Strike of Miners November 1, With Nation s Coal Nearly Empty Declared Certain • ✓ M .Jk. LXXXVm—NO. 251 16 PAGES D * l %£^\\Z d ¥o 8 t d t a Ha S r e r?s°b n u a r K clas,, HAßßlSßUßG, PA. SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 25, 1919. WILSON CALLS CABINET IN SPEC IA L MEETING TO CONSIDER COAL STRIKE; LABOR WARNS OF'ANTI-STRIKE LAWS PREPARE TO FIGHT "MASS ATTACK ON U. S. GOVERNMENT' Firm Program to Action Is Mapped Out at Meeting By Associated Press• Washington, Oct. 25.—A definite program to be placed before Presi dent Wilson as to the government's attitude in the coal strike will be formulated by the cabinet this after noon it was said at the White House. While no definite decision had been taken when the cabinet re cessed for lunch. Secretary Tumulty said the discussion at the morning session disclosed that the President's official family was of one mind and "not a bit wobbly." He said that when the program was presented to the President, Mr. Wilson was ex pected to make a public statement. After discussing the impending strike of bituminous coal miners for more than two hours to-day, Presi dent Wilson's cabinet adjourned at 1.20 p. m. to meet again at 4.30 p. m. It was stated that there wa j no an nouncement to make for the pres ent. Postmaster General Burleson said government operation of the coal mines had not been discussed by the cabinet. He said the purpose of the discussion was to find some basis of settlement between capital and la bor. None of the other cabinet offi cials would discuss what transpired j at the meeting. Secretary Lansing was confined to liis home with a cold and could not I attend. All other members of the! President's official family were pres-1 ent and Secretary Glass presided, j Secretary Tumulty was present to) convey the views of President Wil-j son on the situation. Believe in Stern Action As they entered the White House Ihe Cabinet officials declined to make any forecast. Some members, how-1 over, were said to hold the belief j that stern action was necessary in the face of the grave industrial situ ation existing over the country. Director General Hines was warn ed to-day in a letter from the Na tional Wholesale Coal Association, that while the coal dealers did not question the right of the railroads to confiscate coal mined for the deal ers, they would demand compensa tion for such action not merely on 1 he basis of the fuel's value, but also on the basis of damage to business and other factors affecting the repu tation of the dealers. "Mass Attack" "I am for the fight," said one of the Cabinet. While there apparently was no disposition to criticise either the operators or miners for the failure of the negotiations conducted by Secretary Wilson, officials who dis cussed the situation spoke of a "mass attack on the Government." Vindicate In the Senate, Senfttor Thomas in troduced a resolution calling on the executive branch of the Government! [Continued on Pago 3.1 Fight Over Johnson Amendment to Treaty Enters Final Phase • By Associated Press Washington, Oct. 25.—The fight in the Senate over the Johnson amend ment to the Peace Treaty entered its final phase to-day with a plea by • 'hairman Lodge, of the Foreign Ke lations Committee, that the Senate accept the proposal, wheh provides in effect that the voting power of the United States in the League of Na tions be made equal to that of Great Britain and her dominions. Leaders expected to bring the amendment to a vote late to-day. Before the debate settled down to the amendment itself there was an other tilt over the activities of the League to Enforce Peace. Senator Brandegee, Republican, Connecticut, said thousands of dollars spent by the organisation in its efforts for the Treaty had been "simply thrown overboard," without changing a vote in the Senate. In reply Senator Hitchcock, of Nebraska, the administration leader, put into the record a detailed state ment of the organization and work of the League to Enforce Peace. He added that public opinion every where was for the League of Nations and that only nonpartisan organized opposition was by Bolshevists and anarchists who were "afraid the League of Nations would protect tiie Government whose overthrow they desired." THE WEATHER Hnrrisliurg sn<l Vicinity: Unset tled weather with probably rain to-night nnd Sunday. Some what wnriner to-night with lowest temperature übout 55 degrees. Eastern Pennsylvania: Threat ening with probably rnlti to night nnd Sandfly. Somewhat' warmer to-night. Fresh east to south winds. Hirer. The Susquehanna river n~il nil Its branches will probably fall slowly or remain neariy stntlonnry. A stage of about 4.0 feet is Indlenteil for Hurris buig Sunday morning. H ARRISBURG IgUBSP TELEGRAPH Passage to Result in Nation-wide Walkout Washington, Oct. 25. Passage by either House of Congress of the anti strike legislation contained in the pend ing railroad bill would result in a gen eral strike vote throughout the country, officials of American Federation or Labor said to-day Willing to Go Irmit "We are willing to go to any limit to maintain the right organized la bor lias enjoyed for twenty years," said one federation official. William H. Johnston, president of the International Association of Ma chinists. the second largest inter national union affiliated with the federation, said he would order a vote of the 350,000 members of his associaion. He and other officials said that there wasn't a doubt that similar action would be taken by all the 112 affiliated unions. Mr. Johnson said there was in creasing tendency of some employ ers to bind their workers with indivi dual contracts so as to shut out trade unions. This was particularly true, j he said, in the metal trades, and "di rect action" might be resorted to if all other means of advancing the j interests Of the unions failed. I It was made known that the pro i posed antistrike legislation would be one of the subjects to be discussed at the forthcoming conference here of union labor chiefs. In line with the call from Presi dent Gompers for financial support j of the steel strike, Johnston an- j nounced that an assessment of $1 a | week on the entire membership of j the machinists' association as a "de fense fund" would be proposed next! month. Dealers Suggest Draft to Get Labor For Mines; to Oppose Price Increase Washington, Oct. 25. Coal dealers, represented in the Ameri can Wholesale Coal Association, do ing an annual business of 100,000,- 000 tons in all the principal cities of the country, pledged their efforts to prevent any increase in the price of coal as a result of the impending coal strike, or after such a strike, should one result. To insure an uninterrupted supply of coal for public utilities, includ ing railroads, in event of a strike, the association recommended to Chairman Frellngliuysen and the members of thg Senate committee investigating coal prices, that the War Department be asked to put the draft into operation to supply the mines with workers. Nomination of Williams Rejected by Senate Banking Committee Washington, Oct. 25.—8y a vote of 0 to 7 the Senate Banking Com mittee to-day recommended rejec tion of the nomination of John Skel ton Williams to be comptroller of the currency. Republican members of the com mittee voted solidly against confir mation and Democrats for it. The nomination will be reported out immediately, and in view of the strict party division which Demo cratic leaders had hoped to avoid. Republicans said the Senate would refuse to confirm. Mr. Williams' nomination has been in controversy for nearly a year, j Having failed of confirmation during | tho last Congress, it has been under fire since the recess appointment was I made. | Extensive hearings were held by the committee on charges against Air. Williams of persecution of the Riggs National Bank of this city and improper official conduct in connec tion with the Union Savings Bank of Washington and a bank at Union town, Pa. Aged Jap Diplomat Reported Dead When He Sinks Into Coma t Lives Tokio, Oct. 21. Field Alarshal Count Seiki Terauchl, ex-premier of Japan, whose death was reported here yesterday, is still alive, his phy sicians announce to-day. When the aged diplomat sank into a coma yesterday his physicians be lieved that death had overtaken him and news of his demise was given to the world. Camphor injections given the count as a precautionary measure restored consciousness. Count Terauchi's death had been officially pronounced and posthu mous honors had been bestowed up on him by the imperial court. LEAVES FAMILY $17,200 Letters on the estate of George Marzolf, late of the city, were is sued to-day by Register Ed H Fisher to the Central Trust Com pany. The estate, valued at $l7- 200, is bequeathed to the immediate family according to the provisional of the will. Hard to Keep Going POSSE KILLS WRONG MAN IN BANK ROBBERY Two Other Men Arrested in Connection With Loot at Beaver Falls Released By Associated Press Beaver Falls, Pa., Oct. 25. —Of- ficials of Beaver county announced here to-day that the man who was killed by an armed posse near Cook's Ferry, eighteen miles from here late last night, was not one of the three bandits who yesterday robbed the State Bank of Beaver Falls, murdered a director of the in stitution, and escaped with more than $1,500 in currency. Two other men, arrested by the posse after a running battle, were released from the county jail to-day when Herbert Peirsol, teller of the bank, viewed the prisoners and declared they were not the bandits. The dead man was known to them as Martania. His companions gave their names as Walter Roecella and Peter Marno, of Youngstown, Ohio. They said that when members of the posse called on them to halt they | didn't understand and started to run, and the shooting followed. First reports from Cook's Ferry were to the effect that the posse had killed one of the bandits and captured the others. Early to-day Chief of Police M. J. Coyne, of Beaver Falls, received a message from Youngstown authori ties stating that three men had been arrested there as suspects and were being held in connection with the robbery. The said the pris oners tally with the description of the bandits and added that they had been captured in an automobile which came from the direction of the Pennsylvania State line. The police here say they have the fourth member of the bandit party in custody. He was captured by the posse eight miles from here, ac cording to the police and gave the name of A. J. Bergman, of Pitts burgh. He confessed that he drove the automobile in which the bandits traveled from Pittsburgh to Beaver Falls, adding that the three men had hired him and that he bad no knowledge of the robbery until after the shooing occurred. FLY NEAR ROOFS Flying justs above the highest downtown buildings an aviator this afternoon thrilled thousands in the business district by bringing his ma chine so close to the ground. fltye otac- N 3n&cpcn&ent BREWERS UNABLE TO DECIDE ON FUTURE COURSE Saloons May Close Rather Than Sell Beer Without Alcohol Brewers of Harrisburg and Steel ton are "up in the air." So are the saloonkeepers. They don't know what they will do if President Wilson signs the prohibition enforcement measure passed by Congress and the Senate, and they frankly admit it. The bill will become law on Mon day midnight unless President Wil son vetoes the measure in the. mean time. All but drinks containing less than one-half of one per cent, will go under the ban. Brewers were not willing to say whether they would make a brew such as per mitted under the drastic act. City dealers are facing consider able loss if the measure becomes law. Many of them have considerable supplies of alcoholic beverages of' greater percentage, which they will , be unable to dispose of. Brewers J and saloonkeepers are not especially exuberant over the prospects. -• Market Square Corner Sold to Yoffe Bros. It was announced to-day that Samuel A. Greene, who recently purchased the Senate Hotel and the property at the rear of It located at the corner of River and Market streets, had sold part of the hotel property to Yoffe Brothers, proprie tors of the Keystone Bottling Works. The property which was sold was the two-and-one-half-story brick building at the northwest corner of Market Square, which it is under stood wil be used by them for some business enterprise. The considera tion is said to have been more than $lOO,OOO. COURT TO HEAR BANK TEST CASE The court to-day fixed November 24 to hear the escheat, proceedings brought by the State against the Commonwealth Trust Company to have the bank pay over to the State sums of money which have been on deposit for more thnn seven years and for which no claim has been made. L. H. KINNARD IS ELECTED HEAD OF BELL COMPANY Harrisburg Man Made Presi dent of Big Corporation; Started at Bottom Word has been received here that at a special meeting of the board of directors of the Bell Telephone Com pany oi Pennsylvania, held in Phila delphia this morning, Leonard H. Kinnard was elected president of the company. | Mr. Kinnard, whose election will be very gratifying to his many I friends in this city, succeeds Frank H. Bethel], who was president of the company for many years and who recently resigned to engage in other work. Mr. Kinnard tyas born and raised in this city and his telephone and civic activities were here until 1908 when he went to Philadelphia, occupying various positions in the Bell organizaton until in 1912 when he was made vice-president and general manager. Mr. Kinnard's rise in the Bell or ganization lias been notable. He first joined the organization as a clerk in the office of the Pennsylvania Telephone Company, starting square ly at the foot of the ladder. Show ing adaptability to the work he was shortly promoted to the position of local manager In Carlisle, then to [Continued on Page 12.1 Grayson Does Not Care to Have Wilson Take Up Further Business Tty Associated Press j Washington. Oct. 25.—"President | Wilson is slowly gaining in strength " said a bulletin issued to-day by his physicians, Rear Admiral Grayson and Stitt, and Dr. Sterling Ruffln of this city. Dr. Grayson said he did not ap prove of the President being both ered with business cares to-day and this was taken to mean that the Pro hibition enforcement bill would not be placed before him until next week. Postmaster General Burleson pre sented to Dr. Grayson to-day sever*' matters he desired brought 'to the President's attention. Dr. Grayson did not transmit any of them he said. Dr.J Grayson had under con sideration to-day a plan to elimi nate some of the daily bulletins ONLY EVENING ASSOCIATED PRESS SINGLE COPIES NEWSPAPER IN IIAItIUSBI/IIG TWO CENTS BROWN SUGAR IS SOLD AT 17 AND 18 CENTS PER POUND Consumers Complain of New High Prices For Cane Substitute MOLASSES IS GOING UP Louisiana Product Not Under Control of Federal Board Harrisburg and Steelton grocers : are selling brown sugar at 17 and ; 18 cents a pound. Wholesale dealers to-day said that : Louisiana brown sugar, the kind ] [ normally used only in a few dishes, i is not within the scope of the Fed- ] j eral Equalization Board and that, therefore, retailers who are so In ! clined may charge any price and j make any profit they may see fit. Attention was first called to the j 17-cent brown sugar by irate cus j tomers of a Steelton grocer. It was i then learned that some grocers are j asking a cent more here in the city. With the demand for all kinds j of sweetening greatly In demand of | the supply there were some indica tions that prices might mount still I higher. Xo one apparently knows ! what the holders of the brown sugar | supply may ask in the near ! future. Many grocers who have been in more or less close touch with the ; syrup and molasses say that prices for these commodities may go sky i high. Nary a Tree Is Spared by Brave and Sturdy Band Subsisting on 'Hot Dogs' The woodchoppers of Harrisburg got a way to a good start at 1.30 this afternoon, when members of the "Y." the Kimanis Club, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Rotary Club met at the "Y." building. Second and Lo cust streets, and headed for the open country. With axes over their shoulders, these brawn woodsmen paraded down the Square and around Market street in a walkaround before they autoed to Wildwood Park and the lumber .Tack O'Xeil was at the head df the line, with a four-foot axe wrapped aroupdjjils neck, while close behind him came the fighting members of the Klwanis Chopping Association, an organization formed recently for the purpose of out-wooding the Rotary. Sauerkraut, "hot dogs" and coffee were waiting for them as they came into the Division street entrance to Wildwood, and the first wood had scarcely been cut up before the mob fell upon the kitchens and swamped the servers-out with appeals for hot stuff. All the early part of the after noon the slaughter went on, and when the sun was about to set, the weary lines wended homeward with the knowledge that they had done a good day's work in supplying the Nursery Home, the Children's Indus trial Home, and the T. M. C. A. with v, ood for the coming winter. Ohio National Guard Mobilized as Rioting Breaks Out at Canton By Associated Press Colnmbus, Ohio, Oct. 25.—Upon receiving reports of serious rioting at Canton in connection with the steel strike, Governor Cox shortly after noon to-day, ordered practical ly the entire Ohio National Guard to mobilize at Akron for active duty at Canton. Every available machine gun company and seven infantry com panies were ordered mobilized. The mobilization order followed a report to the governor by Colonel John M.. Bingham ,of the adjutant general's office, who has been making a per sonal investigation at Canton.- At the same time Governor Cox sent a telegram to Mayor Charles E. Poorman, of Canton, notifying him that he will be expected to bring about immediate order. The tele gram stated that if this were not done, Mayor Poorman would be summoned to the governor's office Monday to show cause why he should not be removed from office immediately. WEATHER PROPHET USES PLANE FOR "CLOSE UP" STUDY Reading, Pa., Oct. 25.—"A bomb will hit the high cost of living this winter," said John Drake, the Frush Valley prog nostlcator, who for the past five yeara has predicted weather con ditions with fair success. He made his annual forecast yester day. Even those who have no faith in foiecasting the degree of severity of the elements admit that "Prophet" Drake usually hits it right. "The weatherman has declared war against the profiteer and the high cost of living will como down," said the sage, who re cently took a half hour's trip by night in an airplane to study the planets. With his "weather scope—device created by him self and which he guards safely so as not to reveal its mysteri ous makeup, he observed the stars in the heavens. He return ed to earth much pleased with his meteorological observations. Drake assures the public that the winter will be a mild one, without blizzards and very little snow. Christmas, however, will be white, he feels certain, and no early cold spells need to be ex pected. The mild winter will save on coal bills and clothing costs," says Drake. Rain Next Week Ry Associated Press Washington, Oct. 25.—Weather ; predictions for the week begin -1 ninß Monday issued by the ■ Weather Bureau to-day are: North and Middle Atlantic States, considerable cloudiness | and occasional rains first part of ; week. Considerably colder and frosts after Monday. MEMORIAL IDEA FOR BRIDGE IS LAUDED BY KING Capitol Park Extension Plans Also Interested Visit ing Ruler "What a magnificent prospect and what a fine site for a bridge," de clared King Albert, of Belgium, to Governor William C. Sproul as ' •• rode on State street bridge yesterm.y on his way to Steelton and looked over the lines laid down for Penn sylvania's Memorial Bridge to its soldier and sailor sons. The Bel gian monarch was. impressed with the splendors of the State Capitol, but when the Governor explained to him as they rode from the building through East State street the plan to make the State Capitol the civic center of the Commonwealth the far traveled king became enthusiastic. Governor Sproul, who had ex plained to the King during the visit to his office plans for the ornamen tation of the Capitol, the formal en trance and the changes to the plaza on the west front, found that he had an eager auditor when he showed the Brunner pictures for the new office buildings, the granite terrace, the "people's court," tl\e Mall and the bridge. The King had seen the model of the Brunner-Greiner bridge in his trip through the Sen ate chamber and was keenly inter ested. AVhen he got into the park extension district and was told what it had cost to clear the area he said that Pennsylvania was "doing things in a big way." During the ride the Governor ex plained that the plan was to build j [Continued on Page 8.1 € H [I ** 4 a 4 4 ► e4• * r * * * H '•**.' n - o .' v!-V * •' < ?i't"' ® *• H ' ' ' 4 " •'• •;. „ 4 4 # 4 4 * 3L * < •> * 1 ' *: I - ' • !*'' [* I \ l'/.|/ * * * Y '■: X 4 * * 4 11 * 4 * . 4 | ' , * C r 4 * \ 4 * ' * ' I " 4 * ' 4 * * 4 * 1 • ' ! s X * >7 * # y * I ■ ' m:' * f X * i account of illness, had an opportunity to • [J , I V * MARRIAGE LICENSES $ A Andrew J.Milnko nnd Ann" Balclt, StrcUoni Frank 1.. Holalla* 4* anil Mary E. Snmbnugh, Pmhruok; Aormnii C. Mnunt. Mlllvlllr aniiiL Myrtle K. Welllver. Berwick, Paul H. Gutrral. nnd M.b™J Cri.l?leb-T nnon; Mrhln F.. Wolfannß and. Ruth Miller. Mlllr rahura, .Inch fX H°i"Lf " Harrlaburai Harry W. Srhory, Phlla- X dclphln, and barah E. Garberlch. Prnbrook. T HOME EDITION WOMAN KILLED ; BY BULLET FROM | HUSBAND'S RIFLE Mrs. Oscar A. Newman Shot Through Body When Gun Falls LEAVES SMALL DAUGHTER Hunting Piece Said to Have Been Loaded Since Hunting Trip Mrs. T.lUiam B. Newman, wife of Or Oscar A. Newman, of 617 Race street, was killed this morning when a rifle owned by her husband toppled over and was discharged into her side. Mrs. Newman was cleaning the liv ing rooms of her home when the acci dent occurred. It is said she was mov ing room of her home when the acci the floor. The bullet entered her right side and passed through her body. Mrs. New man was 39 years old and leaves a small daughter. The rifle evidently has remained loaded since the last time Dr. Newman, who is a hunting devotee, had used it. Trotzky Escapes by Jumping Freight When His Staff Is Captured Copenhagen, Oct. 25—The entire staff of Reon Ttrozky, Rolshevik min ister of war and marine of Russia, has been captured at Tsarskoe-Selo, according to a Reval dispatch to the National Tidende. Trotzky, himself escaped by clinging to a railroad car and later fleeing from the scene in an automobile. Troops of the northwestern Rus sian army pursued the minister and fired upon his car, but Trotzky suc ceeded in reaching Petrograd. The left flank of General Yuden itch's army is reported to be under fire from the Bolshevik dreadnaught Poltava, which is lying in the Neva river, inside of the limits of Petro grad and shooting over the house tops.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers