~~F: ~:...,..._ . _..,.~ ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS cops. - 1 11. 11•1011. Limn& & sTErtlrgilerT, ATTORNI,V., COE ArtEll e ßß A f LAW, rAnsri, tretaresur Bad Id and Liraut, 1111borgh. Pa. _ juiS /01. I. .100. L ABGE & FRIEND,. ZS, A Tr()PNI..I'" , AT LAW, Fourth ittect, near Grant jalnuf AFBI B:kftrrNu ACROZFAL Cornaarron !Beretta°. and torsiers In Prolate, Nor-OS !lamer surer krii 'shore!, deeN e 0. 0 , 0 ,1 100. - 11a1t 1 11FIELL) A Lk:ABER, Whlltrate derriere in Dry Goner, Grorenes, Boots.. thees, 'Piurburgh satins lactated urrieies. a.e., No. qtr Liberty street, pinsboreh. /YR • liAnnal 1, - a`mast Rama HAUL. A. PEtTER, Whir . esalnLahil Reran Drug. 13sorrier 01 Liher.y d Si. Cull, streets, Pius. P.Mur tnayl4 teLat - • • iaL L 2110111/11. ,•-td I tnI.N. D RAM 1 CELBERTSON, It+,4leanielirocens, JJ and C o minfinnun Slarctuorata, Lilicrty !manual, Pi, deal ly. t A tu 9* ci4tl " aniol ' l=ll "ur ry i. liderul•?•tiruCer . s,lB ardl Z.I Wdod street Pittsburgh. i:‘,/'• 11 4. hIcANULTY & Co., Fonr . lrroling and Corm IV/a miadon hlarehanm, Cool Mal i n ; Pittsburgh Pa. road Dunnein• Spring, Aria, itial and lron Works. 'LA CIOLEMA.N, tIAILMAN & Co, Slinufacruren of Coach amd Fltpde 4rnigo, Ilfabmitered Spring mid Plough Stunt,lron, itellVaretioum on Wrier and Front /dream, Pittsbargb Also, dente run in, Couch TrutimWs_nd Malleable oula PL&ILSLE %1• OURS 1./N LI BEWI'VI ST., OPPOSITE Tur.; VF PrerAßLßuil. 1111,D1 USD W • fIONTINEEs to manufacture Mthodi inn,. Burial la Vaults, lambs, !loud Stones, /Snider hum., Can tie and Pict Tops of foreign cud dol* l iuic marble, on a regular and fur prone. N. B.— Liraivringa fur monument!, iadu, &c. flinfirb cil, of any description. lie soli.= •tpilhare of polite p•tromign • saga -MI ).431U1 J. nairown tr. dENN - Krr, (1.,t NikhelM liallagher ..rA tiroccrs, Comnalaron and For warding Merchants, and dealers in Mulder and Ktw burgh hianahwarrco, No. 47 Wood suAretwern vd and CCIA. .t 1 6-4 a Forwortung i i ,Vbiorrhard, No. 1b Wood sweet Friltburgit. nuyil 11C 7 / I .IIIZ LIR ATOU - EFA C 'To B. Y . HAEII...ION STEWART, tuuntafutgrer of Heavy Skirtings, Checks. &c., KebeeteMstreet., cup of — A.Leghem. CtiovlS.:lly• "t_jLEE, isuccessor to Murphy k. 1e4,) Wool Deal, 1.1„. et cold Corcumestou Itterehany'ihr thy sale of AlOOlllOOO Woolens, Laneny. oppouteAth st. Celli? Y. . . .. _ WY. uss., Baltimore. . .... A. A sew's., )10WA110 lITII., • ii,,,,... D. C.II . CAVIALON, ltl/10 AL. IVA 3-1.1., ,L r VI BALD& tiutitz‘ oa, Tobacco .nossion bier -4 Ja ettnum, 41 North Water rt., tr. 15:, erth %Vl:turves, Phil. • - novalS,f . .._ S. L. 111.11.11. , Y. P. loNta (=Wee ' to Atwood, .11. A Jone Y e ' ir, j a N .) Comm & I C°' . and Ilti ' vardnag .11er annuls, dealer.. in Ptuaburgtt fdttnutuarl (roods, Ptunnarst, Po _.7,,,,,,,,_ meal .A,B=lrt/faEri a. Co., Wholca '' aVroe m cos, , th ' o%- trusrion blerchunta nod dealers to' lialacaNuarto 1 ater, audio: Front .300050. Parana , 0000 j . U tl,o ' r A l N oott P : ort ilo ttg of Al r • V :c4an cn i." l atleauto .I* ._. dealer in Western Hererve Cheese, ter, Put and Pearl Ash, nod Micaldnl Produce grratly, Water betweenaar, betcen Smidtlield and Wcod, tHabargn. npJ 1 OHN WATT, (successor to tarsal; fr. Ciento:LAO V V. (tolerate. Grocer nod CornotaYlita idercaant, dealer In Produce and Ptuablogit liAelares cr ries 0 ( . 141..0r9' and Haan intents, Pi • n Pa. 10.26 1.1.1!o4 A MetrULRE, (law of die ilitikof Wino nod # idcfraire,) Wareham Tador, St. ChlVlka Dtaldlnga,' ittudliect, near Wittryitotrurch. f"I Jirlti .I..lltiC itittU.. A (.1;::I-Hiessura - TA Lewis Untehreon th Co., Commisithol Merchants, and Agents of the Si. : looms Steam AO** r Refinery. sio...4yule: icraie. front .u.i.ia7; ztu3ktas.L. : . .±..1 .. " _ . Loa/ e!. Wholeistlistiroces, door!e rtan/InansalratreoT ' f h l c""44 ' t. Nn, - '27 WO to. r- Hralarett_...! 'IOHN Minivan!e unalatouvi deal es in Dyn Stalls, Plums Oils, Verrntliiin, N 0.93 Wood =vat, oats now Howls of DirtarnaslAmay, Pity. jaril 1 d.. 11134 NEM, Jr., is Co, rancetista Joseph U. Dart 1,) tip Ctnedlers, nLer nireen. 0 , 11. JMIN 1L 'Mak* Irl'holcgule nark:Wl Lice:e; in 310, era: lastrvasevasOlthool Bouts, raper. Sinter, tqe el Penn, Quills, Dritatni' Ca/11,, on Stationary pcnerriliy,No 1 Word st., Mabursh. Div imagist ur trml. trptS JSCHOUR hiA LI( n. Cu., IVvoterX4 Druggists, .No Woad strcet. rittsuurch. , JV. Auccluroer, C 0 ;ail .1111 W stress, l'ilutnatNll. JOUNSTI4g 4. STUCKTVN. 1.34;14 r4,irutters .ml Yurcr Nicumlacturcie, No. 44 kiffltel a, Yu.. burgh. said Palso6 hater C r , Pritrlntatt. ianta AOOL Icr to Foreilen t,vfnes /o/d 4.iqori, aalY_rtid aitLes .iioooo- - Rya t furkeya, COP. , Etna &tut ) 1 4ar/v , ..- /Y 2 t K LEX re JOiIES, ForseannuWond ColliNemou Mer e/m.la, Deulers in Produce sad Pitki/brgh menu. art/clot, Cann/ Baum, near 712 PJEJNN BIALA, PlTTaßlatlitil, V ENNEPY, L llll.l.ei & W, 3/ ono rat Nile re of very superior 4-4 Sheennes, CurpetCottou le n. [ll,lltun/or. 1.;140-17 ; Vesuvius Iron til'orks,..4 /J&L/Z ELL & Co., nounufactuary of ail zu Rue, iheet, Honer Iron and Neite„of the best quality. \\' rehouse, 11 waver end Itf.7 iftnit st *ltiv .T 1 LT B Ntt 1111 . 1.101.&N, Win,lnnate trro ' n.4 Forosnrci. . int 1111: CO.trilAstell blernintatt, 111 Largaltlatorenclturr. and Product, NO3. 41..tWater at, and ria Front 1 to r't MOM. 1. St MAYI. / .1041 r 4 141,1Wii Ifikiii444ll&DY & SAWYE4 g I0011.1M.: ...LOSS Manufacturers, tis*Sirttolesale &ale. In tureigo sod domestic VaSlaty floods. ntent merchants, Pedlars and othertalre maned to all and estiustue Mc prices and quality)gour stock, as Win onr present tacreased itilhatuunctur tr4; and purehmostg, Inns we can gar as crest inducements to buyers as any other imun'a - est of the Motioning.. stig-ly war annan, noon. c. w. ki.tsbur g i. 'AKICKETSON, hulesaletStpeers, sod AU importers of lirandtes, tan and &Oars, :Nos. In and OS, corner of Liberty and Irwol t1.1,C4, Pitts. Pa . 1..5. D. m'euu. )31". -01 tAix nostl pejE an an ALLEN & Co. Comm...ion and tForw.thng stoodAlorchtx, Water and Front stS.4 between d Market sta. 4att6 • ,‘ P - ortritt7ind filtdithrePturs /VA ton Reams, corner of Post OffwesAlley and Fourth street, Cliltallee on 4th near Market=*7 HOLMF~ & SON, No. 53 Startet.. - 4, second 11 . . door front corner of Fourth. dealers:4n Forms. nod Domestic Intl, of Stsentange, Corthett44o( Depos st, Bank Noma nod bpecto. /cot..* mad on an the prultkibal cities throughout Lotted Sado, ix deer: LIDCKMASTEtt, A..l4..A—Otlicei".4ll . third door staive Saumbeid. south xi Ai timsoyarictug of all kinds clone with frEillefft cam and logo aeourttoy. Tines to Demi Estate c..mined, /cc. xde t 346.1 y DK. OhlOiltikei OFFICE, Fourth street. near Grant, th% the room lately occupied by Alderman aitiler, tintnethoth ly opposno dlr. IlakevreWs. He may tic to4ttil at nignt is No a. on. Chttr i es Hotel. piirtnietut 8. T.llobertz. 111. nrTHALMIC St-He:LON, will attend Watt treat. inent Of Dl...ea of the Lye. tr y Dr. K boo been engaged in this branch FY iho medi. sal profession for statemt years. and has ehtaducted en establishment for the treatment of disetraeptZ the eye alone tor several years. Orates and reardeore corner of fitandltHiy st and Strawberry alley, Allegheny rely F.l setl4 il i gikrilit7lein A ST - 0 - 11.)13 - -110. sr., our Wood—Ali quantities oerDireen and Biota Tetm, done op in gartnr.4` half, and itirte,dormitypid.etAina.,, frtotroftlfi.cemitr.pijApnd MOUID, H wnr.o.c (Home tc.7lfr..eutylng Diauller, dealer to Proorter, Pareborgii, Manatee. taloa, and nil hinds ot Foreign and tkont4tyoo Winos and Digo.. No.ll Ltheny secure. the eland • very largo stork of supenor ned ittottongaliolOvinakey, winch will be sold low tor e ash, futtlitty 1110alrr tiontower, assman HaILIINSON & Co., Wbolesnle Groce. , ..*Prodtree h il t ,and Commuution Men:harm, and ba•RsCil ill Pala. Pa. gh Danolneurres, No. DM Utterly st, Utterly.,. rl'lnut:lry D&L.ZIILL & Loy V. noinaZza DUrocara, C011.1 . 1 5.0111311d F'orwarding bklCllOlll2/$, dealt. dart and Vantbnagh Alanufarnires,l,4keity ar rid•l.ard is, PeL • !":-• feb24 A. CLAN Whoicsa.S r Grace 111. 4- lAsier Produce atd IltAthargb 144 W. acturc:, No. RN I..metty aa. :.-; j 712 L. a rimoLos, r,„'it: max Jji EFNOLLiir & BMX, Forwarding Ind Q•ainunion y Merchants, for the rilie&lieily }Liver deal. an w GI/reel - ICS, Produce, rgllebllrgh Ind iliblcrtide of Lime. Tim Luglini prices, in cash, paid a, o n One, kir nun. wigs. Corner of Penn ant Irwin era B. C. atucatm, tuos.. 'prctlia. fIACKLF:I7 t Wholeude akulers to Foreign and Domenue Dry limids. rim,49Wcirid si Pittsuurgh. 1.4 ebl7tl . 071. W. IiAKBAUGII, Wool Merchai*D n m er s O n In Flour and Produce generally, and Fft woo o no alsl Cummins!. Merchants, .o. 5:.1 Watit4l., burr b. . = ItAGALEN & Co. . %%uiles:ale Ag.dr.., ern no d 1,3 Produce oll[Vers, No. itti Market streeblicfain, ro lob and 60. North ode. Plaladenibm. novy I. aazl.aSs~ riersnexon. 1.13 avhann. 0, ELLER: 4 Zs WOLF, iv OLF, Produce and tidiiral Ginn. mines, Merchants, No. Lil.crty st.,e4isburgh Sperm, Idu.red null 1,01,1 I kis. h VI 1:4 DONNDORS A. 4 T, Wh .1:1;;;. cam, Furwarding Coniarthrion re Dealers in Pittsburgh Manuinciurcu and Mi !urn Pro. girerhage removed In Meir new warebouwaildld stundi No. 35, corder of Front et. and Chancery OCIV .2. .r.;&olinorr. TROTH & SCOTT, Who:ernie and Remit-dilaters in Boot., Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bags, &&., S. W rner of .Ith and Sinitlineid to, Ciiniburghl4l,- ja.l earConscuis. Won klernhanti, and dealers In rm.:lank; No. 33 AAWood st, riuzb %rib. Y 1 poa \ i • 11 11 10 = . ~ ...,...... _ .. ..................„.. .. •. •. . • ......... .. .., .. . . , .. .. _ . , • • ~, .. .. .. I. . . . . . , . . . . , . . .4t. . • • r.x.. - • .i.: l i.' • • .1 • .. , a . , .. • ...., ~,, x. e —... , ... a ...a, a. . , . .:. . . . . •,' ; . . . . I 1 . . . .. . . . , . . . . . ' . THE I . .. . . ....: , . .... .. • .. .. _. . , ~. ~ _ . ... ‘ . . . _ . , ........ . ~. - _ 0 .A 4 DA , ik...., . . .... _. .... , .-; .011 X o. WICL, DAVID a.NOLMIS WICK k M'CANDLESS, 'ffnateS•nre & D T auto Wholesale Forwarthug and Comma:mon 31erehants, dealer in Iron, Naas, Clan, lautan Yarns, acrd Plustaargh generally, roam- , of Wand and Wag, -treats. Patsbarch F _ W. . and Mil l canal taarl33 "°'" e. W. " a ' al t i V h i llal .‘ l,CotTs " c ' or i n7r O l lVal t k v e a t r an7,% atteets, Pathhargla Pa. IS , B —lVatches and Clock. ear. reparat, &TA ATEsT BOWNN—Corzunualoi, and Forward,' Merchant, No. DO Front at between Wood ar Market atheets '044 N.I Witolesath tal and Rrl deaths] Fore ll ign Ir),d Domesno Dry Good., north ea comer of hlarkethad Fourth sta. augal WX 2.70 a. XTIMX YOCNG,It Co.—Dealers mleather bates te, V 1,13 Lthe•nypit.. .Wily WM. utrrenana Ilan warrant., & IL NPLIZPCIIFON VVlnleaule Grocers dew . leas in Pradoes, Iron, Naas, G 1111,4, and Pau bargh3lannfaethals generaly, 132 Warty st, Plan burgh deal W WILSON, Dealer in Watches, Jeuirry a Savo Wale, Military Goods, Ae., No 57 Ma r nor 11 - 7 — .77lll7llTiti ° LEEPP:ME, -- WhiskGronega Rectifying ahstillera and Wine and each March.. A IsoAmporters of Soda Ash and Bleach .g Powder, No. rpo Libeny strain, Paisburgh, Pa. Anon DEALER B IDE. AND LEATHER, Morocco S IN Shoe Firalint„ ere., N. 143 Liberty street, huv. NH received thett SPRING STOCK or good., coin priring a large assOlotent of articles in their line. t • which the attenuomorpurchasro is invited. — IPETTIGELJECW - - eo', SHAM BOAT A li NT s • saove hl. ALLAN A CO. - 1 1 2/ No. 42 Water tercet. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. frith: INSURANOE CO. of North America will maktapernamtMd and hunted insurance on pro perty in this city nip! ncistity, and Nli/I tunas by Canal, Rivers, Lakes, and by Sea The properties at this Company ary. Invested, nod furnish an avail able fund for theaniple Indemnity of all persons who desire to be pro tea by insurance. myle Whlj - P JONES, agent 44 Water st. DIMISEMNITY4 The Franklin Asi huttrance Co, of Pkilarirliktia. TAIRECTORS--Clooles N./Jute/Ler, Thomas Bart, _LI Tobin Wagon.. Samuel (room Jacob R South, Geo. W atchardr, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolph° E. Bone, Dand S. Bro=rris Patterson. N. B Charles 0. Banekdr, Secretory. . C.... President. Continue to makcAnsuranee, perpetual or limited, Oct every desoriptionar property itt town or country, at rates ma low as any consistent with sem:in:y r To Company have -reserved a large connueent Nod, which with their Capital and Premiums, safely unrest ed, allind ample protection to die muntred. The assets ot eampany, on January lot. 1549, as poblislied agrecabll to an act of Assembly, were as follows, vie: Mortgettes• • • 5, • • • Real Eitate• • TempoLulus om • Cash, Jr.c. 81,..T.Z,4att 71 Since their ineorpirauon, a period of years, they Ithre paid upwards off oue nidtion four baudred thous and dollar., thaws b e ifire, thereby s w e ll evidenoe al the advantages o insurance, as well as the ability and disputation to mnit wall promptness all Ithblltuva. J. (41t011a Eft i-OFFIN, Agent, marl-dly Ofhtle N E corer Rood and 11.1 ids Dit'.eav atirTUAL INBUILANCIC CO. Tj . d MADEIRA4Igent at Pimtiargh for the Dan ware tilobsalSagery Insurance Compithy of Phial- Pire . ll.l4lolpon buildutya and merchanchae eery ery desanpnong and Maxine Risks upon bulls or "M.* Of t r . upon the most favorable hOrrice in the Warehouse of W. 11.11ohnes fr. Duo., 7 Water, near Market street, Pinaborgh. N.M.—The .cceast*of this Company since the math- Jiainacal of the Agent* in this city, with the prorapt ne i,, , tscu has l liberality will which every clam upon Mem r ffll , 4 the Community at large to p the Delaware Id. S. In.- :once Company, while it has the additional advantages dainsutation aroo4the moet tioansking in Pima. , phis. phia.--an having 1141 lepaid-ta capital. whieb by me operation of Os charper u constantly mere.mg, yielding to e el peradit nunred ha due shore or the profits of thcomp/tap, antbdut Involving him to any r.stousiteley whatever, and, thereto - re at possessing the Mutual princrple div.ted‘ of every obnomous ma. tare, and lAMB moat aOrlats ve form nod 1k1.11..V, INSVILAISCE. 'VOL insurance Coldproly oi North America. through Its duly authonseU Agent, the ...eas rer, odor. to make permanent and bruited Insurance on progeny, to this city and iu vicaubt, and Oil sasprustts by the Ca nal and Divers. DfltEcroits. Arthur G Coffin, 94-,EPI W.. 101103, Smith ME= ••-••••, •, " 8. AIWWI A I:tbone, tflgil O. COFFIN, Frost bt.ltat b. smocuzna",.*.ey. This is the oltraiy, Inahnotee Company in the tatted States, having Veen cijartered m 1:94. ha charter ot perpetual, and from as Sorb standing, loot experictue, 1613p1e means,and avoiding al. n.k. to ail extra ha, ordains character, it mall be considered to offenne am ple aceurity to th e palish. IV. F. At the Counuag Huoatof Atwood, Jones & Ca.. Wa ter awl From atom. Pipotireh • ' sr; skirt 81.1118CRIIIElt 4. been appootted Antr.lll , pro I utw of the hiatus: um Company o( North Acur rm a. and will isaoCPOlielca Cad attend Lo tar other L , Lt•ILLL-.. of the Agency, at the s'asetiouac at Atwood. Juoc• Co. apl2 XV tt P Iffuter FOR WARDIN6 & COMMISSION, / scastxo 6imallanowna 0111.ARL16111 fis DELNENHOW Ell eh co. TOBACCO CONIIIOI.SOfI aIEECIUMTN, No. 50 South Wharvei, is.J No. 117 South Water rt PHILI-DEG'S In inform me ode and dealers .generally, of .0 Pittsburgh, that thrft.. in made much arming-menu with the Vuglma muno)amerers Rod the Growers a( the West, West Indies, nod other places, teal insure a largo and coustants4ply of the fotlowmg demnp none of Tobacco, whmg twin be .old upon as accom modating terms as any 'puler house to Ulm exit or else where, and all goods ored from them will be tens rented equal. to represe mm, Havana; St. Dmmag Con.; Y.ra; Cuba; Porto Penn's.; }Seed Leaf to -Igouu; & Florolat borne, %S.—arum.. celebrated Arum.. Stag Caven dish. with a large asmrtment of .titer popular bru..ttin, uul quorateo of pumas ; 4., na, Ma, in. tool 1., LomPi ss, 6, Es Red Pis Plug; Diolics• hr., sweet • bales, wood c' belong,. jel6/I.y • ; , ? r • I E.. n • . 01taalu4 tnernnant and Itorwardnt, No. 4 CANAL ST' CINCINNATI, OHIO. 137. Pnrueular attentgon Find :a the puwenasing of of any arlfeLe of Produce! in Utis mark-.. Also 10 1.110 tartan/tint of Goods genkraDy. Refer to Alessi.. John SwaPhy & Co, " Marti rs n a Kicakurell}Cineinnati, 0. S. C. Parkhut, Ecq. Lippincott & Co. k , Kier a lance, }Pittsburgh, P. English & Bennett: inar,d6ro .... . GIMOUGIM COCHMAR. Conant*salon and Fl*surardleig Merchant. tie. 26 woorsym, rttruttimn, fIONTINUEN en Banana • general Cemithasine bust. 1.../ nu, especially in thtpurchase and sale of dinett e. Manufactures and . Ppliduce, and in receiving and forwarding thuds ennallfileil to hi. ea= As Agent for the Illantartates, he ;Nth be ee.tantly supplied with the principal aruclea of Pittsburgh klunufamnre at the lowest wholesale pince r Orders and eonsiguraertiii are reopeellully .oliniteey i 97 ial. a. YzAtacie. e. F. rumors. ate. R. 14/litnnolt. YEATMAN, PFTTMAN el, co., FO6IV9ILDIIIO /11 LOARISSION illilielllATS, • No. lit fie.Sond street mch27rltbrie ST. 1.01/15, MU. • PA DEB I , SHOVEL.g, ma.-40 doe Spades and She ° vela 4D do Menem Folks; rd do Gram Shovels, Si do Socket do; Axes, Mathieu, filatbeke and Pick.. Bellows, Vices,le., for sale ai ruattufamurcrs prints . invite ItUct COCHRAN. re w0...1 Sr PITTSBURGH !STEEL ; l AVOIIIiS AND - SPRING AND AIWA FACTORY. ISAAC 30.131:1, JONE a 4, - quigo, JOUR IL gala.. ikfANUFACTURERS ofsprimt and blister steel, FI. plough steel, steel table t wings, coach and ettp2 no springs, hen - inured (roil: atles,and dealers to oral leabte nastier., fire enginelantp and coach triainainas nmently, corner of RossUnd Front ne, Pituburgli, Pa la/ -----I"v."M l W ltltl . , k Aßllril lAf ER. Which Medea, turbid water pure by ~... ,t;,, remerimitill übstance. not voluble in lea ) suns Use eromp water an N. 1 erk iil ~,,, allhOlign (tear and pure to the CO, y yet ) i, et.:.* is:nreit.bretts.ses:::::.fizgliTthLt filtering cdck, shows a lane deo...it ...-. in the case more or less wl,th all hydrant water. The Reversible Filtererrs neat and durable, and Is not attended with the Inctinsametue incident to other Fliterer., a* It is cleansed tanhout being couched hoc be water pipe, by Inerelylturnill the key or handl. from one side to the other.; Br tits eny process, de War. Of Water ischi-ogee and on Recalaulation s Cr impure submiumes are driven .1 allnool Invlantly without linecreWing the Filter. It also posamni du advantage of being a stop seek, and as such in man; cases will be very convenient and eeOnomicaL 'lean be attached wherepere Is say prcuare Mgt or low to • cask, tank, tabfahewlth ease. To be. hat of the sole Agent, , IV, W. WILSON, nil' cm - n. 4 Fourth and Market rat I, 4 tiskt ai Lt.-7k handset . ..Pan:illy Carriage, for One or two bone., built atiPhilattalphia by a ectr.rm• ted manufacturer. lies ealliage it to every triprel a firer rate artule, made wish all the surnicrn Improve menu, hoed with hoe cloth and fin.l:cd iii ruperlor mtmner. It rit inanely new, and sold for wain of use. Require of Air-FA AN DER & DA V, _ . ml2l 75 Market at, N corner or the leasoond tiTO - 1:01 - 11.N AND VP,OOLEN DIANUYACTL`• ITEDS.—Havinit made net suge D itY ntemta for a eon ant topply of FAL ru FINDINDS, eve will sell at lost price. Call' and Sheep Holey Mns, Lace he& thee, Pleb..., Reel* Shoultea, Hemp "[aloe Tre&lletr No. sto 16 DOD rancher. Wre tic bee, ripp tog Cattle. to to lb in; Pataat Dreaserilinsees, Weaver.' Itrool,• Ate se. I.UfiAN, WILSON & _t!ty4 160. We° roe., Potato rot; • BENNETT 4 BROTHER, ciffElthirriVAßE MAN uFneruß Utraats~baaa,lnitani Pittsbazgh,i %Moult, Na 137, Wad aired, Ws &urg h. g Wl LLeonstarnly keep an hand a good auor, mem of Ware, of dor own manufacture, and auperiorinality. Wholesale and country cr amnia re tea /. invited to call and ex. whine gar iheinaelyea t as we are dotermihed to veil cheaper than Weyer been been offered to the put. Orders wilt by soilleaeconipanied by the coati at ity rofertnee, will be pronto, wended W. m7lO CARDS INSURANCE 01 047 4J.3 41 ea 7.• Dd,WI Ed 51 ir!..l 3.1.004 J* r: Charln Taylor, i, Anaoro.e IV laic., Jac°. NI Thossus, i John a Neff, LeLord D. Wood, Wrn. %Vt.leh, !maw. ilo.kras, Ruer's Tome A/tercovc warn osod err Ol• variably actloccledgefl to Lc kuprrtur alt . purgauvc Ifver ptil : tut..4.meh tLey biovvels perfectly tree Irma roattveatesai '(solder, 104 (solder, PM. admiOrd by the faculty to po“ca.,,,•u• bar proper:les I , lapird to female. sliwaser, aartsflrd that bare Ina, ;4 •tahrlcOl to r•tslutsu w.,et has been stud to Me minds at Lt., wont ol.cpueru The othleted are matted to cal: u; , ~,, tar 14,, end procure Wail!) our of the 111,c,r barno 4,4 •,pg a detailed account preach rrnir.ly ane Far sale by the fol o . .stog agent, as well as t.y mast Dr j ur c iLts n th m t:u t ttr a tit c 2 , e z4 ....z ., lT Siren .1 hl Townsend, druggist, 15 Market s, .• laa A Ikeknam, - bear U., I. 1.1. , thrgheny rip; Joe Berkley. Darling., ((rarer count), l'a Jan Ellsou ' F.ts:ton Valley, •• T Ada., Beaver, racially Jaynes' Expectorant. Bshrat 2. Colanatinkna co., Id , Apr. 21, tail. DR.T . 111.. D. JAYNksbi Dasa p rat —l feel hound to you and the alMeted public., to avotl my. . c it of mi. op portunity of gtoolg publicity to the extrannltnary edema of your Expectorant on myseli. !laving bee ti , i1111.1,t11 for several years with a severe coispt, hero,, boor and no concoinamt diseases, and seemed only doomed to linger out art short bin miserable eminence soul the 101 l of IKin, when, being more severely attacked, nod Laving resorted to all my former remedies, and the pre. scrlplions of two of the most respectable physicians m the neighborhood without deriving any benefit. or Mc cociaolubon of suniimag but a trw days or weeks at farthest—when the lost gleam of hope WWI übout to vanish, I had recommended to Mr your Expecturent— and blessed by that tieing who doe•scl things tu we use oldie meons—aad contrary to the expectations of physicmue and ttmnde,l s few days Irmo rmo my bed, and was enacted by to use nt ucctic, ttend WI my business, cilia, nig since Leiter heraili than I bad for ten years prevtous. Itespectiony yours, kc, •1. W. Kn uu.. For sate. in Pantiurgl; .1 , at the Pekin lea :store, 72 Fourth street. ma r. Dr. ItioLarre In Tennerser. 1115 is to certify lb.. I purchased one vial of Dr. 1` larLentr , s Nonni Spoeifir, some two months ago and gore to au el l/1101, some seven }ears old,ra gaga:nub and although the amount may appear arse, 7•2 have no doubt but Mere w•s upwuros of non MOO.. loony., passed frorn hm4 measuring tom oea r 01'2 "'" RWaria "sock. Carrot co. Tenn. Der :17, 101 l a 24 • • 8 LA.L.k.ilt , V Llfslll. lAA, 1./1 - .01(1.IN .- e01.1,0/1,, Jan. , th, I .-11/ Air. R. E. Sellers:-1 our Yr/mange 6m. •0,1 syr:l and b. been Irgb y tow, n u) u.l %V DO 1112 V, I.lr, FrO4/ the eue:ct• nto I.uolg uthrom•tr•ti/on u your Vrrml:ugc evrt) cn-r I 13A vr uould I /1/•• cunGdelit I 1.11 mole auriAgin voin.ng tvutAo dud •••L. I , A 111 on glud 111 anutucr .up ply off or A gr.,. 1 al.rs, ro•pccuu .y, lEXtrnot (ruin letter Jr Wri•.R. Prorured and told by R F NEI.I.IItN, 57 1 , / runt tt and 'mkt by drugpald grsscrully, Piljaburgb ma. NI lerritny. inn! , lIE silb,erlber Ita• reenov, H,• \Vnerirpa:e Grov ry Slore to thr own, DI tintletwil gnemy %% Ink.; ncil door to the I•cor, 11..+P I 14.112 II V. • , Foreign Foreig n o l. mestio Li q taor •. Aquart, to tall I:lurch...as, by • V V E hav,, .00,1 , I'CMPIn. mad oo nit improv,i plan, .0 n . 1.0 .ot no I . (erre litc .6. wining 00100, Pet•ell. v.:wi1,0;0., ,n 0,1,110 ~0 se, Ittem . FF: A. Al'lsl:,l,,`, nreas in. .ntn.nrn Won. ,1111 l!N DRIES-14 bbls Nu do •L; Macon, as,..oned, L...,11 liry 6 to 11.1.,, for .u.lO by I,tlA/1 Dl. Isi.t t 104 Fr u , - - Wool, I do F , .•:hco., 1 , ”11 I. E d M to,d 1.. r •nte by IGO JAME,. ll.11.;!11.1. kola I lb. upwtards. Yl Imo. el.. to el per 11, Al so red, blue. greet. &IA yt law to con. to a lb.. eow.tootly In; oa e. wed dr Cry, ry's Ink in our ollom for note MO.. pail..l. Net - root it nova to any that I. too& a: otrit“,or) Jonas cuPb. /MINS row ~1`0171c11./.\ 114 , 9 roroct flord 004 •to S N I , IIIF-4-74 Ma,. Golfo, 14 bola No-I Lol; - I half Ft...re:l, 2 tiArdon It,, - E. other, 7 Gineyig, 2 " Wool Now landing; from Carobetimol, No 2, for .ale Ly ISAIMi DICKEY h Co, From or LAW OFFICES. IL B. CARNAILINo A TTORNEY AT LAW Offirr en Fourth area. between Cherry alley 9 ful Grant at. otyl I ly ATTORNEY AT LAW, Budf-r, Pa YY alto attend to co.:cet,ons Ind ail other hum nevt mina: tell to hire Ulric, .141 Armstrong counts, Pa. ll,ler to J & L rinvd. iabr,y . W, •to I James N , arsbuii .to Kg!: . ocd st. Tb. FVVEI77.}..a. Atlorr.ry m Inw nrtn..4.l•t Cbarks llu rl. .inn attend promptly to Collrct:on3, tit Wastonamn. Fortte and Greg, countiea, Pa (B M 'a :re k h " re k' ar ik at i h i e ß;l t: F:',a l t :. :lttataugh. D T. hiorgen. 1 LA J. HENl2V„ , inori,e7 and CJ ireilor La, Cinrinnsu. Co,lect ions in Souther: oino and in Indians, and in Kriitiwk y, promptly and rire• fully attended to. COTlllllel , loElet tsr the Shale of Pct., iylvaluo, for taking DepomuoriN, acknowledgment., Ruouu Wm Bell k Sort , CIWIIs, Church & Carothers. Wm. Bays, IN Work k Dow.. uRS /.11.11.11.M.411., 11.A.E111,0)41,,WM.L. DUALOP k SEWELL, ...rye) . at I.W, 111Lccr 0 0 mithfield. hrtwren :kJ and 41h sta. JOHN T. COCHRAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' , nun!. IlleCt, between Stnetitneld arid Grant. ja I .2. , :dm W - 0 IT ROBINSON; Attorney nt Law. ha% re . moved tan office m ;he Es champ! kluddiqa, St. Cla/r in., next door to Alderman Johns, HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS CO., ® eL (suc,e..." to NlVere it Kin!) Fashlonabl• oPeRTCOTT!, Of W CL ICod and Ftfi Strr4a. AR attentlott pold to oar Rethil Track. Genthertett etut rely upon getunit their lima and Cops from ear estabLishment of the EST' SIATTJUM-, and 131 021111.1.1f1t, 0( the Lan. SM.. nal: al the lemon Country Merchants, purchamog by wholomtle, are respectfully Invited to Call and marntne our 2 inch, ai no can my with confidence that or regards deILITI and enter, II 0111 not suffer ion ompanion with any house in Philadelploa. SEE' CALIFORNIA HATS—I 2 dor. water prieltf Caltfornla Hot., But received and for nee by APO IRO & Co. iebt.7. corner sth and Wood its nNS/PRINO FASHIONS FOR 1.849. 12 / M'CORII & Co will iiiiranme on bat., day, March the :String style of HA TS . Those in want of a neat and superior hat, are Invited to call it comer of AM and Wood Streit.. tnar2 - - - SPRING BONNET WM /NS, &c._W ft Murphy LJ ha* now open a suppl of aping ßonnet Ribbons , of new and handiome styl y es. Also. new style fig'd Netts: alp Lie Lace. avd Edg ings; Lik.ellEdlnd, Victoria do, lant MosSola and Jaconets, embroidered bid,, Mail as. &r., beintei a large miortinent of Sprtne (toed, generally, at north eszt corner 4th and Market street., Winiesale On ann MEIIiCAL. 1:111.FACI ENT.—ll,,rsea while running at large in the field. are very opt to brut, .11 , i Injure thrtuxelve. in many to 'I bey are often disai,led oo a, to be toelear for u lo•ic time. If inionedlui , uoe could be made of It. A Fannextock Huhe fa clew, end toe l ruiocd part i•Vii to :Uturea. .ref the remedy rutted th. it wou.il rel.l and en, the pain No farmer obould be without Olio revtirated medicine. asit to ahlie litalinz to man or be Pre pared and roll by A FAUN Kt•mr fr. 0, runt,, of Wood and 1.1• ~ ririi, ow. arid Wood OHM KIL.LI-IA. —Anotner pro oC . the triumphant snooty, at Morgan . Verm“e•r. 'l . lll - sat sun. May In. 1-19 " Mr. John D. Morrow—lf my name is of WO utO the sudertng communtly. to regard to the art:r or Morgan's Vertnituge, you a, perleet•y we tome tr. a I had two clnidren sorely sOlirted t,.• tame nlartn• t. and eery 2u,t..f , -o, oh. 1 your ed Verut,fuge, 004 a , untnsaing to toil, oi them woe de.tvrred of about 114) worm. fillet, latllnr..l long, of the 11,10,1 fr.agimul 1E1,4. rr,funhut a,re appearance of eels ulcer chnti was d,/,,.reu ltf about tt he chtl,lren are now ghnel j You may well be proud of) our Worm Your. tru y puoln Si.a. Virgin Preparte and mt•: and It. MORGAN. Druigist. Wood ..reef. ot,e door helow In amond at 14 ATOURCOetiti MIAV hErTr af.r, 2111../..111,1 NV s•O at r, try 1.. ^ • ..,me ,r,th Mr. R. I'. Se%er, Remr ,;;t1 ;„. cough. orl.tc u. toe an daliy cmp.o, mast y r t I be ao much ( . 11i41.14tri •,1 t• •0 llrs r.ng of th , If t Ca ,t• . your Cough nrus. 1r n r.... an. am a odu,r, rd.,: rn, case. Aitor u•ma; one t..4m. the ruinr ei.,17 / • t , 1•14 and I am ionrwriectly J, s a This p s and 2.1.11,t it I-. I Sr.l.Lt IL:. 57 - Ms° Druggnaa geocrady to the t wo mt.es nCT.MR, . SAVED HER I.ery . Vermoure t• r.re tie. / ON JUJI. Mr. J. M. Srt yin] Verse/ere , r..to you tome Ilion ago. from my g 5 Ule rt .:11`•-r , herol,d I.« e a.d ear.- yr,' a very anon utsto, bel m, tVxt f.,‘T.. Jr Prerarml and sold by R S ..% 4, el: told lf. ueenfm two IMPOILTAINT TO TOE AFFLICTED. Dr. liote's CeletYrulett ktrrirdirs. lAt;011S fti ',fr.. th e .1 . 0 _EY ;meter of Me.. 1310.dt trgn,a...! utal :.r . .elp . 1,11- and n.ao ILP Vl - 11:or Of lilt: [Or 1.1,3,4 y • ment for taliatatta tr.e m sea, •imient of that entmem co., floe tor Ph, .fe. and ef , ...limte oi •e'of of Pes , ..ylvunia.. and Mr intr... yf.ar• engitgtfd m the in ye . ..U.:atm:. ot ameaee, [mil the cation a , nmeme• thereto Thrtmen the use of ma .n9atlnr nth, in ,31r,..,01 3 leap hm Velma) ionic Syrup ef..l omer of a,• be boa gained an unpara.r..... erntsiener 111 e ipP P4 r. 0.1 dreadful and fatal Tuberewar t..aneer, eve , erutu., lihruntuti.m. fun, Fever ...in .f,t.r. Fr. of all blind, ettrollie :as, and all ltio.e Mura.e•pera.mr Indeed every form of dmeuxe omit, of bin wem, humanly Nell-Iml P, t•in Pee of one compooml our), or that I. Incnob 01P.,.1 rbywo)ogleallAm. 1., by the use of iii. ten,. Mea l adapted to sad procerMediur raen i disease peed,. f I=l PITTSBURGH. MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6,: CaPARTNERSH Meer;lllations 9 , 11 E etnymmnenhip heretofore existing boner, the I subscribers, in the come of l'orditsalle. 'tette rs Chi this day dissolved by mom. consent. Messrs. (101ke A Ilsrtie• will settle he business or the enn. yew, eons h purpose they ore autlions.l to use the name of the eon, tn N,t TII AN I itt. CONSVAILLE, EDMUND uunKr, THOMAS BARNF.M. The ti tide rsiirneil have Hits der associated themselves IL n... I . lh E BA UN Fir , . rot the. purpose l . htsuntocturins tire Noel Sawn, Vault Ihsor, he. r ut the aeitid of the Isle firm Of Constahle. Bone th. eel they will be pleased to receive Me pa tron:Ka et the rI.I.IOMICI, of th at house and th eir friends. Eit'olt;:h n BURKE, THONins BARNES. In retiring from the firm of Coruna:de, Burke dr Chi, withsincere pies sure tecommead Meson. Puree re Hurries to the Confidence of ray friend. and the puline. Feb 0, 1h.19 NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. DIBBOLUTION. THE partnership of MURPHY & LEE Is ens day ths.tnived by mutual consent. The hasi,tess of the late font will be ...Inca H. Lee. J. R. MURPHY, Plasburgh, Jan. MI, 1749. 11. LEE. NOTIOE—The underawned urill continue the W• . Wen eas wed attend to the sale of Woolen Hoods, • the Did stand. 11 LEL. In retitle& from the firmof Murphy & Lee, I in&V crest p;eamure in recommending Mr. H. Lee to- the eon/Mena, of my friends and the public. Pittsburgh. Jun. Au, 1849. J. H. 91118.1 1 11 Y. T.; subserthers inve tide - day associated then, ',lves together for the purpose of transacting a wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery business, at No &Mt Liberty, opposite Seventh street, under the style and firm of BUSHHELD & HAYS. Ptumburch, January 1, 1849. N. Li —Our old commuters and the public are Melted to pre or Jo y CO - PAII.TNICIISIIIP. AYM. R. SCALFE and Capt. JAMES ATKINSON have entered ado partnership, under the fora of IFE & ATKINSON. and will carry on the Tin, Copper. and Sheet Iron Wuee manufactory. A ko. Hloclotoolhins in all its branches, at the old stand of Wom B Senile, First street, near Wood. Funicular arletlllOn (men to steamboat work. and IHA VI.: Lt,s dor aSsoCiaresl with rue in the whale talc Grocery, Produce and Commission business, my be other Joseph, under Me firm ofJ. 8 DtLwon•ra & Ca. J. S. DIL WORTH. January I. IMO • ('IOePA.RTNERSIIIP—Wm. Young haring ad day 3x...updated wail rtuu, John EL hl'enne, the lea 111, bosom. .111 Loteafter Le conducted under the firm of \ In. Young A. Co. WILLIAM YOUNG, !NO It. NI'CIINF. BOOK TRADE. JAMES D. LOUK WOOD. (For many years connected wilt. Messrs. Wiley et rut want, and late John Wney, N. York sad London,) Iml.l. ALIO Ihtl.olYll‘ll. 01 ENGLISH, PREACH ANU GERAIAN BOOKS, No. da Woou Racks, (Nearly opposite the Sc Charles Hotel FITI 1 French, and Harmon Settee. d Madames, aud New.papern unpell to enter, prices of wench may be •scertameil on applteanon to Mr. L. Catalogues g,70.11. my kl L , Nel CLDPEIMAS AND DlCtlf tNA al ES, (ono. spemal and tudependent works, edued by wet ter. distinguished in the vdtions departments- Itradde'. Dictionary of Seience, L teruntre. and Art: Copland's Dehent ry of rrac taco.. Atedleane; Johnson's rarmer'. Encyclopaedia, Loodona Eneyelopntlia of f.s.rdlenng; Loudon • Itacyclopmdia of Plant.; Lon con'• Encyc;optedis ot t revs; 11 Calla by Lhottormry of Commerce, fdeuildelds thetionary of licography; Lee • DI 'titulary in Are and 11IMtuf itture.; ItisOper's Medical Lhclionar) , Ih - emersion's Cvelopeedea of Com merce; lolitical Lhettonary, 2 rota tro4 Webster and fart.' Eater oped,. Dommaie Littman:ly; Anther's C n.inciti Dictionary. "'retest la, t • arc 101 l of informal...alike boat kind, arranged and presented in inn manner. Foe alto by And JA AILS 1. , LocKwgrou ill Wood it %(,NIE.STIC ANDLit-S—lttstury and Desenpron 1,,/ of the Horse. Mute. Cattle, Sheep. Swine, eottl. tr). and Furin Doss, with dlretuatis 1.. r their manage brredirin crosieng. rcanng, feeding, and preps nn tor a wettable nears et. Also, beer Dise nun Remedies. toren:ter with fuli directions for a t he tusbakrmeri cr tne Dory. Hy Rl, Allem. Itimo.evedi , r hp:ra.l.o I , or stile by J AS It IdtChll'trip,r3 EW AND V AI.L AISLE, kit it 11 I —/liiit• on 1 . ..1 , 14r Arrt..l..rture, prepared. on hcualt me ltuthllde .'ollllllllleC at the Hallassenten lit•htutsan. by Rot. re Data Owen. In ,urge quarto, e.ecuiLy pr, hied, win Ili lii.traUona to the beat style of the nn II --l.reen en Breect tic, seeon.l edition, revised nne en erred A Iry ntise Or aeCUtr-pnie Age., enraprietne 3.14 Lae, try tot,. ;Sr , lutury. ae, e.eet 01 0101, ag - url/011/1 ttar throw. exact( cza,. I:l,otee Lary :ten, dlerlyin: Sore Throut..te ht. Ilereee tire., A NI . a4 D , n o. iteeruved er]arefu . .:y Royal ,vo, 1 , 1 - r-ed), tl r itn rdtt.on r tr•t,eil and enlAr • o.llnuotLa. Tr,nlt.e ota I,.tr , lrn.Ls e:.•1 Rand , for sa J.ANIt.S WOOD, ni Woo. street. For ninny yr•ro vin.h Mr., 11 jey & I , rnem. n. cf• 3lt iO/1(1 /or. R. Tory. Mr I. nn. tu,t rcturLea flora Lac ciuct. • X, n.lt,. p lei .1,1 . 11. (icor el, 1:3. , 1.Z...,,,, Wrin.ts at De W.. Ctiaton. by W W t r sap•.', Rumor Di herder II unbar, '' lasi rae4 , by ;,17 JUIINSTs/N A a flit It lON . NT 1 - . IV ItOr .10 , —A liistor. Dr Won.icitut 1,. v. noon.. ; Chop of este r Cocoa, dte. ii 1....,:r0ted WIIII /11. , ,, r0ua engravings on wood. 1 v.. ina• ,a,. ed Cocoa. C.,,eos Pane. Itroom. i . ..err. ~ Tile i: unation. or pictures et lb . Virrm and he, r , ~.. , , r ; ; , , ..,, .., ~,,,, ; Se.. t,, Cianr.es liceea,er . fort IS a) ne. Indium. ssata 1 ',1 , '„ , ' , 4 , '„,,,, , " „ ., , ', „ ": , ' „' f„, ,„„„ ~,,,„ __ Id. , ~..., !int:se-1%/N a ..,7 sui s t .,,, , , re .I..ain. ~ , ‘.,, ~ . ....r. gun ~y L., r• 1 u 7 eorner .1d and Markets_ 1'....4. a . -. .aa'ar'"" r "".."""'. n'a a , a': .r " . ". ISIDIILIDID,J,cI by into, ( and st.roped with ant name Valuable Books. , Illi Drunra and I pros fa•tt. As u...,,, pa.uti.le, F u.uar & ENt.1.1,11, ',9 I% out street betee . add salutary dr:',l.• for n. 3,1., c,, - .A., j if i n.i f i/Ifill11•11t1 arley. ho, e re, caved a 'ale. : others. ere proem:need b) thr MDat ern- ..1.1 filllff, CID. ~,,,, ff, I„ oW ff,it, 31111 rr her warls, among vs inch ~,,,,,o r, tr. any era., preparwi..n. Ir, ma Diflll to r• A •'e 111 t, M 11, 4",111(. 01, Masce,,ancou. 1 . ..•4)111 sal, Uis. : ~,,,,,,,,, on ~,,.t, a,. a i , qua..., t., ..r. a u .,•. re epurst s t, P.esnieut slopsa.i. , , Cbr.si IA All. law hod ! ~,,,,,, ,roL,. .., ~, ~,...,.,;, r, ~. and I, ~,b , ( ~ ,.pc,, il, , SI 1) I.g, 1./ D. 1.41 D of lk lb in C,antoo. ' is,:ents, /In ...,,, t;ray k t'o ~., i 14,.,-,...1. jam,. M Ilu .re L"."‘ 0 `....• . Ameilea. RePohltran Cb , sfloltitY j A en. Hartford. t trin. 114.-r) N. %I:arras. V.,: 1 ore. 1 `,2 . l'e r oot , , 'lt'' I. mtlaeva , by Herr, PlireoulogY and , Grant a Stood. Philadelphia 'r,,,,&,.. vl3 - ,,lotgr Bal iii ...111 I ) 14, N L Race. D. D, InipOsiu. au , i r m or , an d ket,neg A liernsett.Cineuturiti.O..no 1 lmi.,rl and .11.rle. i y Bs, enen Nu...yea and .1. Ilr. 1, Al. (ER ISAKER, Dorene.ier Mass ' .".'• ' h. ...". .. me I'l'te. 0 1 11 earl.... Lam's , ' For sa;e by &mg-. 11.11,ALE V A SHIT ih, A gin ' , hut iry aunt roust, in Earnest, by J. A. James. IW- svr,l• wul 4., 4 V 1.1•, LCD' Ddlllellf J. SI. Alssou,s ,s or.• Wrought and Cast Iron Ratting. comp. tr chair,. Luc aat Works of Cowper. Flo.. THE subsrrabors brg iee.ve to "'hints the pubile that att''t on lb.. and rail a Papacy' Torre:hum s I h-01. : i they have Dorsi...4 (rum we E.rot a.. toe 1.0 and ogy , Cyr in run. Of Mora, and Relagioo s si,cert o i e , ( ashiontihte &rt.. tor Iron llst!ins. both for houses Ldear . Ns. ruives of Pim.), ('bane Reeeivnat rut. on. romotorie. Persol. n""e to 1 , eeorc han d i iierr, Inbin I..nlencrs 1r we Peep,. by 1 CultlfulflT: I f.D. I f fittDDl. ' 4 " l i f t. D . ' i ' thi nmt ) ' 4 t '''''''. 2 " .1 !odgr ` Noun r.' So..- ty , Moder, Accord's:ulnae., 11a.d..a,,e, for thrinveave•. Rani.; will be Illtilfal/rfl al the .11.1. Raman..: Ir &anal Thoughts us. Se remain, by f e cal, . eat 1101.0. Df.:l ID DID hest ilDaDamfr. al LOD Durum 0( Inn 11, t OfilafeSlCilf Li. 1.11 1 . 0 , 10 D, faailltal li.tory of I Criss; ond,Reber rail stree:s. Ailettat,iy city 1.....th...an•in Aliddie Kingdoms, Lectures on Valenta, cuscA,rni ALA )1 1 1,\ ` l' tr KNOX. er ,, grro, Ue.eadarr. , -- Manufactured Tobacco. , It IEX VICE" S—The III;: DidleoltY, ail some eft , ; neder- Of I.f. Ili the p.a.,. of Ease , we. other .C.r. ; 4,s irot , - ,, ,, , .> • ..,-, --, 5 IP6; 15 do NI A !Saner s sure,...) t.eorge It Cheerer. L. IL. with Portrait of It hid° Price A. Harwood's " ' o.ithrr. A feu rop es n. 4 awl tor sale by 21 do do do _ 111 19 LLLiorr & E.:NW-IS/L:5 Wood st ' 25 tpruis.,•! hint KS"—llse New American Gardener. do do Pearl 6 Harw ood •' IJOt. y Thomas I.s Fesseridon. I IA do J Rawl.. ~ I iir New Anierien d ore :lard., by Wm, Kenrlek. 57 tif do do M lite Complete. Farmer and Rural Economist. by fes• . I M do do Wm Dawson T Wri ended. do ght'. 1 • 37 Anders Iliallefll Dorneatie Cookery, by Win A Headers,. I do G Dade 's n Just ire's. by JOHNS'fON Aif VOCKTUN, ' 9 do LT 5 do R Maron's rnyti corner wankel and 5d .l I 5 do Radcliff LW RELIGIOUS WORKS—Though. on Public i Jost landing moo steamer and pockets, and for .nit 11 Prayer, by' Samuel Miller, L. U. L. L. O. ' by HEALD, lICCKNIJII k Co. Thoughts on I. amity Worship, by James NV. Ale", I 41 north Winer stand lb north wharves, and, r Just received by • , jcl2l Philadelphia myl7 j'HINSTCIN 1 ST°CKT " 'y AN UFAI.:f URFA./ 10BACCO-20 Li tif S sJotie. V .V. ' ItikilLS—akincs Moitls, or die llamas of 1 1 &Son's superior sweet lb lumps. II llom esaeLife.. . 75 half hxs Webster Old superior sweet 5. lumps Iliztory of Ring Charles the Second, of England, by 30 " Lawrence Ladner " 5 . Jacob Abbott, with engravings. Jun reed by 55 " Gentry A Rovror '• ,. 3.4 5. ~J ulfNS.tON tc SI OCR SON, 10 . Dupont tau In Rare) " 56 . myl9 corner .11 and Market Ms 10 . (netsurf " re " I - INGLISII AND A/Mk/1./CAW BOOKS 99 " Lawrence Loftier "5. tens plug I AIIKD I, LUCK WOOD, Inn many years connect. Just landlng from 'grimier, and for sale by a, ed wath Nlessrs. Wiley find Putnam, 111.1 lute John lIKA o. BUCKNOR A. Co, utter, New Yoh and London,' has established a 41N water at and 16N wharves, llooksoliins 11011. DI NO , C4l Wood ~pet, between 341 royal Philadelphia: and 4th IDOODIJa venete'niny be round a valuable cotton- - - lion or S I'ANDAH I/ ENGLISH and AMERICAN A tirIIORS, at prices as low Di 01 the kaatern eines. ([7t....NriLISH and CONTINENTAL JAMAS, Re views, DtOKII.IIIOi, Newspapers a e.,unported to order. ILf - INSI II L'l lONS and INCORPORATt.D St,. CILTIF, are <nutted to rendre their books duty free. u_rk.i,g 11.11 a. American La tatogues tarnished v... ti , s 11l 111...1.1.0 who desire them, sir sent per nail . tiny address. J. It I, will always lie happy to es tabu to ladies and ginstit men b.. bouks, and 10 Worn au) , totprotat bon whip be Indy pa.. regarding them. tos Itf ki tt.:\ VALLABLE WOK(.--I(itharlt, mud t• Rout:Lola. Nita on mOCOIII of visit to die Citaldcan Chtiaanns oi Kurdistan Ll , nod the Vexe d.. ut st, ors!, pliers, and an 111qutry dint the Manner], ono ot t• of Ow none. Att.) fun.; by Austen floury Id, alit. Esoi., CU. Just ler d nod fur .ale by oi JOlShitiTidiN A?: LS U. Wet( NV - ShifF l:uok ec•ller and Input a) of k 01,611 Bong •, 1,1 Wand street, labs on hand •tt loot, roper toot uf I.lns:tab and Anieriean Hooks 1,, :no tittrr trot tlepurOttefil• of lAtorttlaro, which ha In Fa rePI te,' In ttosl as toot an they east tin obtained in We rtt et arol Continental llooks, ftrotows, Maga zin,- hood Nt.o•popera, totporPol to order. Toe prtre at any Hevie, )Ittaarmte or Newspaper, t.tt .e atcoitlosd 0., appipmoun to Air L. t.nsikt, and .t. Au...neon t. atalogdes turnlthed grall. tis. I. otel,d.lo 01.11 ,I,e Eattern r.tlea in days, and will be happy to etreeute any order. fur Hook Engrat toga or Swat...Ty, at .11,011.1v01t., 01 tor 10•1 not/ 1 1 01. AZ uttl r alll4 luoNc "1. ti an account at a u. to Om t ... chr• 01 ',lrak taa, and the Yn m niusn, ar pcull pc., and alluy u.rY o.la the 11/ 16 ./11111,11Ula arta cr. no.t A.nyou.s. with 411 .Bam...tory 1et.... I.> D. vuo.. ocluvo, autos. lOU illantratiots. 171 ver , .... the I,lgron'n I . rogress. Man Poe.. le.-aced ta L.rtotrl to. oer. crlei•ned rtoluced to 81.51' t Mot ou/al • 111.1orratottt I.lo,tutl. iitirpeff • new ea, o tolt ot . otvo—lorgo pro.l out! an,' pit:Jor, pot vol. ulehrrw and lie.rienni nrw rd. iuysovrd. Ft xulc by tut 11 Ith WO.l it fit 3 tO"—Lit:ott of C tlf mhurch and .0.. by I p Hey 11 Vt' Noct. & he C..orrn In Earnest. by Ile, J Angel Jame, 2.dr.co to Yount{ bleu, by T x Arthur; KM.. I;”nye oho — ( horlete Lamb. I.pttcuentot Choler.,l',Cr e of Aloral 0./111 10,g:ob. Atteedtttr, toott..ele orlt• ot Lnar.ot.t. wttll Inc. MOO' I,) LLr Lustraml. t: vote, vo. lit ustrittetl 'III 1.1.•.ei it/ate, i.orryou and Califonun to by Judge Thar.. 'Else Inge FaucaAuun to Use Dead Suu. Proverba lot the Pcoplci of Il.tuftiotioue of Practical 1,0 burs, dratvo fo.o the Hook of Wowdool, by E L )1 , ow/ L....crei:y Sermon*, by Dr Wayland. E.efocitt• .11. c teof ology. .by 1 itroct le•by, A.lll 1,, nele by H " Apollo Ilulloto.111;0 I . k I AN PKIAIGVAL... or - che Golontottont ono ertnu• 11 , J. urn C0...11{1011 of the Human Benny. A cntra...- non to Tticolugtou Science. hy John Honig, L. It heeturns. to Yonne Alen on vastoos =portant g0b tr...,.. I,y II H UCC,Irr. hrutrartg , . Works, complete: 0 trots, Idron. The WOIY• 41 . T Si Arthur, uniform ed. lb 'rola. Just teed by dull 6 kIOPICJAIS,4III on, near wood HOTELS - -- --- ROTEL. LIGHT STREE FOUNTAI TN BALTIMORE - - roes 4 ND PROPIVITOGS. THIS mtrabllshment long and widely known as heti nome of the most commodiou• in the city of Hattore. has recently undergone eery exten sive alterations and improvements. n n eni.rr new wing has been added, containing numerrui and airy sleeping apartmeara. and extensive bathing rooms. The Ladies' departMent has alto been conipletely reorganized arid titled up in a trio. unique and beauti ful style fact tbe arracgereent orthe House 11. he, reninileted, with a ingle eye on the port f the proprietors, !awards the s e omfort and pleasure o f their things. end 'which they corrAtlently ay.ertmitt chatence cornparvon With any Hotel in the Unirvi. Their rattle will always Ins aupplied with evert tab maniaJ and luxury which the Market affords, served they will m a sup ot be surpaerior atyk, wsseh d ite in the way' or W ;nes, !sc., lit coaciation We proprietors beg to toy. that nothing will be left tuttlene on their part, and on the pan of uterr atvistant, torender dna Hotel worthy the continued patronage Or t heir frientlt and the pinion generally. The prices for hoard have elw been reduced to the following rate. Ladies' Ordwary, $1,75 per day. Gentlemen's v 1 .50 N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the Howse will al wept be drand at We Car tuld Steamboat Landings, which wll convey b gage to end fr om the Hotel, free of chargi„,,, myth( ZCfiANOE HOTEL, toatsca ov rasa men ay. MATH era, rrervecian, re. The subscriber h•vnia swsumeil the manage ment of this long established and popular Hotel, rnspectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally, that he will he at all times prepared to •ccommodate them lit all thaws desirable in well regulated Hotel. The House is now being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Furniture added. mid no paints wilt lie spared to make the Exchange one of the very best Hotels in the country. The undersigned respectfully solicits a continuance of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTT IN, feb9di LAMARTINE ROUSE corm. or rvoirro •ito or.. ar mamas, inv - nrotraott. THE sobacrther rro,xetfully announcer that be Imo now opened hit new and excellent Hotel for the accommodation of travelen, hoarders, and the pubbc generally. 'Fhe house and furniture are entirely new, and no pains or expense have Gera spared to render it one of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels in The mieicriber determined to deserve, and there fore wliriu, n allure of public patronage. octl4.ily JACt ill HOUGH. Proprietor. — USITkiISTATE.4 110T511L, CITCSNCT ST.. lalens POT Rill AND eirrn SIN. 'APPOSITE Into Bank or the United Suites, Phila. delphia. M. POPE MITCHELL, xnurMf Proprietor MISCELLANEOUS. • Scrip at Par, TAKEN FOR CHICKERINGS PIANOS. HHKI.hILIER. iit Woodivel. . , No e 3 'Third street, . offers for to aan elegant lot Chirkeriner's Pia. nos. (Roston) at the lowers cash price, for Pitt•hurgh. Alleghony coy. and County Scrip. They contortse from 6to 7 octaves. and were selected by Mr. Chick corm for 'hi. market The are warranted to ho equal to any in the city, having a l l l the latest improvements, such ea errecilar scale., etc. Bayer., PTO tnAuted to Ball prev:ou• to parrla4ine el. hero. and, also, to brute with them .oeue good ledge. profert•tonal or otliorwlee. to judge of the ~Lud/- ty of the above inatromenta N. 11—Wntten go•rdideed will be given with each Plano, enittling the holder to ...undone in one the an liniment be proved in the lent degree unperfret. or faulty mv4 11. R. FRESH SPRING GOODS. Nhaekielt it White, TAY GOODS JOHRKRS. ti Wood street. ark the 1,1 attention of Merril..tn to their stock of AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, now trect•ing direct from hr-t hoods Receiving , tennis, tappltes of first ends (lades the season, and devoung n hole snare of their alien:ion to Eastern Aurtion sales, they ran confidently s , .ure buyers they will find it to their interest to examine their stork. Just renenved, large InValrell of new nyle men Goats, Fanny 'nu a, Caxwarrnt, Cloaks, Summer I.nne, Goof, Irlin I.2nona. Tr , naminp n.nd brown and blearnnd t.liecunp , of ',an on* brands. Innel JA2118.19 W. WOODWKLI.., ilodern and Antique, Furniture, Tut. rixtXr, Prrmsr anti A large an , iyicitdid asaortnient Fur. meW, mhm for stea,m,oal., y,., I.....l.l"tp.ifarfA • r :• 1 -. [Mr. conamarl, and nPy on nand and made to ordcr. The pre,cnt mock on hand cannot b exceeded I.y lany manufactory in um wean. rn country O', wiatung parctiu-o would do well to tree me o rs d as I ant deternimcd my prlces plcusc. Part of the 'lock co• 41,". Telt . I! Tme: Buffet Etimeie; Lou" , XIV Chairs, Quern Plitabeth chew% Tea Po, F tout Table, Taub, T/4•14, Lotus XV Commoder; French kul., , tnird Bedstead, Pi2lllo SO sofas with Plumb and 11. u-cloth covars: Mohimany Rook - mg eluttrN 41 dot Parlor do Fancy do 24 centre f Mph, 9U pair 4 pew pier Tob , e, IS time , le ton th.a...ing Bureau,: W nr t: m s, slid Book roam dl loarble tip ~ Wash Stand 4 purr f• pew lanry Work Stands: A very large •••ort.nect of common chute, and other tternun re UM namdrou• inevuo, Fry- memo ti_olel,: hr abommu notice, and on the ino.n 1121.6.1.1., term. dee I:, W. It. J. GLENN. Book Binders . . . WF. are still engaged in the et., busmen*, corner of Wood and Thinl oir-eia. Pittsburgh, where we are prepamd io do any work in our line ib des patch. We attend to our work personalty, and knit !action will be given in regard to /t • neatness and du rability. Blank Bonk, ruled to any pattern anti hound sub *Mortally. Books in number+ at old book. bound rare fully or repo, red. Syne, put on books in gilt letter. Those that have work in our line are Invited to eon. Prier. low oty y1:t1 NOTICE. Ty AVTNG .old our eu.ire stock to C /I Gears, with 11 a 'nevem doting our old Immures. we ecreby so. heft for /um the putrottosso of ell our (nen& •nd cus tomers. • RU In /IN DKATER, CII GP.A NT, Wholevalr Grocer, Cnframinsion • For we Mtn, Itle,rlorto, No 41 'Wt., no I , A vul.ToN.ll,l alai Bra, rounder. has ry built awl coranorlme.l lAtuncsa at hi. 0.1 Clilid wheir hr tvil, I.e p/etkAed 10 are Ittl 0,1 Clllllo/0- cr. awl Iriepds. Church, Slelt.ntwal,:td ileils Ofeerry alie. from 10 to 10,1il. r.. 1 it n.n p:utern. of i!st• :worn, Dotil warranted to he of the b.. ust.re..i. Jieral Water euitiro,Gl,l , lltiefa. Al . 10, OM, e vnry Sur.rt) ui lira,aing,, ti ICl,llllt, lurid anti fi,114 , d in 1111.111 t, A F the Fo!r prop/ iema of IlAtha's Am-Arm 71110 Sl6taL u, erirt,rutrel I the redu•:Jon Mellott in tnal,h,orry. thu Ilo.teg :cud "Al e un hr had ul tutu at nit :111W. A A Nl.,uv S CO. hi, are oil- r 40i..•rug their clot-I, Al •••••,. and Mumios, to tt;ig , c r prxt, I I Iva wtdemad, otue , k > No el...rm•ft , itu at 7.1 and 1!I It°, too, Vt,tt,urti :1:41.. • 14.0 at*, to sif, wan Mid il,“:1/1...4 awl Itt ot.; Narraoszt Cutoro...t rt•, nann.ly /21, etu, Wrougia nltarn• vt•, Capes ut n! and 1,1, Florence Waal lio.ntri•. VI and 75 rin l ut I rt. 'f'ognlker wll . l n nnn-rn. 1t..0111/1 , ..t of goods..i.cur ly One hall the ur..al run , juin Scale., Ct.:141111g litove•, armies, 41. e. momint.c.. Roo id Ca,rol., I.l'l, I,Ourt, Woud meet, tuauutitetu rout ode, tor ouVe 1 • .;.;:ortro. and i'ou:nor thr nun( imp; gu.,l qualll);oul.iug liir andmut:, 11.40 ~.u‘ tit ',mou .ra, I • uttor aud vohonou Grote, es %% are hr. 'tiey mailufnclute lac Nneu n I Range. which LIR ri,,l•uul. K eneral ..taco. luWest uttung It in Liu, tu a.. u/ which ' , ley would r . ....p...1.1u;;) a +lto tlic the railoau• and um pool.; genurauj. oolrldtl Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water. se. Is to cert.) , that I h.ve pointed Liviliguint., Roggen /lc t.u, I bole Ayenta tor the aide ofJenning'r I.7 7. '"'"r"' Patent Lhdptallgin niter, (or we riy ties of aClhu,batsn and Allegheny. .1011:‘ Agent, for IValier dl (Audio, 349 Broadway N. Y. lxt.lo.l;N°. We have been acing one of the above articles at the office of the Novelty Work. for three month., on trial, and feel perfectly saluted that it is • useful invettuou, and we take pleasure in recommending them .. a use, tut arude to all who love pure water. Orden will by thankfidly received and promptly executed. veal) LIVIN6STON, ROOOEN I Co 11.180 1 4.- 41 , ER H A hIG I N JA Si. lIONV A.ILD nt, 001, No. 81 Wood Etna, 1-1 - ratrul cal/ MO annutiou of the patine to their TT pr: ram stock of Paper Hansings, which for va riety, bemuy of Ilnist,,turattility and cheapness, Is on. sumnamil blr any estahlishmeat in the llama. pa-aa;a, lace e and full assortment of paper of their own 114,111tInICIII re. lacy ilSe 11.17 , 1' tett. mug • direct ixtt• pentium] of ' , ranch and Laglirls styles of Pap. lien iaes, purchased by Mr. Lori !toward, one of the firm, mw to Europa. eons/Wax at ' ' • Pliflal4ll manufacture, 10,00npieetw ; Landon do 'da. • Ofxbeir own manufacture they have IliV,ooo pieces Wall Paper, and CU% pier...satin ;Inked Window Blinds, to Altura, /art= Breintni re Co. have spared neither expense nor labor in Oct, endespor. to nod the east er. wall pop.' acabliatuneata, bola In quality of muum ufa met and vatiely.of prulan aant they are warrant ed in assuring the pubUclhar they hive pacecedcd. The whole nanonment, - fataitra• mid tombs manufae tura, will be offered on terms as lam as th0ad. 01 ... - ern manufacturers and Innaminrs. meb.Widtf Xr SW CUM 118—.61 ZEBULON FliftlBEl'B,o7Sn , ..011 ket street ' dos very high buck Shell Took Camila; 3 " medium " low 2 " plain high 4 " narrow treaded top " (alley top Buffalo 10 u plain " Z./ gross cora. Horn; 30 Jaz shell side. assorted ri ses; 31/ 41 . 041 eon. horn rode; 1 doe shell dressing do; II dos Silt/silo do do; 4 do lattotton Jo do; 50 do beet English Horn; 6 Jo It S S fine Ivory, extra siza; lA do do do, in hove.; 12 gross S Sue do Co; I do comb Cleaners. apIG evakaasian ral.El 11. JWIIV• Kan.. wst. 1. nalm PAIAIEII, MANNA & CO, C l loccessors Hussey. Hanna & Co.) DANKERS. I{XCIIANUF. LtROKERS, and dealers ill Foreign and Domes. Exchange. Certiacates of Deocraae, Bank Notes, and Specie--Fourth street, nearly oppocim the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current in.- co y received on dmmane , --digit Checks for sale, and colleens). made on nearly all the principal laws in the Caned States. The Logheat premium paid for Foreign and Amer,. Gold. Advances made on courignments of Prod., chip ped Eat, on libeml terms apt . GREAT IN VEN M./N . —VAL-G E A [IL 14Si:01:ER1' l'Amwr Sum. Jaaram Ist. IsO. Patent croarlever calemion MIA J. &feu, Barran), &M. Caved. IVrtting Dub. LEVER OF WROUGHT IROht. THE TABLES far surpassing every other In i venuon of the kind now extant. They can be el tended loom ten to twenty-6m fret, and when closed the leavesart- 111 contained mside; they are made to all area and shapes, and are admirably adapted for Steamboat, Hotel, and large ptivate (mullet, form• tog when clotted • enniplem centre table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—Them atruclea are inval uable. particular:y to thom ph° wiah to mane/- mine or and convert a sleeping apartment into • parlor or sauna room, m they cart be opened and abut at conventence, and when shut. the bedding enclo. ed. A great sag in room and rent. All the bed steads when closed vin term a be/anti:Pl piece of furniture for a parlor Or multtg room. BOOK CASES--A neat and useful ample for parlor or drawing room WRITING DESKS—For !mar offices, counting rooms. and other names; when opened a most convenient bed• ead.. hen closed n pence, Desk and Lanrary alone is visible. All these articles need no recommendation: the beastly of the whole is. they are warranted no: to get out oi report. It will be for oar Interests to ran and coate the artistes, at manufacturer's store, No. Third street, Pittsburgh In addition to Me above advauttn,ces, tucy are proof agnirsit bags. J A NIF-tn IV 1, - t D 1 81 It. liavoig attended any brother, who cited of consumption in March. 1 , 42. I Pt. taken sick with the Consumption or Liver Complaint and W. reduced 010 low with the disease, that tor four yeiirs I was unable Itt 011000 to env business, either at home or abrua.i, being for the most time confined to my tied. Dunn, the oboe, pers. oil anion, bad expended for medical ailendonce o regular Physicians and ra lly to the aunt of &PC, without rteeivtng ally benefit therefrom, In July, Ivls. I commenced taking Dr Jayne's hledi eine, and have taken them um,: or less ever atnee and nein, that it was by erseveri o ng in use, , tam rd mss licank vb. 110 .0 truly say Ow p have empletety men-. I bve tuns Jaytic's ...an, Pills snit l'apertortint are the hest family medicines now to is (Ammo Goons (or dresses-sorb asfueril• and um and Nailer:mks, .te Al., emnroolcred 003111111 for dresses. all al towel, pored, ill ItOrltmotl el.ffuet FOUllti and Market Wool.. Wholesale Rooms up stmrs. rtilll RI NCB LINEN AND LINF.N I.CSI'IO,--‘1" I resole in Springfield. Ocireo rounty, N Y . and I 1 1' !I ' m, rec.; n. is no w op, a j..• 1 tio , orm--I . I u. ,ad carry oil it turi.up awl macuble hop id Pia: p'xrc. 1 .bore articles, .c dresses sod so , As-•mong :he lal abd 1,11 no , OlielesOol ~, 0,,y mantic,. tile oa‘... 0. On< ' Ler arc own, ,oree colora. such ris pint. isue. glee., Above uu•dicnie. one mate :xis certificate on the ben. : A. . Mr, pick. I,:ue, green.and /look ...,-, or l•',• .:010' , 00 , . , utha t I. ELiJAII EXI ON. . tue can Lawns, and a large,..ioruile, u: eio ,col.-r- Spnue.,eLd. N V . Sept II 1c.1. , ~1 ! ud marl.- and Lawns. MAWO'b.rlActii-riLth"u"al,lleTin't'ull'iAt'til'i;le'r.• O i h r - ) . . * lc r' n ''' )d r , 1 url C t . t. "t's, ';‘ll`e'r',',:7,v'tirn'tri'llhgl74l,77l`.7.'"[..":;''''''‘;' uric,. acoe&:.y. to ii, e n o owing 1.),,,1s Too t . ~...., han. v. h.o ar, and .1:. buttire pu,b,..stix 1,) du•arr.. e. x Lich I,ig , °nate...l-it. di- at 110Idiel.. , leorat, Oti aoil nark, et,. erg i from ...blb° ureri., hi- . s . enal..ed ...e., a: rd.,. W , 10i0.0. , 1, "•• , 0. ‘ , I) -,,,, ... A R Horse le, 1 A 1, b 1... / P.' ERS - 'SI Merv. , ~, A r ~• ...,,,j IC , 1 hr., /I W r`renol,ere Ss; I. in. vi.:. 1':.... lO•sof Pape, ;poised di. dt, 70 I •• laine• olad,oni L. rattle paper fur )ou.rtne. Pu. Saauaso.l.,ruo u eve. , I 1 - Lain,runc ::X /.- 11,,,beau Ss~• r X. 1 1'1,.1,151, hand Is FII LA YI/N A Co's Tr:manor, oot I $ ..... ,•.-. 13 ..' 1 .. Rolu.. k A,rson 54. . arid 112 F -- a 1 '. i ... , nl%)r. rtMll/11,1 Lit:lt V-- , Vorated toacetus isu 0 I - Johns & 1:•1015 14, .11 I . i.ma Stoolls Tat, Covers, Traveling Ilaso, wall 3 - VA ow., a. syr 10, I a great 'fancy of 'mall patterns A:so. Worst-do of go 1 - 11cor) A. Jam 51, Is and - ic I. s 1v.,., ERN A N I : I tt o . n le .,,* rlo , r u s y anol soader, by the foloind, ...cc. o/ 'l , oe! , labst - npl 1 I. II EATON A IN.. rt , FourtiCSl Pitt Aloachine Woelts and Foundry. - „.1. rll - 1141,1011, es. I 011 N IVRltiln•&. Cu., are prepared to butlu Cotton ' EI'OND SUppL) -oV It Murphy. at tiorthee•t cur ' ner of 1. and Market streets, llaa nOta 01,it Iti• saravh supply olartnne mid summer Goods, and Imo' a spd W/1 / 7,e, N1.,1,j, r y pr,,,, ~,,,, ~,,, I lame assortment of Dress Goods of newest styles, and la. C.,,,,,, I ,Maeini t e.s, epin t p, ) ,, F rame .. 5,„„.,1„.„ , •Laple GOOda of every killi.l. all of which will !Le sold anu7 D0m...) Fratm•• (es, 11esdc Wooers, Spoolers, 10 ' . Dressing . 1 , ,nt.....1,,0n0. Cant Gristle, A. Wrouein I win oLsllB A L. C LS IS I Si otl U 07 Irazi.chit,iur turned hii aloes or Cast Iron ['allies and , U 11. 511541/1 & CO., ii...,... of ... !,..•, ~,.,...:,,c a Lathes, ' C' IAIAI..r.S.ONERS AND IMPORTERS , . non tom, .•" eh i ..ds l•n•llors or every il . .ertpoon 60 Molar( Ararat, • ,, ,,11,.: on o. Or: n0t,.,. Patten, mail. to order for (l. ' iCeur.. Irv, ItaUlur In Strom Po, far he., ' 4li I'l, ow nraning Om mom extensive and veiled ing Fel i rn a ' u-i Irni, s', i whin- Sash anl me., Css- : A. ^-orn . -.,, hi spring . 1 " , Hummel Good* Or „,„ ~,,,,..,,.). ~,,,,, ~,, ~.., L ,,,, ~,,,,,,, ,,,,i c ~,, , ur 0i..1 in the Western etioniry cumproing entwines Pa'iner A Co, Liberty Gr-et. w.il Sore prolupt Silo , ' , ' I ''' ''' l " ' " " d . C '''''' " rr ' ”rd I " enure Purl -- ges trout the tounnaMarers, lialflOrlOrl, and large our non. It l'et. to 13:aek in...A, Red k C o .. I K. m 00r ,,,,..., , non rale, by one of the fine resithits in New York. , woo . constant y senduis as lire newear. and 01051 0 , I. I.: Warner. John train A t-dol , l, I' tz.1.u..., G. . . , T A.; II lVititu.r. Steubenville. ,;',.,,,,, ct•huntsb.e goods. hey name in pan , luu eases tics =pane Prints:l3o cases NI de Lain, Penn Maclaine Snap. 14 -- Lawn. and :qualms 35 " cotton and linen liN\ liii irr MA N-I , ls..siorturer 01 W! turd. a col- ' ivl '. blea,bed Alastinsali . 101 l .ilid woca , ril machinery, Ailealteily coy, Pa ' grade/El Gingham.. 00 ° col'd Aluslins; tl , ^la , ' 'yorks i . . , b6 Is'''' ot toil lutd s occda , d , uP - ' -10 .' shirting Cheeks cad 27 " thphas C'ertion erniinn. I an, prepared to eceente orders ari,li d.•,inich domeatic if iingharnr, adds and illaillier vas. :or all kinds of niarlitnery in in) bar. .urn as wulows, ....,) “ ),.„ m g „,ii,,,,, paters, spreader.. cards. rrisdmil mnelltes ranwo) A A! •o eases and par lawn of Bonnets, Flowers. Le drawing fror•ea, s F' ede rA ' br " ss th s • lo on's , ...Iv. ' reo, Ribbon., SrA., R....AN., Ilereges. White ficienia, '..".•'.."` "r .."41''br me hurt Or co untry w or`, ! Milliner,. Articles. ha sod Cacsitneres.l.lom, lb , mules tack a Ac., slide and hand lathes and tools in gen. . siery and Gloves, A.e. Ac. end All kinds of shallow node to order, or plana giv- I C . ,,, . n . 4 e e id ,,i r y mereliant. will find la c ir stork sa ro for 1 ,,,,,, 'S ( octor'm o , ° ,,, 1. Al ~°" th'o, ' , ' ' , l'orgc• ; large and desirable um Enstern stocks. seal an exarni- Barka To-Kennedy, Childs 5. CO., Lbitclosioek, 801 l 0 a ,,,, a th r ., ( p ea ), and pr, cam., fad to eon & Co., ii.itg, Pennock & Co ,Jo. A. Gray . ' vinee ail Wei with their undeniable advantages end NEW COACH FACTORS', . - raciltues. they ran compete Wrril 000 1....C51Z/IN Jose,. • :'lion fact has been cloudy demonetraied to hundred. INI.. A 1b, W , 1 ,, 11: „ F. 8.. h. L' , 0 i , ,,, 0 - y o i n , ..d o :s:m: , t ‘ T: . inform p.n s t/ t 1; L s. , ti l l t:.; n a lusye: b t u ,. tr s et n e d rlLzr , : , h , ssed EasL SO T , ticir. _ -r--• Lacuek, between Federal u d Sandusky streets. lliey . ME IV GOODS, 1849. are itow making and ate prepared to receive orders fur averY desxriPblitt of vehicle., omen... enariora Ida. irENNEnv ASA WYER. rooter Wood and Fourth roaches. Bungle., Pitman., /se., hr., which inns, their I ... at are now reerivtug direct from bat hoods, long experience ill the mastufactureoithe above work, , a larxe .4 , k of Fancy and N•rtetY ( -^ , Pkoo. ~,,,,,,,,,0 alid lho fartillies they bare, they feel confident they are i Clock. of ever)! VnnetY; geld tit. , •tlxer Watches, 0,0031, to do work on the trio. M a / 1 01131de tens. with I Je.elrT. Freneh Prin., Comb , 11001, rtml . r .,. those wanting allied., /II their lure. Gloves and (foolery, Suspenders, Gun Capa, an all Paying parucitler alloollOn to the selection of mato-4 other articles. in their line-all of which baring den rod, and haring none but competent workmen, they . Purchased PorsonallY of 1 1 ,0 0 a 610,11 .. 111 „„ r• . 15 a• V d, 11 " have no hesitaiton in warranting Were work. We I ring the last "roux , ' expressly for the Spring trade, therefore ask the atletitton ache pall. to this manor. , o' ,ll be sold wh.le.olc At • .." ° °,' 11. 1 . L N. 1.1. Repairing done in We best manner, and on, the 1 Constaniy unhand, all descriptions a t Look tug Gl:me mo. reasonable terms. /aAketf l es, 0(0., OWII manuMeturing, at on eel toil= Monongahela Livery 81ab1e,7 ---. I I , 4TEW FANCY AND VARIET A tRUSIOS-At 151.1 iL.... itourrair 11, PA'FFKRSON has opened 1 ill ULON KINSEY'S, 47 Market street. l k. the large stable no PiraL al., moo., a,.. / h 100 pm fine China Vases, lIISIedI 175 sets twis'f. odd sp Ai to second st, between Wood and Smithfield cut velvet coat Dutton; 10 fine velvet Carpet liars; 20 sts ,iu the rear of the Alonongatiela House, I I do do geot's travellog; 100 gross fancy silk Buttons, sv,:h 00 entirely none stork of Horses and Carnages of for dresser; II dm Nail Ilrushc.,ased; 100 gro fine Om best quality and latest %tyke. Horses kept at bre. All Vest Buttons, assidi 250 do do gilt and plated, do; ry in, the bcsi manner. -- - iyug g ii, .. 7 dos rosewood Bair Brushes) 4do IVashington do; - --- Ido Barbers do, 3 gro Flab Linn/ Fish Hoots, Lane ! rick, Ac .ICWELRY, &a -.50 gold lever Watches; 10 do de tached lever WILIC4CI, 10 do Lepine do' 10 fine dia mond Finger RID.: I dos fine gold Vest and Fob Chains; X do do Guards; Breast Puts, Finger Rings, I Ear Room At. GLOVES, Ac.-200 dos Lodi. cotton Gloves a,k,ed, 300 do do Lisle Thread, beep top. /se . 10 do rent , silk Mom; 12 do do kid do, AO do maim lad, arsBp. 10 . do do fancy top Wk. VARIETY GOODS-74 plrs American Pins: 300 MO ribbed I 'P'c'reCos°lsr" Carla; Sal 7s gro Paper Whalebone do; ...lox ! Ivory Combs; Dr . essing Coon., Bark Conn., Ac. Ax. I anD F. " ,.„ L'hT.T4‘,',.'., l- „„... - "c'otonmsir*ll;7l4pe2roroKiXr. ula and Wes, Fringe*, Gips, blaca and coIR Silk baces, black Flounee Lae,. Buttons, Brids, Bonnet Troominas, gent, !ado, and dltddten• plain and ran• c p Hosiery, :chi r, ior men and be , a Conn,. Irony end I other Fen, Vern. Spool Cotton, Needles, Tapes, Bou- I bum, Pinr, La . sc., watch 11.01 MD, for ssh , bola whole., mid retail, et Mir Trimanng Snare, 62 1 1 / 2 pertb Woo street, Lwiweer d nod Market. aril . 1 I\TEW (PR ~ I NIS ~, no A S.- A .1,..• .s.x, .I,a. .0 111 141 Alarket street. ore now opening 411 ea,. nod i ,,, a c .. : l : , i .. ker m o: , ,,oz ,, ten i ttl m, S , R . R.l l lilti de b,l), „ i n t/4 ;, , c , , , ,, i . ) , tp::: . . , i , 1 , ii I Fein.. French 1. authrte•, Idneos. M. 0.., i•o , ', 511 k.,, Slol , a,L, GloVea, llosiery, and a emit , . •a -',' mew of' Good.. nu'lix, . . . . resent G , raduated Galoonst Battery and Paton" Insulated Pales for Mated and ether popover. Till:, Is the only instrument el the kind that has ever 1.. been prevented in this country or Europe tor med ical purposes s ond i• the only ono over known to man, by which the kolvkinte fiord Can be conveyed to the he reon eye, thecar, the brain, or to eloy pan of the body, either externally , or toter...lly, to a definite geode tol sum wi th out shocks or peril—with perfect sarety— and oi n watt the happiest tricots. Tht important appautte• is now highly approved of by ma y of the moat eminent physicians of thin coun try and Europe, to venom the indicted and others whom a in•yoconeern can he referred. Reference will also toe given to many itighly respectable etosens, who have Oxen cured by means ol this most vatuoLle upportutta of Boole of the at inveterom nervous disorders which could tot be removed by soy other known means Among onerous other, II ho. tree,. proved to be ad. notably adapted for the cure Cl We following drse•sea, Cos. nervous beadxche and Other datum. el the brain. II is with oht• apparition. ramie Rau the opetetor can eutovep the tnustielde e; i d ' , rah resound safety to tbe eye, to restore sight„, or cure au Oat, to Ike ear to memo hearing; to the tonlue and other organ., In to. vetch; owl 10 the vonous ports of ti e body, tor . il ' t * e r e " ,iFe of chronic ...coma..., outman, neurahroo, or toe du ureux, p:10,11616. or palsy, gout, coot to o r so. f Vitu's donee, epticpsy, woultne.s limp 6, 1.0,116 ,116 r,,, 6 pre.," to 1ean.,.., ColatectlOn O f Ike .itut,6, lock) ,ele. cto H.J6 IA tOr •urrtundlng count', ot Western Pa., sod uric. es, nith tire 1461.11.,mrent, /nay too purchase., tot! Wm tc tett fur the cute of alt.eivuts Fuji 1111 • 11.00111 /11 .110 10Le/1 1 0.0 tor the r•nasi• chemi cals Tie lased Icor 1/2111/11111.000,, 71d 1 110 hen 1/01 . uperitui.ti ....ill,' of Wiwi,' dOlOl.lO, Vllllllil -10 r 0{ 11 01.4.0t, and 1 1 01111 1 0111 put into his hauds expolissly for these purposes. "ire. preplired by Jse piitciitee. F. 1140110 01 ILLIAAI,, Vibe it. T, Tu olir. A4OIIII,TU/s z •t,to,einotwtni,n4.ctlireiafp. as :.biloirw j reopeouutty cute,: to .11n. S. EAsdeof—lioving touted et quantity of Gold vooteted by your Arrtuottor. I Ezol oit prove.. tour 11,1r11111Cril corroct, an !ext. - too-A otr of tt those gouig to Cooforost. as So, brut motbod of ob tfullong the reul 'duo of Gold. Roup. youfr, J. Is DUNLEVY, (loft! Beam. Pittstourgit, March L. Ist:, itrrnyr.ott, March 7, 15-10, Ma. EAU - h.—DC.54r !luring ,11,111 n, no "manufactured at pull' r. 1.1, I do not Actin., to commend It to the it. of Dtour tpolletr.t.rl ho arc übout repluviilg to California u. szarclt tyo 1 t r'octa l a u oc pp r o r mano , c o to 10 nrDo caic orot, to n.rertatn wr..ett IDA pincer a ytekltne 011 Intuit ',our, rru./Cy. J R. INDIA RL t.1.1./I'lllND—Jo‘t aor:ue 1241tiornt a n cnneparta aA.oronel.t of Duni hirer Clottp,,og. ut pr:rt• rAtquo g trom 0041 to 01150 for roll vl{l. 1..0 ritat iI3L Fut rate et the In ha r Drpol, .Nos Wand •t J h II I'IIII.I.IPS _ _ J - . . I,l' 111.11.1, OA— 'arty more to( 00000, 000 (floor,' crictorntoool llootoloro. t h 1 . 1411., 11.ctl ci11,,,,13111 y toy Ite•I. Tloaloor o rg loot! 00. rr great pertortar,, to,tiot, ~nn n large 11• • 1.11/111• of rooolwoood end oloalooKant , only 014 . 11 111 a Aiul.ll,ll : The aloovr 000•trurno-oott are torforolontrol la be aril, In evrry rrorpet t l, and a'lll Le stati low for c. 0.:. F 111.1'4E. 4..111. , Nn tii tVe.n.l on. 2.1 oln.o. ito.no .sth Ci=l . . . r, in ter, hall .7 ‘ U H a le 4y I,KT H 27w00d -'- Nu•prakt P•tent eisd• Ash. 202 ",;',= 'V a. Al MI teltia..TßEP, roel,ll • WU 1..12ny L LN.IELII UlL—s V Lu i ilre ti a l t , td ir iogal i. al u y „ myL c er Liborti asul 81Glair DRY & VARIETY GOODS. V E i n R s Y S i f nr ' ut V e — r M l 4, 3 : " grred . prtre ell s, t et, a4"..- Drees I.uvrem,Giar„bnms, Saraos,Thraes, Grna dines, Summer Shawl., Scarfs, Rennet R.deborst, Deltirgs, Alen.' and Boys' Summer Wear, Se. Centon, waeti•6 •ny shore, or =Sr other dothr,P don of Dry Good.. Todl do well to coil at northdort corner of 4th and Market ea. • iVO LIVLIITE GOODS FOR ORESSEN—W.II Uaryey Li boa a lasso wise/lawn/ of above Goods, lately reatived, slob as plain wino Molls, from I±lo per yd dp to very due;, plain kris* do; barred Simian . do; era btaidernl do; tarred ilsokonatid soft Hooked do; udo aripsd do ard a gaaanal assortment of Mita Goods. such as Mein and figured Netts; Loess. Edg- LOFI6 doe —m northeast corner sla and ilariei alt WEtt1i. , •61313 Rooms ap stair, iota DE-01.ENELL--k A. Nano a Co's. ftry wands Ea tabltoinuont will he re-opened on Priday.lnlY OIL All or their stock haunt, been marked down. anal ho offered at the vornest bsrgains. ht-ebo•en may &- pond upon seeaving usnyas• at LOWER RATot4 than ever before. D RUS SELS CARPI:TS—me lame, aatortment .1) Brussel+ Carpets ennt offered 30 thin eity, fur rase at am New Carpet Warehouse ef W. ftl'alintoek. No 73 Fatah o, ampriring the !rent and rsettea %ales, and at pares lower than ever offered in the tnarkel. who want Brustels Carpets, ahould cad before pttrehut ing elsewhere_ juth W ACCIANTIPN VILESH SPAING 000D3. 7 (XrE are now opening a very large and choice ser yir sortntent of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, selected wt .more than usual care during the last few weeks, in the New York sad Philadelphia market, and embracing a great variety of almost every de scription of the latest and most fashionable styles, nod a large portion of tt haring been bougat at the EAST ERN .AUCTIONS at a great re/I.race Gore the regu lar rates, we are enstried to veer great Inducements to cash buyers, either by wholesale at recoil- We would therefore respectfully Melia the munth. of the public to our Stock, feeling confident of no, ability 1,0 suit buyers to utmost every article they may wish in our Ir.. To the ladies we would especially commend our Hoak of Sr... Dam Stirs, of which we hove a very . large nod beautiful airsortmnut of the latest sitter and most fashionatiln colors. Lent. Derv, Goons—Mouslin de Lattice, Pail de Ehervre. silk, linen and mohair Lusires, painted Lawns. c I nsnarn Lawns, Foutems, new style Barege, English, French and Settee lanitaams, Imes Ging uam. in great variety, he. die. Doresers—New style Bonnets, very cheap. Rm.. ace Ftrowiesa—Of the latest styles end supe rior in qanlny. Pe assoks—A very largo .d hnndsome stock of Par uols, of alniast every style and quality. Sti•WI.C—A Ella assortment 01 . spring and summer Shawls, of all styles and prier.. r/LINCH elttitelle—lt red supply or taper French, English raid American Limbs sad Cnamurres. to which we would mote tee attention of persons eceding such goods. ALSO—A. Nit and general supply of Sk t ing Checks; Tickings, brown and bleaehed Muslin., able Linens, Sheatuigs, Diapers. Carob acs, Drrhings,summar Garai, men.' end boys' wear, Jtermets, Mulls, :i.e.., Non rum., Nenlons, Prin., Liarghams, Crape, Crepe Lace, Cravats, Gloves, Hosiery, silk Hiders, Veils, to h.. Prue°us wishing to buy by wholesale, should colt and examine our stork, as our prices are such ao to male it their interest to boy. ALEXAN DEE h. DAY, 75 Market st, Roll northwest earner of the Damned .. rl A A. PloultN & CA, No. GU Market Street, hove . on hand Me largest variety of Krauroidertea hich they have ever offered. 'Their IAtOrtRICIII COO- , i w nt4 tn part of the followinp, good., VII: INS rich embrotdered Mucin Capes. from SI.IIO to 5.00 ,set" Collar. " 371 to SI.DO ernelket Collars. from =I to 75 :MO lace " n to 12t 7rni (impure `t n} to to 150 Jenny Li,td " " 112 k to 1,14 ritoann 11.11.111. " St/ to 1.50 590 puts muslin Curs." 311 to Also. Mounting Coders, (rota lrk to 25c. Cad a: the cheap our price store of A. A. NI ASON & Co, No GO !Market rL 0r.12 X, TEW RIRLIONS. BLACK SILICA, IlAltrOs ill LIES. Ar.—W R llchPvi has MO IllOrning re straw eetred by Express a lot of handsome raw colored, green and blue !Unmet Rthbons. Also, glossy block Zdk s for dresses ' VtstleS, rllllllWirllt. &C. BLaca SM. Lsera—A large assortment latrly Meet red. - C A RPRTS, OIL CLOTIISI &e. DirEl VED TIIOS 11A V. Carpet.ll4 and Oil ("roll,' A. of the late , t and most approved pistn•rr , s. nod pr,,•est cd o son pureliosert, cheap a• pa.• toy Eatneru can,. conapristins the tol -1 loorips E tryarn:un-: xa Itoya: V,lvet Bile Carpets. .I:smnuslet Ca Tap:stry do ur.ulu.. , op Soya) au Turu.ury .nn t ESlria sop 3or f do lir.,••eis no In Soperfineli4 Extra sop Ingest, do Tol:,1 - .opt; hoe d, do Bru.sri. no Fine d o do las, mall., Common .. Ton., 4.4, 1-4 & ITai.. ) e•try lainiuds do .at n do do 4-4. J-I a. tarl'd Vr- 1.4 Ernit'sed Films rover, uenan do 44 do Tab.e do 1-1, 0.4 & plain do d 6-4 wool Jo _do Cotton lust.° do 6-4 worsted and corolla do do Vent oln do Brass Sta , r No.. --I cotton Drugavl; 16-4 woo, craw. cloths woolen Au I,ot, 6 4 do do 6-4 !shin do Knell 41 Table Or Moths, Diaper do Cirri:tan doco do do Crash floor 011 r!otha, `incise-Brno Napkins; l-I do do do Crimson Biusb; Ml-4 •do 00 du Purr.< do 5.4 do do do Maroon do 1-4 do do do Carpet Binding-, Kbeel thl o. newTreunip'nt Window Shades Tapestry patterns, cut in fit I CID the above we are coneant.ly reeei• our Biking Sloe k 0' C. hi Both. slid Strusitho o ing frosting/tax, to winch we invite the attention of it !I who wish to fur nish their Ir,MO. or steamboat, as we will be able to offer good, ov low a, they can be 'purchased in the Esust, nod of riches:ll3l4 lobes styles Call and et. abbe our stock hell's, purr hoPttg e:oddrbere Ware house. No 77 Fourth ot r,11)1 IV. WCI.IaITOCK her rooma nr OILY 000-Da SHACKLETT di WHITE. Dry Goods Jobts•r•., *TO. hr It lefD R iieT—Would call the attention 1.1 of Derr &Lulu to their large stock of porkkmaip aed Vberlee WIN' GOODS, Iwo receivoys frau:Otto-Da porters Nod Manufacturers, end which they wißioil:r at very low rater for cash or approved eredft. Our runt is ;loss full and complete, and wellarttet6. the atienuon abeyant, ;ware are deterrained3l.ooll at seek extremely low pot., u manor tilt to watt it .curcrys lodzociacii fc au chasof is mates Is. VOL. XVI. NO: 308. MISCELLANEOUS. DAILY at the BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. HOS ros AND N F.W ORLEANS DENERAL AGENCY AND COhIMISSION OFFICE, Young MF/NI an wholesale end retail store, and other nespectable bastion, to act as Root-keepers Sales men, Porters, Ilar-keepers, Waiters Farmers. Coach , men, Car Agents. Mot and Map Agents, Collectors, I Overseers in all brannktm of bounce., In. We have at all times a large number of good vita:anon, on hand, which pay from Tin to *2,9W per annum. Those in want of summons of any kindwould do well to give a call, as we have agents in each of the Wave ci ' nett, which wall enable us to place every applicant in a imitable situation at the ahortest nodes t'Ve have a large acquaintance in all the above named eities, which we trust will enahlo to give enure .amine uon to ell who may favor u• with a calL TAYLOR & TAYMAN, No. 59 Second at, Isetween South and (lay. —Person+ living in .y parl of the U. Statee, and Wt.htng otitaan a situation in Baltimore, or ea :her tithe above.elias, will have their went, imme diately attended to op addressing ua a line, loom-paid) at by so doing May will carted loath Trimble and petite, which they othenvile ild incur ny coming . city, and seekini employe:teat !Co then:melees Address, £AI /MR' & TAYMAN, N 0.59 Second street, /Lattimore. ltd RICLIEF FOR CRAMPS. LITE If AVE .4.81)0111VAL NyaniEßS made from r v the most approved English pattern, furnished and room - rimended noon ltakowelLEsq., mod a number of vEntnecit DIU.. a; beiriK I% most covens. eni apparatus for the sppl; trito n of, warm or hot wa ter to the vowel, in coo . f ernmpe in Cholera. As every person is at t0..0dd,. attacks, no homily 'tumid be without at hoot ne, CAIFE & ATKINSON, darenn Wood and Market St In Plano. iaer'nor i• jun recetving an I of PaLuta§ from the factory : Clark. N. VV. whin)/ for rt. exterior, beauty of finish tonna. wirpan,attly thing . Mr. Clara. of the aim., lablv known a. the former .1 Piano r•taaa.laueltt of tcrnayimproved and pea. . & Clark, N. Y. to on ci• eldl'e3 11, nu to the repo „a a . ~...:1 ,• t; r rheapatt try. 11. , 1.,..w 01:..n -a•I reronva,...l.c. o n o. an and fini.4.l. ....en make. ~,r a rat n ' ut a . ” i d ./ .1' tarty :17 , r ' ...WA over t I r iten.ive. varied and de ed bore; all of which will e 3, and on orcommoda 11. KL.IdtIER... at /. W. VoodwelPs, at Third n N. 11.—The aubwrther Ibe found the wan , honer Una 11 to 12 A. 31, of d d to 5 P. 31. Jul 11. 11., rain Ar, , ,‘t far Num. & Clark Improvive TUE aamrtme of Numb. esanre o I and sapertortty toot It ever brought to Vlk cit firm iong tithe a ray., 1.1 the reirbrat Ilreallernod. London, Im• fee ted the Pbanos of Nue tent sub•h. uo 1 tabor, of bettlF very b natl. le be Km in M.. co ' ing, Conte); Wtta we adde• Improrenumt In 14a nlyle Lm at once the meg el brought out. The.° Low muck do hand, form the mo 2trahle aaburunent ever nil, he +obi at manufer.urers Pr uu,a , armi PI ANOBI rplfE subscriber nlre, for sale a large and splendid useonnient ros , woml eft,' mahogany grand An. UOll Ptanos. nith end wnboni Coteman'a celebrated Malmo Attachment Tee above Monuments ere war• ranted to be twat'. to may niabnitetured In late coon try, end wni Le sold lower in, any Inn sett from the East. F lILL I ,SIE, tio 112 wood st, 2d door above Sib Si. —City Senn w,ll be Wren at pad fora few of he above assnruntn, etv2 izacromml .1 , /lIN 11. MELLOk,9I Wood lomat, ..A . ' -. .....dt . cr. wdl ccli d for St second ru rtp t/d pi Pi a the fol.ow in; ' • 13 t• or annos: '•'.. ` ... • One c.cgant ro h w wood 64 octave p,. .Nn, mode l.y Bat, A. R.. rco, N 1 • •5.11.5 110 1 One do do af ......e ..... • • •• •• • 3:10 110 ‘ , One rosewood t. octn ve.. Unit, k Co, N. V... Vi Ut One do P. do do .10. .. . 2311 (V line mp.h.,,any II do doescaly new. • flat 1111 On. do d do Land •-• "• . tr. 00 One do Li ~ 1 Rosenbaum Ina tot I fie do 0 On Getman CA/ IV 0 e do :.:i. o II .4 IV Nunn, DO 1.0 On do 5 do E. 1411.1. ......... .• •• • 00 00 my . ; JOT! REML. .s; 1, re ow' raile, hre mn In N 3. aINI a rirri rot, ono door (ruin • That:4 r re•l Cave, he rc.peedullv solm3. 1.011 1.1111.1.11. •• 01 1110 o.l.lrot..tee o(his (OM, en... 31,, acida!,:e p , troudigc of as mal.y uew 03 er. V... rig!, . ct Tx•orldt, line circuital id hr mon dder. cuiut •th Ltr t , •unrill of rtdidF mr.dr t ' d tou dr it ••• I •40415 111 , •anc,tl • d r,i. A Asip:3, — , l lniltertA, ''?% r _ 05.,it t - ,, .. , 7. ~...,_..,„;vz, : ,„ . .... 'eMalkoarrgß.,,,w. ~-r-k k or Deltrate Sworn prinsione, a•stlgrerrry ilie stir, - , in lintru.a and Other inrgu cutc• Pin• t,en urn. - n,rL,A. 11.4 o:.trz, aro Fu. •.` of (IV, o. F , .. or A.L.u:. Iltittorox. , ..m. t". o- Irnoltr or in v.•terttte easy 4o:tett-, A rote wart knot& or Outtee refotol"ft. irytes, ttt rec trero the Teeth flrtructed. A tiviee to :he poor 7.... N A. ratio the worst CllO4 of Any , ditertne 00. t- !Iv , wiLLuun ILEISi. ' Manufacturer a Mineral Water Apparatus, SI, or rue aOLDEN ltioLg asth imrara la, No. 213 North Scri.' st.. above Vine, PIII LA DELPHI& 1 A N erp7rome, of mote :hal twelve years In the iri.,aim thelari rtt of Almcral Writer Ay parents, and he preps rattan 0( M,II, al Water in 11, es and Four ' tains. on an ertensie, scale, with a srtirl'itie And prac• tient knowledge of of both branches of business, tote ! they with recent iinpravemeom in Me construcuon of !Me Apparatus and Me preparing or the Water, which he has scmce.mled .n adopting since tua tine to Pans, I and nitre yrs, of dose itadv rad praemral to pi as applied to the art. tit Nledtantes and Chem - ry. eosins, um mbaerr..er In come Inti:-.te the put 3e i with anon* confidence. told ''otTer them :he i.eat and most romp:em Appstratim. ,or dm miumikettare of Mon sral Water m• 11.i..1e. a :11 FU11(1.4., that ean be (La i nish.kd in Me Utitted States. : He also Li4IICSIS imam!, that the enlarged sneers. he Irs. met with mid h.. present extenstve and druiy 1 creasing amount of sm busioess in Mull the aGore de paents. turn/sties 1/10. most convincing proof of his r'stm to Ihr sup, to..iy it , Apparatus lover those of all others, and of the partly ant salahrtty of the Water i prepared therefrom. Psisont ^rho n•dir the Apparams Wan a dtstance, mar he moored that i.mir tuitruetion. shall bn laithfn - ly cornpded w, h. and io pile krd a. to r safely mill, by ior you, to a w part of liin kart'es. To aeon' o.lsnpoinita,n. I i 1. rreOrtlinfilded to those who intend • 1p d rm . , . ti-ttGe •a ne astersnr. approselting sea son, to forward them onlims at r , y a day ai CO/I• •naiont. I Stumm! Warr Apparatus, Generators. Pumps and Fountains, f•roanteiti I Urns and Ped.stals for ittkads, Cooliters and liars co . Hotels, for drawing Ilyoraid Water, together with Corking and Tying kludiones, and every thing not to the abort, lowest bus terms ines emiktantly on han a d, and cram ou the s, for east, opte,lrobirn - DATENT gnsLAR I.A HU LA.ClPS.L:AsTestmtsi;e. I. ris.snment of Coils Zs Co'kcelebrated suani3- facture, and superior to •I oaten in low; dated to churches, steanaboaM, feet dries, dwellings, public and private hall., and to a.lotli r uses where a cheap, safe and brilltant 1101.1 den., le. Also,Gtrandsies, Hal: La ternikeandelobres,Globes, Shades, Wirk., Clinnities, am ,s Trimmers, .I.c. AG... Gan eliampler., from one to Our lights, IV Dt , WiLSON. 46 market at `—' - OLLE AT WEaTA • CA P I P .AU I IN {N • , 7 1.7 i, 1f.t,11 ) .. "' ,1, ' , 1 , of inforouttg bit (nem!. antibe public to general that he box use largem of the folitbabog boated aro . efra of Las own roabalaeturoati this city — Saddlec, liar. nr", Trunks aod Way, all of which he will werrabt to UV inaidc elide be.; ma... Aland by the hem meeu. usue.'in Alierheny county. iton‘g determined to setl mabufaciarc• to'rollung lowci tharum. been tofore cold by *of ainular enabllshment In the elly, hew ectal pesos.. in need of the above aarocu warehouse, \o. eel Liberty Ewe 4 oppo eta )..relit. Aloe hande mode to order fee mnetne e . 'V. °cab- I y ftKERItl' PITTSBURGH 1,/,..11-.ll;kl.—illiiertl.-P Seuriol, ni this Inert lotion, end. the 11T /L J . fore ce Air. 0.,1 (:.“.•ao, for the present kcad,nie 00000 ou the Erg of ry best. MIN - ...no.. bunt/men. N0.:4 I.Zerly .trect. A rrlugemer t• have b..eb made by which they Fe able ;n ru b ),tong lathe.; Camillo,. ream to cosy el. unlng • Wornugh eat,lonal t /rnentental ' , Lwow.. A hid tour.. ol Itsop...c.Ll Bud I %sruoral Lectures will be dri:vercii darkthe %sinter. ob...nued by •oporron.. Toe de art.n-nts of Vocal u.o! loptrureiental Modem hr, ni ....1 Punning. e;eh land, efe• of a , Pr.ne..oe 11) eitenuun ;be morel .1...,......pr0yemen. ;•;.. . mere; ;a , anon of lee ;ere, .rcu.ui 0. up,. j ttl c Pnotiimb. TANNF:RS , OIL. - 4 )( I .1, lit 1, nt, hpnthopn,Mi qr h,d an.l I n:1,1 • .• N 11. l'aia.t =l2lll i• r • • • 'no • P. , 1,1 %kW I. 1,1/1, sr •••1,,,•41.. fc•• ,• ar A o ••,4 , t alat , Aiin“.•e, PI,. er, I rt.. . - r - rfir,t r ", ovet A, !AN& N: 10,16 r.u.1..m - lice to bagtanrrerrtypo Artlot•. 0./ o: I tt.1 , ..0..1.• • or, • el-nr ou, COVeN,I, ~, 1.51,/ •il,ll, one A nf Vo.n...annr!, • inally pee t) pr. 11a. r l' i kolZ u„, Inortscal (nt e Au.trAi r pard, I LAN c....\111.1.1 hneir, I .% n r."r• nr Ai nna 'a: Anritto. tut tnc.nr, /Of!. r 11„I tb.,11 fitted, ta re — thesper atiuti Advert °GAN, Ii iltlj.l,o and Ihnilern in II r , .....r.rtn.'n,trry nr..l Sa..itncry, IV Wood Arr., I 'l , l/ r. no, ol •Itnr : a very elteap ab.l tvea yeleetea of Itaro war, Imported e der Ine oce.tore to( prr.n... tn "fi.ek en. rennenAlin<ly luvr. Nlvebbnattla Who hove ucon 441 , 0 DI oDirtg Farr., Ar., p a tarty reque•ted vAI; aud irrok FArnotrg:o bar stock, ere confoltolly Ihr7 •ut, tot ,f as dea ectttt..ViebirCotiiitift;,- tpty Eno artm:e A few rloarltl bta enaaantelory of LI Onion ovtaieb tlite.tutectuen of boot matae,. nonfood sad for sale by YOuNCIA:O3,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers