,•;1 -, •4•4%',••••I''A•! , • 0 , ;• , : - .;: , ; , i":•4F , 1: , ' ,,, ; - .' ..!'.:,.!! , (.•_..,;.;„;.t•5-•,, • .';','•:6i:., lr=;: ,/,:.; z:.:. -: -.. . . : rive as ejasris-?-:. , :1-. ir.7 4 1 ~...,:..7 <t i f..... ..iiceriat-moßztuAltss , isrista - f - ,. 1 .. - .ltralaltollllllolll ll l 4 LXlClLlCuur. ' - ',Ti,l.'- -- - , -:-. , -•_.7 sad telWellire=stsedn'..... -'.. ' ,14.,;..,,.1„:4 - ,,,„ , ,...:.... ... _ ..... --- •.V - ..-f......,:.. • ~ - _. 11111W.TOILMIRIPIlialh., .4.. ;:cli;f4ii,liaW.l. woo ~etimeraim i nt= ,Lcrwla ke ftwe iku r s ire , -: ';': . • : ' , ' : `e.,.' . fAt ; it' 'er; ciurni.u. - sknotos.n. .-- - .','... i3156)).10:141.0. 6 or thammettadtr to lay the Lillow. ?,iii inteakioit:ii..*.i a eia hi e the F'''l'4* 1 of Allegbeey, Rio bisam who ass .u..,t,:d . , f5,,,,?.' 'jibs i.:4361.1.k.ciAr tt411.4 Road lute between th e .• •.:',' Ohio Breve and tie-Sun 'Sire had opposed the :...... '`. - .ocisicf.baddinitheßoad tnntlii Mon eFez, mock r •-: - .:; 1 ' , ' ,-. .; - er than the somber. awned, sad ant ihmeGsne i, e "., : , /:. . grward ernb the pampa in view. The piaciess '... 7: , . - - , . F .thervrak the Isola . encoaraging, and th e E_, 4. - '4-. , vbrk does appears to have been planned with . . . . '..', ~,, ~ . visit , discretion, and onxiotny bath so to time and sosiney. Next nonuser, is 'vnlil be wen wtll .': . c. .. "„ Y. .: ~- t, brim; the two_ points in much nitres, proximity , end mathdalty diminish the time WV, 031111111 Med '' .... -in rmiktog . introit) , east. .It . is moat desirable ):' ' : -.., . -.- thei the WeeLeri and . Eastern sections of the Solid shield': be Mamidened at the same tone and • -,....... -....,:.. , . , ere this 6&op we `hop to ode : the West: .-.:-.-.. , - , -, 's ~ • 'em Read Will ender way. It wdl be wen '' by the stamment bere madrithet e nd ,carourager . 1 . Yr- ,-'•' ::. meat is ' cdfesed to - Mmitalieta either of large ~ -:- ".. ' or small rtearteto participate in this ads:lrian Sec . ... .-: . CM indeed Is cots* hod • Lode flak, a hate eni :.. .4:, - ‘1,1 . ... - , era, a linli 'money, - and a had patience and we ''''' '.• OWL be 'Minn! as ;with hooks of steel to th e Lan ; i t' , -..:":' " '- '• indlresh The blowing is L,ho knee r.r.". 1 L 3: MEM ~`^~ - -.;.;:,.......-,,.T. :7 ,-.7:;,..:•-:. .':;..:i2;-. MEE . - : • . - L' • 7 is To "---• ---- Esq., Pillthtlgh. • . - Orme Pm. Ron Rau I . Plladelphls, Mel 6184 a Dux Ma-Your later , of !by era Us been received in Which you express s desire Jo be us • , • brmeid the - probable cost, of the. Peelltlirenk .!• • lica Ikea, tale misfired kit its O,IIIPIaM, sea' of tin company, krr the information' . " 'Of yak Wok citizens, and I take pea *awe_ , ••r • , •le causal/Log the informetioa you seek. Fait, to to the cow of the road.—lt Is banaa t h e y t h e e gi t eetee et the engineer br the touted , li.e. - keeeist been rendered nod on dos had, my ' ! se * may he ecouildeted as entirety nothentic. ` In nomad the eaimoo. yon meat Dear in ,'" '," ' '• f 'mat, that 0u not in the sharecter of nue ary -‘..-., * ..-,..• . , uticiate pat bra via • view to Mau° stack ',.-'''• t' , ..; • ' ' t ultur*oss,whieh ore tooodenbut crude appeal : *•' *-!': ' " : ..,."-?salklbs., balk It a worincut estimate for the gores ` / - •*. ce( the Boma of Duectoes, to guide - them in ' • ',.a - " ' 4 16 ' Yr.Tindu el [coda. It leas 'not been made -,. ‘..,te. / ' . arer mare tattered sorrel, bet b been weed '!"- :• • --- :', Afar 1134,194.3* have been patiidericausisui pews folly tested; slue fifteseitlankind'uns - f ilea hare been engaged sad all the katacts fie - " " - " superstructure 'lbr teat polka nabs ; and the oertsule Loss to Hollidaysborg located, end estimal ed in the loled miller - - - in regard to be wester* oeciroayou are ware ' ' 1 ';'` ' teat the mute las net yet been fay determbed as !. -„„ "..7. ' the mast, thwoogh espial's:au see occeasoy, '!- 1* *''''' ' boo kiwever has been teeilea,ea dinar ,5,,',.-... - I ‘ , ,' , ' ad telly ,wtoch will nerve a.. guide, throogb it is 's' ,'Ye ; ••• *,, *. L .probabk some expence vita be saved, when this ' rdos it d 22 14 anlxV a- -;••••• i • ..-- • The esionsate therefore- br the mad contunsous . :•''' ' ' Dom Volatugh to liurnburgh, leaving ow the . mosunans send robe nabs hereafter at on expense • - ' ' • • 4' two mat., .. will be as kdkors- " ~ ...., .: t. • ' ! = t • emeln og the . Branch , rin and one i 1 :: .7 ie ' t..f. '-, ~ ' . -4 ' th *II ' ca n ' lt uthazed s tri00 k . '. ..i1,° 42 .% 2 ii: ; .;', - i'reis.. ..- 12Pett cost Cmlutgete.iet-,:, =IA 7 ' 109 Q . i r . 4".....if;',7'...,,. _ 1.. soP , • , ..t.roS.re• ••:. : ----45549 0 7 n , Tl - -- • w ,.,"'''',Dr urd gr ta t : '". .. 1,515,c00 : ''..' • •-• ' ' ''. : 1 1271er - Ceefit ISIS* .5 7 •••,.. . ~- •• • •• Iron 13aperareacture '. ' ' 351,200 2,503,0 r. - , - .1,-''' , Tta estimate will cover ' the' Warn. .e9g. , • ***'', -" ' • - ...Un be mad is is *cum web , a. 4411 undo,. ben ;....-s : ',.:,',, ! ;shilisitskiiak tocootPePwe_ "the,P.lk42o: Win( ;,-:-4" . .itre . t. lasi than sax lnaba% .'4"."1;:-., ''''‘2,! -- .; Seam In iiefereece to time of concektster isi•List' ?•'- ••;$ 1! Sipes-Fell depend upon your. action in Al l eghlny ikors. t•-:-"! '. 'X,..,' 7 "..,. * , • : c OO 4 - . , • . ; • . t ,..,,i•ErV C S'2 -, The rsetan &roan will be canplas en two Z . i.kt,iff A "'" , • - " , -- ~. Tun fues the past spring. Contruts iv gnaw .; ~. . 1 i• • r ''. ~s . ' . ..a espeeknorture been been enured nibs es du '-'-'• ''..tii--.-' es lawakure cad also fur the deep riga:Newton ~ A1."."•.;.T5t , •! •• ' ' 114,161 , 111 and Tune! as Teasel's mountain, babe ! 2 V!27 ' ' IsideVanitt • - ' . I ! . _Fa l _ ' These Waxes= sirs ail ptogreasue as tepidly u ~.., 4 '"• ;''' '' ' - e nth ' send.tbe road .onll be "1 , - • - - , -put in iodpiiikllkas,lsnrikosa daring the ea. e-, :-. . - - , i,„4,;;; l 4:OCkiantieemb of this montlesthe • ' r' j;' ; i: ; :;:.; : :;;=.lgtedizie and massy from 7..eatiatra to Ilunung. ! •''''' •• !! 5 , ...1' • •- d t r. „,,,i 41 the taary panto on the Liu, Junika `These paint. ore now to ant to time ra be, fin ~ , lobed, when the twine a ready, by which us moos ! ~. - -! * 1•;,••,,.. _ . be gourrad.• The late to licustasnloa wellUo s - dr -- - y •-, -. krd.. ruts early out sumnier,"end be satin our i t if, ! '', • numbs so woe 11.11110 Newton llama= cm is era. '!• ,'•:` ' cowed` The litOt wait between thunagdon and -', ',-',.*• r , ' Hoikkatoog vra/ be caul-Ade,' fie ID time abe ' oceopkted no kas en the points now being cow- W '. 1 . ,- ..., , • This wrangforsak it the work biss been made Ci ;ur ' l. : •' ' ' Vardar to tees capitol . expended. into ammo Ifs.' t+if •.• . '-wilt so ink bI. euenet se reeil4:: - ,- . - t” . q .-- ..:.! • - . • We expect 'detrain. ee te. oar's* 'slaw . . .. •. • - EINE ..!' .'."::,;.:,:i . : . ....' •Irr.-':-.-,...;,:‘:iz0'-,-,,.,-Ni ,J. p... .;. • !t.". • •,•-• :•• • ••• • • ,;: : 1 ~'~. )Y•~ , , r. :: f y . , - r:: ~4 4 '.. 41 e, t l i :)• 2 1 t I WO ohiCk < i lit • f b /y0 4;V% , t #7 . X, 7 4 . ,,v4z , iiik AlV \ iNc ' ..4 . . , , i.i.. -I4U - 4 , 14-VI*M j r 4 . ef,e.•: 41.. 3; - :1.4 ......-.J...iv ,•;.41.:he ,- 4 % ... 2 4 -- ....A.. • Lftt...._.:S, c . .... 1 ' tlk.t.ll' e 4 c lt .t• r'44 '4l , •." ' . I: ... " .et. :•,. t i i , 4' 3r 3 , , 'Wit ?, I ; • l'Al l ' us iW• ....4., ,'• . ,7 4... c..... .>l - ;;K : t . t. .. . 1 .* •* 414. f, 6 . ;t• gi-i , r 4l ',;-te :,:Z.M,''' 1.' *:•!;41 I ''' ti 4 K - 4 kirffilf *0 tit 4 e .ty 4 1 , 13, P•or.:. . sg• _ ''' ''''"t 'lPl'• . , i rrii.f , -;• .1 • 0t51.4 ..... M. - 1 - "l`i , A• 4:: ' ,l , . ~ . in." 1: , , ~.., r , „ ... ..... • t „ • . All .4 ~ ; ibe picast:li4 4 ° i,'-; jui lka ii i iii ii * b yPi llig"r i m ari thi g " o lisa . - ' alm 11. inns., 1 a t i., vressere me= da come will)* pu , '' 'i.!. ' F ronded the mime f. - ,. I' '' It the onset of ,Icily cr Attgost"thez.kueZteralsa the 1 I '- - ouriT• now _"'PKV".7. mill be .-. - - family te•L00...... hes . I *. pzeitsder ' . It le leftist:led to pa: em the .. 'y hM aw masa°. . tha fill, r' r " Pr'ci' .......a t ,' - diet* ''- .-". "IN" of tbons wetocu tem •-.,-,. r -- -,'-`:`,:- •• • - .es thtt ° m a to barettOtellitiOal!". %,'..., ;.. ~" . 'iiitic la. in ~.,,... is,. dome 1 10 :.4...' . : . ;.i - ....-:.:: . -. 'lna Ptintxur l '' a " - 7 . -. ~,,. lima . nil' ~.,-. -- ' • •- - .7. icameamof that r " 4. " • ''•••' 1- •Is to coslideafir erixewd road will be _ L. k•• ”_,, ", 1,64 0 ,,, n, N., th e, West, .font • - • , _ -',•• ~ , :.•-; .nods to • fi„,,. UN, eme, Wr -n . it Intlreschik4ula ...wo. acaomplbh ;,;i:i;;.,: '.l''.: r • -' waltio ,rowel o Irada sule:kfintl'l7":: b. 1171 ' c6l":adar ": l • ' z +.• _ , Th.d.,„1"...,,,, of tbi, c...PaziT 1 1 .. ; , • .1.."44 '4 ' ' 04 apsssa, iliaiww - p.ria : d .ix , - ', , , - -:1 - ' /loom “ aims ei.t.:l4 ...1:4.1. ioxoo6 6 .. 4. ,- ' . 71:: .t.rr , ;tissi___Faii• 'c6 ' .' - • ...bawls we ....toody• ixtrA • r .....,"', •-• '. '''''' . .iicll a', , • . basailkled 6 i,0°0,000 5 ,1 90 , 350 1 . t.: - : ' 1 ' - • = ABe g i "/ • '.ii. •..•- - - b. aca1ned,.......... 51433,336 4 ' o 14 7 .‘, ' • _. _ „ ." :463 ' x i .., ,, ,, „ . -„,,... ~1 1 I. mad.; .1, u, time' fur if. • ''' ••• --, , ' --,' - kart f, prtyste sobwriptiowt. t.' -, - •ilgClattu... ` 1 ” y ..„,...d , I feek:,bEst lit. ' .' .. - '. ' ': lh'''l26l4".'s Untasaad dolkut 14114 -...••••• ' : .•• , iambi 114 two kontareti u. .. amee , diesel , '• - I .. •aserreed ekog . 04 , y 1.,. mad...hia wil ' z ' ' mukaicooP.••• T h i. I now imimoi faclioir % ..rodir of 6oca the •-,.:,, . - - the'l i d of it. Pl' 4-• , , -- - 4 . o „ Tad • ma, ":"'"'". render the a - ' ISN3St of inlernact. . a. ana;thadyo.4a - taTentecteml me of no,. 'MOOR lailn . al a _,' '' ti"" the ;r1i.545 the CeltiL 2 VO S P W4I L ' '' =ods tr.* w I..** A th i: - ii P :: c ' with moo& in gag ' dm= it ftWe resets. akr.. a. is. 'L'' . - • • m lx. ad saw is th e mote to dod.ction torsos. •'.., , ,' • '' ci ormai " I ' - Limit,. hero aae.:.:l teak ;2 .. : :-- ,; .1 T.G. , al vir o v i v"::: to 1 „„.. IN. wc.k ' '' ' . - ----; . i' llmirimi al-1h.143':"' '4 y . ,I. c0mi.....1 Ina noaccd 4 ...i;,_ ',...!.: - ' " • .smarm and datirsbie ropi , A, t.;:7.-7.-,. ...41 i• • : -1."3",tn- ~.,..4 1 ,,,,, moth do rr °lr i ' ....,...,“-, . /011""*"1. bi the •cdloo Tzw 9 . 1 1,-1 .1r5tyt: ‘ t 4 , .: ,. , , tie tcsi3X ,2 7 . ...,..,t ipt .. . wide ti:N-/..ti...f" ' - ' o4ll * :14 .not wi.6,,a that ••• c•• asepiTie a 1 -,"' l oPtelt l ittt 4 o llo44 , We ' '"a lemma rho cel n ' i 1 .:,, , . ,•4-T Al'jf:ls, • ,f: . :.•: •:',7olloPiiße_____. c . "" = , sad ski viiiisw ir kr :47 . , , .i.:- `..,, 7 2 . ' 1:',": „ be .„,, k , inx , tu , o r. einie4P, 4 ‘.;--. : 2 .1 : ',‘: , . ''- th.,4' amigvia.S. re-O"l' l'atha inh ,-4'..-"z":;i.'..-'.' slaw- <.vis row . "i? . *.:X . p,',1',, ,, !,. ~,..- gii,-sWI *,' lb . 64 ,•,"i ma1 . ot,sentemar r47:141;S:•:',;1•:.::.:-Irt4 il!gi.," ..voiliiiirctisar; -., a 3r.• rzalar , ;' *-- ' 4l -I=.ll A2 'i4 '. ,I, .. -,.• • 71 •0. 4 74, - tk,,, , Tt.,.4 1 . 1 2... i ...:.• :__- - 00 ., 1 ., •4:4'..:•: ?•:• 4 •7 , , ,, ••"-: • .-. 1 ,,„„ . 1 . 41 ,, Wend Lefilifitwe arb , a r e 4...t ' -. l• ;l.*''' ' ~ ' Vliiii.d a r i k .',,•,' , ; .. .- ( ; • ••'1' : • - ' ,:- Z.. ''' . .-- .'. __/. 2 , - - . ;;-......„ • ; ,;, . -.;,. ^; ,? ” - w T : ;.:.-...1...::,:.,..:,.:': , .-,::.:.. ':::.:; =I 1 ea ==z - ' - - - - - -ata shwa llwaseertlltinsaia t A Is 4 iti kiffiblaNSE LOS 3 Of H , • 4 4" fir -- ) te• Egmister, May . %031111A . 04'../4 1 100.1 1 . 848 ' • Imre portion °Me *.aftykattkiiStriftf is this. "TNe.44o4akint - kesinrriga,bringial momenta smoking less oNs.oi , Datrait was the c oriculdreirrlucedr %on last yesterday visited with tbe meet dmirtletive coeds. Al Mexico Ur Akan sadvasnof the Pronsyl. A me tras resist PO5 teat; sunned of the lab - mender n'd, oat edema half alter eleven o'clock in the mor • - ottesept lainglary, was pang Car nod arils, in the loge yellow warehoose: be. attention. h . • twee . Randolph and' R..* Wed!, and did not • • att.aarets or sairroi_oefil- • MU. i/a tarns. Intik al the lest oaksialsxl. he. The dm Faahlas. from BOMO. tween eighty and one hundred buddies* were laid enfeed. ‘ at New Oriema on the 3d ink, Witten in ate, including Iwo or three Luse woreboases dales to the 30th elk." , . • on the river, the Steamboat Hotel, . • snOssg pamengersals ',bawd tbei te and • number of the pleasant private ,en J. Colkae bearer tif.detnicbro egal - en. on ktferson *Tense. • The &aria burned, includes. Pries and Wool e n Wollaston: , • acme half dices Nods. The .Picayens lures fina The fire originated Gem the sparks of the f"sia gloat the 'Crl of March hest, 'Some* whin was lying at the whistle .ant. wine mil pull. WSlSSl‘fissollses.as monk ddslwarabouse. The warehouse Wits sad ',Pm leeeiviosidxmstiosdramose dd ea i s ea nonsespiel; nod when the Ore was diacovinde it of a.fti Urfa On Ma PostiOrts-rmos Ms's.. could male peat said it bad made coaniatsbis "a to its • Es'slilsels..,.'fletbullthsg was an old me, all wood; Thesethinies being Glee, be determined Coto ad. an d l,,..oddeiniitheiter, the flames spread . willt • memos Sesta Druz, where Government train ( r ead ma y, with Gym 1,300 to UM mops was ascertained 'buy a ffe ra w k, froc. the so i dii .. e, to be stationed_ • , ' • skiraidisg the dames with maddeaing fuly over a After si rmidess_Pastei.si eight asYS,,,,h° us*M - 'doting of lateral saes, thintrdetlad antb bull& ed and =ed the town, drivincipu Reel tom -. AM& ', L i. iii c s i n i m paa: mold, flans. hichidisit the and the bile MSS pant telallnllCS. rourteert piece. ol h., of Mann . D,„ wolf a nt i birsnAmc levy, and two thousand stand of small arms were ~,,,,da g ajpg, • All the eEbrta of - oar mesgeke, captured by the Americans. ' Immo mere& unevallistg. lisitr i zeadmg On the 11th Much, Hear Pismo FT°C",,,,dea at a tepid pace along Randolph n, to Jenks. with his prelims lo Chilmshaileasing /jest- k".• eon . Avenue until it reached and cronied•Wood• Hawks m command, with .den to tallow as soon way Market. sad tiatical4e- the satire block on both idea of Rudolph' di 64 three's men and fen °Moen even pozoll• lawirigr uyiAterater to . Brush . greek.. - . • ed. The Milliken lose is use hundred and MY, The wind continued to blow with Inmenail killed and as many wounded. The Antenna loss r e and in a Sly mittens aflergrudadtelbleambeet, was fire killed and twenty wounded, bet two of it' o ,4 wu a mi.. aEames Tbiedaes= the Inter have since died. did. Wales' Hotel buildings and.tbe above, on MN Avenue, now become etvideel,- The heat was inane, driving the Intim soda. inns from its ringing MUM. A few tiamentih and Wales' Hotel was Inept in the dartionlog menu; piesentlega scene of terrific grutina. :rho fire continued its COMB op the Avenegionsac kg Brush street, and. was only arrested la . tle course two building Wore it leached the Casco. gabonal Charchortileb, at one time, Was II Mb nent danger.. From th e Steamboat the Ganes masa scans the alley, and communicated with the large "Erick - block in which the Daily Advertiser office Is located. and soon black volumes of smoke and tar rillc dames were hoisting from the window. En` rything in the large block was tumbled, in sad eon fasion into the erect., incloding all the materials I of onr office, our heavy panting pearnoke. The block was divided by entree wet w, eton nine to roof, sa . which ved it from otter The roof sod upper stories,betereen seveni of lies petitions, were destroyed. The total Lose by this terrible conflagration, we can, of coins; form in cermet enmate of at present; it is eery greet, Wane estimating it as high as 5300.000. The :tumbled buildings destrand was prohnly between 200. and NV, and near per thearesdpermer were tamed Lb ne rtnets. . - Several semi tithe city, whichvinerday mom log wit thickly dotted with buildiemi, and alive with activity; this morning en only he seen a I* et of chimera of tattered and fallen walls, sad hapset' winking ruins. We . lava - um been able to kens iefin t 4e amount ot inearanoes. Wales' Hotel ' were insured letbe N. Western Chiming AXIOM We understand there was noinswesuns on the Stinsboat fLoteL Mune Brutraglebritb,, tobacconists, in the same block wits vidoettmor whole monk, ileum $3000; without tomosists We have no time now to give Gplbstais 'Mb firemen displeyed the utmost enmity themollb out the exciting scene. The Ore reged eon sliest II A. M. to 3P. M. Several Minos wee ow ce less injeued to the general end we hear that one person was burned. to deada—being Intoxicated. end asleep in otia'of the buildings near the Serthelet Margret—Doreir Adontior of IsDry , e • .. e • LA7Flla FROM MICSICO. ' The thUnwing letter is twee a highly rer.. o ° gentleman, finneriy American Consul .in ezioo. There is leo doubt that he has had the best sone es of,.inarmntio.; but whether his' prediction will prove comet, time will determine. But there is no intent of wock jobbing in the letter; sad it can be relied upon na being written in the best of . - . NET , aziwts, May I, ISIS. "My• Dear Sir: .1 emend here night heave let, &net Sam the city antenna in the steamer An. thatth . and shill set oat n 2 r. N., for Washington, rig Oar Comminionre, the new ones, indeed at Mexico ce the Ilth and 170, Ur...Clain in ad vance. -• The many. lea I. fla,fiki myth al? A. ailtendouredso*ltpee it. I bad= Interview with General Mort, the Commissioner of the Mninue Government lef thee:it, 'antenna' the day, to Dris I left Ite enured me thbt the amendments wire Dot. and,Wordirtica be objectionable to its ' Therein:6m iar Seniors took placer in the en'', on the find eh., the peace patty pining by large majorities: That in the Deputies was to have ta. ken place on the lfithr, and the peace party would oury all Win it. ' The-Mexican Crepes could not mange Mt* baps' nab:eat the fins of May at mon, sandMegi= among them. W fun eteperifi be the Preskten is the pa. Men ewe" in the next will be the treaty. . Vbeseir patty were not . sati s fied, but th e .1711 i elliebrathe armistice pet *stopper In their months keitfty.mpcmailil over in ceder to share some .tardsaMannalions. Yon or some of your friends - may be interested in this cm, and the fun ate I Werra knee to no other perm.-'. . . - • There will be .ellO struggle in Mahn -to the three ninon, between itinuelver, bet es the As , my cannot Isere before the end of October, all will be nit quiet among . them al - then—after which God wows what will become of them. -Pro6—klrianatammThree Dent advance • , at Me By ie3o t.pe horn dtagruci, Georg* we are ea• sided to by before oar readers the s)llovrin6 hum , tent latelligeeoe from Yucams, furnished by Me New Neese Plenum, in an eretiag edam of the sth tailing. • The schooner Ekizior titer the Picerroe) arri ved this morning, bairn Belize on the 20tti The iodizing still continued their depredations al most Immobile& They have destroyed the town of Vs by burning th The urea, to the nun)• bar of 500, bud retired to the orm and the . tromen and children were obliged to take' cure of them. /elm, being &gime reamer, food, or aced— The people were dying in all di/v.4km*. . The in- Lebrun:as of the Belzer were threatened with en snack, and trete making prupgrstkuta meet )1--- Tat Yoccaxestlioasioia=3.tr: giterrs, the oath toiSaioner in WashlngtoN from listoreten, has rer caved ',icy atreseint scoxtou froldhiV et:natty no Union pobtisheabie .comet of the barbarities eattunitted by the banns lisettaxiont col ths trocitiesoomaultad lathe city Valladolid is sook ing to repeat:7;rn hundred end erreettorie women and ehil. a pent tip in en eicksenri, ...heti, to the reeds afoul* end *bow soap, tit* suffered "dt epq VOnrol tortaents, betedostrteirelicatry'veoss tdinterdered- -- 12,10f0 30,000 pen , woo= and clobiren, .114. oul rosensof theitesoe, bare been, esse.reinsteit in the frontiermstlenge end • • liftrartis or Li nta:cane GC4.ll,' o l' }ate-Sw am PIXIMVANIXFLarromm.—Tbe Jalapa Vloch Tovrer gives the intoning accotaat of a magical occurrence which Alge r : a u Perote. Lieut. Gough, of Col. Macke • of Prougyfronia Volunteers, was on duty Pene. t 4 Aniinant gleaner Maater.and► alert time now had,► Men dirtruby with Captain . Prater, of the Occuite mhos., By the ineurfatenna of. nu rtual Mende ; the quarrel wee eppareothy amused, all Me he weaning frie paused the evenhny tornberia • nd, gip—bat Mont roar days einem they met wale" in the streets of Penile, tiaCaytain Forcer 'Lucked Lientenant Gough, and, ea we have beard, witboixt the "lightest prorention hip is their ple• on. Lieht. 6. Line:ed.& kw Inert in great ago, ny before h=ared. piquant Foster has beau 0150(2.1103 =Fes:ter-Thin are fan 50 tot*, 000 French libereni supportedby the goviuninitut eit" Fnutee and thenuteads snore are seeking to mate the French Government Provide taut with labor aed ply. This is one of *be fruits of Ano tkea, Goutmnneitun and other at the evils Weide= therweisl system of Feiner- If this GYMS" Plea support] continues, it will prove ruinous to Government and People alike. No mashy eia feed and =sae us popalation- fiat the National Tneueuv, and everyday the system :is persevered in, the opus dastreete wall. it.peore- Ev.day sod tilitanusr are elf good things, hot they are taking If they do pot, larantate with intticnii law and cater 1 nnny/ a Canna= unity and Fri:au:ay . Isiah present. an of the Gni= opeetales mouth, and it will be perfeetWlieo men andaldlo6l shall team War no more. But for men in 010 00a , 11/06 Lmtnbs . of hia 6664, pltysicelly, and intellectitandl nada to sink their ladicid moC clavecla into Aileceislks. or Caointiroe or dependence epee Govemnteini Joe !apply lag thepeopie with dolly Isbn sand daily bread, WAY= ip as one saf the gresteet abeardities in the world; Ti is redcap" men to the mere= machines and wswiting them as rya would the ore =the earth by Bre and water. A. tram like this sin newer result bat Jo disapPoinnosati end loft. If men choose to unite' Cie any good impose, be bat do pot let them present themselves as propera, da =DAag ain right, that the Government should supply them wttblbe ctes= of living. Tim Flannel. Gonuenrwr fiLevrae.— The • Plidadislplan Lodges' hu • strong practical connote sense anacl . • upon thicmatitmlonal gnu. don grow* oat of the snag of thghive in the free States. We am Sisal to eau= with the Editor in the opinion than the Federal Govern. men hits aoright or power to require Ease racers to aid in the amnia Slues. Every man whoa. War meg icon Petilliryillallialoll is prevented Gee, and is is . to ;sofa' the; Stale ditty to prove bins to be • slam The Asia c)( proof reitserairely with the utrifelefaninithos • Stash lOW the Federii, oG ken Slue may he clothed with cUlotalintaal power to make the across,—and Mir; mail be done according to doe process of law,. and not by may allskrary or despotic Down, • Wsurrssa Aasnaury.—TtaiSc Loeb Republican is ailing Use location cd a Western dm) at Ohio city, 011 ibe . OTifillOOOO ONO MO and Mississippi WOWS, OS a Lew longues ll:sta.:at blassac.— The Compluee 00 Millsigy Ulan at Washington; have so La settled this questimi, ea to mart a ball azehorisieg the r,:a.attai to appoint a cataac;3 to select • site the mold nibble 'Sate on the • Western eVent br a Western Admen. The" also recommend de erection of two Foundries, one hiGissigis and one inVcateni P'enantvasia." Bcatir Postriutto or Loois,Thmtarrr—Ttle Laid= Taws alit* 13th of Apra, contailas a re• ry carioca letter from Loci* Pthypr, ppmk . t h e subject of the "Spanish Mart*. r It cccilpiet t4o mimes Ltd a balcdtbat pyptt. It ins &mai in Itlitrottibwrrbicltiratiell behiad In the TWlleries. Thekeel. Ins been cOantiti:lW upon rernertutt .rorttlyots rcatatraiiii ptasagm' It Is attarlisni his diagtrur t Quota °title • I. W. P. Wrrrs, Faq., , has Immo pa mad. colada with Mr:=Bicalui, Is cc dotting the 11iiitrc4neicap:(Mr. Wkiiilii4dermiml aid ci thi tigta nisnt. A. Lo aka Own to mewed, so we Wove Nu this. ' " i°lloll Pad magi OD IWegitisiacy, aday, and ;ideP"; frc" 4 608P4i.n.- - Kerelqaeflotatts oAnieeneee--Theartig Cob mouskim;liald.st Bakteocre; Peeled eine the wad Vat* rARDet. A rao*/ was iSoptal, ex pel:mew the fat choice ot M 6 lied to Lbc eaA4l- , dew ter tile - icy to be Henry (Mai. Gs weed Taylor erns adopted ea the.secceia eboiee, 36 lop- CaneYPC4tdruce of the ncuems Gazette. New Yeas, May 9, 1849. Anarninew geassiasts Priced SeelelT• This Society bad its 20th saeitrersary last even ing., Lathe Broadwry Tabernacle, which erase:word. ed to its utmost capacity. After singing and prey. er, and en abstract of the Report, the meeting was addressed by Maas. IL Chun, of N. Y.,/rThocep. son, Liquify, of PiAtiepsie, C. Forbes, tattier the Sandwich Wands, and G. W. Bethune, D. D., af 'Philadelphia. The vetches, without any prams- Ceti, raixctisely contruted the Past with the prs sent taped, cif the Seaman's eavae d . esenbed the toduenx of commerce and its men on the wart of the world's. commie*, email the imp:atones of Foreign Blialioos, not only to semen, hot to the caw ofehrishan bliations4 and, finally, teenier*. dint imposturee d descgv wordy bunions and religioa; so that there shall be earn o.llllCralo4 to Cod; and especially the bonbon of the sea. so that its mighty opeates should be enlisted in mailman:lg the &nous repel of the blessed God. The Report by Mr. Spaehhog, xe of the Secret.. vies, but glanced at the . pmminout and brighteuine l l:wan. of I!e cause this past year—the society having received mete, aspen...lea moreoittempted more; soil been petritiranbly MOTO blessed, than I in the Ire ykrus per, lateezung and thane:4 facts keyed up the wool sweats; so that the occasion won one of much iltUtrnt, of solemn iitipromion, and dootelea Of peat good to the came es the Sailor. In, present eoadekta--04, bow changed! A tow years Ago be bed no home on shore—slow he hut ooe New Tott. which, G yeas, bo; -icetratexidalad 21,919 sake hoarder!' Then, he had no Sayings Soot—sow, a single one, in.tbla city, has on deposit more than two anew, of Jol lam Then there was no attach where ho was 1:11ot regarded so an *ruder now there are six la this cry - r-m Marine Ter:lva...ace Society dicer now one bat, numbering molt than 22,000 ben! ESl4lrri at Sesetu.—Tba New York Eaprear, of Tbruaday,raya— , , ' - "The exact amount of apecis carried out by the steamer America, for Liverpool, is 6507,930. The Prince Albert, also • sailed yeemday, foe London, has on board, 82111.000—tbis, inetoding the amount tales by }h? Splendid, the day provisos; fx Flame. riudrirac.a.tiitatibipicuint...of Oxen one mama dollars, is tbnse days. d, wig:sego dusted might bare beenconsidered ampkiMuraion opaowluch to get up panic is Wall Street, bat ao plentifully dues apecue flow io, from the South and Woe, that no apprehension. of wrens rondo are entertain. ed. The rue of Eachaugo is in oar arm sad the rotation of oar banks, i.. such to to create man licsode. Petra, however, ere elpreged US to th e banks in the Interior. The foreign market for bread 'Soto, in a great measure, is aow unproductive, and the ehiPmeelemelorq; see bradrallmate Cotton is alo inneb &prose& Traduce, therefore, nut continue low, mail a reaelioa in Fraripean . com merce takes place. More than ere? in nowahraina the necessity of building up a bomb mad*. • Oar country's resources. properly cocooned and pro. meted, should. be made wholly incudect of pis Mimi and mercantile dillicultyabro4 CanAs 4 trtar fully remarked by the HamraHamra nata, commo. bons and civil discord in Europe are cakolated to matter the foreign market fa Americao production., especially those winch ccestitata the raw material for fiveigli . rtilletirectafell, leas certain sad valuable then formerly. and the time moot race come, rebel. I the bornebtailrat pill aesU f eo • higher e lllllO 111 the eyes of nil practical urea. . - Pack Ship The Steam America left this More ler, with a large somber of puseogen, sod not a hide specie. We append a list of hes pane. pm. The 0.11:100131 of specie that gnu out by this oonveryatioe Is $4 9,h37. That web Lugs vapor cations of specie emate Do hula of • woutkui our Money Market here, is pest proof of our irreilgth It is a siojular het Pau, golwitliwandiog the so of specie has reached'sourly a *1409 of dot. within the last three days, ya the 'amotiot is our backs is over six and a Wl' caoas, or Ave bemired thawed dollars mare than it am • few weeks men The drain of specie bun the South end West is vary great—ell that has bees export. ed, came from that quartet.; and wee has been to. keg from our buks- The result, bowe lee, is the same, as the balance of trade is decidedly against us, and 'eery pocket is rating mom or low. • This will mouse to be the cue until our exportsphell Increase. Tire shipments to iance harp wholly ceased, and to England there Is but lade gtng irwwvd-- So relanaut are the Eorlish homes to make *d euces:bat they otter but f 1 cis Cotton • rune al together Mo low to indoor shippers to /1211.111. The Money Market is will admit% the Buis discount with caution. There is, however, • less amount o(notes thyst usual in Welllbreel, as met. chants hare ebatmeted thew engagements for the last threeY.Expras. Tem Caors—Tbe Germantown Telegreph sayi "A short drive or Iwo, within the past few dare through the adjacent country, coe6rms ua is the°, Pinion generally espressed, of the untimely four. tithing appearance of the crops of grain and amid. We never saw them look better. The Gee. *PP.` tune showers, followed try a boo sun, the peg week, bore bad an almost magic influence Is Seeing Were crops *best and all that is now .wanted to larva beery yield., at ab harreth s time to anent husband man is ebb haven the present month. Gee: and potatoes are almost universally planted; and the cats are up thickly and evenly, with spoil color, The gram, which la& you yielded bet half • erop, promisee abundantly, though, du it respeera this, partiorlarly, every thing depends upon having & tolerable moil& May : All Ida" of fruit—peen, peaches, cheers*, mid erota fo a proka lonatiful productios—thelotefrost scarce ly barb* left • mark behind." • • Mar on run Hews Rims liitt. Rout'—Toe aieri Ezrtiteicm—Thei workmen on the mad above Anthosy's Nose, says the New York Jour nal of Commerce; bare bean in• state of dissnler for Some days, one turn out kr higher woos , — One of the froila of *legate of dery was the ley ling tire to aallin a r the' 32.1 section, on Salop day night. coatis 20 kegs of powder, bloir. log it and several baildinp to atotrui.. TJ'ie Peekskill paper am— • One mu, Ms. Sutphen Garrison, Ina killed— *moo seven or eight others were eetwealy injured --some, it ts believed, beyond the hop of recall:7; numbmi mom wine in some respects_ ktuti— Two horses, one on, and •• cow tress lace.; • . N. Oda.= die Bashi ethll.ll3 ettdailing Pot ihsrotuttaitio that mot tithe mar eireiteg gag Its way into the sliest, whim d u the ottry bog algae., turas yids difilai . tri Ampasted at Male pa a. PW ..11 6 capualutz , S at been :seised with • abgreat,tia are iokst OW lotiate.heit inociery• ou till pie are neg ast. liar Efilg ialc. Own pot 10613031... Hills on New net at 60 dap 21021 pa ea* dicoeat. Cbeeksiai ccilimpolaw 4 - Passessatvilnistrtag. icitikee btsve, parm not trim Via ironLilinnswesr 4.1 tlis bed ottualk— , .: . • evold top you, &Win and myself were unertrined, dram the Coarration week, at the house. of a medicsl gentleman, ewineul in his profeenrin, 'but addicted U arms saiil;to profanity in uniterzy cots vermilion. Wolliont • peen:minion, no 11110 . 600 of ao blatnowortlty •peactiocs'edd harwansen In our minds, fa ad reel Claristunt ever sleuv:ed guests greater courtesy, or seemed fanner kat, pram. 4 ". it" our 6 ,, unlentsuly.hora. wet/ d not even annby la with lady like nuncinr putrm; Guth the boddiegsof preassign' "le toe. "good gracioue sad the lls' • 1 1 0 On Sands]'night; our cancer/46w taking a religious tom, the subject of prolate., swearing ts'as losidentaty Darned, w•hen I could not resist tte temptation of drawing - a bow at venture, and no I said: u Doctor, we leave yontornoriow; and Le user ed we are eery grateful to Mrs. and your self, bet marl say dear str, we hare been disap pointed here?' • • . .• Disappointed r' ..Yes sar, but most etureibly---" • • In what Way Mr. C-4" I 1," Will you pardon me, if I say we were mists. ginnd mid pay I name it r • - • Yes sirOsay what you oil]." . • Well, my dear air. we were told that Dr. ins not guarded is his language—but surely you are misrepresented-+" • Sir," said he, do Loner you Cu your matter ' ; 'Yee air, r regret loony, you bare not Leen snisiic pinned. I do. and perhaps habitually, urn pretfane lamaspi but sir, can you think 1 would swear!. SureMigms people and one or theca' !i dere. mangy • Tearisbma iu my eyes, (We frank beartedoess at a gaidlentan,..slcrays : starts them) as I took his Land and replied: ..fdy. dear sir,.you amaze us. Can it se that cocuteons and intelligent a man, hos greater reveience Wr us don fur the venerable Gad! . _ Tim Grist Mende Bruddirs—The general doses end larniture of the Greet Ordain deader have been brought to the hemmer In Liserpett— The selsexcited considerable lettered. It may be ermine interest Melee the particulars of the storei iv this celebrated ship. The furniture of dm eats Ito lad berths included 7:.9 - Lair mattresses, 406 feather pillows. 590 blankets, 970 linen sheets, 344 cotmlerpmes, 1,55 G towels, 513 Led =rains, 791 pillow ends tad dozers and glass els:S*ls3 tee clothe, 23 sofa &shines, 55 painted chests of draw ers, 116 dressing glasses, Sli paimed hoses, besides several ranges of oak dining tables, Gams, carpets, martin, nod chamber senices. The china, glum, and milli:Lary , articles consisted of en immense Quantity of decanters and glasses ci various do scriptkedi table, breakfast, end tea services; chuge lot of loge copper 'dem soaking sprout., be• aides a count/es number of other tuumellezeons 1 ed/cles. liew.Yeax ern Amami—The Major of Near lock Dent itt hie Mffige to the Common Courted, which otedadas an account or the anaemia) coo& tioa ol that rill. The permanent dolt is 611,616, 0001 The tax to be leered this year for coy, coun ty, and State, are V. 111,450. The Alois House expenditures lola year were $379,631, being an ie. crealp of $77,000 over the previous year. The ant of ckaning (6 the alreets of New look lad year wee 6160,671. The expenditure for fighting the city clu4itg the year 1617 was $16.",815. The Craton Aqueduct yielded the last year a revenue 0r5M6,661 63.. 150.000 persona have immigrated to this country, during the law year, and 160,000 arrived at New York. New Tote Casata...—llietincm on the N. York Canals meet with serious detriment, Cc want of endleient water. The laden Loots Albany to Troy are detained et Schenectady, or in that vicln• ity, end the number islarge. The 'mint of deten tion to between hichenegtadrandrmuldist. West Of the Lauer place the Canel is in • navigable con dition. Owing Co the want of water on the level. eau of Rochester, there has been • great onetime' lotion there, of toots fromthe West. At that place, and kr ten ex twelve miles this side, that there!, a pmfect crowd of boats.,*all henry laden and toned to tide water. If the drought continues, a rise in Use price of dour and other produce is quite pm. bate. Leßow—nisi steamer Iliboraid brought op oo Saturday • Tot! of 143 pit:i Kentucky teed. It is br tenhipmeut to PiuAllury,h, where a wtll Lo tR ed Lir nattenfactoring Ferree., SLould tt prove I o be of ai gond - nualoy ss the 6alem, it will not lie long before iho necessity of oreullur to St Louis fur supplieseill Le superscded.--Leourillor Jour nal. • 10,1rar.r.r CCMYTILIUTIOX , ev Tim 9cuts-1 'lnto tlisl the Senate has weikrocil this evening the nOMialli4lo.lct Gebersis Twins Ind Wool as Maur Genera% Got. Clorehill_as grigether Oea el* Captains Li Ww.hisoott and. Brett, j= *riles euwwast Coloac Idk, sad spr - 1/ituae• fidistaat Geonst,t u biellleSUUbl CoLisal. Swig. L...& liatelligesee Tux Caw.—Front the appearance of a mats of Went timber tbratalF dosipiho Mfg/berry Ibis morning kara an catamaran that tlro.Caaal Agoe duct at Freeport bus been destroyed by fire. P. B.—Tho Aqueduct trua bung on Friclayoied at 8 o'clock. ' The trunsportatioa sill not be force 'opted, as tow barmy/nil beicept aeon via cad of tko tic; cue trat . expeato increased, accept fir re 'WM ay.— I rait4 Ca..-rue of Sotarday. 'The aTioedycl burned - ea:report was ni excel- 1 1 lent structere, o'l,ooo feet Tin. sail cost the Siete 6160,000—0 w eau a La rep/aced et less than ! et 0,000. As ex Hi IN inbrraatiou rear-Led Ilarrieburgh, or ders way sent by telegraph to General Clow, Collector at Allegheny, to parChille the timber no. cestiry 53r the inintedute and speedy rreoll3ifile tka oldie wort. Mr. }lower& the amonissioner, to no daubs, ere this, in this city, to attend person. ally to the businese his said that n moo Loath. edo boot cc the aqueduct, on Friday eight, end wed the met vinkettriegnsga ie refereoce to. the State ulcers end the public works. Sam Mier he left the boat, her crew we a gm faun the ague Auer, end the, presumption is, that he was the in. eenchary. . Caiut. Hartcsnox--It will be noticed by our ministising cabmen, that the ivariuders nave is efficient means to secure the WOO prompt de livery of goals entrusted totheir care. Swain bows will Katt with passemmant 1, A. Id.,thq• enabling passengers to anise no issrfy in Philadelphia, u by the old plan of starting e 9 P. M. Freight bans have also been engaged, sal the ettargy_d business men will 'secure speedy traasportatina, wink. the Aqueduct is rebuilding, au which no iime will be bat =En= aremaialaest Car Vrreperl Elect vassals between the piers, in the manner inually . clone be seatadding—moe height as the piers. Oa thew lay a Nob of a site marine:it to coerey water to ked that part d the Canal be• man Freeport end Pitteliorgh. 'On each aide of the trunk, lay a timber rang, on which to run tracks, which misfit be !pad? 40 carry liertion hada and Night. The aborililllo would coat hot a Antall otto, end could be executed ha two weeks' time, and ',odd meet the wants d the Canal until the clone d the Waco. The travelling would answer for efilet. leg the new structure uo, which could he got ready by the claw of the waroa. • biaruoritsr 'Coin:Amer.—The spirit of the pro oeedings in Conference, thus far, indicate an nmi cable settlement of the. Property Question, hp en equitable tiIViSiOD of the argots of the Church Pro. perty. The Committee cm Um State of the Church ha. :reported in port, and recommend an inter. yiew • with the Soothe. Commissioners, with the view of snaking some preliminary arrangements natiaramorY to all parties, and designed' to lead to an early settlement of the vexed question. Tire report wits steepled on Saturday. The Appeal C 490 of Deo. Sprague, of the Troy Conference, wu begun OniPonferenee npin; bpi no action wit bad upon b, up io the hour of ad. ..journtrient. • .I.la.cqtais to Tug Natwru.. Convmmonse— Some thirty or kitty Delegates have passed throatti this city, daring the twoor three Bays past, on their way*, Baltimore. Tho bloamigabela Douse Wel en:OW yeatenlay and Ibo eveaing previnus, eitd the city botch will, dueler -Iw, he fillextfor the pia sent week, with delegates and Int/Ines. taco. Some of tbo Whig Delegates hove alno goes tia; sad, among them, a part of the Illinois deept*, whoiwattafetaland, kong out Dos banner Welles- ItY Cur. • Sosutz oontu Euer.—We learn tbot a good deal a Rpmlele going East by tlto moat route, muctiet humgm! Irmo pieces, and is sent Eau br ship• meat to Fruit, where the Reyalution bee caooed great scarcity of coin: Simi too is mot EMI ite the purpose of dads. Tbo Tckpapli will net be pcd4bed t * more 'riag, but wal *Amu to mortow.tiAmp4, aed print- ed upon aawype..: .• . • ammo Elatro—The Bak Diai of Dorton poOd but has been hee d imatthi :Ana a heavy galo she was abandoned ataci, iiap her crew with Wye eaceptioa. tyke 4.41 and ;eartiea b Traiil by the ship Monson)- Capt. Madonna pt New The of Albany Couuy , New York, cle• claw Uwit errt psoliriesce lobe kor Remy Clay. • OEM M:.MM . . - *late oieptant• sin nit matt reliable In -Dal* tkat olden a' bap Pttnt heard that the rif Sinn Dad• pair, be ten • Waal =big*: hi s ford notherb atU Manse of nen, u a.. ems. say, trios' be piens& iereteige being Wend, cleaved ern b ch arm the ..iner losing .400,000 of Ws rocs, he canined the elephant, and retreinil hi. Inn oiled • J. K. Polk and bb Cabicet wished to purchase California, eta, the Minkel:is refused. He deelsr. "ed war to chastise the moot. Alter being some thousands of our eitizess sad killing some more thousands of Melienits, be by a treaty; purchases Calikiruia, and retrieved our ',evaded honor— N. 0. Bullish, • A painful accident occurred near Detroit, Mich. a shalt time Mace. Min Chili, aged IS years, daughter of Mr. Henry Geist, was out riding with a posinggentleronn. and herby gapped at a fnend4, tlse rnseg 1.1211 wok dawn ■gun, when the woman told him to be careful, as it was loaded. Ile then went to pot it back, bot it hail 011 the door and was discharged. Thu, contents, two slop, and seven allot, catered bliss 64 lag below and above the knee, inflicting n manful wound Abe received every atieotion, bet the alma proved hual, sod she aspired after nearly a week aflame agony. A Cos = Pam or Hasa—The Baston (211000. type states that amine lady of wealthy comm. mom was detected lately in the act of worming a pair elbow while in the more of an extensive dry goods dealer in Wublogliin stmt. The &shims. Ida shoplifter begged bud to be let off sad licall4 the mmer was compromised by the young lad payingo bill of over one hundred &liars' Mu, was the value of alleles plundered from the Wore at various times,cl which the shopkeeper kept a correct amount- Tux 'WLITAX CLOP.-11:1 travelling a few dope wino through Franklin and Fayette counties, we noticed the wheat crop looked immutilly Gee, and the farmers tell us them is now every prospect of • Line crop. In' Wayne, ILeary, and Hancock counties, the prospect of • large crop is and to be very ffallering. We we noticed in our exchanges from the different States, and all agar that never "was there better 1.11.1100 10 Oip0:11•MI abundant wheat crop.—Cmorrnilie (raj TstsgrilyA 271 A Warm We had &delicious mein of strawberriea at Mr- Costoesugh's in Harrison sweaty, os last SeLbath. As oar paper Is circulated in Massachuseus, Coo. necticut, New .York, Ohio, and other plates, we want to let our northern friends know how early our spring comes. The leaves of our inest are fully Frown. Coon ia ankle high, and the planters are 000gbiOg it over the fins ume. :The 011101/ is caning up beenufally; the peas are in blossom; the rases ann bkroming io their 'win beauty end 611• tog the/air With fregranea—Nlefek (Tom) Apra ip. AtiLlso Van:sax—There is a Primer now re dOing lu Washington who has been seeing type kir 45 yeah! He was engaged in the law war, tegbt u the battle of North Point, insisted to es tablish: the i ndependence of Dumas Ames, Vene zuela, and ideziao,ad hunted the Creek Indium, in 1636. He *Brwiling to the Saturday News, as active as Long tile the aid typo. It gives us some 'endemism fo state as a fixed fut. thaL Santa Anna has embarked for Jamaica —Waal 6'M°. Nearly two years volt gave you prat solidus. 'ion - to side as "a Used fact," that Sawa Anna had gono:uoto Mexico, tad taw it poet you "some sot• iguanas to stale as ■ flied tact,• that he has sows out a it. Mo. Polk `Goer the former fact, and Gott Scott "Axed" the Journal Queen Victoria will be twenty-nine yelriolli oe the 24th inst. Sisi was married on the 10th of Feb wary, 1810, and has atready given ilia heis to the thin., lamely rVictoris Adelaide Maria 14,6111, born November 21,1210; Albert Edward, of Wales, November 9, 1911; Alice Maned Mary, April 45, . 1013; Albert Ernest Albert, August di, 1214; Helena Aosta Victoria, May 2:1, 1246, and an lariat bons ti arch,l24ll The allowance acad. child Is 5135,000 a year. The Lavneacebiterti Elsa) Reenter of Souirds9. learns Out the entire amessment upon tha stock of the Whiumrater Valley Cane, levied Cie the pm pose of putting the canal in repair. has been pool to, and the repairs ire being made ai fast as poor.. blh The assessment vas only aullitient to make the repairs (torn tbilinisisoa break' upterd leer log Ilse Cincimati branch soil the Lawmisegosugh bruich to be completed fmei other sources. AMERICAS sees.—A Ciricineall editor notices • ilk dress patter., ruannfactured at the Mr:room, Ky., silk factory.,lt was purchased by Mrs. Ca me Forms; .red s a most spieedid Colivic--eovar passed by soy we have seen Qom . the loom of J and France,The manufacturers degree greater 34 for their akilL In addition ui plain elk, they manufsetuse deem satin, wain Vesting,. Land. kerebkfa, Waa Magrain—A fine schooner pierced Or ten vim, is to be latutchisi.J from Alves. Sbe has bees bush by Mr. S D Porter, foe Mr. P The vexed to of live oak, and bailie, the coulomb Of of tail S slooporwar SL Mary's, one of the Lageed ear go itt est -Navy,. sad is owned by Ma llndelh, merchaid, of she elt3r. She is Calculated fw • privaiter—ecagructed, wa have been takes:D oi, in anticipation of a general Earopean war.— N. O. Xereary. 'Since the misnedentanding between oar gee. erne:attend that of Greg Brits* in tegithl Winter natioeal postal armagemenia, tt 4 nevesairy that postage on all teeters sod papers going to Caned, b• egged. Oiliannse they...lo not CMxe the law This does not seem to he generally ate. ditratood. At Leerier:oar:a, where there Is a venal • rice Posecirce, 4,000 knees gad 20,000 news peas bars accumulated for weal of pre-pa Twenty-emu tbansand dithers of ,tbe t recieey Medea from Mr. John Taytir, the dent of the Newstit Bank, have been mow and were restored to gentleman on Saturday. The money was received from a seem woman,— how she became pressed of this motley, no one knows as no Invegsgatioci has yet bean Id, and bee own stemmata an coadtming. Four newspapers are printed al the Sandwich Wands, spreading religious . as well as polities[ in. tellivece among a wpalation raised within a few years from the dept..6 - of baituum. Maircractriuso u Vmestmea—The Wabash Nergation Company intend making, during the coating season, a dam a but. dove Vincennes, the mustruction of which will create wider power 11E11164'01 LA COO 12LlOdfOd Of 030/0 nianqfacturing establishments.' • Taw New Albany Bellew% of Saborday,aanonne. es that Use altar ground ea the New Albany and :akin Roll Road, woo barite. on Wednesday lam . Mr. Reed, who Wu tiontihged m the Locorooo candidate fur Governor of North Combs., Las de , clinol the aceniciation The London Morning Cluchae, .peculating on the &seat gate of Butope, says, Not • week of peace coa be monied on—not a day, nut an The Berlin Gigs have taken a sok= pledge never to dance again with an olboir of the pre. eat Prussian .vinyl of wane, they will not awe ray our. During thretroe four thunder Wan, on Sunday afternoon, extending from New York to Boatoo,one of the operators of the Boston Telegrsphogke was nearly thrown to the (100 f by the rtalsol4•o4o electricity. AmOng the lathing lattugarda rlipao,ena • young woman, ■ drew maker, who wrested • ilete bine nom • drug and Wok the command efthe defenden of • which was unaided Ly the Croats, several of whom ate said to have been thin dead by this Amason. . • Domain ill Phdadalphia last , week,l4o-11. con sumption, 30; cholera maims, 2 fevers, 12 totem penult, 2 assail pax, 2. Deaths in New York • last week, 'At, of which 37 wets by coneumption, 25 by oeneni.. 4 ll 2 , ! •1 typhys 340, cad '4 by small pox. ' A treaty bast Leen entered into between Great Britain and Guatemala. la wu signed on the of February. .• The !gig Perfect arrived it New Oilcans oo the I 30th et, Rom Tampico, with *tampers thousand dollars in specie, imrigned to various houses in that city. Over one *hones.] immigrants arrived at Ito.- ton on Friday law. Thuty minty were skit; and had to be sent to the IfospitaL Seven births took, place daring the voyage of the reticle. •"' " There was • othiyaricienteirie and military ceL eleation among the German naidentrof N. York on Woodsy, In she celebration of the Isle 'revolt,- bon la Germany. Several thousand Germans and other fieeigners participated. . Among the somber of confirmations In Christ .Citurch, Aksandre,• V.. on Sunday by Bishop Meade was a native African, who has lately oum• over from his own country, with she Roe. Mr. Henning. Considerable hail Gin in the slentity of N. York, doriag a storm on Synday aflemcioh. There wan li.c•Efei storm at Rochester Reightou on Fri day which dazingetil the fruit trey. which were in blossom. A uutspoodert the-B:erenr Advertiser swam Oat. the We argument of DOW! Mfabstar, lalbet l the Supreme Court of the yew . audio,. Sc the Dorr east; !suborn n.1.11110(4 laIg: Mks a! 80. logos Sc Italy, as a ectood.ttappolloWer joopelet Senator ThAler, of S. C. his beep Wald lesimmi by the Weems of him family,enil win . be absent Gam the Senate go mono weeks. — l . . Mr. Beejminie N. Caner, of Ormiteemter, M war arrested on Wedetresesy 1.11%;41 e chair , • anemptlair tolatimon WO, .b3'1 4 1 1112 .4' anama iti mitt, of whicliato pattpOic. ; ••• • • • . . . .. . Chula, '.Dec .Egyr. 27;184 7. They my in Europe thy* I o 1 Atemieans . are Wad of novelties. Well, resider, we can retort the ' charge. Wha is the old world of MEDIUM con* mg tot People t Dowa•days actually ride through the streets of anoint Alexandria In camibuse, and go driving up the MOTO ancient and almost hallowed Nile in is otambost. - You take an mini bus from your hated to the canal, about two mike. ahem one of the comma Nile Laos, drawn by steam tag host with a screw propeller along the canal to the NO*, into which you enter Me . by • lock, =l . l sperhasad re yea me ib a to ig • nice &Ishii, ,h it ha steamer - . about mut the size of the New York ferry , beats. • ring Alexandria ill the mom, you reach the ill• In about two imam and Cain) hi shout ytwo hoots, paying three pounds (stout Aileen dollars) for the passage. It lathe Pasha's lice; andthaugh the &gamer Is &gilt& and thecoadussor rrench, the captain mad all the iabordinite ollicers'..and crew are Arabs—dm Rialto's newly educated yoang men, and • Sag, istelligest looking we they are too. WI/I , T M' PW A IMer t I , IG RiChitITO . CORINF44COI:O atam Palaiit%Gagna. , . Philadelphia, Mar 13, Fkonr---%les of Western at 5711255 93/ cts per bbL, Proviaions—There is no variation in any ankle GrUilsiiritbout change, sad the supplies are moderate. . Te markets, geberally; aie wahrTt elrange. Oinverriondeneo of ths Oinsborch - casetio. • BALTIMORE MARKET. . • Ilaunxoue, May IS, GP. "Y: gkidr—Baleii of If S brands at Ss,t and of city mills:at O,Rt p bbk. Groin-No_chaage lathe market. ". . . , • Provisions—Sales are only Mr the cupplybf the regular, trade demand. The Market is heavy fur pork; 'and I heat', Of noaales. • Lower &Tees mould be nceepted.- Supplies are arriving . freely. Biedu—Sales of Western cored- ; hams at slir7q• sides el 4 L and shoulders at Me p 12g market dill, There a but n-moderate qiiiardity•oPering,Mltich , earums a quiet market; hut the demand is good., Lard—Sales of Western at eaGIc•P.M.. Gnicm.les—No . change iu tho market. •- Wool—Tko market is dull, and prices -hare d 4 , dined • a Moderate Mks of Tub, at 25c . iv PI: , 16onorpoOdenco of the PitOsumll . : NEW YORK MAMMY.. ; New York, May 12, O r. sr. Flour Sales of Genesee at 'i6,2:44,20 121, Dialers ere holding elfin the foreignaews ander, Grain—Thaw have been noes:lea of Wheat Wor thy of report, but corn is Girn: and in good reguet,s with Ages of prime yellow et 5Ge. p Lti. Provisiene—Therti to less movement in pork. the 'market being heavy. • Gioeeries—The market is without change.: CINCINNATI MittKET. Cmcnarn, May,l3, x. ' Soar—Sales of 400 bbl, nt $1,310i , 1,50i per Whiekt7H-The market is without change.' Gniin—The market is quiet, with ne change in Tota!iPm Sugar—Sales •of common at 2; lb, • ..I.Beef.Cattler—Sales al SI 9:loo24:nett. Ideas Pork—Moderate sales are °dared at' 7,20 Prime Pork—Sales of MO Mils were elfected at SO baneL - • . Bacon—Sales of Lama at 4a11, ; of sides' at 3; 2ii3lei, and of shoulders at 22121. p Ilifin unpack ed and packed. • , - Lard—The market is quiet, and prices earni nal: Conon—Solos of opliuorq NisAltippi Dt 4lc frrl Ala meeting of the Autimasoniel and Whig coun ty Committee of Correspondence.: held at hrhlasterif Hotel:Pius/tooth, on Saturday, Hay 6th, Old following call se. agreed 'imam The Al3llll4llOlliC nod Vats electors of each - ward, borough and township in Alle gheny:County, are icilueated to conveneat theis usual places of holding pointy). meetings In said diatoets, on :Saturday, the 1 9 th darofJ tine ueshto agpoinltrro egatee from' each distrieh'so meet in Connty,Conven• tines, Ot Has Coon Honer. its th a city of ihtuburgh, on, WedticadaY, the 14th of ryes at. 10 A- /dm of said 'day, to =admits candidates for patieutst, emaa and emote ogees, to be supported at the ensuing Mil elec. than. The primarymeeting/. to all the totenattlot ex cept Pio, will be held at. 3 o'clock, P./51,-mnd iu Pins bmltte anal all the lauds and boroughs at:} P. 11., af The cornattnee would eantesely Mtge upon the said meetings the necetaity of arrethmeakorgammtion, pre paratory to the'tooting eleetion. : "• - ' PlAN`f.,..lsl . CUßDV;Chminium. Joan Ltoncora,Store/Irma -. , . , 'Dniaau or i . scLeres—Wheo the ;ce lebrated. Dr. Rash declared_thsw dmokessen test disease ho: .ernotei awed a troth sineh the expewieoes and ohsenrs. lion (dandies/ menis every day coo Cloths The to happy,and too lousy appwreolly inane, excesses of thownboientolgo wo the owe of opwritens Moors is thui• seem/Wed foe. Tho we eaose of their coOduet, which. :is lA. for iefaunitiou ' I. very frequistitlY Maud in a cfniessed state oil the liver. to orgrait to the human systeart,tarben deranged. produces a more frightful eah. eedge of disease. And i 4 instead ofedeityitga ma dies to We manifestations of dimes°, as is too case, physicians would tireserilie with a view to the original cause, we would have fewer deaths from can phisits•shichse the remittal a deranged mate of that' won: . 7 . llkrre,fastiths ot , thsedisessei seen:crated Mu , Der the head of muniumedoe, have their veal In ti• die; almiaLlister,Dis o,43autessimsdirweekd .• • " godigessioni stoppage of the incases, comiveneas, end eretu irregalasity in the netibwof qui lamest., .arit dig caeca originating in the seine Rroble c sow, ea is also that dreadlld scourge, DYSP.UItiLh. , Thom who are alllteted with any of the alarms entunerated diseases, may test assured that the , yource of their maladies isle the liver, and for ito coneetion, the beat remedy ever offered to the public. Is or. Mane's celebrated Line Till, for the cure of Ilepstis, or Livercowlatut. , ',The Rennin* article esti be had at the Drug Store of /KIDD ISCst,dOttrotxl Corarr Arorrow—hlcsats, Edttest Ydst ;Sin Plsaaa„ tho enhatons .of yonSpxm..lkg4 JOILsi BYER.% of Findlay, tosniship, Inn 6e ptasein ed ulhe sooting County Convention for nom as the itintithlasonte and Whig candidata for .ditor;' The: qualifications of itlir-Byeta arts such aa to. incurnilte fauhfid discharge of the duties of the Waco, and Ida fintutesa and consistency as a Whig. give Aim strand trains. upon the farosable scanilderation of the party. IN will be supported in Censcuilon by . - MANI' • • • Corm asettrela.—Messrst'elhas: .Yon ate reggae... tat to announce. that IIUGIS McCORMICI, EN., of of Moon township, to a candidate for nondoution for the Whet of itegisier. subject to the decision of the AorWdasonie atalVldgContur Coorendon. • m 7 1 .5 • ' ' Heilman or ran Cdosar.-111LAnY MUNDT, of the Sth Ward, Pitobitrgb, will be supported In the Anti Masonic and Whig Coorankrn, Int the office of Conn; ty linebrder. hl,llrancia VI. raised s farmer on Dm, :ors Island; it an opt ellizertj' a &ad 'Whig, and win. th of an antimransmort:, Ile war in the late war, and kid What In tan Etheohationarg war. Torn limas of . ALtionzet i!ocsrt—l wettol. 13Lier myself as .'candidate for Clerk' of th e Coon of t et Sessions, ie., of Allegheny counry, inlject to decision of the cpproer_hiogDesooeratie Whig Con , simian. ICI sboald.bo sot forloure as to obtain 11.1 incitnity - a. year snfragoy my endeavor Moll ho to dbiebntge the doslcs oldie ofto *kb alit !siyl2.ditertt , - ' L$W44 VCIAING. Mrr Don't have n tbn It yea hnve;nee trio shiliing betror df Sono. Amber Tooth tb wilt Mike root breath, meet, whiten your teeth; &e. geld at to Lihorir In. • - nerelOdalrly SIT - TIM isto I.eme.--Comstot , t's Nem and lkon,Lielotent and ludian,Veremble F9istir to them:at Rlfeemal care for Rheumatism. Sold by WM JAMIE. "MASeht for Plttehersh. • • ' aorlSdkistamT.- 11:1=C:=1 • • • ' ILODAILTS BUTLER'S ANALOOY—Debnit's Au , alysia G 1111409 SoflethlAntidgy of Religiou.Na.. wyootd, , ulmot Onnittaloll .d• Wink or ro ma t 4,4 pores. Also, Ciartfurdh Queen., Gar eh. aralassioa; revised and adapted Willa inio.of activate, Charles E. West, 'Principal of Rutgersinstituta, in the rity - of New York. I ANTRONR DE.SRNECTUTE, DR AMICITIAS, isozTbe de Senoctills, da Amicitiae, Paraderta t aad tre:ordain Bcipiona.of Cteero, and the Life of Attires, by Cornelius Repos, with Erglisli Notes, Critical and Lo Watery, by Charlet Mahon. L. L. D. j THE IlOrS • SPRlfill 1300E—Descriptlon of the 'Seurat% Rouen.; Rural Life, nod Country Amuse s:hears, hy__Thotaas Miller; with St I A NOVEL BY NARRVATT—TaIi Children of the New Ferran by Corn. Marryart, R. N. • SIR TIILVDORH RIR:11E11M. t, or Laurel Water; by G. P. R. James. ' . The ewes winks revelled this day, and for 'ale by JOHNSTON &STOCKTON, . .[ — lkookselleph cot. market rota Slats - 41ONTHLY• REF:oRT.—Ther ihttuato_laga bow. Lucca Atrarrot and 11.1 . COM, xi . of Palladr' in, report Mat t 5 persons have been iasuresl at thR °See dunng the eau month. • • .f. IC hlarehmtta ' / &Mon mid Publiste 4 Clara.. • / Fanners, . . . 3 Female., 4 of other pursuit. latent !hero are insured tor 1111,Uta; and under, 5 ' i ..,. : • • ... . n.tan .' . “. ID • .. . 1;313/ " 10 —23 1;141033 llKte sge insvred fo 3 year and over, 13 • tt " • '" whole liCe, wll5 WTI. ItAKEIVELL, Ag't for Pittsburgh • • • BY STEAM TO THE AQUEDUCT rECII & CO. will *end a steamboat daily . , et 7 A. to the Apuelluel, where Passengers will be .totrreied to Philadelphia and Ilaltioune as usual, with init any 'delay. For further .infortuadou inquire at the office, - Mooongalicla House, or of p. Leech & Co., at the Gsnal Basin. ' • myl owNiato AND WNSKINEES arKOoda coming by: ; 'tenants , 14ne,`aro betehynotined that iu cause. nce of 11.ofdasuuction att. Freeport' Aqueduct, no, pods will be delivered by us without wrtuou orders Iron the mutton and eoudgneei lo ,tm - oravitheq at their addi li ontt ezpunpu, , , ... myll - ' ' "iglizi Aurora i G ....._ Ay `SUGAR—Iid bids Noe 4;6 abd 6, Loaf Nog= 1J W Moro and for saddtl ' .• • , MYIS '' • • 1.111.1.F:R k RICKMON 611ALF.RATUS eivlaClrvelind SW . i t Ow 'b 'ln 5 ICK 111k15ANDLESS NOSED Lys Dry Hertini, (oink' mylb • •IVICK,t breAribl. Xs • TAMP 11911.-8 bbls, n prima l‘i_ticlo, kir by X . Lpylb . ArCINDI.EI3B.: Alnitax bblo Wilt< oih'Zia4 Ivy . by. alyls ... tr. rd`CANDum 11490(V85U . 11.-14 bbb6 • o , l„ , l , ztui Clo .1; Xl7lo . Tab .nrltl -.MILLER tzitleitiTBol4 etTAItN d ItArLIV ., pipes tottl?..l . A , Wite,.l .3. 14 - -MUM RicwarsoN SA'- ditt,li*rlol =V)N6' OFFII-165 b sale b m N.:CL BUCIAR-40 bhdslaitiatly prirae " 6'«e :I;r3 i'lll IROSIN-40 bblo 110010, fut IWO b W riAn is Fefie4strii.); , arl‘Wl B E ., C KB. 10 b alas . reo forage by_ 011.AVN & ILEUM AISTILE. 80Ar-6tkoxesTied - sum4 tos ule by m BRAUN E. HMV!. 17100 PlM$ tniktED ISINOLA£S;-4 can rcc•duul :N_lf for sale - & R.F.4711.. CnSoEt7w H 1 7,;* " "i" 3 ltA b u t "N itrrrda OPS , -8 Labs Hops, 11114010 and for sale Irt H myl6 MILLER& SICKLIVON Pmily4(o4ti.l:i: ) ',hi 9.06.110aA1a - • • '..rinlrtantfpf On iromaa a - ar ' s tbb Connegal St Woad - itioos. /*berm:4lll64MA Morn; pink mummy. .4• half pip. French Branft, fawn= brandc-3 pi ensks Lin do, 3 . eighth cuts dittloy qr eanknilladzira :1=i71111[71r.9 GiaiW"e Oa thaLi ,k of the Commercial Sales Semi, corner of. Wood amidds giros will be solth 4 halfebeattY ItTea.6 boxes mole Tobacco, bhls Nos S wed 3 blaelmrch 4 blds No Iltninp,l7 Loxes assorred glassware, !Saha) lts , somata °demented geared head hormeaoas tusetture. hoagies, 1 baroache, tfa y cartiMre, with horse horse and harems, will be old in Sent of .aucUon room,„lombleh the attewlon of parasols" , is 'purled, Imly larked. ' myls • ' JOHN D DAVI.% AW- L . • . • Lurie Salo .11 pry Gmds dy w:1.1, #do Cow . 010 11 4 d6.l4.tba Mb into, al to. o'clock, be. sold, .by positive orders of consignees, without re sorra, at ;llto abom, place r scrotal very , large invniess of' sensesebb, and Choice Dry Goads. The moods will be sold by the fell piece- for the eonverdsnewof deal ars, whose' attention is particalarlyealled Sale; as. st chance for barlyabm. This sale la so- close invoi ces, and imiresetwalsoo can be wader& the goods bib* aold...Tbe iao. i o o g f h dress PVAIVOI, I =4I,I?4 e , 7.1 r. and bisneltnstar sivabami, (secy . bartt*_drese silk* mos. pew deigns* Vraiwo anAWrsh bum. Imes v"..“ .41W r"6'. l " trn i tngs:l7 ' h 'llgs7aZglY o r Mies and . visible ere= cloths, ina Enema wool drodbassisberrs, ster4•ol.sid add blank urinous; eassimere aweeda and goldmizt, , fasto...WiA Tedthig,Baod ' MatiefUeN. ll sn Valencia and besaliful balf vesuop, linen Panlst.s. drill and buroyataff - • , • FANCY, AM , "111118--Dronte scarllyfaircy shawls; bat s, d, lawn and gingham 'crstvatasarbt mrest pat taw kid gloves, bselery, yum brace a Eerie buttons, rick mom ribands, sessinrailk, block .4.4 Weill thread,' milk • paraso6, grof Mutt enircll!sy, keir sre GoODßro:ra nail Wick imi tt m;vrbite anti colored carokrics, cotton pastaloon QOM S./ indigo blue checks, whitey, yelins and mulct !lame's, ke. Tcnas of sale, cash COMIC?. :ausvw;]7) - PITTSBURGH THIALTHIf o , C. ft. Piero Mongrel old - Imes, MONDAY, MAY 15, IM R to commence , toillt Oto ttitteM A flerwhich,VANCEi byAthu Anna • conclude Irak the:Fare., of the DEAD. swot. • -• ! Timm Dunn. -caul AIM Penn , XR. POEMP:Srluill i)/0 , 117 npeo , • • • Co.Partsuprolip Hance: j • EA.I..D, DUCKNOR 'a. CU. haTe ea CO. Hsheen in dstir Tobnend add Comsniasion Edward Heald, (We of /aeon Heald & Co; ilallizoore,) David C. '&C=o=4 and Jab d WaZner. say --- VirkNINACTURED AND .LEAP TOBACCO. - 14.1. - /WALD, BUCKNOR ,k Co, 4/ iamb water u, ams 1G nor* larttarnts, offer for sale on accommodating terms 66U6 pkgs Mansfaclurad . Tobacco, consisting of 004 ,, pounds, VS, ti , s, lira, I b's and IrPs; lamps; vs, O's - muk 65. plat, and Ms Ladies' Twist, in whole and half Dozes, ofthe folkwing approscd brands, • :James H Grmri. Odxrns ft Bragg, -Grant. : A ,Caboniu, • , ld, Webster Old, I:Thomson, • ' Jana, nomes, - Ir. AII Armistead, "' ''• • Thom.. A Son, Lndbcra kii,m l Wri, Hunr&Llloyster,' A. Cly, •.• • . Green 11.11, . Wasiliseson, • Pearl k..Nonrood, Blankrrood, ,• : Nan Pane.std : •• 11 - Vauan, -. • Edniand-Hrtary. , . • - Radium - Robinson, • . -Brunel! drafoLansou, • • Itotinn?n : Seib Halsey, Heteedf, - . on Ender 'Lawrence Lonier, • R Jamie. % York.Widre, Horans•L!afTobaceo, wrappers and 11enc: • - St lquris & aided. fine, " Keednel7 various groan do.. . do ; .Virrnio Leaf. suiteda for soiuntine!isinit sod apart; 8 . 4 (ass Pd..* conneonniii sad oh* u irgnn Scram roved; Gorman Rog; Psfrohead.4 Scorch Snug (Wom sad kdaddert . L , M•teoabs 7ttrb...Ligoolieveritidentairr:lish If.ni'rlelig,lsPcdarr 'FANCY_' -DRY GOODS. Ar.AsAt4.l... Id PI • ' y • TIIIPOWI7II.I3AND/011131iitSof Freer-Junin , 1: tot bison., _teams* Loods, Frabrobleties, a.; shawls; nosiery,Cloras. blesetkartnev, AND ALL 01111)21 VAJItiIrITES OF FANCYGOODS. They invite mom, afterebon . l a tfor. New York, loorantiontbeir lotek before W ort patchy.. • use kin many years of Mae of A. T. Stew= t-Co,itiornrhie r it lee mired soothe inure en. 18,11; lend Mx. Jaftes Diekeen, (rebo bee en rst in. the busbuss,) van Wed *notably knosne la dud est.*. merXty ' iltorosAis irm ibe received at the odleit of*. Wabwriberantil the 9lth of ?day, fet the . latildini of ICE Schnell How* the said. Idivaradlle. The trio be ot thick, with atone basemen; tidy. feet by thirty.terb &et in depth. Taus' or. nap. *Cotes Udisense-Ohoi 4 ottanhAtrta Washita lbe..tirst Boor ofjoists is faith onotoarthwhen the stwooditior **W. sae-Watt! when Om nodding ecenntentd,. twd the Wane. ha tea maths al4 s. , Tha to be' forniabed with desks AM sees krr Iwo sehoolit‘ and the whole to be' reedy throw by** ftrw of next October. Persons Inching to propose los the work can examine the plates and Tulle...hoes al the cake em of Board of Directors of Pitt Ditto= "wtylkdel . • • rulle sakivibes offers for sale 000 liendred Flay arnirearlAnd;airoita oa the Ohio tint, 14 miles ebove -13senbearale, to Jefferson county, Cain, about fatty ages 4,440 are in a hisJa AM Lot caltl wAl qtoduch to w azealmt.troit orchard. The balance to wood land, win, doh ised awl very hea vily timbered, and *bands in Coll. • The location Is a vary detirable only shoUthelersility of the soil_ b !un zrpaoped. ' Persons Swishier to ,reer , o Indkras celt on the subscriber, residlaLsear iii 4 premise., or ad=lZ , Lkuser Post ,to said I LF , WOW,. Agaitlntirtaratortlwt/Oc t ... • .1 - A to tto gore 'n't:igl:'4=attioulloaer AM ' olt wd, %Ia a rintfogyAlksb..2= pa. rotaPer ota oebteMotha pla i d phram mate iramediiialtaioarco,woolAlatwa baring willyieleat tlttat dal! oultheaskated kr sattleataat.-. • MUCK 4011ENZ. Pitt L n yMa l• IStL - • ISuwilfr ..- .' A fiTILLY r..43W- mart" the ertelpruilk ' . i ',..5. 1 , of tla•Puti, in Nelda&rn ...•, Ran Liberty,. or about thrr:dday. . w d Star 'fp rid .and Irbil.; apparently qv,. pr a¢your. aid. •,Thrirrrirrir- requested trippive, p r o, prny, pap char** &Psi take het way. mae? 1r 1 :.: . walaXrcoril-,1 rilowNrevaara 81 , 4 saapaiuu.A4-3, Lis alibi.' • POI' 001 ;int =mast ntedieiney this dey turd W gar sal° 'wholesale not retail, tty ' ! N. B—A. IL V.. 13 Is - Dr. ?almond's ally Amgen! Cat thusbiosb, Oa' tonante one% my .loot• to had pi No G 7 Wood suoL • soyM • Trzte,.TFEof 4he ZSlrquetly.M an .(lea of awns eire and leegth, cassias mar pant end tender ness in the stmaub. , The coastal health becotnes de ranged,' the system 'enfeebled, Watley eystplams are continually aaravating, ndul Seller Cr dude tenni nate,' the suffering*. 'ft Fahoestockta Vedtattae, piepiredar Piitsbrugh, Pa., la the bail *mob. inuae, tins cue:. ,The worm, ea . beteg thrstreped; will be di.— charged in ditachwt,Portitelth and a speedy rebel , will In obtained. • .• 1 • • . • Jaya • VIABLE CLOTDS , -Alexander & Day have just re• ceived an ongloreat bale of eoperhas &etch Ds matt Table Cloths, which they ofer by. the • dos al* great bargain. Dealers will find thesegoodl worthy of their attention. SIiFJMNOS AND 8111611NG13- l Allexander Itay have }au reeedned a very amCbat aseentaent of brown and bleached Sheetip,. at the wog celebrated sametacture,ef all width! md malttier; able, bleached and bream labee#ol, [tic rkeerdlivlo; Cie PO , Yard, . 4,anelciAL PLAWVlL:Lidezinder di. Day hive just weeds 1 , 2 aseortmeet of French ArtifieLal tleseent,for kei4e mn tide Trbeeeleite,' The/ will be sal ea theretailer at the lerereelpOctee. I• , , my 4 , .7011 N SC6I7 Al; Co.; Wholersaa G,00131, Fargrard ing and !pejo:mild:o Mersharns,Dislarrin tpk a.< eod ritut.nir Pilanirsey No;7 et Mow, Litrettreoloicasthe Cup!, rim I'n.", eaudA 444 ikiefi btu Pqrt, Swan ,b 1 0 , 10. t E4 Alrbg.r. Woe., tcanpn.nrwes 117 ., 5= su perior brands, ncenr3 and WWI, W MnItt i IIELTREE, 11:0 Utwrip: - 19M.WritlatioN , -Vcry .nnw cad T Yelvct Il i ktr"tAn 66 441 4 . 1 ; I AX TetriAt MA*ll - 417-tiffirt and,lfor b an 13 Itft&TON*Co EAD-40t0 Bail.aa4 instate sad . for sale. by - 1 1 ,13 -; • JAI3 A HIJTCHISON ./C Co I• LUM-10,414. ohs bjr - i - ..1013 - scuoornmait Ca EIVW,I , LAVg OW-10 Utda tot sale by ' ) • SCHOONMAKER IL Co Q. - PEHM 0111:—IlVainmeal punt, for wee by _m y 1.3 • '• • J 1110HOUNEIAREtt 1130 O, Ati.II.ATI.4O-, 5 UAL" 6ir Pre' „ . 'la • - 1.7" J.SCIIOONhtAICER.G‘OW 2frwood rIiNGIER ROOT—! eefee>rjM Giogei asoy or. tehred hind Cark,le6l9 - ,X ERE.I.LLRS • .VErirlytil4:ol-4 cialtejus% reel ar nit by. A LC01101:,--lb jolt recAnnt w6for sale ,br A mYI 3 ressEuxus .01V5.TURIWNTINE bible; Co p rime ottler,lut ree'd and foi:Ude by , myla IRE SELLERS • myl3 te4iired awl Ai:into 116FALIN comm . lit .11 wood G~+iAL 1tAC11144..r.,41 cues ree'd and far YU by ;. myr:/ FAHNLITTOCKir. ULM MDFLPIIIA-0) . ol re 'd and for sale b y'.. my ni • B LUgbleififsi4olbsbamteceig = b r • 'DIN LAVNIF.ANDIMVIAMEi-A - A ituini & Q 440 Maikd meet. , bannicsive4 cue"( 'nob. primal Law. and let r • mit - eyrs. - TiniPiarriNE4l. MU bud no'd : 1;34 . 14 . 10 gabs by.: "1 • • .-13AVAIININCl/kOh• taylo ' tomer Is% and wood as LlQUOlLlCkieasesJact reed and for We by • • sayto FAIINESTOCC Cu' _3OOPEWEI IlittitilLASS-41bzcjrs ~.t.roc, d sod "for 1, -; Ode bY -MTIO '43 A FAMPILEFItica - 11.0 0 -• BACON—I, uli tibooldon4' I do Bi4r, juo Teeetvell on comisiosent audNor sale B ) 1.02 ,; • l'#..ssk.'Y BHI , T • • • I STEAMBOATS. 11:111MIWZI i PllVlSldenatt • • - • • • • • , At L. Y-4! A O ET:LINE; rkBEF.det ePleedid pastels* M is:ssne; 01111.1 neft,.. 4.1112114 k. • . • stallbre *stasis power= boas swiss enders of the Wee- . Even . seeseasedation and taw Slettluntsoneress proeseeilles been pelbeided Sae.. • ...gem , 'rt./Sew kin beitompannide f.E11,0 *Mos of without - Ow least ism. ts tbar persists. Tits is will be at. the foot of • ' .end weer tbe day presises toilers:a: g, for tbe ramp. den of freight aid the O&M ter. Is LI CMS the. pangs dtt....aramet ewie is • • • 1J11134.2 - PACILWN Tie mit— rs - Eirrort cvv. , Aoa4 1.1.1 leave ',subunit every ehindayreeeverlir cecia, linvelierevery Berelay *veered. eriO4 , lL" • MO N`o.' 1110Ai---liDEa.,ATlc.PatCsof3Aux.w. 'Lagh emy 010aday mamas 0 i JO v crazy Slauday erreNai at 10 P. 11. TUESDAY PACILUT. " • Therill 5 1111INILCNo. h Cot. J..Eurtittombh vbit leave Pittsburgh ofevaq Tnaday suurnisit at r cor4op )NiNt • PACIIOIOIO, -.111,0191 10 13100 LAND Na R 00P011. D 00 0; 1 00004 = 0101 0 Wadnetday 140004- a - 10 c m ° , orresiWnloooll,loloo . loo WINK. • • • • • ',..II3I:IESDAILY:PACICZW. 'Tha BIaLLIANT, c.. Chung, Wilf leave Pips, burgh evtry,Thursday =alma' laceclocki - Whetliag .vary .**. 0 4. 4 to z. , , , .inuEocirki 7 4 , ... . . . . • 11,„ claphli' I,ll94.:Ctoole,veill leave-Pith. burgh ovary Eckte, 0 . 0 . 0 4... 1 /0 o'clock; 'Wheelies r every Flicleypvereoug as le T r lu • .' ~ .. • .. \Wheelie. - • •.. IIATIIIIJOULY PACKET , ...... The PIIIISENGER,CePh KM*, Win 10.6 Laub every , Satinkay monde' au lit4'rloelt Wheelie& every fienseleyeareeing Bele elt.:a - NM JSI4 AND PrITSOURDWDAILir LINE • I orrANAL ANDOTF:ANF, A n i l 1 !as. atom . • • ittIITLIS rit41;541% &Ur, 0i1i...44. 0 4 . k hif AIM, XI Glasgow, tomtit olds* Sionly sad Bearer Ca. sutlA d I:Polack, and New Lisbon at 0, same den. l.nor. New Lisboa at o'clock, P.,11. (making*, nip cum} to the titer. daring the ttight.Vand Glasgow 9 o'clock, A. h4tual entree at Futaborgit at 3 P. 111:-.4bas 'making.* COIIIIIIOOIM, has Gm carrymir vas: masers and fitted between New . Lisbon and Paw burgh, is pluarterminto mid at lc...rates thaa by any ' tker coot.. ,The Propticia r tadilds Late hira'tbe Oman . e of in • Cored the public the they ha v e fined op Mahon clam Catud Goats, for the aecotamodation of painenyters and freight, to mu coanection with: sha-well known summers CALEB COPE and DEANER, sad connect• log, at Glasgow, with' the Po:Whom*: and Cod.' can • and Other daily Linea of stemma down' the Oblo and Mississippi siren. MO proprietois pledga them selmtr to snare notspetue or tnyabloto insure nom , fort. safety and dispatch, and ask lithe public a ahata . . .. ... . .. - OM. lIARTtN, - • ,-. ;t• i,i ii• . buno • • 0,- a. W. 114138 A-000- - S. - ' - .R. HANNA,* Co. ..- tre.. Lth o ._ raillat J. HARBetiGH &Co. s I . ll • a tsirrill ' ODOM& BRO , liliriiiiLe Ar il _: ___., _.' • • Daily Picket-Lim. _. :FE , OSOIA-KY 1.412e1d . - ;,.• , yg#Rl7.&gy Ist, 1e4.9 . .. ,-• : iTAIFE UNIX AT OA. 24,ANA4 P. hL _ : _ • .- The following Ater heats emnplete tha li. Sor.ths, present seism AT • • LANT7O, • Cept....Temes ALTC,et-AteedAN .. 1..' 11M: 1 . wyenti,tur. E.. 'Bennett. >The kens are entirely eels, and are MAI ep without regard to:expense. ery comfort that tomer east prosarekedbeen persided. The Boats will less! th e Monoepahela:Wbsdlßoat at the toot of Ross It" !"-tit.W. - .10 ./. Patthtul 0 11 b.... 1, as the boats wil4eertaintr . leart at the adver tised hours. 8 A.I4 : end 4 P. 31: : - .! --- . • Ann FOR AVIIREUNG, CMCINNATI I..OULSVIELLE. • . lisouLsa BstanoW , Pontstr. , -71in Perm sonunander, Imre fee Louisville and sill ionrmediE potty awl SetnnteTs at le otieek. rlaoor • - I k e ; Teii tuts tweak bath expessall.ke a rxdrni . pue and inth view entirely to the comfort scoffers; - derassoist ats. Warier to no at' ml thelfrestern vaunt. . J. •• FOR RPM ORLRANR... • .. 11e6Ae AAw Mawr' FI&V.ANNA, tftitinst. , Fir f!ciebt.ypasus I!.pply?"l4onrck. •.16a new and rad* steamer. Wanda; toisikirt, leave 4r lb. a. 4 and gnaw:l:Wand pods an Ja. Fc . ttei raftei _aeplf.on board. ay* aufigiLltio • I,oAliioni;,zeill trava Intenoaltalltpocto oa tkis day, "•14, o'clock, P. /4: •Folj:tr'llit-tis-porago imply on. drgy, ottorelt. - For freight • • SnuL .Iba new! ad- ' !amen Inns, •=io6 - 1, - for the onid illiemedlafeports on Toes day,l.6llk inst., - a toe 11.1Fortnolgla eepassap agir ' • YEW. WSW:LING AND iHRIDGSPOILT. • - . -The nest asr4salwrantal tow wain rew Poerdissie is rearset wain nirrePel p nut.ount reen Wha.ll, Ilnitzeport wit Ms- •• , 1113151111A846:CERP 1 erg 10 , 1SUNFIS/1. aviator, kor above intermadla Vedas*. dgsflanadays tab oc freight or pa! " SO T " ail. 11 1‘111;41i4111411Mi. J." - - . prrranuitrat 4.,-wuniabrox.ecioNr.; • : _-- -- 4x.eisztx,, Dorsey P.Mitn i zetev,' voll Imre (eV es Maar, Wetineselszt l, Lid lOW treeleely. •Leava. ellery,Toesdayi Thavoley sad Ss. ~th tardy at 7 &doe ors, preelsel ,',. ~ The Comet will taod id alt.the we Every seemed:llion:that iiiiri dte Ire= art and vitetrof paueseers lac provided. The beat olds. provf. titehl petiketiefreafety guard to r:::1= P ),.,..- . I‘r . Va t ; =Br i t . a ! -.frbi - ..... . , ...'. - ctiner,othe ard'Emitbftere gm. milmjspoirr, suzemmrAn - O*oNorroAnr, ~.. -. The mw ocular , . • ~• -.....DLWATqI. 1.41.5di,•iniuk,....#1 . ....nak as some, nog Pambaoth... every Monday. Wedoccday and Friday, atV* o'cloeli a. y., cad Nw toogahclaCity even Viesday,TLsMayoadt3luardayi atat a o'clock, a,. ii. Pore/Mid va:Ph.."I...PA." rloNvoroM rumr? A.A:t gSllhi, Muter:VAL Imo for do POrterefillredurodarandelai• ardo , k-st 4 /V-AL 'For freight or pomp' opplf oo ._ Li TEAszamasn-imutsut Flt.n AND FRAGRANT—IMPORTEDIN !VW - J ur eneeive.l i at.tbe Tea . :l,to., No. m PaartlL of 'freak %REENTN a II.Z " LeIWIt rr o 110 .- ;fi a at York Pekin Tea Contratryc intmrted this liptinfe The. Young . - 11705 a end °M bar bk Tem an 0.7 fine and reactant. packed'. lead, - it, f;.l sad fb• gckages; - ak.aort kelt st oic. : a. invited arninina our stock.: Tbay will be mem" lank , mantiy . ther_jrui. for—finat 511. a half Meat, at the arum Arm, to mama tot of loto 14ga of ilia llJoeltavlava;' Rio and St Damns, Code., wbolesale andretile, retail • Lovari.o boob. refined tr.opusi.dar loaf; malted and polveyal, all* emu par lb., usually reviled Pnnek voiced Chaco..., a prime artiela. N. ll—We pledge oarselvea In all awn art.. Ike abcive anilles do nut give end. satisfaetio l to return'. • • Lambs for Sala: • mFVIIE 'so edam alias - forals, neva, !ludas,' •sses 'Sof land- to•Printlin_ .41leglway lminty,amp al about II or 11 milFs foam Viasbargh. and is staidivolcal into tracts miasmal" from 911yala io sixty aems each, and will hesolii on 1011123 seem . toisistirig . to purchaser. • Alas, coda 11,uilding Lam m the . benvogb of Irmi*, 'lam, anbalvisions allot 750 :6 iii Ut . pat of Mar "risty-two sicatmet, ,, ai followa:-5Twea• ugh Croatia' 61 Wet oo Waterman, and sunning bat 105 fat la 4 15 fat cllsy. i Tao lotimiaida aunt, 21 feel foal sub; out eateratill" hat 95 fat, the al.. YecOofeot lei an alley; and also War iots, oath froatia" u feel on (kegs !.)rcei, and exteinii i lback *M. W 519l1Whii Os swan, Fortuna. a to • • , • ••• •-NEVili a CRAIG, , Patabush. ..) TolTridg, RWlldiarab ENNEDTROPOSALI will be neared st ibis &Ken 1.7 until WWI of Su:2lMay; ftla eta, for ibe amnion allure Itrlabges over Robansen`s Rim In Varese awl Robber:a baae, nallipa.‘ Sloan wort taloa bid kir by Ike lereb.ead wood weak "by' the root lineaL Plea aperiliennois tobe nenire/ tbeelSerk ran liondsr wl- 111 .• .• • ; JOHN IITDOWELIe r I • • rJOSRPIIT. MARK* • to THOMAS. PERKINS,- For nir Colanswoneng' Orracx, ~ law-n:1.4-41 01:Ikeica talle.ing CI" rtrlE sithell fiber wi ll sell tar tie Aussie BeventY•Feur lioildies Lots an th e Oltat nun. - They Si. sitaa t In the Krat•Wenf Walla uttorlaaelhd.Y. ( =Well rn thephlo Over; ithoet twenty Weeks wale from tho Pilublinth *Whet boom and ere tune advantageous ly situstedthr Wawa rtsidenete than any other lots DOW* the *Brim.. , For.Per!.l...itrg t he .tuber on* _ S OAT, : 1. - Zenuturelnul, Allegtemj • :OATEN IFOUPRRLIC.ALYARAS - Aloodsoroe Btylos a.h cq ii p. 14101.1 prioottoo4 Rot, to be Rasa ot: dry goodo,lbar• or ..1 10 • R mintrinr- IrtrclßS'OcmsDS - - I.d al A A 17 brisacia co , c,' cc racrkcruttes; u o most rump twnooeni of Mess Gooda to b. &owl in this city, **moon. .tyles, mostly imported. CPPLOI—A A Mama & Co, so mar- woo, hive treNl per elotoss, to pa of rick ."1"#:!5..r."3 • ram_ . , 13uartpa.BAN/E.„L1113 , 715—V1R Blm•Ncs - to opOootooont-sovoli of fio. Inwood Cans rent.; silo. bloc sot' Drone do, los !Ip t .lincibr Ni orts4 per Tile... • • . 410NNET.IRIBUO:15—Wblurbbas just reo jj) by .Erptebrdi, lot anew /01:60004, 14.44 it• 1031: ope n ed .fter if pi from a cola 16 kmuiuscsz:tnakais" 'aritsltpeollowat of Dm.. Prima*, ;r a k ed Id ox -4"11- r EATON ; , . I • '-t,i'' • .---,::-..,;c rbrawltS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers