•• • 246 F, imsza - • M y 4.• • ?'.•J • .; ;.,,'•‘•":Jv r 1, ;•'(;;•,;:;;• " "- • lc „),.., '. ~. .. -0 , • ... '. r - :1 4 '..4 !I:It' , v5if. 4 .!Th~.,,.464::; - ?4•: • 4 1 : I:ti z ,.-'.. - •••=eil . .-1 : ' :4 4 :11% , firk, .5 . .4:4•kt...., , .. ~,... ,” ~.•-• •... ~.. I. - ..4..1:•: ' 1 - 4 .`k , .i'4.4, 1W ,,, - - ,' ' , - , 44l.f.ttl'fi: qv .1+4 , ...1•1M.! ' • ":I — lfj,.,` l " ''f4;',:a . •: ..„,-,i . :: l'i-• ~..„. ..0... ~.., .`i : ' i.,'''. 4 : . ' n . ' lw' i ' l','4`'-i:•' : :',, ', ... 1:1' 'i''' ; 7 1.' ".1...1.,•1ti",.. ilifetek4:.l.ll-.7 , ..4r f , A - t , ;-.•.., , j,•;_,_,_ .., A , ,., ,, :i .. ,-...1._::4.4.:1 . ‘; • --. •- 7 -• ‘..:` i•s*-' ' .1. , : • -.• .*: • ' '''' ; '. '' ..`ll - 11.1 i s : f..., 4, .e...1‘4...":4 1 3; .:: • , 1. 4 :.' •4.11 4'.4. . ‘.• i r:t*. r 71•1 1.0 ~• ,!...1 , ..:':'.lY.t!:* - :ltt. ;-;:.A.:Yfikif- , .:•;1 - 't 4 ' :1 4 i - , , ,' - s 'it: 4l : k ~?-ss:l4 • i ) '2 . , : s ...i l ' * *':,'"'.4 , 4..V.. } ..,•"* . :s tk t 4. i1ek.,;... ... = ..k . i', „ILI: • 4 . L.': . .'t !•.1.4 . ^. 4 ' ....)?' P.90''...Y • . 4 ~.,-.„,-1:: . %. ' t u , .., 1.4 ,, , t • -;.; ~ v ti :j `' , AAliso4";-',A . 5`31. , :t4i;it* k ,A, _..,•,• , :iN ill - ;z4:€4 tv,, , , , ,..0ig. fk i,, ,, R , .;•.. ~,...:.,•••,. !':r.:lri.it•Ut. , i 44.-% ... 4:41 •.,.. ; .1 ~ i z i3t-44k,..,:.,,••4 ,44..-,1, ; : s Rt-:4•1:;-...,:„4,-.1...: . ) ,„ * ..... 5 .. ''`l:'l'.;t•tiirPie' N 4 4: 144,.,::,: Daav,--The deaths in New York last week *4 4 :,irssehrtd u the large number of 528, or ninety nit ie44. o ' , more th an the weak previous Of dew 187 were ' aims. Oa•yeed, Si Unarm 1 and 2 and 22 from '.':2 to 5 Ivero• Eighty night died of Cholera In .-Isneum, 52 of convulsions, 40 of consumption, 31 eidystansq, 28 of typhus few, du.. ifil'ltilsdedpbts there were 243 death; as =ler I ;: , ? , .one'per iod4l between one and two. Ifni% Louie demean, II I death. of whom fifty '''L l ' ''' ' 14 Wigan under be yaks • -,:,, N , ..-. ~;.z. 4111131 TM ZOWNTAIXL—A number of moon_ ' ' • * -** ' A laigi4re balllll/4,111d et sa Louis, havkleincluiree At - Y.f. =.,,, 1,3*1 pultasei of burrito rotes. Mr. Murray. of -. • • k.„...:7 •.. i- a* pa rt y MR Fort Akvender, high upon the Yel , 2 2,,...'", v ,, : lemr.rnane den, on the ith of June, and Fort rt . 7 , Ve r Vih ., • Woo; at themouthol Yelkns&one, on the 17dt. -. 'i . .. - . - : 11. mem* chi Upper Missouri country nowt, with idattulanceof beak. and a balk trade. ..1. , , •-•.-•:, ... iit.AT - 4a - An iui• n n.— <A from Ev• ~"; "1 ' baps. Windmill= that all was quit at • th at - 7 •''' ' ' * oboe - ' ibo 41k inst. The U. &ship Albany and , 41 '.. :'* ! - ",*4.1. --^ - 4tbrigl a i sew ardent at soil about th. udddls or .i ,. .T.,•: , ... ` - r '' *ow Milne' three AZO•fiela ainsiedoners on, [ 5 1 4 ':,2:P - '... - ... , f, hand,wbo ymnesedsd to the capital. e n d t. a i ded z.,Le - ;' . `,,T'..,, -•'., o,2;eir ut enruntstrc.-A child RR - 71 : fL. i t"! ta i l ,- asibeino . 4 of Theta% Came ', ,1 (* .e ' d ,''' '''!' imam ath instant. bY Pah* 10, it' °4-:''- 182 w- card - its 11. newth *MA* isealber bed de a ` .., , ,,,.... 1 , T .-.,, ii ii i 1, dim in 6dy...kot hours miler. V '''... -- miagiii iii card Wowed _ that Ihs ellantai 0 7* 04 .1;. ir:tisir‘ 7 49 04iPt.14(*b°12461111°. : 4 . r ,ifj.if - P .-C '- : ~ • • .;•': ................................. 1::•4:',•;:!•:::".:;'...:-:;: ,,, . . .. ... EMI or mu:mos !moots& ••• • PITTS EIU RG FRIDAI/111ORNING, JULY 3S 1847 AD— Ts. 'min sex °sus Disey,Vri•Weekly, and Weekly.—Ttre Deily is Se vi rt ' "Dona, per ening theTri-Weekty is Five Dieens viaseelvthe Weekly is Two Dollars per anneal crnetty Xartles. to Advert LUI-Atlventtiowso tootte I • ietta'alt;elt la the, age':..tnibe to tula ' . .ort the part or out cum/ a, would be pie d,.. -'4.4ireot taaatalbearbt_ . • ' • , • ros fat. JAMES 1/IVI/11, CA. elm. comic) FUR ie, itrier.inlirirl • or cmumu 4 n, warn) 1114 AV OL GEORGE DARMErof A/leglieny City. ealt um ' .LEWLS C. J. ZIOLILK, nanty. of Indiana Tp. •CHRISTIAN lIRVELI',o( Tp. MARSHENRY ALL SU , Pitle ARTZWELDLIIAmb. H . L.A . •• ' J. W. BAXTER, At Patsbnegh. • rot cotrtent eanuktustoten. ;aAaTHOMAS PERKINS, Lottrertß.Clikir APDIIOII. - WiltraAhl CATCH. of Versatile. Tp. ~~ ~_ _; EMBITICAL; COMMITTEE • THOMAS E FRANKLIN, Laneatter • , JOHN C KUNKEL. Dauphin County. THOMAS DUNCAN, • . JAMBE MARTIN , THOMAS C NAMELY, York.. . WILLIAM 111 WATTS, Cumberland. DANIEL M 81111YSIAdam s . .t. JOHN P WLTHERI Philadelphia City. JOSEPH R CHAN' ROBERT T CONRAD, ' THOMAS' MeORATII, Philadelphia County. .BILLER LUTHER, ,--1110INglpp lIIABD, Franilin. —,TLIOMAS T APKENNAN, Worthington. lARMAR DEN . ANDREW I OGLE, Somerset 4 1k ti gh go " r. ' " JOSEPH II KUHNS, W n ethirto . reland. 0 1 BALLiErie. H D MAXWELL, Northampton; ' • J - 8 HALISBURY, Eluequelianna. ELHAAN 81t1111, Wyoming. ..SAIKU N EL A PUIIVIANCE, Ender. HENRY S F.YANS, Cheater. ROBERT T POTS, Montipmery. - For - carm . Coataleretal Intelligence, Damiene Mar kcis. News, Imports, Aloney Markt.% tee., third page. • Aro fourth Pig: for Miscellmaroui Slaws FROM CALIFORNIA. . The annexed extract from a Washington.letter pubthdad in the New York Journal of Commerce, is not , wholly improbable, seeing the many and • vinous causes for resentment which the kL.r. ." • MODS have against the Americans: Wamtscrros, July 24, 1847. • . Them is a letter in the city, received by the %went man, with the starring Intelligence that the 'Mormon regiment and the Mormon settler; in Calikenia, bad - risen and rebelledagainst the American government as estahliabed there, taken Feleehilen of the country, end eslabliabed en lode pendent vovernmeart of their own. . ' There maybe sonaeLundrdian for this startling rumor. The Mormons, prior to the origin of the Merican war, bed designed to establish an empire • hi Cagan)* and had taken anne.ateps towards ' the enterprise. Bed from California direct,whence ottani intelligence ban been received, we bear nothing of each a tumor, and hope it mar prove We bare, however, what, In times of a proper • . . respect-for the laws of the had, and the tient! of the playlet. would be esteemed, • *tutting rimer. We allinie to the coed= of Commodore Stockton. In a letter Gem Monterey, dated February let, ' we read that swam persons have been nomina ' hid (nominated by rawer) to forme Legislature. They, toct,are to hold two maions this year; the in the town of - Angeles, in Mach; and the second mme time in the autumn, in Monterey.- - (By what ourriorily!) The persona nominated to form this Legislature, are, the Ealovernor of - Alvarado, hen.' Valley,,, Dahl Spencer, Erg., Thomas : 0. Larkin; EN., Don Juan Yandlca, Lken Santiago Arguelles, and E. Crimes, Eq. It is very much dodged if either of the three fht meadow:ll Orson* will accept of the office to whkh they have been appointed: neither does this proceeding meet the approbation of thecommuni ty.-- (We-should wipparenat.) Perhaps it 'conld bare been better, if legislaters had been ekded! and there is some expectation that ultimately such wilt:be the course pursued; at all mute it is the method moat desired!' r," 0111--:would think certainly, that if Cal ifornia is already pail and parcel of the ``'.United "era there• would be some virtue in • tlai elective principle, Lod it is quite consoling to „ • bane dui, in time, it be adopted. Irons a MiuMney betor before nadated March 3, - *stood Gen. Kearney ha taken hie , seat as gown nor, mid a Coristitution for the fatale government - of CoMarnia k now in press." This, too , tovery cbol again. And for the hundredth time, we are conerained to ask, - what-sews of Constitutional . - . 'right aid legialativo liberty con an Adrohtiora Gm have: which directs 'Mich abtues of p l owed— These miry seam small things now, Nieman Most . .Matzo, evil as well as good, maths amsegnence • of small - beginning; ,we mama to such innovations ripen the written Constitu. lion, and the atablished right, of the People. ; We itso read in, a late letter from. Monterey that Commodore itOckton wodld leave Ban Diego SW the United States without mopping's! hlonter , toy end as allpersons in Monterey who bad soy tecorey bad lent it for the owe of the Uidted States, and h was iteceromy that their bihsetemld be signed hl him - before any can be reimbursed. A nattualhope was felt that them persons would money. 44 , , , 4 , m Elo or CIAZITT in Montreal are do., ling a maid of good by their *mentions to the sick and !eying up treasures in Heaven as the reward _ - f m their Jabots here. Az of the "sister." of the ..11(notied Consent lately died hoc the fever. - to which they wilfuntly Imposed Werewolves, to pro. hitmeless emigrant Mow few dying clip. , .forts: illse unalloyed deretedness and constancy Of Iftawm which mart their daily errands of serem., l l ess'are told, are the awakes praise of es , wyPerson here. We doubt not too, that the hap. Own of theWe whamming angels, whom labors en wawa wno one country or Mty, is case on Werth than awes irlte dwell in palace:and atialst the rich., end resets, of the gems' t life. Heseel, *Tele of the Reigo of Clunks IL by L'43. P. 11. Imam Esq., Rarper and Brothers New . Yak, f a r . aids by M.A.Miner,. Smithfield St. 'To Iba blab eyed maid of the cottage," tut glees the fiat eitaptei, and loom this malting point the maim otay Gino Wane such a subject would Mad In the huge of mob- a: prolific penman es /awe: eAnti r etitle" or an argument wind Mag. amino t 4, Perry B. Marble, Lexington Miegotui. The writer Or Meaner, a fair bearing and then to Min with argument and fame that we think netaaa be mdmayed. • . , - , • • • •.- ',,• .- • • • 1 - --• fii , Wiji;nieice..oc oo ritot4 ciii . .= , --; 'f:tciirwic•ii i it yrigii it iirttie„': . • ! ' •=.•:•i•riir. anicNitu. jitimilie.. i.% • '-- '3*! . -• , .. " '_• . -I ,M• • • '4lkoin, tier. ' Illitl- niiiiitititoywatime of 11141ilegre which item beta matiting In dig' citi. ifigM,` time*, Minch is Me plea of Otte diity Oxide,. and which, 'tummy, I am half the time Minuet forget- I Mil is &Sine. ' EtriMannantiothei greatest thing; become to us by ammo and familiarity. I with 1 had kept • regular journal of every ; thing interest. log hum bet the use if the biiiili hit Midis the pen retire somewhat tem .mice. I will, boar ever. eCitetitetiCeillat where we are now, and pee. haps hare' and there give you a tepid !knit.— We are is the midst, or rather verging towards, the Mimed the lbentivale I don't think it h easy for a sober American to minceive of it as it really . la; Most imagine the whole popoletion suddenly tamed into a great nage company, every one Op log to outdo his neighbor in extravagance:and gaiety. Masque!, buffoons, men and women, in costume* and disguises of all spite—men dram i as women, and Milieu as men, some with'green noses, a yard long, powdered sad curled. "Warts spirits and white s bias spirits sad pry, Black, sain,le, mingle, you shai mink any„ Gay young men, and beautiful woman, inear ritges, and on foot, and at windows end halconiel, flinging about i - perfect bail strati of confetti, ban bons and bognets.—all crowding their tide' Of mad frolic into one narrow street, without aide walks more than a fool wide, or so. Windows and bet conies all decorated with mimeo and gold hang ings,—men-and boys selling thousands and thous. ands of baskets of flowers, the ragged boys pick ing up those that are thrown away, and Selling them over again. All a perfect rush, and noisy hater stetter bedlein—and this kept up foe eight I or ten days, with few intermiesions,—commenring at I P. 11., and ending with a home race, without' rider., It sundown. And then the beautiful no. met in and under the balconies and wiedows. I 1 have never pronto much bauty anywherd as in Rom.; and at is as common in the humblest women walking bare headed in the street, as in the high born and wealthy, riding in their carriage,. The first two days of the Carnival, I went on foot.. with I my basket of baguets, exchanging them here and there, along the with the fair ones I met.— ' Then I looked on one &y es a spectator; their yes-' torday I went 'gnu with the crowd. It is impow 1 Whin - to be on the Como, without taking WPast 1 ill the &Writhe Bo? the greatest time I have : had in the way Of frolic, was the othernight, when I went with a party of friends to a matqueiade Party, et the American Consul's. Mr. Brown. I I went in a blick • domino and mink, lisguiting my j voice, as they all do lo masks, and for • long time waling even My , friends I emulated three or four voices in the course of the evening. There I were several other dominos, and some eplendid ; ; • 1 ' 1 costumes, but most of the company were not I masked. At obe o'clock eve went from therein the public ferdrui, at the Apollo [linnets, where we 1 staid till after 4 o'clock in the aiming. The pit ' s of this large theatre was entirely floored over, and 1 the whole space was crammed with peoPle, either ; In meek., costumes, or plain dress, and Ah., on. filled with spectators. There wet Music and I weltsing in a email space left by the crowd. But 1 the fon was confined to the =Men, who deMte ; iheceselves to paneling all the Ensile!' aziOACIrI, 1 Mans they meet without masks. geranium vela' would go to the boxes and talk to the ladies; to whom, whether friends °estranger.. we of townie I tell lies.of all sorts. - Universal liberti.is alllowd,l but never bevel seen the least violation of any 110.1 comm. Theltalian never s arer :tide, end con Mat 1 . . . . ; strongly with M 411411111. wboltFillreutenietits ' it defiance. Oct the Corso, during the'Cecai,,l, they always dittinguish themselves by their fierce' ; Des, io throwing. confetti, end in the griimity thrown. Whole plates and buiretsful are some. ; times thrown at a time, and quite indiscriminately. at friends and foes—and . sometimes orange!; I which are forbidden. Lord Weill, an eisonnoua . , 4 ,j,t, EGglittlintil; it iOlititi, reamed eldest ell, the other day; in a broiloccuirmed bye siolnion of the orem:my Ways of miodeictiag sparte.—L Everywhere it seems is if Me Coes* were &hit I most overbearing and insolent of all Dalian!, if 1 j mayjadge of some of the specimen. I bees seen , abroad. At Ms/est . /Mu, al well as the Corso; ' during the carnival. all mit. of estrum - int diiii I guises ate mou.ttest floe ,-9.,w, mall a O C-oki I 1 Milli, and footnosn't bra c tr- • I Mats, and a heed and queue .boot the lime.... time of life, stood bowing tangly end nispectfally at Modem. ' AM,; other' Winn. chap perambulated the mom with a 1 head the ;be of a Yankee pumpkin. &mid 1 ;went with dog's beads, sad some with Wall I beads, and some like vial_ parrots. A friend of I mine I carried around, introducing him as the 1 great baboon of the'west. It is almost impossible tor_ocre to recognise anothei; if ha I. only careful 1 is &gutting bis voice. '.• ' . - • 1 Bat there are two more days yet of the Carnival townie. Bat the great day was list .Tiuralay. I which they call Gx la tit i gratro,or Fat Thursday. It was fat, !assure yammers tu gm:mitten. The; crowd win too Intense In the streets for math en. , joyment, and u much ea out could dont avoid the,' caniages, for there wino side walks wide enough " to walk ori. • • • • • The Certain] hover at last, and I era not early, for them mir •maree- Mang too much of this," Tee ha day was per neutral, lii - ely. Nothing cook! exceed the mul titude and variety of masks and coitanns.• The day wee nosed :with the ktstradent; when the whole Corso presented out Was of light. • Peri t pie in minim carried lights; and people on foot tried to pat them oat,--aid fights were Ming oat of windows, and poked out by long poles from oth. Sc 'window.. ' Every one either carried a fight, or' tried•to blow out ethers, and during the whole there was one long pad, without ceasing. of#4;ert ma Moind.! Henna Moccolooxio.o!" But in an hear, ell war silent and deserted, and people were commencing to pull down the elegies. and seats on the aide walks. There are a great many Americans in Ronessit present. . The other day I visited the Castle of th. tinge. li, a tremendout fattiest—ogee the Illsamleuro of 1 the Emperor Adrian.. Three hundred years ago I jit woe used for • prison. We went in with torch. ' ' ...Into the very cells le which Beatrice Cenci and I his mother were eonfinedtiny its Benvenuto and Liellini,.and sew the Mafia over which he no. Tu Me Editor of the Pittobargh audio. I have had the pleasure of reading . a pamphlet entitled "An Examinahou of the eases of the Rev. Joax N. Marrrrrand Rm. Joie C. CI ease; by a gentleman of the Bar." As the are of these gentlemen inje caused ranch excitement in New York and elsewhere from le meaner In which 'Certain Bishops, and the 'Book loom Association; connected with the Meth. odistEpiscupal ChurcliontlertOok the &vendors of said miniaters from durir functions; I vaunted the book from Morse's Periodical officeln this cll. and after a careful Fermat of the matter, therein 'set forth, I aunt that fur strict examination of facts and ecchaiastical law, togethei with forcible outspent. the "gentleman of the Bar," has shown himself fully equal to the task and- more Unm a match for the aforesaid constructionist. of ruled: utical law or discipline. . • ' Although 'the compiler is not • member of the Methodist E. Church," still I am larditted to be Bent that hi. ossociatiotu weroooeb as caused him to examine into the rights of the Reverend gentle. men who hese been arranged and eo eaSILLISIiIy F 10133 the pecoliu style of writing, which abounds with the mare, the pla,yfal and Manic I think I'mald place my finger upon the and* In ow midst, and should the Bishops or . fiansocii• lions" ever wish 41 try how fu their power cin go. I feel assured they will find s friend and champion . For their misguided party In thle"gentletnan of the RAILIIIOAD IIZITILIIO,-.The Chinni or Mercer hold • mating last mot and oppin Wino:n=lH 145 to brining into the pmeticsbality wit protabl onoof.ronstructing • raltroid (tom' that boloaib, to lounged dm Eris Canal also= point - nian tb• bend or Sbensogip • ahtiiics oi or - AIkOLITIOS cos vixaloa.-Tbe National nom. minor of tie Liberty party announce alial, their Coarantioo lo notolnata a CilldidO, for the Pniai. , demi, *M be held n! Baffitlo, N. V., on the. 20l11'-0 ( 0. 4 0 *- 6011 ' ' ' '' .. - Gains csors,—Tbs wheat crop of litotes cc: Pa, bas been cut, sad !a AZ. ead to taco, mach 'batter Um, was autidpattat Wbig .T 0 lira Br* crof• 1001 ‘ Mamickigirsll, anti t ra i t mom 88,0eit thr kt ... "&ty 11,4 put! am A iti r, hiTitatioasiss"'....--, OtA11:4 1111. , dloGcmin#S4#ll moo 11; to La l 4 gill. VO-814911,A1gt.P. ' Aid 1 4 do* re &do 11%,t1 1 ‘ 00 1 1 " ' 0.40„*L - - ,-: • -•-, :tr. ~ .r.7 7 , -" , " 7 ?I'M* kilßii**4l,4,lt-itliSfPol3•CtiOrr, . aerply ": I s,scenctefilic!NseatliseX it. evAnk, Aesesifiter ??iiirr 4ifferiVl., Major 444" —.,. . Strati *incr.;:rpsegy fr. .filinie'o. TP,' lite principal 'events of ttfiepture of *goo Gigue. ruit Borland's . partiesikre well knoien to otiereaders. These officer/. efilt thretikorufeffies. of Kentueky and Attains. Cavalry, Weld out on • , a SOUting party:, It weethought that tbertrwere mall bakes of the enemy's, civilly prowling abokt the country, but no one had the slightest apprehension that a large force could 'Lb so near '. Major ,Oaines hawing joined Major Borland at a Itasicha.nerar Enceniareitit, die two command. went into quaneto tar the night, after posting "'dim" roam aisliare,lk 'advance and on the toned the hewer in.i hick:they were encamped. .That night the officer., who, fired bye eery long 'matc 'm atch. bad lain dawn to sleep, were several times h, - bad by the Maims Of the sentinel, Who declar.. .ed that he saw an *need lifetime approaching the 'macho. Gut the sentinels on thitogrof the house : declared they coned are nothing, and the men who gare the alarm waineited as rather a neridiassind dreaming inffividuil. The officers thereupon ma. 'tired again to their ilankeis,liut had scarcillfallen I asleep when they were aroused by another alarm from the lamina whO declared that herhad again men an seated Mexican end had pulled nigger on him, but, hie, gun being wet,' the rap did not et. plate. • Other alumna were also given by other sentinel* picketed wane distance from the rancho. Tlr night' was now Wining fast. It ;aria very dark and misty. The officers beethred themselves. and arousing the men, prepared to meet the attack, thinking that the enemycoesioted of a fire, of id four or five hundred, . wh, Maj. ' G11112t6 lad already been in purimit God whlch be consider • ed about equal to hie n. , • Oar men were all kollected on the top of that rancho. with their gala already for action, full of courage and zeal, and warmly desirous of a hand- some brttab with the enemy. The morn broke . I 'lowly. The mist hung heavily around them, and although they could hear veil plainly the approach of horsemen. thiy 'could see nothing. At last the light began to bieak through the mat, i mmeda hie!, ;in their front, and the Taint outline of a strong body of armed horsemen was preceptible in the distance. And es the mat rolled and gatbertd up into huge cloud., and gently ascend ed toward the neighbosiog bight., It revealed, svithsiffist painful distinctness, a whole regiment of splendid* , equlped Mexicin Lancers drawn up in battle, and occupying a commanding pia sition within three' hundred yards of the retake occupied by Major Gaines 'patty.. Undauntedly surveying end counting this wank force before them, out men , prepared for tation, crying' out, rrOh there ate only six hundred of thetrits a fair fight and we'll, see it out !" I Look on the right as the tnisTleairs that side of the.ratiebo, there is another aliment just a. aurae as that in front. r Welk!' cried •andwait Kenna:krt . n, who kept all the while a bright eye on hie - lotug rule, 'lbis is coming it rather strong; the thing looks serious, most decidedly ; but I reckon,we. can lick a thou.. sand Greasers, and throw in two *inked - for good • measure." "Gant we ?" war the tinenimans cry of the party. •. 1 , t . • L rile!, oh cranky." cried the till sergent. "here's more of the varments" And there sore enough on their left Was another regiment about six hundred it reeg, whose bright hell:oda flaming pennon. and showy iniforres; loomed out conspicuously in the dark bother'. And there. 100, jest a few - hundral yards in their rear, was still another regiment-- Thus was this small party of one hundred and twenty Americana entirely sturrouneed by • Men. icon force of about three 'thousend.'earalty, the finest in the country . and 'commendecif fine of their bait of fi cers. - - . .L'T..f. , q Ueoliamayed, oar men Prepared aitettan, de. terminal to self their lives as dearliti`P.ible• NOVAS did men go mare calmly ainte7lttrilir to work than this little Spartan band, as wiihnea4 a eve less jest and the . moat itepenorbable sart.y /raid, they reloalal and recapped their rifles, foetal to. their cartooth boxes, felt the edge of their bowie knlvie, and glanced a proud defiance at thier legion . .., foe. . • In the, mean time the enemy presersed the moat perfect military order, and parroted a dis play of martial magnificence, such no our men had never before wit:ousel Their elfin - its' cover ed with gold and splendidly mutinied and caper ivuuen rode in f ro nt, while their b ugler, blew the Mexican. charge and made the bine around remind with their lowland exalting , blasts Cainar ordered his bugler to respond to their threatening flourish, by blowing with all his might, the American charge, and directed the min to Maw: up rho blot with ;trove lona cheers.-, The order WO clierfully arid heindy'. obeyed.— The Moil - taus,' who were advancing upon the ranchicso awed by the food and terrific Omit of our boys; that they halted, and looked at our hula band in mute terror anti astonishment that so wolf a panycould make such a ucteendous noise. •Give them three times throe." cried out Capt. Cassius M. Clay:. and that 13.17.1 were prohrtured .to the full compliment until they male The Welkin ring for /Win ZrOURF.I, aid 111) frightened the life:imam that their General, to'preyent . his. en from ion.. dog bad to odei his firmi base hand la Arils up the Polka, cod wheel, kin men into column end pat them on the Oath.: In open or -der and with military precision the . Mexicans marched around the. rancho to the tune of the Ceseevience oil waned, like 'Deco with its little victim, to be sporting with 'hair ceptire before they destroy him. • . An officer with an him/aproner and white Jag was swop Me). GOD.* to demand hi. uncondb 'Aortal sontender."Never," replied the gallant I American., v Then no quarters will be gven,'! t irensuiced the . Mexican. Very well,". extlaitned ' Capt. Clay ; v remember the Alamo; before we surrender' n mach terms, more Uteri five. bandied Of Your ; jelleir-belly. scourdrals shill be left to bleach on yonder plains." This remark,. the in. rorpreter did not think he could do full justice to in the rourislation, and he left the officer to gaga at its meaning, which, however, weary, ififficolt talk, as the Captain accompanied his declaration with very emphatic and expresein gesticulation. It wag finally agreed that Maj. Chines should have an intsrairou with Gen: kitten. Prom him the Mejor received , very courteous treetoept, and wig assuieJ that in eurrenderiug hluitolf kind hie party they would be treated with all the - tainsider. - attire of prisoners of war. . • Me). Gainis. on communicating the result' of his interview with Gen. Mixon to his officer., took a vote whether they should fight or surrender, and. Capt. Clay and Danby and .I.ieut. /1.1.1d5013 wal*for fighting, and Maja Gaines and Borland was for surrendering. While they were parley ing with the Maximo, Major Gaines observed that their men were apfirpechiciiitear the rancho. He immediately ordered his men to:fire upon the Mexicans if they approached • foot nearer,- and told Tiede Offieall he &add not continue, the pro. ley until tbeimen fell back to their Original porn. lion, Which they did ha pry gaiek eider when a few Ow were tended in their, direction.. They finally, Capt. Clay giving In to ANL . Gable and Borland. agreed to surrender on them art haunt. able terms am prironere of war, the °Mom' In re Jain their private property atuf side arms.. They delayed the surrender however a. lougo.poasible 'with the expecterom of being reinforced from Gen. Woora camp., It war an ozone condition in the capitulation that the Mexican (obis, who had been forced be Ms). Gaines tarrot in that ciparl. ty, shOuld have fair trial, and trite free acquit. tad, ehiruld be 'released. Tha - Maxiiane at filet objected to this. hot Capt. Chijealdha would die before he would surrender ilufunforlinata guide without assurances of 116,04, i'ffiCeorin as he vies I :unilateral, the faitlarka'Hialleinh.immall. 'ately morainal the pone WOW._ :rto . ..litigoanni Were "ben marched, Witticiera,Guia..iilwaki, for thirty or forty miles ton the road ',olden Luis, un. der an mort of eight lancer,. • May., Gaines heir. ing been allowed to ride, select d, in preference to his own charger, a blooded mare' belonging io Merlon' Payne. r • • Col. Rorie, Whose name is fam iliar If all Nebo we read th- " • • - .aave read the stirring history of Texan - warfsre end silsontare, and who accompanied Mei Gaines err an intamratar, had Undated himself extremely useful on the occasion of their capture, by blecoolness, sagacity: and knowledge of lha Mariam hinging& , and character. Capt. Hem'. was very anxious (or a fight, end ;Ulmer diasua. led 11(s). Caine from eurrendering. He told the' man to count their bullets, and if they had on, for Exalts. Mexicans. It was i faligsme and La would go It. *lfa al. cautioned them to hit the Megiesne below their leranis, that . they might (righters Of the Oaten by their it..., and to glee them'. much Misery as possible One of the Alexi.° officers,- recognizing him, cried not in Spanish, el Shall have the pleasure of year coin- pang to the. Vity of Mexico, Capt. }fennel" senor I generally choose my own company; UAW the cool and courtly Csitelu. It was the second del alter their naPture, and near the towitief &Jades; &moult° Tenn Mato. 7 as' the plat. of the dectmelon 'alba Mier priestens, that Mel Haines' iiiittepirited mare , showing canSiderable teatime...lbs . " Major it. ' Otierrad Capt. Henrie, who in a famous rider of Moi,rack Ileyeschool, to o mount her 'end take off I .the wholadst of bar 2010. The captain did no, and riding up to Capt. Clay, candradp reputed, Ma 1064 toltishe a baraW • TIN Max. can coontrodir, half mispaothip hia dasign,plaoad additional roma it rho heal and rear Of the ad train af which the prionaka warn pie ad, acid- rode.hiNaaif by tit. midi_ of Henri,, who would peeniup and down thi'lho„ croaking . Ant with the berpciand Acing op !thihiyhil meaty atriOnn bis*Lhani Ilw4oordO isilm r imUiVamotiWatiCilli •Pulsairp innytho odes ollikknotda sollot*id '610446in &at/ ! town( dm rwrahnap with tear ionowa r plop ariewot the whole party,.at ;'C rate beat than tpst Bokoo w radii 4 r l* " - = - Ark'r,AVllH_,/tnifted aMosen I wanted : artfra,, -luau their.em4a _at lifna, l atartafplf io BlSear Wiiamdt. . But at w po Ras at tift..the itadij , j.kblood fru hoti rajt the 7 . - kadiera were won Oitin laid. ' rthe taw igw.th,y e t of gc Wits flyoas hp nsteeplttoßtain, witinxh= • hirulariAief, - lial crying tr.si itt atrani, Mil& echoed a lai, 4 AreuitiOnf:Talleir-laka. ,1404. Onr reader. may finny the intenite eicitanent whieh tide seeneitnitincedt iniinnlf=6• *Bair*, mod rein, no doubt, exam them for so fir End. • lint their iilnatlrio iii 6 gira`threl lond-4eife-ai far they.aaw thigailent offends Ipaaing, hie; inuanera behind;and WAY Pinned /beyond their reach. The molaseqUe nt adranturee and anfrerinirof Hea rin are wail:6o6 . n to our header.,; -Adariany narrow eseapu from the enemy, and itiiwation, and after lim in g his nobto note; .Hetuie,:,.artired aifelylat our camp, and, gawk the that - authentie Inlet:4o4w 6f the capture of ,Maj Oil paints and City Tu s LeTu itarr.—On Thursday morriing the prison re who had hien exceeded and munizaitedfor a re-bearing, for being cm:teemed in the di:Staab-m -em; irsibe fifth ward, were brOacht before bishon• or the Mayor and re.counitiltsA to .mover et` the next coon of Oyer and 'l's:miner, to the Charges of Rio s and Murder. We hire taken notes of the de I sitlonmond oral maims:sly upon which the .Mayer thought it hi. duly to incarcerate the pri. otters; `thought ae the Matter le to Undergo an Investi gatioasin Court, we forbear their publicatiort at The Mayet and officers bare acted throughout the whole matter, thus for, with promptness and decision; and it now only remisne for a July to decide from the facts which mey he developed In • the course of on investigation, upon the guilt or innocence of the prisoners. • • Thera are certain facts in connection will the net, about which there can be little dispute. 'there was a liege crowd about Fleck! house an Tues day night—stance and brickbats were throwii— the people ha•tangued-fire arm. were discharged- . several persona wounded who wore mere specie tors, one of whom is POW dude—and twelve Per sons who were in the house at the time the tutbance look place; here been arrested. Whether they were all euiiied.in violitifi the Peace, acting in waif defence romaine to 14: shown here after. . Mrs. Fleck tr - hosile held to bail . to appear be etre the Mayor on Wedensday.haa been at indis. poaed as to be unable to attend. Slot is in Jail ander a comma n:mot In another case. None of the petwas wounded by the dircharge , of fire arms on the everting alluded to, Mara in anywise concerned in the disturbance: but u we are &stored they were mere apeetators. It it to be mgleted however that einiasity should' hove prompted any . one to have. Lein a spectator of , . A you g maio by Old name of 'Reynolds, who has not )!Oren mentioned . in Connection' , with the wounded, we are informed, wee abet )n the baud, legs and abdomen. It Ii thdoght ho will . recover with proper care and attention. . Iseurxr.—Coroner Richardson woe called up ' on, in the forenoon of 'Thursday last, tojiold an. Inquest upon the body of Thomas Campbell who auras wounded in the Minty on Tuesday night last. The following is the !whitened ofthe testimony . . given to the Jury : - ---- .. •.. - William Creaniaghdm stated that ks beard a 0.n.0., 'and ran over to the earner oppoaibt'to the house pi:copied by Fleck. ' Otonea were .Thrown and guns diteharged —he went over to theSrionei where Barker was epeaking. and while ibulding beside him be felt emnetbing against his breast— tamed and saw Campbell deubte up at thimgh shot—e moment after he saw him in the house of Mr. Ifeevellero . apparently dead. Stood wars thrown rfillil the corner where he vtavrtanding-- heard the reports of the inns bat could tot say where - the shots come from. Campbell wee not participating in the riot. ... A Florieller stated :that be was standing in his stole on the night of tho dio , olorwr, when. Mr- I.:awoken came ill nod frll—‘he sent .for o f th e m —he head th e allots and was certain one of them came from Fleck's house. tiltottes Seem thrown beforS arty guns Were discharged—ha heard sane one say 'throw: Torn, throw!" anal saw I man throw a atone from his corner beim Campbell we/label, but could not sty whether Mt had on a hat and coat—thinks be bad not. He has been arquaintcd with . Mr. Fleck's peilple fiti slasti--cidor„, but woe not tide to recoguits any perms on that evening. .-' John garden ilAte.l.tbillw. *re al • of FachWy Street on the night of the viol. bat could not say whetherstones were thrown befirso the firing wmmertca,d or not. - Thent walk a hop crowd osuallystathered at that corner every night. Drs. McCracken, Watt de Montgomery, w.f."• fled that upon an ertunination, of •the deceased, they gonad four perforations' in the right lobe of the lungs. and two in the lift; one grain ht abet was found lodged in the lung:, and two in the tight ventricle of the heart, which would have been sufficient to have produced death. The iolatines wire perforanicr-and aztravaeated blood found In them, and tits bladder was colspead and per. tented by a shot. The Jury married a verdict that the decerted cams to hie death from woubds inflicted on his . person on the night of the 27th of July; while 'standing on the 'comer of Factory and Penn at..; and that the said wounds were produced by a shot fired from the house occupied by • Charles Fleck, by some person to this. inquisition unknown. . e ,,_ i __. . , Pro METAL.--,aux'alt rains nava raked the , weer in some of the tributaries of the Allegheny, sufriclently to permit the altipping of Pig Melsl. We notice the arrival of seferst of the Iron meal r i ten from Clarion, Venango and Westmoreland , counties, who infOrm us that other, will - he hen' 1 within a day or twa . I The Clarion river was in excellent stage for' the running of Iron boats: aid much of the me tal in the neighborhood of that stream will be' brought to market. Redbank Creek was not in navigable order, and no mend may, be expectCd from That quarter at this time: • I The amount of metal now in market. in addi tion to that arriving, will not, probably, triaterbdt ly change the market from our prettent quotations. Lieut. ATIMIIIION, of the Louisiana Regiment vortudemin tasted through this city on Thom 'day fur his residence in Mandrills, Pa. Ile loft Tampico on the 10th' inst., bat was detained on the way up, in contequence of low water. lie has slated in thee:epoch, of surgeon of tho Itegi• moot for the lest six month,. Mr. A. was a son of the late Thomas Atkiwon, Who established a paper called the ..Crawford lifeasenger," in Meadville, about the canto kite the Pittsburgh Gazette was established In this place; and presided over its columns for • period of a. botit thirty yeses. Lieut . . Miamian was once printer, and is deserving of great credit, fur his en. tiring energy and induiery. He ginduated at one of the first grilles! Institutions of the East. li e will ■tart for Malice :rain in the course of three nr four week.. Menttutext ' Pu oLoo r.—Mr., Mr.. & Mira Loons will-leetore rbie erenierupeu the ebove rubjeets. Mr (Mimi hex left for the Earl; but Mfrs Murtha ..ill go through her experiments • ' Onventristerr waseara.—We were InFbrrectly • 104,ssned ea to the maker of the largest portion of the government wagons tsken to the *tuff on Wediciday. for thlpMent to'Mexico., Arbil. 41111:111. constructed the Moat of thrill, and we IT, happy to may.they lank ae if the work was. done in a substantial manner. But. ton of the thirty noticed by us, we are Informed' were made at Mr: Townsend's works. Three of ham Ware built in McKeesport. • . • Daowitan.-.-A man, by the hanie' of Frank Henry, a laborer on the wharf, ht Peering from Ike steamer Dr. Franklin to the Ringgold, allyiped awl • fell Into and heifers; assistance could he rendered by those prawn!, was drowned.- ' Ifs was a 'lngle man rind :cabled we atilatirmed sket in We place, with whom we/ syrups. Clare, in her sudden and sad bereavement. eassosarrion or Woo Salm - Empire born. ori soini trips between this port and Buffalo, sem /sundial cord/ of wood, and it ia efF tod, 'tomato :14' hwufresi opds. Calculating that shit performs Walton' rip., the lanai nutobe: doting Oa Eamon, Aglaia consume two hundred Rod thirty&ar.nereo of Umber., and .on2ploy hug wood 'choprio;id in 'expense or over, ten then. sand doilara., hot en Item of the iiiponoe# of Ain tottisocith tad. nottritbalongialtihtt iargapolo luso iipeodittre , stia id.* see. iatl mama the ran 12000. snd the third 'ni t ' 0011000; Slid* Eity ha kateed front 411444 prolito of wow* engaged btmqpor, toloct oa thejabei. ar,aislisa int dasi apsataus anispila tipprt. lukc Trutt: —chkap-niburre: t'Aialikii - :,.5,... , ) - , , -14.z , ,..-.-. _ , .-...„,,,„.. i .: . .. .. , 4 F` Pia/ York 101 . :14.." &inane Las, not. yetininhl. It Ouppo• wi:lte dial she, iidritiil3 tg rejmiiing.- - efilL/LIDELP/ZIA, JolrSiti,l P. No mail hay been redeived Wirth of Petersburg, . - The apposed Steamship which sela reported ashore yeaterdaz oe the Northwest - aide of Seal I. [and, prres to bon ohlp, the mew of which even.. The Steamer has ens yet arrived Irmo Europe. . At's accident happened, last evening in South wark; from the accidental dinehargelit, a gun m the teethe Of wenn Or the naine of lymph Coleman. by Whieh.limes McMillen was killed, and John Me- Laughlin severely wounded. . - - Exclailv&Cormiporatelmo of We Pacitmcich Guano PHILADELPHIA MARKET. July 2P. a P. M. nour.—The ;supply is !mall, and the iniuket firm. The article is hold -at fififilebpifi Fib!, but salon of froth Western ato nude at $5,875 pro bbl. • Wheal.—Sided of 2,060 tie. prime Red at 125 e. per bu.. but the hoidens ask higher rates. Clore—Salo of 3,000 prime Yellow at 66,75 per be. Oate.—Sake it 46c. per bu., on the advance. Caffon.—Salei of 500 Ms. Lanisiatia of I Ic of Tenons6e at II fel "tic. per. lb. The artiel tin advanced fd.; .Coffee.—The market is dull. • Suger.—Tbe Market ie steady. Whiskey.--Sales at. Ric. per gall. Coen Nent—Sales are made at $3,55 per bb Rye Flour:Sales at $3,50 per bbl. 756aceo —The market Is &AL Prorisions.—Tbe market is without change. txcenalve Corrupondonce of the POtaborgh Userito. BALTIMORE MARKET. Baltimore, July 29, 9 P M. Flour—Sales of Howard street at $5.50a5,691. Sale. of frealt Gity Mills it $6OO per hbl. Wksal--S Ws of Prints Whim at 130a13 I c pet bu. Sales of iPrime. Red at 125 c per bu. Com—Salmr of Prime White at 70c per bu. Sales of Prime Yellow at 75e per bu. Oats—Sale. are made tit„ 50.53 c per bit. The supply of grain in:• the market is small. Mi./cry—Sales at 26c per gat &A.m.—Sales of 300 hbds Porto Rico at 64 71c per lb. Salosof Pies, Orleans at gie per lb. Provisions—Th . o market is without change. Radom, COlT.POlidence of the Pitte.f.lll NEW YORK 1 1 11ARKET. Nev York Jul 29, 9 o'c.r. Flour— . -13alcs of °finessed at $ 5 , 6 21 per bbl. Western sales are quoted at $ 5 , 50 45.661 per bbl. Sales of 50.000 libls Howard ',beet ( brands at $6.75a687ic per bbl. When(--Sala of Prime white at. 125 c per ha. Bales of 4,000 bu of mixed at 112 c per bib- COrn- , Rales of Western mixed have boeh mad. at 62e per bu , end of 20,000 lin Prime Yellow at 67•68 c pot bu. Curd Afeal—Safca at $2,75a52,873 which is a decline In the Snide since tut quotations. 14e—fdaks . are quoted at 610 c par ha. 14 5iSkey—Sales are quoted at 27c per gab which is • rise. Bowl:lb& bare sold at 25. Mess Pork--8,1,4 of Western No I, at S IL per bbl. Priest Pork --Sales of Western are quoted ■ $11,87.14,50 per bbl. ' Provisiene—There is more dernend in th snaring. Beep—Remain* firm without change. lard—lales of Western at 9fa94c per lb. are quoted at 9.91 c per lb. Freights and exchangrs hare become more ac FROM !MEXICO. Th. Rio Grande was navigable on the 18th insf., for large elms beats ae far up ma &pout., and for smell boats es far as Camargo. The etmorlboat Rough and Ready, with troets en board. bad left for Moir, et which place a camp of fortntction is fanning under charge of Col. -Belknap. LI/tAMI PILO KKK K Drsiaursu ■r Eur• Tile re! —On Eistuniay last. a man by the a.m. of James Coulter, in New I.kb ..... 0., was shuck by lightning end instantly 41tleJ . On the same night a tiara, belonging to D. Brinker, shout tow miles, with of the saran ' place was . struck, and with all its contents. burned to the ground. The hue is estimated at $1,600. New•lssas. E. I' tf ISI L.—Tort costa of passing Polk thrimgh New York etty, a Is Said. was $4000,-‘-yaite a ,ha Lome compliment 'to the Great Wet Meter of the day. •A Y.w York isarrmesa -by the name of iffirigan, lately deemed in that Sty, hot left the • gm of fifteen thousand dollars to be expended in the erection of the .Walsisington Monument. Immerse Cssoes Wr rie,- , -An improved can elle may be made by steeping cotton slacks io lime. I water, an which a coneiduablegnantity ofsaltpetre (nitre) has been !limbed. A Donets D A merchant in highstinding in New Orleans disepprand 'mys tetiously about three weeks since. Some 3,),000 dollars, • Waning- to several of hie brother =r eheats, dieappeared about the same time. _Merrose anon .—Col. Greene of Ow Born"/ Post says, that us eltittUnd pair of trowrers stiff starch, were bond standing on the sidewalk yes telday, supposed to belong to an estimable citizen who bad run off. Thermometer at 98 degrees." Sires etas Coma e e.—The Charlesuin Mercury thee characterbes the fact, that.. the Jahn C. Calhoun' and the •Rough and Ready,' two Locomotives baitfor the South Carolina Railroad Company. by Norris & Brothers and Roo Winans, without concert or deslgo, were shipped from Philadelphia and Baltimore on the unto day, and arrived at Charleston near thrum times" .• tic Paul's■ Church, Rochester, look fire a few days since, and burned to the ground. St. P. 113 1 .4 woo one of the finest church edifices in Western New York, and mut one of the chief oraentents of the City. Insured for $lO,OOO. HAMMY Paoseatu.-:-h is report/dove the Columbus Inquirer, that the MeMean government has declared that there shell. he no peace until Oen. Seca kneels to Sawa Anne, and (kn. Taylor chabied in Cowes Wahlri.. Old Zack: on hew ing tb6s, declared that elf they did chain hien to the stable, be would be found standing up to the rack : fodder wan (odder.", . • Tin Po suc Lai oa.—Col. Demerit, receiver of public monks, bu arrived at 84 Loins, with about $30,000 in gold and silver,. width ha will deposit in the eirob•Treainery. The reuipts at the Dixon race for some time put bas been about . $l,OOO per day, pounds of sides of public lands. CaisponfAxess;-•.M. p nr c b aoad beautiful 'country seat. in Heat. eboilotte Ccehniso pis 101 l Guidon . for Malvern.. to receive s bydropuble tiled sent. Mn.. Butler ha: been sopportedin bar provincial engagements, by ber cousin, Charles Kemble Meson. [1: 1- Istebortseal is Ad Terseasre.—Tke edam. Oscine= Which appeu in the Deity Morning Ginnie Flso nrln . min the fn - Weelt ly, thus receiving the ben rat of the etreulation of all,. Without any additional Thi. adventseta Without any ot ge. os expanse. Advertirceseuts are also Intened lathe country paper upon rovannattly leans. GAZIOTTIE JOB PIIIIXTIXO OrPleb:, TRIO!, COMMIX o rose oXplet LILLY 456tpa are now prepared to triennia in a iniperio and expeditious manner, all kind. of Jos Pluiretwo, blink an tugs Antere,Stearedniat mu Hills of Lading, Letter Sheet Comdata, Can.1*,40., Le. Wm& AND• INTINO W any extent execrated in the brat manner, and all kinds of Prinilog done with ocarraey nail at die lower. tares efi- Salter; Gliaaame 10 •—alemeab Tamunoirv—We be leave to fall public attention to IYe kak,,nni,, thy. lit. %Vt.. Doan, of Withamsettle litereneni Go , and ono of the iterrntst ninettlianit, In the rotary at which he realties, and Ire Senator In the Sine I,nrielature. it la ebeerhig thus to tee ; the [end. nig men of the profewson; barring the bond• of rental peek. Vlradvirajn.sendel,imvielen"hTeln"udel'negr'Wene of your 'lintel', Panacea, and, is fh e r. am pleaved Ito Keel. in' Catarrhal and Humeral CoMPIro.• Mere rod me hill dozen betile•—ptit them to low a. rum eon; RS I fapp,tir It nentiniten In rend er tin general oat lzbletlon :as it him beletrre. to,heen II eettatantly en UM/. }l a.PeetrullY. .pl 7 ' Wirtratr, Y. U. tsteum..s Ct nee smrssce —lit Is • remarltible notwit hounding the erne. efmanyof the Mom enlebrm ied Phystclans, m threat n Delude, for the Nos, their Mull has proved orno nand Within n few years, an Amerieaa physician, Dr. Upham. bye happy rembins. Igo of lingradients, has pmdsced • Vegetable Mecum. ' , which tetra internallyoucal , effectually Minna.. Is Clairesslng erection. ' me Sold, Wholesaler and Reiail, by WYATT a. iurreignat,la Pullen Meet. New 1 oi l W. /darker surcy and P. R. %wring, Smithfield weer Jr23lllnr S5;00 BOOTS 1 5,00; NO. RS 11•01111111.1TRICET.. CORNER OF PUtly OFFICE _ subiertber respectfully informs the puhlja-that he has commenced th e. manufaMure 6 - Chlialun Yashisnstile Dieu, of good Amu:lint and wOrlimanthip Which he will warrant superior to any Root anon made In Pinlsburgh • for the gates. - Thee, handsome Dom will be made EP MORRO riy and remit them a. rem aenied, altos eery law-price of; FIVE DOLLARS CASIL Ceadegaes are, renamed recall and esam Aiu~ itaataaela FanyttakirWidneadii Merman' oytutagpaal 3 Weigek, kOBEntI . WLES, atia The /hadl at (sally ara nakpeetailti ds irdesa *- ahead Ida &mai lama Ma esaiasaaa, on y sais, sl I @bloat, P. M., at Um family aria' ariairoa ite - •,„•111110p0Ops,zallgralio..- VOIR rick.lart,Tbe '4IYMb ~ a teaieowe br a . : Oltem or ltraddoet4 Fatidocall Med W likens Wapiti anrei Roat emiLiiiog•VJ anti and 29 etchea• Two thirds of the Meth neer bottom. and the whole may be • , • • cal nterticesa Inr,re hum fry,l t•ther intprov qtlend., nal several springs of <a armor. adulated on the Monongahela s liwkwater.'• an well as on the line of the great Pr nsylrettia Rail Road, at the point where the treed and trade tram 'the ;Loan ae will arm reach the sieambaat navigation.orchr tV ea tern river, Sarroonded by • am( healthy and .pludat, lee coantry, by inexhaustible supidict of lice best and atrial Che apest fuel and hartng - on the premises , abondenre and limestone. dos place is admirably. Soled he thecae of a great manufacturing-rain:M. • The Pennsylvania Rad Road is located through a rimming smolt or the through house and throug the battle groand, and is now ander et:miner. It is also on the first pool or the Monongahela sleek water and the Drowaswille packets and office steam boats erinstantry touch at Le landing on this estate: It thererore the most easy cf access (daily property in our vicinity, and the bast suited for even try *eau, or for the.sitee ofmahanies o f or great factories. /te the place is one of great renown. it has been virs iced travellers from all molar the Uniontits =Pk idtmeti studied, and its hour y oppreciated neeelstin ry here in sire interim partumlar descriptmn r it For terms en duire at the Merchants and Manatee tnrFr:s Oaak . I'iccitiorgh._jy34dy_ . • • exp. & CO'S EASTERN & IVESTERfi. EXPRESS. %NEI/CHAN - Pe and niherit !ending good• NIA, Pre 11'1 Inforwed that this boo I. the between, Pitt.burgh and the East, conatetiew at IhOh owe arith -Admit and Grepaoy . • E.pte!tuduay, rte rock prineipol Eaneln Cllll.l. Pft kagrx of per ste in . ed and forwarded daily to'llrownswille Per Wean. era Louis Mebane and Consul, arid tPencv•by a qr Ex psesu ence warganK which are undertook, to Cumberland and thby mail traia so Baltimore. For farther particulars enquire or Charles Mg , bedding., Wood wren. jy3lblcal • VEIN EXPRIIMS LINA ran Cionimimi. Fe IN the transportation -of merchandise, packages, ors valuable articles, (money to excepted.)" public on indorrned that we are prepared to folAen3 by atomm boats to Cumin:mu, all aniales entrusted incur care. it tie most expeditious manner, and to "deliver them ha inediately after arrival in Cincinnati. and also allages pack. irma Cincinnati for Piushurgbgtf intrusted to our agent, will be promptly delivered - tore II VICKERY Agent, fat Hinder hotel heildings wood eg It A s ON ES 11'3dslmt e JO commercial roar, Cincinnati PITTSBURG!' AND CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD COMPANY. T HE t siockbolders of the l'illaburgis am. Canmelb,mu e Rod Road Company, are hereby [Milled to attend a nareilagor Me Company, lo be held sd Philo 11011., on Turaday the Ito( September ist 3 o'clock P 31, (or she purpose it taking inks consideration the, eapplerneninl Legislation of the last s et, inn of the Legislature, and adopting sorb manure. in relation tothe Charier, ar may be deemed moat useful to the Inlereiltanf alto ram uninylttYlllEßS, sy3o-derortil gee l tlyofboard of Directors. . journal, emsricatt mid Poin will envy twice a wank am 34 Sepleroben T ll subscrtbers having toe'. appointed agents for the" sate of Nulls Ground Spices, bare constamly on Inind and for sale nt the lowest prices Cud on OCCOID- OlOallfitiC terms, a 10111 G MOORIMOOI. consisting in pan of the following, via: Alspice In boxes, containing I nod alb papers; do 'dn 5 end 10lb tin cent!" Cayenne Pepper. is to boxes of Ode,: each Cbocolatc,superfine, Erna, and. No I. In bones ;151b. caeb nurnon, pure, in keplas each; do do In boles. 3Mt I lhPelners; • do do in 5 old Itt lb tin Cll3ll Ginger do. No I, in kegs &I Ins rich Mustard, American in 5 and 10 lb eons: • do do in boars, 3 and 1 dna each, do do in and 'beans, do London, in and 10 I 1b cant. Pepper pure, in tl5 lb kepi do do in boles, f lo do poem; do do No 1, in bonen, and{ lb papers. Ir3o WICK & MeCAN DLESK, tor wood & war at 110. HIE LEAGUE FACTORY. Jl.becee 11.01, City ef Xlegietey,' T HE Subscriber at the request of 'several ofhis cos- Meter. who found it urement to go to his Fan tore, has procured room (rout Mr W H Murphy, corner of-Fourth and Market meets, where elven amortment ofbis henry shining, cheeks, Ac, will be kept on Aand. and in his absence, olden will he Riled by Mr JumeslM Hurehheld, wheelie be seen et' Mr Igurphy'a Sane.— Th. enure slack Mille late Ann of Hamilton, Stews.. t A Co, is also deposited Meer and will fie cold on favor able irony, to elute the business of ,he Company HAMILTON:eII:WART Manufirtarer of eiztra,d ) , MESMERISM AND enumaroLowr. B r the nolieitadola of tirtraltrotta friendr.Mr Loomis, lady and daughter, hareconcloded to give Iwo more toenail's:lents at Philollell,thistPylday an I Saturday) ' weiriog. Alm L will deliver a Hereto on temperament., and make • Phrenological examination, afierwhich there will be Clairvoyant experiments Ale L will monetize upon the audience Those wishing rejoin a M u m for the purpow of weeiying instructions In Parer.- "MSP•toul Alesmerism,orill Wye •o oppertenity of put ch.ing their ticketa,ll2 On per course. 'heamrs--dieents; children under PA half once Camomile at 8 o'clock. 30-Axl2l TAHESNIEW KOYEL-4{ere4ved 111 A Oti snee's, Rossell, a tale of the tetgn of Cho tie • cod; by pft looter, Esq, uatt or or he Cosmic of Ehienstein, an An Mane', Talbot. nr th. Maidan'a littiontotor .11actr,.... rot Aucuat,try J H lottrasbaro Atsca—atteatra oupply err ter cum,l Magszine, no July, to accommodate new onacMbera. rho bountiful monthly Magazine is published in N Vark.cominciteing as above, edited by the celebrated Mrs C H Airkland.• 'For sole at A MIN F.R'S 1(10 antith6eld street, Ocl door from God HULL FOR-SALE. ryl lIE Hull of the Wainer Nashville now lying in the Allegheny Hive, Awl of Olarbory Plerti, will Ge sold. A bargain upott apptit . atiatt la Clio A ' l llllOl 01 to , dllr n Atli , ThNuEta:ci: , — ltd . • .!at3 water atreet_ uur. ATITAERAEUH—Th. citizens of Fina l: burgh and Allegheny are respectfully Informed that the saloon and both depot -went antis exwecire amlaL- Ll"hot.Oli.llltated . ett Lineny uteri, at the tend of Wood wj LI be ore ler mailers oa SMnrday not ;floc . at I I FF43,111033 & CO VR e l n teCilN and Gimps—F patolzhaa weeiYed be. nitOltai47rn ks'i'lltotrnore, cul:e.„?l'l'egaeasdahntadiC!rTif,',": mos, for sale el jyatliir 9.otarketatreel L - Nsgoiark.gß Wanted•A good engineer and to. .114 chino) will hod steady employment at coed wawa byetmaningal IltittorEtta ANTRII—An experienced Weimar. for the Dry Goode businees Jr39d,.( W it GA HOARD ETAL-100 tons No 1,WW11., MO cold blaot, IV.I. Car sale by j'3o ht ALLEN lc CO ADOLE.IREIOI--IldortnSpArlithrAndie ireisCO; erect grit!, rare hide,a aupetua Article, Comae by Iy3o • •Al ALLEN& CO T EAD-510 pigs Upper brines. re note and for sate &I by jyal • / A ALLEN ATCO bids rto 1 slab in gond barrels end far. .vin Ll it Ju'tIILI.FR &ItICCERTAtEs TUG 113.0N,PM ton i blsirobingPbron'ec, received and for sale scribe &Lam by ry3o R FLOYD • Tarlierraraver"i;?ln— j.l.llol.ll,i'maid.nbeyes oil, for aalt ATwoou. lONK.?it CO V . Tnbseco—:n tunes •Fs F 4 olden A. An • V thonv brand, boxe r pounds. It alums ror mat ATWOOD .lONFU &Cu/ L EAP TOD ACT-UoEdieso,Aoul"dv "g ..I",,wfb ATIVO3. Ayr. ~ GO _ IV ITD°"""1 / 4 ".- rTT4111/ 1 ,761 , 174 t ao, RA AC1[6111141.-5 tierces :to I.lotye tor sale b) .. AZ , A 'MOOD .14 INV'S & CO L OAP 7 ILIOAR-20 blots Not., Looisloo, for sale by OW AT WOOD, JUNES ACO SALERATIIII-37 casks saloon. , In 1.111.2 and for vole by JOHN SCOTT S. CO Jyttnnf 7 tonnotelal ;or, liberty et WINDOW GLASS-40U Duro Nby 10, *Oda 40111 I 4 1 1 9 by It'""")!t t"do lOby II" 10 duI/ V:0do1V 131t,.l ,• N r VONIJO:iN HORST .1‘ co 160 ItK4r,tl..!l"'x'''''7,"'d7. ""'"'''' "S yILL._.I I .lAM r at)\l ' i4ll.l " . N ' ts%. warren 2DARRMIA Mason's Wok toy lot tee'd per awe for sale by .1 JAMNS DAUS/ILI. OW No O. waters .6TiItIIESTIa ore* feathers, I satl. Ileowel V D. Yankce "" ood 1. ' 4 7stic"bl"l"..4'2l.:;:r AttlZv,:s Jr-. t 4 solo ri s DV iloot sl (i II ERNIE - boos prisms torso'. 1,, 4,,,..„).E.M_ et V VON 1111 1 4 S, Molts l'A, t 0 OIL "lot.) .r.-- Jr , s a r voN Hig , ,,,,,.., , ,o, OATSI--73 bushels tor sole by ... On) VI r VON DONN now , r A I'l./‘ L INNICIr. ii mt.-. 4, Lb]. tor oalr by t )1 n .4 1 VON WIN N1101441' 4CO (111ININF: 111,111;.-2,0 11,4,4.'04 on,l q. / s yk, •-) // I " IIIIAV A .t Ht• I I'IKA ~ Y • 1111011/14 N 411.L0W-.. 'Coes Nu I inoro I sot le t .t cowed, tor otteb y . tyyLll4l4A ON b. DM YEA 1 -4' l ll ll O N li NUEE N -S va.o.lituto,llustracM,l l l, sale ‘,-, by 4 29 DRALIN 4 lo , rrea A ntEiticAgNi:ltAiirdivi:-.1,7„,,„,„, „,,„ ,‘ , 4 rale byLytT MR it ON A 81.1TP‘.1t „ ri 1 141E31 I . : VERMII.I.ION-bo lb. )114 ro'd fn .ate ...1. 2L,1/?,_ _ _ l / 144 UN A ItIOT1:14 . WIIIYING-tibblo OH fiUllti, and for sal. 19 1;,,,,, on, 1., ~. IVA ON A £lllO WA R i g I.Vrilt.l'it.tt:;l7t* 171„"""'N'''" 0t ' N I" 9 q 010 by fry) ' . IVlCi:fr. AIreANDLE:sB Lir AMN NU/.d 11-ll blobs A., YAM by LTAr.. WIC bl Pot P J K* • • /1 usExao—ii. logo !Ageing and Us s'. de 14 , t.,/ 1017 II DA1.91:1.1. aCu Liberty It 4.3traelliNlAN :::iifea.ll6 prime quoins tor 4; b, - L 7 WIII W 11.1.14 AIN 4 1 1 11.11tut/Wit 13 J.titS (undy LOH, for van by 41 0 .. 11JA 2% TED-A ) %menial. acqtalttleit4ith Oa Ono •4 Isigne. ENulttalltslitolLe!. k.lt RAW WIIIIIKEV-OW whikey. ter eole by jy, !ALIA! %V N t VPIt iIIOXII9 inner Western . Reserve Meese. steely sell and sor solo I y Vb st K tiloellTersl:oly. 0 g ......_ _ __ No Ill? ljbetty street SUNDRI&-Voarke lye, t 4 do corn 4 1 do olot I Lai typ4la utility (Om 41 B Nam termite by ' by J AMES DALZELL; No N orator st I.CAPYligirrgaiiielis- i s iunTiliiiiiiiii - ollsoter o / r p sale by j+n POINDEPIVR &IV 41 wag rl Lty .lll j l y 11 , 4ACK-II cask. just received and for sale -., - --, --, U 1 14. U 1 ,' R R T , R l'. p ki l l9 ° l-I ` } -• - : A -1,41 HA beat quality Jot rer.'d, for C.. i ia_________ jlk," it REITHR rd=l el 1 ! b°". ' h " "J " 111111 " rictr, , j_Lr__ ... eValer it front at 01 1 1110 sets reexlyed end µle_ ye ,PYib 1--alitMrl.ll.s}2:ll---%Te2-17nliTe ..rliaater Qu euseres—faeleenablevq47—Lteiy ree'd con d. mullein' .. m . m i lVvz k rzioo m xtve d .. 3 1! Mall brie of dY,'pert of eekleb Is very role, forlezniTiN; ou r .: yR-6 bele Or e ale love tee • P iiMaiMailEMS /10 VICKERS GROUND SPICES. I . bliobed a waretionte to the lOW Inc the per. i*Agi Va T tlera 42 .4 ' aCtlVlV T E7l,‘Z th . !ow pneef—and exhibiting, at all 14•1011 S . of' the year.tb p _ka r-11 A sortment in I'HE WORLD They are now opening Littera! finadred.Paeltaget, comprising every new Style of Foreign and Dantellne pIEPOPCIIMI, many of which been ot to be wand e where. and which have log parihaved,n are offorod tor mlo for Castreml vhan emlit, et PlrIcES REDINIFD., • ONE TO FIVE CENTS per yard below the priers of April and May, ae 'per printed Comfort., which are roneeteddatly, for the PRINT WAREIIOIUSIC,j Arno York, Anted I SO. ff , naMILLTH, 11•14.: WOOD tI3 aMdl Wild 1J Cherry DIII ars—This new, And rateable_ Ka , wart of Sweiaparilla and Wild Cheney has tern used with in. sweets' (or the permanent neural ad all each dimeares as like their rise trots se home Mateo( the blood:- i t promotes a healthy set* of Ste Liver-- streaftbeni the Nerves and et maim:cam health • and In all cases af..lauturce,,lndigemion, DyMcPalat at Appetite, Habitant Costiveness, Nerollslitdesdaehe, Laneeor, and thin Depression or, Spirits, which is so common a complaint in the Spring and thunmeaseanarts of th e year, this medicine ha t tun immoral—arid • Men etc trial will convince the most incredulous or Its lee Tim pees m,. For'rettber particulars the render Is ramrod to the pamphlets which will be famished bythe Agents,Olutii. ins the eatimseiou in . which this valuable =akin,: le held by those who have wed it. • • 'foeßly•Centlon die Pnblie Be panieular and ash Dt. Wood'. Stantamtdla and Wild Cherry Hiner*, and reeehre smother. Mai. the hest , preparation et those attieles leiliblesed era . offered to the public ' and the greet rueeesa attending it. ere has induced thenopriacipled to counterfen and hen , tate. As a preventive, ref that the bottles hare the words •iDr. Wood's ; Sarsaparilla and Wild Cheny lean premed on the atiass, mid Mat esehilltbel en she. bottle is maned by the proptictor, E. Mammon, Jr. Said, wholesale and retail, by WYATT k. KETCH AM, getter.' agents. 121 Pulionsamet,New York W. Tunes, Market street, and P. IL Smorin.lieti th ield street. Pittsbetalt, Pa. Pride .large books. I, 9ESIN6YLVASIA. MEDICAL. CaIiPLZ,MGE. Pdhart, ebsiiyareete• Pharteryhie• The Anneal Come of !unreel* ia r thia teethed.= will commence en the fine Monday In November nest and be continued anyil the ensuing first ot,Alitreh. The Faculty la corimMoc4 as Rillourst .• • • Willman Dumb, MD.-i•Prtncinke Wel practice of Medicine. Jab s Wilthaal, :b1 • • . lad diseases ol women and children. • Henry N Patterson. MD,:=-Materia liedicartad,Ther• aprntieg rAtatotay sod PbrriehillY• rnne ph, endpoint** argot. •Al V," _ Vee,asineme, I. Alice, D Clliesatoy. The Ana*eaieal Rooms rill be opened ott-the hest Monday in October, ender the doyenne of .Prokrisoi Grant, anointed by A VUelo•plo,111 D, Peobbedanuor of Analoen, . 13:1". Ail Pupils atleadian• second Comae orTmetmes; (as well those nutrient tut mad., u those who b e . attended their hat Coon* is this Imaltation4 will be naraiihed with • ticket to NW tninioal Lastreetion at the: peens eirieeefriewol4 P ,l l 4 .steeet- • rem — MelswitlimMii KS: for each Tiehat.llll4 Grid- ILA, PlaB/•11! 8 PATTRILSON. 8 1 el.d.t/ 1 4 JrMier • NeilAreh eeb- TllpsLs sere:Lax POI PI:IL kw the destnietwat eles tort /le. 'ItoM wholesale and kuiverilllooMM.ftees oral Agent hr the V :gates, u hla eheap book ana pa per 1 .014 1 1•4laont. 114 Dalkon= street IlaWasore. Dtaterteal Vat,—T•ltttwaeighthrartefa sheet. well ealantlr Al wil4 water, apt auf Ism or. , coinu Wile 10 ntiost: Le. Or. Ma alnlet0116: frim et porta orate toes; and produce, urark 44 1.11 , J.. Far 11. , 011_ 11 al M II ELIA: 4), ROI woad ii - " • NI RR UrAvTV — tuto Toni 3 bozo. float's A TLYSaceo: OJo Arthrroll A Rotrompores' As do lit do •LotttorY• roar Os do • Ye do .1 tut . .Vdc. XI 441 `Grauete. porat . i4 hoop, do tot do • Coogyesa` So do ' 3V Jo •Cltaporao`s , dada • VIA) `A Cabanaseas do • tro moviroorrot, for sale by - A GORDON AY MILANO 4 NACIOATION COMPANY.' • Nano': lo CON raAertnts. 8. , 41 +1 : 1 7 x. plro.•ty rol.sned, and *al mvg.• in c't 'ahelr ...cot 3 WO.* I% b ee r the Atrutaltiort ot or . e u rZ i s, "I lea conittaelioa look and dam at themproad on Ike .IVolotett IMaa4' rpee.ildatitrar, and all triebroraltoo relative to rice nr , or t r r o t o r ro , n, 'Nita brSylvaa as La . vatd Cra;ipattyroo m' ar ' a t lat r ice Cly m atluts • order onto. Board. • ' A T ELLIS Pu.. • /oar, Rosa; &eV,. V Inrotnen,l) 9 , e, EIV II(K) nne, by Harry Lon, 11 otter complete Ile nine . . Lore and the y TeddY ' llo , hAsT,lghakepeate and Om oo Friens, by!a t i• Minor% midi of Altekapen., Itcyltolde; Meld of • the Valley, by£ J lerr Cit., VIA to te - ofilte Catholic Chortle Renee Douche k of a former world,' Wring Age, No lat • lssatel or Bavaria, by Dame% Ileroluesof Shatspeace, illustrated; Napoleon and hie hlarrhalle, nem ettPkTi AtAhlah haca Night. It rat No Dwain » It Bon I cheap cid ' i.Oll For cooly AV a CALDWELL Jule Y , __ QIIADVDIDTEIaoIaiI 'Aitelkin.—Un Tender, the h., 3d day of Amgen, at 3 e'elock,P. , will Po sold. the premien, handsomely entit l ed balding ton le the borough ottlharpabarg.adAlelng gropeny dein Jttot. trharp A idea Of which May be sectLudanY lo 6 Bala• boo den may be dentred. gleenunf eoptiestne to Newport EN, Mann/meg, or Mr. C. T. annell, Mu. Let AMY I. l'inehargh. - Term.:—thteeillb .etuA, tongue /I 5 equal annelid PeYenente with Interest, to be maned h 3 Load anthem j O 7 JOON 0 DAVIS. Aiwa". LIST.FIJ#LISIIED.—/Alabignes 'CI:1140N -The e Protector, n.windication. by J 11 Merle D'Aabi lae D, ether of EC5,17551 , 05j Plripty:'vloa,Aoe, hilt AlO/11 The oflrfe work, the medication .r tyeem 010Ir AVM iOll With regent toltrollitiolra religious ed... atter, has eldMed the aellmiTia thmour e Inane lbamblo aAdtael#ll !tea %)ttt Mame wh nor ai ought in 011aklay OCihr justify Ol meel L a • l lVAialgnallateliel:' • r •• r abeW A nem nahlie Of the above Jut retalved by expass4 • . ELLIOTT &SNOW/IL oar at ' . Apr 71 A#iEOlBL s . BY 97r EV.t4B: 'PORII . W4L., I EiAIILTATE.MARZ., Ine.lberwait, fre.""1.4., 1 . 4 A ritibla b dooHleek ' 1 • „ - . Ripi . .14453n. D. Da -. • • Ifentherton Lots it Aletion • ON Saturday aftentoon,the Itlitlay of Amthst:at 3 o'elnek. - L eilt be sold do the pram sea,. • Fere raTusible building lots. situate . in the Bth watd of this eityon the - north side of Second st.; near the Union Belling mint a plan of *bleb may be. seen and any bitten: Wien that' may be *wind will be given on atipliesbon John J. Dank the Cedes adjoining the premises. • • •Termilise fonith. earresehm.ia Jima +IGO. annual payments, betting interest, to be seemed by bond end innilifetin • JOHN D. DAVIS, Age!. .o'3o Doty, Watches, Musical lace ameats, 'She. it Mk+ • ON Sabirday evening. the 31st inaL at 9 o'clock; at the Commercial Sates Room., earner of Wood cod Ffillgetreete, will be cold A larr.e and valuable collection ot anseellanesme Books, Blank Book., letter lad cap writing paper, PI stone I neaps U. S., new and teemd head yap-heti entre, files, violins, aseordlens, Pitittitf chat of S. and Mexico, Great West; fine shot.. le. 17 30 JOHN D. DAVIS, o a Mondae mamma. AagastYnd 2110We/oak, at Uai Commercial Baler Itooms, , cornar oe Mood and Flfds tureen, will be sold without reserve, to aksellOttalr' meats, an cum:Mee a.sonmentolataplp and Macy dry g oods, ladle , monsece Loots, ,aten'a and hope thee.; parasols be. , ••• A large assortment olnear sad secondhand hatise.hold furniture, among which are embalm halt seat sofas; die - sing and commonbureaat, betV MUM; ladles', wurl rung* linty and comma Chair.; (ember beds tualtrasses; gilt frame leaking elammr, Vaaitiga window blinds; mantel ekteks &e. Also Io.bbls Lake fish; /9 Ibis dried peaeltes;selattalitY aliaMtlial,ooooo.."" 'At 8 o'elock, P • - e nuantity of ready made clothing, &Wahine with helmams and wawa; new and *maw hand watch. ec fine einlerymne; rumba hardware; musical ham. meno; Gunn Amoy goods he. • jy3d JOHN D DAVIS Aim. Amadeu copy. • . adsoiniiiratori, Sale of Glatswae,Goldi.ever Wamh es.Ctotkingike..- On Tuesday morning, ihe 3d day of Ansa, at I 0.• clock at the Commereadt t alleaßtotaai earner of Wood and Flab streets, will be sold wnboat reserve (or cub, _by order of AdrainixtfllOo • ,'•• • • • Somenty bozos ...mod glusware,sawairsatga large . 140 11111tIli of plain and Mined ware, mall waddler* onnWers of vortiots sizes and pactesns,aaseera;nappieri &doe.; saloo goblets: IccoonadOs; •OROf .If4no•qmola.oes consLpoorls; pitchers; ozoilloBliciti• e &c Iln A loai.one Enxlmh gold tollem le t;er watch. 'I !rank ooth clothinr,, two half bo.e. sob. keg beeswax, fr-o • JOHN D DAVIS, !oat NEW NEW GOODS• • 3 POR PALL TRAD& OP 11141. BLACKWELL. WHITTEMORE & CARHART. 77 ITidiarA ter Liberty, am/ 16 LO&IP &nut, Nein York A RE reeeivng by every arrival, addhihns to their large assorunerat of D;Oood Thep have made nrrangerovnts tooffer In try s Sad dell kt extensive and dssitable i stoek or goods for the PAII Tnute. By stranteri and pecketsl.ll sneelved the most approved and novei r stylesplttnEngllsh and Continen tal . . . Their nuonsent of Ibisestic Goode led comniiier eery stria wonky of the notice or the Trade, all .of Kea will be adored on u stood termer can beobtida- • • • English Cloths—Wool gad Piece. Dyes, nod Faney Color., of various qualities and almerlr. French Cloths. common and fine. , • Twill'd Clothit, common and fine.-. Doeskins, ot the ben ILIIIIIIALCUZIVIL • American Oaths of all deseripdoas and oolina Fancy Camineres.Enalish. French, and Amartean , . of superior style and mterns.• ' • Heaven, Pllotsalush l ls. and otberheam7 T7trn'tb alianTrelon;::l4 l 4lZULZ . :: vestinp,—fancy silk velvet. woenen velvets, Vete,. cm, Fancy amine and Bilks from low to fine.! • Velvets, black, brown, and other faneynkades. •': bilk genres, Biack and fancy colors, brit and atm twin. . • • • Worsted S er g e s o fall qualities and colors. English , and American, twilled and plant: Ituttons, Cords. Dindlop "Iltrends,Ae. kn.+ And vanillin other new anddestrahle scads adapted to nue. wear. NEW YORK, JyStldt* PRIN - 1 - '8 - ONLY CEDAR BTd, NEW YORK LEE & 'BREWSTER #it .._ . • eixermiiv - fiNlipn..- 4 - iii . no , :A. • DAILY PACKETIJNE. ~.,_ -_THIV Vell known line Cot sit.id,4 p...,,, 5 a ...., resis DoetreemeyeeL Of Um ai. ..mtsi, 1....' swam end roreeteee. and meet preeedd 1„„.,...b tee waren of the West. IL`rerrleree.wit. eon end coet . gm awl gooey eau Very ri heels jerrrefee instils 'mum , ne Line Verv e] D YE epeuee tk,e e.ro pmea — bawls di/Ted a m4141:I .P.•1;1411,471:,,;a. lireld treet'rlenei,er kr waiting, au,:- tioiter freight bed the exely Of Prereage, jb. MI. ter. la all ewe the passage teener men t e rata L. , • . _O/111103113A1r PACBET: : • b. Th mh :lON Ii NLIAKIN...a, Car ; Stawe o riii 6 k" . p ! . :e.erS =ay avedels""lllilba • " t '.. _._- WI:riDAT ileiraw. t The HIUERN4, NC. St. C.apt. .r. A - ri..:,,,,, w ill .frava Pluatetrab even. Tadao month, ate.keleelt; IWbeeliag eve!, Taejeav evesatm et le P... al. _.: insiiiriciiiiiii iieliivr„ . TIN IeIIW•ItNULAND, NO. al. C.pt. S. nev, ovill leave rtaabargb every n'eglaeaday Illianuis , ... toy i9eloek; I ,neelitts e. , pr 'Nematode, evealaa at ;. ...........__ ......_ Ge ' eI ' PACIENIT. "he .W IB CONSIN.Capt. R. J. stroarilt leave P.a. a*h very andayaeoroin g art lee WI ; keeling every Tbanday evening at ID PBIDAY PACKET. Tae CLIPPEII; NO, 11, !het. Croat %ill leave Pint balsa every :Friday sortuag at 10 D'aleek;.Watelal airy Fralay ever.' at ID P.bl. Tie ' 47 PICKET:PICKET:SI.O7D O ENOXII Capr. Lialent, will leave PHU are.h army Sunday laparlag at 100'earea; Wheeling erre'? Salud everdas at 0 • . SVXDAY PACKET. The MAC NEWTON. A. ei.16.2., leave Pittsburgh !very Faraday laaralag at la covlnek Wheat every tanday avatars" at 10 I`. : , . 'Mani ..,_itriaT.. 441: lever. ll'lre +Liar soot.. ga..rktrugif .__6,11 rar d ,„ . 0 at IV., - a f ItiZtiTr"...i. are piiipPcio,k-1% /no Men ailritani M 404 6:1:4Y ittiu.d,.. . , 14:4." m0n., k_t_t3rATlLEv.. 17* f Nes. wria.ciaregM„Ordmik....lnotk,.;- • /:1741.1?1„,,0 i Air! 3t; bY " k Zin,'".+llte. - *rood ~ -DA gp31.10 4 N. VIA keli;r-p64thrikm 1,3,,,:,T !lair, '''°2L"levrs *4 24 by ..V."'''k D - ' i ' "MI .4. i g dovx _.,,,,orprd I.I O WETT'IS HOULIS OF tHE I .1:' iii;Wo a. - ei gat f i ' l w illlit t ' d " .; 174 e . 4 ' :NV! Lr11,,m.. 0 .0: • • ... -.lo.toiimoN.: wrZTKION ipariim - i.176 aft i.eiirftiii3Lii,;.-ii.Te; J 1 14.nedeoktrs,glint eau. Also,aldea dart Meta for t wile Ulla" wide want of . JACOB WEAVER • j 1• ...," ~ cor INICLtET ABM DRIrJSALAOI. ..kat ot iii*Etrentir— It bbls and id tiltbble Liiiithica addl./Irak Meanie lia ii'vVbis::&B:l,:tr:Zele.:if.of. lai e t , b r y ble ihr fruit.= aid • 017 NOS' _ .17411WFylVElii L* OIL. (he &he et a eery nipenor quai:. .LI nyouneeeireo and kw wile by , • . •• - , BRA L'A & &ETTER. Ina . of Liheny & tit Mut au _._._.._________ C_Tl'C r 11// DOOK-3 bale. Laurel 7401 N. br ...kribrwssime.renc l us i rr i ft, red . , - munfliv, wkausZg!''' bY g'"CL2Rlll,:leratiTlANll::l' Canal rasip. MAACKIikkZLIi nit ILEkIeTON, No can skki . 01 . !kaand ukcH vAcoit jOk haw, far , iunin city en;e4l3ain . n, in Ornate sale by. EIVERS. 11 UNITE k CO' LY Nev averica wb.ta co:b Haney, lor ad. by . ' ANTHONY MAYO Jit. fidh lased mat ketalley, Abrs Jallen do. 3:1 ban common do; in now and for gile . K_F : Triojg_ • riItIZSGINOHAIIIB,Jut rivelved 144 tha north am cornet of 4th and market, a new apply• °Alma S'Athana. -:• • feseivpal a Inv jritces of :or% Cr=rlth, alr'rcerd """"'"r ',dl"" nonntrierr,ui 1-4 Robbineu for Ma.q . l n d J.PJaft received at The north earreataer hal • • 111URP1111. Filttlif LEMON SYRUP—hi &rpm ree'd• for Ital° jKlpqr. co a 'received and for tale IVA!! . Itep FAN ' OO L-71aire Acks lab•wisabedi received and Wt bY 1717 • W R ideCUIVIIEON L 1111341 la. pease W. R.; teed snli kr vide IC-30 ,• jrl7. W k Ily.yr9lt.'UN „ letlinPPME-101) bag. prime green io ColleeV.see'd L., and Err sale bY Jga . g Meal gel_lbßN 41 4.ERAIrVi-11 eats noir landing in sale "MILKY &Morale, & tpY AL ow'. by . • IDAIUKL-1 exits for *We 41,rD••485 .LTD-4irl:ipseen aTvivilrlkltit"reN6LEßs: ;,--4 . "tt c lApaH 44, • —.!,...!ibtnv xi: GLLIS-00 bx.1019.14as band andll t v in le b N y Jen' -• • • il"k" IL -.73 bisllo by IL an' hand and br sale 6q - , I ofaClLLC_b_- Cl i fi jilli. near Meese far sale liar F74,a • /b C BID an Galena LaMairslll„Antp JLo ple 47 • 'la° Xi ACK.IIIaI6-60 barrel. No. Large 3 1ackeri , l, //12(dar 41,12dAnppforalel . olloo arrive, 19. ILL= a ElCKiammN, DV lawny a '& u u M ,71, 1 1 7 1-18- '2.THo: c "llrDittrem. •• willosjtellll.l House . •1 DALY SOAP—a* boxes landiaiDta Hamm: Den IL- Dinh, lot sale by.._ nli • /*NM DALDEM- - • 114 .!..ta gum „„„:4 pip e r r itts u a Lbat • 10 barrels •• for P Paticri.rd Loatli -7;.J111 meelred bad /We by iyr • • MILLE* ktICICETSOII • mA litz Dbtrt • lnreed Oil la adore and • IT? kw L*41,014n;f3 iy4feettys " 11S 111.44141 - " i'"fie-e7,47'..1 'I D/briff: ff,7 WICKt McCAII IiZSD—.I sacks kr axle tri CLS • . MaCAN HbprBSl~len*noV !Drab r - 4116 comics,* bees Via MALT A:4 reed and Rllle by je3) • BRAUN Ar. !LEITER tite*l" Zff 21177 i lArsdr Anal. • arj 2 . by h"al •, • oat int reed and for sah tall/N & REITER •I s ` k lv•ral'Atzt4(7'.= Linc-labbta Eas 'Aram; tarsal° by ---7 .Cl.: yil • • Ei_c_splys!st/ICER..Ir. nom f o r cas 6r— mr,w7l. bb4ISSUAH MELVA esi_ 14401...-lE6llk —44 vi dmea /4'; RE:girls vromr4:, 5T419.02. -in4 .s F. VON CONNH6RST*: CO WiIITE FISH-10 hble Int ed FRIEND.LR & e:57 i; ALM—VS batrOshatreed. farrile by MUD &al /!.4.1411 11/11.0XIDE LIME-8 ensmst teed tiy • ' /06 SIDI" Wtwo ft — irowsci Jrll for moqe( and senartn; Far We low by • 0•, • • J esCHOONF4LERA ideyjust Me d B ea duoignamot LW OnL Y. • MILLERLRICker:ON drailii--40 bzs dt R &Wet jilt rereiVet. 117 W MILLER d dICKEY- SAIU TMUIS:iiiiiit 14,4:1%1 4 4 fl Wuxe• jeet received; rewirele BiliLtard FVlt-44"thrsm. FINZ:Sti:VAPY ALpi jes— ,bluseteircp for silt. by D imp . TASFIVIL - joo ool4l ,442"M—A" Vbre V o i raL . 1 rtlehy n7 , 1•74.!0 . 7 by 6 itxr, orps. warsa!riarsZiii & I•71TlC 7 acitowtmax&R & VAiLLSeIe bundles Ave fui r.N. 1,7 SCHOOSISIA NER e lo elMLzet.arteltiCBo•loearlespeetiolebleBll4;iiri.j'se" I tekOALli' &SMITH ' 1110ACOSS-10111110. esionid—l;Taie 1 -NJ hIS I. 8 WITH - r HUTCIIISOSiTe I. IM AEO — iNtdplaaChaleaa Lead kr safe pr. . 54- L/11. '- ._ ... ___-_,VIWIS lIIIICLUSI?Nk_S?—. ,USX MIX IrTiatjo carer jmu ii"• eel - ear:6x ode by •' - - -- 1 -. BRAUN A REIN% '-—l i tl . _ L ()LULLI . WINE —A loreprieed aoperior ankle:ma 1 - i . weelred aryl for mak hirilo doe or boejle. rEd ' f! JACUU WEAVEKV WILK. S., • I, F. ] IUGHhJ - 10 0o: e ! etlaimr,, looa.. Fur r~k , •hekWe or rwei~9u wfyai . JACOB wBA u. SAtganic-altinms " y rnNtla. pun biluo*ke Mb by ibb.smorbOair. rwVne JAcoa WILLVER. franc eor 1 10064011 . ff lad fir sale V aR r ralnr sw a rG b jicnio. • • sad (mil t, ' kr 'IMS 4 : 11 1,4166fG trettyfaist Clad sad ~~ "'. .• latri sad Ayr .81 by t 4 x maxrnt•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers