..q=" tix tr u p,F irn .av m.o.*** 6 , T i dg m , - e tat „-- E. A.TVICT SODA itEL4-41kir.0"."4” Jiimilli 0 ,, • ese. inn ;MUTT gm,. tia I Rods sod tos rim • • ON =I ~~.~~~' , c cim-uppais Coni, sas toT ' k TD and . be , Fl5ll-.4 1.(1. , 11 1 7*.;1 1 la — jer k —, • .;•: 7.t;sbcrnull-:: . 101pACON.,10 klmls prime cgassierietio pig! - ,LP Uos,aM tlissiSsr, pea reelll awl Crxraryi— ori. • No lassiwAliftP_R*l4 wed sodas re by . &11111COLS • Btr=: l 4 . = . fl id !t 4l 4 . . , • • leaSiiintii..oo bias !Sty! Wpm isi IS .om an ta ; ;.. =MEI MEE ME= ; . °~~:.. • 1 131100 N-01 cask.looooo== 10 410111004 010 • .LP Has; lan nresiTials nod fa Wit by • ••• " •= 11 •• . • • =TWO° 301117110:CO :, -- •tl&''.,'T''‘ . l:i..2i. - ,t... ! . , .,:.17 , ...i.n; f 1- Ig . ..1:,i.,:.:!r-;.7::.:...:.:.!:7•‘-!:,. ' ti , 3.. .} • -.%:;"‹, i:••• • • ; f 3 V. •:: . , ..,,otnample-re sacks Baster; di •dd Ckma,lo . lAds la !Wm Idi I,lssal ., trona ow Odd, *spa . . , . ;.,W $0? add • by— D. - JAMES DALUda s , • • • • • • 112400 N AND ?LAMMED—I ems Bum Idlagi - -'• -.." " • Elausidsnosslnsar DR Usk* Eris sad /Wasps. •• • • • • ••• • sad facusla . ID JAMES DALZISLCi • —Rs i,•...4f5V....f.,:q4'.111,.:• i . f , F .gO7 4 : 1 k 4 < 44 1* • w i l . : . . "4: , :•• I .;t . : l'• • - —:•••• '''' , :z7.... ) .: . .. 111 OAUDOIII-11 wk. Pail MeV bi " •. atyllo .• • J SCISOOKKAYEA &Co • C7 — CIMUSSAMITiIbIiaItXPII,IkId. sy. . AMMO : WC(11 ' PZ;: s i• *NV , ` 17 :_..x 4 1. 41 04 . • *ki k 710,14+.4ZZ1 , ','ltferW:6?;ll 4 4:i 4 , `4 . : 4, 4gt v , , ,•7•• . ete...:0. , 4.,:•:.:. :. + .t : : .i...A . : 1 / 21 :-I.ZitiKVSaiii •. ~ ~,;;.. ! ":2 *: .. :T4• Vie• .t " -11 .1Z•1 : V.:',4 1 '4, •;,;•:•; 1 ....: e-:- l'z'4".• •.: 7tti*.•;fzet:. •: 1 . 1 !!!':442.45!iii:'* V, l :i li t i: ;itt : tif•:::4.. l I . liiiftslrg.44.!: . 31041, :iil -! s7;.* '' , 4 ‘ , •44,—;• r .1 ..:•,t 4171:1, !tilil..ii:' il'Nyeig.• t:vti: I V , ";; . s' 44 ::::`3:: -. . • f j...; - •'' ' ''..*l4 l `, 4: ;Uf ' 'l - 1 , : 11.101; •:: 4 t ?• ! . M 1 4 .. ••. • . Ito.i , Mti 4 :•: ... , . f+,lV*llY-0, , - 1 liiii:e-N, ;.. ~,, 4 , -...v4„.. 1 4::.,..„...:.:: ..;....4...w , • WORN. 41:Nr:41111111•7elig 911; reald pas Salto* imadie.a•yer . .nw....3otazou•suuliia.." • • 44 - am : !1 !!: • ----- 41-# l ,....ltioomtmcEß ace . , • s. 4- , - e 't -2 1 r iirdmiiirigiaciiiliii:f=ro ,l l. • -:,-, r • i'' , Ait ow-. -, .i... . 1 ISCaOO.I it al . .. • • e.e 2 -t."' , ——. , • . • M li . .~ -Llrmw. 47 4 4 ''! . .#= . ‘ . • ar - 1 - vremicusx4neglies .Ll.do Os Aq go:womb , oak. Imola% dif doff it s g~[(y.~NL . ,mllWbu : -.'-J A/L~YD~ CUl4ll"4"'"higi'" "fiti&D ' K -111 (bblitatit fad tot Ws • • ~ sok allucora ~cararoairiotiw s+~.~,~s~ !EREECELEI;-a: • Aggii cic sa &Wald • 0 %IP CAIUiSODA-1110110• 404 ;:••• 1501.16. 1 ., 6 7r 'r . . . sad sok /4 •.. • BAYAI+N6IsI ocXS Cs.. 04.451 Js reed ea . ibe II A F1AN5."="412.:1L i : !E. t &i, V - 111 gair bra Wass idesdeir, ~d for emu 161.4Api i . •:ny . .+44 . w . ani • Yaer i 0 . 111 , 11 "!..." . . 8 8 acalasox sem SWOPS %Opt oh . . - -1 -'="IIIMS, AflUiNtPr rnMaiM*II4MI9AYMIULA.-4sa net rrs:Twirs — trrCis--go wt. harwmod 6.4 orm MD & Co JUJUR6I4.3TE-611 trAisidterukrby M'MTI p 11 z ' ark.lolM-101110.1i061 1110 ; 111 i We by • '• . • ASWOO JONES/100 Q a. akaas-a.bbLS2 l = • Am.! , m--, ;i a arta Ca • p nASH-/ casks Iszdbg tivosrar Lake Eris ogi • (V3171.T.--2mkbees tecti . viai per Celia4asid ferule • . .: • ! , . .Jllllll5 UALZ6.IJ... T . A.RD 011,4111bels Nkn Laid►.:n 91 . 4 . n kry, de .74K la no i•O s qf ilrfnajziki EAD-ox) . • . ...; IRMA Mork, INDEOW uuisS,4l•ll6lo; ackdr4 isid kw ado • - tom star Not rite TALat 904 P-410 !um largi • has, }tut rapeinilMil tonal* t ai i nt 4 .4,,:,.TARD 071,41 tab H.l Lw4 op, prble al#ls : A.N,...das Jess received not kr - - - t 1 At Tjr Gegetiaiftelorostiormia • •• I.l=mA 80*! AND' CANDLES.III:I=•So liOstr: Id do • . , - .••• . 7 . ... 11idass , or ~ 41■41pishoiftierts. 411 1 1, Shw • • •-• AVOITWIZ:=PIRttIfri,U; waist " .!"..I.l[ll~. Vit.ONSAMlTAlFFOltisekilyLemoc 4011116 *tar .* C . - .I":VrarAtilVe. P=1;;;MI .....•.1,...... '-'''''...-- - I;;G7liiialE:=l MaziibiEiiii ip • _ Allgt=tekop No MIA r"a°-1— 8 . flu Illlfoor sob b ~.aay""r~ s a`~u puitrs—obbunesodriiiirnev ..tssoworea '..l.4llvestssiettiosst .Lidia6ll.'siti Ni t Sok., ikir'esu bf • ~~ R- ~r~~~ ~ -,YS'~~.iii~iß~f ~ ~ 11' J'n i~~/ _ 7 ~ 1 ~ 11 1 ~ FOll-,3,49 *one es A • ... Sa.}VialAveui 03.104, air( tollgoal Irtr iv ettry,T, ~~.. _ . FLASMlNDir.b.lo.4o.sierf smilor u tt ec ; • wit warm , • • OVTIMISKSATI/5-0 dos fai whifor_L. .17 VON DONNHUMmiIiCi. serest!!! o!M== tv..91.1.. AP , iteg .; r . d v br • 100 tals 'WWI temirm , . '• , ~,•: : ,'„*"EalltitV_ imisollsolatisilor r ' • -- :r • . 1 " . „ ~ . : : 11 " .6 . ..., • : _ , - I wil lnica . - - --- I " 1 illih" 4" e ." ;:17TT98 vEsaingss-atiLL... ' o6ool a .a: onr*g% airsals.by masa viciwz sta. misitediOiribitAt.! nrati . llllwai . • 'IL W.X4l:Mir • ' ' "Lii2.461• 10 1 1 • • Lulk XI bsg••••ieg 1•• • •••51 notasombso, 111•TSX- 3 bite ,D•trii • kits bolg7, mti . • - „. . V I ND Wii' -4 0 11 "bi •t=ke•awbf • 19! :&• 1.,," 41, A AMON: lyrininaw inith; fir baby. • "pp. SWUM Ile llVCAletalr"( :3ZIONgME ':Nrl l :4*,L4re' a ftrilircinclfe t gruw oie -4wie-00 i taiZT t r owi. 4 .l,l%. mita las.lesti6 CS OVIGZE-41111% oneall..:imiki • 14/4.:,.."1.1..V4g!111M1P.1.J11F00.:0Nia1uWM•... / .. .~. =n=it=Vi;:at , ,CZ.% BM _nal Intl li. t=n in 1....1 . awl ==n,k,„. 0t... it tie poirsnonm of and sndi Ramp &N -ib; the Nam, anion ateconiel with nngnoten, and A '°"1!"- amid inliPreg n. =en : -------- reMYD INIZILBS-8 bum rcieed Lag 4.. 440 Ws 3,p 4AP n il it ' . 4 a 8 B° BB,l ./. 08 f mbet, 178 MIS SO 84.1. etialloi; .a 4 On par by AMES A ER=lll/10N Co, TraW cuirruN PAPER-411ralMa• Cnnala PEW. Y. 4 .wary th ‘scs6' t'T * litzl ir asr mr • CA mar gi (Asi CA • • •*, . • Percaasloa • • ~)luS pecaval Goo. sazufaciory mad G3r • LATES-11 eons o.l.llll9purs r reed an 4* ate. ' • • ' AIIBI7IIINOT wt—sste volla Tr..^l • bra INl•slan ammo Maw, Just ••late li ttossysfilist Xleldrs and for ral• I+7 Toitoolll3,l4dosllisesso,Not Lading Um mime; lifelagss sadlatasbbr • .1.05 • -•-• •!•• -• • • 118sW BABBLUGII SFr& TWFraant. 4 br u e-tooNt ofooe to. CUSTOIIOII.-61‘toiomentosoltootarg; T0,71'450=3 isiatgAMULLK.4 fo. mt. bT sag , • - BRAUN essaeg /1017TOS YARS-0,1100 lbs untried Nak long •sol LJ.*Kt tetk•gor /r b. Co •:O. MG — nif/0 prim: for 7 1 1 . 6.0 1 .`"2"1"Ditb°, 1 1f1'24.,."i'l naI~WWIW • lot pas l~ tn• •• • • • • ..• ••, • • JOILIVIMUN k sTocrro, - • ....go ••••• ; . ' . 800k.u.., eat Dinka end 24 08. rtai.ll4-110 asks ladiina PosSeo; • good ortSS sd is good cols, own loo.Uog pev SIMI/ . Swiskloy; for oelo.cotrisoco2, sy4 • ' • COCIIRANe._ TOWNIENIMSAJISAMAILILLA- 0 ) a.' AU a. •egivrti forsakirtaloaalitandnedic s for Pilubam/4 L .rast ~Oi q:lYol - i6}limoi~M..,~~ B~sa°.Zßt6 6.5K.4..0gL LAIS . M) BROOMS3I dos Cia seed set fa eels bl mill • -.IITW lONNIkk. Co PaVerocs-s wk. trf Mr 4. • AWW.9O . ... S.ELNES &Co ROLLTTERI ReU r ub rem; Jee len. • "1"1"C.". ` " ea 1Y tiamiaucu .•. - • - aV012..-tlibletarlite Sugar, Oat landing Tau OS by . • c• • ..: • S ItARSAUGH wEer on.-us nsed ated i fistaate by § • (11-13771ULUACANTII-970 Ibb pral • riiiriZM ljr nib by ••• • - - 1 ODD e•Co :cui.,,Ly.sEED_!abazdroe'd and liar ate by • 13, UVE 011.711116011•Jollirred'end for isle Ili • • - w+s ~~ ~~~ 011!i=Ugi!ll TxMa;M;=M R'T'S~s~~.,,~ . _ • VONAlNES;• oll •lasertoorti ll4lol4 •D le byL YVON BONN i . l9yorr Oc., • , ,P1,,,,,..1TT1.,V,TP7^7r.4 '4_113 EMM - „ IT A1134*) 110" 10401:17014=7/... I. CP • • •••11 *Co • b ir lONNIWORSr C. 1111" -- 213 .-. "1"111r - • -4 0 i i". PialfrAV and r" . •••••••:,, sow is sal wad as tetooacap,Float,jaii vied and [car • b • • jayg k•• CHRONI POTASII-01NrIbm pea sea tot ;sale briny* 'll *IPA mile+ p aws:ills—tea wicks thilesaNeawons. ..vc. BelitYll3.-90 *tuts BUT" soliableibc.mtile hod sasaftetnrers for sale by _may POINDEXTER RR/ BiRLE4I,O I .I. bas - -848ay, ree . 4 •881., ode 1.8 WATI.IOIOI.. ' • at • • ••• vne.cr and 02 ORM INVANTS AND ROM HATS-Jad selalasalbrAgy FM as. am. Says laitsas asal lama Mai lb.. maw Mias • • SM maI ITH Yr. far WJOYDISON, .• • • • • satastis • CYCIAit HOUSE motAssm—ao ha me! .far sale low to close coaslgnese N c. ./Al3 A LI PATENT PORTABL}: POWEIS—A saw loi 4.y reetired. • 71ie aussitioa of" sanuabent ses awl others lain sarall Eaves partietacrly invigad. 171111 AN CORN-11111 Irelkrw CTti,Al! . * 1 lazuli"( frt. 'mat anel for rale by • r • • , . erwixin, JONLZ k ISSENG-4 Imp thsersq,Pal.d.og sad aids • •rWOO/00141MaCe„ II!'C T.I. .. to I'(,. .~ ~~ ~:7~ _.. .g.TeutsatTimitz-41.iiirro. Wrislogs brads, ails maw ' dr.l.ll•Wilir 54".4 IS P. 56611 . 0 1 Lm assruneui. lIKAWLAA A Ilta - soa*Co, CD 11840 la, rsn vreiveit per exppru, as WIN Meta et Bilk my/ TEA—That arm Ymerftploxi 6 6 0 4* bap.i.l i sad lisiipmder; csny boxes do dm lOhjekest• ciahn Ihnnhosiv now unwed; fa sal. by , • • • . • .J D W1LL1A1115.1101.04 at so..—tr, tb. a..did, :Mos.; tVoflaa "4:1. , 2do uder, for C'W-2 d ruyr WILLIAMS fr .! liM=ZP= • ICLUU-6 1 :1141 , . E.t.a ..t.ing; *figs 67 ja. me • SUREILIDGE, WILSON•CIo, ?All WU MOSS-10 Dale lAseklioi.,ls moo Rod 4 for sato D] .e 76 BURIIMOGE L WILSON &Co ..(rpMONONGAHELA WHISKEY-GO MU Cop. Fr dotillodpid • tairAlo9-1110•bmb•Tarrim sribegaiel, 1011EPICS-411110$010int aidirsaistiery A • &mat 111? s UtHITE LEAV-11101PiepstiWkila TT "d ••'• 4 1-'1 VOA? NUOAII-110 bib lave 4:4 """ "1 " 1 POOME;MtIii Co- i;ll6f3Vllhr jT Mysiblatimak anrli ..11.011H tee IPPOLASS-11101 1 tom BRIO N..! Clang 156 ••• • 'Ss 11141"4 61! 161." & 1111 U M Amu troaiie Hr., •ad "156.""111"sibtiVINCVXMCIL Co VAX 81,1AA*-410 a;Pa==m3n tac n ta • amom, , _AMP" YCi ift.i'i"*.l hos WA,‘l.mw .I:VW NU waft EVISTAI b.thl W I C [ Q=prior Tf o.oN4h , g mid ,gl ;r C Q IrCANDLIVO.. Pr""Lw -- nrfir riz.t7. fit:LUBER SALTS-10 roe'd am] Art solo ; . . . B • VAI 'MCC& &Co .M"'V''". lu 7l: 4 t lilio.Y74oll4lgarreed jai ter Ws by .sib,. A FA Iniztrroos. a Co , _ easr—i• estop:tat real noti fay siaby IO AISI 7 r V • • •D APe SMOG &Co atjilym . EHlN bbis b!: . 1*7 7 00, ;at . ► 7 10 'lb . & by 'WWI AMC• MATER. na'd and at.o kw Deb . roll.o tgiiii7sl;ilEfsrM 0.11110 viry prbr 1g 0 bags . r . ; - 114 Mr . " 11 • sT'c VOM pout EPCI4 laigirPosr• ANL caVOldiore aml ala PM-11, MUDGE/MB-4w bap Om gyr!reel,po ol ' " s"" llYu aw~ t AfiNgeragli Ca i/411BYLOCIE- 60 bble VW" sad &lads by syyll 1."="tri.11111"."04T/W li al ar ai brmt i q u aru l Atar iFD7OWS~~iee`/ end fog Ik 17; wad .1 1~~1 smi•y,- 11 Tamilay 1111soby,.. 1? 10 , elsamary, 10 111tundrf, 011..MMIWISHIPL Proposed Fangs e tkalakkili mind North Amen ems Rage Ma Sionishijit &titers Boston emd Limp* sad &wpm Noss York saLiusipast, for lba. Ascries, . acs lodtios Niagara, _ Caja Syria I= 4 le s = =de Douglas . Stiressia, . 4 We= " Leitch Mom Sara Sum% ThooPeet ITTINTIM irrir 1011 am u~m'mt Lana Lllraaporl Learn Pim York. Bush Sand. ...... brugars•••• Cvidaela•• ...... May 23. PIVTIBBVISOR BOARD OW TB.ADS. • 001111MTE6 FOE MAY J. easonons.' -J. McFAxtri.. -W. W. WAIL= Very little was (Joao in the masket on Saturday. It was the dullest day of the Weak, and two, ten. dared more so by the 'Lonny weather, and the [re pent showers of rain which tell darine:the day. Funra—Less was done on fliataidaf than on any previous day of the week. The!•eaceipts unmated to some MO de 1200 blis;ratOyikll of which are destined for eastern shipment.Prioes ore unclaingeit and remain firm, with limited 'asks only Gout don, at $1,7'44,87(iN 1 / 4 00, as iu qaIEIT; and from river at 51P24714;70. • • ' Grits—Of wheat very Lot. is coming In, rind we bear of no sales IlrOdh reporting; it may be quoted nominally at 854190 c—moderate sales of rye .1 506155 e, and of barley, at 4065 1 13 c f be.— We note limited sales of corn from atwe st 320 334- and of oats at zwinse p be. • Coin Huh-1s quiet, with Moderate, sates of klbi dried from sues, at $1,02. bbl • Faro—Throe is an active demand kr all • kinds, and 'prices are looking op. The figlowing quota. flees may be relied on ss comet. Salenon, 512 shad, 9,500610; mackerel No 1, 512, No 2, 9,506:1. IQ; No 3, 670735; belying, 36 sp bbl Corm—Saler lb seeks good Rio at 516iSt— aid of 15 sacks commas at Sep St .81:Pm—Saks 6 NA, gOnd fair at 5) pi:l, rani mous is .01 , 1 u 4105 e, inferior pt ate tk the • hhJ, RJCS—RelipAlr sales occur at 51c rp th• Ctrrism—Receipts ate Iricreaslag, aril o.e quote isles ranging, according to quality from 61 to 7c p PUTATOCI — SaIts of best at 60055 c plu. The markei is fully supplied.. Franrcen l 4trgullr mien Gam store by the quail tity at 33,331erp. , :. • Eliccre-4•elcs woo, 151;your store et 3,4, and 5 (igt kw city cured, sod 41, 3i, 41454 ac 0e country lOU. The market is dull. ' Lamm—Nathiag doing beyon, aaliti to lb, trade . at 4183.1 a a e Burn:a—Sales at keg as aa9lc a. at •,' Strai--Tter ma/kat matinees dna, wall !Tad . .aleyouly it the Calm* rates.--Cloaer a 3 771 timothy IP, and flax at 14e ar La. . au—Sakati lanced at Zgra, and. of dud 4 aaaGacr nn, Bests= at not Cenat..—Tbe &louring is the amber of boats dewed et this oboe. Kw the 11 timlitti Saturday, Apra 29, tegethei with the teenage, and amount of tolls waived thereon. Ha at. Tonnage. _ Tuft Strada, 8 21 1 57 00000 Tosider 9 9 1035,33 • Weimisday 10 8 12,85 8 69,13:1 5tri,433 ; 981,35 Tbenilay =ir 11. 3$ 1052,398 1 . 1 069,90 192,95 . 25 loce .13 2A 2123,415 01 B.,St Maiday 14 50 852,159 p50 838,81 Tinkly 15 24 952,014 • 951,51 We 10 21 648,340 7011,70 71ausda 17 •21 059,519 • 783,43 trilat y 27 .• 2123,605 017X6 . Cattle Market. Brisrbtaa, May 9.—At roaster, GS beef emlo..nd 1700 mar. Prissaa—Brof Casate,Ezies,7,Wl-1414traiiry. 6y. Ziooll7. S'arese—Doil, priers ma wholesale, 410 5 4 .lara lean 561131. Baltimore, May 12.—Tbe offerings amounted to rho head. Prins matil.l Dons 10/461,14 p 100 En on the bong equal to $.5,2061,25 net, =I ma4ing an a maim 3,22 raw - Sep—Salm of bog* Moro been made daring the meek at 114041,50. Dees roar keur MI erg bb roes lase ark Dar Disbar* la lc dry, or Dor, poso 111 is thus, rokcas wake It •Ok Wk . `, Dark Lod .Ithy, use baaateous at; Ws bien Woe • Awl to have this, roe leave bat Ikea akt/Dega to pas Tor a bode ofJoesta . Hair Rervorartva. . . Reader, flan. have lead balr Da wade! many Misr toataked at the lovely sleet a dente skellkag koala of JOWS . Coral U 1 Remand. has oo i; iv rods Immo vial. Bold %I tie Liberty at. • sorithlkwyt • • . . IMPass, BssiVie.—Tbe Gabbs Dm' i 11.1•11 es swansele bon busty celybrard ss a cub by Um stove btu sal ey.sliebers. In erns srp allassills ► sassenbls. *a by WU. JACilbbri, Ars% a rib. .Tbst ither skin of hme,thsn mew, AA] pan a osoattlarstal teabsotr." • AU Creates itsve ale tit* Ow abogo, who .41 Spattlat Ltly White. It inekcil Ora asowy,let oat tzar 'Attu. Sold si b 2 Ciumax weft • • entrill TO TAA A lona iftiM lB4B . EZIPBESS YAFF . P4qIX:r . PIOLADFI. . Pot P TE u Canal and Etna goads Lem/ ester/ le excellent endersthe packets et Ws lies mil leave midi p« se r t agersle 4 P. 4, ," • ••••day,talt.. 7- , • •• • . Inds outte—P OfTt_ InIL • Kentecky-41 Trety. Yndesy. Mi. l L011.141.112 . —J P Thatopen gam flier. Wk. • •"' le.Ltarte—Ciltirey,ll4l4.l.3olt: .• • • • Kentucky—ll Treby. Tender, • Loolsiette—J nommen, K eanitedey, YJI • Okle—A Craig, Tkenday, MIL. • It:dans—l' Berkey, FM sk. fink. • ' . keetecky—llikeby, San, &easaa), a y l. Loge/ass-4 Theettereon, list. Tha pis often Line petit eore New dem:, the minket, with tea sebba *Waned, .ti kwill at. Coed Clef !comfort to peewee kneeling with dim krn tle y eMe 6)114 mete pets over ISO miles nil meet clew tie slier and contiorol.le scrota mod•twas, Kerte you tickets et the Puke edge liessegalesl • Ilea., weter mot .o ' • D LEECH &N; Ciutel Bum PRINTS :ON•LY. CEDAR NEW iiORK. =M7I •. •• LEE & BREW§TER • rmablisrl lirmsboim to the year . 546 i. IZtke • 'Nu enlr arl'egg. tatu7i v Tt mica—mad Wait*, at all Mums Mahe year, „ olgt Lamm Ammumin T l .h W now operol: Irma m4Vselm .de sts, llnwrde pT:dtc . VOI J = I ISZ . b!c " lrin r oVtom , sod ommt la as kw and Mon erdit, . • • : PRIG= ILIADVCILD ' ONEONE T 9 Fin, CE NTS teierw poem so per prime/ vide\ me tenisiut4 WY', for the IMbromalta no. • 'Bur lov t • • • •NowYmt Jaw, UV. b "Wt 1.1 ,6 eZi iz rimcrumrs—was.4. ...1.. ' ea W.- man Jo i wkoluele or &mil Gooat matt. at, by •imams wan lorto har brro several inn W. Wawa., ad of yam% dm Ova taterntaci sips loitervaa. 904 aria, uO. J. N.; ' • TWIRL TOR ILUM-14 14 ter bosh w!i 'fulimodmr. eatt E•galn LEC tC.°" :/ •=7104 - A eAIIRRON, ror QOPIORIE3-75.bis Ile: ring . , CCI lobl • Na t Ilacidn4 '11 , " 00 b. IlaWns; 'kegs de; 10 kr. Bock Coldy; 110. tugs WeJauta, Ulm su ala.l Limn NON, 0 bal. .111- 06 4 taw Bantams; la elan and rot. aslo knr try sa 13 . nauierr,p wood .4 • • !MUM 901PEle AND TEA-11/0 bap RIO COW', JO 404. de4 I do Mocha dot SA half anti Y 11, Unpin. bad 0 P Tess. CO eat? las Oa DO bleo es and Ibtl• W Loop ?0b0e.," to nom lull for .alor ow if • '• . • ENGLISH*. BEIGNET? 100 rrri Meow% 4 4 ...11:t; an .54 4147Ciures:Irko=l; 10 b1:14 ur tio• Loalll,m for saki Irr • my 43 104PUBII k 8k.3 t'.4 QPICTS-01 bms mod Pw; 10 do do CiiMi 1 ••• 1 60 .10 dO do All; 10 b bl pper, 11 do Mini:ice; I bids Clon, uLo lowv "'"3 KNOLLS'S r inqourrr I:1M Villa WORlC—Pannue all lands of X A Thdooklay , and su ior btaldnidt 0 1 . 04110 No. CI auto stneti vtairL. • • '713 - • 11 EATON Co_ T OW ITICRD FILICALPACAp—A. pappty Inge l 7• retched, my ebrap, et dry g ood. timm of 0710 W. II MURPHY.- TOWN PIUNTS—tam coat, ...LI Ay ari ftareyaut natl at Dry dicds Meinfnuily 7 3 Ilk 7 3 70 7 4 831 7 6 ell 7 4 IGO 7 7 US lQ 4.6 r 4 /4 64 4m Ear seronia 4447,74 on 4 SITTIPOOL_ -Leaves Llevrpool. Lump. Homo. •Ilay 3 .41144 17 bar. . ,Jairo: 14 Ornes Prenereeses °smelly, Moeda: Montle:, May 15„1548.i ai i 2, 1,271 . 9179,21 LEVI G. CLOVER, Coßadar 114..trA . m - . o l ,cusil . guar+, esaiv~, _. . tate Erie, Muipb=er. • • . Caleb Cope, Moore, Wellsville. • • Consul. Eloper, Wbeeling, • • • lonia McLane Bennett. Htvatarvilh , Camden, Hendrick o, M Ktesport. . • Monongahela, Stone, Cio.. • Hibernia No. 2, Klinefeber, Cob • .• • Niagara Jacobs, St Lotus. . . Catalina, Forsyth, St Louis. • • Crosier, Louisville. B UPP ,- ; SlooPs, Hanging Rock. • • Hudson, Poe, Bridgeport. i • . • DEPARTED, • • lake Erie, Matey, Beaver. • • Miebipur, Bale., Bayer, . • • Beaver, Clark, Siettheaville. Wellsville Bares, Sunfish. Louis Mame, Bennet. Brownsville. - • • lam Neates. Mason, Cut. Nonb River, Dean, St. Louis. • Mt. Vernon, Louisville. . . The river last evening at disk was full 101 feed water is &sane! Lad Wing. i IMPOSTS HT Ewan., Brownsoills—Per McLane-20 bbls 6.4 11 Mitchell; 1 chest, S & Hostel:lei; 15 kg. I.* llurbridge, Wilson ft co; 2 bra rods., thigal & Smirk; 26 bra glass, Forsyth & Drumm; 47 g do, Robmtson & Reppert; 62 bas door, Bingham 29 sks 6az,J C Bidwell. Per Atlantic-14 'pkg. mdse, Vickery; it lids Boor, Bioglown; 1 box Aiwa Bidwell; 2 steam chests, Capt Cope. „Coundmile—Per Flat Bost-400 bleb ilcittr . , shipment east. Descrir—PerLake Erie—bbl corn meal, Pio ran; 1 bW door, blurphy,' 13 bra, 7 bbls, 2 hf do, 1 small keg, Miller & Ricketson. a...nod—Per Isaac Newton-21 cab boo., Grier; 2 his books, H. Graf & co; 1 do do, .1 A goei 1 do hard ware, Binghim; 3 do mdse. Wright 3 bplair, llitsmaked; 4 boo coiri,Kramerdc 2 boa 2 lidis . akins, 1 bbl ltd, J S Dilworth; 1 bbd beam, Capt Manors. Sosifsh—Per flour,l9 hhds tob, D Leech 6: co; 15 do Bingham; 71 bbl. dour, 16 ske corn, lido oats, 26 boo town, Ceo A Ben iv; 3 lihrla tab, G A Roe; 3 do do, H Grid& co;, 202 pcs bacon, lam. McCully; 200 bbils Mirk IL: Thail; 7 do do, Geo Morgan; 52 do do, Copt Barnes Sr. Lovis—Por Rio Grand-300 bbls door, H O'Connor, 100 do whiskey, J•Puke, 3 do do, MeClorkan de co; 10 oaks bacon, Sellers & Nicola; 20 hhils lob, 1 Hutchinson & .5 13 csks bacon, 19 bbls sondries, 11 aka mi, 2 boa 2 bls skies, 1 bdl *ugh points, Burnley & Smith; 200 d hides, Wm Young & co; 1656 per bacon, Pennock, Mitchell Ze, ay; 8 pia scrap boo, loses de Qaigg; 16 wheat sheaves, I bill 1 box, C S Porter; 12 snobs corn, PASSENGER ARRANOMIESITS FOR 1949. For Philadelphia every evening at 9 o'clock, by Leech '..Packets. OlLco app . :situ the Boned Slat. Rotel' St e amboat Packit Lisa, leaves. daily for Cincinnati, 10 .... humour Packet via Brenstirville to Baltimore and Philadelphia, b a. sa. and 6 r. 0 . u.il Coach Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 k 0. and 111 • • • %Vegeta and Sloodwoo Mail Coach Line, 0 A. w. North-Nene/A via Cleveland, duly, 10 A. w. Elia and Wooten, New York, doily,* A. IL NOW.ELBUSIB 101101elptda, t*eept Sands', O, so. • • ARRIVALS AND DEPANTURF. OF MAIIR FARM. Nail via ?Oa&lplas, dais 3 a. a., akar. lit al Warns Alan, Cumin. & Lamar, doe r.ar, claws 34. sa viaLalnnam &Wu/divan. due b r. ai. cr. 64 la Noah Dream, via Clavelasd, disc lo a. a, claw , • a. sa. Fria ...a Avemra New Yerlg.ltsa ti r. al., <laws el a. 1114 To As lionoredir eh Judger rf the Coma of Gar. red Quarter Scums of the re" in and for the County of Altrglnly. 11111 E petinatt of Ilona, t Houndas of dm Third Ward oft. ray of l'adbodia. In the wawa afore. sod, basabfr aboarabdltat roar de a.toners hoveprovi ded atinaroPtca with osatenals for dr. atroomotsom of mattes sod mammal then dorallsor loom ,o dbe Ward ofdtatdd, and pray,abot roar Idoor• oral la pkaood lo mat &no • litcem to [rep • Poobe !foam Easensteanent , Aal root' peodonera, an in dory !mod aria prof. 19• Abo alacrlhera,vidtene of the , do" cerufi,drat the stole petitameni pre of rod 7'hird rep Ward os for looneaty and lecopenore, and an well pre,j4.4 ',id, boo. moo sodcoareolearce for the acconnoo lad kalaing of etraostra and travelers, and Qat aid ulcer. I. occeassai. T. Fair.... I. Idc3learerr, Jr , 7.11cC/poan, ' J. lloatooth, IL Wore, Ales. liana, . Macte A. Ilalsteta, W. Gianore. • W. B Ilays,• • a B. Sria IN— ._. Jacob ao s!. .._mmt. - cArivoil ziiesc. trus.e.rib. , an, operuiog the lawn ErlaY7l7o 1 not lathe Uoked Plums, la the omeofreono of Coruna lag' Dock, and oder for late to the deltas is Plrtabarik, as Self kr.eat prices, Dock orespoos, quallty,of ever, deuriptio. of walla and "rack; WI. obi. (or coeenna Preasaboara id Aleoalra WPM. tins, Tanis, roolung, DoOoma ie., yn -72 lock heavy dorly - gel Ca inch do sad bill; • 14 lock do do r.. 1 i 44 inch 40 t 2 inch do .is do 7 - 1 1 ..,_, .. 12 alai Doak, from Na I ta No. IC% F tack Havens' .. No I to Na•si r ._ El • - - 17 and Whack lair, twined Dock, de. Dealers. sill 1.1 . advantage la parekaa/Sla Irian aranafacuurrs direct, ntber ikon at eecood Nand. (AkIDUCLL, CIAILKOLL ....n.ma lialor-• mrs NOTICE.. • T N Sul Otrdato`. Court for Ow Canny of Philadelphia J. In =MT of du position of the "LIM , of Bo- sIIZT MUNTLAND, etu'd. Th. Mori( nectar wade return to Os writ &Impost awarded I thin caw. appraised the um. Ultra= &- sniped, at the NM of !AO/ On manse of haws Mo no, tho coon routed • rot. an .11 porscut lona. used, to unto into coon on Friday, the Nth day of dyes and there tosct or refue said fen/ sew& at dm spprartrenenttluoU. And tan coon ordered that ask* of and rola los tank by advertise. meat twins • week for foot wool., P•bale new. pew polditied In rM only of rutsloorrh,and for rho sawn use 111 aeo newspaper pololtshod dos city of PWa Whitens Am Nu. Tatward Eine, Esq., at Pluladel phia, thin INti dey of Aril, A. lett MO. A. 3.LEWIS, uoNdtunltsyla ' Dopy Cierk 0. C. • . - • - flak. di illerlibisoirs Publications. rtp. son...Oben Lavine litwo appoinui n.S u for ie see of the pabliestions of the above sea know. publishing bunt. Mae • fall ,opply of their books. hand. tai. 1. sell at Um ennui sun ...ask and null ...nig the works which baut keen teceutlyinc. by tie. which have but ri highly weowsoewled es linguini!, and 'unable, &ley L. formi—Tlio Cr. his Coon aid Pe*. or, liele.• Welcome to tha Swinger, Ilene! ilsg, ul l4Pniil Neiwie.d hiMarshals Wasting. to and his fieneralu Th $ . ... d itoasitelns; Unman if Prince; Teaching a Sem... the teethe. ea Art. Illeatiailee Knife. Walks; T. S. Arliacht Maki. Hutt to be 6104 Rubes kayo n nu.. Keeping ap AFWra. .o Dehbt inid Cita:nor, &e. it. Anus. works eon lie puss of Robert Carter. Ike thirstier a whoop ...none It well knows. Tor. Rtiosli 7114ologida 4 von; Midas. in Roateni Me. Chelnebirotha; Cewrtun, by author of PoluolOtri Na rdios Int. at. new books received a soon as sigablinted: • • ri.uon ENOWSIi, • ri _ • • . SUMP PATISNT lIILOCILI. THE sollotaitot Oleo for dole 111 sparse a of 1. Sipe Pout litodlo, aim.: to. *doped o. ‘odAlMsoidoldto oensot Sloe/A adopted to vow WM, equal, polyp sod todoNl* 4 to oar pea It. llosoth midst' &toy owl ot she knots 'on. dos.. 1140NUM VITA $s 1040 9dadlita,"'... l pagelooterot _ •• UE.O lir STA N. • 411 , 40. d 11!_otret ido' . SS Igtollosit_lib ' • *, To Ciiantry Illttroltaads. AND Ji ill OON, 46 /Mallet 14440 t, bare r ftmais ewe Hymn., i4n4isnog 16 port 0fp1. 15 Nroor. Aurora Soda, View, is 60, Coop do, lietoede 4 , 4 Chino; NILO and rtotonte; 6 eases Coln Leaf Hote. bayo' dot Boit' legboto sod Said dN la„- triad Flowoor4, egrely vonely. Atm, 60 elos .114, Conon 11.4. flow 76cona per dos, op to dor Mout quz WWI./ do: Gomm Ulf Ilesei • good amontotoot of 1441 a 11tr441.54( ond Cotton Move.; :Sys silk IWiti, too po Wolk. doad.doit Llano Cosa* do 13 It.u. too • Coood sod Tilted Loam Also. • good wort atrut of Contd. Illetrotointooh, Noodle% Mo. as kg% .1.1101(r,' in all of lobo ► lt Slog drift otor • goo* iodocent.nt In ploto 1491144re1w0n.• • topi3 Q L EALItT PROPOSAijrotill dotddohn.d — ot tbs — oddes od Ito. H0w...d0. of the Leon, ouW 11 esdy, ens LofClr.".;so.,:d'tgro.BiVlr.):tellin'tinf asansl lot leusn atm. Vans mud smiticoliono to La 4.6 at tlioelloo. ' JOHN U 44% • ROUE.= CHRISTY, 414:01141CALIJIIFX , _ rimautu, Melittl.V T. . , • (kodoion.. YAP a Ejt—Otall Ulm Straw Pluming Paper, el eresi 7"eTel:telp t a i lfr i Vic k r . tg ri allqW ii i i n lOU " Flat Car; medium Tca Paper, • IGO rose white autl blurt. wet° Maui Bawds; tao ream aluilla kiavekare Papal; • - to" . itardware Paper, just reed and for sale law by atii-NOLDS WNW, atilertat corer punt sod 1n.133.!.• lessagalsol& Hems. rrwuwslss Xataio: • ti.busent. 1.8A4c beg. 1,3 form the salaam or Pau/saga and others, Ma ha nt”..afwatair atlas mows en Peattafteld dee the abose Hotel,* lama and beutiful awartaseat of Cloths, Calaaeras,Saans , talks, and other Teatiacal ;sesta., mita nab other articles aa ate fo golutiesetv. Welt. We goo& bars bus earefuny Weed, zed au of tits acute and most fulduabls etyle, p eed ll aa of Noorfor quality. HP C 00106.1. Way dep upon hula' WI/ Oodles wade Op la saucaef 'Aka cannot 4.11 to Entity Ow Wu of itte most (adieu' , • oyl4 1 11 ,01 18 Tii. jUajSArth.AN4op.OXE.d4?.ia.Kl7LlaTt:;;bi2?„ !Er; E.""."4'"V:W"4:l7llol:4seUsad for sale tr.""mu . '"' 4. JourisruN Ltsrocrros, . 3a..0 §ILIZANDiFAV-1.11 iTll7;otTi 44,0%0 Mar bob trill no this rooming, In ley* senottitent suk. wya anon to be nand to lbe atr.eotoPrdbil bleidt snit ton ? IMO 04 every variety, end ev n en , nen of int. co • EnAwLs_AA,..... Co, GO Monet at, hare n nired per EZSinens °Mob Crape Sue , * , 4 do or 4 . 4 Mint esabrebred, Prcnoli Cteebbene , tt.a oar/.. OM. • . tort N CHINE CARDS—Tin usdenigned lecelved the inual virpply of Mort Cards, Ake Irool ran:Log mar uss, CI Inches wide. • CEO COCHRAN. • .dq wood it 4: 3 PXOCOLEATIIER—Tiocadtwam rages to their •itaulri mak of tJoroc.VA). , . aeleete4 Qs 11117 17111 1711 .6 1. 4 LI kir caall... 17 • W. TOMO kOs min big host poen in ennik Paid k. v" 1 -1." 41 $ •kpo,morsu,We=yr, gnus nips' en llasbt MIMIC. °P. Wt. po• a Orem • P.angltawla !tall dlbeimpsay.. • THE lattrestloe to Dioekbolifere oda be paid stake *0.004 ou end eller the 16+16 Lost. 171}14t1113 MARGE V. BACON, Tree& Bioelaoldere itt litletreryrb vein be pabial Ltd nu! , elute' awl Magessiann , Pack. . . . ,~., ._c_.~. ... ..'i.:s'w:.:.S ___r ,.., a.wiiil~ .::c;:ltltf > :y'yi•2..... ~,,_:ri ~ ~~ 20 TILE PROTESIZIS AXEIWVII“ , • • • OT TH2 1222101,2 HOOTITATICH, . . - - • • ' azoliagragt il•their 'Wife athill_11•111/ 1 1t•W - INTHE MTT' EDISTATIML-21es seblertherneeport .l. fallynalla year Maiden to lb Bagaares Goa. tom, at - phonily iesanded far the pram . ..dolt of die heatth at both wass—ethenteer it ..boo. Goa theitdent Minns, or early conntaption.Dehiliry of the flo o d Grout AS *OOl Asthma, Flagdpy, Dawned md Dthordered mate of the 8/gra, eeNlMays, Dito eased blithe, Cherie, Dmpom, Yelpiodion of the Wart, Lose of glued., or.Neseesta Roer, 10. ha. DR. C.ll BARRETT'S cioasotax moms to the lannediant relief of Females solbring then Irregular'. • des, and ell other UlOfilidi ud 41. sans is& dental to woulanrwbellter.thiesthlined by ea/d, int (with ot soy Mader thindkiestsegeleet, alid -on *ls . without the nee of otedieinet as the molt debuts and sessitive tidy ean my . toorMat apply h to hinntelf without the possibility °rename( os enl. l ,th r ort= , c;ttl f ot es,that reind=g , t oid. I am tha DT. Dorn WI GUT IT DO t ololfifoooT, or one of the luny belabors of the don but it is m intaranis I made upon strictly scientific pottelpleA in accordance with tholes's of Omoielty ant Galvanism; end for DOILLOOsi, durabilityand ethescy, lellaitely corpuses everything of the kind aver before offered to the public for die relief of &ems, and, in the Lamp of one of ha roost elightened rent ths day, la pronounced to be !lie greatest discovery of oath... se." by A l rriod oleo ItIO than tarte= o. has ' stela of perfel b tl=s l ot which tithe It has =it the hands of mate a au ciain•st plefaus of ; the Notch and booth, as weil as to the dreal of no. tomes fantilies, who have used It tor all of the shove porpmes, stub ths mot peaces ettmea and who hairs cheerfully given these mqualifted approbation of gamey endemic., as ma be seen by referring to the llama of Instructions amempaoying Dr. C. B. Darratre Goardian to enured from Immo. boos by a patent then do Dated MOW DILLOSO MC*, and be had Miter with • or without tall liedicorEtecuo lishaeouseter. The IthediersElocins Gale...ter, in point of beau ty, workmanship, durability and poorer mum been, en, passed or area eqealled, and the soltholar feels 18.0 ha p hazards nothing dth mu nicer that It will be facial :=Littr=a t i . t: <Rem ,1... y In the near , * t 7, than my other inurement, either in the Vnite ' d bums er Enrops. The hledico.Decon Galvanometer is wstranted 6: every respect, and wlth mamma ordi nary we will last a life-unse, Mud s Ol by far the cheap en,heesese the beat, instntruent ves "doted to the public. A mutual acencopt:them, perm th e most mode Inatthetione, of prat al erpenenee, dira it is rvethl m + i l . ntellthible to the of every ooe, while tha sty, of arrangemeut is such that a child may man' with It. /thy lafermation grutnitotly given. and all math. nleatoteis cheerfully name d per mil, either la *els. DOO ID the nee tro-Galvanornethr . andardi Idedital own ate invited td call examine Do Bar. MO% thi17016.11. and test its erdemy. For sale by 11. RICHARDSON, tole Agent, rt Mar. get to, Fitishargh.. went* •lON OW TUB DW PITOSIZIL NEW CHINA, GLASS b. ostiescrr QUELNSW . ARE BTOZ No. FTIBE sobscrtbere wish to karst dm public 'simony Wet tbry Sze now opesing s oew =Cam • stock of Chios, Glass, Quectunrsze, lintassis sad nary Goods, comprionirtke latest tad most 1.4"."4 pay snot of French Chinkplslo sod gold4stod Tea Sets, Dinner Se - • • ••• Idisperito Ito.tone Dam= Flovrtog blue (2 near p•ttenm) • Li ve tpool A great variety of Tea S. litterrat quatias; • Belmont. Breakfast aml Tea Sets; Waiter•—• beautiful article ugneenbiClotkief Parlor )amps, (Cornelius; =ken) • Ouse %V are. • general es•oriment. Steamboat owner* aod Itotel propriston are invited • ex•vairke our assoruneta of man makable for their - Cooney Merchants ran find a large Week af ankles makable Sat country aalcs, whisk , era will well as sea namable One 'inns. week being entirely new. we feel satisfied of be ing able to please all lake my favor as 'dab their ens urer. • NyMerfkwi I Giu,&ogrry. 11111 X AND 1111A8131e 111111111/111C14 lawman Company of North Manes, thmogh J.* no duly &Omani Agent, the aboniber, edam to bats permanetn and limited !aortae on property. in Oa ear sod im vicinity, and on shipments by the Ca nal sod Riven. . DIRFICYORS. Pules Taylor, Ass Nose lVane, Jacob 111.7tonass, John R. Neff, Disbud D. IVood, Wis.Welsb, Franks 110440; S. &suns Allabose, AMUR. 4.1..001.11N, Pea l. ilnisr D. Eitssuals, Seer. Ilia is lb! della Imams. CoislisalsY Is Da (WWI Sasses, Saari been elarsereti is 1194. Iu charter is pespeusal,trona Us nigh sasunlios, loos espaienes, 'sal* Issas, sad avoiding all nsks of no ores da. anions assume, It may be considered as °tering Ins ide seesAy a Use he. W. P. .10:44.14 Mew Onsansig carom GI Atwood, Jones & Co., W. %Dud F.O•I6I,OO2 . PIXtgrEITIL • amyl Aram G 6.6., Basel W. Jaws, Etwwd Smith John A. Beowa, Joie Whale, nodose F. Car, Baas.' T. Snek, Swami Brooks, Rail Hama Rolle.. TDR Seee*lmo/derma Die Ma and Pennsylvania Rail Road Ciontpany an hereby. notified to meet at tha American Hazel, w Salem, Colatablnes county, Olia, .t lY o'clock** Wednesday, the MR day of b1ey,1249 , so organize amid Conipaay by tbe election oil mean by any oiler banana deemed reaar ti y by laid Sloalbolders JOSEPH I HROOES, 'LOOK STRL2.7, • GEO W SPUMY, JOHN HARRM: • THOMAS W w.ecLay, S REDO!". • PETER Hu.Fa• .7OHN • 8 P DAY, THOMAS ROTUNSON, JAME" JA CODS, • B P LIIDLESON, Gonnes.r. mated to lib Clam, . 1111i14/ DRAM IM___hobseak, .o.aaases am ha oPh•oh a OM rellkii Drag Stem, as the COMCI of ttled Itealthfuld Voginiar MU the weate &the exteholva popalsean east ofeeeehield street vriU max ha• epeeee he expense le op the estataaawar, end . 6. teneinefte keep ce. elect. Widen egthe RefllrtlM- Iy—of etalaabieel panty end gernneecesso A fall euereeent of Med..., Perfusaery, esti ari eles tunally kept ie en evabliehoost of th e Lad, will be elereye on heed. •ki ..latZf i tla de:2 d t la m the Benz; . teehbeg, elf eat Tbe besheese NI be continued ete heietehee, u the ce4=ielletkel otnet. I. WILCOML LBodford. Pa. :ono orosoun, Indians at 1 11624" 11C110 & .1110071HILAR. _ ' 011.00 lA, Vorwalting ...x & i - Maggio blerebsou, and 4..1. I. prod ua Sitoof•motes, comer of We Llama 3.1 alley,PioaborgL Itosons—to. P. bkoobonlipia.bpq r t, Maud Boni, • Ito& Aco. Monism, i , L. Rh& 8 MUNE* • !non Donn bp, Oreeesbegh ' T. Chnoolli & Co, liilloSelplan. • J. Mateo & bop, 4....!.{ Pa. . . • lorr/ .M ikjr. '''l I OIL . .. , klallsollan & Kay, n • ap2.TeknrT .. • VMS? IPOUIT WORMS. k WAOMIat, Vagina //albino, Save emmameed liminess an Pena Ms arse Me P.1.al at Me establishment tonnetly email-OAm by tateellaima & Mama. Pencer wlsliong to perelamai Musa mei aims foe boats, m for other pomades, wit/ please favor U. mita. aa we taut, °gamete. to be able**. nish lawmen la favorable Wm. aa say tam' maid b luMmeat la the atty. Alm., otillitic mai sad taming+ M awry dmietipdos cut be bad al the Miottest 15011.. Itmamsma—Ceps Robb Hem, Thomas Seam kliat., Camobem & Co, IL Lenny. Eim Al. silks& Co. CVPHIAN a Ift..has FINOCII WAGNI3I. on. W. J. mAntimm, Dd.dldd• UF od DoldhLeJd weet,Jd d Imre& drnild *urn DT fi l•d•d ,, • I" •• • • ZeTq li ihrtitneddOrPat.: l :ll.,4l i l ar N NeDo ell, Dr. rFabneotgA, Sbbenfluttpaoo; J as:tea 8. IVlllusaThotni Mr. Ilea. W • • /ELECT SCHOOL. . . • Rtoll. 111.14 TIMID eI•MITIMIMP Cgsleci4 EL CA TUN'S Nebo& will b opesed to 11.• map gosi of pupils of both sexes, on Nt.esdse, MI et i tt.y. PaIIIuku 2 4SXZW.IIIIIIT soffe - dett. assLeitt, Itsesassen—" Ir. D. Itsfiolleo l.ll . D. P. A. T. M,l). • ble. Georg. Alb's,. • . Richard Vet isle:, Lae lassie. W. W. Wilson.. "•„ Usury Whims& :Lk YIII.I4AX IVOLLOCE, sf Faal. come associated with We Ina of alliswer. the bubo. will be eustimmell by IM Imam *end, matt the sole of wot. Hansen, Wenn. 111:04 at doe old Mod, No. 1116 Weed lied HOAR lIUIN HOARY itAli 11.J.IVALLACR. . WM. aa. waszActi. • gior_ _ Piiiibsegb Nay kali. ILA'ANUVACTURMI TouAd)o—so bolt bons 8- 1U Joon & Son's superior sweet lb. WO.. 7061 bad /Wm Faked supelio , rer , Is& twist; • 74 * A. Cobasese 64 .04 04 bAsoPi TIF db J.A.Clat's • IC. " yowl A.Colousore ! do • ' " AO do Soo now., ..p , rarr r.cto ilb Jed Isoilog Auto worsen SW ' , Rebel. Fosambs by • • IMAM& bUCKNOII & Co, 41 north water se & 10 moult, &banes aye ' /1 - 1111116411T1 lobo Su tops I;iolneics ' CO d Jobn Ca ter as 411 .• Jams lfsdison 4. o, 16 b o id J Steward . ° • 65- 40u Henry k Souses • 95 t. Hem &Jubss 64 " • • II ° RII Warwick bs Os consigment, boss rasabstittrets of LYna.b o r6 nod Riebsonsd, ioul LI sold s 1 Fasten , mices, L WATERMAN Ka& one r •OS (10051:1171011.9, NOSS /WV; AND BOA,—.lan teccived pr!wesatttlitCaledoole, from hntope, • splendid and collecuon of Gauche .17 _TY..., 01 li t ler:Lac:l , l i neet . :l l 7llen= t• Pre E lchte m.th, whh ode hundred yet& of tkCt, On - book ring; . lot sale at H0D1Nt.0712., fifth went, now Wood, edict" .0.7 W toond the bandsmen and btu colhwooto 71 Duds and Dint Ceps 11, the city, with Canary mod Hew• • Seed, by the • ••• nd or barrel. • • nrel7 TO /11. CARD. W OILY (weeessor• to ilnbb. Winn. gfi Inca. Ca) lIIEULILA/iT TallZittal Etn.• sot Amt. Palladniptila Wig Itave to in the Meal and patrons of dte am, and ointngnis viniting lbn nab an ther ate now la receipt of Or. Opting and Mawr Pnaluom Alan • elides and Wee% ..aan• mast of Watt of England and Pooch Clothe, Cant: MTN MI Vesting., tawhkh they spdigal=g ttannott. • • C.w nI GeThere: IFTY COLLIERS are emitted to weak at Pam= td.tratl cow trnk., ma.. en.," .bitte Owl can get the kldheat entreat dm abore Imam Miner. Wig, isdenbuxl their bluureeeeetalem peaceable end quiet ale, ern pimp, !Led made eat• c u a . t , the yr o lunet, meet ae l e o rg .. to LPIT • • lILLL, tea I. . . natant rel. ntui-rt argrwir . lweMd 14 t r ams cr:an T mural !p_ p i a rigor itY in *SP • 0 BL"'"u N CRAPE SHAWLS—A Al 1 9 A r l ;dal et, kora .ftecotly nrierrid assain.4sein c.a.', Cm* Shawtgosalant most eilinft• Waltpitol 10 be hard to du qty. , WC: tAr, AND PA 11.0501..ETTS—Jart reterrmil 1104,arl,y1::= Paso: , ls lag* • LOTei. lambing, Naiads' Mims,. r ddre lid I, My tend odd Len Mgli. do eased dad sold .poidfidely, i 1 Wdde~ la th s Ailed= Sam at.idlui . David ewaer a VP:tied . ..a PM greed, Pft.b.mik,..ai o'elidk ii. 40.3 WiILeirESDAY 171.6 cid MAY .. • The 'above Coal Lind. ate about six idlesehote hflieMmort, on the firm pool alio YmbkgMny lat. Mortratem now conmmeting, and which the enterprie; thli duntrectors expect to complete by next falL oth'part of one of the finest coat dela in Allegheny ....t e eornty, and contain not only is called the Pitt. br .rgh 'Moods feet thick ove at *lmpel:lt by a Vill of near 300 feat, e to the TIM, bet Oa. :'thee Vela 0041111/Y fret I t 4 r ' ' '' th ree to four feet In thickness, of very - hue from sol- F= tl y or . el=We edu M ho % comfy cost W. manufacture of lour thin that of the r P=h vein. The two mina, it has been estimated, contain , not less door Wpt° bushels Of coal to the acre. The reputatiom ofYanghiegheny Coal and Coke .in this, es well m in the lower matteln is well knows to Coal dealer. - .. • Ttut great amount at Mil anntially eonsurned in Pittsburgh, and .hipped to markets below, has already erhmsted a large qoantity of the Criel amusedly sc.. cesailde along our flan, and the consumption Ia moil athmly 'going on ,at a tote not less than LlOnctes per I venom. No - bener iomstment of capiteleut - therefore be made than in well located Coil Lands in the Mani , ty offittsbrugh. Pawns wiabing lavish the ProPmM before the day of sale, will •. find h. COMeniain to go by hrlreesport and Elrod'. Ferry. • . .. Attila Tams time and place wi ll be offered Ave 7043 in the city of. Pittsburgh, 20 by RD feet each, situated cut Reenact Street, et, skeet and Millet= .1 1 1710. . r a zt 11 4171 e x t , Aii.0.„. , ,, nar, Robinson curry froutn,ole eod on the cam( and the other on Cnug.strect, nis lot is advantage. onsly situated for •Poundry or other reamfecticting per. pmts. 11.111 be sold all together, or sectionCto suit purchaser. Tema, which will to easy, will ho made known at t h e time of axle. • ,aplthiltrartaT ' JOHN D DAVE, Amt. von. 11/11.81. • " • sold at public sale on Thursday; the 914 do! of 9L7 mot, be the hours al IC A. 3L; m 3P. kr, on thaprtmlses, a desirable propertg lu the Improving town orMellsville, ul Intern Grove, having u food ofloo feet on Water area, by MO Giet to Man street, fronting - on both Angels, via • new subanntial pod convenient Celine Brick 1101.61 a • The property con be divided into 4 building Lou, sod will : be siold • without metre to the highest bidder. Periods desirous of making • preamble Wean:wet would do well to attend. , Tenon made knerwa dog of ode: Title indisputable. -• . • eV/ream VALUABLE - PROPERTY YOB /ALM TIIAT property lately °minted by H. Maw, Eau, on Craig street, near Roblowin, Allegheny ehy, will be sold on accommodating terms. lot la ali feet 4 inches on Craig irttiez mining through to the Canal 110 fret. There laa two story lame dwelling house on the peptises, .4. 1 1 Intik, and the ill is well improved, containing a emery - of choice fruit trees grape, shrubbery, de. This property U conveni ently masted for persons &mg humus in either burgh or Allegheny, and ie a ftwnible residence. Title indwputable. For wrens apply wive(. BO Ancir ney ILI Law office on Fourth suet; above • Una EdM. m Maw. A TRACT of t.a; 90 acres; in Ltulilol4 P 011441, CO., ,doll, the Cuyahoga riser—about sem ander im provement. Also, two .impterred lou in the Tiller. of Warren, Tr.:dual Co, CO feet 61103.. ..taso, slot of ground to Use centre of IlarlAnd,Trnwhal C•P ••• • llea dwelling ltrnota and store—one of the Lest 'stands fora merchant au the Western Rimier.. Any or .811 dale property will ho sold on very accoccenadaling • ISAIAH D oti is &MI . • Water end Ymtu rts. .8•211 Estate In Mercer Colmar, .H ALOT,' Storehowie and daunt on the A Extenaion Canal, is the as.e of Wen Kid. dieser, ' devind.loi location for a 'merchant. Alms a lesantlgood Dwelling Moose well wilted bra Tams Stand, in the village of Orangeville, on State Um of Ohio. Terms easy. ISAISH DICKEY h. Co. ' Hilo . 'Water and flout eat. , • Lot ter Salle. • . .1' LOT in the ethernet, 49 feet on Logan street by SD feet on Clark street; one of the most desirable lo• canons to • the oth ward. . For terms applY le Ilshall4 scriber at the Methodist Book Store, 4th neap Market street,: or. Nis dwelling en Clark MreeLopposno E. Troralo , s Grocery store. , ((Otto] J Per ' mity • IA two story brick dwelling with .boon acres of fray.' sucked, fitlllted et Oakland. 'The place is well stocked with fruit of all Had% and IS a dulnyblyi location fora Loma; boo entirely oot of tench of the riseryitul din. of the city- An oasnitors loaves Willed handy for AT city: OO A3S & 01; Janke ATW • • • • WP• • Devrfthrea' story' "•4wellimg Man as ylie stlth—Possessioa riven oil tise Int of il" ' 7111.1 "1 /XVII, : ilre4treet • mi. A two Wory blink dwelling with show II serer of mond, muted on the book ofihe Ohio river, in tie borough of lif nehenter. • Appli jean . JAWS A 111UTCHISON Jo Co. . • • . THREE &rains houses shunted he 41.1 street ems easel bridge, us Ms city at Pittsbertik. Al. soot meat l, 75 yNO feet. witha GLIIIMIIOII2 triies: on sth st., mar semi Also, • fame dwelling, to stories, with an aellt of pound endues! SueArttles &Wrest" Aimee on Ohio tam, is the e a v Z=glio.' ay. !squire s& .1 1) 110 wood street. ECU SALE OR R&Ts Firtsbarsh tr with all to brewing apparatus, mans on Fenn street arld Backer's alley,and now °sained by Geo. W. Smith k C 4. • Nuaseadent siren oath. day of April canna& For term, to. coma or 1 BROWN rh COLBERTON, 10 Dart, at WititgllOUSE FOrtBALE—Thi subscriber offers flu see the Wes story brick Wszatuma Wcal avast, osespied by R. Tamer Cep. It 4e t s 7 u now for SIW Ir.' Tb. ww.threa lire store au woad a. now orsiTiect by =Las. for. obt Ova Ist of Zru nen Ni lar of 44 A Isle roams oil Oie al story of the orarehaise occupied by No sebsaibers, near the. foot oil ir.wd arcom—mi food - location kra a...mama teency or so liaccrenc• office. cOl4 ' ISOLIAIANS /1 GARRISON. • Vor *wry 14i Ne ad 44ll3: gr i t zi n 5 .1 trlmStt 'E=rms lIMPIiO at waskuNarort,nk bk, Tilt huge fire proof vnuelattue, 84 fat front iy jab° feet devp k oit 14coml .t. near rood. Bent mod erste. Inquire of J SCHOOWSLAWI. &Ca, dela For Rertt. • = • • A 'Sainte Boom, situated OA MOM Idler, &or rent. Inquire of ROBERT pA4:i t i. 44. lc ea, Li/WM !Myr. nom. 1451› FOR SAlEV—Sereg semi noel had kJ for oak., situate in bead of the htooongahela Hon, above Itrovritsville Pa.. haring a 7 foot rent of cool: • which will be sold Inegekangn for goods. For portico. are apply t0 . 10e35) 5 & 1V MARBAUOII,3Ivrriod st 1400111 1N) 113:7 , 011 the:m.l story of the win' • ll.boute NO .1; Wood at baring about Itritll.o.- Applp [ry -(mirij MISCELLANEOUS PENNSP, • YLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY—NO; DICE TO CONTRACTORS.—ProposoIa will! be received moil w.inesd.r. %be vit.uy of my, allO o'clock A. bL, at the Borough of Huntingdon, fordo, /LADINO MASONRY upon about 36 wiles oil the Fumy Pronto. Railrod, between Lowinown and How tingdwo, and also for the beery work along tho Little Jordon. - • • PIIIIIII and riretideadoni of t6o work cart bo woo at ibo abort: timed piano for See Gaya to Hole appointed for yercwlng the bide.. . Any foriber inforinumni tan be had upon applicarlon Worm, I , LPnnen, Eaq,Aw c SVM gtn ß ee ßl a C t I f L , I ew- 7 NonCtiejakela Navigation Company; B Wxtl will 1,4 , 4 . 1 op j e . u p ed . te . ll4 , se t tbscri om gon w. o . cr! the State line weaen , or the following times and places, yip at Waynesbutat, Greeit co., the Mhis and 316 hluy; New. Usury!, Fasting co, ca the 16 June; . IVrst rhOurrisellie. Washington co es the Jong Pittsburgh, (it the Escheat% Beak) on The 4th Jane; and to remain open at the lait'aientioned .place until othereiveidirected. By order of the Board of Menegen. ese-Vita BAXEWELL, Clee'y.• . - *gents Waning* • to , eanwast for sumo new and popalst work!, Miro. calmly thromgbout the Unitod Stoma To grunt mes liberal communes:mai. offereli—with a small capital of Prom *2I to SIM .A.ohanee in ogopodi is bomb, an Age:moan make from 319 1,9 495 pern/ '417 -1 ' or fork', Pa.*Aliz. mum= onszut.) aloft . NoISB North Second st, ludl Bleedlmp.. - 17 IC NORRIS, teleicnoor to M. R. Dclany.)— 1‘.,, No 43 Fifth street, between Wood end litnltte.• 'bold. Fresh leeches tweervesitoontily—intoodall Uns. Reference, the phydeinus of Pittsburgh, ILIIO. • I mon cheerfully recommend es ibe pbes4cione;gsm ,llle• end slimy fonner friends end petronsi Mr: ICU. Nom ad s being rberoogbly acquninted_widi the buei, nee, ri wogiby ef pstnotagn. - • ontrAble . R. DFZ.ntrif. •_. , • Adnal..9otrataes Netlo49. •, LL Parra:is Uvula elaloriapleit tha flate*Ote late henry R Inch re argl plyanat: earthmen!, anil 101 peisena naleb ppe. tedlo a#o 9141,401 P 1 0 . 0 .2 6 ' lml* "•P'.4tiriqAdi • .or6b,lllaitb' 0; 49. Intaxllso3n4 • • Dilisobatloa of Partairslilp. rdaProtannthiP heretofore catalog bemoan the _subscribers, ander the Mar of J. Damon Is Ors, 4 y diseoleed b i t A motual consent. . . 'JACOB DAWSO S. F. VON DONNIIOBST k OQ. ;rl, Apiill4l4B. • rjIOO.A.CCO , I O bsi Branch k.WatkinV 5 1. • • d 4 do . 06' • extra peeradc An Uri da Lttand lOr; 3o 30 keiV62,Vaaa; da 011 E VlVayririLtals . • steam iarel . st• !tavrtals. • .AN,lT,LlAtitgliChrseautht`,l:l l e 6 :4 Welt hoe been in use Insthe Pasburgh Water Werke, fibs ' cra apttd&selsedS • Sup!iluVl o,f the Water Work& .. BOOKS trill be °paced at tke aft, at tbaNaskurer, di the MatatagaketalNaT l Tl: LI. Etch :mega 14.1 r, i 4 the tit, 91 .31.. . ssa day claw ocath to, reettes masa:tyke/115W k ear tkek. l typal tho debt faeimed fa the'ecleaknedattof mdd keyterctat... Warder - cif tie Board. . 021nd • - ..3- „ 'WIC &UMW. Baal; yd .. ..Qwaierapda9f Y tootit.- bons Oa hood moodidoest oft= toooWoro, od for:oleamhaaL sod h,VIIINIV". • rdober, wood si ~i0 w 1 1 1,) , -F- 14 t7e&V." -121=.,w 33-13:a3303/33113 Maria 4341111 j 11333in_43.113zne1e5.. SATEIIO/1 , secotu reassytirsz4.. BaskenFusbugh t—par !Oslo .. ' - --Er kt i tta:••• 2, Puri o%ll7. a -= r Bk. of Artraizo:•••••,7" &2L Bk., lams f. • do t Mama:lrma. r. - N. W. But V 1......... do : Wellsburg- •-.•- , ' .do Parketsbont•••• ,"' r _ . Tommuroormor . 122. of Trounce. rr , • ol Far. & Ilerthqo IFC•r•••• . Plurals.. ... • ~, i 1 Intim Bk. ......4. rr • 1 ,0 • alssourl. 1 •Plw &tot bliomor•-•• 2 "• . Nitro& Carousa... 1 rIdiaWIPIA 7 -; •iad Batik atGamaddowni: Cliadar Camay—par . " alaaagasery Ca.• • elianiambeilaad—P. labidire . lemma Batik— —.1"" famandlik. littadipg•paz Fasaars'llk. Backs Voir" lamas BlLaadd"dr.. LlMOllltr CO. 8k...../.1 Eltated Daaki----41 ":" 0 .4 1 . 4 , -- ITE;•-•—••}) - • 11 • Paeakmal Lea sm sk Callas!, CSAllie 4 Ems EL ...... Farmers , ' =I Damen' Haat, Waynesburg.. Barnebans Haaesdale ... . P. Bk. of Cap. Feu...—. • Marsh's .11/9,Newbern• 2 • Sough 0 • Cuedem Sk ...... - 1192. of Marks= s 111,2222zetal Bt —l2 • Bk. orGeorgeinra• • Bk.° f; atmlrag• r Ileretainut Bk •••• I Rulers &Malta's ft. - Bk. of 992 th Carolina. • 2 arit..lead4 re ev Cu .... Balm:are --par 4yens ßk.4 ing.;• .. ••fieltm'e&O RE r Scrip AO York • BIL'o We Britten Bt. I' Olney in ane• • 9 Italie( Notes ••••• a Far. Bk.ef Maryland.. a St MEk. ritraile• a Elmer" & Blecianics City &Cour? Scrip.— a Bk. Frederick " • Okla. Frederick/de. 8k..-- a Spare Bk.end Branches I Hatereterera Bk•• ••••••• ilannlicarant .. . ••• Mineral Bk. ••••••••••••••• a }••• Pai2 , l .n o Bk. ..... lit.Chareville--.-• • a W Bk. —..•••1 Bk.. connintrter • ••• NerirLliboa• .... 8150 5 r Cinching' Banks , Bt. of St. C 1...—. - Calming de• • a Bk. of Rim Balee-- edle a Fer.a.MeelN Bk 6 • • Wlacaresla Terri Cy. Wawa/ - I.Co.l.lthWeli Stodersky All sotrientßanne 5 ABieuire • ..... a- Bank of•Fai l land Notes mieereed.—.— I Id di Ilpsela alma. Xenia a Ilepeiem 3 Therm ........ MIC e RO 9150 990 Wetter' Reserve.-•. Elgle,•10 -• • - 1050 Franklin Wk Colindiu a fa, new '•••• 15 00 a• Bon iooss,Spanua.lB en Lake Erie- Da Patriot..- '•• IS m' ..4.• • 4 03' Lairearne•-•••• , • 40 Baleen ••••a . 541 Ilamilm • 5.1 FrideriekirPero--;-117 ED term 4l"n nt're 1r OO V ale" ":••• re mime Lcrafairore• rs •••- • -• • 4 50 I ' • • lieuntinellryi ••. ICiehargei imitaciry • • Phrie.York k ern ne.e(imeeeflle ' C' • Plilledelphle , -- pnn Norhericlikrirentalri , Baltimore -,••••••• • • Frat New Taark-Car Bsnktpoi Intenot-011.— EXCHANGE BROKEN, /cc. - • - . HUGN.. D: KING. i - __ i ff.g." of the afax of Word a Marl: - 11AWM"AND ESCUANGIII.IIII.OKEIIi . - coa. Foam sr. Jun roar . Orr. Alan, Din Coin. Hoak Nates,lkne Bala Foreign sad Domestic Exchange Carl/calm of Depold, . ; EICEIANOE oa al wr laggtisicipal.eities of the Union, far sale in soma to haws. CIIRECiT and par ands g iecelved on deposal. COLLECTIONS wide on all , - parts or it Thom a 1 :gbe lowest pus. ' ' • . sPIOAIw&w2.T . • - MOMS, HASIA i CO. 40 AMER% =MANGE, 1=29, and dealers InYareign and Boom. Exchange Ornificat. or Bank Not., and tiporiqhherth street, mar. ly tho Bank of Pinalnorkk.. OUTC[II Wet, mooed on dapotila-.Sight Chock. for ado, and col lootkora nada on nearly all the principal go.a in ihn Malted Blum , , 71. tosteq vermin. pild for Finsio ina Am.iimu2 . os Aderno nada ois conaignmans of proa4.4 Alp pod ast,. Maid term. ankLS ' IF. MOLTKE= & BON,' ' ICOANKEII2 and Doak. in Enks.e, Coln and XI Bank Notes, No. CS, Markin wen, Poubargh: Po‘litalos. Fo r a isange. Baying Rum • Neer Y - I Cineinnati t 2 din Philadolp do Lordsaillo, 2 do. Ballimora, do 81, Lords, 2 de Baying Mates, BNg NOTES. Baying Bates. Ohio, Odin Co. It Scrip (Solemn dis li -.., “do KodrikA., '" do Xanotaky, " do.PISIAVAT/1111Ci "do Virginia, "do Note York do ado I do. Wkeeling, ddo Now Orlon;" do Tonell do Maryland, "do • I. 111M13141, Joni ROSPV &.• CO., • - 'BROKERS & EXCHANGE DEALERS, • • Onnrs, No. Si Home alma 111 f2 lr. CIIRRY-11aniern and Endwise 13soke - ni, en In Foreign and Dames& llnse and Sight otareUnv,Cortifiutes of Dwane, Bank Now and Coin; No IS - Wood 'urea, *WM door Delon!' Four* WILLIAM 1. BILL i CO., _ L3ANIERS, EXCILANGE and DORI. US in Fonsiga add Domestic Ezehaaga, Ceram. of posh., Bask Nowa and Sdetia No. 64 Wood ors door above Manly Eut ludo, Piusboraly Pa. _ a APORZION - Bnz Ca Enl.4l2elud, and Snalantbangta to any-Imam ..; [be - Cann[ Bann of Eanbany. Ana, Drain payable be any pan of the Old Coantnee, Dow SI ta..114160, at the tan of WWmthet Steller, unbent dedanton ea if/nom; by JOSHUA BON, Dampen. and Gennal Agra; an° nth st wa WM ma nn ntiereen mesa ELMS AND VE,MIANOE flip Fwen sad Damstkt Bills ontrabangs, Cer. of epedsa, Hulk Notes arid Cola, corner of al sad Weed WM., dirsesly oppsaite St. Charles ito. to ' .11 • i 7 BS—, k° 64/.1211 . . - • ' Ralik pareliased at the lowest rates b y • NW'S; N. Holmes & sori, • ta 95 Market meek Wrreat, IGUANGE— mSight Meth • _ Combing? for tala by UOLAIE4 .t. SON. del° • • /flatlet st. COLLEOTIONS—DraIIs, Notes; and Accept. 1.-fees, payetde in soy pan of the Union, ealleeted o • the most favorable terms. 'N. 110L31tS. ,SON. deli) - • • • • •SS Market st- HATS., CAPS AND BONNETS. VAIIIIIONABLIC UATI. • THE subscriber; la addition tis his arena annufamanng of Hats, has madenerange menlsyna Megan. Babes & o.; ithe mom fishionsWasimis albs city afNeer Sent.) fuming. aim aupplyof antra flllB Silk Hats, and harsng Put received a &se eases% gentleman can ha suited with a yeti rich and beautiful hat by ealßurat um, Hat and Cap More, Smithfield wee; mama door south of • ourth, where may be found a great variety of Hats and Caps pf he man mansifsetom, wholesale and re- Mil. Wats made to older on Mort hones, sPeolui s co.. .- Mammon to Al'Cord & King) Wa•ll.l*.rable .Rat ~,,, .1 , '..- .Canter, of . Wood god kVA 4...krear. • .I)ARTIL WlTt a ttooal Iti,ooiZra i tllZade. Gyp. Gook oat esta a b 4 lishaLt of da g e=titalmils of WastlittitomVot %be ,tArsrr STIZ.V., and at the 12411 • •=taMerchants, pnrebnaing. by wholesale, are y invited to nail and examine oar' Stack; as we can ay with confidence that as regards Reams, and ran= it will not saffer.in a comparisontea any baton in Phihidelpttia. • •. • . ; kbli Fashionable Hat and Cap illasmilesteri. AGEORGF.H. ANBHUTZ, Agent, respectfull y 'norms .his *Mods and . the public generally that he haticommoneed Me manufacture of Ham and Cop at Na. 23 Wood motet, one door oboe., the corner of gecond,mhere he han - uontrou hand n fine 11.23.9n0DE51 of Ham and Cape of Meow manufacture, larch he will dhow of au thernost reasonable ;entre; elholeaale and retail, for cash or eit; acceptance. .11W made to ardor at the aborMat notice: synths' Afk . DEALLILS are Invited to esariiica• 11. IL PALMER'S melt ;Of Stow; Goole; of the rfa~~t9 tom 4f not I DO Persil; o stable dtl America: a% do; China Pearl do; Coburg dir, Reiland • French Lace; Pansy Ghee, ke:&c. :H Uo AT3—. Polar Leaf ransom, Froxey fltraw; Flowers, Ribbons, Re.- "I'M HOD: Dot Iltiushows,l4 maskel at. , • mug!. 01411. Fa 14:60011D Gera seem t curo.) aurora, • ILL iatwdne+tkeNno 1 MYR , of Rats tlds- day. .10t - ( need Satarday, March eat, Ims.• • • • • , s and customers are requested to call =I dilsatim dick Macke( Spring /Wa r iest received from New Rork, at ibelr store, coraerofadi cad Wood sta. , • *L b - CHEALVT Pulloutla - Ilaturr in Pittston* Principal Blom 72 &lath Mandactoring and acticonanaation Stare, nor pit'ooottttttWood sneer onit'Virsta allep.• !alpaca pricer , chsayipaid for • ••• • nrsi •-• • • ,-.lnyttly - - - tcig/03101177/LY—B MOORE beeline no ; mewl ham New Yiniilieeieg widelt be will Iniindeee DA Baterdity,Afarch All in want iota nee* andWpedotllat,wYl please call and isamisei at N 075, Wood itteeosi, dew abate PALL'ITANUMIIr.--19. iIiOQRE box isetiv , dd enri=ls Uta roll njr le or nu p vtac b. i II& dal ; Saturday. AO.I , Wa• N) - 411 la mail Of a nal sod sapid. hat woold do 'MU tO da la No. 11; Wow Busol, 31 dox above 4a. TOIL HATS.— r . 'Or • 1 V4.0N from New York; the Salaam % 4 fok . ll:g,,cansiagog of Villts i l i rm= 4. 1 1 = 4 1.0 Walt aLL of a bavallbaghtitiat 8. are raveetagiy -14 - •15 To Cestroatars andlialidars. ' rrhBALK very -lear , la ciao th e basioesear ate aw linarifOoanahle & Strittlar,3 pair of; or alipaaraiiiinfacters. - y s A arga. aziarni 'meat of etiabaiCanimere arid OUR WY MOHAIR LOSTRES- , Penotis wisOlog lob goods of 'boss areSovilell So, loot go Vy u'an4"4 .ooods llogo7 ! " 1:46" g rerifiY,' N ions? 4th and =skates Zlildili—dlitzsaisr is Darksw• Jest rsedvid plea -13 did Nimrod Pseud also,. win IWO and led, sad plaid sad striped Fold 481 Ry Jame of Wliek sn the ricked dressroods of the season: . RU (Nd—• • • Onst; 4 Adds Moss; bd baal Plum* do Poodoeg Viet. Dauer; TI do Loot, IQ beall Om; bstore odd for=: . • .ora lj r— ranWitt; FUR 414-4 V Ali Tallow stylea aloe dab adcdses, good cold Mot LVI cu—Vanua prim 15f am 1.25 tea% islyt vuldoas, Spa time beatemozial,, do Yin kocara6b.. . , EE!ii gra!: Heaved FM sixteen years, has' leremiT -melte reirron .).0 IMO sacred with MatedM &mieyand_be every cue where bas ireerd Fits dig years and II mead by sena thh truly wamierfal ..,,Read the Qainnld kr= .lll lets and montbs: Alba %Laugh England, Scotland, rmanyand Phan, eon. me sul ' the soon eednent phyicians, end immding the ' melted tressosent nod edelitei three Mow sand - rammed with bis son led& traminle NMl:ober last, without malting any bendli wham. mead ems cured • 1 Rears %Mum stnucr. • • ble William Beene" Letter to•DrX Inom red Barg Ikm meat three shaman& dollars Ithr las& tone and medical attendanea..l eras advised to take a - ton bkcrope wth-Mk trixll did. -I test Thdted Edema. 1. constdted the. inest adman them in ramet to Ids men they exandmat * M ela ntri • prescribed dangly. • I remained three months edema per any change for the hens; Irldeb Pati me Meet two hundred and fifty dalampothisted by the , thu . lll, emi the mom OM reoefroderm . their dun my eon's ems was hoOdermand pod, • • I meentragiy Enema. and tnre.. elW.dmingh &rodent Germany and Frime, and re tamed home la the month of NonmilierdaMi with my son as far from being eared es wheal left M eets, 1 saw your • enthement In one of the New - York and ead meladed to try Hen* Vegetable Emma, meths year 12121.1119 te and certificates of eo may eons, name .(.., . twenty and thirty years , Mending, and II eas MOM yme I am not sorry I dd. MN, MS by the use of lines Vegeta- - He Groan Yana, be was enamel to went beinith. lii. reason, which was so far gone uwetadthem kr litudoess,. LB utterly remind, with-the .prospeet now before blot, of life, health end asetethem. - kle is rem no years of age end sT7 years and I math[ of this time has been addend with this incet dreadtal of thri , cane bat thank God be is now enjoying mood Now, geminate, faith withonannks F dos% MIMI* In. To say that I dad be ever Falafel to Ton is me thin, and en 1 hem endow Ina one bemired dollen, here no doebt haulm yea will think thin is ameba, and mile a Bider m thing. Tbe debts( gratitede I still .we me, bat =fits to went the: mint mowar, Yearovery respextfalwaiim. . . Oise of the proprietors of this irealudge inelleila • was Maimed for several Joan wish Rptlemie FSIL The disease had, produced the worst itßoct4pon hie . strewn, elm Loss of memory, imbecility of and a - per fect prommtlori of ihe nerrom system. • had . Med. the skill elf the beet physicians 632. Min lean, end drew,weno naderthtir treatment,' and he teeth . that this medicine was his only bokfer health and life, and weatherman .de mrmln ta ha hit tnal, and to persevere in its use, welch he ' end the molt eras s perfect remoration to beehh, whieras and. uedummerrepted for nearly Mama TM. We weld refer to the folli=garalevalm IMM Col H Derslowliarlitl V wee Mlicte4 tine yam; • redden aienkars, New Tart.. . . - W=ne rennin Grand re- , • yams, ft. 1460, 7+; * rg h la N i,Vir York Caolloo liana • . yew, Bases bdand, • IW. Como, twelve years, Mumetat.... Pane% twenty-three yearsa3 Jacob' Penn Gnu yeam,i7l • • • iPhLießal twenty- wait yams, Grammatle• Reivbar uedui, 9 4 Rot R=dwali New Yak, - -.: • inmates It Jaws, of the Uil.avy. • - - CaptWmJr= Stem at Bidimpert, CI, • • Dr W L!aree, - - Rev Richard Tanen, West Davenport - II Tj , • Rev TL Bushnell, Beth:ram WM., • • • Mr Jorieph Bradley 11110nehend et, N 11 Denham, WI et Mrs .1.....80ntwir, ;orange «Ala% John Faber, 178 Elimbal st,'•• • • ; de • . DA Richton, BS Delaney a, de Janus Smith, LIB Berea et, • de Curies Brown,loo Water et, ' • do - du of which may be celled epos, iir subirMarkidavii Priapred by Dr Herr, Rate Ando di Rug ..6 F moues k Co, 14G Moto st, baweenll Oat 4th ots, sad HO Main st, between ftk old ith mods, Ciaeinastl, Okla; wlddeodo sod Mod mat 'bribe WUOOX Jr, comer of hfArkof sad the Dlsi steal °WY un Pi st tubt ' e ItSklowly ' .• GINSENG, PANACEA! • fro' 'moss SUFFERINGDISTASED LUNGS. —The nap:ma:lv:led soften wfue4 Mu; uended the use of ilia • • - GINSENG .PANACEA . W th e Tcsicom knsas which Irritation ethic lungs cis• anmat, has !Mated the Oopriciar acndalo call alica• - woirDEuvin.yasein!enox. • • The clumpthle weather fail kind *hues isallisys aLvit6tl aoaee Hof • • COLDS AND ixrcrans. . • 71thee, - if neglected, ere but the Onwersoth . trf that deitteTer, The enestinri, then. how Wall we oip doworor the bad how shall we jet ether of our unite and nide! is of vital imponanee to . rbe , THE GRLAT AND. ONLY /MEMO , will be foetid in the Ginnethi Ferment. In peeler We we here from be e to Mae published this certificate or down. •of our beet totem rm... who here cord, . cored =alive powers. •These, with • meth of JAI MITDICAL hom 4I BM ' S r VIIWBT STANIN., tatisten or the Gethe-4 ecr teemberwee ettithWw 00* - . .7OII , RNALBOPTICBDAY., ire balm embodied M pampb/et form, and may be hsa grads et mmf OP the mammy. brn THOUSANDS ANDB OP THOUSANDS thromiboM the Ualled Watts GumdF, and mmciMil k*S6 "3"4"'' ;gO 4 IrIPiECTAI4CE •• a wbieb, *Ma taken according to Mremumm and Le fore ibe lamp bad beemee Wally dilorpMzed, W en, al the elaieted heettpar.; newt tp, • o-rebbe nostrums, 6otrpo opby auttateralndtria cab; o Jet the woaed mots of agree at...bread pip- aleian, and puffed lam neaniety by-eartifiess, , aorta eqeally_trze Intim a reedidae of . • ONPARALLELED,YFFICACY ' I. to be had, whew vouchers are nrtome-oar neigh. • bore, teany of whom it has - . SNATCOLI3 PflOg. TILE (MAYA: •• • In order that this invaluable medicine stay be phew! grit-bin the rancho( the poor an well the tidy we have ONLY STOTT alums, itUi one half the usual coat at cough to for tale by oar nada in nee* evermore end 'Oa& over the area, who unprepared u, t roy infortna tien - relative to : T. SALM,Vmprieter ' fhlrEll p, 00 0 'masons In phibsdelphisi ; ';• slum, can testify to thennadetrulelficscy of that ieatedp 111014 ' 'PSONS (it - IMPO WOOD UND SYRUP OF .TAR AND le Poloslonary Cousamptiok Chiromoi„Driatchifis end Sore Throat, Amines, Chronic Marsh, Spitting: of " Blood{ Polo in the bidet mud Remo, Difficulty of ' Breathing; Whooping; Csivglc Croup,-Weak Nerves abd Nervous Treeless, Psfpostiori of the Heats, alto, Liver Complaint and Afection of thellidacys. - • ••• This coedit lac the Intention of a msn' who fan, Ike subject of Pubsonaty, Bronchial sad Pectoral diseases the roost rigid extunmatton, has:nevi been before the' public neat four years. During,thit period It has per formed some of the most remarkable cures on mold of • Ihdroosary Consamption—catered" the recommends. , . - non and ate of physicisui in their practice, and the warmest approval ortbortsaada.•t persona in and 'severe Colds, Comma 41 Hoarseness,. Spitting of • • 4": Blood, he. ASTONISHING MBE S.' About fiaar years since I was attacked with Typhrti Fever, which left me in a miserable slain or. heal h, in . r extreme debility with's 'general prostration of the rys- . • I.smNietrserti'lle'Hole'e.olswillhellie"i and lop unstolos o a r tte n jto toy timid b 00... ,or penes= ' any kind of week. I applied to ascent physicians sad 'used various some dies, bat ‘11.11400( any benefit, and hod daysiredolescr obtaining a recovery of voy firdaer beahh. - But some time last Jane I urea advised tatty • Thootsonis Coto-. • pound Synrp of Tor and Wood Naptiva'and ineredible en timer sopa ar,-by the time I bad token Mme bottles the debility, pain - lead eviry sense or'sußesing were complcrely snaps. ..Nand I wan able tastlend with re-' - . stored health to my usual scoentiorti,. . • L. "_ , ../IAII27N:CLADDY, • Of Diekhison • towriship,•Curtberland on. Reed the following testisa4bY flew • .tesPertable member of the ttociety of priends, haroggitkcepeie,TL. VALUABLE TPsll3leNit.' • • K ei th la certify ' that 'in the spring, Of IVA heal woo very feeble; 1 wai'afilieted erahin la the', side, wi th . other Gleaning symptoms, and ra&rednatek front grert, debility, At that time I:purchased frost Mosel rue two bottlem of Thortron's Ston ed BY , - • • n 4. of Tee end Wood NsPitdc Tosai3Shicli perieli. al great .benefit, my. Walla being now:gook and I cheerfully recructuroul the article to oil persona who may be suffering with' general debility, veth ert_aptems - of a decline. . 'AIL3IIASIWILTKE. Poughkeepsie, hiereitls;l647.7 _ • • • Prepued ouly by 'Annear Sr. Thema; ht the N. corner of Fifth and Spree. streets Phila. • _ • Bold •by 1. WILCOX, Pittsburgh; and by diaists •, • generally. Price 10 cents, or Ono Lollar per bot tle. 13idropalby;ortkii'llITiiisieCorsi77 ThOeTOR ith.T/J. W. fdOßlEllgreturei his sincere thanksto the cilia= of Putshargitand ADegheay..• city for the eery liberal support and encouragement he ' • hes received vnthin the months._ Thu the We. ter core should acquire :seen . eineblieb"is wanner strange nor wystenottawhea it is considered bow great number of eases slavery variety of diseases, - Wthy • acute and chino* hive been cored by a ledicious use • of it. InGernany, where It origiaisted; iliouseral th ph e."'m "' ;o ue S .n i onal Prieen. the ;sang; of the Water e r, la "Stained. France and Antericai tboartuids of less Caen have been eared-by - rt, and the aurs t eneng • lrlydropethie eitablishatents sow in successful opera... •• don in the United Staley speak voltunat to favor of the P Ti l .t rr i e baring permanently established himself .. lath. city of :Pittsburgh, three door. southwest wile. Way, or. rams street, is ow ptepared to talus a namber.of boarders and mat Mon -at-WA houseiand those who prefrt being treated atitssir Iron -- will be punctually and [skiffs:lly atiesded.: Ile maybe auto:bed at ibis odor. from 1 o'clock 0113 P. 31., end hem 7 to lifin the NAL—Vary: variety of baths made • ow of .1a .he Water cure, both in radial and - gendensetr, can be ob. • rained lathe Athenaeum, on Liberty street; where:they have bears recendyererted for the entrees use of dropathle patients, end where every auentionwill Ore ... • glean blthe ratite and etannivernrietor. SULLTAS' VERN IFlRoperee - to any I have ' •iiat " D= 4 l:o 6e' ret= "l4. ..r be% yaerTreeeifYge *py seateliere etervi, ..rbg NM I Owe ever need. Io teemed ""F i° dimbwkieb expelled about SO meow - Proiie4 uva lotaby D wow 4. loom by - Dr Camel, Stb Week D u Cr.% Alleyberm Peal*. TemperenevW4; ood, I' man.. Lbw- :Drd MeLassitlreiva SpeaMlie. rt= i rr ni er v l4l l 24l3o l el= 6 71. : ' . l gr i tral s w,gtl 11; Anly,W•twa mum ts • ta t e t- • , t ennaNcireir:An 142"m4ia', 141111.7441111D4:1"1:4:44. 0 by. , tiZZ , • MaikEi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers