- )071/411C4iLig.=' ,, " 3101 inftbsim. e.01,44P401,q1"14.9c0Wan57 (1 , 11 , 0311 . 1 . 1 . --,=Lut t irs . . Pn: 4 0“; .. ... tuilki De I.4Cras-• ' db,f 11 •11 - .. r 1 itu awned brasd.ll wonalAtatsinn zr/O: (ar fee !). „ . .11114.11il it 1111CfrUN \ \ ................ 3 - WlS:pt . r.F , 01..iiii,:tblug t :V4 . 11: - . I.ree n.rooamo .r a br 11,7 bir P. • bl.lt le b 7 S t 4 / 2 br - t And IV uy I -, on Ls.rd: Sur sale by - i . . - lriO, TAWISY h. BEIM.= wood It. A FA/1Y young nu in SVlllollll..lnanur -bnancon,aPPlT 0 .1 14 . 0 " a" dPic• F 441.17. No. V, Filth 14101:11ak .ALODIN , 1)1111111E11—'1 6ne isintrunedi of Mgr aadi and 1) aSharitig lt Ltr, j.. reed and 6r nanglon JOS - • b — nri - rsionnot Adnandun ;a " '". ritit ' oo7,g e irtleilid len eor wale/ it diary ills 1 3 i. Se=w; wed and for sale by CUNIVISOH.AIII.,I:4IIIibari aorld`lC —ita..bid land Grand. Jot' Massimo, betel. and 411 Je t, IS, at We Mustard sad POO& lolr:V, Penh $l, rayl4 "RHODE*, a. ALCORN ij iv at. kis —T.-wooer it/41dr. 7•:,t0 714 31! atMaLMf(iti'l'C. ti..4.;: - .;T:ii7cuatztuNos—te bra Game aim J>l6 'ILION k NeILNIO ' rk , Akia. AND OLL.-45b6Isneaar, • '--• • • J. - • ..15 blab TolioreslAree'd Rod for Jiro -.. ••• JNIIY PERRY-.' =SE -: ,47' .. 1 : . " 441 / 4 <,-..' • :f1t18 4, =1: 2 191 . 71.4;iiii-Brnlac c tl , CiABBNAtt -) UP U P ' jut reed , and Oxen* by, 41132 BRAUN & RUT= - aßc—zco 4a Prima Team . Cm In man and fin - t./.ale by jy 13 6 t W HARBAI.IOII bu jot =eland a ad for able by. na ATI* • 111/VW flAßlffillUH _ _ Ittlffa 1101ARI1 WRI-41 arir od Umperiammattat km. 11 PIekkAW.A.,niA,AA4 Rose. AT jy:t . JACOB WEAVER ITELUELLION AMERICAN , 4III.Ibe lame/free; V . for We , E FELL.EILS47 wed lit • _ nava, Arriu55,401...1.4... M.O a 4 br - ; , BEeT TA.OOIIIIM.AVAIL, Anie iate, mune( Yu bet awl 4211141.11-51 b. bias bbs,.s. triared OMNI ae eertip. A) wool and Llt sale by • . / . du st' • • - . 1 • ,-‘ • ; - • n OrmeLeed;'bi lbw ferule .• by • CAISON&MeItfiIOUT FinL456144 Virtneuum Mai - fie ht bUli " • x bbb,llol!...rait.zbiLTON' ' • Fait oils of Um Dimond inL rberuels. tep wai 1 . 4 .4 •S ;mod sad euostantly ost bead Oa sale, _ • • , , 1/11101)193/1 ALWILIT MALClNCeßlil=llllbbhleign Itor Nag lorviel!c4—lo uip atipv. Pixtl!u; Forals by , DALZELI; ~ . . MAFISEB. ‘ IOo,AO bblo Ne3..7!...atte; CH itoi —au bst R idPrume ihiPPlat &Mtn • NIL ' • 0 , 41 I • . it . VIAAR —go .0 wins Whsa Ilaragg; IC bags *mil: for sale by )et I* CIVAPIEI7.I6 sad ID wood ig AA NUll3—liasmod cusimen, attlia Motor 'pp JC - aod AoicaTactory,l7 stmt. • GOVAUII: AIXPICI4 • clawm sad .and fox-sale sub.. Atitsit Esc 7 2 Mir "°M' " 011111.i1W3. MPltriat bts _Bak „ . • :AN Klatt f Ott !Miro:Milt= evaY ,Hey ; P•fal• ire" 14., I..iiels. , whee Ceini Piameat an 4 be male:by J . E a ear r; peW ll 7 l ' dn . lt! "ra ft a 00age.Y.CWII4 Buda Ilidirs 6.w. by • - macvnanDos TIVOSLAVIAO 0111101.111Wlebtelteisband bad 11 tor Nat by • , Jan ,'ALE34I4OItOCIN ~~ ':' ~~~~~. ~.(y~~- IX.OX.4silossitaboaleg ir. • 1,1 Itaysaboadisikae Lett *cm-4i 14.51i,riauttry Re and -Moe We :11a • ADINDEXTER kCO GlOallllA 1. OAV.-.70 reahl &ad ibip 'id, by TIMMY it - BPSZ.IS wood h40} 4.3 111 . ,1117144bU5ip wipliltri s twee LIIVX ' OW' . ithi , Jan fat BMW itla .8314111111.411.. 117 eliae csjw I Wille.AlPC•l4l"eli* 'OPltlllailk4r*Ol4 111 - /iliigligiai. - ^ - di is ewes Its/ Ist t m rt %ixtiLsbble. F.- • - - coas 'met dal:T4m— tau i . d.a..,nedy plisw p t o vr t zir ki...../ 7.) "" . . tamps% i—•sa dozen to nom aiiil .i ltilti l .`" el OMER 14 7 157 kr:enjoin reeNl amil Nit link by . ." ,ia r -ips , --- , • • WICE itIkCANDLEVII :: VITEMIP 14 les Ns. thrw-Istsml Alma Sod fair Jo LEWIS HUTCHISON /CO DIttIICD **UV tb . gym st. kev.4 fi.u);,!b7 4s 14- - ta 1•0uo lay a aria MURPHY ...12 sramilrott; - -tlilevr.b4l.l.4 Wien lams' -#7 JACOB WEAyMr INf D 4uptu tli!dr,lDO •• • Pla 41E11146m dottrel a at ~: - .l llle by - - MA • 01311Waiii= r ielgweik San, yok Oprgeoraiy 4 , lleally unfa, (rani 7 . Di MID. cad" Jar—lbraMr 1111".0 0-=.ll bids lAkilgssli beside ~ r BCiPOONmAw ly co;lmi ~u' ~. it—es baksiiisimuMwohbt , ars° ji3 4. 11 11 Mil 411,1:0' S ^ ~_- sdbeettortliallbilt,lstertl4 Mai lib Pekin T. Compeors Pere in !Vas Matt,* (tote .'1•11 or TY- 4 - 1 04 knotted, etweivting of skit the a woe, Om 171 eta w 111#4/per /AIWA p•IS date &gem felhis'oitY: Ns 1140 et V unteas ign.vi lib Coffee;' Sahel kliesleV. 11.,1mp. iy# flnrelmes Teg • 1- xiryr.r Win C.l-4 Lugo No 3 Matterall ! teg.i Kau* 81g Wont., . 13 4 - J0HN.0111,13 _ . . _ 1 tiben A Pi.R—isX) busdless.C. Stnivir rbpei; iuutt oendle• 1114.94nnw Vsper. :at.. rein. ruled fruer eail e . psper; b l ,:tr. 77.1rivi4171:=71.1&"" vttDFIIKI-ftw Pawl.; • 51barrel. t.svtd al 16S ba'e. Mit; ' -- .1211. boxes Clrceset Wetiend for!ile ANDSIBESWAX- . , VI Yet, numbers: So =inapt sale by DICCY.Y a 9:1, witUre and &int ny WigritOre Le by- JOHN 81COTT k 00, , toimereball um. ',berry bl 4 IHOW 111114 Wed. - . rmu 'Noisy Wens. is-.' . _fusion nod Om k JOHN earrr a co bbesrf a.“.hy .emr, h • • se Shames Gam 1 1 24 T ree E PiYal , J • itgIiOONNAICEK &CO - ,1191PA R 1 we LL V l e l r Craa a B•e ll4 aareel J _JICIIOO and an . *ale • . C." N TV.K;;;;.°T,'Vec". " %TX "! i,16 , - tdrat itearsarket ,VA/ IV ,EL - AAR— loxes Palo , lad% . Int 16, I x.x.12. IizARTAR, REVA_Arti Ami 0 last ba .toiilfiy rale by jyl6, 1.11 WATERMAN pocacers AND 8/100N3 no arra., braver Beebe% • ~ la • : - - ,121- AArsi UMOCIN - 6?r Sale - • ' JNo P PERRY. Q.7l;ith ree'd,R . Sr gale by ' ' jyl9 BRAUN/. RE191411 Gum.C9P4.74G.....114t Medi for saki IT_ .AlO BRAUN RE3TER DAVI 1 . 14110“-.15g0 Med and for Rio tol E.LREa 7 soO . -bwuse FMmmawr r . q. ! * _ - - - ~./111D SCON.olllll6ll.46llesika JO.; .1 NO IT PICKILY DOTASEll,duego imam, lantlaircia risby lrrl , . DICKEY/V. CO v g b ilatuAit.-tuo bbt.ipod opn v, mar • LA/8-131nn • 12-18,212,2 , 2 2.2 22 221 12 2 1. 2 ai aw V. 62,4121..1 wale • jyt, , e . e•• W & RiIIeCIPTCIIEON • -0:1 •2 1 12, del Wid mad 2• wll.lj_br 1212 • - W SILIIIII23I2TCHNuI2 LAITYIL bl,!stwrale • inn . 4 WSLL alt: ' ALAViliali--11.6+11.1111.611.Staakkuy yh emerArood and wale ris S=7;7" d , ,,itrlciAir A 1 - 11. - ifal.—tlf lAtojout rewind sat *Ws by jyl3 . , st_.. ,- HAsaavatt =woman .-- .1111DOW'OLA.111—Xsi bk•• .'grelitut4 aise• bud and Iwo& by TANKS' & . _ bsa twt moved mad for We 41. FILIIIfIMIDUKWILIKINt 0 . Irafet• I;ZM;M ES= I=l ~ . :::. - .•--:.'.,L= '::-.,,, .=.4t....:::....A'a1t+11ie!:,=.H:4,7:-:ii.'l4.!_lif•Li.. T 4 1111 I kat B OAT'S - h. „ RaAtlkEtVitikil . e sma t. tMoav: 19 Thinday 4.63 7.13 30 Friday- ••61 7-17 91 - batp,day. 466 7.',16 1 13• ay. t 4.66 7i 2.lllopday 4,67 714 4"hismdir : 4 63 7:13 IVed6poily.:.. 469 7 12 iPtirrilinMail 110/1181) OlT s .ritaDlC • , ZOJCIOTTER FOB - JULY. . - 111'7ADIM : • ,-- Illoirisiaisia of the Mow. Ai camur.. .' , lffragiertg. - :Captains. Luau* Amer. Bare klutour. 201 0.4i44(84) Hewitt, Aug 1 July 4 Iliberrus,(ll,) , . Ryrieu ."Aug IR July ID Cusubriu.(lk) Judkinu, klept 1 Aug 4 Wit Woo. (Am) lir.r.u., - Jaly ID Pliiladolga., (Fri . . Aug IS July 12 illiarean, (Fri Aug 3t July 31 Airmr , Vork. WO r l / 4 pi IS ' Avg is Ustua, (Prl , Sept 1.0 , Aug 31 LaTIMT FOILZIGS nßlta London" Jane teHarre.:... Lfrerpooel ' Joan 191 ,P91991.1.113F.R AItRANGEatENTS FOR intl. .Btolita: 'Beat Packet Liae, leave. daily for . gnarl, 10 a. S. Pawner Packet via Brownsville to Haltitnore and Philadelphia, 13 At. at and G . • Caul Packet Line Philadelt3hia,dally,.9 ax. Mau Coach Liao direct to Philadelphia, 9 A. C. .Weotero arm/ demiliero Mali Coach Line, 6 A. m. North Waters, via Ckereland, daily, 10 Erie atal'Wesuarn New Yuk t dilly. 9 A. sr. North Eistero to Philadelphot,'dally, except Sun ' days; 4 a. x. , _ ARRIVAL AND DF.PARTIIRy`.3 OF MAD....q.. FAA= Midi rig Plalul4bis, due. 3 A. M., climes WeiteniAlait, Cincinnati and Lonievilte, due Bl' M. cloaca 5 A. Al. Southern Mail ♦ia Ballinadre and Waibtogtort, due 8 Pad., elan 5 A. Al. Minh Western via Cleveland, due 10 A. 51., clorea end Western- New Vora, dee 8 P. AI., cloths PrirtlßUßoli lia2►t?l, Friday Alumina, July 30.. Tha litiliVioatinues mild' and pleasant and Weisman brisk.> The river continues in fine" na• i sable otter Ihrithe largest ol uUreteanie”, (being: the pmentireitin seven feet full in channel.) No material changes hare taken place since toe,to the *nuke% Flour.-The market is without , chant- bat that the • article may be a little more . firm. We qatote illes of 1011 bbls from store in different lots hi54,..1764;h5, which seemito be the standard rates. 'The receigtahontinact light. Considerable quanti ties Of the arffelohave been received br river with bathe loot fur dap. the most of which it passed on toSbeTait:withent touching our market. • Groin-The receipts of every kind are moderate. ,Wheit iri quoted nominally at 15 to 87@!)0c bo. sera at 37e40. Rye 46rv4s. Oats ff 50.23 cents t` , Cerameal--We quote !Wei from store in a ems Urn; It 40645 e e bu.- . - . . Prosisimus—The market .la dull Isiah prices on mluoisod. %ye qaote moderate sales of Bacon hams Shooldeni at 49.61 e, and hominid at 74 4ale. 'Lard in kep at Siolasmo—We quote tale. of it bids at 344 ks pillj or 23 do at Me, and in smaller quantities at :LS sot/. The nude is brisk at the above Toils ? tiowl titieese-4ales in a generalssits at .5 al:4c l lb Not mach to the market. Rip is scarce, and aomewbat ia atsta6le p lb. ' The =eat of duties paid et New York during . fire week studies es the MI inst compared with the !who period list Pear, were as followr: 16=6 leq Dee Pros loud.'' 166= e 1,900 . 01,033 Dintiahingho ' de 1,413,211 1498.&) 73,0113 . Wei Wee ' sj o rr—ces 1:40,4.2) IIRK) Total... i $1,593= 1593.4.24 395 Cub reed 447,448 . 991141 iii,eol „,Tips tali:eel Me rc handise sent to the warehouse end the unwept-of dotsei dee on :the eame, have eMao'stelleirs: . _ Mae witeliniseed, Sl't3,3l:M. duties du0.1.1.106 fee bidet/able gOCRIS daring the week 116.60 e Vantage la thauestre'd and due J.1,101 U . ,Jaly 17, Mil' ..:Stieras—Oar quotationi are, assorted kinds, Li 4 . anielOg side; Whites, ffialo4 Os* Yellows, 6 l Si via* brrnitie,ffisffi entOraClaa l so6 noir blislanses.ttisffttialr; aeatee, sad in dentand. orkiee stt ItjalS rt;ls. The CO. .114000. la large, and shoals! t h e capplies fall off. . ' DOMESTIC MARKETS) etair MAID, Jaly?4—Cand ftecedpup—TM3bbla .Flonry6 do Poet; IS do Wanner; 2....,891 lb, wool; 42,633 do Tobacco; 21,245 do Bauet; 2.742 do Lard; 30,103 do hoot 811140 Node; IWO do Glara: 60 5 Lo Coal; TWO do Wheat; 7R/I do Corn. Market—No Rees InQuin Floor.—Dom, , - . . •• • Beeivin, July 111;--Aflor the close our reran c t i ldaz b all m trzo o l. an thore In n s a bu iZ .t ;ll:ll:. , ll B , s : , ad i boat load o(Clevoluol st Mg. 'Then VMS alto • ride ot 60IXI ha pint at 391 c. and 250 bbl. two iloice bind. Ohio Boor at $ 11;55: Canal (night' are 678700 on Floor to Albany—. -IS to 20e es tibial, and 15 to Ific on •sorn. Nat mach shipping.--Com. CINCIIIItATI, JOll M —Floilt--Sales of 150 bbla fiefs nom at p.m ;67 do linonstoro, choice brands it 3651 150 do City Mill, at 8,53. lel:ahoy—Solos or 50 Mb it..l6q 40 .do at 161 c; Cat 16}c, MS do at-16ci Inelhale 0(13000 tight bbl Stare. at #13,, - -16414.41n1e. or 41100rds Chescul o.k at • • ' . . •, , I. ( kriSieria,,faljill.i,flosit—round lota have been IYwcd at pi without finding' buyers, though alffMnif Waring sod 100 do ?booms were taken to bedlcountat brands If throwo upon Todd sot cflumbul oror. .3,60 or 3.75 t '-Whistat wy9notaei follows: apri mg and .Its ti 50; Ali tiagood6o-to 6b; prime and :1 011 0W - 10:. to lb :Plat ieschitho of sic ()I corn - iitilastim(4.7oo.old - aboot IBOOkwpurchased at arardollat rinote good • Woo it to 33,- satortor at =10.47: - Rio at 374 c. Propielai—Salei of Bacon iihoolders of 44 to fres rides. ribbed, 7 to 74c; clear 74 to Be; hams common alol*i tunisidil moo ears 6 - to 7o I. lb; Whiskey Sales to day from levee of 79 bbl raw at Wk.—Rep. iNUACIaTiI BY 11XViiir. . . „.:WHEELING—Pit .liadsoo—O• Midi( tobacco, :VA bide Aoarr,• Cott & Thaw-- Md. tobecro, I) Lawieb al f co—ll hbds do J A Roo-60 aka wool, W 111 tala—Ml 664 flour, Watentwo--100 ha:lel, Ck kdia or, Walliegford & co--ta ogogruit; Maks eons, Allen &=66b 6 Ins &smut., hleFa#en & co. , • , __' 611 ARIETT)I=-Par Vriesdo4-53 bkds tobacco, :Prato *bold bads tobacco. It Mizell fr: ui-,!l+solhls lime; Fo .& DUCIA-2llca; bask hpaoodlagaley & Sord rsyt htb—A aksrAry, J D Wahine—l bt bacon.. I kg tatter, E ffeadatow-63.1w0r00t Ciao Mangan & co—a bblo . 6I sk • . • . . , BEAVEita=Per, Lek* raie-41 s Wightes• do eo-TS bide doer; J Cooper -41 brae barley, Neeldr-ehrlo arts; J do 6Aloyd-17 W.olaref-1",.4 bra chee., J ikesugh. - . ...(1111CINNATI-ier Palo Alto-= eke feather., J Wrireter MU apple. and putstoer,Wanebard - . 4llsks mud. H (11*-6Seks do, W Bingham-48 iklrdor Per?, 1 494 btu:. bacon rrruu, .hl6. •• Pet Doetat Fuollio—Cask Anthem, lZ do wool, - 33do e futssaz Ptak, Forsyth & eo-31 eke leading I do - how. Bader ro B-14 seta feather., 3 do noo BEAVER-Per Caleb .Cope—l bdl iron, 4 bts -A Barry rd math!. slaba. 1 Dickey, 18t bill east, Alfaakillt-9 stave and oat., J MeV:Well —3l labia dour, d HearJetho-136 it. rye, 13 do wheat. 4.5 bar rt door, S & W Hub:ugh—lb aka wool,D Leask ea. • 110,I1TS LliilYl7lo 'THIS DAY. D. LEECH & Co's. PACKET„ Philadelphia and • Ball eore.9 r. r.• BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at A. ■. and 3 BEAVER IPACRETS IRS anti 1041 14 anti 3 r MONONGAHELA 'CITY PACKETn. 3 r. al. GLASGOW PACKET, Glanow;4 r. WELISViLLE, AMERICA. Loainille. • • • . BEN RUSH,Cin. 'RINGGOLD, Cin.' ' nuEritisitle, Mulettn. PORT. OF PITTSBURGH, ‘ ,l'.virrr • , . . .. •,-...ithsiditi,Bauosa.Browassills. , -1.41111* McLain. Bennett. ktrornoilie • Millfollivilla. catlett. Well/intl.,. - • -ihriii,Pfkkort,Sasfult. •:' ;Daipidolh;fintran:Mon-City. , - •-. 0111111C 0 ,0;5 6 oltia, (Amos.. ;11sivitritioem Surer, . . • - -de - Erki.•thempblll. Bearer. ' YdndikiP,D•sris ,, nbeeling , • Pao itho, hlcDoniqd:Cii; - • ' Dr.' Vesstlia,l4l-art, Om; : •': ,C4 9 l .4 l VllosidrieltiOis ldegoit9.. l- - ''.."•' ' -'• f • • DEPAgLIiD:4: -- . • Copal. llownaa:' Ortnnievilliu . 7 '''' ,•• ••; l Askitlettee,Hoonstt:Braiiiiitille, .•Wooliritdiliciosatate. , . 51ffilunwit Catlett. Welleiille. ,'•••• Rhoda Mud Daniou tiWpm onSilo • , ..- ..• Jo , 7 .: . ft Bean: , . - :FN. --. ...... ..... hiSKeispon. enlingol/041111adi IP fonds by, ITN - - .wpa mum:T.BTR 111,111111 e.— Theateawboat DETROIT. Capt. 11. weerWl. will coconeac tainting he- Detroit :and th e e PaoliBLe f 'Marietiti.lone W.it, making week!) , RR. during Ike rectaineer or ibe ,11-1011, leaving Dwelt every Toerday at 2 o'clock; P. The Detroit is one year old, h. a powerful low pre., save engine, and la well adapted to the natal trade. rot krtight or Pataage apply on toted, cr to C BRADRURN h CO, Cleveland J ti REVERY. Deuult F tk" 6 10 603 605 61.5. 659 551 549 FOR LOUISVILLE. jiMP The ?so Tanning sung . te• AMERICAN. • , - Chatty. muter, will leave], la., • -•7lilneeventng. all &shot: I' M. Fur 110, 1 11 1 01 Plolnao, apply on loan,. 13131018 . FUR sr. LOUIri—REGIJI.AIt PACKET: The magnificent packet . liPEure cat 11R. FRANKLIN, , massec.:wili leavens ahoy. fianthEtY. it Is alsl, at 11/ 0 . ,.1., .0.4 XFos height or paisago apply !A.M. or to J Newton Jones, Monongahela Ilouse iIDO FOR SAINT LOUIti • Ile new and volendidparoinger siniir PALO ALM, Ale Vonald e master, will leave for die above and all iinermedinie pores. !on Sanirday, at JO o'clock, A N. 1 - -`Fl r tg '2,'l n _?7',g e —' °l'Plf on board if .1d __. _. - i 1 , 011 :11A HIF:I7A. i The hod ninning rime FI:110114111111'. Dori, m. 0., odil lean. for the above place this dafikl lho'd.k, A 'rpmioro epplp on lihard. 10 0 'IR CINCIfiTaW7 ii. ror frr iitip.AlV The last runningtiler . R URN USH. Robinson. theme, wilt leave so above his noinving,'Joly 30118, at ro o'cloilt A . . 11111. . For fro/ght or Pho•llSo.PAY onl Wert ilt o — S -I . — rebellilllii - TI—iiitIU.IUIITSC/itiT7 . ~.. TN .4'"'" n' TIVEGIVZD, . '• • '3, oas, mune, will !rave es shoile on On slay, ' , ..a 10,&eloel, For height - '..on hoer& Ivlln or pnavr lrnlx, .xe:tiuLotc : The new, Imht.thalight and fast ran alrigstcanier 411.111kiNA, Crosser, mower, will run as reran: POehet benvern leave and Loons Tills, daring th e seainn. She leaves Wednesday Jaly 591 h, at li:do'elnek. Far frelghl or pasaag lgeidcr e any on board.• ' myth/ ifiici'Fac In The tie* and Din funning swingboat sakiCALEB Shales, tidier, built eapresYly fuF i this trade, will nui is a regular Parket to Hearer snot and ins- Inurgh daily at 3 o'clock, r. at , and' conning io (Adenine, (month of Sandy and Deaver Canalj on Monday, wed. newsy, and Friday.' For freighl or passage to Beaver. New Lisbon.ar the towns West and North of New fag., apply on board !La, ies S A. W ILARIIADD 11, ill wood strret . • The new, double engine passenger,: siearaer SWATARA, (Drought only 15 incliehl Fog, willleuveon Monday - At • oh lowani. at Co'clork. r. m, for Cineiniyalt and intesmiediato pons and will perform her uips wrisulsr reason. ly dkring the low water For o,lght or ps.nte apnly on board. jy .... Kai ULM' I . 7 I . PiCINNA2II &&I '/..4./111:4 PA , :KET Tliejleur old 'Or ndidsteamer l . TRENTON. Woodsrao. master... ill Ram o above reaularly Ruoughout Re saloon. Fur freight°, purr age apply nu board — PO Toe no tuld allooch light dtaugh . Li=6. Romer TRIUMPH, Gar Trey, master, Will loan, Is above replarlv throeghoot the Po freight or passogr apply on board. • rirrsau Wit i•Sti sr iailitirraart:T. The new andgeintleamer - GO L;nas,ntam ßr er. was built spreasly fur this trade. and will leave mita larly daring rho tensor . Her day. beadvenised hereaber.,- iny7ll FLitrZatb.h.:ollll. - E. The light dranght and Om running • inealuboal Moore. mortar, anti ply BP nregular whet bemeon this plate and Zanes ville. For freight or puma.. ITO) , on board or m .541 f/F0 R MILTENBERUF:R. Ago Plitabargn and nanilU — Paenat The new and flnestesmer ei vak I Elbe HUDSON, err, miner, bu resumed her rem. sr.pa and will leave l'inaburgh as nhov+ every Titeredaystial Ma n . al 3 o'clock, P. M. For- freight or patine a ply ou board: - matt RIMULAR PITII.I3 ' URS:II ANU WHEELING The:Steam. . MI HERNIA, !Yam ocl Smith. inaster,will commence maniac as a regular ',octet •bout the 15111 too leaving Pittsburgh every Monday. Wednesday and t- May, at IP &elm*. A. Al., leaving Wbeoling every Giesday.'rhutsday and Soto r day, inn o'clock, A. M., For freight or passage imply on board. _ 1•ITT:41111,1tvilt fsnit mailing von, NEW ENGLAND, Captain O W Ehart, will commence running... above stin the Id day of March, leasing •ittsbursh every Tuesday, Thanday and Saturday, at la o'clork, A. IL; and teavmuy Wheeling everyltlonday, Wednesday and Friday at! o'clock, A M. The New P.neland has been boa a ght v e , gpresslvl;or t ar ,: ' P 7 ' d • e 4 '"'d e .P . PY II - 1' 717. '",' 1 - I - • F.; kLle JOHN /Iyent REiIL'j,AR—PACI:F:I'"} id, sTEuur.rivlLLE The wee and hubt denutritt rims WILMINGTON, • D. Ms:SU-veto, master, leave. Puts burgit every Monday, Wel.lsterday and Polday st ^Ai, leaves Steubenville entry Tueittuy, Thursday and Saturday CS &sins-S.A. M. For fretglahor passage apply on Ward. deeln hrenr.e..rwOß r, astlgrit Also airrnor •14- CITY p.tenKr. • pt. st...r soloorr • • DBliih4TClll,, Nelirm - mniter, will run a. shore. I, • riryr oburslt every Mongar, new/sy and gndy, 9go'c lock. A. M., and Mowry a. helm City every Tueolsy,ll,nrsday and Saturday. E *Woe A. AI. For freight of Nonage applgoo lumi /Y/fil Allegheny Elver Trade. The fine and Etat greamboat • AltlilDW,, Capt./.ryes Alkinron, veal cowry fie to' nil, fie a Regular Packet du ring the Penton batweerigntrhurgo aydFninklm. For frogld or pruage ripply on bawd. OeVif alm4 - arrar rigiabisanigni maid Znitmei Packet. TIIh Imbldraught steatite: • • 1 NCIVAIRLT.,. • 'Hard, Matter - ov'!intake, weekly tepo to the above porldering!thenea. 'dr to eir bright 11-ttlisll:V.4Vl;,,"*. rd Ink:GUI - a; FACKE:T FUN riMeIiVILLIE. The new steamer WYOMINtI, Capt. John F. Hays, will commence her regular trip. to the above port i. 113 Monday, the instant, at It/ o'clock, A.M. For freight or Pa j sV i riar7ss. 6 .A9S otelt27 11.1.1 lb emu. gets IPEI,LSVILLE DAMP PACKET. s at • , The new. elegant and fast Packet WXLLIIVILLE. C. C.,Cadem calmer; was built ex pressly for this trade, and will make • daily igglo duns, the season, leaving Pittsburgh every. mornings: 0 o'clock. and Wellsville every evening at 5 o'clock The W. is furnished with ',Faber's Yatrill OUlf(DeliC Water Guage.^ For freight ozssage apply_ on board.. • fPA A Keel Coat Is constantly Ist the. Pittsburgh et' to receive height, and the agent always on Ihe spot. . • A MeßANE.l4gent. - To Travollirrwe " .oIEXPRZINI PAST PACKET LEW , EfeigNA • FOR - - PRILADAELPD/A AND BALTIMORE. fErclusier . IF for Pdartnivra.] • , To%cr,lVP:c'tielli'vortrtatreg.l'l77,,,Te:Zt r 'r.m . Forr. OREM. IS f0110w... every night al Pl y ak • Pae Ica Kruturky s Truby, Dlonday, Ju ID. do Ohio, Cralg,Tueaday. July DU. do 'lndiana. Berkey. Wednesdoydely Hi. • • 'do Loateana, Tlionnuon, Thursday, Jolyel. - do • tientudi y, May, Friday. July V. tin Oblo, Cram, Valunlay, Julyl4. ' In Indiana, Ikrkey.Vunday, July 0. • 110 i.o4liPlS.,Thompßin . . Monday, July DV. do Benticky, Troby.TaerdaY,Jal , , Y 7. d o Ohio. Berm, NVedneaday,July do Indiana, Berk ev.flia rmluy, July PP. do lanfiriana.TOonipaon, Friday, idly 31). do Kenlueky, Truby,lanlanlar, July 31. do Ohio, Craig. Bunday, ug. I if you desire cheap raveling and conArnal.le snort., nasdadocut . , reeure your ticket. at die 'Packets Office Monongahela Boole, W .ltrert, or or • • • iyoo LEF.CII-k CBI. Canal Basin BRAVER "WAIIIkJdN t OLEVEL - 71 - iii LINEOF CANAL BAFIIETS AND STAUFS. LZigta 1841 CANAL PACS; MB TEI.4:IIHACII iNWALLOW LEAVE Beaver daily at 0 cieloelg tir.. after the arrival of dm steamboat lICA VEIL tront Pitalturgb, and arrive at Warren nett morning In HMADII Ibr th e Stases which reach Cleveland before night. P...mre” will be 'vectored thnugh, securing beabs on Me Packets, and sods in the abate r on . o PPltc l bott on board steamboat Beaver. Dearing Drusbergh At M A IM Irl Ilie &Arta. -141 BARTON h. Co, Piti - sborgh CI.AIIKE Ca, Beaver 1111$1.1 BALDWIN, louognown .nolSt SIC W ll 11 TA Vl.uft. Warren'. ---- 01114.11 C. r TUAI . reseivtal by JOIIN II MELLOR, No. Id Want / Swat • Mary Dion; Jim Craek. COTO, • IVbo.stilm Knorkinlot de Door?• Dandy Jinn room of Alai/keno; Cynthia nue; Slog Dori... Solo; Onincn New and Payulnr .I.Undonvslld .7.ensi. • • Will yoneonie to my liniumain Iltonc; Id, stood hem Wan We Window; Greve of ./kninparti.W.Xllo.ll snare Mot 'free; Molly Sown; No ilorth.oll things welli 'rho Fairy Iloy; The Fairy Dellis 'rim Midnight Noun, Imtvowls Wild Nano The (Envie.' Festival; A change in the things; love;C(101t,Ohl come along void; mel our fponglod Bonner; Eno is my Home; Tbere's no Some bk. toy own; glary of • rgy le; Flow Gently Sweet . too; tly gone Monte; When Wan are lo tbr oniet Oki .; How on, Me. Shining t Evening Star %Valls: N Cork Sereniding waltz; Love not letamir Step, Itird woitv; Vera Qnlok Stein Verelibie fil ‘ a , iliv • alm Peter's Pa i rlltnalit ' ir G nitt n ;ll:l7sZl V lc trra ß igs .a n:p. "' Vnriationslo La Parisl i o t ntoi; by !lonian; .I)lnvitimion it Is lobe, by Weiori Vonnlinn , from Bannon di tender. tig Ituvernay; Ale Allernand, vons tions by ;lumen, SRl.lllDrovor Boy, voriatkins by Cone. MV: DOHS, vomit ions limo me 'Swiss Emily, by lion-' • far - Pk:no Fotit. E. • linnteahc Berverteullar , si art's; Ilamipoo4;.lFilLg'r, flowe'S bIY c T e in le e ib s r . abeal pu A : y r rllcT t r f ed.' •-•- , , ; . i? A tr,o7: '7 114 r pevela ted R g .: d lroes 1 ,4 y l rele -Ah:4•;br D. nd, rail colorite4 b „ did rteel engit • rite task ;a W o c l o k n ta v in d i e-gbet cenompg e ro td n ge trnie n r l fi .b ti eavtif m l Ireolored. and 114 , paerand latterverov. Rte Ya ay; The paper leer the &test texture. baring been made rep.Wfar. this worti' and every deportment alba tv o r r e i l h e , vi=t r hit , oest... poem ble sIY 1., atai of this boot tla w oaxiiivel.4 - ta Ana Pou Orliie at.' • . . • •• _==M tiseva.alin," 0- A;f46. ll miiiitittiod!'":nd .1.1y .2:4 bal. bf.. l -**4 .k ..or, KY., Ilse waive debaktfulyiratenngplareorsununerresort,lsnuar ready for hrienteettkus Ohiaiadorc-noder des direntban of Mt distal Itiams„ - }ko.,lii:e and for Many Vaasa ;he Linty unit. Hotel, Mr. Kean and Lady wilPhays t h e active management of the entire boxiditig departmean ale 11.teheoet, of the time., bet. store Lrearneg •aluou, and other ateusernims; 2101 Mr. Reiss of the rp tinge, bath houses, si•hlea, biers, canister, he. der Maar, 0 al k. P M Weedou, :huge Proprietors o Maysville. will run a regular four horse Pest Coach hil the Springs every Monday, Wednesday and Fliday of she reavou, and furnish horses stud earitagesethll other lanes these . wishing to visa Eictlapia. ' • i Persona preterring the Vancelargli route wdlito well to take the Vonamoutb packet Plyinto to Vaucelturg on Tuerday. Thursday or Satutday, sabre they will grid Ilya and carnsees to iorwartl them to slip 'Spring. hi Tat tlyilllAL Pruinimer P S.—boy other particulate, age lithographic bills. al the hotels, steamboat ff. di.c... and if &mem not cOneenient Men take for granted the following WAS, via: iliat kiseulapia is nearer thoOlno river then ituyother watering place—Wm It has the purestmountain air—the most deliglaNl, cold, Inopid.spertling, sulphur water —the bolitcsbcoldew clearest purest, pleasantest and most eilleuemus chat vlicare maintain in the U. &wra— th. it is surrounded by mottotainiornery. With routan• tic, picturesque and divenn fi ed, with good tithing, tin shoog. fox chasing. deer racing. he. ac, together with good rating. drinking, • !coping, realties. riding, 1 dancing, shaking off the 'blues.'oatgrowing this dvaraln liailaiktak I .altbittet growing fahlwring WADY, dread ing 10 go away, prontituucto Winne nwlia—lo bliolf (needs, two/Idiom sitters, selves, sweet hearts, ke, de; and oiler oil it i. elstaper s eying at Esenlapia than at any other of the fashionable water:llg. place, This is they oice of hand:cite who have been there ) and loran in go again iiiteMst. o II N A4, LIGHT S TR E ET , BALTIMORE, FOGG & 711068T0N, Proprielon. • mins ostabliith moot long and widely known as being Lone of WelOolficoamoodioos 01 the eityo( Ilalltratile. has recently undergone very ementive alterations and improvements: An entire 'new wing has been added, containing n unit romt mid airy sleeping apanments , and extenstve battling rooms. The Ladies' departint ea has also been completely le -1 Oreanired and fitted up in a most unique and beautiful ' style- in fact the Whole arrangement of this /lousr has been remodeled, With • single rye on the part of the proprie:ont towards the moron end pletware of 110.0 thlesbl, and which they confidently aliiert will Cithl lenhe rOtOplitylibla with any lintel in dm Caton. Their table will always be I , llpplteal with every sub. Handal and luxury which the market arfonls, served up hi a superior style, while in the way of Wines, kn., they,wthrot be stirpassed. . :fa winclasloa the proprietors begirt . ..ly, that nothing will be len and°. OA their pan, a nd unite parte( then assistants, to render an Hotel worthy the conitnued patroller...it sbeir friends and the public generally., Therpncea be board have also been minced in the follownka rotes:— I Ladies' Ordinary ...... •.•• • .1 Tit r day. tiesulenteno n , -. ....... • • • .9 pe t SO '• N. Lk —The Baggage Wogron of Ihn Ileum will al way. be natnal at the Car and Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and Onto the 110101, free of rherge. mylll.lll. --t - - At tlrf i l 'ige :V " PO llo —eset r havinge rct:llle n. lire Interest of Col. 0 C Williamson. late of this well known establishment. hag leave to elate in their friends sod the Mainehmrnt. Seeternlly, that Wiry hove eaken this contrenclions Hotel rue a term of years and will exert their best energies to make it a deetnible home for Tea e ellen and City Hoarders The lloto I is eparioun and adniirably planned Macon. venitince, light nail air, having et number of parkin adjoining chambers, preventing unto., astmekoes to !nakin. The present proprietors baying hail the expeneneeof yearn in this city owe eleenbere, hope they, will be able to gine general eatierliction, bring determ i ned to give anti tide d attention to the house alone. Thelneation of the Pearl Skeet House andnet..kn eligible. leaving honk on Peorl,'SValnui Third sou an that it I• equally desirable in view of the emivetew enee of businvse candor retirement for primtebnanters. It iv near by then Hanks, the Pest Office, the Masonic •11, Odd relieves Hatband ketone agile re distant from Main street mid two square. feenn the City Whale', thus °Tering the greenest inducements,teekeially to cannier Oterchanes and generally to all perinea vatting Cincin nati. JOHN NOBLE • nacli27 " , JOHN A 01101.11 Weddell //dose, Ili • TII ct SPLENteIt) HOllll. wee °pear/ on the 'Nth of Jane, for the reeepifon of company. The entre front. one beind red and event... Sire canon Paperiorkt • and one haadre3 and ninety-Ave II on Llankkin and contains over two bandied large airy chambers and forty private parlor.. all of which have been famished with the Most costly famenno. The drawing rooms are spacious and serrate in elegance. anything of the kind in the Unites! &Mag. The dining nem, gentlemen.. parlors, reading 1000 . " effice, and dream. TOOntl•re all large. airy, and furnished wish every luxury and comfort that money can pinnate. It is over two peen siewe the corner stone of this magnificent lnyuclure seas Mid by Messrs P. N. Wed dell Xs Non. No expenw has bean 'pared by three to . make it equal if not •operiot to any howl in the Union, and an ornament to the city . Carnages will be in waiting at at all tone., to convey paarensera to and fmm alit hoar. free of charge. Cleveland, 107,e:112kt rr. A 8 UA RN II AI ... ' ill new , and splendid emedilirhatelkerreted d awing the and season, so now open Ihe the recirplkatof transient and rim lumina boarders. The demand for inn...awed and superior atom:mode- lions for the tnmelline public. ougepled Mae propel. tor the plats of eretaing a hotel, which, for meilendor and ronventenee, should be unrivalled In the home. And, while he bait *pared eicaleer pains nee erpense in the attainment of Hes davratile object. he leave the public to decide bow far Ile has mieceeded. This House catmint. ILO apartments. conveniently •rraged its nailer nitJ single iu.nle. The fertotire sma all made to enter w.th pananelar :mention in utility sad convenience, a•well as sti/e'nrid epieenter. All the m ... . iiivenynns have tire. iu lite subservient to th e trave,las 0 1:16111. and no- roper, rice atlas year; ban enabled .he pinp,irtur lu •in.r.da.ce ninny improve...tn. which. a. )et, are pec Uliar to slim Ilea.. I.ocatril ow prtneipal meent, three Minutes waft at the great Soethaien and Weetern railroad de. pots, and dm busier.r section of the e. Or, ibis establish. went commends loch to the patronage of the huskies. and please. travel. L Alnittlft Bamax. June,l4o, jelSeekla. COLUMBIA HOUSIA, Charles Street, between Market and Lombard 4 Rireets. 1121.1suorr. ffiT. subereMer tutemq talieU Ihi. ligtMent, Wren ha. Xrelees Um eltixeuranJ pablfe eencrally. ft la .mettle:llly eituafed iegafde the Meamhoata and Re Mond Depoi—is m the trudAt of mate e Impartme Houma—and in f t. the 1.41.140 age Mto thaw no ting the city. it Olt• uT tollritpiellee• lad cuttgar,s he the mber priuemel • The boast in now tooth fined op with' new (mann, In gow.lunne tad tad wttl be open ie. the public on the 2.1 do of April. NV. The ;imp nem wu thst unfe.nnonth ea... • In plea,. Will *ern, in bon • Peni; rf Ili, p.A.I, rairailllze. I I a• nr ir+n end W MX* [-Ile of Ilie Min of Da a Foeg• linhththre. Arnl thylnthSon lint/Waive{ /10TIAL. Tlt:undersigned hone of the late pmpnetor, Jesse Browny hate the ratigtaetain of intermit'," their (rends and the patio generally, that she Hotel so long awl feveral,ty known as Drown'/ Indian Queen ilotel, Washington hat, by an amusement coma - the heirs, come into full possession of the undersigned, as sole ownere, and that they alone will heremler conduct dn. extenaire and earateodlollll establiahreent• They pledge tbeutulyes to see every exertion to uphold the high reputation and retain the intge business which it has heretofore possssed; sod they eantesny hope. by the smldnVernense I n the buildings end the trnovalson of AlfuttsM, anent Su be made, together with a lama and unremitting .attention to the comfort oryheir guests. us Met aid receive the usual lergeshanrofpublic palm. ' egge art th which it has!. long bireithenorc4:- T p BROWN. . . . . 74A RIMALL BROWN. Wro C.. Jelle 9 1e.17--i7l7endlth JOJNIZIP 15 . ': eieerrx err stain. Puttettetentn. iIE eutteeri be re. under the firm of 'lntoner d Wm. T bore purehteed Iltr.Jorteent ferret ./libis estaliliete thent and hope lip the fitiClen alien ion to the wan% nod comfortr ortheir pima to merit a rontionanee of the liberal pun-loge heretoll.re termed by no former proprietor. Tbo house ha, been Moroohilly renoraled.ood repair. rd; rrell/Prelorp real inured ore can welcome our friend. cud the public to arcoolouulanoop equal to soy m the cuy of Philarlelpbor. q W 0111 WES, Y22V ;Sp GALT HOOSIC, Ilia sod 111111th ate, ll/S not ham blialuneat to now lu the , beat order for the 1 reception of the Traveling Public. flaring ender. gone a thorough repair, during the past winter, and having the most esperlenced men In the west, lit GS 01 1iannantlatt I Sauer myself that all will he pleased who ealb The location is errittalietint.ndSo and pleasant. Pare SI nerds,. Calm:man, March 111,1E41% W R MASH N. 8.---Althouglinot exactly a new Broom, It is MS new IThiat on the old handle. emit( RARTWBLLySIVASIIIS/SGTON MOUSY, - Chesnut street, Philadelphia • A BOVE Seventh tarty next door Pt siAlisonie 11•11." (I.This well known eatablishmeel has rec tllyy teen wally enlarged, anti riehlyuld eoatity furnished. It la Amsted in the most faribionahle pan of Chesnut street, and In the lunnedtate vicinity of the public places of amusement The proprietor,•gmteful for the very libc rat patronage bercolore bestowed, will Vet.. glans to render his house carry way agreeable to his guests and worthy of their continued support. tnyel-7taw3ns TIIIIOCt6YIIORTOPIIIit GALT MOUSY, I•oulsville; Ky. ARIO T II ROCK MORTON begs to acquittal has friends that be is again lessee of the OA LT .uoers R, LooLwilla, Ey., where ha hopes to meet all his old friend., assuring then/ sad Me nubile; that nO effon shall be spared to make ell comfortable whofhvor him with their . lineage. laolldlY a nocignist- i m hisls N 0 %gra; Ste Wile N 0 Molasses; 40 . 4 Loaf Pusan; 350 bags dark'slrenStio ectree; . /0 CrIlliNIS 8 P Indigo; . , 0 libils Orrilito Slnilder; 100 bss Toboreo r varioos Wands; 11 , lif Nisi. G. P ~ Y. 11. soil lilik TrZN IN , ri and II lb Loci, 13. P slid Y. IL yens; 14, Ws N. C. Tari' E 0 " Rosin; . SO ,' Pitch; 00 Los Poop; , 1 , 0 " do Noah/ Ceadles; SO " Cloy Pl. , . . tolethr;f with 0 retinal assortment of Groceries In floes And Of sole on rieeentorpoilaling terme r -by _ jyl3 ~ ~. CARSON 8. MeGNIGIIT, sib 18 ..... A LASTintlioatindark mee—llTams' new Woo. A beret. nod Allegheny Clly Directory. will be pub baked ready for sidmerwem and the public ales this ineek. Alf persons Who wire their cards, removals be ;heir firms, or any rimers in Weir liusitfess mimed, are misled se call mance, or they will be too late, as Ibis very impentint and mach vented work will be csspleted Ibis week; ISAAC HARRIS. 3 - OT/ClgTO iiTOCILHOLDERS. • OFFICE of We Cleveland and Piltsborgh Rvil.Road . S j Juno IR 1141—An initial. , of ten per cent: IlLettd:lnstelment) on i t• = i.the tal..cription ilostopital Swab of the company is maestri' lobe pant hoar before the In day of August. RSV. Mockludders in and near Salinevit Ohio, will pay le dos (Juliet. in Pittabornib to H 1 Robertson ft Co. ..tuner of aril and . Worst meets, In Wellsville. Wiwi Attn. Ilv order of the Board. Ingldtamfl A 11 CATLETT. Secretary. Yougbloglhany thavirritiata ooKs for mewing snhaerlptiona to the awl' of the B Voughroghony N.Y. Co: tout !reopened ruti. home of D Wearer, Pitoborgh; al tho boomooOdes Alexander, McKeesport at the of David Blinder, Weal ricart•nr, and at the boors of Robert Hiichatani Mount Pleeaaetdn the Yard day or Apgar, and cootinne open from day io day 'Weld the 3rd day of September. ' • . Jereph hterlli., • ••.Janes May, Jame. lion. • John D Davi.; •••• JoroPit Golinrs •,,-" • :Alertoder Plower, jyttod.ttit.lT ♦riful4 newly . dyeing Light., SW or Gray Hair p . Dark. Drown or Mack color, vrithnot dyeing or lainnag the-. skin. fold with frill directions.. Price 60 cent; or SI WirrSold by WIC MORISON es hi. Klein MediStai WareholiNiE, Lfbetry Meet, !mild of Wood,•az tha 'deo or the rto Rely • LlegUtrarl—liti tad!, arkda, *art qr I/10 Thibi 441 • Pvt. of bnwlimowine., jou, _embracing alma oft eleaterea braada bagorMlaa Ws devilry. ordigarrad grades sad .NVISISB wlallueg • ter ii parabale a puralertleks mat rayon 8:-git laved*. Alves la *alba, Ibe • WWI Cann aad. sana of P Q blAßTlNrearaladaral trant et-, -: „. . . - -- • - ate;:: -..- . '--- EE4lilll4lE , Eli HI CI .Ilia TOT CIIVCINNETIAMIKL.. • THE next Pall ant winter nouns' of Leconte, tom , ' intsonc• in ihm•loo•tinouiton On ihn blot Monday in torreniber o . and ronlitiona Mar inontba•orhota I. inn., I diately succeeded by lootSforing Knot ibinatuer tro.oool. which 41.4 eon/tout. onno lorattio. A Or.' .0.. p oo . Legionary cobs. toonnienena an Ito lieu) ldoulay ito 0.- lober, and commotion+ core month. - itaeultyl Ilrer , • B I. Ilill,M D o Anatany and °knave Surgery i-arma I. E Ames lil DABaena Netbey. Th. rapeene. _ and Emmy Iftlit .J 11 Myer 31 D. Chetneslay and Pharmacy !lon W Beach 31 0, Surgery and Clinical Alen Beale 11,10 A II Bald ridge M D, Obeitetnes and dia.,. es of 'women end children ' 1070' J It Buchanan hi D, Pas ...elegy. Innitute , of Medicine and Medical lereupnedence ROO T V blorrew AI D,Penho'ogy, Theory and Perectice of Zdetheette 19,00 MetemenlatiOn Terkel El. V., of librosty Si Grade. at ou fee SID. Deneolotmlor'sTocket SI& common ' ORM will Ono, belbre the firet lilohdm aloe in Not ember I ni l , will be weaned for lumen le fall widget. Or Sibpaid by the Ist of Oen nem, will *reuse all the beltew for one full course; the Decametre:ora taket. wear Library and blatreenlation ticket excepted. The lye:Mute °seemed i'e chance in 1145. 'Elm College sub lime Is Mewed &title earner of Caen -and Plum els - Ile comae of enstrecti on will embe.ee eveee thing of ' value known end layette en the Old Medical Colleges, as well as the Relorated and Botanical School of birth eine. Six or seven lectutea will be geVee daily- Board front 119 LO to SAVO per weer. . audidate , for graduation, in addition to the pre-Ineltiery term of study, toast hare ineended two full remoe. in some legally In commuted Medical College, the lest of the. newt be in this one tourer after axle yeero proem& All lettere nobelium tenter tmenneatember contain.sog money for the Paeillty, mein he addrelowd lathe ender feigned Beempai4.l Notesefsalvem Menlo of Inc Wale. in which 'evidena reside, will be received• in payment of Fere. 'T. V. MORROW, M. D., /MG. Den atlas Neal ey. _ RIOUNT ST. MART'S COLLEGE. EMMITTSBLIGH, Md. 'RlLE n.,, ANNt . t.. ce ei . crr 13, 1 1. 8:1 ,, e 4 s Itetl;l 3 l . lll: i t , i . lt i a . : Mould, If practicable, eater before Met date. Hoard and Tuition, enrluding the entire Chasm and Selennficeozerse,also Forneh,lbedging, Washing, Men ding end Doctor'. fees, SIDS per annum. Payments made sow-annually In advance. Noce and Drawing are extra charges, each SO per annum; elm the Italian. Gentian and Spanish lame. get,each SIS per annum. • steAdersregOcitltTfrothrgnidcoiltitneeftcanapdtetyinslening the tons: will be Sent In any peelers upplilly tar it. ryl7-ml.: JORN MeCAI KNEY. Pre...Went pTrreetieWerig - TFCA.iIIiM, Martin iVekot;iii ce bag, by Eugene Sue, complete in I rename. Orepty'slltitery of Maxie°, from the earliest time. lathe presort, . Cleveland; aisle of the Catholic Chinch, an exceed Inn interesting week. Shakepeam and his blend., by the outline of the Youth ae Shakeepeate, o l he Semet Pennine. rte " Chamher's Cycleimed , a of !Berme& No; 13 Eften Alamo& impel to Life in Imndon, complete In 1 VOleales I sebel of Bavaria, new work, by A. Dumas. ?Secret Tribunal, by A. Lamm. Ceriliaor Wernen'e Lane, by A. Duman St. Oiler and Se. Jamey fly elt supply. Jomple Rustbrock. or the Poecher, by Minna, John A MarrelLebe Westenz Land Pirate Graham's Magazine for August. _. I Sacral, io .- n 1 Gedey • Lady's Beek." " Ands splendid moortenent of all dee late work& on I hand and fbr sale by al. A. MINER. I //El smlthfield r1.,3d door from; meond ngsw etioßii7-I.ire and teb r ... .pii,T.T.7l I •-art , .onate; I "'o'N ' . "'".,"q"'"d'rr" , - L. experience ofMadame De La Atothe Guyon, to. dmrre. med encier-sberts of e err variety, rah be bine h. rerma I r magma need adanted to the Esther with lame account of tbe - pereental histon Aral ~ 7,„„„ o , , od , o „ No „,„„ ood 0 , h , 0 , .4, 0 arc h , 1 relief,. amnions of Fornelog&Archhisbeg Of Cambre y . e y lo h ' do ~o , d , lo , 1 , by Theana.C. Upham, Pm( of Mental and Mum: 1 w r„ g t g ° ° ' ”Ir' °°°°° ' '°' °° give ° ° °°. Philosophy, in Bowden., College, V vols. SOO -- The me of the Reidy at relatlen SO the Mend, by. Geo. -- Rer.lllll , lllD MINERAL SPRINGS. Moore, N. D. Member nl'll4 Banal College of ?MM. MR. A NrualsoN , Ptearietero re , PeetfellY inform. mensal. Ae. the nubile that this esiablishreeni well be opened 0 1Iow in Rarely best we may , and prepared.Aar Me accommodation of ”shert, by din Campo w oar preset evils, with regard lath of l'ltO mgmill- Of whet wear& and whore." The attractions of this fashionable Watering Plaer The Persmt 'anew:edge ander difEculties, gloats it re 0 . 9 men and widely Mew., to Mime. ettemeomen tell by lineedel7., AYR penman by Pruett Waylaml. te e mod m the public D. 0., ?resident of m o , n 0gi...,,,e, g cal,. Thy The services of Alr. MARTI:g o whose seeterity. .new above oust received by ELLIO7T tr. ENGLISH. RY end amiable dopmition,a”he menage, of .uch an 1316 - fte mog o k,e, b, e gd god g o h enablishonent, have !intim* commended aim to, the noam-Bmw-uc kmm . - - - favorable regard of the patron. of the a Spnnwo donne A'T AIONSWS LITERARY DEPOT. 15 Fourth et- th e e d lwo d toot °°°°°"°' °.‘" bee ,7 ° ll, 7,7, od hYmmm ri. 5b.a.i.,..d hi. vri.d.. by Coe author of the IL, o a° , t o ," ° ",, ° ';"" a° " of wane' V r 0 .11 0 7; 1° .,,V,,7 , ;',1, h ,, e 0 1k° " 00d 4,,,,, P ",;17.,tf,:,, , by Ai. lrhe ' re ' ed from '"' Ce ' m ' becloud, the accent term nu , of ! the Baltimore and Ohio Reulsood, end from Holltdas. cumin Duaies. I berth on the Penis r rani& Canal and Cisamber.busgb, The Life and Adventure. ofJohn A Murrell, Me Greet 1 ~,,,,,,,,,, o . o Cumberland ' Volley Railroad. in Wens . . toed Aimie, with IN ebleent and .P i ril''d Ym' ' Ikellord leree. '" 4:n much improved sod ate in toad or- The der. Bettmenel The Democraew Review for Jell'. - i imprnired tiraduaird Magnetic Machine, - i' ' ...yfal4tio r ft P e 41 Melee los. 0091PACTLY eenanged with the Dm err and all - Ch adieu no' Cyr loptedia of Rogleah Lin- entre, No 113. Vn ee nary appliance.. put eosin hem rozewenel ea- Aw .sirens Review for July. ' res. Accompanying merle are full direr none regurcling, !ague the Pirate °ldle Gull. ' as use end applicenon. Thiu Inn memo is s, beptove- Y..raca.. .A. 0 . 4 bY hit°. Butter, nirmf R.im went over ell °time (man of man:omm re amt has been We. adopted by Me Mete cal Peofemion generally in the Rory O'bro bigamist.] Lover, ..00, of Legends East, al being the won comer/lent and etfertual Mor ena Me orer ' neve Machine in win I'very rawly ought to be rep. Ilrabanabl Magazine for July, reineen leg two Ivoute phod with hoo„ fay illustrations. Prices fraud SI a ac curie centing in size and Inuit Lady' a . Rook. Mam! 10 en' W WILSON . ern ath ...market sit blegarrn - e 7 for July. ic J 5% " y - - Beviric, - ,iiii - d B iwa - . m g . - T.4 —IDA J. Pettit's VllireroaF Canker Remedy - . TOIIN II MELLOR. Ft woodAl, has on band and for tr FEW looks of lamb J l'elloN l Canker remedy.. ~...1. at g00,,,, 0 , p,,,,,.. g00 , ~,,,. elegant itp,, c e go d It plane Magri, and thoroughly tiled. has been hoer Piano fen& nianufecte yed by Checkering of Iloslon,m,l obtained, and is for male by WmJACKSON,BI Liberty prammaced by the besizadges in thecity, tab t emporia, street It it the sum. sere. and eertenn remedy in 19 'to any mem..ut they hom e ',cam ion, tint, mo s t,. eases oat ol'llb far all ordinary or extraordinary, and Also, at-an extremely law price to clogs eamegn. tat mMaYmed rime. of "ere. or climme ltemattet meal- Senn Meath. ralernel Imre wool,. owelied tenon o. try- One spleadid Alebourany si o c ean, P,,,„, r„,,, of j sepelea, canter tin& inc.:mem Ma orb,. mul inery, bellboy, awe. 0 04 in ev e ry se..pue, very'uppue,„, ~,. : putrid woe threat, 1.1 e.-1. meow, p w, and all elan (teen mrunwoon einnefeeloired In All Oa, a. Co. New irnek, i i , me vied* , in lti" m m 0 - three,, mid, ' o.o . ol .""Cielt ioneereli /moon as eh< ;hew Verb tumutuelureng Conn ' ePPIO 4 in .."' 0,1010 " , ' " 'lii me d ire e tmitseen o P o el P.M.' . tug each bottle 'IIA anicin received es known to be Also, the following OLD PIANOS at mg low poem: gen... PD. , 10 ma. Pre bottle ,roam One a octave German Piano One CITIZENS , OATlin. One 6 . han., made by Dal:cock-Foe. ED i doo .t,k6a. m o d ..dmg r ki.i.a . opposite One Al 0 de do liesenbsisCA priegErb One 8 0 do Dearly now. erode in N. York, Maj. Larinier's Ezehanga gem and with modern faniture-preee SIR ' rrillE undemiened I. prepared to memnenedete sob. One 6 octave Derma° PArmovede by Fame in Veen-: A ...1. , .., and the rapt's' generally, seetb-a-Oeltemes ne, In good ceder,l and an eleellent Piano.. 5175, on a bath. Ili. new enatmehemet well 1 ... r. ~,,b 0. Pre credo, or a rrumth4 with raw ~,,.,,, ,part aided wall every thing neressam to tender Meloong, a Bare Plinio.. i n zury. SALT and bULPHUR Ft i',111, , per el retie red THE subecre bet Wisp. seven vial and oh h ood, , ho ~,,,,,,,,,,0 , 0 , o , 01 80 ... 1 The alum. gembleoloment it (mud up to on enure net and N. York Pianos ever oDered here : plan, being ventilated from he Inn( and the sutnecnb. Antonin the rent- • A con dem by the son eembined conenbc One o i, d _ oho R005,„,,,0,,, Piano , ~,,,d,„ by N.., , to re er tam enablobreene Me mon comintable o Claek,N Y., of eaperior awe. Nice very moderate °°°' It' art city. D''''lllee _ II VAt. , llo:' NM I One elegant Rotemsod Piano, by Chietenng, Banton This eestrensent was selected for the euroenber, by MY. Cagle-neg. and pranouneid ebe beet Demme Piano in las femory. Price modetaw. One elegant AI octave Reseorned Posen; loy Nemo a One& N. Y Ile ..d, • ...meal hereofet venom; en Imo and icier wits and mahout Coleman's patent replan enactment. For sale at the lowest eastern prices, by II 'METIER b l 3 at Wombwell's, RI Menl el exa th N. . D. Tbee iodine hhe are respeethlly owned in call and stock Ifora's Plane Porto*. J OHN II MELLOR. No. al Wociii.sk., has amide ar rangomentssiiih Mt HET Miss, for i sol'll .f rehis riot. rO,lO huh his snanotionory in rivis .0.01 ei•e during the non Iwo weeks Is as Iho.e olmsdr ired hi Now York— A Sem:lit - and tail. Forte': of Rosewood, fl cellists. with !he MOO sleznat exterior,soil of *titular toss io the one eihioibed by. AIR. Illes al his concerts in Ai. Lily Also—A soperb Rosewood Piccolo Piano Pone with 4. 1 velvvev, Wee Wienofsdlareye Tee pric e. will le the same at Pinthargb os New York. Sy . liTWEil.si BROW NBVII,LC AND I.7II3IBEH LP LAND, Is now maws daily earl way, tarrying 7 ULU !Leo( Goods and Produce between. above points /ileac hatultee from the East is delivered In !inshore on the night of the third day flout Cumberland—making lb.. Be most expeditioas ioute for tenuity out Goods hoot the FAI/EWI Chien e The Agent in Baltillinet will ;.,o a receipt cis - to how nd Gut. The oily Agents ore J C BIDWELL. Pittsburgh G W CASS, Brownsville bIeKAIO &MAGUIRE, Cured lelEtlke J R ROBINSON, Baltlmore_ ' -Dlt. 40!Ilf L cuimictio, (IF BALTIMORE,. at the solicitation of nommen, 1J friend.. has ernichedetl u• locate himself perrnaucne ly In Bits city. —lle therefore offers bit professorial IWT•WW i publie, and respectfully Pollens Abate of pationege. Yaalkalar invention given to disease. pvenna r to wo ,-'''•':', ''.';' -:' .. ... , :li: ir.o. it. IC chicklim, v '"' , "-- ,-: ', l : , :' " .. . - • - -. IlleritaxXe , atrYitor i Fireal Fa*, Baltletere. . ir. a, 5y4.4. our', . -.4 , .. .. :'.orineir ItnaldiAohl 'Peet Ailgroilla .I.ltlx,ghente : lied_ 1. .l.t. Beside:net. ifittosgabellairegaga?.....-_-. iellf --r:r. T. 7 . l . l iiiitt7lll7thi — ara — OlkaTOilifiToo . , von all k inde of grandma and diatoms of ilre Akin: A` each as PitoplerAlletthei,Soll Itheina.gcarry. Heat .8p... chapped ar cracked Shia, and for all other dame. et' , of the naln.'iehieh requite external' remedies, thin So * ap stand.' sopa, a I led. It ale Opals Preekles."l.in 7 burn, Inorphew, Tan, and changes. the color of dark, yellow. or dtollgulel akin, to a fine. healih 7 , gouth lah e'en rneAff. A (rah a itpfdy War rallied genuine. and far We at ae induced price 01 3i . h_per eta , tent Jon Wen revel '•ed. , is offered far rale by n A FAIINCS I(C IA Co. corner Ist and wood and oleo al the corner or . sixth andorrinit sr.' I.sl/LtITIO .. , Mt*: partnership heretofore eXislinrendre the style I att/ gun of hlpaills & flushheld, taring been !him doll dissented , the business of the fiery will hei settled by either ofehe partnere of the pW stand. No Ili ilenr.t. Ki ~ . . , .it ft HVAIIFIF.LD • SYI 9 . JAN. D. h1e(711.1.. . . • • • IlsTina dotaaed Dimly Inter.st In the firma IWO ills & R0.h114.1, to Walter e Roe. I take plenson In te• Ccarnoendird, the firm olidelllll. Boshßeid k Roe, to the maddened and perona de °lmp frirads and the public: jyt I • JOAN MettlLl. sae,. sestet, 1 1, 1112' ,L, .".L a r uP L E .t,l'itJ2, 1 ,!:'1%.1Vokr9lit arty et Pinaborgh. /Y 21' 111310LOTIONOF Z:The Vur 'netship berewfore eajrung under th e fi rm of m & I Sloan, is G. day dissolved by munnal consent. All dent. doe by raid film ia" be' Paid Jan Blown, and ill debls ilac law arm In be we.e' d by him; . . . PI SLOAN, JOJIN SLOAN. PitwbowtlbJalyl3.ldl7.rjybd OS L TON 2110Ddd OP HEATING 1101.1- BSREI—Mr: U. Dexter, ie nf Jbnon , baa wrangbal and tented a a n farbnadnbonow, which ha. been sue npaeurally w ed Id thrum, New Vork.ke . and WlarreVei applied, born recennd the • decided preference over Stasi& Kanaeet. he. Its aStseh , S6 , . • In Great regularity rof Teanteealete. Pretdam twin duwke. • 3M. Na unpleasant Dryness • 4 th. l'atilY attended to, and not Cable to get nut II nib., order. Great Ottralti p&Model and ktpeeibealion they be wen, and the op. ortion olda load at the Copper nail Tama re tactory of , WM, It tied WE, Pint Airrch • rityliStr het: Wand and Marker era , QINEDLPEVITiIffit - K Pig&SW.-.11. the vet la eon 1110'116w (1111.121.11ri;IfOr waking Utica. the aubscribers beg leave twain to call the attention of briclonaben and others to this very andel maehine.4 We willwiterent it equal if and aupe-rior to any other Brick News, of the some pviee. now in tee. We have a number of veniacairs of lbelrperfortte &nee,' which occupy too Wadi apace Cot adrenal:lg, but can Co seen at our affix, • • 1 1 (ItkIllakt111•re thapectfally honied testae ea atoll •We will give 0.0011 etlarllll3[ll for the petfortnatice. the Press.. Sweet County tights Or sale JOHN bIeVADEN t CV canal basin & peen _ ptddkwanlF WHITMAN'S VEGIF:TAIILE LINAMENTAtr T cute of Waist., Cuts, Horns. Riontrottos,Tiner, Sprain., Incomenno, ate. to. • For all aneidants l which the bone is Wk., it is aneenalled; It la tLo eln 'eselons in Merino or Mlle in hems. Formi. by • 1.11- .• JOHN P MURGlAN,Drpagistoropd sr 4 ru, iirte a nnottr , earliest times ut the death *Mom. Seen.* thninaetJ OH NS T O N itt"Ltirte'eln% ..abs by MIA 'JHN tgrOlailyOrt son lbr moduli." a briuipat peailyks :Ake .b = Prke Wenn% 1110 - rTlua ankle d be In teeny loam For sale by MS 'lt ESE/Apt:4=mM rt. • jpr0pi05.11.4. , -Altrmaker li,ooo to.. fitir Lb* : • .Pedestal of the Jetelluezt Al'a alerted at the Jeeldes Motildnerit Committee,' .11. held sot the lea Ear, a urea enailimou . sly revolved that the ornament to Jackson should be . p.a f fed in th e centre of hisfayera Squaw, in the my o f Washington, and that li, pcJer.oi ithoutn he a eattJ bar Sof ruck; and toe trulemiened evallatilee ereevloielrycle t t to adrentge fore roposals to ternteb and &hirer tumid equate n rock of mitable maltase. iur theigedesial upon which is I h....acted the cahnsal bronze. eiteremen Haute of This i, tbereiore_ to give entire that Feared progasals; will Le teen - aril la the understetted connentre until our trclock r al , on Tueslay, the third dot tit August neat, for (enlistees and delivering a the rebus of Lafayette Square, in this city, by the lei day of March meta mint rude rock of a ramie, or othsr durable Famn of let wren Ittke nail 'Meant in weight li is believed that rock a tort may lieutd on aid Possum rther. near this ear. The form of the rock mast such as will be saitalde her the purposes at th e comminer, on which they will decide before no removal. proposals will state the price (or fornishieff end delivering the shade in the canoe of Let:lye:le Square, end rite kind of shade offered. The Morey will he paid upon the delivery of thr rook at the place dare named; Inn the eallUllteee will male advsnees to the onna for tea arrouto, as the reek progresme to Its place of destination. . The undersigned committee rezerver the right of rejecting ell proposals if th ey .1100111 not he ganef/vary Proposal.. to be addressed in the undereigued. from Whom further nifennation on Ole tulaiel may he had it de red: Waelongtorreiry, Jeer :Is IN:. ll ft FRENCIL JUIIN C HIV tet4. Committer. dull& glittlfl". ADIFPLNRSItY le now open tor the recta.. or patient., on ffesitlifield tipperms th e :Verlaine : !halt end fleeting Dr Mammoth , (Kee. flours Woof II to Ma te.. and( to deals, Daily. All medicine requieite tor diverse, and recommended in all the works on Almeria Medico liar hernial/mined and will be dispensed grate,. lemon. vlsoing the Disistamty for the peep... at obtaining Medicine, to prevent imposition, will brier wok them an order Iron mme Medical gentleman or teepee:able tinnier. Citizen stating they are setually needy nod deetitute of ' the. Chapman eta has kindly eferest its .erriero for the present is hispeneary Phyrietan,. Will make it Air hum:tete ro be present at Ito hours above mentioned in give Bitch Melee .potien_s may tequire It le elso desired that the Mayer and Council will o the Diepensary one,, a. week to ascertain its sneers., henefite, end Iseult, an account of norobee of metre., nature of Divrave be rood, our every month by the Iraipensury Physician. nod published in tile city Paper. The Ethnic( of the Dispensary triune is for poor end deviant.. Two enperieured Phyticiaus of our city have kindly Offered their service. cis convoking 'Physicians. )palm TAIL CILOTHINO NO. TO WOOD inrREET, anrrtuu 111111, PA. • A ANDKER & MAYER- wholesalemid retail dealers in Enstern Readade lUothing, arisuld respeer (nit, take this oilsolirtl.ux the tiltentioil of Dor mummer, and Ike putihe 'triter:thy, to the following lists of their stock itt trade, and arsine thou also, that they will sell as ehenp if not cheaper. than ask inner eamblishinent is thetztr.. Oar facilities orpurrhasing and atanufarturing it, ore sorb Ai hs enable us at all tans keepa all asuarunenf of ready /114ar cloths nit iial lea prieestban thee mut ha - obtained el sewhe ie The present stork on band consists in part of the fin lowing Jest:rim ion of teal, • Ida black mark dress coats. fr.. 15101 u Eat 10 do do French .do • . IU Zed .• 70 bioara and invisible green do— 19" 0 ODU sack cook, splendidly made& of good material 1900 pair paint, of all styles. qualities and prices. 2100 resit do do do do Undo/en I.iuen plain and stitched boaarn skirt•; stock.; JAV S W a: ,P lZto d ple ' tel l ai ‘. al r e " oTL? -- „ta r e ' n ' lllT, '; to: byee. tee leaver, %where( Chad. O'Slalley,ke.: %nth it intentions by Phi:. Inhaihran . .ll.ore. a Legere of IMettatotr, trod Inc Iliabi rui I oily it I.h. v..te. Naarl, by at m Ceiltoot, eethts/ hi Tluo: loth. of the 1,,b Peaointry, de Ar. For aalr a: al A MINEICS ire suuthfield meet 7 111 doer flow hi TllllGOL;GiqoN—Thepneenriehip leaetaiore Istiog between the oubsenben water the firm of anUtighllllh. Unhurt woo d Athol red ou the lot immune by mutual eoneeat. R. A Conninghent will %ammo% as meal at the old stautl,aad wile the baeoness of the fete Stab WHIT A CUNNINGHAM, into . • SAMUEL IIe:INNER, - - • • DILIONBOTT Pocapiesi of Per& TheAnabast• of Ihenopbon. with Enebsb 1191(1 , by Chas. A !Chan, 1.. 1.. D =Nap sad engruzines New Task Plass Book, comprising oath., o f G.. aeraphy and Ilistory of New fork, by Win. Russell, arch numeroua suaps:andenfravicet. The Bay's :111911.11er Deserimiet <tithe season, scenery. and cousury annixements, with= illustrations. Pia. eel Pictorial !lino ry of Ragland. Pot sale by 11 - 21 . • J L READ, 4th at 11P IMETlffintli—Jusl receives. another Invoicif fine ready made Ehisti, narrow . and wide pla ~ tly • lOU and Etsnding Collars: Medium pastilles, narrow. 44 4 wide Plans: a few dem of ihoie 40 inch black Italian Pravatii, reemircd thismamy Ind or sale unusually low at Na azoodut Pio sin m us) by f II & E TOJLI, Comma:is Proem Manufacturers.. jy FATSII4'II FAXINECTORART—The virtues of r . J . his affteemons and cheap medicine fur the ewe of Cuitiomprion and other dim:Jr...l cheep* be um well. known. Very many tiye.bace bee. roved by it . —[N. V. Mar For sole in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TrA STORE, 72 Fourth street, near Wend. and also at Me Drug &ore of II P Schwa... Federal Alk•gbenytAty. SIALISAPIIIII:LA--linstal's Camp. i. Es I kleretentterCeurp. Fluid Ext.Sarsapardliu. Carpenter's ohs do; • '' OPensteekat do do; • Townsend's dp • dig • Corn early on kusd qpd for sale by IIA FAIINE 7 — 'QC*/ l• CO. FoIIICI 41 RRt aPdwood and wand and Moth' me. . ird A - stain - wmerulai - A - i;- - 7, mum' flintily Hying 410 MINS Dorn Pittsburgh Al s o, electron!! girl to go Redeemer two email children "several' goods nooks, ehambenneld., nurses and girl, for all work. Also..everel men for forming and her. nesting. Places wanted for severe' hook-keepern,sales. men.warehousemen. do. Please apply at ISAAC. flaprus . .9 Ageoey and Intelligence lame, Sth st near wood. ORD/ ESL rne sul,nbers travotieruntueneed the manufacture of lard Oil. are POW Prepared to commute ell orders for that article Their Oil rir of the best wrathy, and will be *old /tithe fewest star Ler roles The attention of llNAggi an4Uraceriis respectfully requested.JoipAnN &SON, IR I.lher y sr. ram/ Wrap,. head of SanthErld • • k Fft"int wet or dtink• ding and family use. resider air it as elear and .fivreiet as sating Paler. The{ are in veryeatestaive ere In We Eawou For skis by led ORO EMIR RA N. en wood Ft elied:per AJPitetret Ship herons( k, eaths'istren erb , "Last ...Owl Filen, composing a eery teams! nett than The attention df Machinists and cinitsurtiet centrally Is hooted. LOOA N KRN EDF eelhf IVO lir street 1 - rA - Vinat ki.Nl'llll eLltffh—r. 11111/C8 eon al all lilacs be supplied with a rest canning quality of nosh ground Floor Irnal the Ilaldwin Milbo. by j)lhbf JOIIN II DAVIS. tor wool*. Sih Ms inirOnTIA.TIWW - A7N - riiiisos ly. a. Ih, J. preeent residence of TIIOAIAn RFANe , who le ft t a...tasty about too \T ars ago. It is motored be is Onward Any intuitionism respeebtal him Wi lbe ihmk &illy received. Andres'', Si BLUE, Yroulytown, lean rw R FIA !ID LE,Ecli, 48., • 11! rt r i n a T g e Soil r Sad Denier oor'w'rieduel""ifelluic47aren"raddi. antis to tort, aural , g too, With. iteLa and the vt.lrf n 31antherorira.io .. birh .11V/ICA Ilin othritioti 01 I' UnA111:11 . . • and ra tenc any. tea t• •en ill hi u -it Ma • A*. -1 ___, 3./ra DA VIIO RUNT. Dfotho, had Inc 'Fonda reel. a: r inp,einent• lola, teal , htiYi lee.. that ht. asot cle-me .li. -whole { lone ia the dalif• of hol_pmfeltion.. may iweeen ill hi Aire, earner of th and Devalue meal.. hemeen Ma ke4 an.? Perry cl 4, al any hoar during the day..i.ain 9 A *hi ha d a at. ' ii_lA:7.l. lA/ jrch:ol .ttl.",-; , , ,, 0 10.11. ket ..ret.roi-tietatFiWnt a li n : ti,i en . r:le; i n ,i t ., l; ... le . e rt :; . a v r r ln y eg y o n, f , k , ;or t e o in g W i V i s . nem., ijl 4 rritaie, eaa ohwit liar loam Supeiriarytiohtier, ported In woad Of glum am, &male not Await entire Nalioraeliok wid fa all I 1., he exchaaval J,ll ,....,..LAV1l WEAVER y... 1 , 1 ._.,i , ztrt:f Yero—Pyereol_ Bil„. , tg,, s tv PrescouNl Ilitetoly of the Halo of Frobnand'and b.- 1 bella.3 vol. Bea. -. _ _ _ _ ~ . PrVIYOII . I Biographical ood Critical More Hinter, I vol. bro.. For rote by . J L READ. J~f4lktueor kit/rain HRH. laturklallMLhlt ittroll—Tbo itoi`aoommoirloal 1.1 daaer More or the tea..., merry. rural life, and country •rnoremento: by -Th u. Miller, with thirty airl .fillortraiuto. 311 n frVer,rit ni the Honk and Statham tote Of 1y . 13 JD tovsyoN SHOOlat lN Iti q -li a Tat, ° e t ntr - n l i C o to t it r ltt e A r v 1 ° ,10 4 1T.4 4 4 Cberneo I , IIIN at the wine stole or • • • JACOB VVRAVER , 110 Itrarill AMID WiLAP — PTII . '' Vt. ‘ o Vn ag: l s . Wilow Wm . • WO do , Lrow Wilde • JPIMERN.Y. 'au hit bids do a.; Mao Tot . • IP 111,1.040 .N 'l. du , ior ulebtll2.„ JNOI:PRI a RY • ly — Alakairl.lll. 11/11.ftroA find taro noirmse4 an , ishmts for Mikis,. Dearly new. Cor -: .h. POLILIP a wood stire ” , 11111'A11GETIIROKI-ke.... .' , IIIISSRS,'JRASSIA A 't ' BARKERS, s..xcualecir. BROKERS,. AND,DEALESS ric'FOREIGN AND DOMa , TIC EXCHANGE- CERTIFICATES or DE. POM3 I E RANK NOTII, AND SPECIF; Fourth nearly <Myosin. the Dant or Pittsburgh CURRENT .% ONEY. received on Dermtine--Mght Checksrit pale, and collecliont ;made on !early all the prin 41.11110,4,in the United Stales. The-highestpretniont ' , nisi for ForeigsTand American Gold Advance. nalo conmg mornts of Plothir iiiped FA o t,on liberal- tern. eteht3: • Datsakgra and DeaIer.OLDIES In Esehante, Coln and Bank .filuies,. 1111)1Rarr STREET. evrtnntinuti. Selling Han, Exchange. esq nig Haw, New Vint. i.e. CinClll.ll. !dig I .1. do Ualtuncire,' Ido Ht. Inuit, d o Haying Haws DANE NOTES.. (Ord t ,. Onto, dm. Ccs it Scrip O lLi rders, die. Idiana. 1 do Reliei Note.„' do Rentnely, Ido Pennsylvania Cy. do Virginia, Ido New Voris do, I do do Wheeling, IJo New Orleam Ido Tenn./ice, 3 du . Maryland. I do myEtr Copan - nership. 10118-Pll U . HILL. lime. of Ito. 4no of R•nt. A. el Hill & Co.) nod WM ,C. evita+.llnloorn'io. have. engeo..l Copannir.lop: unit., then ome of .11.1. cunt fier ho l pulp., ~a.rrylog on Oh Pooh tog nod I...wholioe but..., in all ho brancheJ. No &I Wood .1,, throe door. below Fourth. Lvo.d de— hero rotiolt. of their 15 Ig nd. 411.1 ihNpol lir st.....ran): JOSEPH II 1111.1. C CURIO' ...HI 111111.1.. %M. C. I/ILL & RANKERS A E XCHANGE BROKERS. DEALERS IN FORBIDS AND DO3IESTIC TIME A SIGHT DILLS OF EXCHANGE, CI:It bIEICATES OF DEPOSITE, HANK NOTES AND COIN. No tis Wood to rt, third W., Lelnv Pooh . west side P AR Fonda and Corrincy received air Derwi , c and collections mode !Man die principal nut in the United Stoics. Sight Exchange on Daltintorc. Philadelphia. Nee York. BOUM. and Cincinnati conionntly tier sale . • Ohio, Indiana. Kentdtky. Voginia anal Ecinisylcianit Rank Noies, bought mid noW on favorable tents Excliangeon England, Ircland, (lemony and France mocarcd, Ars . Ae. WILLIAM A; HILL 4 C 0, - 1144 K,IIC XXCIIA&I BAOKEICIS AOIIDIU DL.ILI IN FOREIGN AND•DIDIENTIC EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OP OF.POSITE s DANK NOUN, AND S P ECIE: a Wood Snot, ono Siam Posirth, Rost side. mchlSj . Pit gisbnrigh, Pa. fit&orr • ALLEN 1F11111[4... ROWAUD BARN • KRAM Ott t BAUM, • A N liEltS AND EXCHANGE lIROKERS,dea on Foreign and flornestie Dina of Exchange, Co caws of Demme Bank Noma awl Coin, corner : W and Waal roved, directly opposite Si Muir". II (1 RS. 11110, Indt RE DUCED RAT ana, Kentucky, and .Yenna. funds; 5- , County and Coy Oydra pureltaueJ at reduced r u( discount. by N HOLMES k. SON der/ Fachunko'llmact. 53 Mao ki Col sUeetlol. on Cincinnati. Loallikille, Si LOYII and MI necooiLlepoona in the Vast i4 Satin* made =pity, sod kirikai lb. lotTestlol.ol. by N LMES & PION, Exchange Broken ordits • No LS Merkel lit nolleetloas on Uitio nicnn. Loin ail.. Louis sod N.J 111 .lb-r !loom in United States, made on aecounnalkong ierrna. It ILL it CURRY • - Wood sIlle&I door to 10gte Saloon Ezehnuse on lied "i „, "lfitif.ttegtßll oll ' Wood at 1001 door In klagle $,400n (larcener of the Ohio 10/mist-,d .Kooky V Book. warded Very ery lno am rote. of diiieonnt. .lIILL & CURRY aPa Weed a. next door,. Caen Saloon Olt 10. Indian.. and Siantyacky anask Note* paretimed nne, by • • N fIULNIES & PON No SS Market or ROUSES, LOTS; FARMS, - Paper - liao jal •titue efts deed at trust tram William Lembitin, LP Christopher SLestnalin, and Williato 5144 Lasolidiu, and there wince, to the•underatigned: timed the 31.1 day oC October, IKM, and reebrded in the Clerk's °flee of .obio county, Vneinta. in batik 21. pages 411 and 412, shall expose to aslant e oldie nuctunt, the-highest bidder, at the font dueler the Court lino.[ in Wheel.. ing,lta: on the FOUNTEE.NTII DAY OP . 1 11:0118T,i 1847. at 3 o'clock. m. the follatein edesc rand properb Ti. sent Lola numbered lb. lir arid ma itt We or plat of the town oft.onth talteeling. on whit-ate erected • Steam Paper Mill, salled.the . Virginia Paper Mahn together with all the umementsandherettnamenie there on. helonging or in uny svik•Vpvt.4.tung, 4. convey ed to the utulcolexted by said deed of Mot aforesaid. Ye... of sale, to wt SSW in each, and the balance men Neal Par. ..kin six. twelve. eighteen, :wen. IT Otto, thirty-six. fonyawn. and (any-eight months from the doy of sale; each deferred pa) mem bearing intone; end We interest upon each of Mem in be paid semi-annually Irony the day of sale. The whole to be *reefed by deed of true; upon the propene -.. Selling as • Ironer 1 Emil chewer only the tale Veiled to 11 0 , 4 hough the title believed hf ilLgUrSlloll.lble. pviigi ! 'LiftAlLL:Pr om e o PROPERTV 11 , 4 YOUNG:MOWN, 01110, SALE. T„,„%.„„......, Direr._ for rule a .tnlen.l,lHnito /imam nu W.. Nioni Vow come; of the Public Stmate in Voundstown, alshorting county, Ohio It Is In toe, coestuodions, Gt.i.hed in 'ex. smilers, style, and In the best location In Youngman., atter fora dwelling or public hauserannehed to 0 is a yard, with water, staldtag, and all other conveniences et hand,. This towels imyrootng veryy tepidly,. situated' Ini. - rnedlutelyon the lanal,andwbenthe 'SUMO Fa maces , lto e i!eg , Eill. A. cow beitaj.inti urn completed, will Onurirhing plac, weliOil ob.. It ...0.,. II lnw for 00, ac e.aeh.nßed of I. & J It:K.4:olm, ‘• w, ts'aier sot. Pine. turat,wher_will ere all hiConlaation oviltlazotit - • A CONVENIENT three awry brick dwelling (louse, with a good basement and bark building oche corner of Is thrift. arid elra sin. In/ be Mb timid. This eager. will be rented hery low to a good ten ant It is do constructed ant likofsmilie. might occupy AL ' • Poadessien given Immediate:lL Apple ot the suh.ert• l!e7adjo , oluFthe ALLEN:Iit:NY VEIN ETIPCIL t) EIVONS desi roes oC purchasing Inc in thi.. Ovule 1 very are referred far adonuation to the buperintend dpl, an the bounds. tee to E. Thorn, Druggist, corner o Pennaud blond streets. Pituhurgh. Sy older ot the Dow* •, CILISYSIT, deoll.dtkestr Suwirintendant. Notate Dar hole. T uoderelped twin dtddit to reponse bis Tannery / to the country. 0/qv /le 'Ale SIX RUILDINti Lars on seor i d nvo. r..rry CrOVI and Re doubt Alley. I.:loch lot Witt be twenty fret.frout on 2.1 street cod eithty Re) itt depth. The lot. will lot sold singly or the lekole together.. Ear terms op I. to the subscriber the presuisei. ../011E CALDWELL ardOti VOR. TGWU 'nice a: Th.d Alto, the large Proint in the end story X lid and mar. ket st.,at prevent meowed as a literary Depot mud Periodical ogee by Mr. Wits Chldwelt /Veld • GAZZAM 2 To LF:r.—A lorgeopoird oullions, mud arell,fin• tubed, three Dos y 4 , v.i;:dwellusg, I ennUt., half way Lemur o Marmon alley and on Wayne at. Ftwetalte(giveumutiedtately. Porparticuturscceerre at [heather . • W W WALLACE. • la jyttlet *lf liberty at. TO. LET. A large directingon Fourth street lon Mound door idaabk for Meer, Posuuriput ear be w ee inneediniely. 'For 'Pedal apply td I.e l/nzette Omen. • j)eldir RTC RAVING resnor`cd 1a Ibe cop, for coovranence Mato profeacional lars,nerr, I Iva, rent the Illoorion lionse,end as inured Me enclose re,sintate on the 111a4 of the elonougsbele, Otit mole mace PIIVIJOrgh. inottl ancoff ' JAME'S It CRAFT • ' IrUILOING LOT N 91ANCHaITER FOR ALP -I have for rale a Abeam i fel Building Lot in Inancheswr,rteur, the Perry, Mr et born by DP feet deep. It will be .014 tole, and on stwornmalatine terms. Term. unexceptionable. my/9' JAMBS BLARFILV. Real Setete Agent Ft - if :ICI% THY: 3.lrory Bri r ck il Ware_boose,'No. 54 Water street and No. PS Front ur lmtned;me peeetestun given -apply on the pm mime. • ' • I/ I.9f ALEXANDER GORDON VOll Brij he. 1..di0 4,44 Inra Ity - 63 fees dei - rp ntheittilig the ODEON.Mr tale ennui,. of jyti ItURDRIDGH, WILSON rt. Co, water st G OLD PENS -A vet) , Ids o e and emit ' , elected mock of ther brit 411.4 &clink! Pena just °paten and formlo 9t thie lowest p r ior,, by .• - jetW . _ WILSON • , . stud, • pursinve or vvriiturre a the V.outh errs Qll Ilenuan hfrlville. maker of 4 Tlpre) JuAl ree'd and for iic by jai JOIltiM11)N ec STOCICTUN =M=LMI Neut . iaiii — Pias — iloi fiiiable Iloi and UN DER the Alouou:altalo fluote,druitle field spree . The tubs:wilier aaa reeespilyestm.lishilat ed himself is abs above Ladders! in di_ . City, and has liars oped foe tip, itt , peettoll of the Pul.Ce A large and earefu ne lly selected astortramit of llam'and Cap., of erery darcupdon. color unit shape, Mark lie will :ell at De very lower, mutt price.. ilaving made oriangeineei. with the famed lieut. of Ceche & Coater, of Nem York. he will ahvaya have no hand a fall supply,of their oeloLt men Deaver, Silk, and Nord, flat.. Alio, Itussia. Caltaithret.•, ettity,Otter and Ashland flus..both of Dauer a and Ileum matudactur...; shirk he will Cl all times take pleasure in ttliosslitg lie Meta...red that ail mow. will 1.. sit Wed with his .clectiou and at the same Jim his price. will lull the vio.t economical.determined !hone xpect% .flof in 1,. beateu. On not. therefore. foicei th e Maputo eaheln House Dar 51. . . ti alertAl.7.Ahl ii I 11118 being the day the Sprier tpr!!T FeTriiTynolik Into will he introduced, hi . the own thirle •••• ie eptolillehmenth in New rink mw Joile,tihnedlat r old iieenife to beipg annnonre to their rerinerim , Irirodii owl the imblie me Krim rethtoroupp'y 01l who may iOhnr usroll hialoonithlo Ilai li d the vonhifising !tenorr•. Nom., and ehi th 11:0.. either uhole.ide 1 . 01 .‘i,fotCl) KIN(3 =Alt 111,04 In 7: : 7 7 y:TlN ipla,:,s of .11a1 and enp.Manorartorar.43l. as natrori.d to No 78 Wood "reel. thrac door. food!, slireh • 11in aaaelt cocaina of a1e.17 voNci'c of Ilan nod Ca :t, made in the !Wen /11, Lrahoan and Nadal Nirow'llau, faraoleaalo.aod at the lowealOrice, ' ._ • • N Woad salami done shove Fbatih ~ NtiErit,,TrA.,R.i7g4tot-Z;`,,11.7; A. 0.1 rhh: Gentleman anohinta a cheagantaal4 • losable HatorPioatnaga matiolaeloro ahead of. a,,tiasidernieed by sane of Sae I.d.igaaao(, hlonnble Slat- taffi, •111ENVII. a c.v. aaeedlf' 152. Arad of' NW., -- • 11111111/111811 EASIIIO2IIFOII HATS • vet fnm New.Yotk. the Sum /4 kle Itom .114.61111 t of Whoo Betiver, read and White French Casiiteere Item, with Yetatilatow. - Thom inventor o boomifol,flitht Hat ore rcopeedoily Invited mean.. • s Noon =wood et. adommtnere 411 arWILLIA DOUGtArt eai hut hash 'apply of IliAggoit Ro4 Visas silk tnazed,o4p.,ll.ll/ , • liatga. Goa Freacklitolesk I Him. it yen , law • • a - nr• mre<l.- A - VIONTINIMS to otaaaraattlna, and Vccp constantly on hawk-Owl, 'stein), of lima aid Coos of the lanai sty le t Qat ppecar ,tc low at • ,Itr.WpOdttlasttEttal sit*. :••- • • . sfillr I'ltAt• Dlt atimiiisr.rows," S AIIS AP Alt • -mosi ezfrany . Eitary krbalte . la Me gradd. Thle rattan is ;Atop aft quiet bobleo tt Wax Imes elowir.:•; plessmotr, and weenata4 seririor tri, wAL..'• estres . diwtase .. trishout i s i tting a. p.rigt 611EiT SPYING. - da Arlin lIRDICIMB. The g raal heanty and mopes/only thhiaaraparillAomi. all othes MedicinAh ; whilst itEradirtho DIWINW Imjeee , ales tbsll.4. It is one or the very best SPRING AND sUDIIERIDEDDANES ever imosni;ll buttnialjporiliti the whole truth toul thy ontheus thermos, but Moe, Prue am( INed Muni, ni powerpxonwelkity so Other. 31edixts. Aa4 isthis is graadment missives: It has lithasthed itiva the tote t monk thin MAO norm of Severe Cm, of Dorm. ; knot 5,400' of thesk were considered it/curable. None Asa • .I,Ntn ems of Chnninftimeratioa ; SW ems of Genera/ Debility anAlVaut of Door ',OOO ewe of thresent Female Coinithintit • - %Do eases of Eterofula; • 1300 cum of the Lim Cothploiat ; . . • .• ‘1,51.10 ems of Diseise'of the Xiiinsf /ropy • and Thouiends of ~ emvl of Disease of the Blood, ria Vises; Krusipelas, WI Rheum, Pierre tenth. ibles,Ate..; AA' Tits rther with numerous eases of Sink Headache, 'Yalta na so/clout Chest, Spinel A ffeetions,Ae o ke. I - Tho, we are aware, must appear inereAlle, hal bee ham ' . letters rma idtriciaus and nor agents frothruis of the .. United States otforsain us of extexiedisAry ewe, Ton . yExo: unearth most nopertandethnixists in New-, ark, N. J., Indrawn to that he eux refits La more than ISO ' in that place .There am . thoosams of ernes in Rho". Cite of New Iraq, Wheel. We will mks to will rmanre,' ind to nun of Manner. 11 Ti the best roredleteo for the yeniioe of dionse known It undoubtedly sat r. 1114 erasure duo .-. _ 5,U00 Ciumtpi Tnc Parr Aestiot . • •As it rearmed the mogul' dins., aski pc grpilha Wens C. 4 .• the Summer gat.. _ . r . ' Ullll.O 81,1711. Orstera. ' - -- '. I - Carr. U. W. AlrChrala or ruz llartWaltrarits /Tarr; . -..--; awl member of the New Jersey logiablure, b. kindly, seat-. ." us the atilantriair reettiettle.. It tells Wore MAT.' Rantwar,lata. Z. tell a .. vi: A year since I wai lakes with the lalltstert,stad my via.' 4 stem kit io a debilitated state.. latat tailored ttalt, Dr: .-.-. Tortelead's.aareaparilte, sad alter biking taw ate tba s .. by. - - ....::, . tat, I was are, ankh etliese4, kali absiboteit Mindy lathe said tt.t.areertila.. I hate evatiaued biking it awl dal liat..- -- I Improve evez, tin). I Attica it rated Air lik anal would . .. .2 a..i be x ittadit it meter say cotteiderataw: 4.1.1 r. MaL”a latt: 11. P. X. . • . • . . • Seams. se Coteau. Iw This certificate over of that W. Bareapaellte perket mateol over the mat °Wismar of die Likud.. Three persons mired Se/me Imus is iinfrees4sated. Timm Cultoticsr; De. Turreamvv-•Deis Sir: / hare thr plnu ' to inform you that ilsree of aty.lehildrevi have twee cored or the amp* tiara by the me of year reeelteut audirme , They mere adhered very Nerereloials had .4.4: ham oily Mtn - awe bottles; It took them awry. for lithieh I feel myself media deep istiligatiou. • Ifoun, reerelfally, • ' Irate Citete,ll , 3 *mutat M. • (IDEA T EP.SIALC. lORDICINN. ' • Ur Townendie Panaparillt k a raven...bin NW: speedy' When,he Ineipieat Comon_pbott, harrenne,„Lemoribm, or _ otionetal alt enstreatarm Ireontimence of Urine, or tovolustery.deektme thereof, aad for the pa-. eel prosaboo of the system—Meatier wodher Wr mob of interne cam or canes, per! mud by irreguaby,illmia accitkla Nothing la soure surpeuistg then its intgostam f. 2 oti thehu man frame Demon, 1.11 wealdiem and tale, fine taking it, at own become reboot et, fulls . mazy . tinder its mam. It immediately beettenteis Inn en of lb. frank Dam, whist. greal cam cf ker. .• It will got be etpested of us, in man of io unarm,a . as ton, to exhibit &nitrates . ..l cons performed, hut itsme • emirs the afilead, Out hondreila of oases ban,. maned nit Sneed nen when feud.. hue hum without child-•;': nu, leerfog a few buena of ail. invaluable. mobeiswe' hale hamlet nth hobby °Papaw. • Dr. 71mounsdr Sly wife beingpremix Vienna hp weakons and general debility, and sufung ceatinually ' hy pin and •l actuation of banng down, fang of thee womb, asupwith oilier difficulties, mil harem hate.' extra.. sae, your medicine has eSected.preal cure i and Mohan log It recommewled for such metes I haft dntribni,lebtaie. eta book of your Ettact f reimmnaaSeamed • . the directio, you . pre -e to • short period II remand— • • tors coo:phone an d agar, her Walsh. Deist grateful . fir born sha eitabed, I take plasm+ in Moo adamekdg ing iy tad two...wadies. it the public. Nosey- Albany, ding. IT, Da; Cur of Otani adLyda Ma,' •.* • . CortIACCIS, Sept. Dr Tountrovir To all whom this my coewene—Tbis is ~, UG to certify that may wife used oar bode or yaw Smayerilbi delicate bur omaremen. muter the en, Arming nob -, • delicate rinumstuces, being ambled with tee dtry nab. -.• ling of the feet, tenons aSictiate, UM my mo th abbe. .:•-•." teal; web toy penman, .and mosmamadgise'alilken • ; who had uni .113 mu maw, to trylt, with little or no faith, and enact it to my, ac medic,. had MI ham and desired effect, not 44 tu the bouts of manna 1 0 but Ida iho ntdration of am week of ha am the - droPay ad ' von sate, pvc vniy 'to an ntonishing dqrse.,altd Wit • health is um been thaa it had bent far a lam Wm, pee. If thu wiltwren to you, , aup who rleu the swans of the y medicine, yr. are cablely welcomer Io it. I subscribe myself' yo, 0000 obtdieiaood nyi g d scnwea. • . TO moTarsta AND MUDDIED LADIZIS, Pas Paean of Saimptnlla h.ts bees arpreedy prepared itt referrere to fable eouipleals. No amok who ham ent. un to suppose , be Isom:mai, that urinal f. ••-• turn of lei," should negleet to tale it, as it •b • • enteim";.-:'di preventiee for any of doe numerous and low. ale deems which finale are eisbjert at this Lim alai. This period may be delayed bir antral years by using thisseedieim. Nor' ' •.; : t it len nab, to acme who an approaching . amenaltood_ „.. mit it tabulated to neat nature qui...know; the Wawa • .:••; and invigoratiog the system. Indeed, this ale s final oat, fur all of dr .leNrate filen... to whelk. mama are: - . - • It kwes the /hale simile. cements pertamtatily the We nd nutrias—by iissorteir the isepteritith of the bedy—met Gr stimulating the system as to Friel.: a sabetiment hulk%which it the ease or most medicines taken Lc thank /manes. add discus anus READ THIS. ' Yon arlot tons pale eletplenima, dull ryes, blotobra fire, rough skim or franks mil ire t. ont . oinet met . a. bathe or Mna of Dr Towerendts Sara It mill (Mame your blood, mmove the freckle. bletabee p ' ant g 4r you animation. aparklieg eyes, Sae apir and beamifel e i mptergoa—all of whirb are of =imam maim OlanlZ. meti Lobes. . ... . DYSPEPSIA. . ~...7.*11' No Amid or medicine has ever been discovered mbiele r Se r ''. - .:i.; orgy emembki the pitie joke or saline in demenisalai...l* fooled eteropheoing Me omens of disrmlon, as this prepapir r :. ~..: Minn of Sarsapirslk. fi ).. ~ • sm.Darstrrairr. ALbei Jim 10,1845. • -,,A ,. Dr Telensesf::: Six-I ham bees nmelyd Dr several. leare loth appeptie in its mint boa, Minded with sour .• -, .0. ..r e..... 4., 6...1 uproar, etirtinelgarlborn, Yd. ,-. gnat asct.iju to all aisle uf Lod, and ES weeks (Mat 17 , .v, moW rat s ) I have ken tumble to but a mall pastime - .•'1. , .. , . on my stomach. 1 tried the musl reatediri, but they ktab- ,,, .* but link arm eat' in remorins the ompleln_ . .t I mat,....., laved, about Mo usoothe mom lo try pins bainni of Mrs.. ' , r.1'..,.. wine, tad' Imust say Milli littlicoundmick kit alter u5inc,.. , ..1.1',1„ . timel77 two Meths, 1 Amid ray appetite mimed, mad tbet .e,...., kembutn entirely. removed; and 1 mould etesestly nem. ..... mead the itie of it to lime who hive been atilieled as I ham ;.... beim.' Yours, if e., •W. W. Yes Lunn:, ,•,.:, - Pim tiF; ISIS, ALMOST A . ADES CEP. : ~.., Read the foils/sibs, and doubt if sou inn, that sommosp. hat .....a be ma eJ lhisisouly me of Me set en! hsraA,d • r '1 ems that TownsemPsSarseprilla kw eurelk • . • , De 71nossend-Dear SW. 1 liras lakes a little or - ii I L ea .. Lzo:eith a severe mash and pin in my side. It M...„_,........ v me quick tamed. goo - as prObainepl by pay..., ,-.... ski.* to have the masons I rai se . loop pm- --- , :. Otirs of bad matter, bad night times, ion Maims miry Aso. it I say doctor MA he mild do for eme. I meat mm thei .1'..... , ; hswimd imbope . or bt brat... prvissuseed Utere .•._ . es immitable. I nom pettlj . al dm loop asili .... ;, could hardly kWh. ; I cm Moms emicialeil, sad expiates 1 , .. , .. to die; ma confuted to my bed , mod mas 'obliged to lave'....c-i?, ma:chest . indeed I.emitot grni you ay. deftsiptior Dot . ~-•:` souk! dojusice to sty me. IMs suppoinl by ay DMA* '. - r. j t s b e pmt moven; I had tried • grim amber of remsdkii,:=•,le md all mused tote to no pursed, I read of some teat. 4..-: -..,"' „1.- iraordinaly ems perforoxil by yOtir ni , ditisie, init rto bay .„ . .,- , q you the tru th , I. peded them mu won lOgy in thea......-' ',,'.. Mt I am induced to try it , I did ea, ad ma tory thaablitF ,- -r.r.l. I did, 1 ;punt my that •1 m entinly wen, lan sat mks.' recovered se se la bembatosT lmtess sts! hoPe to .he eatiesivr•' :.rri : ly well in. Mr.-weeks sly eoNb and , palm la thif sideb,,,, lind niglalsiretts have len ote e and raise kg sew Salmi and :, 1 um fast pining my mal Seraph. I fah it s duty to gla d : 'vv . you • •Litrinent al my me, to ' , oblige if ;Si please, ..... , ,Z1 . . r r..";.owss 4 7LstUest, s ebe sj p 4 .. • . Opinions of Phyalcliaska,.. , • . . ,r . •., Dr Townshend it sinvostdmly marks dnlell Dom pay • T' waists in dilliereat puts of thellsin, r' This is tomtit thatke, the sailimigned v Physicians of ~ .;,...14 ..., the City of Alkey, ben in mumerom can sratra.d Dr.,......,-. Tossurnd's flarsaimills'asd MEV - mit to be me of the mat r 'r;l'''' valuable wegminoot of dm Senaparille in the Market e., R P Pauses, at n, r ....4.f-.1.,f . ~ -J W theme ao, • R 3 Baisilbs n. r .b. • „•.'. Albag,.4prD I,IWD. P DEutcroorsor a, •. Tai.. - Tait it to certify that me, the indegemil, preetier r iss , - .7 ,- .; . Tleminisiss Phyoktmos of the City o Mo de l •libee Ermarm.: , ~ v ly.premlibed Dern...mid'. Compound limmict Of !Mem - . '.,? p,,DIr, mod from its know qualities ; mold lamommind ills .- IL the public fir missurialorsofithm mad otheirenhaeous dia. . .. tem, in prebmoce to any of the adiertised re...di:sum is '- .17. me. - A W Bram.; r r, -Altszy April 2,1E44. . ', Wort D id 7b•rron.T r..• ' r '.. ; Primeipl office: 131 Fultos It, Sm Saiing, N IN Bob. • • ...; Jill ¢ Ca Sage at DIMS; Or Dym 4.5. i. PP North See , : r ''';-.' 0 . 4 . 1 phisa.loa q s s !leas e iinspst, Sallimare; sind lii .. v; pmcipaidoespis par_ rally throoshOut the United Stmem.,.. , west mime am! the cmade • : __,...... 5 „, , .„11 Ness senuiveroutlets pmess in the huge spare bottlitia,,r,t. 'a rbieh motain a quart sad svird mita %linnet, tikes r•. i : of S P TOWNSEND.Ind Inenamt blo •Om lasi, - . ' 'v. From the Be'. York Daily Emmet of pril9,l, , Citei - :. :-..1 , 1 A prettythks &pram& in the streets y es t e eday...llnsaif....:', - the adverts.; cab; m& Samparillm Demme Dr Tam The whole Mos is got np to good km les of the,0r55.'......1 W letidscepeintatioss an tenedifshar ' ; slather with', the reroll mork k ui sold ; slimming in tie . made • sham' ~ .. rarely equalled to Brasil.). Wi lake oppoennoty IS: - ....-- ray me believe this Intim of the ; Sm.; . mmmm th ... ...,,, very grow popularity it Ms acquired. • N '. A Townsend i-1 irnw You,Narel,o4,llN7 ' ~ :i• Dv here kM .Meted Minn Or. lim for 3 700ta, with a dresdflil Midas in the Meet; siddineia. is Om . . ' . .r.-".‘ heni,kei of Sportite, pink the lick, sideenergy'lskate,;; .071' ~.:, Limight ab no deubily the osmium/ heat and kWh, sikkipl I a= .abject lo io ml badness as • dyer. ' I hate Wm Mbar f.r.:l teed Mims. too ousserous to mentios,lnit with /Mk ortvombevv,r.'..-'1 mee . I gra. induced by whale:WS im the ppm to try, lingsi": 1 'of your &imp:vit.., from Math I Eusd mak/eller Ifeme e . i r C,,,,^ taken mere/ more monks, and I cm ,aaa.ambar7r. al. the .1/tit medicine I hare ewer taken-tk pan t ..y ": •:, Mil. in pew, •nd 1 221 quit. &di/Arnim= ihopOss Om.. -. . 11 I Love seknyoutlistesparillt I hos em a bettps appetite .-,- itim ever l: My mife W. taken it withlhesoms Witt: :'1 eial. multi ill mhl Mosnamsd t it as flat//pliMtieiner.:- gr,o,lty, pq..l lint citsTnrall ilu4if itritned plinni Ironla .4.: ,•:'i Lit. fait tht licEi....ltore ,s'and fe•jrnoratt nol q niiint.:.7 , ... 4,,,,,,,, , ,, bin, a d .14$6.it moss, appetite, M;aleri vivre hvil..i'l' she .tootevh md bon rl.A.ter regtal.‘"ion r II b.,* lbethind -'. ;,1 ~...,,,hhy same, v., Wm Jimose hi Mem/214 hi sitsettliart:-.,',...1, ~,,,,,„; , And ,u all 1b... nha ar. n?!.in ii . _ 11 slibribeiy. `.-.k? . L , ' ~ • .., ~,iTium.,Sigrrti,44,Ao,. a. _,.. .. •-----, c•hiiiirria the 841..14.114 Ilrfliabl of agogwycl4o4 rl tr... Or ilwgginglog wryggrair is :bell:db.:. ss pea Ur Nee Vette.11.0117,1817.- Tobwwwi• Wargo:— Clog of et.Aleng we. eca •oh agwr if. numb and d,rga . glingbed wYgbly. It rear !card rigg; I obtabord lower room ygnylkotbstartws, awl 11<ani st dem*, riJf Idle! •11101 , ywt I lad rez j gratefut, Yours nmpottailyy tait'ryrkl bliwf4VirejrigfeWa py:LIVM TOWNSEND NM Arta 411relned it e llAS'Nemased b the Mese on Pee weer, Wren doom MIMS Mr.t 1 14 1 .. . where mix be krund Do 'dwelt ... A.M..1115. At be mamma of, betel; eutployett - by none bg Moon wito VrillplatalMl•edligb papeept. WiLLop partseesoklanilne be Would tlm stealerpa henter• stealer aneenton Ole etnoentjt Wins: ale left -_:' All b t t x, expiration a lb my' Jays, win be gbarced i'o t Erwahhaeah. $l., , • - ; 'FaTiMaghva iblaper ltvnil eavity; All tneentelleneOens....itt eente 6ill lltopeeties," It A es.. trt 'wakes ts ttse easulsemll..l: be edissielel,leaterees . bs l sot leeltote mg. % de . br towns .tr net, 7*4 itimembeseg phhid al kaildsVa Me na [ "' kcr stifdamvur . .4A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers