(~ • :;•;2.1,:-., ' ,1,.:- ----" 7.7- --. - --: ,.., = _ ...,4i , E1 . ...: ........ ~,_.,:,,-..,t7„... _:`~: I~.?.. MEE 4: -.I- , . ~ ~ - I ' • i .• EN= EWE ~ i~; 1 . 1: :ft. ~.. , ... ~ ... !,-!.... • A:f....',.:4;f:...': -i;*; ,4 '- , -; . !;;;.::1: . :: , : - :'•• ',".',.- ;1 , i'...;•;.,•,41.!; ,',: -, !.N-.:;••••••; , "4'4::ii..:: - " • 4 .• •;;;41, k l ftlirt:,t ~, ig4-4:77::ft4#4.,": •,;44 k) - . l l;:tliii.4l:-. .; V.,: ..-.,,....e.v.-,--4"..-:--..-4, ,1 , ,41,1-, ...: .; "•:"-TZle**l t iftt* 'n4•..;.i...i,.t 'iiZ; 4 ' * l , " 4 4* ,,1 0 . .. :. : ,1 1f k! . . g ‘ V, iiY • : .. - . 1 '•,.. 4 ?:::'..1-- 1 7 , : , '0;"' !eit!l::.- • •*,;''.''::,T;,L.:"l-0::,3-.41:4:li:-. .:! 1 1;• : q1 ,4 '1 - , , ..;':, Itt''! . .-. ,i:;L'1%:•;i: yam`'.i ~, :,:i3.:.1i*1 ::: ' 't .. . :it'77:1,!,,,irt40.... -.. '' •,.:,::, -?..t‘",.,-.-:-:::•I'V:;'.1- .- i'..' , , P4 -4 1 1. ..P.•::! , 1; 4.:: ; „ t....1 7 ., - ...-,-. %.f2....tT:4,..:1..iiL15,.: ''.:,.!e.4.•.•!ti-,..A,',...:,,v..:**:..z! ;V:iii,v:• - :‘, !..A-;' ..--- .4" :r, , ,, ..-'• t . ..",t,: , ' •,' - ... • • " 15E1 -:;.~:~; ~..:~: + : ;~ ~5 Y ;, ;;;Y MOMIA Triarmq " 3 bati'gresm 141 , 1; , star tin t aire l .fb, . 411 br:.tiatua esciantlimaotr.— ITITali - a42 -47 4q/ 44 N1, 40 eh.% i liT t . i• • . 11 "r-Nffitti. , r, 3. xuGosret; x7..7 7!6.5p,,,a,1"4211AL1T1L ' ' bats ends fahpdft,.• bildlieltroael is TObscrAh .... • , • JOHN bt of tolendid WIWI+ at. • V.:r ut ''l""ri!.".Orcr[gaileVElL. aL wperio. blue %abbot; f4i sfabs :1; =4.1 10 . Zwai, b C b bIS Mimeo's CnalNlW Asta cgi• .Vii.rw• . an) ••• • 1211111ATUSCRII-27 Deb nerviliab . 36 her Moamar I/Lary Stephen.; br mkt Irf • ^ \ISM if. *Ma GEM CIOATLIS Gll7l bf!ei . lane, !• . _l . r_lY 4•14 1 .5 4 •, - mar • • , . :V" ''''"*"."4'lll,l2PAP.T. T 'do r lIIILPLINTLXIFISIbbtir rp_fr.trr tr az arZli -ice Orr role by SCHOU:aI • mammas —;,thie.a ant PPP.= la 0. 4,41, 1 ,Ilaa tot *Vanor poopot oasoo—for Ws • datO , .• - SCHOONNAUR CO 15 47 12.VTmrilicHoommA4becill . g ,01.00111 Ns WATZU , IIbIi ieWr 1J %uses AlllOOl O 1,41 . • treirtfired 3,314 tea* fbr "1.5 111 . M, -4° iturrinunort co ,, • • . . , 4,6 lista killes-ss . - bbl extra. Rti area fir oak bi evotisoltstinurrika) IiIITTgBe4 bble _ J./ *an F VOLf BONNXIONeT ii"V D-8000 be tve VI' X A TE alth MOO berhfat via tahat, I"zka 114ce Iri Clr i a t iVutT3l3 - 35 .6. 3 31_ oe itrrrsa-s bbl.spiklVlktrAvAcifolval .1. -!amnia pwL .21 ,c75 . !: 7 2 , 0 b - t i a; ren t ncu,a4Nbl! bu gliTiTteMt.bi Ei—e.ri«<. very kearrenii tine doable af l aZ wool Meek Beaver Clotitnbineced; Annals bT-. • . foet3ll. 11116COXIS4 Winn lin-mk.stolortrivAtagez. , Ma=;mmn suggiS . oetS OPS—GbidesJut Teed cm eaumtimetilu . for silo* veal • • = AILLEJIM MICSETSON Reitar.x.s—it yak nolarres Barteliarre. reed ,IlkdiaiiiittCKETSON SMICI?-60 -15 - 6141 y '• " 1. 111:1Walit ILICKEZION 4 • eatirwin Ilbec• tzT"-tr _w l6 *. ab * al* whfile: .25 •:1 MILLER a sic:lmam+ g ocol4 —lO bbls Nla Janet* Ina., bv ocol4 . - • • • KILLER. k RICKETSON. --mkaurnui VARIEIIH-4 bbla Ewen Coal Vaninti, Noel ♦ vv4 ‘" b i . : 7 9 112 9 / MARGAria P. TIIIIPESTISIG-40 bblslast nte'di far sale • craZs • TIISPEST , Err - • .7-13-1401t0AN BROWS , -1 esk pet.) ibt sale 'actin s • D 110110 AN OPPIEILLV-12 bbla int ea . moioAri 17 41"°D. 6dP ! 'l ("S,II)IIORGAN CMILVVCM" ) " bbl r b 'F' d I ".**.VD tionorat raiextuta 'UPPISS-I.Pladeus* Cas d in Ws T T tor Tao at the gnat TlTTii co wmtinta ► .1. to catc ' 12 etas cd sa foralie ET KGM=M ele by aC4II—A k"Vb CIC *cc:Obi:En .. /.(11nii-Jabbla MAO baba tbsofortybb. and; Ms! feed edl.7 b.! esP.Oor I itgAu ' imbs . ..sea F miv iswitott ,,"" oats w iaMhatort 14•110.011r 4 O mit 1... d fa sant:nes to Vr irri t i tart. , lmo u2tl Y" t--i, s7 ) A zas mat • ~:. .~.,~.: ! .. . . s ße yt br goavatsettragt ' km bi , . Gen • • • limiter &Parma as cgs !aeons I r clalr b., mere: fb , TIT • „, _ ALI;Nrg .6 !!Vl"e '3s lee'd 0r.w..b7 DIG IRON-13 tons ^io.l faahouln lraso *.ll, try 'J. Waling and fin ,^ J cODWALLArt: L i/LX pip Oale4 Lewd Jut ree'd: ferule bT EILTER t CO MOLASSIgIif-100 001 N Molasses for solo low 45 Waal fOr b aionsinq kCO IN Y Tt: ' !T Exp..4ppipoalenilastiwreed; for_saleby bainciusoc4 a co balers pnem Modlaw rotted ibt lAs_bl ft Cu DOTATOMII4.73 Itei*mcir,s hadinkfram ,?.'!!! j !r 4.*ftisV' ,Iskifisua ." ---7 T — lsen • t ' ' 44 -"CZ, .4.4sau.rotair *nmea l6o . l .Frw, colt wesvgi 'at the .erie one,: a° musket ' • r• tor tome & -posl B3l am* by airs, for sale ini bb 1+ *ad by fetal at UM EATER ASWAN'S Coletnated'rnok tassdPcni, fot We is ‘../ Vas oat M1.c.n6 , 0 id the wine .+lll'ara INa IbM • gcasune kr alabl the doom =don drs7hts althe wine *no, ° Ei3HS 3 ss ICOBICK-1 CASO SuaJl sfieklor Meal "i 1 la, end fort *-b1441.01 . '------- =UM-10 wq OM BONWHOR9 t C 0 aVIS I iSp 11.1/811 CA Meer 4124 Ikea red Flub bt gr and elegh pipes old Otigt lf fair NvistakeiaM Escudo ' ' _ rastAirm br 'lovvx*7 47 "?.f. l94 . - •>`::.,.: cor. waist 4/‘ raiddield Mi.. • "nell.l ItArier"". B w im*si' - wa'icw*Ti"r&meciNt . s 1,84E7-331a Wr sale' br seckoins 39/IGIC • • . L saes ilif)11111 _ ••: r • . t • 1. sera Lj)::41,10. , : pv1.4.110007 wed JeLsCiee II twID)2!.:• 7 :i ; ,b . M bbp:do;- ~~CR6TLOOI!7 •• *erbhaarm 71 k 4i 's 41 eats sw;ie sad kr .:C::•"1111pALE1113117. warp scon CO, ' " 16 b r • i s imetealme.lberti is.' ' 1 - 746111111 fflitu awws- (mow", riaryinv--on repo, n. co mo -- JO abl buld• . "-~,A~`a+L'6 Drab rteVl~~~ , _.,._~. jet .:.:..: ...,.Y AOU7IBt,7t.iNUe~"~ inishabliWtisaw • - t ai l daff • . • - iit*.shg.or ly & LT& .$5. )1131r,1 c.cir! Li 041. P on7/941," AINOXIM—ebea peaeasx;_ nem 10). .P.P.r.bell; RW017016-0 bbls Fizzle.* "'" - Lai oet - 1 211— Fle""e'l GEO •ma BMW:if VIDILLIAS—ED els Al Raisins. lansp Filberts,. : ao rwahno; Ili aim aid twigs kir kly mut' k • , ,t &MOLISE{ k - DEPINt:TT 13!LiSIWA.S. Ite,•lesk Mo`otlijer,zr 4pdWWE (vomiter Paella.od far sate . J AS °MALL of ..,r, , ines ant ••• •J • yllslbrma= alr nw land C in K g: Y & & & C O InAtei Dl er&fw wat ont TIOMPIII-41larns Sou's”: 1 Co Pens, eassistini elosble, treble. mad pen Imes, Wines, visage in awe wallet sale wasissais stes wise mom I &IMMO' PAPLItr _ • ; • uou wo n t' e. '7.7"P" :•i -, 1 121, •is D !whim iiirdwarr for NSW by - . DOf?{-TaVer, Maga% &Cott double. wov. wtotorle er retril et U. wb. sum ' ' JACOB WEAVER S! 1 ! ) ‘ 1111 1 11 17rB i alf k ir? ".; : —T gaging:lr laadingnom soar notaries; • 101.0.4 ' J DALr.Eza. . LOON-Y 6 tag belled Flaw Au V an4ioi sals by n F VON BONNISCIRST t-CO BRD°EB— rill_ dial for sate pi. • • - Ic6 • FV N BONNHORBTic CO 1CILOVIL—(0 bbls beak badly net h .17 saao by •v. • • 4)/LVFORD &CO ••• bet.r.• - oppoiite of senlatleld MLONAltial24 o ltble Ne f ral , • • JTV:! TIF.AZELTerteaksIL U.-it bolt sna 4,la;ki Net Fill Lard Oil; (..ery sopeclorMikmiebred ilia for We by onle' . SEWS. • • Ini6en lY WOILIF41171•71.11110 bairD3lo.fo r at by Ebb% brie onisimbil ViLAJIIi-16 Ralf laris Dolicalcl3lanken "..43 LAST/M.l MAlLlS—Baliable fat Land, aa. way on baud sad for aalci nt N 0244 Ltbatty aim Canal. • —Alm •• VT Vir WALLACE. IT IMP-4° lty I"' EL 11. X 14" lifitriat a' Mut 922 libenl st —Mladk=l 01.0IIIIJ.1004tds Oar revolved and Inr vile bp *CM J JORDAN k SON IR liberty et "landt , l own sputa.," grut aptlaty cite at * . eCA 13a tes, tattaaahcla -owl) - - • . Istratt , rP. '"EgN War:CV (111.-4 bt!ls *lntel Lard Ch_lprn_ree'd: for ale by - -*nig -11417. w & RICKETSON iPeetll -7-31) b'.IS'''I,I3ObIIBONNOORST & CO Lutaicrurr-4 gross Nano as d So n MORGANe Linagient acre . Cor sale by . ; I D VLOOR-77 giasteirslerrlls? WWI as= Car L' IWO by AIeGILL, BUSSIIFTELD RO6 bbls 7sn, forM C:0E011 Wt . " . '.` ? ' l7 • ° l. te e • is PiP ? e or_bblsj..! theIIoOB,WEAVER POTATOIIIO litaNeabstonoek Potatoes lost se calved and kr oats by. - oetlO • • 8&W fl 9AUG8.07 wood at utawsits PERSONIFIED-N. 7 .74 Bo f • brualtal wo!k. has , bund CAM& Q.«op '"7:4ltralum TIER g ypCladßasin, 02•2 7th SEDMII—XOO Ibp irime thmin E!ides for salelrot f.1,04:111t CIANDTIO bra Not turista ' Ma oetl9 • J D NVILLTA amminNMl ArioB3-10) be yellow Cam for sale by • ' V *cab M lame D biebi lye Wig% by • ' DeanElAbrt, bl ------- - P 011.13.-10 bbl. bits. Pork, a sapenor article, • - band; for.absby aLTNOLDS 0.03 - , tor pant. ir.n. Pt, Erlll-10 sae let il r for silely P",'" «us meact.susimnrik. Roe vonsitA.—Pano Madeira, &U Wm mere. we and very sa• 04-Petter, lewd, des We atthe waif:JAOull WEAVER AOSlBA—Bettee's best, Sap matins, for salt lYAiff Lrk BIADISIIICAL—A kyr dos of Ms Sae 11 low00 0 l7; 6 ? , mit mil*L j e ,:c i n WEAVER avwe iclleCANDLea. eer wood &WRIST Rt lufraiwaszr aunsmou. for ale by *clue: JYA. bbl or &trend rol ' wins re. arta . • JACOB WEAVER DuBONS.W.a MtriPMnisionropes ban • mem anottoent of ablon Got& ,vrthe and ectoled •p 4 b•"*"" -`4""'' I.l""i'V 14. -u'dOlLlLS—Ckangdabiebbse am d bLsck. ar Salm GlausSilks fof Lama DrlddlnY m eagy at dr"."4'"6".?F — ssorthtuud eardth t 'Dara du 11 — IRINIIS—Unbz• for ale br « esr o Frakisrzu—s. Il t Oke b r y sapply: _or bimtd_ _an] raxami les/ Rce Mlprilt&—Neteton, Conlon &Co. & & Madeira Or ale ea &AO:me of II gal emelt et the me AY at, war oet °ll W .IkAr---JLA.I k t eis Radeirs rot sale wbole /VA salqof Mad . u the wlas JACOB WWillt - - ops-L bali Ist Noe br We by DICKEY AH CO °eat . ' .1 eon - • bicKgs• *co IM2 1 1 .131"1, . *aid sahib JAILLZELVE • ' man ti,, P. WIMP ui kbbi neck tirja,.• Lsviss wirricalsoN: co (101113IL-90Bos tnedrin , O , vc, miss . SELLERS reed; tow 011...5 1 . 1 7 4 reLLFALS by •: peen • • • " _ CPAlSlEWPOSACOO—lsealed d l eriud.np 1.7 pan will lw spld Tay low to dos consipmenNy VEILVAA-Bma _ cv,Waoheti . ,gcpm . 1 1:7 °}4 " 11 0eC t r , a&E ss iamicurgioo `v& = IOO B 4 "" 17, T WICKt ii;CAinZIM ICALMIZATIM-8 este fer We b 7 .10, °eta • WIC( N PLYa,..B SWUM :BOAT - , 004r93 4, 0 m ftranct.for:' .46'11eauMilton market A. weal INVITAIIIL—RAWIdar leninelry—lo tin eurol DLL b w y itekk, MI( sod quarteDt WARD II pounds I ELZELTOM ast teed And k' uile • • • -, E ANUS FAL .,I 4 r"vu"'")w""tbrY.. rivALLOW4bbls mutertd Ira? a Burr v 0 LOUIL-15 0 bb Fpn 1.1. nod for We by . a; 13/"K' ir: W HA' HAUGH - eHle S1161"1.431"" 13e"VOVIEITER & bo EIICATIMIU I-44 bap eas Yestacky reallkers E. from suss itle or p aada; for s ale DT I POI , WM/UAW I,Dl.Wpani, 47 mood st ' IV bb''roe,l=Zr..RlTgitr W-oei "*'" ilions . ooda lasi for — se ' laiUrf6iti YTH UNCAN Loyd—soo bbls dear Bereft MU bat saesissal F. by pat elyndlow and fix We try " ••- • dada 8 W UGH. 33 wood at VITAXTMD-1000 FILIBeed br whmli ita high. " 1- "" I " k*l Fl c° !' a"k 9 k WI/ &UCH orLeaLtllOgn, and Me Jolts, for sale by n g ,JJfIU • • IN 3V WALLACE. MPII•""111:- limachwoissi ME=IiM=M ::~w~~ 01.1T08fR.: . . Vied 1» 6.02 TIC V Friday. .. - 6 26 39 Nstoiday 649 31 626,1ty a 18 1 Moodily • 629 2 Taesday ' 6 31 S Wedneolsy . 6,32 - - Movements of the Meson •teoeneer Stratene..• Caroline. Leers A. • Lerre Rime. 14,,.4...14,0R) 'Menton, Ott S ept 4 16.ense,IRI) ' Ryrie, Get IS . Smt 19 rbilseelphistFrilkomn net I Sept IS Irn lierben, rapt Mirmenri, (Po Mo r in, (let 21 Min 94 Cambria- (M) .Jolkne Nov I Oct 4 Nr...1434.1141., Fume, ' Sept IS Ott IS Wtohlon,lAis) tOpt Pt Oet I 6 Calettano. ( Ur) ;Molt, Sept le Oet 19 . additioes hue been made to supplim, .Ji sometime biels; conseg•eetly. they have dwin- dled iciaieirbig, sod prieei_eontinue firm, with • tendency grind.: Replaisiteg from store by dray lead it 4.9085 it bbl, with rated, or soles by Moan di' I bbl. MLLMLI MUMMY t . a• tswal i f . warr i aged am mod &Inkier ets 'aUHB tl ~. pO , YBY'IN se~QlfCfli~waura vcuutobtvoratZat I% I twalgra 4, 9 3 Iltseltatei 'ROBISON &CO 141111:11CIE - 111.11:L=A uliTee ••••••• .0016 ; ItOßi tt gco P , g _ t oe fan rig "" AR-40 bets Oder ' 1 10180 N & C O(?_! bl (PS 434 Q " frit PacCUTCI4O3N orines—twaiv prim RAO= one „. iNib.4,pllVoBl-431,bi”" /36*LACTBIAIM Lll7 t"illtt hir'cuisza . ' etaeld Wear Qunvesiira-.A mall Wet hem rCi la !MIMI 1111116 6 g gg i f . t 7 woe ppiaihmiteacalleompki._. wwagirle., - _ , _ COMM At.) AIPAC 5 1 1023 • 5 0 11U3. 4.7.4 363 4 - 89 noes -1 , 4 57- 0,5511 45G 1 16 465 S l3 PITTIIBILIAOR 110AILD.OP TRADE. COMMITTEE TOW NOVEMITIL , I. tN[A. t. CLARIS • Anluyet, AND DEPARTURES OF MAILS. Eastern Mail via Philadelphia, dee, 3 A. M,, dome ISM. • . Western Meil, Clneinnati nod kornsville, dais 8 P elate SA. M. • Southern Mail via Baltimore and , ,washington, due 8 P. M., close. b A. t& Narita Waders ma Cleveland, doe 10 A. M., closes Erie and Western New Yoh, due 8 P. M., closes PAPRENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1917. RCM Boat Packet Line, leives daily Mc Cis . china% 10 M. Painienicr Packet via Brairnavilloto Baltimore and Philadelphia, 8 a. ai and 6 r. r. Canal Packet Lhie to PhiladelOia, daily, 9 r. r. Mall Coach Line - direct to Philadelphia, 9 A. r .sVeatern and Southern ' Coach Line, GA. to. North Maims via Vierrelaad, daily,lo A. n. Erie and Weide= Neer Park, daily, 9,A. h. North Eastern to Philadelphia, deity, except San , days,4' orFiC Pirrsittlaan ClAzCrrS, Tuesday Montlay, November Z. We here no change to dote in the geoerel rites of the market; bigness, tri a reviler !my, le quite -, at JP,1463,5,75 p • Grain—The market ieverr quiet. With moderate des alpieviooirates, viz: Wheat 90to 9,5; Rye 46; Barley 4/4 Con 40 to 46; Oats 25 to B3e p be. Baeon—Tbe market eontinues,qulet. 'Mtn no. cher in price., We' quote moderate sales of Hum at Eht to 9ei Sidra 71; to - If; Shoulders io 7 re. Featbere-,Salm ol SOD lbs at 31e cmhT - Some holden an oakum Me. Reenras—Sappy quite limited, with moderate mien at tie. Very little dernand In the iziattet. Lard—The market is rather dell, with moderate ,ilea at 01 to 9e. Batter—Regular calm ol keg at .9 to 91e. Meial—We quote the following Wes sines our last report:-6 tons Jefferson, 60 ds Dees Creek, 60 do Helea,4o do Mar Aim, at pt, 6 mos. 600 tons Allegheny were sold on prints terms. A atisamboa t builder at New York him jest too. eluded • contract for buildings boat MO feet lone Ile gear:antes for her, when flatbed, an'aversge 'geed of IS miles per boar ! Sostr..—The Hibernia arrived yroteeday from St, Lows, repots that the Simon Kenton struck a snag at Hat Island, re Friday night ladled 'oak in • re. moments. 'hie Monona Wadi • anag within an hundred yard. of the alma vat, on Saturday night_ last, aod also -sunk in a short time. W have no girth:elm of the disasters. SPißli' OF iELZATiSiiCMAR!EETS. - - - Lotnevacce, Oct 51-Floor-T7lerestoionsid , arable arrivals of this article; bat no Meows Wei. The market pries, wholesale, 454,80 to 4,90. Re. tail 5,00 to 5,25. ' Hemp-Is corning in in small quantities, but very lowly quoted at 56,50 so cwt for DR. Cattle-Sales or Beeves et from to 4; per e ms ; Sheep 1,5 D to 3,00, according to quality. Hoge to 3; gran. Lamb 51 te.1,50; Cares for eget: to l 3..Cowai and Calves 515 to 2.5. Tobacco -Sales at Todd's this naming of 6 hhde via: .2 ol No t at 54,75 to 435; 4doNo 3 at 3,63, 2.30,1,73 sod 330. At Planter's House was sold bbiNNO 3 at 260 and 1.50. Wheat-This article Is coming in in large qtwor. titles. Millen an paying BSc. Whither-Mum for the week past have not Teri ed; It.. being sold at 19c, sad rectified at 'sae. Su Loon, Oct 212-The only sales of Floor repor WI, were of 60 bbl. Plymouth at s4so, l and MO do gaiety on potato terate r heliaead to be at 4,55 or 460. In wheat very little was done; the price I. Wm, 'ping and inferior 65 to 700; coed 75 to 78,100 imdload.Po to Marlow SG Wake, te oat leer slier and no m s s O f of 700 pig. teed at 53.10 end 550 bonus. Of Whither, 100 Mb common at 14;30 do in two lots at 19g, and 90 do. at Alt, an sibracce.-I Rep. B Oct 2 8 -Tho transactions were to the 'sleet of 1 5,500 be wheat and pxo tibia flour at the following rates, Tit: 8,500 tea Chlrago wheat tsar: "are at 51,03-M do afloat at 1115-4000 do Man at 1,57-10(0 Mils Valente and booth Revd, Mich:. gun stet Indiana Pour to arrive in one week 01 5550 -211/ 551. Ccrovco.Mloat at 5,56. and 500 do do. at 560 end -30 U bble two broods Michlpo at 563.- Yesterday alien:mon 730 blots Croton sod Crown Mills Ohio sold at 5,64, and 230 do Premium Mills, it 5,65.-[Adv. , Ditchonr, Oct 23-Floar-120 ,bbis Llrinpton was offered at 55,85, but only got a bid of 5,20, which wee refaced. An offer of 5,2.5 for '760 bbl. Eagle, an board the brig D Smart. ready to will, was made and leafed. • An offer of 5,181 was also made for LOCO bbl., bot gonad no taken -lAd.. Cterscatro,Oet e.9-Canal receipts-Flour 12111 bbl.-Dried Fruit 4219 Roe-Butter 6347 dol.-Meat 3545 hue. • Market-Sslee ore MO bat:. Wheat $1;04-61M Ws Fuse watt, 1,874--9 kg. hotter 14-3 i keg. do il lteaMPrictiWheat $1,06 to I,lo.—Corn CI to 45—Clauttto..—[EleraW. , itocnouna, Oct 17—On 'Change this morning Ahem wu a solo or 3000 tim Genesee at Si N. In Floor nothing doing. • Holden ask about s 6.— (Mr,. . . . nsivaTs BY 111XYBIL DROWPSYILLE-Per Lords IdeL6ne-15 bss bbls; Ibg D Leech & to-10 be.s trunks, 3 bbls nabs Robertson & Reppiat-I trunk, 3 by. Church & Carothers-33 do, 9 blb, 1 trunk, 1 cask 3 kp, Gaff-37 bis,s hb !Woe, Elidwill-, 11 46,2 tab, 1 ble mate, D Lisa & liss,s Masts, 20 kgs, 9 bp, 3 balls, 1 crt, 1 Dalaell & co-13 h0.,1- mdse, 19 hp Bartnidge, Wilson & cr-3 mks brandy, JAI Iticirads&-t as, U. Bullock-2 bss, W R fdluphyirs boo mdse, 14 I Graf-9 do do,'Sbacklatt & , Wnita-15 - do do, &wi dener B'eo-56 Ett coffee, Haamaton; Per Consta-iabes; 4 bis Wee, 3 Ibp cotee-1 his, 3 bas, 1 csk,2 crts & co-4 ha do, 15 Leech & co -4 do do, Rutetusan & co-I bl A hignos--40 ban, 7 blew, 2 chews, bg cadse, Boan-1 Os, 13 R White-2101M leather,N Brpo -10 bss, 4 bls, 2 cske. 4 kgo sibs: bsc Wallingford & co-313 baa glass, R. Dalaeti & en -35 tiu, bls, 1 crt, SWM robe, 0 ray. ST LOUIS-Per Osirigo-10 kg. ;shot, 10 M. boo lead, 132 pgs do, Bailer & Ceder lop, Wel tends Entis74 ba mdse. outhrie 2 -17 boo yens. foci, rahnestock & co-18 bbls ale,!Smitb-Xitons pig metal, T J Ranna-110 do do, $1 Tuner &co -1 at nip. Wick & McCandreo IA& tobac co, GmB-21sks sandrins, EliabridgC & ee- 41 kg% II bla feathers, Rhea. . Per Avila:mho-5 Mid. tobacco. 5 A Maoris--9sks leatbor, Robinson & co-di do do, King-Ifl bhds tobacco, Gordon-4 bp wool; Clark & Thaw 10 bbls oil, McColly-5 hbds bacon, F Sellers-1 cit. 2 bap, Irsks tog.. Borbridgo &Wilsoo-Itttons pig metal, Church & co. Per Hibernia-30 kr shot, Poindestar & co-31 aks poaches. M Allen & co-70 aka leather', 5 Me. Clot kan & co-14 bbts molascs, Miller & son-10 4hdraobacco, R. Day. 'WATS —GLATING Tin/ DAT , D. LEECH & Co's. PACKET,:Philsdelpbia sod - BaDisiore. 9 r. m ZME BEAVER PACKETS st 9 and lo♦ st and 3 rat ISIOEOIIGAHELA CITY PACKETS, r. r. DISPATCH.fIeIson. GL4StiOW PACHLT,GIagoW, 4 r. WELLSVILLE, Wellaville,9 MARY STEPHENS 'St Lciaii. PORT OF PITTSBURGH. 6 riCi:'o niCins vr•Tcp—rALLiva AREUVED. Cotisnl,Dorrown. Brownsville.) - - Michigan No. 2, Gilson, Beaver. Loris McLana Bennett. ItrOwnsville. Despatch, Nelson. Mon. City. Camden, Hendrickeon, Bearer. • .Beiver, Hoopi, Beaver. • • Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver. Caleb cape, Moore, Beaver and Wellsville. DkiMilf. Stoops, Wellsville.! • We ll sville. Born eo. WC11111111e; DiadeXll, (new) allipiud. • • • . "DEPARTED:. Consul, Bow wan, Brownsville: - Loots McLane, Kennett, Brownsville. Monterey. Woodward, BTOWIIIO6IIII. Dirpatch, Neboo, Brownville. Beam lioops, Beaver. • ' ...Lae Erie, Hemphill,Beever. Midyear' N0...2..Gi150n• Beaver Midi - Cape; Moore,- Beaver sat Willleville• Barnes.Wellnil .. alosTwamile; Sto.6. Cindluth . . Ingebbetters oem et akki eltir from* *lre* 41 . 1 Leglulatlusi alma*. l a= "l Serlar as min live tbsal MulM PthiblPs, at if irilkask to Do hu:linxwooPl at& rev Beak, . • 1#9317.°1. 1011 .1 1, tat'. RAYMOND Sr. WARINO'S TWO, MENAGERIES UNITED /60 1111T150 araTPRAL D HISTORY 1 American fled. Penn if DMZ. Open, etchh day. from IL to 4L o'clock, P. 21.: also; from 7 tot° o'clock. P.M. Antitumor' 28 Caws; children mdcr 10 Yearn of kgc, IS cents.. Triumphal Entry As New and Gorgeom ROOIIIIII Banal Chariot 1 ' Dawn by 10 Gray Hann ef Ow Largest Si.! Raymond & Waring wouldmmoluice thatthe eelehm• led bravo and poseenat HERR DRIESBACtI, with MS.- highly.trained Lions, Tigers, ,Leoperds. Ike has been' awned to appear in this city. Be nand, at the head LIONULIII.II Of wild beast, and has been styled the KING, and be actaally drives a Wild Llon la Harness ill List of Orasta,Birds Szol.lteptllet in thelnanuir. of Raymond As Waring • • -- aumarrozose ncrionatxr. Two . noble kle phalli., two pack Camels, Muesli Butalo, Laplend Reindeer. Tapier,white PenonanLa ma, Marmot, Canadian Elk, Afne ma Zebra, pair. of Kangaroos, American Fallow. Deer, MO ChOMM. I4, of Bondi America • - notravoMma ligralirmarr. Nuaddian black assiaed Lion, African Liories, A xi atie Lion and Llconess, Bratillan Tiger, Silver Lion. Mk 'Neer two /apes, African Panther, Iwo Aliens Lea.., pude, pair bunting Leopards, Senegal Leopard, sported Tiger, Gristly Bear, (fall gramma Kugel. brown 13enr, von N. A. black Bears ohnee N. A. Panthers, three 8. A. Pumas. roar spotted Hyenas, ~rand or beach Hyena, Ocakot. Tiger Cat. Rocky. Mountain Wolf. Prairie do. Peccary, Armidtllo. - Egyptian, Weasel, Wild Cat, NI different loads of Xonkeys,lehaarnsa,ike. • oarrranworma, DEMI:MOM Par Enna of New Holland, two Powees, kor red [wawa yellow do, - Parrot. and Eagles, Either Ma sa; to. . • • -•• Two etymon. Boa Conatrieterfe, and an tomcods. The wbole menagerie yin form a emersion at Igo, bele Bridge. on Monday rooming, Noe. 15,1847; t I &abet, eonmatteg of 40 cerriatea, preceded Mons animals, and 41 . 111.13 by 140 borne,./ e ebetriotommaining the New Vasa Bram' Band, and Ii VVw down W a ter to Penn, op Pent E r Wayne, ood. down ircod Waco 1:11,ap Liberty, dow n genithicg, o w p Seatthfield to. Partmalar reference is peen in mammoth balls, post ere, Lithographs, be, In prmeipal bowls. • , oetel IN astern wild Tea Dealers. 11 IE PLIILADELYHIK.AND NEW YORK PE IN TE.I COMPANY, - NO. S 5 Nora Front Street, Philaddphia. t . HAYING rieeived their Fell , • ' Pr o st;u ' id F url? enTeVretT to w VdiataNr, etther by the Ilalf Chat, or peeked to dim Pke• liar etyle, at emcees low se MI ' . of establishment in the Owned Asses. For odor 1.50 !a ohne Young [lwo, (low grades and Rae ;I Foo ltdo . Tes'tL'nr:wder Moe and extra.) er:odPT o eOus l d and boxes Imperial(Ow,eart and low rradesa, - .. old - Hymen bra.rin”. -- • and low I 50 chats old tlyson tautens grad.,) 050 hf chats and ass bee Oolong (varioas) 100 do do Nine Venus ISO rowelsoup 1011¢Iut and other tlevotsd Orange do mad FIoWC,Ty Peeeoes, &ghat Meatball Teasko. ka. • • The Company establish no eselestve llteneles teeny kind oat or Ildladelptia, but Intalskes I eas sallied in k end k pound packages, bearing thou own mate us the general trade or a geed) , equal to any sold to tie U. States, at the sense Owes. and pledge tkemselvd3 to re fund the money Gsr all that does not pre entire samba. 1190. • kIeCALLMONT k. ItUND • Nd 35 Northypset direct • Wholesale Depst ofthe Company N. D. Orders from a dislanee executed fanhtally. ir. Mee pith de uh." „„„ Agent of the Cmapany M 1. thine Id 7 . and mill eon upon Grocers and Teal/ea:a sptlldnum•Sna e nat lLgli o:4 I11 . :1 1"T - I T • --- • - TIIIS hi Thar Dios improvement has 60W beet/ 111 liiiimboat too v,,, ~,,d „..,„‘„,,„. „ is known, pm (erred Malt other Be ,,, edsteeds. For cheaper., strenralh and eanicelenew it has not and emoot be tmeallekas itie decidedlr the best, alscapeet and moat comement Bedstead in me, and per , Deily proof against Baia "lie principal Catena makers and Turners in Alle gheny eity and itt. Pdtsbarch, have wooed Rhone on ...1, manufsettocand • I the emote, As there are spat:ens articles and impe feel latilattom In Me tacker. poetic mra wash d do we to eramstirto the Can Iron pints on which in the Fan ne article the alone of the patentee, M. T. emanamw wea , ty eetL As • proof Mall test is claimed for Ga `a Bedstead., the renewing en h' him Cabinet et a well known larldebezeb and me West, ts sob tied to me pnbitc: We, the *abd bets, wannest cabinet maker. and Bedstead manta Wren , Of the calm of Yinaloolth and Allehlway. hereby certify that wi_lntee bought the nab' team tura bedeteads witb Odium's Pat ent rattIMISIV, conaider the same rafener la any !Woman anti w we are acquainted. _„- Sasses Lento John brGrew - T -II Tonna. &Zen Fairteen J R IlarUry JIM! , II Ilarr • Jaw Liggett, r. Jac. Lowry I Pea pawn. t. Mbin Riddle I Drennan MIOSIDar Earle Ramsey& M'Cletland Dovul Laker Blow Ilallock Haab Wallace Roberts & Kane J Mayers J a t _ly W oodwell I Neebame Y1T.1.1.1111. co W. nested exander Leween end sell theiabove Oedemata ESINEZEILT GATIAkti • .. Patentee For Leos to anal to A. Be re , e Orland PtA FOR SALE AT A ORKAT BAROAIN, DECEIVED recently from the Piano Forte Wanefac- IL tory of Henri Hers, Peva one of hia elegant Roca wood •cmoitcand, *en= Piano Eons, six and three neuters octave; ehrepass of key board, elegantly go wned in every parlicalas, and of own egqwsite man and tomb. This Oates is provided with. a doable Iron frame, giving additional strength to prevent n from get 'nog -out of tame, and Metalled with elegantly caned mouldings, all is the latest Paris fashion. . Thera who ere antegatinted with do relative merits of dierent Piano fortes, and cannot indge of the nineties of tsar artd touch, are respeettelly termed us thooplabins • ef Professor Rohtesck, Mr Jobs C Mowry, Teacher of the planeCowen, W Eyeshot., and oth ers who have examined thin piano Pone. The above named gentlemerhand all others who have examined it, have proncomecaPtt to be, not on nitely waterier to the many grand pianos noW in em in this city, bre the best they have ever seen. .The above Piano Pone for sale at Egg, being one handled and twenty Rye dollars less than the name ar ticle hae been sold for in Philadelphia end N. Yetk,ont ol this impartation. Terms cash enly. k • ' JOHN 11 MEL lat Weed ati qv "' E . Perk FlLEtillg SCUOLI .I. s at cv to bb hall be prepro od .e.ll:lianer.hr.o,kkeenll.vid nd if dtirelir lowert market price. It ta wel l I known to park buyers the advantage of packing RIM mt ~ l pornt—the number of My belooMelf the to be- mould!) . terse, and of the fates* . orlity,./71 . 14 theiniments corn mops i n stc o up o thy p. n . ! m ojkl . th l be very large and " e " wh's""l:belorli leen. _ well 11•01:11 do to can " kin pa tins elsewhere. I wil l . afro Pee t . on co . .ee . Emmen or Drovers; el , if enY of them mah p et their Own letintal I will 5C.0060.,....,...041111.1511 Lti go cau_ncynk.iul.eviLhery. resolaile. " 41 ' "' doge will tel this winter, as the greater portion of a ge t be too large and ' fat to drive any distance, too great • sacrifice to the owner. shall be prep ad th e y quandry, and recommend buyers to be 111 E a riare ' dire time, and make afflillge6lol3l9 for pocking before our river closes for wituerioliN rAyboß J3eardsiawn , °ebbe , 13, leV2,, ":_--------- .ro,L.s. pSIINTS SSD DYES— . Va pm., Oil; , - • Vankyko Brow, LArd do; Indian Red, • Pine • do' . Dutch rink; TanoorsOil; Rote do. Whale do; Antwerp floe; - Olive d 0; P.M • 6 loel Do doold; Logorood, chipped; Oil Violet; Do pound; Idoriatic Acld; Cooorood do, Aqua Fort' • Tun:olio ,- Ao; Oxalic Acid; Lao Irco do; Chrow Gteco; Ulna Vitriol; Do ThWoor; Remo • Do KM . Sad o, Bpaoh; . Patio Greco; . • Arndt% . Bronswick limn; . Vardlgrci, to: fro.; Lod rcied and Wool. cheap toll oo E k by • MOHLER • L N W corner Wood & Ooh. EACWS PiIVERSAL EXPANSIVEIIELLEft, e B—Tale labor sextet; Madan. was Patented, April 14th,1e40. which In view of ha veal durabddy. cheap- ness sea efficiency, its stutplietty of enstruadon, and t the ease and facility with which it is need by either . Soya or adults, itiveyintbly &mixed to supereede all ether Cant Sheller* for rowel pee., It to feet eupplies a desideratum which has loon been wanted tinoughaut the Western States, forerhile Scantiest' than pota to sh ell h 'of the price of the rotary ettellen, ode moan e cent arid' i 4 as feet as with any. For sale At the hied Store, corner of. Wood and dth a sts. ti . oettd WICKERSHAM Palalaitrassla Itall Road Company. NOTICE TO' CONTRACTORS. 'PROPOSALS wil' be meared until Thursday, the A - CM daY of Nov e mbe r, at In is'eloentli.. AL at the. Town Hall la the Borough of Leadsmen, for the ma ding and 'masonry upon about Dangles of the Penrll vnla Rail Road, extending West from Reason Se to near the Lewistown Item. Plans and epenifiesiione of the work ean be nen at Ste noon named place for lire dap; pto7ants la at appointed for receiving the bidet - • " Any farther infonnation ern be bad npere epplieation I , to liV . m._ . U. Foster, Jr, Esq., Amo e'er , y E.n tnee ue ir ßai r c e kil.m. .eeCeetliTt . lle/ lialaiDO SUGARS— ' /11 IMO tibia small • Loa. a.m . ,' Nos; . . JO Us Large do doable relined; . ' - 75 bbls powavred or.sri In . ' • " ." . c'whe ' LEWIS 11U'ATIg i N f* le ' S i / ' . 1. . • Agenui St bola -•• Helium • 'BOLIVAR POLE BRICK. • 00.001,Mtre . '"'"" , morn osW ' V veil • • esna basin. sear T OST—On la. Mr iOrotweact Li dee Thrum sad Libistty stilt Cameo Btszekt.hb, gat linked ekes.. Its Iladetwillbe ocrewarded ,m lum ides. aktic MlX l ' , l l bblx Sfoilard plobre wd hi aala,hat .Li!tMsamtonoteidbthews.or in sr tyre 111•111.14 in:intril Is owl alter wakes ora/ - 310111101AION, 1111 ibery _ _ ur 11111-411' bu seirild dos 1141,74,840. TV 61/41, MU, 044 sad lati•Jdzioars 11411 114Mattm, for Labs . Chentlammall u Good.. &E.:ToDDL have,this - dal malted direct from Eloho saromfacturon, awl offer Mimic *Ness York red ea— se of those Butts . Superfine Shinn menufactured • expressly for our 'own •ales and 0111.119. 1 11 ed sell / case of Sums and Neils.° ender .ehit:ts; ssr.PPers ' and Drawers, some [err fine. ease. Bosoms and Collars, including Bosoms with Col lars attuned. knee potent swivel joint Sospendero, with other Geode too numerous to 13.1/10:4111Ciudtag Mk and fancy odnisting Faun note aa plain polio &Dal. Bombazine bow and plain Bombazine Stoehr, bilk and eatinTtes, nth silk and satin Cravats;wl ens we of low priced Shins which we arc sure in quality hens never been stone sled in price in this city We intend to close the ahem, Got* Mr by the Pnelneite mid woodtall the utentiower Purchasers to oar stork or Goods. keowtog that low pneesin.. them a rpeedyrale , _ , H& F. TODD Octant 24 wood at, op mails, 2 doom below dd st •• • Nora Arrivals or Goads. • lAr R- MURPHY has open to-day—Very lovr prised V y 0.1.120., COT ebiMreris relater wear; • Jenos Lind' Culsmares, Bohemian Plrods, bright ookrka Coburg Clotho, Nuanne bloc and drib; rub Sloane* 1.5111 CA Melt panned Cashmeres; • " Plain Nu. blue do; Dru do, - .Chan b reable Turk Einno; • kbaorls, (ooMo reel rk Baud. an assortment Late Co ihk rm. ne<die vrork era- Imo, French &men, to Bonne Bodo. and Rthborm In resat olf7-IL/"A!.okrth-east corner or 4th sad Sr• OCI, - CLOTH/NU! CLOTH:ISG: ! • • ' WE b.ZA7,11:.71.8.nede lAT Clathin,f, wilek Blaelc.brown and pine Beaver Clot/41.kt; Uhilksiittis • Slack, blown,blos and peen Sack and &minces Oasts, Super Cloth Hack and Palm Costs; . Slack and . blue data Cloaks; • Pilot and blanket Vests dall kinds, shapes and WWI Pantaloons of all deseripuonr, ind everything pertain °r e" .b44,'"' A.NCXEIek MAYER TITFIV GOODR—ViIa ack Alpacas Lances; SFligured black Abacea Lotman Real do mohav do; ) French MAIN Pompano CLothst Mack Indiana CAW:memo; lb English Merin. • " 1 " -- flaw Franck Cadman D.F.coaag Fine Eneisb - do; - Leh new Kyle faacy do; - Heavy and nen Porta/Stalemating. TPLainc; Finn plaid. and fancy do do. A very good and of above rods opening and ,63Tourifil!ww,tS°11ACIeliZTT arOod .W,EW AND POPULAR PIANO. MUSIC— /A Dessert Mae—awl:altar Ethiopian melody - Mary Blaoe— Take me !met Woid Virgin) sham; ROW of Alabama; Moncitain klaips Invitation; • Blue imam; geboolmoter Glee; OM Sammy rilgto; from Doo Pastas* What'. ihetheer Khania.' • Scene. ihnt are brightest: Lamemot the Irish Emigrant, • Rockaway; Jim dolt; A Life onto; Ocean Wave: May Marco; The Watcher - -• lorathat we've Tasted; 0 'Vgrle..l4l me, Oh would lime a boy Kato; Molly Sawn; Mary of Argyhy, • Evergreen Polka, Golden amp Wits; Now Asmara Waltses; Romiba Waltr, Louisville MinidrilieM • Amami? , Eames., Nol. Received and for sale by AMMER lk, MAVFJII JOHN H bIELGORBI waddle T RE, ..IWr I , Lf9 :b7,l. s traao . rig:ll '.'Vtlut ALIO, MI land, timer bCletb ri black, fol Deem C 0.., milled marrow Oessi ree,plsin and barred &LOA do. Theo e Gotha k hh . Roods Ins been boagla•ery law will be sold oc accord= tet Welsh Flannels. YY et alt i Ve desil" has " V P" te r i n orshrinka- 't ble: also, Silk Warsi do, Chum do, end a largo asoin• mod of lokno sad colored domordo • • wra •rt redelved annul Iota( blcelrblue !raggij:e2;7 l : l :V:rri by --- OLOTBS—Jo 1,1 brovroAntb, Oman. Bonner in the latest aryl WRSTMD GOODII—Boys •an 4 Masi. Ptak C 0.!., Cloaks, Polka., Pelatices, Clifton Cap., Opera Caps, Tippets of ovary color sad Pa te elm be .em at bsair) ToNI3 LTOSZ—Ladies bit Alpacas Name; also, lamb! wool /.1, and Cashmere do; also, limy and span 811 k also, Lama mtd, Thibm do, very semenor.. An awn meet now open at dry (coda Want of, a muesli ir 111'ascots and Ohaottatga. TVIt -MURPHY meiond a larga troPP I 7 of .abtivo goado—consisting of common, 'modal., and ye supenot Blanket• and Rooting - a hoto one to throb yap* at mottonato corner of Fourth and Market mreeta. • . .107 "" iutt. VLANNICLII—Ifed, Brown: and barred El anal.. .1:, Art additional supply received from the en ufac. larent. Alec, a few piece* low priced Cassine • for alesy Of?" COCII .013 . , 211wwed sr MISCELLANEOUS. AI•Irs.I..•3II3YGIL L BONS, COFFIN lILISKY43 AND FURNISHING UNDER TAKEBS. coma.-of Penn and Pr Claw stream, hYpootte the Egebanse Hotel, entrance on Penn owe, tropectially inform. their,frimds and the public, that •they are prepared to fornlsh and attend to everyttang to , the lute of Untlartaken. Arorayt on hand k largo ao. comment of ready made Coffins, eovered, heel and km tabed in the very best manner; all buts and Uses ready. made Shronds of a onel,Combriek and wahine, and all mites made in approved styles. We keep a lame as aortment of 'attire and black, cotton, silk and kid Gleam, tibia for pal bearers and mourners, crape, thes' tars, and every thing Freemen' tor drooling clkml, and on reasonable terms, as he porch*se ad ode goods la the Eastern cities. .Ala,hilver plans for engraving the name and age. We have a splendid new hearse and horsey, and any comber of the best carriages Every thing attended topm:aptly and 'unanimity.' noddy TO PRISITTAII. • 9 3. lIE milowither has commenced in the city of INIII, Aburgh. the rrannfaetate of ?enters Ink, In all Its L brunchera Primer, tritoughout the reentry who set In want of Inks, would do writ by collets on the subscriber Wei, e!.. supplying themselves, as they will be sold al con eiderable reduction teem eastern prices. They mum. b excelled in point of beauty, lichees. or the eXeel.. linen( material from which they are menufactored. The Wiser:her catimit bat believe where a superior Work it °feted for a Ins price, that • sufficient induce meet astwanced m meets the moansr. of all who me Ninon In.. He is also sails/lee that his loan upon trial will cern:speed wok ths abimerepresentstioartod swage thermic. solicit the COMM of them who feel disposed ea encourage the manufactering of the a 'etc • te this (Were directed to I BIRD, or Wright k Coo non, Printer., comer of Diatomutand Market Weal, It Ins punctually discharged. New yak; Ilitiid;lZra—Vddlrt Sera Agency now fully organised and cwabl d, I.laas office* in New York, Hum. and Pelican will execute an mimeo° matter bow large or awe may b the of l amount, kr the Iderchants,Tradcamen , mtieens , .. butburgb. Roan, clot/one. antic, fureiture, plate, silks. engra- ! ring, dr. foe. parchancd by one agent to Pans, at the lowest melt hat pernonal attention being given or our barium to reanimates and peried.cals forward ed with mural care and dispatch. Buren. of lira coming to the U. a panieultuly attended to. goods cons.ined to ld s,pamed Mille Now York Cocoas Houe. Odgers shou be accempanied by remittances to the animator nearly of the value of the article ',Nailed. LIVINGRTON; W ELLS & CO, No,lo Walla.. New Vark. AMC tan public melee, a meettimof meencre P land directors of m Mole of die elves of Puishargh amlitk-gitenr ens held en Thenday morning. the clot instill the Chapel of the Universin, whoa, slice so interchange of sellitrleUl, It was Rewired, that Pmf <MT Thontp , all, ?Jr B Wil. limns, Mr John Krilyang Mr Daniel C Holmes, he a Comnuneelo, inqaire into the triode or orpneang sod conduce •I teachers ILSIOC:2IIent and ingltl.4 Is other eines and stele.. and report to the nail meeting. attend the next tri Resolved, That each member of this mecuna be • Committee in invite each actical teachers ce and direct ors as rlag Resolved. That thle meeting WOlll , ll to meet spin is the same place on Thunday,the 4th of November twat. ..• MERMAN DYER. Chairman. H. Wttames, Summer. «too Simard Goa Peordirr. ' underaimwd have redeced the pricer of Rlflo and Blunter Powder of this superior mensfacture, quality rearrested ensorpmsed, and enll sell as lox as 001 need Powder can be booght in the market- Drayman employed at the Magazine will tall every 'Dominion the elastomers to deliver Powder and ; receive olden.' Orders at all times will be filled Immediatety,on Olean.on at the awe of 7CBILIWELL,agt above the tdononindnelz Home, water areet N. D. M W. Lernos„ . l t If P. Co. sate TPITZUERALIirti PATENTBURR STONE MILLS'. thtr grinding Mem and Corn, or lay kinds efllrain nosed on • Fat. Of Plantation, sad may be propelled by water, steam, wind, or horse Perver,emdmill do ft. work with great rapidity and Perteetiarband am, be Pot up end lent I n order by almost any pence.' lt is • per. feet Cris, Mill in reiniatore, well adapted : to Diel wante of every.Fermer and Yielder and endonbledly the Cheapest and best Mill ever dazed to tholinblle. This machine sae be wen operatiOn Whir Pdtall'i Reed and Implernent-ynrehoeso,corner of it and 6th (deiM B N l'ilifit#ol.llTlo4ll—Tho eolaturerahlo heretofore j?- % Zan ' ,thl:th% nvb2‘...r-1411b1r11_1 IV A` t;~;;a IURTLE SOUP . • :tented up at Beale% Imo 1 S Sant, Ith 14.1 e . day at al o'clock. Theloacti of•rartla Soap are pluticulally Inslird.us flavor myself Oman Skip cannot be aurpaaaad.iYzu S . TO/1601C—Iles sabieriber bacnog leased the largo wareboaao occupied b 7 Or. C. O. limey, No. Mom =tend /tow. arc. now pre oozed to Mora on favorable teems. 'Goals 'stored wtta them are conriantty covered by Insurance.. : • .14ORDAN'tr. EON oet29 '• 18111.env et. inomairo bead of arroth6 AI+LETII-30 &dials Rubber Tehateu W.I. W lets, wholesale andretull—a 'splendid article kr gentlemen—Jut !auk' am for sale at Indian Ruhber Re l.'. • • • Jk II PHILLW3 14. R. Wotan supply lie Wallets to nil mown; • oet23 STIL • ' et. .i s pes—Jost receive. • V ment. of best ankle of Venetian Blinds, from the well Imovm esublisbeteet of J A- Brown. Allegheny thy; oo consignment: for ale at ear were teen, 6 sr#od st: wee) Jt H otithurs • Rs= raPrrranmaati, 0et.111.1817. Rieetion for thirteet-Direenna of Mb Sank Cor n the ensuing year, white held at the Banking home on Monday the lath day of November next • oeilgil Id . ' .101 IN SNYDER, Cashier • • Misonamo4..Dlotooorroons` font, ( ; ringito, October 1161917. j AA N Eleetion for llortert Dirsotoro of *is Bank for -ri the owning year, roll to h.la EOM }loam' boon of blonds, Ike totl. of NoolVlisafl oetledid • • Exesevez Ilese-ea ,nrrtelianits, n Et-“'""- irnmloraValtotay the th ll b le la eseher "the 13'n eez kt Vetweet, e Woe ell A. M; iq of THOS WW1 uWa _olds • wes OffillPtlf "n 4 Afteelner ft? gslessais BISISSOIR ask .O. O cS UMW S ; IbiPmd c't 04 , Inst. lailßewind, Tbss • Dirtied' illtpsi be paid is cams* low I+7 rim lodorn,tels, mn. tit tad Pressbn IMO ~. _s-= ..., - Mff=tff= ------------ "Cr 17ABL/if. IDISTODICAL WORK WV .6 1 V P 6,....unnervicol Wontetnee Of Vonineky,embne7 ,cunt 1 SUirr; Annontieli . antl . Naomi Carlivolneg Ge bleed, E.totisocel and Geelogienr DelieriptiOnv, with endows of dinungnienid Pieexemardmarethas ne kideed Theenfonbleal Pteteben of efistiogainteil Pion el, t.,gdierv,• Venteentest, - Jorine. Lawyers, Di vine., e ,itlevireted . by 'about Cony en6r...0. DT line, Editor of the Maysville Eagle. Omer& E!!!!! rcei or rnr. wpdst. 1. An Online Motor. of the Elate trod. the period of its cal heat eeulement to the el. a of }be year 184t—hy Sohn 4 1 rd'Clang Ceogrartoen aod Startneal de0:444.00N ddrintd rnnid,penottreea, eologien! r0(611,11$ and Pitiseral' 4 3. interleaf 9kc'telies end Statntiel ot* Wises of Cbrisurms, with Sin 3I ra 4. gentile view of the counties,llphsbetically at. mute ; their boundaries, thee of the tiountryiehereeter of the. mil, sumle products. etatisurm kel with a ~d.' , whitserption or their Clic/. tosses and adlegcs., Teatimes a full derenptiou. made, the heads of the COUPti. thas artatiord,ot Intim, ban's, skirmishes, personal sermonises. encedormorborder liie,interestmg welder.. ke.ic., Also, descriptions of nututalcunosiiicsonoong them the mammoth cave, the greatest seism' wender of the world; nod' description. of Aneieut itentams,eiti fella, teettedclitavelards, het. gt . Hipigtaphteed Shetebeh and sketches of ammeter of between our and two dumbed piouttets, meddlers, staussmen,jurrms, lawyers, divines i &e, - , To be issued to November next. • , , I. A. k U. P. Y P.MES, Publisbets. , ........ • . • - Cincinnati. BOOKB: DOOMS • " MITE Staterthen.of.the• Commonwealth of England; with a Trestle... on the popelar propose la Dudish. I it story; by John router of the inner temple; edited by J O Choloce. The life of Elaronellohnwm. .24nelodittet )(reti nal of a toot to the Hebrides by J Henn Eaq— a new Edition withiltnneront addithins and notes by John Wilson Cmker, L. I. D. F E 6--to 2 . 1 . Hsatory of Modem Ennme, with a mow of the pro gress of mein , / bormthe mode mKlogdoms,Of the peace of Pads in 1763; by Willinio L and a eon mutation of the 111 story to MO preseht Cote; by Wm Jones, Erq—in 3 vols. • Dentecracpio Anteries, by Alexis De' Toeq.eillle, member of the illetitale of France, arid the-Chambered Deponea, etc. Narrative of the Coned Emma Exploring EipeditiOn 'during the years 1839 1849; by Charles Wilkes, E. H. N., with illustrations rindmaps—in 3 vols. The above valuable Works, together with • general sentiment of standard, theological classical. medical and school book., for sale et low prices by ELLIOTT &ENGLISH. to market at. between 3rd /6.4 th. oat n "(UST RECEIVEU AT M. A. 0111VER'S-. Marmarlake Herbert,orthe FautlEmr; by theCoont. es. of Rlegingm. Sir Hem y,Jdoran, Me Buccaneer; by E Howard. The Crater, or Oalan's Peak: a We of the ream; by Illimiaorc Cooper. Look Almaden, or the Schoolmaster: a tale; by the au thor et Mary Martin, the Green bloontron Bays,etc. The Gramm Emma of Life, or the Adventure. of a Lady in search of a good Serf= with Illn.tratums; by GCOlVlCraiketank — complei t e . The Phnom Slop; and all the work. of Capt. Mar. ne Wayside by the Meld of Germ:: A tote of the Cayiat War; by Cam B A Milano. ' • • Tae Castle Fiend, or the Fate of the Loved and,Loat, and the Ten Mysteries Blackwood's Idinhumb , Magazne; new American Edition On September. The Onga of the Suet by Ned Buntline. Crolao of the Uracelbl, or the Robbers of ,Canneu; by a Naval ONeer. - , • A handeeme article of,Victing Card. ' Graltarata Magazine tot November. Godey's Lehr. Book• o Nutmeat Landredes grunt Reglater and Almanac lb? ILAA Pah tithed bt LAO A 1,, A ,, A. - T d ' Far rile at M A MINERS, Ealthfield-sf.3d door from [ Second. , oat • . . . BELEKEhd GERMAN GIHAMbIEIL—A 011uMno of the German langasse..y.ys=uu. ll 7 on • new plan, brief, comptehensive and posetical; by Carper J Dekko. roaressorofthe German_ language and intender° in Mt St Mury'i Canute, Emmeubarg.Md. !Mickel. , German Reeder; a German reader forbeigin nem compiled and an - anted by Casper J Delete. 011eadorra New Method of learning to 'read, write, mid speak rho German Language, ba whisk is added a eystematie aniline of Genoa, Grammar, by G /Adler, A. D, Prrifesset the German Language and 111Cfaltlf0 in English veris4 of the cdy of New, York, and Ameriaan Dictionary: an AmnrieamDic timoaryof the German Language and English Lineup contalaing all the words Im general use, lee by .1 I' Nona.. ErtheleS• German Flamm 4 Gook: &plums book in English and Germ. with a literal nanelarlon of the German no Englith. arranged on the plan of a Victim:l - by Hone Enheder. • • • • .The wirier, together err areamortment of Gem. Teammenni school book and religious works for sale b ; JOHNSTON & STOCKTON oct2o • Booksellen, ear market k ltd au • Commestarl.• HE Earlier one LAW Prophecies or Isaiah. by Jos J., Addison Alexander, Professor to the Theolove.' Seminary, Prarcesoe, New Jersey:l vela—sold sepa• ExpeCtion of Me Epistle lathe Romans ; smith remarks on the Commenter. of Dr. McKnight. Professor Moses eNewan, and p.,ore,,eoe linnet; '1 Rebels 'Haldane, Vsq From the AM Eau:Marsh edition. Lecturer on the Acts ardor Apostles; by the late John Dtek, D D, Professor of 'Oeologyof the Vetted *tees SiOil Chard, Glasgow, Naar aflecuuts on Theology,' toe. bowed edition. Bantu' Notes, in sine Yeleorm. Bold separately, or 111 KILL ALSO--pear" 'cots Compreheesnen, and Chakei Commentaries on the Scrip Weer The above, with + general ainortment • of Medical; Claasieal.Theolodigni andl.ald Itont..not receiied and Lar We low. *, ELLIOTT ic ENGLISH 66 011 f ket et. berareen ad and 4th ~_ VW &W.. GRAIIAIIPS English Syroootom,l sot, 12mo. SI AM AM Gllendonfra Germ. Grammar . Adler'. German Reader ' 100 Genuine , Ream+ GrliMl9•l; by Roamer "1 Gamoes Iliatory of Grittlation, 1 v 01.13 sno. Arnold'. Lectors PA Madera iletteT . gip,, GilendorEN French Grammar., Um Roireit'e ma French ren " der • 73 Collin'. DrarnaLe " • 1,01 Fleas , etementamr " " , 53 1.50 Surenne's French Dictionary : Keys to French and tic.. Gmalroars— Mandgdlea Cour. of reading . 73 Reid'a Engliab Dictionnry Ig6 Tay bee manuel of modem history 1,50 • " " solver - " . Li , ' o " to I gol, complete IA Arnold's series of Lorin sad Greek Baoks—just reed' for sate by JOUN II MELLOR DMZ El wood at ISIKW 1110011.3—0 nem toque 'town so me klis. er Marne. to it• ‘Ve.ICIII course illellaillt partio ekodeseriptions of ,Richmond, Windsor and Hammon Osurn by Jno Fisher Mortal. illustrated with epwards . of one hundred highly finished wood engrnmp—a London bosh. • United ernes Exploring Expedition: by Wilke% 6 sels,6 go—containing all the maps and plaits of rho .116 b edition. P411=1117.1 . the Foesh tanowi by De 8 Jobs' roc, in Steele tpartee London calf binniute—a bearolfal edition. This work le now very awes. i Burton's .eintrany of Melancholy. • now edltioamare elegantly got op thmtthe English <Asti.. Milton's Prom NI num., a rots, 8 go—cheap. Stackhousele Ilistory of this Bible, • superior edition; 1 rye go The g shone with ninny other Ilistorical, Tbuologitsl and ecientific works for sato by .1 L REAM dt~-ath, near market sr. • • . -Modica' Wor . LECM Ilifsitt the sabietts con noted with alkyd Medicioo; by P Man, M edition. Throat and Lang Diseases; obserswiene on 'the ow' tem, calm., sysopuwas. and ease of Bronebitii, Lary*. gills, or' Clergymen's Sore That, Asthma and Cat sweption. by • new, eafe,and painless mode of tmatatit; by 8 Wll.ll MD. Bothwell Domeitie Medicine. a treatise on the pre vention and emear diseases, by regimen and simple, medicinem.witk observations on sea bathing. and the - 'seral Waters. , TO Irlneh is added a Jill/AIM. ',rudeness: by Wm ‘i edition, with tonsidembie of Contufenial ' • Stori n the BY Rd A-2 rts. 1101 ISM POIL . . 'fbe the !muss mr other i. Inquire at this ogles p:v.;;;;ia, ..Mtnolm'andorsigund. world inkmn the eldsnus of Pittsbncilb and vicinity that we Wore appointed Mr. H. Kleber tole Arent fin VV..= Yennaylyallia; . for the Rate of lA, Piano Lone., from whom WI May .bo ob. ,abed } too! IN"'Y"k ligfta ' k GLARX • rinvilfork.Seo.l..lsin-omdif , , i Elects.* ElHMubtle Tblerrapht. APAMPHLET, containing a Dna( suttsimple espbb ssuott theimods of usasatHSHM um. bl tbelea of this new wrestles. tllssusted with eau and. Ma gmata, by Moses Johnsott, Talitraphist, is tow eals' at the COMM! the aka blithe %Venom Telesnsit, sad by the °Mee messenger, \ '00117423 ' • lastalla Prime Pisa' SPIXADID amosiattat of Rammed aad Mahar. A aa:l47l: lartratOTturres;what:ratiCarea ate-I=W 4.ftllan anaclattar,anlarta IA themes% mai. ataarlia,mul art Gahm 1 , BLUME'S wed — saran tams earmark • • A lime of Oks'"Nettli sloth !stiUl dlky J. A. lr .arrimatiL lan. • of Prentlik f- Vet.. 113"1"4-441Tbal be wade to wire-a...L.- . . - - • . ; 1111 gIFAMD quou a Nap Eilllloll FOB 111101111. 184 T. M'COELriILKING '- A A q. COrlier Of Wad mid Fifth Sleds. se get:lean • ark.. i SIC, Zr,43 Itsll Styli it Hats. • • •• - eCALLAM Hartrentived bran:dal Hoek Beebe Costula Fall style Hun, Arbiab for mime. and lustre cannot be rafpallarAl Call at Abe Hat titote,lldormoiligibela blow, atnittlfield antl .119 fen than.' NSW 111 K Oe A L T Irt.hbO t N 1 tle . 'PATENT AIR.CIRCULATER ANP .ARAT PROTECTOL—Tie sa.wrbermn . tuuodoee on orday, .loog*ha: TedTlkths desirable article 711 please .zit and examme. *el ALFRED Ki1i..!11.15=011•4.2. of 0e onioof d••' ~cL of Yioaeer APALL %%saws." e MLOORE tan received no New • Yorli, the wyle of Hew weielt•he Introdeea this day, twarder, Aes 19h. AU dome wain of& wet and neater be would de well to eat at No 74, Wood. Street, 3d deer above eth. • 4 1813 1. I Fall peandsus 1 8 4 4 s . . • .:: 4 BEEBE & cosrAirs Styhs Genuemen'ellaw . will be inuodsced a Miami on Theis). &coast 17th. Gentlemen waking • cheap, fee. ' losable liatorPinsbargh otanufaetere ahead of fashionable Bats Imported . ntl advertised by some of the wade please calla* YEEVIL & Co's . '. 1* bead of Wood at AIIMILWICRWAHRION VOW. EIA ji JUST received from New Verb, dm Sum , mer Style for H cessions of White Sexier, ?earl and White Freneb Cosi:Deo limo+nh Ventilators. Thom in wont of • beautiful held Hat are respectfully invited to call.. , s'holonte , my2/3 713 wood st, 3doors abovelti jtWILLIAM DOUGLAS Ms Jag seemed a Seek supply of Hingeold and Baena liqsta 911 Glasodeftps, new etylea.-• Extra fine French Moleskin Hate, al very low Jell • " - --• No 78 wood street" - - Awabl.ua DOUGLAS. - tilliNTlNUlat to manufacture; and keep." constantly an liana, eve variety of Hats and Caps of the Imeststyle, and n' price. vet? kor at ?El Weal atreet,Eastalaa iSSIT .CAPll!—Finc9ttor . , and . 11Inalt Cs" V Jog to Itatol'at .ICB Fastoonsbla i lttore, tdottonttabeto Howe. - • ortlo EXCIIINGE BROKERS, - 1101ISMIT, MAMMAL A CO., • passim, =animas BELOIEW, AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN. AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE. =memo OF Dee POSITE, DANE NOTED, AND SPECI TenOS OR. nontO opposite this Dank of Pinebeesk. CURRENT MONEY eneeived on Depoute—Mod Cheeks foe File, end .collections - node en neatly all the plinelpal point. lathe United Sums. The highestpreminen pad for Foreign and AMelie.lll Gold. • Advance. innnettneenstgotants ofTrennee,hlpped Eut, on liberal term. • sehle N. NOLAINN B. lON, ' ' Baskers and Puler. lar.N.xeltiamrp, Cola mad' ilamk-Notes, - no. 55, auxin' morn, Moravian. Belling Ram. Emaallir. ' Bolillißs..-' New York, tpr. uoteirtuan, I Philadalplas, tic. Loalsele, , do Baltimore, do Balmam, do Bnying Rama. Ilk K NOTES. 13aNagRatee. 0100, ll dia. Co. &Senn Orden, I di,. la.:liana, • ido Nag Nolen, Ide Neattiety, . do rammilamtia CI. Ir . do .No TOM VV4ll.hnil Ido , Now W Otleono, da' ido TUIDetIItC, 3do sylami, II do • oettla ~ . .. - --- - JlollldPil H. C IET=Ite et the &sae( Win. A. Hill & Co,) and WH.C.CURRY,dateof Erie, Pa.) have enterod tato Cepartnerahip, under the stwatiot HILL S. CURRY, for the pupate of carrying en the Handing and Ezehaage business In all Its branches, at No 65 Wood stoma three doors below Fourth, Weil side—wbere they wHelt the taw= of their friends and the ptablle generally. • JOSEPH H HILL - thehLs • WK. C HURRY JOl2/1/ 11, mix. wlf. V. COOLY. EMU*. ttILUT, _ _ BANKERS & EXCHANGE BROXERs. DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOblarTlC TIME & SIGHT BILLJ3 OF EXCHANGE. CERTIFICATES OF • DEPOSITS, SANE NOM AND WIN. No as Wood swab duel door below Feuer* "rim rd.. TIM! Funds and Carreno received on Deposita. and colkoliaoS made on eS Me principal Crnics in the United Sine& e on ft/limn*, Plinadviphie, New York, BOOM nod Cneennati conmenny for sale. Obto,, I adieu. Kentucky, Virginia Mid Periltuykfani. Dank Notes,aot and L T 4 feverable tam, Exchange en bo eftland, soid lrel Gennanyaod Frans procured, ex • ix. enchld WILLIAM A. HMI& & CO. - MKS 8.8884801 11 BRONXIS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE, clilirrinCATESAOhDlSMlcTilk._l3..o7, NOTES, 6 No. 64 Wood Sind; ana *or obooo verdt, Nut 4 oetB . Pi tt sbfur It, Pa. • teas . . I 'DM AID MARX LUAU , 7.1141111114 . 11 IKi rT EX CHANGE. BRORERI, dealer; p A lo F iC orcia l n ttrelLm X sti l o Bills of Exclais Cart& ad caw of Depooste, lTaok Note, xod_Cos, corner cr ol . and Wood smell, directly oppwito ld COLLECTIONIa—Drafta, Notes, and Aceepian eat. payable in my pat ot the 1U mon, collected en the awl favorable terms. N HOLMES/ SON .. week 33 market at EICIIABGIN—Nevr liorh, Philadelphia and Bal. came constantly Gar W.. , -,. N HOLMES & 80 N DXIO4I - i0111 1,, :c. , 1 iOTC,7Pluladelplns, war -EA OnGdndm, at alant. a, 541/16 to Mit parcbacers, con stantly for We by HILL & CURRY, eteall wood street below foortb. _ dregiliNlFVEDFltile notes of the Ohio, Wlndiana, and gentoety Rants mainland at loot Cates oldlsconnt„at . the Ace al' . , 1 t`--, - BILL it CURRY, *eat 'qddali 'clod st below lamb ,andIILLICCTI-02111, on lathe rump.' can m dm k,!_. u.n Mc, by ~ ... OILY, & CURRY. •Fral In .pinly Innr.l. emit I )Ellti9t LVArila, Uttly,l33dtana, Mulacxy, mau red= o SCOllll rUa t e r ' 4 irta k iard 4 r l " splfr . 6aeGnae Wok et. SS Malta at 110IISES, LOTS,TARMS, . Pureelaser Waisted. EOR a farm mintainum led UM Or land o llMof which is cleated and calumued, on Indies Wheeling creek, within a Miles of the Mk. peer, 3 md es from Pt leounq seat of Belmont Col 5 miles from the National Road and on the unite .elected for ~Rail Road from Wheeling, weitwerd. 'On this fa= is ammo mill peration; • grist mill end felling mid, not now In order, g &vellum hansem nehemary entitling land corn. itsand a:fountain spring, with a gyring tam.. On en orchard of gee fted fruit [appleirl of ahem 200 teed, one of Me beeteretards in the country: the wet abounds with Coil, whieh might be profitably worked for the supply of St..Clairsvilla. Thin In 'rateable pmperty. well sneered and would be mild very low. perhaps for half the price thal poverty is sold for; ii' locations really no Inner. Immediate possession.would be given if sold within a mouth, and the parchmer eouldi If he deelrod. bay • large crop or Giro orrthe grouttd - LOOOOO addrested to the subwriber is relation.to the above will meet with prompt attention. DAVID ALLEN, Real Estate. Agent Badgenert. 0., September MM. let% • . gearing mill, either by steam or water,--as tedni—a me *mill and about 40 acres of valulble land, With good emeeents thereon. on McMahon'. creek, /3,00., In wo dir uld be WA &good b.p. for the purehaser bY D. ft:4 Att. metnilm 44 . • • • 1121..= OR RENT. • THE very ialeable property well known. dos 4r "I I "NEW GRNEVA. SWAN )ILL& situate in Fayette eeentl, en tbe Monongahelr. al the Muth of George creek. It etabreees a Farmo( 219 acres, with, good Improvements. The Malls proposed eta grist mill, saw mfil, carding room end tenting stmts. which were put up by the best Workmen end at a great expense. There are also adjoining the Rills,. asset. lent Burro Rouse, Blacksmnltigtop. and Eight Good Dwelling Hone and • pod boat yard. The property can be put In good order at a nomparati ro vely malt ex. pease, end Is well erortli.lhe ansnuottof those wishing to engage to willing and Riming. For tardier particulars apply to SAMUEL R [RUI— NER at New Gezte - vaor JAMES VEECII, Esq., at Ilnlonteurn. oet4.l3tawl -_ • . • WOE RICHT. liandeoraely funned btonaz on Market erect, oceapie4 as • Depterreolype estabbalw to by Mama k Alm, • well fanned and well foramina iketa. suit able Sar warms. adjoining the Hall of the Mercantile Library •Anentadon. %•Ettwance at DOAZZAM Philo MO. •.F. near Odee market et. between 3.1 ► Oth M; for Ws by , 151131 , 1 I MORON Ilan, sor market t ltd au Os w's Htide, sr plinets Ike Companion of the Tear - orri Fre. r mole. - SORVEN sews Coal Loud foe wit, stoats In bend of Odle Monotogobela River, abase leownwille,Pa,lor ine event of 7feet Coid, which will be .bid booze/lase for golds. - For pudeotasssloply to smetS 8& W HARBAUOII.33 wood at ode= by Mn Mink Vendee. by amber of Life In Loodeni 10 1.42,--A large comment., and well • Imbed, • tliree y brick dwelling, on Imul et., diewebelf way between Garment alley and Wayne st. Pcueensionglvenleemedistely. For pardeularsengairet at the office et • IN IV WALLACE,. 11241 f • • Ste libetty et. statical walks, Ito. Los solely Wm CA DWELL - n, opposite Ow Post Ogles ookBs; - • '.l) &BEESON'S, SI Marti : TN MANCHE:37EI2.O3R BALE-, far oal .Lbeaatifol Boallog_Lot in Maeleste, near the Ferry ' 23 t:el. boat 07 199 foot deep. It will be sold low,' nod jA W E rts ix Tewoo onexeeptlottiblo. ELY. Real Wawa Atent or Per ro ne Memoir. of We lution; by A De Lasaud", Id oil& tICIV Sheaf from the irOfb?Vtia= dty 21:aS Gleig, FOIL RENT. • TIFIE 3 Susly Brick Warehouse, No. 54 W 4144 atreet and N 0.7415 Front st. lausediale 4444444.4 e Pir 4l " . " 41(44' • hide • ALRXANDVit GOA awry; edited by itcotarraY ItZIIIIII=NOL. , ' ' HAVlNGremoved to th e elw, Cos omobtooace to professional boamess, I wilt mot **Mansion 110.0 ,_and tts lamed; ode enelosarysimmemithetrislni of tbe rdonoopaltels, one oule above Pinsbeina. ISMS onset. • . . . Jannis . 9 mRAFT ^ ---- het% ronly. at Tea Tall by IWELL, rat aim OiriILIGNIPULTI3." : • Fourth Wed" Waxen %alma Market; mark opposite Larimees gaxiiange Offpx. • TIE hat made the Moo ample =ran, - meets Gar the =saran or thaw =toot= the lux= y of beat= dories the whaler. =meow Sloe= of ample, dameorlags 100 oetl3l ' m bees placed VooHION in tho roma of the tla= II I=o FOllOl, Street- The the enbsert w. Phub'{, babbet Q; 'le . °TOMAS TILTTMUNS MOIL SALM- Gana 0 Wirier, Pattern ktaker,Allentear any rail NM blot the new patterns for &area on band either in wood or iron. Mill posting and laps:Deno nada to order. Law No ih 2 TCDD, Camel &helm and C. H. M. SIM% ra • Lemma catered MD pul.nhiP enll pteropity ae. irdel Weal Lela hob.^ whiti may be entreated he their rare. Wheel>. peer* aubrioduee doors above 'Withheld sr • . awning.. - OMISibII Lime, subseriber tee kis tyre Omnibuses oval day (Sundays anceptirdi lei sad from Lawrence. the Dumped Om Union M) HD has ensue and every_aumition paid ut passmons. Thep stronsgs at the Nab ussufersinellietted.' mws es rautimi. its 4 /m/s& tsl,4ls. D WNW= SI pstrent-IIsIoref'SJIMILAW.. ffidj. vershkv in say pat or die 9otmtdes. tam it is StOsuAt this ma lIS r die - S., Markel& IrILYOIII ded•Oti oll , o t diteosSt.by .1081111A.1110IMI guspsan Ind Oestual Agestiollmlidt sties& ICIVELTa 4 lif pral. •m•." • - • , 41gra Owe Brehit il • e sloes °teed plea clahanr, h qr f pipes Pleat emalliall • . A Sem:tette. - tam Swan Oita - . " ' Black house - Gm . ; . Pam Apple del ; theca I. !Teem; ' P.' " • Scotch-Whiskey:- • ; fader cosh boats 11111eret aindsi4 Each cask has Ike cernficala with all carendly selecby himself in the New.Ym foe sale by the pipettt gallon In vagg, 'ocla . eor onathield nal - PORT 'WON ZII. , ..., .." • Al Ezzpl,lll,4Jaßacrt:flatage*,o!.-h-7, i f owl; a Son Ns 0 rum Iwee . ~. Pus Isia . 1.. : : T a t: is. d . , po , .=tti, TA Frkeil do * 1E34, woe iFlunt 16 Go .do - W. lieht Ducal Gra . mg. obt. i ond Mali pd , Ondr " dd ~n~~d nett Fd no lope ri or, Logan, ia a . . Beanie of theta wine. ate the best fst mediad pars poand Cate. se many of them come from tbe District at %hoopoes (kayo, entirely tsetse by agelkota acidity or sweetem Josuweeirtna, to store and fin solo by the whims' pack age, and also on draught at the wine MOM of dt. sobs %erasers JACOB WEAVER • CO 16 ear market & front eta GILOCERIEtta ae-300 boos La Cotter . . ~ lao bp chats YN. 0 1 . , and Blot Te 2; • 5 bags Pimento; 10 Pepper; les ba Cloves; bbls °ismer; 5 ENO/to • . , 5' n Alma; lam gge; 3 Mackerel; seeelting for ails by • . JAB DALT PI I oetts . 24 waxer • 315E6 on= N 0 Seger; • • ' ' 150 blplo CI 0 Molasses, in oak bblic '. .- 3110 alias 'V 1 Tea; ' -. . . - • 41 bye GC I...and Y 11 Tee; 100 bees Pio Coffee; 400 551519510 mi; . . . 50 '-, QM oorioeabellWhi4lll . . . with. en allOnittaltoffilrotene. Welts ea tA pt. 41A p 1 owoo; for We bi W &81 hurcilEt.tagg -.- oeiledlm 160 Mon,effeei ............. 110 " Poorehi r e; ''metber with a prime lot or catty bailor PifelPsfuli sod Y *elated for funny we. in atom foe was bs . * can . , BLACKBURN 00 • SIINAIt AND DOLANSIES BO bbdsNO:!es le Obis blames in arc ,for silo by _ •.• LEWIS - HUTCHISON & CO id MEDICAL. REDIDAL AND SURGICAL • - . 1 6 4 ; -246: v l oa T eA a . f pl e . W A , . M . doe u :: wai rs i4D- ba ' a ti o '" i - • r - market. • . ' jj Da. BROWN; . Diving been reauleAY e, nested to the medtesl pro , J• • ferston,and Iran for tome i • . A L ••,... genera& poetic., now 000lne.lo. sureness • , • to the treatment of those . , • , • private and delicate com• A 1_22,0 ~, "1 pianos for which his °ppm - • manias and experience pecelimly -qualify hre Eleven yearn animus r damned le the study and .. ithrae h m ad no r f a pr o ac i m' d I V .. h l a e emo wehauo-h hn ' can ever fall m the be of a .7 Private Rmudeeerf we. ply qualifies him to oil tr tm mane. of speedy, perm*. ; uentand satisfactory-tam mall .Almed wlth /alma dizeases, and all diseases azimut' themfnan.• • • Dr. Blown Would inform those alSitted with riakie I discalw.whielt liave bedome chronic, bream or away* and by the me of any of the toomme. reottsuaS -of the " • day, that their cemplaintS, can be rafoolly and M to hoc • • ocahly eared,he haw - lemma his careful attenune the treatment of ...he..., and sueeeeded su hand mds ' of louse. m ming persons of Inaantation of be neet bladder, and kindmi dtseises Ida& otten "nun those eases whore others ham eonammd them to hopelpa derma Ito partscalarly Invitee sash as tare .. becalm* and unsuccessfully treated by !ahem to eau malt him, when every unisfacuouwillbe oventbeta and their WOO mimed an a °wend, themno. o 'dßll' O tr i maanerominted oat by . bog experienee,muuy you int vestmauon, which it to impossible for those Simard N. aaeenneenamed. of medicate to 'pan any tam el.as ~• . . Henna Of Illipture-Dr. Brown also - tun persons &filleted with tlernia to call, as he. Inn 'pa: - • panieular attention this dithate. • • BklaDmeaseicalso Piles,Balsy, etc. • y mired elhargestrerylow. • ; ' - N. D.—patinas of elthin set living a dittenea by mewl their &emote artitiog, iha .yrop !' ' can obtain medicines with &MAO. for meihY addressing T BROWN, D. D. post p 1 • and m ole ; • ._ co N 0.65 Dma.cad alley, appoi ems coax - t' W.Tlntr (To- No can. re4itrt .. • •• . • . delft! 11.13....125TNE 15CD IS Se. IJ It Moue principle intr, nuanamonent. (this paper to notice anything which we Sod out, from person.. rw., resonation, to . he of entity to tee public. Some of. :I - - lc/nee rnedimners we bone wed in oei fatally for mwy yeah. For inowee the EXPEGTORAN I , the t!,,A MINATIVE., and , 4' EMIT wh.ch we know to tm Poi for the /int they frlets re lto 011 Lake 011.1 put SUMlller. when several of eur companions. from Winne in Diwiern New York. drank, for many tLys, the limestone water of tear region, were Imull.Lanseazd whh omient Mose, end Dysentery. Mr. 11 had _proviced himself, precool to !clung lowe„with oThe Ceretinatme of Dr lepers,. and in all cases of house among five ennile. men. it one successful In effecting • speedy cora , The Expectorant IVO have known used smog : Intimate friends with, equal 411Cel."1; and .we feel ' that we shall do e good net to families [especially those sit- Bawd so they MOO acces■ flamed:ale Medical skill,] to aerie. them to keep so hand hada* Expecte, rant and Germination.. The Lipeeterant believed by reed chyeiclana who the bees recipe for Pulmonary Comampalre Complainta that hasyon - been ...a ppended. The reason ts, Dr. Jayne is not • spnickibut a rguleroeientific, and able medical prectitionerlint. self. Ills medicines are used by best Phoetelana EZRA HOLDEN Editor of the Phil.YsmMay Gooier. For tale is Pittehumh lathe PEKIN TEA IFIDRE.72 Fourth DR. JAVNICT CARMINATIVE suasion Fa u ti p lati Bee g3 .: 1 211.4 N; a we r l= t a= The undersigned hawag been theorist winter with. disease e rror e stornatb, sometimes• pro. during meat psin in the eseb rottener metre tunita Without mterenssion, and Utter basing tried various' remedies with linle effeet, arras faraislaai with .bottle arxtr D cape Cartninative This he used ac. cording i n the directions, and found Invariably Matilda mediebte tamed the pain to ate in tim e O r four min. Mea, and in fifteen wr twe nt y minutes every suradl sensation was w he n e veralet The medicine was at. tmwards used indications of the appioanh of painorem pereehred,and the pain was thereby present. ed.• lie continued to use the medicine every eyening, • and sometimes la the morning. and itt a fa* weeks health Imam far restored, aul the seem was relies. 4rkn d rerefru're, heleVegri.ein'tl.7Patui%mFrroTodelh' rhitlre/Ct==atThurwtsnl:WS'lnke. For sale In Pied:Mlo at the gar ' AVIA 111Ponnh street, near Wend, and also at the Drag Store of SI P SCIOVARTZ. Federal weer. Allegheny . - - - _ Clonsamplives Consolation. Cop sislusees weigh apam Your bean! three aeliellaur hreaso it i w i lge you reguAn' It clears away the robty dna& Disease spreads o'er the maul, And •thiAN5.ll.O.lO the mulPud. t'Ynr Walkway yet be whole.* • Igoe yonder you of lovely hoe ns. withering Tenn &tar It acutely om• the morning dew, . /Win it hides way.: . • The Wiwi of Death was In the Item, And strengthened as u grew— . . And when it bloomed.la level/ gad* • It nipped Swoosh and throe.. That Worm of Des. Might Ims defiedt , If Dr. Donean's art wen used; And m.y lovely damsels need • . _ The fate of . untimely grans • , . : CosDR. DUNCAN'S WEITS.AN UFFICE.NoIbO STUMM street, CMCIIIII•11, Ohio; where his valuable medmme is sold. . I . Sold in Pluaborgh, byWN. JACKS," corner of apladfr.orT Weed and Ltberty BALISANI= .• r bleats. Iteed Cutler—l feel it g dirty I owe to my fellow eremures to mate ten-th nee more ...peeling • . iyonr Vegetable Pulmonary Ualmsn. Since I first wed the Balsam, shout eleven years agoolie happy area pf then yarn. an aceown oc / have bad several severe eomplamts and acacia M my haly.—one a few •. dale since—aid in y Inman. ! have used*. Bal sam atone with complete end reelect mums: It ban effected relief and eon m a very few , days. s eer. safe u Steirm , Ido oat know that it 111 ear*. • Axed eons lon, bat I belowo k will be g many eases apnoea wr, and peeve-mina becer dimmer°. do therefareal. dm tom of my kllow men, ermently, tecommend t ai of this Balsam. in all polgooolny ample nta. gm confident that It has beaslhemniuse: of preserving my life to , this duy:,,B.2r , . Sim Owe I ' • • Bold by A reimerrocic dL co., ORKT of VIM • abate:liner talyurtYlaeod uf. • Getill rtli. LEIDY'S BARSARABI VEGETA-. • , LAY BLE BLOOD PILLS, an=remand moor cE• - i °Vlbt saber pills that me made, became IZ— any kw nom memarr, mlneralsor atm 00101, ssbatamo whatever that con Lalba Irma Wl' PTit s 7=7 pin, Irtnl.llo2infieniplnUl . ' . in 1nen3.1.4 Inhla IS combined won other segetabla .. °ltmm ' bilma eit.oti iee ' • •••A ' eleao " sing the=m the macrand : bowels; paritylnnog Da blood --- : .:" and lidos Of dm whole Fryman. _ Tbir "can ba ukentt all timid and 11114 or all elm= .• . ..,,,,,, t r y, young and old male sad Imola, Iridium, :1 , 1 b,,,e b yibi witit.tadmr motiebses *Mawr base been ? 1 They can be tefeti leilboet ley ekente of Ithit. CIA( ', wein, , and • wilbeat - .l.Ay. tau - win - Irma ocevalion or omae 'They elm Inualtesmidont ant Bar of taking Coldi • :' ,_ dianiltaipMo ll ,l 6 . ll kind* of crooner of puma wu. l Pa by 2,a,r4,4.N. Srocic I. en ‘ eor Pint and "; Wood-and COT Wood 'and at i .n. "- . - octl 8)L 1 : 121 "" 7 V.OUFUOK -. I isnicfrc ~ C URT la.* Az • itallme o litglawlf Ols • Pal -'1 ildr.ll, E llerimwdly son al iniOndie ad, Nilo; sue 1.-. reclua laa Men. and bum( wrtawr u & W. Inlo , -. ,-; eladed Ita bad illnentk um boring beard. &VW, dela.: - -, itboat roar Vernamma UMW larbllmldPol____„. _bSat B - ,1 dollen mblelteEr a t r idtrarr lingo Mdfm,-. tbeallaicn ..." . lor A tridd ?roared and voleby it E. SELLE*BM Wood W., ..1 seta TS Dr canal, sin ..0.4; 4P.bliflexti. 01 . 4 Alliel'- - i s i rr i ze in m e ery .l ee: nr e4. le m i l e l...7=l? l, .. ba r,' , of DrAWidrs BMA #lBlmdr _Prinald_raarbi alabisioi.t'A biereeb; and reeds: As rinikUkel. _.„.....ii emexe, , la eem:es etre ef weeleymeelbee , Ira bet met 5. Isseemem ampomirerpratitiyhT,; - : , ,, evaders 'set zoom akeateeibelhear a .... exematiis tilt neseuell im p' . 13 * i t. Jiplese, the lUtserkte.a le .. , bids et.tbe beeeJeeert SiCo l o;_. ... Abiede.;', ii % apt teksvestwubikm, •04, 1 0...,,,,' dot ellebriiiiiiiii• ii rla . Z,1100..1434*11.:, , ,. eessel.,atOla.:ki,, ~..,114-. . ' ' '. ' 4 ; r .-i-' 4 .1 , 5‘..'e•5:4! , e1e , e-1 , ;:e -- 4,1 ,- , ,„ s,• ,,, X.3 - ; , - , -;:e , .' , , - '.; • : - e - ' t - e ..., - , ,, : : , ::;;. • ;zelec : .:::,•?,,e:,efrei'''..:s 1 L PS* a and k Mir.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers