BY MAGNETIC =GRAM . REPORTED 41r TELUGU. .AP4RS I : I 1 ALMANAC. ARRIVED, . , .. Eieliuivai tar um pattpawsh G a 1 . " ... )DO — l. Stitilaran 7Alaie - 174,1005e5. . 14u .. h a dat . .g e e, rate° ECEMBRR- I Agee' 4„setA lii sea . 1 - ro Altaic, A . • CONOIIIICIII. W2urqw4lz; De 27, /848 * .. s 2l s.. - tu dZ I P , 141 71-61- 4 - 3 Sic telll I, , ; SAL" N" 1 - . - 4s /Caudal, : "7 = . .4.28 'AM: . '" , SAL" F 70 Me_ terdaV s 7...21 ,4. 22 A4I -. IT. - 27 ;Weaseissay, 7 tir AM' -4047 29 Thanday; 7Dr AM 11 59 , 9A :Fridiy.l. -... ,t 742. ~ 424 mom k Al 12 o'clock the Vice President called the Se. note to order. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Slicer— aßer which the consideration of the morning beat. wu 'proceeded with. " Variona petitions and memorial, were then presented. `Agreeably to notice, Mr. Benton, of Mistamri, lashed and obtained leave to bring in a bill, which was rend the drat and - second times, by uoaai• mew =Neat, and referred .to the committee Cal Public Lands. It related to the tratabliahment of a new land office ip Miwanuri. Mr. Davis, of Massachusetts, odered a resolu. din t inquirieg Into the combined amount of ex. pidaditures in the Coast Survey—which wee a. doped. ''Mr. Johnson, Johnson, of Id:ruitiann, moved to' take up the relating to the purchase of the land upon Vida the light house now stands at the mouth of the .Misaissippi River. It was argued in the afilrmative bp MOWa lohttion and Belk Those who maintained the negative were Mears. Dix and others. The Senate than went into Executive Session, and remained until adjournment. 'Hove - The Speaker anntianced as the first thing 'in order, the tinsinesa on the Speaker's tilde, to Wit ?4r. Stewart, of Michigan, moved to reconsider the resolution, offered by Mr. Gott, and passed, :relative to the repealing of ;the laws permitting One slave MSc in the Diatom of Columbia. ,Mr. Stewart being entiotpd to the floor, ad• dressed the House in opposition to the resolution. ,Hei feared, from the feeling it had already cre ated in the Insides, that a eel= would be crea ted between the Heath and South, which might lead to the worst of itonsequenees. Mr. Gott offered an amendment to the motion of:recortalderation. Mr. Vinton moved to postpone the question fora fortnight. Mr. Wentworth moved to lay the question of reconsideration on the table. The Vote was taken by leas and nays, and decided in the negative—yeas, sa nays, 171. Mr. Smith, of Indiana, offered an amendment to It, instructing the committee on the District of Columbia to frame a !awl° prevent the bring. Mg of slaves from other States into the District foi sale. Mr. Vinton renewed his . motion for postpone. mint, which was carried. Mr. Sawyer rose to a privilege question, con cerning the Now York Tnimue's statement res pecting extra mileage. . A long dasetunion ensued, and before the sob :Met wan &awned of, the House adjourned, LATER PROM' MEXICO. Pi7Leamaznli, Dee. 21,1818. Tux New Orleans Paperi contain late and im• portant news from Mexico, gathered from a late arrival at that port from Vera Crux. The rumor of the rapture of Jack Hays, by tlireza, is not confirmed ; but at lam accomata meta still amongst the living. • ' STEAM SHIP PANAMA. Nxw Your, Dec. 27, 1848. The steam ship which soiled from this city Wr Panunalast weelc,returned this morning, baying brbken both cylinders. Her return has closed comuderable feeling among's! the California emi. *butts. Barmy Dec. 27, ISIS. The rain, which has iroceeeded the snow, has es:posed the body of Jacob Latter, whose friends feared fool clay had taken place in regard to his absence. He was frozen to death. Porramowma, Dec. 27, ISIS. The modem markets have been checked by the mow Worm. Prides, however, are Unchanged_ QROCERIES, INSENG-2 sacbibiifilsidi*thysile by deed ISAIAH DICK.L'YjIe Co, front EATH - MS—ln sacks for W e by "D deaS ISAIAH DICKEY &Co_ k ets rilloW39o3-13 ,Plootidio; 5 do Eagarho sue-, oa . ISAIANDICIILY & Co WRAPPING PAPEW-425 ,m. tag and maw errau, &tibia a:Oliva - int! media= wrapping pa gapa, far Bala by &as WICK & mcANDL)4SI. GROUND N0 19 .-0:0 bnehels MU:WM-0 ground nuts for sale by dean WICK & McCANDUMS. 'EIA MI IX IMOUTt—.l2sbbla PastimatesbrandFam r ily Mar, reed on conftsmobra and for able by dee2s WICK t. WCANDLM DRESEI ROLL BUTTER,-20 Male rlaingan Butter, by landing this dayde by the Union Line, R FAYD and for sale n% , 51r. 1017 . 00L-13 Backs commau - Wool o dare and for *ale by J & R FLOYD, dee2s Basta Church Building_ IIIarraILEMOIL-33 don on hand an for sale by deeRS J KIDD & Co .QtINDRIES-21) bas Cis—Soap; 20 do do monid can •la-dlet; bbls Alum; sdo ono Loaf Sagas, received , this say per Iwo Newton, consignment, for sale tor cub, by dens TASSEY Ir. BEST .DOTATOES-1.00 bbis and 60 sat* rec'd aid far I salt by . d4e25 MASSEY fr. BEST trITER-40 bbls Roll Rater, 0 km do; on bond and for sals by dead TASSEY & BEST DELIEL ASEI-9) narks m otora and for sato by der4 T ABBEY & BEST G ERMAN t i-3ci.fir" V mad : e bdeg T. & ACKEREL-135 Obis No 3loort, for sale b . doe& WICK & WOANDLES3 r4REEN A#2LE 4 -1.131Me Itzusets,lsppins, Gree. oirms,lM. Re. In prime order, and for Bide by ,dete4.3,, WICK a. &IVA NDLESS VEGAIt-19 iobls Cider Vinegar,for sale by deeISWICK & M'CANDLESS A.. 1) WORK BOXES.—A , mutable Gmpresents, for C. YEAGER, ICEI market et WatTING Daniel splendid • • - We nary Ins. deell T BOATMEN-A large Cable, (m rale cheap. Ap- SCAIVE & ATKINSON, Ist, mar 'wood st WO MS-50 tons Joni= Blooms, for solo by B dce23 FORSYTH & DUNCAN, .77 first st 113 METAL—aI tons not Blur, for sole by P dean FORSYTH A DUNCii-N frENNESSEE 1111.00M-21a0 torts for sale, to ar 'rive, by data • FORSYTH t DUNCAN COTTON -29 bates Tennessee Conon, for sale dad? b dad? FORSYTH k DUNCAN LOVER BEE 6Obush An We C try dex23 8 F VON BONNHORST fr.. Co FEATHERS--300 lb. prima live geese, (or irreo bl decla P VON BONNIIOIIBT & Co ARD-8 btd• Jost teal and for sale by deell S P VON BONNIIORST & Co CHEESE -40 lame zrym,(ol. We by — V de an SF VON BONNIMILST kCo T Em° sB ' ; VA Bovino deo-Z1 HST & Co 'Di UTTER-2 bag Etoll, , far sale b 7 .& decl3 El V VON BO _HORSY & Co t g otT ErS-4 rONNHORST & Co & ALtis.,"ARD-1.50 e achoos Long Island Mae 401rega,011 lba do do do; in aeon! and b y , deeZl MILLER & RICKETSON for wk ippEp, PIMENTO-2) bap Pepper; to do p agora &ad for sale by -dee= MILLER fr. RICICMON 'L-11.011/1-7+o WI! oaperfina Fleur, received per r Clipper No hlgiabiliD ed CW, WILSON b. Ca ac LARD --15 bbls No t LoalLard; au kegs do do,• row rec'd and for sale by L 8 WATERMAN, deetYJ 31 water and at /mat rt OIDER—H bbls jam reed; in store and for sale by V dean I. 9 WATERMAN AND BUCKETS-75 dos Deaner Hookas; r d. Tab', large . 4 do do Kook., an wore and fa by d ent WATERAIAN MACON - L:4 An;Bacon Bidet, la wore and for sai .1.1 WICK WCANDLES, drat earner wood and Water Its ROM MUTTER-1 5 bide just reed and tar aale by demi WICK & IdVANDLIZS rrtaLt.ow—n bbl. just landing from almr Drillian and GU naley J umwoirrti, cangl g 7 wood st VIIIIROAR-40 bbla abler Vinegar, far br deal - JS DILWORTH FLOUR -456 bbls arts& Family Float. In WT amt for sale by dee% J B DILWORTH co H Mousst...N—ao bbLs Sugar Hone Motown, IM Lnnb , Ea... Min stare and ow, by eal MILLER k ILICKETSO.I 'd FRODUCE-1 00 busb Clammed; 00 large afted ..2 20 kegs BOIL!, ,r siora and for sale by deal . MILLER& RICKETSON tiede re new er M op Rica to e. atom mod for sale gIILLER atcramsoN 00 4 .4 . WAS Balk haltar a st r tg y co 'II for polo D"Ea rartr j. FrAWrana 241 rta b. 7 111003115.-29,01 es gem Bra.Fts. jun ree'd and for 441 p by . dOC2L AVM °A , NO k CRQZ ER 1 roaAcoo—do kap NO/. Tc , b4C.o. a prim lutes, finfree'd oilif.WalignAPrit mad for weby dal • BELLERS NICOLS MOLASSES -10D Ws new crop N 0 Molasses, put 110'4 per soar Roscoe and for isle by —deal SEL,LERS N(OOLp UTS-20:i blab just landing sad for We by tithLWORTH ' • • A.TO-Itads Olde Lail Tobacc aumwo o, tor sale irrnby. nOIIN hISAL—A 1113101110 l vary good, but • ha hide by declk aIbILSTRONO kOROZER c=as'e=2b - -',-:-,:::'. OMMERCIAI, RECORD. fITTISIETROR BOARD OE TRADE isosIMITTEEFORDECMErkEt. U. Drin. J. 'am ° W. R mute= ThilrEdea C V:Lli Pl C, Ing" m a be?,97gia. ' ME WWII= amt±tam.—The ' w..therr tetday vrai dark andgloOmy, 4 srlich' had its lade erMe on that activity of•tia' de which — might other sv&i have prevailed.Aminteneral way however, a fair amount wasdone, and quotations generally were upchamted. PLOUTV—The market maintains its usual dull ness, an p t i seareely any thing was done worth no. tl g, icularly tram - HM hands, trim being no arrivals' by river. Foga gore we notice regular lit:tined sales to the city trade at £.3,914i81,06c per GROCERIES—WeI have nothing new to nos under this kietn.losvitl thing remains quiet at Comer quotations, which we give as follows, with !Waited Weir New Orleans sugar, old, at SlirA, add 440.11 for new.' Of'N - 0 molasses we note a mire of 35 bhls'm 27c, 4 mos, a d of several small' ei lots at 25c, 4 mos. Of Sugar House, mall sales Were effected at4oo4scd, gall. Salmi of 30 sacks Rio coffee at 74,a on time. In other articles under this bead no change. PROV.LSIOXB—.-There have been no further arrivals of lalkimat folmbelow, consequently we hove no report4lerades; the hist sales were made al 4c hoground.. Bacon lama are held in limited slipply, with light ...sales at Gic 47. lb. Sales of 25 lila and 100 kegs lard at 61c time. Sales of 30 kegs butter at SiriiSsc p lb. LEAlk—Sale Mb pike on the levee, not be. Oro repoTtedott 41.3 COTTONLA good article for yarns is held at Si—no sales. FLSH-4-Sales of 28 bbls No 3 mackerel in lots at 5,75586 p bbl as in quality. FEATHERS—SaIes in lots 500 to 800 lbs at 32 033 c go T. SOAP--Sale of 25 boxes Pittsburgh rosin ut 4 4c rb- CANDLES--Sales are regularly effected at the Csllowing rates; City and Cincionati dipped at Or. mould at 101, and star at 216i 4 .nc p la. ASHES—The market is generally dull. With light sales; we may use the Wllmaing as the ruling figures of the marker Pearls 51a34 as in quality, salemtns Sic, pot. 4* d 4, Scorching. sad soda ash at 310310 p 16. 8062011, Dec. 23, 1848. Colton—The market is very firm for this article, and the stock is no reduced to a low figure. The sales of the meek have been 1,000 bales, and an advance of full le has been obtained on late current rates, and we alter our qaotations accord ingly. The total receipts of Cotton at the different ports of the conotry, from Sept- 1, 1818, to lamer date. pre, bales 680,109 Same time last year, 427,002 The exports have beeo:— 1548. 1947. 297,350 131.111 64,536 E 03,150 59,414 49,205 To Great Britaie, France, Other foreign ports, Total, . 421130 266466 Stocks 011 hand, 297,913 240,35 h Domestics—There continues to be a good de. mend for export a our quoted prices. • Exported since our last— To foreign ports, bales and cases, Sinee Jan. 1, Total, —(Shipping List PROVISION ROSIN S. In this city, notwithstanding the unfavorable weather fora week pant, packing operations have proceeded with some activity. and a still further advance has been realised on hoe. The weight of sales on Thursday was at 3,0013,75, one drove of 1000 head, averaging 200 Ike, obtaining $.3,871. Yesterday the range of price was 3,7:423,87. The inquiry for Mee. Pork Pork is considerable, and some. thing over 310 would be paid, bat holders of good lots have generally taken them out of the market • The steam of Cincinnati packers, both as to the • • rice for hogs and the asking price for pork seem to be • • • • those of all other operators in the West. The Louisville Courier of Thursday states thid. laikk•ii of Mess Park were rehtsing 5, 50 there, and notices the sale of 7000 hogs at 3,50. The Courier also save "Daring the emu of the week light sales of Pork were made at S 5 for Meal 39 for M 0, and 0,50 for rumps; also a sale of Mess at 9,25. In addition we heard of sales at one of the pork houses of the proceeds of about 1200 hogs, as follows, for cosh. Me...lPork 9,30; 0 59; Prime 7,50." "At New Albany, Indiana, a sale of 500bbla Mess Pork is reported as having been made a *so days ago at 9,50, cash. The St Louis Republican of 146 Mrs, sap:— "Pork will sell at 8,576,75, and 5,15 1,50 for the two leading grades of Prime and Mess; but those who have lots to come forward, or now under way of transhipment, colt higher figares. In a word, buyers offer one quotations, whilu holders ask 57 and 59 generally. A contract was, however, made yesterday for 2000 bbls, to be delivered in the spring, on private terms, bat understood upon the street to be at a ,price within the range of our first figures.—pn. Gaz., Dee. 23. CATTLE MARKETS; Baltimore, Dec. 18.—Caule--There waa an in messed supply of beeves at the' scales to day, the offerings reaching 1200 head. 01 these 760 were sold to butchers-end packers; 40 were left over unsold; and 400 were driven to Ptilladelphoi.— Prices ranged from 2,5003,50 sp 100 IDs on the hoof equal to $5a6,75 net, and averaging 43 gross, which is an advance. a fall supply of live bogs, and prices range from 4,so@s,2s.—(American. New York, Dee 18.—At market-1,100 Leer cattle, (500 Southern, remainder this Sate) 65 cows and calves, and 2,000 sheep and lambs. Bee( Cattle—There was an average business done in market last week. Prices may be quoted from $5 to S 6 s cwt. 100 left over. Cows and Calves--The market was better sup plied last week, but prices wail little lower. Sale, at from 52.1 to 532044,50. All sold. Sheep and Larobw—__The offerings are rapidly falling off, and pncen this week ebow a decided improvement upon previous quotation. Sales of sheep at from 51,50 to 3,25GJ56. Lamb. Sl,2s Gd 83. Ail mold. Hay and Straw—The weather having cleared off, there was a good attendance at the nettles to day. Good Timothy tennis at from 02i150 per cwt. Straw at 2,50 gr 100 bundles. The supplies were mostly from Jersey and Westeheirter county. —(Tribune. Er A cough should never be neglected. It may appear trifiing and unworthy the attention at fire, bet II Will not remain stationary long: It may progress slow At first, and its augmentation may be seascely pereeptible, yet when once seize. the lungs, all the other parts of tbe body will be sympathetically affect. ed, and a confirmed Consumpuou and premature death will be the inevitable result_ A little care would save many a life, and the timely use of a proper remedy ought have arrested many a consumption. Brat many persons beet an invincible repugnance to taking any medicine, mud rather than use the means towards ar• resting a disease, simply because the remedy may not be • pleasant one, would puffer and busguish for • long time, before they would resort to the alt of medicine. B. A. Pahr.estock A Co.'s Cough lialsam has • great advantage In this respect over many other Cough pre parations, as its pleasant taste permits it W be used without inconvenience lint Its value as a lialsant consists In the spendsuessof its earn. We have known aomeal the most desperate coughs, some of which had been rumung on for a considerable length of same, yield almost Immediately to its power. Prepared and for sale, wholesale and retail, by B. A. FAIINESTOCK & Co, noTI6 roe Wood and let, and Wood and 6th at. TRmenu:a Turnmoxv to the •alas of Dr M'Lane Term Mtge. Iteadroill that doubt. ferret, wh en placed the entrance of s of hole, EN the ap erture. travels along the passage, seises Upon the rat. eatertainates his existence, and dreg. the animal's defunct care.. to the light. And ht like manner have 1 found Dr. IM'Lrine's American Vermi- Inge to operate upon worm., those dreadful and dui (croon 10fraallitlf• of children. This remedy, like the t erm, color. the apenure of the mouth, travels down the gullet, hoots round the stomach, lays hold of the warms, ahrikes the life out of the reptiles, sweeps clean their den, and tarries their eaten... Clear out of the .patent. This at least has boon the erect of the rertnet fore upon ray children WM. ROVLAIT. Napier, Jail. 1d47.” "Ilia ism certify that I have null Dr. ISl'l.ano's Ver a:di:lSe, and have found it ire operate In like manner upon nay ehildien. JOHN YRlOurt. Naples,Jaun t 847." A &mains snide of the above valitable medicine con h e had a t the diug store (A./. Kidd dr. Co, No. CO Wood street. nov27 Wormaiity their Irritation, augment the sec,. tion of mums or slime in the stomach, in which, al to, tiny tnvolaiNthemselvec and It is itaid they reed ti v p 4 g : j and if deprived am cLit they die. F T A lt i a m eelebrated Pittsbrug g ct, Pa., is adtairabty adapted in Its opanst4 -first, to remove, the protecting mecca and secondly, expel the worms rendered helpless and tender h y -I. e . lug them denuded. It is a remedy in which every con fidence can be placed; and that it' has answered the purpose In manifest (coin the hundreds of eertiticates given in its favor DT Muse= Irbbe bane of many a man's [Zirit enee. No bottle eintdiscribe the sufferings caused pj this distressing disease. It wilts man for his sm. linajn life, whatever it May be, and makes him feel ,*o UlOngb he would rather not exist than endure such misery, Vet Mem sufferiags are produced In the Cunt plane by derangement of the otomach, and if this were I met by using S . A. Fahneetocks Pins, I th e hoerelltilleald he cleansed, the accumulation nr title carriedari, and a speedy and sure relief obtained. Prepared and sold by B. A. PA/INF.:STOCK & Co some, istand wood, Ow corner oth and wood els. Wl9 JD Liuuegirne u.e.Fonesteliainlith Lily Whitey Pave Etrnirinto transparent skirt. Of this a trial inn nary any one. 80ld only Pitubnrigh, at WOWS noeladantlWV" PORT OF PITTSBURGH. • LOtriable.Lane,• Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Bmwasvillel • Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. .Lake Erie Sholes. Beaver. iTareline, Leslie', Beaver. BeaVer, Clark,, Wellsville. Brilliant, Grace, Cin. Clipper. No, 2 Crooks, Cincinnati. Swim Boy, Davidson: St. Louis. Fort Pitt, Miller, Franklin. Consul, Webber, Wheeling. .DEPARTED. Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Michigan No, 2, Gilson, Beaver. Caroline,Lashel, kkiaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellatolha. New England, No. 2 MaChare, Cin. Roscoe, Javena, N Grimm. Wellsville, Poe, Marietta. Magnet, Carothers, Hangingfliack. At dunk last evening, there were 14 Met 0 inches water in the channel, by pier mark, and killing - - BOATS LEAVING THISDAY. Cincinnati Packets, 10 A. M Brownsville Packets, 9 A. M, and 4 P. M. Cincinnati—Swiss Boy. Wheeling--Conant. St. Louis °avenge. Ho' FOR Cracrectien—The splendid packet idea mer, BnWnat , Capt R C Grave, will leave as a. Bove this day at 10 o'clock A M We have isa often rendered lust praise to this fine steamer, that we should deem a repitition use- less, were it not for the base injustiCe done bar by many of the western papers. We believe, that notwithstanding the thousand and one lies that have been uttered agentn her, that the Brilliant is bound to hold her own with the Louisville line, or any other line that may be thrown in her way, provided fair means are used We are led to these reflections by looking over the Louisville Courier of the Idth inst. In this pa• pet we find cuticle after article, in praise of Tel egraph No 2, and defaming the 'character of the Brilliant, and from beginning to end we could see nothing but one common dune of falsehood--so palpable we think as to tend more to innue the Telegraph, than to add to her good name in the estimation of the public. St Louia, Dec. 16,18.18. Rwan Marrone—The river at this point woe free of running ice last evening, but the change in the weather to severe cold, will noon bring it dow n again.. Several boats went up the river geeterda y but will not; probably, reach their destination. The Illinois is full of ficiating tee and wood, with eight feet in the channel, and falling. The Mississippi is closed at Clarksville. The river here Is still Whecting and Ststabaneille—Per Consul-12 bbis vinegar, owner aboard; 56 bbl. flour, L Browning; 155 bill. paper, S C t bbl. 12 kga butter, 3 bbl. lard. Orum & McGrew; 7 bbls mill butter, 21 kg. 7 bbl. lard, 1. do onions, L S Waterman; 2 bbl. knobs, Ltvingaton Roggen & co; 1 dal boat in tow owner. Cincinnati—Per Brilliant-1 box mdse, H Vick ery; 49 bbls beef, Sellers dr, Mc°ls; 49 bbls molas ses, 8 & NV Harbaugh; 33 bbl. 4 les broken glass, Bakewell do Penes; 52 bbl. molasses, lisg-aley Sr Smite; 90 bbl. whiskey, B. Bell; 99 lames meat, same. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. ANNUALS AND GIFT BOOKS. — 4,:lurrnita.F. FOR PftIiiSENTS. --beats of Brainy 0 and Lateriiry Gro. for 1.49. Keepsake of Friendship. or Frtendship's Offering, (or Chnstmas Rows, for 'MU; Christmas Blossom, for 1.10. Amaranth, • Token of Remembrance, for le40: The Young Man's Offering. The Young Lad, 's Offering., I,y Mrs. Siguorney and others Lead's.. of Memory, a •uperli annual for let* The Ferry Ring, for 1040, The Opal, a splendid aul book for PAU, The Hyacinth. for ISM The Scrap Book, for Ir-Br, The Snowflake, for 1949, The Book of Pearls; The Lady's Annual, for IMO; The Women of the Stinproms, a beaoufal work, The Wreath of Fnend•lstp, for The Christ.. Keepsake, for Prig; Read's Female Poets of Amensti, containing por trait.. of Mra K Oake Smith. Mrs F S Uyood, hi... L II Su/our:my. Mr• K F. FJls4 Mro F.nmus C Ern burl., Mr.. Amelia B. Welby, Mr. 9. J Hale, Mr. K. C. !stoney. Mo.. Arum C. Lynch. Aloe Sarah J. Clarke, (Brace Greenwoodik 'Kne above. with • large reflection of Poetical Works, Prayer Book., Bible., and otter works in spiendid style of binding., suitable for Chrmunas and New Tear's presents for sale at the bookstore of JOHNSTON A. STOCKTON. earner Market and al .. Gift Books and Annuals far 1149. pill: Gus of the Schwa, lodd Hook of Beauty, IMO, The Omi. Gems of Beauty, do The Garland, do do The Amaranth. do do n ate elf,anth case, do Christmas Rose, do Forget-me-NM, do do Woman.. do do-, arta of with ease. do Flora's Gems. do Book of Pearls, do Vienna. Keepsalisi,de Fnendship's Menhir. do The Snow Flake, do Keepsake of Fendadtp. do The Gem. Excelsior Annual, do The Moss Rose, du do; who cf, snit ease. do ❑+at of Fnetidship, do Perpetual Keepsake, do The Pearl, do The Ryacin h. do The Token, stn The Rosary of Illustrator's orate Bible. Lady of th Lake, illustrated, Lelia Rook!, Alloore's Pommel Work.: Poet of Connecticut. gilt edge. Willis' Pommel Works, morocco, Lays of Sabbath: Pletorial Franklin and Napoleon, de. ac A large msortine•.l of popular Juvenile Books, many of which are mat from the press Toy Book, with toted plate.. Games, fee be Jun need hy co press and for We op ENtiLlstl, der.G rood and market sw skeEW BOOKS AND BOOKS FOR IPIiFIiENTS-- 111 will.. a Poetical Worts. an morocco. “lasteated. Lady of the Lake, ^ Works of Cowper and Thompson, Rowan. Welman. and Keats. Goldsmith's Poems, Thompson's Seasons. cred Mountain, Bethune'. Poem Goldsmith's Work.; Work, The Gem of the , Season. The Perpetual Reepseek, The Amaranth; The Scrap Back, The Hymouth; The Jewel; The Token; The Religious Lawmen.. Milton and Yining. Proverbial Philosoph); Poems by Amelia. Poetry of Flowers and Flowers of Poetry, Judea Captae. Parlor Book of Flower, Wreaths of Friendame, Fury Tales. sunny Roma Select Chnsuan Author.; Hones Paulin., Lmt days of ℧ boring Ladies Orlenrig, Flora . . Interpreter, together with a large varlet, of /tremble UM Books, ELLIOTT & FAGLII4I.I. deM.A wood and market at. 11 ° r L ea l l ' il Y Er.:g 2.4 Shawle.. P o ' f 'n a th q d wild at 33 to 10 isollers. bought at Auction in N. York. will he sold for B'G each. Also, a fete real ebene lane Scissare Shawl, splendid Carnelian Stilt Crepe cod Torken Shawls; few pieces very ruperior new style Silks, and a very large •oaortaseot of the to,tett and most fashionable deco epode, now offered at decided hiagains. ALF.XANDER & DAY', 75 market el, deer, N W carnet of the diamond HOLIDAY GOODS—W. W. Wimoh, carrier 01 Market and 4th sts, has a beautiful assonment of nett and fashionable goods to h. hoe, parucidan) (Er Fine Watches and Chem*. and rich Jeweiry Gold Penn's, Gold Pens and Pencils, all of the ben materia/s, workmanship and patterns, and will he void low at entree Force. decal • SPLENDID GIFT HOOKS—Tbe Worneo of the M bit; deltneued m a series of skrtthes o 1 Proust neat FernaLe• mentioned in Holy Re ripture—illosirsted by 18 fine steel engravings 1 vol. quarto: Turkey gilt edges—Arabesque style The Burred Poets of England and Americo. for three centuries. Edited by Hobos W tknerirold Illustrated souk steel ertrusintigs. I eel. svo 1010 gilt edges TOO Female Poets of America, with portrait., bio -I.aphical nooses, and speetosens of their writings. lie H. Read. .. • . Tbe Book of Pearl.:. choice igarland of men, poe• try uld on, emilaming 'JO fine .reel engraving*, I col b vo. The Rook of Chnetaan Ballad. 11 , uotrated, I •ol To. For sale by H HOPAJNA, der I Apollo Ilothlktaga,lth HOLIDAY PRE:Si:NTS, ai Z. liirrar'r, 17 Market !Weer—Having Jost received per Expre.• aver, large anaortmeni of eine) Goode. he tnvitra lime 11011 of ire rehaaer• to hi. very extroatue rtuc It of Iterol nags, bead purrea, rorewood wrstrog drat., work borcea.lurnoohed and aolortoshed, tore IE pa Inman I.ourd,r, Jewelry, awl to fart every variety of Fanny 4,00 d• 111 Ws line. dee2:l OLD KIWIS KRIMOLE DAN COME T H XIt7I t tUr ' ff ' h th Zd r = " y " , Y th ' a " t i Tirro " rt :=ra . nr; l floods MIT now open, in the hrrre room formerly oreu• pied as a r arpel Wurehouse by IL D. Thump... where can be teen lie ISM,. •••01 . 11tirill of Chris.. Presents ever offered .ale In the city. All these goods are imported direct from Europe byrnyeelf, and will l/e wed cheaper than any other esiabliahment Ise rely, wholesale and retail Call and um thp line assortment. C. Y EAI/ER, lIN Market Cl, deetl near Liberty . . CHRISTMAS PlIF,Bl.:NTS—Narta t i 0111.11,11, Market street, oder for sale, at reduced prices, a variety of goads suitable I. r Christmas presents, roll /Wing In part of French worked collar* Oren/tr...., martini and lace rapes, emb. Seems robes, reeler and emir. Irma: Cambric bandlterchlefs, deep conled bor dered do gentleman's col'd do; black and fancy silk vateand 'earls; rieh chameleon silks, cashmeres and de lames, stun striped mohair, lustre. and orien tale &earl_ NRW CARPETS—Rocetved net day direct from the manufacturer New nylc Tapestry 3 ply Carpetn, extra super; do do do do super; do do 81111.11 Carpet.; do Brussels ; very cheap, du do rich colors super Ingrain do 4-4, 3-4 and 5-e heavy Venetian do 4-4, 3-4 and 5.• common do do All of which will ha sold n • small advance, and will guarantee as low as can be purchased in the aut. ectitti W AI'CLINTOCK,73 Fourth st T OST—A Note drawn In favor of H. Sumple or or der, by Wm. !Sanwa, for $5O, dated litlth Dec lent, payable GO do). oiler date. Persons are cau tioned not to purchase said note ; as payment is stop ped. dec2343t — J. IL STEVENSON. _ .. MAITIIEW WILSON, Portrait and AlimaturePaim ter. Rooms, corner of Pon Office Alley and Fourth area, entrance on 4th near :Rorke. deed did. TOWNSENDS SARSAPARILLA,SOcomei — Ju. roe'd arid for We by decld Joari D MORGAI.4 BLANKETS -1 case pearl drab, saltable for over ule by decl6 MURPHY k LEE BUTTER -10 bbls fresh Roll; 5 kegs do; received this day tad for .le by TASSEY G 11p3T kTHERS-15 sucks for trVitk al de F rt t itr b EE y Packs,t4= LOCAL RATTERS. IZP . OILTED FOS THY TITISBITHOII DAILY GAXILTTIL . . _ liVb.oleawle mid Eaton. The City Whig Convention Sr noshinating •a A. A. MASON & CO, P97II3IIUIRON PA, candidate for Mayor, met pursuant to call of the rtr AVE received more thousand Cass. and committee of conference, at the Common Council itt„,„ ~fr 7,,: f j e °^ 174".. "a.t 17,1:: fr k ..." Chamber, on Wednesday the 27th inst. At ten tr t Y:coli c r i taclng the latest, richest and most fuhionable o'clock, the convention was called to order by Mr. e ntire: ° psel 3P'n lrViiie impoTer=ufft l arrrs t4 an i' d Woods, who nominated Mr. McCandless for Pre- large t n r , iii . bY uy onoille h u rm . 0 17 ,s aidZit in New ch ardent—which motion prevailing, Mr Wm McCall.. most desirable goods in the anent market., wh weer ich die. took the chair. Wm. S. Thompson and Jas : i n l l . ., : ;L r 'Z d a l - ,l l r o . " r tt ati e.r .. ... h rblitg y nt b , in o d,,, h r e . B Murray were appointed Secretaries ' ed by any House in We Wear We enumerate the fol . lowmg articles— The billowing delegates appeared and took their DaEs s s _ ri °ere . eiterweeiiie striped, settle: ' plaidend brocade to de Affric, Oro de Berlin, Ciro de Ist word—Allen Cordell, H L Ringwalt, Wm ' rsis,Uarn„„,dj,,,'reGnlre Glacier, blank 7.! Gorman, Adams Getty, Samuel Barnes. so. tt lk velvet of all colors, every large stock. 1 3,1 CASES DRESS GOODS, VIM cases ites,. rich 2d ward—Jas B Murray, Jacob Weaver, Henry ; saun.striced Cuhmere; do dodo printed dodo; do small Woods, Robert Mackey, A M Wallingford. ! figured kriglish de Leiner; do Clenesse•Plaids, striped . Orientals. Ass. Also, 50 cases Alpseetis; 20 case. nch 3d ward—Charles W Lewis, Robert Curling, striped end plain Lynne .; 5-4 Tartan Plaid and Silk Twill: 64 einholen* and Clowthlla Plaids. W W Splane, Joseph W Lewis, Robert Hill. FRENCH MERINOS—A 101 l assortment of black, 4th ward—F S Grimmer, William D Graham, I mode, Scarlet, Maroon, Nassoine, blue, purple and oth- Rees Thomas, William McCand j l a eas, me. J. T ß s . h M an ..H o i n ll ; a . :d a n.,.. al iiil : A;N ‘ll l:l.... r et-ar t .. „ed assa i na n p thi. ' rtld a i y t7l:e mb a r. t c e inl rr o i l ic .rd? f,th ward—William C Beck, Thomas Ham Wm McKelvey, Samuel Howard, 1 t i ,tl7,i e :. ;1°,1.'7', and Torun SSaw ne, a 'and oat! 6th ward—John Scott, G J Lamborn, Thomas ' e* Shawl'. EMBROIDERIES,, LACE GOODS, GLOVES, 44. r.— Monet, Wm Young, Wm 9 Thompson. I Lace caps, collars, culls, standing collars, chemise:a. 7th ward—L T Childs, Daniel Joao., Adam t ' ''''''' - ii i nn i e t = b e ei e e " 4 le. "" / "I e, L e . e e . " 4 ai ll" ery of all kinds, Glove:id. Tomer, James Reed, Wm C Friend. 1 u rilmrs, FRINGES, CORDS BRAIDS, Ac.—A full 9th ward--George Seitz, John Aiken, Henry ! '""Cgr A l a P e H m o c ant . .A . P , l4' t egi Ds _ cane 01 Stimple, C King, C C Jessup, Irish Linen, best manufacture, Linen Sheeting. and 9th ward—Robert Hill, Thomas Kennedy, John Linb" .mi l c i lg b li e e c n l noti s Ta n " d eP i hlt, Tinder:Mei Sa tin sin- and Dir , d;. Kg Diaper. Napkin, 10ssi p S iaof Beck, Jr., Thom. Rosewell, Hugh Hammond. ' The President having announced that the cone , ti v 0.r . 15712 p. .onal i l e iret l etlVnt '" n n:aVe7 h"°—'°" venison was fully organised, called for the 1:10Milla.. ' an T . B ., l3 n r r t i tetre ., thr 1:13 , m e rlon , . entirely new fall ton of candidate. to be voted for, when Mr James ' French Cloth., Cassi a Zeres aia ssirDi a selikins, in great Murray offered the following e'..lelien. which ' " Zill ' e'C ' Lll g o ` i e ''' vel r y fi iic ` se ' rTp a ttirs, d toge d t k li t e ' r . with ay. he expressed a hope would be unammously• ery article usually found in a dly goods store. adopted , The following to an invoice of 67 cases gpods just . received, with the prices annexed: • Resolved, That any member of this convention 1 to bales of red and white Flannel., all wool , for 16c nominating a candidate for the mayoralty, be re- j , ri 7 els... Lt. and e es nellirit i Jewr ' 8 quired to pledge his nominee that he will abide by 1 ;Y . ,r, r,,,,,'`:‘,1;k4g,',1.,::°' HO the decision of this con eentlon. 1 17 do Hleaeheil Mph., :I The resolution was adopted—only one nay he. d d : i'4ll"4l:irri:G":„;gh 19/ tag heard. Some downtown ensued; when Mr. Also, 60 bales 4.4 Brown Muslin, 111 T. Howard, who had voted nay, stated that he hod uo t il d. % r n' y T.%; l l l ,",:r, L ' i l °6° eas p"rrelTjhb,.°" ab yon ove done no, because be had understood that some ed by itoloilier . esmblishment in due city. The .ONE done were pledged to oppose hie. Harlon, L 'l ll;:t„, ' ,,7„ L , u 'L ,,‘,. 4. o Z h e ,, l gr i n fl a r:,: l ' o d p T r N7," even if regularly nominated—but he would now ed at this catablishromo (nand to be above the general pledge his candidate to abide the decision of the ITV e asi n e a , a a'p a rin aa t=r:o a rst a an aa c a e ' e n h:, ' ,.7.7n2U,", convention. , la the rioptleiors. It being their desire that ell good. ..., told on fine ad honorable term. " -- Capt. John Herron, Charles 'B. Scully, B. C. Sawyer, and Henry Willreson. Emirs., were then put In nomination, and the convention proceeded C.ndttlittes. let 2d 3d 4th h titit 7th Sib 9th 10th Herron, 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 Scully, 15 15 -15 15 15 15 20 16 16 10 Sawyer, 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 MME 3 Candidate. II th 14th I 111 Il 14th 15th 16th 17th lath , GENTS' CLOAK TAP:fib:LS—a dog motout TR!- Herron, 15 16 16 16 15 IS 10 23 , acts, ..sorted, 3do Mk dodo. 2do do fine do; JO . , do do I nein, Tasnein, assorted. ! do cord do do. Scully, 19 17 I 4 15 15 16 17 72 ! W00t.e.5; 00098-10 don children's woolen coat. Sawyer, 10 9 9 9 13 7 9 14 do do do Caps, 4do do CIJIAMOI, In don Woolen coin• Wilkemn, 1 3 6 5 3 7 3 l foes, anmord, in do do arab ring. 50 do ladies Cash ' mere tiloven. sned At the clone of the 3.1 balloting, one of the del. I LEATHER nod {'9-80 doe tilk Mol.kin Belts, 30 gate, headed to the preeldent a letter. addressed !dod onovi: l"r"'° Z o f:BULOli .4 li d l o tiB7•l' , '• rn o .Kc! .i in the convention by Mr. Isaac Hanna, which, on l C uprn..).. , ii li LONO EtI4AWI,9—W i Murp hy 40 motion, was read. It follow. ! 0 recrlved Ile. morning by Expren., a lotof ve ry . • pe r wool Shawl*, of bandrome •tylea. I.o L'cvldwr 18.18 . " Pa r a ' lZon Malioner--On hand. a enutt stoek ef these Gewlemen,—The undersigned has for some time goodr--ouve. Invlrthlr, green, Garnet, mitioun, drab, announced hinteell tn the public pattern, an a ran-re•rtet "r"l' enter s &date Orr the Mayoralty of our floorishing city of A few Long ' , hawk. of a Kona quit:fly. Pitirburgh, nod he will conllntie a candidate until nn °" east canner 4th an'. Market dery the election to over. Ile ir by proleasion a What - but.. to generally known. not notch of a politician. VILY-.11 A FILLIVAL--W narrn w were j wodoint in furninh Wows the handsome. , nowe for be Lae lived in Ntrlturgh maw nearly belleneat „„ b yeer k . ,, century . but bar never nought odic, except when , pane art the tallnanng •arietiein sty l e v e t. young, he was an enrign. then a lieutenant, and eel et,. Alinitirter Tapartry. Brusacte. cairn rule, then a captain in the Militta. and hie only exercine ply , surer lf MT. napeeßne and line Ltgn n Carnet , vhich he mnet respectraily welter hir mends and of office during the teal war with England, was the call and fiaMille be fore purchartne y t .ccuntnnod n( the Cluard ever the prowners taken le . p hire areroonh. a ow at, litelnirgh Gen. Ilarrieon and Curnnitalore Perry. ile hoe de e le, . . . written rive different editions Ut his Dictionary 0( J and Pittsburgh. Allegheny. and acinhbounng town', .. .o s i a peme of na, finge, roar, best pins, and pubbsued and edited Harna's Commercial Is. sleds, tar oar • braceleta.loelets. buckle, slides. he Mltgence for four years. He sow offers im.mself la A r.labs rand n'a. , • ( rat ka.v , .. thiutble.. todepeudent eandultue for the Mayoralty, and "" 1.. • be happy, it he has the laver to he take. up by thin den, 57 marketsteer It b Y the I. " 4 '' be mill sot ob I i to, Christmas Pie t. lair and honoribir principle., without respect to _w . it . m a ... a , ha , ha new )' party; stri•tit do the bent he can (,e the good handeome ch•ngeastile Ildk Vienna. very sitiishlt Abs.handsome Drees Silks and lianas, supe e ter of the city and ull its citizens , tor lie believes that Chriserw• heee , ... which he is selling at reduded rfipii cr.. ne To speak h-s thought w every mon s right . nes. style Lyre cambric Ildkiik•e dee& In Prato., W4T, m Count-d. art..l us Fight." l A A ?illirtaiNi a eon no Alaritei street. have plat Itoviwctluily your innotne oeri nt • ' soother Mess nor,. or plaid Long ISA AC HARRIS. sad Squus !Weer., hough. su pe t fr . ,. Irta than sn) previously reeeired at.araeon Our work of share. i• Yow byrigrot lame coy. aad may las certain that nut prices train this date will per era: ,eis• may si any town., arty lovratiN , rf , DOUISLE RY.FIhIS:I) blips lzwiriing . ..fkiable Relined la(. Crushed and Pulver,e.l %near*. yaw we'd and fur sale at me Petty Tra Stoic, to ruorth Iwo., by It was moved that the letter be entered on the minutes, and published wan the proceedings', Carved . The thud bMikll having closed. Mr NV t".Thomps son moved that the name of Isaac Harr,. be added to the lot of candidates Agreed to-2ft to At . Mr. irs name tens accordingly added At t h e clove of the filth bailor Mr W S Thump am moved the the 111\13,1e1 M . the It:chest - Ma can didate. be strwken from the Ire ittkenwmun )," M. tans moved to amend by smira.g Out the name. of the korrent two [Renewed senonnon I A me. boa Co lay the ;trupolutton on the table wan then mode and carred--30 In IS l'p to the stoth bettor. Mr Thompson cote." tut Mr Hams, then !Et C!!!ZEMIII!1!!!1!1!! Limner hour arrlved, sewn, the dele- Mew proposed an adjournment, but patniatiam triumphed over appetite, and the Imlkaing pro ceeded At the rinse of the north haikt s motion for adjournment area made. Mr I ioward :violated that he fed rather hungry but as ,d.less were stub. toum, he meant to hold on too. Mr Se•tx kroked very much ranted. the pervpt mtwn stood in large drop. oa Ills lace; he tararbed every now and then at the sleeve ot ht•cwat. boa Ma brows fiercely, said nothing,but ' , Wed no. very energetically The motion was negatived by s large majunty. At the close of the twelfth ',allot, Mr Scott moved that the name of Robert MeCub/berm be added to the lot of candidates The motion was very• decidedly opposed by Meuse, Howard and Seitz, •ad was negatived by a large majority At the r/ose at the seventeenth ballot, 11r Scott moved to withdraw all the names before the cod• vention, and introduce new candidates. Mr Lewis moved to amend try withdrawing all but the highest two candidate, A good deal ramming/on ensiled. and Mr ',PIA withdrew his amendment Mr Scott renewed hit motion A mutton to lay it on the table was then roads and carried, when the eighteenth ballot was taken, which resulted in the 001121.t100 of Captain John Herron—he having received 23, and C. ft &Our, Eiit, 22 votes—the other candidates 9. The announcement of the result of the lialiotiag ••as received with tremendous snooty Moved that the convention dr, sow naijourn J B Murray, Esq. hoped that the member. would not adjourn without rem•mbering to remunerate Capt. Pratt for hi. nervier.. The members .how• need down their pecuniary aeknowledgcmeou, and the adjournment pervaded. Teemexe Accooorr — 5/111, the recent flood the hole boat. towing on the Monongahela, have been running up and down over the first don. in preference to going through th. loch. The fine hole tow boat, Liberty. undertook to ascend the dam yeetcrday afternoon. about 3 oeloek, hot the water having fallen conatilembly, she had no .00n• Cr motel the sheet of water pouring over the dam, than elm filled, and instantly turned bottom upwertl. Your persons were on board at the time, all of whom, 1,1°14 fortunately aureeeileil in swimming, till aid •roveil tram shore. The hull of the Liberty was towed ashore, bust her engine, boilers, are of amino, at the 6,11011/ of the river. It wa. very fortunate that no explosion took piece when the accident oceured. PP/ METAL—The terry Write, running to the mouth of Maw Mill Run, and to Manchester, are put to great dttliculty in loading lathe Point, owing • to the pile. of pig metal, and other obatructiuna. • A, they pay the a ty twentrlive dollar. per annum, together, for the landing. privilege, they my that they should - have n chance" to land at all emerald!: water. It might also conduce to the comfort .if their poosengerit, if n atone wharf were extended to that some Point, The mud is mmettmee pretty • thick and deep. Puma Hsu—The exhibition of the Chippewa Chiefs, at Philo Hall last evening, was well attend ed, sod all seemed delighted with the highly interesting display of the various habits and ens. toms of thews native Sees of One forest. They give their last exhilnutin at the Hall this evening, at early gas-light, and we bespeak for them a full attendance, as such exhibitions are rarely met with. A Hata Tacos, containing a quantity of voila. ble clothing, wos found in Purey'• board yard, neat the Allegheny river, yesterday morning. The hot. torn of the trunk had been forced out, and part of the contents appeared to have been removed. Cessinans McKinnur, En., our present worthy Postmaster, we understand declines going up Salt River, having lensed the Merchant's Hotel, in Phil. adelphin. It snowed yesterday morning—but it rained again yeaterday afternoon—so we hove mud and clouds once more. DRY & vAgltry_took shall be sok on (air and honorable terms. A li anon. are respectfully exceed to examine our assortment without feeling the least obligation to purchase. OC 14 R ICH A D A R f t>3 4 l p a Coy .4 , r , ctAt A t r s i t , e e a , to . c ,rr r Europa. , open this morning, Rich Dress tiond, comprising rho fohovrtne styles VI7, S:llfiti plaid Memo., a new aro. ere. and the rtehem goods imported tho rea•on, nil wont Plant., ['ugh colors and eiotee 'styles. nll wool Cashmeres and Mott, de Lames; fine Cedturg sod Lyo nese Cloths, of spy describable shade and color. Soon striped enstimerea.losrent 'Met), novS N E . W J LIVE/ \ d.s .!litr m a c tTLL.,- . 71 u: s 16 . raver /Ow RAIN, and {ward] Clmes, Veit chain.. heal-y Iran * .l 11.,nat Put, Ftn,r R,ugs •oldcam"... a.: 1 1:10MI PI P.n., revr.ry. dev.l ZI - ir I 67 marltri F R1i..41.11-11EO RINS A t btlfFE-r-iWie nobu•on J 66 Ala,ket atreet, altl o'cor I,tlagen Al lA. • at toot, the•r Vora of Frent, Wm.*. cootprt wog the moat cow., colors NOw •• ou• out.. e tbe ener barren.. 1(111/A ,An st...n/wed at Zeuelot t o .en't. 67 Mutter .toter, " rworrd ""“ :11 lEW YORK A S D BOSTON PIANOS Jr tHN If 11F1.1.ttR No -1 Wood tl emery:utters lamp, 10pa vttde recerved Tot to• of a large eletA ...PP , of Plume Earle. Irian the ente -I)LAID Linter. A/1A WL. , -Ainbannet Dav, have i.e rvva ,, t , •aPrnva one , a , tvtn Pt.dd I,2 °g Boston to Itlrtre ti, . kee aet tellit-It due 001,00 `thaw.. tome of oh,s a, of the finest gust., and ",t t u t ~,n en, rate vzs u , we tettattia *ay.. dnlterttvi •nd art. nee' elfered •. Alto (rent tnattattartnrte• of II IVorcester, Kr, pr , eee greattlY redavetti trot Ratt D 6 wrnvd ell' listen Raven. ',rye orl • band.n.e nn ate teaton. ni 6, 64 and 61 o,lave Pon., Enrico. rowarowl A so a e tra floe -ebe-ne lAne- nnaborany ease., or tne. teou elegant dett mason, tiid Abawnt 1,./1111 Wlll te• eleved •t great bunt... venth the ,Inprov ,attle• tr. ;netted In an ear :v .11101111.11nnt The atto,e, ,0 adds •t to he titock en hand, tel ALEXANDER A OA , •.• mall• the largen and moat [let/rattle trleetton ever d" N rot 01 the leantottd offered tor ..le in that en, red will lte .old mall ea... I'III.NCH TERRE/IR! `MA WI- , --ttorttr Fre •1 inanntatturers pro- , • on accontrutulattng trrot• ttof 1. 4 len 1,1,1 ntlawla. of the 1•It•I •ty .reel Tl, h.., • ern,. guarantee gtvett with t . or) I. or, to, ,og ope_ord aid tetang at • • y groat red. , - JOIIN if 611.1.14 11t. ten fromtermspore. Sole 114 , 111 tot IS, tale of littelrenng • Piano Forte,. doe] I ALEXANDER dDA 1 - j ler Wetter. I , nngyi.avia tlerlAt A AIIAY IN ACo wt. hg ',lure Poor prnsenl !I'm,. Ptrod rower, and oral otr. r . es nor. lowa tht• Ja,• estanerer.l.s.• tad Rob Roy 1 . ..1s together owl, ru•es .133.• cheap word. Farr/reser. she ertan to otos,, rich sod taro goo-1. •t the. rteirr• Reg, IL•roorilve• of the oppor• tootty now oder.. likt Go Market st dery (I_I:NTIF Ft 6.ol)9e—rm. Air.* woe do ` mtrtna. .at and wool Vests do do do Ihswere. .k tot r0..1 wool (.lov.a. men Is rotgon sod orso How. Ws ItatOsu r 'sesta., hoe Ze phyr Starr, F II EATON k Co A xmo.,rrn ~old tbo.roroorotor I 11111011/1 house.. se 5.1 r150a.... our A 00.0•3 wl.srh ars eery riCh 1/1 .1, roorre Wsoorson. 1:; 110 r,1 . ...11.0r• IV NI CLINT.CX AIT.CIS.I.OIAsk Nl`Clooor purr ha t t. ere yer)..rgrao.rn. 00000 men. oi I. ••414 truk•lir 'or .dow A Fn. 11,1 .31.., lom. 11uF1T1•41,..1 •11.1 w, c 1.1. r•rpro ware roans o Fourth o sleet. 'ltrl...l.Drk A •.1. 401 d M. 41, brows and tkoset Tweed. I de Fem., Ceasuntre 1. , Owed sod for sair at insoloter toter. prices MI.1(114) A LEL I.lrerty st, 0..16 oppostie 3111 M t.-"d A:. I V uddrd I A N , V i ; A H mo d k 1.•/1111.111 under otogrgeol Mr* 11,,10w of 1 1 0.00. for mai sag nrd, MOO st Iskloolto cioa kr and Dm rim, l.eches sod Get. bre.sing liovro• Garment. eml.rmderrd or .tamperl (or embroider, k nutting netting, crone. het work Jaen:omen., and roar (r. IA !WETS' l'AßPVTA . '—l'onnasitly race:vote at W Ilion, 1 a, 7.5 Fourth Fare., every •Intely o Carpets. rtootonte to pan of Atamtnnott. ol moat beautiful pattern.. Vrte•ts. , 010.1 pattern• imported, very net, Tapestry. Ilrunsby..l ply. ntp and Vrocuan. •Il or which are wtllaa low a. they ran hopor.. thein this market Importing and pit rchanog Irom the ulacturer.. enable. n. to compete with the man market 00013 - firicit r Al.Pirni -4 AT tvi ('4:\'N--A A Mullotl k 1.1 Co, CO Market It, h., in .tore l imes black Ala.,. at 121 ern. per yard, the boot goods ee which eye, •4311 i for that sum dor! , I A Ml..' Tit h/ I \ bik 3p• col , d folk elvets. :At gr .LiY Dein, !tut olt do ....Who. do. Is c•ol 1.4 do do Eaton., do dot rol d [leery stlk Gloves. it do lilt Jowly 1.1,•,1 I /mar, if, do French atlk Ruche.. roe'd this doy I' II KATON i Co Ilse l't Poo n IV 11ANI , AND 1 , 11/1 SALE-10 p. drab Wanks, Consolg, I.,ostoolrt do do. I rare I,aystler Plante. I do guy oozed Cloth. 1 do Army C10th...! do Tweed., brown. black and gold msg, I do fancy l'assalsorrer, 1 bale blur Blanket Coating. constgned direct born manulacturr. Imp (or sale by the package or surer slrc2ll 111URVIIY A LEK, Isbrrty al 111./11,1x, Flannels j_./ Tweeds, Caroline.. '1 -/loth and es...suety, by lb. were us package, rtrry Inc .ale by 1111 VIS 11E11 VI/MIRAN Poian•yloania Raid Road Rompany. V(yricEotherehy given that ho Seventh Instalment 11 of rive Doha iv per .hare on the Capital Stock of Cho- Company, I. rcii,iiied to he paid on or beiore lb. lot Joy of January next, the eighth inotalinent 01 rive Utlars per .here, on or linfure the id day of Alareh nen; the Moth ihatelment or liar Datilan per .harp on or before the tel day of :Oar neat, and the Muth mall:nein of Five Diillars per allure, on or before the 1.1 day of July next, ot the Mice, No. 7U Walnut street, Philadelphia. Payment. will he received of one or more inatal• moots, or the stock may be paid in full, at the option of the Stockholders, otid interest will be allowed from the date of pay Mein. Instalment* not paid punctually. mull be subject to the penalty of one per cent pet Month, art required by law. V BACON. Treasurer. N will be wowed by W 11. Locxy. et the More hauls' and Nlianuraaturrrs' Bank, Pitt.- burgh. deel I Adv., eeeee =ant. rliriff subscriber, in entering lot sale a handsome lo I of Nouns k Clark`., (Yew York,) and Chlcker lug • (lloston,) Pianos, would direct attention to the fact that his is the only piece in the West where the instrument. of these two makers one he tried stile by side, and where, consequently, a correct idea of their qualities can be formed. The subscriber being anxious to 1011111er relative menu, and having for a number of years performed upon the Pianos of Nouns & Clark, 11/Station into use fot the lost twelve months, • Chick eelng Piano, In order m try Its durability and times. as an ILCOOSZlponyrnont to the voice. This Plano may now he seen and examined at his rooms Hr (eels conffdent of his ability to give a competent and retie- Die opinion on the sab)ect. A handsome lot of new Plano. will be opened in • few dot s. H. KLE111:1t. deck Al lW Wootkvell.. C: et ', t I.:i a ll, '"— ierh o ich . w . eo 6 l/ 4 e ; r IVr c e S ta h if .e tr s ii . ile ' d m ' a fr e r h . lower than any other honed to the city. NVe tunic Masten:ler. to come and examine for thernaelvea =MM=I POTASH-7 casks prune, for ode by deell F VON BONN/10Rn & CO UCELLANF,OUS. Comm Ming Englosers& Covuosollors for PalatiatOClS Office for procuring and defending Patents, Imparting information On Mechanics and the applicator of Sci ence to the Arta, endear American and Foreign Laws of Parent.. PROF. WALTER IL JOHNSON, late of Philatlel plea, and Z. C. ROBBINS of Washington coy, to be aided by Hazard Knowles., Esq.. late Machines% of the It !turd States Patent Office,) have associated themselves together for the proseention of the above branches of prodresioual business, either in their office, v l , al the Patent Office. or before 'the Courts; and will de vote their undivided attention to forwarding the inter est of Inventors and others ho may consult them or Place hostitess In their hand , Mr. Knowles has for 1 . the pest twelve years held the post of klachinest in the United States Patent Office, a d resigns that satiation to take pant n the present idertaking Hts talents and peculiar fitness Cr the in rmnt office so long fill ed by him, have been fully e cognised by Inventors wherever the office itself.. kn wn, The office of Messrs J. .t It. is on F street, opposite the Patent Office, 'Washington. D. C., where communi cation., post paid, will be promptly attended to; exam inations made, drawings, specificatunts, and all requis ite papers prepared—and models procured when desi red—on reasonable terms. Letters of enquiry. expect ed to be answered after examinations had, most be ac companied by a fee of five dollar,. la the dunes of their office which pertains to the Pa tent Laws, Messrs. I It R. will he assisted by • legal gentleman of the highest professional character, and rally conversant with Mechanics and other Scientific eoluecM. ray2fficlAwlyS JAMES W. WOODWELL, Modern and Antique Furniture, O, Tuten Srarkr, Prreseuxun. A large and splendid assortment of Furniture, •i suitable for Steamboats. Hotels and private dwel hags, constantly on hand and made to order. The present stock on hand c.nnot be exceeded by any manufactoy in the western country. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to give me a call, as lam determined my prices shall please. Part of the stock consists in— • Tete &Tete, Buffet I.:nitric; Louis XIV Chairs; Queen Elisabeth chairs; Tea {Noy.; Fruit Tables; Toilet Table,: Louis XV Commeoles; French Mahogany Bedsteads; Piano Stains, +Bigot'. with Plush .d Heir-cloth covers; 50 Mahogany Rocking Chairs; 40 dot Parlor do 30 Fancy do 45 centre Tables, •Xl pair Divans; 4 paw pier Tables; 15 marble top Bureaus; N Wardrobes; 0 Secretaries and Book cases: Si marble top Wash Stands; 4 pair Ottomans; S pair fancy Work Stands; A very large assortment of common chairs and other furniture too numerous to mention. [Er Steam Boats furnished on the shortest notice. end on the most reasonable terms. deels ,_. , - - - 4- - FRESH PURE TEAS, Whoiesale aul reuul, at the DSKIN TEA STr t RE. 70 Fourth street, near Wood, PillMlhurgh —The eubscnber I,w :tug lust returned from New 7 ork, ,s now reeetaunr a larFe ion supply' of fresh GREI,N AND IiLAt7E TEAS. trent the New York Pelrtn t ' utnpao. seieeted with great care for poad 1.111,4 our 4' 01 . k Net, now hr. , . we an , pr. red aupp'y I ,rneere, Mr,011.411. and Fall.. Ines wlth qua nut) and or an, ',nee they mop wish; paekro i and I poued pa. I,.ges. o ibrant. ter.. 6 and IA catty loxes. and in ha, ',rel. Kelm, 6rorers nre tnvited No.. a.. we ran and r will •ell Letr fe al lower prre• thun any other house ml'ut•burgh n. Our .lock of fine Young Ilya°, Cumpoorder. and Im penal Green. and INdong Black Tea: am thr in the American market I,Vannieo doublr refinod I, e, Cru.ned. and Poi vented Sugars, at retail, or by the barrel COFFEV...—Moeha. (Pd l,or Jam Laxusra, Sr Do mingo and Rio Coffee, •rler.l by the MOO experien ced coffee Broker In New York Sweet Spared Chocolate, Ptekled and Onion+, Peachea. put up nt their Ova juice Malaga llnt•ina, in J Ii lieles N if —All IA D. Jayne'• FamtjT MedJetttea (on sale. dera-4.1, , A /A N'NKA EMCEE TOTE ENT Eitt.rth-uNli —A rare chance g• now pre o- in! the anle Iner•lnlent o • liumne•sen ittely new ogtr nglapted to the omit of I n ttotted. se well 114 nth. ran• or exiangove reggourree. )te , d4ng a profit ;loin rupthil nod eeterprt•e Ige) owl any operation ot the day It le the eggnipiee goonopol% of a .yap,. art. •tr, .n e e. ere •• , •L., LI , arttenn and g, ge•-,ggggn townrapausg.te. opporgon, odlir's : ali .orrnuve einptoyinew 01 , Illict , drge or lina. •lizo.,lag isionedilito tory .ro• lievirou• o rnbarkilig dt slit, ,e wee. tliA.ane.•. are 11 , 11f1i. id other, to rad id the olio, th...,der•ligned. exanline the •11.0.0. and form their olin iuderrient. from the tact. pre waled (Mee, Itiehnoge Blinding, o.l.Chur at. negi door to I.lAquire Johns' other CULVER & 11VF.HS droll 1 --- 1NT196 oli'litEnsi: vßp.4.n FKOM THE 'HI LL--Lly Burke & cri's Je Fast Kapreas, at reduced prices.—To accommo date all lovers of this delicious iulnry, HURKE & have resileed to supply the people regularly through out we .amou, %Kull the choice. Fresh Oysters in cans, half eadi and shell, at such reduced prices as wall enable every family to erggy this delicacy at their tables. An F..aprees load will be received daily at the ware bou•e of /NO C Water street, Geiser: Snattpfieni and than, and tor sale the.e, and at Use fol lowing depots!' /Leis A Berger. corner Smithlteld and Al Pis. fleatleinn. Dimond. A Hoev:rr. Yenit bh ward, 1.) liangue). 4.: I akerty •t. J Co.iar, Jr. Prnna Avenue. !nerrer A. IL:an/igen, Allegheny ray sov11; SPLENDID LOT OP NEW PIANOS. /MIR 'NI N N. , & el-AIIK. NIMV 1 oa f eitit h KRIM& Bostn. Thr sufc,nocr has twat open and for • a v a of vf moat supertor no.. se- Icett , if r acute.: , me manufactories Th..)rts , tvqc ot 0.1 Nbthogany henoo. of of end 7 ortovr.. eunnua prser, and MS= & Orr wl..r II rem-Wan' Arm he la .01.11 Anl.7, berm an .coprovre way M mrtnan, roaaraard oy no other. &no, a sni.korwor plan of inatlionng ne hammorg. prevent.; these Puttenfrom frovente barb nod setrey ant, ...Date to The Planoa of l'hlr ker.n, or which he by a aorwrt u,t are provtded 11, t'lreular Seale, and we ted lot rim r•Tv by J Chtellorlng. of Boston above will Fa.. vplr U. sold at manufacturer& i;ra ant: on arroennuNaling teryn• nt•ei artal,y bw found at J %V lituoolve.rt. from II 10 ull A NI and Irmo Ito 5 P NJ Sir SN'ocaf we, w.“ attend to the 1”1.11r111 during ale baltutre of 1111. N KI.EHF:FI. oetlo at 1 ‘N" Wo.A.veilla Third at Aeccel rot & l i_sal'lCKJ-ssuJar. P:onft Tim.: subs , nlJer haft mit rep,enisned ff/fril his cock et Plano, =nab fur varlets' of style and peaces daft never been sur • pas•e4 in this cily Just received and opened. we new ham.* One 7 neere cabinet grand nano, an entar—ly new SCUllort. wee wood ri. .nr7 elegant Nun. & Clark One voth Coirman•s rele.!,nted Eatlan Al LaOnnetn yen sur.ennt I'mno one •• mhnpu, h C .`" kI.F:IIKR, at) W Woodwrli'l — llllard - ware—Ch . aTiper than Evart - (w. %t u.. \ n iu. lernornrrc and % hrairsaie. laeaters n. Ilardo aro COLJ , II and Naddlor). No IV %%con] rtrro, nt.v. hli, a ver) ramp and or.. rr 1r... of I lard •ro. nupor‘rd sirtr• 1.11.• Joon., 0,.. r. , Ilnrvoc. a.l which Ll,' • wror{, Nlerchanto too notot. atnna Fla.. arc parnou• wdew mune. hom have I , er larly reNur•ted ta • r0t,M1.1,111, vvvl, •ave :1,4r r toe:). r .14 E=l=! VXPEIIIENI'I•.D Oil a illions, since 1.4 J. pronoun,. it,s CarrOf durability in the eonatruetton ot all koala ut Puritaces Pnce 1 , 41.7.5 e•sb tor of 110 Al, guar. anteed nine Mouth. use Urders tor a second quality BOIIVAZ !Inc k • wall be execatml at NI, if node. sioml, without guasniiter. A •tcc It at the lint quality is now for vale at the waretiouw, 'Sion', Wharf,' co hal Basta. Ity J SHAW NIACLA HEN, s•pd it Ken.incon Iron Work. iIIESIX FIR?. IllUelo , —.The subseriliers ha ring been appointed sole !wilts h; the rhanufacturrr.. h OW wale o( the retch...l "Phirnin Brirk," are par prepared to hli orders for •Ity quantity. at 521, rash, per 1,000 For the ronatrortion of Intonr, 1 all ktuda, thew , hnelr have been pronounced by rota -I,enq .upertor to all other fire 1.1-k• now to O. C A to AN' I.l'l .1. Co. Canal 13,..ant MOO X IRA ANIISI . I . III TIIR 1.. E I'ARTI.:Tq- Iterr”..,lll,LA ~t.rt Irom Innoulacqrrr, ml.o DN.," ol *hp, and .up u wy. tar er thr,•• ~. rl, o '• 0. or •tylr, 1., which we a.k • it.n... . hou.n• or Chr,r,Xo 7.5 Fot.r. at. Too, rrh. ATCLINTI , CIi 011/.1 . 11 1 111/1 11. V 1 . 111 VILA. RITCHIE & COCHRANE, ORWARBING COMIINSIOA MERCILOTS, NO. D 8 11:111 I.l . muLAs sTREFT, ux New Orleans I=l INFORM Mete !nett& uml the public that they hatv• no longer an)Nutt thetr late enuatit•lt mem In Penn wee., known Rs the rttlsborgh Brew...en Porto' removed their enure bonne.. to the POIN r Unit:WEAN'. RI POI strent. my It.d yg Bleaching Powder, iChloride of Lime.) I DIILECT I , IIOAI Tilt, NJ AN ul.t Ak . HERS.—'l9w robs, saber.hove on band and well consisntly be supplied with J.. llusprelt A ;ton.' eel cltrated llleenbrnl Vowilei, Which Ills)' veal w suer in the U itrrotii vithit.h they sre peewit.] to sell the lowest mar ket price tor en. or npprnved bills nnv i M MI rt'IIEIZREE, 16U liberty at _ onprott di, Sono' Sods Ash. IpltE tubarriher. are now receiving their Fall ,trick or tin, above article, three vea.ela, Medallion .111 Lydia. having arrived at Phtladelplua viol !Wilmot . , and two loom, the Stephen Baldwin and ohortly expected, th y xre, therefor, prepared to receive order% They wll receive during the win ter end •pring regular gap', tea via Sew thicun. itoet3 V At M mrrcitELTit Et: UNDRIES—S tails No I Mackerel, —•- 0 =lints Nod mackerel; Ou hf do No :I do, 00 1 10 do Toone, oil. 6 do Aloe, 3 do E Solt., 3 du elop'd 1.,,g wood I hf do Nutmeg, 50 1104 NO I weed lirirlitg, 50 his No 2 do do, 5 do seemed 10 do No 3 rre•e'd do, IV do No I do do 1 bete Cloifea, ICI bags lava od..e. 60 bbd. prime N U imager; Jo.. ree'd and for by deoi4i PROWS 6. CI I.IIEITSON DR. D. UV NT, • llonti(1. Corneibf Fourth end Decatur, between Market and Perry idiewts. . .ora-dlyin A FURT/LRR REIDILIOTION• f Al 3 ~ F urqs• rnf KNT t‘OLIA ASH-- et Ito 5 tons 3# cue},currency, or num opyrird btile 5 on, or upwards, 3il do par, 0 now do, interest ed. ded. For the .doe row quality or this brand wo refer to the gloss and wen nianotnettirere of dna my general. by W 0 31 sarcHKIAT.V.E., dre4 100 liberty et NOTICE. ToIIE undersigned its, Ink wrnovrtl NVoshington city, will attend to the prosmuuon of claim. on Government. and to .ty law bosittes• before the Co its of the Ihstrtet, with which hr may he en trusted. de u cti-d3aus ANDREW IV YLIE, JR HOUSES, Lon FABILVe Mil Amasses'''. Lauat bar Male ITUATE.Tron the Monoagobelialrer,aboate Malika a from PimPargtiaad3ondbaomve third -the imnedlaemd l n a tC I YO and Mr. John Hermes ire:chase, The toe bait Coal will be gild al the low price of CM prlzooleriete third in hood, balance la Are egg* arum' ptYlOOll% without Interest. Title indirporahle .Loenttion very good--esuntoi _be n.,kruted. For harthei Partir*On.. engtore of S. BALM,EIf, who hoe a drat iMslokpro• perry. Residence 2d at, below Ferry, Mr. Mane Bow. N. B There la another Beam of coal on ; ads trial, about 60 feet above the lower, of excellent qualigi," , , jTaikalf • tiaid - lifstate A TRACT o f 90 acres, in Portage.oo., 11. on the Cuyahoga river--seam 30 Mass under Inw provement Also, two unimproved lots in thiie of Warren, Trumbull Co" an feet b tlO. All% • 10'01 ground In the eenlze of Hereford, 0914,a fine dwelling house and itOro-0/20 of the bast. standa for a merchmt on the Western Reserve. A. 177 di, OR dos property well be sold on very asseemunodatring IL M. mitten DICKEY & Ca, fettle Wazar and Raw /MR Tarot of Lama for SAiSi. THE subscriber will *ell on actostonodallng tertV valuable nom unimproved of unimpved land, eilliate road leadmg from Brighton to Franklin, about a:lPa Onn miles from Pittsburgh, and abeui eight 'ales (tom the town of k sendsm on the Ottio • river. The Met eat tarns CO acres and 20 perches, suiet etherazt The land Is of no excellent quality, about Nuns eliarOd, and well watered, and will be sold either In wholecor 01 farms of convenient size, to snit madames. For !unite r particulars enquire of WM. BOYD, AWY at Law, orrice on 4th et. above Stoltluseld, Pittsburgh.. myktlecatf T Property In Allegheny Clay for We. THE subscribers oder for sale • number of choice Lots, situate in the Second Ward, fronting 011. the Common ground, on easy terms. In tare of W. O'H. ROBINSON, Any at Law, St Clair it or of J AS ROBLNEION, on the premises. , nayl7:dawlf T vw - o - rrtstrgisciauroTErvon - sArar.. Aa, TWO LOTS on Beaver street, in the city. of Xt. Allegheny, above the upper Commons, °awl:Lich le erected a frame budding, two stories high, suitable for two small tenements. The lots an each twenty feet In front by one hundred feet deep, land ran back to a street forty feet wide. The buildmg• on the pre mises seLl pay a very handsome intOrOil. CO the breast; went, and the property wall be sold cheep for cash. Apply tO Lt. Sproul, Clerk'. office; U. S. Or to novplt frattlf k. CO ROSEDALE TO LET . . SLTHIS delightful Summer Retreat,. for iome years past °seeped by Mr. L Burch-e aid, is offered tor sale or rent on the Ant oi dun] next. This property has bean improved h 7 additional buildings, and a substantial stone watt, and terraceplanted with Evergreens and Fruit Trees. To good ien.t, capable of conducting the Retreat, the terms will be reasonable. OEO COCHRAN; Poubursh, Dec 9. Agent tor Propietar. THE snbscnber offers for root for the corm of 114". one or more years, a large convenient well 'Go. fished two .tort' Dwelling }loom, containing 8 rooms and Kitchen. There is a lot of ground containing Id acres of fine young fruit trees of every kind, atehle, tc., connected with the house. To any person tak ing a delightful residence within a few minutes ride or the city, this will be a rare chance. For tains, which will be low to a good tenant, inquire of Mr. Jno. Wright, near the premises, of John Watt, comer Of Hand and Liberty atreete, or of 0ct28..t( THEO. F. WRIGHT. 1T tEN ACRES OF LAND, situated in Peebles tom .hip. on the Monongahela, three mike from RM. burgh—in lota to suit perchuers. For further pattio .ara apply to Henry Woods, 3d .t, or to . • A. WASHINGTON, novIN-Mf 4th, above Staidafteldit Valuable Itooldostoo Ia Allegh Cif* for Solo. • lONTE-NIPi.ATING • removal from Allegheny city, kj I odor my residence there for We. The premises arri delighthil order, nod every way worthy the at tentibn of any person wishingeach pmperz irr i JEL 4' 4 IL W. POLY Real Iterate In literal; Cleamey. 1i LOT,Storehouse and D.odh ng situate on the Ent. Ertenslon Canal, in the village of West Mid dlesez; a desirable location for • merchant Also, Lot and good Dwelling House well mined for a Tavern Sand, in the village of Orangeville, on &Me tins of Ohio. Terms easy. ISALAII DICKEY & Co. Weer and Front Ma. 10AI. LAND Fllll SAlX—Seven acre. cool land lor male. siluntr in bend of the lilowingahela River, Wove Brownsville. Pa., having a 7 (poi vein of coal which will br sold in exchange for good. For portion s apply in loct-51 +A %V• HABRA UGH nlwoo4.t jilt%VA REHOUSE FOR SALE—The aubsetiber Mier, lot sale the three story brick Warehouse on Wood street. occupied by R. Tanner &Co. apt 7 WM. WILSON, Jr. To Let. The subscribers will root part. of the Ware ho use 1101.1eti L IMY DAI.ZF.I.I.~ I t Coy iTTii,rll9 67 sraiststseet. 1r A Lt ' A I{I.F. REAL FZTATE ON PENN STBEFIT 1.141 SALK —A Lot of Ground dwata oft Penn street, between Hay and hierbury i l i Ve adioiaisri toe boo we and lot now occupied by ' Edwude. tie,ng u front of 25 feet, And in depth . feet, will be %old on ruvorethle tenon. Tule unexcegionable.:: Firs gut, of C. O. LA.X. M.IIS, Lth With= Weed. on/lslif A THREE story Brick Dwelling H 0115!, on %% ter. above Grant street_ Possession given on the arc of January, 10414 or sooner if required. For to rIA h. Inquire of nor: 0 BLACKBURN*. Co. water st EXCHANGE BROKERS, ite. - - - a. noLices s soul, Banker• v Exehang•, NOTF-q, DRAFT'S. ACCF:PTANCE, GOLD, SILVER AND RANK NOMA. Mi=ll . . COLLECTIONS.—Drafte Notes and AteeptApees poyohle le eny part of the Umo,colleoted on the most ...enab tern.. EXCHANGE 011 New York, Philadelphia and Heil nature, also, Cincinnati, Loinireilln, Saint Loniit and New Orleans, constantly (or aide. BANK NOTES —Notes on all unseat banks IA the t' nrted zqatr* discounted at this lowan tuna All kinds of Foreign and Amsnean Gold and Bayer Coin haus - kit •nri tlifiee No 55 Market street, between 3d and 41/s, Put.,urgb, Yn. .tl5 lIIISSICY. Helms Cos" BA'NFits' ExcitAiqa. BRomak in oreign end Domestic Exchaega,Ceratlnatee of Lkposii, Bank Notes, and Npeeie; Ftnatii isnset, near r<°meant toe Bank Pfusbmgh. Conant none) celircd deposne--Sixiit Cheeks sor oda and eol leuons 12114 , 3 on nearly 01 the principal point. in the unwed States The tughcat premium paid tor Foreign and American Goad. Advancesmale on eOnsitudents of Pnodne ship ped East. on n bend Lerma =hl6 FOREIGN EXCHANGE. 13 ' 1.1-A on Engbutd, Ireland, and Scotland bones acy tun it dm Current Raton of Ex f t ,,, toc t, n any part of the Old Co= , the rate of SS to t l y : 810r 1 4116, . doducn or discount, by /OS A ROHM- PoN, kl MN,. sun licncral Agent, Witco dth st 0111 G door tam. o( wood. *COSI( - -•- tm WM H KILL W. C. .C 14.1.7 HELL & CURRY, Btrthgijil7tlll6of For mays Certificates of Depoeite, Bank otos and Co* No es Wrest street, third drew below Fourth; west see mar/1d sua,t mall. - DANKEBS AND B.XOI*ANGE B dealers job in Pomign slid Domestic Bill. of Exchange, Cer- Ilh./[l. of Doposits, Bank Nowt and Coin, eatnerof 3d 4, d Woal streets, directly opposite 83. Chula. Ho w mar;_ wit - gt ittiVirins Ds-- Ohio, Indiana, . Kenna. ky, Mamma, • Bank Notes; purr hoed at the lowest rates, by N. HOLMES & BONS, 33 Market elite t . 1 . 172L8 OP ICICIIANOM—Sight Cheeki on Neer York, Philadelphia,nd Baltimore, ConstanUy for votie by N. lIOLtfEf k SONS sepl3as Marlon d. _ . 9 Eloolinge-sOmlsragtioed TIM Pistils. THE subscribers beg to eon the attention of Builders, Art. hilect• and owners of &damp. to the utanY advantages which these plate. possess over an other metallic substances hitherto used for roofing, 60, as Itry possess at once the tightness of iron, without its tuiltitit) to rust, tismng now been tested for Several years to this parttculm, both m this country and In En mpg. They urn teas table to expansion and tentras- Lion from sudden chartiro of the .ftdo‘Ohcfer thth 4.0" moo tin Notes, Iron, one, Or any other Metal IM*l Used for roofing, sod consequently form a much banes and torhier roof, motoring far less frequent reviling; Whillit the nett rest is 1.1.11 a vide More. r nd o Aal, A ~Inupply, of all sizes, Irons la to 30 W. 0, Con stantly on howl and for sale by GEO. 13. AIOREWOOD & .00., II and 16 Limiver street, New York. The patent right for this aniele haying been imearesl for ti- Lnaral Stales, all parties lidnnong , thetron, rilhrt by importation or otherwise, will be pnweao oet3o-d&wlyT RUST PROOF IRON. Mil inoletsietird have erected worts to the city ef I New York, for the purpose of firdeanisiot aßant. eh— „t Iron which 0 is desinoile to YROTEC 'FROM RI s r. inch x. Tenwraph Wire, Bolts, Spikei, Nada, titre or Fence., and any other article which may be required. For Hoops for Casts,. a substitute (or bale Rope, tor Clothe. Lines, Lightning Rods, and a host of other appllcaurins, it will be found cheap and durable. They would particularly call attention to he OaPratit ird Wire for fronts; it requires no paint, and Will not row A ach I lso to Spikes and Bolts, the preseriation of is of so mnlportante, that It will commend I.dt to the notice of all those interested! WFAI 11 . NIOREWOOD CO., Pitonlees, oat tOwlh wt yT 14 and 16 Heaver 41,N. York - ' NEW INSTRUMENT r~v Sale " tt ' te 71:1 ‘ e ' o r : 'SI teen appointed AtE t . P eO n D f re ONS, as manufactured and and ?effected 14 mesas. Match .4 White, n( bo ar liza usual grampus and extent 4(1, 1.111 roar bats. ?deserts & evenrortnne watt the general desire andrdemand, extended the scale of these instruments to 4f tad en 5 octave, thus 'slaking tt practutable in perform upon thent any mus,: written ice the Llano Or Organ. The exterior, also t ax been much Improved hyplaetng the hotly at men strument upon a cast iron frame beautifully Itroared and ornamented,. rendering it at otter • most elegant and effremsttyrdesirable Rennie. The e prate is put so low as to brim, a Within the reach of v very one to °Mem a perfect musical inurement, and, at the me time, a moo elegant piece of rum 111.1t. tor a rompareove mtle. If. KLXJ3F3I, At! W Wocidwell'a N 11.--Call and examine. ded2l DOCTOR YOURSELF: ' soli. Y 8 ckfrwm—sty means of the Pocket PACO ', lapin., or every one ins awn Physician! tOmotictli ',moo, with upwards of a hundred engraviel,tt, chow prlvate diseases in every shape and fet.LlSlld maid formation of the pr raneeene wystem, by W.NOUNI3, AI liThe tier has irovr arrived, that ;omen striat ing from set rot disease, need no more become dm vic tim yrrackery, as by dmuckery, prescriptiOne contained in litt• hook any one may cure hunselfoisithmathltidrance . husureas, or the knowledge of 'AI• mostlatiotatis iriond. and with one tenth the Assad. expense: id• ,tioo to tee senors! routine of pneaus diocsoto, lt f dxplains the can.* of manhood.* caldY observations on inamm , --is`sidce many other p sue to s.b..h it would not be proper tplikllllllnrilla en ~tbe public prints. j t Any person .en ding ed cents enclosedl6a loner, will receive one copy of this took, by mail, dy two co will be sent for one dollar. Address .t.DR W. Na iS2 Spruce street, Philade/ph*n M• pad • - WA STED—Propriciam of drug or bookabirms, and pedlars. in every town to the United Stall:SOO set ai ke.. for the abase work. 0C1,711g0d314 ri(X/K Kt-APING—A person of long experience-in D Book Ke•pig orters hursertiece In thateopatity,. permanently, or would for Me present devote hie tline to the adjustment .d sentementoftroOks anitllCOffinknlll The bent of reference* as to capactry de., will be p. 'Pits APPIY at MO non Of 4 1 H Ode ==l E kr. 10 1 q- s sIP r 0r w ,....,,,,..-o.4..l""LEY„R l Sl o lirY vt al ir E c :b.7.r.R"A u CZ° . 1,.. ntadon ag the Nrves, NettilimporA Sick Hradec o Nervous Tremors, Neuralgic A ...guns, Gnu .ral D bility, Deficiency of Nervmas and 'Physical Energy, and all Nervous Disorder., includiug'the most lreadTul or all diseases that ever affect the hornan race— EPILEPTIC FITS,: or Falling Sick ess, Hysterical Fits. Co i vulstanst Spasms. he. Hs avoid insures a it upon tb• rem. ot the evicted that e Vegetable Extract ts tha only rem • edy ever diseove that Can be relied no for the per manent clever most dreadful of all Maven._ As its tendency is to=ty, madness and death, the most i d Slil L PHYSICIANS of Europe, as well as those of our own country, how psoutinced Eptiepsy incurable And it has beeh so comedend by many, until this most tinponiun of all dise.eries was made by Dr. S. H.:, ne•rly sixteen year. since, during which time it has been performing some of the mitim__,_ REMARKABLE CURES upern mind, sod has arguirmi • repountol which time Wane can eq.-ft. Physicians of undonii rd skill and ...parlance, mittitters af various denim. alums, LI emu u hanueds of our eminent Muse.. ail unite in reecettsundites the ma of this truly valuable metal tine to their gallant., charge, and friends, who art of filmed, as tha only remedy. WE QIJOTE TICE LANGUAGE. used by those who have been cared by this valuable medicine: One says, .1 have sneered beyond nit pow er of deseription, but I maw rejoice in being fully re. stored to health and happine." Another soya, ..1 thank God I feel that lam a well man. I also tee: it my duty to proclaim it to the ends of the earth, that boss similarly articled may Sod relief" Another (who is an EMINENT LAWYER and w.. 11 known m thiscityl o says, "My son has been afflicted In, years with Egii psy, but is now enjoying good health from the Vegetable F.strael. Its facie.' .y. isa -.1, 0 ,.,,i and ought to be sounded to the end. of the earth " Au other say. “Language it comely tuatleyeate to e ve ~. my gratitude to Dr. Hart for having been the an., under the blessing of God. of region/is me In the eine) alma of good health, eller haring been afflicted with Epilepsy to its worst Amos for more than tsvent) three years, and my Maiming mad evening ohlutton et preen and thank i ria.shall cormilue to sscmid to that God who has e bet to make me maole .' Mr.. I. Bradley, 115 Orchard street Y, N stares that die has been 'object to fits for man) year , . and has been restored to perfect health taller every Neer means had failed) by the use of the Vegetable Extract. Dr. Chad. A. Brown, of Dover, itusceli county, Ala who Is one of thebest phygiciansan the Stair, say.that ha has been =Mb benefited by the ase oi the Vegeta ble Extract, and that he unhesitaungly pre,ribes it In every ease of Epilepsy which corm. wider his know{- 10410 a Entli• O. Mayberry, End. formerly Poormseter to MD* ernwford, Pa, now loitlig in Erie county, Pa., ittlLLes that for many years pa.l he ha+ been sorely afflicted with fits., and he Is now happy to state that • persevering use of Dr. Hart's Vegetable Extract, has restored him to sound health, being enure, ly freed from That word of all diseases. • From the Cincinnati Commercial REMARKABLE CURE =The following certificate was given to Stetter, Tho mas & Miles, Doctor Han's Agents for the sale of Ma Vegetable Extract, for the cure of Epileptie Fn. or Falling &Omits. We are induce.] to ate, it a place w end armorial columns from the net Mat Is toe only known medmine that will cure Epilepsy, at th e arme tune believing it to be one of the greatest diteovene. to medical science. Physternns and men of +wen, of all ages have been trying to discover t remedy for 1111,1 disease, but all has been to vale until the present dis covery of Dr. Hart, and we would now say to thrills adhered with fits, despair no longer, fur the, is bone' MESSRS. THOMAS & INDLEtt, Id Mt.street, Cho- Agents tor Doctor Had. Vegetable Extract &tribe cure of E4iii/eptio Fits, Gennemea—lt is almost Impossible for language to empress with what heartfelt sau•factleti I address these few hum to yon, for the purpose of Informing you or he beneficial results that have been effected by Pin use of De. Hart's Vegetable EXtract. My um, aged twelve years, has been severely af. Meted with Epileptic Fits, fled with nice severity that the opinion was, he could net be cured. In one of Ins paroxysms he fell and broke hr. arm. II called in Dr. Mulford, a very excellent physician, who re-ael it- He informed me Wet my son's Nervous System was very mach deranged, and that it would be impossible hs erre him of Epilepsy, as Epileptic Fits were almost incurable, and employing physicians In hi. cad would be only throwing money away. I called upon Dr. Puttee; he informed me that the disease had assumed a chronic form, and It would ate a lens time to cure Wm if he could be cured at all. He became worse and worm. and I began to think there sou no rare for hem until I saw the advent.. menial lie. Hart'. Vegetable Extract to one of our city papers, with rerufiestes from Frontons who had been iteted for ten, fifteen. twenty, Ilan), and even fibriy year. and restored to health by the are of' the I.:street. I called al your store, awl eller COUversing wan dips Thomas, I ...MC to the conclusion to porebeme s three dollar packer's It done little or no good I thought 1 would try another, tram Ms use of which I perceived some lime,,,tenefit I then name to the coachman to purchase a ten dal lax box. I found that it was of so omen service oln In I was iodnond to purchase a second And 1 artl truly thaneltlthat I done so, ax by the use of Mc ~'tt packs. tea be lan been mastered to perfect health Should any person be desirous of seeing him. a: .1 as. enflaming farther particulars, I should be pleased to gratify them by their calling on ndo at my rerolenee, south west corner of Fourth and Park •lrerlA natl. Ohio. ISAAC N. PERKINS Cineitulati, August Vit.h, ISIS. THB TIME IS NOT FAR DISTANT When thousands who are no trembling under the hand of Mtn dreadful disease, and tenni% that every attack may prove iamb will find permanent rel i c,' en d herestored to new life, by using this celebrated Over One thousand cenificates bone been re ceived intestimony of the beneficial results iirocueed by the taw of Dr. Hart's Vegetable Extract Prepared by 8. HART, M. D., New 1. ork. SI On Pr , t io ce, cap p ri . c c k i nt s e ,s loutdo ht do THOMAS It 169 Mann street. Colrain... Ohio, General Agents for United Slatra. Caii..da, and West indr, L. WILCOX. Jr.. corner of Lomond and Markel st, Aaeaa for Pittsbusgh, Pris. Fay & Killboarne Columbus, Ohio: II k Y. (i 'nrd, selevelandi and for Sala by most of s) rug pus and merobruits throughout hr 1.40 mil St nt, [mile-OEM.I,S MALLEY'S MAGICAL ?LA Eltuarin: rp HE following ham George E. Pomeroy. F..q . the. I well known proprietor of We Expemm, 'week., to. Itself of the ustparcanoa of the Pain Extractor to every parent. Estriums arms, Sept.!. riseurr My Dear Sir—With reeling• m n Maar). pleasure I address you in relauon to the bench: 1 have received from your Invaluable Pun Lumen., bo iling ay little dmghtor, 6 years old dad a pitcher of bo water tamed into her bosom; her screums were dreadtbl, so that a crowd instantly gathered be fore the house to learn the cause of the ten screams. I tore her clothes asunder, and soon sp,ead on )000 salve, and she tams carried and laid upon • Lout. :Ma was soon relieved from her pains, sod says - Me, I feel a if ft could laugh;" and was soon in sweet sleep. She was scalded to a blister from the top of err neonider reser more than half her ebest, and round under the arms. On the shoulder and breast II war ver) deep, yet from the first hour, she cotnplatecal of.:y worn tt was dressed. The sore healed rapeil y. a 41,1 there In no contmoson attic mercies. . many onahes, my dear sir. for t our surem..nt the sale of this =alley aruele, I are yours, with resixrt. THE TEST and NO 1f 'S TAKE' The pawn. Bailey, will ever prtaince Inc ennui to • shantanomis roller, and soothing, cooling effect, in the severest c.a. Of Daft., Sealdll, Nen, k..c. The Counterfeits—ma n atter undrr label names they may appear—always Irritate, and lacrosse! to. pain. TO THE PIIBLIC. I, Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham. Melvin Bridge, Colin:tibia ammo, N. Y., bare been eftlicmd with rheu. matism in my breast, fest, and all over my body, for Mx years, so that I could not mod, and was cored by theca applications of Haller. Magical Pain Extract°, EDWARD P. HOLMES. Mr. Ostler Sir—l cot my finger with a copper the poisonous nature of which caused my arm to mica considerably, with constant .hooting pain. up to 11. shoulder. A large swelling taking place at the arm pit, with increasing pain, I became fearful of the Lon, jaw. In this extremity your Pain Extractor was re commended to me, and which I was prevailed upon to try. The consequence was thornafforded me almost Instant relief, and in three days I wan completely co red. JOSEPH HARRISON. New York. corner Broome and Shiner.. am, Sept toss. NOTICE—H. ts the Inventor of this Invalu able remedy, and never has and' never will comment cats to any living min the secret of na rornoutanont All Extractors, therefore, not Made and put up b him, are base counterfeits .... PIORISTOIN DIPOTS-40 Broadway, New York %CM Cheatnul street, Phu.. JOHN D. MORGAN, General Depot; Dr. WM THORN, Agents for Pluabo r eg gh. AntkoalGolaonrc Cum b 00..., Va•ttt, quittor, irreasc. pob-ev. 'ores, salt., .ud oroues. Pamphlet containing cer tlfitatea Of trlpeetable Pattie., May be had on app Etta don to JOHN D MOM: nwrlS Myta Agent Pit:abet-O. EIEDIOiIIsILOIGAI s OF/PIC/GT • . IW. eft s DIAMOND ALLEY, a few doom below Wood street, tit market. • DR. 11110W0f, having been ' 'ts., • . regtilasly educated LO the furnace profeasion, and been for some UM. In general practice, now confints • • his attention LO the treatment or • those pnrate and delicate coati s plums for which liar opportunities • ••, ; and elpenenco peculiarly yeah, , bun Ii years mundaoesly deny. d CO Andy • treatment of those compleilittaidertna which .time he btu had more Juliet., and has cured more pa• tient, than ran ever fall to the lot of any pname pear , litioner) amply qualifies bun to offer assuranc. er ay, permanent, and eaUstectory ear re 10 all allitotrn with peed delmate diseases, and all titselSed &thing are rej hem. • •• . Dr. grown would inform Move .Ahmed with arty , . diseases which have become chronic by yin. or sir: &m wed by the ate of any of the common nostrums s the day, that their compliant. ran be radically and thoi oughly cored; he having graven his carclui a:Lennon in the treatment of such cases, and succeeded In hundred, of instances in caner persons of infLanunanon of we neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases wtoca often mauls from those eases where others bane consigned them to hopeless despair. lie partippi.‘4, sari as have been long and unsuccessfully treated by ours to consult dun, when every satisfaction will he gi•ro them, and Men cases treated in a careful, thorough and inteddrent manner, pointed out by • long exits-be,. 0 .tudy, and investigation, which it Is impossible for Los :ala c ird nd practice of medicine to glue en sots Mi th' e nu ted . w " ith K4 lt u rn ' ta — to p ea.ll, m rtri e n = M N:VaI -P o ' : attention to this dtsease. cANcEits also cored. Skin diskases; also Pi' s, Palsy, ete., speedily custil Ch yr r ir—Whe lo o w t.s . of nth sex living at n distance, oy stating their disease in writing, giving nil the 'Mr: 10,11.114 can obtain medicine. with directions for one. 47 addresaing T. BROWN, M. D., post paid, and coin 4. in g a lea Office No. SY, Diamond alley, opposite the ...est, House. aturoaternix—Dr. Brown's newly discarded reme• dy for Rheumatism is a speedy and cents. rdmedy lot thatnainful trouble. It never fills. Mee and Private Consulting Rause, No t 3 Dm mood alley, Pnasburgh, Pa. The Doctor!, always t homes, Ocoee of. Americans as Paralam 1.411.61•LI1. I . .A3aZ GREENOUGH, of the Late him of heitepa el Geenough continues the business of C.ousuittee 3Vraiar i = Alorney; be his oteej std ii ine city played in makingazaminanoas to emeelnery in me Patent Office and elsewhere, m Ibruisiting drawings and specifications oThischines, and an pipers necresa ry, master, amend, miss. or extend Letters ;went in the United States or Europa Hoene Wee be controll ed profeuionally on all quesdonie Litigation aw ing under the Patent Lass, and will •atswei „. dons before the Patent Office or an eppesthosfont, for which his long' ciperience in the , PlialiNry Y n E in bi„ p m f e ,,,,,„, - h*e peculiarly &MINI= pie ta-seismal business tifohe late Dr. p inn hem, plated in ha haelis, all letters Ur Manion thereto ahoald be addressed to him taint paid: r .rnetai-desehsos NFW 11 101•aaorq.-50. bblejlardietton Aroiasses Mew mop, thia- Moen* landinsfrom steam< r Hibernia No a, end for itsgp_lgtset ta+UM=A BUTCEUEON ki CO *,,ve, ..... * ' I t ' . 4 . . 1 . ,lip MEM=I3I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers