s~:~~~a~~~~ A . cr - ' ; 11. 0 /,‘.15 . 15 , 515 1 Ar. Al 5 . it'. i i i.i .0 v. 5 lebli 7 iN -rign " J": , • • . • . : . , q•AßMSTßONGALCßOEXonuntslionld e tch ir r its ' and Dealers in Produce, No. Er MiaketAtrect outwit. dees o i AVOC tc-JONDft Co Commmop on 4 For: r; Kett-hoots, tom - returned-0' their old mod, Water noMoot mom; InitobArgb. , , 46cra . 1 %. -b, ~.z....._ _—__ Intsmusx Nairn, lamas zirrs3s. AKAN kr..REITER, Vilugasalatind Retail - tome: of Übeirty.lat 840# .accets, Pitu nre noWN-it ,Whbletale 'Cinuers, ..13:and•Cotraolnionalerkutts,No: IC, Liberty in, plusbares.. , P.a. , , . Co„ Wbeleult, Ra / .11P tidr Drumm*, corbel Wood I).I4.I;LICV.&I3IVITEI T IAMALseIIs armors, 18 gind .0 Wood strut l'iuthankk. , -• • I VoniAnts4 and *Choi. taiialoalahalits, anal Buhl; Fitzsbrirel meh.4 altlaßT. Who're:silo ..(trooeis,,d4l;i: as fo rty oe and Ilttsbargh ttatalf*Ar res,tior nerpf Libe and Hand atn, Pinabargh. P. inbu, , ' • lawn 3. Ilato-EdStie2= 2 4er •'.11Y4"C0.1• Mineola thamiets, Conicoodearand• or wardum Merchant., and'dealers in - Rodacie and Pau l:nap lUanoAetnteu,Tio. 37 Wood id, between Id and , ads ream' •- - • .! ,• • " 4 " 1 . NYLIMIWWW.:Y •L"" want recent end -• Lecolmisalea Agent, rot 11/ighfon elms, Nor. SI Water, and Ole -Front ata, t lets ! „ between VirailtitldtrOliG minirgfillknd MU. .".”41311tAeldlaCC " la, AL ' h ° 44 I PZ preen pen for oia Cupra orkfiainia. do La \rtontar.oastuum,ccoothsbni Sad Forvitraur 'OW AllfosLA4 lid, 80 Wacidstscet. ritubmgh. - . . . . ZDWAIIDPOWA ha. c.hecassolksTEß h. WIJIXKI4,. • 8 .EALD BUCKNllll,lohateo vommusroti 1 lbanUi 41 .Nonh Whiff. PI, 41 6 Pihsl l 4.MPuh“, h L niiv4ho - ,',!'„,:prmor;trievriar, tithe ill( Reit Letelq.i.4.llV ' Ya4arer, Piaui Old 011ittat#1,10Wror br Lib ,, ~,r _ try,o 4 ,lllttra irce. ritiolintet; • • ' AMC. , .•,,,, sawn ,_sparrni, . . . ~,. :• : ,_ PUN Vt. DV1 , C... 4 .• ••••,..irOlit•TU4•PANCANF orwardw g .atalt-Corart.. • . 4.Y *adderVlllF.,'NO.R.F,int , strPelMtl ib R T A h • . _ zuLtut ..v3marG: =art mew," t -, • , -I MCKIM .C. 0.:; Wbolesale Grocers. Gem mission Aterehanuy and dealers int' FVISIIIIOO{ Nos. ge amr.andlo7Prontstreeta. ?Small:nth. nosS 11DIIVIC WM, Mina 'and Counsellor at lwor :mad conimisaloun: for tho Stata of Pennsylrania •rst,Vada No, (tato*, Palabarth-) Riarnaan+—Pinahured Hon W Forward, Ma:ap ron ISPCandleas a Aram, John la Parke, '''''.lll4elts Semple; IrConi & King. & Co.,Nholimala Gioetny Fonnitd-' Commisoion: iilerenarga, Dealcro m ddaallroad Viusborali7dnantactose4 No, 7 Cconmerticil Now; Libertpialeolf inar•the Can Piuibuygh, Pa TAMEST S ofAbe-finuof Algeo said to U , tibiGshojblatcham T Wor, St. C4Tte§ Buildibay T.; bud. areelosebr Wood. Ibtbaisa h. • orthi, St. t% Stet= Bogor .R 45 w ; u " irMiTethrht#tr6k. 141 !A VIA , " • •eag l e. Omer: P 2 ; 1,- * ..soflP,4l=lllolMataiatioit WrchUt,lio,27; isn Wood ktillaburgb. • , • • 4 VAIN 1114AORGAlfsWitalesalet.lal deal. ,•.i.A•g•*•bsrlYgEllatrs,Paants,Jails, ya ko., NAyll oid Ayzety,spadoor Sarah of DAmond Alloy, Mits. jeAl • ••Ar dc. C0.,0. Inecsqrw.Tomph 54iP•Ch24diers,a4 SVuelautiet - oc.ll _ _ 1 ,0&. . W haltyaret dealer tir.lADlnsifyualivrsicaL Itunrument.,,Schoot Moo, Ittptr,•l3later,Steel rrintay , Cards., and Btationurrgeutrally,No. ritt.bu.gh• I.l:7*.a:WillioUilittir taken to sepLS a 064 WhOlesalo•Draggies, • "Zak % , 411;tiod - lt t, r J" • ' 70101 - 11.1).34.1.%)nietionser, corner 6th and Wand PiitAinrgh. ' mei ryiNSTON re , STOCKTON, Bontse ll ers, Printer, , outiltalier liiiniffactirter," - No. Bleakety., , i ' =- !W.)...IENALICAER..AVINgrtge Aitocer, dealer in era- - le Aiwa, Pitt*Heildiumfate . P.c. NaJ ' Pittklniz iwsk ~/.84•FLOVD, (Isla .A.:l7lcolk Ai-.Gnme WV tacit*, 1M E I KES P- 7 FT 2 Wholesale Getman Catindarion . dirabautitind drank iti:Proditetiand Pittsburgh • dimmer. N&24lVatet• Plushw,h. ratan RIES & J0NE.13,-Forwarding and Cataraisaian Mar ..atiantsiDealorain PPoilicatindPitraburgh =nu f.tured melts, Clniat lissia: near 7th st. dZt Vesuirtetz Ireta Woe 01*, DALAKI.L fc taktudaeutrers ef.all , Mt, Skeet, Boller Ittar, bad bralts - orthe best • •tikbetty. .s.Voletioute;ls4 settler and'ltG &obi ••• • iiikalank , Gmacm F0r. 1 . 04, t:leusouumou , lterraant, Dtuler Paus i e:ea. sad Produce, Nos. 91 Water at, ' AMEIF,RT' isitriter . ,,! morigae proetti, Far. ' wardanatlui.t Courtniatiop - Blerchanu; dealurs in e and littsbinkhlivitnetzura, No. 13 ...I lz ...44cat it, ph t o. n .gb. • taw (Wet Janata, Murphy & CO Wholesale, Dea4siv przy 4.4544 4 . 1 .1 4, 4s . sustc - Pittesugli: MUTIIIII4 &LE — Wool Ocala= and Coaanission ' - Blarthaiaa; file* aala - of ',merit= Woollen uooda, LibanyaavatOpposhePfd 00.2111, , eGILIdeitME, 'Wholesale Great* andeararriusinugh.Os• !km Merchants, lie. JO Ulna) , it, P /4441/4, .A.TXL MIMS, 1.111a1C3.. rrALL.Eri AL Co., Comassims Forwarding -7 , Ir. hiescbana Wases and Frcao. sts., Waft= sat end Mates . w. sksmcww. 41:1J194..111CIEEINiN, WholcsidoOmws and • idwhanw Ne. 170, Liberty" Pit.. . - 01114 ' & Boxk, •, .• k t • •••••,• idi);(rota earner of kounk deem in Po •••• • , r Diate49,lll.l6 of .kettege t dektraOslet OfDefoe- L ted ~ • doel7 -Wiinlasalis Omen; and dealers in Borth `, fanritiingti Sena Stneleni have on hank all CO ant 'Manni IsiOn , = l a - goods in •line, .I water. -ll en; Chiner-dliny, Pacentrel, - - , - Ekossrx UoOgro r Who Grocer, Regurywir LEL/Wu fwertlintAurd, Plubugh manage iind *USW*" of Fortiall and Dornestio Wines hislicoors, No. U. LeerykrarsoL Wag • r•W huge hrhape'turf old Idonoothhela Whistoi, , hrlutti will be oddloor for elate: . It a 1! kaporiet, aneputer In i."lll444ollpaistio ,Sad May Haidwve and ag: I6, 4*PIPI A1:411,4/elOPtimur Na / 23 Wood: - . I • • ,litsßaiWboissato and Itets/I-Dosler :21 • • ailOsocElossoullusrs , Toussadd• :sags, us* eo* and Ca4sral Tools, antlyalutej A , ;1[0130i501 & Co.,N lesole Grocenr, Produce, '"-amlPC&cunisekki Nett:luau, 0&1 I ,l,r4tit_rok_P' /ND. it l °. . rftf "''g h; r 4, A/ iayiu T • T,DALZI.I.I; k. ,Wholcsale,.,Grocere, Ceramist : Nei mid roriank* Ikrehaak, dealers (edam. mkt Pilltblllo lill23thictUre6 LibeTlT /quirbakll3 : l. , : ; ; kw,/ 11111T. , A, CUNNINGHAM,. AVltol= . : Dealer lm Prod= artA Vatabank . CIJIEFFI InDataingF,Firt. 3 2 0 2. 21 . 2 .212222 122 % for th e All ay ya Trade, desk, 3 !li • . #q.i in 7 l "Wan ninuifFMn for "ma' -•tE r y : c a m, W..= lturst i 1.23 . 0 tia1t8t1F1F.L13. 41221 22.2112. 2 2, ingeyky,lo.,..siPimburgh maftnucmre 0.22./..tio.r.iy.bactuareel,r 2 u.yy, ll . Wtretalad add Retail:la An Bianco , 4 odds, Latts, itolarro. F y 4.221.4.. 1 P. 21 1 22 . 2001422012 nil x l / 4 - - - ..gDWaco4 44'"""' 060d1 .4 .14 157i7lebTlip r.V.4' miTetin—i-0;174 11 Wzre7any iaaai Par"latt. 5,1 WaW at. "r 19"" Na. I°4l°l' Wit gotS - • IS d W:d n eete' E st 1t...Ta v ex d o:„t r cr.T.p% yasephi„.: • _ , • n yxdtigty rrocx6s. 101111 COOL WAWA , fr.--iNiCol,9iProdneo end . General COO , • • ion. idepbants, ficl:47 Libefty rypburgb: • ••• • wracticaurr con,Wholes4 0 • I, ".• pm; Forwantinvamd r . ir idet n r r g: titA r nZliatlr=archotule4T 43lB . 4 . 4 l ,comei of groat 111.1Uld Chancery La„ue. Eel EL, rittilmnth. nUt Sij,reiC" -.lgirratEtir ...yaw - Owen s.sss/°s‘ 34 s' VeliblutukaKdaterein'thidate t 3 $ 1.014 , - - Agent or l Idezaisitilotibuspil .24. T. W-=3“.... , 36 pensions, at the otacd ti+it JAKIC 4 Wainghth 4 - Pitishurgh• dle guld land offig4 W444114;04, wP I att.= lo MR: us 1 ?!..* 041 1 fitt.; eXpenCe tooffileasW' • • aIAVID IrCANDLICILV trummomi tbla /a J. D. C0mmait754, 1 7Z...2±± 04 ! 1 , • roma:ding -isn4 fAatilarilt as, and PitZßilt7=r4il9* Om, ,rllOl , cconDaa sad 11121 fa, ormianuiVirg!'"`", balAfF.l}-4,lolekneuskaL .and Fon/wee:l ~Xeretwet, No.fiv .Yroat r w betsecus_ Wood-ua .4arketeereite. •-. • . 1. • . 1 • abgt • VV: 4 WALLACE; came tut itemeh: • Ist0 /1 51 4°. / ibr,' In"ate. the init2s se.,G • • 1, er .„11' 4 iIII:GOOdS, NO. 79 Market fn Wayek0 4 4„..4, 7 • 4:1.• 119 m t, wart .u.lan 1 r 6e ND. g m u ! • lar—PrlP/IlYbraralrr.- 21140= 412:40 11 WItit ell }Valk its ' _ AIWA. AVE 4.8 =1 C9r-7Uea'cwin "44'4 ht ' r . iC4 . I" evarkimmilsoki ali Ort•cersi.des , 'Octit,ia.PIOAICE4iII3.I Algitibalrl 4l 4 ittS. , genufsetures LabeiVf 41,04 • - r . _ . _ , - 7 ,, . -,,,,,4,7. :5 -- -_ -.7 .. 7 - 1- 1e 4 F1k4 . 4 , T; - .* z{ , _;: f-r-' , --- ,, ,, , -.,.-„ , :,.. , -. ,, , , , , ,,,.,.„.„,_,...-_-_. i.,..,_.._,...._ . ..... . .. .., --- .. If . . . .. ".. r€ .3 " .. ".F 4 1 .. e' ..0.-,..- '..".. - '...... 11,-*..... ' "'"2" T ', 'F' .......... ........!'-'....'=". 5 " , -- .... ,,, `" , `" 55. "-' , ..”-'. -5' -. ,-,-, ~• •.- ,-- -• .”--,-, . ,- 4 ,-- , I t . . . ~ , 5 • .. A ...'." l , la i,t. I. , . , .11 .I I, ~., ~ 1 -I : G ti .„..... ~ • IP.,'. 1 li , a r ..,... . ~g, ....t ...,a ~.. .7, . gm ' 1 0 ' -'s" , : ,::' • ' 'r. , ',.T.-. ...." : . '-- 2. : I 'h. , I ~ , . . , . Axr . W. W/LSON, Watches, Jewelry, Silver War., andMilltartaoode, corner ot Market and 4th mem, Pitunugh, Pa. N. - A—Watches mud Clocks carefully replareck dec4 TORN 11. • TOWNSEND, pritggist tad 'Apothecary, fl No. 45 Market at., three dears above Third K. POt burghosill have constantly on hand a well selected m ammoth! of the best and freshest Medicines, whieli ke will sell on' the most reasonable term, • Physicians sending orders, will - be promptly attended to, end sup piled with armies they ma m trly upon as genuine. Physiethns Firmer! p will be sem:irately and neatly prepared from the t materials, at any he of the . or night. " Also for sale, a lazy stock of flesh and good Perla. Iva PrITSBUROD. CIONT/NLIES to nantrufactare ?detriments, Burial Vaults, Tombs, Head Stones, Seams' Pieces,Cert• are and rter Toprof foreign and domestic marble, SA a regular and tam price. • N. B. Drawings for monuments, Tanks, ite. furnish ed. of any dosertmice. Me solicits a Wove of public Jratrrmage . anal-dtf • mwou SMITH, Namifseturer of Cotton mid w enlored . Liiien,Fringes for Dxesses,ite.; Sewing Balkamterolored Cotton yrmgee foreill - end iMehoxn Gimp, Molten. and Silk Bullion u`ea, made to onlet on the abertestnnnee. 501., cooler elittniden Lone and William. entrance Noted - William street, Mire 1106 Y, over Abner & store, No 65 Maiden Lo n, Now Voric j •10 NArnizvr EDWIIOI9, roc croon, tao.. Irt•PrOts, it. lan. 70C1:14 IM1.114:013, JAM= I. ILir, . MECHANICS , GLASS WORKS. M re l rror \? l ln Y lt . i tt . f r „ " a2t`i t nd ‘) ;or l . r2::, 4 lZp . COMMIIIay 00 hand a general assortment of the above articles. Also, make to order • superior ankle of !Mineral or Soda-Water Bottles, of colored glass. No. IGAVoOd Pittsbargh, Pa_ an ;31-Stm - • -- RIC HA RD T. LEECH, JR., -111CMISLII /OM WWI:II IS Saddlers' Ironmongery, Harness and . Coach az., Deer Hair, Varnish, £c. jyil Na ICJ WO. ST. 5[172808... , L'ILICREIBLY. ' 51. t 41FAXTV1411 or Stelamitoin Fnmity Rho,- /VI. ri ßalunlg; CotteitAltuiiazel 2.11i1 Comfons of pocrOjt.J.m, wiLLSON . Oen his • pcsteseie einieeate his hinds itthd the public generally of IttibuiLdt • , Odle.. Fourth aired; two doors froirilikuYor's of f ice. die.lo4llm. at, availVood—All quanutiesof Green an d Black Teas, alone up in quarter, half. and rho. pound packages, rsinging from dfi cu. per pound sl,fift: jyl A. 3AY/Cak, Agt. for Pekin Tea CO. IllsiquearieThpriesg. Azle. Works. CIOLEMAN, , MAILMANI & Co, manufacturers of .j Coach and Diptic Spring., Hammered AileS, Wring and,llentgh *tet . k.lion„&e, :tyarlbease on Wuteiiidtrionintreefii,rittaiturt. .4.11 e, dealers' ttiMaetl Trimmings and Malleable Cultism' • pelt? CKUAbrtp, Atalart <,g. n., N third door Alava Bsnithfiehl o ion th Aide: , Conveyancing Arwl 'khan done, with the greatent . tEueind legal an:emery, Titkli in Keil EOM* tidnalei IVre:raale Grocers . e - Rectifying .And Wine and Lieu°, Martha/1M mrcra Soda Asti uid Bleach ',nl Powder y ,No. stxr, Pittsburgh, Pa. otelitt t . • . • . i . '' -INSURANCE. 'DELVVIrAIIit SVitAISCE CO. 1011NMINElf, Jr.,4entat Plustdirgh for the DN v aware Mutuid Sorely for,u4adee Compauy of Phda 41delpida. firaltdsts upon boil mg and merchandise of every descrlptlon. and ari= gists upon hull. or cargoes of vessels, taken 400 the =oat favorable foram Orr Office in the Wheaton. of W. IL Bolowe & Bro., Au. Z" Water. near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. Et—'ne success of this Company !Mice the conga la' hide= of she Army - jib shim city; With the prompt new, and liberality with, arhicir every claim epee them •for lose her been .ntlinsted, folly warsare the (gent in inviting the confidence and patronage of his mends told elm community at large to the Delaware M. 0. tarn ranee Company, whit:lit has the atitiumpal advent: urea ea an inwirnuon among the most lionnstung to Phil inteJ. phin—as tallillg nit ample paid-in =mull, whteh by We opmatiou of. its chutes. u constantly Merv:wog, a, petals,' each person marred his due Mate to she profits of the company, without involving him in au) rt-wateffiflity , whatever, and therefore as possessmg the Mutual principle divested of every temokiou• fee ler, azdkojts Tog taltra 0,1 vs {oyes. nor 4 .4thun , MARINE PS duly nutheeiree 'r ktile sotenber, 4* ofiers g t h o make permanent add Botha linetrunee,ou property, or thiststy and its vietnityrwid ' shiptiteats by the C.- tint tud Riven Arita G Coffus, rMMI John A. IYorn., Jahn Mum, Thomas V. Copy Samuel F. Small, Sat:noel acooks, ti. Audtin/alibone, ARTHUR LI. COrFOi, .flayirl„Orlatonixo, bee) , 11413 i• th#l4fritiLinaoranes 'Beater, hang heed chertered ba ON. Its chatter is perpetual, ind from 'its high ..toting, long experience, eetnaond avaidiug Halt. of of an coin = ln es character, it may to considered as otronng tun ple-rxemity to thermal:the. W. P. JuN At the Counting Room ot..hriirent, Jones d. Co, Wa ter VW Front streets Pittsburgh may 3 SZIANKLLISI FIELE INSTAL/UWE: CO. Franklin Piro Insurance Canpany, of Pintadd j phis, artil coniteltisdrance, peruument and knitted on every description of property, in Pittsburgh and the .sarroanding country, on favorabie term. Thu cola party has • perpetual charter. Capital, ammo paid in.. Contingent, Pond 1000,0lt Mae corner of Thlo4 and bluket streets, Pittsburgh. apitatt WARRIOR warm, Agent. re(M . uno' saigned,duly authorised Agent ad's,' An ler -1: lean Este Initttanee Company of Philndetp rua, 14:014.0nea to erect tnantance against loos or dam ago against Fire, co boildlogs, sneretwoi , ., furniture and property, not extra baseracroa, to thu eh, sad vices sty. • opt 4 IiFAJ COCIIRAfi. Nf orooo Ims t51.;&14.1111IFJ1 sus been appointed Agent pro um; t,flbet Intl:dance Cotaparty - of North America, • andarill istue Policies sad attend to the other business of the Ageneyf 011ie-sucker:toe of Award, Jams fr. Co. npl2 WhL P J0N41 . .a. water .t FORWARDWaIDM M N C. L oadlinativossi A _ .t icu ltiCsatito sfo. Cii/tILLESaI. DANE:HBO ha CO. 700ACk010114111830fi 111 E RA47B, No. Si Stittla Whdvies, No. 112 Satoh Wiser tr. P(,PH1A. .B piLtgrih, thouthey tt the t omit . rea".'l3 e'n o of with Virguitalisaanumeicirers and Me Ototoort of the Wes‘Mrest and other places, as ortll, Saute large and caisson ropplg' of the fohtiwing desenp. ,hOOO of Tobacco,' !Web wilt be sold upon awaccom meowing. Mime es any Other home city or else orhermAnd allgoode ordered/ram them will he was. rented stprial b representaUon: Heave.; et Domingo; C 0..; Yore; Porto Rico; Fkmda;o; Perin'a.; }Seed ba Lod to- IMbas cion. ALSO—Dranch`s celebrate.' Aromatic Stag Caven dish, aria • large ossonment of tidier popular bratem e aodpostittlecof poonds,"Os, he, smia,,Lomp; 3Mkhgaiid inag; Lat.' Tvelai4Vl Twist, km, sweet and plain. to whole and half ova wood Stild tiny togetherwith every variety of article belong lug to the trade. jeleelly • 7, noinocr. _A. own. cl.ILLIctsoS. 134/ZPIZT, DIESHIT & GAIIMETSOIO, FLOUR FACTORS, Prodkee, CoMattsitola ana•vore l L,,,u.. 44 IS Ltd A NT A, • ' Naas Noon! Viquiwto,•ozro I.o•Wareo PHILADEL,puI,A., Baca to—Jotua 3L Brawn & Co. • IL O " ' AA 'A A " KabukiP Om Borcroft., Beaver & Co. , Smith, limptloy & Co. Allen k Paxton,. :Now York. Wafters & Harvey, Ilanbargra. nigidsy ks_v#lb, _ • CoThMkat - TrglP4tth-o• • filer& /ones, - . to X. l , !iberal cub ntivanees on coney:cm/ay ELLMAK-, •, -- • FLOUR VACTORS, And Owneta,l- Congallosion Merchants, rio..l3porrll warn sum ILer,ADEI _ m x _a " PH tol 51: r • CES—i-lienry Gras ere CO; Pittsburgh , • Badgers 1. kiherlock, ti.dotutoley & San, A. AL January, Alayinlle. Charles florirbtan ' flomplfrej: it„' Co. , ' Mercer, - & , Eked & & Cotminery 1 New wt. .1,111..6.3311:11111.0150. Croy. 1.:/.0 . 2. AMISTIIONG & CROZEB, CMIIISSWN " glutei street, Pittsburgh P., mendweevilF to thessle et every description of Western Produce, and other or licks enttusted to their este. .. EtCrzY . To Mum& (limey & Co. Inuaburgb; & CO. Mnr:Listron, 04 blerchnua sernpily, 0.; &bodes & ggleby, Bridgeport, 04 A. 6. Fiteb ardson k Bro. Csnemusau; 3. M. Howard, Lovamrilie, ISO Gullet Daraort, Bt LotLii , 11.114104 i Sttuben. 'Malt otosal. r. aosirr GEOR6E & JENKLIS, - - • -• COMMISSION PROVISION MRROMANTS, • e No. 3 Counts orsourri BALTIMORR. RZVVVlkareh, ClooOars &Co., • e' • Alerooday LoostOin t . Join Grier. novld9m• Awn iquiawg.u, ---LEHMER ANPE.IIBO,N, FOIONARDINO k 'commuit , ior4 :3flmCH TS, a:WON . FACTORS, AND AORNTR FOR TDB SA Lil.lllF NAILS AND %V.OLADS, Vinci &B banirririllatiVl NiOADWAY,CUNCIXXI.II, ?MO. . fi.i.t.o4ol3 looo n l L lo ; -- C 016211111.1011 and Worwardlnlg neaahanti • so. to Isoonire., vrovenlievr. • • . ONTINIRR3 to mama a ganeralOserualskion be t a. C 1 oces,especlally in the purchase andaale of Ameri can Alanalitourcg 10 Produce, andi Dt receiving and forwarding Goode. conaigneSui rasenie. par Agent for die blanolaettttea, be will be tout:awl? :applied with die principal ardeles Viiiihrirgle blinufactuni et the towett ortibloulle piicea. Omen add,tensigitments an_a_rpres • 'wifEo.Uy R oboited , , -wm O b G v , e oß RnYs, • , 11011 1 11101101 AND COL 1111110 K REMAIN?, trim; Canon Tarns a , - *Snail:met _Jlenntainstras igsnaran,y, so.' 10 woob stow; iirrrercarati 1 4 , c7 uNL HOW • et; PlUstatr4b. inlTlniAltiggMere haat, Brownswille, Pa. AneadriontertiTarly to Ilee VorynnaLlny oft yrodua., Fortur iranlittlary 5107183-1/ORZYTH *V. curt CANWan eV ' 'n• - • ' ' °obi . .. . „ -' ' ' ' ' • t - Mf=ll MUM , CARDS. `4I: I YN Jl~~ • -- ttsules Amirilto Were, dßhar IL:Wood, W i n. s . Fracies if ens, C11.A.11/3 ECM 1.011,1xV.1 11,1 . ER, EC KY & CO. LAW OFFICES. • WM. _ ATTORNEY AT Law, Butler, Pa WlFalso attend to collections and all other bust. els entrnsted to him in Bailer' and Armstrong enmities, Pe- Refer to 3. a:R. Floyd; Liberty st. W. W. Wallace, do Jtuncs Marshall do Pittsburgh. dly Kay A Co., Wood st. 9nn7 • - JB. SIVETTZER, Attorney at Law, office ad st., s 'etppogite St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Collections, in Washington Fayette and Green counties, Pa- REFER TO Blackstook. Bell & Co., Church & Carothers, }Pittsburgh. D T. Morgan. J. HENRY, Attorney and Counceilor n I,nw. . Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio, an in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care fully .tended to. Commissioner for the State of Penn- IV, for taking Depositions, acknowledgments, 41,43. Btitrm ro—Hon. Wm. Belt tr. Son, Curds, Church 1 Carothers, Wm. Days, Esq., WlSock k Davis. .25 V. svis.u.ara, wit. K. swim. WILLIAMS tBHINN, (successor. to Lowrie tool Williams.) Anomev• and Coimaellars at Lava. Mite North 'ids of Fourth street, atakre rehl.7ddr.orly_ /ANS OCNIAII, 3. UMISLISON SSWEL.I- VNLOP /c SECM.L, attorocy at Law, °face. on D Smithfirld, botwoon 3d and 4th ots. FCULYVACII 'SWARTZWELDER, Anomert e t 17 Law, have removed their other to the South side o Forth et., bemreen Cherry Alley and Grant street a Mrs UT 0. IL ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, h. ro- T . moved-hic orrice to the Exchange Building', St. Clair at,ne.xt doer to Alderman Johns. apply - - BATS, CAPS AND BONNE*. THE subscriber, in addiuma to his ul omit% mantictariug of Hots, has made arrange meets with Messrs Selma & Co, (the most fashionable hatters of the city of New l'ork,i fora reg ular supply of his extra One Silk Hots, and having (net ceceind a few cases, gentlemen eon be suited with a varp rich and beautifa that by calling at his new Hat and Clap Stare, Smithteld street, seemed door south of Fourth, where may be found a great variety of Hats and Caps of his own manufacture, wholesale and re tail. Hats made to order on short notice. aM? JAMI WILSON. AVCORD & CO, Fa•h i.colottabo..o,. to Ar le coodH a & Ring/ ta b Corner of Wood and Fifth Stress. ARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade. P Gentlemeu can rely upon getting their Hats and Caps Atom nor esothfishment of the al. and Wedumunnatir, of the urns sense, and at the toweer Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are respectfully invited to call and commie our Stock; as are can my with confidence that as regards Oestrie and mot, it will not suffer in • comparison with any boase in Philadelphia. febir 4/1L HATS, CAPS AND MUFFS—Them sabseriber is now receiving from the city of New York, a choler asibrtmeot of Hata, Caps and Muffs, latest fashions, in great • art, ty cod very cheap, wholesale and rebid . JAME,S WILSON, Smithfield at, MI door south of Ith 411 Fall Fashions bar MoCORD t Co., latx. 'co & ggrod WILL introduce ,on Saturday, August Nth, We Full style of Hatt,lust received - from N ew 'fork Those in want of a neat and Isenuufstl hat, are invited to call at their store, corner of Flab and Wood street,. aurdi STRAW GOODS. DEALERS are Intnied 10 examine R 11. PALMER'S stock of Straw Good., in the spring style, composed to parted BONNKTIE.-Elorosee Braid; English Ban stable do: Amencan do do; China Pearl doi Coburg der, Rutland do; French linen; Fanny (Map, Fie. it HAW, --Leghorn, Paha Loaf, Panama. Fanny Straw, do Brild, Rutland Braid, Pedal do. Also. Artificial Flowers, Ribbon., Avi Straw Bon net Warehouse. hd market st. itriarlsi BOOICTRADE LTJ Ariz V FINADY "M. PIIOLIC A T IN by J A. A U. 1' JAMIIs. Cineartnem. tAc toliowokg new sad vablAbrle \Cork, Danlphau'a Exkvetlitton—Cancainie; %ketch of the life of CeL A. W Dosephan, the . L/euttoeve, of New Alesira, Gelb Kamera Lilvcrieud LFlm4eion w Cab: retitle; Doniphatde Cantpalgn afainal.Ple Navt..et. and tea tinparalleled Alarett upon ChalSll4l3ll and Penmen. anti thtt Operauens of (kn. Pore at sdutte Fe. with • Map and I.}lgravingt, by John T Ilttghes, A is tteguctent of blirsoars Cavalry 1. Ilictory or Kentucky—lts Antignaties and Natural Convener, Geogntbhical ntansuenl clui tkstontenl dercnplmets; taltb attendant, of Po:incurs Ida, and mon , Wan one bundled Batugusplucal Sketebn ad/slm:nth. ed Ptooccht Soldiers, thatcsacts, lianryetu, M atzen, /St, illusitratcd with fony cnuts.nuttn by Lents CI:Atoll, I vol. octavo. The Tore+h:othid Volunteer, or :Too.* or • Pn raw lar‘ .11.0 Regnocut AA:ldly, In the elampadie• Mann* loleliftreon aNt , on ac count of the March of the Regiment to Rem Crux, • deseription of the Country passed over, eassems, ear loom he. of tho peep', Sketch., of Camp Life, ar counta of all the action. of meet Volvo:10er Regarrim. end • full Itunory of Use Mumeas, Woe; Leh of .u• Or. led and Wounded, he: diustramil by * large nun:4.w of correct vieure and plans, by Uno. C.Yrither, t volume octavo 4,1 *TELL - WOMS—Crornarell's, Speeches. ite —Ottier 11 Clementlt's Letters sad Speeches, including the vapplement to the first enniosuVni nicuishon. fly Thome. Carlyle. In 1 cola to b. Collins' Kentoelry S etches of lire. tetchy, embracing Its history, anvigh.try, arid nat,sra) curl/3.14re, geographical statunteal and geological Jr. ...rimier.; with anecdotes of pieces life, &ad more t has oar Istiodred bmgenphicalskoldoes ordmUncatob ed pioneers, soldiery. and moteamen4 tenets, Lawyer.. divines. eta. Illnctraned by forty engraving. lii Lena Fatty T des and Legend. of many Navonat—tfalne .. cd, newly told, and translated. Ily C. LE LtaakhansE Linaanfulty Illannated. The Arabian Nishus.—The Tkousand and One NiO., Or, the Arabaan Nigh.' Catenalneanam, ‘ , "•=4.••d and t r y nEnd . for family reading— rom u 7 . l . all e ep . l . lna= n bn e te . ... ,. bon: Wae,yaterd with Mb wood can by Horny. •bd fflocninated Ude. by Owen Jones, Complete on 10 porn paper; or genie. Into. Cl*ll.-6,10 no above hooksjost reeetyed anK for tale by JOHNSTON fr. STOCKTON. bookseller, nos :5 Market, nor 3.1 it 10EW BOOKS. FOR SCllotiLli,Ar.c —Elements of 11 Plane and Spherical Tr.gonontiry, with Weir op kl plicotions to ensumooo, ...sUrveyitg and ;Navigation By Ellie. Loomis, A M. Xenophon's Memorabilia of Ponlincs, with F.ngloW not., Crifleti and erplavatory, £4 of Socrates, ho _By C. Amnon. L L 11. APClinowk & Crook: First Deakin Greek: contain in g a full view of the form. of words, with vor•bula ne s•nd copious exercises, he alkeld's rust Book to liptinaki!or, • practical in trodretion to the study of the Span Language. Book Keeping by single •o d dod ltle entry Primo- Maly Adapted to the inland sod commerce of We tin tied States thy P Due. A Hi story of France, from the ctinqueld of Gaul by Julio. Onset. to the reign of LOuls thy Mrs blarlrha. - o Revised, improved and inlarged, by Joao', Abbott; .nap and engn•lngt. For le by ,R. desl2 Apolld Bonding& 4th or licrEW I tOOKS--Looms , Eicrerenw o' Tngeou sherry. Dr —Elements of plain and saptirficial Tripe:tome. try, with fads applications to Mensuration, Surveying and. Navigation: by Elias Loomis,* M. . 4-Fint../3ook. in Greek; contairsuis a fall view of the form of "nerds will: vocabularies 'arid unpin,. exer cises on the method of constant linitatiottand mpg:6- lion: by Jo'. M'Clintock, D D. Professor of Langur gee,. and Geborr,e Croons, A. Yel.," Adjanet Peeteuor of Languages in Dickinson College' Upham's Life of Madame Catharine Adorns, 3d edi. lion. A. new r,ovel—The Discipline ofislfe. Pans 9, 10 and It o( Harper & Brothers , splendid ll lastrated r edition of the Arabian Nights' Enternaltunents. The abe eve works received this day by confess and for sale bl' JOHNSTON& STOC/fTON, nova cos 3d and market oft SAHCIIITF.CTURFI: oiconititeurions mthe Improvement of school houses in the Li R. by Henry Barnard. Abe:atlantic illeatrated with views and playa. Theor y and Practice of Teaching, or !he motives and nice hodsof good school keeping: by David P Page, A .111 s Teaelling 'Science; the Teacher en Ar is; by D. R. Hall, A. M r . The School and the School Master—A ',lancer for the use of teachers. employers. truster., tospectere, &c. Se., of Common S choole In two parts liv Alon zo Pone, D. D., and I, .R. Eniemon, A5l Illustrated with tnirrav my.. For ”le by der29 B HOPKINS, Apollo littildows PRLE';'S CA MN I 7r LIBRARY, for Sc hools end Ferrol ;ea.—This w ork rgmitmofl4 of twenty vaumr., and umta,nl; five hue& ed Utllaren)sulnects, illustrated with dtli r monologs. It is en entrrely orlqnsul erne, recently aentren end co coplete4 iffy ti O Boodrich, au thor of Peter Purley's To les, and .;is designed to exhi bit, in • popalar form, Pei eel Itierrephies, ancient and modern: the wonders end euriosines history, No tate, Art, Science, and Pbilnwiphy, with the proudest Mille. of life. Tim price per Vol. is 71 tient s each containing about 720 pages, IJ' tao; or Oil per st, Por Olaf by aced 11 HOPKINS, Apollo Building's, 4th st wriney Ndvm,s_A Whin; and 101 rell•equellees: by IL P. it James, Lids Vanity Pair, a novel without a Hero: by William Makepesee Tl:aekery, with innovations. Edward Vernon; My Cousin's rimer by F V Childs. Story of the Penitssular War by General Charles William Vane, Marquis of Lane Mildewy, G. C. 11., O. C. 11., Colonel of tbe Heel Life Huenis The above works merited tins clay nod for sale by lug& JOHNSTC , N & HTLICKTON QIIER.LOCK ON DIPLYE PR. OVIDENCF..—Trans 10 hitherto very :acorns and eat minty!) , valuable vrork, has Jost beeg,publivhed by J. L. Read, Inabeau tify) IV.. vol. of eMS pages. It contains the mown mandationo of several clergymen wit this city, of differ ent denominations. In one week 41.0 copies have been distributed In the city of rinsbargla andayborbs. It as a book for every body. For sale by nortffi R HOPKINS Apollo ABOOK FOR PARINI'S, 'POUND PERSONS AND INVALID:I.—Dr. Bannt'alf's "c.mmott Sense , or, Stealth, PhyslcsJ E11111.110.t, and Human Vol., as bawd upon the mechanica l / Phlinscl'll,Y af man'. phymical constitution, being the so balance or hi. lectures on the above übjcets recent)?r delivered in this city. For salc by R HOPKINS, !unit _Apollo Badding, Ith at _ • . BOOKS , STVID—PIie Metamorphous of Pohl!. (Iridium Nu., elsoldued by,an ssairis and en. p uatlon of the MORI., together with , Fansliah Notes, Historical, Mythological and critical, Vino thostrated by pictorial crobelliihments,• with • clicivic By N. C. _ o=lo 3 lioPitiNtl MAP OF CALIFORNIA, OREOON TEXAs— Prom the latest suthoritle.: By B. Aogaatuo Mitchell, with sears ompanlmenti—lllsyn teal, rksmil tive,Acographieal a off Statistical. •For 111116 by dead II HO PIONS, Aprillo Buildings, Ilk itgATHERLATICA .L INSTI:For Draw ing—in Ebony and Rosewood pastes, nlith rot *MOM Anists' color. For sale by deal R HOPKINS, Apollo Seders PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY ;MORNING, DECEMBER 29, 1848, COTAItTNERSHIPS. CO-PARTNERSIIJP. T & "MDT have this they Flated 1J .with them ill the Hardware business, p Wii- WIT and I.7sl.,trtS Gregg,- The Ptyie fruit tivii here after be loran, Wilson k Co. Tuts ation,Tement ren ders it desirable to close the old linsittess le soon or possible. All persons *hose liabilities have truttbred. are especially requested to maim immediate payment. Pittsburgh, Jan 10849. T OGANs WILLSON de. CO.—lmporters and I_,/ Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hard ware. Cntlery, Saddlery, &e.. 1210. Wood street, Pitts burgh,pme now fully preparedwith a recently teapot- OA stock of trarlaure, Cutlery, dre..tp offer very great indocemenut to western buyers, being deferrnmed —lPPcte in prices with-any dike Atlantic cities. Al so iosjtdtdaa extinSige assortment of Pittsburgh Hard ware Viz: Shovel., Spades, Forks. Hoes, Viees, be.. all of which will ht sold at the lowest manuactorces prier. Dissalutlosa , TifE artnership loust eausunir mkt the firm at firt_ortl }Cum, was op mutual consent dissolved an the ion lust. The business will be dosed at the old stand l either of us. using the name of the bent for that purpose. Bring thnOrous to have our business closed with as little delay its possible. we would re spectfully request those Indebted to call and Settle their accounts. JOHN D. IiTCOHD, Bsta 11. 1) KIM. • Co-Part:Lc h JMTN SCCORI/ hamng l umelam.l mai iWM M. brother Jame. 1111..10u1, under the ~ y in of At'Cord de. Co , eonanu the [lat. Cap nod Fur tiludnom in all 11. v nricom branch,. wholemle nod retail, at the old Ilona. eomer of Wood and fah mlura they acliell a ...Marko. 01 the poundage so loonally be stowed on the nal firm. 301 IN NCCOU.D. Jagl_4 JAMES R. ACCORD. TN retiring from the old nod well known Man of IN ItMord k Ring. I most mem:loll - fly rocomtuond the putrousgo of the public my succossort, Nler.rs. Mooed & Co. At , 11 I/ Knit:. - - - Co. Partnershipership Notice. W. STEPIIMNS ofWheclina. I F. Slarcnbcryrr Jp. of Juniata, and J A. Stockton of Piturburgh, liovo this day entered juice co-partnership under otylo and firm of Stephens, Shoonbunter & at We Anchor yon works. Waco Vn„ for tho purpose of =nu factoring iron and natio of every desenption. lITCYII[MI., IL Y. 8110.(8.14/.0ZIL ). •. STOL - 11113". STEPHENS. 0110E1fBERGER CO & CO AN C111)11 IRON WORK& IV7uAling, Va. Maaatartam .11 kind of boiler, sheet, bar iron sad A. B. steel el tpue springs .4 sales. Being con nected with Shoroberi/er's old Joninta orks, we eau offer article n( Junintn iron (branded Shornbsrcerl equal to nny mode In the county). Al of whiskwill to, sold of the Pittshurch once, Warehouse of the works corner of Monroe sod %Vats r so. rnyl PIISSOLITTION—The partneratop W itten. ext., lug vi der the a)-le and firm of t% tahrmatt tell, to Ito. day dt....olved I.y mutual roneent, Jobe L/al :euhavutg di...paged oi . loo ttlllre 11110,010 11. Wight man. The bloone.o. or the In. fun. oral be pealed by H ‘Vtghttnao. who IA allthor.red to ate the name of :be lam firm for that pogo , . H WlGirrmAN. votaldj , r linty 1'471 J. DALZELIe. TIII: Subeertber Is now prepared to manufacture all lands of Colton and Woolen NI achlnery, at the shortest notion Mlle,s let at R. Wlghtroan's Knone Shop, cor ner Lawny of Water streets. ant, towel with x rpt attritunn. 11. WIU/iT AN, Leucok a., between Fnleral and :Sondes 1 sta., spOsily Allegheny thy (10• P AILT NERSHIP—W Yount baying this ll day a...wed with Wm, Jhhtt IL hro...te ther thitunch• vritt }termites c.ithieted t the firm Wm Yours LCo he WILLIAM VOLIII6. 21.1 V• 10 R WCIPSIR. MEDICAL. TAYIA/ft'S BALSAM or I.IV VIIWOOT - Thaarticle 1* prepared secordang to a rreipe pro. cum,/ torn a ver, 014 and 101.11001ph)......3, arbp hu expeneneneed iII 1,,, i•rucuee the rant 1.1 a tr 1); 111, DISF:1041 1, OF 'ME 1.1:M1S. apoo s. bleb re nee 1001,1 be placed by me pul.llr 1.14...0 aeler m•lured 1V....111,nu. ea., 1, 1 PulrAdttarl C0t0pt.,,,, ha VII, 4.• c.•• It L.c.,41b,. taught) too.] 1., nun uno ====l grave. to the oho of III.• toc.4teff , a Cogs.' art,' attar• att agrfat Tor It r• rua I ' , offered an? b tha, &fa •ra caa• the more aarnt, ad as I had loaf a mm a. , . th f. ifrothorg toul talff •.. ten, vatta tha or onfotaf o I 13,t t.te toefTa. s fee ff fun, tau., o trt.nl 1.071 ad Ile Is aloof , at olasf• -, Ia 5 • s , rit narvoo- Ita !hot . cord,. , oat of ,anrtel,, % shod ?natty 01,T all, tr,1.4 • At leggth nrfe.l It. Taylor • 1101• ans of 1..• r vtof and I too. Ith• otedtrofe oared M. ke g Its great testa Cr' rowef gtlol.llll totole IV 11. Stifti R. feta., f: Loon tit... aa' .• .fatt f ea hy the proper zneaftesne Alf Newt ra. itogrery ot.erl novo blond to large fteafitto.., tatnk by da and night. hegle. c.ag br had a ...tram enbgh, god r in in the [treat, ) el alters•ll,4 , •-ey un) ,, rure.l toy Di. Ts) bee Iffh•fla of lave rarort gas,. to a eartmalo, and fat all Muer • who m.lot alloy Idle fallow hot exgretfoe 11 tley ore fhat. ofl 4 it marg.-toe. II or restore tlf •t- ov.f: Luna. auk 0,, 1. a abort tune To per•OWI ne a doff, Of rail f nae *lap are offabla fu hair s: terroo. catfas e t• nrapbatteally recant:of-ode, a• tge fathatigfatfg . fter wage...eel It fraorgoaar, • Iftge to La. OVA: 11). of tb auto:Wen tanDlll_lftg, :Pau - 1,11.1W vier toughing viotafft oihltlng of laafgf pm' toght •VlVClat.af•tul ra.t gr,•l .g trrnalg.ttv orf 4:1 Leolly of Itreatlitur rla.. atal faatt a urvt.l 15..1t of :him ttalvalse • Sot I•,:t•t.ot(ir I.t J n 11orran 91 W...t0l • I rotonorot.L 11. t .t. II .tot o ea, Mall,: iota .141 •ts. lictoler.on at I,i .t rrOtte-r.l to 111.50 tatt,. TIPORTA :ST TO TIIK API LILTED Br. Bows Celebrated liemedieL R J A , 4111 Pr lo,o f o,lo ' oo 010 * , (444. At .411 t,r,firon. 11,41 1e1111,..1, 41.41 n. r.. .1, er.,ofliAo.l.l..ore ". ant tot iodatingiodatingLuata adeat.a• a ••••C‘•.l hina dacsae, ara• •a alr al a• amines:ll <mu, Dar ior nal a a 1,..) Pear.). au., and ar tan, l e ar• Pat t.eau aaKasr.l the ,Tro , l l , or .I.•aase. &ha thr appla to .altos , maladies tar a:a Thrnael itan a..of taa linTa• ••aaa. arab his ?man, larta alp *1.1.5....• frit. aas. I=l Canrer, 1 , -aer an.l F•-•.•• .2,•. am) Llle.se .•ti gas Ir lotlood <verylotto ot ttowo.te itt•t-• totes ott ul ttot toto , thett. op, 4.outtott) • or.: -oot Dr Rose . • Tom.-1 . ..A .1,0 Air 01 driaLly •CAllo,lel.l4lrd la lre sapri,of t . 100ker • purceurr or ivrer p. 1 :: toa•murh no the) :e•v , tn. • urrl• prrfrecly er onl r0.1,v {l , l {11•0 nr• old. n Yill. IA stlrokitr.ll,l the qtrudy in tooperstett attained to tertotlo etaato.o., ttol ..11.-4 that Ito.. trot. t. •ullo,ont stooloier, h. been and. the moot. 114 the naugt •teptwel The afflicted ere In•tted to upon the tiKent. anti pc re (drabs; 0114 4 01 the 1.e.., • to•niphlet , • detailed areatott °l each rented, •nd its appliratwn For tale by the lot o•attid •irent, as 3), rto•I Detiggtal• throughout th. room r, J Si-boanlnater k 143. YI \V ..I otr,q. rilt•bury6 1 31 TyYmoYnal, drugyi.t. 45 Mart., Lea A Beestlan. ^th• I. Jos Barkley, llarlinron. Heaver county. I'a Jou EA:tun r E1ME02212 Jaynes , 11xperterant S•t.aat. Columbtu,u,on.tt Apr dl. [1.41 DM D. JAN !tiEla Dena !cot —1 tett hound to you and Iho Olialetrvi outdo. to strati no sell of Mot op portunity °Calving puttlicill idthe rilzaordti.ry rdrou of your Expectorant Gum) self Ratting actin adlooed for tieyeral yr.. snob it%e'er, .oats. turf and Its concomitant disease, and sesmed only doomed to linger out a short toot mist-node raterwe, unto Mr tall of PDX when, being more severe , y sitar sett. and hoeing resorted to all my runner tent,dtes. and the pro• npUillia of two of DVS most respectable othyweiwilo to the neighborhood without &name any hntnefit. on the n eonsohnio of our - etyma but few day. or sweets at fartheat-- , cchen the last gleam of Imp, was about to emosh t I had rucomutended to me your Expectorant— and Weltond by that Being Who does all dung, in the use of the meruta—aad contrary to the trapeetuttons of my ph) Willa, and friends. I was Ina few days raised front my bed. and moo enabled Ity the use of a bottle, to attend to my business, rmoyitte once better health than I bad for MO year. previous. Respectfully }our, tte , LaW Fanta.. Fur sale In Pittaburgh, at die Pelrin Tea t4tore, Fanny street north NIf.W AnitANGEMENT D . OCTOR W MORRIS havißg recently ptirchim ell Ma Drug Stem formerly owned by Ifs, • & Brockway, No. Commeretal Row, lAI trt I street, Pittsburgh, lake. du. method ut informing his friends arid the public It general, that his 'lore will at all time. Le supplted with an erleuslyc and general assortment of thug., Dye Studs, Pastor, Dila, Varrostie., Perfumery, Cob/sues, and indeed every ar ticle called lot inn drug *tntr. which will etwal • hr .old 04 lOW MI ut any other honor In the city. wt.hle latle, of mind liccihrm to merit sham of the volihe patronage, notbmg .1111 be wanting In per ehttr..•ui wfaelion to hi. r hinv7.l•hi I Illydrointiby, or she Mr ate,. Clare. IIIo.TUR BEN/ k NUN W. hil IllS.•iill , ontlul's J./ to practwo the oitteowl ,ohhlnr remedy cn.leti Ifydropothy or the We•el •nre. td 11,1e•tred wi.11 ,01 tinicaort Alloonthwally. (mammal casco will he CI. tended to promptly. N U. Dv Morn. Pony Ln convulteti at his trot Store, Nn Commerentl Itow. I,therty dart buetnetv hour., or to In. reenlenee,notrotitg and even ing, Penn street, 1 Boar. helot./ Irwin'. alley. nov7-1et.1.1 IL T. Itoberta. M. IL. OrniAl.Nlll.l SUII(:F.ON, will attend to the treat ment of Moen.... of the D. IL has ern onsaired in .1* branch of the meth ral profession h .r stxtr. , n yearo, and hao conducted an establishment for the treatment of down... , of the eye atone for sevoral )ear.. Ortrtex and resideneo, eons, of Sandusky at owl Ftrewherry alley, Allegheny rely Dr. 1111cLnue In Tenneasea• TILLS is to unruly that I purrs .rd ono vial of Dr. ./,. /10/Anan'e Worm Specific, nom , two fuolilo. 4 140 and gave 40 a tan of franc, mow .oven yratut old, two Lampoons 11,11, and although the oinoorsl may large,l h•vo no doubt but thurn was upwards of two TYOOII4III, wosois pn."04.1 from 11101, ittrasufing 4,000110 quaver Of an inch to Iwo Inch. , long hi IV HOLLADAY. 11=011 rrnek. Caryol CO. To Dee 27, 1.17 pittl WONDFIRVIJI, ARRIVAL —Do Tow,ol/1.:11J'I. SA 11- .I.II,SiLLA --4,00 bottle, Cl SSA arrat all and ""....i.tee, lust received and to +rll.• toy It. E SELLA:Ks, hole Agent for l'iltaborglo, 01 whom the penalne art/ele can be Isad. eetla, H ARItISON'S Columbian 11011 bit, du do Indelible Ink, veittt or anthoot preparation. Cl l m ia anu os factu rep's rpto ri t c e ß s e , d Ly k F l o t r F. mi 4 3 ln l .t1h:1n1 S!,rude decO No 57 Wood larva. 11AfffferiCiNi.-20 ream. P.sient Aledietne Dino-. _I_J lions, just recd and for sale by deollf .1 KIDD& Co ....._ BHON ZE—LN) Roe rlOl3 Uron.re, all color+. lum toed and for role b • elect., i KIDD& Co . • . DHFSN IV PLASTER-150 rils Fill.' Adhesie A.l•Losler, just teceived and fat sale by IDD&CO K CCOHOI.I 1 deolit 1 W.. Aleohol, t artrred Rod fpr sole A ... by deeio 101 IND .NI9TJAN LAMP IILACIC-4 coke just 11.1.1. rer'd •nd for sile 4 'decle JOHN D 43AHLN THIS establishment long and widely known.. being one of the most commodious In the city of Balnmere, has recently undergone very en/n -oire alterations and improvements. Au entire new wing has been added r tontaining numerous and airy sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing rooms. The Ladies department bee also been completely reorganized and fitted up In a most unique and benzin rutstyle. In fart the whole arrangement of the Bottle has been remodeled, with a single aye on the pinto( the Proprunors, towards the comfort end pleasure iof their Gummi, and which they confidently assert will challenge eompariron with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied with evee ammal and luxury which the market of sereed up m a supenor style; while in the way of Wines, Au., they will not be amassed. In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will he len undone on their part, and on the part of their assistant, to milder this Hotel worthy the continued patronage Milieu friends and the public generolly. The pnces hr board have also been reduced to Me following rates: Indtes' Ordinary, 11,76 per day. • Genii omen's i; 1,50 N. 11.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will hi. ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Lending. ; which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of charge. marAt Marra Or rarlf •NO rT. CLAM irriL, rriowhlaas: The subwriber having aasurned the 0.n.0. meal of thin long established and popular Hotel, respectfully announges to Travellers and the Public generally. that he will he at all times prepared to accommodate them In all things drawable in a wad! regulated Hotel. The House to now being thoroughly repaired throughout. and new Furniture radod. and 110 pains trill he spared to make the Exchange oue alike very best Mirk In the eountry. The undersigned revpeetrtally wilco, a continuance orthe very liberal patronage thrwllmme has heretofor e received. THOMAS OWSTON, fulandtf Propnetor. LAKAHTINE HOUSE. h3IIIC or recrn AND 6 WIT stoma, rrtmdmetan. TI E so o bsenher respectfully announces that he has new opened his new and excellent lintel Inc the accommodation of travelers, boarders, nod the public generally. The house end fulnitdro are entirely new, and no pains or expense, have been spared to render n one of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels in the city The subscriber in determined to denerre, and there fare solicit., • share of public patronage. octl4.dly JMInN 1101101.1. P!opnetor Trinoottniontows O AI.IO 11013-111e,- 41.1,191711.13, IT. A MS TIIROCKNIORTOPti Legs to acquaint his blends that he is again lessee of the GALT /lOU ° . I eauisetlle. Ky., where he hopes to meet all ht. old friend.. nesuring them and the public, that no of shall he spitted to make all comfortable who favor him won their patcorince lantldlt RD at , AI'IZEI 11-01WL, tcT V.. rrwca, rounll •NO ( A PPOSITE lute 1.10.11 k of the United State.. dolphin. M. POPE MITCHELL, Propetetor. Chew°late, COOOll4 W.' Ilaker'a Ace-noun and French Chocolate, Prep..- rd Comm. Cocoa Paste. Brom., Cocoa Shen.. 00. 1 , 0 uterehmit. and conaumeni, who would parolmac the or.t products of Caron free from adulteration, more nutritius WI or < o are. tiOd to tIOCOT OtO t ‘t , paased. the. ulocribor reroaunends the above article.. manufactured by himself. and stamped with hie name. Hi. prom. and Coen* Poole, at delicate, palatable, and .atuiary drinks tor iii•alida, convalesweats, Rad others, are pronounced by the moat eminent physicians supenor to any other preparationa. Hui manufacture. are •Iway on tale, in any quantity, by the on re spectable emcees in Um eastern cities, and by then agents. II a ore, to) A en, of Roam., James M Bence & ro. Hartford. Conn. Hussey & Murray. New 't traant A Stone, Philadelphia: Tacna. V Brundure, Hai nan., and Aelload A Bennett. eineinnau, ‘VAI.TEII BAKE!, Dortheater Masa. For , sale by aug3l BAGALFY A SIIITH, Ara IVICW COACH FACTOLLT,—. • I.4..lenriCr I,RININI V Inenr the putrin that lb.) , barn ereenni n nn nn I.nrocri. herwe•en Fear ',land Snerrhrolt orreete. 7 herr ere non ntnx.rnt •nel arc prepared' ro reeetve ordrre int r) deed-rm... 0 eetnehre. 'mac her. rhuerber Ihrcspe• 1 • h:, r ?cc . Ir.. their iver Irene* them anuterture in the ahoy , ve,rrii, sad the Inerioree the) ha ••.nney lerheontntent the) ire 1,10 sort 011 1, mort rectertnnl,... terms vents ihner• anung strip - lee iheir Pkty , tt per.- aro 'Mouton to the seleolon a mate. mak. sod hart, Imre tout compete. workmen. Me) Its nu amoral.. In vrarrestturF Mem erotic We therefore 1.•11. the etteurou or We puhlir to Mrs MAI', N. it Hrpetnala done to the herd manner. sod ott IM most reesrmetde torn., 1,111 Wrought •tad Coat Iron Rolling. rpm, WIC, 111 inform dm [white that I !het hare ....trued /Arm Mee V.aot all the late and leettommtde dr. ies tut Imo Radler,. tor ardor, and ertuetersee Person. wisfuttp. to procure hard. udne pattern. Yr . i.e all eu and ',attune mei rotlmr tor therneeders Itetimg be tuoustsed at Me Oran. eat nouee. and .11 the Leo manner at the corner ut Cram soul Reimers street, Atteahenr est, trar•—r-dlf A I.AI/ON k KNttX 1=111:333=13331 )114/1-Enn.....1( Nulls totn ., t h t : J an0t0n....e.• o . tno riti:cos tt I . tmsttorgh anti extnaj..l.Ml” rAnsstormtorrnlt:st tugs tot du rialto It: ott-tfaoti ..tantrort:n t : ts em/ can, ktu: tattaltten, to 1 nrn n Tr, nboll mono , Ile hope% bratne. ntmotton to 1•a. l• 011 Ity rronan•ttte strict., 10 oleo, nittnre of ale puttbc N.:rootage 11:onto uttn,t, 0, Innn: awn .00 an: ton. t. ten,. them. vrtut Mtn tun , . lon.. notted to them, at !I.' 011.111 or Mr M•Clur or Mr Wan. Ilw 000 w v /I sl,ior. , Fra,lenct Watt., ! r.r.r Sy, t.. llookoel,ey oow11..lico• Leeching. Cupping end Bleeding. I; 11 NI/101.1,, ISoreossor to XI R. Dolassy No gaols .tre.et, tmelorron Wood .04 Sinn, 4.4 Fn.. :recur. ter,.....1 omathl—atirollottro all bours Elr ,, reoc e. Ihc paya.c.an• of PatsburEll.. corny no , / 11.rro,nam I [MSC trvommend phrumasm. (am. the. m, former trirnda urd pairmss, 51r K Narn• mormarrttly mcquain..l mrttla wee. and worth) patrourkge ma r - 11 , 1, R .• s v latac t aced To bac c o. NI A "'r."''' : "' "'""" IL hi do r..ce l t4ar10661`4 , - 5 do :3 Jo do Ilsrwo.:6l 38 14 do .1 Rol., 6011 h , do do IA do do IV in I...rsau 3.1 do I %V rter,6 rI. Apo.leroon do I. Tl/6..1,1 4 do R !tl•eo,'• do lialelar Joe, Ifttuto,6 ,roa strdinor •011.nr14,... and for tnlr 1.6 III,CKNOR 8. Co. II north water st mud 16 north ori.arvra. 4,11 Arl4/1,11.•Iti. A (01111,1 • ik re-.... inffindelprtte RED TIIIIACTI,-Zlbs hes .loon. r •vreei 11, lamp. 7.5 halt Ax• Wet..., I lid surxtrtor verve Selamps La . Lottrer Ss - II trentr, A Itrkv..er - A 64. EMIMIZZEZCIM ust lan,l,ng from etramor. awl for sale by KALI). HUCK:Wit a Co, 41N waver at and 10 N wharf., nsy3l rhslatielplua W. £J. tiEliaiirti. — tiOakillialie . ri: . 11+ F. are atiii engaged ,n the shove buattrosa, corner Ty of Wood and rh words, Psnabursrh,. whore see are preparrni Wan nor work in our hoe with dea e•trh We attend to our stork I:were...Ay, end .an and be pass to regard to tts neatness and du mtdltty hint i flook• rtled to any parlors and bound cub. ate,matly tumlorts orol,l hook• bound car.— fn.ly or repaired. Name. put OS Idsok• In tell( :etiers Thos. taut have work in our true aro matted to cad. frees. law rus2oll h. hnu of AIFI.: Or ATKINSON and arril ' earn , on the Copper. and Nhern Iron Ware t o illankatnittortc in all tta trrancara at the old atand of Win LI Sear., rtrat meet, near .nod Purt;e4la; stle.on given I. steamboegi wort • . . (17ic. TIIREE FINE DIIAVOIT 1101ist:s• Th ,,, nue Drauaht Horses for sale, suits hie for druylng. &, Ernilille. Of W ALLA N iiEt MD ilt. Co, aoal7 canal Itartnt, hborty tt i IALI , ttKINS-- , M dor gettunin French itif i , ktnt., a kjvary hoe arnele A few dozens Chtladelphta Sams, Iront the intotafartory of II M Crawford In which the attention of boot makers le matted Jon received and for ea. by NV YOUNIi/L Co. ter 14:1 liberty t 1 A T V. M M`CI.INTOCIE'S, No. 76 Fourth otreet, 1 - 4„ rah be 'men • opleodul ',gaiety of by Ito) al Vel vet and l'ape•try Carpet. hue. oiyleo Moo. Brno oelo, 1 pi). 01.1 .up and fine lagrnin Carpets, of cup style, and quolita); 111111 tit eohiteetien ean nhearg he foetid 'NM.- Lowe.. Ormolu., Mialires, Dagna•ko. Mo reno, 0,1 Cloth, arc roe., to all 0) whirl, olio roll the grgentoo, ei the puhlit o.o= NOTICP.. s u n n is Lr fur hn , rorouerrr of 01l our friend. killi 1017." r . 80. NV POINDEXTM, THE. POINDEXTER. PotAburgh, Aug 4th, IS4g, 1 11 1111rNT. Wholegal° lime., Commomon end kJ. Ferwariltag Merchant. Ne AI Water at. JOULIN 811 & CO., I\7fl< 11,1 and VI Front or rrrt. 11 , 11 Foututr and nor . rt- II al...torero to all kind. of Fitonla tor bal.. raeam trod SA trier, have alwa). on hand N roaght Iron Wel. ded tOr oteatn. git•. and wer, from Vto to Ith dtarooter. lira•a Catalogs toad. to order Al., a larva noorourtellt rot 11r11• uucl fouolted 'altos Work to whirhthr uttrronoil to Plumb,. cod Fagot., Budder.. . pottorartrly thrreted Gar ruling% put up promptly and on rearanahle trraoh rep:W..lom OUICEINVIICH3D UALLOENS. • VIISIT Efirt TO THIS It Krul.:AT •un Writialird will, o Lunch at all hours of WI, day; also, 1,, C mom, Fruit Contertintiory, kr. The steamy r ,li wood wok r• her rt•golor try. o• usual, leaving her loodtior at ,/ A. 111 , and at ball pi.st each boor (except unto 101 I'. '',ll —leaving Wu Until,. .110 M tor her lASI trip in the city. A woonltght view ol the riorilen I.lndeacribohlr in ita littatit)'. 1314 ocronErt. AI, 4,4'—We are now 1 in 10001411 at revers. , bales first rutc lithl Western New %ore and Nitissuchueene Prime HOPS, sod ore olways receiving regular surplus.. We ore Polshmd to seal at 'WA,.t retro. lichee, Put street, Allegheny FlVer 0012 ,1 W.U. %V nMlru & MAtosolsllotg lee u s IlL ' 7al;7l ' stir ' sh writing to do, wall find great ease us using these to they do not cramp the fingers, and hove Roe smooth paha& W W WALSON, droll corner 4th and ,nark .ta FOR ititl.P...—TWo Young ~,,, work well In either double or single harness, I will be sold low. !intuit , ' of IC; ELLIOTT & ENOI.IOII, 70 wood st aces° MAILMAN & Co., bare re . 4!...d to the CWarehouse, 3 doors west of th e Idonongobria noose, on Wait; and Front strum. POE RENT—Tht W 111.11101.11 No. 43 Wood at. natl./ Prim .ony• 'VIBA COATING-1 case' Drab *mini, vary bal. vv, j ust reel. deets MURPHY HOTELS N'OUNT AIN HOTEL EXCHANGE HOTEL. tv ISCELLANEOUS. 111511211 co-P.traTNEllslllP MISCELLANEOUS. LEPPIrSCOTT &BA-11111 Mate 1 Striekler Pe Cal MANUFACTURERS of Phrenit fire proof saes. wntll eecol.d tweet, between Wood and Southfield Paisitarch. S Strlnkicr having deceased and thelsurylmag partner Nlr J. Lippencott, having aacceidred himself with Mr W C Barr. the business will hereafter be conducted easier the style of Lippen cottk Harr. Trial of a safe in Cinciennii. o.—We, the undersign ed were present at the testing of one of J S Smokier a. Co's improved Phartur. fire-proof safes. The safe was placed In a farnithe on the public landing, and subjected to the intense heat of a .11011, cool fire for more than three hours. In one hour and a tialf the safe came to a bright red heat; the door of the furnace was then closed, which ceased an Inaroaned and steady heat (or the balance of the time, until the cast iron wheels stem partially melted olil the Inmate wee then thrown down and the safe cooled and opened. The money, papers and books which it contained were as perfect as when placed there. the binding only of the books being in jured by the water in cooling the safe. We have no hesitation in recommending it to the public as a safe superior In any we have ever seen tested, and believe that It will stand any heat which might be produced, icept a bent which would melt it to a solid mass. Springer & %Whttman, L Worthington, KEIIC11( gasmen, Benj. Omer, W 0 P Breese, Maras S m ith, T Dungan & Co, Stedman, Mayard & Co, Wm Manse, Mend & Winstor. We, the endemic-nee. selected the safe spoketof above, from a lot to the store of Truber & Aubery, the Agents C 0 SPRINGER, S 1 KEI.I.OG. Refer to Conk k Howls, Brokers, Pittsburgh; Hassey Hanna & Co, do do the. I..IOOCRO , rr /011 , 1 0. win. Coßthila,R. LIPPENCOTT & CO. ANI:FAC I Ult CRS of Hammered and Cast Steel M Shovels and Spades. Axes cool Hatchets, Mill. sl Cut, Circular and llin Saws, Tiny and Manure Perim Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, &c., having completed all diem errinfrements in the construction of new machinery, a bo n a d d in ~s e. .ic ati, hi lgth, ,e n t..b eo s f l t hw , so z .tr kme. „r ifnii. m o wt hm e a m n o . s r .t eele ctur- ins and will keep constantly on handand for sale all the above articles, honing availed themselves of the latest Improvements, and tee determined that in work manship and material they will net be exalted, They promise to produce aromas equal, if not superior, to any that can be had tu the Fns , . They invite the atten tion of dealers to an examination of their stank before purchasing elsewhere, as they are convinced that they will be able to fill all orders In their tine so the entity satisfaction of porehasers. Waal:tease, Water street, 1 doors Wiwi Alonongithelo House, Pittsburgh, Pa N. B.—Persoue having bosoms's with Wm. Lipp. con & San all please call on Uppencolt & Co. octidly - LAMES ARP CA ['TIMED AGAINBTTAINIG COMMON PREPARED CHALK. fiIIIEY are tint aware how frtahtfully usurious it if to J. the skill—how coarse, how rough, how +allow, yel low and unhealthy the .kin appears after uung papas pared chalk' 11c.tiles it is in:anode, containing a large quantity of ead' We have prepared a beautiful vegetable article, which we call JON V-S' 3P.INISII LILY OP BITE. It Is perfectly tostocei,, henna purified o f all deleterious qualities, and it impart. to the .kta it natural. healthy. alabaster, clear. living white. at the same time manig as a co. Mete inti the don. making it eon and .month. Dr. JUMP Anderaon. Practical Chemist of Massa cheat says: - After analyzing Jones' Spasuan Lily White ". find it pc. ..cases the most beautiful mid natu ral. and at the same time innocent white I ever saw. I certainly can couscientionaly recommend ire use to all whose Urn require. beautifying n Price. .1.3 cents a hoz. Sold by %Vhl JACKSON. IMl.Oncrty st. mara Piet Anehin• Works and Ferry. rs. JOHN WRIGHT 2c Co., are prepared to build Cotton and Woolen Machinery of ever. description. such • Carding Marhines, Spinning Frame., Speeder. lhavung Promes. Railway Heads, Witmer., Sipoolers, Dressing Frame,. Looms. CaslOrinders, &a. Wrought Iron Shafting tamed; all urea of Coal Polite. and Hanger. of the latent pattern., aide and band Lathes, and toole of all k ond• C....tinge of every de.cription furnished nil ,nier rnti•rn• mail* to order for Milt Gen u or I , no It.n..ine Stearn for heat. Ina n Iron ,1 Seta and henry Cas tling. acne, dir timer, en at the \Varehouse of J. Panmer & , n .•• will hat- prompt sue.. non Refer to Dln,-k•trnek. tie en Moor-chilled & Co. af %Varner tenet, .k Son. I' tt•burch ; 0. I' fad II %Varner sten,ento • main Near { hardware ilon•e. utflik% earner of nod mot so Pittsburgh lav• ong withdrawn !resin the hem of lk er and IVoodwell. no the let of Jaourov. lel , . I tale pca...ire in announcingriend. in the coy and country. lieu hove opened my new uora az me snore nerved inner. pure,..a.,-d my gt , od. tor cash, and mode orrattecruclits 01113 innnumeterer• tuts enantr) and In Europe to L. constant], suppited. I am fully prepared in furntot Hardware of all bind.. on a. gocal tern. and at low as any ao house S. or %Vest .llerchanta •ind °there arc respectfully invited eU , and examine my anaek. before parchaung eke w Ls. re Ihe follow n' eoniprtuw o part of ht. stock. Steamboat and uoinkern h ',Hear, gun arcing., Elea. Ne)sleet. cutlery, edge Mole anvil. , rice , locks. lune melt ttes..., this, butt hinde...ercove time. Ear. ton pume....sws alahr,aany boards and Cone,ll. mad au 0., aMt+,l drew! with the hardware bus. rte meld I if City Dagnerrian Gallery. ratan ”Irrift rzt.1.11.1%d. S HOGS bee. lessee to inform the vtuums of Pitts [torah and v;cuntv. thaL h. ha. [ellen the [Tyner .. Wayne .ale.y (.700 p,co L.. tir Pew., 'ran pule. ne arc aeeur.-4 tea, ••• • ...le any...emirate are n•i. end ne... 6.• ....• rano. I.) Mr 11,, Who hat t...rn rb—•.n..t npnrator C.,' the an wa. freei dree., , aremt Kenn. onne•nenon 1. a.narae,ed TO erhn way n.nonn. inoro.,• /It.,r wan idraouro Mr r • uimur netennlehanent nap operen, far inn . net Is% t• 1110.1.• Fanny Par te. Knarav nt r , •••••: Cr.' :.'pc • & • a , nur eLe IT earned Liken ..... takt, 31, weather. and set Lu nark., hreac pm• rner• nod :twat, Instrueuonearve ill etery branch of the art asd ap pal:4la. tunuahrel , . _ ..__ Penn 111 wartime Shop. 11. , % o ss , 1 . 1i111;\1,1 , A m ls . .3l , as: . tur el t i ;l .c t . k . 7si . f::: cg 'lll, above worts beala now to full anti seress/4W op rratron. I aro prepothd , 0 ca seers orders with dtspotrls Ball all Sold* of rear In et my , ma. seen as ad lowa, pickers. spreaders. cares. a - ruining mach/nes, raisissnia, ravnog frame.. sp. -ede ra, throssals, loom, WOO lell rant. I, ni., or stoats. for merrhant Or essithlry 'work. mules. lark a he . alt .le and hand lathest and tools in gen era; All I. ind• of anontria blade to enter, orplans go, en los rearms tartan,. or ll iths at reasonable charge Karam so— as... Toted, Child. A. C.o. Illaskstoct, Bell A. Cs.. lima, l'enotthl A Co.. Jas. A bray /SELL AND nllAss 'POTINDIEY. ---- hiA FULTI IN. 14.. awl Bross rounAlcr, has re brth, and rornineneed :.ustness at los old •thrid, where lie sail! be p.eased to see his uld eustor. . tit ; Mae du. ler coach tm'gs; Transp'm Window Yhodes amt Idonr• Church. aLteasolstar. and Betts of event *tar. from 10 ; (-3 T l ' . ‘ U" Faun French do ,do o ~st eordc 10.0 tat ianunde. vaattLom pattern. LA tor moat 'wpm,- 'ltch son do Lairtea for Ricca exarthina cd toodels ttf t*, 41.1 trattersans !,arler, blue, enmson, black vid droll holtutaklc t W• ' r) • ' r• "'• • • R• "'"• • L t• • '•••;,- figured ratnbow Damasks: worsted 4.ll4ficton Table "1""'.. " rovers; blue, enrosort, scarlet, green, drab , ' an black Inv cotton Plashes of all colors, /se. ?Sc • . .• A F " "'I. vernlrJ A."' A " ' t ". '1 of 7,7n ". ()•neborga and Dnllings for steatftboa deck, Inv ' " "'""" and oliothor tit hick necessary roe obtsb, bban s„ our line, to which anentilatt at u r e :n t had ,L 1 inn at al. Stan, . invited. W hi`CLIPs CarposAir roOm., Ploughs, Plow h . 4C oaring., Nrigists Joorfrom wend, en Fenn , , [loxes, se. RODKRT 11A1.1., of the old VIL.r ATCH AND CLOCK RZPAIRINfi--fla m firm of It S 11:.11... , V g d enn. g •••'•• U•„. •"" • • • with a large and to swot of firm roars cm.: Pluugtu• chinery, adapted to complicam4 .rock, and akisg, on boxes, An., wnh lmr••••mlull the swat, accuracy and faculty new shores, he 1 1..7 Peacock, Illionts, and ether Ploughs, of the latest depend ett e e rge h oe, e about th e eg h e , hetet ,. beat pothersas now to 'sae ; the) pay In Many shOps for imperfect work; and To Mat Warehouse, 1101 Utterly . street. Pinsbargh, opp..us Sty e•ses (or positive llUnl7 done •• their lrat.br. A l l my seal, Irsoory. in Allegheny any, near Me our work Is warren to perform well. Canton V•••ll•T D••••••'" , •• Nll —llarlug reduced my business Vla W l p:yr dclsly tem. lam determined to sell tu low as the to regu- Cooper Dupla: LSver Wli atoos.t ler prices, east or west. and customers be art ll'Sl' recer.cd and fur We at; Mal they can make their purchases igt . ( v tis ine as • -4/* " . t, greatly reduced p CS- five gem, e•cheap •to the eastern clues, thereby - neonminig ols • r F Cooper, 0 Calthorpe home trade and mdustry. W lL - • ILras•• lon. lined Loudon. - Iht• ovl3 pica and Patent I.e•er SVatelLe. raced to lc Ital. -`- goid and tat 1 t eate,Lett. W.ll Citron ~,,, eter balances. Pbese are now itn h•Leat watehes mud, 'tettlC toper, r to finish sad arc-wary to .0 NI 1. Tolsna, Joseph Johnanm. or any miter oink.. l'hoae in want La • very line Ivan, any invited in ra,l nod examtne this lot. Al.°, iarce s...utiment t,..,1 and Saiyur atelles, Chains,;. , tals. Scy.. Si c_ r Flue Watchr• repaard in t, beat mutt., SVII.SON, or tg4 corner 111, and Markel •ta. Y r fi r n . e , m u 0 . 11 by Cooper, pnnrrTobtaA. Johnoon, I.trerißnt t'o, Bees)°, . and other gencuite and approved orsoutneto- I Intl lo .• • . V• a Jewelled le carat Gold Putout Lever Watchea tot low as 53 0 . Others atearious prtees, according to quality, weight, he , varying from 540 to 8150 Sliver watches In great variety. (mm 95 to 850. All over 510 warrawsd. Levers as low as SOL novs3 (V IV %NILSON, 57 market at. cot Ith TO WHOLESALE GROCERS TM: undersigned ram prepared to fill orders for any 1 quantal) of Cypress Mulssue Unreels of a superi or quality, deliverable to order at any time, by gavang us Is tear days 'tone, at our Wharf Boat We dons we ran make it the interest of those merchants who buy largely on t he rte.. as they enn order their bar. role shipped to soy plantation they may desire. whirli shall be attended to without extra charge Pluitleah, Ky. . Oct It I=tl=ll= ISAAC MX., .11N P ql . lOO JONES J. QUIOG, M A p 7 n l , 4P kprm, bammerrti all artt;er• In ble cumin fa , ^ engna, lamb., aml roach ttrummv , arm. coritrr o( alul Prom ot% Pmptuagh, `,PI4 HOME LEAGUE , FAC=I r . Hrov, I 1 •.'111;1U. (111 1 : k " ., A litti ‘ r ' :ooo city of nnyl6,lll• A Itt.ghetiy. PETTIGUEW & CO., STEAM IM AT AUENTS • Orrik e Anovx N. ALLuNk.I2, oevil No. 4U Waler meet. STEAK BOAT BLANKETS, r o a , :tl ,o llr , nr ,, h . e . d c a h t o t ttort , It hi. Al. Collort 1111•( rdattraaaca made rn the Lam manner, tor a . vor) p.m by' I. HERS p: „„),}ull Wa el Water at Monongahela Livery Stable: - HOLIEHT 11. I'ArrEIiSUN II ns oprued the lap,: ...Lie oh Fait et. running through to Utnuitlnt, between WOOll anti Soh ilthrld nip .• oi Ihe rear 0 the Mortnotteheln Impose, with an entirely new t.tor k 01 Mr. , . hod Currtotie• of the bent quality and lute. st)les. Mown kept at I,r• ry It the lint manner. It 611 y UTRAM IIOAM ClAPCkei—llaviog t. an tone .1 k..." oil our end.* neck ot M t.nriee l'hoeuteeen. we r,ow oiler to nett thorn it lower pte , ;hue ,he ) e.to Le bought at le house to 1911 , utrgh or einewhere, est, or went. Ileum the 0017 et 1.t.:1,1 , 1 egret. here for these aloe kaOare bur° iliwlttrge•l aha lineal oneortt omit to the city., en 1711.101 nee. ReWeellier, we urn not to Ite undersold 11LA ICE lc ft., .Market tom., entrance 011 north aide we Diamond 4; , UNDRIAIB.-13011 barbels fined peaches, lOU land,. 1„:1 els etresinals, 111 sucks inadiers,_l2 dowool.ll do Irlc•cue., just received per .learners Magnet and Pin neer and for sale by derU _ • ••.: N DIA RUBBED CUYTIIIN 0-1 est received for the Caldarnia Expedition. • crimple. .. 6 01111.111 of (font Elastic Clothing, at prices raitedia dam ti5,W in 131450 far and of coat, pant , and hat. For sale at the Lad= Dubber Depot, No 5 Wood at. deal/ J & PILLIALIPS DRY k VARIETY GOOllB, the De . Sync•,,./,7p.,nrstV - Cahft..a Chia AL E 8 d. AY, ! , No 75 3lszau Steam Purrumuni, T_T AYE resolved .on SELLING OFF their large 1111 stock of Dalt GOODIP—tbe urinating part at which have lately been purchased at the Uri. Are. not SALSA in Philadelphia and New York; fit t tre mendous and unparalleled sacrifice: We have made mob a large redaction frani/ our ma uler prices that we will how eels a large Portian of our goads BELOW COST of importation. The 'eatirat tention of buyers 0 invited to choice hig h colored goods adapted tolhe California Trade. C. I LADIES DRESS GOODS. Plain and figured Capetian Caituteres arid e laistee, aisles, allprieea, Very superior brachia fig'd Super cloak elmEt, all 00- and watered bile Superior reparraure mOO, French merinos,,Slealoss, bile and colored, Black bombast...a, Super black glossy Oro de Crou barred and .toped silks, allietal, I Visette and mantilla sake, Brochalled aniEskriptd do, best quality, Jenny Lind plaids', • Pore satins, blk and blue Victoria Lyanedu -clothe, blk aeons., very nch, Lamartine man merinos, Coberg clothe and eameli- Super silk warp alpaca an lustros. " tutees; SHAWLS!! IA few brocha lap is shawls, the finest we hove ever brought to this lattice], now to be sold: at great ISu b peZe n Ld coMoortbre chs square shaWlsi Super carnelian si l k s hawl, GENTLF.kIENS' GOODS. i French cloths from the celebrated "Johanki factory Fa For beauty of finish mtd pemnineridie (Wear, these eloths have no Superior; a Geis piecesiLrmfine jet black and olive costae beavers and o hdlf") cloths ior over coats, twilled Frenea oloths„, tato :men expressly for cloaks, Freuch end American cm sinteres, stiper west of England do, super Manch sa nes for vesting', the best imported Pnaakaa (easy trivet and ass - inner, vesting% merino shirts Middisiar.. are, Italian °masts, linen, cambric and silk killfifs, ho siery and gloves. SHAWLS! Splendid plaid long shaerlarl Splendid ri trke Bhawlal from N. York atteLionk, great bargatmg Plwn and embroi'd thibet. shawls, all colors. Silk fringe, remarkably cheap; STAPLE GOODS. , Irish linens, best lons cloth thirting,musliail, blanch ea and brown muslin, of rood gittlity,=lAN lots. *lettuce, checks, domesue end tutpoinad - horns, scarlet, ye lltt llow • whim flannels, is, si Ops Int very cheap; law lin of whim and crossb 000.11- try flannels, cheep; brown and bleached Saineby table linens and table etotha. Eustis andScoteb divert and towellings, setinetta Kentucky Oasts and tab -Ws. BLANKETS. . • •-•-• - An usual largo gawk of blankets. direek (mot: the manufantpren, some of which are the best ever eXhi. bited, all of which *ill be cloied oat at ulipaialleted low prices. In addition to the above eturreetined goods. our stock comprises a very large and.earaplata assortment of altruist every article nsually mane In a dry goods store, and as they hay.. bout niandl Par calmed at the resent auctions, bane the late grell re. duction of prices. We are enabled and determined to cell them offal great bargains. Wholesale buyers, country merehan ,i tallors, and the public generally are respectfully in 40 ad ear ly examination. Bargains shall be given. ALEXANDER ii Der, 75 MlAs' sl, ' decal N W corner of the Dinmend, The Neer Golden Bee aloe 444024.. • New Fail and Winter Dry Gad +: , J7lreceived and now opening, at the On the 0 . 13. filvs, on Market err.; lietweenThi and Fourth streets, one of • the larger, • rhsspot beet Oda th e stook. of Mall and Winter Dry tode ref farad In Pittsburg:6,lo uhieh.the a11a61413 Of ' at* enemas cum.:mem and the 'outdid puteraily4 t.. fully invited, as the submrer is confident ' tth east offer sack bargains in Dty• Odods. Caardlifiall lon. passed by any other house or the city. i, ; As awns good. have been. purchased at % r ritnis tar below those of imp former season, they w il l sold at greatly reduced mt. Among this large and splendid stock wilt 'he rased many chows and c1..e.1e goods at extrema!) , low mice. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Very rich and most fashionable dress ailkik tilaid pad striped black catin; striped and plaid silks', plain black very gloccy erode Shine; plain blimk ea luclttA Jas. trine, utk for vriettes, mantel'. and eapea at navy low pure.; [lowest destgus and latest styles rtatthrheree: plain and utuu striped =Mumma, very chump; /each menno an colon.; de lat.., plain and figured d ad satin et riped, at great reduction on former pnemq 'Old, Cal al and leashmerc plaids; mohair and '6l64lelay plaids. all qualttles; Mimeses, all qualities and eblers, from ldl to 76 cents per past sIIAWLS! SHAWLS!! Fine ruhoacte, terkerie and bench° shawls Mark embroidered ...mere nerd de carne shawls; Fine Tiller and de lama • dd Fine black and colored cloth . dd Pam muddy long, very cheap c Plain aleck and plaid silk, very cheap A later lot plaid blanket shamis from 73 eentli $3, al i wool. DoMtiSTIC GOODS, MUCH BELOW FOR!rdiER PRICES. . Good dark calico RI. 3 to it cla der yers; . first qualtty dark calico from 0 to JO centtql • Varti wide purple do, h e eta; • (Mut yard wide bleached mnalin 4 to et Red de klna• and checks, all miens; Mantas. from coerce to bent quality, very:cheap; A lull aranruncin 0( red, white .d yelloar flannels; Ban c, Kentucky Jeans, Reimers, Linseye, etc, etc, etc, all di Which will be sold at reduced Tale% at No Cd Martel cc sepß) WK. L. RUBSFJLL. FALL GOODS. ' NI`CLINTI)CK, is now constantly receiving' l:da • 101 l stock of CARSETIDth Ae., competing one of the lurgeet 0,80111:11elllS ever brought to th 4 mar tet. worth have been purehaved direct Dina 00,161. miners and Manufacturers, of the latest aridiwem •tyles. end lower in prier than ever °remain t thly, which he invites Me attention of Mosel g to inrush sieamboats or houses, before purahaaing else where. 'The mime comets in part of the following Rich ALILOIRISICIItp.r., Oriental TapestrilOil Cloth do Velvet do Plant colored • • do do Tapestry do 21 feet wide do Brussels do S-4. 7-9, 54, 4-4 dr, foil elOth Extra super 3 ply do Stair Rods rr do do 11-4, 5-4 and 9-4 DrOggett do Ingrain do Starr Wide do do Rosewood Oil Clo th . Common do do cru mb clo th s Oil(( 4-4. 3-4 & Dumath Embossed Plana do do Table do 4-1, 3-4 & lwPd do do Figured Table Oil clothe 4-4,34 & 1 phun do do Turkey Red Taloned 4-4, 1,1, 1 & 2-1 cot. do &deism! Mats f-4 printed eonon Carpets; Sheep ebbs do ' * Fairs sup Chenille Rugs; Jute do do do Toiled do &Scant do• Flue do do Manilla Hemp , Wilton do do Snow drop Nitpira Crimson filed Plush; Diaper Towellmg Plain do Crash Drab 92 Cloth f-4 and 6-4 Table lairs French Merinos: French diettantod IA; R MCRIYIY hn opened ntitiinat fen day. TV . large akvartment of superior French bfernos, hcompound dor . ..rest shides of Maroon, Gerttel, litravv erry, egarle, Cherry, Drab, Light Blue, Broom, surd Matson. , Bl also, various qualities of black, Also, PALMETTOS AND LVONIMECLarIi§, of all the leading colors. Including a fear Mere. prom IA ape rlor black. lIELTINGS—Manorie Blue, Green, Biown,'‘ge. PLAIN C.ASHMBH dttES—aroon, Owned, roan, Drsu, Black, bc. EiIItROIDEMED CASHMERES—Pinriandlinted Mout. de lakil,ll., printed Cashmeres, Lamarties Oipes, a new article fee lathes dresses, Satin striped pines, nov I _ . IV INTER GOOD 3 AT ILIBTBIIN PRICBB. Inch IL waltz, No. at m...Airro24a, in. ky tends making a change in his basitreas on tat of January next, .4 will 'dispose orthe tfogOsting style. of mai. of original seat: drr.hea Long and Square! Shawls; , french Tartan Long French Prjnied Cashmerca; MblMl==l 14 and 6-4 6E141 Plaid; }lig red t'rnnch I..inghnens, And filncyDre TboKe wnniing bargain• ILLO invited LO W. novd7.ilirn 111/ACK AND FANCI ( ASSIMER&R.—AV Mar ) pay ba. lately meetrart a large aelarrtment flame good.. mod is °palling thorn at pines titiprete atedly low. ranmrig from 75 to $1,50 per yd A lAn. Frrltch lh,e•k um, .1' an quabfleste, Flrarl lirondclothA,Ll.,. • Oli" • •ti, grrett. I.rown, nod blue Among th se • .olue very honal.onle French ktlack-satable for look at a let 11 low 1111 and brnerp, tneisitile g ep au Mark I . ttlis.se 110th. 40 lon lathes cloaks. Also, talk.. cotton and merino Undetabinell.ll , cl,„%larnierm' L nth. rshi rts, constantly onitan Er The attention of. Flereh...nol Mlreh t 'T'al loth, Who buy by the piece, to specially laitite b th • above. d• 11.2 Llre 14[10rit, xxans •ND NEW GOODE, A T PICHY'S, d rerry street, corniftigingiFronah A Ciirthe. Cavelmores and Veloinga, of Ile Xorrreir and most fashionable styles Imported. I Also, n large yourolty of Rough sod Noddy ankets 00,1 CAIOIIOOI, proiltarly adapted to the limes d tke aonsoli On hand. the largest, best manufacturedMOSl filshionnble mock of ready made Clothing In city. All orders to We Tutoring hue executed to 1 Cot o!" teclrtoonable god durable rn.negr o,ll' Af: F. 1,00 DS—White and L lo c k Lagged r erniNi muslin do, white nod bier. k lace Undersit esi do Lace 11. tubas, block do Veils; plan Frenc Vs art ' tr. 1111 l ed and ther.lted shooting do; ern Ica* or motel,. Whet linen curobrte Wilds gents .1 do dol opera drs, head drrsses, artlfietal latiwer bonnet and, quilongs; just received and the inti whole. sale mod renal, by F 11 lUTON hr Co. 6.2 h.. that I,,AT AND CLOAK TRTM.MINGS-21 dt reed elook . T.wel., 3 groat figured si non 4.10 do motor do, a dodo drab 0010 dth 6{ ovdrroat hutioolo 40 do bite twat both:mai 12 .ewinfr: 6LP do do pailful 'llooailOpad... onand other Trott:mots, for tatknor use . on band. deo) eet,exfo uooDs—e li Eatoh . k. Co. an. Kupolied with a !acre &Oh bhitha "• .ilk fringes and gOortr, rolneLlthboos dA4 cow, 010.44 .11d . embroideries, glovatt l . erns hhirtr,.tutrpfroden end ender 11.7th,r', oYf.."6.l'eXodyth'efrirgrli prices to merchants and others; at their . mudmaa Ansnehottso, OM Fourths hem nuke TRIMMINGS, 1.110 01:1 08.1X4y n,. , . An 103. FH. FtATUN•& CO Delon, ut r ,„ . lietnttashent, kw.° retartoett stand to NO. et FOURTII STR.tET;'' 6 • I Market stesec EOM= ‘"-' XVI. NO. 122:',. VOL., MISCELLANEOUS,. . COMM ' Patina Greninestod Gobs.. B=rry aruivPatien Insulated Poks for Medical and Mk. rills is the only Instrument of the toad that has ever 1 been presented In this country or Emcee foAned ical pit moses, and is the only one ever hntrant to 'Dan, by which the galvanto fluid can he eouseYed to Me he eye, the ear, the brain. or to any pan of thehesty, either Mentally or internally, In a definite' gentle start= - 111 ., simeka or pato—with perfect safety— and Irian I.e happtest edema. This important amiantus is now highly approved of by merit of the most eminent physicians of this... e athicted nod other. whom bei be wrs m e li : l e d l c f •E' re an d mc'M'''' b P :rne 'an:h i li:77 o mr : Ihl thened-1 s moo ealn appaystrue of some of the most ittntintan nervous disorders Which tmald n 0 ti( 4 . 2 9‘04Y pit, other knowp. Arno vitiate tt his been prou d ad mirably adapted for the cure of ate following disease, vim Wyo. llearillelte and other disewesof the brain. irpOirento Wide that did tit/crater can convey the magnede Reid with ease and safety to the eye, to restore sig ht or Mare maturosas; to the ear to eo rproraeinting to ncnongrn endother organs, to n' • store speech; and to thy venous parts of the body, for the core of clamnlo rheumatism, asthma, neuralgta„ or tie dolourentl s minis, etpalay, bhbrener St Vita's dart., epflepsy, weakness moot 'spittlirt, sonic dioeues peculiar to females, contraction of the Lime, etas Right for surrounding counties of Western Paignd privileges, with the instrument, may be purehas... - and alsosested for the cure of disease. Fltll instructions will be given for the ranee. elem. gals to tie used for various diseases, and the ben'enn ner for eto gating for the cure of those diseases mil al. so be ( oilyexplained the purchaser, and a pamphlet put into is bandit expressly for these perposes,eans fully prepared by the patentee. Enquire or - ocil34lty S WILLIAMS. Vine •• Pittsbnrch. Plittatenrsh and Allegheny hallrin'ary, (Lem.. to A ll egheny City, Fleming steret con lintuatioe of Etandasky—near N. Commons.) ills Inssitutien is now in oucce•sful onennion, un• • der the management of a competent matron and. none. The Medial Steen composed of Inc follow.. Vag phyilcionic Addiban, Damao, Dale, Rim., Brorglin,'. Bell, Lange and Common, the two lost of whontattertd I. the Gentian patients The object of the Grantianf Is not to be a mere receptacle, bar a co. ranee rennin for - the sneering and the sick—the chari ty is therefore limited to accidents and acute dlsepse., *Xcept in extreme eases. A. many pattentshf this dliaractet will be neared grotto. as the lands will permit individuals, Churches, Beneficial gociebes, Famine. he who wish to provide an asylum for sick friends, members and domestics, ea do soot from pa I to 85 per sweat, according to attendance, room. &e. All applications (or permits must De mode to Dr Addi son, Perth nrect, Dr. Gana. 6th Street, Dr. krona., 3d street, Dr. Lange, Hand street, Dr Morgan, Peon street, Dr. Comm., Penn street, GM Ward, and Dr. Ewe and Bell, second bank, below Federal street, Al. le Variptittna ands ontributions ford. cherit7'. m•Y be mode to the Rev. W. N. P.savant. Directdr of hat eth InstitudiOn; Or to the fah/Wing Rankers, Wild e kindly consented to receive, them. Hems. Kramer & }lotrnex & Sons, S. /one* Co , Wm Lan tr Jr Noon it- Sargent, Hill Carry; and H. Li 1441" .decte-if mo °axe Fon ALE* THE 2donongalia Iron Work., altuaf-il on Cheat River, in hionongaka county, Virgo ia • Thew workscomust of a Bolling Mill, Forge, N ,ti Factory, Foundety and three Hest Parnacei:fogeth • er with a Grist Mt, Saw MI and Turning lisuhe. fourteettor Mean thouaand acres of Land. rmansintng inexhaustible bedsof loin on., coal, - limestone, •nd Are ellylor making bricks, and abandanceiof, timber for cbmscoal, and all other imposes. This is hob of the most complete and valuable es. tablishmenti in this Plutern country, having one of the best warps power's that can he any where found, and being capable of funkier improvement to ' almoe any extent—as there is abundance of room for,covon and,woollen factories in addition to the works already erected; and a beautiful sight for • village. These winks we shunted in the midst of a rich roan try, where provision. are abundant and ,heap; where taxesard traitor, and. the facilities for got inirta.mar • het as easy as could almost bo wished, imvipgahe ver connecting with Pittsburgh and the West Piassing through dm property. For further particulars apply to Tams it Beg!, Pids• burgh; Evan T. Milton, Esq., Baltimore, peon the promises; E. C. Wilson, Esq., at hlorgantowrapt , or to the ipbseriber. JOILN TASSLY. derat..dlm Pin.hitreh. Pittstratrgh die Benton Copper Cattiisany. rp 1118 Company reapeetfally informs the puling nad particulatly all dealers and consumers co Copper to the form in which they prepare that their Sine - ing Works artilltinge In succemfol operation and they ore nor toady to make contracts .for the delivery 0, Ingot . . to those who want in this form; and also tough cake for fke purpose of rolling. The Copper Prodneed from the ?Amalie "Mines at Lake%roamer, It aseerthined to his much aperior to the rthlinary copper is dm markets, which is obtained Item ow containing foreign mineral mbstanees. Tht• copper is perfectly pare, gad le not hthuard by the pro cess of stocking, and I. therefore gremly to be prefer. red for bell metal, rolling end many other pratioses. As it is not the intention or wish of this Comm., a erect works for the manufacture of copper in the varktlye form. in which it is wanted, they ndnire happy to make contracts for the delivery of tt.m the forte 'mm Ingots, tough take for rolling, he., to those who may with to embark in the business. Hereafter, all the per obtained feou thew min, will be brought to Pittsrgh, nod large styppney may be expected Letters a ddressed to C. tr. Haas. or Tel.. M. Flows, will meet with prompt 10e . ttttott dee IDA3m CHARLES AVEVV. President Reversible Filtering C0,.3k FOR PUIIII , I INC. WATER, ? Winch reader. turbid dialer purr I remover all iiabstance. not rn'ut,,e in ) P i • h r - 1 \ vests ran " 7'7. ';, N - ' °; .l / 4 . kilii..ii) when it panel na p tr rr our dir 'r ou ' :l ilil; • filtering meg, 111.1101•• • lar rmyge drpo , it . the cane noteVrZsZb altry=t iirdieV "" The Reveruble Fraterer la neat arid daralite,iand • . not attended with the inconvenience ineident to other Fittemrs, as it is cleansed withettt being detached front the water pipe, by merely caraw the key or, hand, from one lode to the other. By this easy proets, the course of water ic changed, and all nee mutations or impure InhoOpoes are driven ad almost insonotl). without unseg,tbe }liter. ft also possesses the adrantage of telog II stop cock, and as tech in moo t caw will be eery convenient and economical. It can be attached where them Is any pressure high pc low tea cask, tank, tab, tn. with ease. TV be !lad of the Wel Agent, W. W. WILSON, octl7 comer onFoartb and Market sue DI . kuraigra Filter, for Tlydrisat Water, *imp THIS Is to certify that. 4 hove no , pointed Livingston, Roggen es Co Sole Agents for the sale of Jennlnglo meat Diapmbrm Filter, for the rt. ties of Pituburill and Allegheny. .10 II :h GI BSON, Agent, for Walter hl Pibron 349 Broadway, N. T. Oct 1P IMP I,Ve have been rising one of the above woolen at we office of t h e Novelty Works for three month,on oral and feel perfectly satialled that It in a meth! Inlrentlon. anOre take pleasure in recommending them m a use ful article to all who love pure weer Orden, will tie thankfully received and promptly areemed. 0et.19 . LIVINGSTON, ROIJUEN et Co P/TTSNUTIGH FEUNALEI INSTITUTE THIS Institution, ander the care of Mr. a td Mrs_ Ganges, will re-open far the recepuon of pup., in the same Mitigates, No. Lin Liberty won, on the lot Monday of September. Arrangements have been made by which they wit! be able to famish young ladies faellitleamluel to euY in tte West, for obtaining a thorough &lila, Cla.s , cal:and Ornamental education. iL•Cull comae of Pin lisophieal and Chemical Lectures will be delivered daring the wittier, Illustrated by apparatua 'The de pp ,totem. erul e. !l i n i rrumert . tt i l l d c ale c t elod no e d zl the care of a competent Professor. BY clan anennon to the room' Aftd nuallectual turprovement ofgheir pu pils, the Prinemals hope to morn a continuation of Me liberal patronage they have hitherto etted. For tam ang2s.lls, see circular or apply to the Principals., GREAT WESTERN Ct StDDLE, HAII.NESR TRUNK AND WHIP MAN 0.1./FACTORY.—The subscriber tekysAkm method of informing his friends and the public in genyml that he has the largest stock of the following owned ern e/es of his owl...manufacture m this city—Saddles, Hot ness, Trunks and Whips, all of which hi will tverront to be wide of the best material and by the bars mccn• allies in Allegherty_county. Being determined to sell hi. manufacturieltething tower than his been here. before sold by any similar essabliabcpsnt• In the ettY, be would invite pc - ream in need n( the alcove named articles to hie warehouse, N 0.244 Mom Street, oppo site Seventh!. Also, bands toads biordbr kdoonehme ry. oct3o-ly (3.IMR . BY. 01110Ja4 . a a m •etisspani: A L TOTICE• sfreCKHOL4.lol3.—le parsoastee 01 /I Na provisions of the Chahar of Incorporation, the animal meeting of the Stockholders of did !dellororah, la edaeigadoar.oorpany wi ll be bold ea.blooday, the firm day of January, 1849 (being the fan Sfonday of the mooth.l at the office or the said Corephey, re die Odeon Doilding, Fomtik Meat, Klisbazz . h,pai o'clo , inltte ellernooo, for the purpose of elecone etecers for thirensuiaryear. AVM. HAREWEItL, ttee , y. scor2o4d xisU Fsc - rU RED PORACCo— .I.u, ,01 bat Leman:lnc 5c 35 do blitabeau sa; to do Paella& 5a and 1 rio do John Rucker Sei 10 do Ro be. & Snmon se; 46 do Henry & James 5s end pa, In db,,lohnst and Lewis' Is; 3 do Warwick Gomm's; 7 bla .6t.egese l thence*, embracing porno or the Melt: favor ite brands, on eventalgumeut, and will be and low to clam by deck.d w,szrat NI AN S ODATIM, - IMPORTED DIRECT FROM "I`Hle IIEAPIFFAL7II.!. RERS.—The suboulbers, being Ute caulavtve on porter. of likelle• hiempfall & acme' Soda Avh Market, ant now and will edntinue to be` laNely sap. plied with due celebrated brand, winch !no, will —ll at the lowest market price for rub or apptairctl 1 , 01, They refer lo the glum and imp I:lll6o9Sturcts, vi this city generally reepectina the quality. W S. M AfiTCHELIIts:r., novl y,,RON FOUNDRY FOR SAA.F...—.A am4llrpn Fo„o, LI . dry in a doniialting town, with Patterns, Took, ad:. all ready for boalneu, *Ur &via! itir.nneomino. &Won tenon, or fleabane for Inn Or Ronda„, Mg offers on egeolleut opportunity to It young mon with resell capita, to commence Wilton Fthindo ours. Ronan& Qt . SCAIFE & ATKINSON. let near Wood wort. deed. Reales, °Galatia Stoves, 6ratas4 &o. 11 AIu4HALL , W&L,LACE & CU, .floss y ! Church, corner [Phony and Wood 'tree* Manufacture arid offer for male Platform, Floor and Crawler irnwes, date most improved qualltr; Cooking ntorcas , of a'r" , and coal; Egg Stove, of various lie,, Parlor and ertaimon Grates, Hollow Ware, oker an, Wiley auto ssamafactore tbe witch bas,cirro general Makfactlon to those having • Lit Mau, to ou of which Magma:ad tfully tante- atssaiou of the animas and the public swofy. pc L 27 .4.111 tia'n:NT - s&Ail. LA 7 , 6-.- .-- ATI * 4.4 - 11.1 1. assortment of Cornelius & C Sceicanacd manu fseilttn, and supggiot to all others in a..., map.. I. enwrap', Steamboats, factories, durelluigs, publtc and pWrataluttfa r and us all aster asp slam elren, and INLIst is dmatrabln , iilso t tiirindislantertwideltibits,Globe , „ thadernWleka, • Carm,,Pinitagracan. Ma i:l4'44 , i;rvir ict wiLsoig f"'rlighth Sto market st tg: 110 dna, Oa beat ~ • ;autly &Co • t . 8110YELS, Wortigliitano, nod sito • do Ett l oi ' dd d ti l ler,VlVV:tgelltl Belbyort, nicely do, for eels at agniusAygolfre priers, by no• 18 UEUCOCHILAYY O ZI st lIIDLETNED SUGARS-405bbli . o*I • .... ownr. 1111. mbar.; todo e • b teMe, Warded; to ante and tor.sain JAB Huichbolairce,.. L _ 42-1 ." 1111111.111. 45 : . i rga4 ‘- gt .. "7C . " 7 ; at
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers