18 A Classified AdW ill Find a Buyer For Your Lot, Lots or Plots-If Your Offer Will Stand Up Under Investigation Deaths COLLICOTT —Edith Lucille Collicott, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Collicott. died Tuesday. 10 a. m. at her home. 1161 Derry Street, aged three months. Funeral services Thursday at - p. ni. from the above address, the Itev. Dr. Smucker officiating. Burial Paxtang Cemetery. Relatives and friends are invited to attend with out further notice. LOST AND FOUND LOST—At the Regent theater. Tues day evening, black silk umbrella, long handle. gold trimmings; reward it returned to this office. LOST —A large envelope with photos on Monday on Carlisle car that left the Squore at Harrisburg at 8 a. m. Finder please notify Mrs. George G. Kinter. Knola, Pa. ___ LOST —Gold wrist watch on night of December 7. Elgin movement, ini tials M. C. on back, between Philadel phia and Reading station and lltn and Market or Eleventh and cumber land to 1103 Muench St. Reward if re turned to 1103 Muench St. LOST—Between Oxford and Sixth and Curtin Streets. $26. I-d**? 1 " 3 ' re " ward if returned 618 Oxlord St. instructions BECKLEY'S Business College. En ter any time. Individual promotion, 121 Market St. NOTICE WF. play for parties, banquets ana all pri\ate occasions. Zembra Mando lin Club. P. O. Box 625. — — ~ HELP WANTED—MALE I JF YOC ARE TIRED OF MOVING AROUND FROM ONE JOB TO ANOTHER LOSING TIME AND MONEY GOODYEAR OFFERS YOU STEADY WORK THE YEAR ROUND Excellent Working Conditions Educational Advantages and i * CHANCE TO EARN RATES IN AC CORDANCE WITH YOUR ABILITY CARPENTERS GENERAL, REPAIRMEN ALL ROUND MACHINISTS ELECTRICIANS PIPEFITTERS BENCH MEN, HANDYMEN AND patternmakers, needed A I,ply in person or write at once to Factory Employment Office THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY. AKRON, OHIO. WANTED WARPER FOREMAN FOR OUT OF TOWN RIBBON j MILL TO TAKE CHARGE OF j WARPING AND WINDING DEPARTMENTS. APPLY, STATING EXPERIENCE TO ERNEST AND HERMAN LEVY. INC., HANOVER. PA. 1 WANTED Boys over 16 years for work in "finishing room. Apply DEVINE & YUNGEL. 16th and State Sts. WANTED Union carpenters for form work; winter job. Appy. N AT I O N L ENGINEERING CORPORATION. FAIR GROUNDS. Kug L E pA _ WANTED Two neat appearing voung men over 22 desiring to earn salesmanship. Will you be satisfied "with sls per week while learning. Apply Room 110 Patriot Bldg. 1 A SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY Training qualities you in your spare time to fill important accounting, traffic, banking and sales positions. Positions located for graduates. Full information without obligation. East ern office. 26 N. 18th St.. city. Bell $299. . WANTED—A cigarniaker for hand work. C. L. Boak, 229 Broad St. Both phones. RAILWAY traffic" inspectors want d." guy a month and expenses to •tart- short hours; travel; three .onntiis' home study under guarantee. We get you position. No age limit; ask for booklet N-273. Standard Busi ness Training Inst., Buffalo. N. Y. WANTED —Boy over 14 years old. Apply Monarch Wall l'aper Co., 9 Aberdeen St. LEARN a trade and earn while you learn Some of our students are mak ing $l2O a month while learning. We rail place you. We teach aeroplane operating, piloting, and construction, automobile mechanism, wireless ,ele eraDhy or radio telephone. Write for particulars. Auto and Aeroplane Me chanical School, Harrisburg. Aero drome Office. 25 North Cameron St., HarHsburg. Bell 1710. Dial 3065. WANTED —Paper ruler, steady po fition. Write giving full particulars. >. O. Box 673. Erie, Pa. (Continued In Next Column) "FOR SALE Nos. 1541 and 1543 Vernon Street Pair. 2H-story brick front dwellings; 8 rooms and bath: front and back porches; cemented cellar; gas light; furnace heat; lot, 20x103 ft., to Thompson Ave.. .*2,s<io each No. Derry Street A 3-story brick front dwelling; 9 rooms and bath; front and back porches: cemented cellar; gas light: furnace heat. Price. . .93,150 Miller Brothers & Co. I.OCCNT AND CUCHP STS. It IIAI. ESTATE INSURANCE SURETY RONUS Member. Illig. Real Estate Hoard WEDNESDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED | MEN TO WORK IN BRICK PLANT i [ AT MILTON. PA. Wages 40c per hour and bonus Ten-hour day Company boarding house for white men Batch cabins for negroes ■ | Transportation advanced 1 Apply Wednesday morning, 7 o'clock ready for shipment to JOHN WALSH. Care Plana Hotel. Harrisburg. ' CITY MANAGER WANTED A large financial house, about to establish a branch office in Harrisburg, desires to place a live, wide-awake man in charge. No capital required. Integrity, ambition and the übility to direct men are wanted. Banking experience is desir able, although not absolutely essential. This connection will he per manent and offers exceptional I opportunities for advance in income as the business of the local brunch increases. The right man should quickly | reach an Income basis of ssoou per year. Age. present or recent em ployment and salary received i must be stated to secure in terview. Y'our communication will be regarded as confiden tial. I Address P. O. Box 134. Hur- I risburg. WANTED CARPENTERS TRACK REPAIRMEN AND LABORERS FOR GENERAL PLANT WORK APPLY AT EMPLOY MENT OFFICE ■ BETHLEHEM STEEL CO.. STEELTON. PA. YV ANTED Platen pressmen; good wages; steady employment- Apply at ouce. I THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. State and Cameron Uts. _ LABORERS YV ANTED HARRISBURG GAS COMPANY. APPLY' AT PLANT TO F. J. EARRY. I - i YVANTED —Two experienced house to house men to represent The Ameri can Magazine. New Christmas offer. | Easy payment plan pay's you sl. Call | Room 410 Patriot Bidg. WANTED —Chocolate workers, ex service men if you have worked in any cocoa department products and want advancement sharing profits, with aged family experience, present employment, army service; great business opportunity. Apply Legion Chocolate Co., Washington. D. C. WANTED —A partner, silent or ac tive with TWENTY THOUSAND DOL LARS to back one of the best auto mobile agency in the state, option ex pires December 15. Have had nve years' experience with large company, retail and wholesale. Will guarantee 20 per cent, on investment. Address X-7 768 care Telegraph. WANTED—Reliable man for clerk in general store, good wages and permanent position. Apply to S. A. ai n, Penbrook, Pa. WANTED—First class baker for fancy pastry at once, good wages. Ap ply Palace Confectionery Store, 325 Market St. WANTED —White chaulTeur for a 2-ton truck. Must bo sober and re liable. Reply in own handwriting to P. O. Box 307, Harrisburg. WANTED—Laborers and contrac tors. Apply Paxtang Quarries, Pax tang. FOUR solicitors to join- crew on house to house work. Salary and com mission; good chance for advance ment. Apply Room 410 Patriot Bldg. HELP WANTED—FEMALE SALESLADIES WANTED To sell toys in Bowman's toy department. Apply Employ ment Bureau, rear Fourth Floor. BOWMAN & CO. WHITE girl wanted for nurse. Ap ply Apt. B, 7 S. Front St. GOOD WAGES FOR HOMEWORK We need you to make socks on the fast easily learned Auto Knitter. Ex perience unnecessary. Distance im material. Positively no canvassing. Yarn supplied. Particulars 2c stamp. Dept. 146 C, Auto Knitter Co., Buf falo, N. Y. WANTED —First class laundress for family of four, clean worker, also High school girl to assist after school hours. Apply 1518 S. 12th St., or Bell 1270 J. WANTED—Experienced salesladies. Apply F. W. Woolworth Co.. 404 Market St, WANTED—Young ladies for trav eling musical comedy. Experience not necessary. Singing voice is essential. Investigate this opportunity. Address Bernard McGraw. Canisteo, N. Y. WANTED—Milliners and makers; steady employment and good salary paid. Inquire Belle Shop, 212 Lo cust Street. WANTED —Several Women to give ail or part time. Pleasant work; good pay. Address Box X-7957 care Tele graph. WANTED —A strong girl for laun dry work, $9 for 5 days. Apply Sani tary Family Washing Co., 16th and Elm St. I (Continued In Next Column) HELP YVAXTFI)—FEMALE OPERATORS Owing to the rapid increase of our business we are re quiring experienced sewing machine operators. Work is regular and permanent. As sanitary conditions of our sewing rooms and the effi ciency of our machines are second to none, operators can earn good wages. A bonus is paid every pay day to oper ators. BLOUGH MFG. CO., INC., REILY AND FULTON STREETS SILK, SILK. SILK Silk Operators Good Learners If steady work is what you want an'd short day and best pay. Apply SILK MILL, 1 Cor. Second and North Sta. I ! WANTED—GirI to work in store; ! reference required; wages sl2 per week; steady employment. Address 11-8206 care Telegraph. WANTED—Reliable girl for gen eral housework: two in family. Call Bell phone 2446YV. , STENOGRAPHER, one with some office experience. Call Room 410 .Ja iriot Bidg.. Hurrisburg. WANTED—White girl or middle aged woman for general housework in small family, good liome. Apply 1804 Green St. WANTED—One or two waitresses. Appi- Court Dairy Lunch. WANTED—Dining room girls with clean habits. Must be experienced. Apply in person. Manhattan Reatau lant, 317 Market St. WANTED Woman for general house work. Apply 2008 N. 3d St. WANTED—A capable stenographer and typewriter for general office work. Good wages paid. Address stat ing age and experience. YV. care Tele graph. WHITE GlßL—Wanted as cook. Small lamily: good wages. Bell 1323 or apply at 510 North Second Street., between 9 and 10.30 a. m. and 1 to 2.30 and 0 to 8 p. m. WANTED—GirIs to learn how to make paper boxes. Apply Penn-Harris Paper Box., 103 N. Cameron St. WANTED Cirls to work in book-bind ing department, experience unnecessary. Apply Mr. Bern heisei, THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPANY. Cameron and State Sts. WOMAN wanted for general house work; good home to right party. Call Bell phone 4335 R. WANTED Experienced g'rls on paper box work. Apply Penn-Harris Paper Box., 103 N. Cameron St. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female WANTED Press feeders at once, experi ence preferred, but not neces sary. The Telegraph Print ing Company, Cameron and State Streets. Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED—A stenographer, must be quick and accurate with a knowl edge of bookkeeping; good permanent position for right person; state ex perience, salary desired. Replies con fidential. Address Box 1.-9573 care Telegraph. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN—Write for list of open ings and full particulars. Earn $2 000 to SIO,OOO yearly. Big demand for men. Inexperienced or experienced City or traveling. Nafl Salesmen's Tr" Assn., Dept. 603, Chicago. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE A middle age man wants work of any kind, but desires night watchman Call 920 Cowden St. or phone 4907 Dial. YOUNG man, 29 years old, would like to connect with a good reliable firm us collector or route foreman' Can furnish best of reference. Annlv T. B. Klugh. 449 Lincoln St.. Steelton. WANTED—By middle aged white man. work of any kind or opening oysters. Address Box G-7953 care Telegraph. > YOUNG man 22 years of age and married wants position as salesman. Nine years' experience. Address Box H-7952 care Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE YOUNG girl would like any kind of extra work after 4 o'clock. Can give best of references. Call 28 Linden St.. City. WANTED—Clericat work by ex perienced young woman who has knowledge of stenography. Can fur nish references. Address Box K-7950 care Telegraph. YOUNG high school girl wishes po sition in an office or clerical work has had previous experience. Can furnish reference. Address Box G-8137 care Telegraph. DOOMS FOII RENT THREE nicely furnished rooms on second floor for light housekeeping all conveniences. Apply 2305 Prospect Street. NICELY furnished warm rooms $3 per week and up. 143 S. Third St. FOR RENT—Large furnished sec ond floor front room, electric lights and city steam, centrally located, 311 Walnut St. Inquire 9 N. Front St. FOR RENT—Two well furnished rooms for light housekeeping, private family, reference required. Call even ings. 6 to 9 p. m., 1315 Swatara St. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. AdultS only. Inquire 923 North Second St. FOR RENT—Two furnished third floor rooms, central location, all con veniences. Call Bell 2359 W. HERR ST, 131. Pleasant, warm bed room. Use of bath and phone. FOR RENT—Housekeeping apart, of two unfurnished rooms, hot and cold water, electric light, gas and city steam heat. 807 N. Second. Call after 6.30 p. m. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room with all modern conveniences and city steam; good central location. Private family. Gentlemen only. Ap ply 324 N. Second St. FOR RENT—Second floor front room with ail conveniences. Apply 125 Pine St. I (Continued In Next Column! ' HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH A BIG-ENOUGH CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN is al ways the least expensive tvay of sell ing property. This does not mean that large space must be used —it means that you must use enough space in which to describe your offering and to give the vital facts about it. It means, too, sensible persistency repeated pub lications of your ad—if this shall be found necessary. ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED second floor "Tront room with all conveniences. Gentle men only; use of phone 4154 J. In I private family. 10 i Walnut St.. City. TWO furnished rooms, second floor, bay windows, porch, bath, phone, steam heat, good location, ten min utes' walk to business section, refer ences. Call after 4 p. m. or before 9 a. m. Bell phone 4657 M. FOB itM.NT —Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, second floor, heat, light and gas. inquire 52S Camp Street. NICELY furnished room, all con veniences, suitable for young woman. Board if desired. Apply 1(110 Derry St. or call Bell "568.1. FOR RENT—Two furnished up-to date rooms, steam heat, also one sep arate room. Call morning to 12 a. ui., or after 5.30 p. m., 443 Walnut St. FOR KENT—I .urge tront room fur nished. all improvements, bath, phones. Gentlemen preferred or man and wife. Apply at 1549 State. Bell 4162 R. HNTIRE third floor, two furnished looms and private bath, suitable for light housekeeping or otherwise; re lined neighborhood; all modern con veniences; use of phone. 815 North 17th Street. BOARD AND ROOMS FOR RENT—One furnished room all conveniences, suitable for two gent lemen. Board if desired. Address C-9024 care Telegraph. HOME WANTED AN elderly lady would like a home with either protestant elderly couple or with a widow who has an established home. Will pay liberally for desirable, homelike accommoda tions. Address Eox S-7935 care Tele graph. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED—Unfurnished apartment of two rooms, bath and kitchenette; must be centrally located. Address R. Adver, P. O. Box 574, City. WANTED A small unfurnished apartment of two or three rooms with bath. Call Bell phone 2917J or address X.-7721 care Telegraph. REAR ESTATE FOR SALE THE MOST APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS GIFTS | WIFE FOR J HUSBAND "" 1 DAUGHTER I SON Buy a home, prepare now for the spring drive. I have what you want and where you want it, either cash or time payments. LOUIS B. COHEN Room 308 Bergner Building. Bell 626 HOUSES FOR SALE POSSESSION AT ONCE Houses of all kinds in all parts of the city. Some on easy terms, tour now vacant, possession at once. Some nice corner properties. A few large single homes with large lawn and shade trees, two or three up-to-date apartment houses, ten per cent, clear. Several 3-story briek houses centrally located, very suitable for apartments. Several business stands. Grocery store, etc. For full particulars. Apply or phone to C, H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Real Estate. Insurance Rents Collected. Bell 560J JUST Bell phone D. E. LUCAS. Real Estate and Insurance. THAT'S ALL 303 l*wis Street. CAMP 111LL. N. Bowman avc., 2',5- story frame, lot 80x140, 7 rooms, bath, gas, electric, hot air furnace, storm windows, fruit trees, chicken house, drive alley In rear, beautiful lawn. Very desirable home, the kind that is rarely sold. J. K. Lehman, Patriot Building. William St., frame SIOOO Fulton St., frame SI2OO Currant St., 3-story brick SISOO llorr St.. frame, all imp S3OOO Riley St., brick S3OOO Riley St., frame, 3-story S3OOO LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 North Seventh St. ' BUY A REAL BARGAIN SIX HOUSES 160-162-164-166-168-170 N. 15th St. FOR FURTHER INFORMA TION CALL 421 S. 13 ST. BELL PHONE 46GSJ. FOR SALE A fine single dwelling. Immediate possession. It is on a corner, has lot 53x100, porches, new light fixtures and steam heat, tine wall paper, elegunt woodwork, double lloors on first story with maple top fioor, stationary china closet, linen drawers and shelves. Al together a beautiful home, S6OOO. Easy terms If desired. Also two houses on Second street with fine finish, in cluding cak fioor on first story, tiled bath room, open fireplace, sleeping porch. An elegant home, SBSOO. Easy terms. K. MOESLF.IN. 600 A Boas St. LEWIS M. NKIFFER, 3103 Front-tit. FOR SALE —333 and 337 Emera'd St.. possession April 1. 2028 and 2030 Susquehanna St., possession In 30 days. Apply to 814 Capital St. ' (Continued !" Next Column) 1 f RKAI, ESTATE FOR SALE j "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE. SEE SANDERLIN" BRAND NEW AND VACANT NO DOWN MONEY'—SAME AS RENT 17TH & PAXTON STS.—Seven rooms and bath, hardwood floors, steam heat, gus and electricity; a real modern hoine: front and back porches; built in pairs; driveway in rear. A GOOD INVESTMENT FRONT ST.. 607-609 3-story brick, eight rooms and bath, oil improvements; the very best of location for tin apartment house; can be bought right and convert ed into six apartments at a small eost. BRAND NEW AND VACANT DERRY ST.. 2400 BLOCK—Two story brick, six rooms and bath, hardwood floors, steam heat, gus and electricity; cemented cellar; front and rear porches and bal cony; possession in a few days. 12TH ST.. N.. 68 VACANT; 3- story, eight rooms and bath, new ly painted and papered, gas and electricity all improvements; house in flrst-clus condition; possession at once. JEFFERSON ST.. -2130—3-story brick eight rooms and bath, al! modern improvements; in good condition. driveway in rear; small amount down, balance same as tent. CAMP HlLL—2'i-story bungalow, nine rooms and bath; very beau tilul home; nice big front porch and lawn, gas and electric lights, steam heat; everything that goes to make up a modern home, right price to quick buyer. D. ASA SANDERLIN. ROOM 1, SECURITY TRUST BUILDING 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL 3573. , „ POSSESSION AT ONCE. HOUSE FOR SALE; EASY TERMS 1824 N. Sixth St., 7 rooms, all im provements, lot 20x187 ft. with gar age on rear, capacity lour cars. Price $5,000. DURAND & FERBER. 107 Chestnut t. FOR SALE—Five-room bungalow under construction with double gar age. All material on job to complete it. A good buy for a quick buyer. PAI'M & ROBESON, Buss Building. Bell phone 353J lIUMMEL ST., 215—Frame house with 9 rooms and bath, steam he.fl, electric light, garage and milk house in rear, front and rear streets paved; price S4OOO. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar ket Street. ARGYLTS ST., 14 -—• Three-story brick. 9-room house with modern iin - provuments, including electric light, with porch and side entrance; price s;i2oo, J. 10. Oipple, 1251 Market St. HOUSE—For sale .SIOO down. Bal ance monthly to suit buyer; price $llOO. J. 10. Gipple, 1251 Market St. 13TH ST., S.. 431—2 Vj-story frame house with 7 rooms and bath, front and side entrance; lot 19'/* ft. by 151 ft.; price S4OOO. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market St. FOR SAEE —1913 Zarker St.. 2-story brick. 7 rooms and bath, gas and elec tric lights, front porch, steam heat, finished complete. Inquire Bell 3099 M for appointment. FOR SALE—VACANT 531 Maclay Street, 3-story frame" dwelling, 8 rooms and bath, all im provements. tirst class condition, lot 20x150 with double brick garage, ltix 20 on rear. Price $4950. C. O. RACK IONSTOSS, Owner, llarrisburg. Pa. Bell Bell 701 3077J FOR SALE —Resiuenco and busi ness property 1056 South Cameron Street, brick house, exceptionally built, nine large rooms and store room, can be easily converted into! double dwelling. In addition to large vard with garage In reur you have use of wide street that has been open ed only to end of property. This un usual home owning opportunity is up for quick selling in order to close an estate. We guarantee immediate pos session to the fortunate purchaser. Inspection by appointment. Apply to A C. Young. Bell 767, Dial 5439. Everything in real estate. Young building. 34 North Second St. FOR SALE 1918 Penn St.. brick $3600 1943 N. 4th St.. brick S3oOU 191H Park St., brick |oooo 2427 N. Sixth St., brick S6U6O 18''0 Fulton St., frame SI9OO Easy P*™"£ caley< 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell GB'J PENBROOK —9-room house; out kitchen, improvements; well built; lot 30x196; price, $2,400. Durand & Fcrber. 107 Chestnut, near Front. FOR SALE —Brick dwelling, isli Green street, 9 rooms and bath. Chas Adier, 1002 N. Third St. BEAUTIFUL SUMMER HOME with large lawn and shrubbery. Also about 7 acres of land suitable for farming or building plots, will be soldi in lots or as a whole. Also one row of Ave frame houses. All located with in six miles ot Harrisbuig. Excellent car service. Call steellon Exchange. 166J on Leil phone. fiCU for property. No commissions Quigk settlements. Chas Adler, 1002 i\. Third street. (Continued In Next Column? REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 j WILL BE VACATED THIS WEEIC AND MUST BE SOLD AS OWN ER IS LEAVING CITY No. 1958 Bellevue Road. 3-8 brick, steam heat. gas. electricity, comb, range, plot 33x100 (with rear drive way). Built in pairs. A most attractive residence. Price around SIBOO. Act quickly. For Sale—Cor. S. 18th and Sycamore Sts., beautiful detached home, gar age room, cement porches on two sides (enclosed) steam heat, gas anil electricity, stat'y tubs, etc. A most Ideal home. Too large for family now occupying. Price is right. N. 19tli St., No. 723, SIOO down, bal ance to suit purchaser for this nice 2H-story frame. Price $1450. Boas St., No. 1922. Make us an offer en this 214-story frame, on plot 96x110 with rear driveway. NOW VACANT. Must be sold to settle estate. Will let S3OOO stand, balance about S3O per month. Derry St., No. 2907. Nice 3-story brick, gas and electricity, steam heat, etc. Rear driveway. Built in pairs. Price is right. Kensington St. Nos. 2014-16. We may consider a $2500 offer on these 214- story frames on large plot. Good in vestment. Zarker St. Nos. 1807-09. Two nice 2- story bricks with all improvements. A little less than S3OOO each, if bought quickly. We lia\ e plots of ground in the city. Paxtang, Enola, While Hill. etc.. which are attractive. Also summer cottage at Aqueduct. Fine Highsplre residence, cor. Eshelman and Ilaindk er Sts.. on 61x120 plot. Nice Penbrdok home. No. 2380 ("amity St.. which a few hundred dollars will buy. CONSULTATIONS on real estate matters FREE. List your property with us for QUICK RESULTS. Ever i remember—"a listing means a sale. RACKKNSTOSS REALTY CO.. (llarrisburg's Real Estate Bureau) 331 Market Street. Both phones. Automobile Service POSSESSION VERY SOON S3OOO, 8 r. b., f. p.. s. e. S3OOO, 8 r. b.. f. p., a. e. $3850. 7 r. b.. f. p.. e. 1., coal bin un der front porch, combination gas and coal range. 15 new houses on Hill nearing com pletion. 1920 Calendars —Free KOUGH. BRIGHTBILL & KLINE. 307 Kunkel Building CENTRAL Hotel in llumntelstown, offered for sale at an attractive price. Situated on the town square, having modern conveniences, including steam heat plot 109x200. with stable and B-iira'ce for IS cars. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. IMMEDIATE possession of a frame house with 8 rooms and hath, gas. electric light, steam heal, hardwood floors, lot 4ux120. Price $6200. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. DO NOT delay inspecting those new houses. No. 2417. etc., Derry street, well built, steam heated, open lire place, other improvements, imme diate' possession. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. FOR SALE —1719 State Street, oc cupied by owner, 8 rooms ana bath, other improvements, garage on the premises. Inspect this property. Bell Realty Co- Bergner Bldg. $3109 will purchase a brick house with seven rooms and bath, other im provements. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. PKNN STREET property for sale, 8 rooms," bath, gas, furnace, 1826 Penn Street. Price S2BOO. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. FOR SALE Possession in 30 Days Royal terrace, 2-story bk.; all imp Vl"' 'C.!/ I 147 Sylvan terrace. 3-story bk.; all imp •• •• •••• • 4,004) ; 1731 Root street, 214-story bk.; all imp ' 3.500 227 N. 15th street. 3-story bk.; ""all imp 5,200 1214 N. 15th street, 3-story bk.; all imp 5,000 1406 Hcrr street, 2-story bk; all imp S.oool 228 S. 29tli street, 214-story "frame; all imp 2,330 j White Hall and Regina streets; 3-story bk; all imp 13,3001 See My List CHARLES DA VIES 1549 State Street Real State and Fire Insurance Bell 4162-R Dial 4930 I BUY YOUR HOME on the rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Pond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Doranz, 1223 North Sixth street • FOR SALE A 1 investment. Business prop erty on Market Street on Hill. Rent $720 annually. Will sac rifice for quick sale S6BOO. In quire Box E-7955 care Tele graph. S4OOO will buy 1633 North Third St., storeroom and S-room dwelling, large lot. all conveniences, to quick buyer. Inquire 11. Doyle, 130 State Road. Highland Park, Pa.. Upper Darby. FOR SALE —One 3-story brick. 8 rooms and bath, front and rear porch es gas light and furnace, on the west side of North 12th St., city, house No. 40 Apply to Mrs. Kate Davidson. Messiah Home. 1175 Bailey St.. City. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT Estherton Riverside Drive, apartments. 7 rooms and tv.o baths on second floor, 6 rooms and bath on third floor; modern conveni ences \pply Dr. Flowers, Ell'/.abeth ville. Pa. Bell phone. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED—To rent garage in cen tral part of city for one car. In reply state location, rental and when same can be seen. Address "M," enre P. o. Box 899. llarrisburg. Pa. WE will save you time and nnnoy anee front agents and advertising, by buying vour real estate direct. Send us full particulars in your letter and we will buy your property If the price is right. Address I'. O. Box 625. WANTED —Suburban home, West Shore preferred, or small farm close to trolley. Address Box D-2968 caro Telegraph. OFFICES AND STOREROOMS FOR RENT Office space, fully equipped with two large communicat ing rooms which can be used for stor age or supplies. Inquire 429 Broad St. FARMS POSSESSION AT ONCE' For sale, 192 acre farm, $3909. Also an opportunity to buy stock and im plements. DURAND & FERRER, 107 Chestnut, near Front St. FARM for renty-Farm on shares. 170 seres tilahle. in good condition, near Halifax. Inquire of 10. O. Patton, 346 Muench St., Harrisburg. I DECEMBER 10, 1919. FOR SALF—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE j Overstuffed tapestry. 3-plece parlor suite. valued s2uo. Sale price $165. I FORNWALT. 1321 North Sixth Street. WANTED To buy doll coach. State price, where can be seen. Ad dress Box M-6954 care Tele graph. . I A USEFUL XMAS GIFT White iron bed, good mattress i and spring, ct $ plate for $24.50. Regular price $32. FORNWALD. 1321 North Sixth Street. j FOR SALE—Solid mahogany parlor , bric-a-brette cabinet. Inquire 333 Crescent St. 1 FOR SALE—One leather couch in good condition. Price sls. Appiy IS2J Chestnut St. FOR SALE —Set gray fox furs used very little. $10; vacuum sweeper, ex cellent condition. $2.50; tlve flat irons. | sl. Inquire 1738 N. sth St. FOR SALE—Complete blacksmith's outfit. Inquire 27 Brady Street. FOR SALE—Beautiful grand piano, nearly new. exceptional bargain, part cash. Address Box A-7956 care Tele graph. FOR SALE Pedigreed Flemish giants and Zealand red rabbits, also Caldwell's reliable rabbit remedies. Inquire W. K. Fisher, 130 Front St., West Fairvicw, Pa. FOR SALE—To quick buyer, one of two upright pianos, both excellent condition, one oak, one mahogany case. JIJiO and S2OO. Call 1260K befote 3 o'elu<"<, or 3SSBJ after 3. FOR SALE —Gray reed reversible baby carriage. Price $'J. Apply 1507 Market St. FOR SALE—Fur piece with 16 tails, only worn twice, price $45. Inquire 203 N. 15th St FOR SALE—Two small show cases and one large wall case with glass floors and one large counter lor gro cery store. Burgain if sold this week. Call Bell phone A. B. Davis. Pen brook, Pa. A CHANCE to save. Household goods in good condition at normal prices; hall rack, reed rocker, small table, iron bed, two springs, two gas heaters, small oil stove, large rug, lamp, sweeper, stair mats, linoleum, wringer, tireless cooker. Phone 492451. FOR SALE Gasoline hoisting en gine. 10 11. P. International gasoline engine, machine tools, electric motors, ; various sizes, lurge stone crushing plant complete. !'. R. Laverty, lt>al ' Bell phone. CENTRAL Furniture Store, dealer in new and second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves. Try us before buying or selling. Great bargains in new mattresses, sl2 and sls for $8.50 and $6.25. A trial will convince you. Closed Saturday. 324 Keily St. Bell phone 1061 M. FOR SALE Superior Oxy-acevy leno generators, cutting and welding torches, carbon burning outfit. Dem- | onstration by appointment- F. R. l.atjcrty, 1857 Bell phone. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz, 1018 Market. Bell 4494. BOOKS Bought and sold; 20,000 new, old. rare, in stock. Aurand's, 925 North Third. Circulars free. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEORGE P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE OH I'll EUM THEATER BOTH PHONES J WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call or drop a postal to Max Smeltz. 1020 Market Street. Will call, city or coun- I try. Bell phone 5321 J. $49,000 wanted on first mortage, good security. Address Box S-9U2C care Telegraph. WANTED —Second hand bureau. | F'hone particulars. Bell 5090 R. | WANTED—Advance orders for our heautiful Christmas trees (all sizes) and evergreen decorations. Prices rea sonable: delivery made to suit pat rons. Write us your Christmas needs now. Address Evergreens, cure Tele graph. WE are in the market tor all kinds of junk. Call Bell 4974 or write L. I Cohen & Co., York and Ash Ave. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN, I CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST., HARRIS BURG. PA. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SUBSTANTIAL manufacturing cor poration wants capable men to es tablish branch and manage salesmen, J3OO to SISOO necessary. You handle own money. Will allow expenses to Baltimore if you will qualify. Foi particulars address Secretary, 41S N. Howard St., Baltimore, Md. WANTED —Business man with abil ity to open district sales office lor old established well rated manufacturing linn. Wonderful opportunity for right party to connect with entirely new lino of business I without competition. SI,OOO to $3,000 capital required. Should net at least SIO,OOO first year. Mechanical Machine and Toll Works, Baltimore. Md. RESIDENCE and steam bakery for sale; good bargain for right party. Call on or address, J. H. Bridge, Man heim. Pa. BUSINESS PERSONALS A. LANE New and second-nand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 3239W-2. IF IT'S painting, exterior or inter ior or paperhangiiig. let me quote you a price. Quality and service Is my motto, prices consistent with the i quality of work I do. D. W. Btxler. 2130 Susquehanna St. Bell phone! 4 006 J. j RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz., double edge, 3ie do*., razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug store. ! F UHNITU It E CRATED. L A | Bishop. 1736 Logan street. Bell 2632 H. | DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. ! CAPLAN CO.. 206 Market street OXY-ACETYLENB WELDING— Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co.. 1538 Logan Street Bell 4396 J. QUININE —Look out for that grippe, feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE I'HOSHIO-QUININE will stave It off If taken In time. Urosa Drug Storu. 119 Murket street. * (Continued In Next Column) j [ BUSINESS PERSONALS BARGAINS BARGAINS 1920 CALENDARS 00,000 JOB LOTS ORDER NOW ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED MYERS MANUFACTURING CO. Third and Cumberland Sts. Above Shoe Store Call Bell 1577-R. Open Evenings FINANCIAL HIGH GRADE STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD J. K. GREENAWALT. JR. in t. . 130 Walnut Street, i Bell phone 518-J Ilarrisburg, Fa, INSURANCE DON'T TAKE Any unnecessary chances If It's anything in the line o! insurance, we handle it. J. SCHOOLNIK, 21 Spooner Building. l ire. Life, Casualty, Automobile In surance. Bell 4593. j MONEY TO LOAN [SMALL LOANS AT LEGAL RATES slo TO S3OO [ On furniture, real estate or guaran teed notes. Convenient monthly pay ments. interest charges based on the actual time the money is in your pos -1 session. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO M 204 Chestnut Street. WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 4. 1919, to individu als in need of ready cash, small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. MONEY LOANED—Employes' Loan Society, Room 20G Bergner Bldg., Third and Market streets. "Licensed and Bonded by the State." HAULING AND MOVING BECK & HARRIS, moving of all kinds, piano, safe, furniture and ma chinery, 20 years' experience. Bell 2418. Dial 3283. AUTO hauling, local or long dis tance, furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 Capital St. Both phones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin. 63u Calder street. Both phones. Bell 3C36-J. Dial 338. HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 1214 Wallace St. Both phones. WE Move Anything. Anywhere, Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 4990. Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 North Third Street. HEAVY HAULING Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Gruber's Truck Service. Irwin Aungst. Manager. Hershey, Pa. Beii phone 15R6. PAUL BECK, general hauling, locul and long distance, making a speciativ of furniture, piano and safe moving. Call at 1617 Naudain St.. or Bell 52353. MUSICAL HARRISBURG TALKING MACHINE HOSPITAL 1203 North Sixth Street. Talking machines repaired and supplies a specialty. Call Bell phone 2184 J. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED by a skilled tuner only. OyleFs, 14 south Fourth' Street. FOR SALE—Fine mahogany up right piano, slightly used and bench for sale, very cheap. Owner leaving city and wants to sell. For informa tion. write Box 73. Gettysburg, Pa. TALKING MACHINES promptly and I carefully repaired by an expert only. OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street VIOLINS. MANDOLINS, GUITARS. BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repaii td. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. FOR SALE Player piano for $450. A big bargain to quick buyer. Spangler Music House, 2112 N. Sixth street STORAGE STORAGE —419 Broad street house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of ail kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware bouse. $3 per month and up. Lower storuge rates in non-lireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co, 437- 446 South Second street STORAGE —In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Diener, 4UB Market Street STORAGE LOW PRICES HIGHSPIRE DISTILLERY CO, LTD, HIGUSPIRE. PA. Both phones. Bell Steelton 169Y UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Dcrry St BELL 1956 DIAL 2JSS RUDOLPH K. SPICER Funeial Director and Embalmer 611 North Second Street. BELL 252 DIAL 2145 G. K. BRESTLE. FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1745 N. 6th St ALSO MIDDLETOWN OFFICE BELL 2423 DIAL 3295 CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE , PROS PEC ' IIILL CEMETERY— Beautifully ituated on Murket street cost of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the now park way The pr.ee of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS CLEANING DYEING AND PRESSING Let us mukc your old fall and win ter clothes look new. Wo call and de liver. AH kinds of repairing. Both phones. H. Goodman, 1306 ta North Sixth Street. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page J— .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers