4PORTATfON L ! TRI[NI RTATION, 'soave and Noir CulititOunal ;-' . PA.e.kalsfst'•E 1 ,-,,,, • , :.:;..... , : '•' if , ~,,,eket DUANFAL V tPt , Shttqufill'Ain fears ...raver reralarly on klowday. Wrorinreday .and lay evertirtse al O P. V_ and aritee'ilSbaneettrren ......11110nrirtr al 9 atclock-retarntnA Irrii Vointre. team nteattay, lituraday and tom:inlay evenings et I P. AN and reach Berner nine for tlllll9ornirm bone, ALLEAMIFIAIY CLLPPEY, atrium, A ...hsittsbcc,sg ;‘; 12delook. Thu peck. fIARKAWAY, Vapt..lugstroing. will tweet Beaver Tonally, Teuradny and I , 4lnrilay ern, lop al 6 P. 3.1. returning, lanes New Colle, Monday. Vredp.d.y and Policy etenibra et G I' M. .I.lao ...n netting oriel the vaunting boat for Plturlitirra ?hoopoe.. et a are fitted up in contMetc order, kat , les £m ste,om tn °octavos for priaaengok. and .hipper. easy rely nr awns punctuality and greater derriatc Own has n-or, been obtained on them.. ropy • k . ~ PITCH A V 0... Pcirdieur r r 1. C. boAeoll. A geni i , Pina° ea li Unto tit p. tiro.. - ,kktover A it ..tob.. " ;VOnngstoont. H. W. CAr nokbans t .Nirk Cay. Tito elggosit steamer, ALL/L:IIVA 'i CUPPEorill lancet &per, doily al O AL ar.d Pltatourgh on IP. hil , ~ cannot% in unvolceti° with the stgivelosa. ~,:, 1349. ilt i mi Warren and Cletaland PaaA•utlar Line. Canal Packet-NW ALLVW. ___ . . -.OOE AN. _...; "... (INA above Pneketo Penne Maier racry doe Nlakurday. exeoptrot) . and nrore nitil triorninr •I Warm when Dry connect with Inc Mail ottaccii tor Akron and i Cl,reltatl, aroma at °aril di °lore place. before stied. One of the packet,. ivrter he daily . y 5 P.M., and urrteo at Beaver At!tithe l.) take air dortugkAost for Pittsburgh. LEFFINOWELL & Co, D'iSicii, 1 , IN II TAYLOR, ' tIO, i ro. JOHN A cAuajny, Arent, spls corner Wmer WI Foltikath<id ling -..—a-... ißlitt= 1849. ''' - `', UNION LINI1; ON TWA PENN'A AND (ODD CA NA LS - ... Cag.gryogo & Cuggingya.m. IL G. P.m., Dungegi ' THIS Una urth pYgpauul on the illguoug of fool A .._ gulag, to transport irel,tu gud 'HEiggen , ro• l'irrsnunuil and CL.E% ELANU 10 guy panto Ilia Canal end Lakca. Y:! . . The facilnics of the line Rye unsutplinied in tiumi, (panty 111/1d capacity of Bouts, espendffice of captain , and efficiency of Agents. tt One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Clelaiisat daily, run al 14 61 connection with tae strurneri it t LAKE BaIk:AND ldielißLAN, Between Pittsburgh and &over, and kfine of first ctn. Smainers, Propellers end Vewichi [MOM LAlcns Ananni—El 0 Parket Bens.. to,. Jesse Baldwin, .Youngstitain, Ohio. hi B Taylor, Warren, Craw( Chu:Merton land, 0 Bean a chiffin, patraio,r4-It. J 0 lIN A. C AUG BEY, Agent, m olfita i n cur Warm and Smithfield itiOliuslargh. 33 — AIrldil - PAC:KEITH Ettoamsr MICHIGAN No. 2—CaptiGilson. LASH HilID, •• Gordon. THE above regain., and well knourt, Denver Pack. ma, bare commenced making their daily imps le and from Bosom, and will conurfue,to run between Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly dolt the mason, no , Michigan No. 2 leavesPlumber')Oi3ily at 9 o'clock, MisrA. ~ and Beaver at 2 o'cloc,Wll. Lake Erie leaves Beaver daily aid o'clock, A, - .lCrintl Pia 'cargo at 3 &clack, P.M. There seamen will ran in eoniigetion with o.Park.. Express Parket fu, tinn; Taylor A Letrangerell's Warren Par ter.; Union Lino of Freight Donis for tgeircland, Clarke &Co's Pumburgla and CleithLiattLmieFrembi Mau, St Parke daily New Castle Packet, CLARKE, PARKS A C.4243ver, Accrue. JOHN A. CA LAM, Agett*FiiirtiartM, ateb2l cor kVater dralitunihfield . n ialit. 1849. PITTSBURGH AND CLElnAttil LINE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA .ntiMtt CANA I.S rritE Prop...ours oft ofd rant - 14W. tool popurue 1. daily line, consisting of SIXTEE4tirt e iu.. Lob, Enalkownekt by thenakelve. nod Ll:aline to coon. , son ankh the mem hontk REA VP4P AND CALIT COPE, anvonbied to Oder butelleSed farotues I.r the trensponatlon of freight nod page4eopers,on the opening of Canal isatigaskoo, allp"Pints on the Penn sylvan& and Oho, &ad N York rlnaJ4 Land the Lake, F. kI. Frreti fli LAY ELI, ICA Amu CR, Area, Beaver. J. C. 13IDWELL, , ,hgeoI. marl Woe, Pn.Lorgh. Pittsburgh. Urn rir BIDWELL L. BROTHER. Forwarding Mrrtitalgt,Y, nEnvEli, i• A IL; Agents for tha Pittsburgh agalCleysiiisd LA no, Pat, burgh gad Erre Late ens Er-41nd f ..vet boasEteases anti Web Pop , &laving porchnianl the large and Introits...al Whnt Boat jail built for the rdoncingaholltiParri . u. ho•e with the addluon of 1. Warehotirei:tdirrneui &duple se etransiodations for receiving anal iihrivnidine. our pledge Mete aunt. attention, iironinyanin and de&p. ie to consignments to their earn, their fur nd• far • iriaL ornradtv ;Idi. Ti a liiti PITTS BUIVISIIII AML 4.14 K LI at on. aciteMi 1844 • • • T0tab1...1.1 ON THE Etur. EXTENS DE.c AN A 1.. THEProprn - tnr of tau well koriogit...l,.= of Canal Boat., a now on to to .'ad Freight to •11 points on the bria - Extension, New York Cana l and tae Lakes, upoteratrludst tavoroble terms and watt tlesputelt. Tine Low runs in 'Anacreon vrilicHte steam boats BEAVER and CALEB WYE, 'Kaaren Pittsburg,. and Beaver, C M Reed'. Line nf 'breiria bouts um se • eels 0111 the - Lakes, and the Troy whirllichignn I.mhe Boat Litman the New York conalicl-,' C. M. REX c, libirtiblor, NM, N indwell A Brotter, Agents4*.u.ger W T Matter. Ageol at J SterNike..'. Office, Mogtorigulacla Hour, Patibtf.tgd. CONSHINEW C Malan, Sith....zu; JV. S 111,1 /Alapaha's - , Sod= A Low J u Phnom, Wen Greenvillei Wien ACIIre $1 do. Wet ricer) Harlitown; Duns &Sonde. ltollalpflittrees, rnht.. Co; liaadasky; Jas A Arordremgrbot; Ktrltiarof Newham, tibriboysaa; bl• Clo 041,1.1“, Maw. lan „Map, Mane] !& Dutton, Flue John 11 litove. Wear, A Wheeler a co, P . cw:4,14. a1t Intisibizigh awl BlarravAlisl t rieket Line Ham 1844-X 7 . , :ifiNa - d Tuk . . =bile ore rtopectfully lairribed that J . iIdAILSIIALL & CO hash nklist oar new and =did Taaket Seats to ran durat34-_, dott =mon, be- I twee= and Pittsburglichsled_ Iboll4 tD be ton. est by three horses, and eve= offift.ffi ...a4 toodate passengenh Dargaw=e" —LlDolft will lenier'i t ttsborgh every trionda_y r "Taraday, Thursday as f.tiday, at 1 o'clock. FroOklffitits . olle every Monday, Weincsdn). Thane/ay . ..tad Saturday, at 7 o'clothit sad afros e at Pinabargh the tame day. A War. clack from Indiana will meettbe boat at Subunits, both no up Ward and downward trlp--purtleglinssengert through Bow that place in one day. Freight far the above Idne wtH:At received at the house of the BOoUrrerio Line, brine. Purren & Ca.. who amour nathorieed Agentafreigbt reectved five or ernatnissious. JAI it BALL tr Co. /NO FAR R i'..l! Co, Agents, Canal ilsorte ' libehritst, Pittsburgh A Hack leaves Blwrsvlllefor.Vetuaginown on die arrival of the boss—returnsto bteritylinonner. Tate Prow Piarbargh to Toungrownliirstecrred et edict of Boalatents Line throat!, IPITIMMBILMWM eUttTrUntsnitses, nom ton a. leiiiMalB 49 .OßM .1914111U1=2ADE,,nAL " r152 11 E, N. YORK, tit l STOn4 ?tunas D'aern bllselelphtu Turas& O'lloßdrinO t truniargh. aaeLlaibtilhed Lane 14rirtr In fOll open- Tdagt.;lloopruprietora em their usual do ge, ura wtangements to to rmeardaterehMll ,lll e, pro do A. to and (two the aboveprat/non ltb.nsl terms, veldt the ouralwity, dil a t ion toffireOrety occulter to their toode of transportation WI ocy'ious, when wan. aht”aat on the stay is leghr and tar tr..lette received, char. gespaii, a AU nd Arwwded In any wcWend tr direounn. free * 7itraleirtt, 7 i=7 . o 'n r 6 ' rre%,,,n '4 " Zts All eowaturdcatlonmpromplynnenned to on applies tball to the lollowthg arena: • *, :.jit:•L 'THOS. 110611106E278 MarintAithtLudelphnh TA.APFE CrCONNOR, Cabbi.E.Win,Ptedtttell. O'CONNOR ra Co, Mont MUM 184941. susousats. WIIASIIIPO WA L. *a ---- rsoroznoliti C:' Joss DOKISUIL, _..„ . ...111r; V)7l '''' . WIL EIMILL t e :Conducted en strieteetibitrinetehia PrinelPlesi TrPOprietors of this oldXs• Aisheil Line have ot thou sleek lo the coon ...rile order, and air di:rrar a L r P' ll 4 e ' F ' re7ll . o ''', r ''''' ''''''''''. We tran that our long expel/IWe in the carrying haulms% sod =alma attentioicite into...ins of eviii. omen, will seeere to us a eotaitirlitoen and itirreot of*. paorestege hitherto cue:ideal:o Bingham , . Liiin. Oar enerigeoitaits .111 and Veto r wry Freight erlOrths anoint despatch, and o,ttrPlers shall always be aa Warn the lowest etiargvOty2dther respoasslile WeWe have opened en care Or , Ora We rket smart, between Oh out :eh .la, l'hilisdHAtE thr conecluenee .f =urid hteralitostlise sailt;cerised and for worded, East soli Woo, witholl :I y chorea for . , orontb4 advouclog fnigto, strlitetvor railiailioion. OM.. ~f LadiOg l'OroordiroO4 avers ooc•c 000 P=aneodod to. i.,,. 6,0( IRO] 11. ~..., .211. BINGHAM, Canal Boom, 007 !Abort! k Wk., A'oo4 Po.bolh. ISIOAN%is o DOCK, No les and Villhitelts4 streri, Vbi , e.A. • . JADLV.4 1, 741.. SON, Ageut, Nolll2 North 1101 0 411:Olfcrli "1i.1.1. IllieLlitliNtWe'etSNet!"4trt neraluutuo Tral.pp,lo.clELlOn via PENNSYLVANIA cAp4N - 1 HAIL Host.s, pmtalmt,rtrit .004.11203... WILE Csiuthl and Rod Fumik, Wog u ow opun, e arl n d itt . rxid artier, we sts pgegeey forwaed and. oweeltandtee and prod.herig Philodelphia .d Seidman, wip. mummers agAittt pautt, and on Of good t.{lll assay other L e in , zo klitalir Clonal st, Pittsburgh. Assoni—CHAßL RAYn'hiladelptua. 11.08611101tR1 Vlulutoure. • preskiNut PariAlitalno, Mg= 1849 i. 1 pIWP PITTSLIVOII TO Platit i gELPlllA & UAL Tt • • =elusively for Vers.) lat f=cra.,M ictd Oat thin Line se thronhoat the Sesson.Ul::"; th bats are Taw, and of rtor slaw, with INTO/ tabbies, whiuh P. sPw glsr Comfort The ars en the luso costurnetnie t; ` Wallet" always be in piiitiXid wavelet, we is. Owned to eall sad era.. thuith.i4 L tors enragi n g llars One ofihe bow of IW till f VP* Nam arm itgei,f lan Carwly y nlglO at nine o , elpar. Time Si ar. Pori 9,9 1 1..itTt +nay Oltea trspix.pg4ei. Moose Sort! & Co "LAW • . v? C.. BUM g..!? Knickina 'Ofl • LE BOLT mum, the TrAnesq.. , l , o ernaght lo • TO r IfITAI)E.LCIII.Aie,ALTI . AIORE& NEWYORK BL StrtkSSoo 6e , CPtial Inn.,ng now ergo:m4 tt,e P , oertnto. the.lxVuve Lien. reaynetfulq inform Pttb. , C , bot Web r.). r“parra to fret.", gml ward Foie! , 'gun degin......l‘. end oeet re , e• Then . Woo Id rieo to It bole anemone, 05 •htnyer Eon, Void to tile 1.101 ,ant tit?. IkboL eutnlo., ea by them In tronepori•,no, age owileei oarat by cipertenrie.l .nloppeer , ot Meat leant to fin.l .1 advgntaggooe to Ono ti n e I An, lan toloorsIK:• we ,00de str- Wo rang.toolos at Woo l u4o nave enent net,g. sor Rol la:note toninird Jtrectl; 4 l boytt cwr, tnerehy as• • Frekgla to rtulaktek,nl.4 goe. - -on through to Vat. bola, ; No eh rogJe lorqnge.vn , e ,monti, or a.tvonetne efistgon..! 1 Al; gNitns--lohn A .*tfn , t u. 1'414,1.510c t'o ltrattrAtl, Jo. t , /et cri nh , llgte A Thertgot. C.e.Mtu . nn. =tett:it ANAL* lit ROA DS. I Z . fga o .4:XvilEsS l'A I AET Ma...burgh tv Psnli/e7p1,,.1 nnef Pahtroorn. IF.a III; iW. , ore ir44., d bat LW. I.lm, arillaonturrare 011, , ,,,,g am Nload.ry. 121 h Alarr6. The IMML• or ad, I.oli . am of .E ..urwritor <la, motto etdoromilarMins, arlnVi.a r.va gram., contort to pa. angora. A hook 0111 part. rml travelr.r.. ore re• quested w mad e4.,41.... ~,,, cora aorrnontg pa t.me ottrar mum. rue, nal wave tur tarschno. up. prame the U Hotel: rcu.l.tre ashl C4kl,li, every night or Ir FAHF,—.NINIIe...I.A rs&L.C , —!!! For inforrnnuon, of l • 1.1 she nlll^, •raheln !loom, Of La , Cam. arAnt N. 1t.. , -I,le propnriota or ran , — I tar. o, natv Imilding an odderiona? 6.tne run on or 10.011% /or , . 10t.3q,e0r. , .• ,. H.0 ....In tn.. • . . va.aa lrold....awn la. la litat tune a par.kal vrla 5 nr... •V•tVlrlo ,l ], In{ TIITIV • ttl.lo RELIANCE P4e . tTAILILE BOAT LINK, 14;4 9 iat ti d ar - • Vol' tits traosistiitaitan ot ststet......e. 111.71-WIIIIN 111111, 1,1 1 1 . 11,131 111.11 ( 11101114 carried totpltts Id, are eut snottetted Ulf I.eTtvren l'ittsloard...tid tem, r•.. nest In four ie[ooll 1:1p4711, o vr itd and arts. ten-10. 11 , 6/rpt , UI tc,rrnAt.hu . enSeittt handl, litift 1. 01 11istortuttee euaree tnude Tor reeetvll or shttteiug, ndnutetne ...Ise«, All Cued. fOrwardett until /. ytttrh. and tnt reamualtic terms 01 ny •ny rare Lote • dlttrti SIT \Dr , : lb , I . entt rt. I..itsluerelt . ; JO, ,I D.', VI, c ad, Mr.Ft et 54 com.rorce •t rail. /0111 , 4 McFA Vol o (ding nod Cogno.o• uou ?tl.4el,l‘.a>. ent•burgi .1.011 7 A NI II AVl4.g: CO. f . .oar I'metor. and Cocomns loon 31arclkonto... , 274 , r\ci u:,•1Como. - ror wert niorl 1p A tamer. mvhd k by rah, of tto oo oar Wool q.d othcr coltribsothlc comb/111rd to Lltem ItIENCIIAA'ro'r*FA FllElOlll' 1.124110. For itorirantle..a4..... U. I loi tsau) sburg h. end - - . Dlstrdiate p.t.crd gaIDS Line woi cgaiiDaaa aarrY an stray arDIN writ uxunk . C.capatlca, al fa rDr, freer:M.: Aarara—C A MiN&L'I.TY .4 Co. l'..eirLrgh. • D It W H oite,D.wn Jolm sltAtr, Rwrr(aczc~+--J:tp for 'I r r. I Ato.DDlerger. NleAra, /ono ,I 't,. F Von Wog:. horst 04. Co, tt to LAM , J. SI th.,.1 11” x• . . _ Pittabcirlh; Jot ti 141/3 - . .11u.t.'.a., J Wad " & Co, Illnututt:( KEEP, PAIIIS,FI rt. Co'... PACK I2IT LIN LI • • ~F.,,v-F R AND.CLP: F.I -1 ND IA ll' A It ILL'. Ca 2.-1 irt--.5N .11.1, 11 t'uyt " IiCEA 1I Hatter. e m r[ r d , thco the MAI{ .04 roll nod vclaitc , each mOt. 0114 . rar.et.✓ leave M, Le rrEtt .r.. :a tol.• 11311.11114 Otarulmatifdr) OM ' S Pis. . I'. Pa- " . ^r" . L. l • ropm •11 01 ' .11 LOHi - liF-SVV•R iriii F.lll Par:a F..l' LI \ 1... Irtarrueu en• to t.• 11% Nt Vt.,. /, lOtt ..oral Vacant +lCi.str,var.r.t. t apt. /nate •. . - ..*.r.•.0....t . rt, • P 0"... a '' . ..s. t.toe. • 'I "a 1.., '• .Per"."•• 4 eornorroved rortm,rt,t. ,- . , 1.,...,,Eit ANL) .1.. k It and w-II rail rev.. 41' Outs,. Ilt.' -ca., loth Inerrog lira ...r . ' tlotto: t'' • " ' •41- . ./ .2 ''• • „,...., ur, ,Salooorat. Iroor I ''',,,, ..."' t " 4.te.ti„d r t oo 01,31 , Otrttl• 1. , tl. It t" A to MI 11,0110 . 111...tt011y 1••••,... l'annnr.a.r• ro n••• prom On Abe I.altrialr to No•aarra l'IP.••• svoi lred ta.• routs. the too, coratratoe n.,t: rll,4lllteitt i•eer• thrown to air par 'ln tle• Lane ca•• ro. err. ar.e trn sorylog ro raw inti•Onanrt l f• t. 1.1-.1). I. a ith. , s ,' j,..‘., /011:ii•A": CA 1. tnlll.l. tit, 1 . .• ,. •-,A ,:n. ,-nor War., arl.l.arrir.tr- ..• •rn I-4.- 141, COatreno. Irre.l.. o !, , • • 11 rx l' Fne Pa AI Prioal4jtool t..., 'Po , tt.' , . , 1 1,1, • ll,' tOPILIIOtt, an ',tut, inarg, Pn. I t % 1 . 1402.11.."1"1t5itt 1 . .1. I I t' Atatteves I . .r.anki, hr, • II Pe t7'Efarorreloart•• N. a Ca., l'a 11l .:tea I=== nUe-ia FOR CI:NI Rt ,O± rrA u.RN Ni)A Till F, . • 'VIM; ProltorrelDE; WM. !Atte nave pat on Naar 'twit aud net ittatt'atatt to fora , nt itnoket:;<.• of att evripilona Oat), ettaa - vet rate. Aetent %Vat, r etrttet., I.llt•ltartia {tili:l IN A ocell , . !lAA:NW .‘ a Plllll•enger `At] Iternlttarteo Ofrie•. t's IC 1.4Pe0 ru • ..v:lnve to tom) pe.sor• front hnytr. I , ..net.rd, 1,1,441 Sriftlar, .44 W 1144-. taie t1140,111.44414n 1 *Mt.. 4a4 11.• usual pa, allenuon to thr •141..1. 4.141 4,044 44,41 We .In 4.4.12:10:0r our hassrt.r.sr•h• Le rotored I. Oeturdlote sonn , P• Om , .A1144•II, portu,. h...olO.three .41 tlietto 14.4. nous,. they .• tKort thett.4.4414,-. 2491 sec to ouor aeo spate), them svoho ; luny deu,o,n h the 11‘4.1 ‘hti... pny hs aerr of o .r pn•sran et.. to show Otataatty seem t- hours u• Liverpool, artril4 044.1.a..ti• of other. 4444 to in041t1164. WWI *het tonOS he aerti 111 some ate, cans'.. 111 ch ; p rote, lehrch;ltyo Imeittelttly 4,0,41 their rotor We intend perSaorn our cro.trro, hnllo4-314,. co. what a may. hart 5.0 t act ns seas the ease a, seem.. setth ether olfsect,,V,-erbo cOher perhorneJ not h::.ro who pultee thilr,eonvenseuee Drafts drawniSrrPotstorreh for an 14C1 - 11 (row 1.1 Cu i t ., l=aLtl , e ,( Po ,, knf a ..X , txt . roani 11r.3411..:er Florar.r.an outil Gem-rni , 1111 h urn, on. tioor kfaLilColll i 3 Y YENITIAS 11/A9D, AND p;i3iNF:T \\ poorm 1.., pu 11;01 ke mind at hm ntonal larc, ot Mr lharnon,l. Alm ghen:' ;13 a compieto manr; mem o. mao 111,01 1111111 outk.ra urc oma• .••• der 111 rise I,mt atytr. o rr equal •a• atrr :nth e t llitalla run 1.4- rrnioved v•.. 1; out um t;•.1 of c..w urt• m linvmp purch..... I e •...11 torah, and amool of ta• at.toet co• mOlashment of lla r.,qC , I load, I um pre; artal them old co...ntorm. a• a• dm Public et h ec e cry Ajg c rfjeo r n. [MOWN pereitm.,•4*.....4-4 ;mar orm., . e from Pm cokoViforttpent } o oh. Plp phlakocd ktolualdrlkk • hope apd wrt ...Meted smoort meal of all to and trodroccd . ktylro •a• WI ; glorod andr-Vtornan ?APIA( HANGINGS, eon ak{ • PAK* plecrao4 Parlor and Pmscrs; rllan upd wont jr — re !..lholog-room, mad oilier Pokr—whith IrWOuld part. u a; iy 11.11,th. utMatto oath Mo s, haator ;;Ch.ca .n `:epee, to coil Mild clarnme Paper W'atihouat o C lIIL.L. nr4: ; Y 7 eeI:KW al iaaa La/UMWaced 1 ,, I, a ~/. 6 law at rime tit of Fetnr VARI ET to .1.,1M. agimmlng p •I.NI AM,Lmalr, lidd.aint, la•n• Ilu nef,y.linpVc.i. .r. Cambtro, Set Lore Veal, :Mewl., edge., Ilatolk, , rm, I:ra ca gen4Lnan and MA,. llandkernlo.tr, nrJm: ',Ong Silk, T4rOad., ',woo elagislt.l, Jr .m.r). Cut ler?, tr.c.f.kluntry and all un-rrtnattn. ornn— peaLfully hmite9 (4 :ail nod clanotte mu, 1. AIN al Wood greet, ecoMl4, of Lnomond'alloy MC 401 WTILACT . /Fl-1.1,-- An ortte'm ra ptal, norni.pntp tr-r %I wolcome admrt.l.3, and de.inlau , ~.voc!. . 4 , or 14on• P.m.. , am , l'at anible than eoutt , n ollre. and far nltram.n. mt •tort paIMT town, y r eLt., wlll lag a. tom put/ads of Collev;,Jlnnufannimal JUIIN R. N 111.1.1 .11 rot. ,ur. h I a Stdd at whal4le by 11 A FA A corm of Fin* (Volo, and Al 11 1 m.1.1n•m• I'lltzbarch iALIFOR:S4I;Iit GO(D: , dui , rrre.• d. NJ, al Camp lhattlL ;y'Amer coat, la 14 la pof• nott nm, (Lom; la ~.ilistta. nter .1 aril, Tank, Ss mad la 4110.4 cat... ca I gaL'ots.eaehj I]lBlo Mom.) . licit.; CaMidie do dot rbe Omer mods at Mr a.. lutlyll inllfitlll4 : *l,l, N,ll nod rac4ll4 ilk II l'llll.4lrr SSORTKIksTic. , t—i•ut for (many L to n, I Apu C:aufl ' I Frpp. r. %V•Manted p4r. ,w and Ill‘Mtaod Famart, ,orm Ferry 1A:J...1y JMIN LI A NVILS—VoIodOn 'run d. , tooi Pros ancrullle:}wpOL., warrawr r .; go, y on. hand and in ANE IlhAlt I'll. ,11.0.4• At tt.3,1 ran supettnr gels ur Ink y store and 1 . ..4 1 ,h 1 .1 Me. W. W. t r illilate hay.ne te...d Weld. of ~nr. quably and ma. store !or nu+. r.einern prOnounees tleflor to the to,itto• nun orormYlC ro, use Nltt hull • sintages,.hfiyur °a n .Inportunon Ivr t t s . n from Ilankant. Petal !red and :or •o. Hl' ILLER A. HICK VT. , PN i1.411,-...105t rem rnd• brio bolo! uttorl runt WI, and gesdlesuen, Gold but. rd Clatanus.,. tiontih 18.0.0 encl.. Coitlero prtout Weddlnfelanvar Vasa. gold. gold Penedo, run, Rings, Lae 0, 0.00.1 I•LnA, Bern, (in.! l'r Watches, het W IV WI L,ltsi, norm, ith and 11, rig, .1 V—J te.:cavud in ',baton kit anyht, Whet Sllrol. t p eulPr 4 Velackihlibon, assorted ealens, 3 ham.... " eisib:ortimp Gimp; laps sante l'hum kr. .• pew** t YuNT tie rori MiOng.Ant. krtnelleal 1.1011..41 nbres throaeh -000., moo,: loo; diseetneen faun Woo•lnnne.a. %ants! Illterir(tilol3ll3 viva. mxpeettvely: 01. 0, th3gthe E1e_46.4./Stees clads:inn. sta well a. 001111- tli vein 1.11 grin of lbo tinned $OOOO. mud 11in ant.. Jo by JOIIINSMN KruCKToN, myls tomer:4l and linnet sts ~..- _~~I~ICAL FELLERS' FAMILY MEDICINE/3. l, They are the . S Medicos. of the day'.” (Nun au', !SWUM. Ohio, Play Ws, 1879. R S-Ilers: I think ItS . eight torts.. benefit Of others •, ste some (sets relbUon to Ivor exeellent ty Slc.hilnea I :lave used your Venni/4e largely In my own fem .`, ..le vial frequently arizarerino for expelltruo large tmay Ito tool warm from two children. 1 , e also used your Lets, Pills and hough Syrup In go oots. sod they have to every instance produced ' th. effect desired A. I ant erigare.l in tneretwodising. 1 ant aide to •orte 1:12/ I base •et to hear el the first failure where roar rordonne. 112Ve been used to toy ...viten of the. conntr, .0.0,2•6011. I May Male that they are the • coeclAcine• o. thenllT trod •re 2estinerl :a ha. 2 Very erten., popular", Yours. respecoully, WH. H. Vlrgrr2ll. Prepared soil by R. C SELLERS. No 11 Wood street, and sold b, Druggists generally to the two ti t c• and etc atots oro3l • RSA RI. OF LIVER COMPLAINT, by he (.5 on.y true, and genuine Liver Pill. Soon Coors. Limo county, Va. / March atith. le4o. S :11r R F Sei , err Dear Str—l Rook rt a duty I we in ',no and to t 22 putol.e . g sacra ly, to stale that 1 have otneten woh tho Ltver Compton. for a long I ow. an ss. badly that an etwess tanned end bro., vrt.o.2 .ell ow .00 very.low .tote. Having bawd ail roue celebrated Liver Pul• ben, for sale by A If Wr.-11.1brrly, and rec./Mended to Me by tat' phl memo. Dr. E. Smith, 1 concluded to give them a lain. tray I purchased our box, and found them to I Ise J ost what they em recomminded, THE. 13F-ST 1.1. I b ER PILL EVER USELt and aver taking lour boxes I God the Morose hoe entirely lett me, and I am now perPert.s will. Iterpeetfulfy your., 1) II IN/LEMAN. West Liherty, Pl amt. 26.1/49. I reettfy drat l nos personally acquainted with Mr and ran Ircarteminiony to die trout of the oboveer ruuente. A II SHARP Tire (.02310 . Liver Pt. are prepared .d •017 by V 51 , .1.1.E1L5, No 11 Wood site, and by drum. .11 the two en.. 11. Tlll7 PURL! , —The co tom. only true and gen ., I.tver P.O. ore prenored try Etteitet s, and bate ins name mewed In black w. [4OOO the lid at curl, and Ms segue ta re on the outside wrapper—all ...oc,s are counter lens, o base tionatioes. II E SELLER.. Propstor DN. J A If NIL'S CALiNNUNATIVE ISALSA. RUM the Rev ASA SHINN, et writ kiroorti and pop uhir 0111;1 man or the Protestant Church The under foiled 1,00100 been adlatc.d daring the Oan wrote, wrth rheease of the stomach, sometimes pro dui. vg great pain'', the Morn. hint tenor Dario c hours tlorot ,raellio22•o2, rtltd aster having tried cot and ted., writ. laser:Get% was furnished wrth • ren t .1 Dr I/ Juytw's Carminative Balsam: Then he used •c. mullion to the direction., and foetal mauled) that :hut medicine caused the pain to abate in three or four win ales, and in fifteen or VreentYinSon..e•crY 00^ 0.7 ,02113 inn was entirely quieted. The medicine 111120 atf. lerrvardo22od whenever indications of the opproar h Or prkillerete perceived. and the pate woe:hereby prevent. id He continued to nee the medicin«very evertong end soma:rues in the morning;and in a low erect. health wit so far. esSofeti, that the 'fakeer was refine ea from a large amount of °M... pain. Foam ex Ise-reuec.lLerefore, hasan confidently 1.... me -d It Jay/x . l. Carmt wave Ralson, as a salutary niedirre for dtrieases of themoulach and bowels. A SHINN: Allegheny eny., For to Patsburgh• •t thel'ERIN TEA STOR 12 Fourth stree•. be t Wood and st. et the Drat s•ore .1 11 I. SI.:11W aTZ Feder-At tree, • ALUM:this'. DISCO VEIL lf 1 CONS UTIP TI I' ES, BE ON 1 , 0 UR GUARD. DR. SW A rNE.`3 COMPOUND NY HP OF WILD CORBY. TIM O.AT 11,..V TUI "..oiniumption, Coughs, Cold. Asthma, Bronehnt. Ldv• o:Complaint. Spittiog Diffieully Ereftth• itte, Pam the .9)20 nod Breast, Prank... die Heard Influence, Cronp. Broken Con vtitution. Porn Throat. or Ike net•Ol• tf • and all Diveaves or Throat, Breast altd Lung, the 0111 st t••:. feeinal and speedy cure vet known tor any ut the alvove any ca. Is DR, e.NVAYNC.'S . COM posardi Elyria p of 'Wild Cherry! This ;lac-dirt:" na,lord.rer . among Move or douldful unlit,. It b.. pa•.ed away itona the thouvand4 ditto ahttelt.ed upon the Lida at eipettnarsit. and 110 W stand. Inahet In reputtitton. and ti lierinutint more extra...ve ry use‘l than uoy other preparation or medic... ever d tedinted rya tohof of vooertog man It loot been le:maimed very gatiorally throe R 6 the ratted Suttee and Kodope, and these are tear Invet.• iint•Ortaucc l•ut Wt•Al rOultan wotor tutar•ehlr •••1. ol tt• rood etree , Von prow or Me knee statement. and of ann. and elfictiry or th.. un-Ot tam. the proprietor :ill town a tear of the mut. y thauJ ott• tostonontelv have been pre voted to nlin ?tur III n 011)30 Len tr•poetaluilly—we :ha have higher vire" of morn , re•ponsthotty mul jut..., than to eer• ttv 10 tact. 1..•••••• O It •••11 du another a favor. and .t•rtn•ellet no 11•1•1.1, tnuch Ico•Oluout ptuv, •uu ,•11111ely. that as .orprtunK aerbetire i• evoilnodied to int ietrande merit. and toe ample...table ria.hot.. •y ot path , °polo. The tratainaneue• tenet it al. de. and tor ••Xottling ititluenee diduved ttirouett ti• reader. It mon ofts,ynun.th .3) the sirted bell then, actin, Iron coo•csouttou• telout•o••, colonil. • t•• tc•tilttour to tio• ttuth ol • ttOug t•oft , Lt.. , .4. • • ~tr• ;own). being coutiary to lb,' •ormt,y 110,••••••• and pnr,••••••. earrre. eimirtroon ot te am at io eninmends oveit in a apecial 111411.1 1.5 'MI , cluti cre,1••••••- "•---1)1100011'• ?ghoul Malitn• Rlf-‘l l TIIE lIS Oak, Ci-itriric.vry , .ILu writ art Cella or POLasentaas Consvarettor • There neve) wa• a remedy Mitt tins, ocat 00 ..0010..dia: demalate of Cooviiroptlon Dt Sae, 1 , 0 Gong o.aid Si . top ot od itherdp iddroatlionv •)•tetu. tltr and •ppeara to heal the ineet• no the nowt, trtatt sear and net iciood, power p tied by e„ 121,1.1.11 Cote - tee Chih, April Y.3th, leti. lit hiiiiiyue -Deur tuir I verily better.. your t'ofet iouitit riy cup itt %Vail thycyrt lota beYett the means of ivy lite I eithelit ytire rout. winch d., wi re • uevere itn ee d., ieyiso Our rentedir. who. treueree .itti utiiit Tay cue r h,t,tir , l 111 the .yosp.n. l'oiniii•iury 'o.,..nptiols t.eiiry thin, I tried eve.... huve ti. cooto.aiit tee rt.., wrap,.iT rite t .rictid• n• writ guy , up WI ho• :hy reeovei f At th. time 1 wt. reentaintendrY l to try ;out mu aluatit, meth/tine Ito with dm Meet bap .) ie... tir.t holt. hud .e cdeet hu wag!, e toeing tne to , exiyeetorste lreety, end lir the ume I had ir.rel h0,ie.,1 wait entitety Pen, end um now hcarty a bap aa I eves wait OWI We, and nue. he heppy te vier ItlilaavaLou fehipccung thy tont lifthet •Arrer• may dstive Ile benefit tot iirtitch I nnt gtutelot Yht the truth or the benefit .e ataterocint. I refer ion le Peter Rush, Grocer, We., of whotel I purchased we Resit ally ohm, .111.121 MOSS A.X. Irootirfut Cora 'f it TrfelAudt.st Minsater. ~r: (b r r der.. al - c • ouart.le tllm' . ..te • sod. .. de. to me taloned gree•al.r, eV ~.oily la tar,. 01 your Compound y • of Wad te Cocriy. ' , on, three y. since sve• r:olet , ..y aitacavd coid and indommation at toe es a.ch woo occortipamed with • distrevsteg -tor h, pun Its the breast end head. •cry convidera. di.crtarge ot offensive mucus from the longs, mpe. elan,. open change or weather, hosireser bat slight. At a,. rowrtn about my cond toort. was A t soon cnvinced dint I I•• 4 rapidly grotto Ir. e 0.0. Itorewweaker. Ind at length was scarce ty ~le walk •ttont, or •peak above a whisper. vuch w. the exceed.nc weakness of my long" IVaring this dm, I had trted yarrow , prcuarattons and preseripuons, but Muod Irllet—froolag all the by worse bore was od•ised tied per.aded by a dear (nem! to tViltoilizon to Male trial of yoar... 4 y raof Wild Cher. ry I moat contras that premoasly Ind been prejo• dmod mamma patent atediell.S, sod I am •hll sown., None eon out of the bands of eemvertr.s, hot ender. smodirot your h aven o to the prefraalOn and practice ol amdtetnc, and g unpile. hod: to the szytng of my ("ends, I forthwith purchased of Dr Shaw, one of yohr agent, • leer 4.31MC11. and Conillazrircel u•e. My d ewe was at that tone o(01 or TS months' mandato, ton sequently it was deeply seated. I mond, however, cousidcraltie rend from the ow of the first four or her bottles. 1107 being public speaker. I frequtent/y tempted to preach with MI theremong stmttgth , mid thereby ruptured those vessels thathaa already hem., at, in Nis way, douhtless. my mare low armory retarded. In consequence of meting woo iiiiprotletintly I had to oar twe:re or fifteen bottles before I ...a. per. (tray restored. I have riu hoses'stion. a much smaller number of bottles would emade roe sound, Lot for the slow, indocretion. The ?syrup attayed the fever rots 15213, took away the distresung cough, put a stop to dotcho,e of matter from toe rung, and gave Nero and me moire system good health I have dew r• red °Carole tins euvutiratr uoul now, for the purpti-a If bets, perfectly Nail with the permanency or the Lnd now feel perfectly well I oiler tt yr.. Kr 1 1 . . /Mutsu Dahl. county, N. C Imps rtant Couttort—head Rtad., noire Ie lioi one oenurne preparation of Wild Cherry. and that it IhSvear 'Ai, the. hr. or, offored no the pcone, velooli hr. heel' told target)* throughout thc United Ututo• •oid some pent ot I:Loupe, sod all pre. pot thane cancil lry name 01 Wild cherry hare heen pun nut aniccander cover of wane decoptiv• cntent/nee. 111 otdor to litre euriency to their rale, Hy • little oleiorve ..... no poterto need mullein. Me envelopedeo inn lake, Koch bottle of the geuonne le e with &bountiful "'Wel eingtering, with the lite., .nt Of Wh.lant lien. thereon, Pito. Dr low:tune • •iglientret end et further teconty, the ponied of ID c.•4yr , e will he added he:tenor, so et to illsOinguiell toe torciottatton from an °We" Now, II It arus nut tor the great cottony , Unworn,' end taw+ void , ' ni Dr. Swains,* t.onatiound o n rep of Wild Cherry, person• ovoid not Ix entheavonia• givc euttcoley to their - lictittotio matron's." y atcaltug the lienre of Wtld Cherry Remember, aleteye tiara in wind lilt name nt Uecityne. and Ito not dese&tod rrinciran Office, cornet al KlUtith and Race "coots, For ..MIC wi,oleutle tool totati bit OGDEN & RUDIW DEN, rot end Wood os, 11 A FAtINF.,TOCK A Co cur I• 1 end Wood, and rith and Wood iat, W )1 rite nItS, Market ill, lt INKS, 1-0 lert) tt, Au A our Hand mod Penn thr; JOHN birth . lt • ELL, Ail.ctien, city, aind Ly all respectable •Itiorit. medicine nctlll - - A SITHONU P.VIDENt Mal Dr JAY •.!'y LX En TORA PIT eurevor vi mhat sessoninrs fon amyl. Consumpthm, limuchnta, Asthma, and miner Pulmo ary susrtioss, thist On e st am person. wham...need Mr ol tn Mr, (MM. , tea ytars it, .11 pr..' to all Art m medics of Ms IL .I.d, and ushers., have bmuludumul try ohm. prrranstions they hare almost Man inarpoluted eth tees..., the Itrtsefit whtch wee mammal,' nourhmtra fmAn the hqh pralwa bestow, ley th• mum muss, m/ use ...turnd tu Om o EIPg , TMA NT. as t sturdy that bag o. r. hulml tore bar. Mena. and ..b.cle yrobstbly novas had It. eftusi sti Mesta, rya. pultnuntt amma Prstparad only Iny ls Jayne Philadslphsa, subl A Km., by ALEX. /Al r 4 demlld& Ira 7V Fourth at Dr. W.P. Inland'. forCfalrt - fm PI 11H. V. INLAND, of tit.. rollego 1.1 Ph, nJelplon. now utters to lb. pul. l /0 Ind.,. Slop etablo Norma:ll 110.11 . 1, the quol/lic. of wlch, notlr loop mod Is c. boon st./.•fooloroy toldial.e.l oil woos.. who may 01t10,..1 0,111 no or Fallen Womb. benii olaotor, 4uarnol.tosog Aure unJ ." Abort (pore co ~, lClOlOr, INI•00., 00,011e.1 WWI ~• mol root .1.10, 'ding all thc oxIMIIPIVC 14111411, /.0 loop so use. ' l ' ll. Lc fee, coo,. loolo....• . An. nol in on, ease out *I titreo Itusittrrd and tnly thrie no urnm. Also for Rheumatism and Weak Breast or Bark, at nded unto n n . re I.noting to en i el 11.1 s atfording relict of cfircluig a care. For tiy %Vileoi, corner 01 Diamond Markrt nraun k Ifr-It•tf,. I.ilierly and Si. UAW rim Dr J Saryent Foilaial in and Diamond, &Ile gheny city aming . 1.. nom. Go, Dolman and Diamond n Intingtot. tao 57 Wood nolc Agent for We wk. of IP Tawn,rod • lac ow. naraspaidn4hea just reerw,l down at thy. l•rast and latnuret Medicine Purchaaers .hould rerelleet that H 1. role agent for Plunk:lo, mud D hi Curry for iIL Lin Nl' Sti.V ER PATiNT L.F.V WA'rell ur —MOGI Watches, mALIe by the celebrated goober of M J. Tobias of Liverpoul, and ,rce n ortmrnt ordelaehed gold and salver Laver, made by Inc best lscnera nuanbractstren. °ran Catetrfluniort Ware in art., Gold Pert.: Jewelry Its largahrartety; Silver 2:poona, Farta.ltc IE7 Watch rernunng eieetped , t? cayl9 eovn, Nrrulrt •00_1th lk,f A CAULAY' S ENGLAND—Hawes (ma ,Allion •al 8 with portraits., cloth-75 .a.t• rolame V Far aerie by , lIINSTUN ap7 corner Mutat and a./ KO EIIVHDOCH'S PATr NT DASHER CHURN sirrt ,t• a a. rums - aro 3 or 70 wuvrn mina mention of the pulih . c - 1; invited to tide retl f eabiabin Chum, which has the nate...m.4n of all o eta at combining the old and onw invention. to v•ther. • 'rho utility of this icivention is apparent. as by a steal pk process thentr is forted beneath the dash, and does away with the neceotily of purchasing near Churn, as it can be applied to any churn an are. and for one dollar can h‘tot all the imorowerro•nte of the age combined ‘3ll\ those of gathering the Bauer in 11•{111 way. The public: are invited el call and ,u.lre far them scion, before purrhastng elsewhere, at ti 7 , cornet of Market um rift. .trees or at 03 ihaineud alley, be tween Wood sad Markel street.. Pluelotreh. lora `CAUL aoi,:sr..N TitE anderatirned hanng been appointed Agent co the Drhst.e•aa l'ilerear.Ssrgry laactuace Com raw.. tn the place of John Finney. Jr.. resigned, re spectfully informs the public and the friend.. and cue of lite On that he is prepared to take Nor e. Int 4,1 and Fu üb,on itheral terms. at their othre. No 3: Water street. I'. A. NIA UEI A, Agent. LISE! 110:11.1,—Iteht feet Y,0.3 ply India Robber Hose—that rreeteml for the Borough of Ninth...- ter. whirls stall be held in more for a tew days The Limon Belly Company caper.. strong desire (or the lire departments of the motes of Pttuborch and Al legheny to roll and eannune and make a that or them Tue company is settling to put thew any,fest they dont proper to conclude upon. t H PHILLIPS, 5 wood 1 , ,R Tao , . SUItSCRIrrIuN HTOCK 13 .n thelttennmet Gornpnny of Pt.... , Rh. will IM pp.u. l d tr. tie. Room. of the Ron rd 01, We fir. Nlo.idav of Novrtuber next. at 11 , 0 clock, • a. Lanmer, Jr Robert wood., Verd• A M hier , Job, %I a Joxinh Km Alex Ras-burg, GOLD WAADULta. TX PARRY hax Invented a roarhine for wa.hin,s t.old. for wlpett he ha. made application for a Ypi/M.4li T ,, ey are pow oacred for ante at the at Parry. Scott & Co., No Itri Wood .trcet, ritt.hurgh. Adventurer. to t'a{donna are Invited to roll d ex. 611111, lill,e 4,30r...ring martini., They ore ample thetr ronatruetion,es•ily transported on the back ot mule, or horse., wcpbing eighty pound* each. and eon he pat in take ration to hall an hour. They can be hied with proviaiona It la the opinion of 0101, who h.', seen the tool of late of these otoehince of aulnl,rot %toe, that two mei. will wn the 1111/WIS . from Al tioaliela 1•1 axial or earth to • dry. swami, the loaa of a purtia.le of the tionerol They ran he inr reared in tore and worked by IVlller or mule power, it expedleht. Thu orwratory work wnhout home Into the water or tieing exposed to watt, and consequently wlthout en tlaneerang their health. They will require hula moat, eireanx on water, and can he used the whole. season, anti ran he put Into operation where there IA not au& cool water to wash in the usual way.. Pr Ire of taualle. 11. e 8b Ordero from .broad, ar rompaeLiod by ronh. w,ll I.e promptly filled H. CAH.IIV, et P.rry,,,rottB Co'., fetd-dtf No lln Wood .t, Pitt,,burgh, Alloaprata G Sr.'o Soda Ash. 'THE rther• ore now reeeiving their Fall sunk 1 of tha ISI/11V• artscln. three veaselx, ear the Juniata. Nlintsilion and Lydia, !taring arrived at Pluladelphis oA Ilalninore. and two more. the Stephen Ilatdvent and shonly ext.eried, they are. therefore, prepares to reeetve unier. veld revel', dorm, the ter whi n apron, regulartoppiles rta ;Yew t Weans novI:1 W h .I sirrcIiELTRKE mol' NT TRIPOLI—Fur cleaning wt Jaw • and iarnp gins., sliver plate, brat, lir taalita. anti miler ware raptilly takes out all 90 an 4 Pi... an,l reprualuces the beautiful auJ rtural., lustre tri new ware. -last received and fOr %ale, who, tale and retail, Loy JOHN D MORGAN. tali Druggm. NOTICE. nn Ihe rrmamlng partner.. ha 3 thi. day r,iired from FrhrvarT 1.1,40,1 7)1 I'l Stilt Ku al a NI. FACTI. RhS — The tilt& 1 Arret tor them anuturturertt, has on bat nut/ to t on4lnsitty re ins tun nuttp.., of the ann. , ade PII l'tt.tturgh and rtettatv tat Ittch he offers to . y ule itud, antrhurrro Vllert ' GE, COCHRAN : 4 t. worm! rt 1 NIJIA 11111•11; bon.. 1r0144. R.ll + i • A• 1111 11lor Ing boo rl4O. 444441 .1111 r,ol • + appilCllloll 111. •11 11 4. 1,4 . 4.. 111 ki.,1,11,41. {0 era... Ito ot U111.1:40. al owl', Irma ...nth, urn..., II.; .u 10444 00 1,44.14 a 1t01414., Depot, No 1\ 4...4 .1. 01.01 J II 1'1111.1.11 Ni I=l ALCOLIUL Afill PUKE APIRIT3 I=ll . drd toot tolredi Ettadtet tnettl.s,lly ftt..l.-11(.11113`n — LiAY, et did wo - eart.et we Lott..,tt meet-15Fooit eaddradd Plodo day,. t Tdritey Ted ett do do lett. do I Fig d do do IVordt.-d do do t Jo Itarder, lilac Danto•lt, Carry-I LlA.ttLno. t eel. wore. tt Al ..S4 .r mp• folly. Tranedtardnl Shad. I,tnplzire, 'drew, do do TurlitAh do do 4C, Chow.. do dd do Drepert Ch.nred do do Moo/du!. Vt.,'" do do I d ntlerit, do do /Id got, Fdidt rt• • )4, o Gand. a, 01 th nT~r•in invole faalr n.I rorlonsr, mar) vr...111 3 ig to 101+1.14 of , plritt%h Warn ItnJ 12=1 MMMM REMOIMMMI do do 8r...a.1v, Tr, ,h,.P. IBENESESI • • • • All 0( whit, .411 I, sold at a mall th.l•anro. anti .111 ,unranter a. 1044'1. tom hr. Forchnontl Ir. the ett•l W at COACH MAKING FROM the very Ilbcral eneearare eta:tent the sobscr.bc r he.. cheersrere.vr he has located houself .0 Allegevv. her .educed Mm to take a lease, for a term of years, on the property he now ocettputs, us Beaver etreet. Immed,aarly bes...ie the Presbyterian Choreh . From the long eipc 'tem, to the shave hastoese and • deatre La please.. he dopes to mer a • u.l •reee.ve • share of pubhe patronage. a Now en hand and fin.thate to order. Rack ave.,' pee ve, Oren and top Bottgles. s e e very derv, puon at Carr.aoe. mode to ordrr, front sventy- aye 1:0,11I1 l 0 • cA P , Insret Isetil...ttfl 101 IN ,trOUTII Th• Allegheny Cemetery. ,4.7 the anotta/ toeeuna ol the Corporator*. tollerent , Arr.r, 1.111.41, 051A.5. y Irlansigrr. tor the ensalt, car • Tlllrbl AS NI HOWL., l'reatdc, 101 IN 11,$E CA RI RII y.RN, NATHANIEL 111 it MEI+, \Stir:olN AIVANL.I.I-IPS, JOHN II SIIOEI% BERGER, A M ES It F.: ER, Fll,l[l.lr Srcretary and Thewoo.] statrtncrtt pr,,lsttd the atfesr. of the Coenr•oy I/1 a van•pronwrous eolnlmon. ortre tit 0.4 env le No T.' Water rm.., *VE.NITIAN BLIND MANUFAt - roft Fe. .we ,( the leamotal t where Ventitan Hitt, if all the tinier... •the. met y,,,.. r• nee kept oh hand at made to only, mt.. the tweet and most approved Ithaster II la•he ton, at the ohorteat notice and en the Ti.,,. A ko, ma Omar Boston roll or •plil Mold Truloopo trney and Paper Conan,. of en tho d,Pco• .1 •17r, ard pa110r..., on bond tool for lan" low for cumb Vont non Ilhoda panne.' over anal rrpa.rod. or taken on par payment lor 1371 N M 14"-` , T1-11( V Nur. l'ro pr N. II —Ail ono. door with Ow 10,1 noltorral and workmuuhlp,uW Mrllll.llCli w pica.. a nooi sugin di) Allegheny rny, Aug 10, legit. AMALMICAN TELEGILAPM COMPANY ZWM= OM.* at the Exchange, Baltimore. ItEDUCED It ATE..-Tl 3• ohmrces ndve cod co, ir . ,l to or I ~,,, Itstionorio. bun& or 1\ hoo,. !rod • ourro.proolorc rodo, made on ralted,rdpldo ,llde.loorhr•loro.drdo roor I onorre Wom of hrtmourK,.• rnrge lot Irlegrnplo Jr.put,, [rum linJtawirre. uml rem lor. the kr, I. a Auctle, mud crals lur etkrl4 ALIJuna.J3, word. EtzfEIMENIIMI I'lllll ur roowirleolt of the South Mr • Triv,rmpli 110/11 Mirlllpll I, Tr lin In N...vr Iu 'might's cat. 1..• taarwar..d to Nie....phi• hY Eh. row, ,nr • p , rl , ll(lt'Sl: dr 11,11 N Wolllllllil' , l LI AVlD a•torint,rl 114 VlPti• ihe firm ol .1 mautlfa.ture I I, ~,•1•1:1 AND ,111. r 111.01 E. on the vtrrYl 1.. t. ratml, tt. i•L Art!, At Ctly. Phu,' 11 , v Aff prrpar,i 11) on, 11,1.014,n1y felflJl, oi. th•kr Trolootorr• Fotol.l, I notovorn, Vorpenirr, nrr To Iwo,' wort. rrvri,e itonirclootr Tr, I.on A NI/,' r I' I lit. linttlet of Mimi. i .1 N.. d• I 01. r• Auverp., Tbe uloore t• •otthble the polkaing lore , pt, toot. Ju•t re,d ofreet front gang, and lor ode k the aroeettottol nnl t•• t• 1111.1. 1 "11l koriog ball Ow labor •nil dopy...tog entirely troll tit genahnoard Tbe litteto VIITIOCI, otter 111 , 11 been ill Use oder., runt, novo been porter. y ' , tont ed. wttbout kto Oigloro 'wort to the lobrtr. untl noth oot ranovine the floor It .1111 siot nt,nre cloth. Dtreetiona treeconpanpug nook. Pro.. lA etenta. Nor Wale Loy J NCIIL/ONAIItK All d. Co. mtl 11 wool •1 Lome. Jo lin. golph. Soda do Kut. Ni 4 lufrozoll do eru•bold do (I/ow:We I.ouon do eb Infonaut do /00 rreouvr,l and lur solo LT my 3 If A F'AIINESTOC•Ii A rn I JAY HA .111 Jo* ior rale by .11 la• S F VON HONNOORST &on X,h.r.D... 4 o , o gy 1 berluiul anJ iur sa4 IItOKERY a. 110LNES t EONS, aaaaa Brokers, =Ue=l AINID BANK NOTE' COLLCCTIONO.—Draft., aod Artep.aores payable in arty pan of the ('to alb rollreled on the moo favorable term, EXCHANIiE on N, , r York. Ptil:adriptsla and woo, vl.n. einrutt.. 0. Lott”,l,. lour New l!r!esnl.tonmunt!y inr rule. 121=ISI ied Stut.. tharoantrtl At I A toed. roreLall and American Gold am! .111 , Oara I.otmhl ,uld (Orr Noss Mart, strert lwrtnwn ar.,l Iti, lushurgh, FOREIGN EXCHANGE ==M=tl22l2 any amount nt the Current Nair. n. Ee e h, ‘ „,,, brtute payablein any pan ot (Ipr Countr , e, 21 In a: the rate nt in the ". dedueunc nr dtsenent A POWs SOP, European ane teencrui Age., oi.!.re door ser.t of woeel I• I. I t 'LEH+ •\ow • pvl • st,,d suer, n,a, ENT K11.1%.11:1111,14.- minute, C.41,k T. ii 4314 Note., Perthawd at :he lowest nu, by N 11.1.%1F-A s S...NA, Lt/es B ILLS OF' IC ICH A V44-,tot New osrls, Yhtlndelislos, eel Con‘tent, (or •sale L7N gepl:l ), Niarkrt st. N E" . ..,„, It • R ,1%11'i( \ a.ol -ut 1 elver... 1.• 1 Agar A. l'or , 1101:300111.) • ,•11111,1. 1,1110 ClOOl I • NV. shah be grab, •ol 11 • sr oA Joeo aro rtratl a protoded the dog. a trasout.tg answer rn•e horr gamoot purr., u. et ...tc thr rven the ....Lir.. ..door -Exton,. N...errh at..l tor with .urroa.llno er. to (I:, Ch tob ott n.r.l kW/dlr.. 1,12 one Ito Zit IX • rol a root b,l ao. the and artr 01 tt.e At......tt A.• o roan, AuLtr re lion., loayard. Coy U.O 11, r t•. 0.. r„ mrr IiiII•1111a1.01 , 1.111, 1111,1 rior.nrk at. r worn • a: the ago —The Throes. t Load.. !Frt. to The nnlumnnn.r A Ire.un n('l,o Iron Furnace , of Rock land rout.ty. :\ 1 . (0., , 11 /ILI/. W.1.11 rl urzt Dull., r. r rt. Fenn..., tr 00..... .1" ' zed W. rre. , ..1 t, lose autbuo. with ery pretuce. Ar e to tor (.. 1 1..u0d • thr hoo •raor a Tar kk ork St o•lntoet.... Iry r , ct•ed e arged by the aut.... In 1 • orgb houun r uev torthoo,l hd ,1,1401,1, made elate., tor thr aura, Cot r , 14111, It I.I..'KkU.KOL, dnn many gent - re...err . ..el w h 11, .• It'. y too.. lake Joint 1 11 or, N 1 I 11 t ( rood at tegt 7k • 1 1 .1 V • 1,10 t'l lo fill eola..rpoleg The A N, A te I am. - ,r Uto,. rrne -Th.. Rohr... i.e. as oar 1.• r ••.... Poo pota oo tdattraked A volume do more th.t. ordieury teout.og a sem.• n , trort ruce.o 1,11,1 ,1 1 ,11/11 ad. , . t our.. • • • Inr he .1 a. •up.e.l ho 1. • 1 .611, atstuort w --A 0111•11.11 n. I.l‘. A . hoot of lotoeort. •rhatsr . re.....ds u,,,,, ...tiro co rrer told •.. 1 a loterury 30 0r..) ,00 per - ,Ncor oi ear.y pl.,tr. 1 •01. Urth.rto... 1110. c • wart., %I I'lle rotos rood the ',nu rt rt. 11, Lr., Awe, • rrl l ar,rllo/III•11/, Ilfont,e SV• worroorel N. loorro. d u.o 1 tar (000 . d 1'... -air tot JU 1g N " - ,1 ay are \ k by TV of iny Yobtal A IN. L.,,„ r,.,, Pr. N rt .. i n , .. { M cn,~: .: v, F'~.n... •,. 1i ~•••:u , e I :.: ..1 .1.. 11 .{ Nu I, I .MI Aro o 1.0..1 A• u•e ss .: ,, , I; 1103 :. I, ic• . •• Ilx• It a iptl 11.., A Cat', Imm ,tto .etlearn Eng,....,:tonrse.ave bc.r.lllllr Jporl tnttl tnr I rnt ttnt•. • 0 , •tt. •tr-t , tttn ttn• tn • , nnt. ntt•tg.ttton nt-t real. ••t,ntt , , aggte.nont tntpttn-tutt• nt C 1 vts. Itt.to ttln • I..entn tn. on On. Itnf ran, frog • 11.. Prui an• Ev2l N Iltn•hlN-.I . -{« 7 '(. 1;r1)_-_ , E __-.:- . :,,,..- ~ ), 1 i-,1..."`-'..: - .' -- f,... ) - --" ' N ,------, ~ T,-,,,, c., ..„,.... • , u-,.1,,-..,:-.. , ... ,- , s ,nr ,i_T.4..:ri..• , , r*: : ,..1....- !, :' , 3 , .. f ., - - . .,-....,.. z..-1.: : :-.. , ,,;: ,• ..‹ - Bru•wela Curyt, Jo 1 (11IN II NIII.I.IAIN, No -I X% vo: .trt rt. h.•• • 1 ino•oUrc o. Irrtyn a • 'A :1 .11 plentbd n..ort•nent 1•Ioo• Iroth manunlenn) of lons% t . rocterinr..l . .ooroo—otooo .ncui o h••,1111. cent Itoorwood us! °mild M.o. snood. .onnro Vi.oo For , . 7 oc . ovo, • nn•oveocol o• thr Dry n van., 14 •tol ortavr, the olVotion oui. ir•pconn,., /WIN Soir A_-r ;tor Clockoring's 1 . 10.u0 l'orn Sole Agency for P 11.1.1314. Clxrk's Pianos. J CrIT R.F.l'l , :ll' I U ototl crlbrxled lurtur. ' X 7 .. 1 r• al .I.IV a.,11.11.x I 1 II The xx:.; ....Int ..r rihou ...1.1..t0n For I.ergh. 11.1.5 tt 1 1 ' %I `1 r_ 1 I A SPI.E.NDI ti ...n..m. fliffill . , ov inmuun .. ital., l anal R,wokod r •d no.. 0.10 rt Th• a:- ill , la•dat pattern al,d be•t ind,.. , ,, and WIII Ire *Old lOW ior rasa!! by Ird 141 •lanallsr rha•,, ao they ACC., I.? v.," poll.. tot 11.1 wnrtanted I.• .uin clot LoJ µol' Pi It. 1% .f %I:11A H 0 111...“1,1 144.1 r riret 14144 g 4.444 tens 44441ere*. Mr**, W se eveuresseoe *rm IS 44 ereer•l 41444 , 444441 4 1, 444.44 learr 1104-41 lb* •444/14 see•cris - 11.4444,14. te Is $444 1,r.ut41.1 ly orivinlclit. , , tm. • u n,.11 tir •I,IItVIC urtli 1 . 14 r Wit, •1111 a• 11, Win, .1 , wo e :0 ,0 Itio•t 11 ral 11/..1 10110 a 10•0 0 1.11 . 00 01 10. kuJe lor rnoopsrp,...•o ma, H KI.E111:1, A , J W 111.1..A1 h11.1k,1, NOY 1-.LTY—Th. sohnetti' Ur ha. lIPt rve . eor Luntpc, anduit i 111,1111.11 rotng Frio, pro% ii, loom. rt• mom. Intl rr .ur env, • 1,, •per turerrturr It 1. partivula rll r.•• veltrrr 1,1(01f crl rtrurer r• übJr . rr. r lllll . • tl.nt MII , I i,1111.t . 1,1111d 1.1c•1111,111U N.J.. U/1111 •istnti 1 . /Ir •10,•r hnnJ a.r.1,01n131101 01 tl. rilir..ront) Iteml Ihr . led pm/1...N . 0,11 , 11c, In 1.11. 4.lLialn, in, lor 111hprtuJ II k, , art:, . AUW Wrual.vell`s ._ . chickerinies Pianos. rififfilli Jr ,er rreru v.. .aura, ...I fur r , rale 1: Inas ufrartururt [mean.. ur.xv hal Farrel, tr,l,i norl : .u.Ltorra.ui tat gnu ...want pauern• ..! sutolikur. ...a vri hr .11, irsir , rtorad auale. /Om na 11.1/1l mil< law. 3 lomml,•1 m".•1 cr. .11.11:, /I SIE1.1,1?, AmmlClarltemaKa i•rma , y I at/0, • L mat - .Fret. ma 111 SitttlY II fn la, it... Al 01 ,11111111 t t, Ito on /111rUillartI01/ Mod v J4,1111k• 1111' Platto Frte. a% re .J. 6.1 it r,.... r rt. to the t toted Orme. by Wort /It t: litteory Polio, by Ilttort fleet; Vett.. Italia ,et er Iteit Yolk, " " JO -t rtvetted ,a for sale lty torltt.l JltllN 11 N11:1.1,11R, ...le •1 Vcreal E.Sercloro• - Ptr It Sr ti.rEtrrtitrt-tt vul, nu a•tuinronitlir pit (Or It I . l.lll•ittrle, .ILpLetl lOthe wont. 01 ortyute pope or r In nsuoto. t-trtierted trt hall., rrerittit •Itd rremot ot •Ity Loorrll ou Arr...rort Intact poor.. clutr.ly 'trted rpourtte. eoututtettg II Cia,lCl•e• ',tog rrtotttety arrottged Price 75 t . t.itto. Just revrty. tr. la trot,' ni trte ahoy, thrert Iroin ll putetriter•, Ity JOHN 11..111.:1..1.0FL. tactual yl wood at W "'l ;: . ht ! '' ; ' td : .3 ; ZT 7% 1 11711V " No I Ilrrrlng i.ar ed. in 6111(13 a m inr oalc low in rico.e conaign. went by All JAMF:S Kb.t.AN CHA rt. AND ettArl.,l-1:,--W it Ai., Gu received a supply tI white and eolon,l l.tane• and Crape La.—anntong the !mi., green ana other dew able color, A 1.., hae. gat and %Va. . . az Faris, N. ‘uir LI glig Itl M A rttllN ESIVIA 6. Cu „e5,„„11.1r,, ,......„,........n.wm1,-"1,.......... ~.. 0-..., -- ---,.! xi- , iiirtila ...--. e... - ,• .. MTV gil ,'; ~ ~- , lig ' 1 1: 4 ' .11:51.rVA4 :''.-° V' 'il ii• 'Nig .t ei N Se' .?., al.!1. s.4 . arlite!ri, s--- itll l,1 141, 4 :02.41 ; ”: yisZt - ,; - 4 . -,, c fiet g. - r.: ! ill.iiiili - ig-eiti--42.6a 1 - 'E.t..,!, atizh§!...tit.vs.tril.oft. ~ 0, = gl , t-isittlt. 34 lGL'iltliiiltiiii;rtlB 2 - - ;• - 1. s.,:zir_ila..2l:l;- , ritt.E,ltt24:3 - 1.',:5,1 a ; . l'il .-F , 'lia • . 4- 6 =4.li E s .I:ig z '411: ' t..,g• 7 3 ' t,:ti ;I:: i', eiREI2S... El l‘, - ..q . .;,- ~,,-.• CD la, .:q;i:leL4 .. 4 1.. : _ i- g -6 : , •g= fr :42•1 6 4 1. ' 21 =t- m rhttgi k 'gr , s=.lleVtd - -I==: 4 l' ' t o' -- ,..-..z ler - " ."'" 2 `.. E il'`=t•P; 3 's. l .l.`s% -t g-ag.s - .r.e...„*Etisl, .L.le =a- 14 til:lta. ,r, - E-, -`, .t -7-2- - I ,= - -.14.V .2 g7C "... i.Nt.l,-... : .4 . ) - 3'..ta ,4 4. 4 17i1g. 1-.4 .-..- "."I G" - ' 7 1 1 A:V. ' - i flt l;;li =9 l:..Vl - :n tt zi :.v.14.ph55r,12.- -3.11-, ..c J. :1., , E.,. 5., i 2 - 2 : 1 --''. ' ' 4- - .J 2: : 5:43*:,.-i11yi1.2%:4/1-3227.41 A. 0r...9.9,....,......;ir5iiii. t 4P 4 4 1 -pz '.'-, c -, ; ' ni4'e Ilagm x 36 1- 1- V 4 4 , c 2 . c. =, E „. 7: tg!ii-zi-:::.i.la-4411411,i,0%,g1ip.q:::'„ V. 6-; I d - ..; P: •.5 e '' ? t e q. t id . ilr.;-.Vstestt i ng i e l ..ll. l -s ff .,., -,;,_, az i iT, '4 .. 9 7,,, "ligiii . .? 7 :l;ll, w l T. oa- /VZ_V- 3 111-Prz x . c° li -, i . 41 11 . 4.d.:1a:1-;!] ,11 ift:. cc g L. o , ,-, g a 21 1, 11 4 1i1itZ11.2,, el 'At' ce -g 4 tIP ^ r...f g ..SZ" .2 • , 1 4, -. C 3 t). / ..,f . z. =';, 1 11 - 4, 1 t..44-i4.: 15... Aso'c7 4 . • ; ' ' t. ~. ' 2 Ilit 'Cia ..ti' : 1. ,ril !..i. :1 gw p Is. -. _:. , --.4..i!- - 0 - Qe..Lit.i...g gi E.A. -7 I = 31 -•• 319-- 2 ,:gt.....g 4.1-: . 8r : 11 70 -o .., 4 ca z O C -7 Cal '•i%E.L.Sfill,l,l,legZi:' ii - ' Z ii E - . g4ta!l'.‘gliltti Be•liiit4 M. 2 „ I blt i ,liti"tl!-2-.1 2 f. , :. - -; Elf. g. go :41-. , i cc < p ; r" 14 gi ->-' 1x. 3 .9,1 rci V; `; 1 : ti c 5 .1:. ` 1 : 1 1 1: " . ' t i F:-. 2 I*: „ ‘'l . :7) i'E - SAS' 2l ;lilli!.. 2 l'l 2 :l l =;4lo.fog , ..,„, c , p _. _ __ __....„,,__.,„ : „, 1 1,, , 2 - ,f,..., 114 P 4 4...1p1 1 1.ei t :i : ;:3. - : 7 - -...1 -" a. .1.-- 1.z.... 2 .- ar.'l:23=sEz-gLlziii.i' e= „7 ;.! 2 , . N.t242.52.;....3... .x ,=l:e. - zfEr 0 * dg ' Laji L. Ettit. ,---.--....- - , t - ,7-F •.v . . 1 , ,;,-) re.--h.':;,-.2-E.ET1421:,,1.02-tzgun' , -- , .._,--•--.,:4. , ..?...tr.50. 1 -._ ~..? - .. .-3.e.•.7-3.,..,_. . .... ~ -2 - -: 7 .- -- . ...7 , 41,.--.. , = - 1,--- - i-_-.,14 --z, 0 7, - f . ._.-..r.=2!„,1 1 .9-4 , 5.1. , ....24‘f:g,,-; 44 'al co 4., -.,-:;1.1'i: 1: ''.l.-'.l-1.17,7: , ..'55 . -) ~.7 3 11 >iE•11 1. 1Z,?,tritPigtfilltr k lII' ' ... 0 t" . :; - ...:.;=;-T:z,e1...,1.,: 1 -Ec. ; =EZ 2 ?.:...t.-.- -,/-1•.1'.2.-Z-1,161.12:,e4Ear..7.5.1611, < `....:: 4 7 - a" 1 . 2 1:Z.= - 2 -2 ==,=P.„'i - ii 2:i 1.1.P.'.4r.--;--r...1...0,-.=,1.3.;.. 1":;••":'.1'....E•'?..='.-5.;.,.:--.F.`EZE. .0 ,-:.— .4.10 , 117.5,- . on ..,.-. , cf c - .ir.1,*.1 -- t - 4c7:2-=2 - .ti-12:f ~. , i .. .i.. 1 31E;t, , ii1ig1if,,..1gf .4 i--::,.---: •;:! . ' - i'i - ' - f -- ...":, 3 .'1,..g.5.--r-,i,Yr....•--'...ct.: ;7-'=-1..'=:."'t.1. 35f.,-. 7 ..,.. ,I , CM !,,.-'-• ":........:; - ..rf:-'il'''' . sl"z7 -- =, - - --=- Z.i.iEi 3.' 1 - 1 .'4: .1 g5...1..,,C,e7:;,,E.Z..,...:_1-,"_7.-:,.1'if.., 4, ... . -.t.,.f ~,= rp- AG E NTS c—WN. kGENON, SOUND SIORGAN, Pittsburgh; D N. CURRY. Allesbeny City; A. M'ALLISTER'S. OINTMENT " 17 . : ...' -..,_....... mESLMT,T.tr r:hun .a. —`t has power to 0: , I , . 4 . .... • ...._. cause ll EXTERNAL ej . \•"„eit r .7 2 ECM ES. SCROFULOI;S. ~., FIT:MORA, SKIN Dr., ,'. :---,-- .4 S' ....., -e- tEAtIE S. POISONOUS . 1 - ..-;•-.. a NVOl:rstrdit to discharge , 2.._ k : . 5' .1 their putrid metier., and ; • ~ .; • -• ,, s'es: Men he them. • • .F.i.iil It ka nattily termed ....,,, , i ALL • 11E.ALIN6, for I • ...., ' „,. 1,,, e - iii More is scarcely a do external or internal . ?, ,. ,,:i- v. th. a will not henehi: I hate it for the lest a. t tees sea r. for .11 diseases of the usee chest. tnselltag .h.- ..k mit.. danger old responsibility, end I dec hare •...,.... h•sveiti end an, that not 111 one en. has I t lai.ed to 11.11,51 when the potent was within the reach oi rim:, ~.• I Llkkyr bad .l phy•kmane Foamed in the prole salon. I 1 ii, • .:.. :•: s . • ti... emipel, lodgesof the bench, al• dere sir , ua 'cis, galkklomen of Like higheiti crutton, 5•.,. iiii. • itites of Lk,. loom use it in every vari di ety ni l wk,.. ak• I 1.... rt *.a• ik,kekk but one votee--orke universal No. •1 •kkkkim- - nil ktl-Llfillilt, TOUR OINTMENT I,,koilk - I , 11l I .k 1 ATIrNI , It removes elmost uninediataly lila okflatootaistok and owolloks, wham the pain cons.. IE4 as. tho st.ii r: ,• araiail the boa I 1.1 Ali AfiliF.-11c ...Ivo ha. cured persona of the lk • ..1.. of I akmv, yr ars nunding, end who hod It .. k • k• , • do Mat solaidna host Oak , EAR. •• A. - • . 111111 /1,1,HE, end Alit:EA:I THE FACE, r cur hr si • A e very E.\ li--Wi. hoer cared eases that mall si s s : e Mins tonwn.•• 0101 at the obdtty of Gl took .• ka. ~, kikwkor• i inr man tohl u• tm had went P • , , 1 , . i /1. , 111 , 0 withey st.y hetteht, when c Lew rri - Kit - ii.r., , homing better for the care al lit \ one of mnL.et gimp , lo We world for I I! A. , 'llAnkt.al...• ar.. yearly earenl by Anis Out . tarn it st 1%1 .A Giving relerf for Ann Hen ALY - nraaret 1.. a an. AlpreetnAne for awn, 1141 fur .4.0r.1n 1.5r17 ColeaplaA, Er - PrEr . •,•• f ant4n IA,ALI Jlenda,Sne F:yo. quaney. t . Fe , nrann. Efeenonm. PnAne. Ny•,. aen., asthma, Lanatnev. Ear near, bnn. A'eAni all Ina.nar. of tAit Nks.. Sere lap.. Pun- A , in. Lunt, Rates, Rananneann, Fret. (•,..;, Stecid Brohuts Braga; /b oth tot :A• V.., 44 , ct.t. I, V 5,F.1 . - I.Avre asnpintrit, pat; in the Cheat and Stn.., ininne in. lAA,. or the nth, arentnpa• nn..r And (Ointment L. Abe true re At Aen.ere KA,. el Ai..eary bay., etedle An 'RN, A 1, - •.101$1\ MST' nA Ina Annus... will at• ae , n, le• raen• AA orn ere. l'renor AtreJ neat r 0,-1..t., et ri,w—N n.,..,. T‘R ARD AMER, takes this means of re- LI turning lus Wanks to Ws fnends and the public or the extensive patronage he hat received, and o renn., theta that be h is lately ercethd • large an t d rote tett bedding, Seethe exclusive purpose d of los WATER CURE ES'reuusitmE:Nr, hth old locanou, at Phillipsbargh, Pa., oat he Otoo river, oppo site We at...about lending at Deaver, where he ready to receive pat as hoarder, and them diem e• Or -1•1111:1: rEit 110 X. draped:3e prtiimples In addition to Ma lung cape. m•it—ltt•na . Rene , mice, sod the greet there's which has t e rre au. i' •:•. atid Jr. earn.' tended Ins treatment of patients commited ts earn, s.-. earn.' of 4 . md be has 1104• the additional (*entities the by an ao •,•, J I n .tsw... curier cd Walnut and Peon t h 0.11 ss, at ;he hoot, sto• isinithheld usg ~y op w ith , ..... , al l Ain - o , mq en , Or F every necessary &operate. for bathing, and danathir war./ -ty sent. iIV Jl'enttl , O.Oo x let. lhe • o f t t h e the treatment to the inmost henefit and comfort Nes. , " . En•t b l = - of the pattent- Phillipthurgh is a most dcligielfal and a,....p0r,, / A m rainier hlonintaanela tint)' health r intlage, easy of twee. by steamboats, and at and I I' 'tuxes, Urovenov,ll, Joins ldrdn those afflicted permits who may place themselves un der ms rare, that every attention shall be paid to thess K'.l T IL CI:IlK ieSTASSLaiSVINI LALSIL fun, and as an msuranceof the substaolial benefits I`IIII.IIIL'RO, PA. to he denied, he points with confidence to the bun tll,ll F. Ispi.l .1,1110. winch Itydrepathy has made areas who hove Veen pnnintmendY cared his eetab i ,iore its i,troiluen an this COLintry—alle . lishment. The {stater Care /ISSLISSSLigHI3II.IOIIB GrLdeli ,0111a,,,1 a•tecostiffig CutatlLlC effects of cold seater is helond, or is too often the cane with those who ha rind re aex., diseases. when employed after We been treated air the old system. li. removes the ine ee,..rated ?imam:A.ll3 , e rcmoved from ease, invigorates the system, protects from the dmiglai the .it of so oneiligeot and domerning errry • Incident to changes of the weather, creates a natural pa our, us to ILS efficacy, and gained it and active appetite, imparts vigor to the digestive •s vor (anode-slug the unsatisfactory moths passers. Terme. - IRAILSPELIS and boarding reasonable. r-ineMes hereon., used in het t eatment of chrome For funlier particulars inquire al the alabliahreent, or -1.1,11 , a. , rod winch are increasing es- address the proprietor at Phillipsburgh. t• .1 1,0•1 be • natural wish LO see the sneer.. amrhid s 0., , wtix:ti so many 1111(0,11111243 Kat/VI • 011- JAY Is,. 1.0 t , oi their pains end nihrmthes. We have been tolerated by Mn. Ramie( neve per. •n er r ha ,r,ny practised successfully doe formed on bet by Des daycare Altaratavas whieh ,o, ,ht yeses at hit 111 dropottne establish- prow it. important) , over every other remedy of the ni. b tia• twoo coneidera , dY colored and los - hind' s She hay been afflicted for the last sixteen peen • U• 1 1 . 11. cr.,'ante NEIIIIIJSRS or WRITE SWELLINUS, attended ready to receive mut accommodate ?enema who may wan alcerations and enfoliation of various bones, d• e ..one themselves under his car, . 1 . 11 and ring whmkomensany pmembave been discharged (mm the trontal hone the cranium, from both bar tint., plllOll. .11131eti upon the left bank of We Obia wrists and hand., and Irma tank lime, sad from the left eppi,s,th nn unh ni n,e ltot Seaver. is well known federal bone, and from the right knee, beatiles emend tint It re•h,na and salueneas antioalaherei it. de - aloefs on other parsec/ her pollen, which have tithed h , in hral seetterY. emit- ' the atoll of • somber of the mast enamel. physicians of every requisite render li e u tetenrn ef the In- ! aur inn—during most of the time her aufferorge barn o..,l'areeat..c. and contributing not a lade to re-es- , Iscsql exc.:feting and deplorable. About three months t., ...•u inipsite , l hr a,lO and phy nice! strength, ' since she o w Induced to try Dr..layricht Althralthe, I esia , ,astinthnt, he first started in the United . which has had an mtoathhing Ly happy effect upon her, em 31,... every tiiii.g, both for pleasure and , b e re moving all pain Mai swellings, and causing the s.cathied to soma< • speedy and happy ter- mets to heal, while at the same tinto tier general health rat tin rt. ULM LLIC 0: lII< Patient. I has become completely restored, m that she now weighs 1,1 • 11 .• Meal.elr" ed'ranth - I fa lb e more than she dailArefore she commenced Ike are ce• nere odered, will please address the subserther Hof this truly valuable prepeurm.—{ooo. Ears-Pont. .ester, paid,, stating as neer as possible the Far Nether Informanon, nouns of /dr.. F.Mit Na• 11k , mture 111 111011 rouiniaitos, 11l order to decide and ad- rsthe,t s t.phtfagatpe,a, 1 , 1•. ~.I r fiteeu and curability by the Ifydroperthte For tale in Pittabargh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 3.1 also what will be ticeemiary (or theta to 711 Fourth at. near Wend. iSfi s, especial 11. , .011 especial end personal use. ED %AR ft ACKER, Id V. Propnetor. 12:B2=11= Ae , ot.lll dl th• prEncipal .4.4 and h., ...a ts.t• ,taLe EMIIIIIIIMMEI Phnspoburgßeaver county, Pa. R1111.”11134 —R., J. K.l,lkelly, Armstrong; V. U. ...a J . o. rholwav Henry, Deaver. Pa. be Prot a.h l'ausbargh t Pa ; LC. I . S 11. Sneed, Neve Albtny 1 1 t . 11CC 1 011, N J., T L. Sta.; F.p. 111“, 14 Oh rnatpsburg, Wm. H. Me M)=Mia== t ,I'AII`TONIS OF CONSUNIrnoN hur.ll.lng rough, 6onrr•l wealostoi, .••.• variaide irreculia bowel, I...iween the •houlder Wades behind INV/A.I.ILE STNII,II4I CONSVIIIIRION —Coagiung mei., end day. gabby inuiirler, general debihty. great ....tine , of breath on ening •P n•er•ndbg • or a•is.,iiic but • ..ttle fart. pollee always above odi urdi...l for aieekr together; drenching COW inoroilic • Calla kinrrhol l'on•Innotnol ec.e• on like amammon vtnrrh i n:d. but about ihe period when thot or to 4). xpertr.l to.ubude. sorne of the symp ,nin• ate scrn% uted T,e couch m trouts], whe !),g down. There ore is no flied the coe.n, but thdiroll bre:lilting, which is tn vro—o 'yin." down The appearenee of the expo 2- nn.h rumour, i. ehunged from • thirk I . 111.UN1E.112 door ntoorr it ,e 'ow min us In a thiener substance. It is very 0I• ,rlr, alit the (Inner., awl /dean • unrlcesant smell borned I , is or an uinform appearance, and:ls p r a te v mixture el pus and unseen, as an misinglit wnier part snits and pan swims. This dltaraw eeor in any habri or at any agr, rberay• tert•il the twralinror oldie cough. I be linlsvrii of Liverwort effects the Pure o' doe in •ltlinu• disease by expectoration, woths and heal. Ilia utlected lung• II never fails ‘Vherover thin medi. rive One been nerd, are bens at do suer,. Fur thir teen yea r• it hns been Lvdom publse. and 1/11. been ridandahly tesird lor romplainta n( the Lungs. and a• proved ...dr supernw in merit to any thing in tow 3111, lit pier bond red• of warms - totals from physi ',Ana, me press, clergy, and those who have Ewen co red tdd al! we desire In in rail the attentive of the al and d tiled own good they veld try it. -I• ot :or eooinctre.: Always observe the nig. 11:t1611 . . - 1,0 T.., In, D on the engraved label, ate, erepan d at the Wholesale Depot, 73 Beekman I.l.Aerrh LT J T) Morgan 93 Wood .I J Tnyvtu-crd. ?Owl", I.,,Asuya,r, cot Mnrlel and .1.1 .$; 11 , 141..0p A C., I.Lbrerl), al Yntc reduced _mar! I I Ss, %VI AR Si KILLER is Or Imnri Vrrunnige LYE LI man V.llll gm, or urn ly 41. !amity S N . • Tic , WeedlorelanJ to I'm. ,Er J. lk.l 11 Shur+. , Tltts to rvrtuy I hypes 1.,0n sortuu, )our Verookme lur 10111 t Ham, say shout ,111 m tunr Mare never know.. m veutum awry, wlma 1155 symptoms • . r in+ .enre I had occasion in ono.. it to too ,tomn op members of n i family; I pre .-ao I, of 111 , Ml.' •io, aro! one of them p•ssed NO anal tho • • •••••• in it at the be Verituruga itial any a 'an ucc in lir, J. N. You, Yr., rc.l and •ald I,y JNn I, MORG AN, Druggist, a,c , lianiond alley, on Woods t. ,il5 1 )11liaralc White Prre,iiitata. Cs abut, Potash, 'wit re ...,,c,l and air ',lie Foy la= R E I )111 , , i fi: m 1 . 11 , 1 n 1 t.Q• - Chloroform En. Itarli ' i . rrali , iodide Iran. Poittaie Silver, 111 Copaiiiii, thine Acid, • - Chior,,lc Soda, (11Iorit Ether, ExHam Rl!ntane. E.xtrtt quasola Ja-t rre'd and for .ale by H E SELLERS, HAI S 7 Wm.,* •H Itc, I 1,1 ,11./. el rN talt..ulailre. CO / DA. I , deer.o.i.o4e• the vire. or 1,4 . 55061 priori. p •of a:I vont:talon+ dl•ravrn. II remove.. the dormer. on.riliov.a of .Jek room.. de lly na eleanaing atter. eve. ulcers, and ,n Sept. all commUniCable dl- a.m., whether in man or amoral, &e. Just mea n.. for vale ,u I It F. SELLERS. 57 Wood at t .r Si the I . lune and Saw. 78 Wood trees ormodeleaasomorto of Cinetnouti COOpen 'Fool., tor mile 1.7 my to lIIIRER & LAUF/RAN ;ok,f 1.A1:1 IRSTOR 5.-6 F T.N6LAliti:--41CI. 13/1 ler, ed.., roniarning all the matter, Verbatim et torroton.of Vo:a I and 'l of the Loodoliedilion, em bellcdted with • portrait a the aelhor-1 Vole. in one. Prtee. comp.. le. 50c A large aupply Of the above row reeved and for tale by JUION Il UNLLOR. hi wormier 1110.2,01...• yr:, COCOA AND 151RONIA—Raker • Bennis, No I Ctoxolate and Cocos; elm, Sehmita I wort ..toeell Chocoigue, met reed nod for sale at the Pekin Tee Stare, 70 Foorth et. tore 3 It, Ll , LA.s.snet—louverths'a tow, rtwattee ree'd and for sale by tie utti or retail. at aka Pekin Tea Store, to en)22 MEDICAL .• gol purt oi the 1.1.1 y al 11l aottio rn.re II 41.10 br MEDICAL SALTER'S • GINSENG PANACEA! -roTHOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED LUNGS—The .preeedswed =mew vehleh hu tie wird the we of the GINSENG PANACEA t all the lancets forms which levitation of the loop ha er, hu Intiseeti the propnuor sewn to cell then. hoc m to this • - - • • - WONDERFUL PREPARATION. chang•ble weather which marks ow fa and .nnler months. 41 slams frllltiWWeek COLDS AND 001.10H11 rho., If nogLeOte4, tiro bon lb. powwow of that WI lostroyer, COSUMPTION. -•- • •• fhe question, then, how shall we rdp the destroier he built how shall ere get clear of our cooghs sad olds! is of vital importance to Na piddle. TIIE ORP.AT AND ONLY REMEDY be found in the Ginseng Panacea. Inpreof of this we have from time to time published the certificate. di loss. of our best known citizens, who have experi enced its curative powers. Theo, with a mass Of tea ninour from ail pans of Me erountry,—ltont MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STAND/Nth Ministers of he G o spel Az., together with copious noil tees from the JOURNALS OF THE DAY, Ise have embodied pamphlet [arm, ad may ilita , Hans any i tioßamts c torategeoartHl. have been W. in this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS avouch°. the United States end CannAla, and we eliik tetqc ealy visa la point outs SINGLE INSTANCE n which. when taken eceurding direeSons, and bst• fors the lungs had become fatally disiorganatil, it has aver failed to EFFECT A PERFECT Why, then, need the thflicted hcettateniy Moon en the ow...fable imatrunis, gotten up by ant ostaindd. a.. it ter the axsoontell nin on of me CO .wholltod Ay. I °clan, and puffed into runoriely by co Pb pas to equally unitmorie Wlnist medicine of UNPARALLE.I.ED EFFICACY noto be had. whole v.:Leber. are Al ewe,— o,, Wig* r.,—cony of whom n hha SNATellla) FROM THE OR AVE. • la order that tls u it/vane/do medium, nuy Oa plead wane the reach of the poor as well the rich's. kayo pat the pnee It ONLY VIPTY ozawrs, Pa ono half the asnal east of ernigh s medleines. seta tor sale by nor agents In nearly every town and village Oro! We lora who are prepared to give Sall informa tion relative to st. T. SALTER, Proprletor, roadway„ Coretn.n. (lino I h I TirW.SnEssri'S yJ doron al Dr Townsend', 'frittulne Sarsaparilla, ja4t rvo'd and for see by R 37 Wood a, god r.iigra (or YlnsOurgt... ,rid Fly Lt lI GlAtlll hoorn fer Atletheny coy if DUA/PATitIefiRTREILISIIMICEIT; rdn-LlTlOrraell, 3 [AV. en ;TO. E TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA.-0 dosed D put received of Dr. Townsend'. Sarsaparilla, the must extraordinary medicine in the world! This En o act is pin apt* quart bottles. lii. nr - thaca pleasanter, and warranted superior to any KILL h ores discs. without vomiting, paging, sickening or debilitating the patient Loos OCT wia batsman—Unprincipled pelsons have tooled our labels, and pat hp nieolne In the same shaped bottle. bee thin each bottle haa the written cr eature of S. P. Minuend. . . . . R. E. SELLERS, Drag4lsl:s7 Wood area, between Third and Fourth, la Dr. Townsend's only wholesale Isnd retail .gear for Putsburgt, of whom the yenume •rueie can ha had- . - U. Al. Corry has been appointed the sole agent for Allegheny city, of "Mom the {cuisine article can be hod. apt A. Pau.sevoca,} A. if. 1101-1, N. t..4i U. 1. Femme - ram PlUeburgh. C. W. Faux uto W holesale Drug Store la the City of New Tort. 1 ONE undersicued are extensively engaged in the H holesele Drug besiege+, at leo. 49 John street, In the Cif 01 NW. Salk, and .11 . 6 prepared to supply Dowel. atd nasally Nerehaws with Drugs, hones ilymetufle, Fanjet and American Perfumery, shin-.es, A .o.llr L Illasdeet Chemre.ly (.r tbea own ml otrytieal ad all edict meek. in thew bne o 1 lows wm, of a surwrio I.:agility as low. they elm be pia. Usual In MU or aey eastern city. Now Vert. rabid LI. A. PAIIeRSTOCK C•lebriatetd CIIOLIIKA AND DIAMiIICRA REDWINE/I. mitt: nub!. •re requevicd read the follourme uficate. This medicine itextensively used in MI the Southern and Fastens elites. We do certify that Dr. Loma Wise.. of York, Pa , took under his es re and tamirignmeat, on er about the firm of October last, a young man laboring eider • wwere attack of "Asiatic rkalem." Tient we comm. urea the mid patient, and found knot to be in Me col lapsed state, of that dime., with frequent and copulas rice water discharges. That we pronounced it a ease al genuine Cholera, and declared moreolter Mat we believed the said patient was beyond the hope armed tent aid. In fact we thought the patient would die and so treciamd at the time. We larther certify that lhe said Louis Wlekey pm rata his own mode of treatment, and administers. his Jane ILIUM.. - Cholera Remedy, and ejected • ease of the patient. - once ;,-,„ We Mink in roar days thereafter the said young , W rcut cmt waked woof, watt at work, and perfectly well. . Due °. D a "M eyr, M i . " & " ta ) ;: 1 1ITS r*‘dat. ayppvte sth a wit a., with me ro thou what:talc Grocery, en:4am, apd de ' r " the r" C r aie h ol Itod'atheabt'l42::e.. o"I.ImuTI.ZII4"'A"4-1 f Itsusburgh, April 30. IMO. hit methein• relieved him. _ State of Maryland, Washington County, to vent I SULIMI of gamine. °tide oe 'yin, emote , rAttets rerufy that I em aeqsainted with the gentle. y o r e a t Is ob , jr, meo who have netted the 'natio certificates ot ver, Calomel, Audise of Load, Chloride or 5.. mist Louis Wiekey, and anent men of remote' ability. Chlons Ether, at band and lot sale by In testimony Whereof) hereunto...4.64c my , y r , ig,PO *V P° . L a name and tax the Neal of my o ffi ce, lbw four: . . . . . end; day of November, eighteen kundryd and thirryAbree, ibwiLLIAMS, Clerk Washington County Coen. ( Maryland. I witnessed the administration of Dr Louis Wick er.prposition mot Cholera, in Me this of sin appren nee te the plastering basinms in this town (Hagen wwo.l Ille was • well marked rwe of Asiatic Cho with nee wows einseustions, cold clammy akin, cold to.igue, small tremulous punes.-1 considered his uagoqonly enticai and alarming I saw tom pre vious to Wiekey. and wag ßm...., Ike hdatte. nation of the firn dote of Oredieltie, WWI miss him re- Pemcdly Oaring the atimillmee of Dr. Wlekey; be 00 . 'overr. , l to as to be abls to attend to and wort si his trade in a few days lam sore higtosk mine other bat We Medicine adanumed by Dr. bb mkey. Meas. W. Mona, Pet. D. Tk e pi oy noe and (minims Ds. Witmer . . Cholera end Idedmine Is prepared and sold Whole sale and wan, by JO IN D. MORGAN, Mogan n _row doer below Dimond Misty. Wed so IMUI GKATF,FUL for the very liberal encootaipattent I tome received for so many years, base deter owed to enlarge my basinces ecusearterably. m e t., engeeed • ecinf.m. Foremen, I will be enabled to sip,ders promptly, and do the work to oar usual style and at fan: poem, and sob be attention of mer chants and eitursts to my bugs stock of UPHOLSTRe llt Y WOOS and Bede, /Jewesses and Redding, Ba um Materials, Amax lf% knd Moreens,Commiees, Fria. ge Borderings, Taseels, Split sad Roller Windemend eve s, ry article namely kept In an establishment of the kind. Orders respectfelly "elicited and promptlY in tended to. N. B.—Cavata made ■nd tral WM. MIN IX 16D-iu tep Not Lud,fm .1. L • ----- LI ill MU & LLS ROB DRIED APPLES-300 boob to nobs, fo & r tale E by ir 4 RO PATTraPON, Elitatiarbam. MISCEMINE I UR be o 'a nt ' a pe Hex?. and eakes,6lo; THE CHEAP ROLL, or BOSPON BLIND, on' MUM or Wade ts order of all sie, and as MI prate& Cwlrdsr Merchants and others era mein:dm eau.a exudes,' the abort, for themsehes, as ell wiTI be std wholsaala er rinall,aad a Ulcers/ dolnottee• ••• ti wbolesalspurchasera. phlirL_ • Notice let the Public. WE at an d led corm•Pm 0 . 1 . 1 H TV at tome and abroad, that we wilt lIMSIDIA utr tier 411 . 1.1 M, receive [might (rum arty Hem tur which J.-dew - ton Theca 11 agent. apll RHODES a Atoonti. J °LH ' KI'LLV COI lessocason to Boob WLa brutes. b. Co, hue llerrk.dt Tailork) WS eintErrNtrr stmi, above Third, Philadelphia, kg kayo to 'inform their friends and patrols tha l la have received the lowstiPlLlNti AND SU FASHIONS, with a largeassortment of Noir Styli GOODS; enlivening Clnia.Cannassea, Veannits,&e. of every dcwripuon—ell of which Ine °linen own Inv venation. having been carefully celesta to Pat* Linden, Ss& , avenger visiting Philadelphia, are nsvectials y 1 .its to call and eanniine their entensise sleek. au bottles of Nunes Paste, a eaperlor atti oes Important tu persons that win to keep their ,day/ po i' Era% rtw IL ' Por ' sale ' at ' lLe Ttolge' U ntol No 5 Wood meet tuner/ .1 lc P I.l.lPie GOLD uos.usut THE eabwriber, 'wholesale msoufsetarer id' JEW ELRY, invites wholesale dealers had pedlars** , tl i 2a . rd ' e b ra " 2lll l. ll:!:VTof 9 rs U r e 34, lstferllr j = ex.=the kVii/011 erten for cash os approsolsocep, . Cooly_ co hand old anrszing, large essartme stant nt stdtable lor city m tm atse e" nada. G. A. RAKER, Goer al Fourth lad . Broach ar/ sGars. aplOara ri m phtingAbbir Paper Hassighaseges • DrAVINg purchased nt three of the lergeseFactot rtei in the Ertst., (New York, Ildladelphil arid hiwttmotal a nage esserrtmenteCtbe newest e4ment unproved styles of PAPEIL liSPlti INCA BOADE6B, he , and made vrengemmta by which I will be ena bled to procure all new Panama, .unallanenaalwit6 there appearance in the Eas.em rennet, I would Int elm the attention of thaw drolong to tumetheiitionsos papered with the truest etyma of paper, usual' End eadmine loorklwbue porclaning claw/there- I bare now on t he way from the Pat, tlyX/erleees of (lad, Soon (Armed, klut common roper ll whieh I can sell et prices ranginy ft ont 12k eta to 62 V' pees. oschlS 8 sd HILL. l6 Ottod . . _ . . _ Bacot% Straaktagt rjAVINta tottr eliminated We retattitlingoroar meta LL hour, we a, near prepared to receive meat' and .moke tt to the moststerchantabto, manner. The house" ire fitted wattall the nnelern Improve men., and ~e capable at rotantinggLlKOLKlhatcaell. KIER de .I(tNE, Canal basin, al near Sr:Tenth - 0 ill.Ntri , fd PA PER —liiivinethe iiitiaagesai L for the vale of We Mdi Grove Prioning Paper IS. IL It (IP. Markle, Prepriclana)....tris ha aetaisainny 'applied Stith lot difereat altos ofetip.dartantgly, which +• at Ile re. gnu Wine& E itttiOt.o32, SUM, fed" corner Peon abd-Inelet ata DUQ,V.TCS24X.WOB.II.B. - • COLEMAN, MAILMAN h CO. contort. to mono theme Samll Iron, Spring and Am Minot Stnet, Plough, Fork and Hoe Steel. Morin, Spiker mdAtilmtl Iron Nth, all rim., together with Coach md Elipho Spnutre, hi( Pat, Taper md mansion Axles. ilanngreduced theipnee o( Wrought boa Nam, engine builders and odium using the artrefey will find it to their Interest to gins this acs Womb Posabargh manufactures their =cotton. Coach trunnvnis and makable iron on liberal lerats Warehouse on ear and Foorth sts feb,:tf SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, ZICH•PICIE DUILDII4I, CLAM STILICET, P/TTSDIIIIGH. ;Crlrf =Mal:o .0111 NKW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, Anil is now reeeiying a fine Immune. id • CLOTHS, CASSIBAKES AND VHSTINOS, OF TIIS Bair QUA urrir AND LATEST 9TYLE:2I, Which he is prepared te make to prole * IN TIM". BEST MANNER And In the latest Fashions niarlo Mad Irtaortsr, Car Boots nodOst. tlarner of Fourth and emrtkd Ld street; l i mmatitan,ta. TE/ SCOTT , . tr , t 3 r ,... eomettetteedrEi FLortAul..sale sod retail, would respectfully nit, cosoe sucution of abet,. friends and the pohlra ea lA their splendid. new stock, ealttrilliaiy Omens, evacuees', boys,' no and olutdrenn wear or every variety, suitable for the steam . , 6114 f at pdtes Irreellt the awe. A vplend.ul article of houre WO*, such as gentleman's line Soots, ludiek mum. childre. fine work. Please tall and visamiste yourselves. TROT)) h. SCOTT, corner MU and Smithfield aut N. A—Traveling Trunk., Carpet llnga,Aa./.., aF. tong. on nand and 100 for cosh Contury member. Would find it to their Soon. pre . • call ohen me m. We eim. sonhi• L 0041,11, W • de. 11./earse IMPORTERS and Wholesale Dealers In Forelsnltad 1 Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, Baddlem,e.„l29 7 Wood steel, rillaburgb, are PON fully prepared with • reeetaly =porta monk of Hardware, Colley), Sad dlery, Carpenters' TbEls, to, ea.orfer eery peas in ducemen. to Western aloreltanta, as la addslon_ the many nth/mantes Sod fly oar predetellkors, Mes srs. Logan a. Kennedy, me bare greatly ineroased oar faeillues, and purchase all our goods Irma liPot 13• Ads on the very best terms. Toe junior member.. of the find Jerolo thaw 'whole erten.° to sales, tool Irene's eonfnlent of goring co ndemn:as, respectfully toned cuLd srum arho may visit dug market. metal . . TITE ondenriened offers for sue a impend, erode of bnet for hushog, ramie by Ma eVellna Improved machine, ler whorl, ha Las °blamed a patent, and agrees minim purehasers a written Var.., that they are Mrouger, sad anti resist Iran and wet enealte , et and irubibeless moisture or Janynese than any alb um bn A le, ewog greater body add 'evertor textere and much more clorahie everg respect, each bock betng suhrected a. a pressure or severar tone, and boa *ovine, a laamisome sans. and elan edge., they make • groat vadat to the Lest front brick.. They lave given the greatest mruslactionMho hare pinewood. A Cinema be teen .sny erorti, and epee/mat' at dee L'aeette odic. Tease bevies supplied thernerlyea for their buildinp, , wn ayog . ...Me front h net, or napenear hard and solid paving brink, can otruntr User. 1 , 14103 GREGO] . PITTSBURGH IGAZE.TIto rat sus iED DAILY wsr.itLlE .ts W 0•1444 ibutamv, 144 u een. AsPwWia, KATES or AuWanntTlo6lllo. Otwineertion of Inlets, or Ices,. ............ Two tneertions without alcerarroae. Three '• " 100 One Week .......... 1 60 Two Week. " •' ..... 2 611 Threw. " ••..... .. 3 W One Month,. ~ .. 4 W Two " 600 Three ‘' ••• emps•lk 4 , a va- Longer edeartiseusents maw properoen. , •', One square,6 month., without dd id 12 Id de 4(.1 ....f.. 1600 Each addltkoexal equate ca r 6. maathlikeeeew"i a° LE g &°, - One Kaye 6 analllie,ronewnbltiat ' Cachadditlanalenaarefar 126ianthawwww1•!°,0 00 Two Ronan:ls,6 nwelhe,re'leablenlyo424.o3,s Each addloonalscierue,o sionthe,... view 01 .rat-wistzt - ne Wig *A • One elunte.3 Insertlans, ..... 60 o ee each - 37 alrealasa calarlsr.' 5, •." 6'oo Pin flues as len, one year, .....1.1•1" , "'" f r., 00 month. ... .. . ... ... " " ons,year,dailytli: , 33 3/ , !° . if, er r' nit Oviserimarrn nr vassal-. Par Sees, or lon, One iii.lL,lcos nvt Two;' 1 ite Threw,. a • ! ••••••I'Lqui t' Three 001064. wee. 4 031
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers