10 Na+ion's Meat Supplies Continue to Shrink Chicago, Oct. 24.—Storage stocks of meats and lard, which have de . clined steadily since June, were esti mated by the American Meat Pack ers to-day to be sufficient for hardly more than 18 days, if they were all available and the sole supply. The Bureau of Markets has just reported that a total of 1,060.358.- 336 pounds of meat and lard are stored. On June 1 an amount was on hand adequate for 20 or 25 days. On September 1 the stocks had de clined until there were no more than enough for 19 or 20 days. Eliminating the stocks which are awaiting cure or are in curing pro cess now, the stored meats are prob ably insufficient to fill normal needs i u taPJbSUIT g Ed u /. a p= . 1 ABOUT FURS j The quality of our furs is so tvell known and the integrity of our house so well established ice know that those who really desire the finest in furs will select their fur I coats and fur pieces here. FRED B. HARRY I Hatter and Furrier 17 North Third Street [!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiil SPECIAL SALE REGULAR $2.25 TO $4.00 VALUE Quality Brand Aluminum 500 PIECES TO GO AT PRICES LOWER THAN ELSEWHERE Housewives, Boarding House and Hotel Owners, here is the chance of a lifetime! Articles needed in every kitchen are placed before you at prices that challenge all competition. Of course you KNOW they will sell quickly because other people are reading this announcement and will lose no time getting here promptly, so in order to avoid any disappointment we urge that you do likewise. By special arrangement a factory representative will be here. I ' Fact d Every one of these kitchen utensils* is made of Quality Brand Aluminum and is guaranteed to wear for twenty PS I I years by the manufacturers. If it fails to give satisfaction we will give you a new utensil in exchange. K 1 Sale Saturday, 10 A. M., October 25 No goods reserved before the sale. No telephone orders. None wrapped and no C O D 312 Market Street FRIDAY EVENING, for more than eight or ten days. if the Nation had to be rationed I from its reserve supply, every per son could have only .72 of a pound of lard; .07 of a pound of lamb and mutton; little more than one pound of beef, frozen or cured; and six or seven pounds of frozen, dry salt, or pickled pork. THREE SAILORS DROWNED Philadelphia. Oct. 2*. Three members of the crew of the tug Aral were drowned yesterday when the towboat collided with the Dutch steamer Farmsum in the Delaware river and sank. The Formsum was not damaged. Only One "BROJIO QUININE" j To get the genuine, call for full name i LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tab lets. Look for signature of E W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. 30c. —Adv. A. F. L. Calls Unions For Discussion of Industrial Disputes Washington, Oct. 24.—A confer ence of international unions affili ated with the. American Federation of Lubor will be held in Washing ton soon to consider industrial dis putes now in progress and impend ing. This was disclosed to-day on the following telegram sent by Samuel Gompers, president of the federa tion, to the Illinois State Federation of Labor in session at Peoria: "Executive Council of the Ameri can Federation of Labor before its adjournment Tuesday evening, adopted a declaration calling for a conference to be held in Washing ton at an early date to deal with several of the subjects contained in your message." The Illinois Federation had ask ed that a special convention of the American Federation be held here for the purpose of perfecting an al liance of the international unions of the United States and Canada "more | effectively to fight out the life and death struggles of the workers now in progress." The date for the conference au thorized by the executive council ! has not yet been determined. HOME-MADE COUGH SYRUP Helps Whole Family, Quickly Woman's Interesting Letter Mrs. M. H. Van Wart, Lents, Ore., j writes: i "I feel it a duty to write you. ! Four years ago my husband had a i bad cough, and found no relief from j medicines he tried. Finally tried j your Mentlio-Laxene and made it j up as a cough syrup and it quickly ; cured him. Now, this last winter, ; my two boys had fearful coughs and jit has cured them. It also gives me ! great relief from asthma, from j which I suffer in wintertime, as you 1 know here we have it so rainy in stead of snow, as back East, etc." \ This concentrated essence, called Mentho-Laxene, is sold by drug j gists in 2Vz -ounce bottles. You mix lit at home with syrup, making a '.whole pint very cheaply, as per di 'rections with each bottle. —Adv. feCRJUfIBURG TELEGIOIPH ENOLA TO START WELCOME DRIVE West Shore Borough Will Raise Fund For Soldier Greeting i Etiola, Pa., Oct. 24.—The mem bers of War Relief composed of the' following persons will start their drive on Monday to solicit funds I and assistance for the Welcome | Home celebration to be held here ' on Thursday, October SO: | District No. 1, Mrs. J. William i Keller and Mrs. E. A. Brunner. j District No. 2, Mrs. David W. Vogel and Mrs. Benjamin J. Pass ' more. District No. 3, Mrs. Harry W. I Smith and Mrs. J. H. Rotte. j District No. 4, Mrs. John F. Gruver and Mrs. S. J. Putt. District No. 5, Mrs. Christian "F. Kantz and Mrs. C. H. Miller. District No. 6, Mrs. William U Troup and Mrs. William F. Martin. District No. 7, Mrs. Howard A. Wagner and Mrs. J. M. Jones. District No. 8. Mrs. G. Hepford. District No. 9, Mrs. C. N. Miller and Mrs. J. S. McCormick. District No. 10, Mrs. H. S. Hass ler and Mrs. Paul L. Bensler. District No. 11, Mrs. H. E. Kline, Mrs. Edward Himes and Mrs. S. W. Libhart. The Finance Committee, R. H. Holmes. George W. Ellinger, Chas. H. Gottshall, P. M. Miller, Edward Baohman and Paul L. Bender will assist. The other committees in charge are: Publicity. Bankes E. Shull, Miss Margarette E. Hassler, Mrs. W. L. Fisher, Roy H. Holmes and H. H. Way: decorating, Guy A. Yeager, George Fickle, Paul L. Bender. Christian F. Kantz, J. Lib hart. W. T. Barrow, Rev. H. M. Buck, V. Ersinberger, Clinton Geltz, H. L. Hoffman, John F. Gruver, J. D. Bordlemay and Bruce Beimer. Western Union Men Visit Local Office Western Union officials were here to-day on a tour of Inspection. They came in their special car from Bal timore this morning and after visit ing the local offices left over the Philadelphia and Reading Railway for an Inspection of Eastern points. The officials were much pleased with the business and management in Harrisburg. In the party were: Newcomb Carlton, president; J. C. Williver, vice-president and in charge of the commercial depart ment; W. M. Fosbaugh, vice-presi dent and traffic manager;; G. M. Yorke. vice-president In charge of plants and engineering; S. B. Haig, division Jraffic superintendent; T. W. Carroll, general manager eastern division; J. S. Calvert, commercial superintendent at Philadelphia, and E. M. Haston, traffic superintendent. Roosevelt's Widow Gives Town of Quentin Silver Cup Lebanon, Pa., Oct. 24 —When Mrs. Roosevelt, widow of the late Col- Theodore Roosevelt, learned that a Lebanon county town had been named in honor of her son, Lieut. Quentin Roosevelt, who lost his life in France, she presented the village with a handsome silver cup. It now occupies a prominent place in the high school building, which is the center of the social activities of the community. Quentin for many years was known as Bismarck, having been named in honor of the German Iron Chancellor, but with the declaration of war against Germany the towns people demanded a change and the Postoffice Department acceded to the request that hereafter it be known as Quentin. One Killed, Six Hurt When Fly-Wheel Breaks By A ssocxated Press Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 24.—1n the explosion of a fifteen-ton flywheel at the plant of the Penn Iron and Steel Corporation this morning, Ira J. Weaver ,of Ephrata, was killed, and six other employes were in jured. The puddling mill of the plant was wrecked by the flying pieces. It is believed the governor on the engine jammed, allowing the ma chinery to run wild. A piece of the flywheel, weighing 1,500 pounds, struck Weaver, the engineer, crush ing him. The injuries to the other employes were caused by steam. Wilson Continues Slowly • to Gain More Strength * By Associated Press Washington, Oct. 24.—President Wilson continues slowly to gain strength said a bulletin issued to day by his physician. The bulletin follows; "The President continues to slow ly gain in strength. There is noth ing additional to report this morn ing." Burglars Steal 7,000 Pairs of Trousers; Haul Loot Away in Autos West Point, Pa., Oct. 24.—Seven thousand pairs of trousers were stolen from the Montgomery Cloth ng Company plant here early yes terday. The garments were taken away in an automobile truck and a touring car by burglars, who jimmied a lock on the front door of the factory. MISS JAXIE A. HEIXARD Miss Panie A. Reinard died Wed nesday morning after a lingering ill ness at her home, 1803 North Third street She was a life-long member of the Zlon Lutheran Church and Sunday School, and active in church work until prevented by illness. She is survived by her step-father Harry S. Watson, one brother, Harry S. Watson, Jr., of Baltimore, Mr., and one sister. Miss Amy M. Watson, of this city.' Funeral services will be held at the home, Saturday after i noon at 2 o'clock, and will be in charge of the Rev. S. W. Herman, of ]Zion Lutheran Church. Burial will be made in Harrisburg cemetery. SECOND NOTE TO JAPS By Associated Press Toklo, Saturday, Oct. 18.—The Ja panese government having not yet replied to the American note con cerning co-operation in the adminis tration of the trans-Siberian rail road, it is understood here that the United States government has dis patched a second note on the sub ject to Japan. Bolsheviki Considering Evacuation of Soviet Russia, Reports Say By Associated Press London, Oct. 2 4. —The Bolsheviki j are considering the evacuatidn of j Soviet Russia, according to reports reaching General Denikine, a wire- j less dispatch received to-day from | his headquarters says. The reported plan is for the re moval of the cabinet to Tashkend, ! ifter the abandonment of Moscow, and the withdrawal of the troops on all fronts to Turkestan. Reports similar to the foregoing reached Copenhagen on October 14 from Helslngfors. One dispatch pre dicted that if Tula, 129 miles south of Moscow, were taken the Bol shevik commissaries would abandon their present capital and retire into Turkestan. Recent reports from General Denikine's front announced that the Soviet forces had begun to fortify the suburbs of Tula, War Minister Trotzky having declared that a general battle must be fought outside that town. Charges Second Armed Invasion of Coal Fields Is Planned by Miners By Associated Press Charleston, W. Va., Oct. 24.—Gov ernor John J. Cornwell to-day sent | a message to John L. Lewis, presl- i dent of the United Mine Workers | of America in which he charged that ! a second armed invasion of the Gu yan valley coal district was being planned by the miners of the Cabin creek coal section. The governors also charged that arms and ammu nition had been distributed among the miners, and there had been much talk of shooting public officials and taking control of the government. The telegram. It was announced, had been sent to Mr. Lewis in Wash ington. GIVES 21 REASONS Twenty-one reasons for a new trial were given in a motion filed by attorneys for the Pennsylvania Rail road Company in the suit brought against tlie corporation by John C. Witmer, in which he secured a ver dict of almost S7OO. Lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone costs only a few cents. 4JJ* With your Angers! You can lift oft! any hard corn, soft corn, or corn be- I tween the toes, and the hard skin calluses from bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs | little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or callus. In- I stantly it stops hurting, then shortly I you lift that bothersome corn or I callus right off, root and all, with out one bit of pain or soreness, : Truly! No humbugl Simple Home Remedy Advised For Rose And Hay Fever Anyone Can Make a Pint For Trifling Sum and Used In Time May Prevent Annual Attack i"No matter bow severe your yearly attack be. No matter how distressing or ha> initiating— Its intensity can be reduced to a harm less, mildness," says a Kentucky druggist who believe* from what he has seen that this simple borne made remedy Is e most im portant discovery. He has seen the most severe and apparently unconquerable cases re duced to what might be called a mild cold In twenty-four hours. In many cases where the patient •tarted treatment a week or ten days before the expected attack the unwel come yearly visitor failed to appear with anything like Its usual Intensity. People who want to try this new treatment can make a pint In a few minutes. Pour one ounce of Menthollzed Ar cine into a pint bottle then fill the bottle with water that has been boiled. Gargle dally as directed and snuff of ■pray the nostrils twice dally. That's all there Is to the treatment which eo many sufferers have found t# be a true friend. Menthollzed Arclne In one oune* Vials Is dispensed by all the better pharmacies. FASCINATING TEETH How Every Woman Can Quick, ly Charm Her Friends With Lovely Teeth, Clean, White and Brilliant If you want the cleanest of white teeth and healthy gums free from die ease, an easy and quick way to get both Is to use a tooth paste so effective ar<d perfect that astonishing results usually come in' a week's time. And tho cost Is so little. Just go te any drug or department store, and get a large tube of BEXRECO TOOTH PASTE for 35 cents. Not only will it make your teeth clean and white, but It will at once remove any filmy coating, help to check the ravages of Pyorrhea and banish acidity In the mouth. It Is used by thousands of dentists an,_ its sale has been remarknbla. When you visit your dentist, which you should do at least Twice a year, ask him about SENRECO. It's a most delightful and refreshing tooth paste. OCTOBER 24, 1919. " RECEIVE BULGARIA'S REPLY Paris, Oct. 24.— Bulgaria's reply to the peace terms of the Allied and : Associated Powers were handed to ! Secretary Dutasta, of the Peace Con j ference, this morning. The time . limit for the presentation of the re ( Ply expired to-day 7 The answer i comprises three pamphlets, the first | relating to the political and labor j clauses, the second to the territorial ■ provisions and the third to the mil ; itary, naval, aerial and reparations | terms. The Supreme Council is holding ! no session to-day. : MEETING OF OAK TROOP SCOITS I A special meeting of Oak Troop, No. [ 4. Girl Scouts, of Stevens Memorial [ Methodist Episcopal Church, has been 1 called for this evening at 7.16 o'clock iat the church when final arrange ments for an overnight hike will be •cade. TO I.ATE FOR CLASSIFICATION IN MEMORIAM In memory of Mildred Esterline, who died one year ago to-day, Octo ber 24, 191S, aged 14 years. A precious one from us Is gone, A voice we loved is stilled. A vacant chair is in our home, tyhich never can be filled. By Her Mother, Father and Three Brothers. 1612 Logan St., Harrisburg. jj^"l and Pay as You Get Paid CREDIT! AT "COLLINS" —IS THE ANSWER Choose now from our great host of supremely beautifuj styles for Fall and just tell the clerk to i "CHARGE IT" . . Aside from our wonderful values, • I \j, j y one of the things that makes this store 4 -O >v so popular and brings our customers i ItTV. back again and again in ever increas- uMIISbn iVj fa ,/1 * A ing numbers, is because they have vliSSftfcl n/f A /a t \1 M learned by experience that even a baby W* *-\ \kf/f '/3UI \ -AM could trade here with the same assur- j ° I B ance of value, style, quality and square VMSeS®, \l W!jjrlw~"Vj I fjio j 2 dealing as a person of the most mature Sb||jj<7 •• I e r judgment. Now is the best time to OXwH | \ MMI J|ffl Stylish Autumn \\ | U/- / While stocks are complete and . 1 ll||pj^| [ f our early purchases bring them .✓"•nl mßm I /7\' to you at such low prices. / ' \ I A Ladies' Coats | I A complete range of the new I to $75.00 | ,xj Ladies' Fall Suits I HIill! llf Bought before the advance and priced accordingly. jti '' / Ever >' ' ate s tyl e > color and fabric to choose from at — f Mr 525.00 to $90.00 1 ij/jf Beautiful New Dresses T Serges, Satins, Silks and all the other popular new Wl H Lfl/' I materials, colors and styles at — A $12.50 to $50.00 I r Furs, Skirts, Waists, Etc. I M BN! I In all the wanted new Double Breasted, Belt-All-Around and Conservative models and all the new fabrics and colors. Save j A&f money and buy here— / V \ a ON CREDIT I Boys' Suits, Overcoats and j' : |\ , ® Mackinaws $9.98 and Up /SSL I \ M Made to stand hard knocks, of materials I [ I that will wear long and hold their shape— HI wonderful values — wl ;l We Extend Credit to Out of Town L. Customers V\i iwrJl NAME "BAYER" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN Take tablets only as told in each "Bayer" package. The "Bayer Cross" is the signature j of the true "Bayer Tablets of As pirin." The name "Bayer" is only on genuine Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years. In every handy "Bayer' package are proper directions for Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, | Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Lumbag Sciatica, Neuritis and for Pain get erally. Tin boxes of 12 tablets cost onl a few cents. Druggists also sp larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirl is the trade mark of Bayer Manu facture of Monoaceticacidester a Sulicylicacid.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers