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',, ."',., 0 kfq7': - .T.,,; . ;: 1 ......,., .4r...4 , 1,..e1i:mt-.. ,, • , .. , 1..-44 1:4:01 , ),..,....!-:,,,,;,,„_ , -4 , -. - or ~ ...t.',,..,-. , :44:A•ti': , '•2i..-:,...-).: .-1f.:'•:.)A . ....1;. 1 0 . ...!:.;;F4',. '';',;'-. . .. .... ... . • - • auras Dioxtir. 111.011Z112 TLIZ&H.DICKEF C4 . Villotesalc Gtleen, -.•- setsa MenturavaitieslenitaTeolisce, Nos 08 Water and 107 now autos, Plusbolgli. nave • 10DX D. XLUILD NVltolessee Druggist, and .. dealer in•Dyn *Os, rams, Oils, Vgrotsbes, NOW Wood moot, one door South ofD4mood Alley, TOIIN 11. MatILLOII. - Whoicsale and Retail deal . J . in 31.4... a bluslcai Inailiessents, &WO Nook, Paper, Slater, Steel I'm. Quills: Priem.' Cm*, and • &mane ry generally, . No. 111 WOW at,' Pittsburgh. • Erriloge bengalor uken in trade.. serAs__ . ' TWIN: ificti'ffiiito, Wholesale Oniiis. For.. . , • er RSIVIink and Lorunmion Merchasea,Dealers le PM ;" I - deco and Pitestmrgh Mattawan', Nommercial Row. Liberty et, near the Canal, Plusba P. oet2. • 'lll. • ': • .". TOIL L. GALLATLX,,Athwahfat Law, Mich. 4J 4th Art, between brunt and Switkfickt, moat!. aide, . • Pittsburgh :I'a: WO alga ahead proraptlr hwattess • 21 th e siining counties , • cafflitly ~.. 4. 1). - .:...!.;;: '' ,1:-•'-,,'-tr,,,;:.;.;.;',.0,;, " _"7-1 Il t , , MEM PRICE - SEVEN DOLLARS. .;.:.: -. _.l'.itislNgsgi .. . - .,G010; 5Aa0X.A.11111 5 1 1,0011 . 00111 , ;Cogolissioa . and A Yomarang Merchant, 54' Witlol . mad 105 Fromm, iPiitsbosyh.• • TWOODi 40211/411 4te„ p., .. . 4 1 2 - 3.:Fersinusling Merchants, base' lammed ...h.,. 14 4 .1.Wsterand Front streeui,"Fittsborjrb.___-19031 • — isioulea titra. • _ emus 'DRAVA_ Ik , FLESTER 4 Wholesale and Retail ;j) Dtasiists, cornet of Liberty and 13t. Clair streets, Fittsbarah.Fa. - • • ' ma 14 73' I. ViLIINESTOCIE Wlsolesiale mesa Drusuesus, comer Wood and Silt sus. .Iyl AGA-LET r. wukum Omen. 19 And MI %Coal Meet., SAITO. BAGALEn £ CO., Wboleale Oro. acre and Produce dealers,. No. =I Market stmt. lie. qb muul6 •• North* Philartelpha. aura at4 o mr . t . ara s t,va., FannNiott and ft ORLANDO .LOOlllll6 Atiornor al Law, of lee on 4th wee torte. Southfield. 5P1 . 4 . 1_ Wm. Coleman. Johni': J.& W. Hallman. IZAILDIAN &CO, Mananletarera jorCarnage Sprin; . • and.kales, B. .4 ISPrialt Mei!, anJ dealer. Of 4akit,Trimnings of des ''griptlon, manufactory on Bt. Clair in. Watehoun Wood •I St Charles inre3 jr . ona fliCk , X, • • resetting sumsianir ? (T.:;•pi")), %a rter fr. 1.04 Wholesale (MM, Ckatanasam sad Forivanana alercblea, Dealer& la Pro data. and Patolaugh Manufactures. Sixth area; betayaki Wood and Lawny. Pnalmri-13,Pa. • asp'' et YiliAGlElit, Importer .ad wholesale aisd retell &ale r in Fancy mut Staple Variety Gonda. ala , S Ilia Gilt CeAtiti, ilatkei, alms, net, LiberiTi ntia• Joon:. Donlop:. • J. Harris& newelL. DUN LOP & SEW LL, Attorney, Law, Offices on' VionkSold,' hers & $1 and lA. I. FNDWAILD n IGAZllll.lrod,llote Omer. s oltot si.lo of the I.Oomood. second Ira (null 1)1•• otoood ;Alt* rttltose. WALT. rest masar. w ALT, # ilEittlAlLT v Wholesale Oro. ten, dealers ia predate aadYatabargh =taw rues • corner of Librpy and Hand us, Ptuabarea, Pa wituLtsu & ONIIIIISTT: (hatrEngli•hi Gal. .1.74 lather tc.l..b.)AVhaleglile Grocers, Co=seon and remandtag Merchants, and Deal in Produce and conk Mnaufactms, Defl. Weed street between Watt! " k ie l ra=to n tree:lnn " t= oe Foetth. Illakevreire Old Roue. • • 14 • s• •Im VOILWAILD & SWiIIiTZWELDERsAttnr , V rico at Law, bare mama their office Witte oath of Fourth wee; between Cherry Allay and Grant kit riii;-• • , _ten& Mari •- Jam!" Wood. .END, intuit & CO. i Wholesale Grocers, and Co...lien Merchants, and Agettotbr.liri at!toa Cotton Yams, Noa 57 Water and 100 Front Meets 1.113 A, R.DLIIIE. Pima Font Mann Dimmer nun deal, i;er in Ultima' innnanenni,llllyrood Watt, near ORSYTU Cep Cososilfsion an4 . Fo blerchttots. Na 9B Voter PiUb LI/LAACIN: AIMLESS, , Gracer Cettardesion -V. Merchant sad dealer irLPta4acc, blndat kr, No: 17 Liberty at, near etulsl Basin, Pi on N. It. Qatari, Pitch, Manilla Rod, tee, ahraya on Dealer In Glows, Hosiery, land F .• Fancy nrA StnpleTristualiags,la Motet Aric, 020. 31019A.11.. , WATT.IIILAN [AUK' Cl/COMM 11101/311343N 31 CO4 Wltolesale Gro cess and Coum43ion illizelmats, 103 Wcodotreat Pitubarsh Pa • . GEU. A. DlODSLY,Whalesalo Grocer and Com -truzaton arerettaaW and Dealer lo Predoea and. Pittsburgh Nonatacterea—No 19 Wood el, Pinsbart. ITEMM! G... EO. ... 1131LITII* Co., Ilgewers,. Ala/stera, .Inld dealers in pops, Pittoparat . a and:Paint Bray tOes, Penn and . Pitt streets. ' •''. 11 , 44‘ • . fIIFORAZ IFOCUILAS, CloasmOsisce metl Far- Imam lArfect"lburgL mayl7 • uta • GODS hatliter_ All_ordeig pnactoolly h.Uog. - :Addreso Otte through Ibis Poet..oAce. . , 14 - 77 — n. B. liars. John D.llacr. TT YS la , smizsir, Dadmintrozo.o r t.O. 11 eerier, Beau, ftoes; Itingbargh mannAnuired - einsohe.,, No. r2O acrir st, rietabarigh. • , Hatt • Muni. Ltrowne.. _ _ 'llll.l. & 'BROWNE, [stiruessors - _ 611oldahlp &Itrowoo,]bdOorters and manufsetureisOrWall raper sodGenend Paper Warehouse, N0.i87 Wood street, Pillsbury/h. , je2o - Al al BIIOCKW AY, Druggist*, No. V Cow V um reiankror, mar the eaual basin, rrtsburer. JU . MACK, Merchant Tailor, Exchange Bail. .dino, Clair alma, Pinabargh. Jetta( JOSIGPLI.KITOT,'Auntney ;Laor.'Atte?a , 6l.. ba led P tentraTCreh r =rgo, l V P".("'" toe " ! p dannr.bis'aoence by T. J. Irish= and 1, _Taxiesßata; I. tg. Co.; fsiatessots to /*mph J U. Davis] lihip Chandlers, Wales or3l JSMITOOMMILICER 4k;CO•wholcule.Driag gist'', No. 94 IVood st. Pittsibuzigh: zepl3 loirmn SON• Cornadadon aad al , Forwarding Morchanw, No In Liberty at, DrPP OI . 6, - • Pmalgfirld at.l Samwon's 80w.::.' - • long kait 113.12A1711.1(AUC 1 IONEVII., - mite FOY nd Wata wee., ' • • °eta ..111/g C. TrelzArt%Wholehale 2 % door ' above the ove Co ittotarglikela 117". Ins% N ull, Glatt; ttc. at lithithhtchtreth , prices. • Printers and Paper rahartfaetatets, N . o. 44 Marks Pittsbor • • J- L. HtEAWS Boole Shale, 4th, ntO Market Ft. If Classical../Itenfogiita), ithnorical, etboolOtrtse4l- 414tImi and itethodsst Rea. 444 Stshonety. wet Jw. B.OI3RILTION Jr. Eartlieifr sad Er e) chsz.ge lingets, earner of Wood aod Third meets, Uerrebias Howl ituisa PM/Imb; Pa. • frftierreoey parebasaal the usual rates. °KU': o`llll GRIER, Wholuala Gremer;deiler in Pro 3 dace, Pilts4ungh uunsfacturei; Tiin nue, &e: &r, No 2 Lax • at. Plush - 3IUS ••• •,7iF771 JALES DALZELL Vlllokat.leCtroenr Comisa- Ilion Mem-km.lnd dedirmPmdoafaedlttalgti trutnufamores No SI Waur st.Pilubaritk. . - Glavuola. Iron Works. • , LSWIS, DAI.ZZLI. dr, .11 el:tee( Doiler;Sheet,llat Iron and Naßeef the beat quality. Orders left at the tratelwaranf 8 Dalzell C.n,lieerty It at L Watennanoralef grillreedy. B. - 2 Iff ATER nd c. NIANYIr/toouaioo Zeus,lroem4...Ffir.- piah.lha a aftwutreivld No!t-21Waler. r ZWIII 110TOIIIION s Oa, Anolosakt La Grocer", Forwarding...ad C.m3ssiWion'Al and deiers rn rianbunth - Iduatacara, &Aran Water and Bt FrontsUl. - ' - • • &&31 Moo& T jtitIONAT & SHlPTO.A,WholeolaGnven, L Forwarding ami Coaustissica Mercluuvisr 'Deal= .11 Produces al ritabotsb tialludiecares 00513 and 13:5Wocrl at. Ptttsbursh. mOm . us. fl'lilll4 P.P. Mariam; " waxsza a. lot. , IiatOILL istrounziar a, RCM. Inalesale OTOPPIS and Coaneispionide M Atm. --. Mart !Crock. ' Wm. It Mak& ALLZN & Commlosimsamtraimrdam mcromam, Water and nag ms,bommeaWmod IIATIL7ALU. a DICEZTSIDNOnoIesaIs "MO. J.V.I. *ere sad Commlsaion blerclixtulitikl79-Utervir, tlnr~P , llabarrh. Pa' • • ' • ' Nuflt, /reCORDA. ZING, irholesale and - .LVI and Cr.p monnikennrii, and deals. trt Panay Fara nnranrsd. Wood and Fifth %Lan 11, k J. 14.13A2r, WholisaleGnXtellitlkido*L% aminFiorwardintaddComitir Avapfl V, WILSON A CO., linolfemils 'Oft 11 , 1:Goodspaacr8, 288. Wood itrees • •ax - noLauxs " soar, No. El Marker street, 0w .1\.: 'ortd door form roma of Foorth, Nola* Por- Dtprottio . .ll,ll( of Bulgur's*, Conlietroo of i dj rot* , Alba &moo • • 'deal? rnolll, .11e0IIMW . &. , Ce” Pradgiejloianud lag sad Colangsaiaa glainhants, xx liCaamegeial ilaw.Libeatg surer; Plitigangla, , . , , Poindexter: .-A Cialbaiso. II Oriel Groom. • And Como laivit MIA Aloreoug•,,l lo 4l W • j)ol3gliTSibolf 'it uzpriraz.rniaai , DeW en Comniiciap ertershautli, tip YCA Second la, lationaito ..r.-Limuoli; Jr.; , i.poner sad IiLL Doakr fixe/aa rut* Thomann fladalety.llard. ^rearer:and °lrritte 7sistaginmat all desenriall, Dlo alseet, lquaborgb. . yllll ip'101141.1[11) DAl2D r wilidelak ' Lieulgi,J , lpre?es, qt . ..•.ffs , Tools aled . Fiebe• Tanner.. 0 .4 No. 11.40111tlinie, WU!MI6 Onrs ce,'Ygo ,,cbantailua Ihnlers 41berty streel;Pituk Jfaki : ' • . . . . . • - . . . . . . . . . I 1? • ?M ~_ - • - • ' • • . . ' . • •" E V4r 44 --'' . i'... _. •_•• --cm .. 44 ' 4 :" . :..•'M''''' , ""e 7 ig"' ,-• .' 7 7` , -.-=M - . 4, -...-......=,,-i. .r,...*,.,..,-...---,... .4.-. ----.....-- • —....,,a..-.,-.... 1.... .......-,,,--,--zr '4,,,,,-.-....;,.7.-.....-v.......4?4'"--_.:Ta..r....---..;...,..._---.,,-4,,,•-•,.!....-...;..=-4.-,;1,....:-.,-.,...-,:z.-„,.....7,,,....::.,a7...7,:,...'„:„....,,,--.,7F-;f4----=...-:=-!'..:.:5,.........,,,,,e,,:',-....7--..--T...4,0,- ~ .: 7,:- . - . .1', : : f ." --7 ! '- i: - :- S' .: . .-.. ,:- .. - ‘-- "': ' - ... . ;. - ' : : ,: . : . _'. .• .• . • . , - -- L ', . . . ' ' f •I ' :. '',-.-, i - , .::;...: - - -. ..:, - Jf r. . 4 kZ 4 , , .. . • . , , .1_ _ ~.._._ I .. , ~..,.,..,, ~„_,:,...., . , , ,_ . ~ _.,, ..: 7. ..., .._ :...,... .. ....... .1. ~ : •:...... .. „1 . : : : ,.- t i....:,„,: :; .- ., ,,-.' 44•11 ' 7.-44 : 7"; ; ,.. • . ' 4 . ... - ' . . . . .. . - • ~, .. . . . - . - • .. . . . ~, ~ 1 . , , '.. 2 ~ - - . ..1' , -.,. , ... , , ~...:1 , - , . :4 • i .. .....- . 2. , • ,, , -,,-,,7'., - . -. ...'1 , ..!.%,i . N0..‘,,;%* •.: . • . . .. •,.-. .• .. ..:'.4 - . • _ ... . R .. . ~.... ....,.... , , .._._. . . ........ . .. 1 . • • .. ._ ..:. . _ • .. _.. ,.. .'f . f . et:..S ''' •'• • . - . - _.. . .. . . • . .. - , BUSINESS CARDS. Ronnwr:DALZSUL: t Co., Whole.le Gro• Condo Need and Pommeling Merchant; deu m - Produce ttrutPinsburgb Manufactures,' Liberty ===l RII,IIAWICINS, 'Attontety eekLate,G ram ;T, , Bakortirslialldinp,tearly opposite - the NM Coati Hare : • apted3ce• R°BERT 1110014 X, Wholesale Grocer, Rectey IL lag Diswkr dealerin ilodnee, ' Pittsburgh Nana faerares, sad alllands of foreign aodSlomesue Wine guril Lawn, No 11 Laberty strew Plush ugh. DP , N. B. .0n hand a very. large mock of geperio Old Morwegah,da Whiskey, which will be saki low Co cash. , mayM.l y G. O. Reynalda. 1 • • J. Mee. DEVIIOLOP Buz, Forerardintaxid Coo l% minion Mere/wits, for the Allei4ny litiikr Trade, deafeninGroccrier.Prodnce,rillab al 410(am:rite and Chloridaof Lime. • • I The. highee t prices, in 6.44' paid at all! times for COOIVIT Rap. Comer a Penn and train AA. Jud2.l D ClAkV'rEp , Co., Carnaussion alerebapt. r Ita t t i e . lni . ttll d d, fr. De „ alers . ia l aa ROWT A. CllNNLWOUAl4.lVtiolesaleairoce Dealer is Produce and Par: aria Idlaufaelarca B C Shaekleti • • " Thocit Wade . SILICKILETT. & WHITS. Wholesale Deo. lex* oi Forelgo and . Domestic Dry Goods, No Ile Wood street, Pittsburgh febl7tf W:UARBA0011, Wool Merchants, deal. s. eis in Plaurssed Produce geuemlly and Forward ing and Commistion Merettsum, No Sr Wood .". 4 Pittsburgh. Mot . • . O AMIDXL PAI.MER, Animal) sr Law.' Mice in Breed's bedding; No V/ Bomb street, hetw«n Wood ssidltnithAeld., • - • , nov3d&wly BONDMOIIST & Co., Wholesale 0. Grocers vorsrardis4 _end, Commission Merchants, Dealers in Patshurgh Munarannnessnd Western Pul liam, have ienstwed to thedr new warehouse, (old Stand) No 3kowner of Front st and Gasswery Lune, ..nof: AEIIEL M. =MR, Forwarding and Pampa 0 !lion Morclung,,Desler ao Salt, Produce sod Pm, hump nuntufscuated articles, Canal Basin, nesr7th st. SX. WICKBIRSHAM,Desicr 4•4lMa.t e Ttr..es, and Agriealtunlituplemenu,No 1 e nusborgb. ' .eb2 P 5 15 E lliot hat i l i or — a b SZet in 6 P " =c. No 25 Wood meet, PiusnAk. • • nl3', THOS KIZI NEDY, Jr., Looking Olau Mannam. tar and :Dealer la Clacks, Combs, and Variet, Godds:einner at Wood andTaarth weals T • R J Forsyth. P E P. YOBSYTB3CO. Oreurolssion Merchants, .dealers in thslt,Lialber,Groecries, Produce and Pittsburgh Mmutfactires, Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. • chid W. IncCuicheon VIEr4 /1. MeetlTClllZo l4 Z de Maim/ uce Iron. N "' a". PiOavlth 91/inufsetrues Pl + 4 bercy..te et Plunbanth. • /Vl9 & MITCHELTIME, Wholande Groce rs, VV. Rectify i ng nnd Wine and Liquor Med chnene, No- /60 Liben7 rect, [opposite Sixth . testa Patsbuntb. Jai ---- ,rout' D. VICE. mail]) I eoXnLiall IVICH i WCANDLZSIS, (ruceeseors to I. k _ VP.JD Wick') Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding arid Comminalmn iderelmone: dealers inlron, Nail /7 Cotton Yarns and Pittsburgh Manufactures genemlly, conlarof Wm.:Pond. Watt., eta, Pinaburob. mehl3t IX'!" R. NEFFI.PEIT fumes the ladles to esti and . exeminte his stock of French Worked Collars, SOSCIOSIA km as VS cams. encbl3 WholeaalaGroeer,Forwarding and a ajr i= r ati e h a i u d in Itikany and -Deale r ttrea, corner 4E:radian er ; Snathfiald au, Pittsburgh. F. lirarrmomr. & WOLFF, Imposters and T V Wholeiale Dealers in Madan., Ctiery, Sad dlery,e, &e,eomer Liberty and St. Clair meets, Pals bor le Et U(7 ii•LiAnd di DILINTORTII, Wbolevoe T W Grocers, Prodaeiti and Commission ilderehants,V7 wood in. • rpt.lo VrldrainELLitl • bar establisbnien; 0.2114 Liberty stet, near the math EXEIVI UT 611. lIITCHULTRICE, Wholesale Gro• • an, Reetifylng Distillers, and Wine and Liquor Merehues, No. 16v Libeny so eat, (opposite Sixth ma Pittstramit. otayl4 dly H.- =HINSON, Attorney at Law, qtas Ch • mT 4I V h tfalgo i ll i dtat E fla c jOr alanta Axr H. 041.11.04L1LD, Dealer in Fanny and Staple T V • Dry Needs, No 79 Market otreec l'iusUargh. . tovlrldiy • ' liriciaaansa & DILWORTH. (tram the burnt V V Dim riet,) 'Wholesale Grocers. are now located at Plo.llB Wood sti when:they offer for WS • large arson. meat or Grocer/es Rod Pittsburgh Manufactures, at low rims and on favorable terms, mayla W.X.1117r lON, • Dealor Jewelry, ket , Maui Good, tee, No. 57 Mary • W ! F t; IFlCTlY,wpalcsale and renal dealer nen( alarketand Fourth a u :: G° "`"' °"th.:,Z"" WL p. 111.1i17/15f, Jr loth huen the Wag Stun of VW. Tb;in , corner of ng:p urePenn add lliad streets, neap a constant supply or the but ateirlicinea, peewee:ly, ice. Physician's preaerneria carefully compoundetl.— . Medicine. can be had thi at all bean of the night. thlitaillr• • vv. Cr. AUGIUSIBATIGIII, Attorney at-Law •Finh street. near dutithield. Collecting, agen cies and other busulus attended to With punctuality. Blind's &Semple, •+' Wm. Crachan. Ern, - B A ffahnuslarl & Co,' Johns 114,100, Gruff, Lind.). Jr. Co, John WrrghhEiqi• Junius McCully, trq, Mtn. Willnun Lew/11.r. J. 1111. - AR. RECTIFYING DISTILLER, AND WIICIL::AaLL OLALLL IN FOREIOR k DORESTIC WINES k LIQUORS, No. 114 Liberty ot., and 53 Diamond alley, 17-dlp PIPPSBUBOII, PA. WARRICK MARTIN & Co., Remlan, Dank. in Eardiano, Bank Natal dunal Cain, miner or Third WU, Wood meet, n0•194/17 Plit•burgh. P. II W Wm. 111 Slan. • . ISsorsor /Annie* TraidSHl .1. N 3 N, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSFJA,OKS AT LAW. 07-015.3 Norl aide of Fenn!. at, above Smithfield..ha fe6l7dkulyF • Oliver Blackburn.' George D. Jonea 0. IILACHIICFRO & CO., W I . I . OLESIE ()mien and Dealers in Beat on hanriTtl i. t i i iuth' aw ir fall and general aaaoranent of in . their line, Water greet, near Cherry Alley, h 1.13 7 W. 112.‘INIINGTON, land garvevor, atiend Zd ow !Fancying, laying out, and dividing land.; ma king ot Real hatate. kn. OLus, Pam al. above 11.4, next door to the Olrec of tho Vacardag Itegealor, Pidabiargh. ept.Rdlet /OM N. TOWNIBEIVD. Druggist and Apothe al No 'IS Market au three doors above Thad at., Pittgsangh,will base coasts/Wynn band a well select ed assormsentof the best andfreabestglediebfes,..bieb he will Men on the mew reasonable term.. Physieians sending orders will be promptly attended in, and sup plied with anielu they. may rely anon as genuine. ILTPhysteirinsrPatscriptions will be accurately and neady repeal from the best materiala, at any boar of the day or ought., Also An sale, a large Mock of fresh and good Pe its sem. lout W. W..WILSON, Watch Maker &Jeweller, a. cornet lth and Market ets. A large and well' selected sleek or witebes, Jewelry; Silver.wara and Military Goods.. Always on band and at regular en. lent pnces,Gold Patent Over, fall Jewelled weir:bee, _u low as IMO; Silver do weiebes,as low as 618.. • Gamine Cooper, robias,Jobneen and other approved =keel - watches may be lad .at a small advance and Warranted.. IrrPine swatch Work done in the Teri best manner. 'I. B..BWEITZER, - ATTORNEY. AT LAW- Ores 3d pt, • opperalte It. Charles Motel. - . -W PITTSBURGH;• ILL emit:ea pumptlytoCaßevions,us Wub VT ingloa,Faleue tadOrean Cumin, PL IITIBIte bawdy MS &Co Qamcb /a Quatben J Pitabargl. PESI2I, TEA STOILIi e . e: 7trourell strest„ swag MA, QT' All qualities el Glenn and Meek Teas; oohs quarter, kali; and one mud packages, saa• ging lkom Weis peg pound to NAL .A JAYNES ES . . . . Maas for Petri. Tea Co DR. 'DAVID RUNT , Dr!litiC !Is4 as ., CDC that he can ii:VPLo whale time to the dales f I p AO, May be mica is his cake, Career of ea " - .l)ce ns4d' Pic aims, limn. Markel and Fent sta! h a a d zrylo ' .46f10g the day, loom 8 x. till 65. x. ' 1 1003 y*r . Z. lIICNELY. ATTORNEY andCoonsellOr at Laur,CINCINNATI, .Lll.OlllO. Cbllectiona letPcmiltem Ohio and in Indiana MI fa Remocky, promptly and carefully . attended w. Culiamfamoner for th allium of. Peansylmmum for takmg Ames, acknowledp c. ments t i I r m u rp—Hon: Wm iSall tr. Son, Curtis, Church • Tirothen, Wm Haphltici., te Darla. mrs . :' E-i- • A- . ' .i C is . aL-i EV • O- TTncOl N WORKS . A .Wie jatE t, A wI NYARN, . „ ..k, lAttis. TA p Coverl o r •.DASN, CARESS CHAINWAR Ao le". Km pENNoc a.a, • - 1 .- Oiecemoru , erbackleimAyemi • nelolll • • A 4 LICDOUX t CO4 CANAL IiTREET, NEW. ORLEANS. - AGENTS for ! B Anasel'nEateasiva Stearn &gar 11efinely; Always nsod,• large stock of Loaf, Poinenal,-Creaked, Clalifled.and Bastard Bogus, iu 15aeres anil Barrels. Also, Begat Bosse Alalanws. nets liberal and a fair allowance made oo 41 Was ii,atabows,Ao laurels. . • meal • - OXO. W. LEITER& Oh ibusWrJES. ALALSTERS , AND 1101 , DEALERS •t RPTIIBOII,6II IND POINT BROWBBIEL- Drilt Daotert Alley and Nan tVend Rule Pitt 01,- • . • Pittsburgh. . J. iao:pc Lionbright. afegcli, 1917488ANTEM aqui, if not superior, to. any made 4 the United tunes, and.whish ahoy will dispose of at kw Prices and on good Terms, • ,• • . Beaver. Pa • • • ia•011: AL= reirlit , r. a v. nsu.soir & CO.. , - lAr&vvv&crukcvs of Ha/Meted Stgnea sad ITI V.Pades, Maly - nay and Vonore 'Folks, kx, Le., MuSipP.!, ti,ll,Wooditiret.riMb.nat• Osula DA; 40/1311 S. CIIAPIth.S.! 404301., oppogu. Merchants Hotel iklespbels Moil. )ottf - . ~~ ~;,: FORWUDM COMMISSION. C R Danealtower " • J Renaldo dank. CI.LAILILICR Dezzonownao co. TOCCO• COMMfIIBIO B II A •IIBACHVITIS, - Re. co Saab Wirsgethland Dloll:scodhVrater ci PI ADELPILIA: DEd to lariat the trade' amt dealers 'generally of 'LT Pittsburgh,' that they have made each arrangement. with the `famine numafacturor. and the, Growers of the Wes; West Indies,and other plates as will inmate • a large and constant utpyly of the Eallouring deserts• done of Tobacco which. will be cold upon as amp. modeling terns as., other houseinthis till or else where, and all t goods ordered taxa theta will be war ranted equal an repreventatiorn— • Havana; 8; Dominant Conn., Vara; Porto Rico; Peon'A,lSeedLeat To ALSO—IF...I4 and Florida, hg,,, 4 AL Branch's celebrated Anaemic Stag Caron" dish, with a large assortment of other popular brands, and qualities of mends, do ds lav lag and Res Lamp; he de be and Ins Plum Lute. Twist; Virginia Twist kr, sweet and plain, in whole and half In woad and tin, together with every variety of article belong. ing to the undo. ield-dly ..8. OEII FORWARDING J 1; C6EIOII EIRCILINT, Bast Bearer • Paint .and Bridgewater, COVIITT. 7A., . Proprietor and Anent of annunero //rialiZ LAMM . ILIUM/ Alloy; 1110010A21, DAMN__ ANNWIZIN .Pl7llllOlll/11 AND RIAU/4 WILL be'plepnred on culiaal opening of main., Ir *onion to receive pitmen'/ .Ft his wharf eclat or In warebonee, for nil points on tam Known., Cron Co, and Cab Canals; fier 01l ports on Lana knlo and • upper Lakes," alga to !onward produce, ko.by Penn'. Improvements. Apply to or address , - tehlet,lN ' JAN i'llerglt, nearer J. O. W. Leamcb. • W. C. Wilson. L.Q. W. LEFTWICH 4.C0., RECEIV/NO, EMMA /WINO, And Cansolnstals Merehaattss PIaULECISJURING,..L. 13i ARTICULAR sucution paid to emalgrunelds of 1 Rnuak taga, almaa ills &Mines, or other ardcles for Opelousas and REFER TO—Messrsehelßeld &Ligbdovv, Mr..Tho ma* Limerick; New Orleans. Messrs. Latins & Reiterat, kir. Z. 14.1n,cricy; Lou. isville. . . Messrs. Mall is Sper, Mr. IVat.lol..eary, Roksti Warlaman. - Arrestrong & Nichelarse; ralsbarSh• Messrs. Reese, Todd & Co.; Cinetanati. Messrs. Hynes tr. Craighead, Messrs. Edwards to Willman, Ham Zenon Labsave, Ilan. Jahn Dawn; Plug armee, La. self Ply • HAYDEN di COALZ. FLOUR, PRODUCE, AND UENERAL SION MERCHANTS. • N. la, SmlltiVs q hart, Baltiniare. ' TFER their ikrekelli so Merchants nod Fanners the sale or Floor, Crain sod Pradnee gsnerally, tee Baltimore Marketandtkonadoirattensare ca tante amone purchasers and shippers, con safely war nt sAttsfactory Wes. Correspondents's-11l constantly ru kertadvited of the plate or the Markets, &e. Rata to=-Mara. Wm. Wtlshn &Sono Due Rey. rrolde lc Son, David•on k Saunders, Reynolds it Smith, King_tt Corey; Baltimore Tineley, Caldwell k English; Philadelphia /*gem. Draper & Jones; New York. Baltmore, mere, June kl, !SD. CRAIG. DKLLAS dt, Orb FLOUR FACTORS .AND PRODUCE COM- MISSION MERCHANTS LWAAL cash advances made on rmelpt of eon • gaments.'" nose shipping to oar address will be ram three-foniths mine in advance in Cure, by apply tug tome friends, Mews. Wallingford &Taylor, litsbargh. Messrs. Thos. Bell in Co . /Indgepon,.obio. Philadelphia, :Way 3,1151.5. mayll7.if it. All produce consigned to us is foment when in:ibe warehouse of Wallingford 8. Taylor.Pinsbeirgh, or to one SWIV.in Pkiladelphl. C. 11. & Co. NEW SADDLERY HARDWARE STORE. • R. T. LEECH, JR. NO. 133 WOOD ;T., PITTSBINNOII. LL IjANIAtu replennthed my stock from be twat max& Ll both domestic and benign I take pleasant in an • noanctog to consumers and dealers that I am preparel to furnish them with al/ goods In my lion on suit better tonna thank heretofore. Dayerewill 'eagle:Luber de.alins'exclativety” in Sad Herr , Hardware and Carriage Trimmings. I obtain thereby adramarrea that enable me to defy compeller.. Call, Fee .ead iodpreier yourverres. • ref: FRESH IMPORTATIONS OF HARDWARE. L0G11146-11ENIED IMPORTERS OP AND' WOOLPMALR DEALERS IN HAM/WARR, CUTLERY, *e., No. 10 Wood /Street. P 1/0/1. • ARE now the MOO{ of rete TT6oll oing lge to itlem extensive sleek of Hardware, Cutler', trol .lery. Ece., whieh bnelng !wen ritrenased on the mo• advantage.. ones in England.and dimes from the Vannfactorersin dun country, enables them to of (or oods on termsaarpa.sed by ma to*. equalled by kw, Purchases are relpectfolly hinted Mead. sob 26 • GICOLLOY. cocusaa COM'ISSION & FOKIVARCING bIERCHANT, No. ;6 %Voce - Brunt , PITTOVIWEI, CONTINUES to transact a gencn4 Commission Business, especially in the perchers, and sale of American binnulactwes and Prod ca in receiving.inol forwaiding Geeda tocsin ld. care. As Arent for the Manufacturers, be will be constantly impelled with the principal articles. of Pittsburgh Manufactere at the lowest wholesale prices. Ordervand consignments are respectfully solicited. jr7 fri foram. Lora c. v. Marlin, ~llampba. LOVE, MARTIN & Co., PRODUCE. GENERA I. CONINTIPPION, AND FOR sIi,R,GBANTs. No. C Spear's Wharf, Ilalilmore. Hari:Lye— • Al Allen It Co, Ilampton, South ken, jriO'bund.• ecCo, l John R Randall orill 11,04 h /ratio., elawlyF r. D. I.CHNIK, C. W. ANDEIIOX, Late or Pstahargh, Pa. • !Medi( Narhville, Ter. LEHMER ANDERSON • DRALESS IN COTTON. FORM , AUDINIT AND COMMISSION Al NTS, No. 14 Front Urn", atom Broadway. Dam narl, OVUM • Ito', to Met chain, generally. in PitYthoneh. soda WALTER & ?LOUR AND GRAIN COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS LI CILISIAICY: (JaiI:RALLY, No. M 51)1/A Hotaard-st , Woo Market, Ballimere• Ram yo—D Sprigyy. Eels, Cashier, T CIO.; .17ag Cashier, J Land•treett Son, tiller& Dougherty, Sling ing A. Esrey, W & S Wyman, Slinging &linemen, • lim• EDWARD Al' REELING. (ItOCCTAISOit TO 000DIIIAN & Twiny) Rarkin, Porta:ad:Jig. earenniarion Merchant, and Calms BrIATI, ..• • . door Booth of Pitl/11.11. Bonk, Blenaph R.. la—M A7ku & Co; Mug, Pennock &Co. 312.1 dGm ....... B. V....CONWAY alla CO.. ... 1311TSMOUTII,Ohia, Cotallii•SiOo and ForwardingPAleorbano, and lhalace Dealers—atm attend to the Yorobase, Sale and Yaipmont of Pig Iroa.Cosi, &a. • ItILITII. TO At wood, 'noon & Co Brown, Spiky & Co Loren. Sterling &Co Ilenry Oral Orat4 - Liodsoy & Co D Leech & Co Lyort.lShorbk Co Chaim &Thaw coortOdiv Woos dOmos JOHN P. PEARY . . . • • • Mate of the firm of Malcolm Leech k Col Wholesale Urocer, Com:dales & FlOur &escheat ' DEALIZU in till hinds of Coontry Produce, Cop. per, Tin, Tm Plates, Tinned' Tools, Zinc, load, P.usia ahem boa: Iron and !Wails, White Lead, Dye Elias, Conon: Yarns, dolt, de, and Pittaburgh: 'Manufactures gmierally, comer of Liberty and Inset streets, Pittsburgh, Pa Li 03-beral advances, zn Oa th oellooda made on eon siguaenes of Prodooe, to. mye . AUCTIONEERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS. • ALEXANDER , LEVY & BROS. CINCINNATI BT. LOUIS OFFER to sell at cattier establishment, all kinds of hrershandi.e at the lowest Mel of Commislions and are aleray.preptued to make adiances. The hem of reference. gtven,-if required. Latters addressed to either Hesse will be promptly attended to. JyKidly 'reams ceinlll2. TEILOMPION & OADIPEZI.44 COMMISSION MFRCH.ANTS And Mannfactourtan of Mamma 014 No. 20 Columbia Stred, CINCINNATI, OHIO. O our ran) you noisily-4X • SAM'L JONES, JR, (Lie Talbot ;tont. k. Co., of JUilfwm) GROCERY, COUNISSION AND FORWAkDiN MERCHANT. . No; 45 Poydras - Street, New Orleans. Cir}Parmalir awn:mai paid Ititse fingrirdengbfti new • " •W.H. • C14111.1K1i), Forwarding - Merchant, Brownsville, Ps. Attends panlealarlylo the Fonratdiag of Produce, te. For any father mfixteallon apply to FORSYTH k wate r oetla D. W. Xl22llWa. tl. T. PAWN. ,• • -.ZIATUIDIVI . PATOII, - C 021186101 11BILCHUITS,. - xo..4BWiiisr street. , 5T.L0919, ' give mycelia apention to the selant24 O. of Pro duce oend to orders km purchasin' Rama eo—fleorge Morgan A g. Plosheugh, Pk seen — Jobialkhlnoli7TWlCeehan, CDCWbetuos. • "JOIIN nvutzmuctu 00. Commission and Forwarding //farchants, .1108. 93 .t 95 SOUTH . IST. somr , BOWLING'S WHARF. Nal thaotro. • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MERCHANTS, Nese II wad 9 Light IL. - • ZIALTIMORRIe 11:reash advances will be mat on consignment to • be.,abore add 1...., by jalrt ty • CARSON k WEND° UT, Rob et. • CF:A.btrlcw.r.u. & CO FLOUR FACTORS, AND tißAlNtNnia PRODUCE • • CatltOlll.lllllk Rfarrhauta s 71 soirrn • WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. A RE nolo prepared to receive and 4orteard all kinds Oliof Otfehtladlielo any leading. ibe /onion. North and West Branch. ano Tidewater Canals. 1091 OL ESA L E GROCER AND OOMMISSTON, I MERCHANT, No 88 Weer street. BT. LOUIS Rear in: Lynn, Shorb k Co, neul Anthony Denten, • .., PitiehorWP. • letßeene J. IMWTOX . .. wars iirkAmscur ARENT AND COMMISSION . XERCUAINT. , , N0N0190411 . 411 HOUSE. PITTSBURGH, MONDAN MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, 1847. MISCELLANEOUS, JAMES W. WOODWidIiL, PITTIOIVROU FURNITInti NAHA 11003110, 1 NO 83 1111811 STIIEI7, ' A IzAttlik:notlatilcrsdid amortment of Furiture, 44 ." 4. ' suitable for r ' l 'l" e "' . orls an ptaeDrll • k thus, ronotantly on hand and made io order. The present mock or, hand cannot be excelled by sty raundiuttory in the western country. Perm.. bog l 0 purchase would do well lot girmg leo Ara:Los f sun determined my prteeo shalt please. Part of me mink Consists ID— -10 Sofas mint Plash and Ilair•eloth covers; Idea MtMognny Nurse Chairs; 14 pair Divans, II lon fine mahogany Cilium 11 mahogany Work Sculds; . . 3 doz mahogany Ritekine Chairs; 15 marble to p Dc Mucous • 8 pair °noon ris; , . Proarble top Work Stands; • IS chewy Work Bands; , Mahogany, klaple, Cherry and Poplar Brditends of, corollary don. flPhonol okd a large Mount:cent of Common corollary and CbJlill,l4. Mane re.. to tnrithdo. martOf N H A tl 4 . rick I JONEPNI WOODWELL, Corner of Woad and Ad cc. Pllttobnonk, TIAITING withdrawn Shim the old Glen of Walker Sr, MIL Woodwell. on the Ist of January, IbilL I take pleasnre in nnsouneing o. my frictids lit the city sod cooGY. that I have opeumi my new store at Me above coweda piece. tiering par my goods for cwt., and made arrangements with manufactory's in this country and in Europe in ho a re stippled, I am fully prepared to furnish Hardware of all kiwi., on as good tones and us low a. any-hence Elm or We.t.— /tlcrehant. and others are respectfully invited to cal and examine my stock,.before purehasieg eluswbere. The following camprises a part of my stock. Steamboat and Saddlery ilunlware. Gun Trimming., Files. Neyitir's Steel, Cutlery', Edge Tool., Vi ees, lake. Latches, Sickles Scythes, Butt Hinge., Screws, Union Factory glaise;Saws Itlnhogenv boards and veneers, and all other ante', connr-eted will, the fianlware business. meting' DATENT PRIERS BRICK RIACLILIifIa Ti e subsetibers having obtained • patenijMny 1G 1841Lft ra Press Brick Machine, and having ainrp then thorn' gbly Waled its ability, ore arier prepared . to toll right. and contract to deliver machine. to 40( part or the . U used State.. The machine a designU to make Brick from etude clay, and will niake grad ,moot , Gem brick outlay, ultetently hard to lithe k up in the kiln; thaa avoiding thee...pease and labor of pre- L ri . n. r . inz . a p t . h , andlin , r ot tte nb tri w ik 'zi m ter s aural repair, ti . nd is constmCmd that it coo be Jen to pieces and puelogrther with (cent fucility,thusrender mg It portablei ye are now kidding machines, and can lurntihthem on sbon &nice. Fora full description IWO aid refer /0 machine saw in successful opera done a Mill Creek bottom, near the exp o end of Eichth street, where we shall bCI happy IC explain everything connected with it to all who may ealt Wo have at present no te nded r. All leuers oar addres. will he promptly atte to CULBERTSON, Me:GILLEN & Co. nj W • frOUO*LI OTHICOT BAKERY. 1; CONIFRCTIONARY AND FRUIT STORE, will open on Monday, Apni 3th, four doors from Wood at, and next door to A Jayne'. Pekin Tea Store. A aplendid nimbus% of Fancy Cake, Confectionary, Frail, &C., fresh on the counter every day; among which. are the folk...lag:— _Macaroons; Pound Cahn Lemon Biscuit; Pastry; Pponge do; Pepper Now Jelly take; Almond dal Molasses P. ;lathe; Ginger Note; I Voter Jamb Ica; Sponge Metall; Federal Cake; A. Vic Sugar do; Orders for lee Creams, Jelly, Brides. Cake, Fancy Confectionary, de., de., executed in a manner une qualled in 4..14 and beauty by any other establiah ment in this city. Fresh Bread, Twist, Rust, he , manufactured solely from White Wheat Floor, and free from al I d rugs, every morning. ap3 • ANDREWS , BOS TO N OODIE OP IIEATING 110 - Su.—Mr. O. Dexter, of Boston,. baa arranged and patented i plan for bunny. buses, which has been suc cessfully used In Beams, New York, Ae , and wherever Spplied, ha. remand the decided preference over taves, Furnace., An. Ith advantages au— to. Great regularity of Temperature. RI& Freedom from Smoke. 3rd. No unpleasant nese tn. Easily attended W, and lot putout of ostler. &h. threat Durability. A Model sad Sperthution may he seta, end the ar• paratas obtained st the Cepp•e and Tlast•ro :actors of WM. First sure, tarEStf bet. Woad and Martel Maul&Ware Cutlery, Saddlery, ter JOILN WALKER, IMPORTER AND DEALER in Foreica and Dantean tic Hardware, would reapectfully iniotm los friends andtbe public generally. And he le now recei•tna hie Ppriagaartply of Nolenlablerare, at tie old stand of Waiter Wootlwell. Wood street, which bo will dupe.: ;if on the moat reasonable tem.. He will be continually reeeirirrg fresh suprlies d Neel 'from tie Maaufacturers in Europe and do. menu,, which will enable bon to compete wan any ettatuelt mem, eitier Haut or %%ler:. Wertcru Merchants are in - toted to call' and ...oute kis stock before parchautne elsewhere mars Copartnership. ATE. the onderniened, hare cowed into Copertorr _ ship for the pupate of tranmeting a Produce; Comatiesion and Fo dinc busi notlit We style ef. Olttrat,7ll nr eolllCir 4 CO., and have taken the mearboute, No 6 Commereial Rolm Liberty street, formerly occupied by Mr. W R Putty— where all butlers, entrusted to oar charge will be pronsptly and feethrblly enenderl to. MORRIS DRUM, Conner!, of Phiiaddph TOO* 1111cGRRW. Salitbdeld, Ohio. FINDI.EY li hIcGREW," PilObartlMMarcb 21.1617. mehtO THOMAS KENSJEDY, (1F the brie Arm of tidiest. d 'Kennedy, Lonlring Glass Stantuacturer and 'dealer ut clneks, and Variety Goods, keepsconstantly on hand, of tut own manufacture, every description of alt. Mahogany . and Cowan. Instkina Glasses; 1,1. a. 4. sada di awe. Toik-IX plain and ornamental porl.tiairartu, All Itstuleof Clark+. Tt:ty•. tu,,l is an.,., nt dose.; Cosuhs,Thrcads. and a ccueral triounnwaart. t a; Caney (top., wholesale, at • small advance on r n... Pedlars and others Supplied with rhelp's Mans, Cur riot's Prints, and lu by 14 frirDel al N,vr fork pricey. , Dratt No 60. rat wood awl =MEE T. Jouteltalliis Chemical" FOR all kinds of eruptions and diseasoptittt.cSkja; sodas l'implcallotchea,Balt itkenni&rodstrAtal spots, chapped of cracked Skin, and for kly petsisksead . !wa of the skin, which wvicure external VOloaavitiaktilkii! 'Pompeian& unparnlied. h also dive's FreieltiosAtus. burn, Morpbew, Tan, and changes the color oTikick;' yello, or disfigured dial, to a fine, healthy, yritahlt4, cleanest.. A freak supply, warranted genutne, and fee' ilea at the redneed price of 37i per rake. hy join been received. is offered for sale by It A FAIINEISMCIi. 03, corner Ist and wood and also at the corner of rade and wood soil 'l2O *baying and Bab. Dressing Saloon. BLACKSON &FOUNTAIN. Tonsorial Proferwrh hart , repainted sod Cued op their Sawing , Heir Drthaug thd, Stianipourth &ken bleb. mode. styk, and the prepared w •orait on g,utkmmatooth, with cue, comfort and poliknos: Thyme preptred to wait on all dut mayeall witthett&Ley. Tthsukful for put &roes, wi solicit s coutinothee a the worte, at oar 840011, corner of Unlit n gnat and the Dirsoood, (back of Almada" .tLthes Dry Glenda Store.) an •Ortglnal FA X IZTIO R EZ : sifICIS I IIIS, ° 7IOIt n :14; e s l o e d unt i V stood for durability in the consul:whoa of all kinds of Furnaces. Price 523,75 eaalt for boot loads of to id, manate n moths the. Orders for a recond.quality Bolivar Bricks evill be executed at LS per !ILI( eo de sired, without gthuantee. A stock of the first quality it now receiving and for sale at thewsrohothe, "Shoat's: W loufp Canal Basin, by J SIIAW hIACLAREN RAO Kensitigurn Iron Works fIAUT/08 TO TILE PVELIOZTie subnerl hgr, by written contract with the Pasta Tea Co, boa the exclusive right to sell their Teas in Pituburghi and Allegheny cities. Any person attempting to sell; their Teas, except procured through moos pnetieing deception nods fraud upon die public—and tbetr thus+ menu are not to bo rebut on. spill A JAYNES. 71 north Erect gOTRAW, HAY, ANDS.UNIN STALK currEws— i3 Just received from the East, Hovey's straw cotter,! Rinclates Cyßadical caner, a very superior artiele.and the Oblique cutler, all of which are of a very =eerier qualim tor sale at the Pittsburgh Seed and Isuplemeat warehouse, cornet of Wood and sth us. evil 8 N WICKERS HAM DRUGS, DIIVOS, TOEL MOIILER,-Druggtst and Apothecary, w,t al comer of Wood and Sth au, Pittsburgh, will kept constantly on hand, Drop, Paints, Ode, !Dye.stuffs.l N. D —Physician's prescriptions carefully compennd; ed from the ben materials, at any hour of the toy or night. Also, an Itti.OrtMellt of Per fine Tooth. Halr, and Cloth Brushes, Ise. &e , which he will sell low for cash. ' may 1 COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS 'A T cp authorised by the Dove rood .a.of Pennsylvania to take szkrunelzdements of all summons of writing, aim effith.OD and d , p.i 6 . 0 oQ persons, in Ohio, to be oiled or recorded in I'enn•ylva•! nia. Orme, 2 doors East of the Mayer , . Office, Cin•l einnati, Ohio. EDWARD P CRANCI! my2Odk:wlysF Attorney at Lear i RAGS WANTED. 1 LES COUNTRY MIXED RAGS waed, /00,000 nt for which the Enttem price in CA:MI.II be paid. Alsrsys'on bend, every description of Writing .di WrappinkPaper and Chloride Lime. REYNOLDSJr.. SIIEE meted Corner Penn and Irwin am Pittsburgh VINING ROSPA, Manlbly Hoses and Eser-1 re tablns, ac., suie for planting in Cemetry'si eau ba furnished ro I? pplicalialgai!he seed store,! gigs Nurse nas of Jas. Watdp, Illanettesier. N WICKERSIIAM Na ens woad an/14111u GOLD AND ISIINLIt WATCllll,`l—ltreeived addition'to my large week of Gold and Oil wer Peel eat Lever Watch...unable forLudies and tiontlemen; —of the latest end handoomeatrintlerna and of the broil manufacture—warranted and for imin at very low orH eta. • • join W. W WILSON F. U. ZATOR , • EALER in Trimmings and Varies) , G00,',, Tull, Ivory mid Horn -combs Woollen V.. and Medi, Bittton,, Needles, Pine, To !treble. 4rri., 83 ?dulcet St: betwecq Diamopd and Uh nreets' 1125d1v- iiii.DTDAUE.;s_l_uid,Fosin.t.To( pal yily oft ,an r e lace prm, +t Pftwburrk Seed Morn, No 131:: Wood area, owner or tLL meet- " 8N WICKERSHAM TCE CREAM FRE EZERS -Jact ree'd. croon -1 1 meat ollettnean a excellent Patent Ice Cream Pm sew. suitable Inc Notch Steamboats and private tanu=, Utta. at • JOIIN DUNLAP. 3ipil swiss H IS=1111M!I LIT E gA.R Y. • PITTSBURGH- PENILE: INSTITUTE. TillS' Institution, under .the cue of Rev. Gosnorrann LADT.III which all the sobil and or namentalfiranches of tt finished edwation are taught is tour open for the reception of pupils at 50,,, 62, Irwin *ow,Llborty Street, between ad and 4th streets. ° Second Session will commence on Monday the Rich' of duelist, and it is important that any who may , design entering should be preeent no far as practicable by that time. They have secured the services of Professor RHO.. ROCK to teacher of Manic on the .Piado and Guitar, whit la too well known tooted recommendathrn2A cons. potent French reacher will be employed • Prof. RINGIrAhI will have chalice( the Department of Weal Mute. - Prof. SUMINSXIIoriII have:dint time the Anistio Department, sad will !rival:avant, in drawing, sketch- Itm. and painting, Ledo in Oil awl aiaterdolors. Prof. S. Is a comment moniker; sad has feconunendolioni from the Grit men in Europe and die... United States. lie Lea also been a teacher in the first Inputudons of the country. • ' FOrtof!FS-flptt to the Pnneipal 111/H. LAMB'S 111)AR1312110-1101100L. , Wt. Arch Sinn, obpra Minton!, South side, I ri , llE)olan pup ated in thletn tit sutinn, embraces all the higher. branehmi of en English Edueation, with The in the French, and Latin Languages. l'he aervicer of the mos eminent Profemor• are per rattrittilly secured, and eery facility given pupil* for acquiring the different guages, together wim other T , Tho year is divided' i n two 4thms of five months each, tom:wining on the at of 'Semeiotic r, and ending ou - the: of June. . - The charge Go. the !Sr asti r Years"( ten months, 11 , PTA, payable half yearly in advance; without extralc except Altaic and Dancing, which aro at Proferaor's prices. Those commencing any time within the imm, berharged accordingly. ' If It la thought desirable by parent. or guardians of pupils. from a (finance, they can remain during the Summer vacation, alien all due.tatt.lloll will he paid. 1 Hugh FJliott. F.W. Dr R M Platervon, Dr McClellan, Ron. Georg!, W Talnud, rtolndeltana—F II Mormin, Eoq, St Loma, Hon Ja. Belie, Wm Tbonapron, Ft Louir., Mo. Th. Ittrantan Esq, Florence. Al.—ayaaa Jack 'on EN, N o—Colatr C NorveßEN, Nasavale, Teart— Hon Richard K Coll, Talatharre, Florida—Di Itsarnar Cbarleston—F F Fldkr Raq, N C—Thomaa C Nesbit - Eva, Havana, Coo—Rev Dr Rmalgrans, New York. 0104 m ROMA - 0 IDADIRIRMIMAM.Y, ALLEGHENY. CITY. _ . . . TlO9 Institution under the direction of Mr. N. W MRreALF, to mill open for the reception of Pupil m the. Conic,. or Stmansky'suad Strynorftrry sts The &mud Oession 14n11 commence . on Monilay,eep 14nt. Male designing in enter arill;find it la their littern in do seas near the oyetany of the session no passible iheopth pupils sail be reeedredist any tune daring th. , The centres of competent Watchers will be secured for clauses that may wish to recent< ausunctiatts in Drawitat, Palming and Attune. For particulars zelatice. to tIIO rottrie of instruction, 4CIWP, AC.. coli.Uit circular or appiyua the Jr:Omelet, If • Allegheny, July 13,1817. VALUABLE BOOKSunPublimbed by J A & U P Jatnee, Walnut .tract. between Fourth and Ficib, C/nein math _ . Guivit's Gibbon—The buttery ol the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. 'By Edward Gibbon, EMI. A new Edition, revised aideorrected Omagh. out,preceded by .3 preface, cud accompanied by •notes critical and historical, relating principally to the propagation of ChriatianlY: by M. F. Unmet, Munster of Public lostruchon for the kingdom of France. The preface, notes and corrections, trans lated from the French expressly for this edition.. With a notice of the Lite and character of Gibbon, and Watson'. Reply to. Gibben. In S vols, imp. now 107'J page. Napier's Peninmla War—Complete. I col. im Sao, WO pages. Hallam'. Middle Ages, Chamber'. Rebellion i Scotland, Robertson'. Virginia and New Raglan KoaniP. French and English %Vat in America, an Itamaay'• American Revolution. I col 410. Litiraryoi American Iliatory—Containing sale tines from the best anthem on American Hlato , Rierapby, Travel., Commerce, Statistics, I adieu Revolutionary Battles, &c. ece. &c. A 1.,, Anec dotes. Poetry and Al iscellancoue articlea. Illnatra ted with more than MO engravinga. I Tot, imp Cie GO page.. Universal Pictorial LilrryContaining valuable paper. on cation s subj cts, comprising Natural History, Natural Science .Agriculture,Rural Econ. omy, Biography, Fine Arts, the Orientals, Travels, Geography, Botany, Alitavollatmon. reading, &C. he. I tel imp Cm 640 pp, fall sheep. The Family Medical Library—A Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of Diacoaes, by regimen and simple medicines. New edition, reamed and enlar ged with the addition of a Vegetable Almeria Med. ma, pointing out the virtues, preparations and doses of one most valuable nation medical plants, and on outline of Anatomy and PhySiology. Illustrated with olio lioadred Engraving., ms of which are colored. Ey J G Norwood, 1:1X..Ef04 page. Giro. American Flower tludan Compasuon—Adapted to the Coiled :Mate.; by Edward Sayer., Landscape and Chime:mm.3 Gardener. le mo, third. edition, revised, enlarged and illustrated. Palmer'. Oregon, Kooky Maintain., &c. he. Testament, oclavo,H with and without • ox., and Paalins.m.snotre. Rice and Pingree• Debate. 'Born'. Works. Lndy of the Lake. Latta flookh. Morn'. Private Deco. film. imenile Rook.. Cheap editions of various work. in isatoptilet form. ' rochM Valuable Standard' Werke.— I)ILANDFAI FINCYCLO'KEDIA—A 11.elionary of Sri. eorn,lnneMore.FninA. entojeitiene, th e history, Jeteripann nod winiediepientninesof CT IkILIVth of loosa leteurolOge, ills the deti.ntin naol de Wawa o f nil the , km. in genend ne,netned 1 V Tltraulr,i , S 4 e. Illuarnied I.y nui n0r.... • oar...gem onnni. Alnse's North Anarnenn error iv, Li.. full col orrd mai. of Nor th Annerics.Lonid• East,Cnooda Nuts Ncedin, T er Brunewirk, Nowthen Ten, Neon Men• YMend,, Truss, 11,44foroin. ellen, Agneiieen, 1 orkthos, Wed India I , laeJ. n 4.141100, Slntee ond Terrno. rte, in the !Solon. scan runtime—The htttnry of ilte Porthent. from the re formation in L 5 ht the reettlut:otinf compritio;A. arettunt of their prtneipiet. !cc. Ae, by Daniel Neal, M A. eeliurtl L) John 0 Choate., 11 U, seth ronr wrlyattetnt gee It In turn rAors. The ute of lb. IL•dy iurellitott 1., the Mind, by Gant Moore, .MIY, member of the eopil robe, of rh,nieian s he. J Ile Work.. frealth ind Worth' at which wakes the num, • I..ry pup ohm Jurruile !Trek. . . Penh or th e Sea, Win affertin narrAtiong og ch,pwreek.., hc. Rumen'. Araltcr—The, Juvenile, Speaker, romtpri.inc Armmtary rural... 4 c'erreivc, m .I.cluxuiten, wall N, toorr di*Qf pitc.ex 'ihr proctuv, by Fmorit:T liusa-11, iII•STOC tor in 10anitlf 1 1 ,„ •rim•cum. ::, . ,r ca ~T1!. . y. , .... 'rot to rtrorrd And 4le by "•,,,;....,, .. , .101INKTON & STOCitTaN •, , ,alt.:•••7•'-', - • -,, Bouksellers ' tor mulct and 3rd *i3 , ltiphlpAglaSalitlegigt -- . ' . 17 -A: ' ' • ham'. Hamm Menlih; .;".N.lle, 4.44. .eXt . ..V.-4.1 ' . I -.:-.' •' • • : na . ,• ..:„!,;.,.,.. ' ;IF•elliViiiitig}i /-.. . ... ...........".:_,,.;:, _._,..,,, .„,ni., 4 ,,,,„..: .. ,, ,,,mr....-...,..--;.,,,,,,:,,.±7,... , ,-.4......„, -..., . a! , • Prieti.?Ot . ' . 4 5i.. 112.* 4* It M-dieal Dictionary;, *•,, - . i. : ' ,•`•La: l ,7h,a' - r.. Cymerno Fevers; I ' ... -•":',•c'Y',•:;/4*".•,.''.. United Soma Dirpenaatoryneav editi0n....,....,4 The above with a palatal saroryithrn of CluSNAMl ?Eiteellancoon Bookajnot receiving alai for sale I ilarki-r .a • .' ELLUAT tc ENGLIS.II • ' rg4 3 4. malkat at. irtyreen rd and 9th . HAILYEIVA PUBLICATIONS IyOnerl Deancatir Economy and Housekeep ing. Mardoehh. •Mo.leim. ani Scott's Greek and English Lexicon. Draper's Natural Philosophy. itackley's Geometry. 41111 reed and for sale by per McDONALD & BEFSON,PO market at throy.reat BOOKS-11 mm of the Greek Rev olution, and of the writs and campaign s arising from the straggles Of the Greek Patriots in Emancipso tinktlreir denary from the Torkirh.Vokc—in two vol. i mams—splendid copy with autocross maps anal "gra ving.. Letters' Illustrative of the reignof William GI, from Ifie WlGS—with fine portrait., in it vols. Ha rry Idow teo r t a he shgrhllu osf th ro e m anoye ,S cwriip th ture. ii 00 engra vings. Your in the Holy Lend, Freried Stem and t3ketehne in china. Jun reed and for caleiby breDONALD &BEESON opal ' 10 market street New Cloak Of. TOIIN MELLOR. Pt Word or.,'la now receiving J an excellent assonmem of Demon and New York Pianos, arrived today and now open retools. Two splendid Eastwood Pianos, six octavos, 8250 One splendid carved Rosewood, six oeuvres, 200 One splendid motion.). Plane, six and a bolt at- rave. 350 One grand Pinno Pone made at the feebly of ' Ileuri Here, Part...and tally equal to the one used by him at his Concerts,, 600 One mahogany second hand Piano, mode by Pro. dart, Worcester & Dunham, New York. A f e ar her supply will be received during this week. . 1 New Lot of Elegant Plano. HKLb:DER bee just received the following new . Yianos. - erhleh wdl he sold lower than can be bou6ht in the rub Ono elegant mahogany, 6 octave. Hyde by Nunns & Clerk, New York, of meat power and sweetness of tone—enremcly low priced. • One elegant rosewood Piano, made by Chiekertnlb Dorton, antreclicted by Idm a the heat instrument of the class ih his futory- - - • Braider, anumbe fornting the Mott c ht. and-rt. at J Boston if fo o 3l., 31 Wend MI One splendid Rosewood Find° Fore, with rlt octaves,. Iron frame and new scale. slade by Clnekering, of Mama. One elegant Rosewood Piano Pone, with [Octaves end im,n frame. Made by Chietering. One elegnnt Mahogany Piano Fone—made by Gale tc Co, New York.' the abeive will be sold at manufacturer's prices. Also. for sale no above, a second band,',Pleuo Pore, with 5 Octaves. jel9 HLBTOR OF MEXICO—Just published, by J A A. U P lumen. Ciiiitinnati. TRU. HISTORY OP tIEXICOt her Civil periodnd Colonial and Revolutionary It enaln, from the . of tic L4 P 2s. l'h Cnnittlest. 15.511, ot the piesent tone. 1547; including an areoantof On War with the United Slaw,: ('antescoil Mdhary Achievements. lip Philip • Young. M. D With two Copperplate Momand seven Enginvings of Plans of Rattle Grounds. As. One vol .. octavo ; of Ave hundred and ilimm•four pages. - IdEllCO—Mapide los Ectudos uni- Mdoadoblejice,&Rqulaowed:Ado y debisido par hu s atlas &ems del Conger. de aloha Republic. y eoutniido roe in MOORS *melded. • . A (ow eases !reamed; Ger wale by Jolixertmk.STOCKTCri, RuukkLkis • rot, mut , . Alt. all ris FIR PIIINCIPLFZ OP NATURP, ker Diime Rev .l tattoos, Ott • Wire to b7" 4 0 . 0 ." Aoitscar,JOcksein Davi r.• • LoPt. lor lot of lboos Woodoifol Books boo bun IWO bY" ' pptrt NMR clu,pyineu, MANUFACTORIES. DUQUESNE . SPRING, AXLE. - STP.I.:I. & IRON WORKS (101.,FAIAN, CAILNIAN,tc Co., having completed V their New works, are new premed to manatee.. Lute every description of Creek and Eliptio apneas Iron axles, American 'Siker, spring nod pleegh Steel, and all sizes of mall vinare and round hen, which they offer (create roe liberal terms, at their Wareham N 0.43 Wood atreet; whew they also keep on hand a complete and handsome asurnment of Conch wino aCarriage hardware, malleable castings, Nails ;Cron, C. 11. A. Co., have made arrangements with Ream Day A. Crotty, manufacturers el Shovels, Spades Parka, Az., and will keep constantly ott hand even article made by them. Dealcro are respeetfally sof cited to ca ll,as prices and terms will !remade IlbevaL nr2AdTsr rirr MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRI Prrrnicaan, PA. • JOUS WRICIIIT & ARF. pc:Tared lo build Cotton and Woollen 1111rolik. cry or every de..wriplion, $llCh u—Carding Ma chirie., Spinning prises. Spewlcra, Ds. ng Frame; Railway Ilrada, Warner", Twillere,Spoolcia, Dressing Frame., Loom., Card Grinder., kc., Wroadill Iron Ellathing turned all silos of Can Iron, Rallies and Ilanderx,of ilia la"( patterns, ' , lido as.) h... 4 latb"r awl tools °tall kind.. Casting. of every de.emption furnished on Anon no. lice.- Pattern. made to outer for Mill Gearing, Iron ratline, in. Steam Pipe for heating Factories. Csmt Iron Windom Padi.. and fancy Casungs,genemdly.— Order.' oh at the M endways, of J. Palmer & Co., Lib erty street, mill havo pro mpt attention. EC . ea TO . . Bleekehock, Bell & Co., J K hloorhend &Co, SI Warner, John Irwin & Pour, Pittsbuigb. G C & J II Warner; Steubenville. joUvlll r===:2 IhIPORTER and Manufacturer of Cutlery, Surgical end Druid Inronmenta. Saddlers and Tinneert hand took, Taylon' Pnn'n ht • nrs, kc. kr. Alw, manufac ture. Truatra Suagerters kr., in great variety. .1. C. Al anal. wk., and Importer of Pen. Pocket and Table Cutlery; Rnrnrr,9euwn, Pilee,Saytta, Teeds,ter; ba.telmierd to • RA RUUD STREET, Entsbargh, second dons be. low Dimond Alley, And an. law; y reeetned n lame assortment nr on A. Pocket Knives. tradves & Perks, Al.. * Rodgers' and Whostenbohns , FINN CUTLEII.II Elliot.,Roilgera:W ride &Butcher a Rimont,Selasors, Razor Stmpa,tec.. Damaseue.d Wire Twilit GUNS, RIFLES AND PRSTOI—q, .d , Revolvers, Powder Pl.. Shot Ilelts. Game Bags, Walker's re Costa Extra Der• CUPVion Caps, Bowie. Dirk and Darning lin... Toolitsuch as Callipers. Dividers, Flyers, Nipper., Hand Vices, Squares, Rules, Bros., Oats, Spoke Shaves, Mocks .d Dins, Wire and Iron Onsgesiblatl othaticial Instruments, Am in 'CU groat variety. dons. BO - Jobbing andrepairing needy and punctually . • apll CO.IPAILTNEESIIIP. NOTICE. "Cl NV. EfEPIIENS of Whechrg, E. P. Shoenber -Er • ger of Juniata and L. A. Stockton of Pttburgh, have utis day entered into co-winnerp under style and Ann of Stephen.. Shoe Berger Ir. Co, at the Anchor Iron Works, Wheeling Va., for the purpose of manufacturing tion and nails of every deammtnin. M:=I3=IMMMTM7= ffiPHENS, SHOEABI:1113R & CO., • Wheelingi Vw . . Ill.ufaccure all kinds of bodes, abet!, bar non euld mills, A B stenl clipur springs end isles. Being con nected midi Bhornberoret's Old holism Work., Inc. off. on Article al - Joni= Iron (branded Bl'oeub.Mull equal to any made in the country. All et wMchwtllbe sold lathe Pittsburgh prises. Wareboaso of the Worts comer of Monroe and Water stern!.. myll J. rippescou. John D Wlnk L. E. Montan. LIPPENCOTT & CO., VrANUF;ACTURERS of IlAnf:SliftED and CAST M x p Cu S'koveln and Spade. Aces Juni Ilatclin, Cironlat and Gib Caton; Hay and Nunn: Forks, Boca. Mattock. I . lc . nn. Ac. tr.c. !laving riatoplcted all their assume Meal in the COO. SITUCIIOtI of new machinery and no securing the best svorkinen from the molt celebrated esbeilishreents of the East. are now manufacturing and dill keep con stantly on hand cad for sale all the above articles, hav ing avatlsd themselves of the latest impioveinente, and are arterintned that in workmanship and materiel they lend non be excelled. They premise to produce articles, equal, if not superior. In any that can be had in the East. They :name the anrnben of dealers so an examination of them stuck tisane purchasing elsewhere, es they am COIIII ineed Matt/icy anti be able to fill all orders in their line to Mie entire satisfaction of purchasers; Warehouse, Water st. 4 doors West hlormnguhcla liouse,Pattabargh, N B. Peron , . havolghwincss anth Wm.Lirpencot &Son, will OW. Call oa I,lTencott &So. omDdly ALLEURENIj yF.NITLAN BLINDFACIVILI JOUN A. BROWN TARES Po. meoliol to MAIm his friend• and the polio pi inane that his Factor) 'll`now in full opm-noon, on the East aide of the. Diamond. Allegheny, where n catty swot nupoiy of Minds, of various role. rind q.ll , le.,Wit connamlykcroon band, atso as No. 'Wood et.Puwitarythat J Phillipstoil cloth %anteroom. comae Sinners made to order in the bast style. {Minds repaiwil at be stetrotet notice. N.. 0. Ito H i ndu will be pot op, without any, addi .ooo ezcp.a so au they can be removed in a 'no- Mete in eaw olbet or for wailing, and without the aid of a error dr c Ceadly&cdalatr . . A. FULTON, Bell and Brass Found. A r4the. retsina and cocusnenced haziness at hyoid 011nd...titre he will be pleased to • Pr hie old cuttonteril and friends. Chinch, Strand:int, and Betts peccary aloe. from 10 to 10,1X11 posaule, caw from Ua " r ' „ l i o n ' t o f to 11 . 17:it " nai mnd t „ ra t li. "d Mineral Water p o mp., flaunters. Railing, &c. Ike. °getter wed. eirety vanety of Brass Cawing*, tt raquir ed. turned and finished In the neatest manner. , EPA. F. • the !ale propnetrir of Damrea ANT, Arrarnon Alms, .o Jowly celebrated for the redue t,no infoccon in marlinien. The Buses and Comm • 11.100 it v n i... 1 had of /nes en :311 time, iatti - IT . . IMIUMMXIME3 PITTSBURGH S'ITAII HARIILE WORRS,' No. and as Lipergy sirr,t. ti . coma/. A LW A VS'an hand and made tom:der, a large vane ty i Marble Mawr], Pic, Crane Tab.', and Buz cnu Top., Tomb S,nar, Monument, ke ; ail which: made nf m. r mart.le. and manufractared protrionlls Lt muoloorry, well be .1%1 low for rash. N. It. l'or.owe W:thtitg I o porelta,e 51antels. are lll n Airnleti 111/1111 0 , Vnth 1111111,.....(T fin than to g Eon, I tan ttlini.h them with an article in nll nwpert• good. and thelglit, ,nAtininee, entundor ed.)tw3o 31, ihtry ran I.urch.o thaw lor in OW Eon. Cali and raw Jr% COPPED[, SUICET mox, AND TIN . WORE MANUFACTORY, No R Market etreet, Pnkburgb, Penn. eutornner. harm,/ ClVat Improvements in Ow eoputrotlum of that COOKING STOVES, reg...gully vtie or r.nn. I.l.lthug Steamboats to call and r lIC before porch:vine, n•lo, ran supply them with Deck Stoves, Forger, nod every other kind of nipper. Tut and sheet Into .ruck noteurarl iu foruish tog a Steamboat. We oleo nll, to note/ on the shortest notice Sal Tubes and Cburnber, Copper work or Engtnes and terry nanny of Work m nor lint. febg SHERIFF k SHIRR AVM. ZiIoCULLY h co., Manufacturers of Vials, Bottles awl W. Ginas, =l= rkUR factories being navein fall operation. arm are prepared so eaccute rade:Ain one hoe, promptly.. . Dome the lan emerge]. we have adopted anew plan 01 • GI. , (the wort app,ocrd plan nary c li a aitent ' d a o . a h =fir m a ' ra n p7r r ie n e;t7l ' e ' r ' • n e r l °L'a . • ;• k iu k • v e ry Gar lustre Pelmets and deniers pen-. ILTprosted to call and eganene for diem ore t B ROTH 4R., ~ fdANUFACTUkERS, ' 1111411li ..eitt.brultlio Pa. • Air" Itreet Pittsburgh. • - damaidir la a good wort etraplatNaft ) : • dienirg, and ci rUlaylgrg.;:, c garin MCI. .414 wad es /WILD for ha for oNau.. e n cheaper than Wm eve*..111.4111140-04, V.. Orders sent . by-mailth .T. eatilere. City referenraarth be preen, Great Western Butt Hike 1. _CINCINNATI,O ' AGARDNER & Co., would inform the n etitfl. . they art now munufacitirin&the ben Butt everraude in the United States. Al think oar print* pie business, we intend to send out as complete an ar ticle as can possibly be made. Those engaged in the hardware trade, we think, veld find it to their Interest •se s oor Butts All orders promptly attended to. • .y 5 AGA RUNF:R & Co. cora Sth miln ne JOll9l 8R19.111147, & Co., N 05.93 and 94 Front ma, Banes FOONDR. and 17aan:4- '4W; BELLA of all iion 'east from the lutes unproved pat tern., and warranted equal to any. Also, Dom Casungs, finished if• ordered, 0. Fit. te n rsonaliin terms.. Pul'r "dr "." a PYTTEDUROII STEEL woggs ANDEPRINO AM) AXLE FACTORY. .• moan lama. JOUR C. galas. JONES & qtaao, . • trANUFACITHEILS or Opting •nMotor Steel, Steel, Steel Plough • Winge, Coach and Eliptic Oprince.llonettercd Iron Arles, and dealers In ttlaileuttfc Gunter, Eire Engine Lampe; and Coach Trimmings genet ally corner on Rees and Front 'moo, Eittebuoth. Pa. epee? LIPPINCOTT IRON virosud. I RON and Nails, Shovels, /cc. for we at our new ‘Varchouse, No. 51 Water mem, scar Wood, rem ning to Frani. Also, on sescorment at the old stand, Mektastefs Row, lAbeny street. flaring made grout addition, to the Rollin Mill, all ordens eon be filled promptly. Soy% _ GRAFF, LINDSAY & TACK FACTOR'. CAMPBELL & CHESS, MANCYARIMIIIIS OW FINISHING NMI.% HOOK HEAD RAD% lean and Copper Taelee.' IRON AND COPPER RHOE NAILS, Lila Pattern Atakera' Points, of may dacitiption. Orme No SL Charles Howl, Third street, • fent . ' Plittabsreb. P. McLean, 'axes Leimee ' FLINT GLASS ESTABLISHMENT. M i etny Nl o -„l h i great. m l " :l t tle ' ren a d nd P i ln e rn p g n ei '6lar.ornre in all ii, varieties, at their Warehouse ear. swear Mar ' ket and Water sorest, Pittsburgh. ' Our \ Voris continue in full operation, and we are nattily adding loon, sioek..which enables us to nil Orders with promptitesi. Purchasers are respectfully roliehed tamarind examine prices and terms: • ' • orylOdly TllOll. SCJANBIEDIr s Jr, • Whoksak Erniely Store and Lookup. , Glass Nanufasturer, . Corner of Wqrt4 atm. Poorth alt, Pin* MTh., LTAL9[I.II rterin4l (tom Om Eon o lo mound gtokt JL.lsortrossa or Voritcyltocol 5, Ineteditto Omit s neeot , deco., Plos,,Noulles, lions, Cap , . Naoko and eyes; Onlery and Combo of ovary pauerot end quality.-- Western Merchootie ontlothoto arc requomed to tall Rod tiemiM b-fan purobsstno• elorwbere; or goloo Tar.: AU kin& of Gilt. Mahogany end common tanking is rumasoisted and sold la Easterapnces. sata I• MEDICAL. RAISING BLOOD • And Consemptioo,Pain in the Side and Night Swann., Asthma, Whooping Cough. Palpitation (it'll. Heart, Liver Complaint. Brent Musk and all diseases of the duvet, lungs and liver, mired by Shaw • rtai,iman's All•Healtng Balsam. Blood oad Consuroplion. Attn. hULNE, Builder, in Bnaoklyn, was attacked M with miming blood; followed by a conga pain in the side, and all dm moat symptoms of coriannotiot. lie employed two of the best physicians; they did tam no good, and told lulu aft COULD NOT LIVE.. Ocarina of the wonderful cures perfprsned by Sher. roan'. Balsam. he sent at 10.o'elock night to Mrs. ['ayes. tZt Pule:inlet., and got • bottle; it operated like a cbano, stopped the bleating and rough! Before he had taken one bottle he was able to be atsia!_his work. It had SAVED HIS LIFE. Ilia deeper, residing at Ii Myrtle Avenue, can attest Miss Ann :4 astoo, of Williamsburgli, hying in Tenth near South Pourthaf. says—Thai she had been troubled with a backlog coa,A, and pain in the chest, for • long nine, whieh et law became so bad that she was obliged to give up her for more abm a year. She then' commenced inking the Alkllealing Balsam; which soon alievlated her symptoths. She Is no* fastrecevering, and has mamed her Inherit.. .magnetite. as a teachea• PI YEARS. Mr John O'Neal, 10th avenue and Mn at, watered rf'.1„111'PAr81°411101n treed Salute, which done the paha front Itis side, allayed the cough, and Nought - the disease upon the tarface; and before be had taken three hal des,was autirely cared • Pkuriay and Consumption. Mrs. Baggas, n lady upwards o(70, residing 93 Sher has for years been 'abject lo attacks of Pleurisy,. or Mood , ..trern Cough, Shortness of Breath, Pain in her:Head , and aerials parts of her body: Her friends believed her PAST RECOVERY. The An nealing Balsam relieved her at owe of all her aLarni• ins symptoms, and sbeia now ablaut attend toiler work. Asthma and Whooping Cough. Mrs: Lucretia IVella, 05 Christie.; L Beals, 10 Dolanttysy Wm yo.agq,:s Waleabsi, know the the value of dd. mat remedy. Aak forSbertnaterAll-littallng nahani, and see that his written signature la on each bottle. Price 23 cents andll per bottle. Dr. Sheranues Wows and Ca filth lounges mold as above. ' . . . Principal Office Nasaal.O., N. Y. ". Sold wholwals and retail by Wm. Jackson, at his Palest Deakins Wareham* and Bon and ghee Stow, No PM Libel , r est, head of Wood Wrest, Pinstragh. Pews .Ikl per bet. jyl7-N. D NIS COMPOUn 1111120 P OA 1 TAR AND WOOD NAPIITLIA.—The Poetised ow Advertiser anyan—." Thu remedy has been more successful then any, medielinovre have ever known for its numeronseures 00111141Mpt1021,Ppitting Blood, pain In the Nide and Breast. Bronchitis, Maims, Obstinate Coughs. flowsonew Dore Ihroat, Palpitation of the Heart, Whooping Cough Croup, Nervous Tremors, te. I ndlvidpals orals high tri er in this city bear ample testimony to on power ti n t efficacy in. this clue of diseases. Among the teatime:lNN to the vale, of the above med icine, are 'event from distinguished phyaimans'of Phil adelphia. Read the (canting fro , Dr. Venn, the LIMP MI oculist, • • • PHILMALSMA, Jan. 18, 1847. Having wed in cry pracuce . well as In mown fanally,Thompsonh, Compoun d of Tar and W ood Naphtha,' I have no hesitation M saying Mat it is the best preparation of the kmd in am file persons sudering Omot Cormanntina, Cough.. Colds, and all affecoons of the Throat, Bream, sop revalent at this season of Wm. 1 ono, st..n., 131 ffpmee st 11 14Triaveseen within a few daysthe person who me the following certifitate. Ile remains well, being per fectly eared of his discs.: Pau.amazata, January 3,1347. • 'Prom a sense.' gratitude, and a doubt that the adlic• ted maybe. resource to • truly uvraloable medicine, I would sum that the benefit I have experienced from the ace of Thompson*. Compound Syrup of Tar and Want Naphtha. For several years I have be. MUM. ted with a distressing racking coogh,aecompanied with gmatolantemion and difficulty of breathing, with anon of tighuiess at the chest - Becoming greatly alarmed, a Mend who had been mach benefit!ed by this medicine, recommended me to try lt, I did so, and in a very short lime eve.y alarming symptom disappeared; my expectoration became free, all oppression left., my corm!) ceased, and in a lbw days I was able to go out and anted to my Mennen a well man. Any farther infontiauen will be cheerfully men the afflicted, by calling at my residence, No. 1103. kt- Front st. JOS. adcbIANAblY. This invaluable medicine Is prepared only by &NG NET & DICICSON, at NE - eorner or Plfdt and Busies at, Philadelphta. Sold In Pittsburgh by L WILCOX. Jr. Price LO was or SI per bottle. . CAUTION—Beware of the many hournerfens that are now afloat.' The anzernpulous am ever ready to deceive the unwary. - jegArdin GID7K - OTiT ASTOUNDING .DISUO V- T. RUT —A BlessingF A Miracle!! A Wonder!! —To earn Emotionsand Disfigimentents of the Skin, Pimples, Freckles, Bantl a e:re; Salt Rheum, Scam, Pore Heads, az., Re. Four years ago last August . , the inflital of France was astonished In consequence of a eiscorerfmade by an Italian Chemist. Many doubted—lrseemed almost so impossibility that anything made by the hands of mon, could have such singtilur powets as 'btu claimed by Antonin Vesprird for his invention. Many classed him and his invention as a humbug, [end. alas! many foolish persons without trying do the mine new,' at length, after testing it Le the hospitals, the Medical So. dem of Paris [the best chemists la the worldNelivered the following report le Signor Vesprinit "We have now minittely nod carefully examined the singular invention of Vespsini. We have analyzed Its component parts—we have used It in several cams,and we hesitate not to prpnounce it [the Italian Chemical Cloapj as a great blessing, Mid a traly wonderful reme• dy for nay entancous emptied or thisSgurement of the skin. to inventor we rounder the tray piiilnathiepist of coffering mankind. (Signed) i;OLD DPPREr. - rmident" From the Inventor barmen pmsent proprietor. Foam Nov. 4, ISIO In consideistion of the POW ef =Sou, I have div ot. led to Mr. T. Jame. regaling ta the ty of New York. N. A., the whole prnee,i inanotacturing, together with a statement of the ingredients composing my Ital ian Chemical Poop. - Ile is tomannfitertire In tor sale ia the United Mame only, and to have the pnvtlege of na ming it 'iontaltan Chemical Soap." • Witness: 'lvory Holdswortb. . . • (Signed) ANTONIA VESPRINI Oy.Sold by W JACKSON, at his Patella Medicine Warehouse, M Liberty street,. head of Wood, at the sign of th e Big Boot. ' it Th. , only place in Putsburgh where the GENUINE can lat obtained. All ethereal, Counterfeit. GREAT CURL, performed by the otiginaland playtime LFRS. nand genuine Liter rill, ' , ignited and KU by R F. BEL Moms' racoon; Wertmorehoid Co., P.., July 19th, 1647: Mr. R. R. Saler, r—A sense of duty to 3ou and the &Aided /odor. use toadd m. humble teeth:tally in favor of yoarjustly eitlebrated Liver ?OK I hate deterred doing a for years, adhering to Day Crockett'. maxim, 'Ow sure you at. right, then go ahead.l' Alta of the many preparatiaw imp a and quwks, landed to the Ain, ham .oak Into oblivion. 'one Lime PiLla have hem d the bl and, itedeed, 1 Wiest they will Nerd. th e m e ' all, a the y. ye jaw what Sou represent them to be. I leave hen added Intl, Lied Compluint Coon m 7 youth; ham metered nimbi employed inanyeminent phylimans to wham I paid much ...my; have Amt mud, blood; Lee,, vomited and playsicked al.:alto death; nitrated Sort toes, md findly given up as incurabk. In .47 1 was iodueed to try your Liter Piltymd SOON UOT WELL. One boa et winch bilk./ sufficient to keep me clear of pain in the side, and all the other symptoms. for at root 111 months. Tow Pill sank" the best cathartic I ever tad: t' aelZ f irre ' s ' ar i totli g ZIV fil uc re k k 'k ep l t ' ll: " etot th m . y '' sne for 6 or 7 yearn ld. hundreds of born, and have erre. heard • sing . < p laint europ uttered by any cute who hat used them. .71ty have superedled almost every other pill in this neighborhood, end M a Mod time will Amish Dares all. I, earnestly rmeoinnumd them to all persons need ioc physic, whether, for UM Ccertidaint or 'Billion. Affection. 1 cow Alder Mem Cumpegior la CaLunel or the Blue Pill, Rewind "lll/ADOPI—it. there are other Pill. bele!: il t tr pu ' t!lie E . ... Liar Pills, mass who waddle GENUlZiEehould ask for ma d take walker last Dame prepared •114 i sold by It E SELLERS, Pio 57 IFood-at Indecent Med and Fourth adds. Sold by Dr. Cann., Fifth Irani, D 1L Ccur , Al egheni city. DR. irourra ALTERATIVE We base been informed by him Roseof a care per. formedon her by Dr. Jayne s .11.1leratives which proves iu .superiority ever every other remedy of the kind. She haa teen omitted for the last sixteen years with NECROSES or WHITE SWELLINGS, attended with ulcerations end enfoliation of various bones. da ring which time many pieces have been discharged from tits tetanal bone of the cranium, from both her arms, wrists and hands, and from both legs, aid from the left Ritroral bone, and from the right knee, besides painful _ other parts of her persoo,.whmit have bellied rak t i ot a manlier of the meet eminent phyuicians of =IR nog most of the time bet muffennga have and deplorable. About Area months *rim alt • d to HDaynt Alterativ, ablekleiLs, ' tat beppy effect noon her, • Viladridr_ , ' and cluing the Ana, her general health h ' 2l = I t g a t 4 1 , *". r, t e man . Fbr &Abe_ Faben nu For ale In " • u .4* M==a • - Yoe, whose Went is Itail'ind You, vas:mask& le dirk and You, whom hair is berth and wirey, Rusty, duly red or gety— • You, whose vile tiffeaume breath Unpleasant is as putrid death— . • You could hase—boy, man or girl— . Teeth es white es snow or pearl,- Breath a spicy wireet,end miracle Para and white and smooth and hem:mail, And haireolt.niky, dark aa sloe, By reading what le mid below. • READERS. any id yea can hasette above by (mind this a .6thisg but truth,) using a as houleofJones's Co ral Hair Restmadve—a Er bat of Jones's Amber Tooth Paste—end 4a cake of the genume Jones's halm Cheroiesl 50ap.714, articles °oat but bele, end yea are metered that ,Ilt ,following are their real qualities: The tooth parle - gmes the brenih a sweet odor, white teeth. and preserves the teeth, ho. The hair stuff. all know to be the loon exquisite thing aver made for dres , sing, beautifying, and cruising the growth or bur- and the soap, (get the genelne /wee. Soap, mind) will core all emotions, freckles, Ae, and make dark yellow white, clear and fair. All, these thhcgs are sold andel at W JACKSON'S Boot and" Shoe Share and patent Aledience Warchneee SS Lawny at tart • o More, o tan Fop . A. Judson , lbehrecatioos Raw Fain! THERE.are few discuses mom common or trou... bleseme than the Fib*, and yet, notwithttand , iog great etl arts have beenmade to ems by Memo of pills, eleetnazies, liniments, die., all were futile and of little benefit. Now the EMbroestion is the only medicine used. A person who has been sun/ mg with the Files of the-worst kind came Amu Sa lem, New4ervey, almost on purpose to epee= hiv gratitude for the speedy cure that this medicine had effected in his cam.—Phila. Sat. Pont. !Urea ode in Pittsburgh at the YEKEN TEA STOREM Fourth at. , and also at the Dreg Store H Y.Sehwarts, Federal at. Allegheny Cit • T . CIPPIEL—Der r i n this Riled. tnal, we eaberstettegry resumes dto "het it poke. ' es—the twee arteek, in mimetic% end pm...who of the hrs.. hair. We know er mamma instances where trair hw heed mewed le bade. whkh Moe Lee belt far rand sot lee Wok inane. dr. ' madmen. dm to mamma le all aor faders who iee bi>tifl .to enhe• Mal of this Teriteheneeehdebi Fee wee Pdhebend st fb•Patia:Ta, rein. Feurrestreeh rte yowl ' ; ~7 iiiiiiiiooftwin HAIR D:Lp at Imlay dyeing Ligla, !zed or :Gray Hair a;llart' grown or Oluk colot,wabooldjqpig orlo*ing H■ Sold w i ll hp! directions. Pries 511 4e.'orIll' Elprgoldbrpg./Acimt;atkii Ariroa"e4iL4ll7l!"4 VOL. XV:----NO. 73: I NS URA N C• I, 'A.m./ AT Trrrusolacai rya Tux DELAWARE .MUTUAL,: • iftrety ft ..ranee Companyo;Philladeflon. F IRE RISKS upon buildingo and . Merchandise of ever) , dencription, and MARINE RISES 'upon hulls orcargoca of vesicle, taken:spoil; the` mostlanorable terms. - • . pg- coese iti•the' Warchnute of {Y:` B. Miami rg bu & Br e, NO. 37 Water near Markel street. Fiala.' h: 01. B. The aneeess of this flonallny sitie'the !Who:tent V.the Agency in this rity; with therms/awn nod libnadwrwun mirth every slang wjscst them for 'loss has bean adjuated, rally marmot thsagani in In- Tiling the elkohdenee and puronage at his fttendi the eommaoity at large to the.l.whswase AL Inn ma, re Callmailv, widle it booths additional adTainpgrA 'a an institution among tue west Bourighing Philafria—eur &fusee ahiple paid in cafe t al,Which by the operationofitactiartertscoAstautlyinerceiing unyielding each person bigoted his doe share cf 'the profits of! the compaiiiiSithout involving him • .so any, ramonsibility whatever; and theretorin as pi...lasing the Mutual principle divested 'cif every. .obnoxious leature, ant in its most attrac tire flitei. • VIRWAND4IIARINE 111816iLARCE., n I iHE ImManee Company of_ North America, . . J..throngh its duly authorized Agent, the subee/IJ - ber, °Berm to make permanent and .limited !Dour 'mice on property, in this city and its vicinity, and on mhiPmenta by therCanal nod Riviera. John C. Smith rivet.,Samuel Brooks,- .Ales Henry, . ',Charles Taylor.' Sand. W.• Jones, Surd. F. Fmk' Edward Smith, Ambrose - White,: J. John A. Brown, ~ Jacob Ili Thomas, John White , John R. Pied, Then. P. Cope, Richard Weed, ' - Welch, Arthur G. Cogris,Ssi, This is the oldest !pennon* Cowrie, is Ur* United Staten; having been chartered in flit - Its 'charter is perpetual, and fiom its high long eiperionce, ample means, and avizu r = risks of an -°stn hazardous chancier, it may be, considered an °flaring ample security to theCl public.l • MOSES AT,WO At. C4nting Room of AtWood, Jones &O, Co. Water-mid Front ntreets, Pittahurgh. • apilit.tf INDEMNITY . --- Agsimt Lost by Fire—Theik'RANKLlN Fite lain. `TlLLi rm nitak e e C l o sit m u p ra any ett o , r pe' P r j. m il"l ane e n lp t and limited; on every dencription of property, In PITTSs . BURGH and the SURROUNDING CHUNTR,Y, on favorable term.. This company hiv a perpeteal charter.. • . CANTALt 8400,000 paid in. CONTINGENT FUND ' Office corner el Third and Market ms_. Vittaygh,, ap .2.3—tf WARRICK MARTIN, Agent: . 'INSURANCE. Ainerlean Piro Insurance Dompany, OF PHILADELPHIA. ' • s Cnanrsa Pxarrrnar... Cam. 3XXI,OIXI rain ix. o . ffice in Pinkckft.itx . Na. 72 - Aablut Sired. • . WM. DAVIDSON, Print • Psuonstmt Fitacrr, Seely. HIS old and vrell.ein abl imbed Company olastmlea.bli T insure Buildings, Alerchandise,Funoture and prop , . ' any nowt an extra hazardous character, against lon or damage by Sns. , . Applications for insunancei in Pittsburgh and' air neighborhood. will be received, and risks taken either perpetually or (or limited penal*, on favorable turns by (300. COCHRAN. Agent: ' No all 311SCELLANEOUS: . ~ . ' CND HILL 'WATER .1:371110 ZETA!' • • LIBIII.IIII4IST—NOIITHASLFTON, blue., . '' ACCSaiinal it MUL.IO.D. • .. •-' ' • . Da. Este.. X. Dm... Ossident Physician. .: ) •. . THIS delightful ertablishment is *healed about half a with . ' • .L erm of the beentiful tillage of Northauniptaa;at .o Hovel . • tion of about into feet above the Counceticut River, which i overleatin. The. grounds sur../ing the ' Eetablishment, roans , . e 1. ., ( sty msee. whieh ere enthely approria to th e am and pleasure of the Patimita. Amidst. bea p utif te dul,, • - . e fortattreinarenuatero.that fir::l7.6 d Xl= affording healthful and plesierthefm. nearly th. miles. ! . Theopasione .deratonlocliaos buildings of the establish- . . meat ere located upon the ea.. brow of the bill, .deree.. . , look one of th e mat enchanting Madre ases tliveurld • , Immediately iti (robe, is the I Ware of Northampton, with its limner.. and handier. dwellings, amidst the den. whiter. ' • 'of lolly Bed <overhanging tuts. I urther .to the ono e• . the rich nwadoweof.nitaitheanptenand Hadley, deemed in the . • , • . velvet 'verdure orSpring or th e ea 'Mag.. habillimeas of '' .1 Summered Autumn., Midway,threutes,north end south, ::. is men the mouth axed gLimy-surthre of the tbas.c•tiret, i slowly einidng it. trey tit the u..... 'On the nimb i us ime. • • '..-.: t diatc pen act i. the tillage of •Ilallleld with its ru st a nd .. . _4healthful firms on the iia - 't is the dourithing village villad.. ,• ' ' ley,.d al. of Amherst withit.Colleging while in the di.- • r . -A Wee trAls the yid of a eb.i, may be .ern an ertentire and , -' groallyci. Oiled range of eu.try. Os th e seinth.e.t, it . , ' i -•'' th.t SI mica I distance, is blimut flelyphe, in its dress of , ~ .evenlivieg greets , .d a tisk beyond, m wen thi plcuarit village of Sou th Hadley; ati th...th, we 1n4m1.1 at about' 4 ; . . ' • miles dissect, the smucetic .. 5 1m.t•Tout, and Oh charming '• tillage of Etut Hampton, with itsHligtmt mi t m i l Swedish, yessentieg a ronibi.tf hiloill the., mulessed, petimps .igualictli•by thy • other in the .w oo - It or .by a Val Ina. Id. tr ope , stet... thfLIN ..- • : TT ears .manacledhi life tit various_ Art. , of Eur that he er g . . beheld a.m.. perfeedy beautiful mid enelmuting. . i.., , • . . The accaust.htime. at Hound Hill wards ang eat all- -. • ' dose, and are amply sufficient for inwards of cue huthhed .r 1 dry patients. It se provided with . ebtaidence of the parent trine val . • .., ter .4 every mime. replete &wile Salami Nether appli.: the of this ppuhir acid wen , impend d...redly succebsful medium of 'il Dr. D.... 'alio resides in the ertablahment, is • gentH= • '' . I own or- sallned caperience, wu cd.ated in noose, "ben - ' " • - I h e enn. e d the adr.t.ee of teveral , y.r. prormeo in the celebrated:hospital. of Idenbierg end Ch.M., and ha been 'a setectieful Itractimer in-the. vicinity Gar ...al Team- , l'Stients o. may therelbra repose entire cosibdeuee in Itsthilland discretio . . . Staple proeieion is made for Attendants. •••Assong 11bw....---- p!oyed are wveral well ' , eructed German tturmit ' 1 Terms of Dowding, including medleal ;OH. VS. Pi tients wll. strypped with everfirtiele kir padaDm: i f, at the.. of the article. . Northaturria. Mae ~ dugout sth ISt:. - • a 17.10 1 Wholesale Drag YVarehow.._ .* . 1 IN WlLra CITY - Oke" NEW YORK. • , ns A: VAHISIESTOCK & Co., No. 49, Johlest, lie New York, offer lot .1e a large and gerieia, assortment of ' 'Dregs - and -Aledicines,'Llye Stoll;Paints , and Oilsred csety,deacription, whieh the], are prepared and determtned,to sell low. • . • i Coantry Merichants and Druggists:are requested to cell and exarnino thoirortieles.• Orden executed with fattblolness and despatch. B. A.Faltneatock's Venniloge cOnstently on hand. . - • • -B. A...Fatruesteck, B-L. Fahnestork„ .1 I. Pitishorgh;. ' G. W. ralinestock, . '‘-• • ------ A-B. Hall, New Yee' ' ' PAPER WAREHOUSE. .- 31). 9 . I BUILLIBICS BLIP, MEW 11.131 r. ItRI/ 3 W. HELD' offers -or sale as the 'ltorest Marsufaeloorno2 prier, a very coterie. aorsoft- Vist of PA PIM, earaprising eery possible saricrp, domed to the wants of consumers moil sections of o* °wry. Paper of all kinds . mode to order at short 1 he stock of PRI NTING BAYER la ancoTp.nyjarger part of which ieof act). roper 4 rjaaßty, PAPielt RIAIRICR'S lutamsawrALir, ! It at d t g T i n Bloaatang Bonier, Blue. Ultrantarkte, Deice, Re., fr,O, Ceuvasa, Bale Rope, Grass Rope, ae;,*,t,. puretwod, fur whichl4e !ashen primal C 11.141 anti be peal • Jr.t39 • • NeveYetir. atalrdrari,, •NV i m i s i Z e 4 i 9 o l fl ‘ r Y thga....=?Pr 00 Wood creel; three doors above of Charles tfotel,,Lekil respectfully ask the attentina of Lope,, to their wet' of tIARDWARE.CUTLERY.and SADDLE,EIri ree'd. per ikons &rusk, hlonongsbela and Ramis, &Met from the mansfsmitsers of England anG Germany. p:• Also, supplies ef Amer,can ilanlarare, Cram ninal 1131 . 11 tUattliffili of the Eastern-States:, the ben rernlt'sirhie7f:trzz. 7,r.Lcier • meet coMpedtion from; anY'sasperc., whether east Or west. • • The Hardware busismas *lit km coatitasea as th old ' ' stand. 'lthettaleyd, ligth is t.ht!...1!1_0.- . • Pal COOl/11ella i nig ala, given, and all paniev enter a( the andetai. ' 6 cc, rzatovars...., A7Packet Ship Sara Steel vintpealor The .uention of Nut is knifed. •'• • • -woo. ir Potiirinth: row IMlkrans and RIF( dies byypromen. d''.. 1 .4.67 4, 42 , 11.1altrollit# AVJ D areb a' of Oat' groan, if - G ramm f Virg;r4 --VIDIII/4 TACOS 114 " 4/K4446 '' •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers