'.. DIMINO MD& -.f • rv/14.•0, t:4 - 4 • f - p'4llDOt, Coe.. • v .. , A A . I,,wwirdiniquktrAllkt: Ap, and o a p 0 1 p e --,. A. 441:0011i JUNIUS Olt" BMus. A••• 4 ..- I". rlcardwg Sl•ve lan named Alibi it al • ...4 4 .1 4 re . iitez„rig,44.,,, ,,, .... , . - 0,--1—...a llitugrolit, t aft, ofIsbell? I nd ..._L(Aau u titli..MP.V.l .1-4..1. • - • - • il A, VAIIIIMATOCK 41A 00,,W16Ample ' , L1•r..1,1 4 . __ , 0. 0 W... 1043 11. , .171 hit.tiALEv' ...ecrik aid l'orivce weer. Nm.n1121.".21.,,..1 ORltediS I.qcous 46. COMICAVI , .amt. itletiou. • • , 141 Lnl9 41 4 Jolla CASIO"; C i tt i tr i * Par*Valai .fQA P :It g , 'th.'ci,ecomb. 1 l N6OR: 'M i l Likes ad ititla . r Allrtj " • 2i101013! tarp.; earner 0( 1 „ „- , 7 ,...,,,;,„ - ; .. :--.----: , - .. ii - J - N — . Er!LNIEM.._..., .Icmottau 4 zassatarr. tio• NqPn... ,- I:4 1.03 , ir, I. Wpokgala flacemOdeamosa ad_ Frararamg .14 tcbaut+l. and Doak= la !lOW* sad .. rittemrgb M.. ui.etikre..., No. vsfeit=sl a_ A tic-TU.ll.$ ISO% OILNIGIII.T. Ammays u torii4 - Tu. 43tfic,•., v...i'..klett doors nearerGrialeple4 aia E.erth io r J...I:Tn. Old Howe; g. .. ' F 1 ,?• 4W.0 t t i'"VSkit n ri d rs °See to 11.0 1 :4 44% ' ; ;UV , .jti: l i .' t::::. own Aug so ci .r g riii4a. r: 11 . - -;";,' 1 tv,. 46 ." w - a,Z 0 d ,....t. F1i.”,it"P...1.,.... Aletekwas,ma ~,,t1”1...;.1..:'...,1W.!kgreft4031=Mrt: .:... -.. Illge, . lULUIM.'I...mb Tons =dimmer sad.dral- Fer,in Atawal, os..,,,TSIWISPhiIt-W01311.111!=. .: ... ;. - ..t - !;::• - ;:t--::;:. ; .. - ,--. '-',..... - : , :14.' - , - ;:••1 - . : •, ! , : %.;;1f1!... , i:zt0 ., r.•.!,•- , -• ;,,', .:.:,-;:',.: UERR Salt= um. Mcieltatil, sameolv der 2. Biala It% .ZOL;jiltegren,alabl.: d' o leintrs_ni ai !lophitutblim k ! aid Pant Bre. • , eti r c Venn . ad I....V.lsaldirtg{tn,V4nl;NO: lodsart.F.qi*OLlVl. : • Wr4 - 4 . 11 1iA LICA6 Detterfill lattrivAn. tneee vt,j, e t , wow •• , ~; ti ritv,b ire b. Sr. - 5 • • .ITV: :', -,.', •., '. A.1.V4 44' 44. •!•,, k ,- ..... :.4.3h i, -,f,,-444. fit7aA, Si: :••, 5i,Nzg , , i1,4:1,, ; :4 4 O. .. 4 :=IVIZ ;::'.. • • 4, ,, :- . ... • .': s : : A • , ..rt,4!:`,•.• I lk .4; ; ;,:`. f 11 - '.:Z .1 44 ' , : , • . •' C, P .' . r. 4" .. ' e: ' ,... ...: • I ...`". 4 ,7 ,v, : ,- 1 , . - ... A.;`,, • ' ... .11 .. • • ~ -- ' ~. : ..,' ‘f r .. , : :• .:1%: : : 1 1 '... : ".. ii , l ' . ''' : ''' . :'''l tY 4 ; ' , l :l' 4 :• ' .;:f i 4; -, ' 1 !. ..,•;?"*P, l : ', ,` •i : : • eb.., . -; A . 4 , 4,:r...t,-. ,••••.',:•. - .1-,...ei1.• -I ,::....,, ‘4 , 1%442 . 7 tu 1414' 14. ; d i . ' l' • ..t . ' ,N..: 4 -1 " . . 7 :: al 14 41, .:Dr",..... n. -• /t - A.. , ,k...4. - -' t :71k 7j....j` ;` 5, • ' 0 i• ' l;%: ` . .: . ' ' t: e". : •'4 . -• . 4 ::: , :, '..,:. ',., N :.:14.1.7L '- `dt • _ : .! I / ,1 ' ; : 13: ; ',"W4t 4 1 1 !"4 14 • - ‘ ,...;.4 ; N,„,•^N . ..': , •• .. .. ~ i,', . 1 4,t;:!, _. ~ 3 1*.•;:i1E-, ,r,`,'. , 1i_12n'.4:44,,ti A .',..,, $:}411;:li:i -:ki ~ z...- ' . .F.,.... • ei,P, , :-.0 !-A , 4,• ;..v...........1.-11: CONF. paeltillpulrO/tlnt the - 116Flieln . Nnerritoszi4 f',l..ll....inutictirtet.•risinth.ollM.eraumliewnet.alb • •toy . • „.i'....F,...:.i . - . 2.7,i; . ;,..-?'-,-;ii"'!I MEM ". "i~~:~: i"t f• J 11.311711, 18 1 .1" tAtarg 418.01wWh0k."4 Ong - e, M ff.,446 , 4„, ,ahaidpla. • • • mng- CL.ix, V*, ENbaskti slowlm , V. 9 0 0 1 r". 8(1 1:00111:14.4.114my la* of , ropM J mAn eBBlBl: 43o, i42/4ylµL , /1...18.W 8 8 44.10 i rbPid, m4de ciono , : 'awe titufrillsbilik..4., :(Twiseedium, to IL ,llS t rini_ Dra G a te i r r , w . a ikala ilass sad <mu. Salk Avast, bittfteslirsoo 116'n ^ :L 'Bantam Bo irtaL ti : StitmLl.,,,' Ananias at Law, aetataan aad ea. r ia 1e. — &1. ---7 " 115 IridrONI &CUL t , ys _777,-- - :4- , Wilt 111111.41 12 . ',4lEBlLUUmbiriviak Ott. io platuta sal ousgae. .11,erty An - 411634 sa., riagaiett•i"'. —•- • imi nesiae c ---- r- 1211.aliCIL-iSKLWatilt oroatr. chu, Aletrhant mold deolor tr,&e, No.l7Libett*L MC 9 I 1 It. o ? aum,yiteb, Staßpla V •~r! it. It TV. I " * .;:r i Ld s w. l‘ 4l)llruket Ate.; m =amt. • , __•••,110:11 PAIM• 111 . • , 1-1140SIGIS IriOttGAN.l3o, WY,lonlei Ora N.JI er. niul Cpurivulia /4/Licb LOS Woodman . .. ..... 1.1.1i1t otemxi.' souse ntacir, in, : 1 SALIM lOK.ST.Se CaA-STlOW"kgroVlss .."..64estisai..Matehatus imilde=ro".,l7,.. 16 %Tam . and 1177 Esnatureet.. .. •. .... Sureic—Pisix7AtlT.l.li - .. w / 4. , : r las i , ,,,,,ftw0 . IA - Pn., nr. moine4 W . ° ? " "pnr.al igiteuoe tinc.f.re rio";.11.1.1mIrells ititxl.luV. , ..1 4,4 dam:, bis 'abbectee by T. ~I. Fll.oddslisda.rfrond .1p .#IIIS D. 111.1130A21.0yh0l s JMo dealer /lOW 11.1AstVIAN1 Sit Lel, OKIPF Door 'lion KIM - %mud- st. I.ossislAhm V i il° midtown deal. TM ! : tztrßeMitowswertur, gam, Niter:SWOT, Steel PoulegtOllN.Printorkicoodo, ' ThatiOnety yew ally,, wood . 13, 2 rldlbode; _...(pr Naga hoog . hs 911yal je_k 1301100 N Id CO. orbotooals eglf .1 Wt. No: let Wood rt. lIdTPI-5-7.101111,111114. 110,• • cionallar , sl,ForwirdinglotellookYlo id -Liberty eit,loYett GALLATIA. ~terrnwnt,t Law, a ev, • in,. beivreett Want. sad Notwarroosta ,rarke. pittoterat,)X.:',W.4l.a,“"m" drrolda,AL„ a .4 Vtie . .l otrer P - v.wiLad u.retuad.; water amok PA. • Meeeegaea.Brierre, • • jurr tree; Ora 15 GlsiKaa: me prima . n".."...11113"N0L1 ii.----------"---"-"ItT01311.1.011 • lots .3.01:Xt0 owl Paper monnfoolosolt; No.o Marko 1 , J - L.. MLA rUook !Mort. oar Motet s. ' • u.1.1.3:61.1,e01gi“1, Woosticoh WO* 1 0 E 4 ' !Lary .µ.!..1%?1: k . 1 1 ,x1!!4 UloojT_ond Wallow:ay,' you. : 1 W. klirlUltitTiON 60..- Baskin 'MU; alsrooa „,„„u, itr .c.rmoe Y ra, =,) rusawsh, rolli.r,oetll-- _To tar oargo Ptiph A , wi.Low.,Ctieettsaler ht Pow , al I.lo6%.riinburgb souttufseutroilTiii ii , tublif ''l):'''...P"M-nt.--------1.•,------"' .. r 5u5 e.,,A,„........; wb........., , ..... .; Sigsit idettbSlll, sod decor tePts4.4 6 !Sot . maperciate.tio .11 Wages*: .7 itiviir, on.; al /Li t lut or toi44.o,bel.Sai hilt itial Nails Nina WO to ny. , Ordcie, leif a, tlge.waranue of *DOA , Jk. AN , I hbor .i.O , I.:mum/Ago:own wriufivatc, m1.41..t , ra 0 . 9-1- I= , . ~.. -: ), ../t-g b re . t ar i t4l - . - P 111.1.11, 1I a fadutes and . !tato,: NI, St We Wt t. WII lIUTCItIt<OI f -.Nve• • Atvrer.,Trrrieira*i imiICCSIIIIIIIIOO arehaa aft,fdpetel, w eiddpsmir NO. lbkaa Lifetsrarriln. and Calisisk9a Iliwients; Dada. P rrrAhret cnilittribtrah masereturajrrierlitair f" Nit trek.:, Wra..lo= %CALLEN Ckxwasulimi and LV.J. M Water wielFrout9s.betW i r liWoia. saal T im k wholoa ;caom*. • Tvl • leoierra. IMO; irbtiesile:ind .ftail tat • m vibeleauGivem; . Predate and Salt. awl Forwardtlig_taa. P414,,P.t4b.111...400R YiaS Mecl.; • 7..17i...1:477 _ Iffultetfinvi. ea* VOLIIIES .11.11 r 0/11,31. 04 ,.D.w. l a F., •s Ign . oaf litoOT co , • .nd Dowsite DM* of \Dank Li...paha IQl Ull 9 l o T eile W ts, l 4 l r. 1 1 ! W•od •• . 117WiraMut.r. vs, wi.u.kw sad F•rwailliairMisglAgsp.A., • startntriiiii ls, r,lf.d.c. pet Q 1.120601 mertima gemid jieiaßD imposing tatrAtirlis• ii== 2l r . : AZZ rf.,:..z.sesticet.rdzsbartb• • .Ple - yr. • alausaiu IMUDRL CE b.+Wilindgoble,ol4ere, Ownsals, Alefimat,i,.o:deaters 12 - Podia& ea 'o6l4lsh Mssrattttunk,ii: Lawny !,t. apcialle -monixo.nartmodiamae astreaku awaii .- 4 , ZIV. itiintaslalni nionnco, Oeinaalsrs'lnata sad „Inalk. fti,_Tpanagi ardearuorTodaiadatitaansraP,Olne, 101 ";_.." ? ITainaal4 . .. . ' . ~ .,DAN11N51a 604 1/1/10. Ow. path .. Comasisaas and dinV: ---- ' ;! , nntassAdadasne and Pinsban.'''"aiu'rY *wad: • • mat •• " Thia.. 4 ,„ w.„„,.14.410t1 ,0 w P=1 -.'• N. - • . -7< ~_ .... .. ... „.. . .... „ . .. ..;' , ! '...f' ! ..T.:•..... -- . , :- - ..',.,..- -. ::. - '•. - ...... - , , ...-... , :. , : , .: - .:, , i . „ 7.77,.,:. ; ,., - ...--,y. ,, :i.; . •i- 4 -3 7 . - -f,',:: ,- -.P.::: - ' , :: .. _.-_ ....:.... .. ; - 4,' BINNEM . CARDS: ltirsTlllO 400114 MIASMA. WOW, Omit. - Disdurr,l** in Prodoee, Nubstigh (helms, and ell luiddeof Foreign and Dowemr %Innes e r r , Ha r r eta l f i rt i rarg. stock of 0104monlikeliy.Wasyi which hl be odd low • tlYee. lel/ Olt 4 suits, porwaniim ca.'. . wawa Adeteiltals, Ail die Allegheny itiver.Trade; Intlegemetwarnedeatia Pittehlugh glatialianetes • is tub, paid at all time. for Camay Corner at Penn sod Inria sm.- jean 4.lfgrutarZt% ,„ ' w =gt . & 111r-SAIMLIJOiIeaI; S. en la Thar and Produce cannily - sod Psneard• S eto no 73 Wood Ara% §A/1"12111ra5w..." Acloroey al Law, Me As , &tote 11811W,-No 53 roanlsermbetwes; primed lad Fall /Meet _ 130/11TIMISST t Op, Wholowele -o•Grome. qweedOW _Oeuuslemoa ilerebants, Deateri In P-Werglo MeMeeWe sod Western Pro. Weaueroirealovad to Mu we 'mellow; WIWI/ pie 35, eorworrteol !mei Pazteery Lane. DM o l uz 5.5000"2" eliteleo,Cenal Basle, tam 73, dr-----/LB.B.ZTlrrNannfoeunor of Fon oddltoitot Soapo,Wtoter and dolma de.. No 17, MO ct, Octoroon Wood TOntougilk; Pa. • la. a. ilyypisinasu, Rfiat. , 15.4.1., rmatmazrcuuuld. .111ZST—Milielessie Oments•,,ik • • gerelanut, and deslel In Prodece,— ,eXIY,Jr, Woking Mu. Mumthiln, male, In Pocks, tbeths, sntl' V•rietY Weloisted FaenklMetr •'. 119 Tm aC45 :lA 4lll • 1. - 211 &Co, Cottuziesion3lere n fah, Weber, °merit., rt.b.ce • tates. Orrtal Ylasitt, Liberty vir 18 0, vi '7.i - istes • • , Hoban AlcCntehcoo roOtTOllllOll. wboiew. Gm. • V , hi rredire, how Nasll,lii... and freturs, generally,l.s24Labpripirrect; . . . 3,0 WA C~~ .~ • sae.' , P~aWa4~ vI7IIII pIITMELTILEII,-WholetlcOrocers, i =„ 4 lV ia ltir =Vino %law: ' 4 1,10 IL :DAVID X cANDIXIB IWCw=ll5lll, (nuieessarAiL , 3, WAakJ 41..ithinanlhatra., *X. Num alastaMoo& rtandael manna: vr Woad and Wats? al. Ping:nig WILLS _ ITtcites — tnteaac;' l-- F - a ad WO• •• • • raiwirldo—rdocklidk Warted Cella some as low WO Meta .•' • , • mettlr ' Wlodesala Gamer Forwranitat atui aim Iderebarkt, and [Wet . is Produce old illailibegMoSi gimme. of Water mut routhio Pittoberot. Pa. -- aptd Wr mriwast" WOW!. heiorteni and I , l4mgenta Wan 44,tr,earrearLItheil$ W ft- Chit meets, Phu- Vt" Wi ., ..gr e a , a ,.....2 ,111 flexAb_ Jok#ri bus msoied to the wham I.* 4 p4,47Z:Z . - I' ‘ ,. 7 1 .!;1 0b..? C. 11. Kay, ood,lliolloft - r 7.-7,1 , ... • - ''' Pr'" :" . .14?.......,,........2 011.11. 1000 aml oulfromisk anal .• - :-.r'''. 7 ."1t1 , 11TY lIIN orot dm , - aura - - - - WhethrtaleGiv - Witratrr=ww. andLiqoOr k""l' O. U. 110110110 N. Attorney atLate. Me ing; Irle 114 removed Agana to the Exchange ate *Caheatellel, *IX donna Atdonalue.leatni. .5111113. litl i g I =utt ide %0 ' " 13 1°11 " 11 3 4 . 4 ek . ti i 1 iii 14. 4141V1VAW,441011.47 .° G =44 ax".** 7 h "'" 4 " 444.00111meenes and Piolpostg. 11am,412. e , l a i t : pnets and mg faramtrietemm , . - • mita WNVV er rOit van tzdm m %Yr , : c . ,,. 2.„713 : - W7l.7lllrort ---- a — aiaTeMTileiveili. [ mm il i =r i d I Fe ree p 7,00.15, nor!. out ecl ' Vlrlia:i_frt• 7-f:..°•."%fir.7lt,":.ti 2 .g, ~..,.wittgel. d . evisnet supply nt the bee.: 1 I l = a s i P t:lt a l i Aii7at t gOl i the c r a7 it. .... . - - - W ai n. 'lt C., Cklenoistimipolkor• siat , Wy.l4l . fittiLlM .., Ala IL DffiRI3IIIOTON, Attorney at Law di Pitsibtohlk Pa, areitalrakeer to take the ac knoirlediacest and pato. of Deeds, Leases, Oroasseta, thitoritieee, or say other whin fancier real or aot,) to be seedthoorffita- m :be State of Ohio. Office ea third street. aboreflem..ield. Yell•tf IV Cie AIIOIIXXIAAVOII.. Attorney. at 'Lave , T • at( eec near tilasitASeld Cot Sunni, age. rettirerAd other business attended to wilt penal:l.lAl. •, B.•••• -•-- .etts St temp,- Croskie, • Fahnetiock le 't ea,, . HErr., Erq, Graf, Lindsay k Co, • Jobs Wrislki, Esq, lowa 3111cCally, William [ans.'s. J. RRRRR RECTIFYING DISTILLER, sum k l 114 LThoft it., and 53 Diamond aft, M.MBUROIi. PA. 1171741 , WARWICK MARTIN &sokoh:&•&.:; it= w itli Nola • Wm. Al Atom. U W. ' ri mon e Atitiau,l 101&&1443&& & .111111/.. ;Air(*MIRIAM, coular.4.omsa .a l 7 OO ce•OlicrOalk if& pll'onalk 14.00'.• fehllakwilr ATICIINEIrand Cosmic! brat Um, CINCINNATI, OM. Cillectiona in badlands Ohio and us Indiana and ia tentsay, prouguly asd iarefally attended 'la. • IMP= TO—Hoss. Rickard !fiddle, Wat WI& Son, C srus,lnallPin4k4Coare6k Cannibals, Win Ham kor • Ira OwIL O. Jones Olow ' wiorrral.. isev*itad Pitbtomiddansfacuared ankles, kszve. r m.' "n it Ike AV 611 *" Cl=Sle O y, f 3.13 Ir IIWAWMIIII4. fiDILFJIII4:Xt, EO ro ~ M HUAI a+u :, FLUE *. FIRE 4 - BED LEON. E.. F. SMAZIERGER 'STA( taken the Ultrehosse imacrty *untied by lt•ikingr,. • ' --- ig. ogratriiii; . Mar I n Ell Wl= MA fagi goo og agoi a eau trait 'stead Boner - u todall . .. n agaga Bea fraainapas from " Madras .1301arilll• tad ol Belowest Bartaisataa - "...DOG Boilders aral adorns are teyited 4 eel inkliasu.?.. ll 4ilact• pram rorAftri:4 vit vowinriss, Thrallam AP O joxs No 41 Markets. Orme doors above rd rittstoingb:Will bwi etassabily on Mad is well select ed ssosnmeutof die beat tad freehem Birdied.; which tur ..the emsi ressimable trm. Pt ; in. lll b• ProoldtS7 .needed to, ...I sup plied ertielin they WM) , miere as genuine. IrirPhysehres'Presenputurs will be sceerstely and meg prepaterdfrom the b!st . .m!eri.l., eel hour of Abai r , Mile Meekerfresh end iwa refflik• lard . .. saff, W W. WrittrdliaTlei. esgt.l-"Zrargel jgd;r"':ll oelees .raree e4 swat' at waiebes, Arwelry. Vilver saw awl Ullwary Goods. Always as animal a . l mt.: saw • irrapaaVt4l rarest Lever, foil Jew lleii iit arvavv, ' Mbar :l=td'.X. ~....1 . ....k.f,....i., ;nay be bsd at 1.; mall advance and Arrine rack wock done is tha . very Less wanner. __..... ..:. J. B. B.WEITZER. _'.ATTORNEY AT LAW . 1 *mi. aa s u.tts. p Charlas liuI nolo! (lOUs On anon& grotaptly taColleenans, la Wu . " 701P.41•Paletle sod(irces Cowles, P.. Run TO - ', CTINTLt6ek, Dot ko, 1 . . , • Casten t ( a shen Potsbargh. , . . , ! 11 , _ lA____.' l l u j.firi- • - oel3 l l i ,goolif.gruarizifea,=,..nja J a y a I=l Wass, leol7 Market meet . The terntoirrespecnur calls the 'alleatka or. the W lgeschasts, .end attaletc and embers, teals large sleek of. man. afaetated•lin - and Cogger ewe, win. a large meow r me. , .( lammed Maio VisalOting Hungers. / . WhatesaA beim and ilse Pablo geneeallgi are last tog ineall______L__ , ___----:--------L-- ---2—' "el 11:711/111141CS 11. MTS. • A=l"9.reg:allt b ntl'r=t , tc l2a=i6 D grairlag 1. F 44 . 2033918, 14"6"14"."."-. 14""a111' 8211EITEilsesi Sims &Kw AGENTIVSIa,B Aniatud soroctCHAbirmitidemard., or... Se hr p it n i te Pox...tube's! mus *Gat 1" as mmumwmammal An aw,EAmm , 1111tintu !AD Pio" 3!,10,c'!-Xlfriiayroume; idatiggniqs!, , o;oll.3vatoniazawr, ' sods wait If . at AA sway" sot teptikii; 4 air witit astailllsieso eel width Lim will dloost , . of silww .113.1011114,r ird Tem.. ' , , ill il WlP“_' ' ! "L sot ttblifigeWartlOlVlthr . . , ~_ ,‘, •• , - I . .1 / . • • •,I-I . 1 • ' 2J..• , i .--,•. - ' .• • . - . . . . ~„.• ! -- i• - • ... . ...: 1.. p•••, - ,_...-...-..i -.. . , . , '.: - . - :: fs. * -i.-- , ..:.,.t - _..:v•,,,, , mfm - fnwaavmm.. ,,„ 4...- -,-„ st-.; • „„; .:_.....,,,,,_....„,...„,........., ............., - --- ' ---J. •••• - -, ~-,•:,:•••,. 0- - - • . -- ------ -, v ..,7,..r.......„.,,.-..,-,-, . 73 ,,,,..,. ~. -,-,.,.,,,,. „ ..,..,..,:-..,, ~..,, „,,,,,„,,:,.z,...,,.,.'-'1••!!.'',•-:-,',,.:',.•:?/:;-,';-r..,-(1:F.1','.,.";••-`,:- :--;•-.:•'-_,.•••• , 2 :--:!7.-.-..2.• - • ",-,.,--- 11. • -..i.:;‘..4 , ;. :!•,:,to.' :;1-...- . ~,-7 2 ,'HL-A:, , ..- ........„ .- 1 . - - •.„.. - ..-_- , .0- : ',4 .7. f.i..,.' - ' - ' 4 l,t - gt:to'' -... ,, ;C:... --.-, " ~,.', j r"Ac, ,:g - -- - ..,W.z . •:.--vl-Ye-LV-,•-q.,'•;.7-,,1_ ; ,. 44 " „. , •., ,••,••,!: , ' , .4 , , -,, 4 •,-3 - •'.%-i4-41 1 A- - --, ~...-..-:; "•,, , ,..i. , : ''•, , -4:4- - ,!. ',.,* ?-.;‘,...,:,,, -..-,..', :".,; - ••••r, -';',•,, - E.. - ,*::„ -.',...;,- • , , ,! ';I• ".• 1 .-:* . -,•• •;,. ' .l 5; .; -'.-'; -; -- ', - :-,'::;'•,''• l •', ~ : • 7:'s r :I„: ',.,‘n•11!!„ - ...1 ,,,, , ,,, .: , ? ~.- • ,',• - . f'... - ' -•+- ';' •-..-.::, -* 1 ' 7. ';' , ' , 4 1 ; ' -, R !..,•• •• • F, ~ ,-6...- . .,-, , ,::. A;••= - .• - •-... t ~1•1,, .a: -,:‘'.; c•••••** -".•••‘''',..''''' ''' -•••• ~"•••-,,• % ',,,,,, '.. tNf. '''..' '. •••;.- 7 . ' :;•:" '4• . • - •: 1 -. . •• - ti; ? .' •.. ,',;.- i) , .......,,. -..;.--,441. -..-,,' ..:....i,r j - -2..-• .f..... r ' -,': , ' ....I r';` . .. tr' , .'.., : .2- .;.- 1 ' • ''.' • "-'-'• . i „; . , --. •. ' !'" ~• .;,' ', ~ -,',., ,i . .--,- • !,- -- . „;!,•• -._ ‘ ~-... , - . •. ' - , -; , c ,, ,'t .4 ..! ••., ',1.: , ' : 4 '..' Y.•' -:•••": 1 :',•••• ti,' -•-• -.-• •-•.' • ' '' '''' V.' . ' . 7 :1!: . 7 ,,t; .!,- - ,!....:. ; ~. ; ' ;:. ..... .•-7i , `-',.• , • -..',.- --- :•,''.-. - -,, .-,,'•:. '' - i! ".: .:---''. --: : - '"i.' , •• -..)! ....-:,..-''. . '- - ' " - q, ~ .' 4 . - '' •.'-- - ... 7: '; ''' I.'i, . ' - . 4': ft . ‘ ;, 1 !. -;,_. -. . ~ ..., ~ - : ~ •••• , r • -• , ~,:. .. ~ • ~. _ „ , - , - I , - ::: , 42 , ;, t -, , , -----,---, -- 1----- '.4••••'1 2 : 1 ' . .!-- - .., • . I ifigH' FORWARDING & CONISSION. A. N. Walanion!. • • ' • - Jon • F. Singer. • 1;VAIALINCIPO 11 IS . couipaston • k 'FORWARDING 'MEOIIANFD HEAVY HARDWARE AND 'lBRAvs • Acrowes; Ix rA amousits feeond 'strict, near:Wood,: and T V'Canal Basin. Librty' smen have onhastd aria; for' ule 'IOO,OOOIW _maenad Steel. rt.v , - Naylor keen ht.Shear,Uflster aad Genroul reel: JONI. tbiges Ran Blister yeriirg and Fork • SA dos dhorlin'BPadea and Fora.; • Carviago tlprings *ad Axes; ' Amnia : Duane *DO Flees, Ipataat and comenoni) glu e ., Sedge bloalda:Creerbars; Fatima Riaavra. Chaim& bond .•-." fdattoghs, Clay sad Coal Pichin, — Aare. etey:Ara, Dcklea. Log Chainsi.e.. 071Ndruaeader Fiver. Praia' Safes." Iron. Balla, Dia. and other Pittsburgh Mansfarturel sold at the lowest • . . feldS C R Deueabowar, • J Renalda skulk. cuasuats DAJZIRRHOW/Rlt Ifr 00. -01111611811011.• • Noillf South Whadrel No 117 mouth Water st iEff to beams um trade and dealers generally of B Pittsburgh, that they hare madame), arrsitgernards selli Wel t,, stnroanarers and the OfillnefS of the Welt, We arlauds*, otherplarakau moult a lame and • ecastant supply of the Ibllowbig descry. dont of. Tobacco which' will bi told upon as second inedaileig wrens as attP otheehoulte in this thy or Ow where, and all geode ordered awn Thant will be War ranted woe to represeatadeer—i Havana; dit.Domrogre, Corm. " ' Ton; Porto.ftleo; Penna., Peened To Cabin !gum; • and Florida, • bacent ALSO—Braiwa l a celebrated t troatarie Sue Cafe, o aten, with a huge usonmou of other Malta and .qualltles of pousida,as Pa Ins Ids aud nth LtuaF, dogs di and Ina Plug . , Lobes ' Twisn.FirgirikTwer.• te„ sweet and plat ,a in whole and half box wood. autl . du, ingedece with orrery variety of, articl e -- lag In the trade.., • , . . 3e.16-417 Lido Pittannh,Pa. Lone of Nasbville,Yenn. 7 Mill= & ANOYEUION:DeaIers inOmon, FOtwardlng and Comminsion id.rChants, No. 'II }WM "Met, &WM BrOldWar, Coach:ma; Ohl*. • Rini TO-. ll ne ,BomleT & SMO, Piusbalsh. Wm. Blenham. 4 • Beay Shepherd, Mania & ?Manner, Nashville, Tem. Sommo le Armistead. ' • . W F Lane & Co., Louisville, KY. Naing"'Cnteinetan, O. James &Melon & Co. • newt& Ham t Nem ?gleam. 'N et CL N ltrin l ens " re k. . • non.i,flanaley &Co.. Ptnladelphia. Denial Deshon, Boutin. • • . U. W. Leuvorseb. .. W. C. Wllum . J.- G.RECOVO W.. LE IG. F FOILWAI TWICH XIV CO., UO And , ilE3rAz=ust ntl.auffitaalis DARTICULAft huesuiou paid so sousiaameott of 8 NUS, loan., or other an ic les for Opelousas sad Aualsapas. • r _ • !MITA 10-11lessta Should la ma. Limier; New Orleans. • • • blesses. Lamm& Beutroon, Ku Z. N. Oise eon Loa- Manors: non iiees, Mr. Wss.:o ; Leary, Itobesi WAhiauAssassrockatrilebolosou Pittsburgh. • Albion. litvass,Tood ts-Co.; Cuseutuatl. Masora Hynes 4h.•Cisigtioad, Itessrs.•Eshrords Waitesll, Moo. Scum I.oauve, lion. Job, /WM; • Q' U..-1111ELLAS•di Co. • FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM ' ' MISSION MARCISANTS. . • T IBERAVeistiixdwiecel! made an receipt of eon inponeela. ..Tbose ship pin wow whims bo teamiltroo-inulbs vale. in Ovanee in Coen, by oPPIY lag to oaertioode, • Idoeuv.-IVollingfonl ILToykoi,Pltlebink. Mown Thos. Bell& Co .13ndgepon, Ob:o. 'FiliindniPhin. May 3.181.5. fit! All mace maligned to as le tolonkf whoa la the mrarebooso of Wallingford A Taylor,rimboreb, OT Oar mei. PkilaslelPloo. • C. N. /A Co. •'FRF:SII IMItoRTATIONS OF, HARDWARE. LOC MIA ININIRTEIem OF AND WHOWNALE DEALTias ' f 1 HAILDWARY• CiPTI6NaLIt• de, N.. le Weed Street.. • .• , •• • P TTSRVUUII Atbeir =melee mock of Ileol SE new lithe coarse of reelnoisi 6 . largo aidit , o6. oraro; °easy, 13AI .lery, k • which havingbeen parehowed on the mm.l •Aganuipcnn , term. England. mai dineet from the Nonofaelorers to this connuy. army of fel oodsOn tonne semessea by Om* and equalltd by few Porehairrsaiv Etspriblly lo call. • • MISONOM COCHRAN. - cOIWISSION:ik No. %Wimp STILLS?, PLTIVIsU sou, CONTINUES to tranuet a denimal CIIIII¢SCLiOS UnnineM; especially in the purchase and sale I of American , hlanniactoma and Produce. and in ritcideitne hook forwarding _thank consigned to'hit Wei AtAseht for the Alsanficintern, he will be ienatintlrintpplied.witti the principal articles of Nialudamitre , et, the lowest mbohantii price!. 'Orilla and comigninests are respectrully • 13 8.. v. aoartvalr co., DORTSMoUTti, Okio,Voloori.sion and Fororonliog Metsbootr;•and Psodgeo Deater•—ol go autrol to tiro Poreksoc,ll4o end ! Wonsan of Pig Irok - Cool, • KK Ir KK TO, Atwood, Jones & Co • • Drown, Dailey & loran. Sterling &Co • Henri Grad • Grad, Lindsey k Co D Leech & Co Lyou.Sbarb k Co • Clatke k Thaw mull/Oh • &km &tow • • C' illllsl PICII.ItS. !Ude or the 6loa of blaleolto Lerch k Co I liVairelevale Groner. Comentelon rs Wrong • 1. lesechaarr • TIIgALLIA fa all bads or Cann", Proalree,_Cop• W. fe p or: T ie, he 1 Pi g:* 11 .77;., T rci ln ~ fig;' Die Dean outra' - Yarn, Salt,4re, and Pant nenefaelares generally, eerneYyd Lawny sad I rma A Mlberidttra . ces,lll Cad, nrcands, man on eau. •• trot Prodaee:te. _ • .76 • AUCTIONEERS AND COIESSION IiERCIIANS; ALEXANDER LEVY , & IMO& .CINCINNATI 46: ST. LOUIS OFFEN. to mil at either establishment; all kinds of !derehandise at the hottest rates of Commissions and are alwaysprepared to mate admumes. The Ina of references limn, if required. • Letters addressed to either House mill be promptly attended to. /TWIT 301111 M. 1.1,011 k RDA" COMMISSION MERCHANT", NU: X • WATER. asr.. OrroATE CHEArSwg • IXTINDOw 01w, Ulan- Ware, Muni Fran, Veer VI wall and Cantu Produce. • Advance% made on consignsnenta Satisfactory ref. arenmva two eddrestaa by scpl7lly. .. .i.unia.g. --- . ' --- Ir. u. 11711.0.1. 'THOMPSON it. OAMPNMar COMMISSION - MFROHANTES ' And ManufacOlEses_of 111 Llnseed 0, . ! ho. YO Columbia , I, • . - . ! • O HIO.CINCINNA (aeon imilk los ruastis.oo ''''P s ' l T —_- ' WALLI3O,OIII.I • - COMMId9ION & FORW ARDING. MERGIIA NTS, lloessdr soar Wood.. Manaseultes sad Heavy -D k:•:•••••• ,1 7 bi a e ilk rw • of e•ruage opriap and 1!•le•.••••••1,••.P•r• e •t i et ta • les,Ste pf•Or 4h23” gl•dit•••&••.e; I,II‘LCOI.IIrIXZH. JOCIPH S. LIMGV. I OLIE LZICOR & SON.. VIVICILESALE okocsas. commissiori • CHANTS, and DEALERd tick ill kinds of Coenuy Produce, : Copper, Tin, Tin Plates. !linnets' Toole, l im and Zinc, White Lead. Dye Kuala nett Iron, Lead, Cotton Yarns, Yoh, k.e„ aod Pittsbargh Manoleetores generally, Non 91.93. and .100 Liken, street, one door above the And of Wood weal,' P Llertad r. en es, in cask or goods: made oa co sjigflne_ata.n4rolieei te. :nettle rt. 11.111ZWII. W. L. r•rm I PATCH. • COIIIIIIIISSION •IMUHANTS, • Nar 46 . Water ST. LO t tilf, 71111.. Wilt give partliolai &Motion to the solling of due ,altd to onion for porebutog. Raul so—Gates , ' Morgan b Co.: PlLLrLutthr Pa. ~.---------------------- On &11X1Ittsgtt. . 1 Al'Keetm.. .4; LlCatheyolon. JOHN MCCULLOUGH & CO. Commission and Forwarding likrelsants, . . , r. :Nos. 93 & 95 SOUTH . ST. • !!! . iir! poy±'9N4 l, n wit ARP. Baltimore :T •ixiios. J. CARSON & Cai COMMUMMON MERCHANTS, , , . • Nei. II sisiA9 want at., : l'• • •I . 12ALTimotts. 117 CAMI idennees ettli be made on eontignment to he. tibcive aildrce , , by 1.4 ly , _I BABSON &TICKNIOII I , 1t,... 77—tieriiliffliMitlitil; _7 '. FLOUR r.v.Voi/UNDOIIaIN AND PRODUCE 71 SOUTH LWIIARTEII, PIVIMELPHIA. A BR now' purred to terror and . fonyar . d_al l l.ltio4 , Il e qr " h" r uMegr° h .'j----1.--21. 11 LABIUM, WV :10 rAtTrNualiffMtel rrerS4l.7ll%' MO. L: ~ . . Rthr to: i.yon t; Latorb & Co, an , ! Antbony Tama. goo . PhistutiO, Jett...a_ ---.---"VEO Tiellir 1 etkratifitirtite; • •:- li 9TEAIIOAT AO ENT' , cannon+ ißu FORWARDING ISIONT, PRODUCE* MIMICUANDISE DRO - --- ant, . Mee. NO.&O,WAter Buret, POuburgit PA _ . :_' 17- -' J.. 7M WM O!CP OMER STEAMBOAT AGENT AND COMMISSION. , 1 1ILO l. , • - MU ANT. II . . ' ' . , MONOriOADELA DOSD, :Jlte FAHNEBTOCIE es Co's. WUITE JJe• LEAD WORlDL—Theendeeriguerk have earettleted their. new worts, I mated' an the benk of the seer- above ;the Aqueduct, In Allegheeti cut • oppoelte Pittatrungh, fur the manufacture uf supe dot - flualiD or white lead, both Sri sad gleohd Otij !else. red . lead andlitiererte. Having atafled themselves a( ell the recent iIarCIPWCWW in its enalarectals,ao4 erected the bedtEngl'ofi ncry estioirivo loge; and 'nth ottpuity to tookei Tenttitieet the? mdl Oa able to .IE4 de ••titisost Oaf intuit iors —tirrsr _gr E 47,----t WOWS 'YOH. lA/ .r . ANYI. 1 , Pattern Idatsr. Al legiany Ow Oil pill , IlOk ', osorest . Panes fat %nu do lauull either is ...1 91 ;tr.:: 09..n......n.the!..u.?..... An..au6a.fer amok wattle" Ilium lw LiqU0Y4411.04.116 rind iintsii, Tam , gni (ion, d rstrizintlOP •-• , 4.i 4 dYini: - .1r,.., .! .' ' 411 1 010 10 .4 C. BURGB , FRID AY MISCELLANEOUS ---- • - • WANKS Ws 1.40021W1 BILL, • .0171111 . 01100 mummy limas 'Dora. NO 83 THIRD - erraser, - • • A 24120Eand sp4n did -assortment of FEITMICte soluble for Beeambohnt# llotelaand annals . • , Boss, constantly on band and made to order. I he premat slacken land cannot be exeelled by any ataratfamory to she mamma emmtry. roams n6slting to purehmemseld llama ha girls& ma a eat!. asl am delermmedmy,pneelabaft plere.,jart of We ausek mans/set to- .••t• . 40 Sofas whit Kash mid Bair-cloth Myers; • 2 do z Mahopaylimse Chairs; • • : • 14 pairDiratun dos Ma mahogany Chaim - • 12 mahogany Work Mandc 3 dosmalsagany Bocluag ai • - • - 15 with:mop Dressing Bo Ch ma.; rs; ' 8 pair Ouoosartm • • ' • Bramble tog Wort Standn. • . • • • 18 ehdrry Work *ands; Mahogany, Maple. Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads of iThdentiguorm,• and a rare , mortmesi of Common Parana ra and Chairs, lap antraer '" sas m ention. • madaf .• ••• • - • ' NEW HAHDWA E Kr JOSILPH WOODWALL, ' Corner of Wool and Ildl ata Pllterkmirekt HAYING withdrawn from the aiding' of Walker k Wooden% on the tat or • Jantrary,ls4 7 , I take Olen., anarnmeing to my friends - in the city and conntry,Wal I hare opmed my new more at the above named place., Halms porehued "gmede nenbio and made arrangement, with reannfamorers In • this country and in Europe to be emmtantly swopped, I am •fally preperedm famrk Hardware of all kind, on an refel=it:id " ottein man n lutr ni rev ‘u Lona hau lfy Inv t iV V ier C;1 - • and examine coy mock, before purchasing elsewhere. Thu 61knalag oompriemi a part of..my stock. Steamboat and Saddlery Hardware. Gen Tndmilnec File, Naylor% Steel, Cutlery, Edge Tool, Anvil, Vi• ees,' Locks. barehen, Scythe, Batt Hinge, germ, Unite Fentory Phintollaws Mabotemr lands 114: and all other melee minnow! with the Hardware basin... • " enelintf • ' ---- - - - OASZAJPII PATENT BEDSTEAD. ...(4=I , ;IIATA NA1:1 , 2 4 iißon of a Pittsburgh. fileclanie, a ots• - • lardy a th e Celine makers of thus • end Allegheny city. and their nuener precustornershavesbewn themselves above the 'alga, piejedice against Awns intwidoW, and they give Garrant i s Bedstead the preference. simply • becauseßawer O. being the bed, streagat, and era cometrat Bedstead ht. us, The following testimonial speaks for itself:- We, the subteriberapraetical cabinet makers Of the cities of Innsbargh and.Alleglieny, Pa, do hereby con lift that we have bored the rwht to mannfacurahed-. steads with Oassattee Patent FaMeninp, and wielder 'Sesame exporter to ear flistenings with which we are uquaieted.. . . jeans L i mon John fitOtew . ' TII Young I. Co -,• Robert Finnan .1 Ft Hanley • - leers 11 Barr don t h w ' ri L o i r ;,,i,`,;,, , • ittlil. l fMti: • • , Tboosas Feeley • link 11 WallaCe David Luker ' Ramey& IdOleUand • . , Rath Wallace . • Moses Pallack David Luker • •• Fee Righti up sake and sell the above Entreats Pi nt; EIIENEREILP CIA RRAbI, Pantiles VIN -------- F - A T . II 2- NICE AILACIALEE ' Tie salaiddilien Pala, obtained • armpit. Way If 1d111,6 it a Picas Brick Machine, and having Mime then .thee, ibly tested its ability, me erne prepared tel soli: right. and contrast io deliver inachlnes to any pert of • the •Lt end States. - The machine Is dedgeol to stake, • Reek front credo clay, ged will was ALAN 'Pod swot firm brick perdel, sallielenthe bard, stack lep ' In the ktp;,.ttrgioldinglie ; ,.. or , ,:d . !t i br k ofpre; • ili"itteoulilen: 11 r?...4de.weollt igtlia; get int owed repair, end Ism:instructed that it can kr MS. lb • prep and pat to g e ther widrereat thelrity,thes reenter. • tag it ;etable. We are now building eischines. and can turnithilent as short witice,. For • (all description' '. we sr Ad re f er lo i machine now le iteceepiol opens. doer a 111111ereek bottom, near th e •Wrid end of EOM ' yeast, whine do than be happy to expiate Ye eeerything . dikapettad with 11 to ell who play call.' bare 'at present wnothenred Agent. All letters moat apneas will "I'""IP.41.1;g1=. 11101111.1. EN h Co.. eeplghf • ~• :•• ~• : • - CINCIIIIINAT/W , 1 .. LIOLIVAIL VIRE ISHIENAL-1- 7' V XENAIV,EV tested sad pr oved appr daring , the past • .C.s two years,by the principal misrhatoriesiu the worsen country, and thinsughust the utterer 0(1 ' Preasylvetria. will br ready fordelive ry catheopening . ,of Navigatingg. Tr sawn! on sekichtheirderabilny and. operiority depends.' s selected by • lip. rienCed Tam ners, bossed hoot Marylaad, whin the discovery was 6th made-the fesible leaner, with which Ale imbed, • ded m is earthily separated They will be thennighly teamed and tweipeedy pressed by machinery, end Mit Itate &deaden diVen MI blew.. Ifencr £ 1 . , . . eke pemMts. at all reapects at maintain then acenowl • ppericerity. Anders/is ins. I ...heron., will Leprous/0j erre. b a t h application to / Slll W MAMA b:N • , Kensington Inan Weeks phl E, IV VOURTII STREET PAALPIAId. 1 1 CONFECTIONARY AND pIItUIT erne, ..iii ores dia alooday; April**, friar. down firm Wood at, anapest dopes A Jayne'. Peen Tea noire. • . • ''. - A splendid assonmentuf Fury Cake,thiefecuoiary,, Fretah kr-, feralioetheLeouner every day; prong which are the Westing Idwaeetur, 'Poled Cohn ' .Lemosi Rpen; 1, • - 'el'AryTake; P ATerial ' , ' l: ' . rro r irtsco r' r Cake; Chun r Nem Wafer Jamtp , es; drmage Itoruin Federal Cake,' A. P'm • Sugar , dw, Orders for tee Creams, Jelly, Brides' Cake, Fairy Confeetkrary, Ike., he., execeinl up a Mann,' Me. smarted' io -eerily and beauty by any ether einaldwh. went in this cur. i-,.. Fresh Bread. Twin , Roth. k.ll ‘ niandfutayed palely Orwt Whin Wheat Floor. and free keen all drogaewity m o raine. ett 3 . ANDREWS iiirkif-F1 •011'ar31.7Viii-C-16-1101FFUOVii. Let atlantic now Shave who never Shaved beton, . And &Ma who array. Milne new Steno the MOM • IN o n this soperior Prying thiropound to the so- 1 dais of the pa can with confidence, say th at the ophnon of all wee have bo y it proeounce it the non ritMant Preposition tha bars eta, garb Mad In redone place it within the reacher •11,1 hava minced the rice tow coonati to afford an opponnaity to every penes , fogies tie vial and Sedge fes themselves. po, G e ndeeten. If yea tenth for a nee, lagarleas duet: on whn year shaving cup.. y ou on't be e mit) it *Met tom Week to fill thew and,tr are on satisfied. the end el still be returned. • STEPIIIIIN:IinIZETT IntatFity Ladd Oil Filalop aad,Fasiel Idaap.Works, • Kt st.opposhe Iron Cite Wel l_y•ClinlttS 'ARTICLES TOR THETOILET- - .IADIThOIt fieSP vet:wooed of an k.locro Satanical discovery of surprising efficacy, kw rendering the hist. I soft cob fair, is well as mewling a ddieate rogues bee to the eomplesion. " • Also, H.GPII elliebT•ted Almood. nailing Cream, wbiob Alp,_ now grottelly need by the fesblooable era vanity in all perm of ito United Straws. - • • . Nanette Depilatory Powder Mr Te 60.1( woe: Soma and alsolne highly ulebrasol Vegetable idspabl Hair DO:r ehemmal result to enable permits to dye Omit Importance...Sy, and to emote hair, whtettersoomataches, soleyebrovre, to &beaming' browner black color. - • The abovaartielea ire for 91110. Wholesale and retail, by, .- ' • it • FMI2'IEI3IOO I &CO etw front and tiroc4,_and lewd aedmb ne w , hardware, elatiersi, Saddlery, Mo. JOAN WiLLIEhlt, l'hlPOWgßig saidA in Foreign and Drowse i.e Hatihrstre, sroptstlilly inte bts friends and Me bailie generally, that he Is not/ . receiving his npriNg mypty of, I lardware, it thOold sunid of Walter Woodwell, No th Wood street, which he will divans of on the toomrenonahle Mow. • He Will 139 continuity receives fresh sanplice direct from the Maasfacturers - : in. Europe audits* asintsy, wide*. wiU enable him tortompow !thus thou*. meat, either Moor West. Western Me:to are baited to call d examine .his stoat torero arch • rehmann eleowlteru sod - mad - UTE. the undersigned. Mole entered into Copartner 11' Y. skip, for the purpose of transacting Predate. Coramimioalnd F0T11.114111111m01,14 nhdne t6e . of 08111111. 160111.11111V4MXiv— andbage toen dm oncrebon, No 6 Commercial Raw, Libeny fa c e t. formerly °trip se led by Mr. W If Petry— Mina all timloeseeamisiod woar douse will. be Mailed td.• P"'" ln l itlrge 6l . Drama! or Wildl/Fbi . - 11106 II IIeGRICW.• •• • Oar, . FINDLEY U MeCIREWe . • •, • L. E!16411.4 11... ..TUOMAS ICIDINMMDIfy eljL d E 1:111"L'a . K i to oc i iio, l4 Clo ' I Tal l , ind Valet? Gags, keep. carefully en Mad, of Ins own manor/mane, mem 4Meription of COIL Mobogany. and Cloarnoa Looking Glair.; 1,30. 4..0 6 alrlaror 'fallen; plain sad ornomenial pon,Maniases. All kin& of Clocks, Troy,. and Ikr alters, la lotto or dozes; Corobs.Taresds. and a generril on set of Fancy floods, arkalesole, at comoll adroyee on east , Idlers sine ethane supploed wok Poelp'sCbono. Car rier's Primo, and Di by 14 (WOO or Now d hock priers. ' • • DRUGS; DRUGS, • TOEI, MOHLER. DnogrA eod 4.6puthee.7.,N, W, J votner eirtVookand su, Pinvburgh, AT eueleudT,ol3.. ,liuridi'DAage, Paint,* DM, Dye-Aug, , MO -Physician , . tweseriptions carefully compound e4 from the hest materials. at any hoar of. the day or , nicht., Abut an amorinsent of Perfumery; fins Teeth, Hair. and doh Unwires, fro. Ao , which be will. sell . ...._.! 2.1 . 1 ._: , , EA GLE PIT TS COTTONBLUM WORKS. ' 11. • MANUFACTURE COTTON YARN, Cllll.llo.Wiek, Battinig, Feriae Cov erlet YARN, CARPET CHAIN, WARPS tENNO., ko . . . . . , • gING,R It t:o • (Pluccessorsof Ashanti. le Avery,) • .1" • --...-"- --eiriaiTClll/1111111. OF DORMS . A T, CINCINNATI- 1 ant amborirod by the Governor. ..a.of Pennsylvania also the of all M uniments, of writioa affidavits and drPadlimw of persons in Ohio, to bc used or. recorded In Pennsylva nia Or me, 2. doors F.so of the Moves Office, CIO. Monad, Ohio. elnvAgo P,CRANCH , rumtDd&wly•F . . Attorney, at Law RAGS WANT •.. nn Nth LDS COUNTRY MIXED RAGS wanted, 11111,W.R1 for which 'be htgbest price in CASII be pawl. • • • ", Always nn land, every &venn of Weide; and W"TPI" P'"!'""'"d- •RElatiatio REYNOLDS & ROES rata Contar Penn and Irwin Ina Pittsburg*, VINING ROSE N Monthly Rads and Nett es & e;: soluble for planting can be . ferui.hed nn epplie &all let the seed store, (re" Nursepesof Jae. r,*ard t rr . , Ig ricK e v eg iiim • • • No ITt. ms weld and Iltie .114 ntehtStf_ CIOLD AND SALVER WATCHES.—ReceivedAtt• to toy large tank of Gold :ra d ii vel Pat. eut Lever aver Watebea.roitable for Ladirentlemen —of the latest and 6a red oattemo and of der beet manafaetata'—warranted and for We at very lowan. eeo Iola! W WILSON --- • QT Y T‘EALVIi in Titania . logs and VaiieryGoasiTnninsii. 1101, Ivor, and Ilona combs, Woollna iln : L L , Z. u sad , , p7 " ll 6 :llnr aniw"l / 4 1nin .. 81: 14 kin . "iles. tw ens P-I..:):nis'tMc,,,. nroadstrainaH — tift eAOO3 and Yams al vatioasitsa‘coart a .. ji Ma& andlot -sate at nalyeed ..-- 14.6. 11Tegn. 11"k " 1- 15 " 4 , wr.:ll°.l3,llrwrcittusuAut.: wv. est ree'dol4l o o' Jokswa's essellaut iNuan lesCrimag prom xesositalt goial!,emibios tad oua eautliiii-g , JULY 30. 1 Y INSITTUTIONS. LIT! rasa nails INSTITUTE. T I S . .. siltation, under the care of Rev. 1. , G• any LanT.La which all the sob/ and el aansemel OM branches of sleuthed cdat Satan are main In 1110 W C (mike Mir Or MPS MI- • , Se. SS. Ismdas yr, Llassay atrimi• lietwoon3d and 4th omits. The Session will mintence on Monday the nthh of Amps*, and It is important that rosy who may Maga memo should be present as fuss practleableby thin woe. • Th.l base secista the services of Ihnfrotsor RllO, DOCK se, teacher of Mule on the Irmo and Gaiter, is who tomell known to need remmendation A cons. patent French teacher Intl be employed , Yrof.BINCRIAId wit: hare charged the Deparuitent of Vocal/awe. em:sumiNsu mill have direction of the Mink Ornament. and takers , lessons, In Marina, sketch havand painting. both In ra nd water colors. Fret 9 le a competent to has recontreendations (tom MeKrin men ha Rutope and the United emus lle has also been a teacher us the first mutations of the country. , 1 'sir For tenr.s apply 109 e YODISGI SADISM /annular, ALLIEXIHENY CITY. 'PHIS Incitation under the direction of mr. N. W . METCALF, a inflow for the reception of Pupils .• at the Corner et Ilandusky and ltrawborry .sts. The Second &mien will comments m 7.1"48/?8'14 Itta Tbosedesigning to eater will hod u to their Interest to do lieu near the opening of the session as possible; though papa* will be received at any tune doily the wscum The services of competent Teachers will be scented fee classes that say wish to receive _lll.llllClioll. to Dr., IDE, Palming and Music For pesticides, relative to the coarse of lawantion, ,terms. an- consulted/enterer apply to the Ituniveter. Allegheny, July 13,1047. • • 1111111 STROXONI 110/111011110 SCHOOL • Mt TOOI.O LAOIS'. N. 9, fragiac . ani Synarte,lPhiladelphlas TllE Fall Tea of thia luau:floe will commence on the la of Pice,ember. • Informatiott respecting character, terms, ite., tarty be obtained at this odic*, or by appllcatke to the Panel. al. • jolOdller• BOOKS, 'MUSK% VALUABLE DOOKlloolkiblieha.. & U P Juan, Walnut street, between t and Fifth, cisehessa. nimPa Gibbon—The htstory of the decide and fall of del Roman Empire. By Edward Gibbon, Bs+ A new Ede, revue:dud etineeted throngto out,preceded b•y • and accompanied - by notes critieal end hi•totical, relating principally to the propagation • of Cheistiaelly: by M. F. Gadot, Monster of Public lestroctioo for the kingdo.ar of I France. Tea prelace, notes and corrections, trans. heed from the Preach eapressfy for this edition. I With a ooticedi the Lila did character of Gibbon, mid Batmen Reply to Gibbon. Inß vols. imp. Bro. 1013 toms. • Naret's Pedant& Infee—Cuopleta. I vol. imp. aro.= pigs.. • Halboaki MEd .Ago, Chamber" Rebellion is Scotland, Robertson's Weida and - New Ended, Rewire French and English Wee is America, and Itentny's American Reeolalloa. 1 vol 410. LibIarIOI'AIIWGCSO HOGOIY..-001. tuning salve. Goss from tbe bed authors Oa America* History, BiograidY, Trude, Commerc Statistics, lothans, Revolutionary Battles. Be &e. Be. Ala., Matt , ' dotes, reedy and Mimelleheoes article. led with more dm angraviege.l Vol, imp Sao Mdpages. • • • • Guivereal Pictorial Llbrary—Cootalotagraleahle tilled vasioua mbjects, .comptistog Ns . taral [dory, detrital Sciences, Agnctiltute,ltarat LoWl• *my, Biography. Fiat Are, the Oriented, Travels, Geography, Botany, Miscellaneous rendiof„,' Be: I std imp Ova. dlOpp:fell theep. Tbe Family Medical Übruy—A Treatise on the Proemial sod •Cere of Diseases, by regimes and simple weddings. New edidosonvised nod enlar ged with the addition or a Vegetable Malaria Med, ms,poietia; not Omvinaes. preparations and dress of oar most valitable native roWical plod, and as millet of Anatomy. and Pbyseolagy Illadrated with one handed Reverter, ma of which are colored. By I G Norwood.]: D--e,4 pages • Ammices Flower Girden Compeer—Adapted to the Vetted Stade; by Edward Sums, Lander," sod Oreadoutal Viardour. lB me, third edidoei retired, enlarged mad illustrated. • ' Primer's Oreg.., Rocky bloodies, Be. •Fautily Testament, octavo, • with and without Polvgbit eaten and Palms inmatre.. • Rice sad Piegree's Debate. Bards Wake Lodi of the Labe. Lalla Rook& Man's Private Doer., lion. Juvenile husker ailitinn• raj.'" tondo In pamphlet fond, thelctr : sice Peary, A7II.ATME ea the Common end Career Meares by resume amt astute idetheineo Ned mlumn, nimieed and ettlaneed. with the, addition of.a Term* Mmrta Nofiers, panned oat the Mmes. melanoma 4 o, deese or oar met rallable, satire, medthel plants, as appetala, Uluenstad wuk 100 emisvisas,6 of w pro cowed. By I. O. Nomad. .& The dint or do enure work is s a dye the history "nu... o .Se r7mineme. meads. thrtninatten of an comma dim.. in ea earreet.siopth sad igoeOi sible wnsw as pomade maned We capscOidi of all who west. In sty meal, to undertak e the treatment M Indite:mm.ln the tannimmea of wild. hum life may M at stake. used permed by the generalld of radioe dodd fusel own seeeraarai, wonted* in the sle. aues Guam* to dm desthqodWest, has &maddened milk meth Wm WIWI* sad gnat care. The Family tdedlml,Lihnry, it la belleveflAlS given more amoral satisbanion thee any kook of be Med omit. By its simple wi peril rotirts limo( reterdem sad tacit MI. , rbaa , soy one 0 . . 4 . vary imelliaarwe, wilt be enabled to, treat War terMe W. Slam. graham the stemma, of calks, in passmien. We hare bees tabooed by owl of &aids. wise base Ire their Moms Out, coed they our Mesta anotber IeMIT of en =nit, ten times the rod coed not pa cka...a hr—hasing drowsily raved man Wu than In one year, by its me. . • Ageammented se salt tills work—a liberal coisond• deo altemrd. LA it 13.1 n. JAM Bd. Pabllshert, Wader st..ben eth and 6111,4C1Rad Ismail. • AIM XOOITAL 'notary of be Conquests( rent , MIA a prellageare sicw of um eivinzapon of the loots, Dir . Wallient Premed. to It Toth. Meanies of the Life of Rev. Charles, Sismon 11, with a Iplecuo. from his resents and corremoodence. r Edited by Wm. Wm. Cares. The American edilian ed' Bishop "tenni.' ' 'lThroe thrtmend corals( Ihla valuable memoir were eireetated totbtgloed in a few dos, and dm themand more were gaieties' , ..11te History ot Sunday Scheel...and 01 RelialorMEde ' canon from the mallets toms. by Lewis O. Pray.. Rageldrs Golden Treasury. The Chnodo Remembrance?. Ire odium. TM wereosteds English Thenewi• abov• . for oats at me 800 . Mane of • • ELLIOTT a FrOLl5ll.. illt • ' market libel 3rd sane& LA has 11 BLACK, RED sad SCA RLET. • TM LA has been alreedy in me by the President of Sid United States. le the Depanments, end both Beare* M Coagress,hy the Governor sod Leablaoste of Tenarythante, end sumer eak highly repots!, e iestitatioar, camerae, and indmid Ya s. Ink dem mere freeiy fnent lbe pen, impterees on the paper, and corrodes eteel pens lets than nay plber Items. For pntrameses of color **se Inks fhlly se t n3r ert eerpeen, all others, for when the coin 'some se on the. "I::Pit H ised and for safel i ntnan s title., to salt pnr.: dossers, by - • 31, REM) . •—• . • Foqnb. near Mullet street QCHOOL BOOKS. ke• ' • • . • 1 1.3 Eketitt Periesof Deadens. Nos. 1 4 34,5; ::-- :Pander* , .., do ' - se .103 t ' Cobb'.. do de 13345; ,- ' Commo Pete Esnenion,6.l3llllll &I'd egibilftell ArAboteties; MitelseikOlsey, &Oki ond Ooodrieb's Cleogrophiee; Sothis Albans aod Bullion'. Grammars. - The 'above vslaable &Awl Books fin sale veer law Ageo-A lop aieseronent of Letter Cap Writing Pm• per and tdankllooks Of all vises full and big wand. ELLIOTI" de ENGLISH DI - • 'market st. between 3rd aside& 1.1 11Y1P-7-1111115:1O0-Tirsi Published by \.1.1 1 .1 11 A A U P Jataes.Cioeirmad. ' • • ' Toe msroav OP umuco: her Cal Nun and: Colonial and ilovolmeionaryAanale, from *Apon t e: 4 f 1, 7 C:u m seo . and_ Isfilitoll:Aell'eveo .64. BY Bk 4l o . i l ,',:inT::, I 'm rs c t . ,l=Vreve th illt P tntiktrlii t aut a . Young. 61. D WWI tyro Copperplate Map., and WM' 1 EN11.1131 1 of Plano."( Dude On: ands. ie. Ono TOi• , I Co me octavo, of five bondred and sleep/eon' pages. 1 , PIANOIIt ' PIANOIIII • ' HENRY KLEUEII, Dealer in eastern rime. Font*, ot .1 W Woodwell's,No. lll s Third Duvet. The ' Pitlllolm4y be examined at all boars, oAdille subset' bar will les there fronslltott. A. M. and fecund 05, P. M., eaeb day. - Pfttsb'cilember '46 We. the. ewlersigned, would intone the chives of Intubengh and , rieinity that we Iwo appointed Mr. 11. Kleher bole Agent for Wewern Pennylvania, be the sale of our Piano revue, fros.whom they way be ob. talent at our own [Mew Yorks pri ce.. ' • UNNS & CLARK w York .Sep. I,l9l6adlidif iRARRAL TAYLoll,—Johnoon a etwlttoo b_Thnve jaw fecal red ponnidwt IdolorGeneral Zack. fly Taylor, by A Holly, make the iraotediant superin tendence nod diseetion of the wodeisid Ofacerr.flord an ailantal ,kclek taken frm life: at Cliatago; by Capt. Eaton, AD. C.. • We, the. undersigned, confider Holy !vomit 'of OrriiiidTallor a good • aeea D.' COONS., V NiwY G. A. WCAu.. A. A. O. • Ogo-61 sou&Topographical Easincers I l Isonasaid., U. S. Navy. trr Price. SS cents.' • • j. 1.1 , _ Dow York Mane. /WIN H. MELLON; No El Wood at has wood and offer. frit cole— Uae , opleAdid gosettoed Vi•ne Toile 11101/11,101: ei octave., iron Omit and ne balk. Mick b. Motoring, of Down. One elegant - 1t0...r00d Piano Pane, with 6 mini. cod Don footle. Made by Cldekering. ' One elegant litalowy,Pouto Fotte—side by Gal Ik.C4,NeVI York: i • . lite above will be OW at - inati.factarerbi 6 Ala, for Pale as above,A stoma hand Piano Fore --- ATITTI - a la 111.1.1* I.lfflitaa' • . • A SPV . EtdDID asoaruneat of Rotewood and If shoos i tA i :Ligt: l =a, ?taws, ith Fr . atle, put 'Abe two apkrbd Noseinsod Pianos, alibi Nolcman's telebtaind drolian in lambed in Ow sessmod. a. nlybs, and klr min st ' SILUMVAI tea WOW strettil door, above Sib :11gDr 441114670 N AND 1114.0ENERALS,by .1' T . -1 " -i1.11111.. TN! dal i teA s lS r .. ....t.e tr niN. . Nil '' - 1 'i l° e= f r azarli=d3rd i . poigirollzeirgetrzBTaoP pylll-4Zang. eliillsodis of dos 1.1044 Wm:m.l Ld.00 , -.__, 0.., member a aal . WW l ' /I"thwe. of "" g a ':,'"„M t a rdasy,ol II WIZIFf JOHN/TON st i l l wis.::Aim ~ rileysislut ICTVaits;r,wrsAnCtihay reed is *al . e , g PAP I : I7 m t 4.4W.M, NW.WI.=- 4 I MANUFACTORI S.: SDK ING7IFKMIELS&MAN WORKS. 01.4.4AN, A itAiratArideci, bor . there . N ear . vorks, ate nom pre pared t. to man afae. , tote every deserlption of Coact . and Mirk Iron Rik..., ,Ameneart Elotter,rpone and plough zlool, and au a small square and ronnd lon, which they offer Sneer! on libeml berms, at their Teirsir pro,43Wnad streeti whew they also keep on o n e • ensoplete and Inuesonte _areorteent of csath onwq, Carriage . hardamre, meltable castings, Nod , and ron, • C. Mk Co., have made armarment• w ith e.stss or Day dc Crons, amantsetarers of I Stve4•, nt n Forlmcke.,_ and mill kp - eminent .!‘q llffi MkOe by them. D al eers saw respeettely not eftea to esti,'" prices and tons hem tn=_. • Pin MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY, Preralrolon. PA. JOUN NVUIOUT .dlo CO.. A RE prepared lobelia Conon t end tittles"! St=pr="Paleers,c4l%;sag flgatio: Railway Heads, Weapons, 'ller is,Spoot • s Mewing Frain.. Looms, Card Grinders, Ire.. Wrought Iton Shafting tutted all 'misc. of Cast Iron, rallies a nd Hangers, of Me West pattern., slide and hand Lat. and tools of ailkords. • • Pl.dollt.of every de...nation farnodied on short ace Sch. Patterns made to order for Mill Hearing, Iron ratling,&e. Straus Pipe for heating Factories, Cast Iron Window Sash, and fancy Casungi generally Orders left at theWarcbouse of J. Palmer A Co., Lite arty . , Street, will have prompt attention. 'lllacktoxk, Bell & K Moorhead & Co., G E Warner, John Irwin & Sons; Pinsborgh. C k J II %Yarnell %%.ienbenville. JOUSTCAIRVIIVSIOSI T, In:roams and Manufacturer of Cotiery, Sontimil and Dental Isouruments. Paddiersand nutter.' imod wal.TaylorOPatent Shear. tre Om munufoc "ft. Tnr..* ., Serrature, , great variety. J.C. Manufacturer and Impoiner of Pen. rocket end Tahlo Cutlery; Rasors,Setwors. Files,Saw. Tool.,&c; ha. removed to ' SS WODD STREET, Pittsburgh, second 'door be-• - low Diamond Alley, And has late.) , re-retard a large ...torment of Peet k ramket, guinea. Knives ' Also Rodgers' and Whostenholond • P/ISM Ellions,Rodgenr,zWade k Butcher's Ranot.Seisiom, Razor Eltroo_s,Ao...lhatuascus and Wirer - 0n.% GUNS, RIFLES, AND PleerOLS, Allen's °Ma and Wanes ResolvwdeEnna r Flasks rhOt Balm Wry. GameWalker`e& ers, Po Coes Ver. nmetanCOP.UOIVIC. Pork and Iluntiag Thom. sock as Callipers. Dividers, Nippers, Hand Vier. Square., Rates, Dries. Unts, !poke • Phan., Stocksand Die. Wire and innaGuages,Meth . an sots Instraments,ke , In rely great variety DlJ•Jobbing%-and repairing neatly and punetualtY app ' done, CO-PAI/TNEBAMP NOTICE. E. ggfill,V.l.‘h" . ll2iLDAV l ;; , uotsday enkted Into coliortnership ender style •nd - Gm -of Iftephem. '.sbownherger Co„tht r ibs Ancbor Iron ViatlwWlwelias Va., fag the purroft of 'aikaufacuirists It and fouls of crety deikettption. F. W. Srararsre, ft F flnostranactra. J. A. Sroctrat 111111.811, 81106NBEI8E8 k. , CO., ANCHOR IRON WORKS, - ' Whecling. I'm Manofarnai all hinds of bolle ' s sheet, bar iron and natty, A B steel elipac springs and asks Being con. .offered with Shoenbergel'a Old Juniata Works, we can Offer an anat.!. or Innate Iron (breaded tinocoberterl equal to any made' in the countr. All of whit h will lui will at the Plueborals price*. Warehouse of the Works roomed Monroe sod Water street. . snyt t ALLSIiHNif BB A VRNITI O e 111 - iiiD FA - CrOltli. . . •.- JO. BROWN iII'AKI tins method to inform his friend. -trll:l'iirfiSllil'o M rst i s e e . .I.l',7`thh"klarrt trl! .... .• ot th e DiasooodP!Allegocnyoaltur o coo: : Kant .opply a( Wind., of carious colors ' andqualdiee,are conettmtly kept. hand, r ' also al No. i Wood at, Pittsburgh, at J.& -, H. Flollipe'oil cloth settlement. emu. Shona" Made to order in the bust style. Blind. repaired at die sliorte.t mace., N. It. lii. Blinds will be pat op, w ithout any nddi. banal oxcarts* so that theyran ho removed in a oko• moot to ewe of fire or for .v/on& and wOhooL the aid of • craw dr - • oriedlyharlemlY A. POLTOBI, tied and Mao Found . or. has rebuilt odd commenced biotin... at his old mind, where lie will be pleased us see his old comm. and friend.. Much, Steamboat, and Belts af every . pounds.unds. east tram tame( the most approved models, and warranted to be of the best materials. Mural Wafer Pump., Canter*, Roiling, he. he. nether with erCIT sanely of Brass lksomrs-, 1f.0k.0 . ed. owned and fnisbed in the beotestrosanes IITA• F. Is the sole proprietor of Ilesoces AM. • Armenia NMI., so Justly celebrated for the redid., two of friction in elachiocrY. The Bores and Om a n. edion can be Sado( boo at all room _ _ oanl4 • W/11.11aCTILLY i Co. IMITATION CROWN GLASS.. Haeon in laltlattot Improved eastern h wheel Dien for and UP remat i r arelo i ve prepared to forstakhtm artin Glw in. made 111"daritletted fitates,a7l:MeCi.deri; le th e Er4Pah Crown.- • ' mnn Wo are elm very a:masterly cueaved to the laetere o(Comoon Window Clar4 and Detiptee , AM Paulo Of everydeseriptart. Deatets generaay mailed to call arl fog dteautel,[l.3lol.lr ar !tom. N 0.1.19 Wood 'met, itutlatrah, Pe. lars w.toTigstridger PIITSBURMI STEAM ht*Rlll;P: WORS, Xs.. MR nog ged Warty mai, wear Conat WAYS on hand end made to order, a large vgrie• ef ((ruble Mantels. Pier,Centte Tablet, and Bateau r(lips,Tomb Smer, hlonuments. to ; oil oltich, being made of the choicest marble. and Inaauthetan 4l (Witte/Italy be tnachlntry,*:ll be val.l lair for ca. , 11 , •N• Noah.. Dlstatel, urn idormari that Wsca henceforth ounceesorry for theta to go Esau'. I n famish Mein with Ali aructe in all respects as good, and (freight. mantic, Se, rousider• ad.) an chespqrs they can purchase- thenlht . in the East. s:strand-am - CONPIIIN,NIINXT IKON. /IND TIN I ASK hIANUPACTORY , NuB Market street, Pittrburgh; Penns: Tirdret=la h rronYe7i o r d' Sl 2l2 r oP = VEni...,"w reveettolly invite persons building Steanibatts to cab and enentine before pa rebastag, wa can supply there with Deck MOW., Forges, and 'Crory other kind of Copper, Tin utd Sheet lout week necessary in banish ing a $lOllOOlOlO. We' 100 mike 10 order or the shortest notice Sal Tobes indOsfflaber; Copper work Ow Steam Engines and every variety or work to our line. 11.1.• vtIrERIFF Se SHIRK BENNETT & BROTHER, ip4/FEENSWARE GANUFACTURERS. Illionilassltnaa, Inane Platabur gh,lP. 111gehOuSe, No. 137. 'Wood street, Pine:IRMA. WILL constantly keep on hand s good assort. meet or Ware, of oar own manufacture, and superior qunlity. Wholesale tmdeviontry Met hane are respectfully invited to TER and ex amine for themselves, as we are determined to sell cheaper than hasever before been offeredto the pub lic. • e- • Err Orders.nt by snail, accompanied byghe east. or ' env refewiles. will . promptly iWentlnlid." febtD , brat Vitileto BO iliiintiniffactory, ' . . . ozzolautAT6 0: ' GARDNER is Co.. would intone the trade that A e they . are neer manwfactatiug the best out Diego everglade in the United States. , As this ii our prioci. pie badmen, wit Intend to send oat as complete an or. tide as Clal possibly be made.. -Those' engaged in the !ordinate tradeowe think, will find it to their totems niece our Butts All orders promptly attended to. ray S .— - A GRlll"'''''''''Ll.mulents COTTON and W0014.1:11 necnINERT , vIIE subscribers are new enlarging their establish- i ."...1, and are prepared to make a ladle( Canon and Woollen Mscinery, on the most res•ottable ECM. Ordirs addreised to as w ‘ ill i bteel with prompt attention V ONTMAN & LIALZFLL N 8.-11. Wight:man, h Ltcoe il' h U es ' i pa Ai t h r fors very Important Improvemelcionhoe Curd,anirwto has heat empured teethe lan fifteen years in rune of the meat extensive and successful Cotion Factories of the West, re ill give hie person.] intention to patting up, to the sat, tear-non of those moteerned, all maehlites made at this emaldishatent.. ituneldlv •. • _ • JonN sneuirv - is: 43.4 Nos.93and 94 Front ems, Boma Formates and; aslts- Vela Bats of all sixes eirst' terns the pat. erns mid w arrante dt corral to any. Also, Brass Gamine, 6ruslied if ordered, Gar rt. Vass pot op promptly ondon . temonable terms. . • oolladly 'Wog - 7P Young. C thump. F' Plunkett TOI7IIIO, liEttlie•N PLUNKETTr VIANT GLASS MANUFXCTURERS VgliatEllOUSE N. 51 Water and IDI Fitsl sues TV Pittsburgh. The Oboe maeufactured .by warranted equal to any to the country. All order will receive prompt anatatioriond rensonahl turps,; tderchants and soften visiting , the city ere m felted tonsil before purchasing elsewhere. (ebb*. emems• LIPPINCOTT IRON TILON and Nada, Shovel, La. for late at our new j..Warulcuse, No. IA %Valer street, near Wood, run ,ee9oo Front Al . r, an &Isom:aunt at the old stand, illehlinueu in ,I,theny FinTL 111.•ing Clad. area addition. to the Toll mg Mill; all order. ran L. fined protnadV. , Condo RA FF. LINDSAY Co TIC[ PACTORI. • CAMPBELL & CIECEL . • boartrn.cto nal or . FINNING. BACA° HOOK HEAD DUDA, ppirr Tactics. IRONAND'ne/Whit BROF. , NATLB. . sna -harm Makers' Points, of escry description.. •OEee No. 1 W. Cbarieillotel, htmln street. telsl Pittsburgh. STF.EL WORKS AN D O.IIING AND AXLE FACTORY. • 1"'" man. JONITS ik (ADIGICI 'm Q9'f. XIANUFACTURERS of Spring ond Winer Steel; IVA 1%10 Heel, Steel ,Plorigh Wings. Couir and Eliptie Sgenimmllammered Iron Axles. and deals in Melleable Castitirts,and Coach Trimmings genemdly tomer of Round klona streets,ritubFgh,r. awls P. MCLVAXTi • hunk: Ft latout. WANT 'GLASS ZSTAOLISIIIMENT. MUI.VANW tc LEl3l.lF,nnunnOrturrood keep eon. smutty on hand CO. klountra and 1 twn Find Glawrote, all vatiotiets, attheir Wittebonst cot. 'net of Wttings& Water meets, Vioolooltk.',' • 011,Worko Cl2lldllllll in tall opetntion. an d we Silt 0011.1.60 if nddlni to Ourwinch enot.les ial; to till nedeto with peocaptoese. Puteltwee ate inveetrully : solicited to roll sod twatoc prim and Prom ; • . • ; /10.P11111Tall0118111P-111te landeraigiuick bad .daxidtpidogother muter Om aidadaad .11 1 . 14 Hays &nada', Or do vapor of loaddcung aoudad Drf Good. .sad Groot* laudaaddmitlulii batons *cif, Mudd, and 'the plane thailicy urn au hand at all dale=trutiaesd dryads, la thew will tow mold of Vasa cat of good madly ela!mdloalclakieldbeWbera ,,, .4 r,6 wWlllla ILLYtti ATIP• MEDICAL ItAISING 111.00 D • And Coueniaption, gain in the Side mid Night Asthma, Whooping skeig6.l".lsVll.llloll/she Liner Complaint. ltrotirtiltitt. nod We Moat, lunge and by...sited b ?he, man's Albite:dins' Dolma • Rafting Blood arid ronsumplion• 1 M iL wiih 4l . l 7> l itt aide, and all We:usual symptoms of consumption. , lie employed two of the lieu physician.; Mt y dot hint . no good, and told ban he COUI2O NOT I.lVt. Heating of the vtundiefat cures perfertned eber waits Balsam. he soil es o'clerk slight la Alt, Hayes. MY Fulton st. t and got nettle, opernlrd like a chum, slopped We bleeding and cough: liefole he had taken one bale be was able to be alanit hiv liked SAVED 111$1.1FE. Ilia dangler. essidlng utll7 'Myrtle Avenue. can angst it. ' Miss Ann Mnston, of Willinmhbureb living la Tenth near Panda Fograi• 0. eat'—That ohs- had been tiedliled with a hacking enogh, and pain in We dbevt. tin a long tPuth•wlileli at Mel became so bad dint .he WWI obliged give up tatting sool fue mare than a year. *he then •atneuced the All.llealing Unhand which soon `led aenti.4one.. :She Is now fostveroteetingt —te,,ed her Mlto emus oreupdtinif as a lead her, and he-._ 11 YEARS. . Mr _Juke O'Neal, 10th avenue and inst se, seamed Ilea cough, raising of yhtem and pain en his side. Ile could get NO lINLILF till Il e wt. the All lecalirg Balsam, whiehdrove the pain mu hip side, allayed the cenigh, and !nought the doom; upon the surface; ate ' belore he had eaten three hooles,ww eueirety emu,' Pleurisy and Con.,.uniptiurs. Mrs. Daggs., a lull upwards DEW , . reettlitein. i.ltt r• ill. lam Our seam Urea subject in attwk• ut Pleuibil, Raising of Blond, scarce Cough. snowiness or Breath, Pain in her lien.] and vierinu• Pans of Iter body. tier friends believed her I'AST 1111COV11111'.. The An nealing I.lulatera retteeed her in once of WI her alarm to Met. anti she is • ow:Mien , attend mite. work. Asthma and Whaping Cough. I e.tio7.eet.-!:.:,e'ilmWi';t9ognee,l:•r:ls',i:aToell.,.: :il k :es t i ' ire the value of this great remedy Ask (err Phenuenthe Annealing Ilalsdne, and ace that his written signature tam each tattle. .Pwce invents and II leer Ile. ' ttr ltenuan's %Vortet uteri ugh Lounges fo Il Id a* cive. Ilrinc:palolser ligt Nassau st.. N. V. Bold wholesale...l retail by Wm. Jsek.n, at his ham) •hlsiliciakWarshoure art Boot and Shoe Slam, NoB9Liter- I streetylesd or Wood street, i'llaugh. true tl y 1 per 7 Mn f •UOMPSON'S COMPOUND OF I TA I? AND WOOD Nit I.lllll.l.—The Ihertlonil (Mr) Advertiser rapt remedy has born more successful than tiny . medicine we have ever known for its numerous cures. 17413• umption, gp, log tilor@,pain In the :tide and Smart Monitor's. Asthma-Obstinate Coughs, Itootrenrset rhne 'throat, l'alortattott of tit. Heart, Whooping Cough Croup, Nerrout Trenton...kr.. Individuals ottliti highest respectability in this y heir ample ',summit , to us [warn and eiltency elute • ilimusea • Aiming the testimonial. to the viler of therapy.; med isle, at e several tram disungatilled nltysiessi Phi I del his: tread th e renewing from Dv young, the eminent o[ll If, Pint.sontuts,lan ,l9 . l,l7 . .i. 'Want used in my Practice, as well as in my own (amily..Thompnen's Command Syrup erfar and Wood Naphtha,' I have noiwsitation in saying that it is the ben preparation ol the kind in use for persons suffering Gin CaustouptiOn,Coti:ltn,paaN and all ialfertirmit or the 'throat, Breast, de , so prevalent at this wawa of the ear. Ww. It CUS44:Y. n , Ix: Spruce nt 'We babe men widen a few aerobe pervon whognve the following certificate. Ile reuniting well, being per fectly cured of his Jlef10.0: , . taiLativArttla, January p, Ill:. Flom a senile of gratitude, and d doubt that the oldies led may have resource in n truly inValil.li c medicine, I I would state than it. benefit I hare experienred own; i the am of Thinapsores Compound :syrup of 'tar and 1 Wood fiaphdra , For Fractal years] have been atilt, 1 ted arab. drintressing roc tringeolich,abrompartial wi gram oPPreneion and did/catty of Igelkl.lllllg,, with a era 4 i lotion of lightit -a at the chest, Ifecoming , great!) alarmed, a trial sena had been math benefitied brio mediestre.rec ended me to try 141 did to, and in very short tone ere y alarming IKIOI.III disappeared; my eXpeetesation'bccuint. tree, all oppress.. led me. my rough ceased, and in a few days I wan able to It oat and attend total business a. we 11... Any (unbar trantraation will he rimerfullY given the afflicted, by ealfiug Witty residence, No. IL I. S. Emits, JOS. tiIc)LNNAAIV. This invaluable medicine in prepared only by ANG NEN' iv IL/Wirt-UN, at Nti toracr of F.fill and Spetre Mt, Pil.l4OClOOOl. :told Ittittnaburgh by I. WILCOX. Ire l' tire 50 cern. or SI per bottle. . . • cm-rioN-1.k..-.. of the many. cocnterfem that I c *Saar. -. The unscrapalous are ever reruly tri aten the unwary, , ! • ,stetivon IL ass t °taut, C. 1(11 Ellar—A Blessing!. Abfirack ! ! A Wonder!! —To man Eruptions sad Vi4figurtements of the Sk,n, Purple.. Fleet les,Senbarie, Salt Rhetim, Scurvy, bete Heads, AA., /se. .1 . Fear years ego last Aerlsl,lde cubit.' of Fiunre wae,astamehedin consequence of a di,reeery made by an !tall. Ctiensom. Many doubtedlt teemed almost , as, impost batty anytkiag motile by We hands of man. could Baer Mash powr , .. as eiswnmi A 10.1016 ion los borentam filuo Olassod lons and his inueution as a humbug, load. many footled persons without t he do the sanal now ,1 et lensgb, altar testing it M hospitals, the Medical Sa. piety of Faris Hbe bait ChrMill• ,n the searldfdelivered the fallemisig reportlo Signor Veal:wink , : • 4 We hase,novr mututely,and carefully smiledhe siagalarsitvenbots of Vmprini. base uo i t s emsfinnentpant—mebaveaseittlin several enses.med we hesitate not to pronouu , .. , {ihe Italian Chemical Soap] at a gnat hltssing , a e. mcinderfal reale. ,jftin Ic auy e.emuoko rt.e ot the • t oat. iihilmairupio of talent; msakuld. (Signed) lA:OYM6 DUPREY Prcsident* READ THIS! Fronathe tnventor himself to the r present lh ov. 4, IMOopn elec. Otis, N In cimsidetnoloo of the num oftOOD, I haveldival red to hlr.T. /once, residing in the city of New Tort. N. A., the whole pronen of nrannfacturing, together with a etatenienla the ingredients comm.:lna my 'M. , ' n Ctwinical Soap. Ile mortmnufneture for tn C0.t..E1 ,tatco. pal y, i ln kve ttle ruvacgc of no.• mina hall. Chemical roan." - Remy .I.llold.worth. 1E4;1100 ANTONIA VF.BI•RINI Sold by W JACRTON, at hi. Paiellf. Alethcine arehoorc, ED Libeity silent, head of,%N ood, at the ofgn of thc Om. ' j'ta Ili, only plane lhastasel' whom the . GENUINE eon b., obtained. Ail oilers are Coonierfeic ALTICA — TiVrg: 'We hive been informed by Mrs Rate of scare per threnedmi her by or . Jalne's Allteratlveiwhich Proses its' superiority Deer tee ry other remetly,of the kind. She has been 'Meted for the hiss sixteen years with NECROSES or W lIITESWEI.LI NOS, !Wended with uteerauonS and eifoltation Of various hopes. du ring which tints many pieces have been discharged from the trontallsont.of trio cranium. from both bet arms, wrists and bands;lnd hom both .Idgs,snd from the lift fes oral lonaand frorn the right knee. besides painful ultras on other parson( her person, which knee bullied the skill ol a number of the nowt he phyricians of our sit. -daring most of the finte her rufferines have !teen eacruiattng and deplorable. About three- months Fame. she was a to ndneed' to try Dr. Jaynebt Alterative, which has had an astonishingly happy effect upon her, by feranring all pain 'aria swellings, and csumg the ulcers to keel, win nt the same tame her general health law becog k me completelz re Bored, to that she now wvighd more Ow she before ithe commenced the um of this Andy valuable prepation.-1•011 Eve_ Post. For further intormatron,itiguire of Mts. Rose. No. IM Filbert sit Philadelphia: ' For sate in Pittsflurgh,,at the' PEKI N TEA STORK 4:Fourth st near Wood. . — io,wbose teeth is 4011 and • You, whose skin lethak and sallow— • - You, whose heir to hush and Wary, Rusty,diny red or fiery— • You, whose, vile offensive breath Unpleasant is as ppuiddeuth— - You could have—hay, In. or girl— Teuth as white as snow or fseitrt. Breath • spleysweet, and eurticle Pure and white andstitooth and beautiful, ' And hairsoft.olky,dark assitie, ' 14 -reading whatls said below. .• READKRS. any of you can hose the aloe. by (mind , this te nothing but truth-losing a ks luttleofJonea's nil (lair Restorative-3 2s boa of Amber Tooth Paste—And is eaksi-of the genuine Janes's Italian ChenticalSoaa. The articleo cost but little, and you are nssured that the co/lowing ore their :cutups/ales. The tooth paste gives the brealh • sere-m.lo, white teeth-And preserves the teeth. Sc. The , tour sluff ail know to be the mast exquisite thing ever vet Mode for h and dres sing. beaupfying. and cawing the ,glow of bat the soap, (get theammine Jones's Sony. 'maid) will cure whiffption, freckles. ha, sod make daik yellow ,ciew and fair. All these thug. are sepal (only) at W JACKSON'S Boot and 'Shoe SEM, rind Patent mfictne Wweitowe He J.ilierly at. ray; ANTLASILIOUS PILLS. TT ONO catirrienee has mush! stlimithe, Pills on the lJ Waitsorilica own merits, sod they have- token ilmir pluee intausthe Paint:lo 1111,1:olkt.os th e It_ is 'rhea utnfutting worth' Ist mild operation. have 'rvailere , t then , favoraw_cepee 4111 tioong.n Inc IV , . mid Minds. Pattiely free lino those wiletermat •botedietits inch are 10 opt to praise. ('nine. b• v non:p.p. Mies re. rented aw. they It iileits_ntis. anti 'ectiledif mom the spume. lemoving 1... 111111.1 humor , . and Waving 1. bO. Is in a healthful • It mitt not he ectittally kno-3 Mit toctuvlees an Important Ole, that suan..ll the mirca" ,, e- now of common tire, Lenin tat nod v mug WI die inert obAinnic ,ron-VicnrOn nor. i;a•, twee erased operniting. BA Fahni nook'.' sitit .IB.rat • P•lls .haii• trig none orshcashinistful rometbenia. run ly re lied mum to produce the 0100. Punt-Semi edre., sod t hwesuds tvady 111:AV br:sr (0 their shn , ling merit Prepared aid told Ity B A PAIINIRS POCK &r... Finland Wen. en alb nits TOWNSEN :le no ppouitil Sloiract of SA RSA VAIII L.I.A • Wonder tool, 111-a , ng of the Awl I Thts I.:ousel is pot up to quart Itonles—t• nix bales Cheaper pleasanter. ol weirrapird• superior to unit , and II caret w.thout voniung, purglog,eatkeunig, ar tichilitsting the patista . The great beauty ap.l mil...nosh , of this Sar,p-ray over al, other re:nod:us is, while It eradicates . divan.. it invigorates the Way. is es u•ed sitacrthulty sinn the. removal mid normwent ewe of till diseases sing from 30 Impure matt of dr,' Men I. Or baba or the sys• hook (.111 for Ittotatieurt—thprinotPled Purtoritthuau enpiod our tabt, and put up outdiruu.itr u d tt,a, pod botpe• Sec that rapli r h.. the women aiodtae mot of is p Towtorond • For ra 7 e hy It Ft l.Fll .oleaaenmeAnt . .l.eny eautoyd +• \tdouJ 4te,, butoteon 'Plead trod Frump Wholama° WArelmmtatt lierutovett. U. A VA/ISENTOcK & • HAVE clotted toe c au tad reboot° on the corn. o(.Woon.rm.l. Race ~ .tetano. lo °amb the) 1,111 , 111 r., when, thy v , 17 itlyrupk hew on ltaturan eriermive Pogo,i.elll at all the armlet m theiriihe,._to iheY ihvm , hr nuru• tion of di public. , : Tile Drat Itioihr'si tie 11,0 wmn con.re et Olb on° rr s , MEiar DIC. NOTICIti—A. pror r ihonnut iirrisorsment Laohtl heen Mud., beiviiien Dix i‘rier and !hook.. coins rorriva orraccova ?nay will attend at the wise , of Dr. 11m0ka,71,4 .t. Ponta ireiilditigs, fiord h oil 9 &cick, . 61,111 •l a. lABee Ilrovet, Pena Wee, from till 2.cfrl,r- - jell:4lin • Tl:rato sot... Filter requests @c ; settlement °C 01l amonatidne cm PM boob, to this date. J/11 . d1 SAISAPAIIIIALA—AM bottles Dr.,Tonern nom,spneillo, which; the Donor ',Pennants le 'l t bee goo d's, nit nu y 9. and *ins 111:ch t tity Atfthe imam vett," ;. llietteetis nntellfit Si 4Wnyg,l4,Ens, N. CtlXtr ABOMIZTIC P "IffVl-ILL.JVP`, .11 i 11augikitt mitosAls C JIMA ,C,Vj ,11! , !;b1 .01 4 80190Mdaitim, 1. YORK ADVEItiN RUST TROOP. OS • • • FOR ROOFINO, IVIRDOWINOTTRSO,Re. , llEnboeribors Leg in enillbe illention *II Monet ,a.kair; their IiAFNANI 'I) TIN PLATEN, and to the zutaltY pmeoss over all mi•ralle anJ entior. In:snort hithnno uadunrhis'pur.oKDoowinan,tl eyski,thestzengiA • I lightness of troll mahout as liability to ttst, having w• Leen team central )oa t. , Loth ar Min 400:1111And • In Eamon. 'They are al,o !in *lt* eipanlnoll e• - old contraction tram audth•ti clomggrt atria mmosphme . • - than connoun Too Plate, Iron, Um A., or miy other • mend now tad for roofing, and to aril* tuna • • mach Lotter thud tightet roor . ..'reguti g sr leas fteyeral . • r. pair, whilst the - first - ens% to but 'lt Ile e. Mute. • . - 'Mr subscribers <mold also' apolumn of al , ••• drelom and workers in mrjahr,' - many mho. par to which Iron'thits'brometml, an La in general term, II Is applii•ableno all articles of non ' which it Is desindoln , tonsotert I the action oi - antampheyp.. And they lavuld•osi rcall wasion 01 at...annotated MTNLO.I RAPIN° lAN ,• n,( Leis 12nhasillml whichts walnuts: Winn, • - ly toed in Fnrope, and wlnehantat rr every .purpose no a cotoluotoz of el...urn:ay, noslug unit about one •; hob' ea much a: copper, and pos fel Ing equal ty ortth that metal. !laving lat e ly circled. marks t city' +0 , 1'4 par - • • • po, of galvanizing ritl, spikes, lur. mire. be., obey will Le tilde to fonts, ny articlo blob asp-be doss— ord. A. supply of l' es [tommin •Europo.]• .•- constantly ou hand,frunt Id to UN Ong , ' ; r • I , rr . GNU. Sl° NWOOP 8G Nos. lI undid Ilenvemti NSTIA - SOKIL. The l'..:.s lRight (or this artio • bas been ienurod for t he Motod Males as web a. Groat Iltiriln,andother Eos rope. counirose, and all .logril mammies will Lo ti•• ton mprevent any miringement by Inspottnnot NI. erwi•nt. 'Wholesale Drug Warehaaaa - . - • IN TIIRSITIC OF NEW. YORE. BA. VA lIN S.Co, No. 49. 4ohu at. • New York, infer for wo a large and genera. - assorimint or Drugs and 'Medicines, Dre •StolD Pam?* and Oils of every. description. which' they are prepared and determined to 'sell low. Country Merchants and Drhggixts are requested to call and examine their amain. Orden, executed with faithfulness and despatch. 11. A.Falinestuck's Vermiluge constantly on hand. .. It. A.' Valinestock, ' .• H. 1.. Falinestrirk. Fahmriteek. • A. 11. Ilan. Now Volk. 44'5 PAPER WAREHOUSE. OACRLING SLIP, PIE \lf,- TOXIC. 11(11UP FIKLD olrets• for sale at the ilowtst I • filanufactaters' pric a eery •esleasife town. 'Print of PAPER. coon:diein es. g ovary ptsiontild variety, sdi.incil total:trouts or consumers in situations oldie sotty. Popes of all toad.: to order at short not de. 'I oesawk of 1•111,Nl1NI: PA I , Ert is anusually large PAPER llAKEti ' li li r .fgail AL'S of esery description, itoportsd . and kept cowtontly on Imo, eta: Pc•iongs. Wite.elotta. Vottettrinier Wires, Blenching Powder, se Parma:trine, Twine, Le., Le, Ci names Hale Rope Utaliaßope, 11a5gisig,' pan;liaoad, for whirl, Ilia highest pritala Ca.& arsil paid Now York P.:Nan-14 IIN SUICAN CE! tuJemaltY agalinst Loon or• Damage by • • Fire. THE SILITUAL PRINCJPI.I: CONIDINkID • Wi th the additional reernny of a Stock Capon!. • The Reliance Mutual Inanrance Ca, of ' cii.orrEic PEIIPMLTAL.. DlltEkfOnn. Grerge W. Worn!, John M. Atrehod, Thome.. C. Roehrll, • Lomb lt.A,hhorat,. Wet. R.Thotnimon, . George N. Daher, George John J. Variderkerrp, Grqrge Carponeri 13, TILL make _insurance against Loss or Damage Tl, by Fire, in PITTSBICtori and vicinity, on I lousos, Stores and other Buildings, and on,Furni turn, Combo, Wares and Merchandise, on most favorable tortes. • -• • The Mutual Principle,' combined with a Stock .Capital, and the other provisions of the'Chatter this Company, hold out unusual Inducements, both • of profit and safety, to those dosirous of effecting insurance, towhiCh tho Company ask the attention ._ and examination of those interested. , Those effecting insurance with...tliM Company , • have,besidea thbomal protection 'against lots,by -- the ordinas method of insurance, the aaditional . , dvantageof a dliect participation to them efils 01, the Con:puny; isipent arty bilityy• . 'r 'POLAND; Prailient.', B.M. I.IIIICIINAN, Secretary.„ . • t ' The subscriber, who is the. duly authoilied'Agenk ' ' .....;, or the slider noshed Company, itt prepared to make .. . - 1, - ; -,'iA; insurance; •at the Olfire of the Agency, in the ,'. '•';'.'''''' ' lit. Chains lime:, Third it., third door rrom - Wood Street, and will gins all farther inf,rmatioe desired ent-'.-illy. .:IIUS. J. ,CAAIPSEI.L. • • • JOHN FINNEY. 41L...,. , ...Tr AT 1.11111;r8G11 ton ens • • .DELAWARE MUTUAL Safety Insurance Comp■ay of Phlladenn. , • ~ FIRE RISKS upon httikliogs. and merchandise, '..1 . or every descripiloa; . aoil AtAKINr. ftlsKS . f upon bolls nrcargoca or teteclo, taken 'open Oct • most favorable terms. -. LT Office in the Warehouse ci W.. B. Holmes. . & Bro., No. 37 Water, near Market ineet,l'itts- Ib'lA This . i,h;.,,.... , 1:1 ` g,• " .1. ° )/i, h :ili c° .4 1 ; " ... y itt ' iif: d'" ,,,, m t and .iberahrg with which every claim, open them for lom h. been 'addicted, fully or.ranitha agent in m elting the confidence andiutronage ales Irma. and the community a large to the Delaware hi. S. ranee Coo:pray, whlin it Emo the belditiortal advantages aa nictitation among tie moat dottriabing In Philad'ia--as haat egan ample paid in 'capital, which by the operationofitachartermcoststantly increasing as yielding to each person insured his doe share of . the profits of the company without Xtivelving him in any responsibility whatever; and. therciore an ' gauping the Mutual pirinciple divested ,of every obnoxious feature, an I in its most attrestivefonn. noel , ,-- FIRE AND MARINEiNSIUB.A.NCR - Insurance f.:onapany br North. America, ' 1 through its dalyputboriialAgent,Rm sobscri-: bar, offers to make pereilasseet . and limited 'lnsur,. once on property, in. this cityand its adeinity, and - on ahipments by thel:anal and liiveirril DIRECTORS. • I . Jahn C. South Prat., Samuel Brooks; Met. Henry, Charles Taylor, Saud. W. Jones, • Set111.•11'. 3/11111,g 7 . : Edward Smith, ..Ambiole While • John A. Brown, Jacob Al,Thouras, • John White, 'John FL Nell, „ . Thou. P. Cope, Wm. Welsh, . ..ArthurG.CotErn.Set... . This is the , •oldest insurance , CoMpany _in the United States, haring been chartered le 1794. Its , : charter 13 perpetual, and from its high supdiagi - . long expectance, ample means, and avoiding all oaks of 311 extra hatardons character, may be considered as dilating ample security loth° public.' • AIOSES ATWOOD At ?Counting Room of Atwood, tVater-and Froufstrects, 'Pittsburgh. 'apVl•tf ' 'INDEMNITY Ag Rom Loss by Fire—The FRANKLIN Fire Inen- , range Company of,Ttiladelptda, WILL make I nraraneo; Oarmarmot andlimited, • V on every deseription,of property; in PITTS BURGH and ,tho SURROUNDING' COUNTRY, on favorable terms. This company has a pave-teal • charter. CAPITAL $400.00Q paid In. coraiNtlEivr FUND, sro9.ei`o Office corner of Third and Market all,;r 7 iitsb'ghs ap ..eit,tf WARRICK MARTIN, Agent. • INSURANOE. , •••• American Vire 'lnsurance Company O^ PHILADELPHIA: ••• Cuanza• Prerrmat. Chiral. %MAIO nil in. Office in Philo*Acislici, No. .72 Uninut EokrCei • ! ••• •, •IVM. DAVIDSON F.lllliln PAin, See'T. r B " trldlT. ' c ...:1e re i l,=i.e.l. l l;form 't ar u nd'pgr. ro o , enrllo4 of °AOKI@ horartiotti character:against loss or. itainve by fire. i. Applications for )iiiiiiranuca rilisnitran and it,' will be renorrol. and ricks main r arr. perpetually or ler lignite:l period n invorisines i rins 4y V • erWiSßAN;•.gessi nnclY• „ Ilardwart Removed. :- 1• • '1.11 , 012' tesuovei the. n 060 Wood ,rer. rrcli:: 11mc 1. slack r,pn..111.1111 IEI p no IlAil , W IZI . I I..EITY es obTs Nkra;.tk. Au.l Ituada..diteat I rem t,iunu , .vutes, ot T.lig!aud and lirramali. . . Also. -upu; ler n! A Itir 71:".1111afti.vare. from The prill. n 1 41 e..,,n0ff crA of Me Kitelt. e slone.:' ',::: ' • 1"J 44 Ike.r 'lock twiny; ent.re . ,v aew..und putelsaall upea. , ..','..:,:. 11- a., lern, Ice y fe?..lerCat fide tine in Dent ablo 4,14. , - ~....,,,Ily 10 I,e, co:open:Ml Duro any quatter‘ .4.,7pA.., wh,s4, e.aAt a meat :. . . - 4 , .' • ~ .l . : ....":'-',4:: ' Taa • llard mare besmeer. wkl he eanu0ned.0ub.,,,h7,:,.,t.,_.:,. maml. _ _ '' ' :'._ •' ' ' ' '"' 71 1 0 17 '.', ,. .74 , :::::i ffifPitiii . i'Eli ittAiitits:4s - tistrWit..,:-.6?.:::rm AL 4&rs K u,,nr. enrcisung of Onto C. 141,10 ' a s, sod r: edelnaletl7Strans,i.toot , 141indA . 7 her. E l / 4 . r . r . et . - . i . ...,....!, warranted cermine, as they. were, selcroc4.l,c . rayself, ,, ,:',,.- ., ,1',' ali min Ire 4,111140 royai.ameM a, con.— __, ..• ' .. :...i . ' : Vs , . a forge supply of lirot.tneitlkl American Degara • l - : ':‘ .l. m moderate price.' ' ' • • JACOU tVailyi , R,• Wine P.lria, . : rrathet st pm front- . ..1511 . 1i 11111.11...74P, N O 17 Marka arm:L:l4'llov 'rec,lvillg as Spring sack of Hops —l,lsralshian liradm7re,l34l4arrnia, -;,:.; nn•lmincilroa rt 'a: follows: cla a Japanned Worn, lingtoM and Ameritain . . 4: 4 bs. Ilroanam •do do • do, -• ~. 4 2 en,kt Encl...lOrtneva.Sage•parnii. i • ,k,• (kn.' l'ok.. ' Ve . s.. 11ui s sind WaiMion - . lin I eJ 1 .14 Prea,d Ware: .1 can i ill iga 1 774 , 1‘ .: • 140 Ilm tviorlea Copper; . 17 /pinlorl'omed (kippe11 , :.:'......,44, ILO. 111,1.10cm= Wm"' So his 7, il Plate; . ; .f.4,',..4 4 -14,.. 1 ; 4.9 : , :, , ..11.141 . J.4 1 / 1 11111.AP. 17 /Imam sa . :„ - ,''':1,1' , .y.,k , C U T li a l lea A /rf r ire.!l ' u!Vilk' i gfl . Vllll!, l p "' ;;; j a ß Tyd 'l4 ' 4 1 ,4 ~!' : ' : :4,rl;' ,, I,) , jt 14 . 147 .1•E 1 1, 7 4 ,1 , : 414 AM h i:''.! - lf .-", '', -"' l: : 7. = ,:1.i 1 1 „ as." Pea - IY, ...11 , elliecn, O. eerykealAsd . hris .....,i£. , , ,,,,i wiit vole SeVereiy altaelto in'. - Arlnt'lstv %MN .Lorer v. .: ...I , ,ti 41nmr4aint„ end I, ad Atm alvicc afire physician", 5i. , 4.-r1 troolVlloo:l,4,canediesmohno4mmlocommo7 pod' ce" l -:: - 7': - -, _, - .f, :1 Hearing of Sellers! Ltir,e( 4.l.kbe,piisak4,44 01.;.,:,. , ...?7,, 7 . , 1k0k1.3,•: - whieb she nrai gr'tiltiVesli.ii,tii.eood MM,. .:.'.'2 7, 1 wee praparmim I kb choral): cook lOrt. - .:' , . :-P.'""41713 .. - -.4.,'4-!4 - ,,..„ riAliii.iixisii-Aiiiiiimiliatit;ii; ;It,i;;: i.e.io::- , , - -.8 24' ,i 7 ,,, T i alAtt i =lt.k te,tti o ni b): Spp . lymi a41M ,.., ,Z4.11 Ile =sulfa. kind'ircoatnieiAii icals . a Wrietar'' -'..1..1:`,'q • -r .44
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers