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', 4 1. - - ,r,77 • - _,7. ,, *.-4:,f4:,,7',.1.-,,!:..%.-..-.... , .„....,, 3 ,- ..7 ,,.. ~....vz., ...., _ -, , yr-ft ,, n• , .. - ." - ; '-'''.'-,..-...,,t,'''.t 4 1‘ ' 7"';1/4. V i '' 's fl' ' '. . ' ''' ' ' ' .i. ' . ''' ' ''' '' .' ' '. ''. '''''' -. ' '''' '''` .. ' -- . . 2 , 3r* ..leir:.;-•" f g ' WA '''''' .''''''.'''''''' '' '''''''''''''. '''''''' . . ' 7 '... ..:. ":7.7'!. - ..r , ', '7.."-'-11..7.7i.-4.i..i:,':.1,-.5g.---::::-J*.f.),?;4..,..ff,,.4.7s?4)X5P.?-,0.:,-,..?,!:•,!,.f..,:,,,;:--.:-',....,,4147,,e,,r.:.!,",-.:,..r.i.s-.1;1•7;-,-.,:71,;,---34-4-6. ;. ' • , -,L*.'.-:.--J.',:,;.,2:.7.,:,.,-.:-..-.,:-7;,,,t--.••:,n:.,,,-.,,.--,::::.1,,,,g,,-sts:::t.„-x4.i.,_,:p...-4:.: ._ :.... :: .- /4 ., t5 ....,,,—..,.4. , ..... , .. : -.-____:,..„,,,_,.,. i. ,_-::,,, ~........,„.;,...,..._,...,..,,........,: , ,, , i , ,. ., ,, ,, ,. !...., . -, i , . 4,-, . ,t _ g,,,- - - , v'-'- " 4;(a'''s. " :-'-ziv-4-1 : : ~t 4 - P:''''''')t .... ...'.."''' '.- -•":;'".-=''' '.. - '''''''''''''''' - 1 . A ..4 ' ''''''l :l 7.'‘.4 ` . .. ,7'.- ''''''' j- ' ' 4;,. t:''''''''''''..l .?".'''-';': l''''...:. '...','.:,*.', -..' t - ii ' g',C.., ' il •21--;;:•:4",-..'.•,' :;',',... 0, • 11,.. ....:.,-:,--...- - il'; .., 1 . .1 ;, -•'-• ! 1 •..• • •.- - .. l'• • ..' "..'.. '''''-.-•-_:''..;•.--: - .2 ',:-'.•,:: • :1•••' _ i - -..-. ', , ' . 2 . • Z r “ . 1'..". _. •' • ' S••-•.-. .. • . --- - .• .'''. 1-..:..'-':-.e;.a.Vr., . 7 . '" •2 ' ,1 -;!:-. - f - i ' ' gi ''' k '••••••: '';:t:Pi7•-::'il,'s, p C.: - ; - ' 1 tii. - _:.;: ' .-,,,, ',;•=f , . 1-t.; . : ~ , .,•...;":.i'li-,;",- -4 , . ''-' ~r;,:iti- r ,- - , :•---::- ..-.;.,,' 7 - J.-.' - _ ,-. 7 1 , .. , , ~-.-., =, -- ==.- H. ~ : L ~, ..., ~....7:- , : , . ...1 „ -- 0 , . 7 4 . , .: .... , ... .. .... ........ --...--J ,, ---?..,--:•,-,=... .;„.... .:., -.7..;:- ..,.j-,.:.-..-...-. -......-.! :.- .. -r:. ...:, ~. ',. ... .. . . . ,--:-. - .. '...... . ... .A . . . •i • •• : . ,:: 7? ' ';:. ' . -• .1 . .•'. • . . • . - . • • • '• • ; . ' •• 1 , VI CIL .X -1V:" ....- NO. . 304 • .:4. - • ' 1 " .7 . 1:- imi A • ILA Al oh, it utin.DON. Cousta Ina Mtreinnt, Watiirm4ll6 =tin ttitte.urgb. igtaroed .1. 6, '4l avertid T'? • ".03!".r!,*ITIO K:"-Q0S17 ; subiarales tIittLEL U R I 7.n II :: ,;I; t Vn T " 4 14 ' Ci ' ll riV ' II VATINUSTOCK CO.. teml ier• Std Mau, &Ain, inren,r wven •r_da gin.l ra l / 42. . 1 •• • CA. AlcA 1 i tT . :1 4 . , 11.1 n. br /71 OLILKAMatb -LAXIMIZaAyat LAW, of • a/ fice.4a, .! ttehims. C ° Jll /11 „ A gl i tk=t i ltitct TrIrCerwri.1 Tri...,ming. of dv. • , areet, and deal r. a w ,oant, atauwacwrr, on St ; ,Clau at. arabowe toutPt A. elial SING Wfrtiama• UMW,: ..Valk•let al I' and Madan* tdandwtatca , • - , • /01. cmuom. • ' • C ' • ond u=ntlas *embalm.. Deatets Prodoes.sag. • ~Piusburak Manufacture. &Mk W. !,0,0 % Wawa v L . ... awl 1 .4diLs, r •V' IgAGICII; be 'and wholesale laud Mail uPelertarant7,.sod Staple Yawata ErdaN v a i r.:". • the Val Camay . t!b . 1.1 .! ° !7 t r# 1 1 , !'!" , Zatt ern ssr.iiisi.i.;*mt 3 = at Law, tit 10l 44ficas • tiau between f th "14'UUAB i="27i d otters yradata and Pdislatria wastaraw I::tarea.carner ofLitiany:awLtliad wa.,Aftapatat, ~-::: ' : f • I felel7 ~ . . . ' t!wgiitil;ir: iiintswiir,Ttis:Eneab."'""7 : x..i...b , • , a cio..whcasSle Groan, Vosiong . sa . I.ll o al l a • M e TITZTgV,T.:: , 4Ig.;;IP OOdi A tt:wee: B"j''"l'l,''l' ...- • -:'s---," ~ - •"..a. 11 , e.e.N111451:74:0pe.., Law, \'. . !!!' %•_---.... L i . , C611.W.1.1110 1.4 gW A ItiIianELDIALAUCIP Ml:Llir t7ttliVlrtlitZ b.:=ldati7"AriallgrArit '] ' 'N.. , ..', "-, •. ',..Z.------. ' n. pli. r,„"..ia,"' 712:ii,:i7.71ther. • Jassmad.' Ft ,it'T..l.:!-V, ri7.4,t,tdwbok-1,1,,,z; c0 ,„,„;, , ,,,..5, No , al Wave/ and 11191NostZBts Tilt. ' • .b._.14:i.1.'_....'_.,: .-',...L.....—...... '"B ..':~: ERNE ~r:s ,' . 1 . 4 -1 14 0: 4 ' .4 .4 1 i-t - Wt-)4. : ' if "......1.?..'v , :', 4:7: •. , ;!. - . ; i : 4 4 11.1:',Ni11.; .-, , tp ' . - ...L:-..,:::,-.-: :•,••,:-: •ii ., Sir 2 " - ,T,:cti4. •" 411:14 t ' ; . : ;? at '.. '' - ' - 'i'ti ' ..f , 1-1 •• I; i•` ., •:,..; •g";••':,;:-;;;.,1,,. ,•::,14;',.iiVf,. ," • ,41*, ' I ; 4•N-, gii , ....4.-.- 0 l'l't! : ii. 1 4:3 : - . 1:•;-..:•) - , ';' I n tt 4 ! . •. , ..4 t ,::: : :,1; - :,: 3 •..1;:: , 4: - ::!•:il, i ,, ii.i „, ,: ,,, ,-,4.• - %,!1.,:„i.;. ; ,. ~.:-,,i..(- iir'.•st.--,4:la',T. .%"*. 4., 1 -1•::- 4.." , ?• - ;'•fg ' ' .;*i: '4,-.:•*);.%: i'r .F 6.4 : 'i14 :!:-. ;1::" : 1 4 4 § ',0- t;* 4 4 ,1:•; . •110 '''' 44 : ?; - r • : k 4,. y , ' , g 1 :1gi .. 4:,t,;,-,.::11. , .v, ~•:::: ;;:;7' rf!,',.. • R''', l lfz :.:,., ~, , ' 1 4 i,;::, 5..-..4 . :4t...P.; A l 4: 1 :. - ..1' 4 n.', 4. •''ttr - Iti st i 'l Xl?. , s.7t: • OMet:., • '41 4,t 4 .:11'.. 'ar 41 i t S : .„_ ~..,,,..,...Vg,11.. 4.. ..,, t : ; 7"-. ! SY'ktl".!,fili'7 ...1':. ;•=l *,..htti t i - . t '..ii,;,Z.W.1...".:ti, . izT .••:;413 Y:l4 , 4 --,' 1 ; 4•+.•%•;, :1•S = •.•;':: -t: .',,,. ''':*., • : 4:ksiT " ... ' ik . ' , 3::',.;.,:?:::h:•.:. ) .... • • a• 4, ~~` iv~. l 'a kx~~: .~~~. _ - Idercliano, Dtalen a replace.* ad ratatnival asaarortares,!!l.val;apd tu,sWand 1.1 Ai4a. Alex. .Wll6 IC tadek la et !ILLS: al a CO., Colassunian and *browning 1.11 M.relaunr, Wake, and Front sia,betwerea Nye • =EI sEvEN D 9 PRICE, BU3t?sS'CABDS. d a y, ""hn" "6‘3 3 • i„, FotoAl he co a d le o r dFloilfis, . -.1-awirnali-WE.. -- , - • • - nava aJirassrni.' • V OKIIIiTI I a, Co. Connairsion _..and Ita~tb* , E 2 Ipichani r.. ..4llM7 mar , INtil.BICLII• ` n ELISC6S. ._Groc*; - eadniaisasan 3: : Merabani and dealer in rade., Cfn arg)., .Ods., , fan % ti. • Nd:lll.iliertnay at, near Canal Baal ,r . i N. 11, Oakani,, !Ni, Idandln likea, la,_ always pa , baud. • . . :. - .. ', WOO - JeAlVd. . - r.G. 11101.11 1 : "W. 14"""""°' rer4:o7:ffat, G ig, :I . * vuld Cooks4t;ols fikrebasas, tanln.nnia yonnri.„.dtefaz: %mitt an Gtat s - a - ..; 171;; . ban , aid - bllet an a .—.— Plast.4a;ll!dsaatr...idtes_ ridllllVd at.,... - lie - O. — Cir: Palildi ' ' M. 11. trams. 9.13.0. W. among o. Co., nooem swam , . and dealers In daps, Pdobardig wad Mat P _..,... c as, Pogo tad Pol. ! meta. _ - ' ../... -- i telii - Gli 6 . 06 nit:AN •-- c....1...e. not Ira. 4..r. r ardang Merchant , No. Z! %V adaaact,Patabergh. I , ____ — Vita. 0.11.7 C liAtf6 o.l=lWe:fit ,I:4oll.7.Did.i..tsitiZ de1,a.C.114.11:f Ga Saba. 4 i. • . UM. U. Ulla. h. BILOWNS, teaceaasora to B radltr i ./1.1: Is thavrae,limponara sod aasaaftdtaxers of Vaper andGencal raper Waraboaaa., to,. V Wood ...'.l,_ --.------------ ISM:anig tblitt:4l;lTlvab;lvent =re „ebi, /JAI BIC . SOlllll DICILaT BMAIL DICIAMY k• Co, Wbk.lcsia Open IL Co anaisaima Mcieb.ll.l=adeslers_ ria• Mt Water Li3 . 4 , 11L7 Front =east. iIiIdIWPIL 'KNOX, Atiowy at Law, ET:oblusk, d ll^s Owomal Ow voodoo of kir Kerman In enc klaildnaga Gioia racet.oe- Cloed &nog ha absence ►J T. J. lloglm and J, la..stottovs, 0.1 673; dealer id 1)).-1ruIL. PUIIII,,;Vii. verve a, L. 11 Woad sirt foot door bomb oCllifimu Alley Vlll.a.fgh••• ------------ J Co.. is 7 e iO. lireliir4hip A. -JIM ITl*mih,Y=l.l.lrs, Viper. Wales, Steer Vera. goille;_Priisersi_cerdei ~ Variremli, No. el Woe& . it, , FAR Mr....gii5.! i nng I P i n tni i nii in 'nn i in:‘ . :-l' ii lL . 1 • SOIKOONDI &SLR it CO. irbioleiskr Deer . J ...t al " . ""; 1 1 11 2 i t i n 702, 70REPTIFiiiiiiiiir #: sox; camtai.e.... ..d -si ForemeSined erelaira, No IR lairl7 !!•• o:nen' . Rwerifield wlswerewei Raw. • - • • 401111! L. 0.1.1..LiT1111. AIWFIVLiII,n Otiet mus 4C4 lottWreij Gram a illy lre d ;coop, I losytly to tataness ONEER VAVi',AUCTI, look 11141 , attd woo-I C. pf 1 , 0 4 door co.*, Id aridge • sit ?sisters arm ksltSra,AUCtarlres:- UT. sla .V. IeSITMCILTIICIA 60, ildnkers sad Est.,. . sits-git fthekess, corserer Woos sod Third streets,. . iSdersharif • I IWO Ilifildisgsa Pittsbrgh, Ps. [EI-Cunene y ptireladko OUldinbet. j 0' /X MUM R; Wheels& Grocer; dealer id-Pni: li•tee; l'Aitsburp nutrtsfseutres, Tut ty..l Liberty Sea .;,- - 176airiaiiimuwho.....o i ce . sine litemitatu, Isse&t:rlll..l • t arse hulls tbey ;ss aa . 1% X WO, DA.LEXIX. One—lifaeursetere all of lkillet..ebeet.flai Inn an Mils el ibe best , f• 11. WATlK.XltlAlli:—Vi'aessie Uteeee. wardom voul ,Ceounionewn Merchant:Dealer in • nufburchilionVectureseatr Peotleeei. Xt.' W. 141. 'FON IliTCliatifirifebeit C I.rfir•#,ignihig .114 Couusiosioa Ilfrrelmoth and 61e. cr. , la higuagla 111.0scuages, Se yl7nlr c., ~s,:ii trams • xxx • N.. leg 1 211* - 92 1. --:7-- - E....egm . mt. W1.11:1•'Gro .111Y4 d Ctnagnismioa Idenitants. 12/.002(1) k 221110. yrkdassli;and mule 110 IVA. and „CcOnanufseterers..aad defdar Id..FaMy Fars 47ES2eviPlYip. - • jan 2 M illerint I tnrrennerr2 2211= nerclown No es Libevy sod 0:11 Wood watts, - 1r."..." 1 4..*Lt.t. 5 rea tkoestia lIIILi 'PWCrrea ' 2l74 6lM"'"da'relit WILSON t o , eu el ig roas= Upoits Doan. N. . rjete4. t 4 plVWu:Waxier. 4.X10•1 1 : 51741ii4t riolismcwrini. a ca. wbomile• Oricsre jus d,Cooiskission tod,Famiudigumbaiiitalitill • Wonateet.: • ik — Tritkr a!!, ComMt.itc, 10111.11 T. Jr., harms: - and ][l Dada la Futchtn. sa4 Inman fisdAllany ....._,04100. all 40Bersptioss, ratignallt.' • • • • .4is Rll l 7lt. ilki' CO, Wholesale elgera, Onnals ines;iderellanit,•aid dealers id b ind .rit.etrytt 'hieettie.terest "Liberty ... app t .. . ra!tb.qo.-F..-... ' '_.- '..-,'" • - --,L.T/#- 'niciiiiiitti iiini), .7cakiw. .7.71 - reisit daau .n. iii Leretior, Monteee, eboesieltere Teolased Pie& il'uTZTAtt=s• 7l ""*" 7 "'.'" - ' ,ll, 'lt, - -- d ron ad Fo rg r h w Mn gan en i t a dand tiUbda bNI = pos. s. vaisox., • - ~,Wbotonie Oman: Pm t i onsiso 1/0000., Dialas It• "" . " 1 :k0,1 .4 .40 19 ° i tl b ' t, 114/0 iglaii•Aoooy -100,ers • LARS, TIJSINgWIRDS. TrtfooVlort.°2lM: 4Vrolkl".l't r17:074 ' ! I :got tootesr, and ah otods Or Foreign and DO/Ilefl. Wines lanilnqnoe..Nell;Lhcny olreci,Pingegh. hCr SC O. On hand a very large nook of pll, OrainnewPinaa• Win* which II hem:l or for gYII3, F ravening and Cont- Elldlfle LOP t 111111 C EL salmon llama:no. rdlia b lbe r ni _ aa deafen G l roene.Poloce , W Ca/rld l" .e " An all - demo for The 1.410Zu P• 'and 1 • wen Calmly gay. Coma et Pena _ _ Thos.' R "Vane. .sS. ° ll .B loll3. 4eklet lE t T . l" & INIIITE, Wholesale Dos- Acts to.PoreJjoi and gtousestic Dry Goods. No 09 WoOd sltestintuboagit _______. 11,1,1 W . --- 0, it W. 11.11111A.WWW.A1 Alerebonts.,deal- OZers to Floor sad Produce ge.naßriand Fortratd• --and C..otoodsslon lOrxhauts, No 31 Wood lso street, .„ ._ . . . ._ PAWSII.,•Attomly 01 Law. O~EI In Brood's. building, No et Fourib.stroot.betwee l Wood •ndNmdlSeld, . pi:43omq DAREllaTT,llanufactureraf Fan Igailillamiankl T . olr!iet 7%41 oc and hkiutat , Pa. 4 BoNplar d AT a., (35., m vu . .= 'Dealers to P.ii•burgh"gananietures orid"lVesiem Pro. duce, have removed to their new arehouse, (otil wand) blo eneuer of Falai at aria Mance ry tune. llltrilClClEJlDs4llPorsrarding aud' Commis h3 A aiou Deretiaol, Dealer in Pali, Prcaluee and P lierahatarialhetared articles, Catial Mein, near 7thist. • an , .. • +aedti Flow rlyl. 1 -- E13.1111.AM, Dealer m 40 eR FutliTleaa, and Apieultural enN. let . Wood street G f m ÷ , 11/1 . " -- MIST SEST—Wboless n e. _ Alettlan% 'so 3.1 Woad !Meet. Piustasett HOS. XENNED% Looking 61•10 Mandarin Ser and Dealer in Cloaks, Comb., and; Variety -411:1:010ef of Wood and Foarth streets 519 . J tot-spa. PPIVISTTH kV*, Commission Merchants, J. dealers in Salt, Lumber, Groceries, ?reduce and Pittsburgh Illanoraettires, Canal Basin, Liberty :tat, vcrw' m" ii. .""gcrrontrakr, `:%11 - ;% elrero • etn. Dealers in Produce, Iron. Nalls,Glarsind rintburglrglannfaetnres, generally, 1151,Ltterty;rtreen W. it 14. 14ITCHELTREK Rectifying Distillers, and nine and Liquor Mel , harus, No: 1W Libeny greet, toppusite disin stret,' /o{ll Dlllllll cosocros ULTICICift. Coteeetooro to I.& ill 4,D trick,) Witotemtle.Ormets, rotrouttog and (Stoossioti &tombola , . - detain Ittinoni Notts, W. , ' aad tkoto&Vosas sod Mbr& alansfootorn generally, tonere( Wool laOleato call and Wit..""ffir " eh Worked Collars, clangs's., his tuck at Frac roar as k.W a• rocer,Fbraraniing and VV a Caelanealon Merchant, and Dokter in Produce PirtaburgiLlannafacturea, earner or Water pIS and Analtita. barsh.Pa. a _Witl="o t s , ' " Cm" •.....I,Lt,eonter Liberty and Vt. Clair curl& GLEN.; Bookbinder, bas removed to the VT learner *Mood utd Ttant su, above C. 11. Kay, 'viten , be Is prepared lo do every dere notion of` uling and Binding. • if W. Il anite.ititi gall furnish- V ing establishment, rto.*l4 , Liberty met, near the :TNT di E. ElTCHAlLTlSglint.Wlhalevile Oro- .If _.Teen; RectirMlS Diaille re, and Wine andlAquot Aletdontr. No. 160 Ll.wny wee% (oppwite Sixth .1.,) I;,,,,,,.._s_o______--....—.2.:'.!Y__ Vl .o.j,:erifts atm toII.WAE-fgagne‘ Butillbsp", ...1 Claw Nreti, next dam . ko Aides man John, hney and Staple' • Dcy Goods, No Id Market street, Potsburgh. s .0. , District s ) Wholowle Grocers. are now tocowd No till Wood st.adowelhey offer foreale Is large swn -1 lacutofOroesus acid Piusbargh itlahafsetwor , st tow on favorable teem , • sr_and_ 11.10114 Dealer to Wards., Jeseeiry, ' Ver WI., Military Goods, /se, No. d: Mar. Motet bb',7 VrEL—NITBOIEE. wholesale and mad dealer m •Forelms sod Dowewie Dry Orwds, acrof Market and Fourthsta atenO • wrlcr.-.ntarics;--lizhiVir. rig:purchased the Drag Platy of Edgar Thorn. corner of Pens sad llturd Mears will soggy a wormer supply of dm best atedieiornaierfowery ,Mc. Earlielaa's prescriptions csrefully compoonded. — Modrcioes tan ballads* all noun of the roght. fablaer • • AVITMATM"IVOIiD aoonlVt Tr,:: • • wiurdinot Igercliartu. Soelul, nea ' r I. 9 :or•Vre.. Pittvbarirb. 1048 .• 17 A ri . P. DARL I , N ...m T i O ot N ion a A o mtekire at - 1w ngwrk Ps, rtaia4Vnent e and proo Deka., .Leases, Contraeta, ard Depositions, or abet writing (ureter real ot Data att ne wed or tered o the Emus of Ghia Office on [laird streeLabove Sinn .hete. Jett4 Vir C. AVGIIIIIBAVOIIa Anontey at Law VV ankh street, near Ernitafteld. Golleettng, egen. ties and Other Dulness attended to will. pooeutaltty. et a • ells tr. Semple, 'Vin. Ctooloot. Eq.. IJ A Fabnettock. h. Co, John Woo, 1.1,nr, Grad, Lludray k Co, John Wright, E.,,, , Juan MeCally, Earl, Maj. IV attain Unmet. YeSOMS• - i. 90.11 AR. RECTIFYING DISTILLER, AID P ZZZZZ IX ORM I DURUM WINES I LIQUORS, Na 114 LibeggiritOPPl WARRICK. MARTO NCo. , 8.- Oxlker t; o7brd god f streu,"d —' 4 " rgbli WUluw• • . greraser u.ri.•4 , • • W/ILLIAIIII illllll5lll. vA:=NEVIANO COUNAELLOLIS AT LAW. North .ido of Fount' st, acre thaithfaOLZO • • • • • - • Z. j. mossy,' CIiGCiNNA_ nTTORNEY - and Conneellor at IA!, oftlo. , WieCtilKlll SOOthet CI Oho and /111101!....a and ia %namely, ptw9t l 3 , .earef. ll y ILEPEP.IOHoo. Weban/ Padle, W DM Soo, C' to APRolght,Cnorell Carotheta. MOW.. rip.. Jaliktt P. Saw, Willoek & Dar.. ).rq ltei;;TracWw.ii , u.iiia.l... O: BLicuovas &CO, . iXTUOLIIIALE timers And Dealers in Oda, Boat I I Worm tod Pitibangh blanaMeturedartieles,lave , Al hand at all MP I% (011: and general matormsent n( 1 vtlbs Meet, lino, Muer:meet; near CherlVgy, I .701-0 it F . T IS JUMIATA ear ran .eta dr 1 uoiLERIFFos,norGE B D IRONrlta . R F.A, FLUE i 11Ru, I '. BE. . . • ,E. T. SHOENBERGEFi . --: • - PaTTIBUILGII, PA. ithiaeg alumthe Warabathe formerly occupied by 11.11. Way A • Water Streete sear roVISIVS Steam XIII, Mille. on hand a WI . sopply of all saes of Boiler Iron aid Floe and IFire-Bed -Iron, made (tom ltsiatastalags arbleb will ba raid at the leveret ,Market earn, Baßittellaildera and others, am invited 'a mall and swains pas sleet- Bolers PromPt ill lY el . ended to. - , - - ' ' iyal v OHIII It Towline! , a, Muses' and Anodic- J'can. No 45 Market u,,toreidoors {lbOile Third et., Pinsbarglnollll base constantly on band I welt select. Od asaortenctit of tbe best and (leshert Alcdreides, which he will sett on the seat reasonable terms. Pitysiciatis „sendlacnders will be pampa' attended to, and sup ' pal wak articles they say rely upon as genuine. • Ur Mysticisms. Pft.rll/01/116 1011111 be .teen(actely and osatlyptenared how the best on boor of ibis day or night. i' • . „ Also (or sale, a large Weber (seri and goad Petit, ---JATL P'..L—..---,------ —L---------.--,..-- IV/ , NIIt. INII.IION, :Wall, Maker it Jeweller, VT .. censer etb and Market sta. A large and well selected Meek et watches; Jewelry. Silvm ware and Urinary Geed. Always CO hand and alregular rt.. Warr pramt,Geld Patent Lever. fell Jewelled watches, asks" as SW &leer db aratebraas low OCIIIIirte Cooper, Tablas. Johnsen mut !niter approved make of watebett may be bed at a small advance and named. IrTFme watch work done in tho very twst mantle . ). B. SWEITZEIL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oftleo 11.1 Its opposite ll . t. Charles Slot& PITTSBURGH; WILT. &heaped promptly to Concede., in Wash insicin.F•ye a- and Green Woo Lie., Pll. • Rata To k. Bell &Co 13:7grtrekrirk c...b... 1 Pi.b.rgh. DT. Morgan ' - ----- ailiffiblitsi-- ----'-:---- 100 NUFACTURER f . in, Copper, and J ap an n ed LVL Ware, and dealer m Idrstannia and Wore, No 17 Market street. The subscriber respect filly calla the. attention of the Western Merchants, Conley dealers, and others, to his Imre cook of man entered Tin and Copper sum, with a large I.IIXI. ,RISCOII of imported Ilona Purnohing I lard.ware. .. Wholeatk Wens and the piddle generally, a re ins i , mn_ 0111111LICSH ATO TTOIIINKT AT LAW, PiostoooL, Pa.. CoOuni olooot io tato the proof asol azoloorlaitments 'Doody Leasos, Coutrorte,Depothiosof other mono., rowlGe.oxliod r in 800. gf.N — rucKy , INDIANA, TP:44o3sseostasouni end MICIr , eke • Prat*, krodaos cWaa~Pia I.llq4ated I up% U • • :. A. LICDOOX fr.. CO.. NO CANAL. STREIV. NEW _ORLEANS. A GENTS Car i D Anaara aSzeniiirie *tans Snail 1 - 1. Datnerf. :--Aleraya on band, a large met of Lost Pear i bma, - bnalard; Clarified and Damard gnats; in Timex arid Dalai. •' Also, Nagar Haase Molaases nll valet . • -• ' Pate! liberal and a fair nltortanee Mad* of qttt !Inge, no toqrls,_.', .. o, • tnnltt 1 .... • CISCO. 1414.1Olirlija C BEIMPAILO ItIALOTESS AND NOP DRALERS . PITTSBURGH HD POIAT .111BWERIRS. Omis9' Barkers Mtn and p.m sti And kot of Plll DI. ' : 4111Abla LA. licotthr±tht.'. : . •J. W liltifiClllll Sof IsT Ala 1, Txra itaamED coml,lfrtatsgperiorim m 7 guide TV mue Vaned Mases. viaclt tiry win al!pow. of OWN P.6gePi.ukilV t : it**4 • • _ -4L to: a-a. suisoit k CO, •rttIiNOTAC4CIRE4OI Ileasmard Shovel. and alolori,HaysoiXoliza Forks,. IS., t t , ,W4011.1454.11,W0M1N0,4144446 map FORWARDING & COUISSION, A. M. WADlngford. • ' Joio. P. Magni. wALLlslavonto k 00.. CONMISSION h FORWARDING 31RRCIIAA173, lIARDW ARE AND PITTSBURG/I' MAINUITACTUILIM a' V olnnol Dan . Lib el strew 000nd meet, Ile., Wood,. and iaerty . have sale 1110:000 Its woortrd Seel. at= Masud sad for Nmyior qt.C.4e.C.l.Bbetri Dillon, and German reel Jones A. quonts Ant. Blaster *ran* and Puck . ' nuAdoaollloorki, Vpsidele nod Parks; . Cnrrinar gpringa nod . , Anvils, (wane bole;) Vices,' (palest and c omp Wedges, :Nedra blouldLetoirbano; • ' rtll, Rioters, lioniata!rona ilinnorks,Cley and Coal nett; • A tel.. Ovyibee, Fteklen. Log Chains, it.. fte.; eo:slanuonder Floe Proof Soros. loon. Nails, OW nand .oitk Plaid:nosh Manufactures fold at inn lowest C R Daneahower, - i J Renal& Sank: 0111ARI.V.11 • R. OAIIRNIIOWER & CO. . .. 1 - 08 AC C 0.:: eOllll3l'lON •MlRC,lldrilt N.. to Strath.Whariearand Noilf soul Water at PIIILADELPIIL:: . .. -. 13 1 1 9 tul a hrttl:1474 ` ; , .T. 1 4. '` . ` L IV.=`,"",„'1.°,1 with the . ;Ina ntanatactarers and the GrOIOCIII Or the West, V. eat Indiesooad other I,lareir as will insure large and constant sanely erring followang detenp. done of Tobacco which will be weld upon as imam. modeling terms it any other holm to ibis city Or else , . where, and all goods ordered room thent will be war. noted Neal to repterontationt— - .. Havana; Pt Domingo; . lAren. 1 'tiara( - :Porto Rico: - ' Peon' .., SeedLesj To Collar Igetet; ~ and Florida, ..baccol ALSO--Bnutchrs celebrated. Aromatic Caren. dish, with a large assortment of other pepalar brand., and clean - ties of tbunds. GS Et 1,..11 les and Re Lump; Ufa he ending Flag; Ladies' Twist; Virginia Twtat. Ac, sweet and plain. in whole and half boxes, wood awl tin, together with every variety a •aniete baking. tog to the trade. , . , . . • jettOdlr • J •114 - Cutsa, 4 .1V Annitaron, Late of Pittsburgh,Pa. - - • Due of Nneltville,Tann. I EMIRANDEUSON. Dealers inCotion, F o rd and' Commlesion ?derchante, No. it Front intact, above I:froaderay,Cineinnau, Ohio. R AllA C llen, • : ilnaalcy k Smith, Plurborgh. • Wm. m. Net.• ay ep e , • Nunn & hicAllaier Nsahcilla, Tenn. Yeationan tr. Armistead. :„W F Lane k. Co" Loniacille, Ay. • Vprlnger & Whiteinan ' Cinc i nnat i, O. Jansen Johnston k Co. HMO /CCo.,'Neor (Mean. hlaurengor k Norris; New York. Duvall Keighler & Co.. Balurnote... tank& Bagaley fr. Co.. Philadelphia. Mahon. Dorton. J. Cr. V. Lemma. it tr. J. G. W. LEFTWICH & And C llrrrch U. PLAIVENNE.L.L .. DABTICULAR attention paid to eorisignownii tingsr Engines, or miter Inkier tor Ogelotisas AriaksM RF.PER Moms. ghetrothi tc max Limerick; New Primes. Mein,. Lorton it Siettemott,,NZ .Z. rtf.shericT , Ln . • ' !Olean, HMI k Speer, biro Wrm'lrLearyi Robert Wightman. Armstrong& Niabolnter. Ziortiorgri. Messrs. Reran, Todd & Co ; Mneinntol. Messrs.. llynei it Craignesd, .Neon.. Edwards Hon. Zenon Extrtive, lion. Joan Dawn; Pist. 011141. FLOUR 'FACTORS AND PRODUCE COl4- , MISAON metteturasi• • T. PIMA!. cash advance. grade ee recaipt of elm- JJ sterna:tic Those shipping mood address ar Al ho rate three-fourth...value in advance in Coo, by apply hag to oar friends, • „ • . d.tayloriPilndttoXit• Moors. Thos. DeWitt:a . Itrolgeporti Ohio. Philadelphia, May 5, gal • tearVitf N. - U. All modern consigned to. Niagara when in the svarellotoe of Wallingford d.Taylor.Pialliargllr or at oar more •C. O. tr.. Co. 14Egli.IMPORTNTAS OF ' Aitiiw nit . • 100 AN & . 114.KN1D1,. IbIININTERS OF ANOWIIOI.O3.ft UFAI.PRS IN lIAILDWAER. CUTLERY, Le., No. In 'wood • P TTNNIMOII. gnaw, in the coarse of recetiring large atlionos LI A to their erneasire stock of Ilanferatt (Antery, Pad &e.. which having been pi:reheard on the m o o I W/WlLAlegioa! rm. Faglene t and direct (nAll the slanefecturer. in dos coectry, Sin:Oleg th ew to of fer orals oar vines sarrialseed by hone and equalled by sew Poch...lstate respectfully invited to rail. sal • oilcririii+cSTUTD iilThr t:OhI'ISSIONFOKtti'AIt 1.1 Atl hi Vitt lASI', No-tri %Venn S rhstr, VITT•BUSOiII, NTINUES to tninsact a geneni COOFOOIIoiOrs CButiaeaa.especially rtrehase and sale of American Alanufailares nod Produce. and in receiving and forwarding Goon consigned to bla tale. As Agent for the Manniactitren. be will to conatantly .applied with the prinCipal articles of Pittsburgh .Manufacture at the lowest wholesale prim. Orden and conaigdinenn are respectfelly solicited. I , Cour, - 11 ono. U. F. CAMWAY & CO., is DORTMOUTO; Daio, Caninsivoon •nd Potwar/knit Meninx% and Piodnee Dealers—alto attend to tan Forebear, Sala and Entneent of Pig Inu.Coal, as. 11f.1.1[11. TO, Atwood, Janes A Co Brown, Bailey It CO tonne, !Aniline ri.Co Henry Graff Glot,Lindaey & Co Li Leese k Co L7ollShOrb ICCo Clans iThaw mariedly awls dale" atitirt Ink of me Lon of 2.1.4105 , ,0 l.eren S co Wk. Grocer. Conamilsi on & Flour nenchant, , rtlig,LZll in all kinds or Crinalrf" PrOdarT, per, Tin, Tin Mom, Tianen• Toole, Zinn, Lead. Baca sheet Iron, 'lnn and Nails, White Lead, Dye Studs. Cotton Vann. tialt, an, and Pinstinrigh ilmenneenn generally, corner at Liberty and !new wenn, Panteirge, Pa Liberal advances. in Club or Goods, mule on too si gninects hYS . AUCTIONEERS ANTI .COMISSIONMERCHA NTS; ALEXANDER LE CINCINNATI 4. ST.. LOUIS OFFER m sell at colter establishment, all kinds of Merchandise at the lowest rates of Commissions and' ore alsmiTsrpmpazed to taste advances. The lien of references given. if required. batten &dammed to either House will tat plotttlytteoded u , . : _ jyliT__ JOIIBDU. B 'cite 11118, 1 1 COMMISSION MERCHANT, NU. NO WATER ALTI3 ST.. OTTOdITE CHEAYSIDE BIOII.X. • IRTINDOW Glass., Glass Ware, Dna Fruit, Ikea. Tv WaX, andCowstry Prodtmo. . Advances made on consignments. Patthfactory ref. erenee to those addressing oy mut. • , 111<p17 - 1) . WU/ 71101111..1• ' W. ir - C,_ . IIIIITLL.L. THOMPSON k CIAISPIIIICLIo COMMISSION MFRCHANTS And MIMILOte tams of lAnseni Oil, Nu 2,0 Columbia Sired. . ' . CINCINNATI, 01110 VCIII3 ran) rot vionszso4:l) sertZ.lT WALLIMOVOIIO &CO, COMMISSION h. FORWARDING MERCHANTS, . Second Street, near yVand. nEALY.RS riusburgb Slanurstuires ASS y Al Hardware—sail keep sosituntly on band e l floe 'Prints Ssd-sAls., Lames, mytlits and otc k• is, am proof .sfes, Yd., vie es Mask bellows, tledvs, ks.. kg. smittS LIGECII• • Jong?Ill/. LIEU!. • MALCOLM LICECIt lON. lATIIOLFSALE GROCERS, CtIMMISSION AMR. V 1 CHANTS, and DEALERS al: kinds 01 Country Pindues, Copper, Ttn,' in Plates. Tinos.: Tool., Iron and rialle, ZturrWhar Lend. Dye MUITIL tsbect Iron, Lead, Cotton Vapasj rah, kc., ~rd Pitt.burgh Manufacturer, generally. Noe ul,En..d 91 Liberty orenteute iloor *torn the hairdo( Wood street Pittsburgh, Pa. Liberal advaners. In cub or goods, mule on con MaTitr.Wit.' W. It. rural. DIATIINEVITS ik.'PATCII, 403111118%10N IdERCIIANTS, • No. 48 Water Stimuli. • sr. Louis,mo. Wili givé parneutar attention to din eating of Po duce, and to orders for purchastng. 017/,t To—Goole Morgan &Cu., Pittsburgh, Pa. Wen :lough. C Dcaymmon JOON BECULLOUGO & Co. Coonniuion and Forwarding Akrchrirdo, NOS. 93 & 95 9015111 Sl'. i•nl7ly. HOWLING'S WIIARP.BaIIImor. J. CARSON, & Co• COMMIRSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 8 Wad 9 Light St., • • LIALTMORIL IDP . Caall advances wdl he made oa consignsocato b ra :11 " ''d'AIRYSON Me {MI 0 Irr, Biz th at. -Y- 11 - rie:Ar. Si liN Enda FLOUR PACTORS,,ANDUIIdIPI AND PRODUCI! . Commission Morrhants,' 71 SOUTH WHARVES. PHI L ADELPHIA. rk RE now prepared to eeire 3011 forward RH kind. or Idereh.dire to ant lauding on the Janina, No t rd, W e nch. ono Ildpwarer • .tl- • illtl6 H. .111 N, ' V6III 0 I. RN A 1.16 OROCNN AND (664M15 6 106. V • MENCILANT, No 69 %% ater aura. bT. LOVE, MO. Mar to: Igon. Short. & Co. and Anlbonyy irl selrA , F. jel ,, .. tigO:IIMiIireNUEKER, STEAM BOAT AGENT. COMMISSION k CI MBRCIIANT PRODUCE k MEIFiCIIANIMSB TL.C.EEE, P. .1".1".;415‘91;i0711-7;rM. r e ""I' r STEAMBOAT AGENT AND COMMISSION . , SUEROXIA 'ISIONCINGAIE ELA DOUSE, PlClAbszehe___ Ps , BFAUNIBISTOcK Ws. WIMITE I. • LEAD WORKS. -The undereigned have completed their sew works located on the bank of the over above the Aqueduct, it, Allegheny opposite Fiesbuty,h, for the inauulaiture lii u; thee riot quality or white toed, both dry and gtound in oil; also. red lead and litherage. klavieg rivalle them or all th e recent improthroente. in its d maeuthcbue mid erected th e buildings very extensive smile, end with capacity to make lead iu large qiuMitide, they will be able to 'supply Order, to almost sny extent:. IfyA_ TOVIC. PATTlGtte' f YOU •ALeg...oeren WS lablster, Patwtn Mater, Allegheny thty Oil 1,, the moot Patterns tot Noires on hand either a n wood of 'ma. tdinGeanng and another patterns made to ardor. It • tft A II Trait _ - • N. "it, Ceara Me. ausw . M . 0.. , , •,10 . , AU posllties o Green and Black Teas • .0;:• '''!.'-' • r ' .c„,,,,inviutmulf, and one pound partaken ,00 (kW ftool S 4 0 t 111.000410 VP " Pats s - r ler,_ • - - • - Aft 4, Pets Tot Co. MISCELLANEOUS • 'JAMES V 11: WOODW*LL, errrssuites .iviowrtrac Boom, • Ntl 115•TIIIIRD STREET.. • • • jrn A mmer. Eandsplendi asso of urnitue, • eatable- for Stedmhoitts, • • Howls, and postale Dural lines. king:truly on hand and made to order, "I he present slacken hand cannot be c [celled by any. manaltmory to the western country , Yew*. ',thing to purchase weluld do well he givice ma a can. as I Ow determined my pnees shall plea.. • Pan of me stock combats Is= • ••• 60 teat with Muth and Heir...clod. nor t dos SI aborany Num, Chafes; 14 pair Divans. . - It don hod resiognny Chairs; It mahogany Work *ands; • Inmart ahogany .Elocking Chins; le lop Dressing Varela.; SfaJtit W tp7fl;iirk Stands;', • 18 chewy Work Stands; Aldnryeady, Maple, Cherry and Poplar Wastes& et all dercriptlonst anal a large assortment of Common Furnitniw sad Chad., too numenonn to tnennon. frEW 'IIAttbAVANIK• HOUSE. JOSEPH WOODWLL,It Cormier ot ,Wood add. 2.1 sto . Pittsburgh, .110rAV1NOIrdriorn from Me did fiilll Of Wall.efic 11 Wood on the Ist 'of 'January, 1947. I - take pleasure 1 .I.llllllMleillg W . my friends in the eitY an d country, that I have °petted my new score at the shove named piece, tiering paretissed ray goods for cult, and made arntrigements with WIEDIEELEIWYEB in this courivy and In Europe to be coutantly supplied. 1 am frilly lireparedto Amok Hardware of all kinds. on u good tense end to lowan thy haute East or West-- hletcbuts nod others are respectfully invited to .1' twit examine my stook, tretere pureltasing elsewhere. 3l'vetitle=gud"Vr‘s; P tirr: i e -4. e .4 us, NI, File. Nailor's Swat, Couery, Edge Tools. ELII•E i., c o o. Lock. Latch., Sickles, gleythes..Butt /Imre., gcorwa,Uniou Factory Wanes. Saws Mahogany Elatai and veneer. and oil other articles with the Hardware bosuns. entail( ()ASSAM'S PATENT4ILDSTEAD. NOTWITHSTANDIN G (4 0 ) an infect:ad appeal:On Um this illvitall Sion of a thashunch !Becha, a rn. pray of the Cannel makers of this and Allegheny city, and their name/ ouseurtomershaveshownth entselves aI ove the vulgar piejudice spinet haw ineentiona, and they ki. Gamin'. Betriend the preferece, d amply tartan. a au.. ikarcia& the 601, strencW n , anmat e.tesiertt Bealead In use The fullowang testimonial speaks for amid— We, the anbccribera praetteill cabinet make h rs of the cities at ritt•bilrgh and Allegheny, Pa., do ereby CO tify that we hare bought the right to ta.ufactue bed meads With tlarram's Patent Fa.teotOglk, and coned. the same to tiny Potroltags veldt which we see acquainted. Jude' Lemon John PUBreve ' T B koang kCo Ruben Fireman ' J it Hanley Jame* I/ Bare John Liggett, Jr. Jas. Loiter tr. pot Lowrie h. sale Riddle k Drennon Than. Perky thigh II Wallace ',said Later Barasark. APClelland Hugh Wallace MO.. BOlllack • David Lukey For Rifikto to make and sell the above Bedstead& nlill: taternaric F trezZAbi, Patent. jojiitiraiitiiiiiiirs-ulitr-K. stAc4likk , 1) ...brerib.r. r.,..r.1...i a patent, Nay 16 1E46,1 r 1 Pre. Briek Machine, and Imams since then U./. 11 1 dr toted to Hatay, me wow prepared to .11. rights a. contract. deriver machine& to nor part of the ll Wed States. lite Marlon< ii devoonni to make Brick front erode elay, rind will make 313301 good toot firm beteg pert's,. sufficiently had to Marl, lap to the kiln; liars avoiding the earn. Wm/labor arm/ pan , t See ritzy Arylug and handling the Wick sit. Lain nodded. DIA SOIII , IC, alnairg, not Ilable to Maul. nOtol repair, and o,eonitriteled i hot a can be taken to piaeor. sod pot together wait great ty.thus feuds' g it' ,tremble, We aro now Lollar. ...halm d can Itiramht. ta nn there tiolice., roe • fall description wo 1r old refer to • machine now n ,nr,0,0,10l own trent .t Dill erect bow., near the W era end of Vaglitti street, where we shall be happy to explalii everytkaig conaected with tt to All who way call We have at prem.. author. Agent. MI traces to.ruddreya will ho P"'" W,K . j1V.1=1.:4, Mr NZIIg.N A Pe i: -re:4billOeiV Alt ialtirllitlGKlNlll4A- !: 1, , XTENSI V P.I.V roar -dyad approved during die pron is tyro yenta ,by the prtnt mai trod mumatacincemin the iCrt+ten4 country, and throughout the mirror ti( Penney:lrani. will be ready for debate) , ea the Ppeareg of Ntivarntren. The muter ail on Which ihr Irdorol.gtly end gape r tinily depend., to wlected by experienced me oars, ht.ght note Mat )1.4, where die di,royery wan Grit wade—the fosible matter, with whirl, it it imbed ded, iv carefelly wparaird They will be tberoachig horned and compactly prettacti b ) mutat n a ry, and na natemitention gill. try AleYors. Harley Jr. Co. the pm pnetwa, in all terspecrs to martin (Ilea 11C knowlcdre , l sopetiorio I let. It) mud or otlseto ow will be prompt! • eleva ted as applwamot to 3 sit an' SIM:LAPP - 3i: wk. Ken•inKton Into ti wk. NJ X W FOORTIL fATII.V.ILT aIAALIG/1.11. LI CONrrcrioN AKY AND FICli IT sif./Ral., will open on Monday; A pnl ark, War doors from 'Wood st, turd next lime to A P aye d . Peltin Tea Stork A splendid o n di e df Pettey Cake.Conteetionary. Frith, the , hash on die counter twirl. day; among gtkich are the Wk./au— ' Id.ariardis; POggd C.lte; ternera Itra.a; Paster, !pour du. l'eppey Nate, Jelly Volt,; A noo.of do. Mom... P. Puke; Binger Nuts; WM. 1 am1..:.e., er...vli.c., Federal fake, A. rs. Sugar do. Orden for lee Cream.. Jelly, Brides' Cake, Panel Ca,arcoirmary, kr, , he- coasted in a nooner une qualled to moll y .41 , eauty by any other establith• '" k l' re ' s ' irTl i re . 'itd.iTorlot. Hoak. he . manefserured solely from Whits Wheat Flora, mol .. from aildrags. every morning. _ _ __Spd _ ...2_O6D6F.W 6 - 1661A-V-IFBEI CLASS -CDThlClii, tunnesiib Let art ant. now who never :shaved below, And Ow., V, ht. Ji. r. • Snare orrys e'.. re the inner. f Is ethinne unit topertor ',acing contons..t tit hen t o / lice ot Me public,' Coot watt eunhJenr c ray that the t p ris , i In , 0f ,.. a . 1 i i L b , , p . t o ra v ,, e ... , els , ! y r r ib j a r: v . v . ?: it t . t.e ... 17: , t , color to playa it whimn the reach of alt.! have reduced tbe pries mw eitough us .Conan opf.timity to every person topes a a total maul juge tor themselves. yto, Gentle...lf yoa vrah for • nett, la serous ohne, on with your Jarman; cap, don't be ow lea a won't cost much to fill the. and, If you see not reader!. the mon . will be returned. sTErtur.ti DARIO:Tr Iron City Lard Oil Foram and Fancy,Soan Works, HMV kb rit. merit° Iron Cite Hotel AITIBLII ARTICLES FOR THYITOILBT— caI Nymph Soap: em ea of ao Eaatern Dounil docuirely of *amercing efficacy, tarrendering the .tin soft fair, so well as imparting I delicate matte hoe to the e atop/ex:an. • Also, 11aueP0 celebrated Ahriond Sharing Cream, which is now generally used by the farhicaable com munity in all parte of the United times. - 11.el's Depatatory Powder lot removing atiperflamm hatri and elm !MN highly I.aletiralett Virgetstaca .1 , 014 Hair Dye. a chemical Hiatt to enable persona to dye the, haw tostactlatteocaly, and to Clause sedge gray kale. whisker', mcsitichey, and eyebrow., to a beautiful browner black color. The above edictes are for aale. whulenle and retail, b y • B A FA 11NESIOCK A CO jelo roe front and wood. and aced and Elth Hs Itard.oror Gallery, Saddlery, rte. JOHN wmaxn, yMPORTER AND DEALE.K In Foreign and Domese 1. ne Herdwene,rotrald reape.fully minim his frt.. snillbe PHA, c generally, that he Is now nerve his Paring supply of Hardware, at the old stand of Walker .4. Woodwell. No A/ Wood street; which he willkapore of node most reasonable term. , Ile will he conthmally receiving fresh pupal'. direct from the Al !sealant... in receiving and thie country, which will enable him to compete with any establish ment, either East. We. Western Meech.. are Ironed to roll and examine h. Hoek before perehann [ elsewhere mar) GOpartnerinapr WE. lbe undersigned. have entered into Cripartner shlp for the purpose of Ifii/IN•Clillg Prodoce, Commission and Forwarding burble... under Dm style of onvir. DIoOREW lc and have taken the warehoeve, Na a Commpreal Row. Liberty Greet, formerly occupied Ity PD. W U will}Flor— where all business entrusted to our charge be P"'"l'lNlßTltdell'lTarf.o"ndu'edrl;.of Vliiladelitltin • THOS SinithGeld,Ohio FINDLEY , Finslagh,lllerch2:l ,l TIIOIIAI/ KIANDIELPY. the Isle 5010 of Gillet pie lk Kennedy, Looking Glass branelieturer and dealer in elneks,Coothr, and Variety Goods. keeps cowtnatly en bond, of hit 11WIlmanufacture, ever. deerriPtion D. "..t. DaltoCanY and Common Looking Glerres; 1.2 .1 amen Mower Toilets; plain and ornamental purtva . .t Damen All kiods of Cloche, Trays, sod Waiters, le Wu. or donor; Combe.Thrrade. and a genre) of Fancy Goods, wkolerale, entsll-edro gime on cind• Vettlars end others supolted's Charm, eilt rrinm, noditl by framer at New York 'priers. elytar - No 6/. enr wreal end Sib rm. DILUOR, MOIII.ER, Drees., ontiNdpnilteetw, N, W MET of Wood ttne„.4ll eillbbUlgth Vail lier etnly on hand, Dritte., Ifefte., 01., We...toff &r. • N.ll --Nyuirian'e prerropl ionr carrrallY ruonfolloa . rd from ihe bon inairrizi/ , m any lour of 1110 deter alßid. Mon, on nawrinwid of Perfumery; One Tooth Mir, undercuts BRldarf, Lc. Ay , which be will PH iOW EAGLE• COTTON WORKS. PITTROUU ,OII . MANE PACrJ RE COTTON. YARN: Condle-Wleke llauttlerg, Tog., Co & a. YARN, CARPET CHAIN, WARN, kr v., KING. -PENNOCK & Co ISOccesawrs of Arbuc o/ & Averyd PEI! or, CON lIINSIUNICII. 10Z.NFTI:11;ovmor A T ellerraTyll vriatiralVtaaTeTknowlofjrto of . a . ll in . .. persona of bi wz , itAlll:l i o 00ir,,,.::.,00wr,,kf7 1,1.../57,vic,,,:5, rrUr l n n c ° ll, it door. E. w! of t h ro innati,-01:oo. LIM /111 4 1 • CRANCIII mr.2od&wly•lP _ :A_lto_rory at Law RAGS WANTED.__ u",„, IKOOO eg,TkljtrattgYnM:px,rcu.inlitnt.ti he AJ' lways on hrnd, every denc_ription of Writing and W sprang Paper and CalorlostitiNmeolus simE Comer Penn atilt Irwi n .' meta f as, viNisu RUSE, Monthly !tn. '1a...Y.. 4 . y % =meas. . satiable for .re. "Muude.‘:ter. • Crum Nurser.. of S N ,88:848,Hkm fhb ("OLD AND SILVEIt WATCllES—Received att kJ - addition to my lured met ar Gold asd Paver Pal a., toe, watenee Imitable for Idtdiex and Gentlemen or the late.. and h•ndtasond rallefOn and of the best mandaeture—waryanted and for tale at very low mi nes. W W WILDON ZdaTo3l.. DEAL ER in Teimsninga and Varietill 'a Toino.,d Then, Ivory and HEIM coma., Wooen ands an Worsteds, Batton', Needles. Pins, Tana*. Braids, /se., No 63 Market 13n between pianuoid and ddi strict, 8 1 4 , o C It d . , and fur era . o a r t redoes i nt es, :it; 16 .6.4 See d there. Il e ggt Woad sttee. =mar of 6thattFr.,_.L._......./S7 S ti rlLC,K"____2-----nl All 'W/SCRP.AIII PILF.EZERS—Jast ree'd a l o ge usua -1 meat otlabnaaaV'exeelleitt Patent lea Cetus EFea• rem ealtable - fot Halals, BieSSlbillt. and analog Thew NLAP• i I rat' =77 - • t4llntaxlsllt MORNING, NU 31. 1 LITERARY INSTITUTIONS: PITTSBURGH FEM&LE lnkluStitution, under the care of ,Rev. J. ril 1. Comma sun Lan,. in which all the solid and or namentalbranelses of a finished eau-mien are taught ( A s I=s7a ' A. C r74 s : ( berweeend and 4th streets. -The Second Session will commence en Monday the Mb cif August, and it is =Plum that any who may design entering should be present as farc e pratlicable by Mu ume. They have Waled the 'services of Professor UllO. IIOCK as welcher of Music on the Piano and - Oultari wbo too well known'to need recornmendesion A COM - Went Preach teacher will be employed Pref. DINUIIAM will hare charge of the Department of Vocal glove. PrettSUblINSKl will hare direetion of the Artistic Department, and will give lesson, in drawing, sketch ing, arid painting, hong le °Wand water Wk.. rror. is a einnpelein teacher, and ham wroternendations (ono me first Men in Funaped the United 'Wiles Ile has also been a teacher in th e first testinations of the country. For terms apptzto the jILY: 7: — YOUNG ,ALLEGIIENY CITY. guns Institution ander the direction of Mr. N. W. StILTC ALF, is still opeo for the reception of Pupils F or.k.r. of gandasky.and Strswborry . sts Tb. Seeolid Session vrnicommenee on hinndaT,Scp, l'dh . . • Those 'designing to , eater will find it to their interest to do h 0 as one ice evening of the session as potsiblet thoug pupils will be received at,any acne diaries the The eervice en s of.eoripetensTeeebers will he Pleated for classes that rosy with. to receive instructions to Drawmg,Falnting and Stoic For particulars telative to the team of Instruction', tcro•, at.. consult CiTCILIZiot opply to the Instructor. r Allesheny, July Itl, IS, • . If : n ISM 5T110116,1 BOARDING SCHOOL' • FOR YOUNG RARITY. r No 9, Wautie yea Square,Plalladlolphlia . Fall Term of MI. Institution Ye11.,1 commence on I the Ist of &member. Information reepettimg character, ierses, OrtaY be obtained at lids Mice, or braPPlkcatiet , , he . : • 1e..10 Pome Pldawo. iiooKS; MUSIC, &C. v,-._--... - - ,- ..- , • ‘- ---,—,-,•--==="-----._ ---- VALUABLE, BOOKllosPohlished by J A V &ll P James, Walnut street, between Fourth and Fifth, ClnClitailitli . 1 GuisoVa Gibbon--Ttic history of the decline and, col of the Romeo Empire By Edward Gibbon, 1 Li t. A new Edition, revlsed and orrector:lo , one' - ; oul,precesled by a preface, and aneonapinied by note cranial and historical, relating principally:to the propagation of Christianity: by M. IN Gnmot, I Minister of Politic Instruction for the kiegdoin, at 1 France. The Kellen, notes and corrections, trans ' 'Med front the French exprealy lor t edition. ' With o notice of the Lde and character of Gibbon, and Watton'a Reply to (Alibi , . la .1. vela. imp. 1 rho. 111r73 page+. , [ Napier's PrninlYl 2 War—Complete. I vol. Imp. I Evo.tloo page.. Nelliesn'e Middle Ages, Chamberbli Bidni s alion in Seolland,-RoberteorVe Virginia and riehnk.ogliod, Romell's French and English War in AnnOriCO,ond Itambay's American Revolution. 1 vol rite. ; Lihraryoi kineliCan linOUll ) —Cnotonning Wee. noes from the best anthers on AnteniClO MOM, Biography , Travell. Couneerce, Statistics, tedious, Rogolutiooary Rattles. &e. he. &c. Also, Ante dotes, Poetry and Miscellamotia articlesb. 111estra ted with more than NO enginvinga. 1 vol. imp 11vo 6,0 Parse • ialriable . troiremal Pictorial Litirary--Coatanung papers on Tedium :objects, compng ura Nat Econ. ural History, Natural Science., Agricultore,it (any, Biography, Fine Arts, the .Orienuls, Traliets, Geography. Botany; Miscellaneous reading,,,lkei Ae. Y.'l .1 imp deo 640 . pp. fall sheep. The Family Meal:mai .I..ibrary—A Treatise mete the Prevention.ned Cure at Diacati. by verruca nod ' simple mediciees. New edition, revised'sod enlar ged with The addition of a Vegetable Materia Med. , ma, poionng out the li num,preparatterm'aod'd oom n , of our most valuable native n.edleal plants, iniLa math.° 4 Anatomy nod Phyaiology. i Illustrated with one hundred Engralings, ma of; which are colonel. By 'J a Norirood, NI D—Kel . page. Rm. Amman Flower Garden Compamuls—Adapted to the United States! by I:4lwmxiSayere,Landa ca i re and Ornamehtal Gardener. 13 mo, third edition, mewed, enlarged and illnatented. • ' , Palmer's Oregon, Itoaty Mountaina,itie. &c. • ' Family Testantert. octavo. with' and without , Polyglot nom., and Pealms in metre. . ' Rice and Piagme's Debate. Born 's Work. 'Lady of the Luke. (silo Rookh. Mare's Primmikem eon. Jot:Lode Coals. 'Mem. editotte of various works in pamphlet firm. . aree_ ----tifielVisiiiiii.iiliiiiiiii. i.iierl - 11 — ryi - 1. I‘ , TRATISE. Me m eet man and 4.>ine ol %Kane" by 'mown war *duple Medicines.. Now eFtion. I revised mid enlarged, with the eddition of a Von sod don I " ou'rOto U r onirlatttol7no.Le',TOreatni irks, I and as append., illustrated with Ilal engraving oes 1 which are colored. - fly 1.0. Norwood AL 111. . The Miami of the:entire work is to give the iii tory. hmotomistie syonmems. proem. and terminal of ..lmon on in a. correct, simpte end. i :eh ' . in k t o on pomade, tuned .o . One espornres i alt who ought. er any evens. to of welch the menu out of a dimase. in the terculnabon of welch human lif may be et stoke.. . . The treatment 110f110. by t h e genemllty,of pr tion• see, end Bond mostemeesstul, partmetaly ln th DM , ememEndesnie ida the !lamb archFeebler* been detailed . with reach mieetenem •ndl tare. The F• 11111, l'iltdifill,Plnglry,l{ l• befit rtd,43l , ItiVell 'more general seusfaenon Mari on; book of the hind es tom. By Its temple soul pen:pima:en dirertioni,ots ..piat reemd ten ana their mope, doses, any nee of mai mei intediereee. will be ...hied to treat malty mere , of Clnens without ese nermeas el 0011101 in • passtemo We have been °Melded to aced of families, +rho hem et their houses that. could they non proton another hope of the work. ten times the tomatoeo uld not purchase h—having frequently saved more Audi in O. year. ill its We. Agents wanted to sell this work—n 'Pierer cominte. m allowed. J. A„A 1.1 .P. JAMFah. mediae. re , I • Icit walnut sit bet. Lk and sth, Uloctomalls , -- BMW - 06011.11. -- Bitter, A the Coinginent of Pere wal a piSlinsine lL ry rime of the civilization of the Ince*, 11y Witham Prescmt. In tool , Mernolfool Use Life of RetiCliarjei, Fenian M• 1): 1 Edited a telectiort f ro m hts writings aroleorresondenee- I Edited by Rev. Wre.Carns- The Amenem edition ed.. bed 1:y Itishop Mel Lein. 1 "Three thousand tome. ef doe valuable memoir were ciieuleted inEngland in • few dash afailove thousand Wen were prettineW The Binary et sands; tlehoolatandol Rellgiee Ede. cation Mate the club. tames, by Lewis G. Pray. Roseliky's Bolden Treason,. The Christian Remeinbreneer. Wettetfirell Enoh Dictionary. large edition. Ile aluive for sale al the Bookstore of .G _ __,.. ELIAOTT AEN LIS I jy2( - 11 l mutes .t hat.ard and Ilk . . BM. !ftittocd°ll.o.M.Olbfrr 7 ... - xk ~....,„ ln Use by the President of the United Mates. in ' the Departmente. aod both Doom of Congress, by the VBevertior andLegislantre of I'enn.yl emits, snit 11111111 Gr• laus highly fronton e institatiolo. content:, sod indi vid hula flu , . .' s ink dever more Enroll . front the p , ienmproves n I the paper, and corrodes steel pens loss then any oth o er known. .• Fur pernianesee of color these Ink. hallyinionl, if rue name., all other., for wise the color is once rot on the n.oprs it will remain unchanged for we ,• Just received end for sale et et...aides to suit pur r hums, by J 1: READ Found, near Market street SCllool.lltrOES , ke. Deistic Seriesof Readers, oz.l 2315; Panders , .do .do I 2 34; Col.b's do do 1 I 3151 Preemies do do 113 4, Eleirne, Ememon, Comb and Penmen'. Aliitanetins; kliteltell,Oiney, Smith and Goodrich's Geognifinesi" Snell, Kirkham end Bullion's Oteounara. The LOWY& weldable Scleaol Book. tamale very low at wholesale and Weil. A bso—A large aviortutent of L.. Cep Wetiue Pa per end Gawk Book* of ell sires 101 l an d half .1. ELt.ityrr a. Etic 1.111 jvi market st. between 3rd d lilt • .... 11111T021,1" OF OEXloo—Just . pail' lied, by J it.t.. lII' J arum Clneinneti. .._. TIM m v izmaty OF stEXICO: her civil ors and ColonialmConquer,l Revolutionary Annals, from the period 'ii the Splilli M A Conque r , O, hi lbe poment mel Me: include* an mem:emir the Weewidi the United State' or Carers and Military Achtevesnents.• Up Phil Young 11.11 With Iwo Copporpler Blom and re. limo swings of Plans of Pattie tiniandr. to. One woe 606.0. of Ave hundred old aiaty•lber page , jell . __ PIANOS! PIANOS! • 11 -EN RV KIXIIER, Dent, ie rattent at J W Woodeteh' b 5 Third titres Nouns may he et:owned at all hours, and the sm.._ her will be the,a from 11 to A. AL end t l 4 os. P. hl , each diy._ PtastJA, October 21,30 Ws, the undettigned, wool& intim the citizens ri Pittsburgh and vicinity that we into appointed Mt. 11. Kirber sole Agent the Western Pennsylvania, for the sale of our Pinno.Frinet, from whom they may be oh mined stout own is ve , Kcal prices. IS LIN NS & CLARK New i'orlt „Sep 1,1E46-oreArtf ri-likilllCßAls TililfLON"....—Joiliaston k. Stockton 1..,1110the just received postrutthot M ajor tie net al Zach• cry 'ray.. by A Dolly, antler th e loaned.. auperita tendenre end d i scene° of tho Undersigned Office es, from sti 04001 sketch token from Itie at thintergo, by Capt. Ethan, A.D. C. We,atte undothigned. conaidet llogr) , * Parma of Genetal Tayg i r&•= a x li trtf7.javy . Um. A. Idtbakr.. A. A. 0. MA M.. 0., It.t Topographical rtigineeti Ilmia , ImonnoLL.U• t‘. N. , Y • jell ".Price, :ID rentc Boodon And Pew 'fork Plano. ' - JOHN U. MELLON, No ft Weed at, IMlThen received and offers fot wile— One splendid Rosewood Piano Mlle, IVith'l3 =three, Iron frame and new scale. :Dade be Michelin", of.Uourin. - Ono etyma Rosewood Yisno Cone, with 6 octavo . .1. and i ro n fume. Made by ehlekennlts _, , One elegant Mahogany-paw rot —made lay Galt A.C.o, New York. • • i Met stale will bet sold si manortat Tees pekes. Also, for rite as above, a second h nil Piano Fo 19rte omit "octaves . : . ._ • le ;;;;: IT of . Rose•ln.. l sod hlahoig• ri. k ‘ P - " plum " hetfun,Ptcooti with owthlic Frinswiltwt fw , x,grand hetioa , Ptaww, an' h 'n4 r ?: . ' kh9. itottegrOa Pianos with Calemnies . ceAlcil7raLll7l4% thdsehosent,fini.baklinilriet "' n'd for . ‘1" " wCitrt street tUrt.awyelth VITABHjNOTON.A7-4D gig OKNEStALS, 41l Rowney. TtonlyagTdaditol:a4.o,4 1.46 con_of of toriret oad_3ni F!RZSCOTrace.q.....ifpN.QUZSTthecirF PERU-11isiog .of oisninowoo of the Inc.a by WM, P rest on, couespoo• ding member of ibo Preach lostiOxie, Of the loyoL Aoodeniv of Jon reed and for 4.10 by ' JOUNIRON &13TOCKTON .: - .. q5 , • ' • • • ' : . 'co , ...k.211 1 .!-.—" ic.72tt u prot r y lt=fBi r ri:zr. tad end tot sale at tbe hba tad itstiOriori lootebnolo of 44 11, : • i• , :.1010MCIN li STOCKTON • r • MANUFACTORIES .DUQUESNE : SPRING, AXLE, - STKEI. 'St. IRON WORKS (SOLRMAN; IfAltill&N,ACO., havino g completed them New works, are now prepared , ownsfaa. tare every , deabrip:ion or Caseit and Mimic spring. Iron sale.; America. Oltsterf spring and plotter Stel, and &listen* of mall paste and maul Iron. which they offer for !sale on lieral terms. EMMY Wank.. No. 43 Wood street; *he b se they atm keep inland a complete and handsome asMrunent of L at c h Nat trine mugs, Carriage hardware, malleable a and Iron, • • C. R.& Co, hare made armaments with Maim., bay & Crabs, manufseutrem al Shovel. SPades Paras i te., and will keep constantly on hood i caul article made by then, Dealers are respectfully cited to cellos price a and termslY ill be mode s PITT bLACIIINE WORKS. AND FOUNDRY, Prrt•111114311. P.. 301111 'WRIGIELT i CO. A RE prepared rebuild COMM and Woollvala chin. ery of every doeription, soh ao—C. ng Ma chines, Spinning Forme Sperederv, Drawltg Pmotes, Raiders, Heads, Wanors,llers,Soot • lea n NDlsvotn Framea,Loono, Card Winder. So., Wrought n Shafting turned all sizes, of Caw Iron, Petite* and (lager latest patterns, elide and hand Lathes. and melee( enkindle. Caatingeof every description farnished *nation no. Gee. -, Pattents made to order for . Mill Gearing, Iron railing, Se. Soma Pipe for heating Factories. Cast Iron Window Sash, unit fancy Comp generally. Orders left at the Warclentrie of J. Palmer a. Co., Lib erty street, will have prompt sz attention. • lba Eneltslog. Bell Cot/ K Moorhead a Ca.. GE Warner, John Irwin ft Sons; Pittsburgh. C II Warner; Steubenville. _ • Joni CARTWRI TMPORTER and Marnsfsenner of Cutlery, Surliest X and Donal Instroments. Saddlers and Tihnere hand lools,Taylore , Perot Swam ar, P.c. Also manatee tures Trimes.Supporters, , in variety. J. C. hlumfacturer and Importer of Pen. Pocket and T•bleCoderYi Razore,Scateors. Files, Salo, Tools, tc; looser to V 3 ROOD STRE ET, Pittsbargb, second door!". low D i, and Alley, Pint Pock e t r eNeeiovevd oar a Kn ive s £ o Work , Also Rodgers' and Whoetenbolins i FINE CUTLERY. Elnotts,Rdlgers`lVede k Roteher's Roots, Scissors, Razor Sums. te..lisnissicus•and Wire 1 win • GUNS; RIFLE., AND osToLs. eike. Colt's od Revolverd,lPowder Fluke Shot Belts. Game Bar; Walker's b. Coes. Nitre Per. c e ssion Caps. Dot and Harding Knives. • Tools, such no Calliners, Dividers, Plyers, Nippers, :Hand Vices Squares, Roles, Woes, thus, Spoke Shrives, Psoksand Dos Wire and Iron Gulps, Math. oinallea!lMlTlMMlle; Am, in eery great sanely PIP Jobbing and repairing neatly and punctually done. • Emig, co.panxissionip Ncrnoz. F, oaf 0 1 , tlnoeaber• I ►nee sk7:llf4TlTegrintr; . Dtrctma pertnenhiP orster , slto and kern of Stephens ST:enberger fr..Co, at the Anchor Iron Works Wheehng Va., for t h e, popes. of tnanalartannir Iron and natle of every dere npuon. .. ... E. W I 1 N B , E. F Somersaults. J. ETOCICTOI 811PRENS, SHOENBERGEIt Ii CO., • ANCHOR IRON ' WORKS, Viluding, Va. Munfacture all kin di of boiler. sheet, Le Befog sod well, A El steel citrate swings and ogles COO. newel whit Mosentairgees Old Juniata Works, we can offer acute of AMMO. Iron (branded Sboenbergerl equal to arty made in theconowv. Alt of Which will be end ache Pittsburgh prier.. Warehouse of the Works cotortilurtie and Water Streets. mill ALLIMOIF.NY OHN VENITIIIOAN BLIND WAD FACTORS. ' • J A. M • IiTAKES thin lll eibal to ' it une" Me friend. and the, poi.. at tugs that his roma * (vituperation. ea Me East .nle ' of the Diamond, Alleghrity, where a cool stun supply of Winds, ervariou colors 11 /34qUalolica,meetiMukolly keplollbsod. also at N 0.5 Wood at. Pitutborgh, at J.& 11. Phillips oil clods 11 , O.Grouol. ewiesta Shutters mule - to order in tic best style. Blinds repaired at itte shoront moire. N.' EL thin Blinds wilt be put op. vitamin any .ad . ,- ...I !Sere.. le that they ran lie 1.00 , ed im • o. M tiea in fo-, of tire or tor IMMLing, and web...alike alit 11 a crew dr e ambit yawl awl y . A. IP OLTDAI, Ikli and Bniss Found. 4 , . et. haw relmilsoodummenred Fo os ot, ' hi.old wood, where be will be ',trued to see We old ear.sieris sod effittUln. ' Church, Stetwalwat. and Irells of every site. flue 11/ to MEW pounds, cut Roos patterns of the mots pproved models, and warranted w be of We ben 11101.161.. Aillltral Water Pumps. Cyanic., litelfieg, A.c.• kr °saber with every variety of Brass Costiou, if moon ed. to and finisard in the Aare, 1.13 . A. F. is We sole propectur of Mures Arrornou Meru, se Willy eelebrottai for the red...- .no( stetian in I mihincr,. The Boxes end Comm sidne son be mule( h. ai all time. 11.11-11 MM. McCULLY M. Ce. IMITATION CROWN GLASS. 'ISAVINtr recently made very Important Improve. SOL =lots in the mattafactore of the above untie, and adopt , Wilatut improred eastern WM-cloves for lot a:l=4l..lroom nowprepatod to famishuanieJerif Or tn. d'ot7dr iinnr.`,.,,,=;zZrz.cL,T4:;.6',-.1 . 4,.,......... I , e are ono CM) . cownevely enguled in the , mono' flew. , of Lawson Whadoweltu. an Drogue.. rods sod Basin of every description. Dealers geursity ate Invited to call Wood w:eine ipr the owelves.nt our ware house. N 0.13 street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 0ent1 . .....---... w .• W. AIXrOV; ---'— ' PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE WORKS, Nog SU and 546 S L R woo, Inner dm Ca.l. AllyW AN'S on h Hadd a made warder, a large vane ef Marble,Pier,Contre Tolima and Bateau Tops. Tomb Stan , Moooments. te ; all which,' being sobmad of the chneest marble. and taittednuted psinorally n' witebteery, will be weld lam (or rash. N. 0 ‘ . I enc. usiong to porch.. Mantels, ore informed Wet t is beaCclorlbenta.mary Mr them to go Eau, os I earl furnish them with au article in all respects as good. and (freight, insurance. lee, rankle. 'cheap as they -us perchue them far intl. EMI. Cell and ...... _J,SI COPPills IFIZET ISION. AND TIN WARE MANUVACDORY. No II Market street, Pittsburgh, Penns: mile subscribers having made great Improvements 1 in the construction of their COOKINO . STOVET, . u m it ilbrfgersortia, betiding Steamboats to nail with Reek Stoves, %Tiger a g rire ' v ' esr ot;;Z;Nr y tt l d 'e :?( I Copper. Tin sod Sheet Iron work necessary in furnish. is g a Steamboat. • We also make to order on the shortest notice Sal Tubes and Climber; Copper work, far Steam Engines and every variety of work to one line. IrIS B EN N ETT & BROTHER, 1 itmeNswAßE bIANUFACffUItk:IIB. lilnalnighaus , Mime Piktrattaxefhri P. , * iictrtiwwe, No. 127, 'Wood street, ilttsburgh, WlL,Leonstantly keep on hand a good assort ment or Ware, of oar own manatactare and superior are Wholesale mtd counuff ' fder. chants are respectfully . invited to call and ex. amine dor themselves, as we are deterined so sell ekeoper than hose ver heron, been offer ed to Om pab 'kr"' (Ude. sent hy nisll,secoot partied by the cult or I env tsferenee. wall Mmonintle anendeil to. febgs.. dttul v 'No tanivri, 0. A GARDNER ft Co., would inform the trade that 11. they are now manufacturing the beat Hutt !huge <seemed., In the United Stales. Al this is oar pr ple business. we Intend to send out ae completh art as nets ns <en possibly be, rattle. Those engaged in the hardware trade, we think, will find it to their in terest to see our Bulls All Orders promptly refs AC &needed . A RDNER it Co. to of Sth s resin sit COTTON sya4----01.1.101 NACIUNEUT T eie t. ' d rtiibee p rsr.atierendo: mate t all kiu4 of Cotton a nil Worillee tlehill. on the moot reasonable tens.. UNetatuldr<.ad W. W . will IGII noe pr TMAN DALZELL l with ompt attention Luock street, Allegheny City N 1. Wightman, who has patent for a wen , important improveme ut on the Card, and who has been engaged for the last fifteen years in Note or the most extensive and successful Cotton Factories of the wen, wilt give his persainei ithealioll to pultiugyp, to the set ildhelicel Of tse collet Md, ail machines Made at this esuddishmens. janthltv Wm P Young. C Hoven: F Plunkett. Toys°, inaggrag & PLONICKTT, FLINT CLASS MANIWACTURERS, WAFF:BOUM Nos. 63 %Voter and W 4 Pro street, Pittsbaralt. The oattinifuclurvd by as is arar..l rqull to anti to rbe eouniry. All orders will receive plumpi 011entiod and filled on restrionalik. terms. Alewhatits and °Wets yisiting the ray are in vited Wean before parelowitigelsowhere. (dila alr../011 /11 . 117`T IRON WORKS. * nd Nails, Shovel., &e. &s sinea . . t nor new W art40e.. ,.. N 0.511 Wttlet turet, near n at the ON Mad, MahlanCel , 74.1ra.ali.:11tnatlY :Zr n eit adattions the Rolling Will, all ‘"".e*'lk Shiod"'llYt.AFF. LINDSAY tC norA BIRSINCUAN TACT FACTORI. OAIIIPUELIs & CURB& '"""-""'" or FA 0 BRADS, FINISHING NAILS, ° HOOK IROIrASIL'oedOP:PEnHOT NAILS, Joni Pattern Makers' Points, of every atieription °Nes No. Y St. Charles Hotel, Third street. Plttstmmh.. PEITSUUROD XL STEELE. WORK FAOT9RY.S D SPRING AND AAN Mae MR. JONISCS & KA NUFACIVREttS of Spting• sod Blimt Eked. Plohgh :wet, Stool Plough Wog*, C.Loh ood %pngo.llanunerodiMn I s Itt blaileable ri CaulneOuld Cour h T.lumungs 'enmity corner of Ron sod Front streets,pihuburgh.P. - - - Jamul F. LsAus. P FLINT GLASS Ii6TAJ3LI6SISSYST. itULVA NV tr. LEDLIE mane tael ore and ke! p eon. sunny °aimed Gm nioanled" and Plata Flint Giamatti, in all ita varieties, at their Warehouse cor ner of Alarkevand Water meets, Pittsburgh. r %troika continuo mockl operation, and:see am co Oa mma ly adding Moo. which enal.le• as to fill older. with promptness. Parehapers are respectfully solicited mean and est:nine Priem and term.. myludle n o-rairrisiatsuir—The'munlried 4-1 um associated lopther ender the mars and Mlle of llay• Billey,Ssr tha potplo!e Iyallsarstss gessee Thy Good* and Grocery bestow, gnsh le inform their friends and the public generally, Joy grill keep on head it all tine's good astioelmeatot goods In their lice. be Rohl wit -slasido 91 Mil ea as pod terms as they eau be matted shaisrhs.. • - lyl! „ 1201lbeny MEDICA RAISING BLOOD And Consumption, Pain in the Side and Nicht Swam, Asthma, Whooping Cough.ralpiuttion of the Ile., Liver Complaint. Brooehius, and all diseases of the throat, loon and liver... Meg by Slim.- . man'e bßealimg_Balinua. Roam Wood sad Contamption. Mat, MILNE, Builder. in Dmoklyn, was attacked with raising blood, MlN:lived bra cough, pain in the side. and all the usual symptoms or connimpoon. Ite employed two of the best tykysicians; they did him-tot good, and told him he COULD NOT LIV}- flooring of Me wooderial cures perfermeil by Sher man?. Balsam. he sent et o'clemb at night to Mn. Hayes, 130 Fahomm., ad got &bottle; it operated like a Mourn. mopped the bleeding and cough! Dome lie had taken one route be was able to he about his at It had SAVED HIS ÜBE gilt dangler. rmiding at IV Mettle Avenue, ems aunt it. ' MOO Ann :Automat Willimosburch. living in Tenth , near South Poordt-m.says-4hat she bad been troubled with a backing rough, and pain in the ebest,for n l i, rp time, which at lest became - so bad that site was obliged m give up tier school for more than a year. She en commenced taking the AlLHealing Balsam; which woo alleviated her symptoms. She is now futrecovering, nd hat resumed her laborious occupation rm• teaclier, ,4 YEARS. Mr John O'Neal, 10th arena and Slst st, ludered with a cough, raising of phlegm and pain to his Mde. He could get NO ithLIEF rid he tried the All Healieg Balsam, which drove the pain from his side, allayed the cough, arid boaught the Mtwara 'upon the Sliffi.te; and before be bad taken three bonles,was entirely cured PkUrsty and Conampiion. • • • Mrs. Badges, a lady upwatds of 70,:re•teing Si Sher• td. has for yearn been untied to at ot Pleutisy, Raising of Blood, Cough. Shottness of Breath, Pain in het Head and various paps dr her body. Her friends believed her PAST RIMOYERY. The All- Healing Balsam mitered her at once of antler alarm • Ing symptom...rid shell ow able to attend totter work. Asthma and Whooping Coueli Mrs. Lucretia Wells, at chrisueisu,L Beals, tn . la Denesiyist, Wm H Yoonsp,:3 Walnut•st, know the the value of this great remedy. Ask for Shuman% Aitillealing Balsam, and see that his written signature is en each bottle. Price OS cents and SI per bottle.. Be Sharman Worm . wad Bough Lorerigee sold u &lora• i 'Delp _ld Matt 103 wboirdair and irrtail by Wm. Jbekoie, at hi, faint Malicia. Wareham **Abbot sad Shoe Stan, No str ED Liber- ty .t, head 0(.19.1 streetifitubugh., rex* el prr b. 1y1741 Ur. ,110.112PSONIS COMPOUND 111(11IIP OF 1 1 TAR AND WOOD NAFIITtIA.—The Portland (Me) Advertiser says:4,Tbm remedy has been snore successful than any Medici. we have ever known for iu nuroeleas Cure. in Conturoption,dstinital Bloodo•in in the Side and Breast Bronehitts, Arthnor.Obsttoote Coughs, llostseness; Sae Throat, Palpostion of 11w Beam ta Looping Cough Croup, Nervous TTCMOI , ,A , ludivideals of the Ingham respectability dos e ity be at ample usumony to tts 'towel and armory in this class • f • beams Amopg the terriumnials lathe yahoo( the allover:nen. eine, are several nom distinguished physics:la of Plan delphia. *lead the following from Dr. %Dung, Or anneal oculist. Frttinactrism, Jan. 18, tax:. Ilaviaa used my produce. ass well as m toy awn family, `Thompson,. Compound Simmer Tar and VI, wad Naphtha,' I have no hessuition in staying thas is is the heat prepostsou of the. hind inure for personal offering (roes Coomuption‘Cougb.,Colds, sod ell affesmous us the Throat, Dreamt, ,sopreiralear aK dim reason,f the year. • a Wye onsa,w, o, I# Spruce A We have feels wisluo a few Mays the person who gave the following Certificate. Ile rmuains well, being Pet fectly cured of pat di...ter - • P.llll.otiaLaUto, /tummy 7,1317, From • sense of gratitude,mal a doubt that the red may have resource to a scaly e medicine. 1 would stale that the benefit I hove elperimmed Mote ate of 'Flsompson't Compound llsyrup or Tar and Wood lhe Naphtha. Far revend Stan l have beep mil. , ted with a distroming forting coach, at compass led won great oppren , isur god Jarmo' breado wah a ran o/OMo of tiglsorem at Use Wiest. Meowing asea tet lly olornsed, a Pseud who had iml , l much lienetitird hy medicine, everyrecommed me to try Xdid ro, and to a very stroll time y alarming as mpmu fismopeisreds ray r oug h cea ses iMIII4I. tree, all 0pp111.04111 it oie, say rough ceased, nod In a low days I was tibie Otli and ahead soral torsions* MM. Ally Mutes c a rti ng will lie cheerfully given the atneted, by carting or sotscrolence,. JOB. In nous sr. MeNIANA:i I V. "Flti• lavalastite medicine is prepared only by ANC. N F.W t DICKPOni,xII NR earner of Y. WI aad Spritre Philadelphia. hold in Yinsburgh by I. 1V11.00N., Puce retreat% or It perigees.. ' CA IlTlON—Hearare as the tuany - roonserfmm 11111 rre no e •llot., The auscrupoloo , are ever ready is trete .: the unwary. ,cO.lll I sag-Y.1164f ASTOILIZeOIeat:, LILIIMAN EILT—A Blessing! A Miracle !! A Wonder! l• —To ewe Disfigurements of the Skin, Pier plea, Freckles, Sonburo, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Pore [leads, At:, she. Four years ago I•st Aognn, the- capital of loaner sensi *cowshed o consespressee of a hierosery a ode by so !ohms Fbissmix Many d.obled —ls seemed al mo st an inspossibility that anytbiall made hy the h al Inns. coat.' hove erials t , ltgolar Powe,. a. rho elmreml by Antonia Vcsprini for Iris iovension .]luny ille.sed Ito. and. hie inveosiomm a humbug, lurd. sloll 1011111 foolish 'persons without. Diring do die some rolw,l al Much, after testing it in the hospitals, the Medical Se. Met y of Posit (the beat chensisla rutin worklldelivereA the following report to llignor Vesprinis We have now usbortely and carefully eXamioed We singular soventionof Vesprlni. We Lore analyndlta c w=l= not P tes .. ; o b " I ‘ 4 ‘ .4 0 Ita lia o l l roapi se a great blearing. • wonrful reales dy tor any vsteinro4l. . o,llkurrismus td the skirt. Ili. inveittoi we ow: philanthropist . . wirering maiskind (Simed) ( READ T 1119; From the inventor himself to the present petetor. Falls. Nov. Pro 4,1E140 In wesidersti of the sem of SLOW, I have dorot. ecd to Mt. T. Jo - raiding intim city of New York. N. A., the whale pewees of awnfarturing, together with • statement of the inemdients einnposine my Ito" •an Chemical eart. He id manifseture a Mr sale in tim rata only, tiel imoe the mistiest' of toe, mine it•loites , Italian Chemical Soap.. Wawa: Ileay J. Holds worth. ~Iffliffttmll,k, JACKSO N, 'ANTONIA YFSPRINI 'Patent Medicine 15 13 2citita i se by lla Liberty stt, " h b 2sd ' of 0 % oode the ins/ of the 164' ;Boot •• let fflic only place in I . :abash an where the OMINE he All others ere Counterfeit. - • r - Tlj:: L."-----lAr5 "ureic-0 We have been Weaned by Mrs Rom °Secure pea' famed on bee,hyprs Jeyeas's Alteratlye, which proves its ansenotity.over every other remedy of the• kind. Michas leen ordinal bathe lion sixteen years HHCROSEA or WainSWLINGS , atended with nlcerainns and eefolia : tion o EL f various bones. do• 1 ring which*me many piceahave been &schemed from I the {meta 'bow or the cranium, from both her aims, wrists nod /Medi, wad fray both lege, and from the left les oral boneisandftoot the right knee, besides pada ateen on other Pans of her person, which have baffled the skill et a amber of larMert eminent physiciwe of our cit.-doing most of the time her suffering. have been en's - milting and deplorable. About threesamths eines she was Induced to try Dr. Jayne'. Alterati h ve. which bar had en astonishingly happy effect upon a, by removing all pain ems swelling.. .Ind cansttge the diet , . to heal, while tithe tame time her sweat health has became completcHscslored, at that she now weighs lbs more then else did before eh. awmeneed the use of this truly astable prepaion.- {P a Eve. Poet. For farther lawman., inquire of Mts. Rose, No. M Filbert Si, Phlledelpkts - Paseo in Pittstiorgit, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, .11 Fourth a near Wood. jrs ..-Stuositose teeth 1•70 - alinriitlote - YoMahom skin Is dark and sallow- Yoe,whoire hair m harsh and whey, Rusly,dirtyred or fiery- You, whose vile offensive breath Vadat:ant is 'u putrid death- Yea eoold have 1 boy, aim pr girt- T es white as wawa pearl. • Mreath • Ivey Meet, and eurticle • Pure and white and sroooth end bewufel, Acid hairroft.alky,dark ash., • By reading what ts said below. • READERS. soy of you cilia hav ethe atone by (mind this is nothing but math.) using a 3. Wale ofJones's Co. ral Hair Rettorative-a oa lessor Jones's Amber Tooth Paste-end 4s cake of the gewine Jones's Italian I Chemical :Nap. The artier% cost bill little, and you S awned Mat the following am their real The quahuee tooth paste gives the breath • sweet odor, wi. 1 teeth, and presetves the teeth, fte. The hair miff al know to be the mat exquisite thing ever made for dres sing. beaunfying, and ceasing the guard , of Iteicood the map, (get the genuine Jones's Soap. suitull will cute 1 all croakier, freckle., Sec, and in th e dark yellow whiteeleer and fair. All throushings are mid (only) et W JACKSON'S Boot and eboe time nod - Patent Medicine Warelaussefit Lihefty m _ RSTIeBILIOUS PILLIL T ONO experieneches esteblethed them Pill. on the Ls basis of their own me rite, ant they bare tat eu their place towns the menden' medichosof the V. S. 'Their unfailing acovitY, Tel mild amitioutt. bevy falderal them fuvoritecapeeially.through the West nod South. Entirely free from those oeloterinus istardients ere so ept to produce Piles, by indrat limning slicer.. pealed use. they set pleasantly and decidedly upon the symesnorionving all billions humors, and leaving the !mama in a heektiful random.' It anyften be genetally knolni. got to nevertitelece an important Mel. that Many of the newel VV.I now rat renown toc, bah mineral andvegetable, bring on Me moot obstinate constipate. lifter thee base !spawns. II A Fahneneek's Anti•Bilinus Pins, hue. mg none of them ballot ingredients, can warty he ie. lied upon to prollore the st beneficial effects, and pier tlemomde ate reedy now t e trar orioles. to their k rag Mern pm.. 41 and sold by 11 A i7AIINESPOCK &e.t.a Firs( end Wwd: also. en GM end:Wood set Jell DR TOWN:aI:NUS composind I.:enact of SA ItSA• PARILLA.. Wonder and Bteesing of the Age!! Tlit. Rama is poi tip in neat bottles six °Mee cheaper. pleseauter. and warranted Wuparior n cal mid. it cures wahoul'aintiting, purging, sickening, or debilitating the patient • " 'The eg r et the sno superior& of this Seesaw rine sr ali other remedies is while It eradicates dime.. a real nil body. It umd all di hi the areal and parroanent enre of sill dimaes among m an Impute sum of the Mewl. or habit of the eye- JOHN snutury & N.. 14 and In Front ow, Duns Fousmata and alas Fn. a .11 a tea cast from the lawslmplored `p at and warranted equal to soy Also, dia. (laminas, itnahed if otdered, MIS F tine Tat up promptly and no ?amenable tenno. not Pidly • - - IV. —III principled nornanr have I.'". out (or 1"'"'i"".. a medicine in tilt rat, rho copied our berets. and pot P _ a. 0.. wn. rivs . pe,l tonnes. See tbateacb bo ne h turn of tt P Tovoire . nd. _ • .I.'oi rate by R P. St.LI.I. .rt. , t role agent Po Alletbeny eounty,3 57 Wood greet., between Tatrd and Zyout4rTh Wkedesais Drag Warehouse Removed. B. A. FAIIRRSTOCK. i Cu, . HAVE erected an exteurive Warehoure On the river • Of WOOtt,ittei *mew, to retteh they hoe yeentteed their Wholmlo haentetr, w ere they erl alWaye hate on hand let eitellyiro arhortment or a the armlet in their :inn, to.erhiett they invite the aunt Lion of the pahlie. • • The DMZ bastneel Orin becoadseed at the OLD no of fibroid Wood els , airs . . IL,' EDICAL NOTICE--A profe.eionat arrangensent LYS baring beta made betvreeoltrr. epee/ and ltrook,, cans and messages will be reeefied at that , tertteeltra Tbey still Wail at the Office of Dr. Drooks,Third rt. Peek's handily, horn p till trd'eloelt,•. lA-, nod a: at pei,s °tin; pp ee , pb,m street, from ttll 3 reelect. v. ~ , . 1 -. . Jeladtat ,i , trTl 'alboeriber rectums the settlement of all Loo ee mis dues. bia Ifs, talbradate•.. .-• . . r " i. 1.1.!". -- 7 AA ---,--__ SARI:M% tbe.Dedb mdea Dr. l i n s 'nm ape n.P., to eltber rbastar,/ , ti= or. Ha" andoves eve woes llori th l sP'';,l_..._...__...Aira =7:4:Tirl, oular AnootATlp.,ssunr—Jihnys as hand and p. !zit mot __kl ...„- 2 4 .. . = ion& Aram i tilt ply. i •N ctmilicer i p o gAzzEr i z o k . , T. . . - - • . , , N. YORK ADVERTLSEME • • RUNT PROOF IRON FOR ROOFING,-VINDOW SHUTTERS, it. ri illE at:literi te. beg to cattalo atiention of all than 1 interested la roofing, to their GALVANIZED TIN ..• PLATE, and to ter time) . adVlLlllogel , entire they ' yotteeita over. all =tette and other subetanc . es barrio u.ed fo. dna pabeenn,lantseesing aetletTtit..l"Mr.lf‘h and kerne., of iron without ita liability to Inn, knetag MEMEN=l3l',==l i Famine. They are also lem satieta to expansiog, • std contraction mat sudden changes of the atmospbete ban common Tot Plate; tall, Zile, or any tithes 311.121 pow-used for roofing. and consequently loam much better and tighter roof. requiring far leas frequent repair, whilst the first cost is but a trine atom. The subscribers would also call the autumn of al dealers and wetter. In metals, us the many other pat. poses to which Iron thus protected, eau be applied.— In general terms It a applicable to &Daniel.% of iron which It Is desirable to mount from the action , of the, atmosphere.. And, they would especially call the at, &cation of thorn interested inTELLGHAPIIIe LINEN, to then Galvanised Wire, which is now almost !Mae.. ly used In Europe,and whiehansnrers every purpose a conductor or electriaty, costing ordy Mamma half at mach us e topper, and possesstrig equal Marsh:ll - with that MEW. Having lats/y erected works in Um city forthe pur, pore of galvarusitig tuts, spikes, balm onreAto., they • will be able to Aunts ny article which may be dem. Asuppli of . I: esimanitfamanid litlEurope,l band,from 16 lo 3t , wiragtth _Re• . GPO. B. MOREWOOD Co Nos. II Ithul 16 Miser al, NEW' VOME. The P. , lent RIR* gar this smelt. has beta wavered for the Oiled Stat. as well as Great Britain, imedother Earopeith coatarsesoual all legal measures will be m ime to prevent ally infringement by impala:lot or oth erwise. • 0r47-l7 Wholesale DragMrareherases - __. In THE CITY OY HEW YORK. 12 • A. EARN a: STOCK & Co., No. 4.9, John st. New York, offer for sale a large and genera, assortment of Drop and Medicines,,Dye Paints and Oils of every description, 'ostrich r.Lry are prepared and determined to cell low. Country Merchants and Druggists an, requested to call and examine their articles. Orden assented with faithfulness and despatch. B. A.Fahaestockhe Weradlago constantly on hand. • •13. A. Yohnecock, • . B. L. Yahhestrick, i.Pittsborgh. ' O. W. Yahneetock, A. B. Mull, New York. • ' sins .• PAPER WAREHOU S E. ' • 9.8UR11.341 NICIIV ORK. iYRUS W. FIRLD xdfore for sale a: die 10W.% • • Illanefeetarers. prices: it very extensive assorts - • e•,n of PAPER. comprising every pOSSitIIO variel, adapted to the wain. 01 OpitMORD 111 all seetirus of rho epulary. Paper of all kinds made to oriel:111 short 'e, no:cc ue stock of PRINTING PI:CMOs annually larvs , . a pan of Orntell 001 very superior loath, PAPER MAKER'S SIATZRIALS of every dear:prim, imported awl kept eriitstaup. on , bra TOILIOKS. On Cloth, roantriaser ire% Blotching Powder; Wee Garatunrine, Twine, Ike., fee. HAGS; Contita, Bale Rope, Guru Kope, • Bugg' WE, tke.kre., parrhased, for which the highest pr ur Cash w ill ha paid Iyath: New York, Jey.11”I 0 . INSUKA E!' • • Indemnity against Lima or Dnanage by 0 ~. Fire.. VIE hIUTVAL PRINCIPLE-COnIbINED -. . ._I With the additional seratity . of • Stack,Carital_ . ' 77,e Retionri lifistaal Inetuante Co., of Nita. '. CHARTER PERPKIVAI... . , George W. Wand, dodo M. Atwood,'. Thaioas V. Rork hill,' I,riada R. Ashluirsh Woo W. 'fluaniurin, . lieutge N. Baker," Brume SI. Stroud, Julia 'J. Vatidetlisaip, linage W. Carpenter: •i' , . 1 • ILL make erwarqnee again s t Loin or Dainage . . Wily rise, in BErTslilluoit and Vicinity, an ~. 11.. 1 , Storrs and other Buildings, and on korai., , . lure, Goods. Wares and Merchandise, on the most filsontile terms.' The Mutual Principle, combined with a . Stook '•=j. Capital, and the other provisions of the Charter of ' this Company. hold out unusual Inducements; both J. . or profit and safety; to those desirous of effecting - ..,....• insurance, towhich the Company ask the attention , • : and etaminati VIII of those interested. 'Phone effecting' insurance Avith this Company ..... hare,besides the usual protection alpinist loss, by .., .1. \ the ordina y method of insurance, the additional' advaidageof 3 direct participation to the loop of the Conmeny, milkout any dahilif y. GEORGE W. 'POLAND,. President, EA. Hs:minim vi, Secretary. l'hosubscriber, who is the duly autholited Agent or the shove named Company, is prepared to Tooke Insurance, at the Office of the Agency,. in the dt. Charles I rote . ,Tturd at., third door from Wood street, and will give all farther ittf:rtuation desired. myttdiy. Titt)S. J. CAMPBELL.. ' JOUR IffIHNET,JU: IOOLIS ST TOIRBRCROR VOL 702 DELAWARE'MUT_UAL IMOSy Insorance Company. of Phlladerla. LIME RISES upon buildings and merehandile 1` of every desenetion„and MA13,11 , 1 . E:1U13138 open cargo., of veitsilinken ripen the most favorable arum ... . . . . . . la* Office le the Warehouse el W. B:Holmes . 'IC ktra.,'No. St Water, near Market street, rittal- : b l ' l l trl b lit The suecUs of ihia Company since the essel.- . fishmeal of the nausea in this May, wilhate . rsuguar 3 and blashey wins which every claim upon- Own fdr loss his been adjusted, fully warrant ilia altall in M anley am confidence and Rummies of bin friends sad die mamma>. at large to the Delaware M. B.lnau mace Cnutyay,ollico has Use additional aavaalsgra as au institution among toe MOM datlndllng In • Philad'ia—as having au ample paid in caphal, which bythe operationolitsehartermeonsiantlyineremina as yielding to each peruse Insured his dutrshars of ths profits of company without involving him in any • r.possibility whatever; and therefore as posamtag the Mutual principle divested of every obooxious feature, an I in iis moat attractive form. no r 4 t LEOPOLD DUPREY • President! FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. pa ilikl Insurance Company or North America' A. through on duly authorixd Agent, theardwai beroden to make permanent and Waited Insur.. ante on property,' in thin city end its vicinity, and oil shipments by the Canal and Rwdys. • DIRECTORS. ' i John C. Smith Front., Samuel Brooks, Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor, Saml. W. Jones, ' Saud. P. bmito, • Edward Smith, Ambrose Write, - John A. Brown, ' Jacob M. Thou.., John White, .. John 12, Ned, 'rhos. P. Cope; Richard Wood, Wm. Welsh, Arthur G. Cotbe,Sec.i. This is the oldest Insurance Company in the` United States, haring been chartered in nsi: HA charter is perpetual, and Rom its. high ~ standirigi long experience, ample mean and avoiding all risks or on eft= hazardous character,ll may be I cousidered U ollering ample security to the public. MOSES 'ATWOOD; AC Contain Room or Atwood, Jones & 'Co., Water nod Front street., Yetaburatt. apl&tf ' .inet Lou by lire—The FRANKLIN Fireleme ranee Company or Philadelphia. W TILL make ance,permentiedlimit d, anent V on every description of property. in PIPES. BURGH and the SURROUNDING COUNTRY.. on favorable terms. This company lola perpetual charter. • ' . . CAPITAL 'SIOUAN paid ha. CONTINGENT FUND s so Pre o - , Office corner 01 Third sod Market its., Pittedg.e• apt 3-1 • WARRICK' lif ART IN, Agent. --___ - . . INSURANCE.',._ :- _ .' .-! - ",„•.1 A..ri...n. , Flre insurance' a... Tani. I Olf PHILADEL P HIA. - -• enactut PmaracraL. =Carrrab SRN= ram in. -, .-... Office in l'hiladeiplio. No.. 72 *drug Street. , ..:,.."-, WM. DAVIDIRA Peat.. ......, FittonociXimurr, Smolt. .., . • , . , fr.l:ons' wl llfaild74: l ,7l l e 'b Clies e 7gra n loT ' e Xi ' p e' ro W p- .., ..•':- '-- erty not oratreGra tattlardout rharactei, against los! or ~, , ,1,, ,, ,, damage by Gm t • • ....., ggtl.l ,- •-• Applientionsi for inaariumen in Pittabiargb. and its e,e , ,. .. - neighborhood, will bee mitred t •anit rinks Inkentither ,;,,. r perpetually or for IjOittrijlllll . .,l334ilaitlo , teMla vii'illjeliratr v , . , St ILtir 4 mt. ••%1C.,'.5e• • merle! No ' Ilirdware Itori B•merer4.• .-. 7 , ) ,:Z" lIITAICIRE & WOLFF having remove:l Unto the 1'..., , '... corner of Liberty and St Clmr atmete. to No 50 Wood m met, Mice doom above Et Clanks limn], woold., ...• ..'5 reApectially ark the attention Ginn/vela to their mock .. '.,•••• of I I AILDIYARE, CUTLERY and EADDLEHY.ree'd, .• , .. • per Hops Earanak, Monongahela and allf.ia, dent • ••••. ti Item the mannflourcre uf lti;land and Germany. : ~., k • ;'- Almotopplitm of Ameri ir Hardware:lona the pets= •''' opal mannfaciurem et th Eatitme Emma. • ..' Thee...tort tact g entire i oni.r, ntid poreboaed open.i. •,,,e, die beet terms the) fool great confident, in being able , .... -- t.zv - .. i successfully to meet - competition from ally quarter a . ~ A,',.._ whether earl Or Prot - , , :. 3,, ..,.. I F ' The Hardware batineas will be cunticoell it thr old' •t`l.t'tid.l L nand. • _ iti - POIVE/41 , Sh.:6l:lllti—th• thousand PrithrupsWilf fiesnrs, consisting of Onto emir., Juno San; and the ethis ated •Stearn !Mar.' brands. 1 he Segats Wanted genuine, raii hey were selected br myildica _ nd will be sold to my costumers at rows' Air , - a large supply at II ay non and American Saints; a: moderate price. JACO4I WILIVFR. Wine h 7 id market sl Cur (rout • - -,,T0 17 m gg h s r.sin:et i is now receiving, hi. *prom. n amok of Ithwor-tarowbing Hardware, laritimitissi , .<l,.. consisting in pert - Sbaa Japanned Ware, English sod American , 4boo Britannia do do do, • - e casts English Tinned Sausapann •. t do Oval l'alN ease 1 ia),•and )11 -t do rress o mi Waren cask Bright Ware4' wisonad Copper; an plateaTinned Copper; tannin , . Juniata Wire; las Tin l'iatc;" • JOila4 DUNL.AP,I7 Market at CURI: AFTE R !AIRS. by %sure stte P.lAVldS.lsni-g.LotoVreasti.ll'. "I"Ut &pejo Ileasly; of Aberdeen. 0., ceniide. -,hat- wife was severely. enseled to April lasvwill's Liver: Cotoplesot, end bed tbeadvice at two 036104 u who tried various remedieswithoutptodocare at4.gortd ef feet. Hearing of Sellers' Liver p . .. , elseed a box, by erblet,she was, greatly fair, 1,•,1 was powaredarbiel entirely cu. r d ts.• VVAIIITXD.-AJountey.t.u. Tetro:ric , .l Cent of u head +.4 1.713 4 .0 Intaatioc.byeprly!Ogetclso store eAlbetradaradrea Ile *wheys geed fee INDEMNITY /11,11, Annie SCR N GLAZIILIVIA DIULUOINDS—Jart fora iretr 6r oak. a MI sloaraamo of Sbarat raitatßa."lg,f; a l lter Diamonds, at thoLorit aaaralamabi . - I l9(iii4Dl9ll. MOW aall d alp aonnall)rwiatldat the LI Banana far 1611eadroome,kstaahraitlbeTtioaloalti, alorcd (-- EMS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers