.',73, 1 ;..*0:0Li5 . BUSINESS CARDS. A ezi9ra,?t,fl4°M;V:l, 4 /=',' l -u, . de.B A MOOD, JONED. , &• 0,-,COULIOIMOD sod Fos• him ratorond atheir old looodpllitazot and Milt rtrelltlh '• • • h. mix . TUDWcI rum_ 6rAILOZ Rfl iae.t/?1 L REITER, airbalasale and Ratall Thus ' eclettaratleberry and St. Clair meals, Pins . • ir. a. asawa. I:andlN 4 CIILBERTBON,WhoIenIa Orman, . Coddiddsidd*dethasnd, No. , HS, Liberty u.., A P AHNESTOcK .& Co., Wholesale. and So AP WI Ananias. coma Wood and del sts. J• 1 3A4 I E . WIIITH, Wliotemte grocers, 113 GEHHART, Wltcdeaaja 7 Cistee — d — ena t ' VOLT t ela fa Predate and Plasbatah ilamtfaetaraa, car. tau of Liberty and Hand ina, Pinabagh, Pa. tabu O MINGLIEIIf it' worm DWI.* • Gallagher t.r..l.4%.Go.):Wholesalt Grocers, Countussion and For "wardlng Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pitts burgh Etaludketures, No. 37 Wood at, between ed end . . PAU aromen, . esp. dam rands WOOD ~TEIREEND. BMW &. Co, .:Wholesale Oro _en' and. Cnnisaien Marepanti, and Agents Icarighton' .. I Zraraa, Not. 67 Water, and 109 Front ata, graLLAWltit; tAm , MlZEStg o talliad Brass! . Oraandett and 434..Pittom, 1.09ny between . , SmilbSelarmt%Plitanuttl" Wee Oren - fin old CoPPel agfiihr —ac .11;447 ~. i 7 Nk !I Cantinaslon and Four di • • NO. 3o • add street Piusbarta. my • fram, Itatmoore. 3t."1"31 " XMAZD I ' m ' , Pbilnda. O..o.Ottamixort, Jaen 1. &wino, S lair EA ND & BUCWWOR, "Ibbarea Cormaivaina /der ..l.l.,ehOluth 41 North %Your as, & 10 North Wharves, • n0v204 411 - 11 ILARY BRUNOT,White .4 Red Lead Mann uneT,.Paint 011jderthom, 'tomer of Lit. arty and Ullark als., Pittiltiopth. • lots MISIIISYTH DUNCAN, Fori.ranti4m . ld Commis. X slop Merchants, No. 37 Finn =am. itusburgh. wear lIICIZT, JR, & Wholitala Groccre, COM,. TA= Merchants, and dealers in Produce, Nand& Ater, and 107 Front streets. Pittsburgh. nost3 JJOHNHAMLIN, Ancona' , and Counsellor at La I•j, and omnd/winner. Or the Sate of Penntylvanii hlt.Latdatid.ht Om. al Piumblargh., Itaksinatha.—Pinsborarx Ilcia Ix Forward, limp, ton & 111 , Candlesa-k.4l.Chtre, John j Parke, atakth.&lhamihle,AVOold:4 Wag. je14:17 " • r lc Ca, Wholesale Grocers, Forward , ari-artd-Caaardadaa Elereharda, Dealer, la Pro ' and,Pltadar . Maaufsepares, No, 7 Commercial licrw;Ltbeftgairld, irsa.,}4.l- x . Pfultrzugh, P. °TUT TAMES B bleGUlßE,Atirte of the firm of A4eo end filtiGnite,} Merchant Ti➢or, 81. Criatles Duldings, Tined farm, near Woixl, Pins 1 TAVES A. ITUTCHISON, is C0..--anocoosors to . 111/.":/awls ilatchison k Co.. Ccatuaisslon Ikleselums, .'and ltirOuts at the 8L Loots Btotsto 'BUOY Mine*. ,tio.4l . x . tottor and OS [root MOM. Pinsborgh. Of4~lS 8' DLIAVOWTH-34301e5a1a..900!i,. •lORN D.-MORGAN, Wltokualo Thumb; and &al e: to. Dye Staffs, Pim:ll,l4.oU, Vasuisitio,dtc., N 0.93 ba sow/ Aran, one door Sow of Diamond. 4.oey, . bud Piu- . ' YEAR, Jr.,(Meeeseor ue Joseph 0 . D lll, 4o.MpChandlers, 38,Water area ea.% - TON Tr. Mr lVlanlesale and sletial ' 'deaf r and-Illusiea . 1 Instruments, Seboal Hane s, Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, Quills, Printers' Cards, and eunionary generally,No.Bl Wood st„, ?inst.:ugh. 117 - Rags bangist or taken in trade. sepl.3 21 - M u mtrlzr 2 ala ''n4aPPN TOLIN - D. DAVIS, liictihoist, corner sth and Wood O sire, Pihibur h. oeth TOIiNSTON STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers QV and Papaw. lllssignentrers, No. 44 Kuria al, Pitts- 1011/si O.RIER, Whaley:3U firocer, dealer in Pro t, dui; ?Wahine,' Manufastnresi Plates,frx:/ce. • '514:2....7.11b ' at, Pitob• . • ans 1E; & it - EbYD, (law J. • Floyd ,ta7.;Ftvh;,iQii. — Grocers, No. lb Liberty Erect sepS - - LAM DAT 7PT 7 IVltokoala Grocer, Cenunisainn - • Itlerebant, and dealer in Produce and Pinelvargh ufe4turea. No. 24 Water at., Pittsburgh: Juno g:I.F.G lc JONk, Forwarding and Ccuaraierinagi , chants, _Dealers in Produce ardlittabiugb mann tuned sriklu, Canal Bali near Win. din • • Vestrrtur Iron Warns. l ' l 7 3xl ' :33 'fingt" Tt o l., "n bt Warthenne, 53 nun asd'lss nont3l„. nap b r . , fil X A 51 , •• .. , W h ole s ale Cancer, Flamini awl Pniulipilian Metclulint, Dealer in Pius. teiai is4in *AM MY • A113111 , 34maim,- , • • . .73m3raloncw ti smseivpx wt. ! learateGasetat,Far i ; PP ,o!o e ~ rmwa?d X r P7libargh MaajactureM. 13 . de4XI; II3S Wood it, fiushargh. . fe1413 - „ if APO Y, WILPON Is CO, (We Jones, Moony Co.) Wholesale Dealers In DrieGoods:Ao..4£l ' ood snout, Pittsburgh. norint Mtammi& LEA Wool Dealer and Commission iderebarns, for Alm sale of American Woollen Opals, tAbertgaireet, opposite Fifth. n0v2317. CGILL & ROE, Wholesale Grocersapi Corinis ,i, an Merchants, No.l94,lAberty it, Pittsburgh. fr 2,17. 1 A Co., ' sad sag= al i olV a lVate . f "' and Frotring, F ben; g inor F iti ILi il lir faIaIGETSON, NC= Goooorfiiid Clasourforice Aterchazos, No. 1.70, Libertmr7,•Pitto -17&.. i U . loan .• OLISE9 & SON, No. SO, Nor Ye t. st y seem& , loot from earner of' Foirib, &colon of Portion sod Dmostio pills otExchsaga, , ftruficatevit Dep.. i;111&& Kole. and Specie. r.r."Meteollorui road on &II tho jOnerlial, &leo ~• 0 Yost thetrnited Elude& ' ' Coen IMILID3 I &•01., %Thentaale 'Ghana" and Vrcdcalets in Oib,.7aatittamy and Plusbargh at Man inn raced aniales, have on rand s 1 all thanay a (all ana arallunamana igoixls In ther li!akyllaSas sings, Oat Mem Allay,Panbazata • • • . riotorramoßronoTesala Grocer, Reetsfying DL desk: us; Po:skims. Pittsburgh Manilas tantii•kutt 'Whin& of Furors P. Pomade Wines 44 SAO* BO.ll . Liberty urea. las.Mlld • very lug* litotk Slispettier." ktobangatteks whiskey, - • sp.t&.l7 r 4 l:l4: Doateltie- 14 " Wa l ffay - H and ardersie j ant kis urgh. rttwttteiSiurkitriesen ts 131 Wood et., UnettlLlP BARD, Wbotoiedlls and fispea. I ell. thW r Morocco, Shoom4ors' ToubraiWiltd enisetaiind.s. owl OW Ord. TWOciddit TotO are COI,' o. HO Wood ny Pia/bard sepl2 XsoPima+ &Mcciato amen% Prod*:. 4114 COTPig/iollAlerCUll sad Wger:sin Pitta MIL VALFaitactlacs, lico, 'Ll,mly PlitabuFh. • , T ILUAZELL.t, Co, ;Wholesale Omen, gAlemsaina sae Foramen* Merchants, dealers . ." Ilfaaa Dit,Tryt F.9o,,Allll.4FuTinLileigr .cirminuallw, Whousale ark; ruauce aid'irlik . urAxiwiricquo, • 1712 LELES,:AML L de .= .LAP 4fferOzuist-finlha. er Trade, dee exilic Glyceride, -Produce, h Marcafactrues I:3l,lodde of Lima • • rn of The Olgbestpt . e ' , tea St uncs 6 2F co ., groedrilN!hg&rbecrrltre itiardiaaaa taeuued artieleaAhr:, Aar:. Wholesale aaditerailDcalers Millbury 4,90de, Lamm, lloaiery cod Fncy ,Attieles,Plo. 401-Wm areek,addaer ahgre Thud., - • . alrld X. C. SILLCIL/Cri, • • ' THOL i. .lIITIL tiL:I4.E.TT• , IC s WHITE, Wholesale Dealers In gator and Donseatie Dry Goods. No. 99 Wood st. lebltif Vla.: l l — T.DiAallADG/l, Wool hlerchaola,./lealers . Flairelitid . Prodhee genitally, and Forwarding and CiIMAJCIACC . ACICIALICB, No. 63 .Water In., Plus. it ir.;• r..--,,..- . - " "• k Co., "17? =Ark* ftreet.Mtvredm fah and 4K N• nh tide, P1414 4 4 1 14 , 11.' -k• "la - igairiui - L u atkflrtr - OLLPrOdvea awl General Com. adasiouldarcimats, . 17 - Litany sty Piturbugh. .'linseed and Lard L ilanufactutta and WCandatta.- a to theirnd. waranouoo44 l4l .o ' nom on and Chancery :LA no . Nnnens an• •.• •.' 1004 worekinis, and &aim Vrodoce. No. 24 • • pat . VA. 1 1 (1. I .lTrdi, Agent icor fderwarfsohiters and , 4 3 4tMetz,at the ellen of:Wm. 6,, Aew dW Inaltubargh. hip son in 41.0 general Isad OifiCel at W will attend to sayjawneawathere free of expenee to app Want. =ta ! , • brusee=to m r.:J. iti rta MlaiP w alurstiat,r,,rr n , r_Fenniut aad 1441 0 1 1 WPM* Ltd Putsbuto - rart er tri irrinses it( Wratutand Water 4reets. Pittsburg Y' OW *Muting klerekant, Ne. to -Front. Plant st , between. Wood and et *revs. ram WTACMs r iit, No. 1144 I:re I ffy st, it: lotr I AL , " 1 ;,- Lk! eer yy 1:1,7 Qeods, Na 79 Mart= are, pitmAir ' narPidif W 'WILSON, Scalar in W,a, TIIP4 S it m,Ware, %ond Drr i 4 " 1 " • 141,Welga, and. • Opodsosont, esmi !Imam 41111adratand Fourth , 0001 t YNOlt• Co.—DealeN ITZ al / 4 "z hide* ats, _SO wawa ' vittity •i°47-lecinvaio... Nilnblevale Omega, de.- , PM i.tPdacis, r o Piralli;Oass, endP.4lW , . ialonty sg, don . 7 ,',, . • . , . • ,„i -.1,,i .w.;:iia , i 7 f ...„.:,:, ; ' 1 , I .11 .,. , . It il : , I , 1G El 1 . . ' . . • ' .1, :4 .. . . .. . . • . i t. _ I • • Z _ tf.,/ j ?,....1 . , 1. 4 Z-,...'f,.1.':' -ED IN 1786. WAVIL SON,Nir — a - teheic,relveirp,' Silver Wore. IT • sad Military Goods, corner of lilitrket and 4th streets, Pittsburgb,Pa. N. H .—Watches an d Clo c ks -eareratiy repaired. deo4 1:01 14. TOWN D, Druggist std Apoolo.— Pio. 45 Market my three doors above Third et. Pita burgh, will hava eoustamly cm Hand • well wl sortment Me bast and freshest Menes, which ha an the most reasonable terms. Fblaiol.r. sending orders, will be promptly atended to, and rral. piled:With article. they may rely 9on. d ws n accurately sn netry prepasred trro7l7l,l7 i resreasieritt, at any hear of the day or night Also for tale, a larp mock of dash and good Peen. wary. Mal vircinicioN - wociii ST., errrematoli. - • . s. WILKINS, CO..NT/rarFS to manufacture,. Monument., Burial v .. 4., Tomb., Bead Stones, Marne] Piece., Con.' tre and • Pim , Tops of foreign mid domestic marble, at I retains and fair price. N. EC— Drawing. for monuments, vaults, dn. Varnish ed, of any dettenption. IFlcnolielts • Aweof public 11110.4/1 NILLIAM SMITH, ManufaetoreTTZ - Cotton end colored Linen, Fringes for Dresses, &a.; ileartng and colored Cotton Fringes for silk and gingham Parmals. Gimp, Mohair, and Silk Bullion ninges, made to order on the shortest notice. Stoic, comer of:Maiden Lane and William. entranco No &I William meet, third door, over Abner ge Ely mnrerNodd Maiden Lane New Verb "liMM NarrnirlAt OM e.-0000,, =ac irtnnOlat, Jr I*ool Vona„ Faux Son, UNIX K. Lim, VIOL RIZCHAFICS , GLASS woarcs. ImPsoN, LEAKE, STANGER & Co-, matmfactu k, um of VII 4 Bottles, and Window Glass, keep constantly on band a general assortment of the above article. Also, make to order a superior article of Marra! or Soda-Water Bottle; of colored glass No. In Wood s 4 Pntsbargh, Pa. em,el•Gm RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., :addlere Ironmongery, Harneu and: CORI Trinuningi, Noss, Deer Hair, Varnish, kr. to., LT.j Noon Sr- Prrssalrean. 1. HERSEY, MAiNUeta, FI I , CTUREV.ofEZents Boat and P.m117 131.- all %;141OISC:et,To.:21Mlater sTremict,CAmtte=4'f.. dee2o StTGI'l J. H. WILLSON often, his proiessio nal J,Jaerviees to hilfriends and the public generally of Pitriturgh O6ee7Fotairth Meet, trio doors froia , Maytd% office, dean-411ms EL PEICTIOnr A -13 ToffigT;- 7 -lco7Yi - POtird i B- , near Wood- All ipisintitha-of Green and Black Teas, done op in smarter, half, and out pound packags, musing from SO eta. 'per pound 81,50. Jyi A. JATNeti, Agt. for Peltit; Tea Co. DriiiirtioralElp — Arag. ext., Works. tea •aa C OLEMAN, • MAILMAN Co, muntratturMs of Coach and Ellptie Springs, Hammered Axles, Spring and Plough Steel, on, tee. Warehouse on Water and Prom stencil, Pittsburgh. CIUM Also, denims in; Coach Trimmings and Malleable dealers oc 112 IttierilttaltiTED, Al.nzamaa—Mea, Fourth rk, third door above Smithfield, south side. Conveyancing of Sal kinds done vrith the greatest " TuTs a te l Valtutte c :Cancined, fee. saleset3o-ly Iltra 31.hiffettELTREE,-Whines yy ~Beatifying Distillers, and Wine and Liquo, Merchants. Ads°, Importers of Coda Aide and Bleach. Poerdar, No. leg Liberty street, PUmburirb, P. DELAWARE DIVRIJAA INSIUJIANCECO. JOllDi FINNIN, Jr., Agent at Pittsburg,. for We D c b oilmen blutoitil Safety iliettmnet - tovoptiny et Phil a adelphia Flre Mote upon buibfings and merchandaro of, every dcaoriptiou, sap &twine Rieke upon ilUtii or tena lio a . of vessel 11, men upon the aunt favorable pl . Office in the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes & Bro., No. Zl7 Water. near Market ameet, Pittsburgh. N. B.—The success of this Company stnee the estab lishment of the Agency in this city, wtth the prompt ness andliberaliry with whiett every &aim upon th em for lots has been adjusted, folly warrant the agent in inviting the conhdenee and patronagCof his friends and the tommunity it large to the Delawree M. S. Insu rance Company, while it has the additional advantages as an immution among ths , mcst dratrithint in Pluladel• phia—as having an amplepaid-in capital, which by the operation of its charter to consaandY atcrctnntlg t as yielding to each persorrinettred hit due share ot the pleflte Or the eeterilt4"; trithollt involving him an any respontibiliry whatever, and therefore es possessing the Mutual principle divested of every ohne_ittlnurg e a. tare, and in its most attractive form. nov4 rtinc - erannalasfirthritaXiaror. - . - - I rpllßlnitorance Company of North Amencs, turough itsi'dully authorized Agent, the subsentier, oilers to make pennanent and limited /0131111.nee 013 property, ut this airy and its vicinity, and on shipmenm by the Ca. 1 nal and Rivers. Arthur aCedfin, DIDECTO • Charles Taylor Sane/ IV. Jones, Ambrose White, Edward &nth Jacob INL. Thomas, John A. Brown, John IL Neff, John White, Richard D. Wood, Thomas P. Cope, Wm WeJah, Sonnet F. Sandy Fianna Hooke., &towel Brooks, S. Annum AllMone, ARTHUR O. COFFIN., Freak Mali D. SwitansanoSeel. This it* the olden Inserance Company in the United &Any ha been. chaneredlri . /Zat ohm. is Me 4l4 ipd arfitr 3 ,.'7"""v" 4 " . ""' aaa,=.1.,:r...° 2 7 1 arotr7l4"" . pie seenrity totoe, the public. W. P. ;MO. '. At theromming Enamor Atartaid,lonei fe Co., ter and 'Ruhr streets Pittsburgh. ' mays .INSERAJVCE CO. 'VrI4L - Franklin Fire Insuranee Company, of Philadel 1, phis, will make Insurance, permanent and limited on every description of property, in Pittaborgh and the surnuinding Country, on favorable terms. This com panhas y it perpetual charter. Clonal, 8400,000 paid In Cordaugent, Fund SUMP° Oilme corner of Third and Market streets, Prosborsh. apagtf WARLOCK MARTIN, Agent Innarweee. TILE undenugned, dray authorised Agent of the Amor {can Fin Insurance Company of Philadelphia continues to effect insurance again.% loseor damage against The, on builduigs, merchandise, famiturn and property, flat ratio hazardous, in this city and efemay twig Ufa) COCHRAN. In wood I.at; I:IUUSOILLUER has lxim al:petaled. Itgeol pro tem. o«e lestlrenee COMFOrrf of North AMence, and will Issue Policies ud attend to the other business of the' arttlen.at the waretroase of Atwood, Tones & Co.:•• • 108 Will. P. JONE* water in fuwilioVsletriakf4tod C. IL IMIWZNIMMIL, VlLlCLatlap ITHAICLEIS DAIIEZPIIONVER 4 Co. TOBACCO ColllllllilBoll AIRUCIWITS, No. GO South' Wharves, mot Na. 117 South Water at_ iitiLPHLS 11tEGS to - Wotan the trade and dealers generally, of Pittsbargl.l,4lat they nave made auch*rrarwptent. with 'Vkripsritt:eurtuu(acturers and the Growers of the Neat, IVesslncries, and other pluses, as will insure a ; lalga mi e,Esint soppty of the following deactlp norm of Tobacco, 'which sant be wild upon as ter= ail outer house in utis Cio es ceosne - w mg andagood any dered from them will e r wlar anted equal to represcruatexe Havant Sr- Domingo; Conn.; 'laser Porto taco; Petur'n..; }Seed Leaf to- Cuba; /atrial; & Florida; , bocce; ALSO—Branclea 'celebrated Arotoane Stag Cann dish, with a large assortment of ether popular brands, and qualities of poundl,A Oa, Vs, les and 2rs, Lemon; Ls,as and Bes Plu . Ledrea' Vitamins Twist, tweetm and plain, c rn whole and half boxes., whed d en tin, together with every variety of article belong ing to eth trade. 21.1.1 n. L 1.111211101. BARNET, NEBBIM ID oitanarrsoar, FLOUR FACTORS, Produce, Commission &sad No •sionsilung ltliClllll7B, No. 62 Moons IV/urn:li, WM L 22 Wants es • PHILADELPHIA. ilmwro—.lokr IL Bringtn.& Co. Hobert Boson &Co. fkilsdelphis. Bancroft, Beaver & Co. / Smith, Llsisaloyl& Co. Allen & Paxton, Now York. Vitiates, &Mutiy, ils4risnoto. Baskin & - Sulith, Barb:ides, ,Wilson & Co Nnakurgh. Xis: & Jones, XI? Liberal cask advances on consignments to ow 1. 4 t v ! inalleedly T. C. CIIAJILANACII., Roll. 1.11/41121. ELLMAKER, ECK Y & CO., inotra FAcToas, And General Commission WA Ilissohonts, . " V I IM ELPHIA. REFERENCES—Henry Grafi' & Co, Putzburgb. Rodger!. She on, B.Behoole M . A. M. Jonuery, Maysvl,lle. Cbuln Dubam, Jr., Louisville. Daub., Hompbreye & Co. j . Mercer, & Co. Mad'. Bred & lhother, Dula &Cooxitlwdsievr "on. taltra•mairnunra CRoZal • /LunaTaoarce CIRIEZER, C ORMISS IONWRFICHANTII., N. Market otteet at,tand promptly to the sale oil vos9osenpuoo or Viroterh hrodace, .6 oth &lea orttroalell to their earn. etr iTETTZ - TIT Mummy & Oa. PitcOurgh; Hanna, Grillimo & Co. New lieeeer Merehauts sencrali, 'We ; O.; Rhodceit Oglelq, Widmer% 0 4 A. 0. Sit h ardsoit & Bro:Cinelonnu t • J. F. Howard, Lottirrille, iLyi Guile & Doman, St Loom LE Boyles, Swan.- villo. dec3 PULP T. C. 201.611.. T. 101111=1 axis. GEOHICIE & JENELINS COMMISSION PROVISION mEncliarsiTs, No. 3 Commie[ erntee7, LIALTIMOIIE. Rossoicicos—Chorch, Common & Co, Alexander Laughlin, • . John Grier. /IYISS D. LIMO, • --• LEHMeR 4 , ANDERBON, FORWARDING E COMMISSION MERCHANTs, COT/ON FACTORS AND,AOENTS FOR THE SALE OF NAILS AND W. OLAss, Nos. 7 &II rams; ASOViIIIWA.DWAT ClNG2 . inui .kr.oaux . and'lfortrardinif llorslnua4 lE WWII St., Pn36.03.2.14 Inunact a general Commlitrion • heal, especially in the pricchaae end sale of Aincri. can lilanufactirea and Prodoco and in receiving and .fOneatding Goods “inalEned ills care. As Again for the Meyer . ..4ms, tin will be couautatly applied with the principal articles of Piusbargh Mannfacinra at itte lowest wholesale price. Orders and conabcamans are • •crittll aotielterL Isr7 G 1 2 01 1 19 E AL A. BERRY, F OaWRDIMI ARICOIIIIBI3IOI7IIIIII6IINT, • ' AND•DEALEE Trott. Hans, Cotton_ Worn* f. Plttotottrith Atostujitotitres gonetally, wo. 10 WOAD rrimet, rrmuntail, ?A. ' W 7 CLAilti.' l--- F eriwardltagm.robaat,itrownswillerP.. Attatrpunisty to the Foruraohlur of Produce, Pot any illfarmafirn, apply' to FORSYTH & CUIV CAN, Waxer*. °cue , BARDS, U. w. eru.Liattus, x. mimic AXTILLIAMS & SHINN, (necessary to Lowrie and T V William.) Amines, and Catinsellon at Law. Offin North side of Fourth street, above Smithfield. /Awn nmeLne, J. HAMS. MAMA.. nulsrLor & SEWELL, attorney at Law, Mien on Smithfield, between fid and Hirst. FORWARD & SWARTZWELDER, Attorneys ai , have removed their office to the Grant' side o Fourth at. . , between Cherry Alley and street. apfitf. WO. FL ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, ham re moved his of ce t. t h e Exchange Bnildinga,St. atr , pest door to Alderman Johm. splYty FASHIONABLE HATS. THEsubscriber, in addition to his own c a t Amanufneturing of Hats, has t. made arrange men with Messrs. Bebe(' & Co., (the most fashionable hatters of the city of New ' York,( Cola reg. nlm supply of his extra fine Silk Hats, and havinx Just received a few eases, gentlemen can be suited with • very nob and beautify that by coiling at hie new Hat and Cap Store, Smithfield street, second door wan of Fourth, where may be found a great variety of Hats and Caps of his own manufacture, wholesale and re tell. Ham made to order on short notice. met JANIS WIT-90N. - 111 1 COILD & CO., Ilk (Successors to 111 ) Cord 11. King) Pa•lnkonable Hatt. r'a s Comer of Wood and Fifth Streets. PARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade. GerrUamen can rely upon getting their Hats and Caps frame. establishment of the ear 11.1 . 1311•111 and wortammtame, of the kararr anus, and at the tows. cotta Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are respectfully invited us call and eisamme our Stock; as we can saywith confidence that as regards onskim and met, n will pot Infer in • comparison with any tease in Philadelphia. febl7 14HATS., CAPS AN - ISMUFFS--The fgt . subseriber is now receiving from the city of New York, a choice asaortment of Han, Caps and Muds, latest fashions, in gram vane )). and very cheap, wholesale and retail. JAMES WILSON Smithfield at, 2d door south o 4th 4 Fall Pashtos:in for 18413. A ItIeCORD & Co., iLt. IleCO. araro,) WILL Introduce on Saturday, August With, the Fall style of Hats,iust reeetved from New York. Those In want of o neat and lienuuful hat, are in•ited s/ call at thou nor, corner of Fifth and Wood streets. auglitl uglE . . ...•.. kDEALERS. ate invited to examine R. f PALMER'S stock of Straw Hoods, of di spring style, a:imposed in part of BONNETB—Floranee Braid; English Don cable do: Amenean do do; China Pearl do; Coburg do flatland do; French Lace; Fancy Gimp, Etc fie dolt— itat*rii_PdTPledlif 17. Fancy 50... Also, Artificial Floss-era, Ribbons, Lc. Straw Bon net Warehouse. la market., marts N/GAEL Y READY FOR PUBL./CA TION by J. A. A. U. Y. JATIFS , Oucumat, the foilowthg maw mud valuable Work - . Domphanht Expedition—Conourimit • sketch of the hfe of Col. A. W. Domphani the cony at of Neve Mexico; Gel. Kearney'. Overland Fspednion to Cali fornia; Domphanhi Calopatgo against the Nartio., and his unparalleled March upon Chihuahua and Durango. and the Operation. of (ton P - ,iev at Santa Fe. with a Map and EnTravings, by John T Baehr.. Alt the /at Ragmen, of Mirsouil Cavalsy Mosley of Kentucky—lts Ann.:nudesd Natural Cannalnez: Gocraphscat Statistical and an Geological destripu ona; to th anecdotal!! of p,o,wc,. Life, and more than one hundred Risseraptueal Skotabes of diatinraish ed•Honettra, Sottisen, Statesmen, Lomb!. Lawyers, to. lanes, In dlanrared anth forty engravings, by Learts Contas,l • soL octavo. The Tarrtive Mond.' Vo LI /un L teer. or Journal of a Pri vans In the Tennessee Lingnisent or Cavalry, In the Campaign of Mame°, darns 1 , 48-17,eunaintog an .0. count of the March of the Segment In Yes* CM; dcaeripaten VANS Conakry p.md oven ai11f1 21 214 as tern,. rte. of Lle people; Sketches ofCanks v Li4; ar' counls of all the actions of other Volameer eons, and a fall History of the Mexican Wan List se can and Wounded, fin; illustrated by a huge number of correct views and plasm; by Geo. C. Amber, 1 volume octavo. dee' NEW IVOR KlA—Croutwell's Speeches, ac —Otis', Cromwell's Lettere and Nj.e.ebn, ineleding Jr. Thpplement to the first edmon With else-Warm. By omas Carly le. In I vols. 12mo. CIO h. Collin.' Kentucky.—llisterreal Sketches of Ken tucky, misbracmg its history, umquity, and natural curimitnes, gepgraphical, statistical and aeological de seriptions; with anecdotes of Pioneer le. and more than one hundred biographical sketches of dmtin.mh rd,roneers, soldiers, and statesmen; illflOtS, lawyers, diets., cm. Illustrated by forty engravings. By Lewis Collins. Fairy T ale, and Legends of many Nattons--Select ed., newly told, and translated. By C. IL Burkhardt desaufulry Illustrated. Tim Arabi. Nights—The Thoecand and One Nights; or, the Arabian Nights' Eaten...ems; translated and P1frE ,2 ,121714 h " - L w .,:g;.11=1.7:::: lon illustratedwith 000 woad eau by Barney, and tlitiminated tales by Owen Jones. Complete in 12 parta, paper; or 2 volt,l2mo. Cloth—Gilt The above hooksjszat mere ived and for wale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, lirsokaallers, nov2s marker, co."' - - NEW BO( —Jogs FOR SCHOOLS ko.—ElententeTir I Plane and Spherical Tr , gonometry, with their •p -genitor's to Mensuration, Surveying and Navigatiou By Elias Loomis, A. M... Xenophook Memoralitita of &erste., with FAgliett notes, CritaCCl and enplane° ey, Lire or Socratee, Re. By C. AIHUD, IL L. U. APClintock & Crooks' First ;Bonk in Greek; contain ing • full view of the forms of words, with vteabola en and COVICUS CXCICI.CS. be Serikeld's First Book co spenbet or, • pracueal in troduction to the study or the n,cialuah Language. Rook Keeping by tingle and double entry. Practi• tally adapted to the Inland and maritime eosin:wren or the Panel Sate, By P. Dog. A History or Frenc.l from the Conquest or Oita , by Julius Cesar, to the brig.. or Lotde Philippe By Markham. lbereed, improved a n d enlarged, by /aeon Abbott; roap and engraving, For eate by B. HOPlCrikfl, Apollo Re/dile, 4th at dect9 non orTngotiontetry. IN —Elementsal plain end astpert Trigonoree• try, with their applicaumm Mei:warm lion, Surveying . and Nnvigstion: try Mir., Loomis, A ?it A Fint Book in Greek; containing a )101 view of the term Of words, with ocnOularies sod copiau esl,- clues on the method of con•tant 11111:alio and Moll - Mem 'by Jean ld'Cillooek, D, Pro.. of (Ammo gea and George CroorierA. AdMnee Prorwor of - Languages in Mckinnon ColMgo. Uplinmir Life of Madame Catharine Ador na, edi tion, Partsew narsal—Tbe Discipline °, 10 and II of Harper &B roth er. splen did A latormodedltion of Me Arabian Nights , Enter:shim caw The above works received this day by e Arr.. .Irid for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCION, mov l3 eor 3d and market its - 6 6001— AHC1HTECT1 eontnbnuo m to the 1,„7 baprovement of school houses in the D. 8: by Henry Barnard. Abundantly Illustrated with view. and plans. , ly and Practice of Teaching, or Me motives • hods ago.] school keeping, by David P Page, Teaehini a Sete..tee; the Teacher en A met by 0 Et. 1.0, A. M. The Scheel and the School Master—A menu.' for tha nee of leutihere, employers, trustees, inspectors, Az. of Common Schools In two parts Hy Alen . Potter, D. D., end O. R. EMITIOII, A 111 illustrated with engr— aving,. For sale by dectAl R HOPKINS, Apollo Rutldinge - DARLPI"S CABINET LIBRARY, for School. and Families—This work commas of twenty volume., and contains five hundred different ebbsecte, Illuerated with GOO enrmsvings. It aan entirely enamel series, recentlywritten and completed by 8 0 Ocadrich, sw ear pi PeLer Parley's Tales, and Is designed to exhi bit, in a popular Patna, Select illostraphJels, ancient and modern the wonders and curiosniee of History, Na• tore, An, Science, and Philosophy, with the practice I donee of life. p Copal Vol. in 72 rents, ucia comarralmr about pttgeo, 12mo; or 610 per st For .ale by R HOPKINS, Apollo Doildlat; NEW NOVELS—A Whim, and its consequences: by G. P. a. James. Esq. Vanity Pau, • novel without • Hero: by ‘Villitun Makepeace Taekery, with illuatrations. Edward Vernon; illy Consm's Story: by F. V Childs. Storyof the Peninsular War: by General Charles William Vane, Marquis of Londonderry, G. C. 8., C. H. Colonel bf the ad Bert Life Guards. The above worka received this day and for sale by anglS JOILNSTON h tiTOCKTON "..- eargetln* IREELLOCK ON DIVINE PROVIDENCZ:--Tni; hlu.ona very scarce and exceedingly valuable cork, has just been published by 1. L Reed. Ina beau tiful Maui. vol. of :M page. It contains the recom mendations of several clergymen of this city, of differ ent denominations In one week Inn copies have been distritnned m the city of Pluslisigb and .borbs It is a book thr every body For sale by nov2f . ,R HO_PKINS, Apollo 13uff,lings, 4th si BOOK FOR PARENTS, YOUNG, PERSONS LI. AND INVALIDS.— Dr. lianning's "rommon Senven on Health, Physical Education, end Human Voice, ea based upon the mechanical philosophy of ran n's physical culmination. being the •übmance of hi, lectures on the above seblects recently delivered In Ibis ect ell,' For sale by R HOPKMO, Apollo Building, 4th at _ _ BROOKS' OVID—The !den:mom/toms pf Publics 13 Midi. Nam, eincidued by an analysis and ex planation of the Fables, togeth. with N.eglish Nine. Ni.tnicido SlYMokigieal and critical, and illustrated hy piclonal embellishments • with a cloy,. By N . C . Brooks, A. Id II HOPKINS ILKAP OF CALIFORNIA, OREGON &TEXAB 0. A From the latest aothetrilles, By S. Aegoum Mitchell, with an sicomp.linent—il Rimed, Descrip tive, Geographical and ifnuistioal. For sale by dee!! R HOPKINS Apollo Buildings, 4th at ESC= Air ATHEbLATICAL IN B TRU,iIP:NTB—ior brow• Ix( [bony end Rosewood elms, with' or without Artists' colors Poi sale by deal R HOPKINS, Apollo Buildings PITTSB LAW OFFICES. Wlll. TIMBLIIV ATTORNEY AT L AW, Butler, Pa also attend to collections and all other basi: liees entrusted to hint in Bader and Amastrong counties, Pa.' Refer to J. A Floyd, Liberty at. W. W. Wallace, do James Marshall do Pittsburgh. dly Kay A Co, Wood to. 1 ten') J - IL BWEITZER, Attorney at Law, WIS.!' st., opposite Et. Charles Hmel, Pittsburgh, wilt atso and attenGreen colludd promptly w e . Colle P. ctions, m Washington, Fayette e ß b i n ' re k r s :C k' sroa n'ti e ßEF ER Ik rs, Cc I M Ptttsbargh. D. T. No , EJ. HENRY, Attorney and Cornice Her at Law, . Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio, and In Indiana, and In Kentucky, promptly and care fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of Penn sylvania, for taking. Deposidons, acknowledgments, ac. &c. Rana ro—Hon. Wm. Bell & Son, Curtis, Church & C , . .thorn, Wm. Hays, Esq., WiSock & DIMS. a 25 HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. STRAW GOODS BOOK TRADE. H, WIDNESD • COPARTNERSHIPS. CO.PXYLTWEII.BIIIP. T °GAN & KIiCetEDY hale this day associated 1.. r arab them in the Hardware business, Philip Wil son and Edward Gregg. The tyle of firm will here after b 4 Levin, WilMn & Co. This arrangement ren ders it desirable to close the old business as soon as possible. All persons whose liabilities have matured, are especially requested to mate immediate peplum: Pittsburgh, Jim 1,1545. T CIO AN, WILSON di 00.—Importers and >Vholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hard ware, Cutlery, Saddlery, /re., 129, Wood street, Pins orghigare nom fully prepared with • recently impar ted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, k, to offer very peeat itiducements to western buyers, being determined to compete in prices with any of the Atlantic sines. Al so on band Mt extensive ..ofilOttll of Pittsburgh Hard. Ware, eta Shovels, Spades, Forint. Hoes, Vices, be.. all of which will be sold at the lowest manufacturer's prices. ant THEparthershi -Ve St i r. • under the firm or M' rd & }V P reell conmn: dissolved on the Int Inst. The btudness will be closed nu the old stand trig , either of us, lining the name of the firm for that purpose. Being desirous to have our business cloned yeah inn little delal as possible. we would re tpectMlly unguent those marbled to call end mole hou accounts. JOHN D. hITORD, IL D. KING. Cow Partnership. JOHN D. M'CORD having *emended wlth him lats brother James M'C.ord, ander the style of &Mord & Co., will confirm- the Hat, Cap and Fur business in all its various branches. wholesale and retail, at the old stand, comae of Wood and sth streets, where they solicit a conunuatien of the patronage so liberally be stowed on the old firm. JOHN D M'CORD. lays JAMES S. M'CORD. TN retiring from the old and well known firm of IN ' , Mord & King, I most respecelly recommend to the patronage of the public my euccemora, News. ILL'cord & Co. mrcl H. D. KING. 10.-Partse rad'? Notice. ri W. STEPHENS of Wheeling, P... F. Slmenberger of Juniata, and J. A. Stockton of Putsburgh,lutve this day emend mute, co-partnership ander style no firm of Stephens. Shocalierger k Co., at the Anchor you works, Wheeling. Va., for the purpose of manu facturing iron and nails of every description. X, W. WITIILMS. I. S. STEPtilitiSr i trigOarlaCil ANCI 111 IRON WORKS. R lk CO. Wheeisng, Tra Manufacture all kind of boiler, sheet, bar iron and uvula, A. steel °lleac spring...l axles. Being con nected with Shoeuherger's old Juniata works, we can offer an article of Juniata item (branded Phoenberger) equal to any made in the country. All of which will be cold at the Pittsburgh prunes Warehouse of the worts corner of Monroe and Wailer sta. myl I DISSOL VT lON—The partnershtp hitherto exist ing uder the style an firm of Wlghtman cell, is this n day diseolved by d mental coneent, John Dul cetl having disposed °this enure interest to H. Wight. ILThe bonne.. of the late firm will be settled by IL M. - Arbon:inn, who u suthonsed to use the nacho of the hue firm ter that purpose. H. WHIFITMAIII. spckkrfor Duly 1'471 J. DALSELL. TOE Subscriber is now prepared to alanufneture all kinds of Cotten and Woolen Ithichineti, at the shottem notice. Orders Left at R. Wichmann's Engine 94ep, eor net Liberty and Water streets, will meet with prompt attention. H. NVIGHThIAILI, I..eacok to., between Federal end Sandusky st.s.., spetedly Alleghen7 city. _ _ • _ 0-PARTINERSITIP , --Wm Young having Rum C day asaoriturd with tuts, John R. Al• Cone. the le. thrr hutting's will hereon, be conducted nder the firm Wad Young Co. WILLIAM YoVNG, land . R Nt.rt-NK MEDICAL. hR 7 . AN1..01TS BALSAM Off LIVERWORT If This article . prepared according to a nscupepro cured rota a very me and eminent phys4Clan, who has esperieneneed in his praetice the wont of a remedy for DISEASh. OF TUE LUNGS, upon which Mit..e could be placed by the public—which induced hie, rider matured tea. in IlettlefOUS cue• of Pulmonary Complaints. to offer this preparauon. It his beers tho roughly toed by hundred*, now 111 good health. who c•o say that . hey owe their preservation from an early grave, to the sae of this medierne. Comea-riot* ern aria Courhst. For • longtime I suffered with thew diaesoos, and was the more alarm ed as 1 bad lost a mother. two brother*, and two =- tem, with the comment,. I had the heel medical ad vice in 11,111. every remedy ma. ined without effort, and In . Ith:130.1 :II despair. was wasting ...lir, very rvous. rin. $1 had cough, lea. of strength and many other dangerous symptom. Al length I tried Dr Taylor's Dalaum or Le• erwort, and I must eity thin inetheine cured me :the a rho rut. Its great restorative powers should be made Itnown W 1101.DRIIM$ K. sD flying at KAMM, OW [boon —This diseaseseast's cured by the proper medicine. Mr Newbury, grtri Bowery. used to raise blood to large unawares. both by day aod /tight, beside. this. be had a serer. rough, andpain in therereast yet encrusting every other medicine,. w. cud by Dr 'Taylors Balaton of Liverwort Threes. ts a carman. and let all others who cannot afford to kw idle follow his example, it they are each, mut use the medicsne It will restore Mar.,* Longs and Liver in • shon time. To persons of a disordered nervonsfrll<Rl, or th ose who are unable to rear well at eight. this medicine is emplimmally recommended as the trulasents, once witemmed its extraordinary virtue $ u hi. own mostly, one of th e IlleMber• having been snacked with • se vere emighing, violent cold, spitung profuse meat ...vats, distrait. rest, great =liability, with da• Liontty of breathing. te., and wan rarest by one bat= I adds Balsam Sold in Pittsburgh by J D Alegre', of Wood et Townsend. 43 Market at; II Sinyser.car Market and 3d eta Ilerulersou & Co. Liberty at gra, redeem! to 31,30 per bottle. 4.01 'IMPORTANT TO THE A PPLICTIED. Dr. liole'l Celebrated hemedieL r A R. JACOII VI FUNK the duworerer and sole pro. J.) primer of thecae most popular and beneficial med icine., and also the inventor a the celebrated metre tricot ler indeung the Lungs. to effecting a cure of Chrome diseases, was • stud,. of that eminent physi cian, Doctor Physic, ands . graduate of the Uroveml ty of Pennsylvatue, end far thirty yean utim hu been engaged to the invesugabon of Macao., and the apply rattan of rented... thereto. Through me use of ht. toilette. !oh, in e, , anecLon with to. l`ropby tact. Syrup ansl et I,• r of tem reaedies, at ha. gained unperalelled eminence to rutin - . Mose dreadful and fatal mated., Tubereolar Con. numpunn, Cancer., Scrofula, Rheumatism Amber., Fever and Ague, Fevers of all k Lode, Chronic Itryospe las, and all thou chorine. tbscaus pee altar to female. Laced ergo , tyre drseue vanishes under the ma og Kis remedies :10 which. butansty is betr—oot by the ue of cue Cutripeand only, for th at Is Incompalahle 1.11/1 Physic:dermal Law, but by the use of his ragge d... adapted to and psis nbed for each pecuter forms of duce., Dr. Rum . . Tonic Alterause I . llls, when used are in. varrattly acknowledged to be upener to all other. as o plrflativ , beer trzll. Inasmuch ao they leave the bowel. perfectly tree front coourtneu, as also hie Golden hilt is Wooded tly the faculty to possess pera Itoe properties adapted to female Mature, but being sausfiAd that a 1t.,, trial ts sufficient to establioh what has been said in the minds of the most okepurtal The au: eted are Wetted to call upon the agent, and procure Iffralls) one of ll.< Doctor a onemblets. going • detailed Remount of eara 'meetly and It. opal:call. For sale by the foLowlng undo, as well as by must Druggists throughout the country' / tichoonmehor & Co, el Wwal street Pittsburgh; J At Townsend. druggist, $3 Ala t het at Lea A Beckham, 4.kear P.I, Allrgheny try J Barkley. Bart.,on. Beaver etqloz,, Jll . , 1 EntOIL, }:4111.” g y •• T Adams. Lle••cr, av 10-4.11 y _ Larne.' Expectorant. . _ *turn, Columbium (.0,0 , Apr lull 1l and the portuniq of gretog pulditity to the extraordinary otfecta of your k.lpectorant main) self Ilatong been afilimed for several years with • over, cough hectic levee and its enneolititant doe.ea, and seemed only donned to linger out a short but miserable eminence, until the tall of IRO), when. being moreseverely attacked, and booth,resorted to all my former remedies. and the pc scripbees of two of the moot respertable physiethos in the neighborhood without denying any benefit, or Ike conotlanon of surviving but a few days or weeks at farthest—when the land gleam - of hope ma. flout to vanish, I had recommended to me your Emmen:want— and blessed by that Being who does all things In the use of the rnean•—•ad contrary to the xxpectatione of my physicians mod fronita, we to is few days mixed trom my bed, and wool enabled by Ina toe of a tnetle. to [Weed to my Motorola. ..paying since better health [butt I hal for ten years previous. Roma, eel:oily yours, he , As. W. Earn For mile in Pine:torah, at the Pekin Ten Wore. 79 Fourth aireet. roarl4) NEW lithe NOMMENT. 1)(7-T t.w g I %rock wa)). No 2 Commerctal How, !Ahem Street. intstrurgh, totes this method of -tutartnlng hut fri eJtda and the public general, that his store wi t , I at oil tunes be supplied with on catenate° and ge.11.11 assortgahnt of Drugs. Dyi, Punts, Oils, he., Perturnary.Colognea, and In entry are nole ea lied to in a dreg Atari', which will alwors be sold t o low to at any orher boost Ute City, whole sole o r Hoping to worn a share of the public patron. tge, nothing shall he wanting to glen enure .1. 111fIlellili to Met...others• nov7-up ll . DHidra ,n this Witer — Criiie: OCMEL /AJIIN W. MORRIS, MAI conunum to pramt re the .ale and popular remedy ealLtd Ilyaropmhy or dm Water rure. and ;ideated wdl treat ObstllliCal curs wit/ be at tended to prompt, Y. 11-1.4. M o , - s may be roneulted at !Mt ORlff Store. No 2 Comm, -retal Row, Lawny insect, dorms Intatneas bouts, or at his residence, mooting and eten• mg, Penn ore., 3 do, ,ro below alley novl-lapla U. is it berg., M. D. O , , PTIIALMIC 5U1t(1...:0, will attrnd the 11,11- manic( of N O. IL boa been ongogsa In Um branch of tho Modi ca] profraainn fontXiCGII ye arm, and ho• condor.] an catabliabment for lb. treatment of dlacaaas of the nye olnne for arivalal or, (laws and rrai ho dunc•, corner of Soodtio.ky Kt and StraWberry alley, Al logheny city. or 177 Dr. Dgel.ons• In Tennessee. PHIS la to certify that I purchased one rut! of Dr. McLane'. Worm Specific, 110,DC two tumid , • itBl , and gave to • Don of mine, some ',yen year. L'idv two teaspoons full, and although the amount may OPPnAr large, yn I have no doubt but there opwitti 4 . of rwo 01e0..0 women passed from Men, moue ring Yom am quarter of an inch to two inches long. O W HOLLIDAY. Ratites Creek. Corral co. Teo;, Dno 97;1847. 1044 WUN DFIRIT L. ARR I VA.!. —Da. Townsman's ii4ll- sdr•.l-1, —4.POU bottle. of this great fall end yr inter modicum, lust receivedl sale by R. FL di IdrLERI4, thslc Agent for I . lttsbn ,of whom the de worm artiele ran he had. octlll • Li A lOU:SOWS Columbian flair Dye; 11 . do do Indelible Ink, with Or wit. bunt preparation. R arruion's superior Red Ink F'or sale to the trade at rstanufecinter's pncess, by R k; SELLERS. de cd No 57 Wood street. tlt nuc-noNs—a) ream. Patent Medicine Dirac 1) t tone, )net reed and for sale by de tan J KIDD & Ca 8rn0.., all colors, at reed jp n and for lola by dactO, p J KIDD& Co AA DIFIF.IVE PLASTER-16U yd. Ellis' Adbavive Plaster, Just remade and for .o 1 by &old KIDD & Co .A LA:own-5441s jet reed and for sale a. by dealt{ JOHN D ?JORDAN r AMP BLACK-4 casks just recd mad for sale by L 40e16 .1011.14.D149R6A24• RNING, DECEMB HOTELS , iNTAIN HOTEL. LIGET STREET BALTIMORE, inado san tionsmon, reorancross. 4TIIIS estabhment long end widel known as being one of d the most commodious I n the city of Baltunore, has recently tsadergone very erten. sive alteratlons and improvement. An entue new wl a has been adde4containing numerous and airy sleepingLartments, and extensive bathing room. . deparmenu has also been completely inefiropalled and fitted up in a most unique and beanu. Gil k Ob. In fact the whole arrangement of the House bi Li .Wen rem9deded, with a single eye on the Pen of the preprieton, towards the comfort and pleasure of thkirOttests, and which they confidently assert will afilleiTtufinaparisort with any Hotel in the Union. Them table will along* be suppled with every sub. Mania' and luxury which the market edorda, served 1:t in • superior su r passed e In the way of Wines, the., y will not be. n conchmion the prop - enters beg to say, that nothing will Ise left undone on their part, and on the pane( their Wuhan'., to render thie Hotel worthy the condoned pa.l!hoenageeea fors r b. !:rien oed lL v sn e d the been l. g e n e e e re t y t e ; the rotto4 rotes; Ladies' Onlinary, .1,70 per day. Gentlemen's . . 1,50 N. B.—The Baggage Wagott of the Rouse will al ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landbms, which will convey baggag e to and f rom the Rotel, (re, of eharfpl rtlar XOIIA3 ----- GE HOTEL. coax. or PIAIII LAD 1.1. CLAIR MI, ITET•IIIII., PS.2 The subscriber having as the manage ment of this long emablished and popular Roiel, respectfully irntiounces to TraveLlen and do Public generally, that he will be at all times prepared tornotanaodue ahem to all things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The House is now bung thoroughly repaired throughout. and new Furniture added, and /10 pun. wall be spared to make the Exchange one of the very beat Hotels in the country. The undermined respectfully solicits a continuance of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTON, bfdtf LAMARTINE HOLikl, Minna olt romans /AD oam arm., mrmarnmS• THE subscriber respectfully announces that he has now opened his new and excellent Hotel fee the accommodation of travelers, boarders., Arrui the public generally. The boom and furniture WO entirely new, and no pains or expense have beet spared to render st one of the most comfortable and 'pleasant Retell, in the city . The aubsenlmr 11 determined to deserve, and there fore selteits, a share of public patronago oetl4-01y JAMB HOUGH, Proprietor TiIIIOCILIIG - 11TOWS HALT HOUSE, LILIIIIiILI.Ic ARIS THROC EIORTON help to aceuiont his friends that he is again lessee of hie GA LT HOURr. loulsohle. Ky. ' where he hopes to meet all his oil friends, usoring them and the public, that no effort shall be spared to mate all comfortable who (aver bun with their istrestarie. !solidly UNITED 1i11. 1 1 . 11E8 HOTLITL. reanour 117., serVILAILI / 0 4 . 14111.11/11.111 OPPOSITE lots Earl i er p ti lt U j i k aited ritates,,Phtla msd,i224ihni. Prootem MISCELLANEOUS. Chocolate s Cornea e diets ° W. Baker's &merle. and French Chocalate, Pupa, I ed Comoa, Cocoa Pears, 1404111., Cocoa Sheila &c. I ITO merchants and cOnsuntera, art. would pusehurs the best products of Coco., free from adulteration, more nutrition. than lea nr coffee. and In quality unsity. passed. taredhecrner recommends the above melee. manufac by himself. and stamped with h e naMe. Hi. Brom. and Core. Prune. as delicate, palatable, and ulugnry drinks for invalids, convalescents, and ether...co pronounced by the most eminent physicians nmerior to any other preparonona It. manufactures real anrya ansale. in any quanoty, by the most re peelable prorers in Me eastern clues, and by then agents Hawes, Gray of Bos htuton Junes Ikl Hunt. & co, ' Hartford, Conn, {tummy & rray, Nev Vofki Want & Sten, Philadelphta Thomas V Brundige, Bal. Elmore; and Kellogg it Bennett, Greenman, Ohm. WALTE:R BAKER, Dorchester Masa Poe sale by aught BAOALEY & SMITH, Alts ------ Atitiv-iroicon-PACTORY, SIJ.ZOBILTI. NtriTITE, BROOKS /11. CO, would respeelfully h o I y g form the public that they have enacted aGm n Laoolk. between federal and Sandusi y suet,. y nun tune ruakmg and are prepared to receive orders c every description of vehicles. Coaches, Chariot* • roaches, Buggies Ptnenis. he, .t.c , which IfOalth il . 4 long expenence in the manufacture of the above wet k, and the faellines they have _ they feel confident they ace I enabled todo work till thement reasonable term. With . those wanting snide. In their hoe . Paying particular attention to the selecuon of male. nal., and ba.ttg none but competent workmen, they have no hesitation in warranung their wort We therefor* ask the auennon ante pubdre to thu myth, N B Repeater/ done In the hest manner. and on the most rsassmable rem* lea-ti - . Alltronght and Cast Iron the frith: mbeenber• beg leave to on e the public that i they have etlithilleg from the Eric all the late and fastmionnte deago. tor lam Hurling, both for hook.. and cuturterce• Permits ertalung to pawn. haad• to panerns will please call scut examtne. and parlay ikw Menus's-es. he st i be torcusand at the shaft iiiit nAhre.•and in the manner. et the "'Mel of Craw sad lictiecea strecne. Allegheny city. augl.9-dti ft. L.A.IION7&KNOX. ... PMUSICAL; RD VICATIRE/liiiNT. -- llOUNientOß CHUB. rin NOTII mom re•pe,lthtl ly szattorwea mwe ratten• et ihrtsburet l e t ( city). ea he A,. commeocod prtsig iowrileison 011 pi gun .othod in...true., le iri`r7 euy. gag adapted to I. a. in • very than time. Lie hopes iimalanantion to Mo bonne., and by resimaiabla PB . n g to mere • ahem or the public patronage. The hem men lay, are invited tu leame Bort, curia, with the la. p stitied to them, at Me Boom Stole. of Me Mellor or Mr Blume . Rwalmamme—J B Mellor, Nag, Fredencl Moro, Eau., Victor Bertha, Bootee/ler . -- Liembleng, Castilla( and Digo...Maxi. - - V IL NORRIS, IThiceeuur ha !II EL Delanyl— LI, No -V Fifth atreet, between Wood and Smith. field. Fresh leeches ~.rived nionthly--arnotdaneefall hour& Reference, the pAywcosne of Pittsburgh, Alle gheny •M Birmingham I mom cheerfully recommend la the physician., Min ds. and all my former friends aud patrons. Mr k H. Norm . being thoroughly acrittanacd anti the bon , nese .4 worthy of patronage &I DF.LAN • Alma arllket ard& Tobacco. 4 I.oos Gently & Itoyeter's superaor sweet 5 Ip.l •ii 3 25 do 51 A Ilader's " lb IV bt do race & Harwood'. " " 5 21 do do do •4 do do re•rl & Harwood 5/c lb • II do J Beibtnoon 57 hide do " • 5:3 do do Win Dawson 33 do T IVnibl's " 0 " 37 do Anderson •" do L T Dsde's " " 6 do R Allmon's " 0 do HAtedff Jost landing (rem steamer and y , n.ekets, an.l for sale by HEALD, SICK:OOH & Co, • 41 north water ra n d 10 n o r thr haves, 1e94 Philadelphia ha of 70 halt bin hVebster Old supenor sweet.% Imapa 36 " Lawrenre Untie( " :ra ti " (Jenny & anineer •• la & b " 10 Dupont Ida la Earn) " 5a " hleLeod lei " Lawrence lolUer "6r &0. plug /tut landing trona manner, and for side by 11E-ALL. IWCILNOR & Co, 41 :11 water at and 16 N artiarrew, my3l Phil odelph WI. are .111 •ngaged In the above baronets, Corn.' of Wood •nd rd nreers. Pinahilegh, where we nee prepared to do any work in our line t o del i...eh We attend to our work personally. 41311 ann.- lartloll Win be given tu regard tio neatnew and .1.- rability. thank Books ruled to any pattern and Imund sub manually. Itooks to numbers mold book. bound care fully or repaired. Name* put on nooks in gilt lettere. 'Photos Mat have work in oar line ant nvited to eel!. Prices low rartoll - 00:P - A11.1 . 11111101HP. have emend HZ f AIEIS ATICIriga vode ' . msd will r' earry on lb. toe ajlot, Coper, and Sheet Iron Ware atattufactory. Also, Illackeroutting in all its branches, al the old .rd of Wm U Scants, First street, near Wood Particular attenuon given to steamboat wort. 004 .... kil. - --- THRLT, FINE rialiblilllt - 111.1 - 115b.115.7 Three fine Draught Horses for wale, mina hie for graying, &o. Em pure of 4VALLINGFORD & Co, augl7 canal basin, liberty st MEP H145,11n - ile . i . gerniiint French 'Cale CHM., a J very fine article. A few dozens Philadelphia (skins, front the manufactory of H hl Crawford to which the ettentiou of Limit makers is invited. Just received and for sale by W FOURTH k Co, Jen] 143 liberty st AT". hl. APCLIRITtiCKIc - No. 73 Fourth street, cau be seen a splendid variety of sup Royal Vel vet mid Tapestry Carpets, latest styles. Also, Wea sel., 3 ply. and sup mid Rho Ingram Carpet., of sup styles and unstinting amd in connection can always be found Table Linens Crashes, Diapers, Damasks, 1110- teems, fill Cloths, Re be., to all of which era call the attention of the putilte. ._ '9O NOTICE: - Lj LYING .old our mane pock to C 11 Loom wt.) , II a View to clown our old business, wa hereby w• halt for dna the proronage or all our friend. and cus tomers. DO. W. POINDEXTRR, THE. POINDEXTER. Putshurgh, Aug. th,1P.48. (1 11. GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Commission end Forwarding Merchant, No 41 Water to_ min JOHN N UULUFF & CO, OS. 93 and 94 Front street, Bell Founders and man• ufacturent of all kinds of Fittings for ❑o., Steam \Voter, have alvnlys on hand %Vrnagbt Iron t\'el. Mid Pipe for steam, gas, and wamr, from vm, 10 I in. in diameter. limas Castings made to order. Also, • large tmitorunent of Dells .ud finished Brims Work to which the attention of Plumbers and Engine Builders i.panicularly directed. Gas Flulnp pm up promptly and on reasonable mune atiplCO•drita anzezeiwoOiitiktinlaliii: - -VISITERM 'Fr) .1111 M kKi'ItEAT C• 11 be furnished with a Lunch et all hours of the day, also, lee Cream., Fruit Contectionary, ko. The steamer Green wood makes her regular trips as usual, leaving her Put street landing at eI A. M., and at halt past emh hour (except tel auto 10i Y. M. leaving the Garden at 11l P. Al. (or her nut trip to the city . A moonlight view of the Garden is indescribable to Its beauty.- HIS OCTOPFR 20. lute.—We are now in receipt of seMfat balm first rate 101 l ll'estent ow Fork and Massachusetts Prone HOPS, anti are always reeetvittg regular supplies. We are prepared to sell at lowest rates. °Nee, Pitt street, Allegheny neer oeNti OFAIA W SMITH A. Co. PENS—Jun received, one moo -11. mammoth Gold Pen, Persons having meek renting to do, will find great ease In using these pees, as they 1/0 tint cram:Title fingers, and have fine smooth points. . W W WILSON, deal COMER Itb and market .1.111 ISAL..—Two Young HonesLT - a work well in either double or single harness, will be iold low. Inquire of ELLIIYT'r 3 gNaLIBH, 78 wood at OapaO nOIItIAN, MAILMAN t Co , have removed to We Wagthouse, 3 doom west of the Monongahela Reese, Oct Water and Front streets. FOR IMINT—The Werehonm No. 43 Wood IL nett, Pool copy. tiAS COATING- 1 cue Ural.Gleaum, eery bee 1./ vy, put reel.decl6 MUEPUY t /XS MISCELLANEOUS. rasa% urTti grim isn o iiriNCOTT & BARB, (La J 8e& ANITA CTITR te ERS PlaceSnicklerof nis & e proof Prt south side, second street. between Wood and Smithfield Pittsburgh. J 8 Strickler having deceased and the surviving partner Ml' los Lippincott, having associated himself with Mr. Wm C Barr, the business will hereafter fib conducted order the style of Lipped con & Barr. Trial of a safe In Cincinnati. o.—We, the undersign ed were present at the testing of one of J S Strickler Co. improved Phrenlx ere-proof safe*. The safe was placed m a (ornate en the public landing, and subjected to the intense heat of a stone coal fire for more than three Marra In one hour and a half the safe came to a te. red bent' the door of the furnace eras then eI which caused an Increased and steady heat for the epee of the time, until the east iron wheels were partially melted off; the fumuce eras then thrown down and the safe cooled and opened. The money, papers and books which It contained were es perfect as when thood there, the binding only of the hooks being at ired by the water in mulling the safe. We have on eshallon in recommending It to the public u a safe 14190TiOT to any we have ever seen tested, and believe that it will stand any heat which might be produced, acept a hen which would melt it to a solid mass. Springer k. Wham., L Worthington, Kellogg Kennett, Benj. Umer, W (1 P Breese, Moms Smith, T t e tr i tnit . Co w , , Smdnam. ?thou's! & Co, Wm Manse, We, the anderaignee, selected the safe spoken f above, from a lot to the more of Trams & Aubery, the Album C G SPRINGER, . _ 8 J KELLOG. Refer to Cook & Harris, Broken, Pittsburgh. Hussey Hanna Jr. Co, do do [fedd&arlyB us. tarrucorr. 30110 D. WIC.. L. I. 111).00. LIPPICHCOTT t CO. li/ANISPACTUREFtS of Hammered and Cast Steel /1.l Shovels sod Spades, Ares sad Hatchets, hill, ie Cot, Cleanlar and Gm Saws, Hay andlunrc Forks, Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, &e., having completed all their arrangements in the construction of new machtery, and to securing the best workmen from Me most u cele brated establishments ofthe Fast are now manufactur ing and will keep constantly on hand and for sale all the above articles, having availed themselves of the latest improvements. and are determined thou. work manship and tautens] the —tit .._. - m m top atater;l they w•III not be excelled. They otnise to produce anicies equal. if not superior. to any that can he had In the Ea, They invite the alien. non of deniers to an exanituutuon et their stoek before purehasing elsewhere. as they are conytneed that they will be able to fill all orders In their lute to the cobra sans/neural of purchasers. Warehouse, Water street, 4 door. West Monongahela House, Pittebueph, Pa. N. H—Persons having business mouth Woo. Lippen cott & Sea well please call on Lappencott & Co. madly LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST USING ' COMMON PILEPAELILD CELALIC.. Tare not aware how frightfulry injurious it is to I the skin—bow coarse, how rough, how sallow, yel low and unhealthy the skin appears alter using prepar mind chalk! Resides It Is injurious, convening a large quantity av (l ead! We hprepared a beautiful vegetable article, which we call JONES' SPANISH LILY WHITE. It is perfectly innocent, being purified of all deletertmo qualities; and it imparts to the skis a natural. healthy. alabaster, oleos, Smug whne; at the same time outing as • cosmetic on the skin, maknag soft iwd smooth. Dr. James Anderson, Practic@ Chemist of Massa chusetts. sayer “After analyzing Jones' Spanish Lily Witte, I find it possemes the most beantifal and natu ral, and at th e same time innocent white I ever saw I certainly can emismenuously recommend it.to all whose skier requires beaunfyrng." Price, 25 cent, • boo. Sold by WM JACKSON. ei9 Liberty at. marl Pitt Itikehtati Workcs and Poondri: TORN WRIGHT Co . are prepared to build Cotton 0 and Woolen hlachinery of rove r e such a• Carding Nornines Spinning Frames Speeders. DnerLllls , Frames, Railway Heads Warpem. Spool-ea Droning Frames, Looms Cued Gnndert, Ac Wrought Iron Shafting turned, an uses of . Cast Iron. Puilles and Hangers of ail l patterns. elide and hand Lathes of all kinds Castings o every desenpuon funuslool on snort nonce. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing Iron Hailing. fir Stearn Pipe for beat ing Pommies. Cast lron Window Sash and fancy Cas tings gencrelly. orders left at the Warehouse of J. Palmer h. Co . Liberty xtreel, base prompt CM.. flop. Refer to Blackstoek, Bell & Co.. .7 K. 51norehead & Co .0. E. Warder, John Imre & gone, P.ttsbareh G. C. &J. IL Werner Sreirbenerlle. Mew ttirilware House. -- -. JOSEPH WOODIVELL. corner of Wood and 9,1 eta., Pit/taboret, Hay mg withdrawn front the firm of et an Voadwell, on the Ist of Januar - y.1847, 1 take pleasure in .thotincing to my fnerids in the city and country, that I have opened my new store at th e above flamed place flavour purchased my goods fur cash. and made arringements with manufacturers in thin country and in Europe to be constant') supplied, I era fully prepared to furntsh Hardware of all kinds, on as good threes and as low as any of East or West. alerch•no and others are p e n ' re•efull) terileal where . calld exanune rey •toell, before p hamee .-Ise. Ihe toile...lg comprele. • purl of 111. • , ne ik Steam/wet and saddlery hardware, gun tie rs. files Naylora se 1, cutlery. edge tools, an viers. , ON ha, latches, seytga, butt hinge...crews. 1 non I ac. ; wry planes. saws, tilkhoeany boarda and veneers nod ' all other arieles et. , aresed with the hardware busi s n metilltf es CleyMarinerel•e, Gallery. curio many, Fan' our,. 6411.21(34. b HOGE beg* lease to inform the onions of PIM 0. burgh end sickury, that he has talon the Dorm-r -oan Reams lately Stllgnpred by Mr. Porter The pat. 1/e no assured that all the lair improvements are secu red. and volt be brought into mwration by Mr. liege, who ti. beep • constant operator 'thee the an on inn discovered. Enure 2•ll.iattlall I. gintralliGed 10 all who may become ha patrons ?dr. 11. teal refer with pleasem, to Mr. ratter, fa whoaa, eatabl.ahment he has operated for the last twelve months. Feetuly l'or. trans, Ensgraemscs, Daguerreotypes,.ettrately fallpati. Lateness. taken m any weather, and s e t le lockets, breast pt., cum and frames. p I anus netruct ions turinth rmen in every branch of the amend ap- aed. jr,l I: Plonks Machine Shop. ------ 1 ILT WIG RTMAN—Manufacturer ni ell kinds of cot. 1,1. lon and woollen machinery. Aheghen) ray. Fa The atre works being now in full and 'OO,-caul op eration 1 ern prepared to exerute orders with dispatch for all inds Omar tuner) . to my Wm. such es willows , picker", apren.ler•, cards, grinding inachine• to drawing frames. speeders, Ihnemls. loom, 'melee j rani, doubt, or Wing ie. for me rebent or country work. I make, wc ti s. A e . .11,10 atilt tlantt Slier and tool. in Kau. I era] Al. eind• of phalli, made to rode, or pls. giv en for preanor factories or nulls al raal6o/lalsje charge Rio. Tc—beeeed, Crud. A Co. Meek sloe It, Bel/ k Co , king. Pennock k C.1..1. A I:ray BELL AND BH.MAS FOUMIIMtV. -- -- 1 buil }and com ULTIJN, iu and Ito. Founder. h re. bu A tme l n e •I ced hone. . at tins old mend, where he wilt be pleased to see Ina old custom ers and friends g.b. ro h. Ste hoot, and Bella of every awe. front 10 to 10.0 M pounds. CAM from pattern• of the watt approv. ed mode/a, .d wartaitted w be of the hest materials Altheral Water Pampa Counters. Railing. dte 10, , then with every variety of Ftrass Casting, u required. ' turned mud finished In the neatest manner A F is the sole propnethr of Nkomo's, A nan.Arrm• , • s., o a mgoit., so annoy celebt•led for the reduetton of (notion 111 marquetry The liocee and '.2oniposniou : can be had of bun at •11 Wawa attly_ . Ploughs, Plough Caiiloga,lragon I , I Bolea, te. - ROBERT HALL, of the old firm R.- tonne law quantioe• of Ploodha rion.h Cruttn,s. W. K . on boxes, &c., with the unprovetuenta of the Lea•er red.°, It. iiil/1111, and other PlooKhs, of die Inteld and Iwot patterns now dt tod. Warebou.e. I.tberty .treat. oppoetto the klay Sr•Jr; Factor),to Allegheny ray, near the Cotton Factory of MeA•rs Blarkatoek. B. !V. Co. _ Cooper Dopler Lever nod Watches.C . Jirrr rcerored snit for soic at gren . tly !educed prtees. five oecu toe • I N. Calper, a Canhorpe tir•y's Inn. Road Londet:' Du plex and Patent Lever Watches. eased In l• karat gold, and full jewelled,wadi Chronometer balances. Them are now the finest watchea made. Lein, super, or in finish and accuracy le the M. J. Tobias, Joseph Joinsaon, or any other melte. Those. want ot very fine watch Sr. molted to call and exe this lot. A 1..,, a lacy , a...ono:rent of cold and Silver Watches, ChantaaSeals, Keys, Ac. 11:7- Flee) Watches reptured In the best manner. W. W. WasoN, earner 4th and Market sta. NV A pante li rnT ' setc%:l ' c r ip rc 'n ok a s I ‘ : " 1" ." nr " ? : e ' t a 4 ll ' s d a 1 6 ;s a , made by Cooper, ibbtaa, Juana., Imbe rimed, Dame• h. Co, Laceatey,and arbor gestume and approved manufactu rers 111 Kngland. Full jewelled 18 carol Gold Patent Lever NVatcheits a. low an $3• l Others al venous prices, according to quality, weight. Ste , vary tog thorn $4O to $l5O Silver meter... in great earthly, from 56 to $7O. All over $lO wacratvld. Lovers low as Stet note 4 dV W WILSON. 67 market rt, roe dth TO WHOLESALE GROOE118: rritE undersigned are prepared to fill orders for .y 1. horny eh Cypress Molluscs Barrels,. a superi or quid y, deliverahle to order at any time, by giving .is fa days nonce, at out Wharf Moat. We thin. we can male it the 'Wen. of those merchants who haye lar ly on the roast, as they can order their bar rel. sh ped to any planutuon they may desire, winch chill attended to without extra charge. wATTS, GIVEN & Co Fad eakh RT. Oat- in, 11546-slin• P BURGH STEEL WORKS AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. ha.. omen, /ORM V. QUI., JONES t qtriao. AIANUFACTURERS of spring .d blister meet, ;lough steel, steel plough why., coach and elm an springs, hammered Iron axles, and dealers in mal leable castings, fire engine lamps, and coach trimmings generally, corner of Rams and Front stet, Putslnnlii, a. _ Homo LEAGUE FACTORY. AMILION STEW ART, manufacturer n Dewey shiraaga, Check*, de . Rebecca street, city of Allagt eay. novia-.lly. PETTIGREW & CO. ' STEAM BOAT AliENr llama •aout AI. ALLintr. CO, I oct3l No. 4 Water street STEAM BOAT BLANKETS, [UFA CR' R ED to order and, formatted at short once, with the name of the Beat to each Nan a", Gum. and Husk Mottramtes made in the nner, for la vary low price by I. lINANKY, tan y Warehotunt, l Water .t Di°7l I' L lga4g;i lb h i :s . opened Xi, the large stable 011 FITII eit, rimming thmugh a to Second AL, betVrecil Mood 811 d Brtlithrield Its., In the rear of the Monongahela House, with eh entirely new stock of Horses uld Camagas of the best quality end latest styles. Horses kept at live ry in the best manner. ;19*dlY Q . TEAM 110 AT CLOClCtic—Havlng oonel need to .11 0 off our enure stock of Kirke'. Rae.. 'Entlepieccs, we now offer to sell them at lower prices ilmn they can be bought at any beasts In Putsburgn or elsewhere, ..10 t h e ses the onlp c•l4l.l.l4tenta no for cics, We have the largest and finest anon moot In the city. Call asul see. Remember, we are not to be undersold. BLAKE & CO., Market street, ova° entrance pa north stele oldie Dmmond Q UNDRIAB.-4503 bnabole dped per;hes, lOU bush. y els cheanina, racks hustlers; 12 do wool, Ido rtnnennoust received per 1110830151 . 1 . Magnet and Pio. neer, and Lando by dne9 EIIMM! INDIA RURIIFII, CLOTHING—Just received for the Cairomtia Expedloon, • complete usortatent of thme bllutte Clothing, at price, magma from SSW to 3/4,51.1 for wit of coot, pante mid hat For Milt at the latfta Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood at. twill J t H PHILLIPS DRY & VARIETY GOODS, Since the .Deadopewnt oft idifforaio Goietrearr, ALIMANDIIIR di DAY, No. 75 Nana Slut+, PlTMenten, ItTAYE resolved on SELLING OFF' !half . large 14, stock of DRY GlOODS—the principal Part of whsch have lately beenurchased al the Ulna Sum mot Sacra in Vhilade phis atniNeW York, at a tn. mendous and ammo-whaled mar - Meet. We base made sock a loops redmittion ham eec reg. der prices -that we will now sell a Nora portion ulcer goods BELOW COST of importatiOn. The early at. Lennon of buyer is invited to choice high colored good. adapted to the Cahfornia Trade. LADIES DRESS GOODS. . Plain and figured Carnelian Cantu:urea and do Seine's st.ks, *Bonne*, Very superior broctua Ara Stipm eldU cloth., all co and watered blk silks., lora Superior reparmure silks, French merino., all colors, blk and colored, Black bombazines, Super black glossy Gm de Cross barred and striped nut silk*, a/pacas, Viten., and mantilla silks, Brocha fled and stripttcdO, best quality Jenny Lind plaids, • Pare satins, blk and blue Victoria cloths, bib stems, very rte h, wain merinos, Coberg <ills and earner.- Super silk warp alpaca _ te n laatrea lustre.; LS!! ,IA few Incmhs long shawls, the Scent we have ever brought .to this markel, now to sold at greet I . =&Pp cosnwroonbrd ch. untre shals; Supe . r eamislian milk 'Limbs French chilhs from the celebrated "Johnny" Mane factory. For bunny imelpermartence ofweer, these cloths have no superior; a few {limos extra fine let black and oh*, castor beavers and other Marx cloths ter over coats, twilled French cloths, =neat , tared expressly for cloaks, French and A/aeriean cas- Mauves super west of England do, sopor French nu for 'casett e s, the best Imported. Plain and fanny velvet and cashmere vesungs, merino shirts and ors, Italian cravats, linen, cambric and silk hdkfs, by story and gloves. _ SHAWLS, Splendid plaid leas shawl,, Splendid terken ahatrls, from N. York anetiane, great bargains; Plain and ernbroi'd shame* all colors, Silk fringe, remarkably cheap; SAPLE GOO. Irish linens, best lo T ng cloth shini D n S ctuuslins, bleacti ed and brown mailing of good quality, reMarkably low; baking., cheeks, dome.Sr and Imported ging ham -4, scarlet, yellow ;rid white flannels, a large lot very 't.eapi large lot of white And crosabarred Couti• try danneia cheap; brown and bleached Barnsby table linens and table elotha, Russia and Scotch diapers and towelling., sallnette, Kentooky jeans and tweeds. BLANKETS. • • • • • • . All usual large stock of blankets, direct from dm manufacturers, some of which are the best ever exhi. bited, all of which will be closed out at uparallelid low prices. In addition to th e above enumerated goods, our stock comprises a very loge and complete assortment of almost empty art/ele usually Mutt Min dry go-oda store, and as they have been main pa, chased at the easern auctions, hence the late reel re duction of ulcer. We tee enabled and determined fo cell them off at great bargains. Who/unto buyers, country merchaata, tailors, 'aad the public generally are respectfully Melted to .ups ly examination. Remains shall be given. ALEXANDER & DAY, /3 Math., dec2t W corner of the Diamond The New °olden Bee Etre Agal2h Nese Fall awl :Waster Dry Grods. ; "UST received and now opening, at the sign of the Bit Dm iims, on !dulcet meet, between Thiel and Fourth streets; one of the largest, cheapest and best assorted stocks of Fail and Wiater Dry (Mod. erg of. fermi in Pittsburgh, to which the attention of our cm memos customer. and the public generally is respect. fully turned, La the mbsenber is confident that be can offer such bargain. in Dry Goode ad cannot be star. paseed by any other house to the city. A. these goods have been purchmed at prices Car below those of any former mason, they will be sold at greatly reduced rates. • • Among this large and apiendid stock will be round many choice and desirable goods et extremely bass pnee•. LAMM , ' DELEBS 000.68. Very rich and marl fashionable dread silks; plaid and striped black satin; striped and plaid silk,, plain black very glossy gro de Shine; plain blatarrielt lustre; lass tring, silk for slimes, mantillas and capes at very low pneets; newest designs and latest sty . le s caihmares7 plain and sun stnixd cashmere, yer ji e i lzi; Frew, merino all colors; e Mines, plain and and kalin striped, at great redaction on former p oink 'gala, Cal /forma and cashmere plaids; mohain and Monterey plaids, all quantles: alpace., all qualities and life to 75 corns Der yard. SliAWLS!kiewiscf Villa cashmere, terkerie and s brooklet shawls Black embroidered cashmere and da lathe ;shawls; Fine ribbei mid de sine do Fine block and colored cloth do Foie quality loug, very cheap do Pira k and plaid +ilk, very cheap do A large lot plaid blanket 'bawls hoqi 75 ems to .11 wool. DO3IESTIC 6000.3, NIECH BELOW FORMER PRICFZ , t:ood dark calico from 310 6 Cl. yer yard; It.- quality dark rah", from 6to IU fey% ard Wide pu TO, do. 12i eta; laset yard wide bleached muslin 4 to 6g, Bed neking. and rheek, all price, Blanket, (torn coarse to best qualny,•ery, cheap; A full assortment of red, White and yellow flannels; Sawwax, Kentucky Jeans, Kersey, Linsey., etc, etc, etc, all or which will be sold at reduced rate., at No G 2 Market at. Nepso WIL L. RUSSELL PALL 1400EilL— lifTLINTOCK, to now constantly receiving hi. . tall stock of CAFteIITINCI, continuing on of the largest ssuirunento ever brcroght to the mar ket, which hove been purchased direct horn the &s -idoners and Alanufacturen, the latest ind newest yls., end lower in price than ever offered in this oily, whenwhich he num, the attention of those wishisig rnatt suzionlocuill or houses, before Purchulng e The stock consiou in pan of the fo llo wing variety, v.: R.' , A a...0i. Cora.. Oriental Tapestry Oil Cloth do Velvet do Plain colored do do Topeoiry 24 feet wide do tiru,•el • do P-4. 5-4.5.4, N&f al cloth Extre super J ply do Stair Roils . _ puyet do do 13-4, twd2-4 Druggert l do 1 "drum do Stair Linen* Wide do do Rosewood Oil Cloth Common do do crumb cloths 4-4, a--1 & # Damask Embossed Piano rover. Yen loan do do Table do 1-4,3-4 & I Itel',l do do Figured Table Oil cloths 4-1.11 & 4 Wain do do Turkey RedfToileneu IN. 4 , , 4, 4 .k. X-1 cot do Atieltud Alias , a. 4 printed cotton Carpets; Sheep skin do I Extra rap Chenille Rugs; Jute do do do Tufted do Alicant do , P re do do Manilla Hemp I Wilton do do Snow drop Napkins Crimson figd Plush, Diaper Towelling Main do Crash Drab AI Cloth 64 and 6-4 Table Linens Blue du, for coach trargic Transprnt Window Shades Carpet Bindings Extra French do do Would cords Rich Sours de Laines for J Towels window curtains Scarlet, bloc crimson, black and drab Ilinsuiska; figured rainbow Damasks: Worsted and linen Table cove, blue. crimson, scarlet, green, drab and black Moreend cotton Noshes of all colors, tia.tr.c. kn. Also, OsnebUrg. and Lulling, for steamboat deck, and all other tnnunistp necessary for outfits for boats in our lane, to which t h e espeoisl attention of oilmen 14 invited. W. M'CLINTOtHE'S C a rpet Waren:mol t one door from Wood. on Fourth st. ireptS ETCH AND CLUCK REPAIRING.—Hwei nglh Wemploy- the beat - workmen to he found, together with a large and complete •tisck of fine Laois and ma chinery, adapted to complicated work, tad making othth accuracy and Nullity new Nees, eastomen may depend on satiefacuon, and 41 about the same Pr ices Um) pay in many shoes for imperfect work, and in ma ny cases for positive :Ivory done to their watches All our work is warranted to perform well. N It —llavtue redored my hostiles*. • cash sys tem I am determined to sell as low as the lowest regu lar prices. eaahor west.and customers may benssured that they v make their porehases In thin line as aschp in n the eastern clues, thereby encouraging home trade and indusary. W W WILSON n 0.13 French Merinos! French Merinos( r R. MURPHY haa opened within a few day. • V V Large nu:torment of supenor French Mennen composing different iihades of Maroon, Garnet, Straw. berry, Scarlet. Cherry, Drab, Laght Blue, Brown, and glaaanne Blue, alma, 0.1011/1 qualities ofblaek. Aloe PA RNIVITTOS AND LYONFSE CLOTHS, of all the leading colors, fueled./ a few piece. of tory i black. llK ierior LTlNGß—Nlazarine Blue, Green, Brown, tr.e. PLAIN CASHMERE.Y—ftlitroon, Garnet, Brown, Drab, Black. dc UROI DKRED CASH MRELOS--Plant and printed Sous do Lail s, premed eashincnts,.Lunsartine Stripes, a oevr article tar lathes &tame'. Stun stnped AJp•etts. nos I WINTI3K GOODA AT PRICE& / - 1 EO. K. WHITE, No. 51 Aliriarr sragaT, in lTlends snaking a nhange in his business on the Ist of January next, and will dispose of Inc following style• of goods al anginal coitt: Brochea Long and Square Shawls; French Tartan Long do French ['Holed Cashineres; English do do Itlonalme de Lames; 1-4 and li-4 0.1. Plaids; High eol'd Freneh Gingham, and fanny Dress 31111 s. Those wanting bargains are ignited local!. nongTillin . . . . 13LACK N FANCY CASSIMER.—W R Mur phy ho. lately reemved a largo areortmont of these good., And is opening them at prices dnprecedentedly low. rang inc from 7) to 152,50 ma yd. Prench Doeskins, of all rgtelk4e. Also, French and English ljtoadeloths, black, olive, invisible green, Menem, and Ems Among these ere some very handsome French Ellack.sultahle for cloaks, at a very low prtee;and brown, liteislble green and black Peltswo Cioths•for ladiels cloak*. Also, sulk, cotton and merino Underattimit and Draw. are Manners` Uncle nthirts, ropstantlY on hand. t ip, The attention of Merchant. sod Merchant Tai laboveors, who buy by the pace, I. specially Invited to the deer! . Tun:.[ConnLAHat .Ire WASTUAAJALE never of NEW GOODS, • AT Itti Liberty street, comprising French AL Cloths. Cits•tmere. and Vesuitge, of the nmveat and moat taMionahle styles imparted. Al., large quantity of Rough and Ready Rlankets and Coatings, peculiarly adapted to the tunes sod the OCA•Orl„. On hand, the largest, best manufartursd and most fashionable coca of ready made Clothxng its this city All orders to the Tailoring line executed in the most fashionable and durable manner. • nor 14 liACA 0001),A-White and 4latir Lair Capes; enth'A musbn do; white and blank lace Underaloewes; do Lacs licrtltas; black do Veil.: Plato trench Wort Collar.; manned andmurictedatantlitig do; snti'dcalrs to match, ladles lateen cambric, hditit, gen. do do do; also, opera ties, head dreseee, iruficl,.l flowers, bonnet tab. and ualtingwlest reemied add for sale whole • sale and re q tail, by it ;HAWN Cd, derS ag fourth at 'OAT AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS-63 dot Isms U aaaored cloak 'Fusels: 3 gr.. fito4 4 s 4 514 lbfil• Ina. do do mohar do, y dodo drab roof do; sdO dnab ovcreout hotrods; 40 do fine cola buiions; 104 lb, beat Itahan acanthi* 30 dodo palow Thr4Ad, paddin#, eon vs. and 05101 Trunnang., (dr ta41060 ate. e 0054.54, on hand. dee6 ; V EATON .11 Co iplirSil GOODS--F 1 liarOn k CO. are eseolOardly , supplied with • large and e baton aesorktiepact silk fringes and gimp*, •elvet }ibbobs and Inadt.H. ea*, edging. and einbrolderkni, slam" .44, ~,, ~ sb,rts, suspenders end under gaitnems, aRn 2 e phir, woolen yarns, needle., spinalmsearpee,, bobbins, ke.; on el winch ibeyoffer al the loss, cash dimes to merchant, and *Man* at their new 4.4 am.; mw th......„1,,,,,,5F0urtn sinir Markel. fioleD - TRIMMINGS, Ha JOSIEDY AND FANCY GQODb•, • H . EATO,, & co.; Deal.. In Trimarinii and: 4 flabarllanherp,' larva riarta.46 from th . .ar old. rand la NO. 62 FOURTH NTRELT, 6 door" from Marla mar& ooh 3INCELLANEOETS Potent Graduated Ga.laante Baa,rn an. .bunlated Pala 'fur Medina! an,/ ,vh.n. THIS the only Instrument of the Z.... 1 been presented in this country or Europe Mal purposes, and is the only one ever L by which dm galvanic Ovid can be roe yes ed man eye, the ear, the brain • or to env ro e of either eXterna/ly or internally. in • dent, often arils or pain—with perfect and omen ,De lp effects. This V e t impo apparatus rpm bi,h Iy op by many of mos eminent phyuct•na I try and Europe, to whom the adbeted and nth, nay concern can he referrecL Reference he given to many highly respectable citizens, been cured by means of thistles,. valuable s of asme of the most inveterate nervous dmorde could not be removed by any ether It newt, to Among various others, 0 has Ins °roved t narably adapted for the cure of the Conner., , mat nervous headache and other dlrea, , ,, n l It Is with thm apparaM. alone that the on, convey the nlngnetic lout vain raw and nal , . eye, 10 restore sight, or cure amaornaa, In In restore hearing; to the t o ngu e and other store speech; and to the various pnrts the i the cure of chronic rheumumm , asthma. nen no dolourenr, intrtd"t, roo, Vito 's dance, epttcpsy, inn new (ren t spretn diseases peculiar to Watales. contrneun o of y i p lockjaw, sac. at& Rights for surrounding connect of Western privileges, with the instrument. may be enroll, atm test ed for the cure of defenses. Fall instructions will be given for the nation sal. to be used for various thseuea and the t oar for operating for the cure of those dote..., so be fatly explained to the purchaser. and a p pat into his hands expressly for these par, fully Fillipi t ared by y s th , e v itt i cae l 4 Enquire octlD-d Plitabnr . gh and Allegheny Intl,. (Located in Allegheny City, Fleming s ti , antiunion of Sandusky—near N. Comm° (VMS Institution is now in eucee.aful onerst 1. der the management of a competent to nurses. The Medical Staid' is composed of tie ing physicians: Drs. Addison, Gekenim, (titl e. Morgan, Bell. Lange and Common, the two whom attend to the Berman pencil. The t , the Infirmary is not to be a mere receptacle, ha, mine retreat for the sodering and the 'irk ty is therefore limited to accidents and nem, except in extreme rase. A. many to pat.,. will be received grans , as the kV) permit. indivalools. Chu rebus. Beneficial S, IFamilies, ices, who wish to provide •n n•y tom o t friends, member, and domestic, ea. do mat m LS per week, acconline in attendance. too Alt applications for perenn• must be made to Dr son, Penn street, Dr. Dust., GUI street, ie. it Jul street, Dr Lange, lined street. Dr Arnrean street, Dr. Cornman. Penn street, 5111 Ward. an ,Dale and fjc 1/, second bank, belew Federn, .ore legheny ell . Subscnpaons and contributions for ibi• chanty be made to the Rev. W. N. Passe sin. Direct, Instilutlon; or to the following Bankers who kindly cogsented to receive diem Mears Kra Rehm, N. Holmes & Sons, S. Jones A . mer, Jr., Boon & Sargent, Hill & Curti, and ----- IRO& WORKS FOR SALE. FrOIE Monongalia Iron Works, situatrd on C woo hl.ongalia county, Virginia These rks cons." of a Rolling Mill, Forge, Factory, Foundery, and three Blast Furnaces. tot et with a Gnat Mill, Saar Mill and Turning fourteen or fifteen thousand acres of Land. ronmi inexhaustible beds of iron ore, coal, limestone fire clay for making biicks, and abundance of ui for chore./ and all other purposes. This is one of the most complete and valuable tablishments in the Western comary, having 0/1 the best water power's that eon he any where le and being capable of further , mpeeermeot to eh any extent—es there is abundance of room •or co and woollen favor!, in addition to the work. alre erected; and a. beautubl sight for e Tl works are situated in the midst of a rich (41 / 11310C CI try, where provisions are abundant and • heap. wl taxes arc trifling, and the facilnies for fon toy to r bet as contras could almost he wished. hov•••e the ter connecting with Pittsburgh and the West pos• 'through the prony. For further pos pe uculars apply to Tosser h Bee, P burgh; Evan T. Ellison, E.g., Baltimore. or premlsek E. C. Wilson, Esq., at Morgautown. V to Me •übscriber. JOHN TAB-eh:V. dec.llAlm Pltt,urel - - - itsbargh & got ten Copper Compa i HIS Company respectfully informs..the punic, n PartiClllatly all dealers and consumers of Col the fonts in which they prepare that their Sir tog Works are now in successful operation and t are now ready to make contracts for the deliver, ingots to those who want in this form, and also to take for the purpose of rolling. The Copper produced from the Metal. !drum Lake Ittmenor, is ascertamod to he mach imperir the ordinary copper in the markets, which is obit.] from OR a containing foreign mineral itubstanees. - topper 4 perfectly pure, and is not tutored by the cess of sateltlng, and is therefore greatly to be pre led for bell metal. milt,. anti many other porn...it As not Me tritentron or wish of this Com, to erect works for iliv inanufuentre of crime, try, m forms 11 - hlrh it wanted. they hs make contracts tor the delivery ni ii, the iota Ingots, tough cake for rohing. ,to I/10n, ait/ I WI. to embark in the liusine , s "-- - • - Helgaflor, all the copper obtained Irmo , evir 1. 1.11 be brought to Pittsburgh. and r. be expected Lectern addressed to lli THowis AL How; meet with prom,. no • dee 14433 m CH A ALF... A VI. H Y. Reversible Filtering 6oeb, FOR PURIFY W • Witioh renders turbid water nuoe . removing all substance. not co:inde ther The ennui water N 1 ough clear sad purr to the ei when It passel an hour througn tl filtering cock, shows • large depo impure substances, worm, ere. T. is the cam more or less with all hydrant water. The Reversible Filterer is neat and durable. and not attended with Me mconvesuence incident to orb h'ilterers, as it is cleansed without being detached to the water pipe. by merely taming the key or hand Itom one aide to the other. By this easy prateu, r course dr water m changed. and all accumulation.. impend substances are driven odr a lm ost toms,. t• . • Without unscrew - mg the Filter. It al.a advantage of being a Cop cock, and a..urh le. . w.ll he very conventent and econotrucal can he attached where there ut any preu,arc tow to a eatk . tank. tub. /Lc, with -utte Nbe o the mole Agent, W, W Wll,ut rst, will comer of Fourth 1.1111 Marra; ett Dlaphra.gaa Filter, for Hydrant Wag TIIIS is to certify mat ma v.. pointed Livingston, Iloomen & aolc Agents for theal, Patent Dtapralmin r/ ler. tor I N• nasal Pittsburgh and Anemic., JOHN (H11 , 10. A,r1,1, for Walter M (kW., 310 Brood., N. Y. Oct 10, 1018. . We have been osing one of the above. articles at ogee of the Novelty Works for three months. on in and feel perfectly eausfied that II is a useful wretch and we Lake pleasure in recommending them all rul article to all who love pure water orders Illaukfully received and promptly executed.. octlo LIVINLiSTON. ROritiEN & C PT ITTBHIIR6H FHA ALT /NEITIUTI 11111... Institution, under the care ol ti leoanott will re-open for the reception of pu, In the sante buildings, No. 62 Liberty .tree on p !londay of September. t, Arrangements have been made by which they w be able to furnish young ladies bues eqoa a. in the West. Mr obtainum a thorough Ir.itglteh. e to t eat. and Ornamental educatr:l. A full course of p. liaophical and Chemical Lectures will he de i . e., durum the winter. illustrated by apparatus. T, •, pArttnents of Vocal and Inetrumentat Mode Lang auges, Drawing and Paiting, will rapt. be IJILC the ene of a comfteMnt Profe n ssor. Ily close ritrn.•, to the moral and intellectual improvement of this o pJs , the Principals hope to merit a m.. 11.1111141104 liberal patronage they have the emoyed. tory., see circular or apply to the Principal& aurZet/t1 • GRJAAT WESTERN A u D F I. I I4 O BANNESS, Tlr NI AND ee 1•1 7 , 1 1B P M ;:e nformang . rrtds e n u tl s 7 gel ra m r 'L :t he ' llan the larjesTstoek of the followin g toothed a: eles of kia own manufacture he this city—M.llld t , Hal nets Trunk s and llps, ad of h e will as, lobe mark oleo best material and by the best nrs.,•n ladies in Allegheny county. Doing deterrumed to se Matannufacturea something lower than has been hew heron hold by any ...dollar establishment in for et.) he would invite persons in need of the Move linnie artmles to his warehouse, N 0.244 Liberty street, ouch tire Seventh. Also, bonds =ado to order for oet3thly O KERBY_ Ittetton gahala — Ni — rvii — Coinpany. - MCE To STOCKHOLDERS.—In •• s 1.111 the provisions of the Charter of Ineorporanns rr. annual rneeung of the Stockholder. or the Alononua, In.Aavigutrou Company aril be held 011 NiOtlik% . to Heat day of January, 1642, dieing the Edo Moult!, s the mouth.) at the once of the sahl Company. tr, th Odeon Building, Fourth street, Pittsburgh. to 2 o'clue, Blmafternoon, fur the purpose of eleeung 0111rer• theerinumg year. WN.. BA KENVELIe Y asorChtd ANUFAsIIIt KED lo I km, Lantarune 5; 35 do Mrabeau S. dd Putman Als and 1., 20 do John Rueter S., to do H lsdrilift Sisson 51; 45 do Hens, d Jame.... and s. do Johns and Loans' 3do Warsolck nu (NU 1a 7 u Steward Hs.. ' These Tobaccos, embneing some of the most 6,0 ito brands, on cOnalgiuunt, and swlll I.e sold it,,. Close, by dreg L S M'ATER M A \ Peer' . NT BODE AAR, — TRIPORTkID DIRECT FROM THE klalluFacr RERS.—The subscribers, being die exclunve II pbrten of Dunes Muspratt it Son.' Soda dab mr M market, are nom and will conunue to be largely Shed with this celebrated brand, whirl, they 7,1,1 at Ike lowest market peter for cash or approved b.. They refer to the glus and soap manulacturms this eity generally rcopecting the quality . W k 111,11ITCHMTREE, noel 160 liberty' st 'RUN DiCNDRI - FUR SALE—A small Iron Fo dry in o flourish/11g coven, aids Plitterom, exc., all ready Mr booms... wall lw sold on ucconn dmung tern . .., or exchange for iron or goods Thts offers an excensm opportunity u young • anth small cormal w commence the Iron round.) sines. Enquire of SCAIFE & ATKIN,W , N I.t nriar Scales, Cooking Stores, Crate*, eke. • I\4 AR.SHAI.L, Ltaaker. A CI Rau.,,u, .131 Corner 1.. d erty an lAcuAl are. and offer the sale Platform, Floor svd t owner s, n• of the most Improved quality. Cooknig stoe vt pad coal, Egg Stoves el vartou• otr., v Pur br cbromost ()rates, Hollow Ware, ae. at, To., a laannfaCntre the /Luellen Range, which Insa g,,,,, general satisfaction to those tiering it . tsar.:,. a. sitdch they would respectfully iirrtte.n. the citizens and the public generally. ors ",to 1 .. assortment or Cornelis& Co's celebriteA rir ruou toutre, arid superior to all others in use, ~ I.l's ^ . churches, steamboats (meteoric &welling, pub, up private halls, and to all other ancsawhere a cheap... uld hrdhant light is desirable. ••• • . AlroAttrandolaa ; Hall LanternaCandelebrio,Siot. Shades, Wicks, T.717513ttft, Lc Al. Pl , l3,Chllltdeill3lll,el . olo One to tour deco • W th' tat SHOVELS Ac.—ae dug Spades , inu rats; 40 do Alanure Forks, to do tireitkithors.., tlionoc act do; Axe, New tart, Mani:chit and I to , V•oes, Ar. fur at roanoterture in pi le ?torte ~K, n 1111.1,1. wo o ,' st EFIN HD ctilt.illirl-4 0 :s tin.* smell Leal; itaso bore; 17U do eto•bed, ti pSlVVd,ird, or Clarified; In store and (or we ur .1 AS A 111.PrC1lla) Al'. St Loom Steam SagYirttert. 4444 45 wait Soul I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers