'IITTSBETRIM GAZETTE. =S=Z;VZ= _ PITTli131011:0111 PAIDAY MORNING, AtOUST 10, le s Verisscaats DAM' tittz, errs I. pitibliabai 7, Tn-Weekty, and Weekly,t—The Nay I. Seem • liars pet 111114111111; thaTel-Weelay is Five Dollars per =net the Weekly Is Tyro' Del* te per ark 4 l adeasts. earrearargas era eartteallired In nested la hand Iffavors before 6 a anti Os caely in the day praeticable.vertisements adtioserted for • 'pe e l. led time will Ad &variably be ettiPle ,- . 011 00060 " 0 . ANTINABOISIO /LAD Wlllo TIOKgT. 1111:1ATZ;.; WILLIAM HASLETT,Nf Butler County .. . ROBT. C. WALTZER, or Itlitaboth BortagL JOELN MILI f ER, to Sberpittarge. CALEB LETs, of Ihroles,l7o4 WIL ESPY, of LAMM' St:llesr . liTEll Pstl eve s i CA CURTIS, of ,tires. reoottersiOO, ORO. S. LOTS, of Upperßc. Cletr EX.* JOHN MORRISON, of fOslifteeor• esslocosuol* JAR. etimmu.., or I'm6li. • ctri.4..i, • WM. MI ASITIII3I9, of 14:4btargh. '•rorroit:„[ JOHN EWERS of yieldlqi Voir Leent illattoro aike nest page. Se• nest page fosYroi4ll7.phlo Ccrovrr ftlerrter..-0a m§eting of the people of the cities of'Plusborgh en v,llegheay, and the county of Alleeheoloo inalktiasrantiewenet to re ceive theyresidenter the Itialted States, and GOT error of the' Commcsiecatli, 'who are to arrive here on the lith wglise held at the New Cowl House. In the cqof ttiishurgb, on-Tuesday , lath lust, at 1 o'clock P. The editor of the Por;l'dd'eli not reply to oar ex posure of the decepticin hi!auempted upon his 11.2greaders, by giv tag a letter4orporting to be sent by a distinguished WhOf Wastilnzum. The object intended has hem*complished; the vile effusion of vulgarity uud*alice, tad' be copied into the Locates° presses okthe country,. the ver itable production nt a WhiOnd many who never see but one side of a snbletii will believe its slen derness statements, sm. it Il be quoted as Whig authority. Is . this a ismeghr Whims to sleep on their posts. when sneli eni,tempube meanness is resorted t° — whon de,onnl4o end fraud are the weapons dollen.' la this ease, howeiier, OM enemy have rather over-shot the mark. TheiOunik of deception was too thin to hide the nanierOde trick, and its authors will meet with the Ileteigtion of righ,thlaking men of all parties. The Pereith New. The tetzillgenee brought by the America does not materially ehangeillieo pect of slim., since previous arrival. The Hungarian war is ?farms:sing on:a gotantie scale, and the brava Magyars are putting forth herculean eflorts to presi;t)re their liberties. So far the Aultria.Rutom =0 has met with no very important successes, whN the Hungarians have been victorious in some N ees battle. Still we fear the worst. We feaoany most anon yield to superior numbers, unlesso . sething may grow out of the Sardinian titifieUttleti/n their favor. li the Sarthaus would embrace itfis opportunity to strike another blow tor liberty, shd the Verottans hold oat a while longer, there*auld be more hope tor the Hungarians. Rome is under the trail_ despotism of military sway, which is preparing* way tor the return of the Pope. Gambol& cult tiolds out, and if he can succeed in promoting arijkier ;evolution, the ab. solcuists may dud uoublet*.t to how the necks of the Italians to their iron yelte. The admintsu abort paifki in France is tumbling o pieces- The Legitint, having succeeded is teaming the President .01 his friends to tate the flake step of crushing Iterintilienn Rome, cue about to withdraw their truppor(from the Government, and to join the opposition! ' -et I.st, d they do not ant directly, they will tatikeetly unite in opposing end entbarrassingthe adorlinstratioa. The Govrn meat has furnished the argument, that if hereditary right is properlin Rome, it is also prop. r la France that if the Popgihas o right to reign as as temporal Sovereign red . Rome, the Due de Bordeaux has an equal *I to the Sovereignty of France. Fear will mourn to seethe present Government of Preece ervertonEel, ordi see dust natim. partake of the cop they have pLaitid to the lips of Rome. It could be but tor a linl4lkason, .d she might come out of tae fire purl d, .d capable of spore crating the blessings of I , %tiblican liberty. Cholers . F . The &Seine is reeedlelecreesing at BON/00, 24 deaths having ocebered:Fil the 4th Inst. The New York board,* health report 84 new easel and 32 deaths of it!tolera for the 24 holm ending at noon al the *i.h. The whole number orilnathe in the city of New York, dining the week e"-Piing dth ina., was 1273, of which 678 were by ciellera, and 125 by cholera Rant= and cholera 14fbill. At Badelo, foL the 18;:lintrrs endear at noon on the dth, then were 110@ttes and 33 deaths. At Albany, • from Thtcfrisday to Saturday not, there were 31 um/ and ; . 0 deaths. For the 21 hour. ertaiiig at noon on the 4th, , Galion, Canonsburg. Pa; Jae L Gagman Shipp.. ...„ there wane 10 deaths bf.:!..kholers at Montreal, nod burr; Po; 9 B Dicke, Westmoreland co, P. Jar . N J; John E.ncrt et Quebec on the Ist, 4,10 death.were 30—cases M .k..r . imonds, Ca. May co We isville, G; N Fleteher , Siince. Geo Fraser. not suited. n ' W aville. 0; John Matron Goer: PhAndelphia, Pa, ... Al Newark, N. Y., millie 4 th in/lithe. were , Joh , P Gilchrist, Butler, Pa.; Wm It II anal.. Cal gig coed and three, dekie. : cuud, 0; J A I tonna, Stark eo. 0 Adam Hems. At Camden, N. J., thiiie were lo to and 3 r,f,7 l l",! 4 7'. 3 r . ,:. C) ,',`ltt " , n l :! i i:i d. W i ' h :c n ,t a r ° deaths daring the weeOndiog on the 2d inst. I Wheeling, to, WIT Leper, llookateuru. Pa, 3 A AgJersey city, on thod, there were three cases I Leitter, do; Along, Linn. Monongahela City, P.l tad bir6 deaths. • iZt-i* W I..agirti Cecil, Ps: John 11 Mather. Mittlintown. a DOW Mlitaney, Cumberland co: Wm McCul till.ool-le. hole Rettftl.P.P 9ll " lo hove ocean ough, M e rcer co,' J 13 MeNsy, Grene cm; C A red at,tbe Calasatjult Oen Workr, Lehigh coin- Mepo, Way.. co. U; Joseph M dray. Librory.Pa. ty, Pb. . 4 ; ...2s, I; el Perkin., Wert Csnaan, 0; H C Pratt Lyootn Tbellbilunond Timegif yesterday says— ingeo; Pa; 11F Ray, Carmichet. Pa; A M Reid, tteggcr go. P 4, S C Reid. Seventy S., Ps, J W The cholera toMiticoioi to emu, .co Mtolooi - Robinson. Attn.. no, Pr: It. F Sample, Money, Pa. le, to all city, and wiffk o rolloorr rodeo. , we GSi 5 sane. Hanover.. 0; Hiram N Smith. Ed may reasonably h tube rid of Its prmence al. ~,une y ii.Li F Smith, Ed4woeih. U; J M Sao& together be a few y 5... ., gral, Nino,' Centre. 0: Hugh Stem, Balumore Wit W R. Vmeent, Florence, PA; W G Walker, The A. lola. Yrtilingio -- ra id; Horne ' Cafformhorg, Pa; T 13 Wilson, Washington ~ Pa, ' The lateral kireike rilwepapers mention, . on 'i *con Witherom, Emmettaborg. add; John A I Incident connected; wi*the prevailing disorders at Won', Shintmotibure Pa; Jame. F Woodrow, Chit. ! Rome, that the dunerittaa Charge d'Affsdr. has 9.! the, 0; Wm II Woods, ...amine co, Ky; John ! b... compelled ~..6 th Thi. d 0...., hi . a . m . , " , _ T Gibson, Chicago, Ill; John B Laird, Centre co. •equence of his house ithving been forcibly enter- , After monferritg the degree', the President of the ed by the French ruck! Jn pursuit of deserteni.— ! College, delivered a bnef and affectionate address In the Bow. Daily Airertirer me have • history Co the gr.a..i.t eta...l of Ada affair by an efrAencan, who writes from ! A. large and intelligent attdrence honored the oc- Rome under date of Hir t nth end 9th July, no tot. easion with there presence and maniEsued their in t.:nom "J!! 1 wrist by the most remedial /situation, and the , "An ifjair took placeifffn the oth which may per. , a.. . . - a excieflent order. bap, canoe some ' , daft - do/by between the French i I"' - "' sh,„. Wid ontinwin Gavottes:O. You must know that i The degree of A. M. was coothrrea in gongs' Oar Cbdital., in weJL ItA, _ttiie English Comm!, has on ibe following Altlmni of the College Saust.24 bßtiolrlq7olittfivgiged In giving P'" 4 "' 1 !" t° Homey, St Chneaville, O,IT Armstrong , Ark, lien tie pet3rdemle wO !ale beep compromised by ~%„, tbe enures &coed. 'nere wag • crowd of these • A 1...h.° , ” Y; Rev U W (- ht.... , N. Jacob peisphileyare ekotiouseMTour Coortd (Mr. Brown) ! 9 !/aldermen, Harrisburg, Pa; Rev J P Moore, Pa, when ipiogeet of Fnffne.h aoldiery passed. For Re,* W C Sheets, Vo; Francis A Stewart, Md, J *Rxt. _.__ 4 _ l "'" * ..._ cuirv6V , v, "°.,,., ht Y ( ''' Comei°l° "'" WPameron:M 11, V. Richard Coulter, P. Win woo. fro m Howe In we crowd, the soldrers im- medisudy turned, eturtiatcred the house of the 1 -bl_loi • 0 ; - I . l to W Lione.° , P' 114 ".00 191 to II Conant, aurimink taroiosn prisoner. Mr. Free- Jacgron, MD, En; Rev D S McHenry. Pa; Re, macaw Carmel tor Aii.ine, happened to be in J' McNey,'Pe, Joshua T Owen, Phil. S C Stew "_, boon 7 ,._,'" b6 o m .,.__ 3 * d t 'g t " n " the vl"l'"is° art Ps; Rev John R Sturgeon, Pa, Rev .I..Thomp ad Otte ting9,- fee ?le nuencan img we* dosong , bei „„,„,„,„,.. iN07i „„,,,, ,„„, ~,,„ or d i. soff, Pa; t ied W Elder, Pa, Taylor L Crnibaln, At by the subolterairornroondolg the pang et. D. iht; John M. Kirkpatrick, Putrburgh; Rev AI protest a Frermao indriedietely proceeded to General PA4cittimit, Pa, Henry B Pettehone, Mus; Rev I 1 °nand, who expresseithimmll very couch annoy- ! Pogeroy, Pa; Rev! R }C.IMPCy , P 4,1 13 P Robin ed et thee , oof hi/ red:ffiutr. In the cursing Mr. ~ : G un gene en d e , ecn vg ne e of m e . r,,, r ,„„. to , amt.: Pittsburgh; Rev A Scott ft, Alet ander Sharp, General Ondhrot, dentruiding an apology for the M 1,, Pa ; A Brody Sharp. Pa, Prof W II West, hank. The !weer hi nix yet arrived In the I H ; .. 1,,,,„,, , 8,,,y Cortege . ~„. R, F N wh,,sy mesa time oar Rags bilk been taken In from the „ Domes of the Getup add Charge, and if an .mph) l °°!.‘ ein n eg in,,,a c .d., Me, C oe s will leave 'named,- I 'the honorary degree of A. M. wait conferred on soely. BC. and Affair/I:id pretent" I theta", W D Howard, of PiArburgh. Pa, Rev N It *g , em that he Atblerican Consul, with his way left Rome the trat:tio night. This step, how ever, Fu takes I tf,pwAartee of previous arrange ments, and except barn* hennaed, had nothing to ao - with the above ronOioned affair. , zs the Edda" gro. 1N(.6.+0, Goo So. Morb bag been tai43tnd I presume a good deal done~ist Memel to f r i . rs'uisancea, nod the abate meat it them. nth itoilie part of the city I re side, keen say ibilb *tit flint the greatest eel brat to last--and it bwlllipeg In all i t " Ornia - eiveness—is the droves of opwhlch Wait cattjtreets end alleys. You r ' o.o "P e i "N*.qtti and mash, defy and c& tenet., ain vats =the blitz; cause keep. up the ilitharyorelloe, and nitarktter you be in or MO of your km;. /E O. 6 " art continually at avid, !with the Nestor. Ermernrn Anginst 9th. Titit ChM= +Pikltad the pleasure of a con 7erntinn, yeVarday, •aiip Mr. F. d Cotten at the Oretoeo Stettei 41o*on Co, of tni, city, htt Baal* has satinet:4ra short tune loom South ameties, whe4l ha 0114, fortunate la obtaining from the last Cthigreol Vonancla, at Cilmszas * gie.4t ke the e 46 1 . 1334 navigation by steam, fn elitithen rata, the r Aven °mow, Apure, and ibehlg their trAMlatiii as wiser that garden of thank Asaariza74!,lY. Flea t Pittsburgh Oman Wills gull • • ginutts. The fathering letterfono Mr. J.R. WilMot, cce Of the Pi4orgh Company of Calitomis ernisrestr, to ha brother is this city. has been kindly placed at our truOssaL It came in an envlope: from a. Lotais,on*ltich.was printed the fellowets; Dote: , "Recoted from wreck col - steamer Algvnus inszned ef,,the wharf at St. Lows, on the 410,111[18 of the Ntn July, 1.519. Said boat had a large Cal. Iforoia large proportion of whin] was en tirely deartoyed. Jno. M. Weser, P. M' The le4er is badly scorched, and in some places entirely Ostroyed, but we have decyphered all of any ioter4at. It gives an account of how they are getttn along, and must Se interesting to those who bate friends and acquaintances vn the plains k does not speak of any deaths, and we may thelfore infer that none of the PA:stiorghers have die FOlrr LASIAMIC. May 130, I Sl9 pose ‘ 111.011,1i. -- 1 am happy to inform you. that I armed here on the [the date is blunt out] °Cline month, in good health and •p:rits. We are ericampeia 25 intica west ail:in Fort, and ore pre paring to on with pock mules from this place . . lVe exp<ict to be ready to start on our jaurney. on Friday, 14 15th. We hire had quite a difficult time of it since we left St. Jirsephr. We shall have to leave our wa gon, as it is altogether too heavy. lam in hopes that we shall get along much better when we get started 'kith our pack mule•. We expect to get through S in fifty dam from this point. There; are some twelve wagons of our company ahead of'Clns. Only two messes of as are packing at preset. The other twelve expect to pack from Fort Hall The valance of our company ale Feb:ado& We team thift some of them are preparing to pack 660 We am going to continue to company matt VII of the wa(pna to Fort Hall, and then, n they do not pack, to •hall leave them, and go through by our imlvons.Z. It iallorgen's mess, and our own. that are packing from ' ' . bere, and•Wakely'd me.s i. still in company with as. 'Blakely t. hard at work, mak mg pads for u. to put I a our pool: saddles. Ile has orciiiked to be a good mend of mine. I exibet to have hard times of it for the next fifty dais, but it is better to make it short and have it overt for I wish to see the Elephant or soon as have had some pleasant, as well as hard trines... I have mtnalderable pleasure io sport. ing. OrtMe is tolerable plenty, and I have one ot the bed( horses there is on the road. Spurting ap pears m agree with see: I have not known what it La to . !kie nick since I left hone. We hove row dreaddil storms on the plams—the rain conies dove io atr4i . Walleye noticed gold in the streams, already bat it lh warm. We met some Mormons. the othe day, 06 the-road to the States, nod I teat you . note 11:9'them. Theiooad is heed with emigre., cud clothing proviraans, tools, ddc , are thrown out of the wagon. and afrewed all along the way. We have Jun taken enough to do us to California. I catanot mote more at preioant, as time is tire cious4Ml Me. Spence is ready to go to the For . I shalt' write from For Hail. Yours, truly, J. S. WILCOCK. Jefferson College Thg; annual commencement in :his Institution took Place on Wednesdny, the Ist Inst. On the preceßlng doblinth evening the annual address to the Ectininard Evitegelicial Society to the Society logsi y, seas delivereJ by the Rev. %limo T lismAton, D. D., of Mobile. Oan'umsday rillernoom the same gentleman ad dresses: I the Philo Literary Society, and the Rev D. IV, Riddle, D. U., of Possliorgh, delivered at address before the Pren Vin Literary Society. a. the eventog of the Caine day. The comment:town: exercises were opened With Prayer, by the Rev. Or. Pressley. of A Melts; ay die. The Eaghsti Salutatory we. spoken by Mr (.1 It Arnoid, Frankfort, Pn —the me in the Latin Inc. go4 was delivered by Mr. J. H. Calvin, :cm. Ortek l as, and the Greek by Mr. T. 11 Wilmr• Wrotiungton Co., Pa. The f 01104,11, genilern.r who)/m,l hero app.:mord by t h-• Faculty t., deltver oratilAnr„ performed the perm dammed to then, excett those marked excused . Wm. R. A ad,- atantjusearora Valley, Pa., 'excused); John M Btru, Westmoreland cm., Pa; Augustus Burt Cambridge, LI, (teemed). James E. Carson, rate Illaa4l.Yrkg; S. H. DLetite, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Yams M. Edmonds, Cape May, N. J.; N. Fle let cr. sid , iy, 0.: G. 40 Pearce, Welsville, 0..; John P. Giletrist, ettglor, Pa., (moused) Chruttopher WwFringtort City - , John H. Msthers. Mollintrwo. Pa.;tOavid McKinney, Cumberland no., Pa.. Wm. Meullongh, Mercer, PA; Joseph Murrny,.Librwy, Pa H. Perkins, West Canaan. 0; H. C. Pmt Lyocraing cc, PIA; B. F. Ray, Green et, P... tea . curled); Robert F. Sample, Mercer, Pa.; L F. smrlh,Ellswerth, 0; John A Wolf, Shippemburg Pa ,;(exeused.l The valedictory eves delimmed by J area Wood emi Chilmothe. Ohm. I The first degree in the arta was then conferred on the fallowing gentlemen • Butler P Anderson. Hernando, M iss; Wni,R An. derson, Tu•enruna Valley, Ps; George C Arnold, ' Fraskfert, Pm John M Barnett, Wersmoreland co ! PA.:Samuel 13 Berton. Junta./ Le. Pn ; Augusta. Bach, Cambridge 0; Joseph H C 41.111, New Or teats, La ; Win Porter Carson. Ashland, 0; Jas 0 North, Mianivipp; lies W S Emory, West littFFtsa, Pa, Rev J laehren, Camiehel, Ps, Jobe Em, Cumberland, Md; Wm Met:stile, Esq, NE77/ Castle, pa; Dr Mt:Gegen, Mt Carron Dr J Il M teebles, New Castle, Pa. The honorary degree of A. If. was conferred on t.h..Re• Huey Newel, of Clam°, Pa. ; the degree of LL D. was conferred on the Ere T Cooper, Plch Rev Geo A Lyon, Erie, Pa. Rev .1 Pressley, Erskine College, SC. the degree of L L. D. was conftrred on Hon TAimas lindford, Pall, and the Hon Thaddeus Bavens, Lancaster, Pa. tbs Board of Trustees, at their late meeting, op patted the Rev Joseph It Watson, Professei tr4dinary of Rhetoric:in this College. The see s*. of Mr. S. B. Barton, A. 8., an e xp e ri e n ce d mg a highly accomplished teacher, have been se4dred for dui:Preparatory Department of the Cdhela. the neat collegiate year will Ines on the 12th caeptattiter, ensuing. The price of tuition, in the proper, is slop . ° per sena n, and in the Piiavira tory Department 50,50 per session. These mans include the contingent fee, and are required !° paid in advance. letters of le ga t e y may he addlessed to the Purr fdlltat, Callonaborg, Pa. Faller hiiithear COllllllO. to Mai fa the la. vanermento3f,the temperance eaves in Bodoni. , 013 FAIL :AAA, after vi.fung Ma: Fogies, bay of Capt. L D. ForbeaAtt Ildllnnei be Maned to the city and 'admintwered the pledge to over thew thousand pemona, among wnom vine Enna Amer.caos. un Thursday, the Rev. Caleb Stetson presented himself Got the pledge, mid received it watt seal emu ceremony, It is estimated that eighteen thousand persons have tsket,the pledge since the arrival of Father Matthew in baton. Speaking of the somas which has attended his labor, the Journal says— " Many {tenons raiding out of the city have mine in lbr the sole purpose of taking the pledge. The effect lias'imen to shut up a largo number of pug shops. One officer states that within his dis trict, where there were thirteen of these places, open and full of people on Snaky week, there were but three open last Sunday." The terrific spun of riot which got started in Phrladelpitia, in some afttions, on Friday event ing,Contioned dunng Saturday night and Sunday. Thus wag the nauomd fast and the Sabbath , a;am, both desecrated. The North Amer can thus gives the murderous proceedings . . "On Friday evening the western part or the city was the 'eerie of a firemen's riot. Another fight commenced ut Schoylkdl Third arrest. The com batants were the Schuylkill Rangers and a gang called “Tormentors." The police anuated five of the rioters. One, Robert Wallacei was re cognized at the perpetrator of a dastard* outrage, with a slung shot, upon James Gdhs,sorne months 'Between II and 12 o'clock on Fnday night, a party of intoxicated disturbers of the peace wage making a noise In Callowhili Creel, when Sant'l Wood, a' watchman was struck on the temple with a slung shot, by a young matt named Fred erick Miley, and dangerously Injured. The a, ..Went was arrested oa Saturday and nominated Wood Is lying in a critical condition, ht. ;thyme man having very slight hope of hi. recovery. The watch returns before the pollee mars trams of the county. on Saturday mortnog, were likewise prolific enough to show that there had been more breaches of the "pence and other evil doings on Fast Day, than on the Fourth of July. On Sunday morning a battle was fought between the members or adherent. of the Washington and Hope engine companies, the belligerents rofying under the mime. of "Waynetowners" and "Sting era" A city watchman, named Isaac Mel- vine, was severely bun He was taken to the hospital. Another inthvidsied was felted, with a stone, and was aupposed to have received his deathblow. One of the cumbatants,Robert McVey was captured by the police, who also arrested two colored fellow... At 4 on Sunday morning, o small party of the Weccacoe tire company. in charge of their engine, were ...yield and attacked by a large armed'prisy of the “Liounceirs" of Southwark, and their allies, the “Killers" of Moyomensmg. The Wee-came engine members were beaten off, and their apparatus captured and earned away into M ,yezionsing, where it was sheumfuily battered and declined. A good deal of excitement prevailed innSoutti- wark on Sunday, and a wan feared that tbe , e would be trouble at night. tau, war dreaded from the lawless spirit among the noun of Irlyainatcony. - Several other minor affairs, in which the ordc nary ferocity and disregard of life and property were exhibited, are also mentioned. We have already aritficiently exposed the et raucous statements made by the editors of the Harriabutgh Keystone, in reference to the sum which has been drawn from the Treasury by the supervisors (or the current year, to convince every cendtd man that there *as no ground whiteout for the clamor wtochtharpaper has thought prop er to ralee animal the Stale Treasurer. We sup posed it first that there aught be some misunder standing of the matter on' toe part of the editors ooi - that paper, nod that they did not really know, when they penned their charges against the Trea surer, that there woo not one Jo: or toile of truth to custom them; hot their pentiatince to the mat te, aid attemptina to burver up their asurfions by a long array of figures and utalse Cacti,' got up Cot this special purpose by Mr Painter, coo attires us, and must coaviuce all who have wit eased their padbi conduct, that they knew from the very beginning, that they were giving currency to as vile a falsehood as ever issued tram the lart : cofoco mot The eharge was that the State Treasurer was withholding •ppropnauoos for the Public Works, which ought to have been paid months and weeks before. Welt what are the farts' Why even taking the statements of the editors of the Key none themselves. we find t list mire then TWO THIELM of the WHOLE A PPKOPE I ATION for OLD DEBTS and Cl'llltENT PF.SSES, had been paid by Mr. Hall ors the Yin bib., is a period of lee th. FOUR MONTHS. Accord ing to the editors of the Keystone, the whole appropriation for the payment rif the current expenses of the yen and tar debts contorted prior to the fast of December 1508. emanated. in the aggregate, to the aunt of 5711 612 15 Of ibis sum, $139.030 ravd nv the Treasurer from the 11th orApril to the 31st or July as the Odom ing stitement, furnished us from the Treasury De partment, will fully ebony Amount paid by the Treasurer to the State agents n Public Works, from the 11th of Anil, 1849 tont° 12th of July, instant 47E4L101 92 Amount rod by the Treasurer to the S{ate agora.• uu lac Public WoIL., from the 12th to the 31.0 ul July Thus we have TWO THIRDS of the whole op proption for old debts, pool by sur. Bali in leas than A THIRD OF THE YEAR. The proportion of the appropnation which ought to have been paid in that length of time, la. about 5200,000. instead of 54351,000. This in the way Mr. Ball has refused to meet the demsna or the supervisors and super intendents on the public work.. He 0 8 9* FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY EIGHT THOU— SAND DOLLARS of on annual anoroproumn of SEVEN HUNDRED AND ELEVEN THOU- SAND in a little lent than four months. And yet the harpies are not satisfied. They po c ket the greater portion of thin upon FALSE RECEIPTS, or some other Lo.ofoers device, and then turn up on and denounce the State Treasurer because be will not throw down the ban-of the Treasury, un lock his iron safes, and let them walk in and plun der what remain. We must say that we hope the Treasurer will matinee to keep the bars up. let them roue and clamor never so notch. We have had quite enough of Laosofosao frauds in time. past; It is time now to 'Muse a bole honesty into the knonairetnent of the public works. And it Meson. Pointer end Longstreth will not do their ditty to the State, we hope that Mr. Ball will do his; and hot he will eiintinne to check corruption and fraud, whether they came in the form of a FORGED RECEIPT or any other Locales. 'oven. tole, wneoever he may meet them in the line of olTicial duty. The following table will exhibit the amounts drawn by earth individual from the 11th day of April. to the Mat of Jetty, and show who it is that is really responsible for withholding payment from the poor laborerii J P Anderson 5252500 00 John Wm. E➢eheh (ientge lilemtmerger T J Posner final Contnnsconers Thumps Bennet 1 It lenkaks... feenb Glom K Hoffongle... Wm. McPharr. CoentoislOooers Internal Improvomant Fund to Fay officers of CAIIIII teo 41,000 00 R.nruno or Cstavosins Ativerrusem.—Among the pamengera from California. in the Crescent City, were Dr. A. C. Howes, of Nprth Providence. Geh. W. Paceet, of Ptiortricket, and Mason Briggs. of Providence. We were very happy to receive a call from Lir H, on Monday land Reports had been current that ho had been murdered, and on he had not been bawd fmm for a long time. Wars were entertained that wine misfortune had bef.d • lea him. lie, houtever, returned in tine condi tion nod snformed ea that he had ent tyed exert ient health during los absence. He was one of the It to deport for California, alter the breslong out of the gold fever, and took the overland IOW! through Mexim, with o company that started from New York. Ile went to the mines and dug gold. ned•got about half on omen a My. This he con aidered n poor reward for the privations and hard ships tie arm °blared to endure, and abandoned the tank, and started for home. His report as to the prospect ooh. gold neettors in by no mem, ,oar igme and is substantially the come us moat other report. which we haver eceived within a month or two. The labor of dargieg is very hard, and the a v er age tonnoty Mold obtained is small. lie thinks that thew who arc doing a decent bon ne*, at home, had better way where they ere, Mr. Pitcher wan one of the Pawtucket Overland A 11110cInt1011, and took the same route that I 11•0;e01 did, but started later. While going to tie mines, sod when about sixty miles from them, he not th e b o ater mturning: and having seen enough cf.:the elephant" to grisly his aerial:Av. and being e mir in by what he had seen and felt, that Cal. brats won no place kw him, be winchdded to turn about and accompany the Doedor home. He !mop us no tidings of his former Pawtucket associate. Soon atter leaving:he city of Mexico, they found It neve.eary to divide into small parties, and take different mates, In consegnenee of the difficulty of obtaining enough to ant for any chnsidenable num ber of men. in this way he became separated from all his Pawtucket associates, and saw no more of them—Noma. Gateau, Actg. 3. Wert 1,011 . T 11l Tea. at D. exam. Ritchie dr Rorke, of the /ratan. are very much excited be se ad Leek won't define his paean:m.loW take sides rather with the North or the Sara& They seem to think there is a scarcity in the number of t hose engager) in those aretiorsal enamels, and that it efforlo a fine oreing for the President of the roared States In make hunser • President of a triton of the United States. It ta certainly hard that General Taylor 103. /11Id turn a deaf ear to the well to-rant entreaties of two soda prudent advilera and gummy triendr.—lllwaurippi Sunthertter. .„. .- 54'DrcLauttet Vmkgria„,:silrlien, • Aso year sittetti Mr. Calhoso deffigred.iza2Congress that th• DettiOesathiparty was "only - held together by to. cohesive power of pubbspluticter," he was denote , . cedliyawleading men of that party for uttetimg artist they denominated a vile slander upon the integrity , and patriotism Mare lionhearted democ racy. But how does Mr. Clll/I.ono'lll assertion tatty with the history of the times? No sooner has the catty been removed from power—no sooner have the emoluments of office been wrested from the amp of • portion leaders, than we beer them loudly proatming the dissolution of the Democratic party. as did Mr. John VIM Boren In his speech at the late Free Soil Convention at Cleveland, Ohio. We never did consider Mr. Calhoun infallible, bat we most accord m him in this instance al least, a pellet...nun sagacity such as belongs to a few politicians even of his own school—Bolt. Amer. B•Nottme CITT.—We went on board the Queen City, to-day, bat could learn little new In regard to matters in Sinduaky. There were sme twenty fi re cases in the Hospital on Saturday evening.— Eight new cases yesterday, sad Ore this morning, and the disease was reported as taktog a bib.. turn. All the physicians are actively employed, and though the cholera is much abated, and leas malig nant, we cannot expect that it will entirely disaps pear where it had so soling a hold, tar some time —Cleve. Her. Mn. CLAY sin Ma. F111.611M —Tbe Editor of the Rochester Amerman, who was at the Falls on Monday, says of the meeting of Mr. Clay and Mr. Fillmore, that after a long separatma, it was, no might be anticipated, most (nand!y and cordial It will be recollected that a large majority of the Northern 111 tugs, including almost the entire New York delegation at Baltimore, desired the nomina tion of Mr. Fillmore as Vice President, with Mr. Clay, in 1511 That distinction was. however, conferred upon another prominent member of the Wh g party, and Mr. F consented to accept a nom• !nation as the candidate of tha Whigs of his own State tor Chivertior. No shared the fate of his il lustrious friend, and of his party generally in the campaign. We learn that Mr. Clay took °rename, at lb interview above rekrred to, to assore the Vi - President of his most fnendly sentiments toward Geo. Taylor and hi. Adimoistranon. He had, b. maid, no objects to attain, and no plane to pursue except to discharge his duty as a Whtg Senator and he expressed himseli in a manner which em phatically rebuked all Intimations and predic lions of opposition to proceed from him against th National Executive.— Buff Coin. Lnad 001oe W....mlurroN, Aug. S—P.M Mears A. M A Ilan, of Ala.; Samuel V. N.les. o Massachusetts, John W. Tipton, of Ohio; William Cleary, of Virginia; Benjamin 1. Ingraham. of Mi. wamp° . :am Con. of Kentucky; William A. Paso. of New Jersey; Mr. Stanley, of North Carolia• Wilhav Powell, of tJeorgia; Author J Stansberry, of the District of Columlia; Henry R. Day, of MI MAIM, V: Inssin W. Yeaby, of Mitaisomm; John B. Logan, of Trona; Samuel M. Coleman, of and Arthur W. Doan, of Michigan. Meagre Harriman, G. G Smith and Wdwa, a also to have places in the General Land Office. It is stated that Roberta. Carley will be appoin ed Chief Clerk. APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT. COLUteeolts olt Ceeinits. Robert G Rankin, Wilmington, Honk Carolina, vice Win. C. Beitincourt, removed R. 11. 1. Bineel, Washington, North Carolina, viva Sylvester Brown, declined. Henry W. Kingman, Newburyport, ?darnel,. set., vier WM. Nichols, removed. o.c Hutchison. Hatcher:, Miss, vice John IJ. Elliot. removed. Ephraim Buck, Bridgetown, N. J., vice Jas. M. Newell. removed. John H. Li.tworth. St. Mary's, Geo., vice 11. E. W. Clarke. removed. Frederick S. Thomas, Newark, N. J., vier Win. W. Baldwin, deceased. Thos.! Uarlr, Necobarypon. Mau. 'nee Enoch Fouricr, nocovcd. John Wale', Savannah, Gea, vice R 4,ert W Tooler, removed. E.T. Carpenter, Greenport N. Y, vise Wall, Haven., removed. Isaac H. Pater, Norfolk, Vi., vide Dennis Dow ley, removed. Min" In a Dewed Pile Nib before but the weather peraptred . little trig enough to drive the loafera to mome wog clar or—perhaps an old barrel, dry goods box, or rome faMMgt. Othaers Allen and Flannery, on coming down &sib sham, alter deposolug a customer in the watch house. found a covey nicely cowed away under the role of lumber of the Galt House. He hod mord n dry spot, yet he had the where with tomo,alen toe clay, or a sort of •nts-caol catch-cold on the stomach, to keep Oat the damp., iitig of an be had tatem rather treaty. Instinct, or some caber canals, had driven an old now, with her pig., to neck the saute gunner-a, and they looked upon the biped customer an an Intrud er. When. t h e notion name up, they heard a per son talkie , and as it was dark, they hatched awhile. How bog the lawn-shim confab had gone no, they could not tell. but it appears that the loafer fancied himself a doctor, and also fancied We old mow and pigs hi. pettehts. 'Think yott'le got the cholera, hey"' *sod the •Ugb . " reryl.ed the oid sow. Wrq drmt come it o dose; Cir. but .b...crn et tiy {OP. 1.111.0 lion 1 le war had t ut,,l a place that utted, nod lay down, rot, her hued 0... e to the (howl, •1 don't know what Lind of practice you like. but I don't own calomel—'cause it makes the mooths too sore to ewe a. hiakey right good, and they soy it lesaserrs the teeth. In fact. I will for none of the Pathrs. I don't go In for the pepper pattiy it aioh ok.ani to take, besides Its a pity to apile good whisky with red pepper. No, l'nt ague making a lime-kiln of • feller. stomach Just 'coupe he teel a little met or bad—haan't no use for them TUITISOLIiIIiI. What do you say" CEIZEI "Ugh," replied the rid sow. nate' at u i thought. I know'd you'd agree with me on that. Then, there', another path), .to call ed Ho-me-pocky. I dont know much about it, no how, but I 'apt •a it means what they can't ho up, they mo down. They go in Lir email dotes, winch won't agree with any stomach. Then there's the Hydrant-peaky, and the Alley-peaty. and a dosen different other ptithms—all no account' Whisky pathy la the only one that'll do toe way. Now I don't practice for pay, but gent does it to be a Phil anthroplat, and it you want ant of my medial., here it Is. MI take a liule myself. to keep the azone and the enimahcolea out—there's nothing better— it's equal to sulphur pills, any how. They say glass is a non-conductor. Well, now try this, it'll help to kni t . the electricityin. Tale a 6.0 Lorna are non conductors Lao." All dos tune he bad been holding out Ina bottle for his patient to drink, and had been on the old now and the pig. Some finally pouted in old aow's eye, and she began to move, and the pp squealed. "There, there, that'll do; don't let the children ore. Pour lather will get well children' taint oothto' but first symptoms, no how—taint danger ous—Well, I think in limo to tote a Little mrself, Jam then an he was aboet to take a little more, All Allen palled torn not from Ms neat, and made him myth to the watch haute, notwithatandins the glean and horns had made his legs bed con ductor,. 101,100 00 1 603 00 .23,"00 00 . 5,795 00 . 9 POO 00 firmine. Leman Boosa.—Prepared I,y J. W. Kelly MK= street.. N V., and for sale by A Jaynes, No. 70 Poanh srreet. Thu will be found • di-1,01611 arli ele of beverage In families, and parneularly lar sack rOoma. Deana Bacras,—An intprorrd Chocolate prapara- Uon, being a eornbinalsoa of Cocoa mu; Deep, In algorating and palatable, highly lecoutmendeditikrne• Wally for Invalids. Prepared by W. Baker, Priebe.. tar, Maas, and for sada by ',JAYNES, at the Pak= Tan Mans, No. NJ Foartb at lutist 4 11139 930 92 rterve Rod Matins izseerweee.—Tem Prns ensue Nevi/Yellen see Furs Ircsuutec• CO.III, FT— .riere 41 I Kt* merry, epee every de. Ire rtpone of pronerty, Si rev ie,erst taus. • Orrice, No 21 Alartet ore, MMMiliMEgl Impro•entente In Dentistry._ DR. a 0. ,cr EA Wigs Ito, of Donna, is proptoted art moutaacturr ..rt Dwelt Town to whole a* pant ol acts. uponor Aurintphorm Suction Vito , Tootts.cut et orb I So..tion II viva where the nerve it trpocod and re./denee next doer to ate 'Bl.y or . ; office, Fou.tc time!, Pittehorgh. Man rt.-1. It. 11 . Padden. R. H. Raton. ittle JOB PRINTIESO. UI LL 411.A15, CARDS, CIRCULAR% .6, Illamfst, a 1 e 1; Lultng, CuntradA, Lim 8, 1 1 , crannurzs, aux., 1.014C14. de. a., erinted tt, thor.r.t wice, al lov prices, el we are 1.. rrt cc , ncic. tlct NI) sr... W. El. Wrlght, a. D., Dent.l.4 o,:::.: ' ‘ a nVP7tstl7 7-7:`Tot mAarld I a Llsua Is one or lot tl-4l cora m can as .it• most for:anionic disc...it. koowo Amerlto pat • tett. It ho. in no ea, failed to •ttract the r,uvettt attet,nn the all ow:meteor the 1111 l ,6•I, however, thoosands an nually perteb, end thousand , . tante an made to feel toe burdensome Ly Or. •tseate. The proprietor. of at'Lane. lesser P.ll. tees confident that they offer to toe .filleted o remedy whleh Um. has totted, and has uevrr fatted el success when a fate trial hat been p. vett It Call and purchase a hoe is the Drag Store of thl4.dlurs J moo & co CM 01C morn of the ett: ins:, by the M. Teesdale. 51. J. Racy:ale Merebeet of Neer Chien., in MART dsugicer of John Taylor of this oliy. TO PRINTERS. rpm suboersbor Lao an band atul tor.* al &soot of L. Johnoton & Co, of Philadelphia 25 our o 4 Cues; 45 roans different tides) 3.0 Newspaper Can; .YlO lb. Loads, eat to coder; Ic Composing! Socks; lOUkegs rrout's Nllllllll I Ms's Galley, C 1111113112 Rules, Brass Rales of all des:moon:34 ht. A. /AIWA Ychia Tea Flom, 70 Fourth at 6—Orden rocoteed for wino pe . .gadaws GROIN D NI Trl—DOu barb for Imbr by !ale W ICK & WCI N MKS& G t i fie l iir m t ; i t r ; of 4 l , Pepfv, wrgan mur.mummucs. •• . 30a:00f FORSALVCOttaranteed or t V. wawa =A batty, and to ronsteret Ski fraa bettarotad a rntoother surface. consul...SY. Makin a mate solid, dry, sad handsome building than common brick, mud as kor prized: Ordata through Om Pad ofFtec. Monottmthola Midge. or Wok, artll be promptly wedded to. Samples be wet in the mug Methodist numb and Public School llama, Booth Paha:amen and to the WM. U. St..ITTON k CO. Birmingham. Aug. 9. Tele. _ WANTED—To contra. with carpenmr. and ma. von. for erecting tome building.. Alm. no ntmneer wanted—au old man Or boy, isomedimely aogUrdC W. H S A. CO. {AWNS I3LACKING-14 Fro. &sae size., for tate IVI by auglO WICK k NI'CA N IXTRAPPCYG TAPER—AM mos medm Saner. rm TT do crown do; ITU do crown and medm Rar, for ta:c aliglU WICK fr. WC AN A LUM-14 bbl, (or mit by CI. noel, WICK I ItI'CANDLF-19. C. 2 bbls for sale by CI &aria WICK b. M CANDLE:PS A LM .,, O , N , o DS—I3 aka 8 11 l i i. LEf u lg-44 bags AlsP: l . CT:; .‘ l ' ' ' , !l A N DLESS BACON +l ur~rnr wr N'2l). \CIi A, M'C ARarrrs BINKFF—.I bblo rec'd and (or sale to WICK & M CANE/LYS:, OAY—trn boo No I Soap, to, ”le bz suglo WICK AN DIESS fIIDER-41 •dvrect Ctdet, 3 do do boiled. for .4.1 e by .u.lO WICKdr. NIVANDLF,B IRY sk• for salt of upglU WICK 14.....1„n CK ,V. 111 d for .' •CA ‘ NDLESE , iu C H ..To E- t ;-33 b°"' '.0"0, 1a a 111.CANDLKSS I~RE:sH I.II7FFER—o buckets fresh Uutter.rust roe d and for sale by auglU C II GRANT W isl:e g lo — y 3l b is b a " gt " U " roo. t+Tl;;l " fnrcr ArKEREL-100 bbl. No 3 large Mackerel, to a:- I nvo and for sale by stag.° IRAIAII DICKEY & CO, Front at T_To69. HEADS—IO bbls on consignment and IV, 11 sem by &gal° ISAIAH DR'KEY & • TO LILT, THE eommodious Dwelling House. and ground+ attached, containing of eight erre., situated between Allegheny nod Manchester. and known rui Kill Dock Enquire of ROUT. T KENNEDY, eualPd3t or HARMAR DENNY Commercial Journal and :Stemma Mercury cony. NIERICAN DOUSE CARPENTER —The .Amer, 1 can House Carpenter, • treatise upon A rrhitec, tre. Cornices and Mouldings, Framing. Door,. Win. do o ve., and Stairs. together with the mmportant ,I nnciples of Practical Geometry. tly R. ost U. 'lathe.; .41 ed. two.. vrim over 9U engravings. For ast.r by •ogIU JAR D LOCKWOOD, IA Wood., NAM:NT EAGLE TRIPOLI. rof roltshiug. a hewty. IYI Jsorovrred substitute fur Crocus, Roo., Families have found it Invaluable Mr their silver and coarser ararea—in short, as remarked b. the • Selenlifie Amerman." in an article upon it. - of all the substances which base been applied to ponsh Glass and Metals none can equal Mat substance known by the name of Tripoli—is ia a superior arum to Mat fit brought from Italy by pre Venetians, and we! by ttiern their palmy days of glass amain, to Mat peculiar poi. so much admired 12, other nations., It should I.e to every family and ever, work shop. for sale by It E SELLEttzt anal. A DMINISTELATOIIB' NOTICE.—Au per, .P 1 sons hart,g clams against the Estate of CHPII,•' I'OPHER Kt:GARY , . deceased, of Upper St Clair toranshth, are requested to present them, properly au. thentmated, for settlement, sod those irdebted to the rotate, see requested In tall and scule their respeet,rel ACcoontl HIRAM HUI:I'Z. j artgllkalltS WILLIAM F.GGARe I,TEW 6110Dt1• NEW WOW , ' —A. A Munn . 11Co. No 6 , , Marketl ent. have tut receive Inapers, Nankeen. Ltrtiltuns . blue XJI aruntre Pmts. klerrtmark. Coeneeo. untl Wiry d Furniture do; 4i tiro Lawns, I tnen Itultuldn. tiinG Dame. Mull Muslin*. bow do, liarsittrlp'd plum Joeonew. Ltnen Mikis, kr ter auglo CLIFT-SE—SO bl • Cream Cheese, jaet reed Red felt sale by appl 1 11 CANFIELD Prof. Thompson•' 5...ma1e Seminary. FALL SatSION of thi• School wJI cotararnc MUM DA Y. SEPT 34, I blo. et hl• awl. I I r orm's Wm, Labort, street, between Thlnland Foun rtrects A. nem elarims mill he formed, d • c.rreedo,gl de.omble that pupils Mudd beln aumulanee rprniou of the re Furls 14mheMom N• ill Lc u renomry ar the number around. I. immed • lED=G=I u. For tern,. and reference., see rireu.dtt. no had at the prtnetpal Loot atom, or at rot auelt,dtd I\TEW WORK 11f AUTHOR 1/1' MODERN PAIN TEItrI —The Seven Lamps of Architecture. by John Ruskin, wnh numerous niustrdtions. drawn and etched by the author out. vol 13am Itnt and for an by JIVES D LOCKWOOD sugt, . 0 1 Wood st ' D AVID GOPPERFIKL.D—No 3 of Eheltens . It nid jJ Coprerfield dust publtatied and for ssie b) dog , . JAMES D IA/CK WOO D IVT ew ruI.II.ICATIONS.—A CompeitslAno or Et le stastiedl lintury, by Dr. tnestierA..prn,rial coniuriar ano ordinary wolfs., ri"lleeoiffk-if to to lio• itaaen. lilt ed ; from toe tAertona by S I. D. 3 von. ooo Munn, History of tbe Unitedmen of ',melted, ; RIC I/ • ard lidiltent. 3 voles vet Musnu. tiod‘hey's Koraorna risen Hook: &RIM by His son• Werner. 11. D ninon' of Maxie Antoinette or 1,11 Abbott. Ilene engravings Ilistory ofJobus en.sar, by Jaen., Abbott, 004, POCM, by Hoary IV•Sawornit I,ortfellow Complete Works of Hannah Moore. I rot .no sheep. eons. Chaboor's Seroural, 1791 to 1517 Cleryrr of Amens.. Ly Lk-leticr, H. 11 Coleman's Historical Grorrapby of' the HIGH, ',eat Lynch's Expedinon to the Deed Sea and - rer Jordan. Large "'so. wall numerous maps and u• gra•ings Marsulay'a Hlstory of Knoland A new sop lv Harper's hoe Vol.. ow., orb casino, m.beep a, and to canal'', ?oleanders IllstorT of the Chute', 1.41 e in ‘1 eat, by U. Y. Ruston. F'sq. hlnd and (or .ale by K. HOPKINS. anti/ Jl.l oiko Ilmldmaa Foca, nt (MOMS IN THE 3d PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Tht. Inmattuort b dmngned to be permanem. THIS A,11,1e132) . 11/I.lLe raofrall<J ICI like eg . eftllol.l of Lads nod youug l.ntlemen, on the Leal Moo day, ate 3d day of ember The course of mady von embrace the common bran ches of an I...naloth edaeaLan. and the atgber dupwl. man. or Bag Faglieb Sciences. at Mt use Um.. c:reek. Pr, neb and Gamma Laantaaar, . . Pain's can be thoroueuly r.qr r Cone, eatellyent/y and unruzhar , a•sed The eau study fur dm.- [sot de•Lrocal the Cotlcec, L• 0.1 com.Fetac, eve smd Tao goveroment ol the Instutton .In lntld. yet derided rthd firm Autoortiy will W ways be wl•tatue.l by reason end affect.. and to weer, a proper regard to the general government of Me achtal, oar hest we endeavor in convince th e pupal dm wit. we regain, IS reasonable next, that ti weer.. his own personal intereet. •s weil a. the good of thY Whole. Punishments thr thiaderneur.or. %viten el,. lately neer...arc. era of tote a bwore. as edeci ra ther the mind than the body. n ev thubteennts Mr the steno., but as prevennoNto th e recurrenere of •thitier edenece. Ila•tny found this mode of goverentent pre bran 0,11 twill be adopted to future Stott emotion will be paid to We Pbs weal. ,Itr In. I...cruel. end the Morel I an tag 01 Ida Illatlaten Ot Ilse School. The Principal la EAppy to Le ahic to m. 0.. 10 11.0 abl.e, that be b,. ...tired the valuubto PCl'Vler• )Ir It E Wiu-Ltara. u ',mauve of Protect.. N I told Mr J Sta/0 1 3. • graduate of Lafayette Con., Esaton, Pa., gent . rmeu of the literary nod anufie ritturnnaeata It is, very deatrable that students should enter ltte School at thecommeneemesa of Me setstott, tat order that the eLasses may be systematlesUy and harmoni ouNoy sl ounesed. ded rg uction artll be made for ahsenee ta,,pttu ease of protracted %witness. Wriung books, pen•, tot, and other atattonary, grill bra furnished at tri ets per •C•41°11. , L CATON, Prta•Jpal 11.111.14•NCM, flee I) H. RAWIe, D. D R•rhanl KdAard• A. T D U. `• Lone Lynn., Hon. A. IV Lanni., • IN W. Wilson, Mr. George Albree, I Henry Wnken.cn threnlars Can be obtained at the gook ntore ul Sir Lake Loans.. No .9 Wood inreri, and aloe Cl Ito.. sr, 11. Beeson A Co., Na .0 Nlartet aux-A 1%51.111 pnronliounny reed, good stoppang order and for male by .(3 I a If FLOYD (IIL—IA blots Lrnsted Oil, Ara ree:./011t ,. ..p1 . : . ..,Le_11 (WKS' 11(X/Pie' —A occond Voth to the llrotral UP Stater of North Allitflel. by t 4 er Chtar.et Lyn. E. Iliatory of the Amerman able Society. tram ti. or ganizauna to Um present lima, by W P. Stnetland. One Of the BoeieTa agetna, arab latrodoettan by Re.. N. L. lime. D. D., at Clnaionati Pan 24 ISataia7`• Comma Nara Book. t )011,1.1T0N & sellalMON. ana 4 corner Thad and Ai arart C,LOVEN SERD-43 bbis Penna. Clover Seed, In stem and (or ,ale by augd 18 R Fl,ll\ll DOTASII AND SCORGIUNGS-42 e•hs pure Pot &Jilt; 5 do do SCorehtnia In vote end for isle by _ JAR NLOYD - - FIATHERS-1 tk• meet .W and lor .1. by r emM ARMSTRONG & CROZER (LOUR -4U irbli -remnant and for mir by att&S ARMSTRONG & r!fIoZER • BACON -40 meter received end (or sale by j toga ARMSTRONG CROZFR 1_) A NRERCI D 1.0011'1104 LP. been appointed Leen) for the Ranker.' Mean, tm• Ind SMumical Rego., <titled by 1 Sou th Ilot,nes, EN; poblished monthly et VOX, par tannern nt ort• "It presents matter vibteb is net to be met with in any other publication 'r The Work is as well adopted no the want. on the hurt.ets o Froerally Me banker "No l're mo Andars. Cashier, or Telmr ot • Book oboold be *shoot it "Worthy of • liberM•uprrort " au,- J AMES / LACK WOOD. 63 Wood st G LASS -105 tat Bill Glass, Smith A lierrun's Ira " • •• '• 145 - 10012 " •• - N 18011 For .tlO MATTIIRWS & CO, nraCS 2s Water at to rruN Y A ItN-24 MO lb. sonorwd Humbert; bale 4 liat.ingi 411 do Candle Wick, Ae.. Twin, (or tale bL aoglil RIMY, MATTIIRWS • vn_ UTROUGHT STIEI.II-134 'rep Improved Wrol Spikes, for .ale by •or, HUEY, MATTHEWS & CORCIIINGS AND PO . , ASII-7:1 bbl. Seo.r lungs 014 ciao Tomb, for Welly maga ___[WV., MATTHEWS & CO bra Na I Son', for sale by WRY, IIAITIIFRYV S c(, VtlEt , FRUIT—Ida Lori, Prosbor; ISO do Apples .1-1 for sale by sage ItHtV, SI A TTHEAVS aCo Pr° THE LADIES—Jast received, v full szsonenent 1 arid sad dhrr ThrtaEk fiord uld Braid, ailo, Ppangbes sad Hanlon, for entratdertnc sod wirer or. uarneetal sort Also, gold end ulcer Tue.els, Frloge, snd Lace. of the latest Nablus), in greed variety. Watencs of saperior quallifand bautiful pasterns and far ode al Eastern prises WV. . . - . Aug: career Market and Fouriials Mit —GO bble,2Dbfbld. law-new No 3 Nlncli,rl do No V J., rre'd and lo sale 1047 st.I.LEB9 NICULS ; - • for .1A feuEftslea ' 2 41 7 1 , • t ; . B ?MOW i• • Q COATI CUREDSAMei4 derelm!TOlo , t oo 7 l " =PIM Minn, in Mae and for gale by • sue ;uBELLEIO*FiIait.S , VrOLAss - EN. bbt: O Molasses, in imodordit .U. scud nu saki by ,y 7 OSQUITO NETTIN(S—White. green and hatred; /V 1 • Curlier supply re:muted at the dry !mods house of W R MURPHY. aim; E comer Ith wail Market no PWMIONG cheat nprrior, on f lb raper, just '2412.1bn 2212 by , “7 C 1101IANT. 11 Ri m vt • DOTASH-20 erica for .ate by 1 aut7 S ALELIATLS—a casks for tali by / 0 CAN FIELD MC"EPG—'"". J OB oe ' d and (or We ) nog ' large No 3 Mackerel, Jest by ITt lord vnd for rain ..e7 JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO dye„ Rlnit LINEN- , AND NIIKETING AWSI.INS—W I It Alt to.ar Invite. the uneinton Intiets to hi. to' . !•riment of 010 atiore goods. Isupenor long cloth tumor, at 121 e; hemdet thevery Lett moan of the and higher quality The inserts warranted on oz. amt Linen, been bought from the manufacturer's tn i.e Old at Inve t posstnle pnees Also. and N 11.1.1111 etneeunas of all the digferent wsdths; !low cam, I.ltlen• and , u very low pti I" . Wholewde Roonw)p curs, where merchants will 10 grays Ond a toll soworoneol, at low ease pnees. atog: UE WANT-01 WE WANT A GOOD V FO - 1101 , 1.• What flung,. are nee< wary in h••• lag • good •ctwo.' We aro &Ors thew are fire—• good too...lit—good 4choolllonn—good patrons—good oachers, mod pleat) o( se 4olars. The Female Inetaution an (avant street h. tour of some quaint,. •tal will won have the fifth... 1 he .ecoml Term 1 , to commence Me 11 day or Sep t. na,er Yrtee. D(1011102 are very moderate—for this eitv they are Lau, vts. Spallme. Kradma and Wring.• • • • • • - .1 Geography. Grammar. t‘robraeue, Rh. . • . . , . tancal Rcadmg. Natural Philosophy, Un tad Stair. lidatury and Embroidery, Cam r " o d ul ) .-;l ' r ' ml:try . Bolan Ge. -• °logy. rrethure, !cc 3ro ...... ••• 6 W b....ritt• —Plano Music—three les.. day• to the wr-e IL • ...... • • • 10 00 Sour. Guitar •• • • ....... • ...V Patzmug Les•on. 3 % M lir.4 EFJY3 course Rs Teacher Ls thorough. u0g'.320, YOUNG LADIES SEMINARY, . . 'pm: Al TIISIN BEttSION of att. llostitutton I . commence nc the firer Monde) to September.— 'town. on Feder...we. In - Colottede Roar," Ad door nolo the lomfqe. rrs mooon 0? YIVI Mona& . - Fial.n Department. Including Reading, Orthogra phy and Defiant, Writing, Engltsh Grammer, 'Lew. ne. Log,. ..omposidon and Critteina, Geo. g rspliy. Arithmetic and the higher branches Mathein Sa.untl Philosophy. Cbconatry. As -1,011011). Homey. Phywolovy. Geology, Intellectual ! bud Moral Science, and an other branches requisite to a ill ionwi P.nglishFilucsunii • • • Stai Olt Depeunawn,inciading the Latin and Greek Langurier• each • • - - - $ d an Frenen. 810 00 RIO 00 'roe wrvie, eocapetent teachers are secured for such M 1 if. Jr. weir . ..en - on 111 French and German, and shin in Drawn, Painting and Music. .1i des.rshie win pupils enter at the commence ' of a wwwon. yet they ws received at any tie, and •rn charged si above r m ates Own the time of rittraitre deducuons are wade for absences, ca rrot to caws in protractedlinear Further information may be obtained. and .appllea not. , ro I , y a/lin, upon the Principal, tibia rooms on Fed, , •wew. or at Ins lodgings in .Iwarties Row,' LtbettY street. Pittsburgh. between 3d gnu 4th street, nr s.hirerstng, through the Pittsburgh Post Office, the Prd.cspaL N. It'. Mr.reALF Aug 7. Idl3 dtf A BAY H012 4 E, seven years old, per ee.ly gentle an harness—as anexcellent and safe family horse. He may Le seen at tilt. CHARM...h. 1..1110ry 31tWe. tlandusky at below °lan st, Allegheny. Peace $lOO. aug: .11 yr AND TURPENTINE BARRELS for 144 .u.u6R E SELLERS, 37 Wood st P ATENTFAINI'LIei;6I.Drab color; 6 doMa/togs- Ity do. received on consurnmeot and for mile by seed B MILTRN BR•tIIER. 87 Front .t . . I>A INTERS and others vrtaning a chew, and dur• bie Patnt.artil coil and ace ppecLmena at Ina sub .mbera. who vrtll be alaray• aapplied nth differen Ior• suet tik.o II MILTV.NIWRIIHR - L C COPE I. < ••Ell WOOLY. VOPIC tr. BRE Y POOLIC, • F,MWARDING k I.X/NIMLYSION MEMOHANTS, And des:ers . Wt.< Isad. Wlndow. Glue, le., ===ai=l2lo ==inCe= R. 1.. Baredry & Smith. H. Tanner & Co. H. A W liarbaush, Key A Co, Murphy, tallson A Co, hilahnran Hannah. lisaham Si Co., and the mar- I,‘ as generally seas Lisbon, O. O.& D. M`Donsid A Co Vro . Weil', ri Joseph Walton, D. ' 1 Hisser t Cu , Fenner & !.I'.allisn, Massillon, 0 Ilenneti, Mann, A Weaver, Taylor & Co., Jobo H. Drown & Cu . Philadelphia. A 1.. Richardson & lir, Gruff, A Co., Cincinnati. 0 John F. Howard. Lotn,vnle. Ky. John Smith, Near Hood! A Hannon, Cleveland. 0 AJ. Ihralloy. Mao.- Id,Clare. Parlr• A. Co . Hansel., Pa. APOLLO BALL t NTH WEEK OF THE t:M TIRE MIHHTREI a: 010 . . EMr: MINSTRELS has leave m anithunee ii Go• yconsegoence of lb. , 1"6./DUNT. aceslLS2 attending their Concerts donu t , the pa.. five weeks, •re tu anuouneo lbw SIXTH SF.DIES. [01.11411.[111g 011 • Xunday ownlng, Aug. Gth, NNennui/tune ever, evemng dorms the week. Mr U. if. niebtly introdame his mach admired am,. Change of IWeraminc every evenmg. 00-Tirkeis 23 cents. IG - D.rs open et 7h o'clock: Conce:t to commence as 9. sea! . _ . . TIIBGIiIUINAL .I:NblttiAllTAga Itk:/7.64:11. —llrtiwn'• ARAISLPSAII• Gnu-ant.— Onioinan Lontstr Fltornon. —ltnintelen Gallery b Shakspeate's Gramm. Work, iu IG monthly parts, <nab pen will contain Ins or more benotifel nag taninp. with expla enthry letter pre.. nagllsh nod Getman, neatly done op In fancy toren, mid will be supplied to yobscrt. Ler. for the Is bole series, at the entre:l34/y low price of tiny cent s u par. The ins.scriber confident, from the universal ce lebrity of the 5.... et of these Llhastretions, that the role will be commensurate with the internal worth of tho work, and (rem the Met of the whole series of right s.licn complete.' being oTered for Me pr lee of two of the orkonal Ger... editions. Tine work veil; be completed in 16 parte, i.sued on toe 1.1 end 15th of every month, and will coutmn let, L 7 plu; King hear, 11 plot, Macbeth, lii plis, The Tempest. 12 pit.. Othello, It ph, Romeo 12 plot; Merry Wives of ll'indsor, 11 pita; Kane Henry dic Fourth, parts I and 11. If plows. Pour nserbers o( the above am already published. via: Part I to 111 of liatuleu part IV Macbeth Subscribers names received and smith, numbers for sale by JAMIti D LOCKWOOD, need Bookseller, Importer, AO, CM Wood et rpu AIfCFIITIe.cTh Jest received, The heildeii 1 Guide, a practical treatise on (lyceum and Ronnie Arcb.:tel, to l'be.ler 11311., premien! Architect, revis ed cad improved, with additions of Villa and School Boost ArchlleClurb, by H. Abb.. Architect. American Architect, compnsing original designs of cheap country and village residences, grub details, .peeigestimis, plans, d.e. The designs by Jae. W. 11.11 ch, Archtleel. JOIINSTOri A. STOCKTON, lilt corny, .14 and Market sti =CZ= INV PAIR SECtAND BAND ENGINRA, 10 'De b r 4 feet .trot ^u9 Boilen. 24 feet hug. 3. ...chrt..o dtatneter, all to 'good ordnr, will be sold. , ton r,..., .: applteatton be tondo soon. They hare onl' Bern .0o w, &knot to tnoattot. For ?uneaten, In of watt du L If &I it, mate otliec .)( i II /ILA. be,l double refuted Winter Strained Lard --..‘ It/0. reertrrd and (Or .ale by W. & R. M'CUTCIIEON, r&I No. 1510 Liberty street ( Oil-3,0.—50 boat, etteeae, in Ittooo and for sale by ~.' t Ytt4 .1 S OILWIIRTII & CO LI Ltltltt—,it tows Flour, cane quant), for sate r by jyt&l J llt DILWORTII &CO N.I ..ICKERFI.—tn blots No . 3 large Mairterel, 10410, I. just landlng and for sale by I ('lI J .5 DILWORTII & CO IiATIN DOWfo - r IV utle by WKSTON BOWEN, 90 Front meet. MAHOGANY' AWES A GRAHAM are pleased to, inform their costumers sod the pukka at large, that they have on hand a very eat.neive nook of MAHOGANY, and all other wood u/ually kept by the trade, which they °Ger at the tullovetng unusual lour pneea, VIZ: 373,000 A of Crotch Veneers. front to 31 cu. per A. 1t11.6e0 Board. and Plant of aII Wickacae , wen awned. NIA* Shaded Wood Veneers, from I ha SI o' per fool 6noOn II Rosewood Veneers. hoot R to 6 eta. ==irazica= We feel confident from our long experience. the *d rainages we buss in onperring and unary, that we %non always be enabled to keep on nand a nook of the most sopenor quality and finely figored wood, tat the sery kwon mart'. PrMY*,l surad to the trio of tliv mow fastidious, that may La pkileed to favor us o nth their patronage. All orders promptly filled and eantfully psoksaL 11A Why & GRAHAM. 166 A. 176 Centre, st. two doors Math of Catml ol augthttloa• NEW YORK- HOGKS-13n3Oki0 - ;iiiMelamerphnses; 1.7 do Colleemne• Evangellem do Greek Lessons: do lab. do: (71ark's Preened Grammar. to arbieh wordy, phrases end semester% ore elasslfied and Illustmted, by aomplete system of diorama FJerrients of Vega. tableend Animal Physiology. try G Hamilben, kL D. Elements of Zoology, by D. M. Reese., I. L PUre . • Geology, edited br D M. Reese. 1.. L D.; Elements of l'hemr.d.r and ilectricity. in two pans—part In by 11. Reid. M D.; pen 2d by A. Rain; Element. of Natural Pbilwophy. tn 3 pens—ln, Lowe of Manor ana Mcebanir, 3d, Ilydromallea,llydrau be• snd Poeumonea, by W. A R Chamber.. Porker's rrbool Compendium of Natural and Erpw. runental Philosophy. with • dmeription of Me Steam owlLoceruouve !Coyne: Part. er's Ist Lessons In Noland Philosophy. Fulton's L Eastman's Book Keeping. AI.o, the whole of DlMiell Mskthetnallonl course, on Land and for oak by ELLIOTT d. ENOLISFL unt 79 Wood ot It COhlltrg UNIVERSAL OUIDETLIHEALTII 1../ AND LONG LIFE—Or what to Eat, Drink and A rm.!, what Farmseo to take; How to Control and ll , sulette the Pa...as attd Appeutec and oq the Gen. rrtl CouJuct of Lite, whereby Health may be samtred, and a happy and comfortable Old Age attained; that at last, ortl.l oar career to concluded, we may -Like Ape fnut, drop Into our Mother'. lep, or be with ease t intim/ed, not harshly plucked ^—Morton. The above valuable work Iv published end uold, whole tale end retail, hl• . . . Imbed in pen.—lntro partn appearing monthly —to ha completed in si.teen flambe., clash with 41 enga. ,tngs and explonatlonn The subscriber. me sole agents for the work, of whom it coo it procurcd at ho publisher. pride, SO cents per part ELLIoTT /t. ENGLISH, _noel 79 Wood street, Pinabltrlh YM I TRY FLOUR-10 bomels fresh ground, whir. wham, 33 do calm Manly. lar sale by Inel 8 Irr TON 11071 N HORST /LOO YOWOHONG TEAShalf chests, re II oaten. for sale by con C 11 GRANT, 41 Wags st A DITTY FLOUR-40 bbl. *aped, vf i,b, A ow.t a muter) of Tomtly Floor, mu see% and roe care by aortas, JOHN 7 18FADF1N I CO_ e I HNI.NE-60 hoopla; reed and for ittle h 7 C msJ CAm L/ FIELIOL% STRINGS—NA bundles fins °morn! Frortr IT Itch and !tattoo V 10.151 Strums, direct (nom the 111 /MM.` MM., and for sole wheneaole •nd nom! 6 1 .01 JOHN SI MELLOR 91 Wood at. :g1 F' -, ? AUCTION - '''sislißK: :.',' Ali John D. Davirti4Tetlaumen. Perearystoryi Saba! Goodh, On Monday toonong, Ant. 13th. at 10 oickielt, at the Commercial Bales Rooms, corner al Wood mei 'U streets, Wilt tie sold. IFTINCiII retem— A Large assortment of foreignand domestic Dry Goods. among which are 5 bales brawl. shooing.. SD maim. wide. I do indigo bloc stripe mishap.: 12 Kg az napes stool dye Week cloth: 4 do do do hro clr b. splendid lawns, boraces, bahmelnaa. de lam, airmen., silks black stun, gtrigtimna, peiv4, linen damask o bie cloaca. shawl., hdkis, umbrellas, parasols, bonnets, Coats' spool comm. he. Effitl2 Groceries, Idneeasmare., Furniture, Akf l'oang Ilyson and trnpezia , tea. V. reanafaciired tobseeo, No I palm wap, w citing nod `dzsoOddS Pe p., shingle, spades. forks, axes, batehets, knobs and kel'a for lants. but binge, handsaw Ale., blaeksennlis rasps, window blinds, mantel clocks, carpeting, ie. A large and general assomern or new and second band berneebold furniture. fee Al ,t o'clock, Ready made clabista. boats and shoes, new and se ood heed watches, cutlery. leather Omsk.. saddler. whip, cane, shot ram, p.atel• mualeal ineltocacto, he writ/ 1.6c4a, Wotan. sAot G. ra..t, Punch, 4 antrum On "'sturdily ereiline Ilih inel, el P o'clock. al the Commercial Sale. /Loa., comer of Wood and Milk stk, be sold— A larre collection of valuable mi•dellaneous booke. in the ren d es departments or liiersturs and •c.enee, amour which are standard library editions of choice works, family and pocket bibles, blank honks, loiter and rap worms paper, gold pens, peeled., A.e. Gnbl and silver watch. in Trent variety, double and erne. barrel shot runs, pistols, fence roods, dre aogla - JOHN D DAVIS. Aar. Assay Carnage, &wench* am/ Harness a au,. I' day antra., August 101 h, at 3 o'clock, in root of the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood od Fifth streets, will be sold, one handsome substan. ,al second hand two horse family mtrnage. One barosehe, caned for one or two hones. An., two cot. harness, By nets, ft. imp/ JOHN D DAVIS, Auet 113 IV par q r Fill, Start+, Clatititsc so., at Avetzon. On Friday mornimi, Pith mac,at 10 o'cioek, m the Commercial Sales Rooms, eorrni of Wood and Fifth streets, will he wild by catalogue, ou a credit of three months, on all sum, over UM. enniCe SHOrneenl of bile shirts nod clothing. consisting of white shins of every style and Quality, embreeirnt per custom make. yoke neck and French sleeve., fine embroider ed; open work, widesilits. tee., fang Haas, via Colon cheek, matinees game, hickory, woe Merrimac and ;alined stripe, red florae darts, drill drawers. Dnll saninet andeilaallnere pants, &awned broad cloth- cascimene, tweed and easimarett drew and nick coals. Calanlinef can be obtainedat the taleatoomst— goods open fen examination on Thursday. and JOHN D DAMP. Met. — EXTRA FAMILY vLoua, Jtin received at die GREAT WESTERN FEED STORK corner of Pem and St. Clair wows, • lot of 11 5- C. llotated A No.l brand, Spear`• 21111,^ rersh gr Theou. nd vabwritrer would invite the particular attention of families m this article, so be can safely recommend it as the OUT am Peeve that is brought to Co. city. Also, family Groceries of •I 1 etude kept constantly on hand. surtdtte• JAMES DONALDSON. RAW WHISKEY-42 blots New Whiskey, ft} sale by amyl JACOB WEAVER, Jr RICE -1 name. Bast received, for side by mart J D WILLIAMS, GO Wood et EFAE—tu hos Cream. for We by t soul 11D WILLIAMS fIOCOA-11 boo extra No 1; 2do Baker's Stoma; 6 lj do do Chocolate; for sale by .42 J D WILLIAMS DAIRY SALT—W sk• k,ln dned. for nide by .g 9 J D WILLIAMS CHULAN TEAS—IO half dews extra, for sale by sari J D WILLIAMS HAMB-.700 e lee toted, for tale by • snip J D WILLIAIOI SP. WHITING—IO bbla AIM nee'd and far sale by E SELLERS, 57 Woad i t ?, PRECIPTCA . 7-15 tt. rostee l id s tai t tor sale CHLORIO ETHER—II IW jest reed and for ode y E BELLERB TART. ACID-100 lbs jest rind and for sale by edr! R R SELLERS F L. t O , ;WERS BENZ.o?l—.loozjurt i ralland LL feral. AFRICAN CAYLTiNE—d boxes lon reed and for sale by marl R E SELLERS - VNULISH CHARCOAL—Just Need and for sabAy abg9 R E BELLE'S-9 Q01.1.?-100 bones Cincinnati Soon, to glom and for sole by augl .101& . 4 DALZKI.L row 1110 N-130 bar for tale by bog' I_B DILWORTH di CO hf chesty r H., a P. and Imerial; 70 yoddico do do in sto noo_ 18 MLNVORT 1 k CO rfIOD&CCU-1 las I lb, 011,12 . 1. and 10a; 10 " win eared Natural Leaf, in stn •24, fIOFFFIF.—ISO by Rio; W do Java. or more. aogl J B DILWORTH & CO IIA R-40 bids N. C. In Hon. mug' J 8 DILWORTH b. CO SOAP—wub. Rosin, Inte srn. augi S DILWORTH & CO VIT EKTERN RftSFAIVE b.r. W. R. Y Cheeaeortst recetved and for sale by WICK & IWCaNDLESS, anal comer Wood and Water as A.LAKGE CABLE for rale cheap. Apply to SCAIPEi ATKINSON. Iy3l • nra trt, between Wood nod Marko DEAILL AStl-1.5 end. Adams Pearl Aob. on, quality handing y by Lake Erse arsd Mich. laan Lme, mai for wale by HI.IIBINGI3-15n b. Scaled 11.702 r, morn and for sale low to dem consignment, by anal umagu.., W. a MANIJFACTIFICOITOBACCO-30 bs• s's and .3 . ; lueops, on consignment, to arrive; (or sale by 1)31 ISAIAH DICKFIV & CO, F 11312“ C HgYE-43 brs now 11.7;1i:f i f t y i s p tt r l y a CO CREAM CHEIMR-44 Sr. for gain by 1(M e P VON BONNHORST k CO ALERATUS-6 klr sale by IT3I 8 F VON 130NNHORST & CO Itt Y t E yrI WUW-8 b ir; ' 4 ' 01 , 7 1' 8131N HOBBT k CO SA I S7:V ITSE-30,C10 fentl i taAtu o Ur :ate by tb p 0 WIW.R tep Blasting Powder, .at. quality ISto do Bilk do do do 4W b 1 do do - . - Ina qr de do do do do magaltne and deliverable at any hoar during the day ;Tit J 9 DILWORTH OIL CLOTHS—On land ald for sale, by W at his Carpet Waveloose, a tame and e tenstve assomment of CHI Cloths, varying from 97 in ches to tt feet side, eat 1o nut aby riMe !mil* Md. or vestibule. The assortment consist. of Ile latest and most approved styles and edam. /VIS W CORKS-15 balesparlr, bag au4 nay.. .11 ova received arka tag ale )911 R K SELLERS, 67 Wood at 67 td at . ', nr% N. I Lawny aim._ . - 130/kIVIS it ATKINSON, Ftsrr asswars %Topa awn Retsle, Prencenton, CONTINUE m mattufactare all kinds of COPPER TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE Also, Black smith Work. Steam Boats belt to older. Special mention given to steam boat work. Have on hands mane assortment of Copper and Buss Kettles, Tin Warty &c. f.. Steamboat Cooking Stove, Portable Forges, various sisea—a very Convenient ar beepfor steamboat, California emigrants, or rail rind mo Wewould revectfully lento steam boat men and others Meet and see ow article and price befote purchasing clewhera _ 4- 17 Ottarcpagia• Wine.) MUNN'S Anchor, - Pies and (jars Satiny Ifeldwick, Orli de Perdris, Partridge Eye, or Harp Brand, gm; Key, Brand, cps; Ducal Graps, Qt. and Pt; Bollingnet's Anchor. Qta; 'to Color Charm de Itge, Qt. eel Pt); Theta Wines are offered to the met, wholesale and iT 27 JACOB WEAVEII, Jr. HIBBEIMPIF OFIEDZIOAL WRITING FLUID. lIIRRERTE SUPERIOR RED INX Et=EtritM=Zeti AI.L. them. differ from ordinary Ink, as they are ell chemical eobstio. containing no viticid matter, - freely from any kind of pers.—t. color deep, bright and durable. If them have been better eruct. made, I haveomither men nor heard of them. Barn pl. bouies nen be tained grans, by the merchants generally, from B . A. .Pihnestock Co , Henry P. Schwartz, Allot deny of the martufamarer, TIIOS. K. O B ER T, and Chemiet, mime! of Liber ty nod Smithfield s Ms, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. IL—enty bottle not giving complete eathefaction, can be renamed and tbe price will be nefimded. nilfedem rhtlasopay of Mo.- at Segeneek do healing on Firers; Lanni on Oiling, by Conran; Hover% Medical Dintiorawy; Munglegoo% do do; . Cooper% Pa:Tient do; Cha fi ng' By*. tem of Snrom; ()Anon% do do; Abernethy% Work., 2 noir, Dopareqns on the Ultra% Hope On tht. Henri: Crayeithier% Anatomy; Wilson on Skin; Pereira% Malaria ladles and. , MOlspentioo Cnapayan on Enzpitya Pavers; do on Ma.Minilkice Abdominalyiw.ang, Wood% Pmetteer Of Medicine; Danielson% do do; Merlin% do do. At.o, a large and fresh sap* or Nam 11.11. Union Booing, on Wind and to ggne by ELLIOTP k MPIGLISH, 72 wood n - • . RROBISON CO. having usoniumd T/103 1 4. 8 crrnm., to, with ibenallk ba.laee. Lb. W"F" gale Ilroceey, Produce and Coambisaion bunion.. 'rill be continued Y nanul under dIS am of itoniunc,L ,, " Ilea Co. R, 013150 N, 1.1111, wi LL CO, N. let •trna} .n, Pittsburgh, Frahm. and Counzamon Xinnhanu, and Jesters In Pinsburgb Mannfavares. - ml. aomroL . =Os. tam _a. WM S. Z.11x)". Wkrcri MEPAIMINc.I-I.tT-.-0 in boanettes, cep tied co veldt aliecial ear@ pad atteotimx Oar ing the most atillld mid experienced eroiktamt it my employ, Lo d • “ o perp personal attention to thle breach, I mg promise the beat satisfaction ai all mho Maly faXoi ime yak Meat troll, %V \V WILSON, Watch Maker, ‘9ll 67 AN....1 LIIE Waal Frit, ocionons ot talning tnformaden la mg.ni to the number of that occur in th e city weekly, tbe amulet of the ei theeee, er a eire of the persona wettld respect fully tamest die Phystelaal to repOtt to them at the Cititnininoo Room, Old Coon flottert, on Friday ecoming of each week MI JOHN 144311.. L . China nOE VS A RON C 8 VlNEX7AB .— The►dal. n,h sanatory, balsamic and wale properties a/ th is mas. , Eakin* water for the 0rd110.7 etta toi/et,lllUpt•tillf di, tau wilitSo. prerenta and RAW. toner and asperity al the AI& It tacrealseland= tba ain, rendering it sod ladamootb. Utarreeta tba o ., a rdy and bitter tun of*. sootab,barynartintaGeals L nd pleasant breatheleanssa and *duo. the and hardens Antal : Vor all rho tbovo.pag , moo., h .ed slit% RAtor m tote. P , Wartion aslony 6 ftou d m0 .. 4 r... By inhalina It pad tabbdoil it on the temples, remove assaults, llaninlad lostantly to a bolo or braise, it will restantally prove.* osorrillottion. It somata eitistad air, and anattaritta fromsoruagion; 111. %lure/Ore very ;mend For paddling and peribmln i t i llpar - orients. Fill sale by ELLERSOVItoIesaIe 67 Wood arreal,3= /711/ E 9 aa STEAM BOATS ;malTbe ple2447verht momgt: A,l Haslet:l,l33l.sler will leave for abate sad all utteetaettiate ports this day, at en board .wrs to clack', 4. dl }nr frri.,eor 'FOlt CINCINNATI. .-•- - .... t . Tile vlondid DA muting steacior ..vm . .. KEv4llierie 4u &bare and all tnlennodiate port. on Tuesday Dh 1411,.l •••.. elock. .U. For • , -la En , • plumage, apply on boon! or ,o aura D W LICK.II, A AL -- - . OiIICINNATI a PiTTSUVROEI ~ _. ~. ~ taw_ . .M.: DAILv PACKET LINE. T Ms well known line of splendid pomenger ars .anti w composed of the lasgent i reit... hes fintsbed eentslied, and most powerful boa. t. water, of the West. Evert' ascommodation and costa fort that money ean procirre, hay been provided for pas. mngers. The Lam has been in operation for five yea. —has carried a °Alban of people Wi dlr. the least We r9_ to their persona The boat. will be as the Anki Of Wood weet - the day proems to starting, Ibt the WWI,- non of frets]. and the maul of passengers the 2i. ter. In all cases the passage money {131411 p advance. IZECCEIGEEI332 . _ The ISAAC NEK'TON, Capttato Hantphill, have Ysttabargh every atutulay ougraaa n I. IVCLOCII Mauling every Sunday avealng at lu r //ay J, 1947. ..1110NDAli Tee M0N0N0.A10.1,..A, coat Slcorn, veal leave Plun burgh every Monday morning at IV o . e.ock; Whoeting every Monday errening at In r. T V itiiiriii r VAtlf-EC • The lUBERNIA No. 9, Cape. J. Kunetextm, leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday mamma tO otleuit, Wheelie` every Thetis*. everune at to r... WlOLteitelei•tiii - e•A(tKET.. The NEW ENGLAND N. Y, Capt. P Wtll leave Pittsburgh every Weitoest.ty istomtp lay It o'clock; kneefing evert Weal:wade , ' e!•meg a 10 ■ wntrusiair ec The BRILLIANT, Capt. Omar& will leave Plus• burgh every Thursday menung at Id u'eloch, llrtureltaa every Thumlay even.. at It r w Ptiuis'a -- 14.1.3zuga - The CLIPPER Na.ll, Capt. Pup Rama.. 'At WO P.A.:tab every Friday atainanasataa t obak: When Ila• •aerp Friday avanhia at 101. va 8U513113,11. 6llRA.3lol3lEllfirril fur 1849. 1110NbNlialIELA ROUTE. Only 13 1111.. Blazing. Via Brownsville and Cumberland to Balumern and Philadelphia. LHP.splendid arid fast rennin U S steamers ATLANTIC, Copt Parkinson ; BALTIC, Copt A .; LOUIS PPLANE, Copt E Boucot are us, nukmg doable daily nips between - PITTSBURGH AND BROWNSVILLE The morning boat will leave the Itlonongahcla Inalf, abate the Bridge, daily at 8 o'clock preciuly Passengers will take SUPERB COACHES at Browne vile, . 3 o'elock, P hi., and the splendid ears el the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, . Cutaberlarst, 8 o'clock, A. M., and arrive in Baltimore the LELIII..yeaI. in lime foe the evening li o n to Philadelphia and Washington cirr. From Pinsbargh to Baltimore, ant! 31 hoary. Flue 010,1141 From Pittaintrgh to Philadelphia, only 40 boors. Pare 012,00 The evening boat . ..rill leatratleclock excepOluip day aveungs. Passengers by this best mill ledge on !loud in comfortable Siam Rohm the first night, DP n over the mountains the following dog iv E 5.0112 Inuit Coaches, and lodge the second night in Cumberland. Panengen have choice of either Steamboat an Rut Rand between Baltimore and Philadelphia, and the privilege of stopping at Camberland arid Banimare, and resuming th eir seats at pleasure. , Coaches - cher. terod to prima to travel as they please. We make ap the loads and wog for the Cinch en in the l'ittabarel offices, tin order to save lime on arriving at Etrosirnville,) it is then/ore imponant foe o f to gel their hetet, Legal going on board nf the boat, at one olhee, Monongehna Ilona, Whin street, or gt Charles Hotel, Wood at, Pittsburgh. apanliSat I. MRSIORIEN. Ann. Pitiebasub £ Louisville Footage Liu* FOB CINCINNATI AND lA/NEVILLE, The splendid new tito.6loi TELEGRAPH No.l, Ilaslep, master, will leave for stun ..0n....ii , ..e part. on \Twine. day. the Ich 1.101110 o'clock , a . At Fel tfeiSht or pewter, apple on board, or to lIHRBRIDGE, WILt.ON & CO P, Pa ' GrA) B !MILTENBERGER. ITTSBUROII AND LOUISVILLE eACHET LINK The new and optoodtd fast Isauen• sat' SIMIA No. d, . hum muter. sr lr.t re for Clnem runt and Louisville on Thursday, the 11 just-, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Forthcarht or passage apply on sunt3POIXOS. 11A tN k Co, Or GEO B MILTENBERGER_ my 2 MM=IIM=M!! .I.:ULAIC TUESDAY PACKET F'l , l: ST. LOUIS The fine fit•t tuannoy pasecoge steamer ATLANT.S, Geo. W. Wicks ' man -r, veil leave ur We above and Into emethato pone every Toesoay, IS o'clock, •. x. . . For freight or passage aptly ml ttoat,l, or to e KING, No WI C.ll. - - - Row, nutrs-darn Loowsilla. RF-LiULAR SATURDAY ricaETTOR ST. Loofa h it The Ave fr6r L anntue pager A. 51eMbernon, ma.teg, w k3 fl leave for mad lmerlpedlat ' eloreo eve , " Fre= u' p r " bo a 0 , o L It 61;. " Bo Loolorwo FOR WHEELING AND lIRIDIOWORT. IZEGMEI The neat and subsitantial steamer jEklubfillen. atammr, Taal perform ar vies et regular between Pin-44 , 5{0 Witeeliag and Bridgeport. BM wilt lease Pitutbargh on Wednesday and Saturday. Poe fm' ig2Lor passage, appy an based. _ POLL WfiggriNo AND-suNfitw. The fine steamer CINDERELLA, intat v Deorger Calhoun, mamas, will leae or ammo and anteratedune ports v Mondays and Thursdays, at 10 a a For (reaght or passage, apply on board. sgalT ' SUNDAY TRIPS TIT HEAVER. The U. P. Mall steamer MIOHLIAN Y, w ill leave the landbe appeal. the Monongahela Douse every Hun• day naming at 9 o'elnoi, forsteaver. Returning, wall arrive at 5 detest, r. Faro to Deaver and Lack, Tweuty-tive Cent.: mr4s SUNDAY `RIPS TO IYRes RR, „. The steamer REV Eft will leave the wharf, opposne t e Mosumonfra hela Honore, every ttlay panning V &clerk, for Ws Ritanting, will leave Deaver et I e'eloek, P. 51.,' and wave • et e'loek. Fare, Twenty-61m t . arm% C)==l REMOVAL. Ligg(3l4o B. M1LTR711337.73.01ER 8. IL ANENT, Forman/log and Condiforsiess Mer chant, has removed to No. ST Front, b... Wood and Smithfield streets. NIN.= 11 - F.:h7.—The three story Moak Dwain& .E House. Liberty. bee:ie. flay and Maebbma streets, .w Dreamed by W. Lirsharo, Jr. Pouemion. ev en Immediately F i ndoire of Wm. Graham,. as. blookstore of eowisros a STOCK ON, jy17.111 ci 81.1,,and Third lament 0. 3VGA4-13 Wm mime Sultir, for tale IT 11 • M. wEs rON BOWS,V. FINE OLD BRANDY—O. octaves cut. leas Vieux Cognac, just .rectlead mad for saki by the &moon or bottle, by land i •JACOLI WEAVRR., Jr • LOW PRICED BRANDIED—High Pro. ( French Brandies or all colors and glades for tale whole sale and retail by drib rrrn J , A ,,.. 00 . 1 mholdtig " ;‘ , 7l: 7 4 s 4:o " tt s 1 . 1 In my Interne., have tood u gra and I gwe yours The in oy died HAZTISOUNI Ink in good; so prefer yours, us it does not mould, a g exposed, and Leconte, black lu uon the yy pa ba, tour. per. W r ithing you 1*" I.ItmIiTNEVSTY. For sale by B. A. Falaiestock & P. Bch wads, Allegbeter city; od b 'Thomas /L Druggua and Liberty and Smithfield creels, Pub 1797.dthr 'EMI AND V A LIJA ULF: WOO ai LLSHED.—A Conmendnito of Ee br Dr. John C. LOD:senor. Conn lor and Ordinary Professor. , Thont.l from the fourth edition, rertsed an-t Wed from Om Grimm, by Mamie! Da A History of 0113 United Stiles of Al dismivery of Me Contionobto the emment under toe Fetlcrol Coissdatib Hildreth, . . J.. received and far 'step,: . . 1 , 11 , 81 , 11 , N1727 . Hatters , Trimming* Ohs HE adrcrurer u now openuor, • New York, • completn auorna ulecird by bicuolf Corfu to Franco and Cuomo', erbi• for cub. Neale c•Il and exwalow elsewhere. .=ZII ARO OlL—la LW*. No. I Laud • 7L No. Y do.; All slam mod for awe by 1/27 JAMBS DALMELL, N Mackin., loadi• Jack Usk, aod or gale by 4 27 lA. • IL( —I im !TM.. Na Malack ILL aw losalon, ho% b, lzt D err .A.BO-3 casks, sepetier, for ea P voN LIWYNI rroklAetto.l--4u pits, asaacifittiSa . 1. venous e ndue.,.or sale by Jr'' ?.4 . F. VQN RONN 7 3 1 -2" Se PEPPER—ID boy for .ale by }y.27 d. P. VON BONNII; .11174 Pi.L. Ft . P I' . t,' l l l - 3 f l or &V,11.7 Bother, r.. n a P. VON BONN WINDOW OLABS:—.g bores Sit 10 lOZ 10 10 1 by 1147:T1.11.H 114.P....V.0N_139181 1 1 ) 27 bbh.., foe sale byLupecar~ 1 8. P. VON HONN . , Rhine or Boole Wit s PARIiLLYO Afoul) Crows brut; lea !beaked:ter, tBa), Manua &Co Ileatt • Oiessaheirron, M 18a, . lb " Waal bluecatel, Ija&t Jobxmisbam , Radesheimzr, 115a1, Mum o & • &kn. Haat Samarda,lBos and Them Wines am Acat the Ourr ikkong Uus littdral Le owe er . :, do. a , ob, bnk, '..0w0, or JTST .141COu NO6 CLEORGE lIIP4N, by eapi.„aTierpee and pay. 1 . 0 bbartee. old tOtelllto a nos ea...a/Meting valu• able bEeded,,,... books, kr_. IVS GEORGE oi-Froot 0., • siert, Leeson! hr. Ye at the r gbh. ..my of Ink. Ws !lave • • he bat I de/ by be mimeo/ leer seeeees Inns L. L 0 from [be of laov 'beheld =CM 24 ICltter rc per laalu.t. MECO 156 1•411, max,. ans'. 0.114 DALZ IRILL ST &CO =MI its r tvo OlilErr t o , MOtrai CO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers