- • - . . KlibLiVoir‘ . -rjß• ' •• , • -.' 'TUBS. •`•• . . _, ...... pi LArnljg It. C0..-4Gds fid v ,Lidpier Dal-. . -.....,•1,,A1A.,1105_,.. ..,..., , 1-• !,,!.,-, ..d.,*41.„4.k.5. i • 0,.......w..• • • , smi Oppiimmuql•WiranikLewher siolklUi s ii . 41 .. 56 "4''.. u .i ` . • • sal nwees sada. If • • • • . ... • • •.:1 .... . 111 Wesitstinelit • ' .A.114/gaittrormils=i, halt!' • •:las I (WALT & abILWILTOMPE4&&/- ‘ .;•X4 •ta Pnesa riadough • : at Weir satitslo4leltubnik, * No. 42,T,1ei1l 94!&11.&&&l...I ..-.. .........:. .;.:1".N. , ..1.:.:!' :.:..1-,f;'....•.''-,; -.:t _. k s.....niiiii,' Voklaiiaig rthil •‘., , , 0 "":",,,m,a, ble4ros& *pr ist Abeam ' - ~..' ^,., Yar;llais:4Fly 11,11 lid yaw si? , .. itLIS. ', F ....0,..K.....:114,_ __immi0.,,,,!......... •.,• ~.., ~..1114•Lcal wasiplinkiric. . sod. I, am re. i,. , . • • :i.i.l.43:AlLAWlCP&Wri fba, l3l4lll2 l 4 r allial A l ow.rild . e.tire , ?; ter o!!1,911.1•845M . . . i c . 1 .....11111=1.11.11111 ' ' • ..•108132 , 11.41, • WlakaaLe unseats, Casai • .4=ll•llllageasao, la Oa, awl anais .Paapsee. Mac 14 OM Ski lel IS= Week, Pakkarsk. &MI • • X). E . A lamn 4ti daalia lopse Pinalaullt and ?atm Itialnissi • . . '.. . PAO Ili COMMA 1.1; Vemseiseices • .. —'.. 1 ...NIF AIM kaa 4 Ns. til WtotiditrcaL 41111tAltissturicrr, waft sad Re44lllluse „I'M .4,&.llnyiese. MK sad all 3///ille4Aelf," • r Viissanwiirsiater• -. • . et , •4l/11A •" . . "MAK . getligYilie RilllalWrible Sflieleeikl u,.., , 4 . llesilet is Forelmant wawa. Wiwi mot Li. • . !Carp ... Wl . 10 , te s ey• ier,.1 ... .11 . illisead Alley I /11741 i EMS 4. , , ... •• c: , irouN c aidrrst—nan Tatemoit Cif. J I Seeeidpet: As : ...,.. V cart , liosi Werke, ileVyysLAigall • - Yuen ...„:).,.::: ...... , = u Bsioritill Vieldsory. ar Jrataberyk sysgyt ... ' -: y unwed 16 . esIL .. - ~,. • ..., 1. i —i,.. '4 , :ti0::, , ,,; Ilitinkv ismisbooletymery IMF , . . ~..,,i.4Lir" X' IIIeCUIRIEO4ip Dabs aim V Aleyani .. 6 , .. , ilemaiv VcrebaS .TaUseri.Cktukt thuldiyvy, i' . . wn W. .1 fIUTCIII3OB,. 4 Cos--Bekeesons , lo le Ulla( ILielekLoos teCe., Conadnionj Merrimac', Sae AV11111.0( ta., Law ISlatni. Bovir • • Atfa4S.wort,aadet front sum,: ritlatusista. .• Mary, . • _ ~• .. • :-?'.. Ir:.S. DILWORTII.-11Mokagala b u t I • '.. ~.;i'..t. ...405 Auml Conamisoin hlnglava.tdo. ( Oried ai l , ' • " '''' ''' '•-• rim .v. ma :aim wboe.a..mm i t dam& . '.'. d '........_ .11/..is hi lirsbuiD, ratios4l47 Naga . • . . . WasUiramorn dam amok of Dimmed (Allay, nor ..) rlilltil IM4g, Jr, h. 10•,, twosome Ja4 '' ' '. ' '' • 'I: . laviSti ... Nß, Oradle_Spli . , i, . I.: ”...., Q71041N IL MU/A; waiiie•iclii • Nita *At - • : • • e 'la Maki and litu.ucal I . 840m1.1101114. — , ----- , -r i p ni shimommt rm , oda.. Coadiar . _ ..• ' • fiwirossyrairralty;l4. el Wood st, . ~..*: X. ...IV-nap biugia-at Lialf• Wised. - +,- 'Y. ,~. • • . gleo 4131k1er01,71 .3piesl, 41 1114 • "". 7w. Rcaprmeei it ir e., NIA:Ii a = • - 4 - lArstddloccoaor at cod aad • *p m , dots. . ' , -- - '.:* 4 • 'VOI114}1111:11111111r* • '' invni; rpaizau:s u...i - lasmasterma an d. asa jimr, Bollarchoit lad lijulak lb. esa ; :0 . 4 0;nim..4:4611,1.akupd trA —• •• ' •‘' l lTl .••• Stsavi•Elarn !latt .• • ' • in= 44401.14111=7.. h 11. ad iss SEES • IIIIXIF ,, 11911:11,1 , i 11 1. 1 .8X •,i, ..1./Ineisa*•.Wrii. amt . , • Wow., • WM ' Min • • • 411,1.1ifiet*ecswat • • • [mugs .„ , z,o4insur ,• • ki immbroa , ‘,•• :1K4010111:1110, , W1Woma saidauces *Facer Fars, .koson a n i te mft non. on • WW1"; 14• to oewk I dom u rn at Nora. &akin U 1 Pan4.l Cittri hoim• . • ken • • a. yr. a weseuri. • • • . : ; erro Wei ratutarnicto; 0"" ,•1111see •-7, •,• JuvalllVlNOrtorrplkony • 411 • , ssraf~r r -PM eir•ron4proill, • Alt• • , • *ad +,•••.llS.l4ionly.rosepa,clasliouot• . • • lzwitgrimeit • • volli f0r.41 . 41,7"11011.1"44 I" • • • . 14 " • • .wastriago r 322X1 :I . Alp rood . . illaalwan mai ....v.ft b rrslao s afibliordpogise,Notas Wood • • '- . . , • !kaki I. 3 • laossW,lllorec•Oilicesakcarpeo".: bogF • Timm M *Were:re/4mi alul invaurne (tic IMP Wool st.,Pius4auNla. :4 • • . *ow, . . - • WSW P0N.14114.7: • saw* t 7 ;7 ROU&NtION Co,llllthoolir Unlefes, Pnatio. - ' LialaWakm Nietriwas, aallltakis in Mr . ilWatikilirel,ll{l6llol , ljeny . • •"" •' - '131:11i8RT MIXELk ybaosal. • narked am "Pa , Cywny a.- d, tatuusit • Mal " A. , •CONPRNOitaIt, • Wholenla .oseurr, •!•• • -•••:• ,4 4•7 Dpart la Prtidsed sad PI admire' liaaaibetern i -144Libealrms t, .t: 1 • 1 0 0 " . • , /.M frs.! .• el - XYMILLIII ft BUM P4outortnion _:t - ihrrionl4 far I. Alle Tyr Tarty dad.' . ,:e - raakking, 11141..15 Mid g fUlm a ltr • --: ° A rr' ,l •;.d.' , orla askNoraw Vow Bad Ands NA' • nia . ... ° W 01 4 0 CS4ool=hiblelindaggl u lt tart " iiipp.tillialllsLolll, ba: 444r ‘=. viallittimotinah•the ahrliumiai suiwee .01014.Lsoortan.ol em.miadiettagrosaver •iseTvirthd . lOU 1 lazte, : 4 1,.: ... 2ii.':' :: illiiiiicurifl.:___:. •• -- '" ' - Tacc c Vincent - ,r• •''•' - •• INACIBLEM is -Warnr- WhoWal• Ihtakrzs La • •••• •••$ Si hoemie squad... tio:Oinareed.a. 44.,•.,.....,-3: v.;:,,,. •••';‘,l . ! IA , •AWAlGlCWollll l geribligid . w0 . .....",3 ~..:•,. Ala klear. sad Itchy, icommillrowi Yawing/a( ••,••••-•. .1....., CourawaikpOsahAsi,ao ylitimpeselsa. • :• • is istreasAn DP . .... a' if hh4l • , ~ , harsoitpandmohs ar m ,' •- '' - ;"-1 , I."lo,oo4,ll,l"edahes sa4, Upend .C4hor, ~ , .101ftivin *wawa; tich e Ar Über 1 1 , , rig.saik, ' ',P'• vull 4 .. .•. .....,: t , . , 1 .b .• 4.`...... . '.. ff ; • l - :. lArl wz..,rr4.3.l v 2 rt ri u dicear .M k o * .sh" . l ul: t lh" o IN . p IA e4 1 L' m ::,41. .Ityi aesat.W/11. Po ......./.(4,:. • --.. .. • .. ,'L....;,. . .. : . —zk, — , , . : ' .., m 102 a im o u ..gwir,grai4N_hekle _h4ay.b,64 rim u ~b i_ n o_ iemm_*ic*k.4.::'- . sear Als 11 JOtse..a.l ~ 11 :0 4 , 4 . • •411 . &aim Is Prodephg. .. • ' ; 1 4. . 4 11 " , r 9 b1 .4 1, - - Op . ':-„,...- f . s''. 4 .11...4.'rh. !;i / • - ~..., ~,... . i . .1"- .La.r. 4Z TT T sursesica l i a i s i A :34 , snarl eseese: , s ' Wholesale sal listisik PM. pas, tower ellabsety suet 1101.ClairolfasSo ~. ❑i. -- ~ ~ : , saav r..nosanc. Jatat:aisaltag - Itmucapi, Ga r itanallameta • • ...ma& aat Ades, 1. altlLZkt;!!' :SCRORNMAJOSIta ./.4•41%..4 • aNsTait rol.f Monam erl t.. 3c1r? r%w44.. 116.1 = . 04 . raiMe . . • :Z;:T2M - WMII=II,L. .111r r e XEL.eisaisMilad4ida,foralormsim of precteptge) Idliendliermdessial4leilka - 1.04 . • . . ^ ai slam c aard /11/1011.14.161•Usoress sat Itasta,ltp,}oll gamy di, . . mmm* ~~~: . • - . - , • - '''''. • •• • • • ••I'.. ' ' '•'.' , . - • . . , • ----,..,.....-...., .. , 5 .. . , •-.--•-•*", . 1 - -., ~ - ..,„ ..i;•.1. :-.,. ----., • ..,q,,,,-. -.. , ....•.-:, , e,.-'- ' '., ... ,',7 ...,...: -.:.-, , :_, .; - : - - 2 .; .--- ‘-,:-. ,--- r..,,,.--...- .........;%,-,.....-. - 1 ,-. i ; i ,.- .. ..,-, -,•;..-. ',...,j,,.,-,..—,,,, f .„.....,.,.4. •.,. - - . . . .. -..• ..„..---7...... • 4 ,--::::' --(... --: -',.--. •1 -- - .. ~- '• .‘-- - ',', , !. i-,1 1 5 -- --1 ,,. , , .. ' . ;-,, .....4 4 - 4, -,; , -"••-....' 1.-7- -,:-,,,,-,-;:-;•-.• -- -I , • _..,_•....1" ,----, r . ""'"-a-t" - - ''="P'' , " * " 3 . , "' .--- ' --- -t 5 ,-- -- ---,-- - - ,- ~...; ~-..--, •,.:- .- - - ''''"!'"'",' '., 't 4 l. - ~,,* - -. .. ,-.1-.,-..--, • ,- .—. 4 .- , 't.i-----4 , -- ._ -..--;- ,-., • . -. • - - . Sr .. - _' - 'l).)lii. : I , .-. ,—,,,.. I .-11' . .L...!, .. . • ~,, ...,ii,e, , : . . - 1t.. ., ... k .... W. 211 .. " 1 t .1).)X 7 ., .:, i5,..,4 ~- 51 - 5.•; , ! . -.....rei , .1..-41:4....,c, _ c_. ~. ~- ~-. 1 1. •, . • ..u.,), a.l - ;;;:i, '45 p n . .t 4 i . 3_ • ... .. :••. • , c ft.:: . ..l, • s . n . 1!1, ; , ! ..- ..... ..-...' ":.%, , .? I ! -. ..d . 1‹... , ' ....:: :11:1•3 ye . ~ . • t '- ' -., :,•,:•;Sq : . . ' ye • . . . - ._ .. - ~. S. •:, - -•:.7....mr,:.• '•,-,,,, • • ~.... ''...... .• - ',- _ tft;4111!:;',1786;;;;.•. - 1.- -.•f• - %- :... —-• • • -•--- - ' '1 . ..Z .J . .---2 , _•,. , , •v , • • —7 7" . . 4 7 ' . e4 e ... . • CARDS. Wie;SAClME l 6l.lB2 . olll.ozri m =allit Insisigtfli son sa in 40 froad alGos asAir min mewl to my losilaasilat Imola - peace 10 • _ ;~` 'Kop'Rem~µ~M del W (OOiEel LTre l egYl a r l44l l,k• '041'40 Yornuttigi jeatrae7oriod auaaa * Witer b . 1 " 1 " 81 " 11141 Ybein *an . • , ve•Pol'7"anko"l 8"14° W• 1475.110';‘,.. " ' :lirtiiiVANlMlft,:hivSll7; Ite..irvzi •. 157 1"16' goldi Nadal. .. 11 4 la saki Illeadis4.7l4th - - • - - VA-111,11:1CIC &mini Ist - Enialyse, Baia Howl iadCLi4esaprenlbM slat Woad arests.l,.." • . . Ah-• AMR° a ca—bftwi.kii.a4r wok /Le- Raiti I 31L4111ortimr *1.1°"""‘ teams t001"11r1C11sba101111.44141: RwWa rya. 100 ic ! 11 0 , 11:11111LACCIIni, • g u oi nt ',jam Orocen and 'l,le dialers IA ilds, Eau Mom sad Pil . c~ 1111. Imemendlocielm, limo as kaml, at ell t 0044, a Gall =ld • penal ausartoes4 otsoods Jn their lira, Water mei, inakriCken, Alley, Paul^' TOUR IL •VOITNISSO. Cengin sad Apogean AP • nadaMdWril,tbee. emeettheme Telsd eL PA , P berg* trill have cow tuuly cohost well seleeled es. critter of the best WI gretheet Methethakw.ligh will sell ei the tem trasaable them.: seri* men* will be promptly &Leaded le, isp. ppm anaet...ll.lauy NYr i r f.'" u r a ii of si4Pepethaet,Pthz.V.:th:zu.nati4et hf.re Alas*. top sea at 61“11 ass sa,ll Pref. • rucza: anTim• wiann v •ittow6. Al f a= •x, up. ciu...a.m. 7 unetiot %. , "P , ! . 1%.; • rsh oc , c.. Caul rine N;;;Or .A:; bassi= faiLikAnsurrs Lneeleeusieus 1 14 . 4 - ==.l . 4; l6*.t latigq, 1a11e 71 : 7 2/lAblo, i•ofrar Win Milasseq. - mud a fsh nlkrinknee "Weisel! aim. 01471.1, & Cai,LtervTerN . doss& 1‘.71 - +iw•Dt+Nq Riwbmse 1.1 Itattlen& ces, cot. Iller of baker. a&J Yaw guru end foot el Mitt• VRIA&INID. • • • r - •'• 1 : . ,Finkesagabile Vinery ItsMo.' ' - ." i 151,6 . ''"•*. 7,XOlean' IL' PiniTtatesN; kw ems.' . Solute ntable on First 4 mating throni ' • .11n000de, between Woad soil nonithisold AL; in Ma tear of the Monovgaels Hann% vela, Lengthily nave suck of Ilona. kodt...lasiagaeof Ma Lest spollty nod Latest atyles., Mama kap l at inn! In Mk . :tisanseer.r • ,',' • • - t' 1 -• ?-• a MUM', Araidairry pfteon, nun hoofxred Bads Ikasetlhaise • rear Si Clatusitest Wily Don •6Yfleartaeuedr./testr. • . • urban... L ZATl.Mbealeila RAI.I Variety • Woolen Y. o .04 ,t 164.1,1 7. am torn Combo, Toes, Etcrles, Nal:4=W =t, Maven r<ylr W. hur Mood wid itudargt. • • i ' ..'IXDIAt Italians MOODS. •' • j• 73, aoICP MOM lideotxlLoonf dug- . - 44oernlopItns • 844 t don 4' }man rititsi Y;4 ' 0unp314131.1; • -. C " ak " v . lab Pitexrvern 4 4 454 . t i et= "6"'" ) Aram* - 43; • • 'VW-40 geheigimp al of 111beh will bp odd Polli 44 P 1116 APSIOSO4 oa No a WoOP Morn. - • • O.4III'IWIL Si f) Viiirf * ii +K~eae r " wooueut kt , cworer. alsd id =:eN Om Nl 4' =I to Ikraild itrivratitalciaw4 Woe WU • aeotmß .. 0 1 : 1 1 , 7•Th neoliatt Jilsahnni saikCsakee. • • drat% sisupiessohitt sasikrascie Amp.* ookseifiasit W. wassina !pa r.n>a~ ~4~.: Biiiiii aoaf• • 4•111/17...*111* iucy • • • • I 10.40.40pik *OM sil l tamossnit %Owe esakags,lew.4ll./11 oseasor ofitma arlatlit TAIGA .11 • IlLia./ W•o6—All queditigis aka. l, . 31 MI V•ultir 101 4 , pee.l3oo, nnaging host w _ • 4 , Je.17 ,1 6 1 1..6gL.47 nat. 7" IAW OFFICE 4 • . . , ,•'•ji;x:eiagisrr ANL4I4Ir• .. . ' - - VERTU. Voi'oltoOd to eettottioas sod 011 color toOt• • ~..1 7. "- mr F f n m' d r !,tl ll4, tnns !''''‘ -7 ''' T ',/! ft IL AD, 11.1boity cl• • - "II; W!Waltooordo • • • .! ~j alaraloN ..fa : ' '' V - 'l[lty• it CoMoottot. •. 1 ,', liiiii.O l o neli.a.DOO. . . _ . _ .... .. iyier.ciiiimicam.:4,ia . th .thns inl W G..- ! „a:, Not atiVarrylmis Ihe CatCattufpithipwrot•of Ukaystftremoft of %wain, also egylalti Art del... ;Ids of pcnor. Ile MA, - to b.. MA necanied ~4- aa hassytnagia. - Otute,twv.doca s'a.. Ilmo NsJo* .OII.A, Qat Isom!. Olmo,; :s „ .. . 441 . . . +T. , AadosiYirla owie• apposlitaf Clubs ue.eli Pisubeib, mill elm .. 0 = 81 9 1 #11% 1 6 IMlTety• erendly • I,S=,.A" , "ftret%Lz .sadlorftllmiCaukhk teUt die Pena: - orivaldp, Ibr, ar.lkutrie4g,ceu!,, lesinvid4riar - 141i0Serth Qualm, Wie.l6l4llolfilkeleiqbasti. •Ea pon.w.seui,,7 ,es• low Mfas.a.S. SEW Amoco' ll* so goo, ofo• • ccemscomOMlMMomckmm*AcT o o.l . am.,kori Mri- ir e;4lo . ;i4 'AsovisdpoOsoClocoto oodo siocisolot radio * Nocc/~, IiknILLAMS b Mimi» MadioAmomboloiCAM sod Wahl/ea) Mimi/ el* 'llt ,06c• none !W< of Foe n 1 itontor.." • - . . EZ2M== RWAILD:&-SWAIIT2W A9•01w4 . -Lim Woo sdevraf SlNik KOPP Marti, a;, between Mari Al . ley MOW, .40tIFT/I.INOZ. at :Lai; AVG, U has Masai alto pneisca otlis is &mol ten:No:7, batmen 4 eseopied, lbillag fob . absseee, , by •T. 4.. Misb4A /.12u4tiy, OACUA • ;40414.211 w, Oder es 3 IU! booms Gram sisell-SalelfretV Souk thla, -Inftelu^ PoWevilk.akee ;Tr 111,1414m0 ibereseedose •,7• r• .* . • eetledly- M: 9: 4 IL'UneiWtstaVaw, tee re; . uurridldil dime . itaz.ictia. mit darts .Ablimmataohis .prpr .; C. Liu'"°°,,W=hiii•-•=4.! ?:INBUBANCE. + . DrLAlilf cUZUujX: XOllOO. ULM ,or no at Ibr LW. moo Mount BOthyldootooop C.c.sposir of . Fart litiakoopos bol/olop *4l looodumadlit or.oir AoorriiPtiooO smilblatioolthlro nee Mils of. WPM& Iska Rpm 114 lon fooosabil . Ha- male Ike A*46.4:fly: a wan k. 'Mk; 1. - $ll Wear, ow llsokotibon, . Xe-41,mouno at fhb Ur Wawa ot . Lk. 'cirri a. 5.0.; 000 W biorWaY *IA 0. 1,11 . 00l bloa' dote kr low too bus .octoolool, 0.14 aro/rod Ow gem In *Masi tht. maiden. sod panoogo q f r i,u ti .. 4 . 1111 COOSIOZitf WV to OW Dook*.. ii. , noon CompfOlf k".=.1.ho,O•Oo• Y LoStilatioo sosogrtho lAOOI os t. Puma 'LW.. Oar*, an olooOr POW° lorb by Oa i=sa ...skim 1, lo oica mood hie *Wed g ltoroooposydoonla YE iteociotbillty oluktoret, ,Ori se Li i, them A pom.," de leitaalroloesplo 4sT toad of oTorf olootoloos Goo ,w 1; 'Olio its Loott'antoo ti ro Opfo3: • 1 • ~:s aga,, ; araMOLIMI,IIPWA 1 . 112 V 1 4 1 X0E 1 170i;. : ' ;WM Va.lake No 1..a111X0 1 3014.4L1y, at A. 1.. sy, Visortlllialflom ruses, lwl . iMs : :Ade illgirik. etyroperty i la 4.1 ft . : iike ," ur0 . 714 - , . , *ow : Welra" " . " ?.... ~ '.... " ' jail ' i .. : ..! =B/os.Vrastaakirl ea kaito ristiiiii s i, Jiduclamm. tama44 amek r tin, .44• • _..._ .. • • •%. • • , • tt lir:= rear r4"4 . llre. turnsiol•Coilt: Tin. V ic svisuogatala , 44 . . - ' ' o * • 411 A,, ,17 " '._. . w AC 1 . . . , - ..". .MO.l t visited: MALEpaaly27ll? cukS 2345 _ Centro* Mare Junta. A....EPTOCK of Schaal Ho Papier, Station. an aT. lke, for country ooiK among watch . {Prizing Proem ; oof ak= and Comma enalti - Lena,. Paper do do do do Note Paper do do do do • Nada and Leiter Emelt:Pegg . • , Pima Pendia Waren, I.ll* and Stool Pe n Window Pape+ (yard wi&) Nato dad printed; • Roues oards, of dirrorasa quails:4P Biwa B B ooks, In great ming; fi&boo! and Pockas Mier, ' re rCa est % h e "."" Ite gap leleede AzialoneSeg " aod ti utders , do.• MONS Ragulem ' ' de . do Aridiniodea by Moog, Dold,Colbotn, Smith, SOO. lon. Eamon, add odieee:• AlkeldilvOurSinitit, Blorsr,C.od• tidy on We m admit • • • Greadosn, by diablyikkce, DeUiee, Weid edued' lend peke. ? in by . •• • anJ ' veal or, A doors aboka - Tee Medd adedet Mee paid for good ingss til=lZ7 ligl:LitnrA TOMB • Maatratcd.. Woofs Imivr ofikig Pooled worts of .1•10 Nato wig , • oiesociir, and etitionl eausaka as itat ming and Bra ! any, ay Jamas ainntalary; and or Imafrod LT•Vr rL4g4' ... . '4 •T Sfaxnol UR= - rsrfarThir asil of Aponies, I/1 Bieck, whk /Wok miral,pilik•opleca/, and esrgetiesi; oups..indexak ate, W ien with the It.st.ria. apoe•ini•r; 'titleioncurg .15... Now 1;41or die me of &h.* COHCVS, i?..f.logi...l:ttetv* . i...- itr 11`4'. We' a . Ws. C. Bail • . • /ass , Hwy IV;-•Tlie fife of • !She P•Sikesi king of Pisan sad Nanny, By. 11.• huff. Ca= Pia. intone ruin wan TWA. • roe sal. by • • -JOWNSTON trrocciwt,:' Jang - COOlef 13 (013//101•11.1 3 2 t. e • ~Yoa . h e illtee,kes Coen and Pa c O n Pl ' e, by H 11 ..ewelij • The Chalon of Firmer Tim Wes lea. Apo:mike, by H; • Tbs Ariinas mad Pnne..ipleh leJ Tbe Coleatitinions and Ganons of lb. Hely Apostle, . ortil Life kleserc... • : ' Mimeo's Life of ibe Deka of Xerlboremigh; ?Hander's Life of Mier, Is he Ithrtoriesl elatairetion Ibueerl and Apolooa'a publican/we generally. Sebool Woks, Paper, Stationary, at, • • J. L yo. , _ 119!:p . —*OEM at the Apollo Mailbags. 'ltta stret.— Ablatary Lae of Data, Date al rl laronb, wall =bared Dor by A Allmon.' • &toad Vol. Cludalers' Youbsonostat Wotts—lieeitai tare ttosetaaga. ' , • • , • The tete °finis Oblast, as its bider - test eamettya dad Dab:ideal devtinpeseat • by Au;s.ayis Newnan: Tranotaded Dna des dab tiansaa adanon y Diu. 11e. Woo* and Chas E. Ilbasolaintual,yrtatessues In Diet. Dias CoUeye. , roan! at Pinotial iii.loly of reatistal. .' New ..mt Thrst, by a*. {Tanen, mbar of Ten Tbaeotood aVear, and oaten wo namely. is astenlo6. (ill aid sec Prilltal72lolll YP0E:111.74 mins innhatim, oaks. the •14pirTi4i00 gild . him tiatham,tt AU' vow for tbe .teeeputut tol l coathteed at ale =toe OLi bese. berty. etreeL wil be coeureptepee 01■11(y hariues ta,lutt plaee t • fewribeasetes Itaveiteestred, wed Woo &sir ot.PWAltheieldentitereletador.theis rem, vroold demau to pale Maul, appikatto. 'Fur Venaysee .thrtaar co, • • to the Ptveelyst.. - FORIVaDING do COMAUSSION TOBACCO C 0.1111.1811611 • tio.p EtutP:lyloncs, and No. 117 Boob Water st. FULLADLIAIIIA. • • . - Dims 'to bans lb. bode atol deafen, 'esorbaly, of. 411 Foltboryb,battbey Mosso:ado artsusgebemo and, Ow Vb•yintse oassabototers and Us Clionstea of West,l% est ladies, sold abet piste.,.. obi lame • lame sad eonsiont suppy . of tle' inlaying &blip bon of Tobacco, srkicla r ill to sold upon. snisagago, limulniag bons as ml other hobo to bus eity again, Ken. and a goods onkted bon bob will b was Abend topad to toptesettstloo: • . • illvatto; St:Do:Woe; Onto . 1 15,‘,4 • •• • , .Sang'Pun.lbeo; kton44 Loaf to ALlSO—Droneb's celebrued Avosaatie bacCorsi. 00,1.111, a Isms assort...loot ember gopalat broad.; boisptalnies of pounds, tis, to, kb, 101 and bts, Lamb Ils,r 4 at and Ins nog; Lodilseibbk, Ibintnia Twist, Ante' sal *ln, In ',kale sad Ulf oozes, wood, sad alb tagellor obi every variety of oriels Won. 'l4 b yoga • • • • bledly J. LAM. _--• , at A. fxsArr. iirrla "winter. urarr "I.Gniatc”rsor, __- - FLOUR FACTOR S; ' .immosi.mou.s.e.s.a dud rirenrax4l.laff -- IfiIICCIATS, ~ No. el Mery Wstaxxta, aan UV Waren FOE., • PHIL t 4.1.141141. Levan vo.—.lnitn" IL llama 4 4 1 ..... :‘: . . 11.14ltieou VI. . • Hod* Ungalry & Co. ~.., .. . , %1414 Paxton, Hear Virk. • . %Vattern & Harvey, ' Baltianany . t , ... . • • Hagan,' Smith, , I at. 4.. rtgginit• ~ - -{,E & U !'.." I . stkut.nt M eanailvonaata &nowt • ' ' ' - iltaCabllty. ii•CASSM.X.II. CAMMI Mato • • IWW..wasus. ~,E 4:IIOIAiCER,-.••ECKY 41 CO.,- • r•PLOtrarAO24III3U4 .• • • . Cetaituslos Moralowa, • .• ' ' 1 11F2M191 , 1-leayGraf r=t rett.• t. •fco ruzbe •• • b.tsberloek, • . 11.8<twoley Sas,. $ "7 Jusiw4,llsyrtille. • • nutters, Jr.. v /Mill it. ConOwry, New («lc • aeou Coma mud litnewainillskg CONTINUDJ arist re m ri:10,=.6 , vas iisathelileco nP ad 111.4aer, wad in roisetivasi sad Cams sa nd Utliodettaftaigsba his tam Atwell 4.. r • Um lasaalatiano,M v4lll. evnatortly .apploed vnik Jar prziscipal MAY ltanahmare laoresi, . (micro sad •calisigismirsas • are jespec Wally cr• S. It. =SWAT, • _ L • - • L .n• if• CO/rIVAT CO, . - 1)101 , 7851uVra,.. 4 11/41 , Omura suao=l i t W Y.,./uO.SW 811;pros of rtg hoe, Co.), de. it.wb/MOrCeI., • • • Bonen , Beery th k Co ; ma; Loewy- k Lcoelk Oka ig Ca, Used. 11r. Maw. • • • 4Catos. •Notioro,. !.:**“.4 HUsbbelit, P ' • Lat• of hitelmile, Von. 1 -EIIiVIER,IVANDERSON,• 16/416115. IN COTTON FORWA (ONG f. tuAl• - • 41156104 Mt= HATS, • • . • ph nossetrautr, Aso.. Baulk/Assam:as tawdry, In hiabarob." • • - •- • 1,53 J20. 1 12.1ti celtsMi • getifillusuAnD muumuu * CRUZ • - AND DEALER IN : • , O• 414•0 Tams PlUsly# 04 ...ensaMteritir imr.13.1,• UCTINIBMIta CU/illl3lOll ilEgelifil • LEVY EiFlO , 9. ..4.3111C111111A11. AND T. LOWS. Oar to acU ai a4ei estaLlo.tuatatotti handtaa, at the krona oleo of C02114614•2i1/111, and are alma,* premnal w maim atiraotas The Lem of Tat,. sawn glyett rf tagatrrAL • Letters, uktnnopall tatitat kom!Portil pipmetly ottaluted to.ew* _. lyaVl.a LOVE., MARTIN'av CO., ,'. .',144.4600 sad 'Comanklaalek • Sfarelassioa • , . liaLrumaa. , Rancaso—Ltnidsatt, lint. /maim, Minnow, M. Alien it Lks •mho, Hampton, Noah C., doeklot 11 , 6150, Moe Wog* A AVltte T clioniosuoi k Otr.:MtlaV _•••• 7510 1911011 & CATIPSZL&... . COMViril lON hi EACH . /NTII;• •al!khatier•r• • Meet Uns, I=== • ..ConekinfiCholk •_•.4 11 4.,1V0.'! 1 '..4 rh...1 • • g /& m. uK , •t. the *a-oaths/ a roast% CAN. Wain • ' raeftif Inamoos., Netywrourru &cvi& . .. • • - at. 'ATM 04):11M1,890, 1 VACER . pfrA4111 . : , oktor 61 N. 7.triagllns priSharanenikor to thiroa aFgM ... : ?AN. aad order,' for punkah* • ;411oza ro—tioorgo I.3.:o ‘ fikeloolOVro . !"'" • ".' • • 41 - 11.77. - • o' . ag...m .cirtn_,.._l- . ..lusiiskistbrbilibas, • ',..301•741116 . (01111331UP1151itte II TB, • td aitiad tviky k tyreudj. , • Ante tt_laditt i rs allay 331.-ZEL Atere•analse. prpared to attend pith Um dep.& Immo( iSofte 41m0 Olealaqg la se *o o 4.oellitit . 1 11 1 4LAUtal= 4 ,rr i . act k ritts ' EE.liiiiEV l CttPlfin t Eg.);(4l•2B ' rtEMINEALF.uI , fIivIEJOE Ir. rriuvintinqt, iM ' • Es. IEII and 141715T0 I'VE cr, • v.-- k.c4i. - • nimikign SOMA TO OLOATITOSS. W E have taro an ogee tonerdisully oppINEIIIO 'h uwoet kph. = g m. tagagg Weft firii ENlEpaepb v 4 oew Eau. MU awayi diabollt wain aclighi. • , I "...,41:Vait! W.Atert • sTiAltana wawa. a r:Larr_vait • 110q084:l01 '"fte.fX.o“. . . • •• sta3 . ;:- . r"!sik • 040; .- • •• - ..etwooriewilmoroi- , 3 !:,. :ustactiromasuilyadimvaimPOuni. - • 'ximersiossgogaiikatiatud_COgau.„„2t ftprzlM,Teeneatir•777-7, ..: ca. 44 %1 . 7 CHAS": L i . if It I • LITERARY. T GOAN A .ENNEDY- I Li.' day assoeM b Li Asimisissisinala /Lrdwass blisimas,Pbllip I. asili sad NtsmiN v t . egg. Mb& idyls al Arai sna C, :r1= 6:4. 1 co.7'6f..tt.e/am.atgo • Abl•peteces sham km mtured: sn Mafia, regasued male hoseedials payment. rilisbnirgiaan 1, • • • • LGOAN; W ILSON di 00.;.-Importers sad Moles/de Dealers in Forebresand Domestic lI. nI. ware, Catbscr, Faddlery, 1119, Wood wee. Pus. bo highs oast tally mapped ssiti • meanly moor red stock Handssers., Callen., to., to oiler very grtat inducements to - lireslarts buyers, be determined to compete In p ri ces anal any of the Mantle cities. Al. iota band an salensiee assortmeal ofritt.b.rsh Ila ni war%Nassels, Apsdes, Forks, How, Vices, lc., all of sitileh will be sold at La lowest Amara tutees prices O.PAIL NU • • HIP. A L 'THE aabsev been baring remedy entered into p.m...hip ater 'bananas of Gal &ghat., tang, iller,Qr duo perpose a/carrying on the Hell aladLnuta Paaang and Gas Flu* basilic. in all lts brcrehns, have when the stroll iannerly occu pied by 11. Galtaghar, No. WI Front Meet, between Medved flrsilatield etc, when they ern prepared as entente ell orders tar Belts, Grass t.latios, of every dearnynial, and tine P.ding• with neat and des- Sieernboatjabing promptly are ba. IL GALLAGHER, S. A. lA.Hiti, P. 11. /1111.LaL , • N..l'ir'lbe attention of Alacbinista and Engiesere is limited to oar tudi.nttrneuentaetal, for a reduced pnee, • which ha. been proconneed ape nor to .11.1MA/a by numbers vibe have used both. Stesenbastbuilders and genendil, are al-a reenteelani le,eldl aadei auirta oar. aonerior. double Leann forct rumphimt atantothoat and dal:deck u-e. • UALLAGIIM LONG, a 1111i136, •; • Ifigiairsiiiii; l '7l — '' • rpue initsestriip. se loss exisidre WPM dm liris .1...11.1%.t004 Case, was by wutasal road/tat Ststalawl an No taw. • .Tho busker will, be 0.044 at dm old nano by either or Notes the nano oritha arta fur Nat purpose. Bolsi &awls w Ira. our bagsru closed wall as Yule debiT'Sl w. woultl re alwatnar request. tkage indebted. to eaa and wide *heir scoops... . . .14)1IN ALOWILL ; Jam IL a 'Will. Co-Partinesblp. • ' k Co, continuo the Hat. C.p asul eV b..i • all MI 1 , 11n414. Oman,' oeltteenaleL44 ot old maul, verve of Wend and a th et where they solicit a vottievamen or the patronage ea avail) I. - floored co amain Vs. . • •JOIIN I) WCORD • • • Ja.S . • " atAhlElt. S. ILCCUIth. frit ting from the old •and teen hewn Gnu 4.1 ArCevl CM, l 1001.1 novel:My rtrommend to u. PLlttettelgeotl de public my veoesmne,eepee: Dread k Co. Dab 11. D. MAIO: PTITLIENS of Wheeling, K Okra Lorne/ of JosialA cool J. A. trop of PleesburgA base day eiverwl to.pansterol.p oast yule mr4 Ira a/ kephsers, KkosAlrorwer rk CA. sit Ausbar raw works, Whealoor, VA, w. I. fuller log i 191.1 noels of swell ‘l,scrqfpn. • EZ=53V= . • - -Vik Artililikarure . an kind arboner, eberi,.bar you and nada; &II Orel entitle springs and nal.: Being roe. betted midi bboonnergets aid Juniata 'swap, bra tan odor rankle of :mats Isom (breaded elbotabergat) Coral io any Asada fet Um country. All of arbieb grin M.,01d at dos l'iuAargb. pries, Waratouor WAS work. Fotaer °9 4 .0... To. . DISSOLUTION. TCo.itaetnen/i tt of tho satiscnlten , aisles the I bon of besets la ohlaes. le, is this day dis.olved by menial coosont• Other of es a t tezond to the see. tlesoeui of the Op; nod too Its NMI /Or Ow Rapes. LEtteld• lIICII/sUN, bud • JASIM A . Illfit;ll Y. CO•PAUT.VOLUSUIP. pus anAnatptell lave this day fatturila to.partner. ;,1" ship, .d the ems of Jai.. A. lilattlilacin .k Cs, e lott i gargose of continuing du 141111..11bc.talpes ea by Lewis Catch.. Ca.snal nolkin goadmoserti cithe putrtinegt hidgeno exteltded lode hamIIUTCIII,ON, . LEWIS Mi7t)111.51.M. 11; itils • • . 0 VTION.-Thepankenbip h a les eZigt• tei muler the ogle and ana of %Vas. k sa I. Ws day dissolved by =tidal raasea; Job o sed basins ebsyswed end. nat. latssaai to 11. Me W. rib& basloesa at tbs l.la fista mit be aestkd by ILJYighmuywhob aalluaased aa. 1b wane alga Ws' dna br deal ;wpm.- IL VW IUIRMAN. splaD.Ltai . Lady PC) J. D TUR Sagerater is no. peps red to nuineßtstent RD Leda of Cotten we! Wader, nely. di Ur sleness Artiste: Orders left et R. Wightni.sn's Lisette Ants.. ner 'Mem cul Welts. streets, will zrosi prompt 1141111111 M. • WARIffII," • Leonel sa, benne& Illtiend sad asky sza, AU city. %16.1ULUTIUN—Tat putsenaup mislay! , GK .1../ the sub= aben, ima&r. ine style of Potedester ye., was diseel...l en also Ist lap by eartual ettleteet. I. W. Poindexter is sethorixed to wile 'attar badness of A. 'cower.' - • R. W. POLIDISXTER, . . • 'NOTlCE—llavlus purchased the mita isderert edC. IL Grum, IA du, late concern of Pcoaderler *Ca., had especlated of ea. , Theedefr Hdadevas ..rpl Uut • herdsmen will Le eautirtaed us weld O r tz t egfir oisderter ‘pek. !WO 'lt th UNDERSIGNED, &dee bowls e riß told. iteme or Amino. it Nichelwo, at Oak routtery o TRW h e r e OH dab by mental easateL doe:- veer their eoliaritientiip. . All the. honing Hem. Wen Walked ot the fine, an niqueeted re call as their eranionee ion Liberty We, oppa.it. head of Wood end mu* nod an barbel eines. &games Hone wlll peen) Hon et the tame plate for entlooria JUAN AIMILIRS, JOHN NICIIOIArON. • 4 1 'W-114. 1 . Enna SAAWEL. WIGUTUAN key, u •LOCIAlled tonetber *mkt Om fin* elloak Farr. k Co.,' for tie pkg.* 04kieekqlsak the !mimeo of Um • Umainek Lune Itill !amour .0 4013K1 mn fkre eakCkau ika Lawise o.thekd med kk nl lukll4l%ny mw, jOCY VAMH ' janitt •• • • VlA.ll..ineftplALL_ • teWe .11 Dry Gorki Dadaism einditint Ant* OSIOR 01 elk' taJermigned, ranntls• and Maass% btu b.,lll4 evorAciag Feb. I, 'wet The liaokka pr.. 11 be eanduetpl man* • W R bort An ketiNt • ' kkEltY / . 14).P.A.1LT/11=111111.—IVs. Y barkg owv day poroctolnd vol. lAD...NU IL /W ate lea sirLnAlebrrie •rowtecte•l'an ane, deg lb ftrve of Wen. " l..ag ic Co. WIL.L/Vll .• H.rarcankw. ayfilatof Yxpeeterarat. £4tuat, Columbiana co., O.:Ape:24, 1141. DDel. D. J/11/41*4 Mut la t-1 feel Loan & to you and fat at/tined publk, to avail myself of antra. pcolvalry, ofitrugyoUliehy to Ulu exult/odium ibis of your blame knout an nsyeelf.. Hiving boot tattled for several yen with' a save bacon fever and It. eastroaliant dieeken mil keened only donated. a Hager out • shaft bet aukrabla autocue*, anal the fall of lUD, abets, being wore seemly moulted, wad haring Marled 10 homer reatadte% sad them. ethyl /au alter° ofeWoutut respectable phyticialte la tha aeigldsorhood WI/WM &Mbar day benefit, or the etoleal•Wat 941tatriviaghtol • kw 4sya or weeks al Gotheaturiten the loot glelos of bolo wax shoal to 's .I had weatoutewled bar yak Expectorant ai I h. y d un s : I .. u 'pi n c l ili i o n ..":t o. B til i ntr4,V:ls,k ) Ir_T w 0e:c11..! . " ,„ .10,0dllooty buennweontokylair meelZor health ma 1101144 tavrol pwrboss. • • •- . Ilinpninatr loam Is.. • J.ti. W. R 1171.1. • yar Hie m rinshorgls, at 111•XeYin Tea haw s rOhnholipti.• . • antra U. Is Vothowsfors rittsbenglit. ' • (4.: Ytf. V•OLVOI1114 .• • • . .Wholasalle , DZ•g. Stara la Abe Cllr of rfillf:. • ' how Tort. unertsigird ate egtensiselg' engsgs4 In the Wholowth Maw' !tuatara at No. 40 John sthrt, In Ho, toy. of New. bort, and one pivoted to pply Orognws and go•ntry Alesehotats with Ihogs, Vallata, Ha, oyennotfs, Fore pi and Antenna thwfuntery, Mowaso,.lifeages k ttlatnlet" IsChtomicals,fo( How own illporlaan) and on onws smoke, is their lia of buSt hgtHlStf • .1,11 , C tile totality of LOW u . ttef cH bops,. to tW to any ro u te ally. • . Now raft, u A.VA UM - STOCK &Ca • • • ....Mereheiset Cheerwas Oreen• TtPAINTE3III,IND. sc—ire, Ile, wateriqued, Meters and Band Maher., of salacity ow. York, have axed and tested, and are ewer* • sew lintels of Chrome Green, teanothetered by Gee. 'IC. Meador, oflhla.ity and and It to work well,pro. deck%i rim brilliant PIA. Lima Divestment, with a sryerivr boar, uul recommend it to our Walla. ki Ike Slade as In every' Pr No best hrome Ihkediere bans ever used. New York, Jess 4, 047. Biped byte iron of protocol 'pointers of the city of MVO*. lids o yoohed (Arum Green - racy be effiL 110 Woo 4 awed, who by zelWpinagesey pg Its -No wale it Mahwah. atm killiiiiiitivr.eteCtii AD Cewi.. FOUL tiEALTior GUMS,—Yellow and en ireakby :teeth, after.he blig cote or rota* •altaned with Jon& Mahar Tooth - . Yule, have the appearance of the man beaunfal ivory, • and at the pada wad It It so perfectly laneeeat and az pelettely fine, Omits constant dady ewe le highly ed. veatelrett:evas to Node teeth Nat aes ha a good eon. di ken, pried them a boaatiral yak* and preventing a mon. decay, These already decayed k prevents from becooktly werver,lt also fasten. web 113 WO bi comtag km.. .4 by perseverance it will reader the bete learh delietely white, and male ttot breath de tukesly leveret.- kohl by MI JrlClikUld, no Liberty meet. . mart" U. A. IeAUNESITOOKIa. insautivvosc. A rgtif woeks mato, one of Ply oinking mg. shoot 'III3IIO Team, was unwell OH *cocoa days, and the tit.. loomsed so alanaiagly• that I /Cored death would be the result. llamas heardoflha goal Phew Pahnestockls Vernefogo when Whatinistorod to the /Andrea of my naightmro, and thinking my child aught la. won., Ismwtna 01tha aysisporas, I gars it oat sad a half maspooaluts of the Ve stiabge, and to toy greattaslonlshrocat it Moog itrunedistgy diet/largest between kilift and MU lava won. 'lt h.althwu soon rostorod r aud it to odor rooms. lily welt. • Previous to %Muni /ha Veinatfuge, the worm. would octulonally rialto It. throat, and I oft.•u feartd it would dla from drongtitstioo. ' • ' • JAIL. O.'DAWSON. . Tloneata, %mango co, Pa., Apeil g r ith, spin .. , 1111:1:11KIP Ie•MEDI cum gaut., Jams. Co:Pplalarth I, bill. ,M.R./.IK • 'IA tbs. nouly all t o Va. ago aou Coontlynip you mat am. Your Vet. .Erlaittiouietteknioa Mutual emir Mitrod la tab ="a'sy47ll=4PAlSZ eVarg: *-eacthwa yoopilt`k mem.Mn'-- ,:,11Wpwed sod mold RE WILLIIRS,W WW.I Dy.WCWW4IOWat.4 D Corm 4WwW&TI & W J ftidr,Teerprturavlbr. Man —. —.— a la YALID2I 'AND ItIIVAN7B,-Wbetoara At. , row ROM ant- Itanter,rw &Haloes and lath], Waintwaa foal:ata tartar tarns WV ea to watoselt. ._l la soar wimalty , twoutatinttatt by the Weal ty ia • weft:maw to Chock Sago,'TtLea orplaio Arrow plate amed to the del ikd stomach 'of lot alida, twat • more waract.tamlay a tattok•oata fund for eta.' , ' atk• by • E SBIMG ..HONDA WAR "MIPS. , I=2:Ii2:MINI El=2s MEDICAL. MORNING;.' MAY HOTELS , L[• • 'povirrAzar HOTICL. LIGHT.STBEET BALTIMORE.. • ; noo an =roma mean:man THIS ntablishotent kalif and ltdely known as of being near the mon cceemodlons in the chy Italians.; has meetly encore. coonn elve alteration. and Improvements. AS new wing has been added., containing numerate and airy elneplng aparrents, and extensive bathing moms Tea Limn department be. alro bees completely reel - Prised and lied op In a ton onion cal beauti ful style. In feet the whets arrangement of the llama hes been remodeled, with a single era on the pan of hepro tawaide the comfort and pleasant of their Cows, and ertileb they confidently amen will challenge erimparison whimsy Hotel In the Mien. Their table will sissy, be toppled will every sub. .nosial and leanly .wtdeb the market aerie, weed terwleiritpeno at b r . etylc while In the way of Winn, to., It bottelesion the pro heap prietor. beg to shy, that nothiog will be led undone entitle parcand on the pug a*. patronag e to meek r th is 1441 worthy the condoned patronage of their friends eta the bri epetit generally. • The pncee for board have also n evinced to the follovnag retro, - • Irbn • Oniroary, 61,73 51 per day. Gen La tlemen;'" • • N. IL—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al ways be Galled 'al tit Car end Steamboat landings, winch will convey baggage to and from the /fowl. five •" PEARL STREET . 1/01:111111. • • etactssarr.' onto. .2 "TIM subscribers havhca ponstissed the omit. Imams of CoL. Pi-Wilitmnaon, lint of this well known establishment. Lad karts to state le their. friends end the public generals. don thoy have taken %hi. commodious Hotel for a Ism of ill: earn tads Win serrates tomake It a destrable boom (or Traveldvit and env doardesta TO. .Uot.t I. 'Nielson and admirably planned for tostVesilesert, light and air, haring a number of mutant atlllohdpi Ambers, presenting onosa•I admits. to. WOW., • • lbw pesseei prwrinors hissing . beetle Pawilicsee otyean die ear and elsewhere, lope the will be able pp •• gebend solistecoon. brow determined to glee undivided emotion to the boa.. alone. The tared. at Ike learlSttr..l Mow ie chromes/al ly ellgib e, Metes front. ou rear,' Wrdnot aad Third SUM{ •0 dist it Is *neatly desirable In rowed The emmodepee etbrquess men, teurrment for private boarder. le otter by the Utak., the P.. 1 (Mee, the UdJ Fellows Hall, and bat one mom distaatevai Maio lime. and two squaws Uwe the en, 111tart.thaaadesing the 'warms Indadeowou. wpees ery we:mart me repent. and generally mall peewee Nadine ti . . • ••• JQIIN nahaTl, .. WIN A. 111.11141 . . Exciiiisame BOTICLT - manor perm •rm tre. caws era.; nnesrmon, Pe. The aubteribre heti* &wowed the manage- Seat of ibis long established and molar Howl, retweettelly when to Travellere• aud the Lathe IltellMnr. Um he wth le al all bases Impered to areommodate tannin aU thali . deeirebteen a well regulated lintel. The Home in now being lhanbehiT reputed' dtaaughaat. and A.F . Panntar• an ] no soaks the Nrehange to. tithe w ar aaelerobraed ii.n la ' en Ibe trliaediniut a e 'nuane e tin Or very paitoaarre the Ilona 11.4 ° 0,5t/there naTilied. • • T11C01.121 OlVieTtg, Hatt • • Irmopeasp. • ••. . .:1101111LW OTZL, . I.2l r etteraer neon, renhanehrma. •11 •. TIM rplocrilerra, ender dre lore or Bridge. IV.ah bar. Peroree4.l atr. Jpnre tater.* maim • ernardielrtrat. and trope hy 16a etneteet anaelron PUN tiaras and canton of Mem inmate, to y‘ern a Fyn. lieeletee,of the lateral parretraye brremfore received by WI know proprietor. TIN - bobso'bar bent iboraarbly renovated, and re mit me thereirrilliet•daired M . @ can Wricaltie .40 •1114 Iberddra aceramandatenasrmsol ho any lb the eby balblektpbba.. N. W. OR.II , GES, Prat JNO. T. . • GALT SIOUSE, MUM 11•111 aIIPM rm. casexisan. - 711117 1 ..iplaitaascal /a now In the Lett onkr Ilttypeopuoit Travaloa.Public. llattiar witorigooit • Mosactill repose doling the, peas leattcy.•ll4lnotiag. llpt saw extwetcseed tarn is lba amyl Utosieiottadapartwassa, I ilstecuppelf that all will Its puma arise call. The latalun as matpd, coOsz taatlioanatid pkaaara. E.. ft pee day. • • Clasjanati, tame% u, 47. W. E. BLUSH. • N.A,Meatalt sot exactly a view Broom, it is the satial-ta tow Mils ea Ilrr okt batalta. • a VIROIXIA 110TZL s ' NEAR THE DEP AILI OT, CUEBLANDySID. THIS hour la thistly Sued op km the nweltion and entertainment a( Ike travehng we Pethons In watch arear and thweinl will do ll to call—they will Ind the ehaaibera clean and sire,and th e talda a. well Cannel...l as any howl la Jr knn of Cantherthad, ad tereaspive erase a meat Uses and deepsnita means have been wade nee *My roma to inSwe this thud/le/meld, bat az latelbgeth public win 'chute thee. 'The Ikael has nob. Ing to kw (non honorable eaditrebli.Hl in tOCIICIL LD - Neale open the tabbing. the &meal of the toad. is and earn WASHINGTON EVANS, mai ..4 1 180044.1[0317011.11 OALT 11001 C. ARISTION bibs to isessist his nut ke issods !twee of the OALT r. wiwialseliaks theism bis ald friends, sissasiag them end the pablish dist se adan shall he spired ca ands all esnabla whis (Imo, b with their ... e!, :) , Mtr.-. hin111•11 . •,. WRIT= ITATZ• norm" nreasin az., inn.. rant= *5B qm fa_ rkPlothWlT. law Mak of Dv Vatted Pfttes PAiir V r ! {-POPE ikgraino., • A. 111111110411. fide • ^ aOMNl'Ssikelteisord *we. =NAY IL Slam or .4 Or &drop sad ft LOa WNW, s. Wet. BOOK TRADE., ' Now . Doe** Juliet nateelveti • OITELLN Maim MlMine Rd tosupbf. complete An us eive volute. bum Une 1.. Loadess edition, *DM Lemur., on U. Law .nil the tiospr:s, by lt Stephen 11. Trig. D. La eine mid enlarpalmduir b ma 6- Fenian o • the etabor, sl.3a. • Memoir or Nev. David Melt D. 1). hiso Miaitionery lu Clan.. by Lie nephew, Dry.lllr. IL iTiltieasson, sitY • minutia Metiniku'e Misery of the 'Cluiellan• aoil Church, mamboed by PraL Torrey. Va . !. : liaoludetic . We of sma D.s•Esigleed, In ISt —„in, Iso mamma time .....d CoeiWis iitx Ilemeiref CCroclura Alimuseary u Mora CS em. Personal iteradkriiino, b 7 Cherlosie Ot.aderb . with raplanatorp Dot., •ertllepaniell by • meesnat embra meg the period Isom Um chine of/emoted ntetillevuoe to Ler drothi LI L II J Tbiusei CI cents. ' • Recollintions la Easiest by Rev 8M Trig; 0.71. 11.1•Ablilsom the IlleruhiusreCleshL by Rea Cherks 0. Tlstida II A. Maher of uareente et-e Good AMA. 1.4b.,•••'1.edy Illasy,"•••3lepart, er lbe Paul:Vie. • ••. Ile More led survived e.IW kir sale by • Emuorr a &Nautili. moil metre ea. bosoms:l4.M 11b - - 11. A. Illostros—lllitories.l mot llr Prerrt Alteathro or the tyre., doeephino, Irst, wtro of Napoleon lioosporte. ,tly M U. O Al. 'tor. mond. • Vestige, ord. Natant lli4ory oft:math.' Parry Haothorpr, or the Ihriesitedes o Fenton, Ly Nth. Gore. • . • . town Eamon. or Orr . lll.pttras.te—a story of comb,: hot good and evil. The Mysthrier The.. edfro; by Aegualor .1 11 Do =gpal, or IL. King of thr Moe blr. • The Pnroher of Perot, by .11:Turf. Hoof. Neyettont's Nage.ae for dierrh... • . Isemorroor 'Wore, . A rpteadd 'ankle Leto Polgrd Note pepry mu! cis rolopthm ronespood. . • . . . • • Songs lin the Prople. No ;for Noreh • & Pot solo at 111 A. blown; thailltbeld 'Oh 3ddeoitioioi .a. al= 1.1&01111 11 - 11111410 - HOULllL—ffluo Gilt VW ofJobio Mlle of Maribor.lush: by Areal JR. loon. R ;author of -The Histofy.of Loops. , NesndeestAfei mig-Tl r life of Jo o Gino; in ill Ila.iozeaJ coofferdou sod Ilustrisal I/seeks:smear. by Aoyuiluit Nesuider—irfotelsle4 frointbe founts Get; by etliumi by John IhVGlinlarksind Cb.d E plumes- Yrofeboes bietifuslo College. . • • Oid Wets the Guide; or, Adrentures In the Cemeli• et.eosairy Is semi, of • Gold Mi..—by Clarks IV Tb. liarbetor of the A.l.banyby the author of "The Tattoo rosily,' rdDr.l;bahners' Von/moons SVotka,43ally Script. nestling's Ly Abe late Tilos. ltbatroers, D. D.. L. I. D.—lo three yolk Volumes lat sae :al teed. ~ Tbe above valuable work. ke ntwed this day and for salts by JOHNSTON k KTOCNTON, spa . Iloolooliarsittar market =dad sbe — Eko'k laisTOMES—liotorn.wo, Rollin'eXlbbroVe, .1 - I.4elPs, Mod. Europe, Prescott's Meehan; Flom Arch stlebelet's Prance; Arno Roma, /laryterl Piewtal England; ?Rebuke Mang Hallam' Cionsottnional ry u(England; Arnold's Utter 1/;Bisti Commonwealth; •Pelmait'e Rome; Iluntet's /fino i d i r his own tlzc d s, c zi: , l! rtyUnintia . g . 'sillistory of tbe Wan; litsunical Woduatleal's Diatom ordefferi tweet Tbs., Preach Rev; to of Anelland Mod. I Ile*, ey; litunduction to the Jlistory of thegtrcFlod, qurch, by ferric Kighttey'e Rome mad Pnytand;.Ranlfs's Pape. 'The withman other valeaWe walks, for sate by • ed I I. MAD N.. yel ,- Poinsuer 1. ttonland; by Jacob Abbott, Illiengrastags. . Inntwatij, Literals. el' the Reoth onlittroPet od. ed Luther and the Reformation, by Jobs .aeon, N. A. We end WttheireollYeabbintob; by.l.(perke eel 041. boot Nos 4n, 41 ate(44, (harpers Pleb/rid history of Eng. Ilolcu Innenmbe or , dm Supreme Chan of th e United Puna .; by The Poetry of 1,111., by •IV II Tappan. ..Parley'sCeliust (Army.= sot., large 10 ten. For sale by J. I, HEAD, ; hurl Mb, ars:market ' TRW LlObliklUiTieWie - ,n_y Esprit— . Cherlialy; Dorland and Scotland; or Etheollecthms daderisa admen by J /I Xenia LeAubuine,' ib /Mawr a( History alb. Deformation, Ute of Crewmen, i.e. A Practical Paporinon of the Ompele GC tra. Mat. thew and K. Hart, la th e fb rt s of Lectures,. Weeded In twist the practice of doomed, termini= and deem IT; by /A b u kried etta hOl. y tmer . , D. D, il/shop of Chaster. • ELLIOW „ ad mantel st, bet 3d and lth thip Wither% 641, .L builders, s adpother•coarchmtArming a Caned measurement or se Uleg,l , ' , tord.p ta n at a cubical eon rtan"=lra....tunt=talatti, to Var .r intitt=4l Wiles of wages by the mouth, Ward or reel, by 'the. weak or dey, and nil road distuntesi also human ta bles; by J al SerMuer, author of the t e l'Apincer's and hletiattle's Companton,” CO. rm.' Vo . i2!l!_b_r_ • • • • • JOHNSTON*. , U . CSVArt • ' • • tooksellers•eor. twigstigaillik • IkArANUFACIVIIED SU. sto Sc. U do do % aun ty,* w e iZ i i *-0 146 re sad for sallskne efinlA LEAV-10 Wes oo "11 . be .e 1 'via kno loci., consignment. • swab isAyalintlainek'c• 7 41;-5661.4.1%1•Kealk nnivitagl*klalsW • • • Umseromdatfresset mss' —' Piet sad Wee, Orsnk; If MD_ OrfijSUND—itliskOlancr ikoLbuteeedilid a l br ' . roosperehitace• a r eae Oak Teary, br drbo'be ' 9b ••—• • • StAkrOalibilla bar .0... P.AMBH WHITINCHIS libb JOPaiikkt - lab . lit '0 ' 1 1 .0 • 11111111118110 EST 11:44 - . • . . . .. • . . . .. • -,---, , -- _ „ ' , •••e: ,,, •. , .. ,, ..,t.:', -, ••••, - .7 , 71,, ', , • . •• . ~--::,:,,.-:,•-,`.',,;:, -4 ,- •," , r-.:L: , ', 1 ',.-.,,,,,•)•' , , 1848. MISCEL Od barb's Lill.tmert. % I Ins e Rai • LIPPIGNCOT. 0 sum, • • (Late I 8 Strickler k Co.) • blemmAcrunas 4: 1312 In; Proof ..1 moth side , second L between Wood traith6ol PittetninrlL I 8 chi.. teethe deceased and the so reiting perm, Idrikoe Lliwencott, bevies associated aftsalf loth Mr. Wat C Barr i the beasess oral hereafter be owsktheed ethlar the style' of Likssso• conk Barr. an .l 14i..1 or a gate In Clod 1 0.—We, the thodersieri. rod were present at th e reusing Cam of Jdi Strickler & Co's Mirrored Yhterds ire" sake.. Th e safe was placed us a Imam m the e landles,altd thldoelek to the Intense heat ef spo on lre for more than three boons In me hone ad % half the safe case to LDriski red bean the door di' the &ream was the. Owed which earned an IncrOsed and wady lest Co. the el.were . Wham of th e time, mill afoul tem wheel. were mnially welted et, the foresee was then thrderWthown and the wife cooled and open&l. The maney,tmpere and books which it contained *en as perfecto when laced them the binding Only (the Molts being bl eed by a. Water In coolie the safe. We bare eo Salon in chase it the reblie ek. ~.. .... 0 . evertor to my Ise bare met tested, ttod oomk that It will stand any Mat whith slight he pro.i . o rd, nerd • hest wkieh wooklathll . it to a s olid dims. Springer • Ikearrett, Ben . B laifrale. +u urrurn MA tin , CAraulnr i 10444 Idanoeks, _ arrangements la SW tieueinsitplohl as iv/ ;AZtlatry, and in emoting the best WattrBle from Ills most tele. brunt establlslonestAmfgas FhP ore now nunnfselur. tag mad will keep eansmemy too &sad an& for sate all the Woes, entries, haviag availed rheum/Wes of the latest improyements, and we d pained a lie port. Monralp and material they 1 esettled. They awn/. Copra/foes oracles I. if .o xoperiar, any that tw be bad in Pe Fa. WO< the anen- Igoe or dealers w anent oftheir stock before purchasing el. where,. they ate captured that they Pill be able bs Ell 'order% in Ihel r hue to Woo .Ab smolt, satlsrarnsis of Wrehasers. Warkhouse . street, 4 doom WrorMonontriple Ilnaste,•Pttaberg h t N. IL—Persons Y en amintes with Wm. lJppen ton & !toe tell please tall on ler/ramp & C. orntdly • :• W. WOO Pittsburgh Purattars , &S, route as A large end eplend 21E !are witableforStea !ma dwellings eon • nark border. The. present Mich on bawl C teishlreneofeelarr In the J west. or peirhise t • as I est detenalltstl my pr tronk tlo int the melt sweetie in-- • 22 sofas with Mob end 11 2 dos /Jatagony Nurse C 14 pair Doyens; 12 der Gne mobegisy 12 naboteny Wort Stand a d. tostoires2 t i N OWrble top lOssung i pita 1.141041.5 H marble top It tot sin , 19 cherry Work Stands; ow.r, m. 0.: Cherry, end, • dancrisions, and a• Lame f • Ooze atntelsalss, too intlie • • r9if DIES ARE CAUTIONED liAlnißT USING COMMON rargrAsur.p CUALIIL. N:IEY on not aware how frightrollyinpuioas it la lo tke slow•-/ww mane, low /wish, bow allow, yob and unhealthy Ow Aso appal / Mee d i e prepaw pond eboll!. Ileakke Ills Won/ma coatainios • lone qbanty of lost • kayo prepared • benottlan seeetetdo JONPV grA.NlSlttal:lf V HITE. It is pedecily lanownit, be/as purtioi of all deleteripw gootinea awl 11 borwris io elide nateral, konliby, alabwrer, cider, llfulm .i. ralt le came dews aedos • as a emonale on the wablog It son aratemeatk. ' lA. Juin' Anderson, ranicsa laterti of Mama. ebusetie, /tom... After osedyriog fonee /I/vanish Lil rely Mite, I Andt posewsee the woXboatlful and eurw andat th emese dew ionoeeas prbire own um.' I cenalnly r. 2 0 4 , Its /we so all wbow We woolen bewni4los.^, Prep, reow • box. Sold by WM JACI/130N, to Lawny et. morn , Pin Enalldlue liVorka la Foundry. TOHN {Lek . Ittsebtry ong dere " ripfo sue& ao Cooling Mothlon, eolnalk:Prunt., Merle f f.,:us.7,=•rz=G Iron Shanlne turned: ICI al ses aeon I. rnllsea and lbangers of Um West pawn., Ak;sde lanket, aad own oral! kindo. Caaungs overt. Ocopigabon (Anniston Off ihOtt ttll.. - rtgoZim.o.W ornet rot . l Udi H ag fttriik i & Inn It ;11 1 . w 8 ...trlon f r&ot J. den Co Orden left at tOo Iqoehoome of J. & Coh., Liberty woo roe: , ell Lavaprompt one. Baer to Biselotnek. Bell tCo. E.Cdootehend & Co, O.F. lOneoet, John Irwiak.Bann, ?Amber% ; O. C. &J. H. Warner. tSteoeronlle . oda • . .. Wiaii...vz .7 c ß i Stg!..f.i.l.. Weal mut bait Work& • A... 5, HAILIIAN a Co., 11.4 completed Metr new worts, am bow mimed ro roariMuri i to every drocriptmo 01 Czech awl . Talpue rew.. Iste I mr " il l t re: ‘ ? .' •f h sirmil "mous• "4lM 4 '4. Iron; rr ek amTedgiorkdeocilleral t• Mild " se, Pie 43 Wood street: whirs tke ialeo k r o. 0 a compreleand Madame moorhen% of %eh 1r Mops Cordage llrutheme i 103434 Ouiribmi, Xi nag Iroa.: 1 .1 , Tai,t. C.?, Lai. maim armokeimem with ![ems. 470 ttr,orsaufacturen of novelly Spades, Forks, 0 end mid keep commonly ou hood merrY =eke made by them: llesjerr •re respectful& solicited to •11. minims sod teaks mil to made liberal. • &kb . rl l lll:suestieli et pethaint to M•asaa Massa , M . anwou aft/JOUR ti ••••sled. 1 ' Tiar Tfaherribirr. hoeing !Teri ain the llarble img44 amisores Mr tro, Lin ref yes" sa• leidelphia, and haviiss malteramtar•W work ter .i every past e(as, Iforrao, can Itlf rtq all atho handl Mord sheen wide awl, tattata, and to Weir work, Iconsfdiroable of whirl' bas been pot opt. this place.) They kayo always on; !end • MU mostly othiarble Nontels,,aokl mow madam. mkt mks k i •i i' M k ng " M well Le forwanled! / ""t ' ''Ph.. or all work ehiPPlof m immr•mi (rt1L1rd,,,,,, ran re r any Alerearwle la i akin y Mto Mr mending and thwarter as wil . rtmem . DOILY titTnirrilur is t sox, • forrgiiLks. • • floalkli si ao , • N. Jk•• Thera la treshingradrur lkale sc Mel Millet ! " *hl` lf , l 3.-. 1 . '"11"?!. 1 . 4 ••• • MON ilia - Aware iiiiiiinii7 - 777 • • JWIP.PJI WOODWiIfI4, comm. 4 ..cef.:....17,-; Woad and aims. Pipabargh. Moo.' e m :• - • - ! ***. • *.- - tog withdrawn • (...4, um lam or ! Is .4A. arts Wooderell, On Mr. lel af o•ry, Mile, I sake piettamta La annatilletag bay fa e a la the ~,r land country, that I Ince cipened me n Mre IS lIM above minted More. Having mamba*/ my goods for mob, and mode arrompromuts with Manutocturent in shin comity and ox Earope ka b• constantly rapplat. J ass sally pmpased so lomat lianterjzogall ind., on its gaud terns s and.. low as any cu ll Fan Ot {Vett. Merchants and osbno ere rex cuollainvised to call and examine my stork, before relastog Ws& i whom. Ilm Pallowlm emporia. • 'of his lacer( &combo.t oad alidatErr bltethrtiVo q sleet, t 7 . 11, :41::.4 K a t i i , A ... "ll :!‘ " i edg Z (" I.:. " tin n i Loy p.arter, alitiati, ta ' ..qy board. at Irameers,stao ell other articles cortnemosd with this rilwran, Mop ••: • molars( Ilardware. Clattery, ladary, /Ice. :MN JOHN IgAugkjil iwecnn., nod healer la • Venire 6lnd no, . . harlwere,woeld reopeetto LI y whine lkia sew.. sag U. public generally, 111111 Ile It Dow ft -44 i,, rig bls spring wipply of hardware, 11111 U. Old plaid of IVellier noel Weeding, Nu. eG, 'Wood sa..whiehhee will dispose awl We most reasonable hems. He will he elsolinuelly receiving frgelt supplies d 4 reel keno the monofnetwers in Ihiropsl and Uus cove. Wy, whirls will enable hini to eenipete •wltla war er tablditnew..ciher Knit er West. , ' • t t Western wierehents an invited le call 11.1b1 !Snag.. hits his s k Wore ptinetnuitig elsewhere ': PelegS,Plwohlwer Mt H MOTlJAN—Mcolutar4urero etidof eat a jj. toaaadimoolfein machinery, All *hear eily, Pa 'rue Weelkei Wing ROY/ iUltlll SUCCeII4IOIop• e. 'n i l as paiepaml Loe4.ecena onle with dispatch far 4116711707 acrinlrirlOWliise,4;ei ire= Wekersopresieny mita, reindzsg ma*i.ties, nilways Ynermk . manses; speeders,' *remit*, !loom, wook, er4,tlaahie or dingle, rer merchauuair aonsaT, a figultrOgeby AN &Ude and Isatt4 haw end awls s po ets!. Moda olahaAina made to unav, or rani gl VagEV:2ll2:=7 tirr4 l" o:7=3:lM ociaa. c.; .y. • •." shaii•End marl:ire iiiiiiiiisr:, , DIACILBUII * MUMMA!: Prefrasm, len 1) **abet ad dig Iqt/wit >Moab& un**, imt bhmarmelag Salmi is lb* mom 004 .0 prHE.Ii• walla. mum* at or., usik, goo, n ow u...... • pm in pnyks•l* Intim 41 Outsell ddly. • • Th ofal kJ Iv put km; my *Nit • oit [lO ••••,*•siikkgro~of UK* ' ii•Dium••4 .V•s• 41•040,11. /ph 11,y Ore . ) . 0 !. •: AMA& AND num; s PO ... natl. . .• • A'INCTOIV, 801 l and Maas oaadat, L Ire. •• balttaaloommeooml baolneso l WWI wag,. be .W 1 be pkued co alai/SAN A L ~ ma boa friends. ' Charth, taramboot, orat Belo of esaisaapaia ts to 1140u0 pooodo,own from mum. of ARM sem, odmoleficaoTorarraoted la tai of tbo rallemals. • Mauna Waterrooma,Coamora, Waling, as, aoa. rtmalrith atom . varwity °Wrap Canoap, it.rea tumid ulfed, mid awl Ilmool In die lacateel 11111111114 r. • • A. P. in tboAols.propriaior of Buses Aansfqrso lion abotallioJamlyvalebrabm! for Om miaow= of Thoiloolo: robiaory. Taa Doz. had Campolition limaisblatailibala•ll dm. ' • a• . • —.—..—.... .....,....,...• : , IPS•eiglpaillingti Castimipy Mr!titsii : , ..,... .... *. -. , • .. 11.0kIE.IrC //Alt of .04 olt ;42 • km ofil. t.. S. /I Is ormasho g4 wring tarp' te /I tl•s of roved, Yloog Rotlngo, Wor aibozeo; Ot . grub Su Improve:ow of tio .loanar. Pose6et, /11/itau, wad via florg/uh107,0? West sod .oLe.lstT m Z .aI i n l um n i tiTt. al iil.,:. ' Pn ci t y /. AI t.. oumkatoyof b . .* nsitme r WI&). . • DinMEAATUAI ALt. b 110- WRITE -21. ' tdalluelidta ll•bbes• Mid, • ptereentlogpens mnodlog Ist:, alto far &Morel we to roman ointment truhoot the ant °foam., sad to facilitate twit* dotAfrn. To emlent4 oventactnt march/mite Itiainvainable. Hy roomy • teardrops of fluld to the Ink la • It rill W (OMNI ID het Urban auxiliary .44 • titwy••R oir Mini the trio.PliciOitatee tra ot,catonts • f flow of th• helt,aud dupe.= with th 4 rouble of log • pea Jar neciroland fat gala by , • • .7(1/1N3TON la e • rockTo . . . r ips. • &C.-4)blids MumPl ICI • ''' •,... i . . orkAndultician. ' l .l , • Wu*" •• • Ip. do . PUPS, pp 4 .4 ' , 11 .. 416' . ..d0 , :O APPIPIPPope WP , S . a ., i ini i i;.!V M4'Ln iw i r . 4 . 6.4'1' 20 ' 3w wt . -in. .. • onag a Emmy . -* . . i.. .. AlldLargint XAINOIIIIIIII. ••• . _ . 1.110/11111 IIfr..II3I,IOWATOOD. MEN earteenbat reepandellg Manua the attention of 4.llwwwnars and captain" or e., rine.* and =no visiting Pittsburgh, to 111. lane and eldendbd of miming, anti gor tale at his new note*, ata sare•C They coonha Orem. 'culla of the latest and asangultionabla cries of Cogitate, Oaths, hr, ever Wowed to the ( pain mutat This mote has bun butitarpressly for thi carpet bnaloessouidl=rd oi less of expensaj beta fined op an Menton madam style. TIM carpets receiving are of th e latest design, with the debut and asoin begieareolora T iberle pan albs following: Summer Tapestry, anew to. • EVA and American Brew eehq Lre . qd fortain, new nut goperilre ingrain; new de nee/Plh af ngeale; • Comm do . Plain end twilkd 'Amities; F.otec super cord twilled do; . 141.4 it ; Cliendle, • Potko; Jew, to; Wilton Toned; • Camille; Commo sn n, I yard de; I dta do do do 4 . do do ddo do Coma, mg and UM carpe: oil cloth, elotb cvets, worsted beets table ters e witedusealtades, colored andSollnke matting, st r rods, "thiktihire, engin binding% and sit other roods tumidly • tegat Carpel Cares, Woe vsilell.lll lie lOU Oti reasonable trn‘l as No Jute cop... liming made ar ruormenni wither,. of thellargsslcastafastisters the' van, orders for,ney o yleof carpet "Mine groom!, for warded by telegraph, .and delivered in ors week, at a wall advance MMe mauferabwees price. • rarehasen ere immodesty rammed to,eall begot: pnrehasing el.erhur,... we feet confident we ewe eel OA cheep Jug they gmbespwchnsed in the miter. Mot Ina 96. A IV. LYNN. • ulna AreleMerillprinc4 Gonda ads Seasas.• DUREN CHEAP CASH — C(UTIIINU STORE, • ' 138 T ' Proprietor of the above establishment would rudidly inform his moue. fonds and conc. Men tbal pee babas tag received an nods. new aback of goods, adapted to tie Llscias trade, easoprislae um) , thing Mu 'ls fuhionahle, good; new rheap,L cessimeres, 'sutlers, M. el r toe nem mos to mune. to &audio. Nadine weal M aumee, CIA cailTrjr WO Orgy, bcolitt, qatilly, Or .canner of theme*, "Wei nommen mar Om in tie, same hoe hi tads city; god having. been puritissed at the ache tituch Is e dstennmed to . o i. ge n it alarelizices b, with mnt • caljt, - Aussual,64, hum hind one g/the I.:rgest, im best mutufeem rot, MU faStkionabte, ebeepess stock of ready made clanking that em be net with: All boy tersely, se contractor.; merchants, fur. nue soon, he., are patelenlatly invited to azusdne Lhe stork kens, gurchasirqr, as Mey will be armed sub hargaine a.m. not to be ntel with 48. n. • lardersin She Tutoring line attuned_ With dispatch, endll& best moaner. snallettbn EMM a noruoe nt of runt/- b.., !tote's and pri. slaty to hand and hoot be:exceeded by ellcou pw o oA rnol, all plow. Pert of r•eWL rover., • ' Meer liming Goods. A!' . I , FhliAtiON &Dix: , MI Market sweet, haVejiisf . retrivad a Lade apply elnew Spring and ham mer Dry lt Good. wbu will be offered Wholesale and ail, at the wry lowest rub prices. Arne.. a.. wronent alltand easy bet band. 10 eases ranee English and 'Areartems pinny and chintzes,. cromprisi ng every . new 111)* now in the market, and were purebeeed the ...LC ow rams, which will hat.. bell at km =per ease ley than thimer Nina. Also, 12 ca. ~au patterns, (an calmed blemmack and Coe.- rtaTAA !T arsi eSi piall ' lLsett 4 rt it; I s i ts=r7srliri 4 4, K at ot grit". 14n d e :d i ll " d " 'ts I etch and gla laatre. a new and splendid ankle to,ladies' rntea; printed organdnes, sat. swiped sod plaid bar. Ivry nett; a large lot of raf,r..,,;t-urp=d-=L.i...d la n. WO dee best vitality and gentlem.V. kid glo r resorhke Food. clever, desenputin. togethr. wth um* lio sortment of holm keeping good. o t e . Memory Merck.. and the inhabitants of Pinthemb and try ant reappettally Istrized w. 0611 ad iizasslne ear hack ad sinew, which we will warn.. to compare ihrembll enth, the 'ewers market. • • • ar Itedors‘ls of • name of COllOOl3 la manias. SEW IPRINO 000DS. . • . . . QUACILaaT t WHITE, 09 Wood street, an now asukiaC c *additions tie.ir esesneat aasort m twat a": to which they Invite rile valance of buyers, behern ibe7 can offer esun isdneentents as arill mate 1110 tbeirlatereattooinits bills With thea• W. suo now roctieuta a lame assottneal of rode i . hreet atan the Ilaeofoottnent, bnponnre, kn. among <filch otsy ha &mod the &atner . • . Main doabb . dolls, ail pules and dyke, primed Isaracky Jams, blan blue Weed, end.% dwn wised, gad, men, plaids, &a: scams, btu-b/se, cadet, M iss* aganW and ptinud tweeds, • gad wort mein, venous atyfer z h % panta, • vs ry largenwarcosent en bids, NW..: browns, vanetteg postman epteradd Mla of dome* Ihkert4 and ;French, vary ions. NA inkPerkai War bSOCII^II4 nods cot. fancy cot. talk and come warp; seam blasts, very Ins. 1.4 of width an oilleved !ale ala the Or,* favorable urine. k. 143 • . IttILACTX.E.7I" it war= • • , . .•.-• • 7,7•1 a., fl REA? ILEDUCISQN IA !II tC.14.3.-W R Wm* 41 titil. maw Atl- prim; as" IEI I 4 6 1•410 &ad, um In In. • •••a• .rt•Prptilos. of los sloo!c, i yo dm 'winter muds' at' Arita. i being ids obiloot ta aoliolr kis stock to mats mom for oweatly gime •• 7, oo _lewd •rill to bad to the talc of *wadi; bat the/ 'NW tio ofend ot ork,el dm till disk sato-maw, California pLaols, us uof Co Mai SW caw 40. mil Onaset essco 371 e; kris ScotolVtasi•• suns as 154 imp. pm. 21c; do. AC O r• VI% Freach all Wool do. VO eta, foram pm, &ad 73 napes. do. 'Th brew p•ieo 1111 1 7Z,,U4 boa elothi. ft and 15 inaist pro: m• • totgo assommil :17Z1 4 = .4, . . Le. SI rift...Mb' •• . ,WO : . • *. 'APRILe s R. hlitiWllY is n now a ow opening :Li. BE(XIiND yy SUPPLY a grin and awnings floesly and hu llos morning open an assonnions of Lions Gsnahaeny *spar I.Nunnosi deg hints and Caimans; Lad. hoe Ram Goods,* areal witty; hlinehelintihniihiai, 'now panning. In his usonsoeng ttgqw , *4*. rem sassy astieles at lower singes tha, wool, soeh yvdc. 44.44; Nets as 141 ssanal width, a Law.; anis/Sits. at lit esao , lli,rung Itaaseri Ism:lash Lorin ase.. Will 410 open this merndier lir eiecetisent of bealinfal stylet,alseta, osseilipeee.Terreislities; Lamm for •46. CU worliagaddlir, Indio %V wiest,s Clops Alsatian,. humid Midair any thinein We lairtiat i vrar, . %fel csil mid leer do amnia saimi the prices. . lotiellisishi %MI em a. 4.1.1111.44 Reasis so isirs Dell osissi o.siiss sl abseil ..lbsicris UMW) WV cAaamuier-oniiirs.- mica pans; 04 do CnidisadedUaliOna.. fat seeks do; la 0.4.1 de lb; Undo Coveied Motet thlAt.ll de as; • paw PENH. • I•ddlikelare 3 4. do ...oda. I'do wi th out: ; deenoksed; massed. in • "RP • " • ZERULUN lilNdkiritif 67nm - het sl • • SUAL TISSUI.I(4IIDIadAti&S-4%ilt Doer Wen ma ossonseaul of Ow above smafi l s: 4 .60441. h and platy black; ma. banal Ms,. or led MdamMes, Cron. Ujleu•oyv smith.; alm, Orymdm Lamm m gne.Coadiathei. Northeast comb of 4tl and . aPii ?JE I W STY= LAMM C.; 11411ft.i.W.11 Na 1 ilw,atunluicat Mae Willis bp MoMillossm V'pe .aw Myls Linea Combo.. eit and SadelbaL s WTI . 411 o f 6w 00, trosidS els &dm . . . • :a - • C mruttoll4.-nidOUrKar .a.Mairseseadlolddeles s lehhe 01plers tkie man surposool thlcasidre ner' mosy.of them se /ow ihey could Im 'motored 'fn.. Eadero lobbellb Cbontry and eily draleesoro respect- • fultf Ismael WWI and mambos his sack.' • • • y FICIURA2) PIRINTS-Jas seselvokais 'mamma of Wm, Oat, Woe: pirplo sad move, man igand pump sad elliatmes um siaddromems as othro...isar saullev.dcs . aloi =t ". e "a r .r •o•4ak °4r, =hisslts ,• . . W R NURIMIV. 4 : 1 111Fra-thashals apes apes UM smenhes,ll. mos • 41.414.015 e pruns; gisqi ham 'cad humbly ni "etas per .T.rd, 31 Mi dirrloose . w biunratir Altis execk.,,t emersoomt of Who., 416 fte, •Slag jece "atn ' etinri b ased 80 06 1 1 . _ ellinAgaoa daadoc tshoP. oop smell Ilte!ighleek al law pricey by wholesale med umm D""" . 0111411tAlla—up. Uns . ....nr, ime oorizoml of treat &O. frown& .ide prit up lo Ant goality Firmly at rodiFkvoli rod 4100 ildrry koachweer &intim., /ow Salk , V It MUSPUT itc—M7 - 11,11 la received . wanly of 1.. Wet onem no ion etc. shining ' mu.lfnF .itn. =yaw. Llneus, °trillions qualiug SOM. ems Soo, and 'rammed pan dasuat *Tm helsile . • of nun _ W IItatURPIK, lg. mem .o",#„,fq 11.61011 , far I".W. aILMOIDEILY-17 LI Eaion CoA market et, have received amen ai r et` platens for embruidor unr. /Arne; malineii Wren. enricroidemd nelver or worked {or earbnakletim. Nunes ee weaken on itandtieelddia:adleelbe quest Norwell We; alai, rarlobotau gads • no" • •11 MlST,BRl•7ll44leetaltla.474 Aillirt"P-: .6116411‘my Ille lthotdigeftsi Nam We by N ; mate • ' lINATON C• 43 oiastetii. ts l2l l ll M64s . itiviona lloanars 'Edo 'VD do !Mr bbisorisibradolbsila kt hot masd , and wadi by . . • ,_____Esitt• owurierar. elitadura iiijisuffito—karemd Obeetbiss, 54; 64 and 74 wide, elan exaelleM • quality, to *inchwo balm tbe iutention otb.saefp, R ALEXANULIt I DAY, • ' flaming at, N.W nor diamond . rrOSIERY-.4 auppty of lik, while, nablanl. , El, inland mind tenon. bow amt./ant( taimyi annm.,* woman. , an obildram. alsajziat oponan by asaA• • • • 811ACICIA:71. wierz riapkom,lialioa ,:, k „..-',„ kj kat stroiddiavehisk Airr„.„,___ExPr oas,i k Ooka iO`''' 4l l ' , mit... , .1'71.304 9 9 0 . 1 ..+3 ~ -, . - mga . .....ti, , ,,...2:z Frje. mummo-IM M 4 i Ideat; ',l&' N Tape Lio .' ,d Ikal aro Mi liiit rebind le :;.',f.%.,,',1 pnedo4 m rola 87 o' le thei hunt qualitn disi ...i. ~ F.,',":, ,i oadoabilia d dol talleaSok Rai .oid.rz Goad* „.., -, -,-, goats corded mild coo d01ma5..,L,,4 e*dro tad kir sao'by ' tepmr______mwutmuxsos , ~,,, p , - 0 — "F" --- i ---' lilt - ' Via. 5emk , ..... - ,L., .V, 11/..011.4,1,46D1s ._ , id , icw'',. " 1 " , ';'•, , ,.. , t priced Preach clobuilit otrarioaniqindkuct• lOW* aro onlonsioridi - - - : : :, „ _ f., - .7 :4 : fre.te..kikaa. akolle4a bdtt, F4P-"d P . And ;'.. - 1' i - ,-i' win kd oWd loid - kit id:shill` - .- . - ~...; ' -,-..,-,.. r AAFtvpir onkitig.d ..tm1ia.c3.6...f . c.d. ,_., ~„r , . ,metes, aim ekowypulyok kapilatikii cornatoidlk and. ,..: . . Martel Ka -, -'' ' • ,H. :...T.l M. '.,,,,,,,,.4..cari0a50r1d0 --'=-.i:41041' Lacks, lirioo ',SituP.! 7014-VOth°' '•- :• , : . EP • i• -SS% OM V1 1 ...i 0 4‘. Pth" 44 ~%,::,..,-,- . Giroplino idea/dui do: ic.ivi_lld M.1ik.....‘,---,,...4...:. Silk - dovocie'do blirSkaitilkr rile join A te ".... i... „: ,..... e.,t,.; . cell b 7 -,- ! . -,'` , ' e-TilirC''" u maaa 1 .i4. , ' , .. - . .: Icizi l l , : - - • '- ' . -.---"* 1 a . . 1.- I ' r.:. --- tto ,amstlttN.4k..= ...i., - 4:f, .. • lifill."4bdouthums nnehr,ow_do br DUN 4,1 c. 7,1 4 .. rt_ 14604 Lv...g ono do Reiriero aod,areanina.oonsili7.),,,-,?, , " 4 (4 .81° kflel.s4l.mc t - M e i l lo•e.H,-:;:i- -. :.• f. ,..:5.,::::;;'...f. , i5,.. ,'i' .. . ' • „,- 5v;,..„,, . ...—r.,•:...7.1 -:...A.7---- t'pti,.,L,.0..."-J+.,...--:, :,,,;,„,`l'--„.,.5.:,a,---'43"' ''''' —'4.7 - E:, —"- ' " 1- ' - -..i 1 / 4 . ,,,, ,, ,;:f-4 -, .• - ::: , ,, , .... ,- ,:t ., , ;,..., •,.., ...., T,_ vini TABLE DIAPEA - W R Menpby hismocel Ai a's sAlulostal sergay 0(4,4,0u l'Ibl• JA.P.e.. Not, lawla GM* Wm', Tema. .fsal Tow l 9s,ll.per, al km . wAsei tof ii". 1 ,17. ' ..' • • . . ' .. . 116, iror - ifirib—A wry ator Ykos YU peas °realms platen's comp . lOW yam of itmilt wilikzett allaial; WM& ill ytts %ate, betrydel Imp 41144 CID &RUUD do 140 Jai luuo Y. yd. Anctooks ,ad oflettlek will boooktprtas accommodating tnatil ea eau to tworglats the Miami. ble Ilim, el yes Wald *reit 10011leigiattnig from , sal.a --.-- U; - . .Ty doil 10 en* yank= lo bend atol* ' ands /arret-. amel/L. • . ; imurantr, Etwaes„ urauttikh4o:4“ km.v../1, 41.1 6 .441 , 10...60.1 emit ceudibin , ^ , , WIIMILIIIP "WWI& I Eltiirfaeolliii6l Via% I :: 01 , ...... ill . iti 3.2841i.V: F A 11 .F.PD., . . ' i I .::.:. , frit 1014,4/ :::Aal.. ,i.:, r: .... ..., , DRY GOOD& • . •••:- •• .: ...,A; DlL .. _____ ,..___ „ .__. it.VAR/ETY.lool t i l - . . -- ......t, •; • :NAMPTolo,4ll4l7l4.ll l_i_VO.'•'•;•i•:.l.• wnomusar.st DELVOool:lllll,maissingg,'' '.. • No. 81 WOOD 88.81.: 1117S8D1=18.: A 'Ulmer opetdog their ming sny;ol • goods, booght at New York Aso and al kw, " ea souo on sale of the past %Iry ell mated , ther win afar alas small samosas mu be bad Bast or Wm- .In that swornagut Mile 18 047. .• •" GOOD piece. Arnerieen, Ekglish Pruned' Maga • IWO ye Amadeus, Scotch and Prowl • . Suo pa Paris Laws., Cilr"4 Partr 3:0 as Liesn Glq.kams. • us = , . . • LA tn. Sonar and Dag Lalembenernw, 2:0 M Plaided sod Wautted , ensurer we styles.; 400 pa Plan Watt and;:Yarp Alpaca; , - • 3000 ye Pardeloooery, ea ry fumy_ , • . =I ps Somme rClodts Otableppo Plaid Gam , ooer, 1100 p TElaVdß C l o d u tn4lMd SWUM/ Casemer . l - A Ratrep Verde ak 7. 400 ps Sannetts,•ll coloM awl trade's' • ~ 100 ps Spring and Semmes I'Voaten Cissisurea 200 ps dracaena. Norlisklee and Rasta* Cloi.ks .. ..7 400 ps Steubenville Jeans; • 500 ps Aprms Checks mad Shining suiaa.; di Nu Tietings, best make; • Trisb'fAntes, Colored CembrA,, Pealed and Rar..- 1 . it timings, ditto, no weal style.. •Ine Caabbare,',.. Figured and Plain Bann Vesliodav Pest n.riert Pal. ' - tem. • 71111 and IVorsted Salim, pi barred lad la- .: tared Drew Sao awl Swank • Lae* mapensberesev; styks Spring and Summer Shawls, all prices, Naos. ; Dram Itsndkerchiefe, silk and mon UAL, Wesie&p, 7, gilt and <won Crams, all kinds Colima,Sespenstion,,.• Ct.p.., Thread. Moons yeas t y Goods, kn. latest style. Ribbands, an unamaLly Lugo wean- W. lttso, Ct . ; & d er's, plain and diareiNos, Jana:wen, .. Muslim, Laa, p, kr. • • WO bales Medina for cub at Foment Net Raul% . Nowa ~7n atmDrin * American and 'kaiak bkagned Manias; • Pallada aa. a, / At. wins, Flannels, Ottnabarg .. h, Umbrellas, City haters, nod t h e neighboring mores; will tad oar stock always well supplied by. teepee! pueelusees, Led they eon buy right for casts ' aptly JAIVALIt T. • - . - • NEW and md/d nrrea , wkly . Si • • ' ZLITULONIINden ' SErS CO Mahal ~ at gold Insr Watehak 48 0M", • levereraiebta Fag:W.; an wiracdatmhadkain mud.. •":. ar, .3. , 'a:lnm linana lamina' A. Am quartier •-• ' waiebeN, Lain. pal chains; Islas gin, 1e ear ring% -.' idea pl.= glad heap dogs; il dos sesseNd dam gm. : • idea p•= playing a float Of ;Arafat"; ltdam '". • steel slides, aliases. • •r.r•' • 'I • :•. PANO • fides lee Furs, silk and r; fil/dadeammia RUN •.• 0 dos 1.-- velem bead b new Mktg 10 AA. Ara •• ' dos bead bags, new ka• ders ineetatchat , • P 8 .4 da. oriar. addax parasols, Stan, tassels, fringes, gill and salve km regshas;lo floe Bower yews, assornit I do: ne 'awl strew pin cub-. • • lea.o 1•doa Ass Ivory u plc ertankown 1 doe Ikat - • wood screw pin mashing" .. A.! aseoruneet onager Toys, te.Re s.crwn..._ .• • • • mora s 5...5. ' . k so y - - ''''''''''''' a "' l ßL• ..., . -, GuainicorrAea..,... , Pataba rah. New Yink. ...- A. Ailifsaink 4.014 ' _,..-"-' f IVA. 11) Alaska Amy berreca,34 ss4 481 AN roar IN bn rib I'.. have recently opened them now and '.. elswolt stere, , rilk an emotive cock of rich IsKiAr • and Sumner Goods comprising Hof three hao dred packagu; o f the latesi andash@tyke,. • ilearb.y threagbatt tkileountsy are ponies.. • lerlyinviled to call and eiaini a oar mock as It our • intend. IC order our goods wine . lowest &JIM • elledeisaie pe!, 'One of the Arm nablaor in Near :. York, will be cotatiantls o f se fresh reamdies of '' • the most clearable goner, thereby giving we every fa , ...-. silky So Um wartmetion o: err laminas thas axle be .! pomemed by Ewer's flosses. Prices are therefore • ' matemsteed tie be az low al ibe lowes t New Yorltlnd .. ~ Philadelphia rates • . . • Deer Eat, Oil Cleihs. .c . .— . :,,,' WIrriIiGrODIWW--111------- 1---iis,— - ~ illlVat. W, R ISURP/Irrt Dry Omata H 011314 . ''.-,/, MOM •• 6 00 , 0“ arm 2.1 WarlreraLs, a fall ciao* i seat diddle Goods fore ramas, nets 44 Sti.44 Mar ' lias ptaia sal 4 alliti milli tiN b. .7" 1 J...k..°1. ..*.,.'1) 1 plasn Walla astd raekranet,. Ahas 'yahoos aryttra , , nnuiLaad' wagr i s=&2ll, =red I ‘l 2q " Lr °‘r"," ''' 115P-Near=cl ha mesa Iri daily for a araak :;,:: to come, ino ' nwarwa styles Dress Gras* I.lww • and Proaoh Oing . 2 Priart and Chintzes, vary low. • : hlrwhania ars invaral to carmine ttarjroodalowl pt{. ies ha wholesale rooms, up warn . 11116 141101,121,121 Ingeraad prices rely low. • ' . . 1" INCY.LUSTRES AND IDNOLIABIS—W a Moos %, ; ../ .1-/ PbY tootten auentlon to lie osoanatoot of tto•• - •.. gooda of various .atiodoo sad goolttioa oho, damoot, " Ogarod LLooro Lome, lbr Ladlee Dowse. A logi a.. -I.' •', ~ soroorat .of Soo Eastmo, Atsambester, Ito& nen !, ... , Giaghoz,or u . oofr, u ....... :14 ., .4, it . :7 ... ,0r IN. uu.:3-..: • ~,-e I iptokFre,:hta...,m,..tatte and b.,, doo:_ pi. lo porpboa.,lo; 0r.011,-.1iue,00db....1bt.. al pane ma - NA for Lagu at patterns and .Ow co7org' oaxel aes do • ores, gar W ) .: na so, Brillfontsiu of *To and Wall fig- . ;.; ick Al ' ood to 'tinea dressea , • Eatbooldeted Erorlas don.pooenos, COvng dm- . . .es, new .3yles co4orod damask Winon I e a An eni sod • .' 1 • .. r ^ .11 usommout of Oxon, bongos, greaothoca ems ..;:. allavria to., at the mallow eoroFT of Poank oad Mort- •-.,1 ket streets. .... r• UMr:M ._, IiPIIINCI bar 'worn. • ~ ''',', 0 ILACKIX/TA W/iXT4 fiq SO Wood mod, m • C 1.3 recolvfaLps47 lam and ext=m• staekortroadi .. • ,c -hey L ag • of my remitpareloosa, and .•. • .. ,;e. der Ike now vorabla .elfroanwanceg and • . ....,, they tel peenaned:wal orill'aen la aseeelmooi amg . , - ,..4i.' • mall adrsata as tie eastern eon. • . __. .._ ' .1 i".;;!? . ...' ' W. vocal imam all madam vlsking am Mg %V 7:41 earpas oar week a dole azwalasol sad ws• bel eon& kt 1 amtion . u.so satiny og tha t Mamma at : . E'..: • rams, • and orkita Star .. 118-40 "- , pmeh, AM. lmoned; all colors, qualities and rim. '.c.i. C.A.SSInIIgtE pa every aisle and • a nal/ te. LASH- • - ...r: . NITLFITI silk warp. QueeoPs Co* Bananas . --.., Oalk, Rad Mamas aming. for reeds' maw, az prim, • • ' below angla las eilg.. kOttetSbN,B4Aada Won, • ~'" apIT mem ka and ortwd as . : ‹..-%.,' 7-- ' *iiCIC.L.E. MT!, - -.- ':. • . :/.. TiO M Wood so,, I .M L = od TiV Dl l : d Man% Ifs. . .- Ig ere' ppg dories;the bosoms seam, al lam .; skalie• assortoom of LILY 41001:11S, width Wag of. aad .- fee up saerehanu a* low pdaea,and .msomfga Lama . '.. Lk/peeing tam hey ea* gm, snail. sazaanastiow, ilm '' • coafakouir areita all awe/apt. visiting tha pap toil., • Uma • call. 1 ..t. atesom & co.; oo Market arreiq. am opaaig .' ..Cl.. an •ZteoliaTO aapociffaeol of Dna Goode, fast n. , : ...., ”cd Pr xpmas..eatiriut the latgen an! mon - : W nook of beesailloods to -Lerfoonet lo Ws ‘ - ..c. eitr—atn.gat which ore annatioa. 40 pa extra rich ea.. ~ . -...--' inunlered Poll 'de Chenei• loan ardel, and the goon - 'r: i, derifabie goods in nef conkst .1........ wir,Ck."" '-:4„,:r int, IleregaVrisues,Uoilait tkOpo, Yee= 11.monien, - --.. nazss coons...A A: lusom &co, isomutu . 1.7 mtli bats Jae•ne4l. maenad assortment of them Gof, amps *Melt °ay ba Mossl—Flpled, ...,:j plan, plaid sad guyed Deface o? sn" quMulas. .at .. 4 u...., aIMSIMASDIMM Atheism/Sem. .sasa wipe a. • / a/ 4 % Plaw de Seel. OA .ce . ,liek fuer oak, Fantle " ,- ,S,J Jatament,lble:l/mi;.; _•_ : .....-: :.. .9.1" ' : 'T:i: stud kc--A - I' i• .....1 iiWhave rm. , " • :. , s .a ben/WM satin mite. and plaid 'Denim, of dee' :•,'''," luta Quaid.. uld newest saylea, unpareik it...._._..Plati. A did plans • acul Wroth& black Beta' -" dtdd animas. -- spiesuid Punta Liras; Llano Laws. sad , WWI wonsuut blk, p..3..acul ""a 1e #11. , C •:: and and ittpaocas. • • ~ .1.41 a Ilkso geode kte• bet. Pmbaolitlitibi ha Pllg•—. v? Minaelledi oaks in New fort wil Piliiiip ..1-.. , , s will assent reduction n• my 'l.vry., ::•• t: •• . . ~. .:. . Atamorrieziom 'Aii:, , "lrt ..„,,,,,di.....um narked e.', :;; • , la:It. 'Aiiiii id diniell ;.. E . Mi.Cludon Cridid e1..t.,,0.;=T..`”tt amalgam at ask roideied and plain Okasa, of all 010-•. %• ler. ainllgnallien to HO to I . lid ladle are rd, PegoVly. . invited to ezandpoup eimerts:Letievng. ..' tilts wpm *f l amed . MEMO ...or Imble offered ta':-• adoiffertid. , Thy b ill bequidFreinitriably ebdisilt. ~Al,9h Silk Wait stud Len Visors and " mo d ' %AL/Amon/m.2%U respiika.j,eit. inibicribed VT bevies received the eale'slyvorjovev y Weieri-Coe rivistieisyliiimadvdr ev Gad pial.s..z.,S ask.e,Oreeth, bey On Deuwis. "Wet - 4041. MOHLER, Amnia - • ' - f's.' 1i u, ty.,-a , sood aadnamenAo an! siidi!. 11 %' P G 711,,,c1 t:goittn"* 2 _411=5:,-. tolonxikl<nek hal/Motes, an eicalkiPariteaN 1014 WI SAC .A. I,l llTr. 99 aronSIS ' • ~. 1 r; ukvizANDH ai Leit .e 0 azda.. , „F . 1„11" , dies black, white; Amara and all. Come Ido15:. dorn a* reutsper pair a p the fittest crnalliy. Almond 1 . lAA gentle C4l,bt ltalt l WeilLOVeis . , „Lie. tire. 4 mat tad lima Olorta;• ate,'S cuummadiore Bajoo Itidt Okorev. &Wm and mho Smyth. bargain in We .Mars ankles, aral end theca At-• - - - , ... : f2,m,, , ,,, , a ...uk 44 axoFriat i vi L l it:l l7ll° , l""a-- : -.11 7 21 : ruluilsigeknaeoisa.aita.u. np a .. .7- . mans .111k4 /s 4 nteire4 the fawners le t, . ..-...._______.........____ , .E; 0 0/110, CONEIb,-----7:7-7---.—"'"4"''beir Wale - A. Wl 'f biett lbaufacbbio, womb limb* saa plum - Abel; hammed WM*, Pee% od - for al ,- 7 ZEBEI 4 O 4 I MISWICAIAImistet r: . NkiTllol, hiaalva4 Baran dun gay i lrait 3s . - aapCsiia:Zani Tacker, and ••var. aro(o4ber taws:6,ft Lure And ewest sironesparellia fkget Yams, of Tabu pauesiiisaditeekloasine'd • . ,8 (0 754 1 4 0 .....N*2A411i.s a>, itaka ILI . ardia. 64164taaillaZau Gaddannblatyka- Sttar= a PKilirr C9.ItAP4-Ir,/ owe Maw do Edk. - Nda,..l2as t atier Shaarla , //yy~'IOY CRAPBB6A~YI . B=A'L---~~ .~V~'tNvk~~ocn.bti a 6i~~pp kCq Ip, ~'. L XV. NO. 239,- • lc 1,• ~ , 4 -; ~c—.s.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers