ESTABLIS I 4I) IN 1786. Ramo wrznair4...7w, ATTORNEYS -AND COUNSELLORS Al' LAW, between Bwflh cr to end Oran; rastorre, Pi 4! *ls AMR .1.AX01:1. . LARGE ft PRISES!, TTOANSYS AT LAW, Fonrta to*, nen Grant A alGtf - 6.115711.01 , 70 &CBOZER, ••••• aca neaten in -Produce, . 4 a. =Malt, 111USIMLD. VIM LAO= BVVIIMM,D ic 'LEADER, derilen Dry Good., Groceries, • • • is. SZSPOsi Ynutbnrßb osenolactored anlelam, A., N. VS oAbeity , Etat, Pulsbnrych I -11.1113L1 LI LEILIIt. , . Daum a. Elam. Wholesale wax, Retail Dmr 61380.-tarcer olUberty sad St. aer 1111:01, Pitts. 1.4414 r._ Pitt s. COW ISO" 1.1/1011.111. "GROW! cULBERI9ON, Mad OrDMrk and C 11021111251012 Unretrants, AO, Libefty as, Pansbarak. Pc . I,A IAmatZTOCK a Co, W'hliSaals Re. . i likaggiSM, eon:mi. Wood 4 . I'm 'in 41.tiv I. 8.611 TE, Wialusha pp.P4 19 Wood street YittaboTei. (1 A. bIrANULTV & Co., Forwaidir." and brae oadon Morelools, Cao.l no4oo'luabonb P.. 1 Froh2 Doorman* Spring', Axle, ktipil and Don Works. ; POLEUN, ;ritron.Wal tr. Co, nraaketarOn e V Coach and Etipsip Springy Illtioattied Spring and PUntstt Elect Iron, Iteq Nyalehonia On Waier End Front . st eels, mblintt. • ':, Alao, deafen 14 Caul Tsimminp tad Malleable td'ABOLE WORIEBON LIBERTY eal . oprosife • THE - READ OF WOOD,PITMBHRGIL r ' • • EDMUND W/RIT• MI6 ' nownkunt ta , atansfratra biaii*ards, Burial Vaults, Twat's, Head Bsoaas, MOO Cen lira ad Pier Ttrof foreign dad atadlaada =rata, at tt regular *al ftpHee. . • . ~11 EL—Uraiettag+RT man i acs, raplta, Re. famish ; of any laaaßptiaa. Ha aalteita Iciltilare Pubild paitaaatte '5ll I .494_ wg. 3. 7602220 205202 2. swim & IiENNEPPI ( 1020 c = , G l A fr .A 4 4. podigfd Pin; burgh !'"WI Z 'o I 2, No. 12 'Ward 21402re0n 121.4 3,1 meow. oetl glkl4l.o4lXMalibiANCial.W.W.a .ll iO nrarduz g Ifterob. No. 20 Wood street. I%l2burgb. 1¢217 HOW: LEA Vl3lll PAgvOly.T. Antl/.10:4 STEW/LIT, man 1:1 Wavy Shiitings, Cloak to., Rebore* picot, city of Allegheny. R—TIE, (mecum to Olorphy &145 ti,) Wool Dell • or mud Oommission trterchawaor %kg solo of ilaeste. WOOlena t Lilxrty opposlto344 st. labia , wta. sum, Salumbre- rs -4., • . A.).IITCLIcaII, warm ELLLII, !. ba.j... „,,,,,...,,)„..,,,,„N.,,,,,= Mot` saants, 41 Nth Wow, 11, &10 tin& Whuves, ._ v.,: rtoo3D-If ,• • ~ , I:IIIfiELIFY, JONES & Co., (am ,il to Atwood, JU. loam & Co.) Commismou and F ur lva Mer chants; dealers_ La Pittsburgh ManuMetared PlUsidugh, Pm, , ' ,l Mehl!' , Swan nuncxL . ma* racca, n, Raal'Made I b il ltrCumit, ad7ail l a ' rs i Vd=l , hafi&i , ater, a.:1107 , ,,Fr0ut welts, Pivab 1 nosl3 '. It. CrillFLl, Onus d WarnmAlittra Commie . sloe stulParamtmiug Blerchantysind wholesale dealer In Western Reserve Cheese, Maher Pet and Pearl fish, end ,Weatern Produce gedeaalty, Weser trees, ietweco Smithfield and Wo:pisbairgh. spa JGUN NATI', (stiecenar m h & GebtraN 'Wholesale Grocer mad Co "" a Merchant, dealer le Pnatace slid Pittaburgli Mateactitrea, cor ner of Liberty end Hood streets, Parallfitgh ri. Add ABIESB MetitBßE, (I I F. or*. lideGuirejMereliani Tubr, S. • Therr ' near W. • • Para .14 lAMBS A. ItUTCI.IIBON, to Co.tAavoloosorsto U . Loons Itonehisoa to Co., CooomistiAto Ilexolmau, and Agorb at do He Loon. Stooma r. Wal0 0 0l• Ha 46 wow tot and front sums, Joni et I.I.WOILTEI lc ••i Id Waal. • • k itinWer., Pro- i dace and Cotandadon erettnii4 mist ',Loom t a me Huard Powder Ca of N. V., ;4q. V' Wood at, Pittabarea jag iOlO4 D. • D.CidDI, Wholesale Diakfantortul d - or to Dpe Stuffs,Poods, Oils, lfar4olfeeAto.,•No.O3 .xot saw, Doe door Bola of Diarr4od ►lle y, Pins. .741 vial m itl v i% .,) lirl;o 6 t pJoae o tr. CON N. MELLOR., Wholesale lOW. BetTl 1,131•11, and Musical lastrimeaug.iSciool Beau, , Slates, Steel Peru., Prititer,'Carda, aod Biationary trorterally,Nd. 01 Wood atirtzt . abate, 117 - biaQs tooght or take, to trade. 'eta.% gaka i, - (36 - .7lvii7Vale - DrtiggEsis,. • No. SO Wood Meet, Pinalaurgt. ("IN D. LA VIs, corn..l Wood ..h;t 1.114 iva baggh• - f roc,. Qv> tun!. • `14%".6r1V. - 204.6.'"=_ - cam, Mil Doming oalberly!Woog. *ha Gal artets; dl, pa. :• nos ~ Orate:, Cc:!zli i • . •"'"*" COuOP ;44 stmtzt*, C. , 1? .4 64 - IRP:=O vansand ilkat• ---- liresuvlams trots Work.. LILO Via A. Co., gonsulfia ;Fen of all A- In Saco; Iloilo" Iwo and ;Nails not the Oat pooh. Wardhoou, Ammar and 100 trout M. heft' WATYR ttli, Wholesale (40cor, Forward hze aodComadasom.bletehany;DWei m Zdandaemon and Produce, Nife 31iWaser tad el Front! In .4!.2141, • t - • ^ .5..,. la A URP/IT, WILSON & CO., (late triaes, Murphy & .1.0. Co.?. Wholesale Dealers to Drirc (toads, No. Sa Wood sues; Yinsnurgh. __-;„iiElorei L ALISO AL= moneL )1 AL L. IMEICL ALIEN It. Co, Communion . Forwarding Merchants, Rater and Proll on, between f. L and Alofket no. Anil no' MATDIEW WILMA , rootalt kdalmerato .6.l4 UM RoosaL corner of Post , ce Ann, and Fourth Meet, [nuance on lth near deee-dtL ,„, HOLIES t SON, No. 85 mq ol n., second s door from comer of Fou rth , do. min Foreign todbOwalm Hills of Exclisage, CerirXieattsoiDepos. U. door Notes andSpeelo. • 11AP . Collections Mad on all theosiiinelpal cities atrortgbosi tee Unitad Mates 6 daer7 I\l* , MICICIdASTEE, al.ratee, north si, „LI thud door above Smithfield, so t hddo. CC:Malang:Mg of all surds done IMM the greaten more-nod legal acerteacy. t . Miaow SAO kausio eaunined, lee:; un. GICOILGAC EtaGOIE OFFICE, Fourth street, near Gran, la the room lately Deer:pied by Alderman mom immediate biopposise Arr. Bakeweira He maf toandat utght hap. 71, St. Charter tun eni, Tor ql.THALkifil SURGEON will still to its wast e:Lento! Diseases of the • IL has been engaged in s hof the medi cal profession for sixteen years, andilAs conducted an essabliahment for the treatment ofilitsfaser of the eye {IOW for sesiaral years. Ounce and residence, comer of*ndusky at and rawberry Way, Allegheny city. oetl3 kil.fliri v EA. STOSILIC±No. Tos - at st., near Wood—All qoantilies of Green and Blot Teas, dorm up to Ter, half, and and packages,. ranging (tom' . , "per posed ithe 41 A. J.& ekl fcm. VOW 114 . awe blOcer, kleetifyiig Iler, dealer In Produce, Pitaidiarghhlaniethe.. :01 kinds of Foreign and.bognesne Wines y, Liberty matt. ,011nihand • ' , err of 'opener old Alonopeatiela whiskey, sarsa .old low for e ash.opl&ly Iggrirg i / ‘ .." ' `l ' & Wholcull u e= l. ra Prod E9E OO° . !Limb mts, aiii(Detifels in Pill. Pl i an d • No. rig, Lit.rty H., Pittsburgh. Ydatiolacturt mato & Co, Wltiitiesabs Ncre.93., CoausdatiOn and Fo Alemb..t& &Alen Ts erodnee and Pinata rg fl 1.4.. 1 1 11 . ; COM -- 41 , 0 1 , Whblesale Grocer A 7 , t -- Lrit Dealet in Produce a ritaa ' af g h Zaaa.faaan'S o. 144 Lilreity et L. mil arardittand Commiaxion . IcrtiAirer Trade, deal. G,. c .,;;', p v ,1,7,1 , 1 aistrfrO Mam - scums ii '4 Chloride of Ftme, oos t, , 'd 4611 times for Conn. • WA. C41119tO? Yeas wall " 60 ' *613 , „,,,z, C caLAcctint Ilitui IL worts i pie. VA/.... 1 irr Jr. wurrE, W.lioltsol °p oak. lo FO N iro a vtt Dosocodo D r y 0 045N0 Wood • uniblu g. I._ ir-11: W. fil 11.13 - AINiN, WOOL alereho;u:; ~i,ro Igo in Me. r 00. Ig.mollf,tuad Forseanitog mg .02 ...i.,1 0 . pobut, No. pp-IV/am sc., !quo 1 gro , - _— ri 1 ---- 7 E s-- -. wz, SMITH'HALAL,No.Z4 &Riede,. t Prodtwodeantra, .hil. L ktphis., ti and ea. North tide,] - .. 4 -- 0 .,- 111.111171...- W. ialsj i s iii . 6, rmd..ri *I G. 7.1 Cow NICOL K n 17 Latta,' $l., Put.bargh. Sadmen Merchants,. .Oils ..1 Sperm. Liwwwi.nd LE. ti., Whotelials Gm- Kr, VON MONNHO. i Isr as Ssidn Merchant.; D eco, Forwarding_ az r u bassmd Westen ern. in Firtalwrgh Mum have removed to their n. NO. corner at Front at and .. _ Titcrnt & scorSami. 112:Shoes,. cr 1 1 Eh sad anti me. , 1 , tremiTilfafl, Veolegal. lc; ',or. edd •tiou Mcrae" end deal, , n h i :Nrodeee. Ind es., Mixeleiret• '; pa • ikettlYing ni•LinOn, r a2P3 1 i '.." ""9- 0 Ise aaa 6r" Liquo, Alio. Importers at 5 r....4,,,,t, end ch. tlVitelder, No.lBo 'Won, sucsi,lg : ejiletwih FL , . . . . . • .. E . „.. R • . .„ 61 .. •. I . . - • I . . / 1 . 14. -•,.. :. 7.7 7 ' 7 - . ~ . • .... . .... . ~ 1 .., , . . . Vir m" raK w f! ' s iPCANDIIS, (sae "'W to J. D. yy Wick,) Whole-gab:l Oroonta, Forwarding arid Cmamissiou BlereMmuOimalms m N.M., Olmm, Lotion Yarns, and Pinabgggb Manufantures generally, POMO` , of Wood and Wow -trects. Pittsburgh. • W. w. WALLACFO4IIIIone and "Mill tug estab li ihmettySio. 244 Liberty st, near the canal. • auseZ • mur "tV.VTICSOIS7Sistehet, Jewelry, Silver Ware. TY . and Military Goells, corner of Market and 4th streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. '. a—Watch. and Clocks carefully repaired. h: dee4 a Merchants L'ftlarket street deeS EEBOWEN---Qoa and Ford TCh.latt, No. 90 Moat it. between Wood and _ et streaL ;_ii - fetet4 Mr --- '& .------ kFiri — ',_4ok - oWside — ll - 11etati - dool - e L FG . tbreign - wolf Domestic, 134 n Goods., north wort comer of Market and Fourth au oug3l I. IMILtOtIIS, 7 MO. ~S. INC.XI. , 4DL YOUNG & C0..%43e110rt to lesthet tad., ka. 143 Liberty la. ~.. _ • ,das-ly wx. &toccatas. .. •:---- --•----‘••-crt. ... Ron, 111 . 671 , 611Eart - - - -.--- _-. wa. /I.IIMI7TCHEON, Whole:Pale Grocers, des . left '5,2 Producearon, Nails, Gloss, arid Pats. bbu nt' Kinufsetum gegently, 1,52 LibulY .t. c 2 Pin. rgh. , de W VILSON, er in Watches, Jewelry W. SiteL Ware, hlklieary Goods, No. 57 Mar _ ------- - -nEALERS IN HI DES.AND LEATHER, Morocco, Y- Shoe Vonlints.eseigle. 143 Liberty street, have psi =seised Amu SERINO STOCK Of roods, corn pA.thig.. L a mp aa a anthetif diastole. in .their hub, to which the attention of ptlybibsurs is Horsed. sonblA • pf.xurtenuow — iti. Co" STEMS BOAT AG ENTS OwisFa Azov": NUAu z & mai No. 42 Water street PUMA= 14E issimuor cu. BE of North America will T tuakvelmma tar eed limited Insurance on pro perty Ln Um; city • vielnity, and n shipments by Canal; Elm% at grid by Sea. The properties. ot thlr Cdrinpany are [Wrested . , and Amish an avail able fund for the ample ftdementy of all persons who desire tO be protected byinsttratme. wytB WM. P . 4,411NE3, Agent, 44 Water on. FnendArs Fars irliPrairtS Co. of Pharsaphia. 12IRECTORS..7Charbtil N:Mancker, Thomas Dan, Tobtart Wagner, SaYisuel Grant, Jacob B. Small, .W Mon:Neal D. Lewis, Adolph° E. Hone, David &Drown., 'Stoma Patterson. Cnadka N. Saracen, President. Chaldean Danaher, Secretary. ColltiortO to 131130 izsammee, perpetual or limited, on eve deacription of property to town or country, at rates Valour al no condiment with SOCUrt cp. To Compaoy have =settee a l; ant Fund, which with their Capital And b ums, Pre safely Invest. ml,lllDint ample protected to the assured. The assets oi the company, on January Ist, 1919, as rand. agreeably to att aU of Assembly, Were as • 141= 111,047,439 11 .... • e4,;y4 to Temporary Isms Knot 63 51,Sota Yt Cash, Ica 30,904 37 ME=I 81,24 &nee their ineorporatlon, a period of 19 yean 49l r,7 1 they have paid upwards of ono million four ha:indeed thou, anddollam, Maws by faro, thereby affording ern:leanoe cf the advantages of insatance, as well as the ability and disputation to meet with promptness all habilmes. J. GAR.DINER COFFIN, Agent, marl Office,N.B corner Wood and 3d its INSIIRANCE Cd. D ILIAD/MBA, Agent at Pittsburgh for the Dela y. . ware Mutual Safetylnsunince Company of Phial adelphia. Fire Bilis apdn buildings and merehuidite of every description, e. 44 Marine Risks upon hello or ea of studs, upon the most favorable Ima :Ear Office in the WILT61.111“1 of W. B. Holmes & Bro., N 0.31 Water, near Market strum, Pittsburgh. N. IL—The sueeess of Oda Company !since the eclair lista.= of the Agency this caty, with the prompt ness, and liberality with which - every claim upon them for loss has been adjususd, fully warrant the agent an inviting the confidence unit patronage oftais friends and the comatunity• at large bur the Delaware M. H. Lean ranee Company, while ithas the additional advantages as an institution among di most flounahing Philadel phia—as having an sunpltpaid-in capital. which by the operation of as charter-1s constantly werewolf, as yielding to each person 4stued his due share of the profits of the company," - itbord involving him in any responailigity whaterver,'alaud therefore as possosaurg the Mutual principle divefited of every obnoxious fen. dare, and in its most altientive ronn• nord In(B"tJl[A - 28CE. THE Insurance CompoSy of North America, rarough us duly authorized 'Agent, the subscriber, oder. to make permanent and liatilyed Insurance on properly, in ucity and its vizintry,Nid on shipments by the Cr nil and Rivers. DIOCTORS. Arthur 0 Coffin, Charles Taylor, Buren W. /ones, 7 :1 Am brose White, HMA Jacob At Thocuis, John A. Bro 'lr John ft Ned, John White , ''.''' alchanl D. Wood, Thomas P. C ope, .., Wm. Welsh, - Samuel F. filmth, •L , Franks Iloskons, Samuel Brooks, ,-. . S. Austin Aihbone, AMBIT. G. COFFIN, Presl. Ybqc* P. 1P1max..... , S rey. _ . . .. . This I. the oldest taserance Comp.). in the Untied Stases, having been chattered in 171.4. Jto charter is perpe.teht,andfroOT itsAgh standing, long experience, • =means, and ayeextra risks of as has character, it may o considered as offering sm iles security se gut public:: 'W. P. ,lONSZ. At the Coontiug Snom`,lst .11.twood, Jones & CO, Wt. mita Frontal - stets Frnibtrrett. mays SUBSCRIBES lus peen appointed Agent pro tem. orate Insurancapompany of North /intermit, andsrill issue Polities aid attend to the other boners. alb, 4geney, at the ultrehoare of Atwood, Into. ic Co. apt* IV]f. P JIJNES, BE=AI FORWARDIN & COMMISSION. iltli N ENllolkie m ilt TOBACCO COliteljASHl ItIBIGILERTB, Nol 59130uth WhstragA No. 117 South Water .t. A. lONGS to lama tha Itisdc and dealers generally, of ji Pinahurgh,thattliny hase =dr such arrangements arid. V . tglitta otant6munsrs and the Growers of • • • oaring demerit,. pon as •ccorn bis guy or elm. vne/ _, a will be war• .1i!! vl I ,• 0.4 • a , • ••••• •`2. • D BEEF, Commisuaa int Militia. aad Forwarder, NO. 4 CANAL SV, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Mu. Particular anearson paid to the purchasing of olitty article of Prostaiis in this market. Also to the [orlon:ding of Goods gotterally. Refer to Messrs. John Bwuri..t. Co, Martin WElacks}Croccitositti, 0. B. C. Pashtos:to, DR. Lippincott & Nice& Jones, 1:E }Pittsburgh, Pa. English &Be • • • •nortedtim Gnome*. yardmen. C. •• •• si• • and -a • • • g Merchant. .23 w Er, mans rr nONTINUES to usit Cx.t • general Commission !mai %) nass, especially In tile purchase and sale of Ameri can hdartufaciscres andpoducc . ,, And is recessing mid forwardn=3oods constgried to hie care. A. Agent for tho /i/an totes, he *Ol be constantly satin/led with the principal article. offinsburgh hlannfacince at the lowest wholesale prkca Order, and consignments am itspectfrilly solielttd._ 1'.17 Wk. Z. TrA121.21. S. IN 'TRILL< frIDO. 1061.15.• YEATItAIIi.PITTMAN a Co. CO.IIIIIB3iON tIiEECIANTB, MSgMEBEM • LI PAR MA SEI.OVELkka-60 don Spades and Silo- A 7 with la do hlanstreTorksi 20 do Grata Shovels:so do Rocket do; Axes, *sachem, Mattocks and Picky, Dallersra, Vices, It., for".salo atodtaufactorsts antes Insole ?ii eoCORAN. do wood It PITEIM3TriIikttiTT.S;MtOR.R.P. AND SPRING AND 1 . PAC:TORY. ISAAC ION& 1011:1 7. 4... J 03130 £ Wrn&O, M.ANDVACII7III3(OO - of spring arid blister steel, JAL plough steel, sicti al longh wings, eouh sod tic spnegs, hammered • on tales, and deers 111 mai liable eluting:, fire cosine foul, .c d coach trimmings generally, comer riffles, and front sta., Ptttsl•mgh, ?a. - n FR* PURIFYING WATER, Which. tenders turbid water pure by rozoosjpirkh in all substances not soluble to irr water... e Cretan water N. F ork. st l / 4 r 11, _. matron& clear and pure to the eye, yet ; when.* pastes au hour through doe —t Altering cock, shows a large olertell baron substancea, worms, he. is aureate more or Ws with all hydrant water. the Revertible Flheyer V neat and durable„ and it not attended with thOinconvonlenze incidentlo Whet Fitorers, as ft is elearlSed without being detached ben the water pipe, by metal* taming the key or handl. them one aide to the other. By this easy process, the course of water to changed, and all aseemulation• fo I=paro substances aISI &wen otr ahnoit trletinllo7, Ilehhinsl uhlapeWhlg .. thei Filter. It also peueoes - advantage of being aro, p cock, and as each la man) eases be Whey convenient and economicaL hese be attached adjere there Is ally pressen high orlaw to a cask, tankgmb, the, with ease. To be hue of the sole Agent, W, W. WILSON, oettY critter of Fourth and Market ate let.ta taitasonieTin y Carriage, rear, or two horses, Mitt at Philadelphia by a celebra ted magrofactuter. This carriage is in every respect a first rate article, made with all the modern trupsove =MS, lined with 1)10;4 cloth and finished in superior manner. 7t is eittizeig new and sold for want of use. Enopdre of A LEXANDER & DAY, myti 75 Markerti,'" N W corner of the Diamond frO COTTON. gar WOOLENALAN UFA CPC. RERS.—Havoc arrangements for o con stant supply of FA BY FINDINGS, we will sell at low peters Calf an ;Sheep Rater Skies, Lace Lea titer, Pickers, Reeds, Shaul., Ifmnp Terme Thames. No. 5 to IA Belt rttpthet, Wrenches, Stripping Cards, IS to IS In; Patent Criewer Brushes Weavers Brush. • he. he. LOGAN, WILSON & CO.. 4 to 117 , 0 street s Plustnrgh G b c r " t 4:e a . i i i .n s ad BENNETT • BROTHER, cumeNswAtte mANurAcTuREns, 511ZIEMatuuVastas PlttstnargeW I. Warlhook. NO. , Wood street, Pittsburgh. illfrintjoeoted*lttly keep on hied • good usort .emor Wiwof oar own manusactere, and q w k roty. Wholeule and COLIIIV7 Men dmiti gra rOpeCthaly Invited and ea MI" &I themsel AO are determined to qIkODO , thinkenent been armed to the put, . . . .. . ix cheers mud byAsall.fieeoMpanted by the cash of .ty reference. sodl bel prompt!! atthndod to. .Yl 6 0 . 1-..-'. IA 111111 a genalue FreAch Calf 61(1110TIL very foto ankle. A few dozens Philadelphia ~_,.. rt.., the softda, sfaetory of U U Crawford, so • " 6 ` . the __.." 6.6:6116 wi 1 boot makers is invited. Jost e. 'vod F. fey SOlf by W YOUNG &as lam 113 liberty a • RV CARDS. 116:11.114114111 • 'r eed Leaf to basest; ado fling Cavan 's popular brands, t 4s s t ud Lamp; Virginia Twist, half boxes, , a - ssxl of article belong. jelddly LAW OFFICES. 8.. B. CAELN•HAN, - A I,...,"n :Y ch tTl.A i W o; Office on Fourth ,Rtreet, and Or.t usyl W5l TINIBLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bulls+, Pa Wiltalso attend to enllemiona and all otbm busl animated to him to But and Armstrong counties, PL. Rater to 7. & FL Floyd. Liberty st. W. W. Wallace, do James Marsha , ' do Pstlshunth. dly_ls.rty it Go., Wood st. j me JB. ERVEITZER, Attornoy at Law - , ogee 361 at., I • opposite , ft. Charles Hotel. Pittsburgh, and aloe .. , :lrea en c p o z u to ,.. Co i ll .. eetions, in.W.hington, Faye. REFER TO Ritetowel, Bell & Co., Church & Carothers, }Putsburgh. D T. Moron, EJ. HENRY,. Attorney and Cotuitee.lan tot Law, . Cincinnati. Ohio. Collections m Southern Ohio, and in Indiana, and to Kentucky, promptly and care fully artended to. Commissioner for the Slate of Penn wylvatun, for takir.g Kicpwattions, acknowledgment; &e. tee. arm In—Hon. Wm. 801 l 8. Son, Curl., Church it Carothem, Wm. Hays, Eq, DIVAS. ICa J/1i33 DUNLOP, I. •LWILL.. DUN LOP & SEWELL. attorney at Law, Offices on Smithfield, between ad and 4th sm. - JOBBI T. COCHRAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth street, between Smithfield and Grant. jistg-dam EO. H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, b. to. . moved his office to the Exchange Buildings. St. st, next door to Alderman Johns. apl7ly HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. • 211 , 0011 D A CO., (Successorsto M'Cord & Kin) In P•shlon•ble Hatter's,' Corner of Wood and FifiA Strom. PARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely num getting their flats and Caps from our establishment of the DEBT starantsla and wows mussy, of the harm trrnsis, and at the bows. 'men. Country Merchants, purchasing by' wholesale, me respectfully invited to call and examine our Sio n as we can say with confidence that as regards ovum and mei, it will not golfer in a comparison with any home In Philadelphia. febtX CALIFORNIA HATF—ItI dos wafer proof CaWanda Hass, just recessed and for sale by JWCORD is Co, corner bth and Wood sts A D SPHING FASHIONS 1849. H'CORD I Co. will introduce on Sato, liAliday, March 341, the Spring style of lIATti Tho, , e in want of a nom and supertor hat, are Invite to call en corner of ,Ith and Wood etreeta. mart Q BRING BONNET RIBBONS. a.e.—W It Murphy 0 hos now open n snooty of spring Bonnet Ribbons, of new.nod handsome sty... ralsra . neer style fied Netts; Lisle Laces and Edg ings; Lulea Edgings; Vletorta do; plaid Mesita. and Jaeottets, embroidered Seetss Muslims, he.; beludes a large Imikortment of Spring Goods generally, at north east corner dth and Market streets. Wkelesele Rooms no stairs soft MEDICAL. VBEFACIENT.—Itorses while running et large XV in the bele.* are very apt to bruise slid injure themselves in many ways. They • often disahled so iw to be twice's ior a lose time. If immediate use could be mild° of B. A. Fahnesuick & Co Hubei^. ... • • eient„ arid the truism' part wells aturated, nod the remedy rubbed in, it would glee relief and ease the pain. No farmer should be ornhout thte celebrated ..• • • • medicine., as it to alike healing to man or heal. Pre pared and sold by l+A FAIIntirIt&TOCK & cornet of Wood and lat am; also, corner GM and Wood. myl7 - NA OItUAN'S WORAI KlLLER—Another proof of IYJI. the triumphant saccess of Alorgmn's Vertu/foga, Prrranenoti, May 10, Mr. John D. Morgan:—lf my name is of any um to the suffering community, in regard to the article of Morgwn'a Versmfuge, you are pertemly welcome ra ts. I had Iwo children sorely allotted with worm.; I be came alarmed, nod very Justlywn, when I tried your renourimd Yen:adage, and ri.stontshing to tell, one of them era . delivered of about fifty worma Kitten make. Tong, Of the most (rightful kind, resemnling more ifie appearance of cola. Tan ewer etitht wax delivered of about nil. The children are now dot, finely. You may well he proud of your Worm Killer. Sours truly DAVID 0...11.1, Virgin tiley. Prepared and sold whole4ale and retail by .1 , iIIN D. MORGAN, Druegist, Wood direct., one door below Di amond alley. co l 4 M A AY w.. 4.1 • A [a, 21/.. 1.491 Mr. R. F. Sellers: Delon elllizo..,or some with a cough, uhtert svuo ...I •r ,, . oa. 10 6.11. fur u“ daily eMploymes..l. Frequent y aver roughlaq. I havo Dena ao much eatauated. as to Le ....yet to at down - - . . and real. Hearlog of the good effee. produced by your Cog cy rup. I cooclud..: give u a triw, •od 0.0 11.14M1 to say it produced Me desired <Sect mmy ease. Alter town it one night., the magi was abated. and 1 am now perfectly we.. J•him .1011![6.13 This peasant and popular Cough by rup o prepared and sold by Rll S4.Ll,l , Rtn, 57 Wood street t‘old also by Drugguts genemily to the two ernes and •i. unity. my II SAVED klElt LIFE—St Vertmluge Is the art eta. Lexualost, V., Jr , . ~,E9 Mr. J. M. Wilson—Dear Su, The vial of Sellers' Venalllago I bosagirsfrom you some moo ago, hvoeght from my tlrl 5 years out, she anortis tong nami.r of 5 hundred, Worm.. I belle', she wsuld have hoed a Tory short lime, bat for this medic no. Wit. Roam, Jr. Prooared and sold by it E SELLERS, 57 Wood si; bold alma by Drugrsts generally In the Iwo IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED. Dr. itou'i Celebrated Remedies T\ R. JACOB S ROSE, the dtscovercr and sole pro pnetor of these most popular and henatietal tood• - nes, and also the inveloon of the eclebraled ceat for inflating the Lungs. hi effeenn; a cure of hronic diseases. a-aii a guide', of Oat canoeist ph yin. ciao, Wow, Physic, and a a graduate of the Uraver.i ty of ?cattily I•uati. ual for thirty year. .tner ha• [wen on&aged 10 the invuorlsooo of dtsease, and the appto " ArOtrg ot tt remediese tte ofll thr'to. anfl sung tuba, in 0000t-rtlon with hi. Prophylarrac Nyrup told other of WI be has gamed an anparalellott maturate to urtna those dreadful and fatal malndier. Totteroular coo- mumption., Coneers., Scrofo.n. Reurostmri„, A• 011.61, Fever and Ague, Fevers of ond, ronie F r ) '•ipe. la.g, tad all shone obstimite dmeases p , ocullar to feaaies. Indeed every form of disease vanintirs under the u,6e of his remed/ex, to which humniuty is heir—sot I y he • of one compound oniy, for thrill It incompauo, with Physiological Law, but by the niae of his renic• dice, aduptcd to and prescrioed for each peculiar form of &souse. Dr. Those'. Tonic Alterative Pills, when aced arc in• riablyneknowledgrO m bo Pllpenof to .11 °to, a purgative or liver pill, Instectstelt as they lea. e the turivet• perfect/7 free from coetivetiess; a, 1010 hi, Golden rill. a admitted by Me :neatly to poi...spec. liar praperues adopted to female diarutas, but ,cing sa.ficd that a bare trial is sufficient to establish what has bens said ut the ends o( the uto.t sicpuettl. The safbeted are meted to call upon the agent. and procure. (gratis) one of the Doctor. pamphlet, eiettilt detailed account or each nod is appitetthon. For auk by the &Wowinghe weii tu by meet Druggiets throughout Ihr country: J r‘choommaker Jr Co, 24 Wood curet, Patsburgh, J bl Towumud, druggc.c, 45 31art. & Lead Beckham, mar the P. U. Allegheny coy, Jos tiorkley,l.hteltoglort, firtl , Cf county, Po Joo glarat,Lanon Valley, T attrA " L'''?. === = Batas , Col urninium co., , Apr. 24, 1.41. DDRD. JAYNE-Si Class Stse-1 fed bound to you and We &filleted public, to avail myself of tint op portunity of giving publictty to the extraordinary <fleets of your kapertorant on cat sett. flaying bun utlitcted for several years with ...Caere cough, hecoc fryer and ha concomhaut diseases, and termed only doomed to linger out a abort but miserable eitstr ore, mall the foil of Met. when, being more seve, attacked, and having ruorted to all my foroier miutir ~ and lie pro suipttons of two of We mat respectable phyin the neighborhood without denying any beneht. c at the consolation of surrivlug but a few days or went, at farthest—when the last ghetto of hope won about to mush, 1 had recommended to rue 7our Expectorant— and blessed by that liking who doe. ell thing. Ili the tom of the moans—and contrary to the wiped.... of my phyaidusi and (muds, 1 aas In a few de). rained from my bed, wtd was enabled by the use of u bottle, to tend la my baxines, enjoying since better beuAli than I hut for ich years pre v,ous. Respectfullyyours, Sec , Js.s. W 1 , 11 - nu For strie l'ittsbergh, at the Pekin 'rca y c , DJ Founts street. ens Dr. MeLea.. in Tennessee TM /a toecrtlty that I purr toonsl one •ial of DT. MoLone'• ‘l , or :snoods, seine two month, ago and gave to a .on of noon, some anven year. two saaputtas full and altbnogn tat ormolu may xop.:ar LW'S% pit I h aven o (Want but them Wan upward. of fWO THOCILL 110 w 00, patted from hilly too. on,tg Yon] galartot of an loch Iwo 104. U W 11(/1.I.IDA Y. Rotor Creek, Ctrrol to. 'feat, Doe 'II. 1,17 SELLERS' Vf•ALNIIFLUE I.FAJNOI A C.a . 'Leases ; /an. Ti. Senora—Pau, Vermiluge has o,ohl and has been /ugh y spoken of by ad Who hara IL From the sueeesa attending tne adonahnfuhon of your Verrniflige in every ease I have heard of. I am confident I can cell more during the coining nrazun than l dad last. I vnil he glad to receive anouser sup ply of 4 ors gross. Your., respect, ,), (Kitsch "tun letter j It. CARTER Prepared and sold by K. F.. 8/1-I.ERS, 4.,7 Wood Rt., nod .old by druggists generally, In Combergh and AI • MIME attlrocrther has rosouved his Wholesale ()roe, ry blare to the conic, of Hancock Street nod A 1.., 'racily Wharf, next doer to the ferry lioase trrah27.atl JrrliN • - Foreign and Dozna•tio Liquor•. AGOOD IN.sorment oi Foreign and Dome., quo., Own). on band taw fur Nolo to quauto,ea tu suit NirehrtserN. Oy W b. NI NIITUIIEIMIEI.: vA7 N. hay - 0 PM. mode on on ttnotoved . pion, .o not to (term 11l the colilegn weathot rerooun Inunuog hitch &noel's, Bret ittytt.,l ttot: ttd sea thorn 01 SCAI F. KIN-4)", A, . . met:. 1.4 betwees Wood mark.. SUNDILIF---14bbls No I Lard, 2do t.rea.e, k evs Baton, YOSUfluii, 6 obis Flatseed, V bag. do, 4 do Dr 7 Peaches; :Se do Feather:, 6 do t.dsasette, toe. fur sale by DltAk.s & t anis jot Froot .1 W piss Woe.; I do Feathers, saadble bon:. L E & V Lthe, and for sale by Ja6 JAMES DALZELL r 0: eery w k, from we manor. to- (sum I lb. upwards, min from 9r Cu. tool per lb Al so red, blue, Kreen mid yellow Inks, In eons of y Ili. to 2 Iba. emtalaiitiy for Harnig used Mr. hVtirewi rya ink to our cake (or nine months past, we a arrant it equal to any that to mode at any other manufueory leans east, !MISSION ikrirochrmi jab corner Thin' and 51urket.,:sts `"MILES 74 N C :Mang 1 bag Elwood; Garden Pe.; 7 " Feathers; " Ciinaang, "wool. Now larollos from Comberwod, No 2, for wile by jy3 ISAIAH DICEY t Co., Front rt. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGI/01,X:40. COPARTNERSHIPS. Dissolution. THE, co-parmership heretofore existing between the subscribers, in the name of Canbs, Barka & Co., is this day dissolved by mound consort:. Messrs. Burke & Barnes will settle the btuirtess of the Wl} cern, for which purpose they are authorised ton. the name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE., EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned have this day ossodated themselves in the name of BURKE. 2r. BARNES, for tho purpose of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes, Vault Dootb kn. &c., at the stand of the lam firm of Constable, Unite & Co , whera they will be pleased to receive the pa tronage alle cavemen of that house and their Meads. KDMUND BURRE, THOhLIS LIARSIM. In retiring from the firm of Oonsmhte, Bartel it Co , I with sumer. pleasure recommend Meagan Batts & fhrne• to the confidence of my friends and t h e pante. Feb. 9 1819. NATHANIEL OP:INSTABLE. DISSOLUTION. TH a lloi , rtx t qtd . p . of MURPHY k LEE . bto.l. ads day boa brm waled H. Lee. J T . L liIITA f Y th , Pmsburab, J.. 3U, Ibo 9. H. LES NOTICE—The anderagned will continue the Wool biotin... and attend to the sale of Woolen Hapits, at the old wand. H. ,4 In retiring from the fine of hlarphy & Les,l take (treat pleasure in recommending itiv IL Lee lb the confidence of my friends and the public. Pittsburgh, J.. 91, J. R. brIMPOY. HE subscribers have this -dii-y-itisceisted -11terri- SeiVelll together for the purpose of umnsactlng a wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery bashaesa, at No ZIG Liberty, opposite Seventh street, ander the style and firm of DUSEWIELD & Pitwbargh, January 1,1849. N. D--Our old customers and the public aro tithed te give us acati. lab 430-PAILTNEXIJ3H • XL B. BC/LIFE and Cups. JAME S & ON have entered into_partnetaZ under the 'Of at th & ATKIHSOH_, and e— 'carry on • /in, Copper, and Sheet Iron Were it. Ahm, Bluckstnilluntr In MI ita tom:whorl, ad lb. old stand of Wm. B. Se.e, First street, near Wood. Partici:der attention giecn tO steamboat work. eve! T HAVE Ma day ja;c — ocrated wise me to theAZI saie Grocery, Produce and Commiaflon bastion, b, other Joseph, under the fir 7. Er DILWORTH & Ce. J o b. umwoirra. January t, 1540. RTNEIR.SHYP—Wm. Yoginghartog lLh day ossomnied hareem' /okm d u ilAtne, she/ca ttier Lonnie. &nil be cocted under the firm of W. Young & Co. WILL Ali mu/ INO R. WCUN BOOK TRADE. JAMES D..LOI3K.WOuD, PFor many >oars •connected with Mow. Wiley & utnam, .d Iwo John Wiley, N. York and Loodoo,) ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN HOOKS, N 0.63 WOOO surer, (Nearly opposite Do St. Chines llouljl English, French, end German Reviews .d Magnsines, end Newspapers imported to order, prices of womb may be uceruuned oa applacation to Mr. L. 112NcYcLOPED1Ar5 AND DiCTIONAIIIES;finm .EJ Ing special •lid independent works, edusd OT wri ters di itingawbed to the Taft°. department,. Itrande• Dienonory of Petenee, Literati:nu Copland's Detaimory of Proctleal Medicine; Johnsen s Farmer , Erwyeloptedia; London', Enoryclopredla of Garda ring; Leudou s Illacyclopmdia of Plantst Loa don's Fowyclopadia of trees; Wel:die-Ws Dictionary of Commerce', APColloch's Dictionary of Geography, Inc.' Dlmionary of Arm Lod Manafactormi hoopoes Medical Dictionary - ; Waterwoo's Cyclopindia of oftm amerce; Politico/ Dictionary, 2 vols.eoWl Webster sod Parks' F.ncyclopedio Dommus•Ekonotoy; Cowical Dictionary. -These books not fall of Inform:moo. of the bestkipal, arranged and presented In the bet, manner. For sale by 102 d JA hll4l D LOCKWOOD, ID Wood st nOMESTIC 4,22/MAl.S—klistory and Description 1/ of We Dorm, Mule, Conic, Sheep, Smile, Poul try. and Fano Dogs, with directions for their =nage- Mein, breeding, snowing, enuring,feeding,and prepa ration for a profitable market. Altia, their Diseases and Remedies, together with full ihremiono for the management of the Dairy. lty R L Alton. lkolOrilla manterom illustrations_ For sale by jy2 JAS D LOCK WO .101),63 Weal at N VALUABLE oArc i rettre. — prepared:on oemlf of the Beadles Committee of the SminisooDui lmtitotion. by Robert Dale Owen. la large swats, elegantly posted, with tilt ilinatratiOna mike boat sty le of the net 11.—Green on Bronehah, second edmon, revird end enareed A irren.e on drreares of the nir-prrs • ages:, eatnflalaina an Inquiry into the nI himary,C•aiba.„l. and trtalCill Wove of We thrOnt klroueinns. Cbronio LAryngme, Cleegyman i . Pere Throat, &e. An. By Horace Green. A. M.. hy. D.,4g, Hares *improved and naeehdly entered. G0) . 410[11. nit .fa., ea On. lit.— No ready, the 4th edithn, revnteil argil edits* red, arab add Own .1 ilictstrationc A Trent., no Ladd sena. Garden:lqt and Betel A rein tee tu re 1:19:1Z1 C 4 Wood sove4 Far many years connected arab bleasta. Wiley;t Flamm:a, wad tate Jean Wiley, New fork. _ LL Las histeaturaed from tue Elwwinleigrak 101 l EALLEPS NEW W B lidtraxib l•U mg, Life ta.alk,Weilelktty. 4 l,,..a asinniptin and his Generals," etc. d cp The Lam and Wenane of De Win airman, by W. W. Campbell. author at .11order Warfare." hut reed by Ica • JOHNSTuN G D7OUHI ON IVI:WBOOKAni.i.niv - OrWondeiliffl7,Wraiia iliastrated veldt numerics enrracinrs on wood; t col mason. The Ineernetton, or pictures of the Virgin and her SO`l ty Charles Ileeeher, Fort Wayne Indian., with .n troductury essay. Me.. Harriet Beecher !+towe. Just rood b) JUM,NioTON & &loch:Duty, ,u 7 Corner 11 and Market se. PeNtaLlntl, Ia NVood street, between 40, and Diamond &they, have reecsved a large .apply of thcologtent and other works, Bruen; which •. c We nthowmg, VI:, Altscebatthour Essays and 11/. Caut.c.. by Pleat,lent Itopktua; Christ to All. Lave and [lmpel, by S 11. Tyng, D. D: Life of De Witt Clanton, 1.••101 , Ctrutora of Amenca. Repahßean CholullMAO] by Magoon. Man Prnev•t by Nprna, Phrenology and Ale•merten, by Bev. N L Rice, D. D 4 Baena., 04 Import and Mode. by Beecher, Nineveh and as Be. wanAloatgo. of We 1111015,14 hrFatiato, EarneSt Mlry and Charm, karneat, by J. A. Jame% Ed ward•' wore., 4 vol., new ethtton; 1. M. Itla•ou'v wor• v complete. Creeper • Lite sod Wolt• of Cowper, Fle eting on Rt.r nnd Pall 40 Peemer; Tarred:oml, "Illeot. ogy. CycLopedia of Moral and Helvetia Anecdotes, I , :algar. Natrative• of Popery. Christ Recervlng Sta ., 11005 Evide,see• f r the Peoplc by J. Cumming, Modern Socoey, Modern Aceompltehments, 11,0,14,,c of lictheauv, ur.gthal Thoughts au Scripture, by Cobh, now flro pubb•thott, 1.15 of Poilok, Natural Hialory 01 I.l.oloa•ta,m, Middle Klogdoms, Lecture. on Illgath• Progrev, Beecher. !if PAPIii-SS--The nip D.ltheally, and some cape of of 1.05 In the plates of EILIMI, with other AL, gone.. by tmorge B Cheerer, D. 1.1., watt Portrait ot anther. A low cep.e• reed and for 'vile by my IV E.1.1.111TT 1 Llittit.lS it, 71/ Wood iliroßi . —The New AlTlent= Gardener, by Thomas U resscnden. 1 he New Alcune. Orchardist, by Win. )(snuck. Thc Complc:e thinner and Rural Ecooonms, by Feu . sender modern Domestic Cookery, by Wrn A Henderson Jolt ree'd by JOHNSTON & SEWN:TON, myl4 corner market and ad all XT HELIGIOUS WORKS—Miring!. on Public Prny er. by Samuel Miller, U. D., L. L. D Tbougids on Faintly Wortbip, by Jamey W. Alex ander. lost rceelved by niyi7 JOHNSTON A eTtICKTON t.W i01(15--Agnes Morris, or the itemise. of 1.1 00111.'411e Ltfe. Honory of King Charier the Second, of Pbbeland, by Jocob A01.0t4 wtto ettgruvlngs. Just reed by JOHNSTON h SPOOK CON, myl9 corner 34 and Market ate ENGLISH - AND AMERICAN HOWES 1 A MEI D. LOCKWOOD, tier map year.connect er ed wok, !Acura. day and Putnam. and kale Jahn Wimy. New honk and London,) has established ti Bookseiling House at Nu. GI Wood sheet. between 24 and 4th Erects, where may be louod a valuabie collec- AInL of STANDARD I.:NULL:MI and AMERICA N THORS, at ;meek a. low as in the Eastern elllel. LErENGLISII and CONTINENTAL BOOKS, Re views, Msg . :MIMS, Newspapers, Ae. imported Murder LErINS rri uTioNS and INCO . KPORAI KIJ SA. CI LTIES nre entitled to receive time books duty free. u_rlxtr,lish and Alnefleart tgdalogues furtasked Kea n. to all t 110.1 why desire them, or sent per mitring any address. J. IL L. will always be happy to exhibit to ladies and genttseneat his books, and =Dania Oral any 1010,1311.- 11m mitten be may pourss regavding them toy tf NLW AND VALUABLE and its Remains, vent, an account of a v.. to the Chtlldell/I Christians of hAtedistait, land the \'e seats, or Den II W or.l3,ppors, and sit 10gOiry 1010 the 1112.00ers and get. of the ancient Assyrians; by Austen Henry La 1. est, LEAL, D C.D. Just rec for sale by to, 7 JOHNSTON tr. SPOCKTON ptTiiTr , t) of Foreign Books, tst Wood street, hos on band a laable courentint of English and Amcneun Book. En me different departments of Literature, which he 1. pre,,ated 10 set, as low as they cast be obtained in the Eastern clue., • • Encl./II and Continental Books, Reviews, Marl ed.. and No wopapers, Imported to order. The price of any 14aview t Magamite or Newspaper, may ho avicrtaincd on application to Mr In raiglish and American Catalognea lucniahed gratin. Mr 1.. toatuds to visit ato Eastern rIVIC.I in a taw Oats, and tall. he happy In execute any order. for hooks, Engravings ar Stationery, at • small advance on toe root. rny9 Ew ISUlSlSS—l.ayartrs Ishile•etin i llenssos, wins an account of a to we Chaldean Chem- nuns of Kurth tun, and the Yizidis, or Devil.Worship oars, and an inquiry Into the m•nners an arts of Lye A, cient Assy wail an and introductory letter by 0. Rubinson. Y volt. octavo, with about UV illustration. Viscever'a Leriurre ou the Pilgriiii'.Progres.. 1 vol !Umo. Price reduced to SLIM . . erotica'. CoLcordance,condenoted: redo.- ed to SI.SU. Aloe. , Ihrtory of England, carper. O rd, two vols. ocinvo—lo.rge print nod fine paper, p e r voL rams. limn:nine' Hebrew and EoFL.h Lextcom new ed. improved. For vole by it 1101.111N8, myll lib et, near Wood DUVICB! BOOKS! . .—Union of Church and tßate, by Rev II by Noe. Ile Church in Eurvieut by Rev J Angel James. Advice to Young Men, by T IS Arthur, grit " Young Ladies " F:aseys of Elm—Cherries Lamb. Epidemic Choler, 1•y Proi Coventry C)elopettsa of !local and He ligrout AlMedotes. Coutp.eie K ores ,r) Charlotte E.liettbeth, .with me :noir by her husband. 2 volt, d err. Illustrated wtth ...el plates. Dragon and Californi• in 11413, by Judge Thornton. The late F-Ipeditloii to the Dead Son. Proverb. (or the People; or Illustrate,. of Practical Godliness drawn from the book of Madam, by E Magoon. ,eresety Sermon.. Ly Dr Wayland. lot:rows. of Meteorology, by J lirklesby, A. Al. /or aste by oc IIOIMCINS, ter) Apollo UrWdina4tb et 1 I. k 1l i , TIIMEVALt or The CanallttalUl3 and Pnnu- LY of the Homan Being. A conthbo. Lion to Throb cal Scum., by John Harris, D. D. Lectures to Young Mau on yeas,. Important sub. Je011: by U W Beecher. bhanhistgla Work., complete: fl yob, 12rno. The worts I.IT S Artbur, uniform ed. 13 vol.. Jab mold by ocyll D LIOPKINB,4th at, mat wood LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE. roost MO nrairsroP, raarsuaroxis 2THIS establistonent long and widely known an beingone of the most commodious in the city of Bindmore, has recently undergone very exten sive alterations and improvements. An enure new wing has been added, ext ensi ve m. end dry sleeping apartments, and b ark ingrooms. The Ladies' department has also been completely reorganised and fitted up in a moot unique and boa.- ful style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the proprietors, inwards the comfort and pleasure of their Guests, and which they confidently wizen will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied with ever) sub. stanial and luxury which the market affords, armed op in a superior style; while in the way of Winos, On., they will not be serpassed. the rinaprieton to say, that nothing will be left undone on their part, an d on the part of their assistants, to reader this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the public genera/13. The prices for board have also been reduced to the following rates: Ladies' Ordinary, thin Per day. • Gentlemen's N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House win al ways be found at the Car and Etteasotwat which will convey baggage to and from the ediclV ' e of cha . ream! C07:717 07 17.17 . AND 77. CLAM 671, 10 . 77•70108, PS. 2 The subscriber having usumed the manage ment of this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally. that be will be at all times prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable in • well regoluted Hotel. The House is now being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and no plansill be epared to mate the Exchange one of the very be w st Hotels in the country. The undersigned respectfully solicits • continuance of the very liberal patronage the iloneehas heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTON, febbdtf Proprietor. COIXICII OF Prot. 400 outer "rams, rersamosn. 11 THE subscriber respectfully annoences that he has now opened his new and excellent Hotel for the accommodation of travelers, boarders, and the public generally. The house nod furniture an entirely new, and no pains or expense have been spared to render it one of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels in the city. The subscriber W determined to deserve, and there fore solicit', a share of public patronage. 'octl4-dly JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor. UNITED STATESER:PT - EL, -- CIII2MUT 61.05.14 , 1101 rods. AND 111/711sra OPPOSITE into Bank of the United States, Phila delphia.. M. POPE hifTCHF.LL., marltf Proprietor. H. e gt,SBER, at Woodsiell'a, No Third street, offers for sa e so elegant Lot Chiekering's Pia nos, (Boston), at the lowest carat pike., for Pittsburgh, Allegheny coy, and County Scrip. They comprise from dto 7 octave., and were .elected by Mr. Chick tiring for this market They are warranted to I. equal to any in the coy, having all the latent improvements, mach as circular wale, cm. rY•rrsuilecn. Boyers are invited to call previous to elsewhere, and, also, to bring with them tome good Judo, professional or otherwise, to judge of the quoit ty of the above instruments. N. B.—Written guarantees unit be gwon with each Plano, entitling the holder to exchange in ease the in strument be proved in the least degree unperkthi. or faulty. nar4 If K .. FRESH SPRING GOODS DRY GOODS JOBBERS, 89 Wood Street, ark the attention or Merchants to their stock of AMERI CAN AND PORMIN DRY GOODS, now rot...tying threet from 6r, Lands. . . Ilmetring regular supplies of first glade daring the season, and devoting a large char n of their sheimon to Easters Auction sales, they con confidently assure buyers they will find It to their interest to examine their stoat. Just received, large invoices of new style Drees Goods, Peony Prmt., Castimerca, Clod., Sumner Goode, Lanes, White Good., lr Linens, Tailors' Trimmings and brown and blenched Sheetingo •arl. la.da modern andantiqile Furniture, 63, Tenn Snm. Prrrwesau. A large and splendid assortment of Furtitiure, suitable for Steurniiirts. Hotels and private dieeb constantly on hand and made to order. The present stock on hand cantiot be egeteded by any matinfactury 41 the western country. Prrsons wishing to purchase would do well to dire men call, nal am determined my prices shall pleas. Part of the stock cownats Buffet Etagetei.._ ._, Loans XIV Chairs; Fi .- tnenElizabeth ehairs, Ton Pope; t Tables; Toilet Table.; Louis XV Cosantoder, Fretteh Manor: my Dedattadsi Piano Stools; 50 .eras with Plush and Haiooloth oossra 60 Mahogany Soaking Chairs; 40 doo Parlor do Panay do 26 centre ?abler., 20 pair Weans: 4 pair pi. , Tkhloa 11 marble top Dressing Barna.: 8 Wardnabesi , B Beregetaries and Book easers 50r , ble wr.m top V r ash Stands; 4 r T t ot —Asada ablsey-Woalr. Dia/Asa- • - . . . . J EZ D. JAWWOOD, Mr"Bleam Boats famished on the shortest notice, won the most muonable term.. deels __ Chocolat*, Cocoa, lac. W. Baker's American and French Chorotate, Prep.- ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Broom, Cocoa ithelte, &e.. frO merchants and consumers, who would purchase 1 the nest products of Cocoa, free from adoltorotion, more nutritious than tea or coffee, and m quahty passed, the subscriber recommends the shore article., marinfactureo by himself, and stamped with his name. His Broom and Cocoa Paste.. delicate, palatable, and salutary dnoks (or itivaltde, oonealescetits. and ethers, are pronounced by the mom emineui physicians superior to any other prepare... tits manufactures are always on sale, in any quantity, by the most re spectable grocers in the eastern mums, and by Nett agents, liances,Gray & en., of Boston; James M hence is ea, Hanford, Conn; 11..1 & Murray, New York; Grant in Stone, Philadelphia; Thomas V Brundage, Bal timore; and 6ello s re in Bennett, Cincinnatt, Ohio. Witt. rElt BA KEN, Dorchester Masa. For sale by ang3l BACIALEY in SMITH, Acts Wrought and Coat Iron ttalltrig. rjrHk .nbacribcn beg leant. to inform the public. that j they once obtatned rota the Emit all the late Dila butt.. One deatgns for Iron Hantog. both for bounce ano cametertes Persons wishing to procure hand. atone patterns will please roll and coalman, and pidgc for thent.ciees Ratting will be formatted at . thrt shon e. nonce, sad to the best manner, at the corner of Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny coy. antr.g/-dti A. I.AbIONT tc KNOX. 48 BXS Gentry & ktoyeler's superior sweets Ipsi 23 do M A Builer'• " II t 9 01 do ence & Harwood's " 21 do do do 25 do do Pearl & Harwood 14 do .1 Rolontion 67 Aldo do V do do Wm DOW.. 37 do T Wnshrs 37 do Ci Andertan 9 do L T liade's 6 do It Macon's 9 do Ratchet' " " lb " last landing from steamer and euckets. and for sale by lIE.hLD, ISLCKNOR & Co, 41 north water it and ID nor th whatnot, }el Phdodelpb ia ANU Fincruk En TOIfACCO-29 nf 25 clones M & superior sweet lb lamps. 73 ha/( bits Webster Old superior owed 5. lumps 36 •• Lawrence !totter " fie •• 25 " Gentry & Rower " 20 " Dupont (de la Eared " Ss 10 " Itleireod " Lawrence Looter "6s &as plug must landing frum steamer. and for ale by 11EALb, BUCK:Wit & Co, 41. Pi water st and 14 4 strhorers, mrdl Phtladelphiai , W. k. J. GLENN, Uook Binders. WOare gull engaged in the above bustnavv, comer ! Woof! and Third an ecte. Ititteburgli, where wa are prepared to do any work to our hoe with dee patch. We aurae to our work persouutly, and sant faction will Ira 'taut in regard to to oeatneaa and du ntlul tty Bleak Book, ruled to any pattern and bound pub- Elook• numbers or old hooka bound care fully o r repaired. Nature put on hook , In VI , letter , Those that have work In our IMO are to to call. l'nees low. - - #AWING mid our cattle stock to C. H. G.., watt a PleW to elating oar old bounces. we hereby so ot for hurt the toortmalta of all our friends b.nd cus tomer.. RO. W. POINDEXTER, THE. POIN DEXTER. Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th, DWI CaII. GRANT, Who'clinic Grocer, Coinnession and FOTWOHIIIS I . altlehtint, N 0.41 Vt Kier st. mill BELL. AND BRASS FOUNDRY. AA FULTON, Bell and Brum Founder, has re built and commenced business at his old *lOOO, where he will be pleased to Lee Ins old megtole. ere and Glenda. Churek,Steamboat. and Bells of every uze, from 10 to 10,1001 pounds. faat from patterue of the most approv• ed models, and votweeted Is be toilet heal materials . Aline of Winer Pumps, Grunters, Railing, frai., lope the, wO.ll every viirety of Brass Outings. 0 required, turned and bombed in the newest manner. A. F. ta the sole proprietor of Ilsaarra AIM-A . OTR, Ilax Alirsb, so Justly celebrated for the rodection of friction In machieery. The Boles and Composition ,an be hod MIMI, OA all theta eoArl y AAA. MASON .5. CO , CU Market street., am off:, s tog thetr stock of Sll4, Shawls, Vlsetts, Lawns and Mullins, nt still greater reduced paces. 1 yard wide best maga Linea nilks at 111 els; summer /shawls at 'la and 11,014 most fasatonable Visit. and hlatml. las at 85 to 155, Lawns amid Muslin. 9 and ets; best Mt rrimack Canc. at 9 eta, usually 124, Calicoes at Of cut Wrougld Collars cut, du Capes at 111 and Ig; Florence Braid gannets, ng and 75 eta. Gloves aid CM. Together wit's a general assortment of goods, at near• 1p ono ball the usual rates. Ml 9 Scales, Cooking Stoves, &c. MARPALL, WALLACE & CO, Round Church, H conic; Liberty and Wood streets, tuanatactnie and otter (or sale Platform, Floor and Counter rieale•, Olde most improved quality; Cooking Stoves, for wood and coal; klag Moves or varius sires, Parlor alkd cominon Grates, Hollow Ware , her. tee. Tney alts enaidaracture the Kitchen Range, which has given such general musfricuon to Mose nailing it in am. to ad al which they would made the atm..on or the citizens and the public generally. ocr27-did Dispitragm Ytttar, for Hydrant Water. THlti ls m ccrofy that I have spy matted Livingston, Rogge. k Co. t Sole Agents for the sale of : Jeannie. , Patent Dtepraligrn Filter, for the ell tie. of Parsburgh and Allegheny. JOHN 1/121501 , 4, Agent, for Walter NI Gibson, 340 Broadway N. ir4 0C L 10, ISO. We have been nuns one of above ankles at tha office of the Novelty Works for three months, on trial, and feel perfectly sanafted that It is a asefel utycedoe, and we take plenum to recommending themes a use: far article to all wto love pore water. Orders will ba theatfidiv received and prompUy executed. neap LIVINGSTON. RMOEN it Co HOTELS FOUNTAIN 110TMLI. EXCHANGE HOTEL. LAIIIAILTINE 110USIE, MISCELLANEOUS. Scrip at Par, TAKEN FOR CHICKERIIYG'S PIANOS. ghttekktt & While, WOODWELL, =GM I 2!==2 NOTI6If. ',`MMELIittIEOIIS. PIE s trt:4*Rii:Pl!ilt4titraivi►fdit.DGB‘. 00., 116.241F0ci 4tittL"•; ' V TrrouLD eittvitte . lotialsaiiotet4olltit to their predent trtoett or Fiver ifturginV, which f" eitt, canish;danibutti mutt buu surpaseedbpaay putblietaneni in Om Uttiret• ik.ide4,o ""TO "it own teannkielno t Offs:Lime reeevelit Eor t z ll c, retilapil, elligstktgreo • , Peeisinamannlitenue,:. ..qopoop - " - or their own reanittactem:.tieti Well Paper, 'mut ktiseeeiTtiet Masan. Jan= Ittioaddlt.etailmao antond =WI" .zimmom , itMoa IngadnaddadotoM to rival, the outd "' w. ll PPer estabgladdantdt Joint tammtn otan a facture and variety Orpatterni landlady - am. nrattanta. ed In naming the plablizthittheirbide anideadad: The tratne, adoonnowbodetr oalibincomMuf"' inni, veal be arena inn terms as love es Omen of elate , am anundnattoom and importers. oda/At( N EW COMBS—At ZEBWA)N KINSEY'S, 87 meet drov4Gry high bask Shell Tuck Combs; " medium— " low ge " plain high u le tiarrom,lboadecl top " " 50 " Lucy top Buffalo " Ippon cont. Rom; 22 dos shell side, ees; 30 grOn COM hl3lllllßdee'3 dos shell dressina do; 19 dos Buffalo do dr, 4 do - baltsuon do dui 50 do best English Horn; 6 do 88 Bane Ivory, extra sue, 18 do S 9 do do, in boxes; 12 puss 8 fine do do; 1 do comb Cleaners. PALLIER, CO., (Successors so %May, Hanna es Co.) RANKERS,EXCHANGE DRONERS, and dealers I) in Foretell end Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposita, Bank Notes, and Specia—Fcrunh street, nearly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current mo ney renewed on deposite—Sight Chocks for side, and collections made on nearly all the principal points in the United Stavin s==l==iii Advanees made on consignment° of Produce, ship ped Eat,' on fibers! teems. no? 0 Ri:)it IN PEN fIOh: VALUASLETI3COVF.HI'! Pa r r Sanosan ismer. let. 1919. Patent aro:am, extension Tahlos. Sofas, Bureaus, Book Ca 3.11. Westing Desk. LEVF,R OF WROUGHT IRON. rp HE TABLES far surpassing every other na 1, ',ration at the kind now extant They can be ta lented from ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed the leave. are all contained inside; they are made to aII sizes said almpeit, and are admirably adapted for Steamboats, lintels, and large pnvate (amities, form ing when cloyed a emaciate relive table. SOFAS AND BURhIA CS—These articles are Laval amble, particularty to those who wish to econo mise room, and convert a sleeping apartnarnt into a parlor or simag mom. as they can be opened and shut at convenience, and when shot, the bedding is enclos ed. A great saving In roots and rent. All the bed steads when closed form a beautiful piece of furnuttre for a parlor or sitting room. BOOK CASES—A neat and useful articlifor parlor or drawing rom. WRITINCi when op law offices, roaming rooms, and other offme • when opened • most conveatimit Led nead, when closed a pertect Deisk and Library alone Is visible. AA these articles need no recommendation: the heathy of the whole is, they ars warranted not toget oat of ropesr. IL will be for your interest; to call and carmine the articles, at the manufacturer's Store, No. IM Third street, Ifittsburch. In addition to the above advanilliges, they are proof again. bags. amnia JAMES W WOODWELL._ L!1 it iAN. i t.. A ll l l : l A s certi N fi S es, that iPICATN TO the immediately otter havtug attended my brother, who died of consumption in March, ltattl, Iv u taken sick with the Commutation or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so low wait the disease. that for four years I was unable to attend to ray besmers, either at home Or abroad, being for the most nate confined to my bed. Danny the above peri od of uma, I had egpended for medical mtendance o rejoice Physicians and medicines, to the automat of V.Joo, without receiving any benefit therefrom. In Jaly, 1n43, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne , . Medi mile, and have taken them more or leas ever shier, mat believe that it wee by persevering In their tee, Mat I can now traly my that I have completely rec.°, erred my health. I believe thatJayite's San., e and Egret Lomat are the beet family medicines now in I reside in Eirringfield, Otsego coanry, N. 1", carry an • (unlace and machine shop to that plane, •nd am not interested 10 any manner tri tae sa:e of the above medicines, and make this certificate for ilte It•n• <ll of those attitated. ELIJAH EATON. ttpneddeld, V., Sept- 16 1839: 144 A N FACTL:II.ED TOBACCO—Thii, avb.i . ritt;r aroold call the althatton of the city trade turtl dente,* generally, to the following brand. Tobaccos, in store sod lo art• Ye. trlticti being consignment," di rect (tarn annular users, he is enabled to td east ern prirPs: 133 1 bn R W Crenshaw an 70 1 - Juseshlstlison as; 01 u Latuarturc Ss, Must/eau hUmem Ss and Is; 1.3 1 " Honer. & Sisson Ss; :1 11. Oscar Burl 5.1 V 1 " Job. & Lewis I.; 3 1 " Wuranek, supr 1r; 40 I Limey k Jrnaes Sr, Is and 9s: fub2l L 6 wATKRMAN lIMEME;;MI TOILY WRIGHT/ Co., are prepared to bed CotIOD and Woolen blachinery oryvery ducriptilan.sizeh. as Carding hdaehines, Spinning Frames, Spee der,. Drawing Frames, Railway Hem* Warners, dpoolers, Dressing Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, &o. Wrought Iron Shafting turned; all sixes of Casa Iron Palbes and riangnis of the latest pattern, slide and hand Lathes, anJ toot. of ail !runic Castings of every draettpuon furntsbod on short notice. Patterns made to old, for Mill Gearing, Iron Ratlntg, Steam Pipe . for heat ing Factories. Cam Don W indow Saab and fancy Ca. tnqs gener•lly. Orders left at the Warehouse of J. Palmer h Co., Liberty •11,01., WILL harm prompt Wien- Refer to Bloc kstork, Bell & Co, K. Moorehead & Co„ G. F.. Warner, Joint le & Sons, I' ttsburgh G. C. t 1. 11. Warner, Steubenville. iatil9 Penn It aokarse Shop. "LT WlGHTNlAN—Alanufacturer of all kinds of cot ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny coy, Va The above works being now in full and successful op eration, I ism prepared to execute orders with dispatch for all kinds of manbmery in my Imo such as willows, pickers, apreaders. cards, grinding mac hoes, run...Y., drawing frames, speeders, throuds, 100111, woolen cards. double osingle, for merchant or country work, mulca./arku terside and hand lathes and tools in gen eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plans giv en for gearing factories or mill* at reasonable c barge. Kvca To—Ketnrdy, Childs & Co., Blaeksiock, Bell b. Co., King. Pennock dr-Co_, Jas. A. Gray. NEW COACH VACTOILI6- M. A die WpHATti that ltep bare crcctul .cock, between Federal at d lrbry vo are vow making and are prepared to receive orders for every deseripuun of vehicle.. Coaches. Chan°Ci s roadies. Buggies, l'haitons, 1.., die., which (rain their long the in the manufacture the above work, and th e facilities they have. they feel eantadent they are roubled to du work on the most rearcinable terms with their wanting entries in their line. Popoff paruculat attention to the selection of mate rials, .11 having tione hut compemnt workmen, they have tio hesitationwarranung Mau work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to this matter. N R. Repotting tione in the best manner, and on the most reasonable terms. rivddrtf - Monongahela Livery Stable. --- .3 .;cs itOlfilitT El. revrratsoN has opened the large stable on Firm st. running through to Second sh, lietween Wood and Smithfield sts., in the rear of the Monongahela lipase, with no un•ly new mock of Horne* and irardages of the best quality and klest elyirs. Horace kept at live ry in the hest manner. iY2ttlY _. Patent Graduated Galvanic Battery and Pam' bungle:teed Fder for Medical and other purp l y.... T Is the only nutriment of the kind that has ever been presented In this country or Europe for med teal purposes, and is the only one ever known to man, by which the fluid can be Conveyed to the hw mon eye, the ear, the bran, or to any parlor the body, either externally or internally, In • tie.. gentle stream, without shoeks or pain—with perfect eatery— and often with the happiest clients. Tins important apparel.. to now bred) approved of by many of the most ...tent physicians of this coun try and Europe, to whom the sainted and others whom It mop concern can he referred. lieferenve will also be siren to many highly respectable eiusena, who have been cured by mew,. of this most valuable uppertitus of some of the most inveterate nervous disorders which could not be removed by may *am, known means. Among verbose others, It Oa. been proved to be ad ubrably adapted for the ewe of the tot:oz. - mg dmeams, II nervous headache and other diseases co the brain. It is with bus apps rkrus alone that be operator can convey the magnetic fluid with exec and safety lo the eye, to restore sight, or cure tonnuoues; to the ear te rentore hearing;to the longue and other organs, in te, store speech; mid to the various parts or We body, tor the core of Chrome rheumatism, usthrta, neuralgoz, or ue doloureux, patellas*, or palsy, gout, Chores or ed. dance, rpttcpsy, wetter*, rota spratui, some Moe.. peculiar a tem:ales, cositraMtou of We amt.*, lockjaw, etc etc. Rights ior surrounding counties of Western Pa, and pnvileges, with the insorainent, may be purchased, and also tested Inc the core of diseases Full met/venoms will be pion lor the various c betel calato be usol for venous altscoes, and the nest mun ner for operating for the cure of those docoes so hr fully explained to the purchaser, and a pamphlet put into his hands expressly for these purposes, care fully prepared by the patentee. Paquin, of cella-day et WlLLlfilflet, Vine ad, Ptottanrrh TR Abu:Ai/mkt - Au, THE anontion of the public is rcupcotrany called to THE the tollossing corulicalos: Ala S. Etyma—Having testad a quantity of Gold weighed by sour Areometer, I find Me result prove. your Losumment eunuch mud recommend u.e u.o Or it LO tbo•ls going to thuifonila.. on Um best Method for oh. taming the null •it.lue of Gold. Reap. you., J. D. DUNLEVY, Gold Dewar. Pimbargh, March 9, left. Prrnetraga, hittrob 7,1949. AIL Eacma—Doar Su: flavu.g examined I So.` It too meter," manufactured at your rooms, I do not Secular to commend It to the um of them, gemlesnen vtlo are about removing to California in march of Gold. It Mem a close approximation to the specific mast ty of metal., and snit certainly enable too adventurer to ascertain whoa his placer m yielding Cold. mane Years. reep'y. J. U. ercus . rocF INN ARE BITER California h.spedition, a complete aimrticient of Siam Ell4lol/ Clothing, at prices randine iron Mijjj to 81140 for ton of root, Inuits and hot. Fat .19 at Me Italia Hubner Depoh No .5 Wood id. dery J s II PHILLIPS Jcuors 1410• C u .tt y celebrated Ibuntivs,;h Piano., used convtanilY Ly List, Taalnerg and Mr•rr great pe Normtet, together with a large assurtmer of msewood and mahogany, of my own manumets t. r. The above instruments are warranted to tie retie.. in every respect, and will be sold low for ermh. F 131.1: denim Nn 112 Wona dnnr Irnin Sth lror California. • - • THE celebrate.: Mosa,d Rlae Powder, In key, hall kegs, quarter,. and carts. for sale by 1,111 1 s 1111. AV ORTI4 & ilavood at apr at l's Pate.. Moan Ash. :)(10 LI jutt rer , ivett pet sienmers Ivinhoo Laroud, and for eala by W 1. 11 S.IITCIIF.L.TREF, ten Überty ort. I 1 INSE.F.I.IIII.L-0 I.ll B nore Rad , a to l u :a talel . .ru . o or Liborty sad Bs mu oto DRY & VARIETY GOODS. . 1 . L o Low-r; x gVSPIIT PO sett the fog... Sesemet•Goods,.aSiedoeed prises, els. Laserw, Gisgbad*:Vetages, Tines% Grew,- dies., Valsitrines„ Satemet.:Vbasrle, Searle, Dodoes s vsa iip Sils 109 doids 4 P . • Rit E ::: ,, , ,. . Verfw .i gs, „ "Sleiis' aahs:'-7,ye Sommer Heat, Ice. . . - lieu a Dry Geode, will do ffe.4141) 0,41 al Eartke.d .Coaxer of 4di end Stithit'sla:, '. • j la WIWI:: GOODS FOR DRESSES—W. IFT ,ttns a largo aeaoxtmaai of aloft/ .13.019 i lately kiebreo, trial plain,loltoldattsittore %Vie Dor Yd by to . Vinnr atm; plainSenaidovbanrod Situ dci nue broidned do; MIMI baneditekonms) soft Gassed do; satin step d Ma - mss a Ems, assortment. Eiltito Glandasw:tc U. plain naftilgaredNallN /AVM WI MP; an - - at ntinthast.eorner lth and Market ma. ,tEnetnralo Rooms apealca inYa F.°PENEOnts. As4tiriosi & Co'► Dry lineds E r.sttosontmal bo re-oponsd 0121 Friday, July Oh. All orr is stockitiving been marked dawn, will boa etre at'alolisastest tsrgains. Fineman may de pond otsritaseamig goods at LOA - MI RATS'S at. overbear's.. iya BRUSSELS. CARPETS— rho largeet assoluraent o lin:meek Carpet. ever offered is this city. for tato at he New Carpet Warehouse et W. id , Clistock, No Fourth at. etusprisieg the !west ant rieitest'atyles, and at prices 10w than ever offered in the. market. All who want Brussels Carpets, should estU before pureha:log elsewhere. Jal6 W hI'CLINTDCIE EULESS splasa Gloom I C E are now °penal; a rem , lime tartan:dee as sortment of SPRING AND SUBIZEIITSOODS, se-leeted with more Man tuned care dating_the list few weeks, in the New York and Pbßadelphis 'aesthete, and embracing a great vanuty of almost every de scription Grille latest and most fashionable styes, eat a large portion of it having been bought at the EAST ERN AUCTIONS oz a great reductierf Gm' the ma. jar rates, we ere enabled to offer great indacements to cash buyers, either by wheMsale or retail. We , wooed therefore rospectfally incite the attendee of the public to our Stock, feeling confident of our ability to 801 l buyers In almost every article they may trbh to. OW lints 'fo detainee we would especially conantrad, oar stalk of Srtmento Dana Some, of which we have is.vy large sod beautiful assortment of the latest styleaand most fashionable colors. Units Dams Goons—Monslin de Lents, Foil do Cheevre, silk, linen and mohair Lemons, painted Lawns. gingham Lawns, Foulards, new .1715 DllsTgiss English, French and Sandi (Ingham., Unto Gt • It in pent variety, rt0.&41. Waxers—New style Bonnets, arty cheap. Itl sea. 4ao Flawless-OAI° latest styles and lope, Nor In quality. Psitssors—A very Urge and handsome stock ofPar. ands, of almost every style and quality. Swats—A finte assortment of spring and mother Shnwls, of all stiles and prices. Cuvrtia—A good supply of roper eh, Eneliel, and American Cloths and eres. tq eh we would Invite the attention OrperSOrienetntinir •ch goods. ALSO—A NS and general supply of Shirting ks, nrktngs, brown and bleached Meshes Table Linen t o Shm - Dnge , Diapers, roe, summet opds eon.' and boys , wear, J +collets, Mons, Swum, Nan , soot s, Nankin., Prits, Gingham., Crape, Crape Lacey Cravats, Cloves llosiery, silk Ades, Veils, &si ft , Persons wish ing to buy by whomsale, shoeJd call and examine out stock, as our prices are Such uto mute it their Interest to buy. ALLMAN DAY, 7S Market st, an2l northwest corner of me - Dismond - AA. MASON I Co., N. 60 Almifet moot, have,; on band the largestvariety of Ihabroider weleh they hove ever offered Their essortateut con c.. in Not of the Colton - ins goods, fir lAs etch embroidered Masan Capes, from 8140 to 5,00 P6O " " Collars " 37{ to 81,00 Nal crochet Collars, from IJ7 to 76 _ WA/ late 00 Gimpore ,• to 150 jenny Liad " 62 to 1,00 lOU muslin HaLiu. '• SU to 1.60 WO palm muslin Cogs,. 974/ to O 1 Also, &looming Collars, from let to 2.5 c. Ca.ll at the cheap one price to of A. A. MASON 8. Co, No Cu Market at. myll N"VEIN RIBBONS, BurClikleKS, BL SARA GES, Ac.—W. R. Maimar has this =drain roe reived by Express a lot of handsome straw colored, green and blue Bonnet Ribbons. Also, glossy black Bilks for dresses,nuantillos, Baum Rug Lsedut—A large assortment lately Mee/. red. •. Werra Goons for dresses—sash as swiss and atoll moJiny Natisooks, &n. Also, embroidered nimbus for dresses. all at lowest prima, as nombeaareurner Fourth and Market streets. • . Whdu4..le Rooms up stairs, mrl,4_"! tI RENCII LINEN AND LINE?? IL R. Id unru, ben now open n full .sorUlderd of its abase tone ie., for dresses and sacks--arnood dos lat ter are some scarce colors, 'deb as pink, ht., peen, ; SURD. pink, blue, green, and mode colors di Chit meteon Id:twos, and a lame assortment of eglbratder7 ad reuxiir, and Law.. AL's recant purchase is now all receiSed and open and persons warning Dry Goods wilt do avail t? look at ha land and 'men stank beCorn at corder 4th and market sta. Vidmiesale Rodms up stairs. A RTIFICIAL FLOWEIVS--Alstenals for AiV.ccia va.: Plain name paper, spotter' do. elf mane paper for coloring, Fait Saucers, Leaves of eve ry arm, bull, nos, and mallows, can be obtnlrred at F II EATON rt. Co's Trimming More, apli eg Fourth at _ NTITROIDKRY—Warawa paver. tee °walla., EPlano Strada, 'rabic Covers, Traveling Bags, unlit • great variety of small patterns. Also, Worsteds of all colors mduhades, by the pound, ounce., Ur skein for sale by apt.* Ftl RATON tr. Co, at Frauds 01, 01 , ,,t0NG - 13UPFITY—W Murphy, at no sop. net of 4,5 and Matter streets, has now open his moan supply of spring and soma= Goods, au hal • l arK assortment of thew Goods of nearest rty lea, and .statiGiods ore Very kind, all of which wilt - t ^ tot. low. app . Er --- A A...11A5AS & CO., AND IMPORTERS, )host A IZ :3 : $ e a nov m o 7 a S th p; ' l ar t t it: ';'tilsimye"r tad d od7e ri v e e d r exhibited m the Western coantry,camemislng upwards rf Eleven t o udd purchued m entire packa ger from ,be meenfecturers, importers, and large auc tion notes, by one of the firm reeiding In New York, mine is committal sending m the nevreglind meet fashionable goods. They name in pert— ain cues rich Spring roma; M east, St de Leaner La tem..' Mutton. 35 coon, and linen ISO .• bleached Aloslinuail Oinahams; • • grades; 30 " cord M ullins; 40 * sliiritag Cheeks endl 27 " Ih pt as Corson. domestic (imchatok, 1114 C. end •1161131e7 Ste. 230 Brown 1421514n5; Alqa, asses awl pack sres of Bonnets, Flowers, La. rev. Ribbons, tell:, 911117V1, Scrapes. %Vette Goods, 51sIlincry A rucles r eloais nud Classimeres, Linelss, doers sod Gloves, ac. . . City ono country merchants wills find their sock •• large abd Jocrable as blornern sineks, and an exam, nanon of their goods and prices cannot fail to e•n etn till that with their unnamable advantages and cactlines, they can compete WITH Ant EATITEN .10:5 tact itan been Cleady demonstrated to ban of .h.e.r patrons who formerly purchased East. Th f otoe• will okroys be toned COMPrete. any 111 - Slii btIUDS, 1849 ENNEDV 14. SAWYER, corner Wood and Fourth street, ore now receiving direct from first hands, a ge 'tack of Fancy and Variety Goods, ine,uding Clocks of every variety, gold nod silver Watches, Jewelry. French Prints, Combs, (leeks and klymy, Ulcers nodnr.penders, Gun Caps, and WV other articles in their line—all of which having newt purchaaed personally of the mifnufacturers mut, do c ring the In winter, expressly (or the Spring trade, will he ...hl wholeinle et a small advance on colt. Constancy on hand, all descriptions of Looking Glasai ea, of our own manufantoong. a eminent nrivea. tebv3 JEW TaNCY ANL Vs.ntr.i. k tyckwo—sost hvß N CLON KINSBY'S, G 7 Market street. 100 pro fine China V.v., avid; 175 seta twist and cur velvet coat Undone; 40 fine velvet Carpet Hsi.; 20 do do cent's 0.200101 g: WI vow. limey silk Batton., for dres.o.; 10 d,a Nod Brushes, ased; 100 gm Ana bit 'seat litobinc . 1.9.1 do do ph and e lated, do; . 25 dos ro.ewooo Haar Brushes; 4do WasholgMa do; I do Barbers do r 3 gro Fish Lines; Fish Hooka, Lime , rlck, he JEWELRY, he —5O gold lever Watehes; 50 do dti,. Itched leyer Wrocae, 10 do Caputo do; 10. fine did= Cand Vinsor . Irmo., 1 dos fine gold Vest and Fob hains; 2 do do lidards, Uressl. Pros, Trager Bangs, Ear Boil+, A r. gild/VE.S, hr —"AA dos Ladies Cotton Gloves, ass`d; 300 do do 1.1.10 Thread, frd oy lop, ha.; 10 do gents' 400 100001, 12 do do bat do; dr, do isaies ktd , ttss'd; 10 do do fancy top VARIETY lit /01/S-75 pqrs American Pins; 300 boo Cutlon Cords; 71 54 l'aper Muslin; 500400 ribbed Percussion Cop, gro dress Whalebone d 0; 100 dolt Ivory , 'ornlps; Dro,Ntng Combs, Back Combs, G. td. so° 11 11. TON 1 lir/. nuar opening' Maze opting . muck orfriramings. conedettng in part of Siou an. and Orr,. Yung er, (Juno, black and cold ir,/k Luce, I,lack noon,. Lace. Malone, BM., 11ennet Tranntine, ;rent, ladle. and olaiid rani plain Opd Ma cy 11cut. y, Clara lur men and to" ',Comb., i(Oey and OHM, Pane, Gary, eL,...uul Cotton, Needles, Tape, Bob bum I'll, hr. a.e., ontoch they offer tor sta., Loth R1101,1111 , ' and retad. at lair Tnninasnr Store, 6:1 Fourth rtrart. tuurveee Wood .nd Mara., nut , I E‘V t.or,trit 6. Markr.t.rreet, are now opening 40 cages and peete, , ,, of rptundid SYIUNG (RNt 9, ennrpronnt LAWS., 1l usl nts, Lkregen, M de Lone., U./barns, l're wit I:tunbrien, Linem, Itillbons, Lacer, Sllaw•x, Gloves, Ilorlerg, end n general assort• meet of r.owl, meld!: CARPETS, OIL CLOTUSI I")F.CI:t VED Titis 1).% Carpettng and Oat Cloth X, of the latex nod rno.d approved patterns, and paces to salt parCha•vrl, and cheap us 00:1 be par ehecied to coy ai the Eartcra clue; comprising the fol lowing vadruc,— Extra Rot al Ve,vet Pile Carpets; Aix/11111,k, Curpetsf •ry sae hall rooms or veal Tapestry do tihule•. Sup Royal Brussels do Tapestry •tntr carpets; Extra sup 3 ply do Brussels do do Su pc rfine do do Chenalle Rugs; F-t,ra sup lugfain do Tufted do Superfine do do Brussels do r m e do des Chemile Door mats; Common do do Tul ted do do 4-4, 3-4 l l Tapestry AUelatd do do Damask do Sheep skin do do 4-4, a-4 a I twr4 Ve. 13-4 Emb'sed Piano corers orunn de 5-4 do Table do & i plate do do 4-4 wool do do COl.l I nerain do 54 worried and (mend. do do Vett , z.on do Dress slate Rod. cotton Dragerk 10-4 woo: crumb cloak. 1 . 2-4 woolen do 7.1e,r Linen o-4 do do 0-4 table do Keelt.h Tahiti ltd C:otbs; Ihoper do Lerman dodu do do Crash n-4 Floor cloth.; &tow-Drop Napkicuu 7 4 do do eo Cgt nt.on Yield]; 0-4 do do dt. Punt e do 1.1 do do do Maroon do 4' 4-1 do do do Carpel Sheet lot Cloth., of riewlYaurp'ut Wrudow Shale. T•pe•try pattern., cut to 51 iClo the at...e we are conatantly reeri•lol nor Spring . Stock of C.rpeu.oo itloth.sad Swans:mat ratan:sings, whtch we 1110,1 the a:Lennon vial, who wuh n,.h We" honer. or Iteamboats at we will be able to oiler goals as low an they can be purchased ht the Eau, and alb, rutheat and lutes aryl.. Cud and ex amine our 'ruck before elsawheu Were house, No 75 Fourth at. mchtr4 W. hI'CL.INTOCK. DILY GOODA. iSHACKLETT .Ss. WHITE. Dry Goods Joblb•r•, NG."WoOD tr ID:ET—Would call tha attontlon ad to their large Buret of Doutcallo mad Forelgo Irit 5" GOODS, pod receiving from the Im porter and hiaoufaotarcra, and which they trill wit at ',cry low rate* for cosh or approved credit. Oor moot ts now full and complete, and wallsrth the auenttott of buyers., a we are dete rm ined nil at such caul:rawly low prices 42 ollo[loi TO 0 It &Awns halasconna cc/ loarcloauta n oiato bileoritla VOL. XVI. NO. • 307. ___ WASTED, • • • AILY at the BALTIMORE, PIRLADELPERA , , NEW YORE, BOSTON AND NEW ORLEAN S GENERAL AOENCY AND COMMISSIONOFFICRe Twang AI MN In erholeside and tool) atom* and other respectable badness, to act is Book-keePore, Sete. men, Pollen, Rat Amen, Waken* Farmsrii, Coach men, Car kgants,Rook and Map . Ageets, Collectors, Oxemoctain all bil•Mhes of be We have Mall Saul* Tarte tiamberofgoodoltnbßdn. tin hand, Meet pay foim BMW CLOD per imam. Those In ware of attualone Mato kind would do well to gne he stall, will have sijents ire rack ,of the levee d em, which will enable as to piece every applicant In a eatable eitattimal the shortml- notice. We have • huge acettabitance in all the leeway named eines, which we rest will enable as ea gra mare ealiefac - Ron to efl who may favor es with teal!. TAYLOR & TATMAN, N 0.89 Second at, between Walk arid Clay. N. B —Tenons Living in any part of the U. States, and lashing to obtain a Mention In litelthnore, or oi lier of the above rides, will hats their wants Imam- Direly attended to by addressing a. • 4 (9.1 -Paid ) as by so Manx they will mth ull bole and ex pense, which they ottani. world ti es by coming , to the city, and seektacemploymeni for themselves. Address, TARL O NII:LANiI Baltimore, Nd_ BELLE, FOR WE EAVEABDOAINALAVAIMEREImdorront atom=approisd - gagEsit. pattern, (=darted and reeomereaded ay Thous Bakearell, Esq., and a number of =Joao plquithuna - JpOri meat eogruni ells apparatus (or_trte application or warn or hot wa tliiiiirorels,ltitasa of _camps 4a* Qatar& da Ills Yfhjeet uisiddia =lda ba family art= atlaanottas.l_ s rar acAffle &ATKINSON„ joy. - Flintat. beton:au Wood and Marion / ?Wisp, TaKsabierltimrle Justrodbyring an imortment oP.Pianne honaNlMiftetoty• =iffpwatianni & Clerk s ISV -wanes erbibterio); ht finish sopernmtly of tone int tench. :M ayaany skint ever ; bropg4 to this eix),. 24 rnOn*,*( 'lb"' erns, lens. MA alma faretehty , re ae the former foreman fe..thrt notebtlM4 Xiang Otagaft.. , of Droadwood. London, has recant]) imprtmai and per fecte& Me Pianos of ?Yantis Tivr( on ex tent which. anquestiOnl4 l )sentitk. lantA to an Ma tatinn of being thm very boat asmitell al at a *Boom flacon m be pain lila canary/ Ille.lot;nens , open ing. =sty yak the additional tecOnnoendalloy of an impnroartent In the style ind litilah; which makes louden once the most eleopmt testytinittg omit out. Theme lzonstunentsa Menthe; mtlth the mock on bind, form the most emenalee;vanidund de• arable amonotent era eared here; altar which will be sold at manufacumen prices, sad on accommoda ting term.. BLEUER, at LW N. 11.—The subscribes win Ise found as thip :wan bone from to 12 A. bI ousil 4to 6 P.M. ` ju4 IL IL, wale Agent for Nunakpark mx=3 - - - • THE subscriber lidera for sole a largoand aplendld saiwronetit of rOsearood end inaluorany grand Ac tion Pianos, with end ',without Colentera celebrated •Edlitut Anachmeol• The above instrnmcats are war tamed to be equal to any manufactured in this coun try, end will be sold lower than any brought horn the East. F. BLUME, No 112 wood st, Bi door above 6th - • N. IL—City gents will be taken at par far a fear of he above assorunent. myd F. B. Par Scrip at Par. f ß oli JOHN ILLOR,BI Wood street, will sell for Soria at par, the following new tad semond hand Pianos: One Eaten rosewood Of oetase Pi ano, made by Baker & n, N. Y Stegi 00 One do do 09 OM,- •• --•• . . -.-• ' 300 00 im. rosewood 6 octave, Gales & Co, N. Y.•'• 073 00 do 0 do do . ' do••••• 230 00 One mahogany 0 do go wady netr• • 200 OD Ono dO 0 do Loud. e . . • i [One , do 51 do Rosenbaum 100 223 O OO D flue do 0 do German • • ••• •• •• • •-•- 60 00 0 m do 5) do It tr. W. Minas 90 00 One do .2 do English •- 30 00 ar sny3 TOIII.I IPOILSYTI3; hier ettaniTaHlor, hst, removed el to No. 3 Market street, one door from Second, East side. Tdankfol Au past &York hd rerpeotfully soheita a emairmanee ad" patronage of his Carnet eastemera, and likewise the-pauonagn of as many rule one. as rue of the lieu wipe. Orders in ;he Tailoring line executed in the Inset nraldr.rianle dninnetiand with dispatch. - Moo, a faahlonaninalsounaern of ready made Clo] thing,hiall kind. Cheap for cash, of coarse. Gendemersar ParikrhlavGetads Malt' thelamuietien of a lielila7eNOlTraaktltproWie7eL7tWisTsel.oo7. Mr m.o. In Bagrolo And other large shies has been proverbial. E eharres are moderate, and hie cote{ permanent 01 eases olfileet,Sulotore, Hem lale, Floor Alb. Itheranatic tae, kl r yphllity !u . .7 ehronle It.erenrateraitairette A eareararranted., or charge n . 017 x. Clam meet, 2 .ore from the nritlga 'Teeth &ma... Advice to the poor evade. N. B: Dr. A. toilette the nnvas. of anyvhsear• is Pitt... to call, apt 4:dl WILLIAM sanzeto, Hanalaeturer of Mineral Water Apparatus, Nall 07 TIM 602.0@ ZIA= an'lltoturearti,. No. 313 North Beeond sL, shave Vin, PHILADE.LPIIIA. - • AN nipnlienCe of Enure than twelve years In the manalacturing of Mineral Watiir Armenia., and the preparation of Motored Water In Denies and Foun tains, on en extender scale, witha scientific and pree ned knowledge of of both branches of baldness, totse her with recent lIIIIMIMMenty In the canstmetion of the Apparatus end theprepanng of the Water, which he has succeeded In adopllng since his visit te . and after years of elate study and meth:At applica tions as spatted to the arts is Mechanics and chemis try, enables the subscriber to come bean the public troll entire confidence, and oder them the best and most complete Apparatus, for the utintmfactare of Min eral Water in Bowles sod Foruntaus, that eau be tar nished in the United States. lie also getters tamsch oust the enlarged success he has met with, and the pruerti arthttekee and daily to creasing sittoutat of his hasioess itt both the above de partments. Waist:es the most convincing penal of his claim to the superinnty of Apparattts over those 01.11 others, and of thy Nutty and aalebnty of the Water prepared therefrom. Persons who order the Apparatus from a distance, may be assured that their instrucuory than be laithfol ly marooned with, and m pinked to to arty safely either by land or water to ray part of the U. State. To avoid disappointment, it is recommended to those who intend topplyinerherniieleetitheAppler.blug sea, epe. tn forward their orders at ea Carly a day as eon. 1 . 0010111. mineral Water Apparatus, Generators, Pomp. um Fountain., Ornamental Urns oral Pcdostalsfor Slam* Counters and liars of Hotels, (or drawing Hydrant Water, together with C.rhiog and Tying Machines, and everything suipertaining to the above business, constantly on hand, and (or gale ortithe loweit berms for cash, aMPhitryident riatEtit LAAMM--Ain eximenve • assortment of Comellas & Cds celebrated Mane ' feet.* and sty ‘ ri or o all others In used adapted to churches, steam factories, dwellings, public and private balls, nod to other user where • cheap, sate and brillians light is desirable. AlM,Gintadolen, LanternaLCOndalabras,Olobes, gbadea, Wicks, .• re, it.O. Alen, Gas Chandeliers, foam tins • . 'A. it. deed N 46 motet st .G&)e•T t.. SEM 0. ADDL_4 FlARNF4,lt.: . wyrypii 4AN UPACTORV.— takes this moniesa of informing his We , in general that he the-argent stAlkhfillibrollowing Muted arti cle. of his owe mulatto:are hied. city—grat i n gs , Lk,. nem, Trunks and Wei" all of which, be will warrant to km made of the best material acid by the best mech. t .kg in Allegheny county. Being &terrain!. dto sell his mann factures something lower than has been hero. tonna sold by soy similar estatdiahmsat Lw the clay, he world invite parsons int:teed of the those named articles to his warehouse., N 0.114.1 Liberty mow; oppo. sois demon. Alen, hands made to order (swami:Me • ' •CE:tiEREIY. PlTTSlktrailk eurteidc riluE Second Session of Um inaltmlon. ander the I an of Mr. and hin. Gamow% for the present academic Tees, will commence on the first of F ebrua ry next, in the some building., No. &I Liberty street. Arrangements Mee been made by which May will be able to famish young ladies funnies costal to any in the West, (or obmut a thorough Claw < al, and Ornamental eilMation. A course of Ph. limmical and CheleUbal Lectern will be delivered do rusg the wimer, Illustrated by apparatus The de. pertinent, of Vocal mid :nomination.' Musk, Modem Languages, Drawing and Painting, will each be under the tare Ma competent Professor. By Mose attatittort the moral and intelloctordinsproveramt of their pu pils, the Pnompals hope to merit • continuation of the liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For term., me circular or apply to the Principal. no-du TANSERIP 400 it al. M TANNERS' O, handsome small 011s.—Consuunly on hand, bleached and unhlendh3 . ed winter and spring Spars; Elephant and IVtisla Utla Also, light colored salaams! N. W. Calms %Vhale .amble for setalllna. PATENT OIL PORAIACHTIVERY—The subset, beo are now prepared mpply 'Deviares Patent Lit tu my gummy, machinists, nannufactursra, art relocated in call arid examine the article. Lon Pirates of its - efficacy and superionty over ail other oils, front govern/ of our 121014 exteusive nuanufactorers, ore our rossession. ALLEN A NEEDLPeI, Agts, aid z 3 sown wharves, near Chestnut et., febtacoalka Philadelphia I. — Z - TXt TUST reeoved, • miall invoice of VOIGTLAF-Ii• UEitS t./UICK womasu lISISTRUIAPiNTS— urn mnatrueuon. These Instruments pence. great edvanagcs over all other. ever made, covering s 8-3 eta fine , redaciug the tines of Oulu/ one.hat, and producing sharper, clearer and better defined pic ture. They, thermare, deserve the attention of all Ar o,a engaged or intending to engage in the banner.. Price for tee l'irbe SUS. A general gssoruncolof Volgtlaendee• justly cell, brined Instruntons, of all sixes, so well as Dagaerrco "Virl.Vga at the loves. Ohio ,l. our an thorised agent for the solo of the above Imsomeeta AWs of ernes Coo be obtained by. addressing, poet- Puid, W.& P. LAPicsEPailahf, loportyr of Daguerreotype e ß aa a a tena P s, A a l n ad d alPh n ia r al Agents Mr the ante of Votiplaartdere Optical lnatru ment.. 12.114.065111 _ll,rd ware—w e—Ctmpar than Evert /4°6144' WILSON a/ CO., • Importer. end Wholesale te near" in Hardware, Vutieryjand ;admen, N. he Wood sumo; above Firth, havenow in store • very cheap and well selected week of Hardware, ktopona Mince the decline of prices ip Europe, nod which they ere determined to scu correspondingly low . Merchant; Who hone been in the habit oftelng are partiew. torly eequencd to call and kiok Omagh .011 r track as we cone.iently believe they will tar:, their expenec. veto j r‘RIEL 4 HBEZ T, F ItaN i. 9B—lD =a larmi sm " üb -Di t ,d 114 0124.124 kr 111994
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers