'” - -` , .. 4 P - "'", - ,..=•,:- .. -.„.1fif..--L......--,1.-4 - 4 ,;,:ter:4. -- : ' , _ _ ...: I ' , ~IT z r. , r ' , 4'- ' Z , ; ? '. - . !'-',l ' - r.` -- . ~ , :', , ::: - ..,:t : '..,/ %,1 - 'L v?. ..wr-tF._ f4.,.........;-- .1 ~,,-,:. , :7:.- 4.4 i. f AI , , i 134 k ~ ., r. i, , ,, , , , .. - L , _ . l : , t i...„ ... L1 I ''-' ' ..j . V!:, ,,, - ',-;1 -', 1 11, ... ,-? ''..:-.l"i' '4.' 11 '''" ,- ..r.u.:-. - ' 4-1 1 ,70 ~*-.-,' -t-•, ' -- 044 .. 2 1 .. ., -4 3 - 4 1 , 44.. c. '444 '._.=-, . - . ,:i 'l, n .1.. >,, ~1 ....., 1 ii .!: 111 - ti - ii , h i i. I C? ', t k v tt . . Nt V ES,YABLISHED 1786. =BUSINESS CADS i t -, F..ainvo .''. ,, 0 , cgturra. STEILIIETT, TOHNEV. AND COLICtSkA.LORS AP LAW, .X 04,1, *mei, LPOMMII BatanLeld and Grant, .':- PO 4.4.45.A"ii,4610 ~.' 13 , - E thi ai r.....aaist , '4 , 1601 - .1+7' .. 1 AT LAW,Foannstre l ei.,i,eararmit , Mem( AINSVI.O k. V RU2t/i . ,Commasslou Merchants ~, lk.kke , I. Psodace, N. Is 'Utak. t rees -- • ---- IrSZ-143;71 i-I-ATL.-0,- 11.017 114.1.11 DusitEimo.s LEAPEA, Wbeletate &Were in Li Dr/ Gnndgt9r . mn . . , Boom abnett. ritt.borgb ; factored rata., ac" No. Ito Liberty •tree.. t_....1.r )yl)_ Asa= it ca., RAUL: t;TILTEEL, inolcsalc fd '''' Rt•W Dras . gut, tiaustok Lthcny nod St. Oar suc.cmats, yl4 Ma. .. . Co Y'oal t. i MARI. E p ROW I ; e' 11 RTSON, Wholesale Groom, Sad CassaltilVon 3lesekants, No. 1.41, Libersy taboret; Pai.*4 deal Is . untiNixtriocic o Co., woramoo, and Jltle OM lOUSIe, comer Wood and 6th m. ryi Wltotcsalc Wooers, lb 67tit . '4b IWoclittic6Pillsbmgh. etiIIO C IA C tI Y 4 Ez . ;.P — FdrA.,T,',l= 44 =tot 1111111 Ifpnat t, Axla, - Stasi and i.e. Aw, , ,4E6111AN & Co, runnufattnrerS of 114,C0501, AnCiiiptic Springs,. a nd Warehonno or Mang sun Proatinetts, rttuburgh. ' #.44'4411e. Cauca . TIIMMIIIIV and Atalleable MaUll 0.12 bilatina.ViOgaili ON LIBELLTY ST., OPPOSTiE TILE Itittai uwb r errrsillumott. LIsIIOND WIJIACIA • latantamare Monuments, Serial C Vaal* leg M, Bead Swims, Memel rieees, Cen tre sal her IWortoretrre are dcarrestie marble, at • regalia sbut fart.priee. taramina for monamems, vault; /re. furnish a4,,atbeity daseiwunn. Ile caritas • *Mae et Paths Il••••l6r aegb-atf OWL** I. /1101.1 Z. _ - • • • raYbi U. t,toti-nrz ° tn.Tor..*' "r v" 14; burguihrutbitbsi No. in Wood IL, betwoott .ed said 3d nine,.. oett bl.llWit. coirlttuumu aud Etirvra.6lll* 4.1 blertbuot, N.. NI Wood street. Pittsburgh. mgt) • 4/01111;41,0MAGIVE VACTOIL HMfa IfOl.lNAitT, manufacturcr 01 Herr, lihirungs, qualm, Jac., kebucca arreer, city 01 11.1104rhtlir. :•: a0v15417* CI F.. , al!tratirlatNi7rc h trintrVih7l, l* ,. - ti • NitL;4! . .ti oolcia, lattrarty, opposite 4111 goal? - 41 tam A. J. lacCiSuliZyJmuo. Jec•licYo4, 41,10 5r..., R.A.E.D. a is ROICNOR, lonecoo Cool . .=Luta, 41 Mont No ate, at, tr. 10 Nasal Mum., rwi.nor3u-d • i S..f W. e. inn,. ILV, 30 & Co., Immense.. to Atwood, . Japt. a CO Commis:An and Fortrarenit . Mer- Mnettlat &eaters 41 rinsinirgh Manufactured bonds, ; : ?limp 2,sx 11,Ya-Alt _meli27 W.. me in Mann DICILIW, le, BAUM DICKEY & Co. Vfluoinnale Gravies, Con, Minion ere Muns, and druJers in Fromm& No,dB • i M Water, ad WO 145dat menu, Pundtunt& •0 now • irt. Caloll.3eD, Cue of Werra; 0rd0,4 Creiria.;- ,s. ' Oka and I,lspree.init larrehou; sad wholesale alat ErWesterrserve Cheese, Dauer, Pot wad Pearl LA and estrra Produce poerally, Water tree; tkurreen S thfield and Wood, Partatisre h. npa • _ 4 1111-N wArrsl..---.. t.rawait & Or:atom) Wholesale (termer owl Coomem&arcus Merchant, la Produt& and PiMbrugh Idaroarecratru r apr on o Llbarly astaleue Aqua/mat P.- Jultd JANUII B AletilllKE, Cere of th e km of 61,t00 and IstellearejElettanal Tesler, 8; Charm Ihuldrogs, 'Sad wee; nso.l Wood. P,u.ha 1 AAIE3 A. tiIaCIIISON, & oA—.....e.essOrs 10 0 I.lteris itorchlsan &Co Coaamiscion Merchant& =Vista& of • 11,14 St LOAN Stn. e.g.. Refinery, N 0.43 raster audO front &seers, Plalough. )cal'. J. 13. MAW •-; Hit Co, Whonone Inocer Yrco dart Ind (*.union Merchants, Ind Agents fat Col Mani Plition, Co. of N. Y., No. 10 Wood at, inn J OLIN DS. Mg, Wholaystia Drama; er yh, Num, Oils, Yamaha., Jae., N.A2 Wood wee; onairoor Socall a Diamond literalty. Jii.EBA,Ar„ lioTimemawir to Jomph U. PITA) Sibap Umuttlers, IS Water stmt. oell JM Lt. hi1F1 , 15.111., Wrlcticsaln and Bevil dealer Alhaid radMwienl lailummena, School Baas, L'apehii-1a1e5,14;04 Ycty kel.,.kruarryt Curly and 94 1Mr1:4t Y si;t N :h d e l „ I /3 - itutiNta.kiiitt C., ale Lnteuta, . 2.0.9& Vliood•Areet., YualsarhA 3 0101 ALA 6ucwaar r cor Wood stmts. Piusbrargla ac:k yolearrON tr. aTOCKTON rs Mookstae Vraotra and Paper Maiddosoutta, Ito. 44 Markt. ,borgb. Jean Plata 2s, RICHARD PUP.. Jrt. l . FLOSA Wholesale Grocers, Gonaueelia /Geer oonta,;:and Dealersa Prahsee, Itatual Lag thuhlings,;:frooissa on Libony, 55 oaf sue Galt inaselis rillsbursh,sea. myb ilLbws Das Wholesale ts r, Grasualsona , iilatehaell,asegslealer in Produce sal Pauburgh enotsellate.. NOitl Wesel .I_, riasburgb. jenTa i i 7;3-17 I 1/. , Wkolemle and Bead Dew. 110 , ""*. ' 0,1 .04 , , cars. Firnfltd Mand oattel'o'is.°' 5....107 , L1M1Nvr.r.rdu3,7; COrcrlDieudu Mut awns, IkaaleU iv Product, and l'il.burgti nt.o. Wed aruclen,C4hal nevi ';‘2, 57. gra . - •E • n rfIaiSEDV, CaLlYth & CU, blarraractroora emery jam..l.uperrot 4-11.1511c.nigs, Carp. Uorto, COllOll 21•11:11i 1a Hotting:: ----- 77 7-1 17einItitro Iran Work. L1=1.03 t a Ir ' or BrP;4111.1 g it 0 10111 tr. Wyebort., &I orator oral 165 from sr. kr/rl9 7154.. N. w t in t karytualaod rrodora, No. .3i K - atnt at. -- MOMS .[53010144!. Jok A. SSW'S • IKILDISZDY- aa SA W YER, I,,zun alanufaca . :r o a: r. a ...e NVlkalt: wd e diellna fappgat Sed Socorst. Vanny flood. to naktilaalci Vanditalati annaaybc prin. and quality Olunr Sleek, SS WilSial parseaf,annesaea annuaa nianniSetnr. LlA3SllStilastOlAws Lida We can oiler p vent lrolacOicals to bat: pa any awn bows WestOiald antandatna rtlatntrall. vou.hua liI44IIETSON, Whatesale tiroccrs, and h0p....0w.nd..., Winds and &gars Nos. 1 2 / 1 and 04, tordifnf Liberty aid Irani/ attects:Plna.. • martJ Wan AK= Wow-, traaran c. sun luicol4.Bk. Groecra and Councils- AA, alto Ate5ch4301...1%. IA Lanny st, Putaburgh. WA UKPIiVy WI r ON & CO, (Imo Jones, Morphy & .I.V.L.C..)WbolellOa likalrza u.l Dry Honda, No. 41, Wood simi, l'uogiaroW. ...„, . morn AM= 5 l kV; Coo:Ltd. and F - onvattna 0 MdtdbdtiNireler and From au, beamed V odd rad Matt 'AI. jan6 ... AAATTLIEW 3 .1031, portrait egad IthelatoreParo tai. iforotsCeoroer or-Post Mc, sure] and Fount etree4eutr4feebti 4U Isom . Market. dr41144C., HOLIMIS 11!;;;EION, 331. 53 Market st, *mood NIS= from cert.? of Fearrh, &mien Foreeert sop tio telteefLo' change, Cenlfiesou of Dep..- A, Notes wopftt, Aar Colleedont.7.pied - en all tho prlncipal cities tomighlam the tleibe tithses. . 3=17 N ett= 4 .1 1 `.W.:°' • — Oonvertheth r 6 OM etude aoee en.th the great-it stare and lejfel ecPeeJ. Titletale Reel Fite e..ethed, to. oet.lo4y • •'`'lbH. (*MOW IllecOlia. coIICE, Vamp street, neat Grant, in the 100211 V later neettpttAby e terstr Pittner, intaseniass Wo P :t i , te t3l l ! ' att li a " :;s w Hotel _!_ m" "grilriZO. ~. IL fatoDortk, EL. D . , -- /IPTHMALIC aRGEON, will wend la the tram. lan ,rinme.4.,orth. kg . _ . it. h. beent kr:ages:is s brat:eke the kn.:h eal pealgiulem for %teen yews, and has candp c y,d . ellatilahatnist far ticalnacat of dose.. 01 the eye alonwlnt several ti tle:,. th .,,,,,, ~,d r „„, * „" caches of Sanduky at sad Shawbenk aileyrjelleselWay city. ow= erlithirt•leictiT(fiLlg—r . .. 7. l': - .7 — init rt., ilskr--All gutunities a G... and 'AWE/ done Op in quetwer, halt, sud me pocks' poet ' roaring from 61.1 els. per bound MALL ~ Oa 46.442 Nlkt, Am. for Pekin Tea Co. UMW= hi1k.14.1, Itabolcsale tfroeeri Rectifying ,L .Distiller desky ln Produce , Pittsburgh hlsoultse - lases, _and all kusW of Foreign sad Dinnestie Wine. • old Wiwi, No. ajlitberty street. On loada very large stock of nor old hlonousralsola whiskey, orkteliwtti be . , sr for cash. _ _ _ aplkal ch. wan= a. sloannolo saszsons HMI?At Wholosale Wooers, Pnlduho sad eo a Merchants, and Lenten, m Pint a's/I Manatisehosil, No. lau Liberty as., Pittsburgh. Pt. - Jun, I : LOW= TlAlastl..L Cp., Wholesale lisocen, iorssanion Merchants, dealers kesslikes aad J'Alielongh AlaouLsoussu, Lilhany sL (444 - --•-- rC , A. CVSNIN.HA.iI, WhoMoak GlTocer D.kr l*ace ead no Mail° futures, 114libeny •sti.. 471-1 MIL 11 L7 = " 24111=„ Porte.ding andC orr uruarlon Mare r hahts, CM the Allegheny River 'bads, deal ers ha i tinherthes,iproduce, Pittsburgh Muhanwtates gad Chbaride of 1,& ndhighnt pties. 'la cash, ald at all than for A coast rag e t. Corner s Peno and y Irwin sta. rca Lit: lll. c t , lawn, who= 1 bL•17" . ., I. naps and ii . ttaealle Dry Goodin N 0.99 rEdj , 1 w . .. linArDoll, Wool Merchants, Dealer. a Flour an& Ardace generally, and rorreartiptg .Dd Calaraisskuteilarchatits, NA 53 Water at., litttai 6.1116 '•.il • ... S- InTlii, DaCi&URY & Co ~ Wholenala Proem an d ProdtetdcWra,NAYMA/arkor areeLberareengat and lyry ll iFth 614116, Ptaladruptitai lime ii. - 04.6. 7, M,.:' iTill•*larA nin"Sii s - riiinarchi §.161,A5tr0.,,...al 1 41 COLS, Produce and General rs. 0:46 00 . 01 00. 16 ,60. 17 Liberty rt, Pinabrirgb. ria,44inned ining Lard Olii Fiek r :9 4 .**iititigir - V, co., Whnleasle Gm- Otis nand CArnausaton llerclirants, Uri=3 Manatactures and Western Pro. _ lathers arm rearebousa4 old stand) i ih ri corner ef Kt= nn and Chancery Lane. . w. a. tants. - -it._• yr it i g&g„.LT,ll.l. and Retail denann In el th ... °l Ukln " rultr'o6t . ' S car i n •we ."- ----:-- 1 - 9 gtr meaole Griiirers - ii crLamis. eko lifirUrn i ie h neda. and dealer: in /lodate. No. ZS eddy Fnalk ' .. P nel ; .:.- ---- - ~‘• , i lIIIE , _........., ... _ „4 •1 : .. , .. • ~ • :_.....„• .... ........„..„,....„.. __,••_.,.....: ~.,.: ~...,;t:f ~:i • . - -..2.--.,..- , .. , ... • ~-; ::::- . : ~...:: -.... ......... :.,.; ''' . ..-' .1---,:. .-.7:-..7.- 7.,_... ..,,,... :... ...,. ~ • . '. ' ' '''''''''':-:''''''..l.l:-.'''''...:.),..‘_-_ ..,'%'l.';;A: . .... 4 • :ti:.. l i ' '?..;',4... j'i '. 4 .r;:k , . , . ••Ig; , .;::-' =.--A4A CARDS. , --- - AMA 0. win, DAWD IMAM:I.A 3% ICY & MCANDLFED, isoceessar. to L&J. D !yy Wink,' Wholesale °totem, Forwarding and COMortimion Merchants, deafen in Iron, Nails, Glass, 'eto, Yarns, and Pittsburgh Manufacture* generally, ls . :nsee of Wand and Water -wrote, P'intibuniin idly W. WALLACE, Mill scone and (dill Furnish lag establishment, No. UM LOcetty st., near the groat mars ir W wiLsoN - . WitieThe - WieW - eTry. :taker CS See - , . and Military Gooey, conker of Market and 4th Errors, Pittsburgh, P. N. IL—Watch. and Clock. garefully TCPWW4.deed m DOWF-N--Conirracikion -- aUd — ForwaT•drnir Meretiant, No. to Front se between Wood and Drifter streets. felsl I , and Retail dealer to N. an i ii ' Dlewite Dry Goods, north earl Corner of Market and Fourth sunaug2l • WA. roertiT _ nun wcsztx. bl.` YOUNG & Den—Dealers In leacher bides, awn 143 Liberty w WI. securenton. room attrorecanort- U 7 &R. APCIITCHEON, Wholesale Grocers, dea 1, . lets in Produce, Imo Nails, 11ya.., and Paw burgh. Manufactures generally, IPS Liberty art, tfa irj th.., Vir;leX id pe u,. .l ri er WaLstep t.. .l.LwAnz iet ov7 W & MiItiELTECE, — Vii.I6O. Groner. 7, Rectifying Dimillers, and Wine and Linn°, liderobents. Alan, Importers of Sod. A . b and Bleach tig Powder, No. 160 Liberty cretin Pawburgh, Pa. 7•00 i Wm. • iroirrio Ai. co RALERS IN 1 - 11011 AND LEATHER, Morocco, Shoe Findings, &c., No. 14:1 Libertystreet, bare p received their 81431:117 STOCK of goods com prising • large 124.01113/4.1 a a:11cl. in their Inee, *lnch the attention of porebasers ss Invited. Mehl& pttriffilikVrik. CO 4 1 STEAM BOAT Al, ENTS Oral. Aso.. M. ALL. A. Co, OCC! No. 42 Water tare, INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. THE INISUMANCE CO. of NOrth Amanea will make permanent mad limitea Insurance on pro. pkrty 10 this euy and vicinity, and n chit-men. by Cum!, amen, Ealing. and ny Sea The plOpeillt, 01 Om Company are omit invested, and Rrnarh avoin- Side fund for Me ample indemnity of all persons who Settee to be pro. ea ed by Mansauce. myth - WM Y./ON4J, A gent, 14 Water at. figWIL M NIT Y . . .. .. • • Th. Frankhs Fan Insztraars Ca of Philadelphia. PIREXTORS.--Charlea N. Donator noun. Hart Tablas Wagner, Samuel Omen, Jacob R. Smi th , G. W Richard., Mordecai D. I.am, Adolphe. E. Done, David S. Drown, ?dorm ?lineman. CHM.. N. BANCIII, President Charley 13. Banekar, Secretary. Rontinue to make insurance perpetual or limited, im ovary desenption of properly an town or country, at rates its low as are C002.111P0l with meurny. :To Company have rem rved a large commecot Fund, which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invest c4, 'Tina ample protect:ea to the assured. .7 . The Assets of the company, on January in, 1r49. Oblishod agreeab/y to au art of Assembly-, were us fellows` Mortgages 31,047,438 41 Real Estate at:A 6.3 4. - Temporary Loa,* I i 9s Stec.. . 61,1,1 -M gash, ke. 3+,104 37 SLUM= 71 inee their incorporation, a penod of IS years, they and paid upwards of one million affording Mons and dolion, kiwes by Are, thereby evident. cf the ademtages msoranee, as well es the ability mid disposition to meet sub pompom. all J. GAR/IN/:B ti.OPEIN, Agent, hinarl-cily Mc< N if cor.ter Wood and tdsts rmr.i.AWDENI . IIIII7TIIAL Igt9IIIIAHCL{ CO. NADF lll 4lAgent al PULA/ugh Km the Del . ware hluwrnfEtafety Iroutrance Company ofPhou• elplita. ks upon buildingemd mercharobac of. every description, and Marine Risks apoo halls or Minolta of vessels, takm upon the most favorable li:r OM. in the Warehouse of W. B . helmet A Dee., .37 Water, hear Market street, Pittsburgh. ifl Be—The meeess of this Company since the estab lishment of the Agency in thla city, with the prompt and liberality with which every claim upon them for kiss Wu been adjusted, Italy Warrant the agent in inviting the conlidemee and pauonage of to. frieM6 and tar community at large to the Delaware hl. S. lam none Company, "idle it has the additional sid wham. as m 1.1.1[M1012 among UM most doom/Wag m Pluladel pgro--as Mettle m ample paid-in capital, which by the operation of its chaser is constantly ,nu snug, as yielding to cacti person mewed his due Mare oi the Words of the lompany, wnhout tuvolvnig tom in my reirpousibiliry whatever, and therefore as possessing Mc dtvested of every olinozioas !ca mas, and M almost attrustilre Wm_ norl PIaticA.ND , IMAJR2gE . I.2(III7B.4\IIIOI7 - rpm. Insurance Company of North America, turimgh too duly mthorised Agent the subscriber. otters to make permanent and hooted insurance on property, in this coy and its vicinity, aril on shipments by the Ca. nisi and Rivers. DIRECTORS. Mthor 0 Codm, Charles Taylor, Sami W. Jones, Ambrose Who., eard duoth Jacob Al Thomas, JiMn A. Brown, John R. Ned, Join Win L a ebord Wood, Tkonsas P to, Cope, Wm. Weld, awn. F. Smnb, Frames 'fastens, . .. . . _ ....,__. Bennet Wachs, Austin AJhbode, ARTHUR I.i. CUFFIN. Prest. FLOWS D. Sumas, doe'y. The is the oldest Insurance Company In the United Nes, having been chartered m 194. Its charter is perpetual, andirons ile high standing, long cm - encase maple means, and a voiding ah neke of au extra bas 2 cud°. character, 11 may be considered as odenug am ple:aunt... to theptiblie. W. P. JO:iik3. Al the Countind fboto of Arwood.i .e.ol A. Co.. Wa tedand rm. etew ru.b,mrit mayS THE SLAWCISILIEIL has been appointed Agent pro • lose of dm luminesce Company of North Amens, an will matte Pabst. and attend to the other business of foe /agency, at the warehouse or Atwood, / Cd apl.2 H. I Ji,Nhn,use. st FORWARDING &COMAISSION ntormittoorra I '114111.1...E9 11. DANENHOWK/li du CO. I . IIIIMCCU CUZIERSSOA Nd . . LS South Wharves,...lNa. 117 South Water sr. PHII-I. a ItELP/11A. TjEGS m inform the t note and dealers generally, of 131 Pntsburgh, that they nose made sack arranvoscrits "nth the Vcrattua mamonewrars and the Grower. of ltd Weat. %1 eat indiel, and tuber places. as ern/ Insert a large nod constant supply a Mc futiowutg desertp. twits of Tobacco, which arm be sold upon as accent torOating 8.1 any tomer house tn nos cuy or else. sZln, and all goods ordered front them eon be War re equal to reprosenMssom Ilnitrans; t o Conto-i ligra; Porto Rico; Penn's.; I.Seed 1.,c0f Cotta; Ignito; ' it Flortda, bate°, .411,313—Branch's celebrated Aromatic Stag Caren dmil. with ahuge assortment of ether popular brands, 0.41 quainta of pound, It, St I.ls, Ids and lts, Lump; 'derf.S. ds and ins Plug; Ladles' Twot, Virgin. Twig. ke y tweet and plant, is whole and half boors weed antilOrl, I.ogYthel anal euery variety of emote belong initte the trade. jelOdly ..... JOHN A. SHAW, PACKER OF PURA AND EIFZP, ommistion Serchant and Potwarder, NO. 4 CANAL ST., CINCIN NATI, OHRE f t ,Y47 , aPrfec ular ' m pies lti thr c rit'etnagttlf for4raselogg ui Goode genemaly. Water" to Maser.. John Serasoy k Co , ) ? S. c:e.::tr."4"". t"suj'el'"``'' 0 - r . Lippincott & Co. Kier a. Jonas, Englit.ti tr. Reno., Pittabores.,,,Pg-rd.. °MORON GOGH/KAN, Giannininon and Forwardnag Iditrehinats ao. 26 WOOD FT, ernantracn, CcONTINISES to transact a general Commlselin Will a.d.a nen, especnally deopurchase nut sale of Amen. hlanufactares and Produca, and In weeithat and forhanding Owns consigned to his eine. As Agent for t hef Alaunnetures, hewill be constantly supplied with thnprincipal wisely of Pittsburgh alanancinre at the Innen wholesale prices. Orders and coundwannu stro_reirectatliy solicited. t 97 1. 711.4i1t•. F. PITTILLR. OF. 1108116.8. . - . YEATELLN, PITTMAA i co., VOIIVMIIIIII6 t Ul/8111183101i No. 152 Second street, mcb27:(l6ne ST. LOLIB, 810. : 4 110TCILg;ic:.—to dos Spades and Sito s7 eels, 40 do Aii.ace Forks; ito do limo Shovels, Go .doSE,ooket do; Axes, fintobeta, Matto.. and Picks, Rai,.., Vice• ke, for sale at inanitiaanarors prices her v..ii 111431 CfMN RAN. an wissi s. M;I=BMMI . . ra JOSEIS 4 40100, Nt Alt i l op ll .g fr , Cl ,4. 4P.Ell i S pl o o f .g ycz g. au c t . h , llstoL d .to 1 newton*, hammered iron ales, and dealers in mal tulle ea...afire engine lamps, and coach vinaretnee %noon, corner of Ils. and Front ate, hosi g inx, —7-- Fteverallble Pllgering Cock -- • FOR PURIFII74I.I WATER, 1 • Which renders turbtd water pure by removing all substancee not nimble in ',gc - h) water . Ihe crown water In N.York ; H (i z :) s o although clew and pure to the eye, yet ~,:,,,• when it panes ak hour through tot , t.' filwring cock, ehArs a lane depont .., mint., substances, worms, Sc. 'nu tal,lo co. more or less win all hydrant orator. 'iMe Sfeventlile Vilterer is neat and durable, and I. C,,,,PtalloWed cob the incoonnience Incident to one, Pilieren, as u is cleansed winout being deutehed Iron illitarnter pipe, by merely turning the key or handl. fn. One Ode In the other. toy this easy proem, ths nigree of wale.; le changed, andall aectuanladoce ft trttpurei anbilt.c. are doers off almost Instantly vthoettlonereveng the Rhin It also poetesses I. 'nun. of being • stop net, end *semen In meta c,...m,,,411,,, very convenient and oconouncaL dn.; terukeehod Where there is any peons 141 e ,c k ne go a mt., WA, on, Ite with can To he lies OF the sole Agent, W. W WILPON, .17 comer o1 _ } °. ....th , and b10b... le i t i :r e : r e , L il--Ae bedseT h a IT4 A e ilta b y ass. r '-. ono Yd manahouret This carnage iii in every respect nfils ralkurtickamade win all Ow modern impose. news, lined with blue n e w, and tilinheil in nipertor sdanner. la. ninety new, and eon for want of an ..Trnquire of A I,FIANDEU re DAN , kiyul 75 Manes at. N W e!y2telLn , ttur Dtamond To teIITION AND W00LE.1.14.5....N In, ACTH.. ItEßS.—Htnlnf m ade ralffw . C'n IMAM nippy of FAuFOR o-i we wili nil en low pnees Calf and Sheep Rolm Ohms, Lur e L ee a Picker., Deeds, latttiteri, Hemp Tence Treadle. 5 tolo lath poncho,, Wrench., Stripping Cards, I tb lb Ire Patent Denser Thnshey Weever.' Inn. • fra &c LattiAN, WILSON & CO., ' one ISO Wee street. Pittshorgh i' - -- - .?- BENN'ETT 8. BROTHER ] o' QF'EF_NISWARE MAN UFADFDPLEHtk ' 211=0"115=4,14ear Pittabenwle,Jra., ail • !pm 137, Wood tetrad, PiliS 667 o. .. , WlLl,eotetesaly keep • on hand • rwe Won t. T kohl or Wars; of in, owe wanaateatte, and t topettorgellay. Wholesale and country Het , elates an respeetlatly tootled to cell and ee• _„. for tesateelees, es we are determined to .11 r than hue., before beet: offered to the pelt. ''' A. l ...dere ant by mall, accompanied by the cash in rtf..Forence. veal he promptly an to myl6 LAW OFFICES. R. B. CARNAHAN, A TTuRNEY A r LAW. other on Form h .tract, brlvreenCharrr alley_ and Grant sr n2)1:117 WM. TIMBLIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler. Pa WILL also attend ;Om — llea:sans and all other bust. Doss entrusted to him in Patter end Annntronr townies, P. Relel to J. A R Floyd. Liberty nt IX', W. Wallene, do lames Mart,.// do Fittaboran. dly Kay ft Co., Wood at. patri ,T B. 1 4 ‘VEFFZER.. Attorney/at I.r, ntbre 341 1 , • oOPootte Ynto.oreti. 0111 alto attend promptly to Caliendo.. i — Wadbmeton, Fayette land Gnem outdid.pa, ' Blackrusek, Bell & C RE o, M& 0 Chareh & 1) T. Mork., •el„Idly EJ. ItENRY, Attorney and Caw dor 11 Low. Cinendrau, Oda,. Collemmona to douthern Ohm, dud tn Indiana, aod ut Kantuek promptly and P enn, ylvuott, for taking Depostunna, aeknatriedgmtota, Ram co—Lion. Wm. Dell & taon, Cruti, Church & camdiers,. Wm. 111014 Hays, Fug, fl k & Dace. a'3 run IMMO", 11 411.11. rtUNI.OP & sEnrEu.., attorney at Law. Uflives on 1/ Smithfield, between &l and 4th 4tJ. JOHN T. COCHRAN. A7TORNEY AT LAW. Fourth street, hrtsreeu Smithfield and Groot Alt-Man ROBINSON, Mammy 1,, Law, :doar * unlttna " allYora Bu"4:l7lK7.l'yBL BATS, CAPS AND BONNETS tliC011.1:1 & 00" (Suceenon to ATCord tt. ICtno Fashionable Hattees,4 Cartage of Wood 4214 Fofth Street. IDARTICULAR auenuon pant to.oar aCtali Trade. Cn P (rootUentemen can rely upon getting their flan and • one enabltt , totent of dm sort NIATX3I.4III and nolutgasute, or the LLTWAT serum and at :he LOW 11. Tlll-21 Country hferettants, purainaing by arholeaale, are reapectfully invited to call and eonstib.e our B.ock, a. Incan .y with confidence that as musiolr et al., nod ratern, it will not carer Ina contpanson with any hOnse In Philadelphia tent: _ CALIFORNIA lIATS-12 dos wave proof Caltiontla Ilan, Just receivri and it sale by Al re Co. Inbar , corner bib nod Wood air ra sp.. FASHIONS FOR 1899.4 hl . l7Ol{D & Co. will ustroduce on Saint. May, &larch Att, the tarring style ATia 11,, in want am neat and import... bat. arc to call at corner of Ott and Wood I.trt,4 mall' PRING BONNET RIBBONS, Murphr hat now open a %apply spring I:enact 11on §neve of ~ , and h.daonar xty Alu, new sty. 4%1 Nett.: LL•le and Ede , Waco Ealalnga, Victoria plead nano. and Jaeonets, ernbroidore‘l Swiss Muslin., , l siaortenent of Market Gouda Tone...thy. at north putcorner 4th and at reeta Who/cool. Rnom. uo woo , art MEDICAL D L'HEPAGIRIST.-11 ore,. whir: ton mite at large in the Eteld• are very apt to 1.r0...e sod os,llo theamelves Itt tratny ways 'tory ar. BO lut to be aseleas for a long ume If intmeslint• ear eittuid be made of It. A. Fahliesmok A.lO Mat, and Ma raised part well sa at turated. essi remedy roted .4. it would pre reit, sea • ase Paw No tanner should tie et moult ids eels. braird medicate, 1.1 If. grata heating 1011121 or.tostist Pre pared and sold t.y Li FitsiLNESTtiels to i'o earner 01 Wood and Is: t.s, 10101,it and Wood m t . l, OftLiA,Vm Witit.ll —Aatttnet ;att. of JVI the matophont satteeas of Manna.'. 9-rou(Jge Tmrseceou, hlay lii. 1 , 19 Air. John D. Morgwzr —lf my name o( any Lt.. to the sofferts. commututy, reg•rd to to art., of hlorgao's Vermilage. )ou •re Venert t ant- It. tl had two chsletren sorely ...herd wt. worms. I tte • ''atna niatTaa't and nary Just!,so. anen I tr.o > our restown,l Verettsmge, and a•lnnianute to W.. one o them sous de.teercul of about (thy worm• hang, of the most frightrol k.,1. re tern ;.100 sor appearance of nets 1 . 1. e other elute w ont n about At. The ratio ren are now tiny, lcu may well be proud of your Worn, K,i Yours tru y D•vrn lernat. Vtre , tn Itry reennted end soW sets...ale and .etalt 1., .11 , 1 liksfts.so.N.Ltrusyst, tVoodure,, one 0., 1..-I..ty =toad abry . an 14 • • NIAN' BE Al-4[61.-.17 Apral Al. I .49 Mr. H. I:. Sellers. Being efll.tued ••,e. 1,14 I cough, which was ao aersere as he tl• 41 111 , 't duty employmeat Frequent'y •,, t eudrh 2% been so mach exhausted, ea .o , ou.ased •,, VW rest- Hearing of oh, eJr,ts your Cough etyma. I concluded .0 pre ate happy to say it produced The J....m-4 rd Zil Cleo. idler ocids Itollo nmat toe ruusa , pry .1,"11.5 lun Tide p.eaaant and popu.ar Coach T., ,s and sold by ft 1 - ;r4.1.L.1..1L5, 57 NVoa, street u,d Milo by Pruggist• genteely the two r.t.er aud Link). rn>tt ER LIFE e; t l2l . llu j :r . J.. o th , - ,4 • 0 .-L. Mr JII Wilson--Lkar a. 'Mr VIC Oi t4tlers . Venrofurre I World from you wood tone ago. broaeht from my girl 5 years old, the astotuthme oucule, of hundred Worms. I he. e •Se would have tveed • eery short urns. but (or this medicine. Slivg. alma.. Jr Pretanred mui .old by g Ii Sta.M9S. 57 ,S,sal . s k l Mr. by U'UfZIOt• (t 115111,11 rr AP. IVO •-• tr • .1. , POILT ANT TO TILE AFFLICTED. Dr. base's Celebrated hcamdies. JACOB S. ROSE, the Mscoversr .1.41 rel.. pro prmusr of he most popular and tracam nes,- Pea. held r aw th e Luverthor of the rsistsraom of iner.l the inflatmg th e Lungs. In rElsemm rt., of Chrome diseam-s. was • •61.11tD1 mamma phy•,- eine, Doctor Physic, mod pa n greJante or tan rr:• ty Or l'cupsylvalars, and Gulthrty earned in the 1 . 9,( . 1111,...Dejg ass..aar, alto t 5.• amp, cation al temethes thereto. Througit Lhe use of Pro to flattop tub, n, eartywr,on hetits Propt tutu, Syrup and ono.. rof hum hos tuned so Onpalalene. enlntlisre in ut., thoot dreadful mold total rotolattro, Tuttercul‘r Coo, Fsoroptron, Lauer, Soroluto. Httronteroorn, A•lttroto. e and Aogue, Fre,. or tot r t indo.Chrnme an ron e. h,e mouth., to which looomassny to re,. —toot me pp. of oz. compound only, for din to itorotopo unlit Phystologocal oat too, ot rtt• dLa adapurd old prrweritoott earN pertain, iu o( diocese. ' Dr. Rolm% Tonle Alterative Pill, ' , alien used r in variably acknowledged le be aoperinr in all oiher a purgative or aver pal, Illimmuck e• they irate tb. bearals perfectly nee from coativeties., . ai.o Ins Golden Pill. is admitted by me Manny to yn..eu lee • Is. properuca adapted to tamale daen.e.i. 1.51 tvine ettliefied that a bare attbesent to ...Mph what hall been mad an the minds of the lanai •keparai The athieted are named to can upoo Inc agent , and procure (grans) one of Lbrair's pamphlet., airing detalled account ofeaett renmey and It. nprientinn For sale by the fol , owtsig scrota aa veal; a. bi melt Draggista throughout We country: J iechootostalicr at Co, 04 IVocad save, Pt...burgh. 1 bl Tovrii.end, druggist, 45 Alartet Lea A Beckbam, rear We P. 0. Mleyhen, elly J. Barkley, aB Darlington, Beaver county. I.a EJULott Loran Vey, Aaam, tlslart r Columbiana co., 0., AP , 01, toll. nR. D. JAYPiM. Dana eta—t feel bound to you _LP and the alnico' public to avail myself of tins op partrnly of p•tugpublicity to the isitnurchnn ry edema of your Ktpectorant Dom) self. Hoenig bean athorted aad fat se•eral ',are with a severe cough, bootie lever hs concomitant thscase, and seemed oily doomed balloter Dot a sheen bat miserable existence. tutu! the WI of ItCgA When, being more 4,ltfely einsact,d. and having retailed to all ray former rernethea, and me pre scriptions or two of the most respectable ph)stetatts pt Ito neighborhood without deriving may benefit, oc we ertilsolation of surviving bat a few days or MCIALA filltb<lll—witen We Mat gleam of hope vraa abctut Pittllsh., I had recommended to Inc your Ex 1 , 124101,.. and blesaed by that Being who doe. Moms llr ses. of the rectum—and contrary to the •xpeciations el my physic...a and traenda, I was ut a few day* nosed from my bed, and was enabled by um use of a bone, to attend to my busing., ens', tug &titre better Beath that. I bad for Wit years previous. lbspecifully yew, rm., Jo. W. For sale la Pirtstnirgh, at the POE N, Tr 3 SlOrr, Plants street. roar. Dr. IleLen• In Tenn 1 . 11121 la to eeruly that I purchased our • tal of Dr . I.lllaLane'. Wont% Spetafte, some tom 111.0iglt. aqo rod(ave to eon of twae, some seven pones old. ,wo BUNK= (lan, allnangh amount map op.von/ Arlo, yet 1 bade no douln Lot thrre sou nowt... of rRo Tiumaaeo moues passed from .blot, measurtsm tootout quarter of tomak to two webs@ tong. 4/ IN 111/1.1.10A Y. Ronne fleck, Corral no. Tens , Dee 0 , , t--17ju.:1 SkLLGHL , It DILUIDAn.— Comcanra Jan. ,nh. I -in Mr. R. A Feller —Yo tnar Veruge avld add hea been high y amMen of bywoo aav• al From the Aimee. attending tor min..../trat.e. of your Vermenge in every raw I have hr.tra or, I an, eofitnicirt I man sell more during the enn bne mm, I did last. I will be glad tu3llulYe r •up. ply ore or 0 grosa. Your., reapecue.7, LEitrecl from letter.) If CARTER Prepared and sold vy It. K SELLER M, al 17 ew. .7, .0 sold by drugglins generally, in l'alsburgh mat At leghny. 7atte ILIGEIO V AL. THE slthscriber has removed Insle.ne rwc ry Store! Lo the coroer of Ilemeock sireei and A: pen ybud; next door lisP rerry I loose. r 0 1 ,40.451 JoilPs F 11:1:111 Foreign and Dointe•tio Liquo.. A OWL) ersortatittt ot Marrero stel Itetter• r tt.. quer, Owe). on hand nor tor ruir rn gurnottes to ran purcherers. eV . ' W t hl reur.I.TREV. %/LIE: nava some I'UhIPEL madeon an onnroved IT plan. oo as not to (refire in the euide•L Persons wanting ouch Articles. are Invited In en.: nod ate them at ,l'nlrr: kn IlirsmeN e. n2v25 • .o• QrNDRIES-14 Al.'s No I Lard, y o tiscob ...orldd, 0 bola I dg• 1 di. Dr resebes; do Frain..., d,, for We by 1,02,111.11,Klo) a terns bo y ~,, WOOL—A rio %eel, Ido Trainer, no. Irian L E a 111 Lrit, rod ler role lie JAMTS T " rf P ri n ;V:P r T;;; F .,rl . ,,C77.:::: ‘ M ( k " 4".: lb. upward., anal :rota Zeta. u,•l per ita to red, blue, greet. Sod y BOW Ink.. to CIEIO , 01 lb. to 11 lb.. el:Mutually On s.a.e. !luring Nir NlVru. ry .101 l la ous °ince for 11100 month, pa, we ~ •rent it equal to soy that is tamale et any muur taulufarury rrmt .10114.41101 $10t:/..'1 , .N 1011, Per Ebir.l and `.t.\UßlErl—T4 t.c. Conon; dl bolt Not Loral; - • • bag Flagmen, ✓ 4.2attlan rcas. 54 rvathen, • " Ginmanc • " Wool Nov landing 12,35. Cumberland, No Y. sor ISAIAH DICKEY A Co Front .1 PITTSBURGH U' ' • I , COPARTNERSHIPS. E=4!=! , TYE eo-partnership heretofore existing bets.. the 1 subscribers. in the name of Constable. Berke k. Co .rs tide day dismayed by mutual eoneenc Ileum Burl. h. Barnes win settle the business of the eon. cern. for ertoeb purpose they ore authorised to use dm name of the concern NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, HUMUNI) THOMAS HAFOIFS. The undersurned have this day a...minted lb.:melees in the name of BURKE & HARNI.In., for the purpose o(mmne(aetonnt Flro Proof bile., Vault Doors, &eh &c,, at the *tend of the late firm of Constable. Burke & Cr.., where they will be pleased to receive the na troes,,, &the customers of that house and their friends. EDMUND AURKI.; THOMAS BARNM. In retirtng from the firm of Constahle, Burke & Co , I whit meet, pleasure recommend Masan. Burke & Hanle. to the confidence of toy friend. and the public. Feb 0, le4ll NATHANIEL I.X/NETAHLEL felsrl-dti DiSSOLITTIOIL 'VISE partnership of MURPHY! LEE is this dap dissolved by inotusd consent, The business orate Isle firm will be settled H. LOO. .1. R. MURPHY, Putaborigh, hut. 30, IMO. H. LEE. NOTICE—The onderairtal wm somata° the Wool hoolmosa and attend to the gale of Wooden Goods, at the old stand. 11. LEE, In retiring from the Amu of Murphy is Lee, I take greet pleasure in recommending NI. H. Lee to tee confidence of my fnends and the public. Pittsburgh, J.. 31, J R. MURPHY. THE suLacrthers have this 24 auoeinted then- J. Selves together for the puTpose G of transacting a wholeeale and ratan Dry Goods and reeefy besieest, to NO Yin liberty, opposite Seventh street, under the It s . ..Id hem BUSHIFELD & lid Ys. H.r—M b ;.. l l7:¢s'l 7 clierli ' and the public are Invited to glee es call. lei CO.P AIITNEDATI IP. -- NVI.I. B. SCAIFE and Capt. JAMS a+ ATKINSON have entered tote partuerahm, under the 6rra of SLAIFE & ATKINt.N. and mil carry en the Tin, Copperond Sheet In Ware manufactory. Al., I.llack.mlonq of all tV branch., at the old Band of Wm U Semte, First street. near %Vaal! M2l====l ffl VE to flay a”oelated wiM me m me whole -1 Nato litocery, Produce and Como:m.6.n busine.., my L. other Jolepb, under Me firm of .1 DILWORTH h. Qs. J January 1.1840. I 10.PAILTNERE1111P—Wsn. Young navrng Min ll day am:wanted with lurn, John IL Ld'Cane, We lea tar, Lo•incsa will hereafter he conducted under We /UM or Wm. Young & Co. WILLIAAI YOL:Nti, /NO. I( M'CIA BOOK TRADE. - --. - Scrip at Par, JAID MS D. LOCK WOOD, TAKEN FOR CHICKF.B.LNIG•S PIANOrI. KLRlllirl, at Woodwalds, No 1.3 eyed, It,:„.'„,a."Lf7::: J::',7,^,F; ; ;;,^4.'",..','; - ;r1 - ,11u„.1 0 ,,i,, bt. etr.,. f0r.... ~ig,,,,,1,,, chi, k ing , Pla. nootootlAut COD {Aron. Or no.. (Retool et la lowed cash price, for Pitt.bargh, ENGLISH, FRESCO AND URRAIAN ROOKS, "M 0../ car. and Cum? ScdP. They used.. N 0.03 Wool, rate, beta nun 7 octave. and were alerted by Al, Chick (Nearly opposite the Sc Charles Hotel., cm, for this market. They are warranted to be equal errr,,BeßGti to pny. ~,... the City, Leiria all the lane( improvement, 1.7 English. French. .04 (iceman Renews and 'U.. , a 'trot"' ...In , eta. Mag•sine, and Ne ...paper. imported to order, prices layers as Invited le eon previous to paretic.; of Y.t...-h may he oseertained ea appheaLion to Sir. 1.. el.whea. and, also, to bring . n th the..... 11.0 4, Catatiognes goose n,-, iodic. trofesra . r i v . sL ru or . oga , :wise, to indee - of the anon t.,,,": v 1:1.0'1 , 4)1'2,s AND DICtIoNAILIF,I, form- '' 4 .1' il ~,.„ ~,, mac. will be ;leen with each .U., ing special and independent mins , edtled by wit. pi..., tatt l ing th e cx .,..,,.. n .... un „ in. ier• di.ungetstird to the ',trio. department, E. muta rat by proved to the least degree Imperf e I. or ct. Iltadde, Deuce ry of `kneed, L restore, and Art; Copiond's Potion., ot Practical Med.etne, Jobuso.. s f.. '''T - red : - . I sr.oef . Ear yempo-dsa. London's EncyclopteJla of WILEIIII NPRING 00 - 005. '•erditrine; Loudon II Rneyelernedia of Plant., Lou- Khaeklett& White • Eneyeloptcalut or i ra.., MT olio •It's Dictionary , Cl c„,,,,,,,,,,,, n, m.,.,,,,,,..„ i nc „,,,,,,,,. o r u coor . o . y. any GOOM .10110ER-9, SP Wood alreet, et the enettrism of Merchants to thtelr auxt of ANIERI- Unr, It .tionory 01 AVG and Manuf,ctard, Docier's Medietti Dictionary , i‘ aterstosi's evr:op.d. of t .. , A-,'" ,F D D, EI .... . U N D R Y DDDD'', now ..e'WX n0r..., I alma./ lbsonuary. 2 vote dyo_, Webster and di et (reel .....• , . l'ark• • E 51,010004.0 i 1/01:0011..le E..ettomy; he..., acedving realer rupee o f Oral gOlulla during WO , a•rical Dictionary aeon. and devoting a larps shout of :tat, attention . Mose to Dee r art y (all or tnformatlon of die bet kind, " 2 " .er. A. "" " d " . '" , " n " .1 " 1 "' I T """ .„.,..,., o „ d ,In ~,, be, mg„n„ Per I S. buyers they ari/I find It to their Interest to Biaanne I, n. , JAAII-*, DL017)(WIAtI) 63 Wood it th ''' .t.el ' Jost tenctva large pivoted, of new style Dread 1 tome•yric ANLM ',Ls-tannery and Description Goods, Fancy d )• . Cass/meter, Cloths, tannest .LY or the Dora. Mute, Cattle, Sheep. Swine, Pont- tmod.. L a c es , White Hood, Irish Linen, Tailor.' Ir! and Farin Deg, woo d0e.... f. , Dan' ...ale - Trim us d brown and bleached Rareness of varl et-at. hen cdpm. eto.cos. 'carom, feeding, • and preps- 0 „... t,T:oa...n marl ranee for • profitable timed. Ala, Met, ihtiesints , And Remedies, togetnes cello full Maroons for the JAMES W. WOODW CLL. '''''''''''''''' Dairy HY R " An`^ - 12 '" , "''illodero gad Aatique learnitnre, numenn....testrations For • ale by i) i .1.00 I/ LOCK WOOD. G 1 Wood it ta, Tutu Nom., . team. A large and .pletishsl va. EtV AND V ALli•111.1.: 10 ,/leti - assortment of Farni.are, a I --Hints on 1,,b,i• Architecture, prepared. on ' tamable for Steamboats, 1..0/01 0( Mu Ilsolthar 1.,001.6111.0e of me Stnucouma I In.t.tunor. by Itmo-rt lam Owen. In law yearn, . !lowa and anew ewe'. lie. °natant!) on hand and made to or.ler .reool/y printed, woh 113 allelliatioo• /a the Lest A.. - . on ' 0n „..., ..., on ~,..d c . ocoo no .......dcd by toy m of then any timinafaelorl to the Itrentern conntri Perans 11-tare„ on Uroncli.tts, ayond edmon, revised o „ oto . ~,,,,c nc„ scold do ... e , to von ......., nud en argtd A treatise on dues of the eir-pas- , ', '- el em dean:rued my price shall piece. Part cr) ,5e..... rtionirtoitir no indairy Ono tin. latolp , noon., t ,... p , .... yp y. ~,_ ne.ebt et wee cfcaoon• of the Loom.. e arneda i r n .„, . fn., Paget Elegem' lio/oelons, Clironle 1-appiipitia. e , ionii • 1..... XIV Came: Queen Ellaalhed, churl, 1',,,,t0, A,. ac ily Horace 1..r..e. A al.. U. D, Le • ...,.. ~ Fruit ables; Piair..inoriPred and r•telyily caioreJ Ho, al • ye., ' . ,i..1;,..1,11.. , . Louis XV Commoder7 i.l - Now read, the 4. edition, re. I.eil and ',Ls,. r m. `' ' Lth "e n T i P ... de sae with ash a , dim troloth wean, red eon •ddiiion.o Ina.trotroos. A rr.-5t..... ou Lastu• SO Maogarry Rocking Chen, on t o Garth nom and Rural Are...dere lodes Parlor 4.. Pot tole hy LAMES 11. I.I.A3C‘V 00D, 3o . Fuel do For many years ronneeted with ' hie ‘ :s7s. ' %,:l7, ' it ' . 4 '"‘" To t SW pair Divans; I pair pier Table, Pu.set. nint law loon IV i n ,,. i I n it , lo Marble top Urea and Olt L. I...pat returned trout t o ,gaintip eines d Wardrone* I Seeretones and Boot ea., "” VO marble top Web Some; LI EA OLE) 'S SliTa , Wirilili-fhe Arhiont;Tselt;oi 1 (pair ca te .,, s , IL leer' . the Wood, 0) J. T Headley, •inhor SI a pst;faue - eWo - ',l, Sand s ; is in.titoron And his Generale,' ao. * very harp Itasortatein of eurnmon chairs and other Tlie 1.10/ •ent \ Vitae Of De Win ClDthre• by W , , rnltare too aundreas to mention. W t . •enhell. author or .Dorder %Varian , Just are . Steam Mao r a m s ea Ma shortest none. by ,a 7 JHN2.1,,,N t SRN Id ION , IF - ~_ .. , 11 Op we MOW lOneelnamo 111/1 1 1111. deelA N ,-.,, 1111010.--A Ilinory of tV . ooder“.. - I a yr./tine. • ...numerous ch,ra•tng. oni rood,' . . , .... _... The Itan or pictures ot the Vaota and her to , Coon..Beecher. Fon Wayne, lontan•. omit an .trodar tory ran,. Mn, Harnct Beeenet Stowe eV I" /011NoTt.IYI At SUICK ro.s, :el corner Jd and Market ma Valv•ble Books 1 4 '1.1.1017 k ENHI.I,II, ,to Wwel street, between ith and loan:Load alle t 114 n etvcd • large suoply o f Ilseokrsicao mite! wont, asstune *hick a.s. the tolluvrte.c. VI: Mneenancou• - 1-.•.•,. and lino t.) Ittendent !tapas., Chrtat .• All. how aan ,• loop ts /1 Tynt, D U., L.sta Lte Wto Cunt., ( , nours at AOICOC. Reputoncan Co. tenon! y .9..c00tt. Han Itrunerat ny Bone, Yhontotogy awl Mesmerise; 4.) New p I. thee. a U., Itatounn, lure and 3lnd, LI) Beeches, letnevett and t• Be nt ton., Munntann or., 11.41 e, In Par ma:.Feroteat 11....•1ty antl Cnarca to I..arue•H Ivy .4 A Janne, tA. wan, wore., vole, deer colons, J. 11. Hawn'. reort• • . . . , Cowper • (...c and Wor• ql Cowper. Fie. e mod F. to' Papacy, Turm•ntite . lia•ol. o( Alum, ile.gtoos AneeduLe•, • Ne:rs.a.t.• Poprry. Can,. ltecer., Ito! , I.uoieuer• f r We Prop., 1,7 J. , ctrou..g, !troticiy. 11.4••••• •teL I:ar u rr gala] h 0,141.• on Sgrtoure, 1,)1'..r11, now . put,11•0•0, lA.. of illatory 1.-•.. r•-• op au• I . r, ,r,••, tiotchrr. . 1., I..l(rltE,S—Ths• Ifsll l / 1 1colly, and tom. napes rissner• n( LAIC sn plans• of tame. arms LOLIVC, A Ur , gof ca. by Insoryie Csscess. r LI LI., won rostra. all nosss, A rear cops., tar-dans! soy sase by no 19 ELLarrr 6 E.-M.l.llas'. :a Wood at —lllO Net Anaessecus Gardens., 1) by Tbotazaa G Iscssanntlen rho Now Amerman orebansliss, by TVro Knortrk. tsf Cusoplux Farmer and Rural kX0.10.9111, by rot. -ands, ...sclera Do Mastic Co-akar), War A Rendergan .11a•t rec ... by JUIINKIIIN a el rucirrttN, comer soolo arid .41 NhAV ithl.l(iful.. WORKS hough. cOs Puhike l'oo gr. uy Samuel Miller. O D.. L I. U. • !heap." l'arnt:y Wootay, by James W Alex. Juo reee,erl by myl7 JOHNSTON i STOrKTON HliiiKS;Apaca Nlorris. ur be Hera... al Uotwootlo Rae. Dowry el Nom Martel' the !Second, of Enaland, by /scot" Aube., wan eggraologs Doi teen by JutiNer ON rOCK tON, myl 9 corder 3d rind Alorkrt sto ksuLfifit Anil) kfa/CRICAM ROOKS IA D LOCKWOOD !fur "luny year• rossurct rd veal' Mew.. 11 Ole, and Putnam. and Joe Jobn o'ney, New 1 ilnk and Legato,' to" eolahlobad nonkselllug House at Nu 63 Wood .noel, Lelwaao 3d and Ito whore may be looml a rateable coney- Lon of ztrANDAXD Lod AntLRICAN A ritvats at ynces as love as 111. Eastern cams A ~ pENDI.IntiI am! CONTINENTAL 1/001i., He vos. Nianalsoos,Newapopers, an.omyrorted loonier. 1:r - INN 111 1"Yll /NS nod INCUILPI /RA I'o.ll tIu eIY.FIF, a rematled reector then bcoks duty free. e.' oh nod A menean •talogyes otroished gr s us stoma who de.,re Mons, ',aft. per ma to Y add,e.„ J 1, I. all. always he happy to cantint to laelse• and ge JOU men', It. hooks, and Inman to tarso 111. y 115.0,1411.. tote a•Mr• Le may pro ..... ream:date them. utt i It IV Y.' &Nu VALCitIL& WIJUIr. - -Ntravath 1.11 us &vomits, as. LO 'recount of a r.s.t to the ~,, :lens or Kurtfistart, of the Yr tea. or /rev. 11.resh.ropsrs, Cod au moo ry rout the maolters mut stets ot Übe artercot Ass, nano, by &oaten If eury l.jrird. hay., LE C. U. Just reed cud for 51115 m • 7 .1011NeflA & 15 rocia, .4 A AIKS 1:1Pi:IZ\VOO1). HootWlki. andTinioror of Foreign Ileelg, ta Wood Alttel. L.. en nalot ,unto toltortsurt o( Eng.l•ll Amerman Hooks tty , dttlr rem deportawols of LOarno,r, vw Welt [le l• p (4 IC a.. 10 as they eLn er olattane.l Ea•t , rtt chic. onlitti zuld Continental }loam Ro•utotto, Meta and Newspaper, tenpoinedlo hrhdt he price to to, N.vlrrw, .Molaz tit Nowtmoper mat Leo .cort•toetl to apphoott to ine >I r I. ottit•tt uml Atsteneen Catalog.,. (whittled paths AA!L.041,1,1 4.1 litx.l the LaMar„ e to a 1.,. and .I,i lat happy to mecum Noy orders for Stooks, Smarms-mg. or tamuottory, at a small ufeutre ott the cost. iny4 IL.W NOW, —L.ayard • heleren •uu lu ...an, wuh ...coed: al a ria.ito the L'huelean •el KurUt to and lbe 1. :tut.. at Deva.lVuroblp• pur.. and w impalry tutu Use luauttera and are a( the A,.. - trot u,syrutas,neredectory iris, by D. rob, octavo, arida Went. luutlo.trat.uu. EMMMSMI c, „den Co..evraionce. eopteperd reduced to 81,50 3lneaula y . • klratory m I,l4tend. Harper's pew ed. vulg. pun. n:sal fine p.per, per earl lirbrew and Engloh Lealron; neve ed. nn,oved. Foe wde by a iturtaNs, I )OOK BOOKS - -U UlOl 01 UhUrrli bnaLle, by I) rier U S hocl. he Church in Fitne•t, b? Ro• .1 Angel Joules. Advice to 1 nuoll Aklo OTT a Arthur, gilt. loung l.ad.<• I.ba—.Charleu Lomb. I .pnicalic I.:l4oicra, 07 Pr,/ Coventry. 0,1/14 oilora/ and Ileogiou. Ancedotr• Connhets Horn of Clasvoua Knsabanh arab me nu'', 1., Ler husband. l role, aso Illa•Ilannl rIIb •trr mega. soil California is ItlIY, by lodge Thornton 'be lulw Eripirditiou to lto bead :Sea. Proverbs for lbw Propiej or Illustrations of Practice,: f. thi niess arriorn from the Hook of Wirroin, by I: I. u. urn ,arar.ity Sermon.. by Dr Wyland. !...rnteol. of MotrorololY, oy J aroetlesby A .l. For as.. by ft DUrKI, 4 , to)7 Apollo ti041.11..4.11.. I X," AN NiI...IF:VAL: n - 154tIonautmson st/111 Mesa; Isva emunpon of 11. Unman Letup . A comram onn to Theolnucal %mem, tty /atm llama, L. L Lectura. to 10005 Men au •arsuus Important !mfr. tact. /I tV Ileeahe ,lsstos,'• %Yost, esoplote. 0 rola, Mars Tat, wura• T S Artss, tansfotto 11•ola. Jon reed by 03111 R HoPKINS, 4th at, ueat wouJ FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREET HALTINORR goast Anti fennertene, niornuirosa. XVI& establialnuent long mid widely Inman la being sme °Nita most comthodlons i the city 01 Illatinsirre, DAS rectally tridentate no emem give thermions and imphavelnanta An entire new O wing hag been added, containing numerous and airy eguarids, tnie and eigermitre bathing roan. el' paratient boo LIAO been comdethly reargardied and tied 111. In a 1110.4 Unique nod onto lel erie. In ta e the whole urtnitenthin of the Haase bag been rented ed, with a single eye on the part of the propthatorg,Miodat rim matron and pigment of Unests,And wach they confidently amen will eh lenge comparison with any Bolel in the Union. ..liir table will always be supplied with ever) sob. and Money which the =riga stood.. weed 5 5 th • =Peder etre: while In the linty of Wines, On, they grill rmt be garritimed at eonelnalan the proprimon brig to say, Mu writing grill be led undone on their parr, and on the pert angel, maiming, to render this Hotel worthy tbe continued patronage of their friends and the pubis° generally. Toe miens for board have also been mitred to the following most La ntl dies' Qs:i . Unary, •L 75 per day. Beemen' L. 51 FL .71—ne Baggage Wagon of the Rotas will ways be be fated at the Car Ai Measaboad Landings, ertuch will convey baggage to Mid frago the Hotel, free areas .. . ALXOIIAAGIE HOTPJ... . . . . . . . ... 1 goana or mom £3O rt. Mem am, srmanalso, Ps. The subscriber having assumed Us manage taunt of this bug einabluhed itrid ..paler Lb.!, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Mile generally, that he will ho at all times prepared to gobcOntruodate there in all things destra.ble In a well re(dated HoteL The Howse Is now being theroughil f iired re thinaglioat, and now Purnutere added. and no will be oared to make the Exchange one of the best Hotels In the country. vt undersigned respectihlly solicits a condnuance o a Very fiberal palm.. the House has heretofore "IVI4 THOMAS OWSTOBI, Propsemt. — .7" --- -- 1.31 -- iillTlllflik LIOVIIiCT =trot 01 ruilitll •ffll .41111 mums Ml...ft ii.THE subscriber rtgpectfally an.uncea that he h. now opened hi* new and excellent Hotel or the accommodation of gamier., tmoutter., Me public generally. The house anti (at b ate enorely new, and no poins or expense hats boa .pAredL. rand. it one of the most comfortable . and Pteasaat Botch to the city. The tubectiber is detonnined to deserve, and dia. foil; i 11cita, • share of JACOB patronage. COB HOUGH. ligemlifneg 7vsiert - 6 isisTati - noWira., • -- I _. CIII.OI m.. 611111:9421,096II AND 111.11 era r t PPOSITE Bank MUnded PMIn- M. PO ,PE MITCUELL, Propne.r. MISCELLANEOUS %V Baler's Aferftesisi and Frei,o Chocolate, Prepat , cd Cocoa Cocoa Paste, Broca., Cocos Shells, de. T O th ro , ol t rclaars a . n c d , 7l , com . eza fr ailiiis , cro:l a d .a ra , r r e .4 lt u re n. ante Duo-mos than um of cote.. and in quality anat.. pasiod, the subscriber recommends Os. a.o* , atenefeetereil by himself. and stamped 1•1(11 los imam d ilia !Ponta fad Coco. Paste.. delicate, paatalne, 1 and catenary drinks for in•siida conceleecents, and others, ate pronounced by Lba most eminent pb If. manufacture. rl:7:ars ." o.!an e tt ' . ' l: ". • P n ' y ' utZtfly. by the mark re fpee.ble arbrer. nt the eastern en.ca. and by then agent.. flow, Grapy t eo., of !Lorton, Jaaae• NI Mance h. co. Hartford. Conn (lawny ft ..loan/, New Yoe*, • Grunt & Stone, Plulasielptua, Torment V flrandtga, wooer, and Kellopr & Huntley, eincfnuati. tr-to Al.Mit I.fprebeaLer Must For role by •.g,31 UAL. ALFA & SMITH, Aorta tll Wrought aiad Cala& Iron R. saimerlheta Leg leave noorro ato irolerie that 1 they . obtained fzurn the East ad the late and 6..h.onablr J. • Ks , . for Inn Rattily, both for house* sod eeeierre• I'erwrra wialool. to procure band. rotor poor, h• ar..l please erdt and ea soiree. aorl judge for thorn.. ea • la *shed at rite soon. cuow, and in the Leal manor, al rho cornet of rt and Rebecca •*seta. city _..eE.dl( A I.ANif)bef h KNOX. Mansfussatrad Tobacco. _ . A Q ", RS Gentry Roy.trea sopenut •srent 3 losi "AO 13 do 61 A Butter a 19 ei do Proo L liarlrood`a " 3 " PI do do do ID do do Pearl & Harwood • " SA. le II do .1 Ratans. 3, Aldo do D do do Wm Dawson X 1 du T WrtanPs 37 do 0 Anderson do I. T Dada'. 3 do R Macao'. do Radcliff - Ib Joe landina from steamer and rackets, and for sole by I;AI.D, RI.CKNOR A. Co, 41 north ' , waist and 16 owl& wharves, 1c24 I . lladelpttra M A i N t l , ...:l:tl,: u tUlt , El/ .... i`Unft, h( ..lone. 75 halt Webster Old superior sweet 3s lumps 30 " Lawrence Leaner 5. " 45 " thorny & Rawer 3.d is • 50 " Dupont Ida la Ewe) " 5s • 1. • McLeod 0. • " La sere nce Lower "5.Ad. plug /cn handing from and tonic by II r—tl3), I.II:CKNOR 75 Co, 41 ti water st and 10 "4 ornanes, mySi rhnodelphia._ - - - CV •& J. GLENN. Book Binder.. _ W E ell\td i e" snqnjtrr:l ' ..7„ l =r7l:: ' :47 . lr. ' we are prepared , o do •tty work I/I our line with de. patch. We attend to our work e..ally and saus inrszo be girels in regard to Its neatness and du ratnlttr hook. ruled to arry puttorn mai bound tote .tuntial re Books in number* ovoid book• hound care. fully or repaired. Nuton• put on book. r 4 Ot k'ner• It••e 'work in our line arta invited to P - rtt r• low mythrtf _ . .old our endre stock to C 11.0unT, omit la • •teer to eta roll oar old bustness. we hereby ao. ben lot lam the pattunege of all oaf (floods and cs . tOtne r. HU W. PULNIMXTKII. TILL POINUFATER • Ph.buflch, Aug 4th, IFt+.. CR GRANT. Wholesale li mei,. C00113111•10(1 Old • For ammo, Merchant. N. II Water st. antl ... _- HELL AND MIAMI t. VOUNDIAIt. A FULD tN, licit and Bro. Found,. bee re boat sod commenced hostile. et ht. old stand, where be will lm pleued to see hit old custom. or and friends. Church, s steamboat. and Belle of every *ma, (root to to 111.1Kal pounds, cast from pawn.. of the most approse sdanralels, and warranted Is Le al the Itc. ntatettalt Altsseral Water Primpa,Counters, Halirug, tugr titer with , rery v4r•ery c :Ira,. Cartro si requ, trtril.d and in tiro 'lrate. manna, A. F. It the tole wroptaetor o 11.uiY. Alen•Ansi. Tto4 :gr.,. justly calebnaed for we red.uou 01 mots.. to Muchmety. The !beetComposmon lit of luso et all times. 1421V1 A A. NI 331./N & CU, 150 Atarket stoest, are otter In Sal their stock of Saks, r.lbaerls, V iortza, Lawns soul Niashns, at ll pester rudured once.. 1 )0N wide brat make black Halts a. lOU eto; summer Sbesels si i..ud 1111,00; most faahlonsale Visitb and las at 35 to la, L.ssra• and Moshe's B sod 10 eta; bees Nlsrritnault Calseas. at et, usually Ili; Calieles at 1 4 eta, Wroartbi Collars d ets; do Capes at 31 and 00, Intends Ward llonnati. 02 and 75 cis, Ole,. al 1 els Togrllaer vein a general luaortatont of goods.. nesr- Iv one hall On isauckl twos. - 1010 Prirsa,,ou, March 7, 1340. N. Enema—DoluSle: Hay tog enarn,ord the .. d reo meter." nianalattored at leer rimy., I do /...1 ht.lllte to commend It to the am of those gentlersen who ate about reniortng to Calitorrua in search el (sold. it gives close opprostroadon to the spuitrio gravi ty of metals, and will eort.unly enable urn atlventeret to &warmth vet,en Cis Our. is yieLlittg ( Old. marld N ourv.vesp`r. I Ft an:Lop, - Tneyy . - - IND! A, lit;Illitill curl . ' it N t.- -11491 tore, ve , t tor me C.ilifortita laredition. • complete as.ortmetti tat I.eio E.lastie Clothing, at prices ranging , nose OSLO to 5 t 1414 for silo nt coat, p•nt• nod hot. For sale at the loam Roboer Depot, No 5 Wood an Ocean I 4. li rimurs_ 1 1. - 7 - . Fat.,,.. v,,-- C7vjuatite ut C;toac—so—ii7.lJ, 1 rig eelebriticti iin,01,e...n Pianos, mil ennstutoly by Lai...mat...re •s 4 o. 0 great performers, toge th er I,in a large •••., UM , or rosewood and onthogany, Diaphragm Filter, for Ilydrairt Water. I of in) own 1114,414.1% :. ilte alto. instruments ere Tlll3 le to certify that 1 loree - tos: t worrsoted Ls.. Pen... In every respe,,,,sd 0 .,11 b. 44f i xamo pointed Livingston, top & Co. I sold , tro , fur rasa r , v ., , Vole Agents (or th e sale or Jen/tinier I M^ I. Nn il, Wows ~, sst ~,,„, fr ,“,, m h patent pteprobsto litter, kw the ml ; ' ' Poi (fail foririek. ' - het vr P.iii_i...gb.and Alicl/ 6 "Y. , 1•11 F. ettiebraseel 0150,W0 Its. Pa..; . kegs, hall Ju tiN tiIBSON , Agent, I A kegs. titter.. Mid eau, Orr sate tiy for Waiter M Gibson, 340 Chondway I ( s p. N. Vo Oct 10. ISM J o 1111.10111(TR & Ca, elvsood et • ri imPtitta'r Potent bed. A. M. nit ) GAzns Pun m., red per swam.. latudthe We have been lasing ono of the &hove an... al Oa I - ‘,,V „„„, .„,,, ~,,,,,,, ~,, I' or ~ by raged of the Novelly Work. for tbs. moot., . trial, ; t• w hl hIl ICIIELTREP., end feel perfectly waged that It le • useful ...oh., ! ,„,.,,, IGO I.itteere a to,d wet who pleas., In sceosamewoUng thew at • .o. i - - _,..._._ .. ._ __ fist Wile to all who love pure or a tor. Orders .11 tw ! I L....- f -."---.1. '• m ltiore end for a xle by thankfally remitted and mptly Ppecnosd. BRAUN tr. HUTU. mule LIV pro INGSTON, ROGGEN kOa 1 1 1 1 • et Idlortr and Di Dan ste MM=MtM Basile*, Cooking( Elgovt., Gratfm, be. fIabIIALL, ‘VAL.I.ACK CO-, Round Chard, .IXI canter ldbcrty and Wond streets, roanufnetule and oiler fur nle Ylatforva, Floor and Counter Seale., of the most improved quality; Cooking Storrs, for *nod and coal; Egg ate,. olsites, parlor said common Gratis, Hollow Ware, he. he They a,. ethnufaentre the Kitchen Range. which has given Bach general sathfthetton to those flaunty tf in use, to ad of which they would respectfully invite the •ttantith, of the etuaefis and the panne generally. octrfulti HOTELS P ER: 14 Milt rams:. yt issue. In -a. naIWARP'," le" 914 1 itth atathathththß4th ath i S:thair Prw-09th.k -thaPeallanaLaPf t",”" n•ty. baaatrpt WA; Of - saly and ebthyd th M. combated by arty eththinathath lathe tibiae Bather a lasbaaad ithaathantho! paper attack ban boaaatannna bbayamaprz=banea pact id ponatloo of Frcacb Mud DurtaktizarsoUzeirlf_sad.• inscptre . hued by ofllr-Lobatyithal/411181..941r. boa ad' L.nden de . ••; lizilr , rvtop , Of th en ours =umbel:set , CUT 4111419 1 1,411X11 11 V1 1 WaU Paper, rare MODO stiteaps Ita , M Minds, Ica. RIESITI4 James 1101•11111 Co.ltif ijaCred experwe nor labor le heir andarrors 0: flint eta wall paper erroblothareate, txthiaqualiry alma. afseta re and variety of pa. rn; end th ey an* 'ammo ecl is assartag pab!idibs; the, have woonilderl, The Whole usa.ort , upt.foyeten....4 hauM 4,21 "1 re ` um, ba oat's* etilOstin sale:. as *toe 'of Ova aro mans (stutters tad II:60010s. , 'Mali" NRW COM U.5....4=131KM 117 0111c kac sine.- i do's vm-y modides bark iiiktaTaek Coat*, • ium - • low • is • • " plsin high I . narrow beadesil top " 60 fancy top Buffalo " 10 " plain PPM. tom. Hans 30 doe obeli side, assorted si-- t'itii 3 :lfi n trilo r ril h or I ' d ffi o d i e rifilsto e nlo el i l lo d ;lo " o trsi C tl English Hems . 6 do fins Irony. oal i". 91 . 66 14 4. IS Bdo do,'ln bases; Ifirross I doe do dos I do ooliab Cleaners. f .6.14 Waite San I,IIIIIIL a 001.• nagga. erh& a. ease PALDLRILL, BAIDaA .L Oq,, (Sneceasom to Hassey, Mama TIAN - KERS, EXCHANGE alumni', aad:aearA J ) in Foreign and Lkornestie EXchnagt'Cartilkd of Depostle, Dank Notes, and Specie—Fourth Aftekk nearly app.:mate rho Sank of Plnsimegh. Cturetitirided neY recetrod on dePoMM—Sight Cheek. for sale, ant collections made on nearly ail the principal points IM the United Sterna. The highest premium paid for Foreign and Ardirinti Geld. AdYancee Made. on consignments of Produce. slug.- pad EM,a on liberal terms. apd qC FAT IN VENITffNr--lAtTrl BEG DiSOVKYIVL'. PaiNgY Ragman laNearti 184.1. Patent omelette, •Mtension &Au, Bureaus, Beef Cased. Writing Delis: LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. rillIEl TABLES Inc aurpaming every other en• vention or We kind now en:WM ded nom ten to twenty-live fret, and w h en cl os ed the leave. are all contained inside; they are made to all sums and ahapea rend are admirably adapted foe Steamboats, lintel., and large obviate bundler. forgo. Rig when closed a complete eet/Ito table. SOFAS AND ISCREAUW=These artielea are Inval uable. particularly to those who wish to eentm mom room, and convert a sleeping apartment into • parlor OT ailt/lig room. a• they ran be opened •nd shut aonvenimme, and when abut, the LeAdtryt I. ed. A grem saving in room and rent- Atl Ihe bed fteads Wheu clamed :oral beautiful piece of Input-nye en. parlor or sitting room . DORM LIASE`.4,—A ramt and useful article for parlor or drawing mom WRITING DESES--For odloce,counting and other offices. whett poem& a most convoryent bed. stead, when closed a pertset Desk and Library alone vitiWn. All these ar - ..r:mi need no reeonnneltdanOnt lho besot) . of tbe who, tuey ate wattanhad loot tern out or' retina It d uo, ln for ) our interest. sin c e, ) No era/aura the oruc/,, at the manufacturer, No. .ti Third Street Pittsburgh In addition to the above advantages, they me proof again" bogs. Mehl& IAttIES W WOOD'VF.I.I. k AnTO.V., ci..STIF E IcAT DR N.l " J .- AYNIE- A2nue eertlnelt. than natuentately Clef having attended my brother, who died of consumption to March. 104'4 I erns taken sick with the Gleaner/pane or Liver Complaint mad was reduced so lore with inn dactue, that for ie.. year. I was 11011.111 In misted to my hyaenas., mawr in home or •broad, um g for It. Most Mae confined to my bed. During the XIV, pert. od of trine. I had ea,ondeil for medical Women.° regular Physicians and medicine., to Weemount of &Om, mahout reettente my benefit therefrom. In July, 141, I commenced taking Dr. /*pieta :de& Mules, and have taken them mom or leas ever acme, and. believe that it was by persevering their tam, Mat I ran now trot) ray thin I balm completely roma-. •e red health. I belie '. , Mai J gotten/re Pills and t-ipeetornot are we hest 'amity medicines now In use I rerade in Springtleitl. Otsego genet}, N. r and covey on a tyrnace sad n, bi,w hop in 0131 place, and tem not tier renal let any manner in Me tale or me ...ova tendon/tr. and make LIMA trrufwat. tee hr./ ellt el :nose ELIJAH F-ITuN Spri.wbeid, N Y Sept 16 i tie Jul in ould rail We atteottn.. of nine nay trod. oral Ire ners el...rah,. to me billowing brands Tobsecos, sio , e and to arrive a Inch henrer ronsignm r ./. el note teamtlae.met, ee enabled to aril 41 ea." trn prices: 139 1 ors RtT err n- . . Nat In /awes llsdtwn 5.; n 1 L . Lan... 51; klirahead Putnam nod Is, 1.1 I Rohe, & Sisson is, s # • ...ear lido Joao. a Lewis is la R Witranek. odor lc I llonry a James ts Is and `X fob rl I. itt IC Al I..IINIAN Plot Haohlksa Woika and Fiamiaciry. "reemerge., A. TORN WRIGHT IL Co., are prefared to build Canon and Woolen Machinery o r description, sorb • as Carding klaotune., Spinning Frames, Speeders. ' Drawing Frames Railway Head, /Yarnell, Spool.; Dremang Frames, I.ocuna Cvd Gr.nder., 01,'reugl i t Iron Shafting turned, alstae. ' a n trn, Puy mers of the iswst and tatles, bola of all Snot. Caste, Lg. of every dearttomm furnomml on abort notice IMuermi moM, to order tor Mill Gearing, Iron Railing. he Strain Pip. tor heat tng Factories, Cast lieu Wanwes Sash and loner Cos. ti•tfa generally Orders ietl the Wan-nou, ot J Point, &CO -. I. sr.:, vr prompt nom, Refer to Blackstoek. bell It Ce. . J K Moorehead A G. K \Y artier. done Irwul A Sona, li...horst . C A.I. R \\aro,. szent.e.iv, tante Perin 'gine WIIIItTNI A `l—Mann/swim-et or Il kind. of cot -I{ll. toy and woolicn nmehniery. A! ea.-0 rr.y, Pa .. The •bo o worts ben,. new toil •of •neerinfol op. eration. I ana prepared toerre.. orders with diapoteb ioe ail Luna. o r machmer) toy itne...ah a• godow, pit le t s. mrcaders, mud, g roldleg Mar , LLYOI4, Mil y., drawing frames, .speeders, throsuls, Nan, wrai,en e•rda. doable or angle. for Inerehant or country work, trotletalacks, ko.nonote and band lathe. and tool. tit den. ern. All kinds of •haniser, mode to nrder, or ro.n. et•• en lon !Mateo! it flea a.Co. tme or inn. •i tal.., charge. Res. Yu—Kennedy, Childs reasot tied d. Ca, Rine, Pennock &Co , las A Gro, NEW COACII VACTORIi, 0.L.81000. it f A WHITL d. CO. .0.3,c1 re.swetfully Inform 0./.. Me public that thew liter eruct,: a r..1. e Lacock, net Federal ar 4 thuttlo.lt y •truet •'I hey •re now making and ure prepared to rverree order. tor gIV VCR. M Si b . every description of velocluh Coacher, Chin; sr lla. u F.NNEDY A SAW VF.R, roriter Woml and Foorlh ronebes, !foga..., Pluvrton.. de, dr , ne 4 ten rifts.. ,h,, LS .tr. et. are now reeeivtne threat from Ent hands, long extreme nee lu use mantic. QQQQ eof the mwve wort, ! a /urge ',irk of Farley and Variety tioodir, meintlimc and 111.5 00/illea they knee. way Welt...Wein they an , Clor i • of u terY yar:tr, gold and silver Walubelb enabled to do work on 1.110 must reasortabie term• with , Jorvuluir Prune , Ph.. Cow Mt. Hew , s end lEr., those wanting article. in this Iri.e. trtovu. and /turnery, Suspenders, Gan Caps, and ali Paying rerueular Intet.to.m to the veleelmn of mate. oilier artier lr. in their hoe—all of which having neen nal.. and having none hut ramovient workmen, they i ourclitmed personally of the mannfantarerno COOL de• have tio hesitation in warranting their wort We nog the re. winter. expressly for' the Spring mrsde, ~rfore sib the aimoterni of the noblie to tin. malt! .will be sold wnerlerinle et a small advance on roil sN U. Repairing done m the beat manner, and on tar Von.an ty on hand, ail dovertptiona of Looking Giese oat renrsoriphie turret, pcC.IIL eL of on; own ronnufactaring. al C 10 3 ,111 .ores nahrel lig ottoktritho/ . ;. - Livi•itiltablo. , kROLIEHT H i.Arr% rr‘ON hart opened thearge Alai.. on Mr. anning through tot ueond si. hetwern %%pod and zioutltheld sta., in the rear of the Monongahela House, with on entirely urns stork of Horsr• and t'arrtarges of the best quality and latest styles. Hot,. kr, ut live ry in the lint manner __,_ ..._,_ J yddly Patent Greduzaad C - 43;ecg Bar.ery mar AIMS hurtle:tad Pater for Afedual and putpcue4 Tl.hur is the only instrument of the [lnd titan hat e v er been presented in Oru country or harope far meet. inid purposes,and the n, one ever strewn to a by which the yolvante ut aunt can he cuoveyed to the m hu n, man eye, the ear, the bran, Or to pest of theta), either externally or internally, in • deGtute ,t ea. ti stream, Without shock. or pmt—wow perfect gaiety— and often watt the hemline: eine la This moot-met appoterus tr now highly approced of by loony of the moat eminent ph y , lC,Riaa 01 Otis coun try and gu rope, to whom We aducted and others whom it May o c eanconeran he ref erre4. Reference writ Coo be glVen highly rtypeetalite cilium, who have Welt eared by meas. al Ito 111061 refutable appael.. 01 acme or the moat teacher-me nervous disorder.. which could not In removed by any owe, t mown te Among' various others, It ham been proved toaw•a t.e ad. inarehly kallaptell for the cure of Om. 10110 , 001110 tier sees, vus nervous headset. and other diaeotac• Um l• with Mu •pparmtra elude that the °W m., Can come) the magurttc fluid ;Lb neon and solely te the eye, to moot, otiht„, or core soloirrOCllll to Ulu ant di reatore hearing, to the tongue aant othe r tweet., In re, :rote speoefo end to the vette,. cert. et the only, tor we cart el to rhenium., autumn, neurateta, er tan doloureux, par•l, a.. or p gou a, clime s or no. Vou'a dance, ,tot, pee, we.. w.• op, eat. e *wort doteaacti pot 01101 .1/ ,mutt.., eo. , tractro,, 10001, 010 eta Rights tor surroundlng <curate. at Western Fa and .ipereiteges, with the Ansuum-, ma) Oa "`°`""°' "° ts tested lon U.: cure us dtsta.c. 1111 • tostructtons will be lo the Mr.,. r herrn (rale Ira he raped for •rariol• ali.eltxf., and the best th. ner fur opersur.g for rote tho..e diseases will e. a.,. so be fully exp/...ine0l lo toe ou/cll•set, amt o puttnto hts hoods sztlre..sty tut those pure...e... prepared by the poicolco. KIIX/Unt of rern °ell:I-lily Y 1\'i1.1.1131,1. • nil nrilE Inter/Linn Ord., public is re: prettuily tc We hallowing estrltheattst "In S. eathlos—ilisving tented anent:dry of Gold well had hY your iLleonlolnt, I hod tho prom, (our Inslftltnent Collracii and ' , cop:ll4oa the no of II to those gotng to Ctiiitorion. ns ho best 11..:I4,1 (rat ob. , training the real value of Uoltt. Hosp. yra.., DIJNLEVY, Gold neat. Follsbargh.jilexch 9,1e49. if !KELL/MOM : - DRY ic VARIETY :GOOD& ttirLOW—R. IL nutria Wilt salt the foltum tancher Good., ai redicidri..;•tr •Lavrin, GiaOstaL , Bumps, Slasmies, dincs, mmet Shawls, • Scads. Swum RAbbona, Alcire end 'kris' 13cOurva &c. Pusarts erami.g Loy .Dom, or lutr deicilt. Um of De 7 4100d.0, roll df well to call.l canhcce comer of 4th lad ftimitet sta., our V• firrgrItiODSVOU'ORFASEW. / 10 0 6 r he. Imo assorutier OfAllovo Gads; toter received, seek,. plain erhimelle, llama e, il ia pot yd io yen , fine; pleie Swiss do; barredAtodvo doi •ow outs barred Jeckacetr d odd. finished do; OrlDed. sad" a viand' lowness!. o{l , nd/a Goods, ueli 'plain uut brEo:Aco-41.WthilUi Etnetf 41.11100 umen WM" , "t.-Mkidendorikees Aro stairs, , , 022,, TIIIEOPEStaI--AA:Masex *1:01i:tn . tiiiitten. tafiltthosas %KU be repapilled cut Fribr; hat Mk , [(their moat Wing boa mu ikron‘rs6ti ormd 04 , 1150 tOulaing..,,Pairanuq9KinnY pa , d •po. wan* teed* 1awa34.6.:14S ever I..fore. BRUSSELS CARPET9r4be tamest astteranera Bruwele Carpets etreeoeferei ht tbiscity..fne safe at the New Carpet Marabout. of Itr t ACClletdek, Na 73 reanit w comprisitti the Wear and triebeat and it armee towarthao-sear Geared 01 the market. All who Irani, ttettwebtCarpets, ablettd cad before parches/es elstrwhere. 'Ma - 1717 31'CLI.NTCICK Panfin SPAM* GOODS. rare H of" openly sr vett term 'Mel choice sonmeat grairo,Atip,giarawatiOClAS, ted with mere Mimes:oat eaM. doing the list few somata Intim. N ee MlethellMita s and embracing a groat varlelyer airaost may: eV, mrlPOon of Ms latest Ord most Ouddoctohle irylea • /am. portico of mlng beew boaatt gather Fai...WT- EaN Aucnorts=a gnus redenuots from thissegai • lar no, ire are Gabbled to ogee Wndlndnnnen.t. A , bon. either by wholremle 'at relaiL Wet woatd therefore remeedblly Invite the hatothmi Of MO I mtblle bum en c ftdent .00t , cat buyers in almost every ardele they may relalt I. • Oita To the ladies wo would emoechally commend lltftttin 'a Darn San, of which ore have a stay larirtand beautiful usonoteet of the lama etfien end , , moo4dloinona col.. ' I Lean Bans Goons—Mendip de Leine& Poll L do Cfireevre, silk, linen and MAIO( Lnstree, painted 'Lawn., gingham Lawns, lroalaythhnewstyle Samoa, Bache& Fronet and Serech Ginglmerenh linen Mng• hams ut greet variety. 4a. &e. • litefie - M—New style lionnem, oo clump-. 141.53 Fhatvgea—Of Me Intern stylescnd sups , rior in qality. Pea ssnu—A very la andntsome .tort orPuu awl., Mahan.; every style anlity. Sue W CA—A fine msortmen; ;wring and signasce Shawl., of all styles and once*. Pane. Chomts—A goodsappty of super Preach. Ihigtoh and Anaerie. (.loth. and Commerce. on which we would invite the ttttt mon of persons nrediag such . • .. I.SO A full and getteral supply of Shining Checks, Tull Ines, brown and bleached Muslim, Table Shaming.. Diepera. Cambric., Dullints, summer beads ,rneno' and boy.' wear, /scones, Mull, Swim, Nam soots, Nankin', Prints, lititglianla, CratPet Onpe Luce, Cravats, Gloms, Hosiery, silk lids's, Veils, &o. &C. Pelson, wishing to boy by est...ale, should call •nd examine our moc, as our prices am such am to make u their interest to buy! ALEXANDER & DAY, 73 Market st, .pill onrilureat comer of the Diamond_ I l i nt:,,TL A. ' e b ' ortuult they have aver otiervd Their msormsoot eon ee - 01011. I 4 putt of Or favoring' Foods, sir 1113 nest embroidered MO3llll Cape, trout 51.30 to XOO " Callan " VI to $1.14 1500 crochet Collars, from 311 to 13 , 330 lime "0 td 12F Ciimpure" If 150 Jenny Lied " 14 to 1,001 Oct ,ribs Habits, "W to 1.00 palm muslut Cud, " VI to 011 Also. :dooming Cullers, front to Call at the cheap one price aura of A. A. MASON A Co, No SO Market an um LS "MEW GIBBONS, EI4ACK SILKS, lILK. BABA - S\ CIES, he —W. R. }Jemmy has this morning rev velVed by I.4preas a lot of handsome straw colored, greets and blue Boon. Ribbon, Also, Flossy black Silks for dreams, Volta. manilla, he. Bismi Sus Lscus—A large assortment lately recei ved. • Worn Goons for dresses—such es meths and mall Nausooka, Le. Also, embroidered muslin. for dresses, all •t lowest prthes, at northeast corner Fourth and Market streets. Wholesale Room up sun.. mel4 LIRENCII LINEN AND LINEN Luariiii. r R. .%lran. has now °pan • full aksorunent of a .m.e articles, for dremen and aaeks—among the lat ter an acme scarce colors, such as putt, bloc, green, Re.; alsk, punk, blue, green, and mode colors at an welconLiut.n., ant • largo moon:neat •i• embroider ed musfins and Lawns. W. R. recent purchase is now all received and open, and pcmons wattling Dry Goods will do well to hmt at has ,aric and fresh stock before purchasing— .t northeast corner Ith and market sec Whokmalos Rcunuts up stun. my Il i r , L IFICIA FLOWERS—Mittens. for Artitta • Plain tin. paper,spotted do, Oar. mine paper)r soloneg, Pink Hoovers, Loaves of eve ry lona, ba, tips, and eallows, env be °burned al PII EATON Co'. Trimming Store • spit Poordist I,•SIIIIIOI.DERV—IVor...e.:I paverns EJSmola. Table Covers, Tro.cl,og nap, arta a u gummy of small patterns. A 1.., Worsteds of oil colon. and shades, by the pound, ounce, or *kola los sae by .pit Plt EATON a. Co.. Pour. M 5 E ,, e5 .., /. O N I I / 4 :a lt l/ .., PL'L.L . "— , V. ,, ii . gler , p2xy, at o ho.s o o r w tbeast ear taco. hi. supply of spring and summer hoods, sod • I large assortment of Dress hoods of nearest styles, and staple hoods of every kind, all of willeit will ho sold .9517 AN - Erb — L - 6 II Al. as u v 00005. • a I. 311501 k CO, S.UN ERA AND !?PORTERS, 60 ns. Bran, . a x.. opartrog the moat extensive and varied assortment et donna mad itummer Goods ever .flnted, n tem W e etc re country, cam pnaing upwards Ed.ven Iluldred Cases, purchased in entire pacts ,. from ibe manumeturem, importers g and large aue had ...let. or our of the firm residing in New Port, wed. co.a ,goody soothe' as the nearest and most faudonehie s They Immo in pan— lio cams rich Spring Pnota; 130 muses hi de Leiria. ti " Lawn. and Mashes 33 " cotton and li n en t,O blesetted.flusline,all titer:tams; grades; 30 " cold 40 " shdung Checks and 47 " lima. Cotton. domesim tiniellAM, erica and summer ritaJs t3O Brown Mudd., M., ea.,. Anti pack a,ns of Ronne.. Fitment. La , S.lk, eib•aris, 13.negn.. While Goode. /I el' mere A ' , e.t.a, Chnhy n.den.ietments,Llnen., oleo & r Cot aite country merchant, will End nook as hrs.. , .4 d010r... Eastern stock, and an axon.- ..watt threr gooda and pr.. cannot fail to cv“- nine. ad that nab nom undeniable arivantair. and (orlon., they can eorupete wixti 4NT EloaTitall join. lilt , fact .tos e:earty dear... Wed to Irandreds of tbetr pot ron• who rnrrtierly purchased Haar Tbotr stoak .01 abase, be round coorptoin an> 'AV I'INCY AND VANIKrI lsth, U, _&t t.r.as KINSEY'S, 07 Markel street 1101 pr. hue Chum Vases, s, d; 170 sets Iselin and c, velvet cost Buttons; 40 fine solve' Carpet Rana 0 do do ecia's travel,ng; 1101 gross limey sOk Bu.ns, for .... ,l 0 d rod Brushes, ased; 1 00 k , O Ono Al. Vest Bo ton*, sss'el: 050 do do gill and plated, do; dos rosewood Ila,r Brushes; 4 Jo Wulsolgiou do; 1 do Barbers do, l goo Fish Lines; Fish !looks, Uccle rtrit, kr. J14 , V1.-1.111". kr —SO gold lever Watches; 00 do de tached le err Walesa.; 10 do Lepine do' 10 One dia.. reond Finger Flings, 1 dos fine gold Vest and Fob , lhatu, 0 do do Guards, Breast Puts, Flags, Botgs, Ear Rinks. kr GI.OV de. 'AM d. Latina Colton Gloves, aso'd: 300 Jo 110 IdAle Thread, darer top, It."; 10 do ro,• , wt hoer.: In do An k,J Jo; YJ do Indies kid , anst4 10 do do isnoy lop nnO. VAltirry GooD3-7.5 pkgs American Pin, ia.o :. COMM Card, 73 p. Paper Mvatin; 410010 ribbed Pe rc11.1.1 Cap, 210-gro dreia Wbal.bone do; lUUdoa I tory Comb., Dreaaia, Comb., Back Combo., !cc. de. ale h Co are 110 A' ore tang weir opry4 . of l'-rtmeninga, coosalung in part of Man /a nnJ Dre.a Prince.. wrap', black andceit'd Lace, blur k Floone. I.nen. Ration*,{lnds, Bonnet iuntna, era ~ lady, an I c,nidre. Nun and Ma ry ry. Stun. for men and ho, a, Com., kory and other Fan*, Vara.Sp. Cotton, Secalca, Tape., flob. I , lll,l . ttaa. he. ha., whack they odor for vnto, both whoteaale and retad, at Iktr Trimming /gore, GYPounh ntrert, belweer Wood and Mark., •pli kr F. w built), n. Aluotri G lb., Nu. Market went, are now opening 4400. es and paeaagra of *Neatly! SPItINti eompn.o, Lawn, 'Nolan., Mercer.. \l de Leman, I.:kg hams, PrLny, Franca Cambra, lanena, Ribbon., I.a, e.bk of, Sha..als, Move., Ilysacry, and a geol.:1111 11.01, ol Goods. racht. CARPETS, OM -4:ll.liiiiSl-40 EC1:1 V Elf 'll II fl DAT, Corpoung DV Cloth, ILI, of iffo forest and rood approved pattern., and at petrel, to and parch...era, and cheap am C. be pe r . rho ed in any at the Eastern eine, eomprialng the fol. lovot3g vanottec.— }4va Itoa. Velvet Pile Carpet.; A: nn.u.tc Carpeta; any etre ball room. or yes! T•fw to Mode, .• • . K nr !loyal Brussels do report' Man . Carpels; Eatramp 3 oir do Bnasaels do do dope:tine 4;o du Chedlde Rot; • E.. sop Ingrain du Tuned do ooperrole do do Itrit44els do Fine do do Chemise Door mats; tloromon do do Tolled do 440 4-4,, 3-4 & ITapeatry Adelord do do 11aortast do littoep rald do do 1-4, 3-4 .14 1 to'l'd V, 12-1 Eort.'sed Piano covers netian do 41e1 do Table do 4-4, 3-4 .4. 1 plain do do 14-4 wool do do Cotton Ingram du 6.4 worsted and linen do do do Veuettan do Urea. Stair Rode 4 .4 cotton Drunken 10.4 wool crowd. sloth. 12-4 woolen do Stair Linen e. 4 do do 6-4 table do Eli:dish Table Oilcloths; thoper do 41,020 n do do do do Croak 4-4 E.oor Ud clothe; Snow-Drop NeptlOL 7.4 do do do Cennaou Plustg 0.4 do do do Purple do 4.4 do do do Maroon do 1-4 do do do Corp.. Binding heet lei Cloth*, er noleTranap.ot Wlndola , Shaaea Tape,ery pallrnut, Col 10 fit , I au llle a.se we XI, ronswitly receisiog ohs/Win" Stock of C.irpetr, Oil Cloths and Steamboat trimming, to which we nestle the attention of all who wish torah ",sh twat boa.s or swanaboam os we will bo able to tder owls as low a they eau he parchased in the Ca.t. and of the oche** .d Ives: styles. Call .d es amne .r stnek Wk. purcbasirg eisew here. Warw. house, No 73 Fourth at. mch23 W. Iit'CLLVIYICK. ntiti GbOD aMIMMirI 0:6121 Dry Gobd• Jobb•i•, Ve call the /menden Alerrhanta to Walt large voek Doaterda and Forr.<n !MY LitMiley juin receiving from the 150. porter* anJ itininfeciarers, and which they wak e n' at •ery ioer rates CILII/1 er approved eadht Oar .st, t Is floor for anJ complete. tail Irelith We =lemoo elbuyare. as are are &untrained IblieJl at such ...lady low prlces as eanao% fail 10 Mika Il • 'edsccolen hi lambasts Is malait bill with VOL. XVII. 1101‘1 m or:VI gilill Y( at the BALTIMOR E. E,PLISLADELPJABA. IYN I EIY YORRI tosros A.NEITTEW ORLEANS' GENERAL AGENCYANLICOMMIBBION OFFICE, Tema MCI yinholcule and mall loom, cad Wan kupptable beldame, te ratan lkok-Reepera Sales easti;Portdis,Ban-keepent, Walters, Faratara . Camel. men, Car Agents, Book and Map Agents, Collation, Oinneen in al/ branches of balloon, &a Rohm et all dazes a large=abet of goodeitaationseabud, whtch pay hem 'WO to 82000 per annum. .Thtwe la want of mann*ne of any kind escalade well o' jive a; • call, es we have anaemia each of tha•ahevi ci d., which will enable ea to plus em -y applicant to a soluble situation at the aborteatnotiee-. Welosva a laneacqualetanhe in' all the above mime tlit, which we most will enable as .to evocative sada.- don to ell who may favor In with anal . . ,1.. . TAYLOR lb TAYMAN, No. MI Reread - a, • between flosols and Clay. N. 13 —Persons living to nag woof chit 1.1.44an5a, and wishing to obtain a situation in Baltimore, era{. they of the abow elle; will - have their rano Blow. tiately attended to by adthswitithgaria lanai (hour) by so doing they will email both trouble an d es. pease, which they otherwise ynal4./.9, by norng to the city, and seeking_entpb#lnern for Weft an Address, TAYLOR A TATMAN, mylledtf Neale Second a: Mali Ba41mo ~ hid. niat.teirlotrea. LIT/3 RAVE ARDOAIRIAL , WARILIERStaggeIhoId r v the most •pproyed Engllah.paStent. flunlalted and meoraseonicdhyl p lietaga BakoWellr-04, lad a number eminent 411 melanin being it most agave* ens apperatnatorthe Ilattlial or walla Of hothrt ccr to the ;rowel., la oof .e, ,reorlya to Cholera ,Aal mta i rgi e r ...rith ts st=tis c. 'etto?ett elite/fay, no , lankily: , " ha Tint It,ll lCr tweeb arPX SVOta7 lB° and mu - i tre l' ': , Iscaprovenseat• Lew PLIUSdk ' , •, - .THEAratuteritteritjuvrecielviet Illb , 0 tortateat a( Plano! tom Ow (.400 ; - orPhannefeOlarlr,zlVY.,whleb toe " _ .•• . ea... of Metier,. benntT/of. debdsl ja ty ornate and tooth. rerpays, Any, Wog) over lomat. to thts. cll . ', .Glut. of One above firm, Leas and meet favorably hoosvo he ibn fednefi It, lo.remen lo the celebrated' Plano establishmeet al irt.4 1 5ft0d.t..4.4 e....abnity ihnim.rd bbd pee. *clad the Flutterer Nattni la elatki PL,Y,, elan ex.' tent which; teentoltimaably, entitles them to the repo. union of bring the r/ LOU K. well as tho ebespetiv Pianos to be Ern in lid coentrl. Poe. ,1.% ..., orat ion, earcentisith the IV ditmud reeotamendation of an tanianswitent In tbe- nyle and firti4. -which Naha' them et Once the man elegant 1.1 telt'. {lillg OVAL ~ breaght oat. These enteletenta,' toolbar' erith'the Work on bead. firth the 54044 yummy. eatirdand de. • sI ah!. assnrtntent en t, offered here' wti all wiik be mkt at saunas, km picas. `and en • aiennunola. - tiny tenet. - ft.c.r.*,.: ~ a. W. VlrOodirelre, ta ' A i N. IL—The mbetenber will be found retie 'hinwes' boos. from II in 12 .t.. NI, .44 tail P.M-, - -Cl er a ' •• 014 IL _ mote Agent for Menai & IC ara ---•-- PIANOS! " . TLIE aalueriher offer, for sale • taiga 'end • iplandfd aware/tent of rotewoed end rnalsogeay grandAe. 111.0 Pianos, with mut without Coleman's. celebrated Salton Attachment. The above instratuontrarb war. ranted to 1n equal to a•ty omufacture4 la. Wart/tut , try, ontl will he aold lower the- =rt . brOoght Awn the East. F. OLUALEi No 111wocal ot, • ' 24 door abore itb N. O--City Acne will be taken al par ftr li fer L of he aborts noorunent, talc Por 140 rip at Par. . ... jt tIIN (1. MELLOR, 91 Wootton:et, will sell the Near at par. the felloWlng new and scrottd hand llama: . Outs elegant rosewood at eel sre 15. lino. mule by Hater tr. Ram., N V. ...... •• • 4225 04 One do do G10mar c ...._.....,......... ..... .3tM M. Ono row-weal 4 ocnore, Oates ft Co; N. I'. • • DS lto One do 0 do .. 'llo do •• • • 2. 1 . kl ut/ Otte mahogony 6 do do many now.; WM CO Iledo 6 do Loud •• w One iao do Si do Rooenb.to -• ILO Olt • 160 DO tine do 6 dw G etman ' GO tO One do Si do H tr. IV Nouns PO 00 One do 0 do Ell gl6lb ...... .. ••.. • • as Da my 3 _ - REM O VAL. TOON FORtrYTII, Merchant Tailor. has remo , 64 • c) to No. 34 Market street, one door front 'Seem* Ea.t Wile. Th.ltfol for poll horors, be reapeetfolly solicits a entameaura of the patronage of his former ouumsers, and I TS r e troungo of ao Donny atm alma illa are ord stripe. orders in the Tailoring lino eillemod 1. lb. • 101, 4' fa.hictuttle nott.cr, and with disponi& Alas to faaLmemble otakertmem of 'ready made time, of all base. Cheap far coi n coarse, .• ' • Gentlest...4C horni•biog Goode in ell. thetryrostetleg ... always on hail, soca or Shins, Dinerns, Cwilara. Ma rt., Stocks, Scarf.. lloetery, Sulpendera . Foote mac, itlorsa, Drawer., Cothran., tr.e. ht. &C -taygLaLlat ____. , Niti 4 AtThROWSCI.4- i - :10 1 (2. rooM A N ESITNENT .d exterionceil Phyaletan Aeon Sto 2 ' .a. F.aat. orate yews standlar titreta to treat all cnsts of a Delicate Naafi vita promptness and secrecy. ills sneers. ffe i and other lone oatcakes been provetbial. Ilia eharevs aia 'Moderato, and his sares_pennsacnt. Okt Mises of Otani, Satiction Sere u.er Ma, Fluor Mhos, a6O sok Agar, Syphilis, or ally chrome or inamorata e s solieTted. A core storranted, or 41.4 . 0 sS-4.4.d- "' ' . .. Omen. St. Clalt a x doors from the Dridia, Teeth Extrasteul. A d ea to the parr pads. N. B.—Dr A. nittchs a vestal ealteef any disendr in Piti.berrh to call. I .14,41v WILLI f.. 111 ELK/11.9. Fanafacturer of Al oral Water Appatatot, No. .3 Nom Se am, or rttlhoOLD end LG. •t arrO abMase Vlor u•, a... . ~ PIi o iL . IDELPIILL 1 A. N m ''P l 7 to r ti .' Of n''ert"ntrarictr"A.TlYP"Xlihig lb. FE 1 the preparsolon ot mane Water In Bow. trid soittl- mint On on eilansive • c, with • telenitde andpracs deal knowledge of of be br.che• of buittea. tam: thee with recent icapre• etts in the cons/man. of the App... and the p aria of the Water, which , he has itucreedeil in adopung lance his el. to Parfe t and eller years °C elan toady .d plartical B.Litt. Pons as ...silo the arts in Yeettual. and Galata u7. ertal*c. the subsenaor to aorta before the pub!. ' .th entire confidence, end offer them the be. a. l Water in Bottles mom compote toptratut Fonnfar Ste tnanaracture of Miss •ra antl Oa malted in the trotted States. tshaa, eon be fort Ile tlw Pavan tuns.' that the erdarged meccas. has met with, mid •bc pnwent extent/ee and daily it itwasing memwn of his ,amac. to I...the above de. psrtmeolt fordo!. the Most cone/scent pmnt of ha ea. she ar perlority of Apparatus over those of all other, and the sway land talabrity of th e Water prepared stere/roni. , Person. who order the Apparatus from • dlapplee, ray - be muted that thrill th.tructicm. shah In. loot if complied with. and pouted of to carry safely other by land or water M any purl of the U. States. To avoid dia...ae b it is recommended to Moto who intend supplying i h salsa the tipproachinget.- r mu. to forward Lair orddra at as early a day as coo. Mineral Water App. tea, Getemors, Pasta and FOlll.lllllll, °mons. I t tad Wares.. far..., Canters and Sew or t ale, for drawingltlyStant Water. together with rkia ..vrri.a....uomm . ta d emrytlong appe n ; to the abort Inmost., constantly on hand, tad r sale on the lout. , tarrias - for ease. tpla - dnoddial .. , ritiTklNT Stiittit It ti NI.I LaSll.--iitt es... I: asortmat of Cora & Cora celebrated wseo. - facture, and mperior to 11 . dithers lit use; ...led Pt. ekturclte, steamboats. I toties, dwellings, abbe and private hell, 413 , 1 to all o her me when, • chlap , nib and brilliant lit•hr is aq 44 bla Alm,litrandol., litltateMasCandplahras,Olohm Shades,%Violate.= Cane, .lamer, .- m, de. Al .a Chaudelwrs, from a, to four Ugh. . dceS :NW WILSON, Wen.. al : • -•— - 11MIC VIAST/91111 ADDLE, ilstfitikhc•i, • RUN c AND Whim hum I:FACTORY.— rhe • beetibcr takes dos me firming hie friends . d thepublicist general that he hes the largest .took the following named on. hka his own otanathet re 111 this city—SaddieesNar• new s Trento and It lof which be wilt rs=l made he adn of the beat ma • nal and by the beet saws se Allegteny eon •y. tieing deUmuined Meta. his manafactores g lower Man has been ! re. tonne col y any Mali r eatablishment to the .city, M. would invite persons nevi of th e aborts named articles to his warehouse No. all Libeny wen; app. site Saveuilt. Al.o, Ism • made to order for emahittess ry. 0ct.7.14 0. KEROY. prrranilnoll-1? JICGTE - TAT - 1 , 11 , T - To PUN drteend Scanlon f this fortitude; under the con of Istr. mai tun enowt, for the present ecedenue year, wall coot uon the m at of Febrra. n nest, us the same boll • • nre s No. a 9 Liberty street. able have hero made by which they will be able so farntsh youngslaslies facilities neat la any to the West, for ohm:rued tberoogit Faghaii, Claw. eat, and Ornamertal edneeinen. A tall coarse et Phi lmopliieel mud Chemical. Leettnest will be delivered , derma the winter,' illastMwd by appirstun The de• ,a 1 talents of Vocal and Inettemental Mane Madera care Dratrum ansil'aurting, ' , Mead; be ander Mc hare at a hosneetem Profewor. By aloes attearkat to the metal add leteilecinel Iseproverceni titre pee pd., Pnahipala hope an re n t • eonlinnutionof Imam! patronage they bare hithento enjoyed. Fee reflex, see afar or apply to tin I —EICS.4: 40013 b 6 , : r .t h TANIVERS; OIL, In !match= WWI 014—Coahuttly on hand, Weaker' and trairiesield. ed winter and sprinvagerna Elephant and Whale suita Oriar alma Ire r col ult.oradarrlected N. W. Conn Whale Oil, ble fo mo. PATENT OIL FOR StaCILINEILY—The eabserts•• bets an now prepa ma red to *apply • Drvisin's. Palm to any quonoty; chinists. arannfactisrets, ao. , eI,PB. retioaded to call and carmine thermic!, Verhficales ofve. effierwr and superior. over ail otherials, trofromseral or our then o.theneave rtranenteturers, are in our ,oarwssion. ALLEN is hiESOLAS,..Aggs do and ri south wham., near Chestnut G-010 roan., Philadelphia NOM trifolit ante • masts. . , rUsT ree .1 ethe qUI d, CK Wo • warmiKirtu feriae...lf pOIGTLAEN: j neer esthothenen. Therb inanamerto poetess arago•'.... adrantarrs over all others ever maxi, corcnagata4r . h w reduthee the time ar rittina onerhatf, aro, product. a sharper. clearer and barter defined hee. They, therveore, deserve the atthth0101111„4-''. Q. t. eeraged or unending 41 eagage in Lyeibitelahhi. • Price for thee Mien A general rmortutcat of VoratlaendeFS, ~,,,,„rrasrirro rr enta of all cot, RS Well, naps type Starrmais at ghe lowest rtc,— • ' • ?Err:H.lollm, to • • ,h,„-i. c .d seen, for the aale ed the oho lotosozaenatt. • • A Loot of Pncesero. abihined.by Iddremithe,e..s. thr:. V. LA:Nor-Nur:air -Ere.tae; Plrhie, 1.1. 04 n of i"..t.OWOiAW k htheie Geheyir Atoms tar the oate-A1 VotAtaeotteet &Akar Immo% ' menu merit:toddle - V :44, per [tuna - - " 7, tp A W IJ s ood drool, above nitrhhee neve Itt.Strirell'veL7-I'' cheap and tralloolooteti inoeit of Hantatore;lsopollOtr...,, ; Aocal the deeline price* to E:spa, and wine o they . - r A aro WlAMOtadlitoottl corroopandotalyioaradataloottao.l who hare been art the hal, ageing EasthrOteulishe,te lady ha gs to hell hod look Poona!, aur tgasal4ara y ss rna elthkdelle and y beseve the .111 r I Ci.sl:NW—he oar henetrehe, 4 ; • Ito[ y fit. anger, A kw AoserttA --; donu t In. th e ottoogottow of itC,CfA*l which itha.auttnion of boot aim kora Ist7 . ; - • ntoriord and for WOO' . yriVOONOY: • 4'4 4-, 3I -4 ? 7, 1 ~` .k +?h s • rw <_- e, r 3 - 1 '~'f ~~ , • , -• k ra = ' >t. .~ -s'`,`
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers