BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAM REPORT ED & T Ea RA MUM THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZED FURTHER HEWS BY THE CAIYIBRI4 Hamm, Aug. 0. The Cambria anived here yesterday alleraVa by which we am enabled to furnish some Nan, particulnn of the Foreign news. uvg.,§..01, 3.1 y 241 The second edition of the London Tinset4 - f Friday lam, counnas the report of the victory offer the Russians, by Gen. Bern, as mentioned is Om diploartic circles in Paris; also that the Houghs rians bad obtained further advantages before morn. PILLr&SIA AND DENMARK. The ene ,gnee between Prussia and Denmigk has been ratified. Nan by sea sod lend, for a pe riod of six month. At the close at this period difficabies are not yet settled,the axon tree renewed for sit months longer. ROME. The American Charge d'Airsirer h s been craea. pelted to take down ms arms, in cniksequencosat his house basics been entered by thi French #4l - in pursuit of two deserters. PIEDMONT The negoth_tions fur the conclusion of petige between Atistria and Piedmont, says a letter from Turin, - are Suspended. AMERICAN STOCKS. Americailiti!oclet are firmly supported, Lot 4M considerable amount remains on sale in the aijir. bet. The demand is not active, and we haveAo material change to notice in our quotations. '. _ _ NORTII CAROLINA ELECTION Pattroircreu, Aug. 4; Caldwell,. Democrat, is reported to have hewn denied in the Fourth Cotogessianal Metric4of North Carolina. '27 CHOLERA IN PHILADELPHIA. ";.4. Panausisnia, Aug. During the 43 hours ending at noon - to day, ti(ger hate been 142 Cane's of Cholera, and 15 death* CHO LEKA IN NEW YORK- 't Nrw YoirS, Ave. There were 261 cases of Cholera, Bud i;23 Aenths,in this city, during the 4n hours ending of noon to tiny. CHOLERA IN CINCINNATL Cinarmat, Aug. Repeal:eta day, give eleven interments (tom Cholera, nod 23 Isom other diseases, for tbe24 hours ending at noon. • _ BALTIMORE MARKET. BAtrissozz, Aug. ti Flout—The market: is uuebesgee, nod Ice y 8• =ad moderato - at previous quotetions. Grain—Wheat hem declined 4c cn the Lae, bad corn In down 3o General good health prevalla in our city. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. r Pllll-ADCLPIIII., Aug. (2. The foreign news had a depressing effect uiSus Flour and Grain, load nothing of eousquenee ryes been done- ItIM,BY CLAY AT Seaaroo•. — Tbe Hso. }teary Clay arrived ut Saratoga, on Tuesday, tie Hs Ho is sojourning et the United States Hotel. Ale vas received with tremendous enthusisant= . Crowds surrounded him of all points. His hahlT is gradually improving, and ha looks well. the number of visit...Ts at Saratoga is smaii.... o otiro . Sifislttopeadiing, WO' it,InICIC are happy to liihns "that. Chief - J#lca than bas so far recoooed from klareeent nlarrdny 1112Mli M Sunbury, 4 to bo able to return to Carlisle,. Ho left Banbury sy'isb hiatoil".*g.-^Qtr4;11,... ; Gulag 11.d.vvium.—Ttie slippery eharacteA of GeorgeLippard as a politician, and his inOed MalianTifM 08 a penny-e-liner, have excited ten sidcrable sport, particularly as he has the lanio to imagine 061 he is a man of gnat eonsrquettes, and has been very OttentaUOM in proclaimal his NACU political Ilm-flap. Those acquainted George's bombistm pruductione,, will recognish fU the following sketch from the Trenton Gazelle a most capital imitation of his atyle, both in the ;tan image and m the horrible array of bristling atila motion points with which he habitually bps °This popgun rentencest THE 3itgthlitNCE OF litigrtliaq. TIIIII7.I.I74G,MPriiirGt.73BIC . fa the "Quaker City." Asmall man in rolling eyee and a big shirt Col Jar sat at e-desk above which gleamed • are,: leaning from a curiously-wrought iron tune, ' The light was agar' The small man in the rolling eyes and a big shirt collar was of gas attic! Terrible coluvidence. ' "lard! do the deed, hissed ibe animated:4as pip', thee' his clenched teeth, as be seized a t,en and spread a white scroll before bon; "I wd do the deed"' And that tierce man, to that Quaker City, in tat chamber, by that gas 14ht, wrote these Mart& words -4.1 RarrutsTa C:ciaast. Taitze ' ' Had the falls of Niagara been suddenly turne4in. to VestlViod; amid the plaudits of the eonceutriged thttadera alike newer., backed by the coaleked lightailign of illimitable space, and the whole been hurled in one ceoglomerated - nightmare upon the repose of old Zech, the effeetecadd not have Veen more bewildering to the doomed President than was that awful sentence. Datuttossraarr or vim I..tvim In one of the m' .t mon oa well as the most foorodoble discos:. tuna to Alaerican physician.. It has in no ease attract the closest attention from the Pneritty mail quarters of the Union. Ste, however, thorvando fla nnelly perish, and thousands mare are nude to feel life barden_eame fry thLetilseare. The peoprietoril of AilLanels Liver Pills feet confident that they eirefso the afflicted a remedy which tone has rested, and lies atelier failed of secedes Then a fair trial has beettii- Van it. Call and pnrchwn a box ith J th Drag Store of - ittlitaltewti KIDD tr. CI;I Nate—As this Is the raison of the year when onsenss are Most fonnithble Lawn. children,the propel eines of llDLune's Veinifuge beg leave to call upon soliciting they attention to its virtues far }he elpelling of these 'inlaying and ofien fatal encoring of eh/Wet. - 'Their inTsenon is by a physiman of gfeat experience m Viegirds, red afire wing a for scare! peens inta - erjyttre, and finding its success so mTarwa....induced at lost to o ff er It miff. Tebbe as a one but rennin and excellent medicine. Call and purchase at the Drag store of enythd&-vrT. J. KIDD & co. /1110 AIICIIITEG rl3—Joat received, The Bai 41 rr L Galde, a:practteal %mob. on Grecian and Horne -A.r.hitccfr by Chester Htlls, prurient Architect, ed and improved, with additions of V ilia and Massa Archrlecture, by IL Arwon, Architect. . . . 'The Arne riCtLII A rchilect., comprising original designs ofcheap country 3131 , 1 rmulences, wi th details, Zel utions, &a 'rt., designs by Jno. ea l . Architect. JOHNSTON a STOCKToN, JYM comer al rind Market t. ritOLD PENS—aI S. Fife's Paten. DiarnoM !MOM Air Gold Pens with and eritfirui eases, tact reed and for sale by JOHNSTON S oog4 comer Third and Market *is DRY GOODS AT WHOLE SAL E. - fir IL MURPHY invites the stleution of vier. VI/ chants tr. the large supply of new Goods San opened In lus wholesale Rooms. on 23 story, northast corner 4th and market Averts, Pitoburgn. ' This being bail second supply torthis spring, heAss many lands of goods at reduced prime, and !Ale sorts not to to (nand eleerseern• triv'tdttarT: 40 A LEK Aru ---:..1 ed. /WO /re d and for wire bf, S. - 1 angl .1 13CANFIEEV 0 - /ifilklE Dig Tit tlt 8 1 -- WHOLBStILH CLOTHING WiltHllooBki. ir.i.v is a [IAN 6011.11, •i/ Nes, 80, ZS. 253 and 2.5 a Pram. Siaall, (hetet - e'en Fiction at and Burling ethp,r NEW YORK, , Have on hand the largest assortment of oLownING • IN THE UNITED STATES, r .LOATI. TO ALL MACS [Ts la the wick dr 511 JILTS and DRAW Eltlgove keep au endless vanety. . Alao the most extensive 1/12.1111i3r !WW - . 4 I of Oil Clothing and Coverrd Hats .- ~. In the world. PLAIN AND PASHIONABLE CLOTIIING . Of all lauds Catalognes of stock arm by mail. Orders prorriirtly 511.1. LEWIS ft HA NFORIV. jinn, ND!. VAL 2.14,=, end ...-r Pearl st. N. V. INSURANCE. milE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU eRANCE COMPANY.--arke, North Room o gin. kumge, Mani Street, Philadelphia. ', Fitte.litschascs.—LlMldangs, M erchandise and defter voperty in wars and LVen•rair, Insured lard e d lota or , damage by fire at th e lowest rate of preemies -. Mdann Iranasnev..--They alto inure Vessels, Ras goes and Frelabtsi foreign or endisaise, under °Pend special 'italicise, in, the - Vistaed rimy desire. Dusan Tillriel - Oltrarient.- - Thr y also insure meregan- Also transported by Wagons, ItnilrOad Cars, co a l Hosts and dream Bodo, on rivers and lakes, °ode/ tOool liberal terms. .., IHRECTOIL.--Joseph 11. Seal, Edmond A. ge nder, John C Davis, Robert Barton, John If Penrose, Stuns el Edwards, Geo G Ireiper, Edward Darlington. Mae If Davis, William Falwell, John Newlin, Dr It AI Nur Boa t James C Hasid, Theophtius Padding, H Jhrum Brooks, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, Geo , ge Serrill, sPoncerlfellvain, Charles Kelly, J G Johnson, Wil li= BM,* 5 Thomas, John Fellers, WmEyre4 Jr. DIRECTOR!: AT PI ITSBUIIGII—D. T. Morga.n, Wm. Brumley, Jim. T. Logan. ' . WILLIAM MARTIN, Presidabt. Rousso S. NsoosOLP,SeerelmT- D. Mee of Me Countany, Na. 42 Water die et, Plusbangh. Jullfaltf P. A. MADEIRA, Agent. Jontnal,AMcriertn, Post, Mercury, Do/paten, Chion dele copy. . , 'e.'. 'WATCHES. AND J MW ELlt 1 .-1' Itc subserDer ,' 111 has nom an'tiend • fine assortment of beet Eng and Geneva Gold and :tither Patent Lever Wtijeh - 4 Int Imo prices as are of i h the Eastern cities. gond Order and ISLlLSanted. >i l . ... ..' 1 . %V W WILSON . , - ~&..... - • ' center 4th end Marketts -. ' ROOP/NO PAPER, of znooriOr qadityilor '-. - .i . r..F2 - I G r iffSONAIMIEB &MI COMMERCIAL RECORD. 1319. 1 ALDIAN4O. 1 I Burt Bun ABARLVED• JIiLY.—AUG. 1 i rises. i sets. Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsvdle _ ts 3 &nunlay, • 4 153 1 i — lrr It 'MOMan, —, McKee4pOrt. 23 B ..andaY, •—• • -- .... :•—• 4 .74 7 m Peytona,—,lMeKeesport. al Monday, ..••••••—• ... .1„,5 17 Mien In, —, McKeeSpOrl. 31 TunashsY, -•• • 4..• 456 716 I Wednesday, ••• ' 457 715 DEPARTED. 2 Thursday, ' 459 714 /.01114 McLane, Bennett, Browns,ll,• 3 Pussy,__...... • --• • f...• 459 713 ft wightm,,,,, -, McKeesport. - ,_ Peytona, —, M'Keesport i; PITTSBURG El BOAR)OF TIELADE ''IUST, Cluettain, —, M'Ke,'.l.rt• contstrrrEE - RoirtiLG /011313 MA, CEO. ; U.l orricE Prrrils' raott OAZZITI4 ?dander klonung, August 6, 1846. Nothing, of importance transpieed in the market on Saturday. A genets! dullness iq every thing seemed to prevail, mid no change won ma4itested in quotations since our last issue. • - FLOUR—The market, if any thlng, was duller; and white holders were willing to aelO but few offers were made, eaen at hornier prices They article may be fair ly quoted as followat—From stoke in dray load low, 54,75411 , 4,..47, aCcording to qualiti of brander From wagon, we notice small sales at 84,6004,62 P Md. From first bands we hear of no ales to any large ex tent. 'None to arming by river, °jawing to the low 'loge of water. GRAIN—We note moderate salis of Oats at 5,15335 c from first hands, and 430 , 45 e fi:om store. Corn is scarce, and would command 45c 47 hush No sales of other grains worth a mention.. Ilscespts arc very light. GROCER IPS—No changes hat; occurred under thia hew!. N. 0 Sugar Is in fair regues. at 5.95ic, as sn quality, he the hid. Molausses emit/nada quiet at %id ffS for N. O. snit 4051144 e for Pjgar House. In Rio Coffee we not ea an change quonone eontinee stea dy at • range of 7foee, aceonlitt# to quality. Mode rate rates of Rice in tierces at alas v Itt. UPHOVISIONS—Thc supplies of Bacon am get ti ng quite lumied, and prices remain very firm. with rather as upward tendency. Hams are Amy scarce, and are ready demand at for for plane bagged, and Itlic for best sugar cared cangaased ham, Cattle Market. MIS: You, July p. Offered, 1.400 Beef Cattle (all Soiethern,) 50 Court and Calves. and 5500 Sheep and lambk. Prices, Sic —The market (or Brines has been pretty active since our last, and prices, considering the chol. en and the warm weather, keep up to a remunerative petal Sales( good retailing gosilities at 50 to Sf cwt. Alsout 100 left over . • Cows attal Calves—Doll. Price Iron] Sat to 113.502 8.12,511. Vetold 10. Sheep wad Ural,. come In freclit, am! comes are a lade atfeeted the heavy supply,- Sales of Sheep at 81,250473 to SS. Lambs at $.,....140 &Jai Len over, 201 • New York =Lei Itestonleo - 1 Market. e JULY g 1.1519. There has been eorwidemb le aritivity in the market, for the week paw, consequent Ooit a better state of reelingamangtmiumfacturert buyen generaPy. Sales of 15,0110 tic of No. 1 pulled sold at 2bik3Tre, winch was, tartan quality, rather above our quotations. Fleece ts arriving freely, and sale!! for the medium and lower qualities me falls op to outtßgures. We quote • N. t. Prices. 13osion. American Saxon Fleece, F. lb. • . 2.96.0 lie *gotriesn Full Blood Merino •-• -4ke136 37038 Amenean 1 and I Slerino • 816:12 SYidJt American Native and t Menno• i • 'rakes Superfine, Pulled Country = 30033 :Mit) I No. I Pulled Country 4. . wan 25o•& Superfine, Polled City... • IN• T • kli.imbstrit's Reporter . Pekoe. of Flame altd Grain. The following statement will al+ the {ince. of Flour and Grain. at the ...end places mationed, at our latest date. • Flour. Wheat Coro Outs •55,25 011.10 61 3.5 • 5.50 ; 1,10 60 10 Phtlede)ph,a Near York tlulumorc ••-• ..:. 6,1tl M=lll==al (SO I,U 47 MI 5,1%, 1,10 SG Georgeiowa Alexandria Cleveland ; 90 45 Si Canon., •• • 4,75 9 eS 4u nil EMEMI EMIMiI ENE --- c"L — ts — re — uro;Cl;;;elatad. Ctsynkstt, August I. 1919. Intrurts.—Flour, a.c 4131, rrhiatey 31, w. of 1451 tbs.; butter SuSG; mutes :$60; 4 ,.„.„,„., 2 „ , Ltr, own tau. ia.. 99 - 9, - - i1tn. 9 . 1 " 10 44 are.,42.S bble flour at 91. M 0 4 009 9,099909 :6 7 good blinds; into) b 0 nom at 44Se; 0 lot of C ‘9, iro oo .0 10 c, - :;,./C2, 93 .-.36l.—The follow-log, among other ar tielea'of propthis, arrilred At Cleteland vin Canal. do I'll 4 the pest month: Bootielt Wheat 32,913 do Com 51.1 , 9 do Mineral Coal— -ssnti: • • 195.09 Barrels Ploor• • ...... ••• • • 7 - •• ...... 40.737 do Pork f , • • 1.341 Whtakcy ........ • 4,22 t. Pounds Iron nod Not/a -• • - 775.a14 do lila. nod Glasawar( Ix do flacon • 49,117 do Lard 67.920 do Hotter t 916.765 do Wool 193 Atoong the musclea cleared, du4ng the mouth. were the folloorols : Sorrels Salt• • • • ...... do Loire Mob ........ •or• • • • 7,9 ~.• POll.lll CIT ... ----- ••' ' 7, 56.661 on Suga . do 111n1 ... 7001 do Tobeeeil , •• -•-• F•• • - • • • 7 oid do Crockery Cl'eles 11 3,05) do m h„ m d ,,ghwide 0 • ...... 5:1,17.4 do Fo notate. •.. ..... •• i ..... • • ei1,:151 do G yiesoro•r.•t i•-•• • 104,1:01 do Csaing. Feet Lumber 0 - Vl.llOl IS. Shingles ... ICigtoolryin, Aoglist I, 1310 Ileal.trn atm Tans.—The abatement of the dtses•e has began to produce its natural ;Torten business. tad were it not that now as me time When every year Inm an.. as dull, we should see hOst trade—as it at, ab most PA mach is doing as Is avast tan merrhatas have confidence of a very hearrfall bu linens. /iltd ore preparing themselves aceordttia l bey lent the more confident, become in the. nottherr; mid eastern mites the cholera is steadily increasing. t The farmers whoare accustomed to Visit our mar kets, are regaining their confidduce. and renaming to their weekly •MULIIINIS. In mdat articles oi chickens, oats, he., along the Whole line of-carrent trade, goad pncen are maintained. We suppose —at Tuesday's martin—there were filly 400 wagons to the street. from the4ountry. We have no especial change toi note to regard to cat tle; prices are steady as heretofore quoted The d - mend has been met by no parttett)at abatement in co, sequence of the cholera—beef, Mutton, d.c., hare not been of the prottenbed article., ll%d hence the changes have been few to record.—[Gazelle. Editorial Correspondence of tt. Cincinnati Ail.. Biota Bonk of Ohlo—Bonk Movement I have before me the return 4f the State Haug of Ohio. for July. Into. Comparingitilut with the return for November. 194, twenty incetbs mime, I find the following result.: Noi. Idl7 July, ISO Number cir Bard. 0 9 4s. $ ftl7'7 Capoil paid In .apeelo on bond Cl=n Other cluh fonds 1L0.54,713 I:211078 Now. and Bills thecounted• • 5 17.231 9.131151,1 MEI= Deposits ipr . in:mt V 7.972 Other cash liabilities if9.r4l 301341 Total present liabilities itl i r 10,135.443 Total prosent means 3, • tO 4.341.L0a The esatt holdalls, ' you obs4ve, were to the cash means In Int:, shout 9 to I. In . 1e49, about Sf to I Tkis is swittun the tunas, however, assisned by both enpenenee to the erteusion of er'ida, which is usually supposed to be .toot 3to 1. Thl increase of Banks, Capital sod Chreultaton. within tto: last two years, has been on follow.. viz: Increase of Banks ......II Capital. • • • (11 s Ci sett's'. n ••• • 21 , 06,055 Sneeie emote Discounts ya 896.34 u rase figures, you will mark, relate only to the State Bank The 11312.: °umber of 011ie Books ts now about mkt), and the toad amount of Ma Bank Notes in air , culnuon, about tan millions of dtilla of r The note. die State Bank, apd those of the Ind., pendent Banks. are secured In • fiery different manor, !lie Independent Banks deposaa'Same Stock, dollar fur dollar, for all the rives they recetre The State Flank Branches have a guarantee In • Zifety Fund placed at command to meet any emergeppy. The Safety Fund of the Snide Bank i. 81•1465, beteg ten per cent. of the amount of Cireulming Notes deli'ffereil maw branches As this I. more than the total cir(islation of any two of the branches, It ntsy he sappowsitai sufficient guarantee against their suedes Sdi, it should be borne in mind, that Plereantile integrqy is. at last, the only real security against mercantile inpfortunes. 'rim Onto BanktuF System it as secure as any in the UO/011 The Sank Note circulation has been largely increased, but it waaneeded. I estimate the amant of Coin end blank Notes in Ohio, at present, to be al!out as follow. Coin 131.teXMOU OlOoll.k No (In 14e Ssito ! , ,onomoo Bea No of other Soo.), 2,000.0141 Total -1114 OU1U0t) Of this, however, three milliortil In Coin and one mil. lion in Bank Notes are held by the Bank; so that we bore but ten 01110:001 of actual 01 0 01101 nm which elec. but filo doll as to each person, oon average of thirty r* dolla to a family. This is und owhat it curio to be, supply the rapidly increasing 4uziness of lbe State Nor Si,. —The report thet atesteamer ROTA,. was snot. as liven to the public ',yesterday. by a 11•0,11• 11111 K JOU.trai, 11.1•1111 00110 be who:ly unfonntiert Cap, Orrick, of the Faraway, It:forme-us that the Rowell, arrived et St. Charles earl) on Tlurrdey moraine, aid after landing several of her deekrbanda, proceeded oe ber Loma Reatelle. July YS jazlly celebrated bortunfavid cell now Le had at the Eastern lamp Lionel No. be Third weal, between Wood and Market. For a POrtllble house richt it lute the preference in all of the eastern cities, being peractly safe and cheap void of 'make, Freese or any eft: the dwagreenble at tendants to tights now in ceettralth am also, • beat:m kt assortment of lamps of the 1ed2.1; patterns for burn ing the stone. 193'6200 • V. J . DA MI DA. D. 110 - INV. -..y Deatiet. Corner orPourth aid Decatur, be,areert Market and Perri elseens. aeon-dlyin PORT WINES--Ofney, Webiser Formes', tea, Pare rich End dry, Gould, !Campbell & co's old dr, is, v . r. otbaseles 1E04; Pure UM; Pure Jaws par ticular Port, Harris & Sons, Pt* Juice, tareble. dou ble end edit& Grapes.. These ?pines are all celebra ted for their medical cropertlersi!And can be had whole sale or retail at the Wine Stant i l l B WEAVES, Jr. TO TOWNSEND, Drargiel wad OPothea ars 0 Nea Market three doul above Third et. Pius; burgh, will have eesotauttly on b a well salaried as] women' of the best and fresh liferheineb Isiah he Will sell on the most re Hi term. ritY.laiana sending order, will be prologtr -awed to, and sap • plied with a rt icles they may "Pee Pth .u. PhYdeimas Ptescriptiont 'Ube accurately and now , / PrePerod h from the beet totwriale, at any hoar of be Alw aY er r sale, large stock of bash and good Parra oval. Copartwerehlp. FrliE andeiged e ltd. dwi usbeiated with them . .1. lh Imaide rs s• JACOB L. SCHWARTZ, Ittal will COll finue the beanbag as beretofore,Snder the firm of 13. A. P4III2ESTOCK & CO My 2,1849. JAY , ~ BCON- 4 TalWelTaTSloo l l - 171 ililiertsiit +a4 tiir; 12 . 12 1.9.0111 DICKEY 3 CO PORT OF PITTSBURGH. Tut Itivrat.—There were lb tuck, in the channel, by metal mark, last evening ni dusk. end falling slowly. COATS LEAVING THIS HA 1' L& is McLane. Brownsvtlle, 6 i'. M. Geneva—Cincinnati. Pun MI ILA D VLPHIA. D. Leech& Co,'et packet line. 9 P M Volt rinciav, R, S. RAIL* & ro , Purkr,. XTEW..LIGKr—We have revel e. a tot of Lam,. atVletolls 'Otte and kind, at a new con.truettoa. that la finite sea* sod eotnp!ele—•onte orontaaatal Also, the suotele to turn I. term celled -Borate:l Flood. or Elhertal (h 1" It it o• ra, wt., recommend o to the atiehtion ot steam onto men. howl keepers, and honor keeper.. for cleanline.F econoot). and brilliancy, atty think porlaho- now ia use. Per-sous who pa to ran on :1 the iteettliannea of this new entapound. A Constant supply of the Final end Lantos kept I.y SUAIVE S .hTli.lsitst.rtti. First v. i 0 I Between 0.1 14/I,t Mars, riMIE partnerestlp hereto Core ex.ilne a ,der the filth I of A & . detuAved he the th•ree.e of Mr. C. Bredley. The will oc encte.l on I.y A. letradley, who will ovule the buithes. of the lute RIIMOVAI. —A. 116...1.8T h. removed Found, Warehouse Irons No. Ila Secondstreet. , Wool street. between First and ond nreros, o the warehouse lately occupied by Ser A. Berri, where he will keep constainly on hand n general a•mortmentof Casuals Ural., Stoves. Cooking Sloan.. r• JY, AVALAUBLE FARM LIFLAND, situated is Low er St. Clair township. Allecheily rounty. vn twain ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY ONE ACRES. with Ihcellin; House, Barn, ter , thereon. The quality of the land isexcellent.. and onvect. elite to this city readers it a. desirable locution not sold preirioui to the Ruth Septeniher. tr 42, it that day be offered at Public Stile on the premises at o'clock, P. For torins enquire Of .10.3Fril hinhlicion Moon township. A llegheny county, or THOS. M. MARSHALL, Anorney • mmam ELucciri , s MILLS 11D.1 Mr•. Lincoln Ph•lps, Auistrd by many able Proessom and Darners. WILL commence n new scholastic year on the BIM of SEPTEMBER NEx . r Pupil.. entering for the new year can be accommodated donne Mir vaca tion with board at the Insulate. under proper •uprr •ision or insirti mon. Terms sl4o. tor board and all necessaries connected with it. and for English mine, lion for the scholastic year of forty , four weeks. Ar• complishments, Language, de., with board :11 vaca tion, extra charges. For healthfulness of location. CAittioted in a wee mid salubrious regtono beauty of scenery. mid uitei.ity of access for travelters. the Patapvco Institute tuncur• passed. Thai its advantages On lie.tow mg a :own, and aceOmpliihed education ure upprer.aled by the public., is tally demonstrated by pawn arid prevent prosperity. mi.X..!..lawrimr—itialt Pon Periodical Llteraterc. 1 The hoodoo quarterly itcetcw.l 1. I'h`Ethaborgh Ft,vleve. 3. The Wectrith•ter 4. The North Brth.ll3 Itrywur, j 3 Blackwood's 1-33taburch Macssine—Nlooth The nbove•rertmlicals are repented to New fort. immediately on their arrival 1,, the Brats , os.amer., in it beautiful choir type, on fine while pupc. ul add r Umlaut eopte• of the k wood tluelo ore being ao exact okc-.untie of the Nlinburch rutioni The price. of the reprint: are 1.•. , that, uor iitird oi Mau, of the foreign copies. loot while the y a, rapt.' • well executed, they neford that advautuee to the A menem over the Flngliel, reader BM=l=23 112MM21 ClM:=tl Tattrh—(Payutent lo mad. Far ony one of the four Itevo.w.. .e I oo p. r ri For any tyro do • 5 on For any three , do ou For al four of the Review,. IZECCIZIEtEE2 For Blackwoad Find ter foot Review.. The above prvtoptly puppliet! by J D LOCK WOOD, Do-k,ller end import, of f.vr ten 14... k• n - 4 til N% 00 , 11 . irlllrketcvno,l's fpr July, ha., t. 1 , -1. treelved. anti mu, I.e 6tt.l .• nig", Dl1IK:3! LICIr Yo;a tittnelo. by Irene To) :or author o; Noto:a; Ils• tory of Entbursosot." Sketches of Sfolosh Coulon llooory, by idetnOrs of the 11..te Thome. Ilt,yl,urtoe •th appendix. eroloorertg 331 as c oat aloi el Ot sand dem! him tones The Life of Dr o John..., by Ole J Li • ; Englieh edition. kleYien;r. in Sr•ntland Our., , r; cur,' at throe Sertnona Roy. Creorge tt h,theel t 5 U. foringd.ll U. Manuel of Presbytery. by I, I). nttpendis. by the Rev J LII A Doetnun.. Eypennteton; a:4.1 Prleuca! on Effectosl Culling, by J A M retina by Alnena. baud tend tar sa:e .1 ,4 F:1.1.1017 k EVt, Llill. (2 . O:AT WORK GN 513111.101 Ott tkial—The genKrapbtral and grol•cleal don Of &anent! cornbust.b!es or load wacluthoc. slim. OM Yuma. mineral Ultufutnon. P-4.1 nee. em ployed arts and In.uf. Woe:rated by map. and diagrama; embrartlic from olti tat reports of the efaal-pnaducttig oouulne.. lbr m.fmettre amount. of Moir production, consumpPon and commercial dim', button, In all part. of the world; prepared by fis,lvirml Cowling Taylor, pi oar vm Ivo For sale bY 32 6 JAS IJ LOCK Wtnlll r ui Woml st k 6RICCLTL RV% kc —Dointn.;'• I and , eat , ~n . denlttg, h..vo, du Contap. rvo, Fruits of Aistetirt, 121 no: do do do eolored plate.. -ro, London liardentoT for Lodtc.. Idmo, . • culture. Le. Pnr•ont. Allyn on to , . r:rapr Prince'. Ponteloc,cl.l Man0..0....r0, d - Dodo,. Agricultor. thick oon do I..arde.,• 4 tbsrk Sno, oo Tr. ,s and 11..1 not); Eb4.4rllqo 4 tiOrt3CUitUrllo Ann - nnan A,rwa 4,1.1 nrn t r ale by ,011 J LOCK W0.,0, GU Wood LARD—Yu; AHD — . 4 crock, a sup,lor mut-, .or fan-sdy j[l.l rneen•nd and for ..Ic Ire I. Si WATERNAnd ''Agnetskurc i• toe inn., boa:lap. inn., the nfriptoprorot of mon - -w•tuttos TO• mitt: AM ER I • 'AN AGRICL'I.VURISr and 1, ER'S CAWS pnll.l/..0ttl 0., the first otrc,n, ry month. Tenzin Coe torlar a yea •to advance, n. ter ropm• one yr.., or croe copy Three year, St Erg. , Cop.'. one yellf (if sent ro one address/ RS, Twenty cupte•. ert New subser,Ler. mill be furnlll,ed veld, nu. -ne: numbers oa ail or any of the. volume. Seven vonn, , uovr publlshrd. Bound •elutnee lit romplene svtg. or in ~,, ,nrair 0.,'- usnee,lltenlahed at Coe Dolinr and Tweatv•live eerd. each. JAMES I) LUCK \ .4,U )y29 6,1 Wood rt GHe..gN - SATIN PA RI/SOLS— %V re, Morph, _X recetved crew of the af ove. o the new fir„~:. witheal Irtoge, mod eery superior qua 01 1.-110/ rale blear bed Sperm oil, 15u do en4of dodo; Anal do brow, Tanners' 111. 16 1,1, et do do; WOO eel>. bleached winter Won,. A i, I,i s,,,re Zen. July V. and (or ARIA by ry In MILLER A R !barb la clkee ,niadL . and fur role by ry bl I LI,F,K /r. ICKETS:) , I Snft , TlCll—.3o bcs aubbr,gher. I.awwcorl'• acld Strut, cb, in at; re and fur sale by 151 0 MILLER & RICK IZTSON BUCKF:S=-ei , GTriel V. Buckets, 6 acTeo store and for •ftie by . _ 1)16 VII I.LER k RICE . T , T.S ,, N SWEET AND DRY MALAGA WINE- , -40 ,sr csk trsctot Malaga IV.t.c; 73 Indian bbis dry do 33 Just received and for saJc by JTIO NIILLER h R/I'KETF”N S 21311 French Creet ctridgies. 411 CO • dand air I ylB L R k RICICF:TSON FISH -60 Ithis las-ce No 3at as-kere., Nln..3,ls•cus aspecuoa. rec,vrd Ins day: far *as. by Ril EY. MA rrifEAVS k 100, 27 and Wnter r• PIG IRONT—'Z Ptg Iron. part son, tor ion wet, fur nide by jyl, ROBISON, LirrLE tlr T AR -,2t/ N C. Tor. recd and fw •n'e by • t:t/ W0151,-111, tuglieri market pricecart, will be. pold for the different grtule•ol Wool. by S W /Y 23 61 Water and 101 Ergots .1 - - - S ODA AS/I-95 Solo A Lt s t.h. k re ,v ..*‘l ,l o A tit i l t, f o r role by SUNIDRIES.-4 title No 1 leirrilt ..k. 'Neon. tor. Boaestax; 4 hagett.tnntentr, IU do Y. other., now lusliag front Wealn, for nab . be //12 latAl A II DICKEY & Co pOT y/r i—a r•lg I Powell, on k l , ;t ! t c d ol a . 3 l l:l s fur by F IE C '" i r I " n K r endroc " al y l ' e " ! " o r the Carl.l Were of W rocs:, Co ortneh we mane the utfenton of them, In &mush monbno,• or bounce, to call end eratnats our extutonve nook be fore parojtasina elae where- IT In 14 1114 . 1 . 1 ;; ;; , O: . b . , h,; , a c n , i 1 "„ ~ I n , tsere“; 111 , .; J A NMA A /117T0111,,,A A cir . :; jJ A. , ;11 t 11:8-2114, c.ghth oco crimc, Kn ljland 50 amokd,unt. frcqe I'm,, ..1 11 :or *ulc et thr Slore, Pou rat vtrect ray?! EILACK SII.k YAP ASOLI , --W ft t IMP( /14,, 13 cc,e.l a Int of td.uvr art4cle, romr of whir Wu; as WI sae .vi') v F.LV sT11.1: PE'rs— LI the Carpet Warrhoture of W. \ ftteK, ' ,det 75 Fourth street, superfine and tine NKr ten Carpet, rich 11l color. and Itrogn, to which we part, the al trtntton of r purehatter• III" C _ oFer.E.--1.50 kap. RJO Coffee. ki.At .In Ud mak by • ROUINUN k 1.11, IslT . „:, B o . '",:';'„ — dit'2. 4 ,l'',!;'^'°' --. I"- , I.- SOXS.-rlirtl,:too No. 1 Co.. Soots, )11.1 ;.al77:r .ate by ,) Is ROBISON, A co, NAlLS,bees Nook, roo'ol ..0.., no el° woo IU Was Downed Ror 15..,.. rnr Jyt. 4 Roulswt, LICYLE A. C. o PRE CIDER VINEGAR—Bo II ce ved :of tole by iy3 ARMSTRONG & CRUZ ER. s 41 . :t d r0.1 . T. , A .,, 5 t, t12 , ,, :5 .; ' , .5 , 5 , ti t . on , q:r t i . , moo, r low to clout by BROWN & /old lid Liberty d—Nineveh eoJ it. In mains: with an account of visd mi the eliahhoso Christians of nordista and Veuilis., or Deed Wor shippers; and ark inquiry into moaners and ca. id the ancient Assyriaos, ~•p A ustrn Henry Loy ard, U.C. 1...; in two •olumes, with numerous &owed/Ink "There is a reniarkeldc avd delightnil comlnuation in the work before us, niouble d•wcovcry and it,. toer•d dl venom! nervation. such as we remember in no tiddler work or traveler discovery.' • pie. Lay ard a soot surpassed by the old travelers. In the woo den oldie story be has to toll, be very much surpo•e. es thein all. . , repeal that there hns been no such picture in any modern book or travel., Pork I. not braver or mom advents:moos, Burk borilt is not m ins:brut. Frothed not more troy or pleturesouo. than ore the hero or the book before o."—leirraan Examiner "One (W.f, moo remarkable wort. of the oge " London Times. /Oil received and for Mire by JA MEd 1. , 1 , 111V0011. Wond Ri.ED PEACHES--l+ nuts Itl mart Ana on soot oy y'A ec isE.4T xattEn st.-103 utdm.lArgo. No 1 lilerraelarsertt Iniperuon, to arrive-, for vale irir C H URANT. ARPORTHD DUD TOIL PIT TSBURGII DAILY GAT:STIR Ltburriuso Rans.—We are pleased to learn that Messrs. Decker S: Rubinson have been very• sue. cessful in their business of potting Up lightning rods on orient:fie prtnaples in this city and 5 / 5 01111- ty. They have put a l'irge number of rods on prate houses. and on !neat of the largest build ings in the place, and they hare given universal satuoinlion to threw who have employed them.— As they ore about to leave. we cannot lorbear ex pressing the hope that our worthy rominissioners will nu: ander them to depart without having a rod put on the Court !louse, the Copia of which 05 very much CZ1,005,1. TII6 COMMON GROUNLA a. ALLY,IIENV. — A pam phlet itontunung all the available information eon eernthg these ground., 114% been puhtuthell by Mr. Purvitnee,;ll Allegheny. It eontatua the Al,e of Aaseatbiy laying out cue town, the legal opinion. and deetat.nt. in rut:lion to the turnout,/ nod 110. - verwty grunt, and also the might of the coy 10 the common. and the !mid. square. 1...r.r HCll,ll—We understand the city ot Allegheny has effeeted purchase or the pro perty belonging to the Western Theological Semi nary, knowh as Seminary Nile. The price paid is PS - ,000, the money to remain on perpetual interesh The city contemplates levelling the bill, and filling up the ravines, and will, we presume, sell oir lota on the levelipart of the C 0211010115, west of the hill ontueiliatefy, The pound purchased, we believe, amounts to eighteen acres, and is very valuable. =ME! Meeting of the Friendo of German and Italian Independence. The above meenng, called (or the purpose of our citizens expressing their sympathy with the struggles of all patriots who are striving to obtain their liberty, wan held la the yard in the rear at the American Hotel, On Pena Street, on Saturday even ing, and was called to order by appointing Mr. L. Wilmarth President, and Messrs. Werneberg, iiross nod Fiehelson,, V ice Presidents. Mesa.. J.. K. Keauetly, L. Clarke., nod Se remck, were, on motto°, declared duly elected as The Preaident thanked the meeting fur the honor they conferred upon him by calling him to the Chair, and stated that though he stood In a novel position, he would perturm Ina duty to the. best at his ability. Th., meeting WA) called together. be believed, ibr the porn , v.. of exprentimg our sympathy with the brave liungartans In their contest against the touted forms of the Czir of Roasts. and the Em peror of A,/ •lf 1.1 k voice—and with the gallant Italtans,t—and with the noire halloos, too, wbo have PO manfully struggled molest the knees of what has been called ''Reyribluzno France.- Mr. T. Howard stated that the Cauttnittee on Arrangements had provided several speakers to address the assembly while the Committee en Resolut.nns were prepsrtng the, refer.% one cr: whom, the Rey. Mr. Wlderlinubra. wasUrl speak t fernier, and the others in Eng!ekh. Vn utet.un, the following Committee of fifteen was appointed bg Inc Mawr—Messrs. Howard, I..evpoid Sold. Shannon, Morgan, Kuhn. Settlen sirsker, Stark, Beekutien, Lerite, Porter, Rhodes, SleVeneoo, Sawyer.and Nee,. The c'onttnatee retard, and the Rev. Mr. Wr derhauaen addrevoed the nodlener in Pt very elo• quent mariner, ,t) we are In judge from the effect a produced iin cur German trends, ainee we du nut understand the German language.) Mr. P. t' Shannon then made a speech, in the course) of which he eonintented with great severi ty OS the matinee, roaduct of thr President of the Fret. h Repo:die, Lout. Um atone n ...ending an artuy t.. Cllllll the liherty 01 the Roman Gotntnno, 0nrt,0411,43. ihon tttmned, and Made a viln••11 tLr outragrous and eon trinin,in voodoo of ,s /..eioro Barr' rn 'ht. I ' Af„,„,„ x Pen a „ „„,_ „ I, to aav soul far tenor or lice re,o:aor,r• aw•h ad we, to ts espertad (mm a onrcting of A In..n-na eallcd together tur the yurpo., pre,•ll - 1K I beer JetrlitaLun slab. 1041001/S ninduct Fr , nuti itrautola• at over. itmnan liatry awl at atr,v.a4 to mate tral'an; lianganana w trot to the death for taetr rights. After the rreoluttoos had been read, Mr. IL T. C. Morgan uttered a resolubon which commented with a pant seVrIVV on the conduct of those prutio Amer wen editor, v hit hove either not condemned the counte of the Prwrodent of the French Repot,. Ire, or hove mute out in favor of it. Mr Shannon. apparc Wilysnorts eirstetl, declared that there was .n then cots a paper called the Pitts burgh Mornscd Post a 1 u h.. Is th.s rest/Int:on was leveled. and urced the meeting to reieet it. name Of Do ethior, nor of nay paper rneollon. ell, no per.ols need tale it latrne, unless he felt lattnsell putty There had been ennui, wilt., had both naatniaated that the lutlrrferopee 0( the French wok proper, and Wl.> had basely kept Molr hps sealed oe the oeneemn. Il vu fur the community to purge al to u ho were, ur were EMI, the Souk!, poetic,. ilOWoftt thud that Le himself had written the resolution referred to, and that a majority of the commute° hid ilettll .11 Savor of odapting it' though, as a wetter of policy, they had DM plata ed it. Mr Summon rose, and OF RIP deiniared Mat Mr Harp•r war the edits or a Democratic paper. and he mil not wirti him to he denounced. Tne gentlemen was proceedtng, when loud or es • tilt rcwiut.un tiou'l say any thing uncut Leek II ariter—lt twn—Do wrs arose. auJ he sat tic wn. The ipiestion was then token on the rewlutions, as amended by the addition of Mr. T. Howard, and I I.ey were adopted by on 111111311 t ttlaallialol3ll vole. Letters rs,•uamg,thrmsel yes tor their non auem dative were read Isom the lion. A. W. Loomis, and Wihsou McCandless, I:nt , and the meeting adjourned after listening total,. beautiful national run, played by ,l , idenstriker's band,whirh brought many a rerolleinion of •Fatherland" .into the hon est bosoms of the assembled Germans. 1:1O[71 - 1 - 1.V•InNLY Ann tbIrROVVOIONAL CONDITT OF Till Pt r role/1.11 MORN,. Post—On Sitar. Jay evening, we, as Local Editor of the Pittsburgh Gazette, attended the meeting Of itlll friend. of Italian and German laiertyamil in common with the fawn] Editor of the Post, were chosen one cf the Secretaries at that meeting. The Committee on 11,c/lu/ion. read a Report, which, as well as the letters of the Ilan. A. W. LOOllllll end Wilson Mc- Candless, E•ii , wr, of course, wished to publish. The representative of the Pont, when the rein+. tiono and letter" were road, took parse/anion of Rani. After the meeting had rljnortied, wo ask ed ii.nt to rente with no to come eon ven.ent place tbat we /night mop)/ the M*ollllloo,, &v. We sta ted that, both on a reporter and n orcretary of the meeting. (two reporters only being present,) we were entitled to have one half of the original /locu m in., and a copy of the other half; but thrti,to avoid disputes, c, marl Id ropy envy thin g, and Irt the Past leer ch. vrigonels. This lair propos, boil, ip which we had conceded to the carping and guncoton/no oat lire of the Pittolinrgli Po•t, more thou wax its rust due, was refined, and i t retam od ittl..e.”lon of the original., 'monism!: to rend 00 round a proof .heal when it. ,1 - 11p.s.luti had done with them. We said that we Mil not with to be delayed—that we had Cloned benire the promises of the Post, and been dere:zed, and dint we instated on nor rights, 1011, in detlauve of rdl postios, 1111.1 orotlenonly toted ort. in a Ver. , .;,•relny Doldlcr son of style, the repmaents• t no of the Post marched off w tli the react:talon,/ in los poekot. Store the above we. written, a proof ,beet has been furnished to an, but not in tone to appear in MEI2I 10 day'. paper. Tin., 01 conrae,forroshes no [IOU., for the fla grant violation of prolearronal etiquette and ten tlemartly eondoet on the part of Mar al MownEn.—A fireman named ;tamed Ilan fell overboard from the steamer 1,4,11, on Sunday, and wan drowned. Etruria west made to rescue him, but they were of no avail. The poor fellow bad probably struck against the side of the boat an he fell, which prevented him from making any c:• ertions to save himself. /id OITUAI. Darn. ENN6ISII. asnes Jackson enter eJ a complaint on Saturday, before the aye', against a woman who lives it Roan street, named Catharine Shneklealy, charging her with being habitual drunkard, and with acing profane and indecent language whilejutexicateil. She wait committed to jail for 30 daya. Pouch On —There wan nu criminal heat- Dens of importauee, trausarted at soy of the P.ltue Oft ?ea, on Saturday. LOCAL MATTERS. ledir. a a pal a f.•ara pre, era., al !row IZMEE=MIN!!!!11:11!1 Tirrunen Hoar—lniortontion was lodged on Satarday, agantst a man named (Melly, Mr keep lug a lipping house, in St. Clair street He has been brought before the ➢Lyor several times al ready, charged with the same offence, and was committed to jail. Cho/era Report. Friday, August 3, 12 o'clock• M. (Initlemma. 1 have repartrd to me for the last 21 11(1111,, twocases of cholera. No deaths. Respectfully, W. Mc K. MORGAN To the San.tory Comrooee. RATES OF 616 COUNT SATEOF ISSUOLNT—LIMILY. , ..:TED N. HOLItI4S t SONS, LAC, o. SD lilaylet surct. near lta si Lla•og l'atatotrot • --Par Siaie Lir.rnyllea I Elcitaltf, Ha. Par Sac 'crap • • • • " Mal. Baal. par' Virginia. • r u! Va.. I 1:,ra1,1 • • •• • • parYareaurr Ilk nl Va. —• Hank 016,n5...0ven • par , lia. !or. " l Cheater Coo.) , ••par]Lik of V 11.3• •• • • '• DePiwaro w.• • parlhl k nf. kik, Wheel rag I " bLonlgona• ry ea. •ra r Alorgan tow a••• • 1 " land • Purl N. W. Hank Yu .-- Coleaubla Llr.ut , Co.. • par: do tt'Onnurs• —• • • 1 Lark .• ••par: do ParkrraLmrlf • " Fanners' Bt. Lead,* .par Tann Fame Uk Iltack. Co. par If tr. of• .• • • 5 Farrar. II U ',tams', par Far. . Merch'tx Ilk— " Lanetutet Co. Dlr. • • •par Planters' Itic.•—• •• • • " 1II.• ••-• • • P.. , ,Union 11k...... U. Urn,.. Bank• —3O I Ititownsvele llx. ..... per Stele In of Allanourl.— I uk.. • ... . •1 North Carolina. Gettysburg!, If • I .lik of Cape Fear 2 ...... " Merch's Ilk., Ne•roern- 2 ea..9a.elietnun Co. Eik 3 .51.0 Beak ....... •• •. 2 Leertstown• ..... Sonth N.Juicto.:l -- 1 .U.adeil Uk Caryl, " .11k. of CLarle.ton FPI Comlncre,:llt Forma,' and Drovere Uk. or oeorcewvrc---• V Wayursburg.• 1 Uk .01 Ilanthurg-•-- - Mcrchunto Ua---- 110 , •ar!u:c• •-• • •-- I Pluote , s B.lklCerll ek 2 Lobo:Ion ••-• par Uk. of South• V A•rylaaal I Bal 8010 re Ita ..... I . 11 , lit0/ . e . ik o . lpt Serlp .10 Uk. I ' si. of A rk• Belief NoI I :11 ''' ..• tc AI B. Putt do• " Far. Bk. or 51 aryland • • " Senp—Piti Coati.> IU Farmers' & Mechantos " ABeg hr lay, 15 Bk. Barderick ••• •• " Onto. Frederick Co. Bk..— • • " Stale Bk. and Blanches 1 ,Ilagerstovins Br Mount Plausani ..... • • " l kitneend Bk••-•—•••—• 1 Ste:Bien. the . Patapsco Bk i• Waala 4.1 Ilk • -- ter • • • • ‘• r3==ll =MUM nl<nlß.a 6aeistn. 11.y.‘. a Itk. or St. r- --- Caluattarl do• a Bk. of ILver RIlidell• •-••—• lni, Int ^-.• • ... " 51telttgan I tAt••• •• 5 Sanesvala . • ~ lot. NI ecit's Ilk p,,, , -; ---a Wlr i&Vita re •la Tarrlt'y. w. t , ---. -- 51.da '. Vo Md.'. 5 , Wiscllon —•—• I Canna...,/ .... • • • • s•+ A , l•olvent Bents (3,3. n., • • .. .• • i of England Notre =52,0713211 _. 1 Gold &Spools Value EMZ=I 15 s VO Ea% le, old • • • 10 60 Fronk lm RI Colombo. " Eia le. De 10 00 flhnii,, o ,h e • " Doubloon, Spon. CI 1000 Loke Eno• • • ..... 1.10. P r lot •—•— • 15 00 ==l Laneaater • •••----.•••••-•---10 ti.r.ra• ...... 3 30 Ilamlton• 11 ked or. II: ,11.1 I=M==l Lou.uron - - - fElsistacky. Michtstsg•. Mc of X. nt,k•T 1 .. 4cw York .•-• •• • Span 131. o( 1.uo,••,1 le •• • " . 11,0 Nortr rn llk Kent.eky Hatr....e • —•• •• parn flaw York—Crtv Hanks tu.r. . ry KItI PURCHASE:It OF DRY 1.00071 should owl at NI A,t A t'll, r bray PIIP 1,0 Markt-I street tor bAr.rnt,.*. t rood fast co Lineal I,lnrus 10, leglnJle do I.JE lUr,srotch m 44.ehas tar, /ast col,l Ca letß, Mrlr.u3n-k du 3C, Lest ~na .1, 4 4 Jo lirt.wo I,oehrd 1:1.vr• 4 Mu.. and lore Cu'oapo t•I ut lu C . 1,2111 MU+ .1 Cop, I. 73 eta to at the efratrst 'earl.) or other rhev goods WI, tound in • the Wrstrrn cou tory Iteto , inher the numb, to Mat ket A titticuurvitE. hr Aent Farm, • l'ut claprti, •vo 1.11.11 r, • nge +ro I)' f. rhprot,,e, Aril , llllu, hr MtIMT=M Iff=tMZ=lt=3 IE=EI I In , FYI .ale D 1.0C11% 0011 iT" 1 W0....1 st FLUID. /111.1HERTg : , I:I . P.11101t KED iNK. ALt. there alum • t/111 fofhtfary I.llf, at they are all thee:meal -of finsoff. enf...fing no eLzeld nattier Bow Ircely from soy I ofa of petf—tbe color deep, Woe. and d0r.... 111110, have beei better omelet road.. I hare oeotter ree., ;fur heard of them. Sam. pie bottler can I.< 0.l n•-. 1 gr./2, by themchant. cenerallt Loon IC A ratteertnek Co, aeon , P t.cllfeartt. Alleelfeff y. or of the mamaractarer, TItOS K. lIIUIILIt r Drugg, and Chemist. corner of I..ber• ty And ...e.mitlairi.l strrr, tromburgh, Pa N 1.111. 1101 tiring Complete tattritamton. moil ho r,iorned sod the price mill be refttuded. ,ul.. Jinn - - - . - r It . m o. r bp: y PLasiirio, Ly Ilooynes Medical bict.onary, nung,t , otes do do. Surgical do; CLettn, Sy- Win of Sul I.i.Ltnies do In. A hcroothy's Works, y l'Ot 4, Itopar;..i4 0.1 In Ito !lope on the Heart; vorahtr Cs Ana loon, W.1.-ni on Ulat-ases of rho Percan'a NlOl,llO ..Inl,cn timl Therapeuncs, Chapman 041 Erupi.,e rev.. rs; Jo on the Thocateo and V.sccra, %Vou..'• erne,,,c ul Medicine, Dooql...son's do I , ,Lerlir'i do do. A,.0. lerg. Ire•b supply of Mimi. u. S Union Soaks, on band nnA far se..- 011 , yr A, A ~ N l,.loiC \\ . 'll.l::l , :l v \t. P. 5 - ,m. for 4.1. 11 171'.!1 AC HIN , N N.A10,12 . t) I A %IP bbis tor •olt .vll 5C1111( IS NI A ELF .5 CI) " l ~h : l711X11 ":.. "":: 1i . E71 . 1 *. A '" 7, 5 1 ' ,yll CO - . . I A RD-200 bbl. No I in ‘inr. , for on , - by / 1. 2 IsAIA II DICKEY A. CO I)(lINTING INK—Hook and Nett.., Car .ala at mar.- aim...lute:li pliers Ly s4 . IIO4 , NMAKFR At VI , SI IROBISON ICO Laving a 41• 0 ,111,11 TIMM AS • LITTLE. . orstts torso to Itarttotts.. ate %Isole •olr Ora, th Itstrlstre and 1.41113[Li.,00 ttoosnoto rill rostonstral a. trutal under , Ise firm of Rotasuo, tat tle h Co. Com Produce mtssi. Alerchal.,, owl dcaler• tuYtttabargh M alkaarqures Ron It°WOWS THO. 31. 7 ! {ORM,. NVA r'H il• branth..s. cot nrd on wail speetal core and alien.. Hay. inn the nroln IlE.oul and cip<Teented workmen m my employ. sad gp•um ennaoaut pet' blicollon Co Drunt . h. pro who May fa•or won the, work W Watch Maker. 57 kin•V.* •I 01/.llNit s m t.oning triermation in regard to the number of destha dint occur no the coy week I.! Me character of toe dieemads. rod Me . 4 ,, or the per. , ,m wouid revert non, rem,.t the to report to them of the ennnuutire Rooto. thd Court H01t..., on Friday evening or em, week 1.1 Nunit.t. COFFEE.3--Slemaa, African, Java, Ladutra, C St 13,muitgo mod Ito, Collem,ittat reed 21/I,i tor at Pokin Tea More, Tt Fourth al torn W ANTI.MI)--ift' 1 1; 4 A a FII I I , 7;— ', I "T OCK ro. )0 0 earner First and IVood ars DAWN-617;1d *tics; MI do SdoulJers; 12 17u Hama, to more and for side try _ )Y 9 SFII.I.F.RS N1C1)1.9 I II A\ -0 LblA No j Lard 101; 12 do IrtiAeell Oil bur .1. by /Y 9 • KELLERSI h NIC(11.11 I / ',St:IF:NT nibi.ofiV.—lirn.ton sod Itom..llyo,logy. I, collo.. and Seboole, by NI A Dwight; vrt.h revent.-rn illuatrottons to out. IJIb I na nry,o • t-tt and for +ole by 1 ME.. II 1.017 k Wolll'l,lo Wood At DOT.% +II -10 calks good Pola.u, 111 more. 1 JO , M'n;111.1.4 ROK WO I.INFA pure, country • r". 1. *Mr, for •,,• ty6 M 1:11.1.+1 ROE: DI.ANTATo.N hooch. in [glut L pocktoces, u:so. 100 0 LW, do 1:11.L8 k RI IR /.1111. NII. It V -Heuer. 1..1y Wl.tLe L g ...ter, do I hear'. . 011, do 111, Marra*, do 111t1teome; do N, own Bonp, Ai-fret, red and for .o.t. by J 7141 R E SELLERS or re rs to urryt t e , ; IEAU 11.1 pt, ou our .4 by ;yl.. JANII.:o A lit1"1 , 111. u IN & _ )1 " , ' y rr llT " L. & f`„ 11 Ef —1„..6 1. nI e 1.1.1. nod 01 1.1.1 e, and 111 gal- I .on ke, • fol ...le by J II IN AI I I'TCHISO & AO,ll. !or ,1 I .A.• 1.1.• am SO, lAJ A II 1101 `4l, • Al. 10 1.4”,& m ""h'n" ‘1"1". ".: A 1 ° :4 , 5 2 ,rlll3 J '' AZ'r (111;ON CO 1,0,v• JAM ES A II TellISO4 & CO, lY Lou"!qr.,. 5.1.40 r ry VI,ItAI I I c1 i v , e y. ju . 4 . 1 :1 7. 1 .:, t i,.1 1, , :t1.1 I I S 0 A: - y ,A v i r • • 1111p011atlaM, lu — j7lo lAtli 01 WFIA VER. Jr. I . r.iletpin• nod tiny..., ol all .1.. and colJra of Um ma. ppo,..ved brawl., lot gmle cheap by jylll 100011 Wl-:1 V MI. Jr 1 'OTANI; - en4l6• prr canal boat J I Ibtutrtl, for 441., low to , lo.c by • JO , /Al It .1L413.1., Watrr I)Kt'AN .Ntrrs-10 11610 I , •catt Nut,. 2.1 Teed on cobugtustent tot.l •01.•• b y. 17117111.1. EH a R IC1( 1-7 , 1 QUI/A RS---N llr I.trartt, I lavanct, Lon!, Cru.b -0 eft and Pulvettr,l, for sale by trl 7 D WILLIAM:I RAISINR a —1 r4l, Sr. dOr•oi ILO 114 Layoti IF 30 I do do. fur .nic /0 7 J D NVILLIANIS 111)11DiAd, CI:111.01.A IT, b,.a Bailer's Bro ) oln. do do No. I Chocolate; 10 do do Coeott; :to do Aufelll Co Chocolate, raeetvloa .o-ddY . 0 . , far eels by sN111"11, )v Iv an 4 tni %Vann or e j r ., U , I , A : A OI; Illi l , 1" 17 "4""'" j " I; \ '. l .. l . . ' l ' sl " da r al " t4, h' l b l 7 o Wood u I I.IIAI AN eI.AV-10 est. reel& Ibis day and for 1.,T sal, by IYI/ TAt 4 l 4 l:l' A 111.141' pL N Lint-300 bash in afore •nd for gale by ra iro TASAEV & I b.f. 6004.11, V 1./11 - Nu I Laid, 111 .glga reltakri, In stave, for sale by J I AM DICK KV l'n. Front f) VII %U 8e •-150 hen. Rtoi li4 ma:6 li di ) ConJlewlet; TAnt Ws Conon Yuu, for cab. by ROBISON, LJTI'LIE h. CO KIWELLANEOUS. Ws Ws M ALLAGM, pITTset:RGE FRENCH BURR MILL STONE and MILL FURNISHING ISTABIJSUIMENT, Nos. did and Ad Libeny street, near the Canal. French Burr Mill Stone., of my warn manufacture, made ors new and superior quality of Blueing mode l:11W Care to taken to have the joints made dose, and all the blocks in each atone of a uniform quality. They are warranted to be equal to any in the country, and supenor to the great anus of Burrs, whether of foreign or Jot sue manufacture, and roll at the lowest pri ces. Mill Stones, manufactured in France—a gene ral a•Sorttnent, at reduced prices, always on hand. Laurel 11111 Mill Strums, all sloes. Boiling Modal, Anchor Stamp. vearrfitted Lest qual. ity, and at greed) reduced price, Mlll Spaidlea, Ali Iron., Screws Plat. for. :scab s. Cara and Cob Grteders; rind Saw Mill Casting , a ail kind, .11 11111 Furtasbing yen era:. All erd,r,prentpt:i attended 10 61 214 and MG Lib erty street. belt, the. Cattal, Pabiburult. inyllttdain W. W. WALLACE. =3! TIJ. 244 hi brit rr. opounne Aiaetle•. Totithaja!,l.. Ton„ /Le, n large V lei yot the ,11 a niul Lind, intide of the tmeo qtmlity et Inrrljin tail Mona-411eluern:r, alwa)• on hind or mode to order. try the aid CI ma chinery, oh the shortest tichtee and at the lover.. pile,. N. IL—The Country Trade furnished with all kind. of AlarWe at the ,o west totes All order promptly at tended to al 244 Libel ty, opposite Smithfield mr3nAttal W W WALLACE . SatlT T U1,1,n3 Patent Stone or Friorh Burr SMUT MA jj 1111 NT—the beat article of the kithd iu twn they run Itglit, clean Not. do the work well, and will IV Ills ome. About .S.l of them are in our, ta the - Leto mulls in the country, and we uu•e the 5tr0......t tc mony of competent person. .. the, superiority o all other SIDOI Machines. Fur further particular., ttth ver dress the.nulnieriber at 144 Liberty al. Pittsburgh my3o.dnin ' IV 'IV WALL/ter. ENtil IVES AND Berl LERS--For artst, saw und other nulls, always on Lund, or made or "o, on very short notice, and at the lowest prices. All or. dens promptly attended to at ail Urn :Iv street, near the Canal. my:10 IV W WALLACE PLA t• VER land, and other parpo.,Ts. always on hand at 477 LtOerty •t. myllo W WALLACE URA LIC irrnifflAiT—Alan,v• an hand, at VA Il Liberty my.TJ NV W AIA.Aek, G RINItATONFS—AII suet and grit., aIATAya mt hand at *.14 Liberty street. .r.nr3° W AV WALLACE El= IT. with pleasure that the subsenbers - /moral the ' dun 01 PlnAbtrrAti and •I entity that they have completed at-sante ments with Messrs J C. Jenkins ts Co. of Philadelphia, to receive their sapenor I- PACKED TF.AB, And will hereafter be keptconetantly on • They are nears an d securer, put up in metallic packs off. jnod I lb each, with their pnated card —ahowtos the kind • of TeApnce, name of the concern and depot in hlladelphia, with an invitatunt to rcuarti the Ten, tf not hotted J Inwerial Gunpowder (43 75 1.00 I,ls 1.50 50 5 I.OLI i.,13 I. al : H punt 4 0 OYI 75 1,00 1,Y5 ol V. Hy.on 5u 6.7{ 75 1,00 1, 156 B rk • 3 J7 50 B" "" L F n i' o and extra Fine •lo 1.110 125 1.:70 We ortll warrant all the 'rt.:As we sell to he equal to, fl not surest!. to any cold in tht. cur. m 1,1.110011 they not prove aceeptewle to the tame, they east be ,• tanned, and them oue) ertll he refunded, as 0 I. only woh that undo wending we 'ell. We ask • fair Inal. that the/ public may be able to edge between oar Tea. and dune Ism...lure ao:d by other rompantel inthl. city. Al! lovers of nth. delmums and good flavored TEAS, .hou.d give is. is Call For sale by S M YOUNG. A CO. N W corner Ito and l'erry Wee, um! YULNM & • myl9 demi• S W roan, ,Id 2114 14na otreet• Da. W. 11. RAKE, DENTIST, Oryme—Stosthrtelel toren between Seventh and Strawberry alley. Ni U —lbsen.e. of the mouth. gums and teeth treated lloutoropathically. tut/Masa ONE PRICE STORE, At seal grew, Reduced Price.t AA M C 6), desirous cl redoring ••nd elcsiog L out their Mort preparatory to reeeirme their New Pali rinods, will offer grocer mdithernents theta ever Their teerni larte putt:la:me. at the New York Sale, made at lOC. 1.4,00.0 vieriGers from en. swill all closed out the lame ruinous rptew Amongst lac &nark, reevut!) opened. they inemion 6 <saes fast eolorc6 Lawns, at eta V " and slid 9e A rarge vuock SLavvla enl Vtoith, vrr) luvr e. et NI QC " L.t Beregcs at one h.( pro ic Keobron vrey cbrap Bonnet, hell price • I Ice..eay, 1.5.,.. Trourntng c 7 ea.% Mernmsek enhcoes, at x el laqc and Ital. lcurrn and I.lra^lied Moslrn, ei•mp Irt,o Linens ea Id., Line 11 thnetams IZE===M=l Waft au ...acute skrtrty of ot , er Glotl4. o. Nrioeh vold prove a tovlug to purchasers of Iron. VI to 50 per rent The 'WI,' wall h. rudnue day for ulor•mg dowo and preparsog the ..ek for the S. e ,y 2 A A u MASON & CAI PICKLES, PRESERVES, &r WELLS, MILLE% & PROVOST 117 Ittcnit street, NOV hit, Pe.A t:rrI.FTd„CTLJII:::dt Stor eery li z .st : uets oo ,m Vnegor7 lusar, , ranee..ropATEN PRESER V FA/ PROVISION., suelt at Oyster, Lobsters, Ealosno, Mackerel, Shod, Meats., Vegetables, dr. Importer. of climes. Capers, Salad (Ma, aardines Emn •nd West India Condiments, ma. • Their mock is more extensive, comprises a greater canary. tad IS put up in better a yle than that of any other Bowe in their basins. to the Cruted States.— Their goods are packed in all the various packages, and into safe • inllnner an to bear transportation to nay part of the country. N. Li. Catalogues may be seen at the °Mee of this imPc Aecuts in Rston: Saw. Peirce k Ca. Putladelphim Jot li Bu•tier Baltimore: A. Bart 1 Bun :St. Loom. tea Buchanan A Ib. Loummlle: John Fonda & Co. Ctomint .ti Henry Iltertanali Jonrdlm I lI:FF'S 1100 K-KEEPING--Blank• tutleartto , ..4 LI this worn, with the author's alreetioha to teuall• I.ra printrd on the coven. A he supply just rear, led from New York. and for sale by JOHN II ULLLOQ pt Wendt ITOSNELII SALOON, AND DATIIINO ESTADLISIIMENT. :llc FA LI.. Oro to toform the tobalittatit.of Pot, burgh owl vicinity, thin he hat opened above e•iiaLlsaimetit i where every attentwn will t he said to thecomfort of ulnae who to ty favor blip Wail utill: litLerly street, betweew Seventh and Wood. MENEMIN =TEEM TIIE thirtnetstup beretaore existing between saw uel U Bushfield end Willi in U. Hnys, truthug under tbe Gnu of UU3HFIF.LD k thos day t en dittsolged by Witham U. 1147 A selling his Internet in the firm to K. U. Lluelthold. Alt accounts due the firm w.ti be eollected by S U. Ilushtintd, end all debts due by the late firm to be paid by the *am. U. U. UUSIIFIELU, Ptusburgh, June at 1349. W. B. HAI'S. CO.PARTNER,VIIP.—S. U. BrunnrLa baying this day assontated with himself Ilussin Lunen, formerly el Bedford. Pe.., end recently of the National Hotel, Ptusburgh, sonnet. the louslanse ander the hno of RUBHFIELD Ir. LENBER, at the old stead, No. tent Liberty street. R. U. 11U/SHFIE.I.II Ilittsbergit, June W. 1 '.19 11. LEADKII. Haring rehred from the former busineee, I take pleasure in recommending my seeteesort to the pa ltustage of my Ltielllltlit r 2 and the puttliwewr , 7lA , ton FRESH SUEIHER GOODS, AT RRDLICF:D PRICES. A LEXANDKR h. DAY. TS Market street, northwest corner of the Dtaintind, art now opening &Ouce •tock of fresh SUMMER litit U. A tar, noc .of these goods have recently teen purchased at a grout sacrifice, from the Auction Saws at the thigh and from the iinportera and utanufallpreta. Ntie have decided upon odering this stock of goods ut pricey so red ced as to mewl the approh of ,011.1 who do basin., on be cheap cash principle. The Silk Department is very ertensive. enibracing the different kinds of dress tont mantilla Silk., Saint de Cheney, and Camelia', Oro de Risme, . The Shawl Department manners et uplentlid num:- meet of India Crape e‘he telt. from the 'unreel pores tu the finest - quell tier, elelantly em broult. red A Is., li re. mains, Hemp, ?datm, Nett and tplentlal figured Stlk Shawls. SCARPS—/31aek'wrap. and Granediae S:rearfv. lINUAGIE other Men tritl.:SS GOUDS--Ktegaut and novel wales of Berner.. !alit Tl>setem and ...Mar men at rioods worthy VI Lire itenuon of the ladies. m L 11(Sta' LAWNS"--lo the Lawn department, our lititlll3oll4 from the I:alter:1 as ruonv are quart large, ereeleraetng elngant sly Iry at remarkably low prices. Imported and Doene.oc leingharren. P.n.. and Chintzes, Brown and Ilicarhnd Nlusitnt, Ttekings, Suornor Flngliah and Frenrlt llotlis and (lnaidiziereis, GeV and leant, Pantaloon Slsipes and Willing,. All of which is offered at much a reiluenioa of prices dint purchasers cannot fail iv ho 1) 1 ALEXAN DKR h. DAY L=umEaDa= • - - , I , IIE underaigaethave thls tiny •I.4oCleited cad, tho Atehatielost It.risno h Sea, for the par pose of Inentilarturing pa,r, at the eitra.nrt r where they will he pleamal to receive the patrol-- age of the public, and the former eu.itaaters of the Filar partner. 'rimy will at all times keep on hand a general sortnictit ofwriting, wrapping., tt.a and wall paper., teninet boards, blank hook, ate etr., which they will naeltringe for clean linen and cotton rug.. Printers and Matt Pithltaber. ran bn aopplied with every description of printing paper at .:inn uotic., and at redured prices. TIIO:MPRON HANNA April I, '49—mylltilllm IgDilllNll R. TIAN ILoollsagr-41a1wsisassed l'sss Ylaaea. p; ; aubseribers beg weal! the attention of Builders, Architects and owners of Budding*, to die many v ntages which these plaice poppers once ad odic, nroaltie substance, hitherto owl for roofing. Ac Pt They possess at onto the lightness of iron, without lot liability to rust, having now been tested for steered Teary, in this particular, both in is country and In Ku , rope. They axe less liable to expansion and C 4111( IC. tom from audden change of the atmosphere, than mo on tin plate., iron, mile, or any other metal nom used for roofing, mid corrsequently corm a much belt, and tighter roof,requiring far leas frequent repairs, witilst the brat cost is but a trifle more. A full supply, of all sues, from 10 to 30 W. 0., eon etantly on band and for sale try OF:O. eItEW DOD & CO., 14 and 10 We Por street, New Yore. The potent right for aria testicle haring been 'retried for lon United States, all parties lufringing dietetic, miller by importation trr otherwise, will be pruseem ltd. nettfit sv I v 7. Aaalgnp'a Notice I l ift i sTa " 4l;,ira j J h o n t . undrr ti of S.nith k Johnson hare Made to the roM•crtber, ps•lgtonent of all their unto tor the Lo-neft of an their rad hors, as shall 'chitin two mouths from the Unto therms( sieentl• rind deliver to the told Smith /4. June a full sod absolute release of ail t ati huh respect.° claim, and demands. :VOL:co le hereby given that the ostignment and nee is now nt UM airs Of Ih• sittmeritier, on Fourth wee; to the coy of 1 . 11,611,0, for Inspection Intl sig.. hater , . with nil whom it may , concern. Whl. Ansietten I‘IUSQUITO Nt..TTlN(l.—Wbee star catered, a supply ree'J at thy Goads Marne of W It al CRINi Y, N N. earner W. and Market sts I.ACI Uhat 11 l' Dun N IIY —do cues, I doe each, D - Alnsoo's Superior,' oir bombs:ea, he, to arrive. This entosounled usirbisent ei.rdial eon be relied upon enlifidebes. Persons 'a-pilling to boy bud better call soon. Par sale by jy le JAP IR WI:AVM Jr 1111.0Rl DE OF hII—On hood and ibi.Tby -- ; lJ iY3 . J. MOP As CO. C. : x (1;1 ,3 C )IPIIOII.--1.00 be Co 11.7 , d leattragele CO.b) TRANSPORTATIONI6.. JOXPRZES PAICKA4T LIB IG, FOR palLexware AND BALTIMORE, Exelasivelyitrr Pasontres. a-Tha Hoag of this Line will leave as follows., at 9 o'clock at night Ohio—Capt A Craig, Wednesday, Aug lot Kentucky—Copt H frolty,Ttm,y,t.,4y, 9 Loaisians—l P Thompsou. Friday, a Indiana-1' Horsey, Saturday, 4. Ohio—A Craig, Sunday, n. Kentucky—H Craig , try, Monday, q 4.oottuana--J P Thompson, Tuesday, 7. ndiona—P Harkey, Wednesday, u. ohm—Capt. A Cratg, Thursday, O. Kentucky-11 Ttatty, Friday, 10. Looisiamt—J Q Thompson, Saturday, a, Indiana—P Harkey, Sunday, 13. lnt.—A Craig, Monday 13. Ketounky—Cups Trob y, Tuesday, 14. Lousatano—J I Thompson, Wednesday 15 Pot passage apply to W . Bononsaliele float,, aug I or D ERICA to Co, Canal Basin -247a L 1849. Mali Beaver and Erie Kaprese IL G. PARKS. Bearer. Proprietor. LIME near and elegant 1.. ger Packets, NIAGARA, Cans II II Jednes; PENNSYLVANIA, s JII Hoffman; LAKE ERIP. " Al Truhr; QUEEN CITY, " J Melted!): Forming • dolly Line between Beaver and Ene. have commenced running. and will Continue during the rea son to make their epaulet tripe, leaving Benner utter the arrival of die morning bout from Pittthurgh, o • eI.IL r and arrive at Fate in time for pamengers to take the morning boats to Bodoni or up the Lake. Tickets through to Kent and all Lake porn, eon hr had by twain-noon to .101 IN A CA.Urillb:Y. Aith eon. r of Winer and Smithfield its GPAROE KOCK, an liblo ander no. In Charles hotel O. W. BIDDLE, Dentist—. REMOVED to a new three story brick sm,,kr.b.l street, nne dobv below '• Sixth Illtcl. Teeth inserted front our to an enure set, on thr tucuon principle, with a beau ulul of the amoral Sum—restortng the ortginal shape of the fare. N. B.—Teeth extracted with Bale or no pain. Deesyed Teeth permanently saved by plugging, pre. venting the tooth ache, which is much better than to. ring it, though it should be done in fire minutes., or even instantly. PEKIN TEA !MODAL. T ir s F. „ 2 , l3 7 7p o r . r t j h r : . 3 , s , t , re a ce v i e ved i t the P c ; ki w n ell Tr n a ltectod stock of pare (SHEEN I T NlTh r t e a n CK from New York, all of which has been received la th a country since the first of February last , combating of all the dtderent grades grown to the Celestial Eroptre. Oar stock beim, among the In in the Was; ere are prepared to wholevalo. on better terms than any other Louse in the city. Weinvite retail grocers to eel] and examine ur stock and prices. They can have it pack ed ta /, f. o and I packages, 5 ten eantusters, or by half Cileloll. 10 1111 their couvenience. Our retail price* vary for Oolong, Black Teas from. 30 co. to 81,50 per Ib.; Num Young Pout hong, SO eta, Congo O. and English Breakfast O. Young Hymn, Gunpowder and iMpeilol, from 35 cm. to 815r7 per 15. Families am requested to send and get samples at of our Teas, and try them before punk/mug. _tuylP:dikwl.3 A. JANTNIN. 70 Fourth sweet Grest lengltah ILemeay. above direasea, te the lIUNDARIAN BALSAM OF LIVE, di•covcred by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, or Liondon, &wined, and 1 ntroduerd Into the Units! Stater ander the immediate eoprontendenee of the inventor. -- - . The erumordinary success of this medicine, in u( rure of Pulmonary diseases, warrant, Me American &gen: to sulmiung for treatment the worst possible ea se. that Cell be found tn the eortimunity—onarm that seek relief in vain from any of the ordonrcon remedies of the day, and barn been given up by the most distinguished physictarm as confirmed nod incurable. The Illangurt an Ilalsoru has cured, mid will eure., the most desperate of mums. It is no quack nostrum, bat a standard Eng. fish me.locine, of known and established efficacy. Every family in We United Owe. should lm supplied with Bonbon's Hungarian Balsam of Late not roily to counteract the consumptive tendeueies late, climate, but to he axed Y a preventive medietne IS all cases of colds, coughs, sprldrig of blood, pun in the side and chest, trotauon and soreness of the lungs, brochitis, difficulty of bresung. hectic fever, night sweats, emaci ation and general debtl.ty, asthma, tanamma, whooping cough and croup. Sold in large boulos, at Id per bottle, with hill dim. dons for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, containing a may..( Engßah and Amer-- 011/1 Certificates, and other e•ideneo, Wowing We un. equalled merits of this gnat English, Remedy, may La obtained of We Agents, g minium ely For sale by 0 A FAILNEFTOCE T. Co., corner of at and Wood and Wood and Oh sta. MOO& GE4ol.l.oEelatilo/1., MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 Market Wert, lIA VING pureheried au extensive end carefully se -1./..eted sunk of Spring mad Summer Goods, the either ober respectfully informs lin friend. and We public, that Le is now preparing la receive and exe cute their ardor. with divputeh, arid in the neutral, lariat osili.tantial, and fashionable mariner A. he I. deicreitiird to do boatmen an the •yalein, he der. Lees himself' that he will Le able to do wort as cheap in it eau Le done at any establishment in the roarer). ilia 'reek is carted, consisting of CAL/ tueren,Bro.l. cloth., Vesting., As., which his friends are respeeuml ly welted to examine for themselves niy2f d f GE}IIIOF. ARMOR irk Tli* 14 A Kul W A4at 14 TVLLG. SII:V OF Till: PLANE AND SAW, Wo. 2 8 Wood ■tract, Pittsburgh. HCHEIt AND LAUFMAN, Itogortern anddrulors in Forcurn and Lintsesue IFIARDWAILK., 01 all to vs rte.,. are now prepare,' to sell no tow and on as nob terms as can be purchastni elsewhere We "alma our frienda, and thepat,. ssnar.t.l, c all and SS amine Out stock, which C 0.... in pinta, KNI andRICS, CrF: and PEN I V Es, SCIA,StrItS, SHEARS, RA ZUII3, Dowse, Trimmings, such as l .t.e I,l—etches, Htnues and Screws, together th every art'solc satiety gset tu Hardware Storrs. We invite the IIIICEI{/011 of Carpenters and Merhante• generally to our assoruncut of Tools, which hare been 'sleeted vrttb great care, and wide!, we are Jr...min ed to sell so as to give satisfaction. nottd.‘ r ittr•i‘ - . . undersigned hove erected works in the eny of .1 New York, for the purpose of Crileanlzing all arti cles of Iron, which a to desirable to PROTECT FROM avert, such as Telegraph Wire, ilolm,llpikes, Wire for Fence*, and any other article which may he required. For amps for Casks, son substitute for bale Rope; for Clothes Idnes, lagiantog Rods, and a host of other applications, it will be found cheap and duoild‘ They mould particularly call attention to the Glacial. red Wire fur Mimes; it requires no paint, and will not rust. Also to. Spikes and Bolts, the preservation of which is e( .0 tuned importance, that it will commend itself to the notice or all those interested. 11. bIhatEWOOD to CO., Patentees, netrd-le sirly'r 11 and 16 Beaver on. N. York Pact* for the Public, relation to that unn•alled family Salve, DALLEVA MAGICAL PAIN EITiIACTOR. rutESTIAIONY of it respectable Physician—Read j the following, addressed so my Agent, Mr. F. Mer rysreather, ememnati ,Cinciett•ri, jet, 12, 1 , 49. Sir A senae of du'y compel., ma to give my Inbote to Dalley's Vale Exirticior Being opposed to muark ery and all nal:Turn. having for their object •intster motives —but reelt•ing tenets gap! from the "King of Pain X illent”—l am induced to tender you thu certifi cate. 1 ha re tt.ed n in my family, in my praetice, and with .II the happy and wonderful effects that enuLl puttaibly be itnartned. 11 . J. Litton's, hl. D. Dr. Broke a the 'tenter partner of lhodte St Lent, inflarrainarcry Rheumatism The following tesumoniel comes from a sourer re mitter lo many of those traveling on our NVC.ilerll wa ters Mr Ulnae, the well and favorably known pro prietor or the Parkersburg Hotel, is husband to-the lady whose letter I annex I l sammacrao,7a , Apnl 13, 1949, To Henry Dailey. Chectust, Cce.—Sin Haring for merly been long afflicted with violent Inflammatory Rheumatism. winch appeared en drely seated as to defy all ordinary appliances to allay the 1011.111 pant attendinc it 1 was induced to try your Magical Pain Extractor; and it haring effected, almost as If hy eu immediate relief, awl al., to all appearances Interline and pernet cure. 1 am induced fie the bene fit in others who may be afflicted with pain, eased by any kind of intlammalion, to write to you, declaring that in my opinion, founded en acted experience, your Magical Pam Extractor IS the moat valuable dis covery of the present ago for the immediate extraction of bodily pain It is an almost immediate and a per fect cure for Burns and ecalds, and all external In dammanon. Havuot :natty acquaintance. formed by their visits at my hustoold's boort In tilt• place, I have .apposed by your .boom.; loom throe few Itaes, a may posaibly he of bouelit both to Waco and yoaraolt: IZtl===l [I entertain the hope that Mr.. (Llime will pardon the publtetty I pre to Ler letter, as well on the more of humanny as of it. being the surest mode of bringing it 10 the nature in Leg friends —II, Ihm.xv I Feb,. Cum!. Extract of a lever. dated Itsminivr l'y Nov 29,1,279 Mr. 11. Batley t•I have tried you, ram Estraetor in rime ot felon, in ray own family, which n relieved mid cured In a very abort rime. In haste, yours re ycetfully, Jas. M. Yucnu. tzr Bums and Scalds, Pile., Darn Nipples, Woken Breast, Eruptions. Sores, Cuts, I.Voanda, arid 0:1 in- Itaminallon. yields readily to the wonderful properlle• of this nitrivaned intnily .*lee Bun in the tame pro portion that you will receive benefit from the genuine, you will be iethfrd by the delmerious edema of the counterfeit salters. CAUTION—R: ware and apply o n ly ro the inventor, H. D• 415 !trawl wAy, New York, or to hot ow thothod agent", JOHN D hIORUAN, General Depot. Prnsburch Henry P tie h warts • Allegheny'. Agent; J Baker, Wheeling, Va , James NS Johnston, Nlaysville, I:).; I'. Reny *milkier, Cincinnati, U., General Depot N —ln the neo ere. Burris and Staid. it esteems the 1.1111 1111 four IMMO never rol a ,„, Bt.ziL - 11r1.1..• evet a lave U. Loceutooo, Ott Wood snort. has lust redse beanusully ornamented U HA 'l' 12 A PRI/NS, ol vartety el patterns and colors, also, rut Tissue Paper for ortmairolkua looting nieture frame, or lamps. Jae limply/kJ- L surt.utuAL uvriviC, No. 85, DIAMOND ALLEY, •%": "S' few door. below Wood street, to " market. ;a.; DU. 8110151 hamog !men reguittill ed . u ., ejite , d , A t the met: I.7 . elect: l procure, nteer "' Tolattnel . " • We ' nitration to the °eminent 01 4,-rdrone private end deacon, nom' yosts ' plaints for which his upporrnottlea and espen. are peculiarly qualit• • "..:,r him II years oksidooosly denoted to study es treatment oftane cornp.aintadeurtng whteb Unto be has bad more prettier owl too Cored mom pa, boots than no ever fall to the lot ni any emote pram, Intoner) amply qualifies hue to offer mannumos oi speedy, p e noonent, and sonsfactery curt to all adlieted with delmate dmeoacs, and all dtmases renting :herr, trout Er Brown would Infant those afflicted with privets thrones winch Lase become chronic by time or ag [seated by the um of any of the contemn nosumus of rho d a y, that mein oomplomte can be rod:rally &militate paahly eared, he booing given hl• easeful attention Ili the treatment of ouch cones, sod mcceetied in handfed* untances m eurtug tens°. of todtunsuattou of ths nee* of we blanter, and kindred Mae.. which often multi from those eases where others have consigned them to hopeless despair. He particularly by sues as have been long and ansucresanally treated by other* to cattail him, when decry satisfaction will Inc Mall them, and their CBI. treated m earefulAtuarongti and intelltgent manner, pointed out by a long egpenenee study, and iuseattgallun, which it ts imposuble for then engaged in n a ta l practice of medicine to give as one clam of dtmeme. Mrllernia, or Ruptante—Th Brown also Molten pm, was Mateted With Ifernm to call, as he has paid Munn Mar attention to din disease . CANCERS. also caret _ Mtn diteues; also P s. Palsy, are., speedily carat CA alveli very low. N. 11—Paucuis rl oath sex lotus at s Questa., by stating their disease in writmg, going all th'aaym buns, can obtain m,iirine• wale dircetioft lb. use, by addressing T. BROWN, M. D., p.m Nadtskul end.. inta fi' ca No. 65, tharnond alley, apposite ibsi livarty Ileum Itilansesusa.—Dr. Drown's newly disci:menial rem. dy for Rheumatism is a speedy and cenata remedy sot that painful unable. It never fails. valve and Private Cummins.; Rama, No. 4.3.thiv mood alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Dumas is alsvimal. inane, ID" No non on pay /OUSE& LOTS, FARMS. tao sea sus.ALVEHY desirable realdenee to the bea of Maachester, edjainloglebn Doer aim Paza,..e Lot is a comer on fifty feet front by one - handOM oul ninety pot deep—with • two story Bur k Hoax, sweat fine Met h a t, with two parlor% dining morn, and kitchen on first door A ermine ham, stable and 6r order and the lot fall of chorea (rah trees, all to goal order. to tr at the salami ber, Lamber Merchant, Allegheny y. lal2rdatestfr PAITESISON.'" • FOR - BALF.--.0 r . • st3R — BALE.-41 {trial No (bet one*eir sneerand Lot. 00 Robinson sweet, Alleeway, old Bridge. Pries low and terms easy.-- Inquire of jr2l B SCROVER. 110 'Stroud et FOCR new two story Brick Dwelling 110,44.5. ell firnehed and in complete order on Centre VOIONS, or Md ersride pond, Ilk Ward. Pow sessson given inamedli te.y. Rent low. Ektquire of JOHN WATT k CO, /VP turner Liberty and Mon , .dre Valuable Heal Estate gar Bales THE subscriber offeredor sale her Hours and Lot in Allegheny City, pleuane.y situated oti Hank Lane, and fronunv the Allegheny river, opposite the point cd Pittsburgh. The Lot is 00 feet extends nava Laic on the South to Relaunch street mt tne North, bounded also by Wel am Street on the West. It it one of the handsomest and most desirable lots now offered for We any where In the neighborhood of Allegheny City. It to huge enough to be subdivided advamageotisly into tO build ing lots of the usual Ore. It is very suitable ha • Wa ls rr*idenee - -is stocked with • variety of choice Fruit 'Erect , to full bearing the' dwelling is conven.ent and cmfortable, and sl. root -epode rt. sate* de o ed tie oven, ant] pussasetott at any time to Wit the put at estser. For tams, apply an the ereat..... tu thy gooth, being a g .111 nice, 3AI A, over Philo 13 ♦ M Property tea Allot pm; subsenbere oder Lots, eitunte 61 the Sec Common ground, on easy t W. 011. aouoisor O r of ] A$ ROBIN! mTl)a!Avt('f FOl A TIIRFE storied rut house from Row, rin limy street Imp given. Knquire of DA VI trow—orlee on Fourth or and Grant street FOIL taFOUR new most well finishedwe and i, Avenue, 7th Ward. Rem BMA Enquire 0f ...5, lad earner of Liberty and Hand ma - TO ill - All.ka r g ELS ARID istilliBlf.ll.2l l / I Cfil• rum,. andermelltod offers for sale in Ill'eNtan county, .1. Pa., POO acres of well timbale-1 La:vo, 'with an excellent claw. bill nearly newt and two new Frame !louses, one 41 feet front by 47 bank; the others.! feet front by 01 back. Also, good new flame Born. shiny by forty fem. The mill and land are Mutated fear miles from the Allegheny river. A great deal of PLNE TIMBER of the beat quality, and clots s vast quantity oldie very heat hemlock, Also, one acre on the bank of the Allcsheny. near a cove, mom admirably adapt ed for railmg, where lumber can be rafted on MA me in winter, and he perfectly safe from all freahels.— Price f.0.44/U, or ez an acre. Term. easy. Will lake a well cleared small lama, with good hoaaer and or chard upon It, as part payment, location Is ruitable, and the balance in lumber, or as may be agreed ob. 'rots it an excellent opportunity for lorribenngl and the probabi'ity in great that in two or three year, this property will double It• valor, consequence of Its proximity . to hr New York and /*le Railroad. Tin.. bet anchetent to wear out aeveral taw milla—and me i-rat mill sites on the stream winch woo nearly through the centre of Ibo land About fifteen acres in gram. No hilt to clue in healing lumber from Will to rteer . Trout' and pane in abundance- For further particu lar, ltddmisil, (Post , patdd F. R. TEM I'I.ETUN, ors lid .t.wth4 Giasene office. Pin•hu,h. Two Loss far nose. - tpLIE subitentora will tuft at prwate sale, those two L valuable Luis of Ground. situated nu Tomato at. or the Tiara Kurd in Allegheny City, each baring a (toot of IN feet, ranntug back 100 feet in depth to a2U feat alley, upon which Is built a none wall, OR by BM feet, which contains utunc enough to build cellars for two comfortable dwelling bon.,,a, and in (rout the,. me three .hate Irene, ayars growth, and the male a's is pared with brick, al l'of whtch'will i.e odd nt 1401.0 Pittsburgh end Allegheny, or County Surto, witl be taken in payment. J A 11 I'IIII.I.IPS, No S Wood at, or tirlVNI BENSON, niamediately opposite acid or.. my-M TO LET, raTIW Dwelling !louse on Third cocci, above Smithfield, occupied by the family of the late Or. A. N. ftElaiwell. Posuesalon given on the tat or July liert. Alan, onion large lots aground in the Ninth Ward, between the Vials Word 141111 Crogbausville, suitable for lumber yards. ' WM. _/1. DA 14.1 NGTUN, . , myt...huhf At 0. Durtingoods, a'earth at "OR SA 1.0,--Ftve o.' elteuttly situated le the dna, ..Salting to of 110E10,01am. 'Me lots art sites. Led ou Da4nzun street, numbered to PBIIII/Itaat't plan 75, 7J, 84 et nod ott--lot No 73 fronting AI (colon Nu ry A utt sire, 70 feet deep; the other foot Mt feet front eat h. by lent deep Ti 104.--i:renter loan of purchase money, may re! mute for year•, secured by mortgage. For patll4 aloes. require or IeCROV RR. 1.910 110 second st VMa as WO Co. samosa toe tams., nottr lour mule. above Lock NO. te, at the mouth or Pine Rum,, Monontabelv River. Tice Coal is Fmhi n•ery lu•ut quality, mud ca!ty of netts's*. Anal ut tier.., trout Twenty-ti se to a heed red, noght Lot ohoottud. Penult. desirous of purchasing, 'can en 0VA1.1011.1 00,11.0, on ths premise., or Wet. It ;et. opposne the Post toter, who wdl ire any to torot thou coorcruote the property. 'roe ale! , o wet or sold at a great hurgain ter/totem TO zow bnek.Dorellute ilonse,stotate was' •Robittsen street, Allegatui. oire of co, 1e501.0911114 seliftrl.t.R FFURSkICK ' CiIt.:I I I , OR SCR.II . -4 tot of r — Vut situate on Webster street, - .1.5 foot drum high street; 20 feed iron( (I Webster, by so feet 43 a firm trot obey —strut clued to new court house. Price 4250. Terms, 8150 each In band; balance to one, two,three and feat yearn root the firsCif April last- County and Cap Serip taken for cash payment in- ^ , gat of matt; artilltVO4 •In ....nod at 286 mum awe otaul, SlTUAretban Monhogaholariver,athaut L 6 Ruh. from Ptratitirgh and 3 mica above third Lock, la the immediate neighborhood of Hems. Lyon &S hen., mattly. Jobe Ilerren's ' , etch.. This One body of LW- will be sold at the low pnee of 7:q per acre—ono third in halal, balance in Sae equal annual payesents, without Interest. Title indisputable. Location vary good--calmot be sorpaased. For further particulars enquire o( S. LIALSLEY, wbo has a draft of stall pro perty. &cattlemeid at, below Perry, M. Adana' HOW. N. B. Thew to another seam of coal on this tracl, about 60 feet above t h e lower, el excellent quality. Jr=6;dtf S. It. Valwabl• Build/tag Lets tor Sabo. mbseriber• are authorised to offer at private sele, and uplan hinny fatereble towns, a number Cory valuante cOmrtg largo portion of the L.. numbered 67,11 . y GO and :3,1.11 . Woods' General Plan of the Cop Pi sm naburgb, ut. mil at the south eattwa nay corner of Penn and Wayne ot reels, fronting 210 feet on the (enter;, and encoding Slow, the latter about 600 feet to the Allegheny river, and hetiTa part of the Heal F.cate of the late Jam. S. Stevenson, E 9., decenirda A plan or iIaILMIVISIott of tbi above Lota in confor mity with y.hteh it is ',mewed to sell s may be seen at the,g trace of the underaigiied, on Fourth tsetween Mar ket-4,M Perry sts. WILLIA:\IS it KUHN. toy? Valo►bla Mani lnat►u toe tl►la. T il av E ;slt l ev ' Tb n e g b!/ ' re "f a ' a e l: T o(7l lk°, :eat o „ f lr P o iu tft b e ' littii river, to edema of tale on accommodating tennr: 3 hew (benig vab-tnviwou of Lot No .4Gli dm plan of the city of Plnahuryvh,) bovine :el (eel (rent 041 Se venth street, by *la feat to Strawberry alley near Urant *oven 10 one gem Lott Irons rig ou an Avenue, C 4 feet itle, running from Lteater road to the Ohio over. ad- Mi n g fullips't 00 Cloth Rumor,. For torus, enquire of CIIARLEZ & %CULLY, or JAMES COLLUIty Go rice% Boildixix. 4th aC - - • • • Voluoi6leeiroperty low boars, TN TIM NINTH %YAK() OF Y ITCSBUROH —Sett, end Lotlen Baldwin and Liberty streets, in the OttitWard, el feet Lv tub, snit adjoeent the proposed depot of too.Ceritr,! laiirovel. tor terms 'Lome Of CIIAIILE`t IL SCULLY, or JAM ES (PIIMIA, mortttf Hurke's IloLWiao, OM or . . _ TWO nousar.ii . itiio LWCi NULL IaTWO Lots on Beaver street, 10 Me Coy Allegheny, above the upper lierarrtoes,on vehicle ok erected s Irtnar buthilne, taro at WO, reliable let two smith tenement.. lon are each twenty lest In beet by one hundred (net deep, and rue bark to a street lolly fret %1L1... Tile buildtues on the pro: ALlees will poky • very handeonle Initial on lhe invest. c e.e, end the p,ep e m tell he told eltmtp for earl, Apply to IL Sproul,Cler Vreiftee: U.S. or to n0v1.9 • SAY 8, To Sooie~blot beim Lan.* for 5.1•• , 11F.N AUK KS OF LAND, animus' lo Mehl. town ehip, on the Alononeoliela, Wino mile. from rpm lots to , twit ptarhascr. For (unbar payee. glare ettrply to Hooey Wood., II to. or to A WASHINGTON, norailti 4th, above:Smithfield et WA tI1:1100 SE FON SA LE.—Toe entieertlier tor,a.ilr the three slur/ brine Warehouse on Wand awe t, ...zoo/oil by IL Teenier h. Co. apt: WA!. ti/(1.90N, Jr. VA I .0 A BLE CS "ATI; ON PENN sTarxr Ft/It SALE --A to el Crewel !tile= on Peen betweess Huy end hlarlsury streets, adlCdrilajj the hewn. and lot now oettupied by Richard VAiwards. have; a bunt or .y Chet, and se depth ISO rect. well la told on s'artsrable thrust. Title uhrzeeptsmsaLle. tel• quit. et C. O. LOollitt,rsh at, • Beilduig i•Ol In Allegheny eny, 01 7 , L , *llO about half acre, and .11• intodlunq term.. Inquire of J WILLI AMS, ua veyandl at n.rt R -•16 room in the second awry, No. 1119 DRESS DOHS. J. G, 4, G. W. CARR, %VII A 1.r.,,0Ng Cu rrrtl., AND MANUFACTLF RI-NA I r u%Duir.1.1.4 PA RASOL, t:ANg; witi P , LioN:YKrAND BONK- 11, II renvocitally cull the attention of 11.1Urulatutu stet Pea:ers to the large.) nod best varlet) . of the "1..1rn to ilocetty,at thu lavratt No t 35 N. Mutt! tO.nvo Kara strect, tultoiniug tho tletrt. 1 . 111LADE1.1"111 . • 17,411. G.V.O. W. BM 1T11 . 4. CO, INFORM their friends and the public , meano tooter any toaneeuun with their 4aref'slabliri. t In Penn street, bituwa 11r theTttlabsilltigintereN basing removed their court haziness Lb TitgriVlST . E , V Ell V. In Inv .r.ot J.. 1917. Mr . John nom so—l.k. et Sir. I game cum teaspoon full oaf your. Worm Ktlier to one of air rhildren, anj to the short time Mona Kali hour it passed twenty larre Worms- I feel *ale in feeo4llllesitliog Tour Vend:fuse tits the best medielne that om be used for capellmg Worms. Joint, Nlosnas. near Nulaleelown. Prepared and sold by tie pro:meter, /011:4 U. AMR OAR. Druggist, nue door below Diamond alloy, Wood ttrreL ' Jul lAN V ASSEti UHams, wader broad, In .tore and Gies:ale by!, ' aII&CK.LETT & DRY GOODS JOBBERS,.. .Y 9 WOOD gritENT, ARK, now mccivtcg 9. very Lam Cock freak' . Gocklk, of recent purchase and troponktiOkAchich they will nett to the trade al:saclhyDeec tu chattel tUI to etre enure satichcliek. • • • . City and Coheir) , klencha,tv are mama to chit lad ecatetne on: Cock before patrohacithr § cur. iiATll:9 l. von • OYC Powtot,,,rf o in i ti....„ put, w isrwm 'teat. iluistcistontOck,7:4 ' " ; . i!tatlllithittg:F4tabl#346ent.• ' , r.z ... ;.:i. =i.;i~lE~: rREDE SAVORY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers