. , , •,, -, - ::)--';' ~, t kic , - '''''' -- - . I •47orqi zz' " 4c4 r 47, !'"Zit1V.,47..."tr', .:-....r" ... • ..,9,.; ' i. - ;"' '';--.'•'.l-,:.....'. 7... . . fi: ,' ;i . ...::'.....': :: :. ' 1 . Pt i ,: :': . . „ ~......• , ~....., REM :;.'..',_'• - • - !',; - : . -:',' , •':.. - ': , .:;!. - ....'f... , ..-::. , : . ; : : .;,: . .',,.: : 7;.,.,; . .E'::, , t.,,:.:,,E:.,.,.E',.il .•,.11.1. , 6,..4., Quojamd InSethOnah /.4,-,,,M,11 ..igjil,sl BeWliAPort, 444 ' 7 !"-," 7 t . , ~.. ..0 , ,,,... -- . ~,' Lir " Tastatirmihe „ cam,. 1. .. - :7 1111 . I!" se fel. "..''.'. .W.llsisimpkist 10 - , woe / 17 ,17{,160, twit,' ' • ' ' -. • 111.17CV:* e ,Atmmitoitiii!,, . - 666,T60',i -., •.- - ':!,.kir.' •,...' '3l6Zsamost, , . • 15,670. -111400 j a w . 1844. . 5344,700 4e , ,i:C , ' —.. IMO MI; ' 1 70 0 . 139 ..,, • . • ._. ,_ the thbi wow 0 4, '5; _ ' 4 l"fiii, " .'" o c " az z 30..—Th4 mi l ..::::`,: E 5. Tuauue lr lllTAragegri. . ... th .... d . , .'-`'..;,, illatieni Oa* to drift m e sa u.. . 4 ,„! _. '4.. 0z :7_ . : ' The tninfas 'flirted to-new e.... ',;', :),io c t a li er win 13.1115.65G' ~~1..%`. %•.• • 1: • t , ••••, iiitil'Axiiiicislimocialrioir, for the prore7 .eielfee' • • of Rae" . . for :•.:;,, ,, t , ' - • • • • ' : • the ma •octobor, end. =who'd .: flogpp...in . - win rue d open iiirirsrisys.,:rattY 4 l Ma!. ''• • • •it . .'''. ' ' the veto. seistedielelb*:o - and 'Om I" —: - ::, -'- - - of t h e uy; Rome litho_ tout r , - ,:;;;,.:- • listiogehho is !,', i,: ninit ; i e 4,1414, :Di ii.idtgo.l,tr.—•ciodogy it a 7 th e Chant. apt ..tri•'''.:'-' Sil"• timnm llk ' .1 - Millie Etsthe l intkri4l7 end .'f'Zl , ''voi*:: aor Spintli, the . Depth of the Oa.o e - • , - : - • :::•:•.: ' : -: ; :',Alk l 4 - 1 18 ! .. • •: ' Att i t illest• j ,•• •'' -- , :_ialiieirrieli at the Batton wets node a emir inter% 111 Ow P OD .. iisid fliFtlimut-ti - ' ; d . Appletee,CksYr r r ' ,-sli ia ll s ;' 4 )19." ,ki. - .it wes , weed .-•- i lSi a. . i. 94l4 " • th. .. I?4*lll ini - .' to , held in the '..:..-- . 11iitt.m4 •-• the• thud Wednesday of , - ..;eftp,ef, rhiio,46 6 , " .. i- • --- 1141. • were anat. .ip cm. alai. S f .,.. , the en"unig yam .. •. , ~',.• ' . , 's vi i• ,tinted. Is " I.2ww • • o f New : Yoh. t j•''''.:- /arieget ia- -. W•Di- Ikelter M l G L ii teheree. of Phila. Z• • • r : '''''''''''. P itt Et RilbetreAeoir Hula.. •::"..•:- -.'!• Th ' s ? 4 !" 7 " Wdieg toiiiini . .. ,ttit=- -- -- •• I •.: -•-•• '''-'• ":TzTifro u it'''"' . i-- " i°: ' i - Walter R;Jetutroa, „. ez efR I B Diltitelejr, • 1 . - i• ,• '• -'s id. . •.•-Dr 3. E -thete.ek, of Underfelt, i , • Prof;lt D Rratris. ef Bassil:' , _ Prof B• Ditthere. , Dr., of Na. lima. ' - Prat Elerala ifilrha?sit.Pl Ambust• pd4 :: : H •; — Lapeer Vontizt#l:Bli. of a . Pl• . ....: :_, 1 .. , '_- -7. t ' lb: iiil7. Dmiiiii."sactio' ' lB.kt y'lla'llingof j Dr Dr 8 1.3e. """ ree U T - 7lrceirem wim i : l ef P f; 1 • . ',,.- '.,.--..!-, James D Dees, Eel. of Aill' , n 'oh , .._., \ l ' k lhoPi j4"ll! : Ynt'i El. °I :tablet ea .si-4 , - 4 SE i i s.t '"S idw ofa ' _Le.' • • an sine , ..,. ,-,,...' eb b AB me, bc" 4 — rY 404 - en t ie i ..,.,„,,. L.- • - 4.handrod. will Gifu' , , 1 ,*-• hauls' toga .heed • tts”Q"i i i,.•••••' • out at th eir - meat pre meet. - . . ,~ ~; ~: llh 1 M I-- -:..•7 : ,,..,:..-... i .,-,,,,„.,.: ; ...:::1 .................... .::.k:.. - "qcl4] ',--:::i•:::.-i,l...,-,;',.i:-:', 1 -.1 b - . ... • ~, $ .~.y •{tin. r . • :;',...":";::i't..t.f: ''..42.:;-'-,•:1;1,t1:':- :..:,:ii:--..:::" . -.4.,..1:".-. , ,':-.',.!:,::: 1 - ..'''''," i,:...1.4....:::,.. A ' -.,„...] Wia ..... ,..„.., I ‘ t .-:;..4.1-... 1 . ?;g;,:::x.;,!'1,: :: ,..:P,- 1 * - -..: 11 ...., -"v:':;::1-...:,:.- .•. •• • 4 - ':= I r F. • • - 1 • 7. ...,...,...,...... tie Plait. and Banti . lra. :;"::.,..1" , :, : : -- ..,..,'i.. - ,, - A. to twat. Lenin tie* 'Eta, dated Feat • -: ,..';,1.10111 ,OX. 19th, sip that a train ar4otl 'an 010 en - wank] leave Oat ,Ity to' join: the " 7 -' , .....: - -.....tit‘isi the Upper Eisersari. A trahior arms *Bled. tfiirea, Ann torronwOO, frouillin. to, Fot,.on the lath. Cal. Eaton's Battartan had . -.. '.:.- waited . hafts* they sett" Santa Fes , it.' Mit dee 1 lid . 8112 . 111 . re, August 23, rye' Ca' ionet-Esten* -. :f._ iroFir !** ill . W *to, bill lowtia oafs go la: ~to goalie... Theisliatea at Company A hase '..hand a piper iequesilen one: . of the Lieutenants .„ , ~. ..... . ; --.,.., to Volga. . Tin mars weepinks world strive is ~-: .-'• 2140 is planiy. SttpioSisions of all kinds, for ..,:... otneumptun of the temp& • -anti le has\tir. handfed homes hie valley . ......htwonislal byLniittitaitte.: The fat mania' i :-Itimrtatett;nna the balialn whietisappliei it with 4 - ;;.;';i:'E 'l ` - - ;. ' , i• '. ll- liff• ' -- ' ' . ''- .- -, ' :.,- - t: , ;:,s , l4.4loi.iii.iiiii4 , ;*.iiipm-iim 1,99 .- On! ,i,"e:' - '. , :' , ..\ !• - :',11,000., has* hawse theaa.kl; iithaitt 14ina sie '-T.: , '-t-t... - •; . , I S"' . ',,/ •' ~ -..: ~...: _ _ . - _______......---....—........' -- 40„.. , L'''. , : c A:if;il§;iii:•* - 4'-l'--';'7 41.: i V: 4 4 ;1 t 1 ;: ',7 47M7. 1t• i ,;,:,- 0%11 0 ...f . ; f‘ ,4 l,`i!;‘ l l ir2i`• s:.°:;•• ..0 , 74 , .:1!rt-f.,1`.0 . '.'s 4' "''''4; - . 4 :.;:, 4..- !lt - tc.4-poz:*., .. 0.;..-...r...-i::::-4;.!?,,v, - ;Sitre. hl , Isl - 1:i:7.r.;. , i , 4‘',4 ; :,1.. '': - tx!.. , ,,4...,:'... ':;-.?",'..,41; --."...A ;:i' i' : :Ye , , i . 414; , Utki' ~ .', f -- , -; 4 . •, ,, ,5, , i;:,-.,i;,. :Ifs' , • ' i '... 5. b.Vt 4 41& 4 : 14 '.'21::.• ..: .t r 'll:'• ' ''' . 3 / 4 ,i'::1;:- "..V . _..,...,, t\9ir et ..4.l ,- 7 • 1 1.4;< , "kc ' '• ;*. q, itk : - VIZ , 6? j ', .N. ',:i l( fti, .1 . M -r:Pi ‘, Pt 1 . , v • ' " 4 9 :14 :1 , ', . i.,..t.4 1 5...t= 4 :.. ' te..1. - 4 •ii.,.. 'AI 41z.P 1 _,; , 4,4,45 , 04:7 14 0 1 V I , ' lter:i -I;'' s , ‘L. , 01 ,-::oy:.. 7:- , l:•A` 7 :',': ,IcAtt, , ~. -,.. ~ 'cr744l, .: l II. ' 4 - 4 •:.,,,,,-. 4 . ilid 4,.." 1 •'..1-.. l :fir. , ,: t`.r: - ' i ~- I . _ .f . , l' l ?t . q ;44:;‘ 4 :i,i;. , -•:::-:',..1- - N:•, , • :•;.--; 1 ::` , 1:: 7 17'ir 4 . '-, ~- 1 . i .. .?' ;..c. , -,2' ' ih forma " a by lino io - i ,-- c B l° i:>: , - . !-- 5- -: $ : l o g so d ovoid *WI th i am. tha Thp woo fdekill °P 9, ‘ , • , ?q,..;7 - --.. ---- 7 -bilikeegi, ibbg- i d am id or Glon? agar• • , ?!..r.; -'!''.l'.'?, 1: ::; ' ,1116000 ft •i isei s l l,, f f rom Nor Yolk to Hai 4,,, ,''': . 0 0 F0E- .-- av ;ii„t an Monday ..' ,.) .i: , V ' "-" 1 ' r i '4 l o with irco OP" , - b uy s. `'-; - ' :- r: • , I ,..,d. nnit • a Itavynsie, and "nit --.- -_._r_ and aiw had boll-,l' 11 ° 0 t°, , ' .'../.0,41,".' aft. lag " 15 * l ir -;•i• • ,_ ': , 7 ' - silo liwboa(krigg sveri fat:MAOo. boot b i u i x ialli, r ,..: - ;:?,- . --- , . '!..1 . 2','•ft.",-Zi: . '•'S,?!./t;:; . '. 1. 1 ..,. 1 3; ; ;', '•,,,.- :- i .-', .. ‘ltailithd mini Ira held se , Itekexeet, L'-' , .', 4, :', , ::iti,list ireekioileetee the met *eqiehlti teewe I 1 1,;;• , 't; , ' ;` r ' ' ' tie eitietteettet ieRsIF - Basi tram theee4 to the i ,„,' f k'' . .. : i'i "-Oahe ilea. Tihe matins hsustvitioeste othltetea fk 1 ,tdr...'•: ''.''' c'. .. 6 -1 4.;r-_ . , F. , ~ 5• ;,,jitas.ran to owthogand Isousi.N.'pti i f_g s . --,, ,q. , It. :: ••tr: ; : i.. c ;k6 ...1 11ileirkurgad t hat w as the Arne= ol•• f-. v ior cog =a moss, it eroo* 70t 1 1 1, V.Z,i , ii:.;;•;'' - i. ~2 1.4.-::.5.f,,,...;-:,:it-Ify , :i. . _. . ... .. • . •• : - ‘ • _.< v . ,-„k4-, ..,,,—....-------...--------- i.,,,i 4ii , t•.•'-'eV.P-r,,.r17:41•-ff.,,,- stilt's' Estromarre..—Tbs . ..a , ;•.t,:= , _ , 7 , - . :-1•":".:' . ~ -j imni o „ ro w A u. win , wie bii . 3r -''' ' `4. l ;::" , ::C - ' -- .: ye* iiiapai:Nie,fcii essltisceopper by •:?i?::: 4 . - j .- - - 11,,tiitii!ity.iiiieeeteliellthelettle0 1 . 04 h!!!d amd . .<,,, ::i,,,-,.-4:-. life alPettleeete an 1.-'41;•;: 1 1, 1 4 4111 0 141 th • T istb ! L, siiimil 4 , , ° ": : '''' . '''4.l4.c.p#iitheetelehleteell in - tb! .. , : 7 ll l' f r ~ --,0-1, -, !, , --...- r- , •'....4ii„,:t_,.---111 e.--- ,,, ;- .,- ;`''''A.4-" — " --- 7" .. " - . --, wiligrolkooliiiikdsat . g.; , . ' -.'''''. , '-4fmroligitikititieg tio hketio -,i; tir -:ok:lf_feigi-,*:,-. —...-m =l , t a. l o, ....:„,t4.. 4 ,f m ,...1ii0 1tiv 0...40,,,x,„ r,„,,..1.t... v .:44:„ 4,v, = ,..„. iliii-pr: fibie.74-iittior#,-f!ie ...W: e. , -,:,--c!io-411-q.cii.liow,i7:44Etaßer~-101#0iii•0P •.,,,,,i;_-: ..... , ,;3-: --- -' .....,_;,.....:,.., ~....; ..,........,,,:,;.r. [ l l, ,4 ; ``'~~ ,~, F ~~~, .:. . ;f: ,~' i 1 4 '1 '.,i . ; , :.. 4,f, - t=I7F!!!4IP: Frirenen or Kerromer.--I'lm icenerel ru -„" Brae to laeet memo* Jerre" is lB cot: on the 000 Monk of el IforMlyrons of property. One - *fa of tiis ereeref monde saao to; for rEri. a•pdiOn bea.k stmt., ux friMki;iiteeMe from , tonnonlaMplkee sodnhait watered rimer; teem , - . titcl;sainun* prefini 4-.l'anitennari,' , de. b mot eislcbg fondle iby.the hos mit KW re., l aiee th• refatipfe albs State 'Thnotdbisty owes of the sub fonenneent eetboited at stoat $250,000,--the , debt K. 00000, End sinsanninid w 0,000,. ono-thiaor evreesuebith die income Irons tomb. liver; &e. eof6dee to man the Want upon lb& public debt, , - toff ley_by,fires $15,000 to 020.000 saner. .711, 7'116 . 4104 of propill in 1817 is 0454.718,1113 Ia 1848 201,5418,967 I -1 - I 11 Increase 1111,227,510 Ti ' s coats on 0100) op tbe atm" 06#'0"; 3.179"00 N b4ll*, : /A 42 00 bus 60 • icittivsetadm, • .6{8 . 80 " *IA low •wetcholv 4.707.'60 Taxectaditoili. Giedeitist 4 Ste 23 IMMff== a 6. we . Vt! q""°° beta &idea 67 I .... p m haa ' L libi rs ix"4n am62l:ooka bmllliediv.ea. Thar niajol "8 ita, riseCoad. 0o dtoodg but i i " oot flisou ,1 - ben herstaam saggsfd'„ot m ay in liw iii n b e &dazed sod • ~, , 40,1,iiii,. await. 1 ., ume ag a tkaid niCtisilak • to 112141*4 near di, j a w has bon' ,‘ _ . , Thu 61;or oi th s Portion ofiai , anith tugsq"' - at 7 I it " 0 hams yawed In ~._ eab . ; .' • midi the t" tw ,b, coaat to SW". . '-`' • Al al ada, aid danni„ ,n'swoiiiimoim sod aeon/ , tbrt castal 1., nada there us a tenth, °Pin )it aall al. *.-- .I , a• hnitkw o s dam Ida be. , '. • ailleilting6l6"4 ts,i)„,ithydoemaeo • . . ' - jam 0 4 gam cow! aVr r 'l_ 7 ,r '3 . '2l• ' /MOM NNW" YORK. cornerip. ibe IStplmogli Ossett., u lam Ths Low Yoco's the lama& wad& stelar ni. sake( the Eaddiner convention of dierwitsvald Syracuse delegate end biro tharl , ty , The meeting was largidy ausaded, and the . breach between the two cliqoss of tor* form mode BO vide thin the whine win prop the Stale With bardly:e doubt.' Theseitrwha of thi ~..p.kiti^ . that the aeixem7 or thi that@ would not =- bowies the wassatiowthawat by.ohy discusdoo of the Wthint — PWanea hs* been cuilawded - WI this, decimuloa Ws haw distinctly mada,ltisi no thois Blass territory . CIA be sonwed, er fteri hatittai made into alavi bold i ng. ;m. slim - ism alliolup [ , . Wm haw then dishatored'and the ban i ltthre wing of et"f a Z i r * l i d i"10. u th "gbu 00 " . Wilkes had . bewn Wide. lir..-Wihnot is how aria a laninsial thar through the North, thalarill sanest' hisbit weit load Peitthiple with ithictaßich , ' A 'thiifieralon inert/toed the whip 1 lest nlyithatsithich the ananisactrWu any I a go; and the whiff pohey of the lest '.d isimau classes, snrioned sad re . as commewied trill. , cy of, the earning warm, Ths rianatainiti ,l ois to refuse all slave Wthoty analasiatte to the littion was We fonf.expoesed, and stroaily hthistia L ath and In , uo oniArtiothw wai th s meeting' ether. *sit ii sound 'emu end is =pried wish; _ an . ai.sh° F hl it‘ -a IIA 'mum/ that 4611.121: sthe renccess W the polls. Amon the . newm. bow forifisalawnidyte the toms of J. P.Phenit; , . a name that Wares all, that, New Tart Catlin never mini one to 'editions hit cbtiawthecs ly, while he la in lb. essambiy.' . no Episcopal Crowention a* its .thision Co ' day ether ths most aching time, ewe ketnenipoh each en. oranaion. Bishop OnderdoOk • huhsea ncognithd as the diocesan af New Yost, bat he is no water restonniai to active day. ' This Masi r ofilishops is alloyed to neon or ' Maw the.. West of his paublawati bat ho welt knows they hiegno intintien Of tosithiganyeethowdoo. A now low church Bishop (Dr Barium of Moises) wilt loth bedded to his opponents; matais hie now difficult nistoritioa @tilt we* isprwtkabli. The discerns will not kid easions for any farther action, fora Forristheal dioossan bin bow pawl& eel for it, sad no ineowsolezies Will I* , cold,. by .delay. The high chwehown haw semWrly been succerfaibecause the &tows hes not been .-'-a ed vacant, bin the ton chambasen fat that its ow sospown MP of twiny an anwoetby or dodbrini brother Can be reithitathd in thesacred end high. est aloe which disk awl knows. The add weather continues, ,and has cased an unusual trouble smug tbs forwarders," who in cosisequenas of freshets abd delays upon the weal refuse to take goody fa points beyriad Beath.— Boats are twine the usual tens in posing from Buffalo to Albany, imd even how the, wine& pa' ..pers,my the' boats ere upon the law . trip awl— Tta amount- of breedsted% caning east moths 'thodieste, u lies been itated before and pawn appearsnethipithate that is are to pay dear' far bread, and the, too, Wittrait any foreign rthinand tiTATI CIRCULAR...M Butte Tamura - bee Woad a circular to the ennosiedeneni andTiese xiters_of the _errand counted r ed the , Conswe wealth, which we publish below; awninged it to the attention of the delinquent. Millet of • Provident?, has tendered a great -- portion - of car Public Tmpronments (late - a eon= of minute) tenor los the blade rides anon, r . hich m odem ode the expenditure of hove some far repairs steolute. 14nacemisry. Darin; the present incsuboit loon of SM. IMMO, effected by hose IL theiterdsn, late Tumor, to Pay the hanks of the February interne, become due, and elope upon lextelds kern the semisonual piping of lama ern rite piablie debt. Our-Bate audit Ought. most and will be manning.. It bee already: lieffemd :too tonitti,und the history of the past shoild 6100th . to guard well the public faith in fa wn. This net Sisly tie done In the present strahtliteued aodgon of the Tammy, by prompt. 111:111 =Abe pert of those annuited with the .cut. helical orate State neenuss. .The foikmbhi e copy' of the doogta . alhded Tahastray•Orsics,• •:- Hathibaret Oct 15.1147. $ As dm dmesie Ala to Ow owl by the late Acrid wilt dimbith the wheipto thwThhihuri,lo a ' F aii:gaidasiabia amount. it itemmet wherwalif. 'wadi upritihs a licere .viral empliti“ to the Butte to collect and Per . sm. - promptly and fall), an iftath taste that'ara now due to .Wie °car mcatwealth. • - l ease counties paid Into the State - Timm their cespectir• quern of Uwe tax foe ego year. prig tq the Arai of Angola Ism may pelts put. and oaten bare not weds env mutat, In many of the noushisa gum • are balances dos .the taxes of yahoos rant There it: also; In the !hands of diffsnot olliceotwito aes wim& .aiwere of while choosy, antidotal:de omt which has Dot ism laid choosy,. the State Trheeiwy. Under these circontmuCces tt becomes ray duly to urge t e rwesseity of • apeeti judo:dart and Paymisit of all Buda tante and , publis •It is important that all ammo stunned with the Bob. lection pobfw money. elloold be tottep in the diatarge of Wok duties. The pnnnt Otitis das stands this of thew and I now that this appeal ,Will I» met bra - grow spirit ol fidelity cm their put 'rhe inteinty. and audit of the But. de. plod upon their action. - If her public faith firth eeriad,lhey will stunt lamely In the halm but if is is Mahal, the Magna that will folloi will to jowly attrithited to dr* neglect of racial duty. • You wnl show thy. to Mir Prothonotary; Regis. tar. sod Recorder of your county, who win..r eh* • tits mune as if it war pirstmally ,addreseed to them. . /OM BANE - • • - 1. aide Triaiaer. -- Tag Fang Amor or 8111ITZII1U1110,S notica of two nem,* of the groom of Cos t= of is odd to to nosily translated The two banaliono. oti g , aboat*attests bassinet finnaka In toltitaty disc. preient en as , poet at the Nuns Rine foaablable and captivating. In Ads aselations and discipline, they an dined to piefeetlon... Cation* .000gb, espinionty it form and 'beauty has been: way oath then. eon f the' dB/mow of itsdr,the hindsomert are -- of the adliaaes lust and this post of dls• doebon, and .danger eavinded them+, their ootnisokose who an latistaswed to 'mars; Some shwiflaniso Ru bun Oda by istapsnanant also. Tile vivid and , Maly ty bass beef sunned u veiniest et light horse —.the axes phlegonitio granadiess. 'Thom who have Agues of mu twilionpoint sit Lef the =gni Way, thou of slighter forma suriaatlina• ed at the The cows and 'nide are ea. tolled dragons and mime wean.' The imake of this crepe (wbieb,* with law &Kipling and enthoelsens, seem the Ant Oros of the coolos pialtiadmoisrmentEnsope,so take Foreaslon of die listsetlaa soda Jaen akimbo of the lowerfal wane of Bills 8.41i0, who .bas is. served to Windt the gamed oossesand. • Ifsj.Turabull, slt* Topographical Midtown In Megieo, In a MR dated nth &p .most, Mr dee to Othalkoteaddepatcbes, sayn • .We hen all bwn angeged in making swum of the diguitt babe, and connecting thee. A copy of the operations al the . 19th and SOW wu end with the Gloantra edictal lupins,' which went with a tWasengsr, with a pawl* lion Banta Anna dating the arielidor, but I MM if it be tecelard, Writ to mod Wudy It new left the . City, I &add like to wad a copy by thblearip gam but it in bniuneltda. We we neipd Wanking mango to, awned We a ge m a( dii ;12th sid lath eleptinabet: with' WA* lids and lath at Augmt.' QUART/IL famorn, -Nov. I.—Coart: mot— rant aU the Cowt ' .owing to a arm .ottsidanat of joins &Wog tba pan week, the Conn herald • dos of ISO an ads of t 3 jaws who WON anat. Coe lh en David Law end Wiliam Calatbar" , --indlotaant latany--proputy owns Sib about >lOboemmaeycandPike,Patch,Haood Dock. as ' ,Tha coonsonatabil did not Fr • moan gnat Cabling, but the jwy named con. - ditt of salty so to Iron anninee Sana Jimaladta-dnibrownt await ad away, in Ida* of alt eau ant% till flame as ana t INDooold•rindbil4n wor sink and W li ow, with idiot ni Milt „H un anal Night Pala paawatto. The *Nowa t 1 ' .by *Varna, and thq aka that s Pfeil Pat. Wahl be antroi="bo dobalat in to and In ftnin !Romiik_ikentrrtaiktim:tad "wait awn aftwi tee "Rub, • - BOW t Waldo= taindafonand hap awn tomcat, of Daniel roirit..l*.tormuik.7olo'in°l low lierd. - wir %Um fano 'mikado Billurealgam, digit bet bin amomobild, tottowir . sisioi die gamest seriseest fres Os iloodbiriP broach wig pror le *AO 611.1 IMO atilmishisoilas lir boss 4,01410 mi it indeed& ns>teasceaasaoM MAX DOWNIMM., ••• . [Cier or Malmo, United States,y . • soptebo ISM Mr asks aid Seaton =My dear air. hissok, I'm dive yet, though I've bum through sharers of telb so thnk as hailstones.. I ptyawr papa Coo. Wooing nojjeder that I moil on the raid to is war. The lane» I soots afterwanla, the guerrilla ad tobbionieno so thick, I think Widen Maness to me if you got 'sm. •• Some of Giural Scutt'sleo. , tam I Mooing just in the name way. Now we've got the eity of Mexico stinmed;[ I think the Post. master Omen! Ought to ban • moss nodal Ma ditspoetiptioll bore, so our letters may go Ws. I mit you . world touch this Pr oldest end Mr. Janson up a intliabout ibis nall-otage below, Jo they market" di the coachmakets at auk, and see that the forma taiss home se feat rota cm, for I don't think they' have any idea how loner lbs roads is this way, nor how Wm are pining math. U M beiron inutain as OM es whom dem a Yea on two puk• It wouldn't take much mono than half a damn yettakogit clear down to dother fader' &Mb Ametia,dear to Cap Um, whit:hood:l to a my pod stopping. Vice; it then, if our Clovimimut got Into bed diddling in ' North Ausiriensol found thonashm in • &Immo Olist hadn't's° horn to anit'omtheY would halos - horn hi Booth America that thy might hold on I hops there OD troth in the 'toy that was bused deed We hots May, • day or two ago, that Mr. Polk Itisd•an ides, when we pt through overdown this way, of trying his hand at it OW Europe sad Africa, scid round the And, to puma any 'qoarmiling trefonthard shout it on this aids of ths watakho's going to apes to Om the Nimrod ccomponsuns Las oar them, and eat Europa up into free States and Arita into Slav Mates. Now, .I, think. he had batter-keep still shout that till we get that South Atomics badmen all dais, and will MI sp. It het mill (*robed, to have too vouch badness on his tondo at once. There's no knowing Mhat little duties we may ' get into yet, sod there. always danger, if you ban too much ail spud in a squall. 'Hoestar, I beven't time to talk about this now. • , You will pt do accounts of the banks MGM. I and Scot's lattus, so I nada% my a great deal about them. 'Sat Wotan it hard uphill work all [ dui,» from Vera Cans bars, and I don't think my old•frlind Gineral Itasca Mardi meat have woad davograll the difficult* sad done the bottom up hater than Gineral Scott has. Bat the I killed and tbs wousded, the dad sod the dylato ecittoral Maki» thew» for three hundred mites, ,it'. • tout aching thought. I don't km to tkdnk about it. It N too bad that we didn't have noes Min, so u to wadi straight through without fight. log, toad of having jai enough •• to moorage anerey to Ming out their begat armies sod Apt thin hooded bake. [ I[ ' Cne of the kidded hmshes we bad, aft, I got bon, was to attack on Chapoltepar..- I had bon into the city hying to bring Santa Awls to team but, when I found it was no um, I cries out and told Gaud Seat the was no way but to fight it out, and although I was the PredAsca's ;Mate stabasodor, I didn't like to stand and look on when b• wu so Vossk handed, and if he would telt me white to taks bold I would give him a M— lle Gaud mid he expected tom Mold b's a bird pull to tetra Chapiltepee, sod m Charml low was placed whom he would be Witty to have the hooka bmnt of it, I might. bo doing the country • Peat service if I would jine in with Ginml Plikor;es exparimes mote Gionl Isebon and Insight into Dula» affidre woad no date be my metal to that meant - droarr - ;1261.11 took hold for r th at day one of Otani P il low's • Whim wu toms to march [up and see .bow smog the aemy's woks eras, eye I, .to Ginsol Follow; it 100 as much Our bail our Um Is worth to go right straight up end storm that place' to the IBM and ayes of all their gum I think to ought to for tify a little Sapporo ws dig aditch round hero in front of the enemy's works. At that the Oir oars syse MAW. and be more right not. Says he, ali ck a— ck ma paw, Pore no opinion of 'pm; May are nothing be &bother, and nom toughie be used. The best way is to p right hour the oreary,pellmell." So, co we went, and Pillow Pike • tiger till he got woundat and than the net of 4s. that wasn't Mot down bid to finish the wok up the hot way we could.' he Is and the short of it is, ors St au way into tbs city of Mexico and annexed • it. Ennui Anna Mural ont the Mild afore Wit Mot belle kw bad lot, and is scoustog about thecount» to gst some morrplares reedy for us to liana. When be pia another Mee all lady for the' eatimony, and 's» it wall firtified. sod hat aro story af (woo ly or *My itlatitla men In do kete and behind ths breostwooks, we shall march down upon 'me with five or sim thousand men and N through the Amy. - Altar thriban dee down about half of as, dm rat or of will Maddock • am toe mouths al their cannons, and mum that *an and wan am Aerobe Ober. Sam think tha. nodose WPt profitable, but Ids r,hecionse day We's* ciphomilitalt . no undarstand tton the ammo, we get at Ism on to one far our outlay, any way you em figtou it up—l wean in to manna orpopt. Take for initanao, the city of i Irak*. It am us mly two, or these thimend UMW SIMI it. ws got into the mighboxbood d It; sod** gat at I :lessa a holland and Otty thorimod mph in tat ',My, MI some pot it down as high m two boo. dad thousand. Comm led Audi with the quility of the people we get in this ereinnijam as tthat had say thing to de with dm merits of tbs cam.— They ought to renumber that in • Ornemmant lam on», what people i• used f o r voting, and where may now counts am, it is the natter that we are to staadaboot in annaing, and Oot by no, mask So that in the matter of pope we wedding • grind bashom And es to t.o manor of massy, It is no =Omuta it costs foe moos, grows in the ground to Mateo, and CIO always ba hid Zor digest. =es • thousand things in this country that ,I bite to tell you about if I had thou,' bin th go is do unistiled here yet, that I bon nthar • chum to trim: So I mist book of and mite • fro lines to the President, bet your old friend, in all latiodes. dear down to, Holm % MAJOR JAUKDOWNINO. To Jana S. Polk, Prairka of de Wiled - Stela. modal doomed Countrins. Pies Star I'm dens my wandhla to your &reale— no, to get round .Santa Ana, but Its all no use. Ms's u llpp.q as art eel, and has as many lien u aat Trot and I together can't ad 803tt. and Taylor can't kill him ob - Wal pi fast hold of him wit our diplanstior, hot hero* through our engem and Mewl and Tsylor cuts his head off io every town wham they Ouch him; but horilways comes to fin in the ant town' and shows asmany hoods se If ha had never lost one. I bad a hog talk with him in the city, and pinned him right darn to th• boost its node with you when you let dm iota Tem Cm; end abed him whys didn't stick to it He mid he did stick to it se far se chcomtancarandored It prolog. 'INV says I. oGinevil Santa Aim, that slot the thing; a bargain's a borpin,and Us monks" any honor bro will stick to it. oirow; says I, odid'ot you wet, if to Patient would gin odors to oar Commodore to let you into Vero Cms;dient you ppm to pot your shoulder to the whorl and bet on title amain businessitio u taillike lay work ef it! And now, I ask you, m s teen of honor, ham you dams - ' , Cirembstances alOrs.asolk *Or asp rim la Anna. 'When Mr. Palk tad.[{ Wad that M. staafing,he thought he medal a for mois rotor than he oudd most In Ms own coat; ; to bdag him into- the Presidency aloha term. So, ws speed, if I would turn orst the votes of Mexico to him, to bring him in =SW tam, he would afterwards turn mu Ma part of the »tot North Amulet tome, so as to bring mein nett time— But Isom found It would be throwing oar labor, sway, for Mr. Poik'spart of the votes in hii ma; try was witting to be moms% that they wouldn't do much pod to either of us. So I concludel to hold on to what I had got, and MU to to hoiden» of Mexico.' z - rTben,' *as I, tau alit aping to odd le j you berteln, ar• your . [ • 'No,' Nye he, telccumstincei Mars Cor•Mt Thosl Wed to score him out ci Ik ••• I told him our Ida would ,whip the Malone ill bir o ' s u e . shim in a link while. And if cads std odds whither borannaln or whim% me should to on JOt rune, and before Motheryear was out; Mr. Polk would be President decoy kook of Mateo; for we ebould-get Ahltligh ingic r da is Molt ofit. , Tay wail,' mys he, to on; ks / 1 / 1 111;1116 like the beams; they am stand it bettor thin 'Mr. Polk can; far. Mr. Polk will ben all the Mot to do °vents ' every year as loog' ee he liras, foe toe Isn't a plea la Mexico that ...ill stay en mud my longer than jest while your am holding onto it.' • . . So you to th&eno doing say thing With *lbw to Anna. What come it is best. la takenow seems istber a ponder. I haven't din- to glee you my views shout It to thee &vela. but Will try to MO. Gthirlirlo,lo. to' Xr. Ritchie. I seam to mita him too,, btq I fall bantam& um time, Yaw taltbfid frNod and pinta MAJOR JACK DOWNING:— • Tim & 'dm Woo& down fawn the UFO& 1114mmank SUS badinage for P. Chardara,;, - h. &Ca, ad* sacrum Manama mii .UPPIk- win gafat, Adana Own bad Ism Madan bonen dim &atom Sam mad 'Pond% maths Class mad Teioasi I&,Ekaity ritamed co um &Pitmans' dm Itlaima ORA' Bunt or olsontA,—Tho LaeDefokofkst, —to tloo sosorolitatomouottlie Soak of 1%144 on lbo ho day of October. 111147; onyarof orkh oho Id day of Clototoo, 1148, tto We Mir or Mikados . ,at tho 'lowa* alma ig Poi s~~— UGNETIC TEMRAPII. Cornmrpsalicsas d Pfttsburgh tiiiisetta. IMRTANT EON' MC(!. srinvilurs. "loaf .TH!Illr AXIDITIONM•r~aazom ass Oonsepoodestei of Ur Pltabtri* Orient: MORE UTTAR" TiIItRATRIMIArBAIV TA AziwAtu-Ant DEFRA771147% TLE AT PUBBLATER MERVIN GENERAL POW ERLE3B, WE OF. ERALARIitITRX MYREN:PATTER. ROA 4-e Riejusood, Nov. 1,11 N. • TA*Otwawar Janata L; Oii antsslat Now Os. law= 'be ASA twin* ii,tes faint VII Qin to tims.l9llinit. Than had ban no late minds at Vera Qua !Snot from tbs Banta Anna was at Puebla, on the Mb, and addnand a note to Gamma .1. • bola talon pmeidoo of dis COO Foible, of the had of 8,000 ono, sod Togroged hie Immo diets ~Wino Of that poet. dineuedog, if be trosod, heirOold dam the Clods& Cel. mai thig - he l!u hs shouldbe std. soegissfolly to mold ell .nude, and Mend hir pond®: naiad boon booond trlth dm; do- ti ofMalinthe ill, km should dolma it ate. ' The Arco Iris of the 18th ult. farnishesfoother bapartudbosUipsoce. .Tha enemy at %bloat the Met' Sept,'commenced a brag cannonade on tie Allatklin worts.. The hams dam cannon shots, Weida, and 'Maw* litho the watts of the "clty, Which Sadihoolcorsiderabla Wiry. On W. .followiay day the caanortediaemmormamed &nib, ardor' of Santa Anne, hmastwooka of collia bake wire raised to pooled lbe city. To puma the emapietion Of ibis work, Asiotioans from the Ant hattny of flat; Jase.kapt seanUmod Are epos the oratirmen. which behreatoody Wotornad by the llnkars;the dikbarthis d brads and Cinowles frog*. America Hoes greedy homer. ed. . Other papers alas Chit the minded the people i dohs interkeof Ideolei had modergone a cheats since the occupation el the. Oacdtol kr Gomel Scott, sod Wet they were now disposal to pescsJ i The expedition plumed hyllemital ?ottoman against the Omahas, had warned, ekes suoissially wocountered sod dismal sevirai patties. Oa the hOth, penid traaqsaitr reigturCitt Olaf city. Gin Ru isstreciad a batter, to open girl • Ses Jon. • . October ht, Santa Ana at the bead . of MOO car. elry and Whitey, cad thrswpiecee of artillery, ad. lied out of !with, intuiting to sunk tlee ADMISCSI trail% Which MA Jalepoott the lit cad ruched Penn on the 4th of September, hat before swirled it Wiggle. his thrive were wholly /minted. _ With the exception el l) Hassan, •hiewerioal pude, all hie imam bed romanced egelitschimmr They attribetad thodetintamee et the tau I. hie incapacity. ..Some loudly declared Ids • traltro, enweithy at-holding command wirer roe htimmah Salta Alas Wimp wind at Qemea Janahnka i with flomen, received in order Cram the Goininmeat u gsaratula directing Ma to proemial at roes to that chy with ill his toter. Hat he did not Sod it twetwelent to we* with the mum& of his wen Gwenuant, and thwerce• took up hie war& ke Opw, than to raise weber any. with the mope that might is. tan, to Now the combat with do enemies of the Republic. AU Wars has the latitior Maids In cosi& wing aims Ansa impaled to,dsot say Wag ratthat. H. La am waking his Ito Gastuaisfa, sod pmpos. baying Maxim fornat, sad that his nosh to Osjaai in aaly a pretext lomat &pla t somaylittuorat of his &.i m. Pcass.a. Od. st. Since the Alparturo of Buts Aints the ttair pomading Ms totally oeund. The cotton hoos, at Talmo has taut Are and Loma bamt down.j7 The inbabituts was my assit &humid, bnithat the Amok= bad kb dab owiterwr mate aid itinAliri lb* eiiy: It wu mowed that Aeon, had grand 'pump rat to Santa Atnia Other min bony tact h e imeadmaeartan to nub Goatuabs and bat that ho will estnitituo thy war without ramp*. Tba Quills of Libaty" sap Pena. Y nos is dischumitig tbadoths of Pm/Am. it . Qativil• to and had natal to nueraint his suit:has Sp ptdrOwd y Stilts AMU, sad rotated that Clio raw build elect yourecom so their plans. A upon prevailed in Vera Crag OP the 1!Ill ob., that a Company of Tutu Rangers, hula' boon attached by Clameriaso Is wiles front lin Crag, an but two of theuwent eat ' Alt uprose had 'Mild: station ibis' on. as. bad been killed and IS ware lawns. &ma dirboolty had secaud b tbo setw animal and Clon'Cothin' g had &wad and &umbel skfty cost flan the tegbotmot. , Copt Wilt bed been humbly sonata d. Cot I. Hays hob mitriud. LATIVIL 11A0= TaL "MIT; . ibtritubmitk Ounwt Blebsood. Nev. 1-4 p. .111, A slip from thi.N. 0. Piceptie, dated aSch if October, 10 o'clock. S. s: col:again two .IsDals mind by the Jesse L Day, cesoasadale Poems In the Wrest tam tor itie Anal In conicaree the gam la Were= to thetrestaint of the sick, sad Ix his jack= emsepaestear to noy and rapper the Owillae. 1 The Ilithlataqt serebod from Tars Cam seyb f trahe on the 1174, for the Naomi Dr4gs. Tilde yds WOO unapt di Hada war Yana Ono, ales 224 i9th lallitilly, liangadillastta'ril Ohio Elogada, 2 cosputior ids Tionida.9l2o Illappel Blinds ionuntail ma; Wady media kir the Pills Dragoons, two companies et the . rallilto, Tigidown's oaptilerot Light ktlibny . Battally; sllii half a inila bglYroad that, ars kw eocipsaiiii (4 Tam Rapti s: LAT& =PROM MIIII.OPII. Nor York, Nee: 1, 111 11.. ru The Packet Al dle p Bea,- arrived bits i bi e . • morning. The news is Dot Important. 'The iteadlit spoke - 6a f'reach Brea i /*lir delphle, besi4lae tome% H.Jifu. Tee Zarleh eel arrived at New York; having spate tee Vrose:h steamer Phltodolobis. Titelattsi , arth woo apparently oat of coal, end, otearleg Pere, HO -et &OW,* Orwmpiodemos of M Pittd,orgli , . PHILADELPHIA MAILEET. k .1 • aga r . ' 1 Pious:tamlo,Hoo. Id eo ' Il• Ploovv-Abloo ban boon moderato • op poo• Tklti OW" TM Astir :mad lo don:- • 1, NV boa—Pzioos Whits loaning UPI. Poem —Mao Ro4L Hoodolloo, OLIN poi boo. . I cour—Poisso ”Eolorfay by ipooood. Itl 0 a 7. egFeo Ow—Soloost 411449 i pot tic', Bap r- of If. 0. pow lung WO" was' to-day st Ale per Ro. - ! • ri Claocanouto—Thoro has boo; so oluoisi Is the ussolododoiai WI of olem. !, -._ WhloOoy-6111114 of 30et par pl. . ! i • Prodoloor•Thool to no goats to loots litho Prodokoz Nuke.. . , ! Escaealts itioameetaaw et me pi euest i aAvribtoste muuarr. - Iwo" Nov. Ist, 0 R. at. Float-W. , geole melee of 15tie t6owiod toble Beliehl sties boob la so,lof pet' 5514 HOS. mote city il. Is at 10.124.' I • • • , Wheet—Pttew White is seUtog atn • 1105 e Prue, Rad; 6000 tai wen sold to•det OlArPerbu. '• I .Ccen—We quota Wei it . fill pot b utl Ow hlb • I ' ow l -8.4. a4O outs pit tat him etiotea • • A • • neeteettlie—adee bus toss doses 'lOOO bead, on the hoot at AIN pw:100 Its We. %WM—Ws quote Selee; et 90e re gel' •• The seatiote ant postaliy IWO 11 0{EP, ears traisionissUy qualm& • • ' • W ORLEANS MARKET. I ' ' • 04 tollar 111, •/Sit The Clams ambit onetime; wiry llama 440 abr.*/ Mg mused lOW biro Sr. NO loglicimihnfill the istiehaire.. *le ankle tram en" APP Yi""liget wd 10 lado.impui Deer, stl4. sod dw asi le pee lb. jolt.. haft 100 Mir Dew soN al. .16 aI,C 2 11 40 7., 'wok_ OW,: , ,egallikeetiAtAilliishtLapotli M;;k4OfMi Ike iszint Itagnetit Tetegrapk. tk P 1,301 7: 1 1 G.zgrw MEW YORE MARKET: Mi. 1, 9 z. Flonr—Thsie base been moderate salts at pre. rows Own MP awn 513,5026,681 gees bbl. . = e a Hogs..—Salsa base been etroehal at '99, -117 i per 100 . ! • - Wheat—Prime White sells for 160 e per bo; prime Red 125 c per bn, I • cm...:Salei cagy be quoted, for Mixed, at 77a gge pet be; pima Yellow et the maim rates.. 1 Pweisions are without change. Whiskey-. Bales base occurred at 32c per gal. Poet—Western Mew is aelling at :1114,751 • 010,50. CaMICEE! AN11111C“ AIT Mune, New.Toax.,—We beg to Mil ettentkut to the advertisement of this Sod. l ety in our paper of today. The .Att Union" was l!setblished few years!sines at New York, for l'the purpose of sidle( and protecting native genius, ,!and encouraging and 'darling a taste for the Moble arts of sculpture, end „painting. Its tree lesssafer has greatly !exceeded the anticipations of Its most enthusiastic projectors. Already - it nimbus enbscriben [never, yortionof the littion• The collection of paintinp to be distributed the coming mason, wilt be !Fry larie and valuable.— Many of our men distnigulshed aline see mtgs. pd upon works ordered by the Society. 'We's!, glad to leens that the Subscriptions from our own . alum whoeo taste and appreciation Is worthy of all pre*, ham berstofore been very large. Wei Steel this will continue to be. The price of sub enigdiori Is only tire diners, which 'create' each subscriber a member frir the year, and for which he may obtain s pictuie worth five hundred dol lar& and is certain of laving two very valuable ungravinp, each of which te worth the money. Mr. Caldwell, one of the semdsmanly Secretaries of the Society, Is now prepared to receive sub. era iptions. Eats Errerstor.-+Weer are sled to lawn that the breech on the Miaowed:a hal been ropoir: ed, end that a =mines will be offered tbroligh this morning. —On Sunday there were about forty boots &Wei' and belowlthe Lock cub seeking In. grin de Wad to the didkont points of destine tke. The repairs eczema:ea on Friday morn. log; and were to We been completed last enni. bre. Amass the freight on hoard then boats were eight or nine demand beshola of Batley, coming foran - Erie 10 Al.. Alma large quantity of etenio,Boorthloss, dm. The breech in the feeder leading to Meadrill ho. sloe been repair - tali end the whole line is no in good order. We are eight glad that these re pelts hare been so seeaeonably mide. end th quantity elfteight on!the line demonstrates th neeenity of keeping open an uninterrupted axe, manieation, so well between the Ohio and Lak sa between the Atlantic end the Ohio. Tam ear la and his been for come, day" p crowded with strargaN. The travel "la Browns. iille Ii unevampled, and the fine stags of wate on the . Ohio inkier :the route West and RN West preferable to all . o th er means of cam munkation. Much of the travel to .Near 0 leans from the Eastern chin Is via Pittabn4., and when the Centrilßail Road i completed, • Stockholders may be unwed the paseenger trea alone will Pay a handsome interest ern the 'Nutmeg. The Cincinnati packets go crowded every dig and the boats for the moss dissent ports go crowd ed di°, notwithstanding the many boats running and the gems! aunpention. Pittsburgh le. one of the busiest hires in Christendom. and weciitinh that Indust:lout men may vibes more honey here ther4ri any °thee place we know or cooi or west .Tin Y z *encomia! last (terming One of the ineidenta'of the imbibitiort w 4 a pretty heavy blow given by the Lugar elephant to ■ min . llbotid given his majesty of the ttu a the tame o/aclga. The elephant had neither lame for amok* oat fin impedance, sod so Pumshed him maths spot. • Os &dodo sa ippiiratios was =ado is Anew. . • the basset, of perms, Os ass J! ltatclkitimirss Toiiosh7l). -":llllrOtitiist isksred to tbi Grand Jury. Erpqrs teen the tampon of out readma to the z troordiany corm of Scrofula performedby Pb. Claim's buns rmashia Pormora, whin they wall 6hd reemb ed 4 &mini •colnitn of to-day's paper. • They no without doubt the moat wonderful on record, and have' so Mau pronounced lay many ofwt meal reapeetable *Tracing. The *Muted another* latentor4 are re- Vali 10 , eall them at their several plane at abode. keno (tom their awn lipa the wonderful ellee. of tbaMedieine. raa brawn named. Mr lane Moon, main.be aeondatly, between Mebane of 9 A at dm office a Rovrand Walton, N om • Mirka N.. Phtlinda. PITIISBUROII SLOG r.e . miuirtnitsz,q.r, . 11131104,-..'ARMENIMISERT, , Erman Wert and foes wales east of Pirdb rob, nor As Panneng and Mechanics' Torrooke ' read t altualea the ef.,l and utiont oastmilenom Hist • • Tha sabscribors nespeethilly give neon to their cal: nem , lad the Pna co ter...Silly, that thir, ostensive Neuteries,Oreenhottase;no te.now comprise berweek I MO andlo4,ooo plants, all of which are in a healthy con TEEM, mssisting ef Apple, Peai, pmels, Ebony, Apricot, Nectarine, - Almonds, (Moe Vines, to SHADE WVII: Allentban Catalyst, Mountain .Ask.bapr Maple, English Linden American Linden, Lawbenty PottbU, Hula of Milked, pools,. Weeping• W illow, Witbe barked Hu. it.Tallp Tree, Hone Me. emu Paaleencla imperlagis.We7lng Asit i lloilisit Ash, • n i it tr; Yi r. mt. Cedar, Allienetel Arbon" aca, Chinese Agbareitea box Tree. Uptight Tew.Conumen Nayaxim Hot-. ly,ltatett HallyLWArte rim Some, Hal-. ma Fir Pi/eerrir,Dootek Fir, Hendrick Sprace,Scoren onizi HOURS PLAHTI3, TIE: • sedirod id mon meet of : Monthly 14)41/4)CTILIIIIIIID,Okindr" CelinKte. lee t • • HANDY RlMllMl—Uporerde of one heated kinds. N. IL All orders met be accompanied with the cask settsfatiary reerences. KIM Carefaloyarked and sent according to 'dime • tioaS to sny ganef Ma Untied Matta • Penns* wishing in ornament their Peas., grounds Meld do well to pre u• • call, u we Wale one stock of Evergreens gamut be sarpiased yew of tbli tooM taine, new covering *me itoresof groend, and number ing frowi ti21,110,n great amber of which ate of a Lao aim fw .InUPPIII2IW3g. - . Orekastand Shrubbery ingrain taunted by con- Met on remeabist tans. - • ; • We whit, all letters wear address directed to Wil kins P.O.ower Pitublogit, where they ',Mind Lure dime . Order,' loft yak Mr Janes Moment, Oricer nod Loather Dcaletostar the eomer of 7th nod timithield di or at oar stead on Market day. kt weed, grimily Mended is • - • The nettle in general are Melted to eall cede:mine out stack. •• Atte/inert to visitors given on my day ex, ossitSabboult. • - • eeildileStewiliwP . WM A JAR MURDOCK THI4,37AILT NATIONAL WHIG: ' I 75 publiaked in the City orWaelangton, every day. it 13 I o'clock 'rt. st.—Sonday ere/pled—ma served subscriber. n the City, at the Navy, Yetd, is Beery -111.11, is Alskendrls, and in Baltimore, the mum own ing, at 6/ coma ■ week, payable to the Sole Agent for the Whig, 0. thum4 or hie elder. Miele* nuoled to any put of the Untied Paths for 111 per as. nem or IN for Mx rootlike, payable in advance. ' Advenleements of ten Hess or teal Inserted one Mut Ibr 60 tents, two times for 73 teeth ihreof does for II oat week for 111 73, two week. forone month IN 'two months 10, three escheat SW, els menthe one T .., op—payable always in edvance. The Nations!: Wane is what its nanse indicates. It sneak. the etindotents of the Whig pony of the Union es only msestion of piblic policy. It enemata. the Weeded to the Presideaey of Zeman TATUM, midi*, to the decielon of a .Whig National ,Convention. It h e war to the knife upon ALL she d measures and sett of the administration deemed to to serene to the inte teem Of the country, sad °zooms without fear or favor the corteptione of the party In parer. - 'la colones an Open went, meant the menu, , for the dimension of polidealm any other qualms • la Bald= to *lime, large apace In the Oedema =I be devoted to publlcatione open Antietam*, s, and itither metal arts, &Once us general, taw Nedielne.Suilistler, - Art. Choicecunens of A upg.k go . s mn.rpoielgo Literatatte. aloe be given, toasting Boehm* ie.. A weekly list of the .ratenta istrold by the Mein Office will likrise be published— the WltelliZsAte.. i c i zpie r aan , tzaw h p i a l per. Or t e eit the Myst newspapeni in the .linheifetates, Is made op hoot the columns of the Daily National Whig. nod is published every naming, for the love prjee of le per annum, payab o , aMe... A. doable' sheet natter met y tli 111 be nr !filar TO( "Ina =moire of Banana Taylor, wriucn exppwly ' the the NationalAillig, are Congo of publication., They emmetteed. with the second number, • large turealwrof copies of which have been printed to sepply sialstelpmeth nombets.. • CHAS FENTON Proirielor of. National Whig Washington, Senna, 1157. • lelledlumnta PASCAL IRON WORKS, - _ PRILADELPHI4. Welded -Wrimosht bras , S • WBIA; for Leeamouvotilazino heo otte mom . Boehm Bolters, from 11•16 diameter -Otoe Alm Pipits *e Goo, awn, teat other PeePeetN gees moos Tabrolbt 11=e Prosios, filohow !Immo he hoops lassuethotorod sod be saki by -• • • mosuus,Jksiceit a MORRO, - B. corner Ulza oad Wohnst wool , been itx to Iwo TIT km ft or hur a r d taes telt of Mibileal tronokip, Altrobeay,posotl, *oleo Is lu hereby i n to lilt permit niot was) or &made toglan AM Estate to proem *ea, del ao• thoodassiAz aottleseno tot all woos todetoot Mososoo* troool,to ash rota =lost . 'jelailiircronap fHW prati WI! 66 ...7 111 . eitrazin I -181.11116 fa 44.100 Move for naepris. Appli ' • I - IMO IMOD. ayy•Yilei ;Care ISM "Pay I Piles! - Po.l! fr iodises's' Embrocation. Is the only medicine that m care _ ; Mir so very Common and unable:ma dmeian not only immodtately.atLays p.m and isle , mation;Mops all bleeding, subdues diatintoloreble meg ing, bat edema ally rares t in a may short time persons ioee lime ham b ...rendered rentable for years.— . In applicant% produce. no pain,bat meter en agree!. ble and,platu r ast VelltaUtia. peragas afilicetc will bees of the great ember of cues that base been dared, they Wel be ...MAN. IL gentleman of this city, w ho had been under the knife of the eatgeon &mum or dominoes without being cared, has bye. Lail bottles*: the Embrocation. been eradically cored. It alio beyond precedent ti—{PhiL Sunday Cognac ... Op , For sob to Piusbanch, at the PRIM TEA STORE, YI Foannetrect, near wood, : nod site atthe Tnne Store otll P Schwan:, Federal st Alimpbeny et- OJT salters Ginseng Pesasicem--Ittnotear. TarmorreWei beg lease to eall'pablie attemien the following, from D,..Wm. Doan, of Wltharandle .Clermont Co., and one of the wen. int practitioners in the county in which he resides, sad lam Senator in the Stare Legishnere. It is cheering thiss to see the lead. lug men of the profession, banning the bonds of pram. atonal prejudice, arid giving osern its dm: .81r: I ban to my practice been ming some of year Ginseng Rom., sad , so' tar.= well pleased to edema to Catarrhal and Bronchial Complaints.. Please send me half a disco boulet—put them so 16w as TOO earl; all expect if It connuses to reader u general tat lefaellon as it R. bentonite: to keep It eminently on hand. - Respectfully, apl7 W sr. Dons. so. GAZETTE JOH PIIINTINO OVFICE, TURD STUNT, COINZIF OF FOOT °MOS MALT. aty•Ws are now mowed to clams in a auperlor and nonillions manner, all 'kinds °flay exurrolo, sack aa large Power., Steamboat LIMN Bill, of Lading, Lefler Abaci Circulars, Handbills, Card*. &a., lc. "soot AIM MMus! esf anao to - yan extent ezipee the tattooer, kind. of Pnottog done ted with accurs but t:4 , nd at the ofut ktwolo l.ll nom . ETRletioa-711. Yount Jrnt's Jtsernatus Lamm, .Bmosintima and lieherniellocuitute ben/ stow in opera tion. wined respectfully when donations of books, too. nay,minend specimens. models, Etc: • irons the public generally. All donations will be MO' acknowledged octl JACOB WEA AR; Autism./ Krlmportant to AsTiariroars.—ThOadver ilsoments which appear In 'lc Doily felpmipg Oarnue In appear In she To-Weekly, thus recelvog tba ban dit. of the eircaladan q( ad, without any, additional charge. This Isen adsanusgetooor adscrtisesvorldsoat any extra exp.:Pow Adverusonent• are also inserted Inthe coantrypaper upon rum:aside term. .• I . . .. . . QT T. Builders and Pragierey'lleddars— Tao roam Bleu'. Mercantile Liblary-dasociauon and ?lecke:dee Inadiutei wial . .itlebalideis kw the renamed' a suitable Itall andßome, et labial, • long; <dem will be taken: JOHN FINNEY, Jr., Ea'a Jac°. Waavaa, Attlarr. • .• 1' • - Oett ' A,NIGRICAN .11ItTAINL031; . : NEW YORE THE American Art•Union Is iacorporated fee the promotion of Fine Ana, lathe United &Ma. Eon subscriberof Nee Eaten lee Member for one year,— Tbe fends ereapplied: im, to the ptoducuon of lugs and 4,0.4 engravengs,of which every minder remit. • copy; and nem, to the parcbaeo of original Pinning; and other works of an, by native or resident urban, widen are dimnbuted, by tot, mane the =Mom, in December:. • Lettuces 146 Pointing. were distnbuted..This year they:lntl be more summons and valaable—more than 130 are already parch:set; and In addilkie there will be dim:bated VW brow; medal. of Washinvon 144- taa, Do* In proem, And each mrmber, will motto two encremure—qbe Jolly Flat-Bon Nea,..ellar Dint ham; and% nybil,' lyre Hantington. The andereigned begins been applaud one of the Honorary hemlines foe Pinsbugh and vicinity Is pm pared to metre subecription. • Thom wishing to become member* velll fencerd the utlemis of We moiety by debt m Co own no may be convenient. Wht SCALDWELL orb( 3rd street, opposite the Poet Orme Valuable Ohio Myer PrepretSy tor tale. day of 'Novem witleve ber nest, en the ...Neer nut •PletAle FAILM, tritely the property of said dee..., W... t he tow Va, on the Ohio riser, dirsettr oppeeho the town of Welt, 0, wont .beat ucna On the property Nlle, a lane, reas .lirich Durk hap Howe, two owl. har. conscalently arraesed and Dad it excellent repair; attacked are all the uuloarbaikt• Inv: aloe, two good Apple Orchards. The bottom Wad to all cleared and ander good fence, end abeet alarms of 101 l Ned is cleared and ender toe state of earn.- tien. On this property there Is an &bandeau of the verybest ntone Coal. From its bearrtifel loeobagand proxwity to the town of Wellsville, 0.. ft is not too I mach to say that this is one o( the mu desirable farms I on the Uhroltreer. Fos far.. &script...PO..l*n too bWealdiglone made le Le. FkAtenburt, 0.,0r Den.' son; Wm Hamilton YV , or ThotHemohon, et the Wellandle Ferry. Tenns made known on the &vat sal. • 115deawto -nu. H. W. XOlll3lB. ilyinvettitst. =old 17 rospectrally boom law friends and tbe. eltuans of pthsbargh and Allegbeay dist bat bas decided to remain in the thy daring as winter, sad Is prepared to atm patients, placing th emselves tiler lesOcue, sending to tb• spume as practised sr all Water Cate Establish rams. for. either Aram or, Moak C.... Thos. rains to 5.511 th em:ammo( his same. will call at Ma. htmcca's, comer of Liberty at. and ERAS alley. Dr. K. bits treated several acme twee of &mato in W. city were peat mitten, to lamb lie it pertained to ram, aril( EILOOFL OIL CLOTHS—I . . r ISO yd. 4-4 Oil Cloths; 300 " II yard wide, heitaT'eniele; WO ° I " *at horde,. of .vatieu pal. tents.l sat tee'd from the Phlllaparille FaehatT, tar tale akour ware room, S ward & grt awl J II PHILLIP: 4 ,3 wood at • DARR. wentle rt.yyeecttallr anneontee to the DJ Lase. generally 'bailie Jaw received herbel ar el r Fall Wilmer:, wh kae ich will to opened as %rancidity, the aid mit., at Fourth E., between am.' het sad wood. 11131 i T. 11. 151allep. Terri easy Nev.., can be kwut ai kb FloraeMoan Catalonia..lN • maa Lae ft. Clair meat IMAM Met/ eers7 plait arlaaaara. Cur & Itamiaa&. arteka FlCATUMlticke—il ailts . Feautend 20b51 meld Candles& - Ndaelandlng from !nem: blonotgabela; 6t nk by ISAIAH DICEEY & CO nal VICATEISILS-14 mks Enthen now landing trast Namur lisbetala,Not We by nrr I tam.: co 0110 T-25 keg . % Nov 1,2,2. 4.6 sod 212st' reed; Or .412 by POLNDEXTEK wet 4 I eater 41 • P . 11111.0A—O0 was Zomesses landiso (mm cunt Avalanche; • Avalanche; for sole by . ne2 ' WILLIAMS & DILWORTII,IIII wood a. FLODE -900 bbls Waits doss km sale - ' J JORDAN & wN 18 liberty st HOPI -7 biles 0r ale brL J JORDAN A PON IL—No I and 9 Lad oil • counszt9ton hand, for, b 9: I JORDAN &BON LAHD-401M. prime Dew Lard jau tee'd persuar ImaA Nemo% far's& b 7 1 ' • - • • JORDAN & SON et atmoana haw) of mithAald • DLCON and Abashiota for sale low, LP to claw coosigazdapt. by ail .1 JORDAN t SON nIL- S Malt Wiatar:arraand Lard thifidat ree',4 Car sale by it 8 SELLERS nal • • • 37 woad et • bbl. easseed oa ilk prime order. ree . 44. for nrt sale b R E B£l.lY g • • N'MAI 15) kegs ased sine on hand; kw este be ton TAMEN & BE St 011168.11E-15n On W it; tee& fee W 4. e by__ TLSSEY BIIPPNIIL-10 pruo• muck for salt br ,-TASSET WHEST SoarQoll.l.-100 his good Clo • loop, - rooWfor ode. by -100 Zvi • • TAWNY e. 868 T .ALTS -30 bblo . , wombed saltili.lBlpatlEttiy! pi. - Tr.72771 , 7Trr.V.771 , 17T 3 11111 BI TT XTII-43.110n on has, gglogy a: nEsr SEMD-10 bbla Tabothy and Flax aced for Ws by • TASSEV &REPT VaBlOL-13 coneys oil vitriol In good order([ by I scaocriumusa a CII 24 wood et LiIYINIZNIT —lO woos Allee'a lambs Nerve and Ikee lonuaraq art received; for Ws by -avl SCHOONMAKER (XI lr °C WOOD—]U las Sankrd'..tnet let silo by .114 avt I SCHOONNAKERk.OO ik.Loonot.—iab.bli 111_h:el im reel; for sale FL not low b WCHOONAMICHE CO& allL -b 0 bbl* Taxmen ell In gaol mean fm sale by .. net J SCIsOONMAKEiI, IS CO Ig6-10 cats C 'aide kraal. by_ „, t I SCHOON NAi ".t co MM=I;MEI bbls ml . l, in 'lofty fr a ste p tz o i n ia mt. IXTII&PPLAO-41X1 team. aaaorted for Wen? Tar': nal Jk A FLOYD ItKOLIIIIIIEIF-05bbh N o in prime order for We . al by- • • WM D YER, - nyt 158 liben et , SIEED-10 E.Tfothy.eed ru Mom; f. We I . 4 *M MI WM 'DYER S. pL01711.-4000 the Buckwheat Boar finks wheel .1: ayl • tot we by W DULA • CIIEFAL-500 lbs good lot see obsspitypltit T O CCO - a -.z„T W DYER TOBACCO -41 bs. Onfre. 4 , 4 In gunrif gos • by riglIZE/1-10 sots prima quality tcr w r tong B R°uet—aoom.mm for We y'rr.lowvpirra4i. Nvi i ts:g , L e. zAp,so . kx pun for si,u4, two: lalAßlLlCLll—lettempty whakey banterer site or B • • W GREER • writ . ear water & wattkfield sts RD-14110.br."1. .I'lol rdr bren Yeah .fit bb Made 7,5 .b..a 'war OMtk....72,,NCKER kl"" gxda LATHS—Jun reeetrwiDtab and Diu - rib ha amity whkh w LL be thade b onkr YJ• ' owZ4 ANCIER W MAUI • PROOF—IMO tba Me-talia Cementer Yalta; oireed; TJ fm *Lie br ' k, II PHILLi P 8 ITNITIAGIII—Anotiet Lot of Bana/aria Vest . Vatriweel"4,!h7.llllfitkmaill'i='' • V ASIMMEIUMI-41sur sad plale Cambria...MU reetived,o•Deli 'ME msde .12 order ST ' • conSB • - • ": • AMMER iMATER JIMT RECEIVED—Fnersad plalsi Dee Ellin Caw . Nem, wtaelorrill "deinde - ITATOZII , 4I= k Fa* As T pke V CLUIMMIDMIXISSI 6 - 1 1calailaiswiteao : Me= l " la m s g m ba nl64ll:ll =4 by -, N oy mamma WIdEI7C vialiwiali-a mos gabowatesidifoietate '4"llleaMlbr, ~~:~.. t Zt.UY~:}2'M,~ `y.. )r IF,. G-~S.xK:~l:s fly J•ka D. Davis. rage TweiWtick Agetrograwa'g gP 41 :4 Ilaturdaynnernoto, Noi.ltdt; at 0.40014 i Win %-( presumes, will be soldohat pleadid two um bock dwelling bolted and Madame improveutenaMte dont Su e end a half acres Ogren_ ad, Oral. q. ”.. a. ak Sa` villa Turnpike road. neer Tustrum.e.T.... , IXtgr •in ea Ite,Sl Building =Wee attaid. anti . bly Owned and at buy el e( wide* are very desirable br private residences ant arberparperou plan of the some way be wee Wks Aamloli non or Si tbe beasee(Ottm Applwarn. near the Prn.tives- - Tenn; enoivenb auk, midst, hr ihme equal anneal 'me • , -• . .1 tin (MAYA LW t-,0. nun * me, deg the alk iota, 14 etkok, 11 the Casuaerclal Wes Amen amoo.Tof rillAand Wood • A large ...anneal saawohlo Dry lama} lkas among which are sopeihne cloths, mma% flan..., RY- Owns, itemnels, oolacwAgico ll =l , Om" do lobe, smash sad amon shawls and Mw, ballY swags, velvets, silts, pia Sad, bleached sal basso • • 11 lads and IS thb good quail! O 90104 Lt tab New Wow Malmo; 1 alt !Alai and Quemownie h. t i rosnsl sosenownef ear and .r=ll load tease lollogtlltnra::ajcr ion/ rokla " ehaus,pr . Ctsom baton, abb. bablrests; 1 - pir Was Maas lalmo klokbll glow; mahogany work rand, lc. Abe. gloomily of lathes vosisals, owns, A.m.. awakes, handl:char:wan ot r l !mob, pipet, Ac- A large collection of Tamable cabollanooas bah: smtasciog cake aloolord wtoko, 14.04 NTI• watches, doeble bowel do towt Pao.; ash idle road peeks today, stelims.oenosaboloy goallA Ala ail" , wady mule clothing, . ", titt . . fiend BUsetHrNbe Noel , at Avetredb- • • ON Wedbeaday Noe. ,at debek, it Hu Oxereereial Tale. R 0081; corner or Weed sad Falb ere, will be sold IV arms meek to thubruebbsokrlLlke. erten, Bridge Company, 'Terms, cask parialirl • oeM. . • JOHN D DAVIS, Asa •, Wider Sq•et Pn*eny u Amu* . . . ON Wednesday evemsg, Nestendlosi /Was 9 &dioe, the Ootantereted Oda! ammo:ones cdWoodand Litt ej Wean starket and cosy rett, InatrOty kraal of / , sad exeouljag bleb NI 0, las oft ICE Intim by Or feet ogr the buk pasta dulls; adjolslag the wasebesse e(Jsa -- • Tido odinputable. Te l. ros.cmattbad dub, mid/. to tbsse old am lasts indilatareet, psyabla ansuestr. nada - • ' t JOON 11 DATIL A • =MESZiE Thighs. Micmac. d, 1847. '77Blbe pT d the Tnisedy of *. , • Rolla Las Cusp •-mr. nu.... 1 shwa. 'Afars wklob tals'eoosio Was Otto IRISH. lIR.YIDIARRIS. Darbir•-••••••lds.Psuskra. i lashlsto• —llia, iambus! To condole with the comedy of ate WONDEL Dm Felix Mr. Oxley. Lenard,—Mr. Darin. l Donna Volanle —WS. Pima. ErDoors °Pen al 7, and c.U" s!al the " a.• Clair •- 7 ' Ns. a Ars:44ono, teems 3nl awl 4tl sraws, , WHOLEDAWY AND 15EAVEJust received per recent arrivals, in Witmer Il w their Wady new end beaadtal ',petal' Dry Gouda thatolkiwing , peello rich at Culonere. • l" " Aiolllldo Woes; • - • 410 7 54 gelid Yields; 15 7 rleh slit do; . • 150 - 0 Calibutlit and OM= • • 75'* mohair PALL; • • 15 7 plaid dress Mika, aari and desirable stiles; " blue and, bias blaerailltn, !Tench Merusoa L 1.11411,1. Volverwmoludr - haver; plaid mai Aiwa raw silt nod Odd alpseeas t euenterea Parisian Lana Tisten,TbdbuiPazony. Plaid and otherldiards; 401 pairs row drifting and bath , Illnalteat dureerigur diripen,fitassely, lobie eavara end. canna ants; am wrought collars and-capes of all qualities; wrought Odkrs, tura cdrabrie do; Ur:op./JIMA “dildWi9 P . ' bonnet Rdiarldn; asp Broad Cloth and Graf:urea , Wholawde llamAa A MO &road awry. otOD • ON !CO ..ormsoireausLA wmalp, usurur.ots AND enti4inix,rip4. (Only 71111der Stamm! THIS SIM Mail Waastere, s Caisol, lam Nelms J. Bmitara, are me making Mille Daily trip. tc mean AMMO and Ilsomreille. Tho males boat Imes duty at 8 o'clock, preekelyi tee maim at Fano tarsten to Baltimore. —11111 k Vittstranytt PhiladeMkia-401mar7Fare By We kventng beat Passengers will Wpm board, in embriable 8m Room: W. Awr aledr -88 = racmains depttabt, and - amp and lodge a Camber aend Wee *wadies mat travel altogether. 'Combed annexed to Palm to travel artybey my de -880-411cem your — trikitaagM Calm litromeltela Water at..or fic Chalk:olml- Weed aC Dm% A stake tke Ofilca - 102311111V1 Triatsporaatlavr ThumLatiaaraff:Wote. irw BDOWNBVILLE AND CDAMERLANYA ; TflEsabeetiliars are WY Palm'.ed ateeil“ for all otetaltatuLtze sad ;dodoes Oestmea fot Minna by the'DAnragYAls sm . Cuthertioof Cappelli sod oilers have their pods femittod by the previews anti lbs omen dt.Peleht el the kW est canna ram. Mlle of What takes sad trauma. led trey of charge for . The wrong. of the 'yobbo te reepiethirty Pot: ba propristars, IVY! H CLAMOR, - Browser .yt , ' - • Woe, amt. Pittabelyk. • PRINTS ONLY. CEDAR ,BT.,,NEW • • LEE &-BILEWSTR •-•-• tatiblisbed • tirade:woe as the tuCries Air per yoserifi_npylying the My and inierlor v kde ',CALICOES =JAW tr, los prim—sad erinbltAg. al *II - _y_etw am i o n u r : of THF, .WORLD ' They am now opening Severed , tiendree Priekagen, computil trngA every new style of Foreign and DONI A MiIe Akre, many of vrbieit kris' to be found et... kre, and videb have Jul born yolcbased, lad Me offered for see fer Cosh end abort credit, PRICES REDUCED ONE . .TOYE IV; CENTS per below W e pncC4l O. April lied u per printed Leh are corbeled dolly, br Ake teforneteeter wi f e PRINT IV L..... I Nn YerAlsolo,l9tri. 5 STATlOJSZElN—BankehoOrarioes hue; Papnriar= Olden; lanatne palm; WmiottothodDxes .. Wateraand utast mai _ 7amalnapaalplnYaumdy lahaundw Penrolain Blum . . - hicheautdcal Incrnments . trom 197 k te IVO Dunn Cap and ,Is la nand; Catnap paw., Ina loser , wnd now papev,hunsr and' no anyelopeni WOW slaw, a very Inn mete; %luting cud., phun basinnu cads, Inking Itlisehnbinoh rek•eallat sad ear shutpcfnman mud paper, colondOpers Ilgpampkin COVOIViIIIMB papas, Am. and ang.dul; paper, Wuxi Th. above . lei* many aruela in the itigonery Can for Sae hY 3.otruLD • TIM PHILAD42IIIA and NEW. YORE PERIN rEA cm . w.s.tca,l, that ceruth persons ataldin Pittsberell warn e . the exclaim right la sell Oak Pens In MO soT, gtoo On AO' lov. _. book woo me door th e exelsolvo spur !Yu - Ides sad that, asiaber /triers.. Omen. k Cs, me o ur other concern bu a lied Weskit any exclusive•pirin , kges wit Ilea Tuna gbe Mora Aladulsidas C0 ..n.. pant, ti i. .1 . E. Ilsockdale, Is saw atlebblasterk, Eagle Bowl, LAMM' 1 2 -. Pimberdia neer In tank* onions All Teas sold b y tits onnitster, vawassalleld Mull 0 analaid in tbe United Skatca,aW nn/truant regainsd ampere are mainly smOokeot i s N Y. OA C.. L. - . Principal Warebeassef tan Ooopany, So. MI Nook neldrutee . .. . • .....Me4la aIONTb BOND:' TRIPVRELSON COLLMIAZ J LITERARY ROLlETY:—Thetkid4Rusanlal Ra -21"1o( We Roomy will be coldnund.en.Wed• n 17 •1 th of Plourtharc - A dotal IA moon lo o= SAL buoury AAA regular u, be rani .kult u that OCUIRIII... SO:lock. P. W. adAssou. wiE b. delivered byße, WA.Pasauxtu nabtrolti AAA I Priam", Sp. ot Cueulum .4kb thorn au srolpturalhy luttskuißML by Rrder Ocuarnmi.—Ed Tam, 8 Wilton. Jules EMIR June P Lytle, DI FteiclicrOTlA A Push. . IiCONO HAND I.2ACtIINERY ).7 2 par* x hiud A mules, Jlf *UDE es ear* . Lapr Ibr e2rds; . ":" . Preis for 1 .2 2 2 2 22202 Team& speeders: Omits framehreelu, kr, aU er oldak buseld Pil u taquiru of • , . • & CO 'Flu Onion MM. Platthrmh,Plll. Blr.llollld nd 21 . ! . LINg il Tdd=di . ziolw reed• and IN a4 ➢ lalle the Fad Plttlibo • ;.; . Rol Rtft" °.l"4"' 71temli,71',e0AWri 'L41 , 101 , 141.11-1 bat , e.illittlitVAl;rhau ATTINIETTII-2 eases litripsfaadAwsilip . wed black SatithattiJast ntativel kr. WO GRAMM& warrEdi 'GLOVES—A lap iemoir4 Bock (1)?r, sad Aitir Axial 11111ILETS wnrrE roLAVATI-11 miles wer* bony blaat 4 %ft Issue, Jou °WIN I '7 m3O "ACICLETT &WAITE 420C1R :1111111150141111111111._ LI: " ge.ll %;erd - btals oket icoolooda,ting terit U I •• an".ri '" mrtcneurage GIULCIU4 , IOIbz . , rtuAt,fbr olio by ' ~ , WOl4ll KeceitnEoN si a b isa l s i li f VgW ll ,, ?T " wsaueo xpiyas=lsewaymptstoisimt • Jimisi by ,• eat* ..-£ t'fr HAMIA IIO r F murrzatior r=] - Krziirovau DAILY TACKErLIP ---. E..n.6,4llemiefitstaid pal?.iisa. s 5 l now eosposed at buge. tql, and tantiaiedond west power al bean mew wawa' the .wt. - . Weary es Lion sad cave . ten that mew can mare, ba be= preetd.l brpa wage. Tie Line kw been inept.. F. ice Ica. —love sank& a sant. of poop. wit.= the Lave WI to th e ft Petwaia The Data will be alike kat., , . Wood greet.. day te atattlit, I. not?' lion. nal& .4 the catty of pawn.. ea ihnienis um, la all eaves the pannge awe. nwst 1. paid . 11IOLDA! !ACYCLIC.' Tee RONONOAIIEI.ALywAre... OII rm► berth every Monday utoratet 4110 ev .." Ack; Woer-1W every bloom main at 10 P. 01.' ••. • • TTIZSDAT PAMUMT. - • The' HILIPMNIA, 240.•,14.0apt. .11 , / ainefeto, , era hum IPinaheerk eve., Teesday samba at 10 deloca9 Wheelinteeerr.Teeelae at 10 P. M. 1, IitiDNISIDAirpIoN.WIN • ,-- The NEW.ENGLAND,MO.M, Capt. 4...Peariet; leave Pelebtrer.every'..Wedixeday menting , .10 ecypein IrietlMlll44yWed.wrenipg • • • The IMBOCRISIN.Oepc Onte,will Wmt* • barglveriTlTboaday warning &MJoe/a Wheellpg mrary lb:oday *Mixt at PI P. al. , The wins, no. 3, Captembovilliernaine burgh every Friday mom*/ at 10 c re 4velri bean ever Fed/gen-04 aIO•AL - - L. lATITIRDAT 11 6 41C1E.Z.T. - - The MESSLIGEMCoot.'Imorra, mitl; lovvrPrtio Margo every Patuday morning mlO~4 190egyi nvvry flaarday evening at -10 P. M. DAY- rikostin - I• " Iris.iiimlNEwroN.-.capt. a. 9.166.; .;; 4 1 maim& every.Sondey mining m rekok gykgig every Pongay evenum as 10 P.M. Ma M. 1817. t . , CILETS.—NEW ARRANGEMENTS 1 GALES COPE, will lam fa le t lEek, ,, sod Ma'am aak, attiea • is•tcamtakg ack bloods!, Vedoe•day and Friday. , Ms • boas At taat batmen yataa rr iC i f u ll: Gs brtdda pre.: fered, lo, e"'W'M a will Sant .Or Seam,Glairr,and Wellindile on Monday, W mutat, Wrapt dwell wok, nil &dank, • ao, nmrnlat *asTioday.lll•l4•7 sad Samahl. kg. , am ■WO at dovlanabas Wives , Wood au .set asd Gebride . pros:redo raeciaa Orconforimomor, will Imre as Orme Baia learning aril le . oloct. For treAkt , . • ' .., AffilLirdliaars,maslarorill leave aa . atov . : , thla dry at 10 o'clock. For . frerir , ie passage appl von board— The fteer'ila rut rennbegiteamir " MARY SIRPHENtI, ' Luau, Intl leave as Uwe tbbt er leo'cleek. For rrelgto en aueee soon on taut.. . • • . . .' -FOR NEW OEtEANa • .Tkrumw.and splendid suer DIADEU, • 'miner, k& ii. rorisolre tudinsermediste sot& orillwery t tlis tad tut. r rrintar.r Puisgs OP I I ho.or ALLIUI & OD . REGULAR FACE BETWEEN PTIINIAURCHI • ' • AND BROWNIWUJ.S.. 6.6nk,masier igtiWildsr IwNl s trWT Tbsreday:and I=y y ,%=lry 231=7 "a """M at Pegg. • For frisighlesapply crikkowdior to -, ectEtt- - . • J NEWTON JONES, Er The splendid Deer envier' • GENERAL JESSUP, Muse, sumer, inn have as *beim on the ink lase • Fen freight or palanne frPo v heart -eel - WELLSVILLE—DAILY PACILEr e. ' • Banielarter, will km Mamie', eere oarwag, (Bawdstra eiteapayd) at 9 Velma, and WartazaVallswlle ,Irrery Mabry at 4 *Week Lot tor pomace whir . ea beard.ortl.l F" Larrhaliptaka recar.r. * 1 1160 isagailiteotstear • . ' - &Km or mint 2110 o'clock.- For ft prow • • 02 b 2210; ' •' REGULAR LOMSVILLEZACEEr, ,L' • The new, bglu 'Aught awl ran- , daginewww,l EUREILIyr. Caiow, wawa, wilt nw AB wigulAr kw between PiwilmlA =4 Lai. mm. Wair etE,es OrAiipAr aaoe' Awed*? imam, mAili 'edit . 'itIeMPORT,„"A,PLILBETII - AND . itIONONCyI- '-7.. , " _ b. 4, 7larir&Tii*! • Kamm O er dins n.bbdr iri • irig Pim baqb 'aver y *Way, Wed nerlLnur Friday, atli a 4 1 , 7 .14. &and a t i 'oreioeft, A.7kO.lTP:r 1411. er pause lys.mn,%.n ageralst Plaa. " .. a .Samirin • blicat - Arill Enka *tail to dm above port dozing:Oa sop on,- • -Plot lie t orpurye spry =laird . to D I FOR CISC/NNATI4ILEGOLAICPACIUM. JP Jack, mutat. will losvefor above 'and fat/mediate pott.a Th e bt a7,lh. TIN inn at to eilaelc.A. - 1301ZI; I fy in t: r inurTizariONES FOR WHEELINO. . HUDWN No, gamer has Teamed bar lag . attar nips and anlllease Pittsburgh aa above every Ilarsday cod, Um- Uyataptloek, P. AL ' Par fre.l6l.ar paaaaga apply anlnaliat *a • . • WII.IIIINS EXPRESS I,CLIPII/..214.*X111.140117/2110/4: LYNX, . . :A11847- Yee A. vaa de - pasa Paidurs IS7Wllllleiressatioft AND Titriaiipt# ern WI IntOWNSVILLR AN ti- D CIIMRERLAiID. . TIACK, 17131017GH 8.41.27X0118,, PIM WYSS' Taft Matta Opal sal Seasons iet ehurreare Rum taddid., mefett. aum laiteableyweyallardai J. by this Llse,yre meek that the Agee* sags with mall enee teeeserad itb *evanesce of the pub. The 640111in:eel of a Ties ray I,hte . if Wien, between Bnrersts•lllalintElhabsellad,,olailirs it OW MOM gaped:Wool lad tellable male between the Set asd Welt. blereheadize heat tie East Is deemed la Pitataugh an tle retain el theeltial day Croft Cow The Spun Will 'give iestapts ie liew led Mee and all MIKITY =Wiled *them era be *mama &yew knresi 'anent tma.. 3illsaf Lollar Maa=a 4 ell sad all - knenseecos promptly eatended C BIDWELL; Jinni Watetst.Ydoors above 'lke lleetwatgabela ome, Pntiburale 'GEO W MASS, itteatravilhe _ SeICAIG /11141311111EXamberbial. 11 _ _ J- RWENergii 1'4.1 pomn. alAri-inuomu" • • : :1 - 0 710 ----• f:w .e.,eill ,itainebsork, aro Lebo:444 ufa 1u we Mere Jeerdput maxim Weal expose welowymeLevolyleikowas to Inwood Note, ON rumboArl. ! baM, .01 will rum* needles extort *Nee freNainteareo dolma, Bear la %thly six bebnei , !=bub , .Ab takeout &keys Dory eseerwl._ ...._. fft """ •will *Lo - be ralisbaby mow .03,84bi0n, New York and Nttediekekse. As we not tle ear? exprdee by sea wan entookippere sr* haerteed lea theY -.nut pewees receipts as see , Qompekoe ode , ikkoo &CIR. litDV. Platt EXPJLESS PAW! PAXICET 6iftA CAR is anima . IIiA44HOII -411i111 . ant lilulikimiluivisighten repdreddied 1 ins nem Egt 11 T.znivisimeriberti. eenceaa Winitsi, - likdi October, is . ran of deur pant.!;eutyingpsisensiiri *Soso sate! miss. mails. Names lid Cans! wid. Rid BMW; PluibsrOsismilessisy,Wedasiday and Endo Eve ning is 'es...lbeir. litslidayibin era' . 61 ..."7. Widnesiiy edd PVidersonibisi. - • • to Hew.* Pbr piiiipapply W.llasis,Mseserei or l7 Lat..Cil a. CO rns/as AND untn/No; OFF/CR . PKILIOND bawls ow. tb , . nearer Da NNW nalowillo tam. from acid mule &upland. Irebutde ti..D.uf, acid Wales; aught Parlst&biPenuir.! &elts b Stinerpoodeata and meow of We British Government have frspentlyclanooed Eatdruta liwae and Datr (needs s U AWerica, spawn UlO *aria .duswre maxims. ally practised non wensliust bus always teemed the well known brow. et Masa Co, as the rid* iggea ni.t...ted:hhyr SSA PlllllOl who advertise thaswelies Sole Agents gar the 131 act Llrm, ease treat is wawa., gon Awaits pubtle,as taw profs . * of Ds Sluk Mat .11cmhateg. 21.. "' pi t si.Drayslita to altramagaut_payabl. at any of the Deserts. of We ?unlock! or reauottal Peels of Ira tow, &Ward, eccelarmg, Pe We dn. eat ow. Re. .ssuies are do satiate meat sad lead liar the East is mop op do MA thereby Moat wesshaw ipa pasyL. Let the Elletcrsoltif eari awe ar, and wt , wllt socowsodwe Demo New Nest . Ju#!;osolsers,Emee. Ag. 6 oeu . - ~ setstt - - ;ato Wags okstrlbelew wood • Moser, ' • •Q 'lit. ....ogy Dry firodo-Holuo of W. u. , lalltriit comer of thood oorrtre of .wimm wica!" , sr'77V*l4!!. rein . lode au.• • • ~ , . - , , . • ••,„ • - •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers