vALIDABL4mor.O. - xi coNsuzup. -tem= COMP.OIIIIIsi Consemptioo, Coughs, COlde,lattam4 Bronchitis, Pe.- er Cosnntein4 Fpitnog Moon, Dithetterf Bros* . gain In the Bide•noll Beentt. PWpitation of the Heartilettsenes, , -Croonillrokm Co,-, • Stitution.t.orellroet:Nervons Debit). ty, and ell Diseases of the Threw, BrdeSt ileMangsvltreasostel: (wool end speedy cum •t. ever known (or any of • he t nbove'dima.- , . - carchomnd Syrayret-Wlld Cherry: yhi e anaemic is nolonger =only thosoof doubtful has pasted awey.frote tbo shoulaod. daily isenclicattvhay the tide of experiment, and nerweamms ripatanott r imd becoming more gytemaye.: fyl,ea&than bbyOM* preparation, of medtalso.e prodaceillim ttre relieforsothriitg tllll2l. it hi:II - twin !enrol:treed very generally thcanh rho United Suits .nd Europe, and there are kwararns of importance hot what errntain rettatkeble evi• , dente. of ltd 'egeetc , proofof th e fcregai eg , staterov d iikanof t he aliterantelfmacy of duo mph. eae,the proprietor wilt insert a lomat the tam. )thou.. sand lestizachials which have bccopmscuted to hiet by teen eflhe,first 'respeetabilityLomm who hero higher , view. almond re.moneibility. and Malice, iffy to facts. Leconte it will do another a fayeq ,end themselves no ininstiee. :loth tettltuovjiterreo con eluolvelj,thet,ito oertitiatng exrelleuce 411 established, by its Intritiiic merits, and the torytestiangpi e ty of public opinion. 'lto Memmancons relief it of-, ford., and the st,nthing Intlaenve &hued through the. wholo :frame by its use, 'renders it a , most evocable remody.for the afflicted._ emu' ° Wben Man, acting (WM Can.lention, tit:Tulsa mthutumily' bear testimony to the truth of a dung, o particular fact, such testimony, being contrary to thei iwwotrglaiisontearerstseThment.d.c.nri=l,nenoesrees conpetrol viction • universal •credettee."—(Plfoyan'tt IiEAD HOMV. CERTIFICATES. Srutt,Attirrnhe Coos Ds ratan.= Coasuateriam Therortever was remedy that baboons, successfu in de/toren, cases of Cansumption. as4:lr. SwaYue' Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, it.streogif,,,, L b, c ream, opposes to heal the alters on lung creating and rich blood; power possessed byn other medicine. • •• - •• •• • • Comma Co.. April 2.5M,1.519. Dr. Swayste—Door Sin I verily behove your Cro4; pound Syrup of Wild Cherry has been the moons Of aiming my life. I caught st. severe cold, which ally grew worse, attended-with a amuse. CallithTlatti resisted all the remedies which Cited recouraelosat increasing until my owe exhibited ell the .7 midtroms. Pulmonary Consumption . : Everything IWI to have no effect, and ray complaint intro so rupM . ly that friends. well as tower, gave up ‘ adl hams it • tap reciavery.. At this time I urns recoMMendesEnstry -, your Invaluable medicine: I slid so with the moat hap py results. The first bottle hadthe effect to , lolawn,the congh, causing tee to expectorate freely; .an by the time I had used ale bottlel was entirelywell,and am sow an hearty a man as tat. SWIM in- my life, And would be happy to give any information respecting mj ease that other sufferers may derive the benefit for wldeli 7 are so grateful. For the truth of the above statement, I refer you_to-Peter Rush, Greece, w e , Cheater, I °Perin. I purchased the mullein. IterpectfulLy yours, Jam /loam& Wonderful Cur. of fi nfahodist Min star , Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir: I feel a debt of gratitude due to you—and a duty to the afflicted %generally, to offer ray humble testimony in favor of your Compound Sy- ra p of Wild 'Cherry. Sooty three years Mace I was vialeally attacked with cold and intimanadon of the lwhich woe aceompenied with a distressing. cough,paln in the breumsand head, a very coashiera• hie discharge of 'offensive Muem from the lams, espe. Many upon change of welthek, however Might. At Intl felt ro alarm about ury condition, bet was pretty soon convinced that I Salta timidly going into-eansump• don. I grew daps weaket,land at length was suttees leiable to walk about, or speak More a whisper, each was the exceeding weaknerm °fury lungs. Duricg . this time I had tried 'melons preparations and prescripuona, bat found no relief—growing all the time worse. Jest hem I was advised a•••d persuaded by a dear friend in Wilmington te make trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher. ry. I lama routes. that pievionsly I had been Tom. Sneed against patent medicine., and I am still mama throw coming out of the bends of etriperica. hat unttor standing your elMnis to theprofession and practice of medicine, and having Implicit faith In the saying of my friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of your agents. a row battles, and notantensect Its use. Sly dis ease was at that time orAtel 25 months , standing, eon. . . . _ sequeittly It ans deeply waled. I found, however, conaideruble selleT from the nee of the firm four or five bootee. But being. public Tester, I frequenuy at tempted. to preach with my Increasing strength, and thereby ruptured those vewels that bud nlreadr herun to heal: in this way, doubtterm my cum woe greatly retarded. In cottewquonee of thus imprudently, I loam , twehm fineen bottleo. before 1 wan p.,- fectly metered. 1 here no ipmstion, a =telt =oiler number of bottles would hews made me sound. but for .•• • . . the above indwerction. The Syrup allayed the fever ish habit., took away the thrtresrutg rough, put a stop to the discharge Of matter from the lungs, mod gore them abd the enure syttem good health. I have deft f itted offering this r..rtsfieste ootil now, for the punk... of being perfectly satisfied with the permanency of the cure, and now that I feel periectiv well I offer it with pleasure Dublin county. I' kyr. J. 1 . • JORDAN. l C. lenpurforei Cala rawar Read! There it but onergenuine prerannion of Wild Cherry, and that is Dr. cwavas , s, the first ever offercd to the Eublio, which hoa been told largely throughout the United Btu. attd•aome petit of Europe; and all pm. patron°bs called by the name of Wild ('perry have been put out more Wis. under cower of romp deceptive eireturnst.e., in Order to give currency to their tales. By • little observation, noveraon need mistake the genuine from the mbar. Loch bathe of Mr gramme is enveloped with a-beautiful steel engraving, with the likeness ofWtlliani Penn thereon; nlso. Ur !swaynert signature: and in farther seeurny, the portrait of Dr. liwayne will be added hereafter. en a. to diraingursh hit preparation from all other. Now. if it was not (or the great curative peepers.s and known yin.* of Or. Swaynebt Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, perm, would not be endeavoring to ytve currency to their .Betitionn nostrum).* by stealing - the name of Wild. Cherry. Rantembra, always ben in mind the name of Dr. Sway.. and he not deceived. Principal Office, cornet of Eighth and Rano streets, Philadelphia. for rale rehalesale and rerall 67 Ne• DEM & SNOW epr :Al and Wood And; B APAIIhiIEdTOCK CI tor Ist end Wood, and GO and NYotid Br; Whl 0RN,53 Market et; ; S JONES, teo Weeny n• 'AS A BIWA eor Hand owl Penn rad JOHN IIIITCFJ ELL, Allegheny 617, need by all respectable elealdre 1.11 D. A. Fahstestockts. Aistl..l3lllous ift Catharticro eaPoood - smallness 01 nell with efficiency and comparative mildness of purtanws action, sad banns it peculiar tendency to the hiliary organs, is entictottly valuable in this coun try, in which bilious fevers. arid other complaints, at tended with congestion of the Ryer, so much abound.— They have now wood the test - pi:4/ Tears, and exPeri cues has proved there to be erode and valuable remedy is Intermittent. Remittent widDiliomt Fevers; Satan die.; Bilious Cote; Indigestion, Dropsy , Dyse • libons Vamittugs • Colds, and all complaints of ® In flammatory char-meter. The complete and universal satisfaction which has been given. by these pills to all who base once used them, lenders the pnblishtng of the umseroos certificates in their favor unnecessary. To prevent countereeiting they are now put up in a red zylograpie wrapper. Price id cents fora bog containing 30 pills. f- Prepared and sold by . , B A FARINESTOCK A Co - corner In and wood, and also corner Gib and wood] repl9 QELLERS VERAIIMGE Pi/WEBER TO ALL OTHEFL3:- . . _ _ Liamaccoc,Vc- Oct 12, 1g43. Mr. IL E. Bellers:;-Cloc of Our phtrielans, whose practice ie very extensive, totd:me thrs morning of a CM in which one vial' orTenv Vernadige brought away above entronnr, and a gentlemas In the neigt,- berbood'iald . lat'lesS than halls vial caused the dap charge ofnear_o3 largo ;worm from one of his chil dren. Verge:any Of such instances might be. stated. It Ls well known shout here, and shoos* all prekr it to any . othcr. Send me 12 dozen and oblige Yours, 1. M. WILS4:IS. Pat r iots who donor wish m trifle with their etuldren Should use Sellers' Vermifoge. Prepared and sold by R S BELLER.S,S7 Wood at, Ada by Cassel, AM Ward; D M Corry, Allegheny. norl A STRONG EVIDENCE that Dr Id 'ENE'S EX PECTODANTT haulms.. I el etbn trmadin Dr Ceighberterirptkm, Dromehitia,reihm, and other Puttee effierloettyie that the maw mama wbeemartureetal the O of Die their Gremlin ea yeas mgo dill prefer It to ell Whet reterolles of *ebbed; and wham my hare bereiedeeed to try ether preperreens they bey. sheer loteriahly been la ming On benefit which Iran reeeosahly = rea rem tie high pare. beatornal LIN poprietor, Id Iwo relented to Ibej ea' KinCTOMIET, tl • remedy Wet bee terra felled to ne . leet• thine. lad which probibly sem ..had amazoi - polowarytwares. Proptred only by Dr D. Jarmo rbilidalp ..TA Fou hiA,ltnd inkton Water( • AI4EX. - NES 7i nt, At DALLErs PAIN . i.TRACTOR will, In Bye gdn men from the time of its' appllcation remove the a nd from the eeverent burns, welds flan listers, and will ben! wounds, ulcers arid wren y kind witting KW. This velnable."-Peln Ealtaetor..enn be kid of JOHN D &1011.0Ark v /Itrallst, ' 00d treet, • nent N iV l Wentern Pen B. A. PAIIMESTOIDIVS VEMIIIVIIGE. &F seat weeks since, one of my children, algorithm:lt BTe Team, . uneven for several days, and the increased .e %gaspingly that-I jawed death would be the reardt. Houma heard of the goadstreets of Fahnestock's Vennifoge when administered to the children of my neighbors, and thinlciugmTchild might hutualsomet, from tome of the tymptomn, I gave it one And a half teaspoonfuls of the Vermitage, mid to my Yistonialiment it almost immediately discharged beftaeauSDP and Offo large worms. Ds health wu mon teirarred, and it is now remarkably well. Preview to taking the Vern:Wage, the wanes would occasionally risein its throat, and tonsil feared it would die from strangulation. JAS. O DAWSON. ',clump co, Pa-, April 3, „ apl3 • b EZDYS CELEBRATED 'lTtlf AND TETTER OINTMENT Is the mold effeeural remedy before pone for the core of tatter, itch, dry and winery pimples - alike Mee, neck and 'body, scaly eruptions, and all other diseases of the skin. This Dianna{ is warranted free from mercury, it perfectly isle, and maybe need at all Um= arid under all eireummences. A fresh amply of thla valuable remedy, received and for naleby . BA FAHNIZTWE Co, corner °flat end mood also, corner of 6th end wood areal& el • sELWIN VERDLIPSIOF,-. No family shoold be without it!. Lamm C. 11.., VA., tog. 011, M 9. 117. B. E. Sattaxas t I cheerfUlly certify that I have for rams years past wed your, Verralfage In my Gaudy, and untowardly with sateen l decidedly prefer it to any other prependlon I have IlEd *2lO 01101 these may be named the cerebrated medicine called Deidsh ot, Fahnetatockt• Wordier., and a preparation called Worm Tea. In a recent case a stogie dose bcougbi from my bole boy one handfed mid aii lerge warms No WWI/ e4rtalaty °ught to he tentomt It. Yams ire , JAS. LAWSON Prepared .ad oold by ft. E. Sotto., No 57 Wood • t.k end told by Rgeggists geoarally inboth zepli I A. Pine net of Teeth for SW cents. WHITE TEETH, FOUL BREATH, HEALTHY TT '6lllllB.—Yellow and dnhealthy tee* after be ns ,ones or Mice cleaned with fortes' Amber Tooth . Fa*, have the appearande of the n:lost bertntlfal ivory, sad at the dame tone h ie 'so perfectly liouscentlutd er einisitely fine, that its constant daily use Ls highly ad- Vssitaipecats, even to those teeth that are Eh a good can okta, wine than beastifolpoltehoiteLpreveatiof • =decay. Those atrerOly decayed it Atereots oh* WOl.--41 01.0 fastens sub Arta" bo• Italllng loose, and by perseverance It will rendna the hemmer& delicately white, and snaltotha haratiide &fortify sweet. Sold by WM JACC.94"4/141bely 11.4.FAuinual -4 ,l 3 ;.rnu' ,N. y. cb , : ..' 33../..FA.Krainci, Piusbursh• . G. W. Foosit=e, • - - - ..lErholosalo - Drug :¢tako 'An the 'll4y of .. - --. .- .. ; Now Xork. rilladlullEned are .otteesiVelY ea _gziet to do .L,Nbludesoleiting boldness pi No.* Johwetreet,'lo ' 0 ' etty of - Thor York,.tud ate:pnpired to supphy , prooliots -toll ocotary AtOehants with Drip, Nebi , c i t 10.te, 17.1toikrozeiga. and. &aortal jetfEmry. . gir - Weaver& hloadefs l:C:40 atol all Gans aril= line oritohl.. 1 ,/ ... ..,. , or. ail tat so they cast troptr• 4. 4.... ...‘,..... or !illy team .elly. , .: .. -.. ~ .. ; :kik Yoti//:,..b4...- - "1:r1£, GI , _ .., .51, 1 :'4 4 -,.. ar 4 Ow • , . , Pari4g. ie peal bealtp an d of this Santaitartna Syr allotted mielkineek tterailleates the diw e i , it tooigoritiai the ttady. Tits owe of lbw ',toy boot i SPRING AND SUNDER IMEDICINES ' P. er latimia ; II net Oily parities tha 4dleite tria d and odes the 'pima, but h treat. esei,77l4. A d H. 't :Its i tr " grand anted l ' et 1 elevated within du lui two yearn mew th an 100,0 1 0 ', al sere. cues of dittoowoj N. bast 15 X 0 " 0 . 'e didered inearabk. Whs. nood:"Lh o lire) of mom "r m I‘looo children daring the two pan seeceons. 0,000 canes of General Debility mad wawa of Nervous Energy. ; D. Townsend.. fitersaparill. Inelgormes the whole ,/ One' Peeentikentl,.. Oopp kan lent their weeder tmrgy'y the erette mWhinine'huflacre 'Len committed in tenth; or the ...nitre Weirs.. or Lae pus - ions, end brought on •pnarel phyelcsiprostr.- ' doe ord.. nervous 'yams lassitude, want of ambition, ltnt*, IpliflatiCll., decay and decline, bestia mow& that fetal Mies" Coneninotion, ems be es tit* Seemed loy this pleasant rem*. This Bow t wills le foi,siNgios to any . lan sestetbag Carona, itmeews end estgotates the eystenh'give. smirk, ni the Linda. and strength to the muscular oyetem, in qaust . I : , Dannumptleta Cowed. cisw. and &twat& ammonytie. am he cod. I ilrenditin Oonnowetisw. Lissy Comp/whin Geld.', Chstassh Onyyle...etitheee,•dpithny sy /snows, fewinesebe the .r Beady nate, itteehts, Offsets lidepeeS. • talk* Polninthe Shin tr., Sage laf'ed sew 1. weratd. SPrTTEIIe ; IRLSO. I ono ter zglien. Eta TollrwcaSa-.1 mitt/ baby' Two ihr.9 ► . het back thsasanankronsb Aan*ll•llac k of arf t lava far arrant fears but • had Elongh. It hanalad Bassanal wants [that l relaad s p r attanti• has atiisdab had sight Canoga mad vas 11.6111. mined. aad Aid not apes& co as 1 haws }WY OWL my Bariapaelga ••atm than, oat thara ham • waallsk I clamp bats issagbt/a a. tam as. AN to watt al arm the atty. I miss me bled, and my taao Iw lah an. iva cm wall Isnad;las that I as tbankill fm time scale. Tsar obedlast myna 011111 ELL, 45 Calbtatt•nat Friulihe 1114sdIstistet. D. Skoontooth's DorogoirOla to oontroln aatt spoody a.* I%Comooptloo, Dorroarroor, Prolopsio t* dere Womb, Cadmus, Leo. ourbOok cri • 'obelroortod Mica!' Illorotroo. tintfluemstbogoo• •Drks., LUsbtaU7 , DooborTO .tbereaf, and for dm moral proottogoa of th. mom— .or. =star orholloor the rometotkokotont non or memo. , Prodtotod.b7 a.. as welds= Nothksa sax he: man mpthina item Its lattionsisa edam tbo beam tram Palma a! whom - aatt /mat. mit; trim Wan, It, u ano bows robust {pd foll of oars:yin:dor la isdanaci . It lasoadissaly alastanets tha aarstlasiass ants fa aids Sham which Is the great room at Bamikomo. 4 •131 sot be acrd of tn. Is mos. of so Mimeo • Work to orb.M corthintoo of rum partorond bstsra as wan tha hundreds at eases has* basa typartod to oz Thaassasta sr casaa wham &rasa km boos *Mama Waldron, altar War a Om bases. al nib tasalaable tune boon bloom! with al* lasalthy alhquitts. T. liellbsnr• amsl Illaurried Ladles. This Fddract et Ismaparilla km been espresedy pro ••to reference to female otattplaiata Ito feW obo has mama to moppet. she Is approaching that critical period; • Tho tars ef 141%.• aboahl maim. to tele It as it is • certain preventive do my of the sumac= and horrible diseases to which females ere rubderd at We time of life. This period eam hs isrpsd fir ormral Imre by ..6 thU magic., For 13 It km rabeshie to, those who ere approaching Loo es is ealculmsti to ashes more, by mock. ening the blood sad invigorating the mom. lodged. Lois medicine to invaluable for all the delicate dun •^3 to which woman an subject !Phnom. the whole rya.; noes. permanently the asttint mermen by rentomog the impurities et the body, om erisselatiser ea to produce subsequere relszetlett is the cam aroma medicioes oh oh, Modal* weakness end diseaaa By mama • few bottles of fob medicine, neon ernes and painful suralcal epees new mop he prevented Brenta Biennia; s. alinsbers and Children. It tithe West .a nova effected medians for plinfy. long the synem and relaying tbesffering+ ..241.111 pon child-birth aver discorneal. Ir"ntrenethans be,th 'thn another and ehild. prevents pain and dlstaa, mmanna and enriches the food, Oman who !Into rued n think It is indtspeastile It 6 highly amid both Won. cid after enninninent, as it prevents dia.. mondani ehlidtnahLin Coatlvene, ea, cannon tio.ii- Ing of tho Fent. lioarmand.ey, Heartburn, Vouutior. Plan in the Bah and Lnien False Palen Heanahoise and in regulating the aerstiaini cot equalising tla ear mindoe h kw no equal Tb. pad beast y of the medicine in it 6 shiny. rho nth . mon dolmans ors It mod inieenahilly, eery far opens iny other cedinine. m . Ulna Caner Oil„ Magazin ts nand. Brenda In tke open sir, and light food with ioinallinza, .in allays mum • Bala end nary eon ancotent . Connetka, Chalk mat variety a praparattoes gen. raity to see, whea applied.te the Ikea, wary sweep:a et of k. beauty. They dew the pone of the .kin, sad .beck Mdttelatlae, which, whets nature is opt thlr UM. . . eel by diantee or podar, or the ate blamed on *alio co map.d le beantilles its opt ppd.... ia The/ a imam face Dial." as well es in .1. rode. of neh .d delicately tinted and risrafatedlowera A boo active aid healthy eirodariatt of Om .id., er the eemador at th e pure, rich bloat to th e eari./. ties, 6 that .Welt palate etrantenattee Ist the most triqui. aim bootry. It 6 that ohlrAt loparte the Indocribells shades and lashes of Inethoeme that ell atimina bin now gen describe. This beauty la the offspring of or tore—no alp/oder or rep. If there la no • free and Seek .. dreriatiao th is Panty. If th e tady is Sae se driven sneer, Ifshe pal. end toe econetlea sad the bleed 6 thick, odd .d tempura the 6 not base tifeL If the be brown of Tabor. and there is pm+ and rid/. bioad,it (hot a rith Woo t the eheethd • brilliancy to thole pow that k focisadoe. nd. I. Irby the torilerna and =pokily the Spate idaladito are .o oath admired. Ladle. to the moth who take but little =erae., er are ceased la rime notms, or bath spoiled their eonpltraioa b 7 the thpli. coil. of &Werthea minento if Any *Joh to re. fate elarileelere. of step, Intoyaut epMu, sp and boottfld compleakoo they should asenr l l . o . pb 7" wood'. Bereaperitle. Thomism& who have tried are oars than addled, .are delighted. Ladles of or., nation. eroond war oaks deity. Welke te the Ladles. Thor that betas Dr. Torre...oda flarapartha, ker. torriably one! Ore olds g,... Rassyi f a Pe euelcr, .ad bare sopad oar bill oil simian kirl. Mote to as complaims else:sea wor I for wore —other era alarm op modietee. hoe, ow Oa fres osiers of D.. Totntrad'e fi,ry sainof. complatrts lexottlea t rotroOd peak darrlb_pr. vim.* tirrud •amba daft Mixture; pi ti'.../..11..n"Lw,=:. .qfv=,,,dihrt6:. only rad beenoddy tbr atomenste lanai nem rarely. if ever. Odle of elfin Wf pennereat coo. II can be tako by Da EMI leate Setae; to roy or; or by duo expo:tag 111 hoe. mothers, with the freatail Few. the uyeato rod primate pals or dram tad - rsorattirue lash mother ..d alit B. rueful l. pe lb. masa aerefala Cared. Tide orrii flans ococheshrely Immo that thee ars& perilla has perfect mural orer the cookid cOrticat. die ea.. of the Bleed. Time. peruses rand la elm hose Is coprecedinetcd. Timm chum. eh. Togo—Dess blip I have the lefenstjtoh that throe ef mpoldlenta hers= alba plethrola by Ow we of year excellent medicine. They verivalleted - ybry wroroly Irith b.d gene ; here taken only fear both; ft leak tbia foe .bleb I Yid lapel( ooder great obltyatioa. ISLTVY CLIN, WI Wooster. Wed.:me o Physicians. O. Towboats! . dawn f daily rettel•lng orders fres Phydalaneth &Kenn para of the Ode. TIM is to tertlfy thet-we, lb. anderamed, Physicians Kam City Of Albany, here In namensw acne preset& 041 Dr. Toeseend . • Barisparith, earbellme U to b. oaolthe WC nimble yeeptestlone In the noseket• 11. P. PULING, K. D. J. WILIKM, IL D. IL IL DRIGOK, D. April I, Ma P. E ELNENDORP, K. D CAUTION. Owing to dm great macaws and immense anle of Dr. Townsend's thinaparillw a number of SAM sib. were formerly one Alftlak bare conuormead making Bars:spa. E.DsotiL EDirimalittonh Erdeacte of Yellow Donn, Ttieygentrally pot it op in the smug bsped Lot. .ben and souse of toss bare stole and copied our deer tisroneatireqbey ars only worthless Imitations. and should be atoided. gregeTpal Omenl2l3 FULTON Street, Son Building, N. Redding & Co, 8 State street, Boston; DY O O Tutu, 132 North Second week Philadelphia S. S. 11 ... , ..D.K64. Dahlman; P. IL Cohan, Charleston. Wright k Co., 151 Chartres Street, N. 0.; 105 South Prk i 810001 , AD. , / wad by el the principal Deur pew and Aferchnnts generally throughout the Petted `wwa Wain Indies and the Cared.. N_lL—Persons inspiring for dile medichie. should turthe induced to lake any other. Drugging+ put up Sarsaperlllas s and of,eostrse prefer selling thew own. An 110 L bd 'deceived by nni•—ttigililre for Dr. Town senil: and take no other. f - Remember the genu ine! ownsend's Serseparil a," sold by the wile ugente. R. E. SELLERS, Genertd Wholenala & acting .g ,l Ltieng, Ne:' Wood street, and D. CURRY, eny city. • • ---ttlir/Vg-Alll—A-NENCY, Fai the Reeturery of Dormant and Improperly With• held REAL AND PERSONAE.ESTATE: the Se, ttemenl and Ashitration of Commercial, Trading. and other,Defits; Securing Patents for Invention. an Greet Tlritain, Ireland, and the Colonies and Depeuglenciee thereunto belonging, and Negotiating for glie. Pur -1 nhalln We me RErEazsa; may he Lad on application bee of Lac barge, (prodded the motive Is not tiled of mere cur(mity,) to Lift compd./nit u verde of 15,tett ewes. in which nor Ininted p pni en y is • landing. Also. an 'lndex to our Ingot add, :..dementa which es appeared for the past 50 years in eartons 11ntieh spend/re illadTeltertl Ral ein Law end next or Co.l2llll9nienlintl• by latter ore regguested to Le postpaid- BENTHAM FABIAN. 3:0 y, Reforoneer. are permitted Broadwa New York.ln Hon. Charge. P Daly Coon of Commons Pleas, New York. Freeland, Smart & Co. Char. Clutltdsta k Co. J. T. Tapseott. Bleketts,,Esq. .:Esboard Schroder, Rag, Cincinnati, Ohio. patekin,Eag., Preeident Potehin Rank, Butlain. .130121410, ')fib AllebLAey ' A ? the - anneal 12w-bilge! the Crept 'XI: Me Sib the rem, : Family Is-elected Humors for the Chi THOMAS HOW ' JOHN Illkel m Lan • • JESSEC F ' NATHANIEL , Hal WILSON NPCANDLE, ."J D FIN'ff:SHOEINBERGENI, JAMES SPEER,' Jr.; Secretary and Treasurer. nut annual :statement presented the affairs of the 'COMPIATkrt very prosperous condition. Their offtco 'ln the elry br N 0.32 Wafer street. 5012 ib lisTalda kinda,tlTilictr IA II DICKEY & Co ,d e cf rtN ; A ,40.rf,r 0 E-11,3 has in entre and far trallai v ! dad ISAIAH DI & ' ietY/E;r:At g—CTIEIBI- COFFIN IdAtfirkRoANILELTILNISHIPMALNUEft 'TAKERS, corner of Penn molt et. Calf street., O n t f •u•S mElekrarlae tletal, entrance on Yana street, restlemfally sMorm their friends and the public, CAM they are pre_parad to Inrush and attend to everything La the Mme of Undertaken. Alarkys on hand A large arc sorrnent of ready made Cram, covered, tracd any, sn ishad intim very best manner, all 11.0 rt, and sizes ready main i l hrelads of fki noel, cambrte anrltaaslur, land nil size,. Madera approved atYle• W• keep • ) •rre sorittent of war e sad black, cocon, rilk and kid tirov e s. / sable foy pall brayer, and moarrn-ni., crap., caps, co.. lam and every Ihirm accesskeytor dreakin e th e dead, anrAmt reasonable turns, as we parehase all o ur t u d d r 1j in the Eastern mum. At... miser Pi..., 6..4.-01 the Slams and age......W e. have a 5pk,..11.1 not, heurse and L Ilea. end any nornher of the best comae,. I:very a n , uu,ted .ponmully and N 1.14.1117. nenil y BENNETT & BROTHER QI . T.:ENSWAIII.: 111 AN I_/ FACTL REITZ.. - , fliktultaghanz. I near PI ttabsargh, j Pa. Viaidiouse, Na. '137. Wood area., Pi th Ft.tirg h. , ~., WILY. conutonly keep on hand 1,1 good. aver, r'~': ,' meetW . of 5.0, of our °sou manufautnro, and . , superior una:ity. . Wholesale and country Mat. ' chants are respectfully molted to call and ci 1 maims for thr.lll2ltlVALi, as we lee deleTrOaled to sell cheaper than has ever before been offered In the pub lic. risers,ent by mail. scenraPan.ed 1.1 lie cash or arty re Will he prontutly ancritied ..n. femM i7iiit..l, I. NI. ------ -- J. 5../.. E. I.entla FLINT GLASS EISTAIILISFIRMINT. M UI. VAN I' LEIILIE umrultacturc und.k.rep eon. mantly on hand' CM, Moulded and YMIn Flint Glattisiare, in all Ito sandlot, at their ll'arehocse ear ner of Market and Winer si recta, l'Llisburßh• Our Works continue in tall npernnen. and We are ennstanily adding to our nook,which enables us to OK orders wllhpromptnest. l'urcliaNsr• arc re.peedully li nieited to rot arid rztrialm pncee Seel terms. 111 y/Oel p COACH MAKING. , PRIM! the very. ].beral encourage Merit the 'absent,' sun receJvcd,a/c. • • Ida - r he bas localed Inniechi in gliegbeny "prams'. • : has tnducest him io take a 1...0, for • term of years. on Om property be no occupies, in BcaVes street, iminrdwiciY IL. Presbyterian QtolrCh Focus the :reog e per leoee lL above bi 11... and a deg re to please• he hopes !o taco fl and receive a ahare 01 public panonage. Now on hand and finishing to order, Rockaway Beg kies, open and top Boggle, and every desertpuon 0 Lax - noses wade to order, from teveniy.five . Pen hunaret isePa-dif , 2111 IN sLtbTlt . 1 1 .‘. :t al A ts n eo, Ll l A „ o F r t T ss? li t ' r C s C I, 7.1 10wharves. Pini`a. offer for sale on acconsmodating terms, Gout kg.p Manufactared Tobacro, consisting of pounds, half pounds. s'., Fs. 12's, IC's. les and its, lumps; Ss. O's sod e's plug, and ITs Ladies' Twist, in whole and booes l ol We following approved broads, Junes II Grant, Osborn & Ilrogg4 Grant & lYilltanad, A Cabanws, S Jane* & :ion, lirDonald. IVebstur Old, J Thomson, Jame. Thomas, Jr. A II Aroustcad, J Thomas & Sod, Leurdhorn & Armistead, J P Coates, J M Cobbs., I:sentry Royster, J A Clay, AI A Butler, C A Bail, Green Hall, WM D. N son, Pearl h Norwood, J S If:rick...pod, Nattt Pule, Key atone, P. II Vau-ban. Edmund Beery, Portland Ilubowon, Russell & Robilmon.l Krim, Robinson & Co. IldweY, R Metcalf. John Ender, Lawrcacr Lower, J Robinson, Gray & Gray, D II 'rurner, It Jurtreson, York IVlnte, I/ Id Braden —Ald..edl— Havana I.eaf Tobacco. wrapper. and filler.; Vara do do do Cfutfuegoa do do do St J04,-o de Cuba do do do S` Ikuningo do do do Nunn & Oulu. do. part find, do Maysville do do do Kentucky various grade. do On VtfgIIIIII 1,10. suitable for tr.umfacturfog and export; figannitt Seed Leaf Perma, COllllO curve 110 Ohio, I ferrom So raps, .weet. tiernind hoes, Pipe heads; ! , [014.• bdud donw , and bladders,' Alsacrouba Men:. Tongan Benno. Ilueutia fa., Otto Rue, Deo - Nowt; Calabria l , tquonce, Pill.: CUVI • II4i,(I K.V( , , ' , punk, .4 c he ?}LILA DE:L.PIIIA. rayl3 /. 1,1}.1 111, TURACCD, NNUFFA, AND (ACIDS, T ID. nt •nal.•.firld •t.• r. 1 inon•! n I . lD•burt h. Yx l all:In at C 11•101../, Merr: ..d lint , lint, a a., r:al Pal are, ea Ita largr •11.1 •at l ./I / I. . h a • , n ..3,, I, anll,, r, rou - .1 a B Norm, Sta. rant. altnerva and .ir gnaa..a.i•.l urai ht. auld a..oar can • had at al:, nth., boon.. Dle r", A .-onstanOv laabd and en. a large an.l 11t.....ur. and Fine Dui a.satag Davana. Cal.• and I'otarwaa Leal ~..tantly un Lund auv:4.lr4n PAPER WAREHOUSE iscr. 9 HURL' NO t r iLl P. NEW VOR/i. YR U.. 3 FIELP otlcla 'air, at ,t.• • Alanufaciarere priers a Trry a 4tol PAPV.K. rmpr.s.rK os••Ic Tar • ) depted to the. 0, CL•411211,1.i. 4.1 ..ret.on• of .tir otrLuy Paper 01 al. It i,, 0,1••• fff • 3,sewaek of 1141 N -TING PAPER .1 Ur CI.. • pane( which et o(very our qo• .1v PAPER MA KYRper.o MATERIALS of every de•trJeuen, aLpe....f and ker.. rn e ak.W , or har,, Felungs. .r, Onto. rekardr.,r Bleaching Powder. Mac Uttram.nce , tti .::c. , a r ELAGS4 Oman.. Bale Rape, Gras* Hope. Elticama. e.. parcaasea, for wt,ch the kugtre. pr:re Ca.!, trill 1.. paid I TVY New 1 ova, /lily)) -AA TliE- Indus etty bed:or—made on the Matt •pproved Eastero plans— and most faeltwelable Eastern pattern. and color.. Alan TOE CIIERP ROLL. or BORroro BLIND. on band or made to order of all Imes. and •t all p meas. Country Merchants and others are to sited to call and examine the above for themselves. a. all will be mold wholesale or and a lateral dedualon made to wbolew le purrhase r r!‘"T_ BRICK FOR BALE. THE undersigned oder. for sale • Allt.,loT artirle of lirink for building, made by his Strum m, improved machine, for whieh h. has obtained • relent. and agree. to give purchasers a written guarantee that they are stronger, ono wtil frost and wet wrath.. er and imbibe less moisture or dampness than any nth. er brink, possessing greater body and •opertor , texture and much more durable In every respect. each brick heists subjected to a pressure of several lon. and pos. • handsome smooth surf.* and even edges. they make a front equal bide beat front brink. They have given the greatest satiefastuon to all who hove purch.ed. A kiln can be seen at my works. and specimen at the Gazette office Those baring supplied themselves for their Moldings, and wishing handsome front hock. or supenor hard and solid paving brick. ran obtain them Bt~R IS nam, Jane 11. 1648. ifAAC GREGG. ALLEGIIE\Y VENitiklst - JOHN A. BROWN, TAW/3804m method to Inform ids friends and the public ei large that his Factory is nowi Diamond, Allegheny, where a eon stain supply of Blinds. of various colors and constantly kept on hand. so. En S Wood at. Pittaburgh. at J & al Phillips• nil cloth wreronm Verailian Shatters made to order in a the bat style. Blind, repaired w the shortest nonce. Blinds will hr put up without any addl. moat expense. so that they COI/ be removed in • nice ifin ea. afire or for washing, and wlthout the aid if a screw driver AILDENS, ;TESL . mown plat, of revert ha pEtasure of Informing the public ihst h. coal having been thoroughly refined and reps., the ground. el-gustily laid out and decorated. / men for ter. accommodation, ninl he door. h.oi it mat those who may favor him with their toot.. ac will End alLthal they desire, provided in the tylc and on reasonable terms. fie to determined I. pare no expense in oinking hi. establishment worth) f public patronage. He Ma accommodations lin oarding n few families. Ire Creams, .d all reirsoh. to. suitable to the season, ronstantry on hand 1.8 1 / 1 ltURCIIPIF:1.1) Momons& _louse T•Eloring Est.!. lOthmeut. SA AC WILLIAMS, Draper tout Tailor, best to ni form the entre. of Eitmburgh and others. that he now opentitg at his rooms on Smithfield street. un r the above lintel, a large and beautiful ussortntent (Cloths, Casson... Satin, Silks, .d other Vestings. Igethet with mish other ample. . ore required for entlemen's wear. Ilia goods have been carefully se. cited, and are of the newest ml most fashionable yin as well as o( superior quality. If,. Cl11110111ar• ay depend upon having their clothes inn.e op in a 1 antler winch cannot fail to gratify the lasts of the est fastidious. ambitly THE STAE OF THE WEST 40. VBNITIAN BUN D MANUFACTORY East side of the Diamond. where, Yeoman Blinds of all the difiremm six. and eolors are kept on hand or made to order afte the latest and most approved Eastern f.l. tons,at the shortest nutter and on the mos reasonable terms _ 'Mors, held on lINFIIe num ' '"WeZent. Alva, the cheep /Mown roll nr rphi Blind Tranapii• reney and Paper Conan., of all the different triter and petwrna, on band and for sale low forearli (lid LID. Blinds painted over and Irpoired, or lake. pan payment tar new. H M WESTER V KLT, Pro pr. N. 13 —Ad wo t done with the beat material WO workmanship, and warranted to . please the moat mantic Allegheny city, M18.10,144/I S . . TEAM FERRY BOATS FOR SALK—The sub. scribers offer to sell one-foonk of the two ferry boats, Gee Scott and Geo. Worth, now runnbis from the foot of Penn street to Saar NM Run, so as to make It a plastid° Investment for capitalists, orsy who may wish to engage in the business. For further particsdars. Inquire of nortktf 0 BLACKBURN & Co, Water itt AINELLANEOUS. A CAM, l'lrdarto!rthra. rrr r A (Troevoi. Plit.ourh ohl hl-131, uow lull ope , a• menu. to for. erd l rprofit slot (ro.turat vrols .oLtl or. Ihe irrtn• rootolr.•tit ;*. thlr wet! known proininia- deorering gnurds— pe • cu.., safer, 1314.1 e irl ca &or --hap:. lour ererrruiri sot at curb port. 100:11411Z Xl a / 1 41.1..L.• to. stopper. aa owners al prooare--ingethei win, wort cap e . nem, and ant...wrung at or our...rot. or Ihrro • C 01, :1•14,11, of taut i[l.• I' et. patronage ale, betel.) bra idly •hcooroor conso,oncor. 'o) mot! lot trot Oar received. ther e., paid. sod a , rw•rdeo in not eau, f oil tom. Ir e in erten, or rothrootrooo. alb hoc.% ot oortor• toLeT.aL dir,rrty or lothrr rt. ) diesismews All eortanumeationspronipu, attended m on applica• non to the kilt°. in, agents RORRIDOE CASH. V" Market rt.. Plt , 'acielphia. TA A Frt. pc', INN, Canal Rain., Pittetnrgh. O'CONNIAD. A t North .t. liattimore 011).1 B WILSON. ed Nevi lurk 40, LAKE BRAE AND MICHIGAN LINE. IS4S. jfig i gt . ' , 1 4 / 1 ,, w known Line, composed of swan:oat. Lake Ene and Michigan, between Pittsburgh and Deaver. and freight OIIJ "sung, I'oo4l Boats be. tureen Beaver anal Eric, and M rh`or class •leamboats, propeller. and ve.wd• an the Labe. to prepared to carry (renal: anal proottenee Tr to all point.. on the Ene Canal, and Lakes Erie, Homo and Sltetto grin every fuility for Boner. In! freight and pa.- getters arab prompows. and dispatch. the Proponen t and agents respectfully solicit from their ).tea a 0011- rtnuanee of their patronage C M R REED, Propnclor. REED, PAR'is n Co, lisaecr. Agent.. JOHN A CAU1.111..1. Agent. . 9 14_ no, AVater awl Smithfield sta. k`ith.burgh Is4S. ECLIPSE TRANSPOILTATION LINE. To and from the 'Eastern clue. via Curnherland. 'PUB proprietor. of Mi. popular lone. tut their J.. re-organ largely inert...ell the" Iseilltles Inert the wishea of ahippera and are now prepared to furorard a greawr amount by be FIVE DA Y LINE alo by additional regular wagon... low rate. nun o lio will run throughout trio yr., deli•enng goods thro the agent. in Italtimore old Pittsburgh to owners and consignee. •i .peethed noes and time Shipments from Philadelphia ler the Ilno hould I•e marked “Care, J LI Robinson, Ilnluniore " The only agents nre, I = FLOWERS OA n . 411 . ECLIPSE TRAIVBPOItTATION tcroptioora of 11.01apella Lode hve changed the Adt ncy at comb:nand from Om hrc. a McKant /a fu a• that bAgertoo Pottobargh and wealcro merchant. an notalled lhai J flay 1y llobleano No trd Mouth Charles 0. lialtonor. $. ocly authorised 8,4,0 of C. Um to the Kamer, clocc call accuts an Y.% WINTER Vila SIKARON 1 III: ruttretther ot pro ,4 to 11.111,11 &woo,. r Wrttdoego. o ,4 r olnivOord pl ric ro h agenot Orden. .1 `A' T Down. Jr Clot,rirt t. or through l'oo tltrr, rrdl Ito do I.reel promptly Ihl ES I.VA R 11R1 /P. ?door heeler Nuntery lort.Cl dim. • - Western Transportation Corap!iny. M.M_Aitar IS4B. 0,2.11f.,TiLt°,7;...1848. TO DELl'lli A, BALTIMORE & NEW YORK VIA rkIINSTLV,A, •00 01110 ILAIL A RE prepared to trail/Tor: go t. and produce to and from the alie re ewe. on favorable term. Ad- U. dle,. or apply ta LEI b, Co, Cana/ Basin, Pitwburgli, HARRIS k LEELII, tt 15 South Third Phil J. TA YIA)li k SON, Air., No 11, Nth Howard .t, itgli A. A BIILYPT, AO. No 7 NI mit wee!, New York. Pittsburgh, Al are 11 ltlW. 1 , 14 Dkellahante , 'Fr nsportail'onliin74-- 4 - 0 :- -- -,- - 1 S• Mk.. 41 via C•MAI. AND NAIL LOAD* FOR PHILADELPHIA AND lIALTIMORK GWEDS ronalgned to our rare will Ns forwarded ,without delay at the lawrat currrnt rates. C A Ale ANULTI" h Co Canal lo.ln, Penn at, Pntaburah. 111E(LEIEILLREt RRYNOLIK 1272 and 3115 Market n, Ethtl u. ROSE:, at }MEOW Er, Co, Smith's wharf, Ltalu, MERCHANTS , WAY FREIGIIT LINE. x. 1848, _ft_ll4l TNX 72 / 1 1 Of DgrwEEN Pittsburgh, Illalmville,Jolutstown, aajour lidaymburgb, Water moot, iliunuturdou Coined I'm temborue. This me was formed exclusively for Ste apeelal aS. etiourrodatiost of Wo way business. The PlOprietorst thankful or the very illrentl ihey hay, re, caved &militia last two years, would respamfally form then friends nod tho public that they are lies, still better prepared to deltver Roods al any point oh the Canal and Basalt, with prompinew anti dlspetoh. rsorwraaan. PICKWORTIS & WOODS, JAVES A LORE. OEOILOR TRINDLE JORNMILLER Co. AGENTS. Pickwonh Wood., Johnstown. • Job,, Miller, Holltdayshurnh. C A ll'Annity & Co, einuassls, Pinsberna. Rwrouretnio—Pittabin k Sinelain k. J McDevitt; G J Shorrobeyger, R Robinson Cot Moores Isaaarey & Smith; John Parkes; Wen Labeler & Co Dr P Mwenberger. nWSP,ORTATION TMZ ustioar tins. BETWEEN PriTSBUDGE AND CLEVELAND. W.. T. Marian, PiUstnargh; AXED, EMU A Ca, Beaver- },Propr's. CllaliVrOilD CIIJXIII7/34:1,'Clevetand 'TIRE above Line is now _prepared to transport freight mud passengers from Pittsburgh tmd Cievelmid, or any pinny au Use Canals and Lakes. One boat len ves-Pinslirgb and Cleveland daily, run ning In COMIC44OII with the steamboats Lake Erie and Mir Maar , betwensbargh and Beaver. and law of first class steam en boa P its, propellers., brigs and salmon. ail on lakes Dna, Huron and Michigan. Property forwarded to any paw of the Union with &Mate& by {V V. T. MATIIP.R. or JOHN A. CA UGHIW, Agents, ear Water and Smithfield sts. Pittsburgh AGENTS:—Reed. Parks & Co. Beaver; R G Parks A Co, Youngstown, 0; E { Rog Cotes & Co , rren; D twick k, C Ilretidport, A A N Clark, Newton Falls; F Lewis, Newport; J & E M Whittlesey, Campliellsporß J G 3PLlride, Ravenna; M CKent, Praia/in; Aliller A l ' uttle, Cuyahoga Fulls; Wheel= A Co, Akron, Barney, Gibbs & Co, Sandusky; Watkins A Eagle, Toledo; r: {l'illiams A Co. Detroit, Mich; M , Clur,. A William.. WW; 11 J t%iiisiow, Chicago. 111. a .1 I • RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, t:=. 18 ` 1.4• 10. or sisuieuantvi BETWEEN I'ITTSBUFBAI AND 11111ADIELPIllA. Proprietors of tios old established and first 1 Portable limit lAie, having removed their de pot ill rillintiGi Olin, 10 o tlie) formeh larger Warehouse on hlarketst, Maurly occupied, and also m rreased tlmir room for smnige al Pittsburgh, are now lirepared to odor much greater facAities to lbw frierid nail patrons Goods sorriest by this line arr not transhipped Le en Pittsburgh and Phitudelpin, licihg carried en prcly to Portuble Scrttoti Itocis To shrppers floc and other pests molting carritil lisnilltog, this is o importance. No charge ninth: for receiving or sh ippon ; goods. or citrons/nit charges. Ai:goosts forw open ards• promptly, sod reasonable lernas as by any oth er hoc. /WIN McFADEN Pc Cn., Canal Baron. Pout, n. Plu.burgh. J A N11 , ...3 M. DAVIS & Co fetal Mar•et : - .lConanerro it.. Phila. JOHN AIrFADEN Co, Forwarding and Comma sou Merchants, 011111.1 Bum; Paul at. , Pittatiorgd JAMFS M. DAVIS . Co, Soar Faetora and Corium. mon Merchant., 1.1..17 Merkel, and 5.1 Cowmen, at Philadelp km. eS2I pj - AtivEmers made by either of the shove on f Pour 00l and other desertpliood of :Herrhandire edit . sigoed to them. - - MOTICE—The puimerthers hare thspoacil °flaw terate in the Pentra 11//li Ohm Line to CLARKE TRAIV. of Paishargh, aziel JOSEPH 5 LEWIS, of thl• tr.ll continue to tranvert bowie. for the line. at their N{'arehouse on Broad creel, ausual, and be speak fur it ti rotalottaare of thepatronaao of their friends. .1.01}k3 STERI i & Co Philadelpata. klareh sth, 1,15. Pima's.. and Ohio Trans ortotlon Co. atitila thlr Lady LAJIC uf pizorr CLAN NEW BOATS AND CARS, lOIaID TO TRANSPORT 00Tity mcrwoso trrTwooon •ND CASTIMI rai CI-ARKE & THAW ITt . Canal 134 tot Polsburgh. LEWIS A. 8UT1.V.1i..111, Alartet JA STEEL A t , An.. Broad lorrot OUWDEN,CLA & CO.. North at., Balt W PORRIC/C. Age , 12 West 'erect, New I . cok. mort6 t hu d Co-pial p . riIHE solar nher. hav ..ocatted theruo , ,ves together under the ray, of Kier te Jones, fur the purpose of [oll{llltung the 1,11,111 e. formerly earned on by Samuel 31. Kier, and ennanuarice of Si,t ILaaon.r heretofore extended so the house 524311.71:1. .11 HIER, ?nublargh, Match 1. 1,4 s BF. JONa4 KIER'B PORTABLE BOAT LINE, glitliailia4l ENIIIIV.I.Y Of , FtliNT pour SITTION voR lA AND 11Al.n.molty VIA , ANAI,S 4. 11TE pr , ,ert ue al rotward Ir to Yj It, ahoy.. tntrrtanta, plarr•,b as rEght onwtt de•raleb, and al as .u - w - tate, a, a., .e.,er 1r aut.... of .hiprw, 4.1 Port or It t , tto llutttniorr t., .• • r o• A• stir ;rnor , me.• c:es LLnsug. KIER \ i•n.p tr* ji...„1L4 VP\ Plaskirgh. A! arr I. I-I wet lit ciu VIER A It pNrE.4 -Comm... t o n •PJ ) .n.rhant• •rnl stl 1r... Itloornov $4:l. Produc, ar I.ilwrnl ra.k, wlT•ner, ron•irv,rn,,to marl, 1,1111 RAF, Z .7 .11. ri•• Is I NI, tt.hts rot. VNION LINE. To Plaltaalr laa ant k., 4a i 11N snor•, 11 11RY IRA DU Tll.ll, MAll'lllll.l'4 I. to. Nu 14: .11.,,art l'htl C it Koxo. coo./ North A SAr.t N e t .z• Halt j Jolla F C/arke, No 13, Old SOp. Nr,. I or ( N I TICI-TL, ny:eofm firm.; vi ; ;,„„ w „ and 1011 r th:. ante at Patsa , urnia •s lieurs "sail ra-a4;as Pbataristpasa. aa Lauda. lism.varas . a NDs/UND (i WTI,II, 111.NR1 CHAS. IICSII9IIII..CS, II) IIY GRAFF. Patabural.. wl at PITTABIIROU PORTABLE BRAT LIME Far tA. Trcrax,,,ratt.un a t I ErrtgArt to from Pirn1111"111:11, rrAt*: iimammi K N IrtN b. la a< El= VY S Charles in, flaltintont E.DoEirruN •cumt.a..d. W CASS, Hrownotrille. J U 1110 W D' o . J I:: . rgh ~.d. II t:10.0 1 0 HOOT 0f MON. lialtetuurt. BOOKS,' ifUSIC Ere - 7 PIA NO PORTEN. -.-7. ftfl2/1 JOHN R. AIELLOR, No. sl Waal .rn.-t. hal ;low rermyml a ment of IN.O Form., mlerled trmn r, -ollnwmg mama:K.:mles 111 Ito.nol. .d New Tort In wvtrh Mr atie,lion a r0u , 1...n... r,,,,- . ...1iy ispr,m,l Thor!, from M. melo.rimr,lll. the ~:.,.. , whE •Ir qe 15 11,1,1 t 1.1 W. , •1.-r.t P.,. ~imima • Imm• wh , vt r. lermod thr New o . r.rorlArNeni... 1./1 1 T not ,r.provemeal rmmialy inn.....ancl atv I, men. a dec,.1..,1 T. , ! . .:..imer 11 i1e,,,1 1 I‘lll/ 1 1 .111111,11 . nr Intli nmrr , 1 11 ! nlhe , l'l. , collotsilm are the patterns anal ~1-• 1/1 1 111 e ~I O'S. No.l l '' '' ' '"'. 7 M . 1'v , .., 611..1,,11m. I' Lir from. 9-1 , 0 - 2 - 6 1 - rmtiv enrval - - SJA, .4111. t .. 'I " enn.r.tlmm:lJm.••• S-14.4i " ' - 1 -•: " Im1:11r, hurl, ..1' AIL. SA , A . . - n.y curvy.I.IIIVIC of I.outi 1.110 I/. ..hollow cors.ter. and hollow octet] ler...reon , l hind. row ortglually S-115. mid RI n very redtierd price No 1,1 rouad foruct. eery cl ,, gutatly fin. ST7I No I'2 kolewbod. round 0000 r. r , r) . d eKatitmsbed. The nom, nre by 11. wor,".er, V. weJI known n. connerledformerly with M Stornrll. 00 ortowr 1b,,, horn, NV. No. I lio-co 4.4 • var,.o Inould mg, made by the 'ornr , ly. N. V. No Id. Ilro,wood tarn, Gab., h Co' s. N No !ti. wool irand Pomo. Made by Heart No M.o.ocany or:ave....second hand, prier STS. Old Ink., 111 part puylnrl.l lor new ouca. JOIIN II AII:I.I,t1A, and Square Piano I=M=l Porte, fur 11 'estere111,..1 VA WM PIANO!, .4 SPLENDID aasnrment of' 11oht cu.', nod 11...w00d i'lasios. mat tit owed. 'flies.ii , trumerrt• ere ramie e the ste•l ps.ern übtl best materials be sold low it, rash by 1.11,011:. 11 . 2 11 erld •Preet, • :hi dour atm,. hull,N T --,'<se who we in Wont 01 loud mein:mein. Rll, 1 1 1‘,1 4114, i L .A1.111:1.• 11,e, itell/,' pus ita•ind e.•ew bete • :hey c•onoi he excelled by arty 1 / 1 the Y , U .11 n . , ani • be sold Wirer lima 1131 y brought trout tee Ira: A 1 :rd. iwe 'bangs'Horn bu,ol. 1111111.11,1,,,r. w''rrar.ted to be yuperior to any sold ever (WI/1 thPa rountr) 14 H. S P Sit:Al. Not:ELI:y-I'bn sub-enbar / ho. sp.L re. r roar, and for aale pp entirel% nese m •,,n. of hone Forte. called r e p 'Arb. IN ET Pi ANt IliKrE. which irtsera•ing mor wer ml AW11,1(110,1A 'ho,, 11m , Nlllll, 1.1.0. occupies I.irt one louttli or much Flom, end more .howy rind handsome pirce:o. turnrure It to pariteanrly devins hie where the 11/11 1 1,1 g 1.01. Al/ 1 . 1 1 I L I 1411 object, being eX• cerdllie,y lical and 4.4 1,111 , 1+, 11.,11 0,•1. 11,1114 110 morn room than n strati; side lab:, atil;serrber lair in hand a terbionpa. ts •uperior lc, (1 , 111 lite ce.ebra• d i d hp. own hbn I writme.wltich may Ire rispeeted lit.Etir.fL -- oeld7 A:1 %I'..odw ACOLIAN A TTACIIMENT. 1Z, 1: , 1'l1 hi, a et :or ... ee harm,. tyd• urd WtlltOtk I C • .E 01.1 1 .1 .1110,1.10.111 , Num...1 '' trt, nl' Ibe of Na, , ,. • .arkN verth the Alta. - bare., v.,. tn., In Ve•vand by 11r Coirman, a'et 11/11,..111,1,'•1 ..1- 11111,1110 , 1 1.1/ 11. a 1,1 A 1 31 1 r1 , 1111 still •nd 11,,1111.1, the Irdmrel.le remoras from s. Thotibere. the create'. Irvine Loal . ..Jan 1.. IMS My raar.,- rot - In•la a Irtu-:ar in -11,1, Erttazl Par. , aot re:rultr Iro ag.tra to yorr how a . .1 ,- h 1 Oa. ~.-awd wllll your AM. arn• - al. 00 11 I t ua, err •• ...yr ,- at mow,: at provr:a•, I E ~••are toirtz (a. nut port 1 --tta.! wrra g wat ,11011 r• rbs uttno, to 11111/••• vn Item kootitt F ' nr I,y II KI.LUF.II. AI %% out; v.,11 ' 1. (Qr.:we room*. _ • 1,,NUL115111 .) of toe 6,, It kca 1, .Out i. oa. nrt nt wr: and• arottng on, tro- .tr,g 0: I. • , Fallout .03. I 1, r • ..111i / . 1, •‘•11 100 oot otat-t r 1.4 91 flume:au . :r t- to , 111 111 i lßfi ron- tn Ir. , —0 h II 0 105 I .1 5 1. 0 1 •: .•:, 41 1111: ii.• 1 , pturt !tarry :It • :•t t ragra. to ~,, am! Suctcht• MI , N ALP A ,r.ark.t forr.rt 111....11t Freme Plena. OM wo-.4 ~.. ‘1.1.4,,,..j g. r ...../ x• . ..... 1 . , . - . 10,•1 .t Ii;:08PORTATION IIKKI), PA It/CS 6. Co . s. PA CK KT LINIC.. 4 1 • VerCiE r A \ !.I \I. v, 1,1% L'l,l ;1 , 1 ,, MI: I.\ I t,e. H 1 I , IR ,N , -t1 • • VI it AND F.IIIE, ::;,;;; -.- 'I - b i. f r r~ Istl rrp.,l pm t p) 1., t- ft ‘ tt i MO NT. •. t'\,~• 11 Ite, =EEO 1. Fan... va, I, ttl; 11c , ,4 l's /la • I,l' ra. ‘• \la,: \IAA. 1 . , lia•.t. 1 %1.. .)1 Pen tisyl rani• canal 6. lt•Il lio6d W. 30. proasya. Par Yet ILisa•, I~_l' Hrrll I':I - 1 Bbl r.ll ISAL• 11 , 11rNE, Flr - rr t for ra.rrcrtrrer-ri r ME=I n, :1,1111, intr enc,r,nlC • hor ...,) wo , ,• hroorh Ono of the to , ato of 11.•• loos. the .11/111.11 toppootio S. 1101, coowr of Peon 1111, 14114. evcry mght •t woe o • TLUir .11 OA) • •nioottatoon •pply 1.1 the Alonoogohr,a !10w... or lo Ix 1.0 I _4lllll 141 1 111. . . _. lIARNUEN raasonfler •nd Remlttanc• °Mee. fIANIMEN AJ onkunue per IdYpfrum •hn• At.) P.... , d, Ir laud .Seut,a.tol or Vo. • lie, It, m, Worn, tern, with the,. fuortunitty •nd to toe emote and rui to Iw n tort of eumuKrkqo. 1\ n eo, ,:ow our pokken;er• rohlod the..•otedung ',amp` t h...... , r 1 th0 eoa• port. as ore take ea, them the thoenear ß. ley re• i,rt thernarlse, n o d e key to turl . td do , e tel•aer I hen .cahoot arty detentlon by tile first shop. 11 say ttok teor,e •ktt ,as ore del) our oi our pakkon. ner• to •how thus aa., 'acre dethlned 41 hour. bp ant. I.Jeerpool, whi.•l 1.1113•1111111/i of other. wore dotauned mouths, until they could keht konte old trait, kt • rule. %tall, too freuueuti) proved their roffitto We tmend to perform oar noltrokeis houorably. roe what o ram) oral not eet kkl was the eh, met &rano° ether other,•.— who either periortned uot all. or . r ti kulted their convewestee • Itratts drawn Id l'utstturgh for .1 !rum /Want, pallt octalprovt Banta in Ire. ...4. F:ntrlarul, Scotland sod Wales. .1113111. A ROBINSON. Fliminuto and lienernt A 1,,,, Cotree.; Patent Courtr• Beater Churn 4 /I1"1 - 11,11 IN II I - ALIN l"IF, the allentmo or the puller i the heading true nolyertonennt. and vile the 'et, In - wooing an uio. to eat?te ntood Woh . it, ee ey. 11011 All advertteemetoto relenot to Ohl. meant ,11, to the loundred- who, have ii Ipotesi, ...toper ro 0110113 /.1 rho l'hurto .111 Bootie, oeniloerio, a Masa, frommilk. love m ieor ononoleo, from. ,rmm prepared. roe iliniliten perpUje no l 111 five hl. Thr utility of iln. invenuon ro appurent, as bet • ter Butler eon be produced from euieei milk, or cream, Man cream soured in the u•ua! way, nod by merine of due churn, • little girl or boy eau perform, bee or ten miuolos, %allot lads heretofore required rim labor of woman or man for one or two hours. and romerinma half. day. 3d. Ur "Imply turailie a thumb Acre, the vrhnle In. side dt•her taken 011, Ira, 110thAIIK I,ut the butler and milk In the 4th It m the cheapest churn ever Invented. a, the minglictiy n( its consult.on ittniugh rintion) nig great philimor hiral principle) make. It 1 , 01 lutle Ili manarneepre but It itn rognamtcsettm elm ro. . all IA tit ednitt who will examine It - sve have porehased the monopoly of It. vol., ble Improvement :runt !Iles. / s Colver ,t AI) era. th e patentees. We are now °timing th e complete 1.1110- poly of this styled article for the tam. of Ohio, Penn aitivaato, Hew York, New Jerry, Mary land and Del aware, which will insure certain and large prof. to the manufacturer, and a speedy return of itrestment. The paining are invited to call and Willie.. its operatme, at our office, in Plusbargii. rue ry I o'clock. c a. J H. CLAYTON Proprtetors. Mee, gichanae But/dingo, Si Clair street, next do, to Faga n. intund office d!!!!..d it 114 ,3TAriti)-1 bbl grouxij du;utrd, tor .me tb, ill nova JOHN DMO .. . . Shanitso- . ... ..,-- -, ...- 4.• IN-QTFAHT BOTTLER. / ( .. • ! 5'1 ... ,-- nektrat . ktit 1 tberii):, , -- N . : -.".7 . ~,, Lep 4 o --• u. 1 , - AND FOR THE i . '. CURE 'OF ke ' ilfr ilMiliffirr " LIVCI C. A , L .°1 13:171 1L :M );" ilnlifillie, DR 0 :4. 4 ' , 1 4/. 1 4 : 004 1.11.0E11e i i 8 . .0..„„ 4 . , , .......,..„...., • i • Lus or " 41 4, 1 Oyu' % 4 4 0. s ous ' —Dourly A 4 0 t‘ , 4 o ------,--- •••••••••••••••• •• Lemrgb sod i.y II AV % .4 /•• corn., F"^' of Ala, kr. xll. ivwl•... ..) I. %VI I . Jr, r0r....r 5tn....b.-la and Fourth pt.. and aloe, att. Manion... also. by 1/1)W AR D FES. 1 / 1 :111.'11. cor 3.l.lnortgrela I MI,. no 7-3,11 IBS %Vt. I in Conotton Prepared Chalk, are 19A.LTER•11 en not aware how irtitLitttot'y .tourtnu• i ts to Q!NSENG PANACEA! 1.• how 0ar.... 1,0. tt•o,h, •••••• , s...ter,, e 1.,. thenOtty ote tlt to .00 u• rig pt. pat., eg NE THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISLASE 11,0Bet•de• .t .• dun, mom nine nia, ar nuati ..1 1.1 , NU5 -The unprecedented sueettes which ha Omni - prepared I. henitt Is. ~,o-nR,.. 110'1'4 fore '" l the e, winch we esti JoNI.:S's SP.NNISH 1.11.1' . GIN:aI.:NO PANACEA Tr: It t• pert -t tit .h...... eitt.l.etneit att f t „ t t o f I tt n nil the vanmte forms wino)/ Irrltatten Of the tangent. emus dy.........., nod .1 .aptlarla . slit F \ a a nate. mune. hsa °Wetted the propnetor agent to call totem loty Entta•t,, ...ri t t v ng 'eh, t nt tit, •aute to , tt to this . art. .•Ct• : C oil I, .I,n, mak mg :l b• 011 NVONI/ERFUL P.REPARATION. tooth. The rhungable weather Winch mark. oar fall and Ames Anuermn, Neches! Chenixt of 111xssa. winter month, I always a fruitful soiree of pays. "After anal ),....; Jotiett'tt Sputoth Lt•l• COLDS AND COUt/EIS. find d p0.....w• the ine•l Itenut.tet and oniti• Thew. if neglected, are biotite precursors of that fell Lht Mate Lg. .111.e0rit Av,. In I eve t ttatte I .lo•troyer, Ivry neeolnnnetid /la Line . all CGS olio!! sk.o reeeres beautiO . lag - The question, then, how shall we nip the destroyer in 'r.ce c.c. no a tour the 1..1? bow 'hall we get clear of oar coughs and ,„ old Ii IN si l sCUstiN, m les Root and Shoe "wet* of vital jo , poottoo ,, to the Coolio• "too.- 01l L., erty ...lee:. nced of 11 cod, at the tt en ol THE: tfREAT AND Opt Ll' FLEMEDY Se 13.• float XX , will he found in the ti m e Panne ll in proof *fable Ladies, ladies. i 'ea asoon.hed, we ewer from moo to published the certificates of When you Mew that you are proatteild doer. of our hest known eithena, who have eitt,n- A totoural. Oft-lik, roomy arlide. ritoi tn. at .I. i 1... urn eounnoto chalk, tilted its curative pavreris Th.e , with a miss ¢ of tee tormuy from •Il i enns of the cooittry,-;frortt And toot • denthl t yettoor frtgh.t, 11.1..DWA1 EN OF THE FIRST STANDING, ' 'rite theme of 'mth., tut , ni •A!k \ Intosters of tho Gospel, ate , together with copious no: If see ould use • her oi /ONE'S Lofty... Mite, .1 ~,.. f rees iho oul,l w oo iur sit. se sinoersdr yet natural melte, • JOITYCNIALS OF TIIF. DAY, sot at the same Inc. mea t tun? tourtoce .1 Sold at we have embodied in pamphlet form. std may be hag J A CKSON'S. •ii Lideri% at 1 . / ur la, emus per Lou. grans of any of our agents throughout the country. mob HUNDR.EDS OF Borrus 0 I KO LA AND St:RC/FE LOI. S SWELL have here used In thi•ciT K 3 INliS.—Scroiela in all its meittpited forma TIicLSANDS. AND ENS OF TRORSAND! . t t hroughout tbe y o ruted Etta es . and Canada, and we h .. _ whether in that of King ' s Ertl, enlargements n the glands or booms. Unarm 11 tote Swellteg, (;manic "6' ."Y '".' SII"iI:IIINSTANCE liheumatistn, Lessor, dtscases of the Sion or Spinet whieh, when taken aeeprding to directions, and be er e/ Pulmonary Cos/sump:ton, emanate from one fee the lungs had bacesenefa4ally thsargunared, it has and the lams cause, welch m a enouN principle ever failed to more or less Inherent on th e hu mansystem. There. El- t t.LT A PERFECT CURE. Whe then need the Melded hesitate? %thy resew to fore, unites this principle can be dew eyed, no mob- ... • t ~.L, ' , rid- Chi cure can be ctlocied, but it the principle upon IL". ‘ .. , e , th 7 e " bn on r "T i.e ,r "b e ' o j.° bY : n e l r b „ fra i d ' p , y. which the disease depend., it removed, a core 1 , 0 ,,,,, , „,,,i p i„,,, itethri e sy by eeeifi e i the ,„ . peg _ 4ILICI al neve:sett station, no matter under what loom ~,,as egnally unknown+ Whilat a medicine of toe d.sease should ma ntlest 11.11. 'rote, therefore I.INPARALLELED EFFICACY is tat reasoa why JAIME'S ALTLa•TIVE . HI uni Is to be had, whose vouchers era Tom sally neigh. tr creally IntaCetielul in remortng Ito many malignant borac -- allmlY of , 0 0 to It a?. SNATCFLED FROM THE GRAVE. dmeasca It destroys the sm., or prtnciple loom In order that this levalualtlo medicine May be placed whit I the. dist. a have their origin, by entertn ..„ h i. the roach of th e poo p .. w e ll t h e d inh , ~,,, h ave into the c , cutation, and with the blessd ie conveyed p at trey hd e at p tn the minutest fibre, removing every particle ol • ONY PLIP"A' CENTS, dottase from the system . Prepared and sold at No, lost one hart th e usual coat of 0000 01 041Ciriett. it te Cunt(' Third Street, Philadelphia. for sale by our rage nt• in nearly every town and village ?mid at the Pekin Tea tr tore. No. 7: Fourth atree. ."'", th,. !",., .ho are prepared oLgioo ea foro.00• den re lative bh IL a SAL#3I, Proprietor, Poitsourgh trossoll Broadway, Qneletnati, Ohio. PEAcE. i PEACH I t • - , - -- - - H YDROPA TIIIC RISTABLISHREENT nt IN lalLtieo, effILLIIIIIMPOII. at. Ir. CO, P.: • RUT IN EVERY %It/THEWS HOMESTF-AD. R. EDIVARD ACKER. takes this means of m erit/1 undennigned has long been cone sited Of the D tereing We thanks to his ofnends and Um Debit. I a ‘"Y ar " a ' n'bd'`.'"a b" " a"" '"" ar for the cit....We patronage he tiII:MCC ism' eh." fin CLildren •nd Infants to guperred e .be use of all thaw • . ' formtna them that he htm lately erected it large and aid whldh dont.. °Nolo. •h 4 too •“ ...hlf.l..°' well censtructed building for the exclusive purtroses ea ' d ,... d „di P ea b ann, and adan ng th the P„,„ ubl ' ' ''', rdi. • of his WATER cut*: E 4 ivinuseinierer, itia..ta ~,.,, too y ......sPrellnp every purpose MC a, agatalta 0,1110 ' locanon,m Ptulltpsburgh, Pa, on the he r e Ol ver, ap bee.... wtthout the Itao of tn. , ae l dterinto drug. ar au). late the steamboat landlog at Beaver, w heis ready other calculated to ;sou, ii. the cant The raillat Pan: V o nneoh , o pone .... 000r n oe . , goo leo ., inn . on y.,po or' h. . Ithen b 4 ' bath ' ? .Lh L '''''' '." '''' "' eh ' dnapathic pinciples. In uldition lo hi. long o re at - Inc by " tu ner... 1.r .....1 ." .... 1...'...n lid the great success whieh him heretofore at d'e ex...fabu ar) e " th ee a" 10 Y ebdae e all the "b.- rTiOled . his treatment In patients committed is (ascent, ula • "be' . a? se ' thrth e th da s "1 of d ''''''''' Di. de has now the additional Mediues afforded by m? ex' a"baba• Vna"""bana ...l Gn a' n Xi Paths . Stha " a " and te e nssve banning erected expremly for the p 000 eon- Ismesuses armete (turn 'teething, seinig tritaneihately , , al o • and fur od ad dlltt d ' with wohout dOtturbing any col the function s of the body, ' bth ba . dam , o ,' e ,,,' n „„,.„„„,,r i or -,T A , n ‘ 0 ,„ 7 , Z nono. r adnd ' n X the ha pp iest " d n '"‘ r naaaarn ' abalb " t ' e r rt ' •?q the treatment r lo the utmost betiek and comfort I!torn Vildeill f•lit , t r n 11 tranghll and Joyoua state of feel- or , .o patient. i, noinn , ooqn it o thoo , n oneoroi "n in toe h Za h or w ' ho ' le:7le r. and retail. Mete Propnetor, Dr baa. a o ' Ha r ...-sr of ----- by a ' ex". . th labd ". JOHN SARGANT. Drumm a„d Apothecary; John ! ar e a, rareiba who l e aab r 'Ma', Br. psi bind hell, r "" b- lk".kh'n'' and most cob'' Drbo John der I/11 e ''l th P i:t r. e * very ' w ist o te m nirfn P • 17.1 1 .1 b;prlil to their a Allegheny and Pittsburgh. -`'- reunion; and as sn assurance ofthe tutimaintal benefits Dr. W. P. Inland's Preoitssm Plaster. ito be derived, be mom with mufidence to the bun- TA R. NV, Jr. INLAND, of thr Medical College hi Phil. dr •dot who have been permanently cured at, &smut,. LI adelphtn , now offer. to Ills putthe his Indian V r g. li. homed - . The Water Cure /envy, no iurous etreett elable Prennum Pla.ter, the quainter of winch, after be en , d, an nt too often the came with th ora l s ho have I ong and tried espertence, /101. I.eell sausfamorily eon 'be lIIMIta on the old oyetem. it removes the dis labljnbed. To all women who mny tie adlliewd aehlea a, invigorates the eyelet", proteolit from the danger F.lne.tta Uterth or Foil , ' Wool°. he Td000totood• inotdent t o changes of the weather, creates a naturs plaster. guaranteetng a sure aid ametly rare in the l nnd active appetne, and imparts vigor tothe digesn• t h e n epe e , o f te t t. tw o t o thee week., if applted waft t powere t Tenn. of treatment and bearstmg ren.otosbl d.'" h. , rest-. 1 ~ "n th' r".'tde.' lied I ''iot further particulars omelet, at thetestahliehoaent, nod eepeo• t ee hottilnee • so load in use. 'Flits be feels f aoldresa the proprtetor ot Phlltip.blargh. eamortedinoua In otaintd, InualnUell as be has not failed I g,,,rAjd 111 (1110 00,0 001 ~, three hundred and ftit)•three pn nen. Also for Rhrtunstiun a n d [yank Dreamt or Rack, at tended with mo he re ia othing te earel one fluster in affordtim t sartet effect n me • eh, 1-. r aale by I. IVllnni. enrner re Diaond and Nl.irkrl .0 Braun & Reiter. •• I.aher m ly .1.1 Pd. (intr.,. U , .1 Sargent e Federal .1 and Ihnmontl, Alle gheny rdy yee que . & ((o, ° Demean and Diamond Denning- A. es.l ._ • ..fot's NIA.. .•-•• If 1..;..f:A,!.:;`,,1 . ...r„T,.(,)`:„".,,,ns tA`;"..,.,',!!!„, ...,„- of bull :with effiewoey nod enntparothve noldnes• of put. gen ve API/0,1001 hav i ng n peenitur tendency lo the I/diary orgum. m v menu.), ralual.le 111 dn. nod., In whielt intim. lever.. nod other complaint* •Itatoled wtth tonne...non of the !dyer so. entlrli abound. Theo h h , c .o‘c Oluall the le •I 01 el ,r th/•. utod eanenenre htm proved theta tit hen to mod v•tueltie rented) Iv Inter...lit, Remittent nod Ililtton• Ft-ver: Jattothoe !Minn, robot, Intlidestion. Drops), Do ....ners . Mime Vomiting., entils, and till emupiento Olen mdanunnif ry, eliaraeler The enuntlete •tol untverstil 1011.141 11011 WlllO/1 ha. 0n....1 seven lint' s [ me-e in I. in all al I.htvr fiord Owl, 1,111 , ,11ir rtil•:,lli, of the Illtale MIS enrulicatee in their in unnecessary. To pc vent rounienettiam Met me 1101 N put up, ut ti Ted xyr d / ttit lire wrapper Pro, 2Zteenla . o r n hoe rntattnng JUT:IIIe Prepared and 000 111 .. MEM Il A F'AJl\F_vryx'Ak co corner 1,1 andwuokl, and also corner tllh and w r”.t, scpTl JOHN 1). HORGAN, IV7t IVmol street. one door . south of Diamond jr alley, Pittsburgh . offers for sale a largo lot of lirngs. Medicines. tidy. Paints, Varnisher. Oyestuds Bull, Perfumery. Foretgn and bomestic, towhieli he ea!, the 1111,111111, of druggists, physsmans and tiler. eliants rowing thr coy. as hr ss detennined to sell at very low priors, and give general satisfaction. thsads warrants, Old ehrop. Varnish No. I and 2, N. York manumeture. •Iso Japan end Mack Leather Varnish es, of supericr qualiiy. Also. White and Rod Lead at prices lower than heretofore offered. J. Al. also manufactures Morgan's relebrated Cough Syrup,which i.e given generaf satisternon to all lit the curing 01 coughs, rolds, hoarseness. intlnenza, whooping cough, croup, etc; pne. 25 re... lwr bottle. Also, haurgan's l"than luver PUs rendn cure for 11111.0, COlllplollll, headache, and all 111.0116 Ph. 23 CU per bo x. acme ATill Elt - I CA AFT EL a GMAPR - COPANY. ",,stuali, rwrsarracti AIM SWIRLING, WESTERN LINE 0441. 5 •t the Ezehuafge, Baltimore. It t' e p i :C o 7 lt ' I ' l I R ii ' l ' e r s r . S r4 — e a Th t e o :1 1 71:4 h ll7ll.imore n Vi s t i t ' l; burgh ur Wheeling, and • correeponding reduction made on all telegraphic despatch. forward e d from 4w. tonere West of l'ittsburgh, Pa. Rseas.—Tho chargge for • telegraph despatch II) or from Baltimore, Pittsburgh and I, aceling, ls 45 cents for the first ten words, and 3 cents for each addluonal word. No charge is made for the address and signa ture. L'iml the completion of the South Weapon Line of Telegraph from Memphis, Tenn, to New Orleans, des patches can he forwasiled to:del:2phi. by this coute, and mailed Car Now Windom jell . Too Propnetors have spent much dme tn brtneng title preparation of SLMPIAILLA .. to ha present state of perfection ; and the experience of fourteen years ho funtahal Meta the 11100 sioplreop- Krit ir I.l' portunity to Maly in their vartousforso thy dlialumithr*//dl a 1 1 tr, ls ,. k recommended, r : .veif .r,. and.yros.madaylit iThoy toaw,tbehri:...4*,•l4 0"... !„,ii. P.- ti. of ciente who wish • ItIALLT G o on Medicine are Invited teen ha tied, and Wier thenssetin of itl superiority; and the hrinittable'lAperijit *WM. of arreaging and curing discuss. The bottle h. been enlarged to hold ONE QUART, ana In ha ta propene to the fame it has attained may be traced by along Itneof facts .111 . I and cures, that stand as landmarks and beacon. for the invaild, pOblitni th e WIT to • I 1 1 , 1 th e Th p ava n of h"thh. th is e tin uth Co e l . ..9. G. T:y . lo d r, a gr y ythartun of highsta . ,r. arid . ? ext=l . I I f Mew. A. B. tr. D. &MM. -, New York., Jamo? 7, 1848. i 1 1 v O s esur:.e l 2- o..n li . e d vit e gxe , d i,; :ad d iritiin7l feel muc k t . .:4lf li g e ti ll r k.,: % ,fr e . Zeitt i : . 1 ilk . im=ned o , , , ,g f I . 1 1 d grant j i t ilt:lLl./ rattle. In a m t Lown essej i ged= II hl Il I th lo m ur " ==la ''' ls l ' rgtiyl a a7plroo and fj g :rte ' Llv i l l e y u rsZ . by theU. Stems 'may it„ ! Ln Mexico, and my corium, wEIN. ZACHARY TAYI,Ort, has for the past Ihns years di been la the habit of .mg It, and recommends the lame ;be and myself adopted the uncle at Na same tune, and II IS now conaidered an almost instapanantue IN Il i t i l l s , t , h i f i r i ;7. In sad concl trust Nan usion I would . oar Natthe bett, eatorta 44t u ls . knors the law= generally LIIIIIiI i f II known th ro ughout the length and teetadth of our aligalreatell =2, Your” very respectfully, TR, U. S. C a nsul to AYLONeer Grenada- MINE! ___-. a REMARKABLE CURE OF SCROFULA. 11111, 1 °f lb. BA= ~- 4 1• atIrmago-8 for Ma gr; r.. 4 et= gs sThn i kkr 111 1 1 w as 17: .1 ; ~:blol7d:tifttrilly=rt=ri.pairtnstlarge,°4 sl7 the S 14: fair, a ll d e 71 4g r 11 i s u '''7°fllu'' ll 'l. •F i p h r It IV A ug..... 7.-, 1 01 ,,i I i 0, +:4 ,t07.11,,,,,, ~,,,,, b ow i t' ali w. maa . .fa• & fi lms ... had ...... ot, roll riar= Wit ." P = d 7 4 4.l"d -- .... 0a , r .Mr 6a ,....aad eZ; ii) I health guns restored It ts now am a pt chose Bo site - riasa - rd, end It bend h: aood. thowloo [h. drasas• was th • gn i Our toti=are all lutta, to thug facts, sia= Y d r.4l4‘" from th. ".z. Toms vrtth raven, TH HMiipeli nz mei , trom latirr . vad from Mr. Ns M. ItarrMot actchtutaa Well ktursra la 1111 7..4'11'4: th"g:. pi, , trgmt oc=a. :--: I bar. owed a a•gro boy of ming with yaw. flarogarills, I Proirridtsi " B.H. ►v.., ilzta".o.--0, IN. W. At VATS 41 ___ Th• following tastbaony grim Rev. Joha Grigg, labs Ractor ono.Km Chotab of eta I IN oorw Crrta= of Vit ,foo aftr 4 oo m=soM o jo r . l o t % f etal Ml= of thalated Moo= 1111 1 rapped >- IH i 1 a r a rX. ,, X B S as s; - an A air =4 .L . ltty tottr o. haa Mb= Ilarsawat. t i o f f . Vots. It gime me vary great pliwors to remora ror la tashalf V I !, arte . ffpg, ! m ar:7 l , Dothan may Ott intamd to mat. at It ill "nu' ) JOHN CHUM Kama A. H. a D./. Nar.V. Y., Oct. 6, 1647 Omrstaaree—geellity of gratitude induce, ma to maks • l to acknowledmitent , of the basset I hays derived from Um use of your Sam I has. for went! years Dan m eted nth mobilo= melba' to my bead, which al limas would 11 . = . 4ild dtsch f arg• at my throat, nom. i i i :L=ad ni at Maws mould Inn! out In I bead nere alostfae • n ega complete sara and kir a low time I so =that It ern arith the utmost diteculty Mitt I mold ak alto.* a ertdsper. Bunt, thla time 164 mars! =aces of pleurisy and other I conimllasil deirrent Volans, and Zl; ll4l a n T j amli m oW di tnil t , r . n th r e °°° 'Ted no t e lltrt. i=d e r tus' : ‘ ll, "w o. a = , 1 the effects o ( ow valuable niedzetnza.. Betty Yours, nut respect and (rented*, PILEIIII. CAROON. ' 1 ~,lt=aidl 7 v.delnenafed wlttt the m above roan abo named, I Colima Mr statement JAMBS M. D. CARE, Aimee of Itts Pews - li/H O AIED AXO ot.q HEOLIMALE WM &RAIL, IT A. B. (1: D. SANDS, DRUGGHITS AND CHEMMTH, 100 PoLros.rr., corm. or Wtl.l.l•Ar, Nrir Yo.. Sold also by Drumrt i sls gesir i ~ r jr alli i ; ow dro: .tr Bou !boottb te. or o Canada. eUsifileciStasles and ltll DA. OA l'N Ell A LTMLA TI VE. • iVe have heed:informed by Mr. Rose of a cure per • fanned on her bj On Jayne* AiltaraUva. which , proves its superiority over every other remedy of tbt kind She has been afflicted Mr the last inateen years I With Priti.X7ROS *4 or Will 11.: sw Kw:MIS, attended arriti ulecration. and colonel/on of carioca bones, der ring whic h time many pieces have been dmeharged from 1 the treater bone or the cranium, from both her arms. ; wric s and bands, sod frtm both legs, and rris s the lets Ica oral none, and front the nicht knee, betides, painful ale., a on other parts of her person, winch have baffled the •k ill t 4 a number of the rout moment physicians or Our ca.- .durilig VnOtt of the time her sueferinga have hymn ear ruining end deplorable. About three month. "nee she was Induced to try Dr Jayne's Alterative which has hod u uton•shrogly happy egret upon her, 1,) imons mg nil pain a. swellings, and capsule the one.. to beat, while at Me same limo her genet.' health hit. twee/ reerompletey moored, no that she IIOW burgh.' 13 iris on .re than Abe rd before she commenced the ivy of Obn. II alp VaIe:UAL prepatron.—lmit, Eve. Port Fat to Atter information, inquire of Mrs. Rope, No, Is. F.,.n i i, Philadelphia. For sr .lo in Pittsburgh, at Me PERIN TEA STORE, 711 roar th St. near Wood. 1 y --- ----- A Challenge to td. World. ITIVVF o NTV-FIVE DOLLARS will be paid say one I. wb esti I to produce a spot of paint, tree, no dry, that cannot be agtramed with Moil's Improverf,Chemical can I have the satisfaction of saying . to tie, people m this place, that this article, by.tcy own ImproSeineol on t, nov Wanda Unrivalled in Mir Coma , " for aX 4, .."3 Breast , tar, pitch, oil, paint. or 51r7 Uthee grciay ad, Monet , tram all kind. of gentlemen s Ur ladtes' clothoig, Carpet 4, table Cloths, merino shawls, lathes , bonnet., ita• svalidot Injuring anyttung that pure wales will not mitre. More than one thousand persons in dafereni parts of the country have told me they walit not be VeLthoo I ill if It coat one dollar per cute. In trying this Soap o n more than any articles of light silks, satins, al. ;ipecac and calicoes, I tare only found three pieces of silk. ts en of aipacca, and four of calico, ...which it change J the color; themfore before putting it On it ht[ht dress tr y • IhuSijoie 0( laihaell Am I state thialiecanse I am determined not is iceontroend it any stronger Man (know to be strtctly irfle- i rill lion. wine., 1 2 i c;, per mom. Sold, wholescsaeu.spA aUd retail E 37 wed at L" - 6 - cc.% t...\ 1., tt. .71 Hain FARILLA.-40dourn ins! received or Dr. Towneentro blarmpasilla, the ,i st catraordinary medicine in this erotic:ll Title Et. ', f 1 :,,. ., Ls ,,,, pu , l , itil n i d n it w era .. c r t . try . t , i d les ;ur l ‘ f , t , sn w s tt ,u nt , e y s ° w hore . I s ; Curv• disease wrthout vonannei purging, sickening or -debilitating the patient. Ewen 017, sou el., persons Ziay. ..topied our labels, and pat up Mod.lahae in the witMe Moped boule. Townsend that h bottlehati the written alg• nature of S. P. R. E. SELLERS, Druggist, 67 Mid meet, between • pu,r i l and Fourth, Is Dr. Townsend's only whohiaals antleled retiol can bed% for Pittsburgh, of 164,utan the kaftan. wrhad. . D. M. Duhiy hat been appointed the sole tent for Sllegheny city, of whom the gentiles article' tin be ad. 'Mt ' , tits PE ' I SP- a • IDTirdjor e, ~r doo .1 •; • oQx,a4saalt ~ • A C LEB lD.EA.TCollls,parkusad by the ortglealstadatadyers BAUM maims Layer Pill, prepared and mid by a I BEL, . . Mont.' Irehrtart,Trestatterrt"d' ...,•-r/ • r , Jaly lath, IS •t 4 - . • Me R. E. Sellers:—• arum of duty to you and thesulthmed Maw. am to add my humble teminmay in Error orpostrimuy eelebrated Liver Ma l Isma detelred Smug so tor idhenag to Dary Cnskett's lanais, "be mra pro are nght, Moro go allesuL" Mom of the gamy preparatioas or emprmas mral go apes , to the Amu, ham mate into oblirsoo ours your Liver Pitts hay. bean offered to alstle, and, brakes, I balms they mill ' , orate, them the .allthey are just what yo pretest them tette I bare Ism &Meted srath Layer Comp Plat e hem my youth have so6ersd much, employed manT mama phymetam, to whom I pod moth massy; have lost much blood; beau ronsmast and phy other! almost to death; diehard sor 0 hem, and Mostly got. 4, as meurabl, la 1a55-7 I arm induced iota . yam Liver lain, dad SOON UOT WELL. Due boa of wash 1,201 r mart.. to keep me elm, of yobs ha the side. end alitiot other syscrannn am at least 12 months. Tour Palls Meals/talk* braten them* / ever mod, beast mild, not gripiog or g ra m% 1 . 114,1 , name* as the stony fo ae r lt, B t bot give ate moeh rebel' I /um bept them in my Mon •!loud aor 7 years, sold hundreds of noses. andand have Doer , Mem sing.e tromphial Inlayed by any soy who has need ere . They have rupereedral almost earn r other pill in thur }ghbortoosload sa a Mors Mat 1,4 hoar them MI. earnestly recommend them le all prrartm needing 011ie, whether 51r Lint Complaial or /Mama Menem. I rama• alder them kr superior to Caktmel or the aloe PM. Respiat- M l y ALTltnel—As there an other nth been ;11 1, e 'l' po ' set eaump Lim NIL, persona arbo tam. the tap.' IN X r•ho l a! lt hl ask lbe and take no other thm them prepsred mtf sold by If. X 81?1 , VD'I, No 57 /Vood-st bararren Thud and Foartb ri te . ci UM by Dr.Caamta, Vi(th trard, 1) II CCU., Allegtmay ty . ees To Use Mechem/ Profwant um ams-si—Pmblliii. I JECKEICS FRISSNA. now . tA.r. ,1 the Hospital. Xj. A11yn..., and other sou bite e•tottllshinent, and tecoulmentled by same of the mom otrunguoned pay. stemma dud chemist, as an amid.. of dom for children and invalid, much superior to aerate root, masa, raot. Mu more strengthening, plonsuut to too ma te, and easy or dig a estron. Put up at Iti lb !mars of brit lb. paper, each ceompaturd with pouted dire:Lour Mr cooking, Re. to his Agricuhur a 7 Chenrotry, p Le, Phil. ed., observes: - Children It'd upon arrow -root, enlop. indeed arty kind of turtYlatateuus food. telnel, c.mtain /ape fitted for the formauon of 1,,,,p• • 4.5.1 motets., become (at, and Alegillre nlocn ayavarotar he lunba appear Ibll, but they do not acqu,r, .ifettplt, nor are their organs properly developed fir, In the analyst. In the Fenno mule by Prof. Reid of Now York, among other coneuto r td.. lan g,y,4 15 per rent f klutten and albumen, and remoras thou the churn. of the Farina upon theAlec:peal Profeselon and nte pnblio will Fret upon .o.coulaiorne Iti the glutton and albumen, vegetable fibrote and other lutrokontsed bodies not found to arrow root or tonider suosiancoa, and which modern chemistry tine ponder' out as being' necessary to the fonnanou of butoou Onto, and try memoof which make. up for the constant waste that taken place In the human body. For tale wholesale or retell, by H hISELLEItB, tepid 57 wood at Great Eta:kgßah Remedy. IDUR Cour., Colds, Asthma lea! The ic FLEX A.ND UNL . BEM KU); Mr the cure of the above disetues, Is the nus Gain As BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by tie celebrated Dr. Buchan, 01 Loudon, England and introducedwoe the United Plates ander the immediate superintendence oldie inventor y The extraordinary success of {lle Seethe/AO, 111 Ut eure of Pulnionavy diseases, warrants the American Agent in soliettingfortreannem the worm possible ea ses that can ho found ut the comununity —cams that soak relief in vain from any of the common remedies of the day, and have been giver, op by the most diostingutsbed physicians as emit/mud and sac arable. The !Wagon an Balsam has cured, and will core, the most desperate of eases. It to uo (mask nostrum. tot a standard Eng • IW mediclue, of known and estaini quid ethcacy. Every family hi the United eleleot should lie supplied with Boohoo's Untiganan Bal.tun of Life, not only to counteract the consumptive tcadeficzes ol the &Imam, but to be omit es a preventive medicine to all misers of colds, coughs, spitting of blood, piun an th e side and chest, irritation and soreness of the longs, Droelittia, dgfiellity of breating, hectic fever, night avrents, emarti• 61.1012 and general debility, asthma, influenza, whooping cough and croup Sold to large Ironies, at St per bottle. with full direr. tone fur the 'calor...oil of health. Pamphlets, containing mass of English and Amer,- . certificates, and other evlslonee, showing the 1111- ',61 merits of Una great FhignAh Remedy, may be wale( th Age ESIESTOC nts. stratum:rusty. s Imp LI A AllK & Co , corner of Id Wood and Wood and nth Mr_ mare DR. JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE, BALSAS" 1,011,0fi1 Clercv the Hes ASA Stil L`s n well known and pop °tar m. of thq Pron. Itont MeModinelturei The undercrgned ha snag 1.e., ulna ted durinpthe plut winter with .IdlSenav 01 ale sihmech, sometimes pro ducing great putt nt the ;Meant h (oi ti n or twelve hours without mtertnisnion, nod :ter h ring iried various with lane eSer fur:usherl h bottle DJayne's Carrtionn .lve 1;a/ .tt• e user, he • roroing to the direct/ohs, awl Mut. .11 nun I) tn•l this medic the esneed the pain to abate "tre in e or Wu! MM. Ines. min t in fifteen or twenty in ery uneasy senßanan Was ntircly uit 1 , 1. ne l i e onat• terwards need whenever, pai-stion• be oppro.e. t Pam were perMe.Vest • nod wunmoret, mcv e m. rd He coramam in use lan med. me ever) evening and Sostenmes In the moninm an , in a few weeks health was so far restored, ...At the wne re r was Vela. V ed from a ,urge amount of t•pprt From ex ' , erten..., therefore, he ran car trot:' reennitner.d I) IJ d•yne'e Carmen:lye Llulvom an mmtary medic In for dlacasca °Wiest -mach and how•• Is. A PII/N Allen henr city. jy YU jl For sale in Pittsburgh at the N TEA STOR n Fourth creed,bear Wood, and hilo at thelhug Store of .1 I I tV•ItrZ, Ve.lerv: wee! A ltegun h Y MlSTokir. . t e tt y p , r4l7....ta t z l wab a scrofulous romplaMt tomy les, and had been for some months under the rare oi phy g sicians. 'lle, suid toy ease was to m at meurah/e, and they could do but little (or ow. w nearly helplem, but with the aid is( outchea could with difficulty get almot. In May lasTOptochnumil of you. and commenced turn Hans tut, Saltascatou.s. Aster the use of two bottles, the sures connect:iced heeling,.and I laid aside crutch• ~theg Only Canc. 14111 , pensed wall ay canc. and end of the fourth, sr. so well m to mama all day ist abcaring sharp. In all, I used five bodies. The scrofula mud cores have all healed up, and since last mouser I have seen no appearance of the disease, bat aye continued, and am now, in the moat perfect he state woh confidence, hOpingthal othes maybe hen th, lined In the same sway, that they arsaparilla sold by has been the means and the only Mennen( etreei. tgthe cure. CORNEILI J. HOSE. For sale wholesale and retail, by dasir 11. A. FAILYES7T/Cli k Co car. front P wood sts. A also corner wood 12 HIE PRILFUNIER Y J.! Cream de' Amanda nmme, for shaving; Cream a m Rome, for 'berme; Annonde Cream, do; Sopertme Mange, on Porrelmn .roads; terra laega klieljnt seem bags, perfumed with Lavender, Angle. Sundial powder peak, of all pattern,; Embossed toilet boxes, containing fragrant extracts for din hendkerehief; a scent bag, and mum soaps, sad able for Yerlain.orCluneee powder; haunt vegetable hair oil, dear's od, an Macy or cinnamon wrappers, (rose seem ed), /ones' Soap; Nymph Seal.; Ettp.c. i.ip !Wye; nOajki Soda voepi together w. 113 a great variety (fine peramery: ;en received; for .ate by avle B A FA II IV E2.+TUCK k CO tor alb le "rood ap Pulmonary te CUTLER 2 rfeeI It duty I 131 ol:e to fellow creatures, to state so a metlaing more rear:eel your Vegetable Pulmonary liolasim. Since I first u the about eleven year. the happy effect of w hich gave on aceount ot, have had several severe complaints and attacks at my lunge, one a few days mace, and in every instance I have :used the Balsam alone with complete and perfect success. It has effected relief m e l cure In a very few days. It is certainly a sale medicine. 1 do not know that it will cure a feed consumption, but I believe. it will be in many eases • preventive, and pre:vellums better than earm I do thereforr a for the love of mj ,fel ltiotwallmft nary Yeortuflatistr. u.'coonffititiisitUthat bus been the means of prturvmg my lie to this day. Boston Jut. 10, BE.,LIAMIN PAILSoNtis For sale by B A Fuhnestock, Co, corner firm mnd wood and also corner wood and MIL AIL Q ELLER'S IMPERIAL COSA: /I eVitt, P.--it has 4„7 power to raw Prrrearaun, Feb. 14, 1617. 11. E. Sau_rati—My wife has for year, been subject to a dialtesaing cough, accompanied with uthma, for the Care of winch she used different cough remedies, and had the advice of the roost eminent physimana England, lea all was unamultng. By chalice I heard of your Import:el Cough Syrup, and wits induced to buy • bottle tor trst, although I had no betel that anything Cold c ove re her complaint To toy great surpuse, two gave her mated.. relief She is at =us troubled with a cough, but two teupoousful of Syrup always stops it. lam satiated, oiler • trial of three or lour years, Mot hove re Seller's Cough Syrup is the hest cough World. dicine I ar trted ratter IL the Old or Now aanomea, Seventh Ward city F of t Pittsburgh. The shove eerufleate Unsold induce all who are ambled with cough or asauno, to give the Syrup • tn. U It may be bad forW.a ta a bottle, al the drug store of E SELLERS, rb IL wood B. Sold Ci hy Be Cassel, wad, nod L/ II Curry, Alle /betty ty. Juni - - - • - Patent Block Slorlog Trots*, V Etna INVENTED—Forme rufirf 1.1 rernmeng VI Cure or HERNIA or ftIiPTUHE. (*.tea vo Poe . o .PertOT clannsof tins Tnss an in the con,- Mratlve easa Wilk w h•et, amuy be worn. The pad of oJod limns neatly Oaluneed on springs, yields to pre , gate. an On; part of ti, end thoroughly adapt /Melt to tn) mo•conent madly by Übe vrenr. r.lll tic worn Without internyinston. 0/tlll a curet. effooted. The saw set tiers Il•re mode •rtangetnenw iur use manuiseturs YI these •alnub le Trusties, in s superioretylnon Fib.% klsia, and have them now fur sole Si their OlLlee.No. 7 7, %..oulthfield st. neat oath, Pilleboralt. 100 GEO. 110 AFT, / I/. IV. KA UFFALAN. Sll3ll F — .. Suprnar m I{4l y 1 U 611111,1, 'l7 , Foy,te county, P. llnrch 1 1 , r. IL 814.11.11.—/ crts.) that I /011 C used Vrrtniikage 1.1 eny Ihl, a u nOieve 11 0 111111. operior lo an, I Isara a.d I guy.. 10 nt crue kticirrsr 011 e ey:wllcd u . 401 wunu.. Propon-11 and .n:d by H. I.: IN ood .t ‘V.OO, torry: Itarohooy• W J South, Teo yrrooervific; land Dravo, tau-- retteevtile. .Y 4 YRINUE-4--Au ..ortment met' alai for nal 0 by uly3 J kIDO PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, eliiit,WilED DAILY, TM - WEEKLY a W tcj LY A. a. Gams* Building", 3d 14., war Ote Pon (Ora SLATES OR ADVERTISING. se tosertioo of or I ...... $0 50 without alteration,.... 0 75 1 (33 1 51:: 4 ( 6 to 7 50 One Week Cleo Week g - Longer advertssements to ”me pruporuan. One square, 6 mouths, without alteration,..• 10 IA) 6. 1. 14 Id IS LO Each additional square (orb months 5 1/0 4 ". One uare, 10 00 aq " 16 month., renewable et pleasure, 15 00 • 2 44 " 4 , YO 00 Each additional square i'or l 0 swam. ..... .. • 10 00 Two squares, 6 months, re'woble at pleasure, 30 00 Each additioeal square, 6 months, ... 0 00 wa 1 , /f. LT ON {RILL, I. °LILT PM/IMS. One square. 3 insertion., SI 60 • " each additional inaertion,....4. ITRNISII CARD.. Five line, or less, one year, ' 6 00 ail months, .............. 6 00 14 11 di nue year, daily & weekly, 10 00 sts months " 41 00 Ans - sarressrszTe ra wsarcs., Levet. For SU lines, or less, One insertion, ..... 4.440 60 •.. ....... 0 76 Three, " - Three months, I 0.0- " " 8,1 " • - o 14 „ 1 ,, • _
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