Boy Scouts Outline Program For Fall The fall program of the Boy Scouts in Harrisburg, was outlined at a meeting of scout deputies in the of fices of Scout Commissioner William H. German, yesterday. A series of inspections is being planned to in crease the efficiency of the individual troops. The inspections will be made during the fall and winter months. Deputy Commissioners present were Frank C. Foose, Dr. John H. Fager, M. V. Hazen, Robert H. Lyon, E. Fred Rowe, John P. Scott and John F. O'Neill. 1 Dentist's Recipe For I Pyorrhoea, Bleeding \ Gums or Loose Teeth ? If your teeth are loose or if your gums are receding and are sore, ten der or Inflamed, if they bleed easily, are spongy, llabby or colorless and discharge pus. go to H. C. Kennedy or Geo. A. Gorgas and get a one ounce jar of lOpithol and gently rub a little over the gums with your fin ger tips each night and morning. This is a famous dentist's prescrip tion for such serious gum diseases as Pyorrhoea or Uiggs Disease which makes the teeth loosen and fall out and usually brings prompt relief from all the dangerous symptoms. Loose teeth should tighten and gums grow sound and healthy in a short time. ' Epithol is easy and pleasant to use, and not expensive as one ounce will last for many weeks. Any one suffering from Pyorrhoea or Riggs Disease or Sore. Tender Gums should give this remedy a trial. Without an Operation Wonderful Healing of Rupture How a New Jersey Man Got Rid of a Severe, Ob stinate, Right Inguinal Hernia Without the Slightest Trouble. Below is a picture of Eugene M. rullen. a well-known carpenter of Manasquan, New Jersey. If you could see him at his work, particu larly when he handles heavy timber, jumps and climbs around like a youth, you would scarcely imagine that he had formerly been aKicted with a rupture. Ruptured in Right Slile At an early age, Eu.rene Pullen was an express driver. He handled rail road baggage. One day after deliver ing a heavy trunk on an upper floor he felt a pain in the right groin. The suffering increased and it was not long before the young man noticed the swelling. The doctor told young Pullen that he was ruptured and that he must either wear a truss throughout life or submit to a dinstie operation. All surgeons know that hernia operations, with anaesthetics, etc., are dangerous; they may end fatally. Moreover, it is a well established fact that many rupture operations are not sucessful; the bowel soon breaks through the sewed-up opening and protrudes worse than ever. Afruid of Operation Like most others. Mr. Pullen de clined to take the risks of an opera tion; the expense and loss of time had to be considered, too. Hoping he might get a little better encourage ment, he went to another physician who, to his sorrow, gave him even less hope. It was pointed out to the young man that unless the rupture were perfectly held all the, time or the surgeon's knife successfully used, he might expect an increase or dou bling in the rupture with further, complications, or the dreaded stran gulated hernia which kills so many ruptured people. Victim of Trusses The victim bought a truss, a hard, spring-like affair, the best he could get. It tortured him. He tried an other —still no relief. He was com pelled to give up his express busi ness. The hard tasks of ordinary men were forbidden him. He became an insurance agent, in which posi tion he did not need to do bodily work. For six years Mr. Pullen dragged around, using various trusses, hard, elastic, etc., with never any content ment. One day his mother told him something she had just found out. It was a simple and easy thing for him to do. He lost no time. Discorded His Truss Relief came at once; he almost for got that he had any rupture. Aftefls. ward came a cure—a complete healing —And, although years have passed and Mr. Pullen is an energetic car penter. working on buildings, climb ing over roofs, lifting lumber and sUQh like, he is absolutely free from the old hernia. Re knows he is com pletely, lastingly cured. There was no operation, no lost time, no trou ble —comfort and contentment from the very outset. He is a strong cheerful-minded man. Valuable Information Free The valuable information which Mrs. Pullen read in the newspaper many years ago and gave to her Bon, together with further important facts, will be sent free to any reader of this who writes to Eugene M. Pul len. 787-F Mareellus avenue, Jlanus quan, N*. J., enclosing a stamp for re ply. Mention the kind of rupture you have, whether on right or left side and what you have already done in your effort to cure it. A legion of cases of all kinds of rupture In men and women. including inguinal (groin), femoral, navel, scrotal, etc.. have been reported completely healed! Age seems to make no difference. r : " ' • FRIDAY EVENING, LENOIR MEETS TRAITOR'S DEATH ,Executed on Charges of Hav ing Held Intelligence With the Enemy By Associated Press Paris, Oct. 24—Pierre Lenoir, con victed on a charge of having held i intelligence with the enemy, was exe cuted at Sante Prison at 7 o'clock this morning. Pierre Lenoir was the third per son to be executed on charges aris ing out of attempts made by Ger man agents to conduct a "defeatist" campaign in France in 1915 and 1916. The others who met death las a result of revelations made against them were 8010 Pasha, exe- Icuted April 17, 191s, una 51. Duval, who faced the firing squad July 17, 1918. Both were directors of the Germanophite newspaper Bonnet Rouge. Paid Out Inrgr Sums Lenoir, who as a young man had led an idle and dissolute life, came into public notice early in 1918 when the arrest of Senator Humbert, own er of the Paris Journal, was follow ed by charges against several men who were alleged to have acted as agents of the Germans in buying the newspaper from M. Humbert. It was shown early in the investiga tion that Lehoir had paid M. Hum bert large sums of money whicn lie had received from Germans, and that Lenoir had received a commis sion of about $200,000 for his work. The money handled by Lenoir came into France by the way of Switzer land, a German agent named Schoel ler acting for Germany in that coun try. Lenoir was doomed to death on May 8, 1919, and desperate but futile efforts were made to gain a commu tation/of his sentence. Lenoir was removed to Sante Prison after what appeared to be his last chance for life had vanished, but on Septem ber 19, last, when the firing squad was in position and all preparations for his execution had been made, his life was spared for a time in a most dramatic manner. His attor ney asserted that Lenoir'could give evidence wanted in the case of Jo seph Caillaux, who was yesterday brought before the high court of the French Senate on a charge of "conspiring to bring about a prema ture and dishonorable peace with Germany." Lenoir was given a searching examination by judicial authorities, but subsequently it was announced that nothing he had laid before the officials would justify a mitigation of the sentence of death passed upon him. An appeal to the Court of Revision was rejected on October 21. War Memorial Fund Is Increased by $60.09 The committee in charge of Har risburg's celebration on July 4, 1918, to-day announced that the balance of $60.09 remaining in its hands, had been placed in the War Memorial Fund. . The statement, as issued to-day by Donald McCormick, treasurer, follows; Receipts Amount of contributions received $10,668.00 Interest 14.25 Total $10,682.25 Expenditures Music July 4, 1918. (pa rades and concerts)... 8,210.44 Soldiers' expenses July 4, 1918 325.88 Decorating, printing and mdse., July 4, 1918... 320.34 Total expenses, July 4, 1918 $8,856.66 Bastile Day, 1918 199.90 Five bands, July 4, 1919, 955.00 Five band concerts, Aug, and Sept, 1919 610.60 Harrisburg War Me morial Fund (balance from Fourth of July fund turned over to War Memorial Fund to close out account en tirely) 60.09 Tothl $10,682.25 Bastress Is Deposed as President of Mt. Carmel Bank Mt. Carmel, Pa., Oct. 24.—John E. Bastress. recently promoter, banker and capitalist, who stands charged with embezzlement of $20,000 of the funds of the Jit. Carmel Iron Works, was yesterday relieved of the presi dency of the Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Company, a bank he had organized and presided over for 20 years. E. E. White, millionaire coal operator, was unanimously elected his successor. Bastress was present at the meet ing of the stockholders at the bank ing house and before the election made a statement in which he asked that he be not considered as a can didate for the presidency or as a member of the board of directors. Immediately following the election of White, the accused former presi dent of the institution left the bank. Pearson Hops Nation Twice in Hours Washington,. Oct. 24.—A new elaimans to first honors in the trans continental airplane derby appear ed when the air service announced that Lieutenant Alexander Pearson, Jr., had established the lowest ac tual flying time between San Fran cisco and New York and return yet reported. Pearson's time was forty-eight hours, thirty-seven minutes and six teen seconds for the round trip, practically ten hours less than that of Captain Lowell H. Smith or J. G. Donaldson and beter than Lieu tenant B. W. Maynard's record, even after subtracting the eighteen hours Maynard spent in replacing his motor. Postmaster's Son Held in Mail Fraud Lancaster. Pa., Oct. 24.—A hear ing was held yesterday before United States Commissioner Howard J. Lowell, at which time a charge ot tampering with the United States mails was preferred against Joseph Werz, Jr., son of Postmaster Wertz, of Washington borough. Bail was set at SSOO and the case was con tinued until the term of court open ing December 8, in Philadelphia. Postmaster Wertz claims that the charges against his son are a frame ■JD tp oust him from office. SAUERKRAUT AND "HOT DOGS" FOR WOODCHOPPERS Brave Band to Fare Forth Into Wildwood's Wilds After Winter's Fuel Saurkraut and "hot dogs," to say nothing of rolls and coffee! If you can beat that menu by anything at all, there's no use in coming to the woodchopping at Wildwood to-mor row afternoon. But unless the com mittee in charge Is very much mis taken, just the magic sound of "hot dogs" and saurkraut snould have half the city of Harrisburg out chop ping wood. And after all, think of the exer cise. Frank Musser, who is chief ot the chopping team of the Rotary Club, said with confidence when in terviewed last night that there was no doubt of another Rotary victory this year. He claimed that the team of last year was so far in the van that the others looked like his ex- Majesty in Holland. Wood Is Ready The wood is ready, the axes are sharp the food is prepared, the trucks are ready to haul it away all that remains is to see the brawny sons of toil in action. And by the way, there will be some who remem ber the Sons of Rest, who contrib uted so largely to the building of the Penn-Harris. This morning their president said that the Sons would positively be on the ground to give advice and offer comment, provided suitable leaning places were ar ranged. Al. K. Thomas, who spent his earlier years as a lumberjack in the Canadian woods, has been unani mously selected as the captain of I A Sale of j TRIMMED sc-.00 HATS O For Saturday These are higher priced Hats, which we shall mark FIVE DOLLARS for just this one day. Nothing wrong with the Hats as you will readily see. Our only reason for selling them at this price is LACK OF ROOM. Our production of TRIMMED HATS has grown to such proportions that we cannot display them properly in our limited space. The FIVE DOLLAR Price Tag comes off after Saturday! <?TERNST STERN'.<r | [t] j [|] 209 WALWUT Special Bargain Sale of SSlj| Women's Fine High Grade If Hi Shoes for Saturday Only I V . 'ill! SS Hit ll''3 / 500 pairs of Women's Block Vld Kid, \ >''•'•s Sj H£l 31 Black Dull Calf, Koko Brown Kid, Ma yaßi/.V :'4 HS ||j] hogany Brown Calf Lace Boots; 9-lnch \ WtiVi , U•& mS 141 tops; LXV heels; black lace boots like §Jwl cut. Black and Brown Calf Military ®'K EII I-ace Boots with military heels. ALL 'V, KB ffj SIZES TO START. VALUES CP TO $7. if ONLY AIN PKICE IX)R SATURDAY 1 1 fc® Ladle*' Brown Calf Mill- Ladle*' PV&i ®W*ll laT y Lace Boot*, with / l-w•::.r3J MtWM. eloth top*. Bargain "ft* 7 ? Price, s;*.9f>. Welted Doll Itadiea* Blaelc tary Boot*. / Mij'/f''/* f'J# • \OTML Arvnk Kid Comfort SB.OO value*. /,• V Whoea; Rubber Bargain Ludlea' Tan Cnff Storm Shofi. Blucher atyle. f Vy\ Men'* High Cut Blurb- Boy*' heavy tan blueh- I \ jk e f. * h .® M ®' heavy tan er *chool *hoe*. Double I k elk*kin. Bargain price, note* and heel*. All sice*. Bar rain price, ladlw* Bark Brown ' ■ ■ \ Bar ** J " P riw year welted, mahorany j V- /• \ $0.50 brown buttoned *hoe*. ! \ $8.93 HAKRISBURO QHWV TELEGTCSJPS the Kiwanis team, and he had his outfit on the streets at an early hour this morning, giving them set ting up exercises to condition them for the struggle of to-morrow. Mr. Thomas confidently predicts a vic tory for his huskies. Need More Axes The Y. M. C. A. has chosen "Doc" Miller to lead them, and there is no doubt but that he will far out weigh the rest of the contestants. The fire builders of the "Y" are con fidently expecting him to supply them for the rest of the winter. And speaking of fire burners, Ross Swope has been reappointed Boss Brush Burner, with full powers over all brush in the outlying districts of Wildwood. The Children's Industrial Home, the Nursery Home, and the "Y" building are to receive the choppings for fire wood, and inasmuch as last year's work resulted in sufficient wood for the entire winter, it is al most certain that with the evident increased attendance this year there will be enough for all three places. So, Grant Forrer has the wood and tools all ready, but there won't be enough axes to go round; if you have any at home bring it with you. The gang will meet in front of the "Y" building at 1.30, and proceed directly to the Division street en trance of Wildwood Park. Those coming up later may take the car to Division and then walk straight across the footpath. The saurkraut and "hot dogs" will be ready for you. ARMED WITH "TRENCH GUNS" Chicago, Oct. 24.—Federal troops at Gary, Ind., to-day patrolled with "trench guns" weapons of the sawed off shot gun type. They were thus equipped by order of Colonel W. S. Mapes, commanding the strike area under military control after he had received reports that the infantry men had been stoned by strike sym pathizers. Elsewhere in the district the in dustrial situation was reported gen erally unchanged. MEMORIAL PARK ADDITION The Suburb Unparalleled.—Adv. THREE MORE GREEKS ARRESTED AT HOME Three other residents of Greece who set out from here for a visit to Greece with James George, former motion picture operator, have been drafted for army service with George, because they had failed to ri 1 101 I□ i==rJ□ l==j□ i ,|Gil —r—l T=nnr im inr im urn irir inr—mns irnall ASTRICI1 9 5 | i j | New Ready - to-W ear— I | —of the Winter Needs j j ---of Individuality i —of Beauty, Style, Economy r—' TNISTINCTION in fashion is usually synonymous with high prices. Not -L' so at Astrich's, as a visit to this store will reveal. Here are the Suits, n a Dresses, Coats and Furs that justly deserve all the praise of higher priced merchandise, yet an outstanding feature is their modest prices. A Remarkable Showing of [ | f SHhPiI mar t Fall and Winter Suits j "DEFCXRE you do any more thinking about your Autumn Suit we suggest Ly -I—' that you sec these Suits of ours. Here," indeed, are values! Models in i highly fashionable, distinctive styles, reflecting all the new Fall fashion features, materials and colors, are offered at appreciably lesser prices. !;] iMk. Velour, Wool Poplin, Serge, Brown, Navy, Reindeer and Mixtures | Sjjdßßßlll $29,50 $35,00 $39.50 l| Handsome Tailored Suits fOT WM Some Are Fur-Trimmed Ij f if ! Mttm -THEY are faultlessly tailored of such materials as Heather Mixture, * /'r f JEHSW Melton, Oxford and French Velour. The little marks of distinction and V \i finish usually found only in high-priced Suits are evident in. them, for they J were made to sell at a much higher price. All are silk-lined, [j] —■ f / Oxblood, Reindeer, Java Brown and Velour - ——'■r | 1 L V 1 $45.00 $55.00 $65.00 j _ I Dresses of Distinction Moderately Priced I Just by Way of Refuting the General Impression That "You Can't Buy Much For That, Any More" In presenting these garments, we hope to show that here, at least, the dollar has pretty kK u nearly the same buying power as in happier days. For where, even years ago, could the shrewd- ? 11l est shopper have found* better made, more tastefully designed frocks than these? And how | often even in those days, could dresses so smart be found at all. Tricotine Dresses Tricolette Dresses Navy tricotiree embroidered in black —heavy smart new shades of browns, also navy and .... SWHI Sum V □ , _ black—of the fine Silky quality—fashioned so lUnilr ' 4 Mlong thread or rattail emroidery— gracefully—so very ultra modish—so very mod- WfKMMMy Straight-line silhouettes with silk rope girdles tH jar* . vSgiM | -or string belts- s4s> sss> 575 WM IB The frock mentioned is just one of a number _ _ ftf s ' |jl of smart, expertly tailored dresses at or near these I N&VV cyPPPP I_IrCSSGS prices, now on display. * Ul Made Bolero effect—outlined with wide silk braid p| —the skirt having many rows—wide apart—of EXTRAORDINARY VALUES the same wide silk braid —are extremely fetching Five new models —Braid and style— button trimmed—Extraordinary , j $29.50,535,539.50 $22.50, a New Georgette Women's and Misses' Winter Coats wv i A Coat of cloth is perhaps the most necessary garment in the ward- EjlOlISeS toljC f ° r Autumn and Winter wear. Mindful of.this we have purchased some models of exceedingly beauty and style to be sold at these modest prices as a special offerine " SHOWING the new . _ _ _ 8 ' smart clots- $29.50 and $35.00 7"W matching or beautifully g A\M blending with the new Other Coats—Many Fur Trimmed Fall Suits —soft browns <C, I VvJIIJI and taupe—navy—rose. M"0 M>oo M>ZO And the effective I lighter shades Flesh TTI JjTX —White—Black— IIFS""" Handsomely beaded c 01 n and embr ? idercd - amart Showing—Splendid o\ Variety Modest Prices Q ® &4 ♦ Taupe Fox— TJr Oto ' Walnut Fox- Stoles Chokers $25.00 Black Fox— Hudson Seal— Kolinsky, Mink, Red Fox— and Squirrel— Sable, Squirrel and Fitch. Important Offerings in Our □ /• • V V' v I Women's Shoe Department til The woman who appreciates the importance her shoe bears in relation to her being £ t I well dressed and who desires to secure the utmost in style and_ quality cannot help but C Sr \ □ realize that the offerings listed below are quite, extraordinary r r f\ Women's Brown Kid Lace Boots—Koko Kid Lace Boots with QF* JEy Syr / 1 □ Fawn Cloth Tops—Black Kid Lace Boots—Gray Kid Lace Boots— hl B.fSD yi / t£ / /f\( Mahogany Calf Boots. ZLJj^ A collection of Women's Fine Boots in 9-inch models—welted ' ■ " * / | and flexible soles—Louis and military heels —Specially priced at ," r * -•\ <* - • ra ir—mnr im — rnntu I perform the army service required of all Greeks, j James Pagones, a naturalized citizen of this country, will be com pelled to serve thirteen months, he being given credit for eleven months that he served with the American forces. Charles George, a brother, has also been impressed into serv ice for a period, the length of which is not known. George and the fourth OCTOBER 24, 1919. man, Gregory Contonglnnls, are both over the ago limit. They have been given three choices. Either they must serve in the army forty days, pay S3B per month for 22 1-2 months, or pay a fine of from SSOO to SI,OOO. MEMORIAL PARK ADDITION The Suburb Unparalleled.—Adv. 11 CATARRH destroys your Health. Quick Relief By Using The Man-Heii Automatic Inhaler Ask Demonstrator Gorgas' Drug Store 1U North Third Street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers