WO nuoserom co mention • , (ID" Steam Bons furnished on dui shortest Minh --Kaden the most reaninable wants • 4,4 tr Ottocolat•, Cocoa. W. Bakers Muerte. and French Chocotate,i ow ed Corot, CO.l Paste, Brecon, Cocoa Bhella, VIVO merchant. and eoesumera, 'mho aroulitiptirehase' the best modems of Cocoa, hes from adeiteranotr i more roan.. than tenor eothe, and In natality often,- paueaL, the auliamtber recommends the abotte mannfactured by himself, and stamd vitt. his Came. His Creme and Gene Paste, Wdelicate, palatable add salutary deaths Mr I:halite, eonvutemichts, an t mime, are pranotlneed by tb• met eminent phytticiarm imparter to anyOn othespreparationn Ilutmaunfemores are alwaye Sale, MO quahlity, by thesoma rei spectahlis grocers In the ensnare clue., WO by Omit agents, HameAt n iray & us, of Boston; James" Hance A co, Hartfo Conn; Hauer & Mersey, Net, York' ta Umta Stan, iladelphim Innate. V thundigei Bal. tuaturei and Kellogg A Stemma, Cuunimatt, Ohm. WALIWI BAKER, Dereheaterglaes. For sale by ang3l HALIALEY & 8/lITH, Arts Wrought. mut Coat /soug. PM subscribers hug Inner ID Nor mal . dim 1 they have obtainea from Me Fate mil Me lam and fmLionable designs o f Iron Hailing, both fur houses/ anu cemeteries Fermin. whiney procure band , mute patens will pk•nstfeall and examine, and tads,' for themselves. Ruling midi be itinnatted ai We Own est notice, and in the beln mum., at she comer of Craig and Rebecca Wen., Allegheny city. atialeetf A LAMONT A RNOX. Memnfaeictrad Tebscoo. 4 8 l i ali A tty m tr ii. Rgorr's suptriorilr . ech . 3 Ir; 1910,10 Priv, k Harwood'. " VI do do do Li do do Pearl Is Harwood 5k 11, 11 do 1 Robirmon 37 !Lido do 03 do do Wm Dawson ° 5 33 do T Wrlglat's o " 37 do U Ander.. 0 do LT Dads , 3 do 11. filsoon's V do Ramliff - " lb J.O loading from mioamer and packers, and fur .010 HEALD, BUCKNOII & Co, 41 north orator at sodHl north wharrea )e9l Philndelp/ms MAliiitACsupeTLlFLE6ourset bx slants Bon , nor lb lumps. 73 half Lis Webster (td .aparlor swemta lump. 3d Lavrtenee Lmun b licatry " Y & .11 - Dupont (de la bleLeod • Lawrence Lanier plug Jan landing from apamer, and rale DI II EA L b, 111;CHNOR R Co, 41 4: reams m and le N.4rharrea, myul PL Indelphla W. di J. GLESkr. Book Modoisr comer M rl' := l 4l e =FllTwsev " s ts. h° 7 b t=a, wheK we aro prvywrod to t do any work to on, boo with de:- fue te a e attend o our work peraonolly, and aotta fueon win be given In regard to tta nestataa and du rabibtv. • Blank Books ruled to any pidterat and bound as b. ataultaßy. Nook , to number. or old hooka bound onte rally or repaired. Name, put on boo]• in ph let , ts. Thoao that have work to our.ltite vetnvsted tovail Prices low NOTICE. lAVIINO !gold our eu.are stork to C • vtevtm eloung our old litsinueu.. lire hereby tter Emu tLa pathinage sat our frlotula and oar tamers.. RD. W. POLNDEXTER THE POINDEXTER I . ..bunch, Aug 3U,- • C. 11. GIiANT, Wimierale Grocer,Coraarisaton . For wr+ling ?arr.... N. II Water n. vnla LULLI. ANL) CULANN YOUNELINV. ALA FULTL/N,11..4 Bra. Founder, halt re btult .nJ eotraueueed Lupine. at his old stand when. be wkll be plen.4 to see his old custom ers ...1 frr•nds. Chartb,Stessabost, and Bella of every atm, from 10 to toms, peonda, cast from patterns of thomost apptne. e 4 model., and warranted to be of the best matettala Conntera, [Galin/i t .thee anta ee•ry eatery Canines, d required, /armed and film/tad in the anises manner. - . A. F. ss the ado rttantev.4 or LaamY Aati.A rwat. Tom M.., juatty cetelaratcti far We rmittessoo oi friction m maelneery The Boxes awl Compoutiott can lie had annul a airtime. Blithely Beveled, Cooktaagg Stoves, Orates. to AItStIALJe WALt.d L 1.4. CO.. Ron Church, corder 1-I , eiry and Wood auras, diantraerard and offer for %die Platform. Fi.ed sod Caudle, laeale., awed ..aproved you:dy. in 4 ' , ove, for wood Mnve...e., rune, and roma.. "trze., 11,.:low A. .4.0 runatafar tar,. tize Kitcb. Ranitc..wcti hes glvest tuch ~.t,no ...oar no. zu wane Leurtn, tu use. to 1.11 of I.y re,wetiully tal•ttc Lieu tt, raises.. pub. gruemily. oera-Utf Dt•phr•gro !niter, for Hydrowit Wester. 446.1. T: iIS /• 10 et ray dint I have apt pis.ird Livingston, ttOr.,Clll & C.O. ,ote Agents for the ante of leonine. l'airei Ltutprabgin toter, (of .0 etl tit, 01 Pinsbutgla Atill Allegheny. JOHN (.1 L1., , A, Agent, for NV Llter hi thh•on, 240 thoulnnly Oet-10, 1644.. We Lave been moos one of the above at the °Sloe of the Scoot) Wefts for three months, on mat, sett trot pc rferoy wustc.l that it ts • aselui tevenuo, atul we .Ite tne.ure In reeetnatendiut Nem 1. • us,. fmeructs in sti who love pant water . orders •1111 ne thankfully recessed and promptly atomised. ..eta LI VINGSTGN. flOGGF — ti 4, mu __ _ ^ . lieverallble lellaert as Gsecht, t Full PURIFYING W A rEN, L Which mulcts turbid **ler pureby j removing ail substances not whittle 1.0 -eu '. s t., ec, The eroton water to N. Ygrk, . . cs • ~, although clear and pare la the eye, yet tg ''' • filtermg cock, Wows • large do?ostt impure suismances, worms, k e. . thu is the case more or less with nil hydrant eater. Tbe Reversible filmset is neat and detente, and le not moulded wait the inessavenienoe incident Mental Falterers, Leis ... cleansed eminent being dumbed from the sextet cup., by Merely ttarninll the key or halal+ from one side IttMe other. uy dill easy protest, the course of seater Is changed, and ell asennanlalions ft severe sultraectees era driven Off almost intlantly, Imams. unscrewing the Filter. 11 also poaseaws tha ' a d' ' 7?1•Ir bat r ' e S7e: or:cli c :l ' n Us c re ' e c o c o "" eal. n ""* linen he aahed where them Is any pretsure hitt or low to a l o ok,ak tank, tub, he. with take To be Mal nulls sole Agent, W, W WILSON, nett) corner of Fourtn and htarket ma dea.w.ra genewslip.oo Wm fallowing brood. Totwoaaw, in wore and w arrive. sr bleb being Col.lsounrlns wrt from inanufac'arrrs. he is enabled to sell at raw. ern Kit M es, II boa It %V Crenshaw 5., ;14 f Jana, dladison el I Lainartnia 3s; T 1 I )disabean 5.; Putnam Ss and lon If 1 Robert. d. 5., ; Hutt to, I I • 4 henry d /antes 5., Is and eg I.: l frbfl N' Al /../IM.-CII pat 7f.c6ln• Wort. and Pantidtri.— J 011,4 WRIGHT & Co., are prepared to both/ Cotton el and \ Vonlei...thsclunery of ever, description, Buell es Carding Machines, tipinning Frames, Sporders Ihavrtng Prlonea. Iteuloray Heads. Warpees,Mooolers, lirriistng Frames, Looms, Card Grtinle ri. ire tVroudio Iron Sunning turned, on alses of Cam Iran, Pullies and Ilene of the latest pot ..114. and hand Lathes. end tools 0t..111 Lott,. Coatings of every description furnished on abort notiee. Patterns made to order for Mill Geartor. Iron Ratline, &o. fdeam far heat ., E sc i o e,,,, l'ost Iron 0. indow Sus. and fancy Co.. Ong, generally. Orden lea at the IVerehuttse ofd Palmer k Co., Lit.erty Btwet, .111 have point,t anon. nom Refer to Rlnekotnek, Bell d Co, J X Moorehead d Co, U. E. Warner, John 1 Sous, P.usborph; k C. H. Warner. eneul.nnnnle. ion!, Penn , Machine Shop 77 WIGIITAI A N—M ono...utter of allof col. Vii.a tau and woollen machinery. Allegheny city, Pa •rt, •lesve works Lemg now in lull and aueersalul .v -1.'1.111111, am prepared to execute order. tem, d..,..h.11 for .1 kinds of machinery In my Ime. such is.a ‘, pie kern apse-oden cams. igenelnia Inseam., runway drawn., (rune. speeder., Ihsusella, looms, wo vr olen ard..loohle or n0e1... ineFellant or country or., mules,,sek tie.; 'lt& and hand laths, and tools I/1 god- All kaki- u• •hutung made to order, orplana gos. en for gearing naelones or India an reaeue.hie charge. Hat to—SZ enndy. Chi. A Cu.. Mark mock, Ued d. L./ I . cono, a AC, in. A. ferny.. liiiiEMMil U. at 1, t,etwrett Federal ot 4 Sandusky oireet, They 110 VI 611allig and arn prepturti le receive ordet. tar descrlptlun et ',hick., Camette., H a . rotten..., litageteo, Phonons, tee-, he., who' O !rum tr Ipso; caper..., 111 Inatteforto re Of the &Love ortn •attl the faelline. they have, they (rot ennlideot thry are mewled it,. ore, nit Um Mum res.enotele term. anti, Mote ortutung omen.r in their line. Papup pert eider attention to the selectton of tome riot*, stet beaus 11011 t but competent workmen, they u bare uu hetattou to slumming their work. We thetefut.. ask ttot attention of the puolte to tto. mue, N U.Hepturteg those to the twat wanner, mud on the moatleast...title tent , .JWtt Monongahela Livery Stabbil. HOLSEHT H. PATT 4 :HSON has °potted Itersthe large stable on First st, running throu.ih Ltato Pecond st, between Wood and gouthaeld tt the mu the Mattoogehela Hauer, with an entirely uew stack of Horses Carriages of lae br qualtty and latest styles. Horses 1.140t/wo o, h. the Lest thrower UTE have thaw PUMPS, made on au I,mpraved V V plan, so as sot to freest to the coldest Weather. Per wanting such emotes, era Invited to call and tea than 0 1 tor/stet:O. ATKlN..luivs, mein I.L between Wood Illarket tie /PO aalfi - OPI . altar .- M - inar.SY - Iditallnin. mas,--11arm 1 made an urgements for S. eon, want supply or FACTORY FINDINGS, are Wllheed low potem Calf and Sheep Holm Skim, Lea Le a-, , et, Plekars, Hood; Stroldes, Hemp Tun. Treated,' No. 5 to 15 Halt Poaches, tVtenettere, StripplagCards, Id m 15 un Patent Dreamt Ilouthee, Woman , Mush.- e So. Se. LOGAN, WILSON AC CO., mr4 MO WOO HISIII,-PHMIMIIIa IitS(')ELLANEOUS. courers, on. ozone* ilia .17.7.113DAVEDIIITA DAY, 'Carpet. ised , dlil , Cloths .11 of la.. and .144 approved paliarapo , apt pr.aes ro .uir purchaser. cheap ax tau k pun eloped to toy of the . P.....lleltitei,eoriVrliali L ..... - rsoe.eass. E. Roy.. Vehrei Pik eariwN ' Arrwrwner tarps . mp-. aaY *so loaltsoeUlt vast 11.pcsoy Huy Royal Itrus.vl. 116 - Taiiestry iiilredarpetai r ply do •' Payed. 4.1 . . I.Wra .up fnerilltr '''DOtted -- Pups.Lne do I,ltusael•• do .• • , 7 V. •t‘- e r,V° D,r,r & dadtpeasy do • ••• - Damask do. Sheep Atm do do 4-4, 3 4 b. ve- 13-4 .0,114111 8-4 do' :Tan lA. d-4 t I piala do do wool • do do Couarrlineain do 0-4 werstelnlid lineal do de' do Veep.. do Brava titoleilLoa •' • P-1 cotton arrolizell t 6-4 wool'emaoo prod," 10-4 woolen do tee do do 44 Pab ,• binglisli Table lel club.; Diaper lo, do . • (refroze do do Jo do Or. 8-4 , prior 04 clothe; norm-Drop inapirlien 7-4 do ho do Critneau • • , 6-1 do do. do Purple do do do do Maroon do 'do ' 'do do Carpet Binding; Sheet Oil Clotho, of oreaTranaplat Window. Shorn To .try pattema, cut to fit . To the above we are eonalanttrredelrioll our Spring Stuck of Carpet...l,oll ClothsondlotranthOlO Primmin_gs, Ithairhieri are 11101 th the attention °fiat arthitliriOlto far. ooh their house. or strontionnt .cvittbe add" Gp eller pools us low ith they don tar porrhaariLli. float, and oldie rteltert and lama styles. Call htfittelta ammo ovratoe k before pore/mak eliteorheri.'"WOC., halm, Non Fobs* xt. meial W, nrci.mxmic • 1_ PAPER HANGINGS.-- HRBHIIB. JAB. WA t jii)," GO" h. Si Wood Strut, WOULD call the attention of the public to thou present stock orPaper iilllgings, - whinh for ro. Tny, beauty eillnisholurnhtlity ramittimpnes• is wat koryniced by any establichmein at the Halm. Omni. • lance Ind IVlttamertrnettr of paper of their men snannfactore ‘ they are ;tort remitting • direct un .portotton of French an d E!nglish styles of Hans. mom parehased br Me. LAM Noonan!, one of the dm, row in Europe, contastmg. of Parte. Inanufactufe, Pl.tDll Otte... Loudon m el.= do Of Weil own sonnsinetwo, Ml' lune IMAM pieces Blhd Papor, and Itutw woo.. noun glassd Window ke. /Acura !amen Howard & (to have spared neither expense eel labor their endeavors to rival the sus, erriwelt paper etaabthattathata, bath nt qoaltly of men lableturr and von.y of pattern; anti they arr. warrant ed to astioriog the prattle that :ter) have tmeeeedral The *Pole assortment. foreign ontrirome manufar tare, will he offered on terms as low as those of east manalitebantes and re:porters. meirVittf VEW COMEISLekt ZEDULON ICINSEI , 23. hie,- 11 act sterol ' 1 dal very h, g h hack Shell Tack CUMIpt; 3 medium low a plain blati f 11.701 , 1 be aded lopp 50 e fumy top Buffalo " plus - NI gm** cow. Horn; 30 duo *hell .ele. ...apnea si ze.; (mV cool hoe. 9,d0; 3 dot then .4reamg do; Id dot Itaftalo do do; 1 do loiltat.on do do; SU do beat Enxhal Horn: f. do 99 :aline low". •xtra airs: lido 11 9do dn, to bozo-0i la afoot row do dta Ido comb Cieraocra. • ••• • da RaiTnian., HANNA CO., ISitooputoi, 11p..e7 s{4nraa a. co I)ANKERH, EXCHANGE LROXER9, and &gating ) in Foreign nod DOOMITIC Fachangn, Ccrilricava of Browne, Bank Notes, and Sponio—Enink nearly opposite tie Bank of Pitkainni k , i - kir k ci i i :ivy - received on depouin—Siatil Check. for male, and concedons made *nearly al/ toe principal points in din enited MM=lMi=il mule an coordinates. of Produce, .nip. pert E h. 9n !dorsi ICEISM. od . gitii - VkNaWL.VALDIUUAsixA'kaV Ps tl=clm I A.NDACV Ig 7 1319. Ens:Ft uoas,Rrr roarzeinv Taffy. Sof., Bureaus, Dab! C. Irrsting Dssia. LEVER OP WROUCIP7' TROY SIR: TABLES fee mreetwong every tuber to veution of the lied saw extant. .Teey.ean be ex ended Itont to tweni,-fire and when et.eed the I • aTe eAl to contaoted onside. they are allele to ilea and eharee. •11 , adeltrente edneeni foe Sac . ..abeam" Ilotelo. and 13rga pr..° tercet m.. eaten conaed a complete centre table c_BrAts AND BUREAUS—there ankles are Inval amble. particularly In those mho wish oi re:mo s:alga room, cad rarreert • alum:dot apartment Imo patios ar ratan/ room. m Mar can he vetted arid shut al i ron se:Bence. and when shot. the lic.4dsu s LA e.srio.. ed A meat sarmr lir moat nrol rent. Alt rbe had- AMOC. woes torrma heauta al tutee of mortoare tar •arlor or sati room ,Br p CASES—A neat and tutelar araele Mr parlor ae dra.v, room ng .NV Fnr mar mochalarr tare, wt.,' iv..., tun,,i , w. •,d• VW. when eI...EA • pert... f).^l4 wid I..i'.ntry Mune nu Inr?r erueles neednu reconune rl •elAr,on besore Ore ole youror, net or rep= r It wh will be fnr iaternrie to cull slid artirlnk al the naannfin . turcr's nun, No. ed tlard Svc, Pnartroren In anditnou to be alrove "1""‘ ‘"T meolti Patent Cr.d mted deiiataie Ittlaihr and i r efixt h. dated Colo far Mahe& taufother rut -potty TerHIS in ikai °toy insaintent ot the kind Mot note, been omit:And in In. country or Pamir for med. oat purpose., anti wti may one known to by ...dr the gal vuue Eusd can bo .onlreled up the t r w me Gyn., tee aat. the bruit, or to any pet el be bony, onto, Y.:mm.llllyor martially, Id definite ynnilt mown. orttboal dwelt. or pata--sit perfect nate:, oftro Wltls W. bopetosz act L. Th unpartesak spent.. to now Wally approval 01 by many al We Irani ..,.teat phynctabs 01 WO enall try bad kisropc, to *bunt We allioted and other. Wina a•ey concern can Ivmic - Yea. Reference *lll ewe be [,eve lo many alfittly respectable catzena lona twee been toted by weans of ti,:. most •auttbie appara of 400. co We woa ret,reic wands.. waell ca. not be annoyed by any other Italia. mean. 11.100 tar, 011/11.401.110(n. pee been waved to as S. numbly adapted ba We can of te& Warw., dac•sas crn nervous beallebe ad ether dace., at we la ea II t. wLLh Wu appall.. alone Wet Wewaralar can convey the narrelle held wok eat And safely tu the eye, to femora algal,' of 01110 swearing, to We ear te rase:. beanual Lo la. Wag= /Lad ewer wawa, w Ron spec., asn.l Le the yew.* rata w We body, ter UM curt of ehrome Weatastaat. salam, tenrelew, or tae Mamma, pasnly Rs a or patsy, awn, came* VIIO • Waco, epilepsy, wawa.. iron. sp. act vows dlaaases pataltta to lernao, wanraeaan of a.. 10.10/. 1001.100//0/O.OLO Rights for surioondlng countwe of lVesten, its., mod prtSileges, with the insimest-nt,tithy Fthrehammi, nt.ti also trAtichlot the case of rtallostroetton• ...lowgiven for the •anous ebentr• oat to be treed far thSeilllCll, and We best man. nerfor operaung . for the eitre of Wolfe dioceses will al so be folly C21.1...•1 to the putelieser, and a ow:noble, pot into ins nand. expressly for hoer purposes. care- Pelly prepared by teo . pelensee. hnnture of 0v.1.1-dty it IS , ILLIAMS, Vino .t. rittofiereb Tlligi T ilLa i rt o r , n o ti . n i n ng o( c. t=lo r 4. respecting' enled to M t R. Eaux.--Higio& tened • qtrantity of Gold weighed by tour . te r , I hod the mint proves yoos monazite* 0070004 and scow:mm.4 the nos of it to dome gong Cutfomist. 1.100 Gest td for üb tointog Use rt.! value of 0,01 Re.. your. J. ti busi.E.9y,G4g4 fintbstigh, March 0,1040. Prrrosegoo, Morel 7, ts4O. Mo. E.txms— Ilanng entmined t.t -Arco. men," manufecturee. ) Our room, Ido not hen,ate to commend it to Mr 0.,. en::en.en who •ie snow removing to Cniternle Irt !march of It ores m elate apptoincetthon to the •peetrie gTII.I 17 W =Ws, mod cetteanly ettaL:eetne to Reeertaitt vehen hit plleet peld; et. I' Old mutt Your, reap t. J R NVOLI,II . (MIK. INDIA HU IV:Egli CLOL . IILNI,—J ust e, tor toe Califoroto rapedmo3. a comp.te a...0mit...1t of lsvm Eltutio prtee. ratiatna from 65,0 to St 1,5 U (or sun oc COnt., pant, •tol COL For at 104411 klabber Dcpot, No ; Wood .t. doello J k 1 1 PHILLI I UST nrcC ,astly t./ celebrated Ilanhr. hat....ed rop flat. 'planters' ami gretat per.mers, r mxeuter %tab Kittle ....Mo. el r0...0..84 , 1 of my owl! m•Oufucla - rhe above a/L.1r.... art warranted to be poor,. orrry respeo-t, wind will he sold low for evh. F .1.4111.1 'I 'lig l'uvinle,, in kegs., euR I legs, quarter. and ran.. iur -81 c uy febla J ;11/11.,11)11 . 1'11 h 00. 4:emenl Wiiapratoi ' 202 C a A ird k tit SII 1 CIISLTREki, 15/u Lanny it DRY GOODS C SHA KLET & T WHITE, Dry Good. Jobb•rs, 0,/ WOOD iSTRELT—Wout“ ec.l the atlentioo ill of Icrehants to thou largo smelt ot at,d Foreipt DRY GOODS, Aim recel,/,.:g from the lot ponces and blenofar torero, and whoch they veal well at very low rates e., , Lb or epproved credit. Oar stock ie now MI, and complete, aml well worth the attention of buyer., a. we am de:crooned to .11 at rock extremely low prices me reneot fan to made it 0,04 , 14 Itelscamon Ir r merobanu.• mate q inti yob met. is It ADS, IA HOVIIL. 4 . tee-3O dot Ppades allal Stal k vela, 4U do Manun Pork, tO do lAras., s4,,velr. SO do Rocket do, Am, Hatchet., Mattock., and I.,ck, Itelloata, Vtcea, Ac, for +We 1.1 mal,oructucc.. prEre• by 0001 0 "KII rf14,111,i .tot .......1 0 AI:/110 V /Me rirLIE mabsonlor has removed ha Wholesale (rrome ry Store to Corner of !lancet-a street red , Corny Wheal next door to the Perry Honer mohlr:dt! JOHN V 14:RIIV. Foreign and Doasaatio Liquors. .GOOD assortment of ) brat quer, alws,m on band nos tor sab. o. sosobues to matt parehason, by at. 25 • liardwara-4.3leapar than Ereorl %% :L.SUN fn VA), importer. and %V holonall Li Dealer, Ilantarare, lade:, and .naddlery, No Wootnarret. %Delve 1 , 46 h, hove now u$ coma very cheap and well a...v..1.10e) Hardwa:n, cu: {w aonce the 11,-1 :to el' or. el, in Karol, and •re detestn.oe , l vall enrovapandusalv ilerehns. ha nave t.ern I the halal 0/ rull.R Kvat. are para,- tarty regue•ted n. rgll 111$4 I.t oar conk.. as wt equbJetsiti uelir re they .111 save thett Olponev• nett CALF niiiN,—.lldog. iteektaine FC/1.11-4.1: ”• J. •rtrele. A kw dozens Phil:ha,lplt.ta havt, from thc nowntaketory of It Al Crowiptal, to winch •11ei..011 of Loot molter.,. invited. Jo•I rer.tve.l aud s4,r •Lsir by %V 1.1CP44: h. Co, jer 11l ills•rly PATENT 14.71. A IL LARD. LANIPS--Au exteuireTe or , Cornelthl It Co • celol.r•Led mann nor W alColhers hl 11.. u; a•laided Ethorelue , dwollthga, pub •nd pflawie had, and all o th er as. wham a cheap, sale tu111.4. , hater 4dcouranlo. . • Ale loh t illutl lkatems,Candelabrar,Olober, khadr, Wort.. elinnsrm, Cum, Tnnamera, kr. 'k I.lknklaberr, !roux one lo four Ilehts W W WIL.4ON, lk market rt 67 -..Pe.1"17"7i1."5=117,:Z;`;' aW N. Of I.4ben, ETTE. PRP - GOOD& ize. hand row band ett , loro 41LIVA, *bibs -Rd • radosdoiriff Ayit3; , y r:6 4,,Orglinn :"Usic44"ir` • M4T.=1../WEAWltyeaddaPrie , is it.. I - stsiddr/Llsloo44dig-Rdritrida 7 ddikai' OM" I. l Wros,: , ltifttrojsM. t w,Adittu'Aita irs', twat", t . Y.-tt rirtN~aara7fttilOwy Odird,,,a; otherAnezip pou _ ma) 40 wallwait it tiara sloalitaxistmec ma. mo r a l , lad,t il erg3:EVEVVralttgri-?; a o ,,egltrit 1"1"!°111"rti`r '"'" Ud P 63 dOi• RVirge"Ziam tf Whitt; fiod., -es Avis tad 6galliirettx Lad., idid sdtt.Ar —4l northeastcor.r4lb and block. ,t, Wb!le ale ROOMS up Etna. lnn Irl'E 4 iED,--71 A. Mink /ilea'. rabßitddanzdriOi....ndededno Rodin. Jai,. oth. -A drficsddet bavinx brae marked dew, ~de gek Mg at this Matest tul 41,TIta: Purclauct , In - *agape owning gmb at LOWER ItAtuS 0. sabr pRC lT BiMVCcarApet•l•et tels . eit7Terr ' t".:.• Li th•titatirCarpet Yamaha.. of W. 4 , Clintor... .o 23 *QWth adroptaMag the la•c-it and richest .4)1, ante pls. barer M. yam. offered In 'tho market. All who arms Brawl. Carta.. ahYtad a• l i t. 4.2 m purchasing elsewhare. )016 W M`CLINTOCK A RTIVICLAL FLOWERS—Materials for ArnfleiM It Fhwer., riv Phan dune papas, spotted de, am. .il'APIPer for 031071 , 044 Fink Assicors.Leaves of me g Wray bads, tips, and ealloos; tart bd obtained at F R RATON & apt. et? F..nb 16 - 13111110ffellY—Warmed pnOetrul for Morels., ~UJ Plano Monts, 'Table Conn, Traar-bakttaga, • great •ancty of mukli pattetva 4.40, Wiratpds . 0( wpb ad colors and ahailes, dm pound, owl., or Main for sale by . pl 4 F EATON 62 Fount. at dEODPID RUPP LT— %V AWAY, aattLlYlß.tf . 0 nor of 4th sod Market &meta, hasnot. open his smoky supply of spying and summer Goods, and has a 111001 ROOOOEIOOI of Them Rood. Or DelllCat tattle Goods of every kind, all of which will ae sold loot. mita NEW GOODS, 1849 17 EigliEDY a SA , Vl4lll..thmact Woodard Fonnh ik street, are now receiving Jthret. from Cast nand., large .rock errancy and Variety coodi, ino.nding Clocks of every rariery, rind and tither Watelma, Jewelry, French Prow, Coruna, Mona and Eye. Glover and Hosiery, Sithtnthders, Con Co,ap and all other articles to their lane --ail of taller Waving lawn purchased pot:Gently of the manufacturer? east. do r..g the 1.0, lainler, e7preaaly for the Spring Ina., vnll IK iold atholethle ai a tfaaa advancer n rOfl. fksflgt.fluly on nad, an dethrtptiout of Looking Gino.- et, 01 our oarti'manufacturang• at Foment Irneea ellen EIY FANCY AND V ilthatTY tillatltda—Al £.l N ULAN KINSEY:4, Marhelatrect WO ors 5. Chi. Vases, amid; I 1 rota toriat .d cut Vulva coal Dattoust 40 Ow yolret Carper lttzm xu du do genti• trovellogi 100 Vows fancy ant Dimon, for &cater; 10 dzz Nait Brush., aged; IN kro 800 blk Veal Hulons,a•ed; Iriag .101 and Plated, toa. doz rot, too. - Hairi . railltia; 4 do Washing.. doi do Bari.. do, 3 gm Flab Liam Fish hook., Lime rick. to JEWELRY, to —lO gold lever Watches, U 3 do de ladled lever Watt ver, to do Lepine de; 10 - Rue dla• cooed Chans; i in Jo r d M o o G p ua ; rds; eau ho,, R V n e grte r a nßdi gb Ear Mop., F e. 01.02/1.2, dre..-2110 doz Ladies Cottoa Gloats, aa2 l / 4 1: 102 do do Idsle Thread, fat rr top, hr ; 10 do gents' .ilk Glovez; 12 do do kul do: , ah do ladiea kid. arid: 10 do do fancy top .110. VA RlKlti 1.10002-75 plgs &nteriean Pins: 200 1,2 a Craloo Cordr, :Spa Paper Moat , . WW2. ribbed Pereturion Caps; 21rJgro dreas 11/UO/.4.2.11u, 1(0dor Ivory Capita.; Marring Coral, Bach . Combo, &e be. .02 lIILI It. 2.011.11\ Jr W. are now opelung tacit Sprtug . stork of Trimming., roassrline in part or 11 011 a and Dress Fringe. troop., blaelr sod calk! Silk Laees, black Flounce Lace. gamma, Bnds, Bonnet Trtmatingh,genta, ladire and ehi l dtrna plain and lan e) Hosiery. Shim lot mon and 11010.0.22 m. loopy and other 1..., Yarn, Spool Cott ou, Needles, Top., Bob. bins. Pins. 00. be , winch tile,. off., (re .ale. both wholesale wad retest et tare Tomming Prolb,2o roan weer, betareer Wood and :dark,. P 821311 sputa° 000 PS. White, -PRY GOOIX. JOBBERS, 94 NVo.I ttf[rt, Sle asssman of Alorehants w tkeir nock of AMERI CAN AND FOREI4N DRY 1i0011,1 , , caw receirme, Jirtft (rum Ara hnnds. Rocesving mdmat nuppLes Irtt roods dettng the *cotton, and devoting • latge sharellow:on to ti.noteon Anetton sales, they rot. ronLuently npArie hoYttn bey eotti ha a to Weir te,eteot exalrano these tee! Jtin received, large Invoiel.l of new stele Dream (.1610 , i4, Faney Prno., %Volt, 1:oo , , Tns:or,,' Tr:laming.. and brown and Igearhcd IrbOrt:nrcs of 'fari na. bnuids. Netter to DIM. .sp. , a • usT reeinrc.i. am, linug (41•;LKIVI)121(1Nl: sinvr, gonairuenon There In•:inimante poser., af rat an. g• over ai. eihi.ri ever mule. covering rite regartne 'in. h. f. and producing a abaipe. Near., and ten.. ilaniteil 1010. ~he re ore. deeerii me all. ono.: u. ail • nen. enrage< or iniending raga,. io I'ven (or tne Tube roteral . of Vo•vtaande,'. Orawal Ina• of 4.,1 Vrlf, a. an.ll e.,oarneo type Mato-nal, at tbo lowest raw& Ma. PrTF.R SMITH, C.... .. ... oar au • thonard Banal for the into of rho ono.. Inairontroin A Ca; of Pfaieteart he obtain.: or onittreaorna.. pan pant, W Fl. F.xehange. YWl.neies, a. imPoncr , of MOI[I , CUI) pot hlalcrtal, nnd leerwral ze , •'• the .a.e Of Votolmender, 0011ral 111. Mal vo.lGm =ME I.IIIN rIMSNTII Mr.r..ciant T.lor. hat remo•ckl •I tr. No II Nl.ri..l.treet., on door from :krona. rlos.,col far part favor, km rearocCo!ly 0g1...101 a eon ts •s• , tuge n , lot ana l m turore s he raoJoo, ionuer customer, of as man,. new one• al are o'llte skarn •Irtgoo. I h,ler. tit the Tung ha e ereentod in ate mo.t ta•a.uaahhnntn toe,. a...t with dispotril Alf.. a la•lnonao,. aaotroneot od ready mode CI. duty. of all ledoly Chen,' for r •.h. Get. F urmelotte linne• .I; 11;eir v&Fmtle. pivruy. nu hut& tx-I; 4.• Do.F.b.v. Collar, Ct. VA, Ileti...l:l&vea. Ulu. Ms.. le &e. - M - 74u5,,-;11 1 utwomioP24l7o7-, A Fr: MrIINFAIT and crnerteneed Ph).lmam from thd EdrAF of m tom. Wrandind,oihsra Us treat unease. of. Lk., 2te Nature wsth prompt:lc. and secrecy 11,1 llutfole mid other large tide. tsar Fr. , Provo. , Hu chant. am moderate, and Asa curet rs.,. Old c.c. of Giant, Stricture, :Wt. fut. Fluor AMA, R belunatsmr, Ape, ttyptdlis, or nnt h renso or Etcetera. cases sOliel.L DENEFMi!EMM Teeth Extracted. Advt., to the poor grew. N B —ld. A Wild the went dues of env di,. • Owsburedi o ealL aptoLdly ._ . I.mprovemens. in Pianos. THE subsertlier is just receiving ao NMlas.nelmenl of Piano. from the factory of Nano. & Cloak, N. Y., .rb.. im 11 - egance of exterior, beauty of [mita and seam iorny atone and touch. sofas.. any thine ever brought 10MVP oily. Mr. Clark, or lb. shore hen,, Inn; and Mln favorably known as the arm, forem in Ilia celebrated ham ...abeam. of Rreadw an ood. London, has re,ntly 116p500011 and pea feeted the Pun... of Nuunak. Clark, N Y . 14 ai, re tool watch. uovuestionably. entitles them to hal lepe• tattoo It' ,i- mg In very belt.. well sta um cheapest Pianos t -,b. cot i e n rat• country The lotnow iao.h. log. emu , . with the ulna-anal recoolatendaian o rut mon...mem 111 tile st)10 and biiivh, which lult,. themat enre the mom elegant and laxly lama ever to-might out- Torma nt., loam:ter with the Hock on hand. (arm thecriensvve. cal rie•lovii de uirable sis.ortmerit ever otTeriot beg, all nf whir, wilt: be sold Al manniar.urers tomer, •nd-ou acrimm. , one mMr H It LIF.IIER a; J. NV. W00K111,11,. 4 Thud.{ N. D ....thscribcr will be found at tits ware. hour from II It, 11 A sof , And 4 to 5 P MME== C113=13 rin HE sub.erthor oHe.n ior an•e a ntren and 4P,anatt, 1 - of rogennnad and maboanny grand An. non INonon, with and vettaolut Coletaus'• eolelarated .fioLo.n A itae fa meat. Ttle-40,0 v• wctuulenta ale tied to to equal to any Inaneartninn in Int.. e try. and will be cold ioaret tun' any nzanebt from the HAW. e 11 LL'AI h., Nolln wood at, j;;;;:ith —etty will bet tat.%at, par Or • few of be F. 11 Ennufacturor of Mineral Water Apparatus, FPO! OF 1 . 1. 00.= ZANY AND FO=F/1.1.1, No. 213 North ",ocond et., al.otec Vin• PIIILADY.LPHIA. A.N ~.eytt.nonee of more !than twelve years In the tonnufneto og of Mineral %Vat, Appare and the p,p a ranon of Mineral Waterin Bottles end ls.. Poen- Mtn.. on a/. catenate.. settle, sub a edentate end pear• Ural It n orrletlge oflothl.mehes of husineses. t.g. • titer slat rneent Itoprosetnent• In thdy constradint. ~pparatus and ate) ruparing . tog. rt mar, which ha has nteeeotted in adopuna sin el ce hu writ to and 0,1 yrara of .lose aunty nod plaebeal apphe.. uons Applied to the on. Jlechnnica and ebestrus• try. enabled the sui,serlSor m cocoon before tg public anth entire confidence, and oder then thobstat a3nl most W enmp!ete Apra rata., 'or the ettanufneutre of II m oral ater 5.1 United and rounutins, tbat Can be for. niched in Inc United Alone/. Ile J., Ilel•er, hisest If that the enlarged Recces. be bee mot with, tate he neeann entertnise'and dully h ug anaseat beetoees In arab the abase purtments. fur nehes the a ann,f of ensue 10 b , L r lenty ANst•tas e•er those of all where, and el the pertly ant Web., at the kVairt prepared therefrenl. Persons who onlnr the Apparetee hem a diaanar, tarty he u..etrd chat their metteetnan. shall be faithful ly nognnaett with. and •o peeked •• to retry sorely r.tber by Load or wan, in any part of the U. Stamm. T. avw,t demappeintment, lecteatortudca w vett..ntred .hein...tve• the approaching ' then, at •• early • 11111 f a. eon. hlieetal Wowe Apparel," Oonetstors, Pomp. and Pow:owns, llruko4cnt t Unto one Pedestals tot Stand, Otantet• end Lletif of Howls, for droving Hydrout Water. together with Coshing and Tying Ilooldneftei and everything oppettatning to 1130.1.0 , n tarlAnc..,t eaalunly oil hood, yid for sale ito the lowest lora. forel°, aptrxdrOdgol • Zikts.vr• wttimismit _ §AubLF, VIA RN ESO,TILL;NR AND Mgr Juan tIFACTORY.—r.. sulmeniher take. 014;ithlthinf hsnionsung 001 hsemls and thepublic 111 11114 e. has ..00e kroest stunk . of We fidlounno linnet elan M Ins own teture in Wm ray —Oaddlelta m ne, Trouts and , N h mannq aps, all of which he will warrant to be mode of the best material and by We neat ° I.e.E. amen in Alleaeony coopto. Being detanalneeitOonli his manufactory. aoatething lower We.. hr.. OS:Oakum.. tofom sold by any similar enstoblial.MMll Of thecilj n< um..) male pormom i. nomi or the .60.0 Rafted ert.eles to Ins warehouse, I•MarlY wren, pi. elm novena. Also. band.. Mad toSiiedtt ry 9.3u.13 , . 0. IERU Y. VOL. XVII. NO.' 5.- MEDICAL. UXELA ?Lir •—ilzsa u . while b rab t rr Iltinselves lamas, ways 'Wey W are ' cdten diaa t l a bled so ae to be &seeu for a long base. barnedlatotrel could ho made of IL A. Fablnktock a. We. Jkpbsfa 'ebbs. luid the Inflect park 'well satirised, old the' •rectedy rubtsed i.e. a would give relief and ease t h e path No farmer should be villain this celebrated medicine, an it IS alike tussling la menm Waal Pun pared .13 sold by U A FAHNESTOCK& CO, iorner of Wood end In au; also, comer ilth and Wood. • mil?. • MORGAN'S WORM RILLER--Anorkeipecrof Rf he ursurrphaM mecca, of Mamma'. Vetsaillsgra Prresacloan,llloy.lO r pm; Mr. John D. norgani— lf namo Is of any trie to Me suffering community, in regmeM to the article of Morgan'. Venniflage, you aor peadoefilwelotiglearla I hall two childmn sorely afflicted wi th worms; I be• mime alaymef, and very lostly so, when line d your renowned VerumfVe r and anoutsting nor of them was delivered of .humidly worms fillotro nicht* aloe most frightful Imod,resounding mom the appearodme of eel. The other child ...Lk nefivened or about CU. The auldreo are now doing finely. You may eell be proud of your Worm Killer. , Your. tru y Dkera Sams, tingin .ley. re , rared and roll wholellide and tied by J OLIN D. M. RI, N, Luc, cis, Wood mem, ow, do.. below j%: .trm 7 t . ' aitt'7 y OUR COUGH di .11.1.coaddli 0101, lye "odd April SU, 1140 d , Mr R. M. yellers: Ding adhered for ibuthilidecrilt a roach, hich was so worm. furtomnfaMnet Ituray huy Yrn . 2 , :eutlydollec coughing, I have oren meah o fil mone wk....geld Mtt.dtsvfi • and re•t. Hearted .r e good Interne 'Motioned by your Cough spree, I coneladed b divert ir trielitind km happy to say it pralueed Me deemed edectio busy', case. Ile matte It one night, the rough was abide, and I mu now perrectly wed. JAMIS Jonsson, This p.easant awl popular Cough Syrup Mprepayed and roll by R E SELLERS, 57 Wood street. 'Saida elso by Drumm. generally ha the two rides andel , unity. =styli . • Ls AVER tIER I,JFE—Sellete• Vern:dame ei Rio Wit cle. LIMINGTON, Va., Jan. RI, ' Mr. J. hi. Wilsee—Dear Sir. the lid 0/. Salient Vt MAIO I bought from yen moan It c4o, .brought• from my gml 5 years Md, the'astounhing rfundace bemired Worm.. I belt..., she weuldltive lived • very short limo, boo Inc ildc Ined/cicuc, attel‘e,.3r. • Prepanal and sold by R R SELI.ERS, Wood an sold nlan by Daccalst. rarterally In the tni win LIIIPOILTAINT• TO THE a:rimy:rs°. Dr. Itose's.Celebrated &marlin. L!AWL tie diacovawar add.. pro. er:thor of We Db., Popular and bedefiellanto‘ letnea, and also the Inventor of celebrated India.- th. ler .dada` tee Leap, In ellreciltht a cum of seat a Atudenterlluttenatenlytyld6 Doctor Pique, nodes Frthloate of thet/nrverai. ei of P0...y . 1000in, and for Umrry yea. awes hub.. 41[ 1,.4100Q dtseate, .4 the dept.- cauon al IVllledir,l thereto. Through the me of tos Innatiog teThe, In comedian with bla Prophylred Syrup and other of hie reformer, he iu. gaoled un utioddellod dawned, 'la C2(llltr then. dreadful sad fatal meladier. Tubereadar Com spdau, (ranee, Scrofula., Rheum:form, Antime, Fev usu er and ague, Fever.. of al Ittfolf, Chrome En silo.- Fes, aud aide.. .late discaffeayeed•ar female Indeed every ford 01 .1,0... a vendites died a,. de . of de ode, bardnify If hair—oot by the OP. of me odopouna only, lot 11151 a 1,0111p...1,1a nth Physiologleal Lev, but by the do of Idrem, diet, adapted la sad prescribed tor each accede Ihrof of doofd. Dr. How's Tonle Alterative Pile when wed ere in• vortanty acknowledged to be lumen°, to en °thee aa • prevail, or liver pill, inumuch at Mel Irono rtha bowels petfectly free from COAT..., af .1.0 ooldost rid. is admitted hr the tenuity to posse. tree. liar propertma actayted to female donnas., hat bang( stoiractf theta bare trial i. sufficient to establish *hit het Irecif ...I IA We minds of the most eitepuceL Tim ell:tided are mined to call upon the agent, and procure (gra.) one ei the Dothor's r.nitg• .delfalled aceefull of tech remedy and its tpitltciatton. For tale by the (nt•owien agents, 35 well o. Ly fn.) Dtaggist• tbrovehoui J.e, behoontotaer e. Co, 401) med. M Townsend, dreigrat, IA Alarket at Lea A Beckham, " dear the P. 0 Allegheny city; Jos Darnley, Dartinkosn, tteaver roomy. PA dd. kaitoit, Land, Valley. l . a T .4.d.ous, Beaver, a u IZIICEM=I elettA, Cul la e0.,0_ Apr. St, 1.44 IR. D. J.t 1 L.`t: Due tto.—l fed 1...1 to yea j end the public, to mewl mytolf el dos op. ,011, ri it ni oublmity to Me erraoremary .otrete d r yoor I...epectorettt on commit i a been afflicted far ..eve,ut years, woM wrote bead° favor and lae t1.1110.011.0111,1,crw-o. only/loomed ~u.ter out a 11111.01 bat et...crate diliteacc, tall dm mil of 1,11. when, tom, more eentialy canted, and 101, 0 1 •01,43 10 011 my tortueltteMettio, and Maims 1,.0/11/1 01 oi the most inapeolable pbraidatia in 100 neia to.ti hood wt4tuat darhintroly benoth. or Me ,•; ..ovtving bat a few nays or oreaka at b , rt— n 1100 me led glean. of hops war about , 001.11 i tote rremnmendrd to me your Expocronbnir -10,0.-0 • , 11 Mot Bed, ST ha dare all things In the • 10 r,—at0.1 contrary to nia orpoctailiten of .oto wad trtandy, I stes LI a few dayrraisad 1,0... A sae, euatoell by we uee ofq boldest. • adneto. entoytng aukte better btolth titan • J.. IV. Ell.l. l'o, .41 dte rptln T^tt Store, .• Dr. Dic!....r.e In Penn f 102 5 it to ertuf) U. 34 pt.r0f.i.0.,,J one vial of Dr. 1.N02 nue't Won". Itpl,as •, adoe tztondta ago 7070 ton eon os none. uirue two ye.irs old. two an coarouo. 4011, d altnaqh Use amount uory appear 1.4 e, gal I Nave no doubt. hat there was nowacrlaat VanalAuk. wousts-passod- Apra. lfdat t.g ioendwatat roes ea* gannet of on loth to two adobes floral Cvsok. Carrel so. Term. Dee 27 . ta27. VEHMIPUtve. 1, ...0ttat.t, Jan. Oh, rin9. AI, K. E Seltora-- Your Inn/loge bay sold well, • ho. Seca Saga y .00tou of by all who hese oseA, prom the au:tea...ending the adounisiration you r .31oory ease ' , have ht,ard of, r am .onlideot I run Cell more daring the coralisq ',even • I 4,1..2. I sofa of ',tad to meets. another sup ., of 4 ur 5 gross. respectfully, ;Ea rnet frtdo letter It. CARTER. Prepared and wW el SFYLERS, 47 Wood st, and 3.1,1 oy drugp.. ;rue reoy, In Pt=borglt end AI I all - Nl;l .''! . 1 .A \ r ‘1 n. r.•tte1,31,1 my brother. woo died nf consumption March. .4V, was mar.. .ir wathshc l'oriatooptloo rr Celusdnott, and we s reduced so low With the dosraer. tbat tor tour year.; wee unable to attend 10 .It, hustareaielther at home or abroad, boo* fez the moat tuna confided to ray bed. Dunn, the obore pen al of nose, I host expeoded for medical utendaftea o Chloiciaos and medicates. to the aranruntof Say, wanton receiving mity bone& therefrom. In Jolt, IMO I en...cored toting Dr. Jarmo., Mbda. Ines, and 111.40 tater. theta roofs or less ever sines, 11.1 boar., .bet woo hy persevering la their use, mot I ..tan is truly soy that base 'aenaplettely rear, ',fed Lt.., o tbat Jayne's, bantioati Plllt and Expvelortint arr tO. beat' fundly thetteives now is made I?pringile4, tl.cgo county, :1 ; luxt carry on • 11.1tn.i.e nineame .hoc m plat C r and km nuere•ted auy manner in me otale . aethe *Wy nu...twine,. and male Vu. cc ruLcato tor tint bc tl rf. or thn.e a.tneted ELI-TA!! MAWR': Sprlogaeld, N V. gne, 16 IHL, ia4 13ORT WINES-01May. Wv•bber & Vorre.ler, Cae. rare net% and dry. Campbell S. dry InLS nal...tali. 1 , 11, Pure 1-10 Para idler par' licuur Port, H arm. r. So., Purr Juice, thrall.. deo - •.,d .cc.. Thc.c wtoes arn oil celphra . 1,1 for tneir medical nevpar.,.. ~,d run be had vrbola• x.:r or retail at the Wine Stara of .I.tetrll WldiVEl4,lr. ha. 161141.110-460111. SCAIBB & ATILINSON, . rt , orma to l%oo:, AID emtsmaa. / - I.IVTINUI-: 11141,1. • ,are ail kiwi. of Vi TIN AND:4IIE4:T IRON WART -131ack •tnob Work. A,oan3 Itoat. Lour to ord., Speotat 000 noon ~.ron to Scram boot wort. . a..., a. 10,1. 6.ic a..ortrocat tkpper and Wass Kel 4c Tin he. , ticvataboat Cooklilg itovon, Portatile Forge, •anons sires—a vary v....isomer/I ar. oete for .toatooe..tia Cal4fanno collars:lu, or ma road . ~Ne a woo.d re•pocifully tante stoma, 'boat me. and other• to cal. and Leo our arueles and prices before el.ewhere. W&ISIT/CD, All.Y t the 13ALTIMORF, PIIII..ADF.I.PIRA NtlV YORK MOOS rtiN ANDMOVURLKANn tiENEflnt, 21.1;ENCY AND COMSDSSIDN CIPFIOE; Young MEiR in Wit0,".14, and retail stares. sod other respectable bannest. to net as Hook-keepers, Rd.. teen, Porter., flirt Cotter., Farinern,Coteki. aten..Car ARn,a Iluot Anti MAO Agents, COillMtoi2, Overseers in all tiranche. of haunt... Pe. We b.,a at all times s large numbs of Road mutation. on baud, watch pa, Ito= .401 11 6.1..0 per annum. Thastrax utl of sitaatnicA any hull would do welt to per s • snit-as we re seen.. in carte of toe n'erre Pi tits, which will .mohla 0. to place every apptiraatet I s tottab'• .ituaiion at the shortest nouce. Ike Its,. • large ae•Autritance Al all the above envied mile..which we trust will console 0.4 tO 't re 4311 K. owl to ell who ton v favor us grim coll. TANI-ORS TA% MAN. Na V.reotol at. aekeeetn ltioutit and ta.y. N u —l , e,ton• living In any part of the 11. Sfataa, anti ...lung ta obtam • to Italummo, or ea. ther ol the above emen. anti hove Mau woo , . mame. diotely *molded to by on a line. joutt:f a,411 an by co dome they end ellf.ll bath Imahle •ad ea. pen.e, which they ataervet, m.... 1 1 .41 wear by eamtun 1 , ..e city, a.r.s.l onettogemployment foe theateolvea Adder., TAN LAM tr.TAYMAV.' N! Seomulatonet., Baltimmr,g4 RR LIEF P 01). CRAMPS.. .1A A 11 1 , 0 ,11 , A I. W A HAI ER,. enure OM' the most prlfl,oll fsreisheii Ind recensroe ninnies disks...rd. Esq., viol A ..wrier &emote. oil brim , . eta appisr.trus iisr the apple-noon cit Wale or WA wa ter re the borrels, ease Cl ef2111,1 rimier. As livery pers.. is ast ot stiee a.-lurk.. 110 .ARI/1 y 4,6.14 be without a ieest 1/ . l'; A ATKIVIICIS. ar. P7s .' retu Uli6ll 11 0 /1101ALS 1A115144 . 11./Tid otaileuzzo ore na •.... 6,..t s( Felon. t rf 1.411, atrCCI. A rran,..nenb• nave t.A.v., made. by ...ell way wllr be able to, .roach lung ladles I.llllAraegua.ltkatiq . thd W 1..., for olAn.A.tha tl.orotah V.ltgitk,Cla.Sw• e.t, 4.lrnamonst ert.....ttioll A fad Cantab . orrbi. , liwp {ldeal awl Cl.emacul Lectorra mu ba 4.l4A.the illuora,..l by ap,...,at, sr and Instrumental Mutier,•Madern • El r n d u . :se, /r..5r,03 and I,ltlu.n. the cure of a ..0.1i,•/.1,11 Pro:. aao.r Ulf u. the 3.1 srAprAfcatil of I.ltclr pn. u", L. alet il a eentuntrailoa of the abond paif onagc the y haPp C4IIOIL A . roa rem. re° ~real.. er apply to the Priuelpals. _ TA11191016 , 011. • ,•-• 400 ITAZAN''''"B' ... _ . . OIL.--Coumanlty on bend, I.lermbed isavMlingebl dd. WOW tad iptius bt.eria, Elephant and Wholecal, Alla, light. tolored . valnele4 N W. Coda N'tlave , fINE aainalle far nnoinn.,_ • . ... .. PATENT till. FOR SIACII IN ERX-TAn, se Incr., be, N . .. 'm M m . e pre ..PVT 'llevlalfs'i`Fni , siColl' M Lily cominty; erbausn ur , samfamavere.oB., tee. requested to cull sua examine IlleAnte/d. t:entimetes Ulla ellevey sad superiority aver all odic's' oils, (rem several of our mop extensive mannfadtailana.amd ka nar .losseaaion. ALLEN & NEEDL.Fr)......,...:_- . and 23.1wi11n w 6 ants, r ! ear c 1,4400 ct,,,,,, •.a ble.noanra Anadalphla ...,_ (IHEMii.-:ad bi. now . int.Td m t , . -, 707 - &i i ii v ----1- " ko ba imp •itCO "-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers