BY MAGNETIC TELEGROM. ILNPOIITE.D O TELEGICA MIMIC FOZ THE PITI"SBURGEI DAILY GA2ME FOREIGN NEWS. *RBA VA.I. r..T E. miliftp AMERICA. ONE WEEK LATER FROM Nagai BATTLER IN UUNGXI3IOI MILITARY RULE IN ROME GARINEALDI STILL IN THE FIE r Meier:att. be larththaw, ', —4-, 4 -ii PIMADIMPICU, A e gnu 9.,:lgitt; An express for the New York ,Associated:tiPaL minds: &Johns, at midnight, On Tneiribt, but r., , P owing to th e eastern wire s not Tifton, qi4Olyn was not received until near o'clock thliktiMr. Mag. The Ameries sailed on 28th. 1. psi, 1-11:11iGAR. ! ii _ iil ~,. It is diffunsk wascertain, amit'rprt the cc4iiilct,ww acermow, born different weave, , the csacilait4 of affairs io fiengary. All the dement. frons'llit, , ce na, up to the 21w. nit., are . dingl y elti4itied and contradictory. It is rid ht. on ell intith, hoverer, that the treacherous ' au of Crositi.4l' thatch, ha been rompl etely &Gamed by the liti. tig - ~,,, yam, ander th e command of 1111, This 'tliftve and ikalfal commander has entered Ttiabibir, amides th e aeclantations of the phs, at theAlend of an army of one hundred the d men. •=l From a bulletin, issued by' P ince Paskiet4.ll, the Commander it. ewe of dd. Hessian erOY of invnion in Hungary, published in the 1 riiixer Zits:4,mo have his vetsion of - a disrp Ikon whteh =axed on tliellth of lane, betweedibe HougmlaooenuttalGeotget,knd the ResidentMa end Sam, Sad the AttutAan General RambeC .L-The Bulletin ante that, oaths Ihth, the litf;dia rttaittaty matched upon Waltraritt whic4sl4 dupla by fleece! Russian regiitenta, artrieStae etpitdiag o previcamordem tell back as the adiaoced. At McKee& Ocorgey had iatictded a IMaitkiistiititea wiimen. His lamy widdart. Mated at Corry thousand men, and 120 .pietipy' of artillery. He was attacked by the advanced ard of the AtriMaes, bui his poem:Miami well ed artMery, prevented oil aneritpta which ~ W ere made to dislodge him. The cannonade on Leah aides was very leyme end the Hungarian cavalry executed sever's( Mad charges upon the Russians. On the 16th, the undo body of the Armtek t ar my was brought up. Oa the 17th, the 114mta attacked Waimea, and notwithstanding a t;diost desperate resistance on the part of the HartgetiMns. Gee. Georgej woe obliged to evacuate the with the loss of Oro hundred prisoner. , Other accounts put another face on the - ifi4ter. From these it would appear that the fitumenVels end Sass had advanced to Waitsen, no the:i43th of June, and that Gen. Georgey,'marchingAo og the left batik of the river, took up a along: pod Von near Waincen. Al thisjanctura, General Dembriski'a immt en n mining 40,000 men, which had been slowly tilling away from the mining districts, came downiiipon General Saes, who was thus compelled to bloat to Donaleowik, midway between Wainteildwid Pb.est The Mistrials General Rambet, hearingOenth ache defeat of the -ftnnLans, hastened t . o4heir auppori, and auooesded In .stopping p4ess of Dembrinski's army, which eventually kook umm Waimea. The mate body of thi 4411 an army, in the onourtathile came op Cram and its whole auctisth was brought to bee% ilpon the Hungarian flank and rear, in consemAdee of width agreat battle took Om, which ended', re the diwouditure of Densbatti's — army, while Gelieral Carney had led his mop northward, an hot to Comore, as had been generally believed. :It The Austrian Commander in Chlel,HaynN, bad advanced with his main army from Path, bit divisioa on the island of Hull. and the &Mations under Generals Grabbe and Schtick, 0 . 6: each hank of the Dannhe, to lay siege to the igreat Hungarian forum of Camera. Under the strong military rule al OmHail, or der andgeneral tranquillity has Men eass46.l at 8.011111. All the public eau are deolturil in the name of the Fore. Jila Hansa Rill eototnues ldCMets. lit, said be PiMimi mice., to Rome, to follti*salon of both tempmd and opiriamal outhoricy. not staled holithe French army into be paid,ptn it is reported Mu the Emperor of Russia had #4l to lend his Kokes, ten millions of francs wiihtlut in- UMW. Garebaldi was at Orvieto, on the Illh er,;Jaly, and levied a tribute of £2,000 on the itdo4ants *for which he took op a positnn in the nilights, hood of Fool'. The people were eoll:Mtiro a difs tempt pans of the Qomao territory, atid,Prming band* of men, watt the design of joining Ostsbal di. - - Very sedan divisions exist in the rangiof th e majority of the Legislative Assembly, and* Le gitimists havedetermined to recedefrom 'quints of the Bonspartista and the Orleanists, an form a distinct and separate phrty. The articles which have lately appeari !in the Legitimist Organs, all show a tendency it act up separate Camino, on the pus 01 the friend! Hof the Due de Bordeaux, and would seem to betaken the existence of an extensively organised I , 4himist conspiracy. Ii has been announced, that the troops hat had received orders to embark for Italy, and had been countermanded on the announcement ofiihe say render of Rome, are now to be embarkerifAir their original destination. SARDINIA. The Sardinians, with a view it is aulini&sed to favor the Hungarians, have, been delag,44 from day to day the execution of the treaty 'pi' pram with Austria, by which coutse • largeOtody of Amiga* force/ have been compelled to **min in lombardy„ whilst they might advantly be employed In Hungary. Prince Scheme:oolg has now sent into Sardinia a peremptory de4tld, that the treaty of peace be signed in four da other wise the war will be immediately renew This sudden demand has a gi tated *Preach arid English cabinets, and has gre atire;;;Nokyged the pending disputes. The King of,Stiklitia, in I,4•mremity, has appealed to the Preildent of Prance to arrange the existing diScultiei COMMERCIAL. , Invoinanx, f tfj 25. Commercial affairs daring the paitatite:ll have Wresented no new feature requiring ,taliticcdar sugsrd. Trads—Tbe prospects, Penetrate,. crtitiinne in improve, rasher than otherwise, and appeanuices indicate iliat business will omminue atiiie and COMP.—Uplaud Oottoo.'si; fair rtio§2l, 51; fair Orlaana 51. Cam leurhet.—Western Canal flour to 2s if; Ohio 25 ui 2114 sd; whbat 6o id to 01 For - Coifed Macs tad ditto; white nod iziti46. 8d to 7s lid, Andras Corn is in less request. a 21Fltp 30. for a yibite,2:3 to 301 lot yellow. Indisiiinerd, 1 0 to 15s 6d. Provision:mi.—Pork is held firmly. boy,fiales are Branca. Bacon bu been in active requett. Itne eau. ern is quoted at 3S io 415 per cwt., Naitem vv. rim in price, from 25 to 36. Snouldeni4ary from 17 to 23a. There has been S steady detnand!ittl:#. The •Skim tench 60 tons, and priors have adriptced 6d so id per cwt. a. Skrztval of the Steeseettli "P+lo3 on 1...10, 1 e AND IMPORTANT FROM OALtEuRNI A HEALTH AND OLDER GOOD. GOLD STILL PLENTTg Ncw Ustar! 'Aug. Tb, r Gene,' t.;.4ates Mail Steamship *alma, U ri,md Goo Cangree this thoentag Ivilkftfty.three omen ger; and sospas in specie arittigold dart. The Fa Iva made the trip la six derrehil shalt n ee . had !gee.. atria eJ at Pan4front San p ni c,6loo, the torah of wtm.h planiqoutinucd grand- • Tye read, seta at the towe athre#ll ch mote orderly than had ha 'en anticipated. Tial gambling houses were closed alt Sttadage. I Four einuches have sandy beet' midi. ,ketn bare heti completillifrerstocked. Clothing obi for leas thin b the eattern States. There arsire front fifty to ea 1 9 reurgoesl4 goods re. miming unsold. In San Flatietsco Manes and lomher mntieoe veer high and scarce. Gold ma hin4 . ft pleentel wets quantities Of it etn diily F :•1114 and sell ing fin fifteen dollar* Pet entice, kiefliPeons. was rated at sixteen dollar* the eee d4,. , e th ee ex changed for Pet" . The bad amounts &writhe gold reeem -- )s, IbroPet Meilen scums, have tril iroved to be Wan— Thmtigh immenseAuandtled of gold had been gathered, it woe mat eonaiMed Lmerhatotable. Merchants, at San Franil!sto,ware generally do ing • gee buena. A =natation, to be Ina - 04 the first of August, had been call., and dekgabir were being elected . to farm • territorial governiatiht, when it is intend ed to apply for admission Oita the Union. There is • city governo4n.r already established and in operauon. 0 - At the Mines, Lynch Laist. 'reigned tionrense— When any perms m'esingt4 ideating, a pry V eho. see, evidenen is heard, md if the acute= is =e victed, he to immediately thhrlred, and driven away from the miner. e The health of the pernoa *irking, at the Mines has beeo very good. The Sloop of War, Ws3riin, was lying at the port uf San Francisco. Tilebbio had gone to the Sandwich Wanda There were about one linidred newts lying at San Francisco, entirely deserted by their crews. Salon were very 1110111.11; led wages were from from Slott to $2OO par enotth. There were no troop at San Francisco, oar +ere any needed. KENTUCKY Aag. 11. In the Tobin Conareasints.l [Koine., Stanton's majoring. are as follows s Kenton County, 200; etillpbell County, 240; Mario. County, 205; Gript,County I:10; Pendla -041 County, 350; 4:nastier county, 15; Nmholas County, 01. The majorities Mr Gain 4% i3re—Dawaon roomy, =0; Buckner County 11/4; :jimine County, 155; Fred. P. Stamm, llemocen4 i• elected by over b - 011 majority. 1;0111MEHUIAli H USG. I ALIKLIIIAO• AuGusr. n 4 Saturday, „ - 5 Sunday, G Monday, Tuesday, • tl Wedaeaday, 9 Tauraday u Fnday . 4 __;.4... I a .... PITTSBURGH 80,5413 OP . TRADE COMMITTEE FOAL AnitST. //MG% NA LIM WMTI4. :),MIMMAM.II2I,.I. CtiVICC:P . :I7sErs. liszarre, Friday klornrpgi Annual 10. &,to Tub WILL MSS 1..311 ilretk23).—The weather Tester day was very unsettled, havinb rained most or the day. and besmear generally waY d lint! ea -nasal We had no marked change to the keqettl market from our .as 11113161i0112 k FLOUR—WV continue otkr q uotation. at S-1,15kka,m7 from store. and 84,6204,65 f"p . aos Ism hands The mar ket was more nos., cud saWarere very hooted RYE }I..OUR-4cnited skl4 are reported to us (ran store at 62.11 r bbl. acipp4arcuted. CORN MEAL—Very lisld is cawing in, sod ;he market Ls nearly barn, Irithb'i4LLed sales onl y ai 50c bushe I. GROCERIES—Sagan tocreased broanees, with a farther advent, la . I . tareos. For prune N. 0. we Trate $161 3- 1 m the law. , &e ms et the market sonh an =pro...lg tendency, valet have been confined to Waited late by hhtt. hroLa+i remains steady at for mer rates, say tEc for oak, ankt: g!le for cypress barrels We notice farther sales of lAit Cedes at 14477/2'Se, at in !plenty. awess to feu tiirtiarsa at Se a. bb a nereca Sties of Loaf e‘agar 9Ottt?, and of Sugarbouse hlo. Imes at 4b4334e ar . gall , PROVIS/tiNS—The Ba4tik market continues very firm. vents a geed demand far plain Ham, at Fit for prune bagged at 9i, and. el&itale sugar mitred canvassed nn uereen 04_1 Beef. the market in qui. bare. Moderate sale! Lard at 614iGie in kegs. Nothing doing in Hotter. ; CHEESE—We notice re4lsrate supphes only in the market, with sales of goodiW. R et warde. Sole. of Cream at Hifrie P tb. F t ASHES—Them eict#tinea dull, with tnodereth sales of &defame at 51, oftfo;Aris attiVEMl, of Sots at SONE and of Soda at 31cte FISFI--Supplias are Itenifek for cliast kinds, bat prices show no ethirge from for:AM, quotations. We quote Salmon it 11113,50; Plaekettif,;No. 3. SA, end Herring at $3,74. Of No.. I end S filciterel. the market is bare. Supplies of Shad are also 4elkely exhausted. SOAP AND CANDLIEIo-rFe notice sales of the for mar at 0.0.11 for liosiA +4Ol for variegated. gales of Star Candles at 9104.. Mi df Mould Tallow at Ittl. md of Common Dipped at Se ts. BROWN SHEETUSIC4Ve mute r forteer ad mace m Pthtsbarkh utatuAlinured Sheetinge, ,and we now quote ea tidies. :—Fig? A, No 1. (le, a n d Nona took at Ne rs ma. ; liplett of the DhthertlaJfatitethe, ihatneeeh nano. 6, 1449. Flour—Wenote sales on eaturday of Mt bbd. ne• Howard street dower at f5,4* To-day Ow market rather beery. Sales of 300 t:brils nem, select Wands, mem made at 15. Z. No trorthactions Cief.77l4ls Flour Fame millers ask 55,371, tetare others tint mdltng to sell et 3 6 ,7 3 • boner. A sole of 300 bbl. Susw/Itileitosa Flour, new, al gt",l3 p bbl. 1 r Cknin—The mop!) , on*theday and to-do mullore abundant than for some tint post, end pnces ev eral cents per not Fs/WI this morning, 000ne par cels of mime. not mitablii: (Or famsl7 dour. int mbit the quantity in molter lo4itit me. about equal it the rteetps of rcl,l were oultfatoltrreflorc, and parcels of prone red at the same rata, Later meth. day near,. white nor red mould tototgbver I. and the both 01 the salts was at 10tharittOtedor retie to prime, mutt an liCellitiOnal superior lot *At., Al o at close these (tomes mere um easily olionefted nom mho,. tf here, would bring IP:4W.. A sate est Peon, old red to-day at luSe. Corn—We nom smasei74, yellow at rictdsnc. and of mkt le at 5445300. A safe , ot Pnon , 7 060 . m We our. Laths at 234031cr0-sal. Prosnstons—lhere *4ll/ • goo/ bastneos doing to the rmad trade. We nth Alas of :to hints (thou dent Pb 040:40, 211.1 motes ithiAtishunore cured, et 67.70/0; IS lids Soles at fthe; lu btatlf,f2 Ole, 397 Hsu. at 010 locr and 140 11.. 11the. Whiskey—l . ..cos Ant 'yteV supported. and Ist some ease. an advs., as b(q eaboad. Sole. of az 110, and of bblo 1111171rDot en-lAtnencan pN Chu-soma 301 y .11, 11th 0011011—Sales Sat r e? . ware confined to 01,001 :del baths, on very full p Sugar and Itlonasses pot lots at previous noes. Tobacco--Itral eltols. dr,obr aning Y 46 admitted and 411 refused at —; 91 abludett SE 01 to/muted ottd 70 fused at SI and 37, and 74 arlatithed and 10 roomed at and 44; :14/ leiti•ed at 31: %h 14 le adeattled ai SI, Y at 41. a 10 refused 01 31 s lour—Salea of 409 bbIS POO St. Lotus, 140 wooed F d loor—Salo. St Loots and Ittools at:411101 Ohio) at 43,:re 111 Illi els at SD, Mt Manila at 66,51 . 1 prices steadily advanctog under light reecipto Mao V:er7 Loathed stock, the et - dor rupp:y of sweet eittnnited at leas than a week's coosompuon. Caro—Sales of about-40:0 week., M amoral lob. to dealers. at 5:14135c Pork—Sales of about 'IIIIEI bbl. %less, incladine or, lot of DSO, ou tomato terDaro-Sless retailtog at ft9,..0, and Primo a 169, Llama—Soles of 53 ce3kiDSides at .54c, and 15 cooks Shoulder* at Se Lard—Nothing rfartspirA furring 000 ftuOcro stertur:rr. r , Cotton. Stock on hand lot s q ya • • 37,401 Received month rropteo 42. • 57.7136 do do t. I' votneXY. do do Pesemest2" • (33,031 do do Jaudar2,%.9• 144,440 do do Febroistyt, .110,1114 do do March:. 170, 6 do co April 3, ,•f- 119,416 do do bLoy• •F- 53.054 do do lorto., • `41411 do on Ith to 1010 July th 1,514 7,191 do tato end 7Jill Jaly Oa- 7,337 113— :XS „„. 1,167,407 03.,1 F-tportedrltlt July • ....ran 1.1 do previously •1,1410di-1.143,867 40,509-4.,079 Sthck on hand not ereactrd . , ...17,344 eltre.lsath, Aura , he foreign advtees Ot to. Cambria hare oro eireel an MarVeacept M gitro• fam tn ous to the holder. •, , Conom but 140 were made to alter petits: Floor Is steady in pritobAnd quiet, with see, of 409 to SW bbl. atDid for frefi (muted, and 414,75•4,` 6 1 for those old stock_ tr. 7_ Bye Flout is scarce, DIA a fair demand at 113Pbb1. Cora hlnal-300 bbl t, Ptnarylvania oold at 87461. which io th general aloriniy promp t with • small stock Wheal—Very mile and the demand 00 good, thart bushels goad sem .4.l7d7hern red sold al Corti is telliree andS4isted. Some small sales of P r""1" ..66 ' 003 Ithel r t.. , Tallow are reported at 61c, and ith We D pats—We noueo sq,of 1,100 tut old Pennsylva rue at 730. Southern du -tee last sales were att.-4300, On:Kenos—The miler firm, but mahout much tOOVVIXtelltl. A oath o t ' ar) bop Lrutuiru SNP., was math at aboutsc. i - Pro 7l . , .. — Thnnt Li eDtmody bon moderate demand for Pork and Bacon .7.011 ale.; 3CO rep lard sold oc, 4 boas, and that box. popping. Whise—fatho at 101,a, kelth ....1 7 0iSoles bbls are retuned 444 c, an kW at •tINod American. .• Augest 4,1E49. The liVtir has fallen •121 inches inneATlottsday even t., s od ts gill rocedliArlwith shoot Gee feet grater 0.1 the 'hookst place bonine_,. Loauville ee d Gra, i-TAneitecespte of Floor continuo, email, the market sod Ueda. increasing 6rwoest, and prices ere • abildr:bAnor than o n e alee einiorrrise 8001 bh114. 8 II7A, 51 115 .X.i, nod Ina do, in two lots, at 115,25. In Grain we hear otAll leAle Ade. Of Oats, 4.50 bo sold ,o lota al e hirdearand. Sheet hare tides/w -ed fully ie doge 274.7. The eell'e hider eors prlsod 65 labls from C et 17/, 18 do A Rio, 04, 22. 10, sod ld do front or at 18r; 18 do Inns Rao 7,810, el eAfee, egil 2840 Togs wagon at lele Prorieione-Terent 174,1 e solos toede7 o :Mot pie,. Hews, loose, at 7e, etel•-•and 780 bbl. Prl Lord at ale firocertat-41 40004 foaling coatinues to eheree• Lewd the Sager martjt,lAnd the tenroley ot poen. It dezuledly upwards. The c0mp...4 ha Wads Go ',Ayala terms; 21 do comet. to fair at 5.55051; Its do plate at 55e,esii4; 57 do fair at 51e• 09 , . nod 24 de. do A 55.00 date; Of Codes, 120 begs fiur Ron wild to W. et 71071ef .01 ISlolimisee, thasialet are coo. fined to mall lots at 4511 foe prima Lead-A sale of 9720 g. at 4/0. cues. Cotton -• sale of bales ordinary et 71 , Ittra--)1, isle of loic good at 111 c. Rau ejelisner J. T. Dowell,arrived yet terday, ropey., Rod sitter higher at Shreveport than at an previous toss the , . Janson, and 'wag at the don of tw y o wet in twenty t.4r.1.1“. with a great rise refOrried ab tie Great iniurtgal been ti.dte thn plantation.: for one hundred Entlall Pow Shre•eport. by the flood On Inn the ritreg , :r.4slionog rape* to Nate hoot hes alma The Gsreja Ifihrsveporti of the gith oat., rely, • •et On slyer is doiti ifs huh. a day al this good It is n e arly al high as Has any tune during Ibe winter month.. We noldeodia, from ontid ow nod the qp•Adly of rain ata, has lately fallen, that th ere will be no complaingarwo, t low water and map.' to. mason ' 0, Botle4, July 3D Has.ttitato. Annan 0, 149. Cable—The °lrene. at the reales w r day reached 830 newt. of which nen were sold to nay batch... 2:50 were enema to Philadelphia; and 5.0 were left over an old. Pnee• maned ( 12.2303.000 n the Itolf, nasal s4soa 5.73 .et, and avenging SLOP{ Vent- lite quality yeneydly was not e. antlered prune. Hoge—We quote hoot 84n04314.75—{nmencan. Livasmont. Imu, Mazur, July au. —Tbe arnaLsuee noa , between Prussia and Denmark, has eaused us advance of about L 9 too on Scotch I'm The proapect of an early and abundant horses:, and conti.toance of easy !mounts and abundance of money. lead to buyout expectation. but as rat sattliout egestlenent SI ratan ta firm al Ma fol , ogateg quotations. with aty toieney to Improvement —Merchant Liar 25 Os. best Rolled 27: Ho .p 17 len. Sheet 10. [botch l'ig (net cash) 22 15a .... ilicteruumenti's tbomea—Wo.bave received from I. Henry Bell, a pamphlet rola., to due boiler, of which we h see Made Minting Mention It seems to us that in the referemcve which hi.. Bell elves, no reason able doubt can elmh but that much meta attache. to the invention winch he w destrou of Introducing taco( us In the economy of fuel, he claim. fatly Co per teal and in weight of water, boiler, &e, the mime amount. It appear. that the invention us eel halite to let OM of order, and in cue btu p wh i c h euily got at without removal. Anothe• fe, strike, us a. bents deumble, is, that rt. Mb( boiler will not foam or Primo water Into the engi ties. Ca !Mid will leldtschart • MI Into the cylinder., Merely prevenung the valves emit paeking from being cut to piece, In torequirement of bet one half the water now tired, it appears to be peculiarly adapted to manna boiler. --I Phil. Inquirer I'LZA.U . II. roe CALlroll.lll,—From a regoder, kept to the Bulletin ofEee, of clearalwee for Califorma parte from all the pone of the l'attilk Etudes, es well es from England, France and Bremen; we find Wat We follow tog to the whole number, (rord November lIW, 194 r, to August In. 149: 1 ruiefOitales Europe. Total • - • olal 13 115 ICU I 131 11 71 SI 51 fi 4V3 14 4O I=l PORT OF PITTSBURGH. ARRRIVED . . Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. R Wighisuen, -,Mclieuport. Per -, McKeesport. DEPARTED. Louie McLane, Bennett, Brownsyilkr. R McKeesport. Parma, --,l4l'Keeaport. Tut BAYKAL—There were 16 Ladies in the haauel, by maul mark, last evening at dusk. BOATS LEAVING TEM BAY Loots Mel.use, Broarnadße, 6 P. M. McKeesport, IL Wightman. Peyton.. twa PUILADLLPIIIA. D. ',teal & co'., packet lam. 9 P M. voik (11.23Mirr R. ti. Rana & Co. Canal Packet, 71 o'clock. r Wass:moo Batnoa—We learn from the Wheel tog Gowan, that Ma first iron cable of the Wheel Mg Bridge, mss suspended from tomer to tomer, ammo, of 1010 feet, mt Wednesday lut. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPIST OF PITTSBURGH, CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. J Ftwxvi. Jr.. ree'y. I FL Mu.. 1.21. Jr, Yrebt. Will insure swain •II Undo of rtsk, FIRE tiNO NCARINIK. -- - - AIL losses will ha liberally aarusted and promptly Non A home inoutution—managed by Director who are weII known in the commundy. and who are dete From od by promptness and law raltty to maintain the char acter wh.oh they bare sestinrod, a. olfe.nx the best prole...iron to tho« who deans to be Insured. Drams-sou—lL Miller, Jr.. Geo Mack, .1 W. Butler, N. Holmes, Jr.. W. B. Holmes, C. Bunsen. Geo. W Jaekso. Wry St. Lyon, Jax Lippincott, Thos. K. Lmos, Jam., M'Auley, Alex. Nientok, Thos. Bcoth Orin, No. 39 , Water street, llievetbause of Span, k Co-, up users,] Pittsburgh. 04.111 EVERY PURCHASER OP DRY GOOLLU should call at MASON !CO'S cheap o.m Foca Store. 60 Market meet. for hargmeta They tell good fest co lored Lunens for 9 cents, Organdle do for 10e; Scotch Gingham. We: last cord Calicoes 4e. hoe Merrtmaek best plushly do lUm rich 4-4 do like; Brown Os bleached Mono-m(le. (Ragusa tents; Al.lut and lace Colton 6f to 10.1 e. elegant Mastut Capes trons7S els to SZOal, together arab the gmatost vane} of abet cheap goods to be found to th• Western mower. Remember the number. WILL:km at. ryt.l A A MASON k CO =ME THE DELAWARE ?RITUAL ISAFF.FY INSU RANCE COMPANY —Office, North Room of M. Exchange. Tate lareet, Philadelphia. rt. lescsaata—Onildutga Merchandise and othe property in rows and enemas. Insured against toss o Mintage by fire tu the rate of premium Mum lasensaifes—They M. mama Vessels. Car goes and Freights. fora:lsnot aommeme, under open o special policies, as too assured may destre blLAßlDTax.srommon.-•11my al.ammo match. dMe by W14(0.. Railroad Cars. Cana Boats and Steam Boma on soma and late*, on M. most liberal terns. . . DIRECTOR,`'---Joseph 11. Snal, Ednsood A. Sonde, Joan C Etwris, Monett 13.arlon, John R Penrose, Baran I Edwards, Geo li I...per, Edward Dv - drip°. haa. 11. Dawn. 11Y Mare Fotwell, Joan Nevrba 1), g g lon, James C aand, Tbeop6don Pudding, LL Jo. -Brecrs, Henry Sloan.. ltagisg Crw,s. ears.: Sernn Spencer Alelbran, Charies.Relly, Anboson, Wd ham lll l l l lVit r A r irr ' Bag." ' j"L ITILITAII MARTIN, Preudern. }WILL. S. Nawscr..n,Strwury. De Office of the Comprotr. No. 42 Water street, Piwtbough. ollSoltf P. A. MADEIRA, Arent Joaroal, Am. - Stan, Post, Memory, Dispatc Chton• tele rentr. A (1411CUL .4 7 , HE, a.c.- - -71.rmaicm, Yarnirr s Racy I.mdiey's Ve:able Kingdom, ,vu. lAtivy'v inseourses 011 Agnoolium, !Se, 12mo I===CEII22 11==MZ=E:1 himer's ASSIr“<ZII Hee liesolt. 12 ma. Adel], AlneflGol Fllnn Boot. 12om Domesue Alllol\l3. 12mo Webster A Psrk's Domestic Leouomy, flame 822 For sale be JAMES 1) 1.0‘.:14 WOOD, 1111 ti J Woods =3= THE subsenber, who h. been in basin.. in the seine building for the lost thirteen yeah. ts •oihn.( all Descriptions of Fine Gold and Sil ver Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware, at retail, st the very lowest prices. Gold and Stlerr Engllsla ?mem Lever Watehre. and Salver Det.hd Lover end Leon.° Womb Gold •nd Silver Horizontal end verge Wawhee. Geld and t‘ilvvr Independvon Second Watebea mill( horsey. Gold Gonrd. lob and veal Chem.. Gold Speetoel Gold •nd Sitar, Pencils, Gold rent. Gold end Sant: Bracelet• Gold Lockett Gold and Saver rambles. Dun.. Kings and Pidt. Ladtea . and Gentlexarne' Brea•ipin.. Starlong Silver Spusru, CUPS, Forts, are. field Watches as lave at 9. t. h ene . {{'arches and Jewelry exchanged • Spoons atsd Forks plated on igerman !Weer, a hne lrinie. All watches warranted to., keep good ume or the money returned. Jewelry repaired, and tValehe. cleaned and repaired in the best manner. at roach les. than the usual peter, C Importer of Watches and Jewelry. wholesale and natul, SI Wall street, lop aturs,l NEW YORK. 3,MS:damts JOUILHIL OF Tll6 018TITUT6, ov rag .rands S.MSTL's•ltts, FOR THE PROIdOTIONOv nu MECHANIC ARTS THE oldest Mechanical Periodical extant in Amen 1, ea, is published on No fiat of each month in the of city Philedetploa ii Uhl been re: pawls . issued lin upward. of twenty•three yearm, and is carefully edited by a committee of m-tentific gentlemen appointed for the paw., by We Frank/lit Institute The deservedly high repatapom both at henna and abroad, whicti Joe real has acqulred and suation cd, bas given it • circl enable. nd exchange Itst of the lieu io n. whichthe Committee on Pub lication. to make the beet to front Foreign Journals, and to gum eirdoMuon to o n communi cation. on mechanical and scientific subteets. and no. Sisal of PeW Invention, Witless of all the PaMnts issu ed at the Patent Ilftee. Washington City, are pablish• ed in the Journal, togethir with • large amount of in• fonnatton on Mechanics, ,Chemtstry, and Civil F. meting. denred from ate lemon and best authorthes ; Th. /cereal is published ot, itte first of emelt month, each number comaintng at least tiisenty wo pages, soul forms two volumes annually of about t iedage. each, illustrated with englsrums on copper and ou wood of those subtexts wince require them . The sotwertpuon mice a Flee Dollarsper annum yable on the completion of th e sixth suiridir, and tt will be forwarded free ol postage when re dollars axe remitted loth. Actuary (pottage pu o .l 15 ad•anee for one year's maisenpnoh. Commun.-anon. and letters on business most be dp meted to ',he Actuary of the Franklin Institute, Phil adelphia, Psnosylrania," the postage paid. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Actuary F I Tobacco 7 4.851 I GU 012 SI9 I , 5 2 4 1...1 ea bad little as additional large salsa WHOLBOALH CLOTHING WiRHIIOUSE: LEWD/ di FIADIPORD, g 52, ts 4. Zol and 2.1 i Pea. Kra., lb...nen Fulton st. and Hurting Slip,) NEW YORK, Mere uu hand am latgOst nasorunent of CLOTHING I) TIM UNITED STATES, •DA.TTED TO AL. 11.621=11- VIID lfltrie of suirt,7, and DIELAWERII, awe keep an iodic. ranety Also the LODII eitaostve manefaet of Oil Clothing end Covered Hato In the world. PLAIN AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING Or all kind. Cktalogo. of stock mot by mall Orders promptly 61.84 1.F.W112 k HANFORD, pa 26 No.. 2.2. 221,2.16 soot &,, krtY. • VI I I is , :r y A R'S 11A LSO m l- 12 tit 1 0n . ba*„ ... .... , .! . .:. . 1 . .F °r. CO '... J iiN y lATT A 1.11.00 M El— t 5 ton• K l i n i r a. reit ( Tl , l%•..te 172.1 Canal Daaln, near 71h si C R ., f;.. , . , 1 TA/I rn R —.1 1, 1,1;! . . , 1u . . I i r .. e i. 5i1 ., :t 5 11 for .ele ., by . T TNIIIE .3ao R-1 bbl 01 mid for ..le by ......,, 1...) G AllR , F , T y lrli tiNUOI —1 um rce 1 1, 7 i 1... r 5 e;id .1 1 . 7 .. ,1 1 :r L i t i t ,R , lC L lt l u, , t,l,2-10 : i.,, peuttlen: . ..n i ra d , . _ .' C"..E. 1 ; . 70t 4 '...1t`7`,7•1r `;..°^lnrATed:lvra' 13 1 ',`'.K!';.'ff,,,i:.,...:;4°.71 1 ,7,, — .."2,:,".","41. :.",!:111.° ton of Entbaxiarm." • Sketches of lienitiab ChoTell History, by M'i'ne. Memoirs of the Rev. Thomas lialyharion. wab an appemhv„ embracing an-account of t.urch of Scot land donne Ma tones The Life e Dr s Johnson, by the lies. 1 V linsaell, Enelish odium, Restvals in Scotland donne the ISO century, with Wee Sermon. by Rev George Whitfield: by D. Mac [viand. D. D. Manuel of Presbytery, by 9. hillier, D. D, with •ri append.. by the Rae. J. G. Latimer. Drieoinhb Evilemmenml and Petioles! Treatise osi Edeenial Ca1t0,,,,,y 1. Forte. Toone by Amelia, On hand and for oBit. by 1,4 ELLIOTT a ENGLISH. Wood st WOOThL— . e loihest market price in enooh, Iva be plod for Div dorem grades of Wool, by 9 it W MA RV !WOK LOCAL IiATrEILS. Meeting of tbe Staitholdain Of Ms Yiregtuaglisany Navigation Co. 01711 06 , 111 atrJattit. The meeting of the Stockholder, of the Youth., sheep Navigation Company. held at Lock No 2 on the Youghiogheny neer, on the seventh of AU' put, was °manna by calling General Joseph Mar' kin to the chew, and appointing Dr. Marchand' Abraham Overholt and Fauntley Muse, Vice Pre sident*, and James Gardner of Weal Newton, Capt. James Hendrickson, of McKeesport, and lirri ben Hays, of Pittsburgh, Secrennea The object of the meeting was stated by the Chairman, in a neat and pertinent address, alter which the killowirg resolutions were read, and,on motion were adopted. IP:arm, Thu improvement now in progress on the Youghtogbeny river, .11, wheu completed, ti a connecting link between the two great nties of Pittsburgh and Bettina re, therefore I. Resofrof That we will centime to give all the influence la our power. to secure its early OM, pletion, with the full assurance that the stock will yield a large percentage m the Stockholder.. 2. Rtso/ red, That we would call the at lcatiuu of hot Board of Directors of the peake and Ohio Canal Common to this impiety, men% as an auxiliary to connect WWI the waters if the Ohio river. 3. P“.lved, That Dos meeting has full confi deure in the Board of Directors, and in the belief, ifromi the anurance of the Engmeer find °mane- Mind' that the work will be completed in the month of October ensuing. The Rev. N.D. Moore, of JiteinonviDe. addren ed the meeting in • very able and eloquent speech, In which he dwelt upon the advantages reatihiii4 to the community from similar works of internal Improvement. lie alluded to the desecration of the Sabbath on the public work:, and commented upon this violation of that holy day, with great *ln verity, Amp hoped that the Youghlugheny Navoirt lion Company would set on example to all other, and show to the world that it was datermieed to act as all mauler corporations should act, in a side lino land, by closing its gates to all travellers on the LotiPs day. From the approbation with which this address was received, a well as from various other urn- cation+, we are convinced that the reverend gen tleman, in .peaking thus, expressed the sentiment. of nine tenths of the meeting. Speeches were then made by the Rev. Mr. Em ery, of West Newton. General Lartruer, of Pitt. burgh, and the Hon. Alexander Plummer, of West Newton. President of the Board of ',rectors, afier which the Company adjourned tu s neighboring grove, where a sumptuous repast was prepared through the kind attention of Mr. J R. Caiselane. After dining, and returning thanks to the maces, of the meeting, and to Mr Copeland. the meeting adjourned. The work on the dams is rapidly progreasing, owing to the indefatigable attention of the talented and gentlemanly Engineer, Mr. Lisv, and of the Contractors, Messrs Hanna, Alston k CO. It la pronounced by competent judges to be a very an penor job, and ail who have examined them are much pleased with the supcncir manner in whist both dams ere constructed. The locks and gouts will be finished some tune between the liras of October and the middle of that month, and New have no doubt, that, owing to the Immense busi ness which tins company will do, the more will be as profitable as any in the country. Riam.—We had a good deal of rain yesterday, which, if not sufficient to raise the riven, will al least be very beneficial to agrimultorrat. Crops of all kind. nava been auffenag exec:naively Mr some time past, oungg to the exceaaive drought which his prevailed. The Indian Carla has been irre trievably damaged, and our tanners have already been obliged to make serious inroads upon them winter it ck of hay. Sunerr OF Ins Rwhards, of Roo. Townsh., lodged s cootplamt betore Aida man Parkmeoa, yelaerday afirrooon, io which he charged loho Seawrtght wnh threatenims . murder hoot. tirvarnitit Was bound ove: keep the Tirrurw Ilurea —Fr•aes• llolspntaa was so ungallant Ea to lodge a romplamat before Aldervrta• Parkulmera,lagainvi Mrs Mule tel.:Maurer, or Ally. gbeav, whore hr charged arch karnlmtl a (Trim! I.aerset. Thle,fiarMarls veal bound over to •u seer lke enanse at the nest TCI7II at the Court al I=l heard of • dcgreieung case of this &acme, which occurred yenerday, and which, though not reported, we believe to have leen a genuine mite of Cholera. A woman, who heed Hardaerabble, lest a child oa Tomiday.un Wedama day another, and nu Thursday she herself died, baying been attacked at nine oclo• k. aid tiring before two His hoax was o vary filthy .311- Ua r••a ansiaso.-- An old meta nameJ I•mr• Punt • ematirttletl JrvoLen!, ~e.rer.l.y vklll.l /illuminated. yontrueneed brenlting the w,ndow• of • house on Penn street, In the Fifth ward. II: was cummined la Jed lax five do, by Alderman Mamma., Ilimac—An old man and his ail, named Autettitpon, were yewerday aliernoun ta ken to the Watch house and kicked up, charged with keeping a disorderly house. They will have a hearing this morning. t:tn at We have tteett requested by a polioe • mut to state that the following, extracted nom the Pam of yesterday, a untrue In every patt.evlar ..N MIAOW Eacsmc — A man named Jame. Miner WAS snot last algal by one of the Allegheny Alter which he escaped by ownorning aortas the Ohio from Greco wood. loflrnfl.Z Tborsday, August 9-12 &dock, M. Gtaktritil I have reported to Ina lor the lasi 21 boon, I rate of choler, and no death.. W. Me K. MORGAN. To the Sanitary Committee. Arm.. Itivavvicmc—The dead body of a newly horn child was discovered noating in the canal, in the rear of one of the Trsaaportatiou Companies warehouse, on Wednesday. It had evidently been in the wane• for a comoderstile Unm. This is the third olience att.% nature which we have had to notice within less than a month, and this (midi come seems to be on t h e increase in Pittsburgh. Moron's Omen. Pittsburgh, 1511 9 —There loss only one case of drunkenness brought before the Mayor this morning. Thus is an Improvement upon yesterd•y's reports. Huu PAilibutgn, Aug. fo, Brigadier t Mneral Latrines will promptly de tail web portion of the lingsde node, his command, as be may deem notable to en-operate with the citizens of Allegheny county. in the reeepoon of the President of the United States and me Gover nor of P•ntssylvantri. The Major General is persuaded !hankie volun teers of the Bruptde will respond trim pleasure and slncenty to the call. the object of whien la to render appropriate honors to the tllsatoous sol dier whose renown is the property of the untion and tobentances of Imisterity. embracing the oce•- aion, at the sante time of emendiag • proper manifestation of respect for the honored torsemor or our own great and beloved Commonwealth. By order of Mat t ;en. R 081.03. F. G. KAY, AA-de-Clomp. Itrigod• ores., No. BISIGASIg Has , QUAISTCISS, Pittsburgh, August this, 1019. f Tim Brigadier General has the satisfaction to ainnonce to the yoluolorra of Allegheny county, tont the President of the I noted Ft etc* and the Governor of the Caniumuureslth. propose to volt this &atom on Saturday the I tab mat In complteoce with the instructions of the Gen oral of Division, and to the end that appropnale I tumors may ha awarded to these dishogumbed I public officers, it is ordered that 'be uriesthsed re- patents nod unattached remittance of the 1.1 lin. rade, amtertddeet the city of Pitaburgh, on the day above named, at 12 o'clock. BC Oo an occasion of this ktod, a 1* destrnble there should be a ready and general Medicare. By command of Bog. Gen. Gala.. JONAS It. MeCLINTOCK, Attl-decamp. %Yours —As lbw Is the aerate of the year when arr moo formtdable among rtaililren.the perfor , m eines of hi'l.ane . • Vermifoge tog loser to sell upon part to soliciting their Ancona, to tin Vl/11.1 , 11 I AI UM SZISt:IINS beer annoymg nunottra oral remotes 01 rhildren. Their ot.return la by a ph, StellO rat greet espenance Virglula. and al t ar ustug it for several year. in No own pra o tice. and finding ne success so untfor•al, ha has teen indered at hod to Garr it to the Call as a cheap but h o and excellent med., ne. Call anti purebsue at the Droll tore ot myeedaseT.BT KIDD CIE A gentleman of Puttutargh, CIAO had fallen into an open cellar after the "Greet letre,..mnined Ms an eta iut meetly that be was amble to reliant from ery• lug oat with the pain. A frolud who tool been .sin B. A. Pahnettock t Cc's Rubelamest sod been eared of Rheumatism, gave him wltat remained In me bottle and although Ms lonl, was trretly swollen, he wa• ompletely restored to health in twelve hours and fined from loant. This Is hot ono of a great number of which have come tinier the obsenration of Me proprietors.t Prepared andauld by 11 A PAIINMTIXIC & Co, rooter tat sod Wood, alas, comer oth sod %Vend U. • !D Fargtedin AV/ Bam Enegastra—JONES'S Ital ian Chemical group cause. a free persptrmion, et the same time teddies, sateen, and whitens the sklo, goring 11 the texture and beauty Of nn Wang. Scaser, Balk Fldnstnt UM Sown, an wt.n not only heeled. but eared by its ase, oat least seven Mro. mans tit New York know, what atm it in such cages, and find it enlisting—ea &tee in 1 . 1.1.111. 1t1.01.11111. F111..1.1111. tortry Other sit in di m ease The evader to assured this so no mel Traded moment, as one trial will prove 1 miuld enu merate at lea rn Wi persons ear, dof Pens Man. Pose Laos one Seer Beane —Be It. end use it. end the leader is again cste knew ered I would not ruelly sell it forme above antes .l kee it In be all I owe Those who ere liable to Caner. Cllnnill9, or entree Flan. will find this a ruin any one afflicted with any of Mt more or ilar diesews. will find this all and even mere (edettre• hie in its go:tomb/so) than I mete. Bet. reader, the mores are flooded with frettabons, end be sore yoo est for 30141 , d-Yet Cbrovenl Soap Sold by WM' JACKSON, to Loierty env.. Por•burgh tuagitalkarT Au. Goon errizerts are honorably assured that the following are the •etael analines an • as bottle of loon's Canal Ilan Restarattve II they doubt our wood. they cannel thcu highly respectable Clutter., who have Used le— • Alr Geo. @e• et. 1 Dm.t, New York. Mrs Moulds 11..eres. Alvrde as, Brooklyn Mr Wm Tornpktne. 11 King at, Neer York Mr. Thr. Jackson, Montour* Island. near Pittsburgh 11. E. Cullen, late barber steamboat N. America. And more than • hundred. other. state, though Ihte moat rafftee, that.lll force the hale to grow o t the tread or face, atop It falling off, strengthert We rocts. nrotosing scurf and dandruff from the root. mating light. red, or gray hair assume a fine dark look, and keeporg dry, harsh or wiry Ow mood, ton. clean and beauttral a very. yell long time . Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, ed/ 1./bony Si, Putsburgkr. Pnee 511 cents, and one dollar auf,dAwT tErh. Ill.( or • Vaal Ratertt." is not more atve than a bad, putrid breath. or dart • Tennit daaea•- ed teeth. u persona have these it it their own tau.— they can, tor two shilling', bur an arttele that "will matte their troth pure and sweet a" Mt Spry Al , o Lab.. It mares ill tease, of the Num., spongy or uteeratc.l, and tor the Ter,b itis unequalled, removiug the inrtnt. tanening the tern. th.., gums and eleon them as Wrote as the snow of tie frets. Nona tiMels, Maier, are the properties of Jones's Amber ?math Posta, sod. rchisoot pitalring r anmeleee, hear what mic of oor moat sad servant. Del ft gists, Mr. iMo,d, of Now York, sari "I bare both used and anallsoil this beautiful and lm palpable tinkle. (Joon' Amber Tooth Poste,) and con recommend it as ponicsaing all the qualitlvatlaion ed fat It. Reader, are can soy no more to convince. only that if you try this once you wll oe w.ll pleased. It to pot up in beautiful Knglosh China Polo, forts rents. Sold by the Agent, \ Val JACKSON, EN Liber ty stieet, Pittsburgh. aagtolLiks•T arr LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST P. SING COhIhION PHP.PAKHO CHALK. Thy arc not &twice how fnghtfu'l Iniarioaa it is to the elm . how coarse, bow rou y gh, how *al low. yellow. and onitealthr the Ikltt peer. alter %tune prepared chalk' He • .des te minnow, coatainlng a large quan a tity of Led! We have prepared heaudfal vegetable article, whteh lee Gall JONES SPANISH LILY WHITE. is perfectly tnnocent, being purified of andel...i e.. ousJlties; and =pouu to the skin anal:oral. het-- thy. elahaser, clear, !taloa white; at Hsi same time erst; se • et onus, on the slsn, making it soft Burl moon, Sold by the Agent. Whl. JACKSON, Fe Lib erty et, Psuburf Pelee YS Grata ang7alltArT - IOLO PF-Ns S. Fire's Patent Diamond Pointed VT I:old Pent. Knd without earn. inn , eee% aud for sale by JOHNSTON t STOCKTON. uR~COI _Thud sad M nts FOR ORME 31 WOOD OkILEPRIBB. The steam boat A. MASON 4 en—luvnog at D o'clock, A. hl and ai the hermiiing of each hoar IWO P. M. Violins may rest on Atithug ibe boat at the Mar. Stm lemma We teacart,. me Wt of drip, ad o'clorir The mason te Am 'damming, and MOM s een b Vl3lll thit tletoglfol retreat, nom is the bode to spend a Ora boom not i t , Me smoke d dom of the nay, bat lo s pure admosphere. perm with the fragnmee of dose. All Undo of refrerhmonls. except indoxkdating chinks, •re kepi on the menemes Greenbaum MAMA and Bbugaeta of ehotes andierre um sale. Chased on Run day JAKIZ (gjp-Change of landing made on maknt of tow dorm er DEYNOLITS & RHO-3 improved Safety Fpm—a /V amply dna he'd and for .alt by 1017 BROWN k CULBERTSON. Irtl/BACet , —teso boxes "W.ll. Grant*" and Mks 1 choice brands, on band and to mite, Mr solo by jyr DROWN k.CDIJIDISTWOO E3OWDER —Mutual' and MA Powders, kept am runtly on band. bud for We by 1727 BRIAVN * CULBERTSON. MCKER A EG—A supply cit Nes icree 3 31seltetel del/ asserted Rom Use saga salarST j, 27 DROWN CULBRAITSON. e . ..t I.ollllLir lthbbs' ra) today rta'd pa teal bo. Jcsorplone, and for nig by A 115131110,10 b CROZEIL orEW NovV.l.—The Waadinal Ro ma. the hates of Riettahl htr 01 hems, Ent. Jan TeCCl•cd by JOHNstoN a sIoiILVON iyes ear ItlarketiledTßl, ==== - :*lcltitt= . . Y s..Jo by jr-'4 1 8 DILWOZIII &CO 111 A !hob, nom ready kia a4Ainatitora lip j._l smote house, ror ale by was vi R e IV 011OULDIL-40) 3 Pee sb n aa.oo.46brim rOend ..'e bf )yet 14 & X COX 'T,'UTIld e FAMILY FLOI/X•4O/bbllJarysied Ellaf £4 coy eds by iy24 MIXXIVONOACVLICII sorr chbo ot of Alb elberls . hoo -113 or dur at •b r. •Giboa4l tor la a poun d, bbb. • : . 11,4 JOHN H MELLOR-al Wacal LIU Ha. ITU RE UlallTl—al' R. :11urphy k race, L yea .Iwar wee, for .ulamer bed gain., at lba law 'Tee dtat et• par L. ;Tr, I R4:UrCf D I plcr~ := \~ - K. el,rpey e.. o A bond a ier olureJ Quill, .. nK be A , 10: SIP ,1:1.L/KIL.- 4 aat k • 'd anal for ) •• , .I , p Jr2l. S A I II MillAtlttl XrEW 11.001(S • Comsr.on Pl.e• 14.4, .u.ted 1.,• t..-Inx,Jont.llo.lllarten. Il ~I•ott • Hi•tor, r.l Jul••• r..,:a•Logs. J.,., tcvlv.J .l Ji,llN , llt,i s STOCKMN'S. Market muld Thsrd •t , toss oloos day trectscol from hallo J Iscdoon and cse saw AN \1.710,11: I•RoPLKIL I 11,111 We ono. , lei etv.4 a an or I.ansios no yarns, solo, isn't it anis., a new eutooruetoon, 'loco .s oalne •ortoon and sonspleoc—owao ornosnotontal Also .ne. own,. in bum ,con coolcool liantoong run , on lane An! r, It Las rare ,sionct which recommend n too l , n "festoon ol nual torn. hotel eem's. sool Soon.. \ copy's. up' caoanlonew economy, and n'onoane v. •CIT . • ... Sin long portable nuar use r te sbna Nom.. on can on u• stall La rhocea nor peekasarotte• no it, nom compound. A cno ,, occo onoP,o I Oi Oar rand and Limy. lt,Ft, LJ 01. AlFi. a A_TIZIVSON. Foal -t, wrest Wood and ilartet tl T l O l TA ' t 7" tl:t p A h l;l.7:l ' 7l: e...z ' omt '" lv n e ( .lt?) " ; d 'h e ' „ ' re at C Bret!. The eart.tou toy A Itrart,y, who .ettie tt•tnete Al dm late ft.ert RIINIU V Al. A I , te ob. h.. - Moved l• reoroire Werebnesr from Nu 119 booed street. to No. le Weed slerei. between Ft,. Ind Neeend e.mets, •le the were:boo, late,: °couplet! by U. A. Berry, where be wsi. tree roboleooy on bend in genera, ea... Moot of Coulon, bir•te• Slove• Cootie, Stove. ke ,71.1 Ch••p Dry Goods. WllO IV AVE.+ lilu.qulto liar. for rem* Heavy Grown Mu !or 1{ j Bleached ropersor rahroolrmi il tt. Cae Good quo iiy Moo. 3- La,. ley Ginahaui• to • A wares. re do elqilt and \\ 'ml Llerages •• Int Cotton k '• Ii) Honnot Hshhor. Ol • Good quality HW Glove.- 371 ' Ca...nGil • Broad ClClothse 1144 A A MASON CO herr Good. at prier* owned Our, Call ukuu at the only cheap one pnee .tore, MI Market street. '• ~ - DR. D. HOIST. • girl..., Deno. Corner olrourilk Ind Decatur, between PORT WlNEir—lulls, Webber eL Forre•tor, Pure noh and dry (Meld. Campbell et ektla old dry Ible 1,11, Pure ...Mt Pure inure par. mola, Port k !tom. Purr inure, throttle dou ble and,ltmle Itram.. Mese wt.,. are MI oelebre led for the r prom-rues . and ran be had whole rale or rel.l at the Wore More of • • • • '2 . .lA ' C 011 WAVER„I r .. AMD IFWEI.I6' —n. subarnher yII, yr A :—.. Haas H au l .. on hand •fine assonintoo of boat Eng- Ital 4 and I ieOr V a Gold and ?,Iver Patent I.ever %V sarb• e. It as tow prier. , a. are offered to the EA.Ile !ll riu good order and watrartred W W WILSON. turner 4th and Market t.“ _ DOM GOODS AT WHOLESALE. It MRPHY InVIICS the aUrnoon o( met s chant U s tb. tbn large supply of neve Hoods Jon opened in his sehale Room.. on 2 , 1 story, northeast norner Ith and unrket creels, Plusborlen. 11.1. bet, h,s second supply for th,s &pm, be has many binds of vxrds reeueed prtees, and ono, sbn to be sl3,l,4lAmer Light I Light 1I Light I I I T HE justly en,br.ed bernme dent eau now be bad 1 the I:a•tere Lamp Nee, Na e 6 Tienl 'erect, orteer, Wood •ael blerhet. • For. portable honso Itfoht It ha• the preference w.Il or the onotera c. 0., toff, rorroctly oafs and chew void of •tooke. cafe or any of the dt.areeable tro• fondants to Ifdtlis flow In coalman um alma, heaut, u•rorment of lamps of the latest pattern. Mr hart, Jmg the anme JO clean. VJ. DAVID DIINAI. TOWNSIND, Drufalst nod Apothecary No. 45 Market .t., throe doors trbove Third et. Pitt.: tor ref, will hover onolantly on bond a well selected a 4 seetment of the be.t and ire•ttest alethetnes, which IVIII Sri/ on the matt rea.onaLle term.. Playstrtans .011,hag enter., wtll lon promptly al coded to, and sup plied with anon.- , they may rely upon a. genuine. V . riff - MC.l\llr Prorerf ford' he accurately and neatly pmeared from the hest material., at any hear of no day or ifftrbt Alma for sale, a large stack of fresh and good Yerfa Copartnership. 'UHF; foteomated olds them in ALUM I. UCH %V A ItT7..ftnal will von true go. , nmoo. st heretofore, snort the Oral of U A. PAUNF-A rocs. a CO /10 2,1 , 12 1212 WANTED, ABLACK..IIIII rarraloie of m•Ling 'slips.. for. gotc nud turt.obtrt, soch work as i• rrquired Ow. Oak Worts, •nd rrpamog swam engines boilers A yoml •I/1140011 Ilow offered to loch a person, to,llohwhere be ean employ two or throe hoods. Apply to KIKR Jr. JONES, or the imtmentwn, near T.troutom, fur fa niter onformauou. THOM/0 4 Klrt. PgrERSON S•l,ne Pah Work, July IP, 1419 co . 1 GAR -V. hholt ttnetly prime, for tale by 0 o ,6 t'. /1 GRANT, N.. 11 Water . I IA I' tt t•Alts.-1U b, s 5. •roned Not for sale by 1. IF- :4 Y VUN 11UNNIIORNT dr, Cr). SNVISS Mlitl.lNS—W R. Morpity has merited a fresh . a p ple , or dress., very cheap. Alm, ern• brotdero4 Maslins, plant Mall Nashua and barred Jatonett, Mar mired and 'inti al northeast earner Ith and Market .ta. IMM W ANTEU-ICau 11;e1 T A r t l4;7 : 4 ., 4 Co ;)11/ 'corner Finn and Wood atll ESCELLANEOUS. W. W. Mil AZ.LACIir . ITTSSURGH FRENCH BURR HILL STONE P and MILL FURNISHING LSTABLISHMENT, Not. 1114 and Yld Ltbrny atreel. abur the French rr Mill Susses, or my own manufacture. made of a ne w and auperlor quality of Block.; partie• ular cam la taken to h”. t h e puma made close. and all the blocks iu eaula stone ots uniform quality. They are warranted to he equal to any in Me country, and utpanor to the pent umstl• of Ban, 10 ... p or demesne manurseture. and sold at the 'owe. pn- 111111 Stonea, manasciurcd in Fran«—a • rrducral prlcco, alwoy. ua hand. Laurel 11/II }NI stont., ores. - • - 80/ting Cll.llb, Anchor Stamp. warranted bang neat ity, and at arrant. reduced price, Mill Splndiaa. Mill Irons. Mire WS and Pica, Play form Sea,. tann and Colt Immtfer, lin.l nntl Maw Mai Casting-a of all buds, and Mal Formatting m gen eral. MI orders promptly lotentletl 10 et 214 anti IN erty street, near the Uhtml/ure.h ntvrithattm W. W Platirtsurgh Sat. gas Marble Works. IVO. 244 I.IISKR Pl', opposite ..treet II Marble les. !Me netnews. Torah.. rabic Tops, he., a !arse variety of the most nesatitui kind, made of the hoes! quality of foreign and domesoremarble, always ois 1.1.4 or mode to order, by the ail at naa chinery, un the shortest notice and the lowest price, N. II —The Country Trade furrnshed with ail lands of Marble at the lowest rams. All ordereprumptly at tended to at t 44 Liberty. opposite Smithfield my3Oulani WAI I ACV Sid VT MACHINES. ULL'S Patent Sums r French Br sMtrr MA CHlNK—the be. arti o cle of th e kni ur d in use; they an light, clean fa.., do the work reel, and will last a Itle Ume. About Son of then] are in use, in the 1.e.1 mill, in the coati.), and we bade the stroae•t mon of competent as tne:r superiority over .11 o t her &m it Machines. For further particulars, ad dress the subscriber at 214 Liberty al. Pittsburgh toyMMlllin W WALI.,I'E • • Btkald F—NtilN EN AND BOILERS—For go...paw and other nails, •ivrayt on hand, or male to urJer on very short noun, and at the Inver. poen, Al: or • de. promptly attemled to at 214 .... i ttv( v, me , t i, n;: .. r the Canal D ARTEIt PARIS--For lend. and oll[er %Nosy. 011 hand at VI Lame) . .. ntr.2 W IV WALLACE r - DitTliErri.T.MTlSl . —Aiws , • on bawl. ut 9.14 Übe:ly st. Iny:11 %V %V A WALLACE CE SIN macs tnd gnIA, alwnry• on . at YNLibeny street. on 3D nvW WALLACF. TT is with pleasure that the subrenbers inform the citizens of Pinshargh and vi cinity that they hare completed arrange. 01. with Messrs. / C. Jenkins & Co.. of Philadelphia. to receive their *opener PACKED TEAS, And Wit he tealMr be kept constantly on hand. They are nem'? and recurely put up so metallic pack. of 1, i and I lb. each, with thcir prtutod card—showing the tur d depot lIIITT P Zi . th n e o n ' t e nr;la r Ot e n t 's o return We / Tea, if Li liked. " ''' IL PRICIF., 0 ennpored r 021 76 1.35 190 Iltr." 50 73 IN 1.15 1,10 40 an 73 I,ro 1.33 • Y. —TWO • 5D Mk 79 1.1. 1,33 1.50 Bum , i inaa...... ... ....... 371 5, Pine and maw Fiae. .70 lin 1Z 130 v We will warrant all the TEAS we sell to be equal to, if not meat. loamy sold in this city, and ihaald may not prover ammo:tole to the tams, they eau be re. turned, and the money will be refunded, a it la only With that understanding we sell. We ask a fall trial. that the public may be able to edge between our Tr. and Mows beretufate sold by other .timpani.. in thie city. All lovers of nee, dellcmar and good flavored TEAS, should gimp . • call. For sale by 5011. II M. YOUNG & CO., N W mattered:l and Forri .moil, and Fl YOUNG &CO., naylademis S W corner Id end itrAilt&r rem WI. W. Il• DAliallt - 1311141 1111 . 1 . 11-em p ire' isteneik•l Orrlce--Bmidtheid buret, batneen Seventh and Straerl.e.” alley. N. 8-11aeaseit of the mouth. gums and teeth treated 1 liomompattucally. CONTINUATION OF THRtI ILF.AT CALK AT A. A. 21A1501 A CO'S ONE PRICE STORE, dt .14 . 0 rooter Reduced Prim. A. M. a CO. desirous of miming and closiog • out their Stook preparatory waiving tkelr A. Fall Goods. MU offer armlet induccutenmthm ever, The° mesas /sty parchame st tho Nem Turk Bales, elute at gosh hillnadhli• sacrifices from esid,vrill MI be dosed oat Om mune ruinous rates Amongst dm satiates recently opened, they mention . eases fast colored Lawns, us 7 sts " and hltsslitm, P and Ye A lags mock Bilks. Sliaml. and Vim°, veer is. 't it 45 et Id ds Lames. 1411 _ lot Heroines at nee nalfories " liinghlass at laic F.mbroldenes very enesp " A011p0(5, hall puce flomesy, Gloves, Laces, Trimosinp. he 7 eases Blernmask Calicoes, as vs 5 " Ith et Calicoes at ale and Wee brown antl bleached ilustm, obese. lush Linens at lan; Linen °statute.. 121 c Bons& Ribbon fl and Inv, Gloves .5 to With an undoes. satiety of other lined., all of Much mill prom a Wing to porcbssms of Item Cl to 50 per mot. Tbs mare Will b. closed no tiny for Martino down and prepurbag lb.. k for the sate 171 AA hi A FON t CO PICKLI2II, PIIESIIIIITES. WE.L.N.SAVIILLER & PROVOST 117 kont street, New Cork, re ia e loo s s larretyui e:l e&, s V gpi kl.: d Rae:Y . l oricert tobster, Salloas, Marker., Shad, Me.ta, Vegetables, fie . Impanel.* of flhves. Capers. Salad MI, rul aufaWest Labe I,oudetarms. etc Then teoelt itmore ea iron we. a greater variety tad is put up in Leiter •y le oath thw of oily other house In their haziness in the V.ussd State. Then , good. lam packed mall Ute • trious package., end in to safe aatwitter as to leaf tfle..polll.loll to as yprin of the eifiaatrY • N. B. Catatagar• way Le moo at the afire of Batt Arent. in Bunn: Silas Fem. k Co. Philadelphia: Jot B Butner lialunaorw A Bunk. Son. St I. ow.. tie., Buchanan a. Co Lo.ostolle• John Fonda fa Co. Clot. tuna ti. Henry Bioettinun _ - 11 - 00K•KEEPISte--11Tanie lot te ttelotte Y : th r t r o $ wore aro!, !to:authors. a/fee:tn. o, tree. . proftetl on the covet, A new yopply tuft recce red from New York end for este by ,ul3 Jolt N II MELLOR, tt Wood ft SILDOI, AND BATHING ESTADLISHMENT• 9 hIeVoLI, nee. in lofurlaolhalotalo. tat Lunch an.l ammo, that he /owned the anovc catabl.ahanent where ewer, attention 'nod o. the tomor. ot A', who 111 ty ta•or tom awl.. a call Labatt) *tie., who :Inver. and IVond Ice Creams and all other &hear,. u 4 the un,on. Jalenlly . Tue. paruserehtp heretofore ellsttner hoterecn Nem " uel Ilo.oferld and Witham It nays, tradent, ender the farm tel tICSIIFIELD & HANN. ti.• tio• a., et de.Ntlved tey Welleem a Hay. ...tog toe enitre I/lEoft.n the ben to N N. lieshhold. AID aceount. due the Grin trot he collected try 13. IlueteLelett and all debt. due by the late firm In be plod by nen avow S. H. LIUSIINIMD, w 11. HAIN. Pittsburgh, June 21.17.49, C6PARTNIF.R-...11P —3. II Ilealtroma ttaa , el thu day ated'a,bh,,n.ellllaraeLaaoaa,formerly of Bedford. Pa, and ieeently of tee Nationsl Bowl. Payborilb, ve,llzoittonue she bu.inr.r under die ftrto of 8U5H1V11..1.04 LEADER. at the old ..taad. No. YIN S. IS. BUSH FIELD. II LEADER. Lawny nre. Vituhutila, June :IL 1549 /laving retsretl fmm the runner buzine, I rote pleanare nrocononentltog nay suenettsorn to the pa twttaire el ruy customers and the punt. getteratiy V. PRESII SUSIMICR GOODS, A LE—LANDER it DA V. Li Market .trees, northwe.t 2%corne, of the Lha.nond. ate now opening a Iles c .to,lf of fresh SC NI 11-:11 t.h , l RRA. A large poruolk II Off , e good. have recently I.een parchnord al a . - - aaenhee, trout the AOCIMO Saw• at the ilast.. amd from momporter. and MOOYIOCLUIOO.. e have decided on °demi, Otto ktoet el good* at Tomei Ito rrd a• ineet the approl, /14011 or ~.00d who do be.ine.a on the ehea p cash yotnetnie The Silk Departtn•nt is very 01 . 1[1141V, OilibrOOMC *he different 'nods of tlreve and mantilla Silk., :mann de Chen, and Camelia.. Urn d. Ilhinca . . The Shawl Departerent enthrones • splentbd assort ment of Inthe Ors!, Shawls Imm the lowest po,. to the finest yeallue•, elegant:, ctnereolerrol. Slot, nrc. mains, Bernice. filebarr, Nett mod splendid fire red Sdk Shawls. • . SCAILFS--Blaelt silk, her., ens Grenadine Scarfs. BF:WAGE and other ono ONES:* GleitrS—Kleautt and novel stvlax of Iteragas.Titsuee. and ..then me Loess t roods worthy of the attention of the ladle, LAWNS LAWNS ''—l the Lawn department, our addtituns front toe gordarn anettons era [tur a large, er enracing alert. idyl, at ram at Itabi, 100 prices. sar Imported and Durtmour t hams Prin. and Ctuntre, 61,10.12 and illearliad "deems, Cher at. Ttrkinn.. FlaesSis. nor English and French limbs and Cassimercr, ats and deans. Pantaloon Stripes and Drillings All ol watch ts offered •1 such • redartion ul 1114 priers 11 purchasers cannot fail to Ise, pleased. A I.l.:Wiliflß A Pa I:MUZUZW=2=I 1 1 111: undersigned have Ons du y aswe,sted under we name Tbntnpaan II mow A lor the per. pew of onanufactustaK at tne Clinton Pap., Mill, Where they 1•111 be pleased to rare,'" tile patron s,' ui the public, and the former ul the ae 110f panti es. lllny will at all Wass keep an hand a general a, sante,. of lemma, veraptnnt, to and null •PaPcr, taannet boards, blank book, •tr etc winch they sell exch•nire for clean knee and cotton raga. Pnntera and book Pubitel,r. can be supplied with every desertpnon of pnnung nun, at Won notice, slid al reduced pm. TIIONIPSON HANNA Ion! 1..40--norAddrn S II A N rassoMssige....alvasassierl Tin Plates r Et! I h: subestriber• beg b call the attettuon of Guilders. 1 A rehouse. and earners of kluildings. to the many advantages orbieb those plates possess over all other inetallie substances hitherto used for rooting ; kr they posse. Kt once the lightness of iron, will/OVI nu iinblitty ID runt, having now been tested foe years in this particular, both in this country and in Em rope They are less liable to copanuaa end contrac tion from sadden clutse of the atmosphere, than com mon tin plates, iron. Lille, acuity other mewl ton used ler roofing, and consequently furor • umehibener ~ ,. 1 first root, requiring far lens fmmient repair., win.. ate first cost is but a Vide more. A lull supply, of all ms s, f rom It 1•30 W. G , con stantly on a n an o y GRO. R. MOREWOOD k CO., I 14 and 16 Seaver street, New Tort, The patent right for this article haying been scented for me United States, of pe es tablas., lbereoo, either by ouportatlon or Marren, smil I.r pr s. I tollmega , . sirivT A••lgotoes Notlee. firIIKREAS. hl 'tomato., Smith •ntl to ors, A Jo di hn- •011. erehniii. ut eny Poi tilierett, trang the firm of tutu. it Johnson have mule le the ouliacrtloir. an asaiennient of ail their resille for the lionott ut all their eresiitur•iss shah Minn% two mouth.. trout Me dote thereof parents Knit delivet to We sasd smith & Juimann a full and aboeltde tole.° of all Melt tawolive chum. sod demands. :Souis tr hernby 0.•.-0 that the noolintnent 11111 Te le., it rtow at the iithso Of Me subscriber, on ronnh otreete in the city of esurtioreb, for inspection and tag nature arab all o may concern. W&I 'ilaCittibliFlSS, Aimieneo estiorest, • W It MURPHY, to N s corner lth and Mtrhet sts I t t. tr u C r, , d a IC :an with comlnenOed rnrd , n , ~n t rci . .d upon with confident , Perion• •htryg to hay tiad.hrtiar rail won. For sale by Il IC JnUttl VE).YBR, Jr 11111,011IDIK OF i:INI•7:—On band and toy galeby rv3J. KIDD ft CO GUM c...ur ouit •mxt on hand and for at/. 4y )7 3 J. KIDD i Cu. TRANSPORTATION &e. PACHAT FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Exclusively for Passenger. ' r 4 ,gt*i—The Boats of ibis Lute will Hays as Wow. It 9 &clock at night Ottia—Caps A Craig Wednesday, Aog In liennieliy—Capt 11 hub', Thearday, lnoroioo —1 P Thompson, Friday, 3 Bursey, Saturday. 4. Otito—A Cneig. Sunday, 0. Kentaekr—H Triaby, Monday, G. LUOlsza.—.l P Thompson. Tuesday, 7 Indiana-1' Barbey, Wetlabsday. 0. Ohio—Capt A Craig, Thursday. 9. genteelly—ll Teeny, Friday, ie. Louisiana-1 P Thompson., Saturday, 11. Inthatia—P Harkey. ilanday, li 146,0—A Craig, Monday, 13. I(eninek7—Cart H Teeny, Tuesday, 14. P Thompson, Wednesday, Id For pawge app:y to W SITTCH, Monongahela How, augl or D LEECH A. Co. Canal Basin 1849 . EatiMl 8 eeeee toad W.rie liCapreaa Packet Line. IL G. PARRS, Beaver, Propnetae., THE: new end .legato Pt...tenger Paetett, NIAGARA, Cain II 0 Jetrriev; PENNSYLVANIA, - J II Hoffman; LAKE ERIE QUEEN CITY, Truhyt tt J Parma.; a Jetty Lsno Itetweet, Bearer and Erie, have commenced running., end roll eocrirtue durlnte the ten anti to mate the:, reruler top., lee eta!, !Haver ghee tltn arria•l tho morn., boat (ma, Ittiolourgb. II it , eleck. r. Y t and arnvit at Kele tit ume lot pstaengers to take the morning beets to Hu train or up the Lake. Ttekets Iltromfh to Erie and HI take rtorta, can be bad by 11110/canon to JOHN A C.AUGNEY. Agt, corner or Water end Smithfield Ha ELTJE, anlJeln ender Ow Kt Charles Ronal R C k!:11 ' Zfl . .ll) U di i D a t p ie t' w 717m 1 e 3 s . io ' ry " :n 1 71c Prnithfield street,door below Stxtb street. Teens Inserted front one to an entire set on the sort Jon pnoeiplo, with a bean taut repr<*eitiation the natural gum—restoring the ortainal shape or the face. N Lt.—Teeth extracted with little or no pain. Deeered TC.II permanently saved by plugairnr, pre rnosag tbe teatlaaolia, which is mach better than ea gTrOltotteh [tattooist be done in live [nitrates, or even nstently. are.l4:lY - yrk eriiiik. , r it I.: subscriber hos rust received at the Pekin Tea Store, 7. Fourth street, a very large and well se lected stork of pare GRKEN AND BLACK TI.:A9, from New York, all of tosh,e It has beau received In this country since the first of Fettrowy last, coustrung of all the diderent grades grown to the Oelestint Empire. Our stock being among the largest 111 the Wc,t, we are prepared to wholesale, on better term. than any other boos. in the city. hE. invue reintl grocers to call and examme r stock and or, eel. They can have tt pack ed in I, i . and 110 package, Sgi tiu c +musters, or by half chests. to suit their convenience. Our retail prime vary for Oolong. Blar It T. from 50 eta. to 11,50 per 11, Nom Young Soarhong. W ms; Corm° 50, and English Break lasi 50, Young Ilyson. Uunponrder and Imperial, from 35 CO. to SIX per In. Fams are motivated to send and get samples of Moor Teas, and try them before purchasing. _myleidAe3 A. JAYNES. 70 Fount! meet Great It awns/a Elameely. FR Combs, Coldr Asthma and Comumptlmil GREAT AND O NLY REMEDY for the mere of We above dimases, I, the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, or London, England, and anrodmed into the United Slam under the immediate supenutendenco of the baventer. The mtraonlinary sneceirs of this medicine, In tig, oure of Pulmonary diseases,warrants the Among. Agent in soliciting (or treatment the wona possible en. minim cm be found In the communny—toms that seek relief in vain from any of the common remedies of the day, and have been given up by the swat disttnennhed physieum no confirmed and 1 ervble. The dimwit an Rai.m has cored, and will core the most desperate of eases. It ts no quack nostrum, but n standard nig. lish medicine, of known and established rtflemy. Every family in the United Sums should be applied with Iluettaiilr Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to countermen the consumptive tendencies of Me climate, but to be wool WI • preventive medicine In ail eases of cold., roughs, spitting of blood, pain In the side and chest, irritation and fineness of the lungs, bra of ditticalty of bre sting, hectic fever night sweats. emaci ation and general delnitryonetunt4 influenza, whooping omigh and croup. Bold In large bottles, at SI per bottle, with hill dirt.. nom for the restrratinn of health. Pamphlets, containing • rows of English end Ameri can cenifientes, and other evidence showing the no complied meri. of this great Engtisil Remedy, may he gbisitted of the Agents. gratuitously. For mile by U A PAIINY-NTOCK k Co., corner of st and Wood and Wend and OM its. . — friraTirtria AltllOit MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 Market street, LTAVING extenstse and carefully se- JUL tested stock of Spins and Summer Goods, the subscriber respectfully informs hes friends and the potato. that he is now preparing to mew, and exe cute their ordme. Jett., tch. and in the neatest, most sultmuntlal,•nd fssni,,nahlemoaner As he is determined to do busotew •n the ewili system, he flat. ton himself that hi wOl be able to do wort as cheap so it can he done at soy estahl.snment in the country. 111 s stock i• caned. commune of Cassimeres, cloths, Vestings, Se. which hts intends sre respectful ly invited to roomier for thcasselses. sayandif GEOROE ARMOR Voct• for sews Psibilic. - In Matson to Mat annvalled (aunty Safer, DALLEY'S MICICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. TESTIMONY of • T , ...peetn:de nh) —need the following, addre , sed to my Agent. Mr I' Mee. wire-other, ealr.6lllllll I=l sir. A acme of duty encopola no to gore my mt..- 1 ,0 In Matey, nostrums Pain FlU•clor 'kin, npp0...1 to 4,tuoclt ery and all kravtu; tor thoJr oineet stniuter olive.—boo Mali.= muck aou.l from do "Nang at gan ICtllera^--1 /Ma lodueeJ to render you• cat. I harm It In lay lama,. m lay praCtice. und woll . Sit tic hopp) Awl wonderful .4,, MA; couLt on...t.ty In ,uaaauled II J Hants.. II I/ 11= 'rite rollowma testimonial comes nom • source r.- er to many of Mose traveling on nor Western wa ters Mr. Gime, the well and lavorably known pro. praetor of tho earker•burg Hotel, nt hustounl to the lady whose letter 1 annex: Pass [wean, V a , A pnl 13, ISt/. • T. Henry Dailey. Cacao., do—etc Ifavtnic lnr rr.y Ireen long inflicted with violent Intlatnnwory Rheumatism winch appeared in firm 'v seated a. to defy oedinary a,phanees to allay tbe sever< pain attendine 0. I urea minaret' la try your alagteal Ibbob I.:.rueior and 0 havery effected, animal as 4( by a p, .0 immediate relict, and Moo, to appearances enure and perfect cafe. I am educed (or the bene. En 0: other. wan may be afflicted yanh pare, caused by any kind ml Wis.:nano, to vents to you. declaring mat opmion. piled un actual a. 5, your alop.eal Pan, Eatrafflur Is the moo valuable du epee, 04 the p}..ent age .0 .ilt nomefflateoo. oi n, pa 11 .1 nu .11./111•1 ..uneffletc .rid a per fret cure for Ikona and er.affl, nid all chops. dammanon. . - . many ar,u.orn.arr ma% o lometi by Olelt v.. al my holbeourt bot,l pl. , , I b.. by )our .bo , att e Icte Ime,..ay potxtbly be of be.. both to teemyour.ell (I entertain the Lope tbot str.. Miele tetli pardon the publicity I per to her letter. asveil o, ,he score ot humanely fut ol,t. Leo,tar all,. mode of taunting it to the notice oi tot friend* Ilaust Feiea Extraet of a letter, dated rtimwrcea. rt . Nov. ':9,1943 51r If. thi!ey• have trle4 10... Vat° Extractor .11 a call of felon, to me own feency, which o (obeyed •nal Conti ot • very thort tit one ' to satc, polars rc. apeetfolly, /At. M. Youan. iEr 'terse had Saes, Sore Nipples, Broken Urea.", E.:option, Sorest Cuts. Wounds, and nil no dentate., ytelcle renonly in the wonderful properties or tins utinve.fed lanult nn the some Into. ierrthot that toe wel re cerre benefit scum the genuthe. you will Ire minced It; the deleterious otrioni or the counterfeit ealeee. • • . CAL - rtuN—lte *ore cunt apply enly to the Inventor, H Datur. CS Broadway, Near l'orls, or to hit an. thorssed agetti. JOHN D MORUAN, General Depot, Flusher/kb. Henry P ?Thwarts, A Ilegbeny, Agent: J. Baker, V. . Jame• W Johnston, Marseille, Ky., F. Irrrywrather, Croe.ona3l. 0., General Depot. B —to the to • errs, Horns and lisald• tt extract, the psto o, ...v.m.notra—ti a. 'yr iul.4 E.,1 I r I. tldtl tun CAZIA.A.M..- 1) inner U. hocawoon. 41 Wood tract, has rreetred toot, begtutaully oruantented ORATE PRONIA, of a ranety of patterns and eolopig. afao, cut Ti,.,,, Paper for oroasnonuog looking flattery polo, frame. or lamp.. ben • siblvioni... suaGice.L ovra_Lcie— , ..:, No. 63, DIAMOND ALLEY • 111 ' few doers bedew Wood street, is . ' , .P., market. DEL. DELOWINg having befit . .1,,;.: ~. regulariy educated to the medics , profession, and beta for some time t" , , in general practice, now confines ..• : . "t •" v his attention to the treatment of • .. . .. •;,, ... . i ik these private and delicate coml J":, v. • . . and experience peculiarly qualify ' ‘... • . 7. 1' • ',, hart II years 1/StllillOnsly devoted to stu • p Ilt treatment of those complaintotidepng wroth tone he has had more prectice and has eared ram pay totals than can ever full to the lot of any private pre. Intoner) amply qua,ifies him to offer assurances oi speedy, permanent, and satisfactory pure to all afliteoul with delicate dtseases, utd all diseases arming there' from. • Dr. Brown would Inform those afflicted with pnvale disease. which have become chrome by time or as, grouted by Na owe of any of the common nostrems al the day, ohm their aomploots can be radically nod thee. mighty coed; he !moonrise , ' his careful gnomon to the treatment of each eases, nod mocueded in hundreds of tostances in corm' persons of Ina onsuation of the neck of the bladder, .4 kindred Moues which often result from those eases where others have conaigned them to hopeless despair. Ile conciliarly invites anok as base been long and unatteceolally treated by others to consult hnt, when every sum/action will he goatee them, sod their ones treaded in a careful,thorougli and Intelligent sooner, pointed out by N. long expeneoce study, and niveeneation, which it nimpossible for shoe comiLl . l o n t t i o . ne.rat precool of medicine to give an Ertiomut or NlartUre. — Dr. Brown al. MOM. per, sou andlund with Ilene , to call, as he has paid panto Oar attention to this disease. CANCERst slot cured. Charg Skin diseases; also IN . a, Palsy, etc., apeedlly cured u low N. -Potent.D.t. of oat see Itving a, a distance, by ..Uzir awl(' does. 111 wrmog, giving all the multi mom can obtain medicating wah directions for use r by addressing T. BROWN, M. D., post paid. tmd endow in. • fee Office No. 65, Diamond alley, opposite the snetiy Rouse. . . RILIMUTISIL —Dr. Brown's nearly discover./ remes •It for Ithouteausso rv. op...rdy and cortam remedy tot never too , . Other aux! Prcrele Consultine Rooms, No. VS Di.• mond slley, Vs- 'nee Lluetrii tr always el ItT No sore 110 pat lIBBM=9 et. 7 x Woad 4 Plrtabar b. triniAle o rr ui rld i taler• all to •e in rietter ore now pr n and epared Co sell as low and on me reatainable terns sr can be purchased elsewhere. We 11011C11 our (roods, and the public generally, to eon end examine out Mock, which coronets in part of KNI V sort FORKS, rocKirr and PFLiti RNIVEZ, SCIASORS, SIIRARS, RAZORS, House Trlntatings, sveb as Locke, Latches., Flinger and Screw*, Weather wlth sorry article vintelly kept in Hardware Shires. We none the attention of Carpenters and Meehan'. generally to our usortment of Tools, which lore been sobered with rear case, and which we are determin ed Co sell so as to ore sateibtenno. . ITE andarsigned have erected works in Me mo of M New York, for the purpose of Gsivaniwrig all arte Elea of troll, 'MOM It is dndrableto YROTECY FROM RUST, sock m Telegraph Wigs, Dolts ftikee, Wire for Teams, mg uny other ankle *bleb may be required. For Hoop. for Casksas a substitute for bale Rape; for Clothes Lines, Lightning Bads, and ghost of other appllcmions, ft wOl be found cbeap and durablee. They would hank -along call amendoo to ibn eril Wire for (comic It requires on palm . , and will .0t rum. Alm to Spikes and Bolts, tlie Preservittiottod wbieh Is of so mach importance, Mat it will command itself to the nonce of all those inlarcataL Oh 08. NORWOOD a CO., Pump:ego' mowdawtyT 14 and 14 Oriantelli g Ni Wit; ROUSER LOTS, VMS; roeus es, jtkdk VERY desirable residence m Me he ugh of Manchester, Manning John Dos.- nirlgaz ,d Tttl d Lot is • mom one, 081 Re *, •4:14., tLY Met deep—same a l stem Mick Home, neemy-ave ices flop; enlk two D .I eem, dming mom, .. kitchen on Bra A esoisg• !pram. Wade altd grapery, and the lot fall of climes foils , tees, all in good order. Ewers ot the mimed beeLumber Merchant, Eleghtny tit! jal9nlisotT AFOR SALE.-h Er'T - te Moose. (hII tm , 14) and Lot. on R obinson ' street, illq ' bmsy, near old Bridge. Price low and terms easy,- Inquire of i r n EICHOYER, 110 bowed st &FOUR new worn:my Brlel Dandringl3ol3Mei rail finished ioid in complete order, on Centre ammo or M. elsrille road, Rh Ward. Pint• amino given immedlatc.y. Rent lime. •Emptim of Attila WATT 019 earner (Allen! and liana sts Valuable Basal Estate for Babb THE mlueriber offers for sale her Home and Lot in Allegheny City, piresalff i kalnsted Bank Lena end fronting the 5 nee_ fleetly opposite the pots : c: Pienhargt. Lot Is ID feet wide, and emends ,role tang Lane on the Saadi to Rebecca street on the North, bounded Wee by Ns+ autt ...met on the West. It is one °Late handsomest and most deeirsble lots now offered Neale y when in the neighborhood of Allegheny Qty. It Islatin commit ba subdivided lrwetoe We tog lose of the usual ails, Ito very salable COT arm. ilrrcsidenee—ts stocked with a variety of cbcdois Frog Tree.n Poll bearing The dwelling is convenient and comfortable, and all to good :emir. w- • tanglav i deed will he a iven, and possintston at any Mee to salt the oorcanser. For Iran.. apply On the ,11,21111.6 ta pyrallitn • rl4llßht SAVORY. von RENT 4*A large mare an :Vadat st,betureon Wend llth _Ea., won liniehed and hand.mnaly titleid up tor ,l/y good., hewn a g.od stand fur that busineet. E (IAZZAN, I tam, On! .1. over Philo 11111--033ae hours frau 9 to 12 sw, tYtg Proporty 1.. Alloetans Clay Mr 114111.1:-, oublenba.r. otter tor .ele ILA:lumber elate.** U. Loa, tn.!. to tturnecend W.e.rd,ttottLing on the Catamon ground, on crity - tt:reta "Iddlettilot W. tt'll ROW N.'441:4.. Any at Loaf, St Clair at or at J AN KiIIiINSON. ea atrugtratedue 0t911a122•41T von. eLL, ja s E. A TIIRVE stoned Bosnia; Rouse, DJ ocesol Usu.< tom rows street, us Snyder% Roo. on Uss Dees, Immediate possession 'sill be gesso Rook. of DAVID RITCHIE, ADorosy Less—ofte oo Fount street. bemoan Cherry alley FOR R CDT, FOUR new two Mory Llnek ita Dweltingylou tor, wc:l finished unittn complete oNer, on Coutes A ven us, 71.11 Wafd. Pommes. given July let Kent mw. Enquire Of 3014 N WA IT & CO, learunner of Liberty and Band ow . _ . . _ TO PA.LLIMeItiI9 ARO LORIBIEMBIMO. ry illE cmderstgaed offers for sale In Win. county, 1. Pa ,InCO acres of well timbered LAND, -rah an excellent Saw Mill nearlynew; and two new Ynusie Ilona., one 41 feet front by 17 back; the other 33 feet neat by II back. Also, goad new flame Ram. thirty by forty feet. The mik and land are Mutated font outer from the Allegheny river. A peat deal of PINE TIMBER of the beat quality, and also • east qaantity °l'de very best hemlOck. Also, one merino the beak of be Allegheny, near a cove, most admirably adapt ed far falling, where !Umber can be !Elea on the leo winter. and be pernmlly dale from all fresheta— Price 69,Urti, or S S an aim. 'farms easy. Will take • well cleared small farm, with good boa. and or chard upon it, a. part payment. tf location leachable, god the /minor, in Inniber, or as may be agreed rm. Tins idan excellent opportuntty far lambent,* sad Ma probability Is great that an two or three yenta Slug property will double it ankle, inconemprenee of lin Md Erin Railroad. Tim ber tutEcierd to wear out tiered saw mills—and sev eral mill sues on the stream which runs nearly through the celiac of the land About Eileen acres in gran. No hill to rue to hauling , lumber from mill to neer. Trout and game in abinulainhs. Par farther pardon tars, address, oust-paido P It TEM vi.s7ros, iardnilawtfd Garen.. Mae, Pingtorreh. EM:Et 3=ME4 T - sahveuers private sell at pvate sate, mote two j rt rateable Lou of tiroultd, situated on TORIRIP . iig the Third Vora of Allegheny City, each hawing • (rout of feet, running back WO feet la Aepth to •tu feet aitey, •Poo whicie in both a stone wW t 25 by 100 feot, which contains stmie enough to build tollartfore two comikrtable dwelling hou.oa, and is front there are three shods tree/1, at id years growth. and the aid< wait is paved with brick, all al winch will be 4.M.1 at POO. Pituborgh cod Allegheny, or Couoty Seem, cool be liken in payment. J k II POILLI PS, Nob Wood or to W5l. BENSON, trometitusly opporno said lot.. EilEgMl Trig. Dwelling Don. on Third stterl , nbave tAmilbaAtA...rupied by the family of Urn late !Jr. A. N. ArDowell. PoovesAlon giVon on the Ist or July nett. A.., wmc lArTe of groin,,l in the Ninth AVAril, betwei.o the Filth %Vast! and Crogbansville, ble for liritihr yerd4. WA!. SI DARLA:NA:TON. mr.24:1:11( Al 11. I/Arlington's, Fourth .5 1p IR SA 111 the pour. r ishing brwn of rnito,batas ko are Denson/1 etre., nu ...N..1 so F Man.:pan , plan 7.1. 75, MO, end Nu 7.i ironling YU feat ochln. ry A •si street tie (cot derp; the other tour •in feet iron ..urb, leet . T. for pan or onnAnae money may re! main bar oil yens, secured by umrtgaTe. Poe rube) slam toqince 8 811111t)1 F.R. sovowl Valuable Calais ueasu aseave DOU r :war rules alouvo lack hie.; at the Mouth (] ifs 'hes duo, hlassottgaltela Rtver. 'Ms Coal Is oi ibe vary lau anal easy of stecau. SOW itutnoes Of 'scree, Irontreaty-Lae la a histulrul, mein 00 001.50.-1 l'hueso‘ .1-varesse 01 purellasseg. can rail on N EIS RO:KU, nu It.. preusweo et Was: appao if the Prut tuber. Who V.ll give any t 0 tonal:soft risiteetsherit - the prase") The 1010Ve afl.l at a dram. I. out' it mvikiliSfu -01 - rill. LET—A g0..1 ' , Joeto luayttottae,' airacter_aa ItultlN•on ruvc L 41.111,4 *Noir,. or - 16 Salm tit rr , i .0110 VI - It l~olt S LK c tie. l Irflrt sitrICIP—A lTet rSnnni nit Wenner street Yf iert teem 111 street; en fee: Croat t Web 46f, by tal feet to a ase het alley -lane elem. m neer entrrt house. Price ilklat. Terms ILIA cool; in hand; balance in oneatam, three and loaf ., yea. from the first of Aped last. Calmar. and City Scrip ratan for cash payment. In quire of myln rtelaltiVP:rt tt•eeen•nl e. 155 Acres tie. aaalaal Is laaao, 0 !TVA Taion Thu hionoupthela river, about IS mike CI hem Itr•Ohub and 3 miles above (hod Lnet, to Jin immediate achgbborhood of Messra-Lyon i Sawn, sof filt. John Iferron's purchase. This fine body of Coal will be sold al the lota price of 833 per acre--ona :hod to hand, balance to five equal &nasal paymenhi, witbnvr ,merest Title Indisputable. Location seep eood--vannot be eavpossed. Po r further particalars mit. re or a UALSLEY, who has a draft of said pro- Reny /I,ndenetstl at, below PcrrY, Adhhts' N. IL There is another swam of coil On tang traC about 60 feet above the lower, of eseellent 8. n. _ v.t....14•13411.11.4 Lou Toi tali. 'l , ll aubaerthers nth authorized to erer at private jrate, nod upon highly feenrdhle Lena, a nainher ot very TOW.. tieildtae .aaPnaafee, langtr portion of the Lose numbered dl Si, •7+1,- woo.ll , ,:e.cral Plan oi the City of Pittsburgh, altos thd at thd .00th emstoranlly corner of Penn and Wayne ••reei., fronting aIV leaven die former, and evonding alo, th the Inner lomat 600 teat to the Allegheny river and het..., a pert of the Rent t:state of the tale limrei Ste+easan, F:tq...leena•ed. A plan or sotaltrinion the nbove Lou; tee eonhir• may %rah which it ts proponed to sell, May he .tau at the office of the uncle r.tgoed, nu Fiserth,fielareen Mar ket and Ferry eta WILIAAMS Jumble 161.11 Elstace to i Sat.. TIM following property in the city of liusbaret, end meat the butostgh of Mortalicsicr, on the Ohio neer, is uteroJ tor =lc on accomotodatioty tarots: 2 Lots ,be,t‘p, sol”llivision of Lot N 0.40 (4 Mc pion of Ole coy of Pittsburgh,/ Laving 12 lent frOut on So wt, Ly aIO tort to Stramtbetty . alloy coal Lima wort. 10 wit Icyt. tronJoy on an Avenue, CA feel will, running from Braver road to Ulte Ohio t e r. a 4 ioinirir Vhillypes oi, Cloth Factory , For terms, enquire of - bIIARLES B. FACI4I.Y. or JA.MII3 Make% 11411 dins. ( It. V ttobto Prorerty Yew Itoto, 'T . • N THE NINTH W. OF rIFFSUUNatt crO Lotr on Caldron nod Liberty 'savetc` id Ili. nib Mod, 44 fort by 100, and rAirsent the depot ante Cent, ltosirond. Fat terms Immo. of A ItLat 11 SCULLY, or - J ASIO3 O'HARA, Motet. Entildlor. 4th .t trA oat LOTS Vint SALL 0T LUN llearer tree, la the 'eh/ 4 1 . Aite,berny, abo•o the up w per Cotelfeenkoll •hieit t• ereetcd a 11,10 e butithug, to *twins high, suitgloto for two email teem... The lota are each twenty feet t ... one hundred feet deep, sail roe heel to a *gee, forty feet wide. Toe beadiest on the pre, attar, wul pay a very huudaoute Interval ou the Waco!. terin, end the property MI!: ookt cheap orf each. Apply to 11. Sproel, Cloth's Loring; U. S. orb noca KAY & Co ocean.. Hi..Dm Land for Cria 'ItEN ACRES OP L.A.Sl3,..tuated in Peebles towe -1 atop, on the Sloatio; thole, three mile. from Pitts lorvt—ot mum sail purelta•erd Por amber panic- Oars apply to lieetry lVootl,3d et or to A WASIIINGTON, 4th, nbove Smithfield tt tiW AR El !OUSE Polollll.l3..—Tbdkultdeztn. nder. int 41.1.5 We throe Ca, brick Wardbooaa ou Wood • ucct, °v.:aped by R. Tamer it Co. .pit WIII. WILSON, Jr. RItAL PENI4WriiKET V FOIL ' , ALF. —.l hot or tiroadd on Pe. Meet, between tlay)4l.l Itlarborystreets, adietaing the host, and lot Ilotv decupl,l by Richard VA•rardn, mated, a trout of JJ fret, id depth ISO feet, ',II Ca add tdi istvoraltle terra.. Title unelreptionaltla. Fu lwrc of C. U. LA/QUl:4,4th at, neu WOOL neitl-dtf Far MU.. A DESIRABLE. MoltOng Lot to AlleKbany guy, fa. vorstoir. -rated, *tut atm.. half us sore, and i , ..tehlot...troointtultutty Inquire 0( ilrtq WILLIAMS, llt wood si bk, rot: ti .Nr tt Eotr —A moot in the second .toat Ito tVonti - _ DRESS BONE. J. G. dr. G. W. CARR, %V II A1.F.1,DN.: ulirrtiaa. AND mANDFADIT. RNA,: OF UNDRE..I.4. PADAAUL, t:ANN. BONNEC AND WINAS BONK V. U 7 re ' rl i t ', 6:ll l. 4:l7lrt4 -M vo " rie h ir..., " [Ze d .ve lot thin city, nt the tow. pneec No N. abort MLA, xtreet, soNoAutig KAAIe GEO. W. SUITE i CO., INFORM their friends sad Itieplbliti thstlltabltert no flown any coano - rnoti ono noon n ., tiv....dodit ate. to sitar, tnnern nv the Yntsberstallreors•- nnants rved their emir. Nosiness to the talaSer III( F. emo Y.. on-. eA S IiC)Fti:ASN . WORM KILLER. int I' -1..11, June 11, 1949, AIL John 0 Morava —Dam Sta. I gate anelatip36ll fall 0( your Norm wiucr to dna of my ettsldroi, an,1:01 the that I ma oaa art( 14.a0r it pagaed taa.nir lalja nors. 4,1 raga I., pow Vat:4ll'l4a th Lest taad.cua• isat cab 1••• usca tor ertirellard. Marini Jam. Maaa•a. arm' Natleatbara. • l•rarared and said hr a. ,, ,snrier,lotri Akin (lAN, Droggi., eddy door t.dir.or arunand 01107ri•Vilehl -', • jean% Ciymeggll .7,„t,uf CflL4_l46t" ItathAlg g SIM:KLETT DRY GOODS JOBBERS,. vo.woorobsTinurr, • ,k claw receiving Pff fr Lamy nces .of.ritst A ti.x.d. °fractal parelmt: aaJ ua yurrandiVidi g.s trade at such prlem Y eauziftt,s)Lif t• Rive mrira vatiafletion. •-• • . Gay and ema.btry Slnrrkont. ova i4/161.4 Jo CO tiod ostommitot 00f btoCk bol'oro pass blotto/ takl. • - laTll3 POR ONE MILLAR, eta 232t1a EH9th 432 fifteen oral.. Ladle. Deportment open fro. 9 toll 02j92169.1r; Rod 2to 3o'clodk. P 9L dmo. via Hathiug ,n 9 f. irEALlWEratit4r 44 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers