4 72./Ati arsterTNl Antits MOTHEIri Bosom: t ~• • t tI4II wit a 7 deiWtioi . 1401164e . 0e5s , t " T fri ti'! - " ll2 b?w!tellaty Map% th;„ sum 110a , liGht'era, Vat, 'Reath each lid , tbein,lUie bright uteri thou,. • • • Whereto irll ilimpihtiand. wen slily hid gle*siiiVi4e•in tNifitilestld on. i ! • . . .., ...,-.' .. , .; .`• .! .•.•,.There was n iii:tjtit- luting metheei eSe, k Litly the &eh . t ,„ , she could /elopes , '-•.',,' : ',..- ~,..!.taittin•liiili a ;delude* lullaby ..: ": ;. i . ;..' ;- • ••tittlrredflie grttfttimer em her infetitacheek ? While . : , then , with melting :heart she i ' l ,,, i.'' ' . ,' . Soft kisses o'er its, red and swelling lips ,„'-; i t -. - .ldire, sweat . 'rese-totds s io..froati beauty dreso'd, '..{,.'.. ', .....' ‘. .':.2. -, Elie the ir.Yo ' miumorinilmis the honey Sipe. g :,•,. i t ... , arra y WIM ;the sky full - '- ' 'bani' ',.......27...,,'! '•.:- i3i iones. ,,t4e l e lovely mita; while the , low lull 1 ......,.;,.. , ;. , :;,,;:.•-,Of Aping Watery /ill upon the ear ; :(14.1...„ ' Ahlidie DOW moan, like a pare. hell of pearl ''. ; l " - '4.:: 1 . 0-: Efe iiireltid by the blue wave OC, the deep. - "1" - la '' a'mbil the fleecy clouds that love to curl ,'"'—' - the -t h/liviO6k"lL • '''' ' l / 4 '•' , '" , ' " , -Itsumul the stars when Y ' -i 1...... ' '' . , .,": •-:,'• '.- i iy/.eaut greW'eollar as I gazed upon '-' . '' That itiothf el Another as she soothed to rest , -,4 .:( : , With a lawman bartered and cherished 0n . 0.-- • •• • •I'. - •.4! , • .'' ' ,, ..Thebudrof promise on her gentle breirt , _.1,-. iiir .6..i i 4bt, that angel ones above 4:5: , -I'''''!' . . • On lioru their timer or bur, "- ' ___ 1 411 1 4 1, 4 9 t° P" o f L ore i" . .e. i , i.-.'!... Whew Inarreettee . wpen the , breast ... Si - - , r -, •;rs' --- 11 1 ,,ai w itig, in ashen' World li ke this. , i ....k.': ; ',,'' '''' • ^ Frain the Amenensi Memeager . ' 4. . Something More Wonderthl than the Mg ' : .:. j jetk a TelegniPti, f the Mag . Thewon.e..ul i nvention o Telegraph has-been attended with ..-. wean results, as to lead per .",---, ",. such esteem that e n othing hereafter is to soli to sa i T be W deebre tlv i can be pore wondetf e u e l r th t a n n te t t h h e '''.. fact, that an 'l' m Fee li f rom the ,-, r e can be COMIDWICaI .. : genet' ar e N York at once and the sam e - . altY - ew York ; ; at parts of Ma t ... ' •, litittals to t he most : 4 g- , . sentry? an t e d the il Hundreds of people bare "v isited -. ,t n various cities and 'ii• 'i TelefitaP4 attdeses 1 f' p.. ,, villages : in tlllr ebu dtfrere g n: u S w ta: e s u ,azd u w ha n s n e 7i. Ow etre Y:, 3 , "s ure ly this is the °e'en" • ' ' ders'eel l e II odem "' - , *s '''' rag w°ll °I a a " Salta had often :, wa g e and Thema 7 t-i. e xpressed a desire to visit the th T el egrap h wacs. They b et ad on h d e m ar d of m nam e str e. an an g d e k -- -" . ' ' dal"' of a" stoo and looked a„he wires r ' r- etch" ofte n i along fromone: high poet us e ' ' ere s eem i ng, like cobwebs in tk ii-f 7 •''''' aPa?ther' L-One day, as t he y we re ; thus oc c upied,. George,asked Thomas how 'it c old be . I*itenteMewares unseen messages wer .•alllle g to and fro. "I don% her -replied Thomas , “Fataer . how it ,Is' o felectricity; and ii is by Mean), *ay' electricity, and tllat is th e '." lighteteg is : news e l quickly by the selleth ' T le aPh s .3 7 - ige. g ethe e i f gr s ehool, these keys went „I ri„ One day, ter, , which w — just ' " their father a stole,in .. * ' set° 1 niph office. and asked '': ' posits the Te eg ~." .... eP t int if he wo uld be so rf kr in d ee as et to me tako the to see this Woride u in them Their father was not so occepied as F A ''., verge' le g i l d to , grad,' his . 1 i ' i - i at' he : was:always e add to their stock of k's''''. childr en,andl nhe took them each by ri.. 'useful in fo r mati on ; d the near moment they 4 *-* the • hand, en of the agent, at ' ' e were by rbe =de or the lodein strumnt the p erf o rm a nce th " bi te a liv en .....,'. thit noted down lute ge a ' -...- add T g he boys entreated theirin W as h- . a s . me ssage to th e ir uncle , sena a h consen t e d to do, b ut :. the ingnr l n ttle ike macbin e e was so busy that. them.' age n t l opportun ity to grati f y la had no °Firrtun c lick, click, „ - ' ' Tr°, 11; lie little pointer . By an d ‘' ','," clich, wan_ it t he , so i n s t a nt, but just as .- by, it me" 'e" — ii n his claim the a nt was going le P s 'ls ' ..it began. a ga te ' i t e n t o sai d the agent, ' '' That, is B les t h is message is finish .we must wait Withal, sentence: was writ. ':: e t. the As te awn wrin A U tor Auburn, and • c - +.. 1 ii for w Utica;.and the hoYs were . " then oeo, a f patience, as hide boys are vi; - al ap Ti o t b e = w to . ..heo•their wishes are not im- C i onalwintly grati fi ed maw The 7 After a while their torn W for Wash -1 vLI,.. t hunted to Pet le • a to •ii , *Pa u aye." was the reply, L e 'l Ingle% and - "aye, wis h, was attended ,-.-- , let him know that has ent. s t il '" .10, and t he message °ls k.a s k which the i , bogs took the the .. , The and looked titer ' t has han de d thew, -• `Tel egr aphic agess alphabet, and George-saidmore I. ' t be a great deal „ . s ‘'': :be wa scare it MS b an the alphabet IC" difficult to remember t '... "' s , ef A 8 C . thought they should The Rule b o ys "l A % , eii Watching the tea ry like lei spend " 57 . h a t after they er, %, ...ssi dons-of the Telegrap h ; _ Lad been there a reasonable om e ~their Wtither told them it was time to go.home. 'a"'—' ove r to their father's store, ^L Th e y went h walked home with them, as led SW° .e ear i h e hour for tea.d of . it : In aa ti r t i e evening, the boys l e h r e talk Magnetic ' nothing but die wondera th o e f t wonder- Telegraph. "It' 11,neta or, & t h e e. said f, fl thing you ever R 55 ThWaaaa• h d his father, i I have 1 N o n' rep..e [.... . thin s more wonderful," . t. 4 ` 4 iteeM °t alk d r" said Geor. ' "Biwa - e i m essage being seat act "you nee er beard ef h an tln y 's means, have you?" ~ oddy 2 4 ..y . - tanswYeg' Ibare' receiving myan son. " er as qtuck ' H„ltud AY r added George n "Tee, much we"r ." replied his c) \:. ~y ' ...~r, ~:..~,. ..,...,' '. '...k....',..40,.. ,01-. • ~.. 1 '" - ' i ..,-...!...'.!,,-, S i,,, 4....' ..i . . - *. 4i 4 -4 4 ., i )II 4. r p a w ri . ~. . ' :. ...-`. *..': • : . ,i. ..• .. '0 ... 'I .-: - ---..' ,, -; , !.;'• 1 .•..;;:'-:;:'...', :iT'4.:' , -::: . . , !! f:':... , - ~ . `. Bt. 1 , 1 44: 4 41 1 ' 4••• ,,,1 * - ,r, ; *A , ' :. -i i • .. • ~ ~,;„'Nf . 11% . . ~ ‘..• ft ! ...,:: k ,•- . 1-- . ,:;',:•: .4 : e , N o:7ltif & il l: gq. . : 104 1 44 '21 :••:t4•1 1 ! ' •:,„0,- .. . -4 .4.., 1 , 1 1 4 Jr,Vl-1 • ' ~. PR. ':"42r13:1r,N; t i'N li gg : ll : . : : t 4. 41i: t+1i1..,:?:::11.,‘:4 .I,Thi-'4.l' '.. •-. , .-N, •Ar . .. i •.; : • . ~. ,•',.,i•''i;:s:'47l•: ft eli ' 441'.A. ~,,,„,,,,,....,,..,„.., „„:.„:„:„,„ t ~ „....,....„„,0,.:,. , ~..e„ , „. ~.,...: ~,.,... ~,....„ ~,,.,.......,,,,,,._ ....„,„,,... ~.........4,,i , „, ,•s';'Pf iSr:f• `{,~' ~~3,`. '•'k in said at 'fa th er . his ektn : ot;• to .eurue' ,ohuh! w face. cam ;, s i mo- you but dinar_,_ to Ins - :. , .' ...,.., " Thomas dewing more won . '.: ..., '"-Le', ' ,2,-;... •.' ra ther , and . know °.,* than by the ' `', •:ii , - ... lug aidatinu • ".. - • --. 40-4 0 7. ',,oin it possi ble as, =tom_ r ",..-',-- - ''• s t ••,„,-,, ~'•i'. 1 .- ?- , z...•. , ii5r way . earnest, y es -',,''...•,! .. - V. ,.. 13 ' ' sI, 4, ', . ...Num iris ab°4B la ' to your " •'-'l' -,,,..':,-....-•!.c...U....;'• le ' .1 " , • ::-; ''. - 4, • /.......:-..i,sinver .14111T1°k .1 :f;...lk•ci,'ll-61 ..x..,41, NI Srdrari 'Tata wR ,7do le! d George. respect i r l a ..,,,,,..1..:•,k, - ...„. l• -1-,.-L'k 1-.: rAOB7, 1...0..::-.- . ;•,.i.,:itits' t:-- ill.?-i4r,''. ? r,- . -s iVello ' , fathe r , "nd in what F"i'''''',24 •"`• IrZii.l!irt4.l:,. t.g.tli 3- what h,hiticaTelegotete.%4 his father' ...F'lt;.;;44l.e:t I..,".7."W„lcagitt titou'•" .iiinte, -"ao send your. 1. 4 ." 4„,.; '1 PS*.if:l7..i-I','gn.9:-. '.. `,,....,,,- ,jii, the fi t, - T„ .se, WWI, ammotied W ' -•-•"'';!,•.17r4 :.*V • itli ~.,*i...t.';', ~. 'a ,-,-,l' afilKl- when al ° • wit h thousands ...- ==.l,-4,,t1 ,'31,"4,,4,'' Ua.:i "';., ••:' • -4.14, ' -;whils can go [Mon or interruption .i- C. qeirT "., 'i-:'.1.1 ---11~ 11~ my. 1 . • 1 4 '"'4-17.44-1:z, ' ,7ll Vi: l °T.7l°gr ,' without nt,"•BE • -t''‘,'4l.-...T..:-,'.44ttr - t';': 'i..." ;•f • -,,P01L,....... .?. impre'.eix"?„'g time, : 4,4-*en,...**l-0. -;''-i'•:,% i, ::: P7'.th'it IS •an to. Wall a V. .5 -55g1A.01 . 7 . f,':,'i;., ''sV, :,::= !t.tki-- That we had n- ;',;;N9RIPIJ.:=I.:-1'•:,.:::!';.' q...' :.;ki.. oorilrow." ~, toelt c ontinued Piletiefwires' or 1t.,;•74,` Y ,„ , .4.,1•t1;- ,'l,-.,..". f,.'-is'rey "A nd in --°, i s so ne ed .so slat the -.1::?..:,,-." ;f - • 'N.-, -.-.•_.,.. ..-n.iket 'there anachinuTY which I 4., 4.t.,,...43,-, ,- i 7' ~" 0•.4•111,1, ..-- ",• r. any - n o f -_,.1 dila. --1.-t.i.,',-..,-ka-',V--- -' =.',- - .f.:.;,,teleouloty' oOMMUUCati *ode"' 'i: -'‘.4l,4tr,yretlV,:k,";,:f;l;f:'''''', Nif./::i-iwer.....1.mtiomon,„rod not even: ~. ~to. 1iz......,0,,,..4.,...,-, , - ....4,--;,444;:—P. ,thet. lir ~ eumMeele :fe r''":,-%,e1:,7•;. -l',',„ , •., , 7,:l's -,,,..ibir‘ feel- i3c-your., , answer ~,,\0- ,P• 951,,,..ge:ei-:':,... ,',,:, ,4 !-nz,,. P 1.,4,ha tame lkolitKleemnte ;:: 1 -04,,,,.:5;:bZkr-.-7::,,,:: ~ ti.:-:t,olo.e,'"'bonin,.,'Vltiaa'shitis'7,Taly do. -4,:' lg"-$3..5:':"!51,7-•....;;' 1`... qtftrtiotat-9(4troltu4d-sfiTo your r?. „., YA,,,i't,'3*:,;l7-'44.::',.7-''''',l••l3le'7- tilla /7"ree- o p tics' ,. - r ~,.' '';...L. •f,.*•,-..-,2;a2.l'xi,'z'',",`,-,-,-':' -,:-:,:r. , .; , ---1.,,T0......,,vriii0rab1e „”: .4,,,niiiu apj.;•'4l-.,,,.01...-,iif;''' ' ',z "'••in'*ilta 4', ••• " ~atitaril superior; to LA,..itl' .4+41.1.-41-it'V:--.:',71,,-4,.: t',14.,,,Ti -tr;,, thitt,.l. 'le need $P.,*.,!4%,i'-4-,,,,,-z ~? *.igrelletidOeszr4l7r,:ited you ~1 to, . - ow- 4 ph '44.4"rj zi TO';:'•::` f,--eViltci4°44!l:lhih. •5t " et-Ohir 4;,;!.'f't,2,,k;;;1•4•••:',-,::z... 1,;(444*,. rl4 •i• flthkul,_ kraely/efe wded :?..;V-•i',;.Af4r;:::j- t t?4t'"ttfy, ' ' !:1 1 - 1 " '-`" , -'' the crowded cii‘ ‘,llloV•P'tt 1.-714--firr-''.::., ' ,) , 4 *'..,'' ?.11.= ei.enerirat*liTthto= sod so- Ykt,14,•;.4;::.:14-Art'S,;'--,..,,.;- '--, --'4?it'alt, ~'.-41,,td ' 1-"t;A_:.q-it3q'j'itT..-`'4, '.z1,,,-.,,, , k3,,, .': !-17.741. ninit1111!! .-::: -;:'7:a: :t ; n , • , J„Z - . - •:-- 427.7.!1-_-;!",..-`..--,lz:'''.--iiif ..:,• -.=....;,-,,,._"...,,,,;::,",-,,,,;:..- ,li-,‘-:•:, ';;;I:it?':- -..-. :- . ~, ; :, :- , _, 77 - ,. .r .„ .' . -, ... ~....;.?-l ii- ',' v ' ..• . N..= .4 ~, ••;,--<' , - ' : '•' - t.....,...---400rwr.,...•&:.•A'-- ":"•::' MEM LLANY• MINE ~r_JeE!,""mrs.i• iwzuli pigt~tty to tropbla tenon. Ale I wilt of ememutdeationla opeir to all tad: , atiplieationi'eth 'weeet. that thri'einiplest de+Lre el the feeblest child - .;+n+p rly rexentt.J, sh3ll. pot meet with immediate attention." .i "Is there- any - account - publiihed of this wonderful manner of Communicating your 'wishes ?" inquired Thomas. "Yea,. there is', my son;'and I hope your . interest will.", not .he diminished wheny o u -it is to be found the Bible" . . . • ~ • • "In the Bible; father!" exclaimed both boys. "Certainly, my:sons, awl if 'von will both get your Bibles, I will tell you where .to find the passage Confirming what I said... The children opened their Bibles; and fount!, as their tither directed - them, the twenty-fourth. verse of the - sixty-fifth chapter . of Isaiah, which' Thomas read as follows : "And it shall come 'to pan. that befere they call. .1 will answer ; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. l ' • Next, George found, and read the ninth verse of the filtpeighth chapter of Isa iah : "Then shah thou call, and the Lord shall 'answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am." "Now turn," slid the father, "to Dan iel, ninth chapter, twentieth, twenty first, second and)htni serseti." - - "And while I Wei speaking, awl pray ing, and_confeaglng my sin ()Imp istople Israel, and presenting my supplication before the Lord my-God ; yea, while I was speaking in prayer, even die smack Gabriel, : being caused- to dy swiftly. touched the about the time of 'the Irell• ing oblation. And be informed - me,: and talked With Ine;'ind said, 0 Daniel,l ana now come forth to give:thee skill: and understanding. t At the beginning' f thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am imp to'show thee;", &e. "I see,- father, from these psi:lkea," said-Thomas, "Ant you refer to prayer," "And I am sure you will both agree with me that this mode of cominunica: lion with heaven is more . wynderfol;than any other, for by this means cMitlesires. can be itnnitiiitely known to our !hea venly Fattier, and we receive- to - MEDICAL. . . _ TO THE SICK AND -AFFLICTED, DIA. RIVANNIVIS . ' - GREAT OLBC_OVERT., . , Me gram meaty fur ''., . . omminpitsis, Cages, felds.,,Amfmn.lkireettitl4 Liver onepluuu. Shining Blood, Itidecully at atesitinig, ..- rain lathe nide and Drew, Palekuirei of lb Ilean,ludemmarooptheheetnerlitillfoo- , SorentemliermosDeblittri.'and all • Ai:caves ofilieDrool Bream and . leuisa; Me man effectual and apoodysnrceverknown for . any intibove d Y N avem S ea, raDILSWA OHIPOUND SYRUP OP WILD CORM'. .Aromas 14V1110 at norma.—Otrad with sinew. lamest the wondednl eve vinfOteted by Doctor Seraynebi Composed Sytep or WILD CR EAKY: flantanstrina, homy PS, ISO:" Dr. Swayse-4Mar Si,: la Make to yorusilf and a daty I owe to milferiag humanity, I- the/Kelly give my irstimosy, and declare to the urn& the mod mtoniehing effects, anal tbe real arm ym.r Command Synpof Wild Chen? performed borne, seder Ins mart usfavorable circumstancea :I way Mikes with a violent' Cough. Spitting or 1140, se met Pains in the Side and Brealtorhich .aned to brink dnwit cad enfeeble ay COllaltatiOn,o Mai ay physician Mated my Mae bore:tithe power of wandieme, and my friewii all gme me up tedle; but Maks to yon tad the Went of your veal dßcove ' ry. I Mowred myeell a welt nms, and ratted !Mai 4 ' mere :shades toss loshj ant d e a ohm as I have been for yarn, end Ranh° pleased Virgil:sm.' inforsatioo:respectuig my cam, by calhng'at my resideacei Mechanic stmet,thini dmiebelovilleorp street, NortherkLibeities. J•coh Paten. Testimony is nom reamed /my all varlet , s a The tollowilig letrers are prevented leilli 0 vier of mom Silly Oohing the Wigan. of Physetkmi in relation to the Medical 'Wino( Dr. SWA VNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP Of? WILD CHERRY'. . .. Dr. Sea yee—Dear Sir. Having recd your :Com pound Syrup of WWI Cherry eateavivoly to my practice, I was requested by year Agent, tar Pewter, to express alt opinion in meriting ' of its pre p. r ik,a to g remelt] nr , t, I moat cheerfully mustily, as t Mei L. so 41•,. : i will .dischlrge a debt I owe the consimmai 4. i ";;e, and Physiciatei in particalu. 'As much ha a ...met goat* ,Revue, diet sell ' Paled Neetraine, Ime bialmmi, Groot a failure of the moat potent Otpt:Ctoll4l, *Min. mauled in our 'mattes menu in some came of Dimmed Lito try your preparation of Prunes Virginia or 1 1 Cherry. It is eoffieleot to say that I was so much leased with ,lie result of that and aubsequent that l sow Pregitrihe it ill Prefer ence m all other Remedies where to Mpectorant is indicated. In the Mach drawled Pneumonia or Disease of Our Lunge, is the alarming form inWhich it sewn is Kentucky, I regard it as on invaluable Remedy in the treatment of that Meuse. To all who know me I have said enoirgh, bates ibis may be seen be pennies Mt of Me malty of FraskAirt, I will brielly add, that I tem been merged in Co 'aetivo practice of my profession al It years,and am a Regular Ortduate - of Transylvania, and Miele the Snit Patera. Modicirie f Seer thought eaoegti 01 to express an opinion In writing. - .1. H. Ettisoar, At. D. January 7th, WM. Franklin Corintydiy. ~,Fauratoir.*, Ky., Jairry 7th, 1.147. The al•oveficate is Dom one of our rhyti. dm Irving a w miles from here, he Wolin; very good mach , ands considered a good l'hysmian and studs fair; he is, u he am a rmetectraeolte; Da. h%. L. Gmetetait, Dmmitat and Apothecary. Testimonial will fleece tate. From the Temperance Fledge. Now that Winter u epos on with It. attendee tnia of Pollan= and Bronchial ageehons,Conghe Coble, Se rier , we would ndrus those sMiela is this way t. make Immediate trial of Dr.S.Myne'• Compoood Suer at Wild Cherry. It wall never rail to peer rm a persuetent cum. Tire reputation of ibis medicine has ceased lung spurious mucks to be pot lath under its nurse; but the props/ado° of Dr, Sonya., besides being We Sat AUK Agitated to the public, is stn only us that can be relied on. The other pastures moldier Wild Cherry Syrup, 1 Balsams, he., Sr. all sputum and worthies., anil mortals cone d the Ames of the origiael enure. boo, Lin bwayna's Compelled Syrep of Wild Cherry. / it 'loos the Springfield Espress. Of the thousands of purported curative nostrum. now treforel th e pubbe, brit very few are loud to pewees the healing moons la which they to lc , 1 etuanaula. Amon the latter we ere &coed to Imre lemur stud A better Int than Dr, Swayne), Computed Syrop ail Wihl Cherry. The selected is Lbw 'reality ace heeding la pee ~and to, their joy they liod to Its au am hope. trwigri epee - iii ' recommendations more than realized. The liflbeted I Deed *rat despair. While there is lite, there now t. bop. , \ A/CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. 117Sirree the Introduction of my article to the public, Mere have a number of unprincipled insh widuals of lip nostrums which they usert centime 1 Wild CUrry,some 'mulled .Etalsams," “Bitten,' and even syrup of Will Cheryl, but 'OlOl i.the original and only gesuble preparatips ens intrude um to the pubile..wilieh can be mime hf the fo,h• lie Record. of the Commonwealth of FeUellyama. The oaly ufsguard against impomtion re to see that my signalers is on sub bottle. DB. 11. SWAYNE. Prepare* only by Dr. H. Sweirge, at Ms Paper pal OrSes, earner of Enna and Hug Streets, l'hiladelphm. = All Wild Cherry preparations being Seabee mei counterfeit without Ms avatars, For sale in Pißsburgb wboleeale sod retail by WM. THORN, frlarket slice, OGDEN &I% WDEN, Corner '2nd ds Wood Ms. S. JONES,I - Vorty street. Sold Mu b ll Mitchell, Allegheny City; Boyd, 43 Cares & Co , Alief; Wearer ,& Henderson, Mer cer: Norman Calesdar, Meadville; J ti Horton & Ca, Yaks M'Kensie & Earthen, Cleveland; Dents & Son, Colueehue; Miller, Brownsville; Manib, Wheelmg, Yu ; Er U if IagAIM, Cimino% Ohio; 1)r K Igssicrly.& Co.': St. Lamm ) S Morn. & Co , LOUlrrille, thy ; Andrew Oliver D. C. 0., New Or• kum. ' i 4174 IMICIDIA - TWF TO TUIC, 1441M1N11-4:tunew 1r emu* * matehlau wide for ( ream Growd4 traily and Sesurranas of the !WM TIA‘C.,..a one, knows. will sepersedn all other errata of the kind now need. • Where the hair s: deed.. Wr;:h .. .th , td, us 4 t a I itir r 4 ' :l>f ' :! ' l ' ril 1 57,,1• * ( Swe,veit :b?.04 1 , ilr.l; I epees:etre, and r i1i....,-ma a It retain Its liveliness sorthealMy colortwice , A , long nit all Me prepantuens wheh aro generally wed. Rem WA *1341 gentleman who as. 4A 4. habit of snot 011.. nu their hair. should ii sue persium. *borne of Me Minnie llama." as it le to mesperod h ell tall not relate the hair like the oilier prepa on r lO stiose, eswill twunify it, and give puke! VOI wallow, to very soperior Avelino; see the followleg hoer from Rev. Ur. CrOdw.ll, to Mew* l b iendersheil, le tent* Nasienlle, Osumi Annus for Letter from the Rev. R. Caldwell, purer of the prier. breiriAo Mi i tt , Plll4l. • - Amass IfL i tsNRIS nr7 wet=ty In golef.ali r . ' excel! Tut prepasstien Co.rd IN. Parnel`s (*we flair c....—ror shoat two years SAO my ham III&Ivery dry, horde gamest rwilworing th e t bode of the hod ....1 it asoodrog m the pre. : 2,,,, 1 tz; :zi u t Ls r:o . : l 7 . l%l . extre el d irnaNhe n vArytiny hew le • 10.11 e sus beforeN•hl * L..... bow ave r, hat Met My in W ont. rpectiti7 —, toter afAcAION ill Today ely .14101 , .. li ~e k, . ",... v . r .nexers, beingdalleately MMus*, it not elided a reselehy. t a e halite eadeleay edit gm •rhoaldnese Oda abe &dams io tier preys. moos for the valet. ' Essirecingur Re,. '• Par 3.4,7,1917. ACA LWL JazaiLl . 1 ... .elcadae ad mat la lectrabagh by J ul ed N 046 Nada area, laell4ea Mehl.; =ref W ood di rah tit: .- c Inl4 l f Wiese yes know drat Ult anecommed. .. .o, i, Aosuiral.hODO, OM wh , , • - ~,,,; That ad all' WU amiceeeherm edit, "." + , • --- - 'add* alviarrlaveln -: 1 ; .; ;',...:. , zea Thu ircalf "6b ta ll itla . la i ll j ' ' t m a 04 ,o t i t ea lr atv• yaw Yawn alebeeemeyet , ad at the tom time eleat sad Isispeve it, at ~-1 DICEMSII 6 , te Maly at. !nal, gnaw hes. 7-T - D • •1 - T. •- v1 LINO tonwood .R. ishment be.. iit the grimiest eartety or Pima and beantitid Vattern. for IRON' RAILINGS in the tlasted.Staiee„to which the attention of those to want a( any —detaanp. • tioe,and esphcially for Cemeteries, hi partieelstly invited. • Tke principal part of all the hindeeme.Railiap at Lord; MU, Wormiest, altd other celebrated Desasteriesia theeity and comity ol Philadelpids; which Imre been so higtdp extolled by. the puha preen, .018 executed at this insanDeterry. I • A large Wareißoom is coureeched with the Indanent, whet," is kept constantly cm had a large stock of readpreade Iron Railiugs,Oentatuntlal Iron Settees, Irma Chaim, our style plain sod *rumen - tat iron Gates, with ao esteitaireassortmentof Iron Poets, Vedette* Iron Arbors,•tre: Also, In scud variety, Wrought 'Meat I ronOrnamenta,suitable for Railing., and other purpose'. . • • . 'rhe subscriber could also state that ie his Val (era and Designing Department be has employed * some of the best talent in the country, whose emote :Deaden I. elevated to the tominesa—forming alto. nether ooe of the mat complete nod systematic cm. tdblistonen of the kind in the Union, . • ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor. • Ridge Readi shore Renounced street. • PkUldelphlin; blarch LI; 1847 dGmos solvirTirspiitßwr titakdt:Netiiird Tolitiann"'i*-'l=ar '""111""5.a lu maorreabirocr•—Thr..repldirlly and aceof blow any be cancelled with dm greatest ease, viol. the hammer is in <merman.. and the hammer may be stantlyarrested,aed suspended at any height. .• lu thtiverulty, et-capacity le exceutemork stall kinds, front the largest to the smallest, under the same hammer., - • • : . Its Situplieliy, Creipactriers es w, Accesadolny upon all sides, by the worn All the browner. see made Self-Arnim. The subscribers condone to execute orders for these hioinien, et all sires, alma reasonable terms. . For further particulars inquire of • LIERsteR ierowss. Aseigueesof the-Potent for the United dirncr.. • deelB4y,_ Voutlasnrk Foundry.PlilladVlt DERRY & NICKERSON ? _ blannfaMarers of BAWLING. BOTIONS,'.. WAGIOR COVERS AND GRAIN 'BAGS • . r ALL DILSCRITTIONS 354 Sovilb Wiest. Streets Batt of 7 - 4. ..B . Bion'a Cabinet Ware Manpfy A -e 4L orders leg nrith 111 . V."'"at thrlilLot tit' Nerebante will be pscteTtlY attended to. • . • TIIUS.-0. DERRY • .00411 r - A. C,NICKERSON CARRIAGES. . . WILLIAM OGLE, COACH AND OAFILARNISS MA K ER,3BI:I Cietourt , ! PkiLseteipkio, Lao of ebo Ara of kk,le Warn. respeetfolly inform hi. (mode NA thepehlie, that 1.• has and will keep combat!, ow hood sod b ode,s haodsceoo arottmeot of aelloookle Cullom Ve6,deeMJl elyko sof deteriptkoes oar to arks' or the Active poooluootiee, oeolreetated hieerp Wet vounmer.of Mooted materiel - :614611 MEDICAL. OR. 98E , 4. I Y • • • ' . • • THERMEL MEDICXXES., CNSISTING of his Prophylactic Syrup, car. tain remedylor all CONSUMPTIVIL and Scrolls. WWI Mfiectionri Cough Syrup, Croup Syrup. Con lin:dated extract - of 'Sarsaparilla, decidedly superior to all other meacts, harizig gime relief When all others Lore faded, being through s new proces s wore concentrated then • any other suer offercio the' public: ASTHMATIC ELIXIR, erring elected permanent cores olthat stubborn Manua, when ol more than ll' years ;modem, bones it stambfwithout ad's' in that much dreaded Rompi - LINIMENT, f . or all cases . of weak. new or pain, and a complete substitute for blisters. Di- Rose's TONIC MIXTURE, an infallibia cure for chills and Hairs, and indeed is more of specific for fevers of all kinds Has but Of QUI Dr. Rose's INCOMPARABLE VERMIVODE, where komp. is used in preference to any'other V nai lt ra N t tf : L A NT o r ., • 11.-DISPEPTIC, lot all &same ci Ase Stomach sod bowels, Chulera tn ferJioeu,Ace., Toffilvigb as encomium cannot be mimed On the mento of this medicine, in cure of UPPIP 4 IL tratt that ro ads Mont weak. em of Desch illgeotinp. Dr. Ross's FEMALE 111.1.5, ; mos; valuable roseedylor those general cOmplaints to Which fro- maks are auliect. Dr. Rose's TONIC ALTERATIVE PILLS— :I=4MM. !waste offered the publics° happily the qualitsow 01, a valwaole medicionsts an antiofumeptie, .LIVEIt or Stomachic 011; correct lig those diseases, and thereby preventiog eon. eamption: A yam Lady iIS years of age, bevies 'diseased liver for some time, her strength pros. mud and a te was completely restored fads ppai weehi by thebtn of the Anti.dispeptie adz- Istsroad thempills o one. • • Dater's CEISDNO,-THERMEL STELNDTII - rLASTEIt,Ipr teak bacon co the back, side breast.dte. • Dr. ItoseeSPEJNPIC EP& LEPST she must ter. rain remedy for all , . eases of fits or couvulatone, gibs:thesis ideate or adalta. So certain a specific is it lor this formidable disease that the moot ott. Militate cases, wadtbase toe of long .adding, have yielded at once. Dr.ltme's RHEUMATIC MIXTURE—AfIee many years ofmlaent research this emaposisd was discov ered, end its never failing elficacy places its efflivieney abort ail others far the cure of lthruisethm. Dr. Rosen ASTRINGENT WISPOUND, • certain seemly foe spitting Wood, indeed fora scherges of , bleed whetherfroinfany, bowels or other pane of We , •Dr, litMe'eSTßUPfimbholent md Bowel complaint. —This =ignite willed...lly ease bowel complaints, Dysentery,Cholsra Mattes. and Cholera. At the tune the Asiatic Cholera was resin to Philadelphia was foetal to be the most *easeful in armadas it, eating tune maths of all those the Medic What inky be made( one of Wave remedies' may hr said of all; Weir value wall oely Ae appreciated be thaw who try thism, Letters from those wlm Imre been eared of the 'minus atel•dles that *Aim the hem. body might be given, bat- we me waling te rest the menet on the merits of the compooads. We bane a penitent for Scrofula, in its remora knots, no condensed and effteacious that its oc c ur r in g er the astonished many. A ease or Cance in the wife of the fiestrovernor of Delaware, was completely eared is • few months. The MI., hod brow twice cat oat by prominent Sargensa and renewed itself with increased malignity,yet notwithstanding the debility of Coaaj.- Boa ead rowers' of the telt t the use's( Pro phylanic completely -rimmed par i s, rony nestignW the lhe - Coma Memorable of the-mums muns that have followed -the ore of these remedies are one posses sion, but It is Mu deemed necessary to eastitelVel them as two( them will remmunend them to all. J. ECIICIONMAXER, A Co, No H Wood Street L a genso for Piusbanth - mad!, ARItIiIITSO—To theme 4.llllletad with' Diseases et - the Linsip. —Ths is W certify to Mose *Meted -with the intim. naceitiry ;impudet of Coaromption, that I h avebees lalmiog for several years with a bronchi, SOMPO I . of ilia throotand bauxite's. t madman), medicines,but Wood eo relict idany preparation of medicine, until I made nee of DR. DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT REMEDY. I bare been Using this valuable medical& for several . years, and always And it to relieve when. ever Tinake eat of it. My orsupationt even Amore° ter, which keeps me ahnoneoastantly engaged, came My disease, at times, to become very alarming, when I it once proem this medicine. I therefore take plea• lure to making this ROW stAItRICP4 that ethers 'ohm. id whis. dise ase of the. lung end expennarant etre. nay *Now the viruses of this "all healing remedy," and may beicared. I have rrooomended D. Expodoiniot Remedy to Limy of my flioadw. Noe of wwo. owe ikoirlivos to tbio Modieino. 9omentl,o6lit,Ott . l3. JAM REM?' prommor or the demo medicine erooWrnleo ter to the andeielgued pereens, mini reside in 'Perm Mindy, Sewinis arty person may esti upon and he convinced thai there aro vinaes 'found to stir ibises medicine that cannot be erected : - Dev;d pdhensen,Souterset; Dr. D. &one, do; Fran. eU Gather, gmhron tpi• Mr. Lorimer, &u U. Pother:, Saldieh lenad IMYYPO, Ihlrowr. V. DR. DUNCAN% WERT=IIi ormg, la() BYO' more Street, Ciorifultal i, Ohba. Sold in Panbergb by WM. JACKSON, in LibstlY head of Wood meet. . a:prod/ImM . _ - 6 - 11.M.MX110 011 TAISI OISITMEST. • j Now Toes, Noy Itl, IdtE. • Gentlemen Some seven or eight smiths since, a awe owe open the boom of ono of my feet,' which was very pronfal; I emu:named applying the weal rensethee for Weesh, h . Of noreFessfu Or. the sum continued to get deeper, a d prene it. the sire of the palm of my tonti; eolosil hod* , lidslee pf phyrtaiunt. but :taro' all the salves and pain extratesors I eniiid ben, el, 04 pot one of them hal the elect to relieve the pastor arrest the progress of the are: them wm constant ineamoration m it, and a severe and perpetitalnaafi settled I adorn lap tegolar fever sore. , Me. Spencer &agent of Mie ray, mliumd me to try your Ointment: I I.ord the idea, but agsoo Mit urgent solrodoson, I co. to 001, sal so sty greet relief and improishinold, O ut most instentaneously relieved the pales, retired for iMialstitilhoo, sad coloowneed hosting the WOW.' Whirl) if now nearly well.. • I do eterfidently and sincerely believe that is Mille any - fever sore, if thoroughly applied. lessoceirslly years, It PARSON!. Fur sale by. R 57 Wood et. led DRAM'S CHF:MX:AI. PLASTER. From Rev. Charles Merton, Minister of the Chem& Wapner, lam of Ashtabula, 0 - Missiles. 11. Ileum & CA Proprietors of M. Dea n 's Chte4144.1 Motor, Otliticaten;—ror enema! year. hay e frolD Fesfed the v inues of M Dean's Chemical Flailed ,4 IA fiu.O/P o. • remedy for Rhele rooLMlld Westriess end imue . aery of Me back, Pete in the 11 . (t.Vitill i U iteli , 40 Pith '4; W 111=11E411W treffcfluo Aphrtari Nt. end I do believe AO said VIPIai pa.••••••• yif.. nr mom than ordinary cilaracist, and Maid Will gnerol• ly be &and • rot remedy . for roots diseases for which it le reeoutatendediand ts !only entitled to the notiecand portonegeof an enlightened rocentunny. • ; Wars bitty, • CIIAH. MORTON. .• Woost er 0., Dee. Ws ,11342. gold bY-1.1 A Fahnestack ts. Co. corner Pints Wood "IF _ • - BMA= ARID SCALDS • , • noldAw E F t ft ctr tit; deyn d apcedlly camel L 7 the use o f Nature. AMERICAN olmat sairsealotasly reiltetm stronkkkieni add of einsednlyilli warranted is oil COWS TO Rime IM SWIM of scum tbs dad. - Sold vebrdesale and Moil by WM. JACKIiON, et be g 'Boot end Shoe Store and Patent Medicine Warehouse,' bilLiberrimreet heed or Wood, Pritsbmils: Prier. 50 tent. and,llper bottle. • • • W Jac kson being the Eselative Agent foiWeeteln Pennsylvania, none!. genuine but whet I. Mid by 111 H or HIS appointed Agents. •,41Possphletecodotrood ample directions. ke. with that:nines Lod address of the Proprietor and Prim IZlS.'" l l. l l«°=7.l'br; P ein:' , ll . (e'oo i :r i !! • &Waco _ • • - RENOVATINO PILLS.. . • l'Foratroat one .year, pre•Mac enaktitinsepchlt: esu.sileactnuos PHIL I have entered eTSVISMIII9O DlMetwlsiorod as sold Stoossels. r 1 bare Made 0 of a Eels variety of medicine wittiest receiving oweirrial .heaths Aboat three months smelt lenmmenoad using ikser Wediente, which has *wisely relieved son .{son acidity runty momacp, and mond solo comb/. labia WWI. &manta. my friends asdnequain MAW* Alto Mai IMO of the Pills, sod received- math banalit flOwttgas IMI with esiddence roaammeat WOE • • +'• JANE A LER3I7 Radian M ' • _Sid&whatesal• sad retail, by B A FAHNEBTOCK comer of gat =1 Wood, "ad Wood astliith us. • , "" " - • === ~ ~s4 IT NEVER FAILSfi' Dt.COLIIIIIIINDIiIIvEcreIBLii atilleted roth St;nollita, Canter,Erisi tae, Old Sores, Uleers,Tetter Sheri:mit! Diselaseserey other complsie4 geldyy Prom ireporries of_ e blood, aieheiptested to mil she followyg testimonials, to prool or the ....lei . ihl properties of the above maned READ! Rh:AD!! :READ!!!• We the undinaped, having ! visited Mr. lame Brookadr...al tith office of Maas. Rowan' ard Walton, 376 Market street. Philadelphia, consider his ease the mat remukxbieomi we hare ever AriX sawed or heal of. His disease Wu SCROFULA; and terrible Musk have nan h9-twelve 'jean` condia with the do Royer! • HisPalate,t: e entire roofof his mouth, Now, Up. Per Lip, art lower Lid of the Right Eye have been ftstrojed, hi. Face Dearly eaten up, and part or the Jaw Bone canted away. 'And yet we coo give na, desenption of Ms cue. , Mr. R. informs tatbat'ln Januarj last, the whale Wieder of his mouth, ai as snout or his fate was a mar of deep and painful ulcers! Oa the 14th ofJanuary last, ha commenced takir% Dr. CULLA:WS •INDIAN VEGETABLE I'AIDI4 CEA,' which checked the disease in a law days, • rom that time the core bur pro without /o tannin/on. , New flesh has sapplieJ the place of the deep cent, and though badly disfigured, hi. lace is toned, and his general health is restored. We are saved that in the treatment of Mr. BroOks' ease, no Mercurials,Ointments, area/Ric Apphcations have been used,—ni fact, the PANA. LEA ALONE , has b een this wonderful charge Dana Smith, Bucks county, Pa. L .Charter .Howand, Meadville, Oar - lord cope. J W Jones: MD South Snood areet, Phila • 'Jacob Lae, Pemberton, N J. ' • -• E W Carr, 440 N Fourth, above Poplar at, N. L, hVeullnugh, Lancaster, PE R M Maddock, Z 3 North Eleventh st. Phila. , C W Appleton, M DIG South at. do TimothiCaldwell,Alarien co: Mtwoad: Daniel Yeakel,ChenutHill,Philadelphia co. Pe. John Harned,l/0 High street, Phila. William Steeling, hI D, Camden, N. J. William Hale, 37G High street, Phila. H Potter; blasofacturer ol Mineral Teeth. 109 Ninth stroet.Thila. ' I, A Wollenweber, Ed. Phila. Democrat 217 N 3d G street, , do Manta, Snub Maker, 317 Market St. earn W 1rr,,159 Chesnut street, Phila. , A D Pastor ol Eleventh Baptist Church, Phila. John Bell, Erie Street, Philadelphia, (North Amer can once.) Aaron Sands, 164 Catharine Street, Phila. Daniel McGinley, Kesalern Alley, do . Andrew Sweaton, CarrAlen; N J. R H Evans, West !lath. . Richard It. Young, Llalder.lo9 Market st. Phila John W. Ashinead, GO South Sixth street, • do T S Wageter,Lithographer, 116 Chanat street, do 8 J Keaoil,l23 Eleventh street; do, Peter Shen Sent. Editor Native Eagle. ' do Joel Bodine, GI.. maurfactorer, •Williamatou s Witliurt Steely, Farmiegton, Van Buren on. kn. LB I..bles,M ID, Reston, Mao., . Waal Canfield,' Phisiolurst;philadelphia.- Thomas PS Roby M D, Harraborgb, Pa. Peter Wright, 2.W Market street, Philo James 14 Newlin, IRS Filbert AL do Jobe Hood, 114 Spruce at. do • tYßliam Une, Pastor St.Patife M. E. Ch. Catharine SL C hi ba pala. • Johnbenb Pastor lit indep. Church, Broad • sti do - • T L Sanders, Pablisher of Pledge and Sthodard, PMIa. ! F P Sellers. Editor Olive LI Doylatoire• Reels co, Pa. Wholoialeiod Retail by Roland . Walton, Pre- prietarx,7l6 Market St. Philadelphia - It E NT Wood at. Pittsburgh, Pax Wm. Thv NM, Mar. kat s" dot E Perkins, Mariana, Ohio; Seaton & Skosp, Maysville, IL V 1 John W Daacebooer,Cia., Ohio; Slidell& Reeves / Madison layt: Noble, Louis PI, Deverovek & Louis, Mo II McGraw, Natchez. Mil , Hardy way & John son Vita/iamb, do; ChariesJeokins, New OReso oe6 i JAVIIES FAMIL Y 1 . 2 , 11 t ; n att y r a c: i r ,,, i g ne..Xed . e the g tt . =e r tr o ntof Shap i ng vcs rr ugation, to be of atility it the poblie. ' - ' iVerte of Dr. Jaime's medicinen we have toed Moat family foe nanny years. Porindance the EXPFZIKIZANT, the CAR MINATIVE, and lIERMIEUIJE, 'which we know to 6e goad De the romplaints they pion. to care. We Conan Lake (Loam , the pest saspoter,' what . several of miyuareging companlons. from Imam,. in Western Now Tork.dronk. for many date, the lirliOnnae wetee of that mgt., were hadla award wilLemlem Dar deal, and Dysentery. Mr. D. had provided himself. pre rkto.io leveeing home, with siTke Canninattee of Dr Jayne." sad in all case. of its use. sweep Lye gentle men, it was ouceesold to eteeliag a speedy care. • The Expectorant we have boown seed mimes nor Intiniste friend. with equal reeeetng and are feel that We shall lagmaa ert to familial (especially tbuse sh eeted tat they e•rol base arse. to immediate medical %kith( to advire timot to keep unhand bothnos gaper.. raet and M i n n. The hapectorant is believed by good phyeiei as• robe the heft recipe fee Pahnonery Printrangtier Cetaplaini•, that Mu ever yet been rem. pettoded The reanon it, Dr. Jayne la not a qoark.bet a regales, mwetfic, and Male medical practilloner ann. tell. lit. medicines are wed by thy Itr•t ohsionns. MIA lIU LDEN Editor of the Pkilada. testarday Courier Ferule in Pnteburgh at the PEKIN TPA STORE, street, near Wald, and also at the Thug duns of i 1 P Sehararti. Federal et. Allegheny. iellidilwT AGENCY YOU PATENTS. Waskioglan, D. C. • 61.:N AS C. stountris.• Aft that , ical En amber and Agent for procuring Paten., wall prepare the nes cessary Drawings and Papa:owlet Applicants ror Flo rata, and transact all other baWneas in the Ilhe or has rof...b. IS , Ile east be tatiosatted p on all nuesuons aelatieff so the Paieot Laws wad deci mals gn the Vaned Slates or Ganatte. Pe•sans are divance desire., of having einnOnant.a• mule a the Patent Mee. prior 'masking. application for • patent, may forward bad paid, enclosing a (en her dollars, • clearpemmican or their ease, when nantollate epee boo wall be siyen In h. and all the inkarmaboo thal enold be obtained by Or Oar applicant in pollOni promptly coonnoniratoti. All letters on bawls,. man tv tamat paid. and contam suitable fee. where a written opnuon a cent:aired. OfEno on F. stroet,app.hp the Patent Office. fie has the how of relarrang, by nermisalno. to lion. Edmond Berko, ComanaGioner of Patents; Hoe. II I, Ellsaronk. late .Oo do der, llKrmwies,Yechipist, Patent Other, /edge Quash, Washington. D Ca Hoar. K Choate, Illessaelanteus, Its Stew; W; Allen, Ohio. • do; f10p..1 DHessian, SIC, thasmaril Hon. Will. Hall. New look; .. Hon. Robert Smith, hi C, Hainan, Meese, Saltatcl lion. d II Rolfe, hl C, Mtwara; Capt. II 11l Shreve, Micatarn • - to Brooks, Esq.. Pitlaborgh. raylb - " literacy, COUNIOIiOf and general Agent. WI LS MALL, inSarmt his friends and the pale ',,' lie • that be has cOrnareneed the bemire.. of Agent for buying and selling real emote. In Ibiserty. and dl 4e vote a large pence of kis rime and attention to the leasing, letting and biting of knaves, mores and ash. e r balldingr in collecting and disbursing renne,aadoth er claims an d demands, and in auendi ngto Agency be ginner generally. Ile will also engage in the oegotia. lieu 91 kw., etygraFtil, eta.. and will furnish Authentic infinniatiop in relation the paying qualities and en. spontbibbes of tenants, to tar which his extensive IBeq mgasize• eminently qualifies bins Healey be found in his maidence. No 141 Alien sireet. until 014 o'clock in the morning and after 6 o'clock in the evening, and et other biters 01 lin oiler. No 10 Chambers mreet,Snd noor front rain NEW 4'OlllC. BE.TERENCFA — Yon F A Talmadge. Hon JOhn 'll Scott, Hon Joint McKeon, 110,1 Ogden IMlrmati. Al derman Hallett Denson A1g. , 111, Brady David 1 Graben - , Est, Wm/ Noises. . saylistlose. . . • YENIiVTLIN 1111.111911. • E greatest sod best eariely everogrered this city befiire—f Mae 00 the most approved Eastern plans— and Mom fashionable Osumi patterns and colors. Alm THE CHEAP ROLL. or HOSFON 81. IND, on halal or minden:intact or all slue: and at all prMes: Country Merchants and others are invited to call sad examine the above tor tliameltes, as all will be sold wholesale.or cowhand liberal deduction made to whotcoole purchaser& aptdl A WESTERVELT • LA Rte hrt se u•romon Plepated Chalk, are often not aware linwloghtfally Illjurkss - t la to the shin! how coarse, how rough, how sdliotr, sepow, and ankealthy• the gin appears after mall hrepired chalk: Besides, it I , iniunous contahlinS *IMO noon. Pty.*" lead. We hereprepared a beautiful vegetable which we rail JONES'S SPANISH LILY WIIITII It is perfectly innecent.beinsiparifted of all deleterious qualities; and it impana to the skin anat. sal, healthy, alabaster, clew, lining white, m the tame time acting ell n eektielx on the shin s Malting it son mid . woooth. Dr. JILI4eO *necroses, Pramical Ch e mist of Massa. chaser!,.'tays: "After analysing Jones's Spanish Lilly White, I ltt) It po/Illeoee the nowt beautiful and natu ral,at the wow. ante innocent white I ever saw. I certainly eon cOomictomusly reerimmend lis use leen whose skin reiselrflbeentifylrys. o • . Z - cents a Lou 1110.24e1d by WM. JACKSON, al his Soot lied Shoe Store.Bo Litwin sweet, head Of WOO, at the sign of the Dig Do o r. ____._.____ • . 1111VALIJAHLIC PAISILY 00XAM111111 G S - lx LEeTtlitcs tho USES al 'NW LUN h Causes, Prevention and Cure of Consumption Asthma, and 'Viacom. of the Heart. On the Laws al Longevity,lual mode of preserving male and fe male health. symmetry and beaut y; esposing causes and cant or dome distaste Olaf prodece Consump• lion, or shorten life ,as Allections of the Skin, Spine, Stouiach,towela, Kidneys, Liver, Serolela, 1 flee, Gravel, and Female Complaints. Its rules, easy, practical and pore. tarm,ll guide (a perfect health and lqp; life. .0.3 Engravingv,sl:4page.. 50 et.. l'astay M eta. By S A N DEL SH EL DON FM-I, A. ~ ht. 0 ,070 LIK 7 9AD•WAY,NEyV YOB . Any person menthes fifty cent., free, mill receive 'one copy, by mail, to any part. The trade supplied. ,0,10,18-17.46 m NO CUBE NO PAI. K. CULLSN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE AY REMEDY—Warranted to min, or the soon. at returned. This medicine is prepared from an In dian Receipt, obtained Dem one of them in the F'ar West, at great 'expense. Those who hare been familiar with the Icdions, know that they can and do cure Venereal without the khowlellge ol Men eery, Balsam, or anything or the Mad. The aF aided hare now no opportunity or, being cured witkon the one of Ltalsam. 'llia; medicine is pleasant to the taste, nod leraVOs no smell on the breath. 'l'repanrd by ROWAND SL WALTON, and 'sold wholesale and retail, by J. T. ROWand, 376 Mullet street,Ptdlad'a. ' 1 ' street.ale Is Pittsburgh by R . b h p ßelles. od and be Wm Thnre.M: Market at. arT IAYNVB HAIN TONIC : .43W via; Wm ariklait trillion vaitittailagly pramisioat Obi Muth pink. vritboot ray nalliaa, ia atant/0a ogd oasuraLiaa Ow breast hair. We Maw a mamma :amen whore hair has boot regatta lakraas which barebra bald ka. moi and ao Oak Imola/44 ins/mina .b la recaaamd bdi oar m 4 . ilia* sa • loin their tisk, CO saga a anal oribia Task lataxiaidely• r nals Pitidwe at Ow Nails Tai • ittrafo:7l _ . • LICACIIIIII,C011• • ••Plukk.lll. *Two. Do PIMA.I•II.I.Ia. , rillgiko her R C A Te ll s o t t fe Ms= r. o ow i coaroyoneo of 'Wont& pookaro of slorelmadoie, epode, hank 01:40.• iewoDY. k 9 . 99111 ! awed riming on Tlasnolsy. March 19. . • . • — An luso Clan will be dispotelto9 Jolly 1999 lho awe Wan? 0 .0101111-6 9 tlisolgii.9llolls3imend Of trnAling wawa. Oil by D LEECH &Co yt4 N0111.'4114 Dna - 01411 I° 1911 raft nand Dual , - •;.rVi i ~•,t~,? MIANIMITATION -LINES. MIME 1847 ' PNNAINVIVADIZA CANAL / LIIRIA Eutaw% Fan rikoarr • .01, • PITTSBURGH TO PHILADA. Am. DALTINCHH. . F.;:thselody.fir erlIE peddle ate respectlhlly Inknowd Mat tkla LOW will commence mamma ono.' about the lath Wean*, and continent thmaikoat tha season:. The. atop, watts have now placed a mamma elm: of Packet. and Kan. road Can on Oa mum, with axis. accommodations, watch will give enter coatlbst to Biotin., A Packet Boat will always be in port. mad the Vae• sling public an nemested ta call and ceattiltte theta, previous F ARE c paisage alseldifte , . - ONLV 8188 DOLLARAI , ' . . One of the Paekalt wilt lamn tha linalina.laPPohe the United Sawa Itaaal,l timer Penn nitre; Wei the Canal. every O n to al IP ablock. TIMM 31 LIA • rat information-apple at the aloe, Manangahrla .tree;, Wale, enet, or le 4103.111 ar. Co saehla • • ear Prim street and renal . iiitkuTtitArt WANYPORTAVIcriii Co MEI 1817 ' BM D. ILADAVD.). OWL OLD DITADLD N'WENN IMIFID TRPI.MBUROI AMPORTAT I. IoN LINI. I • . PIIILAIIELPIII/1.1/AI3IIIOIUR ANDNI:W VC/1114 pIIE stool, of this lino codsios of a double Jell) Lino of Roots end Cot., (owned by lhonugolirroj which aropt good order. The suliveribe es ere pep.. red to forward a largo quantity of Merchandise end Prodders wilticeryalaty and divalent Produce°, Merchandise consigned al any of the un dersigned. la forwarded free ed,any charge for commis- Wm or storage. Bills Ladiug transmitted and all InstrucUo4s pronsptly wended to. The. business or this Lino It conducted or Oiled, abbarlpkeephig principles. Address, or ripply to. O 1.,b31C11 & Co. Proprietors, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh 11A1111111 k LKlKCll,Proprieters, No 13 Porch Third amyl. Pbdadslphi• /OS. 'PATLOII& PONd, Arrears,. Noll 4 North llowsnlstreet, Baltimore No 7 Wou Bova, New Yolk PORTABLE . - 1847. VOS the umnponation of Freight between Pittsburgh V and. We Atlantic Cities, .molding transhipments oh the wen and do sonftmsent nsk of delay, damage, breakage and scparatton ofgootle. • BOarDI.II t CASH No TAAbIP 878 PE & arket O'CONNOR at t. NO Phile ß deliana Cor Penn and Wayne sts,Plusbergh O'CONNOR &Co, North street; Baltimote t W J T TAPSCOTT, 73Somb at, N. V. •' y A P" 4 Encounged by . Increased business the Proprietors . bare added to dim airtek and emended their arrange memo during the winter, and are now prepared lo ward freigs with regularity and dispatch it:Summed by any other line. Their long expertonceas carrion, the palpable superiority or. the. ['Unable Baal 'System, pourer great ceparity• and convenience Of the ware. wal each end ol the lute, are peculiarly calculi. ted to enable the proprietors to fulfil their enaegoments and accommodate their eurtomers—Conedendy offence the past al guaranty kr the fame, they respectfully , troika a communed of that patronage which Oen now gratefully acknowledge. All 'consignments la 'hare k O'Connor Win be reed arid forwarded Steamboat charges paid and Rills of Lesbos transmitted free of boy chatge for Corammanish edennomg or moorage. Riving no :Merest dttetdy or indirectly t a steamboats, the interest of the common mast neeemenly be their printery oldeot in shipping ' west, and they pledge themselves to forwent. all. coeds consigned to them promptly and on the mat hdventa• genre ternotto ownent. %ISO . i Stare INEOMPRIMDMAT PORTABLE •• . ' '.. GOAT LINE. ', -. -. 1847. eaRk.EIPORTATION OE PR AND -MERCHANDISE TO AND PROM PITTS HURON; PHILADELPHIA AND DALTIAIORE. Err Witless Totoshipment.,al .• ' Goods consigned to attest , / will be forwarded with oil delay,al t h e lowest CIITIOSI rates. • HRH of Lading treassaitied, and all immanent promptly attended to, hoc from MI extra choir for Male or rOMlnixelkop. Addressor apply to C A.- ARAN ULTI &Co , Canal Hann, Pittsburgh ... . - . .—.. • STORAGE . Bahian aira large and cosionodioes warehouse, we age pre to receive ho additlivo to height for Gnostical) a lergs amain of Prodove,Ae.. On Storage at low rite. fairing . .0 A MeANULTY tr.Cssz iiiiiiweviii av co;ii inks:. Milli, 1847 . 116111116 F.lll•Selft*.r.;.,.t?.p*",,ltiTirtit'rlef PrAW lowa, Hollulaysborga, Water S treet, Peters ' be4h•and alt mon mediate places. • Otto Dot will leave did watchman ore A Me &nutty A Co., Pius/mien every day, [except Sundays , and shipper". always expend ea havlng their g a for. erarl widen delay and .t fair rate.. This Lino Was folioed for the special aecotenioditien of the way business, and the proprietoni respectfully W mit • liberal Uwe of patronage. r istses _. Png. • JOHN PICKWORTII iIIIEN MILLER DAN% II DARNER. ROBERT WOODS WILLIAM FULTY. • JOHN MILLER, IlinlidaYslwilli It II CANAN, Johnstown ' 1 Agents'. C A McANULTY A. Co, Patsinirgh J J McDivitt, John Parker, Ileiwn Moore, Ltagnl+ - fr. Ranh. Pittsburgh. ' inatfl Ina Nieman 1847 . L and knrt."',.'."„',`,7.l°Z".l,°„ ( bsZr.`;':,rittt.';`g and llesver,and ireigut and firer Cisnal Vow, inuning between Beaver and File and nnitnetting wish C M Need's Line of Steamboat Propellers and Vessel. on this Lakes, will bc !impaled upon the earliest open ink of Navigation toeony Freight and Paavenget. a. .I,theFiver, Canal and Lakes liaving ever, factlily conveying freight and Pi. tangent with pr and dimpaink, the unng and agents respectfully Solicit from the , ' friends • d Ins Pub"e P"em 7 Trl r trflrkre, Plopticlo HEEDIc PARKS; tt Co, Ilea:fr./4 i • JUIIN A cAugiic V, Iltit.blith COI stinithkslJ and Waite,. oppostie the Malian I gahels llocue IIt[FER TO W heeler, Croaker & Co, New York Dap!, SOW. E N Parks & t../s„ Cleveland 100 A A 141.110ag & Co, Detroit • Meagre k Milarnakie . Bristol & Poser, Chisago Wm Power., Poweratown, Penns Cleo 111nehelatvre, Evienaliorgh, John Me dribs', 1402010. d, do Wick & AokerAlmeivrille, do 'Craig k Fronton:la, Clarksville, do . 'lays t Plumb. Sharp alms AY, Pa. C Malan, Sharon. do • W Sioninshaus New Castle. do nicwAiici PORTABLE BOAT LINE, 1847. 0POIC111413111MainIM 'MEER PIT . TEDJHUH AND THE EASTERN wnxohT. TiallooPN llt. T D lIE ub I halt mpro ed Lee , Is n nd method of ow so carry awn knowing used by this long n that de set 'Vino Is linueacatail. Goo& are not w i nebedonthe thine, thus all transhipment or extra handling M saved. - The Boats are of light draught sad perform there trips In from six to seven data., The capacity afoot Warchootes enables.* to store advances (road Ch any vonsignairnte Mink Man Receiving,steriug, and ari er. Being fully prepared to make sales of Produce, we mp . e u4ny woasignments of western Floor, Bacon, Lard. Butler, Cheese, Wool, Feathers, and othe articles for sale, o f which liberal advances will be made and other swat (ardiure •ifordent, pledging Carr oaten chat any tandems entrusted to us shall be as promptly a... Milted And Irian 10 Mir Imam as by any other balm. J AIADDEN Co Canal cF Pisin, P is tsbuitrgh JAS id DAVIS &Co .Mchltf • 161;1141 Market et. Philada DICKEY" 1011 WARDING l COIIIIEsIOIi lIERCIIINT, East Bearer Point and &Amadei, Bursa MITI. P 4, 6 i r in E Proprietor and Agrut at elemeni _LAKE WS DART • rtiTeSVll4ll V ILL ttp: pato: p et r in li rat op l e t i n t s: fa i t n wargeerse . , for all poiuls onVe Esten•son.: C a roni Cot, and On Cana* fin all pontoon Lake Ede and kipper Lakn n . ts u . a A l goptoly foinrw o a r rd produc e • Amlyrenn'a. Improvene p adrss 24.1( JAB vIICKFT. nearrl PITTBBURGH & CLEVFLAND LINE 1846. 111 H. Chide. 11. lloopt T. Ili elanimil t Co. CLARKE A CO., & 0011M1101 , 11100 Nerchrnatiit WAVE& PA. %MI6 gt gente and Plopriewns of this Line (so favor .l. ably IEIIOI.IO the public), will be ',crowed 40 the a:wheat gpent4 of canal naaiggtian reee ol o PPP ellr at Palatal and flavor, and itchier tl i c a t m, at any point en e Ohio canals, awl also on ladies I.:cle and Michigan, With 'Pp grevest despwelt and at tea.• onable taws. Tbc p,oprieton of dog iipe ylipit tba Intaineaa thew Conner 01111001 ere 011111•. 1 0htleeee, knowing dtol their (actinic, are second la Onnet Apply ID Or 1011144 a 0 M iiiRTO4. AM, Pittslmre, Ora .I.34lNihictrio TO TILE PUBLIC. rpm: flearnten'e Pourable Boat cm:snarly beltai di. A solved, the Company :talkie went Imo ankles of Co. partner:ship under the name of the 4loattnetes Lierie and likewise agreed to refit the Stock en as to have a number of Sham for the purpose dreaming goods. through in from sis to eight day. with eertstety—and feel eneoeraged by the liberality:of-last yea% prince elle. stomas more egtenrive arrengememe foe the ow wig year. We would therefore respectfully solicit a continn anon of our fanner pane* 4 end refer all new customers to those we have done l ENO 47 . Main BO AAAAA LIMB, Font,* tramp, ialiaq of ALL HINDI DP 11111ICHANDIAlt,'r TO AND ARON PHILADELPHIA, LIALTIOLDAIL Now You, A..Dosnm. SAMUJL WIGHTMAN / CO, Corner Libuly streel and Cane' Rum. Pituburell. A L GERHART /Co, • , No 31351ftrItet infect, Pkllutelphia. ELDER, OELSTON & 03, Agent., Demure, ALL • • - REFERENCES. PITTSBURGH—Jae. AfeCally, Normal & Co. W McCully & Co, B A Sampa& Co, AI Allen &Ca. PHILADELPHIA—Nora. Poltroon* Ca, Rey Holds Iderarland k Co, Fleming & Booby. Pater Wtiglit & Bi.plaw4Jaimpla Grote. • • NEW YORX—Oaodb as & Co, Theo. Perry & Co. BOSTON Reed. Mod CINCINNATI—Adarar& Crum W Seorbor . rn %. PLEASANT, 'T/I—..P A *goblet. NASHVILLE—P,PIemIug. • Nora—Aß merobeadlre horn Nei , Yak and Boman, aorulgood to A I. Gerhart &Co, Philadelphia, wi be ll promptly Anwordedfiee commiesloo. TRANSPORTATION LINES. nisoutikix stonxixo PACKET FOR • .. . . . pi i Tlin ~ . .rie onl i r A lit I . l7.smer Capt. Chaste. Hoop., routureneet la r' 01:1111,10ps this dam, looting Pao burgh ntlinitioeh, asst. ; and Prover Ai:Letitia. e 0:- eirwitietilinftarth Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line of Cad Mil floats dolly 10 Cleveland, O.; Henver, Warren and Cleveland Line of 17:1001 1'4401101 , Asa Stag — Coriene• doily in Wgrrenmid.elim ir isn. Coital Paen e el idiom to New Violin and Orgenville. Ps; Erie leiltionwon Lino In fliendallla awl Ewe. Neil Nome & Co'. Lines of Naga Comdr. for CleVeland nod %Pawls r. leave Den. Oar dolly on Ibm 'arrival of simsnboat lkilver h® Piumbargh Apply 0 01 ItARTON A. Co, Pittsburgh 001 1 CLARKE A Co. Nana, ' . i Illird4 - I.llllYlif. s • 1847 . ;Mast. on Vita PlinglaYLvailis anti ono tirtimbli CUMIN:id Pllll4lllUltiill AND CI,P.PRLAND. .E N PARKS k Co,Cleveland, O. . it 11 PARKS. Waver, Ps. -• 1 Conn/morn 1% "ti NATIO:IL Pariburnhr PA r r ilbi olo10.1: 1.100 , now fully gimps...llo minims. Prinitill non Pnwengem from lintoburgh and Chive. ITI, to any ;millionth. Pannrylvema I Ohio and (firm I nub , Tire forilltiii. of rued Linn lire n010:01011rd by . . ,, Y 0. sold Canals. in number. and calumny of float.. rope move iir 11:1010irm And inanythrs• of AV.:104 Ao. • ship illoal leaVe: Plusburgli and Cleveland daily, run• allot in conneminto 1.1111,1101 Strattleo:. AliChigri rood Lithe 1:0:4 bummer , Piiimurgh nut IleAVrf" slid a I.llle'of hr., rtes, Steamboat., Pionel• ter., linty. and SehOonera, on Unarm Fria, iloionr Mi chigan and °Marin - .. ProperN forwarded to any pool of the Union with der/pawls E N PARKS le Co, Cleeriand..A gli .RACEO, PAUKSIr. Co Ueover,i Ara Wl' MA I'HER. Pittalkorgb, . g , .021 Cot Wow( sod Smithfield 11,011. . -----. 1111111MMIt ARUABIGICIRIZAITN. 1 8 4 BIONO46AHELAUtITE, VIA. RoWNIWILLE AND CUMBERLAND TO DAL, TIAIOH AND PHILADELPHIA. Tune to Drrlorooru hours. Tirae to Philadelphia 40 0 ,: V ‘ lUnly 73 Miles Bulging.] lIE splendid and fast running ateatriersConsub Loh- Is McLane and Swears, hare commenced making noble daily trips. One boat will, leave the Monongu.- hel• wharf every morning precisely ,ar 8 o'clock.— Passengera by . , th e owning fine will emote ln Baltimore neat evening in thus for the Philadelphia hlailllom.or Rail Road ears: The evening Boar will leave the' wharf daily at 4 o'clock. except Sundays. ,Peamnscra by this boat *III lodge on board, in cranfonabla state morns; leave Brownsville next Moming at 0 o'clockl enmities mountains in day Tin ;lop and lodge in Coin hetland. The. avoiding mg t trav altogether. The preparations an this route are ample a nd the roniortism complete; to that ihreppointmenut Or delays mill or on; known upon it. • Passen eon imp on the mute end resume theit secs again at plenum. and have choice of Bail Road or Steamboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia Coacher , chartered to punks to travel as they desires Secure your Yokota at the office, Alonongab nous., or 01 Charles Bowl. IAI ela IMKIMEN _feblo --- TO CLEVELAND ~...WARREN. 6rOOMIE 1847. MEND THROUGH IS 114 HOURS. DAVICET Hour Swallow and Teleirptpli leave of ear daily, at 3 o'clock' r w, after the arrival of the morning Beat from Pi inburfilt. and arrive at Wanes in n ote for the Mail lane ol litage.,. which leave named.- luny thereafter. and arrive at Cleveland at3oletock, S This route litho mon expeditiow and comfortable one to the Lake. COTFIIte LEFFINUWELI, Warren, rropr's REED,PARKtt h. Co, Beaver,agents JOH WA CA CC !MT, corner Water and Smithfield aM. eSIT °vomits the klonetaphela Hoene. PituMergh PITTS2IIO.OII AND GREENVILIAR Maid 1847 . • • SiErigife. • • PACKIre AND PERMIT LINE. PlMLine consisting of (re ght hod passenger Peek. J. el*, run replasly daring the season between Beaver and Greenvilk, Pu.. by which firisht and pas. seagertaklween the two points, will be untied presently and at the lowest rases. WICK & ARCHER. Greenville, Attie CRAIG & FRAbIPTON, Clarksville, dot "MeVARLAND & KIND, Big Deed, do; • HAY!. A rhuma. Itharpebarale, no; W AIALAN. Sharon, . dn . WII:MATIIEWS, REED, PARR' A, Co, Deaver, tons A CAUGIIEY, earner Water and Smithfield sts, *O4 .. Onlanate the Monongahela Dome, Pansburgb CITIZ*IIIII PORTAHLW. 130 AV WISE. allegiES 1847. NMI AL/. tiJNIX4 . OF ItIERCOANDISV.TO AND FRO!. Philadelphia Bellmore. New Yank an -d stow.. Ming encouragement th line his received since its commend - en:lent, ha. induced the preprint , tors to increase the stock by adding a needier of brut class boats., cod inatead or giving receipts as hereto fore as agents, we will give our cot. receipts lur freight shipped by this hue. The beau 0.3 all portable, consequently height is taken the whole duitance without transhipment, thereby preventieg damage from Ireqiient handliug on the Male, and as each beat is owned by the Captain who rues them, which it a truffieient guar sitter, that there will be so delay oo the route. All Produce or Itteickandise consigned to the undersigned will be fore/arded FREE OF COM 'MISSION, for advancing and. forwarding, and will ,shipped without delay at the lowest rotas of freight. tespFelfully solicit s share of public 112111, %VA L L I NG} ORD & Co., Caual Baton, Pittsburgh. CRAIG, BELLAS & Co.. AgL Broad Street, Philadelphia. F /MILLER, Agent Bowley's Wharf, Etalttmore.• Pittsburgh, Feb. Ih, PM, • 1846 . AND 1847 THE EDT BY BUONUAHEL ROUTE, -PIA BROWNSVILLS L CUMBERLAND. fOHE undersigned art now prat need to forward pro dune, ke.,Yo the Eastern Markets during• the calm ing Winter, on the most favorable terms, by dn. expe ditious route. All property eonsigned m nawrill be forwarded alike lowest rate. and with despatch: Ilerchondise received by this route promptly for warded. J C BIDWELL, Ago,Pittsburgh. G W CASS, Brownsville. notr27 E EISF.ATON in Ccheamberland •"'", 1846 AND 1847 OMNI@ To TUE H EAST B R Y BALTIMORE AND 010 TNE subscribers will :mein t for the delivery of Pro. duce to Baltimore by the ?donna/shells elackweter at the following prices—. Ashes, Bacon, Bettor, Lead. Lard, Pak, Tallow. Whiskey. Cheese, nod Glass—On nu Lacclm ax and heat-o p 4 c rl i t epelb s. T abe& (P o t) App F es. Chees e, Flax -Seed s Glas lo , 0 lbs. and Leather-100 cm per 10t1 Um Oils, Skies. Seeds. Wool-110c. per 1W lbs. liceswax.reethers. Pure, thumug, Dud Snake.lioei —llO ate per 1D016.. All property camped to saber of the tmdersigard will be forwarded without delay, free of Conuttission, at above rates. WII CLARK, 'Brownsville. • CANNA & WWII:101A N. ( l ambent& novNtlif . NOTICIE. PRIEGIITRIIS and other. nostung to have Pie Erick. Poultice, Av.. boatels to rhos place front Steubenville and intermediate lauding., can make - arrangements. by calling on me, ss I ham' • Roil tanning maularly between Pittsburgh and StesSeaville. GE°. Le. stuAgNnEßuKa, 'tang '' Steamboat Agent. 50-Water st THY: TSUTII, 13Y SikS , IISI."I'HUTH. CormentoNG SEI.LKitS 3 VERMIFUGE.-41 oin glo vial producing worolorL—Read the fielorrinir from the Rev. S. Wakefield, Sonar or Liberty %rude Pittsburgh. March 9, Mwfi.t h R g. E re . a S p leasure , s tha t m be a te t te e , t i o m f o u y t y to ,. the vie. toe of your justly celebrated'Yertuitoge kprocured a single botee, and gave it to three or my eloldien, who bad bern It for ' , ever.' weeks The eldest was seven years old, the next four. and the lowliest eighteen. nonths. The first passed Ally-sin wormr, the second folly seven, end the third a considerable nunsher distinctly recolleemd. Since then they haye2en doing and aro now in good health. we'l lfurs respectfully. S. Wagging,. From the Rev. S R Babcock, of the Methodist Epirco. pal Ckgmh• Mr. It E Seller*: It is with great pleasure I would Worm you of the good earl.lli produced on asp non of fouryeats mf .se, by yr/unjustly celebrated Vermifuge. After his having minuet...a, I gave hint three doses, when as Paned an almoq inereditublo number, from which time his pelletal health has berm improved. K to Dxscoeg. From the Rev Charles Cooke, of the Pilethmllid Fpls enpal Church: SulDbufgh, December 14.1 RX. Mr. R. E. Seller': Ifarp n y drighter (between three and for years Oh ) three doses of ) our Tatifuge, according to prescription, with the happiest success The number of worms expelled I do trot know precise ly. but it was large. She is now in pns.ssion of cued health. I think the melbeitte WY be confuted in with great unreservedness. C Comte. ...is Ibis Verrairage hos nevus been known to any instance, when worms actually extsied, sboa Id give am preference to all Others Prepared and sold by R. R. SELLERS. betty. and 41h, on Wood street. For sale by. Dr. Cassel, Fifth Ward. COACH MAKING. - . FROM the srery liberal encourage meat the subscribe , ' has received since he has located himself in Allegheny, ' has Induced him t h e • he a , di l lit term of,,years, 00 the pr .he now ocen ni eu , in neuver sffem, immediately beside the Presbyterian Chureh. From die lang experience In the above bustoess and a desire us please, he hopes to met. It end receive • dare of public patronage. Now an hood sad flinch ing to order, Rockaway Bog eiee, open and co p finales, and every description of Ganges made to order, (nom seventy4ve dollars to eitrtu Mamma fsepk-dal • JOHN SORTIE iiikiii7STAlllto - gilaTi littricliklll , iwtVirii; 1 ohm °ream spots, Maine, or Marks lima Clothes, w ee k, fc e ,p e te e An.. Aa r mid rendering the spots where it I. applied clear, brsght, new, and epodes.. Fold with full directions. Price StS cents a cake - Ip-Nolo by Whl. JACKSON,23Libeny street, head urWend...st his Beet and Shoe store, sign of Ike Sip, Som. is• . - AYNICI. liAUI TONIC=AVe - tioininend to the Jattention • of Mom desirous of minoring their hair or Improving its to this elegant preparation. We 'mow it every where highly spoken of, and especially by all thorn who bare made use of it, as gre2. efficacious uln stimulating. t.he grow th of the hair, preventing od cdr . n . 10 . 1 5 17 i elections Zili i l ir slt h pit i Its 'times are ' Vitale in Pilan i UTlthc — Pffileliffilkisl OR F., f Pauli sti near WCIOI4 and also at the Ding II P Pehwatts.Paderal st. Allegheny dry Story o Dr. Molboime , s Worm Specific. TD'S la to Certify that, by LaMar one vial of Doctor MeLace l / 4 Worm Specific a child of Jame. a e rie passed upwards of 111 worm s, and by the me of said medicines child Of my owe mused 14 tale Tn.. b. — It in rely the most earyrieuir tam. ma. 6" aver Nevi. I most hays moment vele. WM GILMORE Wales Terribly' For tale by KIDD & Co, No GO Weed erect, t o burgh. Riehle MEDICAL. - 1 11641 A A POSITIVE aiTERMASTENT.OTIRE TO ILLIBUNATIMIX ' • AND ALL !lERVOUS COMPLAINT'S. ivn:nboogh the n may not be expiate/4 Since their Grow are duly aseenainek Let not de holm, prejudice, or pride, • Induce mankind to ml the means aside; ' • • Mean* which, rho' eleiple, ate by Items deiage'd To alleviate the HI. of human kind."_ HR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC RINGS AND 11A0- NETIC FLUID. • Tills resnaittebtolwe taloa, which has rewind the universal epprohation of the medical prorogues's( Grout liTilleNettatiriee• en entirely Dell IlOaa Or Galvanism, at a remand agent, by omens whith SO, ordinary Galvanic ltatterles,klectrie endblagesti e / D . dunce, ke., aro entirely disproof with, and the sg ylMe rious power of Galelafela spited WithoO tap Mrs objection which sip loneparablifrtenAerelOthist. now in me. The strong dorm and I intenveß4 . , in which Oalsanton is moiled by Ole SWUM" boo bees prosoneed, alter • lair and nopeural telblein be duidolly orinsiotod It was to remedy tlua isdnitel deo feet that thin new applienthm was pi4eeteiliWhighi of ter utscea &log toil ad perseverance„ POMP brought' to be present maw of perketioa. The Umbowle RAZ, auswer all Inc parpowo of the mow eirladell chime, and In many other nesionts are 1100110040 sad amain in accomiring Mildewed Otime • _ The </skeptic Isp used in concedes whittle/Kw was Fluid, are coadenVealateendedsin adidOWs dere which arise from an ,at om air enelloshly tbda du !Norco or vital num, ao4 Mese eoutplAinp among the mot pitiful end oatmeal la which via n . subject. They arise, without cuprite>, boa Mug pie cause—a derangement of the Nutmeg !Int.:JO-1 and it was In these cases that other 'moodiest booing on often failed.. new agent mu greatly seeded,Oldeb It is confidently believed, has been &and le the pew andjudicktue policeman of Cielvaelso., The Galvaiiit Rimm Iwo bees wed with airflow. Ws lit all oboes of 1111XIDIATTILIC111001 algal!, se. p i l l =tu k cthi s e=l2e;.... or m lios huaids. Dapow, fradispfme, Peral . y7s, Peng, Ey . rion . t . lllo.,• OAR". eta ef the Hato dpojdary, Zio Spinal Cdarglaims, Lonntrais, X N ewel IV* Amon, Dimino; of thsliear4miertse and NAN amend Debility , ( AMMO , ..I.l4olllolSir. eer. end NERVOIIeHORDS*. .1s cum Mt confirmed Dyspepsia. which le simply nnerroM da rangemeutof the dignstimorgans, they ewe been read' equally etteeeesfill. Their comordioryclout *post the Orient Maul be witneseesl to be believed, and so • content. peeve:mot for the pmeeding complaints they 'pr enutilly mcomended. The Rum areal different le•teg made •of all eines, and of venom area: nteel at pattern', end can Lemons by the awn di:Geste female, without the slightest inconvenience. s in fact, the rerthation It rather agreeable than otherwhab_ The tten, its, Brac ces, elets. Bops% Ou Neckla Inet me ease/M. Ten, severe chersetes,and TOWN r ' Kandla!, the power as applied by the Galvame pump in net sufficient to arrest Ilse morose of Manua sail ultimately rum:* health. The staproved usablitation irdthr Galmnie Mlle, Bracelets he., entirely E , dies this objeetion; obtained to of powee eieel will ihli. r.T,lgeW„TlY,Z,"`,,vrledis; litre ' , : ni ps ererLi__ ... 4 flu body, with perfect convenience. 'The Gamma.. Necklace* ace used with pester bench, inmases of Bronchitis or affections of the tamelly; elm In cases of Nervaus Deafness; and wi thalmost Pitons success as a preventive for Apoplesy,EßlMPlie PLb and elmllar complaints. • - ChriatieesMaßneUe'Flltldo I. aged to consuiction with the Galvanic Mier OW. their modifieations. This cemporitton has, bees pm' nouneed by the Frenc h . ehetmets lo be one of due west aursonlinaryt dompericsof modem whore, :Web& tiered to posiscse the remarkable, owes of rouloNeg turns matitied egafoantie wigs by his mane *sass[. concentration of the int:Wane, at iie'swet diimue, than gismo rapid.und penstanealtilmf. composition in chemist, Is boom produeeth same cam, or to isparto. oisailat property th e systereby memeof an outward local implication. TM agnetic Fluid cantatas 'nothing capable of tie to end injury; ire applicane Is , sipoable, and it. 111.0 a. Temple/4 vt its actuel a. It IT beeefielal lege Tateettl.' Poll explanations and directions accompanY le The combined inventions ire in espy way perfeetlylusna; leeT . i they ere sold AT prices venom the reach off Oland the m dierer only moseme• fair trial es • Oslo( thei notarising efficacy and permanent beeefil__ • iChrlntle'• Galvanic strengthening rm. Thew articles form another valaebki stplicallas of the mystertoun influence of Galvaninyt. They ins SO isepotenti adjunct to the aeattlat Galvanic Ills ad their mod; ficetiona, acting span the same pt Meta a_but having the odometer of moo keel application .They are confidently recornmenikd us • valuable addition In the meedy rate of Itherwatism,aeale or eh ill all r.l4ll.:=Pl=esTot tlVl:T d'' tte " :ll: : Sid*, in As Agictiens. and ; m ath, Madams or Ones. non of the Palm:ware Organs. In So.' Complaints' their einem are of the most decided charaeorr,end they have Mien been used with cemplete suttee.. The/lam also af rise n; est advantage in Pains and Weabote of the Gree and an highly recommended for power chow comphonts to which females argespemally liable. un effectual meant mrenshening the. fyon= when debilitated tatth diseam or other einmegas a ear- min aid in Constitutional Weakness, as a Preventive , for Colds; .11111 all in affections of. thc Chest, menerellY, the Galvanic fmcngtheniog Plaster will be bond of great and payment advantage. In • few woe* is embraces all the Virtues of the beat tonic preparation; with the important addition of the gatrame Wessell, winch is neither impaired sot exhasisted, settle the Nes Gan continue. , Them articles will bat lined entirely free (rote those objections which are a MUM' loans of complaint with theonllyely plasters in cowman mei CAIMON.: • , The great celebrity and amend these articles p er... sed them to, be counterfeited by unpriatipkd p To o ut against impositon, Dr. Counts tow hot . e ti nnedauth agent in eacheit_y ef the Delon. CERTIFICATES spa rgh, •W. W. WILSON. At Of the, higlieft and Most rnpecteblo character, are ea. Manny received. retarding the extniordinary vales and succeas of the above articles. beloved Oat in the city of New York alma, upwind. td'ZIGHT TIIGUSAND PERSONS.dating • periodot loss Mau a year, have been entirely relieved alihe toot painfal chronic dhonters, wane bf whiehhavo completely baf fled all former erons of median, an: Indeed many of the first physientrus of this city,. who disepprove of the Galvanic and filapeale Machines, constantly repair mend this apticentut indicts peacoat, end with thte es ception of tse Wm are too prejudiced to give It a tri al, the invention has red - rived anantoon. Over with the mom intelligent among the esevid.n Faculty. DI Christie is 'at ell lime. ready and 1.0.4= To give every facility to physicians, and all in , Mr wir ing the troth of his • amnions and the edleacystf his s discovery . () , n4Aitrency In PittOurgh„cornerlith end Marketn Ft %ILI, . . , DE. GREAT AND - . ONLY -MbliEDlf to Cold., T thuds, Autism: amt CONSIIIION. I. the RUIN oARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE. discovered = . ' i teet t . tooted Dr. Iturbari, of Loud" Ended . sodd Into the !Jolted States older the losoettlataoopetlatood ova of Ibe Invular. The exeraordht.s imam of ilk L cure of Pade l orry tifin'ZA7l6l Irma eau to be. Ise the aomiatiy-•, wee that tat relief In veto Bout toy of the ammo& reutedieti t the day. sad W t ooees ioou_sit Wy the mot atibrartinhod Pbraboa CO AND INCURABLY. 11. Ilesierian Deism baut eared, Nod RIR cum the MOST IittIYBRATIC OF CARE& k tar g eed' t uelettee; tat asandard Nagileloseediebbe,ar Bowl femßy ht Coked Soar elteaid be supplied to{i, Nathan • Hoortriau Wawa of Ilk mot to sosetereet the con.o.ogiv. tOok.a. out to be and us pi le Ma:hi lo ell et= cold% Outybe. Soluble of Ilksad, Pals Is the /fide ad fine, Irritation and Romeo of the Loaf% Broushitlb y=„if r i Thing. 11.010 Fever. FO OS Meese., extend Astliso,lallonns,, Roving Cou:b, and Droop. SOW la hope tanks. at=bottle, with NU , Pompliets, cootoloins toas. or Ziglisti alai : Maul can outillostes, ad otoer trebles.. obolir . l Oho a. melee melte of this Ores:Midi ft y t ertay ° ll u rlD a r the - firrarsole . ADDL pa (Met Stelse..ll9 Come West. Boehm. T. W. DYOTF E lONS. thous' Wbelieals Afars. Nu. IFS North Baal matt. Pidladellatka. For talc by D A FA lINESTOCK de Co. comer mix and front einem • • i MY. CoautmptlvO Vpsyse Nab fkle”lckocs,:weigli upan•yoaehein? ' Or pains allbel bm.at y /hL Asmesn's airs ling•Arl, • ll===l It clean away theteisty cloud. • . Ihgesso epreado o'er the weal, A lid whiepera through the gloomy ahtowl, -Your health may yet be whale." enyonnor owe of lovely hue!: g'is withering with decay It scarcely sips the morning dew s Before it fades away.. The Worm of Death urn to the Item, And strengthened eadt grew— And when n bloomed, Itt brelT gem,) It nipped through sod through. That Worm of Death might be defied;: ' If Dr. Danean'san well Died And many lovely damsels 1111 , 61 rb. &m o( untimelygrave (IDS•DK . DUNo AN% WOMERN OPFICZ, Nolllo Sycamore envoy Quoin:ma, OhlnOvheit lals valuable mediates, la aold.___ r .., •• ' • , _Sold Pittabargh, by WIC JACKSON. earner al Wood and Llbeny. sta. 'Landau? TOOTH PASTY.; • famltei DlCtitenci. THE best article known for Oman:gaud wid,_ the Teeth, etteno th ening the paw secial.ltiw breath, &e. la Auld he oath every coed brush . , and the teeth and Mint taajo r. T=...,.d4c, teething in Ike outdo& Wet tj.m,C -WIIICT. or told will answer, sold mu We paste, when enough w ill Mae. ow -mew ike teeth. It l delicious parts a mon dellgliffel fragrance e ineath..l wends unrivalled as Is [damsel, daescioes, rule &quake. It is sesotatto 4 so" %Stahl ro die tome bug° P r° . n ." t i: th ,,,„,,''j e ily, thin tho tUtor that s iantatation—,,prinnAlkts toothache. P""!.1. put, and toesenoall= tamed . ...L!' .1 1 . "" how end tie elegy tra d ...MIAS, pls. decidedly soncoior os. 'mg tkilet Ist thic Update us.— Atla PhenneteaCeppetald Ores Meal observe ms ingweans anathealcaural pea o Fw e eentended Castle; .Mlteadwskt meet our hest [tentage, sad by -mut of thy old lambda/ad 0n ,.. ahe United Rata al. nay , , iteiatlvely nod. by dm Nob:lave kkaklane Mal Pktscas,„ A l e rilhOontha otettothotioat hidothiet urine uthe froth Opts de Otheathlitheth or calk ~YhhYY ewwewwaaappspp vtlikih►Almelo uo tad ukLfteari enthely obviate. Perionroth ' imam tip**, worm bass a hoe at lathatrand dike *dealt die 7 ded die least deruegthottand that* lieskt“ eked, Nee of then Lounges 'clooslititorount ehllth of usu. Forth& at Wad. JACKSON'S, comer of Wand sad Liberty au deal I & :::: - .7...•.F! - 4i - tOit4i , •:, - .:':',.' . .'Ti;1 1 ,.,.. =MUT= LOZENGES; •ND POOR MAN,si •• . . Ddata....;, await ma... 4 'mortal=LL.teYlWs kittfotaistilt is woad tacit t .Y . , :Z . V .« ./Tad, ho t ," back at tatit 11/lIMMAN4I COUCH LOZENGES. These Larger ofeclonat mere end edeou.4 .4 !rendes; oalaKereereptenus whooping wee, otlee the Logier ebrat,ei; au The ?wrt., 1111111•11 W P0.18111.101001:0 orlon they did Oar. ware, ratiolheti. Amend amid bane bare 'boa add twirl . the hit per, odds* to hal& perms in shoed rot, fte ofereassesomlaolablosito undo. Cl.. enuedidie.u t inils eaaglos Tliso in notfeses and dri up thuo:n, bat render !orb prontenropeetoretia; eney !he neklin„, !non* and ream • Cl.e *minute or "Thy re sole Obi s asubinetine sin mot rebooks., • .noned. or earglisolienter, .d ere ontdoluotly super. le ern, thin inn. Ale done ecenpkanda. .kleadieds uauu hete dodo efeerlibealas hos Win nixed of tloh ilteekrlal , ler; hoodoo rho hos hese rod frogmen unthoq end mewed tupelos heathby mum; than. • When Wirer Nosh C. in dr teennureLle;osie of Rarr am% Peer !We Platen (riftody .love. . 0 .6,4 oat? der ear l, re Anse WI Monet If weeder web antimeso aulenti • !native torrnges, IR. utinarlin wee/Nobs; *add I. ee4 IN maim sraairer '1111.11:11Mtbff WORM I,OZENGES Theo two hserpn here Men pored LIME. than 1,400 OOP enen MM bf llhW.ihe ad) owe woo donors { sedensieroduernered... hlmi n4 lieures risen W an .owes and wake km! rd lasso 'memo doh, with ostllmir ere Meer surptedulA p v rn poems ere errs ultra elWatetteith theseord an dwlaed fur earionneuelSanus Otra uithoduty lasee4d, rhea au dna or Moe Loops euula 'pub," we . Jeso i Er g enes..4oei En tliejahlb or limbs area s ire Ode eanarioding al' the teeth arise =4. speissemeinsulhe !popish thetrei chicks. elder use•oprettirettunlion et the atumath, doh ee unmet OM thersOlheeaniihe hap,chill. or ad, 'aim; hatlncle; Aknondier, outlay Wpm, dieterte4 tretwire enNeu rsitirg with Med onl oornho, ranethere• tnallenane euo,:clreafeiment, !duet, foil !witles s WI tete he Os imerl; Cara breathing, true is he itomeduee'breeb, hues; woe; ispuoid deo! , pus; I thee meth; beeniese, timed elm& or Lintewodos: leo of tbe body; pme of *WM =llltil SOW*, Wlblir ads atm toords suet,. lksellos Se Me *milker Am Or berth, mut ono crawnSeidtdr,d, • • siumfuna caatrilitirbr4imovg. 7bay Mine Mom Side relief he memos. meek headache, imam of "'.pit demimmee, 'eltdatientmliss dr • teasel milting of Me Mem, 'eh.* 40ra am, of the meek OF loweb, bpsmital car an mem. ismay Someti me thmegli the &y MA d east. teMliddere Orem} the elpho shame of stet morn iritgoli or smear aktipc. ?ff. ' .ONO VMS* OF and* hurt pol, gala' dot Loses. piteeny immenem the bropremef path; mad iL.y. deice CM tom oftie mom pal eranil l = l4 mare .Othe mamma member entiag tom , SOO frior Sting.. femme mite lime Imes - ion WO ift• FS aiq shmtemed their diaiellid Wei, mil fed Nemed.,eimpaad: minis tIUWIAAd'SW the roes MA.zys ii.AirrEic.. • . TM bed etimphadam *Mr la the arixldiatilaamenien era pataya is the beck, roma, We, sea, Chie s par le Wflamed . - They regime • little warm ins beim %mated impoor to WW ne, end Ser one minter Or semfprior, mitem sm Hie best, Wks i,! ieepal Peeler is the world. It elfirda I= •kW 104 Illigidav nanat. notde.mepy 11 dead be wore ma tits oislaneflie liver atomeaiatid it yin afford Iron me ‘. .mitt i re Wien -is mops, .oily mhos, ef the dem ea stomerbi, they its ,==at n mallt . odi =ems. Proms o' 4.l64 aediesterf = lmlinh a n troy = g t rece rw im ree , rile Wily manmanead diem, io fßitlolka Is ellebnieme elitik amber. betteroma amid/Ina theiroptimare 100.0,1214 samilpm Timm. of windy different lorredii. eats nomeofidema'stat Imo die emetic= admt. erbo hare wed We, sit ea the meted umintom thiedshanted anddianitied amp end phyekiee, be theimt sail ma eaediceted Outm. .•,• perm Jam at die tareamene b cameo nicirearciedlistiestabesimetmiramlette cares dam nineties dm me as mettle bock dash photir, wide a 40 aka& of Dr.Sbernses snow It ia imperils pa ahead shop stic rm Sherems's To ahe4 rmtn ma me that the nembor, es there mar many innotioss Cired about sol 'Sae de tree nheramotte nostasa, by raM winitelmad retan lir W. JACKSON at Lk Paten lifereberne, No. TI, Liberty Meet, ih ell UAW@ k POUND 111%,,"—Ni;rea' PONSINCTION CAN BE CUBED BY USING MR .V DUNCAN'S ILIPPCIVRANT ESSIEDY. . await*, 0., Muth 3.1; . 1517. Dow. Siste-ilik s steal) to paldir, painterly to deneollated With . dlinsi of the Lars, or CONOlrpato that us the 3pidg at 150 I taw ahead with.. sewn. cal 'which wad benne wand apes ay longs, dank& all the 7.1 41 ,;" 15 I . 13 .1 . F.F 1631 1' 3 4.,4".. • Wit attended with ;Eland eight atria I . QaR daily a made . tato isantity aldka, =lad. With dok Ondhd. My sinaliat lame swans and alarm- Dr Dario" this time I wai attended by two of our most dfllbi fkaichad they did the hest they toddler ear, wain . d 11 1. 531 111.3 pow op all hope of rsearrryouisnaits I me 9181.itatifai manna' he dne—thatay Imp were 6- hay tkeredi oad aria remedy. I astaa andada by a kind dame se Nat' a Wolof DG Dinewe's Rata raasitassily, which asy ?hyaena petsind sevost,saying that AD asillea. 'woad do a god, awl woad will ad awn ia wry adkristg„ 1 told tan it was as, lust and only Itoist, ad bat if I moot dis of the dram, (which was a wy)that wadi hi lathing ket. Boxyaid to a ChttEsati Wise W obtaitad 5 betas of hay Vol.. wad ecamouldid adaraeardisi to the dime tins, whin, i t.od of adding tom wdratad r iamaistely pred disof,' a COM Ullo4llll' the irquitllLOW Cough .. osaiagthia pa ad Vanes a ay ebes4 gulag me a new Ufa ad dames, adkb tom etalid toe to be about van: Thii adietwa tiatilowdlts good work, 'what'll. so tali.. Waitaid, wadi was ado :nand men. .Ibale doeskin athadiwi airy hada, (haw& of 3 yeas) and Sed es I wish.. I has reaswastaded Dr. Duswan's to pelwaat le any instates hatioasieulirly alieted mad AM alms pond simianl a la 0 Plan w ibmd iM•lFietn. My She. 15 kin, WS Medi:fat at amok Dr a Maid UM . sad wa Okapi gr the Lap, which she wifirod.With dut It.. nearly maned by the of nit wordiase, sad lan etwildiat the 6 bona that I tate with we to.day willeatiselynre her. , Inia sorry :1 kaar that nen aro nom ad. of valuable arsons wasting my, with Dio driaifid datroyir—CONSUidLTTlON. Wan It only pada Dr Una I. pram Da attain in dayistihn ilk tow tote,aajlireadikthepridaya mid tbair Dalin ad :tektites Spin readyral kith. This weditiai 1I gin Data rolisdi soda De kr Cue ant . the had al *mid task iswa lan ftedimitthe Chet fps rtftagik On afabled ad artiated Ina, sad in , .at an% k oft tertato, allArrigranerlrit. . iieedgemm,lihemeltoo Comaty, Oki, _ . . XL 8.--11eme mlmo soy el be empalsord wHamil ith me 1 refer to thir emllonipmel, eit•nm el Slootromery, ton come ly: 046.1 malolimp time allerestiese tlie abate elatemeam, - . . Neut. lanai, ' DIINCANSI 'A/MUM OFFICE. Syeemori "—I, .bgn ebie eshabbe WOK= ea &ems be obteleee. DWI la Piusinesk, by WM. JACKSON. tomer of Weed end Literte ma . epele-dkee Pete** 11Sleek Sprees Tnusa, N Quo s ir sf t tlaNlA at rttPruie. (So l ls r r " io all slam) Tess socricas debaser skis Tress ecosaias in tit elan pandsva asup wish width it say be aeons. Tbe pad of anted Win Neatly !Wanted on kids Ito pre.. use ee any put of' Is, sad thosassaidy adapts-itself to 41117 111111M11161111111111111 07 110 'RAM& It tam be yam widsout Inman/to, milts can isolated. The rats anibera ban made anaspasurada for sae manniactore . of tirese inlaid& Trams, in a nperiot ayle, in Ybila Atelpids and have dim now fer mate nl their ogee, No 77,8middiald at seat Sixth, Pintbatib. . . WATT, )pp. • D: W. EAU FF2JAN. Prrnsurre, 34. y 0, it 47. 11=130•Ably grre • tearoom tall of a A. nar k On l s Vermiform to my Nola girl, who i. bermes Icor sad An years old, and dorlagl . edip , 11 0 • caas ... edll43 lurre worm., averavrir m Irr driers oa thle e3/11,1 an Mare a icarpoo• f i a t le i =rigor otrr,rldrrrlll l lo.• ll 7 wr ll /• 1 . 1 ` • • eg HE C 13110171, , Wirsekiardter. Sobliold area Preptred and *old by • FAHNESTUCK CO, COMIT it. and wood, and wood and kb ' }eh • Me Owe. No Par ' Di.J.lneWPaa Zsakenteirw 1140, Fails! THERE owl raw dim*" more common or trim -11 blame than the Nes, and yet, notwithetand iet pills7el eihntn ari bl nli b ra tl a tT, le in t e o . c t: i ll e we by rt h t e uZit and oi little beveliL Now the. Embrocation* is the' only medians used. A person who has been softer: _ ing with the Files ut the waist loud woe from sa lent New Jersey, almost on on:pill to ”presoliis -tlltr" • - coik. Sosblesesie cough loss swab., e ol . lteepaalilloODynsp. asi*opt.A.4 sa Rue, IP I to y coop is courtly e=tlf, :71 15.."Ww,e )1141 . 1 N • DAVID llioßOßllli ul should be r.ilbom Ws rTS, A Serbeef a nd - '445 . Irnas =Weise is premed =e'er= and r 4.11 ti e IlemSfote of JOHN 1.111011 6 * , ' Wood we= ese dew bells thosond Alley • Piw - a:OSeesio per Male. • .4!"11 P — IT.TSBURG44 GAZETTE, rU atIMIED, DAILY, TRIMEICKLY I k , W 1 • 11 • 1 CLT. • ill•TX11' •D 31111T11/12 010 ilwortiosof 1O1111• 11 , or . lel. nbll Two lawrOon wldrot aluwaliose • 095 Theo " 1 00 Ow " • Two Weeks" • Throe Ooobloota, 4 00 Two " " .... ..600 'Moo " 50 Er Loam odiortliewenti ie pate r pupation. On! apuint,6 mouths, witbott alternion,... is 'lO . 00 """ • • Ezell idditknutil ovate for 6 enoarbt,' 5 12) u.'_ . l2 " `lOOO One a.teus,6 mouths,ranowsble at pleasure, 15 00 4a At Eno abditlarudequerefor 12 500nthe....,... 10 60 Two armaren,6 prontbs, re'valde at pleasure, 30 00 .12acItadiditionalaquars,6aost 5 a, .. . ... 8 00 oa vapw sit PAILT 2/ae aquara.3 insertion, • $ 1 no • " " tint' additional huerti0n,.....1.. 37 =l=l . . live liaee or law, olio year, 6 00 IS a a a ova yaw, daily & weekly, 10 00 a 614 - mosthir • 800 • sal 711. .0420 line; or lees, Oae isoertioa„ . 50 • .075 'fi " Three, ' I'oo ' ' Three "oath", 350 -••••• . Sit .• . • Twelve ..10 00. •VOillistverftirestiats to be ekoßed ky tke ELMO :otriarioeseat arts per east to bo eyed 'booth, arerent a c adoertiebog exceeds Xldellira per year. l• -stigma Viva floes dr leo Ole year. • 5 6 00 " ....... st..•“*. 3 QV
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers