.ft`OliTAllol 4 l _.- Zoisilgstovre P ockets. l vow Galina C0n.41 ... igaljZ.4l e ' I 0 •".*"...- .A..' ~-..-,-..."-.:r.... . . rlpath - WISE:AVER. Copt. Stanley, sellWergre eaver regularly on Monday. Wesineadays,and Friday evenings at e P. M., and arrive at Yoangeoven aisstaioraing aIS olelocli—retivrolnig, leaves loan Tnesday.Thutsday and Saturday evenings at 4 P.N.: m 14111,4414 BenVernote 'Or the martarVboat, ALLEGHENY CIAPPEI4, artisan; at Ptasbuy j gh al IS o'clock. TES packet HAEKAWAY, Capt. Dotvoingi, mill leave &Aver Tuesday, Tatars:lay a.. 41 Saturdavveven. tags ate P. klreturning„ leave Ns or Castle, Alifinday, Viedueaday and Friday evening., at 6P. hI ado can. nrelitig morning bout for Pthel.urgh. Thew 1 414 :vita are fitted op in complete order, hate tag fore at wistn o artlinos for passengers. and shippers May tely.at More r 101elna Illy and greater despatch than What're hted obtained on these routes. P. FITCH h. Co_ Propnetau. 1. C. sidsvall, Agent, i'lltabrrgh. ESZIDZI A. n neob•. •• Youngsl.(Pira. K W. C i iiinghln."New Cab • The elegant reamer, CI.IPPEII, rill !erre ricardr, dully al s A M.. ta,d Pitmborgboi :1 P -M, running is conneetiou Watt the a are bneto j .ast i 1849. - Warren and Cleveland Pate anger wet Canal Packet—,SCVALLOYA —OCEAN. QNB of the above Paeleut lens l Beaver evify day (Sunday. excepted) nil are e t eat motidng urep, when they CORI,. ,TIGi he Mad Imiiea for Akron and Cleveland, marine at each of ther.eaki.ea before Itighc One at the packet. leave Warred' dal!) &P. hl., and arrive at Beaver in nineto tak . e the morning boat for Pinahurs , h C E B LEVPINGWia , L A Co, Wkrren, kl'l3 TAYLOIL do C '— JOHN A CAT:GID:Y. Antrim apl.3 earner Water and ,nuthfietd ats • - ; , ----==x 1349• r A UNION LINE, OS 111/11 PENSDA AND 01110 CANALS. omwrozo & Clx=senouxu, Cle d, 0 velan. / G. Poi., Braver, rll • rt£l a lB Lute will bet preps ed the eri , ntng of navi gatio to n. transport oinolit and Passeeiicis Vrorn '3111.41611 unit CLEVELAND, to any point on the Canal and Lake. The (=lams of the Lane are unsurpassed m {lumber, =malty and capacity of Donis. experienee of e?ptates. and eificiency of Agents. One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland &WY, rt. - nun to coat:Lennon with the plean.ers LAKE DALE AND SIit:RICAN, Between Pittsburgh and Beaver. and a hoe of Syst clad Propellers and Veosels on the Lake*. Aaions—R 0 Parks, Bear:, Pa. Jesse Baldwin, Youngstown. Ohio , M II Taylor, Warren, CTras Prentiss, Ravenna, heeler ,& Co, Akron, Crawford & Chamberlin, Clevela=l, 0 Bears & Griffith. Buffalo. N. V. JOHN A. CA U(DIEV, 'Agent, Office, con Water and Sceithfield elk l'ittabArgh. mohilkip ge:AVkii Ts. Steamer MICHIGAN No. s--Coot. ." LA KE ER IF, tiordok. rrum above regular and w. ,l known Beaigr Poo k. eta, have commer_ceif mok .1; thrir daily trip, 'o and from Denver, and (11,1.0 in run Ai , tween Pittsburgh and Doover regularly during the Naomi, as - Michigan No. R leaves Poo:barge droll: at 2 o'clock, A. FL, and Deaver at 2 o'clock, P. Al. Lek : Erie leaves Beaver daily at de trick A. M. and Pinsmite alt o'clock, I'. M. These steamers will run in counecuen With R G Parks' Ripre-se enete, Lure. for Er-tot - , TaTior & LefEntrvelre NV ren Rae 1;n1On Line of Freight BOO" for I_ ;evetrinac. Clarke St. Co s a Pittenurgh and Clevciona Lir& Fronehi Boats. 4 __ • . P. O Parks daily New CAAIe Packets. CLARKE, PARKS A. Co, !fencer, Agents .1011:i CAURIIEV, Agent. PlustArrsh, ntlehßl - cot' Water natt SrattVelrl cut 1849. PITTSBURfiII AND CLEVM AND • LINE, ON THE PF.NNSTLVANI A AND 01110 CANALS. T"EProprietors of thni old rata Wishes: an% popular daily late, consisune, of t. I Boats, owned by died:tactics and running jp pounce. uon with the steam boats Eft AND; CALEB COPE, age enabled to offer unequalled fatilaies for the transffortation of freielit and passengers, on the opening of Canal navigation. to all pnults oritrhe Penns syhrataa and Ohio and N. York en auffille Lakes. E. ht FITC/I es. Co. CI ts eland. BIDWELL tr. BROTM.II, Agents, Beaver. J. C. Ell DWF.L.I- agettl, umr9 armor, Pittsburgh. . Pittsburgh. Beres BIDWELL & Forwarding Herchants, BEA V BR, PA, Agents for the Pittsburgh, am:Win:dam:l 'ru, Ptll3-1 burgh and Erie Live via Erie, aneVar scram law Beaver and Culsb Cope. Having purchased the large end s'alletateital tt - harf Boat just Ludt for the blontingahele Piglets- have erith the addition of n Warehouse. w naostatmpie as- COMModatiOns for reeetviug and forarOding, and pledge their Minima attention; p folnpinens and deepen h to edelligliment• to their case, end ral y on their frlandi for t.trial. eio dip B U Mtn PATTSBIOII6IIIA-BD Batik ails. Mara' 1849_ r. 44 0111, Old Estahltahed Line. ON THR EWE ki2C.FkIi6ION CABAL mas Proprietor or this well k lawn L.lOl of Canal Boats, is now prepared to trasopareFassenters and Violeta to all points on the I ne Extension, tiers York C. 0 ., and the Lakes, upon the mug favorable tents and with despatch. This Line rum in connection with the 'almost boats BEAVER and CALEB COPE, between Pittsburgh end Beaver, C M Reed's Lsne of steam Mao end ve. seise. the Lakes., and the Troy end Abesthan Lake Bost Line,on the New York canal., C. NI REED, Propoctort Erie, Pa Bidwell & Brolber. Agents, Dearer , T Mather, Agent at 1 Meirk.cietrii Passenger Mai Monong ah ela Douse NSIGNIK —W C Mahn,Sharrin 1 & Ho. Shalpsbiltg, Smith A Downinc, In, , • Plummer. Wellt Greenville; Wick, Aeure d. Co. de; Wm Henry'. I Burbitovra Darts Swum Calais; 11114 e. Cribb. A I Co; Banat:city; ass A Arm,robc, Ortrritti.LK-rkladd & Newberry, Cheboygan, 31 Clu & Witdatrii. 51;livae. Irk., Erma Motley A Dutton. Racine; Juke H Kuaa l 121shieege, A Wheeler A Co. P. ow fork. s sp.7 Pittsburgh and Blairsville Fllaket Line 1849•if,4 5 7 , WEWIC a re ect , ully i n faed" th 0 Al. .„1 1 'MA HA LL ' Jare fived:Outnew and •p endid Packet BOWS to MO daring tboltenson, be tween Blnir.vlin and Pdocurgh—the bad-s to in- love. ed by three hones, and ev• rr effort ItOOSO io OCCoOL. =MHO passengers. t. Dirrearrthaa—Bono will leave Patiathrgh every Monday, Tuesday, Thai-Amy and Pridayrut 7 o'clock, e. X. From Blairsville every 31onday, Wedneiday Tlmnday and detanlae. at 7 o'cloct,• r.,, and arrive ll'iosbargh the •ame A Pao herds /Inch from I ma will meet the boat at Saltsburgirf. both on up ward and &mansard trip—patting pathe ft ere through host that place in not day. Freight for the oboe. Line will be rehethed beamof the Boatmen's Ism, by Jima Vance & Co wberare our authorised Agent. All treighVreeeiveir free el comnarsions. J M AlittlitiLL au . JNO FAH H Hi ndu COS A Canal Basle, Lib erty st,finooargh A Hack leaves Blionmile for Youngstown on the ardent of the .4.l—returns to boat in Iniirning Fare from Pittsburgh to Youngstown S2_reeMved at awe of 13th0nent• Ism through son-dam tabs , /slat la atiaal 1849. For the Trawl:anon= of Erevla trj!and from PITTSBURGH, PHILA N DELPHIA, BALTIMORE, N. YORK, Eso - gro, Taomis Boronth. Philritelphia Turn & O'Cussoa, ?Ilona rgh fTIMEI old established Line Long noilat kill opera. ilea, the proprietors are prepared cis their usual extensive arrangements to forward metehandise. pro duce, at LO and from the above penson liberal tee... with the regularity, despatch and lately peculiar to their mode of transTioration so °bodes. when Iran 'Moment on the way ts avoided . All ermognmenis by and for this imereeeived , char gee paid, and forwarded to any required directions free of charge for commission, edvancing of storage. No interest, directly or uichrectly, in steamboat.. AR communication promptly emended to an applica tion to the following egrets: THOS. HORBIDGE ills Market st,Fhliadelphia TAAFFE A O'CONNOR, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. O'CONNOR tc Co, North st, Dailtunote. mcinti Eta= 1849. Bllsloll.lLAlti , 'PELANEIPO lute s.s OtoOtiEtorts, Jean Braamos, Tura: 11008.4 Was Btaanax, I Acme Dams. Conducted on strict Sabbath-keepiq principles. Prop cots of this old estab*Ped Line have put their sleek in the mosteolopletsitacr, and are tkarnastily prepared to forward Produilend Merchan dthe to and trim the Eastern clues We trust that our long experienee`th the carrying beakless, and :Belo. attention to the -11tierests of evs. tamers, will theme to m a connoutuith and increane of the patronage hitherto exthaded to Bingham's Line . Oar arrangements will enable , as tec carry Freight with Me utmost despatch, and our noels shall ahvars bees lave as the lowest charged by caber responsible Lthes. We have opened an office in No Ittlettlethet othet, between th and fith so, Phtlada, for the convenience tapers. nee and Alerehandlse ati nhe reeeived and fm- Beat and Wm:, without anyeharee for for warding, advancing freight, stornge or erntrunoon. Bills of Lading forwarded, sod Wyery direction 111011,Sended to Ad or apply to Canal cot Liberty A Wayne ma, Pittsburgh- BING HAMS & DOCK, No IS3md frati Market treet, Plitiwla. JAMES WILIION, .s gent, lie 122 W North Howard dram, Baltimore ILLIAM TYSON, Agent, No 10 West street, New York sr:s=l 1849. Bierotuusts, Transportation Lino. VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL & RAIL ROADS, TO ruslanareu .1431011. r. Canes and Rail Roads bellow open, and in good order, we are prepare ,to forward all a oPmeschandne end produce to hiladelphia and %Mown., with promptness and despatch, and on es good terms as my other Line 0 A MeANVLTY tc Co., Oaltal Darin, Penn st, Pittsburgh. 41.1=1*—CHARLES RAYNOR, Plnlndelphia RCLSE hlO RR I L & Co, Ralumore ettivasals Camel & &all Boa& ISl presoyast Packet I,dne, 1849. PROM PITII3IWOII TO PHIDADa.PHLA & UAL TINORE, (Ezelenvely for Passentors ) rietd that end Line L i rtlrer f m c' e M nee r rc rot= lY onre throughout the Beason. The boats 11.14 new, and of a supetfer class, with an ts:god eobbw, added will glue peal! comfort. The am era the latent eroastraetto& AboatwlE lamps be in part, snatre'velets queued: call and exam= them befare enpgmg pas %'e elirnine dollen through.) iirte ofthe twals of thhadria willies. the landing (ore U.B. Hotel, *anew arena street and 0.84 e. nigbent nice o' sloe& ' Time 3} days. For teamsdory apply at the (We, litmongehels.llo63o, or to & tnebl7: • • .1 tAlkrstiotrilticit POD.TAVLTeII BOAT LINN, ? ;;;LF .'3 , 77", • : Fo 'fronaporeol Freight to ryd TO PIIrLAgranaA,UALTI lOICE&NENVIOng BUsriP.Ss* eh the Copal loplog• now resumed, ILO Proprietors or the above ;itor , reqwetienir it'ihrat the public Idiot they are prej,,red to receive end for ward Freight with despaloh. and at iosve. They would also call the rinintion of stappen Edon. ward m the fact that the Muds Calp10),1 by them in tramportabon, Ate owned by Arent and commanded by experienced eraFtains. !Shippers of Mont It, Bulk will find it odeaetaxeouo to sbip by this Line, as the sutidicriticr. I.tve Made ar runrernelatliaCOlYlnbla m hahe aocn if for Bal timore tainted directly from brats to cars, thereby se em; ocirchelles hued:trig. Freight to Philadelphia gr4s clear thrordrh to the busk Ncsnitargb made for receiving shipping or advancing charges. - PIER hr. Esi Propnetors. Canal Itastrx Seventh street. AGT - NrE- - hohn A. SlanierCniciii ;an. u; no Me- Coronet A. Co. Fenimore; hhiP hieel & Co., phi..; Primers A Thomas, Coniuntnix mch3l picalllßlCLlfirn IA C.LHAt. 4. IL. ItoAiss, 184 J. ni.tira, EXPRESS FAST VACrk..E.T LINE, r PlttAt t rgh to Ph,tadelAia and &dill:nom (Lne.usorety for Vasseneers TiiE inutile are rearteetfu•l informed that this Line will notrunenee running gtt Monday, lUth March. TLe boats 01 this Line nee el a auperior class, with enlarged cabins, when will 'stye greater consort to passenger. boat win atsvays be to p46;'' and iron-eters are re quested to eall and examine Imiore engaging pas ,age nier mutts. They fn, weave the arttling, op powte the U. S. Until,corner I'cut street told gamut. every night et U o'eLek FARE—NINE LSOLIARS TISRULTUII. 62== For information, apply at The office. Monongahela House, of LEECII.V. Co. Canal Hama. N 11.— rue propnetors of Lm stmt., Ltne arc novi utilitling on adthtionttl 'Ana of Packers. to run Co above on or about June lst. in coo ahem.. win. the Pr ittnayl• roma Rail Road (rum 1,0 w o ts. tio l'lnntoelpta At that time o packet 0701 leave. 're ry mot-lung and c yen- Ttnae through. 21 doys. iuealn B.ELIANCE POLLTOILE BOAT LIKE, ••••• 1S4() For w., irwisportaiioli of ai: BETWEEN PitiLADEIXHIA AND VIVI'SHUROtt. It D6 nod in four teci,on Portal:it. lion.. over land and VVII. ton—io fhippora ol woreannunr requiring rantifol nandling, this it of irotwria4o. No ttiarcr rondo hit roccivinzor thqlping. or Inn adviuien, onn - lien All goOds forwarded win ticipuich. and oil as reasininitie lean. as Lip any oilier Lice JOHN IiTA MIN A. Co, Canal. Litwin, PPIII/11.- JAS hi DAVIS L Co. marl 2.77 Marto k el'.ommorce Man JOHN McFADEN I Co, %Forwarding and Commis non Merchants, Canal Boon, ti, Putaburgin JAMF.S M DAVIS & Co.Viour ?acme. and Commit. error Mertbanta,l.7 aiorlrefsand . - .4 Commerce mrceb Ilhtladcipluo. meet L — PAdvaaral made by ever of the,rbore u • F.our, Wool sod other nrcrchaulime constMted to them for =L:.: 1 0 4 ( .- '1; 0 . - -z•t - 4 . 4 -75;' , . 10 -,1;:), 2 -:: .7 4`51.-. 69 W °' OIii4LOILAOI at WAy FRILI(LIT WIN. For 11;oirsell.e, Johnstuoal, tiolndu)sourgli, and ad intermediate pop:es rj , /ilt Lute snit commae io carry et!Way Goods .I. with wear usual despasch, and at fair razes at EMMIEM=I D D Wakclic!.i.JOh/I , loWil. John ]ldler. ifolihtuythorsh. R.Slir4n7,--/ nine, Jordon. :rosin,. Dr F SE.hnherlthr. R Moors. Joba Parcer F Voh Dotht. host ar. Co, Win I..hter g Co, JIIO Lk. tt: S Brae, Pittsburgh; ivory, riutrio,Mulitoltuu.k itur, Juo limit& Co, Wears/hr. rutin:7 • HEED, PARKS 6 go , a. PACKET LINE. 1848. ep.Al BEAVER AND CLVEl t iNli LINE. ;E. ‘VA KULP, Canal Packet—, WA UV, Capt. Fold. " OCE.A.S. Cant \\ atter, n NE or the above Pucka. leave Beaver every day ‘_/ tiSunditys excepted) anti arrive uczt morning a Warren, vrth-ro they calm* t arab the Nail tStagmi in Akron and C:eve:antl. urris :gig at etch of these place oceure 'light. One abbe lesvc Warren dully at 5 P. Ai., and arrive at pourer tit tame to taith Ott usio. tang ateatthoal tor Pittsburgh. etarz; A LEFFINGINELL, ‘Varren. Proptst rt at U TAYLOR, _ . BEAVER AND FIE PACKET LINE. • - 11.1turtial •ro rug LAKE EN Tarr! 001'141. Encket—P.xsit.v. mi., CoptJednes; •• lair gm=, " PrCrocak. - Brio, 0, The above new and itneraltd Pa), r Pac ke ti hive commenced running Letvu'teu 1.11:i V Eli ANL/ ,ER11), and will run reguiar:y dunng tat sm....ua- one boat leivlng Eric every Meru* a: .7. oclock, arul tone tug Reaves every eveinug., tomn , ...ariy after the loll y. ut the atema.at Mictigan Pittsuurgh. ri.., boat. are new and ,connutanty turhicied, and wit,on through in MIA': Maas Puiiengers any potent on the Lakes. 0 T to.Nia Fuhs. b. tins mate the mast eumfortutie ag and e ra xpechnouv Tickets dinnorti to an parts on :h.b Lake can ur, procured by myptitng to the oropriend - a. R tt.ED. PARES 1). CO. Beater. JOAN A4CAW(.111 , .1", Agt. Pin-burgh, eo¢ Water .6 btautlifir.6 its. C Hu.rrlion. !Juno°, C M Reed, EEc, Pa. C C Wick,Gneenvdie, M'Farland and Ring, Rig Rend, P. Hays & Pluuth, ShurodAirsh, W C Malan,Sharoh. P. 1)C &lathe... Pulaski, P. W tbeuti hum, Now Castle, P. jyt 0171110 E &.COMI FAST SS FDa anLrimoßE, AND THE EASTPRN CITIES. HE. Proprietors of ibPs Line have pat on Near Stock, T and are prepared to forward pactaites of all ae, scoptions disOy. at the kterest rates. J. C. LODWELL. Agent, Vntrr •irr, nustitol. ecDI Vi ijouth Cltartes n. lislionore • liA ELN3,:tEN tr. co'. • Passenger and , Itemltranoe Office. lIANILDEN It ell. eouttoue to lanata petsobs hornany pa Kooand. Ir ricoaasaal a., Wal rt es, upon Use mot Opera! terms. watia the , usual punctuality and atuabuou to the o f and coal. lort of cumin - tuna WO do not &bow our passengers to be robbed by the sonlcdkroar ...wraps. tbs.. macs: the s-as pans, I. we tare eta of 1.1,1 n tray Moult., alley r.- port Ilaseauselees, cod rim to Mao wett trests,rt and de spatta therdtorathout any detrauun by ado first ships.— %Ve this rearlenaly,4ts we anti saae. ul our hasten s:cram show Mat they san d detusued boor, tap aa Urn - pool, whilst thouds of entree w•lc 4Clalltrd months, nail they coulei he rent in ans. old craft, at a eh p rare, warn too frequently proved Mem roams. We intend to pencrent our contmcla honorably, cunt what may, arid not #tt as was tne case lan scamp. with ether officers,—wso ettner pert Lot nil,or when It muted their co:teen...ea Ono.. druvrn EtasLaigh for any sum from al so 1.10110, payable at any:of Me pr ov aucaal Baas aau Ire land England, Scotland cod Intro. JOSHUA ROBINSON, r European and General Arent, rah, tellthr,nreet.one Ann, (••Inw Wont LLLEGLIFENV. VESI ['IAN BLIND, Dt: Alll 4 ti W . A. HR. /WN would respeet niform the public, that he n hand at his .and on the m o sine oi the Inarnentd. city, a complete atilt . - t of le catum-illtallt. also 31m/tiers ale Millie tO In um warranted al to my In the Untied shies. eat be removed mth• cue mg of as crew driver log purchased t a a alms, 1.1/.1 wood of the cabinet es. Ishment of It wavily & SI 'Clel/ I ant prepared to furnish old cu.torner., aawell as t h e peh h e every thine lies,l Agency, N a. O a Woo Went, Pittmurch. mehts2 A. f3ROVVIS TjAPER HANGINGS—I am now recemmg, dire n 1 front the mo re, la New 1011 r, Phlludel pain and Baltimore, a Outgo •r.cl wni leeted assort. went of all Mac. dad moil E R .11ceof sa un, glazed and common PAPER eon ousting WA./ of pieces Parlor and Fresco; 10,1g10 - Hall and CoMmit, 10,000 Dintan-room, chamber end *Mee Paper—which I orould parocuiarly r a n the almnuon of those Lavine housels to paper, to ran and egaintne, at the Paper Weretontse of S. C. MIA, apt no wood st 1 AttillAilr.aft - ilia. commenced to renerve NJ. Large .sermaelit of Fancy VARIETY 000 HS, eonsimag M part of .13r13fimal.. Ribbon., lates t sto ery, Gloves, Crape,lecisee.Cunibrkcs, NeMngs, Lure Veda, Shawls, Pallger Handkerchiefs, mods Cravat., paella= and cotton 4. Handterchir f., corded Stilts, clewing Bilk, Threadf,l3.tons, Corolla Jewelry, Cat• lery, he. he. Country and city merchants are res. pectfally invited to Mill and examine his eureka No St Wood street corner /31 . Thamonal alley. ntchiM EXTRACT OF COFFEE—An arnele which le Ho pidly coming trio) ore as a wholesome, oat Hinging and delietons beverage, being more pleasant and pd ..bb than common tffee. and far cheaper, as a small paper 004000 ouly n rend. will go It/far as tour youths of Coen,. Manufactured by JOAN S. HILLER. PlttablarlM. Sold u wholesale! by B A FA & to corner of FirsLiMd Wool toll Sioth and Wood street., Pinaborph ap2l V_J 38 Camp Blank eta i /Al officer coma; It/ psi Pam.; ld pain net. hoed 1111,tong Boots; IL Isohotos Dap; 3 mama Tanks, d.ll gallons eaell; 50 g, gam each; 1 dos Sooksa klauey So(s ent lSclcolcd' camb ka ric dodo. The's/ above goods for sale at Ontfaung Fonaiihshmeut. at. 5 Wood et meh24 1 A 11 PHILLIPS ASSORTM SPId - F...5.fit up for fatally WM, in tan ems, enclosed en a ending lid hob coutalidog Dl usterM Alspiee, Cinnamon, Ginger, Cloves, t Pepper, We:tamed p.c.?. For sale at the new Sparc and Manned Factory, calmer of Ferry h. (-loamy NM- Mytg JOHN — AN VIES- va -WrociAt Iron nos. from the-Temper anceville worti, warranted; will he consaantly on hand and eupplaa to order, by malt ; Ghlo COCHRAN. 26 Wofl d at kIaBFURNAGIOVFARTH, manulactured Horn lJ superior artlcl ii of thali.ar Hr. Brmit Clapp. to more and for sale by KIER a JONES Mr. W. W. IVoll*e having used a Hearth of aocno, quality and maoateotore for the pest napoleon MOO to t pronounces it saperhar m the hearths now in general niVI6 I INE c COGNACIYANDIII...- -27 half panes various 'images, of oar owe amporantton per Commerce from Bordeaux, laskroen and for sale by MILLER A RICXETRON ii:OLL ' ClllAlNts—',Jast recta seara Inautiful moon ment of Wtt and gentlecnens' Gold (Maid Chains, from 51.0 to 850 each / eastern prier. Also, Wedding Hong/sof carat Fwd. gold Pencils, Pauper Plops, tar Rings, Breast Para, Bracelet.. Goad Fens, Watches, ho. WtV WILSON, 1115 corner 41h and Market ats "VrELIrEPRIIIIIr.t.NS—Josa received aHleiration - tatil- aeyta, 67 blareet street, 30 pa colored Velvet Ribbon, userted colors; 30 tt Week 8 u gmhmfdary Gimp; 10 pa wade Plain, ke. docis - . ::v.o.~—~:: r ii , t(t.ada farin Lad L.E Pirda Ur VICES, eon Mining an alphabetical hat of Post Offiece throuoi out tho Caged Staters; distance. from Waahlogion, D. C 4 state and Itfrltralal capitate rerpeetivelpr air° ox. iiithablg the Post Caeca in each State, as wad at coon. "11, With ILO appernaof the United Slat" pnd Drtueh •niiri., Jul Tee • JOHNSTON et STOCKTON, , coiner ad and ituket ata MEDICAL. SELLERS' FAMILY ELEDICLNES--`•They are rho 51.-Mcditee of the day) , Ditsams's Steno Ohio, May 25,1849. R. E. Sellers: I think it rlgbtthr the benefit of others to pat mine faces in relation to your excellent Fund- ty Medicines. I have used your Yermilbge largely in my own fain- ' Ey. one vial frequently answering for expelling large quantities Day Ito emu) worms Crum two children. I he is alto used your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup In . my family, and they have in every instance produced ' the effect desired. As I am engaged In merchandising, I am able to state that I have yet to hear of the first failure where roar medicines have been used in my section of the country. In conclusion, I may state that they are the mcalcine of the day. and are destined to have a very extensive popularity. Yours, respectfully, W H. t'INWIO3. Prepared and sold by R. K SELLERS. No 51 Wood street• and sold by Druggists generally in the two Cl t no and vicinity. m 731 ( s CURE OP LIVER COMPLAINT, by he If original, only we, and genuine Liver Pill. Sao., Cages. Ohio county, V. / March 20th. 1841. Mr. R. E. Sellers: Dear Sir—l mink it a duty I owe to you and to the public ggnera ly stem that I have been affircted with the W ter CoMplaint tor a long time, and Bo badly that an oboe.. formed end broke, stitch left me in a very low state. Having heard of your celebrated Liver Pills being for wile by A 11 Sharp, in West Liberty. and recommended to me by nth physician, Dr. Fa Smith, I conclused to pv. , them a fair trial. I purchased one box, and found them to be lust what they are recommended, TIIE BEST LI VER PILL. EVER USED; and afteraeking four boxes I find the disease het entirely len me, and I am now perthctly well. Respectfully yours I) Ii COLEMAN. West Liberty, March 116.1 , 19. I cernfy that I em personally acquainted won Mr Coleman, and can bear testimony to the truth of the above certificate. • A It SHARP Tim genuine Liver Pills are prepared end sold by F. k: SELLEILS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists the two ours TO THE ell BLIC.—The original, only tree and gen e Liver Pills are prepared ray H E Sellers, and have Me name stamped in black wax upon the lid of each Lox, end his signature on the outside wrapper—gill other. ere counterfeits, or base leallaLmea. apl.l H E SELLERS, Proprietor 5 / 1 . YOB CAiELIIIIIS ATI YE BALSA= F ROM the Rev ABA SHINN, a well known and L' Max Clergyman of the Protestant Methodist Church The undersigned having been eillicted during the past winter with a diseese of the stomach, sometimes pro. clueing great pain ill the steMachior ten Or twelve hours ar.urout unermission, and after hewing tried vaned remedies wait little effect, was tarnished with a 'mule of Ur D Jayne's Carminative Bataan. This he used en. cordina to the directions, end found invariably that true medicine caused the pain to abate in three or four m.n mes, and in fifteen or twenty minutes every uneas y scrim.ion wee entirely quieted. 'Phe medicine IVIle af. ter...trimmed whenever Indications of the *ppm.li ol pautwere perceived, and the pain was thereby prevent ed Ile continued to use the medicine every neon r'rg and sou/curries in the mortring, end in a few weeks health was. far restored, that the sufferer was rolie• eil from a large amount of oppressive pain. Free% el perience, therefore, be can confidently rcconame•id C I) Jay ne's Clrritt 11•11 V e Balsam, as a salutary reethein for diseases of thee:nth...li end bowels. A SHINN A.llcirhetty city. rya, For sale to Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA rut`. iR 711 Fourth wee:, near Wood, and .Ise at the Drug - n ( pSiIfIWARTZ. Feder. ,beet. Alleg VALUABLE. DiSCOVEILY! CONSUMPTIVES, BE ON YOUR GUARD. DR SWAYNKS coairouND SIRUP OP WILD CHERRY. ------- 'M Oartai ntinail , Fon Consumption. Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Itrorichstts , Liv er Complaint. Spitting [fined, Difficult) of Dream mg, Pam in Me Side sad Hreast or the Heart, toffee., Croup, Croke. C0n ...1.0n. Sore Throat. Ne eve. Dottie ty, iind Dtsenves of Throat, breast hod Lungs, the most ef fectual and speedy cure ever known for any of the above dmea.- '• es, ts DR. gal; A I . S' Compound 87rUp or Wish Cherry! This medicitte in no longer among those of doubtful ! unity. It hoe pased array from the th and ousands dauy Launched upon the tide et experiment. Onto stain, higher in reputation...l is becoming mote altelisive iy used than any other preparation of medicine ever perid Aced for We relief of suffering man. United been introduced very generally through the States and DaroPe. und there are few towns et impotence but what contain some remarkable evi dence of its good effects. For proof of the forermo, ...nerd, and of the value and efficacy of this nirdi erne, the proprietor will insert a few of themat b ite w. sand lestiruontals aim. have been presen to by men of he first amenrespectebtlity— who ha. higher v i e w. of month re .pousthitity d'e than to cer ' dry In tic., because. tit will do another. a favor. and themselves Ite inJtoUre Such leatimon, proves eon elurvely, that its surprising excellence is estahltshed by Its intrinsic merits, end the tilmilestiOnsinie as t• ty of public opinion . The Instantaneous relict it nr :onto, and the soottung Lulluenec diffused through use whole frame by its see, readers it a moat microbe' remedy for the afflicted. RE.NnIMBEIV. "When men, acting from con ten grape:se. voluntarily bear tcantnony to the truth of • thing, or part:color fart. such testimony. being contrary to worldly interests end porpo‘ct, GO,7CC. fOrlNltctinil its truth. and commends itself in • special manner da universal credence ---allogaids Moral Mall., READ THE HOME CERTIFICATES. •,..rtitt..krtortme Ce of Prutio!tall CO.TsCarello!r Ilev'r never wag a remedy that ha. been a, successful in desperate eves of Consumption, so Dr Swan... t'snuyound Syrup of Wrd Cherry. It strengthen. the f) Onto, endsa to heal the ulcer. en the lung, u m eaand rich blood; power possessed by . other Methane. CHUM Co.. April dach, 1314. Dr. Surma—Dear Str. I verily bedeve ),Alf Com pound Syrup . of bVild Chen , hue hero the means of rums my We. I caught • wvere coin which grade- Lliy crew worse, attended iamb a severe couch, that resisted all the re medies winch I had recto,. to, soh increasing aunt rny case eskalnted Me symptoms of Pulmonary Consampuort. Wog I tried seemed to have no effect, and in) compliant increased to raptd ly that friends as well u myself. gave tip all tropes of my recovery At this cone I was recommended to try your invaluable reedicanet I did so with rho most hap py reslts. The but bottle had the elect to loosen the coug causing me to expectorate freely, and by the dam j i had used sit boules,l was entirely well, and am now as beuty rasa as I evair was tit my Ide, and would be happy to opve on odormation reapeette,f my or , that other sufferers ma deny e the benefit for smelt Ima so grateful. Fy or the truth of the above rtatemlilireefer yen to Peter Huh, Grocer, Wut Meste r,of whom I purchased the realm/no Rea . ly yours, JAM:, Mazur. Tronderful Gun of e Meat.fast Minathm. Dr. lisrayne—Drat Sin I feel • dt of gratitude due • you—end a deny to the nfflicted acnerally, to oder my humble terumony to Near of oarspu ny. rep of Wild Cherry 'Some three atoce 1 runently attacked wlth cold and thelatumunon of the LOefs, Whica wan aceompasued with distiv.ing IF, pain the breast and bead. • very considers. hie discharge • of offensive mucus from the fangs, espg, :tally upon ehaage el weather, however slight At Ent I (Litho Marro about my condaten, hat war peep, soon le to that I war reptilly rotor into 'ton. I grew Mull weaker, and at length sem scarce ), able to wait &boat, or speak above a whisper. Ruch W. the to weakness I.gs Dora.; this P.l3e I bad toot venous prepare.. aorl premnpUons. bat found no relief—rot:nag ell the time worm Jus: here I w. advised and persuaded by a dear (rte. 111 Wilmington to make tn. of your Syrup of Wild Cher ry. I rms. confess that previously I had been prem. dtherd against patent methethes„ mid I am sub sputa: those eonung out of the hands of cothencs, but ander . minding' your alums to the proles.. practice of medicine, atoll tumor uriplicti faith ill the saylng of my ag ents, I forthwith parch...lot Dr. Sha w, one of your agents, • few booths, an commen.d. nee. hi) dot ease wag at that time of 2:tor 25 months' st.ding, eon requeolly it wee deeply snathd. I found, however. considerable r=ein( from the am of the fast four or five bottles. Rot being • public speaker, I frequeutly tempted to preach with my theremung strength, and thereby ruptured those crotch that had alrebegun to heid, to Ulu way, doubtleas, my cure wady g) Retarded. In ...mown. oi acting to. Imprudently. I bad to use twelve or fateca bottler tether I was per fectly restored. I .ve quesuon, a inaCh smaller number of bottles would have made roe wood, but f or the above indieercuon. The Syrup slimed the fever tsit habit, took Welly the dtstreestng rough, put a stop to the thsehathe of matter from the lors, and gave them and the enure srstent good health. I have defer red offering tote Certifteate [LOW l e , for the purpose 'arethr perfecuy sanshed wif e the ptermanenvy of the ro, and pow that I feel perfectly well I offer it with pleasure. J moans, DMA= co.ty, C Important fizad.' Real' There is Lot one genutoeForepatation of Wild Cherry, and that ts Dr Swav eat, the hr. ever offered to the pool. whiott has Leen sold largely throughout the United ' State? end some parts al Enrope; and all pre parations car.cd ti me same of Wild Cherry have been put Out • %LOGO tots, under cover o( some deceptive circumstances, nt order to give currency laths. sales. try a obi...rayon, no person need mistake the gmmine front the NI.. lath bottle al the genuine to enveloped With • Leauttfal Intel eugrovtng, with the likeness of Witham Penn thereon, al., Dr rlwaynes stguaturet and as farther sem:tray, the portrait of Dr. Nwayne w il l Le added hefealtoT, as to dionmstusli his preparsuon from a° others. Now, Ir it wits out lot the great curative propernes and known virtue. of Dr. Swayne l e Compound Ayrup of Wad Cherry, persons would not Le endesvorwg to gme currency to their "fienuou• nootrutoo ^ by stealng the name of Wild Utterly. Remember, always host lo MIMI the name of Dr ttarayne. and inn not deceived. Principal ()Mee, corner of Eighth and Race oteecto, Phlladelphta Per sale wholesale and retail b 7 OGDEN 3 SNOW DEN, eta 2d and Wood ma; A FAHNENTOCK DINI Co, eta tot Wood, and fhb end Wood cis, ritORN, S2 Itliorket ti /ON Ei4,100 lAberly la; .IA, A JONE S, ear Hand and Peon 41.5 i JOHN IitITCH• ELL, Allegheny city, and by all respectable dealers to medicine. -• octl3 ASTROM.; EVIDRibt:E. that Dr Y 7 , 7 X'S EX• APECTORANT is superior to MI other remedies for ..tough.,Camemption, Bbenetisto, asthma, and other retinae wry effecttoos, is that tlit muse psnons who minimax.; the am of if to then (reel.. we yams ago still prefer it to an other remedies of the lewd; and whew aoy haw Men hiduced be try other preparation• they haw almost invariably been toappointed to receiving the- benefit which wet rewonably antemalsd firma Me high praises bestowed by the proprietors. Ind Was returned to the ass of JAIM. EITIEMOLALT, L. • wesedy that hat .rbir failed to whew them, mid which probably weer had it. squat arrestseg pulmonary diseases Papered only by Dr D. Jayne sod sold on b 7 AI.X.X , //ONES derlachiertf 70 Founh et - De. W. P. Isal;:itatiiiieitiit-n-g Plater. DR. W. P. LNLAND, of the Medical College bf Phil adelphia, now offers to the public Ills Indian Veg. amble P 1.1102 11 Plaster, the beelines of which, after long and tried expenence, bas been satisfactorilyes tabßahad. To all women who may be alnictc d with Prolaps. Maria or Fallen Woody he recommends his plaster, guaranteeing a sure and speedy Core in the short space of front Iwo to thee weeks, if applied broft care and rest—dimarding all the vacuole.s uwouments colspene boadages so long in ems. Tbt. he feels ienuous In swung, in.much . he has not failed in one can out of three handfed and fifty-three pa mane. Also for Rheitenstwee and Wash Breast or Berk, at tended with pain, there w nathoy; egeel this Planer in atfurdtog relief or affecting a ewe. For sale by L Wilwg earner of Diamond end Merkel et Brnan ?c, Reiter, - Liberty and St Ctar silk IJr J Sargent Federal st and Diamond, Alle gbetry cal Jamie. es. Co, a Deem. and Diamond Binning It• SELLERS, Druggist, Nu M Wood d treet, Solo Ascoi for the sole of Dr . Townsen '. Gen uine Sampan., hoe just received 2UO dozen of this ()rear Spring and 13urnEer Medicine. purchasers should recollect that E Is role agent for Pittsburgh, cud D M Gum for Allegheny cat 0p.5 GOLD AND E, SILVER PATENT LEVER WATCH ..• _mph,/ Watches, msde the celebrated Cooper or London, hL Tobta. of Liverpool, and • large ..moment of detached gold .nd eilncr Lenen, Mode by the best Geneva tiumtulheintets. Spectacle. of all kinds, Communion Ware in acts; Gold Pens; Jewelry In large carters; Slicer Spoons, Forks, /cc. mr. Watch repairing executed in the best LSON manner. W WI, M 19 corner Market and 4th MtiCAULAIPB ENGLAND—Harpe r , fine edition, 8 .0, with portraits; cloth 7d emits per volume. For sate by JOHNSTON a SCOOKTON, COlllO Aboket sia ''ilfZilftifiliElilD(llll.l MURDOCK'S PATC NT DASHER CHURN rrocrais rn 3 or 10 mnsr - rrs nn( I II t- “IttnLlOn of We public is invited to Wl* very I valuable Churn, which has the udeantsge of all ers in comlnatng We old and new IrlientiOn. [0- gether. Th.. Utility Or Ult. invention 11 apparent, a. by a sae p:e proce,. the air is forced bent alb the dash, and dOVII away with the neecunny of purchasing a new Churn, ascan be applied to any churn to use, and for one doll l, ar can hen= all the improvements of We user ombined with those of gathering the Beater to We ulual The publicare netted to call and 'cid, for them selees before pu•cbasang elsewhere, at 87, corner of Market and Fifa, ntrectlll, or at MI /Jtarnond alley, be tween IVorri and Nlarket streets, Yntsbureb. tnylr) SAML. rp HE undersigned havnig been appointed Agent of the Dt.t-swatta aluvret. Sorry INV:SAWS Cosb PANT. in the 'viper or John Finney. Jr., resigned, re speetfuli y :Worms the putolle and the friends and eny tomer], of t . e Company, that he is prepared to take Mum, and Fire rinkson liberal terms, at their office, No. 37 Water street. P. A MADEIRA, I rnyl. Agent. ! Try ttoSRI—fOUU tees 2 tn. 3 ply Incite Robber ij Hose—am rreetve.l for the Borough of Manche.- ; ter. whim aall be held in store for a feat day.. The Hnaon Itelittig Company express R strong drama for the tire deperunenta nr the mites or Plushurgh and Al legheny to rail and ex mine and make a trial of them. The company ia willing to put them to any teat they think proper to conclude upon new J & II PHILLIPS. 5 wood st 4 UNSCRIrriuN (iP — AfoitiC 13 in t ' ll B e t i- ' l ge ß rin .riR 'i s'lnsurance Company of Pittsburgh. i will be opened In the Room* of the Board of Trade, on 1 the first Monday of November next. at JO o'clock, s.. is. thm. loom,. Jr. Robert Wcrods, Wm. It. 51'Clare, S. l. Rim Jo ff: Joseph Plummer, Josiah King, n Sheri Alex. Roseburg, and H. D. K ull., s, jiOnitsrivt Connuissloners._ I GOLD WAISHIERS. . 'Ll' 'PARRY has Invented a Inactions for washing .L.L. Gold. for which he has mode application for a ' patent They are now offered for sale at the waxes I house of l'urry, Scott k Co., No. BO Wood street, Pittsburgh. Adventurer, to California are molted to call and ea• ne these labor-saving machines. They are simple ami their construction. rattly transported on the hack of mules or horses, weighing eighty pound, each, and can tie put ill operation in half an hour They can be bi ed with provisions. It is the opinion of those who have seen the trial alone of these machines of smallest Silt. that two men will wasn the mineral from 150 bus iris caul or earth in a day, without the leas of a particle of the mineral. They can toe Increased in size and worked by water or mule power, if expedient. Tim operators wort without going Into the water or being exposed to wet, and consequently without en dimpering their health. They will require but a small stream ol water, and can be used the whole season, and eau be put into operation where there is not tall ment water to wash in the usual way. Prier of smallest toe VIA Orders from abroad, ac companied by rash, will be promptly filled H. PARRY. at Parry, Scott & Ce's, fel,n-dtf Blooprata. & 150120 Soda A. 'FUT; subscribers ore now receiving their Fall stook oi the above article. three vessels, viz: t he lemma, Med i:inn and Lydia. hay mg arrived at Philadelphia anti Rai useint,, nod two more, the Stephen Ilanistrut and Leila. shortly ex peeled, they are. therefore, prepared to else Ord. , ' 'racy wtli receive during the win ter and .prnig regular supeneo vso New Orleans W O. NI ITCH! LTREE A.I.OI"NT EAGLE TRIPsiL—For cleaning In doos and lump glasses, sliver plate, brass, Ur manta. and other wnrc. In rapidly takes out all spot an. 4 stains. nod reproduces tbs Leaunful and durabl lustre of tens. ware. Just recruved and for side, arbors an:a and tr ova. by JOHN 1) MORGAN, ,a 2.1 Druggist. 1111133 .ER SAW.. H HA ItTNIAN haying sold his Inter est in the ro•purtnerstup of Coleman /Willson Co , to the remaining pursuers. has this ' day retired from It. lirri. February 19, 154 D-if HUH 51ANUFACTI. FIK.S The under ' Aernt for the tnhnofacturers, has on band and 1. roh.tahl,i reer,rtng IL lull suppq of the arueles made In ritlrt.orgh and rirmity. witch ho offers for mh,olartutera nee.. GEO COCHRAN, 25 wood et 1 N 111 A Al b PAL Tli-LI gross bonleslndta Rub her Y., an excellent artele for render.; boots erfeci.y wiver pro...d .on as a piece of eloth tine application or this pas. Is sufficient to oak. t.em tin pervious to water for V or 3...1., and • rein., pre•entative from the leather cracking. tor sale at the India Huhber Depot. No 5 ood .t. fetal 1 ft II Pllll.l.lrt_ ALCODOL AND PURE SPIIIIT Canner Fran. and Vine fleeces, Cincinnati., 0. da-,1 .0 al on .t price ,. urchin - 41y RI:CF.IVr 1.I• 114,3 D - TnY. — ai . the nesr - Carpe tWatt house. No 73 Fourth street -ILr Is enthosted Piano corers Plain Turkey red Mtinta do do Table do Ftn'd do do do Worsted do do do do Bordaring, Woe Damask; Cexpet Bindings; green more., A!..0 -arers Oothret Transparent Shade. rip:are Trear• do do Tartish do do do Chines, do do do Drapery Chine.% do dp I Ntoonitsho Views do do londoespe do l..rulues do do T do do Cord and Tasu.s. Ptcrler• and knots, float Pullet, Role. Enda Tbe Rhos. Goods ve of the nehest and newest si)les, to or bleb we ut•ne lb< attention of our (natal , and daalOatera, ard those .n.htng to furnuth or pien.sh steam boats and house., Ina 7 IV , ENV CAHPl.7Tls—Krectved nos day direct manufacturer— :tear sty Pe Tapeolig 3 ply Carpets, antra super, do Jo do do super, do do Brosae la Carpet., do Druuels. very cheap, do de rtrh rotor. sOper Incfar.l6 do 4-4, 3-4 and :..-.0 hr•sry Venetian do 4.4 3-4 end 3-a coca:tea do do Ail or arh,eh an:: be sold at • anali od••nee, and .rot raorankee as .0w as <an he putt haat, to ay. east W 11 . 1 7 1,iNT0CE.37 , 1 , unh st COACH MAKING FROhl the very liberal erosourags moot the subscriber has reeetud lance s! .. pt hu located himself is Allegheny, S~phas 4 64414.k1 tam to take • lease, for • term of years, on the emperor he now accepts*, ;a Hearer mom , immediately beside th Presbyter.. Church From the long expe Me nee In th el,* 0 neatness and • desire to please, he hopes to cal It Lad re •• • share of public patronage . Nov on hand and finothtng to order, Ilbe kaloray Bag firs. open sad top Boggles. and every description o Carrlnge• mule to order. from seventy•lve dollen • stto facol-dtfl /COHN P•OUTH The AllegFiseny Cevs•aeryt /I A T the grime! enseung of the Corporator., held the tin tort.. me following parsonswere au. mime: y rew.dated Managers for the curling year THOMAS hi. HOWE, hew,lent. JOHN BISSELL, JrI‘itS.CAROTIIF.IIS, NATHANIEL 1101.111 F H, WILSON IiCHANDLESS, JOHN IL SIIOVIVIIEROEIL JAMES FL SSEELL, J. Fleert, Jr.. Secretary and Treastrier. Theannual statement prestented the affairs of the Compimy in • v g ry prosper:fa condition. Them riffle, in the city ni No 37 WI WI( street teld THE STAR OP THE WEST *h.V EN ITI AN MI N D MANUFACTORY gait inde of tbe lhamond, where Venal., Winds of all the thfferent sue. and color are kept on hand or male to order abs the lawn and most approved Eagnern (ash ton., lia the shoeteet nonce and on the moa reasonable won.. Al., the cheap Boston roll or split Bland Trumps pney and Paper Curtains M all the thfferent oozes and atterns, on hand end for sale low for cash Old V em. tan Blinds painted over and repairvd, or . taken in part payment for new R /11 WES PERVY_I.T, Pro pr. N. B —All wet. done with the best material and woramanstup, and wuratited to please the most Iwo mho.. auglo-dly Allegheny city, Aug. 10, 1848. aIIIACILICAIe VELEGRAPII COSIPANY• a, rrrrsettlara •ND %Vt.:STERN LINE. 011iee at the Exchange, Ba/timore. I) F.:OWED RATES —The charges have been redo eed on all hit...gen to or own Balumore, Pouv burgh or %Vhceling, and a retreat...tog reduction made on all iclegraphse despatch. forwarded fraistlat. onaore West of Pittsburgh, Pa.. Rarae—The: <barge for a telegraph despatch in or from Baltimore. Pmsburgh and Wheeling, ts 45 rents for the first ten word., and 3 rents for each addilloll.ll word. tEr No charge L. made for the address and aig 11.1 re. Coul the eorninenon or the South Western Lt Telegruph from .. lemphis, Term, to New °demi patches niK forwarded w hlefhplita by nos rout , methot for New Orlenitit. ACHF,tON tV nOl,tUt Ak te..l . olliN WOODHOUSE, LA VIM. thls oay a...aerated themselves totrether in p.1,1..10110, nod. r the firm and style of h. h. J. W.OllOOlll. for ilie Inutufacture of TIN, COPPER AND IKON WARE,' 011 the corner of Rol .on street and the Canal, tri the Or Ward, AL. errs, where 'hey ore prepared to furnish t wholesale and retail, all arheles in their I promptness. Foundry I - mornings, and Carpenters' order, netted. whlch will receive trarnerhato arter.o laity of Alloglseoy, Feb.. 1.1.19 —Onto ANDSCAII. PKR— Lloot, •rit,n the llottle of Montercy: " •• " • •• Cerro Nook, 1 " •• th-on • I Lts de Puns, I '• •• Chose de Lyon; Garde Franeata3 I v • ^ Col C Auvergne; Toe is suitable for papenng large public room. Just rtte'd direct front Pans, and for sale at ;he warehouvd of d C HILL Il'Uolo P tlnleaTc l a'rpeiths: art i' Vrt d ie f' fu r r ' ntru h re ".g saving bairn.- labor add dispenung eutirely with the washooard The finest %Tifton carpets, after. hs•tug been in sac eleven years, have been perfectly roster ad, without the slightest injury to the fabric, and with out removing rum the floor. It will not Injure the cloth. Din-coonsaeBornpanyvng each bottle. Price 23 seas,. For sale by J SeHIJONMAKICH & Co, rice 24 wood at DRUGS—Chlorme Potash, in lb. bottles; Curie Amil do Hypo. Nolph Sods do u Nit. Strewth do Cream:de do Or aiiville Lotion do Chloroform do Jost reeetved wait for sale by myl H A FAIINFSTOCX re Ha 6:. for rale br 101 l S F VON I3OPINHORS T A CO FLALIEti.II-4 calms i from steamer • berland and for sale All NESTOCK & CO EXCHANGE BROKEII N. 110IATLES er. Sons, B•akera, Exchange Brolzer•, NOTE, DRAFTS. ACC ITTA N C GOLD. SILVER AND DANK NOTE. , . COLLF.CTIONS.—Drake, No and Aerepuearel. P r le arry part of the Union. ec and on the MN I favorable terms. . - EXCELANGE or, Neat York, Phi,adr:ohlo n•tif lin. liMOre; ei.lllllll.i. Sol:o Lou., BANK NOTES.—Noten on all solvent bank%:n titer Tinned States discounted at the loacet ettett e• of Foreign and American Gold and Silt rr Coen bouut • and sold. Office No. 55 Market Street. between Id ant: 4th Pittsburgh, Pa. or t 2.1 FOREIGN EXCHANGE 13ILLS on k:nglood, Irelood. told Seotinud boar at any amount at the Current Rates of Exm.oner Drafts pur . nblo In . an; pan of we Old Co.;,,jr; from it to 51000, to the rate of $.5 'A stterber, without deduction or ducal:int. by J0.,4111:A 1:0451:ti• SON, European ono General Agen, attire3t.i rl iiii• door west of wood. 1 , 3/0,., . Ca I, K I RAMER Q RAIIM. DANNERS AND EXCIIANI:r. ER , itra!- t s D to Foret_gn rod Dornesue Hair o 5 Eseimmee. 6 '- acmes of Depostte, Dank Notc4 Co i Oillor 0 3cl and Wood streets, (breeds. opposite St lii set. ViriCiSTERN FUNDS— Ty otuo. Kentuelr NU.. oun =CM purchased at the lowest rates, by DILLS OF EXCIIANGE.—SIKhL Cllcev.• ua New York, Phibuielptua, and Rommel,. Constantly to c laic by N. 110L51Ev aepl3 35 Mutat, at. BOAS. OW, &c IVEw notnis FOI L INIJNO11;it READINI, -- II Poe—Eureka, a Prose Poem. cr, hy•len' aod Netaphy.scel Unlverse. by A. Po- F., aved•oreciy priuted. Ithuo rt... •We sh¢l4 be petal) .Thrlk 1!.... -no. .real a profound sciisann mope the wer:ir, retedllFlC rir.r.er all over the ILoon, dirp does a reaseeptg , p .wrr and grasp of II cannot possibly tail toext,ir •spel au, even the Most careless trader '—Ea press. Pitneveh and its Remains, with anee,,unt o: ~•,t to the Chaidacan Christ nos of Kurdtstan. 0..11 l't • ricis or lxvll Wo.itippers, and a.l to.r, ire 11311Ilret• and arts of the A n.ent As , . A Henry Lapsed. Esq.. C. L; In l rob, wall prim, ous iliastrauons o ne of dm most remarkable works of the age Ties, iLoudon.) Feb U. The ,alumander, a Legion of flit. 1,011 Furnaces of Rockland courtly, N. 1 .rakes S. lastra loos oillarle), <dl - hurtro cloth, ;Si mith cis. 5. Fennimorc Gooper Alm Sr,: newaad be lah. rvl edition. rectsed by the author. with new pr—nee. hr,to lica followed ••y ifie Pilot. Jai inn radi o 'rte Works of Whidnogion Irvin.. revi*ed I en larged by the author, in 13 elega , .l duodecimo ',dome, beinitifuii) pinned in new and on superior ini a acr made expiciinly for the purpo. e by .1 ANI LoCKWO(D. nor trtn..) •011/ICCIGIi W. lit Nr tar. lVt Icy & num altil lIM=WRIZMI h. jos, remrnea from tor F.a.e.rn DOOKS--Itvolg—Thc Crayon Moweintoy— topri•tng The Prom, Complete In one volume—e'eauntlF przbeti. :on—The Mooa,[llCll of Um 1.. vent Post rd. bled A volume 01 more than orthnery u.tururt. reliV., ries of most various and 1:11 . 1ell aino....be advt.: tr. • • The fieliloreople.l by vb;onle 11.11!,A urely new —Commercial Adve . ruo , r A hook of g end I ems F , :atm schu:arly min - mu hien Tenon& us uol a Mile of Heck lord's Spun.; F ratans. or the vivid e.tero renoni-ee..eer .1( F.niben L.Verary "W.. I Cooper—l New edloon of ter y ,- ho reil•cd. Lc, will new totted...lOn Cum ple • t, Lit I rot. UI ilarm wtil t ',tug • wu:s. SI The hp/ and the ttictch•Book were 11e 1.-xt Anv r. nun book.. winch were /An/venally tiett,nwtedr. 4 l It contain perform:mace ne.:pro yy' well tor mber the rettnuaean w•It•, bleb the) w, ref:rived. end the proud expeetet.,l• which awnkened among the tryst tnila , ect pat rtutle nt yr,. •p• PI IP' the ade 01 Goll.l.lith nod Add”on, mid Conn., wit ttanaated wiry rountry of lb , t any lotelost sous roll 1:1 a foreign Lll , ,olurr —l,l , rlr World. For solo (•y' 1 D LOCI , : WOOD. 11C k.W HOOKS—Comp:ate 'A or of /W.., D U. In 4 vale. Marth amt a V. y4r Hobe r bN Herman Mr's. r. Border N arfam \ wt. by NV 11c, a Lane and re a La.., 1,, we tlu.of e upan Line, .111 teCti,l Memotro Only Youth. by A In, I, mum., IllumanW t.r.e of Frank kn. pal: and for oAke by JOHN:7 , II.N apZ r.ork.,r fit 01 line. o,n , kr , 140010...--Dr. Coventry cr on Fin , . Cholera. /to }Liston ,Call Ac., n.ni .0, Plallosophz . of Reg son. try I D Nlore ~ A NI Bourne'. l aterin.m of 11, t... 10 MIS Chamber's Clempncha I.orr,ure..l vo' tavo, foto stec p:ntes. s Chambers' Nltseenwn, of e,: •noarledge-10 vo:s limo I. ttotrun , Adoce to l'oulth Mon. 13) T Ai Women. F.lerrents of Nlco:orunog) J 51 oln - w ro• rings. PerGs mrlhe People, by S Magtoon Unlversny senvont. by I, lAnla•d Fro:Leh.. Leetur,... lot , .111oly Serlioure• tor onion:mg the v., 5n.4.. nen ' I No M 1 F'onslln's..;ustraht Benetved IL. day I , y R 111,1•KIN' apl.l Apr , ;4 , Butnl.nt.. Pi, •. 'oj PUBLICATIONS—Essay on M. 100 Inn. af Church and Uy Ilanost I,' Noe. Ni .1 Ite.to.- SI ZS All. ; n • (ent und one day. on de pultiteaut, ot ; London' •een. Iron( Margate( Sinn, o Journal. It. toe pro. n!IfE fax. lsl.o. .1 A Cal.attlfam a( al• Steam Engine. fuotrinoor Of tbo losalfir artnriple• upon ertnolt ft • operation If n,ood• nd pr•ourol details of to 41.1,1 alter, tri r0..c0 coo to Moo, 1:1311i, Coosa osefesiinn. fuld rw.lo - dt • EMMEMiIi=I (ten-ever • is cture• on the 1`; crlrn • Progre.•• hco d 12mo. Prlce reduced 1..11; 1“; The Calton*. • Paolo; Picture Pa; 1 1-r. Frankltit's Parts I l and '• Enc./ fauto.' iirsiorooo, by Prof Trer—lzmo. lor lot.< uy toctd.l It /1,11'1•1S`. t.....-44 ...,...v , „._ ,..., .'--7 - 7'i„2,.. , ',rili,-aAc:tir; , . , -. -- ' ~, • - •., .- - ....-Agie. ~. ~.,, u •.. - - .:-.:to-7--,A , -- ,-, .---------1,:-..-- .-----.. •AAT .0 „-!,-i7-IYZ':',' 4S'VAItt:!--.1 4,' CRICKERING'S PIANO FORT/ . JUNE /I qt. R. , r., I. bu• p,rusure ot •ott•oksocing the err,. . • . • ss oplentlsil assortment of I . llllltall, Isom Inc mon.s.si ut JO /1.. 0.1[1E4,111g, llos , on—nmong , :arto • .t ,-,11 Rosewood lull Wand Plano Also, • •opet6 square nasal Von, oet•vt s. •osegrossa, of the st) le ot 1..0u.s XIV. ••.t.• • and 0 neteves... tovh the attrunon of pti 11 . • .• •c•pa,Vully volievrd. .1011 S hi. N1E1.1..V.1 Sole. Men. for Citlirkerlng'• I'u..° 1.10 rt.• ...r n no, Bola Agency for !luo sae a Clairk . • Pianos. lefiffl JUST RECF.IVI.I) and nye- dor new lot of riegala l'lnnos. rr,“ It.• celebrated iaelory of Noon. a t... , r.. N V., eompriaine h. 6i and 7 o• - a , c• with nnpanant ur - movement, lath in naccEnnowl 0 , 0, extertor. oos•cssed by lie whom ALM.- A One selection of t'in'kering'. Plano, ?rani 0 to 7 octave.. H. KLVIIF.H. riot.. Ayr, at J. IV Woodocetl•,-,1M13. , N 13 The ahove w,ll he .old at manufacturer. pf caw, withoat any addition for teeny It or expen•ca.) marlU Journal and CLo , :oc, run —_ PIANOS. ofro A S MEN DID ama mment - , gany and It a ood i . IAIIO*. 111.1 fo. robed. Tbeae instrumental., ...Oe n , the Imo. pattern at_d beat snate , oll and will he so:d low too oath by F BUMF- 111 WOolli %Ire, 2d door swore I. 11th N 6.-Thnoe who are in want en a Bond li•ot Lone, are respeetrutty matted to r1 . 30111111e tile.' be., put charong elrewbore. as they CllllllO% be r at. ~ In the eourstry, and will be sold iow , r than an) ~ roue Ili fn U. i'....21.. Alt o itt•l reeei•ett, two toanos n• , l air , burgh manufaeture, warranted to , oup: riot I - It to AI, ever sold It! thia rountry --- oe:l3 Trik; Vi - IA 8'l • HAI BIY.: NT. T 1 i t :.; 7 i tile " o ‘ t a. J. ` 'l',ll .Z7i'," Pi'i.V.7, d , ,'...!', 4', 4 .',.'," .DT.' ONS, as manufactumd atel . reoleeted by kiessri March tr. White, of Cohan..., 1 tie aiaiti rearms. and extent tieing Mu four rietsvera. Mereir• NI 5 it in accordance with the general 04111 la nztd demand have emended the scale of IiM.EI4• I ninon. 10 ~ ,•,.. even 5 octaves, thus makflg it ft setwatoe to ,ke mem upon Mem any music witurn for toe omit or r o re , The extertor, alm, has hero marl. tar,' ...fed "Y Pk. .ol the body of the instrument upon It cast iron assn. imautaully bronzed mid oritunmetcd, reridereig it once 113011 t elegant and extrematy destrout , mar The pnee . put so low nit to brans it within the mac; of every one to obtant a perfect inustcal WI...Mr, and, nt the mine Mlle, A 111•111 C 11.44111 mere of turn, arm lot a comparative trifle. it X IiEItER, AI .1 Po NN itionwe.r. GREAT MUSICAL NOVELTY—The 111”....r1i0, ha. iota received from Europe, and for floe. r.. entirely 110 W inven cei tion of Piano Forte. velem the I A a IN Kr PIANO FOR rF, Wtlll.ll posmaittig more r ,low, w es than the 1111(1111.0 i . 1121111 001,1111,110 W Id I d fourth an tnesmuch room, and I.u much . MOM show, 11,1. handsome pieces of furniture. II is cornea:art) destru Me where Mea n ing of space to MI CiIJCCI. heedrx ceetfingly neat and compact, and occncytair 1“/ IDE,. head Man tt .mall side table. The suliecnner lipsa d testimonial of I. mceriOnty I . 'ollllhr reNetirs Led meant, lidoschelles, to his own hazel wrltiap,,e 1,101 may be inspected. 11. KLEIMAL , 1 reatit7 Al J W WPOdlVri.'ll Clalckcifiag's Plano. - ?filmJlin'r recotied aud tor sale at man oftwAirersllTlC,ll,Tlll.lant I,w rime Ponca. ii, Col and 7 octaves, of 111(Inn. elegant patterns of furniture, and wit 1 the law unproved ionic. Also on hand and (or sale low. 3 second halal Pion Os JOHN II Al ELLOR, Sole Agent for Chickering'a Pianos for Wester, nsylvamm el Wood street Ne,. um E m W MUSIC lIY Ilkitilli Ilbillt—The I.aot Ho s. of Summer, with en introdocuon and b,/,,,an: V.l nations for the Piano Forte, as performed tii all in, concerts ut the United States by licun Herz. Military Polka, by Henn Herz; emote Polka, Silver Hell Polka, " " Just received mid for sale by mobil _ JOHN II MELLOH L eI wood at Vocal Exorcises AND SOLFTstit/lOS, wilh an accompanimentNDSOLFlOS, for tb, Pian-forte, adapted to the wants of private puce. or elegies in vocal music. Selected from 1 taiam French and Herman composers, by Lowell :11115011: iI large pages of closely ponied music, coolumaig to exercise* progresalvely arranged Pnce 75 cents Just received, a supply of the above, direct from tie publishers, by JOHN 11. MELLAiII, meht2 el wood at kIEANeI-9 bbirrmall, ,u;;;;,e, VT sale by_ jul3_ d. AIV,U I'tl,l,oN II ERRING - ET-2m his No - 1 LOhreb., ioo 1„,1„ed, store and lot sale low to CIO-, con.ipt Moat by All JAMES lIAL2. leL Wen-, id LatiFF: AND CttAFF.,...lot.--,N IC Alia ll toy ha. reetlaca a supply of white Dad colon, Crapes and Crape liar—among the loner green nil , other desirable color*. Also, white, pink, and 1., Pits and Warb Illoi.d• Jolt Q1:12d1 4 113.-1,30 as Furs, yam reed and tor onter . l, 13 A FAilsrarucx & CO .a:aLI ii = 1 i # i- izT-iii : ZisVililAtlit2;l,-..r. ... - ..- -- 6.litgl fttS as ;3 • -z;l' -147'1-'%2 l'il.i"1" s;-i.b.; z l =litivr.g.!..;.. s 1E- ~L, F ~.,A _1,?,-,, , ,q-,1--„. .. 2 . i-as>.,“: 3..-2•!".‘,',:%,-..:4f ;67-it,.:4,3!_.9.,,,c.:.-, -;.- a L.:,..ilsT .--. ,4;...tr -:-?'!...., .'-.- El= it Cg :. qg 2 - 1 .. .. - . 7 ..i..i - f_. a- .z:.st -1 i1=..., r '' , 2l: g. r.,..,-...,,,,1i,-..;--ii-.-1ic..,f1z14.-.1-2_7,-,,g,4-.,(i41 2 ..i'At. -- ....-n. t .-_ , . ~, f,....-..i 0 .1.:3..2.--; - 1,...E ,4, ~ . .11 ; 9, . ;.7 - . t , ..1- .L..7 . 7 . -f,... : ; ? _. .4,---;1.-g:7- r-5.-=7.-,in,l="ltTS'.„.7,-=:-ftgl7.3-gg.l-.31t5i,.....3c. c, 4..1.H.....-2--igvin...; --- gf.t.-24..,„il:gftta.ti'.4 q3: , ..t..zg ~. -iiTlE.z., _-;;=,.. i . _•....., _,_‘..c ,E..-..... .....,.,,_,_," ~E-1.-31,. ;. .p.. ,-,;.,--..-.....,.,.....,.., `4-cfce.a•c•••-t..••-•'"'dE _:,_ ~..,,_., ...5t„,......_- s 1 . ~ tp.4-•1‘;.-4.,f,:_11---,,'?.,!t&-g=:,3-..,•E::::•1.c.,:,?,, S • C. :1-7.5.!..^=`-•:'''' 1,..•-..‘f.'• Sr. ... ~.--- M_ :I%EE,'-`;:lila`lF..?.t-E.E-,••,-..-.•".. - ....,d •^,21..;,72a::;:,-;77: `;-'-- - , .. - —1 --,' -,-.,..41:..].5r,r...,a3;;-. g: 7i E .''. ta.z. ''' gri±t4Oti.;t-i,--iisni -I tiiii. 2 13 i c‘• !!•:3E11411 1= 1 11 0 1.F.itn• -i s c .;41: I; i• 4 .. ei g ,2, i ':?i..' E l :.-liet.! il ici ‘..5. tri : , --01.- Elint , t'O:.=n;i-.. - 2 =- .1.; at` DSct a :iiik!:.V-§;:i;t4Y.1::: 0 A rii il g I s i g,'z' t,! ' . .igi1t 4. 1 , 1!..i:411:L1F;,,ii .- ..i .1 - 4 - it.'.,- nitßilthy,:i . iiii ; 'iii i.., !! ! fz..,.). ili.:- - f-;-:.i1t...i1144.!.'-.-:,:.,--_-. lA 2i ~.., g-,3E14"3g-lit'7-v• 1 4 :ggt - -;j-li !E - 1...,„-' . G°:-L,,t, t ; • : "l c-4 !:31 1 ..Eg-; , :; - ...'' - -77g. i-Q. 9P •: -' ll ''' , ot - a• 1. !7. -- -9.1`..-.5 ,- - -- u - 0 1-- z p. 4 ,_, Es. '±-• :72 . .q.;:rtit- 4 5....,• v. .I:el.;vlEihi ). '7.7, 2 :zi 1 9-4 . E71 3 1-t . iit 4 i! 1 tl' .1,0-;;`lsee - rfr.: CO 'z•g=,.?.. < _ 4 - i:tt Er .. -'ii z. i.. 0 ':: '...t , . &...' , ..L , r.t.y.1.1 . :-'l 3 ';:..t .7 :- - • ~ e.,'''..... ..E. 2 'ot .3..i;i7,;2.3.1;!..y. `..--' -I' --;°. :. ; 1 .5 . 3 !' '.. .'" .f 7 .`--_ 2 i '-.. • " ;- ' : 2 . - ',' A 11 w. ,Tor- WM 3 %CRAWL .101 - 111 D. MORGAN, Pittsburgh: D M. CURRY, Allegheny City: A. PATTERSON, Birmingham. Ivlth GM) DI E I/ ll; - A L. - L M E 1)1 CA L. MISCELL ' NEOUS. f . _ M'ALLISTER'S OINTMENT 1 ELILLT/LIVEI so,'''""'''' , `• ol ".T-W•a's-''..=•i .. '-'l4-. - Q ~,, -.. ...e......,_, . CONTAININti NO GINSENG PANACEA! . '____ . ,..,....." -- '74,--., .- '. ' uLe`iistPriF;r7_.:..,.. -. Y; ‘' t-'-' 41F-4 ,- rt '- , , ME RCURV •" °° " M. 'TO THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED 4'. .`"l'"'' ''4l. ' - ''''''''...Tatfn. , „ .:F.t... - , t t'Vn . :, :''.- ~ , ,r - •'s ' :". '' _a l ' h*. E XTERNAL ' I LUNGS.-7'he unprecedented silences which ha* use,. r " ' res ' -a ' - _era • *,,w7 '`_,..°•''. ' • ''?"--..- rouse ..- - esslihs-.. 4 e!lr . '.."i'sit MMES. SCRUPULO U S GINSENG PANACEA ei., *. "" h ae . . - sdai...i. , Tustetter'... * ! r'''..: ) \ .." . * - P;ls 11L hfrttu s•KIN DI, 1..,..1.. . • • -,e, setwi."'S.t. "Stuf4... ...,„- g i.d - . ~-,-„i-s ~,,,,,,,0 6 ,. 1 ell the various forms wthuth irritation of the lungs a. ..........-,... .-.......--. .......... -,,,,,,,,,,...:-....;.• ;_,.i .. -7=--": /2•1 [ 2 ,„?...,...., - ; , A ,„ . i! , .. 1 %•,' : ..,4 ',,,n,' 0 ,.,,,,, 5 ; snows, has induced the proprietor again to call anon. . ..I.Nr••••- er0.........wmat1n1s ....• .-1• -• -• ::„Tlk. o ,h eir putrid matters, end 'lc.. the WONDERFUL PREPARATION . • •t s te • ' S . " •-• then heals them. .. , SVSgre•. The chongable weather which maths oar fall and - VENETIAN BLISIDB. , ...., , . -, ... - ..7kfi . 11 is rightly termed A . ,„ months, i . ,„,...f.....f,...,,,, 0 , 'pliE re...ea:and best variety eve r offered in Wyatt, ..sVW - f --.....' .....__,.. - 'WALING, for . COLDS AND COUGHS. L before-etadc on the most proved Eastern plans ,t ' i ., '.' .. - 4' 4. there la nearcely a din , , ..„..e , .., .4..; ‘ ,.,5„ ~,,,,, cg ,,,,,,„t 0 ,,,,,,,i, Thoth,. if neglected, the bat the Prem... of that GB a r iii i i E ran " farli p io a nisl ou le Eas or wro tier. and cola?. Mao - 1 4 -.,. < , ‘ 4.. Mot it vent not benefit. 1e...7hr0 N BLIND, on head or made to outer of telfallesom at all prices. P....,..i.„ . - I have used it for the last . nia pia Li. u,,,r‘ CO , ho S w lls .h ri a Td ° , N o • wp „ 1 ,,,,, d ,,,,,,,,, „r Cu ro zn o tr o y ro hl o er a e l kru oy s o ls io th r d rh o o th ro er o ar . ; l as av al un i d ..w to i ail11 . 11II I : ''''''' a Y`'" for r° ''...°."°.° ' I. 'h i e 'he' ' .I n r.ll "W :he bud! ' w Moll we get clear ot one coughs and Ilin 11,40. .lolsver 411. ree po3bintoly, 411... . neCalro ~... , is of vital taapatitataaa aii the blio. .. troruo or roow, end o la. 1 cf.d....i. ..d. . .-",... t....“ en and man, that not tn one. case has it tux TIIE GREAT AND ONL Y REMEDY wholesale purchthera. !haled ''. ' ''''' '''aca the Pahe" was within the roach Will be found to the Ginseng Panacea. In proof of this J'rd'il 9 _ Wt'.34fit' Vila , „,,,,,, ~. ~,, I' we have from urns to ume pabiished the cortiLeatth o f , . I .ory I, ho oh yeti-Inns learned in the profession. , „ ear oar hoer ar.. e,...e0e.,,e have e. e... Notre. to the Public, ha, mist. ter• ot •lie co., el, judges of the bench, ar- lim. of . a so r (urea' , with ho ......s p i r , n . UTE hereby natty our (Benda and correspondent. klf at home and abroad, that we will not, own. ‘ a ... .,,, , !. ar . ,• Y -• .' ,'; F t'n!• " prt 'a n e r a ct a s ' e U t ‘ t ' in j e g s h e7; variety i .- I ":: 4 ‘f‘ ' .. .. :::1U1: ; r " ''r L.h,?i,,IIVIR'I,-.sr°mAi„,-....... a n'r CIItOnWT/SCIT, receive freight from any Boat for Mo.. o ohich J. Newton Jones Le agent. . .Uri 1.0 , rc tins ;wen but one voice-one Uctivers•il hILDILAL O I . s 7:.,...,,“,g-..11:A1.1,1:5.TE11, YOUR. OINTMENT Simmer. of the Gospel, 80., together with copiool 001 _ r _apil_ .. Ices from the R IiODES it ALAXIR.N. j'O b ILN . K T EL - LV A c A a, C is Aß uce ll ess • ora to flabb,Wlnce Is IMOD . • lilt El NI ATI..7t: -It removes almost namediately , JOURNAL'S OF THE DAY, tiv is."' n '''''' '''' . '"g. whet ' the P." een'th. ' 1 . f o rc e ti h rt c o v f e an era y b o a f el o le ttr a i k mit 'a ha ts m tj a t i : , hl o e = t fann L e lha d . 7 .ll Y UT b. ' 1'34 h:,,, 1.1 ,03,7 Eid ii, TN iz i.l ilsa T , ;B 7:o 77 ,l : ,, .:,.. i l r.r al e t o: t : ld nsd. "e Third, pßiN. 7 4 : p i Tal, ,,A la s adel e r : s i p ti.uu ble, N rall ' lus lin g lira„ Mr tl.recuons around the Lox l t• i A il-At7l4 F.-The m:ve has rated persons of the I HUNDREDS hes •• r,e`of t .ve' vs ),:art standing, and who had it i have been used in this city. GOODS; eruftwint , 4l C=l "" ett=r n es l , * Y r e N stle " ;l, Bl lc lc . re th evr, wee en - vo • k tbnt miung took place. EAR - I THOUSAND'S AND TP2gB OF THOUSANDS, A' r • . Et tt • rib Ai7lli-j. and AGUE LN TILE Feet:, i throughout the United States and Canada, aud we ess ... . I lenge any man to point out a a,...., ned ....to , 11.... •uCee.a.a. of every description-all of which the of their own un - ;.D lIF NI, We have cared Cadet that actually • SINGLE INSTANCE ...mom having been easefully selected m Pas* ter , carry um, snort,. on well as the ability of It- :ii which , when mite. Meordn4i to d...timm, and Des L,,,, w k., 44 , e ..r . ta , .t.ty duetore. (the emu told us he had spent , fore the lungs had become fatally dioorgantied, lt IMO t p... 0d,,,,,,e,„, visiting Philadelphia , ...,....I..thar s .1 on li sclnidira withou any bench , ' when a few ..n'cr (.Ic ' ''.! to e s itmtnient curet them EFFECT' A PERFECT CURE. ly waited to call and uninine then extensive stock. melealainm I t Crolit-lhetc k. nothtng better far the cum of ' Why, then , need me tOnietha he.nnth , "rhY mien to 1 . -- ,d m i nn higif irL, r , .. tar I'ln''''bi. assumed, g °°°° ° P b y "" a re kro 'r. bottles of Rubber Paste. a su j peno rc r cci artVe r , 2 hig "a ttly Tr. , r lit ILINS-It is one or the best things in the world Yu, th is a let the assented name of some es slwated phy. meson, and puffed mot ootenetty by certificate. ci pas P."-..".g.1G.1. that . 14, to keep their feet dry Ruth, It t r isi7 c ove '' r l e t I' r:r e :l om at Te e l ' a i t% a tenh ' b c e i r li &Els:, i'ILES-Thougands are yearly cored by this Chet- . Sous equally unknovne Whshst • modi c um o f UNPARALLELED EFFICACY mem_ It YI,Na taaa in amnia relief for the Piles. 11 - 1 - Mouncl 11, boa arr directions for using 1rt.41- - •^"te.. •reCeee --thh--- ere., tie,- - esiv ~.e„ No 3 Wood threat. ruard . Ik. II PillisLiess.. „ . ha friar/new/or NtroMio. Lacer Compfoint, Erysip- •,.. e ' Wri........701......74: - CP, i.,. , . , .:: rir.r.L. , -rrr , r W I qw. CSitsio , Scald Head. Sole Eyst, ((nanny, Nnef :Strath. fie-neartus.Nmeoui Ape... Pain. Drs. • c • . Ltoni. t'neni al.: Di n msr, rif ins Skew , Sorg Laps, Pirn. ' - ' L , . 1 yap i 1' Cit • ". p., .yr . ,e,ing of trts Loner. Sofro, ifthersinourm, 1 . . i. cord Fat Coop, bresr•or or Draken Breast, root& - • ... .I,Nr .1,•.• in t or Farr to rte. .., • . l/1.1) FEET-Liver Coin:slams, pain to the Cheat . .e , e-- ~ • . ,-. •, • . r'..7,4 r . lI and Side, fa Wing of ot the hnir, or the other seeompu. • .. , t . . ': ti ".."4'•ii • men eattd ter, i m... I .t..lrarnt ni rite true remedy.) it . te o •nri• sir.. ot itliirtt•r to hits , rold met, ' . •e• 'i trriOng - -• , Ctillss'n-ltrea.eni , one of the Ointment will al. t 7 .; wat • seep . orti• ;torn grow,ng. People aced tent( • . - .- . ..' ...., n . ~Not.ntl with lnrni II they use it frequently. , . • ..., . . , .. (7,..- 'Flo, Ointment t• good tor any part of the body or liml.. when and amid. In sortie canes it should be rs. ~,,, , f ii,'. ~ 6. , 1 II,"I .; ..,‘ ', r , L o kr.. • jc , • . . .:..-: t r . ny t ..,...• to.ine 01,0 L. ...1.. .. i A l d TloN-No Omnuent relit hr rename unless the - i i . . . . • . •- • is• i . ....: r . th-v.f • t ien..,,... 'r t s. Yt.iii" t• . n. 'z n , rii name of .IA NO :.a Cle A LLISTER IS omen with 4 yen i • . . .„ , . ~ .„ : , ,c,•. : ... ~„„ ~., ~.-. ... , ~ ,g e ^ ,•.11,, , , ... , I. ~., I n r s e as,'':) , r.. Fot an.e a . ) illy Athol% In all the prinetped Mlle, a n d f ,,,,.." ..,..., the b e h as h. i ..,.ty ....,,c,,,d i Large sad ot .stmo - Itsy sloes, enstore parellating tataavalsera tor,. •0 thy I*.tued Stater. •-el. constructed bulldlng, for the exclusive purposes I have now on the way trom the host, tGrOtutiososs JAMES Mr.II,LISTER. of Ito WATER CURE ESTABLISHMENT, at bu old of Gold, Satin Glazed, and common Paper Ilungings, rs. - Pmprietor 01 the e noire mediciee• oseattost at Phillipabotgb, Pa. on the nver,oppo- which I can sell at emcee-angle: ft the 123 Mato Sk fn 17 , Prlntnpal ~ Mitre, :So 1t...N0rt0n...1 Street, Phil- ~, „„,,„ ~,,,,,„,,,t,,1,a , B anner , o th ere i d . roo d ) piece. ___ mchiS Se: BILL. N 7 wood st to ...terse pauents as hothdem and treat them ou ily- Demon Elmoktrag. Slt ICE na VENT•t PER BOX. dropathic principles. 1 0 addition to lus long expert.la A VLNO }oat complex.' the rettathlingoroar smote A . urn tN r:rr•isritoll-Bratin b. Heuer, corner of erne, and the great success which has heretofore at- i Illn houses, we ore note prepared to reeeive Mots; , i ,,, , a ,,,, y,c ... r at., 1.. and Wilco/. Jr. eother of tended his treatment of pritkma commuted ta h,. care, 11.101.mhice it in the most merchantable manner. N.,., i . 1,01 the D o unoml. a lso m i r e< r of 40n and hehas now the additional funUties odorded by an ea" l Too booms arc fated WWI all thentodens improve r-., . 1 ., 1 II Cass,, corner of Walnut and Penn tenstre buthung erected expleintly tor the purpose, co. I menu, and are capable of containing sOUGIG Dm each. t. hue w ord. Aotl sold at the bookstore In ggnithheld tanung commodious end a --es. nisi hued sp sulth i BIER lc JONh.. • Canal Elgin, , dds,..l In t. and .1, in A.,eghettY er , J bY H P every nceeasnary apt.. ~. ~. A .i.diointin I 44 444.18evelatli at •-stlw ntli a.l J .stitgent. by I t_r Sunth, Druggist, Ike - thro„, th e ,rerother,„,, . ._ . ' . - , ,I. • - 1: -,-- v•SiG . PAPER-Havie - g thexclualve agency en.ishart, li Ner•es. Lust ~.ttir rty, li Rowland, 7ilc• , the natter, YhillipAt•' • `..01 Grove Printing Paper, IS. Ithe•port .1 A • >eder fr. ',in. MlllO 01Kilbell. City; N 5 e .... E o u , r r .. e „ ,: ofd In,d. anti - - .• I••• - - u... thf rthy-Swquality, Dome,. 11,:noor, 1 . ..1, are wtolosate ogenis. nose atO.ctrd ere irt,7 eleinll, der hit care, that ever, - '''' .. , shall be paid w c.n...r. -`° '' ''' '" " ' " '''' ' WATER CURE EST AB I. DIFI/111gh T, ‘,.0.1.0M and on °° °. ''" ' , confidence w timi th be e nsA h... t. ! ,, , ,. 3 ._ ~.I . ' ''' • ..;: .„4 , ,... i t 1r:A_ 2.. 0 be derived, he r - PHILIPSBURG. PA. 9' Ilr. up.] *Glee. winch Hydropathy ban maths . Breda . .tt, . ....,La , 7 , : , '' ' - , tatay .trot. l as Ina moan :eaves. outworn. atom 90LEMA - N D i II it g AIL tIZ ALAN Sar t. CO W . '6 : "l' outiLe '-' ro ;- iti..... I some it• in s twig IMO this eountry-sha bril• ...earn. !_a.., . 1 tons twig r.titore effee u oi rend-aka water in hand, e. 's ' _sae an ,y, .d,,, t ,,,,,,, r b 0 h ag , - fantods Small Iran, -Spring and Am. Mister Stew, ,:,,;,,•,',..%,°„,,. ~:,. ~,,.,,,.‘.,,, ii.i,,,, employed ...Me, ,h. 00011 treated . .. - , therm It removes the dia. P oulgsoPosktufalltel,ll.thekt, tipikestrad WWI. , ~,,,, pr ,,,,,,,, (~,,,,,, , 2 ,,,, 1 .,,,,,,,,,,, Iron Nun, all sixes, together witli Coach and EliptiO ate .1,.. or :Ur er 'eared Prist... hose removed from ease , c l o tt r vt i rr .. , ‘a weather, ~,,a a ~,,,,,,, Springs, hlf Pat, Toper and common Axle. n- Isl. ~ • N.. 11.1...Egent and dt.eenting puthe ovary th n e d d .c,,, . Ad ',Op , tgOr to d o , dt ge . thre Having reduced the price of Wrought Iron Nom, iii. ~ e ... ••••.r .. - , " 3 " . "'T " Tuned " "". a • • en d b rd' tenth td I engine inutile. and others estng the thttele, will End *,, J., •4 V ' , I 1 200 . 111.1,11 4 Yn ....-f- - 7 ro- J- .r._ - _,..7: n “, ..,-,.1—,„„„en:,,,,,,,1,T,,, i ,,„ = —„.. i „to their interest to give this newbrunch of Pitialinutli • i 1 • sed in Me tre.mento chrome or manufactures their attention „,thp s i n :, ~....ini..,,,i.. too, sthsch are meremung en- adder” T"'wr at l'UtßiPnbargh. Conch trimmings and meltable Iron on liberal terms. ~,, , .., 0,...., he a halo's: 'a...6 10 see the sure,. _ • • . _ , . _ -..— . ........ .. Warehouse on Water and Fourth to Illtakttf n 1 0 Uirli 04 ! , r 0110011 . many unfortunate macre. _... _ ____ tiri. tii• : nr..l :roils thnsi uth. end tannuthes , s , Fie au,n.c,iner hit wing practised soccer...fatly this r imthod nii rich. years at his Ilydcopothic e tc SAM'L. GRAY, e, outhth oth tee,. constdcruttly enlarged and dm- ontsed tit a.. na poi and in every mimeo., ts now end , „ _ MERCHANT TAILOR , ,‘, reee muil &Lc :.otnniudate patients who may aut . e th ero tthn, „„,,_ 9 ..Lsotnn. to p.m, I.6cen.e.Vea under his ease, skall and ring wttch time many pieces Mesa,._ . _ .1.1.1.,114-1., the troutal bone ol the crantths, from both COl —.. PC...p.; are • titan.: aeon the left bunk of the Ohio, wrists and bends, and from both legs, and from the Jet, i - 5eth ....,,, ....,,,,,,t, 01 the lug Beaver. . well known re•rorol bone, end from the rigin.knue, besides pandin nes MST athermstro MO. i c i r , t . r e0re.a....., out uriohnous anuesphery, it, de- aims on o th er pare of hay person, winch have harken I . h il t quicto-• and charming notary: scenery, corn• the sk al of a number of the meal emsnern p_hysicians oi NEW YORK AND PHILADELPILIA, „,,,,„, ~ry n.. 0..... to rer;der the no t ourn of the in- oar sit. -ilurtng Chest of the ho. h-- - A. .r., 'threes . t utni enntr.hulaise not a little to re-ea. . 000 n .....- - .u... ien iMi,..tin .: 11 111111 1/:d phy4l atrenglli. United .......uii. every mole, both for pleasure mid YE RES. ,iit, urt, ru.cuisi...lu. 1.0.41, a speedy and happy ter- . ....wins, L. the ailments 01'0. Pa eta. Winch he is prepared to make Loonie r Pr rm. ~.hoe 10 tread thetwelve• a the advonta• " IN TILE HIST MANNIII. or. here off.inti, wlll isn-aan addre,.. ute MIL, Ilber win,. .o.no pNnt j alating as near at possible the And in the !treat Fashions ...ion iii min rumples's, in order to decide and ad. Marla ut,r lithe, und eurthility hy the Md.:tooth. trentinet.t. •iiit atm what Anil be necessary for teem to " ,d Quartel into along, h. their especial and personal one. •e, a Foort. Ftpw AK I/ .1.1...K1.:11, M. I) Propnetor. l'hocpstiorg, Beaver county, Pa "II tr. SCCG RIVEN,. fit - Rer'.l Kli.ttelly, Alt:wrong, Y.D. MI Boot . i• 0,0. 1-. rd ito lion Thomas Henry, Mover, Pa., Dr. •d mail , 1..1 . 1.,. 1.0. I.rni 111 IF:Lit:it, Pittsburgh, Pa i L. c. 'their fas I. rk ins l'in. is (Oslo. Rev. 5. II Seerd, New Alban); ' Deg. Ms 4.14 Key. NI al . . Pticeton. • N .1 • T I. Slattern, Esti slid s. o. ' i °H.. In CO rt Winter, Plallipsholl, Wm. H. Sie •01, 'r.... din, I'. tr•bragli, A Bidwell, Nut, do, sof I. s, h_h net AI. rY M CONSICIPTION (1 ru!.e. how rnueb, general wenkne.., r• • , :rs• .Irrpvnnni.le appetite, irregular boatels, ',wren wit houldrt blades behind ,ierrons or Coneriarrion.--Criaghtog gbi nod [Libby inu•elen, general debility. great tyr11:1 . •• 11 . 101,011 on going up stair., inieetidlng • 01. or walking but • little lust, puke always above ioc lior.dred. for weeks together; drenching cold writis rooming. anal ConsuinptiOn comes on the a common •ote a ria or cool, hut about the period when that at) t. expected to subside. some of the synap• mu. arc adsrIVIICA. The rough tomore especntdly o hen lying down. 'Mere is no fixed Its the chest, but difficult breathing. which is worst on lying down The appearenee of the expel. toren°, which is copious, to rhanged from a dock e'crg alarm, too Owner substance. It to very un apt to the pa , ,nt. and rm. an onplcaaant smell war.“ burned It to of an minor= appearance, anent proloattly mixture of puo end mural, as oil miannalt ..tilt water part oinks and part swims- Th. disease ner ccur .0 any hat,Ol or at arty age, and Is ehitroc terord t.y the recallarkt, of the cough Thr Ita/snm of Ltverwort effects the core of this in aid... dramas by elpeclorationsooilso and heats the alicrted tangs never faiht. Wherever tins media tn- ho•be , .. owed, we hear of us success. For Mir. wen yeuro tt has been before the public, and hao been thoroughly tested for ell romplamts of the Longs, and Ilsolf.pernor to merit to any thing m use. We undlit awe hundreds of testimontals from physi ,tans, the pre., clergy, and those who have beta 0u ,,1 nut all we de•nre no to call the attention of the 0.1- I. , :ea, and ton their oven good they will try it. Ldsdk out for rootie rfr ita AlWays observe the aig on,ro, - Goo Taylor, AI U.." on titer engraved label, toe. orepurffil at the Wholesale Depot, 7:lDeckMan .trcet. New York. t•ond to Poffinurith by I CI Morgan 93 Wood at; fowneeed, ii Slarkr , t RI; II Smywr, tor Market and hl ow; ti-nderson & Co, 9 liberty st Price reduced o 11,501t0r bottle %1012.1 i A N Wi /UM KFLLER is the he'd Venninsge ,V 1 th any 10011 ran give or uoe in his (orally. Ws•ntkuion Tp., Westmoreland co. P. Mr Jul. D Mo..° -This II to certify that I have ..ren pslui. your Vrimitues for some tone. .ay about 'tte y n ear— and on tit thm te I hove tiros r knots to ta in ',tutu.; worn. own, when the symptoms onitett tett thrir present , I had occasion woe it to two groan no members of to, family, I gave each of Agoi nue tln•.. nud one of them painted 210/ and the rah , os 2.1 worm t. It the hest Vernulage that any lona run mos to 1.1. family. Vt Yoc,c. .old by JNO. I). NIORG AN. Drargtot, me brlove Dottnond Ott Wood G. Jus —Port Red Sark. Chi.. Ether, Yl I nt1 " ; l'o e nt w ith n , Strychnine. Chios - tan Gold, Liver Witte Prmptutte, ant.. Potash. last re tut rd and for ode no Jul R E SELLERS I VIDGs! DRUGS!— 1 / ht.i. tut , Ch'nroform, Ext. Gars Pres... Indult' Iron, Notate Silver, 011 Coputim, Jame. Powder, Cane Acid, Chloilde Soda. Chloric Ether, Extract IlikLany, Extract Qua. la. Jost rre'd and for .alt ty R E SELLERS, Jolt 57 Wood at 11,0.1 - ' , .1: I 11, Ur' ~HwRi Lt. MO , PA.—lt decomposes the virus or pennant priori tc of el contapoue cletases. It removes the danger t effluvia of sick mns, tee. its cleansing emir. iy ',heves Meer, and intercepts all communicable iisrsses. whether in mail or animals, a.c. Just reed and for rale by lull R b SELLERS, 57 Wood st k T the sign of the Plane and Saw. 7H Wood street 1 a complete assortment of Cincinnati Coopers fools. for ante by myle SURER A LAUFMAN VIA O AULAY'S HISTORY OF ENGLAN6- 1 1301- ter's edition, ecintaintng all the matter ' verbatim .t Merman°, of Vol.. 1 and of the London edition, em .eilished with a portratl.of the author-4 Vole. in one. Once, complete, Ode. A large supply of the above re ceived and (or sale by JOHN II MELLOR, - ql mood st .ot.,,Tk; COCOA AND' 11R0h1A—Elakela Drams, Not Chocolate and Cocoa, also, &broils srol •h.o•A Chocolel, /WI rood and for sole et the 0..4 In Tea Store, Foorth •t mytt vv pulverized suirars, Just reed and for eale by the übl or al retail, at the Pelda Tea Store, 70 Feint, EL yt4 11,1 et hint' A Lrtauatv, in informed by Mrs. Rose of a eure per. (Orion, by Dr, Jayeeee Alterative, which crimes its uperiority over every other remedy of Um kind. Slit oas been adlieted for the last stimen years with NheS OSES or WHITE SW ELLI NUS., attended with ulcerations and =foliation of canons bones, de slog oth.ch time many pee= have been discharged limn the imum: hone ol the emelt= from both her amps, wt.'sts and bands, and from both legs, and from the lib re., oral bone, and front the right .krtee, besides pettintl atestl on other parts of her person, winch hove Inane the st ill of a number of Lbe terrol eminent ithystciens ei oar eit• —tiara% most of the time her aatterngs have t,eert excrulat.ng and deplorable. About three months =nee Pe arts induced to try Dr. Jayne', Alterative.' which oas hod an imuthiahingly happy effect up= her, rstnealne all pato and swellings,nnd CenSttle the ulcers to heal, while at the same Pone tier genet= health oat heconic completely restored, so that she now weigh" .1 Ihe mor than she did before sue commenced the nee of this truly vatuabic prepation--isat Eve• foss For further information, Inquire of Mrs. Rom, No. Filbert tt, Philadelphia. For me in Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, I 71 Ronne so. near We= tY 3 TOWNSEND'S tii.IIt3APARILLA.--.50 dozen lost received of Dr. Townsend's Senthpardia, the , most extraordinary medicine in the world! This FA ' pact in put up to quart bottles. it is six times Cheaper, pleasanter. and watranted superior to any sold. it cures disease without vomiting, poegtng, sickening or debtlimung the patient Loon cue eon lattranowx—Unprincipled persona have copied our labels, and put up meth.= to the suns shaped bottle. See that each tattle has the written tog nature of S. P. Townsend. . .... . N. E. &FILLERS, Drown, 57 Wood sweet, between Third and Fcueth, Is be. Pownsend's only wholesale cod retail agent for Pittaburgh, of whom the genuine article can be had. D. M. Carry hes been appointed the role agent for I Allegheny city, of whom t h e genuine article ran be ' had. ap4 . ' ti A Esur mewl, A. B. Ilan., h. 1. twig l 11. L Feunturrom,}Pittsborgh. I U. W. FAIIIIISIOC, W holeaale Drag Store ha the City of New York. TIDE undersigned are extensively engaged in the I M bolesale Drug buttons. al No. 49 Join street, ia Int city of New York end are prepared to supply Unit oats and etrantly Merehanl. with Drags, Pena, hik DI ewtni/., Eatinget and Milanese Perfumery, Net .er, .1 strata & Menders Chemicals toffitnir own tuf orndont tie all ether article. In their line of boat n. at a sapient I....guilty as low as they eta be parr , thsee4 in this or any eastern ClTY......._____ New Volt. treble IL A. VA lI 7 URSTOCR at r I • - aulok tFo32cßALE. --- Dr. Wicker. CelebratedrrllE underugual offers for sue a superior treacle CUOLRRA AND DIARIIO3.I MEDICINES, ' 1 0( 'wt.' , I'' , bvildfitgi lattdt, by hit Stettin Pm., improved macluno, for winch he has obtained a palest, THE public are requested to read the following c ere ~.,,j ~,.„.,, to give p.,,,...f.. ~,,,,, .., • ,,.....0,,, J.. oficates This medicine Is ermaideely used In , the arc stronger, and will sestet frost and wet areath all the Southern and Eastern cities. • or snd imbibe less mmature or deinimem than any oth- We do certify that Dr. Lome Wsemer, of York, Pa, , ar b . O , ,„,,, g re, body ..,,, ..p.,Sof if . ,,Ul, trot under his care and minaret's., on or about th e and touch mom durable in every respect, each prick seat t'l October loaf, it young men h'"nelf ..•dr a ncieg subjected to it twesauroktf several tons, and pew- lin, severe attack of -Asiatic Cholera.' That we exam. seating a handsome smooth surface and 'even edges, teen the said patient, and found him to he in the cot they intake a moot equal to the best front brisk. A".a? lapsed state, of that thaws, with frequent and coptints .They have given we greatest satisfaction to all who %it" , " re water d ' whae g ee ' Thai we d eanauee ' l a a en-.e have purchased. A kiln can be seen army works, and :',A ni genuine Cholera, and declare moreover 'net we . ~,,„ ~..„.,,,,,, ~,,,,,,. 0. ,,,„.. nu inbreed the sad patient was beyond the hope oh mad ~,,scorch having ~,,,,,„,„, th, ,,,,,,,,,,, tee then b,,,,,,„. eat aid In feet we thought the patient would We, ~,,,,, ~,,,u , ,g t.„,"...... j.,,,,a, brick, c ,,,,,,,, ,p ,„,,,,,, I - Ai and so declared at the time. and solid patois brick can obtain Menu ' %re limber certify that the said lends Wickey- put : ' ISAAC aß oije; .'4 1111041 Ills own mode of treatment, and administered his , . mr . i .. h .., J . e to ma. if _ *,,,,.. Cholera Remedy, and effected a cure of the penult.; w oo t_ - . 1 „1. gh ; ~ , ...- 4 ,,, T T..„ .‘ ~j , ~,,,,,,, .j We :pink in four days thereafter the said young man i diderent graders 01 .7. 1 4:i„ ... 7i h. 5 4-. oEp..i .dr b., . 54, .. a. .gl t was at work, and perfectly well ' Jona C. Dosser, ht. D. in) di T. B. DIMXIST,S. D. 1 - 10YARTNERSH is IP-i have this day _„www.letea '4 e., l ' ! %._./ with mo in the wholesale firocerl , t',..455 sad ;; ; I I ceruty that I visited a causal modified Choler, un- Commtatuun Business, 51r. John w W Wllsnn, andet_the firm ~...„,,,, w der the care of Us. Laois ickey, and max I believe of JOHN WAIT & CO.JO HN Arr. ... his medicine relieved him. : Pambergh, Ann! Oil, thin.W, Stale of ,Mary land, Sr arlunglon County, to wit: , S ULPII of itemise. Oxide of Xis, nut. Acid, e,.. ...•,..,A I certify that I am wall acquainted with die gent le-. r a te o , Iron, gr C,,,eus. or Potatki, Nitre.° of men who have signed the within eeruficatee of Dr. Si ter, Csioniel,Ziensu orneed, Chloride of Ride and Louis Wtelmy, and May aro Elltll of rupee ability. . chj,,,,.., Lite ,, ~j , ~,„.„1 and lot oak, ay ">v In teturnony whereof I 11C1C111110 subscribe my ~,,,, . J: NIDD W. CO. .-e= t. a name, and affix the seal of my office, this four- j.,....„,.. 7.7!.„ 'GAZETTE, 2'. wrath day of November, eighteen hundred end' -.— • durty-three. 0 D. IVILLIANLS,.CIerk PITTSBURGH Wmlnngtun County Court, hlaryland. : PU BLISHED DAILY, Tio-WEEKLY A WECKLY • ...Ai . ' ii , the 0414.18 Bail.dityp, Rd a, saw absll.l' Pan :- aATS OF A.OVlll.l7Cit'':, EI - . 7 , One , na mtion of 13 lines, or lees, al° ° Two insertions trithontalterationa,.. reran . . •••••••••• ' 1 (X) . ;'.. One Week tt • ...............,. 1 60 , A...: Two Weigh, „ . ~, ...... v. 6 50 i:g Three ti „ ......... 3 One Alontb, „ 4 00 ..: 60.. .a„.... '1 Ai? ... T ....a - .. 600 '',., Two . „ *moo ..... Three " II 07 Longer advertisements in same pr.:4 lolo m. One aquare,6 month., without alteration,. 10 00 ii . 4 41 .4 a CI alteration,... 16 00 ..vi Each additionael squats for& mon , M , 1, .. 10 IS ..a 00 4. pi o . ., 5: One eqnare,6 months,renewable at pleanor 0,46 pa K.,, 00 ad as 111 44 St If .. 4 go ..47, Bach addition:Mem:axe forte menthe '5OOO t e l. Two agoarea, 6 months, re'vrableat please :to, 30 00 c; . Each additional equare, 6 months, p........ 800 4 I. lIIIIIILLY OS 1.111,71165LL7 IN SAILS riazas., One square:3 insertions AI 80•,;. " " each additional insertion ..... ..... rt.,, , r, alsrasse easlit. ,I Fire llnea aria., one year. 6 (10 •••• lose* ..A. l 44 ft " eta months a, 10,0 3. . q. ono yeas, daily & 'really, 10 01, c1 " mix months " I witnessed the adralnistralirm of Dr. Lords Wiek ey's prepara . lon for Cholera, tu the ease of an appren tice to the plank nog business in this town 'Hagers town.) Hu was a well marked 0.0 of Asiatic dila te-a., with rice water evacuations, cold clammy skus, cold to.iane, small Hen:allow pulses...-1 considered his oltualron truly critical and alarming. I saw turn pre nous to Dr. Wtekey, and Will present at the orlanin , Hatton of the fast dose of Medicine, and saw biro re pcatedly ocelot the attendance of Dr. Wicker be re covered so as to he able to strand to and worn at his trade Ina few days. lam sure be Loth ndao other bat the medicine adtrunised by Dr. Wiekey. *Umtata W. DAV:II. M. D. The only true and genuine Da. Wrearrs Chides and Diturhata Medrelrle is prepared md sold wlasle .ale and tar.l, by JOHN D. motionN , 7ni3:d2or one door below Diamond nt.eY.,Wond st GALLO. GahALE2l:ivfeode foe ..ve .... ry late y r st s, en . e l o , arnimpe fi. ] deter moted to enlarge my blames. considerably. Hosing ensarred • competent Foreman. t will be enabled to fill ail orders ,o.par, and do the work in not an style and at fat: prm ti ath nod iudrlbe allention of md boot. no d ,i osea s to my largo MOCIL or UPHOLSTE RY (1001)11 and lleds.. Ataillaasca and nodding, Cur- Nr. en d s . Darea.Ore ondbloyeena.Cornices, Faun gee, Iltorderniss. Tarrolo, Split and Roller U lads. and every article omtdlY ilic - pt its an moat'llahroent of the tied. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly at tended to. N. 8.--CorP.to Mad . and pit &nen. WU. xnniit r AR 0 kagis No Lard We far . LI 0 6 . AVGILLS it ROE jytIAD 41111,03--300 bog inAe i t a rai voileau.b7 E2.011•N 0 ST. CLAIM STRZET. PITTSBURGH. And is now receiving a hoe assortment of CLOTHS, CISSIIIESES AND VESTING'S, OF THE BEST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES, Read QOM fee 130OUBALld IMMO. Cones of lour.li mil Smithfield streets, Ytrnsumni, nith T e Te ri re i recl . 5 1.f00t l irriZo c e b s ' in u e ' s 'd sla wholesale and mail, would respeetfigly invite lac attentinn of their funds slut publi: gen erally, to Weir splendid new wick, comisting ref mem, wornens', hope, spl endid and fluidram wear of creep vaiiety, mitunte for the seams, and at priers to Mt the limes A spiendid artier °rhos:A Made work, ruck es punk:sum , urr- " seas .1 your 11selves. N. ll.—Trave • give us a call wh<4 vex olag LO - 0 - 411.151, W LLtIOA & Utht IMPORTERS ma Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, daddiery, &c,1119, Wood street, Pittsburgh, are sow fully prepared wash a recently imported nook of Ltardwarc,Cutlary;Sad dicey, Carpi: were Toots, acc, to oiler Very green in ducements to Western hiercharda, as In addition to the many advantages hid by our predecessors, Mt. sm. Logan tr. licimedy, we have greatly lueremed our (Iselin.% and purchase all our goods from first handl on the very Lest terms. Tee junior climbers of the firm devote their whole attelitum to sales, mil fueling made= of giving sat isfaction, respectfully solicit *call front alt who may visit this market mobil Arrntirrtexasirra nr :W7/11[17 !Ally r ! : For 1S lines, or less, Oner lisertio a, ..... ... T ir e, .. ...,,, i ~ ,o *, • Thtee, " ...mo. . r M " " " Tlarst ottlis, .... - .. - 0 4 t k 4: 1 . 4 c 4 x. -.4.,!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers