KNOCKOUIBRENNEN, CHAMPION, AGREES TO BOX JOHNNY GILL HERE ON NEW YEAR LEBANON VALLEY IN CAGE GAME Season Starts Next Week; Good Team on Floor This Season Aiuiville, Pa., Dec. 10.—Only two games are on Lebanon Valley's bas- Stcetball schedule to be played prior Ro the Christmas vacation, which * begins December 20. The opening game of the season will take place this evening in the gymnasium here, the opponents being the Lebanon Y. >l. C. A. five. The second game is scheduled for the following Wed nesday evening, when the Lebanon Valley quintet will journey to Ilethle hem to play the Moravian College team. The school for the entire season is not yet complete but will be definitely arranged immediately after the holidays. Thus far games have been scheduled with Albright, Susquehanna, Juniata, State College, Bucknell, Johns Hopkins, Delaware, Lehigh, Temple, Mt. St. Mary's, Washington and Lee. Virginia Mili tary Institute and other teams. Seltzer Is Captain Seltzer, the veteran center, who has played on the varsity five for the past couple years, will captain the team this year and each even ing has his men in the gymnasium for more than an hour. Two other stars of last year will play with the team which will open the game to morrow, Moore at forward and Fisliburn at guard, with Harvey at forward and Wine at guard have been picked from the other candi dates to play in the first contest. The candidates for the team this year are perhaps greater in number than those for any previous year at this institution. The majority of those at practice each day starred on the football eleven during the past Season, among these being Giles and Schumacher, who played at end; Behman and Smith, tackles: Klein felter, center, and Homan, halfback. Baseball. Writers Re-elect Officers For Another Year; to Adopt Uniform Scoring lip Asaociatrd Prcs/>. Xrw York. Dee. 10.—At the annual meeting of the Baseball Writers' As sociation of America held here last night. President I. K. Sanborn. Chica go: Vice-President Hobert W. Max well and Secretary-Treasurer Joseph M. McCready. Philadelphia, were re flected. T he following were elected as the hoard of directors: Jack Ryder, Cincinnati: Harry Gross. New York: Kdward F. Balinser, Pittsburgh, and •Tames M. Gould, St. Louis. It was decided to admit to associate membership the baseball writers in the cities on the Class AA League cir cuits. President Sanborn will select a committee on uniformity of scoring rules and to confer with the joint committee on playing rules of the National and American Leagues. A sum was voted from the Tim Mur nane memorial fund towards sub scribing for four sets of the books written by the late Charles E. van Bonn, a former member of the asso ciation. Yale Awards Letters to Season's Football Warriors New Haven, Conn., Dec. 10. Tale's annual award of the letter "Y" was announced by the athletic board of control. Twenty-five mem bers of the football eleven were given the coveted Insignia as follows: Acosta, Aldrlch, Allen, Brnden, Cal lahan, Campbell. Dickens, Gait, Gal vin. Ham mill, Hubbard. Mempton, I-aroche. Lay, Hunger, Neville, Rein bardt. Robinson, Sidenberg, A oris. Walters, Walker, Webb, Welles and Zenner. Of this number. Allen. Itradden, Campbell. Gait. Hubbard, Laroche Neville, Robinson, vorjs, Walters and Zenner will not return to Yale next season. Laroche, Brad en. Neville. Allen, Callahan and Gait, alone of the twenty-five had won their insignia formerly. The appointment of Haule Troa che. Jr., of Charleston, S. C., as presi dent of the Yale Football Associa tion for next year was announced, hie succeeds Totten Heffelfinger of St. Paul. Resile Halcolm MeNaughton of Fort Edward, N. Y., one of Yale's war martyrs, was awarded the "Y" for rowing on the crew that raced the University of Pennsylvania, in 1917. With McNanghton's exception, the members of the crew have been able to return to Yale to win their insignia in later competition. Have Gordon Saunders of Ern mettsbury. Towa. was appointed manager of the hoclfey team. TEAM AT HI'MMEISTOWN" The Hummelstown basketball team has been organized for the coming season. Manager Carl Eber sole, 25 South Rosina street, Hum melstown, is anxious to arrange with teams whose players average 17 to 19 years of age. The team will be composed of the following players: Shope, Breckenridga, Grill, Eber sole. Hood and Muldner. "Notice, Old Timer How, in spite of rising costs, they've kept that Million Dollar flavor in Knull's Ambrosia Cigars .Hut the time came to either cut quality, which meant the loss of that llavor. or raise the price ( to Bc—2 for 15c. Personally, I'd rather pay tho extra cent to keep that true smokc llavor, wouldn't you?" Chas. L. Boak Maker of Knull's Ambrosia WEDNESDAY EVENING. fIOWLING L M. C. A. LEAGUE TRAMPS Hooker 147 152 192 491 Critchley 115 132 121 368 Price 135 ... 102 237 Henderson ... 133 136 ... 269 Pennypacker . . 98 98 Flesh er, capt 107 141 248 Shlomberg 116 103 219 Totals 628 643 659 1930 OUTLAWS Hoist 112 112 95 319 Yoffe 136 185 127 458 Preston 120 102 ... 222 Shields 96 116 98 310 Da vies 128 12$ Sehlichter 141 117 130 388 Totals 605 632 588 1825 BAPTIST CHURCH LEAGUE AGOOA BLUES J. Denl - 131 130 119 380 L. Sible 131 126 160 41 7 J. Miller 140 107 127 374 M. Shaner 120 129 125 374 J. Shaffer 96 122 110 328 Totals 618 614 641 1873 AGOGA WHITES E. Bollinger .. 11l 134 123 368 J. Shaner .... 128 139 109 376 E. Bennett ... 151 119 111 381 J. Germer .... 141 122 105 368 J. Conrad 125 145 141 411 Totals 656 659 589 1904 The Crescentii .scored a 573 pin margin victory over the Triangles in a First Baptist Church League game rolled on the Y. M. C. A. alleys last night. The summary: TRIANGLES F. Raenchle .. 117 102 53 272 R. Shoemaker. 142 101 107 340 H. Winch ell .. 59 113 111 282 W. Nearley ... 88 105 118 311 F. Murry 108 120 104 332 Totals 514 541 488 1543 CRESCENTS J. Pearson ... 130 151 172 453 R.-Haines 135 170 172 437 P. Arnold 124 105 95 324 M. Urich 126 136 142 404 A. Hocker ... 179 142 177 498 Totals 694 704 718 2116 PINE STREET CHURCH LEAGUE BETHANY H.Brenner ... 113 134 145 392 S. Lego 128 145 155 428 It. Cleland 150 179 134 463 E. Walts 174 111 86 371 N. Lego 140 106 ... 246 G. Lego ... 182 182 Totals 705 675 702 2082 OFFICERS AND TEACHERS G. Blessing ... 84 109 102 295 H. Keeny 118 109 129 356 Palmer 94 106 126 326 Morris 103 128 171 402 Allsow 37 92 119 248 Totals 432 544 647 1627 ACADEMY DUCK PIN LEAGUE CUBS Shipley 120 110 165 — 395 Low 124 96 89— 309 Sible 117 74 87 — 278 Nunemaker 131 121 163 415 Burger .... 121 101 105— 327 Totals ... 613 502 609—1724 GIANTS Page 106 109 105— 320 >ttull 104 80 159—• 343 Rowe 121 96 127 344 Coloviras .. 123 131 114— 368 Simmons ... 115 128 130— 373 Totals ... 569 544 635—1748 BRAVES Burd 110 116 108— 824 Rice 133 117 125 — 375 Magaro 112 102 75 — 289 Andrews ... 139 143 134 416 Sol 122 103 133 358 Totals ... 606 581 575 —1762 SENATORS Julius 112 149 116— 377 Shields 102 1 14 118— 334 Buela 9g 105 100— 300 Fager 11l 101 106— 318 Hinnenkamp 111 123 128— 362 Totals ... 531 592 568 —1.691 WHITE SOX Ehling 104 105 108— 317 Banks 133 208 129 470 Frey 125 105 78— 308 Smith 105 91 133 332 Rogers .... 102 145 120— 367 Totals ... 569 657 568—1794 INDIANS ' If. Martin .. 117 106 167 390 Keneker ... 100 122 111— 333 Kissinger .. 101 105 85 — 291 Warfel 98 112 146 — 356 Fox 123 154 148— 425 Totals ... 539 599 657—1795 Schedule for Wednesday, Decem ber 10—Yankees vs. Pirates. CASINO TEN PIN LEAGUE CRESCENTS Montgomery 148 191 195—* 534 Senior 189 184 178— 551 Haas 167 166 167 500 Ford 143 156 153 452 Martin 156 168 156 480 Totals ... 803 865 849 —2517 ALPHAS Earley 219 162 181— 562 Bentz 162 164 146 472 Turner ..... 140 184 198— 522 Lightner .. 188 176 178— 542 Morrison ... 167 166 167 500 Totals ... 876 852 870—2598 Standing of the Teams W. L. Pet Majesties 19 5 .791 Jolly Five 14 7 .666 Orpheums 15 12 .555 Crescents 10 11 .476 Colonials 6 18 .250 Alphas 5 16 .238 Schedule for Thursday. December 11—Majesties vs. Jolly Five. AT MIDDLETOWN MIDDLETOWN Dubendorf . 130 128 101— 359 Kurndema . 106 158 118— 382 Ileverltng .. 118 134 101 —352 Eshelman .. 189 150 109— 448 Wharton ... 134 114 156 404 Totals ... 677 684 585 —1946 HARRISBURG Rarnes 'll7 ir.7 104— 378 O'Lcary 138 120 161— 419 Hargost 94 11 9 141— 354 Hinkle 17 89 1 14— 320 Bamford ... 156 186 143 — 485 Totnls ... 622 671 663—1956 These same teams will meet on the Casino alley next week for their second match for the championship of the county. RESERVES TO HOLD MEETING All members of the West End Re serve Club who are interested In basketball are requested to meet at the home of N. C. Roones, 2415 Reel street, at 7 o'clock to-morrow night. The following men are requested lo bo present: Longenecker, Robins kee. Hurling. Trotter. Kltzmtllor, Kurle, Knrr. jflnlebuugh, Spotts, Deanc, O. Bolton, Dill and Schlnd ler. SNOODLES Bu Hungerford 4 f VsiHpas ( H€Y~! \A uc \ 7 A/" we"\ /"PC stones A -1 ( "Ttus i see ) IWWN/ IWE\ f ND )/is ) ( COM, J*' *, ) Before e\y/ \ 60TTA j WHAT smoke 2 / I CMAODS } PjPE *■ AN / TECH PLANS BIG CAGE SCHEDULE Season Will Open in Three Weeks With the Strong Alumni Team Three weeks from to-night the Tech basketball quintet will play its Initial contest of the 1919-1920 cage season with the alumni team as the opponent. Because of the fast teams that have been developed during the past several years, there is an abund ance of graduate players who will give Tech the hardest run of the sea son. Red Huston and Glenn Kil linger, of the State College squad, with Vic Bihl and Gil Ebner, of Bucknell, will be a quartet of play ers who will be home for the Christ mas vacation. If they put on a uni form they will give the Tech quintet the hardest battle of the year. This quartet, with another player, could likely take the Maroon players into camp. Tech has not "as yet begun prac tice. Games will be played at the Chestnut Street auditorium with dancing following each contest. Man ager Edw&rd Craig has announced three other dates. Tech will play with Perkiomen Seminary at Penns burg, February 6. The following date they will travel to lzinsford. This aggregation played Tech here at the close of last season. Letters Come Christmas February 13 either Yonkers, N. Y., High or Perkiomen Seminary will be' the attraction at Chestnut Street auditorium. The matter of a coach for the team has not been settled as >G The Tech High executive commit tee held a meeting last evening to settle a number of questions, but not much was accomplished. The matter of awarding "T's" and "T. H. S.'s" was the important problem before the committee, and this mat ter has not been finally settled. Let ters will be awarded at the Christ mas entertainment. Gold footballs will be granted to the varsity men, while the Seniors will receive sweat ers In addition. Offers For Fight Are Many; Prefer to Battle Here IAIS Angeles. Cal., Dec. 10.— ''We have had numerous offers of match tes," said Jack Kearns, manager for ! Jack Denipsey, here to-day. 'I have just received a cablegram from De coin ,of Paris, asking for a fight i there in the Pershing Stadium next June or July. "I haven't answered any of these offers yet and probably will not be in any hurry. We will want more money for a fight abroad than we would for one In this country and I am waiting to see what the best responsible offer here is before I make any answers to foreign promot ers-" .. ICearns intimated that he and Dempsey would me here perhaps three The champion has taken a house und opened a down town business office. Gettysburg's New Manager Is Harrisburg Booster Gettysburg. Dec. 10. William F. Boath, of Harrisburg, has been elect ed student football manager at Get tysburg College for next season. It will be the plan to secure games with Johns Hopkins, Swarthmoce and Hav erford, to supplant some of the small er schools which have appeared on the Gettysburg schedule in recent years. Only one of this season's team will be lost by graduation. This Is Moyer, who ran the team throughout the past season, with the exception of the first and last games. SKATERS TO COMPETE lit/ Associated Press Now York, Dec. 10.—Robert Mc- Lean, American ice skating cham pion, has accepted the challenge of Oscar Mathleson, of Norway, world s champion, for a match race at Chris tiania next February, McLean's munuger announced here. MISCELLANEOUS (At Progress) MARRIED MEN Longenecker 34 159 139—• 432 H. Wix .... 156 196 1 45 497 Brinton .... 123 170 168— 461 Schmidt ... 126 156 135 417 R. Wix .... 143 157 149 451 Totals ... 684 838 736 —2258 SINGLE MEN R. Brinton . 152 162 149 463 Hoak 134 111 124 369 Saber 160 131 131— 422 Mummert .. 130 142 143 415 Knupp 140 116 89— 345 Totals ... 716 662 636—2014 AT HESS ALLEYS HIGHBALLS Krai I 172 166 169 507 Wagner 131 148 179 458 Zelders 131 182 164 477 Springer ... 154 128 195 —- 477 I. Schrlner . 170 170 ... — 340 McFarland 157 157 Totals ... 758 794 864—2416 GINQK RALES Lclsmnn ... 157 155 177 489 Ilrown 209 Ilu 178— 502 Kohler 150 193 128— 471 Hnrr 156 157 1 42 455 Hawley ..., 137 117 185— 439 Totals ... 809 737 810—2356 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH KNOCKOUT BRENNEN AGREES TO MEET JOHNNY GILL HERE ON NEW YEAR'S DAY Signed papers for a 10-round fight between Johnny GIU and Knock- Out Brennen. of Buffalo: were received Inst night. The battle is to take place on New Year's Day. Where this im portant fight will be staged is not yet decided. Arrangements may be made with the Motive Power Athletic Association of the Pennsylvania Rail road. This is the most important ring announcement Harrisburg fans have had for a long time. That Brennen is after a battle for the title has long been the talk of the fistic world. The Buffnio fighter has been delivering the goods and is in line to meet the champion, but first wants to get a chance at Gill. Both fighters have agreed to make the necessary weight for this battle. This match was made by Joe'Barrett, who has Johnny Gill under his care. It came through his friendship with Brcnnen's manager. Barrett has the signed contracts and the battle is cer tain. Due to the expense attached to a match of this kind a large hall Is necessary. The Steelton promoter says he will pull the fight oft either here or in Steelton. There will also have to be a slight increase In the price of admission, but local fans who are up to the minute on ring information realize that if this battle was pulled off In Philadelphia, it There Is a Difference Now in Goal From Touchdown The Penn-Dartmouth. Pittsburgh- W. and J., and Dartmouth-Brown games, which were decided by goals from touchdowns, has started anew the discussion over the advisability of abolishing the count altogether. The goal from touchdown has taken some hard knocks in its time. In 1883 it ranked 4 points to 2 for a touchdown, and 5 for a goal from field. The following season the touchdown moved up in value to 4 points, while the goal dropped to 2, where it remained until 1897. when the touchdown added a point and tho goal lost one. In 1904 the value of a goal from field was reduced from 5 to 4 points and in 1909 to 3 points. In 1912 the touchdown advanced to C points. In the evolution of the gridiron game the touchdown has moved up from 2 to 6 points, while the goal has dropped from 4 to 1 point, and the field goal from 5 to 3. This shows that, football, as its name implies started out as a kicking game, and the high values were placed on the art of hoisting the oval with the foot. Then came the predominance of rush ing. which in turn seems to have given way to the forward pass, which smacks of basketball. The skill of the foot bows to the prowess of the hand.—William 11. Wright in New York World. Camp Hill Teams Will Oppose Speedy Quintets The Camp Hill High School varsity five and girls' team will play tlieir first joint bill of the schedule in the gymnasium of the 'cross river school building on Friday evening. Gettys burg High School is scheduled to meet the varsity five and the girls' team of the Millersville Normal School will oppose the feminine out fit. Both games are expected to be fast. The 'cross river teams have been undergoing hard training for the past month and bid fair to come through the season with quite a few victories. The girls' team is expected to come through with a victory as the team is working better this season than last year when the outfit was defeated but once. Center College Lands Place on Harvard Grid Schedule Cnmbrlrigr, Mass.. Dec. 10.—The football eleven of Center College, un beaten during the last season, will meet the Harvard University team here for the Crimson's principal mid season game on October 23, next year. The announcement of this game was followed to-day by the statement of Harvard athletic authorities that a proposal for a game with University of Illinois had been dismissed. Illi nois, it was said, requested that Harvard go west in 1921 if Illinois played here next year, and stipulated that the games if played be regarded as "practice" contests. Harvard re plied that long trips in mid-term could not be considered. Tt was felt that a game between Harvard and the team which won the conference championship this year could not be considered a "practice" one. NICK THING ABOUT TECH Harrisburg Tech on Saturday afternoon cinched their claim to the championship football title of the country by decisively defeating the heretofore undefeated high school eleven from Portlund, Me. A local critic in commenting on the game said: "There was nothing to it but Harrlsburg. Whenever ttiey got the hall they just simply journeyed down the Held un'.l! they scored a touch es. Wll." Among the offo'a's was V.' R. Okeson, secretary of the l<ehigh Association and a member of the Central Hoard, who umpired. >lr. Okeson officiated in many of the most important college games this season. —By Fred Nonnetnoehe in the I'elli lehem Globe. COURSK FOR COACHES lly Associated Press Mcadvlllo, Pa., Dec. 10.—A regu lar course for prospective football, basketball and track couches will be given at Allegheny College, ac cording to announcement yesterday by Professor C. F. Hammett, chief athletic director. The theoretical and practical sides of the three sports will be given by Professor Hnmmett. and certificates will be awarded those who pass the exa: "fi liations at the end of each year. would mean even still higher rates To Confer To-Uu)' Manager Bill Hunk of the Motive Power Athletic Association held a conference at noon to-day, and took the matter up with other officials. If arrangements can be made to seat no less than 900 people, it is said a bid will lie made by the railroad organ ization, providing suitable arrange ment can be made with Manager Joe Barrett. The Steelton promoter said to-day that he realized his club was too smull to take care of u light of this kind, but that he had the contract, and if Harrisburg was unable to stage the battle he would take it else where. He would like to see the bat tle take place in Harrisburg. and is willing to make any conccston neces sary. to show his appreciation for the patronage given him by Harrisburg fight fans. He is anxious to find out how strong his hoy Johnny Gill will be against a real champion. If a suitable hall is secured the necessary forfeit will bo placed at once, as several Steelton boosters have agreed to furnish the necessary cash. If Harrisburg gets this battle, it means many cut of town visitors, as there is unusual interest Just now as to who is the best man to go up against O'Dowd. v MIDDIES TAKE Ul BOXING Annapolis, Md., Dec. 10. The Naval Academy has decided to co operate with the movement for In tercollegiate boxing, and the author ities have granted permission for the scheduling of one tourney at Anna polis this season. The middies' opponent is expected to be the University of Pennsylva nia, with whom correspondence has been opened. The instructor at the academy is "Spike" Webb, formerly instructor of the Twenty-Ninth Division, A. E. F.. and one of the directors of interallied boxing matches in France. Cigarettes meet your taste in many new % and unusual ways You quickly become fond of jg| them —they are so refreshing and cool and fragrant. H fiH You see, Camels are an expert blend of choice Turkish cmmeia are aou everywhere in ede*. B . . tineally aealed packages of 20 ci&a --■ and choice Domestic tobaccos which guarantees the rettea or ten packages (200 cigarettes) in a glaasine-paper-covered carton. PJH P§ most delightful cigarette qualities that have ever been We "rongiy recommend this carton KB for the home or office supply or when |H k9 put into a cigarette. Your test will prove that you you travel. Sg prefer the expert Camel blend to either kind of R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. fig tobacco smoked straight. WHUTON-SAIEM. N. C. Camels blend not only frees the cigarettes from any J LkH §.J la unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any unpleasant A/ B B cigaretty odor but it assures that remarkable mellow- £ S mild-body! And, you'll be interested to know that H no matter how liberally you smoke Camels they will |g Camels are a cigarette revelation! Prove that yourself! 1 We suggest right here that you compare Camels with 1 Bj any cigarettes in the world at any price for quality R NATIONALS TO OPEN IN APRIL Decide to Return to the Old Schedule; Elect New Directors New York, Dec. 10.— The annual meeting of the board of directors of the National League and the regular meeting of the club owners took place here to-day. President Heydler said much urgent business still re mained unfinished, and that the meet ing might last through the greater part of this week. The new board of directors was elected consisting of Mors. Stoneham, New York: Grant. Boston: Dreyfus, Pittsburgh and Veock, Chicago. It was decided that in future two west ern and two eastern clubs will he rep resented on the board and that they would alternate each succeeding year, llnck to Old Schedule The league recommended, subect to American League approval, the re turn to the 154-game schedule, with Wednesday, April 14, as the opening day. The period for spring training was Increased from four weeks to six but no change in the player limit or of the trading season was adopted, both being lengthily discussed. Those present at the meeting were G. W. Grant, Boston: William Veock, Chicago; August Herrmann, Cincinnati; W. Frledlander and Fran cis X. McQuadc, New York; William F. Baker. Philadelphia; Barney Drey fuss, Pittsburgh, and Lon Hocker and Branch Rickey, St. Louis. The president reviewed the sea son's achievements, mentioning, among other things, the attendance and final standing of the eight clubs. The New York Club, of course, led in attendance, and the other clubs rated as follows: Cincinnati, Chicago, Brooklyn, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Braton and St. Louis. And even St. Louis finished with a profit. The president also recommended a joint conference between the major leagues and the estranged minor or ganizations. in order to regulate the commerce in players between majors and minors. DECEMBER 10, 1919. GOOD SPORTS IS WEST SHORE PLAN Scholastic Basketball Holds Attention; Girls Have Fast Team Three West Shore High schools are represented by basketball teams this season, the largest number in the his tory of the West Shore. Camp Hill High which has had several fast loams in the field, both lioys and girls, in recent years again is represented with a lively outfit. The girl's team of this school which established an enviable record last year, Is again going at a fast clip. The Enola and West Falrview High teams although composed of unpolished and inexperi enced material will speedily develop into winning aggregations. , The Camp Hill Tigh teams were or ganized several years ago and al though not making any new high rec ords in the game, put- up stiff con tests and the players were considered of a high caliber due to the fact that most of (he teams opposing the 'cross river outfit were much faster and composed of finished material. Boys Team Strong The boys' team lias been showing | good team work in practices this week and with a few hard contests I which they have scheduled to play the early part of the season, the quintet should be working In good shape and come through with quite a few victories. That the girls' team is going to have another record breaker season, is manifested by the speed whicli members show in the workouts. Four members of last year's outfit which lost but one game, are on this year's five. A hard schedule is before the girls, hut they expect to come through with (lying colors. Enola and Camp Hill are scheduled to clash in a series of games and it is altogether likely that West Fair view will join in a series with the other West Shore teams. A champion ship series on the West Shore sport enthuastics declare, would be very interesting.! Revival of Sport* Talking of West Shoie basketball teams takes graduates of 'cross river schools bock seven years ago when Lemoyne High was represented for several years by fast teams. The Le moyne organization made quite a rec otd during several seasons hut for the lack of adequate facilities were forced to quit. Installation of a gym nasium in the Camp Hill school building was the first step toward the encouragement of sports in the West Shore districts. Should an addition be made to the Lemoyne schools, It is altogether likely sport facilities would be made. The Camp Hill am Knola schools are the only buildings having gymnasiums at the present time. Cornell Starts Cage Game Tonight With Hobart Fiv< j I Hint u, N. Y„ Dec. 10.—Cornell Wil open the home basketball season to j night when the Hobart College fivi j will come here to test the team thai | Coach Ortner has organized aftei (six weeks of preliminary try-outs | Basketball will be the first of the I minor sports teams at Ithaca to go ; under way. The intercollegiatt I league schedule for Cornell openi i here oil December 19 with Princetoi ins the opponent. The Ilobart gann to-morrow will give the supporter! lof the Cornell five a fairly good ilm ion the prospects of the ithacaur. 11 I the more important match with the | Tigers. From a sound of 100 men Coaol l Ortner has chosen a team that witl j t lie exception of Captain Joajuii IMollnet. '2l, at left forward, is made 1 up of men new to varsity basketball 'Cornell lost three of the live men whi ! made up, last year's Ave by gradua, Ition, Stewart and Ortner. forwards i and Kendall, a guard, leaving Molt 'net, who played center last year. an< I Sidman, a guard, as a nucleus of the I varsity team. As evidence of tin i quality of the material this year it 1: (worth noting that Sidman has not i won a place on the varsity five. | 'HARVARD GRADUATES KICK Bp Associated rrcss i Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 10.—Man] I telegrams from Harvard graduate! lon the Pacific ,coast protesting < j against the cancellation of the Crim- J ' son football team's trip to Pasadena • j < ,'al., for a game with a coast elever J :on New Year's Day, were receivec , ' by the Harvard Athletic Associatioi j to-day. ' The faculty and the athletic com . | niittee will discuss the matter at i ' ' meeting to-morrow night. { LATZO DRAWS WITH BRITTOX lip Associated Press j Johnstown, Dec. 10.—Steve T.alzo Hazleton, after getting way to a poor start against Jack Britton, wel terweight champion, here last night finished strong in the tenth round \ The champion was wary .refusing ti open up, but held the miner in checl with strong body punches. Althougl . willing at all times, Hatzo was un able to touch a vital spot. Thi , Hazleton lad took loads of punish ment but finished on the aggressive ' 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers