4?,_ PITTSBURGH GAZETTE Yl'llf.lQll Flp ily as:RITE ' N ,.1:10 PITTSIIVAGM,! : ' MONDAY MORNING, AUGII4tt 6, 1849. Preemie sun Dm, (bair* s published Daily, To-Weekly, told Weekly.—The By is Seven Dollars per &hums; the Trs-Weekly is F. 4 .15 Dollars per •nnses; the Weekly is Tyro Dollars per gamins., striedir Mennen. heiAnvtatrtss. are barnesuy requebled to band in r favors before 5 r. m., and asearlyin be day st practicable. Advertisements not tosertegle for a specie fled limn will utemnably be charged ofTl ordered oat AtLICILICIAR. . _ Advertisenients and sulieeripuone to (tie Nonh Amer le aniLthaled Wale. Oaten, PhiMdedplim. receive and an Grrairurdul from IL. afire. Ai A NTINI AN ON fa A AND Vi Mat N , CK ET WILLIAM H ASLETT, of Butie! C.uniy ASSZNIEL.T. i . 11011 y C. WALKER, 01 FJ442hethbloroogh. JOHN MILLMR, of SikerpstArgla CALEB 1.1.1 , - or htishorgh ! WRL E.SrY, of Lower Si, air . . sitnArrr, .Alg i burgh 7 PEOTIIO,OI4IIT, I - GEO. a HAYS of I.:pper SI Clnii.! IllitASC IT., , . JOON FIORIUSON, a A1zi, , ,,?.' .....F.RS. CARTER CURTIS, of Pm, COldPll-,10b1., JAS. AIITCIIF.I.L, of Poeta,. tosovro, 111 A RTIIURS. of ffio.hurg JOHN BYERS of lindlay. Rot Local Matters ate mail. page !e• next paste for Teltgrafthle Hews The Foreign News, by the rtaralireri, has no p Ir. ticularly exciting noires, but i i in, neiverthe less, im portant.. interesting. It brings the graiifying intelLrende that in Great Britain and Ireland there is a obeying prospect of an attendant hatvest. A Ithotigtrthis may not be pleasant news to a few WhosdAnteeests are at stake, but t the community in ieneral it will afird unalloyed pleasure. The tria'Man always rejoices to bear of good crops, du many hater pangs of hanger among the poor afe thus averted, • td poverty has a lighter Int than Under a pinched harvest. Tae short crop of wheal, In this country, and the elfeeta of the long Inenianed drought up. on the fall crops, will run up Provisions suilicient ly high without the addttton of a failure in Eng land. If we cannot export as nil produce, we mtht be content to take fewer go S, .d try to manufacture the remainder at hontt4t; whi r ls a toe only safe mode in thu long run, an!yt the only way m which we coo be truly intiepen4kit. The cholera. it is said, is Inc4asing in Eng. land, and ragtag to a frightfeE extent;"but in the absence of any particulars i htatutics, we must make due allowance fur the cirlited imagina tion of the telegraphic reporter. think it will turn out that its ravages fall short , l,:ivliat has been seen In this country. It is worthy of attention, however. that the cholera is farcre uncertain and eccentric in its present than t _its former vis it Mon. Then it appeared gradualii to pass from the east to the west, and finally fr6l. each in tile Rocky Mountains or the Pacific Masan. Now it tas been in England more than a'tear, someitmes visiting nue place sad men anottke—being very fatal in Scotland and a yet Jinglttib ht in London —ravaging the femme stricken . .iletrtet: of ire land, and passing by the deuce itlnfaeturing di, trims of England. but always to lie ` found some where, and instead of graduallykidying away, it has soddenly broken out afresh.n dis bitty in .ts t trrible mission, an the destroys,' pr the It, man race. A deep mystery bangs oveiNes tearful ca n:ie from the Jungles of Indin whitih manifests a disposition to become n settled * *tad permanent agent in Europe and America. tti t ,Vie hands of the King of Terrors. Hungary is s ill glonoetiv strugtirg lor nation• el existence and national liberty, litst we fear she Is destined to fall beneath Me faasr of Austria and Russia. Our heart is imdtleiifd,when a e coo- templote her bard fate. Like Pitipd, her nation al existence is to be blotted oisti-old the spina 01 liberty crushed m her rrave peopo. Although she pole forth heroic efforts, and astOishes the word bythe magnitude of her armies, qfai bravery and heroism of her people, and the ead,:ent or her re sources, yet we fear she must kettily fall. She may gain many glonons victoriesiped rover her self with imperishable renown, yet: the must ne. c wearily grow weaker and weakAy her almost stperhunman efforts, while the rs...Csimrces of her' enemiettareweltertat inexangteba.; li.cholas of Aeolis cares but little about theFris of his men, while he can feed his immense ttislhies by impov erishing his alhes and the invadAcountry, and esti temp pi the stern military dials ltae by which he governs the half of Europe. FraMie, which ought to step 4.st this el;inlS and support the singing cause of,!,id•erty in Ger many and 1-Inntrary, has becomtlyje willing tool of despot., and is engaged in the Ohorable work of pouiog down Republicanism itp,:,Rotne—which is bat the prelude to the same opepdions which ts roan to Abe enacted in Fans, wher4epubliesaism now only exiqs in name. Unkruppy. degraded Fresco—the sport of a tickle porad*,atid of more and thoroughly schish atd p4morril leaders. who are ever real,/ to sacrific liheep oa the altar of personal aggrandizement. In Rome, French money is freAldstritiuted to bay the people over to the PopCr..:but with little success; while his Holiness cougAidates thidinot on his triumph over the very pe - oifli he wishes to govern, and whose blood stains to tteho , e way to this vatican. He thanks the Fre Ox4li General for bombarding the Holy City, nod lag waste its en virons; for impoverishing its peodt, and loiaring Its works of an; for putting dolvp her legally elected Assembly, and destroying-;*r liberal con ciliation. He does not cease tot : Oil:let his prayers to heaven that French perfidy a - Ild French von. dabs= may succeed in destroy 4 the spark of I betty to gloriously enkindled. .(lid this is called the 9.riomph of order." The Pope w.:l soon go back Ito:presume, and sway the sceptre of his temporal SfsVereiguty over the unwilling becks of a subjegq,§f) people, who will have every reason that men ell hove to es. create his name and misrule, sro.V.Who will em bravo the flint opportunity to hurl 'kit! from a seat which rests upon the Likunit and ligfily of the Ro man people. The blood of the rni.*rs to Irredom on - Ronnie soil, will bring forth affsbidant fruit— Their memory will be cherished fVothe banns of noll:ione, while that of their destroieja will I. en eerated. Tho N V. Tribune h. published as epiutth to their memory, which will be respdeteded to by the friends 01 freedom in every land. ;a is in the fol lowing words . "In memory of the martyrs lo.fitiman Liberty, who fell daring he siege, May anit;One,l-449, as lIIIRADEte CP ROVS against the Patiebinations of despotism, be wiles of ambitions - Miypocrisy, and the Ink. nal perfidy of monarchic 1 valises who have stolen power in France, by Means of hollow professions of that Itepublicanisifi, they mortally hate, and swearing fidelity to constitution which they hastened most glarktOy to vtotate- Thus richly deserving. the if33l.3lllX,:dCitikißLlO3 at the honest and pro. Not no they Rolio fel an the ramparts of Rome , , sternly .troggligisg.ns. one,. whelming numbers, against nuinfe munitions, against fate: their highest hope thailit then, living or dead, the sacred cause shoo tit of!" d;st,snttred. Their proudest wish that free) 'e champion throughout the world might ret Ingfitre them as brethren =birdying That survivit6 millions may duly abhor trrannrand love Jibe s t closing their eyes serenely, in the generous fa i that rights for all, dominion foy.none, will soon rirylvify the earth baptigedin their blood. Stay, heedless wanderer' defile Sol with listless step the ashes of heroes' but on tlik,eS rell of these martyrs swear a deeper and sterekihate to every OM of oppression. Here learn:ro feel a dearer love for all who strive for liberty. r"flere breath a prayer fro the speedy triumph of right over might, light over night: sod for ltome's fsWen ilemoders, that the God of the oppressed mike/Holed may have thetufn his holy keeping. ...7ts 'T'lley never rad ci"..;o - din In a great muse: the bbirti may their roar; Their heads may sodden In Mr mar ii it lambs Re stmng Wetly Sales and cantle , :Its— Bet sal their room walk. abroad Byron —Marino Patin.", Seem , 2. _ The Baltimore S4en uoplen gent .remarks from this paper, in reference to the varitie road:, which will he connected with this city ati* Philadelphia . by means of the Ohl° and Pennsytthnin itsihcattl t and thus remarks: "Smiler roads will also connecV:ieith the Bahl. more and Ohio railroad, at Wbeetrig. and we enetsiipate the antneo-sos welt be irch suede a can aidanuila length of teen. before ego rcl6lla a awn Pins bergs t Pdieaddyha is arnplated.' The d,etawre will alto be much shone? to PailaOlphia or New York by way of Baltimore. We think the editor of the SugiNtbera under a grenterror. We apprehend, that tkri railroad will be completed between PhilittlelpliOnad Patsburgb some years before it will be betken Baltimore and Flt*Togi and it will be miir%looger before maniaAMlS Weat of Wbeelirg nretOn" paled. All the ii!41511 cow progreaeing in 0100:, have a di- MactiOlSiMa far north east to suiOthe Cdrf The following artfiele, from the Harrisfrokg PEON NEW YORE. wrap/a, will be read. with pride and pleasure by C...rresoondence of the Pituntargh Graeae. every •Whig in the,itrde. The 'Whigs have the Icily 31.0.640. high qualifications of redeeming. the honor of the • Tierra is little to break the monotony of the city, Waugh there in a manifest and growing improve. State, by paying thninterest in par funds, nod of „ meat seen in the business streets. The Southern meeting her engagements without obtaining loan—events new tG her history the resumr. tocrehints are out in good farce, and some of the bon of specie payments. The Treasurer, Mr. -leading houses are quite busy. At the Custom BALL, hos acquired fasting honor by his catriordb Hoare, there is a good deal of activity, and we nary and snennsafi d :roinri_s in overcoming t h e o h. I need nothing but a hundred lens miser; of the litanies thrown in hat way by unscrupulous politi.. els."' a week to give an impulse 1 0 clans, who were wi l ling to oncriGee the eredtt of ; The 'Hotels ore eloodilY filling up, and many are the Stale for the main of party victory. Let We "mttkrul;ltr fall. The large increase of Cholera cases sent off by people read and proper PAYMENT OF TAE Al GEST IN f EREST— telegraph should tutus, no un^asiness, for the di, ; EXTRAORIAN.SRY EXERTION'S CV THE ease is nu worse than when a smaller number STATE TREASURER. I was given. We hove now correct returns. .d For the first time : : since the resumption of the H 1 am glad to say this day's report shows a ma payment at Interco...km the Stole debt, Peonsylva- tonal decline of the epidemic. Anew Old Hunker Democratic paper is ; le nio win to-day Ade:ern her boner without teen/tree too temporary loan.: We are informed that there' was yesterday on irposite of the Bank of Penn. started here under the editorial core of S. S. Winona, to the credit of the State Treasurer, a I Southwork, or as he is better known, John Smith , sufficient amount itt par funds, to meet the semi-' Jr-, of A,Lannani lie is a annual iostalnient cif mturest falling due on this politician of the ultra day. arnoutiling to tye sum of 5.9'.72,215 36 school,. and wields a ready and very pungent This la, indeed, highly gnu:tying to every cub I pen. and pmmiaes to make no mean competitor. zen who values the honor and credit of the State He is protioient in the use of the slang phrases above all tractions „Ind party considerations, and t that reflects no small de4ree of credit upon Mr. Ball, I cuter iota t he smmi s°4° ' ° " ° who has made suetr , extraordinary ex erteins tonal I mocratie principles,' and Gen. Taylor will be the Gnaucial offairs'of the State la a sound and I proved a Federalist. n Cn•ted Slates Bank man, heohlif this great and onrisrtar° and an anti-Itepublican in the shortest time, and work he has enemfntered ditficuluee that would i, ; the "organ cornice, as lung as the party turn ish• have appalled and aralized any mar of less de termination; but bI F Ball had set his whole heart les the cash. upon redeeming thd fault of the Canmanwenlar, . The stock of the Panama lin:lrani Company and nobly sae he difne it. lie has triumphed river hiss been sold to some extent tit par but it can every obstacle, whither or tinie, eircumstance. or no doubt he had a lode vacant, than that tor it faction. Wheri , hi, hook charge iii the Treasury •14 only n Liner utter all for a low years. The Deportment, on tho',ilt of May lost, hr received ' mosa energetic. measures are in progre•• to pm of Mr. Plummer lip available Mods. St On 191 11. cure good contractors, and no pious will I.e spared On toot same day. 4 - loan which was made to Po)" to push it to completion at an early day. the February inleSeo, la dn.', omumiting ......inWall street, there is not an item or news, and 5: 1 /.3 , 00 00 . small attendance til the until loungers. who '..pun tnl have 811.am...tired into the country. The der outs • 51, 00 i of the banks are enormous, and their specie line I larger than in or the least value in toe bank.. or 00 11,11(11y to. the pot lie. Short loons are ; made upon the old rates of four and live per rent, and the legal rate is rarely prial. except upon long investments. Commercial newspapers show signs of lite not ;to be mistaken The tea folks announce cargo ; sibs, and the improters advertise goods The production of When hos called nit, operation the inanity of the world, a..d nil the aids of commerce. Every thing Is ready tor a start, and it will soon he node in earnest. In the way of mormements, there is quite n re vival, and we have now the Fren c h Opera and Niblo to help invigorate th. minds 01 the di, pooding, who are tamed to pass an evening; in ma "devoted" env, which, In spur of all labiu m:les. and all disadvantages, is the safest place for one attested with a paw of tiny sort. , Markets are wtthont material change. and in expectation of the steamer, large operations are declined, and holders of staple goods tirm. t Mw another loan:to pay :a borer, Tauter: Oil both Is 91.) day+. Totu I, ...... ..... ........ ..... 21 . 6.571:1 00 )duel recetvedot Mr. Plummer. 1(z,44 17 Leaving to be rained and paid on theme 57 !pane the sod) ........... ..... St 'u 1.4,0 In addition to Ibis there have been paid the heatyitiemands of the . Caoal V - otarmssioner4.amoonting to 13x.930 Also the other coirent demands on the . . . Treasury, arno4ntiag to at Isn't ..... Also the interest publ, debt due Ist August, anuluntlog t 0.... ....... From which it Will be seen that Mr Ball in SG days 14.1 paid more than 51,940 WO 00 a state of attain Much has no parallel m the finan. coal history of PelinsyWants. This is not all,. The worst feature of the case Is to come. A ivJoked combination won kalllect to prevent the payntiant of the August inn:rest. Men who are now living on the money to the State, an well as men who ; recently were, took part in thin unworthy consbunitkin. Naolea and wet. are now known. The mg/ !al expased in doe bare. Such a stab, o r . affairs wan well euiculitte4lo appal most Not on. however, NI r. Ball. He W a working, fateiful calm,. None of your ad vance pay detn4iguev. The word fail in wit to his vocabulary. wes directed by Act at As sembly to apply 'he heal receipts of the Treasury to the payment of the above loans. ile nueee,ded in getting the tail extended. in order that he alight contribute more io the pay of claims on the polo lie works. Findhag that many persons, .nclitiling some of the IlJiSirst clamorers t.r the 'you lilac. sow." Were drawitg money largely in advance, be issued an ceder a - Pippo:lg that practice. And yet the eilltors of the Ki-vstimr, and their man Friday, without regnrd in iw•b., figures, des penny or truth, 41 rho g that he is withholding money from the poor laborrs. Mr. Ball has done more for the bentlit o 1 there same laborers than all the Loecdoenk . oli the anal loot one end of the State to the othet lla is a pner man himself, and really sympath..otl with all noon. Ile idiots, It .0 nets, not in prorerious, ant taus dales from botue petrtotx her eabolps. Mr. Ball has c6mpletely triumphed. The little conspintors are iefeated The tatth yf the State is sustained. The interest wol be pa,d today Eveltlnshag thanis id those nolite euunties which came promptly i 5 the atd of the State Trensurer in the dark bong of his nyed, wires tivres end demagogues a1:t44.. seemed to frown upon hall Whitt dirty gAse will they try sent ' What. ever scheme theN long expet,nee .ntrleue may suggest, they arta lie met, defeated, and exposed "Corm on Maedoll.- FRANCE anti Rilug —The Paris correspondent of the London E4nomist amicipates a eerie is diffi culty between tree and Au.tr , a. or. account o f the intervention pi Fran er in the allhirs of Rome' Austria dernautlisthat she IN entitled to enter the Eternal City sail maintain a garrison within to, walls, which, otirOUthe, France objects ta. The Pope had also riclared to the Austrian cabinet, that be would rather re hum at Bologna than re t urn to Rome hstopered by any comlitioos. These. conditions cannot be accepted by Fiance, as die Government per p iou to declaring, with solemnity, that the French :tnterventiott into Italy bad linen undertaken for tit, motives—to watch tile rubes Bowen who sent, armies into the Kornan and to guaranteelhe Roman States the. liberal fir lattlitielli'whiell u tia.i been vented them by the Pope before his fight to Gaeta. General Bedeau, who is considered as an ali!e d•plomatisi, at well as a good gencrai; has been instructed to follow the negotiations with; the Pope and the Austrians, and the French iater!;ening army has been in.leesed to nearly 50,000 Men. in order to give more wriyhl to the generals dotes, rather than to chntione the siege of Rome .1 Asa-6L-E•ol4—This gallant It:loon:A e:i euaiu is still kept in dulance by the French government. 75e vtolattort ofbrornise commuted by toe former dynasty is c,onttnzted by the present one, end in an. awe; to bra peuttons for release, he has becu an swere.l that the overnment is afraid lie will not keep his word. .f It must, therefor- ,by this peculiar kat., continue to: l ,ziolate its own. - - GMT Barren as a WISLAT Sl ARScr —A simple fact conktimds, very often, a vast deal o r theory, bovveverleanningly and plausibly net forth ; sad it may surprPae name of the fret traders in this country to knout that, on the 2d lest the Chan cel:ma the BrAti Exchequer sated, in his place the House of 71CorrionOTIn, that, of the nearly 11,- 000,000 banhelsof wheat imported during the pre vious eleven a:loathe, 4,320,000 bushel, elute from France, 44,10,000 bushels from Prussia Hot land nod Relgioui, and only 5,875,000 blisheis hom the United Statet ,4 , roiip Texas A lute arrival prom Terma furnishes the follow. nR intrillgettee Mr. F. 11...Sati4ders, a gentleman who arrived io Gaivestuo froth Chinuatma on the 14th lost , in :orms the edgor 41 the News Innt he met the C. 14 troops bound Or El Paso at Los Moron. They had found a g,odlroad, and were 3,11 a good health nod Boras. hic,„6. also met general COLIIpa nick of cii:Zenn on Inn rou.e to the gold region, nll of whom seemed tqbe getting on well. The Indi. ans do not appeal} to molest them. Hu left the. rids on the Ist Of June, nod contradicts the re ports of geld havlbg been found there. The large Government tram which left San An' tont° early in June for El Paso r proceeded as far Turkey Creek, ioirteen mien west of the Nueces, where they halte4 and despatched runners to the Rio Grande for tfie porpen.e of proconng a fresh supply of muleatbase wlth which they startett be, Ing completely brpkeq down and the forage near-, Iv all:exhausted. t. The cholera is ivported to ue raging at Freda rlektleligh as en Dpolemo, thirty per.tons had died at the hhst necou tits. Brevet Major Whitson IL Gates, of the sth re. siment U.S. Infintry, died of it at that place on the loth June. Mail' , Galen wan a brave and sal low officer, and raved with distinction in the POI' ids war, and nittin the Mexican war, at the Re ines de la Palm where he wan seven ly wonnri.. ed. As soon atte recovered Iron, his wall nil he joined Gen. Similes, wing of the army, rind hire gallant part In'thrt capture of the env of M Llent. John Briiker, of the 4th Infantry, U. S A, was thrown Aoin his horse in San Antonio a em weeks aincei His head coming i n contact with a post, he Was so severely imared that he died in thirty !mutts. Letter from Dr. Ackley We copy from the Plant Dealer the following lener, dated Sandnisky City, Tuerday morning, 7 The orate of heitith here owing to the prevalence of the cholera ta! deplorable. I h., but 0 tem minutes to wntdi nut had I whole day, no ode— veto idea could; be gives. It must lie acme to form a proper esq_eate of the MU trermg. I arrived here tin Monday morning at 3 o'clock --sinoe which tame I have been engaged every minima in waiting patimits,passing from one to all. other, without calks - opting to may with one partic ular •roe to observe the effect of medicine. I have seen enough!, however, to convince me that the cholera here dr of a mare malignant and se vere form than atrither places in the country. In some potatoes of the town inhabited by the Ger man and Iriah population, the disease has become infections; a cholera atmosphere, or stench, can be observed along thh entire length of some atreets, but more partimilarly in the vieuitiy of housei where there me many sick end dead. I (tend but Orme or the res dent physicians here, D^ctora Cochin, [lord, and Lane, who am engked with commendable fortitude in doing all they can The medical risea who have left are not to be blamed, 412ey were worn oat and rich, and in a condittorr: that incapacitated thenp f*m rendrring inedicatiaid. Last evening muse steins arrived front the interior of the :Stair. nud there is now a itirorpect of having a auftelent number to have the web properly attended to.— Whether, the diseine will yield to the course of theatmentinatituteil in Cleveland and elsewhere leittiguel cmcc.44 - I ennuo: a-v. I think it will. H. A. ACKLEY: ~`4yu _•t: I=l MEE Pur the Plu,Auret Gar,' Our Population. !Go As a titstorian at Pittsburgh and Allegheny m ites, Birmingham, Mancitester, Lowreneeei!le, Esti Liberty, 0,11.1mb1, Miners vale, and neighs boring towns—within a circle al five lades—which ad Ming connected with cur city business, 1 have in my net. or fifth edition my I I rectory, al pme four, pint down what I beheved then to :tour rOp Ulation, at 102,2.00. Woen ivy lather moved to Pittatngh. m laol tlr '2-smr populsbon then scarcely exceeded 1000 or at most 200—and we then rc had but one old log church for the Preslicte• rian mmgregabon—where Dr. Berrotcs COW gaud, in Woad street. As I otter expert to uroe another Doe/dory, and we ate 10 hove the Census taten by the U. S. t:overninent next yearnnil we will then nave all &Read report, I have now, tin der our peculiar circumstances. consulted main a lew of our oldest nail most respectable citizens end they all concur in opinion with nun nod I now he. Moe our present population—tit our two clues and towns around, as above stated—, upwards it 1201100; about 2h ,uOO ot whom arc Gina Ireand. England, Scoiland. anti W a l es ,: about t h e !am ,. number German. Franco, kit, and Mont 70,000 or more Atnertcan tern ritiz-n•; iota that ,Vlll,ll this circle, we have anotit leo tli.or...bes, .11. mmy Sabbath Schools, and no It of our Merchants, MRLAIGICIUrcr., Mect.naica, Attornes at Law, and all Masses of our (chow citizens I make thus slat-merit, as we are 111 a lew days. le.,s. Saturday. the I nth, to he visaed by the Pres 'dela of the I oiled Sinter, Xyrttary Taylor. and Witt F' Johntlon. Governor of l'enn•y; vans. nod Trfhaps, aeon by the terent shrernottl apost r 1.1 ; Temperance, Father Nlaltheyv, w vi•lt 3'l who thave our lant Dm-cta7, In cot Ilo• rod I. a•te It on lac ht.( page, nil d !Linn:4 putt vi oar i I cal work. We uriati a . l our morning and an paper. m ropy, to give all a chance to read it. and cm, t to pave is our directory. S. ISAAC Agency and lomlagenco 33 Wmal Nunn IBT run I:mrort.—We publinli the abovc •t Mr. Harrill request, and for the pine...• giv ing our opm.on or the vart,r, r vravagant •:.- mates which have been made (rum time to uTtae .11 relation to the pop - Italian of the, oty and Vicsl:oV We =Wider them all too limb and car fin. rr , tll, table to our modesty and gond sense. We CI , IIMPLC that iho next oceroi. two cities, and of these env.rons, Manche., Poroluaghang, South Pitt•bitrab. Sr..wol show a pm:taboo of betrerni r i my old tervi,ty din, ...toil. not above the h.ghest nur below the lowrst This will be an increase of nearly Itst por eeni in too year-, which ought to entiafy the rao net mu. for a speedy growth. Ton PrI,ITLYANIA R 1...40P.1. The first race id s arcing from actual ....MCC ondhia road, were Oa red in the C,Jampant.a treasury yesterday. The amount, SIOO, was the proceeds of a trip to Mil. leiest.rwn, some daps ago. and it is the beg - inning ol the aubstannal proof of the propriety and nears..ry my of the construction of the road. It is believed that the track will be opened fu travel as far ati Lewistown, towerda the, close of August next, and'hy that time every think win he in .iieh a Nate of readiness for the forwarding of passengers. Phut We packet boots will cease 10 run between Har risburg and Lewistown We bare alotedy aunonnerd ; ha (art, that a I.ne of coaches is about to be oninnized, to run host Lewistown to Pitt-hurgh; and we iw learn that it will be reedy by the time the railroad is opened to the former place. By this arrangement, travel lers from this city will reach Lewistown at 5 P. M. the same day. acid of course amve TO PM, burgh much earlier than they run now dn. Dreg thing allows that the Ihree.ors and the Chief Engineer are sparing no mantas whatever btfttg the road into useful operation et the earliest period possible, end our community has renann to he grateful for efforts which are fast breaking down the obstacles that stand between us and the vast trade of the West —North Amer. The U. S. steamer Allegheny, under the comv [nand of Lieet Woo W. Hunter. arrived alt this city on Tuesday eyeeing. front a cruise on the lirnzil and River La Platte stntiuns, and last from the Mediterranean. Her passage was mode in 24 running days from Gibraltar, tottebrug at Mattetra and the Ikrmuilas; the bin American man of war that has ever visited that important group of is lands, almost within sight of our (toast. She made tie ruu from Gibraltar to Madena, distance 010 miles, m three days; from Madeira to Bermuda, 450 melee, in seventeen days; and treisi Pe-rtnuilo to Cape !teary. 670 rules. to lour days; perforattng a distance of 3,760 uoles in the above idinied time, averaging over ISti miles a day, and announcing bar own arrival at W.htngion. Her c•rinse ban been a most active one, and her progenies as n steamer and sailer have been rigidly and seeress fully tested in all weathers. The experiment of this mode of propelling war strainers has. in the Alls!igteay, passed through such on ordeal ea to yaw gratifying assurances of Its entire suer:et...— Toe Officers nod Crew all well.—Nat. lot. Toe Val.r.ow CROON Teshoor,—A Martin erloWal, 11.1erhir rho then CruLtorarl —A cur respondent has foirroshed as with the particulars or the shove melancholy tragedy, which o-eurred in Ross township, is this county, on the 13th of June. The atlair was adverted to in the News, and talked of in private circles, bat for the Want 01 mire authentic Informatton, and for fear of doing lama ce to some one, We hove kireborn a public ex t ,.se of the strange and unnatural fete, until the Prear lit. The name vt the lady is Mrs. Rebecca Mdeltam, wife of one !Lamson Mitcham. She MR home on the sth of June, and after loitering about the neighbOrhOOd for a raw days, took her children, the eldest shout six, the second four, and the third o n e year of age, le i.e hanks of the Big Yellow Creek, and in the deepest place in the stream con signed hervelf end the throe children to a watery grave. When the borbe• were discovered, the youngest child was tied fast toils mother, with an netoa ancilt tacker handkerchief. The second was t ed above the knee, to prevent his rescuing him self by any chance strugele. The head of the eldest showed tome vane of stolen, • whether done tri being thrOWnytto the stream,or prove...ly a not known. The causes which led tam woman is the colntioStion or so horrible an net, ae: rata to I Ie matiention, abuse. cruelty, and jealous Von the part °row hes... The provnesdion must have becu great; the anguish intoierable to have prompt- Oral mother with a babe in her arm.. followed by twin interesting children, to march fur herself mid Mehl a premature death and an early eternity Let this be as it may — the deed hoe been ename led—and the spirits or the wronged wile awl in nocent children have taken their 11,11 , 10 another .d it is hoped a beater world.—Str Lel., mile iler. Ccemes WlLL.—Among Ilia legacies which the eorparanon of Trimly Episenpal Church, Now York. has long had ia charge, is one made many years ago by John Loathe. lie leaves I:1,000, with the following instructions . "I give sad bequeathe unto the Rector and in. habitants of the city or New York, in communion ot the Probate:lnt Episcopal Charch in the Stale of New York, and their successors, one lbw:weld pounds lawful money of said State, to be by them put oat at lawful interest. sod the annual Income thereof to be laud ont in sixpenny wheaten ' , craves of bread, nod distributed on every Sabbath day, in some part of said church, after divine service, in the roof sing, to • tifh poor es to them shall appear moo deserving." CALIFORNIA ITEMS The Boston Traveller gives the following items el I n elligence from California, obtained from a paw tenger in the Cravens City: The number of arrivals of passengers at Salt Francisco in June, by sea, was shout one thouesnd per week. lty land, at the mines, from Lower Canfernia.Sonom, Durango, and Mexico generally, the immigration is computed at fiftecn thousand, with many thousand male loads of merchandise, which has line found its way into California, duty free, to the great thssansfachon of the sea board merchant, Gann was scarce at San Francisco, being ab sorbed by the custom house for dirties. The aver age 'ewe of gold dust SI GA to 816 per ounce. It is computed that on the sth June 8100 000 worth of dour was exposed in open air, and more than Sf,oo 000 worth of other merchandise. chiefly dry goods, for want of storage. Storage was from St to S:3 per barrel per mouth. The average receipts of the French restaumnt are one doter per minute. Mr. Jarvis informs us thnt his first dinner in San Francisco. ordered from a hotel, for two gentlemen, two ladies, and four clu:dren, consisting only of meats and pantry, cost S9O. Eggs S 3 per dozen. Boat hire to go to steamer, thirty minute. pull, SS. Ordinary day labor SG—varying from that to 820. Mechanics nroportinn. Buildings were springing op very rapidly, mostly of the cheripest character. At present one hal( of the population five in tents. The population in creases slowly, AS the departures for the mines about equal the arrivals. The risk to property et San FraneNro from fire is very peat. The build ings are of the most frail and combustible descrip tion. Good order in general prevailed both at the bay and mine,. Capt. Grayson win robbed on the sth of June of 515.000 by a Chilies servant, whom he reposed confidence. lie would undoubtedly be bona or soon as apprehended. Another robbery of $6.000 occurred a few days after. As a general thing propetty is respected, evil doers being kept In check by fear of Lynch law. Colonel r'retnont and lady had left for a rancho below the Penh'a de los Aogeloa, which he had purchased fur Sth.ril 000. lt is well cocked with some 10 000 head, and has good buildings on o. Ile will probably be a candidate fur the Govern Ul,lllll u. reero.lenee of the St. I.ula Reputeteel. F/8111. the Plaine. S I.T Citer7, Indian Territory,( lune 19, 1919 Yesterday we met Captain Hughes. oldie Platte country, on hot return from Fort Kearney. He had taken out eta hundred heed of cattle to the post for the Government. His party left the fort on the 7th instant, on their return to the settlements accompnwed by a few retreating gold diggers on their way hock. When about thirty miles this side of the tort they were surrounded by a large war potty of Cheyennes and Sioux, numbering about rive hundred, who robbed them of Almost every thing, taking tennis. provision., saddlery, &a., they Wore down in the Pawnee country fur the purpose of making war upon that tribe, and the evening broom they met Mr. Hughes, they had entered a Pawnee village near the Platte, and destroyed it. I.iictly for the Pnwnees, they were out on a hunt, nod !her-!, %aced their scales for that tune They then stored otf int the direction of this Blue Fork of Caw noel% where they supposed the Paw nee hod eche on nhunt. On the second day •f• t•i, the Captain tell in with the Pawnees, who had °ragweed to inert their enemy; they numbered allow seven hundred warrior., portly compared of Utuaht. and t /toes. When they were wormed as 'o the uninber end direction of . the enemy, they started orl m tong !pints, rind the Captain think, that l':ey w.l. ilo, the Cheyennes and their allies. These:a:ler Indians ore front the vicinity of Bent'. F. r., Arkansas, and have Major Fitspata ek.l nrinve. 'heir agent. From the known e:thraeter at that rtentlernse, there to no reason but thci Pe eiertere Mall their making many like I'n tio. 7th Jane, kile thousand eight hundred slid . sly tot wagons had pepped Fin Kearney on their way lo ( 7 4111Ornia. lam not intormed wheth er this number includes the train which went by the Mormon road vg Council Muds Eight hun• deed CaidOrnia wagons rroased at that point exclu sive ot Mormons, and it they continued on the Mormon trail thrvaghouyhe !ell they Fort ten miles south—so n is emblem:tile:al whether they are in. cludi , d in the above registry or not. A company from Dayton, Ohio, were auacked • few days ago. by a hand of Pawnees, suer they tool entered the Platte bottom cheat eight maim— ! The lloci.cre• gave them battle, lolling live red : skins. with only the lass We hone shot and one of i the company shghtly wounded. I hear of no eindcliec among the emigrants be yond Fort Kearney. -As near as 1 ran learn. about two hundred have died on the road from cholera, The strut trouble to the emigration has been too ~‘ll ,te t rar, r Al Fort Kearney. where the emt gration hour wss xelling among them at one dollar hundred _pounds tlannel shirt. one done. W. 18,113 from tier to twenty dollars and en. ery Ilene eke in proportion. Captain Hughes eottipany tin,. a perfect cord of clothing and other thaiga at An, a rates. vemerdav Imo a Mr. \ Vtlhains, mho heft rid!! I.th ton Inc 0.11 of ...ay. Three hundred ntiten heron' Fort Laramie, the Indians robbed trnutell and h • companions or their horse+. arid - - • • o.tiitt, and they hod eon., on foot to that post ticture they obtained rid ma outlook. There was no p'ollcu.ra iirw• et tie Like a •tilemerit. Tho spring crop prllllw d talc. Ile met the main Cal itornia emigrsii well ou towards Fort Laramie Form th tier yel prof manner they were push ng li , t -re ten% not much comfort among them, an,: to use our informant's word, many of them were 'atom , on .thadly." On the I lust, the Wsistungton arty eintips&l; dere runt within torts tildes 0( Fort Kearney—ad we , l, and pi.ing on finely. Tn• Go•e ruor of COlllfOrElla. IT ha. ucengeneraily known that General P. F. Smith, C. S. A.. had gone to CalliTerela, in com mand 01 the troops intended to garrison that coun try, and therefore same centrally bas been Cowed en arentint of the recent proclamation., Ste , hay mg Leen •igned by i;eneral Riley without the pre nence or existence of General South being ma any manner blinded to. Time state of the case a The troop, in Oregon and California COrllpOSe 11 division commanded by General Smith. who Of r Mine. in Oregon, Where there la 11. t rivarnineni, exerts, neither directly nortnilirectly. any authority—lite mounted riles, under the cote mond as [(revel Gel. Lanny. merely occepying the posts. The troops in Calitornia art under the im mediate command of Brevet Brigadier General Riley, who in the ah•enee of all government lour. lolly ealablisheit dinchtuies the functions of the c,•11 magtotrate. General Smith yet meatus on the Pacific coa.t, and, in a military point of view, commands General Riley, who, however,. ao for s• u:n els . lll . tinemiiins are concerned, reports direct ly to the sent of Government at WrtahingtorL— R.piddi r , llll ito 1-03 u• Wet , Ot h r DI se saes" —Colons* I tii Le - Ain, ay, the table of inortalny for tLa Lint ham or ten wee Lis, we perceive that our "oth er if...," have kept pace with the pestilence, in the proportion of one to three; where the chol era has reartard nix hundred, "other diseases' have contributed three hundred, and soon. This third of the mortal.ty, let it be observed, is et the same time bb:mt three times the murtalny for the correspondisg m previous years. It has been earl, that the poisonous Influence which has oppressed us, has Increased the malignancy of "other diseases," and thou the fact ni accounted for but from the published tables it appears that teen thirds of this extra ordinary mortality, has resulted from "diarrhoea. - "dysentery, "a bilious dysen tery,- - inflammation of the bowels, 'aCC...expenence reminding most persons, at the same tite, that in tact, there deaths have been the results of chat era recoverii,' ihm uvula, necessarily leading to a question as to the treatment, the success of which ties proved so fatal. We know that in nu coy of our country has the pe.n.ence committed each ravages as in 0111 . own;' cnd we or.. :1, unmet! that in no rity has the use of alomel been •e- , general. We know that many Orsii,nn• of high character have repudiated the customer,: preset itnion of this mineralsoid been km innate, while from compounder., of the various and, 111 too many ea.., entionsly coullirting remedies-- I from drop mi.,- yr learn that calornet.certainly, has ' so., advantage over other means. We know that we have no rep ins of cholera eases—merely the deaths, nod tee know that n calomel course, where and while the patient suryi yes, is nearly in every case succeeded I.y bilious , lysentery, intlamin•titna of the bowels,.•.'. Have we not here, a clue to the terrible increnge of mortality from "ether cliseimes," on the li.gteter's report has itl We generalty hod that the presence of a petith knee has the effect of banishing .other disesses;r• that "other diven•ea" run into the more prevalent' and fatal one; bet with ea while the one (act is - no , the less asserted, the very opposite is glaringly the truth; the row, In. of pestilence—or rather the treat- meat of pestilend 1 screening themselves ender the mask of ' other emeasea" The tar &dal practice of this season most lestl-sss as all other matters connected with the Bicknell. must do--to grave enquiry, and for the sake of WIEOCC, we hope that the proper spirits will take. hold of it and conduct it unwaveringly to a clod whmil may leave the question one of, at least, ant:, all doubt. Would that a table of treatises's: might. be ar-pore d and published; nor is title en imposts'. bili y, mare the file of every druggist may ha mar' red to. Would that the oppressive thought, now' dwelling Innein}, .nr:OuS, !hat rome ens or omen eheriahed utrie•l had been `killed by etatomel,". might be do.pelirol. Would dor the natio 01 the .list Nair in.,' practice during this scourges, might In con limed as proper; or. for she sake c is human Inn , and human atfections—aU pat o., admitting no Inn , ran , w — wouldthat COlllllo6BOeed error tight loon ILI influence all speedily as poss. aerble. TIM CUNARD :,..rvsstsines.—The new steam ships now being built at Greenock, for the Cunard line, are end to be vessels oldie finest class. The engines will he more powerful than those in the: steamers now running, having nine feel stroke, and ninety sin Inch cylinders. ft is expected that is moderate weather, they will make MS telw from Liverpool to New Yorlcin ten days at the farthest. Tux Raw, FAUX, which was once intended to I 031.1,1101 Ma IsuChWICIW into a knowledge °film' itunwntul bentilts of the Fourier system, has COMO to qu,le nnother le. !tweed or being the MOUS, of a comilisin:ty vl labor, it IS now the spot wham. the comaillnily of Roxbury Betide its paupent,'llus city authorities having purchased it amide bight— ing* erected upon it Sur an Alms House. Er A gentleman of Pittsburgh, who bad fallen Into an open cellar after the *Great Fire ," immined his all- Cie so sever!) , that be was linable to refrain (rein cry. Eng out with the paha A friend who had been acing 11. A. Fahrtegoek it Co's Rubefacient and bean cared of Rhea gave bins what remained in the bottle, and although his barn wasgreatly swollen, be was completely restored to lieth to twelve boars and freed from pain. This Is but one of a great number of eases which have tome under the observation of the proprietors. Prepared and sold by II A FAIINESTOCK tr. Co, Passerrat Lawn, 5C.1.11--Prepared by J. W. ke.is William street, N. V., and for sale by A Jayne,. No to Fourth street. Tbis anti be fond a delmhtfal arti cle of beverage in families, and partmularly or sick Comas. Dam's Baois.a.—An unproved Chocolate prepara tion, being a combinanow coroa nub innocent, v worming and palatable, highly recoinmended part., ularly for tuvalids. Prepared by W. Bates, I higehe, ter, Masa., and for .10 by A. J A VNES, at ihr^Prkin Ton Store, No. 70 Fourth in racial FIT. and Nlntin• Inanrernee.—T. OM. N•snoArica •ND rata litsvesxce COISPA NT charteTed 142—eopunue• to timer, upon every de scription or property, el lb. tomtit raga Orrice., No, PI blearket street . GORM IN, Pres% Rotary Foamy, Seey off, di. _ Improvements in Dentistry DR. G. 0. STEARNS s late of Boston, is prepared to manufacture and set Ruses Tam in whole and parts of sets, upon Suction or Annosphdrw Suction llama TOOTIIACIIN MR. IN FIVIINIINCr*, when! the nerve IF , I t exposed. Office and residence IL II:10or to the May or 's office, Fourth street, Pittshu h. Ram eo—J. R. hrEadden. P. I. Eaton. tal9 JOB PRIG NO. BILL HEADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, biartifests, Bill, Lading, CA'rntrartr, Law Mani:, HARD BILLS, WAILS, CIIMRICATVI, PoLICIIDS, &O. &C., Printed at the shortest notice, at low prices, at the det/9 Garawrs °Warr. THIRD VI RE.. W. fl. Wright, M. D., Dentist, Om. and residence on Fourth at.. oppostle the Pittsburgh Ronk. thine I h • from o'clock to IV A 111 • and " ' l a" (XI; V &clock toy •terh:l.lY E 7 Rxtmaae aaD Sala Disease,—JONES'S Ital. sax Chemical Soapcauses a free perspiramiii. and at the same time motile., sollena, and whitens the skin, gi•mg it the texture and beauty of an infant's Stoic?, SALT Ramat Lau Soso, are s not only healed. but cured by its me, as at least sev oon en Pity., clans in New kirk know, who use it in such eases, and find it unfailing—as also in I . lLeLles. BLOrtatiai, FASCI.LIA or city other skin d,.- 'the reader is assured that this is no useless puled nostrum, as one trial will prove I could enu merate It least eo persons curid of foal MAD. Sole Lace AND hoax Ilisapt —Buy it. and use it, and the reader is again as I would not cruelly sell it for the above unless I kiiew it to be all I state. Those lobo are liable to Cass., Cascam. ea Cn•ran Puma. will bud this a cure Any one afflicted with any of the above. or s,m- Ilv dimases, will find this all and even more (ad.., ble lu its psoperumil than I state. But, reader, the stores are flooded with imitations, and be Ma you ask for JONF.S'S Italian Chemical Soap. Sold by WM. JACKSON. eh latterly sweet, Pittsburgh. lapel OA IsT • (17 . ALL loot CTIMIOS• are honorablyWOW,' thst the folloortng are the actual qualities or a bottle of Joam's Coral Hair Restorative. If thee doubt our word. they cannot these highly respectable cis/mils, who have tried it:— hlr Geo. Dorset, 41 Elm In, New York. Mrs Matilda Itestros, 11Tvrtle ay. Brooklyn Mr. Mr. Wm Tompkinr W King W, York. Mr. Moot Jackson, Nformours I.land. near Ptilditirgh 11.6 Callen, lam barber .towboat S. Ameries Arid mom than a hominid others state, though this moot anthre, that it ad] force me hair lo arry tin ihr herd or face, stop it falling off: strengthen the roans. ramormot scurf uld dandosif front the roots. initking light, red. or gray hair tirliarrie a line dark look, a... 1 keepinq dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, soli, clean :Ind boanaul a rot 7, very long time. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, 09 1 y rt. Pittaborgh. Price 371, SC cents, and one dollar ott6:dikvel [Er TOR SIM. OP • VIII RRYTIL. It not ore rrpul• sive than a bad, putrid breath, or )elloor ihreit.• ed teeth. If persons have these it' m their own tnutt— they man, for two abating., buy an arlicin that veni make their breath purr and sweet as Mr Spey Atr r; A.ob4a. It cures di wawa of the thins, sound y or ulcerated, and for the Teeth it is unequalled, removing the tartar, fasomung the teeth in the auras and clean them a, white us the Snow If the fruren Nora Such, reader. are the propenies of Jones's Amber Tooth Paste, and, without ammo! it ourselves, beer what one of oar most respectable and scientific U, usts. Mr. Field, or New York. saes "I bate both and and nrializeil hot beano irei PolMoablo •roele, (Jones. Amber Tooth Y.ne.i and can recommend h a posiiemtna e.lthe ouelith , r a. ed for n" Reader, we ean nay no mom tn ronvlpre. only ilt•I if you try this °noir yoe will be well plelard It la pot tip in beautiful English Clone Ili ta, t cents. hold by the Agent, W.M. JACKSON. v 1..:rr 'j rr ty went., Pluaborgh. nage: JAer r D . ' We er.ll invite pameular atlennon I. the large *ale or splendid Furniture. Fatally Cut,,aze. Baggy and Horny... Ay Sc , at 11, of D. A. Fahnestock, Fag., it Oakland, kroner, ow rariknor at 10 o'clock, by 1. D. Davi., Aucilunccr • mope SONLOOL NOTICE. ime. Hoard of Sr boa' Dircet.Jra of Roluuton t.,orn .hip donnot, wul claret at Ow holvto of Mr. ',mil, Ill'Farland. in said township, on SATL ROAN'. LIP- 25,h A LISRA'f CS csk • for sale I, -5 inn ,at 10 o'clock, A. 141 , for the purpose of exam n • t,,,`... y tog and entenng into omelet with rich approved . " 1 1 4 _+l'' VON BONN BORST & CO _ leather ,oo . o l apply for .0 , ..1. , o'd dour" ' 1 ) Vh, FLOI It-, bbl. for kale by , The sob diatncts are enjoined to lw vdn'trit or pro , ri, 0 ,, ~, F VON lIONN/lORST o CO touring teachers, and have then , present' at the inn. • • specified, and also attend and bear the exa1t...040t.. L. A FIT? Pb .OE-tIO,DMI feet for blastula, Ib male by Ili ILLIANI AIAREs. I. 11' , 1 J S WILWORT/( &CO atuttrdlAvienT President of the lion,.t. .-, IjOWLI.H-ta i ; ,,, tolt , e , : s ILl i n a o , ting Powder,r Jn : 1 1 . 11. qualit y APOLLO HALL, I do SI ItTll WEEI( OF THE EM PI RE SIIN sTR 1.1. S • dug hl do do do do do Tilt: EMPIRE AIINSTIIKLS beg leave to , milt-its .11, II qr an do do do do , i „, , ~,,,„,,,,,„”c „ 0 ,„,,,,,„,,,,,,,,..„,,,,,, In Mi 1,1.1111, and deliverable at any hour during the onentfing their Concerto during the pan fire weeLi, do) 1)04 IS I.IIL \ VORTLI &CU they are Indteed to onoostnee their SI 't rii 8 Eiti I.:-..... i ' I L CIA trlbt-00 nand and for sale, by W.M'Clin eammencmg on Monday evens's:, Aug t3id, , tettorve assortment of Ott Cloths, •arying from V? In- And rionuntong every even., donne the week Mr , eh.” to 21 Inn and, cut to son any sins hail, room R. 11. nine/ . will nigialy inerod.ee his omen admired ,or strosoputo The wroortment consists of the latest Dances. j and Meniknkrproved atylasittAiL.M3lorl, of Plngeminsto every eVcr.h.g 1 /Y l, ' n WIIer.BAIRMX7V Err eken.. BS cents • —n om F' CI IRKS `I hale.port long nod .hoeh boon open at 7/ o'clock. Cotter., to roininenre 13 ,„., ,-,,..,„,,,„—,,- fc ,„ o by ''' - ' at to. ••10 . ~ II 11 K stll.l.llllS. 37 Wood .t saleOlL AN U TURPENTINE: DA It RELS fort , .ro , p i its,l - .4 p r ,„, cut e' , of a 1.,,,, ~,,, re ,,,,,, e , Li c tle bY sogn R E üb.hit•EK , , V ,00 . , • t 1 . / 1 aitd hit tole by W. &R. 111`tl/TetlEON, D.tTENT PAINT-4 bhlo Unlit color, •• dr, Mann., ,Istoi No. 150 Liberty MR.. -.. [ ray do, received do rourtignineut nod Int ..Ce 1., ~,,,,, . ~,;,,, 1010.11 AM.. anksi OR/ Fl NIILTENDCrIIiKIIL o 7 Front n . SCAIN'IP. di ATKINSON, - pAINTE_ Tts and others vivant,/ a cheap and dorm , Ft... 7o !.!,:.,... %vc.. ... M..... Prrzsarsos, ~ ,,,,p.,,,,,, , ,J , ~.li an , „, „ pec ,„, b . s ,„b, ,„, , I sONTINI L. to monufacturo all knot. of COPPER, strilserN, who will he always supplied wittb drder Gill , k.. , T 11.4 AND SHEET 111.0 N WALK. A/so, Black odors. oust: GEO 11 MILTEN dERIi kit ...d. W." , St rli ill Itonk built to onler. q , ilF. ORIGINAL AND 1101 M ITAIII.E . RETIII.• 11 , $,,,, at 0 ,-,,p n pr o .. moor b oo , wor k . I. -erm.e. !An. ....... G.:a., • - 01 , - , ~, , . Il l,. Live on handy a One assortment of Copper and Brow I.mrote Po:rum-Rouse 13'. Gal Cry no - orb rr's Rea 'Pin Wore, &e. ike. Steamboat Cookans Stores, Diramsno Watts, in 10 monthly port, eiteh port o 111 p or t a bl e For ges , ac t i o ns sisoa- a vary r o il oanyabaat art contemns or more I , .m..fui <np. ,, ..t • 1,,, th , x;• , “ no,. for neumbosts, Conforms emigrants, or road oratory' tenor pre. Laghlt. ond G ., ...• ” , ar ' Y do In ~0mp00.... .r, in fancy covon, rind will be oupplied to it.bscrt 10 e would tespectfully mono 3.014 boat mon and here far the whole , sone, at the eStrtmeri low Pr ,, ' others to roll and see our articles and prices before of fifty rent .a part. pun:honor, eiwwhern Jytli The oubsenber ls confident. from the tint ver•al cr. . lettray of the designer of these illusirnsoi,. that the FOR GREENWOOD GARDENS. sale will be commensurate lrUb the Intl:rani worth 01" 'lll''' '' N.. .., 6 . 'llec steam boat A. MASON reti Inc wort, and from tbr is, of the cle rene• a: ' '''' '''" l ' . the Point, eight playa, when complete , being orrernt itir ine o( Liberty Meat, so the Gar prtee atter; o( tbe anginal Hermn edatons en—leaving at 0 o'clock, A. 04., and The work wit be completed a,le parts, teseed „, rho be ening or each boar mall 7 P.M. Ttsitera the Ist and 16th of every month., and will conte.ii H4llg. may rely on hinting the bout at the hour. She leaves 1et,17 Pb,; King Lear, It pits, Macbeth, II ph, 'Ft, the (:ardor, the lan up trip, nt ID attack. Tempest IX pits; . othiello. It pHs; Romeo arid Julies The ...." 7 i 1 fort 01 IIcIiiti . 77 Hit'as winking at 1! poo, Temper, m OOO of w o ,a, to pi , King ~,,y • ~. .11 tins delightful retreat, now is the time to ape-ad a the Fount, parts I and 11, 11 pities. low boort, not le the smoke and dust of the city, bet In Fear embers of the above are already putilltheiS ^ ru , atmosphere. perfumed with the fragrance of cis' Pan I to 111 of Hamlet; pan IV Macbeth 10w",.. Subeuribers names recel•ed end .mgi n ~,,.,,,,,,, sir All kinds of refreshdients, except irdoxlentiogdrinks, slit, by JAAIES D Lt/CICIVt/00. .'"eo ". 1 1. Plellii... n.lilionne Plalibb tend gneg_ Dinwee , leei I. p,,,, ~, , , Wt.,,) . , 1,,,::.h kept of ehniq w tlowers for sale. jA „ Cl Es ose w d lu ern i K N un• I. . eon I. . massoobs. . Kg-Change of landing made on nemunt of losv ars- COPE & BRIGY FOOL E r FORWARISING h COSIMISSION NlERell.t arm.N p ,„ RENT _ 1 ,,, ~,,„ ~,,,7 D r i nk Dwelling And dealers in White Lead. Window Lila... , i lionee. on Einem, between Hay and Marburg lib Second street, Pittsburgh. Pa. wee.. env, "ore piedby W. Graham, Jr. Possession Will *nand promptly to We sale of articles entrusted Inn ,torah. Enquire of NNeri. (Hakim& or at to their care me itmoi.ore of Rm. ,o—itagaley R Frtiith, R. Twiner A: C,I . S A W. Hermitian, Ksy A Co , Murphy, .h. ikon A I', JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, i. ~, htisburgb Ileums& (Himont ACo , and th e met. ,'' .'' corner M arket and Third street. ehtnts generelly, New Lisbon, 0 O& IS libbonald Engines for Solo. &Co., Geo. Weil. Wellsville, O. Joneph I%'‘usio.i, U • • . i ., ,‘. , .. ,(yi E PAIR SECOND lIAND ENGINE'S, 10 inch J Biggar & Co ta , ranner is M' s turn, . laisi , lon, i -- ylliiders. 4 feet stroke; 2 Boilers 20 feet lobs 3 Bonnet, Martin A Co., Weaver, Tnylor &C . , John ine „ e t in nigniewe nil in _ nen , nenee, Boilers, b . einlii ; 1 . It. Brown &Co , Philadelphia. A O. Richardeon .t , ~. ..,,.. d . ~,..... b . r .„„ _ on. The . niiie. oni _ Bro , Groff, Holmes &Co , ClArlllll.l. U Joao P. , ~.%.`i , ii " in , l i :L eini lii month.. .. ne n r quire Homan!, Louliville, Ky. John ernon, New Urine.. 0, r i , Inq uire ruculars, iyl7:dif R. HATS, Omette once Hoody &Human Cleveland, O. A J. Enthey.l2 3. s. Mad, O. Clark, iarK 4 k. Co.. Beaver, P. ...O_.'. '( , EURIiE I{ t; ii N, by collie; at my orrice and pity . BOTICE. i 3 ing °Lougeewill lerel.•B a Box containing •alu• uos. Bea:EWELL, Jr., P. Pr..", m bl Beni Y I% J I...KORGE B. t . M cdi el ncs. ' Books, .k.e., e M ILTENBERGER, ,Bakewell, having associated WSI. C. PEAK, ,in ' basinens wtth them, will continue lo prneccuie um l ' _Nor e 7 Front st, manufacture nnd mile of FLIN f GLASS, at , belt„i / i 11111.5 beet double refined Mates Strained Lard works, corner of Grant and %Pater tureen, aud ui in , ir .e.e. , l I till, ie.:rived and for sale by HOS% Carnes of Second and Wood streets, under ,be , W. & R. M'CUTCIIEON, fleet of BAKEWELL, PEARS & CO , who are duly ,' iy2it N 0.121 Libertv street. nuthoriasul lo whilst all Ka oemmuts of We late rou. I ‘ iii ,...,, ~,..._,, ~..,, Ch....,1..10,... „ for ...10 ley Pr id Jonrno.: coos cern. ungfi J it `J 17'a lis DILWOISTII ACO ' at sad Jeanie, conS•E TRUSTE:WM SAL. j i II,DUR-TA, lib's F lour, superior quality for .ale TIIE undersigned, Assignee of Samuel ildl, l ifig , - I- by We .1 8 DILWORTII &Cu wilt oiler at public sondoe or out ry, at the Debts. lkg A ttgEll VI. - ..0 bbl. No 3 large Mackerel, lOW. house of Henry Wilson, in Monongahela City, on the DI 8,0 landing nod for sale by 1411 a 01 AUOLInT, BBL at I o'clock in tho afternoon of iril J B DILWORTR & CO that day, A 'I E AUTO F LAND, contivoing about iwo •—• hundred ~,,,,,, .. w en , h 0 ji,.. 41 ,, n ~,,.. . WIN DOW CI-AS-n-130 boxes. assorted sixes, for tale by WESTON BOWEN, Wautitnglon coanty, ,nut one mite above Monotigo. hale City. about len acres of which are cleared -- If -'''' 00 From meet. There Is • atrata of sex feed of Coal under the whole Xy u. 81.A.A R-13 bbd. ptia t e v rE4u s y4oLaie n bA . Inset, equal to any on the Deer, mod so cony ertiont to II . wy, the :titer that It costs but a Ingo to remove it from the bank to the boat& Tho Land is al tho Lett iiatiloty, L'INK OLIJ AlliA N DT-Ono ontava cask. WO& and contains an inexhaustible quantity of Limettoue. -.... .Vtee. Ceertex. Asr rec . . , col turd for sole by the Theta one two Brasil Dwelling Houses •on the prenn. e'en.. or bottle., by an. 'lbis Waal will be sold in whole, of part, to at • , tetf-ra JACOB WEAVER, Jr. comotothue purchasers. T I) I I'PRICED RR 1N DIF-8-iligh Proof Prima Thur. wlrdung fur kWh. , iafonnetten• ete tt , '''rrt tl • j j Itrontics. of all colors uol grades, for sale whole. to Jtulge Bill, residitig oti ULO pietnes,•; Simnel 1!-ek . , ,„, „, r,..,0,,, by et, residang neer the Lund, and Daniel thug, Inkerper, 1 iy , JACOB WEAVER, Jr. Cincinnati, Ohio. . ... • . ' " . . . The W.I. snll be made known on the Joy of solo.. Srrnavaria, Joe. 53X101,149. 308Eni BENDEgsuis. Assignee. ; Mx. S. K Illaaturr—Slr: I take great pleasant in re- WaskingtOn, Pa Aug 0,1519 —dlliteveltT rommenthng your INKS, to the nettle* of We Vitale. ln my husules, 1 Luce Used a gram qiuuttill-hr Lek, lIABOG AN I'. ..1 ,.,, 0 v.,,, ~ the pros rr ace oval all where I have T_TAWES A. GRAHAM are pined . nu hr ti..., 'lt -a I 1 ../..0., 21 int is good; so k Araold's; but 1 11 evegtorners Cod the public al large, that they hove . P , .lt , . 1.01•. to tl due. not laelllJ.nel , gel Wilt 07 he. on hand a very tuten.tve !stock of MA I IGO AN V. and u. •e ei ...ed. tuod I...cornea &duet 40 a low minks after all other synod usually kept by •be trzde, Whit, boy . It 14 ~ 11 toe ' , neer. Wishing you every somas in offer at the lallOgring usual low peens, tn.: , your bus ut... I ft3ll yours, very respectlally s 370,000 11 of Crotch Veneer., from 1 to 31 eta pre it. • 14 lit N SUIMINCI, City Aeel7oollll3t. 199000. Boards and Plunk "r air u.k.,...,,,il ' For .ale by R. .K Suhnontoels & Co. Siltab.Sren H. seasoned. l' eeLisvneti. Allegheny city; and brim ManallielMger, 00,tagl - Shaded Wood Vence r., from 1 to 21 t ~. I 'Nome. A. 1111,bere, Druggist and Chenniatothighe of per foot. ; 1. heck , um] Southfield elevate, eltlablaglh re. &WO ft of the most sup.esur muder AfnAs:...., evoll tY1.' 7 .42w offered in this mouttlel Rosewood Ve G 1 N EIV AND VALUABLE WORKS IMP PG/3. il= ft ncois. from Vio 3 co. : - ..... -• • .••••••ndium o 7 EcOethsUftl IF • • _, SIARDO 11 White way, of all [Melon., 1.1 ll:D.-.A Comp - endtam 0 7U e iefas.a k • {Ye feel confident from oar long experience. the a d 1 .7 ' } . by , lh. ' ,j,ohn C. L '''' "77 1 6 '..:, °° _. "i" 1" .1 Ck 3 411.1- Ir an• u xcx we have in impefotte nod USWig, Cod we .`_'' - . .`!! 1 ° ,F.!!_t r ,, , ,, P .,T.,‘"'!:,`, , ,, ° ,',"7,1" °1 r 7 ' 1 _,,,C 446 W - r_q shall always he enabled to keep on hood a .lock ot ','"'" the '"""" ""' ' '",...t . j" - .„. ..!" ea,,l from the Herrn., by leetenlel 11nT1et011,14.4.•,Y. the moll superior quality and finciy gored wood, let ' A Ilntory of the Unocal States of magries ftenn the dla eery lowest market prices,) suited to the taste oi A . . ._ the Ihe most fastidious, that way be pleased to favor us t`' '" ,, l' vl t h e C ontin e n t ..'°_ o7 lnotirrition Ofriov .‘, rhea patronage . metro 41 under the Federal einnututtori, by Iflehard All orders promptly Piled and carefully packed liodtelit HAWF3 A CiktAllAhl, I Ja•t lei:circa and for sole by 170 & 178 onion at. two doon North of Canal it JOHNSTON & STOCHTON r • Outlet. NEW YORK. 11-37 • corner Market and Third ate. SCHOOL 11001(1 , --Drooki (.lilTPS — Metuniorphoca; i lie titer.' Trlioratt hags Cheap for Caulk. — do Co!lecterns Meetlyllea; do Carat Lestons: du ; T . li ad v ers.t.r ,s now opening, at ID Water 'Meet Lain do; Clark's Practical Grammar, in which word', 1 New York, a complete ratirrunent at ILIkTZEHi phrases ra il samences are claimed and illustrated. , TIUMM I Nnr.". raleeted by himself from ths mannfam by a complete system of diagrams; Elements of Vege... ,„„,„„ ,„ Frantic and Germany, obsch will be mild low Element. of Zoology table cod Anhui , by D. M. Root. , L I. D r ; Physiology. Pog U. M. H. ' tor erah Please call and ramie., before purchasing ~,„„,„. lYZndlat neology, editor! by D. hr. R ~,, )lease, 1.. L. D.; Elements of N ,„ ~.„",,,y . Ism Chemietry and Electricity. In terolent—e.ri I.) b) , - DD. Doh m. D 4 p) . .) lid by A. Hain; }Acmes= of 1 T ADD till.-16 bbis. No. I Lard 011, and 20 bble. Natural Pblhrtophy, Le 3 part'—ley Law, of Manor I I j No 2 do, In store end for sale try end Motion; 9d, Mechanics; 3d, Hydrostatics, Hydras- i ,)2; JAMES DALZEL N 0.24 Water wt. ____ _ Her and Potomac& by W. & It Chambers. 111'091.7'S —22 dot. Hocken:Trading per keel boa; Parker's School Compositor= of Natorei era Erre- ' j b t ark tlgir, and fur tale by dr:rental Philosophy,. trith • descrlption of the Oleatu ~,, JA IDES DALZFLI.. and Locomotive Dgitnee. 1 r ACK Eli EL—I UU bids. No. 3 Mackerel, DIM, Mee. Port eel , tot Losions in Natural Pbilosophy. ' 1.91 . ~ac Moons Inspecuon, landing per canal. end for Fairon's &Eastman , * hook Beeping. "' by 11.011 JAME.. DA LZ0.1 1 4 Alm, Ms whale or Dori. 92mbemmtoal course, on band and for sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH,, I it,. .41..trA I:ra—tar bum. asrartra hos. tor mie wy Roil • D! Wood st I 1-4 O'n S. F. VON HONNUORST& CQ. DFL INRIIHES UNIVERSAL GI; IDE TO HEALTH AND LONG LIFE—Or what to Edl. Drink end /*cad; adtat Morelos to take; ',HOW to Control and Regulate the Pareberge and Appetites; and au the Gen et., I Conduct of lifererberchy Health map be et...cared, and n happy and comfortable Old Age attained: that of lx4 when oar career I. concluded, we may -Like ripe (nut, drop Into oar Mother% hip. or be with ease Gathered, not harshly plueked.”—Altbron. The above valuable work is published and sold, wiiolewile and retail, by . 004 J A Affi to LOCKNVOOD. 63 Weal st t IN';! 4 : ILL.s i„. u F g .A p R u b. loined lu parts —two parts appeanne monthly—to be completed ~ nrren numbers, ea-ti with six env, vines and crplunations. The subscribers are sole scents for the work, of whom II con bt procured at the publisher'. prier, Sa emit. per pan IT & ENGLISH, nub ) 71) Wood street, Pittsbli_ D ASTRV FLOUR -10 barrels fresh around, white wheat, 33 do extra family, for sale li) 00,4 R P %TN lIONNIIORAT h. CO _ . ) 0 CIIONG TEA —Ch halt elem., to handsome ,f lb napery, for sale by aug.l CRGR ANT. 41 Water st jrmv FLOUR-40 Lid. of nos sapenor article /I (best nt market, of Family Flour. plat reed and of ins anOdlw JOIIN NITADEN &CO 11; TRA FLOUR, rwr Ir,ct ved ut the IIItEAT WESTERN FEF.II 10 STORE, corner of Penn and St. Clair streets, a lot of •'R. C Holmes' A No. I brood, Spear's 51i11," Mesh r: round. The cubrerßer would Inoue the particular &Beninn of taintlie. to thin tour!, IR hesolely recommend it no the von! utrr Vow c is it thatbrought to Lie city. Al.o. (study Grocer.. of ail kuuls kept cOnollally on hind. JAhIES DONALDSMN. RAV KEY—V:I bids New Whiskey, fir sale byl WHIS oug2 JACOB WEAVER,Jr CIIIEFSSI -'5O hos just reed and (or ante by our! J II CANFIELD VIOLIN STRINGS-510 bundles first quality Eng. hah and Behan Vioiin Strings, direct from the ....ferw , er, and for sale wholesale and retail by :sue JOHN II MBLLOR. el Wood st For Sale, I t PEW In the First pr,bytertnn Church, No J _ Foriolf,. n! No 10 Liberty al. auctda berres tuns received, for stile by J D WILLIAMS, 110 Wood sr ( 1111 , ,E0E—h, bin (Troia. for sale by nor, J D WILLIAMS ['lt/CC/A-2 ken corm No I; 2do Baker's }koala, 5 do do Chocolate; for nate by •0,4/ J D WILLIAMS D A Ip u„r v , sALT—eu dried i f 111 U I.A TE. - Arlu half chests ;t i r k , i 't . l / 4 !• 1s I ,t lby asp 11 2•11 , 14 7 n..0 e Ira els red, for b i l l / 4 1 / 411,1,1. 1 / 4ms S l 2 llll N —lO 111, 1 1 aagltEll PRKCI P I I'ATE-2.5 lb. burl recd •nd for sale In. sup RE SELLERS C ltL y ir RIC I.: ri I Id Rs bunreitil .:4 l4 ,l, f or sale q , A RT. ACID—Inn 'eat reed and for We by engl R E SELLERS V LOST KRS BEN 'WIN —U) juin ret'd end for sale try an./ R E SELLERS AFRICAN CAYENNE-5 boxes met e•d and for .le by aura R E SELLERS uNGLIS/1 CIeARCOAL---Just reed and for sale by .124 1.0 R E SELLF.RS COAP-11411,ozcs Cincinnati Sean, in .ora and for CI ra!e LL ant JAMFd4 I/ALZ ELL p11. „ 1 ,, R 0 0N-1W b. for sale Ly J S DILWORTH & CO TEAS -1:11/ 111 chests Y 11., 0. F. and Impenal; enddies do do do, it, more 4,1.0 J 8 DILWORTIL & CO _ augt .1 8 DILWORTII & CO IOFFEr.-1.50 bar. Ror; RIO° Java. in .rota. U arm! J S DILWORTH 2r. CO rirrA R—.lo 6612 N. C .tore. trogi J R DILWORTH 2r. CO SOAP --.2011 I.is Herron, in more nog! J tl DILWORTH A CO ta • W. R. WICK t. IHCANDLF.BB, Eruct corner Wood and Water ors k LARGE C A 61,R for rale cheap. Apply to NUAIFEk AThIASON • . p dl Hr.( it, between Wood and Market DE: RI. ASFI- I; rusks (Adams') Pearl Aoki, sop, quality. lund,ng tins day by Lake Eno and Alleb too tan., and for vitae by J A R FLOYD I l . l m or , r n in t, g4in store and .4;1 /A M IJ C ALVEI4., Water VI A N UFA f7CLIRED TOBACCO-30 &as S'. and S's ITI ;amps, u:x tonalgtanent, to tirrlVer, for Sale by 1.' 31 r BAIA II DICKEY .n CO, Front it I!R+E--1: al ow landrng for sale by C;„ NAAIIDICKE) & CO VREA CIINENE—.4 big for sale by N-/ ;131 11 F VON LIONNUORST &CO AUCTION SA !YR, By John D. Danis, Anttlanneri I I =WS =sorted=sortedPry Vyo4. • On Mondaymorning, Aug. UM, at to o kl oo k, ti the Commercial Sales Roams, comer of Wood OM Fifth streets, will be sold, without reserve, for eish currency, eleven packages foreign and domestic sta. pin and aunty dry goods. embracturr a handsome as— sortment of ...atonable merchandise. At 2 o'ciock, Groceries, gocenswarn, Furnitans, Young Ilyson end Imperial tea, Va manufttetared tol..ceo, madder, No 1 palm soap, shovel., spade., forks, axe., hatchets, writing and %empanel( paper, reps rent miadom blind., tly nem, mantel clocks, lonklnc glames, carpentog, feather beds, stoves, Ramat balance., Lc. A hand h larits ousehold and general agsoriment of new and seeoca furniture, &e At el o'clock Fashionable ready made cloth i ng, boots and shoes, trunks, saddles, whips, fine table and pocket catlery, double arid single Carrel sbeu runs, pistols, gold sad 'Veer a/Aches, sanely goo.* fie. mitt _ _ Splendid Parialtore at Atactton. /111111 HOUSEHOLD PUR.NrruRE of It. A. Falco.- 1 lock, Fiq.. iota be sold on Tuesday, Almost 7th, at In o'clock, A. 10 , rt los rcsalonee in Oakland, as he 121..14 retool, nit; from the city: being an extensive and vs/unlil. lot of elegant Foriutur,e. u large portion of which nearly new, loving been but Inge coed, nonvoting in part of the following. vir Saxony. Brnoels and Ingrain Carpeting - , to clonal Pier Table., marble tops, ;several very large Mirrors; 5 Niaboyany Rocking Chairs, 2 =ably Sof.; do Divans; 1 do Card l'oblesi . I do Centre Table; I do Hat Table; 1 do Dining Tables: 3 sea do Chairs; do Work Table.; 2 fine Mantel Clocks; I magnificent cabin. Marine Shells, embracing a beautiful and each coliccuon of the most nue and val• aside foreign species, to a large mahogany case. Oil Painunga; 1 splendid Wardrobes; 3 &tie mahogany Dressing Bureaus; do do Bedsteads; Fine maple, cherry and other Bedstead.; 1 do Bureaus; 3 do mahogany Wash Btands; Bathing Tuba; burnished Copper Coal Buckets; Parlor and Chamber Chairs, together with a great variety o/ other Furniture. I fine and subnuatial eastern built Carriage, but lit• tle worn; I Barouche for 1 or 2 horse I tine Buggy. nearly new; seversiseta of good hotness; I two horoo Wagon; 1 Cart, I hay ladder, Plow, Harrow, and nu ltung and gardening utensils, 3 firm milk Cows. Also, a large quaauty of good timothy hey, &e. Ac Term. made known on the day of sale. iy3l JOHN D. DAMS, Auctioneer. -- DOT ASR-3 casks, suposio , , for mi. by .PYY7 13. F. VON HONNIIORST tc CO. TOBACCOS L—io Op. tiasiufactured Tobaccos, of various sate I.y VON RMINTIORST O ASH-2MMOights for pixie by 0 Jr 27 S. F. VON UONNOORST CO. YEPPER-10 bags for tale , by 1)21 S. F. VON NONNUORST Sc CO. DRY A PYI..ES—IS LAN. for sale by jr.l7 S. F. VON BONNUOItS r & co. BLITTER -25 bblo. parked Bober, for sale by i)-27 S. F. VON DONNRORST 8. CO. WINDOW GLASS-530 bozos 5010; 173 " Milt GO " 40 " 7.r11; 10 Sheer Glars,fer sale by firm S. F. VON lIONNHORST CO. W . . H taripisriarc b7ll — bir. indimaf yT bbls for rale by 13V7 S. S. VON BON NTIORST O. CO. Rhino or Hock Winos. SPARKLING Moselle, Crown brand; Hock o f Hockheim, Coblentee; Hoe khetmer, IRS, Muront & Co; thee- Henkel! & Co; Chasm:Meaner, 1544, do l• Mosel Muscatel, WM, do Johumisberg, /Abeling lc bleier; ' Radesheitner, 1831, hlumm & Co; Also, Haat Sauterne, 1940; and in bbd.. nese Wlees are from the most celebrated Oraperiee along the Rhino. In store and for sale by case. of one doe emelt, or by the tangle bottle, by 1y27 JACOB WEAVER, Jr. Champagne Wines. M UMlrtt. Anchor, in and glints; Heidseick, • Ocil de Perdrix, Partridge Eye, or Harp Brand, qta; Key, Brand, QIA Bonin Otape, Qt. and Pt.; Bothnener's Anchor, Qta; Tn Color Cherie de 13.10, Qte and No; There Wines are offered to the trade, wholesale and retail, reazonably. 1y27 JACOB WEAVER, Jr. COFFEE-2W 112 7 REYNOLrs d • supply Is, MOBACCC -1 choice b iry powty y t- . 17 4'7 MMACKEREL- daily caw: • : an, • •Aa.• N A nllOO ianc,i—••:4. naaa •Lik 02 7 S. P. VON VONNHORS'EA Co. FLOUR -74 bal. (Gibbs' cam ) to-day rce'd pe kcal bona Josephine, and for sale by iyl7 ARMSTRONG k CROZER. TAMES' NEW NOVEL—The Wood ! A R° U mince of the times of Illchard ,byG.V. It James, EN. Just received by JOHNSTON E. STOCKTON ror Miliket mud Th I=l3=l lEt HEREBY GIVEN to those who know themselves indebted to the Estate of JOHN WHITTEN, dee'd, (late of Ptdshargh,) that they ore requested to aall without delay nod tattle their accounts with Richard Floyd,at the Warchotwa of J. & IL "7.470., Round Charch Buildings, Liberty mem. Those neglecting , . this notice longer than tinny days, may expert that their accounts wall then ho in dm hand. of a proper officer for collection. Itt ARG RETAR TDT .Ad.t. jy`M dgur RICHARD P IX/RAPPING PAPA 6-500 reaof► iermeralted fu air sale by Jyie VDDIGWORTH le CO LTA llama, now ready for taking frootthe smote botue, for de by iyal Wb R 3IITCHEO* lAberty rj HOU LDERS-4000 pee Shoulders, in meta beam and for WC by jy24 Wb R AVCUTCHEON EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR-40 Ws just reed end for sale by IVA ARMSTRONG A CROZF.R rIIIIREE SECOND HAND PIAKOs, cuter for sale I or rera.— One of the above Plano Fortes .iii be ouebantred moat clumsily Ssock) fora lot of ground, or cooreltatsdne at a for Tacna. ,yl4 JOHN II SIF.LLOR, St Wood at JUN I ATTA BLOOMS-4A tan. In More dad far by KIER & JONES, IT-'I Canal Basin, near 7th st (: , 11t NI 'l' ARTAR-3 1, 17b i i . sdusl reeVN 4 , ;: je j -y UMBER—L bbl Jest reed mad fur sale by Ira R E SELLERS Ur A sale by RRI.IrrS 8:41UPI —I tierce j R ust reed and (or iyl3 a Laa,Eas L IQUORICE ROOT--400 lbs prime sourni,justree'd i and for sale by irra R H SELLERS WISS uslass—w. R. Mnrphy has received C) fresh suppLv for dresses, very cheap. Al.e em broidered Hosting, plain Molt filtrollno and barred Jason.; lose priced and fine; at northesen canter 4th and Monet eta. iT2j3 VURMTURE DIMITY—W. R. Murphy boa ird a few pieces for summer bed gals, at the low price of I 2 eta per yd. 3YM ATTIEr — XCE/1 PRICES—W Murphy hos on hand a few white and colored quilts, which he will close out at low pikes. lra BAcoN SHOULDNI3B-4 eaab loot reed and for sale by ITM 9 it W HARDALTGII rITIEEPE-62 bozos prune Crewe Cheese, lost reed and for sale by iy23 S \V HARDAUGH 1 , \TVA' BOOKS.—Southey's Ceram., Piece Book, IN edited by hi. sou.in-lsw,lolui Hood Herten, D. D. Abbott's History of Julies Cesar, with engravings. Just received at JOHNSTON k STOCKTON'S, /7'25 .r Market and Th. gra POTATOES -15 bbls this slay received - from Gslli poles, use 61. sale by jyZ ARMSTRONG & CROZER. . . . . Bllight Line of Omolbamrs, N bu i nilhtrve ß feT Vi o i ti E mneutZg A f ° e rn ; o a r 43 . irz tt Land 10 o'clock. Leaves LaccconCLl e oc & J. BRIADENTRAL. jyttutho 17 ROOMS-5.0 do: Pomerity's, for sale by 13 ,yl7 J D WILLIAMS .1.)112 y AP ED PLEM jrza • btoth s tu k st w reflu i d A tr u s i t i dc risl9H- - 110 - bbrslart 3 hlnaterel,Lloaton Inspco r non, an half bbla do do 50 bbla No 9 do,just reed and for sate by iy2o L B WATERMAN /110BACIN.3-476 bas s's Toonceo, 'nand ant to 1 . arrive 0o a r aw dnya,sol. of Able& are choler brands and of superior quality, reed on consignment and for sale by Jytal L R WATERMAN SRAIt 'AND s on hand and for sato by rai L 9 WATERMAN • • • ii - gAN:4-30 661 i Mato 'Peen., - on baud YY and for ants by lyl7o lb 9 WATERMAN all con. .r iy lernant andfor nit by ilmoizs, a anue, LOUR-20 bbl.. just reed null 02rusterb y • F ism ARMSTRONG & CROZER. PECAN NUTS-4 bbh Pccia r 1 ao. met rec'd and for sole by iylfl ROBISON, LIT:,LE. &Co SRY Aromatic V do Phibcome; do Alebiade Otl, crag Etna mell. D ui Salts; do do Rose Soap; do do, Patellaly as do do Bogart do; do Compound Ox Marrow; Jon reo'd nd for sale by 1716 Ft E SLI.LEAS, 57 Wood rt D 01183E11S 411.01.1.AT1C1C VINEGAR.—The high. ly sanatory, balsamic end male protienies of this Vinegar render it far superior to Cologne water for We onlatery purposes of the toilet, surpassing the let. ter in its punnets. prevent. and renames pidoplea tenter and asperity of the skin, it refresher. and whitens the ski& rendering it sedl and man& It forrects the clammy and Liner taste of the mouth, &opening • fresh and pleasant breath. It eleennes and whitens the teeth, and burdens the antrlit. Per all the above pun poses, it is used sena muter in such oroportlon as may. be found most agreeable. By inhaling it and rubbing it on the temples, it wilt - remove headache. If applied instantly toe btun or-braise, &will eventually prevent montfication. It corrects vitiated air, and gourantles from contagion; It is therefore very gimlet Firding and perfortungepartmenta For sale by It ESELLERS,VtoiI , ...r. Druggiot, Wood street, Pltutoirgh WHISKEY—GM Wits W6iskey, lo store artirrof V V sale by jump W& hi hITTCHELTRESC LACKWO.SI - 108 laiii:i2lFlifF6lot.ll.l- -- Coorrrra—Dleo Donates. No. s Christopher on. dL Canvass The Inland of Sardinia; The Cartons— part XIV; The Game Low. in ditotiand; Dominique; Pestolosziansi The Crowning of the Colorn, and Crushing of the Pedestal. Mug day reeeivod; for sale singly, or robrariptious taken sit la pin yol,r. A 1.1.. 14OCKWOO "°° 1T24 Agent for Publithere On= A young man In • wholcoale and retail drg gu o d s men—one acquainted with thu tnranten, and can come well recommended. Apply as =Merkel Q. iyixu 2• k t A ' SLACK/MITE .pabh , a m 4141 set psis, ear.. trim, and ahlh wait ;els required ahem Salt Works, and rnMaring MAR steam cmanea and boihns A goal 'leaden le now offered W. each at per to enael4h himself in boreal= where he can .ny two or three hand. Apply to Kiea& JONES, or the 'ascribe's, near Tereram4, to • farther infemnallea. THOMAS KIER, • , LEWISMERSON Saline Bah Wer ; 1/349. c , l4l. l `tu idtor STEAM BOATS. • " FOR CINCINNATI. 44 I. Iple:Vgl i :v . l.l47tlglit steamer Ilusirt, mace, st for lib Ova and •Il intermed.ale ports this day, at 4 o'clock. M For (me , .or passaltv- apply , 0 , 00 ,3 FOR CINCINNA Too rplendid , ort running steamer REVEILLE, manor, all leave for above logsmod nit uue rmed.t, porn oa Tuesday tut lust. at to o'clock, A M. For height or passage, apply on board or to auv6 Il W DORS, A tizE_ • CINCINNATI & P1TT213014.011 r - • ig at e DAILY PACKET LINE. WS well known line of splendid passenger &can on is now composed of the largest, swi bet l swift's; be. and furnished, and most powerful boats ea Mt waters of the Weal Every ascontinalation and con. fort that money can prosure, has been provided for pas. Imagers. The Line has been an operation for five Team —has earned a million of people without the least min ryto their persons. The hems mid ye at the foot of laVoad net the day previous to sta 'tug, for the Reap. Lon of height and the entry of passengers On the reps ler In all eases the passage matey must be pant 10 advance. SUNDAY PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain Ileaphill, wil. leave Paltylnargh every Sunday Iluarairlay att 1.110.0i0 el 4 Wleeeltay curry Sunday evening at 10 P. si. May 111, 1C47. 310Mitikartikkak. ET. , The NI ONONti A BELA, Capt. Brylve, will /am Pitt" bargh every Monday morning at 10 O'clock; Wheeling every Monday evening at tO pr'ka 'X' 0 ki.SIBA Ir.P . BifkatS The 111.11E1INLA No. 2, Civil, S. Itunirswus, will leave Pittsburgh very Taeadailositaing at 11l o'clock; Wheeling every Tileaulav eveutn2 allO r. r. The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Copt. & Tt2.2, wth leave Pinsherrch every Wrdneaday comm t at 18 Whavlang every Wednesday evantag a 10 TIIUKIIDAV The BRILLIANT, CapL ObaCra, wilt leave Pitts. burgh every Thursday mo twat to o'clock; Whoehea every Thur.tday eventag at 0 a The CLIPPER No, 2, Ca, Pecs Dove; will lea , / Pittsburgh every Friday m ming PA lOrielock; Mee, Ito. every Friday evening 10 r. 0. . •Tr. swim= MONON ARRANGEMENTS !or 1849. GAHELA, ROUTE. Only 73 Mlles St•gilni. Via Brownsville and Camberlintd to Baltimore toe Philadelphia THE splendid and Nat =rung U S MMI absentee* ATLANTIC, Capt J Parkinson; BALTIC, 'Opt A Jacob's; LOUIS &PLANE, Caw Bennet4 are .ar en Awe double daily trift. between PITTSBUROII AND BROWNSVILLE The morning bort iii leave the Monoagabela Wharf, above the Bridge, daily at 8 &clock precisely. Passengers will take SIJPERLICOACHEZ at Brower. villa at 3 o'clock, P. M., and the splendid ow at the ltattimore nnd Ohio Railroad, at Cumberland, at 8 o'clock, A. M., and arrive hi Baltimore the same even ing, or time for the evening hue to Philadelphia sad Washing - tem city. Prom Pittsburgh to Baltimore, only 39 boors. Fern SlO,OO From Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, only 40 boom Fare The evening boat will leave at 0 o'clock, accept Sau• day evenings. Passengers by this boat will lodge on booed ii controllable Sumo Rooms the first night, pass over the mountains the following day in Eastera built Coaches, and lodge the second night in Cumberland. Passengers have choice °relater Steamboat or Rail Road between Baltimore and Philadelphia, and the privilege of slopping at Cumberland end lialtiraure, and resuming their seam at pleasure. Coaches char tered to pasties to travel as they pleat. We make op the loads and way bill. for the Coach es in the Pittsburgh mixes. On order to save time at arriving at Brownsville 4 it is therefore Important for passengers te get their deism before going on board of the boat, at our office, Monongahela House, IVator street, or St ?Wine Hotel, Wood at, Pittsburgh. opfsalCint J. IiMiKIMEN Agent - -- Plttobanh 6 Loaloirtlls Packet Line PUB CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. The rplendid now rummer TELEGRAPII No.), m u d, will lea.. 0* ROW . , • • W.1‘2,••••! , • • .• W,11,71, k k,“ Pnol. et f.trtv. ',AO. • 171.X.IULAR TUESDAY PACKT:f FOR ST. Wills The bite fast :vetting pamengst - steamer ATLAVMS, Geo.W . %ricks, ammer ' aril! les., • •'• of the stove and luturmsdiate ports every 'Tuesday, at If o'clock. A. ea. Fur freleht or plunge apply on boon]. or to • E. C. KING, No. LA3 Com. Rosa, Louisville. REriULAR SATURDAY PACKET FOR ST. LOUIS eer The flue fu t ruzl4passertgr A. McPherson,memerosill lame for Dhowend lounmedune pops eve ry' Saturday, lu o'clock, r. For freight or postage cooly on board, or to E. C. NINO, No 143 Coos Row, .--..:—..—._ ... pciftwHEN;;;;!..I4II.BRIDGF.P,„OI2.. . . ... The gess'enirinCatii .tzzwr,f,,s ktogrtner6*-rnaster, will - , , g et fa rm heenag - Etfteort..__ Bbo.lo,ll,lniplini4lii4lll,,, an Wedoesdriranglits '',''' '.- ~. i 0 , . For freight Or pvstw,apply±qo Oeira.:•.:.;, , yyn FM WiIEEaRG . 0 1.12.0 , 1311.' I The finanteamer ' ,; • CINDPOnIS - gi,,-!. ' George Calhoun, master, will tem r shove and intermedime pen. on Mondays and Thinsdays, at 10 a n For treigla or passage, aping on board. 0 are -SUNDAY TRIPTIG — ttiIiVEIL 7 The U.S. Mall steamer nictimAN No. -2, witl Mane the Itmdirtg appose. the Itlonompthela Nouse i every Bae r morsom D n'eoel Returning, will =me. at 6 & clock,, Y. l Nl., fog Darr.. Fare to heaver sad back, Twenty.five Cents._ mr..l ___ SUltliiity TRIPE Ili llF'Atrgll. .0... ~, The steamer LIP,AVEII well leave ;.., ' - '9 the whorl, opposite the broconottga . be/a Hoare, every Ponder morning at 9 o'clock, for Beaver. Eammins. mil, leave Hearer of I o'cloek,, P. ht., and arrive at 4 o'clock. Fare,. Tevemy-tlre Cents. melg- REMOVAL GEO Bs SEFILTENDEELGEJIL . B. & AGENT, Pom and rr chant, has atooveid la N adi ng o. 87 Front, Comaustion Octoroon Ward not simitsgeo 'AT - 01133115, JICAVILLIIT, AND BULIMIA WARS. la, - TYPE subscriber, who hag been In baldness in the karma building for the last thirteen years, is selling all descriptions of Fine Gold andSii ver Watches, Jewelry, tied Silver Ware, el retail, at the very lowest pnetc. . Gold and Sliver &iglish Patent Lever \Patel:MA Gold and Silver Devhd Lover and Leven Waleima._ Gold and SIM. Graccontal mid-Varga WistaalL — .. Gold and Silver independent Second Weans/Yoe timing horses. Gold Goard, fob and veal Climes. Gold Specialties. Gold and Silver Pencils, Cold Pens. Ladies , Gold and Stone Bracelets. Gold Lockets. Gold and Silver Thimbles. Diamond Rings and Pin.. Ladies' and Gentlemen , Breastpins. Sterling Silver Spoons, Cops, Forks, ke. . • Gold IS'atehes a. Iwo es au to A.Litaelt... Watches nod Jewelry exchanged. Spoons and Forks plated en lieratan Weer ' a fins article. All watebecwarrartred to keep good Ange or the money tenoned. Jewelry repaired, and . 911alebes cleaned and repaired in the best manner, Si . otmeb less than the usual prices. GEO. C. A t .a...EN, . Imponer °Matches and Javretry, wholesale and retaii, 51 Wall silent, lap statriN)PMW ICOBA. . SW:dims WRSTERN INSURANCE CHUM OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL LIDO 000 • J. Fraltar, Jr. Seel. I it. Ware, Jr.„ Frost. WUI inci re against 11l kinds of ruts,. 11 FIRE AND MARI:NE. A LL 10111e4 will 43 eulPaccd and 'promptly. {mei n home im titntioa—mina;d. by Directors when Ira well knoVen In the contutunity, sod who are denannin ed by promptness and liberality to maintain the dm:r anter which they have rubsumed, tee eifeMng dm bees pram:Won to those who amine to be Insured. Drezzroes—.R. Millon, Jr., ,Geo. Black. J. W. MAW; N. dolma, Jr., Wot. Holmes, C. linnews.Orso. juckson, W,o. M. Lynn, Jen LlPPiedralr limb, anomenFAeleY, tlinilek,thila.SealL Oen= No:Mit Water street s fwar&tilite Of RP** & Co., up stairs,' Pfttsborgh. MOW - f THE PIANIUNITIBTITL3/14 on eta 411111101 r eatihettriatia, FOR THE PROMOTION OF on. MECHAM/IAM I',HE oldest Mechanical Periodical extant In AlDert .l. eta, is pgred on the first of easel month la Nes coy of - Phll kin It has LICE. regularly lona for uAwards of twe.nty. three years, and is cerefunr edited by a commineeiof ImM:inn,' gentlemen apentklmtibr the palm., by the Franklin Institute Tao deservedly high reputation, both et hotels Until abroad, which this Journal has acquired and ,dous ed, has given it a circulation and cationgo tin of-the boor eharocier, which enables the Conntuttee on Pub licetione to make the bon mlections fnita Foreign Journals, and to give eirculation m orlon:LI COMOnlaie anons on ineetudonl and aelenti4C sollects, and no tices of new inventions; noUcof CU 1/11 the Patents imb ed at the Patent Ole., Washington, City, are publiali cd in No Journal, weaver with a large amount olio. formation ou Mechanics, Chauncey, and Civil &ie.. „ r ,„ a fr om the latent and best anthoritlea. ; pubinhoti Cm the first of each rewili, each number treuttaieing 01 least seventy-IWCUpegaa, and forum two volumbe . Manning of ahem 4Z.LLS2m armed With engravi on Wraet eeniettsWltteh_ren_regtil copy Its sobserlptiollPliaa is *.k1114 Milan per , p a y.bio on he completitin of the elmh number, =kit anti Mrwanted free of pentap when gee toll aro. remitted turbo Actuary (postage paid] M adrenal., for one year's subseripUon. - Communications...l letters on business must be di rected 10 “the. Actuary of tho Franklin Institute, adelphia, Penasylvan,an the mama paid. wuttioraesnuroN, IyM dim Actuary F. i. Cheep Dry Deed lsa. WHO WANTS Nosquiro Bars for G 2 cents. Heavy Brown hhiglise for q " Bleached Superior Yotosaistu iailelle. • Goad gonliiy, do. Moon de Lamer Gingham. Alpsecas . 1 ttre 25 ji Silk sod Wool Berages " Lai Banner Ribbons Gloadipusliry Rid Okives" 231 Cessiners lei u Breadth:lilts u SIAS A A. MASON fr. CO, lama Goeils et ;them rimed above. Call noon st the only cheap one Pries More, 6p Market street. , vuirturs UALsOM-11doz ham a nd we .ala TTby 474 J, KUM & co. 1 - .11 • ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers