• 1,..,. r „..... , irc , tat,..recryttr, , . et , . 1 1 _ . . .41 ..... " - tr ' . -- -. . Aty •., P. .. ..'''';:j. . . ~ 1 • , - - -,-- .. I ....--. ' d - VOL:,,-ICNII. NO. -k i fi-- -.1. 1849. • ------••• t-. -.. , :E Me* L' 4 "' a / 1 11196 44 . tc r t,Tttl.l.l.lBB r LAsv, itiotto t na L mew . wi.e.rror. xtUtOtfept,.. Grant- A_ Alba ti " ratekal*. Mereb;ut. rt... !duke. strecl de,?' tr-vo lyolliVre dealers m o. sfints, Poisbasab /114. 1 P . 9 k'U.:4hLenY roes, 0.6.111 DTA ilk .04 Resod Drew Na.OM sue... Pit.- masa t"" " --32 " L"' ; 'l3 rtu lt.L.lW4i 1..411/W317301,14 Wholesale (...e . rs, jh and (Monacan Marettantsj Par, L1:5 3 7 .y. 1., a" i Br /TALKY ; 13 - 6 Wood ol k eesnsPhlabl.o,,,L 41 RiAtiUfgAr Fbrar . .stding Sn and ne MiNllOll Meehan., CartaliksOO'ittsbargb Pa. Dagadrru Spring, *nisi Stind and Iron • orkan rIOIANAN 'Co, isdnutaeuprer• at Watt a n d IPd 'f irm Springy llosannerod - Salm, Spning and Slough Steel, iron i tkei!LAlinsenonee on Wain and Front menu. Eitebgh. dna, denim Ing Goad. Triannuedtaand Atoneable Gunn utioWORYIPUN LlLfrki ilgr or rTE putroor woowrr t ssaimuit usl CIONTINUPZ: fp sootoratiutti toiOomouts, Buhl Paulo, toplts,flesersours, Mpori Pierooo -- oaf rooftops of foreign and datliolue vaarUle, at •tcgathrenaTsit pLppltririop for osonsmoOts,PrOliolfoo , twfd•to pi, of discripuuo. 11..lianci)hurn of public " . - WA. I: ,s 1 claussi a I. 111.. Tr. Ipflitilign a lIENNErr, (late Logi:rah, Gallagher ri * Co.)1(1 ( holesale (tracer/4 Coo(*Gaon and Fori. "%nuns Itletehaitla, and dealeta in }'lnduce and rait iargh ilannacturea, N 0.37 Wood I betarectr at and ..; %meet. . ,'-i 0001 d - i - WU V, ts. ilittilltialt, Catittntiata'and F unor arazsig i.. 7 (Ratchet, No. a Wood alteeituaburgh. ray I; 110111 E LEAGUE. it'.6.0011.5. lItibIILION STMVAkt.T, zuseatel*oree of Hewett eltrtings,Gbetek, to., ktebepttle street, oily ad Allegterty. 0te1441). U LEX, teueteasor to blerpeyLeej wool Deal. /1.• or nod Contoxisition bterenttai ion the wok , of de o eiie. Woolens, labeny, oppneite 6th et. NMI en, Baluenore. h-t. mtoasoa, Low,. n '., e, c. Wwoios, town , A3C(.14 • $ I.IEALD ItiIICKNOR, Tobacco Commie...oo Mer- JU,. enants, <ll North Water at, to Id North Weyer., Jr ' uv90.0 vetTr.toext. 4a=ro ," to hiseAtzetoretl tecto4, A. I.IIIIDT. lIARLY, JONES k. Co., ( poor.tc 004 Como .lE licalersto Pausbargh MUD DICM L,CI&Y b. Oa, WEL Edukm Merchans, and &Mt aur, and UV Prom meat. AlisierbCreaaa.—deil zee-o;Prodoee, Noe. 56 kt. CANFIJiIL4I, Clare of WarcP ,Oroo,) Coatat ail siatk and Fon..lug hi•roliiint. wad wboleraho dealer la Werieto Itaserse clbeet - Oratter, Pet sod Pearl AA, and Weetern Iltreteeo,tetteralty, Wooer veer, between dattitittield Witt Wocra,:Pittsborah. ap3 OHM WATT, tatteecesor to Oull Gebban,/ Wholesale 12rocer and Cot Wt Metettant, dealer in Pooh.= awl PtualauThatauttAteturcr, ma tter of LitteAT and liatoretreeia, Mrtelt Pa_ tell DAME aIeGULILE, paACU;o • of edge° alma ateGalte,) Zderettant St: les Lauldiuge, thud euee4 arsr Woorkpiltst , ord-; 1 AVM , A- iIUTCIIIBiIK ,Cio—tevessore to JLevin finthaisou & Co, At. ld , rrlttulli and Agana of the Sc Loon Smiler Sugar Refinery. attaii water .tidal hoot 'tree., Pabtarrala • 11. DILWORTH it Co., Dr braniala Wooers, Pro t/ doer anti Commis...ou Alernpras, and l Motu for i. he Haw,' Poiador Co of N. No V Wood at, ufffn. hn JWIN D. thOROAN, Woolbssonillrathisy nettl er ta Oro htfiff, Pun% Oils, Uri...h, , lse , N 0.03 Wood suety one door South 4f Dinh ...4 she), r.f..- wl 1 .IBT'• /L/V2.,)%tlf.rialtnyla Nark nod , roper, Stores, Nisei Pens, Wanly:l%l,aq" . Coro, on Bistionory generally, No 01 Wood 0., ratisbrazy Itwv , 40urhr ur t ke 5, 11,701. sepls 1VC11L5R5111,....10.14 Wiroicsals. Damps., . No. hl Wood street, PiLtilaati_ JosIN ItDAVIn, 000 000 11001, ootuer Nis and stood gurus, Plitsiorgly • 04:01 JOHNSTON It erlindlerLlN, Disyssrlien, Primers and Paper hinnutorsurens, N 0.14.1 Mocker BY, rats burgh. .46 J• JOY. l._ '-',',1.1g479.1. • . - - ar -era. FLUID, Whoienanlygeer. l.miumoon Id • :decenni a und Ihnsiers itt , Produce, Holwo L'buroU Mid** Croming Oh Id4uPi W... and Oth 'Urea. ?inshore, P. . -..., usyu • IRMA Pa tv t twiesate.terocer, Cemmiasion J lletekant, and dealer lb Yradllee 1.1 Pittsburgh itannEterovaa•• N 0.44 Water st., : tatuborge. 'TACO° WEAVER, Jo., Wlvolaßtile and Retail twa t/ lot dt'Foreign W toes anitLolopys. and old Money phut& Rye Whiskeys, earner Firs and Martel ata FIER& JONR, Forwarding awl litrownsauto Act ritual, Reuters to PrO4iLe, )1:41 I . lll.intrgh nolliss ctoma omelet, Coital Rosin, oval ito tn. .1.11 eltiViti#Vgatilta PA. KENNEDIta Ci. 114 la CU., Ittuasfavturrusof very tll aupsnor 4-4 hareem* CStjtct Chant Cotten, Twine and llnelug.. Vesuvius 146.16 - 11 s. EMUS, DARRELL. inieltulactUren of all 11, no /tar, etwet, Bodo Roo Red Nail. of we two quality. Wavehoute, 64 water aid 1.4 front LL Aida Forwurd g tug and lbilrrili,3l/011 filerviituit, Dealer to You wish ilsoufactura. and Frodoeui,Noc 31 Water at and RI Frontal I• TIMMY MIMIC muss.. yIdHI7GLY 81. B,4ctivirsu. y GLAtS 14..setekers, .4 VP.Leask , 2.4 deafen in foreign and doetkiike Wessara merchants, Patti. .4 others are ins tted riff and ...doe thepri.a.44.kty of oar sack, as with sal pre.at ktenased mansitentr a=:.htzt.7,:t;V:lfirra.r.`,.7l.f.T,`, - _ rkiluic. C. W. 140. 0 ,0., rid•bcrgh it/IMM 11. mcicerstrig Wholesale Airmen, mid ak, imparter. of Itrandial, svMs and Seger, No.. 177 ring 174 i or Libtlly A O' thWIJI stn.% •• b,Pa. alytt.t /.V. o. WAITCX C. vuo. Vo ir'''. IL ROE, NV boloolo Waco+ and Comm.- bleroLouts, 124 iaorty n, Plusbusgt. Carty A ~ WILSON &Clips /owe, hlarßity AUL Ce.)Wholealle Dealers .4h-y Coots, No. to Woodaustt, antsbargh nOv-ti =ll5 . 14.1 wx. eruer. .ALLL:I & Co-, Cnifetia -" •12 tad For...Ong NetalranuL Watdr en4Y,Front an, Isomers , VoroS andidarket as. • Jana It A AUTIEW WLlarai'ioaSat.olthinsreCnin . .LTS. ~ I na- 1 1,notta, corner or r4c oar.. Alloy and Foarthareet, entrance olsan, Ma Market. deadt.f. rho k SONS*, ~35 Monet sty cunt *mitre. comer de Fenetien dealers Lu or ig .. Iliene 'Anent tine angeiyerteneatesur Vene as, Bank Net. nent th e idlodMd , ligyeColleessone mad do aIL~ teen Qnroationt the United 16110. NUCKMASTSB, 61.1aika-.-02kee., Fourth su, land door above 4iitb WEI, south s i de. Conve.tillsein al all ds iskae vat greatesk C are WI lejal neensaty.,j Titles la Y..e.J EAsate examiad, ts.a. 1311¢01Eldiii,n.cooK• ckpricr., Fourth rank Mini Grant, in ilia roost 1,./ lately occupied by Aldettlian immednt. 1 =74 % Itirrt:swl{2.l It "ay b. '7=" N. T. littlecrehe M. CeTHAL3IIC tweed to We Mad( Diseases ottho We. .1. fur been wad mkt* branch of the mai. profettion for sixteen. youtrt ana has condostsd an esuadisktoast tor the sallatorcfkol &souses 01 dm eye gaioad lot seismal posts- Unita and readonsl rornar of Sandusky go 'and :BPautberry ally, , sull3 • iltiMiTh7grlakfaS Si Saadi near Wood+AllAlysnotous of Giecu sod t kT r ' t n f' hq rt '"frt aOodlraakags fPfonUcye;iwiu .lye A. Pr y eA. (or Peksn lea Co. 1.111 lakiONL, 1 kolas.. (bocce, aruinlany Distiller, Uhler in b4e, Piuthutut Altuttuae• M 1 v., *Ad all 'kin& of 'urchth and Doinchtle Mots tuutLighbrs, No. II Libtny ttect. b.. band a very U.so stock of supanot old . klooongoaels rehithey, what/. will be sold low for chit, . d(lft:f Mani *101203.a, • r• VAIRMI. S. i 4.10 01 1. ROBINSON et CO-, Its .ale tooter", Produce sad Conanrimon hterchdine, sod Deutethitt Piur h blartufactures, Nb. l itbeny mi., Pattsburgh. Pa. it, rllf DALIELL b qpj, WielC..ster Groecnl, Cometu”iou arid Vorwailimg perch ,deafen Prattate and Yana...ash Iptlarartnres, Liber 41. Vittsbat" b, fetat7l r is 'arodoc t • tag h Marta ix' 144 Liberty u. /Y,M L. a SIT: AN 177, a. I- MIX. 11,11AYNULDSistra., Folparding and Cosarmainon tiferchanta, for did Alffilieny finer Trade, deal• en in Groceries, YroduenLriusbutgh filanalacturer sue Chloride of lama. Tho highest pnoesiii.saaidislid at a.llthata for moo : Comet Of YeAft Wok laitdd ii. e. suacstxrr,7 7 l , 4. Tuts. I. warm. Q.lll/104.1:17 It Will Wltokeala Dealers IS 0 Fateip sod Ansilam P tioa.i.s. No. Pu Wood II qrttlataargit.febatf IS — CW. 15:107..liliii;Vioal Men-fining; De*lee 2: = - a d 1 11 " 4"Zr No. V I 4I 9 :r t ZVI2 IMl____6 it ~: . QIIIUTU, UAGALEi d a l Whole.ale lirocersUl d fa Rtiocs, desk:l,4lo. &Act arcet,benree.t.iii , adli iliiqicartla sidis,plila* 'lda. mod , I. ...5t......m.g.' , li;102.1 01.1101..!,91a1itpe , .S=Ata l aq)qty .L. 4.4 Md l:le7::::gi nd tsb= • 6perah_Llnsethl (id 4nrd uoi. F. dr, en,AVltedensle o! . p. VCWWN ti., Iddny F4o,UddiL = and NV esurn lfo k.trr,lg tkM. ",1) eom!I stisrpilt im it Ch.". " 20 w. 7. afar& 7. a 7.77 , ntir 90ili 7 , 199:731, W177777a1a and Retell &alai& .16.1r24*41i42..171: Carpet Bag., &a., 9_ %V Milk and Infield Knairu74l, 4 . 4 ugyßT ictElsrp,YtoWsle ioeers dna ada=kaat&and dealers In Croduen. N0: , 25 Woad ri.r rigabriti! . !CARDS • LIAM 11T•1.1.11311 I'‘ " V C it.ll,l_ . stt i liFti , l " .. "' r. " —tk ,' s_ i ll Committion mete' \ atr . .s, dealen In Iron; Nail, Wass, L 01.13 Yarns, atia Pb hlahafnetures getterully, er... nI Waatiltud Water clrerta. Yitahurgi. 1 ly — tiV WA.;aLACE, NM *Who ...a Mill Parnmbl II ~, m y email ialimr-u, No. sal Libezry si, near meal ma _. W. W. Wl i tNiclitatehest on J . e7eA l.r tatej Walts c, sheet. Pinaburkh, " ‘Pa. N. 1.1.—W &whelk End Clock. caresully 'cochal. deel yvENT ROWEyil--Coaarnsina and Fomenting • Iderehanti No. w Front et between Wood antt •ket Stre&ll. 4 febtia U4'o r ft ht - littPlic, Wholeaale and Retail dealWriii Tv • rtgli; and Don:leant Dry Goods, north east corner of hlarkit and Fourth sts an6tl araa rooms, it nor. a income viral. yomsa; & COP—Dealers in leather hides, tro. IT 141 Lone, 44. ~.5-1, 44-.4..t4-4c4.4.k 4011 T. IeCUTCI.I&. , AA" & it. fiIISUTCIIDON, Wholesale (nose, dea l' T a len in 'radar, Iron, Nails, alma, and Pats. burgh Slanufalures generally, 1.%. Liberty 1.1., Yill•• blanks ill. deed LinaTher'in W &Ivor Fitz, blithary lioods, axe, No. ,7 M nr tea .L i nov7 WI M. kiTIVISPI - Tkilf, - " WiZeisleGroirer. . Reetityk Distiller, and Wlne and Lpuo, Merchants. My. Impenun of Des's Ash and (Leash I is Minks, 160 Llbcrty meet. rts...arßh. I's. M. SWUNG db. CO, EALERS LN HIDES AND LFIATIIER, Moroc co, D Shoe Futopecv,lov., N. DM Liberty sheet, have )on received Clam. SPRIT STUCK of etood, eota pr' 1 large'vmsertment Nenirlcr in their hoc, to vorbieh the &Mellon of rurehnsers ie invned. mead :o PIGTTThUSW - t CO., STF.A Al BOAT AN EN Ts • Oflws A. 5 .,. AI. ALLEN & Co, orell N. 42 WaLAr ollrert. NSURANCE FIRE AD /MARIN Ti. IN SURA NCB.. and thls of Nvnh Awrrira will i lgatt m d - vielinty, and rn stilyments 9 by Canal, aro perty in lverseLate. and by Sea. Tbo oio,ierties ot ttos Company hare we, invested, and formal, an avail able rand for tfte ample indemnity of all portent who desire to be pipicei cd by insarance my IS AVNI. P. 10NIBh A lent, 44 Water INDEDISZTY• The FeussitNA Fora /omens. Co. ..,;( lIRLS.:TOIIS.—CIiarIes N. Barinker, Thomas lion. L./ Tobias Wagner, Samuel licant, Jacob IL Smith. Ben. W Richards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolph* Bone, Duval Brown, Illorris Patterson. CSIAIII.I N. nano., President. Chute= G. Reactor, Secretary. Cent.ae toYnake tusarance, Pottmmel or liontrd, tfleKr desetnpuern of property in town or country, al rates as low, as um consistent with mcority. To Company have reommed larac contingent end - . andel. With th/Oir Copan! and Prolamin. safely invest ed.,ll4ll4 ittago prOlVell. to the assured. Me assets el the company, on Jacmtry 1441, pulpit:shed aggemibly to an act of Assembly, were Bad my • 171 .4" Blume Teaspaltary Loam Moons Cask, Be. • Sl e Y.Eettnr7l Ftnee their grreorpotolson, apertod of 19 yeare, they hake prod uptards of nee Mama fear hundred Mo.- and dollars, losses by foe, thereby offordmis endemic date advantages oi ins ranee, as well es the ability and disposaltfo to meet with promptness all Jubilate, J. to e stIJFFilk, Agent, MattlAlly Oat, N corner Wood and :0 at. o.E — AltirMitM AS UTO)LL ISSITO.ANCY. CO. 1) A. MADEIRA, hcmalla Pittsburgh for the Dela ,;.,‘ ware Menial Wet y Insurance Company of Ph tel. tigda Faro Bilks ripen buildings and merchandise Of Ovtofy deacflption, and ?dame Rues upon hulls on Otrlnes of "sae* taken upon the most favorable MOM Mee 0 the Warehouse of W D. Holmes & Bro., N0:37 Walef,ll.l Market street, Patsbargh. 13.—Thwatecess of this Company since the °stab- Lament of tbo Agency m this city, wan the prompt nets and laterality with which every claim upon Meru (Aloes bee been odruntod, fully ...rant the agent in inviting the chnftdence end patronage ants friends and th t community sa large to the Octave - urn 11. S. lase radide Comptply, while to has the additional .deantt aa aibblitlaStitntrOu =au; the must tlourislinu m Pbtlel pitla....sa hating ce ample paid-in capita.. which by the ofieratlan ol'iu charter la constantly increissing, as ytildlng aneriiett person Insured ht. doe .hare oi ar e profits of Ott cumpuny, wahout involvlng Otto in any relgtonalbtlity. whatever, and therralre possesstag the Mutual ptinciple divested of every obnoxious feu. Oita ! and in aS Mast attra.ve form noel .IiOFLE' - iC.NIfIIIADJIN INVITRASCIL. Insurp.nce Company or North Amenca, minuet us duly unlimited Agent, the subscriber, otters to make pcnedisent altd hooted inserunee on property, in nay andata vitality, and on shipments by the Cu. nil and Wears. DITMCDUItY. Calories T. •lar, Ambrose %Oboe, Jacob 1M noising, Jobe 0. Neff, Richard D. 'Wood, Velma, reside• n. A. 1.111 Arnim:me, ARTiiUR O. COFFIN, fleet. Ifrear D..Samaatten, elaey. nag fa Miscible. [mammon Company in die tinned Maim, titivMg been chartered in IM4. Ju cooner la porpomal, a* from me lim b moulding, long erpertestee, ample mean?, and avoiding nal, of al! turn ha, undone chart:atter, it may ba emuidered as offering plo an. merarity.ut the NMI.. W. Y. lONE., :At We Codatiag Room of Atwood. Jones S. Co., Wa ite and FroM Wrens Ptttaborgh •a^t'd_ Aithur o etaiti Simi! N . luhey JOlin A. waN 140.:4 Agin 'Wlutcj Tlionatit tlope, Stipule' F. SI Scalpel Lizotitli, ' • SiflNCiiiLit.H. Lae licitisawiniticit Age, WO 1 Ws, of ills Ifouraiire Pm:v.l ul N.r4b and will ie... Policies med attend w the other I•u•mess a(tbe Agcapy, at the warclaistuo cif A mood. /Imes ?44, P water .t FOR‘qRDING & COMMISSION e; ;. RIX/41.1.0 WIZ Dd./11E74110W &II .Ir, CO. TUBAgell CUMISSO3 31EICILAMTE, 7 0. 511 Swab %Vharees, No. 117 South Water st. Pill Li. LW/A . IIIA. 1110E63 tit: iliform thu tra, and dealers generally, of Pittsbairsh, Wet they have made •tich arrangements rentt. the Varglioa manumeturer. and We linserers of Ilia West, West ladies, land the, placer, a. llinon:, large nap constaot aupoly a the tolloaring deertpi Um,. of Tepee., yarbaelt tmli sokl upon as acetate Modeling *rota as any other house in Mt. eity or e1.,- labors, and all good. ordered roam them ~,U Le war. Oozed equkl to rep...amount. Ilavartat Bt. Ikanismr, Cant, tiara; 2 Pena limo; Fenotar }Seed Leaf to- Cobs; i Irmo; ic Largo; A - LSO—Preach'. eelebratml Aromatic Slog Citsen• dish. with large aaatrtmeat of other popular lirand, and quoin*, at ponuda, As, ea, 1., 16. Lump; fro, Oda 1141 Ina Plug; Ladies' T.. 1.4 strginta ,ke., wee{ and piato in whole mod half boa., wood and tin, together anti: every variety of articl <IWIe I.e long big to the gath er JOHN A. SHAW, 6C6I;A OF PORI AND BEEF, Commission Merchant and forwarder, NC.( CANAL BT., CINCINNATI, 01110. Qj Pai&out. attentson paid to Om porehomog of of any Am:T.le of Produce lo W. mark.. Also to Inc Torwatdost of lioods scoually. Hofer to 1" 1 ". fLs'" t Co, 0. rorkhnt, Esq. LlWiteou to Ce- IDe(k Janet, LoAllsA b. Benne, M2EaMEMEI _ . • an. 26 Wool> sur.,..rirnisnann, C M I, spnelrilrftre t pt=nd anie commi 'd olAre 'e rt: cam Alanagactures and Produee, tad in receiving and M Goods coningued to his cape. As Agent for the Maingisetures, hc constiontl .11:11*.i with inc prinerpal articles of Pittsburgh Manufacture au the lowest "Sonless? , prices. (Oilers and consignments Ire rCIFFIf[111): eoucited.l..l7 ur. rtrriess. a... ins... ' 1 144A PITTMAN As co.. FORURDIM k conlissioN AIEREULNTB, sati =h . , i: r Cf dl.. .13:) . Second •tr . lucre, MO. Z - 4AI:.td,'SHOYFIS, lse.:- , -50 dos. lipades sod SI.; 0 .14 40 do Manure Forks; •111 do Orate Shovels, Au do Floe do; Axes, Hatchets, ktatuteks sod Pick.. Bellaire; Fleas &A., far sale at tltnofaetatan pros. to 1 nsla ti RP COCHRAN. 4a trawl s. o rirrsittattaiftExi , tvc - Ta".4 - iusVitiro) AND AILS FACTUD Y. . _ Wake airsag 10. V. OVIZO. JONES & CllllOO, itAr. tr4riAcrultras of spring wid blister meet, ILL p .Wghstrel, awe! plonk wings, etweih and kahla C.:meaty, Corner ernes. ,boo engW. end Front au., Pittsburgh, O. .5. feb. tlerveralble Inlitaminier Cock, FOIL PUILIFYINU WATER., Which renders larbid water pure by temovitut all mbstanees not soluble to j",r7,11i carton writer hi N. York. ur, clear and pore W the eye, yet whoa n poem en hour throw& Una =as Ovvtini • WV o drLosilt impure. sobstancea, worms, he. This Is the ease more or ima with all hydrant water. The (haversible illness IA scat nod durable, Lod I. not ancrided• with dto inconvenience Incident to tube, as it Ls cleansed without being detached floe the .4., pipe, bystreraly Leming the key or WWI. tram olte side to the-other. By tins easy process, the courselof water le chimed, and. all acessordmiom Ic Wooer: subsumes am driven off almost Instantly. veiihroff unscrewing the new. 11 also pommel the a d of of being a stop cook r atid as sash in man) case. Ibe very convenient and economicaL ite beneached where Mem is sey.pressate high orMegto a cuk, tank, Mote. with. ease. To Le We of the iielengent, W. W. WILSON, owl 7 earner of Yoarill _and Market .ter IL4 ein-T,S7;--at thiirtige,Wrie ar, two horses, bon at klitiadelptim by calebra. led tahnutketorw. This carnage is in every respect a firsi:rato article, made with all We modern improve meagre lined with blot Cloth cod to In superior n. 04 It is unlitely sold for wanAN, tor am. i ' of ALEXANDER S. H mykl 75 hitches of His Diamond trimol;4 v trin woo..L.EN NAr .aapp erali,Fei7rtf sumt Aupply of FAC f rOll O l l at lot+ ewes Coif and Sheep Rain, Skins, Lace lien. a0.,44 ; Sh o al°, Hemp Tirane TT eadles . Na 10. IS halt roaches, Wrenches Pitapat., Cards, 10 to vi in; Patent Drawer Ilnwhes,'Weavera t Mush • • . de. LOGAN, VVILSUN CO., bir! till Wen Steed, Flue...ern BENNETT & BROTHER, ~•.41.PEr-NIEIWAIIti MANUFACTURERS, likrialsgbans, Mews Plittobstelehrl PA. WifithOWO, No. 137, Wood shat, Pittsburg*. OWlLL.Motiody keep au hand • good wawa mental Warm of oar two =Minstar's, soil saperiorqadity. Wholesale and virtual , M. - shent. maimilally invited to call LOd 00- .13110;S Ale theametsca, as we are determined to sell ehrtfßar boarder before been offered to th. pub Mge.l.lrders mot by 10111, swamp/riled by Me rah oi it) fireftdeC, Intl be promptly attended to. m 7 10 LAW OFFICES. ibw!w ATTORNEY AT LAW. Othee n Fount, .treet between Cherry •Ilry and Grant st tayl:lly. WM. TIMBLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, Pa - - • WILL alto mond to colleecions and all other bast neat entruded to Wm ,n Batter add Armstrong counties, P. 'Beier to J. k R. Floyd. Liberty at %V. W. Wallace, do lathes Itlarahall do Pdtabo tett dly Ray d. Co.. Woad at j tan] . KTa swErrtEß, Mamma,' at Law, office 311.1. • ortiatdte 71. Charlet Hotel, l'ittattoeyb, anti also attend promptly to Collecuont, in Washington, Fayette and Green adulates, Fa. IMEE:I Blackstoek. Bell lc Co., Church &Carat/sera, - }Pittabtlegn. D T Morgan. aeladlr EJ. lIENIR V D , Attorney and Conon-or at law, • Cmetnnan, Ohio. Colleminn. w SombernAThio and in Indsana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care. folly attended to. Curomisiusuer i.r dm State or Pena lty's-nom, for taking Depositions, acknowledgments, • . •• . Wm. eel' a son, Cana., Caradtem, Wm. Ifay. Fag Li. 21.121 J. 1.111.1307 t TIUNLOP SEWELL, utoroey at Law, Otraget on J_l Smohfiekl, Isatwaen ad sad Oasts. • 41)11N T. tOCIIRAL ATTORNEY AT LAW. Fourth street, Itorweco Sotltltheltl and Gras. toll-.lOrn Alr a H. ROIENt.OE, AllOrllty at Law, h..... TT . enavcd.hts office la the Exchange Butitng..tit. Cl .t . next dm. to Alderman Johns. aprly HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS DI*OOIID i CO, ALMonet - slot" to ttl'Cord A Mug) 0 6 Fashionable Ilatt•es,l Corner of Wood and AAA Stroet. ARTICULAR attention paid to oar Ketall P Gentlemen e. rely upon getung their Bete awl Cops from our establitionent of the war wuruntuts and oronanutnaouttn, of the Loam mum., and at the tow-cri lILICICS. • Country Merchant., purchasing by arholevale, are respectfully Invited to call and eaatoinc oor frock; as tale can any with confidence that as regards qcsurt and rum, tt will not suffer 111 a corapanson wan any house to febl7 CALIFORNIA HATS.—IY don rater proof California Hats, Pod race:red and for sale or AMUR!) it Co. I cb47 corner Sth and Wood ma — SP ELIE ti WASIIIO3IB FOIL 1849. M'CORD &Co wtll nntrodetee on Satyr. alli t atty, Slareb Id. the !rerun, style of HATh rho.. to want of neat and superior hal, are mem, to call at corner of Sth and \Vood streets. marl RHINO BONNET RIBBONS, hlarphy la has now open a supply of spnng Mantes Ribbons, of mw and Madam. soles Also, new style fird Neus; Lisle Laces and Ede mas; been Edgings; %%atoms do; plead Math. and Jaconets, embroidered Swiss Mushy, ; besides a tame assonment of Spring Goods generally, at north e ast corner 4th and Marten, oads.. Womosale Rooms an Ings nun .ft Ot7 4.78 11 0,724 63 IM,OIII LLS '1,523 tt 3..641 37 MEDICAL, D ÜBEFACIF2VT.—IIorve• wmile running at lame lA, n tbe fields am very apt to bream and noire themselves in many ways. They are often dt.abled so at 10 be Melt. (or o long time. intotedttan use eould Ix made of Lt. A. Eska...tack di Co.'. Etabefa• ent, and the I raised part well saturated, and the remedy rubbed la, a would glee relief and ease the pun. No farmer should be without Mrs celebrated medicine. as it is alike healing to men or hewn. Pre pared and soil by UA PA k:TOC.Ii: a Co, corner of Wood and Ist mai also, earner GM and Wood. Mlt A 111t1..101 . 6 %V O&M KILLER. —Aaa.itor proof o the tr min p haat socces. of Marron'. Vern:llure I . llCabe um, May 10,1 , 10. • ?dr. /oho D. Morgan—lf my name o( arty uso suffering coo:mann], in regard to Itte article M e g ar s Verodfuge, yoo arc perfectly welcome bit bad twochtldreo sorely afflicted untli worm, I Ue came alarmed, and very pratlywhen 1 toed your renowned Veroologe, and astonish co, ing to tell, nue them was depernd of about fifty worm. fifteen met.+ bug, or the moat Inghtfol ktrol, raaembling more the appearance of eels The other rink/ was del...err., O about 2J. the children are now doing finely. Yo may well be mood of your Worm Killer . Yuen tom) , Darn> Suez., Virgil, alley Prepared and sold wbotrauld and retad by JUI 111011.tiZati, Druggist, Wood street, one door below D, mood alley. • mrl4 Y OUR Makin hl/1" 15E „... C , U , R , !:15. , 0, Word.) Aprsl Mt, ISM Me. IL•r. Sellers: Being afflicted for some tone with • cough, which nun so severe as to unfit me tor my daily employment. Frequently el ter roughing. I have been so much exhausted, as to be puttee , ' to sit down and real Hearing of the mihd acct. prodsited by Tong Cough Syrup. I concluded to glee s sml m happy to say 0 produced the desired cliect io cue. After using it one night, the cough less al and I em now perfectly well. /sass Jounson. Th. pleasant and papule? Comet Syrup is prepared and sold by R SP.LI.ERS, In Wood street 'Sold Ono by Drogpsta generally in ate two cities and •i nef I gA l? V ' Ernr3 lER LlPE—Sellers' Vern:lS/nee 111 the art, etc. Pramorroa, V.., Jan. 59, I•sla Mt. J. M. Wilson—Dear Sir The 'nal of holler,' Vennifuge Bought from you some time ego, brought from to girl syears old, the tistortirlimg number of 5 hundred Worms I bette•e Me would have lived a very alsort rime, but (or this medicine. p 0,,. Sus, Jr. Prepared and sold by R R SELLERS, 157 Woud st, sold air byDruarnstagenerallY In the Ore One , ut. • IMPORTANT TO Title AFFLICTED. Dr. aose's Celebrated kemedies. PtoFL J&COD S. ROSE, the discoverer and sole pro prier these most mmalar and beneficial mod. es, add also the inventor of the celebrated metre merit for wearing the L.unga in effecting am ire of Chronic diseases, wasstudent of th. raiment phy o men. Doctor Physic, and isa graduate of the Usurer.- . of Petonylvania, end for thirty yens since has been enraged In the Investigation of disease, sad We spot.. canon or remedies thereto. Throne, she use of his toasting tube, lo connection with h. Prophylneno Syrup and other of Me remedies, be hat, teamed an unpralehed eminence in miring those dreadful end (clef maladies, Tubercular Con sumption, Cancers, Scrofula, Rheumatism, A.thinti, Fever end Ague, Fevers of ell kinds, L'broine P.tryipe las, and all those obstinate diseases peculiar to remotes. Indeed every is form of disea. vanishis ti es under the use of h rtniedies, to which humanity ben—noi by we ause of one cormmund only, tor Wat is incompatible PhYsiological Law, tel by the use of his ma.. dies, adapted to and prescribed tor each peculiar form of disease. Dr. Resets Tonle Alterative Pills, when used are In variably seknossledgod to be ...perms to all other, as a ports p e r or beer pod, inasmuch as Wry leave the Loomis perfectly IrCe front costiveness; as Gulden Pills is atioutte4 by the faculty to p.sesl pecu liar properties adapted le lent 41 o. .4 . 6•1r5, but i,eing satisfied that . bare trial is sufficient to establisti wh has been said in the Pllnde , ol Wa rao..keptieal The afflicted are invited to call upon the agent. and procure (ends) one of We Demur's pamphlet, gt•titg • detailed account of ez,arenlrdy end Ins opal...non For side by the following agents, as well on by mast Druggists througboat the country: Sehoonsnaker 24 WoodW street, Ptneburg b; htTownsend, druggist, rk st nemr We I' 11. alleghesiy city . ; Jos Barklose ley, Darlington, Lie•rer county, Pa. Jim Mott, Erman \ alley, - T Adonis, Ito. y - - Jayne. , Ex pas toranS. SalAuti,Lloltiolbititia co, 0., Apr. 24, IoU. TIE. D. JAYNES: Una dam— , l feel (mood to yoo 1.1 and thendlected notelet, to avail myself of this up. portonhy of log pubt why to the extrsonnunry effects of year Expectoraut on myself Itamng been atrheted for several years wall • severe cough, becue lever and Its canoe...ant dtreases. sod seemed only doomed to lorgir oot a short hot miserable existence, vont the fall of 1e.70, when benne more severely attacked, and having resorted m all my former remedies, and the pre, senptto. of two of the most respectable phystmans to the neighborhood without dersmng any benefit, or the consOlanon of sorliving but a few days or weeks at farthest—when the last gloom of hope wu Stout to 'outh, I bad recommended to me your Eitseetorant— and blessed by that Actor who does all thongs tit the use of the means—sad contrary to the •Ipeethlsons of psmioner and (nand, was set a fete days raised Irmo lop bete. and was enabled by the use Of a Iron!, ut Ito my Wiliness enjoying since better health than I bad for ten years ' Respectfully yours, he., J. W. Earn,. For sale in P itt s burgh, at the Pektn Tea rtowe, In Fourth street. ma Dr. IlleLaras in Tsana••••• pais Ism certify th at I purchued ono stal of Dr. IlloLasta's Wane apectfie, won e ten. mewls. ago awl gave to a son of eons, some were. years old, two teaspoons full, an sltbough the amount army appear largo, yst I have no throw hut there was upwards of twothooltalint AVolOr• passed froth hima, thettsunns romans grouter al wr Inch to two mew* lung. W I tOLI..IDA-Y. Restres Crack, Canal 00. Tenn., Dee V 7, 1,47. pc.et SirI.LEES' VE.ltbill'Utik: IN lila/Man.— Comrstacs, Jam. enl, ILA. Bellorm—VOilt Verulitattge has sold well, sod has treed brgh y spoken of by all Woo haws used it. _Froth the SIICCIMUI attend., the wlntinwtratwo u your Vernufuge In every rose I beard of, I am coming. Mao I dtd Ima. I veal 14 glad so tenet ye 1.01.11 e r sup ply dr 4or 5 groos. Yours, respect. y, [Extract from letter.l It. CARTEII. Pregeanal and sold by H. E. SELLERS, 57 W wei Alt an 4 sold by draggwt• generally, In Powourgh and tall Inertly. _ _ . • R6IIII.IVAL. qUIE subscrtber has removed toe Wholesale Grog ry Store to the corner of Ilaneoet street and Ai, pettly Wharf; mat door to the Perry !louse. toehriall‘ JOHN F PF:KR Foreign and Dow.tlo Liquors. A GOOD assortment ot Poreann a. Latnesur quota, always on hand mod tor sale In aosotana anitpuseltuars , W b. 111 aIrDCIIELTREE WE havce- to made on an Improved plan, son not to tree. in the coldeat weather. Porions wantutg such Melo*, are invited to coil and sett thee at PCAII'I d ATKINSON rt, anyV3 Ist, between Wood Mark., or. 5UND81L...-14. bale No I Lan*, 1.. do tacos, rata Bacon, mon.; 6 bbls Flamed, 9 beg. do; do Dry Ponca.; 'CI do Feathers, do litnacna, to an toe; for tote by ISAIAH DICKEY b Co. DIY Prom st • Wl.-3 olgo Wooli I do reatbon, btollsug IF TT I, Ea AI Lmo, Lod Cor sale by A.N.FS DA 1.2 ELL 106 - • .10 PRINTKIIS—PrInuaS Ink, from Ike ommtfue ry of J .D. Cr.azy New Sort, to tank mad leg L onk l lb. upwards, aml from 25 cN. to• 11l per lb a 0 red, bin, green and yellow Inks, in cans of 11, I 2 Ina. col:M.l{ly for woe. Iloving need ?dr be . Jilt ink in oor office for nine mond. past. we e arr. rt urea! to wry Ittalts made at any ether aneerfacary !farms club. it/Wl:krt.:la a. a fOCKT‘ IN loW cornrr.l2,l kl•rt et, atm gUNURICS-74 Lama Carron; O 24 bult No I Lard; • I bag Flaxseed, Gorden Pear, 64 Feathers, filusaorn 2 Wool. No* lading from Cumberland No 1, for tale by 'BAIA!' [Malik: l f ft Cl., rraln rt ""~ `• r COPARTNERSHIPS. TILE co-partnershtp ht:re:et:bre eittling hems, the J.. subsenhers. in theof Cohatabla Smite k Co... Ws day dlosolved bynun< mutual consent_ Meseta. Burke k Barn , s teat acute the businc, of the eon cern. for ',halt purpose they are authortscil In use the owe of the concern. Pt' ATII A CONST/aLat EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS fIARNE.4. The understieued have thu day associated themselves Itl the name of BURKE & DARNER , . the parpoae at inunufacturoig FM' Proof Sas., Vault ae e., at the .tand of ihs-4.C. Gem 01 Conetable. Unite & whet, they ,on be jnraned to reee.er au: iv, trotsuge or Liar ctudotuers of am, Louse and their ' friends RICK TIIONIAS illt RN FA In renting from the firm of Conatlble. Burke I watt stnecre rdert-ure recommend Burke h Bunten,' the confident , of toy friends and tee pabee Feb a, 1.19 IVATII A NIEL t. °NISTA IILE. DI SOLUTION. ME, partnership of EICIIPIIY & LEE 14 ans del dtasolVed by mutual consent. 'The best”etis of the le firm will be settled II Lee. J. It ME ItPIIV, Pittsburgh, Jan. MO, Ic-1.9. 11. LEE NOTICE--The enJer.tsoc+l wt II contsone the Wool bo.writ. .41 attend to lila Sae or Woolen iood al the old stand. II LEX. In renting from the firm of Murphy & 1 tak gre a t pleasure lu recommend:mg Mr II Lee to the oofnieuee of my fru,d. and the pubis, Pittsburgh. Jan. 30 10-19. J. IL. MURPHY. ' subscramr. bore thisday whanated them selves together for the pnipone of tranmeliog • wholesale end retail Dry floods sod Grocery hornless, at No Liberty, opposite Seventh stern, under the style end firm o rßU9lll , ll , deD & Pittsburgh, January 1.18-19. N. It —Our old customers and the public are melted to gam. us a call. _ COeP&B.TIVIYANIITP. SCAIFE and Capt. J AMES ATKINSON W hove entered tom paruserabtp, under the tom of BCAIVE & ATKINSON. and min carry of the Ttn, Copper, and Sheet loot Ware mwufactory. Also. Blackwattung ttl all Its klatches, at the old stand of Wm B &we, inrst street, near M cool rartieuler ntleallott wen to stearebost wart end _ • I 1.1. n VE dna day ananciated srldi sae zu me who!, sale i.roerry, Produce and Conansudion hustans•, say blather lasnp . u. undeF the Ltral DIJAV k J. S. L/ II January 1.1,41 (10-P ARTNitILSIIIP—Wirt. Yount; Maytag Out rimy .soetavul with him. John R. lirl . Cunr. the ten th., buwicgm will he matlct be condontml under Inc firm of lN'in Young ACo WILLIAM t./12:Sti. nn.l INO. It Ml'l' Nl' BOOK TRADE ==l • • • - - For many year* coneamma en. Masan. Lola] N Fut non., and lam John \ way. N. Vogt anal London.) ENGLISII, FRENCH AND GER.:LAN BOOKS, No.ti.l Wooo shear, (Nearly opno.tto .0 St Chitties liotelJ PITI`SID„11.1:11 Eij• Eugtseh, French. and German Miele. , and Illagaslnes. and Newspapers imported to order, pm., of which may be ascertained on applienuon to Mr 1. Catalogue.. grab. TC,INICYCLOFEDIA'S AND DICrit,NARIKi-j -lug special and. iodependent work 6. edited I.) wri ter...l.....auished to the •arious departments, Drande's Diehonary of Seiermc, Liter:hare, and Al l , Lapland's Detton.ry Proctical Medicine: Johnson's Fanner'. IddicycloPoidia Loudon's Ihicielop.dia of Ong; lamdon • E•tcycloimidio of Plant., Lou don's I...even:mad. of roes, M'Cotto•h • DictionarY of Commerce; M'Co.loch , I/luminary of. Georaphy, Creh thetimmry of An. and Alanulaetorehi bootees Medical D 1.1111111.17, SVater.ion . • ot Com. coerce; 1"01111111111.<114111 1 11Y.. 0010.000-i elduer ano Parks' Encyclopedia Domestic EMill•Olay; AOl.Oll , Cll.Olllll Lhctionary TLaw books are full or information of the bon kind. Lrosiged and preacniell to too boot 111.111f1Of . For .ale Y 4036. JAMES U LOCK Wtai D. 61 IVood at FION/F.STIC ANIMAI.4-11/story and Deetriptiou jJ Of the HOMO, Al 01e. Cattle, Sheep, Swista, rout try and Form Dogs, with alitertimi• for their manage ment, breeding. ..o.llg, rearing, feediag, and preps. no* for e profitable contact. Al//, 10013. Diseases 111, together wtth full threetions for the management of the Darr)'. II) KI. Allen. Ihriso,with nommen. Oitiolf 2.0111. For ..10 I.y _ Jl2 I 1) \ 51D,63 wood i:vv A ND VALUAIILE 0110)62, II I 011 Mho< Architecture, amps..d on benalf of the Bedding Committee of the Suitilisoutan Instant... by Rohr. Dale Owen. to largo huarto, elegantly pntned, with illustrattons in the hest style of ,be art 11.--Green on Ilronehd... second edition, revised nod e . uiorged A trenti•e 0.00.0. or the air.paa logs; comprising an ....try ono the hi•tory, causes. and treatment of hose `..try ut throat, co led Itronrodte, Chrome I.am Clergyman's Sore 60. Illy 1t0..., ON.en .01 21.04. D. ae. !hairs improved mad earehilly et lured. Hoyt. ern, gth top fo o tMNI 111 ready. the Ith edition. ~..sod 064 cols god, with additional illu•trahotta. A 'Yreat....• Land scape Gardening mid Harrel Areisoweture aureate by 1. 1 / 4 SlhaN U I.OOKNVIdt/1), 63 Wood street. For many years ected witia Messrs 1N 110) INitottro, and iota Joh n Wiley. New York- Mr. L. ha. ,iust returned from the !tomato <Toes Wukii—rhe dahrlkitbaCill. Uhl in the Woods, by J. T Needle), author of ••V, aahtnron and hie Generals,. etc The Late and Wnungs b W.. Clinton, by W W. Casenbe:l.aa,nor of attarr " Jest teed by ,u 7 JUIINSTON to STOCK lON 11,11.:W 11001 0-A fikatory of IVontlernai inuatraled wu b uunaorams engravula on wood, I eel 01.1111. The Inearnmuon, or plena.. a th., Viron and hot Son by Charles 'Werner. roct We,,,e, linhana. Wtn an nitrodu , lor, r.•.,, 1,, Slro Barnet lieveher Stowe. Just rre'd by JIIIINOTIIN a. SltICK:11.,:11, comer and Market .11 • - - LLIOTT 're t% street. !utter,' • Llth and Lbrustend alley. hare rresortd a large &apply Uheologteal tout Otherbrawl, among ire the loliosetug. hltreetraueog• ••ttl coarse.. by ne..blent Bop., t'hrtst ts Alt, Lns• sod Loyel, hyl'yng. Lite of Ity Wm Clinn, Lt•lng Orators at Arnrrlts. Itrpulthean Chtt•ttaet to ty by Magoon. Matt Ynn•esal by Hearts. Phrenutegy anti Melanesia, by key N L Nice. Lb; linott re. Its Import and Mods. by Iterate, Newest. and Ke amiss; llosottens or tee Iphle, by hi Feria... Earnest Alta.., and Chorea tst Faros. try J. A. James Et/. arta 4r, 4 tut, new edsuen, 1. .\l ?dawn, .runs omplete. Conran-rt. Los ••••I Worst. et Casper; I, rants en Rite dud Fall el repary, TurryttLtae • Ilse.- arsy, Cyclupthlta 01 blorsd ant, Hellansts Anecdote, .I..tigar • Narrattees at Papery. t et Keee.ru,g boo -1.4r4, I.le n, 44 •r the People, by'Cata,. Monism Sot-req. Altsters Assorts...bent, Itun nna t ann on Eames', "baler. Litt/est.. en Sebtptate, by I eetl iteW hest ambushed; tale all Natatrai Ilicory et hleltlre I...lsamu. {testers& ea thlirtre• Props... Sessile,, 11l MAYS Ess—'rhirl ll lseuhy. andsaste e tye of Las In the tutt.. w. outer All, sorts.. by trettyge LI three., V Ir. auth renrart all matter h woe corr.. tee LI 0114 lot ••ic Loy my IC ELLIOT!' h ENtrl.l,ll. to Wood at 1,01/ltS . ftlrOltt , —Thn tars , Meese,. Garth-per, LI by Thonsaft II Fes•endelt lne New Anierirel,lrenardic, by We. F•brtelt. The complete Farmer alto Rural Letn,eusest, sty Fr.. ratflen ofralerft Dorado.. Cookery, by \\'m A Denaleresra Just reefo by JutitssToN G IS ASCII rnyl4 comer *MI ket and 3.1 st.li NPIth.I.ICIuPS weitics--ThougLti on Puffin< Prayer. by Samuel hlf,r. U U. L. L D. hoop.. on I. foully SVor.b.fp, by Jame% W Abs. raffles. Just recraffro by I 7 JOHNSTON & STOCKTUN NssiV Doriat—,fine! Morns, or the Demote of Dosnesue Life Iliatory ul King Charles Om Second, of England, by Jacob Ablratl, wolf engraving.. Jus read by JUISNATON A SIVCKI ON, myl9 confer 11 and Market sof ICNULLSII AND ADIMNI.IC A N 1100118 D I,Ca‘VroYD, ;:ur ninny year. cooffert e, od swab Messrs. SS ffey and Putnam, and Iran lobo Wiley, New York and London., has e.tablf•bed flows at so. tf.l Wood soca, toor w.f., 3.1 and afti street.. forsere may ise /o.d • valuable rullee outs of taANDAKU ENtil.l,4l and IsAII..ILICAN su rtiults, at pro," aft low as of the brawn. ratio.. ILTKNULISSI arra CUNTINEN"rAL HOOKA, Ito. vo.vrs, hiagaunes, Newry...fors, Ste.. unfrosted Word., fp"INS ruTioNs INCOllrt/RATk:I) CI KTILIS art entitled to steer., drat, books duty free. hlngloth and AnCllCal,l.llo,ll,lfonfusbed go b. to !bora Who destre theta, or scraper 041110 any addnrat. J. U. L anti always be happy to exhibit to ladles and geittltroon hit hooka, mod tn them any to or oral whore ho may po.ntroa regasding them. my ttf NbW YALULISLE Wu Uth oovtt4 usd Ito Rematua, with an accohni of • title to the Chaldean Chns.tans of IK.ordieMn, end the leteate, or LlO.l l N otah,ppera, and an ingmxy mio the mantic,. and zeta ut the aliment Asa)rtatia. Ly Austen lirory L." '' to% d i L.4.' , " :71:41 /01E:5 U I.UCK‘VOI tit. Bootee°, and 110(.030, of Foreign D0nk..03 Vdtal turret, hat un heed • valuable reACCOOD 01 I:itgitM and American Ihmk• ••• • - the thderent deputtmouto of Literate, 'huh he h. pepth «1 to yell he low les they eau I.e °bowled la the Eueteru nine. LoglArl. end Continentet Book, Boyle", ega• ur nuoi NeWspapers,lMparberl m onier. The pace of any Review 31 nalehe or Newspaper, may be ascot - Imam , Mr appicahon to rI. Meth. and Americ. Cllalorses gr./. Mr I. Intend. to 015. Oh• ha.,terh rah, ol le ee day, and smil be heppy execute say order. or Book, I.:npsetagh at . .. Worry. m s .mall ad•anse On Me mot NEW hme•cn . m.% 11eum.... with anof .1 % mit Imitiona t.lin. ming GI li,ardt.account mm otas4l Mg 1,.,m., or Deml.WorMtp. an onquir, inlothe lossimer• •sisl sarl• ot Ilse An e n cient A.Rynasis, wigs Au tot•anloetory Irv , 1 , , V Rotolo.. 2 v 01 . ,. 0.. v,, walk al,out lOU illirairstboo.r. Crkeever , LActures torilbe Ytlgruti. II•ogren• vu, Itrno. Ynco scauceti t 0111,1.0 Crudes, s Co..curutroc roo.b.nr.ell 0...1404 to 111,54, 11104.01.0 • 111.1ury 11. 0 1 w, • bel• eds Iwo roll. octavo—large pull end hoc puper, pot vol. 75 coats. bto•obuns' liebrcw Elsgl4.lz Leiseon, noW onpeoverl. Fur ...sic 1) 11•Klfc., millurn, wool_ -I.lnrol , 01 ware. km! Ystssiesby I The Clartrch Eurrest, by Re• .1 A nKcl /Mr, Adlrleo Iv olsugs Mos s by .1 A rthu r, • " loung I...thaa Essay. of Flis--Chaffier Lamb. Kpi.tionm Uholera.by Prof Vorontry Cyclopedia of Mord and by orl• Climate°. Kistabeth, t.th , r.e• M Wby her hush: obi. ./ rola, steel pto.to4. tprepto and Calskrnia tn 1,11, by Judge Thornton. The lute Eypeanten Om Dead Sea. Proverbs tor tbr People, or Dia./anon. Prsettr G.:Dotes. dean lion the !look of ‘Vtedarn, 1.4 I. I. Al oyoott. Ltetveretty Seromt, by Dr Way I.od. Yirroonta u 1 Nleteurolog), 151velLl•by, A. NI tot Intla by It IltirKINS, *77 Apollo Ittalthog,lll N1A , P41 . 1:11A1F.V...1. m l'be Cant.t.O.toot cOu , llll. ul the llocuul Doottt. A tont , .bo nonk Tbroloye4l Science, by John.l.lti.,D. Lecturer. ta okag bleu on variou important *ob. ret. by It 4 , 1 Itteeher. eha ttttt ors complete: a vols,l2mo. To. won. 4.1 Anbut . , fotoi volt. Jae , 1101 by ntyll 110PKINs, 441 It, he. wood . • HOT 'LS _ _ weinvrAtir st4rtzt: LIGHT STREET pALTIIIIOIS .. ......... .. ... 2TIIIB establishment long. and stridet, 1 knallP_ _ I Lettig one of the molt eorfraMirlflhil if; the,4o - 4, Floannore, has recently tOderganet agnrW.Ont sive alterations and improertelebtS:•`4l , lrentireillilly sleety La. Wien added. toast/zing Intradettle ausl,llW sleeping apanmenta, arid ellenaleptindsittgiMaNnt._":" The Ladles' dop ed bop oPorlictoollog=t7. reoryanmed and fitted up in k Piphtlirtiittl:C Na pe 1 rat style 1,, fart the who!, am:, Ispg obo has been remodeled, with a, itingle; ' *NIA the proprietors, inwards tko, Poolillioloota_t their titreata, and winch, they do Milly4lrohlaiWill challenge comparmon with a ny 1114. - 1 P0UP1N014,... Their table se ,11 alramvs be suppli 1011i - dlPnlYn ,n" Harald and !usury which the at affiNiti serYeoi up to o saperuir style; while in the map OLlViatto,tte, they rill not be suremard. ,4 - -, In conclusion the proprietors b to Say.Huit nothing will he len undone on their pert, aoa the post of then assistants, to render timr Hotel worthy the eentinned patronave of them friends and amoebae generally. The pnces Or hoard have ex, been reduced to the following rate.: Ladies' Ordinary, 11r1,75 per day. Gentlemen's " I,IA N. a —Th a Baggage Ware of the nom will &l umps be found at Media end oomooloool4asoliegs, winch will convey baggage to and froostbe Hiatedi free artier. . 0401:r.vt , rm:c.kiiql cottage or rani. axe sr. cute Ma, mrrsatinis. The auharriber haring unturned the manage ment of thiv long estahlt.ned and popular Hotel, mspeetfully atoionnees to Traveller* and the Public (secretly, that be will he at all those prepared to ercommodate them all thing. desirable in a well no Hotel. The House le now being thoroughly repaired throughout. and new Furniture added. and no pa um velli he veered in make the Fachange one ante very hest Ilmels tit the couptrr. Tim utulerviguad respeetrully aolielui a continuance of the very liberal patronage the House has hcretokne received. THOMAS OWSTON, fehadtf Propreto_L._ LAMAFLTINE corm. ow rovirra •voßu . Mama nmeemant. TI ...ember re•mmtlelly annotneert Mal he hu now opened Iva slaw and excellent floral tor the accommodation of traveler., boagders, and the public ganerall) The hone and furniture nee entirely new, and no pain, r y eo xpense have bee. red ' la resider it one of the w comfortable Rad pleownt Hotels In the mtg. The aubserther a determined to deserve, and there fore Relict., a share of public patronage. ortl4-dly JACOB 1101101. Proprietor. VISITED STATES HOTEL, - ctovr . I/0.1111 4. MIL ITS 001-‘ITE InLe Dank or roc United Rm., Kola detptaa. M. POI . F. MITCHELL; mortof Yroprtetor MISCELLANEOUS Scrip at Par, TAR - RN FOR CSIICKERING'S PIANOS. IO.F.111.:It. at Woodwelils, Nu .1 Thad street, s otTer.lot ean elegant lot Cate kering', Pia. tam - tr. - 1ton) the lowest cash prwe ' fee Plu•burga, Allegheny city, and County Scrip They compose from Gto 7 octave.. and were *elected by NIT Chtek• enog 'nett,. murk, They are warranted to lorequal to any tu the city, toning all the laical traprovemeuta such as circular scale. etc. Iluyers •re invited to call previous to purehamor elwwherr.•Rod, el, to Mint , wilt lb.. some gr..l psdae. profess/01,a' or otherwise, to Judge of the quail. ty the uloore Instruments. N It . Written ruaranwes will be riven with each Plano. ell•IllIng the holder in exrhantto in ease the w oo...eta he proved /o the least tlererelmperfect. or Malty. arra legman SPRING GOODS tibu ek lett & bite, - • RY GOODS JOBBERS, tn 3 Wood street, a.,t the attannon of Merehants to lihror stock of AMERI CAN AND Ft iREIGN DRY 0001/...t, now rueet•ina tureen front Fir-t bands. Recei•lng n-gular supplies of Lrst goals donne , the season, and devoting ato share of their attention to Yoe Auction •stes, they can ennAdently guars -1.07,01 they will find It to Mete nacrest to exastune the, •tort . Jun re ertwed. Istre in vo;r es of near 0171 e Dress Goo./s, Fancy Yrnot, Casstmeres, Cloths, Summer Good. lAseett. 47 - Inte Goals, Irons Lane.s, Tailor.' Trims/maga and brown and 'near bed Slice hog. 01 yaw oat Lutnds. mir3 JAMES W. WOODWIELL, odern and Antique Furnitnrc, 82,1111t0 Smarr, Piresscirort. large end rplettilid assortrdent of Furniture, suitable fur .tteamlamts, Ilomls and private dwsl. 4 alrra. ...and,' On hand and =Mile to order The present stock on hand esimot be exceeded by any manufselorr in the western country Persons wishing to porchuo would do well to pee me a e•II, uI am determined my prices shall plow. P.O o/ the sous em.sism in-- TetraTete; Buffet Elapeie,• Loots XIV Moms; queen Elizabeth chair.: Tem Pay, Erni. Tables; Toilet Tables; Loam X V Commodes; Frenc hiahugtmy Bedsteads, - Piano moat 00 h roCas with Haab atisl liair-eloth moat; ... • (.0111abognay itookbag Chairs; lo dos Pallor do 30 Fancy centre lalsimiri do It pa, Disarm: 4 pair pier Tables; IStuarble top Dressing lloreasm; W•rdrobca Set:remain and Book eases: 'AI marble top ` V 0 r Standiu 4 pair Ottomans: 1:1 pair Mary Work Sunda; A very large assortment of common clones and Other lationire too ParnerOils to mention. irr s.e enn Ilosts furnished on the shortest nouee, and on the most reasonable terms. der IS Clxoeolarte, Cocoa, Le. W ilaker'• Amenenn and Frroch Chocolate, Prep.. eel Cerean. Cocoa Paste, Brum., Coco.ke. INI MC tr 11 a and consumers. wlsu amulet pure.. the 1.1. t prod.••(Cocoa true If tan anutterntron, morn nuinttnua that or rod.. and tu auultty un •ur• p.a., Ma thlthent , er recommends the above ankles. manufactured by tuanthlt and atruntn. with tut ItUnle R ILI. ,01D0 Cocoa l'a•te. as dn.., palatable, •nd aatutaty fll. IL •10( Inv•ltd., erdtvaleaceuth. and otherr. art proced by the most moment pby•actathro Ittacrtor au,. other prepartattorth Ilse suatruthethr. are adv..) • on •unt. tu .7 grattntsty. by:e tran•l re. 1,•-etuirin arta-err In the eautern eine*. d Loy than enc., Iluurr•. tiny k eo. Itolutth James M Hunan A co, II.,l•Ord. 1 . 01111; lloooy t hitter., tin. bark, Waal& Stott, l'ittlanclpbta; Tut.. V Itrundtge, ittrorr and k Clnetnn., 01(10. ItAKEit. Itorebeeter Ma.. Pot .ale by aug , ll ktklarkLEVl eMITH, Ars Wrought snit Cast Iron Ratting. , f , ilt to, loom. to whom he l d übl.e tint I lb. y loryr otomor..l from tbr Fast ell r lam and ImaroomMr . dem,. tor Imo Raitum, mib for poorer rototertor I'm 00000 • oriMsor promme hood -11111. I ,I 4 oollymoie rall mot rlrrilOir. Yal judge 14,t Ih.rm.c,. • noon, 11 o r st Om Moll y, nourr. mot 1.1 the t0...1 M romor of Crow Mot Reimers Wooly, Allrrhooy coy. ourM-LIO A LANIuNE k KNOX. Ill•norartnred Tobacco. 48 (..e i A ntry .i t kl . 6 oy•ter's aupTua vvre , , l3 I —• • . IV Id do Pr,er 1 Ilarwood's " 21 do do do du do Pearl k Harwood • 14 do 1 Robinson 37 21 do do • P. 2 do do Wrn Paws. • Si du T rlpht's do 4: Anderson • P do L T Dado's do R Itlaeon's do Rrtiellif /um :•ndista from atearrier and pork..., and for sale by lIKAI.II.RUCKNOR O. Co. 41 north water .t and 16 north wheys, It-24 rhiladriphia MANCE AcruKED TOLIACet,-1 , 1 2.1 hf SI clones &Son, superior sweet lb lumps 3 hall boo %Vanier Old superior sweets lump. 36 I,nwreno. LOUler Os ". 25 " Ireotry d Rovver 9.251 30 Dupont lde la Rare) 10 • Mcleod " Os L 35 • loyereo , .. Lattice. • Setsils plug landing Irmo steamer, and for sale by IJUCKNOR Co, 41 N water st end 16 wharves Philadelphia: In 3-71 . L J. GLEN n s nook Binders, are son and atom aluore business, corner Ty of Wood and rhis omens, l'inshargh, wirers we are ovepared or do any work in our hoe wait dee patch. We nitro.] to our work personally, and say.- wcoon he gwen in regard to Os nr•Osess and du ranting, ' - Wei. Books ruled In any pelMrn and hound sob- .1 woo 01,ther.::::,..,••,............d.0rdera which stanuall y. Houke in numbers or old Looks hound ear, con'. not n , ' .. . 'ol `of .. 0 . 11 !et known raczne . lolly or repaired. Nato. pot on Looks in gilt letters An.".14 ... 1nn . ...: 11 , r , tt n . been proved hrd• Those that Lava work in our hue ors invited to can, rnrahry apted n . the enre o the following dtse•aea, Prirea Inw r ir: uoreoualmodaehe and other domes., oi the Wain. - ''').o.l- • 11 l is with Mir apparani. alone Nut the one r•tor cart NOTICE. eonirey the magnetic fluid wilt. vase and lately to the TI AMINO erild oar endre ;nova toe il. Osor r, ontb ~... r ,,,,,,„ ~,,b,,„, ~,,,.„0 „ ...., ~ , ~r .. Li .. view in eta Ong nor old husitieaa we lie's.); ..- ' restore bearing; to the tongue and other rgans, tore I hen (or boo the patronage of all our friend* mid raw s tove ,oi t i ca d o, ~,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,„. 01 ~,,, ~,,,,,, n: ,; 1.0100111. VII 00. pi ,IN iwATE.a, the earl at chrome rheumatism, asthma, nettrall 10, VI Tlal, POINDEXTKIL. no dolour.. , paralrot., or today, gout, eboree or et. l'itmbergh, Aug 4th, 1041. v.'. 4.1,, ,i,p.y, weasliess trot° Aroma, woe diae.es peculiar lu Mutates, contraction of the troths, CI II GRANT, AVVinlesale Grocer, Commission and t 0 ,ki0.v,, , ,, ~,,,,,, ~ r o eward t ing rd.-reliant. No 41 Water .t sins i Raghts for surroandthg counties of Western Ps., and .—. BELL AND BILASS NOCNLICrt • 1 prprueges, with the instrument, 018 y be.pitietia.cd, and ~. ,„,, , Id. te-atecl tot the core 01 dise.es A FI- I :r ° ' !, lfri ' .1 ' Br '"" Pc;* " .' '' ' ' 4 —• Full testruetion. wit; Ile given tor the various chem. Ludt nod commenced burrow.. Cl low old stand, 1 • . Cale tO he lard for serum. g 1 000 and 1110 60.0 111011. Wh" . ' h,." V '," h e 1. " . " " hd "". h " ' d dd ' ddd. net (Sr operating fur the yore ot thous disown-. win 0 0 - ' . .n d ; 11. ” ; " . Church, Steainhont, end Itells of every size, from 10 ; • 0 he folll . car.dned to , l on par: t ile ,. ref . l , ll - ; pr i v. 6; ; ;t li) 10 nun ,0•111112. noel from pattern. 01 the 100.1 anprov- ; F . 0 . 5. ~. u m, !.! ' 4 1 , :..1 . ...'7 1 Y 1 . ~ „ .... f. r .... 0t -1- led 111,00.. ." ...r ” . " " 1 " 4 ` 01 140 ';''' '"'"""; ! " oe 'Y tfrlly “ " 0 ", vfiY2. ' ai5,7r1...T . i. , .L.,. I Mineral A V titer rumps, tsounter... il R. ne ;ode- Tick ,s,ol,o . itcuti.i, ... they with ever, wsrotty of 1if9411 I ,0001,, II frkillaird, r turmul nod hoi.hed I/1 the neatetit om ... wt. rrifE attention of the public it respeetrunv eallera A F I. ttre .0:0 proprietor of Ilsoiar • Awn AMU; 1 I the following eery - heaths: 0101 klas•L, .., ,u. cetelirated mr the redact..., di • nia. it Esuas.-11••Ing tested a quanttly of 1:old rim. 1111 11101 tonery The Ihmes and Oviitro,nini weighty by your Archon:act, 1 foot Um r.iill Ptrsea c . or had of lino et all tones. ~,,ro t , our in going correet: and recommend the ..0 ..1 it to None going to Canto, ma, at the tort method o,r c b A A. 31 APON Er CU ,00 Nlarket sue., are oder , ts ,, n , , 6 r .,..... uo . aa.p; 105.... 21.. log their sto,k of trite. rind MaMtna ed atilt greater reduced price.; 1 yard I pawpaw, !(arch 0 , 1,,,,40, wale nest make I.lace rides at Iv° Me; stl6llller Mono Shawl. at 75 runt Ill,w• 100.1 1801112,00.013 41•114 and !. I. et 15 to 10; leauens awl Maslins 0 and 10 cis; beet o,llinmek CI. 10'006 nt V et., usually 121. Culicoeout 011 via, Wrought I,llure vCape. at al 0114211 111, I; oreare titan, Itonnet 6,61 and: , cis. (hove. Together with a general arsortment of goods co near ly one half the ii.ual rides. tollt - - - -- • _ . . Cookbaginovea, 0 , Jam. *IA I.L, IV A I.LACI & CO, Round Church, AL corn LAberty and W o o d streets, insimmota, and oder for mile Platform, Floor and Counter :+e•te., of We meet Improved quality; Cook,lig Storrs, for wood and coal, Fag Stoves of vanous sizes, Par.. ai.d common Grams. Unitary , Ware, &a. &v. They 01.0 manufacture the Kitchell Range. which ham 1. wuse,et 11 lin, W eeneral ...faction to MOSE honing it In /1 o milirh r tl.ey would nosimettully write we stionunit of We citizens and We public generally. oct17411( --- Dlapttraigoa Witter, oath. 11/dr loe. 4 .Bnea • 'rind Iv t cerufy I e a.; pouted Lietrigston, Roggen a. Co. Sofia Agents for We sale of /ermines PnWrit Demwahgsu Pater, 'Of the t 11l hes of Pittsburgh nod Allegheny /MIA tiILISUN, Agent, for Walter 111Gibsoa, Alb litoadsray N. Irl Oct. to, 1248. We have been along one of the above articles al the °rhea of the Novelty th'orks for three month., 00 we', and feel perfectly sattafied that it is a awful. invention, Loa ere Uthe Wearer, In rarsounueo4Mg them .1 0 use: An article to all who lore pore Wl.r. Orden. wit Ins thattlattlY received andor=ptly erecubsd. Oetl9 LIVINUSTON, ROGGEN 4, CO . MEM MISCELLANEOUS. • 'PAPER , HANGINGS. •E pigs: safieno w•au & co., ilL,433,:liand Stint, their _."1":4*101.0 acemloct of thronitlio to tre-mglritrokna,,iltiltulftLigV, a Orth eiw tto , t , :• .114=2.11b0U9tkiiiattlatottortolite rowan. tit 163t0 4fill.suiservoixt plyset of the it 4101 , 11.0401 . 110ttud411k7 1001,OWSCiamiTme, a doect ponokao et Vmek:and U.KilahatTle• LogAlltireilued by Mr:Lici Ilereard. of We firm. now In Ikmpe.eorksisclnt Yaridao !laodon do Ortheivenro ateZateetnen they b;;;;161=0. 0 roeeee WOEPipit; and 12,000 pineel tuiu duel Woolow :BUM% ie. 14Peen. Jam:. Howard Es Co. haves pared neither expenneekor tabor In their endeavors la rival the east ern srati paper establishments, WO in quidity wan- Whereto nod variety of hettern; and the)* are .^." 4 . - ed in assuring the piatille that they have succeeded. The whole usertuient., foreign and home 1a111111.1. , tars, will he elervil en terra• as Ina as Ilene a east - " _'tree and trer • - 119=12= KINtIF.V . S, al As f• dos very hlcit back Sbell Tuck Combs; 9 low " platn high 11 " narrow banded top SU" fancy top Buffalo " In " plain " 11:Darosa caw_ Norm 33 dot ahcil •ssonctl a 15 juf grain oY ° do do d h cr; o Y Jet .bald ' . 1r 5,1 . 711, 4 . lk d c o s English Horn; d doWS fl fine Ivory, extra .Ise; Id de Ndo do, In bore 4 12 groat S Son do do, do catub elenneta snl6 . . PALMIER-, HANNA & (Successors to Hasac))•. Hanna k Co.) ANXERS, EXCHANGE 11110KEHR, and nnakra tn Foreign and Iknnicatie Etchan Shawn of Cn...a orDaminte, Hank N4ne, and 13porne--Fonrtb nearly app.... the Hank of Pi.borgh. great nay tocenved on depoatto—Sight Chccka for sale, and coliccuona made on nearly all the principal potnta Ut dm United Stan. • - • Ttm loglest premtum peal Mt Foreign and Amerman Gold Advances made on consignments o( Yrndue, stare pod Eau on liberal terms. era . _ GREAT !RIVEN VION!—VA U A PI RIR/ V ER V` I . ,ogrr SrcErmtn Ir4D. Patens erasslever extension Tables, Sofas, Barra., Deng Cases. Mess., Desks. LEVER OF NV HOEG lIT IRON. frIIIC tiTElCSlttnd far surpsonn nt na every other es• m jj. 'ence LBW noes exta They elm tended Irmo ton to twenty-five feet, and when closed I.IIC leaves are all contamed klary aro mode In all macs and shapes. and are mlnotably adapted fur !Steamboats Hotels, anti lame prtvme term ing when el ' osed a complete centre table. st(rFAS AND DUREAUS--These articles are Inval uable. particularly to those who wish to aroma. motto room, and convert • sterpota apanment Into n, parlor or totting roc., As they can be opened and shut et convenience, and when shot, the I,,eddum is enclos ed A at savina In room and rent. All the bed steads when eloaedform a beamtfal piece of furniture In. a parlor or mum( room. IttIJK.A3ASES.—A neat and Useful truck for parlor or drawing room. WIUTING DESKS—For law ofneesseountioarrmmas and other of when open ed a most convenient bests mad, when closed a perteet Desk and Ldbrary alone tsamble. All these amelee need no recornmiendmton: the beauty of the whole is, they are swarranted not to get out of lemur. It will be for your interests to call and erainme articles at the manufacturer's store, No Thltd •trees. Yntoimenh, In addinon to the above 1 adventures, they are pct.( apt... !tugs mchltl JAAIk,3 VIIDODWELL . . It. EL.I.IA 11 E.ATON'S CF3tTIFICATF, Its UK LV YNE.--ThJs centfiec that immediately alter hawing attended my brother, who died of eoneuteptson in March, 1E42. I was taken sick watt du:Consumption or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so low with the disease. that for four years I wan unable to attend to my hymns... nutter at home or abroad, being for the most nom confined in my bed. Donne the above peri od of moo. I toil expended for medical artend.ce o regular Paysiet.uts and Inetlictar, In the amount of #3.lr. wabout IteflVlllg any benefit therefrom, In July, lath. I s.a.e.-nerd taking 11r, .layna's Medi rtnev. and have taken them more or 1.11.1 ever since, and Ire that a was by perseverram ni the nae. I r assusy say that I Imve completely 'tee-. arrr.! n, health. belles* that inyne's Ptllt . Er pectoraut .te the beat (wetly mod:elites now In 1 raatale in Springfield, 1/16. n goat.), N V and carry on a :menace act nd maahru .hap .tn thaL pluttc, and nal sittercrattl ttt on)' manner 11/ tho tho altave nn atoll, and make lb. cenifteetn mar 11, •ht of W, , .. adlleted ELIJ A H /N. Nprtoghold, N 1., Satpr 16 1 6 H. jai - It I t FAC:11111 lill TIINACCi/:-The rawr veuel,l the vtentlon the City tree. retoer•lly, to the lollovnag brood. obaero., moo, eLoJ Inarnve. 3,3J.,311K•tag C01.V1111,.. re...t [co. .cnableol ctu f ?WV. bIY F %V tNet.abaor 70 1 Janus Mu5......0n lamanole 7J 1 • Mamba,. 1,11.113. Sauna 1, 13 • Palter. & 1 2 ,nznn " I.<a. Borl •• Johug & heartlt. 3 " Werww4, •upr Wary a Jasnta A. 1. stld 0 1.; (0411 1., WATI,IISi&B . . Cl=l JOHN II Co., we prepared to build 1...ta10n and Woolen tdacbtaery ',revery desermorm, suet, as Carting( Alachua., SPannoni Frame., Spenders Drawing trainee, amissay Heady Warpers,brmlers, Dressing Frames. Looms. Card Li-tinder, trx.. t.% roman: Iron Ilbadisig turned, all sites of Cast Iron, Pulite. and Hangers of the latest patterns, slide and band Lathes. and tools or .11 tols. Casungs of every deoerystion turnislied on short none.. Pattern, made to order tot Mill Crean:lg, Iron Itatlinir. al. Steam Pipe for iteat• mg Faemrtes, ea. , l Iron Window Sash and (sney Car oes asserAlly. Orders left at the tVar..l,ods-, or .1 Palmer a. Co., Liberty str•et, ssnl it•er prompt stien. Una. . . • le•fer to 12Lorimar:1r, Bell h. Co., J K Moorehead a. Co, l• K learner..l..an Irwln &Sony, V ttsaarga , to. k t• J N. War"or, vtrataanadle. tanl9_ Pena Mac hints &Skop. 'LT Wlt.lur.v A —Ala,sulaeutrer of all kmds tot. LI, ton is. woolleu madh,,,ery, Allegheny any. P. 'rt. above worts beol I,ow nt lull cod surees.tul co rr... I am pn•pared to execute orders ortth dt.pnieh Mr all knols ot mseLuncry m my lour. such as endows, omhers, spreader., card& artodang machines. runways, dravnug tram, speeder', throtmls, looms, woolen r•rds, doable or ciuglo, for IlatfCll.ll or coootry Mork, andes,mlt ea, i.e.; slide and hand lathe•und toots Itt Goa. eral. All kind. of shandem mode to order, or plans atv. en fur gr Me antor lones or mills cradle. R Char. Rya, To—Kennedy, CUM, & Ulackitsm., Ucll & Co., l & any, Pennock it. A. limy. NEW COACT" PAOTOICIC, M - . A WRITE A. CI), wveid respectfully inform the public that they have ere:ted • •htXll VII 1...m00ch, between 1 , ..t0ral le Smolua, street.. They are now making mid ore prepared a. receive ordess .r every description ot senicka. Comehes. Cherim'a it...- roaches, Doggie., Ptiwanta ha, Ac., which froid Weir long experience in Me rnanufm-ture of th e above work, and the lariltne• they have, they feel cone...mit they are enobled to do work oil the most reaeoostile tr..o with those wanone articles nr Dieu Wm. Poying particular attention to the selection of mate-. nal, and having none but competent workmen, they o have no bag:mon in warranting their work. IVe therefore ark the attention of the public to this mutter. N It. Repairing done to the Licata...oar, mid on the moot rourntable terra, maUgf nolkongishollk LiTtery Stable. 'Wilk: Kr PATTKILSON Ln. opened 3.11 , the large stable op Firat.st.runntag thloo owl and gh n ' tVe . r L et77re rlonnnd with an ensarely new atock of Horses sod , arrtage• of the heat qualety and I.e. itylea ilor.e. kept at Ilve ritn the heat manner. . . • Patent Graduated Gainanse Battery and Paten' /andatai Peke far ittedooal and saga pupate. illEi to the only tngtrtment of the kind Mal hetever T been pres«ted In thts country or Runk« for med ical purp0....4 It the only one ever mama to man, by whteh the ralvante 11.1 can be conveyed to de hne eye, the ea, We brain, or to any pan of the berky, either externally Or httlfsl4ll7, to definite gentle stream, without shocks or paten—with perfect earety— .ll olbsn with We happico odocLL The froporteat opparat«ks now highly *pont'« of by moo of the mu.teratne.lphymeiame of Wu enen try antlA,trope, to whom We afflict« and where whom it may eoneent cm be retorted. Reference will also be grree m M.] highly rearelable eititcna, who hove been cured by am,w of this most rothaable appustot Prnete son, March 7, IRO. M. Franca—Dear Dirt Ilettna axannuer: "Arcometer," manufactured at aunt um, Ido t I.lllak eotantand tattle ore or thow Dur gentlemen lobo ars about removing to CaLtornia to *eaten of ttoIJ. It vacs • alma upproasourtuut Ine •reedra trawl ty ot and certainly emtlole toe adventarat to aseertrun when hia placer Is yieldlog Loll mart* Venr. J R. Al`ol..irvTlWK INDIA Ittilillgß CLA rrir INtr —Dirt tarot,. .ac California kapvrlutort. a romplete aaaorturaut or (lam Drogue Clothing, or pol“ r..lStoll D o m sr. la 111 LAO (or alto II Coat, pun. sod hat. lot gala o , India &IDA., blOl, No 5 Wood al. deran & 11 three mum at fonsratv 'celebrated 11/1111.11 b Nano, owd connantiy by List, Illaloere and a. er treat performer, togetl.vr grub large .....rtem. of rosewood end mattneeny, of my °au In...warts • z. The above /..110C1t0 warranted la perte.• respect ' s nd . ..al be void low for re.. F Nn lit qt. Onn. AN_ =E=! "VIM Hamel Wide rayed., in kegs, 4•11 e e ,., yu•rizrs nod cane, tar •aie ei lit °Hill a Co.l7wnenl n - 11 tnaprikt...ll , l6tonixiTaan ;kWh. 20 . 2't11, All IrCIiELTREY., '"'"2 Ida LAte,ll' el sele b Li"E" " trIZZUN ♦ SLUM:. .1711 c ac Libtf4,4llllBl artr _ „ -1- - -7- • 3 ,‘" ' )tvitrinatqpioNJ V taY a. Ahntrai wta &ell the WilOW - Ida SLMIU3rf 9.41., tit !educed riga* VIZ: aa- Men taums, Glimeham. Uurage.s,Tllsnes, dine, Ilalsennex, Summer atwl*, Scarfs, Flounei aota.o., Lk lungs, Mene and Rays' Summer Wear, aurora. 'We obaee or any Other OrteCrip •no, t;ealt, melt to 001 gm nrgise.l d!ood , ed AM mum I'Stssfges VylllTe GoODS FOR ClREdggls—W. 3S‘OrPtsY • os red ...Oudot ot .bone Wale, 10..17 tel ved. ;owl. ;to plain white Moll, from In. Lod , I'd op rc in very tor, plum Sewsn do; barred Swim du; cm broidordd do: moo tooted Jeckonets; scal doodled do; d•un otrip-d do, sod general amormarol ,Vitdf; siood..uch •s Own and &cored Nettd', Loots. Edg , sogg. an —4l north o,d encode gds gad gdgrket OM. Whole-Mr Room. qodos. loan .teres 000 Jo 1) hbOPKAI FD—A.A. Al•Anx tuCal. DTI Ii .2611,612. qt will be re.thenetlon All of their 40ak Irsv.nS beg, matted dewn. will be offered the Krastesi Lsre...AA PurehaNArs troy de• petal open levering good. at 7.0%171611R1LT1L9 111-.3 rjHUN3NLS fbe lante.teWtonwehh e ,t) Liras.ls Carpets ever carted tn atilt city, ha este et the New Clllll. %Vomits... et. Vt'.. Rl , Clintnelt, No 7,1 Founts rt. compreung thei r att and nett.. Mi. , and at pnees Inert than evi offetest in the tr.askel. Ali who want 11/61.1*ehttnid-entit hetfete perehtuing eleewhere. ti l tl W MVLINTOCK VELESII SPIIIIIG GOODS. W E .o7Z o n w aviihr..l, 7,, Namica g a selected with More Man ament c gradating . the loss few , week*, the New York get Philatthrphia markets, mul embracing a g reat mus ty of ,thamt every seripoon of lito latest and most-fushionable etyles, and a 1150$e portion of n having been homlbt at the EA.:U S:UN A w e ere at ague. restoiniten huts the itir eaten. we ere enabled Mallet real to cash layers, either 47 wholesale or Twit. We would therefor° oupeetially menet the attention of the poblie to our Stock, feeling coofidentof nor ability to suit buyers in allnalt every article they rust wish In our lion. 'ro the ladies we would espectally ennitaartii. out ssoek of en a nd Dans Sin., of which we have a very large and beauoial assortment of the lineal styles and nao.t fastoonable colors. liannta Dna. GoonsMouslin deroil de Meter. 64111, •Itnen and mohair Lenres, painted lawns, gingham Lawns. Foulards, new style Uareges, thenett and Seoith otegtiams. Imee Omit , hams in great variety, le. &rt. Dom., -New style Bonnets. very cheap. • •Sit/ 1.1.4.•03-11itila latest arylea and rope n nor i quaint PAZ txt-w—A very large and handsome Beek aria. amt., of almost every style and quality. Sea wait—A fine ...Moran spring Ind summer i Shawl.. of all styles, and pliers. FIUNCII Curriss—A good =poly of anper ihiel.h and Amertean !la th s end Caaimerra to whirli we would mane the sneation of persoosneeding COO good, a LSO—A lull and general supply of Shirting Clteek yy netting., brown and blenched 111.1insi Tablet kone tty Sheeting., lhapers,Csrutortes, Dallings,sammet Vond men: and Loy.' wear, /aeon., Mulls, Swiss, Nnn soot, Nook ins, rm., (iinghanot, Crape, Crape Ll.Ol Cravats,Moves, I losirr, Yea., he. Art Person s ...whine to buy by whotraale, should eat and examine our melt. . oaf pornaro .t•lt .10 , make it then interest to hay. ALEXANDBX & DAY, 71 Merkel et, arril northwest corner of the !Amapa AA A. MASON & Co., No.ati Market istretiti tare . on hand the largest variety or F.rahroidert. which they hove ever offered. 'rhea easortment em. wool in anof the following pads, art: Ina mil, embroidered Muslin Capes, room 01.511 to 0.00 II to 51.151 AID troches Conant, from Ml to lit 3,0 Isar " e to 1.4 . . 7.0 Cliapare" " 11* to WI ILO Beauty Ltod " " all to I.OU 1,3 muslin Ifabiti„ 91 to I,An 000 palm muslin CUT, " 1171 to Oxi Abu, Moaning Collar, Irma Inf to Rae Call at tbia cheap out inlet store of A. A. MASON & Co, No 60 Market Pl. int II EW at.Art - iktt.K,, RLK. CARA. N Gl* kr..—W. R. %loamy Imo tuts morning 113- ciirod by Exotica" a lot 01 bandimitic .1•W c olored, Green and blue !Sonnet Rlblion• Also, ,foray blurt Silk. for dresses, Visite, man W lu, &a. Braes SAI Lacra--A large aiisortmcnt IWclo Tore, ved. \Vnrrt Goons for dresses—such ...rim and mull usluss. Nmuuooks, At. o. Alw. embroMere.l tuualm lor dm.... all at 10a• est pru,s, at ttttt Owast mow Fourth and Market rtreers. Who:code Rooms up stairs. . . . - - - UE1.7,11 LINEN ANL) I.INEN r It ND:argil has now open a (oil assortment of a akoss snack., tor dresses and sse k —unto", the tot ter are .mne .earee colon, tart, as pm), blue, tree., OW. pink. Woe, Frew saki castle 11,11 . 0r4 ai r Cha cpueon Lassos and et largo assortment et enthroaler ett tott•tn• and Looms NV It Al `a receut purchase Is now ail reeetved toad open. and Ir r.on. eranung Dry “outl• J. well to look al L,. 'n RAW 1 . 1,411 .10C1 Leto,: purehustitg at nort er ta hes corner Oth and market std. Whniale Flo , ua up stairs. ntel /V l .t A K riva AL F1.ri.'1 , ./1.5 - Ntatertal• for Arohoal Flown. •.2: te tlrstee spotted do, Cat. name paper tot rotors:Az, 1 . 1. ',sever.. 1...0es of a w ve .> tin, both, ups, and eallowt. van I, o,tatne,l It 11 ti.esTUN d Ca'.Trenton. Store, • apt,' Ci Fourth at r~aHIIIIIOID It'—St'orsted paorrns tor Lawn:Sot, .1 1 Plano Stools. rabic Covers. Traveling Bags, with a great vetr‘ , ty of suiall palter.. Also, Wore.. of all colors and shades, by the pound, ounce, or skew for sale by spli 1. 11 EA'rON 1. Cn, 01 Fourth al_ ECOND SUPPLY—W liMarpley, at uonheut eor.• opor of Ith .d Market streets, has now opcn nin scam ' , apply of spring and summer tincch, and hasa large a•4o2lDlellt of Dress lioods of newt. styles, WWI staple (wads at every !nod, all of which will 1.. sold . eterg/ . . II I. ILIUM & CO, COMALAIS,DNEFLA AND lAIISIRTKRA, - 60 Maxtor Stator, A HE now opening tha moat clammier, and varied it assortment qf Spring and Sommer (Mode erer exhttnted in the Wesient country. comprising onward. of Kle•on Ilandred Cama, poreimeed in coore imea. - gea front the manager -Mom, IMPosomc and loran ...- non sales. by one of the Son residing In New York, who is erotism any rondlna os then ewest and most faaLionabla ',OWL, They name in port— SOO neh Spnng print; 120 eases 111 de Lame.; " Lawn. and Muslin* 33 " cotton and horn 120 " bleached Aluilins,all tilnit h a nee grades; " cord Mashes; 40 " ristrung Cheeks and " ittplt as cotton dome,. laughanta, saes and .11.1111/3VI Stuffs 22:1 Brown Moabite cases and pottage. of Bortnet, Flower., cos, Idatchons, Shawls, Itereges. Whne bard., Millinery A rtieles,C/otha and emainterea, Linen, llo story and (rinse., ate. An. Oity and country merchants will find their chock as liter and clearable as Eastern lamas, and an clam. of of their Roods and prices cannot fail to con vince •Jl•thm with their andentable advantages and facilities, they can compete went ANT Essrmss /conga. This fart has been elmriy demonstrated to hundreds of tbea patron* wha formerly putettased East. rlieir stock will always he found eosnrikne. KENNEDY & W corner Wood and Fourth street, are now receiving direct foam ant hands, a large otock of Fsney and Van.) . f:ooda, ine.nding Clocks of every variety, gold and silver Watches, Jewelry, French Print., Combs, Hooka old Eycs, °loves and ilworry, Suspenders, Wu, Cape, mu! an other eructes in their hne—all of which having ..cen purchased personally of the manufactureni east. do wille e laid eye. a le for the Spring trade, lie wholesale small advance on ‘.not. Constan.ry NI hand, descriptions of Looking Ulna, es, of our own manutactartng , at eastern prim. .nh•gl xrEW FANCY AND VA/11Kit tot/.1.1.—Al '7,16 1:LON KINSKY'd, 67 Market street IW p rs fine China Vases., said; 175 vat* mist and cut velvet coat Botanic fine velvet Carpet Doom do do gent's traveling lOU gross Taney 01k Buttons, for dresses; to dts Nail Washes, assh/; 100 gro Brie bit Yest Buono, am`d; StO do do glt and plated, do, 25 dot rosewood Hair Brushes; 4do Washidgton dot 1 Jo Barber. do, it gro Fish Lanes; Fish Hooks, Lime , not, de JEWELRY. de —SO gold lever Watches; 50 do de tached lever Watch,.; lU do Leptis. do; 10 tine Ma ' mond Finder Ranks; 1 dos fine gold Vest and nab Chains; S do Ma Dean* Bresat, Pins, Finger • Bulge, Fir Bloc, dc; GLOVES, lee.-100 dos Ladies Cotton Glom, word; 510 do do Usle Thread, Esrey top. ; 111 doter.; silk (Dom.*: 12 do do kid do; ;Aldo ladies Ind, tued; 10 dodo fancy top .31c. VARIFPY GOOOII-75 phis American Pins: MO Lao Conon Cords; 75 pi Paper Mullin; OMACCO ribbed Pere ussion Cap, not gro dress Whalebone do; lUUdess Ivory Combs, Dressing Combs, Dock Combs, de. dc. apo ,1 11. ran PlNass now opening Mott Spnais . stook of Trantinngs, cotwit tow la part or Maw and them. Fringes, town., black sad cord Silk Laces, black Flounce L.zion. Buttons, Utidk, ifsaltel TwountaKa.,ent.. ladies •wl ektidiona plain Old Lan ey Itowery, Slirrta n+ awn •ndiws a, VAnntat,lforyatid aikot Es's, Varn, N.., Gonna, Nardies. rape., Dako tns. l'uw, %start. they off, lot sale, bob, wltolosale an W d triad, ut War Tnnitsiag Stank,l3Totitt/I et. Letwror m.! and klatkrt. .04 • NEW (A.ritt)s.—.l Maw, et. \A, isla. mMark., wroot, are on* op. glO ea., and packaans el .n 11,11,110 SPICING WWI'S, comp ruin( Mashas, Itoroge, M. de Latino., IhNghanis, Pnate. Preach Cambne, Linen., Ribbon, I.stetw, i.SOILL, Skala., Glove, Hosiery, and IL gonotat assort. meat of goal.. ruchl7 CARPETS. OIL °LOTUS, it... DAl, ,,,, C p sze . t , i d rig4t , nd ,a () . ll Clalhs p r o,. porchauers, nod cheap ax tan is tn. por cha.rd any of ihr Eastern elites, comprtam Lho fol- Loorom varixor,— r-t , ra al Velvet 'de Carpets; Aprologtxtrr Carp•tN any use hall rooms or vas) y do teLuba. Sup Koval Prousels do Tupodry stair rarpets;" Extra aup 1 pip do lirtoools do do Sopte hoe do do Chcaule Rugs; 141Ssi !mg Inffrotn do T,otrd do OopPrlibe do do ItrusarJa do Fino In do le Door ..{11; OOTPIIIII,I do do Tuned do do Adel:ad do do Dolma. 14,11 6 I twi'd ur win de 44,14 a I pi.. Conch Idm do Jo Ynth.Won ,• do , ntlull Ldrug,,t, 114 eramArtl Aa T.Ld• Od cloth.; Limper do liern.ith do do do do Craglt - 4 Fi.or 0.1 Sagow-Dror-Noolustx I do do .10 enrown 110.6; 4-1 do do .14 I'Lroln do Sr do do do Maroon do r • 1.1 do do du Carpet Bindings "'dire, .1 Clothe, of newTreasplat Window Shad. Toper.,pattern& rut to fit thr above we are eanstantly receiving ourSewingt Smelt of Carpets, MI Cloth, and Swamlmes Trimmings, to returh we tonne the nnentant of all wbo wish lot.- ... melt boners or steamboat , et. we till be able to oiler god, a. low an they east be poreltaaed in the• Ea.t, and al the net.. std Later,etyle,. Call and ex emlne oar ,Melt beibre purehesiteetnewbern. Ware. No :h hoottb . mehlal W. atIaI..PCMCB. DON GiioDl4. SHACKVETT & WHITE. Dry 004. d• Jobb•w•, VIA 09 0:00)4:1C14:111,,Woril.ltall tbsuritOtica; 1.1 of Mart blast. to their lloTe goek DOOICTUC mot Forrtgo UUY 61 , 01.0 t, Jam reeeirsagfroatiburittl porters *tut Maraufsturerot, end witteb Owl hrillthea at Teri low raw. tor ra.lt or approve/ crertit. Our ...et I. now fult and ronnt4te..o o 'rweiV.64l; the sin-Moto of tOtirrh. a • we. hr. o.Wrmuteek irf ,41; u . t reutd y low Dane ...own thitlOllll.lW aulaceroas Cc! wthochuhrilw{/11107.010 • • • AvANTzzy. PALLY as the t r t nO O 6I I IO 9a7=148 0 1. Young MEN in wholesale alid acorn, and respectable business, tat sot Itookitcepers, men, Porten, Ilarikeopers, IVOera, men, C. Agents, Book and Mali AVM; overseen in oil bout.. of W at all tinies a large number argued Khali= ea which pay from WO to WA pet. tttreom. "R want of sonatio. of .1. kind wtmld dolga' us a caLl, as we have agent* in e ac h of Shan't° ties, which will enable .to place inery &polio a suitable aimanon at the shortest notion We large acquaintance in . en the above named which we non will • enable vs users emirs sa. tree to all who may favor . with' a calL TAYLOR* hte,i, U 5 ....hd N. B —Pcnotts Livia In 11.4 pertof - the U. and wishing to obtaiu •111.31. to thillintate, or el. litre of the above allies, will hart their — vnian • diately Wended to by addretaing us a Ibie,(poutipaid)' es by .doing they cuoll both. [maga Aid ex. peum, erlakeh they otherigisp world lacer by coming in ilia eity,:and arching_employment for themselvea. Address, r TAILOR a TAYKAA •-No:19 Second...et tdd my" ft roll clumps. fIAVE a IMOMINMATAIIdIign landikftnen the atoas approved - Enaluda patietfa% Otratshed dad recommended by:Monies Bake ell, bed, and a of b<jp, mbsuartem• of appllt.lJ &realm applioamilmna.Wantla et hot WA er In Ue tarsroluin ease at Mops in Cholas, tets Isere person in wobject lesamMatufalnetkne ahoiddtie arithoui al Least ona .SCAIFF. &ATKINSON: 07 . Rein st„ . hotseeen Wood and Machin , Pintann. miITHE' antatcsiner la 100 s n."lng an annnklinent of Ponaot from! he fames of thong & efash . .ll. V-. Which foe el- • , seance of * essence,. altutty , ot , Mash atortiority atone. ynd erect, gums. any thing ...mar benne,. us thin City. Mt. Mark, of thillaterre Arms long mut omen (ay. - ably known a. the (moor form:den in the untalented Pines establishinent of itreadarood, London, haa recently itopfosed Val per tested the Pianos of Nouns is Clark, td. V. , to an es- Innt attieb, unoesimnahly. smitten Meta to the repu tation of being tho sera been R. soil ...Li Us,ehanport Pianos to be gut in tins antrum.,Tee lot new open ing, mune watt the mblitionat recommend:Mina • a as roperomment in the style and fl s 1 oeuellolo.l3. them at once the most elegant and tasty thing one brought ant. Theas indnortannt: tarother milt the stock on halal, form the moat ostenalve, varied and de , affable asst....lOW ever offered here . all of Which brill be sold at manufactures prise& and on - arenananda. dug term. U. GLEBEIt. .17otalwall's; griuta= N. B.—The exiblieriber will be found itt the Aran. An n 4 from 11 to of A. , and 4ins P. 51, jot 11. K.. snit, Aeentfor Nunes & auk . FPIIE satweribar offers Gar salt a large tand Filendid Iso.lortutetit of rosewoodanti mattogany.grand Ant tint Pianos, with and vaillsoat Coleman's ealatnated Tlio abaft inat1961.114 no car named to he equal to any iunnucactured in this roan. try. and will to , told lows, than arty broaght final the F. IILUML, 21 doot Noll 9 vrood q. alio-145th N. 6 —gay scn, .ill b. tar= .4 P.' fora few of he above esonronant. IL l'' or Scrip at Pair. JOUN-Rallgt.t.o.o.o3lWoOdstreirt. mtimmgrill roll for Strip at pox. aka Collovlog new Rod seroodltanJ Pianoo twoo ologao. roxemool af octavo Pio Imo, made by Raker k flown, N. V. ..... ......IONS. op One do do tif 6t6ve ..... '• . . • • OD Om rosewood 6 urine°, C:ale, fr. Co, N. Y.—.= 03 One do 6 do do d 0..•• Idd) CO ,Idoe m6hognoy 0 do do nrarfr totar.'. 2011 00 000 do 6 do hood " 46 —US Oa • mr altallOVALL. TOHN FORSYTH, Mere bent rotor, has removed J to No. 31 Alurket street, one. door from Second, Nast sides Thaplaal for past favors, ho respectfully sohmt. a cautallosooe , o(Pleationagga of Isirfonster cationic., and likaßlso the.patrunage of as man y new Qum as a.orwgslgbl Orders iil4lle-„lraDor:v4 line executed in the most fuslut.naldnetiVAßßX, and wa diaßtßolt-• Also. a IsshißMahle assortment of ready made Cio: t1..114, of ail kitada: cheap for cosh. of coviin, t.ewl..n. us' Forns-tung Good* In .11 their ranelica always on Lana. sleh as Shirts, Itnsours, Collars. Cie ruts. Soe llostery, etorwuders. Pookal 11,114T+. tiluves, Ur.swera, Umbrellas, ..tc. ?sc. kc. taylt•ithe /ql.1141:1- I if* ;clic ;;;A 0 2 3 ' ;it • I 1r A N warNENT vad expertraced Phyalcla 'I Vas; of CO years standing, offers tO [rt. of e Delicate Natere Coltleprrnardscas mace Ilia menet.* in Buffalo oral other largo. been proverbial. Ilk 4:harp...l are loader'st cures pennorrent. 411r1 cotes of Otero, gldd fats, Fluor Alhue. R 4 ,14113.1.16, Agon, ttypltt chrome or torctorate coma sbilcand, , • cure warranted. orelan go refunded. ' Ornmes, St. Clair street. 2 doors foam iiLO. a Tenth Httrarted. Advil:Alb the poor gra, .N.ll.—Drolk. the worst cases of or tn Pirtstrarrb do nail, . WII:Li4E4 }!} Wes t larafattaret of Mineral Water Ap sten ar Ina oeusr.4 'WILY lan Torn No. 213 North Secondat., •boys' .PLULAUFARIIIn. AN experience of more Wan twelve pr. , 113.ancturine of &littera! Wirier App ilia pretrumton of Howe! Walartri pedrian pe t....Oirte reale, with ...nrimrk Al i deal krtnarledipc et of both breaches of bpi ,net with recent improvements in the eon dm At - Twain. end rite preparing of the W tie has succeeded to edoptlnd pineal!. viol end atter prom of claw study and pectie lion. am applied In the arta in Mechanic, e nry. crintds.a the antigen., talcum, before math use confidenee, annixdfcrrinna wart coiaplete Apparatesi Car die smottine.! reel Willer in ileitle• ow/ Fountains; Wet ! rished Wm United &mem. hinnealhet the enlerenl hu cootenth, and the prerWoletitenint an ereasingwatoon of en benne.. in troth partment.t, rtiritithe. the mon nouvirwing p anon to eapertority or Append°. over ...ban, end o( Abe panty and enhatairy or pmpstred the tenon. Personi who order - the AMIS . /al ROM may he ra..ureJtinu (Ma lAA) . Ottioill Shall If vontptied with, end so packed' et to t. either by land or Willer b any part o che avoid daappmnunriti.il V recant:nen who inleiid•suimlyittrtherqmlrealba apP •011. forward thnU war. et Intently. 'vocal RIM GRIDS, 1849 Sborp .krn do do klao,Nod Pismo eooess G-4 do Told. do G-4 wool I d o d o 8-4 wonded and [lnv, do d • Bross built Rods Itt 1 wool runab cloths ,aer Linen =23 INIIMOE011& 1:11=13 • • - • • • do 5i do Ro.onlmom do 0 ^te 'Genhall • • • • 11°, Mowry] Waxer Appariras,tignelioncrt, Runatenos, Omantenk l Lima end Patina Counter. good Barsof flout., foe drag!. Water, Weedier Ceith Chinking uul Ty • and evetithong appertaining to theabo , constantly on hand, and We wan on the to for cub, DA'EI.NT itit!taLzne*-w.b 10ran ,..10, Newer,. soul eaperioe to all ottrere isi *se churehee, steamboats, Lie.teeice, her e pneete hbUsoln.l all tiler..ses where and terilliens ledseteshte Also,larndoles, flan Lanteras,fMndol Shades, Wicks, Chan:odes, Ca., Themes Cris Chaudohem, from one to lhar deed W W WILSIJN, 4. ADDLE. AIINI-EI i TILUNK AND 0 V UFACIVItY.74be , nilmetther mien hetrmig (mods and Me putille in he the largest thigh of Me following glen of los own examitim men la this city—f tea; Trunkaimil Wm" all of 'thigh he to be made of the beet material and by titm MU. IA Allegheny canny. Doing deter his inanefueturrel mamdibld lover than ►i MAIM sold by any uvular ettablithmenl he wroth! Inc.. persona maned of thaa uncle, to hit womboole, Mary site loge - nth. = A 1... bands made to Utile, PEEVEIBEII.I34II . ~tlihl.be IN iota.: Second Searlon et this Institotb care of 111 r. and Mn. Go:10014 fa oublentic year, *di enonstenuott the ft ry neat, tit the same Lai lamas, No. Cut Li Arrangerucal• hare 4TOII motto LyYw be able to furnish young ladle. lodide calntl), West, Cur obtatniug a thorough ! F l, and Ortarntrental edneoLott. A. fan • lieophinal and Cheotteni Lecture-I mill during the winter, iilooteuted by, strips • FILMOICJIi.I Of V. al and laatrumentaf hl Longman : 0, brewing and Pluatingiiiill the ease can nooteetent Prat-WM fly . . to tht moral cud nneliectual buprovesue pat, the rrineipats hope to mere •coatl abets.: patronage they; hoitd hitherto wrote set eircular or apply to Ihd Pane is;:bdtf TAX SUBS. 1.1434, 41 - in TAME:IW 01:13i int UV' barrels. OlL—Constantly OA /MIA, bleached cd *lke, und .pnegepena,Elepitaut Also ; lisnt roloted selected Ai, W. Co eumbln for rezilinc PATENT 1311 hC/R MAC to c hers *re now prepared Ur supply /fterlot an y qua any lanchlnarrn, clunufiftql2 requeslerl ull rurd exurnine therlll34 of to ran racy and quircnortly over ad 0 ge seta/ of our marl extensive uldinufiel our eor.esrion N &NEED! 23 nod 'a *oath Minim., mum C l'ebl6 edam N eTt ereT .- V - - 0 it - fg pirouvpa OYfr neeriv,d, smell - inYoe4 of e.) DFVSI , QUICKWUIiKIbrIi lh neer emseromme. Them lestypeents attyantagesowe othereevreetarle, mee litre, reaming the toyi time of ng, peodeeley sharper, clearer and lietze iare They, tbetemre,dne.rer gee eeage4 et tmeweog to rotate nee.to n t the Tab, 811$. , A general a...ems:we, of Votetleeittle brew./ lutteureente. of all rile.. et tryij typeAtlateriek, ri •he, AIL recd{ 201ITtl. 6 nmeneti. 0 thosierdenem for the sale oLtletlage A Leal of hteei ea. obleine.C,lty:sd 117.4. - F,LAN _ , ExtbanW, Importers of Degcmyfrotypenv., Ageots for stel,eyeq}nA!lre'etde - t`s - 11. - Ad..nf—ch.i.pe•ristr Lorz.A.N, %MAW*. binjwasn Malta 11,Tht*afelt. Oa& ey • xJ WOOdeltri*Ottleys,Fiiih;Jpeeryto t0T 2 P14.40.1".f.'1,aMet , t4i14 eteeeliK tioelree of • : h detemputd - jo 4 e . nwq4bet wo fitvel4auiith.ll.gorzping:r itwiikoo.s4,4.oitl , i : t ; r,6ma .. 71 ° ;71 7 1 1‘144ii4 71; k/VCfueo4ow reclfo' ' 4164, ihirstltiialofi at Wgx.wYa • to 6 • xl Ides 'Man kne r .. Mt/. luns bat , and itss r any in the and 111 u I.or. rtegket of V . nt h , L d Chem sapphca- - the pubis° hm end K of Alin. Kw be tor, • ' r " l h a ° da - attains de to.afftilis • Wat [dialance, ' try' Vi " 4: 011 thOte 6 tunve.- • tnix. for &Lads, •Hydra ot • biller, • LooLseu, tOrell • Mn .111111..Elre V maw -1.766 an. ° l cheap, ufa • rat,Globes, is AI.. suallenit ! „..t. 1111 P KIN to method oral that • ood aro ddlel,llat- ill`Wortant hest mech. idned to 101 l bolo herr in th e coy, err horned UV 4 ar * h P h s e • . gfalllit. raw irg" ;. unde , r,zhe theat t of k r te 2 nstreet. eh they equif te , Loy 1 Cow be• • Ile 6frbt delivered • tte. The de•• hiey Diadem telt La ...ler • • •• filkallo2l or thee pu• • awe."( the W.* tar Lb. =A= ; n • uae t e ta bl . simbu 51.1.01nt lee At..ee Certilleatet Wen,e, aces ere is Are, posotak Mit oreriustS3 • d gi 6E e 1 fied - Istr.,, , • iro1) - Ar•elY dmit...±A , oll6 - 3.; :4;tle4 hartettemtk =nlAll t moat Intuit .4 lrg.evaant . . • MaimTo faddlery, No is itZaam ad a, .Wate4ams, al, aid panics• . calk •sock, as asPostaa . NO 1t.134-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers