16 Mt. Vernon Plans For Big Winter's Work In session in rooms In Faokler's Hall last evening. Mt. Vernon Coun cil, No. 333. Order of Independent Americans chose the following social committee: Norman Munley. chair man: O. M. Bowers, Perry Smith. Mi. Kmrick and Arlington Walt. A press committee, consisting of .Secretary R. G, Humphries and A. G. Krout vi.is also appointed. Arrangements for an initiation on February 3 have been made. O. M. Bowers is captain of team No. 1. and W. O. Jones is to lead No 3 with the council equally divided between the two teams in a drive for members. KKPORT OX I'IKI'. The Firemen's I'nion. of Harris burg. ai a meeting last evening, is sued a report on the Pre in the Elite Shoe Repairing Company. It South Dewberry street, last week. CATARRH VANISHES Here Is One Treatment That All Suf ferers 1 an Itely I pon If YOU want to drive catarrh and all its disgusting symptoms front your system in tic shortest possible "nt go to your druggist and ask for a lfvoniei outllt to-day. Breathe tiie air of llyomei and 1 i ritl \ ; of catarrh anil nroni* head colds P gives such quick relief that all who use It for the flrst time °"ilyontvi is a l< m pleasant antisep tic which s hr.-ath.-J through the mm.. and throat .1.-.-p into the head and lungs; it so -tlies tlie 'ii flamed membranes, reduce* swelling and quickly h.als all inflammation. Don't suffer another day With ca tarrh: the disease is dangerous and often ends in consumption, start the 11 \ omei treatimnt to-day. No stom ach dosing, no .prays, or douch-s no dangerous drugs or narcotics Abso jutelv harmless Just breathe it - thats all. At H. F. Kennedy and leading druggists everywhere. MI-ONA Ends indigestion It relievos stomach misery, sour stomach, belching and all stomach dis ease or money back. I.nrge box of tab lets CO cents. Druggists In all towns. GORGAS DRUG STORES r \ United States Railroad Administration Director General of Railroad* Cumberland Valley R. R. IMPORTANT NOTICE! For the purpose of saving coal, effective Wednesday. December 1. 1919. and continuing until further notice, parlor curs on all trains will l-e discontinued und the fol lowing trains will be annulled. Train No. 5 leaving Harrisburg at 11.59 A. M. for Hagerstown. Train No. S arriving 2.35 P. M. from Hagerstown. Consult Ticket Agents. V ——— / F. O. B. Like " a Safe CLICK— One turn of the dial—your car is safe—absolutely thief- j proof. Leave it anywhere— no one can make a getaway with it. CLICK, CLICK, the spe cial combination is released—• 1 you alone can do it. Xo | keys to lose, just a simple combination which unlocks the car in a jiffy. Know that your property is safe with an F. O. B. Lock. ; Contentment of mind is alone i worth the price. A reduction in theft insurance premiums is authorized for cars equipped with the F. O. B. Dock. O. E. B. Malehorn 405 Swatara St. Steelton, Pa. It lias been a difficult matter to supply King Oscar Cigars • in quantities sufficient to meet the ever increasing demands. Sustained quality and increased quantity insure your steady sup ply at the old Seven Cent Price J. C. Herman & Co. Harrishurg, Pa. WE ONES DA V EVEN I NO, PEACE MISSION MOTORISTS SEE LEAVES FRANCE UNITED TIRES FOR THE STATES BEING M ADE American Members Hidden Farewell as Thev Start From Paris l*nrlM. Hot' 10 The chief nn-mh-is of th* Alii' ru an I'nin 1 delegation left I'hiN and ><> n their wav home to day on th tirst state of their return ) joiirne.N to the I'nited States. Frank, 1.. ]'oik. I lent > White and th nernl Tasker 11. I*l iss were lidden farewell last night ut the station by Premier' t'lemein-eaii. Marshal Fo h. Atnhassa dor Walla.the Karl of Derby. the, lapanese ambassador, the Mar.iuis uf L'hamhrtin and others Mr Polk was accompanied ly Mrs. Polk and their two children to whom M. 'letnenoeati presented flowers as he said gondby. Marshal Foeh als shook hands with them. The marshal embraced (teneral Hllss just before the train pulled out front the station.; A large crowd of spectators was in; tit.' station at the time of the depar ture .f the Americans and a shout of j "(jongr l.ive America.*' was given as; the train departed. Mission Superintendent to Address Y. M. C. A. - I John G. Hallimoiid, superintendent, o, the Bowery Mission, of New York City, will speak at the.men's meeting! in the Central Y. M. C. A. Second and 1 locust streets. Sunday afternoon at ' 3.50 o'clock. The speaker has select ed as the subject of his talk. "The Salvaging of Humanity on the Bow- | ery.'" \IKI'I.\\K I* LAMIKB I \T I'MMIHIIOh 1 Two men representing: the Anteri- | can Flyers Corporation, of Klntira. N. j Y.. on an airplane trip to Florida. I were lost on their Way and landed j near Penbrook. They later were j shown the wav to this city b> a local : flyer and will stay here for favor iblo weath. r. Cured His Piles Now HH Years OKI. But Works At! Trntle of Blacksmith anil Feels Younger Slnee Piles j. Are Gone. The oldest active blacksmith in Michigan is still pounding his an vil in the town of Homer—thanks to my internal method for treating ; o- , Y Mr. .larflb Lyon, Homer, Mich. I wish that you could hear him tell of his many experiences with ointments, salves, dilators, etc.. be fore he tried my method. Here is a letter just received front him: Mr. F.. n. Fas-, Marshall. Mich. Dear Sir: I want you to know what your treatment has done lor me. 1 had suffered with piles for many years and used suppositories and all kinds of treatments, but never got relief until i tried yours. Am now completely cured. Although 1 am bS years old. and the oldest active blacksmith in Micitigan, 1 feel years younger since the piles hate left me. I will surely recom mend it to all 1 know who suffer this way. You can use my letter any way you wish and I hope it will lead others to try this wonderful remedy. yours truly, J. U I.YON*. There are thousands of afflicted people suffering with piles who have I never yet tried the one sensible way of treating them. Don t be cut. Don't waste raonev on foolish salves, ointments, dila tors, etc., but send today for a Free Trial of my internal method for the healing of Piles. No matter whether your case is of long standing or recent development whether it is occasional or perma nent—you should send for this free trial treatment. N'o matter where you live—no mat ter what your age or occupation—if vott are troubled with piles, my method will relieve you promptly. This liberal offer of free treatment i too important for you to neglect a single day. Write now. Send no money. Pimply mail the coupon—but do this now —TODAY. FREE PILE REMEDY E. R- Page. 96:;-B Page Rldg , Marshall, Mich. Please send free trial of your Method to: I Exhibition tit Local Store rooms Interesting ami . Educational An Interesting iiml educational exhibition showing the various pro cesses used in tiie making of "I*" ' tires is now being conducted by the I'nited Tire and Kuhber Corpora tion tit their newly-leased store rooms at 33 1 North Second street. This novel idea showing the motor ists just what quality of materials and the many proeosses through which the tine passes before it is placed <>u the rim was originated by 11. 11. N'esbit, president of the , corporation, who is a tire man of long experience. He lias been eon | nected with the tire industry in the I capacity of executive oltieer for many years and in taking the presi j deney op this newlv-formcd com pany brings to it a wealth of prac tical knowledge, j The headquarters and factory of I the I'nited Tires and Kuhber Coni j puny is located at Wilmington Del ! aware. It is their intention to lo ; cute branch offices and salesrooms lin the larger cities of the East I They make the I'nited "l"' tires and i tiieir offices and salesrooms here are i in the room now occupied by the Williams Motor Company, local j Ford distributors. The Williams j Motor Company will move about , April Ito their new building in South Cameron street. In the demonstration now being j conducted, to which every niolor , ist is invited, the entire tire is built j from the fabric up. Bayer after ; layer of the finest Sea Island fabrics. I frictioned with the best quality ' Para rubber is built up to which is j added more layers of pure Para | rubber. This is done on a mold, the j exact size of the tire that is being | Built. After these processes arc i completed, the "V"' tread, which is ; standard on all sizes, is added and i then the tire is sent to the factory ito he vulcanized. The tire then leaves the factory and conies back j to the branch store here and is sold j to the motorist on an S.OOo-ntile I guarantee. This big demonstration ! is to continue to-day and to-mor morrow. Nude Man Runs in Streets Claiming He Is "Ben Hassan the Devil" Jersey City. N. J., Dec. 10 —Two breathless policemen chasing a nude man who shrieked "I am Ben Hassan jilie devil." in the residential district here yesterday, ended their pursuit when a sheriff's clerk, a former athlete, caught the fleeing man. The j overcoat placed about hint by the (clerk for protection from the cold and (damp weather was the second he wore that dav. The first overcoat was put on the i prisoner, who said he was Julian De j iatowre. a photographer of Philadel phia. when the police yvere about to Itake him from the station to the cotin : ty jail for an investigation into his j sanity. He yyas found undraped and the coat was hurriedly thrown over i him before lie was placed in the police ! automobile, from which he later leap led without the overcoat. Delatowre was arrested Monday after he had jumped from a car win dow of a Pennsylvania railroad train. Premier George to Introduce New Irish Bill Next Monday Bp Associated Press IJOIUIOII. Dec. 10.—Premier Lloyd .George will introduce the new Jrish j home rule bill in Parliament Mon j day, according to the Daily Mail, j The newspaper adds that the bill j provides for two legislatures with a co-ordinating Senate, but that the powers to be allotted to the Senate have not vet been defined. It says the fate of the bill will deppnd on the government's generosity in this respect. For the first time In history- there is every prospect of the Irish ques tion being settled satisfactorily, ac cording to a statement made in a speech last night by Walter Hume | I.ong, First layrd of the Admiralty. No Agreement With Soviet Russia on Prisoner Exchange By Associated Press l-uiitlon. Dec. 10.—No agreement has been reached with Soviet Rus sia on the exchange of prisoners question, according to an announce ment last night by Lord Stattmore. The conditions proposed by Maxim Litvinoff. the Bolshevik plenipoten tiary. were too comprehensive to be accepted by the British government. | Lord Stanmore said. Cost of Living Soars to New High Level 1 ork. Dec. 10.—The cost of living. based on 96 staple commod ities, advanced 1.3 per cent, in No vember. and now stands at 131 per cent, above the prewar level, or the highest ever known, according to figures made public to-day by Brad street's. Textiles, provisions and groceries constitute the bulk of the < omniodities. The basis of the computation is the total wholesale price of a pound of each of the articles included. This total was 120,176.56 on December 1, which was eight-tenths of one per cent, above the previous high level of August 1 last. It is an advance of 6.1 per cent, over December 1. 1918, three weeks after the armistice was signed: 14 per cent, over December 1, 1917, and 131 per cent, over August 1. 1914. Dr. Howard always recommended OXIDAZE FOR COUGHS. COLDS Bronchial Asthma Taw of study and obisi e*in mitinl Dim It wo.ld Mf.tr. quickly end auralr atop a bad couch aud civ* inatant relief tu Broaehial Asthma. Guaranteed harm I em. Hera U absolute proof from user*. Water bv r y.Ct.—Vo asthma thanks to Oxidase. Salem. W. fa.—We find It all jou claim. XeHdrick.Col.-Am well pleaaed with reealM. Circlevilie.O.— More help thao from anythinc. Somereet. Matt.— lt gives fall satisfaction. Detroit. Mick.—lt has benefited me creatlj. Worreeter. Mast.— la worth ttaoomnda to me. Irene. AT. H.—l apeak In hirbest praise of it. Aenton. Mick.—l got nearly instant relief. Botctll. Mick.—T or asthma, best I've foond. Cincinnati. O.— lt la a wonderful medicine. Bmitke Sarin, M. T.— Delighted with Oxidaze. Backdate.Maee.-Coagb gone .gained elf tit) he. Signed letters on file. Order today. Mousy hack If it falls. AH Diwdgleta. G. A. tiorgag can supply you HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH SANTA CLAUS TO MISS MANY POOR CHRISTMAS DAY Ilril Cross Plans to Supplo iiiiMil ! lis Work This Winter The Hume Service Section of tlie loeul Aiiii-riiati Itctl I'rusii has spon sored ;tii activity which hue been named the To) Mission. Tin purpose of this pliin i : ihai families of tliis city and neighboring towns who will have little or no Christmas unless il is provided for them, may be eared for. The Toy Mission ..- essentially for the purpose of gathi ring toys of which children havu grown tin d. and the re-distribution of tliem. Hut the work will lit- of sueit magnitude as to need the help and assistance of the grown-ups, too Just a few days ago Miss itinifliind, the executive head of the llotne Ser vice Section was called to a neigh boring borough to see a family in which there were four children. The father had been killed several years J ,e'o itt an accident, and since that time the mother had supported the family on her Income of a little over tilt' a month. How much of a Christmas this mother is going to provide for her family of children any one can easily tisure. Such are the stories which the Ked Cross can tell, and such are the places where if the Red Cross does not provide Christnius cheer there will be but little. -Vliss Hingold this morning told that the lied Cross not only needed the ioys for children, but there will be a great need, too, for food articles and Cot cash, so that whatever is lacking may be provided for from the cash fund. Clothing, coal, food and medi cine will all play their respective parts in the Christmas cheer. Checks may be made payable to Miss Marga ret Ringland. Home Service Section, American Red Cross. 'SPORT me^news* Harrisburg Academy Plans Busy Basketball Season Harrisburg Academy will have a strong team for cage games this season. Included among the candi dates who answered the call yes terday were: Armstrong, Clement. Bacon, Mer sereau, Milnor, Starkey, Smith, Eng land, McKay and AVallerstein. Next week a number of the football var sity men will join the squad. The cage season will officially open in January and will be con tinued until the latter part of March. The schedule follows: January 10—Schuylkill Seminary, home. January 17—Keystone Normal, away. January 24 F. and M. Academy, home. January 30—York Collegiate In stitute, away. February 7—Millersburg Normal, away. February 14—Gettysburg, Acad emy, home. February 21—York Collegiate In stitute. home. February 28 —Gettysburg Acad emy, away. March 6—Schuylkill Seminarv, away. Mardh 13—Keystone Normal, away. March 30— F. and M. Academy, away. Looks Like Long Fight in American League New York, Dec. 10.—If the dove of pence hovered over the annual meeting of the American Baseball league to-day it was obscured from sight by the smoke screens thrown out by the rival factions in the league. t'p to the time of the arrival here yesterday of President Ban Johnson and his five "loyal" supporters, hopes were entertained that the split in the ranks would be healed. Conferences between representa tives of the two factions, however, lasting well into the night, broke up with the breach apparently as wide as ever. Charles Comiskey, of Chicago; Jacob Ruppert and Colonel T. Is. Huston, of New York, and Harry Frazee, of Boston, who have been opposing President Johnson, de clared that the "professions of peace" made by Johnson were "in sincere." They also asserted that the president and his followers in tended to "railroad through" legis lation favorable to their interests. TO PROMOTE BOXING Good ring shows are promised by the National Sporting Club. This is a new organization, including Frank Demma and several local business men. The first show will in all probability be held on New Year's day. Irry Hansen is to be in the windup. NEW ACADEMY CAPTAIN Frank Armstrong, one of the sea son's big football stars at the llar risburg Academy. was yesterday elected captain for next year. Pros pects for a good team are bright. Seven players will remain at the Academy and the second-string players include good material. LOCUST GAP TO PLAY Harrisburg Independents will meet a strong team Saturday night when they line up against the Lo cust Gap five. This is Jimmy Doyle's aggregation and he will be here with the team. The local five will begin practice to-day and will be out every afternoon up to and including Saturday. Expect Final Vote on the Railroad Bill This Week, Despite Attacks Washington. Dec. 10.—Given a re newed opportunity by restoration of the measure to the committee of the whole, Senate critics of the Cummins Railroad bill yesterday launched a new and heated attack on various provisions of the legis lation designed to meet conditions incident to the forthcoming return of the railroad properties. Leaders, however, expressed the hope that a final vote would be reached be fore the end of the week. TO FILL HOLIDAY BOX Members of the Sixth Street United Brethren Church have been requested by officers of the Ladies' Aid Society to assist in filling a Christmas box to be sent to the Quiney Orphans' Home. Members of the committee taking up the work are: Mrs. MeCurdy, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Stewart. Mrs. Smedley, Mrs. 1 Parthemore and Mrm. German. NEWSY JOTTINGS OF THEATER AND SCREEN Josephine Hall and Sidney Toler in "On the hiving, I go tn ili'i' theater uml j'nvj II- • • ft . -i . _. , ">> pptt happily aiid lightly. When I Wiring Line at the Orpheum Friday ""tnt! [likely in make my character on thej 11 4 1 us*'* reveal his meaner side. I play j tin pai l always Just us I feel like j j playing it. jj| ibbb^ The most brilliant cast of enme uiatis that has been announced in some seasons will appear, it is said, at the Orpheum Theater this Friday night in the new Harriett Ford- 1 Harvey O'Higgins offering. "On the I Hiring nine." It is by a complication; of bookings that this comedy inter- j rupts its New York run for one week. ; Being compelled to vacate the Cri terion Theater in favor of laiurette j Taylor, it leaves New York while ' waiting for another house. This play is thoroughly domestic, finding food for laughter in the sol rows that afflict nearly every | OR PlI EDM To-night only—Philadelphia Orches tra concert under the auspices of the Patriot and the Evening News. Thursday, night only, December 11— The Shuliert's present "Oh. What a Girl." with the original cast. Friday night onlv.December 12—"On; the Hiring Eine." a happy farce of household difficulties. Saturday, matinee and evening—Den- man Thompson presents "The Old i Homestead." MAJESTIC High grade vaudeville- —Bissett and Scott, eccentric dancers: Eelaya, son of ex-president of Nicaiagua, I in a pianologue; Oh! That Mel-1 ody." a musical syncopation that is; sweeping the city: also "\\ ho s Who in Harrisburg." the picture showing 84 local business men. and another episode of "The Fatal For tune." with daring Helen Holmes. | Coming last half of week—Resist*, lire 98-pound girl that cant be' lifted. VICTORIA To-dav —East showings of William, Fariium. the highest salaried star in America, in bis latest screen contribution, "Wings of the Morn-i Thursday. Friday and Saturday— Anita Stewart in "Mind the Paint Girl." her latest success. All next week—Mary Pickford in "Heart of the Hills." COLONIAE To-dav —East showings of Constance Talriiadge as "The Virtuous \ ainp. Thursdav, Friday and Saturday— Viola Papa in "Please Get Mar ried " her best screen novelty, adapted from the famous stage success of the same name. REGENT 1 To-dav and To-morrow— Geraldine 1 Farrar with Eou Tellegen in "Flame of the Desert." Friday and Saturday—Double At traction Shirley aMson in Ihe Final Close-up." and Charlie 1 nap lin in "Sunnyside." ••OH. WHAT A GIRL WITH OH. WHAT A CAST! How a pair of up-to-date lover* overcome all sort* of obstacles .in- ' eluding a skinflint uncle who controls all the money hags. is the tersest statement possible of the theme of the Messrs. Shubert's latest musical . eoinedv. "Oh. What a Oirl." which will have its first local presentation at the Orpheum Theater to-morrow night only. . , ~ , , , "Oh. What a Girl' is the work of Rdgar Smith, who knows his Broad way as well as any librettist of tne j present time: and Jacques Presburg and Charles Jules, two new corn-j posers who captured New York at the first hearing of their catchy score. . The new piece is in two acts, the first 1 laid in New York, the second at ■ Cemetery Corners, n typical New Jersey town which reflects, neverthe-j less, a strong influence from the Big 0 i t. v* lvdgar Smith has discovered snd developed a farce motif that will | prove both novel and highly divert-1 ing and the specialty and dance tea-I Hires that have been added in the I lavish manner of the Shuberts will I go to make up an uncommon feast of' the good things of the up-to-date j sort in theatrical fare. OTIS SKIWNBR HISKS TO OBJECT Otis Skinner, coming to the Or pheum Theater for one performance ( onlr, next Monday evening, in "The Rise of Peter Barban," objects strenuously to the theory advanced by some 'authorities on the theater 1 that, after a role has been satisfac torily established and the actor has played it according to the way it wai INFLUENZA A starts with a Cold^kMP Kill tha Cold. At tha sneeze taka HILL'S QUININE Standard cold remedy for 20 years —in tablet form—sate, sure, no opiates—breaks up a cold in 24 hours—relieves crip it 3 days. Money back if it fails. The ur?\f\renuine box has a Red f r 11 top with Mr. Hlll'a At AllOrmw s<aree American home all too frequently, .when the servants walk nut and the ; husband has to pinchhit for the l'ui'- I nace man while mother does the i ( cooking and everybod.vs nerves get j |on edge. But the worst privations I have their funny side, and these, j playwrights have written one of the | | wittiest of American comedies around I Mr. Fessenden's attempt to solve the! servant problem. The sparkling cast includes I,aurai Hope Crews, Cyril Scott, Minna! Combel. Josephine Hall. Vivian Tobin. Sidney Toler. liobert Hudson, John Blair and Donald Galleher. | written—obviously the way the | author intended it should be played —the actor then should not change I his way of acting the part. "I don't agree with that theory at | all." says Mr. Skinner. "If an actor nelieved that, no performance he gave would differ in the slightest de gree from any other performance he gave in the same role. Every per formance would be identically tho same—just as the same motion pic ture reel gives the same performance e.very time it is .run. N'o. the actor 1 must feel. There is that indefinite something which an audience gives; Ito an actor that makes every per formance different. 1 audiences are not the only: ,'hings that affect a performance.; theaters themselves actually seem; to shout back vile names at an actor! tW to smile at him and welcome hint! with open arms. There are some I playhouses in this country that X e.l-' ways look forward to; some I posi-t tively hate to act in. ,Again, the I actor's physical condition often is responsible for the performance he gives. When I sleep well'and wakel MAJESTIC Have You Seen WHO'S WHO =IN —= HARRISBURG the picture showing 8I local Harrlsburgcrs in familiar JHISCS —sso in prizes to the people who know the greatest uuniber of tiieni. 4—Keith Acts —4 Everyone lieadliners Including That Sensation "OH! THAT MELODY" Coming last lialf week RESI S T A tlie OK-|M>umi (101 l girl that you can't lift. You are clegiblc to trv it. REGENT To-day and To-morrow. GERALDINE F ARRAR in tier greatest triumph "FLAME OF THE DESERT" With Lou Tellegen You only Imve two more days in which to see this stupendous photoplay. Come to-day! Admission—lse and SOc FRIDAY AMI SATURDAY Double Attraction SHIRLEY MASON THE FINAL CLOSE-UP and a return engagement of CHARLIE CHAPLIN in one of Ills best comedies "SUNNYSIDE" DECEMBER 10, 1919. [MSW I'\ Mil \ll PH'TtRK MAKES HIT IT Itr.liKVr, i Audience* at the Regent Theater I have been loudly praising "Flame of the Desert," the photoplay starring' (•erttldino Earrar whleh will he shown nt the loeal playhouse for the ! Inst times to-<lav and to-morrow. It is rare in pieturesi'iueness. and the i gorgeous beauty of many of its set ting* is worthy of litis praise. The ! gigantic seal** on which this picture ! has been produced appeals !• others, i It Is a magnificent spectacle re • Ycalingr a great uprising in the Far j Fast and a woman's courageous light j for love and happiness. A superb ; suppon ing eust including lsu Telle gen. Sidney Alnsworth. Cassen Fer • gusen and Maee.v llarlatn presents lite drama. "THI-: lll.l) HOMICSTKAir The seat sale for the Den man i Thompson's "The Old IlmPHteaJ.'' I which Augustus Pitou. Imf. will l bring t*i the Oi pheum Theater for a (return engagement this Saturday, j will open Thursday morning at 19 {o'clock. The play is presented under the personal direction of Augustus I Pitou with William Rawrence as "Fncle Josh." his fifteenth year and in typical "Homestead" east including jail th<* special and original features, |iho famous double quartet. the Swan/ey Hand, Grace I'hurch y„ moonlight and thi* Salvation Army. . As to the merit* of this play suf- COLONIAL To-day last sliowiiics CONSTANCE TALMADGE star or hundreds of famous pic tures in the greatest success of tier brilliant career THE VIRTUOUS VAMP A Heal l.aiiglt l east Supreme, fan a vamp "vamp" anil yet be virtuous? she says ami thinks so and so will you after you have seen her. Tliurs.—Fri.—Sat.—only VIOLA DANA will entrance you with her vivacious manner in that cele brated play— PLEASE GET MARRIED adapted from the famous stage version which swept the country for several years. ORPHFTTM SATURDAY, " ,U 11 * DECEMBER 13 Matinee and Night DENMAN THOMPSON'S With William Lawrence as Uncle Josh. Prices: Matinee, 25c to 75c; Nights, 25c to SI.OO VICTORIA THEATER All the world loves a lover, but more people love WILLI AM F ARNUM as tlie staunch, robust swain in his latest pieture "WINGS OF THE MORNING" Idly I"pjohn was lonely and needed money so she joined the Chorus of a slum troupe. I.lttle <li<l she think that before Ions: she would 1m- wearing good clothes and that two men of noble character would battle for her love. Yet this occurred and all tlironsrh the spilling of a bucket or paint—its only one of the delightful bits in ANITA STEWART latest contribution to the silver screen, entitled MIND THE PAINT GIRL H ere—Th u rstlay—Friday—a nd—Saturday—only. NOTICE "ON THE HIRING LINE" the cleverest comedy of the season, crowded out of the Criterion Theater, N. Y. C., last week, will go back to Broadway next week. For Friday only it's here at the OKPIIEUM. Buy your seats early. It's a comedy about servants uud wives and prices of and other disturbing things. Written by Harvey O'lliSglns and Harriet Ford. Produced by tieorge C. Tyler with this 20-karat comedy rnst: Laura Hope Crews Cyril Scott Minna Gombel John Blair Josephine Hall Sidney Toler Vivian Tobin Robert Hudson Donald Gallaher. fleo it to May that this is the thirty hiri annual tour of the. grandest of ill "The Old Homestead." ORPHEUM Tlll'ltsDAV NKiHT, DEC. 11 Messrs. Shubert's I.a test. Greatest Musical l.augh Show OH! WHAT A GIRL Willi original cast direct from Sliubert Theater. N. Y. I'riees rOe to 52.00 SKATS \\ SAI.K TODAY COMING TO HARRISBURG NEXT WEEK "Cowards! I dare you to come and lijilit** Heart 0* the Hills Adapted from the famous novel by John Fox, Jr. Tlie girls upset Mary's lunch basket and made i'mt of her elothes, when she lirst went hi school, hut they would not stand up to light with the hot-temperml feudist girl of the mountains, who was loyal to friends but a terror to enemies.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers