16 GOOD ROADS CUT COSTOF LIVING Big Expenditure to Be Used For Bettering Country Highways New York, Aug. 22.—With a pro gram involving the expenditure next year of approximately a billion dol lars by the various states and muni cipalities, the subject of highway construction and transportation be comes of paramount importance to the country. It means the employment of labor and the purchase of the materials and equipment necessary for the work of construction, which in the end will make possible, among other -- ... Prest-O-Lite Battery "A Size for Every Car" Atlas Electric Service Co. FISH.MAN'S GAIIAGE Fourth tint! Chestnut Sts. Harrisburg Welding & Brazing Co. Broken parts of Autos and Machinery repaired promptly and carefully SCORE CYLINDERS AND WATER JACKETS REPAIRED BY L. LAWRENCE CO. SYSTEM (No New Pistons Required) Agency for Armleder Trucks Bell Phone. 94-96 So. Cameron St. The Miller Auto Co., Inc. LEBANON HARRISBURG MECHANICSBURG WILL EXHIBIT AT Williams Grove August 25-29 their entire line, including MAXWELL, OLDSMOBILE & COLUMBIA Passenger Cars MAXWELL, OLDSMOBILE & MACK Trucks This exhibit will be under the management of capable and efficient salesmen, who will be glad to explain the merit of any of our products. Be sure to visit our exhibit. ' = = - f ESS?? 9 " On exhibition in the first annual H Summer Automobile Show 10 At Williams Grove, Pa. August 25-29 A car that glides along at a low speed, forges ahead on the instant in response to a touch of the accelerator, wending its way through traffic or over the open road with the least pos sible exertion, makes an ideal car. 1' Such a car is the Peerless. Added to that is a reputation second to none. Its superior qualities are found only on cars of much higher price. Be sure to see it next week. Keystone Motor Car Co. DISTRIBUTORS 57 S. Cameron St, Harrlaburg, Pa. , C, H. BARNER, Mgr. SATURDAY EVENING, things the extension of the use of the motor truck in getting products to the market, thereby reducing the cost of living. In fact, the building of good roads will add to the mate rial prosperity and wealth of the Nation as nothing else can. Apropos to this, the announcement made to-day that the Ninth Ameri can Good Koads Congress under the auspices of the Amertcan Road Builders' Association will be held in Louisville, Ky., the second week in February next, is of special interest. This meeting will bring together from every part of the country, the practical and scientific men identi fied with highway construction, and maintenance, the men who will be responsible for the expenditure of •the vast sums available for highway work. There they will discuss from every angle the many problems con nected with the construction, ad ministration, financing and mainte nance of national, State, county and city highways. In connection with this convention, there will also be held the Eleventh National Good ltoads Show, also un der the auspices of the A. R. B. A. SELF-DEFENSE: In a crowded omnibus a stout wom an vainly endeavored to get her fare out cf the pocket of her cloak, which was tightly buttoned as a precaution against pickpockets. After she had been working in vain for some minutes a gentleman seated on her right said: "Please allow me to pay your fare." The lady declined with some acerb- Sgt. York, Wars Greatest Hero, on Lecture Tour in Dodge Bros. Car Sergt. Alvin C. York, "the greatest hero of them all," who captured almost an entire company of Germans single-handed, has undertaken a lecture tour. For the pres ent,„however, it will be confined to that section of Tennessee in which he was quite well known even bef ore the war as an elder of the church. His purpose is*to raise enough money to build and equip a modern school house for the chil dren of Fentress county. He will make his lecture .tour by automobile, having bought a Dodge Brothers touring car of the Cumberland Motor Co.. in Nashville, Tenn. York had ample opportunity to observe the terrific conditions under which mot or cars operated during the war in France and it was this observation that influenced him in his choice of a car. Fentress county is even more sadly neglected in roads than in schools, he says, and it will require a car like those that passed the test in France to carry him through. ity and recommenced her attacks on the pocket. After these had continued for some little time hpr fellow passenger said: "You really must let me pay your fare. You have already undone my suspenders three times, and I cannot stand it any longer."—Tit-Bits, Lon don. nAItRISBTTRCx CS&fe TELEGRAPH With Modern Conveniences Farm Life Is No Longer Drudgery The Toledo Fair Exhibit Will Show How Perfection of the Willys-Light Paves Way For Additional Comforts to Rural Folk The old-fashioned farmer who bathed in the kitchen on Saturday night, shaved by a broken mirror in the kitchen window and retired each evening immediately after the chores were done, is becoming extinct. He is rapidly undergoing a trans formation arid in the course of a few years will be known no more. The farmer of to-day has become a suburbanite rather than a ruralite. With the coining of the automobile, the electric lighting systems, and other modern conveniences he has forsaken the old drudgery of the farm and is enjoying the luxuries of the city plus those characteristic advantages which the country has and the city has not. The automobile brought the farmer to the city. The electric lighting sys tem and other conveniences are bring ing the city to the farmer. The latest manufacturer to esti mate the value of the electric light and power systems to the farmer is John N. Willy?. As head of the Electric Auto-Lite Corporation of Toledo, he GOOD INNER TUBE TIRE INSURANCE Is a Protection to the Outer Casings Few auto owners nowadays would be content without automobile In surance, yet how many there are who have no protection on their tires. A good casing represents an investment which in proportion Prince of Wales Soon to Be America's Guest The Prince of "Wales, Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David, is now on his way to America on H. M. 8. Itcnown . After visiting several cities in Canada, he will go to Washington and New York before returning to England. The Prince resembles in many ways his very popu lar grandfather, the late King Edward. Ho has made many friends among Americans, especially among our Army and Navy men he has chanced to meet during the w;*\ Hear Admiral Sir Lionel llalsey, Third Sea Lord, who is shown In the circle above, is entrusted with the safety of the Prince on Ivs trip, and General Currie, commander of the Canadian forces, shown below, will have charge of all military demonstrations and functions for the Prince while he is in Canada • . _ has begun the manufacture of Willys Light. The fact that Willys has given the new plant his name stamps it as a product of high standard. With the vast factory facilities avail able the Auto-Lite Corporation soon will be producing this plant in suffi cient quantities to furnish every coun try or suburban home, school house, church and store with electric light and power. The power of Willys Light is gen erated by Knight engine known in the automobile industry for its sim plicity of operation and its quietness. This engine which has "been perfected to the point where a child may op erate it, will work six hours on a gal lon of kerosene. The plant itself occupies but little space. It consists only of the Willys- Knight engine, a set of storage bat teries, a generator and a simple con trol. The Willys-Knight engine embraces all those qualities which have made it so efficient in automobiles of high standard. should be as much covered by in surance as the car itself, more so perhaps because it is more suscep tible to wear. There is such a thing as tire in surance, too, although many fail to see the protection in that light. The very best tire insurance in the world is a good inner tube. Put inside your casing a tube that is dependable, one that will outlast the wear of the casing itself, and you have protected yourself against casing damage. Good tubes ost no more than poor ones, yet many are prone to con sider the tube as a necessary evil, an item of equipment that is worthy of only minor consideration. The Fisk Rubber Company, mak- ers of Fisk tubes, point to this over, sight on the part of many motorists as the greatest source of needless tire expense. Twenty of ex- The New CH TUTU /P IP • ■... ,p4.b t. ha -L. I il Will be exhibited at Williams Grove, Ang, 25-29 in the first annual Sumner Automible Show Keystone Motor Car C®. DISTRIBUTORS 57 S. Cameron St. narrisburg, Pa. C. H. BARNER, Mgr. When Attending the First Annual Summer Automobile Show AT Williams Grove, Pa. I August 25-29 Be sure to visit the exhibit of the Harrisburg Automobile Co. I See for the first time I The New Reo Light Six We have just driven in the first new light six that has been seen in Central Pennsylvania. This car is the wonder of the age. It is the car you have been waiting for. Be sure to see it next week. We will also exhibit H Duplex and Hurlburt Trucks IP *• I Our exhibit will contain the two foremost trucks on the mar ket today, the Duplex Four Wheel drive and the Hurlburt. They, too, will be worth a visit to our exhibit, Harrisburg Auto Co., 4th and Kelker Sts. Harrisburg, Fa, " -THE ' G OLD S TAN DAialF L g: OF VALUES" n AUGUST 23, 1919. perience in the manufaoture of tubes has shown them that pure para rubber is the most satisfactory material for tube making and thgt ail of the substitutes and compost- tlon formulas ever attempted have broken down under test. Consequently the Fisk company makes but one tube, that of the best grade of pure para.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers