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',. ~ if' ' 4fr ' . 1 . .. . . •1 1.. I , I.: e ' I , 'l, •-• '," ~,:,:• 2 . :"' '' t r - '''.::: tl, ‘,. ~. ~,\ , ~ ~ ~,,,,,, 3 . , , - . , ~ - • - - ^ * I . . - r i . , MEE ';;~ ~, , -' 'i: • , •;IT:9,• • •% ez•.•:: 4 :411:4,• •-.:.-- • ' 4 4 ' Alfik,•44l ii=l ' !•-: •,• !! : tit 4 `,l ' 1 ; ..,1t;• . ; ; ItN/ - -,, ~, ... ._• . ,, x .. ::.. ; 4.,,, ::;4 . ':•;4 1(. . e. " ?.. 1:1 ti't:: . 0-11,14: . :111. 1 ::, 4.. :: ~641, . ..ik .: ..,;:s1 'n-twes.tte ~. 10 1 ..• . ..': . ... g.vt! ~.. 1 ~,=",A.:4„...ilpliff • .--'- , :rit it ' - ' i rtiii ...:•ek'W •i i . , l,„ l ....tu. i i•Nv.r e . t,,, I t irtikl`ril .. " i.,:jq*.e,..,,c..- t y.,v • ~,_ .•iliN•tii.W.!:4lli a•';' •10 btst..tl-; ''' 1 liowib.:3• i..,.. ..;).., 10 ' ...41',aii: •S - tt-)a . 4 Az I- ! . s1;• 4,..N: :1.:7,i;i4 t r. $....":.-. •.°o:t:llk4' . Ax : • I• J , tAtßol , , , 4 1, - -Vtot• . • ;44 _ , ,. : , -7.- - ;),3, ' i.ls ''*i - - - i.. - ;.•*".•:v. w i „ ....,Z , ' ,,,- - . -: w© K .!..1 11: 1j t ' .• ' \ ' ' 'TN :5 4 1,... , 4 -: t' - : -:, : I ' .2.. i'..:- .. -n 4 • • ' ~, f,i •,, _ :;.e.,— ,• • • •:;1,..:A 7, ,:,--.,' ~, ~ '_..4 , ... - . I -11. z1:r5 . ... - . .. - . , 7 . ...: : ~.1. ;. . a 1 .1,!..4..7„-5, ~,,,.... , ~.:_. .Lletl&f?"..lK.t.. ...'!? 1. rr ev. 2t 7n4Z1414) $, ri4l, ,140itti,.. .'.l. • , 1 : ?:er ,.. " . ' , ....: , ..• 1 / 4 ': ...il tß,•!,-0::,•%-:4,.,-•)4f,t11, = : ' ....: . ! 1.4 • . ' ••;Cy . i:4_, - :!' ; 1 4,, '`':;:•,; . ;.. , •'•: . . /X.:- ?;•:, , ,:f '.L..' . . }N't•;:‘'li•:4•-lo •;ei.:11.•:;`. } :,..o,:k6tAi'f iET 3 ' .Z• i!' , i ..: 4' . ';': . :l ••,,, ; '.',.. ; ,1: :::1•";,; : 1-- ; .: 114`v ; ..v?;•,.if-114).1:1";;::.%., ' p.M. "Y1 "ti..;.1.- ; - • - ... ,, s•••••••: ,, .• : . ,•A.:hit..•••..'5.....:::',,i---; ?::. . 4...„-;',: t k .... • ...1,:,,,),- , t -i . II ..,,..2.; ::*..:1...• •;:i s. zw ::I ' ::'.- "'' EVILS If) :; :` ::~~ lEEE a ir 4 PRICE ,SEVEN:D . . • . .• - , •• • B SINESS :CARDS.- ' -,' .. • .am uosiaos 013.12111111Pir sad l'i lL Y .. so Nucl.:4 64Walinual MI Roam; .. . _ o Tyr i ... JONES a. CO. COQUlRileda .1 0 4 Z 4 .____ ...„ ..pclums, hive Min* a tb." 4 1 - woe _ rsoolEsel lo,Slialarp _ i__lslll_ -oi sum - osainoseso. a. REITZIL; ,Wholenio ad Ana cornet of Llibelty oat Sc. Otaiallia: '' s ? ' '..-1..;..“..xL-.PSI lICSTOCK ilb 00..ylkeai. al teoniet Woad lug In NO.. • 114 -. Horn. meow: emem: is ool•Imed, rub.uot. ,, .7 • iaCgl=M • ' • 7 • • llwakseu' 2T4 pr.. • Jots'? 4ijw, - Jan w: massa. it rir oi =o,K.fteguers at 44014“Aotcue V a '. ' 11 '& me, !" 4 " 0 "f es 5t‘..:41. 1 .0 AO = ir. Nreir mk ilif Ailliedosors o. .. we sod . l e eg :mew illd'i lair denc lersK ia bitaves Wood pi falmaat e tsl . iergbara. .• :-. , • : • • ' .tI 4 VirAiiiiiilleitreir ital saisireect!. atillktur rfacread IN* ifsate galdi. ~e ' Seek Osel.led Mgt* NNW lialleidial7. .. - i .81RIlialgIt..." 0 /•:...; : re - • . , . r , . 1 : 11 I Jues!= .l .41.11arilin &wel l+-r,, i pIILOPIROSIIPIMMIONsisairt - lat - ton .4 .14 1 1 1 040 , WM •14 • e ~ ~'~l !tram .4011MILULT, Whelesale 012.1Piak piisdoes and Pug aeszfae, .mrsnet 4Dirty. •d Haad !o,l'antrutly h; ; , 1 1 / 1 11. a SALL.. MOO L 1/1111X0Ta .910116aXiEll DZIMIRTT, pans ca: WA LOW& CO Week .% Onso.nt, sad =ASlcroLania,..tt DeoNos er • foat saahototta, No V Wood sinoNboNoeel Abend and • • no. . ,. ilkira.olo.l.l" ilieNXlUHlNAanseil La•ri LY/L Ogee roomed' a Am aisce amps gnat saw. asfamk. r Baksyleal% Macaw paftWARD 111 TSIVAILIPLIS.Mmr? V say. al Law. Lee ' rhea Wes tube melt tido sr rank amt. betonaday-luiii.Oten • deo lbw.? ^ Jun " one. 014.11.1111 Di =MY 4i..M. Whaknals Omer" 1' tad Qom. ion Ihloirohnais. e• Br Brighton Coann Yns, 14mA Wow aaki LOB ..ustroces Bins. sOnazi Foinallllleurcr .magai- A 177 . wood • ORSI/TitarCeft Comeaniegi sal Pir.rmiLli iiierekaa • MAO Water a, P . • la reois'.sm.L over Catialaket . askau aid disalaz .11111, tr z ts No. 17141,eny a. aw Cftal 7 ' . n * it ‘ km • r uc k 30 .4 ik 1 49 0 . 4 1 . aims,* 1, ' :Le , Fie AMMO, Meier • • * *adil - hues std duple TeSOMISS; ' 060 . aaa someelee' • • ' WOMAN Mir lee GsoBGs•ROHOAill.oo.olrlilsish Ora tete and ClooMloSAMedeedyee 106,Mshsede • -1(1110. MCBSLIC WISMSIe Mesh seeldhs. ; seAr ein./loa Alercitani, Aid' 'MST la Prase add "Mdeelde lefuesfaetotes. :MAI/Weed tt,lieddentle • • Ciao. SS: SW& • • _ U. Bohm? Grano. W.• SAUTES A. Me..M•erhs.-Illalsose, zed &elm billowy Pi deS6O ead hint Breit alets,Sedn wed Ph Amen. luel • . - TACOMA'S IDOCILILLINte Madeleed saki emedder Moth.; Nee W . M. • mu Yrrark — MilFOßGl s3l ..... m ' il•Ct. eiddressousans Address to ett. Om& the dostOSed. - '• • ; ; • i. 61141, HA % T* K uhr e* ,: esest. . _ • Ai: & 1111WW/M,(mittemen Ettownej laponers sa4 manticivrete a( laperad Glow ral Paper Wiudases, 24 ' WiM A al AtDnigipa% 11Caat• reutha itow,nezr canal bum, Pitl' HILARY . xw 1111 : 17NOrb aai Wlifrli ILIWLEAD Any lid Vilma nen.,Pinsb , eg* "e "11.""lb. ^- 4 • MU nasal steam zasurs.lolW: I=llls relTrzli k' Nfi C44 diZtrA ll 4 4 Oa% •rr .101X11.11 KNOX. Atinwry,l4 , Lisr. , .hUslorail. a. rt., a. Uk aa roused p umm dab esolusios ua be Me. Ns 7, lisksurlh Suldrogr, Gnus aseereer. evaded dugs kis Yasuo by 7."4.,11,4ta5s and. amatia4grird. . . , 10111,0.211011.11 AN, 111rimimiti= Asider DyriStale, Vamp, 0f14.• No We,l saectone &art.& After, AUS& i 31814.1. fuvecearii Joiesk o.Davis Ski Quadlers,Silirmitra— MILK 41.4:WIWbwasia awl Baal acal a a fa Mote uni Luanomems, Wool 800, Paper 17Abet.gogel Pes•Abillt, Printan , Can* &ad 1 17 .S.N.Srlr p..rifff.:l l .A.■ Weed a4 , Pittsbarii. .jpr Lap 100410 or W. Is trots: , • PROS TORS ,1NC04.171 — C1P,79 1 1 1, 1 1 aW.4 .7 V 0 vranliag sad Comatetto. dor sad .c u bialsOmmago 7 valmniat Vim LiIKIIT 11.1. tlteauk4 Mee 'll.- r== JSIDJUI ' IKII, • • ami err =O en Vcrelmuus, No milkers. • ' 8 lhoddeld rospeorsl6m.-" •LI IPALIOLOILIALAT II 6 • leVfi• • 7: * * the - • • • . evaed WEN AtriraZilt • - sw nerd weds, „I I I xt. 04 t=tionhiii ei -111*.Ais • IrlblmitiaillabsOle•sillr. '.. '..~? ~~ ~.. `.liniwszamsoa : Bagel Idti . ettumwo. Pa _ _ JI Will 011131111oWleisaik Gamer, Emile r Par fry, PUNAVIESM4I4IIO,,Tua Plese, emu : _ I=Wq4JleLsZgl Iggg 2 = • ... 0 imlyeirMAlL rum ---. wk.. I • T Milris, DAIMELItei C0..-Iltiortlieters all .llrius a &oiler. NAP. ria, 1110 ail N.H. a c ei h., • 11 ' Orden left st.fto winisum se 1 I gli6 i n i et tc L 5 Vraltiimtlortior M. lOU . • S. WA TICIMA.II4:7II.4pok Oi?cor. Pot. -,.• . werdlom W Commilm..jhu; D ‘ .. • ft Freetat.. • ~ Lams .yrroir!u . o un s t fn a stamik. • „ a. . • '•r " , rag . ru .F•lts 1 4 = ine 7.1:= 41. = " ft le u:n.d mus. ;:iagdwri="Sk ""r"' 4.4.417 361tu., • Ir 'leg; uLesoseisucLo & non, M Gloom and Cesseelssiva blerelwas, s.hoes; wi Aro-ma .A ic...cbmest ma i ! ostiurrima • se, Karket, • • • ;0: anus , . ILA&COSID & Ulna, wikagollii4PV,pount .3 /FL &A Cap ispadactarers• 4 dasP ll .l l TSUI }tire. canker a( Weed sad FIN ' Pak • • I .11 k J. ars" isl ie hiiiu nil:us:twin la dee kentmajau uristatia= Tomato: k.imiOnalandj.4 like ll atiskiliONA* weed woo PI • I r! ,`-•"=' . 146 P am= MISIMOR atitailllWPOrWs ot ,V.Lic416,00 lerul;rp474+l,4 s 014. /*Mr& • Comaluies Usteloeu, maw, rinabintb:Pa: *". l • mm L Mr 66t .41. , 3.4 0 V4, 1 = , • . , • sal Crenialissed. Pelfellite.ft• _. . ' .... • . ,„ , i • RCM ..- , r .' . . MIRTSOS, a Iltarrig* , 1 ...., MICRIAJW ..r..- &RMS. JANI d i.„ll= ' . Zti . ama Oudot, Tramyelysi nu •; • i • ., , . „.: , . !Mita Mims ?itutterik, .-...••••••. We M u '.. ..-.... .i. 4 .6i . arw • tabautt=4lNii - ...1.41fty • 1111111411. - -; falai. - '7 31; aplia&h. ' ' vrIaDIUSON & 011;.; Imewiii . 4 drelimillqambNinandosamoll&stasla " : I T; ....,m..........." Yin*" clot, rm. ~1. 4 g .% • P a l 6 , 11111-e.oigartwo,.•-• • .... ;...,. r : .i.. .„- •-• , c NlNNAmpuNikoliause.t. •:,,,.. !, s ;. t i,' , v -_,, , ... -.. , - 8 P 011 •:.•-:: - ' i - 'Ow ...: -....- :ri:....ili, ...',... . ........... - ::?...-..-....- ,,, 0 , .::•-- --= lf kic: , r , -, . t ,- - ... : ;:;-:'''.4r1;,4•:.:;...5i)11%:'..: ~1 4:7 ''' ; ...'; ' ',.." ' ,;i'l;," . ' 1 ' ::- ..........,,,Ap. I ;2lairLit .1: 3 :'... • 4 : , _ ===2ll BUSINESS :CARDS. - • ommr, zuassza: tCo., Wbolcrals Ors tsrai.aCor.simula.doritl l'altvre . Marebassmol_!_s -601L1111.0. • _ • • .ts Ns- =ffl!FM jiO4rpatmai. wa... g .i tz ,, ......._ oisw4o. fee and lrtialalsOf " l'orearla aid Datan z t Wis., ' :awl ?fa U Wan anna Irstbagb. . . :U. Om kaad • valy lam lama a imar.r la li9if ably, vralch will b...aa low lot O._,__ SYNO Mai 'florin:ding sad Ome n Womb MembabiastlkO/40sortinat Trade, deaden ill Gmeeriahlitelsimhilieboillallmastsfuu. sad Cbtorideof Liabernn . Tia b st.priess, st *in for '• OaessislitigesoUnria rm. murmur ilk: 0111.4 C 6111044. lacte.babo. . " 0 1 6 1 = 41: " / "Y r rbar r: &ft.'. • aptly ? ROIrIP CIUNNIZOILII.I6,WisIaiik Giecib Dealer Ix and .1144nuilk hlanntariart., • BC bbletiiev , ,•• • The&A oitaciumyr!& nuaassio. Dee-. 0 lora fa Forilin dad towaoatio Dry,Cloodo, So 19 Mod moot, Pstubarab . • •!., (41.17 if S• C1017114i11.3.1130H. w,.t idutiummosse• Mast ao4 Frodace stormily anel Forward. Nt 11.1111 Owous.loaio llerokokota; Ner Weed Wert, IM:=3 rI.IVIII.L.P4II.IIMk /Maly at IAW: Meal baiLling,.l4olThenb pale} kehle 6 °' esiithadiL 1 senasidv: ! Thr. - ifititrislarancuurtiove ta.Orlietnl .ronnudies AbinsiZet ennuis:BA Dagen is Ma. esionsZlO does,ione mamma 745. F, arm:. of Float In sad Clamart Lass 'agar QAIIOII. - 11, rftromtw-atutOtatuai abscbleschant, Dobler In Sali, Plal auLduißcii lelipeASefaal Bulb, mu rth n.t .' , '~'~'rt~* MASSEY & .sT—Wbo/csale Gummi . : al lAmmission illefsbents, and dealm to r.d."."7 110 3:1 %Void stun. Pulthargb. .-• • -• • • ,•'.411 , • GENNEDY,Jr., • • Glass Alan 42048 MI '4 T PF enrph. • . J fOnyth. I • P. VORSTIII Cheadsma 111crlulsk J. .dealcre in sahAsmso.%ol..,. fft.t.c. , Nig ritumagt E ft Lft , et.)!!u!!,.•...bavglp. Ven Son.lneleo• • - n 7 a. • • hear: 4/ 11,1111e0IITC111110110Fileims.1 1 .0 1 T csts. Dealer• PnlhinNtroa. Nalts,Olap lisastaemnriguicalthLAP:.. , . 4toy . es • vur a bt. urretktwraarh_l'Vleletide.eree4 , l,- ,iiv4VNlV:4==saltr= _ fwd./camas Tinos 46./lIPIDANDIMBI6 (isaaaedunias L J.DingiOniumbi onws:Yinvaides W Caohnisideastairalers la ireo,ll.Bl. lask CimTaiseamil•P area Ilaamigairral aaantaltWasi Mau aul/2.lquatantli. WORZEJL. WhiilismokOrmir,Fonnialialipt :OioniLidos IlaitHai. sad •Zioilar h Pad"' And Pliably/0i Musisetam, teams. -Wulf isid emittell vim Pi • • • 0. Pa.. • . •• WOLIPIP. Inipselas hal. TY Vindblininin. Denten in !Julienne, Cinlegy;lkari ,414,oprnailinesti and Mc OAST streets t . Pier. . . wita7uls.:4 zonawowni. _'•Wbokrale • • 'Olnisearfedess afdariolimies Marehnis4.7. Trrlc, NntICSISILTIST" Snidaglaa Onr Wtne and Lk . "adixoy rio. 110 lAarty .0 (pypwto earth 1110 A k = t tiLlNe Imo Si Cati arte; slilerteVAlL ars /alm • ft ITITT.I7Ii .. ALL LUIII t DELIPOILIII44IIMIYAims: VT: latrieLl!Wimlnaie Orearrs.mits aim Aselp rt Mr.l.lONri nvid aWry Mkt bralle a bum insars 'meta ideibbenes YO P mt6ttgf lisasfusami u /OW Y. .151hcr Won. linOety .oeiNN.kft . Ng% a let =Mal. Anna nr r , rue atia slemlieWei ill u ittrp as/ Dierale Dry Oisdiiionlmul ear. VVIVetrEI.T: Thiad ammo, lll=Vgar eon WO. ALIGIIIIIIIA1701116• alconwr at Law ' ElOl sus*, We • &Ohba Oinftwir , cha ai wilet ballturattottlal le with putepnall tr. ',adults &temple, Cmclout. . 41 A Pitlowzott *Co.: - Ma/ Irnoty Una, L !guy CD.. lohti nsta. b 4, ' haw .ficenny,:rwb )41 Willa.. Lawton. . )0114, t . ' • V.' X RV Aft, RECtIFYING DISTILLER, , urn 'tricot:x.la ■uua IMMO is 110111UTIG WINER k LIQUORS, No. 114 14k-tyrt. 4 and . 15.1 Diessiond alley, Parzßußcal , WARRICK MARTIN & Dwasn i• Nate ../ . CAN • Parvattrutrd owl Immo, VlLUtlvia pm. QZLE; It TV:Ynnims• Wo• X Mks. • 'IVILLIAX• -• ATTORNEYS AND COUNEELLOAS AT LAW. ORKPAkro No* XS@ W EsOISAriaIkaXAOGIX RADOM! yr • OLLarf_ba. 4 - • IL Jaime sW a l l saM itt=. hrlittretilst, tie ow WI ak:tilesi hlkaadseseral isierassa or e.,,pfaser met; ow Chuff-Alin bele •.w.7lz3tblrerlox;t...a4rwroar, will 80,10 . larwilin e yl= 4 , mid "Hum lacy p• Pam et. Wows thud, awn dada *the Ogee or limemi4ll 2111Pan.Ri -•• • / jOllll 11L. TO , WIIIIIMAIDo NMI* übt tail; nes Mart erfp; Chnolyekon Tturd rbubergit, copubbaity ea Last a well Wed ed suommemi OM. tett culfrabegil Xediebtait,whici, be will seu do Um Nest mumble Um'. .Pbyggielans seeding eiders brill be ibrsor.l7 omelet te. asel.sap. gel brick ankles 'beryl., rety•pon as isadadt. ; • arragatiada , Pritleription. taiiceanklety ud molt poTai r ciam_ lie Jbeil y;bou ef AJobibtWjblbrgb Mop eftreeliestgooki ~~~~' Tor .-or:vmsoiroyala Mika • Jeweller, TY! 'llorarillir ad Matti als: A large ad wall aleeirel net of aneass;laridry, Sllnteeue ad Gads. Always en and ad at mailer Jae g Gold Pam Lava, fall Jearella *was, ai bat aa Alva" do aratcal,aalow eagle. .OaWd Craw, feWaa,Jobnwead eau oppreart aaYa of anutere say be ad at a erall advance sad: „Erna wrerl wed dada le fa airy ale M./AM J.• B. BWBITZEB, °Te Olhalles Mai% l' as 1 a 4149 "! " d • ppm • . w'" it. ea:issued pwapdy T i m! ives,Voratis and Ural My _ p•lll=elpaul gIirKILII TM STOILICi . • arm. 'At loirrit*via,milw Virost. tiZr Ail via** 01 G Woad er =4;id wan Tom; finp Zama pit twat inklilarb': DB. DAVID IFIWITi Demle. I.l.llAft mile tack wingements W Is. III. " .• w i te ti V e re• MI be l a r e".l". ma 14 sato Is I& OA*, mart of 4di ood ° Aka. -Vrivet beIvINSDINItIR atel Pony . ", sa say Ma 4 4. 0 11 hoar A.llll' r. jritir ArroitiET4.lCOckkelkings gaw,OLNOINNATI, Mo. coil 'come la lank= Cho Ltd in lain. mulls Ktut.ft preillolty dnd candally attended-Ik' Omen= ske !taro ol.P.T . 7lTrkik; ikkkf Vl=V d s. g lll ‘ Soo, 64 . 17ti5, Chanth pa li• rs, Ep. %%Mock k Daylk. tri ,L.RMILEicOTTON WORKS. , ~..- z •vvrasumoii. • --p__,.. , -iiiunaruas COTTON .Y.11.1N. - • • -71 1171 =i C. nTl i t • Z EIIni a .PILNIV 64. 11 " •SeakpetkikkHeklakAkprif,) - • • 171 Morey • carom. !TEEM NEW OILVANB. A Manes ft/Ulllli3O *tam %gar Alara7t on land,* Imre sank of Lod.. Oaxaca end Ea maul Engin, in Amin. Ansa ow , Pm*. r^"ilEbeild ••• • Inn aticiwance amt. al all nun. icor es a l • •434 11110ITEl ••, • t.• filltftgab mAisrEad AND HOP :DEAL u LED rns "se /ND PM? DIVIIBIIIIIII. ' affmr Dunn Alley sAA INAAISAANI kola ?lASI, J ' ls : _ W. Baabrigka •ih ar..IIOWIRICITIT• • • • lINIPACTUILIIII.OF $7111014 WAXILANTEDiaItaI, tr impeder, ta any walla PI.11._1:11.4•11 SUM; use 'oat iry.t.o th.pc, fg ref, sad na ma To •.1 ima.a , -• • 11P. a s. airssox & co w , • -.• • AMMO- et ilaamend atiitiai • , • • '1114,7 sad Mamas , Far* *44 ale 11•Wiag Wet . nub:4k, • isartll • FOIL WARDING ,•k.COARISSiON , U...DrdylfnoWltai Co. ~To axe c o 0011111110 N qteIIINTS,' ~• N o. &Sold, Inwree, end • Id south Wawa at • MR. abstriu nra, to lokinst the trade sad•duisre generally of Pttubotih the they heymassle web anartattoheala and, the Vcripont menet enterers arid the °sowers of the West, IS rei Notheatand other dam:toes wallow* a law and commas sopply Girdle Codemeing downs. dons of Tobacco whiett, sr,ll be sold Km as seam r thotteuetr terms .r other Isoesto In dna city or Oar wt.., and all seeds ordered Nos tbs.= will be war. ranted egad to repreatnuatoot— • HarallN t.Dogo; Qua., Yen; Porto Ras; - Penes., Smedley" To ata ,... !matt Pad Fk , rid., harr.a A Brattel , e esdobraled Maude Ow Cavan. d4rit t yrith a lento warratear of ether pogialartnindh, and 'mettles of /midi, Ife Bs Ito Ns end .1b Leaps and Mar, Wks. Tods“lauha Tenn, &e, meet and plata, to vitae and half bean, woad ma da d :realer everynn.tp of whole beloor ' ' J 11. MOW VOBWIRDINEI a.commismi ILEUM?, Emi BUMP Poinf _and Bridgrwater, • - • moans corm, r ' • , Proprietor and Agent of neemen " . gam MID IDOWIOAN, ' DOZE sicrwitm pyrrosozon Aro nir.M., Wiliold9 B .4l!aol it an ear li est =errand oar- .. aiilal — tFailXplaVririo Enamor!, Cron OnVald U - MN ix all ports es Ws Erie awl 819DIAW•alabolonnord panne, to.tq eme., lis=ton t ,:.4lpply to or addroa • • • AB =CITY, Deaver O. W. intonca. W. C. VI 111104. - • • • J.i.CI,AV.„3,gFTWJCH .4 C 0.,. • _ KM: WartII3;FORWAIMNU, Wad Merelkaat% • • • • • - PLActosacterz, La. VilinT/Crialt atieguitm paid to epagrmcn. ifixgarllllll,EflgillOt, mher anfreldsbt ppalimus ZEFEIL LL Messrs. FbeSeld t. ow Llaeedln.New (Mean. •, f.tl • Wan. Lanes as Damn., Mr. Z. Stating Loa • 16!..xi. 11111 a ‘ar, n 4. waliv4aqiikibell lerWR if I b ink: • ueis e s.A utm co.; awns.* • myna &Craighead, l a w Edam& it • DM& &NM Lathan., Sohn Dom; • eel)37_ • : IFIAIMEN s coax.N. FLOUR. PRODUCE 4ND . IiENEBAto 00111 O S• • .• ISION IiERCHA'NTti; ' • • Me 1.6 Omitlea MI barn Baltimore. • OI7IIA th eir ...riots to Merchants Owl roman . . oa.l Rot' Floor. Orkin and Ptodoelb oesanaly. SO the o r !gimlet, sad Dom lot ellea.Mll eageklai mace moo yoxikoaer• awl shippers, ion seislow. 'loot Utah story sales. .Cormrpoodenol oto I. kept ago imo4 of We auto of the Alarkeu,lte: . . Rasa To —Mews. ro. WO sou k &mber= OW k&m,,,Daviiisoo k Yeandefs, Nord& • glotyk.Care y;lialliabore I . 3lottoy,, OnWorell k Dteith; PhitodelpklL. • y, Row k Jortes ;tow Vail: Italmoorr-aooe 1N!. . lusAe • -;77 111317/.1117aTed0.7 FACTORS AND PRODUC E .4;011- • • KTSSION . NERCHANTEL T lONIAL o ant .d..... sod. en recani gif ono &I warrens . Thom • atippion toot/ addrelierill be rani tbnot-lber in oglemse is C.un,b7enTly inn ie gm thirst • • wear.. Witllinicion &Taft., ?Kabuli. Mena. Tb... Ceti itattllleibeforkOttig , • linindeirblo. , M•7l6ll4 . m0r174 • N4l aAn proles ad/sea to.. ig fanned lA' ine travelogue of Wilikenbed lb Taylor, Pittlbonni, atm eat mom Icabilablipbe& C. EL & Oa. lldel DDIMT.I/111/11111 Sten. IV. "T. • LEE 0 .14 , • R. no.. 133 wOOO irr....wsortionosh • ITAVINO reoltatobal almattionklbq beettmoires! r been eannr.. an satin.llobe . e in as • .em cion to costooners end macro tbat .s ramrod to foreign tboot-tOOO al goods ieatihar.._ sun ben., tenne.thm betrtonnr• MOW riit greollectbittlearny.ricladrelyn in Pm Meru Hardware nod tigntone Throaty, 1 obtola nereby • dramme that ortado se to tett . comma:or. Citt1;•111.3,1.1 loam for etottorlvre. • .I§ . : VOW analliWiltireatt ' 1111 Llterrr NM, bat the FRESH !IMPORTATIONS OF HARDWARE. . • 4.0015 &LEANED!, imrilangs or AND . WHOLESALE HEALERS .• • 131..)1AILDWEILZ, CUTLERY. daan • : (S.W.:Dad Iltreat. • • • P TTEIII7IIBB.. • AlllEaann the eaarne et remains fame &Ulla= le ib.h alosansw.oanekad Hantrase, Ced•lT• da. nOtirli Won; beta mensal as Ibe, adwaiagraan tf ran 4SI Eaniland• and d.rreL trans Nanaraenann's la A.. tomary, rutia!ga thena sp .1. Tar ow& ea tanassanntawal Li bona and mulled by kyr. • Parrikaarrtanerespaahlty ta • • SMORQI4 C0C1114411 . & FORTVARCING MERCHANT, . No."Zi WOOD STOLZ; PITIOLOOROH, CiONTINUES to trusael • gem.' Commisdes Barisess.esmatially is the mnihrts sod men sC r Azenors &armatures awl rrodoce, sad is rewalvimg mot forwanitig ,Goads cassigeed to Wis ears.. As Aral tbr tad 11.1tostactants, es will b c.pploot onth tb• pn.DIDOI DIOD , . 01 ii.&aghasswirislar•-ii• taw4swom trammels Prig.. Onion am/ tomicamists ant realertally soli Mat. • le n c ilit - ranttorm. C. V. Matta. /LB •LOVE,_MARTIN A CO., riODCOß.oesnour. COMlStaitOlt, AND MR :• 111/ORPC%O ...IFIC:11411114. • Ss. 6 /pear. %lust. Matiblore• . ' • • . • u•tiroaCr... .1 • • Ihregoss. L Co. P" ' kr i k '' Davue4,Taccd.cr • Co, Sake .. shoo Dolosoore, wilt • • Mall a • sot &Wit a. D. LIDOISI. C. 4. 41111.4404, M=l=MEM=M=l LEMMER L ANDERSON DrALMI lIN 0/1111)N. Yullt*•lll.4hti LW . - - • COMMIASION WM1011441715. • 111 "nu mnon, 444 ii Swingy. Cietinamal, 044. Ile , e.r hilltek.U.L. /enmity. lertircaninil. •• • • I WALTER & CO., /LOUR AID &wax COMMISSION MERCNANTS, AMU DKALEKt. PRIauUCKUNALALLY, ..Igo. rooal KineArd-H,AiLow klarics, . gqsa Ognig.Cukor*. T Govt. Leil* Club ier.J Landwect &Bon, Met & Dayritirrly,Sliar loft Due), W & Wistas,ltUiestal&punes.• - aEI SW • • ZDWAIID A. 4.1L1CL110,. Occcsma 10 GOODMAN &MI I/,4 &INMAN, 70,1/04.4. CMN.DiNioN ItkrrAmK, *Ad • - .76.18.01,/ 4110 r &nob of Kamm.' Bask, IttemplOa. Pisa 3.11 Atka k Co, Itirsg, Prabocki lb. &Se '"lrir Cowry. • • j • • L H Tooloahrs. l• • • • IL I/P. CONWAY di CO., • , pg=7:l. 72.1.°TettIZOft=e7t.ia, Parebase, Sala mid ralpeoto of Pig ALIFIR TO, ' Atwood, Seam & . Broom,Hallayl Co Lorenz, EICIIItIr & Henry Graf . • .'Ong Udeeyt Co • D Liecli &Co • Lyaa•lllarbk. Ga . •Claske marloo7. Maas .• amo • JOHN Po PUDJI.T. • • • (Law of Lao Aryl of Idaloolm Loocb . h.„Col • Orearm, Coma lookL Flits! Aloookaat., DIHHIMIt to all Wads of (bowl Prodoror Car Too, Plate., 'Hann' Tirodo, - Z00,L004. Koala- deal Iron, Iron 'arid Mato Ursa: Caws aei and. ?Moan Mantifsesons grocrally, emu of 'abort,' m 1 Irwin !=oIV 4 r*. s.;l Ow* or Gael* main ea tar oiromahoorf Pri:lora.ko• : , -• • : • AUCTIONEERS COMMISSIONMERCHANTS: . . ALEX/Mt:it LEVY & , 81208. • CINCINNATI A ST. LOUIS-• lobei et sober enebnignent, Inele Keenan= at di lout roes ereadueldeneVant ahilympr epared be admen. The WNW danelnee &noir emb sta ed. Wier. Ibdietietl• =Me Wen =II be poen= Mewled • SAW 1.1114.011.. smoursow k CA.IIPMELI4,' - COMMISSION M FRC HA_Nrrit Ayl Komatootororo of Llooool Ou t • • • • No. 20 Coiusibizi &Intl, • CINCINNATI, 0610. Crows rkiwnis rum t 400-1 • • ~ ...A. : 8;111M1 1 . JON g.BO Oal l ari x ant %D i " 1" lit • mESCIIANTZ' °_,RW DING • 80. 46 Poyelras Stred, Orleans. aP•Pilllltiliat SWIM. 0 ,4 Ilibligt.T.ZtAl7l. ' • "I IFJO U. OLAIL, Forwarding iterchant, ihrouvilk, Pa., Andes partkelasl,ne.Fentesioppf Prodece, For oaf kneel. sekneepowithenkruurni k DUNCAN..atet et. . • • skin D. w. Dwruiwn. • "-- wi wi r. MM .& • Di &TREWS -& PATCH. .001111811011 MERCHAII.II, • No. 41 Water Sirmet, - . • • • •• • - • ; wr:Loulsokro. Woll give No:Imola, notation te ISA selling or Pio. dace and warders for patchouli's. lack. to. loge Nutoran a: Pittato argil, Pa. -- .lg7i.OWN!aorao. 711 - 1 7. 1(erloto C DOAliwnww. JOlllll arcoLhoudwak. co. Comminnon and Porwarding.,' NOS. 99 &95 SOUTH ST. • liaitr DOWLING% WRARP.Salthaewe. — 7 - 71 . 110117.17 0111.11, ad • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • • Revs. wad • Light It. • ,- ILILLTLIIOII.III. Itreaalt advatwas ba made on oodeigameat to .9. above Mamas. bf- 'Jan! ly . CARBON k. BkgPIQ UT, Pint. In. — Lif - ATtittßriticH FLOUR , FAMOUS. AND tritalra AND PRODUCR Orauswileafron Iferebaala. • 71 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. ARIS cow prebend le ?emir, and forward all kinds .n.orlferckat tar !Win.. Ike Jitisamaagenk flod.Weaa Womb:and Trdrervit• Clank efn 672 . • • Col. g 51211.1111.°;D O E . • AR '1"41/. "AMJILOSIILI°11; I VV. lifiatakNT. Na 59 • . . tiO. j , • L . .01.6 St CO, •61.:Asdissi rot: ' a;srs • woosas.. i r : sigr AWORADFSNO!I: -Y0 NO /11FAX,44 8 1 1i i g*' •• . re;, GB, 'TUE „ .: . • .11118 GELIANEOUrg. ' JAIIILIVW4tWOODW &Lt., . PITTI{OUSGB.7IIIIIII2IIaIt aaciala, ' ' • • • TIIIIILI) STSSET, 41.,AllOtendepkad.d esferrosest meronthore, eatable for teramesele, ecotele.enra povere.Derel• Llase.,eoostsutly on bead and =data order. Tete present cock . = heed camper be excelled by any stalafavaly.itillui•Valeta eonorry. pens.. ,teog is purl.. woad do well by trlsere see &alba:24l.am galena/Wallagaotles ] WW please. Part of Ms Cork =Sees with Plis god Mao-cloth c 0..% .8 dos blebogroU / 4 2/.12.14.; ' • 'llpeirth . 12 doe foe n iCbon% • If alahoopy Won C dr 2 des statensay Rocking Mein; • 15 marble top Dreetiog Dome.; • e pair Chterosor • . • ereerlge lop Work Fiends; 18 obour WO* Sourer Nallerresy, Slsple, Merry end Poplar &deiced, of "W derenpuorser aM •large uurnmeat of Casson Foroltore sod Cholroon Amer.. to memos. liosOkf EW HARDWARE it s i •. JOSZPII WOODWICLL, • Dorm r of Wood and 24 sta., Pittsimisblei. Et A jitti lO . razt t o .. fro m the Winn of Walker ia . sa lasoary, RED. .I tato pleasure m announcing to my friends in tba city and clatrOul, that I bin conned toy now Mars at the slate named place. itocieg porcbased my goods for cask, and made arrangements with manntketaters In tho I ttotilltry and In.ildrope to be coetuotl7 supplied, I /142; faly p re pond to furnish Hardware of Nit hinds, 04 118 good terms aod its low sts any boom Ean or Went. , —; Merchants and on., aro tespectfolly invited Weal sad examine my stock, Won outlining obarwhens.. 'lrttef*ltssingan=r;PH7nrmY Gk Totentfult, ' nen. Naylot's bunt, County, Eine Tools. vi-. oes,Locks. Lambe., ILckies Scythes, Van Nog* Sefton, U npin Faelp_ry Ploss4llavristaskesruer Isnot* -Ind veneers. and all . stbst !envies annsseted monk dm Hudorsis butane. : ' • mebltiP • ViVILVT — k I KIIIIIMaTOII.7.IIIIODis. .L 11 e sabseriben having gnawed a patent. Me, IS keollka on Plea& Brick Marano, cad having giro,. Oda Rena okay trued its ability, an war prepared to sell rights and contract to deliver tanking to any pen or Os I/ Med num Tho machine is designed to wale It ham erode On, and will wake 30,060 good moo %. Arm brick per day, darkened? hard to wan lop lathe kilo; thee anidingniexpene and labor °faro. Will no elay,drylog and heading tae brie! atter boaCatcti .uo i lld ir ed , at . ts .s ausple, Wong , ed .bat r,t liable eap . net o: ! pawn sod pat together with factllty,tios ander. of it portable. We are rio, banding mama dad I can tannehthsona inn owns. Fora fall dcoonbon . en mold refer to • machine now in successful nem- trey a SDI track bato n, nu ths peca n of &ghat i Met, when we shall be happy to replant everything , . onaccird with Me all who way eall. We.kan et ptesant no altirmsed Arab All karts mom addran 7ill 6. " atigrTIRI 'IM to rd, luarn.Lsri a 0., ; 01.11011111A1 6 4:. kg 111 - ilif l routeriairrlikke,• AI CONFECTIONARY AND FRUIT NO R ,opria wit Nauday, Apo, dth, far dens (tin Pada, and bait donut • Jaynes Pride Tea Itera. ..1 I. Anleadat seems eta( Peon Cake, CookeldhaillfT. rialto. (Inland* coaawnernday; moral h 7 Macaroons; • . Need Oahu Leman Mende; will =lke; Almond ft Dolator i :V. " (ilkeY Ging. Nato; Wafer Jaseb In; linage Ric Faders/Cake; A. rig begat .. ... Orders for In cmoma, icily. nnekeeliall; • Otahnisaary, ic..1.c., encased ta • 111101wer swilled in gaalky and beady by nal adnestelthik . tarn La this city. .. - A firma Bread, Twist, Raak,ie., sauterac ielsolidy koes Whits Wheat nosy. nd Dee trews all dn. every twentlak. son AND EWE --,... nOSTOR EIODE OP BEATING U 00.; DB.-Mt. 0. p a int., of tlemoo. tin arealnd sAd pawned • Plus kw naked lone% wink Ass been env cestrally sled to Bonn, New York, ke , ask skarn,. 'spoked. Ms renewed the derided pettralteha wing shorn, Fianna. de. Its advantage* inwe tn. Crest rekekno or Trwynatiro t . , •.. t . Pad. Freedom nom ttawie.: . • . . Sod. No outlanant Dryacia • - • 4th. Ewan speeded to, and wit liable agettialir ordcr. Int. Gnat Intrabiliry. ' • • • A Made tad !Welke-taken wry be leek sod the ape ire mks obtained sine Copper sod Traerate WWI, of WU. IaSCAM:, kust suret, • I hes. Weed and Motet sts 11.rdwars. • • • • JOild WALJEJLIgi (WPORTER AND DEALER in ramp aid Donnie I do Raodorsoo, wield roopordelto Ulmku frooklt widths pablit donondlf. %kW ha to enoor mewling to Vomagonoply of Hand woo& at do &dolmas( Wolter s& Woodmo MEd& Wood drat, orNekha oriddivaia , of oddte vow mooed., sere.. ; dal ba roooiaailly roesmoidaookasayboo Am ad lidaudoeuvers in Campo mud ooanv, oraielli drill enoldo him to compose ordkaol WA. • ostayeillkal Cwt. W. , . Walerk Unrolsous too owned on ea:l wol 'ca amine his souk Maw pronoun, el.. wt.. to road .. : • • -••• Copartiacradp- - 1 Vph'iliteiletrolitsed, lurvf !meta lale:Fronzoir ...... • _ • Y Ida.Psdass• of Irassssaaral / i f Oordaslossaol Farirsodieg !mates*. dor 0( • OSIM 111/001WAW t C 0.., iss• adsma anntbaser c . verionst elaAMP.l Mow,. sad Übe ny any; basal* oeoptal B. ',ten, all Mamas tairsaed ms ea dump well be. . ---1,01„r0weez....;,-„, 4.0..1 Tilos itailideld.oll -- FINDLEY 111111sOSSW." sO.l Posm_md‘llideflld,t6l7.: t' lA*" ' 1110111.AlrgallSiarssata; I _ . W. 11* Gillupla lispody. Limbos NJUlrisa Manetarmer ant rimier tiloaluNCerbli. ud Variety Maada; keep' . eavrintly an beat. Debt was solateAkOSßlß trap' 4WMTiftmli 6 , 15. bkisssey sadCm=d• look ias 414, 4, sad►amwer Talmo Otis and ornamental partnLitpmaa I Ali Via& of Cave, Tiara Vineara, i a ben• is dine.; Cuaba Terasida, oat • upal . araornown !or nosy Goals, shalom*, ai a mall Masora as raini Pollan and ulna aepTW wan Qum, Cu Vinata end 19 by 111 hum. u New l'ork Yineee ovine . Neat roe wed ant alb sial • COACH' MAXING • , • ROM t4eeey likersl eisMono vas of sobeerdrer rimmed MOO .10 foe kneed Emelt' le Allegkeeg, ken W oad blot lo aka a Ines, be case( yemo, ore dee propene INS lc Ll Brow se r‘a..l%h"Y‘ir 4 t the stereo mum*. end denote/den" im boier the , ' te end mem no • slam of peak. paurainge Nem •ek Pend ad finieking le onlet, nelitteeel, zzs.,ne nerd lop Bernnes, and scrag daseeirelewol wade* order, from sevempleo donersite reneklbesene. 1e0n.1411 JOAN ROUTH. Illoassgekelln Livery /table. BOOT IL fe,ll ON • • _fr‘ Wee opened the large eordoe. a rj h Fins a., onviros don to Bowed et ,besereen Wood end Moile wove. le eke leer of the lennoceake Ilease t eenle as mire lune rock ol Itoreee end Vern. sprier she tea gained lied lawn srrten Home 1 era LL limy n the beat maeeee. Ill)' ir -T ara . . enamaalcal Boar. V Oil ail Mods of gramma. and Macaws or tba Skla. PwWleta,Molebea,dalt Russ. swri. itost spots. ebapped ntan, sod aU goiter duea• eat a( the NM. yawl town sitcom! tratedlealbla damp wands =mu Ch g. it alact 4/spe Ls Frock les, dew barn, blorptgegr, Tan, and shampol Ile calor of date, yellow, or Mairratad akin, to m dm bealdty, yombnal: cleante. A ken manly, gramma.' gamma, and kr sale at t. radared plea or Ai pareat, j act been rowlood. is *feral for gala by • FAIINEIitUCK!gb tbs, comet to and wood and also al the comer of slnb and valeta.'l o3 , •Iththrirlig - Slalr .IILLCISON /A FOUNTAIN. Twerriel Prelegarn, „LI npaisled AWAIT Orrle Ruing, Heir Drusing i Saxe dt6r Nam eiyir, eaA errpreper•A . 1111 1014•1=..... St .104 lath thae, makes gal poliursas. rignilta finvartd b in a Ilet Awy eell withthA ithey. Ail fee pul MI 113 i ki• • theism.. at the :MK* oar Use, =err of Vats el the DYE pea .111•thart Dere Dry Oeede I4Ase.) b..: xritsztar Jodtoses • trhel of oar. awl ti . ig c . wlllionfoince ONO, pioneware this meths • =By durability in tie ennetneenon of .11 I hub • Price ggn,73 ceivh for boat Indio( 0.,11114•11,1 MINI mambas.. Grease's' a bilivay Brion. will be r tad ntd.s per M, if in die eb•d, gurainins A nook et tho Im .cellp i. giver receiving tang tat gala at Ike viarebowc, - tinia• • • Whitler: , Canal Liavin, . . J NUM IJACLAREN Ks:Wag= Iron Woebs COLVVoi .TO riart,ie:=TaZbwri *; bey, by rattan enured with the 11211, Tu Co AM the exclasiv• einiit wall their Toles M Pitnlivingb Sat • lit 'fumy cute. Any penal atteropling to .all . 11iter Tees, inept pomace WINO we, legewiling • gieseption one • trawl .port thit goblin—sad then Niue. Wre tml to he tonal on: • 1'• A mrmix Foonb marl nvArrrrAFTlWP 4 l'VElpfgpairi • s SIN maim! tam Y. East, Horse* straw es:ttst. Pimlaes Cyliadical Gaiter, wy warner wiles, sad Odkrae near, all o( Irak!' ate o(• sal superior .9.atr; K Ws at iba Finsbury& Seed dad Implement vrarsisam, OMNI f %I. cod and MI, N. N , DRUGS,' •". • 11101ILEP, Druggist and Apothe cary, N, W, Ja/ com . er or Wood 4 •kb ate, Pautargb, will beep creoalandroo bud, Pop, Pabst., QIN : WIWI. N. ae.. D.— PbroJclae. prescriptions estelblly imad• eid froth the bat maletiols, at any boor or the darn night. Ala., an townsmen% of Petrareher Hair, sod Clothßrodie% ite. ortdalt S hp will yell low tor aub. : • • My I • Co Alr c i sci ntt i— w i tz esdosetlby m ■lngensts B :7l:Tioi.g, slob yllYtarial pen... 2 to Okboo be mod of Headed ill met , ' Oirric; I dean Nam of illps Knot% CNBes, Om einsall;Ois , .• .41WIIIID P cameo I -w r y:km.l,v • Amy., m_a_aw : • MG! ViIAuFD: 100,000 ke kiaea 1•101,4 ' an Al t. ways on lin 1 d......an. 1 4.1in fir Weida; •!.. Wripsung Pinar lAA Merida Wits. • • •raryd Caner VINING RUM )Us Erin . 2 P.a r gal s asa i rsA i ntie=ltird e d l ig has Rammed Jai.W.angalklisebefum %.R•lat est =NI fit ODLD AND ULM= WATCHEihSNADedjiII •Aditl. ido my lure moek of Geld iind DANA PAO ns Lever Wad..., miable(e G g L i a o a nal o f w De gbnn -4f the Man and undaannw s r os nuns( tare—warranted and naim i• Ntr cea. klO . .W W WILSO . 7. U. KATON, INEALEI Is Trimming, add Varist7Nee..% Theu, Ivory wad I tom costale,Roorles Ytma worm.% Didees, Needles, Pm, TapelMULt No VI blotto% Bet between Diismod fittsby r. 60E5 &a • •ne vutamires,seastast IT as hand, sail for sale et masted ooneZl2ol , ttainiteeo Surma% 1.31 Wood sta.t. or am& ' - 19 WICKELIMILM • We MAK MUCEIMIs4nt me% kis/. lostri, 1 magr a gr i raestkad route , • J UNLihr IIIME:111=1Effl= DVf ,' - .:,'..'..'. 4.f-iiti.:Atii::;'•': ' - MIMI I MU LBvilliefilll 711., , VIA 'mantis& asdsr Os we of' Sky. J. DI eirrais A. Last' I lOUS MI rib '86116 aka or insstbaref at altsSed fisle , Srf Pte'. l .nr ki '. Storr . arrlus ' " ilto u Vel CA!, itmlit.l berwirls24 sort 411. to , m. 01 eel:lmm !J s on ulia Ma ltdrtrfk 44" 0id `ls toMortant that ant w may d deign crs,.. 4 ...4 t.pfooont at it ,axopractimoalety. tha Pr tha sraeravesetarad Ow enthesof ga or /110 DOCK w,u•thet el 111101 th teo, dol.ratha .40 s list r . who us:rowel' known thstearred=onalaator pethot rthwerthactior moll be twoltryolp ~,:t ~.- ...,.! Prof. OINfilLll4 vrtlitisre!tsur of ildrUnnaz of - Vocal &lime • • -' . - • ... r 1: I tit,: Prof. sumtroMp7ll.lmn &win et Silk*Ss Depart:wt. and Will ye tholdild. kit abliwiliAlldab' ."f• MA Sslsubir t. Is cslssi srs==. S. 111 • compnnot weber, 111.1/I.as frowithe Amy= Is Stumm lath USW& Sams. Ha bat allio,been s loath With Mat iontotiona ape coosir7,•For tenor • • bus •• ~ r - r' salt( • • KIM LA 116115 ;110411.19, monooi. . • Infe. IEtIArM srreenstom7%ulsefl, i!sMists, • rptiE plus permed iti dasitouluttlon.embribets all ,be 1 Weber braneles of an` Eanglistt• Gdeesnois, with Lotman= In be UM L. 114 Langtogeo. To services of the MO ea irn Professors ve per. momently word, led wow acquiring Meditates' i t anpacaa, keener ant. °Met To year is divided latwo wino of Ise toontbs each, commencing on tholotaf September, and ending on Ms charge fens. • . . t Ts charge foe the 'Scholastic Year of ten Montis, 12%, psy tibia bale y c arly in *Assam; .ithl anMs except Nos. D.elas. which am at P 1946 1 ,011 prim.. Tate rotamenclng anytime within Um sash will boo dmed csordinely. • . . lf It is though t t destrablo by parents or gronlions pupils am • donsotteoPay eat tenomadming the thiMailief vacation, when all deo mumnoo onll be bald. ' H itt Enkni.jbokre maadus, HZ:Nr.=ll= J:11 4 d 161fi,Ut t ,r4= nos Ittstraan ISoth.floroace, Ala—!•Wasit Jaen , son Esq. II o—Cakb C Noreen Esq,'Noaltra Hon Labatt IC Ca, Talahamot, 3 Yeaa begun Chuhnitee--1 r Phi kf F. 44, N G—Tbeemaa C Nesbit Esq,litaVedit'One—le• Dr enodirma: New -. 7 1 VI - 21 A 0110 L ICI' 1 : • pus Maims= soder Jo eireetion erMA .M. V. I METCALF, Is mill open tot the onephoo of Pipits tha Conner of IlAadeoky mad Strimlb•rojr .Is. TM *mod Soudan Aid commies ea Meador, Nept Ith. . i.e.l dertnlos to to t Oral And n» their hams' dOOO as net the dooming or be Nowa u poesible Walk m 11.11.111 be ream,' oar woe daring lhe • . .7M lonia/ of.compricat Touters grill be waree far abuses th at day Irish ie rsmin laatra.aons Draw de, Paipaing ad Marc. . For panicialais earn* of laalificticea tern, Ale. await iamb.pr epplyi• ale Insreetort. alleabeny,3•ll 1847, if 'VALUABLE 120012S*Publiabed by J A •V' & P Junmei - Walast cunt, bobbin Fount sad Flflbratrianalls G Llibboo—Tbe butory of kb deities and MU of the Rom o Runpire. Sy Ebbed rilbern, Esq. A sew Fd Aloe, revised mod canceled out,preeeded by • preface, and beauvm:nt c % nob. critical ad liatoneal, rabbet prisediallo the propagation of Clutatianity. by H. Ir."G Moister or Pobbe lestruction ror tbe kintkno Pekoes. The prelims, ante and eernectioms, Mu tated Aron tlie Frost entomb to this otalos. With a ootice of lbs. Lde sad clancter of Gibbos, asi3 Watson's Reply to Gibbon, b 2 vols. imp. be. 1013 men . Named, Patient* War—Complete.. I Ter. tmp. 11r0.9U0 pees. Hallam's Middle Ar Chamber's Rebellion to Scotland, Robetron'e Vir e, ginia mid Nur poglastd, Remelt'. French and Emend. Wu in Amnon, sod Itamaay'•Antetioaa Revolution, I rel dics. Linn", ad American Hatory—Coataming Delve. ties. from en beet merlon on Amulets Hltdory; eletpao7, Travels, Contirento Sudstiee, Flerolsiumary Battles. ,&o en. is... A 1... Alec. dotes. Fong and blinostlmeons arb4n., Waatra tad with mare Mao SOD' eogruga le. rol, imp ero 640 . 9apee. Viettlell rimed library—Castainnag valuable ;per! on 1 . übjeets, coniz e iries Natural el:Monni ahl rty. nut Art•,Airstrutot' Rest als, Ttavels, thognptiy, Botany, •Ptisecdsueou marlin, db. Kr. I rot imp evo WO pp felreburp. •• The Fundy, Medical Labnry—A.Treatioe on the Prevention sad Cure of Douse., by regimen and Minple atfiebb- New *bun, reused mid solar gandtb the addition d • Vegetable !datum bled. MA, winding out the Ulu., ptepinittens and domes door totral rateable naire medical plum, and on ember of .Aaatunoy and VaysialuDr. • Illestrated with one teethed Eigurittge. an of which Ire I adored. By J G Norwood, d D-064 pages Coo % Mettle. Flower Girded Compuirer—Adapted tits Calm/ Stater; by Edward Sayem.Laoduato psi Oreamental Gardener. le mo, third edition, estbad. Waged sod dltturned. Masa , * Drava, Roby Moo stalasoLe. Family Trommact, 'octavo, with and mama Potreo'. t otes.aod Psalms to moue. • Rees and Putarcee Debar. Cent'. Warta. Lady air the Lake. ladLa Rdakln . bLore's Prints Dour Goo. Annelle llo•kai Lloup adilloas ofwa'p oe Mut le • Bit Mini Works-, BIIANDL'S IrCIAMEDI.4.-A DAtionrY or /ki. act,lamtbre bad 5r 5 .1 0 . 1,5 . 04, T, lad wirslair yabotips bbibry kn . • W armAamb fib .of b.l tbs tams ibipAng Kw, botiert by 51' T Cebu% R 2844114.4 N 4maennoi . 1 •4 1 1‘ eml mop Rah Amen% Cam. MK Comb Non 11.51., Anemia. NortiA ,.... Tiabs, Saw Mo ws, Inorifs, Oblilbnia, Cestro Away*, Torbbn, AAA Wit Andl Tama ri.o the V•AsA NablY helm.-TL twiny' of 5156 Parham Era/ the Wards% is 11,7,16 W molistan of I7Ea, esrnaift mud of *dr pertipirs: de &e, by Dazed my AC A, ebrlbbflyAbbb 0 0brar,511D,..105 um 'arenas as satli In two tawars The wor H lb. Bed/ 6 Wilke ale. Mld, y Geary Moony XI V,rodor of Ili mai baliev of thrbelabs be. it veidbb WorbAl. frothb bad /Toth. 65,105mb. tkis AAA, • rety pp. dr Anon& weak,' Peehear ihe See, laia Imams eaaratkas of dapneeks, he. . apahow—The Anvils I prates, marlin eleava4/1 nanoead ear/tine la idalesauees, wail • Wee *a el' roe.. th. rartae, by Fnarie T Renal, !Intrude./ la Aral:me at Pnattlaa. • The dam walks reralnal ash b ask ha JouxiiwN s.iroanwi elf . - imam/Sea, as ameba sad hd tl M/CDICAL BOOKS-, Dogyitunettlemos ItoSW • l.iOo•o leattmeso( Medici.; !Winer% Anatomy, Polities Slalionalleilost . littler% Elan vale of PhiMelegy; • Plikinores Preterit, • • • C.oopet re Wroe, Itaingothem'a•Practice of Pommes; hear on the Stomach; Goodie 00 1:0110/0110. Or allatea; Hooper.. 44.dteeJ Dirtkesarp;, , • Ciro.. on Fevers; United Smite Divprolearry—ative 'diem • The above with a /veers' Ammer-at Kamilla/land accllonoina Doak aet tee/thin' aid ter Mile 100. zuJorr cwt.:so pall • 6101111 km et Pommel 3rd . a d d _ - HAnrssa pOBLICATIOXIB-d wagers addllassekeeplai. • —amtdoch's Mingtios. . Leiden iusi Rates Ilrak anditegllsh LaiWen ; orap.Atiataral Plallopo p hy. • meek?. Geometry. i Dort reed and feteels hy • . apc6) bIeDONALD k BEESON, PO market et .szadrillintooll[ll-11mety of um tiro aw - elation, tad of the anus 204 esatpalso 11101110, Ireot the urns:glee er the Week' Poems In Leander titiattnir eoutry fres the.Tteltit Yete—be two vol. nates.,,kdl copy ten!, 0000 . 1001 10000 1104 enra• imLnr' ll—w lea a it. reign of qo, oTtfal 10 Y vols. emote ma loth. golf e( the Bel, eetiPtOrt. 'NM haateheal, thatl/af nausea, ant W okra-, elette • law In the Illy Land, French Ettore, and Sketehee Io Chloe. Jot reed and for Mr by .7 • •• pIaDOIIIALD&BEESON Ea market meet Mew hew •• - JOl/N If. IdELLOIL Cl Wood at, la 'no w reiairfag an excellent women% of Boma' mid Naar Vera Paw*, arrived today and am apea gala. Taro aplentbd Itorevreed runog, am octaves, ' reso Orreapiendid carved Rainvroad, aix may., . app Oanotleadad mahogany PatlO, Yx Ita a ludfaw . . .tavo: 330 Ono-/rand Polon rovii t iroda . it the hear) or 11f on Item. bulk. gild lally equal to ! the ono used 14 , mhi • I his Cannons . , 000 Ono 10ainfoxy woad bond Piano, undo by Su. don. Wee h. Lanham, New York. . 293 . A (ardor nopply will be ncelood awing 031.1 wont Pribir Uri the =seas% . OJ slih•bs Oa reached the following new 11. Plane., ',bleb wsli• be sold lower than ew be boseit in the east., oae elegant matiagask, a «aim tate by Nonos Oak tam Vat, at guy pmts . and sweetness of mole—eltientety low paced. 00 Omni rosewood Plug.; Toledo by Chlearriag, thaaa,so selected by blot as th e . beet Insisowent of *a clam la hi. faaay—prics vat mama. Saida a amber of akaa of all ;am end arse, tanaing the rAMI ex te.re seleettolk oyes client! OM, tleet.3rda stdWoodsreil's. • !.ales sad Nevi Timis Plano& ir l Jl/11N 11. bIELLUR. No it Wood et, Ps neccm4 and odus an ulo— ' g One apbendid Rosewood Puna Forte, • . 40 41.41141111fe, Iron hum and new . NOW .R=lntior 8. .. One et..it la. Forte, with{ octaves 4011011Ranka:110/18 lertlnektrion.. . .• .:Oset.~ lialleppy Pismo Faun—made by Oak . 4.C.o.ntwArsitt... , • no axon will DIMS ill aisaithemmes oleo. Alserirtsdibi iisil • Mewl band Piaso rove, mityleinwas. .- . • i . • . ~ wo HISTORY OP INICSICO—Jsies . pablialwd, by V P i.e.,a einenuall. Hisrcsav OP .l1EXIOD: bet Civil Plan and Oalesial and Renstationary Anna% tiont.tbe pertain( Om *WO QnaNiara - Onds_in the Nantes den, DWI heehaws an .ecou at ofthe %Vim tbellpited the 111 hems nal Maury Aelaventente. By Pidisp Tsang. M.D, ..INt tit rerotretplate Pipe, and arms Vbespariapiet Plane of Ottawas, 4e. One Fa me w l4 ave, of Ave tun red and sixtplarr belles.'' ' " • get&dothal• ym wide was del ear Ma d : a OIIP . rittrau. y 44 r "e6* " X=l, ISodkaell J . MOWN en • • doe outflank at oti • T ug exam= 07 NATIME. her Diem. U. • 11WZZI WI. re *Weer by sad Iktagelk Ll, 4lBoo , ll ll.t.MigidOW... •' 0 • • • • ;;.f . ; •• •.4 4 •.f . • • :,•• .2•. - -'1847. • . • • -lAN IrFACTORIEB • g.s'NE • • SHUN . AILL,. - STRAL, ir IRON WORKS reULF AN. 11AlIALAN,Stea, balm; i their New wants, Sr. tam prepared to mantra. tv e every deeerlpthas of..Cmtel,and }lone springs hos Wm. AS.VANLElLineriofneg and vieugh and all Men of entail 'inure •and mood hoe, which tboy offer for see so liberal team at tbeir Waviest. No. 4.lWemd mem;*tem they alto keen ••• 4 • pr sad jtaluNotne warmest of • Coult me:lriage tarierate; malleable cantlogs,,Nalla O. Kt *Oars made arringernerne with limas INT Croasy•stanafieutrem Strontla: Fnade• Ite., and mill keep .ornsotloutr ma band every omelet Nodule by theta. Amdets are teepee-du:4 at aura& clur tnceßEAto,''' / kt t ' ° " kLib"ll*. • RIACIIING WORKS AND FOUNDRY. JOor. mrsioam . & liZirrepared Maid popon and Woollunlasitt ft oq or 4..i=eo,suon, .11C0= es Y am do Bpluunitn I=y , Heade, Wawa, ners,Spootny, Drew.' Lamm 00 tirindoye,. Az., Wrought liar sU Mies of cutiron, hobo IlaoaeAnftie late s t peanuts, ands and band Umbra, and tools of allktods. . Damien of every devenptiatifarnlened on short to. litee. P•lltros. made IS enter* Nall Gtallig, Noe ruling. Am Alms npe for Maar FILCI/Nid. Cll3l Iron Wkidow famofCaunaP 11••••• D Orient W elk am do Wurlesas 07. Pabacr a t co, we eny simot i will M . " lingsptsailftr. • • .... •• • • Ittiti tat • • • Illiglisbek,ll6 l : 6 CI I K Xisttuad a 4i. fitp, ,w......kblsvirk& vitemtj.iiir •ea .1 II mien /Mabee. i . • • • • -4113011111-OAETWRIGIVr. ; • Ti Mai= art Idamemenrer of Cadet'', • IWO Dental %Maven% Baddlmrs and 1 0 Wes, Tielen , rung Lc. &e. Moo au. .1.74,7="47:12-1 4 parVEL Track telth a 141,03 alarm,* won, Files,Bors, Tomls,& Vek IMIONI&Vn'd , w ,OCID STREET, Pitubarel, meemtni doer be! tow Diamond Allen , 'Adder lately &seemed l I mro 10.100.M&Mt Man dt.lnxkK. Halves, Salves i Forks, Woo litod, lets and IMlcomembohlu , PINE OCITLIIILY. . ' 4mim4Watle BlSSebeift RAMS, &WO.. am= Simpl, &a- Dimiscas and Wire Twist GUAM, .81PLIE24, AND Ponot/3, A 1 • CoteA smd BIT Rev:avers Powder Flaaks Rot Dello Utblba 1304 e, & d,... o...mrs Pco mama Cams thp and Ilmmtim !aim. • To:J.l.w • as Call:Arm Divider., rpm. MR..., Rood Vk r : Neste% ,Rmtes, Bwmm, Btu, • smote Nw., .Lad Diem, Wire mod Imam Ommges, Matto omatke vats, &a, im very gwa "musty: repaltimi wady •and paaation, Cce_pAnlV2ll:llP NOTION. ti • W. taT,,PIIRIS e11".. 50 .1e E. P. ntiociinco• r,„Rißer of J.dlay and . I. A. Akockton of P. iteborgh, lend ►en.rnki 1.°46. .4 I n . siOurneiser Iht Übe .cede pennies of oraufnerting iron and out. of ....• Z. W. Ircrecre. E. P Nnosainu'l• I. A- 6 " 4,61 '. • ItIPHAS, 810ENBUGOR k ANCHOR IRON NV01tf...% /lannliectore Ell . kiedd baler, eke., baTi....id saa, • mei ell e. str ia[ and lulu. Be At coo. Woad wine iiiinocriberget`s Old 'vols. Works, Cr cui ogre ass:tidier' /nue= Iron Omuta Banicgd.WVln oull to 081 Mad M ikocculiary. Allot which will no codas*. Mubarak Vic.. Warebonse 'fibs Works comma M6OlOO and Water. Sttetts. own 'irm.UPPeacest. ' . John D. ihiek. 6E. Mingsa: • LI PP E N COTT CO., , INANUVACRUBERS of HAMMERED MA cur 1.11. SI 'EEL. W cede and epatles, Axes and itatekete, Mdi H Cat Mesta .0 'Gen :mem Hay "mid Nazar. Fork. Hose. Metmeks, Puke, le. In.. Hawaii; eempleunt Mt their arrangements In the can. Ammon of nes machinery. and ta recede do biro nrortmant hem tbs mat ealtdoranal aslant' of the Cast, af. sake amfettnnao and erill keep co. masts en Mad and fo . .l. all Me Moen articles, kas ha/.railed theesalvez of the latent imptcrreimeam,and are determined that in .011eaeciktp and muscat they Rill ma be duelled. Tkey mammal° pleduce •rueles, mutat, if sotsaperirm to eat 10.1 tut WOW in the East. Tee.. toy aueoben of &alert te an examination of Melt 1041 bolero hatchways Momehert... the; am eamenteed that they sal be able to ill all onionlndica Int lotto enure estisfeemen of pardoners; Warehouse, Water ot. 4 doors Wan Osmosis!. Home, EAmbafgh, Pa N.D. PereMes Damao bream. enlb Wm. Lippman I Sas, Inn Hamm ealt ea Lippessett tr. Co. embily • ALLAXIIHENY VOUTI A BROWN N BLIND FACrOftl. JOHN A. _ TAKES this coequal to inform his Mead and the patine at largo that his Vacate/ &a Call operabon. ea dm East aid or thn lhasthii.Allralscayookera • .4 —= • ..tot napply of Mimi.. or vuisos colon' utd qvalitirs.are manually trains b. d, ---: also at Na 3 Wood in, risnitiorglt, at I.* • • H. .Phillipeoit nand smell:oat. • • shutters wade to order in ibis ARV, wile... Rinds n•orn red at tir, stones% maim.' • .•N. IL HA Minds vrill be pat op, ,ninthoot any athti banal 'smote in that. they can be removed in a Ro man abaft of ids or ler 'rutting, and without this aid of so, 4, .4 •. • eeldlytwitsolT A. /11144'0111.8.41int Dam Found. hase Mbaih lad commenced tonaincee k4 l . lllT l l=l:ll 4 =nr"7 4° " anerich,Zandaset. nod Wile of every .1 at boa SO to MOOD rimed% man from • • - P• nmnod s e b e ef the P be Tt ionn,ee Mice}k We n er ramie, thosamae; Aelslac, Ae. winnir_scith every moiety of Brain Cleemme, &eons` ed. carard and finished In the aciatemenumer. - 02 - A,P. ie the mile cwds. cif /41812.4 Ann: MM.., NMI. 101;04 ro celebestal Menlo teetee- Danoffrintion in machinery. The Bonen end Gasp. 1 1 . ? Ir.! !MY ..41 We W. WALLACE, PITTSIIViaII smut MARBLE WORES, 24 oat SS /Aerie rood, mar A. Canal. A LWAYS co band and made teorder, a Wire vane A ly of Marble Slarucle, rw t ,Cenu•!La Damao Torm.Terobffesnes, hlimossenio, to.; all 'duel, being made of the choicest marble. and srauencieted 9 , ! , , , C1P.117 by machinery,••lll gold low for cash. ' N. Id rersowermbleg to parchase Museis, aro informed am it le britiforlb naneecrsaly fin them m go East, as 1 can fent:rb them with an eructs io all re specrasa good, end liresght.thenrence, Ate, consider ed.) as cheap so they can yerchams them for Is the Eno Cell and see. 'Jena COPPlink SUL= .11801111. 4WD : _ WARS MLNUIVACTURV. • No • Mullet tow. Pia•botth,Tehoi: WiTu47l7s=4" reepeellooty lorite persona building thearotwats mull) sad whine before pare basun, uwe eta upply them Dea row., and every other tied of Copper, Tizi had Sheet Imo work oceeseary to famish "Pe. oteftO to older on Se shosul asotlet Sal Tabu ud Ch umber; Cope, watt fee Steam athines mad gym variety et work to ou line. fob, SHERIFF i SHIRR X. V LILLY a Ca. 4. Neinfactoms of Lela Boffin and W. Wuxi • • Na. bangOOD SITHEZET. rent now bn fall °penal:more are •-• prtparedio elevate orders la out line, pm:spay. Arm; therialbt rammer we bawl adopted a newel. of Asuncion Window Olsoo,Dle mart sprayed plan now sled un **lrani by which we turn out a Imperial all ele. Wow Sane ...don tau plan 0 perfectly loyal and Ini. with a very toe lustre Fainter, and eital.tri gen. eroDY. mw requested go call and examine for them. @elver. BENNETT a BROTHER,. • • QFEENSWARS MANUFACIVItERik • 81 1.alleliatuth. bear Pittsbarßig,lPir • itocbuse, Iw. In, Woos( stmt. railbsrik. .111? WILL etatellittiy keep on heeds good anon • meet of Were, of ear owe cannoneer*, and senator qtehry. Wholesale and coentry bier. chews an ropectfolly invited to call sod ez amine for theanelves ere• an determinedle sell amines than hoe ever before beat *tend m the pub. Ile. . • Mr Clans MU by enall,theespeoled by the nab or any neferenee..ll be promptly auende4 to. fall . nit Water! keg Hinge ihigatectory,.: 0111013XATI,O. . GaRDNFA k Co., Mould mak= the m 4161111 te • they ace ey an onw oraeaticutting the beet Brat Ulm the Utthed irate& •Ae thin ear : T = we Wool se egad eat as comeleie pliaNs iera* ' posttely awls .itht .T.bm to tlicompile natiamt the. , men ustleoge thlakm apt It 4r ; Dots.atawapomptly augolal a. • GARDNER &Ukases( eta* sob Ins 4onir samiaimp Oa., ti0a.121.4 94 Pnect Ilik Dam Form:laud thaFt.v . ram; Bata of all dm out . Plata tie Imo &caromed pat • tem sad warranted coast to aap. • Also, Drama Cdtaunds, latched it ! otdeted, Oat .IE9 Ulm pot op promptly 'Mica teuottable tetuk. • oottally 1: • .7' i. l)VßC 2lle xEL ' l w rg it tN . ,Pftlallp Joss& • • • . $Olll/1 WWII& • 4 quitook ANUFACIV KERS er t'Ptiot Minor gal Planet !feel, feel 1.)ovil WlVolieb • tie Bprtnirs. Hammered Iron Axle% and dealers to 4 1eable Castle" Ye. I 1131111 W 'retell, come 47 7 , • LIPPINCOTT 111011 WORKS. ' TflON sad Nails, &arm* &a. Car Me at auf hear 1 • Wg mront .amma. risa IA WS/. 410114 DOW Wag. ma. nli to F. . 'ittaa, an arsortatent at (la abl'atittadi Kelps/iri s tow, Welty stmeL. IlaYLort made grearacla.tions ra ' 1631 orders can by 61Iyd promptly. I . aa.mlift.Arr. MOUT g al; 0111.111E16 TACK FACTIMI: • • . • CAMPBELL & CMESS,7 ; FINISHING NAILS, HOWL HEAD:BEADS, leen and Copper .Tooks,, • IRON MID COPPER BNOE NADA, Alm Pattern Makers' Paints, of every drescripiion. UlSee No. r SL Mules Hood, 'Mani wad, kb4 .• P. Mocvairt. FLINT GLAIR ILITABLIBEIMAINT.. liiIIINANY LEDLIE ntanundiate and keep.. MU dandy an hadil 9d, W.W.I ~I Plain Flint Olann.am, In all Id vastatian, u nuit Wareham e. .T. 0111.4.1.4 Water Masa, Pluabornb.: • Ow Works cantinas in fad apension. and wa an , eonctswly adding to out Moot, m0'14.01.1 es at 11l Oda. Vdtb PannaPidcda, Parchniisra ant recaistfalty myna ealleidd b e sad sided. prin. anti tdcsa. , .T/101/. MINDY . WAolatie Voxidy &ore and Looking 04sis • • • • Maairodurei, • Comm of Wood 1041 Voardi FlosbarigL . • UM§ laq ieteival flat tio• Fat. 1.1.1 p %no good or.; isartment a Variety (hoods, *led ialtaiKkh dams, run, Noodles. Only ror , - Hooks 'tad am , Dwarf ami Comb. of <very pooesn'and 000ln7•••• Remora Umtata,. sad Wee. u• req•alse bran ..d aulalse to*. peirstasuas elsenrdete, pour Rut, kisdi 043111,111aborany sad taisoaLe•kbagritufr 111101.007ia4 &Ma PT ?Pm •40 1 4 . .1 /2! . . 1e.... f, :;.4 , <; 4 4. 4;1 4tW .614,1 ave. • MEDICAL • BALLS° BLOOD Lod Cassamog4477lo In Me Side and Mold Elontals, Vet e o....4Clootizphdtrumr.. Aurgb.roaedli..iienl:u.s,=ard al7d7hewesea.:":"'et, • Bloold and Coarmiptioss. a if t Sankt. Is HosolOya, no attached JIM with raisin bleed.follomed by • ettegt,,pam in tha ' aide, and all the Mem or conmeinio employed moat the •hem uelens; they did lam no tood, sad told km he CO NOT LIVE. 11 7 ' ,iileam *r d' t . Le a " , at 107` r eteVat olgat tr t i o Me; 11a Fulieuh.% t r t irt • Male; d operated lthe if dom, mopped Oto Lea utd cough! Before he It take., ooe hmde he it We to Oa Meat his IrC4ll ILI SA VEDHId LIM I.lm daigtar,masall ‘ ,177 11 as case.mus must it. = And ilaisom of Alf Miamsbamit, living la Teeth near amaa.lhoortlem. salt—That she Wham trottbled with • haekiar coyl. and painful/be .ebort; hot • 1p dasst; mtdtb Dm Maas so Wallas alp mu obb O ep bar Minot for more Man • ymer.`• n elheasememl Meng AMlSsmang Batumi Irinebsoon alloituoLher • a bbe Vo. fora recovering, and am Isar laboring!, ocaspation as masker, ti YEA Joao v i Nal, Ins avenues d DOsafersa lit! • meirt, oiaVot_p_blemot pale to lls auk meld get NO 1a..1.1.8P ill he wed the all Heade, ' Ihtlaam, millet, drove the 'WA from his she, allayed Mo e 0 oll•i•ed ateosat tats lseare upon the smelted; atuf 1301aM ke. had Wt. tares , d tanks. .•.• olay erred. • ' an& Corrounrption. • Mr& Bad. • 1.4 w..d. of 10, rostding 93 EDO IC but for years been gabled to attacked Pleonoy, Platelog of Mood, mver• coast., Bbonnoss of Bruns. Pahl in bar !lead and am mo.. puma( bot body: Her friends believed as PAST itti=VEitli. The Usably Salaam relayed her at Gam of all bet alarns• Ins sympvm. and sle la tow Co able to attend Sober moth. Miami anal Whaving ugh. ,•Bra. Loesenia Christen; I. 0 Beals;10 Delaneeyrt, Rao II 75 Walmatal, know the the yaks, of t ail yea /ma for .•&eiman`a UFHeW o f Balm" and on that Vs •rtitten minatana i 1 Mt sack bout.. • Pries= tams sad Itt per Matta • ; ••••Woensaahs Woras and Cam& lamps mad as 'mom tet= ihed ,3l44 0f.113.Ab0ve..0 - ydi ., theme• • • pb,„,,,un, fel. • a k s. utt wounLl =t, nosebag tettn.lir. 14=1 , Ike adelp‘t m ," 4 etantsusssisa. td,10 4 4 7 . 11111.:1. ism prainuc. as .1111 i. 13 Ff. t ' - Elyr= of Tar sold Wood Iv......L C°° 'Prua in wins gal tuauly, f trt Prec:Pamiess"." ,p(rL.r tad Birk,":7247......w.P"."4llli7vi..esuse"ffuta7ff, • du Teams, Dream. pro , ' ,“ 4ll M,HOSeast .. eltha. 4 - 112 . 10C111.U°14 curdle.= • • . =if ih l347 * Meaty awed or his Camas . •ygpe.:*•=b um • - Pathal. ...br ry, 'Pe= &sense of paths* tad limbs= MOM. to a teal, I would state that the basalt I ka 1/16 use orTboonnoses Coolusand Pof s auo Wood Naphtha. - Per sererul years Levi todurldt a datreasisg racking come, d welch Irouut onnussiort asd ddloalty of IsreatbALA well a an. =dm ef tightness .as the =est Deam l al ;many =eased, a Ina= =so had been such bowfin= by lb. modem= rocosumned= me to cry 141 did ft, , sad IS a very short thou arogag sysrota d; orpeetoratlem b ecame ft.., oppre=o= my cough ceased. and Io a ham days I was W. m a p em and ado= leap =Vaasa a!I ann. t i zteer talon:moo will be ehserfulli ol greca the =Meg at my make= No.l 8. Float m. Tb's • Cel. llehtklUktlr. wale =diet= Is prepared way by ANO NYM k DICILSON,at NE mew of PIN a= ftrue ets.Pluisdalphau Pohl la Putaburglt by 1. 1911.0WX * , Ir. Price a 0 teats or II per bottle. CAUTION—Bovrar• of 4110 CMS, ceturiertetta that arc um ads= The =scrupulous =a ever ready so deerdselho istme .. I • • • 41MTUUDDLIIIIN: anima i **y—cle Dltweing! di Miracle!! '4l Wonder: 1 ewe Emotes. mod Dlntliteresesets ef Ile Rein, DraPimb Plen. Free lice, Niobium, Balt Rkeeet, Sewn, Rem , ke. • Feet yam age last itognet, the capital.f Pone. was satenisked i.tonere.ow of a diaeovmeTmade bj ea lathes Chmtend, Many doebted—lt seised lb/mac ea Wpomlittlity, that anything made by the heeds el man. could have melt angular pewees as that entailed by Anioala Yeterlel for kw imams. -Rimy clamed ban and hie levant. es a bombe', fendatlest many toolisk ornate without tryina do the mem eam,l at Maya. eJler senior it in Me boreittile, the Medical .36- eiety et Pee DM beet ebsenets la the mettelde/Mered the following reptile Visor Ragtime , We kiere woe shapely end centrally ea . ..iced the sampler menniem of YeepraM We hare estalysed tut 1 parts—we hs. owed II In astral ea.... er " n=i. ' t re peannolste it Me hen_ B a ia I na free Westing, mad a 2 - "Li .0100.0., u "7 . .ent or diefigure sty me of tee a. IM note -r we madder Ws true phdn ' alktopist meshed. , • (Sqwd) "..OLD DUPREY President' , , READ fI.IM From the:went. htatself to the poem Prepnetor. - rams, Non.l, Ina cenokkriain of 111. rein Of o.=, 1 bsee timel ine to Mr, 7, Jones, mediae ..tui <try of Nem York. N., the mimic aroma of natnelactaring, Member with sontent.t.pf the ingredients compering my Rat tan Chemical Reap. Ileae to mannfactnno it tor sale itt the United etatte oaly, ed to have ete pm - e.t.a( nacl nom it oSomes , Italise Chew./ flosp." Walvis: Ilea-]. lloldewon.h. 051 deed) ' AufornA. VESPIIM 02.t0/d by• W JACO:SON. at Ids Pawn klerlieine ra j , Ws:rebore Ell Liberty ,street, Mad of IR oat, al tke r I ras m r. Pitiabuirb mbem is GRNULNE caz be JAI' °Were e ale Geminate'. i A leaCtllq.,perfonsed by WI Ili rubs Leer 1 . 41, prepared end ridß Mourn' TACIOZT, Weiburrelead /sly LIM, Dir Mr. R. E. fellerscl—a mono of daty lemma allele, Weep on Maddeny hosobie testineny in hear ittf e yeerjeek seklirsied Lim Pals lone deterred deity ke ram, *Aerie; to Die yCeeekeette ebe esm yea ate myln, ri Wad n Mem albs preparatime amnial. endyia .e r ks, head so the elk., lan wok Into Wiwi:memo }Lk ben bat to W. peak:ft& Weed, reef*. bey will ebonite Meat .10 as Mg 1 . 11111 whet ye. mammal them to be I hare ben sailed .4 Lien Complaint Rem my . yomk; hem earned mod; Imt employed sea... hi... V.7*mm, to totem Feld • 1 101.101.131 . 11.11 •Ildi • bent enaited pbyeelood skeet WI dank minted Sark teemond kostly rte. .pm weimbha • In I a 11.7 1 ea Wee/ 4;14 yaw LHer Psll,ead SOON per WELL. Om boa of witkla ernnetident Isepmeatess of palate lb... Sacra e/3 the mbecl emperor ke et Mast 12 media, now Pills an also Me beet eat/4mM I ...roach Mad Welber se ellen mach visimese et the OM. .oh, - bet yne mama Me_ .f.. - I hero lume ,has in system be • eel rm.; sad lumkeds of ken, eed ben need mud. eistre osemlaks amend by say orte who bmi seed Maw yheybitesseporeeded Wooed seer, etker prll in the rogluon..4, ad In • Wert llaw will bonen them 011. I earneely recommend Wan to ell ppnts. mediae phyok, wheMer ke Li,a Omeykon et !Wixom Ain-then I toe sdrlertbes fetteparlor VoCalemal or Me Ra.pio. Remnet. Ro ' CiAM I,me N—le Wee am *LW Fab Ink. the puke' colts, LimPills, peremonhe met 13ERULNE timid nob kr and claw moiler that Mom prepared arid sale Ic.ll, E SELLERS, Its 57 Wooded. karma Third' mil Fowl!' 4 =by . Dr.Cessihllli ORADRf.IbY4 f .DLL JAYNE% ALTERATIVE. • —7 Walla** been Inhumed by In BM of a eve pat. formed enter by Dr. Jayne's ILltarsalwe e whieh purees he etmettority ever emery ether remedy of the tied Pete has been antlered fordo WI slime° years with NECROSES or WRITE SWELLINUS, auedied with alemottem and earl:denim of vanom bonte.de• rion which dote many pitch, have bee. discharged ham the 'rental Moe at the armlet...Um both bet arms, artiste and Mode, sad nom balk km, fled hem Mi.!. ft femoral bone, and hem the nnht Yoe*, betides paiaral ulcers on other yen. of her person, whkh have haled the skill st a ember of the most maimed phytdelses of oar. Mt. —damn most of Om her mecums have been gumming and deprombla. Abeet Mt, meatite since mho wee induced lo uy Dr. Jayne'. Alterative, which bee bedsit astonlekamly happy afoot upon her , h reseming pain am methane, and emotes the ekem to heal, while at the awe thee her general health las become completely motored, eo that she now weighs W awe than the did boron commeneed the me or this alp yablehleprepattea.—(Set Eva Pat. Fm far Inionnetion,umaire We. Rose, No. US *abaft g4tPtal.•4 Feallehlla muomv alike PEEN TEA STORE, Feerth at near Wood. , •-- . , Ifee.whoes teeth isiou . • yellow— Too, whose ekir, is dark end sallow— . Y., whew lutlr to berth MA itaillY,dinT red or fiery— lit=lr.ll.e oferisil bend, ar Yoe coed hare—Vas. • . • Teeth uwhimuaopw er pearl, Breath a spry meet, and cuticle Pun sud whit* and smooth and bete:fat, , • . And hut reflot., dark uelos , . ; Illy reading Irbil ie said below. 1 BEA D1F71.5, soy of yin eu lave the above byWind thle Id no th ing bet troth.) using • 34 bole ef/.e. Co ral Bair Besoonnise—e L boa of Joon. Anther Tooth Pane—end le sehe of thee genet. ,Joeeel Behan peeeloal Soap. The &metre MI bid look, sed rim are earered OW the following are their real qaalthein The with puie ghee the breath a sweet odor, orldui tech, end pre.rece the teeth, I. The trek stalf hewer les the sioelespalite thin ever made for &IC r headhfrthlt, aml mains the meth el hem and the Nap, test theitanalne.toore's Beep, mind) grilles. all 'erne.% treekles, to, anel mete de* yellow :h i l i p j e A le c dr x end o ale iw il , l , lt . l o herre itdoc4ro sold i sae st= Medic. Witeboose Fe Lawny st. • IW • • • De Mace, hl • /bottrt • ' Dr. Adm. , ffeMeercom Nair Tea. THERE are few dlawartm mere cosmos or troy- Mamma dm* the Prim aad yet. cotordttrued .areld affortahave bees made to core by the sae of mile, elm:Maria, bailments, dm., all were 'futile' sod of little betscht. Raw the Embrocatlom le the may medcis6 olcd. A penal* wheu bees aufferi tug with the Need the word Macabre from Sa lm. New Jersey, 'doom embargo. to swam his trebled* fade meedy core that this madame had effected is Me arm—Ykda. Sat. Pad. _Varier ale la Pattahorgh at the NEWER TEA STORE, 7/Fourth at„ and also at the Dreg Store H P.Sellwarte, Federal M. Mechem' CAC . ; fableT • : • Iniaii rams, st o... te .t wry mit tli• brim . les • kir has Imo missal is ISLA Ift OMNI. a* r.¢ .e miss miss es disk hair. Omsk. bids: 111811123 . e lassislisbly fort~ar • • • la nlr Y , • rl6r Aikia . Tin 110011111111 HAUL Dlra—Por Krill tOTedy dyntair Light, Ited u Onty Bair a Da rt .0 xMut color, wAhdon tping or laiiiitea• 11•34 milt fall ditectleis rm. noun". WM 41:7414 by RICJISZSON, as Ids llsaisbo 40 Lain lalai US 04 W 4.4, at the blgla ai , • • fa . • • • ": • •••,• L. XV:----NO. •74 IV • SURA. CB! :"--- -,---, • 308.11 PINNLY ) J 11..„ 'ii .i .\ foal fr rrtrsaowaa roe is '. ~ DELAWARE MUT U AL " __,_..... , i'.:'T^:. twisty i.sanuse•Comaruay et matteigeiduar- :. .." .t FIRE RISKS epos b. hap arta intrecildieil Ittli.:i. --:-. of every doecription, mod MAR INE:Ban i : upon hialleortargocs ofichals; lekete; sigmh•ther . ..1;, ovoathivorable tenets. ' ` 't••••••• re •:: • . .4(.7 . . .. . ET Office in the Werth:died Ataikgroi, ...,. & tire., N0.•37 Wales, sear Mortal earect,illhe.7" . .... tearga. . ' • —• • '..c4• 1 1 1 ',:.! - I=t i o' ... U u r ' ige " : o y f il? " liftir_,._ ll ittire 11.."14. :. 4 . .„ eadolwelou lima which every won epee thua -'l . . 1 -lose _Las been adtavad. hilly warn. thy wander, 1 %. thedm confidence .d purcetege o( hie (nada anti • the eassisenny at Ism to the 'Delaware liCal,olgeliA code Coconany, while ii has the seethe.' iffintelegidh'• ").. , as en institutrod among tae meat ionrialmegasG•ri!- - V Ptrilwria•= 4 * leanai as ample paid in capii=; :.li . - by the operstiesofitschuterucoutentlyia , • ''ii". as yielding to each person lusted his des ahem ".' ' the prated-the coinpaoy withal% ilk:retries hist ~.,,,, to any .reaporaibility whatever; sod therefore( I& •" -, 4 . pootesltig the Mahal priociple diverted of fray - ~.., obnoxious feature, as I in its met attractive corm.' i:;., -.-... note • • :ii iZ., TIME AND MARINE INSURANCE. • • • "• • :,:.1 fillHE Isatirence .tioinpany of /lord • AMIROae • t:,l 1 through its duly authorised Agent; tho =beat , ,:',...• Mr, ode» to. Make permanent eed limited lernpi,..p- t: ante on property, in this city sod Its vicieitti OK (4; oa shipments by the Canal and Rims, ... :. i.-c•tii. , ' ' John C. Smith firma, Samuel Breit;ti, '' ' - . 1 " - I.. AI.. Henry, • i • ' ,Chartot Taylor,' :L 7 Saud. • Saud. W. Jones, . Sarni. F. heath,. . ...-....rr • Edward South, Ambiance White,. ''••...,.. Jobe A. Brows, J Jetob Al. Theimaa,:i' .1,.. , ••,, • Jobs Whits, . Jobe R. Nell, •1- ).;:ij. Thos. P. Cope, • . Richard r o o d __ Wm. Wehh, i Arthur G.•Ceße,ffrfk in the id This e °ldeal Insurance Compentha ty thltwifftetes, having been chartered in Me 110C - ia, abider is perpetual, and Item Its high thinellfer .;,, - ...i . long eaptweis ale teas, • ws, sad amities en ••I„. •• riskier se a irs hazard.. chartist., liiimisl,.. lo : .... -'4- coneidered as offering ample temerity to the patelc.,.'t -, ; ) ,..• i • • MOSES 'ATWOOD, . -;.-...t.,: At Cwt ilk Room of Atwood, Jona & ~,,,,r . • Water sed Rosa street., Pittahugh. • 4034 r ....: :;:,, , r * As ' g.. ... L...b7 1 ? I LI:0 g ru M F N ajl lTy L ai. — mii • . "': iiii. :Vrii . ....- Company dr ffiailwilffilffffs • • - `• l l.."itc;li.t. m4yILL make lacuna., permanent andlimhy. ~-. • IF, on every . estioa ofproperty, in PlTTlitei ....i . BURGH and th sußßouripiru 1,00247R,1 en favorable term. .This company heed r+' •. • ~i charter. i •-•.-ii e ..u.): .I 1. CATITALT /41"..1664**.t'. CONTINGENT FUND • IGDAVG. lig-.. ...:-.Xx.., Office corner of '!'bird sad Market riai,,,lllghWy, ' lip 12—G • WARRICK. PlARTlNAgeht•iii. -i, INSURANCE. -31 A4 "` l4" 44 n rquiM"'"llie— c " * "" . • "I - cmass Pieercreu. Camas 6300,000 rao a 0 Offitt its PeiieadelpAia, No. 71 Admit WE!, DAVIDSON, THIS old L "pia PUDZIW hl Z uArf,Seet a.4 .-• a .01V w l 7 ta= n, eerry eepteef eu:t i eta ' 1. 0 .0 WWI, 4 damage by ^ee A geele " = " ....ily., t ent:Lbe ta rveu pe v na " ed, , !ag7 b" reeks .vona, ulkyze i h . OEO COCHRAN No lee IA rea 0.:' y ;11 .‘ . ...lIND 111.L . L . WATICK ,-,, • .. ; 1 .- ;. - .. Lumetaguvr—rioarmad.b.. --,.....„. •:....;:, occrootOts NV tostaft,o. ' - ' • k ., Warrowtos, hw., th. EZMIALI &Sneered, - , hooco,l Kroh.. • 5''.......: :INNS delirktfal orablOh,..st lo ratrotsd Leta half •I& .7o ~.Z. • 1...141•47 :iz „i t.. N 04 ,-- ,4,1:,,r_,-.•--„,- . rre6eTh. vowel. tante:aft do xecolat -,..17-2 •bal dory row, eleWh we cattle* apron...pp -' *A the wooed d ory of Na Poirot. ..Wow beo.s Irrady"ag 4171:f=Zek4..4 ono!) w, mks. • • The arciom naderososlirosboilderg..eitha 1,t411:4,:r",,F1f...: Isoot animated ape, the moon. loom su die 1 . 1 0,6•1 owl .-. .5: 4 :;- . loot or of the mast orechoosag hindere r . i i , 0,,, ....1 7 0.. loopesheodrht fnot,i. do Wltage of Nonh oo re.„•rill4 • .. : 11i sweemin mat Madre... deelliaos.. ards ! the deal ri' ..c..• - - ,of loth od overhoolor eho. 'trotter tio to the .. s ir .., r I thr riel mendrorsaf Neiwooptea wo .,, ,deemera, ,•..':' 7 ' 4 ' 'Wier Innen. ere poor or the ••••4„....„.. ',,: ,:, „) „ i &thaw rad A Wawa. Mx,/ oray.'imr booth ad f.'in. - • is roe Ile smooth mad ewer? earGoe • Ikbe '‘ ..... • roe. Ile the rewa, Os thrtseeallow. ' ii*.1 . .,,; draw pnerwt o the ri ll *. of Flobeld • ;s .. .d Val ,e , I.7be ro, we., ae, Me eth is the I•ori s hp4 s m.. pr c..:" ' '.. .W. .to of Aohent with io c0a,,,,,, wom 7, - , LI . • , .7 . , gready want.w 2 " 76:l 4.4 'I. 0 10 of ' l e l ! ON tr.:QM7O,a ‘" ...'-,-, that * an.e. dur.o,o, ia Vaud 11040.1*, M. 40 druo of , ~' Nrwe-kirOw grow. tad • tilde hrymul. is .eta tko Diet ../ -: ' el* of Soth Hadley. co th 4 soolirwebetedl .1 them 4 ~, ... ' WPwelittuw,, ,Me tearortie Moot Too, owl the etewaisw ..','., :.„, ',Up et Yokllhaptoe, with lb elegaet wheal utiliser,— - ,;* - ' tie whol., pm:wan • combirodo• of sum. wooer tsw Jrwr. d ' P lenWp " e 4W " ' b7 ori t h- i 1 .*:.4 • I, 7H , ;:: mr. m 'elis all. ~r o ue b = t actrrps, Ot e to ~ ' The woremed at &read Rill to. rep ob T 114 lei - ' • Owe, sal ow amply... Skim! k ,r. w *ln:doer or • • • --, It ie porridol wilitsa•hsoderoe of do Pout siftnr : - ;?•,` wand may other eopterte Go th• &head reelect _ ~;,. Um .f lithpepthr sot worthrfehr ........49 .. t N Dr. Dadra, whotwides 6do ertaNiticht,b a gestle.- - , •• , . ' az, cf • oped duped espericeee, ow w.I owed 6 eekbnwd Ederp o ,how., _' ..- do wheat= .nerd reire..prositela, me.. :',, . , !,.'l. • • eleces.ful Pnethew ia th e s u* ke scomilwer••-- ,:' ...:-• . ' Pathaeosy demile. sop. eaterwohilme is haiklUsoh? , ' '...i . „ - : .....- rtiontioa. lire python'. is made to athelsac• A•e - mi thou.. ~,e. p'. 46 owed well hoteactedOenom mina •I',. - :13 .. 1. ',.. ......ork=, iockohog osed.o adds 410. Ph- ~ r , .-.....,...., Wok. will br. with envy artith Po potiop,44 int -;;.,.;• , 4 thoo. of the &did., • • , , : '....'....- I.t ku.. Agest 3.h 547. , . a, ..-a• ~ .4,44 , 1 ,, Wbelesal• Drug Warehouse. . i'l ~..,,i;74.Y. . IN TUN CITY OY. NNW VONA. yr,-",:aj,,,-,,..;:,-.. 100 A. FAHNESTCHI( &Cw No. 49, Joh¢-10 , , P,..1''....t . ,T 41 ,ILJi New York; offer for gale • large mot genets:, 2", - .." , t".l emortmead of Drop sad bledieinea, Dye btalp ..,-; ',.._i.„,!.: r.sba. ad, Oils of ever) Otscnpuoa, *hie% lII O j .) ' .....,q . a.repitepared Ltd determined to sell low: • I .."'.., -6.%!, , :a . ,, unary hierthants had Dm:gists an reqoas ' ..• • •••••,•A to od.laadenome Mew artreJea. Orders emu ....., with faablafteu and thomateti. B. A. lane* 11 .- : , .1: Ventglago constantly Shoed. .' ' ' .• ! , ' : - -.e 4, B. A. lakototoek, . -• B. L. E.l busted!, Pilobatib. -.•, - -: . 1 %. •'• ' . ••• G. W. Ahaertoek, PAPER us e. A. B. Had, ha. Y a k, ••. ; .• .1,-- . ifer 1 . No. 9,BoBLt . ata stir, xi sar Totillr.:l-. ;.':•?••eft. I. &valid W. FO.LD offers for astle et the /00n011t , ,,p,: ._ I. 0 lfasthetarem , pneet, • How exterone imofl ,- ... , - ~ , • owlet( PAPER, ce•Wwthog area Ww•thl• oortegt . . :: ''' . adapted to the wawa of mosonora mall wow. of . . :,. ' ,; camastmel, Paper of all kirele !aide to °Mar at *kart. ••••- ',,, :f• ltat sank ot PRINTING PAPER 6 mostUr !am, .- :• - r. - ,-._: -,-.. p, ri.efailaiye Amtliormiiims•..,•••••,_::- of &ivy dneripa., throned sod kept amount* jot. ' ..., - ',.. - Ir . 1iii....0., Fauqp. Wtre, Cloth, Poordrther Who. `, • .. ..;,'. proooldtag Powder, Oho Utuomarose, Twine, he..., to RAUS.I • ',..f , c`PL . *WU., Belo Bort Gmft 'V., nmia ni t , ; ; lu tt .-'.,.. pneu,lbr vile the logltett Wtho ot . ..- sm u .. , • }My Neer York. Je!e• INA ' - ...,. ~..~ :~ 3iI6C~L~ . ~ . • - , . .. atara...,,7,7, .---.-------....... - , . '....-.,-: ururnaome a WOLFF Yana *own"' e 1 .5.1 &It'' :' '.';!' V I owner of Liberty and & ELarr meets to fio ao .1. 1 .Owow anvoltne door. Mo. St Cliarka , ll , o , Sl. 'maid ••• ~70,"k.: 7111o1A6RE.al tOT LEOUd b de.DDLEHT,T o I ', ... 7. ,'" :: nor slops &was* Eloonoplteta and Romig, ditent , Z -.• : :.- Wak. sumakourros or England and Germans. • r ..-' Ake, *app li es of Santora° Hanwals'. frost Wands. '.... ,-.,. etEal sanatrunsfer• It Us Lwow Sat*. • , , i.', ~: Uo l re.TZ V 4 it glair= 6 4 %. ' 1 rtt . 9' 2 . 75.4 . * taeassaftilly to rues sorspendos Um !Ls, ‘ sl r au t t t - •.: . • The Utudlnus stakause4!?.o-4144.4.0. .• -, '*--' Med. s .• • " • i •, 2 : ..,../ - fliff4l7)VErirTim MS paiiiiiWiti:. •.;:i:•.e , .. :‘, ) .1./ 'ns ander abs aok 44U8 SEW otlnsmarCE 1 - .....:...z,•• .0 ' I. dos day drasolved Ist MOW toon.'n.Adan k ! . )..1 .jc".., ~,, 4 ~11Mmi dirOnted aillimenefalOarirO eve vligleassm.46..l.i:icf. The betioessof 1.114 law Ens CV Seestiodru 11 1 ‘,...,4f1 5 4. ,. f 11a,Irbolo artilxiaori is we Unt mutt 4 .„....... : ,,,, ,-,-Ar..--- 0„,,,,, ,--- J.....i.a•-i t z , ... - wAvr • THE Estoonlet la sow supnuallignai ;r x,:11. , 44 , ... - .. tine. of Cason sad Wooko M.11.8.47hs She - :14 , ,t OW node. Ordera las al R es Isbusaa s ehigna :- .• f;k.r., .uf..tbeny and Water It , 1 •4110111.10 ' 5.7 . . , ';•.. 4. ' Italian.'b ii Lava a. Ind 3neot Proksithill . illii!::.' 4400 • : .... ", - .111 - ,sf Patrons lilleelk naretweralimuss, NEWLY INVIETITED—For Ole ' , Wieland Pentweent Cure of HERNIA or IitIPTURE. Melted to an -, The nowner eliinia of thur TrualeiSrlat aigi..... ,-,.. oanuve•asimith vrbleh it may•tre wara Tire ;laded •,,,• 't - 1 wood being neatly balanced on sprhars,riadif Warne. ~, sae on any pan of h. and thorargkly_adeptadisff ~ lo t . - it , any movement table by Wt wasser it ea9.he went - . f•- , ~_--, without Intersoission, Initil a ciftelferceteel. g th . 0- , .:- ',.,,, an Men becalm!. aniagnoWins birdie areznatactow -"'.- " - - 7 .„ ~. of th aw - valuable Toner,, la a sapenor style, In'Talla delpna, and bast thew war korrekt at therta a ... ' - ,.....;,.. 2.4,,,5 4 1 , mithield i owls esindr,ThubnpL K -, , - - CEO. WATT..— -'t- -'• •,-.l_,te. Cs LERATUS AM/GLUE rActonv rCIR BAIA"- , _,,._ 0 —The Adtcdrastratorsof I .0414.k/mu itel.a. • - ' 'e' .. t . r.N.t'sc oder Orr sid ee Ibe curddlahmentlait '34 'Ma i w ith ii ,, - .....7 -•,.:Lv. ; binnerly ten by brat, atlas Uta dap Waggons -. ;-;-.• "`....F',.-„a• / Wlns and Of. il.tory- 711e,vrin are in coreplea ordoe'",,,;-: ;:.',•: •••- 7 ,‘ earrl ingsathe bashicsasra drauts,tedianrdrealy i- , 'L :, ( "1- - ..•7 in nOnneenetaft at .17,1i110• -A. liberal credit earl Pa' ,''';' 711 •fr,:. -, ; given, and aa particulars made indwil by 'war oc,- "t ,, e,:f 3 2 either of' dut Sadatulpedw, rTA UM IlladlEUlrt :, -- 5tr.:„..', , ,r; TIN Mircia24: '--.: -' " = t , , ,, ::;4' -- , -, - .. 7- 7 , 0-, - , ,, gso plaisienfil 1,14. ikussektre.A.Att,Le-AF 13Packet bbip Bannock, I costa 11ft,,,.....;a„,--- ••••;:„,`&1 Steel nes, coign -hang a yeargeacrat 't - J.:.:l" , •Vidll .lnr Tbearnintbrn of Machinists awl amnions 'T,1,c;,,,...t.&,r4 Wasik& ', , ,-: -; - r, ,-, , - -e A 4 ..14te9iIffili ETZ/LIIIMATIL'' - _l,t,Ns4t_ ,114%,mr,4 , , , ryir , ._..pry.! , ..tm-,,.c,,...,./ 'dlee by two own. A liarjue! oem putui MICA lbr id, den, Inalagy awl awn, „ span the pant's( thew Vltan • dell'9° Deviem EXTRA rim al all dare ba • apo:l4' "al fatal marl Maar MIDI /MIN r e•iairTinutuat anuve4 :ha Or Vast mipcnorgoll a Os ISmoll I wo■ inumas, • atarinemegi' , • -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers